#its been so long show consumed me so fast
sasanka-27 · 14 days
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Hello, I’m new here may I offer a meme for starters?
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alexiswritingstuff · 1 year
Is that... lipstick?
Pairing: Castiel x gn! reader.
Other appearances: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Summary: While trying to have a morning like any other, the Winchester brothers notice a certain fact about the reader they apparently hadn’t themselves. Though once they did, it was something... very unexpected. 
Content/Warnings: implied intimacy. nothing explicit unless you want it to be. implied alcohol consumption.
Also this has not been proofread again so be aware that there might be spelling mistakes and such.
A/N: okayokayokay I had this idea from that trend on tiktok where a person would show themselves fixing up their lipstick and then pan to the reason it was messed up in the first place (their partner) and immediately just came up with whatever this was.
Cas is like my go to when writing rn but If someone wants like a Dean x reader version of this... let me know...
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Waking up always felt like the most difficult part of the day. A sort of sluggishness continuously pulling at every muscle within your body. A dull ache that pulsed across the temple as if in harmony with a heartbeat. 
There was a list of things that begged you to stay in the comfort of a bed, but you found yourself up and about anyway, ending up in the kitchen with squinting eyes as soon as the harsh lighting consumed your vision. 
You had a milk carton in one hand, while your other held onto a bowl of dry cereal, and you titled it to the side, watching the liquid pour over the bites of paradise until some began to float. 
Sam was sat at the table to your right. His eyes were practically glued to the screen, his fingers typing away like he was doing a test for how fast he could do it. A sound that didn’t exactly help your head, even though there was the hood of a hoodie covering your ears.
“Yo, Sam, you’re the smart one,” you started after returning the milk to its cold home. The frantic pressing of keys ceased all at once, after at least 3 more words had been spelled out. “... What?”
“I’m not... I’m not repeating that-- How do you cure a headache?” you questioned instead, grabbing the spoon you had set down earlier. Sam’s chair squeaked lightly as he leaned back. “Um...”
“I’m pretty sure you could just take an ibuprofen. Or, you know, put a wet towel on your head? Something like that.” 
The younger Winchester sort of looked at you for a minute, though he could only see your back. His eyes analysed your posture, the way that you moved, the way that you stood. And then they narrowed.
His chin slightly tilted up, “Did you drink a lot last night?”
A scoff passed through your lips immediately. “I honestly don’t have an answer to that.” The first mouthful of cereal had been brought to your lips and the second the food touched your tongue, your shoulders relaxed. A sigh seeped through your nose. “I wanna marry the person that made cereal.”
The bowl that really was utter paradise was now in your hands, your fingers gripping onto it for dear life as you finally turned yourself round so that you could lean against the metal island.
“You know that person is dead and has been for... many years, right?” Sam spoke with furrowed eyebrows, the laptop in front of him now long forgotten. “Never stopped me before.” was all you had said before another spoonful was shovelled into your mouth.
At this point a set of footsteps had started echoing through the hallway, and after Sam looked at you with either disgust or concern, or both, his eyes went to the doorway.
“Whoa.” Dean’s feet halted for a moment as he looked between his relieved looking brother and the gremlin thing that was practically hunched over a bowl. “What kind of meeting is this?”
You swallowed, “One where people stop asking questions first thing in the morning.” you responded lazily, gathering more of the contents into your spoon. Dean raised his eyebrows for a second, only to nod his head a second later when his brother sent him a shrug. 
“Well,” He continued his previous movements and was now officially in the kitchen, beginning to make his way through the space between the island and the table. “As long as I get breakfast out of it, I---”
Dean stopped almost as fast as he had started. And soon enough, by the time your mouth was yet again full, it seemed that the man was now stood to your side.
It wasn’t until you looked up that you had actually noticed those green eyes of his were aimed right at you, even though you hadn’t uttered a word. You could only blink for a moment.
“What?” you finally questioned, the word barely audible through the mush. 
But Dean still stared, mouth agape and eyes flickering over almost every inch of your face in a way that made you want to fold in on yourself. You swallowed again, “Wha-- What? What is it?”
The man before you took about a step backwards, allowing Sam to have you in his line of sight. And then he practically mirrored Dean’s expression, his eyebrows beginning to raise as if they were aiming for the ceiling. “... oh.” 
“Oh.” Dean said himself.
Then suddenly, as if the final cog had turned in his head, the face that was once frozen in shock had morphed into this shit eating grin that curled in a beyond terrifying way.
He started laughing. 
It wasn’t his usual huffed one, a giggle, or even those little ones he did when making fun of someone. This man was full on cackling in a way that had him bending at the knees.
Sam himself did a bit better at hiding his reaction to whatever it was they were seeing, though his lips sort of trembled as they tucked very tightly together.
You placed the bowl onto the island behind you, arms now crossed over your chest, as you looked between the boys like a disappointed teacher. “Am I going to have to wait a year for you to tell me what the hell is going on?”
“Oh-- Oh, man, this-- this is-- Oh, my god, this is great!” Dean strained out through even more hard laughs while you looked back and forth between the brothers, desperately trying to gage what had happened. “What?”
Finally, after asking the same question over and over again for what felt like the millionth time at this point, and after Sam managed to clear his throat without cracking, he spoke up. “Have you, uh...”
“Have you looked in a mirror at all this morning?”
You shook your head slowly, your eyebrows now very much furrowed if they weren’t before, “No... Why?”
Dean couldn’t even properly speak at this point, as every attempt to contain that urge of laughter ended in yet another fit. “You-- Man, I want-- Ha! I want a picture of this.” he managed out after a few tries, and even began to pat at his pockets as best as he could in his condition.
Though, the laugh and the lack of understand of what the hell was happening made you feel very self-conscious in that moment... You had to admit that it was very nice to see Dean like that, let alone hear that sort of laughter that hasn’t been heard in a very long time.
After staring at the man who was still in absolute hysterics for a second longer, your eyes travelled back over to Sam when he cleared his throat again, and even scrunched his nose in an attempt to calm himself down.
“Yeah,” he started through a slight hushed voice as he nodded his head, “I think it’s best if you go look, just-- No reason.” 
It was literally first thing in the morning. Your energy levels didn’t even exist at this point, and all you really wanted to do was just eat your damn cereal in peace... but nevertheless.
You complied. 
Your gaze flicked back and forth between the brothers one more time before you pushed yourself off of the island and moved towards the doorway, your feet dragging with every step.
Another round of laughter erupted as soon as you had left the room. 
Various grumbles joined by the hum of electronic power were the only sounds that echoed through the annoyingly bright halls.
Though the air that circulated was cool, it never seemed to ease the warm rush of embarrassment that burned around your body, despite not even knowing the cause.
After walking through the maze like hallways within the bunker, that felt even longer when tired, you had found yourself in front of the large dark door that held the shower room behind it.
With all the strength you could muster in your state, you turned so that your shoulder could lean on the wood. Your hand grabbed at the handle that was so cold underneath your fingertips that you had almost immediately retracted. As if electrocuted.
The door swung open within the next second, but as soon as it had done so, instead of taking a step inside, your hands now jolted up to cover your eyes, “Jesus!” You blinked more times than anyone could count, your eyelids barely even making it halfway before they had to shut again.
The walls in the room were basically all white, meaning that the light emitted from the ceiling just purely bounced around every nook and cranny. “Might as well be looking at the damn sun.” you muttered to yourself, an irritated sigh following after.
Once you had at least mildly managed to get adjusted to the disgraceful lighting, you allowed yourself to shuffle into the equally cold room.
Soon enough, your heavy body ended up at the sink, your hands grasping along the rim of the bowl in an attempt to stabilise yourself when another ache had pulsed along your forehead.
You took in a deep breath through your nose and held it there for a few seconds. Your eyes landed on the mirror that sat before you, the blinking beginning all over again as the reflection being seen was only blurry.
But thus, after a good minute of being in that bathroom, your body allowed itself to adjust to everything that continuously attacked your senses. 
One last blink was all it took before you could see yourself in the glass as clear as day... And everything that came with it.
“Oh... my god.”
Your face was brought closer to the mirror within an instant, your previously tired and heavy eyes becoming fully open in alarm as they were now the ones to search across the skin of your face.
On almost every single feature, that you could see in front of you, was an imprint from a certain cosmetic.
Most entirely followed the outline that very clearly resembled the shape of lips, but others were smudged, some even dragging to where another had been placed.
There was an odd texture that you had felt tighten the indents of your face this morning, but never in your life would you have imagined that this was the reason. You thought your skin was just being weird.
Your body was frozen. No matter how hard you thought in that moment, there was absolutely no recollection of the previous night. Or who even owned lipstick.
The eyes that stared back at you were almost wild now, a sort of panic surging through your veins at the lack of any memory... Though, it faded into something else as fast as it had started.
Your hood had slipped off the back of your head after your sudden movement. And now, upon gazing at the new areas exposed to you, your eyes ended up travelling even lower. Which now left you realising yet another thing.
The marks weren’t only on your face.
Your heart was purely hammering in your chest, all of the previous confusion and disorientation from earlier fuelling the fire that was panic, as you slowly pushed yourself backwards to stand up straight.
There was a print of lips halfway under the neckline of your hoodie.
Your hands raised, almost frightened, to grip at the fabric. And soon you had it between your fingers, realising now that the texture of that too had been altered from stains that you were guessing happened during everything else.
With a slight shake to your breath, and a squeeze of the material in your grasp, you gingerly began to pull it away so that the skin of your torso was properly revealed in the light--
It was slammed back to your chest within the next second. An audible gasp had even spilled from your lips as you found your gaze in the mirror yet again. Eyes still wide, almost unblinking.
Your feet took a stumbled step away from the sink, your fingers still tightly clutched to your hoodie, as if it was a set of pearls. But even that couldn’t hide the set prints that apparently travelled a lot further than you thought. The more parts that you looked at, the more stains you found.
Your body had been a canvas to a painter you couldn’t remember.
At this point, you were stood in the centre of the room. Every emotion felt morphing into one thing that spread from your head to your toes.
And then you turned, twisting slow on your feet until your hazed eyes landed on at least one of those large showers that seemed more appealing than they had ever in the morning.
How the hell did you get lipstick off?
To rid the skin of countless stains took longer than you had originally thought.
Most of your body felt raw. As if you had scrubbed it with sandpaper for hours on end, though it was just your hands. All was worth it, however, as the previous marks were no more.
For the first time throughout the entire morning, the air that engulfed you within the hallway relieved the warmth that clung as you walked through it, your fresh set of clothes slightly sticking to your body more and more with every step.
You ruffled your towel through your damp hair, the ache in your temple now caused by your eyebrows that were furrowed due to the multitude of thoughts that filtered both in and out of your mind.
An act that almost had you walking right past your own bedroom.
Another grumble murmured through your lips as you turned to the side, opening the door like you had done with the one for the shower room. And then you walked in, the fuzz in your mind apparently stopping you from noticing the light that illuminated its contents.
One that previously wasn’t on at all.
Your head shook, as if all the action going on in your mind would just let go.
Instead of getting closer to figuring out last night's mystery, you were getting further away... Or nowhere at all.
You went round the edge of your bed, taking your towel in both hands before stretching the material out completely so that you could drape it across the radiator along the wall.
A breath was brought slowly in and out of your lungs after taking a step back from the warmth. Your spine uncurled from it’s miserable slouch, your arms practically going limp by your sides while your eyes fell closed.
You reached backwards after a moment, hands patting through the air until you managed to locate the mattress that was screaming your name. But instead, you just sat yourself down. Attempting a final try to get to the bottom of everything. “Come on, man.” 
At this point, your head was lowered onto your hands that had previously been clasped together moments before. 
You tried everything. Thinking back to what you had done before the timeframe of the... event, who it could’ve been. I mean, Sam and Dean would surely have asked questions if it was someone they didn’t know, right?
Still, even after all of that, and the extra seconds you took to wrack through your brain for even the slightest memory from last night. Something that could just spark your brain and give you the answer. There was nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
“Dammit.” you breathed out, your body now falling limp against your lap as your shoulders deflated with it.
