#told me to list things i like about myself and i was like uhh how about things i value <3
yongseungkim · 1 month
#bruhhhh im literally doing the same things to my current friend group that i did to people in high school bruhhh#how do u stop the cycle </3 it is endless#at the very least now i am awARE#but the awareness doesnt hit until im out of the actual social situations#within the moment i feel quite overwhelmed and excluded no matter what i do#i think for me its harder cuz im just also more introverted#so other people might see my quietness as like idk oh maybe she doesnt wanna talk right now#while im seeing things as why am i not being talked to right now :((#its hard i want to show up for my friends a lot of them are graduating#but every group social event makes me feel more and more alone and i have stopped being able to control my emotions in the moment#like just the knowledge of like#if theres only space for 2 people on a sidewalk i'll be that third person trailing behind#and like its always me#groups of three make me uncomfortable#i dont have the confidence to insert myself in a group of two like ever#which is part of the problem for sure#and its like im quiet so even if i insert myself it'll just be me doing NOTHIGN#and saying NOTHIGN#which like ACHK#been getting bad at fighting these thoughts more and more by the day#the onLY thing thats different is my logical side she is#way louder than she used to be before i just gotta learn how to listen to her#in the MOMENT#its always afterwards where shes like told ya so#im doing more for myself too now though really really dont want life to repeat itself for the nth time#seeing a therapist rn who feels a lot better than my previous ones so im holding out hope#told me to list things i like about myself and i was like uhh how about things i value <3#and she was like no LSDKJF#its so tricky cuz like the things i value i dont even necessarily like about myself#i value honesty but honesty if misdelivered stings and i think ive done that one too many times
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skzimagines · 1 year
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Part 4
Characters: Lee Know x Female reader
Genre: | friends to lovers |
Warnings: 18+ minors dni | smut |
Summary: After an argument between the two, Minho tries to make things right with y/n.
“Minho.” I whisper, opening the door enough to let him in.
“Hi..” he whispers, sliding through the door, watching me as I shut and lock it. I step back, giving him some space. Crossing my arms over my chest, hugging myself. “W..what are you doing here?” I whisper. “I came to uh.. I came to say sorry.” He says, putting his hands in his pockets. “I shouldn’t have reacted that way, you were going through a lot. I should have just been there for you.” He takes a deep breath and sighs. “And uh… I shouldn’t… have uh.. told you about… how I feel.. in that way.” He scratched the back of his neck in a nervous way.
I drop my arms and throw myself into him, taking him into the biggest hug I’ve ever given. He wraps his arms around me, laying his cheek against the top of my head. “I’ve missed you so much.” I whisper into his chest. “I missed you too, more than you could imagine.” He whispers back.
We pull apart, look at each other and start laughing. I grab his hand and pull him the rest of the way into my apartment. “So.. what do you want to do?” I ask. “Anything you want to do.” He says with a smile, squeezing my hand that I had forgotten was holding his. “Movie night?” I ask with a childish grin. “Movie night.” He agrees with a smile.
We’re in the middle of a murder documentary when Minho suddenly laughs, making me jump. “What the hell are you laughing at?” I ask, puzzled at what he may find funny about a murderer hiding 31 bodies under his crawlspace. “Fucking amateur, I could’ve done better than that.” He laughs. I look at him like he’s crazy. “I worry about you.” I say, before turning my attention back to the show.
A few minutes pass and Minho moves to get more comfortable. Stretching out his arms and putting one around my shoulders. “That was so cliché.” I chuckle. I see a blush form on his ears. “It’s the best I could come up with.” He chuckles.
The show comes to an end and I walk Minho to the door. “I’ll come over tomorrow, after work. If that’s okay?” He asks while sliding his shoes on. “Yeah, that’s fine.” I say, opening the door for him. He slides out of the door, turning around to say goodbye. “So uhh.. we’re okay then? I suppose?” He asks with a small smile. “I mean, I guess so.” I say jokingly rolling my eyes. “Oh please, you know you can’t live without me.” He says, lightly pushing my shoulder. We laugh before taking each other into a hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He says, slowly pulling away. Still holding on to my waist, starting at my lips. “Yeah, tomorrow.” He catches me staring at his lips as well, he slowly moves his face closer to mine, before pressing his lips to mine. The kiss is sweet, not rough. Filled with complete love. I moan into it as he slowly pulls away. He lets out a sigh. “I’ve been waiting to do that for a very long time.” He whispers. “I wish you would have done it a long time ago.” I say back with a smile. He smiles back and let’s go of me. “Okay, so uhh.. I’ll see you tomorrow then!” He says, slowly backing up. “Okay.” I smile back. He walks down the pathway to my apartment, tripping over the crack of the sidewalk. Whispering a “oh shit.” To himself. I chuckle as I watch him walk away before shutting the door.
Part 5
Tag list: @yumiblogs @chubbyanarkiss @chansbabygirlsstuff @multeciahucho @leaneverleaves2 @park-shina @greysweaters-blog @hwangshoneycake @jisunglyricist @armystay89 @illmakeyousaywow
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bluegekk0 · 11 months
Honestly, I love your style, And I enjoy the way you design the characters we rarely see with the cloak off, like grimm or the pale king. But obviously, No artist is without his flaws, and I presume you do not view yourself to be without any. For starters, While the whole "Pale king is an innocent gubblemuncher" thing is cute, depending on how it's handled, It gets stale, fast. (especially considering purely how non-gubblemuncher PK is in the lore, but whatever, we can just ignore that-) Then, I have a bit of a nit to pick at with the way the "Feral PK au" was handled. Once again, similar issue to as I listed prior, PK being innocent and chill is cute, but it gets old fast, especially when the au is based around this characterization of the pale king. (Also, I didn't like PK and WL breaking up despite WL seeming to still care about him in the game, Unless there was some insane sit-com tier argument they had after PK reincarnated that I was never told about, But ig we needed a reason to ship grimm and pk, since, as most are aware, WL hates grimm's guts, so I doubt she would be ok with sharing, so it makes sense.) And finally, I don't like the missed potential of the "feral PK au". When I first heard of that au idea, I imagined a tragic story where PK comes back, But is almost a wild animal and WL ends up caging him bc she's too attached to let him go.... Instead, It's basically an artifact title, one that only applies to the act 1, maybe even just act 0.5, Possibly act 0.25 depending on how it worked. So, I think a more accurate title would be "palegrimm crack au" /j
(Note that "Gubblemuncher" is not an expression I meant to offend, It's 11:55 AM and I needed to make up something to describe a gremlin who is adorable in their own way.)
