#let him go on a nice relaxing cruise
Lloyd: I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, I did not sign up for this shit.
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sashaforthewin · 3 months
Multi-chapter fic on Ao3
Steve had been enjoying a nice relaxing lounge by the pool despite it being night. He had his hearing aid off and his fruity drink and a romance novel Robin had let him borrow. He was determined to have a good time despite the circumstances. 
Someone tapped his foot, scaring the crap out of Steve and making him drop his book and nearly knock over his drink. 
It was a fellow cruise passenger and he was saying something. Steve turned his hearing aid back on.
“Sorry, what?”
“I asked why you were out here instead of at the concert,” repeated the man with a smile.
“Oh, um. I’m not actually a fan of metal music. It gives me headaches if I listen to more than one or two songs in a row,” Steve admitted sheepishly.
This stranger was still clearly a metal head, but he looked significantly less scary than most of the ones he had seen so far that day. Everyone Steve met had been nice, but Steve hadn’t felt comfortable telling anyone he wasn’t a fan until now. Maybe because it was just the two of them out here and he was smiling so cutely. 
“Not a metal fan? Well damn, not to critique your life choices, but I think maybe going on a metal cruise wasn’t an ideal choice for you? I’m Eddie, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Steve.”
There were plenty of deck lounges around, all empty, but Eddie sat down on Steve’s right next to his legs. 
“Steve. So Steve, why are you on a metal cruise when you don’t like metal? These tickets were not exactly cheap and there’s no way you missed the theme, it was pretty clearly advertised,” Eddie asked teasingly.
Steve looked Eddie over, noting that he was actually pretty cute. Pretty eyes, nice full lips, dimples, and he was that type of lanky Steve was drawn to. He had good skin and his hair had some volume and texture to it, Steve could work with that. Bit of a fixer-upper, but a better starting point than most of the men that had flirted with him since his last failed relationship. He also had the vibe, so Steve decided this guy would be fine to open up to. 
“Well, Eddie, I bought this ticket for my dear friend Dustin for his birthday, but then the little shit went and outed me to my parents. Accidentally, of course, and he feels like shit about it. But still, that got me kicked out of my home so maybe I’m being petty but I decided he shouldn’t get to go on this cruise after all. I forgive him, it really was an accident, but still, gotta teach him a lesson.” Steve shrugged. “And I would’ve gotten the ticket refunded but the money would’ve gone back to my parents and they clearly don’t deserve to get anything back from me. So, instead of trying to figure out how to sell a ticket to a very niche interest cruise, I figured I deserved to just come and treat myself for four days before I have to go back to living in my ex-girlfriend’s basement. It’s actually pretty nice to have the ship to myself while all you guys are in there shaking your heads to loud music.” Steve gestured to the pool and the drink.
“Ex- girl friend’s basement?” Eddie asked.
“Shut up, I’m bi.” Steve smacked Eddie on the arm with his book. 
Eddie grabbed the book and looked at it as he replied, “Hey, just checking to make sure I’m not barking up the wrong tree.”
“Oh? Is that what you’re doing, barking up my tree?” Steve said, playfully.
“If you’ll let me,” Eddie flirted back.
“So how come you’re not in the show right now?” Steve asked, gently stealing his book back from Eddie’s grasp.
“Oh, I’m touring with those guys right now, I have heard them play the same set like fifteen times already. I’d much rather be out here getting to chat with you. You know you’re beautiful, right? How come you don’t live with your boyfriend? Or girlfriend?” Eddie asked, quite obvious in his fishing for information.
“I’m single and yes, I do know I’m beautiful, but I still like hearing it. Are you like a roadie or something?”
“Actually,” Eddie said, “I’m the lead guitarist in the headlining band. We play tomorrow night. Can I buy you another drink? Maybe dinner?”
“The, uh, the bill goes to our cabins,” Steve answered, too shocked that an apparently famous musician was asking him out to respond appropriately.
“Baby, I’ll put your entire tab on my cabin if you’ll let me. You are the most beautiful, and dare I say cleanest man on this entire boat. Metal heads are great, but they aren’t really my type.”
Steve takes a sip of his cold drink just to make sure he’s not fallen asleep and dreaming. The ocean is calm and the moon is full and he is most definitely awake.
“And what is your type?” Steve asked. 
“Handsome men with soft hands who will let me pamper them,” Eddie said, picking up Steve’s hand and feeling his lack of calluses. He placed a kiss onto each finger tip. “These hands aren’t meant for labor, let me spoil you rotten.”
Well, Steve reasoned, even if this ended up being just a weekend fling, it was going to be worth the price of admission.
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fangirl-dot-com · 5 months
Chapter 12 - So This Is Christmas (WAR IS OVER)
Guys I finally did it! This fic is officially over 10k words and this is my Christmas gift to you all! So please, sit back - relax - and enjoy this Christmas Special!
Like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are appreciated! Love you all <3
You looked around the paddock as everyone packed away the motor homes. You had only been in this Formula 1 life for less than a month, but you wouldn’t change it for the world. A sigh escaped your lips as you peered into the Red Bull garage. Mechanics, engineers, and strategists alike were all celebrating a season well done. You guessed that after this they were all ready to head back to their homes to see their families and get ready for the winter break. 
You really wondered what that was going to be like: to go home and have someone waiting for you. Your hands gripped your backpack a little tighter as you thought about your empty and small apartment back in Nice. It would probably greet you with that damp air that seemed to cling to the walls and another drippy faucet. Your heart ached at the thought. 
You slowly walked back inside, trying to find Max so that you could say goodbye until you’d see him again at pre-season testing. Your eyes found him and Kelly quietly talking in the back. Not wanting to interrupt them, you quickly averted your gaze to someone else. Mitch’s brown eyes caught your attention and you made your way over to her. 
“Hi Mitch,” you smiled, hands still gripping your backpack straps. 
Her eyebrows raised in confusion, “I thought you left already?” 
You looked down, almost in embarrassment. “I think I just don’t want to leave without saying goodbye.” Your hand gestured to the couple in the corner, who were now joined by Christian. 
“Ah, well I would have been sad if you didn’t say goodbye to me.” 
Your face lit up at the sight of her open arms. As you stepped in, the tenseness in your body practically melted away. You sighed as Mitch squeezed you a little tighter. 
“Do you have any fun plans for the break?” she mumbled into your hair before stepping away. You grimaced at the thought of having no plans. 
“Uh, I think I’m going to finish this show I’ve been binging,” you said, cringing at your own uncertainty. Because in reality, you really had no clue what you were going to do.
Mitch’s eyebrows pinched. She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Christian, Max, and Kelly joining your little group. The corners of your mouth tilted up by their arrival. 
Christian had an amused look on his face. 
Mitch turned to the boss. “What has you so jolly?” 
He let out a laugh before speaking, “Gerri and I are taking a cruise for Christmas to get out of the colder weather that is about to hit.” He shivered dramatically, making you laugh. 
“Ah,” she turned to Max and Kelly. “Do you two have anything fun planned for the break?” 
Kelly spoke up first, “We’re going to be spending it with Max in Monaco. Penelope really likes the area and I think it would be nice to have everyone there.” 
Max followed, “My sister and mom are planning to come over for Christmas evening. Her kids are super cute.” 
“I think P is just happy to celebrate Christmas and find a tree as soon as possible. I’m glad she’s not scared of Santa like she was last year,” Kelly confessed. 
As you listened, you heart squeezed just a bit more. What you would give to decorate a tree for the first time ever or stay up late trying to catch the big man in the red suit. Kelly then turned to Mitch. 
“What do you have planned?” 
Mitch shot you a glance before responding, “I’m going up to my parents to spend it with my family. Lots of cute nieces and nephews to run around and keep me busy.” 
Christian seemed to finally take notice of you. “And what about you kid?” 
All eyes were now on you. You gulped, honestly not wanting to share your less than mediocre plans for the break. 
“Uh, there was this show I was planning to finish?” Your shoulders raised as the pitch raised in your voice as well, trying to hide your nervousness. 
Kelly’s head cocked to the side, “Anything else?” 
Your eyes widened. Oh how you wished that they would just let it go. You shifted your balance from foot to foot. 
You sighed before confessing, “Nope. That’s it.” 
If you could live in one TikTok sound at this moment, it would be the frantic lyrics from Taylor Swift, “Horrified looks from everyone in the room.” Your cheeks heated at the impending embarrassment that you had found yourself in. 
Wanting to get out of there swiftly (pun-intended), your lips poured out, “So I need to catch a flight and I think my Uber is here. I will see all of you for pre-season testing.” 
You turned to leave, but not without forgetting to also say, “And I hope you all have a good Christmas.” Your feet took you far and quickly away from the four, who were now looking at you with sad eyes. 
Max’s eyes longing gazed at your fleeing figure. He really thought that you two were getting close enough for you to share what you were thinking, and not having to lie about things. Kelly’s hand found the lower area of his back to share some comfort. 
Mitch was the first one to speak up, “I think she’s spending the break alone.” 
“Surely not. Must have private family plans with her parents,” Max quipped, not liking the thought of you being alone. 
Christian had a guilty look on his face, before his hand ran down it. “Vito didn’t want us to tell you,” he trailed off. 
Max’s face spun toward the older Brit. 
“Tell me what?” he almost demanded. 
Mitch shared a look to Christian before spilling, “Y/n’s parents disowned her in the beginning 2019. She’s been living alone since that season of F3 finished later that year.” Her eyes focused on the cold, concrete flooring of the garage. 
A long sigh escaped Max’s lips at the revelation. His fists tightened at his sides. He did the math in his head. Four years. 
You had been alone, by yourself, on your own, for four years. You hadn’t talked about your godfather, so Max didn’t even know if he was still in the picture. You could talk to him about that when you were ready. 
He whispered, “She was fifteen right? Her birthday is later in the year.” 
“Yeah,” Mitch matched his tone. 
Max found Kelly’s eyes, silently communicating all of his thoughts and emotions. He was never good about verbal communications, but eyes are the window to the soul, right? 
A slight nod of her head gave everything that Max needed. 
Mitch broke the silence once again, “I think Arthur has been asking her to join his family for Christmas evening. I’ll send him or Charles a text describing the situation so that they can really try to convince her.” 
Christian nodded and spoke, “That sounds like a good plan. Max, I’m guessing you have a plan?” 
Max nodded before stepping away from the group, heading in the direction where you took off. Kelly stayed behind, bringing out her phone with the intent of making a few calls. 
“We’ll take care of her,” she assured the strategist and team principal. 
Mitch smiled in the direction that Max had stomped towards. “I wouldn’t doubt it.” 
You, who had missed everything, were currently waiting at the entrance for your Uber. Your eyes glanced around, looking for the correct car. Your body bounced with anxiety as your knuckles hand now turned white with how hard they were gripping the straps. 
“Kid!” a familiar voice called out, causing you to whip around and bump right into the source. Big hands caught you from falling off the kerb. Your head lifted and was met with the worried face of one Max Verstappen. 
“Uh, hi?” you questioned. 
Max, probably planning for this to be said differently but didn’t want to beat around the bush, blurted out, “Spend the break and Christmas with me.” 
Your eyes looked for malice in his, but came up empty. However, you were shocked. 
“What?” you breathed out, very confused. 
Max inhaled and exhaled rather sharply. Keeping his hands on your shoulders, he positioned you back up on the sidewalk, away from the parking area. In your head, you were only thinking of how you might miss your Uber and flight if Max kept you here. 
“Y/n,” uh-oh, he used your legal name, “Kelly and I would love it if you spent the first bit of break with us and Christmas.” 
Your ears must have been deceiving you, or you needed hearing aids after being around the formula cars for the majority of your life, because there was no way that Max had just asked you to spend the first bit of break, let alone Christmas, with him and Kelly. 
You scoffed before looking away and muttering, “Very funny Max. I get that you have an amazing family to do nice things with, but some of us don’t have that luxury. Now if you’ll excuse me,” you all but ripped yourself out of his grasp, “I have an Uber to get into and a flight back to Nice.” 
You stepped away, but were stopped by someone’s hand grabbing your backpack. You sighed rather harshly, arms dropping to your sides, before speaking, “Max, let go of my backpack.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about geitje.” If you had looked behind you, you would have seen a smirk on his face. 
“You know I finally looked up that word, and I don’t think that’s the correct word for kid.” 
Max let out a playful scoff. “Yes it is. It’s my language after all.” 
You rolled your eyes, “You are literally calling me a baby goat.” Your arms crossed your chest. You were still annoyed but weren’t trying to get away as you had been. Max pulled you backward and into a hug. His hand was placed on the top of your head, lightly ruffling your hair. 
His chest vibrated as he hummed. “I know exactly what I am doing. Stubborn and cute like one.” 
You let yourself melt into his hold for just a minute as you thought over the offer. Honestly, by now it was a no-brainer. Spend the break alone and cold, or get over yourself and spend it in a warm house surrounded by people who seemed to love you regardless of your past. 
Max felt the moment that you had accepted, since your body went lax in his hold. His smile grew larger at the thought of you giving in. However, you mind was still mulling over one fact. A large sigh escaped your lips. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Your cheeks heated once again before turning to bury your face in Max’s chest as to hide from the Dutchman. 
“I don’t know how.” 
Max was getting confused. “How do to what Kleintje?”
“How to celebrate Christmas. Never done it before,” you stumbled over your words. 
Max was quick with a solution. “P turned four this year, and I think she can actually grasp what Christmas really is. You can learn right along with her, nothing to be embarrassed about.” 
“And I don’t have any presents or anything to give.” 
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Christmas isn’t all about giving gifts.” 
You huffed. “But I want to.” Your eyes were suddenly welling up with tears, making Max panic a bit. 
He quickly spoke, “Then we can go shopping. Maybe Lando can join. If it’s important to you, then we can do whatever you’d like.” 
You looked up into blue eyes. “We can stay up for Santa?” 
Gosh, you were truly melting this man’s heart. His eyes softened as he looked back into yours. His head dipped in a small nod. 
“Yes Kid. We can stay up for Santa. Now let’s go, AirMax awaits.” 
Your Uber was long forgotten as you sat in the nice plush seat of Max’s private jet. Your eyes sparkled with a child-like wonder as you stared around. Kelly and Max just enjoyed watching you look around with wide and tired eyes. 
You may be 20, but that doesn’t mean that you’re done maturing in life. Max definitely was still trying to heal his inner-child at 26, but he had a whole support system behind him. Yes, his dad wasn’t the best, but he couldn’t image growing up without him. Jos may have been an asshole, but he helped shape Max into what he was today. 
From what he and Kelly now knew, you had had no one. You had offhandedly told Max that you rarely had friends growing up. He and Christian really thought you may have been joking. But after tonight, Max swore to never joke about that again. He knew that you were going to be good friends with some of the grid. Secretly he was hoping that Lando would be one of them. 
He was a good kid in Max’s eyes. And it was a plus that he also lived in Monaco as well. People need friends and family to thrive and flourish, and you had done your waiting. 
Max also knew that if your parents ever showed up to anything, now that you had made it to Formula 1, he would personally cuss them out and then have them banned from every single paddock for the rest of their lives. 
His eyes found you, desperately fighting off sleep. His lips curled up into a smile as you finally gave in and closed your eyes. You were all curled up in with your Dior blanket that you carried everywhere with you - the same one you had in Vegas.
Max turned his head to see that Kelly was also looking at you with a warm smile on her face, eyes full of love. 
Kelly’s head leaned near his as they both watched you cuddle your beloved blanket a bit more. 
“She looks much younger,” Kelly whispered, not wanting to wake you up. 
Max leaned over as well, “Yeah, makes you realized why everyone calls her kid.” 
A soft laugh came out of Kelly’s lips. 
Max continued, “Thank you for being fine with her coming. I know this wasn’t in our plans.” 
Kelly quickly hushed him, her eyes glancing at him before looking back on your sleeping figure, “I think it was a wonderful idea for her to join. We should have asked sooner.” A sad smile crept on her face. 
He nodded as Kelly made a small home under his arm and against his side. She hummed as she closed her own eyes, wanting to sleep a bit before landing in Monaco. 
Max, however, was preoccupied with texting a group chat that he had made a few minutes before getting on a plane. 
Tax Evaders Max has added Trophy Breaker, Emotional Support Rival, and Kid’s Leclerc to the chat
Mad Max:  I bet you all are wondering why I have gathered you here 
Trophy Breaker:  Um, yes  And what is with the chat name mate? 
Emotional Support Rival  I think he means to imply since Monaco does not make us pay taxes And yes, Max why are we here?  Miss us already? 
Kid’s Leclerc  I’m just wondering who these numbers are other than Charles? 
