sokkagatekeeper · 5 months
I like to look through people's posts before deciding whether or not to follow them and I want to let you know that your post defending against the slander that sokka (of all people) would buy an nft is what tipped the scales and made me follow you. You are so right, defend our boy from that libel.
once upon a time we were that boy's lawyers. glad to see our reputation lives on
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katkit-drops-alt · 6 months
I have so much art that I wanna post, but just;; don't??
Idk, I just get so intimidated and nervous just by liking a post😭
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luveline · 9 months
Hello! i love all of the spider girl and miguel work you have ahhh may i request a writing where they finally make it official? and how miguel would react when the rest of the spiders start asking or are shocked that he’s openly being more affectionate with her in public :)
thank you for your request ♡ fem!reader
Everybody knows you and Miguel are together before you're officially together, but it's still a surprise for Peter B to find you both walking at a snail's pace toward the lab, hand in hand. 
"Can you fix it?" you're asking, oblivious to Peter B's shocked silence. You're a spider —you know he's there, you're just ignoring him. You and Miguel both are. 
"I'll get you a new one." 
"I like my phone," you say, Miguel a lovey-dovey smile. You're always soft on him, even when you first met and he treated you like a pest. "It's the first present you ever gave me."
"Ah, and I've never given you anything else." 
"That's not what I'm saying!" You swing his hand gallantly as you take a big step forward. Miguel is just tall enough to keep up without jogging. 
"Then what are you saying?" 
"I have, like, an attachment to it. The screen is smashed, not broken. I can get Peter KatKit to do it if you're too busy." 
Peter KatKit being one of your friends from another dimension (where KitKats are called KatKits, evidently). Peter B can physically see the moment the idea, the subliminal threat, loads in Miguel's mind. Miguel grabs you by the waist, your giggly yelping echoing between the atrium walls as he puts his lips against your neck and says, "My schedule's miraculously clear." 
You lean forward to escape him but Miguel follows, kissing and nipping at your skin if your breathless laughter is any indication. 
"Uh, guys?" Peter B says. 
"What?" Miguel asks impatiently. 
"I'm here?" 
"So… You know. I can see you guys being gross together." Peter B shoves his hands in the pockets of his dressing gown. "Actually, it's kinda nice, but you guys like pretending you aren't all sick in love with each other. Figured you'd want a heads up."
"We're done pretending!" you say happily, leaning back into Miguel's chest. He accepts you with a straight face but his arms betray his agreement, wrapping around your front. "Miguel asked me to get married." 
"What?" Peter B asks. 
Miguel shakes his head. 
"Nah, I'm kidding. But he did tell me he loves me and he wants to be with me forever." 
Peter looks at Miguel, expecting a second head shake. He doesn't doubt that Miguel loves you, but he cannot imagine Miguel saying something so saccharinely sweet. 
Miguel doesn't shake this one off. 
You have the most smug, pretty smile on your face; you're glowing with how happy you feel, and Miguel isn't frowning for once, so despite any worries Peter B might have about your compatibility, he's thrilled for you. 
"Well, congratulations, kids," Peter B says. 
Miguel squeezes the crook of your arm. "Thanks, Peter." 
"You're welcome. Y/N, I'm pretty good with tech. I could take a look at your phone if you want? Fix it up?" 
"The position has been filled," Miguel says. He's definitely frowning now.
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evilwizard · 7 months
*you open the door. Another, nearly identical door is in front of you. It opens, a man stepping closer*
"Aw, your costume is soooooo cool! Here's some of the good stuff!"
*A bar of KatKits, Horsheys, Buggerfutters, and a single almond joy is dropped into your hands*
"Happy Halloween, kiddo!"
*The door closes. When you blink next, it is gone*
Add To Inventory: a somber sense that this world is bigger and deeper than you ever dreamt possible
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seharuuchan · 1 year
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Sakura Matcha KatKit
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marzgurl · 10 months
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Hi there, @katkit-42 , just saw your tags and thought, actually, that's not a bad thing to elaborate upon.
This is another kinda long post, which I think most people should read, too, but I'll be kind and put the bulk of this behind a cut here. Please do take the time to open it up and read it, though.
