#its one thing for your cat or dog to get fat but to get a Wild Animal and then let it get obese is. literally so cruel
rileyglas · 2 days
Can we get part 2 of the cat Lucifer, cat Alastor, and little Adam thing? Like living with them type thing or daily life? It was adorable!!
The sheer chaos that all three of these little counterparts make was fun to explore! Hope you enjoy! Part One can be found here
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Meeting their Fandom Counterparts Pt. 2 Alastor, Lucifer, and Adam x gn!reader
Cat Alastor
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The morning light just started to peek through the window of your room. You roll over with a stretch, hand reaching for Alastor, “Good morning my - OW FUCK get off!” The cat, if you can even call it that, pounces and embeds its teeth into your arm. You fling it off to the floor, a solid thud resonates across the wood planks. “Al I can’t keep going with this! He won’t even let me near you without going nuts!” 
“He’s protective, that’s all. I’m sure he just needs to warm up to you a bit more. Isn’t that right my boy?” he coos, patting the bed beside him to call the cat back. You roll your eyes and scoff. That thing has been Alastor’s new favorite in the hotel for nearly three weeks now. It has wreaked havoc every day, not to mention the turmoil poor Lucifer has gone through thanks to its antics. “And how much more time do we need before coming to the conclusion he’s a deranged, rabid nuisance?” A scowl crosses your face as you swing your legs over the bed to get up. 
You hear a static filled growl rumble at your words before the cat stretches to a concerning length, curling up and purring in Alastor’s lap. “I’ve grown quite fond of him, my dear. I can’t help that he’s bonded with me.” You groan under your breath, “Can you at least try to keep him away from Lucifer today? The King is starting to get a nervous tick. He could use a break from the torture.” Alastor exhales in acknowledgement but you already know the day you’re in for. 
A few hours later, everyone sits around the table happily munching on breakfast. Lucifer sits across from you, sipping on his coffee quietly. His eye twitches ever so slightly. “Feeling alright, sir?” you ask, noticing his nerves are more fried than ever. Before he can answer he violently jolts,“UHG something BIT me!?” he yells as he pushes his chair back. Alastor’s cat pops up from between his legs with some white material between a disturbing smile.  Both you and Lucifer shoot a glare at Alastor who is chuckling smugly to himself. 
“You need to keep a leash on that thing before I take care of it myself!” Lucifer hisses. Alastor’s eyes flash and he slams his hands to the table, “You will not lay a finger on him!” The two men go nose to nose, arguing (yet again). Angel leans over to you, “That thing chased Fat Nuggets around with a fork last night. Its eyes always have that deranged, unsettling look. I personally wouldn’t mind if the King took care of it.” he whispers. You nod in agreement but sigh, knowing it is one of the few things Alastor has come to love during his time here. There’s no way you could take that away from him. 
You stand and clear your throat, “Al I think Lucifer is right. You need to keep a better eye on him if you want to keep him. Don’t want him running off any potential clients of the hotel, right Mr. Hotelier?” He rolls his eyes, snapping his fingers to conjure a collar and leash. “Fine, I’ll keep him closer for the sake of the hotel.” his voice drops slightly, “But don’t think I am done with allowing him to make some special visits.” 
Lucifer groans as the cat jumps into Alastor’s lap for his collar. The two give a final, eerily similar grin to the King before disappearing into a shadow. “You going to be okay?” you ask Lucifer. He shudders slightly, examining the new hole in his slacks. You hear a small chuckle leave his throat, “Yeah…I think I’m going to go get a dog today. A big one.”
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Cat Lucifer
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“Honey I really don’t know if a bow tie is necessary -” Lucifer tries to convince you but you wave him off as you adjust the tiny tie attached to the white cat’s collar, “Come on! He looks like a little distinguished gentleman, don’t you Luci?” “Stop calling him that!” he grumbles, arms crossed across his chest. The smallest pout on his lips makes you melt pitifully, “Now my love, don’t tell me you’re jealous? You’re still the number one man in my life.” Still holding the cat, you lean over and kiss Lucifer’s cheek. 
A light blush crosses his face with a small grin, “I know. I guess I just feel so disconnected lately. I’m sorry.” Luci hops out of your arms and paws at Lucifer’s coat tail. A sudden idea makes your face light up. “Why don’t you make him a toy? You’re locked in your office so much - maybe it can be a little side project to help bring you closer?”
The cat stares up at the King, eyes glossed over and a small droplet of drool dangling off its chin. Lucifer sneers, “Are you sure he even understands what a toy is?” You smooth his coat and push him out the door, “Just consider it, please? Have a good day dear.” A week later, as usual, Lucifer was working overtime every night. You’re grateful you at least have the small fluff ball to keep you company, even if Luci is a little on the dim side. You’ve witnessed him attack his own feet and roll off the bed multiple times, hitting the ground with a disgruntled huff of defeat. He’s even taken a few swipes at Fat Nuggets. When the pig turned to chase him his wings would puff out in an attempt to ‘fly’ away. The poor thing just looked as though he was having a seizure, flailing and flapping around on the floor, going nowhere. Let’s just say - he’s lucky he’s cute. 
Lucifer finally comes in one evening sporting a smug grin, “My dear! Introducing my new creation!” He extends his hand out holding a small white rubber duck with cat ears and a red bow tie, “It’s a duck..cat..thing but more importantly, I installed little wheels underneath so he can chase it to his heart's content!”
He sets the duck down in front of Luci. The cat noses it, hissing when he hears the whirling of the gears that make the duck slide across the hardwood floor. Lucifer’s shoulder stoop, “Damn, I really thought he would like it.” he admits with a hint of sadness. You pat his shoulder, “Give him a moment - oh see! He loves it!” Luci begins to roll around and chirp playfully. After a few moments he pounces (clumsily), catching it between his fangs. The cat proudly struts over to Lucifer and sets the toy at his feet. He bends down to scratch between Luci’s ears, “Hmpf. You’re welcome little guy!”
Your plan for Lucifer to bond seems to backfire slightly. Before you know it, not only is your boyfriend missing nearly every night, but you’ve noticed Luci hasn’t come to bed with you as usual. After a few nights of this, you sneak down the hall to peek into the King’s office. You can’t help but giggle at the scene before you.  Lucifer works hard at his desk, with one drawer pulled out next to him. You notice a small blanket stuffed inside and on top is Luci, curled up comfortably and purring. His little white duck tucked safely under his paw. Every now and then Lucifer’s hand finds the cat to give it a few pats. Well…at least someone has company.
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Little Adam
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The deal of not allowing Little Adam to come home didn’t last long. The day after he showed up you stand at the stove cooking dinner when you feel a small pinch on your ass. “Well hello to - what the HEAVENS is he doing here!?” You turn around expecting your Adam only to see the little shit making obscene grabbing motions with his hands.
“I couldn’t leave him again! He was scared!” Adam defends loudly then grumbles something under his breath. “What was that dear?” you prod, knowing there’s more to the story. He turns away, embarrassed, “Well…he also might have destroyed the main office while I was gone…and now has a few formal complaints I will have to deal with…”
You cross your arms, “Mhm. And?” Little Adam crawls up your legs and under your shirt. “Hey - NO! OUT!” your words fall on deaf ears as he snuggles into the warmth of your chest. “See he loves you just as much as I do! Please, let’s keep him here?” Adam flashes a coy smile that you, of course, can’t say no to. 
It was easy to see why there were so many complaints about Little Adam. Over the course of a few days he ate every snack in the house, groped you anytime he could, and left a mess in any room he was in for more than a minute. You are at your wits end but continue to put up with it for the sake of Adam’s happiness. 
That is until tonight. Adam came home in a frisky mood and you welcomed his advances. He no more than got his robe off before Little Adam snuck his way into your bed, obnoxiously cheering his bigger self on. “Nope, that’s not going to happen.” You say as you flick him off the bed. His wings pop out and he flutters around Adam’s head. 
“Babe common, it’s just a little me. Not like he can tell anyone what we do. Besides, it’s fuckin’ sick to have a little fan.” Adam says excitedly but his smile drops when he sees how pissed off you are. He hunches his shoulders, “Uhg fine. Sorry little dude. You’ve gotta go.” Little Adam squeaks in protest when Adam plucks him by his wings and throws him outside the bedroom. 
Guilt begins to eat at you. On one hand, you couldn’t have that thing destroying the house everyday and terrorizing you. But Adam has grown attached. There had to be a way to make everyone happy. He was bound to just be lonely and need company. That’s when it hits you. 
“Whatcha workin on sugar?” Adam asks, kicked back on the couch next to you. “I’m actually just finishing up.” You mutter as you make the final stitch and show Adam a small stuffed doll that has your resemblance. “I figured Little Adam needed a Little Me to keep him company. It’ll be cute…hopefully.”
You set up a small bed across your room for the tiny terror to sleep in. The last thing you wanted was to accidentally squish him in the night. Little Adam hops up and down in the bed excitedly as you set the doll next to him. He immediately snuggles it with a huge smile. “Awe he loves it! You did good babe.” Adam chuckles and wraps an arm around you. “Maybe now he’ll leave us alone. He probably was just in need of a frien - uhg great. Now he’s humping it.” You roll your eyes and walk away in disgust. “He’s definitely you.” you poke angrily at Adam who is nearly falling over from laughter. At this point, you’re just glad you found something to keep Little Adam out of trouble. 
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dualityvn · 1 day
(Falls down metaphorical stairs)
HELLO my dearly beloveds! I know its been a FAT while since I've thrown an ask at this blog (its ok tho, because unlike my dad, I came back /JOKE) but I just cant get the utter brainrot from date 4 out of my head and I wanted to leave a couple of words (as if I wasnt yapping enough in the server)
(Spoilers for date 4, of course, Im really sorry-)
But a couple of things I wanted to point out furthermore/appreciate is the fact that:
•While Tenebris could've absolutely just used a glamor and have people's approval more that way, he doesnt- He's just his authentic self and is unapologetic about it and I think thats really neat of him (It doesnt make me any less terrified to have him end my run though)
•I still have beef w that damn squirrel and I will die on this hill, Cake was either bribed or wanted to lead us to our certain doom, but thats the hill Im dying on until I get told/proven otherwise, then I'll take my L
•The knife throwing scene with Tenebris is very neat! Its nice that he's letting us in on his hobby regardless of wether or not we do/dont have experience knife throwing!
•That forest fae design is very well done! Fighting for my life to not run because I know that thing will catch me, but it was a very spooky design
•KEITH is still my dearly beloved, but I think Tenebris deserves the cat title more- C'mon, he's literally out here stealing from neighbours and growling at them /silly
•On the topic of Keith, he was very polite and sweet in his own date/poly date, but if it werent for Tenebris, I wouldve absolutely socked him in Ten's date when he started talking about the privilege of dating MC /exaggerating, of course
•I was a greedy bastard and absolutely chose to kiss them both on the mouth in the poly date and dont regret it, I think its cool that this is one of the only vns I know that actually includes poly tbh
And thats all for right now! Until next time, my loves-
Hehe, yes, Tenebris doesn't wanna bother with glamors for stuff like that. Besides, he's survived most of his life without them, up until he learned how to do it so why start now.
I would say Keith can have the cat title because he's calmer than Tenebris. But truthfully, they're both kind of dog coded.
