#leo man and capricorn woman
astrosolutions · 11 months
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Leo woman and Capricorn man compatibility bring together two distinct yet complementary personalities. The ambitious and practical nature of the Capricorn man meets the fiery and charismatic demeanor of the Leo woman. While their approaches to life may differ, their shared determination and a strong sense of loyalty create a solid foundation for their relationship. The Capricorn man’s steady and reliable presence balances the Leo woman’s need for attention and admiration. However, challenges may arise from their stubbornness and desire for control.
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jesslovespk · 2 years
*An Extra Add On to My Astrology Observation Post*
I previously talked about how Earth and Water sun signs differ greatly between males and females.  However, I forgot to give a water sign example.
Water sign Example:
People consider Scorpios to be mysterious right?  Well they are but not in the way that you would think.  This is because they are so mysterious that you would not even notice that they are being mysterious.  In other words, they hide in plain sight.
Scorpio females do this by appearing to be very social and extroverted.  They may not always be the loudest person in the room, but they will always know how to let their voice be heard.  Deep inside, however, they are actually very private people.  Scorpio females have a dark side.  Do not piss a scorpio female sun off.  If they feel that you have betrayed them in any way, they will not be able to forgive you.  If they tell you that they no longer want to be your friend, girlfriend, or have any kind of relationship with you....believe them.  They are not lying to you.  Obviously this is not a great quality to have and sometimes I think it is good for a scorpio female to recognize in herself that she struggles with forgiveness.  Also, I would like to point out this lack of forgiveness does not extend to to her immediate family or the family she grew up with.  If she feels that her family betrayed her, it will take her some time to forgive them but she will come around.  Another bad quality of scorpio females is that they are not great judges of character.  They think that they are incredibly intuitive and therefore are excellent when it comes to choosing friends and relationships.  However, I would argue that they can be easily manipulated and will often jump into friendships and relationships that they feel challenge their stamina and emotions, rather than nurture them.  I would also like to point out that everybody has their qualities that are great and not so great.  Now let’s talk about the great qualities of scorpio females.  Scorpio sun females are the easiest people to have conversations with and probably someone that you could talk with for hours without getting bored.  They are fiercely loyal to their loved ones and those that they trust.  They are so lovable and everyone who meets them will want to be their friend.  These are the people you want in your corner when times get tough because they will do anything and everything that they can to help you.  They are great listeners and will always be engaged in what you say to them.  They are super passionate which means that they care and love so deeply.  That was a lot on Scorpio females, but on to Scorpio Males.
Scorpio males hide in plain sight by appearing to be slightly awkward in a cute and sweet way.  The awkwardness is not uncomfortable for others at all and in fact it actually makes other people feel safe.  They definitely take on a more introverted approach compared to Scorpio women.  Deep inside they also have a dark side.  Scorpio males can actually be slightly manipulative and possessive without realizing it.  This comes from a place of fear that you will leave or betray them.  Scorpio males need their loved ones to be trustworthy in order for them to not allow their fears to control them.  Scorpio sun males are excellent judges of character.  If you meet a Scorpio male’s inner circle, you will notice that it is small and every single one of their friends and loved ones genuinely care about them very much.  Even if you think that one of their loved ones is not a very good person, they are completely loyal to the Scorpio male.  Scorpio men have a very forgiving heart.  As long as you beg for forgiveness and give a genuine apology, they will forgive you.  If you betray them it still will not be good though because they will torture you to make sure you do not hurt them again.  Scorpio males are very confident and driven.  They are competitive when it comes to their goals and will stop at nothing to achieve them, which makes them incredibly hard workers.  They are also very genuine and confident. 
Scorpio sun men and scorpio sun women would not make a great match because of the fact that they keep their actual personalities hidden as a result of their mysterious nature.  They would both find the other untrustworthy and start to slip away in different ways.  Scorpio man will give Scorpio woman the excitement she wants in a relationship but she will not make Scorpio man feel secure and safe. Scorpio man will then slip away and become closed off.  He will then likely say or do something to push her away.  Which will cause her to become closed off and slip away.
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icyg4l · 2 months
PAC: Your Future Partner's Love Language
Hello beautiful people, tonight marks the third post of the week regarding love! (meaning I kept my promise, yay!) I have a sale going on tomorrow, so be sure to tune into that. If you would look to book a reading, please read my guidelines and then dm me! If you have any inquiries, also dm me! Without further ado, please select your pile!
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile 1: I feel like you’re the independent woman trope, Pile One. This person will be attracted to you because you have your own. But that doesn't mean that they won’t be giving. This isn’t a stingy lover at all. I get Cancer/Capricorn/Aquarius energy from this person. I see this person will be big on gift giving. They will also shower you with compliments. They don’t expect this in return, to be honest. They’re also really big on paying the tab every time at restaurants. I feel like this person is calm and collected. This person wants to follow in their family’s footsteps. They’re big on marriage and doing things the proper way. They would like to show you off, this is part of their love language as well. And lastly, this person really likes to see people stand on business. Part of their love language is helping you plan and put things into action. They’re going to be your number one fan. Expect roses and romance with this person, Pile One.
Cards Used: The Hierophant, The Hermit, 4 of Discs, Queen of Swords
extras: tacos. party pooper. mellow. skilla baby. carrie underwood. bartleby.
Pile 2: So when I was shuffling for this pile, I heard the term ‘yapper’. This person really likes to talk, even if it’s about nothing. I thought of this guy who I sit next to in my English class, and he says whatever comes to mind. I feel like this person just really wants a listening ear since they didn’t get that when they were younger. They could have been the type of kid to have “talks too much” on their report card. They have big Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo energy. This person just wants to be heard and valued for once, they feel taken for granted. This person has the tendency to go down memory lane as well. They also have a thing for tickling. They honestly seem like a big kid. They are really big on humor. Their sense of humor can be deadpan or they could say a lot of one-liner punchlines. Be prepared to laugh a lot. I think this person values one-on-one time a lot as well, Pile Two.
Cards Used: Judgment, Ace of Swords, Death (RX), Eight of Discs (RX), 7 of Discs (RX)
extras: bright teeth. nice style. black beanies. toby from this is us. “kiss the ring.” wrestlers.
Pile 3: Oh man, the chemistry is hot here. This person really likes PDA. They enjoy physical touch. They want you to find any reason to touch them & they want to do the same for you. This person wants everyone to know that y’all are together. They could be a little clingy, let them know if that’s too much for you. I get the feeling that this could be their first real relationship so please be gentle with them. I feel like this person is like a big teddy bear. They really enjoy hugs, sharing drinks with you, cuddling, hand-holding and sloppy kisses. It all makes their world go round. You guys will be engaging in a lot of sexual activity together so please protect yourselves! Overall, this person is not shy. This person is quite the flirt, very physical. They give big Leo, LIbra, Aries energy. You guys are going to be like that one couple in high school that got detention for kissing by the lockers. People might be uncomfortable by your dynamic because you’re so physical with one another, but fuck it!
Cards Used: Knight of Wands, The Chariot, Princess of Cups, The Lovers, Ace of Cups.
extras: sweet face. wink. “hold me.” soft hands. racy. lord farquaad. monochromatic. skin-to-skin.
Pile 4: Can we say dramaaaa? I feel like your person is really dramatic. They’re the epitome of go big, go home. They give off Pisces, Leo, Sagittarius energy. They’re the epitome of male R&B singers in the early 2000s. This person has the best intentions but it can be overwhelming for you at times. Know that this person is doing their best. This is a part of who they are, there’s no faking this personality. I think this person would literally do anything for you. If you were to ask for a cookie from the store, they would bring you the cookie, a sandwich, a drink, chips and flowers just to make your day. This person is really good at planning parties and spending money. If you were to have a birthday coming up, they would have a surprise party planned with all of your favorite people there and thoughtful gifts. This person wants to give you the world, honestly. Don’t feel embarrassed by the things that this person does because you deserve it. They do it out of purity, but you can tell them to tone it down if it’s really getting to you.
Cards Used: The Emperor, The Fool, Justice, 7 of Cups, Ace of Discs, Princess of Cups
extras: my way by usher. “It’s camp.” new edition. clown colors. teezo touchdown. rich uncle vibes.