There was almost this feeling of shame that pierced through every other one.
It wasn’t so much so about the fact that you couldn’t remember if you had gone out, or brought someone back into your own home, as much as it was about the fact that you had shared such an intimate experience with a person. And you couldn’t remember a single thing.
Who the hell--
Your head snapped up within a second, your body following suit in a way that made it seem like you were about to go flying into the wall when you had managed to stand. “Jesus!”
The heel of your foot had twisted so quickly that it almost gave your skin carpet burn. Your arms were up and ready as you looked throughout the room to find the intruder...
And then your eyes landed on your bed. More importantly, those familiar set of blue eyes that stared right back at you.
Your shoulders eased back down as they had done earlier, your calloused hands raising before rubbing at the soft skin of your face, that felt even nicer after that shower.
“Okay, yeah-- I think Dean is right, man. You’ve gotta stop just appearing like that.” you practically groaned out as you pinched at the bridge of your nose.
“Well, I... I seem to have been here before you walked in.”
Your fingers dragged away from the warm skin beneath it so that you could allow your gaze to find the man, who was most definitely not helping your confusion. “Huh?”
Especially when you had actually located him.
Because of your previous glance, you had thought that Cas was just sat on your bed for whatever reason he desired.
Though now, as you properly stared back at him, finally registering that sort of grogginess that further emphasised the gravel to his voice when he had spoken, you had noticed that he was in fact under the covers.
Your covers.
His torso was practically twisted just so that he could meet your eyes while his own were narrowed, adjusting to the light, and almost looked puffy as if he had just woken up.
Your eyebrows were most definitely furrowed if they weren’t before. “I thought angels didn’t sleep.” You were about to say. Another mystery that you had to solve... but instead, just as the words were going to roll off of your tongue, your brain had fully taken in the appearance of the person before you.
Castiel’s hair was dishevelled, heavily contrasting the way it usually sat, which in itself was most unusual.
And then you saw it.
No words could even begin to pass through your lips in that moment. No matter how hard you tried. There wasn’t a sound, or even a vowel.
“Y/n?” Cas questioned before clearing his throat, slowly pushing himself upward until he could sit upright and even did his signature head tilt when he was properly facing you. “What’s wrong?” He fought with an urge to yawn.
You couldn’t move. Your eyes were just glued to his lips. A set that seemed to be layered with a sort of faded deep red which smudged severely over the skin surrounding his mouth, especially towards the corners. “Oh.”
Castiel’s eyebrows furrowed at the lack of fullness to your voice.
It appeared that your mystery was solved.
You had found your mystery painter.
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gffa · 2 months
I haven't had much time to read fic lately, because I've been basically consumed by two fics that I need everyone to read with me: ✦ Out with Lanterns by SkyeBean, ahsoka & mace & jedi & clones & cast, 312.5k     In another universe, Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Depa Billaba decide a Padawan could do Mace some good. It takes a while, but he eventually agrees. When he takes Ahsoka Tano as his Padawan, Mace knows that he’s broken through a Shatterpoint and changed the course of a life. How, he doesn’t know. I'm now about halfway through this fic and it continues to be just everything I want out of its concept--it's such a great Ahsoka fic as she grows up in the war and as a Jedi, as well as an amazing look at the Jedi in the middle of the Clone Wars, as all these familiar Jedi come around to teach her. It's such a fantastic parallel to the way Ahsoka worked with Luminara or Jocasta or Aayla or Sinube in the canon, but without feeling like a repeat, like it's all new characters for her to interact with and murder mysteries to get involved with or missions to sea worlds to get involved with and clones to grow closer to, etc. All wrapped up in the kind of writing that just pulls me in so fast that I don't realize I've been reading for half an hour before I finally look up and realize it's time to go to bed, because it's just so easy to slip into this story, it's so solidly built that I get satisfaction out of every chapter. There's such affection for the world and the characters appearing here and the themes, you can tell the author genuinely loves the world they're writing about and it spills over onto me every time I read and it makes my heart warm.
✦ Azula's Search by crowleyshouseplant, azula & zuko & ty lee & mai & ursa & cast, 190k After her defeat at the hands of Katara, Azula has lost her throne, her father, and her firebending. Held prisoner in her once lavish quarters, she is desperate to escape, and makes a proposition to Firelord Zuko that he cannot refuse. I'm halfway through Book One of this fic and already I'm in love, it's a slow burn Azula redemption fic that isn't shying away from the long road she has to walk or how complicated and biting of a character she is, but still showing the sympathetic way she got there. The rotating points of view have been fantastic for getting inside every character's head, like this is very much an Azula fic, but all the characters are getting their moments and the writing is just cutting its way straight to my fannish heart, that this girl can be so terrible and yet I ache so much for her. Gorgeously done so far and at two novels' length, I've been enjoying getting lost in the world being built here--every flashback to bb!Azula as a child has been punching me right in the feelings place, the line walked between what a cruel child she was and how she was just as abused as Zuko was, if in a different way. Such a good post-canon and Azula-centric fic.
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kradogsrats · 1 month
Sorry but I need to revisit the growth cycle of Wormvaros/Sir Sparklepuff
I know literally no one likes to think about this because it occupies that deeply weird niche where "visceral body horror" and "uncomfortable awareness that someone out there has this fetish" overlap but bear with me.
Back in the post-s3 days, I concluded that Wormvaros grows due to crossing into Xadia where magic is plentiful, basically absorbing magic and funneling it to Aaravos, which is why Aaravos has Viren go after powerful magic sources in the Sunforge and Zym. Then I just kind of never thought about it again.
But that's wasn't even accurate then: Wormvaros starts growing at a very specific point, and that point is somewhere between when Aaravos and Viren discuss visiting Lux Aurea and when the Sunforge is corrupted. Before that, it doesn't grow at all.
When Aaravos is pitching the plan to Trojan Horse into Lux Aurea, Wormvaros is his regular 2-inch or so Hot Topic earcuff size:
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Then when it emerges at the Sunforge, it's suddenly like... a solid 2 feet long? I'll spare all of us the disgorgement shot, here it is crawling up Viren's arm for scale:
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Now, the timeline of events in this series is... fuzzy, at best, but I don't think it's incorrect to interpret that the entire Lux Aurea business takes place in a single day. At the least, I think the Sunforge corruption and Viren walking back to the camp are the same day. By that point, Wormvaros has already grown into a jaunty scarf. By sometime mid-next day, it has attained its full drag show fabulous feather boa status.
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Wormvaros grows exponentially within the 18-24 hours between the Sunforge and the final battle, presumably feeding/having fed on the massive source of corrupted magic that was formerly the Sun nexus. Except that's not quite right, either: Wormvaros has already had its first growth spurt before the Sunforge is corrupted.
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Also just to quickly go over this scene in light of s5... Wormvaros bites Pharos, and the corruption then goes from Pharos to the Sun primal stone in the staff, and from there to the Sunforge itself. The artbook, of all places, notes that Pharos (there just "Sunfire High Priest") has a "direct connection to the Sun primal [that] helps him channel the incalculable power of the Sunforge."
The "direct connection to the Sun primal" bit is I think a bit misleading, since that should describe... every Sun primal mage, at minimum. Channeling the power of the Sunforge, however, explains the transmission of the corruption. It's not an accident of proximity that makes Wormvaros go for Pharos, it's that there has to be a transmission vector from Wormvaros to the Sunforge, and it's Pharos's arcanum during this ritual where the Sunforge's power is brought to bear.
But anyway, back to Wormvaros's growth. Viren is also exposed to the power of the Sunforge when he's tested in the throne room, though on a smaller scale. I bet that's when Wormvaros starts to feed.
I still think the magic has to be corrupted to be of use to Aaravos's specific purpose, here: neither the Sunforge nor the staff are diminished, so the power is either being replenished as fast as it's consumed or the corruption was itself the act of consumption. I feel like you could even say that the corruption of Sunforge power also happens in the throne room test ritual, in that whatever power from the Sunforge reaches Wormvaros where it's hiding inside Viren, it could easily have been filtered through and affected by Viren's own corruption.
On the one hand, all of this means that by whatever method Wormvaros... got inside Viren to Trojan Horse into Lux Aurea, it was still comfortably small at the time. On the other hand, it also means Wormvaros grew to like 10x its former size in the space of a few hours, while inside. Which... hhhnnnnnrrggh.
No, don't leave yet. I promise I have an additional point that's not just making everyone exquisitely uncomfortable about mpreg.
Wormvaros goes from a static, growthless state to a period of rapid maturing when exposed to the Sunforge. The Sun primal. The sun. After some time it returns to a similar hibernating state in the chrysalis. And then:
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shattersstar · 9 months
A possessive kiss in the rain for Alucard (Castlevania) and reader
First time ever requesting! I love your writing and your series on alucard! Feel free to make a whole new thing or to even ignore this,no pressure! Thank you!
possessive kiss in the rain + adrian tepes x vampire!reader
a/n: did i use this as an excuse to include striga? yeah of course <33 but tyyy for the request along with ur kind words im v honoured 😌 and sorry for taking forever with this i did have a lot of fun writing it tho so i hope u enjoy!!
It was quiet, the sun setting around an hour ago and it was still quiet. Quiet when you climbed out of the caravan to find Sypha and Trevor building a fire, quiet when you took a seat against a tree—the speaker not too far behind, even quieter when Adrian made his way back to camp, finding the magician laying her head in your lap while you stared into the flames. Both the men in your company grumbled at the sight, though Trevor had long dozed off against a tree of his own, while Adrian beckoned you with his eyes. You rose without warning Sypha, she yelped and scolded your manners as she rose to dust herself off. Her words went over your head, you offered a half glance over your shoulder in response, but tensed at the sound of her calling Adrian’s name—his other name.
Alucard rolled off her tongue as easily as all the other humans who dubbed him so. You did your best not to roll your eyes at the title, brushing past the half vampire who bid goodbye to the humans you traveled with.
You both moved silently, the ambient scape of the forest filled the air—branches snapped and leaves crunched in the distance as birds sang above and insects trilled below. You had stayed hidden amongst the trees, but followed parallel to the path that led to a cattle village nearby. And if the horde moved as you all predicted, they were likely to pass over soon. A buffet of beef would surely bring them calling, but it was still too quiet. Animals should have scattered when the wind chilled, bringing the scent of rot and decay. The sky also had not clouded over with the mass of the night creatures, the moonlight still slit through the trees and danced on your skin.
Adrian’s pointed silence didn’t help, but you were too caught up in where the night creatures were to dwell on it. It was not like them to wait so long to show themselves, the sun had set over an hour ago now—maybe they were not here yet.
You were simply ahead of schedule, you settled on, wondering if Adrian had decided the same. You were going to ask him about the silence, about the calm—yet he seemed anything, but calm. When you glanced over your shoulder you could see the emotions swirling in his golden eyes, contemplating and consuming him. “Are you okay?” You asked suddenly, your voice was the loudest thing within miles it seemed.
“Sypha’s quite taken with you.” Adrian replied, and your brows shot up your face. You stayed quiet for sometime in front of the dhampir, trying to understand the root of his statement. Perhaps the question within it. Sypha’a affection and interest towards you was what he had been stewing on?
Was it…jealousy?
No. “She has never been around our kind before and now she has two wells of knowledge. It's the speaker side of her—the only side of her.” You sounded defensive, and you hated it, over a century alive on this earth and still unable to hide yourself from those feelings. The ones Adrian brought out in you with a simple stare.
“I suppose, she does interrogate me to no end.” You both laughed lightly at that. You felt a little easier, ready to move one when he spoke again, “She’s quite comfortable around you—honest around you.”
“Comfortable?!” Your anger surfaced too fast—you knew it the moment you whipped around and Adrian took half a step back. Jarred by your reaction and the glint of your fangs in the moonlight. You wanted to calm down, but it was too heavy, “You think she should be weary of me, scared Adrian? Its okay because you can go out in the sun and survive without blood, but, but I’m—“
“No my darling.” He never interrupted you, never broke that respect he offered so easily a lifetime ago, but he did this time with a hushed tone. It silenced you, jaw clenching as you looked away. You were never one for dramatics, not in front of him especially, but it burned something deep in your chest to feel even more alienated. Forced to see skulls of vampires in the Belmont’s hold—trophies and artifacts of loved ones neatly cataloged amongst the goodies you know the Belmont boy was dying to use on you.