okay so uhh. i wanted to keep this short but i have a lot of things to say, though i'll get to the point right away. i don't appreciate those kinds of comments, i'm sorry
don't get me wrong, you have every right to dislike aspects of my au. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. i'm aware that some of my takes are perhaps a little out there. i know many of them stray far away from canon. however, i never claimed that i wanted it to stick to canon, quite the opposite in fact
this au, the whole story, is something i do for myself. it's a little comfort space for me, that i decided to share with friends and other people because they showed interest and wanted to me to talk about it. i did not make it with the intention of creating a coherent narrative, or writing something sophisticated that would have a good plot. i'm not good at those things, i won't pretend otherwise. all this is, is just a silly self-indulgent au that means so, so much to me
and so i understand if some people don't vibe with it. that's perfectly fine, it's not for everyone. what i'm not fine with is people telling me how they think i should write the characters or where they think i should take the story, treating it as if the au is meant to cater to them. that is not what you'll find here, i'm sorry. i find comments like "this is a missed potential" to be a bit rude and quite discouraging, especially since i've never done anything like this and so i'm very insecure about it
some parts of this ask come off as a bit passive-aggressive to me, but that could very well be me overthinking. and because i don't like assuming the worst in people, i want to clear some misconceptions i saw here instead
first of all, the au is not built around the idea that pk is innocent. i've stated before that i don't agree with that notion, he has done terrible things and that should not be ignored. the difference here is that i try to make him more nuanced, and i've personally always loved the theme of well-meaning people committing horrible actions in the name of good. that is where i'm going with my interpretation. he tries to do well, he is very emotional and anxious, he wants to make others happy and be loved. and yet he's still responsible for the deaths of so, so many beings that did not deserve that fate. that is not something i want to ignore, it's something that haunts him constantly, and is a huge part of his character, his struggles and his arc in the au
the reason why you rarely see that portrayed in my art is because, like i said, this is something i do for myself. while i enjoy thinking about more emotional aspects of it, i also want to find happiness and comfort in it, and so i prioritize wholesome art, as that is what i find the most comforting. perhaps it is my fault that i'm not clear enough about this, and if so, i'll try to do better
i will be more short and to the point with the next part, as i've answered many asks about this topic in the past. but no, fpk and wl did not separate because of grimm. they did not separate because of a "sitcom tier argument" either. it was a result of their vastly different approaches to dealing with their guilt and shame (among other things about their relationship), and they divorced while still on good terms. this would've happened in the au even without grimm in the picture, so no, i did not just get rid of wl to make space for the ship i like. that was never my intention, even if pale nightmare is my preferred ship
lastly, about the name of the au, i mentioned before that it wasn't a conscious decision to name it that, people simply started calling him "feral pk" and i decided to keep it. for convenience, and because i thought it had a nice ring to it. that being said, it's still accurate to his character in the au. he doesn't simply "drop the feral act" once he reunites with his family, his instincts are a part of him now. throughout the whole story of the au, he is by all accounts "feral". if you had different expectations for this, then i'm afraid that is on you. you are free to explore the idea you had yourself, it sounds interesting. but it's not something i wanted to do
like i said. i don't want to assume that your intentions were to be rude. but i wanted to respond anyway to clear possible misunderstandings, and emphasize that i don't like seeing comments like this. still, i hope you have a good day anon. if you did not mean for me to interpret it like this, then know that i don't hold it against you. we're all here to enjoy ourselves, but some boundaries need to be made, and this is where i set mine. i hope you understand
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spikeinthepunch · 10 months
okayyy i finished the new ending in Lisa the Joyful so yeah, heres another long Lisa post. this will more so have a short list of what i did and didnt like of the game since i know opinions are often mixed. but ill have a long focus talking about the new content compared to the rest of the game. and will later go on about characterization and writing in detail.
Also while you can find a no commentary video for the new ending, almost all uploads skip an earlier portion of it, so I uploaded it myself! with timestamps.
TW for uhh the same triggers- sexual, physical, verbal abuse mostly.
SO OKAY. Okay.
The brief on the main game....
What I did like:
I like the general story. I enjoyed the horror of watching more and more joy mutants arriving, even some of the warlords being joy mutants already, and normal characters like the uhh shelf vendor guy being a mutant. additionally things like wearing a mask mattering. i think it was important to too still have some weirdos bc thats one of the key things in displaying the cycle of these men's behavior. music always good too of course. i enjoy Buddy's internal conflict too and i dont mind here characterization-- its just the pacing. I actually liked the epilogues a bit more than what the endings actually told us lol... tbh they carry more weight in terms of giving us information about the past. But the ones that hit hardest are the ones where Lisa tells Buzzo to mutilate her so her father wont want her anyways. and the one with Brad's father forcing him to drink alcohol and go with him to lisa's room (to presumedly watch his father abuse lisa).
What i didn't like:
the "original" endings (not the new definitive one) were weak and i am sure most feel that way. I think actually the issue for me is the choice... cuz playing with joy? well i think the "stay with them" makes sense as she gets more fucked up and unstable (and assume addicted). the joyless route makes me feel like i should fittingly take the "leave them" ending bc she is mentally aware enough to know she still hates what happened to her and wants to leave them behind. the choices of them feel conflicting to the routes you might choose but you dont think about it bc there is no consequence to taking joy! the pacing of course is a big complaint. cuz see i dont think the story or writing is horrible i just think it needed to be longer in order to expand on all those things rushed through. the ideas would feel good if the pacing didnt speed through it. the Yado epilogue is fine too but i think just left more questions than answers than the endings themself so i would have rather done without it imo.
As stated i will go WAY more into the characters after I talk about this new stuff. I will talk heavily about what happens in it too so feel free to read this later if you dont watch it... but you really should look at the new Painful and Joyful content as they also kinda go together.
NEW CONTENT..... kind of new ending, it plays directly into it. Unlike Painful where it doesnt alter the actual ending content. and i will go over the normal endings a bit more in relation to this bc of how it affects pacing etc...
So On one hand I like what it added and on the other hand it wasnt great-- which all plays into the games already existing pacing issues. Which is a shame. i liked collecting the items, the meaning of the statues (n the dialog being the same as the Painful one), and the exploration leading up to the warlord fight. I chose not to fight the warlords because they were so damn strong and I like that there was recognition for not fighting back. Idk if i feel like there was a good reason for them to be there but I think it at least gives more meaning to the warlords since they didnt DO that much in the game other than to be killed. Most had barely anything to say.
For the bigger Secret at the grave for Lisa-- I liked this a lot too actually. Getting to hear from the guys their thoughts about Buddy that is from the assumed context theyre already dead here (w how Sticky's death is mentioned esp) is just kinda nice. The further content with Berny and Dusty, where Berny tells him to fight harder and to treat girls with aggression.... yeah that hits. The cycle of abuse really just continues huh. The rest of it is fine, I feel like it does give some better commentary on character's thoughts but it is quite short, and is left on a more metaphorical note with the flowering skull and whatnot.
Now is the part I see more conflict on AGAIN and I dont blame people for being conflicted about it. I didnt mind the way Buzzo talked about Brad in the original-- I dont think that writing was an actual excuse to Brad, I think it was just Buzzo trying to blame himself instead for everything (the new contents dialog with the sticky/rick/cheeks also had good to say on Brad's behavior and not excusing it but talking about the abuse of drugs in the context of that). I did feel that the conversation wasnt enough in the original though, to fully imply that he was talking like that or to give a better conversation on drug abuse. Buuut here we are w the extended new dialog with Buzzo. I did like how he started getting more depressed and angsty about Lisa! And the comment "she would have loved it here" is interesting bc i feel the implication is that she would have loved being in a world where all these men are now gone. but let me move onto the rest bc like, that matters the most here.
woof okay. So Buddy goes off when Buzzo says that which i get. However this conversation falters in the same way the whole game does. Buddy gets a LOT of talking time here. And she kind of keeps going in a way that really doesnt feel plausible you know? The new stuff added more connection between her and Lisa but its not enough to make us think she should be defending Lisa. I think there couldve been a neat exploration of all this comparing to Lisa but Joyful doesnt have that time. While I cant claim it, Buddy's rant kiiinda feels like a rant from behind the scenes with how less in character it feels. Buzzo is made far more pathetic and I don't disagree with this realization that he'd dissolve into a little pathetic man, again the game just doesnt have the time to make it work better.
and dont even get me started on Buddy's inconsistent opinion on Brad... this is like, annoying and I mentioned it in relation to the ending choices. After this new dialog rant Buddy sounds like she is forgiving Brad/coming to realize things about him that gives her more understanding. And i think that is fine BUT the issue is that right after talking to Buzzo the game returns as normal and when she sees mutant Brad approach, she reacts with genuine upset at seeing him and comments how she never wanted to see him again :/
I know at this point there is no way they could have "salvaged" Joyful for this release-- that would be too much and I dont think itd be right to get rid of the old endings entirely (Painful didnt, nor did the new content change anything about it). Its a shame- some of it was good. some of it i think they just shouldnt have done (the end buzzo fight) because it just conflicted more/kind of highlights the pacing problems. if anything i think leaving out that buzzo rant would have made the rest of that feel like it did help the pacing because it gave a pause between the ending of the game. anyways.
righto. i think i covered pacing enough so i will try and leave that out of every comment i make here lol.
