#klaus hargreeves x reader one shot
hihomeghere · 8 months
One Bed : Five Hargreeves / F!Reader
Part of the Tesoro Series (Can be read as a one shot)
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Word Count : 3.7K Summary : After a failed mission with the commission, both you and Five find a hotel to rest in. The only problem is, you'll have to share a bed. Aged up!Five. ( I do not own the umbrella academy or any of it's characters ) Warnings : Smut, cursing, mentions of headaches
“Damn It!” You groaned, leaning on your knees, your chest heaved. You changed back into yourself. Happy to be back in your body instead of a very hairy man with a limp. Your head pounded, you should have been more careful. After barely getting any sleep last night you should have known better than to push your abilities. You coughed, spitting bile out onto the pavement in front of you. A crackle of blue light appeared next to you before Five flew out of the portal. He was equally out of breath.
“Where did they go?” He turned to you, throwing his hands up.
“I don’t know,” you spit glaring at him, your emotions running high, “he disappeared.” You waved in front of you. Your lungs screamed, drinking in oxygen in deep breaths, letting your lungs inflate to their limit before breathing out again. 
“Disappeared?” He yelled, whipping his head to look at you. His hair falling out of his neat side part. He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a strangled scream.
“Where were you huh?” You hissed, narrowing your eyes “You could have blinked after him if you were here!” He glared at you, his face scrunched into a sour expression.
“God you are unbelievable!” He groaned, clenching his fists. His hands glowed blue before fizzling out, “I pushed myself too hard, I barely made it back to you!” You huffed rolling your eyes. Fighting would get you nowhere, Five loved arguing. When there was a fire lit in him he was an eternal flame, furning for days on end. Once you had stolen his favorite coffee mug, for no other reason than he had said something to piss you off. That was a week of hell you never wanted to relive.
“Look,” you took a breath, “we’re both tired, let’s just go find a hotel and get some rest.” You put your hands up in defeat.
He clenched his jaw, the muscle tightening. He huffed looking around.
“Fine, but you’ll follow my plan tomorrow, got it?” He pointed a finger at you. You didn’t know if it was his age, but the way he would scold you like a child drove you insane. 
“Fine.” You said through gritted teeth. “Shall we?” You asked motioning to your parked car. He moved past you, hitting your shoulder as he went. You sighed following him, hurt blooming in your chest. You hung your head as you walk to the car.
He stopped, turning back to look at you. You didn’t have the best poker face, not with him at least. You looked down at the ground, refusing to meet his eyes. He bit his lip, guilt washing over him in waves. 
Five had always been in agreement with himself, being alone in the apocalypse there was no room for second guessing. It was live or die every second of every day. When a simple infection from a paper cut could have as easily killed him as a broken bone, Five was always thinking ten steps ahead. Even after the commission picked him up his survival instincts hadn’t fully gone away. Whether he was in the field or not, his primal instincts still had him making decisions quickly and with no room for reflection. This was his way of life, learning layouts of offices, the nearest escape routes. Until you barged into his life.
With you, Five was constantly second guessing his actions. Normally he wouldn’t have given a shit if he was abrasive, cold or unfriendly. He didn’t come to make friends, he came to save the world. He had a job to do, and more importantly a plan. To get back to his family and stop the apocalypse. You were never a part of that plan. He had already calculated his steps when you came in throwing in three more steps to an already difficult dance. Sashaying your way into his life and heart. 
He walked in front of you, cursing himself as he opened up the door of the 1977 Isuzu Gemini SL Coupe. He gave you a small smile as you got in. He closed the door behind you before walking to the driver side and getting in. 
You drove in silence, leaning your head on the window. It throbbed from having to change into so many people. You rubbed your temple, praying for a shower and a warm bed.
Five’s hands gripped the wheel, he was spent. His body ached and the cramp in his shoulder was getting worse as he drove. The stress probably wasn’t helping. He stole glances at you every once and awhile. The only thing illuminating your face was the street lights as he passed under them. 
He sighed under his breath, he shouldn’t have snapped at you. And it’s not like he was mad at you, he was mad at himself. He had let the guy get away, he had been worried about your safety. He had lost you at the beginning of the warehouse. The whole time he had been jumping around looking for you instead of the target. He knew he had made a mistake, using his powers for his personal gain instead of the mission. If the handler only knew, he would never be assigned with you again. Good thing she didn’t. As much as he tried to deny it he had started to enjoy working with you. You helped him maintain his humanity, like Delores had. You two were very similar, both kind, selfless, always thinking ahead. He admired your ability to stay true to your heart, even in your line of business.
He pulled off into a parking lot. Passing the glowing red sign that blinked vacancy. He rolled into a parking spot, putting the car in park. You both sat in silence, you sighed looking into the hotel lobby.
“I-“ Five started before cutting himself off, you raised your head looking at him. He stared straight ahead, his hand lazily draped on the wheel. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled, his gaze dropped to his lap.
“It’s ok.” You said touching his arm, “We’re both tired and overworked.” You looked over at him, your head throbbed. You shut your eyes covering them with your hand.
“Is it your head?” He asked, looking over at you. You nodded tears pricking in your eyes, “Hey, let’s get inside.” He said squeezing your shoulder. You nodded, wiping away tears that slipped past your eyelashes. Five opened the door, stepping out of the car. You followed him into the hotel lobby, the bell ringing as Five opened the door. 
You winced, sitting down on a leather chair. The fake leather had started to crack, you mindlessly picked at the flakes. The orange carpet under your shoes had multiple stains, you wrinkled your nose in disgust. 
Five walked up to the counter, his hand hovered over the bell before he looked back at you. He put his hand back into his pocket and leaned on the counter.
“Hello?” He said looking around. An older man walked out, he had a full unkempt mustache. Frizzy hair to his jaw, his tall body squeezed into a tweed suit. “One room please.” He said handing him twenty bucks. The man nodded, plucking a key off the wall behind him. He handed it to him, Five turned the red pass over in his hands. He walked back over to you, your head in your hands. His heart squeezed in his chest, he needed to get you to bed. He gently shook your shoulder. “Come on,” he said, helping you to your feet. You gripped his bicep, leaning on him. Any sense of pride had left your body when your headache started. He led you to your room, putting the key in the hole. He had to jiggle it slightly before the lock gave out.
Fives face fell as he took in the room. Only one bed. 
“Damn it.” He muttered, shaking his head, you walked over to the bed. Sinking down onto it as you reached down to untie your shoes. “I’ll sleep on the floor.” He said matter of factly, sighing.
“Five.” He looked into your tired eyes. “We’re both adults, just take the other side of the bed.” You shrugged off your suit jacket, pushing yourself off the bed. You pulled out a hanger and hung your suit jacket up. You unzipped your pants, Five felt heat creep up his neck. You had undressed in front of him before, why did this bother him so much? You unbutton your blouse, hanging it up as well. God, your head hurts. It was no longer throbbing, but pounding. 
“I’m gonna go take a shower.” You mumbled walking to the bathroom. 
Five sat down on the edge of the bed. He untied his shoes, setting them down next to the bedside table. He listened to the shower turn on, your soft voice humming as the rings of the shower curtain scraped across the metal bar. Five swallowed, his mind started to wander. He imagined you washing your body. The suds over your breasts, letting out a sigh of relief as the hot water washed over you. He felt his dick jump in his pants. He pictured your hands traveling lower down your body, over your soft stomach, reaching between your legs. His dick was standing at attention now. He had a good couple minutes before you would be out. He reached down, rubbing himself through his pants. He could only imagine your hands instead of his, your hot breath fanning over his neck, lips, ear. He leaned back, letting his back hit the bed. He tugged at his belt, undoing the buckle. He unbuttoned his pants pulling them down with his underwear. His dick, no longer confined to his pants, sprung free onto his stomach. He spit into his hand, lubricating his dick. He ran his palm over the tip, once, twice, before he noticed the water had turned off. He quickly pulled his pants back up, buttoning them. He stood up walking over to the window, pulling back the thin green curtain. Trying to act as nonchalant as possible. 
You opened the door. Your hair still slightly damp, you had a fluffy robe wrapped around your body. He turned slightly to look at you. You smiled at him, the windows low light illuminating him perfectly. He was reminiscent of a painting of an angel, the hotel sign acting as holy rays behind him. He stood tall, his arms crossed over his broad chest. 
“All yours.” You sighed happily, throwing yourself onto the shitty mattress. The box spring whined as your body hit it. He nodded before taking a couple steps to the bathroom. 
You laid back, combing through your hair with your fingers. You slipped under the covers, the throbbing in your head was now only a slight ache. You heard the water turn on, and shut off after a few minutes. Five opened the door, a towel hung low on his waist. Your eyes traveled down his body, for his toned chest to his firm stomach. You took in all his scars, one above his belly button, it looked like an old knife wound. Your eyes traveled further to his v, a small patch of hair leading from his chest to his hips. You looked away, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. He was drying his hair with a towel so thankfully he didn’t see you ogling him. He walked over to the bed, pulling the covers back. He sank down, the bed dipping with his weight. He laid back, his arm brushing against yours. Electricity flew up your arm.
“Night.” You said softly, he hummed in response. You rolled over, away from him. Looking out the window, listening to his breathing.
When you woke up, it was still dark. The sun hadn’t come up but the sky was turning more of a light blue. You felt Five’s warm arm wrapped around your waist, and Five’s breath fanning across your neck. His hand was splayed out over your stomach, holding you tightly against him. You sighed contently, enjoying the closeness to the man you had come to develop feelings for. Although any pure thoughts disappeared when he rolled his hips against your ass. A low groan left his throat, which seemed to shoot directly to your core. 
You froze, you could feel his erection pressing against you. Experimentally you rolled your hips back into his, he moaned nuzzling your neck.
The angel on your shoulder yelled in your ear to wake him up. You savored the feeling, trying to memorize exactly how he felt against you, saving the memory for a later time when you were alone in your apartment, before you nudged him slightly.
“Hmmm?” He mumbled into your ear.
“Five, wake up.” You said nudging him again. He jolted up, taking in the situation. 
“Oh god,” he said, pulling away from you, his voice gravely from sleep. “Jesus, I didn’t mean, if I’ve made you uncomfortable in any way I-“ he groaned, running a hand over his face.
“Five. It’s ok,” You said, pulling his hand away. Looking at him in the low light, he was breathless, a light layer of perspiration on his body. Your mouth watered as you took him in. “If you wanted to, I wouldn't be opposed…” you trailed off your eyes locking onto his face. He froze, his lips slightly parted. He tilted his head, his brows furrowing. He stared down at his hands, deep in thought. “I don’t want to pressure you into doing anything.” He said softly, you smiled. For a man who was always so self-assured, he seemed so unsure of himself.
“I’m offering. This is just to get some relief, no strings attached.” You said biting your lip, you untied your robe. Letting it fall around your body. Now having no protection from the cold night air, you felt your nipples harden. Five’s eyes raked over your body, you felt yourself grow hot under his gaze. He stared at you like you were a cool glass of water in the apocalypse. 
Five was sure he had been murdered in his sleep. There was no possible reality where you were all but throwing yourself at him. All Five wanted to do was ruin you and make you his. Make you crave him as much as he craved you. He couldn’t remember the last time he had even had sex, possibly in his early days at the commission, but only to get his dick wet. He didn’t care about those girls, now you on the other hand were something special. And you were naked, in his bed. 
“Right, no strings attached.” He repeated back to you. His fingers twitched and you could feel his hesitation. You grabbed one of his hands, squeezing it gently. You brought his hand up to your breast, he let out a shaky breath, his eyes finding yours for confirmation. You leaned forward to nibble his neck, kissing over the bites. He shivered his body tensing, you grinned your breath fanning over his jaw. He pinched one of your nipples, smirking as you gasped. He ducked his head, his mouth covering your other nipple, his tongue flicking the bud. Your hand tugged on his hair, he sighed around your breast.
“You’re gonna be the death of me.” He groaned, you chuckled looking up at him through your eyelashes. His erection was now painfully stretching against his underwear, you grabbed him through his boxers. He let out a pained noise, like he was being stabbed instead of pleasured. He was puddy in your hands, ready to be shaped anyway you wished. He pushed you back against the bed. In a sudden shift in dominance, his lips found your neck, kissing and nipping slightly. You bucked against his body, your nipples rubbing slightly against his bare chest. His hands mapped a path down your body, like he was trying to memorize it. Unbeknownst to you he was. His fingers found your clit, testing the waters. You gasped, your hand finding its way into his hair. You pulled at his scalp slightly, earning a low groan from him. He slipped one finger inside you, curling it as he thrusted it inside you. You moaned softly, any pain from your headache was now long gone. He added a second finger, his eyes never leaving your face. You couldn’t decide whether you wanted to cower under his gaze or beg for more. Your skin was ablaze, Five’s touch was electric, his incredibly eager fingers thrusting and curling inside you. You gripped the sheets, pleasure building in your stomach. That familiar coil tightening inside of you. 
He pulled his fingers out of you, bringing them up to his lips, sucking them clean. “Shit, you’re sweet.” He hummed, swiping the head of his dick down your folds, lubricating himself with your slick. You both shuddered as his velvety soft tip found your entrance.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked softly, his other hand rubbing light circles on your thigh. You hadn’t expected him to be so doting, tales circulated around the commission of the absolute animal Five was in bed. But as his green eyes peered into yours, you could put those rumors to rest. You felt entirely bare, like he was peeling back the layers of your soul. The alarm bells had been ringing in your ears, this man was a killer. He was a survivor, stepping on anyone he had to, to get to where he was. He was a mercenary, follower of no moral code, but if he was all of these things why did he hold you like you were made of glass?
“Yes.” You said, propping yourself up on your elbows. He lowered his gaze pushing the head of his cock in slowly. You both let out a moan, he hissed, baring his teeth.
“Christ you’re tight.” He sighed his eyes squeezing close. His hands gripped your hips, his nails dug in leaving crescent shaped marks. Although you couldn’t seem to care, you had never felt so full in your life. Your hands gripped his thighs for dear life, a strangled cry left your throat as he thrust all the way in, knocking the breath out of your lungs. He stilled, a blissed out smile on his lips. You wiggled your hips, trying to get any stimulation from him.
“Fuck me.” You whined, grabbing his face, forcing you to look at him. His eyes widened before a devilishly handsome smile split his face.
“Yes ma’am.” He started a slow rhythm, his dick spearing you every time he thrusted into you. Long, hard strokes. His cock rubbed at the spongy part inside of you and you mewled. “You like that, sweetheart?” He teased a mischievous glint in his eye, you couldn’t help but nod, stroking his ego along with his cock. He took the lead titling your hips up, throwing one of your legs over his shoulders. You needed him closer. Gripping at any part of him you could get your hands on, your nails raking down his back. He moaned, breathy and high pitched. Your breath was stolen out of your chest as he quickened his pace, going deeper than before. 
“Oh fuck, Five.” You groaned holding onto his shoulders, your tits bouncing.
“You’re gripping me so good tesoro.” He grimaced, his eyes fluttering close. He let out a strangled cry against your leg. Biting down harshly before kissing your calf. You yelped fingernails digging into his thighs.
