#its always afterwards where shes like told ya so
yongseungkim · 1 month
#bruhhhh im literally doing the same things to my current friend group that i did to people in high school bruhhh#how do u stop the cycle </3 it is endless#at the very least now i am awARE#but the awareness doesnt hit until im out of the actual social situations#within the moment i feel quite overwhelmed and excluded no matter what i do#i think for me its harder cuz im just also more introverted#so other people might see my quietness as like idk oh maybe she doesnt wanna talk right now#while im seeing things as why am i not being talked to right now :((#its hard i want to show up for my friends a lot of them are graduating#but every group social event makes me feel more and more alone and i have stopped being able to control my emotions in the moment#like just the knowledge of like#if theres only space for 2 people on a sidewalk i'll be that third person trailing behind#and like its always me#groups of three make me uncomfortable#i dont have the confidence to insert myself in a group of two like ever#which is part of the problem for sure#and its like im quiet so even if i insert myself it'll just be me doing NOTHIGN#and saying NOTHIGN#which like ACHK#been getting bad at fighting these thoughts more and more by the day#the onLY thing thats different is my logical side she is#way louder than she used to be before i just gotta learn how to listen to her#in the MOMENT#its always afterwards where shes like told ya so#im doing more for myself too now though really really dont want life to repeat itself for the nth time#seeing a therapist rn who feels a lot better than my previous ones so im holding out hope#told me to list things i like about myself and i was like uhh how about things i value <3#and she was like no LSDKJF#its so tricky cuz like the things i value i dont even necessarily like about myself#i value honesty but honesty if misdelivered stings and i think ive done that one too many times
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nymphybae · 4 months
Adam x uninterested reader
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• "for the last time, adam. I'm not going out with you." Your brows twitched at his 160th attempt of asking you out.
• he doesn't stop, following you around heaven. "come on, Y/n. You haven't seen most of the fun shit i've done!"
• You only thought he was hitting on you because you were a virgin and he wanted pure pussy.
• According to lute, he apparently had a huge thing for your stoic demeanor. He thinks its badass and hot. Whenever you made a statement in the grand halls he would back you up just because.
"Yeah you hear that? I agree with everything she just said!"
• He would always try to flirt with you after meetings, asking about your day or what you're planning on doing afterwards.
• You were dry with him, giving short replies or just full on fly away from him. Though you'd always open your house door every morning to see gift baskets of chocolates and flowers. This guy can't catch a hint..
• You got a little irritated, to the point where you told him you were seeing someone else just so he could leave you alone
• He was pissed when you told him that, trying to figure out who this small dicked guy is and how they managed to pull you.
• He would rant it all to lute whenever they hang out. "I bet that fucker's shorter than me! Like have you seen the new angels coming in? They can't even reach up my waist, Hah!" Lute rolls her eyes at this, knowing that you weren't really seeing anyone and that she promised you to make adam think otherwise.
• Every time after an extermination he'd attempt to look injured so you could help with his wounds
• "Right there." His breath hitched, chuckling to himself when you wrap the bondage around his torso. He loved how your soft hands felt on his skin.
"You're seriously pathetic, ya know that?"
• but there you were, laying on the same bed with the first man himself after sharing an intimate moment together. He was sound asleep, holding you close in the warm sheets. You don't know how you got here, but you figured he kinda did live up to his nickname.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
dancing the line, what are we? II g.clinton x reader
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she's such a cutie, request here dancing the line, what are we? II g.clinton x reader
you tried to hide the happy smile on your face as you noticed grace walk into the change rooms for training, the dirty blonde catching your eye and sending you a beaming grin as she sat down at her locker to change.
"who you eyeballing?" you jumped in surprise as mary dropped down beside you with narrowed eyes. "no one, creeper keeper." you chuckled, attention shifting down to your feet as you laced up your boots. "mmm i know you're hiding something from me, and mark my words child i will find out what it is!" mary warned as you rolled your eyes.
"sorry to disappoint you mum, but there's nothing going on in my life you don't already know far too many details about." you patted the older girls shoulder who had taken you under her wing the moment you made the senior team, mary only scoffing at your choice of words.
"excuse me what have i told you? i am your cool older sister, not your mum! honestly the cheek of you." mary pulled you into a headlock as you whined and tried to pull away, the keeper forecefully dragging you away for training not letting you out of her tight hold.
but your annoyed frown melted away as you again caught grace's eye, the girl glancing up from where her own head was ducked down lacing up her boots, pulling a stupid face at you making you grin before mary yanked you out of the room.
out on the pitch now mary finally let you go, called over to begin training with the other keepers as you lingered around waiting for the rest of the girls to join you being one of the first outside, starting to stretch before warm ups at marcs orders.
"good mornin gorgeous." you smiled as grace appeared beside you, mumbling the last word quietly so only you would hear as the two of you exchanged a soft smile, continuing with your stretches in a comfortable silence as the rest of the girls wandered out.
"gonna be a warm one today." you sighed, closing your eyes as the warmth of the morning sun bathed the training field. "always is when you're round babe." grace retorted quickly, enjoying the blush that crept up your neck at her words, her thick northern accent your favorite sound as you shoved her playfully.
"someone call the babysitters, the children are fighting!" ella teased as you and grace pushed and smacked one another around, you jumping onto her back and wrapping an arm around her neck as she struggled to throw you off.
"oi! stop messing about, the pair of you." alessia warned, smacking both of you on the back of the head sternly as the whistles blew for everyone to huddle up. "sorry mum!" grace mocked, the two of you slinging your arms around one another and marching off as alessia rolled her eyes, her and ella following.
"do'ya wanna be me partner?" grace asked hopefully, practically running over to you as you all returned from your break, pairing off for some passing drills. "nah." you shook your head with a blank face, faking as if you were going to turn away.
"oh how very funny, she's a comedian now ladies and gents." grace clapped sarcastically as you took a bow, the two of you grabbing a ball and wandering off so you were a little more out of earshot of the rest of the team.
"would you like to get dinner tonight? maybe see a film?" you asked the blonde after a few minutes of silence had passed. "is this your way of tryna ask us on a date?" the midfielder teased, but agreeing eagerly right afterwards.
"i think we're past dates clinton once someones tongues been in my mouth i like to think i no longer need to use that word, its just implied." you shot back, smiling victoriously as for once she was the one to blush, forever normally the more confidently cocky out of the pair of you.
"i'll pick ya up later babe, round six or so?" grace proposed, murmuring in your ear as she hugged you goodbye and you nodded, the embrace perhaps lasting a second or so too long as you felt eyes on you.
"we've got an audience." you warned quietly, catching a wary looking alessia and mary clearly speaking about the pair of you as they looked to one another and then back to the two of you.
"let them look, we're only huggin." her taller form vibrated against yours as she chuckled. "besides i'll save what i'd rather be doing with ya for later tonight if you're lucky." she pulled away with a wink, kissing your cheek and darting away before you could hit her for the cheeky comment.
"can i help you?" you bluntly questioned the two older girls whose eyes seemingly refused to leave you as you sat down to pack up your bag.
"don't know, can you?" mary retorted cryptically as you gave her a weird look, quickly stuffing away grace's training jacket you'd stole the other day which poked out the top of your kit bag, trying not to make it obvious you were hiding it.
"that was a...long hug." alessia hinted, leaning back and narrowing her bright blue eyes at you. "do you and tooney not hug enough? oh i'm so sorry lessi, you must be touch depraved." you leaned forward and patted her knee with mock sympathy, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"is that grace on your lockscreen?" the blonde striker questioned again, pointing to your phone as you rolled your eyes and tucked it under your leg. the picture in question was her holding you up as you took a photo in the mirror which was in the entry way of her home.
"none of your business russo." you quipped, the older girl huffing at the use of her last name. "anything you'd like to tell us kid?" mary questioned with a raised eyebrow as you paused to ponder, looking off thoughtfully in the distance.
"umm, you need a shower cause you smell like a wet dog and you need a crash mat taped to your ass since you fell on it so many times today?" you guessed, pointing first to mary and then to alessia.
grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder you sprinted out of the change rooms as they lunged for you, hearing their footsteps and angry shouts after you fade as you were known to be one of the quickest on the team, waving at them with a grin from your car.
"yeah thats right you little shit you better run!"
you tapped your phone screen as you heard a knock at your door, the time showing 5:41pm meaning grace was early.
she wasn't your girlfriend, but she was definitely more than your best friend. though neither of you had dared to even have that conversation with one another yet, much as it bore down on both your minds about what the two of you actually were.
you'd not grown up playing on the youth national teams, as much as you knew that was a huge goal for most professional footballers playing for your country wasn't something you'd ever really dreamt of, much to most peoples surprise.
you'd grown up in a football mad household, which had meant every single game you'd played was always over analysed, if it be by your older brothers or your dad you were always given some sort of harsh ribbing or yelled at for some silly mistake in the car ride home.
that pressure to be perfect, to play as best as you could and leave it all out on the pitch meant your relationship with football had become quite strained at one point, falling out of love with the game entirely for awhile.
but then you'd started at the manchester united academy, making your way up the ranks and slowly starting to adore it once more. but with that lingering pressure in the back of your mind, you'd always opted out of playing anything more than for club even once you made the senior womens team, however still endlessly proud of all your friends and teammates when they put on the kit for country.
with you and grace it all started off harmlessly enough. when she had signed on with united in the summer you were more than thrilled, finally having someone your own age to mess about with, growing tired of all the relentless teasing that came with being the baby of the team.
the two of you had clicked right away, paired up for drills her first training and both talking one anothers ears off you found you had a lot more in common than you'd anticipated beyond just your shared age.
which lead to you eagerly inviting her over for a movie night when you discovered your shared passion for 'childrens' movies, and the fact she had never seen cars which to you was basically committing a crime.
from then on the two of you developed a routine of sorts.
movie nights on wednesdays, going out for breakfast together on sundays, cooking dinner together on mondays, carpooling together to training and grabbing coffee, seated together on the busses to away games making shared playlists or binging whatever show you were hooked on.
then one night curled into one another clutching your stomachs with laughter at some dumb comedy on the tv you were half paying attention to, it happened.
you'd both shared a look as you'd come down from your laughter, not anything uncommon, but unlike any of the others this was the look.
and in that look you suddenly realized the feelings you had for your best friend grew beyond that of being friendly, and you found yourself lifting your chin up a little, hesitating slightly unsure if you were misreading anything.
thankfully you weren't, and so when grace moved to clear that few centimetres left between you, soft lips pressed finally against yours as she'd been wondering about for awhile now, the course of your relationship was altered.
from then on your shared routine shifted slightly. wednesday movie nights were still the same but now were accompanied by lazy makeout sessions as you grew more and more comfortable becoming intimate with one another.
lovesick giggles would fill the air as you mumbled against one anothers lips the most stupid of comments as you cooked dinners together on a monday. somehow still maintaining whatever conversation you were having prior to one of you making a move to commence an onslaught of soft kisses in between each word.
you'd been out together on a few dates but normally preferred the cozy comforts of one anothers homes and your usual routine, falling into step with one anothers habits and personal practices. though either of you were yet to spend the night together at one of your houses.
grace learned you'd often go to the local markets on a saturday, usually accompanied by some of your team mates it was no issue she tag along, but as she noticed you'd buy the same few things each week she learned to map out your usual route.
so when it was just the two of you she would take your hand, interlocking your fingers with hers and guiding you both around, knowing which stalls you'd want to stop at and sometimes darting ahead to purchase you something before you had the chance.
though most times one or two of your teammates would come with and you'd adapt, no longer holding hands but still exchanging knowing looks or flirty little comments in one anothers ears when you had a fleeting moment alone. locking pinkies under the table and playing footsies with hidden grins of glee when you'd all sit down for lunch together afterwards.
you'd learnt giving gifts was one of grace's love languages, little trinkets which evidenced that littered your home like the small jar full of sea shells she'd brought back with her after going away with her parents for the weekend to the seaside.
presenting them to you with a toothy grin and a story of how she'd made sure to hand select only the most beautiful of shells for the most beautiful of girls you'd smacked her for the cheesy comment but still rewarded her with a soft kiss and a thank you, her heart soaring as you did.
given that quality time was one of your own love languages you treasured the time the two of you got to spend together like your movie nights, dinners and little market dates. you could honestly spend every day with the taller girl and not grow bored, the two of you seemingly never running out of things to talk about.
but despite all of that neither one of you had actually come forward and asked what the two of you were, not quite dating but not quite friends you'd danced around the line of making it more or less.
it had seemed that one kiss had seamlessly shifted your already shared routine into one much more intimate, domestic and cozy, but both terrified of actually verbalizing that you'd not dared not to speak about it with one another.
leaving your straighter on to warm up you ran to the door as she knocked again. "hi! i'm not ready yet but technically you're early." you rushed out, stepping aside to let her in with a smile.
"dunno why you bother with all this crap, ya always look beautiful anyway." grace smiled back, gesturing to your half finished makeup as you hit her shoulder lightly.
"i see that eyeliner and concealer gracie, hypocrite." you teased, squishing her cheeks in your hand making her roll her eyes playfully and smack your hand away. "do you want a drink or anything?" you offered as she followed you to the kitchen.
"i'll take a tall glass of you? or well a short one maybe." you turned and her body melted into yours, your back just digging into the edge of the counter as she looked down at you with a pearly white grin, hands gently gripping your waist.
"always with the height jokes, get some new material for your stand up show woman really!" you sighed with a shake of your head. "i'll wear heels and we'll see eye to eye." you challenged as she only laughed.
"no ya won't." "no i won't, i hate heels and i'll be wearing trainers." you grinned, arms coming to wrap around her neck as the two of you just stood in silence for a moment, both with that same look of lovesick pining in your eyes as she leaned down to kiss you.
"oh shit i left my straighter on!" you remembered with wide eyes, pushing her off before she could and running to your room as the sound of her laughter followed.
"would forget ya head if it weren't attached to your body." grace tutted, laying down on your bed as you continued to get ready, the two of you chatting about the upcoming game against leicester city on the weekend.
"oh what film did we wanna see?" grace remembered, pushing her hips up to grab her phone from her back pocket, googling what your options were. after she'd listed them off you hummed and suggested two, telling her to make the final decision.
"why! i hate it." the midfielder groaned, head thumping back against your pillows as you finished your hair, tying half of it up into a loose bun as the rest cascaded down your bed, nodding in satisfaction at your appearance.
"cause i picked where we're goin for dinner. so you choose the film!" you smiled, poking her nose as you rummaged around in your bedside table looking for your favorite perfume. "here." grace reached over and grabbed it from the other side of the bed, holding it up.
though as you smiled gratefully and reached for it she moved it out of your grasp. "think i deserve a proper thanks." she grinned cheekily, tapping her lips with her free hand, still holding your perfume captive in the other.
"such a child." you teased, ducking down and pressing your lips to hers a few times sweetly, stealing your perfume before things went any further. "scuse you babe i'm three months older!" grace scoffed, pulling herself to sit up.
"so you never cease to remind me." you tutted in amusement, arms moving to hug her as you looked up with an adoring smile and her hands gently cupped your cheeks. "ya look gorgeous." grace complimented sweetly, ducking her head and kissing you again, though one hand moving to the back of your neck this time making sure it lasted a little longer.
pulling away once air became an issue, both your cheeks flushed rosy pink you pecked her lips a few more times before you mumbled the two of you would be late, interlocking fingers and heading out to her car.
"oi! is that..." alessia whined through a mouthful of ice cream as mary punched her arm to gain her attention, halting suddenly at the older girls words. "mary!" the blonde scolded, punching her back but following where her finger was pointing.
"sneaky sneaky children." ella whistled with a somewhat proud grin, the three of them spotting you and grace tucked up together in the back of the italian restaurant looking awfully cozy.
"you don't think..." alessia trailed off, looking from mary to ella and back to the two of you again with a raised eyebrow. "what? this surprises you? nah less come on!" ella laughed, though she stopped once she realised it seemed she was the only one not shocked.
"youse two are some of the closest people to them! how did ya not catch on they're seeing one another? thick!" ella smacked both girls with a shake of her head. "how did you know before we did tooney?" mary scoffed, throwing away her now empty cup and spoon.