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astrologydayz · 7 months
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VENUS/EROS IN PISCES/AT 12, 24° = Pisces degree points 2 someone being sexually attracted 2 "lost souls", they want someone who's willing 2 let them be their saviour✨. They could also hold deep thoughts about being saved by a lover themselves, and the idea of "escaping" 2 their "happily ever after". Sex them up with how artistic/poetic u can be. That shit always works. They need someone who's willing 2 show them a kind heart, while also fulfilling their deepest desires/sexual urges.
VENUS/EROS IN SCORPIO/AT 8, 20° = Scorpio degree points 2 someone wanting a lover that's more sexually charged in private, and someone who's willing 2 give up their "thought patterns", as they can be a little "obsessive" with wanting to know everything, or them investigating when they feel the other persons sexual attraction "dying down a little bit"🧯🔥. These people can easily find your weak spots, so they won't disappoint. They need someone who's willing2 give them their soul, as they do the same💀😍.
VENUS/EROS IN LEO/AT 5, 17, 29° = Leo degree points 2 wanting 2 be praised all the time, and a need 2 praise, if the other person does good🐕. They want someone who worships them, puts them on a pedestal👑. They need someone who knows that they're not 2nd place, but always 1st place. They put passion, & sexual attraction/admiration at the top of the list, of things they NEED, 2want to get sexual with somebody. They need platonic, romantic, &sexual flirting from people all around, 2 get that "confidence in", people telling them how fine they look/how sexy they are🌟🌟.
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Moira asteroid (638) conjunct 5th house can show fated romances/affairs throughout life, or with one special person💜.
A MAN’S Venus in Leo/1st house is mostly all about themselves in bed, they want 2 get off first and then maybe, if you're lucky, they'll finish u off2. No hate, I just don't fuck with it 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨.
Black Moon Lilith conjunct Vertex in a MAN’S chart shows that he's meant 2 have fated experiences, that puts him out of the "conventional". Like him dating/seeing younger women&getting shit4it, or him being "thrown" into situations where he has 2 "defend himself", because of the women he's in a sexual relationship/romantic relationship with🙄. These fated connections/experiences is what turns him into who he's supposed 2 be - someone who doesn't give a fuck about anyone else's opinion - BML energy🖕🖕💜.
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Medusa asteroid (149) conjunct ASC in a WOMAN’S chart will make herself look "tempting", or "available" in front of a man, but as soon as he looks or tries 2 hit on her, she'll degrade him. "U disgusting man, or "u pig"!! "I didn't look at u, or made any attempt 2 flirt with u, whatsoever"😂.
A MAN WITH Venus, Mars and Saturn in Capricorn = Ultimate dom. They'll make you scream their name over, and over again, & won't stop until he made you cum multiple times. He's REALLY sexually experienced, when he reach his older years, like from 30&up.
Lust asteroid : 4386 conjunct Jupiter = crazy sexual needs. Even if they've had crazy sex all night = they can go again the next day, all day😵‍💫😲🤣🤣 Mars in Virgo/8th house in Virgo in a MAN'S chart typically finds "younger people" 2 be way more sexual attractive, than people at their own age. They're attracted 2 the feeling of "feeling young", while being with a young woman/man❤️. They want someone they can have an insane sexual attraction2, while also being able 2 "teach" the other person a lot in the sexual department. Them wanting young/inexperienced women.
Neptune conjunct Black moon Lilith can make you so damn ethereal. Especially if you got Mars or Venus aspecting it 2. people want 2 rip your clothes off but r afraid 2 even say hi 2 u😭😭😭. Afraid you'll reject/embarrass them.
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💜💜💜💜 Look at aspects from Venus (the planet of love&attraction), & Mars (the planet of sex), 2c what u like, & what u need sexually💋.
👅👅👅 Mars in Gemini changes their mind a lot when it comes 2 sex. One day they like 2 dominate, & the next they like 2 be submissive. It really comes down to how they feel on that particular day. &it makes sense. Mars (planet of sex&) in Gemini - Duality. A MAN’S Venus/Mars in Leo wants praises from u. They want 2 hear how good they are, and amazing they are in bed. If u don't, they can get bored of u, and seek somebody else - get their "needs" taken care of by another person👀 👀.
If your 8th house ruler is in your 8th house = sex can so transformative for u but you'll probably only hookup with a few people throughout your life tho. Only having sex with people you feel a deep soul connection with.
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🍆🍆 A MAN'S Mars/Venus/in 11th house in Aquarius is FREAKYYYYY, they'll try anything with their partner. MOSTLY ON VIDEO/cam🙃🙃🙃 PERIOD.
A WOMAN'S Venus in Pisces/8th/12th house is the "I'll do anything I can 2 satisfy your needs, before my own". I love these placements, they want their partner 2 feel all the pleasure and doesn't even think about their own.
Taurus Mercury/Mars LOVES 2 be neck kissed, damn. Just go wild there and they'll go crazy 4 u, I promise 👄👅. MEN with Mars in Taurus/Taurus in 8th house = attracted 2 women that always looks "beautiful", "sexy, but classy", "ocd around looks", "model looking". They want a gorgeous woman, that can "cater" 2 their most sensual needs 🫦💦. Find some whipped cream/ice cream + your tongue&his body = go loca. If he doesn't go crazy, (u probably have the wrong chart😂🤡). Webb asteroid (3041) conjunct/trine/sextile/quintile BML can indicate doing "Web porn", "only fans", "showing yourself off, in a "sexual, provocative way online"🧯💨🔥.
Mars/Venus in Gemini/3rd house loves using toys! But they especially love2 use their hands&fingers!! They can also love oral👅.
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THANKS4READING💘 Appreciate u, always!
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martian-astro · 2 months
D9/ Navamsa chart observations - Part 2
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Moon AND saturn in the 4th is a very strong indicator of an arrange marriage. (especially, if you're from a place where it's common. Even if you're from the west, your parents will be the one to first notice your partner or they could be a family friend's child) (the situation can be similar to the series "the summer i turned pretty")
Moon in 5th can give you a partner who is very good at taking care of kids. It works the best when moon is in cancer or taurus. (if you're a woman and you have this, then you're truly blessed. Your husband is gonna be very supportive during pregnancy, and won't have the "women are supposed to take care of kids, men are supposed to work" mentality and I Consider this to be a win)
(saturn in 5th gives you a spouse who is more "disciplinarian", the parent who is more authoritative, basically the bad cop, whereas moon in 5th gives you a spouse who is more of a "coddler", the parent to whom the children go to when they want to complain about the other parent, the good cop. Remember, both have to work together to raise a good kid)
Mars in 1st, if unafflicted can give really good results, you will have all the good qualities of mars- responsible, productive, healthy, passionate. But if in taurus, libra or cancer, or aspected by malefic planets, then you'll constantly pick fights with your spouse and also if the person who has this is a man.......then (i always tell women not to marry a guy if he has afflicted Mars in 1st in d9)
The Mars in 1st can be controlled if saturn is also there in 1st, but it's better if your AC is in capricorn or aquarius, because this will give you a spouse who is mature and can tame that Mars in 1st energy but if the AC is in cancer or aries then your spouse may leave because of your anger issues or they may just stop loving you.
