#jujutsu kaisen ch 4
everygojousatoru · 2 years
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Tiny gojou compilation
Chapter 0.1 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 32 / Chapter 32 / Chapter 53
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jeankluv · 18 days
But daddy I love him - Satoru Gojo [ch.02]
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short series
Summary: If there was a phrase that could describe you, it was; good girl. You had been a good girl all your life, following your father's orders and being as modest as possible. You had focused your entire life on being a perfect lady, one who could be a good wife in the future. This is how you had been raised and how you had been instructed. But your whole world was shaken when one warm summer morning, your eyes met the bold, defiant and sharp gaze of a young man with white hair.
Tags of the series: +18, female!reader, set in 1700s-1800s, loss of virginity, misogyny language and thinking, oral sex, fingering, innocent oc, masturbation, unsafe sex, vaginal sex, manipulative, eating disorders, abusive parents, no use of y/n
Words chapter: 4,4k
Notes: I can’t believe the amount of support the first chapter got, it’s truly unbelievable. The series will most likely be 4 chapters and a epilogue. And to be honest the name of the fic is nothing like the song (well a bit yes) but in Taylor’s song she says that her father loves him but here he doesn’t, they hate Satoru.
ch.01 | ch.02 | ch.03 | ch.04 | ch.05 | epilogue
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist
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Two days had passed since the party where Duke Gojo had asked for your hand in marriage and since then he had established himself in your house. Your parents had hated the idea and had let you know as soon as the party ended. You had to wear long-sleeved dresses to hide the bruises that had appeared on your arms. And you had barely left your room in those two days due to the intense pain in your legs caused by the blows that night.
At first the idea of ​​marrying Duke Gojo had seemed extremely frightening and crazy to you, but now you believed that it was the only escape you could have.
You haven’t seen Duke Gojo in those two days, but you knew he was in the house, because Rose has told you about the handsome Duke that was staying there.
You heard some knocks on your door and left the book you had in your hands.
“Come in.” You said walking away from the window.
You were expecting to see Rose or any other of the maids, what you were not expecting was to see Duke Gojo entering your room. A flush waved through your body as you realized you were just wearing a light dress that barely covered your body. I didn't expect the duke to come visit you, the only visits you expected were from your maids. That was why you had put on that light dress.
“Angel.” He said with a smirk crossing his face. “Were you waiting for me?” He said, closing the door behind his back and resting himself on it.
“Duke… I wasn’t expecting you to come to my room.” Your voice sounded almost as a whispered.
He chuckled and moved himself around the room. “I thought I was going to be able to see my future wife more if I stayed here but it seemed it was not the case.” He sat down on the sofa you had in your bedroom.
“I was sick.” You lied, you could not tell him what your parents did to you or else the family’s reputation would decline. “And I could not…”
“Show them to me, angel.” He stood up and with a few steps, he positioned himself in front of you.
“Duke what are you…?” Your words were left hanging in the air when the Duke held your wrist making you wince due to the bruises you still had.
“Was it them?” He muttered in a cold and angry tone. You denied, you couldn't tell the truth or then the punishment would be worse. “Angel, look me in the eyes.” Hesitating you looked at him and curiously you felt protection. “I will ask you again… was it them?”
Feeling your heart beating faster, you murmured. “Yes…” You saw something in him flicking and his eyes turning darker. “Duke please, don’t do anything.” You held to him, reading his intentions.
You didn’t know that man and you didn’t know what he was able to do, but seeing his gaze you could read he was capable of doing terrible things.
“Angel, you want me to let it be?” He held your gaze.
“Yes, please.” You whispered the last part. “If… if I get marry to you, I will be able to leave this place and not see them again.”
He chuckled and tilted your head. “So you are going to use me as your getaway?”
It sounded bad, but he was your best option and maybe your only option. “Yes.”
“I’m hurt. But alright angel.” He sat back down. “But you know they are against this marriage and besides, didn’t you tell me you wanted to marry someone out of love, and as far as I know you don’t love me, right?”
“No.” You looked down. “But maybe…”
“I will change that.” He took your hand and he pulled it, causing you to sit on his lap.
An extreme embarrassment took hold in you as you realized the position you were both in and as your dress had risen to your knees, the Duke placed his hands on your hips and squeezed them lightly. Your legs tensed and the heat you had felt in your lower abdomen resurfaced.
“Duke, this is not…” You tried to free yourself.
“It’s embarrassing for you angel?” He got closer to you. “You know once we are married, we will be doing a lot of things together right?” He whispered close to your mouth.
You swallowed harshly and looked away from his gaze. “But I don't think it's appropriate…”
“Don’t worry angel, we won’t be doing anything yet.” He said touching your leg up and down.
The inner heat began to grow in you and the way he looked at you was almost addictive. You wanted to get off her lap, but at the same time you wanted him to continue giving you the caresses he was giving you.
The duke smiled and buried his face in your neck. “You're so fucking beautiful.”
“Thank you duke.” You whispered surprised for the sudden comment.
“Call me Satoru.” He said.
He looked up to you and you felt how your body reacted to his gaze, for a moment you swore you felt butterflies dancing around, almost as if you were reading one of your romantic novels. But a knock on your door made you stand up faster than anything.
“Yes?” You tried to sound as normal as possible, although your body was shaken.
“My lady, it’s me.” Rose spoke on the other side. “Your parents want you to have lunch with them and Duke Gojo, so you can discuss some matters.”
“Alright, I will be ready soon.” You looked at the duke, who was peacefully sat on the couch.
“If you need anything my lady, please call me.”
“Don’t worry.” You heard her leave and walked to the duke. “Duke I think you should leave, if someone sees you here they might think wrongly.”
“I was just here visiting my future wife.” He kissed your hand. “But I will leave, to let you change. Although I would love to see you change in front of me.”
The heat was all over you once again, making you feel weak. If the duke was able to get you like that with simple words, What would happen once you consummated the marriage. Red took over your face and with clumsy steps you walked away from him. After a few seconds you heard how the door to your room opened and closed, you had been left alone again but this time with a whirlwind of emotions sailing inside you.
After a few minutes Rose entered your room and started helping you dress properly. The words you wanted to speak to Rose were stuck in your throat, you knew Rose was married to her love childhood and probably had experienced intimacy, she was also older than you. She was your closest to and the person you trusted the most.
“Rose…” You whispered while she was stroking your hair.
“Yes my lady?” You saw her smile in the mirror.
“How is it to be intimate…” You held your hands nervously. “I mean… now that I might get married to the duke I will have to be ready and…”
Rose slightly laughed at your comment. “Haven’t you read enough erotic books to know about it?”
You blushed. “They… are romantic… not erotic.” You defended yourself.
“My lady, you probably know enough, you don’t have to worry so much.”
“But what if… if he thinks I’m bad at it?”
“Not everyone is born learning, we learn with the time. Once the moment comes you will learn and be better at it.” She brushed your hair.
“But… he probably has more experience than I do.” You said. “God he even sat me on his lap this morning and he didn’t flinch.” You said that without realizing you were supposed to hide the fact the duke came.
“The duke came here?” She said with a surprise look on her face.
Rose's penetrating gaze looked at you waiting for a response. “He did… Please don’t tell my parents.” You turned to look better at her. “They will scold me and who knows what else they will do if they find out the duke has come to my room.”
Rose shook her head and warmly smiled at you. “I won’t say a single word to them, don’t worry. Now smile, you look absolutely beautiful my lady.”
You turned back up and looked at yourself in the mirror, you indeed looked beautiful. With a shy smile appearing on your lips, you thanked Rose and exited your room. With your head tilted up, you walked straight to the room where you were going to have a meal with your parents and the duke.
Your heart raised once again, at the mere thought of his presence and remembering his sense embracing your body. That sensation on your chest and body began to take over you. But you shook those feelings away when you stood in front of the door.
Touching the necklace you were wearing, you took a deep breath and tried to calm your whole self. With shaking hands you open the door, seeing your parents already there and the duke sat next to them.
“Sorry for being late.” You bowed the head.
“This kid…” You heard your mother whispering under her breath.
“It’s okay my lady.” The duke stood up and walked towards you, standing right in front of you. “You look beautiful today.” He said holding your hand and placing a wet kiss on it.
A blush painted your cheeks as you looked at him and especially at those intense blue eyes.
“Duke Gojo!” Your father spoke. “Let’s begin this meal please.”
The duke nodded and you sat next to your mother. You could feel your mother's angry look on you.
Your father cleared his throat and began to speak. “So duke Gojo, why do you want to marry our daughter?”
“Why wouldn’t I want to marry your daughter sir?” He grinned.
“Our poor daughter has a poor health and you sir leave far away from here, I don’t think it’s…” Your mother began her speech but soon enough was cut by the duke.
“I heard that you wanted her to marry Mr. Harrison and before that Sir. Lucas, who lives far away near the mountains.” He said, taking the cup of wine in his hands. “I don’t think you care about your daughter’s health but rather about your own safety. Am I wrong?”
You looked at your parents who looked at each other, scared at the duke’s words. “How dare you?!”
“Father please.” You begged, looking how your father stood up from his place.
“Shut up!” Your father screamed back at you, making you flinch.
“We let you stay in our house and even make a whole show about marrying our daughter and you say those things to us?” Your father approached the duke.
“Sir, I'm just stating what I have seen and what I think.” He smirked still firm on his seat.
“This meal is over.” He walked to the door, he turned to you and with fierce eyes he spoke. “Come with me now.”
You nodded and gave one last glance at the duke as you exited the room. You followed your father and your mother, you knew what it was about to happen and you were scared to death.
Your parents' steps were quick and you could feel the tense atmosphere building with each stride. When you entered your father's office you felt your skin turn cold and your breathing hitch. Your father sat in his seat and slammed the wooden table.
"You realize the mess you've gotten us into." Her voice was high and she penetrated you like daggers.
You wet your mouth, which had been dry to speak but your mother spoke first. “You probably went and seduced him, right?” You looked at her, surprised by her words. “In that meeting you had, you spread your legs for the duke, right?”
“No! Mother, father, I would never do that.” You held your breath.
“Shut up!” You closed your eyes, scared. “You know in what you got us into?” Your father spoke. “Your marriage to Mr. Harrison was already ready, but now… now we have to deal with that duke.” He sighed in his seat. “He will ruin our family, our honor.”
“Mr. Harrison is double my age…” You murmured wrinkling your white dress.
“Excuse me?” Your mother said. “That doesn’t matter, Mr. Harrison is the perfect choice for you.”
“Why?” You replied, you had never replied back, you had always stayed quiet. But now…
Before asking another question you feel your cheek burn, your mother had slapped you. You could taste blood in your mouth, she had hit you with one of the gold rings she was wearing. Holding your face, tears began to well up in your eyes.
"Don't you dare talk back to us like that again, do you understand?" Your mother yelled at you. You just nodded, feeling yourself shrink with each exhale you released.
“You better make the duke feel disgusted with you and break up that stupid marriage proposal. You understand?” Your father said from the table, you nodded. “Now out of my sight.”
You left the room with your heart racing and feeling tears running down your face. Crossing the backyard, you walked along the path that you knew so well and liked to walk so much to get to the beach. When you got to the beach you let yourself fall face down on the ground, causing some pebbles to get stuck in your knees. But they didn't hurt, they didn't hurt like your soul hurt at that moment.
Muffled by the sound of the waves crashing against the nearby cliff, you let your sobs wash over you and consume you. You loved that place, not because of your family, no. You loved it for the tranquility and peace it gave you, but now you wanted to run away, you even wanted to run towards the sea and turn into bubbles, like that story of the mermaid and the sailor that you had once read. You wanted to disappear.
“Angel…” You heard his voice muttering your nickname.
“Go away!” You screamed not looking at him and hiding your tears.
“Angel, let me see your face. Please.” For the tone of his voice you could tell he was worried.
“Why?” You murmured against your skin. “Why do you care about me?”
He sighed and you felt how he sat next to you on the sand. “You want me to be honest with you angel?” You stayed silent but carefully listening to him. “The truth is that I might be a bit bad after all.” Your body tensed up hearing him. “But not to you… I could never hurt such a beautiful flower like you.” He whispered.
“How are you bad?” You whispered.
“Because I do want to ruin your family.” You tightened your grip around yourself at those words and trembled slightly. “But don’t get me wrong my angel.” He continued. “Not gonna lie, at first I wanted to ruin you too, but after seeing you on this beach, so beautifully, so ethereally reading a book, something on me shifted.” He explained. “I didn’t want to ruin you and when I saw what your parents did to you, I knew that I only wanted to ruin them and not you.”
Sniffling, you looked up at him, your eyes red with tears. “Why do you want to ruin them?” You whispered.
He looked at you and swallowed, you saw how his throat moved. His cold fingers touched your cheeks, causing you to close your eyes against the sensation or the pain, you no longer knew. “Was it them?” He whispered to you, trying not to hurt you.
You looked away and breathed. "It's not the first time." Looking at the horizon you tried to calm your agitated heart. “But please answer me.” Your voice came out like a plea, you needed to know the truth.
He sighed and dropped his hand to the side. “I was ten when my brother became to new duke after both of my parents die. At first everyone thought it was a failure of the carriage and that was why they had fallen down the ravine. My father died instantly, but my mother lay dying for hours until she died. “My brother was 17 when he inherited the title, but he always believed there was something strange about his accident.” She ruffled her hair. “As the years went by she began to investigate and little by little she discovered loose ends that had never fit together.”
You turned your face to look at him as he continued speaking. “My parents, well my family has always been very close to the royal family and they had always supported the king, so much so that my father was his right-hand man for years. But 20 years ago a group of nobles opposed the king's reforms since it would take away wealth from the nobles.” You had heard about it. “My father and the king repressed and punished them for it, it was considered a betrayal.”
“My family was part of them…” You whispered.
“Yes.” He sentenced. “My brother also found letters with your father’s signature talking about sabotaging my family.” You felt how you turned pale and the blood ran cold in your veins. “Before he died, he had collected enough evidence to frame your family and three other noble families.” He whispered, clenching her fists.
“Duke…” You whispered, his eyes were thirsty for revenge and that caused you to tremble in your place.
When the duke heard your voice, his shoulders and gaze relaxed and he looked at you with serenity. “Angel… I don't plan to hurt you, you are not to blame for what your parents have done and you have also suffered because of them.” He whispered, bringing your foreheads together and letting them connect.