“I’m close, I’m so close.” You babbled tears slipping down your cheeks, every part of you was screaming out in pleasure. This spurred him on, one of his hands traveled between the two of you rubbing tight circles on your clit. You swore you saw stars, your toes curled and you couldn’t help the high pitched whine that ripped its way out of your throat. He leaned forward, his body looming over yours. His arms effectively trapping you underneath him. Working you through your orgasm as he grinded his hips against you, using your leg as leverage. 
“I’m not gonna last.” He mumbled his forehead resting against yours, wincing slightly. You grinned, reveling in the fact that you had such an effect on him.
“Cum then.” You said before sucking a deep purple mark on his neck. You felt his breath catch in his throat against your lips.
“S-shit.” He thrusted hard into you, “you’re so fucking perfect,” He moaned his hips stuttering as he came. “Oh god I love you.” You froze, he loved you? He stopped, pulling out almost immediately. “I don’t know why I said that.” He recoiled, putting as much distance as he could between the two of you. He grabbed his discarded towel, covering himself with it as he stumbled off the bed. You pulled the sheet up, covering your breasts.
“Five it’s fine,” you said sitting up.
“No. It’s not.” He growled, the sudden shift in his demeanor made you recoil. You pulled the sheet tighter around your body, suddenly all too aware of your nudity. “This never should have happened.” He motioned between the two of you.
“It’s just sex. It’s not like you meant it!” You justified, your voice higher than you intended.
He stopped, the outline of his body harsh against the street lamp outside. His head turned slightly, allowing you to see only part of his face. You could see him mentally building his walls back up, brick and mortar in his eyes.
“Five, it’s not like you meant it.” You said it more as a question than a statement, hating the slight waver in your voice. His body tensed as he sucked in a breath, he raised his shoulders.
“No. I must have been thinking of someone else.” He said coolly. Ouch. The air was sucked out of the room as he stormed into the bathroom. Slamming the door behind him. Your heart broke in your chest, slicing up your insides. You swallowed thickly, your mind struggling to keep up with Five’s constant whiplash. One minute he’s taking you to the gates of heaven only to taunt you as he drags you back to hell. 
This was all your fault, you put your head in your hands. You shouldn’t have suggested anything and just lived with the constant sexual tension.
No strings attached your ass.
part two here
939 notes · View notes
storiesforallfandoms · 11 months
rescue mission ~ klaus hargreeves;umbrella academy
word count: 3646
request?: yes!
@werewolfbanshee-love​ “Awesome, so since I started today with the show can I ask for Y/N to be Klaus’s support and saves him from Cha-Cha and Hazel just being a badass”
description: in which the powerless human takes down two time commission agents on her own
pairing: klaus hargreeves x female!reader
warnings: swearing, violence, i use the name “vanya” in this one just because it takes place in season one
masterlist (one, two, three)
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A family full of superheroes, and those fuckers had no idea that one of their brothers was missing. Too wrapped up in their own bullshit to care about anything else. All those superheroes, and it took a goddamn regular human to track down and save a missing Klaus.
I had been in Klaus’ room, waiting for him to come back, when I heard gunshots downstairs. I quickly dropped to the floor and got under his bed for protection. I was not super human, so there was absolutely zero way I was getting involved with whatever was happening. I hoped Klaus also wasn’t getting involved. I listened to the sound of footsteps running past the room, things crashing downstairs, and more gunshots. My breathing became heavier with panic with every passing sound.
I waited a few seconds after the noises went quiet, waiting for any signs of Klaus, or anyone for that matter, coming to check on me. When nothing happened, I hesitantly crawled out from under the bed. I heard slamming doors outside and looked out just in time to see two figures getting into a black car and drive away from the Hargreeves residence. Neither figure looked like any of the Hargreeves siblings, so I took this to mean that the danger had left.
I slowly opened Klaus’ bedroom door and started down the hallway. There was bullet holes in the walls and pictures knocked down. The bathroom door was still open, so I peaked inside but found it empty. There were signs that Klaus had been in there, but none as to where he had gone after his bath.
I could hear voices as I descended the stairs. The giant chandelier from the foyer was now laying shattered in the middle of the floor. An uneasy feeling started to grow in my stomach.
I found Diego, Allison, and Vanya in the living room.
“Hey,” I said, breaking up their conversation. “Where’s Klaus?”
“Who cares?” Diego retorted.
“Uncalled for, Diego,” Allison muttered. “(Y/N), are you okay?”
“Fine,” I said, glaring at Diego before turning to walk away. It was clear I was getting no help from them.
I searched the entire Hargreeves estate to no avail. I knew there was no way Klaus would leave without telling me. He could be a space case sometimes, but he usually remembered to tell me things. Also, he was in the bath. How would he just get out of there and leave during all that commotion without coming to put clothes on? I’d know if he left, I was sure of it.
A thought popped into my head then: the car I had seen drive away. I rushed to Reginald’s office, the one place in the whole house I knew would have a pen and paper. I quickly wrote down the details of the car before I could forget, including the license plate number.
There has to be a way I can find this car, I thought.
But how?
Driving around town was a no go. It was too big of a town, too many places they could’ve gone or still be going to. It would take me hours, even days. Klaus might not have that long.
There was one option I could try.
I ran back down over the stairs just in time to catch Diego leaving. “Wait! Diego, wait, I need a favor.”
He paused at the door and turned to face me. “What’s in it for me?”
I rolled my eyes. “What, are you 12?”
“No, just a man who knows an opportunity when he sees it.”
“Do me this favor or I get Luther to super strength kick you in the nuts.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
He looked at me, as if trying to decide whether to call my bluff or not. After a few moments, he signed and said, “What do you want?”
“I need you to call your cop girlfriend.”
“Patch? Why?”
I couldn’t tell him my suspicions about Klaus’ disappearance. He’d never believe me. I had only properly met Klaus’ siblings a few days earlier, but I could already tell they thought very lowly of him. They would just brush off his sudden disappearance as him going off on a bender and not worry about it.
“I just need her help,” I responded instead. “Please Diego.”
He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Patch’s number. I thanked him profusely as I took his phone. It rang for a short while before Patch answered, “Diego, what do you w - ”
“Patch!” I cut her off. “Detective Patch, this is actually (Y/N), Diego’s brother’s girlfriend. I asked him to call you for me.”
“Oh, I remember you. You’re Klaus’ girlfriend. A little too stable for a guy like him.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Listen, I need a favor. I know this is a long shot because you don’t know me, but I needed a plate run on a car to try to find it. I assume cops can do that. Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s important. I - ” I looked over at Diego, who was looking down at his knives and clearly pretending he wasn’t listening. I lowered my voice to say, “I think something happened to Klaus.”
“If it’s something so serious you’re asking for police involvement, you may just want to file a report with the police.”
“No offence, but I don’t completely trust the cops to find him in time. I don’t even trust Klaus’ siblings and they have powers. Look, all I’m asking is any info you can find on this car, that’s it. Please Patch.”
There was a moment of silence. I expected her to say no. It was a big ask for her to do this for someone she didn’t even know. As far as I could tell, she didn’t even like Diego all that much right now. But I needed her to say yes. If she didn’t, I would already be at a severe disadvantage in finding Klaus before it was too late.
“Okay,” she said, finally. “Give me the information.”
I thanked her and gave her the details I had on the car. I also gave her my phone number so she’d call me and not Diego. I thanked Diego again as I gave him his phone back and went back to Klaus’ room to wait. There wasn’t much I could do until Patch got back to me about the car. If she couldn’t find any details about the car, I’d definitely be shit out of luck. I’d never find Klaus.
I paced up and down Klaus’ room. I kept looking out the window, as if the car would return and bring Klaus back safely. I could hear his siblings moving around the house, but not once coming to see where Klaus was. I knew Diego didn’t give a shit, but I thought maybe Allison or Vanya cared enough about their brother to be concerned when I said he was missing. Wishful thinking, I guess.
When my phone rang, I practically jumped out of my skin. I answered without checking the caller ID. “Hello?”
“I got your car,” came Patch’s voice. “And a location.”
Roughly 20 minutes later, I was parked outside of a motel. The car wasn’t in the parking lot, but Patch swore this was the last known location. It was dark and my body was starting to realize it hadn’t slept in well over 12 hours. But I pushed through it. I needed to find Klaus. I needed him to be alive and safe.
The car finally pulled into the lot nearly an hour later. All sleep immediately left my body as I sat up and watched intently. The car parked and a man and woman got out. They didn’t go around to the back of the car to take a third person out, so I could only assume that Klaus was already inside their room. I got out of my car, grabbing the crowbar I had taken as a weapon before starting to follow Klaus’ captors at a safe distance. They turned a corner and I paused to let them get far enough away to keep myself safe. When I peaked around the corner, they had gone into one of the rooms.
I silently crept down the block of rooms. There was only one room with the lights on, so it was easy to find where the assailants were. I peaked through the thin white curtains to see a figure tied to a chair between the two beds.
I could see his two captors stood facing him, side on to where I was but not able to see me. I couldn’t make out much as the curtains still blocked a lot of my vision.
I hadn’t thought this far ahead. What was the next step here? How did I get them out of the room long enough for me to save Klaus? Or how did I knock them out long enough?
They wouldn’t just answer the door if I knocked, would they?
I took the chance and knocked at the door. “Housekeeping!”
There was silence. I knew it was a long shot, but I had no other plan, and I wasn’t sure how much time I had.
I tried again, knocking three times and repeating, “Housekeeping!”
My heart jumped when I heard the doorknob turn and the door suddenly opened. A tall man with brown hair and a beard looked down at me. Realizing that I wasn’t housekeeping, he looked at me in confusion.
I smiled. “Hello.”
And then I swung my crowbar.
It connected with the side of his head, knocking him to the door. I was surprised by how little effort it took to take him down. Now, where’s the other one?
My question was quickly answered by the sound of gunshots. I dove behind the nearest bed as the woman stepped out of the bathroom, now wearing a mask and shooting at me as I fell to the ground. I should’ve known they’d have guns. I heard the gunshots when I was at the Hargreeves’ place. And yet I came with a crowbar in hand, something that I needed to be very close to the attackers in order to use.
I looked over to where the man was laying unconscious. His white button up shirt was tucked into his pants, revealing his own holster with the gun. I knew it was a bad idea, but I needed to get that gun. At least to try and defend myself from this lady attacker.
I inched forward slowly. She had stopped shooting at me, so I knew she was just waiting for me to come out from my hiding spot. I had a short period of time to try and grab the gun and dive back to where I was hiding before her bullets finally made connections with my body. I had to grab something to cover me, or at least that would hopefully cover me, long enough for me to get the gun.
I looked up to see the a large briefcase on the table behind me. It was a long shot, I’m pretty sure bullets can go through briefcases, but it was all that I had. I turned so my feet were facing towards the table and kicked it. The briefcase wobbled slightly, but didn’t move.
“Hey!” called the female attacker. “What are you doing?!”
I kicked the table again and the briefcase fell over, the handle facing outwards. I reached up and grabbed it, pulling it down just in time for another bullet to whiz past my hand.
“You’re not a very good shot,” I taunted.
I held the briefcase in front of my body as I scurried out from behind the bed towards the unconscious man. I heard more gunshots and, surprisingly, they ricocheted off the briefcase.
This thing must be maid of titanium or something. It can’t be a normal briefcase.
I fumbled with the latch on his holster as another shot ran out, bouncing off the briefcase again. My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding with adrenaline. I needed to get this thing off. I needed this to be a fair fight. When the latch finally popped free, I breathed a sigh of relief before taking the gun and diving back behind the bed, taking the briefcase with me. I had a feeling it was something important, and maybe I could exchange it for Klaus.
“Listen!” I called. “I’ve never dealt with all this shooting and kidnapping shit before. I’m not part of the Umbrella Academy, I don’t have powers, I’m just a normal person. I came here because I think you took my boyfriend and I want him back. Whatever you have against the Umbrella Academy I can assure you has nothing to do with Klaus. If you’d just give him up to me, I’ll give you back your briefcase and we’ll leave. I promise you we won’t interfere with whatever you have going on. Truthfully, I don’t even really like Klaus’ siblings right now, so if you want to go after them I won’t be standing in your way.”
There was silence. I was starting to get sick of this type of silence. Either agree or disagree with what I was saying. It wasn’t that deep to have to think about it for this long about my proposition.
Another gunshot rang out, so I took that as a no.
My hands were still shaking as I popped up from behind the bed and started blindly shooting. I had never handled a gun before. They were loud and extremely scary. I knew there was very little chance I would actually hit her, but maybe if I was lucky I’d get a good shot in and I could just take Klaus and run.
It didn’t take long for me to use up all of my bullets. I looked up to see that she was nowhere to be seen. I started to rise to my feet, hoping I had hit her and she was laying on the ground. But, of course, no such luck. The moment I stood, she came out of the bathroom again, gun lifted and aimed at me. My quick instincts were suddenly gone as I stared down the barrel of the gun that would undoubtably kill me. I wondered if Klaus’ siblings would find him before he joined me in my fate. I wondered if Diego would feel guilty for not listening to me when I asked him about Klaus being missing. If any of them would even feel somewhat remorseful for not saving me or Klaus in time.
Instead of another shot ringing out, though, the gun just clicked. Both of us looked at each other - well, I looked at her, her mask looked at me - dumbfounded. She tried again and got the same results. A laughed bubbled in my throat and escaped my lips before I could stop it.
Her gun had ran out of bullets, too.
She dropped the gun and lunged over the two beds towards me. She took my off guard long enough to knock me to the ground. I tried to swing at her, but her mask was just as hard as the briefcase was. I howled in pain as my fist collided with the mask for the first time, definitely shattering the bones in my hand. She seemed delighted by the fact that I was caught off guard again and punched me in the face. Pain exploded from my nose causing tears to well up into my eyes.
My crowbar was laying just inches away from me, next to the briefcase. Either one of those things would definitely work in this situation, but I had to hit her just right on the back of her head. It was obvious hitting the mask would only protect her. And I had to do it while she least expected it. If she knew what my plan was, she’d stop me in an instant and probably take me out with her own bare hands.
I stretched an arm out as she hit me again. The pain was almost unbearable. I’d have to get my nose and my hand looked at by a doctor I was sure, but for now I had to focus on surviving this attack and saving Klaus. I felt my fingers brush against one of the two potential weapons and closed them around it. I wasn’t sure which one I had grabbed, but it didn’t matter to me now. I grit my teeth against the pain and hissed out, “You should’ve taken my deal.”
I swung and the briefcase collided with the back of her head. She fell off of me, limp on the ground. I looked down at her to see blood forming on the back of her head. Knowing she was down for the count, I quickly stood and looked for where they could’ve hidden Klaus. It didn’t take long, though, as the silence finally fell over the room made it easier to hear the sound of muffled yelling coming from the closet. When I threw the doors open, I found Klaus, wrapped only in a towel and tied to the chair. His face was just as blood as mine was.
I nearly sobbed as I reached to take the tape off of his mouth.
“You found me,” he breathed.
“I wasn’t giving up until I did,” I said. “Come on, let’s get you out of here before they wake up.”