Adrian was easy to stomach and you were the one to be scared of, the one who stayed hidden in the caravan during the days and unable to spend a minute at night alone without wild accusations about your whereabouts, motives or more being thrown around. It had calmed down in recent days, Sypha’s unbridled affection towards you may have been a part of that, but it could also be the nights spent on hunts. Just you and Adrian, the only person who would never judge you, never see your carnage and violence and think anything of it.
It was to ease the burden the two humans had been facing, nights spent clearing areas far and wide while they worked through the days. And to quell the restless Adrian sensed brewing in you. You had barely been sleeping during the days, staring into the brief glimpses of sunlight from the back of the covered wagon with dead eyes, spending the nights irritated and distant, which never helped whatever they may think of you.
But the distance, that helped. The time spent alone with Adrian, moments to feed and drink in peace on the unfortunate souls who didn’t manage to escape the horde. Adrian often collected canteens of blood for you, keeping them with his things and out of Trevor’s knowledge. You never questioned the secrecy, but did have to stop your eyes from widening in surprise when he first gave you one. You had never asked Adrian to do such a thing, to care and attend to you in his own silent ways.
It made your anger dissolve fully, he called your name after you let out an unneeded sigh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you so. I know it's difficult, I see it. I promise.” His hand met your cheek, cradling you for a soft second. You leaned into his touch before remembering the reason you were out here. You would find the words later, instead you kissed his palm before turning back to the path. He stayed by your side as best he could, sometimes drifting behind with the forest demanded so, but always within reach. It was only when a scream pierced somewhere in the distance Adrian slipped in front of you. You both leaned into your senses, and while you both located the source of the scream, you also caught a scent of something familiar.
Something from lifetimes ago that brought back memories from your human life. You tried to shake the sudden onslaught of emotions, you were always drowning in what you felt. Alive or dead your feelings consumed you wholly. Adrian had already taken off in the direction and while you tried to follow, that warm floral scent only grew stronger. You found yourself stopping and watching him vanish into the dark of the woods. You knew another vampire was nearby, and as you carefully followed the scent, you found yourself in a small clearing.
A woman, tall and broad, sat sharpening her large blade while you lurked in the tree line. You watched her, wondering why she was here when she called out.
“No need to hide.” Her voice carried on the wind and reminded you of home. You moved at lightning speed, appearing in front of her, your long cloak settling as the breeze from your movements fluttered her long hair.
“Who are you?” You asked.
“Striga, one of four rulers of Styria.” She placed her blade against the log she sat upon, pushing herself up to her full towering height. The moonlight caught Striga's hair as she moved to stand next to you, and you couldn't deny the fact she was beautiful. Strong and powerful, but with the eyes of a lover. That kind that drew you in, saw into your soul and kissed the barest parts of your condemned spirit.
“Styria…” You whispered, it had been too many lifetimes ago since you had set foot on the shores of your birth place. And now, one of its vampire rulers stood in front of you, radiating that warm smell of jasmine and something indescribably citrus that reminded you of where you had grown up. You had left your past behind you, never returning to where you had been turned, not since you were free. Though, you had always hoped to catch that scent of Styria again and finally understand the complexities of its smell with your heightened senses. Yet you were still unable to place the adjectives that gave you a true answer to the intoxicating scent.
“You're the vampire traveling with the Belmont boy.” She was close enough that her arm brushed yours.
“I am.” You confirmed, while Striga raised a brow. Her strong arms crossed over her chest, black and purple armor amplifying her size.
“You ally yourself with the enemy.”
“I ally myself to Ad…Alucard, and if that’s the company he keeps, then it is the company I keep.” You explained, trying to ignore the bitterness at the sound of his other name.
She laughed, a low sound that made you smile involuntarily. “You’re quite something to be with a…half…thing like him.”
You laughed weakly, unable to gauge her tone. “Do you forget he’s the son of Dracula?” You inquired, scanning the tree line where just beyond night creatures howled and screeched.
“I suppose you have faith in him, leaving him to fight alone so you could speak to me.”
You didn’t reply, couldn’t muster a lie in response to what was an obvious statement. You both had lived long to know it wasn’t a question and that it was true. Striga intrigued you, standing tall and alone, and reminiscent of a life you had tried to forget. Her gorgeous purple robes were set against the royal blue sky streaked with orange as shards of leftover sunlight tangled in the thick evening clouds.
“I have heard such stories of his fighting.” Striga suddenly stated, the lit of her accent more noticeable with the casual cadence of her tone.
“Its breathtaking.” You found yourself murmuring, Adrian’s strength was always something to behold. His swiftness and keen eye, how he held his sword ever so carefully and cut many in half with more grace than a trained dancer. He was violence and art in motion. He was yours forever. It made you grin, small and fangs peaking out.
“You wear your affection on your face, he should be honoured to be cherished by someone as beautiful as you.”
“You speak like a true soldier, warrior even. Of honour and worth. It is a beautiful way to want.” You turned to face her, taking in her green eyes and the charm wrapped around a single braid in her hair. It was a long tousled mess of black waves that were half swept up. You noticed the glinting clip that held her hair back and wondered how a notorious commander would own such a thing. Perhaps it was a gift from a lover like the crystal bracelet you wore. Adrian had fastened it around your wrist one early morning. You were dozing in the caravan with him, listening to Sypha try to pry stories from Trevor while easily supplying her own. It was nice to fall asleep to the lull of their mindless talk while in Adrian’s arms. It was then he slipped it over your hand, bringing your knuckles to his lips and leaving a few soft kisses there before carefully slipping into the day.
“And how do you love him? If you do?”
You held her gaze, “You imply that I don’t?”
“I’m curious if you don’t.” She corrected with a simple nod. “I find you beautiful and interesting, it would be disheartening to know you are spoken for.”
“I am.”
“By a man who stands on the opposite of side the war?”
“It appears so.”
Striga turned her attention to the sky, appealing to the heavens as she spoke her next words.
“Then I apologize for any hurt I may cause you during this war. I’ll find you and apologize in person, repent for as long as I must.”
“That is, if you truly hurt me.”
“No, I would find you anyways.”
You chuckled, “Why?”
“To see if you are still in love.” Striga shrugged her broad shoulders, the words almost too casual as if she knew something you did not. It made you nervous, another half laugh escaping your lips before you turned back towards the tree line. “You do love him?” She inquired, shifting closer. A moment of silence passed before a howl broke through the woods. Inhuman and sending a flock of birds into the night sky. You followed them with your gaze.
“I try not too.” You answered honestly, watching the winged creatures disappear into another part of the dense forest. Adrian was far too great for this world to be yours. You were a lowly vampire turned by a lonely widow who needed company more than blood. She begged and begged until she stopped taking no for an answer and turned you in your sleep. You woke up screaming and sobbing, a life robbed by someone who didn’t even end up wanting you. Her guilt consumed her whole, she had doomed you to the same life she wanted reprieve from and choose to let the church find and kill her. She left you alone, and you wanted to spend eternity just like that.
But you and Adrian had found each other, lonely in your own torrential ways. You had never met someone like him before, someone caught between two worlds you had given up on entirely. Adrian brought something to quell the loneliness of your cursed existence, and for that companionship, you’d follow him anywhere.
You would accept death at the hands of his father if it meant stopping the bloodshed as Adrian wanted. You had nothing, but your entire self to give to him. Maybe besides the knowledge from the life you lived and the sword on your hip. He could have something more normal, more human than you, if that’s what he so wanted from his life. You had always understood that, accepted that and tried to love him a little less in spite of it all.
Yet, your heart bled for him in ways you had never known in your brief human life, and forever stretching vampiric one. It was almost painful, how much you craved him. And almost, almost, was more powerful than the lust for blood that fueled your existence.
“Speak of the devil, and he shall appear “ Striga’s soft voice broke you from your thoughts, reality crashing down as Adrian stood, panting, at the edge of the clearing. He was across from you, hunched forward slightly, and hand on his blade. “I will be seeing you, soon I pray.” Striga hummed, bringing your attention to her face as she grabbed your bare hand with her gloved one. She brought your knuckles to her lips, placing a chaste kiss all while her sea green eyes bored into yours.
You opened your mouth to respond, but she vanished into the night before your hand reached your side. You pivoted back towards Adrian, walking in his direction at a steady pace, while your gaze fell to your feet. You focused on each step, one foot in front of the other, until his hands jumped to your biceps and stopped you in place.
You were about a foot from him, head tilting from the ground to meet his angry gaze. Adrian dropped his hands from you, letting silence wash over you two as the forest’s din became too loud in your ears.
“I’m sorry.” You blurted out, anything to cut the silence and tension along with it.
Adrian shifted his weight, the sunny yellow of his eyes was a deep amber in the dark of night. “Why were you here?”
“I could smell a vampire, and investigated.”
“Investigated!?” His tone inflected with the anger he normally kept at bay.
“She was from Styria and I-I was curious. Is that wrong?” You were finding your ground, steadying your voice as challenge lingered in your tone.
You two never fought, not like this.
“Was it wrong to leave me—“
“You are more than capable, we both know that Adrian.” You snapped, you would not be guilted into seeing him as helpless. Adrian was anything, but that.
“Why did she kiss your hand?” Your angered confidence faltered, your gaze softening as something…sad bled into his voice. Something cold and lonely you knew well.
“I don’t know.”
His jaw clicked, and in an instant he was in your space, fangs flashing because he couldn’t help it, as his fingers grasped your jaw. He stared into your eyes and asked you again. Perhaps it was the proximity, or your own ego dying down, but you saw through him so clearly. So easily, as you always had, and understood.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, as the looming clouds finally began to cry soft tears of rain.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Against your clothes, it wasn’t torrential, but that misty rain that made everything hazy.
“She was interested in me, she complimented me and asked about you—us. She reminded me of a place I called home ages ago but my love, she is not you.” Maybe it was jealousy earlier when Adrian asked about Sypha, but regardless it definitely was now. You were unsure how he could think such things when you felt so unworthy of him, and he was worried about a woman you met once. Yes she was beautiful, and carried power and confidence like it was given to her by god, but she was not the man you loved.
The one you had swore yourself to, one you killed for and one you would gladly die for if he so much as asked. His grip faltered, eyelids shuddering as your soft explanation washed over him like the rain. With a voice barely above a whisper on the wind you continued, “I never have nor will I give myself to someone like I have you, Adrian. I would do anything at your behest. Anything beloved.” You pressed your hands against his torso, clinging to the fabric of his coat as best you could.
“Anything?” He rasped, like speaking was a chore he had no capacity for.
“I’d burn worlds down or build them up if you asked. I’d kill the Belmont boy or give my life for his if you asked. I’d lock myself away and never speak to anyone but you if that’s what you wanted. Yes, my love, anything.”
“Just let me kiss you.” Adrian’s mouth met yours before you could answer, but you both knew it was a yes. It was more teeth and fang than anything at first, as the momentum of his body slamming into yours, sent you reeling back a step before one of his hands moved to your waist. Your hands slipped up his chest, fingers still clutching the fabric before one of your hands tangled into his hair. Fingers toying with the golden lock that cascaded down his back.
Adrian still had one hand cradling your jaw, keeping you in place as he kissed you with enough desire to make you delirious. Your mouths moved together, his fangs grazing your bottom lip. He wasn’t usually like this, bold and desperate, but you would let Adrian kiss and hold you however he needed. To let the jealousy spiral through his system and find release in your lips against his.
You smiled against his mouth, nails scraping deliciously through his hair before his tongue found yours. You were faintly aware of the rain, starting to beat down heavier with each second you spent lost in each other's embrace. Adrian finally pulled away, letting his thumb smooth over your chin before finding the other side of your waist. You let both your arms wrap around his neck, stealing soft kisses as the thunder grew louder. You knew you would have to go back soon, but Adrian was still preoccupied with leaving open mouth kisses against yours, pulling back slightly before deciding he still needed more. It was more tender, what you were used to from him. Chasing your lips, a few soft pecks turning into something more heated before he would start the cycle again.