You felt the warmth of his body transfer to yours, and that fear you had felt disappeared from you, to be replaced by a feeling of calm and protection.
“Duke…” You whispered.
“Call me Satoru, when it’s just the two of us, angel.” He whispered.
You nodded at his request. “I… I want to leave this household.” You closed your eyes. “I’m scared but… aside from Rose you are the only person who has stood for me Duke…”
“Angel… Call me Satoru and whatever you tell me to do I will.” He firmly said.
“I want you…” You took a deep breath. “I want you to take my first time. I know that once my parents find about that they won’t care if I marry you because they will despise me.”
“Angel, are you sure about what you are asking me?”
“I’m sure du- Satoru.” You looked at him.
You saw how the duke stood up and walked slowly from one side to the other, then kneel before you.
“I really thought you would ask me to do something crazy like murder them.” He laughed. “But this angel? You really drive me crazy and I would love to make love to you on this same beach. Admire you and make you gasp with pleasure right now."
His words caused an intense fire in you, so much so that you had to squeeze your legs before the new sensation that had been established in your intimate area.
Satoru approached you and cupped your face with both hands. “I'm going to kiss you my angel.” And before you could reproach or say anything, his warm, wet lips were on yours.
That was your first kiss, you had never kissed anyone before, always behaving too well and too into your books, where love stories gave you butterflies in your stomach so you could live your own love story. Satoru deepened the kiss, leaving you lying on the sand and him on top of you. With each passing moment you felt like you were getting hotter and hotter.
When you were both short of breath, Satoru pulled away from you, biting your lower lip, causing you to let out a small whimper.
“I will see you tonight, angel.”
He got up from the sand and with one last kiss on the forehead he disappeared from your sight. With your chest rising and falling agitatedly you tried to compose yourself, your entire being was an accumulation of emotions that were mostly new to you and you needed time to process them.
You turned your head to look at the place where Satoru had left and thought about what would happen that night.
☆*:.。.☆ .。.:*☆
You hugged yourself, feeling the cold of the night hit your exposed skin. You were barely wearing a thin cloth that covered your most intimate parts. The duke had said that he would visit you once the sun had set and the moon was shining brightly in the sky.
Your heart was beating strongly in your chest and a warmth had established itself in your chest. You could hear the hands of the clock moving, indicating the passing of time. And with every minute that passed, your uncertainty and your nervousness only believed a little more.
Two touches on the window of your balcony brought you out of the momentary trance in which you had established yourself. Turning on your heels you could see the large figure of the duke on your balcony.
With a light step you approached the balcony door and opened it. “How did you get up here?” You inquired.
“I have my secrets, angel.” He whispered to your ear. “You look amazing tonight.”
“Thank… thank you.” You whispered, feeling your cheeks turning red.
“You know we can still wait until we are…” He started talking.
You shook your head. “I don’t want to, I have always followed my parents orders and I’m tired.” You looked down. “I love this place but… I want to leave and I want my parents to know that I will never follow their orders, that I’m tired of their abuses and their treatment.”
The duke held your face back up and smiled down at you. “That’s my angel.” He said before kissing you.
That was your second kiss and just like the one at the beach, your knees trembled and you felt weak under his soft lips. You felt how your hand left your face and began to go down your body, tracing each of your curves. An intense heat settled on you when his hand reached your thigh and with a quick movement he raised it, causing you to be even closer to each other.
You gasped against his mouth as you felt him stick so close to you and you swore he smiled against your lips as you heard that lewd sound come out of you.
Separating himself from you, he began to leave kisses on your neck, causing you to tilt your head back to give him more space. You felt ecstatic, you could feel how your entire body vibrated with every kiss, every bite that the duke was leaving on you.
“Duke…” You whispered when you felt it go down to the area of ​​your breasts, which were only covered by a thin layer of silk.
“Angel, I told you to call me Satoru when it’s just you and me.” He whispered against your skin causing the already growing heat inside you to grow even more. “Shall we go to the bed my angel?” He whispered in your ear biting the lobe.
Nodding, the duke or rather Satoru grabbed your hand and guided you to the bed where he sat down and with his strong arms he sat you on top of him. Causing once again a small gasp to escape your lips as you felt that hardness collide against your intimacy.
Your dress was completely hiked up, exposing your thighs, and the straps had been lowered causing your breasts to be about to be exposed to the man who had turned your world upside down.
“I will gentle with you.” He whispered grabbing one of the straps and pulling it down, exposing yourself to him. “If you want to stop, say so.” He brought her hand up and trapped your chest with it, causing you to thrash on top of him. "Alright." He said before beginning to caress your nipple.
You closed your eyes tightly against the new sensations that a simple touch on your nipple was causing in you. You had read about this but you had never thought that it could feel like this.
Your back arched even more when you felt his mouth rest on your nipple and begin to suck. With one hand you held onto him to avoid falling and with the other you covered your hand to prevent those moans that were building up in your throat from escaping.
You felt embarrassed by everything your body was feeling at that moment, but it felt really good and you wanted more of him. Unconsciously you moved your hips rubbing against Satoru's erection.
“Oh angel, don’t do that I won’t be able to hold back.” He whispered looking up at you.
“I am sorry…”
“It’s okay, I know you are anxious but me too.” He took you from the waist and supports you on the bed, leaving him on top of you.
He dressed him as he got rid of his jacket and then his white shirt, exposing his body. You felt that familiar warmth inside you again. Satoru grabbed your leg, causing your underwear to show, leaving you even more exposed. With your leg in his hands, he began to leave kisses on it, while he went higher and higher.
“Angel…” He whispered to you. “Have you ever touched yourself?”
You shook your head, you had never done it, you had read about it, but you had never done it, since you felt that it was something too vulgar.
“Alright angel.” He took your hands and pulled you, sitting you on the bed, both of you chest to chest. “I'm going to stand behind you and teach you how to touch yourself.” He whispered close to your ear. "Do you think it's okay?"
You nodded and Satoru with great agility positioned himself behind you, your back against his chest. You could even feel his heartbeat pounding against your back.
“I will guide you okay?” He took your hand in his and started to descend.
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🏷️: @catobsessedlady @zoeyflower @satoracyxys @lavender-hvze @slashersgirlypop
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perictione00 · 6 months
Oops!...I Did It Again
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Ch 4: Fuck me like you hate me.
Pairing: Nanami x reader
Warnings: MDNI, smut, unprotected sex, angst, use of curse words.
Synopsis: When life was throwing you uncountable curveballs, an unexpected reunion with your high school friend helped you dodge every single one of them. Coping mechanisms leave you both in a complicated situationship. So what happens when one of you ends up catching feelings? The cliche or the unexpected?
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
Ch 3
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Fuck me like you hate me? That particular expression from you conveyed the exact opposite of Nanami's sentiment. The dynamics between you two underwent a noticeable shift after that exchange. Previously, you instigated random conversations with him while sharing dinner, but now you steer clear of interactions and instead aggressively approach him with sex on your mind. Suddenly, that was all it was about. Secret visits to his office evolved into regular and conspicuous events. He wasn't complaining; he enjoyed having you in his arms; however, it felt like there was a wall that kept him from reaching you.
"You're doing it again, y'know." He confronted you as he saw your form entering the room.
"Doing what again?" you inquired, diligently drying your hair.
"Pushing me out-"
"You're just too big for me, but I promise I'll try to make it fit this time." You replied playfully.
Kento audibly sighed at the apparent endeavor on your part to ignore his inquiry with an innuendo. His gaze traced your motions, uncertain if you intended to swiftly segue into intimate matters or address the pending discussion. The predictability manifested as you opted for the former, leaving your bathrobe on the floor, settling onto his lap, adjusting your damp tresses, and drawing him closer, close enough to kiss. Your mere presence proved intoxicating, and despite his earnest attempts to grapple with his dilemmas, the overpowering sensation of your lips meeting his was enough to conquer his doubts and uncertainties. And right when he had started to drown himself in the kiss, you pulled away. It looked like you wouldn't listen to him, so he decided to speak your language and give into you.
What were you doing to him? You pondered as you observed every detail on his face that reflected nothing but his unwavering devotion to you. He was a great person, and yet you could never be the same as him. A lingering feeling of fear, borne of past disappointments and betrayals, veiled your sentiments. You had experienced them far too many times from far too many people you considered close. Your trust was fractured by the scars of abandonment etched by some friends, some endgames, who left you when they were bored. Were you the problem? Were you the catalyst for their departures? You don't know. There's one thing you know for sure, though: you are never going to grant anyone that power over you. You're never going to surrender dominion over your emotions or believe in anyone because people suck no matter how perfect they appear to be on the outside. You are tired of being on the receiving end of pain. Maybe now you'll take your sweet time giving it. Kento appears to be flawless, and that's uncanny because you don't know what you'll do if he leaves you like everyone else. So you have decided to own him without having him—an attempt to possess without being possessed—to lay claim to his heart without the surrender of your own, as yours remains beyond his grasp.
Kento lithely guided you onto the plush mattress, divesting himself of his shirt. A heavy breath escaped him as he traced a path of delicate kisses along your neck. Captivated by the allure of your taut nipples, he indulged in drawing one into his mouth while ardently caressing the other, savoring the sensation of your hands entwined firmly in his tousled locks. Sucking indelible marks on your bosom, he earned fervent moans from you. Intertwining his fingers into yours, he slowly moved down to your pussy. Interlocking his fingers with yours, he moved down to your pussy to bestow his attention upon the realm of your desire.
"Ah, Kento!" Your limbs entwined around his head, where his adept mouth and tongue worked a beguiling dance upon your sloping core, his hands asserting control over your hips. The vice of your thighs clamped down upon his head, giving him an unspoken insistence to continue his abuse, and so he did. Swiftly, Nanami wasted no time, seamlessly immersing himself between your parted legs.
"Don't move," he commanded as his sizable hands encircled your hips, conveying a tacit warning to stay still when you tried to move away due to the overwhelming sensitivity.
“K-Kento, I'm coming.” You whimpered while grinding your cunt against his tongue, riding through your orgasm.
Without a break, he pulled you onto his lap, seating you with your back leaning against his chest and his already-leaking cock rubbing against your bare cunt. Keeping one thick arm around your waist and the other holding your jaw, he kissed you passionately as he entered your warmth.
"Shi-shit, hah-...fuck" Curses slipped out of his mouth as your wet pussy swallowed up his whole length. He started drilling his cock into you at a dizzying speed, snapping his hips against yours.
"Does this feel like I hate you?" He asked in between his thrusts.
There it was again. Why doesn't he understand that the thrill will be lost the moment they commit? Why can't he just continue this no-strings-attached relationship? Why can't he accept that this feeling of love won't last and all that will be left of it will be dispair?
"A-answer me?" He questioned you as he violently rubbed fast circles on your clit and mouthed at your neck, savoring your taste.
This wasn't the answer he wanted to hear. It frustrated him to no end that you would go to such lengths just to deny his questions. Pounding relentlessly into your cunt, his tight hold on your waist left bruises.
"Umf-yesh...jus like tha..." You arched your back as he started thrusting at an animalistic pace, each stroke greater and more urgent than the last. You were nearing your climax once again. His teeth pulled at your bottom lip, kissing you over and over as you continued bouncing on his cock. You came with a high-pitched squeal, causing his jaw to clench as he felt your pussy spasm around him.
A series of guttural groans escaped his lips as he climaxed within your embrace. Exhaling deeply, he gazed upon you, a glistening sheen of sweat enveloping your entire form. Your disheveled, damp locks clung haphazardly, yet in this disarray, you appeared flawless. The most beautifully perfect being. Why couldn't you view yourself through his lens?
"I can't do this anymore." He smiled softly, his eyes gleaming with tears.
"What? Why? Is the sex not good?" Why was he doing this?
"Can we be something more than this?" He asked hopelessly, almost sounding tired.
"Where's this coming from?" You inquired.
"Answer me."
"What the fuck is this-"
"Why can't you see it?!" His sorrowful voice gave away his dispair.
"I dunno what you're talking about. Y'know what? Let's take a breather." You stated to avoid the matter at hand.
"No... please. I need to know."
"Kento, let's not-"
"I love you."
"No. Don't do this."
"I love you-"
"Stop it!" you screamed, gasping, a tear escaping your eye. "It's not worth it; let's act like this never happened."
"I can't-"
"Why not? What more can you want? I'm giving you everything, aren't I?"
"I want you." Nanami embraced you in a hug. "I want all of you, and I'm willing to wait."
You pulled away.
"There's nothing there for you to wait for. I don't want you if I can't have you like this. I'm sorry, Kento, but I guess you will only ever be just another good fuck for me."
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milkpup · 5 months
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。⋆ʚ♡ like father, like son
›› chapter 4 ›› nsfw 18+ ongoing multi-chapter fic!
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artist: 百分二之一 / https://pin.it/7suU92k
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›› toji fushiguro x reader ›› megumi fushiguro x reader ›› toji x reader x megumi (mfm) ›› 18+ f!reader ›› started: 12/6/23 : updated: 1/29/24 : status: ongoing
‹𝟹 summary: You and Megumi are best friends. You've known eachother for almost your whole life. His home has become your second home. As time passes and life happens, Megumi slowly develops feelings for you, even though he's unaware of it. To complicate things further, you're now living with him and his father, who has also taken a liking to you.
‹𝟹 fandom: jjk, jujutsu kaisen
‹𝟹 genres / warnings: au - no powers, college au, power imbalance, pseudo-incest (they both want y/n, nothing w/ eachother), dubious consent
‹𝟹 tags: good cop bad cop, fluff, smut, angst, toji has a big dick, dilf toji, toji is his own warning, toji tries to be a good parent, toji is an asshole, toji is trying okay?, daddy dom toji, daddy kink, porn with feelings, porn with plot, friends to lovers, spit / spitting, spit kink, spit as lube, breeding, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, double vaginal pen, double pen, anal, making out, making love, love triangles, praise kink, degradation, light masochism, light sadism, emotional sex, cuckolding, jealousy, jealousy kink, smoking, smoking kink, emotional manipulation, manipulation, polyamory?, father and son share you, protective megumi fushiguro, megumi needs a hug, megumi has a big dick, AGED UP CHARACTERS, dead dove: do not eat, finger sucking, large cock, cum swallowing, blow jobs, first time blow jobs, under desk blow jobs, fingerfucking, face sitting, face riding, 69, mutual masturbation, threesome mfm, lots of smut, loss of virginity
‹𝟹 notes: ch 5 is being written, however i've taken a break on this while i finish my other fic (it's coming soon :D). this is the most up to date chapter i have on here and my ao3. this chapter is FIREEEEEEE tho !!
