#jin x read
petricorah · 7 months
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🍃 couldn't decide on which of jin's hairstyles i liked best so i combined them [id in alt]
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ugh-yoongi · 6 months
hi!! i miss jin sm😭😭do u have any fic recs i could read in such a time?
hi nonnie! i also miss him very much, so i hope these fics can make you feel a lil better <3
most of these works contain mature themes/content. please heed tags and do not engage with any explicit work if you are a minor!
(also pls note i am doing this at work and we are slammed so there are a ton i've forgot. i'll come back and update this when i have a bit more time, but until then, please feel free to reblog with your own favorites!)
seokjin x reader
all you're giving me is friction by @hot-soop
last christmas by @xjoonchildx
meet me at the bar by @eoieopda
come sail away by @the-boy-meets-evil
distraction by @here2bbtstrash
taming of the bridezilla by @cinnaminsvga
play hard by @honeymoonjin
for you, anything by @gukyi
sugar by @wwilloww
aubade by @junghelioseok
on the ropes by @raplinesmoon
christmas warfare by @gimmethatagustd
i'm all yours by @sailoryooons
decent by @hamsterclaw
as always, member x member fics (aka me being namjin/yoonjin trash) under the cut!
member x member
beneath the moon by @yoongiphoria (namjin)
the restitution coefficient by @effortandmore (namjin)
these four walls (yoonjin)
look (yoonjin)
telepathy for virgins (2seok)
kkotkkoji (namjin)
beta tau sigma (namjin)
a calendar in one color (yoonjin)
salt water (namjin ft. jk)
concluding remarks (yoonjin)
breaking the soulbond (yoonjin)
somewhere you can meet me (yoonjin)
acts of service (yoonjin)
C:\PAIRINGS\YoonJin\Date_A.exe (yoonjin)
the rightish reasons (yoonjin)
local dumbass idiot helps sexy criminal and then writes sad bird poems instead of just saying Yes Seokjin I Like You Too (namjin)
easy (namjin)
and they were roommates (namjin)
a sociolinguistic analysis of epenthesis in academic convergence (namjin)
worldwide lonesome (yoonjin)
the vagabond (yoonjin)
a breach of protocol (namjin)
wish you were instead (jinmin)
everything moves on (namjin)
kim seokjin, professional miracle (yoonjin)
more walls (collected along the way) (namjin)
smile like you mean it (2seok)
bloom (jinkook)
bated breath (2seok)
cherub vice (jinkook)
imprints & magnitude (namjin)
we were written in the stars (jinmin)
two bros, chillin in the gay club (2seok)
i wouldn't know where to start (yoonjin)
inc. (yoonjin)
fake sugar (jinkook)
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messier-jin · 1 year
Trust Me!
I’m here to elaborate on my touch starved Knives with a reader who has “physical touch” as their love language. It’s been a while since I wrote anything in English so I’m sorry in advance if I’m rusty...
I’m hope you’ll enjoy these headcanons!
Content warning: gender neutral reader, maybe OOC, physical affection, skin-to-skin contact, fluff in general.
Song I listened to while writing: Trust Me! by DREAMCATCHER.
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Knives does not like being touched. Or more precisely, he never lets anyone touch him. You, on the other hand, touching is how you prove someone you care about them, reassuring them with your presence and gentle touches.
The first time where, out of habit, you reached out toward Knives to place your hand against his back, you did not have to time to come closer enough that he stopped you. “Don’t.” A simple word which sounded like a warning.
As frustrating as it was, not matter how much you wanted to pat his back, no matter how much you wanted to give him a hug, no matter how much you just wanted to even bump your shoulder against his, you did not. You were patient and accepted his boundaries.
Well, until one day, where you found Knives fuming, alone in a room. It was not the first time you ran across him, isolating himself as he mumbled things about his brother, humans, “that woman”... And with intimidating aura around him, nobody dared to come near, scared to lose a limb or worse.
But this very day, you decided to move. You called out his name in a gentle voice. And before he had the time to reject you, you extended your hand and tenderly patted his head, promising that everything would be okay.
And at this very moment, time stopped from Knives. His eyes were focused on you and only you. He felt the tension leave his body. He never realized how much he needed the comforting pat (not that he would ever admit it anyway).
From this moment on, Knives has never rejected your touch ever again. He accepts every touch you offer, and inconsciously leans into it.
Placing your hand against his back when you leaned over to grab something? Yes. Casual bumps on his shoulder? He accepts them. You playing with his hands and fingers when you’re talking with him? Please, do. Giving him goodnight cheek kisses when you head to bed? He melts on the spot. A goodbye hug each time you have to go working? He does not want you to stop.
Knives got used to your physical affection faster that he thought he would, quickly becoming addicted to it. He even complained that one time you were sicked and you were the one refusing to touch him to not give him your germs. “I can’t get sick. Come.”
With time, Knives would start to initiate the touches himself. Except that his ones were more daring, as I can picture him liking skin-to-skin contact (in a not sexual way).
Sometimes, when you go to bed, Knives follows you to lay down and has some rest, even if he does not need it as much as you. He slips his hand under the top of your pajamas to place it against your belly, gently stroking the skin there.
When he feels more comfortable with the idea, his hand moves up to rest on your chest, just above your heart. He just likes to feel your heart beating under his hand. And with your permission, he would lay his head against your chest to listen to your beating heart (with or without your top on, but this man has his preference for without because, once again, skin-to-skin contact). And if you were to gently play with his hair, caressing his scalp with your fingers at the same time, he would just melt in your hands.
(Also, if someone dares to come and bother you two during these kind of moments, Knives would destroy them on the spot, no question asked).
All in all, Knives would never admit how much he fell in love with your gentle touches, nor how much he actually craves your physical affection and seeks it when you’re not here to offer him any... But it’s obvious he loves it. After all, you’re the only one who can touch him.
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jessfandrawer · 1 year
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Part 1/3
Picking a hairstyle for Zuko took more effort than it should've. The topknot with sidelocks looks not so great, but the little low ponytail is working out nicely.
For all the comic readers wondering where the Kiyoshi warriors are (since they're Zuko's bodyguards) . . . maybe they have the day off too? I went with more basic Earthbenders because they are easier to draw, blend into the background better, and I also made up a little head-canon that Iroh employs retired Earth Army vets as his teashop security.
This is a Tale of Zuko reunion comic. I will be using their ship tags, but did my best to allow for romantic and platonic interpretations. If you ship it, you can see this as a possible beginning to a further relationship. If not, you can see this as two people getting a small bit of closure.
Part 2
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mossy-opal · 7 months
Jin Sandwich
Jin Bubaigawara x Reader
Trigger Warnings: Smut. The title is self explanatory- IT'S SHORT
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It was his idea to begin with, and who are you to deny him what he wants? Besides, it was a good idea after all. All he needed to do was have confidence in himself, while he watched you two kiss.
After all, it's not as if it's someone else kissing you, groping you, making you moan. Well, technically it's not someone else.
It's still him, just a clone.
So while he watched himself grind on you, his scruffy face red with blush while his shaky hands grabbed your ass, holding you closer to him.
This was a great idea, Jin thought to himself while he moved towards you and his clone, making himself comfortable behind you. Soon, you were on your hands and knees, Jin thrusting into you with a bruising grip on your hips. Your moans and whines were drowned out by his own, that and the cock shoved down your throat. His clone had your head in his hand, his hips thrusting every so often, his shaking even worse while he felt himself get closer to that euphoria- Was this really happening? How was- This is all so much to- Oh god!
Jins eyes widened while his clone grit his teeth and cried in ecstasy, before it fell apart and melted. You started coughing, unable to swallow the muck that appeared in your mouth. Jin immediately pulled out of you and put himself away to fret about you, before you laughed, still coughing. He laughed as well, the mood being long gone while you two laughed hysterically with each other.
Well, Jin learned something new about his clones.
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No Tags, I couldn't be asked.
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lyomeii · 1 year
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-> warning: yandere theme, death, gender neutral reader, spoiler from the ending!, angst(?)
-> request by anon! Hello! First off, YOUR BLOG IS SO CUTE I LOVE IT!!!! ❤️❤️ Secondly, if it's not to much trouble, can I request Sung Jin Woo with a reader that regresses? Like, they're not very strong(bc that's the price of their ability) but everytime he or they die, they regress back to the D-dungeon incident. They also can't talked much, because of censorship from the system. But every regression they've loved him even when he doesn't! Thank you and have a lovely day!!!
-> a/n: I loved writing this one!!! with the idea of a regressor reader with Jinwoo not only make this a tragic romance with fluff and sweet moment but also angst :) my fault that I am no longer active as I used to, school is killing me :/ but I am doing better now
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-> sometimes you don’t recall the last time you felt real pain. of course, some cuts and bruises happen in your days for the most simplest reasons, but you don’t remember any more attempts to clean the little injuries neither patching the bruises along your skin, that don’t really matter knowing that your life will happen again in a few seconds.
