#its a lot its a loooooot
astrovagrant · 8 months
astarion act 3 dialogue that has me gnawing my hands right off
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im gonna . die. this particular dialogue is kryptonite to anathema "i want to foster love in people who need it so that they can go on and love others too, but i don't think the love should be focused back on me because of how i see myself occupying this world" strangelove. she is. a bit taken aback by this frankly! she's feeling all sorts of things she doesn't know what to do with!
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toadsrbutch · 2 months
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me going to bed at 9pm
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centrally-unplanned · 5 months
VOR Martin Luther King Jr.
MLK is probably the best english-speaking orator to ever live - I highly recommend digging into his interviews actually, its slightly surreal if you have the ear for it how good he is. I think he deserves his rep fully - the Civil Rights movement was, fundamentally, a pitch for empathy from non-Southern voters to intervene into Southern affairs. He knew it, a loooooot of people didn't, he made hard choice after solid call for that goal.
I do think that fundamentally, nothing was going to stop civil rights from happening in the US? Segregation is just obviously stupid and wrong and socio-economic changes were radically highlighting that. But I think it could have taken a lot longer, and been a lot messier (read, dead bodies), without effective messaging and leadership. MLK was that. A+, could be S- depending on your scale.
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lostcryptids · 5 months
can we get a brief skinamarink review bc i cant decide if its worth watching or not ive heard mixed reviews.
Ok well...I would say check it out to decide for yourself because you might have totally different taste from me but, I was really bored by it. It's a lot of shots of walls in the dark and tv screens in the dark and a toilet and a little toy on the floor and a bed in the dark. and a creepypasta looking shot of a girl with her eyes gone. Stuff like that. Just a loooooot of walls. Not a good movie to watch if you like stuff happening
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Thank you so much for tagging me before, I hope this isn't too late (?) Days are hectic for me but nonetheless, I would very much like to touch up on your tips and advice you have when writing for Luis. I loved him in the remake, and I would very much love to do him justice in some form of written work!
Thank you for reaching out, this really helps me!!
HIHIHI ITS NOT A PROBLEM AT ALL!!!!! And don’t worry it’s NEVER too late!!! I have stuff sitting in my inbox from like. December HCNEHNDJDJJXNS
I Must admit I’m not really an expert nor am I much of a profession fanfic writer or anything- I only do it for fun!!!! So if you want something like, more specific PLEASE pretty please feel free to ask I’d be more than happy to help!!!! But in terms of general tips and tricks??? Here’s a few that I have under the cut!!!
As weird as this is gonna sound a lot of time I’ll just go and watch Luis’ voice actor André Peña’s streams on Twitch to try and pick up on lil mannerisms or speech quirks that get shown in-game!!!! If I can find an example I’ll put it here, but just generally picking up on what Luis would theoretically sound like if he were talking in a casual conversation helps me out!!!!! (Also he’s just in general a very lovely guy and his twitch streams are always fun so I reccomended them if you’re able to catch one!!!)
On a similar note, if you’re watching any cutscenes and any small characteristic sticks out to you- use that to your advantage!!!! I’ve always noticed how he kinda smiles differently when in different situations/levels of stress/talking to different people so I use that to my advantage when writing scenes with him!!!!
OR OR EVEN, if you’re able to and have the time, go look at older livestreams where the cast talk about their roles in RE4R and see what André has to say about Luis!!!!!! I’m more than happy to link the streams once I can find them again if you want!!!!!!!!! Seeing the actors be so genuine and passionate about the characters and putting their whole selves into the role truly does make them feel just so,,,, h u m a n <<<<33
Also, I know everyone and their mother says this, but research truly does help!!!!! There’s a LOT of things people miss about his character if you only view him on a surface-level or go into his character assuming he’s just a cardboard cutout ‘bad-guy-turned-good’ Typa character, so reading analysis posts on him to get a better idea of why he does what he does and how he is as a person will really help!!!! (Obviously I’ve got my own posts under the tag #luisposting or #othersposts, but the lovely @blveherb has some amazing posts of their own I can’t recommend enough!!!!)