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Chapter 4: Impulse
Toji took the opportunity to smoke a cigarette while you were taking a shower. The crisp morning air was cool on his skin as he took a long drag of the cig. He puffed it away, lost in thoughts about what you guys should do today.
The clouds were starting to roll in, and it looked serene from Toji’s balcony. They didn’t live anywhere fancy or expensive, but it was nice being able to feel the peace of the breeze and the comfort of the sun’s warmth. He didn’t want to keep taking things for granted. He would accept and appreciate with enthusiasm from now on.
He inhales more of the smoke before snuffing out the cigarette in an ashtray. There were errands for the house you both needed to attend to, but he also wanted to make it a fun adventure into the city.
The steaming hot water of the shower soothed your aching body. You took this moment to think about the past few days and what had transpired. Messing around with Megumi, Toji acting uncharacteristically nice, and the heat of Toji’s gaze as you walked towards the shower. You could feel his eyes glued to your back as you walked away. You didn’t know what to think of it, but your body sure as hell did.
The attention was kinda nice. You liked feeling wanted, even in this fucked up way.
You foamed up your soap before washing your body, quickly finishing up your shower. You still had to get dressed and do your hair and makeup, and you didn’t want to make Toji wait.
You got out of the shower, wrapping the towel around your body. You leave and make your way towards your room, dripping and only covered by a measly towel. The steam escaped the bathroom, clouding the surrounding area.
Megumi isn’t paying much attention to his surroundings as he walks towards his room. Mindlessly scrolling through twitter, he bumps into you. He startles you enough to where your towel shifts in place, revealing your cleavage.
It’s not enough to see anything substantial, but for Megumi, it’s more than enough. He knows what’s under there anyway, and seeing you dripping wet with only a towel to cover yourself was sending explicit thoughts straight to his brain.
He blushes, apologizes, and quickly walks away towards his room, head down in embarrassment.
You shrug, not really putting much thought into it as you reach your room and close the door behind you. You don’t want to dress up for a simple errand run, so you decide upon black leggings and a fluffy, oversized sweater. You can’t choose between fuzzy boots or simple converse, but ultimately choose the latter.
Brushing your hair and putting it up into a claw clip was simple enough for the look. Light makeup, nothing too crazy, maybe a little eyeliner and you’re done soon enough.
You grab your bag and phone, leaving your room. You see Toji waiting for you, sitting on the couch talking about pointless stuff with Megumi. He sees movement out of the corner of his eye and looks up at you.
The contrast between a cute, fluffy, and oversized sweater with tight leggings that hug your hips is extremely pleasing for him. Toji is already getting up, making his way towards the front door.
You quickly walk over to where Megumi is sitting on the couch and rustle his hair a bit. “Bye Gumi, text me if you need anything from me!” You smile at him and walk away, towards Toji.
Megumi notices the exact same details of your body as Toji. Like father, like son of course. He’s thinking back to when he bumped into you, almost dropping your towel and revealing yourself. He licks his lips. And now? Watching you walk away, perfect ass in those tight as fuck leggings? He was already envisioning how he wants to rip those leggings off and take you right there, in front of his dad.
You and Toji are heading into the city, running errands, but also just keeping each other company. You both agreed grocery shopping should be last so you could head home right after; so now Toji is driving you both to the shopping plaza.
He plays “dad rock” (think: Nickelback, Green Day, AC/DC type of stuff), but you find it endearing anyways. Not much needs to be said, you sit without speaking much just appreciating each other’s presence. You admire how nonchalant he seems, one hand gripping the steering wheel as the other rests on the center console. His clothes don’t do much to hide his muscular build, scars covering most of his body. The ruggedness of his scars and the rigidness of his muscles are hard to look away from.
Toji notices you staring, but he says nothing. He lets you have his moment, as he lightly smirks while watching the road. You avert your gaze after what feels like eons, feeling embarrassed at your obvious oogling of the man in front of you. You flushed, looking away. You felt wrong and immoral, “This man is like a father to me” kept replaying in your head, louder and louder. Despite this, you were helpless to control the heat you could feel making its way between your legs. You felt ashamed, feeling this way about a man who was basically your father.
You both arrive at a shopping plaza, numerous stores and shops packed full with other customers. The weekends were always the busiest, especially around lunch time. Toji parks the car and gets out before opening your door for you. “Princess,” he speaks out, his voice sweet like honey. He would sometimes call you that growing up, but it was very infrequent now at your grown age.
You blush a bit at the sudden usage of your nickname and thank him. “You’re always so kind to me, thank you.” You can’t meet his gaze, but you know it’s locked on you. “Where do you wanna go first?” You ask as you step out of the black sedan.
“Wherever you’d like, doll.” Your mind starts racing at the new pet name he has for you, but you try to not let your face turn more crimson than it already has.
“O-okay… let’s just start walking and browse until we find something!” You probably said this more for you, so you could take a few steps ahead of Toji and hide your face. He follows behind you, allowing you to lead the way.
Your shopping spree is pretty uneventful, full of buying some basics like tank tops, t-shirts, leggings, and the occasional plushie. You pass by a lingerie store, and some of the new designs catch your eye. You start gravitating toward the shop’s entrance, telling Toji he could wait in the main area if he’s uncomfortable, but he shakes his head and keeps following you.
Your cheeks are heating up again at the idea of Toji following you around in this intimate setting. You brush it off and keep walking through the displays and counters of bras, bralettes, and other cute lingerie. You pick out a white lacy set of a bralette with matching panties; it’s soft to the touch and dainty.
Toji clears his throat. “Those are nice…. But what about this?” He’s holding up a pink babydoll slip. “It’s cute.” He’s weirdly averting your gaze while holding up the garment.
“Yess!! That’s adorable!!” You take it from his hands, admiring the ruffles and lace adorned with a few bows.
“I’ll get it for ya, if you want, doll.” He’s meeting your eyes again, looking into your soul as you’re practically melting in front of him. You’re convinced you are a blushing mess, and honestly, that’s not the only mess right now.
“Thank you… but you don’t have to…” You’re looking down at the dress again, unable to face him out of embarrassment.
“I want to.” You weren’t sure, but you thought you saw him lick his lips as he made that statement.
You nod. You make sure the size is correct and start making your way to the checkout counter. You’re called to the register as the women greets you.
She tries to make small talk about how cute the set is when she notices the dress. “This is so cute! My boyfriend loves when I wear this too!” You freeze when you realize she assumes you and Toji are a couple.
Toji chuckles a bit. “I see he has good taste as well. I’m looking forward to seeing it later…” He finishes, his voice deepening a bit. You can’t mistake it now, he is definitely playing with you. As much as it confuses you, it excites you tenfold. Thoughts of him admiring you, touching you, maybe more… are rushing through your head making you lightheaded.
He pays for the items and you both leave. The plaza is an open shopping center, and storm clouds had already been accumulating. Shortly after stepping out, it starts to lightly rain. You both rush to take cover next to a building adjacent to the shop you were just in.
You’re both against the wall, with you lightly panting after the slight workout. You’re giggling now, humored that you didn’t read the forecast and thoughts like of course it would rain right now. You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. You hadn’t even noticed Toji was no longer by your side until he was right in front of you, hand place above your head on the wall.
He was immensely close, and you could feel his free hand snaking up your body to grab your chin. “You’re so adorable when you laugh, doll.” He reaches down and places a kiss on your lips, gentle and hesitant at first until he gradually increases his intensity and aggression. He’s kissing you like a man starved of affection, like you’re the meal for the last supper, savoring it as if it was the only good thing to ever happen to him again.
You’re shocked at first, but soon melt into the rhythmic pace of the kiss. Tongues meeting each other, swapping saliva as if you were trying to drink each other fully. Toji bites your lip, eliciting a sweet moan from you. He pushes his body against you, moving his thigh in between your legs. You’re unsure if he can feel the heat emanating between your legs, but you know it’s overwhelming intensity.
You can feel his cock pressed against your abdomen through both of your soaked layers. You move your hand on top of his bulge, pressing against it firmly. The rain lessens momentarily, and
you break contact from the kiss only to whisper “please” to him. That was all Toji needed to hear before practically dragging you back to his car.
Toji never forgot his manners, and despite the circumstances he still opened the door for you and laid out a blanket over the cold leather seats of the back of his sedan. However, there was a sense of urgency as he put everything together, finishing and gently pushing you into the back seat. Although the car was pretty spacious, the moment Toji climbed in after you, the absolute behemoth of a man made the car feel pretty cramped. Despite this, he tried to ensure your comfort.
“I know it’s not ideal, princess, but I can’t wait until we get home. And it seems like you can’t either.” His sultry voice teases you, as he starts pulling off some of your wet clothes. He leaves kisses in a trail down your neck, then your chest, and stopping above your waistband. “Do you want this, doll?” He questions as his hands start tugging at the band of your leggings. Your body should be cold with the wet clothes, but you only feel heat radiating in your core. You nod your head, meeting his hands and trying to hurry and take the rest of your clothes off.
Toji clicks his tongue. “Good girls use their words.” You feel a surge of what felt like electricity as the words ‘good girl’ left his mouth.
“Yes.. daddy.. please…” You try to hide your face in your elbow, anything to save you from the embarrassment.
“Good girl.” He whispers into your ear, thumbs hooking the waistband of your pants. “You sound so cute when you say that, doll.” He pulls off your leggings, leaving you with only the thin, but soaked, fabric of your panties.
He plants more kisses on your inner thigh before teasing you with a finger, panties still on. He rubs your wet slit, noting how soaked you are. Your little moans are music to his ears, as he continues rubbing your cunt through the thin fabric.
“Please, fuck, daddy… more…” You squirm under his touch, trying to press against him for more friction.
“Someone’s an eager little slut, isn’t she? You want daddy that bad, huh?” He taunts, pulling your panties to the side in a lewd attempt to expose your cunt. He spits on his fingers before slipping one inside – not that he would need any with how much you’re dripping for him.
His thick finger is about a knuckle deep and he can already notice how tight you are. “Fuck, baby. Are you a virgin?” You look up at him with wide eyes, nodding. He leans down to give you another kiss. “Perfect.”
He is gently fucking you with his finger, trying to loosen your tight hole a bit. He inserts another finger, feeling you stretch to accommodate him. “You’re doing great, sweetheart.” He purrs as he picks up speed, drilling into your cunt with ferocity. His other hand moves to your core, before his thumb flicks over your clit.
He rubs your button, watching as you make the sweetest faces and the cutest noises. He draws circles around it, causing your hips to buck forward as he continues to fingerfuck your hole. He’s watching you intently, studying everything about you and taking you in.
Any pain or discomfort you felt while he was stretching you quickly disappeared and was replaced by mind numbing pleasure, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. His skilled fingers played your body like an instrument, every movement perfect in its speed, angle, and intensity.
“Who’s my good little girl?” He asks you, expecting an answer while looking down at your already fucked out face.
“I am, daddy!” You answer back, not wasting any time. His fingers curl inside of you, pushing a moan out of you.
His hand on your clit pulls away to lift your chin. “You’re what? Answer me fully, slut.” He says as he spits in your mouth. “Swallow it like a good girl, then answer me properly.”
You do as you’re told. “I’m your good girl, daddy.” He smirks at this, before resuming his touch on your clit. His fingers inside of you hit your sweet spot, pushing you over the edge and causing you to tighten around him.
“Is my slutty little girl gonna cum for me? Yeah? It’s that good already?” His words do nothing but edge you on, forcing you to cum harder than you ever have.
You’re panting by the end of it, already dazed at how amazing it felt. But Toji is just getting started. He pulls down the waist band of his pants, with his briefs following right after. His cock springs free from its confinement. He groans as the cold air touches it.
Normally he’d need more foreplay, but playing with your body and the taboo of the situation were more than enough to make his cock leak precum, anxiously awaiting your cunt. “Daddy has been waiting for this… be a good girl and show him that you love him, doll.”
He wastes no time in pushing the head of his cock against your entrance, spitting on his cock before slipping inside. The tip alone is enough to stretch you beyond what you thought were your limits. Despite the size, he makes sure to take his time for you to get used to it. He can tell it hurts with the tears that are forming. He leans down to place a gentle kiss on you, caressing your cheek as he pushes his large cock ever so deeper inside.
“You’re taking it so well already, sweetheart. It’s like you’re made for me.” He groans as he feels you relax around him. He’s about halfway in now. “I know what you and Megs did….” Your eyes grow wide at his comment. “It’s okay, princess, I know you’re a little whore who can’t get enough. I’m just glad I get to be the first to fill you.” He grins as he forces the rest of his thick cock inside. “It’s almost like you were waiting for me, huh? My little girl, so patient for her daddy…” He coos.
The pain slowly subsides, albeit not completely. You’re too heated in the moment to care about the pain as he quickly picks up pace, pulling out and slamming back in. You whimper every time, only driving Toji wilder with how perfect you are for him.
He starts to ram into your tight cunt as he reaches over and places a hand around your neck. He grips it tightly, enough to put pressure but not completely block airflow. “Such a good fucking toy… take it like a good girl, yeah?” He purrs, bruising your womb with the tip of his cock. He releases his grip on your neck after a few moments, letting you catch your breath again.
Toji fucks you faster, groaning at the tightness of your walls. He pulls your legs up to his shoulders as he presses deeper into you, matching your out of breath state. He’s drilling into you, chasing his own end as he feels your walls tighten around him. “Gonna cum again, darling. Such a dirty girl.”
He reaches his hand to your chin again. “Open,” he commands as he spits into your mouth. “Good girl.” His dominance delivers you your second orgasm of the day, and Toji feels your body tense up as you do so. “Fuuuuck baby, it’s like your cunt is trying to milk my cock-“ He can barely finish his sentence as he feels his cum come gushing out. You feel your walls being painted white, getting filled up with his cum.
“Such a good girl,” he praises. “Are you on the pill?” You nod. He probably should have asked that first, but who cares, certainly not you in your fucked out state. He kisses you again before pulling out and and pushing your panties back in place. “Try not to spill any, doll. And just so you know, I don’t mind if my little girl wants to play with Megs. As long as you remember that you belong to Daddy at the end of the day, you can have as much fun as you’d like, doll.”