I undid his bindings and helped him to his feet. We started out of the room, but I paused to take my crowbar and the briefcase. I figured I could use some leverage if these assholes tried to come after us again.
We scurried across the parking lot to my car. My hand and nose were throbbing. I cradled my hand on my lap and drove with the other towards my house. I felt it was a better option than going back to the Hargreeves’ place. I didn’t want his siblings to see both of us all beat up and realize I had been right about Klaus’ disappearance. Not yet, anyways. I’d save the gloating for later.
When we got back to my place, I ran the shower for Klaus so he could clean himself up. I wrapped my hand in gauze from my first aid kit and held an icepack to my nose until the swelling went down. I then cleaned the blood from my face, careful not to accidentally bump my nose. I’d need to seek medical attention, but that was for a later time.
Klaus had clothes at my place, so I laid them out on my bed for him. Poor thing had been in just a towel for who knows how long.
When he came into my room, he paused at the door to look over me. He winced as he looked at my wrapped up hand. “Did they hurt you bad?”
“Well, this was me actually,” I said. “Those fucking masks were harder than I expected them to be. But she did break my nose. I’ll go see a doctor tomorrow. Did they hurt you bad?”
“No broken bones.” He took the clothes from my bed and changed into them. “I can’t believe you risked your life for me like that.”
“Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I? They took you and they were hurting you.”
“I have superhuman siblings, though.”
I shook my head. “Too wrapped up in themselves to even listen to me. There was no other choice than for me to come find you myself.”
Klaus climbed into bed next to me. I rolled onto my side to face him, and he did the same, propping himself up on his elbow as he did so.
“I can’t believe you knocked both of them out on your own,” he said. “I heard all that gunfire and thought for sure you were dead.”
“Well, the guy wasn’t too hard to take down. He answered the door with no mask on, so I just hit him with the crowbar I brought with me. The woman put up more of a fight. I was lucky she was dumb enough to empty her gun while trying to shoot me or else I likely would’ve been a goner.”
He looked over me again. There was a look in his eyes I couldn’t quite place. It was like a combination of things. Love was the one thing I was sure I was seeing.
“I can’t believe you came for me,” he said again.
I smiled and leaned closer to him. “I love you, Klaus. I’d do anything to make sure you were safe. That includes risking my life to go after two kidnappers with guns and titanium masks on my own to save you from them.”
Klaus smiled. Tears were welling up in his eyes. He pulled me the rest of the way forward, closing the gap between us to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him, leaning forward into the kiss so the two of us were laying down. I winced briefly as my nose brushed against his, sending a slight pain through my face.
“Sorry,” Klaus said, his voice soft. “You need to get that fixed. I can’t just not kiss you.”
I giggled. “Tomorrow, I promise. We need to rest now, though. We both had quite the night.”
As if finally realizing how tired he was, Klaus yawned and nodded. I settled into the bed next to him, cuddling into his chest. I could hear his heart beating as he drifted off to sleep. I used it as a reminder that he was there, that I had saved him, as my adrenaline finally wore off and I finally fell asleep.
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soup-14 · 2 years
Five x reader blurb
I just expect new Five fanfics to be written and there for me every second of the day.
Not like there’s actual people thinking of and writing these ideas 🙄😩
Not like it also takes me like a week to write a one shot 😭
So here's a Five x reader thought to ease my brain.
Tags: platonic Klaus, romantic Five, fluff, angst ig, some silly moments.
Imagine getting separated from him in the 60’s and that moment when you all reunite and you see him again.
For him it’s only been a couple days
For you it’s been years.
When you fell into that alley way you were incredibly distraught. Not unfamiliar with the act of time travel, but Five or another commission partner was always there. You were alone, stranded in a different place and time, stuck in a younger body. The things that could happen.
You searched for any sign of the date. Newspapers, posters. It was 1961.
You’d wandered around that alley for hours. Waiting for someone else to show up.
You gave up after a while, deciding to ask strangers for help. How would any of them help you find your strange time scattered family.
You spotted a flyer, a flyer with a familiar face on it… Klaus. Looks like he was a messiah or something. You wouldn’t question it. You just knew you had to find him.
You hitched a ride, and found yourself at a big mansion. You don’t know how long Klaus had been here but damn he’s moved up in the world.
You wandered into the large house looking for him. People in light turquoise tunics were everywhere. One woman stopped you in the main foyer. “Welcome traveler, are you here to join us in our endeavors?” She asked. “Um- I’m looking for Klaus.” You held up the flyer. “The prophet! Yes, he’s right this way.”
The woman led you to a bedroom in the back of house. She pushed open the double doors to reveal the man you’d been looking for, bent over in downward dog.
The woman cleared her throat “Prophet? There’s someone here for you.”
Klaus rose from the floor and turned to face you. As soon as he saw you a bright smile plastered his face. He let out a breathy chuckle and clasped his hands together. “Y/n! You’re here!” He held his hands out and walked towards you. “Oh it’s been so crazy, when did you get here?” He asked placing his hands on your shoulders.
“It’s good to see you Klaus, I’m glad I found at least one of you idiots. I’ve been here since like yesterday. I uh, saw your flyer.”
“Mm yeah those…” said Klaus. “I got here like a year ago. Tricked some rich old lady.” Klaus giggled.
“We should find the others.”
“What? Why?” Klaus whined. “I’m having a good tiimeee. And besides some of them might not even be here yet. I’m sure Five will come collect us when the world is ending… again.”
“Five.” You say.
“Oh yeah… I don’t know if he’s here yet babe. Don’t go hurting yourself looking for him though, you know him… he’ll find us.” Klaus says in his melodic way.
When Diego showed up at the mansion to collect you and Klaus- or rather Ben- apparently. It was safe to say you were ecstatic. Diego didn’t have a lot of time to explain, but he did say that Five had found a way to get back to 2019.
Ben had some “unattended ghost business” to attend to so you sat around waiting for him for a good 10 minutes. Anxiously biding your time, shaking your leg, biting your nails. Five always told you to top doing that.
You hadn’t seen him in two years. You were shamed to admit that sometimes you would forget about what happened before ending up in 61. Maybe Klaus’ cult lifestyle really was calming the mind.
You don’t even know if Five missed you as much as you did him. You don’t know how long he’s been here, but the only thing on your mind is how you can’t wait to see him.
Klaus/Ben dragged you out the front door of the mansion, leaving the cult behind. No goodbyes, no last words of wisdom. Except for something from The Backstreet Boys.
The two of you rushed all the way to town and to the shop Diego told you to meet at.
Klaus stumbled into the alley way, struggling against himself, smacking himself in the face, shoving himself around. He ended up projectile vomiting across the ground, and whining on his knees.
Five yelled at him and threw the briefcase into the air as it went off. Their best chance of escape- gone.
Five; blinded by his rage didn't seem to notice you standing at the end of the alley.
“It was a simple task!” He complained, “meet me here within the time I told you, and we all get our real lives back! But no! Of course only two of you show up!”
“Three, actually.” You say, walking down the alley towards Five.
He turns towards the sound of your voice. His eyes grow wide for a second and a quick smile spreads on his lips. Your name comes out soft and breathy, as if he can’t believe you’re really there.
A grin is plastered across your face, and your eyes water at the sight of him. Your steps towards him quicken and his do as well. He meets you halfway and blinks right up to you, arms already open. You crash right into his arms, grip the back of his blazer, and bury your head into the crook of his neck. You breathe in his familiar scent and release a shaky sigh.
“I missed you.” You mumble.
“I missed you too. Are you okay? Not hurt? How long have you been here?” Five bombards you with questions as he pulls away and examines your face in his hands.
“Two years, I got here in 61.”
“I'm so sorry.” Five whispers, resting his forehead against yours.
"It's not your fault. I found Klaus so it was... slightly bearable." you chuckled softly. "How long have you been here?" You ask.
"I got here just a few days ago." Five says.
"Well I'm glad I found you." you say, hugging Five tighter.
(AN: Next I present to you random dialogue from this story line that I don't want to fully write out into a detailed scenario)
"Y/n, sweetheart, for the itching." Five says while handing you the bottle of baby powder.
"Itching? There's itching?" Questions Luther. Five ignores him.
"Can't wait to meet our old selves, it's going to be so weird." You say.
"Focus y/n, we just have to get that briefcase." Five says.
"Yeah fine, you're already paranoid without the psychosis." You say.
"Who the hell are you?" Asks old Five.
"Who do you think, dumb ass?" Says old y/n.
Old Five looks back and forth between the two y/ns.
As young and old Five beat the crap out of each other, and occasionally Luther; "Boys." old y/n sighs, wiping sweat from their brow and shifting uncomfortably. "Tell me about it." Says young y/n itching, eyes shifting around paranoid. "Just wait till you meet the rest of his brothers."
On the farm after Five kills The Handler;
Five lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding as he watched the last Swede walk away. He turns around and blinks to where you stand. He takes you into his arms and holds you close. You hold him back, although a bit confused.
"What happened Five?" You whisper. You're familiar with Five, and with time travel. You figured he used his power to fix something that happened.
"You died." He mutters quickly, resting his head on your shoulder.
"Ah." You pause. "And you saved me." you reassure him.
He sighs and pulls away. He presses a kiss to your cheek and rests his nose against your temple. "Let's get out of here yeah? Let's go home."
"Yeah, let's go."
Well that starting as something and then turned into something else. I just have a Five deficiency.
I hope you enjoy whatever the hell this turned out to be.
Um I'm not like taking requests officially but if you have an idea I can try to write it within like a week T-T
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graceloveswolves · 2 years
I’ve seen people talking about how Klaus is looking in the opposite direction in this picture, and as I was rewatching the series I noticed this picture in season one where (I think) Klaus is facing the other way….. I could be wrong but I think that’s either Klaus/Ben. Anyone find this intriguing???
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muiltfandomsqueen · 1 year
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Klaus Hargreeves x Y/N Reader
Warnings: None
Pair: Klaus Hargreeves x Y/N Reader
Fandom: Umbrella Academy
Klaus had always been a bit of a wild card, but there was one person who could always bring out his softer side: you. You had been friends with Klaus for years, and you had always been there for him through all of his ups and downs.
One day, Klaus decided to surprise you with a picnic in the park. He had packed all of your favorite foods and drinks, and he had even brought a blanket to sit on. You were touched by his thoughtfulness, and you couldn't help but smile as you sat down next to him.
As you ate and talked, Klaus became more and more relaxed. He opened up to you about his struggles with addiction and his fears for the future. You listened patiently, offering your support and encouragement.
Eventually, the sun began to set, and the sky turned a beautiful shade of pink and orange. Klaus turned to you, his eyes shining in the light of the setting sun.
"I know I can be a bit of a mess sometimes," he said, taking your hand in his. "But I want you to know that you mean the world to me. You're the one person who has always believed in me, even when I couldn't believe in myself."
You felt a warm feeling spread through your chest as Klaus spoke. You had always known that he had a good heart, but it was moments like this that made you realize just how much he cared.
As the stars began to twinkle in the sky, you and Klaus lay down on the blanket, cuddled up together. You felt safe and comfortable in his arms, and you knew that there was nowhere else you'd rather be.
In that moment, you realized that Klaus wasn't just your friend - he was the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. And you knew that he felt the same way.
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ajkesiah · 2 years
• Indirect kiss •
Five hargreaves x reader
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(btw the italic words mean y/n`s thoughts)
[ also, five is the same age as y/n, they're both 21-24 I can't rlly pick an age ]
Y/n's pov:
I'm currently walking towards the Umbrella Academy to hang out with my friends, Klaus invited me to come over bc he was bored and we were gonna have a party there, yk foods, music, and dances etc. I've been friends with them for a few years. We're all super close. Me and five get along well, surprisingly, we're like best, best friends, I sorta have a tiny crush on him ig... OKAY I HAVE A HUGE CRUSH ON HIM. 😻
3rd person pov:
(Time skip bc I don't wanna write all this)
Y/n walks up to the academy and knocks on the door, the door flung right open as Klaus put his weight on the handle with a drink in his hand. "Hey Klaus!" y/n says "hey y/n, come in" Klaus says as he stands to the side then closes the door after they walk in.
The smell of fresh food and drinks coming from the kitchen and music playing in the background. Allison and Luther dancing in the living room, Diego talking to vanya while playing with his knife, and five... idk where five is he's probably in his room or something.
Klaus stumbles to the kitchen "we have so much stuff in here y/n! Come here". Y/n follows Klaus to the kitchen and the smell getting even stronger made me wanna fall down on my knees..
I walk to the counter and look at all the food and drinks lay down there, tacos, lasagna, chicken, steak, chips, sauce, cheesecake, brownies, cookies, you name it.
"Woww..." Y/n asked, Klaus nods "mhm, I'm gonna dance now, wanna come?" "Sure!"
Y/n's pov:
"what happened?" all of them asked.
After drinking and have a fun time I got up from the couch to go to the kitchen when I saw five blink away somewhere as I stood up. I grabbed some food and got thirsty, and there was this cup with wine in it sitting next to me so I just drank it, not caring who's it was. While I was drinking it five blinked near me while Klaus also walked towards us. "isn't that fives glass? OMG YOU'RE DRINKING FIVES GLASS Y/N" Klaus yelled then started laughing while five just stared.
I put down the glass as I spit out the water, almost choking on the drink bc I was shocked, I mean... I'm drinking from my best friend's glass.. AKA MY CRUSH??!?!?!? HELLO??? "what?.." The others came in here curious abt what all the noise is from.
"They kissed?!"
"what's an indirect kiss?"
"Y/n and five kissed?!"
Five and I basically just watched this whole scene unravel. "umm..." I tried to think what to say.. BUT HOW TF WOULD I KNOW WHAT TO SAY IF I JUST INDIRECTLY KISSED MY CRUSH ???
Five and I just looked at each other and he walked up to me and grabbed my hand and teleported to his room. wow.. his hands are SO SOFT- IS IT HAPPENING??? FIVE IS GONNA KISS ME??? I MEAN... SAY LESS-
I was knocked out of my thoughts as five said something "well that was something..." I nodded not knowing what to say. OH GOD IM BLUSHING I BET HE CAN SEE THIS IM GONNA SHIT MYSELF SO BAD RN 😭😭 He walked up to me and and tilted my chin towards him since I was looking away. "umm.. sorry five I didn't mean to drink out of your glass.." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.
Getting lost into his green eyes I suddenly felt a pair of lips on mine. NOW MY EYES ARE WIDE OPEN RN 😨 I kissed back knowing we weren't going to pull away anytime soon. He grabbed me by the waist and I put my arms around his neck. HIS LIPS ARE SOFT TOO THIS MAN IS TOO PERFECT WTF
The kiss lasting for a long while, we pull away and I look into his eyes as he smirked. "umm-" Klaus and the others kicked the door open right as I was about to say something. We both immediately pulled away from each other and stood awkwardly.
"Oh my god guys shut up" five said rolled his eyes and shoved them out of the room with a sigh. Turning back to me, "I'm sorry, they're annoying" "no no it's fine! I mean, it was kinda embarrassing but-" five pulled me into a passionate kiss.