There’s a LOOOOOOT of just. Very incorrect misinformation out there HXNSUSJ (staring at you resident evil fan wiki. Staring at you. VERY HARD) so if you ever come across a post that seems to only lean towards a negative view of Luis as a character or never gives him the benefit of the doubt,,,, it most likely won’t have been made with good taste in mind or properly researched HCNEHENDUDJ
Also also also, looking for things that he was directly inspired by!!!!!! I C A N N O T make this post without mentioning the 1957 Don Quixote film- it’s free on YouTube and it is SOOOOOO SOSOSOSOSOSOSO GOOD!!!!! Capcom TRULY put their all into the Don Quixote symbolism in his character and if you’re able to get your hands on a copy of the book, it’s well worth the read!!!
AGAIN on a similar note- looking at his culture and history is SOOOOOOOO important!!!! For example, the beginning of Seperate Ways features Luis doing a style of Flamenco called ‘Seguiriyas’- and once I’m awake in the morning and fully able to navigate the horror of the tumblr tagging system I’ll look for a post that goes deeper into this HCNEHWNEUDJDIS but Indigenous and Spanish culture are full of such rich and beautiful history you can pull from it is SO worth taking a look!!! Not to mention, you can play around with the fact that Luis was raised pretty Hardcore Catholic or the fact that it’s implied his Grandfather fought in/would have survived the Spanish Civil war as concepts a ton!!!
And if you’re writing specifically for Serennedy, taking a look at the Queer history of Spain/Europe as a whole is DEFINITELY worth your time!!!!! Looking back and remembering the people who came before us is always important and lends a hand to how we perceive our own funny lil fictional guys BCBEHENEJDNXJ
That being said, I only ever see this with writers who already have bigoted views and you seem like literally the nicest person EVERRRRRR so this TOTALLY isn’t directed at you!!!!!! But it’s super important not to fall into just straight-up racist stereotypes- calling Luis a predator, saying he’s a sex-driven animal, generally referring to him as ‘dirty’ etc is stuff that unfortunately you don’t JUST see with Luis but with many other POC characters too (like Carlos for example- he gets the brunt of it a LOT) so when you see stuff like this, don’t be afraid to call it out!!!!!!
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awsugar · 1 year
what feelings and emotions do you have about november 1 2007?
well i made a post about it last year on november 1st but basically my thoughts and feelings are that is gerards best look of all time he served absolute catholic cunt ugh.
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so good. but also frank being the absolute like antithesis of gerards high gloss look wearing a hoodie on the red carpet with a frankenstein mask over his head and sneakers and ill fitting pants
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and at first like. at first glance youre like oh frank is being a little shit. but then you realize its the day after his 26th birthday and hes in germany at the height of his career and like of course he is hungover as shit...he wanted to be comfy and also he was probably a little bit being a little shit because we know he doesnt care about award show dress codes.
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and then on top of that fact that he looks like he just rolled out of bed like if you look beneath the frankenstein mask you see that he has one of the sweetest faces ever crafted on this earth and he hasnt shaved and its all very much a lot to handle for me.
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imagine im giving you a deep dreamy sigh because i am. oh and also his pretty hair. all while gerard is looking like THAT. its just something that takes up a loooooot brain space for me.
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for when you wake up: 3 (w/ kobra, 6, 9 and 16 + fun ghoul for the kj asks :PP
3 - What would they do if something happened to Kobra?
kind of depends on the something. if he's injured during a fight or something along those lines, ghoul's main priority becomes Getting Kobra The Fuck Outta Here. if it's am emotional something then ghoul will be there with distraction upon distraction to cheer him up- here lets go run over these paint filled balloons and/or small explosives with your bike! hey kobes wanna try out that new disarm you were practicing on me? you wanna binge all the karate kids with me?- and then more often than not as kobra calms down he'll eventually just start spilling whatever's up and ghoul will just listen and he rarely even has to say anything because he knows it'll understand. but if something really bad happened to kobra, like if kobra were to fucking die, i think ghoul would just shut down. he'd probably leave the diner with the intention of not coming back because it fucking hurts to live in the same spot his best friend had called home for so long. and maybe he'd be bitter about it, cursing kobra's name for fucking leaving him like that, like everyone else does, like he promised he never would. he wouldn't mean it but it'd blame him for dying- "youve won so many useless fucking fights why'd you have to give up now". i think hed talk to kobra a lot actually, under his breath, like hes still standing right next to him. maybe thats part of the reason why he leave the diner, he cant handle the pitying looks he gets
6 - What’s something they know they shouldn’t do and could get them in serious shit, but they still do anyways?