‹𝟹 notes: ch 5 soon! lmk what y'all think!! feedback is always appreciated <3
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‹𝟹 notifs: @vvxxccaa @arylaa @starshipxoxo
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(・ω・)つ divider creds to @/cafekitsune and @/eloquentreverie
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sukugo · 9 months
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rahuratna · 24 days
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ღ Rahu ღ 36 ღ JJK, MHA, Naruto ღ Rahuratna | Archive of Our Own about me: she/her | fanfic writer | science fiction enthusiast
current fandoms writing for: JJK
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ღ Jujutsu Kaisen
• Ikemen Kaisen
Genre: Humor, fluff, crack, semi-fantasy AU Summary: While on a mission, Nanami encounters a cursed spirit that rapidly becomes infatuated with him. Trapping him in its unique cursed otome game domain, the spirit soon discovers that it's bitten off a lot more than it can chew with this particular jujutsu sorcerer ...
Links: ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | ch 6 ღ on ao3
• The Transformation of Nanami Kento (complete!)
Genre: Crack, humor, fluff Summary: An encounter with a rogue curse user leaves Nanami transformed into Pompompurin! It's now up to the first-year trio, with some help from Nanami-pom, to gain back his original form.
Links: ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | ch6 | ch 7 | ch 8 ღ on tumblr
• The Good Ship Percimeran
Genre: Action, fantasy AU, mystery, adventure Summary: While away investigating the magical anomalies that are increasing in frequency across the land, Gojo's three students, Yuuji, Megumi and Nobara, are tasked with testing his new spirit-repelling device on board a ship. The voyage takes a dangerous turn, however, and the truth behind the spirit swarms may not be an easy one to swallow. {One-shot] [Part 1 of a series]
Links: ch 1 ღ on ao3
• Nanami Kento: Relationship headcanons
Genre: Romance, angst, humor, fluff Summary: Nanami x Reader headcanons (that may turn into a fic). Includes slow burn, pining, an introvert reader.
Links: Part 1 | Part 2 ღ on tumblr
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Thanks to @tsukimefuku for creating this beautiful masterlist post for me!
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mangaxyz · 1 year
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Ch. 11 - 4
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peanutapplesauce · 2 months
Love is Kinda Blind Master Link (Gojo x Reader fic, ongoing)
Genre: Romantic comedy, satire, fluff, reality tv, hurt/comfort
Gojo needs a bride so obviously the most appropriate way to find her is through a public dating show.
Y/N needs to pay her bills and wants some clout so obviously the easiest way is for her to join a public dating show.
Of course they both meet.
DISCLAIMER. I do not own Jujutsu Kaisen or any of its associated characters. Don’t sue me, thx!
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sadgreekboys · 5 months
Ch 4 of the satosugu lesbian au is posted! Merry Christmas :)
Satoru is the strongest. She is a woman. She is not meant to be those two things at the same time.
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orivaa-kun · 10 months
BAD ATTITUDE | Chapter 7: Life's a Beach
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6
chapter word count: 7k warnings: mature (18+), violence, drinking, drug use, smut, fluff, angst, feels, rough s*x, emotional manipulation pairings: Gojo Satoru x Fem OC, Geto Suguru x Fem OC, Nanami Kento x Fem OC, Fushiguro Toji x Fem OC series summary: Jujutsu Kaisen Yakuza AU where Riku Ozaki (OC) is really good at getting herself into trouble. Though the Ozaki family is ranked #10 out of the 15 clans of the Tokyo Yakuza syndicate in terms of power & strength; and the Gojo, Geto, and Zenin families fall at #1, #2, and #3 respectively; that doesn't keep her from getting in the mix with these highly ranked, highly dangerous men. Her clan's bodyguard, Nanami, can hardly keep up with all the compromising positions she constantly finds herself in. Will she ever learn her lesson? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ba-
fic playlist: Spotify YouTube
“God, I’m starving.” Gojo complains, throwing his head back a bit dramatically. Now at the beach, Gojo and Riku walk the long stretch of boardwalk by the ocean that’s lined with small shacks, beachwear shops, food stands, arcades, and even an outdoor theme park.
Other than the coffee shop they’d just left half an hour ago, Riku thinks the boardwalk is the most normal place she’s been to with Gojo. The walkway is crowded with locals and tourists navigating through all its attractions and the white haired man holds her close by her hand that’s clasped in his. Gojo hadn’t let her hand go since he’d asked to hold it when they were in the car, and Riku feels her cheeks tinge red at the mere thought, “Even after those donuts? The ones you didn’t even let me try?” She adds, undeniably a bit disappointed as the man had raved about them back at the shop.
Gojo sighs, “Sorry, babe,” he leans close to her ear, “I promise I’ll give you something sweeter.”
The lowly whispered words cause Riku to jolt upright a little more, and her cheeks redden even further. She feels a few eyes on the two of them as they pass through the crowded boardwalk, “Are you even capable of being sweet to me, you know…” she trails off, a bit embarrassed; she says the last part just above a whisper, “in bed? You don’t seem like the type at all.”
Gojo speaks just as low, eyes focused on navigating the boardwalk as he speaks but a smirk on his face, “Princess, if I fucked you nice and sweet like that, you’d lose your fucking mind. Trust me, Suguru ain’t got shit on me.”
Riku hums to herself in response to Gojo’s words, amused.
Gojo turns to look over at Riku, smirk growing into a grin, “What? You in the mood to get the sense fucked outta you or something?”
“No!” Riku protests, raising her voice from a whisper.
Gojo laughs, unbelieving, “If you say so…” he squeezes her hand, “come on, babe. We’re here.”
Riku looks up at the small shack of a restaurant that looks terribly run down, the sign ‘IWAI’S’ crookedly plastered above the door on a big wooden slab, “This is the place…?” She quirks a brow as Gojo pulls her closer.
“Mhm.” He raises Riku’s hand with his own to his lips, offering the back of it a quick peck before letting it go and opening the door for her, that chirps loudly with the numerous wind chimes attached to its front.
Riku steps in and is surprised by the dark, quaint, yet clean and izakaya-style ambiance of the small restaurant as it’s completely different from its exterior. The place seems to be completely empty, but a man suddenly appears from what looks to be the kitchen in a rugged black apron and a white bandana tied around the top of his head. He has a small goatee and is around the same height and build as Gojo – around 190cm or 6’3” – only seemingly a few years older and a bit leaner and thinner.
“Satoru! Hey, man!” He strides around the bar to greet his friend, but pauses when he sees Riku, eyes widening, “Shit, who the hell do we have here?” He smirks as he shamelessly looks Riku up and down in her beachwear.
Gojo possessively slips his thick arm around Riku, removes his sunglasses, and gestures between the two others with his free hand, “Iwai, Riku. Riku, meet Iwai.” He puts his spectacles in his pocket.
“Hi, Iwai.” Riku extends her hand, a faint smile on her lips.
Iwai lightly grasps and shakes it slowly, admiring Riku with alluring, half-lidded eyes, “Hi, Riku. You’re absolutely gorgeous… like a fucking painting.”
Riku’s smile brightens, “Thank you.”
He shakes his head to himself in disbelief, “Might just be the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
“Alright, that’s enough, Iwai.” Gojo says, tone nonchalant but irritation more than evident in his eyes. His arm unconsciously tightens around Riku.
“What? She yours or something?” Iwai questions.
“Nope! I don’t belong to anybody.” Riku confidently interrupts before Gojo can finish.
Gojo clicks his tongue against the back of his teeth once to Riku’s words, irritation spreading to his brows, “A real fucking brat, this one…” He drops his arm from around her to cross both of them over his chest, “She’s Jin Ozaki’s niece.
Iwai guffaws to Gojo and Riku’s interaction, “She’s yakuza, and she has the guts to stand up to you?!” His eyes shift back down to Riku with adoration, “I think I’m in love.”
Gojo sighs, “Iwai, just let us taste the damn club’s new pairing menu. I got shit to do.”
“Alright, alright,” Iwai raises his arms in protest, “right this way,” he turns, gesturing towards and beginning to walk over to one of the small tables in the corner of the room. Gojo and Riku ease down onto the small stools, Riku removes her crossbody bag, and Iwai looks to Riku again but this time a lot more collected, “If you’re Ozaki, I’m assuming you have a more refined palate and appreciation for culinary artistry? Unlike this sugar-addicted asshole?”
“You’d be correct.” Riku giggles lightly.
“Fuck you, Iwai. Sweet stuff just tastes better and everybody knows it.”
“Sure, boss.” Iwai dismisses Gojo’s words with disbelief, “I’ll get you two some water and bring out the first course in a bit.” Iwai begins to walk back towards the bar.
Gojo huffs a frustrated laugh out, shaking his head at Riku, “What’s that now, strike two?”
“Strike two?” Riku asks curiously.
“First you’re smart with me back at the café, now this?” Gojo nudges Riku’s leg beneath the table with his knee, “You must like getting punished or something.” He murmurs the words deliciously low, eyes dark and a sick smirk on his lips.
“Whatever, Satoru. You’re not gonna do shit anyways.” Riku brushes Gojo’s words off, instead moving her gaze to look around at the small izakaya’s decor.
Gojo’s eyes widen and his mouth falls slightly agape with a short laugh, genuinely surprised by Riku’s backtalk, “Oh? You wanna test that theory? Try me, babe.”
“You wouldn’t do that in public, not in the middle of a restaurant like this. Even if it is empty.” Riku says in disbelief, still avoiding Gojo’s eyes.
“Ri, I’ll bend you over this table right now.”
“No you wo—” Riku starts when Gojo suddenly grabs her arm and yanks it forward, causing her chest to fall and completely press against the flat of the wooden table. Gojo even begins to stand, but Riku protests, her entire face burning bright red, “W-wait! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Satoru!”
“Yeah you are.” Gojo, face completely calm and satisfied with Riku’s reaction, releases her arm and sits back down, “That’s better.”
Riku quickly raises her chest up off the table and readjusts her coverup dress.
Iwai looks curiously between Riku and Gojo when he returns with their waters, especially to Riku who looks down at the table and toys with one of the curls at the back of her head, cheeks flushed and an embarrassed expression on her face, “Uh, here’s the water… First appetizer is in the works. You drinking today, Gojo?”
“Nah. This one’s the real sake connoisseur.” Gojo gestures to Riku.
“Really? Good; now I can get a real opinion on these bottles.” Iwai chuckles, already walking back towards the kitchen.
After seven courses of intricately crafted small plates and their seven uniquely paired servings of rare sake, though not drunk, Riku is far past buzzed and quite tipsy. She giggles to herself at nothing in particular, her cheeks and neck tinged pink with warmth.
“What’s so funny?” Gojo quirks a brow at Riku from across the table. As he hadn’t had anything to drink, he eyes Riku suspiciously.
“Nothing! Just feel nice.” Riku smiles warmly, closing her eyes for a bit to enjoy the weightless feeling in her body.
“Is that so?” Gojo studies Riku’s body with his eyes, slowly taking in each bit of her that’s visible him – the flushed cheeks, neck, chest… he huffs a chuckle at the woman who’s clearly enjoying herself, “Well, glad one of us is having fun.”
“Come on; hasn’t trying the food been fun, too?” Riku opens her eyes and challenges playfully.
“Yeah, but clearly not as much fun as you’re having.” He crosses his thick arms across his chest.
Riku blinks up at Gojo, simply getting lost in his cerulean eyes for a moment. He’s so handsome. She thinks to herself. Riku can’t help but appreciate the perfectly chiseled face, broad shoulders, and toned chest that’s even visible with his button up, short-sleeve beach shirt on. Riku shifts her leg under the table so that it gently nudges and hooks around one of Gojo’s. She slowly moves it up and down, rubbing his leg with her own, “You wanna feel good, too?” She boldly asks, batting her eyes at the white haired man flirtatiously.
Gojo’s brows lift with surprise at Riku’s boldness and opens his mouth to speak, but just then, Iwai returns to their table with a tray that holds two small dishes and a single serving of sake.
“Alright,” Iwai sets the dishes down on the table, “last one. We got anmitsu—an assortment of mochi, red bean, and chestnut flavored jelly cubes topped with matcha ice cream. And for you, Riku,” he sets down the small sake glass, “we have a sweet plum wine to go with. It’s a 3-year aged Asahi Shuzo Dassai umeshu.”
“This looks so good! Everything’s been so delicious, Iwai.”
“Thanks, beautiful,” Iwai smirks brightly, “glad you liked the pairings.”
Riku dramatically drops her chin into her hands, propped up by her elbows on the table, “I wish I could eat delicious food like this every day…” She sighs, pouting ever so slightly.
“Riku, gorgeous as you are—if you were mine, I’d get up at the ass-crack of dawn to make you whatever you want.” His smirk grows, gaze heavy with infatuation as he looks down at Riku.
Riku giggles, “Aw, that’s so sweet.”
Already digging into his dessert, Gojo loudly clears his throat, clearly irritated by Riku and Iwai’s exchange.
“Let me know if you need anything else; more water, some coffee, whatever. I make a damn good matcha caramel macchiato, you know.”
“Ooo… that sounds good!” Riku says excitedly.
“We’re good,” Gojo checks his watch, “we gotta get going to the gym soon, anyways.”
“Aw…” Riku complains, a small frown on her face.
“I can make it to-go.” Iwai suggests.
“Yay! Thanks, Iwai.” Riku’s excitement returns as quickly as it had left. She picks up the small spoon on her plate and scoops up some of the mochi and ice cream before taking a bite. She immediately hums to the perfect balance of light, sweet flavors, “Mm… this is absolutely perfect. So delicious!”
“Try it with a sip of the umeshu.” Iwai notes, already heading back towards the kitchen.
Riku takes a sip from the small sake glass, eyes lighting up as the sweet flavored notes of the liquid hits her tongue, “Oh, this is good… You might like this, actually.” Riku suggests, glancing over to Gojo.
“Let me try.”
Riku passes the small glass to Gojo, who takes a slow sip. He pauses after tasting the umeshu, and then his eyes widen similarly to Riku’s, “Wow, that is pretty good—for alcohol.”
Riku shakes her head to Gojo’s response, “It’s amazing.” She clarifies, “Just because there aren't 10 spoonfuls of sugar in it, doesn’t mean it isn’t good.” She continues to take tiny bites of her dessert.
Already nearly finished with his own dessert, Gojo watches Riku as she eats, shaking his head to himself, “Also, that’s strike three, babe.”
