#jake jr.
void-ink-studios · 5 months
Oh Glob, He's Been Kidnapped
A silly romp through Ooo, with a touch of bitter sweet at the end. I hope you enjoy y'all!
A few sidenotes:
I've started picturing the Organizer's voice like Agent 47's handler, Diana Burnwood, in the new Hitman games. No idea why, just felt like it fit her.
Random thought that might end up as it's own post, but I find the idea funny if Scarab's species had no real concept of gender, and Scarab just accepted he/him pronouns because that's what everyone in the pantheon used for him and he just shrugged and accepted it.
Next time, as suggested by @scumbkat I think it's about time Scarab gained his own Nightmare aspect.
Fun fact, this was the instalment to push this series over 100 pages in the google doc.
Word Count: 2,500
Of all things Scarab had expected on this "field trip" (as Prismo put it) to the land of Ooo, this was not one of them.
Where in Glob's name did Prismo go?
Seriously, Scarab had turned his back for, like, maybe 10 seconds. And when he turned back, the human shaped mage Prismo was disguised as was just... up and gone.
At first he thought he had wondered off to another shop in market or something, but Scarab had scoured this place top to bottom at least 3 times, and no sign of the Wishmaster anywhere.
He climbed the tallest stall he could find, earning him some choice curses, and nothing.
It wasn't as if Scarab was nervous or anything. Prismo was a god. One of the most powerful in the multiverse. Just because he was currently human shaped did not make him as vulnerable as one.
But, well, this trip was kind of off the books. If Prismo got his body killed somewhere, they'd have the Organizer to answer to, and Scarab was not particularly looking for a scolding next time she visited for tea.
"Prism!" He called the fake name the Wishmaster had given himself, trying to shout over the chaotic crowd. "Prism, where did you go? We're supposed to be heading back soon! Prism!"
All that got him was annoyed looked from the people trying to pass by him.
"Hey, big knight dude" a voice called. Scarab momentarily forgot what he looked like, confused at this address. But, yes, he recalled now. He looked much more like a knight, his shell conveniently passing for armor with a bit more flair. He turned in search for the voice. "Over here, man!"
A human. Or, Scarab was pretty sure he was human, he looked enough like Prismo's body to be somewhat confident. He was tall, muscular, with a mess of blond hair spilling out the back of his hat. A mechanical arm waved him over.
Scarab shook off his frantic edges, striding over with an air of confidence.
"Yes, can I help you?"
"You need help, man? Heard to yelling for someone, and I saw you pacing around the place. What's going on?"
"Oh, I seem to have lost my traveling companion. I turned my back for a few seconds, and poof, gone."
"What's he look like?"
Scarab examined the human a little closer. Big smile, sword on the hip, an attitude similar to a happily suicidal puppy. Hmm.
"And how do I know you don't have something to do with his disappearance?"
"Nah man, I'm super good! I'm the hero in these parts."
Scarab decided that, if worst came to worst, he could take him.
"...I'll choose to believe you for now, hero. Short stature, brown skin, long curly gray hair and beard, most garish pink wizard robes possible? Enough jewelry to be mistaken for a treasure chest? Old?"
"Hey, didn't we see someone like that walking around with those weirdo wizards" a new voice chimed in. Scarab's head snapped to the new comer, spotting a... dog? Rainicorn? Both? She didn't have discernable eyes, but very long almost platinum blond hair that had been fashioned into a hammock in the tree.
The hero thought for a second.
"Oh yeah, that's right Junior! Man, I knew those creeps were trouble!"
"You know these characters?"
"They're quick to sniff around anyone with a hint of magic junk" Junior supplied. "Tried cutting my hair for rainbow powers of whatever."
"What for?"
"We're not sure" the hero sighed. "They keep harassing wizards and stuff, but no one's really gone with them before. You guys new here?"
"You could say that, yes. We're passing through."
"Man, sorry about that. But, if they dragged your bud away, I think I know where they went!"