So like, I dont have a problem with Buddy's intentions in the game exactly. Her actions in many ways make sense... at least I would say that its fine she is very violent. That is literally the main thing Brad taught her whether or not you look at the start scene of Joyful, it reflects in how she would always be told how dangerous the world is too. The pace of course, makes this all happen so fast.
And of course the biggest hit that I think turns off many is how much talking there is. I certainly love hearing more from characters, Brad was quiet because he was brad, yet no one else needs to be quiet too so i think thats fine. But with Buddy's life it seems like she should have been quiet until her mental state and mindset shifted due to her treatment and justification of violence. even in Painful she seems relatively quiet and Joyful takes place right after pretty much.
In terms of others-- Rando is fine, like hes not that bad. We didn't know him all to well and what we know of Dusty i expected him to be a nice kid, esp w the whole adopted thing. But his back and forth with Buddy was more annoying w how short the game was (doing things, wanting to run to the other place and being stopped for a scene at the campfire by force. repeat.) I did like the whole deal with his friends and later his death too. Buzzo so i dont completely hate buzzo minus the fast jump in the new content. but he was pretty unhinged in Painful and to see it completely drop seemed wrong. i do think it make sense he probably felt loads of guilt for brad... but we just again, didnt get enough time with these characters.
Other characters? Well i mentioned it above but the warlords did NOT get much of any character. Which sucks bc if those parts alone had been extended (their area being longer or more full of interactions) i think it would have helped the game too. In terms of the other antagonist, Bolo, considering he was new for this game I think he was just fine. His role was small in a good way and honestly when he did appear it was for good moments that worked. The whole scene with him, Rando, and Buddy where Buddy tries to save Rando was probably my favorite part lol? Simply bc i think it worked well for all of their characters. For all of them I think it was my favorite moment of characterization-- Buddy's choices to drop or hold him both work for her i think. And yikes, disgusting moment with Bolo. And I will be real, I think Joyful needed that. The game was short so i wouldnt have wanted more but, Painful had it uncomfortable and gross moments and I think that is important to an extent of really pushing the importance of narrative and experiences of Buddy (and reflecting Lisa).
uhhhhh yeah i think thats most of what I can say. iirc i wasnt around for the old kickstarter but Joyful was a stretch goal right? and i heard Austin isnt exactly happy with it either? its really really a shame that it was a stretch goal that felt forced. I get why it was a tempting goal for people but.... it just sucks bc its clear that is why this game turned out the way it did. i wonder often if him not doing much else with the series is simply bc joyful had to be the "conclusion" and its not one hes exactly happy with either. tbh the series could have just been Painful and it would be fine. but if Joyful wasnt a DLC i imagine it would have been likely we'd see a full fledged sequel instead and it sucks it had to go that way. i definitely dont hate the creator for it but itsucks for everyone that even the additions in Definitive cant fix what happened already with that game.
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viperwhispered · 7 days
hiiii ner!! throwing you 💭🧪💡and💌 for the fanfic writer ask meme!! -diodellet
Ty for the asks @diodellet! (also good to see you around again, hope the exams and stuff went well!)
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
Tbf, for my reader inserts a lot of it is wish fulfillment - quite often, they’re more or less thinly veiled self-inserts in disguise. Things I’d like to see, things that I personally enjoy, stuff like that. Write what I want to see in the world, basically.
However, there’s also a big part of wanting to elicit emotional reactions in other people. I kinda alluded to this with my previous answers, but like, for me, the important thing is to tell a clear, impactful story - I’m not that interested in experimenting with language, for example, though of course some that comes with the territory, too.
I was an absolutely voracious reader of books as a kid / teenager (until I got my first laptop, oop), and I’d often just chew through books - which means I have forgotten a lot of what I’ve read. However, I still remember one book where the twist in the end hit me right in the feels, and I specifically took a moment to sit with those feelings in order to remember them.
So I just always love it when I can make my writing impactful enough for it to affect someone. I’ve gotten so many great things and highs and lows out of reading, and I want to give some of that back, if I can.
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
If I need to, certainly. I do typically prefer keeping canon-compliant if I can (unless it’s like an au or something we’re talking about), or true to life in general, so I’ll certainly be checking facts and stuff and trying not to get anything wrong. Plus, just refreshing myself on the tone or speaking patterns of a character feels like research, too.
And of course there’s been those times when I’ve been trying to find out when Japan got flip phones or other things like that. I'm totally that writer who goes down a research rabbit holes for like one or two lines of fic.
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
Uhh… Depends? WIPs I’ve actually put some words in? Two that I’m actively aware of, probably others buried somewhere in the depths of my files. WIPs that I have ideas for… Well, on my list there’s six more or less vague concepts that might or might not become something.
I’m not really one to bounce between wips, so it’s pretty much one main wip at a time for me, rotating in the brain until it gets cooked (or left waylaid).
I suppose it helps that I kind of had a break from writing before Fixation happened so I don't have much of an idea backlog, so to speak.
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Where do I even start… I mean, with the recent fics, pining sure is high on the list. Just, all the fluffy parts of a (pre-)relationship. For more specific tropes (like only one bed or fake dating or whatever), I don’t think I have strong preferences. Whatever works for the particular story, really.
For my smut I’ve been told I tend to play around with power dynamics a lot and yeah I can’t disagree with that.
(ask game here for anyone else curious)
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sweetroyalberry · 10 months
ooc; TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you know
Name: Neku
Pronouns: he/him/his [starting to consider they/them]
Birthday (no year): February 24
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Northeastern USA; EST
Roleplay experience: ~1.5 years, starting with Puyo Puyo Tumblr RP (yes I am serious) that led to friends recommending me to try FE indie RP. I went on hiatus for a few years but am back in closed RP form.
Got any pets? I only had some short-lived goldfish when I was veeery young
Favorite time of year: Winter
Some interests and things you like: Math (ew), gaming, music, golf
Some funfacts & trivia about you: Okay how did I miss this my first time uhh I try to do competitive gaming in Smash and Splatoon! Also I had a very brief time of playing drums when I was younger but now I just keep the rhythm to myself.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Smash Bros, Splatoon, TWEWY, Touhou Project, and (most current delusion) Kiseki/Trails
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fighting, Empoleon (this one is too hard)
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Older brother has exposed me to many franchises I liked, with this time being him showing me a bit of FE7 on his totally legal GBA. From there I eventually played it myself but first got to complete Awakening later on and it snowballed from there.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All of them barring FE1, 3, 5, and Three Hopes. FE4 is also technically there but I have attempted to start it many times; oh and FE12 as well.
First Fire Emblem game: Blazing Blade
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Any Fire Emblem crushes? I think Lyn was my first due to FE7 being my first game (very creative I know), and now currently Ayra is probably within my walls
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Tiki - Fates: Kagero - Three Houses: I literally cannot remember and am too lazy to check but let's just say Shamir - Engage: Ivy
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Promoted mages, specifically Sage
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Probably General because I'm too big.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Sigurd would be my pure gameplay pick, but Ike would be really fun to vibe with [he's probably my favorite lord behind Alm!]
How did you find TOA? Short story: N. Longer-ish story: I started to desire trying to RP again, especially with my rekindled interest in FE thanks to Engage's reception, and then I begun hanging out with N more and he told me more about this place. Yeah, said it was only longer-ish.
Current TOA muses: Mae, Sonya
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Mae is someone I saw (not too highly) placed on 2022-2023's Most Wanted list and I knew I wanted to do an Echoes muse to start. I don't know if they mesh with my own personality/style well, but they are definitely fun to play around with still. :>
Have you had any other TOA muses? Shamir was a short project that got smashed up due to a busy summer/nerves, but I do want to visit her again someday. Her voice and personality is very strong, but might not be for me.
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Magic cool. Pegasus knights cool. Sword people cool! Personality-wise, I think I try to veer more toward social muses, which like I said w/ Mae doesn't really fit me in real life but...hehe.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I'm still trying to find a general vibe, but I really do like writing scenarios that deep-dive into muses' thoughts, like...not 100% angst, but still not light?
