#just say all Hispanic people are the same and leave
thefandomthings · 4 months
❝𝐀𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬❞
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Aomine Daiki x f!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Suggestive (It's Aomine, duh), fluff
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: I need more knb fics, pls. This is my first time writing for Knb, so I hope it's okay
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 It will take a lot for Aomine to get into a relationship after his last one, he’ll never admit it but he’s afraid of getting hurt. (Again)
 So consider yourself lucky my dear.
 Daiki is a person who loves something or someone quietly.
 He’ll never really say he loves you out loud unless you haven’t seen each other in a long time or if you/him are having a bad day.
 His love language is physical affection and quality time. He’ll always be touching you with an arm around your shoulders or holding your hand or his hand on your tit.
 Speaking of boobs, well all know he’s obsessed with them. He’ll constantly try and catch you changing, or put his head under your shirt while cuddling just to be near the girls, as he calls them.
 Daiki is also extremely protective over you. He wants to keep you safe all the time. He’s lazy af, but whenever you want to go out just to run and errand he’ll be on his feet ready to go. My man will deck someone for looking at you wrong even in the slightest way.
 He calls you Idiot, dummy, and moron if you do something stupid or dumb. He does it out of love cause he doesn’t want you to get hurt.
 Aomine only uses your first name if you two are having an argument, or having an important conversation. Other than that your are usually called Babe or Baby.
 Your nicknames for him are Bubby/Bubba, Dai, Baby, and Kiki to annoy him.
 You two go on arcade dates at least once a month. Or you two go and kick it at the hoops downtown. Aomine plays a lot of street ball and knows a lot of guys down there.
 If you don’t know how to play basketball, he’ll gladly teach you how.
 If you already know how, you play 1 v 1 all the time, Aomine always ends up winning. But he will help you improve your skills.
 Teases the crap out of you any chance he gets. Loves seeing your flustered face.
 Aomine is totally the type to whisper dirty things in your ear while out in public. Not to mention he will just randomly grope your chest or butt whenever he feels like it.
 He’s also the type to rest his arm on your head not matter your height. He will also mess up your hair and use your head as a joystick whenever you sit between his legs.
 Daiki is a pervert at heart, whenever you are wearing a skirt and come to see him while he sleeps on the rooftop he’ll sneak a peak underneath.
 I feel like he’s a boob and thigh guy all the way. He will happily die between your glorious thighs and tits.
 Randomly leaves bite marks anywhere he wants. Adores when you have hickeys on your neck, fills his ego to the brim watching people comment on the purple bruise on your neck.
 Fucking loves when your wear his extra jersey to his games. It’s the motivation he needs to get going. Will completely crush his opponents just to watch you cheer for him.
 Pouts when you don’t give him his morning kisses or if you get up during your 2hr cuddle sessions when he wakes up.
 I 100% believe he is half Hispanic. He definitely knows Spanish and will call you names like Puta or Pendeja.
 If his mom here’s him call you that just know he’s getting a tongue lashing and the chonclas getting thrown at his head.
 He gets his accuracy from his Mom.
 It takes awhile for his mom to like you, she doesn’t want anyone hurting her baby boy.
 After awhile, she’ll treat you as her own daughter, and even teach you Spanish.
 Bonus if you already know Spanish, that’s a +1 with his mom.
 His dad liked you instantly, you were a lot different then his old girlfriend and welcomed you with open arms.
 Daiki has his dad’s ego, it’s like looking at the same person anytime they compete with each other, which is almost always anything they do.
 Aomine will totally be at any of your games/meets if you play sports. Even if he is late, he’ll be there cheering you on.
 Get’s jealous easily, especially if you talk to Kagami. If looks could kill, Kagami would be dead.
 Will have you against the door of his room, or pinned to the bed whenever he gets jealous. He makes sure you know that you are his and only his.
 His room is a disaster, clothes, old school papers, blankets etc.
 He try’s to clean his room up a bit before you come over. It’s adorable, it usually doesn’t look to much different just the floor was clean cause he moved everything to the corner of his room and covered it with a blanket.
 Loves to get you small gifts. He saves up for months to get you a beautiful promise ring. And what made it even better, you got him a promise bracelet that he wears absolutely everywhere.
 He makes sure to take it off before a game or when does anything that could break it.
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tarjapearce · 6 months
Idk if it was mentioned (I'm still working my way through all the soccer family stuffs) but is Mama Hispanic? Or did she learn Spanish?
Sure it's not that important to some people, but I'm curious to know what you had in mind when writing her, cause I'm obsessed and wanna know all the background info on all your things
First of all, lemme welcome you to this madness hehe ❤️.
And she learned Spanish, thanks to Miguel mostly.
She's this lovely latin-american woman that moved to Nueva York when a kid but didn't grow up with the language. Her parents were too concerned with her learning a new language than anything else that they forgot to keep encouraging the spanish.
It served it's purpose but it was hard for her being one of those kid that was part latino but didn't know any spanish. Bully ensured, but she was feisty. (Resulting in her being in trouble a couple of times because she got fed up with their shit.)
When she meets Miguel, we see her boasting up spanish cause she just reconnected with her mother tongue. (Thanks to her elder aunt Isa), however it was one of those things that come and go if you don't practice them enough.
Miguel had sooo much patience with her once they get married, it was hard and kinda frustrating to make progress only to be regressing with little things. But It was the perfect chance for Miguel to say the filthiest things right into her face and she would just look at him with a loving and curious look, thinking he was being poetic and in love.
But after years, and some extra lessons and a gorgeous half Mexican man as her personal tutor, nothing escapes from her.
Sometimes it gets under Miguel's skin cause she has such a potty mouth when angry. (It arouses and scares him)
The only one in her generation that ran away from home (More like forced to leave) when she was 17, worked her way through college, got a decent looking job until she started to get underpaid and the load work was the same if not worse. She meets Miguel at the age of 21. (He was 25 that time), only to become a mother two years later.
Her family criticized her for getting married so young, but look at her now ~
Happy, a spoiled housewife, a marriage of 13 and a half years and three lovely kids with a beautiful and dreamy husband that would do anything for her.
And her character is born out of the need to see more Latina women in Miguel’s fics :') There was soo little content about it. So I took matters in my own hands. Even though she is mixed, I wanted to make her a relatable character for everyone that has came across this AU. (Be it either family issues, growing up without the mother tongue, finding independence really young, toxic and unhinged family, going to therapy to heal, and other emotional thingies that are often overlooked ~)
So even if you aren't a Latina, you can still feel part of her character ❤️.
Its therapeutic and fun to write her, ☺️.
Hope this offers a little more insight on Mama ❤️
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choclodox · 1 year
Lyle’s IQ score Head Canon
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HEAR ME OUT: as much as Lyle def gives me himbo™️ energy, I also feel like he’s supposed to be…PRETTY SMART? he’s just also goofy. Like, I feel like he’s one of those friends that’s the smartest but also the dumbest person you’ve ever had at the same time.
Here is my evidence (dons glasses and grabs a laser pointer)
1. First and foremost, I’m pretty sure Quaritch wouldn’t let a dumbo be able to advance to the rank of Corporal, so Lyle needs to have SOME level of competency (but there’s still some room for his goofball nature lol).
Side note, studies show that people who are comical tend to have higher IQs since it ranks critical thinking to understand humor and make jokes. So Lyle is at least smart in that department.
2. In the first movie, we can see that Trudy trusts him enough to work on her Samson. We all know how much Trudy LOVED her Baby, so she must have had some serious trust in Lyle (someone who wasn’t an RDA mechanic) to let him even TOUCH her Rogue One’s equipment.
3. Also in the first movie, Lyle actually knows his stuff about combat theory and the AMP suits. When Quaritch has Lyle survey the aftermath of the Omatikaya’s retaliation for the destruction of the Tree of Voices, Lyle is able to describe in detail what the damages are. He’s able to tell that the arrows were fired from Ikrans based off the angles of the arrows in the damaged equipment and dead bodies, he can say for a fact that the AMP suits are not just damaged but what exactly is damaged (the Driver in this case).
4. Now in the 2nd movie, we actually get to see more of his smarts come into action. Lyle actually gets promoted from Corporal to Lieutenant and becomes second in command to Quaritch. The RDA wouldn’t let that happen if he was purely a trigger happy soldier; you needs some gray matter for that position.
5. Next, Quaritch looks to LYLE to pull the security feed off of OG Quaritch’s AMP suit. And Quaritch is a smart guy too, but it feels like Big Curly Q knows he’s out of his depth on this one and just hands it off to Lyle because he knows that he actually knows his stuff.