Sun in 7th means that you'll have a dominating spouse, but in a good or a bad way depends on your d1. Unlike with sun in 4th, this works better when you and your spouse both are dominant. If you are a Mars, Sun, or Jupiter dominant then this placement is good, but if you are a mercury, Venus or saturn dominant, then you'll feel suffocated in your married life and your spouse may not be able to understand your emotions. (it's better when sun is in leo, aries or sagittarius)
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(just act like you can't see that mark on srk's face, I couldn't remove it😖😖)
Venus in 3rd can give you a super flirty spouse, if Venus is in aries or scorpio then your partner can have a wandering eye 🥲 (sory) but if it's in taurus, libra or pisces then... CUTE. I've seen this placement in a few people and their spouse (male/female) was so affectionate with them, it's literally a heart eye emoji placement. (if you don't have any other karmic placement in d9 then this is one of THE BEST placement ever, I love it)
Mercury in 10th can indicate you and your spouse working together, you guys can be great business partners since you have a similar vision for how things should be. (it's better if you have this, but 7th house is in pisces or cancer, otherwise, the relationship can be all business with not enough love to keep it going)
Venus in 8th is another placement that I do not like (you guys are probably thinking that I hate Venus but I don't😭). Anyways, I have seen this placement in a lot of men that stay with their wives because the sex is good and women who stay with their husbands because they don't want to earn money on their own) the relationship can also just be sex sex sex. It's better if saturn is aspecting Venus or if Venus is in pisces, cancer or gemini
Ketu in 1st.... is unfortunately a karmic placement, you may trust the wrong people and end up marrying someone who will cheat on you. I have noticed that people with this placement find it really difficult to be alone. I would recommend you to stay unmarried till atleast 30, and be alone, and be alone because you WANT to be not because you're forced to be. Learn to enjoy your own company, hang out with your friends, pursue a hobby and do things for yourself
I know a person who has Jupiter in 4th and she has such a good relationship with her mother in law, her MIL loves her more than her husband, it's really cute. If Jupiter is not debilitated then you can be very close with your own mother as well. This placement also indicates a partner who was raised by a single mother or just someone who grew up around a lot of women, like a lot of sisters.
© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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princessjojo-x · 7 months
Love Notes
💝 rxships have a better chance of surviving if 4H, 5H & 8H synastry are all present.
💝 mars conjunct/trine/sextile moon - your personality in bed will be similar to your personality in daily life, perhaps more extreme in some ways but not a complete change.
💝 mars square/opposite moon - you’ll have a complete different personality in bed compared to daily life.
💝 in order to get over your ex using astrology, meet someone new who has their south node conjunct your ex’s moon, ascendant or venus.
💝 in regards to your natal chart, 5th house shows how you act in the beginning of rxships & your dating style (first dates, first kisses). 8th house shows how you act when feeling real connection & how you behave sexually.
💝 often cancer & taurus placements end up together.
💝 prominent fire & air placements tend to love bomb without realising.
💝 starting a new rxhsip during venus rx is guaranteed to teach you a karmic lesson with a karmic partner.
💝 a lot of married couples have their ascendant in neighboring signs.
💝 having a partner with a fire moon makes you feel like you’re always competing for the spotlight.
💝 chart ruler conjunct 7th house in synastry is a marriage indicator. chart ruler is the planet that rules your ascendant sign. my ascendant is cancer so my chart ruler is moon. my moon is in aries so they would be libra ascendant.
💝 you’ll have the best rxships with people whom have placements opposite your ascendant or moon sign. (capricorn, libra placements or capricorn, scorpio, libra asc/moon)
💝 your best match will not have similar placements to you but instead opposite energy to balance one another out. find someone with the energy you’re lacking. (air placements)
💝 check his parents sun signs bc it tells you what energy he’s familiar with. he may not have the best rxship with his parents & those sun signs but it is the energy he is most comfortable with despite everything. you can also check his best friend’s sun sign too.
💝 having many oppositions within synastry can feel like you lust over each other but there’s always something stopping you from being with each other. it’s important to have patience & faith in these rxships. without maturity results won’t be see.
💝 high chance of compatibility if theres more harmonic aspects (trines, sextiles) than hard aspects (oppositions, squares) within synastry chart. however, you NEVER want a rxship with no challenging aspects bc that would be so boring & you’d both lose interest quick asf. we need that spice, that challenge, that potency.
💝 trine = the most positive aspect
💝 sextile = harmonious & ease
💝 square = challenge & action
💝 opposite = attraction & instability
💝 moon = represents a man’s spouse. (taurus/aries/cancer moon)
💝 mars = the type of man women are attracted to
💝 venus = how we love/want to be loved & the type of woman men are attracted to
💝 juno = venus & mars shows what partner we think we want but juno shows what marriage partner we need & will get. (leo)
💝 rising of your juno persona chart = shows what partner you‘re destined to marry (capricorn)
💝 lust = represents desires & uncontrollable turn ons. lusts energy is not related to love or romance, no emotions involved, it’s abt our instinctive
💝 the last six signs are often a lot wiser but they lose their innocence somewhere along the way. but the first 6 signs have child like wisdom. aries is the newborn. taurus is the infant. gemini is toddler.
💝 the least compatible signs are taurus & virgo. the spark dies quickly & partners get irritated with each other as time goes on. but partners stay together bc the rxship “works” practically.
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hot-astrology · 4 months
Pleasurable Taste of Arousal
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We all love a refreshing bite of a fresh juicy fruit that's been pulled off a tree or from the moist soil waiting on your lips to plant and bite into as it satisfy your craving of its pure essential nutrients. Fruits are very popular throughout the world from their exotic colors, unique shapes, and tantalizing taste. Even though, many people don't eat or take advantage of their healing properties, nutritional qualities, or just fulfilling and great taste while their still accessible. Some fruits are rare or have some other interesting qualities and benefits of their own. There are some fruits that give you more of a blood rush or lets say, "increased libido". These fruits are considered Aphrodisiacs, very potent. Aphrodisiac originated from ancient Greek and given its name from the famous "Aphrodite." Their are other variations of foods that carry these properties as well, its just something about a fresh, plump peach dripping its essence over your lips and down your hand from each bite. When eating these fruits you can expect sexual desire, sexual attraction, increased blood flow, and increase your dopamine pleasures. In the past there were men who had erectile dysfunction and couldn't Impregnant their wives to reproduce or even satisfy them. Also women can fall under this category, its so many factors that can cause a woman to lose interest or even pleasures in intimacy. Its so important for a woman to consume everything fresh, with essential minerals to nourish the body, especially to birth a child one day. Also consuming fresh tasty fruits will have your partners loving your taste all over. These miraculous natural fruits have been passed down from time and time to provide help in sexual intimacy and helping the bond between the woman and man.
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Aphrodisiacs are a wonderful thing, to add-on in the bedroom. They can induce stronger orgasms, and increase the performance in the bedroom. The cucumber is one of these aphrodisiacs, as you can see from the shape of this fruit, this can improve the libido of men, and be a turn- on for women. Cucumber is 90% water, and fluid is important when it comes to the functioning of the sexual organs. “The Wetter The Better”..... Cucumber, Okra (okra water, specifically for the ladies…..)coconut water, honestly all natural fruits are good for sexual health. Listed below are just a few of the great fruits to soak the sheets and certain fruits that are suitable for each zodiac sign. …
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Apples: This fruit delivers a good enhancement for women with a compound called, "phloridzin" which can be found in other fruits, foods and wines. It stimulates the blood flow to the sexual organs to increase arousal, increase wetness, also for men, stimulating their blood flow to a erection while helping their libido rise.Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Capricorn 
Figs: Very high content in beta carotene ( a makeup found in a lot of other fruits as well, it also gives fruits their alluring colors, and crave to the eyes. While by far which influences the making of sexual hormones, while creating even levels of estrogen and promoting outstanding desire.)  Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Saggittarius. 