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lostgirlfandom · 1 year
Umbrella Academy Masterlist
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inkspiredwriting · 4 days
Love, Hate, and the Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
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Five Hargreeves had always been known for his sharp mind and sharper tongue. Y/N, his girlfriend, was no different. Their relationship was a fiery mix of love and playful antagonism, a dynamic that often left the rest of the Hargreeves family in stitches. Today was no exception.
The siblings had gathered in the living room of the Umbrella Academy, the air filled with the scent of popcorn and the sound of laughter. Klaus had found an old box of family videos and insisted on a movie night, much to everyone’s amusement.
Y/N and Five sat on the couch, bickering over which movie to watch.
“I’m telling you, Five, ‘The Princess Bride’ is a classic!” Y/N argued, holding the DVD case up for emphasis.
“And I’m telling you, Y/N, if I have to hear ‘As you wish’ one more time, I might throw myself into a time vortex,” Five retorted, rolling his eyes.
Diego snickered from his spot on the floor. “Ah, the sweet sound of true love.”
“Viktor,” Y/N pleaded, turning to him for support. “Back me up here. ‘The Princess Bride’ is timeless, right?”
Viktor smiled, enjoying the show. “It is, but watching you two argue is better entertainment.”
Luther, munching on a handful of popcorn, chimed in. “You know, Five, for a guy who’s been through the apocalypse, you’re surprisingly bad at picking battles.”
Five shot him a glare. “And for a guy who’s part gorilla, you’re surprisingly bad at shutting up.”
Klaus, sprawled out on the other couch, giggled. “Oh, leave them alone, Luther. This is their foreplay.”
Y/N and Five both turned a shade of red, but neither was willing to back down.
“Fine,” Five said, crossing his arms. “We’ll watch ‘The Princess Bride’. But if I start quoting it sarcastically, you have only yourself to blame.”
Y/N grinned triumphantly. “Deal. And for the record, if you don’t cry when Inigo Montoya gets his revenge, you’re heartless.”
Five smirked. “Oh, don’t worry. My heart’s in perfect working order. Unlike some people’s taste in movies.”
As the opening credits rolled, the siblings settled in, occasionally glancing at Five and Y/N, who were now sitting unusually close, sharing a bowl of popcorn. The movie played on, and true to his word, Five couldn’t resist a few sarcastic comments.
“‘My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.’ Classic line,” Five deadpanned. “Really hits you in the feels.”
Y/N nudged him playfully. “Shut up and watch, smartass.”
Halfway through the movie, during the iconic fire swamp scene, Klaus leaned over to Diego, whispering loudly enough for everyone to hear, “Do you think they’re actually fighting, or is this some weird foreplay we don’t understand?”
Diego chuckled. “Given how they are, it’s probably both.”
Y/N threw a piece of popcorn at Klaus. “We can hear you, you know!”
Klaus caught it and popped it into his mouth. “Just saying, you two have the sexual tension of a rom-com.”
Five rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide a smirk. “And you have the brain of a goldfish, but we still keep you around.”
Laughter erupted, and even Y/N couldn’t help but join in. The teasing was relentless, but it was also filled with affection. The Hargreeves were a dysfunctional family, but they were a family nonetheless.
As the movie reached its climax, Five found himself genuinely engrossed. He glanced at Y/N, who was watching with a look of pure joy on her face. Despite their constant bickering, he loved seeing her happy.
The final scene played out, and as the credits rolled, Viktor turned to them, grinning. “So, how was it, Five? Are you a ‘Princess Bride’ fan now?”
Five shrugged, trying to look nonchalant. “It wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever seen.”
Y/N beamed. “I’ll take that as a win.”
Klaus jumped up, stretching dramatically. “Well, this was fun. Let’s do it again sometime. Preferably with more popcorn and less bickering.”
Diego smirked. “Less bickering? With these two? Not a chance.”
Five stood, pulling Y/N up with him. “Come on, Y/N. Let’s leave these amateurs to their popcorn.”
Y/N laughed, following him out of the room. “As you wish.”
The siblings burst into laughter again, and Five couldn’t help but smile. Their love/hate relationship might be a source of endless teasing, but it was also what made them, well, them.
As they walked down the hallway, Y/N slipped her hand into Five’s. “Thanks for watching the movie with me, Five.”
He squeezed her hand, his usual sarcasm softened by genuine affection. “Anytime, Y/N. Just don’t expect me to quote it back to you.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it,” she teased.
And with that, they continued down the hall, ready for whatever adventures and arguments lay ahead, knowing that as long as they had each other—and the Hargreeves’ relentless teasing—they could handle anything.
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badkitty3000 · 4 months
I write exclusively Number Five Hargreeves fanfiction. If you have any requests for one shots featuring Five x reader-insert or my original characters, please let me know! I am always up for new ideas and would love to hear yours! Use the Ask Me Anything button for requests.
The only "rules" I have are as follows ( no judgement to anyone, I just have my preferences):
Five will be aged up to at least 17 or 18 (body wise) or older
Five is an old man underneath it all, so no teenage romances or crushes
No rape/non-con, but dub-con is ok
No ABO, hardcore BDSM, Yandere
*Updated June 2024*
Your Touch
Five x Female OC, 3318 words, one-shot, reader request
Summary: Cute, fluffy drabbles of Five and his wife and their everyday life of being madly in love. No smut!
Warnings: Swearing
Five Hargreeves NSFW Headcanons
Just a list of random smutty headcanons that I have for Five
Warnings: smut
In Sickness And In Health
Five x Female OC, 4437 words, one-shot, reader request
Warnings: explicit sex, Daddy kink
Summary: Thank you for the request!! Here's a funny/sweet/smutty one-shot of Five taking care of his sick wife like the sexy softy he is. I hope you enjoy!
No Escape
Five x Female OC, 8045 words, one-shot, reader request
Warnings: blood, violence, smut at the end but can be skipped and won't affect the story
Summary: Five is forced into assassin mode when Vivian is put in danger by another Commission agent. He must not be very smart, though, because no one in their right mind would dare lay a hand on Five's girl.
Room For One More
Five x Female Reader-Insert, Klaus x Female Reader-Insert, Five x Klaus x Female Reader-Insert, 7192 words, one-shot
Warnings: M/M/F, vaginal sex, anal sex, double penetration
Summary: Five and Klaus head out to the bar to celebrate their birthday. When they catch the eye of the attractive bartender, she decides to give them a very special birthday present. The only catch is they have to share.
Love In The Time of Cholera and Coffee -Chapters 1-6
Love In The Time of Cholera and Coffee-Chapters 7-9
Five x Female Reader, Klaus x Female Reader, 50,497 words, 9 chapters
Warnings: Explicit sex, Daddy kink
Summary: You and Klaus are in a casual relationship. No ties, just sex. When you start spending a lot of time at his apartment, you somehow manage to break through his brother's prickly outer shell. He seems to like you, or at least tolerate you the best that Five can. When you start to realize that maybe there is more than just mutual friendship between the two of you, it opens up a lot of feelings and unanswered questions. And a lot of problems.
Physical Fitness
Five x Female Reader, 2800 words, one-shot
Warnings: Explicit sex, Daddy kink
Summary: Five has been distant lately, but you discover all he needs is a good workout to get his mind back on you again
Lewd Public Acts
Five x Female OC, 7,412 words, one-shot
Warnings: Explicit sex
Summary: Getting busy in a public space with people around? The idea of someone witnessing everything becomes a turn on for Five's wife, and he is definitely up for the challenge. After all, he can never deny her anything. And, let's face it; there might be something in it for him, too.
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 3,199 words, one-shot
Warnings: Sex, little bit of blood kink
Summary: Sometimes our bodies get a taste of something so good that it's nearly impossible to quit. No matter how bad it is for us. And right now that something is Five Hargreeves.
Warnings: Explicit sex, rough sex
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 4,891 words, one-shot, continuation of Addicted, from Five's POV.
Summary: Even Five Hargreeves is no stranger to temptation. He tries to hard to stay away. He wants to do the right thing for once in his life. If not for himself, then for her. But every man has his breaking point.
Warnings: Sex
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 4,427 words, one-shot, continuation of Addicted and Weak
Summary: Five is finally strong enough to give in to his true feelings and tell you how he feels. You are strong enough to let him.
The Download
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 31, 310 words, 5 chapters
Warnings: Explicit sex, praise kink, rough sex, Five is physically 17, reader is 30
Summary: It's the end of the world and everyone you know is gone. After you find yourself at the Hotel Obsidian, you realize you have something in common with the rest of the remaining population. When Number Five takes a particular interest in you, and your special ability, the evening turns into much more than you expected. The universe may be hours away from imploding, but you and Five are going out with a bang.
Chapters 1 and 2
Chapters 3, 4, 5
All Of My Works On AO3
Halo (Series)
Five x Female OC multi-part series that follows Five and his eventual wife, Vivian, through many stages of their life together. 5 parts total.
All parts in this series rated E for explicit sex.
First part in series, 25,460 words, 7 chapters
Summary: What starts as a one-night stand eventually turns into a growing romance. Number Five and Vivian are drawn to one another, despite their initial resistance. However, Five's past makes a relationship difficult and she has some issues of her own. Despite an unhealthy codependency, their lives are intertwined. For better or for worse.
Hole In My Soul
Second part in series, 30,903 words, 11 chapters
Summary: Vivian and Five now have an established relationship and are in love. She melds easily into the Hargreeves family as Five finally discloses their relationship to his siblings. But some disturbing behavior from Five makes Viv re-evaluate her choices. Will their love for one another be enough when life throws them a curve ball and they have some tough decisions to make?
Just Like Heaven
Third part in series, 25,362 words, 8 chapters
Summary: Vivian and Five have been actively trying to start a family, but to no avail. The stress is wearing on them both and it's affecting their once solid relationship. With the last few months left on Five's Commission contract, he is looking forward to putting that part of his life in the past. However, Viv is soon confronted with a harsh truth that puts their relationship in jeopardy.
Promise To Kill
Fourth part in series, 86,881 words, 12 chapters
Summary: Five is married to the love of his life, with a young son, and the retirement life he always dreamed. Everything is perfect. Which should have been Five's first clue that something was going to go wrong. A new discovery involving his child leads to a horrible family tragedy. The Umbrella Academy has to step up to save the day and Five's family.
Our Forever
Fifth and final part in series, 32,175 words, 8 chapters
Summary: Five's never been great with healthy coping skills. Even after all this time. When he is faced with a horrible tragedy and he doesn't know how to cope, he blames himself, as usual. But this time, it seems it can't be fixed. Until a sudden vision from beyond makes him realize that maybe he can after all.
Five/Vivian One-Shot Series
Five x OC collection of one-shots that show little glimpses into Five and Vivian's life over the years, in no particular order or timeline. 11 works in total.
All works in this series rated E or M for explicit sex/smut
Damaged 3,210 words
Extra Credit 6,436 words
Piece de Resistance aka The French Lady Incident 7,999 words
The New Neighbor 7,136 words
Sharp Dressed Man 5,514 words, co-authored by KayBreezy
Coming And Going 5,491 words
Let's Hear It For The Boy 7,508 words
You Are My Constant 19,757 words
Summary: This is technically a one-shot, but it's longer because it depicts Five and Vivian's honeymoon and contains more plot and character development
Lewd Public Acts 7,412 words (same story that is posted on Tumblr)
When Number Five Steps Out, He's Gonna Do You In 8,730 words, co-authored by KayBreezy
Take Me To Church 6,465 words
No Escape 8,045 words (same story that is posted on Tumblr)
Works separate from my series:
The Sexual Awakenings Of Mr. Number Five Hargreeves
Five x Various Female OCs, 40,516 words, 8 chapters
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: Relatively speaking, it wasn’t that long ago that Five was a total moron when it came to sex, and women in general. Having spent his most formative years isolated and alone, once he was thrown back into society, his lack of experience was obvious.... And even though he tried not to let it bother him, he quickly realized that it did. It bothered him a lot.
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Five x Female OC (unnamed), Five x Dolores, 6,029 words, one-shot
Rated M for smut/sex
Summary: Five is trying his hardest to be in a real relationship with someone that cares about him. When he comes across a familiar face in a thrift shop window, all of his dreams of normalcy are dashed. And he can't help the decades-old feelings that resurface.
The Assassin's Date
Five x Female OC, 59,057 words, 9 chapters
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: After saving the world, Five Hargreeves is working as an independent hitman for hire. When a tough and beautiful woman is witness to one of his crimes, the last thing Five wants to do is kill her. Instead, he makes her a deal. If she goes on one date with him, he'll let her live. When she agrees, he can't help but notice that the date might be fake, but his feelings are real.
All Apologies
Five, The Hargreeves Siblings, Five x Dolores, 21,892 words, 4 chapters
Rated T for teen (language, mentions of masturbation)
Summary: All Five had wanted to do was to keep his family safe, and away from their father. As the young Umbrella Academy pull further away from one another, Five desperately tries to make them see that their only chance at a happy life is to get out from under Reginald's rule. His methods of convincing, however, lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and typical Hargreeves drama. Years later, when Five is alone with only Dolores to talk to, he finds himself thinking back on all of his mistakes.
The Download
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 31,310 words, 5 chapters (also posted on Tumblr)
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: It's the end of the world and everyone you know is gone. After you find yourself at the Hotel Obsidian, you realize you have something in common with the rest of the remaining population. When Number Five takes a particular interest in you, and your special ability, the evening turns into much more than you expected. The universe may be hours away from imploding, but you and Five are going out with a bang.
The Text Mess
Five, Klaus, 5,576, one-shot, co-authored by KayBreezy
Rated T for teen (sexual references, clothed dick pics)
Summary: With no apocalypse looming, and Reginald gone, left with their powers but not much else, the Hargreeves were finally getting to figure out life on their own terms. Number Five was doing what he always did. He was surviving and doing his best to move on from his traumatic past, though the success of that endeavor was evident in the day-to-day reality of his new self-inflicted dark and lonely existence. And then along came Klaus...
Full Circle
Five x Female OC, 96,272 words, 14 chapters
Rated E for explicit sex, threats of rape, violence, child abuse
Summary: Even without an apocalypse to head off, Five has lived a hard life. Physical and emotional abuse from his father, along with devastating heartbreak; this is all he knows throughout his teenage years. As an adult, he becomes a Mafia Hitman. And not a Hitman with a heart of gold. After years of childhood trauma, Five is willing to kill, no questions asked, for the crime family he works for. When the one person in his life that ever meant anything to him shows up ten years later, he's willing to love and be loved again. But everything comes at a price.
It's A Wonderful Life, Five Hargreeves
Five x Female OC, 22,594 words, 5 chapters
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: Five years after he and his siblings were abandoned by their father, and with no powers, Number Five is visited by his guardian angel. An annoyingly chipper woman that is anything but your typical angel. When he is unable to get rid of her, he finally gives in and she shows him what it means to be grateful for what he has and to stop pushing his family away. Inspired by both A Christmas Carol and It's A Wonderful Life.
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 3,199 words, one-shot (also posted on Tumblr)
Rated M for smut/sex
Summary: Sometimes our bodies get a taste of something so good that it's nearly impossible to quit. No matter how bad it is for us. And right now that something is Five Hargreeves.