Mad Max: This is Max Verstappen  The other one is Lando
Trophy Breaker:  Way to give my number away to a total stranger ass-hat Who the heck is Kid’s Leclerc 
Kid’s Leclerc:  This is Arthur 
Trophy Breaker:  Oh that makes more sense 
Emotional Support Rival  Seriously  Emotional Support Rival?  Max I thought we were more than this 
Trophy Breaker:  Yeah – you said you let the whole trophy thing go 
Mad Max:  All of you be quiet 
Kid’s Leclerc:  I never said anything
Mad Max:  As I was saying… I’m guessing maybe Arthur knew  But Y/n had planned to spend Christmas alone
Trophy Breaker:  Her parents out of town or something? 
Emotional Support Rival:  About that…
Kid’s Leclerc:  Y/n’s parents aren’t in the picture anymore 
Trophy Breaker:  THEY DIED?! 
Mad Max:  NO  But I’ll make them wish they were  They disowned her when she was 15 
Trophy Breaker:  … I second your statement 
Mad Max:  Back to what I was going to say  Y/n is spending the first part of break with me, Kelly, and P  Arthur, I need you to up your begging game to get her to join you for the last half  Charles you too 
Kid’s Leclerc:  Sir yes sir 
Emotional Support Rival:  On it  If it will help any 
Trophy Breaker:  What am I supposed to do? 
Mad Max:  She really wants to get presents and other things I’m not comfortable letting her walk the outdoor shops by herself somewhere she’s never been too  I was hoping that you’d join us when we go? 
Trophy Breaker:  For sure  It’s the Monaco Center right?  Where you can drive the cars through? 
Mad Max:  That’s the one Kelly has been talking about going for a while to take P  Might as well do the shopping then 
Trophy Breaker:  Sounds good  I’ll let you know when I’m back from Italy 
Kid’s Leclerc:  I will start the begging when we get back 
Emotional Support Rival:  Same here 
Mad Max:  Thanks guys  I’m hoping she’ll have a good time  First real Christmas and all 
Trophy Breaker:  Awe, Max does have a heart 
Emotional Support Rival:  He really said  Grinch? Never heard of him  I’m Max Verstappen 
Kid’s Leclerc:  I do not group myself with them sir 
Emotional Support Rival:  Thur is just trying to get on his good side 
Trophy Breaker:  And why would that be? 
Kid’s Leclerc:  No comment 
Mad Max:  Plane is about to land and I have to wake Miss Whiny up from her nap 
Kid’s Leclerc:  Just lightly nudge her shoulder  Works wonders and she shouldn’t complain too terrible 
Trophy Breaker:  Oooohhhh I get it now  Little Leclerc is smooth 
Kid’s Leclerc:  Goodbye 
Max let out a chuckle before taking his arm from around Kelly, who had actually fallen asleep as well. He stood up and lifted his arms above his head to stretch. It only took him three steps to reach you, since the main cabin wasn’t big to begin with. 
Heeding Arthur’s advice, he gently nudged your shoulder a few times. You blinked, multiple times, trying to get the fuzziness to go away.
Like Arthur had said, there was no whining that joined your waking up. Your hands came up to rub your face and eyes, trying to rid the evidence of sleep. 
“How long was I out for?” you questioned, voice deeper and quieter. 
Max’s hand found your shoulder and gently rubbed it. “We’re actually about to land.” Your eyes widened as you quickly looked out the plane window to view the Monégasque land below. 
By now, Kelly had woken up and was now fondly looking at her boyfriend and, well, his kid. She knew that Max wanted to try to be more of a big brother to her, but he honestly couldn’t help it. Deep down, he was trying to fulfill a role that he wished he had had when he was growing up. She quietly raised her phone and took a quick picture to maybe upload later. But for now, she’d let them bask in the excitement of being home. 
Unboarding went much easier than regular flights. The private exits were your favorite since you didn’t have to be stopped by fans or anyone else. By the time the three of you got back to Max’s house, or giant mansion since it was so huge, the sun was just rising: which meant that you were in desperate need of a nap. As far as you knew, Penelope was still with the sitter and Kelly wouldn’t go get her until later that day, to give you three some time to rest and recuperate from the long racing weekend. 
Max led you to one of the apparently multiple guest bedrooms for you to put your stuff in. He explained that you could stay here for the time being unless you found one of the other rooms much better. 
You only laughed and told him that it was enough. Max, in your opinion, looked too nervous for someone who had a multi-million dollar home. 
“Max it’s fine I swear,” you reassured him. 
“I just want you to be comfortable.” He shrugged, looking around at the room, eyes glancing from one corner to the other, trying to find something to change. 
“Max, you could give me an air mattress on the floor and I’d be happy. Besides, this bed is much better than the single bed I have back in Nice,” you muttered the last bit. 
Max seemed to take that as good enough, and left you to your own devices. You quickly sent a text to Arthur, who had begged for you to let him know when you got in safely. You rolled his eyes at his mother hen antics and let out a big yawn. 
You could definitely unpack after you took a quick nap. The moment your head hit the nice pillow, you were out like a light. The sound of laughter woke you up a couple of hours later. You groggily walked out of the more than adequate room, rubbing your eyes to rid them of sleep. Max thankfully invested in a house with a large first floor so that you didn’t have to walk down any stairs. 
Max was the first one to spot you standing a bit awkwardly in the opening frame to the living room. Max stood up from where he was sitting with Kelly and Penelope. Walking over, he brought you into a side hug to lead you to the middle of the room. 
He crouched next to his almost actual kid and gestured to you. 
“P, this is Y/n. She’s going to be staying with us until Christmas.” 
You awkwardly looked at the toddler, not knowing what to do. Penelope leaned closer to Max. 
“Does she like dollies?” 
You let out a little laugh at the question. Max and Kelly smiled at the child and then glanced back at you. 
“Why don’t you ask her?” Kelly gently pushed P towards you. She was clutching a small Barbie to her chest as she got closer to you. 
Her neck bent backwards, looking up at you. She held out her doll for you to take, which you did: not wanting to offend her. 
With a shy smile, Penelope questioned, “Do you want to play dolls with me?” 
“Sure!” You tried to make your voice seem as though you were over the moon to play. “Although, I honestly don’t know how. So, why don’t you show me?” 
Penelope quickly took hold of your hand and all but dragged you down to the floor, where multiple other Barbies lay, waiting to be played with. The toddler quickly started to talk in animated gibberish, trying to explain that your Barbie was trying to take over her Barbie land. You only nodded at the very detailed and elaborate plot that she had come up with. 
Max and Kelly giggled at your wide eyes as you tried to keep up with the small doll in your hands. However, it seemed as though you finally caught on to what was happening as Penelope had gotten more excited as you continued to play. The two adults watch the both of you fondly as your Barbie was finally overtaken by one of P’s bigger dolls that she had. Giggles escaped the toddler’s lips as you dramatically fell over, laying on the ground defeated. Penelope had squirmed over, trying to get you to get back up. 
“P, I think I’m done for.” You put a hand over your eyes, laughing as P tried to tickle you “back to life.” 
“No,” she dragged out the vowel. 
You continued, “It’s a very nice rug. I think I’ll just sleep here tonight.” 
She apparently did not like that as she draped her body over yours. You let out a grunt at the unexpected weight on your chest. You retaliated by tickling her as you sat up from the ground. Her squeals echoed the room. 
Max and Kelly thought it was good to leave the two of you alone for a moment. They made their way to the kitchen to start dinner. As Kelly was getting the ingredients out, Max suddenly remembered something. 
“Hey kid?” 
“Yeah?” you perked up from around P’s head, since she was now sitting in your lap. 
Max looked down at the box of pasta in his hands. “Do you have any food allergies or any dislikes?” 
You thought for a moment before responding, “None that I know of. I’ll pretty much eat anything.” 
“All right.” 
Your attention was once again turned to the little girl that was showing you her multiple toys. You wanted to laugh when you spotted one of the scale models of Max’s car. You quickly held it in your hands to look it over. 
“You race with Maxie?” Penelope asked as she took the car out of your hand. You didn’t mind: since it was her toy to begin with. 
You softly smiled. “Yep, going to be the fastest on the track.” 
Your hands started to softly stroke her hair and part it into three strands. You felt the mini car go up and down your leg. Soft “vrooms” left P’s lips as she trailed the car over your thighs. Your hands overlapped and formed a braid in the thin strands that you held. 
An amazing smell started to waft through the air as dinner was close to being done. 
“You staying, right?” P’s big eyes locked with yours. 
“I’ll be staying until Christmas.” 
Kelly and Max were listening to your conversation while everything simmered for a bit. With drinks in their hands, they leaned against each other to watch the two of you interact. It was crazy how fit you looked together. Honestly, there was a weird resemblance between the two of you, and Max would bet that if the four of you went out and about, people would really question if you were truly just a friend and not family. 
“We wait for Santa together?” 
You looked fondly down at her as you tied the braid off. “We’ll wait for Santa and make cookies and do whatever you want.” 
P took that to heart and nodded multiple times in excitement. 
It wasn’t long until dinner was ready. The meal was truly a simple dish: some type of chicken and pasta. Something plain enough that P would eat, but flavorful enough that the other three could enjoy it as well. 
The table was filled with laughter and engaging conversation. There seemed to be an unspoken rule about not talking of Formula 1 conversation at the dinner table, and you were thankful for that. Your mind wanted to run back to memories of a time where you found yourself at your own dining table, alone. Most of the time, the food was long cold and not very good. 
But, the happiness that you found yourself in right now deterred any thoughts of those times. The conversation of the plan for the next day was brought up by Kelly. 
“I was thinking that we could take a trip to the shopping centers tomorrow,” Kelly mentioned before taking a sip from her wine glass. You, of course, had a plain water in front of you. 
Max nodded, “I think that’s a good idea.”
You stayed silent, mulling it over. You cut into your chicken to take another bite, before realizing that the two adults were waiting for an answer from you. Your cheeks heated as you put your fork down. 
“I’m good with anything honestly. It sounds fun.” 
“I feel like there’s a but coming,” Max pointed out, smirking when Penelope laughed at the second to last word. You couldn’t help but join in with the young girl. 
You shifted in your chair. “I’ve just never been before I guess.” 
Max sent you a soft smile. “I thought of that. What do you think of Lando joining to walk around with you?” 
Your eyes widened at the offer. You…go shopping…alone…with Lando Norris? 
“I think I ran him over in an elevator one time.” 
Max almost choked on his drink at your confession while Kelly could only laugh. 
“Kid, I don’t think he remembers that. It’ll be good for you so that next season, you can start off with a familiar face and friend.” 
Your heart soared at the thought of that and you quickly accepted. 
“Great, I’ll text Lando that we’ll see him in the morning. But knowing him, he’s going to want to start shopping in the afternoon.” 
And Max was correct as Lando practically whined about the idea of shopping in the morning while he was on call. Reluctantly though, the two came to a shared decision of shopping in the early afternoon around 1 pm. 
You were nervous in the car, but Penelope in her car seat was a good distraction. This time, she told you that your Barbie was secretly a mermaid and needed a prince to save her. Sadly, all the Babies she had was the one you were holding, and another female with bright pink hair. You quickly noted to maybe find a prince doll for her while you were out shopping. 
Your mind also raced with questions of what to get Max and Kelly, since they had taken you into their home and treated you as one of their own. Maybe you could ask Lando. 
But what do you get two people who seem to be happy and content with what they have? 
You were brought out of your thoughts at the lack of motion from the car. By now, you finally noticed that Max and Kelly had gotten out of the car, the latter now unbuckling P’s car seat. You quickly leaned over to unbuckle your own seat belt. 
“Almost thought I had to unbuckle you myself,” Max joked as you finally got out of the car, stretching your limbs. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You waved him off while you looked around at the shopping center. Lights, wreaths, and trees were everywhere. Your eyes really sparkled with the reflections of the all the lights. What you didn’t realize is that one Lando Norris had finally joined the group. You only noticed when he decided that it was a good idea to place both hands on your shoulders and yell really loudly. 
What he didn’t know was that you had taken a few self-defense classes in your past. And his face was met with the knuckles of your hand. At least it wasn’t a very hard hit as your hand was covered in a very soft glove. 
Your eyes widened as you let out a gasp as Lando cupped a hand to his nose. 
“I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to,” you frantically looked around, trying to see who had seen the altercation. Thankfully, no one had seemed to notice. However, Max could not stop laughing. You thought that any moment he would fall on the concrete from his wheezing. Kelly just held P with a look of concern. 
Lando waved his hands, “I will not be doing that again.” 
“I truly am sorry.” You grimaced at the sight of a red mark growing on his face. 
“I thought that was hilarious.” Max could only offer, still laughing. Lando only squinted his eyes at him in mock offence. 
“Lanno!” Penelope yelled from her jail of her mom’s arms. Kelly let her down and she bolted to the Brit. Lando caught her and held her. 
“Hey P,” he greeted. P’s head found sanctuary in the crease of his neck. “At least one Verstappen likes me.” 
“She’s not a Verstappen, yet.” 
“I do like you.” 
“I’m not even remotely related.” 
Lando just shook his head. “Max needs to hurry up; you laugh at my pain; you are Max’s kid, so a Verstappen by proxy.” 
You just looked confused and lost at the revelation from Lando. Max let out a nervous giggle as he glanced at Kelly. 
“Are we ready to start shopping?” Max clapped his hands. 
“Y/n, you’re coming with me?” Lando questioned as he put the toddler back down. 
Your hand scratched the back of your head nervously. “I guess so?” You had tried to make it not seem like a question, but you couldn’t help it. 
Max was the one to pick up Penelope this time. “Just text us when you’re done. We will meet up back here.” And with that, he, Kelly, and P turned to leave. Which left you with Lando, who was looking at you with waiting eyes. 
“Uh, lead the way?” 
Lando cocked his head. “You’ve never been? Surely Arthur has taken you.” 
You only shook your head as the two of you turned in the opposite direction. “I’ve only visited Monaco a few times and they were most for promotions or dinners with higher ups. Didn’t have a lot of time to go exploring.” 
“Fair enough. Well, you just tell me when you see a store that you want to visit.” 
“About that, do you have any ideas of what to maybe get Max or Kelly? I know what I want to get for P, but they’re a bit harder to think of gifts for,” you confessed as you walked down the sidewalk. 
Lando hummed as he thought. “I know Max had talked about needing a new steering wheel for his sim. Something about the buttons being sticky from spilling a drink.” 
“It was probably a Red Bull, if we’re being honest here.” That earned you a laugh from the older driver. 
“True. Now Kelly, I really don’t know. Maybe you should text Max?” 
“I’ll think of something, hopefully.” 
And think of something you did. You had barely passed a jewelry store when something caught your eye. 
“Lando, I’m going to go in here for a moment. I need to by a few things.” The Brit nodded and followed you in. You shot him a confused look. 
“Might as well find a present for my mom and sister while we’re here.” 
Thankfully, the two of you went in opposite directions of the store. Your eyes glanced over the glass cases full of valuables. You knew your bank account couldn’t quite handle some of the pieces, but you hoped that the item you were thinking of didn’t cost much. 
As you hovered over the necklaces, a sales rep had come over and asked if you had needed anything. 
“Can I see the locket, please?” 
“Why certainly.” 
The man unlocked the glass case and pulled out the beautiful chain with a heart-shaped pendent on it. The front was plain, probably because many would want to personalize it. You gently took it in your hands to give it a look over. 
“I could customize the front and give you a picture to put it in right?” 
The man quickly told you all the different things that you could do with the small item. To your surprise, the upcharges weren’t much to get it custom. 
You requested for Penelope’s and Max’s birth flowers to be etched into the front. You quickly scrolled through Pinterest and Instagram to find a nice picture each of Max and P. Satisfied with both, you sent them in to the store and was told that you could pick it up in around 2 hours. 
You thanked the man for his swiftness before requesting to look at another bracelet and a watch. You had made a mental note that you had finally accepted the offer from Arthur to join him, Charles, and their mom for Christmas night. 
You, again, asked for a special inscription to be put on the nice watch. By the time everything would be ready, you and Lando should be headed back to the car. You told the man that you’d like to pick up the second necklace at that time too, even though you didn’t need anything custom on Charles’ present. 
You found Lando waiting for you at the front of the store, hands holding two small bags. He looked up from his phone when his eyes caught you walking closer. 
“Find anything?” he asked, glancing at your empty hands. 
“I actually did. But I have to come back to get them when they’re done.” 
Lando let out a ‘ah’ before turning around to leave the nice store. 
“Are you good if we stop by the gaming place?” Lando questioned, looking over his shoulder as you tried to keep up. 
“Only if you show me what wheel to buy Max. Then I need to go to the toy shop that’s across the way.” 
Lando nodded and took your hand, almost dragging you along – which you didn’t mind, since people have said that you tend to get lost easily. As you approached the shop, you saw Lando’s eyes light up at the sight of all the gaming equipment. You wanted to laugh, but you knew you’d look the same way if you had stepped into a mechanic shop or a Porsche dealership. 
Lando quickly walked you over to the wall of wheels, pointing out which ones would be compatible with Max’s sim. Your bank account wanted to cry at the amount of zeros before the decimal point, but your heart was set on getting it for Max. He had given you what you always wanted, so you could at least get him something nice for Christmas. 