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The real answer is, this whole experience has been me balancing out being mortified by a lot of the things that have happened to me with the fact that everybody involved in the whole thing has also been a complete and utter moron. Any time I even slightly start to get scared, I have to remind myself (or even have my husband remind me) that these are the absolute stupidest people we're talking about, none of whom are wholly capable of completing something so horrific, no matter how serious about it they might be.
I hadn't said it in the previous longpost, but in 2019, it was very clear that Vic had intended to sue me along with Monica, Jamie, Ron, and Funimation (although that never happened). I had received an E-mail copy of a letter of preservation from Vic's very, very stupid lawyers. I'll go ahead and share that here.
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It was moronic for a number of reasons. One, I was told it was sent to two different E-mail addresses I have, one of which never arrived. Two, it's written REALLY badly. Three, it supposedly was also delivered via certified mail. Here's the problem: they mailed it to an address in Inglewood, California.
I have never lived in Inglewood, California.
But I know why they THOUGHT I did. Because in 2018, while walking from where I was living to my car to go to work, I got mugged! I had just recently moved and had been filling out paperwork for new jobs and things, and the bag they took still had my social security card, ID, and even my passport in it, which somebody later used to steal my identity. I remember the cops calling me back in a week or two after my mugging asking me questions because they believed they'd found people associated with who mugged me, and they asked me if I'd ever lived at an Inglewood address, and I told them no, and they were like, "Okay, great, pretty sure we know exactly where they are, thanks." So, I hope the guys who mugged me enjoyed having my identity and receiving a letter in the mail saying they were possibly gonna get sued. Thanks for taking one for me, muggers.
I mention this to say Vic has had me in his sights for a LONG time. A good four and a half years now at this point. Although I'm not the one that had any stories of him assaulting me, I was the one who made sure that people could SEE the stories of other people telling THEIR stories, and he HATES that. Clearly, he hates that a LOT.
Vic has vaguely mentioned me NUMEROUS times on his livestreams, saying, "I'm not gonna name names," but clearly intending everybody to know it's me he's talking about. In 2022, he referenced how I have a donation button on my Twitch channel and in the past have occasionally had drives to help me make ends meet. This is despite the fact that my husband and I were both working full time, but life in Los Angeles is hard. Despite this, Vic has this to say:
"These are people who start crowdfunding campaigns to pay their bills. What does that tell you about them? These are losers, everybody. These are people that are for whatever reason so disgusted with their lives--so unhappy with their lives, and instead of, like, working or going out there and, you know--and building something or creating something, they want to sit at home on their computer and look for ways to trash me an other people they don't like. And then they ask you to give them money to pay their bills. Pathetic. Pathetic. *weird snarl* Anyway--"
I feel like a donation bar isn't a "crowdfunding campaign", but we don't have to nitpick here. Vic has also expressed though private E-mails with various individuals that he believes I used crowdfunding to pay for a "cat funeral", which he also found to be distasteful. So, this was clearly a jab at me, but he got the details of it wrong. In 2019, my 14-year-old cat Siren was very sick. I was trying to get her healthcare and wasn't sure how I was going to pay for it. My friend--NOT ME, SOMEONE ELSE ENTIRELY--asked me if it was okay if THEY set up a GoFundMe to help me find a way to save my cat. THEY created the GoFundMe, and some people donated, and we did all we could to save Siren before it was clear that she was too far gone, and we lost her. We did NOT raise funds to have a funeral for her. Not in the slightest. The fact that this is what Vic is telling people is disgusting, and cruel to the idea of somebody who has ever had to deal with the loss of a beloved family member. On top of this, if you have ever struggled to make ends meet, let's not mince words here--Vic thinks you are "pathetic". He thinks if you don't make money, you just aren't working hard enough (even if it turns out you and your family all work full-time and take side gigs just to cover everything). Of course, he also seemed to believe that I didn't have a job at all (a long-running conspiracy theory among his fans, just because they couldn't figure out who my employer was), when I was providing hard evidence of being actively credited for my work as a subtitle and closed caption editor in the anime industry (the very same anime industry Vic was kicked out of).