"cause i've got eyes! you don't see the way they look at each other? stupid little shit eating grins, always hanging out together, always whispering about something, always hugging or touching or holding hands thinking they're being subtle about it." ella rolled her eyes at the secret which was apparently not a secret, her and maya having made a bet from the very first week grace signed on that the two of you would wind up dating.
a bet which it now looked like ella would win and be twenty pound richer because of it.
"oh my god surely they're not about to-" marys eyes widened. "oh but they are." ella nodded knowingly. "how did we not notice?" alessia huffed, nostrils flaring in annoyance at their ignorance.
"lady and the tramp, how disgustingly cliche." ella tutted as you and grace shared a piece of pasta, pecking lips at the end and grinning at one another stupidly.
"i'm just going to the toilet." you spoke, grace pulling a face of mock disgust as you shoved her with a roll of your eyes, the taller girl tugging on the back of your dress and leaning up to kiss you goodbye.
"clingy." you teased, dodging her hands which reached out to pinch you, ducking away to use the bathroom.
finishing up you made sure grace's attention was on her phone as you snuck past the table and to the front to pay, thanking the waiter with a smile as he handed you the receipt.
though that smile was completely wiped off your face as a strange feeling you were being watched settled over you, goosebumps prickling at your arms as you looked around, and thats when you spotted them.
mary shook her head with a unreadably firm stare, ella gave you a proud grin and a thumbs up and alessia quite frankly looked like she wanted to murder you, the three of them all outside on the street by the door clearly awaiting the two of you to leave before they pounced.
hastily turning around you hurried back to the table, dropping down beside grace who scoffed at the docket in your hand. "what'd ya do that for!" she groaned, having wanted to pay for the two of you.
"we have much bigger problems right now." you warned, grabbing her chin and turning her head to lock eyes with the three older girls at the front window as they widened in fear.
"well fuck." "fuck indeed. what do we do? sneak out the back?" "nah they know we're here now. but i don't really fancy a tellin off tonight, do you?" with that she gave you a grin, fear melted away as you tilted your head curiously and she filled you in on her plan.
again thanking the waiter you both exited the resteraunt, hand in hand and shrinking slightly under the unwavering glares of the older girls standing across from you.
"evenin girls." grace grinned, squeezing your hand and making a point to bring it up to her mouth placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles. "whats all this then?" alessia questioned, narrowing her eyes. "just two best mates gone for a feed." grace answered with a sly smile.
"bullshit. you two are in some serious trouble." mary warned sternly, alessia smacking ella who was pulling faces and still giving the two of you a proud thumbs up.
"serious trouble." alessia echoed marys words, fixing you both with a glare as grace squeezed your hand twice like you'd planned. "ah thats a shame. look we'd love to stay and chat girls but-" with that the two of you turned and sprinted off, chased quickly by both alessia and mary as ella stayed behind to cheer you both on, finding endless amusement in the situation.
"c'mere." rounding a corner grace tugged you into her body, ducking the two of you down and out of sight behind a large bin. "where the fuck did they go!" you heard mary huff angrily, trying to catch her breath.
"you two little shits can hide for now but you can't hide forever! we'll see you at training tomorrow." alessia yelled out menacingly, both you and grace holding a hand over one anothers mouths and waiting until you were certain that they'd left.
"where the fuck did they go!" you mocked mary. "we'll see you at training tomorrow." grace mimicked alessia as the two of you collapsed to the ground laughing, clutching at your stomachs. "guess the secrets out." you smiled, head resting against the wall behind your head as you caught your breath.
a comfortable silence fell between the two of you, graces eyes roaming your face with a tender smile, a surge of emotions flooding her body at the thought of the entire team soon knowing you were...well, what exactly?
"will ya be me girlfriend?" the midfielder blurted out suddenly, face flushing bright red at its abrupt nature. "nah." you declined before your face broke out into a grin and you launched at her. "of course." you mumbled against her lips, pressing a searing kiss to them and sending the older girls head into a spin.
"could have asked me somewhere a bit more romantic than on a dirty sidewalk behind a bin though babe."
“we were runnin for our lives together, what’s more romantic than that?”
“good mornin girlfriend!” grace sang out happily as you jumped into her car to go to training, taken aback by the withering glare you sent her way as a greeting.
“whats wrong?” she questioned with a frown as you huffed and moved your hair off your shoulder, clearly showing off the two bright red and purple hickies littering your neck.
“oh!” you mocked, sinking into the chair with a groan, burying your face in your hands. “sorry?” grace smiled sheepishly, wincing at the murderous look you gave her and quickly focusing her attention on the road as she reversed out of your driveway.
after the high of finally making things official last night you’d both opted to ditch the movies in favour of going back to your place to watch one together instead.
however you hardly spent more than five minutes watching whatever grace had put on, still riding out the high of being girlfriends you’d quickly moved to makeout and well, things escalated slightly from there.
it was the first time grace had ever left any sort of mark on you, feeling a brand new sense of possessiveness as she’d hovered over you on the lounge, her face pressed into your neck only encouraged by the noises she’d coaxed out of your mouth, exploring the sensitive area with her lips, then with her tongue, then her teeth.
and well, here you were.
“they’re really not that noticeable babe.” grace tried to assure you, taking your hand as you walked into the training centre and headed for the change rooms.
“plus they’ll be too busy yellin at us for runnin away anyway!”
sure enough the moment the two of you entered the change rooms you were met with an onslaught of teasing which you both brushed off, sitting down together to put your boots on.
though no sooner had you sat down did two shadows loom over you both, alessia and mary. they shared a look and a nod before wordlessly grabbing the two of you, alessia tugging you away by the collar of your training top as mary did the same with grace.
"less! come on it was a bit of fun." you whined as she pulled you forcefully out of the change rooms and down the hall, grace and mary dissapearing out around the corner down the opposite end.
"how long?" the older girl sat you down on a bench, folding her arms over her chest and fixing you with a glare. "since last night." you answered honestly, the blonde raising an eyebrow clearly expecting a different answer.
"honestly!" you shrugged. "i am not in the mood for games." alessia warned sternly causing you to let out a sigh. "we've been...hanging out for about a month now? but she only asked me to be her girlfriend last night, truthfully." you promised with a nod.
"if you hurt her...i will hurt you, and i will make sure it is the last time you ever speak to her. yeah?" alessia warned seriously, leaning down closer to you as you nodded repeatedly.
"i wouldn't, i promise."
"okay. well now thats all out of the way!" you almost had whiplash as the taller girl pulled you up into a tight bear hug. "our little babies all coupled up, so cute." she pinched your cheeks harshly as you grunted and pushed her off.
"why didn't you tell us though! that was the most hurtful part of all." alessia slung an arm over your shoulder with a shake of her head, pulling you into her side as the two of you walked back toward the changing room.
"it wasn't anyones business, it still isn't!" you rolled your eyes, spotting grace and mary returning in a similar position to you as all four of you walked back into the mostly empty changing room.
"you get a shovel talk too then?" grace chuckled, the two of you sitting back down to finish putting your shoes on. "if you hurt her i will hurt you, and i will make sure it is the last time you ever speak to her." you mocked alessia.
"i got; if you harm a single little hair on her head i will not hesitate to break both your legs, you treat her with respect or i make you dissapear." grace did her best to mock mary, but her northern accent made it near impossible as you let out a small laugh.
"idiots, the pair of them." you whispered to her, grace humming in agreement and kissing your cheek causing them to warm up with a slight blush as you kissed hers back.
"ugh no kissing before at least ten in the morning please." alessia fake gagged as the four of you stood to head toward the pitch.
"yeah lets not forget you're both children, our little babies." mary added on with a coo, grace grabbing you suddenly and pulling you into a proper kiss as loud retches echoed around the change room and you smiled against her lips before pulling away.
"oi excuse me what are these? did you do this to her gracie?!" mary grabbed you suddenly, moving your hair out of the way and pointing accusingly at the hickies then back to your girlfriend. "no!" grace scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"you got them from someone else!?" alessia glowered, balling her fists as you shook your head. "of course not!" you shot grace a glare as she sent you a wink, taking your hand and tugging you out of marys grip.
"better get used to it you two, now she's me girlfriend we can do whatever we want."
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fruitsoxs · 11 months
I'll be waiting this can i request my woowoo with reader.
She have long hair and need help trim it ( cause no man land Its God damn hot). She ask vash first, but somehow he suggest to wolfwood ( he's really good on that). At first wolfwood says " why you trim it, it looks good on you". In agreement he will cut her hair as the reward is A kiss 😳 PS ( wolfwood kinda like touch her hair it so soft and caught him Its really embrassing him)
Thank you for reading this !
I love you writer ITS MAKE ME MELT OMG
i love just small fluffy things like this
pairing(s); wolfwood x reader warnings; some swearing notes; some fluff for my favorite day of the week! ty for this cute request!
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“Why don’t you ask Needle Noggin?” Wolfwood huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. He’s trying his best to look indifferent about the entire situation. When, in reality, his chest is fluttering at the thought of helping you cut your hair. There’s a small blush on his cheeks that he’s hoping you can’t see. He’s outside of the inn you’re staying at, smoking under the light of the moon.
You sigh and run a hand through your hair. “I already asked him- he told me to come to you.” You explain. Of course he did. He tries his best to hide his embarrassment by groaning in annoyance. He stands up straight, throwing his cigarette on the ground and crushing it with his shoe. He leans towards you, looking over your features. 
“What about the shorty?” “Meryl? She’s already asleep. Please help me out? Just this once?”
His curious eyes trail over your figure, up to your head. He cocks his head to the side “Why do ya want to cut it anyway? It looks good.” he points out, causing your cheeks to light up. “I just…It’s getting too long. I’m ready for a change, y’know?” You find yourself avoiding eye contact with the man. He’s always making you feel so flustered.
He can’t help but admire your cute little flustered expression. It helps him build the confidence he needs to actually do this. You see, he’s got a little thing for you. He thought you were pretty cute from the moment he laid eyes on you. After getting to know you though, well, his feelings just took off. Doing something like this almost feels a little too real for him, too intimate. Usually he would say no right away, but seeing you under the moonlight… 
After a while he lets out a sigh and nods his head. “Alright fine.” he finally agrees, but there’s a hint of mischief in his dark eyes as he leans closer again. “I’ll trim it up, if I can get a little reward afterwards.” a smirk rests across his features. “Oh? And what kind of reward is that?” You ask, rolling your eyes at his little cocky gesture.
His heart stops for a second. Should he say it? 
Fuck it.
“I’ll trim your hair if you give me a kiss.” he finally says, hoping that the nervousness in his eyes isn’t so easily seen. Your own eyes seem to widen at the comment, red covering your cheeks and ears as you stutter out a little response. It’s adorable, and Wolfwood can’t help but smile.”Okay…” you whisper. Wolfwood turns his head so his ear is facing towards you, cupping his hand around it.  “What was that?” He asks, pretending as though he couldn’t hear you..
You pout a bit and repeat your words., this time a little louder. “I said okay!” He grins and wraps an arm around you, leading you back into the inn. “Well then, let’s go sweetheart.” 
You make your way inside, and to his room where he has you sit down on an old wooden chair in front of him. He grabs some dull scissors, and looks over at you. “How short am I going?” He asks, hovering his hand above your head. Your shrug, keeping your eyes forward and away from him. “Just take a few inches off.” He nods, and gets to work. He starts by combing through your locks gently. It’s so relaxing, he finds himself almost unable to stop. Your hair is so soft- so beautiful. His fingers drag through your hair, separating any knots as gently as he can. You sigh a bit, and lean back, enjoying the attention you’re getting.
He finds himself blushing again. He likes the intimacy of the moment. He finds himself petting through your hair, even after all the knots are gone. “You’ve got soft hair.” he comments out loud suddenly. Even he is surprised by the sudden admission. You let out a soft chuckle. “Thanks.” And the room falls silent again.
Wolfwood shakes his head and grabs the scissors, holding them with a nervous smile. “Well, here goes nothing.” he mumbles before he starts to trim your hair. He works quietly, and cautiously. Careful not to make a mess of your hair. He can’t imagine he would get his kiss if he made you look stupid. He’s done this before plenty of times though. He cuts his own hair whenever it gets too long, and he’s cut Vash’s hair before.
When he’s done, he steps back and admires his work. It’s a little messy, but it doesn’t look back.
“And done.” me murmurs softly. You run your hands through your own hair, and smile. “Thanks a bunch Wolfwood!” you jump up and disappear off into the bathroom for a second, probably checking the damage. When you come back you’ve got a cute little smile on your face. 
“It looks great.” you comment stepping closer towards him. You lean forward, and press your lips against his cheek gently. You pop back and smile cheekily. “And that’s your reward!” You exclaim, cheeks burning pink. You then turn around, and quickly leave the room.
Wolfwood puts a hand against his cheek, his own face bright red. 
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zstargalaxy · 2 years
hello is possible to ask for twst guys of your choice with an audino or wigglytuff mc?
Of course! :)and i will be using Audino cause i have an idea for a bonus at the end where the boys will react to her mega evolution. All art does not belong to me.
TWST x Audino MC
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Finds you very tolerable. Riddle only acknowledges you as the newly assign nurse of NRC and nothing else. Though he is curious of what species you are considering you almost look like a beastman like Leona yet the ears you have arent identified of any creatures he ever heard of. It was after the overblot accident and during he's time in the infirmary where he get to know you more and appreciates your company.
You and Trey are good friends. You two would always bake some sweets and goods for either the Tea party in Heartslabyul or for the patients in the infirmary. During Chapter 2, Trey was amazed when you use heal pulse on him considering healings spells are kinda hard to master so he makes sure that he would return the favor later on.
You can say that Cater kinda has a crush on ya. He loves how cute you are and always posts every moment with ya in Magicam, especielly pictures of you working and using your moves either during P.E. or in the Infirmary (where she would reprimanded him about him posting such things without her permission)
Adeuce are always drawn to trouble, whether intentionally or not, so you always stick by their side and make sure to prepare a bag of needed necessities in case of them being hurt.
Ace, Deuce and Grim yelped when a piece of folded up paper smack them behind their heads, which is held by none other than the hearing pokemon. "Uwah!? Why did you do that-?!" Grim quickly shut he's mouth up upon seeing the dark glare that you are giving "Why!?" The trio flinched back "Why!?" You slowly walk towards them "Do I even need to tell you!? I have told you a million time to study for the exam and what did ya do? Nothing! And what else? You made a deal without even thinking first, and its even considered cheating-!!"
Jack watch the whole scenario from the door frame while the unfortunate three souls suffer a scoulding from the Pokemon.
Leona dislikes you. You didnt just became a pain in the neck by just snooping and trying to solve why the students got hurt but you also heal them like they werent hurt in the first place. After the overblot incident, Leona got acquainted with you and thank you for the help you had done for him. Also, whenever Cheka visits, he would always dump the responsibility onto you as you would instantly care for the kid with no hesitation.
Also finds you as a hindrence into the plans but secratly, Ruggie appreciates you as you would sometimes sense him being stress and tired from all the work he had done so on occasions where you prescription him to rest, you always gave him some treats and even doughnuts for him to enjoy during he's needed break.
Saw you a few times but didnt exactly mind you until the events in Chapter 2. During the fight to prove yourselves to him, Jack was kinda shock at how good you are and how strong some of your moves are like pound during the fight. Soon afterwards he became your friend and great comrade especielly during Chapter 3.
Azul was very interested at the 'magic' you have and tries to have it to himself when he first saw you used it until you discuss that you are from another world and that the magic you is actually isnt exactly magic at all. None the less, Azul plans on finding one way or another until after he's over blot incident where Azul just apprecietes and treasures your time and caring nature to him, as you would use your special hearing to make sure Azul is mentally stable and move on from he's troubling past.
Very interesting. Jade follows you with he's brother to see what they could find to go against ya until it kinda back fired with both of them being whack in the head by a folded piece of paper for spying and disturbing her. Yet despite all of that, both of you are in good terms and would make small talks in the infirmary.
Floyd just wants to squeeze ya! You are just so cute and cuddly! Especially after he tried to do so in the infirmary, where he ended up (thanks to Jade) and got smacked behind the head for doing so. You always find Floyd abit hard to be with but add some treats and some funny stpries and you both are sold.
An Audino? Whats that!? Kalim quickly asks you a bunch of questions in astonishment at hearing that you are from a new world and an entirely different from the beastman in Twisted Wonderland. You two are great friends from the start and would trade some treats and fruit during lunch time and I would imagine that during Chapter 4, you tried to help Kalim with he's sudden 'Mood swings' to calm him down and to try to reason with him.