He acted like that during Tenebris' date because he was salty, lmao. You didn't pick him and now Tenebris is just moping around instead of enjoying your company like he could've.
Good! They both wanted their kisses. Though you'll be hearing from Keith during the next date about how you gave Tenebris two.
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lesbiten · 2 years
sincerely believe people who let their pets get morbidly obese and then use them for internet clout are some of the worst people out there
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pedge-page · 5 months
Joel dealing with Preggo Wife # 7: House Pet
Can be read with others in series or standalone
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Warnings: unprotected sex, slight Daddy kink, suggestive of oral M receiving, annoying reader and annoyed Joel
18 + ONLY
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You watch one depressing commercial of shivering dogs left emaciated in the cold begging for love and care, and all the water in your entire body comes flooding out in tears.
“J-j-j"—snUFFF—“JOeeeOEeeeoelllLLLL!!!" You wail, wiping your snot on his shirt sleeve while curled up against him. “THEY NWEEEDDD MWEEEEE!!!!”
“You wanna donate?”
N-d—nooo--“sniffle—“wanna -wa-wanna aa-ad-ad-opt—“
He chuckles like its some obvious joke, but when he sees the absolute shine in your giant eyes staring pleadingly at him, he puts his foot down as gently as possible: “Honey, we can’t have a dog right now. With you—being like this, and a baby on the way, I’ve got enough on my plate as is. Wanna make sure you and babygirl are well taken care of first, okay?”
There’s a tense silence hanging in the air as you seize a breath in your throat. 
And then you’re LOSING IT, whining and crying like a child into his face.
“Jesus,” he mumbles softly, gently stroking your hair, hushing little shhhhh into your forehead and rocking you in his arms like a baby in a cradle— a giant baby stuffed with another baby currently rattling the emotions of the big baby.
 He's given you a cup of water for bed and tucking you in, picking up the litany of tissues tossed around you, while you refuse to quit your puffy eye’d and endless barrage of tears. 
By the next morning, swollen lids yet calm, he thought he’d heard the last of it last night. And you were doing much better mood wise—no cries, though a little cold shoulder to him. He gives you a few hours till you’re over it and asking for ice cream like nothing happened. 
Until now, five days later where every minute is just a retort to his face about getting a dog.
When you best friend comes over to give you extra baby clothes:
"Aww your girl named her puppy Winston? That's so adorable! Joel, ya hear that??” You peak loudly so he can hear from the kitchen. “Too bad I don’t have a puppy named Winston.”
"When you have our daughter, she can get a puppy named Winston"
"Oh! Already picking her over me for getting a dog?"
He rolls his eyes, tuning out to focus on making you biscuits that are too salty so you’ll have something else to whine about.
During movie night:
“…If only I had a dog to help keep my feet warm on the couch.”
He shovels a fist full of popcorn into his tilted back, wide mouth. “‘At’s what a blanket’s for.” he yanks your favorite soft one over your toes and keeps his eyes on the TV.
To the neighbor that just fucking moved in two weeks ago:
"Joel doesn't kiss me enough. If I had a dog, I wouldn't complain as much since the pup would love me unconditionally."
He grits his teeth, excusing himself to the bathroom.
At Tommy’s place for a Sunday BBQ:
“Bought the wood second hand—I re constructed our living room myself,” he says braggingly, drawing a beer from the cooler.
"Yeah, Tommy, it’s real nice.” You charm, and you can already see Joel's fist clench at his side. “Would look even better with a dog in the window."
“Wish I had a fluffy dog to cuddle instead of your big ass."
"My husband spoils me so much. He usually gets me anything I want without asking! Unless it's a dog ..."
Joel finishing adding furniture to the baby room.
"You know what else this room could use?” 
"A dog bed, a dog blanket, a dog.”
"If you say-one more-god damn thing-about the dog..." he huffs.
"What dog? We don't even have a dog."
"We don't-need one. Got a cat in the house already."
He thrusts in again with a grunt, your trail of thought disappearing for a second just as Joel’s fat cock penetrates you.
 The two of you are lying sideways on the bed, his chest pressed flush against your back. With your leg just barely propped up with his masculine arm hooked under your knee, a hand splayed protectively over your big belly, he has enough room to slot his length into your achy sopping cunt, slowly fucking you with harsh little jolts. You grip the back of his neck, fingers clutched in his sweaty locks, feeling his hot breath dampening your collar. 
He lets out a pained hiss. “This lil pussy right here is all the animal I can handle now. Now quit it.”
His hips begin to crash lightly over your ass, rutting his tip deeper into you with muffled slaps. He loves the sight of your now largely grown thighs jiggling with each impact. Loves the feeling of your swollen breasts suffocating his other hand. Loves the knowledge of his wife so stuffed full of him for everyone to see. 
You moan lightly, clenching around him at the leisure, unhurried yet pent up pleasure coursing through you. But your mind wonders again. “If you don't want a rescue we can get a certain breed: How about a malnoise? Or something smaller like a corgi? Or aussie. Oh Pitties are so cute!"
He rolls his eyes, nose buried in your hair. How are you even able to have a coherent conversation right now while he's rearranging your guts? Rather than hushing you with another quit it, he decides to entertain you. "Jesus woman. Ain't pitties all mean?"
"Nooooo —mmm baby, right there—“ you whine, panting in sync as you lowly try to hump him back. “Protective, intimidating looking.” You smile, mouth agape and eyes closed when he hits that sweet spot deep inside.  “Just—like you, big ol sweethearts…Who give their wives exactly what they fucking want—like a dog."
“Christ.” The hand from under your leg glides over your wet clit, his rough digits rubbing fast circles while his other free arm  unfolds from under your throat to grip it lightly. His knees bend so he can rock just his hips with ferocious power, railing with the intent to fuck you so dumb, you can’t help but shut up. “One more peep and I'm switching us up and gonna fuck you like one.”
You really didn’t want to —resorting to this lounging position because your back hurt too much to be fucked doggy, and the baby weighed too heavily to ride him. Thank God his cock was fucking huge—it could reach deep into you at any position. No fucking wonder you got pregnant so easily. 
“no- no Daddy, I'll be good," you hum. "Unfff—mmm-yeah—yeah! Fuuuck—fuck me baby that’s it!” You shout. Joel’s hand works endlessly on your little nub, now at the mercy of his ministrations to get you off since you can’t reach yourself anymore. You grip your belly and cry, walls convulsing around his meat with a much needed orgasm. Joel follows suit not too long after, biting your shoulder as his hips still against your ass, pumping you full of his pearly cum.
The two of you stay in the same position, breathing heavily as you come down from your respective highs. 
His eyes close, breath slowing and getting deeper in relaxation as his fingers lightly dance over your swole bump.
You feel the gentle cooling breeze of the fan spinning above you. Sighing contently now filled with your husband’s love and caressed with his tender hands. 
 “…So I was thinking, when we get a dog..."
Tommy comes over and can tell something is up between you two.  When Joel leaves the room, he asks "so what is it this week with Joel?"
"He won't get me--what do you mean THIS week??"
"Nothing nothing, he won't get you a what?"
"A dog. I want a dog. He doesn’t want a dog. So I don’t understand why he can’t compromise and get a dog.”
He laughs. “Honey, cuz that’s not a compromise. You know why he won't get you one, right?"
"Cuz he doesn't want to take care of me, a baby, and the dog at the same time"
"Nah. He's worried you'll only want the dog’s affection, and the baby gets the rest of your attention. Then you won’t have anything left for him.”
Later that night, Joel is still steaming from your earlier conversation after sex, having no regard for listening to another thing you had to say the rest of the day. You waddle into the bedroom, looking apologetic as possible with your hands held behind your back. He only looks up from the bed to see you: in his large T shirt with nothing else, freshly lavender scented from your bath, and big pleading child-like eyes full of sorrow. He purses his lips before returning to his book, glasses perched on his nose.
You approach Joel with an apology gift that you hid behind your back: a stuffed wolf.
He smiles gently unable to even pretend to hold his temper against you. you kiss the tip of his nose as he caresses your smoothed bump. “You're my favorite dog anyway,” you say warmly. “Needy. Grumpy. Likes food. Gives me kisses."
“Thought I didn’t give ya enough kisses? Least that’s what you told neighbor.”
“That was—a lie.” You bat your eyes cutely. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“Mmmm,” is all he says, his eyes raking over your curves just barely covered now due to your size. “I don’t know, Daddy might need more apologies — ya did treat me real bad this week.”
You hum sadly, nuzzling yourself against his chest. your hand trails down his firm middle, all the way to the growing tent sticking up from his boxers.
“I can lick it better,” you whisper seductively in his ear, nipping at his pulse point.
“That’s what I like to hear.”
And after one of your famous deep throated blow job with Joel's balls happily emptied in your already full belly, he leans over to his side table and pulls the drawer open, holding something tight in his hand.
You just barely stop yourself from falling asleep with your head on his lap when he dangles a dog collar above your head. You sit up, inspecting it with grubbing hands: it has your home address etched on to the metal plate, but no name on it. 
“What you want me to be your dog? I’ll wear the collar but I’m not getting on my knees, nor crawling around and drinking from dog bowls  and shitting in the yard—“
“No angel,” he shushes you. Although the image of you wearing the collar, naked and heavily pregnant on your knees in front of him wasn’t a bad idea at all…he shakes his head from the delusion. ”Aint for you. Thought about it—but ONLY after have the baby and are settled, and ya know IF —and that’s a mighty big if—we find one that’s not too rough shape, got a good sense about ‘im, then MAYBE I’ll consider it.”
"Oh my god! Thank you! Thankyouthankyou--"
"I said IF sweetheart. Got along road ahead till then."
"I'll give you as many blow jobs as you want."
"You already do that for yourself."
"Yeah but... how about I sit on your face? Fully?"
His ears perk up. "Yeah?"
"After the baby is born," you quip, smirking with more confidence then your swollen body can muster trying to wiggle away from his grasp like a devious chubby oompa lumpa. He just laughs to himself as you slip down the bed, and the sudden urge to pee has you B-lining to the bathroom.
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bogleech · 5 months
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is the first DQM game I've ever gotten to play after admiring the series since childhood. The bad news is that it leaves out exactly the three DQ monsters I love most. The good news is that everything else about it is great. I've been taking regular screenshots as I play and I am going to start adding things about it to this post, so it is going to get long. First of all here are exactly my next three favorite monsters in the franchise, which they fortunately did include, and were all available to me by almost the first area:
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"Mad Mollusk" or in other dq games "taileater" is great because it has a sad flabby slug face at one end and a fanged leech mouth at the other end. When it uses magic, it reveals giant eyeballs in its antennae somehow?! Love how big the "carnivorous" mouth gets in the attack animation. What a stretchy guy!
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"Lunatick" is just called "meda" (eye) in Japanese, I'm glad they decided it was like a parasite thing in the localization.
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Finally there's DROHL, a classic DQ enemy that looks like...well I'm not gonna say what it really looks like but I think it's a cool little freak unrelated to that and I think it talks exactly like Droopy dog. Oddly it's known as a "Drohl DRONE," and I believe there are other "castes" in other DQ games, but only the "drones" are in this one sadly. I've yet to find this in the wild; I got it through the breeding system!