You played with his hair and felt his fingers twitch against your side as the darkness clouding his beautiful expression softened. Adrian stopped his assault of kisses, dropping his head to the curve of your neck. You kissed the top of his head, fingers slipping out of his hair.
“I love you.” You murmured, such sentiments felt a little too human and empty for you. And you did love him, but it was just more than that. He still said it to you often, and you were easy to repeat the sentiment, but you rarely offered it on your own. It was no reflection of him, it was just your distance from humanity you could never get back. But you knew Adrian needed to hear it.
“I love you too darling.” He hummed against your skin, leaving a kiss there before standing at his full height. You stared at him for a moment, the want still clear in his eyes as he tucked you against his side. You walked through the forest with clasped hands, the thick trees keeping out some of the rain, not that you cared.
You both had faster means of returning to camp, but pressed against Adrian who occasionally left kisses on the fabric by your shoulder or brought your intertwined hands to his lips, was enough to forget about the storm. Adrian engulfed you and drowned you in ways the rain never could, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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deong · 10 months
burnout ㅡ karina x fem!reader
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word count: 1.2k words (part 1)
pairing: idol karina x fem reader
synopsis: it was not like this before, life 's too fast that we got swept away along with it. i have loved you for so long.
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The echoes of the rain and the rumble of thunder filled the house, creating a somber backdrop to my awakening. As I slowly emerged from my slumber, I noticed the glow of the television casting flickering shadows around the room. Suddenly, the jingling of keys and the familiar sound of high heels announced Karina's arrival.
"Hmm?" I mumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and adjusting to the sudden brightness. Karina's question hung in the air, and I couldn't help but smile albeit with a tinge of sadness.
"Did you stay up waiting for me?" she inquired, searching for an explanation.
"Kinda," I replied, my voice filled with gentle understanding. I knew she didn't expect me to wait, but deep down, I couldn't help but show my devotion. The past month had been filled with her absences, a constant source of frustration and concern.
Her voice carried a hint of remorse as she responded, "Baby, you didn't have to do that." Her words tugged at my heart, knowing that my actions were born out of love and a desire for connection.
Aware of the tension I suggested, "You can heat up the food in the microwave. I'm going to sleep, goodnight, darling." Planting a tender kiss upon her lips, I made my way toward the stairs longing for a sense of clarity and peace.
Before I could go, I felt her hand gently grasp mine causing me to turn back and meet her gaze. "Wait," she pleaded softly, her eyes reflecting sincerity amidst the shadows.
I looked into her eyes, searching for the truth that lay beneath her words. "I'm sorry I haven't been returning your calls lately," she confessed, her smile offering solace.
"I've been consumed by the relentless flow of songwriting. It's like I can't stop, you know?"
Understanding her passion, I replied my voice tinged with a mixture of acceptance and concern, "It's okay. Go eat before the food spoils. Goodnight, baby." Offering her another gentle kiss.
I finally ascended the stairs, leaving behind the melody of raindrops against the window as my thoughts swirled with contemplation.
Lying on the bed, I listened to the soothing rhythm of the rain outside, seeking solace in its melancholic symphony. A flood of emotions coursed through me as I pondered the underlying unease that persisted within my heart, aware that something was wrong.
The rain whispered its secrets against the window of the shared bedroom, urging me to confront the truth. Deep down, I knew that mere explanations and apologies couldn't mend the growing divide between us. In the stillness of the night, I yearned for a path forward, hoping that our love could weather this storm and find its way back to the harmony it once knew.
The producers had granted Karina an early release from work that evening, and both of us opted for takeout, as neither of us had the energy or inclination to cook. We sat in silence, the air heavy with unspoken words, each of us picking at our food. Karina absentmindedly toyed with her fork, and a knot formed in my stomach.
Finally, unable to bear the weight of the silence any longer, I ventured to break it. "What's wrong?" I asked, my voice laced with concern. She looked up at me, shaking her head. "Nothing, just tired." she replied, her tone devoid of emotion.
A furrow formed between my brows as I questioned further "Are you sure?" I pressed gently, searching for a way to ease her burden. Her response caught me off guard, her voice tinged with frustration.
"Oh my god. Yes! Y/N. I'm fine." she snapped, her volume rising slightly, causing my eyes to widen.
Caught off guard by her sudden outburst, I sat there in silence, unsure of how to respond. She continued, her voice strained with weariness and exhaustion. "Maybe I don't feel like talking. Maybe I need some time to myself" she expressed, her words dripping with a mixture of frustration and longing for solitude. "I'm sorry, I just don't feel like talking tonight," she added, her voice softer now, almost pleading for understanding.
My head tilted to the side, my heart heavy with a mix of confusion and concern. "Oh, okay" I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."
As the meal came to an end, a noticeable distance settled between us shrouding the room in an atmosphere of tension. Karina remained silent throughout the night, her back turned towards me as we lay in bed. With a mixture of longing and a desperate attempt to close the gap, I wrapped my arms around her, molding myself to her. But she remained motionless, her response muted, and all she did was switch off the lamp, enveloping us in darkness.
During my lunch break, I decided to reach out to Karina hoping to share a meal together since she had the day off.
"Hi," she greeted as she picked up the call.
"Hey, I'm on my lunch break. Can you come eat with me?" I questioned with anticipation.
"I can't. I'm spending the day with the girls. I haven't seen them since the last comeback promotions ended" she replied, her tone filled with excitement.
A slight frown formed on my face, though I tried to conceal my disappointment. "Oh well, hope you have fun then. Be safe. I love you" I said, my words tinged with a trace of longing.
"Thanks. I'll talk to you later," she responded before ending the call.
The absence of her reciprocal words of affection stung, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt. Over the next few weeks, my attempts to spend time with her were met with various excuses and disinterest.
"Sorry, I can't. Work has me caught up."
"I don't feel like doing anything."
"I'm so tired, babe."
"I'm busy right now, can't make it."
"Not right now."
"I just want to sleep."
"I'm going to sleep."
With each failed attempt, I gradually began to lose hope. The fights, the lack of intimacy, the absence of dates, and the dwindling communication served as stark reminders of the growing distance between us. It became clear that we were drifting apart.
My interest in her started to wane, despite my lingering love. The once vibrant flame of passion was flickering, and I found myself falling.
"Y/N?" her voice pulled me from my thoughts, and my lashes fluttered as I refocused on her.
"Y/N, I'm not feeling the same love I felt before. I promise I never meant to hurt you," she confessed, her eyes welling with tears. "Thank you for being so sweet and caring to me every single day. I love you for that." Her words were filled with sorrow and regret, and I struggled to find my voice amidst the turmoil within me.
"I…" I began, but she gently interrupted.
"I can't be with you anymore. I'm so sorry, Y/N" she continued, her touch grazing my cheek. "I'll come to get my things next week." She wiped away her tears and placed a tender kiss on my cheek. I sat there, numb, not knowing how to respond. The realization dawned upon me that chasing after her would serve no purpose if her heart no longer belonged to me.
Why wasn't I crying? I was undeniably heartbroken, but the tears refused to fall. In the midst of the pain, I sat there silently mourning the love we had for years now lost, swept away along life's phase.
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celtic-crossbow · 3 months
So I Live a Lie in the Light
Setting: Forest (6 year gap) Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Tabby O’Sullivan (OC) Warnings: Typical TWD violence and gore; mentions of child abuse; mentions of pregnancy Summary: Daryl has a secret. He’s always known it could affect all of those he loved. Just not like this. A/N: Tumblr is being an uber twat right now and won’t let me edit so hopefully there are no mistakes.
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It had been getting more difficult to hide. Emotions always made it worse. For most of his life, he had tried to hide from them; push them down and bury them. And that was before he was bitten. He had been so young and careless, out in the woods after a particularly heavy beating from his father. Nature had always been his safe place. That night, it was anything but safe. 
He had thought it was a dog at first, a low growl the first indication he hadn’t been alone. He had stumbled through the bushes and landed directly in the middle of the dinner table. The creature was kneeling over the deer carcass, its clawed hands holding open a gaping hole so its canine-like maw could delve inside. 
It had heard him, probably smelled him now that he thought back on it. Running had proven useless, its long legs catching up to him with ease. He remembered thinking he would die right there that night. Even now, he could feel the pain flare to life around the scar its teeth had left on his shoulder. 
Then it had let him go. 
His daddy had been passed out drunk when he got home, allowing him to care for the wound without explanation. He would find out on the first full moon since the attack that the creature had been Merle and what exactly that bite meant for the rest of his life. 
So Daryl, a lycan, had kept his secret. It made slaughtering the undead while alone a piece of cake. Even when he was with his chosen family, he had strength he would never be able to explain if he didn’t hide it well. Had he not been so consumed by fear, he could have saved them. He could have saved so many of them. 
After Rick’s supposed death, he had skulked off into the woods to find his brother’s body, dead or alive. He had left everyone behind. He had left her behind. If there had been anyone he would have told, it would have been her. He wanted to tell her; wanted to show her how much he trusted her. How much he loved her. 
But he was afraid. The walkers had done nothing more than die and had become the enemy. What would that mean for him? A lycan. A werewolf. 
Rather than live with her rejection, he chose to live with her absence. It was better for both of them this way. 
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Daryl had made her promise to never visit aside from after each full moon. He had been adamant and, so far, Tabby had held to the promise. She’d set the world on fire for that man, so even when her heart ached for his presence, she held fast to the agreement. 
Until now. 
Circumstances called for an earlier visit. She brought supplies with her but secretly hoped this would be when he’d return. It had been six years. Two day visits every 30 days or so just wasn’t cutting it. He’d always allow her to stay in his camp, sharing touches and sweet kisses and whispered words. Sharing his bed and his body. She yearned for those moments. 
Maybe today was the day. 
“Daryl, are you here?” Tabby peeked into the tent, surprised to find Dog stretched out on the bedroll but no archer. “Daryl?” With careful, quiet steps— just like he’d taught her— she crept across the forest floor. It wasn’t long before she heard the familiar snarls of a herd. Oh god, no! 
She didn’t call for him. It would only alert them to her presence when he could be perfectly fine and hiding to wait it out. But why would he leave Dog? There was a new, unfamiliar sound as she closed in, an animal of some sort. Probably, being mauled and eaten, the poor thing. When she could see a few of the uncoordinated, shuffling bodies, she pressed herself against the nearest tree, carefully leaning around to the other side. 
What she saw defied everything logical she had ever been taught up until the dead began to walk. 
A large, black creature was slaughtering walkers left and right; taking heads and limbs and tossing them carelessly. It was covered in fur and stood on two legs at about seven feet, with decipherable knees but canine hocks below them. The fingers and toes were tipped with large, razor-sharp claws that were slicing through flesh like butter. The torso was comparable to that of a human but larger, broader with pronounced skeletal and muscular features. But its head… Its head was large with canine features: elongated snout, pointed ears, and a mouth full of dangerously sharp, dripping teeth. 
Tabby was frozen to the spot with wide eyes, tears on her lashes, and only one coherent thought: Daryl. 
Had it killed him? 
The creature paused with a walker’s head in its grasp, raising its snout to sniff the air— and turned its black gaze right to where she was hiding. 
“Oh fuck.” She whispered, stumbling backwards before she turned around and began to run back to the camp. There was a roar unlike any she had ever heard from somewhere behind her but then the sound of more walkers being dispatched. “Dog!” Tabby screamed, relieved when the canine poked his head out of the tent. “Dog, come! We have to find Daryl!” She saw the archer’s pack on the ground, choking on a sob. Why would he go anywhere without supplies? “Come, Dog! We have to—”
When she turned, she was face to face with an open maw of pointed fangs, rivulets of thick saliva stretching and falling to the leaves. She lifted her foot to take a step back, watching its eyes lower and then rise before it growled. She couldn’t die. Not now. She hadn’t survived years of slow moving corpses to be taken out like this when she was so close to everything she could have ever wanted, apocalypse or not. 