Favorite TOA-related memory: I'm still young but running in right as everyone started kissing each other and being able to join was...very good.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? I somewhat shown off my more out-there delusions via tier lists (highlights being Yglr from a very brief attempt to bandwagon from FEH Book II hype before reminding myself why I hate bandwagoning) and I made my interest in Citrinne pretty public, but currently (when I am NOT getting absorbed into Alm-route side material oh god spare me please) I am desiring Anna Fire Emblem. No specification on which one, because that's part of the fun for me too :)
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jokertrap-ran · 1 year
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[Gakuen K] SCEPTER 4 Route: Chess Translation
*Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) *Gakuen K Masterlist / Gakuen K Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler FREE : Translations under cut !
Ran: Hello?
Ran: No one’s here… It’s pretty late now, so maybe he went home.
????: Are you looking for me?
Ran: !?
Ran: You scared me! Since when were you here…?
Munakata: A while. Though, I did not attempt to erase my presence here.
Munakata: You seem to have a tendency to concentrate way too hard, tunnel-visioning onto what is before you. You may want to rein that in a little.
Ran: R-Right. I’ll keep that in mind.
Ran: (I suppose I’ll just have to be straight with him and tell him that I didn’t manage to find anything that might be of satisfaction to him…)
⊳ Choice: Tell him the truth
Ran: Erm… About the thing you told me to get for you…
Munakata: Oh? Have you found it?
Ran: Sorry, but I couldn’t find it.
Munakata: I see. That is truly a pity.
⊳ Choice: It’s a little hard to tell him that
Ran: (It’s a little hard to tell him that outright…)
Munakata: And what of the thing I told you to find?
Ran: !
Munakata: Have you found something that would satisfy me?
Ran: No…
Munakata: I see. So you did not manage to find it after all.
Munakata: Then, how about you accompany me on a whim of mine?
Ran: A whim…?
Munakata: Yes. Come on then, over here.
Ran: (What whim of his is this supposed to be?)
Ran: (I didn’t pass the test… Is he going to deny me entry and add a lecture on the top of it?)
Ran: (He’s all smiles now… I wonder what’s going to happen if he’s actually mad…)
Munakata: What is the matter? Come here.
Ran: C-Coming!
Ran: (I’ll just have to brace myself for whatever comes next. And well… I hope I manage to get home in one piece.)
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: (Uhh, the bishop can only move diagonally and the Rook can move both vertically and horizontally…)
Ran: Okay. It’s your turn next.
Munakata: Heh. I never did think of you as someone familiar with chess.
Ran: Not really. I only know how the pieces are supposed to move, at best.
Ran: (I was super surprised when he asked me to play a game of chess with him, but why would he do that…?)
Ran: (Maybe I have to win this game to get into the Club? Well, whatever the case is, I’d better do my best!)
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: Does the Blue Club play chess often?
Munakata: No, this is just a hobby of mine. It is your turn.
Ran: (Hmm… Oh, looks like I can take his King with this.)
Munakata: Are you sure you want to make that move?
Ran: (...Is he trying to imply something?)
Ran: (Is this a test? I can’t afford to be swayed by him.)
Munakata: Hm. I see now, so that is what you are aiming for.
Ran: (Just a little more till I can call check!)
Munakata: You are trying to go for a check, are you not? Unfortunately… Checkmate.
Ran: What!?
Munakata: As I have said earlier, it seems like you have a habit of tunnel visioning onto what is in front of you, rather than seeing the bigger picture.
Ran: (Aww… He actually did a checkmate…)
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Munakata: I win.
Ran: Thank you for the game. Erm, Munakata-senpai—
Munakata: You wish to enter the Club, correct?
Ran: Yes…
Ran: (He’s definitely refusing, isn’t he…)
Munakata: Why are you interested in joining the Blue Club?
Ran: Huh?
Munakata: You should have been granted a good many choices, so why choose us?
Ran: Can I be straight about this?
Munakata: Of course, there is no need to be polite about the matter.
Ran: I just thought that the Blue Club was cool.
Ran: The uniform, the air you all give off, to list a few. They’re all things that I admire.
Munakata: That is to say, you were drawn to our appearances and the way we carry ourselves?
Ran: Yes. That’s why I wanted to observe the activities of the Club to see what it’s really like for myself.
Munakata: …Very well. I will grant you temporary entry.
Ran: R-Really…?
Munakata: Yes, really.
Ran: But, why?
Ran: I couldn’t find anything that satisfied you, and neither did I win the game of chess…
Ran: Plus… my motives for joining might have been too flimsy. Or at least, I think it is.
Munakata: I see. If I absolutely have to put a finger on it, then I dare say that I was intrigued by your honest answer. It is as simple as that.
Ran: (Is it really okay for him to permit me entry just like that?)
Ran: (Munakata-senpai’s a strange one, that’s for sure...)
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Next Scene: Temporary Entry
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nixytea · 2 years
➴ — CHAPTER 007
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there were many ways you were expecting your break to go. option 1: be dragged off to an hour-long mathematics consult where you wouldn't understand a word. option two: grab taehyun and make a run for it. option 3: pretend to sleep so chaewon wouldn't be able to beg you to accompany her.
but nothing could have prepared you for the fourth possibility: kim sunoo. just kim sunoo. no explanation needed. to be honest, your every interaction with him to date had been weird, as though he was someone you should be close to, but at the same time you barely knew each other. yet you'd spilled your guts out to a stranger like him, told him things even your best friends didn't know about. ironic, wasn't it?
"let's hurry. can we talk in the music room?" your hand gripped his tighter as you pulled him along. "i have so many questions for you."
"let's hurry. can we talk in the music room?" your hand gripped his tighter as you pulled him along. "i have so many questions for you."
a while later, you and sunoo were seated cross-legged on the parquet floor of the music room, your wiggling toes brushing his sock-covered ones. "let's get straight to the point. how do you know jake's best friend? are they a good person? where can i meet them to pass them the diary? would they be willing to let me read it? was jake-"
"whoa there, slow down. that really is a long list of questions, but i'll try to answer as many as i can." sunoo sucked in a deep breath, as if he was trying to calm himself down. "okay, so basically his best friend wants to read the diary, since you offered. he says he'll decide whether to let you read it once he skims the contents. do you want me to pass the diary to his best friend or...?"
oh. you bit your lip, pondering what sunoo had just told you. "actually, if it's okay with them can i just meet them in person?"
sunoo's cheeks turned red, eyes darting around nervously. "uhh...they said they're not comfortable with that, actually, so um. yeah. there's that." he sighs, shoulders slumping as he sees your dejected face. "look, i know you really want some information about jake. is it because you want some closure? yn, i get it, but weren't you guys really close? you probably already know everything there is to know about him."
"sunoo...you don't understand. my life's gone six ways to hell since the accident. i can't eat or sleep without thinking about him. i can't focus on my studies, i just don't know what else i have left in life other than to miss jake for the rest of my life."
"i get it, yn, of course you need time to grieve. but i promise you the pain won't last-"
'no, no. you don't get it. i want to stay this way. i heard enough people tell me at his funeral nonsense like 'he was a good boy', 'he would've wanted you to keep smiling for him'. i just want to keep hating this stupid life of mine. i need to cry. i'm terrified that if i try to turn myself into some positivity mascot and forget about him. so no. don't tell me to look on the bright side or any of those lies, or i'll go deaf from hearing it all."
an awkward silence filled the room, but all you could feel was the simmering frustration churning in your stomach. you weren't even mad at sunoo, you were just...tired. tired of how unfair, how cruel fate was to have stolen your brother away like he meant nothing to the world.
you expected sunoo to yell at you, leave the room, maybe even ignore you. instead, he inched closer to you, spreading his arms to wrap them around your shoulders. your body stiffened at the contact, heat flushing against your neck.