-> jinwoo failed to save the world this time, like many times, leaving the place what you called home in ruins and chaos. Poor boy, doesn’t he know that still fighting all the monarchs wouldn’t changing nothing? He has no knowledge of what you have experienced for the last few years, none else know and you can’t never tell anyone about it.
-> when the last attack from one of the monarchs hit Jinwoo’s chest, making him finally defeated after fighting for so long, you just closed your eyes for a few moments while sitting to a closer bench that gave you a good place to witness the fight. Can you say that he got closer this time? Nah, that would be weird, you did gene try to met him this time, leaving him to get closer to that girl… Maybe next time, you should try to date him again.
-> after minutes, finally opening your eyes to notice that you are once again inside your office, ready to leave after writing an article about the weather ( writing it so many times made you wonder if you should try a new job this live ). Is this the seventeenth time you are living this? Probably, you stop counting after a while. What a terrible power you got.
-> whatever you or Jinwoo died or he fails to save the world, the time is reset and brings you back to the day he change his life completely and your too. When he wakes up from and realize that he has to change his life to become the greatest hunter of all time, you need to find a way to secure to not die this time neither him…. You can’t handle dying again and again, over and over. Not to mention the many times you tried to look to a way to lose the power and in the end, you kept dying or being using for tests.
-> stood up from your seat, you grabbed your belongings and left the building with the intention of going home and spend the rest of your day there, and probably ask to renounce from job and to search for another one, it’s getting boring writing the many articles from memories, let’s try something new this time.
-> arriving home, you look to your neighbor’s door, there is where Jinwoo and his sister lives in all your seventeenth lifes, that how you know him and about his works as a Hunter. Every morning, you and him would meet up either on the front door or so did the elevator, where a small conversation happen and another one, that kept occurring til the day he finally asked you out after the incident, leading you two becoming a couple.
-> it was nice, you admitted it, however after witnessing him dying over again changed your mind really fast. The relationship is probably one the main reasons why he didn’t train as hard to deafest the monarchs, making him failing all those times and now, you are looking forward to your friendship with Jinwoo don’t change at all… it will be better if you just ignore him for now.
-> quit your office job to join a coffee shop, one that is getting popular recently, meaning that you have to leave home earlier to prepare the many desserts and drinks, also that make you unable to meet with Jinwoo, a win. Might be overworking, but the sensation of the freshly candies out the oven and the smell of coffee make it all worth, not to mention the lovely coworkers and clients you got closer, this time you are feeling that Jinwoo will defeat the monarchs, you are sure of that.
-> with the work going smoothly as you expected in the last days, you decided to create a new drink to attract more clients and getting the coffee shop more fame in the social medias, a simple plan that did work after all. The lines got bigger and your coworkers were impressed of your idea, all of them congratulated you for helping them since the day you began working here and in return asked if you would like to go home earlier as a little reward, but you denied, saying that you love working here and there is no problem to stay behind to clean part by yourself. They were little worried of all working, but with your big smile, they let you work.
-> by yourself, you start cleaning the place with the mob and packing up the food that didn’t sold to give to the shelter nearby, it’s getting darker meaning the chances of someone entering the shop are low, but never zero and when the classic bell rang, you are meet with familiar faces that you didn’t want to, Jinwoo and Jinah entering the shop.
-> they look so happy and their smile only grown bigger the instant both of them notice you. Jinah didn’t hesitate to run and almost dropping into the ground with a hug and kisses spread around your face. You are happy to see her and to feel her touch once again, but her brother standing behind the gentle girl is what scare you the most.
-> jinah ordered for some dessert and went to eat it somewhat in the store, leaving you to talk with Jinwoo alone after spending so much time far away from him, trying to not seeing his face anymore, only in the news. But guess destiny had others plans that make you two met once again in this life.
-> you were supposed to take him out after Jinah finished her desserts and say that neither of them needed to pay it, but the girl was longer gone (how you never noticed it?), leaving you without options, you have to talk with Jinwoo after months of not seeing him.
-> Jinwoo began speaking quite fast, starting with the the incident that occurred in that dungeon and how he managed to get stronger, taller and gain his fame as a S-Hunter. Might look he is putting himself on a pedestal with telling everything that is related to him, yet he is trying his best to impress you, but isn’t working.
-> your eyes didn’t change neither your neutral expression that keep bothering him since he first step inside the cafe and his heart almost broken when you asked him to leave if he don’t order anything, adding that you need to close the shop before it’s get to dangerous to return home. That truly hurt his heart.
-> he panicked hearing your words, how the two of you became so distant from another? Why you keep ignoring him even with him trying to reconnect with you with many attempts of showing his true feelings towards the person he cares, loves and desire the most! He wants to experience all those dates that he kept dreaming with you! He needs to make you understand his feelings!
-> before you could leave, Jinwoo grabbed you by the waist and made you entered his arms (too strong to leave his embrace), not losing any second or letting you think, he placed a kiss on your forehead while speaking all those sweet words he always wanted to say, telling you of those dreams he kept having, meaning that you are destined to be with him, he can’t let you go away like before.
-> this was supposed to be a good moment between you and him. You are supposed to be happy and accept his feelings and began dating him, yet those dreams he said to have are actually dates that you had with him in past lifes, how he can remember that? That doesn’t really matter, you need to leave him to never see his face anymore, you have to tell him that… but why you can’t speak a word?
-> looking around, you notice the many shadows staring at you, making you feel scared and anxiously, are they going to hurt you? You tried voicing your thoughts to Jinwoo, explaining to him that he needs to leave alone forever, but nothing happen again and slowly your mind made you closer your eyes and succumb into his arms.
-> no worries, when you open your eyes, you will wake up somewhere safe and peaceful at his side, Jinwoo will take care of everything in your name, he give you anything you desire as long you stay at his side.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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hot-soop · 7 months
don't let me tempt you / ch.1
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pairing: angel!seokjin x angel!f.reader ⇢ au: Good Omens universe (none of the characters or the plot are mentioned so this fic can be read without knowing anything of Good Omens) ⇢ genre: forbidden romance, friends 2 lovers, comedy(?), fluff, eventual smut (not in this chapter) ⇢ summary: Seokjin is temporarily banished from Heaven and you're not all that good at paperwork. ⇢ chapter wc: 4.5k ⇢ rating: fic rating is explicit/18+ for eventual smut; chapter rating is 16 & up bc they're the equivalent of ken dolls rn, but minors please DNI anyway. This isn't for you. ⇢ chapter warnings: LOTS of religious imagery bc this is set in the Good Omens universe and there's gonna be a bunch of biblical references, but please remember that this isn't meant to be accurate. Author is an atheist. Author did next to no research on calendars that pre-date the Georgian one bc she is lazy and can't do maths. Swearing. If there's any tags you think I'm missing, please let me know - I'd hate to be the cause of any upset or discomfort &lt;3 ⇢ a/n: thank u to my beloveds @the-boy-meets-evil and @ugh-yoongi for reading this over and thinking my babies are cute. thank u to my angel @effortandmore for your encouragement! Ur all cute too. Ily
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1106 BC
Time in 1106 BC follows some kind of construct that the author has not deemed necessary to research, but if the Georgian calendar (or indeed days of the week) had been invented, the day our story begins would be in mid April, on a Tuesday, around 3pm. 
The weather in Heaven is, as you would expect, perfect. The company is not.
“Sorry to bring you in here like this,” you say, as the thirteenth angel of the day takes a seat on the other side of your desk.
There’s a spiel to this. Angels have a tendency to lean towards the dramatic, so you’ve learned the ways of ‘softening the blow’, as the humans call it. Doling out God’s punishments wasn’t your preferred assignment, but it’s the role that was dropped in your lap after you quit the last - and you’re not in a position to refuse Her again. Here goes another. 
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news but-”
“Let me guess,” the other angel interjects. “She’s demoting me?”
This is unusual. The angels know God’s wrath, but they’re usually surprised to find out when said wrath is directed toward them specifically. Not this one, he’s sitting there, arms crossed, foot tapping impatiently, waiting for you to rip off the bandaid. 
“Uhh. A temporary banishment actually.”
He stares at you. “It was only a little miracle.” 
“Three very large miracles, I’ll have you know. We’re not supposed to be bringing people back from the dead anymore.”
“Since when?” he asks, rather like a petulant human toddler. 
You frown. “Since protocol changed - didn’t you read the memo?” The angel shakes his head. “God’s decided to save those types of miracles for someone really special in-” You pause to check your watch “- a thousand years, give or take a century.” 
“Special how?” The angel asks, sitting up a little straighter. 