Scarab released a long-suffering sigh, rubbing his hand under his helmet.
"Glob, Prism, of course, of course you'd get yourself accidentally kidnapped the second I turn my back."
"You don't sound to worried" Junior said.
"I'm not. Prism is more than capable of taking care of himself. But, it is... inconvenient. He probably thinks this is an adventure or some nonsense."
"Hey man, anything can be an adventure! Even kidnappings. C'mon, we'll find him together. What's your name, stranger?"
"Ruby Knight is fine. And you?"
"I'm Finn! And this little lady is Jake Jr. but I just call her Junior."
Scarab was thankful for both his helmet and remarkable poise. If either failed him, he might've started choking on air.
Finn. This was... Prismo's Finn. He finally noticed the tattoo on his chest, a smiling dog cradled in forget-me-nots. Of course. Of course he'd happen to run into the one human Prismo might know.
And... Jake Jr. A daughter, most certainly. Did Prismo know? Most likely, Jake had to have told him if they were as close as he believed, but he made know indication of having ever met her.
Okay... Okay, this is fine, probably. And, it's not like he had much choice right now.
"A pleasure to meet you, Finn the hero. Let's go find my idiot wizard friend, shall we?"
"Alright, let's do this! Adventure time!"
And with that, the human went charging off in a direction through the market. Junior seemed unsurprised, casually standing up.
"We should probably try to keep up. Can't let him have all the fun to himself."
Scarab nodded, quickly catching up and keeping pace with Finn.
"Hey, dude, I don't see a lot of new knights around here! Which princess you work for?"
"None of them. Technically, I work for Prism, but I am my own agent."
"Ooooh, I remember meeting a few of those. They were jerks, way to into their own armor. One followed me around, like all day, trying to embarrass me. You seem cool though."
"A knight obsessed with armor is a lousy knight indeed. I've met a fair share who seem to think the weapons and costumes are replacements for skill."
"I know, right? I got skills though, skills to pay the bills. At least, that's what Marcy and PB say."
Scarab found himself relaxing at least a little bit as he followed this human hero.
"...How you know your buddy would be fine? You sounded really sure about it."
"He's one of the best mages I've ever met. He is more than capable of helping himself if he feels his in actual danger. Problem is he is very bad at telling what is and isn't dangerous."
"Man, that sounds like me. I once jumped into a dungeon without backup, got my ass kicked. By a cat. And another knight, the Bucket Knight. Scarier than he sounds."
Scarab didn't talk to mortals very often, but this he felt was a good one.
One of the fun ones.
"Ooooh, what's this do?"
Prismo, meanwhile, was having the time of his life. When three dudes in black cloaks put an arm around his shoulder and offered magic beyond belief, well, he was hooked.
No, Prismo was not an idiot. Everything in there was very clearly cursed, destined to attach or leech or possess the user the second they walked out of the spooky tent with it.
But, no harm if he didn't leave with it.
"That, sir, will amplify your powers into a brilliant burst. You'd be untouchable."
Prismo could tell the goons were getting impatient. He knew he looked like a fat, easy target with his jewelry and demeanor, but he was much trickier than most assumed.
Money's paws were fun, after all.
He could hear them whisper.
"He gonna buy anything or just waste our time?"
"Patience, brother. We'll have him soon enough."
"Can't we just stab him and be done with it?"
Prismo chuckled to himself, standing up straight. Scarab had probably noticed he was gone by now, he should probably go back before he split his shell.
"Well guys, this was nice, but I think I should be going now. Lots of neat stuff you got here, but I don't think I'm interested."
He turned with a big smile to see three hooded goons who looked like they wanted to rip him apart.
Two of them surged forward to hold Prismo's wrists, dragging him to a very fancy looking chair.
"Woah, friends, what's the harsh treatment for?"
"Oh shut up, old man. We listened to you prattle on about nonsense for the past hour! We're bleeding you dry of magic, with or without your cooperation!"