“it’s okay, yn. i can be bright enough for the both of us.” his voice was soothing, like a faint ray of sunshine breaking through the rain clouds. small, but warm and there. so you sat in kim sunoo’s warm embrace, safe and grounding.
half an hour later, the bell rang, signalling the end of your break. as you left the music room with sunoo, you spotted a sheet of paper on one of the music stands. the name scribbled haphazardly on the top stopped you in your tracks as you snatched the paper into your fingers so violently the music stand toppled over. “it…it can’t be,” you whined, tears streaming down your face as you checked again and again, that you were reading the words right, that the name was one you recognise all too well. one glance at the contents of the paper was all sunoo needed to hold you again through your heartbreaking sobs, as you clung to the last traces of your brother.
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since your brother’s sudden death, your life has been turned upside-down. disillusioned from life’s supposed wonders, you just want to stay mad at life. but class president kim sunoo is a living, breathing ray of sunshine - your worst nightmare. luckily for you, he’s not leaving you alone anytime soon.
a/n: so uhhh, i gave in lol i like word fics too much so this chapter became a mix of both. sorry i know this is a bit later than usual haha i stayed up to write cuz i wasn’t satisfied so HERE YA GO <33
taglist (open) @lockburn-castle @sheismultifandom
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deviantartdramahub · 8 months
Alright, today I'm talking about this thread to talk about this unfortunate encounter with this Probium person.
First things first, they intruded the conversation I was having with this Patchi person, who was fortunately way more kinder and understanding than the person I'm mainly talking about. But anyways, Probium for whatever reason thought our conversation was his business now, and entered to bring out their hatred. Also going "I don't intend to attack Club" *he says as he's attacking Club and immediately trying to get me to unfriend him* After I tried reasoning with him about how untrustworthy Club's harassers are, he spams me with two replies at once for some reason, the first one saying "I'm autistic (doctor-diagnosed). I don't RP with anyone, especially not including diaper fetish" Uhh okay I didn't ask, what does that have to do with anything?? I never said YOU were the bigoted one, you moron, and you're also further slandering Club by saying it's a fetish, so "I don't intend to attack Club" my ass. Then the other thing they said was "Why don't you look through it and analyse for yourself, and how do you know these are bigoted trolls? If I told you I was one of those people exposing him, AND I'm autistic (he claims to be autistic too), how would you feel?" Look through and analyse for myself? HONEY PLEASE, I've been a victim of theirs myself! I know damn well what's going on with those fuckers. Maybe don't assume I don't know shit when I do. And if you told me that I would be like "Okay I don't know you and you're admitting to contributing to the harassment of my friend?? Lol okay then ig get blocked." You want to pretend you're special, but you just invaded a conversation. You were never a friend, I won't treat you any different than I treat the other DADramaNow trolls, dear. Also it's a shame your contributing to ableism when you yourself have autism, tsk tsk.
They then wanted me to define bigoted and list reasons why I knew DADramaNow was that. So I did. I gave them a good list. And I'll admit the things about Tam was a misunderstanding. Though rather than talking about my reasons like a normal person, they simply brushed off ALL my reasons with a "no". Then proceeded to rant about Club. "In fact, I have reasons to believe Club is bigoted. Transgender woman named Eden Knight committed suicide knowing that she was sent to Saudi Arabia to possibly be executed? "Oh no! Anyway..." also, constantly shunning other people's stories and struggles to make way for his own to vent about his love for diaper 5yos and make the AUTISM excuse." Yeah now I definitely know the whole thing about "nOt InTeNdInG tO aTtAcK cLuB" is bullshit to try and look innocent. I'm not dumb or blind, honey. And explain to me how the living Hell that woman committing suicide should be blamed on Club??
Of course I was having NONE of this bullshit anymore. It was clear all this person wanted to do was slander my friend and didn't want to listen to a thing I said, Ig a sad attempt of manipulating me to get away from him? But that whole thing was just immature as fuck. I then cut ties with him there and blocked him after giving the final blow, bc there was absolutely no reason to continue dealing with that headache of a "conversation". Why bother trying to talk to someone if they're just gonna tune you out and only worry about what THEY think and what THEY have to say??
I honestly shouldn't even TRY to reason with people like this, yet I tried anyways. And look where that got me -_-
DADramaNow and their supporters don't want reason, they just want mindless slander.
The saddest part is people misunderstand how trust is supposed to work, and that gets us in this kind of situation.
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tears-of-boredom · 10 months
oh my god this fucking tumblr dash i frogort aobut it already and my figner are fucking freezing so i cant tyoe for shit
anyways so i was browsing like you know one of those websites that streams a bunch of shit for free, and i saw a show called BEEF, just BEEF, it wasnt an acronym or anything. so fo course i had to see what was up duh?? so i finished the first episode. and i fucking love it. i mean the whole time i was lowkey chanting "kill someones kill someone kill someone" but you know how good media does that to you right. but yeah so when the episode finished, i noticed that my heart was beating really fast, like as if id drunk coffee. like lowkey i wouldnt have been surprised if i had passed out onto my desk. but so if my bodys reaction to the show is anything, i enjoyed it. im going to watch the next episode when i either A: feel like i can handle my pulse rising like that again without freaking out or B: i wanna get an adrenaline rush because im really depressed and need to feel something. but yeah this is totally just like that time i watches thor ragnarok, and it took like multiple weeks for me to get through it because i just couldnt handle tom hiddleston. but thsi time i refuse to believe that its any of the actors. i am trying to convince myself that im not that shallow. tbh i just loved the last scene where uhh,,, hold on whats her name okay its Amy. so i loved that scene where she got to fuel all her anger into running after Danny and yelling shit at him. like i know its not for a good reason but i feel like my girl really needed just some way to let some steam out. anyways yeah i am going to go read something that i give zero shits about now because my body is still on alert from that. it feels like im planning on having a voluntary social interaction with someone, which i am not. aka i am anxious as fuck but in this way where i kinda dont want to be, but my body just reacts so strongly that i really cant fight it. ya know social anxiety. except sometimes its triggered by just a good tv series.
honestly its probably just that im excited, because that episode was good,, but because this jittery and kind of stressed feeling isnt really like, often present in my life in a positive way, i just can't tell excitement apart from anxiousness. ya know. normal " i have awful social anxiety" things. or more like "i am severely mentally ill and am not getting the treatment i need" kind of things. pick one. or both. tbh the adults suggested uhh like occupational therapy, and i got a list of therapists from my doctor. but my trust in any kind of help the adults try to give me is so fucking deteriorated that i cant imagine it ever actually helpoing me. and if i told that to an adult i know they would say some shit like " well i f you go in all negative of course its notgonna work!! you gotta want to heal for it to work" and oh my god im drviing myself into abreakdown here so haha i wish that the adults would fucking understand that i fucking have severe anxietyy and trust issues. and that not believing a form of therapy is going to help me, isnt the same thing as not wanting to be helped. do you fucking know how badly i jsut want someone to finally give me some type of actual support or aid or help oh my god. okay my fingers are getting really aggressive on the keyboard. im gonna go fr now. i fucking hate adults. and im tired. and i have trust issues. and i ahve anxiety. and while my medication does help me to go about my day a bit easier, because i dont find myself digging mental holes for myself. it doesnt help for shit when im in a situation that in and of itself is anxiety inducing for me. and i dont fucking like how i cant tell the difference in my mood between the lighter and stronger dose. because i cant fucking say that its not heloing. because i dont know that. oh my god i am so horrible at stopping myself from venting. going now. okay. bye.
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thenasoneshots · 1 year
Ben x Reader: (UNTITLED)
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Fluff, ig
Reader's Relations (Non-Biological): Best friends with Evie and Mal
Reader's parents: Hans' daughter (cause I find the severe lack of Frozen a crime)
Warnings: ig spoilers for the first film?