“You know we’re not told details of The Great Plan.” You flip the file shut. “Well, it seems like you know the issue at hand, and there’s little else to discuss-”
There’s a look of unease creeping over his assigned face that gives you pause. His fingertips drum on his knee. Too human for a heavenly body. “Are you alright?”
“She’s not- they’re not going to cut-”
“Oh! Goodness no,” you’re quick to reassure. “Oh no, you’d have to do something really awful for that, like, question her authority like Lucifer did.” His laugh comes out like a bark, and you’re confused because it wasn’t a joke. “No, but I am terribly sorry to say that you’re being sentenced to four-hundred years on Earth.”
He blinks twice. “Excuse me?”
“Four-hundred years - horrid, I know. But God does say the punishment must fit the deed-”
You’re interrupted again, this time by the kind of laughter that starts as disbelief and quickly has his shoulders shaking and tears rolling down his cheeks. Most unusual. 
“You’re telling me I get to spend near half a century on Earth?”
“What do you mean ‘get to’?” The thought of even spending ten years in such a place sends shivers right through your wings. “You won’t be able to return to heaven at all during that time. No correspondence with anyone, unless of course we contact you first.” He’s positively glowing and you can’t understand it. “You’ll have to live amongst humans-”
He’s standing now, moving to the screen and zooming in on earth. “Can I pick where?”
You move to stand next to him. He’s zoomed in so far, you can’t quite tell where it’s supposed to be. In truth, you spend very little time looking over God’s preferred planet, choosing instead to focus on the vastness of the universe in all its glory. You prefer the stars and the galaxies and all of their colours. 
“May I?”
“Sorry, I don’t understand.”
“Can I choose where to live? Will I have a role?” 
There’s nothing like this in the training manual. No one ever has these questions. They’re too busy crying, wailing for another chance to stay in heaven, let alone look excited as this one does. 
“I suppose you could,” you say slowly. “And no - there’s no role.” You wait for the penny to drop, but he doesn’t seem to get it. “Pointlessness is the point of this sentence.”
Wonder breaks out in his expression, and he turns back to the screen and zooms in on a peninsular you’ve never noticed before. “Can you drop me here?”
“Where’s here?”
“Good people.” His smile spreads wide. “Good food.”
You gasp. “You’ve consumed their provisions? You’ve eaten?”
He looks at you in shock. “You haven’t?”
Of course you flaming haven’t! Even if you could stomach it - how in heaven would you get the opportunity to dine on Earth, what with all the work piling up in your pigeonhole and the lack of angels rights to paid time off, not to mention a union?
Your expression must say it all because he laughs again and says, “Well then visit me sometime, I’ll cook for you.” 
“You’re very peculiar.”
“Yes,” he says with a shrug. “I get that a lot.” 
You move back over to the desk to complete the rest of the paperwork while he stands there, still looking at the map with a satisfied smile.
After a few moments, he says, “I’ll need a name if I’m to live with humans.”
You find his given name at the top of the page. Soterasiel. 
“What’s wrong with the one you’ve got?”
He shrugs again. “Doesn’t quite roll off the tongue for everyone.”
“I hear John is rather popular these days,” you muse, still checking boxes. “And Abraham. Or what about Jos-”
“Bless you.”
“No, I mean- Seokjin.” He moves to sit back down. You don’t quite like it, the way he walks, like he’s got a bravado he hasn’t done anything to earn - rather the opposite in fact, given his grievous error in judgement. “That’s my new name.” 
“Oh-” You glance up at him. “It suits you.”
Seokjin beams. He’s quiet for the next few moments, but you can sense his eagerness as he watches your fingertip move down the page. When all the documents are signed, you show him over to the chute, and he peers into it.
“This is the one-way?” 
You nod. “We’ll send someone to relieve you once your sentence is up.”
He steps inside without hesitation, and it’s almost too late. You've been itching with curiosity since you opened his file, so you blurt out exactly what you’re not supposed to ask.
“Why did you do it?”
Seokjin tilts his head, confused.
“Why did you bring those humans back from the dead?” you clarify.
His eyes soften. “They’re my favourites.” 
There’s a pregnant pause as you regard him. You don’t understand. Favourites? Angels aren’t supposed to have favourites. Angels aren’t supposed to be anything like him. Maybe you haven’t met enough to speak on the matter.
“Come visit me, won’t you? I get the impression you’ll like it down there.”
And before you can scoff at the very idea of visiting a banished (albeit temporarily) angel on earth, the chute opens up below him and he’s gone.
It’s difficult to get back to work after all that. All day there are punishments to give out in God’s name, but thankfully they’re nothing as extreme as that one. You get through a few sanctions, several warnings filed, and a strongly worded letter to the Department of Animals to remind them to stop creating wasps (apparently earth has enough) and then (at what would usually be known as 6pm), like clockwork, Turiel enters your office. 
He’s another one you can’t get a read on, but in an entirely different way. He came up the ranks quickly, and became your boss without the necessary qualifications within a single century. He’s kind of course, but he’s a Watcher, so naturally he watches everything. Being watched makes you uncomfortable. 
“How is everything?”
“Wonderful, thank you.”
“What happened with the banishment this morning?”
“With Seok- Soterasiel? He took it rather well.” Turiel stares at you, and you clear your throat to fill the awkward quiet. “Seemed quite happy about it, actually.”
Turiel frowns. “That’s odd.”
“Yes, quite.”
“We should watch that one,” he says, already making his way out. “Oh- you remembered to strip his miracles, correct?”
Strip his- why in heaven would you do that? It seems horribly cruel enough just to leave them there, let alone take their ability to do anything worthwhile. 
Turiel stops on the spot and turns, frown deepening further. “Tell me you saw the memo from Metatron? We’re to strip any and all banishments of their miracles going forward. Too many mishaps and too many angel turned demon that still have their powers.”
If you had any blood in your face it would surely drain. No, you haven’t seen any blasted memo. The pigeonhole is stuffed to burst and it’s something you’ve been meaning to work through, you truly have, but there’s so little time in the day and- and- heavens, he’s still staring at you. Tell him the truth. Tell him you didn’t take Seokjin’s miracles. They’d overlook one error, especially as it’s the first offence. Surely?
“No need to worry,” you hear yourself say, voice unnaturally high. “Of course I did.” 
Turiel blinks, smiles with relief, and shuts the door behind him as he leaves.
For the first time in your existence, you’re tempted to curse. 
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879 BC
6:43pm. Patchy rain showers through til 8.
Seokjin’s home looks like nothing. A shack at best. It’s hardly worthy of the name home but you still need his sodding permission to cross the threshold, so you knock and wait, huddling as close to the door as possible to keep dry. As the rain pelts your back you bitterly wonder why angels have to wait at the threshold for permission to enter. It’s utterly beyond you, surely such a restraint could be reserved for those who are up to no good?
(You pointedly ignore the little voice saying that you are actually up to no good.)
“Oh my God,” Seokjin says when he opens the door (if it weren’t for the threshold force you’d keel over) and your nose wrinkles automatically at the blasphemy. “It’s you.”
“May I come in?” you say, too busy watching for Watchers in your peripherals to take in the sight of the angel in front of you. It would be terrible to be caught now, after the web of lies you weaved in order to get an hour off work. 
“Why?” he asks, suspicion lacing his voice. “You’re not bringing me back early are you?”
“Oh heavens no,” you say, starting to feel a little desperate, pushing the wet hair from your eyes. “I forgot something in your documents, a quick signature and I’ll be off in a jiffy.”
“You forgot something?”
“And you decided two hundred and twenty-seven years later was the right time to fix that?”
“Time slips away when you’re working!” 
Seokjin rolls his eyes. “Your lot really need to unionise.”
“Shh!” you hiss. “Let me in, please?”
“Alright, alright,” he says, stepping aside. “Come on in. Take your shoes off at the door.”
“I don’t have shoes,” you say as you push past him. A little miracle as soon as you’re out of the rain has you dry and warm again. What a pity, you think, that Seokjin will have to live without these little perks for the rest of his banishment. The sympathy you feel for him catches you unawares.  “What are shoes?”
Seokjin smiles. “Thought you were a watcher?”
Part Cherubim part Virtue actually, but you won’t be telling Seokjin that. That’s between you and God. You bustle past him inside the shack and you can finally relax. All protocols are being broken right now, but with the teeny tiny miracle that you performed earlier, only you and Seokjin will know about this clandestine meeting.  
Seokjin’s home is much nicer on the inside. Rather homely. And clean. And it smells good. What is that smell? 
“I just made some tea, would you like a cup?” 
Drinking? Apparently you can’t hide your expression because Seokjin's responding smile is mirthful. “Haven’t changed much, have you?”
“I suppose not, no.”
There’s no time to dilly dally like this. If you’re not back in the office soon, there’ll be questions you won’t know how to answer without twisting the truth. An angel can’t be going around telling lies. It’s uncouth. 