“Dog.” She whispered, oddly concerned that the canine hadn’t made a single sound. She started to risk a glance but didn’t have to look far. Dog was sitting calmly at her side, looking up at the creature with his tongue hanging out the side of his open mouth. 
Movement in front of her brought Tabby’s eyes forward. A huge, clawed hand was reaching for her, slowly. She whimpered, raising her shoulders and screwing her eyes shut. The touch on her face was shockingly gentle. When it pulled away, she released the breath she had been holding and opened her eyes. It was backing away. 
It made a noise before things began to shift. Bones and colors and size, shrinking and morphing until…
He was naked as the day he was born, a hand out against a tree to balance himself as if the change had sapped his energy. The look he was giving her was unreadable, so many emotions flitting across his face that she couldn’t pinpoint just one. 
“Ya weren’t s’posed to come here.” He whispered. 
“Yeah, I get that now.” She snapped. “What the fuck is going on?” He stepped toward and when she stepped back, his expression crumbled. 
“Yer afraid of me now.” He choked on a sob, his chin quivering. Daryl walked briskly past her and grabbed his pack, jerking out clothing and proceeded to begin dressing himself. “Ya can go if ya want.” The tremble in his voice made it clear that wasn’t what he truly wanted. Besides, she came to tell him something and now, more than ever, it seemed more imperative. 
“Daryl,I—” The redhead braved a step toward him, visibly trembling. Yes, she was afraid. Even so, something in her gut told her that he would never hurt her. She was afraid because she didn’t understand. She needed to know what this meant for her. How it changed things. “I need an explanation. I need to know—”
Tabby paused, standing straighter when he went still with his shirt halfway pulled over his shoulders. Daryl sniffed the air— once, then twice —and turned to her, his brow creased. “Ya smell diff’rent.”
“You can smell me? Like…a dog?”
“Lycan.” He corrected, pulling his shirt the rest of the way down. The archer began to step toward her, but she consciously made her feet stay planted. 
“Lycan?” Tabby queried, blinking.
“Werewolf.” Daryl stated calmly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. He was nearly in front of her now, taking a moment to lean in and inhale through his nose once again. “Why do ya smell diff’rent?”
“New body wash?” She giggled nervously, a fine shaking to her person but still not moving away. 
He actually dared to look insulted. “Ain’t like tha’, Tabby-cat. S’ya scent. Yer smell. Ain’t yer clothes or soap or perfume. S’you.” The jig was up. She had to tell him and then he’d need to her what it meant; if it was dangerous. What she needed to do. 
“So,” The redhead dropped her gaze, toeing at the rocks. “What happens when…lycans?” He nodded. “When lycans and humans have sex and that results in the creation of a little being?” 
Daryl stood up straight, looming over her in a way that had never intimidated her before that moment. “Yer…pregnant?” Tabby nodded, her chin quivering. Daryl barked out a laugh and doubled over, hands on his knees.
She stared with wide blue eyes, incredulous. “You’re seriously laughing right now?”
The hunter shook his head and stood up with an expression of pure relief. “Thought ya’d got bit. Didn’ have the…dead stench but I didn’ know how else ta take it. Ya weren’ s’posed ta be able.” He sobered quickly, reaching cautiously for her shoulders. When she didn’t back away, he pulled her in against him. “Anyway, aint been through it ‘fore n’ haven’ ran inta many others like me, but s’far s’I know, ain’t no diff’rent than a human. Jus’…” he trailed off, easing his hold on her so that she could move back a little. 
Tabby looked up at him, fear present in her trembling orbs. “Just what?”
Daryl bit his lip nervously. “Kid’ll have the curse. Ain’t no two ways ‘bout it. Don’ know how much or how lil’ it’ll show up. Could be born like a pup, could be human. Could change immediately, could take months, years. S’a lot I don’ know.” He let her go and turned away. “M’sorry. Didn’ think ya’d ever…”
Tabby stood in stunned silence, completely overwhelmed and more than a little frightened. One thing hadn’t changed, though. She didn’t think it ever would. She stepped up after a deep breath, wondering if he already knew she was closer because of super hearing or smell. Regardless, she wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled her head between his shoulder blades, pushing back the mental image of them snapping and shifting only a few minutes before. 
She still loved him. He was still somehow her Daryl, even if she had a lot to learn. 
“I’m scared. You can’t blame me for that.” She felt more than heard him sigh. “But I’m not scared of you.” Now a sharp intake of breath, blue eyes searching for her over his shoulder. Tabby leaned back, only enough for him to turn within her embrace, pressing herself right back into his chest. His arms encircled her immediately, warm and familiar. “I’m scared for our baby, what it means for them. What sort of life they’ll have to lead. What precautions we’ll have to take.”
Daryl nodded but didn’t interrupt. 
“I do know that I want this and I want it with you.” She smiled against his shirt, squeezing him tighter. “We’ll figure it out. Together.”
“Together.” He repeated softly, a hand coming up to cradle the back of her head. 
Pulling back, she gave him an all too familiar smirk, a mischievous twinkle in her wet eyes. “So, if I scratched behind your ear, would your leg shake?”
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@lilyevanstan1325 @willowaftxn83-87 @graciepies @sohhel @lazyneonrabbitt
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fluffypotatey · 5 months
Consider an au with the soul mate identify trope of your writing on your skin showing up in the skin of your soulmate. Obviously shadowpeach are soulmates . Would them during their nemesis Era use that to torment/taunt the other(insults, threats,etc) or would they pretend it didn't exist
gonna be honest with you, anon, i am super picky with my soulmate AUs (out of love, i love them so much !and this has made me a harsh grader for them)
i don't think Macky would use their "link," so to speak, as a means to torment or taunt (not including swk because it was honestly Macadoodle who was the instigator and provoker throughout their nemesis dynamic in lmk). and i feel like Wukong's punishment under the 5 Phases Mt. would cut off their communication the fastest because even if Macky wrote on his arm, Wukong would never see it or be able to write back (which Mackarell is very aware of). after their fight, neither would be able to write back an apology or even scribble some sweet drawing if they still can't find the right words. so, it's possible that because of this 500 year pause of communication, their old habit of scribbling and writing notes on their arms faded pretty quickly.
and then Wukong is free. his arms are no longer fused with rock. his arms are bare, obviously. he feels that old itch to scribble or write something on them, but he doesn't follow through with it. he can't. not after what the both of them had said to each other. sure, centuries passed but how would Wukong know if Macky would be happy to learn he's okay, that he's free. the last thing Macky even said to him was that he was tired of being dragged along by Wukong, so....maybe Wukong shouldn't drag Macky along any further.
and then they meet again, and Macky is pissed. whether at Wukong or for him, it's hard for the monkey king to tell because Macky is mad and bloodthirsty and he is hurting Wukong friends. he is impersonating Wukong, trying to steal his journey--not even his, it's Tripitaka's, his master's-- trying to fool everyone into think that Wukong is nothing more than a demon who desires for nothing but to consume the world of its power and reign as the greatest there's ever been-
then Macky is dead. everything happened to fast, but there the monkey lies on the ground, arms bare. they have always been bare ever since the war they started with Heaven centuries ago. Macky's arms are bare and so are Wukong's.
when Macky wakes up/is revived the memory of their link and broken bond is still fresh, but for Wukong, it's been a long, long time.
Wukong has grown to become used to the scribbles and ink on his arms to never be reciprocated. he doesn't even write or draw on them that much, just when the itch to do something is strong but he's got no spare paper or spare mural room. he even allows his little Suns write or scribble on him just for fun or when they're bored. he even allows MK, who's arms are always filled to the brim with scribbles by the time the kid arrives for training.
Macky did not expect to ever wake up one day and find his arm full of ink. he clawed it at since washing it off didn't work. there's a strange sort of limbo Macky's mind seems to go into whenever he considers the reason for why Wukong is still scribbling, still adding life to their link. all throughout seasons 1 to 3 Macky figured it was because Wukong had eventually moved on enough to stop caring.
and yes, Wukong did move on. but he never stopped caring. Macky hadn't believed that until he was with MK in that scroll.
and it's strange. to find out that the person you once loved still loves you (how much or how different is still unclear). it's even stranger when you realize that you, yourself, do not still hold love from the past but for the present, for the future.
after Azure's defeat, there's some new scribbles on both of their arms. Wukong swears he didn't change his style, so obviously it must be Macquackity himself who'd done it (then he starts to smile while holding his arms tightly to his chest). Macky just huffs and claims that it's better than boredom (then draws on a sun and a moon on the wrist of his arms).
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desmond69miles · 1 year
i absolutely love our inky boy and love writing for him even more, so i’d be glad to do any requests!!
i tend to write more darker characters, bendy included, so this one is also gonna include a monsterous and more evil bendy!! he seems to be a favorite of mine hehe
also, i’ve been thinking about making an actual story book of a bendy/reader, like an actual long fanfic. i’ve had it planned out in my head for awhile, and would post it on AO3 and wattpad. let me know if this is something you’d like to see!!
[-: let’s be honest, he doesn’t pick you up without a reason. for these hcs, we’ll say you have some unknown potential with the ink, some locked power stored up inside. Bendy would notice this power, and takes you in. He’s violent and menacing at first, and throughout most of your friendship. its like trying to crack through diamond, his lesser known emotions and demons packed deep down through trauma and abandonment. Luckily, he has you, which has somehow calmed the raging monster he is. Of course, he is still violent and consumes innocent souls almost every day, he has a more calming, passionate yet possessive side with you.
[-: he limits your contact with the rest of the studio as much as he can. as i’ve mentioned before, the ink demon is an extremely possessive creature, having only known hate and horror his entire life. seeing you with other people, conversing and helping them fills him with rage. your not supposed to help, your his.
[-: Something nice I think that would start between you both is listening to some soft jazz while Bendy plays with your hair.
[-: Another sort of intimate act he would enjoy is reading with his S/O. He prefers if you spoke in a soft voice, nearly a whisper, reading out the chapters. His head often hurts being able to hear everything going on in the studio, and just wants to relax while listening to your voice.
[-: I think he’d be like a crow. He’d memorize your face, sound, and scent, and actively seek you out to give you small gifts. Their nothing more than a rock he thought looked interesting, something shiny, or a little finger-scribbled note.
likes his tea with ink and two sugars
[-: okokok I’m gonna make him a bit of a granny, and say he enjoys knitting/crochet. I say this because he enjoys simple and couple-like activities, so, he would enjoy curling up with you while you sip on a cup of ink tea while his big hands move in symmetry, crossing the yarn over and knitting you a blanket.
[-: Sammy worships you as he would worship Bendy, seeing as you actually befriended and calmed the demon. But Sammy is delusional and two sides, so some days he’ll just be like “touch the ink demon and I’ll cut your fucking eyeballs out” and other days hes like “surrender to the demon and his royalty!!” 
[-: I think it’d be such a contrast from Bendy’s personality to have a partner. The demon worshippers around the studio would definitely be confused, if not a little conflicted. While they did have their doubts, they soon learned that you were a helpful asset and enjoyed you, looking up to you as they would Bendy. 
[-: Collects junk for you. It could be something as simple as a paperclip, or weird as a hunk of crushed metal resembling a frying-pan. He wants to show you things he found interesting as a way of showing his appreciation for you.
[-: He doesn’t understand the impact of the words “i love you”, and doesn’t say it, like ever. He’d welcome it from you like it was his dying words, but he’d never say it. He instead shows his “i love yous” through gifts.
NSFW under the cut!
[-: Has a big thing on breeding and claiming. Do expect to have many bites, scratches, and claw punctures all over your body.
[-: Bendy is not familiar with being slow or intimate, meaning he goes hard & fast, leaving your legs shaky and hands tremoring.
[-: While he doesn’t have endless stamina, he does tend to use you for at least 2-3 rounds or until he’s satisfied. Bendy needs outlets for anger, and apparently rough sex has become one of these.
sex monster
[-: loves to “groom” you. i say groom, because I feel like its like how a cat would groom themselves. He licks around areas where he can feel your pulse or blood rush, especially the insides of your thighs, right where they meet your crotch. He nibbles on your skin, not enough to hurt, but just enough to tickle. 