Riku gasps, jaw dropping in surprise as she placed her spoon back down on her plate, “But I didn’t even do anything!”
“Flirting with Iwai, right in front of me?” Gojo quirks a brow at Riku.
“Oh my god, I wasn’t even flirting.” Riku rolls her eyes, dramatically sighing the words.
“Ri, you look at any average guy with that puppy dog eyes and pout combination and he’s falling for you. Without a doubt.”
“Okay, but that’s not my fault, though.” Riku takes the sake glass back from Gojo, downing the rest of the liquid in the glass like a shot.
“You know exactly what you’re doing.” Gojo says flatly, “You’re not as slick as you think you are, Ri.” His smirk grows into a grin when he’s suddenly struck with an idea. He stands to his feet, quickly grabbing Riku by her arm and pulling her up out of her seat and towards a narrow hall on the other side of the restaurant.
“Hey…! What are you doing?!” Riku protests head swimming a bit to the combination of the alcohol in her system and the sudden movement.
“Teaching you a lesson.” Gojo says sinfully low as they approach the door to the private bathroom in the back of the izakaya. He opens it and pushes Riku in so that she collies with the sink, then closes and locks the door behind them.
“Ow!” Riku complains, rubbing her hip that had hit the corner of the sink. Though it’s quaint and clean, the bathroom – made mostly of black stone and accented with polished wood – is just as narrow as the hallway and both Gojo and Riku hardly fit in it, “That hurt, asshole! Agh—”
Riku exclaims a short gasp when Gojo suddenly closes the space between them and simultaneously hoists her up on the edge of the sink while pushing up the netted fabric of her coverup dress. Gojo wastes no time in joining their lips, pulling Riku’s knees apart so he’s pressed flush against her body. He kisses her harsh and quickly forces his tongue in between her lips to dance with hers.
Riku moans into Gojo’s mouth when he rubs his hands up the sides of her hips and around her waist, thumbs massaging into the barely clothed skin there. Gojo moves his lips to Riku’s neck and his large, kneading hands to her breasts and she whimpers, heat already beginning to pool between her legs from Gojo’s touch. Riku’s skin already feels warm from all the sake she’d drank, and her pulse only beats hotter and more thickly in her neck when Gojo licks and sucks red marks into it. Gojo’s hands are rough with her, and Riku appreciates how the man doesn’t hold back. She giggles a bit, “This is punishment?”
Gojo releases his hold on one of Riku’s breasts to reach up and yank her head back with a quick, sharp tug of her hair—backing her up just enough so she can see his cold, hard gaze. It’s a look so emotionless that it honestly sends a shiver down Riku’s spine. It’s broken when Gojo suddenly chuckles, however, lips curving up into a grin at the sight of Riku beneath him, sitting on the edge of the sink with a flustered expression on her face, “Hm. So now you want to be touched? That’s funny…” He leans closer to Riku to suck her earlobe between his lips, gently tugging on it before lewdly licking inside the rim of her ear.
Riku twitches and moans to the feel of Gojo’s breath and tongue on her ear, legs shaking for a second as she feels herself grow wetter beneath her bikini.
Gojo abruptly releases her completely and steps back as much as he can in the small bathroom, which causes Riku to blink dazedly at him at the sudden lack of touch. He pushes his hands into his pockets, face and voice both completely calm and collected as he speaks his next words, “You’ve been pushing and pulling me all day, babe. So, tell me, what do you really want, Ricchan?”
“I…” Riku trails off, thinking to herself before replying with the only current thought in her head, “want you.”
Gojo folds his arms over his chest and shakes his head once, unimpressed, “Too vague. Try again.”
Riku's cheeks redden even more under his focused gaze, “I want you to fuck me…” She says low, just above a whisper and voice shaking with embarrassment.
“What was that?” Gojo turns his head to poke his ear in Riku’s direction, only pretending he can’t hear her, “I couldn’t catch it. Speak up.”
Riku grumbles impatiently and out of embarrassment, a fire behind her eyes, “I said I want your dick inside of me, okay?!” Her face is completely red now, and Gojo laughs at the sight.
“You look like a tomato!” He guffaws childishly, jabbing his index finger towards her.
“Shut up…!”
Gojo reaches in his back pocket, retrieving a condom from it, “But I guess it’s better. I’ll give you what you want, Ricchan, but I won’t be nice and hold back—even if you ask me to…” He unbuttons his shorts and tugs them and his boxers down just below his hips, causing his dick to spring up and to attention. He tears the foil package open.
Riku’s eyes widen at Gojo’s size, still in disbelief of how that had been inside of her last night.
“…can you take it?” Gojo asks, rolling the condom onto his dick.
Riku bites her lip to the sight of Gojo’s movements, nodding with a lewd gaze. She feels her breaths begin to deepen in heated anticipation and spreads her legs a little more, using one of her hands to pull her bikini to one side and tease herself with her fingers.
Gojo’s eyes dart down to between Riku’s legs, and he watches as she plays with herself, on display just for him. He glances back up to her eyes, and closes the gap between them, hand reaching up to harshly grab and squeeze the sides of her neck with his thumb and index. Gojo is at Riku’s ear again, muttering his wanton words into it between wet kisses and sucks to her earlobe, “You slut. You only want affection when it’s like this… don’t you?”
“Yes…” Riku strains out in a whine, practically aching between her legs for him to fill her up with his cock, “I need it so bad, Satoru.” She feels just the right amount of lightheaded with Gojo’s hand locked around her neck and is so turned on she doesn’t really care about how ridiculous she sounds at the moment.
Gojo presses his forehead against Riku’s with a wild grin, “Shit, babe, you might just be as fucking sick and twisted as me…” He teases the tip of his dick at her entrance and rubs it over her wet folds, “But you just had this last night, no? You already want me again, Ricchan?” He coos the question salaciously.
“Please!” She whimpers, rolling her hips forward and closer to Gojo’s so that his dick prods harder against her pussy.
“You asked for it.” And with the end of his words, Gojo savagely thrusts all the way into Riku’s cunt with a single, hard jut of his hips, his free hand grasping and holding hers down in place on the edge of the sink so she can’t get away from him… so she has to take every inch of his cock.
“S-Sator—” Riku nearly screams from the pain of Gojo entering her so harshly but is cut off when the hand on her throat swiftly moves to clasp over her mouth.
“Oh, shut the fuck up, you horny slut.” Gojo spits coldly, his expression mildly irritated to all the noise Riku was making, but simultaneously more than visibly turned on from her moans. He doesn’t waste any time and thrusts into her over and over, hard and fast. The sink even bumps loudly against the wall at the force of his aggressive movements. Gojo looks Riku directly in her eyes as he muffles her moans with his hand pressed tightly over her mouth, fucking her hard and unceasingly, “You were just flirting with Iwai minutes ago; you really want him to hear you getting fucked in the back of his restaurant?”
Riku’s long nails dig into the skin of Gojo’s lower hips and she shudders to the intense sensations he gives her with each dastard pump of his dick, eyes rolling back into her head for a moment as a strong jolt of pleasure abruptly courses through her body without warning. All of a sudden, she’s squeezing and pulsing tight around Gojo’s cock, and a long, muffled moan is falling from her lips.
Gojo pauses in his thrusting at the feel of Riku tightly gripping his dick in rhythmic waves, “Did you just cum?” A smirk slowly takes over his previously icy expression.
Riku doesn’t realize it until after it’s already over and she’s coming down from her high. She’s never been fucked hard like this before and didn’t think it was possible for her to climax so quick. Gojo releases Riku’s lips and she simply blinks and pants heavily, half-dazed and half-tired from orgasming so intensely.
“Shit, Ri, you like pain that much?” Gojo laughs at her, “I mean, fuck, what was that? One minute?”
“Don’t laugh at me…!” Riku’s not sure if it’s the sheer embarrassment, the pain from Gojo’s thrusting, her vulnerability from just having orgasmed, or a mixture of all three, but tears well up at the corners of her eyes.
“I told you, that crying shit won’t work on me. And I’m not finished with you.” Gojo says before slamming back into Riku with a rough buck of his hips.
Riku bites her bottom lip to prevent herself from crying out.
“Why don’t you do some work for once?” Gojo grabs under Riku’s knees to pull her legs up and around his waist, “Put your arms around my neck. You can hold your weight can’t you?”
When Riku follows Gojo’s directions he stands upright and her body is lifted above the sink. She clings to Gojo to hold herself up, now more readily breathing in the citrus, musk, and vanilla notes of his scent at their proximity.
“The fuck are you waiting for?” Gojo harshly slaps the flat of his hand under the curve of Riku’s ass and she clenches on his dick in response, a quick moan spilling from her lips, “Move.” He commands.
Arms locked around Gojo’s neck for purchase, Riku moves her ass up and down at a steady rhythm. Though the position doesn’t allow for much movement, she continues like this for a few minutes and tries to please Gojo in her messy, dazed state, whispered moans and whimpers fleeing her mouth each time Gojo’s dick hits her spot just right.
“You can do better than that, Ri…” Gojo severely slaps both of his hands on Riku’s ass cheeks over and over, sure to leave marks on the now reddened skin there as she continues to throw her hips back and forth on his dick. Face now buried in his shoulder, Riku softly cries out into Gojo’s shirt as he batters her ass with hits, head beginning to melt at her own arousal from this situation.
Gojo’s touch throughout the day – his hands rubbing on her back, around her waist, even his fingers flirting with her breasts –  had slowly affected Riku, little by little, and now she was so desperate for for the man that she was fucking him in the back of a restaurant. It was honestly embarrassing to think about the complete mess he’d made out of her body. On top of this, Riku had never been pushed so harshly during sex before, and neither had the line between her pain and pleasure. Gojo had been cruel in his treatment and fucking of Riku, and as she was the type of girl who was used to men treating her like a princess all the time, his brutish punishment of her like this only drove her crazier.
Riku moves her arms down so that her hands are on Gojo’s shoulders. She uses them like a pull up bar, pulling her weight up and down so that she moves more significantly on and off of his dick with each jerk of her hips. She throws her head back up to get a look at Gojo, her own cheeks reddened and eyes hazy with pleasure. Though she could hold her weight, even her arms were quickly growing sore and tired from holding moving herself up and down on Gojo in this way.
“That’s better. See, Ricchan? You can fuck yourself on my dick just fine.”
“Fuck…” Riku whispers the word, enjoying the feel of Gojo’s dick pushing into her over and over again at the command of her hips and her own set pace. It doesn’t take long for her to slow down from the tiredness and soreness in her arms, though, and she eventually comes to a still.
“Hm, well that was short-lived.” Gojo notes, almost too plainly.
“I’m sorry…! Please, Satoru… please fuck me!” Riku begs, arms shaking. Gojo can see that Riku is honest in her words from her timid body language—that’s much different from her usual dismissive yet playful and hot-headed attitude. It only takes a moment of looking into her eyes for him to tell that he’s pushed her a lot physically, and that she’s barely holding on (pun intended).
Gojo finally wraps his arms around Riku’s back with a sigh, breaking his mean streak and easily taking her weight into his hands, “You did well, babe. Way better than most could.” He praises, kissing her temple with a small peck before walking them over to and pinning her against the wooden door of the bathroom, “Let me take it from here.”
Gojo suddenly thrusts into Riku hard and fast, nailing her into the wood with one hand on her hip and the other on her mouth again. The door bangs loudly in its frame at Gojo’s brutish movements but he doesn’t let up, looking Riku in the eyes as she comes undone with pleasure. Her muffled moans gradually grow louder into choked groans, her breathing becoming more and more irregular with each strong buck of his hips. Riku grips Gojo’s broad shoulders tightly, legs gently shaking around his waist at the heavy pleasure that focuses in her abdomen and pushes its way up her spine. She looks at Gojo with wide eyes, and he immediately understands, “I know, babe; I’m close, too…” He softly grunts the words and rests his head in the slope of Riku’s neck.
Riku’s body jerks and twitches with the intensity of her climax and she lets loose a muffled cry into Gojo’s palm. His breath grows ragged when Riku clenches on him and his hips slam into hers one last time as he cums, “Ah, fuck, Riku…” Gojo curses, keeping her pinned against the door with one arm while the other moves from her mouth to cup her cheek. Gojo presses his lips to Riku’s passionately yet tiredly, offering her a few lewd, open-mouthed kisses before finally breaking away and pulling out of her.
Gojo slowly releases and eases Riku back down onto her feet, “You good?” He brushes a few stray curls from her face and rubs his thumbs over her flushed cheeks, “Was I too mean to you?” He smirks.
Riku winces a bit to the soreness between her legs, on her ass, and in her arms when she stands on her own, using Gojo’s arm to stable herself when she stumbles a bit. He instinctively catches her wrist in his hand when she does but she quickly regains her balance, “Yeah, you were, but I can take it… and I had fun.” Riku smiles soft yet honestly at Gojo, starting to readjust her bikini and smooth out her coverup dress.
“You did?” Gojo leans over and close to Riku’s face, pressing a light peck to her lips.
He pecks her lips again, “You gonna be a good girl f’me the rest of the day?”
Riku nods, smiling sweet and submissively up at Gojo, “Yes.”
“Good.” Gojo pecks her lips one last time before straightening back up and beginning to remove and discard his condom, “Another day of fucking the brat outta you, hm?” Gojo chuckles, “You need to use the bathroom, babe?” He pulls and buttons his shorts back up, then quickly washes his hands.
“Yeah, I should.” Riku pushes a curl behind her ear shyly, trading places with Gojo in the bathroom so she’s no longer at the door.
“Take your time. I’ll wait for you outside with your coffee, alright?” Gojo winks at her, unlocking the door and opening it slowly.
Riku nods quietly and Gojo makes his exit, closing the door behind him.
Of course, just then, Iwai turns the corner in the hallway and his eyes widen when he sees Gojo closing the door. His look of surprise suddenly turns into a knowing smirk and he laughs, “Seriously? And here I was thinking the dishwasher was acting up again…” He shakes his head and crosses his arms, “Riku still in there?”
“Yeah, she’s freshening up.” Gojo grins.
Iwai chuckles, “Jesus Christ. Well, I got her macchiato out front.” Iwai waves Gojo along already heading back towards the restaurant’s main space.
Gojo follows along until they reach the bar that has a small coffee cup with a lid and sleeve on it. He sits down on one of the stools with a small sigh.