hes a little asshole that just loves pushing too far and saying all the worst shit to all the wrong people (see ttid chapter 2? i believe? as an example). its not like kobra where hes trying to pick fights, just sometimes he gets bored and when that happens he doesnt have as much control over his mouth so he speaks without thinking a loooooot more than usual. he also totally just. eats incredibly toxic chemicals when hes making bombs and shit. hes not deliberately gulping it down or anything but if be gets some on his hand (bc he Does Not wear gloves) he'll just lick it off. he figures hes already radioactive and shit anyways therefore chemicals cant fucking hurt him
9 - Get in, loser, we’re going back to middle school- what’s the edgiest song you associate with this character? (if you associate any songs with them, that is)
heres two bc i couldnt pick (the first hasnt left my fucking mind for days bc of you)
16 - Where do they consider that “home” is?
i think, for the longest time, ghoul doesnt really believe in the concept of having a home yk? his home is with himself, he keeps on the move and never really settles down with any one crew or any once place (bc yk. trauma.) and i think its only when he's dying in the city that he realizes his home was the desert- the one constant he's had throughout his whole fucked up life. i think ghoul hates knowing hes gonna die in the city the most out of all of them because he should be dying at home dammit! he was born there, his entire life was spent there, he should get to die there too. and yeah dying with family for family is a close second, but its not the fucking same, and i think that homesick is one of if not the last emotions he ever feels
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ravenstargames · 1 year
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #2 | 02.28.23
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It is time for our second devlog! 💜 🎉 We made it!
Sadly and as we anticipated, February has been a hell of a month, and March is promising to be the same. I'm mostly glad we made it through. We have a lot of work to do as the trimester comes to an end and there's a considerable amount of things due to before March ends in regards to our intensive master. The team and I are a bit on the stressed side, but we'll make it.
Let's see what our overworked and exhausted souls have managed to pull off this month, shall we?
Warning: Seyl is lacking sleep. The amount of typos and oopsies in this devlog may be higher than usual. Apologies in advance!
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Raquel started to fix some sprites this month as we had planned, starting with Neela, the second supporting character you'll meet in the demo, who needs a bigger revamp than the rest of LIs. The three characters left without a sprite already have their character sheets and moodboards done, so that's something! We do not want to spoil anything from the character department as we think it's cooler to meet them with their info sheet and with their sprites polished and pretty, so we are hoping we can speed up the process during March!
One of our goals this month was to do some promo art for Valentine's day, and we somehow managed! Special thanks to Raquel who was very excited and invested on this wonderful piece of Xal! 💜
I also worked on the Valentine's cards last minute and just for the funsies, so I really didn't expect them to be as well received as they were! Thank you all so much!
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A bit of lore here: Raquel, Astro and I have a class assignment due in March where we have to fully design and render two backgrounds—one interior and one exterior. It's a ton of work, but luckily both Raquel and I have had the chance to orient at least one of those backgrounds to Lost in Limbo.
Raquel is working on Amon's office (and it's looking so great already!) and I'm doing an isometric view of Ara's room. We are always looking for ways to work on the game while doing our master's assignments, but it's not always possible. Hopefuly we can also work on two exterior backgrounds for the demo with this assignment!
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A very simple man, Amon is. Can't you tell by how minimalist his office looks already? *cue laugh track*
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This is just a sliver of our flowchart's power! You shall tremble!
This month has been more about planning than writing for me. Remember last devlog when I said I wanted to do some tweaks to the demo script? Well, I have at least been able to properly think about it and draft it. The only thing left is writing it down and implement it to the current script to see how it flows. There'll be even more changes (again) because I have some THOUGHTS (again), and I'm really excited about them. It's adding more content of each LI to the demo to balance things a bit.
I have also been doing some cleaning to our lore documents and I have finally sat down to write every little piece of story from Lost in Limbo in 'chronologic order', more or less. It will help me to always have the bigger picture in mind when writing the routes, and I would love to have everything important settled before the demo release. It's a loooooot of information—not only about the characters and their past overall, but about the world, its many systems, its people...It'll be equally fun and stressful!
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In the programming department it has been all about adjusting positions, sprites and definitions to make all the characters fit properly in different scenarios as I code more of the script. Solo, with two characters in screen, with three, with four... It has been a ride (and still is, because I have not finished yet) but it's very rewarding to see everything starting to fall into place. I have also tested more things, like the CGs, the animated backgrounds or some cool transitions! I can't wait to implement the GUI when it's done, uuugh!