Seokjin busies himself at the table while you unroll the documents. The scroll is horribly long, but eventually you find the line you missed all those years ago. You cough to get his attention, and he looks up and takes the scroll from your outstretched hand. 
But then he starts to read. Oh goodness gracious. You hadn’t expected that. He seemed the sort that wouldn’t get hung up on the details, that would trust an angel (one like yourself in particular) implicitly. It’s offensive, actually, that he doesn’t trust that you’re not trying to pull the wool over his eyes, even though that might be exactly what you were trying to do. Are you not trustworthy? Are you not angelic?
Seokjin frowns. Uh oh. 
“You’re taking my miracles?”
“Well- uh. It’s protocol, you see.”
Seokjin stares. The silence is palpable.
“You fucked up.”
You gasp. “Don’t curse!”
“You did!” he says, eyes wild. “You fucked up when you sent me down here!”
There’s heat creeping up your neck.
“It really doesn’t need to be such a big to-do,” you splutter. “Just sign the form, and I’ll be on my way and then you’ll be back in Heaven in no time at all!”
“But I won’t have my miracles?”
“You’ll get them back on your return!” 
“What if I need them?”
“You won’t.”
“I’ve needed them a lot, actually,” Seokjin insists. “You’ve no idea how many sticky situations I’ve been in thanks to all the creatures our Heavenly Mother made!”
“Oh!” you exclaim. “Have you seen a tiger yet? Those are my favourite.”
Seokjin looks like he might slap you.
The door opens.
“Seokjinie-hyung! We’re back!”
We? Who’s we?
We are three men, one short, one tall, and one somewhere in the middle. 
The room is very suddenly too small and too quiet as all of you stare at each other. 
The small one’s eyes, wide and curious, dart between you and Seokjin. 
“Who’s this, Seokjin hyung?”
“Uh-” you say.
“Uhh-” says Seokjin.
You can’t think of a human name. Not a single, blasted one comes to mind. Of course, humans know angels exist, but you can’t go around telling everyone who you are when you’re not exactly here on official business. Their mouths blabber too much. Word on Earth gets around faster than in Heaven.
“This is-”
“Oh my God-” the somewhere-in-the-middle one exclaims, while you grimace. “You’re that angel hyung told us about!”
You turn to glare at Seokjin, who is all of sudden very interested in the wood grain on the table. His ears are strawberry red. Strawberries were one of your ideas, you’d know that colour anywhere.
“You told them?” you say, incredulously. “What were you thinking?”
Seokjin sighs. “They’re not going to say anything.”
“Yeah!” the small one says. “Don’t worry, we’ve kept Seokijn hyung’s secret for two cent-”
He’s cut off by a loud cough from the tall one, but you’re not stupid. Humans aren’t supposed to be alive that long anymore, not since The Great Flood when God finally got sick of Noah and his bothersome family - that was one of the few memos you read. 
“Seokjin-” you say slowly. He’s pointedly looking everywhere else but your face. “Are these the same humans you told me about during our first meeting?”
The small one grins. “Oh hyung, I knew you loved us more than you let on.”
Two centuries they’ve been alive - at least. Oh Goodness. You need to report it, but how could you without telling them you didn’t do your job properly. 
“You don’t need to say anything to Heaven,” Seokjin says. “What they don’t know doesn’t hurt them.”
“The protocol-” you start, but you’re cut off by a groan.
“Fuck the protocol! Don’t you want to think for yourself for once? Didn’t She give us free will for a reason?”
“She gave them free will, not us!” you reason. “We’re to do as we’re told!”
“Why? What for?”
“The Great Plan!”
“The Great Plan-” he parrots in the most condescending tone. “-is supposed to be ineffable. If we knew what was in it, we wouldn’t have a choice. If I didn’t have free will, I wouldn’t have been able to turn them into vampires.”
You frown, confused. Vampires weren’t in the handbook, but then you never could keep up. “What’s a vampire?”
Seokjin swallows thickly. “Uh. Nevermind that. The point is, if this wasn’t in The Great Plan, if it wasn’t written, would I have even been able to do it?”
The thought gives you pause. He’s got a point, actually. The Archangels talk often of fate and destiny and what She wrote. No one knows the plan, of course, and it can change at Her will, but the whole point of this charade is that you’re all to trust in God’s Plan, regardless of what happens.
There’s a long moment of silence. The three men- or rather, vampires- are still just standing there watching the two of you argue. 
The small one finally breaks the tension and introduces himself. “I’m Jimin,” he says.
You nod, and give your name. He repeats it, butchering the pronunciation, but of course you expected that. Humans have never quite managed to get their tongue around it. You muse for a moment if you should give yourself a more human name, like Seokjin, but your thoughts are interrupted by the large one. 
“I’m Namjoon,” he says, and points to the last one, who gives a tentative wave. “This is Taehyung.”
You nod again, and start to feel a little ridiculous.
Okay, so the plan needs to be adjusted. You can’t take away Seokjin’s miracles without getting him to undo whatever he did to the human-vampires. 
“How long have you all been alive?” 
Namjoon glances at Seokjin, who nods. “Around three hundred years.”
“Okay,” you say. “And do you plan on dying any time soon?”
The three of them stare at you. “It’s not something we’d considered, no,” whispers Jimin. 
“Right,” you say, and then turn to Seokjin. “You need to fix this, make them human again. I’ve got to go, they’ll be looking for me, but I’ll be back soon to check in on you so you’d better have done it by then.”
Seokjin’s Adam's apple bobs in his throat. It’s… somewhat pleasant to look at.
“Pleasure to meet you everyone,” you say tightly to Seokjin’s friends. “Enjoy the rest of your lives.”
You catch their confused expressions shift into something horrified before you appear back at your desk in Heaven. It leaves you befuddled. That was a perfectly pleasant first interaction with humans that are aware of your celestial-ness - you’re not quite sure what they could be so bothered about.
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827 BC
Early Autumn. 8:12am. Current Earthly conditions: foggy
It’s another fifty years or so before you can catch a break long enough to get back down to Earth. The shack has improved drastically - quite the pleasant looking home in fact. There’s flower boxes on the windowsills that are covered in a light morning dew, but the plants seem hardy. Purples and yellows. Dainty looking little things. You wonder what they might be. 
The door opens as you bend to smell them, and you look up to find the angel wrapped up in the largest item of clothing you’ve ever seen for something that just seems to be used for a neck. It’s ever so bright. Mismatched colours and patterns that don’t seem to line up. One end of it drags along the floor. Seokjin doesn’t appear too pleased to see you. 
“What are you wearing?” you ask, amused.
“Taehyung made me a scarf.”
“It’s very big.”
Seokjin glares.
“Did you really come to ruin my life so early in the morning?”
You roll your eyes. “You’re immortal. I hardly doubt this little blip will destroy you. More like God would if you don’t pull it together.”
“I could say the same about you.”
He’s got you there. But as you hold his gaze something in the air shifts, and he reluctantly lets you in. This time you take his offer of a cup of tea. You take a tentative sip, and it warms your belly in such an unexpected way. The weight of the cup is heavy in your hand, and the warmth of it seeps into your palm. It’s rather nice. 
You sit at the same table he had fifty-something years ago. There’s a few more marks in the woodwork by now. 
“Shall we get it over with then?” he says. “Where do I need to sign?”
You stop his hastiness with a gentle touch to his arm. He stares at your hand.
 “Did you get everything in order first?” you ask.
Seokjin coughs. “Yes, of course.” 
His ears are strawberry red again. The colour really is pretty, you’re glad you chose it. You’re glad you see it in other things, even if they are the tips of this angel’s ears. 
“They’re dead?”
“Not yet,” he says, lips twisting bitterly around the words. “They’re living out the rest of their lives. You might get a chance to see them, if you stay awhile. They said they’d be popping by later.”
“Oh,” you say, surprised. “Well, I suppose that’s something. You know, I am really sorry about that. I thought about it after my last visit, and I think I understand now why you’d want to keep your friends around for longer.” 
“Feeling lonely up there?” he asks, voice gentler than usual.
“No!” You snort with (only slightly put on) derision. “Of course not. Too busy for such a thing as loneliness.”
He chuckles. “Maybe I wasn’t busy enough then.”
You ignore what feels like a thimbleful of sadness dropping into your stomach.
Seokjin does most of the talking while you drink your tea. He talks about what he does down here - cooking mostly, but also a little pottery. He’s been training under a man called Yoongi. Says he made the cups you’re holding, and you inspect them. They’re quite ugly, thick and uneven- and you’re about to say as such, but Seokjin looks proud, so you smile and tell him he did very well, and that you like the colour of the clay. You wish you could bottle the way he beams.
All too soon the tea is finished, and Seokjin signs the document. It’s done. His eyes still shine, if a little less bright now. 
“What now?” he asks.