But ya, thanks for coming to my TedTalk :)
Also, a few other hcs I embrace
Lyle is that ONE gringo friend that knows FLUENT Spanish (and possibly knows other languages as well). And when I say Gringo, I don’t mean he’s white but is still Hispanic, no. There is a reason why JamCam named this man after Wainfleet, Ohio (the Ohio of Ohio). But nobody questions his ability to speak Spanish. You leave him alone in any Authentic Hispanic setting and come back in 20 minutes, they’re running to the liquor store because they already ran out of Tequila/pisco/etc. TEAM LATINO LOVES HIM
*side note, Jake probably knows some Spanish too since he did his tours in Venezuela. Who knows, maybe he taught some to Spider because he knows he’s team Latino. A
*and Quaritch probably knows some of Nigeria’s native languages (Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, etc) since he did 3 whole tours there before coming to Pandora
Lyle likes 90s music (Britney Spears, Mariah Carey) but mainly SHAKIRA. I could see him just dancing alone to Hips Don’t Lie and someone walks in trying to get his attention, but he doesn’t notice and they have to clear their throat and he just screams when he finally notices them
He can dance Samba, Cumbia, Tango, Flamenco. ANYTHING in that family HE CAN DO IT FLAWLESSLY ASU PAPI
Might come from a family of mechanics and worked in a mom and pop mechanic shop (I embrace that one HC where he has a love for cars and just engineering in general). Maybe he wanted to be a more refined engineer but just couldn’t pass the tests since he was more of an intuitive thinker and tests favor more of the technical thinkers.
Likes DragonBall Z but will never admit it
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 14 days
What gets me with Vel is that we see she has a good rapport with her coworkers/friends. She may sometimes roll her eyes at the other two and their antics and of course when her direct business gets interrupted she gets frustrated, but we mostly see her on good grounds with the rest of the Vees. They respect her when it comes to serious business and in that last scene of the season they all look to be very much on the same page and in it together, smiling about their future... yet fanon (if it isn't infantalizing her as you've pointed out) is constantly projecting "angry black woman" stereotypes onto her.
It's gross and in my opinion clearly racially motivated that they see her as nothing more than a "bitchy" woman of color. While the fanon I've seen also has separate gross issues with Vox and Val they are at least allowed some nuance on occasion, but I just don't ever see that with Vel, she's just an angry woman rendered to the background in their eyes stripped completely of her professionalism, intellect, and cunning. She's one of my faves and it sucks so bad to see.
Hi. :) I wrote 5 paragraphs in response to this question and Tumblr so graciously decided to delete fucking all of it. :)
The Hazbin Hotel fandom has a serious racism problem and not enough people are talking about it. Aside from the infantilization of Velvette, other BIPOC characters are put into stupid stereotypes or treated like children because either Vivzie can’t handle writing competently or the fandom doesn’t know how to behave themselves. This is especially apparent for the women, but—and this is probably the only time I will talk about him in this way—Valentino is also suffering from this shitass issue.
Firstly about Velvette, just like how this said, Velvette used to be treated like a child in canon (now fanon) and is being portrayed as only a sassy angry black woman by the fandom. This is disgusting! I don’t think I need to say that! For some reason (misogyny) the Hazbin fandom just has this thing where they take a POC person or a woman—usually both—and decide to treat them like a child. Best examples being Niffty and Velvette being portrayed as Angel & Husk’s and Vox & Valentino’s children. Niffty is 22 and Velvette is in her 30’s. And of course they are both POC. I know there’s going to be someone accusing me of just whining about racism or being like “not everything is about race” but shut the fuck up because I’m busy talking.
I think the best scene to depict Velvette’s character—even though she hardly has any scenes. It shows that she will and can respect her colleagues but for other people, you either need to give her something she wants or her respect needs to be earned. She literally sings a whole song about it.
For other characters like Niffty I have a post for her in the works so I won’t spill it all here, but I can’t in good faith talk about the racism problem without mentioning Valentino. The fact Vivzie has made her worst character into the basic tall hot hispanic/latino man with the hot spanish accent stereotype. Honestly this sort of stereotype doesn’t bother me much, there’s a few villain characters I like with it like Alejandro from TDI, but Vivzie making this a big aggressive and dangerous POC person abusing a sad little white guy just grosses me out. It’s not like the situation would be any better if Angel wasn’t white, but it really does just leave that extra sour taste in my mouth.
Also I don’t need to explain why 90% of the POC cast being fucking grey or purple or blue is bad right.
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
I find it amazing how many people are reaction to Pepito and roier relationship, like, expecting him to be the greatest father of all times when he has been dealing with depression for the longest time and now is facing what could only be described as one of the lowest points in his life.
While also forgetting Pepito's own feelings because he clearly wants to get closer to him and worries about him.
It's because they aren't actual Roier fans, because real Roier fans are NOT out here calling him a good father rn. He's fucked up! He needs help! He's doing his best, but he also isn't, and we all know and acknowledge that. Pepito does, too!!
But then we see all these English-POV-Only people taking literally everything qRoier does and going "See? He shouldn't be a father anymore. Let Bad (or Fit or Phil or any English CC) take care of Pepito from now on, they'll know how to do it!!!" And like. That's super fucked up!!!!! Because we had that Otipep bullshit last week that Hispanic fans were understandably really upset about, and then English fans are like "Well actually it was canon and Roier is a terrible dad and his child hates him so Bad should obviously take custody of Pepito because he's perfect!!" like?? That's super weird? Why do people only criticize Roier's parenting rn?
Think about it. Even going back to when Bobby was alive and when even Tilin and Flippa were alive, English fans were discounting Roier's parenting despite Bobby unarguably being the happiest kid on the island up until his dying breath, anyone can tell you that. When Bobby died, everyone said it was Roier's fault. When Tilin died, I saw people saying "Well, this wouldn't have happened if Roier was there instead of Slime. He should've paid more attention." Same for when Flippa died the final time. Some people still don't count Roier as one of Richarlyson's fathers, but they're practically begging for Bad to be one. Or they've been like "Well Roier can't take care of Richarlyson, he'll get him killed just like how he got Bobby killed!" since June
And now we have Roier and Pepito and Otipep's non-canon leaving a sign in English for other parents to see how bad of a parent Roier has to be. qBad saying "Well, Richarlyson is a better parent than Roier is."
But then we have qRoier himself not wanting to be a parent again but taking care of Pepito anyway and giving Pepito cookies when the other islanders could technically take care of Pepito for him. He doesn't trust Pepito at all and he thinks Pepito is evil and a clone or whatever sent to distract him from the Federation, but he's taking care of Pepito anyway, and he's done a pretty okay job at it considering how genuinely depressed and suicidal he is. He's been spending all night every night working on something in secret, but he still went to hang out with Pepito instead of continuing to work on it or instead of sleeping or whatever.
Pepito loves Pepito's dad, and Pepito has been wanting to really connect with him. When ccRoier gets better and feels well enough to get online, I wouldn't be surprised if Pepito stuck close to him to try and cheer him up because! Pepito adores him!! Pepito doesn't want a different father; if Pepito did, Pepito would've hung around Forever or Bagi or Bad all day like Otipep would've (because Otipep hated Roier and wanted a different parent)
But people- and, again, mostly English-POV-onlies, and specifically BBH-POV-Onlies- have decided that Pepito needs to be rescued. Roier is a bad father, Otipep is canon despite several ccs and admins and Quackity himself saying otherwise, Pepito needs someone who can take care of Pepito, and that person? Obviously qBadBoyHalo, who is literally dying in canon. Bad is NOT healthy at all, anyone looking at him can see that.
Not one of Pepito's other parents (who happen to all be Latin American, majority Mexican + Carre the Argentinean.) Not any of the Brazilians or the French. One of the English CCs, who doesn't even speak Pepito's language (because Pepito doesn't like writing in anything but Spanish because! Pepito's parents are all Hispanic! Why would Pepito need to write in English around them?)
So, really, people need to take a look at their attitudes and consider whether or not they think Roier is and always has been a bad father because of his actions or because he's a Mexican man. Same reason why people need to think about this regarding qMariana and Flippa, and qQuackity with Richarlyson.
Because, to me (admittedly as a gringo myself), this all reeks of xenophobia. Why else would a Mexican character and cc and his fans be constantly harassed by overwhelmingly-American fans in defense of a white American man who has not once asked them to do this. Fans demanding Pepito speak in English last night when Pepito was hanging out with Bad and being unhappy when Pepito spoke in Spanish. Fans consistently demonizing the Latin American members and characters and eggs on the server, whether it's the Latin American Hispanics or the Brazilians.
Last night, Bad's fans led a hate campaign against Roier and Cellbit fans on Twitter. They've been pulling this shit for weeks now since Pepito first showed up, and I really think that they need to take a step back and touch some grass and consider their values because this issue goes far deeper than character analysis, I think.