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....Which is by far the most addicting thing about this game. The actual gameplay is good solid turn based RPG stuff, if a bit basic, but every monster can be bred with another monster to unlock a slew of other species. This is one of the first games in which they actually call it a "fusion" system now, I guess dropping the word "breed" from the English localization, but all other in-game dialog still calls these the 'parents' and 'offspring' and even makes jokes that they're getting married, so yeah, it's still breeding. What happens when you breed a slime with someone's dead grandpa??
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.....There are multiple monsters you can get from that, but one of them, and the one that makes the most sense, is Slimeshroom! This is a new DQ slime that's some fungus! What's also fun is that every monster has up to three skills, and each skill actually unlocks a ton of spells, attacks, boosts and effects as you spend skill points on them. Then when you breed two monsters, you can give the baby any three skills from the parents. Any at all! I used this to make my Slimeshroom both a healer and a fire mage in the early game. This catches you up with the same progress I talked about when I first got the game almost two months ago so here's some things that have happened since:
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I bred a flying cat and a vampire chinchilla to get a.....sexy bat??
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I helped a fat rat - that's the name of his species - rescue his son
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I bred a people ghost with a lamp ghost to get a bag of dirt!
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I fought this bastard giraffe man who called an elderly wizard a "naughty boy" and put him in candy jail.
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"Duffer" from the Giraffe quest is also best friends with Eileen the eye demon, and when you rescue him, they become your loyal subjects! BAD NEWS: this entire game is actually a prequel to Dragon Quest 4, and the player character of this game is the villain of Dragon Quest 4. Duffer and Eileen are also in Dragon Quest 4. They die :( .......Maybe this game gives you a chance to fix that future??? I don't know.
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kedreeva · 4 months
So I live somewhere where certain foods aren't readily available. I'm looking to buy a house - smallish house, biggish land is an option(cheaper). I've never kept anything more ~interesting~ than snakes. I went to a restaurant in a city a few years back where I tried duck for the first time and it instantly became my favorite food. Would it be weird to uh, keep ducks for eating? I've no problem with butchering but I'm worried I'd get attached to MY ducks.
I can't really answer if you'll get attached, because I don't know you or your penchant for getting attached. I can answer that it's not weird at all to raise ducks for meat. There are entire breeds of ducks that are great to raise for meat (like muscovies or pekins). Personally, I prefer the muscovy breed because I find them to be adorable (lots of cool color morphs! they do a little butt waggling dance in a circle!), GREAT moms who take on HUGE clutches no problem, they don't require or play in large amounts of water the way pekins do, and they're not as noisy (they hiss, they don't quack). The boys also get quite large, without getting super fat the way proper meat pekins do.
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Like that's just. Terrible. I assume they get belly rub sores. The meat is probably good, the fat is probably good cooking. But at what cost?
I can also say that most people do get somewhat attached to animals they raise for food, but I think that's an important part of it. Part of raising animals for food is understanding that you're giving them the best life you can up to the point of butcher, which is often better than whatever life they would have in a factory farm. Part of raising food animals is caring enough about them to do well by them, as the only gratitude you can show to them in exchange for their life. Part of raising animals for food is understanding that you are going to take the life of another creature, and I think that attachment is how we understand the weight of that decision.
Personally, I think that it's right and good for people to get attached to their livestock. I think it helps them remember that they're caring for a living creature that has needs and feels pain. A creature that is deserving of excellent care while alive. I see a LOT of people allowing animal suffering in the fowl world because "it's just a chicken" and the babies "only cost a couple bucks," and "they can be replaced." IMO, it's a particularly callous attitude to have, toward an animal whose life will be taken to provide for you. Even one whose life is dedicated to providing for you while living (eggs, milk, wool, honey, etc) deserves better than to be considered a Thing that can be allowed to suffer merely because it is replaceable.
Lastly, I can say that (for me at least) there's often a major difference between the attachment you feel toward a pet and a livestock animal. Part of it is expectations going in, part of it is time. For pets, the expectation is that you will have that animal for the duration of that animal's average life expectancy, and you can plan accordingly for allowing yourself emotional investment. For livestock, the expectation is that you will only have the animal until its butcher date, which is often quite early in their life. A healthy, well-kept dog you can probably expect a good 10 years from, a cat nearly twice that. The average butcher age for a pekin duck is 3 months old (for comparison, they have an average lifespan of 5 years before their bodies give out from growth and weight issues), for muscovies 3-6 months (with an average lifespan of 20 years). There's just not as much time to get attached in the first place, unless you're getting attached to your breeders.
So, is it weird to raise ducks for food? Absolutely not. Are you going to get attached? I hope so, at least a little bit. And I hope that you feeling that connection to your food source helps you to take excellent care of them until their time comes, and that it compels you to make their end as quick and painless as possible.
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six-white-venus · 4 months
every night, without fail, i dream of a dog.
i don't really mind them. dogs, that is. on most days, I adore them. but every night I see this howling, miserable creature, my hand itches for a knife.
in the dream, i watch it roam around in the streets, tail wagging, always wagging as it nuzzles everyone's leg. they all smile and coo you're such a good boy, aren't you? and it is, so it barks and turns over to show its belly and they all laugh and everything is happy, it's splendid. is it? no one approached it during that one (thousand) time (s) it got hit by a truck and was dragged down the street, that poor old hound. no one wants to patch up a dirty, homeless dog. it will heal, anyway. it always does. and after it does, it will nip at their heels again and they'll all laugh and pat its head.
(they scrub their hands raw after that. their mothers chide them for touching a walking, breathing plague but it's fine, it's just a dog, it's not like it can hear anything anyway. the sink overflows. i sit and listen)
you can say it's loved, to some extent. if love is all smiles and stones on your back and leftover food and eyes that always yearn for praise and words that chase and embrace, then yes, it is so very loved. loved, but not enough to be called by name. it wanders the streets with its tongue out, watching, waiting, always waiting, for a stranger to take it home but a homeless dog has no home for a reason. i sit on the bench of its favourite park and all I can think is: what a stupid fucking dog.
i like cats. cats hiss. they scratch and flinch and run. they don't forgive. they never forget. but dogs never learn. slap your dog to near death, try it. after it whimpers and hides underneath your couch, extend your hand and coo a few niceties. slide its favourite treats towards its snout. sit cross-legged on the floor and call it by a name that feels like plastic on your tongue and watch it come back and lick your boots.
what a stupid fucking dog.
god forbid it snaps. god forbid it snarls and bites down on your cruel hands and saves itself from all the pain. an ungrateful beast, that's what it is. look at its teeth. is that maggots in its fur, in the holes of its wounds? disgusting, entitled bitch, not knowing its place. someone put that damn dog down.
they don't forget to feed the dog, no. they just choose not to. it was getting too fat, too loud and had the gall to growl at them when they raised their hand. really! the audacity! stupid fucking dog, look at it circle their feet anyway. look at it, waiting for them to say 'good boy!' when it drops a dried leaf at their feet, all hopeful and pathetic.
but all they do is click their tongue and beat it with a broom. watch it whimper and hide. the leaf looks like fire, like a flake of the sun, like summer. it's just a goddamn leaf and that's just a dog, so what does it matter? it doesn't. it never did and never will.
i dream of a dog every night and I hate it because it goes by my name. or rather, I go by its name. it's pathetic.
what a stupid fucking dog. someone put the damn thing down.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Okay idk if u wanna do this but May I request a crossover of vita Carnis and Mandela Catalouge headcanons?..
For Adam,Jonah and Mark. Basically they arrive at theyre s/o’s House..and find out they have a pet trimming named Meatloaf or something.s/o treat them like they’re baby like any pet owner would,what are they’re reactions?
Awwwwe yeah my two current analog horror fixations let's goooo
He shows up at your door right as you were getting food for your pet.
It was especially important that you fed it at this particular time so it would settle down for the night...
But Adam's persistent knocking forces you to stop and answer the door, momentarily leaving it with an empty bowl.
"Adam? What are you doing here so late?"
"Did you get my message? Our client wants us to go to his place now. I got the salt and everything."
"...he's gonna have to wait a minute. I just gotta feed my pet and-"
"C'mon, babe. We can't lose this offer. I'm sure your pet's not gonna starve to dea-"
All of the sudden, both of you hear metal scraping and a loud whining noise that sounded like a dying animal, startling Adam while you just stare blankly at him. "You were saying?"
"..what the hell was that?????"
You decide it's better to just show him, so you go back inside and introduce him to your pet: a small six-legged fat lump of raw red meat with a collar around its neck.
"What the fuck is that?? An alien??"
"No, it's a Trimming. And their name is Meatloaf."
"....that literally explains nothing."
After feeding your Trimming and calming it down, you told Adam a little bit about its role in the Vita Carnis family.
Where you're from, they're common house pets, being even more popular than dogs or cats as they were docile and willing to eat anything.
When you're done explaining, he just stares at Meatloaf for a while, who's now swaddled in a blanket and curled up in your lap.
It looks kinda gross, but he is intrigued.
Apparently, it's trained to sniff out Mimics and scream when it detects one....which has saved your life on multiple occasions, and it did the same when it sensed an Alternate in your house not long after you moved here.
That's cool.
He thinks you should bring it on BPS assignments.
On the other hand....
When you mentioned owning an exotic pet, Jonah didn't expect anything like this when he showed up uninvited, letting himself in with a spare key.
"Hey I brought some pizza for--WHAT THE HELL IS THAT, S/O?!!
Babe, please don't scream-"
"Am I tripping or is tHAT A FUCKING FETUS??!!!!" He points wildly to the Trimming sitting in your kitchen sink, covered in soap and looking saddened bc your bf interrupted bath time.
Meanwhile, you're pissed off by his yelling and covered its sensitive ears, glaring at him. "Will you calm down? This is a Trimming..you haven't heard of them?"
"No???? It looks like the goddamn chestburster from Alien! What is it?!!"
He was ready to run out of the house, but you convinced him to stay and you explained what a Trimming is, rinsing off the soap while doing so.
Poor guy's still trying to comprehend why (and how) a thing like this even exists, eyes wide as he watches you dry it off and care for it like you would a puppy or kitten.
It doesn't help that you call it "Meatloaf" and have a cute little bow on its collar/head.
Nothing you say will stop him from getting nauseous, suddenly losing his appetite for the pizza (especially since he got pepperoni and sausage on it).
You reassure him it's not gonna go to waste, instead feeding it to Meatloaf in bite-sized pieces.
Jonah's just in shock as it happily devours them with no hesitation, before it waddles back into your arms for cuddles.
You made it your mission to get him to hold it, trying to show him it's not scary at all.
It's....still a work in progress.
You knew exactly what he was gonna think of your Trimming.
So you explained what it was exactly, even showing him a photo so he's better prepared to meet it when he comes over.
The last thing you wanted was for him to scream "demon" and throw a bible at your sweet little nondemonic meat pet.
But still...he clams up when you greet him at the door, holding Meatloaf in one arm.
"O-Oh, it's..uh....cute...?" Mark tries his best to be polite, yet his face is as pale as a ghost's.
You're just relieved he didn't panic and cause a huge scene.
However, for a normally social creature...Meatloaf became unusually shy around him, flinching away when he attempted to pet it and whining if you put it down for too long.
It constantly followed you, refusing to be in the same room as him.