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 4.901 words, one-shot (also posted on Tumblr)
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: Even Five Hargreeves is no stranger to temptation. He tries so hard to stay away. He wants to do the right thing for once in his life. If not for himself, then for her. But every man has his breaking point.
Five x Female Reader-Insert, 4.917 words, one-shot (also posted on Tumblr)
Summary: Five is finally strong enough to give in to his true feelings and tell you how he feels. You are strong enough to let him.
Love In The Time of Cholera and Coffee
Five x Female Reader-Insert, Klaus x Female Reader-Insert, Multi-Chapter work in progress
Rated E for explicit sex
Summary: You and Klaus are in a casual relationship. No ties, just sex. When you start spending a lot of time at his apartment, you somehow manage to break through his brother's prickly outer shell. He seems to like you, or at least tolerate you the best that Five can. When you start to realize that maybe there is more than just mutual friendship between the two of you, it opens up a lot of feelings and unanswered questions. And a lot of problems.
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frost-queen · 11 months
Under the Sparrow's umbrella (Umbrella!Reader x Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine
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Loud footsteps made you all slowly turn. Still half confused about the sudden change in interior. Your eyes widened at the sight of him at the upper level. – “Ben!” – you exclaimed happily. The Ben at the top grabbed the railing, jumping over it as he landed firm on his feet. He slowly rose while you were gaping in awe at him. – “Ben!” – Klaus said loudly, opening his arms to go and hug him. Ben pulled his nose up, slapping his arms away. – “You are trespassing hobo.” – he commented in detest.
Klaus pressed his hand to his heart, shocked. – “You hurt my feelings Ben.”  - Klaus said making Ben scoff. – “A matter of fact… you all are.” – Ben continued, tugging his hand in his pocket. – “What’s with the uniform?” – Five questioned. It was only now that you all noticed it. The change of color and emblem on his uniform. – “You wouldn’t get it schoolboy.” – Ben responded. Five clenched his jaw, ready to jump at him if Luther hadn’t held him back.
Your eyes widened seeing more people appear on the upper level. – “Need any help brother?” – a girl spoke. Ben held his hand up. – “I can handle these…” – his gaze went obviously up and down cocky over your posture. – “Children.” – he addressed glancing at Five. Five gritted his teeth as you held him back by his shoulder.
“We aren’t trespassing this is our home!” – Luther called out. – “We are the Umbrella academy.” – he said looking at his siblings to back him up. – “You are dead.” – he added pointing at Ben. Ben scoffed loud. – “Clearly I’m not!” – he said. – “And this is the Sparrow academy.” – he explained as his siblings came downstairs. – “Sparrow?” – Diego whispered out, looking at Victor. Victor shrugged his shoulders. You stepped forwards making Ben glance intrigued at what you might say.
“Maybe this is all kind of messed up. I mean we did just time-jump back here.” – you concluded. – “But that man…” – you pointed at the portrait of Reginald. – “Is our father.” – you finished. Ben chuckled, eying you up and down. – “Oh right! Time-jump well maybe father saw how useless you all are and decided he needed to adopt other children. Children who wouldn’t be so worthless.” – he pushed you back by your forehead.
You stumbled back as Diego caught you before you could trip. – “Sparrow Ben is a dick!” – you told him seeing him nod. Clearly this Ben wasn’t like the Ben you knew. The Ben you grew up with. Ben glanced over his shoulder to his siblings by his side. – “Let’s show them out.” – he smirked, expression hardening on you. – “That one’s mine.” – he grunted out. You swallowed nervously slowly backing up.
Ben moved his body as his tentacle arms shot out. You screamed loud when they lurched towards you. You quickly dove under the coffee table as a tentacle missed you. Eyes widened when the table got lifted up. Ben tilting his head murderously enjoyable at you. – “Gotcha!” – he laughed out. You shrieked moving your hands up to block his next attack. Ben smiled greedily when he forced his tentacles down to you. You gasped hard when your brother Five popped up near you, knelt down.
In a split second he had his arms around you, teleporting with you. Ben’s tentacles went down, grabbing thin air as it made him glare. You re-appeared in the hallway, gasping loud. – “Definitely not our Ben.” – you breathed out. Five held his finger up telling you to wait while he teleported again. – “Umbrella girl.” – you heard Ben call out tauntingly. – “Come out and play.” – he went on making you tense your jaw. So not your Ben.
You left your hiding place, spotting Diego throwing knives coming into the hallway backwards. He nearly bumped into you, ready to throw knives at you. – “Watch me sis, I got knives!” – he scolded you. Diego and you backed up when Ben came in the hallway. – “There you are!” – he said as you were standing behind your brother, hand on his shoulder.
Your eyes falling on the knife he was holding. – “I’ll take that.” – you told Diego, plucking the knife from him. – “Wha…?” – before he could be more visibly confused, you threw the knife at Ben. It scraped his arm, sliding his vest a bit open. The knife clattered to the ground as you smiled embarrassed at him. Ben grunted looking at his torn vest. Diego gave you a brotherly slap against the back of your head. – “Don’t touch my knives.” – he called out. – “Diego not the right time.” – you told him between a held up smile. – “No Y/n I already told you; you don’t touch my knives.” – he continued holding his finger up.
Meanwhile Ben cracked his knuckles readying himself to attack you with his tentacles again. – “Diego Run!” – you shouted, pulling him with you by his vest. His eyes widened seeing the tentacles speeding his way. Diego quickened his pace, taking the front as he was dragging you along now. You made it outside just in time. Out of breath you encountered Klaus sitting on the porch. – “Oh there you are I was starting to wonder if any of you were going to show up.” – he casually said making Diego nudge his legs to get up.
Not a moment later busted Allison, Luther, and Victor out. Five teleported a second later, adjusting his vest. – “Now this is a major issue.” – he said stroking his hand over the back of his head. – “You think!” – Allison blurted out. She scoffed loud taking a walk. Luther going after her which led to Victor following to Diego and Klaus following. You motioned to Five with your head to come along. He nodded giving you a weary smile.
Ben clicked his tongue hatefully at you. You rolled your eyes at him. – “Is Luther here? I know you have him so don’t even try to lie to me.” – you called out, letting yourself in the Sparrow Academy without approval of him. Ben scoffed, grabbing you by your wrist to a stop. – “Listen princess, what if we have him?” – Ben said as you pulled your hand out of his grip. – “Maybe he finally has seen how much more potential this family has considered against yours.” – he mocked, knowing it would taunt you.
You tensed your jaw, glaring at him. You turned away from him, shouting loud in the hallway. – “Luther! Luther come down!” – your voice booming loud in the hallway. Ben grabbed your hand to stop you as he immediately flinched his hand back after coming in contact with yours. He rubbed his hand. – “So you do have abilities. For a while I thought you were their mascot.” – he replied with a sneer. You smiled sarcastically at him, showing him your hand as electricity moved around your fingers.
You had given him a small electric shock the moment he grabbed your hand. – “Luther! Come out we are going home!” – you yelled loud. Ben grabbed for your shoulder as you flung your arm back to release his touch on you. – “Listen squid, you touch me one more time and I’ll fry you!” – you threatened. Ben chuckled. – “I’d like to see you try.”
He didn’t have to say that twice. You let electricity surround your hands, extending your hands out to him as the electricity hit him flat in the chest. Ben got flung against the wall, dropping coughingly down. He pressed his hand against his chest watching you walk off. – “Luther! Luther where the hell are you?” – you shouted for his attention. As you were about to step on the stairs, your path was blocked by Christopher. He changed color while bleeping something.
“You want to have a go cube?” – you taunted having enough of being held back. Christopher turned a bright red as you acted faster than him. You electrocuted him. His entire cube shivering till he dropped to the ground. – “Luther!” – you screamed out stepping over the cube. You came upstairs, hearing Luther’s voice come from out of a room. You went in, trying not to be amazed by the gym set up in the house. – “Y/n?” – Luther said confused jumping up.
Sloane sitting beside him as she stopped smiling. You pointed at him. – “We are going home!” – you made clear. Luther looked briefly down at Sloane, hesitating. – “Luther I said we are going home!” – you repeated not wanting to stay one minute longer with the Sparrows. Out of breath appeared Ben behind you. – “Luther you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” – he said rather warmly and caring.
It made you frown, staring stunned at his sudden friendliness. – “Shut up!” – you told him, having enough of his ego. – “Luther. Let’s go home.” – you said in a friendlier tone. Luther was still hesitant as you could practically hear Ben snicker in your ear. – “Luther I am your family. I’m your sister… please come home…I need you.” – you begged as Ben snorted loud at your confession.
You let your hand be surrounded by electricity as you touched Ben’s side. He jumped aside at the sudden sting in his side. Luther sighed deep, apologizing to Sloane. He walked over to you as you hugged him. Or rather he hugged you, lifting you up and squashing you in his tight embrace. – “Let’s go home sis.” – he said patting you on the head. You stuck your tongue out to Ben to rub it just that little bit more in his face.
Ben gave you a smile full of mockery back. God how much you hated him. How you also hated that he was exactly like the Ben you knew only raised more messed up. Ben stepped aside allowing you to leave with Luther. – “Are we just going to let them leave?” – Jayme questioned loudly. – “Let’s just kill them now!” – She insisted on. Ben held his hand up to silence her. Looking back to you for as long as he could.
Jayme was running after you. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw her approaching. Her expression hard and tense. Puffing loudly, you tried to keep in front of her, outrunning her. – “Hey Umbrella!” – she called out tauntingly speeding up. You felt her grip to you closer, her hand moving over your back to put you to a stop. You came to a halt as she had grabbed a hold of your hair. – “I wasn’t done talking.” – she said teasingly pulling you back by your hair.
You inhaled sharp through your nose, at the brink of giving her a piece of your own mind. You stepped back as she kept moving backwards. Feeling a sudden tug on your hair, made you turn your head to look. Ben’s hand firm around her wrist as he had pulled it off you. – “What are you doing?” – he said coldly, pushing her wrist to her it made her stumble backwards. Jayme puffed some hair out of her face. – “Getting revenge on the umbrella.” – she called out, glaring at you.
Ben glared right back at her. You observed their interaction with curiosity. Ben glanced your way, softening his expression. With a touch of his hand on your lower back, you felt your heart flutter for him. – “Ben let me just…” – Jayme started launching her hand at you. Ben caught her by the wrist again. Her hand clawed out inches away from your face. It made you widen your eyes brief, taking a subtle step back to have her hand out of your face. He swayed his finger to the side, shaking his head.
Jayme gritted her teeth, slapping her hand out of his grip, accidently hitting him in the face. Ben touched his cheek from the impact. Your eyes widened and hardened with anger. – “You hit him!” – you called out. – “How dare you hit him!” – you added while Ben waved his hand at you that it was alright. You called out a war cry, jumping at Jayme. You wrapped your legs around her while slapping her on top of her head. Jayme was receiving the impact trying to get you off. – “Get her off!” – Jayme screamed irritated.
Ben simply crossed his arms, smiling teasingly at you. You jumped off her, puffing loud. Jayme glared, readying her teeth to spit at you. Before she could spit at you, you electrocuted her. Her body spasmed till she dropped unconscious to he ground. – “I knew you could handle yourself.” – Ben said teasingly. You smiled sweetly at him. – “I just electrocuted your sister to the ground.” – you told him getting closer.
“Aren’t you getting revenge?” – you whispered standing as close as possible to him. Ben smirked. – “Would you like me to?” – he spoke back. You shrugged your shoulders. – “Try me Sparrow.” – you teased with a flirty smile. Ben’s gaze lowered to your lips as he briefly licked his. You moved your hand forwards as he grabbed it, quickly spinning you around till you were held against his chest.
He took in a deep breath, moving his head down to your shoulder. – “I could just use my abilities on you.” – he pondered with a chuckle. You cleared your throat drawing his attention to the hand he was still holding upwards of yours. A few sparkles of electricity moving around your fingers. He moved his hand over yours, clearly not bothered by the faint electricity running around it. He stretched your arm out, squinting his eye.
He then removed his hand from on top of yours, whispering shoot in your ear. You released a shot of electricity as it flung across the room, hitting a lightbulb hanging on the wall of the hotel. The lightbulb exploded making Ben smile. You turned your head to the side, glancing up to him. Turning your posture more, you were facing him again. Your heart pounding loudly. It has always beaten for Ben. Whether it be Umbrella Ben or Sparrow Ben.
Ben slowly parted his lips. – “I know you loved this other Ben.” – he whispered to you, moving his palm against your cheek. Hardening his grip as he moved his hand further back to your neck, grabbing you there. – “I think I’m gonna steal you from him.” – his last words ended as he forced his lips onto yours. You completely melted under his kiss, Sparrow Ben all you could think about. How much you hoped Umbrella Ben would forgive you for. Even though he was already long gone.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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book-place · 1 year
As Seen on Disney
Warnings: slight mentions of child abandonment, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Viktor Hargreeves x daughter reader, Hargreeves siblings x niece reader
Request: Hello may I request platonic Hargreeves with Vanya! Daughter reader? Like maybe Vanya found us in a basket in front of her door and was like "welp, might as well" (this takes place in first season) and for some reason we have a Disney vibe™️ if reader burst in a song other people join and know the lyrics and dance, she can underastand animals, etc. Like Giselle from Enchanted but reader is kind of embarrased. I just want everyone to be dumbfonded by this real life Disney princess
Request by: Anon
*not my gif*
Summary: Viktor finally introduces you to his siblings
A/n: This kinda sucks, sorry
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Guys,” Viktor cleared his throat, almost nervously, “I want you to meet my daughter, Y/n.”
All of his siblings froze, their eyes snapping over to where he stood in the doorway of the living room, watching as he gently beckoned to someone from off to the side.
Slowly, you shuffled into view with your head hung low, eyes flitting up to everyone in the room for a second before immediately skirting away again, “Hi,” You whispered shyly.
“D-daughter?” Diego stuttered out, unable to wrap his mind around the fact that his own brother had a child he never knew about.
“Not biologically!” Viktor immediately assured them, “But a few years ago she was left on my doorstep with a note talking about how her mother didn’t know anyone else that could take care of her.”
Allison raised an eyebrow, “Do you know her mother?”
Viktor shook his head lightly, “No, no, it’s not like that. It’s-“
“I’m like you guys,” You blurted out, face reddening at your own words.
Fives eyebrows shot up, “Like us in the way of having special abilities?”
“Exactly like that,” Viktor confirmed, reaching over and rubbing your back comfortingly, “I was going to tell you guys about her during dads funeral but then everything happened and I never got the chance.”
“Ooh!” Klaus squealed, bounding over and scooping you up in his arms, “I have another neice! Which isn’t saying much because I never met Claire, but-“
“Put her down, you moron,” Five hissed, sauntering over and slapping his brothers hands away, “You’re probably making her uncomfortable.”
You shook your head a little bit, “No, it’s alright.” You whispered.
“So, kid,” Diego said, bracing his arms on his knees as he leaned forward, “What is it that you can do?”
And all at once, you seemed to crawl back into your shell and your eyes averted themselves to the ground once more where you were kicking your shoe back and forth slightly.