Jamil finds you a hindrance to he's plans especielly your hearing. You can simply tell that he is lying from he's heartbeat and that he is nervous when the Azul, Jade and Floyd. When he threw them out he had kept you, considering your power a great addition to he's own as you became a cute little servant to him alone. After the whole incident, Jamil was kinda shock at how forgiving you are as you can understand that he just wanted to be first for once yet you had to be therapist once more to make sure that he is in great health (with you giving him extra attention to help with it)
You would always go to the dorm for Apples to be used at the infirmary yet Vil would pull you aside and check to see if you had taken care of your hair, skin, and etc. He would be greatful that you prepare exceptional meals during training in Chapter 5 to accommodate for their needs and wants for the final performance.
Rook would instantly stalk you like he would do to any prey one who had caught he's eye. You werent oblivious. You would always whack him and lacture him that what he was doing can be disturbing and distracting yet the Pomeifiore student didnt discourage and kept on doing he's routine.
Sometimes, you see yourself in Epel. Everyone can mostly underestimate you because of your looks and purpose in work, so you sometimes showed them that Audinos are strong and arent weak in battles. You and Epel would always have a nice break of bake goods and teas whenever you two have the time togather.
What is this? A DATING SIM!? Idia was very curious about you, especielly after the meeting in Chapter 2, yet he can be very timid, shy and even stubborn of actually meeting you, especially on check ups. The only way you can get him out or let you in (forcefully or not) was to trick him into thinking that Grim was with her, which he had fallen every time.
You love kida and Orthro is just a sweet little bean. You loved how loyal and cheerful the little bot is, especially to he's brother. Orthro kinda reminds you of a Rotom in a machine so you two kinda discuss about the mention pokemon, much to Orthro glee and excitement.
Malleus can sense you are some type of fea. Though you ard a normal type, as you had explained to him, the dragon fea cant help but kinda doubt what you had said due to what he had somehow felt a fea essence in you but he let it slide. For now. And considering how you dont know him and that you feel he's loneliness, you two are match made in heavan.
Oya? Lilia became intrigued once he had saw you in the entrence ceremony. He may live a long time, longer than Malleus but there some things that he may not know. And you are one of them. You two being parental, you both would discuss and have fun telling stories about the youngs ones from either worlds and their history to one another.
You always brought a pillow for Silver or prepare your Hyper voice for him to wake up. When you heard that Silver always sleeps, you were kinda worry for him until Lilia points out its kinda normal for him. Silver appreciates your effort of helping him with he's sleeping spells as you would prepare coffee or anything that could wake him up...though he kinda hates when you had to use Hyper voice.
See's you as a capable and reliable nurse to help Malleus-Sama, though you have to repeatedly wack him a thousand times to remind him to tune down he's voice whenever, or atleast in the infirmary, to not stress others or make their ears bleed.
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You had used your evolution during Riddle's overblot incident at the dorm.
After the battle, Crowley demand of what you had just done and what had happened to you, where you had explain that you mega evolve.
The Heartslabyul quintet are amazed at the otherworldly power up that you had fone back there.
Asked alot of questions and even sometimes sparred with (Ace, Deuce and Riddle only)
(P.S. All three of them lost)
Ruggie and Jack were taken back at the sudden transformation that you just display.
The two were Amazed at how strong you had became after you had mega evolve to defeat Leona.
In the infirmary, You had explain to them about the transformation and it suprise yet intrigued them that you can "evolve" and gain a power up.
Leona even ask if he can have a Mega stone too but you had remind him that he aint a pokemon like her.
The trio, like the other two dorms, are also amazed at the new information that they were introduce you.
Floyd once asked to spare with ya.
Lets just say that he now considers you as a formidable challanger.
Jade and Azul on the other hand asks you about how it works and what it is.
Mouth drop Kalim was really not expexting you you transform while Overblot Jamil had also the same expression yet hide it beneath he's scowl and quickly want to gain the power you had.
After the whole fiasco, the duo were taken back.
I mean, who ever heard of a type of power up that involves bonds between two people.
Yet the two understand (mostly Jamil) that you are from another world and that it is different from theirs.
Many curious questions are asked later on.
Both eyes of Epel and Rook were widen upon the transformation you had.
Overblot Vil took it as a challenge as to see who is stronger and more fairer consider that your appearance had change too.
Once the whole mess was all over, along with the VDC, the Pomeifiore trio were gained in on the lecture of Mega evolution.
Epel mentally wish that it had exists in Twisted Wonderland to show others that he is more than just a pretty face like you.
Rook has stars in he's eyes.
Vil is astonished at the type of power up that he had never seen or heard of before, which is kinda understanding.
You mega evolution was the reason at being in S.T.Y.X. in the first place.
Refused to speak about it or even displaying it, much to the organization's frustration.
After the whole mess and returning back at Ramshackle, you explain once more to the Shroud brothers of what you done during the past Overblot fights.
I swear, you already practice this with the past dorms.
Afterwards, Idia and Orthro understands and agree to keep your hidden power up a secrat to ensure your safety.
Considering how you had help them before.
Malleus seen you in your mega evolution form during the VDC event.
Soon, you had gather the other three students of Diasomnia to discuss and tell them about mega evolution to succumb their curiosity.
Lilia is truly interested at the topic. In all he's years, he have never seen such power up before, along with Malleus.
Malleus was right when you had mentioned that you had became a Fairy type during your mega evolution.
Adding another explanation later.
Silver and Sebek were amazed at this new information and reacted on it very differently.
Sebek somehow sees you as a threat to he's master and tries to make sure that the prince is in safety distance with ya.
Silver on the other hand accepts it and is interested on the ways and how you mega evolve.
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thepaintedlady00 · 1 year
hey there! I got my wisdom tooth out this morning was sedated. The hospital said I needed an 'escort' with me to come with me and wait till its over to take me home and care for me. Everything was fine, I was just a bit loopy and funny afterwards :D This made me think - how do you think it would go down if Lena or Jake had to do this and had to be each other's escorts? :D I feel like either of them would end up gushing about how they love the other or something like that hahah
First off, I'm glad your wisdom teeth surgery went well! It's always a tough time having to get one or more removed, but it can be kind of funny after hearing all the stories about how loopy you get. 🤣
Second, I love this idea so I wrote two short little blurbs about how both Lena and Jake would be in this situation. 🤭🤷‍♀️ So, enjoy I guess!
Jake's POV of Lena's wisdom teeth removal:
Jake sat in the uncomfortably stiff waiting room chair, anxiously drumming his fingers against his bouncing leg. His eyes scanned every face that passed by, searching for any hint of bad news. Was it overkill to be this nervous? Maybe. But he'd read every shitty magazine they had on their coffee table and listened to the clinic gossip until that, too, got stale. So, worrying was all he had left to do.
Eventually, one of the nurses came out from the back room and looked at their clipboard. "Harrow?"
He was on his feet faster than either of them expected, earning him a chuckle from the elderly man he'd been waiting next to. "That's me."
"She did great," the nurse said with a reassuring smile. "She should be waking up from the anesthesia any minute now. I was told you wanted to be there when she woke up."
"Yeah," Jake answered, keeping it as simple as possible. They didn't need to know how freaked out Lena would be if she didn't have a familiar face there when she woke up. And they sure as hell didn't need to know what would happen if he wasn't back there.
"Right this way," the nurse replied, leading him to the back room where rows of curtains hung, separating patients, some of whom were still snoring. She pulled back the third curtain just enough for him to slip through.
Lena was lying flat on her back, a long ice packet placed around her jaw. Other than the mild swelling, she looked more than peaceful. Jake sat down in the chair in the corner, carefully reaching out to hold her hand, an act solely meant to ease his own anxiety. The nurse checked her vitals and carefully repositioned the ice pack before she smiled at him. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Thanks." The quiet sound of heartbeat beeping on the monitor and the slow, even breaths that made her chest rise and fall were all he needed.
It didn't take more than a few minutes before he noticed her breathing grow more irregular, and her eyelashes struggled to open. Jake held her hand tighter in his as her eyes slowly opened. Groggy and confused, Lena blinked away the medicated sleep. He saw the spike on the monitor as the fear of her unknown surroundings and her past came flooding in. She lifted a shaking hand, intent on ripping the ice pack and any wires off her when he stood, catching her eye and taking hold of her other hand to stop her. "Hey, it's okay."
She breathed a relieved sigh, blinking away tears. Through the thick gauze in her mouth, he heard her thick mumble of his name, "Jake."
He smiled, moving his hand to brush the hair from her face. "Morning, princess." 
Looking around and gently probing the ice pack with her finger, she seemed to remember where she was and what had happened, relaxing into the mattress. "Howditgo?"
"Good." He chuckled. "They'll be showing up to check on ya in a minute."
Her eyes lingered on his face for a long minute, sparkling as she attempted to smile. "Yerpretty."
Laughing, Jake carefully bent over, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Obviously. Now shut up before you hurt yourself or something."
It would've been an understatement to say he was relieved when they finally gave him and Lena a long list of aftercare instructions and wheeled her out to the taxi. She leaned against him in the car, physically close enough to feel him finally relax when they pulled up to the side entrance of their apartment. He paid the cabbie before helping her out of the car, not letting her take more than a step before he scooped her into his arms. "Seriously?"
"Shut up," he mumbled, kicking the door open and standing in front of the elevator. "Hit the button for me."
Lena looked cute with her slightly chubby face as she tried to smirk at him. "Can't. Too weak."
He shook his head, turning to elbow the wall until he finally hit the button blindly. "You're kind of a bitch."
She mumbled something else but curled into him for the elevator ride up. Finally, home, Jake helped her settle into bed, having already gathered a basket of water bottles, four extra ice packs, and adopted yogurts and puddings so Lena wouldn't have to get out of bed too often. After taking the gauze out of her mouth, Lena took a nap, one Jake utilized to leave and pick up her pain pills from the pharmacy.
When he returned, he pampered her with a quick but soothing bath where he massaged her scalp and shoulders. After, he entertained her every request. Lena abused this power greatly, forcing him to wear a face mask and letting her paint his nails. Eventually, the torture retired to the bedroom, where the two of them curled up in their bed and watched Phantom of the Opera.
"Stop pretending like you hate it," Lena said, pressing a kiss to his neck.
"I do hate it," he insisted, though, at this point, they both knew it was a lie.
Jake enjoyed musicals. He oddly found himself relating to a lot of them. Lena was nonetheless wiser at first, that is until he randomly got them tickets to Broadway. Still, every once in a while, Jake had to complain just to try and throw her off the trail. It didn't work, obviously. Lena knew him better than that. She knew him better than anyone.
With a content sigh, Lena laid her head across his chest. "Thanks for coming to get me."
Jake only smiled. "You know me, I'm all about that domestic shit."
She twisted, gently tugging his face down so she could press her lips to his. “You are truly a prince among men. But, still, I know how much you hate that shit, so thanks.”
“I only hate that shit 'cause I don’t like seeing you in a hospital gown.”
“Why?” Her eyes gleamed as she teased him. “Not my color?”
He pulled her closer to him, arms wound tightly around her. “We both know you look best in red.”
Nuzzling her face into his cheek, Jake closed his eyes. “Shuddup and watch the movie, jerk.”
“Whatever, loser.”
Lena's POV of Jake's wisdom teeth removal:
I sat in the waiting room, casually flipping through the pages of one of the magazines the clinic kept on their coffee table. It’d only been about twenty minutes since I’d gotten the call that they’d be finishing up Jake’s surgery soon, so I was more than content to wait. Most would assume I’d be nervous, freaking out over the what-ifs and the complications possible, and while those thoughts did come and go every now and then, I knew Jake would be just fine. He was in perfect health. Besides, he was tough and unbelievably stubborn. It’d take a lot more than some anesthesia to take him out. The old woman sitting beside me leaned over with a gentle smile. “Who are you waiting for?”
“My boyfriend,” I answered. “Wisdom teeth.”
She nodded. “My husband has had his for years. Insists that they’ve never bothered him before, but now his dentures don’t fit right with them in.”
I chuckled at her. “That sounds like quite the pain.”
“He is,” she joked. “Took me a week to convince him to get them taken out. And he grumbled about it all the way til they knocked him out.”
The nurse came from the back room with a smile and a quick glance at her clipboard. “Harrow?”
Saying a quick farewell to the old woman, I stood, carefully putting my magazine back down before I approached her. “That’s me.”
“Everything went great! He’s awake now if you wanna wait with him while the doctor gets his paperwork together.”
“Yes, please,” I answered, following her into the back room, where she led me past a few curtained sections before stopping and gesturing to the right one.
“Let us know if he needs anything.”
“Thank you.” I slid through the curtain and smiled at Jake, who was lounging on the cot, idly poking his cheek. “Well, hello there, handsome.”
His head turned, eyes still slightly droopy from the drugs. His jaw and cheeks looked swollen as he smiled at me. “Leeeennnaaaa!”
I giggled as he reached out and tugged me closer. “How are you feeling?”
“I’mgoood,” he slurred, the ice pack sliding off his face as he moved to admire my ass. “Lookityourass!”
Fixing the ice pack, I rolled my eyes. “I probably should have expected that.” His hand cupped one of my asscheeks as I swatted him away. “Jake!”
“Whaaatt?” He asked, laughing. “You’rejustsohot.”
“You’re lucky you’re still high right now.”
It turned out that drugged-up Jake was even more touchy than regular Jake. It was kind of cute, not that I’d ever tell him that. As one nurse was going over his aftercare instructions, another was helping him into his wheelchair when he loudly proclaimed, “THATSMYGIRLFRIEND!”
Both girls laughed, “They know, sweetie.”
The room was filled with suppressed giggling as every nurse and doctor in the vicinity was subjected to Jake’s loving praises, which didn’t stop when we rolled him through the waiting room. The older woman from before waved at us with a kind, “He’s a real keeper!”
The whole drive, Jake lounged on my lap while complimenting every feature of my face with a gentle, slightly off point of his finger. Once we got back in the apartment, he collapsed on the couch and fell asleep. Quinn dropped off his pain medication before he woke up and quickly fled the premise to join Ari for dinner. After the medication wore off a bit and he woke up, he ate some yogurt, and then we took a quick, cool shower where I helped wash his hair and gently wash his face.
Once the two of us settled into bed, his head resting in my lap with my fingers gently combing through his inky hair, Jake looked up at me. “Don’t laugh, but can we watch Moulin Rouge?”
I bit the inside of my cheek to keep the laugh in and nodded. “Of course, we can, sweetie.”
As the movie played and Jake shifted to lay in front of me, head on my chest, he mumbled, “I’m not saying I like this-”
“Shut up.” I kissed the top of his head and carefully set two ice packs against his cheeks. “I love you, loser.”
His fingers threaded through mine, settling our hands over his heart. “I love you too, jerk.”
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convexicalcrow · 10 months
Where The Vex Come From
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Ya boi's back with some more pages from the Vex magic grimoire! :D This time Cub's talking about the origins of the Vex, or as much of that as he knows, with a few other musings along the way. It touches on the Vex Cathedral, the Vex Mother, and totems of undying.
Normally I wait to finish the illustrations before I post full entries, but I'm planning something a bit more special for this one, and I need some shiny metallic cardstock that I don't currently have in order to make it work, so. Have the Lore for now, and I'll post the art when it's done. <3
Transcript, as usual, under the cut so you don't have to read my shitty handwriting. :D
Where The Vex Come From
Sometimes, I question why They let me know this, as it's buried deep in the hivemind, but the Vex have to come from somewhere, right? I always suspected They weren't self-created, that there was some kind of mother source giving birth to Them, so to speak. And, well. There is one, or was. I cannot say what happend to Her; that is forbidden to speak about. But I have seen Her, or what remains of Her. Let's just say there's a reason totems of undying look the way they do.
And I didn't understand for a long time why the Vex didn't just want me to build them a temple of Their own back in season five. Scar and I would have done it. It could have been a great honour to build Them a temple worthy of Their greatness. But They kept talking about Wels' cathedral. It was like They were fixated upon it for some reason. They knew nothing of Christianity as far as I was aware, but somehow They were drawn to the place. So when the time was right, we took it over, and it became the ConVex Cathedral, decked out in all its glory.