This keeps happening whenever he visits, and he's unsure what to do.
So one day he asks if it'll ever warm up to him.
"Oh! How could I forget? Trimmings usually like it when they're sorta "involved" in conversations..if that makes sense." You tell him. "Meatloaf probably thinks you're unfriendly because you talk to only me when you come over."
"....so..how do I fix that? By talking to it myself?"
"Will it...understand me?"
"Not sure, but it just likes hearing chatter." You then speak to Meatloaf, scratching under its chin to stir it from sleep. "Hey, Loafy. My boyfriend wants to tell you something."
With the Trimming now looking at Mark, he feels...awkward, but he finally stutters something.
"H-Hey, uh...so I'm Mark. But you probably know that. S/o talks about me a lot and...uh....anyways we've been together for a few months. Sorry if I didn't seem that "friendly" to you, but I hope um...you...approve of us..?"
He trails off as it shifts out of your hold and climbs into his lap, curling up and cooing happily.
His eyes are HUGE and he's filled with fear(tm), but eventually makes the brave decision to pat its fleshy head, hearing it...purring?
Then you see his smile.
You're extremely happy about this bonding moment and had to snap a picture of the two.
'Yeah, this one's definitely for the books'
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Sfw Headcanons of Dating Jack Skellington
This man is so sweet fr fr, he needs a hug 🖤
[WARNING: mentions of horror movies]
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🖤 boi where do i start lel
🦴 Mans is a big cuddler
🧡 like for real, hes so sweet
🦴 Lots of kisses from this big boi
🖤 Like, for real, hes the most affectionate thing out there
🦴 king of the pumpkin patch, AND romance
🧡 Will scare anyone who makes you sad or angry. And he won't scare you unless you tell him you're okay with it.
🦴 hes a huge flirt. Like, the BIGGEST flirt out there
🖤 make things for him, HE'LL LOVE IT
🦴 hell, he loves you
🧡 Jack makes the best Cider and Hot Cocoa
🦴 His favorite thing to do for a date, is getting caramel corn and going for a walk with you under all of the trees.
🖤 the sun shining through the orange, yellow, and red leaves makes for a beautiful atmosphere
🦴 yall play fetch with Zero too :3
🧡 Wear a skeleton costume :)
🦴 He will either, 1: find it funny, 2: be confused, or 3: be flustered
🖤 I have no idea why, but i headcanon that Jack can play the piano and cello. I have no idea why but it just fits imo
🦴 Sing with him :D
🧡 wait- you expect me to not headcanon a disney character to be musical??... you're insane LMFAO
🦴 Pumpkin bread with chocolate chips is one of Jack's favorite things, if you like baking, make this for him lol
🖤 If you don't live with him and in a seperate house he will walk you home every single time, doesn't matter if you live next door or not.
🧡 Speaking of which, he's pretty protective of you, but not to the point where its suffocating
🦴 So its basically canon that he knows how to sew right, thats straight up.
🦴 he makes monster plushies with it AND NOBODY CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE
🧡 Like c'mon now, how can you own a sewing machine and NOT make plushies?!?! Its UNHEARD of /j
🦴 Have autism? Or anything similar to it?? HE STIMS WITH YOU!!! (Its because he thinks its fun :3)
🦴 Annoy Jack with bone puns, his reactions are priceless 🤣
🖤 His pet names for you are, Dear, Darling, and Pumpkin
🧡 He likes horror movies, if they're too much for you to handle, thats okay. Jack can always settle for less scary movies.
🦴 His favorites are The Descent, the Saw movies, Trick r' Treat (He thinks Sam is adorable), Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (because of the nostalgia from the books), and the Fear Street movies
🖤 If you can't handle those scary movies he'll watch mellow ones with you. Like Hocus Pocus, Spooky Buddies, Halloween Is Grinch Night, etc.
🦴 He loves animals... spooky ones.
🧡 This boi wants a Bat, Frog, Tarantula, Snake, Black Cat, or maybe another ghost dog :)
🦴 As long as its not venomous
🖤 It'd be nice for Zero to have another playmate :D
🦴 okay so, while this talks about snuggling in bed and body anatomy, this isn't in a nsfw way so bear with me here lol
🧡 While yall are snugglin, you can flick his ribs to make them sound like a xylophone. You can totally play a song 🤣
🦴 Hes totally interested in your muscles, fat, and skin
🖤 like ???? How tf are you so squishy?!
🦴 He's not complainin though, he loves you how you are <3
🧡 He has cute lil monster outfits for you, Jack lets you pick out your clothes but he just has them for you just in case :)
🦴 Okay so... lets get one thing straight (unlike me LMFAO)
🖤 As a monster, Jack doesn't need to sleep, but he does.
🦴 But this means sometimes he doesn't sleep at all and just wanders around the house at 3 A.M.
🧡 and its actually lowkey scary when you run into him at those times
🦴 He just looks way scarier than usual without even trying. And oh my gosh.
🖤 There have been MULTIPLE times where Jack accidentally scared you half to death while you were looking for a snack 🤣
🦴 When all is said and done, Jack Skellington is a really sweet dude who means well. A very loving person :)))
Thanks for Reading,
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noctumbra · 2 years
                      𝒗𝒊. 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒚𝒔
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🍂 summary ─ heroic moves such as feeding stray cats in this cold require rewards, in your opinion.
🍂 pairing ─ farmer!bucky barnes x reader
🍂 warnings ─ fluff, animal lover bucky, he’s a cat dad ok, soft!bucky, pet names
🍂 a/n ─ i said it before ik but i’m saying it again: i want a bucky *cries*
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You were walking quickly through the park when you saw a familiar man-bun supporting, knitted sweater wearing guy kneeling near a bench and feeding the stray dogs and cats, petting them as they rubbed their tails or faces against his pants.
He had the biggest smile on his face, all bright and genuine. You could see his lips moving as he murmured softly to the animals, giving them the pets they demand so fiercely all the while making sure they had enough food and water to keep them full at least for some time. You sighed as you watched him from a distance.
He looked so good, but also so messy because of all the dirt those cute creatures brought with themselves. His tote bag, the one that was identical to the one you were carrying at the moment, was on the ground, carelessly dropped from the way it looked. You also saw the discarded gloves and the beanie on top of the bag; you assumed one of the dogs recognized him and got excited, jumping all over him and making him lose his balance.
Your cheeks hurt from smiling widely, but you didn’t care. Bucky was able to put that smile on your face just by existing and doing whatever he usually did on his off day. Biting your lip, you stepped forward a bit, getting closer.
“…Hi, pretty, hi, hi, hi,” he was babbling at a dog which was a little older than a puppy. Its tail was wagging madly as it let itself loved thoroughly by him. “Did you fall into a mud pool, buddy? Lookit all the mess you have on you─ oof!” He fell backwards as two more dogs, which were totally puppies this time, jumped on him with a small ‘woof’ of their own. You chuckled silently.
Leaving Bucky to make love to the animals, you walked into the coffee shop with a smile on your face. Wanda raised a brow. You just smiled wider.
“Both of you are cute as hell but also dumb as fuck,” she grumbled. You giggled and shrugged. Wanda rolled her eyes. “What can I getcha?” You hummed. Your eyes found Bucky who was now petting a fat cat while giving scritches to the other.
“What does he usually get?” You asked her. She narrowed her eyes.
“Either a vanilla latte or a chai tea latte,” she answered anyway. “He likes aromas and syrups.” You hummed again. Just when you opened your mouth, he walked in.
He was covered in dirt and mud and God knows what else, but he looked so happy that it didn’t matter that he was filthy. He had this huge grin on his face, his pretty eyes were shining with utter happiness and his cheeks were red because of the cold and all of those good feelings, you guessed.
He murmured a ‘hi’ to Pietro and dropped his bag on an empty table, and then promptly walked towards the bathroom. You smiled at the idea that came to your mind.
“Two vanilla lattes,” you said. “Grande. Less the foam, the better the taste, amirite?” You joked. Wanda chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Um, and a pumpkin muffin, please.” Wanda grinned.
“How many servings?” She asked slyly. It was your time to roll your eyes.
“One,” you told her. “For him.” Wanda let out a soft ‘aww’ as she scribbled the order and slid the cups to Pietro. You quickly paid, grabbed the tray that contained the muffin from her and moved towards the end to take the cups. Pietro winked at you.
“Good luck,” he said with a shit-eating grin. You grumbled and left without saying anything to him. You heard him chuckle.
You placed one latte and the muffin tray on his table, rapidly depositing yours on the table next to his, and pulled out a small notepad that you always carried around in your bag. You wrote your note, placed it under his cup and grabbed your things. Sadly, you didn’t have the time to sit around in your coffee shop, but you were glad that you ran into that cute scene when you did. Giggling excitedly to yourself, you made your way towards the exit and pushed the opened at the same time Bucky came back from the bathroom, looking way more put together and clean.
“Hey, Wanda,” he greeted. She smiled knowingly at him. “Can I get─”
“Your order has already been taken,” Wanda said, pointing the table with his bag laying on top. Bucky frowned and looked where she was pointing.
He saw a big cup of coffee and a muffin sitting next to his bag innocently.
“Who?” Wanda shrugged but didn’t say anything. Bucky’s frown deepened as he narrowed his eyes at her. He walked back to his table and saw a purple-colored notepad page winking at him. He grabbed it.
“You looked cold while being an angel for those sweet, little creatures, and I thought you could use something to warm you right up. Sadly, I had to leave, but maybe next time I’ll join you. Thank you for being a hero to those animals, God knows they need one.
Oh, love you bag by the way, where is it from?
Oh, vol 2., your sweater looks amazing on you.
Yours truly, Y/N ─the girl you annotated her book.”
And Bucky was─
He sat back on the chair with butterflies in his tummy, his cheeks warm and his insides feeling all mushy. He gently placed the note somewhere safe on the table where he could still see it. He grabbed his coffee and took a sip, enjoying the warmth it spread throughout his body. Then, he took a small bite from his muffin and moaned softly at the taste.
And Bucky was─
It was the best coffee and muffin he ever had. There was something different in it, Bucky knew that. Something that there never was before. Bucky smiled into his coffee cup. He knew exactly what it was.
And Bucky was in love.
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writing-for-the-gays · 2 months
hi its me againnnn,,, ermm i would like to request poly billy x stu x (ftm, fat, hairy ect ect) reader again :3c but fluff HCs this time :3c
-🐛 anon
Ough these boys be home of sexuals in a world of homes of phobics , continuation of the other fic actually. Disk jockey reader. Again me and 🐛 anon are holding hands and frolicking through fields.
No pretty pic this time I'm reblogging this with memes I made for these fics
Fluff! Tooth rottingly sweet.
"catch my breath and hold it for me."
- you three are a power couple behind a closed door. Infront of people you have to pretend to be very straight with each other (as straight as you three can be, if you three were a line you'd be a circle.)
- to be blunt they're in love with you.
- you got custom rings for each other about a year into the relationship, to symbolize your dedication.
- and these boys take it very seriously. They keep the rings on a necklace they wear underneath their shirts when out , and wear them proudly on their fingers when around you.
- alone Stu and Billy are affectionate, Stu being more like a dog and Billy being more like a cat.
- Stu will run up to you and throw his arms around you I'm a big hug when you walk through the door of his house and Billy will wait until you're all sat down to come up and lay his head on your chest, and whisper to you Abt how much he missed you.