“She can talk to animals,” Viktor told them for you, “It’s okay,” He whispered just for you to hear, “They’ll understand.”
You looked up at him for a moment, reading his eyes, before shyly looking back at your aunt and uncles and whispering, “I can also sing.”
“What do you mean by that?” Luther asked out of pure curiosity.
“It’s like a Disney movie,” Your father offered helpfully, “She can’t control it, but it happens a lot where she randomly breaks into song.”
It’s silent for a moment, one that had you holding your breath and your heart hammering from not only anticipation for how they would react, but from sheer embarrassment of it all.
“That is so cool!” Klaus suddenly exclaimed, “Show me! Show me! Show me!” He was bouncing up and down like a child.
Relief flooded through you like a tsunami wave and you cracked a small smile at the fact that they weren’t weirded out or disgusted by what you could do.
“She can’t control it,” Five hissed before rolling his eyes at the man, “God, don’t you listen to anything?”
“That is so cool!” Allison agreed, walking over and crouching in front of you before embracing you gently, “And it’s very nice to meet you, Y/n.” A chorus of agreements sounded from the rest of the siblings.
Your grin widened as you made eye contact with your father, who grinned widely at you back. Not just you, but he too had been dreading and been so nervous for how today was going to go that when it actually went well, it felt like a giant weight was being lifted off of your shoulders.
The Hargreeves 🦹- @lovanitu @your-local-questioning-agender @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @mukbee @i-writes-things @ladyagagaslefttoe @etanordoesbullsh1t
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Mystery Letter
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Characters: Umbrella Academy x Reader
Warnings: Slight language
Summary: An odd letter prompts you to Hotel Obsidian to meet with familiar faces.
Deep into the family meeting, the Umbrella Academy found their doomed conversation about the end of the world and their dead mothers interrupted when a familiar face marched over to their huddle at the bar.
Five was the first to notice your presence and stopped speaking which prompted the rest of the group turning their heads towards you, all fairly surprised to see you again.
You held up a hand-scrawled letter and waved it around before setting it on the bench.
“Help. Urgent. Obsidian. Help. Bring blueberry soda.” You repeated from the words that were scribbled unintelligibly on the paper. Reaching into your bag, you pulled out a box of blueberry soda and without turning, handed it to Klaus knowing that he was the only one to make the unusual request. Number Four took it with the eagerness of a child and sat on his chair quietly drinking.
Sighing, you shrugged. “Care to explain?”
Five, swapping his drink to his right hand, pointed with his left. “You first. The briefcase should have brought us back together but you weren’t with us. Why?”
“How should I know? I’m not a time-traveller. I was spit out on the porch of the Umbrella Academy. Then I saw you guys getting your asses handed to you and I bounced.”
Diego frowned. “You left us there?”
“I don’t have powers and I’m not an Umbrella. I would have been killed two seconds in, Diego.”
There were some quick hums of agreement which made you squint at them. “Okay, obviously not two seconds. I am capable of lasting longer than that in a fight.”
The hums went from agreement to skeptics and you wished your could pounce on them to prove a point but there was clearly something else at play so you chose to keep it to yourself.
Luther picked up the paper and scanned the few words as he could right before it was snatched from his hold by his brother. Five read the very same and shook his head, “Well, here’s the conundrum - none of us wrote this letter to you.”
You frowned. “No way. There was a request for blueberry soda and only Klaus makes that request.”
Handing the slip of paper back to you, Five sighed. “Maybe. But it’s certainly not any of our handwriting so we’ll just add that to the list of mysteries on our plate in less than twenty-four hours.”
Looking around, you noticed the same expression of concern on their faces. “What other mystery is there?”
Five pulled out a shot glass, slid it across the table to your hand and poured you a drink. “The Grandfather Paradox.”
Shit. You had read about the paradox in the Reginald Hargreeves’ library when you’d sneak inside the Academy to play as kids.
Throwing your head back, you downed the shot and let the liquid burn your throat.
“How?” You asked.
Five sighed. “Some idiot killed our mothers.”
Klaus bumped into your shoulder as he brought the book of photos. Setting it in front of you, he pointed at the black and white image of an Amish woman.
“That’s my mom.” He said proudly.
You smiled and peered at the image, sending him a curious hum as you noticed their resemblance. “You have her eyes.”
Klaus gave you a sigh of love and placed his hands over his heart. Then he widened them and latched onto you with a hug.
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mekochansblog · 1 year
Baby... babies!
Five hargreeves x reader
- five being a dad, spoiler of season 3, some scenes are changed for the sake of the shot.
- request by anonymous
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Having a kid with your husband was the most beautiful thing you could ask anyone. Now for Five was a little tricky. Mostly because he had never taken care of a kid, and now he has the responsibility of his kid? Yeah, it's a little difficult for him. When Evangeline was first born, he was a wreck. Lina will wake up at the most random hours and will start crying. He will wake up in a jolt and look around, thinking he is back there. (You guys decided to stop calling the apocalypse, apocalypse and call it there) You will then wake up and walk to Lina to feed her, cradle her back to sleep, or change her diaper.
 It was a little difficult for Five to get used to Lina waking up randomly, but once she started growing up a little, he got used to the routine, and whenever she cries, he's the one getting up and helping her go back to sleep. When Lina turned one, Five went all out. It was his first child; of course, he would be the one person that would be extra. (They all thought Klaus was going to be the one handling everything) Since she was born on Halloween, they decided on The Addams family. Little Evangeline was a beautiful Wednesday, you were Morticia, and Five was Gomez. It was so cute and fun. You knew that your family was almost complete. You had the most incredible gift for Five and your family-in-law by Christmas.
You dressed Evangeline in a cute red dress with black leggings while her dark brown hair was in two ponytails. Five wore a casual red shirt and black pants while you wore a red dress. Once you got to the academy, you all brought gifts for everyone to give out. "Y/N! Five! Little Lina! You guys made it!" You laughed and hugged Klaus.
 "We weren't going to miss it; Klaus Little Lina has to have her first Christmas with the family." Five walked in, holding all the presents while you were holding Lina. Once we got in and suited ourselves on the living room couch. We all shared a couple of laughs and drinks. Klaus did offer you an alcoholic beverage, but you declined it and asked for just an apple cider and no alcohol. He looked at you weirdly, and you felt Five's glances at you, but you ignored it.
Once it was noon, you decided to open the presents. Once everyone went, you decided it was your turn to go. Lina was already asleep in Five's old room, and you had a baby monitor in case she woke up. You first told them they couldn't open it until you told them to. You sat their gift in their hand and left Five for last. You did a countdown and told them to open it. Everyone started tearing the paper and just looked at the shirt you gave them. Viktor looked at you with a surprised face, Diego began tearing up, and Allison started crying. Klaus was the first to speak, "You-You're pregnant?!" everyone started cheering and congratulating.
You looked at Five and waited for his reaction. He looked at you, grabbed your chin, and kissed you. Once he let go, he breathed, grinned, and whispered, "You keep me, making me the happiest man in the world, Y/N; I love you." Nine months later, your baby boy was born. Little Eugene was born on September 3. Five now knew what to do; since little Eugene wasn't his first... and probably won't be his last (his words, not yours), you knew you wouldn't mind leaving him alone with both your kids. So your little family was finally complete.
Little blurb:
Five knew you left an hour ago, and the kids were still asleep (that's what he thinks), so he knew he could get a little bit more sleep before he had to wake up the kids for breakfast. His door banged on the wall when he was about to close his eyes. He jolted and looked in panic at the door, he frowned when no one was at the door, but once he turned his head, he screamed (He won't admit that it sounded a little girly). Lina giggled, and so did Eugene; both kids stared at their father. "Papa, papa, wake up! Breakfast!" He blinked twice before scooping both kids and getting up; Both kids giggled with glee that their father wanted to play with them. He sat them both on their high chair and jumped to the fridge. He decided to make them something soft that they could both eat. (Evangeline was just four, and Eugene just turned three not too long ago)
Once breakfast was over, and they brushed their teeth, both kids decided they wanted to play with their leggos. While the kids did that, Five sat in the living room to watch both of his kids and do a little work. A little time passed when he glanced at his kids; tell us why Five saw little Evangeline spatial jump to her brother's other side. Please, someone, tell this man he didn't just see that. What will his wife say? Oh, his wife will probably kill him. Well, hopefully, she doesn't find out, right?!
She did find out and waited for Five to tell her that man felt like he had the symptoms of paradox psychosis. His innocent and lovely wife made him scared.
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eternal-armin · 1 year
'CAUSE HE THINKS he's made of candy.
i think this is the longest thing i've ever written here, around 6.7k words and i had to revise it a lot because it took up too much space ;;; the title is a reference to candy by robbie williams because that song slaps hard
pairing : five hargreeves x male/transmasc reader. [he/him pronouns]
where : after surviving the apocalypse together and saving the world, things finally return to normal, in good ways and in bad ways.
warnings : mentions of trauma, some light mentions of gore, reader has a congenital insensitivity to pain and find getting injured amusing, so... a lot of that kind of trouble. i totally wanna do another part or so because klaus and diego being father figures gives me life
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you walked through the half-dark house, making your way to five's room like you had many times, skateboard in one hand and phone in the other. making sure you hadn't waken anybody up, you opened the door, greeted by the expected sight of a dark bedroom and the sound of gentle snoring. "five, wake up~," you whispered, half singing, shaking his arm, steadily waking him up. he looked annoyed, his brow already furrowed and a frown already tugging at his lips, but he wasn't angry. he was rather used to it by now, in all honesty. "your favorite person ever in the entire world is here!" you hummed. five could basically smell the grin you wore.
"and i wish he would go away," he grumbled in response, trying to turn back over and go back to sleep, only for you to flick on the light and blind him. "jesus christ, a fucking―a warning next time, please?"
"shove your warnings up your ass, five, you can miss out on your middle schooler sleep schedule for a night."
"many nights, actually," he hissed distastefully, giving a mourning glance to the cozy pillow before he sat up, now disappointingly awake. "what do you want this time?" the grogginess was now leaving his voice, but not really his eyes. five almost looked nice when sleepy, even if he looked pissed as hell at being woken up. at least your face was a little more pleasant to look at now that you were back to your teenage self.
"let's go shopping."
five looked at you like you were utterly insane, then slowly looked over at his clock. he cocked his head at you. "it's almost midnight."
"mm, did i stutter?"
"i wish you did. i'm not going shopping with you at midnight. no place is even open." five tried to put his foot down. he was a steel wall to anyone else. but to you―perhaps for you, he was simply a clay plot, one easy to crack the more water you filled it with. it was nice to spend time with you without the entire world desolate and destroyed around you, at least.
"who said the place had to be open?" you shot back with a cheeky grin. five wished that he could be surprised with your blatant delinquency. at some points it had done you both well and your affinity for breaking rules, laws, and regulations gave you a peculiar resourcefulness, but now that you were both safe and home, well... you'd become a mischievous troublemaker. just how you used to be.
"... how the hell did we ever become friends." his voice was utterly flat and his expression exhausted and peeved and yet he still stood up, shrugging the blankets off of himself, heading to his closet because he would be damned if you were going to get hurt and he wouldn't be there to laugh at you.
well, you didn't really get hurt, did you?
"i dunno, but i'm sure you regret your decision." five didn't respond to that. "i will satiate your worries, though, old man, it's an abandoned mall this time."
"wow. character development. didn't expect that from you." with the newfound information he searched for something decent to wear. something that allowed him to move and remain covered by shadows should any unsavory things come to pass.
"hey, hey, i went from crying when i stepped on an ant to killing people, and even if that's negative character development, it's still character development, okay? stop underselling me." you leaned against the wall next to his door, skateboard lounging beside you, picking at your nails. he finally took a full glance at you now that sleep was totally gone from his mind and his body, narrowing his eyes. you were wearing jean shorts, an old nirvana t-shirt, and a hawaiian button-down completely unbuttoned. at least you were wearing knee-pads this time around, but that was all the praise he could give you. five still found himself stunned that you so brazenly didn't care about how visible your scars were; scars from broken bones, scrapes, cuts, gashes, burns, stabs, bullets, shrapnel. you paraded them about like they were boy scout badges which was almost hilarious because you never learned anything from the incidents which now lined your body. even though five would never do it himself, and in fact found it incredibly weird, he kind of respected it. admired it, even. but just that one thing, nothing else. never.
"what, see something you like, old man?" you mused, going from fidgeting with your fingers to looking him in the eye, your own glinting with a bit of cheekiness. not the worst thing to be woken up to in the middle of the night.
five scoffed. "never in my life." you rolled your eyes at that sarcastic response and your grin did not fade. "you're―you're seriously wearing that?"
"hey, i dress my age, mr. retired-man-with-dementia-who-only-remembers-how-to-play-bingo, alright? leave me be." neither of you were bothered by bickering whilst five changed from pajamas to day clothes. he wasn't getting totally naked, so neither of you really gave a shit.
"'dress your age'..." he muttered. "you dress like a blind tween."
"thanks, hot stuff."
"that wasn't a compliment."
"i literally could not care less," you shot back, then winked at him, adding, "lovingly."
five faked a chuckle in some sort of hum sound, shooting you a falsified grin before returning to what he was doing. "i don't want your love. i'm good."
you frowned a bit yourself, which was totally and utterly unnerving and made five, somehow, regret what he said a little bit. "ouch, dude, tell me how you really feel."
"you couldn't comprehend even the most elementary of my emotions, so i'll spare you the headache." he glanced at you a few times, more so at that lingering twinge of unhappiness that so brazenly took over your expression. those words were typically the closest you would ever get to verbal reassurance or comfort from five, not just because he was completely incapable of voicing his own emotions properly, but because physicality did more for you than talking ever did; so, with a comfortable, neutral flannel now hiding his previously exposed torso, he placed a hand on your shoulder. he was always gentle with you, which completely didn't make sense because if anyone in the world needed to be treated gently it would certainly not be you.
a little smile found its way back on your lips. now reassured that not everything was wrong with the world, five pulled on a dark sweater and paperboy cap. you looked him over. "you really look like a retiree now," you mused, but it wasn't an insult. he looked nice like this, out of that hellish uniform, and never could you imagine him in anything else. "do you wanna hit the golf course too, gramps? i'm sure they got some mocktails for you since you wanna keep the drinking to a minimum tonight."
"shut it before i make you." he spoke through gritted teeth, jabbing a finger at you, only succeeding in making you grin.
"is that a threat or a promise?" you clicked your tongue, picking up your skateboard and heading for the door before he could say anything else. "the old tree is, like, a twenty-five-minute walk."
"i'll just blink us, i'm not spending another thirty minutes with you on a skateboard on rough sidewalks, i don't even wanna think about what would happen this time."
"it was so cool, though! i never thought a compound fracture could look like that!"
"[y/n], you only think it's cool because you couldn't feel the pain."