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Just three besties going to the forest in the middle of the night. Nothing to see here.
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This month we have an amazing preview of our GUI! It's still cooking, but we hope we can show you the finished version very very soon! We are soooo excited about it, it's looking perfect so far. There's a few changes to make, but we wanted to at least show you a screen so you can have an idea of how the game will look like!
We want to add more options like a dyslexic font, a skip mode that jumps directly to the next choice without having to wait for all the text to be skipped, and more utility / accessibility options!
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Lost in Limbo and Ravenstar's color? Not purple, of course. Why do you ask?
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This month hasn't been as productive as we would have wanted it to be, but we have managed to still get some progress done. We are begging for March to give us a bit of freedom, specially mental because we honestly need it. It has been difficult to deal with the pressure of our studies and the weight we place on our shoulders wanting to dedicate as much time as we want to LiL. It's frustrating! But we'll get there. Baby steps, as they say!
Exciting things are on the horizon, that is for sure. This devlog has been a bit short and I'm honestly exhausted, so I'll free you! Thank you so much for reading and for your unending support. We are incredibly thankful for all of you! 💜
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padfootastic · 1 year
dear miss padfootastic: harry learning he's gonna be a dad and promptly losing his mind and going to the only person he can think of for dad advice: sirius.
gosh miss imp i have so many thoughts about this!!!!!! (i wrote almost all of this and realised that i did it post birth lol bc that’s the moment that made the most sense to me but we can easily doctor it to be pre birth as well!!)
- the first time harry holds james sirius in his hands, he has to dip out in three minutes flat to puke all over the nearest washroom. it’s sirius holding him, brushing his hair back, and soothing him on the dirty hospital floor. tells him that he did something super similar when he held harry for the first time too. it doesn’t hit harry then.
- when they’re all back at home, the first few days, it’s all a sort of frantic autopilot where he has no time to think. it’s only when things calm down a bit that he realised how his hands shake and his pulse races when he thinks about being a father. it’s not…debilitating bc it’s his duty, one he asked for, and harry’s never been one to back down from a duty. but it’s still—he doesn’t want to be a passable dad, he wants to be a good one.
- so he goes to the best one he knows: sirius.
- the thing here is, harry thinks he’s gonna be a terrible dad. he was abused and neglected in his most developmental stages of life, never really knew what unconditional love felt like let alone parental, and does not trust himself around a vulnerable defenceless child. knowledge of his anger and it’s consequences does not help.
- but also to consider: sirius had almost an exact similar experience. he was equally terrified to be a godfather for harry bc he never trusted himself w delicate things. so he knows, intimately, what’s it’s like to fear yourself.
- it doesn’t get better with one conversation. sirius knew this going in. what he does, instead, is help harry become confident by being there, always, without fail. makes him see that he’s got this down pat, and his child loves and trusts and adores him and there’s no greater privilege than that. he’s there every single time as a safety net, to tell harry that nothing will go wrong, yes, but also to prove he doesn’t need anyone else.
- it’s also a whole lot of ‘omg this is so difficult, you did this for me?????’ and just. realisations about ‘omg u changed my diaper??? i peED ON YOU??????’ that basically make it impossible for him to look sirius in the eye for a few days.
- another point to consider: harry sees sirius with jemmy from an outsider pov yeah? and he can finally see what others have all this time: how sirius looks at someone he loves wholeheartedly, how much he adores his children. and it’s humbling and awe-inspiring and a bit terrifying. imagining the full force of that love directed towards him, making him wonder what he did to deserve it
- there’s a loooooot of midnight/asscrack of morning firecalls/mirror calls etc for emergency assistance bc ‘are babies supposed to sleep like tho at! he’s been farting all night sirius iTS SO BAD! omg his poop is green padfoot is my baby toxic?????’ ykno. normal new dad stuff.
(and this is random but there’s also one,,,,forbidden conversation with sirius about it he’d ever hated him bc harry had some very unsavoury thoughts in the beginning when he had teddy that he hates himself for to this day and if he has to hear his godfather say he didn’t want him to get rid of them then he’ll do it. it’s a tough but necessary one)
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pwnyta · 3 months
It's funny that some Ants love Hazbin Hotel given the creators "problematic" past
I can't remember everything but I do think she had a character that fucked a snake? Or a character was nude and wrapped in snakes? Either way, I remember twitter going absolutely buckwild over it and calling for her to be cancelled and all that jazz (I wanna say this was when the OG pilot dropped?)