Other notes: I slightly changed this from what I told my Discord friend cause I thought this was a better idea…also this will include at least one of my Descendants ocs…. Elyna (who is Anna and Kristoff's daughter) This oneshot starts part way through the first film, like when they have the Parent Day (or whatever they call it)  cause idk how to write the start of the plot idea I have for this oneshot…
"It's you! Your father tried to kill my mother you litt-" before I could comprehend what was happening, Elyna had pounced on me. I was warned she had a bad temper, but it still confused me. She kept slapping me in her rage until she was pulled off me, "Calm down, Elyna!"
"Let me go, Dad! I need to teach her a lesson."
I then noticed a hand out the corner of my eye and smiled when I realised it belonged to Ben. I accepted the help and he pulled me up, wrapping an arm around my waist, "Elyna, what have we been talking about? Whatever her father did, you shouldn't take it out on (Y/n)."
"N-no, Ben, she's right, I've been horrible to some of the people here, I know. Just-would you give me a minute?" Without waiting for an answer, I ran off, not noticing Mal and Evie following me until I felt a hand rubbing m back and another pair holding my hair back as I threw up in the toilet.
"ou feeling okay, (Y/n)?"
I looked to Mal in the brief moment the sick feeling stopped, giving her a, "you think?" look, before facing the toilet and throwing up again.
I raked my hands through my hair pacing in the dorm room I shared with Lonnie, "What is wrong with me!? That's the third morning in a row I've thrown up!"
"Any other symptoms?"
I rolled my eyes, "Want me to list them all? There's the morning sickness, my appetite has increased, I've been more tired than usual, the mood swings and last of all, my damn period is late!" Jay and Carlos' faces turned slightly pink at the last bit, Mal and Evie looking at each other before their gaze turned to me, "Well, there's no easy way to say this but-"
"(Y/n)!" Lonnie shouted, bursting through the door, "I need you for an experiment!" I noticed the small box in her hand as she grabbed my wrist with the other hand, "Come on."
"Whoa, I'm in the middle on a conversation! Can it wait like 2 minutes?"
Before Lonnie could reply, Evie had stood up, placing a hand on my shoulder, "(Y/n), I think Lonnie's experiment is going to tell you the same thing we were going to tell you, go with her."
"(Y/n), have you told Ben yet?" Evie asked as I reached into my locker to get m Chemistry book out. I shook my head, "Of course not! Evie, are you crazy? This is going ruin his life! Seriously, like how do you think that's going to go? 'Hey, Ben, I'm pregnant, you're going to be a dad!' 'Oh that's great (Y/n)! We're totally ready for children!' No, he's going to hate me, and his parents are going to hate me-why's your face white as a sheet?" I cut myself off asking her.
"You might want to look behind you…" she trailed, before running off. I closed my locker and turned to see Ben standing there, wide-eyed. A million curse words were running around my head begging to be let free as he walked over, "Hello, (Y/n)."
"Uhh… hi, Ben… You didn't hear that conversation did you?" I asked, 'nervous' written all over my face. He nodded and hugged me, "Yes, I did." I froze and broke away, "I-I gotta go!" I dashed off, back to my dorm and packed all my stuff into a bag, well just the things I'd need on the Isle, and left, leaving a note on Lonnie's bed for her to explain; "Gone home, DON'T tell my friends, and especially don't tell Ben, it's better I leave, (Y/n)."
-----------------LONNIE'S POV
When I got back to the dorm I shared with (Y/n), I was surprised to see her half, kind of sparce, and I saw a not on my bed. I picked it up and red it before dashing off to Mal and Evie's room, "GUYS! (Y/n) went back to the Island."
"W-what? Why?!" Mal asked, standing up from her bed, "For what reason?!"
"She didn't say, just left this note," I showed the two of them the note, letting them read it before Evie spoke up, "I'll bet I know why this is. This morning, I was asking her if she'd told Ben she was pregnant yet and she said she hadn't. What she didn't know was that he was standing right behind where we were talking so he heard the whole conversation. I'll bet (Y/n) left because she didn't want to either A) feel like a burden to him, not saying that she is, just saying this is what's going through (Y/n)'s mind, or B) that she doesn't want the whole of Auradon to hate her, I mean, a new girl comes in who is also a VK, gets the Prince of Auradon to fall in love with her, then gets pregnant with his child? The whole of Auradon is gonna think that she's been a bad influence on him and that she's doing this to get the throne, because isn't that what her dad did? Try to marry princess Anna and kill her sister so he could take Arendelle's throne? (Prob spelt wrong)"
"True. We should tell Ben, he's going to start wondering where she is eventually."
"Have you guys seen, (Y/n)?"
We all turned to the door to see Ben standing there, a worried look on his face.
"NO!" we all shouted at the same time, "Haven't seen her at all since yesterday…" I continued.
"Lonnie, she's your dormmate you must have seen her last night."
"Okay… fine, maybe we do know where she is… she… she went back to the Isle," Mal spoke.
"W-what? Why? Actually nevermind, I'm going to get her back, who's with me? No, seriously who is coming with me, I have no idea how to navigate the Isle."
-----------------YOUR POV
"Stupid feelings, why does this have to happen to me?"  I sighed, lying on the sofa before placing a hand on my stomach, "You  are a little troublemaker."
"(Y/n)? You here?"
My head shot up at the sound of Ben's voice, "W-what are you doing here?!" He walked over and sat down beside me, "I came to get you back."
I rolled my eyes, "Ben please, think about it; You know what my father did, the whole of Auradon probably believes that I just want to take the throne, like my father tried to do in Arendelle! If the people of Auradon find out I'm pregnant, they're going to hate me and believe even more that I just want the throne!"
"(Y/n), please. Trust me, I'll be there for you if that happens."
I sighed and stood up, walking over to a small table in the hideout. I picked up the small cupcake, walking back over to Ben, "Eat this, please."
He took it from my hand and took a bite as I took a deep breath walking off, "Ben, please go back to Auradon." All I got in reply was arms wrapped around my waist, "Not without you."
"Ben please, tell me, do you feel anything towards me?"
"Well, we'll see. Just let the love potion effects wear off."
I looked at him wide-eyed, "HUH?!"
"Washed off in the enchanted lake."
I blinked several times, my face going bright red, "S-so you meant everything that night?" Instead of replying he just hugged me, "Yes… please come back."
I smiled, "Okay." We walked back down, and I walked a few steps behind Ben, wanting to surprise my friends.
"Ben, is (Y/n) coming back? Did you find her upstairs?"
"I did… and I talked to her-"
I made my entrance, "Think you could get rid of me?" I spoke walking down the final few stairs.
I took a deep breath standing on the balcony, standing beside Ben, his arm wrapped around my waist, "I-I can't. I can't be the queen of Auradon, but I can't turn my back on the Isle. A decision was made," I paused and took a deep breath, "to close the barrier forever and it was my idea, however, I was.. Wrong. I have learned, that you can't live in fear because it doesn't actually protect you from anything. It's impossible to know where the bad is going to come from and you never know where the heroes are going to come from either. Without my friends, Uma and her pirates, Auradon would be gone, and without Hades, Audrey would be gone. Everyone is capable of good and bad, no matter what side of the barrier we come from, which is why, if I am to be the queen of Auradon, I need to be the queen of the Isle too. It's time to take down the barrier forever."
The barrier was brought down and I smiled, placing my hand on my stomach, "And Evie, while I remember, I think my dress might need some adjustments."
------------------------END OF ONESHOT
I'm ending this before I get carried away. I hope this is good as my first Descendants oneshot, the request form is up now on my bio, please request oneshots for Descendants.
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iero · 2 years
Me doing TWO tag games on the day I was tagged in them?! Unbelievable! Anyway, I was tagged in two tag games today and would like to do them, so here we go!
Tagged by @mikhailoisbaby for this first one! Thank you Harvey for the tag! 
Last Song: Talking in Your Sleep by The Romantics.
Last Show: Stranger Things. 