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squerlly · 2 months
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just felt like doing a little something something... this post is kind of a little clarification for certain things about my new series. for those who don't know I made a series called flames of desire and it is an Alastor x (f! bunny reader) slow burn romance with eventual smut ofc. my writing style is a bit odd to say the least since I have a hard time explaining things in detail and in attempt to make mine and my readers lives easier iv color coded the dialogue for each and every character so that you know what's text vs dialogue. I also try to include individual POV to get a clear aspect of certain things *cough* *cough* lore. so here are some things you should know
-dialogue colors-
husk, angel, Alastor, Vaggie, Charlie, Niffty, reader (this font specifically, please don't get it mixed up with her thoughts) incase I run out of colors for certain characters I will substitute a color but I will always specify whos talking!
yes bunny Reader design has paws and she can't really wear shoes so I decided to make her wear socks similar to the helluva boss character Lunas, which are open-toed socks just to have something to cover her feet at least. in this story, y/n is old enough to drink but I wouldn't say she's on the older side so use your imagination or don't I don't mind if you edit the character, this is a story about you lovely people after all!. I'm also terrible at smut so don't really expect a lot.
I am Hispanic and although I am not fluent I will try my best to make the characters cannon yet not cannon, by this I mean I will make valentino speak slight Spanish as his cannon form does. I will also make Alastors cooking related to new Orleans Louisiana dishes because hes old fashioned and I doubt he will ever put in the time to learn other cooking don't come for me!!!
I will not be adding sir pentious in this series, I know I'm sorry please forgive me, maybe if I change my mind later which I always end up doing eventually I will add a part just for pentious, a little something. I already struggle trying to make sure I include every character in at least every 2 to 3 chapters because I don't really do favoritism when it comes to my writing, same goes for lucifer but once again maybe something but I also don't want to spoil the show for people who have not watched it yet.
I have a tight schedule when it comes to things I have to do at home vs my free time so I will try to get at least 2 chapters out every week maybe 3 if I feel motivated enough or unless I don't get writer block. as for request I will be re opening those this Friday and close them on Sunday so I can work, edit, and release them throughout the week if I get any.
this series is a shared project between me and my bestfriend @strippezzz please go check out there artwork its so good. he works on helping me proofread because I have ADHD and my brain works a million miles an hour and tend to miss things here and there. hes also 10x better at writing smut, not for the ideas but just describing it detail so I leave that to him and wanted to make sure that I'm not getting all the credit!
if you have any question or concerns just ping me in the comments and I will probably answer in 5 min tops because I'm always using my phone for literally everything
I hope this was helpful!!!! and have a wonderful day/night love you all stay tuned~
for more stories and more chapters please click this masterlist
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deadsnothere · 1 year
Drunk Stable Girl
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Synopsis - A heartfelt conversation in the dining room of the party.
Request - nope
Word Count - 1.5k
Speak Ali! - I'm boreeeeddd send in request for either Lockwood or Cynthia and i will try my best to get them done!!
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Richie, who picked up the T-birds car, was now on the way to Jane's house with four of five Pink ladies in the car.
Apparently there was an emergency campaign meeting and it was their tias birthday, and if there's something I know about hispanic parties, they don't disappoint. Once we pulled up to Jane's house the two people in the front seats, Olivia and Richie both got out and started hitting her window with pebbles while Nancy, Cynthia, and I were sitting and leaning against the car. Once she opened the window, I threw Olivia Jane's jacket and she held it up to her. “You forgot this.” Jane looked sad from the window, but at the same time I forgot my glasses at home and couldn't tell. “You don’t have to give it back” Well now she sounds disappointed. “I know I let you guys down.”
“No kidding” Cynthia said from the cover of the tire to the T Birds car. “Exactly.” I spoke next, In Between Cynthia’s dangling legs. “That's for sure,” Nancy said last, leant on the car beside us. We all got a dirty look from Olivia before she turned back to Jane to try and cheer her up. “We can fix this! emergency campaign meeting, my house. Let's go.” she nodded her head towards the car while poor richie started to get antsy. Jane looked back into her room as if Olivia were crazy. “Now?!” Olivia looked back at her as if saying “Yeah!” Jane was now leaning halfway out of the window. “You want me to sneak out?!” Poor antsy Richie finally got a word in. “It's my Tia’s birthday! We're having a party.” I yelled out after. “Yeah! And this is a party you don't wanna miss.” He looked over to me, giving me an air high five before going back to jane. “Come on, you really gonna leave me hanging out here again?” AGAIN?? I looked up to Cynthia who looked just as confused.
Jane smiled at us and waved us away, saying “go” but we all knew she was coming with us. I grabbed Cynthia's hand, picked her up and threw her into the backseat gently. Knowing I’d have to sit on her lap for all of us to fit anyways. She looked surprised but accepted her fate. I took my jacket off and put my hair into a ponytail climbing in after her and sitting down in my rightful spot.
When we walked into the house there was Spanish music playing on a record player and people dancing on hardwood floors. Cynthia, who held my hands and closed the door behind me, was looking around the house, interested in the different decor. Finally bringing out attention back to the dance floor which I was killing to kick my shoes off and start dancing on. Cynthia had already started pulling me and Nancy away. “We're gonna grab some grub for this- business meeting.” she dragged me into the kitchen while I dramatically reached for Richie's mother who was my normal dance partner at these parties.
Nancy hung her jacket up on the door nob, while I kept mine over my shoulder, my skirt was flowy and perfect for dancing while being tight at the top and showing my curves off perfectly. “What are we going to talk about anyways?” Cynthia said while holding a plate filled with food. “I mean, I feel for her.” I snorted laughing. “I don't-” Cynthia gave me a soft glare before kicking me in the shin and continuing to talk. “she made us look like cowards!” I looked over to her with a raised eyebrow. “She made ya’ll look like cowards.” She glared at me, a bit more aggressively this time. “And I’m no coward! You're a singer, shut up.” Nancy agreed. “Me neither.”
Nancy, Cynthia, and I had finally spotted the holy grail of every hispanic party. “Ooh, mezcal!” Nancy had the idea first. “Let's chug it.” at the time it sounded amazing. I was nodding, while Cynthia looked a bit nervous. “Yeah..Ok.” Nancy picked up the bottle and put it out towards her with a smile on her face. “You first.” Cynthia looked offended, saying back. “You first.” World's greatest come back-
Nancy and Cynthia both looked down at the bottle nervously, Nancy who was practically saying, ‘Fuck it, let’s throw the god damn balls to the wall.” Popped open the bottle, slowly tilted it up against her mouth and started chugging. She drank a good bit of it before she finally stopped. I know it burnt the back of her throat and BAD. Cynthia was looking at her as if she was crazy. Nancy was groaning either in disgust or pain, as she slammed the bottle back down on the table making a face to tell me it was definitely disgust. Nancy looked to Cynthia in a “Your turn” kinda way nodding her head at her. “Well now your mouths been on it.” Nancy looked over to me, I put my hands up in defense, in the moment I couldn't do anything. “So you are a coward.”
Nancy taunted Cynthia, I hope that doesn't set her off “No, I'm not!” Cynthia was getting defensive looking away from me and Nancy. “Then do it!” I stood back watching this go down. They moved towards the other side of the small round table across from me. “Don't be a fraidy cat!” She kept taunting Cynthia, her hands wrapped around the bottle and Cynthia's hands in her pockets. Just to add fuel to the fire she started meowing and hissed as much as I want to say I didn't laugh…I did-
“Stop it?!” Cynthia wigged out on Nancy looking over at me to, for laughing. “I'm not afraid!” She practically cried. Nancy, who as much as she was aware was joking, looked surprised. “What happened?” she looked over at me, who didn't look as shocked as her but definitely more apologetic. “I'm sorry..” While Cynthia was rubbing her eyebrow, trying to make sense of whatever was going on in her head. She sighed “I just don't like being laughed at.” From the corner I reminded them I was there by speaking. “You like when people laugh with you.” I tried my best to cheer her up, hoping to redeem myself.
Cynthia looked up at me for a millisecond before trailing her eyes down. “Those stupid thespians!” Oh god here we go again- She’d spent 15 minutes complaining about the thespians at my house when she drove me home on her motorcycle. “With their stupid black shark eyes, Just staring at you, waiting for you to look like an idiot!” She went on ranting, while Nancy and I just stood there confused. “So?” Nancy looked dead serious. “Just be an idiot with them and they can't laugh at you.” I nodded towards Nancy as if it was obvious. Cynthia was really thinking about it. “Maybe that's what being fearless is anyway.” Nancy now looked dead serious, walking closer to Cynthia, I finally made my way to their side of the table standing in between them both. “Maybe that's what being a pink lady is.” Nancy said swaying. “Maybe I'm really drunk now.”