You ended up picking the one with the middle price, not the most expensive but not the “cheapest” one either. Your hands grabbed the box and held onto it tightly, not wanting to break it. The girl at the cashier register turned out to be a fan and asked for a picture. 
“As long as you don’t say what I’m buying. Gotta keep the present a surprise.” 
The girl nodded eagerly as she took a selfie with you. 
As she rang you up, she started to talk, “I know it’s not Formula 1, but I do E-Racing and you have been nothing short of an inspiration to me. It wasn’t easy being the only girl on my team, but you gave me the strength to keep going.” 
Wow. It was not on your agenda to cry today, but you couldn’t help the tears that formed in your eyes. You leaned over the counter to give her a quick hug and tell her how much those words meant to you. 
You hadn’t noticed that you were holding up the line until Lando yelled something from the back of it. Saying goodbye, you stalked back to where he was, hands full of gaming equipment. 
You raised an eyebrow. “All for you?” 
He only smirked in response. “Most of it is for my friend Max.” 
You cocked your head and heart dropped at the sight of the same steering wheel that you currently had in your bad. Did Lando plan to up-one you in gift giving. You held up the bag that held the wheel. 
“I thought I was getting the wheel for Max?” 
Lando had a look of confusion before his eyes showed an understanding. “You are not the only one with a best friend named Max.” 
You pouted. “Max is not my best friend.” 
“Oh yeah,” Lando tilted his head, “then who is?” 
The two of you stepped forward in the line. You hesitated before a deeper pout formed on your lips. 
You only grumbled, “Max.” 
Lando through his head back in laughter as you finally made it to the front of the line. Lando quickly payed for his things with a tap of his card. Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head when you saw the grand total for his purchases. Boy, oh boy, you couldn’t wait to drive for real and get that bank. 
You definitely had some money from over the years. Winnings, your godfather’s will (where everything went to you), and then the bonus you got for signing with Red Bull in the first place. But you had been planning to look into getting an apartment in Monaco and one in London along with a vehicle to be in both places so you didn’t waste money on rentals. 
Speaking of apartments, you phone buzzed with a notification from the agent that you hired to find you a suitable one. Your smile grew as you saw that she had told you that you had been approved for one about a ten minute walk from Max and that you could start moving in after Christmas. You quickly sent a text back where you profuse your thanks for her. 
“What’s got you all smiley, Bug?” Lando tried to peer over your shoulder to look at your phone. 
Your once smile turned into a scrunched face as you looked up at him. 
“Bug?” You tried out the name on your own tongue. 
Lando just shrugged. “Well, everyone calls you Kid. You’re not that much younger than me, so it doesn’t work the same. But you are shorter.” You hit his arm. “What?! It’s true. So Bug it is.” 
“I guess that’s fine.” 
“Now, do you want to tell me what message you got? Secret boyfriend? Arthur? Meme from Max?” 
You tried to bite back your grin, but you were just so happy. “I, uh, got approved for an apartment here, in Monaco. It’s about 10 minutes away from Max’s house.” 
“Well congratulations!” Lando brought you into a side hug, bags swinging. 
“Thank you, Lanno.” You were now the one dishing out nicknames. Lando’s smile only grew, but he didn’t mention anything about the name. Somehow that was good enough for you to infer that he liked it and didn’t think it was stupid. 
From there, the two of you stopped in a toy store while you quickly grabbed a few toys for Penelope: one being a prince doll, another a toy version of the RB19, and then a couple of stuffies that you hoped the girl would like. Lando also pitched in for a couple of extras. 
You also went back into the jewelry store to grab Kelly’s necklace, Arthur’s watch, and Charles’ bracelet. All had been exactly what you wanted and the engravings were beautiful. The McLaren driver also had good things to say about them as well. 
You asked for them to also be all packaged up, ready to go right under the tree that Kelly and Max had already put out, but not decorated. He had given that task to the ladies of the house. You had giggled when Kelly told you that he had absolutely no decorating skills. 
There weren’t any stores left for you and Lando to visit, and before you knew it, goodbyes were being exchanged with the promises of hanging out another time. 
y/n.89 posted
Tumblr media
christmas shopping with kevin mccallister tagged: landonorris
liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1, and 104,284 others
landonorris the slander is just wrong - where is your christmas spirit
y/n.89 I have plenty, just not for you logansargeant any for me? y/n.89 plenty mr. american
Christa72 thank you again for the picture!
y/n.89 it was so lovely to meet you!
box_box_official love seeing y/n become friends with the drivers outside the races
y/n-lover our Christmas queen
oscarpiastri you are right, he is giving kevin
landonorris oscaaaahhhhhh y/n.89 ahahahahahah get wrecked landonorris I think I heard a bug around here
Funny enough, you and P both fell asleep in the car on the way back. You were only woken up by Max lightly shaking you, something he remembered from the plane. With sleepy eyes and hands full of bags, you walked to your “room” and flopped on the bed. As Max passed with an armful of toddler, he chuckled at your form. He’d leave you for a bit until dinner was ready. 
He carefully put Penelope in her small bed, covering her lightly with a small blanket. As he turned to get up, a small hand reached out and pulled on his. His eyes widened a tad as he looked back at the sleepy girl.
His big hand cupped her head and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “Hey P, you sleepy or do you want to stay up with Maxie and Mommy?” 
Penelope rubbed her eyes as she sat up. “Is KiKi gonna be there?” 
Max cocked his head. “Who?” 
Max thought for a moment. “Y/n?” 
The toddler just nodded holding her arms out, waiting to be picked up. Max quickly scooped her back up. Knowing that she’d want to see you, he brought her to your room, where you hadn’t moved an inch. He gently placed the toddler in your bed. To his surprise, in your sleep, you unconsciously moved to make room for P and put your arm around her bringing her closer. 
Max’s heart melted as he took out his phone to quickly text Kelly to come to your room. She was quick since she stood next to him in under a minute. He brought her close as they watch the two of you snuggle. They both heard a content hum escape your lips as your arm tightened around the girl. Tears made their way to Max’s lash line, but he managed to keep them at bay. 
“Let’s go make dinner,” Kelly whispered. 
Around an hour later, Max woke the two of you up for dinner. Once again, the meal was delicious. Your heart swelled at the soft smiles exchanged around the table. 
This is basically how the first part of the break went. Movies were watched, tears were shed (you definitely didn’t cry while watching the Polar Express), cookies were made and decorated (after many failed attempts), snow men were built, standing proudly in front of the house, and snowballs were thrown (Max apparently lost a snowball fight for the first time in 20 years). 
Before you knew it, Christmas Eve was finally here. You had woken up early, wanting to prepare for everything. Max definitely laughed when he saw you sitting by the chimney looking up at the sooty dark hole. 
“But how does he fit through there?” Your eyebrows were scrunched as you pondered over this with a bowl of cereal. 
Max sipped his coffee. “Magic.” 
“That makes zero sense.” You bit your spoon, eating the cereal that was there. Sadly, that was the last of your breakfast. Max ruffled your hair, making it messier than it was. 
All day long, you waited and waited and waited. You finally had something to do after dinner while the four of you decorated the tree. Somehow, Penelope had climbed on your back to reach the upper branches. 
“Higher Kiki! Higher!” She giggled as you hoisted her higher on your back. 
“Any higher and you’ll be in the ceiling.” You laughed along with her, Max and Kelly watching the two of you with fond smiles as well as taking pictures from time to time. Max was practically vibrating in his seat. He thought that last year with just him, Kelly, and P was the best that life could be. But seeing you with his “almost daughter” and seeing his “almost wife” look at you like you were her own: it was such a different feeling. 
He was brought out of his thoughts with your voice. 
“I think we’re done!” 
You and P held out your arms as to display your decorating jobs. The two adults clapped lightly. The toddler and you took a dramatic bow, before rushing to the kitchen. Giggles and laughs echoed through the warmly lit house. The two of you returned with a full glass of milk – carried by Penelope with two hands (like you reminded her) and you held two plates – one with cookies decorated with colorful icings and one with carrots (for the reindeer – of course). 
With a kiss on your head and one on P’s, the two of you were left to sleep by the Christmas tree. You, however, couldn’t stop wriggling: you were too excited about Santa. You had just gotten sleepy when you heard a noise, come from deeper in the house. Your once wiggly body quickly froze. If Santa was supposed to come down the chimney, which was at your feet, then why was there noise coming from the kitchen. 
You slowly sat up and grabbed the closest thing near you – funny enough it was “How to Build a Car” by Adrian Newey that Max used as a table topper. You slightly shook as you stood from the couch. You were thinking to yourself – was Santa just a home invader to come steal your things? 
Well, Max had invited you to his house and you were not about to let some fat man come rob him. You were an athlete, with real sweat – athlete sweat: you could take him. 
Gingerly you stepped around where P was sleeping and made your way farther into the house. Your eyes caught something red, and you froze once again when your eyes landed on another figure. 
What was Kelly doing with the burglar? 
Had he threatened her? Did he have a gun? Where was Max? Was he knocked unconscious and tied up in their bedroom, alone, possibly bleeding? Or even worse – dead? 
Tears welled in your eyes at the thought. Max couldn’t possibly be dead. Your sleepy mind was getting the best of you. You peered around the corner once more and your blood boiled. 
Santa was now leaning in – FOR A KISS?? That did it. 
You stepped out from behind the corner, book clenched in your hands in front of your chest. If he had a gun and shot, the book would save you – hopefully. 
Kelly finally saw you and her eyes widened at your shaking figure. She quickly tapped Santa (well, Max in a Santa suit) and gestured to you. With wide eyes, Max turned around and froze when he saw you as well. 
You were not supposed to be up. 
He stood up straighter and took his hands off his girlfriend. Trying to dissolve the situation carefully, he wanted to be the first one to talk, but you always had the upper hand. 
“Where is Max?” You voice wobbled. 
Max wanted to cry when he heard the shakiness in your tone. 
He cleared his throat before speaking with a deep tone. “He’s still asleep.” 
You glared at the fake robber-wanna-be. “Oh so you decide to come rob our house and threaten Kelly while Max is asleep?” By now, the book was slowly rising above your head. 
Max wanted to sigh, this was not going according to plan.
“Kid, Kelly just need to show me something about the, uh.” Max looked at Kelly, trying to speak with his eyes. 
“The cookies sweetie,” Kelly came up with the excuse on the spot. 
Your book was slowly coming down. “What about the cookies?” Now your voice sounded worried. Had you screwed up Santa’s cookies and was this the real Santa? And you were threatening him? 
“Nothing’s wrong with them Kid. I got a little lost in this big house,” his gloved hands gestured to the giant ceilings, “and I couldn’t find the cookies, milk, or carrots for the reindeer.” Max was able to come up with the second lie, but he could tell it was working. His eyes watched as you finally lowered the book. 
You exhaled sharply and yawned. Max and Kelly’s hearts melted at your sleepiness. Your head nodded as you tried to make sense of everything. 
Well, it would make sense for Santa to get lost in a home that he’d never visited before. And you and P didn’t put the cookies, milk, and carrots on the actual fireplace because you two were nervous he would step on them. Honestly, you were falling asleep where you were standing. 
Max cautiously stepped closer and put a hand on your back to lead you back to the couch. With eyes closed you let him guide you. He finally exhaled once you were tucked in. 
Kelly and he shared a glance at each other and disappeared around the corner and back to their room. Quiet laughs echoed through the bedroom as Max almost tripped on the red pants as he tried to get out of them. They quickly fell asleep when their heads hit their pillows. They could laugh at that for years to come. 
They felt as though they hadn’t gotten any sleep by the time Penelope came screaming through their room. 
“SANTA CAME! SANTA CAME!” The toddler’s arms were up in the air before she used to them lift herself onto the giant bed. Max groaned when she found a spot right on his stomach to park herself. 
Max picked her up as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Present time?” 
Penelope sat silent for a moment before the words really hit here before squeals left her lips. Once again, she darted out of the room to rush back to the main room. 
You had been in the kitchen making coffee. 
Honestly, you don’t even remember what happened. (And that’s probably for the best.) Before long, Max and Kelly waddled into the kitchen, barely awake. They were met with warm mugs in their hands and the smell of coffee in the kitchen. 
With smiles, they thanked you and headed into the living room where P was practically vibrating in her spot, yet was waiting for everyone. 
Max had been designated as “Santa” this year to pass and hand out the presents. He and Kelly shared a knowing look and a wink that you picked up on and flashed a confused face, but you let it go. It was probably some inside joke that didn’t involve you. Right. 
You were thankful for the first present that Max passed you, but where surprised when the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth present also made their way into your lap. You again had a confused look on your face, but the comforting smile on Kelly’s face helped you realize that these were all on purpose. 
Max and Kelly were also surprised when they also got a gift from you as well. You sheepishly smiled at them and went to speak, but the sound of paper ripping interrupted you. 
Well, there went Penelope. Laughs were shared as the young girl ripped and tore through the previously carefully wrapped present. 
When she got to yours, she stared at the prince doll and the stuffies. She felt each one and traced the dolls face. She quickly got up and wrapped her arms around your neck. 
“Thanks Kiki!” She had the largest smile on her face. 
You rubbed her back and hugged her tightly. “You’re very welcome.” 
She immediately sat back down and started to play. Possibly this time the story line would go much better as the prince could now save the princess. 
You guessed it was your turn now. You were about to open the first present, but Max stopped you. 
“Open this one first.” He gave you the smallest one first. 
You opened the small package and a gasp left your lips. 
Inside, was a small circular ornament. It was decorated with a family of four – two girls with a man and woman –  with lettering underneath them. You read the words out loud. 
“First Christmas as a Family of Four. Max, Kelly, Penelope, and Y/n.” You looked up from the ornament to the two adults who looked at you with such love. 
Max broke the silence. “Uh, we just wanted to get you something meaningful. No matter what happens you’ll always find yourself in our home and intermingled in our lives.” 
Kelly leaned in closer to Max. “We always want you here honey. You’re family now.” She intertwined her fingers with Max. 
You ducked your head with a small smile. “Can I put it on the tree?” 
With quick and eager nods, you stood up and tiptoed over the piles of papers that littered the floor. You found a nice branch right in the front of the tree and made sure it stayed. You walked back to your place and sat back down. 
“Your turn now.” 
The Dutch adults took their presents that you had bought them a few weeks ago. Kelly may have shed a tear or two when she noticed that the flowers were Max and P’s birth flowers. Yet, she promised that she’d take it to get your put there as well. That’s when you had started to cry. 
Max was shocked by how you had possibly known what steering wheel he had needed. You sheepishly said that you had received some help from Lando. 
“Kid, this is too expensive.” 
You crossed your arms. 
“I’m not poor.” 
Max rolled his eyes. “I know you aren’t but…” 
“No buts. I wanted to so you have to accept it.” 
Max finally sighed as he looked down at the wheel. “Fine.” 
You did a little wiggle dance at the small victory. 
“Yeah, yeah. Now would you please open the rest of your presents?” 
The next ones that you opened were a paddle kit (because you had once told Max that it would be good to bond over another sport), new shoes (yours were falling apart), small mini versions of Lightning McQueen and Sally (you promised to put it on your dash when you bought a car), some jewelry that Kelly picked out (she also promised that she’d help you renew your closet when you found a permanent place to stay), and then finally a Lecia Q2 camera (something Lando told Max that you might enjoy to have a separate hobby and one that he could help you out with). 
When every present had been unwrapped and played with for just a bit, you quietly stood up and cleared your voice. All three pairs of eyes were now on you. 
“I uh, just wanted to say thank you. I’ve never had something like this before, and you have definitely shown what I’ve been missing. But, I wouldn’t want to spend Christmas like this with anyone else – past or present. I’m glad that I have people like the three of you that love me and welcome me with open arms.” You took a deep breath. 
“I also wanted to say that I am happy here and really never want to call another place home like I’ve started to call this place home.” You reached for your phone. 
“Kid,” Max started to say. He wanted you to stay, but knew he would have to talk to Kelly about letting you stay here permanently. 
Except you had other plans. You sat in between them so that they could look at your screen. 
“Like I said, I would never want to leave now that I have finally found a place where I feel like I belong. So a couple of weeks ago, I hired an agent to find me a small apartment in a radius around her. And I got approved when we went shopping. It’s about a ten minute walk from here but it’s private enough where people really won’t think to look for me.” 
Max looked at you with a bright smile as he brought you into a hug. Kelly also leaned over to hug you as well. Penelope, who didn’t want to be left out, jumped into your lap. But, as your eyes glazed over the walls, you let out a gasp. 
Thinking that something was wrong, Max pulled away quickly, eyes glancing over you, trying to see what was wrong. Yet, you pointed at the window. 
Three heads whipped in that direction to also look at the white fluffy stuff that was falling from the sky. You quickly stood up and rushed to change into something warmer. Kelly, Max, and P followed suit. Once the four of you were bundled, you all walked outside to stand under the fresh snow. 