Prismo was suddenly very aware of a knife to his neck as he was strapped down.
"Fellas, fellas, you don't wanna do this" he crooned.
"Oh, trust me, it's no trouble, you doddering old fool. It's our pleasure."
"No, no, that's not what I mean. My bud, he's probably looking for me. Not the kind of guy you want to get on the bad side. So just let me go and we pretend none of this ever happened, right?"
"We're not scared of some over dressed, pompous knight! We're wizards, wizards rule fool! Kin, get the bowl, it's gonna get messy."
Prismo rolled his eyes.
Well, this went poorly quickly. He was not gonna hear the end of this when Scarab showed up.
"Yeah, wizards rule, but guys, I'm telling ya, he's not someone you underestimate. I keep him around for a reason, you know?"
"Oh just shut up already! Whatever pitiful little magic you've got won't be worth more than you finally shutting up!"
"Wow, harsh dude."
There was a cold blade against his neck again, making him squeak a little. Okay, he might have to break himself out of this one...
"Uh, guys-"
There was a loud, grinding bang outside the tent, a yell, and suddenly light.
Everyone groaned at the sudden harsh light, but Prismo smiled at the glittering red armor.
"Prism! You Glob forsaken idiot, you better be here!"
"Ruby, hun, I seem to be in a bit of a pickle."
Prismo giggled a little at the utterly exhausted groan Scarab let out. There was a scream, a warm splatter, and a thud. The knife wasn't on his neck anymore, now kicked far away across the floor.
"Man, this is some serious dark junk." Prismo's eyes widened. He craned his neck, spotting the long blond hair and robotic arm. Oh Glob.
"These are definitely cursed, Finn. Like, the aura in here is toxic."
Jake Jr....
Oh Glob dammit. Don't cry, don't cry...
"Prism, dear, are you okay?"
Prismo blinked, trying to shake away the tears, smiling at Scarab's helmet covered face.
"Yeah, I'm okay, no biggie!"
He felt the straps around his wrists loosen, then him get tugged into Scarab's chest.
"I'm okay, I'm okay Ruby, promise. Sorry for wandering off, I know I'm not gonna hear the end of this, I know..."
Finn seemed to stop moving, slowly turning his head toward Prismo.
"Wait a second..."
Prismo took a deep breath, slowly emerging from Scarab's chest to face him.
"Oh my Glob..."
Prismo expected a lot of things could potentially happen. Yelling about being in Ooo, maybe anger for not being able to bring Jake back, maybe even annoyance for having to save him again.
But he did not expect a hug. A big bear one, that lifted him off the ground, feet dangling an undignified foot and a half off the grass.
Finn laughed as he swung the Wishmaster around, now hugging back both out of respect for the hug, and to not go flying if the human's grip slipped.
"Wait, is that... like Prismo Prismo? As in Prismo the Almighty Wishmaster that dad kept gushing over, that Prismo?"
"The one and only! Man, I didn't know you could leave the Time Room! I'd have invited you on adventures a long time ago!"
"This is a new thing, first time on Ooo, I promise. Finn, you're kind of crushing my ribs here."
Finn carried him outside before finally placing him back on his feet.
"Prism, hm?"
"We didn't wanna attract too much attention. So, disguises!"
"So, wait, then who's that" Junior asked, pointing her thumb toward Scarab. "Is this guy some poor schmuck you hired, or something else?"
Prismo collected himself a moment before holding Scarab's hand in his own. "This is Scarab. He's a coworker of mine and... well, my partner." He placed a soft kiss on one of Scarab's knuckles.
"And you're lucky for it" Scarab sighed. "Who else would I run halfway across a city for?"
"Oh, rad, good for you, man. I know we haven't talked much since... well, we haven't talked much. But, y'know, it's good to see you okay and stuff. And that you've got someone looking out for you."
Junior seemed to be deep in thought for a moment, before she strolled up and tapped Prismo's shoulder.