But it's weird that he thinks you're a loser if you crowdfund to pay your bills! Is that not precisely how you managed to sue the very women you assaulted, Vic? To this day, the "Vic Kicks Back" GoFundMe is still open, and has raised nearly $300,000 dollars--a significantly higher amount than anything I've ever earned via Twitch donations.
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In May of this year (which is exactly when Farah was ramping up her online harassment campaign against me), Vic once again vaguely talked about me, but got all the details wrong yet again. Since I can only embed one video, I'll link to this second clip here, which someone else has uploaded to Twitter.
Everybody knows Vic means me when he says that prior to 2019 I only had about 800 followers and now have more like 18,000, all because I was talking about him. Which he's very much over-inflating. I'd already had several years of a career of being an online content creator. By 2019 I had 16,000 followers. I've had my account for something like 14 years. I'm now over 19,000, pushing 20,000. That growth from 2019 to 2023 seems relatively normal to me. It was a very gradual growth that honestly doesn't look all that much different from the growth I'd had since 2009. Even one glance at Social Blade will confirm this is true.
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He also keeps saying we've never met (such as in the video clip linked above). But we have! We very much have! I have video of myself--video from EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO--walking up to Vic with a camcorder and him talking directly to me. Feel free to go and watch it for yourself. You can hear my voice and everything!
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AND SO! I say all this to say that I have long been aware of how much Vic Mignogna hates me. Vic Mignogna HATES ME SO. SO. SO. FUCKING. MUCH. He has done everything in his power to belittle and discredit me as somebody so much smaller and weaker and completely different from who I actually am, deliberately lying about facts of my life that I can actively prove false at any given moment with a plethora of receipts.
But you wanna hear the real eye-opening thing? In April of this year, just before Farah started going on the attack, Vic was on his livestream yet again making a very ominous statement. Once again, I link directly to it here since I can't embed it for you.
"I'm already in the middle of looking into some very aggressive retaliation and resources to deal with that."
Now, at the time, we all just thought he meant he was FINALLY gonna pursue a lawsuit against me, which, let's go bro, I'm fuckin' ready to go any time, man. But as it turns out, this sure does line up a whole lot more with the timing of Vic's Red Lobster dinner conversation with Farah about starting a cyber warfare campaign against me, on top of maybe possibly probably murder!?!?!? We know that Farah started her cyber warfare just later that very same month, so that sure sounds like convenient timing to me!
My husband and I had joked for a long, long time, like, "You know, he hates me SO damn much. You think he wants me dead?" And it was always kind of a, "Haha, yeah, we're joking, but what if for real?" And then when Farah started E-mailing me and telling me it was probably very real, I mean... yeah, katkit, that did shake me for a bit. I got the E-mail from Farah while my husband was at work, and it stopped my productivity for the day dead in its tracks. Even though it was clear that they had seriously overlooked really obvious facts (like the fact that I was literally not even going to be in the same state as Anime Expo, the event where Vic wanted me hurt), the fact that he wanted me hurt at all was concerning. Also, it was concerning to me that, if Vic at all stopped being a complete and utter fucking moron and realized I'd VERY PUBLICLY already been announced as a guest at a convention in Texas that very same weekend, it might actually be EASIER for him to have someone come to that event and hurt me, because Vic also still lives in Texas. He himself used to live in Houston, where the event was taking place, and likely still had connections there. Delta H Con is really little, without a lot of security. There was only one possible hotel for me to stay in. I was scheduled for panels and to be at my table all day, every day. Where I was going to be at all times was easily tracked for the entire weekend. To that extent, yes, I was very scared.
In fact, over that first weekend of July, I was very prepared to die.
I started trying to spend more time with my husband, trying to be more conscious of how I spoke or reacted to little things, just in general trying to be nicer and more loving. I started spending more time loving on my two cats who I love very dearly, wondering if I only had a limited time left with them. I started preparing folders of information I wanted to make sure my husband had if for some reason I didn't come back from Houston alive.
In the end, obviously, none of that was necessary. Though I guess I can't say that it was in any way a bad thing to spend more time focusing on and loving my family.