Those drawings were done when she was younger, and a lot of people delve into problematic stuff when they're younger since you're trying to find yourself and whatnot (maybe teens aren't NOWADAYS. But I read a loooooot of "problematic" shojos when I was a teen. And I still do because fiction is fiction)
Hazbin Hotel is one thing... its certainly not the most egregious show lots of ants like... like Southpark... really? Girl. Or that butler manga or the toilet boy manga...
Yall fuckers gotta get a grip for real tho. (me @ them)
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aira-writes · 2 years
BNHA Boys as Normal College Students
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
Genre: one-shot, bnha imagines, college au, fluff, crack, humor, sfw
Warnings: language, suggestive? idk lol
A/n: hey everyone, I promised I’d try to upload a loooooot right? So here it is! Btw this isn’t from my drafts. This will be a series (ig, lol?) and it will feature some of the BNHA boys that I’m fond of. I just finished creating two episodes of this from scratch—in two hours (idek how I managed to do it, but nonetheless, so proud of myself) In addition, I’ll be gradually updating this short series. (here's to hoping I’ll get to finish them *cries* I’m also thinking of having atleast 4-5 episodes with different characters each) This plot’s chaotic, SO CHAOTIC. So read at your own risk. This contains grammatical errors since it is not proofread. Mwah.
Characters are in college
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Episode 1: Bakugou Katsuki (The Drummer)
“Come on, y/n! It’s Fridaaaaay!” Ochaco whined as Momo tugged your forearm trying to convince you to come to them at a newly opened bar a few blocks away from school.
“I told you guys that I have to pass.” You smiled sheepishly and guiltily knowing you have been extremely busy for the past week and wasn’t able to go out with your best friends that much. “I have a lot of upcoming exams this week.” You added.
“I know you’re busy and all but we’re just gonna look at the place real-quick!” Momo spoked as she continued tugging at your arm.
“Please, please, pleaseeee, come with us, y/n! Promise we’ll leave after 15 minutes!” Ochaco added.
“I heard there’s a new band performing so we gotta go there, y/n!” Momo tugged some more.
“—WE’LL EVEN TAKE YOU HOME OURSELVES!” they both said in unison.
You stared at Ochaco’s futile attempt at a puppy-eyes and to Momo’s hold on your arm.
And after a few seconds of staring at them back-to-back, you gave up and just groaned. “Okay, fiiiiine.”
The girls squealed and gave each other a knowing look.
You knew that these two won’t take no for an answer and the earlier you get there, the earlier you get to go home.
The three of you arrive at the newly built and opened bar and you’re not gonna deny that the place looks amazing. Since it was opening night, the tables were full but the fact that the three of you were able to go in smoothly and has a table reserved made you question if Momo knew the owner.
Ofcourse she does. Momo has a lot of connections.
The three of you were already seated comfortably in the table—which you realized was one of the front tables so you have the nice view of the stage. Momo ordered drinks and you denied her offer saying you don’t wanna get home wasted. You need to be sober when you get home since you still have a lot of topics to review.
You were busy sipping the cold water you ordered, scanning your surroundings and spotting a few familiar faces, enjoying the ambiance of the place, and vibing to the soft background music—when the lights of the bar blacked out and the music shut off. Only the small night lights attached to the walls, illuminated the place.
Some people let out small-amused gasps in the way that the bar was trying to introduce its performers, since that strategy made everyone focus on the stage.
Then, the spotlight moved right in the center of the stage—but no one was there since the stage were closed by the curtains. But the fact that you can hear a small murmur of sounds—gradually increasing—made you turn towards the stage in curiosity as you watch the curtains open, only to reveal a band you’re not familiar with.
They looked like a new band, one was in the piano, one was using the electric guitar, one has the acoustic guitar, and one was standing in the center with the microphone on—whom you assumed is the vocalist. They seemed like a common type of band, but the way their faces were hidden with a full-faced masks on, intrigued the people inside the bar—including you.
There was a small intro of the electric guitar, then the piano followed, and next the acoustic guitar—before you knew it, the vocalist and her band we’re already playing good music. The band has this certain type of vibe that you like and the fact that their lyrics, their rhythm—plus the vocalists’ amazing voice—got you hooked and bobbing your head to what seems like an original song of theirs.
