#just have fun :)
leoreadss · 1 day
It’s 2:30 am in the morning and I can’t sleep so here we are again with another question:
What is the first thing Crowley will say when he meets Aziraphale in season 3?
Only wrong comments please. This is mine with gifs
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hdawg1995 · 13 days
listen when you're playing a table top game, a role playing game, a game where you and your friends are playing characters and bouncing off of each other, just do shit. say shit. the first fucking thing.
the GM for the Lancer game i'm playing had a bad guy call our characters "union dogs" and i just fucking barked at him like a rabid dog.
in character my character barked like a rabid dog on coms to the bad guy.
we made MEMES about this moment!
just DO IT!
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sobasicallyimpoppee · 16 days
You know what, make that Mary Sue!Reader insert, give into the demons. Don’t let nobody give you shit for it bitch. It’s your DESTINY, it’s what the Prophecy foretold. Fulfill it right NEOW.
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neunhofferart · 3 days
Do you have a favorite ship of the camp cretaceous or chaos theory characters? Doesn't have to be a canon ship
All of them
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pikavani · 2 months
Hey, Goose posted a comment on streamily during one of the character signings saying: "I feel like I need to preemptively apologize to the bunny doll shippers." 😬
(Of course I'm not saying I want you and the other shippers to stop what you're doing! Your ship art is adorable! Just... Get it out while yall still can! Before cannon destroys it.)
Honestly, that comment really got to me when I first read it. But in the end.. ships are just for fun and I shouldn't hold back from drawing what I love. While I do love Bunnydoll I'm still very shy about drawing more intimate stuff like kissing, so I'll slowly but surely add more over time.
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itsatorchwoodthing · 5 months
i saw a few new people struggling with the audiodramas + i got a lot of questions over on ig and i wanna say, except for a few series (like season5) you can literally listen to them in any order
like most of them will give you clues on when they are set, like you understand Ghost Mission is set after s4, or that The Three Monkeys feature an already dead owen, so it’s post Reset, you will get it - just grab the ones that look interesting to you, especially because how expensive they are you don’t have to feel like you have to listen to them in order or listen to them all, also i might argue the most recent ones are way better then some of the old ones
the lives of captain jack also, it’s a serie but the audio are all independent from each other - one is set during 2006 jack, one is post Alonzo, one is about his time in the time agency
literally just read the description on the site and if it sounds interesting go for it
also if i’m not mistaken none of them are technically canon, so go to town
my recommendations
- Broken for an heartbreaking s1 janto experience
- Serenity to fix what Broken did, it’s a janto fake dating au, but they’re dating
- The Three Monkeys for andyowen experience
- The Last Becon for owen ianto shenanigans
- Rhys and Ianto’s excellent BBQ talking about grief, loss and breaking stereotypes
- R&J for River and Jack’s romantic relationship through space and most importantly TIME
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frosty-tian · 1 year
Random fun facts about the Burns:
Please Note: This is all information I (mostly) collected from Nicole Dubuc’s Twitter.
If you would like me to add screenshots as some sort of ‘evidence’ it might take a small while, and I simply made this post to have all information collected in one place.
Age (at start of show):
Cody: 10
Graham: 20
Dani: 21
Kade: 22
Charlie: 52 (but 53 in ‘Little White Lies’)
Favourite Colour:
Cody: Orange
Graham: Green
Dani: Blue
Kade: ‘Himself (even if it’s not a colour)’
Charlie: Grey
Second Language:
Graham: French
Dani: Japanese, and apparently sign language
Kade: Spanish (took it in school but remembers none of it)
Charlie: Spanish
Woodrow: Many (Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Urdu, Gorilla, Japanese, reads Hieroglyphics and more).
Favourite ‘Copyrighted Materials’:
Cody: Action-adventure
Graham: Myth Busters
Dani: NASCAR and romantic comedies
Kade: Blockbusters (especially ‘Maven Danger’ (James Bond))
Charlie: NCIS (the show)
Activities done with Cody when he was younger:
All siblings babysat him at some point.
Graham: He used to wow him with science experiments from his science kit. They also built their own tree fort together.
Dani: She was probably the best at babysitting Cody, because they liked similar things, and Dani always shared her stuffed animals with Cody. She liked to refine his basketball skills so she could have him on her team against Kade and Graham in family games.
Kade: He was super-protective of Cody when he was little, and Cody hero-worshipped him for awhile - until he figured out that “let's do Kade's chores" is not actually a game.
Charlie: This is with his family in general, they had ‘board game nights’ and ‘movie nights’, along with ‘story night’ (when everyone unplugs and just shares tales).
‘All the Burns kids love Cody and liked hanging out with him.’
Which Hogwarts house they would be in:
Cody: Gryffindor
Graham: Ravenclaw
Dani: Gryffindor
Kade: Hufflepuff (but would be mistaken to be a Gryffindor)
Charlie: Gryffindor
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onlyancunin · 2 months
Baldur's Gate 3 for dummies
I just read the reaction to my post about ascended/non-ascended Astarion, which goes as follows:
this makes me 1. want the game even more 2. want to write about this… manipulative vile man canonically being manipulative and vile and slowly transforming into this monster (i don’t know any lore of his, his back story, nor anything about the game. only what this tag shows me. but one thing for sure is that people are arguing about his ‘ascended form’) (i lost my train of thought el oh el) — @tiyoin
And I thought of maybe compiling something of a BG3 for dummies sort of post. Because believe me, it is not an easy game to just jump in and hope for the best.
Starting from my own perspective, as a person who currently has 600+ h of gameplay - this is my story:
I bought the game for Astarion after spoiling to myself most of his storyline. I was pretty hesitant as I don't really consider myself to be smart enough to play these kinds of game, but decided to give it a shot nonetheless. By "these games" I mean turn-based strategic combat set in DnD rules - it's just not my forte, as people with 8 out of 20 Intelligence points tend to say.