Ultimately, I guess I was saved by the stranger who sent me all those screenshots from Farah's Discord server. Surely, they have no idea what they did. To that person, I thank them. I had no idea it was going to save me, either. Had I not had those screenshots to post online and knock Farah loose from her war path, she might have continued to pursue me until she had something she really could have done to harm me for real.
Now, that's just disrupted that specific plan. Whether Vic will continue to want to pursue my death in some other way, I have no idea. I guess I am a little bit more on guard now than I was before. But also, I know there's only so much I can do. All I can do is just keep going and pretending there isn't this weird dude with a life that he could totally control all on his own and live in peace but instead wants his ability to prey on young women so badly that he would literally kill a woman to be able to continue to get away with doing it.
For right now, though, I'm mostly okay. I'm continuing to do my work, I'm going to see a movie tonight that I had a hand in localizing, and I'm feeling grateful for that success. Thank you for checking in on me. It's very kind of you. I hope you're doing well out there for yourself, too.
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katkit-drops · 6 months
(Edit): I'm moving blogs because I no longer can look at this one without crying so here's my new blog @katkit-drops-alt plsplspls go to there, it's way better than this blog-)
So uh, I know Paratober ended last month, but I wanted to just post the one piece I was actually proud of
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Also apparently I drew this in 30-ish minutes because I kept procrastinating 😭
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RIP my fingers, the background and the Narrator (I was going to draw my Narrator’s design, but I didn’t have the motivation or time so I just drew his hands- )
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silverthefox713 · 1 year
Things for Character Creations
                                 ~Character Creation Apps~ 
Note: This Section is for anyone who has an idea of what their characters look like but need that extra visual assistance. Some are just dress up apps, a few are more than that, i do recommend giving them a chance, what creator doesn't take the chances :) (there is no particular order these are in)
 Anime Doll (both genders) 
Anime Doll Avatar Maker Game - Apps on Google Play
Lily Story (both genders) 
Lily Story : Dress Up Game - Apps on Google Play
Vlinder Games (both genders) (series of games) 
Android Apps by 31 Dress up Games on Google Play
Style Doll (Both genders) (series of game) 
Android Apps by KATKIT Inc on Google Play
Moons Closet (has gender neutral stuff) 
Moon's Closet dress up game - Apps on Google Play
Monster Girls 1&2 
Monster Girl Maker - Apps on Google Play
Doll Divine 
Doll Divine - Apps on Google Play
Avatar Maker: Anime (both genders)(there's more from Avatar Maker) 
Avatar Maker: Anime - Apps on Google Play
Avatar Factory
Avatar Factory - Apps on Google Play
Mimo Avatar Maker (both genders)(IOS Only) 
Mimo Avatar Maker on the App Store (apple.com)
Dinogeddon - Cartoon Avatar - Apps on Google Play
MiiPu (4 apps in one) 
MiiPu - Avatar Creator - Apps on Google Play
Avatar Makers Factory 
Android Apps on Google Play
iBoattech Avatar Apps 
Android Apps on Google Play
                       ~Less Generic Character Apps~ 
Note: These are both dress up apps and games in their own ways. Some have much better content due to them being a game so do hop in to see what they have.  
Gacha Club
Gacha Club - Apps on Google Play
Vroid Studio 
VRoid Mobile - Apps on Google Play
Star Idol 
Star Idol: Animated 3D Avatar - Apps on Google Play
ZEPETO: Avatar, Connect & Play - Apps on Google Play
Love Nikki 
Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen - Apps on Google Play
Shining Nikki 
Shining Nikki-Fashion Makeover - Apps on Google Play
Time Princess 
Time Princess: Dreamtopia - Apps on Google Play
Custom Cast 
CUSTOM CAST - Apps on Google Play
REALITY-Become an Anime Avatar - Apps on Google Play
                                      ~Video Games~ 
The Sims 4 (so much stuff! Base game is free I think) 
Minecraft (blocky but still great! You can just look up Skins) 
Monster Hunter World 
Black Desert Online 
Disney Dreamlight Valley 
My Time at Portia/My Time at Sandrock 
Vrchat (Desktop Mode available, Goof for character hunting)
Other Methods: There are Amino/Facebook/Instagram/DeviantArt groups and people who sell characters for you to adopt. You can normally find them under any tag with the word Adopt or Adoptables in it. 