"uh, yeah," you said back, raising a brow at him while he shut off the light to his room and closed the door behind you two. "but it was still cool." you had your bubbly little grin again and five rolled his eyes. despite all that trouble, all that excessive worry he would never admit to feeling, five still looked back somewhat fondly on those times. back when you were ten, still learning how to skateboard, and your parents didn't even give you a helmet or joint pads, when you broke your ankle and didn't even know something had happened until five pointed it out.
after taking one hell of a tumble, hearing the board crack a bit beneath you, you let out a breathless huff, allowing yourself a moment to absorb the sudden shift in, well, everything. five perked up at the sound, surprised you weren't crying or something after falling like that. you stood up and brushed yourself off like nothing was wrong, peering strangely down at the board, which had no damage. you pushed it back and forth once or twice with one foot and it seemed undamaged. that was weird. you'd heard it break, right? five came up to your side, glancing you over once or twice, before his eyes settled down at your feet. "you've got a little something on, uh―" five cut himself off, eyes wide, and you knew that shit was bad when he looked at you like that. he looked about as shocked as one could be, and that unnerved you to no end.
"what? what, did i..." you looked down at your shirt to make sure you hadn't torn it up or anything or were totally exposed, somehow completely not noticing the broken ankle on which you were unsteadily standing, chalking it up to you still half-standing on your skateboard. "what, i don't see what's wrong this picture. stop being cryptic with me, man, you know i'm dumb as shit."
"well―i mean, you aren't wrong about that 'dumb as shit' thing, but i think you just fully busted your ankle." his curtness was plain and simple, and you had already known back then that it would be a constant in his attitude. you looked down, then back up, your eyes wide and mouth twisted as you poorly suppressed a grin and a very annoying giggle. "don't look at me like that! how―how are you not feeling it? that would hurt like hell!" he kept gesturing down at your ankle, at the protrusion of bone and reddening, swelling skin.
"i dunno, i just can't feel it," you mumbled. he pursed his lips, simultaneously in disbelief at what you were saying and knowing that you were too shit at lying to pull this kind of thing off. all of a sudden, his mind was screeching like a fork in a garbage disposal. not being able to feel pain was kind of a bad thing.
he had actually been right, to no one's surprise, when you were diagnosed with congenital analgesia. that incident had marked the day where five silently vowed to be there to protect you, because you were alone except for him. and, to a certain extent, he was alone except for you.
"god really was fucked up when he made you, wasn't he," he muttered.
you both headed downstairs and the clock, by now, was probably around twelve. klaus waited at the bottom of the staircase with the cheekiest of smirks on his face, hands clasped together and his cheek leaning against them. you let out an exhausted groan, thinking you'd missed this tonight.
"something tells me he's super weird-dad tonight."
"why are you surprised, he's klaus, and he's basically your dad."
klaus let out some weird giggle. "i mean, i prefer the thought of being the really cool uncle who teaches you how to smuggle alcohol and how to juke rehab therapists, but i don't mind being a dad." he stepped in front of you two, hands now extended, and that dopey uber-proud dad smile back. "oh, just look at you two!"
"i thought you were sober," five said flatly.
"come on, you two are perfect together! your over-the-top chaos," he gestured to you, "and your sterile literalism!" and he gestured to five. "i'm just waiting for you two to make it official, i mean, two guys don't just survive fifty years in the apocalypse together only from a platonic bond." you and five shared a wide-eyed glance. "don't worry, if my cupid abilities don't get you two together, hormones will. i can't imagine going through puberty twice, let alone the sexual tension between two guys who can't admit their love for one another―"
you put your face in your hands, utterly embarrassed, whilst five was utterly unsurprised. a similar conversation had gone down before, and he just hated reliving it. "okay! that's enough. okay, okay, uh, we're gonna go! if you contact me within the next seven days, i will call child protection services and the police." of course, the threat was empty, but hyperbole was the best way to get your point across. klaus raised his hands in surrender and stepped out of your way. he did enjoy the picture of you two, though; the two extremes on opposite sides of the social attitudes spectrum, one extroverted to the point of it being a flaw and the other antisocial to hell; the opposite sides of the fashion spectrum, one being well-put together mature vintage, and the other being power-clashing at its finest. the multicolored shoelaces were also an appreciated detail.
"i love you too, my little schneke."
"... stop calling me a snail, i'm―i'm not slow."
"maybe not physically," five said quietly to you, and in response you jabbed him in the side with a quiet 'fuck you.' on that cheerful note, you two went about your way. the front door clicked closed behind you, and in a flash of blue-tinted light, you were gone, and the house was mostly silent. klaus was soon joined by allison, quietly making her way downstairs, the only remaining light sleeper of the family.
"you really are just laying on that matchmaker thing, aren't you." she sounded drowsy and awake at the same time. klaus greeted her with a simple smile and a single nod.
"i mean, aren't they just the perfect couple?"
"they certainly were standing next to each other," allison mumbled.
seeing five frustrated was worrying. staring down at his clenched fists, blue light barely rippling out like ice spreading over a metal surface. and so when you passed him, even when he did not notice you, you touched his shoulder, finding yourself in another time. "h-hey, uh, five―" you managed, feeling nauseated as yet again he travelled to some time else.
"get off of me, [y/n], you shouldn't be here!" he looked at you with anger, more like fury, but it was a weird cocktail because it was mixed with a very weird concern. suddenly the world around you two zipped away and was replaced with one of fire, ruined buildings, complete and utter desolation of what was once a world, once compiled with many lives and now every single one was snuffed out because a different roaring fire took everything with it. both of you stood in shock for a few seconds but your cool nature was the first to crack.
"five?! five, where are we?" your voice cracked and your chest tightened, whipping your head around because you thought if you turned fast enough you would be back home.
"like hell if i know, [y/n]! why didn't you let go of me?!"
"i wouldn't have been home anyway, five! i would be just as stranded, i―we―someone needs to be alive, right? someone?" both of you seemed to have the same idea click into your minds, stumbling into weak runs to find the umbrella academy. the building had once stood grand and tall and foreboding and now it was down to the foundations. your friends, his siblings, were gone. he fell to his knees and you turned around, horrified at the world but at least free from the stinging pain of heat and dust whipping into your skin. you felt as cold as ice in a world of fire and heat because, buried amongst the broken homes, were the only family you both had. just older, and... dead. in very painful, excruciating ways.
for all those years, you thought it had been you that stranded you in the apocalypse together; you had distracted him, you had ruined it all, and you never forgave yourself. you hid it well. but five never came out with the same thought process because he didn't believe it in the slightest. he'd already been struggling to transport himself to the time he wanted. maybe you'd exasperated things just a little, but it wasn't entirely your fault. never.
you both allowed yourselves time for the mental breakdown you so dearly deserved, but the time was coming to man up and start trying to find ways to survive. joined at the hip didn't really cover how close you were over those decades, how you couldn't sleep unless you were besides each other, how you protected five because you wouldn't feel the pain and how he always patched you up while cursing you out and still kissing the wound better because it always properly calmed you down, at least more than any words could. you took the brunt of the pain, weaponizing your congenital analgesia and using it as a defensive plan. it worked. even when the handler came around, especially when the handler came around, no defense quite matched yours.
"i should've left you back near the academy building," five muttered, wrapping makeshift bandages around your... well, your practically crushed arm. his voice was gruff now, and not just from the unpleasant living situation, but you were both nearing your thirtieth birthdays. you'd both filled out. you kept gazing at him whenever he patched you up, and even though his words were sour, his touch was sweet.
"what're you looking at, dipshit."
"nothing much."
"fuck you."
"you first."
five grinned a bit. some things never changed.
"wow. this place really didn't age well." the old liberty tree spanned out in front of you with basically no windows left intact, and beyond them a black void without any electricity in the circuits. the outdoor walls were crawling with ivy, the grounds fuzzy from overgrown plants on unkempt laws, and the concrete of the structure looked about ready to crumble. you'd come here a few times in your pre-apocalyptic childhood. it had been coming down for a long time after a few bigger malls came into the picture, carrying more stores, more variety, more fast food restaurants in the food court. now its charms drew only you in as 'how sick would it be to die crushed under the ceiling of an abandoned mall?'
"it's super cool, right?" you giggled, giddy as all hell. your attitude toward liminal spaces had stayed remarkably the same over the years. always, when passing by some tired old house, you nagged five to just take a peek.
"i don't think so, no."
"well, you're friends with me, so i don't think you really have good taste, so i'm gonna ignore that comment and think you said yes." try as he might, and he desperately did, five couldn't bring himself to hate that glint in your eyes when you looked at him. pure, raw curiosity with an undertone of excitement and glee that you were exploring some boring, abandoned place with him of all people. you set down your board and took your place standing on top of it and before five could scold you for skating on very uneven ground, you took off, ducking and pulling a small ollie to get through the shattered pane of the glass main door. five sighed through his nose and followed you in, eventually greeted by the sound of your bluetooth speaker blasting something he couldn't make out by its echo.
"how could you possibly find this fun?" he almost had to shout to be heard. you were approaching again after going around the empty lobby for a few turns, just going faster and faster, losing more caution every time.
"because it's mindless and mostly not illegal!" you responded brightly. suddenly you got the fantastic idea to jump off your board and let it go flying and you followed the instinct, landing wrong on your foot and immediately heading straight for the ground. you would've landed hard, getting at least a deep bruise, if five hadn't caught you by your waist before you could break yet another bone, scoffing at your terrible decisions.
"there are millions of words in the english but none of them could ever describe just how incredible it is that you aren't dead yet," he said curtly, helping you stand back up. you were giggling.
the music was still playing and so you wrapped your arms around his neck, starting to sway and hum along to the eerily-echoing tune. he looked at you with confused horror, eyes narrowed slightly, not moving with you.
"don't give me that, shortstack!"
"i'm taller than you."
"i'm going to ignore that!" you chirped. "we're alive and out of hell, and we have been for, like, weeks now, it wouldn't kill you to dance a little bit!" your hair, bouncy from its messiness, danced almost more than you did as you moved it back and forth, singing whole-heartedly along to saint motel, keeping it a bit dialed back so that five wouldn't have his ears fully blown out by the volume. "who do you think'll see your shitty dance moves other than me? and we both know that i would be a total hypocrite if i insulted you for them."
"i don't dance."
"yeah, and i don't care. your hip won't give out if you use it for fun, fivey."
"don't... don't say that, actually." the cracks were staring to show, just as they always did with his clay pot attitude. you sputtered at the accidental innuendo.
"aw, c'mon, please? just this once?" it was no wonder that klaus was dead-set on his precious, unofficially-adopted son being in love with five, and also no wonder that diego was dead-set on keeping that same unofficially-adopted son as far away from five as possible. your puppy dog eyes were totally nauseating and deeply troubling and so he gave in, solely for the sake of his own sanity. he shut his eyes for a second, mumbling something along the lines of 'i should've killed you decades ago.' but he hugged your waist a little more purposefully and begrudgingly swayed a bit to the tune. the look of utter happiness on your face was, admittedly, kind of worth the wake-up call and following exhaustion.
"i cannot believe that you guilt-tripped me into dancing."
the happy music saw you getting a bit more creative, making up the moves as you went, whatever felt right. five let go of a little control to do the same, and found himself mildly enjoying it. would he do it again? not on his own accord. would you probably make him do it again? without a doubt. it was, however, nice to watch you enjoy yourself. he kind of wanted to dip you, but he didn't.
"you're a natural, though." clasping his hands and intertwining your fingers, you leaned back, and he found himself doing the same, both of you held upright by your grasps on the others' hands, and you started to move in a circle. for the sake of both your safety, five went about it too. walking turned into sideways jogging and you started giggling. the world around you both blurred. for five, it was just you now, just you, like it had always been. it had been a while since you'd held hands for so long but eventually it ended, much to five's dismay, and you went stumbling backward a few steps, falling hard on your ass whilst he quickly remained his balance. you were breathless for a moment after falling so suddenly, but eventually you just started laughing. five wiped his hands on his shirt, peering at you strangely.
"you didn't hear anything crack or whatever? nothing feels weird?" he spoke with no emotion in his voice and yet the words and underlying tone were careful and concerned. nobody else could hear it, but after so long, you could read his every move.
"no, nothing." you shook your head a bit, finding yourself dizzy. "nice to see you're still concerned."
he offered his hand out to you and you took it, and in a strong move, he pulled you up. "i wouldn't call it concern."
"well, then, what would you call it?"
good question.
you were sniffling and crying while trying not to sound it at all. of course, it wasn't from the pain, but from the total stress. sometimes it all just collapsed on you again and you were a hyperventilating, shaking kid again, too scared to turn off the light because the shadows freaked you out. five sat down beside you, leaning against the least-crumbling wall of the small shack you'd both been calling home.
"you're not really a crier," he began. "did something happen?"
"i-i almost got crushed and i saw my life fucking―flash before my eyes and i hated all of it. every single second. i wish i'd killed my parents, i wish i'd killed that landlord, i wish i'd killed my uncle―"
"wish all you want but that's not gonna happen, [y/n]." his voice softened. five was essentially the same as he had been when he was thirteen, just sprouted into someone who would've been one hell of a college freshman. "i wish i killed a lot of people too, but we're here, and we're here together, and―for what it's worth―i'm glad that you're alive." he settled a bit closer to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, pulling you, still sniveling, against him. "hating your childhood is pretty common where i'm from," he joked, successfully getting a wheezy chuckle from you, "and it's still possible to lead a decently okay life. i'm trapped in a terrible apocalypse, and it's not just external, but... it's a little better because i have someone else who's more insane to remind me that i'm right."
you chuckled yet again, snuggling against him. his warmth was better than the world's. "i think i only moved because i heard you call."
"i-i mean, yeah." it was kind of hard to forget the feeling of stumbling away from a ton of hard reinforced concrete that would've left you as a reddish smear on an orange world. five's curt and somewhat annoyed call was the only thing that grounded you, and you both knew just how quick that faded.
"you really would be dead without me." his voice was quiet and deeply peeved but he didn't shy away from you, his hand remaining idly just against your hair.
"no shit, dumbass―trust me, i am well aware." you snorted to yourself and five sprouted a small amused smile on his own. eventually your smile dimmed a bit, and were reminded of the world in which you lived in, and the world from which you had come from. "why did you stick around?" your disheartened soul was reflected in those words, lined with a pure confusion. five furrowed his brow. apparently it was completely out of the realm of possibility to you for him to just care.
"... there was a lot of―"
"answer the question. please. j-just this once." five quieted a bit when he heard that. usually he was quite skilled at deflecting questions but you melted his resolve so easily. you asking a genuine question in a hauntingly low voice left five silent with no idea how to respond, even after all these years of dealing with your rollercoaster mannerisms.
"wrong place at the wrong time, i suppose." right place at the right time was better to describe it, maybe. "after you broke your ankle when we were ten, i guess i took it upon myself to make sure you didn't do any dumb shit that would end up in a gnarly death. whether you can feel it or not." so he'd appointed himself to be your protector?
"why? it wouldn't do you any good. well... it hasn't done you any good."
"do you really think i only do things if they'll give me an advantage?" five paused, not looking down to see the squinted eyes you stared at him with. "don't answer that question, actually. don't answer. it hasn't done me any good but i don't regret anything i did. not terribly, anyway."
your grin would make the cheshire cat blush.
five immediately regretted saying that. "don't let that go to your head, [y/n]."