This wasn’t the first time you saw snow, but this would be your first white Christmas. You stood at the side as you watched Max and Kelly kneel near Penelope and start to build a snowman. You laughed as you watched Kelly put snow down Max’s jacket and Max desperately try to get the snow out. It looked as if he was break dancing as the snow slid down his back. Penelope just watched and laughed as Max wiggled. 
Max finally glanced at your and beckoned you over to join them. You shook your head as your own laugh started to sound in the stark white world that you were in. You stalked over and started to help them build the snowman. You could worry about other things at a later point. Here, this is where you belonged. 
With your family. 
So, this is Christmas.  
maxverstappen1 posted
Tumblr media
my christmas girls tagged: kellypiquet and y/n.89
liked by y/n.89, landonorris, and 1,109,837 others
max-max-super the caption just destroyed me
emotional_support_rivals drivers during christmas are my favorite
y/n.89 love you maxie <3 thanks for loving me
maxverstappen1 anytime kid, anytime charles_leclerc like I said, max does have a heart maxverstappen1 watch it leclerc or I won't let her go over later arthur_leclerc Charles shut up please
iamred-iamyellow I'm not crying, you're crying
kellypiquet all my love for you, P, and y/n
y/n-updates the way he called y/n one of "his girls" - goodbye
landonorris Arthur wants to call her that as well *comment has been deleted* change_ur_f-car DID ANYONE ELSE SEE THAT?! landonorris close your eyes
y/n.89 has posted
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I have everything I ever wished for right here - Merry Christmas tagged: maxverstappen1 and kellypiquet
liked by arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 130,274 others
lastlaplando the verstappen household woke up and chose christmas caption VIOLENCE
maxiel-lover I know right, both had me bawlin formula1fan my favorite version of max is "soft for y/n" max
y/n's_version our christmas girl
redbullracing who won the snowball fight and snowman contest?
y/n.89 me maxverstappen1 me y/n.89 wanna think about your answer again???? maxverstappen1 y/n did
y/n.89 the last picture was pre-snow, max just got too cold to stand still for a winter family photo
landonorris typical max, always ruining lives somehow maxverstappen1 eXcUSe mE?!
emotional_support_rivals live, laugh, love y/n verstappen
y/n.89 no, we're taking Kelly's last name maxverstappen1 when did we talk about this? kellypiquet you were asleep
y/n.89 what are you doing here? author breaking the fourth wall? y/n.89 continue
For the full Christmas Day experience, read this chapter of Besties for the Resties!
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @leptitlu @alessioayla @badassturtle13 @kaaale @wcnorris @cool-ultra-nerd @hockeyboysarehot @agent-curt-mega @myxticmoon @cmleitora @sam-is-lost @misartymis @boiohboii @alexander-hamilhoe @jayda12 @indesicivelyconfuzzled @fangirl125reader @itscrzy @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fionaschicken @torchbearerkyle @ineedafictionalman @loaksmuntxa @classiclitfreak @sarcasm-ismy-onlydefense @luisie @jayda12 @comfortzonequeen @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @inejghafawifesblog @treehouse-mouse
868 notes · View notes
filthgarbage86 · 1 year
Okay so think about it; I’m sure Eddie doesn’t hang out with a ton of girls, not on purpose, he just mainly hangs out with the hellfire club and his band members.
Then you show up
And you fit right in with everyone. It’s so easy to talk to you since you both have similar interests and you’re very chill about everything. Sure you get excited and into the game play but overall you just like to hang and talk about similar interests! You hang out, listen to music and what not. He loves spending time with you, he feels so relaxed around you.
Maybe a little too relaxed. You don’t mind of course because you know, Eddie is just your friend. He’s made that painfully clear that he just sees you as another one of his guy friends, which is fine.
Then one day, he’s walking around town and he sees you in the video rental store talking to Robin. You guys are going crazy over something and he realizes you’re giggling and there’s something else… he can’t put his finger on it but he knows he’s blushing. He better go say hi and see what’s so funny.
He walks in and Robin greets him half assed as soon as she recognizes who it is and gives him a witty one liner.
“Whatcha guys talking about?”
“Oh Robin was just telling me about the new Tom Cruise movie that just came out. Apparently Nancy is reeeaaalllyyyy into him but he’s not really my type”
He stands there a bit dumbfounded
“You’re… you’re talking about.. Tom cruise? And your type?”
“It sounds silly but Robin says it’s a good movie! Maybe I’ll have to watch and see what Nancy sees in him” you and Robin both laugh at the thought a little bit
Eddie is just staring at you, realizing he’s caught you talking to your friend.. about boys. and he would have this ridiculous epiphany. “You really are a girl”
You stiffen a bit and it doesn’t go unnoticed “Uhh yeah… last time I checked Ed, what have I been this whole time? An alien?” You’re not dumb, again, you know exactly how Eddie saw you but this just drove the knife a bit deeper.
“No that’s not- I didn’t mean- no I just-“
Robin let’s out an exhausted sigh “look dorky ozwad, just because she plays dnd with you and goes to concerts and knows how to hang doesn’t make her any less of a girl. It’s the 80s dude, girls can like fantasy and metal just as much as they like romance”
Eddie stands there dumbfounded, he’d feel like an idiot. He knows it shouldn’t matter and to him it still doesn’t. He just never realized how “bro-y” he had been towards you. And it makes him feel silly. Now everything makes sense as to why he always likes to watch you smile and laugh (he’d do anything to make you laugh) or why he always wants to hang out with you. He likes you. More than just a friend, and not even just because you’re a girl- because you’re YOU. He just forgot that sometimes to get the girl, you have to treat her with a bit more rizz than he would a guy friend.
He’d be standing there an awful long time and your also standing there in silence, blushing profusely at everything that just unfolded. Of course you told Robin about feeling just like another one of his friends which would have been FINE with you.. but it wasn’t really. You wanted him to look at you differently, not entirely, but just enough to see you in a different light.
After that day he does. He notices the way you greet everyone with a bit of a pep to your step. How you always make sure you have a good outfit, even when you’re just lazing about. You always are prepared for every situation, and most of all, he notices every kindness you share to those around you. You’re sweet, you’re nice, and you’re so pretty it’s ridiculous. He’s been so blind this whole time because on top of all that, you go into battle every week during hellfire with no mercy. You go to metal concerts and are in the middle of most mosh pits. You are able to stand your ground in any argument big or small, and you can out do any of the guys in any random prank or dare.
You are perfect to him. He knows this. Now he has to figure out how to make sure YOU know he thinks you’re perfect.
He has no IDEA where to start
“I NEED ADVICE” as he slams the doors to the video rental place, to see not only Robin but also Steve. Perfect.
“Whoa dude okay are you finally ready to listen to other things besides screaming for 10 minutes?”
“For the last time, it is music, and no that’s not what I’m here for” he’d look at Robin and she’d smirk “ahh.. you’re finally here for lady advice I see”
“Lady advice? You? Who’s the lucky gal? Is it y/n? Took you long enough-
“I KNOW I know but I don’t know what to do.”
“Just you know.. treat her like a girl
Robin elbows him “dude, come on, what era are you two from? different wording. Treat her like she’s special. Treat her like you would do anything to make her happy”
“I would do that, but I don’t know HOW that’s why I’m here”
Robin groans “look, you guys hang out ALL the time, SURELY you’ve noticed SOMETHING she wants a guy to do for her”
something a guy could do for her…
The next morning you’d be making your way to your locker when you notice Eddie is already there.
With his hair pulled back into a low messy bun. And he’s wearing a button up. And he looks like he’s either going to freak any second or faint in the process.
“Good morning Eddie. What’s with the get up? I’ve NEVER seen you this formal… are you wearing cologne?”
“Haha yeah uh- um- I am. I was trying to smell nice compared to the normal weed, beer, and cornflakes-“
“I like your normal smell”
“What? No that’s not- we’ll come back to that” You’ve been there all of 10 seconds and he’d already be flushed. you giggle and only just realize then that he’s holding something behind his back. He pulls out a bouquet of flowers, beautiful and bright
You feel so bad for trying not to laugh. He notices immediately and starts to regret everything. Of course you wouldn’t like this, or him. He puts them away but you’d grab his arm back out and take the flowers, still giggling to yourself
“I’m sorry, sorry, I’m being so incredibly rude. This is VERY sweet of you, but this is SO out of character for you. What’s going on?”
“Well you know.. after the other day with Robin I realized I’ve never really shown you.. how.. I feel about you? And like sure we play dnd together and you come to my concerts and we are together all the time because I love being around you but you.. deserve to be treated like you’re special. Because you are.. to me..”
He wishes the ground could swallow him whole
You look at him with those gentle eyes and you look back at this bouquet he’s brought you and you just smile so big. “Well.. you certainly have made me feel special right now. But next time, just know you do not have to dress up like a job-monkey. I think your jacket is hot enough”
He lights up “really? You like my jacket?”
“Duh. I like everything about you, even the nasty things, and believe me you’ve got those. But I like that you treat me like me. Like a person. Not just a playtoy or separate species. I will admit though, it would be nice if you held my hand or showed any kind of affection”
He’s looking at you dumbfounded. You’d just take it as your cue to grab his hand and start walking towards your English class together. You stop by his locker though so he can change and eventually the two of you are just as you were, but a little bit more. He gets more comfortable with you and eventually everything works out as you planned it- after all, flirting with boys especially Eddie isn’t rocket science.
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foreverisntenough · 3 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestive, smut love bombing, little sad, and kind of angst- not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - ‘You’re Mine’
The stadium was equally as rowdy after the match as it was before. Completely elated and electrified with the first Liverpool win of the season. Typically the families waited in the box for things to settle down and for the players to go through routine things like showers, brief game analysis, and then they would come up to them. Trent didn’t want that. He didn’t want the wait and he wanted you just to himself.
Saying rounds of goodbyes to friends Tyler and Marcel made their way out of the box, grabbing their coats, waving for you to come along. You followed in tow not really knowing your destination, no one filled you in how this all worked because it was second nature to them.
“I’m headed to the carpark, I’ll meet you there?” Marcel said to his brother which confused you.
“Yeah, just bringing Y/N to him then be there.” Tyler explained like you weren’t there and in turn filled you in on the plan. Tyler turned towards you as Marcel walked the opposite direction. “Trent just wants you alone, usually he pops up here but…” he just trailed off, not really interested in the details he’d be given about his brother’s desperation to see you.
“Oh okay. That’s fine.” You agreed, not really having any choice in the matter but giddy to be reunited with your man so soon. The walk was peculiar, it was like a red walled labyrinth. You went from the private level the box was on; seeing men in suits, pundits you recognized, a calmer environment, to corridors packed with the general admission, away fans scattered sparsely, images of Trent adorned on the walls caught your eye every so often. When you had been to Anfield before you’d ogle at him, but you were analyzing the photos to see how much he’s matured knowing the face well now. Tyler held his hand against your upper back to make sure not to lose you. His job to get you to Trent was almost complete. The oddest part of the maze was the end when you entered a bleak hallway downstairs with plenty of security guards, you could hear discussions about the game, some men yelling in what seemed like excitement, Tyler knew exactly where he was going but you were lost just tailing him.
While you snaked your way through Anfield, Trent cruised through his usual post match routine, showered off, packing up his things. He thankfully didn’t have any media duties to go do so he was attempting to slip out of the dressing room unnoticed and quickly. He failed horribly.
“Fresh trim, smelling nice, new tracky on…. Ooohoohooo” Dom called out knowing why Trent had pulled himself together a little more than he usually would after a match
“My boy!!! Come on now! Sneaking out to find Miss America” Andy yelling the new name you had been dubbed within the team.
“I’m not sneaking out! Just gonna go see her… relax.” Trent said tucking his wash bag under his arm, adjusting one strap of his backpack trying to shove his excitement down.
“Bro… you’ve been glued to your phone for weeks, you’re itching to get out of here.” Dom continued.
“We could all go up and meet her!” Curtis suggested and was immediately met with a disapproving look from Trent.
“Absolutely not. Had Ty bring her down here anyways, I’m not subjecting her to all the chaos.” He explained. That genuinely was what Trent was doing. As exciting and romantic he thought the whole reunion would be, he wasn't naive enough to think that this place wasn’t going to be a little overwhelming and he wanted to protect you. He wanted you just for him after the match. “I’m out lads” Trent said, already walking out the room waving over his head, back turned to the boys.
“We have to go see this right?” Curtis deviously looked at Andy.
“Absolutely” Andy replied with a cheeky grin planning to snoop.
Tyler and you stood against a wall making small conversation. There were people in the corridor around you that seemed to have reason to be there but you weren’t sure what the purpose was, some more security, and further down the way was the now more obvious clue to where you were; large red double doors; the club’s emblem plastered to them tipped you off….the home team’s dressing room but Tyler remained mum.
Looking at his phone, Tyler was getting impatient, Trent was taking so long and Marcel was messaging him non stop asking what the hold up was.
“Do you mind if I head out? Marc is getting pissed and I don’t want to hear him bitch the whole ride home. He’ll be right out, swear…. You’ll be okay?” He asked with such a soft smile you could tell he felt bad. Despite your raging anxiety you chose to lie calmly.
“I’ll be okay, thank you so much for looking after me today.” You giggled a little because he really did look after you.
“It was nothing. Honest. I’ll see you later.” He said leaning in for a hug.
“If I’m still waiting here in the morning, I may text for you to come bring me back to the airport.” You joked giggling a little in an attempt to suppress your nerves.
“Deal” he said before he tapped at your arm walking away. He was so big brother coded. It was nice and made you feel safe.
You leaned one shoulder against the wall, nervous that you might get questioned or in trouble for being down in this clearly very private area. You stayed put though, eyes assessing what unfolded in front of you, it felt like you were in a behind the scenes documentary for a moment causing you to imagine the player you were dying to see appear. You tried not to but your eyes kept reverting back to the red doors, praying for them to open. God, you were so on edge, any notification that appeared on your phone was causing serious heart palpitations, none of them from him yet.
You heard a door open behind you further away from the red one that held your gaze, but the noise of doors opening and closing has been non stop due to the traffic of people the entire time since you had first stood with Tyler so you ignored it, trying to look like you belonged, unphased, heart still palpitating.
It wasn't less than a moment later when your heart fully stopped. You felt warm hands slide around your exposed waist, a body pressed against your back, a familiar pair of plump lips ghosted behind your ear, a warm amber scent engulfing you.
“Who would ever keep such a beautiful, beautiful girl waiting for so long.” Hearing his sultry voice sent your body almost into shock, you wanted to cry. You grabbed his big hands on your stomach turning yourself around to face him staying wrapped in his arms. It was your Trent. You were back in your Trent’s arms.
“Oh my god, T!” you whined trying so hard to hold back tears. He pulled you tighter to him, his forehead pressing to yours. Your faces were so close you actually could barely see his. Your lips instinctively crashed into his. It was absolute heaven, you never felt more relief than you did in this moment, finally kissing him again. It was magnetic like before and following old habits it heated up quite quickly into more of a make out. You pulled away reluctantly hearing the people continue to rush around in the area.
“Sorry, sorry, I don’t even know if I can do that” you paused starting to get nervous given you were technically at his place of work “…you know here.” You said peeling your body away from him gesturing around you.
“Baby…” he cooed, his voice was so smooth now hearing it again in person, it was like dripping honey. “You can kiss me absolutely anywhere you want.” Grabbing at your body pulling you back to him. He kissed you sweetly again, pressing you to him.
“Fuck, I missed you so much.” His lips moved against yours. His head was completely gone having you back in front of him, his hands sliding down to your ass kneading it shamelessly. Before he grabbed you harder, stronger, picking you up, your legs coming to wrap around his waist, you smiled openly at the PDA blocking out your surroundings. Your nose brushed against his, your arms draped around his neck.
“Kiss you anywhere? Hmm?” You mused suggestively, placing another deep kiss on his lips. Your nails scratched at the back of his head causing him to purr.
Tucked behind a wall where the corridor rounded were the prying eyes of Andy and Curtis spying on the reunion. They were slapping at each other like children stupidly gawking at your appearance and poking fun at their friend and how he managed to pull this off. Taking mental notes on what to give Trent a hard time about when they returned to training.
“C’mere baby,” Trent kissed you once more before slowly letting you slide down his body back to stand on your own two feet.
“Never letting you go again.” He said, your eyes unable to break from his. You missed his gorgeous face now able to really see tiny freckles, a dimple in his smile, the warm hue in his eyes.
“Pretty, pretty boy” you cooed, stroking your hand over his high cheekbone before cupping his cheek. “Never. Ever.” You punctuated with another kiss.
He slid his hands up and down your arms, feeling your skin, his eyes inspecting every inch, taking all of you in, before his fingers dragged down to lace between yours.
“Coming home with me?” He asked a question he didn’t need to. You were impetuous to be anywhere near him tonight.
“Yeah huh” you nodded eagerly like a child.
“So you wanna go, beautiful?” He asked calmly, feeling anything but.