Strawberries: Just like the others this fruit can boost a partner or your libido through the roof. Especially with its power percentage of vitamin C ( which promotes collagen that makes skin, tendons, and blood vessels flow properly, you know where blood flows so does growth and more alive nerve receptors. ) plus this is one of the most romantic fruits by far once eaten a handful a day your partner would want to eat you next. Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Libra/Leo
Watermelon: Sweet, juicy and loaded with water. This tasty fruit increases blood flow so rapidly since muscles are made of a high percentage of water which helps blood flow properly, while relaxing, dilating blood vessels thanks to an essential mineral Citrulline found in this water loaded fruit. Works just like a male enhancement, but instead of taking those over the counter or shipped pills, you can enjoy a slice of watermelon before bed or while making love in bed. Astrologically, this aphrodisiac can be suitable for Cancer, Saggittarius & Pisces 
Honey: You may have been one to let honey drip all over your tongue, the taste is incredible and every lasting as it stimulates you endorphins and dopamine with mental pleasures or a rush to your brain that shoots down your blood stream to your sexual organs and creates a boost in your testosterone, estrogen levels then to make sure they are balanced. An important property called Boron, this mineral is essential for wound healing, if you may have a damaged vessel, helps boost magnesium absorption. As well I wouldn't think your intimate encounter would matter if you drizzled some warm honey down there............. well that's up to you how you like to lick your HONEY!!! Astrologically, this aphrodisiac can be suitable for Taurus/Leo
Cucumber: As stated above in the opening preface cucumbers are one of the most beneficial for a male's enhancement, growth, shape, size, increase in libido, with the famous vitamin C. No wonder it's shaped like my...... I mean shaped with perfection and loaded with water and essential minerals, magnesium, potassium, zinc etc..... don't leave home without a few slices and ladies you can enjoy as well...... mmmmmm... Astrologically, this aphrodisiac can be suitable for Aquarius/Cancer 
Berries: Also another berry, you can't lose with these little sweet natural treats. Every fruit has loaded minerals and vitamins but some have their own hint of productivity that helps in different ways but gives outstanding results like many. Loaded with vitamin C, E, helps with fertility, promotes better hormones like androgen, estrogen, progesterone, etc... why not drop a couple of these deep down inside..... No not inside there.... but inside the glass of Dom Perignon or Louis Roederer. Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Virgo, cancer, pisces
Pomegranates: Its hypnotic red color can make you intrigued and want to taste it, but you have to take your time to remove the layers, gently remove each savory seed while slowly either sucking away its captivating juices or just taking it whole. Sounds familiar..... hmmmmmm right... some things take time in life, well why we are in this realm.... but since we enjoy this sweet seductive one of a kind fruit to its core. It has everything you need to get back UP, or back on your back for more pleasurable moments. It's said that this fruit was the fruit Hades gave to Persephone after he kidnapped her that put her in a deep lustful trap for him... I'm not saying all that though... use at your own discretion... naw but this one is a real winner. Can eat these all day....mmmmm.Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Scorpio, Capricorn 
Cherries: HMMMMM. This word sounds familiar, nevermind you must have eaten too many sweet aphrodisiacs... working very well in my favor. The color speaks for itself, red promotes sexuality, passion and lust. They carry copper, Iron, vitamin A, also support to the genitalia and circulation system. You want you and your partner to have explosive sex and deep passion, eat some of these while you both 4play to build the spice up and feel the blood flow and curiosity of what's next while you both explore deep cunning orgasms even before you start. Unless you don't want your cherry popped!!! Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Aries/Sagittarius
Peaches: Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Taurus/Cancer 
Passion Fruit:  Astrologically, this aphrodisiac aligns with Aquarius' uninhibited sexual nature.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭
𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔: 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐳 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐳 || 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢
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tannieastrology · 5 months
Synastry/Composite Observations 🌠
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(These are just some of my experiences and I really just wanna share what I learned with yall)💕
💙✨ Saturn square Venus can really just throw off the timing of a relationship. Well its less the timing and more of the fact of that the two people cant ever make their minds up and mature up for one another. And there are for sure alot of barriers that come withing this aspect one of them being that other people can set these two apart. In the couple that i saw this in the guy was Saturn and the woman was Venus. Venus was led on for almost 2 years while Saturn chased a different woman in that time. Until in may 2023 they started talking but their communication was off so Saturn broke it off. Now in december everyone finds out Saturn wants her back but Venus has moved on. So in their case it was a lack of maturity and indecisiveness.
💙✨ Venus conjunct Pluto makes the Venus person SO obsessive ESP if the Venus person has scorpio in their natal chart. Remember the Saturn guy from the first bullet point? He was the guy ive had a crush on for the past 3 years and in my scenario with him, hes the pluto in this case. Sadly it was unrequited but man this guy had me in a chokehold which was weird because I never wouldve thought id be attracted to someone like him. Its like no matter how far I go I cant ever forget about him its so frustrating. My Venus was conjunct his Pluto in Capricorn in my 3rd house so the way we talked to each other was very agressively but strangely we find comfort in it? Talking to him was easy too but lemme tell you when we argued WE ARGUED like it was HEATED. Our friend group always felt so uncomfortable whenever we went back and forth with each other. So yeah i would say really look at what house this conjunction happens in because for me it affected my house of mind, communication, and friends but if it falls in a deeper house like the 8th house the affects would be like 10x more magnified. Alot of people say its a sexual aspect but I really just think it depends on where it lands. I fell hard because im a plutonian person in general i have a Scorpio Moon and Lilith conjunct in the second house and my Venus in the 8th degree.
💙✨ Venus conjunct Moon brings alot of understanding and patience in a friendship/relationship. So ironically the Pluto guy also had his Capricorn Moon conjunct my Venus nd while we did argue alot and made me cry often I always had a soft spot for him. I felt like I understood him and we had many times where we joked around and laughed often. However Venus conjunct Moon can sometimes amplify your emotions to each other if theres other planets in contact with it. In a case like mine BOTH his Pluto and Moon conjuncted my Venus so most of the times our interactions stirred up obesessive and deeper emotions in me. Sometimes he triggered my trauma and i felt judged by him often but as me and him are getting older and are maturing more we stopped attacking each other and started being more honest with how we feel about things. I tell him about my personal struggles and he helps by giving me logical advice. Because of the fact that our aspect was in Capricorn it took us almost 4 years to have proper communication and be able to share our traumas with each other. I trust him alot even though we bicker often and even if he might not like me back hes still such a understanding friend and was there for me when i needed him and that itself is something to appreciate.
💙✨ If one persons Venus doesnt have alot of contact with your planets in your synastry but the other persons Venus has many aspects it may be unrequited. In my instance with the Pluto guy my Venus conjuncted his Moon, Pluto, and Jupiter and trined his Virgo Mars and Saturn while the only aspects his Leo Venus made to my planets was Venus opposition Sun and sextile Vertex. From the guy I really do believe he should have atleast some type of contact with your big six in order for him to feel something.
💙✨ So going back to the Venus and Saturn couple they also had Venus conjunct Lilith in Saggitarius and she was the one who got away. So like i said she was obsessed with him and everybody knew it too. I mean when she found out I also liked him she started hating me even though i never acted on my feelings and tried to supress it. He was the Lilith in this case and you can really see that hes attracted to her but theyre lowkey toxic sometimes. He blew hot and cold to her multiple times and everytime she got a boyfriend he wants her back like what?? She wouldve done anything for him but nah he sold. Theyre never gonna forget about each other and this aspect in my opinion has a very “the one that got away” type feel to it.
💙✨ Even if your planets dont make an aspect you can still feel it sometimes. I have a Gemini Mars and Pluto guy had a Virgo Mars and lemme tell you our arguements were BAD even though they didnt make an aspect. He always knew how to retaliate to whatever i said and always had a slick comment to throw in and my fucked up Gemini Mars self found that interesting which looking back at im hella concerned. I also cant forget that his Mars conjuncted my Saturn and my Mars squared his Saturn so the intensity came from all ends not just the signs.
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Onto Composite!
(Just a Disclaimer all of these observations are made off of me and the Pluto guy)
💙✨ Having a Taurus Sun in composite can mean that both people are stubborn. Im just gonna use my experience to explain this but having Taurus in the position of Sun can be either bad or good. Me and Pluto are young we’re both still in highschool so i know this wont be how we are gonna act forever but our relation to each other was a very slow process. It took YEARS for us to get out of the arguing with each other/ insulting each other phase since the 6th grade but damn sometimes i really feel like he doesnt ever get what im trying to say. We move so SLOW when it comes to our friendship and also communication because our Mercury is Conjunct the Sun in Taurus too. I read on a blog named awda on here that Taurus Sun couples never expect to catch feelings and its so true. To start with I never really liked him when i saw him back in middle school but in 8th grade i caught feelings bad nd since then i havent been able to forget about it. And weirdly alot of people ship us too. Ive read online that this placement means comfort with each other and while yes i have felt it sometimes, i feel that the comfort aspect of Taurus Sun in composite only applies if the chart is filled with trines and sextiles. Our composite is just squares and oppositions everywhere so we feel the stubborness and uncompromising aspect of the Taurus energy more than anything else. Ive done everything I possibly can to try to move on but im honestly stuck with him for a while now. Thats how Taurus Sun feels in my opinion. Its long lasting and not something you can run away from. People will ship you as a couple and yall might be like nooooo i would never but then boom one day you actually catch feelings. And who knows maybe one day he will I mean thats what my our older mutual friend tells me. I have no clue how he ever feels and I know its because of his natal Capricorn Moon but ive always held a soft spot for him deep down. Ive always wanted to look after him and wanted him to put his trust into me but it was never like that i guess. Maybe one day it will progress into something more who knows?