[-: going into a bit more darker side of bendy, he isn’t one for patience. While he doesn’t mind you being a brat and a “naughty lamb” to others, the ink demon is not particularly fond of it when its aimed at him. Punishment can range from ignoring you until your begging, wet tears sobbing down your face, or to inflict pain on you until your begging for a release. (His favorite form of punishment is biting your clit, or the tip of your cock until you sob)
[-: He loves to draw, as I think we all can agree. His favorite thing to draw is anatomy by far, seeing how bodys can deform and change down here. So, when he sees you, someone who has a fairly human body, he naturally wants to draw you, and nudes are apart of this. 
[-: relating to the one above, he also likes to draw on your body. Either with his finger or with a paint brush dipped in ink, he loves the look of your skin being drawn in ink. If you have tattoos, he enjoys to copy them down onto a piece of paper. Loves to draw little hearts on the inside of your thighs or right above your crotch. 
thank you for reading! ask box is open for BATIM/BATDR asks <3
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mergeman · 1 year
This is my first time using AI images let me know what you think
The deceased farmer could only morn as he spent year after year watching the land he had worked so hard for crumble to time. He had lived a full life to the ripe old age of 92, had six kids who in turn had kids, who they themselves had kids of their own.
None of these descendants though had visited the farm in the 79 years since he had passed, so the ghost could only watch as his lives work slowly disintegrated.
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That was until she came along. The old specter could feel his blood in her veins and became excited to see her on his land. She had been coming for just over 2 years now but she did nothing but take sketches and wonder the old property. The farmer wanting to know what her plans were got closer then he ever had before only to discover she was drawing rows and rows of ugly little homes! He tried everything in his power to knock the sketch book from her hands. Growing more and more frustrated at his impotence the normally calm ghost let loose all of his anger and rushed at the young woman.
Claire's POV
It was another hot day on this god forsaken piece of shit land, my grand inheritance from my Great Uncle.
ugh..... Shivers
That was weird its been hot and dry all day long, where did that frigged blast of cold air come from? I crossed my arms as I became aware that I might not be alone out here.
"Hello?" I called out into the summer void
Was the last thing I heard before my body spasmed.
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It was just a moment and then I was picking myself up off the dusty ground. I stumbled as I tried to find my balance, my body seemed heavy and bloated.
I called out again. "hello? who are you? show yourself"
Mine! It's Mine, and you will not have it!
I doubled over as wave after wave of pain washed over me. I scrambled to find my cell phone in the dusty earth.
It was hidden underneath the fallen sketches. I grabbed it and hit redial so it would call my fiancé Trevor. After the 3rd ring I hear a deep male voice say hey babe.
"Trevor you gotta come here now. Somethings wron....wrong... wi... wit.... with me!" My voice was cracking under the strain of the pain.
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"Babe ill be ri" click
I look in horror as my finger hits the end call button.
Then something controlled my arm and threw the phone into the nearby bushes.
It's Mine, not yours! You will not take it!
Oh My Fucking God. The Voice Was In My Head!!!!!
Who the fuck are you? I thought at (it/him?)
No girl is gonna curse at me on my own land!
Oh I can now feel him invading me, changing me.
Get the hell out of me you fucking piece of shit.
I could feel him moving around stretching me from the inside. No mattered what I tried nothing seemed to stop him.
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I was helpless as my body grew more masculine. Hair sprouted on my boobs which in turn were quickly changed into an impressive set of pecs. My torso widened and my arms got heavy with the added muscles.
Mine, I want it all, You'll never take my land
I could see him now! He's just an old man.
I use my will to push at him, but nothing seems to work!
In fact the more I push the less like myself I feel.
Get out of me you old codger.
My body kept changing as I could feel him taking me over piece by piece.
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Most of what was me is fading fast. He was winning. Hell even if I could somehow remove him would i be stuck like this or return to normal?
These questions danced in my head as the last of me was being consumed.
Yes!! Mine It's all Mine, They will never take away our land again!
With the last of what's me I could feel the old bastard be consumed by someone else. No this was something new. No Someone new!
My bodies last bit of femineity died as my clit sealed up and reformed into a cock worthy of the man I'd become.
Everything was on fire as a bright flash.
Clive's POV
Fuck, I'm gettin old, I know 45 is not that old but when you've been working to restore your families farm for the last 25 years it sure takes a toll. What started it as a dilapidated farm is now one of the richest ranches in the state
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It would have been harder without my husband Trevor, he has been my rock, and my right hand ever his folks kicked him out and he came to me to be my farm hand.
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Now 17 years later we've adopted 6 kids and life couldn't be more hectic or fun. I owe it all to my Inheritance.
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spooksier · 3 months
Hi I saw your latest art piece on instagram and it inspired me to write something. It's just a short draft of a thing but I just really love your art and I wanted to show you what you inspired me to create as well :) Hope you don't mind lol.
I’ve been having these strange dreams. 
Lately, when I close my eyes it’s almost always the same one. I’m driving somewhere, along a road that feels familiar, although I can never place it when I wake up. It’s long and winding and it’s taking me somewhere far away. I drive for a very long time, until the sun dips below the horizon line and I have to turn on my headlights. There’s never any moon. 
She usually appears soon after.
There’s someone standing on the side of the road; a hitchhiker, thumb sticking out. I can’t make out their face, it’s too dark. A part of me wants to drive on, but it’s late and there’s no one else around for miles, so I stop and she gets in. She doesn’t say anything, and neither do I. I don’t turn to look at her; I have to keep my eyes on the road. The beckoning cat attached to the mirror sways back and forth rhythmically, like those pocket watches that stage hypnotists use. I watch it swing back and forth. Then that’s when it happens. 
There’s a blur of movement in front of me, I hit the brakes but not fast enough. There’s a loud thud and my head smashes into the steering wheel. 
There’s blood on the windshield and in my eyes but it doesn’t matter, because I know what happens next. I hear the ka-chunk of the car door as it opens and she gets out; I still can’t turn to look at her; I can only watch as she kneels down in front of the thing I hit (a moose, I can see it now), and sinks her teeth into its stomach. There’s something almost ritualistic about it, how passionately she claws open its belly and tears out its intestines, how ravenously she devours the flesh of this poor creature. 
The strange part though; the part I always think about when I wake up, is that in that moment I crave to join her. I want nothing more than to rip and tear into that wretched thing. I want to eat its heart and drink its blood and consume it forever and ever. 
But there is nothing I can do. I’m trapped in the car, stuck staring out at her as she completes her vicious task. I want her to look at me, to invite me to join her, to acknowledge me at all. 
But she never does. And I always wake up crying.
OMG!!! thank you so much i love it!!!! it's so nice to have something i made connect with somebody thank you so much i appreciate it endlessly
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dathen · 8 months
Okay my Clervalstein feelings and Jonmina feelings never overlap more than when they’re nursing each other back to life after a life-threatening brain fever:
But I was in reality very ill; and surely nothing but the unbounded and unremitting attentions of my friend could have restored me to life. The form of the monster on whom I had bestowed existence was for ever before my eyes, and I raved incessantly concerning him.
“He has had some fearful shock—so says our doctor—and in his delirium his ravings have been dreadful; of wolves and poison and blood; of ghosts and demons; and I fear to say of what.”
Doubtless my words surprised Henry: he at first believed them to be the wanderings of my disturbed imagination; but the pertinacity with which I continually recurred to the same subject persuaded him that my disorder indeed owed its origin to some uncommon and terrible event. By very slow degrees, and with frequent relapses that alarmed and grieved my friend, I recovered.
“Be careful with him always that there may be nothing to excite him of this kind for a long time to come; the traces of such an illness as his do not lightly die away.”
"Dearest Clerval," exclaimed I, "how kind, how very good you are to me. This whole winter, instead of being spent in study, as you promised yourself, has been consumed in my sick room. How shall I ever repay you? I feel the greatest remorse for the disappointment of which I have been the occasion; but you will forgive me."
"You will repay me entirely, if you do not discompose yourself, but get well as fast as you can.”
“I am now sitting by his bedside, where I can see his face while he sleeps. He is waking!...”
“I may speak to you on one subject, may I not?"
I trembled. One subject! what could it be? Could he allude to an object on whom I dared not even think?
"Compose yourself," said Clerval, who observed my change of colour, "I will not mention it, if it agitates you.”
“I have had a great shock, and when I try to think of what it is I feel my head spin round, and I do not know if it was all real or the dreaming of a madman. You know I have had brain fever, and that is to be mad. The secret is here, and I do not want to know it.”
“I kissed it and showed it to my husband, and told him that I would keep it so.”
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ahundredtimesover · 2 months
I’M DONEEEEEE!!!!!! god how i love your stories mimi 🫂
i don’t really know how to organize my thoughts since i have to talk about 5 chapters, but i’ll try!!!! first i’ll show you some quotes that left me thinking while i was reading and i annotated them ¿? kinda and i expressed how i felt about them and then i’ll send another ask to give you my messy thoughts at the end because i’ll be way too long if not (hope you don’t hate this my mind is hard place to put order in lmaooooo just ignore one ask if you’d like hehe 🤭 )
“It’s comfortable being alone; there’s no one to hurt you and no one you could hurt”
“You give either just your heart or your body and you’re always careful not to give both. There are parts of you that you don’t want to share, that you don’t want to expose to them; there’s a kind of hurt that you don’t want to experience”
this hurts me in such a deep level because i know that is going to be so hard for them to accept the love they (will eventually) have for each other
She knows your habit of pressing your nails onto your skin, and she always said she likes to remind you that you deserve gentleness, too; she’ll give it if you can’t give it to yourself. please i’m crying i’m not even kidding i’m a sucker for healthy friendships especially between girls it's so beautiful
JIMIN IS IN LOVE WITH OC OMG AND I WAS BEING TEAM YOONGI OVER HERE (still am actually jungkook wake up!) -this is not a quote but simply what i felt in the moment
“He’s noticed that just this past week - when you’re around, he listens; when you’re close to him, he breathes. Ironic, really, considering that every time you close the distance - when you fix his tie or look at his screen over his shoulder or help him retrieve portfolios - he remains still, his heart stopping and his throat drying up, afraid to take in your scent or to know just how fast his pulse would race or what words he’d say that he won’t be able to contain” he’s so gone for her omfg mimi you and you talent to make your mmc insanely in love with the oc you make it better and better each time please!!!!!! this is insane i swear what do you mean when you’re close to her you can breathe but at the same time you can’t because you’re too crazy about her!!!!!!! SHUT UP
“It doesn’t take away from the moments you’ve shared where it seems like the world stops for a bit as you hold each other’s gazes for the shortest of seconds. (...) It leaves you still for the briefest of moments, unguarded and a little bare, as he seems to tell you something with just a look and you just don’t know what it is.” >>>>>> i don’t know why this specific part made me lose my mind a little like maybe I'm overreacting but the mere possibility that their eyes are speaking with each other while they’re still clueless about their connection just makes me giddy!!!! soulmates shit if you ask me…. (its the hopeless romantic in me)
“You don’t need to do this for me, Mr. Cho,” he states. “I appreciate it, but I’d prefer if you don’t do it again.” i hate that he closes off everytime oc is soft because oc is soft pretty much all the time so he’s an asshole way to often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! make it stop mimi please
“But maybe you also just haven’t felt the kind of all-consuming desire for someone who would be worth it, one you’d want so much that you’d willingly face the fear of paralyzing heartbreak just to be with them” im so curious how are u going to make them fall in love LOVE how are you going to make jungkook became THAT person for oc !!!!?????
“There’s a softness on his face as he lingers before he enters. A small smile forms, and it’s what you see until you fall asleep that night. It’s the same one that’s oddly been giving you comfort lately”
“It lets you know that he knows. And it’s the reason why you sleep soundly that night and why for the first time since you’ve met him, you can’t wait to see him again.”