I don't remember any of the process of building it, and what we were driven to change or leave alone, but that's to be expected. But I do remember being in there later with Scar and taking it all in. Seeing the offering tables, the high priest, the Vex face on the ceiling. So much of it made sense, except for the cross on the wall behind the altar. It'd have thought They'd just remove it, or cover it up at least, but the Vex scolded me for that thought.
For a long time, They didn't tell me why. I kept wondering why They'd even want it there. There was no Vex Jesus that I was aware of. But They wanted it there, and in time, They told me why.
For the Vex, it reminds Them of totems of undying, and totems of undying are actually made to resemble the Vex Mother, not a villager as some commonly think. They said She was a witch who was cast out from the village, and in Her rage, gave life to the form that would ultimately become the Vex. They are… vague about this and how it happened.
The impression I got was that the rage She brought down on the village mixed with Her magical power and She became a Vex. The Vex, or so it is said. She is the reason witches became hostile to villagers and joined patrols. Before that time, witches were tolerated and lived in vllages. Afterwards, they were run out and settled in swamps, which is now their home.
She is the one who created the Vex as living beings, and as an energy source, to Evokers who were creatures with similar powers to witches. Before then, in fact, they were not called Evokers until they could harness the power of the Vexes. This became their specialty, as only the Vex mother ever learned to wield Vex power. Other witches never wanted to handle them and were happy with their potions.
She also created and mastered the secrets to undying, and taught these to the Evokers. If you're expecting me to spill, then you'll be disappointed. The methods needed to create totems of undying are forbidden knowledge. I don't know anything about them except that for the Vex, they are symbols of devotion. Reminders of the mother who birthed them. And yet, even as Vexes, Scar and I are denied this knowledge about Her, and what happened to Her. It took long enough to convince Them to let me see… It isn't a grave, not really. She is undying, as much as She is dead. I can't explain it. There was a lot They refused to explain as I looked at Her. I wasn't allowed to touch Her either. And I suspect if I say any more, They'll get mad. This place, it is holy and sacred, but not a place of pilgrimage. It is cared for, protected, guarded, forgotten, forbidden. A place you don't, and never should, go. I made Them take away my memory of how to get there from me, just so I don't end up back there again. No one needs to see that place.
So I look at totems now and I see the Vex mother, but I also see many unfathomable mysteries reflected in its gold and emerald eyes. In some ways, I feel like I'e already said too much. That even this is too much information to commit to writing, given all the taboos surrounding Her. But then again, maybe They wouldn't have let me write this at all since I'm a Vex, but I'm not a Vex, but more like a kind of Evoker, and while this book may not be read by anyone outside of the hivemind, there's still danger in writing too much.
I'm not sure how much of this Scar knows, either. He's better at just going along with things and doesn't have all the curiosity I have to want to know more.
What I do know about the origins of the Vex is that it sounds like egregore magic, that perhaps She - intentionally or otherwise - created a being tied to Her that, given enough energy and attention, became the Vex. That's the only thing that makes sense to me, given how little They will tell me.
I dunno, maybe it's like, so old no one really remembers anymore. Or the story's changed so much that what They tell me now is just what They believe. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with that. The Vex tell me They've lived for millenia; the Vex are also known to lie when it suits Them. Does it matter, really? Nah, not really. I know some of it's true, but there's so much that's simply unprovable at this point.
There must be something in it though. It definitely explains why the Vex are so protective of Their Evokers. That's Their legacy. Their origin. They're so wrapped up in each other's histories that you can't separate them. Maybe that's a good thing.
I mean, I've often sat here wondering how I became Pharaoh. It's not like it's something I asked for. All I knew was that I wanted to build that pyramid, and at some point after I arrived in the desert, something… happened. Something I still can't explain. Like, I'm not one for religion, but something got me out there. From the dreams to the visions to the burning pain when - how do I even explain it? I'm not sure I can. All I know is that I became a god, and everything changed. I am a divine soul in a mortal body, an old body, and I'm very well cognizant of the fact that I'm building my own tomb.
Maybe the Vex are aware of this. Maybe that's why They've been urging me to write all of this down. I'm dying, and with me would die a lot of Vex knowledge that Scar doesn't have. If I don't write it down now, he'll be lost once the old man finally goes west.
I don't think that'll necessarily be a bad thing, though. This body is old and tired. Magic disguises it, of course, but I feel it. It's bone deep. I just have to keep on writing and building and maybe one day I'll learn all the secrets of the Vex and come out triumphant, a magician - a god! - so powerful he's unstoppable. By my will may it be so.
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ase-trollplays · 3 months
When We Were Kids (Part Two)
There, d'y'all feel better now that yer big strong moirail's gotcha in her arms-- Er, arm. Fuckin' hell, this is gon' take forever ta get used ta.
...yeah... i feel a little better... ...what about you though?... ...i know it hurt to adjust yourself...
Yeh, but it ain't nothin' I couldn't handle. Y'all just heard what I been through, an' that was when I was a wriggler. I'm built warship tough.
...hehehe... s-sure you are...
Are y'all laughin' at yer moirail? Ya don't believe I'm tough as they come?
...its a little hard to believe when a few pokes can take you out...
Yeh, well I ain't gon' be this sore ferever. Matter a fact, I think I'm already on the mend.
...s-so you can s-suplex dantli through the floor when he gets back?...
Gimme another night'r two an' I'll be judo flippin' him out a window. I'll do it with one arm.
...just clean up the glass afterwards... ...i dont want mom or any of us getting cut on it...
Yeh, yeh, I know. ... So, since we're sharin' wrigglerhood stories, I'd love ta hear what yer growin' sweeps were like.
...compared to what you told me... my childhood was completely wonderful... ...i cant complain about anything...
This ain't a game a trauma poker where we gotta one-up who grew up worse. No one with a perfect childhood grows up ta be a depressed adult who hates everythin' about herself. Y'ain't gotta tell me shit if ya don't wanna. I know yer not the kinda person who likes talkin' about herself.
...no... no... its fine... ...you told me everything about yourself... s-so its only fair i tell you what growing up was like for me too...
...i was always s-small and not very s-strong... ...im pretty s-sure i was a runt when i was a grub... and i wasnt much better after i pupated... ...i dont remember the trials... but what i do remember is being completely terrified... ...i probably just barely made it out...
...i was s-so s-scared of other people... ...it didnt even matter what caste... ...lower castes could kill me with their psionics... and higher castes are just plain s-stronger than me... and s-some like purples and cobalts have psychic powers... ...on top of that... if one of them killed me it would be justified because im lower on the s-spectrum than them...
...mom went with me everywhere when i left my hive... ...s-she was s-scared for my s-safety because i would be s-so easy to kill... ...s-she always told me to run if i got into trouble because im too weak to put up a fight... ...in hindsight... s-she s-shouldnt have been s-so coddling... ...it only hurt me in the end... but its not her fault... ...s-she was s-scared just like i was... and s-she wanted me to be s-safe more than anything... ...s-she just did what s-she thought was best...
Sounds like ya coulda used a lusus like my pa. He's a hardass who don't coddle'r or baby anyone. My first fights growin' up were with him cuz he didn't want me ta grow up weak an' defenseless. Bein' the lowest a the low castes, I couldn't afford not ta be if I wanted ta survive.
Ah fuck, sorry, I didn't mean ta interrupt.
...your fine... dont worry...
...anyways... when i was three s-sweeps old... i met s-sonja... ...he tried to... ...he tried to kill himself jumping off the cliff my hive's built into... but it wasnt high enough for the impact to kill him... ...he got injured very badly... and he managed to find the hatch leading into the maze and climbed in...
...i dont know how long he was there before i found him that night... but when i s-saw him... i was pale at first s-sight... ...at least... i thought i was... ...looking back on it... it was just s-strong platonic pity...
...he was a mess... hes only a s-sweep older than me... but he was s-suffering s-so much... ...his personality was s-splitting... and it ruined the few friendships he had... ...he was having trouble coping with basically becoming two different people... and having to go through it all alone... s-so he tried to end it... ...when he s-saw me... he demanded i finish the job and kill him... ...he s-said i had to do it because hes a highblood... s-so i have to do whatever he s-says...
...obviously i refused... but i s-stayed with him and talked to him until he calmed down... ...after that... i s-started taking care of him... ...it felt like my responsibility s-since he didnt have anyone else other than his lusus... and im s-supposed to always help highbloods because im just a midblood...
...once he was healed... he insisted that we were meant to be together... and it was no accident that we found each other... ...our meeting was pure fate... just like moirails are meant to be 'fated allies'... ...i admitted that i wanted to keep him company and keep helping him s-since he was all alone... and i was afraid that he would try to kill himself again if i left... ...s-so we agreed to be moirails...
...he was incredibly doting and s-sweet... ...both halves of him were... ...he went out of his way to s-spoil me and protect me... and i was s-someone he could confide in and trust and rely on for s-support... ...honestly... if i didn't have his protection growing up... i dont think i would have s-survived to adulthood... ...at his insistence... i never went anywhere without him just in case things went wrong... and he s-saved me a lot...
...we were happy... but we were terrible for each other in reality... ...just like my lusus... he reinforced that im helpless and weak and fragile... s-so i didnt learn how to defend myself much and become more independent... ...at the s-same time... i was too coddling of him and never reinforced boundaries... s-so he got used to always being my priority and having all of my attention at a moment's notice... ...we were only four and three s-sweeps and too immature to be in a relationship... but we didnt know that at the time... and we both ended up worse for it...
...i internalized that i cant do anything on my own... and i felt even worse about being s-such a 'bad' troll and the complete opposite of how were taught to be... ...i felt worthless... but helping s-sonja gave me a purpose and made me feel like i was doing s-something important... ...which turned into the depression i have now... ...im not s-sure he even noticed how i felt...
Prolly cuz he was so damn obsessed with himself and his own feelin's that he wasn't payin' attention ta yers, cuz that's the kinda impression I'm gettin' a this guy.
...yeah... i know that now... but back then i just s-shrugged it off...
...once we were about eight and nine s-sweeps... he s-started depending on me a little bit less... and i was finally able to make my own friends outside of him...
Wait, y'all didn't have no friends that whole time?? Fer five sweeps!? He hogged all a yer attention fer that long!!? An' that didn't set off red flags??
...like i s-said... i didnt know any better... ...i thought that was just part of being s-someones moirail... ...even once i s-started making my own friends... he had to be my priority at all times... and i accepted that because that had been my normal for s-so long... s-so it didnt s-seem problematic...
...it didnt become a problem until i met dantli... and we s-started to become flushed... ...now i had s-someone else that was a priority in my life... and i couldnt always drop everything to run to s-sonja whenever he called anymore... ...i wouldnt s-say he was livid... but he didnt take having to s-share me well at all... ...he would get incredibly jealous... which made him clingier and more demanding... which in turn made dantli upset... and he would get jealous and clingy too...
...i was constantly caught in the middle of them... which only made my anxiety and depression worse... ...it finally came to a head when i was badly injured when i was nine... and they both insisted on taking care of me... ...they were constantly at each others throats and competing with each other over who was the better caretaker... ...eventually enough was enough... and i had to make a choice...
...at this point... id been telling s-sonja for at least half a s-sweep that his overdependence on me was making me uncomfortable... ...after developing healthy friendships with other people and s-seeing how a good relationship is s-supposed to work... i realized what i had with him was deeply unhealthy... ...however... he kept making excuses and trying to justify his behavior... s-sometimes even going s-so far as to s-say his life wouldnt mean anything if i wasnt in it... and that s-scared me... ...but i just couldnt do it anymore... s-so i broke up with him...
Surprised he didn't do somethin' stupid like kidnappin' ya or tryin' ta kill Dan an' gettin' squashed fer his troubles. Seems like the type that ain't gon' take bein' dumped with dignity, 'specially if he was attached ta y'all at the goddamn hip like he was.
...i actually got lucky... ...we had a mutual friend who was vacillating flush and pale for him... ...after i broke up with him... he went straight to her...
Hmph. Sounds like she was plannin' on bein' a li'l hivewrecker. She saw things was goin' sour an' was just bidin' her time 'til y'all broke up so she could swoop in an' take him fer herself.
...i dont think it was like that... but i was just relieved he had s-someone who would be able to keep an eye on him...
An' yet he's still bummin' around ya. Why're ya even givin' him the time a night still after he spent yer whole childhood abusin' ya?
...its complicated... ...and he wasnt abusing me... ...we were just two kids who didnt know what we were doing and ended up hurting each other...
He manipulated ya, kept ya isolated fer sweeps, constantly put ya down an' made ya feel helpless an' worthless, an' then threatened ta off himself if ya didn't stay. He. Abused. You. Y'ain't gotta make excuses fer him. He's an abuser.
...kamava s-said the s-same thing...
Exactly. So why're ya still entertainin' him? 'Specially after he was stalkin' ya last sweep?
...that was the other one... ...the one ive been s-seeing is more mature and rational... and he goes out of his way to never hurt or be a threat to me... ...he always makes s-sure i have complete control and make the final decisions...
Uh huh. An' y'all believe him?
...yes... ...i cant trust the other half of him... and i know he s-still hates me for leaving him... but the good half of him is completely trustworthy and reliable...
I'll believe it when I see it. I'd say I don't trust him far as I can throw him, but seein' as he's a shrimp, I bet I could chuck him pretty dang far. If he starts givin' ya trouble again--
...no... corali... ...youve done enough trying to hurt people on my behalf...
Yeah, but he ain't fleet, so I ain't in any danger. ... He ain't fleet, right?
...no... but that doesnt matter... ...i dont want you... or danny... or anyone else getting involved... ...just trust me...
I do trust y'all. it's him I don't trust. Ya sure ya can handle him if he decides ta fuck around? Y'ain't immune ta mental bullshit like I am. If he decides ta voodoo yer brain, can ya defend yerself?
That silence ain't assurin'. I ain't telling ya ta never ever see him again if yer sure about this. Just. If shit goes sideways, let one a us know the second it does.
... ...okay...
Ya promise?
...i promise...
Good. I love ya. <>
...i love you too... <>
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i just had this pop into my mind and had to share with someone, please bear with me♡♡
what if one day ian decides to go to a therapist, its his first visit probably a couple weeks maybe months after the wedding and he comes back home and tells mickey about it
he gets into the kitchen, kisses mickey and starts talking after a single "how was it" from his husband, thats all he needs cus hes been thinking the whole session over all the new information settling in his brain, things he already knew and a lot of things he needs to look into. as is always the case with ian, when hes excited/emotional about a topic, he gets really into it, and though this topic is a bit bittersweet to him, it's also really interesting. the different approaches the therapist told him about, the sheer variety of therapy types he needs to do some research on should be overwhelming, and it is a little bit but its also fascinating to him, and so he tell mickey all about it. starting with the therapist and how the meeting went and going into the technicalities of therapy types and so on. It's a lot of information, but ian knows mickey will hear him out even if he talks for a long time.
except mickey isnt exactly listening, not because he doesnt care (he cares a lot and will ask ian questions about everything later) but cus his mind is wandering around admiring how hot ian looks all passionate and sexy. its always been so attractive to mickey when ian talks about things hes interested in, especially if he knows a lot on whatever topic hes talking about. mickey is not a weak man, but when ian gets like that, he's a lovestruck idiot that still can't believe he gets to spend the rest of his life with the redhead.
and so mickey only gets back to earth by the end of ians story
'(...) yea, so she said i should try looking into cbt, ya know?'
mickey freezes for a second, he might not know a lot about the whole therapy thing but cbt is definitely a term hes accustomed with
"... you mean like the torture?" he asks eyebrows high on his forehead.
"no, like the thera- wait, what do you mean torture?!" ians now looking at him like he grew a second head.
"well, you said cbt, right?" ian nods warily, not certain where his husband is going with the sentence "...cbt stands for cock and ball torture, no?" as mickey finishes his sentence he can see his husbands eyes grow wider. fuck, he shouldve been listening instead of daydreaming this is definitely not what ian was talking about.
"mickey, honey, you think my therapist would recommend cock and ball torture as a form of therapy?" the redhead looks at him incredulously but theres no condescension or pity in his voice like there could be if someone else was explaining something to mickey and he didnt get it. it was teasing, not in a mean way just the usual teasing they were both so familiar with, the way that came with smirks and goading each other on and ended in very hot sex (especially if it was mickey being bratty).
"i mean i dont know, maybe itd help or somethin'" he was smirking now too, his husband approaching him slowly and pinning him to the counter.