💙✨ Venus square Mars was another aspect that we held in alot of our midpoint charts like the progressed composite, the regular composite, and the davison chart. When i tell you how potent the energy of this aspect was to us even though we had Venus trine Mars in synastry. Ive always asked him why do you like arguing with me? Why do you like bothering me? But hes never really been able to give an answer. And i think thats just how this energy is. You start to find comfort in the disagreements and in a way it kept us stimulated. It was a way for me and him to connect and become friends. Dont get me wrong there were times where we genuinely got on each other nerves but with time we got more mature and learn how to talk things out and respect each others boundries. We still bicker obviously i really feel like thats never gonna go away lmao but its wayyyy more toned down now. Im not even trying to be delusional but i sometimes feel like hes always fixated on me the most in social situations and many people have pointed it out to me. Even if it might not be romantic it can still make the two people infatuated with each other. You know the saying “theres a fine line between love and hate” this is literally that aspect in a nutshell. You just have to figure out how to express your feelings for one another in a healthy way otherwise you can start to find the other person to be annoying and irritating. This aspect had me all over the place man liking someone and hating them at the same time was crazyyy.
💙✨Make sure you check your progressed composite too. Obviously relationships change and i think the progressed version of the chart is more realistic in how things are in the present time. In our regular chart we have Venus in Libra which i was like eh that doesnt really match us that well. But when i saw the progressed chart it showed that we have Venus in Scorpio conjunct Mercury in the 10th degree and it makes muchhhh more sense. The twisted way we talk to each other and the deep conversations feel more fitting to Scorpio than Libra. We recently started to open up to each other more and this progression happened in 2023 compared to in 2019 when we first met Mercury was conjunct the Sun in Taurus. So we went from stubborn arguements to being more comprehensive but snarky nonetheless. Also it explains me not losing feelings too lmao. Im only really speaking from my side ive had no clue how he felt but I know that he was just as clueless as me. In our original composite we had Sun square Mars and Mercury opposition Venus and we were like cats and dogs back then. Now, in 2024 we have Mercury conjunct Venus and Sun sextile moon along with Moon trine Venus and Mercury. The Sun square Mars aspect went away and were on the same wavelength alot more now. Its really interesting to see how it changed you should definitely check it out if you get the chance to.
💙✨Just something that I observed but all the girls he liked they had an aspect of venus trine moon and some type of positive aspect from venus and mars. All of them were weirdly unrequited though and i still dont know how to figure out how people get stuck in the friendzone using composite but i think it depends on the house and peoples natal charts. I dont have their birth time so i couldnt figure the house things out but look to see where the big six fall and what sign the ascendant is in.
I know I dont post on here anymore but I really hope yall enjoyed this!! See yall next time💕
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cosmicpuzzle · 7 months
How to Analyze your Man (For Woman)
Knowing about the man in your life is quite simple. Many people suggest using Mars for your man.
While Mars can indicate the type of men you find hot for sex or one-night stands and his longevity, when it comes to a traditional setup of family, marriage and especially raising children, Jupiter has more weightage because your man is supposedly instrumental in the birth of children (Jupiter rules children). So, whomever you co create with becomes your Jupiter.
Check your Jupiter sign and conjunctions and aspects to Jupiter. Jupiter stays in 1 sign for about a year. So, the conjunctions and aspects to Jupiter can differentiate your man from other Jupiters. If your Jupiter is in Libra but conjunct Mars, this can be very different from just having Jupiter in Libra alone.
Check for aspects to Jupiter. If Sun squares or Mars opposes Jupiter, this can mean a more masculine partner. If Moon or Venus aspects Jupiter, this makes for a more feminine partner. So accordingly check for all aspects to Jupiter. Aspects make the most subtle difference.
Check the houses Jupiter rules. This is very important as this is dependent on your ascendant. Example for Capricorn ascendant, Jupiter rules 3rd and 12th house. So, your spouse will have qualities of Gemini and Pisces. IMO, this is single most important factor as the sign is pretty much the same for all women born in that period. If you are Leo rising, husband will activate houses 5 and 8 meaning qualities of Sun and Pluto. your husband will bring themes of these houses in your life (children and sexual bonding here for Leo)
Check the house placement of Jupiter. This is again important to differentiate. If Jupiter is in cancer but in 10th house, then your spouse may not be so nurturing but also have some Saturnian qualities.
Check if you are running the major period of Jupiter. This can be significant if Jupiter runs anywhere between ages 20 and 60.
Check the angular distance between Moon and Jupiter. Jupiter in 6,8,12 from Moon can mean a difficult relationship with your Man (6=Addictions, 8=Transformations, 12-distance).
Check if Rahu or Ketu or Pluto conjuncts Jupiter. This can impact your marriage deeply.
Finally check placement of Jupiter in D9 and D7 (if you are aware of these harmonic charts). You should check the conjunctions, aspects, house placement and house rulership as we did above.
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celestialtarot11 · 7 months
Small astro observations ☕️🤍
• Those with cancer moon in the 1st house come across “witchy,” some may even describe them as moody or reserved. There’s a certain kind of witchyness in them that I like 👀 my best friend has this placement, and she knows how to read peoples energy just by looking at them. I believe that’s her source of witchyness.
• She also has a youthful, round face. Being ruled by moon, her features are softer and delicate.
• Also, her moon is in Leo. This astrological polarity creates lots of unique sides in the native. Other people may think of these sides as “contradictory,” but the native can be very deep as a person. They explore all parts of themselves, and if they haven’t, part of their mission in their lifetime is to embrace all aspects of themselves, regardless of what others think.
• Jupiter in Leo people don’t chase that bag 💅🏻 they CREATE. They do enjoy when others buy things for them and when men especially (if the woman has this placement) provide for them financially. Men with this placement don’t like to rely on others for money, their pride comes with having a lot of money under their belt.
• Pluto in the 2nd house goes through radical financial changes. Whether that’s due to an issue with being careless with their money, to an event happening outside of them that causes them to struggle financially. The native does not feel secure financially and feels worried. Depending on the aspects in the natives chart, they can attract abundance just as easily as they lost their bag 💅🏻
• Earth mercuries and leaving their phone on DND, or ignoring notifications to preserve their peace 😌👋 hi ya’ll.
• A capricorns loyalty is not one to be messed with, especially if the native has healed past wounds, and is self aware. They have the ability to hold themselves accountable and do better. However, I’ve noticed capricorns who haven’t worked through their past issues have no problem leaving you to struggle, and only coming back when they need help.
• Male capricorns, if your father figure was not structured and present emotionally, do yourself a favor and go to therapy ☕️🤷🏻‍♀️ it’ll help you tons. Especially those with Saturn retrograde in the chart, because Saturn represents the father. If the natives sun placement is afflicted, the same applies here.
• I knew a guy with Saturn in the 10th house retrograde definitely had daddy issues growing up, and still does. The father relies on his child to be cared for, instead of the other way around. The father finds himself struggling to provide basic living, so the child takes on the stress of providing for the parent at a young age.
• Virgo placements & libra…what’s up with wanting to be hidden? I’ve met a man who at the time was struggling mentally, was borderline checking out of reality. He couldn’t hold a proper conversation without his head being lost in some far land 🤣 every topic was too vague, and too abstract for it to make sense. And as soon as I asked his placement and guessed it correctly, he gave me a look and said he didn’t like what I knew of him. He was bothered and seen 👀
• Virgo venus, ya’ll females are so beautiful. Even though venus doesn’t like it here, there’s something so beautiful, and effortless about these individuals. They may have a mature look depending on their other placements, and aspects.
Thats all I have! Thank you all for reading and supporting 👋☺️ this was fun to create. Feel free to add on and share your thoughts!