Currently Watching: ... Stranger Things LMAO. I’m on a rewatch. It’s literally on in the background right now as I’m typing this. 
Currently Reading: Nothing currently... :( *sighs and opens up ao3*
Current Obsession: My Chem and their live shows and seeing what outfit Gerard has up his sleeve every night along with, you guessed it, Stranger fuckin’ Things has been bringing me the most serotonin the past few months! 
Tagged by @mishervellous for this other fun one! Thank you always Paola for the tag! 
Name, age and pronouns: Kam, 28, they/them
If you could live anywhere, where would you live?: If money/cost of living wasn’t an issue, Seattle, hands down for me. 
Something on your to-do list today: Considering it’s after 8 PM here, nothing. I told myself I was gonna make a home cooked meal for dinner this morning anymore though since I’m in a bit of a depression spell and I DID and I cleaned up pretty fast too, so pat on the back for that for me. Depression whom? 
Describe your current outfit: I’m still wearing what I wore to work this morning LMAO. Creepy Co. horror themed button up (it looks like this) and black jeans! 
What’s the last song you added to your playlist(s)?: So, I don’t really make playlists so much as listen to ones other people made these days, but the last song I added to my music library was Scrawny by Wallows! 
Favorite holiday: Halloween! It’s coming! 
Something you’d find in your bag/purse/backpack: LMAO, all I carry is my wallet... Uhh, nothing really exciting in there except essentials. Oh, there’s probably a bunch of old food gift cards that either expired or have, like, two bucks on them at most in the one slot. I need to clean out my wallet. 
Something you’d find in your bedroom: Oof, what do I say here...? My framed Eddie and My Chem posters...? The teddy bear that sits on my speaker guarding my bedroom...? 
You’re giving a TED Talk, what’s it about?: My Chem and their herstory... How Eddie Munson can still be alive/come back...
What’s something you’d still like to do this year?: See My Chem and live to see 29, I suppose. Don’t really have high hopes for the rest of the year LMAO. 
Tagging @revengeera, @ghostlyvalour, @ofalltheginjoints, @mrsinistertype, @milkovski, @dangerlemon and literally anyone else who wants to do this! :) 
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neon-jackalope · 1 year
Was requested to do all the numbers by @nicothepico
1. selfie
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2. what would you name your future kids?
Hypothetically i like Athena, Gülben, Reza
3. do you miss anyone?
Some of my siblings
4. what are you looking forward to?
My trip to Washington this summer
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
My coworker nate
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
Used to be. Now i just move forward
7. what was your life like last year?
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
Annoyed no
9. who did you last see in person?
My boss
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
Very good
11. are you listening to music right now?
Yep, tan dun compositions
12. what is something you want right now?
To get railed and some kosher pizza
13. how do you feel right now?
Deeply and woefully depressed 😘
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Uhhhh a couple months ago my mom hugged me when my dad died
15. personality description
Rolf from ed,edd and eddy but make him spooky and jewish
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Yes. Its a daily struggle
17. opinion on insecurities.
Its normal but you should work past them
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?
Absolutely not
19. have you ever been to New York?
Used to live there
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
Cruel by tori amos
21. age and birthday?
Gregorian july,1st 1992. Hebrew 30th of sivan 5752. Age 30
22. description of crush.
Truthfully like my uncle anush
23. fear(s)
The ocean, jellyfish, arachnids, christmas nutcrackers
24. height
5’10” / 177.8 cm
25. role model
Che guevara
26. idol(s)
Uhhhhh none?
27. things i hate
Cauliflower. Texas
28. i’ll love you if…
You let me info dump and actually take an interest in what im going on about
29. favourite film(s)
10 things I hate about you, the craft, fiddler on the roof, yentl, umma
30. favourite tv show(s)
Inuyasha, naruto, uhh various documentary shows
31. 3 random facts
I assume about me so..
1. I have marfan syndrome
2. Im multilingual
3. I have 14 siblings
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Mostly equal mix at this point, though most of my close friends are neither
33. something you want to learn
How to sing
34. most embarrassing moment
Thats hard because im a fool. Probably when i out of habit from my job, i met newbies in my synagogue and i reached to shake the wifes hand and i forgot she already told me she was shomer negiah
35. favourite subject
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Spiders crawling out of my mouth
Going back to school and my hebrew teacher speaking to me backwards
Becoming an artist
37. favourite actor/actress
Michelle yeo, melina kanakaredes , parminder nagra.
38. favourite comedian(s)
Kathleen madigan, margaret cho,
39. favourite sport(s)
Soccer/futball. Hockey
40. favourite memory
My summers in cloudcroft
41. relationship status
42. favourite book(s)
The black tide of heaven by neon yang
43. favourite song ever
Impossible to narrow down to one.
44. age you get mistaken for
I was once told i looked 37 when i was 24 at the time so do with that what you will
45. how you found out about your idol
I dont think I have one
46. what my last text message says
“Also long. And emotional” (recent death stuff)
47. turn ons
Very long list.
48. turn offs
Being conceited. No weird sense of humor. Toe jam.
49. where i want to be right now
British Columbia
50. favourite picture of your idol
51. starsign
Gregorian cancer, hebrew gemini
52. something i’m talented at
Track and field
53. 5 things that make me happy
Japanese food
My friends
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
Whether or not im about to snap and sling myself off this mortal coul
55. tumblr friends
So many. Just check who i reblog from lol
56. favourite food(s)
Baklava, gözleme, litteh torshi, lamb
57. favourite animal(s)
Bats n lizards
58. description of my best friend
Ethereal, we are not worthy. German
59. why i joined tumblr
Porn and witches
60. ask me anything you want
Well whats your question????
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fer4ldyke · 23 days
emilia. thirty-one. lesbian cis woman. she/they pronouns. !! this is a sapphic usfw / nsft blog. minors and cis men dni !!
hi, hello. welcome to my horny blog! my name is emilia ( em, emi, mills + anything nice you want to call me ) and i’m a service top who can switch a lot depending on the mood but mainly i’m really really into giving pleasure. i’m also a huge tease, god, i love teasing and make the other person a whimpering mess. i made this account because im ??? horny all the time ??? i’m a very hypersexual person and i need a place where i can pour my thoughts and needs without shame, so i hope this is the one. this is and will always be a safe space for trans people, bisexuals girlies and enbies, butches, femmes and everything in between. def not a place for cis men, but very friendly toward trans men although my interest stops there.
basics: should go without saying really but minors, terfs, swerfs, biggots in general, and pro isnotrael people dni. if you’re between 18 and 21 i have no issues as long as it remains platonic ( i can be your dyke godmother kitten don’t worry ). if i follow you but you feel uncomfortable with my age feel free to soft or hard block me no hard feelings there i completely understand. don’t be weird, don’t be disrespectful, but please, please be all the filthy you want. i can’t think about anything else but if i do i’ll add it here. bye.
icon image by jeniferprince . more under the cut.
general: respect and communication above all. good girls, rough doms, lingerie, toys, power bottoms, mean femmes, sexting, teasing, pleading, hair pulling, name calling, roleplay, bdsm. specifics:
using my mouth/my mouth being used. im so so into eating someone out or suck them dry fr i get so wet just thinking about it. i love to get my face ridden, too.
praise. i have uhh issues and i love being told im doing a good job or how good i feel. i’ve never been called a good girl or a good boy but fuck if i don’t want to. this applies while in a top or a bottom role i don’t care i just wanna be good for you.
edging. mostly i like to be edged. i have a hard time controlling my orgasms sometimes i cum really hard and really fast, i’d love someone who could tame me. however, edging someone and having control over their orgasms make me wild so … ungjjkl yes.
riding. god i love being ridden because my clit reacts wonderfully every time. i love having to hold back while i watch my rider move and bounce and moan. but i also like to ride, i get so fucking desperate i’ll definitely bruise you. just .. let’s ride each other, babe, please.
spanking. i have a heavy hand and i love having a whimpering mess across my lap. i love kneading a full ass, getting it red and tender and taking care of it gently afterward. come here, baby, let me spank you.