- in conjunction with this is their love language. Billy can be somewhat touch averse, especially after a rough day, or whenever, and has a tendency to pull away if the physical touch is too much, but he loves acts of service, and will often cook for you, and do whatever you ask of him including, but not limited to, murder.
- Stu's big on physical affection, and will hang off your arm whenever he can, hold your hand (he sometimes pretends to be measuring hand size out in public so he can have some more skin to skin contact even when it's not totally socially acceptable.), and kiss you often, but he prefers to do activities with you instead of for you, and tries to get you to do random things with him, it doesn't even matter what it is. You find yourself doing dishes with him more times than you can count.
- it can lead to some really tender moments, and you three really relish in these moments. It's one of your favorite parts of the relationship.
- Stu being trans means that when you're binding you get tons of reminders to take breaks, especially considering the fact that binding methods around this time aren't exactly safe. More often than not you find yourself in a stall with him while he massages your back and checks your ribs.
- Billy has an equal amount of worry, considering he's known Stu since forever and so is intimately familiar with trans topics, but he's less nice about it. He refuses to let you cuddle him or vice versa if you have your binder on. He also helps you take your T injections because Stu can handle a lot, but needles aren't one of them. He does T gel that's how bad it is.
- every night you all rotate who's the middle spoon (what else do I call it).
- Stu's absent parents mean that you've basically decided to move in with him. You don't have the most aware parents either. (Dead, probably.)
You laugh gleefully, worn down black and white shoes thud against the concrete as you run past Billy and Stu and onto the top of the playground.
"Fuck you two! I'm the god of this bitch." You shout down to them, slamming your hands on top of the plastic tube slide making a hollow thudding noise that echoes dully in the cool night air.
Billy lets out a snort while Stu lets out loud bark of a laugh. "What? You don't find me powerful enough? Fine you don't get to watch the shooting stars up here with me." You promptly stick your middle fingers up "Have fun on wood-chips!" You playfully sneer, the bright smile on your face portraying the playfulness.
"Not if I can get up there!" Stu says sprinting to the metal platforms that lead up to the playground. You let out a dramatic gasp and race to them as well, giggling the whole time.
Billy looked on with a soft smirk, he eyed the playground and tried to find another way up, spotting a rock wall he snuck around while you jokingly wrestled Stu.
Billy climbed up the rocks, quietly sneaking up onto the playground, tip toeing his way behind you and locked eyes with Stu who smirked.
Billy wrapped his arms around your middle and hauled you back, making you let out a genuine frightened yelp.
"Billy!" You scolded before giggling breathlessly "Fine you two can come up here with me." You say squirming out of Billy's arms you smile up at the starry sky.
Stu sets down a blanket, and sits down on it. You follow and sit next to him leaning your head on his shoulder. Billy lays his head in your lap.
You hum a soft tune and relax into your boys, you and Stu's rings clicking together when you join hands.
Not long after twinkling streaks of light begin to dot the sky and you sigh.
"I don't think there's anywhere else I'd rather be." Billy says softly, and you nod with an awestruck smile not losing your focus on the lights. "Same." Stu says.
You don't notice their gazes locked on you and not the sky.
-id be fucking dumb not to mention that you all regularly fuck with the radio station when you can.
- you like your job but it's funny to let Stu or Billy just say some dumb shit on air. Nothing too scandalous so you don't get taken off sir but enough to get a solid laugh out of you.
- Stu normally tells what I can boil down to 'haha funny penis joke' and Billy's a little more sophisticated. ('haha funny penis joke but less obvious' basically)
- let me be perfectly clear, Stu and Billy couldn't give less of a shit about what you look like, but the fact you're bigger than the both of them makes them all sorts of soft.
- they call you their 'big bear' and have accidentally called you that multiple times in public (mainly Stu going 'big bear!' when he sees you, he says it's an accident but it may be just to see the panic on everyone's face for a second.)
- Stu likes to wrestle you, especially if you're playing around or in general rough housing. He sometimes pretends it's just guys being guys but it's really just to be close to you in public. He also likes the feeling of trying to overpower you because he's definitely not in charge with Billy, but you're nice enough to let him pretend for a little bit.
- in an AU where they don't die, somehow aren't caught for their crimes, and don't do anything dumb enough to get them killed before 2015 they see the legalization of gay marriage across the entire united states. Billy and Stu have a big fight about who gets to legally marry you, of course you're all at the altar, but whoever legally marries you will get to change the last name of the entire polycule.
- you agreed on a hyphenated name but you can only have one of their last names and both of them aren't too keen on changing their name (Billy wins, meaning you're 'Y/n Loomis-L/n' Stu's 'Stu Loomis-L/n' and billy is of course 'Billy Loomis-L/n')
- by the start of the reception Stu isn't angry anymore and keeps repeating Mr.Loomis-L/n every time he has to say something to one of you two.
- for now you three have different last names but the exact same heart.
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I'm curious on your take on the Ratman and ratlings' relationship with animals. Do you think they'd keep any and risk becoming attached? I feel this would outwardly effect Jack the most considering his love for all the weird shit they got in Australia but I think Arthur is also the type to be really hurt by the loss of a pet. But in a dad way. Like he'll begrudgingly take in the fucking cat one of his kids brings to his home out of the rain and the animal ends up being his partner in crime. He's stone-faced when it passes away and it takes a while for the pain to subside but he doesn't let it show for even a second. I don't imagine Matthew could handle the mental load of losing a beloved pet. Alfred is too fucking busy to properly care for one. Zee probably has a few birds whose babies she cares for for generations maybe a kiwi lol
TW for pet death
Alfred has had horses his entire life. He's got a ranch in his name somewhere where the descendants of the pair of horses, Liberty and Justice, that Matt gave him during the Civil War live. Justice got shot out from under him in 1864 but he went full Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie, dropped dead of idk, the shits and when he was feeling better Liberty was getting her hump on with a local stallion so he just made a ranch there and their descendants still fuck amongst the grasses or however the prairies work. Liberty is immortal because fuck I already killed one horse this post and I'm already emotional.
Matt... He just kept trying. Nations have semi immortal pets. All he wanted was a goddamn friend. François gave him a lap dog when he was little. It died in its first Canadian winter as was often the fate of anything smaller than a terrier. He tried a newfie. It drowned. Finally, around the 1780s he had a little black and white working dog he named Sel et Poivre who lasted a decade. But eventually he got ripped up by a wolverine and Matt was damned to eternal loneliness until Arthur had mercy on him and got attached enough to the wee fat house lion he named Flufferton he didn't die. Matt's best friend for awhile and favourite heat source at his father's. Cue 1980 with Canada finally getting it's full independence and Jan dropping him like a hot rock and Alfred got him a Samoyed puppy in the aftermath. I've called this dog Kuma, Bud and Buckwheat before. The neighbor backs over him by accident! and Matt low-key has the worst mental breakdown of his life like he's 20 seconds from getting the axe and ending up in grippy sock jail. Then the pupper pops up licks him and Matt has the happiest sob fest for like a solid week. Finally! Immortal pupper. No more perishing.
Jack is a fun example because he's very in tune with the circle of lire and his favourite pet was a tortoise named Harriet he's had on and off since 1830 when she died in 2006. So when she finally died of natural causes he was absolutely fucking devastated. Didn't get out of bed for a week after the funeral, cried his eyes out every time he saw a turtle or tortoise for years. She was his baby since he was a baby. Closest thing to losing a childhood dog a nation can express. He had plenty of snakes and spiders and dogs that passed on and they made him sad but oh Harriet 😭.
Zee has a budgie named Pavlova that Jack got her when she finally dropped the family name. Just so she can say she owns Pavlova. It spent a week with Uncle Matt during hockey season and went back to Mum telling everyone, "Give your balls a tug, tit fucker" and making nondescript sobbing sounds. And the singular devotion with which New Zealand intervenes in its bird's well-being? Oh yeah, they're her children. Entire genomes of Kiwi-birds and Kakapo and Kea. She personally hunts rats that threaten their population like it's 1916, flashlight between her teeth, knife in one hand, Arthur sweating like mad somewhere. Bird watching is something she and the old man have in common so he probably does jokingly call them her grandchildren. Zee gets beat in the shin by a screaming kiwi-bird, and he just picks it up like, "Now that's no way to treat your mother, lad! Mind your manners." Before it toddles off and any on-looker is just pure, what the fuck.
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bonefall · 1 year
Herb Guide for Warrior Cats: Epilepsy
Requested by an Anon!
A guide to providing treatment to a Warrior Cat OC with epilepsy. Still requires a bit of a leap in logic as nothing can replace our friend phenobarbital, BUT, if you would like herbs and strategies for managing a Warrior’s epilepsy, this guide is for you.
I researched herbs historically used for epilepsy, chose plants growing wild in a ‘common’ clan biome (temperate Europe and North America), and removed things that a cat could not use. Because of the nature of epilepsy, I also delved into some other treatments and strategies your medics can use!
So, keep in mind, this guide is written for a Clan doctor treating an epileptic cat. NOT from the perspective of a patient who has it.
I would recommend doing extra research into first-hand accounts of what it’s like to live with epilepsy when creating your patient character.
Disclaimer Time! I tried to filter out as much ‘quackery’ as possible, but remember that I am not a vet nor do I have formal training in pharmacognacy. You are also not a vet. This is for fake battle cats. LOOK AT ME. YOU WILL NOT USE THIS ON YOURSELF OR A REAL ANIMAL.
Below the cut is:
What is epilepsy?
Non-herbal treatments
Managing the different types of seizures
Preventative herbs
What is epilepsy?
‘Epilepsy‘ is the broad term for dozens of different disorders, resulting in recurring epileptic seizures. A warrior could be born with it, develop it over time, or get it after recovering from brain injury (stroke, infection, head trauma, etc).
Epilepsy also varies wildly, and can be so mild it’s hard to detect, or so severe it could put the cat in too much danger to do warrior duties at all. For most cases, however, the warrior would still be able to do normal tasks* as long as they don’t hunt or patrol alone.
* = Head injury and stress from fighting can worsen epilepsy. Going on battle patrols is a risk the warrior must be made aware of.
So before anything else, your medic will want to identify what triggers the seizures, if anything. There isn’t always an identifiable trigger such as a flashing light/quickly moving object, but seizures can be made worse by stress, lack of sleep, or hunger. Taking note of the warrior’s state preceding a seizure would be extremely helpful for treatment.
Does Wheatwhisker seem to have more seizures when she’s doing certain activities? When she has one, did she sleep well the night before? What has she been eating lately? She may be able to feel it coming-- including sudden intense emotion, an oncoming headache, hot or cold sensations, so on.
Like dogs, cats can detect oncoming seizures. A good medicine cat would take note of all the behavior before its onset to reduce their frequency.
NON-herbal treatments
Once correlation and causes have been identified, the medicine cat should have some lifestyle changes to suggest.
For example, Wheatwhisker has more seizures when she is tired, so the medic prevents her from going on dawn patrol. They’re sometimes triggered by the fluttering of bird wings, so she’s been told to hunt small mammals instead.