MY god she’s falling too!!!!!!! this is it!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me Ro, I can’t possibly ignore either one of these asks bc hello 😭😭😭 you’re an absolute sweetheart and an angel and this makes me so happy. 😭😭😭
One thing I’ll point out is this - I know that it’s going to be so hard for them to accept the love they (will eventually) have for each other - YES. Everything’s building up to how they’re going to come into terms with their own feelings considering their past experiences, their own fears, and their own desires. This ties to your question of how will JK be that person for OC. She’s extremely guarded and has a lot of baggage as well. Ch8 will touch on how her past relationships have made her be the way she is and what she things of herself and what she could give. And so we ask again - how does that play into their relationship moving forward?
Yes to female friendships! I have amazing ones so this is something I’ll always write about! And is this another Jimin callout?? 🤭🤭
Also, I wanted so much to describe how they have this way of communicating with their gazes like, they have so much they can’t express but there’s always this hope that their eyes can say what they want but can’t. And that adds to the tension. Bc yes, I love writing MMCs being so whipped for the FMC bc we need those! Yes they could be jerks sometimes when they detach themselves and can’t be mature enough to face their feelings but the falling in love bit is so fun to write!!
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
Anon roll call? Looks like I've gotta come back. Shitcastle anon here, I've been busy but you better bet I'd take the chance to say hi to everyone.
Anyways, I'm 24 and majoring in Anthropology. Used to double major with creative writing, but all my dreams are dead. I still write and draw but not nearly as much as I used to. When it comes to vivzipop, hell. I literally remember getting some kind of ad for Hazbin Hotel before it came out and thought it looked interesting bc I love animation and was in need of a new indie series to watch bc the previous one I was interested in stopped updating indefinitely. I liked it when it first premiered. I was excited for the team when they were picked up by A24. I refused to watch Helluva Boss for awhile because 'it wasn't Hazbin'. But I like Brandon Rogers and have a horrible sense of humor and watched it since episode 2 kept showing up in my recommended. I liked it. Thought it was too fast paced and thought loo loo land should've taken place later in the season and some jokes relied too heavily on the fact that its an adult animation but ehhh heyy what do I know, it's not like the university I'm attending has a stelar arts program or nothing (oh wait it does) flaws exist in all media it's fine farther. I even drew fanart (it was ugly her designs confuse me). Then I introduced my abusive ex to the show and we watched every episode together when it came out. I associate the show with him now. He kins Blitzo (should've been a red flag tbh). So since I was consuming just so much red, I decided to watch youtubers who watch the red and talk about the red. Enter Ayy Lmao. Enter Ken. Here comes the video he made on Ken and my surprised pikachu face at how he responded to it. I never knew about any of the controversies until his abysmal retelling of each and every time Viv even spoke. I went to different social media sites to see so much ass kissing and not enough ass being held accountable. Felt like I was trapped in a room full of flat earthers. But the beloved critical tag existed and I learned so much that I went from happily watching to watching out of wanting to see the story progress to desperately wanting something to be good. The last episode I watched was happy campers I think.
Ok this is too long now and I forgot what else I was supposed to say. Love you What If anon and Taxidermy anon!
It's a delight to get to know the person behind the funniest anon name of the bunch!
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gayofthefae · 2 years
In season 2 (while yelling at Max in the gym), Mike calls Will as a cleric despite his DnD character being a wizard but he also names the others’ roles. He is a paladin, Dustin is a bard, Lucas is a ranger, and El is their “mage”. This distinction is also important to note given that by its very definition a Vecna is (or was) a wizard, turned undead, classifying Henry in contrast as a wizard himself. (And like Mike himself says - though Max is cool - Zoomer...isn’t a thing)
If you want to learn more, you can go to DnDbeyond, but to sum up the show-pertinent details -
Paladin: fights on the front lines and is the utmost committed to fighting off evil. If they break a vow, they seek absolution from a cleric. When they’ve broken a vow, they also may practice a “self-denial” (ex. fasting). “After a rite of confession and forgiveness, the paladin starts fresh.”
Cleric: primarily healers in battle but can also fight and hold off attackers. “Clerics are intermediaries between the mortal world and the distant planes of the gods” “a cleric is imbued with divine magic”. “Divine magic” refers to magic from the gods that flows through them into the world. The gods only grant divine magic to those “chosen to fulfill a high calling”. Spellcasting ability is dependent on devotion and intention not knowledge. One spell is that they can “call down flames from the heavens to consume their enemies”.
(Wizard:  Checking and rechecking his work, a human scribes an intricate magic circle in chalk on the bare stone floor, then sprinkles powdered iron along every line and graceful curve. When the circle is complete, he drones a long incantation. “A hole opens in space inside the circle, bringing a whiff of brimstone from the otherworldly plane beyond.” Study is focused on elemental effects such as “bitter cold, searing flame, rolling thunder, cracking lightning, and burning acid”. “Some evokers find employment in military forces, serving as artillery to blast enemy armies from afar.” Some can choose to apply their powers rather to protect the weak but they can also be bandits, adventurers, or aspiring tyrants.)
Ranger: a hunter and fighter that protects from encroaching threats/monsters with a focus of “protecting the borderlands”. “Faced with city-bred adventurers who grouse and whine about the hardships of the wild, rangers respond with some mixture of amusement, frustration, and compassion. But they quickly learn that other adventurers who can carry their own weight in a fight against civilization’s foes are worth any extra burden.”
Bard: “The bard is a master of song, speech, and the magic they contain. Bards say that the multiverse was spoken into existence, that the words of the gods gave it shape, and that echoes of these primordial Words of Creation still resound throughout the cosmos.” Bards are very versatile. “They have a wide-ranging knowledge of many subjects and a natural aptitude that lets them do almost anything well.” They tend to stay on the sidelines during combat and focus on hindering foes from a distance and inspiring allies.
Mage: Mage’s are spellcasters. They can be good or evil. “Good-aligned mages offer counsel to nobles and others in power, while evil mages dwell in isolated sites to perform unspeakable experiments without interference.”
These all check out fairly well not only to their roles and abilities but to the character’s behaviours, so I would say it was a pretty accurate classification by Mike. El being a mage is especially interesting to me, though, as it isn’t a class. It’s an (npc) monster. He could have easily named her a wizard - something that wasn’t taken since he called Will a cleric and it wouldn’t have been inaccurate to her abilites. Plus, she already has been explicitly paralleled to Henry, confirmed to be a wizard by his title of “Vecna”. But, reminiscent to me of how the Duffers repeatedly refer to her as and parallel her to ET, she is alienated by Mike here. Mainly, though, I think it’s sweet that the inclusion of El - who doesn’t play DnD with them - implies that this isn’t the classification of their characters. This is how Mike classifies them. This also means that Mike didn’t misidentify Will as a cleric. Will is a cleric. Will the Wise may be a wizard, but Will Byers is a cleric.
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xyilous · 1 year
very not good mentally so self medicating with the comfort character of the month
didn’t really know how to start this so apologizes if the beginning is weird 💀💀
gn reader, can be platonic or romantic
cw for depression, poor mental health, intrusive thoughts (one mention of eating/food), suicide mention, depression room based off personal experience
if anyone tries to insult people with mental health or say it shouldn’t get that bad, you will be blocked
shit took me like 3 days
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Ding dong!
A loud chime rippled through the house, letting you know someone was at your door. Everything already feels so heavy, there’s no energy left to converse with another being. It took so much will power to pry your exhausted body out of bed, the surround mess and clutter feeling like a mockery of your poor mental state. The steps felt so cold on the way to the front door but weren’t enough to clear the fog, there was a haze throughout the world that made it so hard to think, everything just moved in a blur. Once the doorknob met your palm, you paused for a moment in hopes of somehow willing away whoever chose to ring the doorbell. With a twist the door creeped its way open with a low groan, revealing an old friend, Corey.
There was a mutual bond between the two of you, back when you guys where younger he’d come to your house during the later hours of the night to vent about how his mom is relentless about controlling him. Recollections of the things she’d say were shared early in the morning, up until he had to run back home before she woke up. Some nights you’d share as well, talking about how your brain chose to torture you for the week or how you’ve noticed it’s getting harder to find joy in your favorite hobbies. After the accident, he learned just how debilitating depression can be and tried to be even more gentle with you when he picks up on you getting worse.
It took him a moment to look up from his phone, when he did he jumped a little bit, not expecting to see you since he didn’t hear the door open. He started with a big grin but once he took in your disheveled appearance his face softened, still smiling but with a sorrowful look to his eyes.
“Hey! You’ve not been as cheery lately, I came to check on you.” As he spoke, he turned the screen on his handheld device towards you, showing how your side would be short and flat, a strong contrast compared to your usual tone. Words didn’t come to you as fast as you’d hoped, the only thing you go out was a muttered apology before you drew back a little bit, trying to hide in your doorway.
“No no don’t be!! I was just worried about you, I know you can have your bad moments and I didn’t want you to feel stranded. Can i come in?”
The question made your stomach drop, quickly remembering all the mess that was strewn around your house’s floor and shelves. You felt embarrassed over it, hyper aware of the rotten bowls and plates of food that sat too long, the pile of dirty laundry sitting in the bathroom that was a bit bigger than you’d expect, especially considering showering has been too energy consuming.
“I don’t think you want to, it’s a disaster. Haven’t really been able to pick up and it,, it’s not great.” Corey’s face dropped a little more, slowly processing that you’ve been a bit worse than he thought. Your eyes were avoiding him like the plague, terrified of seeing him draw his face up and scowl at you for being unhygienic, but that was the last thing on his mind. A silence hung in the air, before his voice edged its way through.
“That’s ok, I’ll clean up for you, if it’d make you feel better. Might help to freshen up the place some.” He was calm, caring even. Finally being able to look his way, a welcoming smile taking place on his cheeks. It was nerve wracking, the help was practically needed but you should be able to clean your own house shouldn’t you? At the same time it felt so hard, simply taking a plate to the kitchen took so much effort, even if it was such a small task.
“I don’t know, you shouldn’t have to take care of a grown adult.”
“I don’t have to. I want to. I wouldn’t have offered if it was something I didn’t want to do.” Corey set his hand down on your shoulder, not paying any mind to your filthy shirt. His thumb rubbed on your shoulder, trying to reassure you that he doesn’t mind while not wanting to talk too much and overwhelm you. Once he got you to reluctantly agree, he gently ran his hand down your arm until it met your own and led you inside.
It took him a moment to figure out where he wanted to start, eventually choosing your main bedroom to get the worst of it over and done with. Grabbing a couple garbage bags and a bottle of water for each of you, the two of you made your way back up the flight of stairs.
It felt like ages, you had to fight the urge to turn him around and send him back home multiple times, scared that he’s eventually going to find you as disgusting as a rat in new york. It was scary, in movies or online it’s always the mild symptoms, you never see how bad it gets. And if you dare to show the severity of it? You’ll be shamed off the internet.
Having someone from outside see the chaos festering inside of your living area made you somehow feel even smaller, you practically folded in on yourself to try and hide in your own arms. It was humiliating, even if you knew Corey understood you could feel him get grossed out the more and more you stood there.
“Would you mind sitting in the chair for a bit? I’m gonna switch out your sheets and pop your blankets and pillowcases in the washer. I’ll take these dishes down there while I’m at it.” If he was grossed out he did his best to make it obvious. Some of those said dishes had unfinished food fusing to them, they weren’t meant to sit for so long but every time you told yourself you were gonna take them down there they’d sit for another day. Corey walked over to your dresser and pulled out a solid colored fitted sheet from the bottom drawer before turning back to your crumb coated bed. The old sheet came off with ease, the second one effortlessly replacing it.
“I’m sorry there’s so much, you really don’t have to do all this-“ He stood up from adjusting the final corner, ditching the grimey sheet into a slightly over flowing laundry basket in the room. The rest of the bedding was already in there, as well as whatever clothes sat in the floor.