“Please” you gave him a devastatingly innocent look.
“Come on sweet girl.” He pulled you into his chest, arms wrapping tight around you, placing a kiss on your forehead. He released you a little squeezing your hand, keeping his intertwined with yours pulling it along with his arm to wrap around your waist, yours comfortablely but awkwardly bending with his. You leaned your head into him as you walked down the corridor towards the player’s car park.
“Baby, I didn’t even get to tell you how amazing you were tonight. Was such a good start, no?” You cooed, pulling at his arm, unable to take your eyes off him, proud of him.
“Yeah, was good. I just liked having you there. Did you have an okay time?” He asked sincerely “over here” he interjected, first directing you towards his car.
“Yeah, course.” You confirmed “so, do you blow kisses to every girl you bring, T?” you asked teasing but were quite serious needing to know because the little action had your stomach doing flips. You needed to know if it meant anything to him or not. He let go of you, resting his hand on his car leaning towards you, his face coming closer.
“Never. Would only do that for you.” He cooed before pressing his lips against yours softly. You just hummed pulling away finally taking a moment to look at a wider angle of your surroundings breaking from the tunnel vision you had just on his face. He was stunning, just jaw dropping beautiful. He was in a black Nike tech unzipped, opened, wearing a Liverpool t-shirt carrying his white Goyard wash bag. Everything about him was just so fresh, even the car he was leant on. It was sleek, the windows tinted almost opaque, everything matte black, not too different from his brothers although his was the latest Range Rover. His eyes bore into you watching you process the moment before interrupting your thoughts.
“Did I tell you how good you look?” His words laced with a little lust reaching out to pull at the hem of his jersey you had worn.
“You think?” You played coy swaying a little subtlety showing him your body.
“Don’t give me that, baby.” He rolled his eyes thinking of all the times he practically begged you to believe that he thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. “Get in” he said, walking to the car door, opening it for you. You popped in eagerly. There was something kind of sexy about a man driving so you were preemptively turned on by the idea of Trent in the driver's seat. He got in soon after throwing his bags into the back seat casually. He handed you his phone, the Spotify app opened.
“All you, beautiful” he nodded implying you were going to be DJ. You hummed in agreement scrolling. You liked that he trusted you with his phone openly. It was a bare minimum thing but it felt reassuring. He pulled out of the car park with one hand on the wheel, you picked a song and your eyes grazed over the veins that appeared on his forearm but they were quick to drop to the sly tale buldge in his lap, the thought of him had you just about drooling. He smiled, catching your lude stare. You slide your hand over his leg, high up on his thigh, dangerously close to his dick. Your nails dug into his joggers playfully. You watched him grip the wheel tighter at the contact. Even the simplest touch from you had him collapsing.
You were pulling out of the stadium where it was dark but you could still see masses of people outside. With his free hand Trent grabbed at your hand stopping you from stroking your fingers against his inner thigh.
“Like it?” He said peeling your hand off him, his finger stroking across the ring with his initials he had gotten you. He then laced his fingers with yours, pressing the back of your hand to his lips holding it there.
“I love it. You didn’t have…” you were stopped mid sentence when a massive flash went off almost blinding you, your vision going white for a moment. You squeezed Trent’s hand hard in response, he lowered them from his lips as smaller shutters began to light up the car.
“Okay?” He asked calmly, ever composed.
“What the fuck. Insane… Is this normal?” You were utterly shocked, Trent just hummed a yeah to answer you. “Could’ve warned me a little, I feel like I’m going blind now.” You tried to joke but also were genuinely a little shaken. You blinked your eyes stunned trying to clear the white floating specs.
“It’s just like a thing when we leave, people wait around I guess for a photo. Sorry.” He apologized for something out of his control. You had driven out of the tightly lined streets surrounding the stadium when you managed to relax a little after the distress. You were quickly gathering what it was like to be in Trent’s world.
Your hand was back on his thigh, some J Cole song played through the car, you could tell Trent was absolutely exhausted. You didn’t pester him with more questions even though your head was filled with them, especially about the flash of photos taken leaving the stadium. You had been in the car for about 30 odd minutes when you got off a motorway pulling to a traffic light.
“Almost home” he broke the comfortable silence, leaning over to kiss your temple. His hand now resting atop yours. Maybe it was because you were also tired or because it was so dark but the roads seemed winding. He was taking a final turn onto his street when you reached over to place a kiss on his cheek.
“Tired?” You questioned simply in a soft quiet voice.
“Completely knackered” he replied in a similar tone. It almost made you sad but he spoke again before you could really dwell on it. “Glad you’re back with me though,” he assured you. Finally pulling into a long driveway, a massive house tucked far back at the end of it.
“Your house is so nice” you said plainly. Clearly you both were worn out as your conversation had slowed from flirting to just blank observations.
“It’s dark, you can barely see it, what are you on about?” He said with a familiar cheeky smile reappearing on his face.
“I can still tell!” You poorly defended your comment. He parked the car next to what felt like 10 others assuming there must be a lot of people here. He hopped out and came round to your door, opening it. He waited for you with his arms open.
“C’mere, yeah? Missed you so much.” He cooed, placing a kiss to your lips before letting you go, opening the other door to grab his things. You walked to the front of the house slowly, you because of nerves, Trent because he was sore. He unlocked the front door and gestured for you to step in first. A few lights were on and it was mostly quiet, but you could hear murmuring on a TV somewhere when you entered, a little surprised given the amount of cars. Trent dropped his bags immediately at the front door like a school boy, sighing. He grabbed your waist nuzzling into your neck but didn’t say anything.
“I don’t want to mess with your post match routine, so do what you have to do.” You spoke honestly not wanting to disrupt him.
“That include you?” He said toying with you before pressing a kiss behind your ear, his hand pulling at the waist of your pants only to let go and walk away.
“Hey!” You whined at the loss of contact and followed after him desperately. “Is ‘doing’ a girl usually a part of your routine?” You pretended to ask seriously with emphasis on the verb he had played on before.
“No, baby” he giggled entering his kitchen, grabbing a water, after offering you one silently.
“So do you just go to bed now or…?” You probed. He wasn’t talking much so you were grasping at straws at what to do. He wasn’t though, he was so cool and collected in the comfort of his home.
“Nah, my mind is racing right now, processing everything, minute by minute but my body is just done so I usually lay down. Go to the cinema room… any interest?” He spoke candidly at first and then a cheeky grin swept across his face before he asked about your interest level.
“Yuck! With you?” You pretended to be grossed out making a face playfully before he grabbed your waist ignoring you. You allowed him to push you around his house, walking with you in front of him, slapping at your ass on the way. He brought out such a childish side of you. You guys were mostly quiet knowing other people were home and it was late but giggles definitely echoed through the halls.
Trent collapsed onto a obscenely wide lounge chair, it was essentially a couch but he would say otherwise. There were a few of them tiered like a theater, framed jerseys hung on the walls, and the biggest tv screen you’ve ever seen in your life illuminated the otherwise fairly dark room. You sat on the corner edge away from him suddenly feeling your nerves take over..
“What you doing? Stop being weird and c’mere. I’m too tired to come and have to grab you.” Trent was cute but lazy, holding the remote.
“Stop! I’m nervous” you said embarrassed. He rolled his eyes before pouting his full lips, his puppy dog eyes sucking you in, silently begging you to come to him. You basically crawled across the chair before snuggling up into his side. His arm draped around you pulling you into him, your cheek laying on his chest. He pressed kisses to the top of your head and you gently placed your leg over his body. You were wrapped around him and had no intention of letting go.
“I never knew I would miss a cuddle this much” he muffled into your hair. “What do you wanna watch?” He said, holding you impossibly tight.
“I’m okay with anything. I just want to be close to you.”
“Yeah? Need you just a little closer, baby” he said pulling you further into his body. You nuzzled your face into his chest some more, shy at his sweet words.
“I’ve been watching this one show and…” Trent began to ramble, clear that now that his body could relax after the match, his racing mind was now spilling out. He talked so fast to you about something but it went in one ear and out the other unintentionally. You just looked up at him lost watching his perfect lips move, his big eyes light up, while you scratched your nails against the facial hair on his chin. Something you had quickly discovered that Trent had kept hidden from his media persona was just how nerdy he actually was. He was such a dork. You gushed over his beautiful animated face talked about something he knew way too much about.
“Like can you believe that?” His question caught you off guard.
“Yeah” you mused, still scratching his chin just yessing the pretty boy. Your head fell back into his chest, your hand too, your cheek squished into him more from the weight of his arm atop pressing into you. He would make small comments throughout the show filling you in about something important or who a character was but you were fighting to keep your eyes open. It was so warm and comfortable in his embrace. In a sleepy state, you pulled the hem of his t-shirt up, your nails now drawing over his abs absentmindedly. Although your thoughtless touch wasn't going unnoticed by Trent. He was starting to get hard just at your hands proximity to his cock but the patterns you were tracing on his skin slowed, stopping entirely as you dozed off pacified by his scent and his hand running up and down your spine. When you didn’t even hum a response to one of his questions, he leaned forward a little peering around you only to see your eyes had closed, your features now softened. You looked like an angel, he held you tighter kissing your head in disbelief at how he felt about you. You were all consuming.
“You’re mine baby, not letting you go. You’re absolutely perfect” he whispered to you, asleep peacefully.
“Bro, what a game though!” Marcel just about yelled walking into the cinema room. Causing Trent to snap his head towards the doorway, then quickly back to you, nervous his brother's voice might have disturbed you.
“Yeah, I thought it went well,” Trent replied in a much quieter, gentler tone holding you to him, his hand still rubbing your back.
“Shit, sorry,” Marcel said softer now, seeing you cuddled up not moving.
“You’re good. She’s been out. I was just working the hours in my head, she’s been up for ages.” His brows furrowed, face scrunching trying to do the math.
“Bless” his brother's thoughtful response surprised him but you seemed to have that effect on people where you just grew and grew seeping into their hearts.
“Yeah” Trent said just staring at you. His hand moving to tuck a piece of hair out of your face.
“We actually had a good time tonight, ya know?” Marcel filled his brother in on your time spent together. His heart warmed that you fit so nicely into his life and right now in his arms.
“This is actually the best I’ve ever felt post-match, not sure if it was the new fitness program or what…” Trent said trailing off trying to distract Marcel from seeing him be so tender, rapidly falling more for you in front of him.
“Yeah, that’s what it is…” Marcel rolled his eyes, the evident change in Trent’s routine wasn’t fitness it was tucked in his arms. Trent knew he was caught out but that didn’t stop him from continuing to pepper kisses on your forehead he thought were subtle. The boys fell silent soon avoiding the subject of Trent’s obvious feelings.
Eventually, Marcel headed to bed leaving Trent still completely intertwined and enthralled with you. The episode he was watching concluded and he decided his night should too. Contrary to what he first thought, Trent was okay just going to sleep with you in his arms but he wasn't going to let you sleep downstairs, you needed a proper bed.
“Baby” he whispered, placing light kisses all over your face but you didn’t budge, only further settling into him.
“Baby, come..” he cooed, attempting to peel your arms from his body. “Let’s go.” He tried speaking once more, finding a bit more success this time.
“Hmm?” You hummed lifting your head a little bit only to place your chin back down on his chest.
“Let’s go” he tried once more, this time your eyes more open fixating on him. It dawned on you staring into his darkening brown eyes that your hand was still under Trent’s shirt dangerously close to the waistband of his joggers.
“Where T?” you said sleepily but there was a little fire behind your tired eyes. His intention of just sleeping tonight was changing.
“My room.” He told you sternly but feigned a terrible effort to move you off him. He could easily just pick you up if he wanted. He instead conceded to your stubbornness that was laced with obvious desire letting you now play with the drawstring of his joggers.
“So you wanna sleep with me?” You mused, pressing your hips down into him. You rolled your body in to his, his hands stroking down your sides to grab the bottom of your top starting to fuss with it, teasing you.
“I want you in my bed.” He looked at you now with passion igniting behind his eyes before his lips came crashing into yours. You were like messy teenagers making out in his house, your hand more bravely slipping down into his pants.
“We’re going to bed now” pulling away, he sat up, taking your hand away and you off him, calming the steamy situation you were trying to start. You moaned, biting back trying to grab his lip with your teeth. He just shook his head at your lack of restraint but he was loving every second of it. Feeding his ego ravenously.
Standing up, he finally used actual strength to pull you up too from the chair. You stumbled a little bit still sleepy so he wrapped his arms around you to steady you only to start another heated kiss. Your hands pulling at his clothes, you remembered you were wearing fancy lingerie when you felt it absolutely soaked between your thighs. You moaned into his mouth.
“Gimme” you giggled greedily and childishly trying to get his shirt off, only for him to shut you down.
“Nah, baby. My bed now.” He said it so aggressively it should’ve felt hurtful or like an insult but instead it had you even more desperate for him.
He grabbed both your shoulders harshly and physically turned you away from him, his hand coming to grip your ass, his lips to your neck.
“Do you wanna go to my bed, baby?” You felt his breath on your neck, your pussy flutter. You tried to suppress a moan but failed miserably
“Yeah” you whimpered quietly, your hand reaching behind you to grab onto his body only to be swatted away. You walked out of the room obediently, he trailed you, his last name still on your back making way to his room had him struggling to focus on getting up the stairs. You two were fairly quiet navigating through the dimly lit house. You’d turn back to him looking for directions not knowing where you were going. He didn’t want to just tell you, having you under his command was getting him off.
Thank you for continuing reading! Let me know what you think 🤍
Next Part - Chapter 12 xx
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Can we get loki with a pretty much level headed human reader?
Reader is very calm and very polite as a person who cares about loki a great deal.
How would thor and odin react to meeting them when loki finally brings them home for a visit?
-It was very strange, seeing you with Loki. You two were complete opposites, but unlike other polar opposites, you and Loki were… odd.
-You were always so calm, so levelheaded, you had an air of grace around you, anyone who spoke with you just seemed to relax, and if they were upset about something, they would just relax and feel so much better.
-Loki on the other hand… he was usually the cause of others being upset- with his pranks, being loud, reckless, and always hyper and riled up to pull some pranks.
-This is why you two didn’t seem to fit! Why was someone calm like you with a gremlin like Loki?!
-To answer, you liked Loki’s antics, finding them amusing, but it was Loki that made you smile, after he pulled the prank, he would come to you, hugging you close, “Did you see? Did you see?” he was like a child, wanting your praise.
-When news got around to Thor and Odin that Loki had a lover they were… both shocked and scared, thinking you were just like Loki- they didn’t need two Loki’s running around!!
-However, Odin swallowed his fear and told Loki that he wanted to meet you, to prepare himself ahead of time, and Loki was more than happy to do as he was asked.
-When Loki walked in, holding your hand, the two men were stunned to see that you were so… so calm!
-It was definitely odd to see the two of you together, you seemed to balance each other out, to a point, as you would praise Loki after his pranks, but you were always so calm, even while others around you were panicking about the prank.
-Thor liked your vibe, as you were so similar, he found you enjoyable to talk to, you were knowledgeable but also polite, but not boring and he found himself liking you- in a friend way, he enjoyed your company.
-Odin came to learn this as well, finding you pleasant to be around, it was a nice change from Loki’s antics, though he did wish you could do something about Loki sometimes.
-You just smiled when they told you this, as Loki was teasing Brunnhilde and Goll, cruising for a bruising, and you spoke, “Oh I can control him sometimes. It just takes the right incentive to do so.”
-They were curious, and you smiled as you told them you were going to handle Loki, calling over to him, “Loki- wanna go home and cuddle?” he was instantly behind you, floating, his arms around your neck, beaming brightly at you, “Let’s go! Let’s go!” you couldn’t help but giggle, saying goodbye to Thor and Odin before heading off.
-Odin turned to Thor, “We have to make sure Y/N stays with him, anyone who can control Loki, even just a bit, is a miracle in disguise.” Thor nodded, agreeing as he watched Loki holding your hand, kissing your cheek, showering you with affection- it was a miracle indeed.
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batterygarden · 1 year
play fighting with blue lock boys
ft. Nagi & Rin, sfw but no minors on my page pls, also featuring the use of mario kart wii.... I wrote most of this on the stairmaster & it's not proofread don't mind me. this is silly. also Rin catches you and holds you in his arms seemingly easily
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Seishiro Nagi
“Seishiro. I wanna get there early. You need to get ready.” 
Your boyfriend stares up at you with a dramatically tired face—the kind that should be on one of those animal abuse commercials with sad music layered on top. 
“This is lame.” He scoots one inch closer to the edge of the bed under your harsh gaze, eyeing the floor next to it. He’s pretending like he’s working on getting up, but you know the second you turn around he’ll return to his cozy position on his side, playing games on his phone. 
So you march over to meet him, flipping his covers back while he stares at you with wide eyes. 