A change in diet can also reduce the frequency of seizures. Fatty foods specifically, such as red meat, eggs, and large fish. Trout and carp would be the two easiest* things for a warrior to hunt on a regular basis-- though if the given Clan can’t catch those, it may be worth it to consider trade with another group.
* = If your warriors can cook with fire, fat drippings can be cooked back into the epileptic warrior’s meals. This would make the special diet much easier to prepare than always catching specific prey.
Managing the Different Types of Seizures
Generally there are three types of seizures- ones localized to a specific body part, ones that may seem like “daydreaming”, and ones that cause the well-known convulsions. Less severe seizures are more common.
Seizures do not usually cause pain on their own, except for fatigue in the muscle or headaches. Injury is sometimes caused by external forces, such as slamming against something during a convulsion, falls, tongue biting, or hitting sharp objects.
After any seizure, nausea or a headache may develop-- feverfew will soothe headaches, mallow or fennel will soothe stomachaches. Even if the Epileptic warrior does not take regular medication, the cannabis and valerian root mentioned in the ‘preventative herbs‘ section can be taken on occasion to help the warrior relax post-seizure.
One part of the body (leg, head) seizes or convulses. Can usually be self-managed by the warrior, loss of conscious is uncommon. Rest in a quiet area would be the best treatment afterwards. If the muscle fatigue is bad, kneading the limb will help.
The warrior will seem suddenly ‘absent,‘ like they’ve left their body, for typically less than 15 seconds. They may simply wobble and stare ahead (even pausing mid-sentence), or seem to ‘faint‘ and fall over, but in any case they will not remember the seizure. Prevent them from falling on something dangerous, if this seems likely.
In many cases the warrior will just be able to keep going about their day in a few minutes, or even immediately. If not, just like before, let them rest in a quiet area.
A panicked cat may make convulsions worse by fearfully running around as a seizure starts-- if a warrior MUST be prevented from doing this, it’s VERY important that they are not completely pinned or restrained. JUST kept laying down. Do NOT attempt to stop the convulsions themselves.
Such a circumstance will be extremely rare in a Warrior Cat setting, where the cats are capable of reasoning like a human. There may be a situation where an epileptic cat needs to be brought out of harm’s way-- that’s fine.
Clear the area of anything sharp or hard that the convulsing warrior could hurt themselves on, like stones, or brambles. Roll them onto their side, if they aren’t already. Lastly, cushion their head with something soft, like moss, if possible.
After the seizure is over, the warrior will probably be disoriented and confused. Don’t overwhelm them or offer food or water until they’re fully alert again. Once they do, they might have partial paralysis, nausea, muscle soreness, a bitten tongue, or any variety of symptoms. Just like before, bring them to a quiet area to rest.
If your warriors wear restrictive accessories, such as belts or collars, the medicine cat will remove or loosen them during a seizure if possible.
-what NOT to do
There’s some harmful ideas out there you may have encountered, so here’s some things to keep in mind your medics would NOT do to treat a cat having convulsions:
They would NOT pin them down (this even happened in the books once yikes) Why: This could cause injury to both the restrained, and the restrainer.
They would NOT put anything in their mouth Why: Could damage their teeth or jaw, it does not prevent them from biting their tongue. (also; while tongue biting is common, it is a total myth that an epileptic will choke on/swallow it)
They would NOT start firing out questions as soon as the seizure is over Why: The warrior will likely be disoriented, and not in a state to answer properly. Give them a minute.
Preventative Herbs
Once a seizure is happening, it will have to play out. Warrior cats do not have the medical capability to stop one once started. The anticonvulsant herbs here will help to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures... but they can’t eliminate them entirely.
Anticonvulsants will need to be taken on a regular basis. Stopping these suddenly will cause dangerous side effects; if the warrior’s epilepsy isn’t severe, or herbs are a scarcity for your Clan, it may not be the best choice to medicate them.
Common, and naturalized all over the world. In high doses, this herb will poison a cat. Careful preparation is required to make it safe for the epileptic warrior-- it needs to be steeped in water, like tea*. The leaves should not be eaten.
* = If your cats don’t have fire to brew tea, that’s fine, it can be soaked cold.
This herb also has a side effect of drowsiness. It may make the warrior lethargic and less responsive.
Cannabis is a golden herb for a thousand reasons, it can be made into rope, paper, cloth, oil... but, the thing of note here is CBD oil. Cannabis grows wild all over the world, but ESPECIALLY in North America-based Clans (where it’s called Ditchweed)
Ditchweed has high CBD content, and low THC content. This makes it safe for your warriors (and also prevents them from getting high). Your cats will NOT smoke it, which will damage their sensitive respiratory systems, they will eat it like a standard herb.
Because cannabis is a depressant, this treatment is best for warriors not involved in active tasks. Epileptic warriors that prefer calm, camp-related activities will use this herb. Den-building, tunnel digging, helping the medics, crafting if your Clan makes accessories, so on.
Valerian Root
Known as a sleep aid in humans, Valerian has VERY interesting effects on cats; this is the only Epilepsy treatment that can avoid lethargy entirely. However, in contrast to cannabis, valerian will mostly be found in Europe-based Clans.
(with both, however, it is possible to find each in the other continent.)
Valerian Root has catnip-like effects, perking a warrior up and often filling them with energy. There are some cats for whom this herb will act like cannabis, calming them down, but if there’s a choice, the Epileptic warriors who enjoy active tasks will prefer this herb. Hunting, fighting, patrolling, so on.
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recentadultburnout · 11 months
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: Pet name & tone indicator sound
Some words to call your lover
Sweet and polite
คุณ-khun or เธอ-tur with ฉัน-chan, เรา-rao or ผม-phom(offically this one is for men, but it did get used by women) are words that can be used with people who are not your lovers but are considered to be quite sweet to call your lover that. I already mentioned it in Chapter 4. Chan and tur are very popular choices for song lyrics.
ที่รัก-thirak straight up call a person "someone you love". Rak is love, so if we want it literally, it would be beloved or something along those lines. I never saw anyone actually use it seriously before. Just a parody of something, or like I do, to tease a friend. Or, if we count, I think I've heard a mom call her child "mom's thirak" before. We could add สุด-sud in the front, sudthirak, make it mean "someone you love most."
แฟน-faen Boyfriend/girlfriend but non-binary. If used as a pronoun, then it usually comes with those Thai sounds khrap/ka at the end. You probably need to draw the word out for good measure too. Its sound is the same as how the word fan in "fan club" is pronounced in Thai, so there are a lot of fan club or faen khrap puns/jokes used with actor shipping situations.
คนดี-kondee Khon is a unit of human in Thai, and dee is good. เด็กดี-dekdee Dek is a child, and dee is the same as dee in Khondee. I feel like both Khondee and Dekdee have a bit of a patronizing feeling. But not always in a bad way, though. Is that a thing? Like, if you used those words with someone sincere, you probably felt the urge to take care of them at least a little bit. You probably feel like they are a precious, cute little thing. Something like that The fact that Im 100% sure parents used dekdee with their children might factor into it. As for Kondee, I'm about 90% sure.
Dek means kid, but we use it quite loosely, so twenty-somethings get called Dek all the time, and if it were by an elderly person, then the Dek in question might as well be a mother of two.
พ่อ แม่-por and mae As in father and mother. Usually, it starts when a couple becomes parents. A fur baby will do too for some.
Insulting words as a pet name
เด๋อ-der clumsy, foolish, silly, awkward, stupid, dull, dump_ Those things mix together, but like, in a soft version. Usually used with something add to the front, such as ไอ้-Ai, เด็ก-dek, or some Thai's sound for tone indicator(?) to the back, or both.
อ้วน-uuan fat, chubby—อ้วน can actually be a parent-given nickname too. I know some women around my mom's age range whose nickname is that. Personally, if it says it in a particular way, I find it really cute.
เหนียง-niang double chin
เถิก-terk go bald,the description of a hair line that starts to recede.
ลุง-lung Uncle (the one that is older than the father) aka old man. Usually used by a noticeable younger person. Not that they actually date someone older than their dad, or do they?👀
เด็กโง่-dekngo Stupid child, but like, an endearingly stupid, childish person.
ดื้อ-due _Not obeying, refuse to comply_ often used to describe a child. I saw ดื้อ  get translated to stubbon a lot, but personally, I find that not quite fitting (not that I have other words in mind). It might just be a me thing, though.
Probably a full-on PDA couple, act cute to each other 24/7
เล็ก-lek Small,tiny
ใหญ่-yai Big,giant
This two are a pair. Sometime it will have something added to it, ตัว-tua which means self/person/body, for exemple.
Animal + small or pi/nong/por(dad)/mae(mom) + animal Something like, cat, bear, pig, dog
Ex:Pi Muu(pig)/Nong Miao(cute alternative way to call cat)/Miao lek(small)/Por Mee(bear)
บี๋-bie Short from baby
Repeating a syllable of a nick name two times for a lovey-dovey pet name is also a thing.
ไอ้ต้าว-ai tao Tao is a meaningless sound that was derived from a word that was a prefix "เจ้า-Jao." It is used to express that the speaker thinks the person being mentioned is cute/childlike. They most likely appear with a strangely sweet voice. Sometimes used for friendly mocking of someone for being childlike.
Eng sub-cute dimples = Ai tao dimples
หนู-nhu Nhu is something that is used with children, but it also can be for a lover. Can be innocent or quite sinful depending on the context. (This one is already mentioned in Chapter 4 too)
เค้า Kao and ตัวเอง Tua-eng are a pair. Kao is for calling yourself, and Tuaeng is for calling your lover. What is of interest is that Kao typically refers to the third person, and Tuaeng refers to "oneself." It kind of gets perceived as something silly that people in love do. There are some words that are born from distorted "tuaeng" that you can use for a lover too, such as using only the first word "tua", shortening the "tua" sound to make it sound like 'ta-eng, or combining the two sounds to make it sound like "teng". The "Kao" might be replaced by other words such as Rao, and it might help lower the silliness, or not? Lately, I have seen some traders (usually women small business owners) call their customers Tuaeng to make them feel closer to them. Not Kao, tho. I have yet to see any shopkeeper use Kao for "I.".
Kind of a little roleplay, but not really?
ป๋า-pa Dad as in father or 💰Daddy💰 as in sugar daddy.
An overly respectful way to call someone or use a title that the receiver doesn't actually own is also something I see and think is pretty cute.
Legal prefix
เด็กหญิง-dek ying 
abbreviation - ด.ญ.
For those who were assigned female at birth under the age of 15
Translate to - none
เด็กชาย-dek chai
abbreviation - ด.ช.
For those who were assigned male at birth under the age of 15
Translate to - none
abbreviation - none
For those who were assigned male at birth, from age 15 onward
Translate to - Mr.
abbreviation - none
For those who were assigned female at birth and marriage (optional since 2008),
Translate to - Mrs.
นางสาว-nang sao
abbreviation - น.ส.
For those who were assigned female at birth, from age 15 onward
Translate to - Ms.
Some words/phrase that relevent to love life.
เพื่อนคู่คิด มิตรคู่ใจ-phuea khukhit mit khuchai This is a phrase that describes a marriage partner as a friend ( phuea = friend) who will help you think ( khit), a trusting ally (mit ), and your best friend who you can rely on. I find it to be very romantic.