"already there, bud."
his brow furrowed again, the corners of his lips twitching down in another frown. "alright. maybe it's partially concern. but fracturing your pelvis would be a very stupid way to die, and not worth laughing at, so i didn't want to miss out on a show." maybe there was some form of truth in that desire for a fun death, but you had that desire too, so small potatoes. it was silence between you two for a few seconds as you patted concrete dust off of your clothes and the backs of your thighs. "let me help," he said, and it was a demand and not an ill-cadenced suggestion. he stepped behind you and swiped away the strips you couldn't reach with a heavy hand. while he did so he carefully looked you over, even going to far as lifting your arms to check for any injuries. you were quite used to it by now.
"thanks," you mumbled. "still waiting for that broken leg."
"well, your plan wouldn't work anyway, because i can see your legs."
"yeah... i like my legs. i don't want one to go janky from a broken bone."
"it would be unfortunate."
"mmhm, so you agree."
five narrowed his eyes slightly, not getting what you meant for a second or two, before scoffing. "i don't think that your legs are nice."
"really?" you turned to look at him, and the teasing grin on your face was reassuring in how amused it was. you were just playing with him, but that was always the way you got him to inadvertently expel whatever he was thinking. you tilted your head, crossing your arms.
"don't give me that, [y/n], or i'll blink away and leave you here."
"there's ceiling access."
he pursed his lips. "alright, then leaving you alone here is completely out of the question, but i will find some way to make this miserable for you."
"what, why? why d'you wanna misery me?"
"you're dreadfully annoying, for one. i hate how you're always smiling, it gives you really bad wrinkles. you have the heart of a child because you're so immature and i don't know why the universe thought it would be funny to shove us two together, because god knows it would never happen normally, but here we are, much to my chagrin." five paused. you were accustomed to his rants by now. "your weird uncle-dad keeps trying to rush something which shouldn't be rushed, and i don't even know what level of weird that is but i hate being a part of it."
"rush something which shouldn't be rushed―what does that mean?" it was like you had selective hearing for the smallest freudian slips known to man. "what, do you need sixty more years to admit you've had some sort of big emotion or something?" it was mostly a jab, something meant to be funny, which was met with a stolid seriousness. you let out a near-silent 'oh' as the moment continued.
"yeah. turns out the crazy alcoholic was onto something, for the first time in his life." you snorted at the quip, nodding in agreement. both of you knew, dearly knew, that words wouldn't be the vessel of the confession, but both of you knew, dearly knew, that it was coming pretty fast. you'd just never think it would come this fast. klaus was really good at sniffing out a love arc, apparently. five felt like steel when he took your hands back into his, not because his biting sharp edges hurt you, no, and they never would, but he'd never done something in a manner such as this. with a few unspoken words the entire atmosphere of your relationship had been turned upside down and that was the scary part; he had no clue where to go from here.
"the worst part will be telling klaus he was right," you joked, swinging your arms in and out on socially-awkward instinct.
"you're telling me. he's gonna tout it around for the rest of time."
"we'll never live it down."
"i doubt you'll need to worry about that, i'll be surprised if you make it to your 16th birthday."
"you give me three years? seriously? you really think that my 58-year-old-13-year-old self can only survive three more years?"
"absolutely correct." you found yourself laughing and he found himself grinning, just slightly. the sound was pleasant, admittedly. he was more open with that now. well, barely, but it still counted. the silence that did follow this time around was almost pleasant. you were too nervous to maintain eye contact very long, so you glanced away from him and your gaze lingered on the random spot which it landed. plants had somehow found their way into the internal cracks of the floor, green shards glinting out in the pale light from the grimy sunroof.
"i never thought i'd see the day where you couldn't look me in the eyes. it's weird and i don't like it. look at me." your cheeks felt warm but you did as you were told. he smiled a little bit, and it didn't even hint at a snarky grin or smug smirk. you leaned forward and rested your forehead against his.
"i'm totally not telling klaus about this."
"neither am i, are you kidding?"
"never in my life," you giggled to yourself, graduating from holding his hands to wrapping your arms back about his neck, where it felt like they belonged. suddenly it was like he was new to embraces because his arms felt stiff when he hugged back, but he hugged back, tight. never before had you encountered something so gentle and so suffocating at the same time; gentle because he might break you, suffocating because he might lose you. neither of those would happen on his watch, of course. somehow, even with your wild self, your flaws and lack of capability to abide by laws and rules, you'd managed to charm the most level-headed, logic-addicted, cynical douchebag the world had ever seen. maybe there was some truth behind that old 'opposites attract' thing.
"do you wanna stick around this dingy place for a while longer like the psychopath you are or get food before you go to sleep so you don"t whine about being hungry?"
"am i really that predi—"
"wow, you muttered, furrowing your brow. "i really am predictable."
with just the will to prove him wrong you stood straighter and gave him a quick, albeit strong, kiss, and then you were right back on your feet. you caught him off-guard, that's for sure, because he looked like an android in the middle of uploading information; eyes slightly wide, brows slightly raised, pure subtlety. "how about that?"
it still took him a few seconds to respond after that, trying to regain his smug and blunt composure while also trying not to dampen the mood in any way. "you're terrible at convincing. give it another shot."
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ast3ryne · 2 years
I have never requested something but I think you are writing is so good!
Would you do prompt 2 “wait a minute, are you jealous?” with sparrow!Ben Hargreeves, thank you <3
Pairing: sparrow!ben hargreeves x umbrella!reader
Warnings: Slight angst
Word Count: 762
Summary: Ben says just what’s on his mind, after getting drunk, right before the end of life as you know it.
A/N: I don’t even typically write anything close to angst, so this is fun. Reader is, as I tend to lean towards and prefer, neutral.
With the end of life as you know it rapidly approaching, what better way to spend it than getting shitfaced with your favorite brother before, during, and after a wedding. Or better yet, your favorite brother and your dead brother’s doppelgänger who’s honestly a dick.
You were all upstairs, trying to play pool in your drunken states and being far too giggly for your own good.
“That’s another point for me-“ Klaus held up his pool cue with one hand as he dramatically bowed “-and better yet another shot.” You watched as he grabbed for his bottle, and realizing it was empty he threw it to the side.
“I’ll be back kids, don’t do anything I would do.”
With that he stumbled his way through the staircase, slowly but surely descending.
You walked over to where Ben was sitting, flopping down beside him with a sigh. “God I love him.”
Ben tensed beside you, eyes watching you carefully as you laid your head back against the cushions.
“I don’t get why, I mean sure you all grew up together but he’s so…”
“Mental?” You finished, laughing a bit. “It’s a part of his charm.”
“Nothing charming about that.” He grumbled, and you could feel him fold his arms beside you.
To that you glanced at him. “Everyone has their own charm, Ben. I mean take our Ben for example, he was-“
“Amazing, spectacular, superb, apparently superior to me in every way possible, which in itself is impossible.” The words spilled out of his mouth far too easily for them to not have been on his mind. You snorted, clearly drunk Ben was an oversharer. “I was going to say a dickhead, the sweetest most caring-“
Ben let out a loud exaggerated sigh, rolling his eyes. “For fuck’s sake he couldn’t have been that great.”
“Oh but he was. He was all that and…” You trailed off, looking him in the face and realizing just how annoyed he really was. “Wait a minute, are you jealous?”
Ben’s eyes brows furrowed as he huffed. “What? No. Why would I be jealous of him, he’s dead. I’m not. It’s just…” He held his face in his hands now, breathing unevenly.
“It’s just…what?”
“Did you know we had you? Well, a different you, our own Y/N years ago.”
No, you didn’t know that. Is that why Sloane was so eager to befriend you from the get go? Or why the other sparrows had all looked at you that way when you first appeared, Jesus.
Ben shook his head and continued. “Well we did, and you’re so much like them, but at the same time you’re nothing like them. It’s scary, watching you with the umbrella’s and knowing that could’ve been us, could’ve been me next to you,” Finally, he looked up, and you could see his eyes tearing up. The way he watched you in both awe and grieving, you could see everything he’d been hiding for the last few days.
“I just miss you so much when you’re with them, so much that it hurts.” His fingers brushed your cheek shakily, like he didn’t know what to do, like he was scared of what he might do.
“Were we close?” You said almost breathlessly, watching as he stared at you, taking in every little feature of yours.
“More than you’ll ever know.”
And with that he leaned in, pressing his lips against yours. You could taste the alcohol in his breath but you didn’t care, you couldn’t care. Not when he was pulling you into him, holding you like you were going to disappear the second his grip slipped. Kissing you in a way that told you everything he felt, every emotion he’d left unsaid over the years, every feeling and sensation overwhelmed the two of you, but neither of you wanted to pull away.
It hurt. It hurt your heart as he grasped onto you desperately, hurt your head when you realized just how tangled you’d become with each other, you burned for each other.
When you finally pulled apart you didn’t pull away, and neither did he. You just sat in silence, terrified that the slightest of moves would make the other disappear and you’d be alone again.
“Holy shit.”
And just like that the two of your heads snapped to Klaus, standing beside the pool table and holding two more bottles, you pulled yourselves apart just as quickly as you’d settled into the position, you could still feel the goosebumps on your arms as you held them against yourself.
Holy shit indeed.
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desperate-daydream · 11 months
☂️ Umbrella Academy
❀ Five Hargreeves x male reader ⚣︎
A/N: @fandomz-brainrot you asked and here it is: the part two of "Together, we will save the world"
tags/warnings: meet the sibs, set in season 1 still, reader basically insults the sibs, I changed it a bit what happened etc., top/protective reader
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Together, we will save the world pt. 2
The boy - who had finally told you that he was called Five - really didn‘t let go of your hand. And that was good because you would‘ve probably walked on the street without noticing while you listened to a summary of how he got here.
It blew your mind. And then you remembered having seen some of the old comics about the umbrella academy not even long ago. The boy you found cute was basically a superhero. 
He just finished with the story when you arrived at an expensive looking house with a fence and double doors. Five dragged you inside and the first thing you noticed was the staircase - plus a damn chandelier.
„Wow.“ It was the first thing you said since he had taken your hand.
„Precisely, yes“, sadly he let go of your hand as he said that.
„Five?“, a man‘s voice called from.. somewhere in this house.
„Yes!“, he looked annoyed already.
And suddenly you were met with several people - adults around thirty. „Five, where were you?“, one of them stepped closer to take a look at him worriedly, „Are you okay?“
„I‘m alright, Viktor“, he moved his head away from his outreached hand. Then he noticed you. While he had asked, the others had come closer too and noticed you as well.
A man in all black looked at you suspiciously. „Who‘s this?“ He pointed a small knife at you which creeped you out only a little bit. 
Five sighed. „Put the damn knife down, Diego. This is (Y/N), he saved my life.“
Then he looked at you again. “(Y/N), these are my siblings. Viktor, Diego, Klaus, Allison and Luther.“ He pointed at each of them while he said their names.
You did a small nod and an „Hi“ escaped your mouth. Viktor and the guy called Klaus (if you remembered right) were the only ones who smiled back at you. The others were still wary of you. 
„Okay, but what happened?“, the tall woman - Allison - asked, „He saved your life?“
„Yes“, Five started walking and signaled for you to follow him. So you did. The others did too. „Remember the commission I told you about. The Handler sent some agents after me. I was on the run - and to be honest on the verge of passing out.“
You had reached the kitchen and Five went over to make a sandwich with peanut butter and marshmallows. Only then did you notice that you hadn’t eaten before you were almost shot earlier. You leaned on the counter as you watched him and crossed your arms.
Five continued. „He got me to calm down and recharge for a moment but then they showed up and long story short without him you‘d probably have to bury me now.“
He was almost finished doing his sandwich when you spoke up with a smirk on your face. „You‘re gonna eat that?“ 
„Yes, want one too?“, he looked at you as he bit into it.
„Honestly, yes.“ He shoved the ingredients over to you and you went to work.
Meanwhile his siblings started talking again. But you only listened halfway - it was majorly a lot of raised voices so it seemed like nothing too important. Instead you looked at Five. 
You noticed the small bruises on his face that probably went to cluster all over his body. His clothes were ripped and well.. not clean. And another thing you noticed was his habit of going through his hair which made it look really disheveled. 
Your mind wandered off to other reasons his hair could look like this involving you and a bed - or literally any place. But you quickly directed your mind back to the still arguing siblings. 
And then you noticed how Five‘s siblings gave him the fault for all of this chaos - which was absolutely not right. You spoke up with a frown on your face. 
„Hey, this really isn‘t fair and it‘s not true. Don‘t you dare go and blame the one person here who actually tries to do something against the shit happening right now. He came back to save your unthankful asses and doesn’t even get a single pause since then because you can‘t work together like you‘re still in elementary. Have you actually looked at him for once - he almost died today. And it won‘t get better if you keep on behaving like that because then he surely goes outside again to overwork himself even more.“ 
You turned away from his siblings and gently took his hand. Then you went for the door - on the way you grabbed the sandwich you hadn’t eaten yet. 
When you were out the door you still didn’t let go of him. „Where in this weird thing of a house is your room?“ 
He directed you to a room that could‘ve been anyone‘s because of the little to none personal belongings. But the walls were plastered with all kinds of mathematical equations that you couldn‘t understand at all. From what you had heard out of his telling earlier these were most likely his own. 
„Have your siblings always been like that?“, you looked around the room and then decided to sit down in a chair in front of the desk. 
„Well, we‘ve never really had some kind of sibling-bond I guess. The old man was focussed on training and educating us so we‘d be able to fight and be elite, not on making us feel loved or like a part of a real family.“, he shrugged his shoulders, „It‘s been like that for our whole life.. well, apparently until I vanished and the others ran away.“ 
For a long time you both said nothing. You ate your sandwich - that actually wasn’t so bad - and Five looked out the window. 
“What you thinking about?”, you asked.
“Why are you suspecting that I’m thinking about something specific right now?”, he still didn’t directly look at you but you noticed a quick look from the corner of his eyes. 
“Because you have a certain look on your face and - from my observations - you seem like a person with a non-stop brain.” 
“That’s.. quite right.” 
He finally looked at you and his dark brown eyes pierced into your own. You felt a shiver down your spine and stood up without even noticing at first. But you didn’t stop and the other boy didn’t seem like he wanted to stop you either so you went to sit closely next to him. Now you two looked out the window together. 
After some time - you honestly didn’t know how much - you felt Five’s head lay on your shoulder. First unsure and slowly, ready to draw back if needed, but when he noticed that you didn’t have anything against it he relaxed. 
You heard and felt the deep sigh that left him and his frame relaxed more and more against you. You took a deep breath before being brave and slowly putting your hand on his thigh. He tensed a little and you were already about to pull your hand back but then he put his own on yours to keep it where it was. As a last brave step, that almost made your heart burst, you put your head on top of his. 
You sat there basically snuggled against each other for a long while. 
(And if later, when his siblings came in to apologize, they saw you both quickly separate after almost falling asleep on each other, they didn’t say anything about it. They would however be secretly very interested in this developing relationship between their overworked brother and this one guy who gave him happiness, protected him and reminded him to take breaks.)
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