You suck in a breath. “Your miracles are in trust until your return to Heaven. Until then you can live as a human. More or less.”
His eyes snap up. “I’m still immortal, right?”
“Oh of course,” you say with a laugh. “You think they’d go through all this trouble just to risk you being eaten by a giraffe?”
“Do you know anything about Earth?” Seokjin says it like you’re an idiot. “At all?”
You’re tempted to roll your eyes. “I know plenty-”
“Name one thing,” he interrupts, crossing his arms and looking at you with an almost amused expression. 
You draw your shoulders back. You’ll give him three. “It weighs five point nine-seven septillion kilograms.”
Seokjin blinks three times fast. You must’ve caught him off guard with your knowledge. Good.
“It’s made up of thirty-two point one percent iron, fifteen point one percent silic-”
“Alright,” Seokjin says, lips twisting into a small smile. “I get it. You don’t need to prove yourself.”
You grin, ever so pleased with yourself, and Seokjin laughs.
“You’re cute.”
“Cute,” he repeats. “It’s a compliment.”
“Oh,” you say, wondering why reciting facts from the Earth’s handbook would warrant a compliment on your character. “Okay…” You look down at your mug and see it’s empty and you’re struck with a surprising pang of disappointment. The tea was really rather good, it’s something of a pity as you realise you won’t be able to make it the same back in Heaven.
“Well, I’d better get going. Paperwork to do. Miracles to take.”
“Of course,” says Seokjin, and stands to see you off. “If you visit again will you let me know in advance?”
“I’ll make dinner.”
You smile without thinking. “I don’t eat, Seokjin.”
“You know,” he says, in a very matter of fact tone. “Despite the fact that every time we meet you’re taking away something of mine, I’m growing quite fond of our meetings.”
You blink. 
His eyes are so big and gentle and- “Let me know- okay?” he says with earnest.
“Okay,” you promise, already wondering when you could possibly get away long enough to watch Seokjin eat dinner.
“Would you like to take some flowers with you?” he asks suddenly. “I saw you smelling them.”
“Oh! Ye-” you start, and then you think better of it. So you plaster on a smile and say “No, that’s quite alright, I can whip some of my own up in no time at all.”
Seokjin nods. He looks like he’s going to say something else, but time is getting on and you’re not used to these odd goodbye rituals the humans (and this angel in particular) seem so fond of, so with a flash of a smile you’re back in Heaven. Seokjin and his lovely brown eyes remain on Earth. 
Your office looks so bland in comparison to Seokjin's home.
It takes a second to notice that the cup he gave you is still in your hand, remnants of the sweet tea drying on the bottom. You briefly consider going back down, just to hand it over and say goodbye properly, but in walks Turiel to squash any ideas you have about leaving your post again.
“Great, you’re finally back,” he says, dumping a stack of files on your desk. “We’re swamped.”
“What happened?” you exclaim. You’re barely able to see him over the pile. 
“Some bright spark in Organisms made a new virus. Let it loose in Greece without proper authorisation, killed half of them,” he says with a frustrated sigh. “The higher ups are fretting because one of the dead ones was supposed to be a prophet.”
Oh dear.
Turiel leaves without display. No time for pleasantries like offerings of tea and flowers up here. You sigh, dejected. 
Being around Seokjin makes you wistful for things you didn’t know you wanted. You set the mug on your desk, turning it to and fro so you get a view of the prettier side- and with the smallest of miracles, there grows delicate flowers, in purple and yellow.
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ptanalo · 2 years
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first few draws of xinyan
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195seojoon · 26 days
I wanna to peg Sung Jinwoo.
I want to become his twin bro. (If I was born biologically with him then no pegging him but torture (tease) him about his love life for Cha Hae-In.)
I want to tease him. (That's what I said above.)
I want to become Daughter/Son of Antares so I could be with his son, Sung Suho. (Sadly the spoiler gave two new ships for Suho 😔, but still we can make it fanon, right?)
I wanna become older bro of sjw and become Glitch Monarch (ah, OP than Shadow Monarch... yes I am cringe and I don't care. I live with cringe and suffer myself. You should suffer with me with your cringe memories from your past and your delulu 🙄😒 I know I am rude but that's what every Fans and simps are like crazy like me)
I wanna be player and plays SL:Arise just like how @nyashykyunnie made this YandereSJW x Player (Y/n) (this fanfic made me giggle and wants more, and it's my fav tho, also I recommend this user cuz they made many yandere SJW x Reader and it's best.)
I want to become sjw and travels to sjw's world where there is two of sjw (me and him) everyone goes chaos because of two sjws.
I wanna reincarnate into sjw's body and suffer to grow until become strong (follows the plotlines but adds some funny scenes unlike funny scenes from manhwa) and tells Jinah, Cha Hae-In, Ashborn and Woochi Jinchulie (Woo Jinchul) That I am not real sjw but someone in sjw's body hehehe.
I want to sleep and SJW comes out of my phone and finds where tf he is and wakes me up why is he in my world like you guys can imagine it how you want to show so much things good and bad side of this whole ahh world. Show everything you have (traditional and randoms you do to him)
I wanna become a reader in every fanfic of this @jinwoosungs all short fanfics fluff, Angst and everything. Pain, happy, twisted, everything! GO AND READ IT FROM THIS USER! IT'S BEST!
I know I am crazy talking Stuffs but it's normal cuz this tumblr has full of craziest talks and Stuffs and everyone and everything vibes with it. Sometimes likes and sometimes doesn't. Still crazy. Love it.
Kudos to hardworking people who makes world better in mind and actions despite the whole world is in chaos.
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joonies-delights · 2 years
Hi baby! How you're doing? Can I request something?
I'm between a one shot or a ot7 reaction, so I'm gonna let that up to you!
For the one shot something like Jimin going slow but hard on you, in a way to make you just.. completely out of your mind.
Or a ot7 reaction to overstimulating the hell out of you.
Thank you! ❤️
A/n: I'll go with the reaction one since no one had requested for one yet! And i like the idea of it!❤️
BTS Reaction to Overstimulating Reader!
Genre: Reaction
Pairing: Ot7 x Reader
Treats: Overstimulating, Oral (receiving), squirting, degrading, praising
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You were a moaning mess. You whined and screamed loudly as you clawed and gripped onto the bedsheets that had your juices stained all over it.
"D-Daddy-AH! Please I can't take it a-anymore!" You begged for Namjoon to pull the vibrating dildo out of your pussy but he strongly refused.
"You've come four times so far. Cmon give me more of your cum. It'll be disappointing if you make me stop now." He scoffed as he continued to fuck the dildo in and out of you hole. "Please. Please. Please. I-Its too much!" You continued to beg. But Namjoon took no pitty. "You wanna be a dissapointment to Daddy? You don't want him to have some fun with you, huh? What a waste~~" He sighed.
"W-What? No D-Daddy I-" Before you could even respond to Namjoon, he took his lips and started sucking and swirling his tongue on your clit. "Ahhhhh fuckkk!~" You moaned and squealed.
"Come for me again you whiny bitch." He growled. Your legs started to shake for him, as you reached your high, and came all over the dildo for the fifth time.
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Jin had his tongue sucking on your wet cunt. Slurping up all of the juices that endlessly leaked from your pussy.
He knew you were sensitive after cumming all over his mouth twice but he couldn't get enough of the taste of your pussy.
"J-Jinnnn ahh it's too much!" You tried squeezing your thighs shut, and pushing his head away with your hand, but Jin would simply stop for a moment to harshly spank your clit with his hand. "I'm not done yet! Stop complaining and cum for me again." He groaned before focusing on your clit.
You felt so sensitive. Your face was heating up, and you were fucked out. But Jin believed you didn't have enough yet.
He gave long licks from your pussy all the way to you clit. Before taking his index and middle fingers and easily sliding them into your wet cunt.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh Jin!~~" You moaned before you reached your high and came all over his fingers.
Jin took his fingers out of your pussy and licked your cum off of them. Before putting his lips on your cunt sucking up the remaining fluids. "Round 4?~" He smirked while looking at your fucked out face.
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"Fuck!Fuck! Fuck!" You moaned as you rode Yoongi's cock for him. "That's it, ride my dick like the slut you are." He moaned while he watched your breast bounce up and down.
"I-Its too much. S-So sensitive!" You whined as your movements got sluggish. You came three times on his dick so far, but Yoongi wanted more of your juices flowing all over his dick. It made him feel good and he couldn't get enough of it. Plus he loved seeing how fucked out you looked from cumming all over his cock.
"Ride this dick bitch or I'll make you regret it." Yoongi said as his eyes burned holes through your body. "B-But Yoongi- AH!" You squealed as Yoongi took his hands and held you still by your waist, before thrusting his hips upwards, slamming his dick into your cunt. His cock abused your g-spot, and your eyes rolled back into your head. "Always fucking complaining. Why can't you shut up and ride this dick!" He growled.