Book a reading with me here 🤍
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astroohoe · 1 month
Astro observations
Hi! I know its been a while since i posted ...was going through some thangs loll now let's get to itttt.
•Gemini women loves to gossip lol. They can literally be gossiping about you while youre literally there, they do not care if you hear or not . Honestly, i think the end goal was for you to hear theyre talking shit about you lol
•Gemini women have anger issues. They're really HOT TEMPERED and you can hear it from the top of their voice it's soooo bad😑
•Virgo women are mean 😑...most people dislike virgo women because they can criticize you, judge you all day and it might even seem like they bullying you lol...im a virgo myself and i don't even like most of the virgo women ive met ........they're personality is just 100% TRASH and they're sooo blunt eiiii😂😂😂
Ex:Beyonce in destinys's child...lol search for her old interviews with the...girl has been judging them all day😂 and the SHADE she used to give to them!! Guuuuuuuuurl was shady aslllll😂😂😂😂
•Taurus women are GOLDIGERS
•Aries sun men are selfish sometimes, they'll choose themselves first and you'll be soooo surprised😂
•Scorpio men are SENSITIVE! DRAMA KINGS ALL DAY...I swear I've never seen a man act sooooo petty and a bitch at the same time lol.
•Scorpio men are caring
•Scorpio men love love and loves the idea of love and a relationship lol they cant be single for oneday, always looking .
•Grown Capricorn men are 100% PREDATORY🙄
•Pieces men literally have a phase in their early 20's where they're just HOES and a menace in their relationships🤣😭😭😭 they could be dating three of four girls at the time and you wont even figure it out..that Neptune energy blurs all the lies..it makes them a GOOD LIAR and skilled at it....they can even gaslight you when you ask them if they are cheating on you...but when they grow in their 40's they actually STEP UP as MEN .they can literally reject girls to tell them im married and i love me wife..so be patient...They're also EXTREMELY LOVING AND SELF SACRIFICING 🥰🥰🥰🥰
.Pieces venus and mars knows how to give love, lol they're soooooo sweet. You're lucky to have a Pieces venus a bf or gf they know how to love.
•Virgo venuses are hoes100%
•Aquarius women are hypocrites but solo beautiful. They are shady friends and good at stealing peoples husbands and boyfriends....they're NOT that good of a people tbh.
•Sagitarrius women are thee most intelligent in the class followed by Capricorn women. They always get good grades . lol are you messing with a half horse half human and LITERALLY THE GOAT??😂😂😂 at you dumb??
•Capricorn men can insult you on every deeper level.
•Virgo women have a sharp tongue and they can literally plan on revenging you honestly...im even scared of earth signs they're not to be played with .
•Sagitarius women see LITERALLY every women as they're competion...why??? They are one of theee most jealous signs EVER...LIKE??
•Gemini women are annoying tbh😑
•Capricorn girls were the mean girls in school 100%
•Aquarius mercuries have a smart mouth and a sooooo intelligent.
•Cancer women are soooo feminine...and extremely funny ...my beauties>>>>>>
•LEOS are soooooo motherly😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 like, i love y'all
•Aries and Libra....why do y'all like each other sooooo much??...and most of the times , it is the libras who chases the Aries suns...The libra men are sooooo obsessed with the Aries woman, or Aries rising lol....
So thats it forrrrr meeeee ......hope you enjoyed? Byeeee
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🤗🫂🤗
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🤗 Scorpio Juno often regrets losing virginity before entering marriage. The wish they would have lose it in a more meaningful way with a meaningful partner, their spouse.
🫂 Libra Chiron might have been shamed by others for losing virginity before marriage.
🤗 Women who have Mars in the 12th house often get “the bachelor”, that one man a lot of women wished to marry. If Mars sign is Cancer, it also indicates a lot of hate coming from women because of that.
🫂Venus Conjunct Pluto in a Natal chart: You can be obsessive in love. You have cycles in your partnerships. Your partners have a tendency to come back to you even after you spent years apart. They always seem to return. You transform your lovers.
🤗 The sign of your Vertex shows the Sun sign of the person that will have a role in your awakening. One celebrity example is: Prince Harry has Leo Vertex and his wife Meghan is Leo Sun. Being in the 7th house, you will likely have this awakening while in partnership, marriage or through being a part of a team.
🫂 4th house shows the father in a woman’s natal chart. 10th house shows the mother in a woman’s natal chart. So it’s just reversed for women.
But in a man’s chart 4th house is the mother. 4th house shows the mother in a man’s natal chart. And 10th house shows the father in a man’s natal chart.
🤗 I’ve noticed a lot of Capricorn Rising people tend to attract, be in relationship or even marry a person who is older than them. Which I still don’t fully understand how and why with Cancer over their Descendant. It would make more sense to marry younger, but this is often not what I observed.
🫂In Synastry chart your Sun in someone's 5th house: You might dream of having children together or you could be good at it. You see each other as your personal vacation. You might enjoy doing hobbies together. You share similar interests. You might be more romantic with each other than you are with other people. You could go or have really extravagant dates. You might go all out when you are together, because you want to impress each other. You will compliment each other a lot and these compliments will come very naturally to you. You will want to praise each other. You will feel like you are a star, a celebrity when around each other. You will feel like their spotlight is on you as well.
🤗 I noticed people who have Ceres in the 3rd house, their love language is not that often words of affirmation, but more so just ✨hand holding✨.
🫂Venus Conjunct Uranus in a Natal chart: You could be a part of love triangle at some point so be mindful. You could have a friend to lovers transition. Or a lot of your acquaintances have a crush on you. You might have a long-distance relationship at some point. You could also not see your partner due to the fact that their job might keep them away, like they could be a pilot and you don’t see them for 3 months. You might like quirky, eccentric and unconventional lovers. You go for the weirdo in the room that seems really interesting. You value communication the most in your relationship.
🤗 If your Mars is in the 5th house, you might particularly care for disadvantaged children, those who lack school supplies could be one example.
🫂In Synastry chart Moon in someone's 8th house: You might have sexual awakening with this person. Before one of you or both might have considered yourself aromantic or even asexual, but with this person you will feel awakened. You will feel passion, lust and desire. You will just want them. You might be quick to merge your finance, living situation or even become physical. With this overlay, I suggest getting physical as late as possible, try to prolonge it and don’t give into desire too soon. Because as soon as you merge with this person, obsession, jealous and being territorial might begin. You will experience power struggles, but also understanding on an emotional, physical and mental level like never before. You might have sex dreams about this person, a lot of sexual fantasies (and vice versa of course). It’s an intense, strong bond, but a lot of times unbreakable. You could become too easily dependent on each other and learn to nurture your own individuality and have your own individual lives as well. You will mirror each other a lot. You will challenge each other and learn your mistakes, short-comings. You might be a bit unwilling to change. One might change a lot (8th house person especially), but you will feel like the other person is always the same. But this will not be true, Moon person will go through psychological, inner changes, while you (house person) might change in your actions, outlook on life. You will know each other’s desires, secrets and fears with time. But at first there might be a lot of frustrations, miscommunication and misunderstandings. You might be very vulnerable around each other. You could feel like the other person see right through you. You could feel like are naked in front of each other.
🤗Mars trine Pluto in a Composite chart: This is an intense, but magnetic connection. You enjoy working from the background. You are subtle. Others can sense tension around you, even if just sexual. You might have power struggles and ego death. You also feel like you need to one up each other. You might have tit for tat behaviour towards each other at some point. You feel vulnerable with this person. You think this person sees right through you. You feel like you can hide from this person, they always find you. You feel easily rejected or ignored by this person.
🫂Eros Persona chart: Sun indicates where your pride lies in your sexual desires and intimacy, it’s your basic sexual identity. Moon indicates what traits partner have to have for you to be comfortable with them. Mars indicates how you behave when aroused, what you feel energized by in intimacy and where you are likely spontaneous. North Node indicates the general direction of your sexual desire, what you are meant to learn, who you will likely encounter in life that you will be sexually involved with.