Cynthia looked down at the bottle with almost fear. I was confused so I looked at it too. “Nancy.” Oh my god- “The worm is gone-” I think I almost threw up- Nancy lifted the bottle up to look inside it. “I can feel it inside me.” EUH- NO. NO. Cynthia grabbed the bottle from Nancy and chugged about a shot and a half worths, while plugging her nose. For some reason Nancy did this little shoulder shimmy towards the floor while Cynthia struggled. When she put the bottle down, she made a disgusted face and groaned in disgust to, coughing her lungs up. I smiled laughing at them both, grabbed the bottle from Cynthia and chugged the rest of it with ease. wiping my mouth and I stuck my tongue out to try and get the taste off. Both Nancy and Cynthia were staring at me like I was crazy, because of the reaction I gave, or lack of.
Cynthia made an audible gulp before reaching up to kiss me with one hand and covering Nancy's eyes with the other. “MMMPH-” I was surprised by the kiss at first but didn’t pull away until Nancy got free from Cynthia's grasp and ran off into the living room. “That- that was hot.” She was stuttering and her face was blushing red but it was pretty cute. I pulled her lips into mine, pushed her against the wall to the left of us and grasped onto her shirt. “You taste like drunk.” She giggled out, in between heavy breaths.
“I think you're the drunk one-” She looked up and down my body, licking her lips and lazily trailing kisses down my neck. “I may be drunk, but I'm sure you’re pretty!” I laughed pushing her head away from my neck. “Than you'll also know that you can't do that here, come on stable girl we got places to go.” She laughed at the name, attaching herself to my waist. “Yay! I get to be with my princess..” I laughed back at her, my vision only a bit blurry but I'm also more tolerant than her, my poor poor stable girl.
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rhoorl · 7 months
Personal stuff under the cut
TW body image issues
TLDR: Someone asked if I was pregnant today - I'm not, I just carry my weight in my midsection. This is the spiral that ensued.
Soooo today was fun. Aside from it being kind of a crazy day at work (seriously how is it only Tuesday?!), I had a bit of a rough encounter that has stayed with me all day. Normally, I wouldn't share something like this so openly. I may end up deleting this, but writing has helped me process things before so why not do it with this, right?
Earlier today I was talking with someone at work. It was our first time meeting in person. We were making small talk before heading into our meeting and as we walked to the room she turned to me and motioned to my stomach with a smile and mouthed, "Oh my gosh, are you pregnant?" I quickly shook my head and I could tell she instantly felt terrible. I don't have any ill will towards this person, I know she didn't mean any harm by it, but it's just annoying that people feel it is ok to comment on another person's body.
This isn't the first time this has happened to me in my life and usually, my first reaction is to try and not make the other person feel bad or awkward (although there have been a few times I've clapped back). But, on the whole, I'm not one for confrontation and want to just move past it and not acknowledge it, which is what I did here. I switched the subject and she didn't say anything else about it.
This particular encounter has really stung. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and have only recently started to process how images and media from early on in my life really affected me. Like I remember being in middle school drinking Slim Fast or being in high school and substituting two meals a day for some Special K cereal.... seriously what the fuck?!
While I always struggled, I still managed to work out. When I moved to Florida I took up running and actually got pretty fit (for me). I felt strong and loved being active. It was a fun activity my husband and I would do together.
Then I got pregnant. I stayed really active during my pregnancy, heck, I was walking around Disney at eight months pregnant! I had to have an unexpected C-section which really threw my body for a loop (on top of being given a newborn and trying to figure out breastfeeding).
Anyways, it's been two years and the last two years have been hard. I've struggled on and off with some postpartum blues and just general anxiety which leaves me feeling really overwhelmed a lot of times and my physical health has taken a back seat. As a result, I have put on some weight (which adds stress, it's a never-ending cycle).
I know I'm rambling but the comment today really hit home because I know I've gained weight, I know my clothes don't fit the same (or at all), and that makes me sad. Not because I want to conform to someone else's expectations or vision. It's because I know I feel better when I'm active and I miss it.
My immediate reaction today was to do something on both ends of the spectrum related to pretty negative eating-related behavior. (Which I didn't do). I mostly just wanted to leave work and go cry in my car. In the past, comments like this have spurned me on to try and lose weight or eat healthier, but today it left me feeling really defeated.
Again, I'm not sure where I'm going with this so if you've made it this far...thanks. At the end of the day, I just want to be a healthy role model for my daughter. I've modeled some pretty unhealthy behaviors and negative self-talk thanks to my mom and family (is it just a Hispanic thing for people to constantly tell you you've gained weight when they see you?). I don't want to pass that along to her and I'm thankful there is much more body positivity now.
Thanks for letting me vent. This was a bit therapeutic. And thank you to those who helped put a smile on my face today, it was greatly needed.
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feluka · 4 months
works in schools anon again: part of it is kind of like. healing? so im gonna tell a personal story but with a huge NOT TO THE SAME EXTENT AS THE SUFFERING OF ARAB PEOPLE IN THE USA, BUT disclaimer in front. so my mom is from guatemala and speaks spanish as a native language, and she talked and sang to me in english and spanish when i was little. where we lived in the USA, hispanic people were/are seen as lazy, uneducated, and potentially dangerous foreigners. my mom periodically showed us where her citizenship documents and our birth certificates were in case of an ICE raid, cuz they scooped people first and asked questions later. and i got bullied for being hispanic to the point that i hid it as best i could for years. but underneath the fear and pain, nothing is as comforting as my mom saying "m'ija" , as the lullaby she sang to me when i was small. and GUESS WHAT. my mom's greatest defenders (and defended by my mom) were her arab colleagues! they were and are unfailingly kind and they all stick together in the face of grade A white American bullshit!!!! so i am SO PROUD AND HEALED when people use their own languages, especially demonized ones like arabic, Indigenous languages (dakota and ojibwe are the common ones here), to communicate every day everywhere! IT IS THE WORLD TO ME!!
[anon's first ask here]
my favourite stories about solidarity are the ones where solidarity is enforced not by doing anything particularly radical, but by just being. just by being you you become a beacon for others like you to feel safe, welcome, and to start to heal. thank you so much for sharing this with me. i'm someone who's always wanted to flee my country and recently have been rethinking that because... *gestures to the general stance on arabs* and it leaves me feeling like i don't belong anywhere. stories like this soothe me a lot, knowing that while there's always struggle, there's comfort and solidarity within the struggle too.
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adriennebarnes · 1 year
Too Clingy
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: Y/N overhears Xavier telling Ajax that she’s too clingy so she decides to distance herself from him a while.
Warning: probably none
A/N: Ajax calls Y/N “mama” (just cuz I think every guy calls a Latina ‘mama’ but also because of a beast boy and raven edit) and Y/N calls Ajax “Papito”, they have a flirty friendship. Y/N has telekinesis and heightened senses like Daredevil.
Y/N was hanging in Xavier’s room, they were cuddling, watching a Disney movie.
“I’m gonna shower real quick, can I use one of your shirts, flaquito?” Y/N asked Xavier.
“Yeah sure, sweetheart. Here you go.” Xavier said, handing Y/N his shirt. Y/N went to the bathroom to start her shower, she put her hair up since it was late and there was no way she was washing her hair now. After her shower, she heard Xavier on the phone. She didn’t want to eavesdrop but her super-hearing made it inevitable.
“Yeah, she’s here with me…it’s the 4th night this week that she stayed over…she’s always on me, you know? The hugging, the kissing…she too clingy.” Xavier said. Y/N felt her heart break. She didn’t think she was being clingy, this is how she was with all her friends, her family too. It’s a Hispanic thing, she grew up being affectionate so this kind of “behavior” is normal to her. But maybe Xavier doesn’t feel the same way. After moisturizing and putting on Xavier’s shirt, Y/N walked out of the bathroom.
“Hey Xavier, I think I’m going to head back to my dorm.” Y/N said, picking up her dirty clothes, putting on her shoes, and walking to the door.
“Are you feeling okay?” Xavier asked, getting off the bed to go to the door as well.
“Um yeah im fine, don’t worry about it, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Y/N said, opening the door and leaving without giving Xavier a goodbye kiss. She then walked to her shared dorm with Enid and Wednesday.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were going to stay over at Xavier’s.” Enid said.
“Do you think I’m too clingy?” Y/N asked. Wednesday answered “yes” at the same time Enid answered “no”. “Which one is it that! Yes or no?”
“You are a lot like my parents, you hug and kiss people who are close to you. It’s a normal thing in Hispanic/Latino families.” Wednesday answered.