Iwai moves behind the counter, wiping the surface of it down with a wet rag, “Now, where’d you find a girl like her?” He asks, genuinely curious.
Gojo looks up into space for a second, thinking before he meets Iwai’s eyes again, “She’d tell you that we met at the gala a few nights ago, but really, I met her years ago when we were kids. Don’t think she remembers that, though.”
“Interesting… So she got a sister or anything?” Iwai quirks a brow.
Gojo cackles, “A cousin, but that’s it. And if she’s anything like Riku, I wouldn’t touch her.” Gojo advises, folding his hands on the bar top with a small smirk on his lips.
“Why’s that? Tryna hog all the hotties for yourself?” Iwai retrieves a clean class from behind the bar and fills it with water using the soda tap.
“It’s not that. She’s just a little bit… troublesome. Maybe a lot bit.” Gojo admits, cocking his head to one side.
“You say that when you’re going out with her right now.” Iwai lifts his pointer from his cup, raising the glass as he speaks before taking a long sip from it.
“Yeah, but I can handle it. Can you?” Gojo asks, challengingly.
“What kind of trouble are we talkin’?” Iwai asks before taking another sip of water.
“Kicking Toji in the balls kind of trouble.”
Iwai spits his water out but off towards the floor of the bar, then coughs and clears his throat, eyes wide with surprise, “Shit…”
Gojo lets loose a loud laugh to Iwai’s reaction.
“Yeah, I don’t want Toji problems, even as pretty as she is. Really the only person who can handle Toji problems is… well, you. Maybe Suguru, too.”
“And there it is.” Gojo concludes, and both of their heads turn when they hear Riku approaching.
She secures her small crossbody bag over her shoulder as she walks towards them and stops at the edge of the bar to pick up the small coffee cup, clearly ignorant to their prior conversation, “This for me?”
“Sure is.” Iwai confirms with a nod.
Riku takes a sip, “Oh my god… What the hell?!” She takes another one, “This is insanely good!” Her expression looks frustrated, but she continues to take small sips of the matcha caramel macchiato.
Iwai laughs, “That's some review. Thanks, Riku. You mind if I send Gojo a survey for you to fill out about the pairings?”
Riku shakes her head, “Not at all. I’d be happy to fill it out.” She smiles, moving towards Gojo’s side, “Thanks for the good food and drinks!” Riku beams with a certain glow about her.
“Anytime. Seriously, if I’m not at the club, I’m here—if you ever want a bite.” Iwai offers, "And, we typically open around…” he checks his watch, “now, actually.”
“Well, I can’t pass up an offer like that.” Riku muses, smile turning into a playful smirk, “Maybe I’ll bring some friends, too. Thank you.”
Gojo rises from the stool and to his feet, slipping his hand down to grasp and interlock his fingers with Riku’s free one, “You ready, babe?” He looks at her in a way that’s telling to their physical and growing emotional connection: direct and unashamedly with a touch of infatuation.
“Mhm.” Riku mirrors Gojo’s gaze, not breaking from it until the other turns to say goodbye to Iwai.
“Alright. Thanks, Iwai. See you at the club later.” Gojo waves his hand at the other with the one that doesn’t hold Riku’s.
“See you, Satoru.”
“Bye, Iwai!” Riku raises her coffee towards the man as her and Gojo head towards the door, lifting a few of her fingers from the cup to wave goodbye.
“Bye Riku. Please bring your friends.”
Riku giggles, “Sure thing.”
Gojo holds the door for Riku and she slips through, the bright light of the early afternoon straining her eyes for a moment. When they adjust, she notices the long line that’s already started to wrap around Iwai’s restaurant.
Riku hums in realization, “I thought it was weird a spot with food as good as that wasn’t filled to the brim… No wonder, it wasn’t open yet.”
“Yep.” Gojo pops the ‘p,’ eyes scanning the boardwalk that’s now even more full with beach goers. He retrieves his sunglasses from his pocket and puts them back on. Riku immediately feels eyes on them when they exit the izakaya, but Gojo doesn’t seem phased by it. He looks used to it, if anything. Do they really stand out so much?
“This way.” Gojo begins to walk them towards the right, gently squeezing Riku’s hand before doing so, “You wanna take the boardwalk way, or walk by the ocean?”
Riku looks around at the unmistakable hundreds if not thousands of people that crowd the long stretch of boardwalk that at least stretches for half a mile, “Um… beach, please.”
“You got it, princess.” Gojo navigates through the crowd with Riku at his side until they reach a beach entrance.
Riku downs the rest of her coffee as they approach the sand and dumps the cup in a nearby trash can, beginning to dig in her bag for her sun shades. She finally finds and slips them on, “You need sunscreen?” She suggests, pulling out and brandishing a small spray bottle from her purse.
“Nah, I’m good babe. Put some on this morning. But thanks.” Gojo doesn’t look at Riku but continues to walk them through the groups of people set up on the beach sand, keeping his hand locked with hers as they navigate through the uneven, sliding slopes of sand in their flip flops.
“Okay, but you should reapply, you know.” Riku says, putting her sunscreen back into her back before zipping it up again, “I did back at the restaurant.”
“That how you keep your skin so soft?” Gojo asks, finally glancing at Riku once they reach the bit of hard sand just before the ocean waves. It’s far less crowded than the beach and boardwalk, and Riku is glad she chose this route. They begin to walk along the stretch of wet sand.
“That’s part of it,” Riku notes, “you have pretty nice skin, too, you know.”
Gojo laughs once, “Don’t think anyone’s ever told me that before. Not with all these scars.” He shrugs his shoulders and lifts his free hand, vaguely gesturing to the faint lines that litter his arms.
Riku glances down, using her hand that’s interlocked with Gojo’s to lift his hand closer to her face. She examines one of the more noticeable, long scars on Gojo’s forearm, running the pads of her fingers up the line of it and the thick veins just underneath until she reaches the bulky, toned muscle of his bicep. Even with the scars, his skin is taught and smooth to the touch, “They’ve healed really well, though.”
Gojo glances down, watching Riku inspect him with a faint smile on his lips, “Thanks, Ricchan.” He pauses, “You know, princess, you’d make a really good girl if you weren’t a crazy troublemaker raised by yakuza.”
Riku wants to be upset, but is too exhausted to have an angry bone in her body and can’t help but burst into laughter to Gojo’s words—they were kind of true, after all.
Gojo joins instantaneously, bending at the waist a bit from the good chuckle his own words had given him.
Riku pulls her hand out of Gojo’s hold, pushing his shoulder with as much strength as she can muster, “You’re an asshole.”
To Riku’s surprise, Gojo doesn’t move much from her push and simply laughs as if it was a light pat, “Uh-huh,” he grabs her arm, pulling her into his side and locking their hands once more. He bends close to her ear so only she can hear his next words, “but you like it when I’m mean to you.”
Riku lazily shoulder checks the man, but keeps her hand in his, “Shut up.” She blushes, looking off towards the water.
Gojo’s hums a small chuckle, “You don’t have to hide, babe… you can say that you like it.” His smirk turns into an alluring one and he speaks lowly, “You’re so fucking cute.” Gojo gently ruffles Riku’s hair then kisses her temple.
“People done say shit like that out loud!” Riku whisper-yells, cheeks still bright red.
“They should.” Gojo says simply, “I’d personally like to see the look on your face while saying how much you like what I do to you.” Aside from their combined presence alone, the end of Gojo’s words garner a few eyes from a few people passing by them on the beach.
“Shh!” Riku uses her hand in Gojo’s to yank his arm down.
The man only cackles in response.
“How long is it to the gym, anyways?” Riku changes the subject, frustratingly rubbing the side of her forehead. Why does he only ever want to talk about horny shit like this?
“Just fifteen minutes, give or take.” Gojo looks down the stretch of beach.
“The gym’s on the beach?”
“Basically. It’s on the other end of the boardwalk.” He clarifies.
“Oh.” Riku bites her lip when there’s a long pause in their conversation. She looks up at Gojo, who looks like he has his eyes focused on something in the distance, or is thinking about something. She decides to break the silence, “How long have you been doing martial arts?”
Gojo glances over to Riku, “Since I was 3.”
Riku’s eyes widen, “Wow, isn’t that a bit early?”
“Not for the Gojo clan, it isn’t. It’s pretty standard practice, and it’s part of the reason our family is ranked where it is.”
“Yeah, but that must’ve been rough…” Riku searches Gojo’s face for any telling emotions, but there aren’t any; he seems completely at ease about his upbringing. She brushes her hand over Gojo’s faintly scarred arm, “Are any of these from when you were a kid?”
“No,” Gojo cocks his chin upwards, and Riku immediately spots a small, white scar just beneath his jaw, “but this is.”
“Ouch,” Riku instinctively reaches up with her free hand to rub her fingers over it, “What happened?”
Gojo lowers his head back down, “I was 11, so a bit older, but there was this little girl in trouble, so I took down a bunch of muscle from a foreign syndicate that was attacking her family.”
“Aww, so you were a hero.”
Gojo shakes his head, then meets Riku’s gaze again, a curiously knowing look in his eyes, “Not quite. Both of us almost died in the process. There was a bad fire, too.”
Riku suddenly sees a flash of white, but it’s not the beach sand… It feels like she’s recalling something. It flashes again and a sharp pain tears through her head. This time the white of a flame? No, white hair…? Riku stops in her tracks, immediately pulling out of Gojo’s grasp to clasp her hands over the sides of her head. She winces, “Ah…!”
“Ri, are you okay?” Gojo turns and holds Riku’s shoulders, noticeably concerned.
Riku continues to wince with her eyes closed and holds her own face.
“Riku, are you alright?” Gojo squeezes Riku’s shoulders tighter.
Riku only hears Gojo this second time, when the flash of white fades from her vision, “Mm, yeah…” she sighs when the sharp pain in her head quickly fades into nothing, “I’m good. Sorry, that hasn’t happened in years… Like, since I was a teenager.” She drops her hands from her face, confused to why she’d had a headache now of all times.
“You sure you good?” Gojo bends close to Riku to cup and hold her head in his hands, “You need me to carry you to the gym, princess?” The concern on his face turns into a smirk.
“God, no. Please don’t do that.” Riku shakes her head furiously.
“Well, always here if you change your mind, babe.” Gojo rejoins his hand with Riku’s, giving it a small squeeze.
“Thanks, Satoru.” Riku says softly, mostly looking in the distance as they begin to walk again.
Gojo fake-gasps, “Did I just hear a thank you? From the brat herself?? I can’t believe it!”
Riku pokes Gojo’s bicep with the point of her nail, narrowing her eyes at him, “Hey, don’t push it. You’ll never hear one again if you act that way.”
Gojo quickly reaches back to slap Riku’s rear, and looks down at her in feigned confusion, pretending he hadn’t just heard her words, “What was that?”
 Riku jumps with a yelp, mostly from the preexisting soreness on her ass, “Agh…! What the fu—” she cuts herself off when she notes the unmoving, stern look on Gojo’s face, just centimeters from hers. It’s the kind of look that says, ‘Didn’t you just say you’d be a good girl for the rest of the day?’ Riku sighs, not wanting to fight Gojo’s dominant inclinations over this, “Never mind…”
“That’s what I thought.”
Riku grumbles under her breath, sure that she would have blown a fuse if it weren't for the people on the beach around them—and if it wasn't Gojo. She couldn't deny the sick part of herself that liked the other being in control. Was this how things were always going to be between us? Laughing and kissing one moment, and pissed at each other the very next?
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luna-andra · 9 months
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I AM AN 18+ PAGE. MDNI. Ao3 will always update faster than my Tumblr, you can find it Here. If you want to support my work further, you can tip me here on Ko-fi 🖤
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Call of Duty Fics:
The Shadows Return: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 ch 7 Year One* Ch 8 Is It Really You?*
Sub! König: Part 1 Part 2
Domesticated!König Series: Part 1 Part 2 StepDad!Konig
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Jujutsu Kaisen: Rambles: Gojo won't stop :(
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Language Learning Log 2024 Week 4 (21/01 ~ 27/01)
Photo: Still absolutely in love with the snow! I went for a walk around Kajo Park and took this photo of the moat the day after a snowstorm.
Listened to the radio
Renshuu app
Reviewed vocab with anki
Started reading Japanese Stories For Language Learners
9x Jujutsu Kaisen episodes
Minna No Nihongo unit 6
Migii JLPT app
Idodori app
Kanji dojo app
3x journal entries
1 unit of Enjoy Norwegian
Made & queued more Norwegian Word of the Day posts
Chatted for 2 hours with a friend
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I'd been feeling pretty demotivated about Japanese because I felt like I hadn't made any progress for months, but I finally started watching anime again and managed to catch quite a few words, and sometimes I could match up the translated subtitles to the Japanese words. I also went back through the anki decks I made for the N4 and realised how many of the words previously graded E or F I now know without really thinking.
Of course, there are still plenty of words I struggle with. But I'm getting there. Maybe by the end of next month I'll be able to move on to learning N3 properly. I've already started on N3 kanji (and, by extension, some vocabulary). I really need to focus on grammar though honestly.
I made a start on Enjoy Norwegian too, again. I've had this textbook for a long time and I keep saying I'm gonna actually use it and then I forget lmao. Unit 1 was pretty easy so I mostly just read aloud and answered questions aloud, focusing on pronunciation.
And then I had a 2-hour conversation with my Norwegian teacher. I booked a 1-hour lesson even though he said I didn't need to pay him, he just missed me and wanted to catch up. We've become pretty good friends honestly which is kinda cool, and we only stopped talking because I had to go to bed.
Last week's goals:
Learn the first bridge + second verse of 少女S - I'm more or less there with the first bridge (although I need the lyrics sometimes) but the second verse still needs work
1 chapter of Minna No Nihongo - Yes, I completed ch 6
At least 1 HIIT session and 2 stretching sessions - I did yoga twice, two HIIT sessions, went for a walk and did some dance. Go me!