"you werent listening at all, huh? what got you so distracted that you couldnt even listen to your husband?" they were face to face, ians hands steady on his hips.
thats all i got jdbcjd but i imagine it would end with ian punishing mickey for not listening (in a sexy way ofc) and then afterwards theyd actually talk about the therapy and ian would explain to mickey what cbt stands, besides cock and ball torture jdbxj
ohoh and mickey would totally check out all the different therapy types when ians not home/not around him, partially cus he wanted to know more about what therapy would be like for ian but also cus hes thinking of getting a therapist himself and mickey is nothing if not thorough so he obviously needs to see what hed potentially be getting himself into
okay thats actually all i wanted to say, i hope you dont mind the lengthy message from a stranger i just really love your headcanons and this is the first one i had in a loooooooong time and km pretty sure its thanks to you so yea jdbdj just wanted to share and say thank you♡♡♡♡
Hello my darling! Welcome welcome!
We support Ian and Mickey getting the professional help that they need in this blog!
I agree that Ian will just wait for the tiniest que from Mickey to start blabbering away! I feel like when it comes to Ian’s mental health it’s not like him for Mickey to not be in focus, you know? I mean, Mickey is still human, with eyes that can see his gorgeous husband, so it does make sense. Just a bit out of character.
Hahaha not Mickey thinking cock and ball torture might be a treatment for bipolar disorder 😂 I wonder if he would have gone with it if there were studies to back that theory up. I think he loves Ian’s dick so much that it would make him sad to hurt it.
Ah cocky Ian back at it again! I LOVE it when Ian catches Mickey flustered and teases him about it. There’s some switch in Ian’s brain that flicks and he goes into his dominant mode. Mickey triggers it by accident all of the time.
cus hes thinking of getting a therapist himself and mickey is nothing if not thorough so he obviously needs to see what hed potentially be getting himself into -> yesss! Mickey deciding to go to therapy. I always love to read people’s headcanons about how he chooses to tell Ian about it.
lengthy messages from a strangers are my favorite! (You don’t have to be a stranger though) always tell me your headcanons please! I love hearing them 🖤
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pinkafropuff · 6 months
(Dark Chocolate)- Emilia
“I’ve always thought it odd, though. Despite your prowess in battle, you don’t seem to have an abundance of aether…” 
Her eyes slide to Alphinaud. Why he seems so fascinated with her now is anyone’s clue. If anything, he might be concerned about losing his favorite chess piece- which Emilia refuses to be, at least not without getting something out of it. Arms behind her head as she leans back, she curls her lip in disdain. 
“Not-” He’s noticed her disgust. “Not that it’s a bad thing, mind! I-I mean-”
Oh, he’s too easy. “Kid, maybe you should work harder on keeping your mouth shut.” A grin, its look sickly sweet. She knows. She’s practiced. “Just because you can say somethin’ don’t mean you should.”
“I was only-” He cleared his throat. Trying to save face, probably. “Concerned, for your well being. You use Aetherytes like no tomorrow- more than the average person, I mean. Simply put, it would be less than ideal if you keeled over from that instead of in battle.”
Fake. But kids were allowed to play at being adults from time to time. Alphinaud was just better at it than most. “I’m fine. Just tell me where to go and I’ll go.” Pissed her off, though. How could they figure that out already? Even she knew why her magic- her aether output- was particularly low- not that she’d say so. “What? Are you all so primitive that you think power levels are the end-all-be-all in this world?”
He stiffened. “Well-”
“The Knight Commander is waiting for you in the Intercessory,” Haurchefant’s voice broke into the conversation at exactly the right time, enough to make Emilia smile at his tactics. She’d been preparing to fight the little christmas elf for fun. 
That hawk nosed guy ain’t half bad. 
She didn’t think she’d see Estinien again so soon. But then again, this was Ishgard, and he was-
“The Azure Dragoon- and the man I trust most with my life.” Finished Aymeric, and though Alphinaud bowed, she didn’t need such an introduction. Instead, the two watched each other, thinking god-knows-what. If anything, she was trying not to smile. It was delicious, after all. She even screwed up her mouth a bit, ready to say something- but never did. The other dragoon seemed to know that, and he crossed his arms over his chest in response.
“...is something…wrong?” Bright blue eyes shining with more concern than she’d seen in days. Weeks, even. She wondered what that was about, then shrugged, hands in her pockets. 
With her chin she gestured to Estinien. “Nothin’. Nice armor, though.”
From beneath his helmet, he scowled. Clearly. “If nothing else, I can attest to her martial prowess.”
“As opposed to?” She wanted to bite her lip. She was smiling more than she ought to.
“The content of her character,” he finished, though Aymeric seemed very focused on keeping his poker face in its wake.
The Knight-Commander folded his hands over his lap. “So you two know each other?” It hummed with a hint of amusement, his voice. Emilia disliked it. If anything, a honeyed voice was cause for a firmer guard, a closer grip on her blade. “How advantageous.That will save us some time.”  
The talks, if she deigned to hear them fully, were no more or less than what she expected; ‘we will give you this if you give us that’. Unfortunately for Alphinaud, the Knight Commander was much more adept at it- given he was definitely twice his age and had as much experience besides- but Emilia withheld her laughter until afterwards. 
“Too big for your britches again, huh.” Her teeth sunk into an apple, the cherry red of her lipstick almost disappearing into the skin of the fruit as juice dribbled onto the floor. “Told ya you should’ve brought someone else.”
He sighed (though clearly curbed his obvious displeasure, lest she rag on him further for it), staring at his hands before he put them on his hips. “I only needed you for moral support. No one else could fill the role.”
“You mean muscle,” she corrected him wryly, and Alphinaud pressed his lips into a thin line. “Try harder to sugar coat it next time.”
Then she ruffled his hair with her slightly wet glove. His ‘stepped in dog shit’ face was well worth the physical contact. “...well! What about you? Do you have a crush on the Azure Dragoon or something? I’ve scarce seen you smile that much without being mean-spirited about it.” 
“Me? On a guy who can’t get over a simple possession by himself? Fuck no.” The snap of the fruit’s skin was more annoying than satisfying at this point, teeth hungry for a treat less sweet. “But I know’em. If that’s what you’re askin’.”
“Really? From where?” Suddenly interested in her for the first time in ages (even the ‘other’ Emilia hadn’t known him to be overly invested in her- but then again, they hadn’t known each other well, so she’d give’em a pass) he turned to face her fully...though Emilia averted her gaze.
“What? Kid, we were just in Ishgard. Where the hell else am I gonna meet him?” 
“Why were you-” He squinted at first, then his eyes widened in recognition. “Oh…right. You’re a dragoon, aren’t you? So that means you’ve-”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Hand to his head and palm to his cheek, she shoved him hard enough to almost knock him over, wobbling a bit as she swung her leg out so she didn’t follow suit. “I’m gone.” Not even looking back to see if he was alright (it should only bruise if he actually hit the ground instead of stumbling a bit), she tossed her apple core to the side and shoved her hands in her pockets. 
“You owe me, Estinien Wyrmblood.”
He would not let it overtake him. But it was true. Even delivered with such a baleful gaze, there was no denying the truth. That he did owe her. 
“She’s smarter than we’ve been led to believe,” Aymeric was saying. “I know you’ve no true head for politics, but ‘tis surprising that you could not offer such insight.”
Red. Red on her lips, her gloves, the very tips of her fingers. Red against his skin, his blade, his armor. Sticky, hot, sharp and precise against his throat, tearing at weaknesses he did not know he had- but sweet. Sweet, curbed by undeniable bitter. How she had gotten so good in such a short time was beyond him. Alberic’s choice in adventurer was better than he’d expected. Maybe too much so.
“Or else next time, I may just put it through your heart.”
The Azure Dragoon said nothing. Instead he kept his arms crossed over his chest, ever on his guard. And instead of offering anything to the contrary, he said, “I know.”
“I didn’t think she would throw her weight around like that,” he pushed back from his chair, clearly ready to reconvene with Lucia or some other council. Estinien wasn’t keen to stop him. He had other problems. “Clearly her companion did not even think of utilizing her properly before time-” He paused. “Where exactly did you meet her? Were you-”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Was his response, and then he turned towards the door. “You know how to reach me.”
Aymeric knew better than to ask, but still found himself questioning it as he’d gone. “I wonder what’s gotten into our friend…” But, he supposed he’d look into it another time.
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class-1b-bull · 11 months
sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but 1B with a spouse/friend who is trans?
you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to :)
I actually really like the request! Im trans myself so I love the representation <3
Not proofread we die like men
Awase -
Hes the aggressive straight friend every trans person has. Like if youre a trans man hes screaming HEY MY MAN, LOOK AT THIS DUDEEE and shit like that everytime he sees you <3 (same works reversed for other trans ppl I just used trans men as an example <3)
Sen -
Genuinely interested about your struggles and the process of transitioning (if you choose to do so) he wants to help you anyway he can! You will not feel disphoric when hes around.
Kamakiri -
He 100% asked if you wanted him to give you bottom/ top surgery. Hes your ride or die if you want him to he will. Im sure theres a youtube tutorial for it. Will punch transphobes for you <3
Kuroiro -
The second you tell him your trans he goes on this long ass emo rant about how "to be born in the skin of another is the deepest type of dispair." Or whatever. Supportive asf tho.
Kendo -
Shes so sweet and helps you with anything you need <3 (if your enby she will ask nezu if UA can invest in gender neutral bathrooms and omg)
Kodai -
"K.." thats it. That was her reaction to finding out. She treats you the way she always has. Nothing can make her change the way she views you (you will always be her friend I mean lol)
Komori -
She somehow knew you were trans before you knew. The second you told her she just said finally as she pulled out a trans flag to give you lmao. Shes so sweet about it <3
Shiozaki -
Once you tell her she tells you the entire bible story where jesus helped a trans man (i think it was a trans man im not sure) and how she would help you the way he helped that man <3
Shishida -
The first thing he does is clarify your preferred pronouns, name and what prefixes you prefer (sir, mam, mr, mrs, mx, ect.) Afterwards he will just gently correct people if they accidentally misgender you <3
Shoda -
He buys little gifts for you as a congratulations on coming out (candy, pride pin ect.) He also helps with anything you need (he tries to anyways)
Pony -
If you were a girl shes just worried about what will happen to yalls girl days, overall tho she is really happy for you! The two of you definitely go shopping together to help you find cool clothes that fit your new self!
Tsubaraba -
"Poggers!" He made a trans flag on your minecraft world to put in your base. If you encounter a wild transphobe he throws a pokeball at them while saying shit like "gotta catch the clown!"
Tetsutetsu -
Hes a little confused but he got spirit! "This is my buddy, hes a man!" "I was a man but now im a woman tetsu..." "WHAT?! so you double trans now!?" Hes supportive as hell tho (also i just used trans women as an example it can be switched however)
Tokage -
"Thats cool." She immediately started making you a custom 'bad bitch' playlist. She gives off the same energy as the 'I got you a gay cake cuz its rainbow so it gay cuz ya gay' woman
Manga -
Nothing changed honestly, you told him, he started using your preferred name and pronouns and thats kinda it. He did give you skittles on a convince store run "cuz ya gay" (hes a little confused but he got spirit pt.2)
Honenuki -
You are not allowed to feel disphoric around him. He will make sure you feel comfortable and happy with how you are >:( if youre in the process of transitioning he makes sure to point out if you seem more mac/fem (if youre fine with it i mean)
Bondo -
I like to think he knows how to sew, so he definitely thrifted a bunch of random cheep cloths and sewed them to make you a custom trans flag with your preferred name engraved in the corner <3
Monoma -
He will beat the shit out of anyone that comes at you (its actually kinda scary) even on the internet if someone purposely misgenders you he is messaging them their exact coordinates lol
Reiko -
She is so nice about the whole thing <3 she uses her quirk to scare the shit out of transphobic ppl and she makes sure to help you when you feel disphoric <3
Rin -
He relates to the hate you can get for being trans so he knows how hard it can be (in that aspect at least.) So he makes sure to check in with you often <3 (also why do transphobic ppl see dudes with long hair and assume theyre trans? Lmao)
My cat brought a big ass bug to me and just sat it on my lap when I was writing this lmao.
Shes a little shit sometimes but I love her <3
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
Hey I gotta agree with the other person plz get away from ur mother. Ur honestly too talented and capable to let someone drag u down like that. I rlly believe you’ll be so much better off away from her. Half of your problems are literally directly caused by her and the other half are propagated by her. I wish you the best bc this world is so already hard to navigate and ur mom is making it way worse than it needs to be.
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Aw thank you sweetie that honestly means so much to hear 🥺 and honestly I had childhood trauma so I've always kind of had mental health issues but sometimes I just sit and think of things she said or did to me that arguably directly contributed to specific complexes I have and behavioral issues
Like I used to say "I'm sorry" all the time, and kinda still do, when other people would tell me bad news they were going through and like to this day I feel some sort of personal guilt when I can't help someone, because like, I would be an actual child and I'd be in the car with my mom while she was driving and she'd be venting and I was "the rock" I was "the least difficult child" I was "the mature one" and she would basically use me as friend and therapist a lot and she would be going on and on for significant amounts of time about things I literally didn't understand and wasn't really appropriate to tell me
"--and I'm so tired of my coworkers, they whisper to each other sometimes and I JUST KNOW they're talking about me, I swear some of them are only there to fill quotas, and then this bill ran through early and my check bounced and my account is overdrawn"
"I'm really sorry mom :( I don't know what a check bouncing means though"
"Oh well it means--" bitch ya shoulda stopped right there like she literally told me about adult issues and adult financial problems that were quite literally beyond my understanding and I would feel helpless that I couldn't fix or help all these problems she had and I felt BAD and I felt GUILTY and I would just apologize all the time to the point I had friends kind of get mad I apologized so much
I would repeat conversations I had with her to other people sometimes even professionals like therapists and they'd tell me she was wildin out and I'd get mad and tell her "yeah well my therapist that you like so much and you think is doing such a good job told me it's unrealistic to expect you to change and I should just try and work around your behavior" "yeah well thats only because he heard one side of the story, if he spoke to ME he would be on MY SIDE" and repeat that 'one side' argument infinitely until I still never know if I'm just an overdramatic whiny little baby or if my feelings are valid (and I do legitimately have emotional issues and stuff so, yeah I can sometimes have issues, and those never really got solved either, just mocked I guess)
I'm just like. Afraid to turn my back on her because every other day its a new problem. The other week I hear her on the phone, she's saying she didn't realize it was still around, was it gathering interest, how much is it now, and afterwards I ask her and it's an old car she had some sort of payment or whatever on and she now owes, what I assume to be thousands. And she's had several cars since that one and even our current car is falling apart. It's at the point she makes a small mistake and I'm in instant rage mode because it's like GIRL CAN YOU EVEN DO ONE THING FOR ONE WEEK WITHOUT-- like I'll literally want to actually shake sense into her but like she's 58. She's like this forever.
I'm still mad about that pill thing that happened. She took tons of pain meds without even really counting or leaving space in between doses "oh because i just wanted the pain to stop" to the point where I called poison control and they said she was lucky to not be getting sick and then i get off the phone and she. Doesn't even care. "I knew what I was doing, you're overreacting, you need to be on medications for this" like, it. It makes me want to scream because she's constantly trying to force me to have pity for her, years and years of venting and complaining to the point I WOULD TELL HER TO HER FACE I DIDNT CARE AND SHE WOULD STILL KEEP TALKING, but then when I actually bring up legitimate concerns or issues like her almost POISNING HERSELF she has the fucking NERVE to say that to me???? I have an actual completely valid legitimate concern and you have A LICENSED PHYSICIAN TELLING YOU DIRECTLY "yeah I'm extremely surprised you're not in significant digestive distress and throwing up" and she tells me I'm OVERREACTING???