“So no, Y/N, you are not clingy, you are a very affectionate person. Who told you that you’re clingy?” Enid asked.
“I heard Xavier tell his friend, who’s probably Ajax, over the phone that I’m too clingy.” Y/N said, sitting on her bed.
“Are you mad that he thinks you’re clingy?” Wednesday asked.
“No, I’m mad that he would rather complain about it than tell me face to face that I’m clingy. I don’t know what to do, I left his dorm without kissing him goodbye or without hugging him and I don’t know what to do tomorrow.” Y/N said, covering her face with her pillow. Wednesday decided to sit on Y/N’s bed, Enid following along.
“Distance yourself from him.” Wednesday said.
“How?” Y/N asked.
“How about every time Xavier asks to hang out, say you’re busy, don’t try to kiss him or hug him, don’t call him Flaquito, don’t engage in physical contact with him. Act like Wednesday, no offense.” Enid said,
“None taken, act completely aloof.” Wednesday said.
“And still be affectionate towards us and Ajax, that way Xavier can see what he’s missing.” Enid said.
“That’s a good idea, guys. Okay, I’ll do it tomorrow, should be easy.” Y/N said. All three girls went to bed and Y/N turned off the light using her powers.
The next day the three girls got ready for classes and went to get breakfast. They sat at a table and Xavier sat next to Y/N while Ajax sat next to Enid.
“Good morning. sweetheart.” Xavier said.
“Morning, Xavier.” Y/N said, eating a piece of fruit. “Good morning, papito.” Y/N said to Ajax.
“Good morning, mama, want to go thrifting today? The thrift stores might not be as good as the ones in Queens but I’m sure we can find something.” Ajax said, eating his breakfast sandwich.
“Yeah, sure, sounds fun. Is it by the Weathervane or is it downtown?” Y/N asked.
“Downtown.” Ajax said.
“I thought we were going to watch a movie tonight.” Xavier said.
“I haven’t spent enough time with Ajax so I’ll go thrifting with him today, okay?” Y/N said. Breakfast was normal and when the bell rang, they went to class, Y/N sat next to Ajax, Wednesday and Enid sat together, and Xavier had to sit next to Kent.
“Is there a reason why you’re ignoring Xavier?” Ajax asked.
“If you must know, I heard Xavier tell you I was too clingy. You don’t think I’m too clingy, do you?” Y/N asked.
“No, of course not, mama, you’re fine. Besides, I’ve known you longer, I’m used to it.” Ajax said.
“Thanks, papito. But yeah, he called me clingy so now I’m giving him the space he so desperately wants.” Y/N said. Ajax just nodded his head. When it was lunchtime, they got their food and sat at a table.
“I’m gonna go to the art shed, you want to come?” Xavier asked.
“I’ll just stay here, it’s fine.” Y/N said. Xavier sighed and he left.
“I see the plan is working perfectly, I’m impressed you didn’t break.” Wednesday commented.
“Thanks Wednesday. So Ajax, after class, we change, then take the train downtown?” Y/N said,
“Yeah, there’s a Chinese restaurant near there too so we can eat after thrifting.” Ajax said.
“Sounds perfect. Do you guys want to go thrifting with us? You would love it, Wednesday.” Y/N said.
“I’ve never been downtown, could be an interesting experience.” Wednesday said.
“I need new sweaters, I’ll go with you guys too.” Enid said.
Meanwhile Xavier was in the art shed painting his frustrations away. Y/N has been acting strange since last night and he doesn’t know why. When he was about to finish, he received a text from Ajax.
Ajax 🐍: Y/N overheard you say she was clingy.
Xavier: Fuck. How bad is it?
Ajax🐍: Pretty bad, we’re going thrifting downtown after school if you want to talk to her
Xavier: Okay, thanks
Xavier put his phone away and finished his painting til the bell rang and he head to his other classes. Now classes were over and Ajax, Y/N, Wednesday, and Enid took an Uber to downtown Jericho rather than the train. They entered the thrift store and Wednesday immediately went towards the black and white clothes while Enid went towards the colorful sweaters.
“There’s a denim jacket with your name on it, Ajax, you should try it on.” Y/N said, dragging Ajax to the denim jacket she saw. “It would go well with everything, especially with spring time getting closer.”
“Perfect, let’s see if I can find something for you.” Ajax said, he tried on the jacket Y/N handed to him. “How do I look?”
“Very handsome, papito. You could wear it on your date with Enid next Saturday.” Y/N said. They looked around the thrift store and Y/N bumped into a tall boy she recognized. “What are you doing here?” Y/N asked. Then she turned to see Ajax, they made eye contact, and Ajax walked away whistling.
“I came to talk to you. I know you heard me say that you were clingy but I didn’t mean it.” Xavier said. Y/N looked at him with a confused face.
“Why say that I’m clingy if you don’t mean it?” Y/N asked,
“I was freaking out, okay. I never been in a…healthy relationship before. Before you, I was dating Bianca and we all know how that turned out.” Xavier said,
“But we were friends before you dated Bianca.” Y/N said,
“But the pint is my relationship with Bianca wasn’t healthy. We weren’t very lovey dovey like you and I are, you know. So when you were giving me nicknames, hugging me constantly, spending time with me, it felt like we were moving fast because I’m not used to it. So no, Y/N, you are not clingy at all, i just need to get used to it. And honestly, I missed you a lot today.” Xavier said, pulling Y/N into a hug.
“Thanks, Flaquito.” Y/N said.
“Did you miss me?” Xavier asked.
“Of course I did, guapo. Want to do some thrifting?” Y/N asked.
“Of course I do, we have to make up for lost time.” Xavier said as he put his arm around her shoulders to look around the store.
The End
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Hi! My name is Belladonna. I am a TransMasc Disabled Hispanic. Yeah, I’m some peoples worse nightmare. Slay. Anyway, I am disabled. With Fibromyalgia, which has forced me into a wheelchair. Along with PTSD, Chronic Migraines, Chronic Fatigue, Brain Damage, and a laundry list of other things. But those are the things that have GREATLY affected my life. You are probably wondering why you are seeing this in your Harry Potter Tag. Right? I’ll explain’
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So, I’m trying to spread disability awareness and normalize it in media. REALISTIC disability. Not just anime scar over the eye brow. Stuff that is real. Because the media glamorizes its horribly. Uses it as a plot point. I can go one for hours. You get the point here. Social media can suck, BUT it can also be wonderful!
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So if you guys have like requests of like Harry Potter Style “How would X react to X type reader-“ Disabled Headcanons and stories, shoot them my way. Or like requesting to see my headcanons on X person. And their disabilities. I’ll give it my best, and properly research. Along with speak with people who have those issues. I specifically choose Harry Potter as it has been very important for me in processing my disability grief, and over all a massive comfort. And since the fandom reclaimed it from You Know Who, it’s our turn to design it to what we like. So, hell ye
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I won’t get it perfect, and I refuse to say I will, but at the same time that’s the beauty of it. Even fictional disabilitys, like Werewolfism, is rooted in real bodily functions. Every disability is different. Most people who have Fibromyalgia don’t need a wheelchair. I do. So just because I’m not getting it “100% accurate” doesn’t mean someone out there can’t see themselves in it.
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These will be stories written by a disabled person, through a disabled lenses. So even if I don’t get it 100% right, the exhaustion and trauma of what it’s like will be there. There’s gonna be soul, and no corporate sugar coating.
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Disabilities aren’t pretty, and that needs to be normalized. We aren’t freaks of nature. Not every disability is stemmed from a accident or trauma. Disable people exist. And if you have a problem with it, ask yourself this. Who’s the one able to walk to the bathroom with out fear of collapsing? Who can go get the mail? Who can leave their bed? Who can go to school with no wheelchair? You, or me? That’s what I thought
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So, send me your asks. I should have a master list made soon! Thank you all! And don’t be shy in asking me questions, in general, about disabilities. This is a safe space. No stupid questions. The fact you even ASKED is speaking volumes. You WANTING TO LEARN is all that matters. Love you lots! 🫂
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sad-brunnettee · 2 years
first of all, i love you?????? like i just recently found your blog and oh my god????? HISPANIC READER????? as a fellow Mexican it makes me so happy :’). i’ve had this idea in the back of my mind for a hot minute now but like, hispanic! reader teaching Eddie how to dance bachata (any latin rhythm for that matter) or the two of them dancing at a family reunion while Eddie is super flustered cause he’s not a big dancer himself but you’re there to help him out. LIKE IMAGINE HER FAMILY JUST BEING LIKE “ay estos dos van a terminar casados” y se ponen en plan tipo “que empalagosos son” HSKKSKSKS sorry for the Spanglish, sometimes my brain doesn’t work properly
Ily too!!😩💓I think we all need to thank the first anon who requested a Hispanic/latina/Mexican reader. I would’ve never thought many people would read it. I hope you enjoy it :).