You’ve reminded Nagi what felt like a million times that tonight was the night you scheduled a double date with your boss and her husband, something he’d agreed to albeit reluctantly. Granted, you aren’t thrilled by the prospect of spending an unpaid evening with your employer either, but you had already avoided her request longer than what should have been possible. Nagi had honestly expected an excuse to get out of this would present itself before the dinner came, but now he’s run out of time. He’s still pushing you to cancel as a last ditch effort. 
“Lame or not you said you’d go! It’s your own fault for agreeing.” 
He starts rising to a sitting position really slowly, mumbling that he was coerced. 
You roll your eyes, his attitude frankly isn’t helping your morale either. 
“Ugggh okay, Sei, let’s make a deal.” 
Nagi sits up the rest of the way easily, forgetting his mission to move as slow as possible. 
“I’ll reschedule tonight’s dinner—even though it’ll be really annoying—IF you can beat me at a race in mario kart wii. If not, you have to come right away with no complaints!” 
You have to pat yourself on the back for your clever idea—this should get Nagi up and moving and ready quickly—he loves video games. And you don’t need to worry about rescheduling, Nagi has only ever beaten you in mario kart one time as a fluke—it’s the one video game you’ll always be superior at since you grew up with a wii and he didn’t. 
Your confidence wavers at the way Nagi visibly relaxes hearing your offer though, a calm little grin overtaking his features at your words. 
Next thing you know you’re sitting on the couch while Nagi prepares the wii console, easy confidence exuding from every movement, his facial expression bored. He even lets you choose the map you race on! 
“Wow underestimating me much? Or maybe you’re secretly excited to hangout with my boss,” you chuckle under the guise of confidence, but really your palms are sweating. You choose the toughest course, rainbow road—you really don’t wanna have to reschedule tonight.
You start off nice and easy, securing your position in first place quickly as always. You clearly had nothing to worry about.
After the first lap though, you notice yoshi cruising up behind you on the bottom of your screen, following your route carefully in his classic dragster kart—what the hell?
“Nagi! S’that you??” Your steering starts to turn a little frantic.
“I’m yoshi, yeah.” His voice is calm and quiet. You can’t help but notice in your peripheral the lazy way he leans back in the couch, manspreading while he squishes himself comfortably in the cushions. Your tense perch on the edge of your seat is a funny contrast.
“How are you doing this?” You ask as he gains leverage, overtaking first place for a few seconds at a time. The race is close. 
“Just trying really hard.” Nagi’s voice sounds like he just woke up from a nap—slow and peaceful. You’re infuriated. 
“Have you been letting me win all this time?!” You almost shout, panic setting in as Yoshi begins his third lap a second before you. 
“No. Just was taking it easy before. Now ’m getting serious.” His steering is flawless when you peek at his side of the screen. It feels like the last lap disappears too quickly before Nagi finishes in first place—a whole three seconds before you. 
You throw your remote on the couch in defeat, burying your face in your hands while Nagi starts peeling a clementine. 
“This is ridiculous. How was that so easy for you?”
“I dunno, maybe Mario Kart’s just an easy game. ‘T’s kinda fun, actually. We should play it more.” He pauses to eat a piece of fruit. “Wanna get uber eats ?” 
You glare at him while you reach for your phone. 
Itoshi Rin
“I’m gonna be working super late tonight so I think I’ll miss you when you get back,” You look up from your phone to meet Rin’s eyes when you add, “also don’t eat my left overs later! Or else..” Rin pauses on his way towards the door. He hadn’t been planning on eating your carefully labeled takeout box but… the way you worded that is funny. His face is expressionless when he asks, 
“Or else what?” 
You look up again from your screen, frowning. “What do you mean or else what?” 
There’s a microscopic lift to one corner of his mouth and the barest spark of amusement in his eyes. He lets the strap of his gym bag slide from his shoulder to the crook of his elbow. 
“Well what would happen if I ate them… like what are you going to do?” 
You grit your teeth and swing a comical fist in the air  “I’ll beat you up—” the raise of his eyebrows and upward twist of his mouth has you backtracking—apparently he’s not going to let you get away with pretending right now, “...I’ll give you a wet willy!” 
He tilts his head a bit to the side, openly smirking. “...okay. I mean ‘t’s not like i’d let you do that.”
You roll your eyes and slouch in your chair like you’ve given up on the matter… pretending to refocus on your phone screen. But you’re watching him in your peripheral, noticing the slight raise of his smirk while he lifts the strap of his bag back to his shoulder, waiting till he turns his head away to launch your sneak attack. After a second of analyzing your face he does turn towards the door and, with the grace of a flying squirrel, you immediately push off the chair you’d been curled on, launching into the air from the balls of your feet in an attempt to tackle him from behind. 
And he fucking catches you. One second he was walking ignorantly towards the door, the next you’re in his arms, unable to move from his freakishly strong hold. 
You frown at his almost bored facial expression, sticking your finger in your mouth and reaching for his ear as fast as you can. Of course your wrist is caught before it can get close, and your other arm is already stuck between your bodies—you’re immediately completely immobilized. 
“Ugh. Kinda hate you right now! This is so unnecessary,” you huff, struggling in his grasp then giving him a dramatic sad face when he won’t let go. 
His own expression turns bewildered at your words, “You attacked me! I literally told you I wouldn’t let you put spit in my ear you fucking cretin.”  
“I wouldn’t have tried to if you didn’t threaten my food!” 
“Oh my god I wasn’t going to eat your two-day-old pizza.” 
You huff and lift your pinky on the hand he’s holding in the air, “promise?” 
Rin rolls his eyes but releases your wrist to link fingers with yours. Then he sets you down, readjusting his gym bag. 
His face is still annoyed when he leans in to peck your puckered lips before he heads out the door. He freezes when he feels your still damp pointer finger shove its way into his ear canal before he can pull away though.
When you lean away to meet his eyes with a barely concealed smile, his glare makes you feel like you’re on death row. 
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rynnaissance · 3 months
ok so for future reference, if i ever do continue working on my fic, how do we think bell’s hells would be at driving cars in a modern au? i’ve got ideas, but i want to hear other people’s input.
here’s what i’ve got:
chetney: DO NOT GET IN A CAR WITH CHETNEY WHATEVER YOU DO. that senior citizen is batshit insane and he WILL road rage. if someone cuts him off then wherever he was going is forgotten because he has to tailgate that person now while yelling at them to pull over so they can “talk.” i can’t decide if he would have a really nice car or a really shitty one because honestly both fit. maybe a fancy truck for hauling wood?
orym: he’s your safest bet out of the hells if you want to get somewhere on time without fearing for your life. bro is a law abiding citizen of the road. he never loses his cool (unlike chet) and his car is always clean and smells super nice. he mostly listens to meditation style music, but he’ll let the other person have the aux because he’s genuinely curious to hear what they listen to. shout out to orym.
laudna: okay back to the insanity. ALSO DO NOT GET IN A CAR WITH LAUDNA! girlie pop should not be on the road. she’s blasting the weirdest fucking genres of metal imaginable, she can hear nothing else. the music only somewhat drowns out the horrible keening noises her car makes, as if it’s begging to die. that thing hasn’t been to the shop in decades and omits the occasional plume of black smoke that smell like burnt hair and buttered popcorn for some reason? i saw someone else talk about how she’s a crazy driver with everyone except imogen who she drives very well for and never blasts music, and i like that idea a lot.
imogen: it was her dad’s truck before her’s, a farm vehicle meant for rural roads with four wheel drive. it’s pretty beat up, but it’s reliable. imogen hates driving though, as it can be super overwhelming in the city, and prefers to go with laudna. outside of the city, on rural roads where you won’t see another car for miles, she finds it almost as relaxing as horseback riding. she likes to cruise around with her widows down, shamelessly listening to country music. yeehaw.
ashton: should you get in a car with ashton? depends on the day, as they are kind of a wild card. one day, it might be a chill drive with you two causally exchanging stories, like sober “what the fuck is up with that?” other times you better hold onto your seat because you are getting to your location regardless of how traffic is flowing. ashton is the person who cuts chetney off. it may be on purpose, no one knows for certain, but he always seems to manage to find the old man and make his day a little more difficult. if they see someone they know, they’ll lay on horn and yell, “hey asshole!” with a wave and a grin. the car itself is covered in stickers and sharpie graffiti, interior and exterior. you’ll always know it’s him.
fearne: does she have a license? she would say yes. the truth is no. fearne was never taught how to drive, she just kinda figured it out as she went along. because of ashton, she used to think honking is a friendly thing, but had to be informed by fcg that those people are not just saying hi, but are actually mad at her. she didn’t like that very much. she doesn’t seem to be aware that there are any dangers to driving. she’s almost always getting into crashes, which she responds to with a giggle and a “whoops(:” it’s a marvel she hasn’t been arrested yet. there’s also an angry possum that’s sometimes found in the truck of her car, so it’s best not to open it.
fcg: much like orym, fcg is a very safe person to drive with. although maybe a little annoying, as he’ll let everyone go before him at a four way stop regardless of if it’s actually their turn. sometimes though, when they’re under a lot of stress, they resemble chetney more. they won’t tolerate any bullshit from other drivers and yell at pedestrians to get out of the way. he’s been getting better about this though, but still.
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beemochi-art · 3 months
Oplita ask meme: 3, 13, 22, 25, 27, 34. Go wild, and I hope you feel better.
I am feeling better today thanks 😊
3) Elita initiates PDA more. She knows he’s a Prime and he needs to keep up ✨appearances✨ but sometimes she can’t help it! She’ll rub up against him or huh his arm. Optimus is not going to stop her, no matter how much Ratchet scolds them about it. Op will only really initiate hand holding. He’ll stand next to her until she grabs his hand instinctively.
13) I feel like Optimus likes to ask her if she’d like to go on a cruise with him. He’ll usually ask the night before so they can go early in the morning, before the sunrise. They talk on their coms while driving, enjoying the nice morning breeze and morning sun, usually Optimus has a place he’d like to show her, so where pretty or interesting he found. He gets excited when she gets to explore somewhere new. If Op is really really wants to make it special he probably goes there ahead of time to make it extra special. Elite’s breath is taken away, Op let’s on more charm than he lets on.
When they finally get back to base everyone is barely waking up (Except ratchet). Op is getting extra loved on.
Elita wants to out due him with date ideas but all she’s got is a relaxing day in the hab. Optimus is more than happy with this.
22) Elita give him words of affirmation. Always telling how good he is and stuff to get his confidence up. Her love language is also physical touch, as stated before she’s all over him.
Optimus love language is acts of love. If there is something he can do for her he’ll do it. Often times op will do the chores that were assigned to her around base. Yeah it not fair, but the more time she has the more time she has to spend with him. That also falls into his other love language, spending time with her. Quality time with the ones he loves is the most important thing to him. They are in a war and realistically he doesn’t know how much time he has.
25) “what’s there not to love?” -Elita.
Physically speaking, I mean he big. Big all over 🤭. But seriously tho, he’s kind and makes her feel safe. He is shy and you wouldn’t expect that if you barely met the guy. Especially cause he comes off as intimidating at first (she found it sexy.) but the goes away with the more time you spend with him and the team. He’s loving to a fault and cares a lot, though little bit too much overthinking. She likes how he treats the ones around him his faction having more of a family dynamic. They follow him out of respect and not not out of fear. He spends time with his team and tries to go the extra distance to show he cares. He’s a diff ent kind of prime for sure. He’s got his issues but his dedication to trying better himself is well… incredible attractive.
Optimus knew exactly who she was when he first saw Elita. It’s his old fling Ariel from his time of being Orion pax. They were going steady until he became a prime. Then it was like she disappeared and he could never seem to seek her out again. Time has not betrayed her. She’s still beautiful, more so now. Despite everything she never lost her spark or her wit. But she’s gained her skill as warriors. She incredibly strong and not someone you want to throw down with.
“Yes, incredible is the best word to describe her.” -Prime
The love she has shown him has been more than he thinks he deserves. Always touching him, it makes him feel like he’s floating. He’s glad they were able to reconnect.
27) “We’re not CRAZY!! Only the bedroom will do.” -Elita. She seems to frequently forget they have done it during their little dates. Almost every time.
34) things get scary and real often. Almost dying, getting hurt, the rest of the team getting hurt. Lucky Optimus hasn’t had to deal with Elita getting injured badly, yet. But Optimus is a magnetic for getting gravely injured or gored. Dating a prime is… uhh let’s just say very emotionally draining. Seeing him like that constantly is the worst. And Elita is is usually helpless to do anything, she is near by making sure not to get in the way of Ratchet. Bumblebee is the one that steps in to comfort Elita. The rest of the team does their best to comfort her too but Bumblebee will not leave her side. When she’s aloud to she won’t leave his side either. Ratchet will ask her to get things for him like an extra energon run, just to give her something to do.
Once Op is recovering and doing better she’s very quiet. It is very noticeable because she’s a chatterbox. Optimus can’t do much but apologize and try to be more careful next time. She’ll get over her grief but it doesn’t hurt less the next time it happens.
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pomplalamoose · 7 months
now i keep imagining how utterly amazing honeymoon with luke would be 🙈🫣
Somehow I never thought about this before but you are absolutely correct, anon🤝🏻
• celebrating your honeymoon with Luke would be such an unique and adventurous experience 
• or at least if that's what you're into 
• alternatively, if you prefer to take it slow, you could opt for something more simple and romantic instead 
• of course you would plan this out together and Luke is more than content to let you choose the pace 
• he's happy when you are happy 
• depending on what you lean towards I have some ideas 
• you could go on an intergalactic cruise together for example, visiting planets both of you haven't been to before 
• exploring the unknown and encountering various alien species can be a great little adventure
• it would really deepen your connection and the trust you have in each other as well
• I think it'd be so fun even beforehand, picking the places you want to go either by chance or based on stories you once heard 
• you'd definitely spend many nights together looking them up and thinking about all the fun you will have
• especially with Luke it's very easy to get giddy and nearly childishly excited for something 
• or maybe you want to go revisiting planets that played a keyrole in defending the Empire 
• just to have the chance to appreciate them as they are, to take a closer look you didn't have the chance to take before 
• I don't think the order matters here
• you could start on Tatooine and especially if you've never been there before, Luke would be overjoyed to show you where he grew up 
• because as opposed to Anakin I really think he connects many positive aspects of his life with this place, despite Tatooine being Tatooine 
• if you're feeling up to it you might visit the Mos Eisley Cantina, dressed like farmers or thugs to not catch anyone's eye
• you would sit very close together in one of the booths and with his arm around your shoulders, Luke would tell you about his first encounter with Han and Chewie
• and about Obi-Wan who pulled his lightsaber and cut off a man's arm like it was nothing 
• you could visit Endor next, share a few days with your Ewok friends and relax in their cozy village 
• it is also the place where Luke said his last goodbye to his father and I believe that it would hold great significance for him to spend time there 
• also he could take you on a speeder bike tour 
• imagine enjoying a nice trip through the forest together, maybe stopping for a nice picnic 
• I think he'd love to have you clinging to his back while he races through the towering trees though 
• you could do both of course but maybe don't let him drive after you've eaten 
• Luke is a very capable pilot but he'd definitely drive a bit more recklessly if it means you're holding on to him for dear life and screaming your lungs out 
• I'm convinced he thinks it's the funniest thing ever 
• you could also take a trip to Hoth and go on a tauntaun ride together 
• (on second thought maybe don't)
• okay this could totally end up with one of those scenarios where both of you are set to go but only because you think the other one really wants to
• maybe you're the one who speaks up first, like "Luke, are you sure we have enough warm clothes? I'm honestly not sure if I'll be able to withstand the cold."
• you'll figure out quickly that neither of you wants to go and have a good laugh about it 
• later you'll wonder about how he was able to make his excitement look so real when you know for a fact how much he hates the cold
• I think Luke would like to explore places with a strong connection to the Force as well
• you could spend your time learning more about the galaxy and the life within it
• maybe you'd let Luke show you fighting techniques and have some lightsaber training sessions with him 
• even if you're far away from being as good as he is, it's thrilling to witness how he enters his teacher mode 
• (and also hot, I said what I said)
• now if you are more like me and prefer to take it slow, here are more ideas 
• imagine visiting different planets to compare their stunning sunsets, maybe ranking your favorites 
• and then stay for some time longer to stargaze 
• Luke would find you two the perfect spot, serene and remote 
• there you'd lie down together and either just enjoy each other's company or have heartfelt conversations
• he'll tell you how much he loves you 
• he'll show you his favorite constellations
• (did he look many of them up before this to seem extra knowledgeabel? Yeah absolutely)
• despite being literally married to you now, Luke still wants to impress you
• you could have a nice beach vacation too
• relaxing together in the warm sun and taking in the beautiful beaches and the blue (maybe it's another color, who knows) sea is something I think both of you would enjoy a lot 
• especially Luke, as it comes close to Tatooine but is a lot friendlier 
• maybe you can show him how to swim, introduce him to big amounts of water 
• he'd totally play mermaids with you if you wanted to
• he'd really like floaties as well 
• when he comes out of the water he shakes out his hair like a dog, with the droplets flying everywhere 
• also I think he'd like digging lots of big holes while you're taking a nap or reading 
• this depends on when your honeymoon is taking place of course but Luke just has these golden retriever qualities, he'd definitely have so much fun with this 
• he's on board with building sand castles too
• or looking for pretty rocks and colorful shells
• imagine waking up a few hours after falling asleep to find a little collection of those spread out over your shared blanket 
• and Luke is beaming and just so excited, like "look what I found, aren't they pretty???"