Like. I sit and I think. So much of my life involves her SILENCING me? I'll try to have an adult conversation to fix our issues because unlike her I've actually had therapy and she'll just "im done talking about this, every day you're nasty, you don't get to speak to me like that (even if I'm being nice and just pointing out her issues), what about all the times YOU did XYZ" like to feel like I could literally hand her a glowing hot pink chemical "this will literally give you cancer" and she would reply "no I had a friend in high-school who says this is a multivitamin" and she'd drink it. You can have EVIDENCE and multiple people telling her she is wrong and she either SHUTS YOU DOWN AND REDUSES TO TALK AT ALL or she just outright tells you you're stupid and wrong and emotional and have issues. Like. No wonder I don't trust myself. No wonder I have anger issues that are getting worse. She will literally NEVER listen to me. She will text me on my phone to fetch her water just because she had a headache but I can literally be so congested I'm struggling to breathe and she LET THE LITTERBOX ACTUALLY MOLD WHILE WAITING FOR ME TO RECOVER SO I COULD DO IT like. I love her but I hate her and I'm embarrassed and ashamed of her. But she also IS competent in the sense she kept me and my sister alive as a single mom but I mean, she also gave both of us huge issues and I kinda wish she had put us up for adoption
And it sucks because she has her old childhood trauma and mental health issues too. But I can't help but wish that my father had never lost custody. He may have had some ups and downs over his life but he was at least able to maintain better than my mom. Like for example he blew through a lot of his savings by getting a hobby racing cars at a racetrack and now doesn't really have anything, but like, at least he had that money to spend to begin with. My mom has to dip into a 401k whenever she actually has one. She will basically have to keep working until she can't sit in a chair anymore. I fear becoming her, or at least, more like her than I already am.
Just. Oof. Trying to take things one step at a time, but also considering other options for the future, and of course I have nice people like yourself offering advice and support and that's helpful in of itself ❤️ hopefully all of us can have some personal peace in this wild hectic world of ours 😩
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nextdoorharry · 3 years
imaaaaagine a world like that..can you?
in which you and harry are exes, but still remain good friends when you’re always there for each other. both of you can’t help but reminisce…in your head.
a/n: super sorry i haven’t written in FOREVER!! been crazy busy with school (still am) and i will get back to the writing grind when i’m not as busy, with that being said this is just a quick thing i was thinking of. also, no hate to olivia and harry’s relationship at all. pr or not, both deserve respect and anything written in this piece is solely for writing purposes only. no hate will be tolerated toward an individual. we’re all human.
it happened when you were on your way home from dinner with your friends. a call from harry. this wasn’t out of the ordinary for harry to call you, being exes and all. you both apologized after the breakup and agreed that you both couldn’t let 5 years of love, being close with each other’s families, and a pet cat all go to waste. you agreed upon being friends with him. still hang out here and there after the breakup, acting all platonic. you can’t help but have a glimmer of hope its a call wanting to start a relationship again.
“hello?” you said, one hand on the wheel, other holding your phone.
“hi love, sorry s’a bit late, was wondering if i can come over. it’s about olivia.” harry says. still sending you butterflies when he said the simple yet warming term of endearment. but once he said olivia, your heart dropped.
she’s beautiful, confident, and makes your harry happy from what the tabloids portray. the last time you and harry spoke was before he went off to LA, filming for don’t worry darling, a movie his new lover produced. still a few texts since then like “happy birthday!” “congrats on the grammy,” or “how’s the cat?” you two always saved catching up for in person. it was just your thing you kept during the 5 year relationship and after. it keeps things more meaningful at the time, rather than texting or quick phone calls.
“ah, olivia. isn’t she my replacement?” you teased while laughing. you hear a burst of giggles from the other end of the line. god you missed hearing that everyday.
harry on the other end of the line, heart aches a bit hearing you say that. no one could ever replace you. ever. you are so special to him. if only it wasn’t for his team making it difficult for him to ease down on touring for a bit for you. you asked for one thing from harry, which was to start settling down. you both were only getting older and the talks of marriage and kids were frequently becoming the topic of discussion with family. a year and some after the breakup, which happened to be during quarantine, where he had so much time on his hands without you, he reflected on what could’ve been and how stupid he was for letting you go. you were always so patient with him. going to his shows, god awful dinner parties with industry people, changing your work schedule just to fit into his. you asked for one thing. and instead of fighting for you with his team, he instead sided with them, and let you go.
teasing not dying down, harry goes, “someone keeps up with me in the tabloids, eh?”
it’s the fact that he’s not wrong. you remember that tabloid very well. when the first pictures of harry and olivia came out in an article titled, “harry styles and olivia wilde new romance? is y/n replaced?”
your heart was hurting.
“of course i am. keep having to make sure my name is finally out their mouths.” you joke. “i’ll be home in about 15 minutes if that’s okay?”
you pull into the driveway already seeing harry sitting on your porch chair. he waves at you and you get out of the car, walking up to him. he stands up and greets you with a bear hug.
“missed you, y’look nice. where’d ya head out to?” he asked, hoping and praying you weren’t out on a date looking like that. he knows you only wear a red lip when its date night. his mind filled with jealousy at the thought of you with someone else. whereas he has no right being there are pictures of him kissing, cuddling, and whispering to olivia on a yacht in italy. all for the cameras. his stomach turns. that was supposed to be you and him. on a yacht on italy. except leaving the display of affection for the bedroom.
“on a date” you say blatantly.
his heart drops. and lets you go from the hug. lying through his teeth he says, “ah really? happy for ya, you have to tell me about it, hope it was with a good bloke.” he says lightly.
“i’m kiddingg, was out for dinner with friends. mel got engaged by the way! was celebratory dinner for her.” you say, unlocking the door, letting harry in.
harry sighs in relief. “that’s good! m’happy for her, pass on my congratulations.” harry follows you into your kitchen, sitting down on the counter stool, watching you making his favorite “calm down” drink, loving that you remembered how he likes it. he didn’t even have to ask you to make it. you just know its what he needs right now. he can’t help but ponder that it should have been you. it should be your friends out for your celebratory dinner for your engagement with him.
you pass him his tea, knowing he’ll only take a few sips of it yet keep it in his hold for warmth. you were on the other side of the counter across from him, making a mini cheeseboard you two can snack on while talking.
“so..what happened?” you ask, heart not ready if you can handle what he’s about to say about his new lover.
“s’just so complicated. originally it was supposed to be a pr stunt for the movie. but now i don’t know how the pr team messed up so badly but they did. no one is really believing it. everything was executed poorly. it sucks because it’s her team conducting everything which means i barely have a say in it. i look like the bad guy being portrayed as a home wrecker, and she’s not doing anything about it! s’like she’s enjoying it. the kissing, the night outs, etc. she knows that if my team did have a say, it would have been over a while ago.” he breathes out. he’s been wanting to rant to someone for so long about this. he also just wants you to know that he’s not into her. it’s all for show. he’s still all about you. he wants to make that crystal clear.
you nod your head listening to everything he’s saying. body feeling uneasy filled with jealousy when harry says she’s enjoying the intimacy they have to do for show.
“well, did you talk to her about it? or talk to jeff at least? there has to be something he can do..?” you ask.
harry sighs, “i’ve tried so hard. jeff said nothing they can do about it. and he’s telling me not to mess with olivia because her team can do more damage than good with my name. not that s’already ruined.” harry rubs his face with his hands, feeling stressed.
the way he’s acting is familiar to you. early on in your relationship, when you two were a freshly new couple, you guys wanted to be completely private. during that time, with harry and the band’s album coming out, his management made him do pr stunts like these. he was as stressed as he is now. you were so new to dating something in an industry. he didn’t want to scare you away. but you understood. you get it. and you still get it as he’s speaking.
“hmm..if i can recall, back when you had to do a stunt with kendall on the yacht, m’pretty sure it was the same situation. with kendall’s team being difficult, your’s not having much of a say. do what i told you back then, stand your ground, harry. tell olivia like you did with kendall. also kendall’s team at the time played dirty, yet they still were understanding with you and got someone new for a stunt. olivia’s team will probably get someone new as well. and how badly can they ruin your rep? everyone knows you’re the nicest person who wouldn’t kill a fly. and tabloids are tabloids. would you rather have a few bad headlines about you or would you rather deal with a stunt for what? another year now? that you feel uncomfortable with?” you state. smiling a bit because you know harry knows your right, he’s smiling a bit too. he knows you love being right and debating, pulling out facts. that’s what you always did during an argument. which is why you were always right.
man. why couldn’t he stand his ground with his team. why didn’t he take your advice back then? he should’ve sided with you. not his team. why is he always so scared of them?
self-loathing, harry breathes out a laugh, “always have to be right don’t ya? you know what to say every damn time,”
“what can i say? the lady is always right.” you say, smiling proudly while cleaning up the remains of the cheeseboard you and harry snacked on.
“thanks y/n, really, i know i can always come to you with this stuff,” harry states. looking at you with his piercing eyes, meaning every word he said.
you smiled and nodded, cleaning the kitchen a bit. it started to pour early on when you guys were having a chat about his situation, hoping silently it would come down faster so harry has an excuse to stay, you offer nonetheless. “why don’t you stay back for a bit, hm? s’pouring out there, only gonna get worse. we can watch something?”
“love island?” harry suggests.
“thought you’d never ask.”
few gasps and scoffs at some of the islanders and their drama later, you slowly were drifted off to sleep. harry, sitting on the other sofa from you, peaks to see if you’re still watching. his face was in awe. he misses this. domestic nights with you, chatting away eating in the kitchen, then watching something afterwards. only difference is that you two are on different sofas. whereas before you’d be coddled under his embrace. he slowly drifts off to sleep as well. rain still going on, technically he can still go home. driving in the rain was never an issue for him. but he’ll always use an excuse just to be with you.
iMessage: Olivia Wilde
1:34 AM - I miss you, and our casual hookups. Can’t stop thinking about it.
that was one part harry left out of the story. he hooked up with her.
ahhhhh!!!! lmk if you guys want a part 2!!!
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
Can i request the twst first year noticing something on the fem crush's neck. They think its a hickey but its just a mosquito bite. I want them all together in one fic but if you cant do it then it's fine, it can be separated.
Ah, ah~ another fun prompt to see in fandoms! Lends itself for very funny situations
Which I attempted to portray here :b
Go on an enjoy!
Title: “Who was it?!”
-- -- --
P.E. classes always had students sweating their skin off; Vargas was a relentless teacher whose head could not understand his harsh training was hard to keep up with.
It was normal for students to remove the top part of their coverall sports uniform and zip off or roll up the long pant legs to allow fresh breezes to cool them off.
[Name] decided to partake on this today, it was burning and the professor was as demanding as ever to push everyone to their limit. She normally kept the top of her uniform to prevent unwanted gazes to her body.
It so happened that a group of first years was hanging out in the sports field too. “Ah, those guys are here as well. Maybe I should go say hi to them.”
Five boys were arguing about something or other, Sebek, Ace and Epel appeared very fired up at the discussion.
“Hey, guys! What are you all talking about?” They all jumped at the sound of her voice. “Boys can be so weird…”
“Ah! Eh… Nothing...important…” Ace delivered nervously.
“Uhm, sure.” She brushed it off, “Anyways, mind me joining you guys for a while?” Before they could answer, [Name] sat down along the group’s formation and began fanning herself to alleviate the heat and dry off the sweat.
The boys continued speaking with themselves, albeit a little robotically.
Being the closest to the ground where she sat to the [ x ] year, Epel was the one to notice it…
A red spot of considerable size on the girl’s beautiful neck.
Right then, the Pomefiore student got a flashback of those hentai manga he sneaked glances at in his hometown’s secluded library.
“The pact… They broke the pact!” He became enraged.
He exploded, “Which one of ya fuc-?!”
The pact… of not making a move on [Name] until she herself spoke out to any of them if she had a crush on someone, one of them, or anyone in general.
To the small 1st year’s knowledge, she had yet to speak about anything romance related.
Felmier tried to swallow down the even bigger urge to scream. “W-Which one of you… d-did it?! We had… a pact, you-! You dishonest buffoons!” It was hard to keep up the posh and proper Pomefiore student front when all he wanted was to punch their faces.
“Epel!!” The boy was cut off by Vil yelling at him from a distance. Everyone flinched at the stern callout.
Seems like the dorm head decided to have his yoga session outside. How inconvenient.
Jack was the first to speak, “What are you talking about? Do what? Why would you think someone broke the pact?”
Ace followed, “Are you delirious?!”
Sebek nodded, booming voice amping his statement. “I must agree with Trappola this time. You’re pointing fingers unjustly! How do we know it was not you who broke the pact?!”
Before Epel could defend himself, Deuce exclaimed, “Sebek’s right! Your sudden outburst is suspicious! No one knows what you’re blaming us for except you!”
“ ‘T fuck ya mean by that, city boy?! ‘Tis clear as day, a damn big red mark on her neck!” Epel snapped at the accusation, but a heavy glare at the back of his head corrected his speech, "Ahem… I-I mean… There's clearly a distasteful bruise marring the...pristine skin of her neck! The culprit better confess now!"
"Mark on her neck?" Jack questioned, coming closer to the sitting girl.
"Woah, what's going on? Whose neck? What mark? What are you guys even getting angry about? What pact?" The [dorm] student was full of doubts and ready to push away anyone that dared come too close.
With a shaky sweet smile, the lilac haired instructed, "Dear [Name], can you please turn your head to the side for a moment? Just...to check for something."
She hesitated, but complied no less. The Heartslabyul duo's surprised reactions worried her, "What? What's wrong?! Why are you acting so weird?"
"Look at the size of that! Well, clearly Epel couldn't do it, he's too small." Ace thought out loud, which gained him a ferocious death stare from the mentioned boy.
"Ace, didn't you have a study session alone with [Name]?" Deuce questioned, voice holding a threatening tone.
The other half-of-a-whole-idiot opened and closed his mouth, unable to speak. He resorted to winking and giving finger guns.
"Ya bastard! It was you all along!" Epel and Deuce accused.
Trappola protested, "Hey, I wasn't the only one having alone time with her! You also had a private lesson with her, Deuce! And Jack, I saw you hanging back with her after practice!"
"Woah! Look at it! It has small dots surrounding it!" The shortest boy of the group pointed at the strange mark on [Name]'s neck.
The human trio remained silent while Jack sighed, knowing where this would lead to.
"It's one of you two! With your sharp fangs and whatnot!" Accusing fingers were directed at them.
Sebek was the one to defend himself first, "I have not been able to meet [Name] this whole week for our scheduled reading session! Don't even dare point blame at me!"
"You guys are insufferable, why would either of us bite down on the one we fancy without going all out?" The wolf growled.
"Exactly! Howl speaks the truth! Coupling and the like are serious matters to us fae! ...and beastmen!" Zigvolt backed the claim.
They continued arguing intensely as a very weirded out [Name] watched in horror and confusion.
"Are they referring to me? What even is the thing they're talking about?" She pondered, her own hand traveled up to feel at her neck. "Itchy...very itchy…" So she did what instinct said and scratched the spot.
"What has gotten into their heads?" Grim suddenly approached the sitting one.
The [color] haired sighed, "Something or other about breaking a pact and a mark on my neck." She turned to look at the cat-monster, "Say, Grim, can you do me a favor and tell me what exactly is on my neck? I just know it itches and feels slightly hotter than the rest of my skin there."
Round azure eyes examined the spot he was told to. "Oh! It seems to be a mosquito bite!" The feline spoke loudly.
"Seriously?! You have those here too?! Uuugh, what a drag!" [Name] groaned at the news.
The yelling suddenly stopped.
"Come...again?" Sebek, for once in their whole friendship, spoke in a low voice.
Grim repeated himself, "What [Name] told me to look at in her neck, it's a mosquito bite… Maybe she got it while sleeping."
Everyone took a good look at the red bump again, letting a small "oh" after realizing their mistake.
"Ahaha… so, uh… guess it was all a misunderstanding…" Ace said, bringing an awkward silence afterwards.
"Anyways, guys," The girl stood up, "Care to explain what was all that about a pact and worrying who did this to me? What about that thing of biting down on the one you fancy?" Peeved [eye color] looked between all of them as she crossed her arms.
"N-Nothing to worry about much, [Name]! I-Its just..!" Deuce began.
"Dumb teen boy things, don't e~ven worry! Ahaha..!" Ace seconded.
Jack cleared his throat, "Something, uh… Leona wants me back at the dorm at this hour. See you around." The tan boy fled the scene.
"Y-Yeah! The Young Master must be soliciting my services! I must go. Farewell." Sebek followed.
"I-I believe Vil called for me earlier!" Epel ran as fast he could, in the complete opposite direction to where the dorm leader was exercising.
"Dumbasses, bunch of dumbasses…" The [hair color] sighed. "They all have a crush in me, don't they?"
