kittypancake · 2 years
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Kèlóng is the one who eats KatKits TM (totally not an offbrand of KitKat) like a caveman
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Zhōngguó shísì yì rén dōu shuō chuān pǔ bùguò jiùshì gè kèlóng rén, kèlóng rén, kèlóng rén, zhōngguó rén jiùshì gè mài pìgu de, wǒ shuōguò suǒyǒu de zàng de dōu shì shísì yì zhōngguó rén shuō de bùshì wǒ shuō de. Jiànyì bǎ zhōngguó rén jiānà rén déguó rén yīsīlán rén shā guāng shāo sǐ máile, bìxū zài jǐ bǎi nián nèi yǐ yǒu de sǐ jǐn
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heygirlwandr · 5 years
外来词 part 1:
奥林匹克 ào lín pǐ kè, Olympic 国际奥林匹克运动
芭蕾(舞)bālěi, ballet 一种起源于意大利的舞剧
巴士 bāshì, bus 公共汽车
拜拜 bàibai , bye-bye 再见
百事可乐bǎishì kělè, Pepsi-Cola 一种饮料品牌
保龄球bǎolíng qiú, bowling 一种室内体育运动项目
绷带 bēngdài , bandage 包扎患处的纱布带
比基尼 bǐjīní, bikini 泳装
冰淇淋 bīngqílín, ice-cream 雪糕 冰激凌、冰淇凌、冰其淋、冰激淋
宝贝 Bǎobèi, baby
*白菜 báicài, baakchoi, bok choy
被 bèi,by (passive marker)
*茶 chá, tea
*炒面 chǎomiàn, chow mein
*禪 chán, Zen
餐厅 cāntīng "canteen" dining room, cafeteria
打 dǎ, dozen 十二个为一打 大、打臣、大臣
迪斯尼 dísīní, Disneyland 美国迪斯尼乐园
豆腐 dòufu,tofu
多拿滋 dūonázī, donut 甜甜圈
大狗 dàgǒu- doggo, dog
*点心 diǎnxīn dimsam, dim sim
*丢脸 duìliǎn,lose face
*道 dào, Tao (way of living)
低 dī, low "down"
耳朵 ěrdūo, ear
*风水 fēngshuǐ, fengshui
费 fèi, fees, cost, spend "$$"
飞 fēi, fly
发烧 fāshāo fever (send+burn)
高尔夫 gāo ěr fū, golf高尔夫体育运动
谷歌 gǔgē, Google
*工合 gōnghé, gung ho
*关系 guāngxi, guangxi relations
*功夫 gōngfu, kungfu
汉堡包 hànbǎo bāo, hamburger 用牛肉馅做成的小包。
好莱坞 hǎoláiwù, Hollywood 美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市的一区,指称美国电影业或美国电影界等
黑客 hēikè, hacker 指非法入侵他人计算机网络者 骇客
*海鲜酱 hǎixiānjiàng hoísin, hoisin sauce
*海马 hǎimǎ, sea horse
吉他 jítā, guitar 六弦琴,一种拨弦乐器 吉它、吉榻、吉泰、结他
酒吧 jiǔbā, bar 西餐馆或旅馆中所设的卖酒专柜
*加油 jiāyóu, add oil (officially in oxford dictionary, 2018)
咖啡 kāfēi, coffee
卡通 kǎtōng, cartoon 漫画,动画
卡片 kǎpiàn, card
卡拉OK kǎ-lā-ōukèi, karaoke 伴随音乐歌碟唱歌
拷贝 kǎobèi, copy 复印,复制
可口可乐 kěkǒu kělè, Coca-cola 一种国外饮料品牌
克隆 kèlóng, clone 无性繁殖
酷 kù, cool
酷鹏 kùpéng,coupon 优惠券
开麦拉 Kāi mài lā, camera 照相机
*苦力 kǔlì, coolie, "bitter labor" possibly from Hindu 'kull'
*孔夫子 kǒng fūzǐ, 'Master Kong', Confucius
孔东kǒngdōng,condom 避孕套,卫生套,戴套套
罗曼蒂克 luó màn dì kè, romantic 浪漫
*荔枝 lìzhī, lychee
*火龙果 huǒlóngguǒ, dragon fruit
*榴莲 liúlián, durian
*骆马 luòmǎ,llama
*拉面 lāmiàn, ramen "pull noodle"
马拉松 mǎlāsōng, marathon 超长距离赛跑,全程为42.195公里
麦克风 màikèfēng , microphone 话筒,扩音器 麦格风、麦克
麦当劳 màidāngláo, McDonald
芒果 mángguǒ, mango
迷你裙 mínǐ qún, miniskirt 一种超短裙
模特 mótè, model 展示服装的人或模型
*木須肉 mùxū ròu, mu shu pork 'wood shred meat' northern dish: pork, soft egg, smooth wood ear and chewy daylily and cucumber.
霓虹灯 níhóng dēng, neon 一种发出多种颜色的灯
柠檬 níngméng, lemon
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kittypancake · 2 years
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Say hello to Sun Kèlóng! I have this AU I guess where one of Sun Wukongs clones gained their own consciousness after a battle and ran away. During that time, he learned to be himself and tried to distance himself from the Monkey King. He then gained a name later on, perhaps given to him by a certain protégé?~
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Zhōngguó shísì yì rén dōu shuō chuān pǔ bùguò jiùshì gè kèlóng rén, kèlóng rén, kèlóng rén, zhōngguó rén jiùshì gè mài pìgu de, wǒ shuōguò suǒyǒu de zàng de dōu shì shísì yì zhōngguó rén shuō de bùshì wǒ shuō de. Jiànyì bǎ zhōngguó rén
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