คู่ชีวิต-khu chivit life partner
คนรู้ใจ-khon ru jai person who knows your heart
ศีลเสมอ-syn samoe (like the name of a character from Cutie Pie)
ศีล Syn = precept
เสมอ samoe = same,equal
"Syn samoe" is a figure of speech that is probably roughly equivalent to "birds of a feather flock together." It is a concept that in order for one to be able to associate with others with ease of mind, one needs to hold the same moral code and values. If a person only holds on to one of the precepts, not killing, they wouldn't be suited to be with someone who also does not steal, not only as a lover but also as a close friend or someone close in general. And also the reversal, which is that if you can be close with someone, then you must be on the same level as that person, good or bad.
คนคุย - khon kui Person (you) talking to If A is Khon Kui of B, then they are getting to know each other with romantic intentions, but nothing is serious yet.
กิ่งทองใบหยก - king thong bai yok - jade leaf gold branch A very suitable match, used for those who are about to get married.
ผีเน่าโลงผุ - phi nao long phu - rotten ghost, decayed coffin When a couple is a very suitable match, but it's because they both are bad
ทองแผ่นเดียวกัน - thong phaen diao kan - the same gold sheet To become one piece of gold is to be connected by marriage. Ex: These two families are going to become the same piece of gold soon = someone from each of their families is going to marry the other.
ข้าวใหม่ปลามัน - fresh rice, creamy(?) fish A word to call a newlywed couple. Anything new is good, so in a period of newlywed bliss, everything will be good in your eyes.
ถ่านไฟเก่า-old coal Old flame, ex-lover who still might get back together
โซ่ทอง-gold chain A child is parents' gold chain that will link parents' hearts together forever. Basiclly, it is a concept that by having a child, the couple will be more committed to each other. Kind of scary if you ask me.
จีบ-jeeb _woo, flirt, spark, spoon, court, bind around_ I saw this translate to flirting most of the time, but while flirting is not serious, จีบ can be.
หยอด-yort is to put or pour it little by little in a narrow place; in some contexts, it means to drop in sweet words when you talk to someone, aka flirt.
อ้อน-oon is to plead, to implore, to cajole, to wheedle, to whimper. 
กัดก้อนเกลือ-kat kon kluea-to bite on a cube of salt Is to be poor. usually mean when your financial situation is likely to be better than it is if not for your choice of partner.
ป๋า pa - เสี่ย sia - เด็ก dek pa/ dek sia When these words are used together, pa or sia is an (usually) older, wealthy (this one is a must) man, and dek, which translate directly to child or young, is a (usually) younger person who got financial benefit from being in this relationship. Pa or Sia is a sugar daddy, and Dek is a sugar baby, basically. 
คบ-kob Is mostly used to mean dating, but it can also mean "associate" or "friend with", and it has been used for a variety of ambiguous speaking scene in drama and novels.
ชง-chong-brew It's kind of like creating an opportunity for someone else to say a pick-up line. Say things in order to push your friend toward the one you think your friend will like (whether the assumption is correct or not). Say a pick-up line or flirt with someone for the other person. GMM actors do it to other shipping pairs all the time. I find it quite funny, lol.
เพื่อน=friend But it can also mean accompany if you say it in some way. You could say that you want someone to go somewhere with you as เพื่อน and that would mean that you want them to accompany you, not that they are your friend exclusively. You can say it to anyone. friend, family member, lover, co-worker, etc.
Here Ayan say that he thanks Akk for นอนเป็นแฟน instead of นอนเป็นเพื่อน. 
เป็น=as ,are, be, become, have, constitute, be able to 
นอนเป็นเพื่อน=to go to bed with someone and keep them company
เพื่อน can also mean co-worker, school mate, 
slice-of-thai.com, thai-tones.com, [Learn Thai] Five Tones in Thai (Pronunciation Practice) <--Some of the links for the Thai 5-tone explanation.
I think it would help in the next part (and with the Thai language in general) if you could remember what tone is what.
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The mid one, number 1, had no mark, and the other is as you can see in that orange band.
อา, อ่า, อ้า, อ๊า, and อ๋า is probably going to be the same when spelled in English (unless we make something up, like, อา=ah, อ่า=aah) but in Thai, you can see that the mark on top of them is different.
There are also a bunch of things that are relevant, like the way each type of Thai alphabet has its own base(?) tone in itself, making tone marking affect them differently. Ex: low consonant + dead syllable + short sound = rising tone (5) Even though it is written with no mark tone and so looks like it should probably be a mid tone (1), but we are not here for an actual Thai lesson, so you just need to remember that different tone is a thing and different tone = different mening.
Sounds that we use to indicate the tone of the sentence
****This topic isn't really an official and well-organized thing, plus my knowledge and ability to explain are quite limited, so maybe don't see it as a fact but something subjective?
If I put a check mark in the example column, it means it makes sense to put the sound in that row in the blank. Well, at least to me, it makes sense.
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A sentence that has some polite words in it doesn't mean that it is in fact polite or that the speaker is being polite and proper. So while Khrap and Ka are polite, people still can and have used them to end a sentence that is so impolite you will get customers yelling for your manager to fire you for saying it.
Some of those sounds can also be paired with other too. For example, Na(4) and Si(2) can be paired with Ka(4) and Khrap(4), as well as a few others, and include each other.
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shivunin · 4 months
In Good Time {1/3}
Thank you as always to the lovely @scribbledquillz for letting me borrow her Warden Revka for @ockissweek. She and Wen are such utter disasters together that I couldn't help but go a bit overboard. (I have broken this into three smaller parts to post while I get comfortable with the editing on the other pieces for this week.)
(Part 2 | Part 3)
(Female Warden/Female Warden | 2,101 Words | No warnings)
"For a chance to make your little much, To gain a lover and lose a friend, Venture the tree and a myriad such, When nothing you mar but the year can mend: But a last leaf---fear to touch!" --Robert Browning, "By the Fire-Side"
Somewhere in the alienage, a bell rang. 
It was not the bell of a clocktower, nor the bell of some stalwart city watch. The alienage was afforded neither luxury. It might have been someone’s musical instrument, or perhaps the little bell over the general store in the central courtyard. From this distance, echoing through the fall fog and the alleyways in between, it was difficult to tell much about it. 
Arianwen, who’d already been lying awake, held her breath until she was sure nobody had roused from their sleep at the sound. Around her, her cousins and father went on sleeping, snores rising above the faint ringing. 
Good. Now must be the time.
She slipped from her bed, careful to avoid putting too much weight on the floorboard that creaked the loudest. She slipped her feet into her worn shoes, took her threadbare cloak from the hook beside the door, and slipped soundlessly into the mists of night. 
Somewhere behind her, the bell chimed. Wen found her feet matching its cadence without intending to as she dodged the puddles waiting in the center of the road. It was never a long walk to her dearest friend’s house, but it seemed longer in the mist with the lonely ringing behind her. She passed the burnt-out wreck of a house, a lean-to with a lamp burning inside, and one of the little nests she’d assembled for the stray cats in the neighborhood. She paused there a moment, fishing a cloth from her pocket and shaking her dinner scraps out before the little den. The street seemed less lonely when the tabby crept from within and butted her head against Wen’s fingers. 
“Shh,” Wen told her, trailing her fingertips over the cat’s back. The cat made a soft noise, twining around Arianwen’s ankles before taking her spoils and darting back into her little den. 
Wen waited a moment, listening, and heard the soft sounds of satisfaction from within. There’d been a night much like this, years ago now, when the fog had clung to the banks of the Drakon and she’d slipped through alleyways with her best friend in hand. This very cat had been a newborn kitten then, her little eyes unopened. Wen had fed her mother all through the pregnancy, had watched the kittens be born herself, and she’d been so punch-drunk with happiness that it had seemed the most obvious possible thing to track down Revka and show her, too. 
The tabby was, incidentally, also named Revka. Only her favorite people ever got to share their names with the animals she cared for. 
Wen deposited other scraps as she went, leaving trimmings of fat on this wall or along that gutter. She could hear the stray dogs and cats making their way from the shadows, and the occasional skitter in the refuse of the street that told her the rats had found it, too. Fine enough. Her other creatures could hunt the rats if they were quick enough—and if they were not, she made this trip every night. She would leave more for them later. 
The fire was still lit inside Revka’s house. Wen sighed in relief (she always felt bad climbing through the window, even if nobody here minded) and rapped her knuckles against the door. 
“C’min,” a drowsy voice murmured beyond. Wen turned the knob and slipped through the open door into the golden-lit room beyond. 
Rev was slumped over the table, her mending strewn over the surface before her. There were creases on her cheek that suggested she’d recently fallen asleep on the uppermost piece, and she blinked owlishly at Wen when she shut the door behind her. 
“You should be asleep,” Wen whispered. She slid the latch home and paused to Revka’s left. Rev fought a yawn, pressing her hand to her mouth, and fussed with the things on the table for a moment. 
“Would be, if you’d been earlier,” Revka said, but there was no accusation in her voice. Wen shrugged and offered a hand, which Revka took readily to stand. There were calluses and welts across her fingers, a sign that she’d been long at her mending and the sewing needle had taken its toll. Her fingers were stiff, too, and Wen ran her thumbs over the swell at the base of Rev’s thumb until her joints loosened slightly. 
“Shianni couldn’t sleep.”
“Course not,” Rev said absently, her eyes on their hands. Wen dropped the first and took the second, pressing into the palm until Revka sighed and her shoulders relaxed. 
“Come on,” Wen said, slipping out of her shoes and shrugging her coat loose. “You never lie down unless I make you.”
“’S not true,” Revka yawned, but obligingly unbuttoned her stiff vest and set it aside. 
The two of them fit neatly on Revka’s bed as long as they were both lying on their sides. This was fortunate, because they’d been sleeping precisely like that for a very long time—before Revka had lost her parents, even. Wen slept with her back to the wall because she was never at ease with her back to an open room. Revka, for her part, slept huddled against Wen’s chest. The blanket wasn’t really enough to warm both of them otherwise, as they’d found out many winters ago. Rev had patched it with scraps from the tailor’s shop she worked for, so it was far thicker than it had once been. Even so, they had their routines—both liked their routines very much, in fact, and this was one of the most important. 
“Your day?” Wen asked when they were both amply covered by the blanket. 
“Fine,” Rev said, but the corner of her mouth turned down. 
“Hmm,” Wen said. 
“Was awful.”
“Thought so.”
“Bastards all day,” Rev said, tucking her face into the crook of Arianwen’s neck. “Didn’t get a thing finished.”
“Mm,” Wen said, smoothing a hand over her friend’s hair. Revka sighed, and it was a weary thing. 
“Couldn’t leave at the end,” Revka went on, her breath heating Wen’s throat, “were people against the door—nevermind.”
“What?” Wen asked, pulling back slightly. Revka wrinkled her nose. There were dark circles under her eyes. No matter how early she crept through the streets to Rev’s door, the circles never seemed to get any lighter. 
“Kissing,” Rev said, and her voice was odd around the word. Hesitant—no. Something else. Something strange. “Had to leave through the back.”
“Oh,” Wen frowned. “I don’t know why people do that.”
“Block the door?”
Even in the shadows, Wen could see the faint flush against her friend’s cheeks. She shrugged, then pulled the blanket back over her exposed shoulder. 