Ace and Deuce looked at each other before laughing nervously, "Yeah, we, uh…"
"Have to feed the flamingos!"
"Indeed! Can't let them feed themselves!"
"So~... We gotta go, get changed, into the pink clothes, else they will...b-...b-..."
"Bite! Yeah, they bite and peck very hard!"
"Oh, yes! Aha… So… See ya 'round!"
"Bye for now!"
"That they do...that they do…" Grim confirmed.
Anyways~ hope this was a fun read! ( ^▽^)/
-- -- --
Epel, dear, you shouldn’t be on that section of the library...
Thank you for the request~
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once-upon-a-oneshot · 3 years
Friends with Benefits
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Summary: You and Calum are friends with benefits, but what happens when one of you starts to want something more
Genre: Frat!Calum
Warnings: swearing, sexual themes
Word Count: ~900
“Same time tomorrow?” Calum asks as you clumsily climb out of his bed and search around the room for the panties you arrived in.
“Um,” As you reach under the bed, you feel the silk material in a crumbled heap. You pull it out only to realize that these are not the panties you wore here. In fact, they aren’t even yours. “I actually have plans.” You continued, throwing the panties away from you and wiping your hand on your still bare thigh.
“Plans?” Calum’s tone is doubtful, almost even mocking. But you’re too busy scowering the room for your panties to notice.
“Yep.” Deciding to abandon your search for your undergarments, you grab your pants off the foot of the bed and shimmy them on. “So, looks like you’re going old school tomorrow. Just you, yourself, and Miss Righty.” 
The way you grin to yourself as you pull your shirt over your head annoys him. He hates for any one, especially just some girl he hooks up with, to feel that they’ve got anything over him.
“Bold of you to assume you’re the only girl I call when I need to get off.” He pushes, raising an eyebrow at you. Uninterestedly you roll your eyes at him.
“Not only,” you smirk to yourself, “but best.” He’s trying to best you, but you’re not like all the other insecure girls he messes around with. You know what you’ve got, and you know what it’s worth.
“Again,” it was Calum’s turn to smirk at you. “Bold assumption”. Your only response it to roll your eyes as you bend over to pull on your shoes.
“I mean, for the past three weeks you’ve called me, what,” You turn your eyes towards the ceiling and scrunch your face pretending to think. For added measure you use one finger to solve an imaginary equation in the air. “Oh that’s right, every night.”
You won’t back down. But Calum won’t either.
“Yea, and who do you think I’ve called every morning?” Calum smirks triumphantly. You say nothing as you grab your purse and head for the door.
“Good, then call one of them.” You say it and mean it. Just like it was for Calum, to you this arrangement was simply a business transaction. A mutual exchange of sexual favors. Nothing more. 
“See ya.” You call over your shoulder as you finally walk out of the room. Leaving Calum naked and alone in his bed.
*****CALUM’S POV*****
Friday night. Exactly 22 hours since I last got off. I’m not OCD or anything. It’s just that over the years I’ve found that keeping a strict “booty-call” schedule made it easier to keep track of my endeavors. Not to mention it prevents the always awkward “two booty-calls running into each other” situation. If you’ve never experienced one chick leaving your room half naked, while another chick is walking in ready to smash, trust me – you don’t want to go there. However, it did make for some pretty hot hate-sex.
Not that the schedule really mattered much lately. There was really only one time to account for. (Y/N)’s time. Every night for the past couple weeks. 10 o’clock on the dot is her call time. Usually she won’t get here until about midnight, but that works out perfectly for me. The later it is the less likely she’ll be to try and hang out, or some shit, afterwards.
Throwing the weight of my body on the bed, I pull my phone out of my tight jean pocket and call her.
It’s not until she doesn’t answer that I remember about the bullshit “plans” she told me she had.  Whether they are real or not, they’ll just have to wait. Because right now, I need her. Well, my dick does anyway.
I call again. This time the phone rings twice and then goes straight to voicemail.
She sent me to voicemail.
This is probably all just some elaborate scheme to make me think she actually has better things to do than fuck me.
Two can play at that game
I toss my phone on the bed and head towards the bathroom. The sound of my phone vibrating on the bed makes me stop in my tracks. I smile to myself and eagerly make a move for the phone.
Eagerly? Why are you eager?
I blame it on my being horny. I can’t help the way my face falls with disappointment when it’s my friends contact name on my screen instead of hers.
I must be really, really, horny.
“What?” I bark annoyed. It’s not actually him I’m bothered by, but he’s the one who’s available.
“Dude, where are you?” he’s yelling into the phone, and I can hear loud music blaring in the background.
“My room?” I don’t know what he wants, but if he doesn’t tell me soon this conversation is going to end.
“Oh, I figured you were at that Phi Delta party?”
“Well, I just told you I’m in my room.” I snap. “Why the hell would I be at some frat party?”
I’m far from the type. All those preppy douchebags. Running around with their gelled-hair, short shorts, and flip flops. What real man wears flip-flops other than to the beach? And even that is pushing it.
“Yea but-” the sound of his voice pulls me back to reality from my internal rant. “Your little fuck-buddy’s here so I figured-”
“Who?” I interrupt.
“Uh, you know that one chick. The one you rated best rack!”
“(Y/N)?!” I don’t know why but knowing that she was ignoring my calls, while she was probably running around with some douchey frat guy irritated me.
“Yea! Yea dude her! She looks-” Before he can even finish his sentence, I hang up the phone and grab my keys. I don’t know why I going to the party or what I’ll do when I get there, but right now all I can think about is (Y/N) laying in bed with a douche in flip-flops.
As I finally pull up in front of the huge trashy house, none of the irritation has left my body. Taking long strides, I make my way in the house and navigate through all the drunk teens determined to find (Y/N). I do a quick scan of the living room, the kitchen, the backyard, but she’s nowhere to be seen. With every room I check off the list, my fears of her being locked in one of those bedrooms upstairs with some guy grows.
Just as I’m about to storm up the stairs and kick in every door, I spot her walking through the front door, with a guy following close behind. The type of guy who looks like he wears flip flops. As I watch her grin from ear to ear, I can feel anger rumbling deep in my stomach. Suddenly the house feels hot. Too hot.
My eyes follow them into the kitchen. I count to 10, and I head towards the kitchen too.
“Wooow, hey.” I fake shocked to be running into (Y/N) here.
“Calum.” Her statement sounds more like a question as her eyes go wide.
“Plans huh?” My eyes shift to the tool standing too close to her. I mean come on its burning up in here. Definitely, too hot to be standing that close to someone.
“Yea. Uh Corey this is Calum, Calum this is my friend Corey.” Friend? Her friend Corey? And what I’m? Just Calum? What she should’ve said was ‘Douchebag this is the guy who fucks me better than anyone ever has be-‘
“Nice to meet you man.” Douchebag interrupts my perverse thoughts and reaches out to shake my hand. I don’t want to take it. Who knows where those fingers have been.
Hopefully not in her.
I choke on my own thoughts as my breathe gets caught in my throat. I burst into a fit of coughs and (Y/N) and Douchebag just stare at me like I just grew another head. Douchebag pushes his cup towards me and I take it. As I chug down the beer from his cup, I swear I can taste (Y/N)’s pussy on the rim.
His lips better have not gone anywhere near her.
I can’t stop the thoughts going through my head, or the places my fucked-up imagination keeps taking me, but I know it needs to stop.
I finish off Douchebag’s drink and hand the empty cup back to him. I can feel the alcohol immediately. My muscles ease ever so slightly and I’m starting to function like a normal human being again. I need to regain control of this situation.
“So,” I chose to not even address whatever the hell was going on with me a minute ago. “This is the hot date (Y/N) was all giddy about.” I challenge her.
“You told him this was a date?” Douchebag raises an eyebrow and turns his attention to (Y/N) who’s shooting me daggers with her eyes.
“Well I didn’t use those words exactly.” She says through gritted teeth.
“Damn this is embarrassing,” He continues. I smirk to myself and wait for the show to begin. “Because ... I’ve been telling everyone it was.”
Douche, and I can’t stress this enough, bag.
I can’t help but roll my eyes and scoff, which I play off as another cough.
“You Calum, should take care of that cough, and you Corey, follow me to the beer pong table.” I watch as she grabs his hand and pulls him back towards the living room.
I decide to stay in the kitchen and continue adding alcohol to my system. The liquor burns my throat but for the time being it stops the weird thoughts in my head and helps me think more clearly. I mean obviously I’m not jealous or anything because, why the hell would I be. He’s a douche yea, but not because he’s here with the chick I occasionally fuck. And obviously I’m not irritated with her just because she’s here with a douche. It’s just that I needed to get my dick wet and she ignored my call to be here with said douche. Like he’s somehow more important than me getting off.
I stumble back into the living room and find a spot on the couch. Of course from where I’m sitting I have the perfect view of the beer pong table, and therefore the perfect view and Miss Thing and her new boy toy.
I sit watching them as I down beer after beer. My eyes follow (Y/N) intently as she finally walks away from the table towards the kitchen again. Without thinking, my feet are carrying me to the kitchen right behind her.
“Are you like stalking me now Calum?” she spins on her heels noticing me trailing her.
“Fiesty.” I wink at her. She just rolls her eyes and continues over towards the punch bowl to refill her cup. “I just wanted to tell you how good you look tonight.” I lick my lips while allowing my eyes to rake up and down her body, paying particular attention to her breasts.
“Fuck off.” She rolls her eyes at me while shaking her head. She knows this is a game, and she’s fighting hard not to lose.
“Damn,” I place one hand on her neck tilting her head to the side. “You’re sexy when you’re mad.” I make a move to attach my lips to her neck and she lets me. And I know I’ve won. I suck at the sensitive skin and try to push my body closer to hers. “Let me take you upstairs.” I whisper into her neck.
“See I would,” she speaks but doesn’t move away from me. “But, I have a hot date to get back to.” She finally pulls away from me. “I’m just so giddy about it.” She’s mocking me. She smirks as she brushes past me leaving me and my bulge alone in the kitchen.
One hour, and too many shots later I’m still here. At this stupid frat house with these stupid people. I could’ve just gone home, but something keeps me here. I think it’s my obsession with beating (Y/N). Finally proving to her that she should’ve been in my bed with me tonight. Not here with what’s his face. When the first bit of alcohol entered my system, it helped keep my thoughts from running wild. Now that it’s pulsing through my veins as thick as my blood, the thoughts have returned.
I sit on the stairs, watching as (Y/N) grinds her perfect ass against Corbin, or whatever the hell his name was. It makes me sick. He slides his hands down her hips. He could never navigate her body as well as I do – even if she drew him a map. I’m the one that knows all the right places to touch her. I’m the one who knows all the right buttons to push. My name is the name she calls out while I pound into her.
The alcohol is mixing with my lust and my anger and it’s pushing me.
Douchebag spins (Y/N) around and wraps his hands in her hair.
The way that I do.
He tries to lean in and kiss her, but just before his lips meet hers, I’m pushing him off of her. My mind is confused but my fist are determined. I tackle him to the ground and start beating the shit out of him.
“Calum! CALUM GET OFF OF HIM!” (Y/N)’s voice pulls me off of him when no one else has been able to. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I don’t know how to answer her, because truthfully, I don’t know what I’m doing. I stand there glancing around at all the faces of the small crowd that had formed around us.
“He-You-” I was struggling to find a way to blame them for this. She stands there impatiently waiting for me to speak. Her angered expressions triggers something in me. She thinks she can stand here and face off against me. What does she think? She can intimidate me or something?
“You’re the one who should’ve answered my call!” I bite back at her. “Then I wouldn’t have had to come to this stupid ass party in the first place!”
“Calum get over yourself!” Why can’t she just let me win. Why does she have to be so damn stubborn? My body burns with rage and the faces of all these staring people aren’t making things any better.
“What the hell are you all looking at?!” I yell at the nosy ass bystanders. I probably look like a mad man. Wild hair, sweating, with knuckles busted and bleeding. I look scary enough for the crowd to scurry away in all directions turning their attention to something else.
(Y/N), along with the crowd, turns her back on me.
“Don’t,” I grab her arm and spin her back around to face me. “Turn your back on me!”
“Fuck! Off!” She emphasizes each word never letting any of the anger simmer. She jerks her arm away from me and turns her back on me again. I want to say whatever I need to to keep her from walking away from me. And of all the things I could, and probably should say, the best I can do is:
“That guy isn’t right for you!” The words taste foreign on my lips. I’ve never been one to look of for what was “right” for someone. Especially not some girl. The second the words leave my mouth I want to shove them back down my throat.
Now she’ll think she got me.
Now she’ll think she’s won.
“Right for me? Christ Calum it’s a date, not a fucking proposal!” She’s pissed, but at least she stayed. (Y/N) marches up to get in my face. She’s not done with me yet. “And what the hell do you know about right for me?! We fuck on occasion but that doesn’t mean you KNOW ME!”
She turns around and storms off. This time I let her go.
As I watch her walk away from me, I get this feeling. A feeling in the pit of my stomach. A sinking feeling.
Don’t leave me.
The thought scares me. I’ve never wanted someone to stay before, nor did I ever want to want someone to stay. But as the possibility of her staying faded -- leaving me alone -- I realized how desperately I wanted it. How desperately I needed it. Needed her.
This wasn’t a game. It never was. But as she turned her back on me, I couldn’t help but feel like I had just lost.
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baecvlt · 3 years
This Night Has Opened My Eyes
Kazuichi Soda X Reader
• smut !
• fem reader
• requested by my irl lmao (they also wanted some hcs so)
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“That asshole.. always getting in the way of Miss Sonia and I”
You smacked Kazuichi’s arm, scolding him,“You need to be nicer to him. He hasn’t done anything wrong”. We were in the Hotel Restaurant and it was obvious that Gundham and Sonia had gotten closer since the last trial. Kazuichi didn’t like that one bit. He sighed, taking another bite of food,“Look at him, though!”. He points at Gundham, who is allowing Sonia to pet his hamsters. “Only likes him because he’s a magical cult freak”. You shook you head, trying to explain.
“You think maybe it’s because, I don’t know, he isn’t weirdly obsessed with her?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What I said”
Kazuichi growled, his expression toning down when Gundham approached you both. “You and Kazuichi seem to be two peas in a pod. Tell me, are you both partaking in an intimate relationship?”. Kazuichi was about to get defensive, you just knew it. “What’s it to you?,” he said, fist clenched. Taking a step back, Gundham explains,“I have no such interest in such topics. Rather, Sonia was curious”. Kazuichi’s eyes lit up,“Sonia’s asking about me?”. Gundham cringed and scoffed.
“You’re getting ahead of yourself over pure gossip. Pathetic”
“Watch it, Houdini. I’ll fuck you up”
“Bring it then, you penniless, mediocre mechanic. I’m awfully frightened”
He launches himself toward Gundham, knocking him to the floor. Gundham gets a few small, yet hard punches in before Kazuichi lands the nastiest sounding backhand on his left cheek, making heads turn. As gasps can be heard around the room, Sonia runs to Gundham’s side as Kazuichi couldn’t handle himself afterward. “You! How could you?!,” Sonia scolded him. For the first time in forever, Kazuichi wasn’t having it. “How could I?! Fuck you!”. Kazuichi got up, leaving a hurt Gundham and an appalled Sonia on the ground. Gundham turned to you.
“Control your lab rat or I will”
You felt shitty, seeing Kazuichi go off that way. It wasn’t good at all, but by the looks of his response to Sonia, it seems to me like she won’t have to worry about him for a while now. He looked that mad. You thought to check on him, even if you were severely disappointed in him. You had no clue where to look for him and made a mental note of possible places where he might be: his room, Rocketpunch Market, and Electric Ave.
And so began the quest to look for him.
Checking in his room was too simple. When he didn’t respond, it didn’t surprise you that he wasn’t there. You knew he wouldn’t be. I headed off to the Rocketpunch Market. Even if he wasn’t there, you wanted to use the opportunity to buy him a bottle of Ramune. When you got there, there were voices present. That’s when you made them out to be the voices of Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko, and Ibuki. “So we’re just not gonna discuss what happened back there?,” Nagito intrigued. Everyone sighed in relief. “Finally, you ask something smart,” Hiyoko said,“Yes, we should definitely talk about it! Kazuichi was totally out of line!”. You got closer to hear, without them seeing you. “Are you kidding me?,” Fuyuhiko spat,“I heard the whole thing. Gundham was being a dick. Had I been the one he disrespected, I would’ve killed that bastard!”. “Well, what did Gundham say?”.