• you better show appropriate enthusiasm so he can say something along the lines of "but they are far from being as pretty as you, of course"
• okay but romantic picnics are a must 
• it doesn't matter where, you can have those in every place you'd like 
• I think they'd be a super nice add on for every trip you might want to take 
• if you're feeling especially fancy, you could also plan a super elaborate one 
• if that's something you like, Luke would be happy to put lots of planning and effort into it
• maybe he'd surprise you with one too
• imagine going on a long hike to do him a favor and when you're THIS close to giving up he makes you continue on just a few more miles
• until you round a corner and find yourself in a beautifully decorated clearing 
• dependind on how long it took you to get there you can also combine this with watching the sunset and then having dinner under the stars 
• maybe the ants in the galaxy far, far away are horrifyingly big though and you'd rather eat somewhere else other than outside 
• you could visit new restaurants on foreign planets
• I think trying new dishes you never had before might be very fun 
• especially if they happen to be a bit weird looking 
• imagine having little competitions about who is able to stomach the spiciest food
• or the slimiest 
• or the one with the weirdest color imaginable
• alternatively going to your favorite restaurants of all time and making each other try your favorite foods would be lovely too
• in the end though you could do all of the above 
• or nothing at all
• you could just stay on Coruscant, rent into a fancy hotel and not leave your room for like two weeks 
• with Luke you'd have fun either way
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eteisvalssi · 3 months
i promised to post some thoughts from both of the concert days at kulttuuritalo so i'm gonna be putting them under a read more :)
saturday 2.3.
i arrived at the venue some time before 9 am
i feel like i always say this but the people that i hang out with at concerts and while queueing are always super nice. i got to know new people, meet mutuals and hang out with so many people i'd gotten to know at previous gigs i'd been to
just remembered that i think i forgot to thank @king-krisu for letting me tag along to their apartment to warm up my pizza that tasted like cardboard so i'm doing it now, kiitos!
buying hand and foot warmers for the queueing was the best purchase ever
when we were let inside, the staff was apparently not informed on where the cloakroom was actually open and if people who were over 18 but didn't have the ticket could go to the +18 side and everything was just a mess and ppl were running around and didn't know where to go
i did get front row on kris' side and it was actually my first time there, i'd always been on jan and nace's side before that
i've listened to pilvet pilvet for a while now and i was so happy to actually see them live, couldn't ask for a better opener
jc stewart was also very good! i'd never heard of him or his songs before but i tried to learn some of them before the gig lol
i feel like we've all seen so much from the soundcheck and gigs from videos and photos that i don't really have that much to add
when kiki came to put the setlist right in front of us we were like no it can't be this short they're definitely gonna play more songs. and they didn't 🥲
it was so nice to see them all actually move around a lot more now that they could
kris kicked straight towards me multiple times during the show and i kept thinking what have i done to deserve this
i completely fell in love with šta bih ja and bluza was so good too!!!
jan and bojan playing the piano <3
as the first gig on tour i kinda felt like they were still warming up after not performing for a while but still it was so good and i loved this concert so much
after the concert i went out with some friends i first met at the gig in tampere on the nordic tour :)
sunday 3.3.
i was supposed to go hang out in the queue for the day but i slept so bad and i was honestly in a bad mood because of that so i just stayed in bed for the whole day until it was time to leave to the venue with my friend and we were there just before the doors opened
i already posted my friend's thoughts from the show as a non-fan and you can find it here
i have a lot of thoughts that i wrote down on monday about going to a concert as a fan with a non-fan vs. alone but i'm not gonna be yapping about it in this post
i was kinda far back and i'm short so i didn't really see that well and i made the mistake of wearing a hoodie instead of what i was planning to wear so it was also extremely hot
this setlist was more to my taste with barve oceana and padam
the new song took me straight on a cruise ship to sweden
when they announced ruisrock the response of the audience was so loud!
i had a fan with me and i was fanning myself during vse kar vem and i just saw bojan looking at me kinda worried but when he saw me singing along he smiled and i almost started crying
i feel like they were more relaxed during this concert and that's understandable with the first concert being more of a rehearsal as the first concert of the whole tour
when we got out literally everyone was freaking out about everything that happened and saying how much better it was than yesterday
i was so tired and felt kinda sick that we just went to get some food after sitting down for a while and then i went back to my hotel room and that was it
overall i had a such a fun weekend! thanks to everyone who i spent time with <3 would've loved to talk to even more of you guys! next up is london and of course ruisrock in the summer :)
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honestgrins · 10 months
How about Polin with Jealous Boyfriend + Oblivious Girlfriend.
“It must be fascinating to sail so often,” Penelope said between bites of her cracker. “I’ve never even been on a cruise, let alone every summer.”
The waiter shifted his tray to the other hand, his smile bashful. “It doesn’t pay nearly as well as these catering gig, and theater crew on a ship is hardly the West End career I’m aiming to achieve.”
She rolled her eyes and reached for another cracker. “You’re young and learning, no one could blame you for enjoying the opportunity to travel while doing what you love. My boyfriend’s in Greece, actually, though no one could accuse him of youthful folly.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Her hand pressed to her chest, Penelope whirled to find him standing behind her. She lit with a smile as he lay a possessive hand on her waist. “Colin! You’re meant to arrive next week!”
With an oddly straight posture, he nonetheless ducked to kiss her cheek. “I missed you,” he murmured before his eyes tracked to the waiter still lingering. Unable to resist, he plucked a cracker from the tray, then another. “My youthful folly seems to ruin best-laid plans, I’m afraid. The article wrapped itself up nicely enough for me to return home. Who’s this, then?”
Her brow furrowed at the chill in his tone, but she was too thrilled with the grip she had on his arm to pay it much heed. “Who? Oh, Andrew! He’s an actor, if you can believe it. We were commiserating over the entertainment and got to talking. You know I’ve got that cruise ship thriller in my edit pile.”
Colin relaxed a bit, his arm curling around her with warmth. “Always writing, darling,” he sighed, only to kiss her cheek again. “Pick Andrew’s brain later, would you? I should like to go home.”
“Of course,” she realized, “you must be exhausted. Your mother is right over-”
“I will wave to her as we leave,” he promised, his lips brushing her ear. “And I don’t care how many waiters she charms with her presence tonight. I only ask for yours.”
Her eyes rolled again, though accompanied by an indulgent grin. “Don’t be ridiculous, Colin. He’s hardly charmed by-”
“The most beautiful girl in the room?” He led them toward the entrance, happy to leave the party behind them.
“In town?”
“Now, really-”
“The world, then,” Colin decided, helping her into her coat. Spreading warm hands over her shoulders, he barely let go to offer his arm instead. “With that settled, shall we?”
Anyone want a mini-fic?
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palfriendpatine66 · 7 months
WIP Wednesday - Can't Buy Me Love
@kenobster requested a snippet and got me to actually put something down for the next chapter !
At the nod that started slow and just a touch unsure but ended firm and steady Anakin closed the rest of the distance between. He placed his hands on the other man’s hips, pulling just enough to pull them against his own, as he pressed his lips to the edge of that tight jaw. It was his mission to see it relaxed, hung open in ecstasy. “Anything else on the to-do list I should know about?”
“Private dinner cruise,” Obi-Wan elaborated, missing the point, a slight hitch to his voice. “Chartered a yacht. I should give them a call - let them know I won’t be coming.”
Anakin stopped his slow licks with a huff as the talk turned back to practical matters once more. “Yeah. Guess you probably want your money back for that.”
“It’s non refundable,” he dismissed, unconcerned with the cost. “It’s just–”
“Let’s go then!”
“I’m not taking you on what was supposed to be a romantic, sunset, engagement celebration -” 
Obi-Wan broke off in a low groan when Anakin’s teeth grazed his throat. “Yes. I think that’s exactly what you need to do. Take me on that fancy yacht, fuck me as a nice fuck you to Miss Kryze and let yourself –”
He was cut off by a hungry noise as Obi-Wan turned to sit on the edge of the bed, tugging Anakin down with him.
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newtonsheffield · 10 months
So obviously we're going to need a spicy sunday of the parent trap au kate and anthony having sex for the first time after they re-meet
Oh bless them. After nearly six years they’re definitely a little handsy. We have to remember that they’re also still only like… 27.
Kate could feel Anthony behind her, feel the tension prickling down her spine as his hand settled on her hip, pulling her back against his chest.
“They’re happy.”
His voice was deep, tickling her ear, the gentle hum of it bringing goosebumps to her arms as she nodded. “It’s probably not great parenting from us to put them in the same bed.”
Anthony chuckled, his arms tightening possessively around her waist. “Tomorrow I’ll get them bunk beds. That’s clearly what they’re angling for. If they want to share a room instead of Miles having the spare room, I’m fine with it.”
Kate nodded, the enormity of the afternoon, this night, settling in her shoulders. She wasn’t leaving London at all. There was still so much to settle and yet none of it seemed to matter. Selling the house in Bristol, bringing all of their things here, none of that seemed to matter. All that mattered was Anthony, with his arm wrapped around her, moulding their lives back together again.
“To be honest, he’s probably gonna need one of the spare rooms for all of his things anyway.” Kate hummed, spinning in his arms to look in his eyes.
He looked older than the day she’d left, his jaw more angular and his beard full now, rather than the stubble he’d left when they’d first met. He’d already taken his glasses off but they made him seem more mature, sensible and settled and grown. This version of Anthony was confident in who he was, he;d processed his grief and come out the other side, confident and focused on his growth, and his son. Their son. And something about that drew her in even more. Everything she’d loved about him was still there. His odd, stiff, sense of humour and his smile was just the same, boyish and charming. He was such a nurturer at heart, he always was and it was the unashamed way he showed it that had lead her to accept the proposal of a 20 year old boy as they stood on the dock, a cruise ship behind them.
“Hey, do you want to marry me?!”
She’d gaped at him then, “What?!”
He shrugged, grinning at her with his shirt unbuttoned and his bare chest shining int he sun. “I’m so in love with you, and I think this could be incredible. Marry me.”
“So, I’ve also been thinking, that second little sitting room downstairs might make a nice little writer’s den.” Anthony was grinning at her now, his eyes shining, “I’m thinking like dark academia vibes. Huge big desk, leather sofa floor to ceiling bookshelves. We can pick it out tomorrow!”
Kate’s stomach fluttered, “That… sounds really nice actually.”
“I know it does! The smell of tobacco hanging in the air. Give it a bit of gravitas.”
“I don’t smoke?” Kate chuckled, “Have you taken up the habit?”
He rolled his eyes, “No, I was thinking a candle.”
“You… know about candle scents now?”
Anthony preened, his lips brushing hers. “I know about all sorts of things now.”
“Is that so?”
“It is.” He pressed against her until she was sandwiched lightly between his body and the wall. “Do you want to talk about how much I know about laundry now? That’s very impressive. Neddy’s little socks are always ironed.”
“I don’t want to talk about laundry.” There was an ache in her chest now, spreading through her entire body at the press of him against her.
“No?” Something dark flashed in his eyes and his lips brushed gently against hers, “Do you want to talk about what a good cook I am now? I’ve taken a lot of classes.”
“I don’t want to talk about that now either.” She let herself relax against him as her lips found his again.
It felt so different, and yet familiar, the press of of his lips against hers. His hands tightened on her waist and pressed her impossibly closer to his chest as their lips moved together and heat built slowly between them. His lips were a little rough and his beard scratched against her skin and it made her spine shiver against him. Anthony let out a low moan at the feel of her tongue against hers. Kate felt her hands twist themselves in the front of his sweater and she tugged him forward until his entire body was pressed against her.
Anthony’s hand slid to her thighs and he tugged her legs around his waist and she heard her own moan echo in the corridor.
“Fuck.” Anthony let out a sharp groan and his hips ground against her, “We shouldn’t have sex outside our twins’ bedroom.”
Kate nodded, but she squeezed her thighs around his waist and her breath came in sharp pants, “Right, we’re responsible parents now. We can’t have sex in the hallway anymore.”
He let out a gasp, and his eyes darkened and she knew he was remembering just the same way she was , “That was a good night though.”
“It was a very good night.”
He let out a grunt as he pushed off the wall and carried her down the hallway, fumbling at the door of the bedroom that had once been hers as well as his. The room that would be hers again. They burst through the door and it slammed shut behind them.
“Do you want the boys to wake up?!” Kate hissed a giggle rising in her throat as Anthony dropped her against the mattress as he tripped over her suitcase left at the end of the bed earlier. “Quiet.”
Anthony looked up at her through the hair falling in his eyes, “Sorry, I never like… done this with my kids down the hall.”
“Me either but I know enough not to wake them up.” Kate chuckled, tugging him forward by the waistband of his jeans.
Anthony leant over her, his knee nudging her thighs apart as his lips found hers again, rougher and deeper this time as his weight settled over her. She let out a loud moan helplessly and her hips bucked up against his before he pulled back, grinning at her. “I thought you said we were being quiet.”
Kate rolled her eyes, tugging his sweater over his head and then her own. His wedding ring and hers were hanging on a chain around his neck just as they had been a few weeks ago when she’d found herself pressed against his wet chest and her stomach had dropped and her body had seemed to remember exactly what to do. Exactly what it would feel like as she moved above him, under him. She hadn’t let herself do what she wanted to then but she let herself do it now. She let herself smile at him and slide the finger of her left hand through the ring and tug gently until his neck bowed to the pressure and his lips found hers again with a desperate moan.
There was a desperate fumble as the kiss deepened between them and Anthony shed the rest of their clothes until there was nothing left between them. He stared down at her, his eyes shining at her, a smile on his lips.
“You’re so beautiful.”
It settled in her chest and she let her fingers run through his hair. “I love you.”
His smile was so beautiful, “I love you too. Always did.”
Their moans mingled together as their lips met again and the rest of their bodies did as well. Anthony’s forehead fell against hers and his eyes screwed shut. A muscle clenched in his jaw as their hips rocked together slowly.
Oh Holy Fuck Kate.
She nodded against him, beyond words as their bodies met again and again and her hand stayed twisted in the chain around his neck holding them together. Heat was licking at her stomach already, warmth spreading deliciously through her as Anthony kept the steady rhythm between them. Anthony’s cheeks flushed and sweat slicked their bodies. This too felt familiar and different, the angles of his body different but not unsettlingly, it felt comforting, a sign of the growth they’d both gone through and yet they’d found each other again.
Her pleasure built slowly and yet it still caught her off guard as she tumbled over the edge, her body shivering gently against his but Anthony didn’t stop. His hands found her waist and legs tangled with hers minced quickly, rolling them until she was settled on top of him. Her shoulders heaved and her legs shook a little with the exertion as Anthony’s hands tightened on her hips.
“That move used to be your favourite.”
Anthony grinned at her, settled against the pillows smugly, one hand pressed against her stomach the other guiding her. “I still like it. The view is… still stunning.”
She rolled her eyes but didn’t have it in her to say anything else as she tossed her hair back, bracing one hand behind her and snapping her hips down against him. Anthony let out a tortured moan and his eyes rolled back and they lost themselves in the rhythm again, moving faster and faster. She could see the red marks her fingernails were leaving on his chest, see the diamond ring shining on her hand and something in her chest burned for it, for Anthony. She could feel the heat of his body against hers, the roughness of his hands and the tension in the room was stifling and she felt her muscles coiling tighter again. Tighter and tighter. She felt Anthony’s legs start to shake under her and his hips bucked erratically. His hand tightened on the back of her neck, tugging until their lips met roughly, teeth clashing as they fell apart together.
Anthony’s arms crushed her to his chest as their bodies shook and sweat cooled between them, the smell of them hanging in the air.
“I missed you.”
Kate nodded, kissing his neck gently. “I love you.”
Anthony let out a content little noise, his eyes screwed shut. “I think I should keep the chain. You like that.”
Her laugh echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls. “It’s a bit sexy. I like sexy Dad Anthony.”
He opened one eye, scratching his beard, “Jesus, wait until you see my Birkenstocks.”
“Oh. Be still my beating heart.”
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kendallroydefender · 6 months
Somewhere only we know - Chapter 11 (Kendall Roy x Reader)
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Series summary: You met Kendall when you were six years old. You have spent every summer together and now years later you and him are still just as close.
This story follows Kendall and his best friend through their lives. Will they realize their feelings for each other before it’s too late?
Chapter summary: You get a call that Kendall is about to hold a press conference about the cruises scandal. Afterwards things get hectic but you have a good talk with Rava.