Au in which Eddie survived
Bachata Rosa
Eddie Munson x Hispanic! gn! Reader
Eddie couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the way your body moves to the rhythm of the music that is playing from your small radio. He could stare at you for hours just watching you, he’s positive that if he were to try it he’d end up making a fool out of himself. Although you wouldn’t tell him that, instead you’d praise him saying ‘good job babe, you’re getting better’ or ‘you’ll soon be better than me’.
He sat on a chair that was placed in front of your garage as you and your cousins practiced dancing for you aunt’s wedding. It wasn’t that you needed to practice dancing it was more of an excuse to hang out and get to know him better.
“Eddie, are you a good dancer?” Your cousin, Cassandra asked.
He was so fixated on you that he didn’t notice the music had stopped. “Do I, w-what?” He stuttered as specks of pink found their way on his face.
It was followed by a chorus of ‘ooh’s as some of your cousins elbowed each other. You stood near the cooler filled with ice and drinks with a blush splattered across your own cheeks. It wasn’t hard for anyone to understand why Eddie didn’t pay attention. You will be getting teased for it endlessly.
“I asked if you were a good dancer.” She said with a small laugh.
“Oh no I uh… I don’t dance.” He answered truthfully as he fidgeted with his fingers.
Gasps were heard which made him feel out of place. He loves music, that much is clear but it isn’t one to dance to. It’s not that he doesn’t want to learn, he just never got the chance.
“Y/n, i can’t believe you never taught your boyfriend to dance.” Your younger cousin exclaimed.
“The opportunity just never came up, I didn’t want to force it on him.” It was true, whenever your favorite song played through your Walkman all you could think about was dancing to it with Eddie. Yet you always kept those thoughts to yourself, Eddie isn’t one to do cliché things. Yet it doesn’t bother you, there isn’t anything about him that you would change. Not even when you had to ask him out to prom back in your senior year of high school. He was reluctant at first but gave in after a while, even then, he didn’t fully danced. Simply moved his arms to the rhythm and attempted to get his feet to follow yours.
Luckily, nobody added more to the conversation. Instead you talked about what outfit to wear for the wedding and when will you guys arrive. You were now sitting next to Eddie as he played with your hair you tried to pay attention to the conversation. But the more he played with your hair, the more sleepy you got. It was late afternoon and the sunset painted pretty colors on the sky. Signaling the end of the day and a reminder that everyone will leave to their own houses.
It was now nine and Eddie was the last person that had to leave. The two of you were now sitting on the small green couch that was placed in your living room. The rest of your family was either in their rooms or in the kitchen, allowing the two of you privacy to talk about anything and nothing at the same time.
A comfortable silence accompanied you both until Eddie spoke up. “You know you could uh, teach me some of those dance moves you were doing earlier.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before answering, “Ed, we don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No I- I want to. Wouldn’t want you to not have a dancing partner during the wedding.” He replied with a toothy grin as he leaned towards you as he spoke.
“Well, the wedding is in two weeks. I could teach you the basics…if you want.” You said as you looked into his eyes that held so much joy.
“Alright, tomorrow me and you baby. We’ll get grooving.” He said as he stood up.
“Nobody says that anymore Ed.” You laughed as you also stood up.
“Sure they do. Ok tomorrow, after practice, I’ll come down and you could uh teach me… the basics.” He was now standing next to the doorway with his left hand holding the door knob.
“I’ll be waiting.” You said with a smile. He also gave you one as well while opening the door. He got out and turned to look back at you, neither one moved. Just wanting to spend as much time together as you could. Despite that, he leaned down to give your cheek a kiss.
“Goodnight sweetheart.”
“Goodnight Eddie.”
Practice was running longer than usual and it was all because of a certain curly headed who kept on getting distracted and wouldn’t hit the notes at the right time.
“Dude come on Eddie, this the third time that we have to start all over.” Gareth exclaimed as he hit his drumsticks together to show his annoyance. “If we keep this up I’ll be late for dinner, and you don’t want to see my mom angry.”
If it were any other day he wouldn’t want to mess with the master of dungeons. But today was a normal day and he didn’t have to worry about it.
“Sorry, guys sorry it’s just…ugh I’m so excited. I’m going over to y/n’s house and they’ll teach me some dance moves for their aunts weddings. I’ve never danced with anyone… I feel, ecstatic.”
After hearing his confession they all felt their scowls leave their face.
“Wait, I thought you said you danced with them back at prom…?” Jeff asked
“No… well I mean yeah. Sorta. It was more of me moving my arms…” he said as he moved them for emphasis. “…and I tried to move to the rhythm but most of the time I just stood by watching them have fun.” He couldn’t help but sigh, at the end of the party you told him it was fun yet he felt as if you were lying. It didn’t make sense how you could say you had fun with him if he didn’t dance with you, not the way you deserved at least.
“So are you just going to…keep them waiting?” The other band mate asked.
Shit, he didn’t think about it that way. What if you thought he forgot? Or that he chickened out? You knew by now about just short attentions spasm and you always were very understanding of it but what if now it’ll be different? What if you want to break-
“Go to them Eddie, we can practice another day.” Jeff spoke once more.
Without needing to hear anything else Eddie took off running to his van. He was in such a rush that he didn’t notice his guitar still attached to him. Carefully, he lifted it up and set in on the back of the van. It was his most prized possession and he didn’t want any scratches on it. He drove a little past the speed limit (he didn’t want to get in a car crash or for you to see him driving this fast and scold him for it). It wasn’t until he reached your neighborhood that he saw you open the garage that he let out a sigh of relief and slowed down the van.
“Sorry sweetheart, I would’ve came sooner but… practice ran longer than usual.” He jogged towards you to help you lift up the garage door.
“Don’t worry Eddie, I was helping my mom around the house. My brothers didn’t bother helping so we finished not so long ago.” You responded with a shrug of your shoulders as you set down the radio on the small table that was taking up space near the wall.
“You ready?” You asked as you stood next to him.
“Yeah, let’s do it.” He exclaimed with a fist in the air. Even if he attempted to sound confident, his body language told you otherwise. He kept on bouncing his leg and chewing on his lip.
“Eddie I don’t want you to feel like… I’m forcing this on you, if you don’t want-.” You started speaking as you went to stand in front of him and place a hand on his shoulder. Something that you often did when he was nervous.
“No, no no I want to. I really do… I-I want to learn more about your culture.” He spoke with sincerity as he clasped his hands on your face.
Smiling, you looked up at him as you placed your own hands on top of his. “Ok then, let’s do it.” You took a step back and turned on your radio, landing on Juan Luis Guerra’s new song, Bachata Rosa.
As the two of you spend the day dancing and laughing, Eddie felt as if he was falling for you all over again. He tried to focus but each time you looked at him with so much affection he just got lost in your eyes. Causing him to stumble or step on you.
Days passed by and there was one day left for the wedding. You were proud to admit that you were a pretty good dance teacher. It was hard at first, but Eddie no longer needed you to tell him what to do. He still makes jokes about how sexual the dance is and the way you move against him. You can still hear his voice “Jesus H. Christ babe, I’m trying to dance not…mate with you.” Hearing him say those words caused you to turn red and miss a couple of steps.
“Is Eddie ready for the wedding?” It was the first thing your mom had asked you as you woke up.
“Yeah, he got the steps down.” You said as you walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“How do you think your dad will react?” She asked as she handed you a plate for you to serve yourself some chilaquiles.
The question caught you off guard, that you didn’t think of. “He’ll probably get really mad.” You chuckled softly, “let’s hope he’s drunk when and if he decides to dance in front of everyone.”
The conversation changed shortly after but your mind kept on playing different scenarios in your head. Regarding your family’s reaction, especially your dad’s and brother’s.
It was now the day of the wedding, everything was perfect. Eddie was able to go to the church ceremony earlier that day. You could tell he felt a little out of place, it was his first time going to a proper one. But you stayed by his side and held his hand, it helped to calm him down although he could still feel your dad glaring holes on his head.
The venue was spacious, a clear sign that there will be a lot of guests. Your mom was the one who chose the table, claiming that she wanted one with the best centerpiece. One that either you or your siblings will be forced to take.
As family members came to the venue, you would all get up and greet them. Using this as an opportunity to introduce Eddie to them. Your younger cousins seem to love him, they thought his clothing was cool as well as his tattoos. Whatever worries Eddie had prior to this seemed to have vanished into thin air. The food was fantastic and the music was great as well.