"I'm uh... I'm Jake Junior." She extended her hand in an offer to shake. "Dad... Dad liked talking about you. It's nice to meet you."
Prismo's smile wobbled, but it was wide. He tried to rub the tears from his eyes, but soon gave up and accepted the hand shake.
"It's nice to finally meet you too. Jake... Man, every other sentence was him bragging about one of you. He really loved you guys a lot."
Junior had a sad smile on her face, nervously rubbing the back of her head.
"Pris, now that I know you can come here, we gotta go on a proper adventure sometime, yeah? And, like, a proper one, not one where you just get kidnapped but some shifty wizard dudes."
"Seriously, they're like, the shiftiest guys I've ever seen and you just... went along with them? No questions asked?"
Prismo giggled nervously as he felt everyone's mildly judgmental stare on him.
"I don't know, it just looked... interesting. Not like they could actually hurt me or anything."
"That might be the case, but if you got discorporated, you would get to me the one to explain to the Organizer why we were walking around with unauthorized bodies."
"Hey, you didn't need to come with me!"
"Clearly, I did."
Prismo groaned, half embarrassed, half strangely happy at the day's turn of events.
He looked at Finn, and noticed the same sad smile Scarab often described the Wishmaster having. "Hey, Finn? If you... wanna hang out, in the Time Room, I can give you my number, or something... I'd like to see you. Same to you, Junior. You and any of your siblings are welcome to the domain of the Almighty Prismo."
Finn slapped him on the back, firmly gripping his shoulder.
"C'mon. Let's head to the Candy Kingdom, there's a bar, drinks are on me."
The two gods walked behind the mortals. Prismo could feel Scarab looking at him, a question trying to push past his mandibles. The Wishmaster didn't answer. He opted instead to tuck his hand into Scarab's and walk in comfortable silence, listening to these two mortals talk.
Maybe things would continue to be better.
Maybe Prismo's heart could take this.
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inbarfink · 3 months
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redlinmad · 1 year
Day_1 🌸🎼
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nattikay · 2 months
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all my major ships over the past 16 years
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sweet-heart-jack · 11 days
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My top four favorite male characters
I'll make a female version later
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lawrielawlaw · 7 months
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I just loved doodling how every kid would possibly act around Prismo + just some wholesome Prisjake for the sake of my soul
Here's the close ups
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My favourite has to be the doodle with Viola, they would just be chill buddies
Ignore my Genderfluid Prismo HC (He/They/She/It sweetheart) 😌🤭💅
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dead-by-mending · 8 months
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I didn't have any ideas for more incorrect quotes, so instead here's a lore-based meme dump (part 1 probably)
Originally posted on my Reddit
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 4 months
Did I forgot someone? 😅🤔
Edit: Zak Saturday 😳
Edit 2: I wanted to put Luz and Dipper but I thought they won't...fit?
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unclefathersantateddy · 3 months
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Just remembered this isn't even their first rodeo being canonically connected
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littlehermitten · 9 months
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"And the bird that leaves soon after eating may shit on your shoulders. Be wary of the birds who fly after eating."
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positivexcellence · 4 months
creationentertainment: Photo ops are so much fun at our conventions!
Here’s a peek at some fun ops during The Road So Far… The Road Ahead tour!
We hope to see you at one of the tour stops next year! Locations, details, and tickets are available at CreationEnt.com!
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billi-mausi · 2 months
but officer he is my babygirl
said babygirl: (a man either fictional or gay or dead or twice their age or all of the above)
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hereforthespncontent · 2 months
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Omg con drop is starting to hit but I did it! I got to meet Jensen and Jared and Jake and Rob and Rich and and….. so so many of my people! I fricken love this fandom!
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nattikay · 2 months
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the brainrot is absolutely dizzying tonight lads
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k0rr1g4n · 3 months
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octomelodytunes · 4 months
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ITS HER!!! IZZY!!!!!!! MY FAV!!!!!!!!
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