Authors Notes: i am so sorry that I have to make Honey and Naomi dislike each other I swear I love her sm! Thank you for reading 🤍
Wordcount: 3.1K
You’ve been on Paxos with Stewy for the last days and it has been really nice. It’s different with him than with Ken, starting with you and Stewy having different rooms.
But it is nice. You’re sleeping in, having great food and hanging out on the beach. You’re really thankful for Stewy to ask you to come with him. You really needed a break to deal with your feelings for Kendall.
You were meant to meet Stewy at this restaurant for lunch. He said he had to go there a bit earlier, something business related. You didn’t knew that he was meeting Kendall and his father.
Kendall starts insulting Stewy when he says no to the deal, Stewy glances at the time. Kendall’s tantrum couldn’t come at a better time.
You walk down to where the waiter told you he was sitting. You stop in your tracks when you see who’s sitting opposite of Stewy. Kendall and Logan. Kendall’s eyes snap at you, he says your name.
”Ken? What are you doing here?“ you’re really confused.
”We’re meeting for business, why are you here?“ he asks
”Nothing, just taking a little break.“
He furrows his brows as he looks between you and Stewy
”Since when, uh, since when is this a thing?“
”It’s not a thing. I just wasn’t feeling good and Stew asked if I wanted to come.“ you shrug
”It’s no big deal, Ken.“ Stewy says
”Uh-huh.“ he answers, eyeing him suspiciously before he turns towards you
”Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling good?“
”Kenny, you had so much going on..“ he nods but before he can say more Logan gets up
”Hello Y/n.“
”Hello, Sir.“ you say to the man
”Kendall, we’re leaving now.“ the older man says and Kendall throws you an apologetic look.
”I’ll call you.“ he tells you and you give him a nod and a smile.
Logan tells you goodbye wich you say back.
On the way back to the yacht, where his girlfriend is currently waiting for him, he can’t help but think about how pretty you looked. Sun kissed, relaxed, your summer dress hugging your body perfectly. It’s been too long since he had been on a vacation with you. He misses it.
Stewy notices the way you pick on you food after Kendall and his father left
”Honey, you’ve been doing so good don’t let him ruin this.“
”I’m not.“ you huff and look up to be met with Stewy looking like he’s not believing you
”Shut up, I’m really not.“ you tell him before adding ”He just looked so sad.“
”It’s Kendall, he always looks sad.“ you throw Stewy a deadly look.
”Stewy, I’m not angry at him, we’re not fighting. I’m not going to talk shit about him.“
”Come on, let’s go to the beach.“
The rest of the day is spent reading on a nice lounger and getting more tan in the sun.
It’s much later when Kendall stares into the water. Naomi’s words linger. ”He loves the broken you“. Kendall thinks about calling you. He knows you would know how to handle this. He could also call Naomi, but he’s afraid either of you two would talk him out of the plan his father has made. But you would be right, he thinks. You would tell him he doesn’t deserve this, no matter what he thinks about himself. God, he misses you at this moment. He decides to text you. He types in a message a few times before locking his phone again. What would he even tell you? Theres no need to worry you. Everything will work out fine. You’re on Paxos anyway, no need to ruin your vacation.
You sit on the couch of your hotel room, watching tv. Stewy wanted to go to some party but you weren’t in the mood. You see a message appear on your phone screen. Roman.
'Can you call me?‘.
You furrow your brows, they should still be on the yacht so why does Roman want to talk to you. You two don’t speak often anymore, sometimes there’s texts updating each other on how things are, a fucked up meme or a happy birthday message. So Roman wanting to speak to you while they’re on some weird family trip does make some alarm go off in you. You take a deep breath and press the green button to call.
”Hey, Rome what’s up?“ you ask cautiously ”Uh, hey y/n. Yeah so dad made this trip with us to find out who he can blame for Cruises.“ Roman says ”Uh-huh.“ you hum, of course Logan did. Wanting to offer someone as the scapegoat that wasn’t himself was typical. ”And- fuck- Uh, It’s- it’s Kendall.“ you feel your blood run cold. No, it can’t be. ”No, fuck. He can’t-“ you stutter and Roman takes a breath ”Yeah, I thought it would be Karl or even Tom. But- Dad he.. whatever- I’m sorry.“ he says and you shake your head even though he can’t see ”It’s not your fault, Roman. Thank you for telling me.“ you say sincerely. ”So, uh Kendall says he’s okay with it… But he can’t be… right?“ you hear the kid in Romans voice come through. ”I don’t know Roman.“ and you don’t, you know Kendall good enough to know that there’s a big possibility that Logan convinced him somehow that what he’s doing is the right thing.
”Oh how are you holding up? I heard about the hostage situation.“ you ask with a warm tone
”It must have been horrible.“
”Yeah, yeah i felt like I would shit my heart out but I’ve got to see Karl having a panic attack sooo..“
”Great to see you finding the best in every situation.“ you chuckle
”But seriously, you can call me anytime.“
After the call you sit on your couch looking out into the city. You don’t know what to do. How can you help Kendall? Should you call him? Why didn’t he call you?
You stay awake most of the night, thinking about what you can do. Around three in the morning you made up your mind. You get up and throw your clothes into a suitcase before walking over to Stewys suite. Thankfully he seems to be already back.
He answers the door looking like he had been sleeping
”I have to leave.“ You tell him as soon as the door is fully opened
”Did something happen?“ he asks worried
”No, not yet at least.“
He looks confused
”I’m not following.“
”You’ll see. Just- just follow the news.“
He opens the door a little wider
”Come in. And then tell me what is going on.“ you follow him in and sit down on the couch
”Honey, what are you talking about?“
”I just got a call from Roman. Logan is making Kendall the head of the cruises scandal, there’s a press conference scheduled for tomorrow where he is supposed to say that he’s responsible.“ you explain, Stewy is silent for some moments before taking a deep breath
”Oh wow.“
”Yeah. And I- I just want to be there for him.“
”I get that. You should go.“ he tells you.
You get your bags. Stewy goes into the lobby with you giving you a hug goodbye, he will follow the pressconference tomorrow and text you.
”Thank you for this getaway. I really needed it.“
”Anytime.“ he tells you
”Love you Stewy, take care.“
”love you too and you too.“ he waits for a second before adding ”Take care of Kendall too.“
”I will.“ the two of them still caring for each other even when they aren’t talking is so typical.
You get into a car that drives you to the airport where your jet is already waiting. You sleep for a while and when you wake up you’re almost back in New York. You get ready quickly.
In the car you tell your driver the address Roman told you yesterday. It’s the place where the press conference is supposed to take place. You find Jess, Karolina and Greg at the back of the room. Jess gives you a tight lipped smile, "Hey y/n.“ Greg mutters. Your heart breaks when you see Kendall approach the table. He starts to speak and your heart drops, knowing what had been planned. You can’t believe it, you know Logan your whole life but this was too far. But then it all takes a turn, Kendall tells everyone that it was his fathers fault. You’re speechless, you felt so proud of your friend. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.“ Karolina muttered next to you while tapping on her phone rapidly but you can’t help but smile for just a second. Would it mean that a lot of things would change? Definitely. But you are just relieved that he stood up for himself, you don’t want to imagine how the press would had ripped him to shreds over something he didn’t do.
You look at Greg for a second noticing the envelope he clutches to his chest. Kendall finishes his statement with "Today his reign will end.“ and walks off the stage again. You set in motion and quickly follow him through the mass of reporters.
”Excuse me, excuse me.“ you mutter as you make your way through the bodies. He walks through a door, you a few feet behind him. You enter an empty hallway and you yell his name ”Ken!“ he turns around. A look of surprise on his face, not expecting you here. You jog up to him and stop a few feet in front of him and then you rush the last few steps, throwing your arms around his neck. ”I’m so proud of you.“ you whisper into him and you could feel him hold you a little bit tighter. You press a few chaste kisses to his cheek, you two staring into each others eyes for a moment before parting.
”What are you doing here? You- you were just in Greece?“
”I came back last night.“
”Kenny…“ you shake your head, hoping he understands, he does.
He cups your cheek
”Thank you.“
You smile at him as the others catch up with you.
Ken has locked himself into the bathroom and Greg’s threatening to break in the door to make sure he’s okay. You’re shaking your leg, getting more nervous
”Okay- Greg. Just let me.“ you gesture for the tall man to step aside
”Kenny? Hey can you open the door- or just let me in?“ it’s still silent from the other side of the door until the door opens and he walks out awfully motivated. You watch him with a worried look.
”You okay?“ you ask when it’s just the two of you, the others are already in the other room.
”Yes, of course. Come on we’re going to make history.“ he says before heading off too.
The five of you go downstairs into the waiting car. Kendall is taking your hand in his as he pulls you along with him. You sit next to him. As they plan the new strategies you just sit and listen. You are proud of him for not letting his father do something this cruel to him but you’re not stupid, you know Logan will not just let it be.
Kendall calls Naomi and you play with your fingers, when he tells her he loves her you have to take a shaky inhale. It hurts to hear it.
It was mad in Ravas flat. People rushing in and out to talk to Kendall.
You sit in the kitchen with Rava while Kendall talks to different people. She always excepted you as a part of his life, unlike some other girlfriends he had throughout time. "This is insane right?“ she asks as she hands you a mug of coffee. "Thanks, yeah absolutely batshit.“ you answer taking a sip of the hot beverage. "I just hope this won’t kill him.“ you say slowly. Rava nods "I get what you mean. Don’t let it take you with it, okay?“ she looks at you seriously "I know you love him, I do too but you need to take care of yourself too, okay?“ she says and you take in a breath. You don’t want to lie to her but you know whatever would happen you would stay next to him. He is your best friend, the most important person in your life, he had always been there and you couldn’t leave him if you’d wanted to. "Rava I-" you don’t know what you wanted to tell her "I know y/n. I know.“ she gives your hand a squeeze
Kendall comes in to ask if Naomi could come over. After he left Rava turns to you "So… what’s your take on this?“ she asks and you shrug ”I don’t know, I mean she’s nice I guess..it’s just.. I don’t know.“ you answer. "Are you worried about the drugs?“ she says with a look that tells you she is worried herself and you nod before saying "Yeah but I think I’ll always be in some way.“ she gives you an emphatic smile. "I mean she cares about him and he’s happy with her and that should be enough for me to like her but I don’t know I feel like she doesn’t really like me somehow.“ you admit to the brown haired woman. She looks at you as if she’s contemplating something. ”After our break up. Me and Kens. I’ve noticed something and I want you to know that im totally fine with it, but you two did seemed closer and it seemed like there was something there… between you.“
”It wasn’t always-" you start wanting to tell her that you weren’t jealous and in love with him the whole time they were married. The feelings just came back the last year. ”Oh, I know. Don’t worry.“ she tells you with a kind smile. ”I also know that he loved me. But I can see the way you two look each other the past months. It’s okay, I want you to be happy and him too.“ you look at her your mouth slightly agape. ”I don’t know what to say.“ you admit and she gives your hand a squeeze ”You don’t have to. I just want you to know that I’m happy for you if it happens.“
”Even if, it doesn’t matter anymore, he’s with her.“ Rava gives you a 'come on‘ look before she says ”We both know it’s not going to last forever.“
”But he doesn’t like me this way.“ you look at the table in front of you. It feels good being able to talk to someone about how you feel.
”Well he’s an idiot. But we all knew that. I think he’s just, I don’t know manic? Maybe running away from how he really feels.“ she tells you, you look at her and she gives your hand a squeeze across from the table. ”Y/n I love you, you know that. You’re my friend. The right time will come.“
”Sooo, what about you? seeing anyone?.“ you ask with a knowing look
”Well, there might be someone I’m kind of seeing, but I don’t know.“ you squeal
”Tell me all about him!“
Berry Schneider and Comfrey arrive and you watch Greg make very awkward small talk with the blonde. She catches your eyes and you shrug apologetic with a grin. Naomi comes over and that’s a whole thing after she tells Greg to open a bottle of wine that Ravas godfather gave her.
You eat dinner with Rava, Sophie and Iverson and it’s good to catch up with them. They have grown up so much. After the kids go to bed you feel like it’s time for you to leave, even though Rava offered you one of the guest rooms. You walk into the living room.
”Kenny? I don’t want to disturb but I think I’ll go home now.“ he stands up from where he’s sitting with his girlfriend. ”You don’t have to leave, there’s room for you.“ Kendall tries but you shake your head a little. ”I have work tomorrow and no stuff here. But I can come back tomorrow afternoon?“
”Yeah, that’d be great.“ he tells you and you can tell he’s sincere, that he wants you here.
You two hug goodbye and you tell him ”Call me if you need to talk.“ even though you doubt he will, he has Naomi here.
”I will. Thank you.“
You press a kiss to his cheek before you leave. You nod towards Naomi with a little "Bye“ she waves you.
Rava walks you to the door. ”It’ll all work out.“ she tells you as you hug her goodbye. A sentence that you don’t know will come true when the Roy’s are involved but you have to believe anyway.
The next day you walk into the hall when you spot Kendall and a huge horse.
”What the hell is that?“ you ask with a chuckle
”Uh, your boyfriend brought it.“ he says and you furrow your brows
”Huh? What are you talking about?“
”It’s from Stewy.“ he nods his head towards the trojan horse and you roll your eyes.
”Okay. Ken.“ you step closer to him, holding his hands.
”I never had anything with Stewy. And I was never ever in my whole life attracted to him in that way.“ you look into his eyes the whole time. You hope the message gets through to him. You never were attracted to Stewy but you were attracted to Kendall. And he should know that since you’ve slept together back in college.
”Okay?“ you ask
”Okay. Yeah, sorry.“ he says and gives your hand a squeeze.
Jess comes in and Kendall looks towards her
”Shiv is here.“ she says and you snap your head towards Kendall
”Uh, great let her up.“ he tell Jess
”I guess I’ll leave you to it then. Tell me how that worked out?“
”You don’t have to-“
”No, no it’s fine. Just wanted to see how you’re doing.“
You give him a hug and a kiss to his cheek.
You’ve read the letter Shiv published. You felt sick the whole time. You should be less surprised by everything with the Roys but you still find it unbelievable.
You’ve tried to call Ken but he didn’t pick up and didn’t answer your message.
He had a tv show scheduled for today, wich was cancelled last minute. The host was pretty rough on him afterwards.
Meanwhile Kendall’s staring at Naomi. She’s sleeping and he should feel comforted by her presence but he can’t help but wish he was with you right now. Curled up next to you, feeling your warmth and your soft skin. He takes his phone and opens your message
'Read the letter. Seriously fuck Shiv!‘
'Call me if you want to talk. Love you.'
He wipes a tear from his eye before he types a message to you
'It’s whatever. Love you too.'
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oh-austin · 2 years
dad!austin showing his partner his list of baby names & explaining why he loves them 🥰
this is so sweet! so here's a sweet little blurb
"Do you guys have a name yet?" Olivia asked from across the table. The three of you were sat around craft services one night, crew members cruising around you ready to go home after a long day of shooting. You, Austin and Olivia decided to hang back and relax for a little.
"No not yet, I have no idea what to call her" Your hands instinctively fell onto your bump, one that was once a whole lot smaller than it is now. You were eight months pregnant, on the verge of becoming a family of three, never to be just you and Austin again.
"I've got a couple in mind," Austin nodded.
You turned to him with wide eyes, "You do?".
"Oh yeah," He nodded, looking at you with a smug grin, "Keeping them hidden away until I can decide on the best one" Austin admitted.
"You didn't want to share this with me?" You shrugged with a chuckle, squinting at him. Olivia giggled from her seat.
"I wanted to pick a good one before just shoving my list in your face" Austin defended himself.
"There's a list?" You were gobsmacked. Sure, you and Austin had discussed names in your time being pregnant, but you didn't expect him to have a list of names.
"Oh we've gotta see this," Olivia nodded with a smile.
"Come on, show me" You urged him.
"Fine, but don't laugh if you hate them" Austin pulled his phone out from his pocket. A picture of you holding your first ultrasound picture lit up the background of his lock screen. You saw him unlock a private note in his phone.
"Read them out!" Olivia leant forwards
"Ivy, Evelyn, Florence-" Austin slowly read, leaning over towards you so you could read along with him.
"You cannot name your daughter after Florence Pugh" Olivia interjected, "You would get ridiculed,"
"I swear I had it down before I was even cast with her!" Austin defended himself.
You let your eyes fall over the names. They were all very pretty, a few that you liked. One that you loved. "Hmm, Ines-" You hummed- "Ines is really nice, where did you find that?"
"It's in that Taylor Swift song you listen to all the time," Austin looked over at you. You felt your heart swell.
"Betty?" You asked
"Yeah, I like the way it sounded" He nodded.
"Ines Butler," You said, liking the way it rolled off your tongue.
"See? It's gotta ring to it!" He locked his phone, looking from you to Olivia, who was nodding.
"Yeah," You smiled, "Yeah it does".
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