“I insisted. I’m not gonna tell you I’ll clean just to make you do it.” Sympathetic eyes met your face, really taking in just how tired you look. Darkened eyes with matching bags underneath, knotted hair lazily splayed across your face, you look absolutely exhausted, and felt twice as bad. You shouldn’t be so drained, you’ve done nothing worth being drained, but you can’t help it no matter how hard you try. It’s always a battle in your head, but there’s times like these where all you can do is let the enemy attack because you’ve gotten so tired of fending it off. A barely noticeable frown was on his face as Corey took your appearance in, he felt bad that it got so bad and he didn’t step in sooner. In all honesty he wanted to, but he also wanted to give you any needed space. Growing up he never got the love he needed, after the accident with Jeremy he needed even more but never got it, in turn all he wants is to comfort and help other people so they maybe don’t feel as helpless as he did. He wants people to get the care the need, whether it’s a clean house or someone to simply be there. Another silence settled between the two of you, just a small moment to take what’s happening in. A growl coming from your stomach broke both of you out of your own heads, prompting Corey to open his mouth again.
“Have you eaten today?” You haven’t, it’s nearly 3 and you haven’t had a single thing to eat, not much to drink either (apart from a couple sips from the water Corey grabbed).
“I don’t think I have actually.” Although your stomach practically roared, no appetite was there. Sure you could eat, but you didn’t bother feeding yourself since you just didn’t feel hungry.
“Is there anything you want in particular? I can make anything that you ask for!! Can even order from a restaurant, I’ll pay.” Patient as ever, he stood there and listened intently to what you felt like you could stomach, making a mental note to get a little extra since you probably haven’t eaten much proper food lately. To kill some time, Corey disposed of bits of garbage in one of the bags he brought up and took the laundry and old dishes downstairs and to their respective areas. The crusty blankets were tossed into the washer so they’d be done as fast as possible and you could get to a clean bed. It didn’t take long for lunch to arrive, before making his way back up the steps he quickly thanked the delivery man and snagged the fast food. Probably not the most ideal meal, but it’s better than a single package of crackers.
Eating went by a lot easier with him, he acted a little goofier than usual and talked your head off, anything to keep your attention away from the misery that danced around in your head. Even going as far as acting out stories to make you laugh, he’d throw his arms out wide and puff his chest out to make him appear like some brave hero, he wanted you to feel better and was willing to be a complete fool to accomplish it. It was endearing to know someone cared that much for you. By the time his story was over, your food was gone apart from a couple fries. To an outsider that wouldn’t be abnormal, but as of late eating has been so taxing, it felt like 100 pound weights were strapped to your wrists and prevented you from taking more than a couple bites. Corey noticed as well, a proud look on his face as you ditched your wrappers into the garbage bag. He started picking up again as he finished off the last bites of his burger, since most of the bigger pieces of trash were disposed of he made his way into the hallway to fetch the vacuum from the storage closet.
“You wanna step out before I start this? I know that the sound can be a bit much.” The question wasn’t expected, it’s such a mundane task that people usually get upset if you show any discomfort for it, but he was concerned about something as simple as a loud noise making you uncomfortable.
“I think I’ll be ok, but thanks for asking.” Your words came out softer than you expected, almost airy. Receiving help feels so foreign, you tried to avoid accepting offers due to it feeling like a chore or burden to them, there’s been times where they would pity or even shame you for letting it get so bad. You didn’t mean to, you did your best but so often your best simply wasn’t enough.
Stepping on the pedal, the vacuum roared to life and Corey immediately got to getting little bits and pieces out of the floor. Slightly rushed, but still thorough to be sure all the crumbs are gone. Your hands covered your ears as your legs got pulled to your chest and out of the floor to allow him access under the chair. When the main floor was cleared, he adjusted the settings until the smaller tube on the side started started sucking as he kneeled to get along the edge of your bed frame. By the time everything was said and done, the washer dinged downstairs, signaling your bedding is now clean. The chime made you jump a little, both of you nearly forgetting Corey even started it. Grabbing the handle of the vacuum, he let you know he was going to switch your blankets to the dryer before he trekked down to the laundry room. In the short time he was gone, your thoughts turned sour. He said he wanted to help and he looked like he meant it, but what if it’s because he pitied you? What if he didn’t want to be around someone who would make his reputation even worse?? You wasted his money on food too, you didn’t need that. He was here because he knew you couldn’t even take care of your self. Yeah, that’s it. He didn’t want to be around a slob so he wanted to fix it-
“Are you alright??” You got so lost in your own thoughts that you didn’t even notice that he returned. All you could muster up was a half assed hum, hardly acknowledging that Corey anything. His worry was incredibly evident on his face, his eyebrows were twisted upwards with his lips ever so slightly agape. Not even 5 minutes passed while he was gone, but you looked so lifeless by the time he walked back through the doorway. Even after the initial shock wore off, concern was still etched into his features, it was the first time he’s seen you in weeks and now you look like an empty husk of your happy self.
Corey strode over to you carefully, as if you were a scared animal about to bolt, just to scoop you into his arms. It was tighter than either of you expected, one arm was wrapped around your back while the other’s hand held your head close to his warm chest. All of him enveloped you and held on as if you were going to fade away at any moment, even his head was pressed against your own, anything to keep you grounded.
It was startling, every part of you froze in place. Part of your mind screamed at you to pry your way out of his grip while the other side begged you to take as much as you could, to accept the comfort you so desperately sought after. Your arms moved slowly at first, so slow you weren’t sure you were even moving, creeping their way up his well worn sweater. When your body fully caught up to what was happening, you couldn’t stop your fingers from clawing at the the knot fabric and holding on for dear life. Everything was so much, your face starting to burn as your eyes began to water. This isn’t real, it can’t be, it’s not right. You’ve done nothing to deserve this but you want it so badly.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His words were hushed, barely audible, if he wasn’t so close you wouldn’t have heard them. Mixed emotions laced his voice, sorrow and sympathy with a bit of fear laced in, he was overwhelmed with anxiety over your well-being and seeing you somehow drop even more made him get panic. Depression can be devastating, it’s claimed countless lives of people who just couldn’t fight it anymore, he didn’t want to hear about your untimely death in the news.
Your entire body tensed at the question, your brain froze up and refused to conjure up any form of a reply, not even a small noise to let him know you heard him. Fat tears stung your eyes, it was all so intense and so sudden that all you could do was stand there as they slipped down your cheeks. Both of you had a small shake to each of your hands, yours only getting worse as you clung to his shirt tighter and tighter. It hurt, beyond the lump in your throat and the growing headache you couldn’t fathom someone genuinely caring so much to ignore your unclean state and just hold you. No comments about your greasy skin or your week old sweatpants, no insults about how you can’t take care of yourself or let it get so bad. Corey was simply there for you, no strings attached.
Minutes passed, neither of you made an effort to move away until your shaking subdued and you stopped sniffling. He was the one to move back, just enough to have room to properly look at your flushed face, to ask about doing something to make you feel better.
“How about a movie? Since your stuff is still in the dryer we can crash downstairs. Your pick, it can even be horror if that’s what you want.” You’ve seen plenty of shows and series since you started losing interest in anything else, but it would be nice to watch something with someone.
“I’m so gross right now though. I’ve not showered in like a week, wouldn’t you want to wait a bit?” Avoiding eye contact for yet another time today, you admitted that you’ve not been keeping up with hygiene. You felt disgusting over it, it’s not like you meant to let it go but it was just so hard to find the energy to take the time to clean yourself.
“It doesn’t bother me, I know you didn’t do it on purpose. I’m willing to wait a little bit if you want to shower though.” You almost immediately decided to shower, wanting to get clean as soon as possible, especially after hugging him. Somehow you didn’t leave a grease stain on his sweater, as thankful as you are.
It took a little longer for you to shower, wanting to take a little extra time to ensure you cleaned the old grime off of your skin, by the time you finished it was nearing sunset, curse the fall for looking so beautiful yet cutting your days so short.
Corey was waiting downstairs with the throw blanket tugged from the back of the couch, a big bowl of fresh buttery popcorn sitting in his lap. The whole scene felt so inviting, the controller for the gaming console was resting in his hands, a glance to the tv screen showing that he’s already started exploring some streaming app. When he took notice of your presence, he held up one end of the blanket to welcome you next to him, making sure you both had ample cover. Somehow he broke through his awkwardness to go above and beyond to make you feel better, even just for a few hours. As clingy as mental illness could be, he managed to chip as much as he could from you with a limited skill set. It was agony watching someone he’s so close to struggle to keep themselves alive, as long as he could ease that burden he was going to try. In a sense he admired your ability to keep going, especially considering that your brain is trying with all it’s might to get you to cave in, he looked up to your strength for carrying on even with people looking down their noses at you.
After shuffling through through more categories and apps than you wanted to, you ended up settling on a somewhat outdated slasher film, it was an early 2000s remake that was trying so hard to be edgy that it ended up being a bit goofy, wasn’t the best but it was something to laugh at. As it passed you relaxed a bit, eventually readjusting to where you were wore or less splayed across Corey’s legs, he didn’t seem to mind, even holding up the blanket to keep you from getting yourself too tangled. Though slightly uncomfortable considering bones, it was nice to be able to just relax. Even if most of your time was spent wallowing around in your own dead skin cells, there was always that guilt following you around over not doing anything. This was different, that said guilt wasn’t screaming in your ears and telling you the worst things. It was quiet, you could listen to the movie and Corey’s quirky little rambles, there wasn’t near as much fog clouding all of your thoughts and it just felt so peaceful.
Eventually the film ended, another quickly coming on right after, but it wasn’t as easy to pay attention. Questions danced around in your head, it felt awkward to ask but you needed to know.
“Why did you help me? Wouldn’t have been better if you just,, did something else? Like go to a park or to some restaurant.” When there wasn’t an immediate response you tensed, immediately thinking you made a mistake and should’ve already been fine with what happened, but before you could tell him to ignore it he gave you what you wanted.
“Well, I was worried about you. And when I saw that you weren’t doing too hot I decided to help. I’ve known you for ages, if you broke your arm I wouldn’t just abandon you with it.”
“But I didn’t break my arm, a broken arm feels serious and is something that very obviously needs help.” By now you’ve turned to where you’re facing him halfway, the movie completely forgotten. Corey looked a bit confused, taking another moment to think out his words carefully before just spewing out something that you’ve already heard.
“Think about it this way, if you had a cold, runny nose and all, I still wouldn’t leave you to deal with it by yourself. Sure, you’re fully capable of recovering by yourself, but I’m not just gonna take your word for it and let you handle it the hard way. I can get your medicine for you and make you food that’ll help you recover.” As he spoke he rubbed your back reassuringly, trying to get you to understand.
“You’re sick, regardless of if you have or don’t have symptoms like a cough or upset stomach. You deserve help, even if it’s in your head.”
That’s new. Usually people bombard you with remarks about how it’s all in your head and that you’re making it up, either that or they’ll make it a huge over exaggerated sob story about how it’s so horrible. Yes, without a doubt it’s awful but the dramatization of it makes it feel like you’re feeding into it too much. You never hear it just be accepted like any other issue, especially if it’s treated like a genuine illness, even if it’s in the name. Growing up your mental illnesses were constantly dismissed, you were always written off as attention seeking or lazy, now that someone took it seriously you’re rendered speechless. You probably look like an ass, you’ve yet to respond, instead delving into your head to try and process what you’ve heard.
“Are you alright?” Those are the same words he asked you hours ago, this time lacking their frantic tone. You didn’t feel as frozen, just nodding as you continue to replay the words in your head, making sure that’s what he said.
“Thank you.” It wasn’t much, but it was all you could mutter out. Corey was appreciated, of course he was, but you didn’t know how to articulate what you were thinking. A sliver of you doubted him, fearing that he heard it in some video and he’s just repeating it, but you know him, you know how he is and you know that moments like these are genuine, even if his words were up-cycled movie quotes.
“Of course, I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.” Okay mind reader.
“I care about you, I really do. Please, if it ever gets that bad again, call me, yeah? You don’t even have to, just get ahold of me somehow. I’m not going to let you just wither away on me.” Pulling you back down to him, his arms wrapped around you in a tight hug yet again, using the grip to punctuate his words.
“I’ll try to, no promises though.” That was all he needed, anything close to a yes would work for him. Even if the way you spoke showed your tiredness, you still had a resemblance of a grin on your cheeks to show your sincerity.
“When this wraps up I’ll make your bed and spend the night, how’s that sound?”
“If you insist, I won’t complain.”
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