The DJ played some songs in Spanish and English, allowing everyone the opportunity to dance. Eddie even got dragged by some of your aunts to dance with them, some danced English songs while others did merengue. It wasn’t until bachata started playing that all of the couples got up and walked over to the dance floor.
“May I have this dance?.” Eddie spoke as he held out his hand for you to take. He had a toothy grin on his face and you just knew he was excited to show everyone the dance moves you taught him weeks prior.
You took his hand and walked over to the dance floor. The two of you started to dance at arms length before gradually getting closer. As the two of you moved to the rhythm it felt as if the whole world had disappeared. The both of you attempted to not get too close, not wanting to make any family members uncomfortable. After giving you a few spins he pulled you once more closer to him to place a chaste kiss on your cheek.
“You’ll have to translate me the song later and…teach me a new dance.” He spoke softly against your ear.
“If you keep this up, you’ll be the future chambelán for Sara’s quinceañera.” You told him with a giggle.
“Lisa hasn’t thrown the bouquet yet but we already know who will be getting married next. Right Enrique?” Your aunt exclaimed happily to your dad.
“No, they’re never getting married.” He replied while chugging the rest of his beer.
“Ojalá se casen pronto, uno nunca sabe cuándo será mi ultimo día.” Your grandma spoke as she watched you on the dance floor.
“¡Mamá, no diga eso!” Your dad said but aside from his voice sounding mad, he pulled her to a side hug. As much as he pretended to hate the idea of you forming your own family. His heart swelled with joy as he saw how happy Eddie made you.
🏷: @hellomyweirdos @lubsana @satsuri3su @n39ro-chann @kenzi-woycehoski
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saraculberry122 · 1 year
Sammy Ingram Is A Liar
I have known Samantha a.k.a. Sammy for over 10 years. We used to be extremely close friends up until recently. I had to cut her off, because my self, and some of our other friends called her out for constantly lying in her videos. She has already cut off Other friends for calling her out. One of our friends, Tallia, called her out over a year ago, publicly, and Sammy pretended to not know who she was. Sammy has been a habitual, and pathological liar her entire life. She used to lie about her race, and heavily edit her photos and tell people that they weren’t even when it was extremely obvious. She would tell people she was Hispanic, then she would tell people she was half black. She knows how to manipulate people into believing whatever she tells them. I will attach messages to this thread. I was recently blocked after trying to upload a video about the situation on YouTube, she reported my video immediately, and it got taken down for bullying and harassment. I tried to re-upload it, but since my kids were in the background of my video, I think it’s safer, if I don’t.
She always tries to silence everyone who calls her out. She cuts her friends off and blocks us. Then she pretends as if she doesn’t know us. She has never manifested anything in. This is not her first time using social media to scam people. She has admitted to us that she steals other peoples videos. She has sent me links of other peoples post and videos, saying she was going to make a video like it. She talks shit about her coaches, and even tried to scam some of them. Which is why her coaches are constantly leaving. She always says she doesn’t care about her clients, she just wants to make money. She always complains about her clients and her situation is calling them names and laughing at them for being desperate.
Around the time of her father‘s passing, and I reached out to her and told her that I pray she stops lying and does the right thing. She got mad at me and wouldn’t talk to me for a few months. When she did reach out to me she told me she would confess publicly. me and Tallia, are used to create google accounts, and Facebook, pages and fake success stories for her. We were commenting, 20 or 30 success stories under all of her post. When she started her Facebook group, we would post success stories from accounts we created. She literally asked us to do this, so that people would buy her coaching and think she was legit. And she used to buy her Instagram followers. She used to tell people she was Hispanic, which is not true. She would lie about where she is from. All she does is lie. She never manifested Bobby, I have no clue how she made him agree to even filming videos about it. But I’m sure she Gaslite him or manipulated him as she did so many people we know.
She has a burner Twitter account that she used to use to bully people online. The account is still active and she uses it to defend herself, pretending to be someone else to anyone who sends her hate online. She pretends like it’s a supporter but it’s actually her. You may have noticed this account around. She blocked all of her friends on this account along time ago, so I don’t remember the name of it. I’m sure one of you can find it and figure it out. I years ago, she would always create fake accounts to bully people or make herself seem better. Since she is a good liar and manipulator, it’s usually easy for her to get away with everything. I’m sure she has brainwashed her followers into believing everything she says. she loves playing the victim and always has. Every time she starts some thing with someone, it’s always their fault. She is constantly throwing rocks at people and then hiding her hands. This has been going on way before this YouTube channel.
I’m sure like always. She is going to pretend like she doesn’t know me. The same thing she did to TALLIA I will see if I can find a picture of us together. Please help me get this message out. I worry for her son Major Devon Ingram every single day. I pray he doesn’t end up like a pathological liar like his mom. I tried to tell her for years she needs to confess to all of the fucked up stuff she’s done. She continues to say she will, but I doubt she will ever. I cannot wait to see how she will lie and manipulate her way out of this.
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yaqamole · 1 year
HWS Spain In Relation To LatAM
So I made a post talking about how I don’t like when people make HWS Spain the father to all of LatAm so I want to expand a little as to why. This also applies for Brazil and Portugal but in this post I’ll be focusing on Hispanic Latin America
I feel that it really pushes the concept of mestizaje first of all which is really harmful to indigenous peoples in Latin America. There’s already a lot of erasure in regards to our indigenous populations as is and I feel that writing Antonio as a parent gives the impression that our history begins with colonialism which isn’t true.
I also feel that it insults a lot of the indigenous groups because it suggests Spain’s interactions were non-violent which is why he was able to produce a kid with whichever indigenous group these LatAm OCs come from. It just gives a poor impression of what actually went on during the colonial era.
Then there is the way it treats LatAm like a monolith instead of various countries with their own rich histories. So much history exists from before the Spanish arrived and it feels a little insulting to me to lump all of our nations together as one family simply because they speak the same language or have the same colonizer. To me, it gives the same energy as people calling all Latinos Mexican because they don’t bother to learn about the other countries that exist. Even unintentionally, it just leaves a sour taste that says “they’re all the same because they speak Spanish/were colonized by Spain”
LatAm is more than just a colonized part of the world and places that speak Spanish. Every country has rich history that deserves to be spoken about. So much of precolonial history actively impacts these cultures to this day. The indigenous groups that exist in our nations aren’t dead. They’re very much alive. They aren’t just some “ancients” (in the sense that they disappeared long ago). Colonization is still fairly recent in history. Many of these groups are still alive as much as our current countries might try to erase indigenous existence and contributions.
This isn’t to say you can’t make him a father to some of them. I can’t control what other people do. But these are my two cents regarding it. It just overall feels like it treats all of LatAm like a monolith, ignored the violence that Spain committed, erases indigenous contributions and history, and reduces LatAm to being just Spanish speaking and colonized by Spain.
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starixi07 · 9 days
guys omg let me talk about how my life has changed so much from july 2023 to now April 2024 (mad yapping incoming) tw: ed, alc, peer pressure
July: Ok so in July I started losing weight because I wanted to become my “best” self. My birthday had just happened and I turned 16. Two days later, my parents got in a huge fight and they told me and my brother to come out of our rooms. My dad had been cheating on my mom and she wanted a divorce. But, I never wanted them to so my mom gave me the choice if she would stay or leave. I ,of course, made her stay (she still blames me to this day). So, I went on a hunger strike and didn’t eat for like a week.
August: I had lost about 10 pounds and school was going to start. Once school started some people took notice, but I didn’t look all that different. I also stopped wearing a full face of makeup and went natural.
September: I lost another 10 pounds and looked more snatched than ever. There was this new girl in my class and we became friends. She then turned out to go to my elementary and we reconnected. I told her about my ex talking stage. Turns out he had been saying I was obsessed with him behind my back to girls from other schools like brudda what?
October: I lost ten more pounds and I was at my best weight/body. There was the fair and lala. OMG i talked to this one guy for about two weeks because I reached out (i was bored). I also talked to this other guy but i ended them both that same month. My ed was so horrible at this time but my body was bomb yall.
November: I was in my Rory Gilmore era guys and my grades were so good. I had a small friend group and was in the middle of popularity ykwim? Not much happened.
December: I started to develop a crush on this guy. He was part of that friendcest group iykyk. Nevertheless I was like ooo lala. Let me tell yall cause ik i’m not delulu. I was with my friend and she went to go turn in a paper in the office. She made a joke and I laughed with my teeth out and we walked outside the door. I see someone come down the stairs and I was still smiling and I made eye contact. He looked at me and smiled at me. Keep in mind that this brudda did NOT know me. My friend became friends with one of his friends. He was a popular kid that like everyone likes and is on the football team, tall and white. (ikr😡) They would joke around and my pookie sookie hangs out with that foo so everytime my friend and her friend would joke around he would be there and would laugh when i would laugh. In several instances I may have somehow made him think I liked him. (i didn’t at the time) Guys i would giggle around him as if i had a crush on him but i didn’t.