🤗2nd house shows which brands and designers you buy clothes from. It literally shows which brands, designers and people you "give money to" when you buy their clothing. If you have Moon in the 2nd house or even Cancer Venus you could be a fan of Hugo Boss (Cancer Sun) brand. If you have Venus in the 2nd house, Taurus over the 2nd house or Taurus/Libra Venus you might be Fred Perry (Taurus Sun) or Ralph Lauren (Libra Sun) fan. You might like Tommy Hilfiger (Aries Sun) brand if you have Aries Venus or Mars in the 2nd house.
🫂Capricorn Midheaven in Eros Persona chart: Your sexual partner with time will see you as someone who enjoys control or is controlling. As someone who is like a parental figure to them almost. And you will be seen as serious, mature, detached, impatient, reckless and bold. You will be respected. You could enjoy power plays in sex. You will focus more on reality rather than fantasy. You could be seen as less romantic, but your love and sexual attraction are astounding.
🤗Venus trine Jupiter in the Synastry chart: You are generous with one another, always ready to help each other, and you have a great respect and appreciation for one another. You also allow one another a lot of freedom to develop other friendships, rather than clinging possessively to one another. You may also benefit from one another materially as well as emotionally.
🫂Venus in the other's 10th house in a Synastry chart: Both like to be seen in public together. You might enjoy present this person to your parents. If this is a romantic situation, you might be a slow burn. You will take time to get to know this person and to introduce them to your parents. You want to see this person in your future as well. You see this person has a potential for a long-term connection.
🤗Sun conjunct Uranus in a Synastry chart: You inspire each other to try new things, experiment, and investigate alternatives. You may have met each other, for example, during a time period when both of you were breaking free from traditional values and exploring new possibilities. There is a lot of excitement and spontaneity in your relationship. The two of you may find it difficult to settle down into a stable home. There will always be surprises and unexpected turns in your relationship. You encounter lots of new ideas, unusual people, adventure, and exciting times together. You both enjoy a good measure of freedom and independence in this relationship, but either of you may wish that there was more commitment, devotion, seriousness, warmth, and closeness.
🫂In Midheaven Persona chart Juno shows traits of ideal people that you would like to connect with at your workplace. Vesta shows your »sacred fire« what you will feel overprotective about at your job or about your job, career and reputation. Lilith indicates people in your workplace that you can have power struggles with, because you will feel like they don’t want to cooperate or you can’t “tame” them. Vertex shows where you will encounter fated relationships in your career or at your job. Those relationships that will make you think like it was meant to meet them. It might also indicate people that you will likely “commit” to in a way that you’ll become great work friends.
🤗In Synastry chart one's Venus conjunct the other's Sun: The warmth, appreciation, admiration and love between you is very strong and you enjoy a high degree of harmony and congeniality in your relationship. You have much in common in terms of styles, tastes, and enjoyment of the same pleasures. In many ways Sun person embodies all that Venus person finds attractive and beautiful and Venus person also makes a special effort to please the Sun person. So Sun person responds with much generosity, love, and loyalty. An excellent match!
🫂Mars trine Saturn in a Natal chart: You could like and prefer older people. You might often be the group leader. You might have tension with authority figures. You could also be a bit impatient, especially before first Saturn Return (so before the age of 30). But you will learn patience with time. You could be a late bloomer.
🤗 In Synastry chart someone's Sun trine your Saturn: Saturn person is very dedicated and loyal to Sun person, with a strong desire to fulfill the responsibilities and demands of this relationship. Saturn person is willing to go the extra mile and make sacrifices without complaining, for the benefit of the Sun person and the relationship. Sun person is encouraging and supportive of Saturn, inspiring a sense of security and well-being. If the two of you engage in business activities or marry, you will find that you work well together on meeting the problems that arise and you can count on each other to be responsible and trustworthy. There is a deep sense of mutual commitment and dedication that holds your relationship together, even when you go through difficult times together.
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Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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astro-royale · 11 months
「Astrology: What Men find attractive」
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A man with Moon in Aries likes brave, strong, capable women subconsciously seeking a leader in her; Venus in Aries provides preference for women with crew-cut who go in for sports, are slightly muscular, skinny and even bony. Such man also likes a woman to “ get “ him.
A man with Moon in Taurus likes affluent women, good cooks, women who are thrifty and who economise; with Venus in Taurus he likes plump women with pronounced feminine characteristics, courting takes place over a good meal without fail…
A man with the Moon in Gemini likes talkative, intelligent women, he goes for a “ good conversation”, likes women who look and act young and enjoy going for a spin and short trips. Venus in Gemini produces preferences for women of a very narrow waist, fine hands and shoulders …
A man with the Moon in Cancer likes women who cry easily, are stay-at-home types, good housewives and subconsciously, in a woman he seeks his mother. Venus in Cancer expresses preferences for nice breasts, provocative cleavage and likes to see his woman looking nice even at home.
A man with Moon in Leo likes successful women in high places from well-known and reputable families, he likes to be proud of his wife. Venus in Leo – a woman must be dressed exceptionally well as if she was about to take part in a beauty contest …
A man with the Moon in Virgo likes diligent women, pedantic and neat, the ones who take care of their husband’s health …Venus in Virgo provides special liking for sexy belly button, fine tummy and ordinary clothes…
A man with the Moon in Libra likes sweet and good-looking women, models, politicians, lawyers, women active in public life. With Venus in Libra he is very much receptive to women’s buttocks …
A man with the Moon in Scorpio likes women who came into a property of some kind, women with pronounced sex appeal who do not hide their charms, women whose looks and appearance imply “ a straightforward offer “…With Venus in Scorpio he likes see-through dressing style and goes for gipsy music …
The Moon in Sagittarius produces a man with a special liking for women who follow the fashion and in their appearance resemble the women from foreign countries; he likes educated women with university degree who go in for sports, especially tennis … Venus in Sagittarius makes him responsive to long legs, short skirts, shorts …
A man with the Moon in Capricorn goes for a darker complexion, dark-haired women of a serious and even melancholic expression; he also likes older women…Venus in Capricorn produces liking for conventional clothing style, women wearing leather and dressed in darker shades.
A man with the Moon in Aquarius likes outgoing women; his motto is “ friends first, relationship later “, he likes intelligent women …With Venus in Aquarius he likes eccentric-looking women of an eccentric style, is responsive to women’s legs, and especially calves.
A man with the Moon in Pisces likes mysterious, withrawn, shy women who always seem as if they are in need of protection…Venus in Pisces produces liking for fine stockings, shoes, lingerie …
What’s your opinion🤔✨?
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Original article link, by Nikola Stojanovic
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punksocks · 11 months
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*reading charts for $50 (~10 pages)per session
(!!Please credit me if you’re going to use/reference my observations! Thank you!)
Astrology Observations:
-Family edition
-No.9 (18+ only)
-No.11 (18+ only)
-No.16 Lilith Edition
-No.18 (18+ only)
-No.22 Lilith Edition Pt.2
-No.24 (18+ Only)
-Capricorn Observations (BDay Edition)
Lilith Posts:
-Lilith Square Ascendant
-Lilith Astrology Observations
-Black Moon Lilith & Your Untamable Femininity
-Lilith aspecting Asc culture
-Lilith Astrology Observations Pt.2
-To Tame The Untamable: Lilith & Obsession (Pt.1)
-To Tame The Untamable: Lilith & Obsession (Pt.2)
-Lilith & His Femme Fatale (18+ only)
-You (show) Astrology Analysis
-Spiderverse Astrology Analysis
-Ghibli Movies For The Signs
-Scorpio Asc/Pluto in 1st and Jealousy
-Opinions on the Moon Signs
-House Synastry
-Sagittarius & Where You Attract Foreigners
-Placements For Romantic Archetypes Pt.1: Accidental Playboy (18+ Only)
-Venus and Your Gifts From Aphrodite
-Decoding the Elements
-Placements For Romantic Archetypes Pt.2: The Siren (18+ Only)
-Placements for Romantic Archetypes (Pt.3): The Girl/Boy Next Door
-Capricorn Observations
—Opinions on the Mars Signs (18+ Only) (pt.1)
-Signs you’re on the right or wrong path
-Warning Signs That You May Have A Toxic/Karmic Significant Other
PAC Readings:
-Why do people stare at you?