"Fuck I’m cummingggg." You moaned loudly as your back arched and you came all over his cock.
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Hoseok pulled on your hair as he fucked you from behind. Your hands tried to push him away, but he'd slap your ass signaling you to stop.
"Stop trying to run away bitch, I'm not done with you yet." He spanked you aas again. "Ho-Hoseok please its enough!" you begged. "Well not enough for me!" He snapped back.
Hoseok let go of your hair before bringing your back closer to his muscular toned chest. He kept his rhythm as he fucked your cunt in and out rapidly.
Hoseok then took one of his hands and wrapped it around your throat before taking his other and rubbed it on your clit.
You were a moaning mess and you could hardly hold yourself up on your knees as Hoseok’s cock hit your g-spot mercilessly. "Come for me baby. You can give me more, I know you can. Don't hold back." He started kissing on your neck, as he rubbed your clit faster and fucked your pussy harder.
"Come all over this cock. Fucking wet it with your juices." His grip on your neck tightened. And just like that, he thrusted a few more times before you squirted all over his cock. Hoseok moaned from the feeling of you coming on his dick and moved his hands from your throat and clit, to watch your exhausted body fall onto the bed.
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You felt the pressure of Jimin's body on you as he wrapped you in your arms. Your legs were wrapped around his lower abdomen allowing him to get his cock deeper into your soaking cunt.
"Oh fuck! You wanna come on this cock again? Hmm? Or are you too tired." Jimin's words purred in your ear. You did nothing but moan and whine. "I-I can't. I-Its too much please!" You stuttered as his cock abused your sweet spot.
"Awww~~ Well that's too damn bad." He teased before moving his lips to your breast and sucked on one, as he groped the other one with his hand.
You tried pushing him away since you felt overwhelmed from the feeling. "Don't push me away darling I know how badly you wanna cum." Jimin's words were right. You wanted to cum but it was too much.
Jimin loved seeing you struggle in his arms. He saw how heavy you were breathing and knew how sensitive you felt. He loved how he felt in so much control.
Jimin felt your pussy tighten as you clawed at his back. "I-Im cominggg fuckkk!" You squealed as you let your juices once again coat Jimins dick.
But Jimin didn't stop there. "Fuck that felt good. I want more!~" He giggled.
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"Mmmmm." Taehyung hummed as he was amused from the sight of your fluids smothering all over his fingers.
"T-Taehyung I feel like I’ll pass out if I c-cum again!" You whined, as you breathed heavily. Your clit was so sensitive, but Taehyung still played around with your pussy like it was nothing. You came 5 times, and it still wasn't enough for him.
Anytime you tried to push his fingers away, he'd slap your hand, or your titties as payback.
"I don't care if you're tired. Cum again for me. Come till you pass out. That's when I'll know you're realy tired." He teased, as he quickened his pace with his fingers fucking your pussy.
Taehyung wanted to see you struggle. Which is why overstimulating you was pleasing to him. You whined and moaned from the sensitive yet blissful feeling. Taehyung then took his thumb to rub your clit in circles as his long slender fingers pumped inside of you, reaching all of the sweet places inside like it was nothing.
Your toes curled, and your back arched as he did the 'come here' motion with his fingers. "F-Fuck! Taehyung! AHHHH!" You moaned loudly for him, and just like that you easily came all over his fingers. Your eyes rolled back before they closed shut. And you were breathing heavily before passing out.
Taehyung took the fingers out of your pussy and started to suck on the sweet juices that came all over them.
"Well done baby~"
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"Don't move away from me!" Jungkook demanded as he held your thighs down with his arms, to keep your pussy sat on his face.
Jungkook was eating you out as if it were his last meal. You came seven times on his face, and you were practically trying to crawl away from him at this point. But Jungkook didn't want to stop, as he showed no remorse, and had zero plans on letting you escape.
"Fucking cunt tastes so damn good. I want more. Cum all over my face baby. I want every last drop out of this pussy." Jungkook growled as he swirled his tongue over your cunt and clit. Your legs were shaking. His tongue worked wonders on your pussy. It'd go inside your wet hole, and suck on your clit.
Jungkook loved it when you sat your pussy on his face. Because he could easily hold you down whenever he wants with his muscular arms.
"Ahhhhh Jungkook!" You moaned loudly. "I'm cumminggg!!" You squealed before arching your back, and allowed your juices to cum all over Jungkooks mouth.
Jungkook then slapped you ass and continued to eat you out.
"More!" He demanded in a greedy way as he sucked up all of your juices from your cunt.
A/n: Mmmm that was too good💀
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rumue · 1 year
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The man was a spy.
-like/reblog ☑, do not repost!-  
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cas-backwards-tie · 4 months
Chapter Three: Reroute Necessary
COD Men x Reader
Trials & Triumphs | Previous Chapter
Summary: Upon your debrief and explanation to Laswell, a shift in strategy is needed. How your fellow comrades will take that news is unbeknownst to you. Luckily for Laswell, however... you may have an idea or two up your sleeve. Now, it all comes down to a vote.
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: Disappointment, Anger, Humiliation, Embarrassment, Resentment, Passive-Aggressiveness,
Mentions of: Injury, Death, War Crimes, Government, Politics,
A/N: As I continue to delve further into the fandom I've been getting into most recently Johnny, John, and ofc Vlad so now I'm so lost! Ah... oof. Trying not to switch my original idea or add too many things to this. Anyway, this def is not gonna be all actiony every chapter. It'll change route after this for sure! So stay tuned.
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"Explain it. Again," Laswell commands. Attempting to withhold the anger in her blue eyes, her fingers grip the edge of her desk a little tighter as she leans over it.
Pursing your lips together, you take a deep inhale through your nose. It's embarrassing enough you'd had to do this once, now you're just being humiliated. Though you've done your best to ignore his presence, you sneak a glance at the man sitting in the chair on your left. While you might not know Captain John Price well, you can see the empathy in his eyes from the momentary eye contact the two of you shared. A sigh tumbles past your lips as you raise your head again, confronting your superior. Starting over, once again, from the top, you explain.
"To start, we set up things together, formulating a plan..."
Things went according to that plan for the most part. The Captain can't deny that. He listens as you explain to Kate for the second time what'd transpired the other night and how, exactly, you'd let Boris Wagner get away. In truth, it wasn't exactly you who'd let him get away. Yet, it also was... wasn't it? If he's being honest with himself, if you'd had a better handle on your team this wouldn't have happened. You would've cleared the building, secured the area, gathered your spread out team and reconvened with his, coming together to flank what was clearly a trap set up by Wagner. But you didn't. Even once you found out it was a trap, he'd heard that you let that Austrian--König, if he remembers correctly--run off on his own after the Tango and try to finish the mission alone. Sure, there's no man left behind. But if you'd followed after König and radioed someone to go back in after Keegan, both things could've transpired and the mission would've been successful. But you didn't. If he'd been in charge he doesn't think this meeting would be going on. Nevertheless, can't go back and change things, can you?
After Gaz had jumped onto the tank and taken out the Tango in the AFV, he'd been able to send the necessary reinforcements in König's aide, yet it was too late. Wagner got away, and the Austrian was injured. The mission failed, and more people were hurt than needed. Whether or not useful information's come of your leading is yet to be determined. Shifting in his seat, John wiggles his jaw a bit in an attempt to bide the annoyance bubbling beneath the surface. He keeps having to remind himself how young you are. Why Kate picked you to lead the entire operation is beyond him. A team, sure, but the entire operation? She's kidding herself, right? They actually want the Party taken down. So does NATO and practically every other nation on the globe.
He'd already relayed his side. From the moment they'd dropped off, things were fine. Everything went according to plan. Once the enemy arrived, Wagner went inside, his team secured the perimeter, Ghost kept a lookout. Things were clear. It wasn't until they were bombarded by a hangar of soldiers that things went awry. Then to make matters worse, they find over a dozen hostages hidden in a compartment within the building. People were hurt, some people died, but most managed to get away unscathed. While they weren't prepared for a close up firefight, they managed to hold off until what he supposes was when your team got to the basement since things quieted down. Bravo team managed to escort the hostages away from the chaos and down toward the exfil location near where the deployment was, South side.
With Graves already there, it wasn't unreasonable that since he was free he could help out, Horangi still keeping watch. With things clear on both sides, it was only when Ghost notified them of the rogue soldier in the AFV that things began going south again. Another firefight started up. He was busy with Graves and Wilson on hostage duty while Soap, Gaz, and McKay went for the AFV and guards that'd come along with the fleeing Target. König emerged from nowhere, chasing down said Target, but it was only once Ghost informed him that he couldn't get a shot on said Target because the Austrian was too close that it was impossible to get a clear shot, that things were doomed. He should've known at that point to take over. You were nowhere to be seen or heard from and for all he knew you could've been dead.