So it was a struggle in the beginning. My friend advised me to look into general DnD combat rules and this is what I learned:
High ground is always good, unless you're a melee (barbarian/fighter/melee-focused paladin), then just throw whatever you can or get down to their level and hit them repeatedly with your best weapon
Good classes for starting are fighter, barbarian, rogue (I came to BG from Dragon Age, where I usually played as rogue). Monk is the most karate-ish bananas one.
My personal fav class to play as as a Certified Dumbassᵀᴹ is warlock (Eldritch Blast can get you through the game all the way, don't ask me how I know ).
Race matters only sometimes, so pick the one you like (as a nocturnal creature myself, I usually go for drow). Tiefling and drows get the more racist treatment, with drow getting some perks here and there.
You can always respec later, so don't panic.
You can play the way you want, bu the game is built to give you unique and/or funny experience even when your dice rolls are low. Do what you're comfortable with, but don't strive for "winning". I'd argue that while there are some morally good or bad choices, there's no winning or losing the game.
And all in all remember who you're doing this for:
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If anyone has any insight, tips, tricks, advice, feel free to add!
P.S. The game has no right to be this funny in the most unexpected of ways, just FYI.
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drunkin-kong-donic · 10 months
Hey, I just gotta say...
It's ok if you ship Vecpio. Really. Everyone knows I do. I don't try to hide it.
From what I've seen, new fans automatically ship them until some 'anti' pops up with the tell tale 'espio is 16 and vector is 20.' bullshit. BUT GUESS WHAT.... Espio isn't actually 16, and Vector isn't actually 20. I can tell you right now, no Vecpio fan ships them at those ages or ever have. Everyone can agree that's MESSED UP. Same with a 20 year old raising a 16 year old as their own kid. They're peers. Can't everyone at least agree on that? Platonically or not. (listen, we can all go on for ages about the characterization of each of these characters, but I digress. I'm trying to keep this short) For as long as those two existed, they were never written as their listed ages, which is why recently, Sega officially got rid of those ages and removed them from Sonic Channel. (remember, the wiki's are fan run) Espio and Vector have always been on equal grounds in the Chaotix, and just because Vector is the leader, doesn't mean Espio's any lower in status. With their personalities, its just why they click so well. Vector is naturally a leader, and Espio's a natural follower given his ninja background. Throw a rambunctious bee in the mix for them to take care of and you got a perfect found family. What's to hate? (again, platonic or the two of them as Charmy's guardians) People in fandoms NEED to stop letting other's force their headcanons onto others And if you don't ship Vecpio, that's fine too. Block it, mute it! Just like any other pairing you're not into. But don't go around to OTHER people and tell them what they can and can't do. And call them 'proship' like its a bad thing or say they're liking a pedo ship with no basis besides the intention to scare them onto your side with that word. (also plz look up the actual definition of proship i beg u) Trust me, I'm old enough to know that as soon as you stop caring about what other people think, life'll be so much easier on ya and you'll have a lot more fun in a fandom. I promise. UNTIL THEN....
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IT'S OK to ship Vecpio and not feel bad about it. Don't let other people bully you away from having fun about a harmless pairing in a fandom. Everyone can stay in their own lane and live their lives peachy keen like. SssssEEYA!
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tealares-art · 5 months
the tealares object show !?!?!? no way .
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bonus happy thing going yay
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kiuda · 1 year
farfadream is perfect because everyone knows it's not serious, yes let's just ship two guys that met like 3 times and their only (i think) twt interaction was them talking about their ship name
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jaime-in-chaos · 4 months
idk I saw my friend doing this and I was like "Oh that's cool! Ima do that!!"
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xx-amphibian-puke-xx · 4 months
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Alastor has made a new friend! :)
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
I'm kind of new to the whole omegaverse scene, but your story has inspired me to write one of my own. My question though... Are there like "hard set" rules for omegaverse? Like, how heats and ruts work, how presenting works, society, etc? I'm nervous to do the genre injustice if I want to do "omegaverse, but a little to the left"
There's no real wrong way to do omegaverse. That's the beautiful thing about fiction, is you can quite literally pull something out of thin air and that's fine cause it's fiction. Really, I've seen omegaverse done in so many different ways. Every author has their take on it and it's an incredibly flexible trope.
If you want to read up on the sort of baseline that everyone follows, I'd suggest the fanlore page on A/B/O.
You really can't do it wrong. That's the beauty of it. There's so much room for interpretation and exploration in it. Get creative. Do your own thing with it.
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nocturnus33 · 11 months
Hi there 😊 I have been wanting to learn book binding, but am not sure where to start. Do you have a recommendation? Thank you ❤️
Hello, of course. If you're interested in binding fanfics, I recommend the Renegade community. It's a group of nice and suportive people, that will help you along the way.
A good start for ficbinding from AO3 is How to make a book by @armoredsuperheavy
There many on line tutorials DAS Bookbinding at youtube is an incredible source for all kind of binding. You might like to start with a notebook or a single pamphlet.
As for the supplies, after spending a lot in this, I learn it is not necessary. You can start simple and small. Just 2 mm cardboard, homemade book cloth [Made with craft paper & cotton fabric], waxed thread, binder's glue [you can use homemade wheat paste] . As for the special tools: a ruler, a cutter, a punch awl (a cork with a nail), bone folder (knife for spreading butter), a thick needle and press (old books). After your first steps, and only if you like it and want to, you can spend more on tools and materials.
Most of all: Have fun and be open to make a lots of mistakes, is part of the fun.
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