rough touch. i like to grab and bruise and being grabbed and bruised. i have firm hands and prominent curves, im not afraid to use them.
cocks. god, i get so wet thinking about them. i need to be dicked down so bad.
domming. i just thoroughly enjoy manhandling people, giving them orders, and having an overall obedient, pliant, sensitive little thing all for myself.
experimenting. trying new things, being shown new things … i’m very open to them as long as they’re not on my hard limits list, so … try me, babe.
already too horny to think of anything else rn but id most definitely be adding to this so keep an eye out ig!!!
no. being called mommy. i can be daddy, but def not mommy. although this can change with time or depending on the mood, that’s why it is on this list.
yes. poly. i’ve never tried it before but i want to. i’d love being a couple’s toy, an inspiring third, an spectator … make your offer and let’s see ;) . THIS ONLY APPLIES TO WLW AND WLNB COUPLES.
yes. submitting. never done this before either but there are days ( and seasons lbr ) when i’m feeling really bottom-y and i’d love to try being submitted, manhandled, and fucked into next year by a good, feral domme.
yes. cnc/dub-con. i have a very healthy, experienced approach to this, especially with victims of abuse who use it to heal and/or decompress, but i like communication to be at its top so it is safe for both ( or more ) parts.
scat/piss kinks or anything body waste related.
anal. giving or receiving, just a hard no.
minors, ageplay, dd/lg.
furries, animal related kinks in general, zoophilia and the like.
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noc10h12n2o · 2 years
hi, me again. just thought it might be nice to do another little update, since its been four years since my last one. i still think about this blog, and by extension this part of my life, sometimes. i guess it would be kind of hard not to.
anyway uhh i moved to a different country? i have a job and im in the process of getting my masters degree. i also rent my own apartment, in a city that i love and allows me to explore an inner peace ive never felt beforehand.
also clean and sober. its coming up on my four year anniversary for most of it. i did slip up a couple of months after my last update but it was managed. covid also wasnt entirely easy, and i think i share this sentiment with a lot of addicts when i say that quarantining came with a lot of triggers. i relapsed on alcohol for a while but thats also under control.
im not going to pretend its all easy and amazing. the older i get, the more i realise how truly fucked up it all was. i feel a lot of guilt for the things i did, and anger towards the people in my life for how they treated me. i look at people now, who are the same age as i was when i was going though what i went through, and i honestly have no idea how i did it. i think moving away burst the bubble i was living in since i began recovering, because before where i would have felt proud of myself for getting through it, now i just feel sad that i even had to. i also think the new life im building has a part to play in that, because the more i share with people, the more my experiences are put into perspective through the eyes of people who are not desensitised. a few months ago was the first time someone took the time to hold me and tell me i did not deserve it.
in that same vein, i am learning how to open myself up to people again. i am no longer interested in being the mysterious enigma that never gets close to people, the person that everyone wonders about. i am also learning how to let all the love in my life in. something that was said to me almost ten years ago now has haunted me and followed me. someone once told me that he was convinced i was incapable of love unless i was high, and no one would ever love me if i wasnt. since he said that, i have unknowingly carried those words with me. i really honestly truly believed i was soulless and unloveable, and had this belief confirmed by others who took my vulnerability and used it against me. because of that, i see now that i have allowed myself to become an entirely fearful pessimist, believing i was doing a kindness to the world by not letting anyone love me, and by not loving in return. but thats no way to live a life, and that realisation takes years to build up, a second to recognise, and even more years to undo. i am on the undoing side of it, but it is definitely not easy. sometimes it feels like a really sincere apology from the people who fucked me over would go a long way, but i have had to make my peace that that will never happen, and instead take up that role as the apologiser to myself.
im trying to think about how to sign this out, because im afraid that this update is a lot less upbeat than my last one, but honestly i dont know how many people are going to even see this. i check every so often and my art still gets notes, maybe 20 or so a month, but my follower list is a ghost town which i do think is a positive thing.
even though this might be less upbeat, i still think it is important to share, because yes recovery is not linear. if i had written this post another day, it could have been sunshine and rainbows because sometimes it is. but the reality is you are going to be mad sometimes. you are going to want to hold your younger self and cry it out together. life is going to feel harsh and cold and mean. but it isnt always. the bad times get further away, and good times fill your present more. you learn to forgive yourself, and you learn that there are new people out there who would never do what the old people did. and as time goes on, the tally of days you wake up and think "everything is going to be okay" gets larger and larger.
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Hello! Can I ask you about your Japanese learning journey? :) When did you start and how are you learning it?
You can indeed! It's kinda funny actually because I never really meant to learn Japanese. It was a "maybe I'd consider learning it in the future but tbh I'd probably choose Korean if I decide to learn an Asian language and I think it'd be too difficult for me anyway" language, a language on my someday list but never seriously.
Then my friend @lagom-languages started learning it in September 2020, and before long she was writing hiragana and talking about what a great language it was. So I wondered how difficult it was to learn hiragana. I was just curious! So I downloaded Lingodeer and started learning hiragana. And I really enjoyed it and found that, actually, it wasn't so difficult. So I learned katakana and some kanji too. Lingodeer also has like 1 free lesson as well, so I did that, and was surprised at how quickly I learned it.
"It won't last," I told myself and all my followers. "I'll get bored and I'll stop doing it at some point. And that's okay! I don't really want to learn Japanese right now."
I decided to try Japanese Duolingo. I raced through the hiragana/katakana/greetings skills, but then found it difficult to memorise vocabulary. I realised I'd have to start writing things down; I'd have to actually make a conscious effort to learn these words and this new grammar if I wanted to progress. And I did want to progress. So, I picked up a notebook I'd recently bought that was just begging to be used for Japanese, and finally - a month after downloading Lingodeer - I admitted to myself that I'd accidentally started learning Japanese.
I used a variety of resources. Duolingo was one. I also listened to the podcast Nihongo con Teppei and used an app called Kanji! for practising writing kanji. I'd also look up the kanji I'd learnt on Duolingo on jisho.org to check how to write them, and then I'd practise. Practising kanji became a bit of an obsession (and is definitely not the most effective way to learn Japanese lmao). My Norwegian teacher at the time was also learning Japanese, and he recommended the textbook Japanese From Zero. So, I got myself a copy, and started using that as well (I have *opinions* about their way of teaching hiragana and it's very slow-paced, but it was useful). I finished that in... uhh... May last year?
And then I wasn't sure where to go. I thought about taking italki lessons, but I felt like I was *too* beginner. And I didn't really want to get JFZ book 2 because it just wasn't a great book for me personally. Also, I was less inspired to learn Japanese because of a complicated situation I'm not going to go into. So, I decided to put Japanese on pause to focus on Norwegian.
Well. I focused on Norwegian. And then I decided it was time to take the Bergenstest. I was super motivated and eager to improve my vocabulary and clean up my grammar and boost my writing skills. For about 2-3 months. As the exam drew closer, I did what I always do when I have an impending exam: I got distracted by other, shiny, less-urgent things.
I'd planned to study another language after the Bergenstest. It was gonna be Spanish, actually. But my birthday present from my mum including the Genki textbook and a beautiful cherry blossom notebook. That birthday present boosted my motivation to learn Japanese again. And so, on the days I should've been reviewing vocabulary and doing yet another practise paper, I found myself dabbling in Japanese on Duolingo and scouring italki for the perfect teacher. A week or so before I was due to take the test, I booked my first italki lessons with two different teachers.
Now I take two lessons a week, one with each of those teachers. I occasionally study with Genki, although the amount of romaji really annoys me lol. I listen to the radio and podcasts as much as possible and watch Japanese Ammo with Misa videos on youtube. I also have Anki decks for vocabulary. 
So yeah, I probably could've just said that I started studying in September 20202, stopped in May 2021, then started again properly last month. But I decided to write an essay instead. Hope you enjoyed it!
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