It's not wise to go dark, and considering this was your first mission altogether as a squad it wasn't bright. Thinking back on it, John knows there are certain things he probably could've done to have adapted, recuperated, and saved the mission. He didn't. That's on him, that's his fault, and he hasn't forgiven himself for it, yet it doesn't change the fact that Laswell hasn't decided what's next.
"What do you think John?" Kate asks. Now upright, she crosses her arms over her chest as both women in the room turn to look at him with curious glances.
He hums in thought. "I... missed that. What was the question?" He speaks candidly.
"I said that 'I don't know', but what do you think about her little plan? it'd be a waiting game for sure. Might take months. You'd have to stake out the city, set up traps, lure them in, get to know these creeps, and might even have to participate in whatever they entail, but... if you think it'll work? Infiltrating the Party?" Laswell cocks a brow in his direction, curious for his thoughts and opinion on the matter.
Lips curling inward, he rubs them together in thought. That's not at all what he'd thought he'd missed! Mentally scolding himself for zoning out, as he's not the type, his gaze shifts between the two of you. He's taken too long to answer, now he looks suspicious. "I think the team needs to decide."
"Fine. We'll put it to a vote. Anonymously, of course."
"We're at a crossroads, I'm afraid. So we've extended the option out to you all, putting the mission's stake up to a vote. You've all got pens and paper, and in a moment you'll either write down a 'yes' or a 'no', before I come around and you put it in the tin. Majority wins, though understandably considering circumstances if anyone insists on backing out, they'll be dismissed."
Her fingers absentmindedly tapping against the emptied cylindrical tin, Kate announces what's about to happen. Scanning around the room, you try not to read into everyone's fairly unsurprised expressions upon the news. Did they know this was coming? Did Price warn his team? Were they planning on backing out? Did... did you really fail that badly?
As questions begin to emerge and cloud your mind, you notice Kate about to step forward when a gruff voice captures everyone's attention, halting everyone's movement. "I thought NATO assigned us to this mission?" Ghost's question lingers in the air for a moment as you shift your gaze to the CIA's Liason, Laswell, in this instance. Arms crossed over your chest, you don't comment as your eyes slowly fall to the floor.
"Yes, though it's been brought to my attention that perhaps some people are more or less enthused to continue working on the mission with as it stands-" At this mention, people start looking around the room at one another. You'd overheard some whispers of people saying you'd messed up in leading the last mission, and while you don't necessarily disagree, you know you can't change what happened. Nevertheless, you're more than determined to not let them down again.
"-And, with the last mission having failed, time constraints are pushed even further, the possibility of being on deployment now extended, and the risks are only higher. While NATO is determined on getting the situation handled one way or another, the only question is whether it'll be the people in this room or not. And that brings us back to the vote."
"Can I say something first?" You ask as Kate takes a step forward, and whether she consciously or unconsciously knew it, she'd been signaling her readiness to start the vote, and you're not ready yet.
The woman glances around the room before seeming to have a brief silent conversation with Captain Price through their eyes. It's only a moment before she shrugs, offering you a casual. "I don't see why not?"
Hands coming up to run down the fronts of your thighs, you attempt to meet each of your soldier's eyes. Whatever impression they'd previously gotten from you, hopefully, it isn't permanently seared into their judgment. "First... and foremost, I think I owe you all an apology." As your eyes land on Keegan he immediately looks elsewhere, refusing to meet your gaze. Despite the sling on his shoulder over his hoodie, you know he's still holding resentment toward you. "I put the life of a teammate over the mission objective, and while I could've organized things better from the get-go, I recognize now how I let you all down." Eyes falling to the floor again, you can't help but kick the tip of your combat boots against the multicolored commercial worn-out carpeting of the debriefing room. "I realize I might not get a chance to lead you all again, but if I do... I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to not let you down again."
A deep breath replaces the sigh you let out as the next topic borders treacherous waters. "And I understand why some of you might want to back out now... but I do have to say that I can't. I won't. This is too important, not only to me, but to every single little kid outside these walls." Eyebrows furrowing, you can't help the way you begin to gesticulate with the rising emotions within. "I don't care how long it takes, but this is something that has to be dealt with, and that's why NATO hired us. They knew we could do it, and while you might not want to, and it might be the hardest thing you'll ever do... I'll be damned if I don't eradicate the Party."
Hands sliding themselves into your pockets, and with a purse of your lips, you turn your back on the team and offer Kate one last look before walking back toward the door you'd come in. Your face falls as you exit the room, unable to bear the agonizing wait that it'll take as the men deliberate not only their fate, but the fate of the team. One which you'd never even gotten around to naming.
You find out their decision and next steps around dinner time through email. An automatic fist pump follows as you knew your speech would manage to do some good. At least, you hope it did. Before you can really revel in the fact that your method of persuading Laswell to give you a second chance and changing approaches toward the Party, the gentle slam of a plastic tray on the metal table beside you garners your attention.
"Looks like someone finally caught up on their emails," Graves jokes, sending Olivia a playful glance as he oddly takes a seat to your left.
"Knew you wouldn't give up that easily," Olivia comments with a reassuring smile as she takes a seat across from him. "Though I do have to say I'm curious about how you're gonna pull off that plan of yours. How do you even have him as a contact for bloody hell's sake?" Her posh accent never fails to elicit a smile from you. With a shake of your head, you shrug, eyes following the movement toward the end of the table. McKay slides her tray down toward your group as she approaches.
"Surprised you're not liftin' at this time o' night," Graves comments in her direction, eyeing the muscular woman as she slings a leg over the bench and slides into her seat beside Olivia, forcing the blonde to scoot over across from you, shifting the lovers to sit diagonally from each other.
Amala only responds with a hum of acknowledgment, her eyes unamused as they set upon you. "You're not serious about this, right? Like you're actually joking. You really think Laswell, not to mention, Price is gonna go through with this?" The brunette asks, all seriousness as she leans against the table, her upper half toppled over it as she attempts to close the space between the four of you. Almost as if what you're discussing is a secret. "You think you're just gonna get information from Makarov without a hitch and that's that? We all go free?"
"I guess we'll see," you retort with a shrug. Considering today's events, you're not really in the mood for arguing, and while the proposed plan isn't exactly foolproof, it still provides a better pay off and a more timely solution than what Laswell had originally offered. "It's already scheduled, so... for now all we can do is what they're asking us to do and then we'll see when we get there. Regardless, we're changing tactics. We're shifting gears."
A huff of exasperation leaves the woman as she sits back and crosses her arms over her chest. The slight shake of her head is only amplified by the motion of the dark curls surrounding her head. "I've gotta say, I'm not lookin' forward to training with those miserable tea-drinkin' grumps over there," Graves states. A tilt of his head indicates who he's talking about, and you can't help but instinctively look.
Oh God, how you wish you hadn't. As soon as you look, you can see that Ghost staring at you, though he's sitting at the end of the table facing you, so that's excusable at least. It's not just him, though, but the addition of Gaz. The brown-eyed man had been talking to Soap who leans his upper-half on the table, his arm bent, head held up against his fist, back facing you. Gaz notices your gaze, and the sour look on his face doesn't disappear, but instead is met with a roll of his eyes before he turns his gaze toward the Captain who sits across him. From where you sit across the room it's impossible to hear what they're talking about, and while you could try and read their lips if you really wanted, you don't have the mental energy to do so. Before you turn back, Soap rotates his head and meets your eyes from where he's propped his head up; immediately turning around, you're sure Gaz had mentioned your attention. Price is surely ignoring you, then, you assume.
"I'm not always a grump!" Olivia argues, a pout on her lips as she teases Graves.
"But you love yer tea," he teases back. Apparently, you'd missed some of their conversation, but you could care less considering the nasty looks your joint TaskForce has been giving you.
"They're really mad... aren't they?" You ask, interrupting whatever stupid lovey-dovey shit your friend and her... acquaintance have going on. Silence envelopes your group for a moment, and Amala doesn't bother to meet your eye as she'd begun eating her food when the topic changed.
"Mm... yeah... I think so," Olivia finally responds, a gentle yet solemn tone to her voice as she attempts to carefully broach the subject. "That doesn't mean you can't win them back though? I think showing them what you're capable of is more than enough. Once they see what you can do, you're set. I know it," she adds on. Extending a hand across the table, the blonde places it atop yours before offering a gentle squeeze. With that, the conversation ends, the lovers going back to whatever meaningless bickering they'd been consumed with before. Meanwhile, you're still ruminating on what the forthcoming weeks will entail.
exfil: where you're extracted, picked up in the field
forever taglist: @ohdamnadam , @safarigirlsp , @jynzandtonic , @moonlightsolo
t&t taglist: @cosychick , @konigsqueen , @cutegor3 ,
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
Seasons AU for Solo Leveling.