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Infinite universes. Infinite Gwen Stacys. All but one destined to die.
A Spiderverse fanfic I wrote, inspired by this post by @katkit-42
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thelreads · 2 months
Yes I am sending you a link to my own blog because I really want this prediction to come true. https://www.tumblr.com/katkit-42/744961004500303872/ooooh-if-anya-does-get-put-in-another-class-i?source=share
I really think Anya will be kicked out of the class and have to go to a new one, where she'll meet glasses girl. Anya deserves two lackies just like Damian. Lord of Storms Anya, Lord of War Becky, and Lord of Being the Cutest Glasses Girl [UNNAMED].
Oh nothing wrong with that, now that we've caught up I'm all open for fanbase content that I've missed.
Also, that girl kinda looks like the handler, I think it's because of the eyes. Surely it's not her because we know her kid is dead and if she was alive she'd be way older than that, but still, it really looks like her. If I see her I'mma call her lil`Sylvia
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kusho-void · 6 months
Hi, its my first time writting something, i wanted to write something wholesome so here we go, my phone sucks and im still fixing my english so feel free to correct me
*Eddie was walking down the street...it was a cold chilly night*
V: eddieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im hungry
E: yeah...sorry man but there are no bad guys...so shut up
V: pussy
E: fuck you
*eddie ad venom kept fighting until the stumbuled uppon a watch...a weird watch...eddie pressed some buttons and some numbers popped up, eddie pressed a random bunch of numbers...1227..suddenly a portal opened beneath eddie and sucked him inside of it.*
E: shishitshitshitshits
*a few hours later eddie woke up...it was dark as fuck and eddie foun himself in a dark room...*
E: what? What the fuck?
V: tf did you just do eddie?
E: I dont know!
???: hey, sup you finally woke up
*a femenine voice said...it sounded like a teen...*
E: w-who are you huh?
???: woooooooow you have one of dose?
*a girl with long white hair came out od the shdows, her eyes where red and her skin pale, she whore a leather jacket and a black and white skirt, plus some high black boots (the ones that goth, or emo pepole use, i dont know their name, sorry)*
Eddiana: hi, im eddiana brock, but pepole call me eddie
E: ...ok? Where are we?
Eddiana: oh well, you are in my house...but you where like, nocked out so i brought you to bed
*eddiana turns on the lights...her room s filled with posters and lights ad she even has a small fridge*
Eddiana: you want a katkit?
E: a what?
Eddiana: a katkit, a chocolate?
E: isint it kitkat?
Eddiana: no, its katkit
*a white goo emerges from eddiana's shoulder grabbing a "katkit" and eating it*
Eddiana: meet sinner, he is a very bad boy
*the white goo looks at eddie...then at venom...*
S: who tf are dose ugly bitches?
Eddiana: HEY!
*everyone goes silent...akward...*
E: sooooo where am i?
Eddiana: oh you are in new york
(Finishing later, im leaving it like this for a while, might finish it later, loooove yall!)
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purplemninja · 6 months
'Sinking Maw' AU premise
Hey everyone, I call this a premise because I don't think I'll make a comic, drawing or fanfic of this idea, but I'd like to share it with other people and welcome anyone to make their own content of it. I made a reddit post about this a while back and decided to share it here too.
Here's the premise: LN1 but the Maw is sinking
This image is where I got this idea from:
I don't know who the artist is, but here's a link to where I found this image: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/385550418111696401/comments/5283688118180956483/?entrySource=news_hub
This image made me conjure up a ‘what if’ scenario in my head regarding LN1, where during the entire course of the game, the Maw is sinking, which means that Six has a time limit to get through each chapter before the chapter she’s in becomes too flooded and she drowns. And she uses her suitcase bed as a raft and the Nomes she can hug are added to her suitcase raft as 'crew-mates' of sorts so that they can escape with her (of course not all of the game would be with Six on the raft, she’d have to get off of it and proceed on foot. And of course it would also mean that Runaway Kid has a time limit to get through each level in the DLC too)
You know how in-game when Six escapes the kitchen and manages to get outside the Maw before going back in to go through the guest section? Well in the ‘Sinking Maw’ premise, when she gets outside after the kitchen, she intends to get away from the Maw, but the Lady uses magic to create a current that forces Six’s raft to go back into the Maw, to the start of the Guest area, so it’s why she goes back in this AU. She needs to get rid of the Lady so the Lady can’t prevent her from escaping again.