“He called him ‘mediocre’, ‘penniless’, and ‘pathetic’. Kazuichi hadn’t once insulted him. If anything, Gundham approached him!”
“I don’t know,” Ibuki said,“That’s still no reason to be violent! Violence isn’t the answer, only heavy metal!”. “Ibuki, what?”. Ibuki shrugged. Nagito thought for a minute,“Did you even hear why the argument began?”. “Well, Gundham pressed him about his relationship with Y/N,” he said,“but Sonia had asked. He made a comment, hopeful Sonia was slightly interested in him. That’s when Gundham called him pathetic”. “Well, it is pathetic,” Hiyoko said,“But harsh”. The conversation then shifted to something completely different. “Why was he so defensive in the first place,” Hiyoko asked, adding,“he could’ve said ‘no’”. Nagito laughed, shaking his head. “Woah! A laugh like that implies, you believe there’s something going on there!”.
“Ibuki, always knows what to say. Always knows what I’m thinking”
“They belong together,” Fuyuhiko muttered,“Its obvious she likes him”. “Is it obvious or did Sonia tell you?,” Nagito asked,“Everyone, in 3..2..1”... and in union:
“Sonia told me”
Hiyoko laughed. “Yeah, but do you see how they look at each other when Kazuichi isn’t thinking about Sonia?,” she asked,“It’s funny, really”. You decided to come out and without saying a word, grabbed the drink and left. No one said a word as you walked by them. Pussies, all of them. Lastly, you took the long walk to the third island’s Electric Avenue.
Sure enough, there he was, putting together a computer (or a different device with a very small monitor of some sort; it looked handheld). You didn’t want to alarm him, for he might still be tense. You lightly tapped his shoulder. “Hey, Kazu”. He wiped his eyes rather fast, removing what appeared to be glasses. You knew he did this so he wouldn’t be seen crying. “Hi”. His voice was quiet and tired. You handed him his Ramune, making him smile. “What are you doing?”.
“Can I watch you?”
“You don’t wanna talk about anything?”
“Not unless you want to”
“Alright,” he said, continuing to modify the device,“Let’s talk”. “What are you doing to that computer-thingy”. He snickered. “‘Computer-thingy’...you’re cute”. Blushing, you were left dumbfounded. “Don’t say that!,” you scolded,“So what is it?”. “I’m making a radio,” he said,“The computer monitor part displays any words that have been picked up by the radio signals. I’ll also make it possible to communicate with them”. You were actually impressed by it.
“That’s so fucking cool”
There was a bit of silence, then he sighed. “Look, Y/N,” he began,“I’m really sorry about what happened earlier. I don’t know what got into me”. You shook your head. “You shouldn’t be apologizing to me,” you explained,“You need to apologize to Gundham.. and Sonia”. He nodded and mouthed an ‘okay’. He agreed that as soon as he saw him and Sonia, he would apologize. Now that Sonia was in the conversation, he got onto that topic. “Sonia and I can’t be,” he said,“I’ve always known this”. You raised a brow and asked why he pursued her for so long.
“She’s a princess. She’s perfect and kind. She never full on said she isn’t interested in me, so I figured she’d go out with me out of pity”
“But wouldn’t that be a loveless relationship?”
“Not everyone deserves to be loved. I don’t. What I fear more than not being loved is being alone”
“You’d rather know someone is there than to be loved by them?”
“Yeah, it’s fucked,” he admitted,“but that’s over now”. While you were screaming internally, you still felt terrible about what he said. If only he knew how you felt. The question is if he feels the same. “By the way,” he began,“I made you something”. There was a small box next to him wrapped in old newspapers and a ribbon bow. “You and Hajime have been my only friends- well, comrades, on this island. So, I made you both these communication devices!”. You opened the box and a small walkie-talkie device was placed. He further explained.
“They work anywhere on the island. Hopefully, when and if we make it out of here, it works everywhere else. So, y’know, we don’t lose touch”
“I won’t let that happen”
He smiled, warmly. He didn’t say anything else. You were both in a trance, looking into each other’s eyes. “Hey!”. Ibuki suddenly came running towards the two of you. You both snapped out of it, seeing what she needed. She fell in front of you, dusting herself off. “No time to waste!,” she said,“Sonia planned a party at the the Titty Typhoon, what a name for a club, don’t ya think? Anyway, its mandatory, so we’ll see you there at six. Ibuki, out!”. Before you could say anything, she ran off. “Well,” he began,“At least now I could apologize to Gun-dumb”. You sighed as he laughed at his nickname.
Parting ways, you headed back to ensure you could shower and ready yourself a little. As you did, you were grateful for the small moment with Kazuichi. Him not wanting to lose touch? Getting over Sonia. It all made you feel so good and now you were head over heels. Finally, you were ready. You opened the door and there he was waiting for you. “Hi, Y/N,” he began,“I was thinking we should show up together, y’know? Avoid awkwardness from earlier”. You smiled and nodded. “Great, come on!”. He grabbed your hand, dragging you along with him.
You got there a minute or two late. When you stepped inside, the music blasted as loud as possible. You noticed the stares from Nagito and Fuyuhiko. “You should find Sonia, then we can deal with Gundham”. He agreed, checking out the room. Finally, he spotted Sonia near the stage. Cautiously, we approached her. “Hello, Miss Sonia,” he said. She turned around, her rather happy expression turning into something bitter. “What do you want?”.
“I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier”
“It’s not me who you should be apologizing-”
“I also wanted to apologize for my behavior towards you that’s occurred from the time we’ve arrived. It was really inappropriate, so I’m sorry”
Sonia was no longer bitter, even if she had the right to be. She smiled, nodding,“Well, I guess when you’re being so nice about it.. yes, I forgive you. However, I really think you should apologize to Gundham”. Kazuichi agreed and explained to her that he was trying to find him. “Well,” Sonia began,“He hasn’t gotten here, but he will have gotten back any minute now!”. As if on cue, the doors burst open.
There he was, as tense as ever.
“Tanaka! I’ve been waiting for you,” Kazuichi said. Once in front of him, Gundham was appalled. “You again? I thought I’ve made clear that I was through with you!,” he scowled, shoving Kazuichi into the stage. “Gundham, let him finish,” Sonia pleaded. “Now you’re on his side? What’s wrong with all of you being so pathetic this day?”. Kazuichi got up, trying to explain.
“Just let me finish–”
“I have no reason to further discuss anything with a lowly, degenerate, and pathetic subhuman such as yourself”
“God, Y/N, I thought you were smarter, but now you’ve fallen for him? You are equally as pathetic!”
“Y/N has a crush on me?”
“God, yes, she does! She is in love with you, you fool!”
“She... loves me?”
Heads were turning and the eyes belonging to them all faced you. There were gasps at first (like this morning), but now there were whispers and small chatter. “Ugh! What’s with you?!,” Sonia yelled,“Kazuichi was only trying tl apologize to you!”. Gundham was the embodiment of the phrase “a face of regret”. “Y/N,” Kazuichi began,“Is this true?”. Your breathing was starting to get worse and worse as you just stood there with an answer, but no courage to confess. You had no other choice, but tear up and say “Kazuichi, no, I-”. You were at loss of words. Then, you ran all the way back to your room.
Once there, you slammed your door shut and locked. You paced around a little, attempting to calm down. When you couldn’t do that, you simply collapsed onto your bed and screamed into the nearest pillow. Your throat hurt and despite having screamed into a pillow, it was still loud enough to hear the scream bounce around the room. You cried into it, for about 5 minutes, moped for 45, then cried again for another 10.
Bing-bong, Bing-bong!
It was time for bed, now realizing that if you didn’t die in your sleep, you’d have to face tomorrow. That was something you didn’t want to do. You began to get ready for bed. Suddenly, there was loud and demanding knocking on your door. You prayed, hoping it was someone here to put you out of your misery upon opening the door, so you opened it without hesitation. To your dismay, it wasn’t the next blackened.
It was Kazuichi.
Your face was all red again and before you could say anything, he spoke. “We need to talk”. You tried shutting the door, but before you could, he forced his way inside. He locked the door behind him. “What?!,” I yelled,“Why are you still here? I don’t want to see you! I can’t-”. He grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours. “You aren’t one for words are you?,” he asked and after seeing you blush, added,“Guess I’m gonna have to show you”. He lay you down and began kissing you; you didn’t hesitate against him and wanted this to happen for so long. His lips felt amazing on yours. He began to kiss your neck, stopping at your chest. He lifted your shirt up and pulled down your bra, sucking roughly on your tits. He then made his way down. All that was left was-
“Kazuichi, what are you..?”
He unbuttoned your shorts and pulled them down tossing them aside. Looking up at you, he moved your panties to the side and began to work his mouth on your pussy. You whined at the feeling, shifting a little. He held you down, his tongue focused on your sweet spots. “You like that?”. You hummed, nodding frantically. His arms were locked around your thighs to hold you down. You took off his beanie and pulled his hair. He sucked your clit, whining from his hair being pulled. You knew he enjoyed it as he began to be sloppy. He moved away and wiped his mouth before kissing you again. “Sit on my fucking face,” he growled. You saw the fire in his eyes as he said so. “Are you sure?,” you asked him.
You straddled his face and he didn’t wait. He went at it, desperately this time. You moaned as your legs shook. You didn’t just want to sit there and feel stimulation. Noticing the bulge growing in his suit, you grabbed his zipper and pulled it all the way down. You pulled down his boxers and his hard member sprung out. You stroked him gently and spat on his cock. You heard his muffled voice grunt, finally deciding to blow him. “Oh, fuck,” he moaned, his nails digging into your thighs. He thrust upward as you enjoyed him even more. This wasn’t your first time, but it was the first time it felt so good. You stopped riding his face and lay down. He took off his entire suit and boxers, positioning himself between your legs. You’d given a blowjob before, but never actually had sex. You wanted it so bad. He pulled out a condom, slipping it on. As he did, you wondered where he managed to get one. He teased you with his cock in hand, pushing only his tip in, making you whine.
“Oh, you’re so wet”
He shoved in, stretching you out. “Fuck me,” you cried,“Please.. fuck me so hard”. He thrust into you hard, just as you had asked. It hurt for a minute. You shook, attempting to overcome the pain. Kazuichi gasped, feeling your pussy spasm around him. “H-Hey, are you okay?,” he asked. You nodded, your eyes watering; the sensation was overwhelming and in a really good way. His cock grew harder inside you, twitching. His thrusts were rhythmic at first. You can tell he was holding back, he didn’t want to hurt you. He wasn’t hitting your spot like before, so you wanted to help. “Baby, i-it’s not- fuck!”.
“I know, I know. Let me just-”
His hips went from a direct thrust motion, to motion as if his hips were scooping upward. You arched your back as he hit deeper and deeper. “Oh, you like that, don’t you?”. You moaned a little louder, covering your mouth as you were embarrassed and afraid someone would hear what went on in your room. He fucked you harder and asked,“Why don’t you scream for me baby?”.
“Someone’ll hear us-”
“Rooms are soundproof, be as loud as wanna be”
With that, you begged him to fuck you harder. He lifted your legs over his shoulders. His trusts were so sloppy, so messy it hit all areas of your walls, tightening around him. Your eyes rolled back, near frothing at the mouth. “H-ah! I needed this!,” you cried. You put your legs to his sides, grabbing him by the throat and shoving your tongue into his mouth. He moaned when you did, your grip on his throat tightening. The asphyxiation only further excited his cock.
You felt the butterflies in your stomach grow, you knew you were close. “Hh-oh, God, I’m gonna cum,” he groaned. Your kisses grew more aggressive as you wrapped your legs around him, pushing his pelvis deeper into you. “Harder, please,” you whined. He nodded, pounding you mercilessly. Once again, you choked him, dominating him with your kisses. Your pussy tightened around him. You bit him, feeling his dick twitch again. He was shaking and gasped, shooting his load into his condom. He collapsed on top of you, pulling out of your dripping pussy. “Oh my god...,” You sighed wrapping your arms around his neck, playing with his pink locks. His head lay on your chest and his arms were wrapped around your waist all tight.
“I’m sleepy”
You smiled and kissed him. “Thennnn... sleep?”. He shook his head. “We just had really good sex imagine if I go to sleep after that?”. You snickered, making a deal with him. “Fine,” you said,“I’ll forgive it if you hop into the shower with me”. He got up so fast.
“Say no more, princess. Let’s go”
Afterward, you gave him a place in bed, snuggling up with him the throughout the night.
Third person POV
The next morning, Hajime walked out of his dorm. He thought to check up on Kazuichi, seeing how abrupt he left the party last night. He knocked on his door, waiting. Oddly enough, there was no response. Hajime looked around, noticing someone in the distance. There he was, Kazuichi, walking out of a girl’s cabin? Now, the cabin belonging to none other than Y/N! He saw them laughing by her door, Kazuichi smacking her ass as she walked in front of him. Hajime backed up fast, hoping he wouldn’t be seen. He then noticed that they were not headed to the Hotel Restaurant. Now, it was starting to get strange and he had to tell the others. Once they weren’t in sight, he ran to the stairs then all the way up.
“Someone’s late”
Hiyoko stared at him. Hajime, out of breath, shook his head. “Don’t be too hard on him,” Nagito said sympathetically,“It looks like he had something to say”. “Well, I was gonna say something first,” Hiyoko was defensive as she cleared her throat,“I think rather than worry about the next blackened, we should worry about who’s fucking is gonna keep us up at night because I could barely sleep”. “Fucking? You mean, like, I don’t know... sex??,” Hajime asked. The girl’s nodded. “See, last night,” Sonia began,“None of us could get any sleep due to such erotic noises that went on till early in the morning. “Ah, yes,” Nagito said so casually,“Then I do know what you’re referring to”. Hajime decided to bring up what he’d seen.
“Kazuichi walked out of Y/N’s cabin this morning”
Everyone was paying attention now. “Oh my god???,” Hiyoko yelled. “There could be an explanation to that, y’know?,” Mikan whispered. “There’s only one explanation when you see him groping her and he doesn’t get punched”. Suddenly, two people stepped in. “So sorry we’re late,” Kazuichi said,“Y/N needed help..with...a busted pipe!”. “Aren’t you the Ultimate Mechanic? I never heard plumber,” Hiyoko scoffed.
“I do it all. Tinkering with stuff here and there”
Kazuichi sat down, Y/N sitting at a completely different table. “So,” Nagito began,“That was quite the eventful night, right, Soda?”. Everyone looked around, having thought they had a world-less mutual agreement that it would be avoided as much as possible. “You mean with Gundham? I already tried apologizing, but-”.
“No, this isn’t about Gundham. This is about last night, last night”
“Nagito, what the fuck are you talking about?”
Nagito laughed, his hand motioning that he gives up and thats he’s over it. Gundham bit his lip, wanting to say something, eventually it came out. “Soda,” he whispered. “Yeah?”.
“You know for a room to be completely sound proof, not a single door or window should be open, right?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Go outside and let me know if Y/N’s window was closed last night”
It finally struck him. His face instantly became flustered. “Oh,” he mumbled,“You guys heard all that?”. Everyone nodded. “Don’t be embarrassed,” Nagito attempted comfort,“If its in any consolation, it sounded like it was good. Hell, even I’m a little jealous”. Y/N still had no idea. That was the case until Sonia had talked to her. “So, Y/N,” she sat down by her,“Are you and Kazuichi together?”.
“Why would you think that?”
“Well, last night we all heard, um, something”
“Well, it’s not that serious, but I do have a question”
“The rooms are soundproof, right? Well, are you sure you didn’t leave a door or a window open or something?”
Y/N choked on her own air. “H-How much did you hear?”. Sonia smiled nervously, laughing in a tone that was just as anxious. “Um, everything?”. Y/N put her hands over her face and screamed. Kazuichi approached her and kissed the back of her neck. “So, you fucked and that’s it?,” Hiyoko asked,“Like, nothing comes next?”. Before Y/N could answer, Kazuichi butt in. “T-That’s not true! I’ll take good care of Y/N and I’m gonna love her forever!”. He rushed his lips to Y/N’s, making her gasp. The tension and temperature grew within the room, as Kazuichi promised he wouldn’t let a thing hurt her.
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