Finish January's beginner Norwegian crash course + another 2-3 of February's WOTD posts - I queued half of the remaining posts and another week's worth of February's posts. Truly an ADHD mood lmao
This week's goals:
Learn second verse + bridge of 少女S
1 chapter of Minna No Nihongo
1 unit of Enjoy Norwegian
Finish queuing January's content + another week (up to day 21) of February's content
At least 4 stretching sessions/yoga + 2 other kinds of exercise
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jeankluv · 7 days
But daddy I love him - Gojo Satoru [ch.03]
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short series
summary: If there was a phrase that could describe you, it was; good girl. You had been a good girl all your life, following your father's orders and being as modest as possible. You had focused your entire life on being a perfect lady, one who could be a good wife in the future. This is how you had been raised and how you had been instructed. But your whole world was shaken when one warm summer morning, your eyes met the bold, defiant and sharp gaze of a young man with white hair.
tags of the series: + 18, female!reader, set in 1700s-1800s, loss of virginity, misogyny language and thinking, oral sex, fingering, innocent oc, unsafe sex, semi-public sex, vaginal sex, manipulative, eating disorders, abusive parents, no use of y/n.
ch.01 | ch.02 | ch.03 | ch.04 | ch.05 | epilogue
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist
Notes: Spicy scenes are really not my thing but it’s always good to try and write new things. Hope everyone enjoys this chapter, as you see the chapters went from 4 to 5 bc there are still things that I know won’t fit in one chapter more.
words: 4,3k
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Your body was burning compared to Satoru's. He had taken your hand delicately and had begun to lower it to your intimacy. You were nervous, extremely nervous, you had never done that and throughout the afternoon you had tried to remember that you were doing it as a form of revenge against your parents and also because you wanted to explore this facet of your intimacy that you had never experienced.
“Relax…” He whispered. “You are really tense and it might hurt if you don’t relax.”
“Right.” You nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, angel. It’s normal.” He kissed your kiss. “Now.” He began. “I want you to take your underwear away with your hand, okay angel?” He whispered against your ear.
You nodded, feeling shame fill your body. With his hand still holding yours, you moved your fingers and caught the fabric that covered your privacy to move it aside.
“Good girl.” You felt him smile against you. “Now I want you to pass your fingers through your vagina, can you do that?" He whispered and you just nodded.
The pads of your fingers were cold but quickly warmed up as they came into contact with your intimacy. At the new sensation you shrank your legs, but Satoru put them back in his position. With a small whisper he told you to caress yourself and with your heart pounding in your chest and the nervousness invading your body, you did so.
From your legs to the last hair on your head they trembled with pleasure when you began to rub. You could feel how with each touch of your fingers, your body became hotter and hotter, asking and pleading for you to continue giving it that pleasure.
You arched your back when you touched a sensitive spot with your fingers. And felt Satoru grab your hip with his free hand and pull you closer to him. Without being able to help it, you moaned and Satoru began to leave a trail of kisses on the back of your neck.
It was an embarrassing sight but it felt too good to stop, too good to refuse. You wanted more.
Satoru stopped your hand and you look at him confused. “We will continue with the next step.” You swallowed nervously about what it could be and Satoru's hand guided yours lower. “You will put your finger in, alright?”
“What?” You said confused and scared.
“It’s alright angel, that way you will get stretched out and when we do it, it won’t hurt that much.” He tried to calm you down while carefully kissing your skin. “Trust me.”
You wanted to trust him and his words, but that didn't stop you from trembling with nervousness even more when you felt his fingers brush your entrance.
Satoru assured you that you would be fine and that you could do it without fear. You squeezed your eyes shut and with your trembling hands you inserted a finger, feeling a spasm run through you.
“It’s okay…” He whispered. “Now move it.” And you followed his orders.
Shockwaves started to run through your back with each movement of your finger inside of you. And the moans that you couldn't hold back began to escape your mouth, but luckily they were muffled by Satoru's warm lips.
You continued to pleasure yourself in your intimate area while Satoru did not stop devouring your mouth. You felt like you were in heaven, that you could fly and that you were capable of anything.
He pulled away from you and looked into your eyes, your cheeks were wet from the pleasure and you could see him smile. “Now insert another one.” You swallowed when you heard his order, another finger? Wouldn't that be too much?
But Satoru had told you that this way when you did it it wouldn't hurt as much. Truth be told, you had felt his cock against your ass, and he wasn't small. When you first noticed it, a shiver ran through your body thinking about how you would be able to endure it.
You swallowed and inserted another finger into yourself. More spasms ran through your body and this time Satoru grabbed your hand and started moving it himself.
You moaned and you held on to the sheets of your messy bed. “Satoru… slow…” You tried to pronounce but the moans prevented you from saying a word.
You leaned your head back and rested it on Satoru's shoulder as he continued to move your fingers, in and out. Shockwaves ran through your body with every movement and you felt like you were reaching what they called orgasm. You had heard about it, in the books they always mentioned how it was a kind of culmination to the act.
You closed your legs and curled up as you held on to Satoru's arm with your free hand, saying his name between moans. You felt even wetter and as your whole body had reached that “peak.” Your chest was rising and falling agitatedly, you were extremely exhausted.
Satoru let go of your hand and you took out your fingers, feeling like they were completely wet. “You did extremely well angel.” He placed his lips on your hair and left a soft kiss.
He carefully moved away from behind you and laid you down on the bed. You looked at him confused and Satoru noticed your frown.
“As much as I want to continue and make love to you with this amazing moonlight watching us, you are exhausted.” He laid down next to you. “And the first time it’s always exhausting, so I don't want to exhaust you anymore.”
You looked at, observing his blue eyes being even more intense with the moonlight. “But… I’m not exhausted.” You tried to convince him. “I can handle it”
“Your tired eyes say otherwise.” He ran his hand over your face and then grabbed your hair. “If it's for fear that they might kick me out, don't worry angel, that won't happen.” A shy smile spread across your face. “Tomorrow, tomorrow we will do it, okay?” You just nodded and leaned against his bare chest.
Satoru put his arm around your back and pulled you closer to him, and with that simple act you felt the butterflies again and your chest vibrated. You closed your eyes, being embraced by the warmth of Satoru’s body and feeling safe in a very long time.
When you opened them up again you were met with the coldness of your bed, Satoru was already gone and a sadness settled in your chest when you didn't wake up next to him.
With your body still heavy and tired after last night, you got out of bed and walked to the window so you could watch the sea. If there was something you undoubtedly loved, it was being able to enjoy that view every day. You walked over to your dresser to brush your hair and there you found a small letter. Your heart skipped a beat when you realized that it was something you hadn't left behind. You quickly picked it up and began to read carefully.
“My dear angel,
Don’t worry if you wake up and I’m not next to you. I would have liked to stay with you until you opened those beautiful eyes of yours but I couldn't risk them finding us. As much as I want to be with you, in every sense of the word, I don't want that to put you in danger. We will see each other today my beautiful angel and at night I will visit you again. With love S.G.”
You brought the letter closer to your chest and sighed, feeling his words sink into you one by one. You looked in the mirror and for the first time in a long time you saw a version of yourself that you thought was gone, a happy and healthy version. You smiled widely and carefully put the letter away in your dresser drawer and began to get ready until Rose arrived.
Rose came through your door at the same time she always did and like every day she helped you get ready. You would go for a walk with her on the beach and then you would go to the town market. You wanted to see if they had brought any new books to the bookstore you used to frequent since you were a child.
As you left your room your eyes began to search for a tall, white-haired figure, but you couldn't find him. With a grimace you left the house and walked down the path that led to the beach.
You and Rose walked along the beach, listening to the sound of the waves and the laughter of the children who had come to play.
You looked at Rose who was looking lovingly at the children playing in the sand and you dared to ask her.
“Rose, do you want to be a mother?” Rose laughed and touched her cheeks.
“Is it that obvious, my lady?” You nodded subtly with a smile on your face. “Me and Jack have been trying for a while, but the blessing hasn't come to us yet.” She made a face and you looked at her with a sad face. “And what about you my lady? Do you desire to be a mother?”
You thought it for a moment and you had always wanted to be a mother, but as you became an adult you saw what was happening around you and you did not want to bring a child into the world who was not loved by their parents or who was born in a loveless marriage.
But now, the idea of ​​marrying the duke and the possibility of starting a family with him was something that filled your heart and made you very excited. Was it possible that you had fallen in love with the duke? But all the signs you always read in your books, like; The butterflies in your stomach, the blushing when you were with him, the searching for him at every moment and imagining a future with him, were there.
“My lady?” Rose called you out.
“Sorry Rose.” You smiled. “But yeah I would like it.”
“Yours and the duke’s babies would be the cutest, I’m sure my lady.” You blushed at the thought of it. “But I’m kinda sad that once you marry the duke I will have to say goodbye to you my lady.”
"Come with me." You said holding her hand. “Your husband can also come, I will talk to the duke to give him a decent job and you can both start a family there.” You stared at her. “But Rose, I need you with me.”
Rose smiled. “Thank you so much my lady, honestly there wouldn’t be anything that would make me happier than to go with you.”
You smiled widely and gently hugged Rose. You practically considered her your family and you didn't want to leave her behind if you ended up leaving with the duke. Together you walked to the town and began to explore the countless stores there were. Your eyes scanned every corner looking for something that caught your attention.
“My lady.” You heard Rose speaking behind you. “I need to go and buy something for the kitchen, will you be fine by your own?”
“Yeah don’t worry.” You smiled. “I will go to the small library to search for new books.” Rose bowed and rushed to the food market.
You watched her disappear into the crowd and walked towards the small bookstore where you had spent many hours. Upon entering you were greeted by the sound of the bell that adorned the ceiling and then by the gentle purring of the cat that lived there. Mrs. Swift, the owner of the store, had rescued him when he was a baby and he had lived there with her ever since.
You greeted Mrs. Swift with a sweet smile and began to explore the shelves in search of a book to buy and add to your collection and also to enter a new world and escape from your reality. Although lately, your reality was more than interesting since a certain person arrived.
Reaching the back of the store you grabbed one of the books from the shelves and began to read the first pages, entering his world. You were so deep that you didn't hear the sound of the bell echoing through the store and the footsteps approaching you. So much so that you didn't realize the presence of someone else next to you, until he took the book from your hands.
“What?” You murmured surprised.
“What book is it this time, angel?” That piercing voice and charming nickname pierced your skin and made your pulse race.
With his wide smile, where two dimples were drawn on each side and his white hair, you felt yourself melt. You felt a small blush spread across your cheeks as you remembered the heated night you spent together and the promise he threw into the air to spend this night together again.
He shook his head and corrected you. “Satoru. I told you right?”
“Yes, but we are in public.” You said, feeling shy.
“There is no one else in the library angel. I told the lady to leave.” He leaned close to your ear and whispered. “It’s just you and me, angel.”
His breath hitting your ear caused your legs to feel like jelly and your body to weaken for an instant. Satoru noticed it and smirked to himself, holding you from the waist and crashing both of your bodies together, he started to leave wet kisses on your neck.
You squeezed your legs together as you noticed how the tingling and heat began to arise in that area. That was embarrassing but it felt too good and you didn't want it to stop. Satoru lowered his hand and gently squeezed your thigh causing a moan to escape your lips.
“I wonder how wet you are under this beautiful dress of yours?” He whispered to your ear, raising your dress little by little.
“S-Satoru…” You moaned as you felt his fingertips getting closer to your upper thigh.
“What angel? Tell me…” He said kissing your neck.
You gasp feeling his cold hand grabbing your thigh. “I…” You needed something, you needed his touch, his fingers, him. You needed to feel like last night. “Please Satoru…” You murmured under your shaky breath.
“What angel? Just say it.” He smiled against your hot skin.
“Touch me…”
Satoru grinned and started touching your pussy above your underwear, you could feel that with each touch you were getting wetter and wetter. Satoru with his fingers separated the fabric and carefully gently inserted his fingers. Having two of his fingers inside you caused you to lose your balance and lean against one of the shelves behind you.
His fingers were thicker and longer than yours, they penetrated your interior, causing your walls to open before them. He moved his fingers inside you as if it were almost natural for him, causing every part of your body to vibrate under his touch.
Every time you felt wetter, hotter, more eager. Satoru was introducing you to a forbidden world full of lust.
“Satoru…” You felt your walls opening as he introduced a third finger. “Oh…”
You felt so full, it was painful at first but your walls adjusted to him with every movement of his hand.
“You are about to cum right?” He whispered.
“Mhmm…” You nodded, feeling your cunt trembling with each movement around Satoru’s fingers.
Finally with a push against your walls you came on his fingers, more intensely than yesterday. Satoru with a smile took his fingers out of you and tasted them, you blushed when you saw his act.
“So good my dear.” He said before kissing you.
“Satoru.” He hummed against your lips. “My parents are out today, we… we could be together.”
“You want us to be together at the house?” You nodded feeling how your cheeks turned red once again. “My sweet angel, aren’t you the most beautiful?” He said pinching your cheeks. “Alright but let’s walk around the market.”
“But what if someone…”
“Angel. I know no one knows who you really are.” You closed your mouth. “The daughter of the richest man of this town is a mystery for everyone, that’s why you are able to walk around so freely because no one knows who you are.” He closed the distance between you. “And no one knows you I am, so let’s walk around without caring and then head home where I will undress you in your bedroom and make love to you.”
You gasped at his words and felt your body burning hot. Satoru shook your world with every word, every gesture and every act he did. Not only your world, your heart also looked agitated and became increasingly agitated.
Satoru gently grabbed your hand and guided you out of the bookstore, together you began to walk through the market, going unnoticed and feeling completely free.
“You want one?” Satoru whispered to your ear.
“Huh?” You looked at him confused, you were daydreaming about your feeling for Satoru that you totally forgot about your reality.
“A cake, you want one?” He pointed to them.
“Oh…” You were actually a bit hungry but mother would scold you if she knew. “I’m fine.” You smiled at him.
Satoru held your gaze for a moment and then turned away. “Two of these cakes please.” You looked at him surprised and tried to stop him. "Thank you." He took the two cakes and turned to you with a smile. “Here, you'll like it, you'll see.”
“But…” You said, feeling the weight of the words on your shoulders. "I don't want to."
“You don't want to or you can't?” He questioned you with a serious look.
“I’m not hungry.” You tried to lie.
“Angel, you are with me.” He said with his tone firm. “You don’t have to contain yourself and if you want to eat this then do it.”
You took the cake and look at it, feeling your stomach roar. Hesitantly you took a bite of the cake and felt in heaven. You couldn't remember the last time you had eaten something sweet.
“That’s my girl.” He said proudly.
You blushed momentarily at Satoru's nickname, didn't he get tired of treating you with so much affection and causing your stomach to do a dance of butterflies? He grabbed your hand again and you continued walking, until finally Rose saw you and approached you.
“My lady.” She bowed and then looked at Satoru. “Duke Gojo, hello.” She once again bowed at him.