So Six goes through the Guest area, gets to the Lady’s quarters and fights and eats the Lady. And her most badass moment of when she kills a hallway full of guests on her way out, in this AU, she’s on her raft again, rowing it towards the door where escape waits and the Maw is almost entirely submerged. Guests are in the water and try to reach their hands out to Six to either eat her or pull her raft under the water, but of course Six uses the Lady’s powers to kill them and rows her raft up the rapidly flooding stairs and outside. And the post credits scene shows the Maw finally disappearing under the waves of the sea, but Six is outside on her suitcase raft, accompanied by any Nomes she hugged and took on her raft as crew-mates.
The end.
Now, I know that there's some issues with this such as how the monsters would react to the fact that the Maw is sinking, would they try to evacuate or would they be able to breathe underwater? And some things like the layout of the chapters and puzzles would most likely have to be modified to fit with the area slowing flooding.
But this is purely an idea that I probably won't make any content of, but I wanted to share it and I welcome anyone to make content of their own of this premise. Thanks for reading.
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kittypancake · 2 years
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Kèlóng is the one who eats KatKits TM (totally not an offbrand of KitKat) like a caveman
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speedrunnercrafting · 2 years
this homestuck thing is really funny bc i actively tried to find out what homestuck was for so long and was never able to find out. and then when i had the chance to learn like, two years ago, i started to actively avoid it. i know nothing about homestuck and i hope i never do :)
I know just enough to like. call people homestucks. I was close friends with a homestuck I know the Warning Signs lmao.
list of things kasey knows about homestuck, from being on the internet for too long:
sharpie bath(?)
weird amount of zodiac knowledge but not in a “what time were you born” way
7yp1n6 l1k3 t815
really, really fucked up quantities of tentacle porn on wattpad because apparently The Homestucks do not have dicks? idk I was writing broadway musical xreaders at that point I was only distantly aware of this
kitkat? kitkar? katkit? katkit. he’s the one people like. main character maybe?
apple juice(?)
people want apple juice guy to kiss katkit?
stupid sunglasses guy (either canonically gay or canonically homophobic. don’t tell me which it’s funnier this way). mr homestuck himself I assume.
racism based on what. colour your blood is??? which has some kind of meaning relating to zodiac. idk someone tried to explain this to me once and I genuinely did not understand a word of it
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turntechdeck · 3 months
me and the bfs Milo and Katkit hell yeah
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goddamnwebcomics · 1 year
The Highest Bet
It was a sci-fi webcomic by a user named Arty Stu.
It’s the year 11,232, where slavery exists, you can give up your life of thrills for protection under a united space government called the Sanctum Institution, and all conflict is resolved through various games. We find ourselves meeting Danah Holmes, a human who just came out of being cryogenically frozen (missing the year 2514 by over 8,000 years) in a random space station almost alone with herself. After being saved from possible slavery by a cyborg alien cat named Nyado Katkit, she convinces the guy to take her under his wing and mentor her in the hopes of better understanding the new world she finds herself living in now so she doesn’t wind up dead the moment she’s left on a random planet without aid. From there on, its gay birds, learning about each other’s pasts, space pirates, and maybe some views of the events happening in that precious space government of theirs as they go through various misadventures and melodrama the universe has in store for both of them.
The comic has a lot of rough writing and artwork at the beginning, that mostly stays the same even later on, and the story can drag in some chapters (chapter 3 is the most egregious with how long and boring it ends up being). It’s currently in an indefinite hiatus as the author still doesn’t seem to have plans coming back to it any time soon due to commissions and working on other projects (Life’s a Dile being one of them).
This looks like something out of late 2000′s. It could be interesting to riff though.
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