“You know I haven’t. I would have told you,” she paused, considering, and went on: “It doesn’t look as interesting as people make it seem.”
“You’re not—” Revka swallowed audibly and shifted on the bed against Wen. Their knees knocked against each other. “Not curious?”
Arianwen considered this seriously. She was curious about very little, actually, and kissing was one of those odd marks of growing up that had seemed irrelevant to her. That sort of landmark only seemed to apply to other people, just like having lots of friends and feeling comfortable in conversations. Rev was more knowledgeable about this sort of thing. She always seemed to know more about which of these questionable necessities Wen actually ought to care about. 
“Should I be?” she asked. 
Revka squirmed under the blanket. Her cold feet brushed against Wen’s calf. 
“Dunno,” Revka said, but she was dodging Wen’s eyes. Arianwen frowned. 
“Who would kiss me?” she asked, because this was clearly some important thing she’d been missing. All the years she’d been alive and it hadn’t come up until now; perhaps this was some threshold she’d been meant to cross before tonight. How odd that nobody’d told her so. 
Revka made a strangled noise. 
Rev didn’t answer. 
“Rev. What?”
“I’d,” Rev cleared her throat. “I’d do it.”
“Oh,” Wen said, sinking further into the blankets. “Why?”
“Well. If you’re curious.”
Was she curious? She couldn’t tell. But Revka was the sort of person who always knew what to do, and even when she didn’t she usually had an idea of what ought to happen. If she thought Arianwen needed to be kissed, it was probably for a very good reason. She’d never steered Wen wrong before. 
“Alright,” Wen said. She propped herself up on her elbow, thick braid slipping from the pillow to rest against her arm. 
“Why not?” 
Revka’s eyes were dark and warm in the firelight. Wen watched them, looking for some second meaning. This seemed like one of those conversations that was happening twice, and she only understood one half of it. A pity; Rev was usually one of the few who told her precisely what she meant. 
“’f you’re sure,” Rev said, licking her bottom lip and shifting on the thin mattress. 
Wen shrugged and leaned forward, pressing her mouth to Revka’s. The air had cooled her lips, especially the lower one, but they warmed against Arianwen’s. Rev made a small sound—surprised—and moved her lips in turn. It was slow at first, then slightly faster. She could feel the ridge of Revka’s teeth beneath her skin, and the small but noticeable scar where her lip had once been split defending Wen in an alleyway. 
Her lungs ached. Wen leaned back, taking a sharp breath, and lay back against the pillow again.
When she felt steadier, Arianwen blinked at Revka. Revka pressed her hands over her cheeks, then rested one palm over her eyes. Wen eyed her hands for a moment, resolving to steal some hand cream from somewhere. The colder it got, the harder the weather was on poor Rev’s hands. Someone ought to do something about it. 
“Well?” Rev asked after several silent moments. 
A bell chimed somewhere in the alienage, the rhythm uneven and halting. 
“Guess it’s nice,” Wen said. “Don’t understand why people are always doing it, though.”
Rev squeaked and rolled over, burrowing under the covers. It was awfully chilly in here, Wen supposed. She found Revka’s hip under the blanket and pulled her closer, looping an arm over her stomach. 
“Thank you,” she added belatedly, and Revka made another indistinct noise. 
The bell went on ringing somewhere in the distance. Wen pulled the blanket up and over her pointed ear, wishing that everyone else in the world would just go away. Hesitantly, pausing halfway through, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to Revka’s hair. She didn’t know why. Seemed like the thing to do, maybe. 
“Go to sleep, Rev,” she said, already comfortable enough to feel the pull of slumber. She never slept better than she did tucked into Revka’s cramped bed. She might even go so far as to say that this was her favorite place to be in all the world—the fire flickering past the kitchen table, Revka’s brother breathing softly in the other room, and Rev herself held tightly in Wen’s arms. 
Maybe she’d try to find something else for Revka, Wen thought, yawning slightly and nestling into Rev’s shoulder. A thicker blanket, maybe. Rev was shivering against her, so she must still be cold, and true winter would come very soon. 
Yes, she decided. A thicker blanket would be just the thing. 
Long after Wen fell asleep at last, Revka lay awake. The pillow was damp under her cheek and her hand was pressed hard against her traitorous mouth. It wasn’t even worth wondering what she could possibly have been thinking. She hadn’t been thinking. Obviously. 
What a fool she was—let me show you what a kiss feels like—an utter fool. How close she’d come to giving it all away. If she ever did—if she ever let on how crucial Wen’s company was to her—she would surely lose this closeness forever. Ruin it, and for what? Because she couldn’t help but wonder what Wen’s touch would feel like against something other than her palms? 
Because kissing her had felt like liquid fire running under her skin? Because she had, for a moment, thought that Wen might feel the same? 
Ridiculous—stupid, to think that the hope of something beyond their friendship could ever be worth more than what she already had. 
When they woke in the morning, when Arianwen asked why she looked so tired, Revka told her only that some fool with a bell had kept her awake all night. 
What else could she possibly say? The truth was beyond consideration. She would just—hold it inside forever, and Wen would never, ever have to know.
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gag-me-munson · 1 year
Shelter Me
Pt. One, (||)
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Pairing: Eddie x Fem!Reader, Wayne is also heavily involved in this one.
Warning: Mentions of abuse (father is abusive to reader), drugs are mentioned, alcohol use, mentions of self harm. Buckle up, babes, it's a bit bumpy here.
"Just give me the goddamn drugs, Eddie. I swear, I'm fine."
Eddie is watching your shivering, wet body on the couch as he bites his lip and shakes his head. This would be the third time in a month you've come to his trailer while Wayne was away, the third time with fresh purple bruising on your face and neck. He was scared to ask where else they may be, but tonight he was refusing until you talked to him.
You were still new to the park but everyone could hear the yelling and crashing of items at the trashy trailer. They could see you scrambling out of the bedroom window late into the night, only to return when the sun began to rise.
"I'm not giving you a damn thing until you tell me what the hell is going on." He swears your name and slams a hand on the table with frustration, causing you to jump up with alarm. Your sleeve rides up your arm during that time and Eddie can see fresh cuts and a fresh ring of a bruise as well.
He sighs deeply and stands up, walking to the window and looks outside to see the heavy rain pouring down like wicked cats and dogs. Lightening flashes and a loud crack of thunder follows. You, in the meantime, bite down onto your black painted nails, chewing and gnawing without care.
"I'm not stupid, ya know. None of us are, here. Now either you tell me what's happening... or You not only don't get the drugs, but I'll also call someone."
"Don't do that!" You shout and scoff, narrowing your eyes and frowning, "call who? The police? You think I'd be like this if they did a lick of good, Eddie?" Standing up, you walk to the fridge, open it up and grab one of Wayne's beers, taking a generous gulp.
Eddie watches your erratic movements with wide, sad eyes. With a final, slow exhale, he goes to the lunchbox and produces the drug you wanted.
"You know this won't make it go away..." He states with melancholy, "If only you'd talk to me. Shit!" There's a closing of a door outside and as Eddie hurriedly puts the box, and your precious drug, away, He's only back in the room again right before Wayne enters.
"What in the hell is going on here? Why is she drinking? What is she doing here?"
You look at Wayne with wide, fearful eyes before another door is slammed and you jump, knowing damn well its your father.
"Please..." you begin through tears, voice shaking with mercy, "Don't tell him I'm here."
You can hear your name being yelled by the large, fat, hairy man before there's a pounding on the Munson trailer door. Wayne is watching you and Eddie is taking your hand to quickly lead you to his bedroom before Wayne answers, lighting a cigarette.
The man, your father that is, his voice is slurred in speech as he talks to Wayne, never meeting his eyes as he searches the trailer from outside. "I'm looking for my daughter. Folks say she came 'round this way. You ain't seen her, have ya?" He gives a rather vague description of your general appearance.
Wayne takes a deep drag from his smoke before he shakes his head, "I can't say I've seen her here, no." He blows the deep grey smoke right into your father's face and the man coughs.
"Right... Well, if you do see her, tell her that her pa is lookin' for her. That I'm worried 'bout her."
Wayne mumbles his answer and watches your father stumble back to the rusty pickup truck, slamming the door with might before peeling away.
Eddie is watching you as you sit on his bed, legs up to your chest and your arms wrapped around your knees. He's playing with a lock of his hair out of nervousness and licks his drying lips. "What are you gonna do now?"
But you don't respond. You don't even really register what Eddie is saying, only listening to the sounds of the world outside, waiting for the monster you call "dad" to come back.
"Now, you all want to tell me just what in the hell is going on here?" Wayne isn't shouting but his voice is filled with concern as he enters Eddie's room, stopping short at the site of this young woman on his nephew's bed. He takes in your fear, the shaky, quivering breathing and he sighs deeply, kneeling in front of you.
"Sweetheart... I can't help you unless you help me." His voice is low and soft as he speaks to you, looking at Eddie who only shrugs.
After a final moment, you stand and get up off the bed, walking directly under the light that's in the middle of the room. You look up and breathe out, the fresh bruise on your eye now in full blossom. There's a bruise around your neck, older than the one on your eye. As tears fall from your eyes, you finally, with much hesitation, raise your sleeves. Deep red cuts in sporadic patterns are crossed along your arms.
Eddie groans and has to leave for a moment to collect his thoughts, another beer and a cigarette for you. Wayne watches the interaction between you both as you sit on the floor now, crying around the bottle of beer.
Eddie sits behind you and looks desperately at his uncle.
"It's not your fault... I want you to know that right now." Wayne says slowly as he sits on Eddie's bed, lightning another cigarette for himself. He watches as you take a slow drag, the smoke filling your lungs deeply. He wants to lecture you about the dangers of smoking young, of drinking away your pain, but that could wait.
Eddie, meanwhile, starts the task of slowly tracing his fingers on your back, swallowing hard and blinking back his emotions. "It's not... it's not your fault." He whispers and wipes his eyes.
Wayne ashes his smoke and looks at both of you before speaking again. "How long has this been happening?"
"As long as I can remember... I started to hurt myself so I could have control of what causes me pain. I'm sorry for you to have found me here, please don't blame Eddie, I was only-"
Wayne holds up a hand, "I don't blame anyone." He exhales heavily as he stands up and points to his nephew, "take care of this." Then he leaves the room.
Eddie leans forward and rests his chin on your shoulder, long arms wrapping around you in a tight hug as you stub the cigarette out on the tray Wayne had left.
"He'll be back, Eddie. I can't hide forever."
"Yes," Eddie whispers and rocks his head to the side to nuzzle your head with his nose, "He will. He will be back but not if we get him first."
"Let me stay here tonight... please."
"I thought that was a given already." He chuckles and stands up to go towards a shabby dresser, producing a worn Dio shirt. "Wear this tonight and tomorrow we'll go over a plan," as he goes to leave you to change for the evening, Eddie stops and taps the doorway, "I won't let him hurt you again. I promise, okay? I promise."
With no care in the world now, you simply undress your torso in front of Eddie, nodding after the simple band tee is placed over, "Thank you."
"And uh... Uncle Wayne won't let you drinking slide," Eddie chuckles and scratches his nose, "he likes scrambled eggs if you want to make it up."
With a final tap on the door frame, Eddie closes the door and leaves you to your thoughts and dreams, hoping that tonight, at least, is a good sleep for you.
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