(Open for aspect/placement questions (only answering 18+ questions for people over 18 !!), taking paid birth chart readings -please no birth chart pics in my inbox, closed for guessing signs)
-Likable/Charismatic Placements
-Lilith Opposition Ascendant
-Will I travel to foreign lands?
-Man’s Lilith conjunct woman’s moon
-is it normal to breakdown
-how to approach sag sun cap moon
-how to approach cap sun aqua moon
-What Art will I make and what will my audience be like?
-mars opposition asc
-Lilith appreciation (1 & 2)
-Leo mars s*xuality (18+ only)
-Lilith appreciation
-Taurus sun, Libra moon, Leo Asc
-Virgo Mars when they like you
-Lilith conjunct Venus in 8th
-Unlikeable Placements
-Neptune in 8th (18+ only)
-Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Leo Asc
-Neptune conjunct North Node
-What Lilith do I study?
-Venus conjunct Ascendant & 12th House Synastry
-Super Attraction Synastry
-How to get them back
-My opinion on beauty indicators
-Placements for Romantic Archetypes (Pt.3): The Girl/Boy Next Door
-Aquarius Sun, Capricorn moon, cancer ascendant
-Saturn in 7th & Relationships -Venus, Chiron, Lilith, & Part of Fortune in Sag in 7th
-Libra Asc, Gemini Sun, Aries Moon
-Am I ready for my Saturn return?
-Obsession Astrology (closed)
-What post do you want for 2k Celebration? (Closed)
-What do you want for 3k celebration? (Closed)
-Sada (1998)
-You Won’t Be Alone (2022)
-Saturn in 6th
-Pisces moon/neptune conjunct moon
-Saturn lesson learned
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cryptidcr3ature · 3 months
Assigning rdr characters zodiacs since they didn’t give us birthdays to do it ourselves
Dutch- I know he’s a Leo, but I feel July Leo. Dramatic ass man.
Hosea- Libra. Theater kid, con man, self confident. I know what’s up.
Arthur- Taurus. He’s suchhhh a Taurus. Hard worker, stubborn, and typically a follower but will stand up for himself. I feel it. May Taurus
Abigail- ARIES WOMAN!!! I love Aries, my best friend is an Aries and they take no shit, especially from romantic partners. Driven, but so caring.
Micah-Sagittarius. I know I said Virgo in my initial post but that’s just my personal beef against Virgo men. He’s nearly as dramatic as Dutch but no where near as suave. He adds to Dutch’s flame till it’s out of control.
John-Cancer. “What choice did I have?” Never taking blame and takes a smack in the face to correct behavior. June cancer energy (I’m a cancer too so I’m calling myself out)
Sean-Scorpio, 100%. Sex driven, emotionally charged, quick to act out, cried after trying to kill Dutch and Hosea. Typical Scorpio energy.
Lenny-Capricorn. Lenny leads with his head over his heart. However, when he follows his heart, dear god get away.
Javier-Virgo. Virgos are always 5 steps ahead of you. I’ve also been burned by more Virgos than any other sign. Still if you got something you need done, a Virgo has a plan.
Bill- Sagittarius. The toxic masculinity and the bluntness of bill williamson makes me lean towards Sagittarius. I feel like maybe he’s a November Sagittarius though.
Trelawney- GEMINIIII!!! I personally love Gemini but everything is a performance with them. Different to the Leo main character syndrome, Gemini try to preform who they think you want them to be.
Charles-Scorpio. This one took a while and a lot of flip flopping but then I realized that Charles is an October Scorpio. Compared to the more open November Scorpio, Charles has a more introverted, bottled up personality. He’s emotionally reserved but once you get to know him, you can tell exactly how he’s feeling and what he’s up to.
Kieran- Pisces. Sweet boy, water sign energy. Slightly pathetic. Definitely March Pisces. 
Sadie- Pisces. February Pisces woman. She will stab you for someone she loves, and won’t hesitate to do it again.
Mary-Beth- Cancer. July in particular and demonstrates the more hopeless romantic and creative nature of Cancers. Also I know she’s got that intuition.
Tilly- Aquarius. She’s reserved but will kill you without warning. Don’t cross an Aquarius.
Karen-Capricorn. Capricorn burnout is so real and Karen is a prime example of what happens when you don’t keep your Capricorn on the straight and narrow.
Molly-Leo. Her last scene, that’s all.
I’ve been working on this for 40 minutes now and the melatonin is kicking in. Enjoy.
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sugasiren · 1 year
☆ Astro Observations Pt 2 ☆
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**NOTE: This blog contains Mature Content.
💜 Scorpio Suns can "fake" smile A LOT - especially the women. They'll have big ass Cheshire Cat grins on their faces when trying to convince others that they care when they DO NOT. Shit looks mad weird! 🤣 Scorpionic Energy is meant to be dark, enticing & magnetic. So just embrace it!
💜 Scorpio Venus Women can be reserved Nuns or wild Wh0res! Lol. They can go hard in either direction. Either way though, they *hate* to be objectified and crave connection. Scorpio Venus Men are simply seductive AF. 🔥 Like dayummm! They're usually a highly sexual yet very choosy bunch. They can go years (by choice) without sex like a Monk. Many will "hold back" and repress their craving for an all-consuming love. Then suddenly FLOOD with emotions (and semen lol) for that special somebody - ready to devour your pu$$y & envelop your soul! 😎 These men are possessive & not for the faint of heart.
💜 Individuals with Mars in the 3rd House are MAJOR Sapiosexuals. Deep conversations turn them on!! Intellect gives these women many tingles and usually arouses *both* heads on the men. 🔥 3rd House rules short-distance travel... so these people may enjoy car sex, sex outdoors or sex while on a weekend getaway. Also, the women can correlate how a man drives/parks with how he fucks. 🤣 And you know what? It actually makes sense! A man who sucks at parking is probably a shitty lay. Lol. A man who handles large trucks with ease will probably dominate you.
*fans self*
💜 Libra Risings often look like walking works of ART from the Romantic Era. 💕 Paint these pretty bitches in ALL of their Venusian glory! Just sit them next to an elegant fireplace wearing *nothing* but a silk robe and a smile for Titanic vibesss. Often, the Men look like Sculpted Gods (like The Rock & Idris Elba) or Pretty Boys - like Leo DiCaprio & Harry Styles. And the Women are typically very lovely & voluptuous - like Beyonce, Doja Cat & Kate Winslet. Even when Libra Risings are average in appearance, they come across as pleasant & attractive to others.
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💜 Men with strong Capricorn and/or Leo in their charts (especially Mars, Moon or ASC) give hella Big Dick Energy. 💪💪 Take me from the back, Zaddy! And they often make for being the best Providers for their families. *King Aura*
💜 Women with strong Taurus and/or Scorpio in their charts give Big Clit Energy. 🔥 Women with heavy Leo or Capricorn definitely possess Queen Energy. 🥂 Ladies with strong Aries give BOTH! The Queens w/ the Juicy Clit. ♈
💜 Aries Suns are indeed the PIONEERS of the Zodiac in every sense of the word. They blaze trails everywhere they go. 🔥🔥 Aretha Franklin was The Queen Of Soul; Marlon Brando & Bette Davis were the King & Queen of Old Hollywood; Celine Dion & Mariah Carey created the female Vocal Trinity that dominated the 90's music scene; Steven Tyler taught us how to boldly "Dream On" and Marvin Gaye asked us "What's Going On?" and inspired us to think! Selena was the FIRST woman to became a megastar in Tejano Music; Loretta Lynn broke major ground for women in Country Music; Martin Lawrence made us laugh until we peed our pants; Lady GaGa is in a glorious class all by HERSELF. 💯 Van Gogh created timeless Art; Phoebe & Simone have inspired the masses to bring back real romance as the lead actresses on the smash show 'Bridgerton'; Halle Bailey is amazingly talented & is going to be the best damn ARIEL this world has ever seen. 🧜🏾‍♀️
You need a ground-breaker? You need courage & inspiration? You need to see the IDGAF spirit in action? Go find an Aries and they'll get the damn job DONE. ♈
That's all for now Darlings! 💕 Catch you again soon.
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