“My lady, I think we should head back home.” She smiled at you.
“Oh… yeah sure.” You nodded.
Your hand was still under Satoru’s touch, he wouldn’t let your hand go even if Rose was there. The three of you walked back to the house. When you were near the house Satoru stopped dead and let go of your hand. You turned to look at him, confused by his sudden action.
“I better go somewhere else, angel.” He said moving closer to your cheek and leaving your kiss on it. “See you now in your room.” He whispered against your skin making all your hair stand on end.
Satoru left before you could say anything, you watched his back walk away until he finally disappeared from your sight. You felt an emptiness in your heart, you wanted to hold his hand again and have him close to you. But it would only be a few minutes and you would be together.
You turned around and saw Rose smiling at you. "What…?" You whispered, embarrassed.
“You just look happy, my lady. I’m happy to see it."
You nodded blushing. “Thank you…” You began to walk towards the entrance of the house, while your heart was beating strongly in your chest. “Rose, when we get home, make sure no one comes near my room.” Rose nodded. “Only you can approach in case my parents return early.”
“It's okay my lady.”
You entered the house and were greeted by some of the employees, looking at Rose you communicated silently and Rose ordered that no one bother you during the day, nor that they come near your room. Cautiously you went up to the room, meeting the figure of the man who was changing your entire world.
You closed the door, making the click of the key sound through the room. You swallowed hard as you realized what you were going to do. You turned on your heels and Satoru was looking at you with a smile and his jacket already off.
“I love that dress of yours, angel, but I would prefer to see you without anything on.” His husky voice echoed the room, sending chills down your spine.
You looked down at your dress and taking a deep breath, you released the tie behind your dress and took off the straps, letting the dress fall to the floor.
The sun streamed through the window, making it impossible to hide yourself since the room was extremely bright. Satoru gently approached you and cradled your face in his hands.
“You are so damn beautiful.” He said before starting to devour your lips.
You couldn't get enough of his kisses, his flavor and his warmth, they were addictive and you wanted them in every part of your being.
Satoru picked you up and carried you to your bed where he gently left you. Looking at you with eager eyes he began to remove your underwear leaving you completely naked.
You felt embarrassed as you stood completely naked before him. He had already seen your breasts and touched you down there, but having his hungry eyes look at you like they did at that moment was different.
Satoru also started to undress himself and you swallowed seeing him completely naked before you. Your body was burning and you wanted it to be touched by the man in front of you.
“I will be gentle, okay?” He murmured, holding his member with his hand and lining it up with your entrance.
You just nodded, still trembling about what was going to happen in that room. Satoru carefully began to introduce his member into you and you noticed how your walls opened, causing you to close your eyes against the pain that that new sensation was causing you.
Satoru rested his forehead against yours and began to whisper to you. “It's okay angel. The pain will soon go away.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and felt how he entered you more and more until he stopped.
“When you’re ready I'll move, okay?” He placed a soft kiss on your temple.
Your chest rose and fell heavingly as you tried to get used to Satoru's member. Your body was burning completely and you needed more. You always believed that when your first time happened, you would feel dirty but at that moment and as the hands of the clock moved you felt better and better.
“Move…” You whispered against his lips. “Please Satoru.”
“Alright my angel.” He smiled.
And that's when he started to move inside you and you swore you could touch the sky with your fingers. Each thrust was better than the last. You rolled your eyes back feeling the immense pleasure that Satoru was causing in you.
His member came and went in, again and again and with each one of them the moans from your lips became louder and louder.
Satoru began to leave kisses down your neck until he reached your breasts where he attacked them with bites and pinches.
“Satoru…” You moaned, when with his free hand started to play with your clit, giving you even more pleasure than before.
Your face was soaked with sweat and tears of pleasure that fell from your eyes. If you continued at that pace you would reach your climax right away.
“You are such a bad girl, my lovely angel.” He smirked looking at you. “Moaning out loud like that, when everyone could hear you.” He approached your face with a mischievous smile on his face. “Is that what you want, angel? Do you want everyone to hear how I fuck you and how much you enjoy it?”
You moaned at his words. “Ah… Satoru please.”
“What angel?” He smiled. “Tell me.”
“Don’t stop please.” You hugged him, feeling your bodies become one.
Satoru began to move faster and harder making your entire body simply vibrate with each thrust. With each of his movements you could feel his member throbbing inside you, just as you were about to reach his climax.
Satoru grabbed your hips and sat you on him, causing his member to penetrate you even deeper and sending shockwaves throughout your body. You grabbed onto his shoulders and instinctively moved your hips, wanting to climax.
Moans filled the room as you bounced on him up and down, feeling how every inch of your interior was getting filled.
A moan died in your throat as you came on his member, Satoru kept thrusting until he finally came inside of you too. For a few moments neither of you moved, you stayed hugging his body and Satoru stayed with his head resting on your shoulder trying to catch his breath.
He carefully pulled out of you and lay down next to you. With your faces looking at each other you smiled, feeling a peace that you hadn't felt in a long time.
“I love you…” You murmured without any hesitation, you didn't want to keep that feeling to yourself for much longer.
Satoru looked at you surprised for a moment, but then his features relaxed and he smiled widely to move closer to you and plant a soft kiss on your lips. “Me too my angel.”
That day you fell asleep hugging each other, with your skin completely touching. You felt that after that your whole ordeal in that house would end, that nothing would matter anymore and that if you were with Satoru everything would be fine.
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🏷️: @catobsessedlady @zoeyflower @satoracyxys @lavender-hvze @slashersgirlypop @tinydonkeysforlife @oddball08
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perictione00 · 7 months
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Ch 4: Lost
Pairing: Geto Suguru x reader
Warning: Mentions of death and mental degeneration.
Synopsis: You left the Jujutsu World behind the moment the source of your warmth turned cold. So what happens when you come face to face with that one episode in your life that you wanted to obliterate? Simple, you reap what you sow.
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Ch 3
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It was so lonely. Life became so monotonous, so stagnant. You had no classmates or friends. You had stopped talking to Shoko and Gojo after Suguru left. After Gojo blamed you for driving his best friend insane. He wasn't wrong, but you didn't want things to turn out this way. The guilt of his parents' deaths, innocent civilians who loved him unconditionally, was taking a toll on you. The blood was on your hands, and you were drowning. There were constant voices in your head, telling you to let go and be free, but somehow you knew that you could never let that happen. You could never let go. The nightmares were back, but this time it didn't feel like it was the doing of any curse but yourself.
The incident hadn't only disturbed you, but it had Yaga questioning his ability to teach. How was he so blind to the suffering of his student? He regrets not asking Geto about his sudden weight loss or how hopeless his eyes looked when he was assigning him to his last mission. He had been so busy making his students capable that it took him too long to notice their volatile mental states. But not again. He's never going to lose another student of his to a lowly curse or an unacceptable ideology. He knew that he couldn't help people who didn't want to be helped, but in your case, the least he could do was try. And just like that, he noticed your deteriorating condition right away. The dark circles under your eyes, the paranoia in your body language. You were not present in the moment. It was obvious that something was wrong with you. His suspicions were proven right when you didn't respond to your name being called out twice.
"What's on your mind?" He asked, walking closer to you. Yaga was a man of few words, but he was willing to open up to his students if that was what it took to help them.
"Huh-oh, nothing". You replied absent-mindedly. The nightmares were getting out of hand. It felt like they were melting into your reality. Were you really surrounded by curses? Did one of them latch on to you? With every passing second, you were losing touch with reality.
"Suguru was troubled. He was already on edge. It's not your fault that he left. He had no one, but you do. You can talk to me anytime about anything that's troubling you."
His multiple attempts to understand you and his consoling words were falling on deaf ears. Maybe it was your fault. Everything turned foggy the moment he abandoned you. How could you not blame yourself when his actions reflected your conversations with him? Were you wrong to entertain such thoughts? Should you have tried harder to change his perspective? It was confusing to have to deal with everything all of a sudden. Was this how he felt when he was alone?
You went to a restaurant for a change of scenery. The same one where you tried new things with Suguru. It was an unconscious decision, and you didn't realize it until you took a seat. You were alone. You had never been alone at this restaurant. Was everyone looking at you? Were they pitying you for sitting alone? Should you start doing something on your cellphone to appear busy? Why was there so much noise in your head? People were talking too loudly. Were they screaming too, or was it all in your head? Was that curse staring at you? Why were you feeling like throwing up? Your heart's not beating normally. Your vision is turning bloody. What-?
"Here's your order—are you ok? Do you need anything? Please wait. I'll come with some water." The waitress said this as she ran to the counter.
You didn't know that you were sweating profoundly and breathing abnormally, basically hyperventilating. Your head was aching like hell, your throat was literally a desert, and you were trembling. Why was this happening right now, of all times? You didn't want more eyes on you. The feeling of utter helplessness and embarrassment was too much to bear. Fuck, your nose was bleeding. Why are the tissues so far out of reach? The voices were louder than ever.
It's them. It's all because of them. Kill them; you'll feel better, I promise.
They're looking at you. They're all looking at you.
No. Please stop.
You killed his parents. You wanted him to kill his parents.
Look at that kid laughing at you. Let's melt it.
Let go. Let go now.
Tears were streaming down your face. You were losing it. You wanted to stop thinking. You wanted to go back home. You wanted your parents.
"Hey. I'm here. I've got you." Suguru reassured you as he pulled you to his chest, shielding your body. He knew it the moment he felt it. This had happened before, your meltdown. The enormous amount of familiar cursed energy that he felt was leaking from this building attracted many 2nd grade curses in your direction. He wondered what would've happened had he not been here. In no way was he here to protect the unworthy souls that were crowding this place. He was here for you.
"What-...what? Are you real?" The shock was evident in your voice. You were sobbing, and your eyes were begging for his existence to be true, yet at the same time, you didn't know how to face him. How was he here? What was he doing here?
"You need to come with me right now." It was wrong. He should've been helping you, but instead here he was, requesting that you follow him.
"This is not real. No. God, please."
"Hey, hey, I'm here; I'm real. We need to get out of here." You were shivering, covering your ears with your hands. A few more minutes, and the curse energy surge would alert a nearby sorcerer.
"Here, please help yourself with some wat-" Finally, it was all silent.
Screams erupted in the cafe as the head of the waitress exploded, splattering blood everywhere. You had done it. You had crossed every limit, and there's no going back now. A broken smile decorated your hopeless face. In this moment, you had lost everything. How did it come to this? You didn't give in, so why was this happening to you? Were you never in control to begin with? What a fucking joke!
"It's okay. It's going to be okay. Come on, please." Suguru led your trembling form out of the cafe. He knew what you were going through. He knew that this incident was going to scar you forever. However, he does not regret it. He does not regret blind siding you. He does not regret killing the waitress. Geto Suguru was a kind man, but he was a man nonetheless. So when it came to you, he was shamelessly selfish.
Ch 5
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hollow-lime-green · 8 months
[JJK Fic] it's not gay unless the domains touch - chapter 4
Satosugu, Shokohime(!)
Miscommunication, Slow Burn, indescribable levels of obliviousness, also: gal pals!
Rated T
6k words (20.2k total) (Ch 4/6)
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graysongraysoff · 7 months
writing pattern game
tagged by @boltlightning thank you SO so much 💗💗💗💗💗
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works* or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
*gonna exclude co-written works/rp adaptations unless i was the one to write the opening post for obvious reasons hehe
1. red and red and rust-red
bungo stray dogs | soukoku | 328 words | major character death | in the small room/land of inhuman demons spoilers
It was the brilliant burst of red from the bullet hole between Dazai's eyes that brought Chuuya roaring back into control of his conscious mind, and he shot twice more on reflex before the rest of his body caught up.
2. like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume
bungo stray dogs | soukoku | 6.5k words
Chuuya is burning away like a dying star, and he feels fucking fantastic.
3. Your hands are red from holding tight.
jujutsu kaisen | megumi fushiguro & satoru gojo | 885 words | major character death | ch. 212: the ripening pt. 2 spoilers
When Megumi finally spoke — not Sukuna but Megumi — his voice was a sleepy murmur that tugged at Satoru’s heart.
4. maybe i'll call you mine
jujutsu kaisen | satosugu | 3k words
Shoko is so pissed about how the mission went that she's refusing to patch Suguru and Satoru back up with her reversed cursed technique.
5. Shadow Puppets
jujutsu kaisen | megumi fushiguro & tsumiki fushiguro & satoru gojo | 4.5k words
The day Megumi summoned the Divine Dogs for the first time, a storm had knocked out the Fushiguros' power, so Megumi and Tsumiki had piled pillows and blankets on the living room floor while Gojo lit candles and placed them safely out of reach around the room.
6. Three Unspoken Messages and Three Words Left Unsaid
bungo stray dogs | osamu dazai & sakunosuke oda | 2k words | major character death
"Got an early start," Sakunosuke Oda commented, sitting in his usual place beside the young Osamu Dazai, whose empty whiskey glass was being replaced with a fresh one.
7. Exorcise My Mind
jujutsu kaisen | megumi fushiguro & tsumiki fushiguro & satoru gojo | 10k words
"I think we should clean out Mom and Dad's room."
8. Ulterior Motives
bungo stray dogs | soukoku | 261 words
"Is that my shirt?"
9. A stranger whose laugh I would recognize anywhere
jujutsu kaisen | satosugu | 700 words (exactly!)
"I didn't expect you to show," Suguru tells Satoru softly, eyes glinting.
10. December 7, 2007
jujutsu kaisen | megumi fushiguro & tsumiki fushiguro & satoru gojo | 842 words
On the surface, Satoru's 18th birthday wasn't much different than the others he'd celebrated since he started at Jujutsu High.
okay so i actually did go back and look at my post from the last time i did a similar exercise, and i'm pleased to report that i am giving a lot more variety these days, lol. one of my reflections was also that i "should try to open with dialogue more," so it's good to see that i took that to heart! i think i manage to do a pretty good job of dropping the reader into situations without the almost formulaic "___ had been ___" style openings i used to do a lot of, too.
i like that a lot of these opening lines manage to introduce not only the setting but also the vibes, like how the characters are feeling/seeming in the moment the reader joins them.
my favorite is definitely "Chuuya is burning away like a dying star, and he feels fucking fantastic." i have been stupid-proud of that sentence since the moment i typed it, lol.
now i shall tag: @antique-romantic and @pyrrhlc, if you are in need of a little tag game!
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