January 2024: Christmas break passed and I gained half the weight back. Formal was coming up and I was scared I would look fat. So, I restricted and went back to a good weight. I got my dress and yall I’m hispanic so yk i got the badonkadonk genes but not the biddies😔. Guys my gyatt looked so good in that dress. (i love brain rot idc) I pregamed before formal and went with my friend. Guys i didn’t mean to get too coocoo but I did. My pookie dookie was there and he kept looking at me. I didn’t go to the after party tho cause i didn’t know they were a thing. I found out one of my besties went and she was all up on him but I remained her friend.
February: I started wearing makeup again but this time i was a baddie. Remember my crush? He followed me at 3 am on a Sunday and… he was drinking. (found out from that friend) GUYS OMGGG! I started to wear less makeup and wore only my lash clusters. There was a moment during school where he was walking with a friend. I noticed it was him and peeked. THIS BRUDDA WAS LOOKING AT ME.
March: This was MY month yall. As i told yall im hispanic so I go to quinces. (search them up) My friend that snaps my crush went with me and this other girl that’s my friend. I drank hella and almost blacked out. I was dancing with this one guy and he was also all drunk. He kissed me. Guys that was my first kiss. Anyways that night we crazy and still keeps me up to this day. That night my friend that snaps my crush came home to stay the night over at mine. I ended up adding my crush on snap. He added me back three mins later. We start snapping. The next night, my dog dies. This was my first time experiencing grief and she died in my arms. I loved her sm she was my first dog. Then, it was my friends bday the one that snaps my crush😭. The next weekend I went to her lil bday kickback. (my first ever omg) I became friend with two popular girls. We all drank sm that day too. I went back home at like 3 am. Then, I started going the gym and eating healthier. I hung out with those two popular girls and we went to the mall. Then, spring break started. I hung out with that girl that snaps my crush and we became besties. She came over to sleep over and we got twisted (tea) 🐒. We also hit the penjamin and I bought the devils lettuce. That night at one in the morning. I asked her to call my crush. She did, and he picked up. They were flirting in front of me but he didn’t rlly wanna and told her he was going to sleep. He sent me a snap after and he was with his friends. They were doing the same that my bestie and I were. Still, his responses to me were so dry and boring.
April: This month is so messy and it hasn’t even ended. My crush has started to snap me less. I found out over spring break he went to a beach trip with his friend and three other girls (unsupervised) for like three days. He slept with the biggest bop of the century and we lost our streak. That wasn’t even the first time they had done that together either. Then, another quince happened and I went with my new bestie. We pregamed at my house. I danced with like two guys. They were both in their 20s bye😭. I went home mad drunk with my bestie. We ended the night. The next morning, my parents talked to me. They found my drinks, my lettuce, pictures of me doing that and more. They prohibited me from going out and seeing my friend. They took away my phone. The night before, I ended up texting the guy from october. Turns out he had a gf the entire time we talked in that month. I also talked to this other guy and we called all night. I was hopeless. Me and my parents ended up better the next day tho. I wrote a bombbb apology letter and I. guilt tripped them for forcing their divorce on me. There was gonna be a party for a popular girl the week after and Ik they weren’t gonna let me go. So, I SNUCK OUT for the first time. We ended up going all late but I looked bomb. And guess what my crush was there. It was 4/20 so yk i had to get lit. I wanted to be more “lit” before I talked to my pookie. I shaved everywhere guys mhmmm. My friend can’t control herself, so she got wasted. My crush was right behind me and she looked at me and yelled “Go talk to ****!” Guys I ran away. Like frfr. I was so embarrassed and then I came back to the party. Then, the guys left cause her dad was gonna come home. Me and my friend and these other people hid in her room. I didn’t have a ride home and none of them did either. I was gonna go home with the girls sister and ended up getting picked up by one of my friends from last year. Before that, my friend left home and everyone else did and it was just me and this one guy. We walked back to the room and he was like “is your friend always like that?” I told him no she was just too drunk. He told me she tried to kiss him. Then he was all rambling “I would never kiss a drunk girl” like ten times. To him I seemed sober cause i was taking care of her all night. Then, i asked him if i smelled like lettuce and he goes “no u smell rlly good “ i just tell him ok and then he repeats himself. He looks at me and gives me that stare yk. Guys I looked away so fast. Ok I would have kissed him but he seemed gay so I didn’t. After that, my crush snapped me more often. We stopped making eye contact tho. But last week we had a different schedule and we normally would have third period after breakfast, but instead we had it right after second. I was walking to the building and there is a window on the door. It’s hella reflective and I look at myself before I enter. I heard someone walking behind me and I assumed it was this other girl that I had that class with. GUYS i look at myself and see behind me my CRUSH. He doesn’t have class in that building he has it ACROSS wth did he follow me for. I was so scared and went to class. That class ended and I have fourth period with him. He usually gets to that class so quick. I have it right across so I get there in like five seconds. I went to class and I had to go pee so I went to the restroom. I see someone come up the stairs and ik it’s him. I felt bold guys. I look him in the eyes and he looked away hella quick. I went to the bathroom and came back. I had to put the pass away and he was standing by the door about to go to the bathroom but there was no pass. I had it yall. I put the pass down right next to his hand and he looked down at me ( he’s like 6 feet) (i’m 5’3😍) I went to class. School ended and I was going to the front gate cause I have class in the back. I saw him walking with his friend and we made eye contact. He’s so annoying. He tried to seem smug like ur weird ho. 😭😭 I want him so bad. I got scared cause I didn’t expect it and then looked away mad quick.
Part Two ??
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fairesky · 1 month
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𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒   .   ⸻ @hopeflower ♡ , @nibelfist , @nibelblade , @evangelum , @eversaor ,@corelshot , @razubomb , @liightbringr ♡
ˢᴴᴵᴾ ᴺᴼᵀᴱ: ⁱ ᵃᵐ ˢʰⁱᵖ ᵉˣᶜˡᵘˢⁱᵛᵉ ʷⁱᵗʰ @ʰᵒᵖᵉᶠˡᵒʷᵉʳ ᵃᵉʳⁱᵗʰ ᵍᵃⁱⁿˢᵇᵒʳᵒᵘᵍʰ, ᵃⁿʸ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵈᵘᵖˡⁱᶜᵃᵗᵉ ⁱⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ʷⁱˡˡ ʳᵉᵐᵃⁱⁿ ˢᵗʳⁱᶜᵗˡʸ ᵖˡᵃᵗᵒⁿⁱᶜ.
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𝟎𝟎𝟎• about blog. my portrayal of zack is completely canon divergence + heavily headcanon base. this blog will showcase media-based themes from rebirth and crisis core, with slight variations. One is that, rather than a country boy or an islander like my original interpretation, zack is a Hispanic male. he does speak Spanish and takes extreme pride in his heritage. despite being unable to write in Spanish, I will use slang terms and phrases when interacting. another variation will be gongaga island, which will be based on south padre island, but mixed with a more tropical atmosphere than a tourist attraction vibe. if you don't like my portrayal of zack as a Hispanic Aztec male, then please block. i will not tolerate racism.
𝟎𝟎𝟏• drama. over the course of my tumblr career, I have seen and been involved with my own share of drama. one that even made me stop writing zack for a while. with that being said, I am at an age where I do not wish to be involved with any drama at all. I'm just here to have fun and vibe. if I do interact with anyone who is problematic ( with proof provided ), please bring it to my attention.
𝟎𝟎𝟐• shipping. just like anyone else, i am a sucker for shipping in general. for the sake of my mind, I will only focus on one ship for the moment. once I do feel more comfortable, or to say, manage more than one ship, then I will engage in multi-shipping. with that being said, this is now a multi-ship blog.
𝟎𝟎𝟑• writing style / text. due to a rude anon, I had received, I STRONGLY suggest reading this section. i use small lettering with multiple spacing, alongside fancy text. if you have trouble reading my responses, PLEASE let me know and I shall adjust my writing to your standards if you wish to interact with me. I want those to feel comfortable when interacting. I know people's eyes can strain from reading small texts, I get that, but it does not warrant assholes to leave anons calling me inconsiderate.
𝟎𝟎𝟒• mains / exclusives. i practice mutual mains and exclusives. if you wish to be mains, please do let me know! with that, I do ask that we at least interact a few times before discussing the subject. when it comes to exclusives I do request the muns to be on the same page and have a lot more interaction via ooc and ic. i do not do exclusives within the Final Fantasy Seven franchise.
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