Spring! Cha Hae In
Summer! Lee Ju Hee
Fall! Woo Jin Chul
Winter! Sung Jin Woo
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jessfandrawer · 1 year
Part 3/3
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Stay cozy, internet strangers.
Part 1
Part 2
Overall vibe:
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A few explanations if you're interested. I've set this in autumn, though the backgrounds are mostly green to represent the Earth Kingdom. Jin is wearing lighter, spring clothes, which she got secondhand from a wealthy woman of Ba Sing Se who completely updates her wardrobe every season. Hence, small implications that Jin is chilly.
Here are some "bonus features" I guess? My preliminary costume sketches, done in pen and marker, and a drawing of Jin done in watercolor and digital (with the phrase that inspired it below).
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Is this what you meant when you said "It's complicated"?
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tokuteasings · 1 year
Meeting - MetsuBouJinRai
I WILL NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT MBJR OKAY? I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THAT IT H U R TS Warnings: This can be read as platonic or romantic and is dedicated to @melting-morning-blues a fellow MBJR (and naki) simp lol. Probably spoilers....yeah...def spoilers. Also this is sad kinda?
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The only time you’re gonna be able to meet Horobi in a positive aspect is after this man has reformed himself. He’s hiding in the shadows of the world now, he’s protecting it in his own way. He’s ensuring the Ark does not come back and he takes his job oh so seriously. He does not need to sleep and is reluctant to ask for help from Aruto (for obvious reasons) or even AIMS. He’s better at asking for help from the other members and his own son but it’s still...um...difficult. 
Your first meeting is that he’s protecting you from an attack somewhere or from a malicious human. It’s a nonlethal blow and Horobi just stands over them and then looks over at you. You know who he is, he was all over the news once upon a time and as he turns to leave, you speak, “Thank you.” it’s honest and sincere and this catches his attention. So he turns to you and asks, “Are you not afraid of me?” and when you shake your head no...Horobi is confused. He was...ya know...not a good person...
“You’re helping now, so there is no need to be afraid of you.” and this shocks him for a good while. He’s deathly silent and his glare could kill people. But he doesn’t speak as he leaves and you are left. But what you don’t know is that Horoboi is secretly following you as you walk to your destination in the dark, wanting to ensure that you’re okay before actually leaving.
You uh...end up meeting him again when he rescues you from yet another fucker. You chuckle and state, “We gotta stop meeting like this.” which causes Horobi to roll his eyes. “It is merely chance, do not get in trouble again.” and then...ya keep meeting again. Whoops. You swear you are not stalking him and he is definitely not stalking you. But it is chance and well...ya better off getting to know this dude anyway.
Ya somehow end up with Horobi on speed dial and you tend to text him about things about your day! He doesn’t respond quickly as he takes his time to come up with the proper responses (sometimes hijacked by Jin who’s happy that his papa has a friend) and sure these responses are dry as hell and he may not fully get things even using the internet...but Horobi is honestly trying. He’s not going to open up right away bit he’ll get there...and he considers you interesting either way...
The only way to meet Naki is technically through AIMS, especially through Yua. Naki is a homebody at heart and they tend to keep to themselves. They only interact with people when they deem it necessary and other than that, they really only hang with like...Yua and Fuwa? You meet Naki because Yua introduced you to them, in order to consolidate better camaraderie between members. Naki was difficult to get used to, honestly, not because they’re a Humagear but simply because Naki is just very hard to talk to. It’s kinda awkward and silent for a while.
Naki is super professional, however, so it’s difficult to make small talk with them. They’re focused on their work and it’s difficult to mesh with them. However, one thing Naki does enjoy talking about is their dreams and MBJR. Though it is slight, you see this...strange glimmer of artificial light within their eyes when they speak about it. It’s quick and ephemeral, you need to catch it before it dissipates altogether. They’re affectionate towards their comrades, their family...and it’s so sweet to see.
If you all have seen the Zero One anime, you know Naki is...secretly a bit of a lil shit. Ikazuchi did break the rules and Naki is secretly rather competitive and they don’t really notice it until someone has to point it out to them. Naki had been invited to a group party and they started to play games and Naki got super into it and honestly, Naki probably got it from Fuwa...
It takes a long while for Naki to warm up to you, even then communication verbally is sparse. But it helps that you have Yua to help mitigate the tension just a bit. Though, it soon ends up becoming comfortable silence between the two of you as each of you do your own thing. You just pass information to each other in this dance of quaint trust that speaks volumes within the silence. Naki shows it with cues you honestly almost miss. Perhaps small nods and a slight change in the openness of their body language.
Naki whispers a genuine and kind, “Thank you.” to you one day when you had complimented them. It’s robotic a bit but there’s this twinge of gratefulness and lightness to their voice in the end. This soon spirals into asking them to possibly some down time outside of the AIMS office and they accept, perhaps one of the few times they have an actual human friend that isn’t Yaiba or Fuwa...and it’s nice.
Meeting Jin starts when he finds you repairing a dumped Humagear, after all...it must have belonged to someone and lived out his short life to its fullest. So you wanted to at least give it something. He’s surprised that you are helping, and he eventually helped you bring it to Hiden Aruto who fixed it up real quick! He thanks you of course, and then he is on his way. He’s surprised that you are helping Humagears but knows that they’re aren’t bad humans out there and inwardly, he hopes he gets to see you again.
And then he did. He finds you ending up working for Aruto’s company and meets you again when he visits him! You two get formally introduced by this time and you end up...not really tailing Jin (even though he jokes that you are) but keep on meeting him whenever you work for Aruto. Jin is the only member of MBJR that visits Aruto the most and it’s not a surprise to see him in the president’s office just chatting with him or learning about the happenings of the day. Thus, you kind of end up getting to know him during this time. 
You two end up becoming work buddies and whenever Jin visits, half of it is now to visit  you! It’s like patrol but not really patrol because he’s here to kinda goof-off half of the time. He takes his job seriously but like...there are times when he wants to be himself, and experience things for himself. It’s human-like and childish, yes, but honestly...it’s worth it to see him smile. 
He’s very much the easiest out of all of MBJR to get along with, and soon enough you are pretty much going flower shopping with him. He has a garden back in Daybreak Town and loves finding little whacky pots and new flowers to plant! Hell, if you two go paint flower pots together, he’s over the moon!
Jin is the most receptacle to texts from you and tends to randomly send you texts as well! It’s things like you two exchanging greetings, things about your respective days, where to meet up for a job, where to meet up for another shopping trip, etc! He has come to enjoy hanging out with you and honestly looks forward to it! Expect him to text you in the middle of the night just because he wants to hang or something, lol.
You met him when he was still known as Raiden and Subaru was by his side. He was probably sitting in a planetarium at his workplace, mapping out this false map of stars and there’s this twinkle in his eyes like a longing...he’s seen the real thing but sometimes, here on earth...it’s beautiful to see them plastered on to a simple ceiling. He hears you and wonders if you had gotten lost, laughing if you are and trying to take you back. 
He introduces himself as Raiden and you two spend time talking about the stars and planets. As he has spent so much time up there, he tells you about the beauty of it, how small everything was from his point of view. He knows you cannot see it but ends up giving you photos he had snapped while up there. “For a keepsake.” and he gives you a playful wink and ruffles your hair. “See you around, some day!” You visit him often now, wanting to learn more, understand more, and are magnetized to his energy...
When he is destroyed as Ikazuchi, you go to spend time with Subaru now...in mourning, perhaps. You two have gotten closer since meeting with Raiden and it’s this silent moment between the two of you as Subaru is processing his grief. It’s a new emotion for him and he can’t shed tears but it’s these sobs that threaten to tear out his sensors and voice box and he clings to you tighter than ever. You can’t do much but just hold him...
When he comes back as Ikazuchi, it’s awkward but you ran up to him with the brightest sparkles in your eyes and almost tackled him into a hug. “You’re back! You’re back Raiden!” and he stiffens. He hesitates to embrace back but pushes you away and tells you, “I’m...part of Metsuboujinrai...you’re not scared?” and you answer him no...because...why would that make a difference??? If Ikaika could cry, he would have.
Ikazuchi spends equal times with MBJR and equal times with Subaru and you now. You tend to visit him at the space center of course as he returns to working there. But he spends a lot more time down to earth (ha) now. This means he’s up for like random lil hang outs and dumb shit to do together. Fuwa sometimes checks on y’all as does Aruto and one of these days you and Ikazuchi are legit gonna disappear because you two stole a car and are going on a road trip-
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thestarlightforge · 17 days
Call it an archive-core, chick-book state of mind if you must. But how did we get all the way to the end of Netflix “Three Body Problem”—even though they changed the characters/made the protagonists of each of the 3 books into a friend group—and Epic Gamer Girl & Space Cancer Boy DIDN’T KISS? 😭
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