Momo and Ochaco started screaming in glee as they also vibed to the song. And just before the song reached what it seems like its chorus, the dancefloor of the bar was already packing with grinding bodies. It was a good thing that the stage was moveable—you were surprised as well—and it now stood at a higher level compared to the dance floor so you can still get a nice view of the stage as the band members continued to produce amazing music.
“Come on, y/n! Let’s dance!” Ochaco tugged your arm. She didn’t even have to tell you twice since you already followed her to the dance floor since you liked the band’s songs. Momo followed you two and danced with the crowd.
“It looks like that 15 minutes is up, y/n!” Momo shouted through the loud music.
“I think we’ll have to extend for another 45 minutes.” You grinned and Momo grinned back as you three jumped, shouted, and enjoyed the music.
You three were busy enjoying yourselves when all of a sudden, an unfamiliar guy who looks like he goes to the same school as you, approached you. “Wanna dance?” he asked you with a smirk on. And he didn’t even hide the way he scanned you up and down before stopping on to your face.
“Dude, we’re already dancing.” You snorted and the two bursted into a fit of giggles as you urged Momo and Ochaco to move near the front of the dance floor, leaving the guy.
“You didn’t have to be mean, y/n.” Momo laughed.
“We we’re already dancing. What kind of question is ‘wanna dance’?” You cringed, remembering the guy’s futile attempt to flirt. Ochaco just laughed and playfully smacked your shoulder.
The three of you resumed dancing, the music even louder than before since you three were nearer to the stage now. You liked the next song since it was a bit sultry but there was a playful tinge to it so you just let your body do the moves that you felt were natural to you. 
Momo and Ochaco were right for trying to convince you to come. You definitely needed this break after being stuck at your room for days and never even getting the time to rest or party.
You were busy dancing to the beat of the music when a pair of hands snaked their way behind you and surrounded your waist. “Seems like your waist is missin’ something, babe. They need my hands around ‘em.”
You immediately jerked the hands away. “Wtf, get your hands off me, you perv.” You turned and gave the unfamiliar guy a sharp glare—hating the fact that he touched you—only to see him looked amused.
“I like feisty girls, y’know.” He winked and tried to touch you one more time.
“Fuck off.” You cursed. 
Why can’t some guys take no for an answer?
“Aww, don’t be like that sweethea—” The guy’s voice was interrupted by a sudden loud static sound making almost everyone’s ears hurt and stopped dancing. The band’s music stopped almost stopped right after the static sound.
What the?
The people started murmuring, confused what’s wrong. The stage went back down, so it was now on the same level of the dance floor.
“Touch my girl one more time shit-face, and I’ll blast you to pieces.” The voice boomed and echoed all throughout the bar, making everyone to be even more confused. 
Everyone was scanning the crowd looking for the owner of the voice. You were confused as well.
Why did the music stop?
You looked to where the voice was coming from—only to realize that in the back corner of the stage, right behind the vocalist, is where the drum set was.
How come you never noticed that earlier?
And in it sat the drummer who wore his full-mask on—a mic in his hand—and the blonde spiky hair that was sprouting out of his mask, wasn’t hard to miss.
aira-writes© 2022
Comments, likes, and re-blogs are deeply appreciated! ❤️
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netherfeildren · 5 months
another silly little question for you as I try to finish up this application...
are you more a kindle or physical book type of person
oh physical books always forsure. but with a concession which is that i now have more books than i have space for in my apartment so i have to be more frugal on what it is i purchase physically. if im buying purely for my collection and not necessarily planning to read pressingly i’ll purchase a physical copy no questions asked but if i’m reading something new i usually read an epub and then if i really loved it i’ll buy another physical copy. i real a loooooot on my phone just bc its convenient and i have a lot of down time at work sometimes where i can just discreetly read whenever i get a chance
my turn for a question! application for what?
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clambuoyance · 2 years
I want to read the dc comics, but I have no idea where to start. Which one do I read first?
I gave recs for what I started over here and they’re mainly what I started with so you can understand what I draw, but here are some more :) when I first started reading comics I went for shorter ones but as you read you get exposed to characters and you’re like “I wanna read more of them” and then it all spirals from there. I think it helped me get used to reading comic bullshit lol. I only started reading this year so there’s a lot I haven’t read out there.
1. Supersons 2016 (very cute and more lighthearted, three series, finished so it’s about 30 ish issues in total i think, Damian Wayne/Robin and Jonathan Kent/Superboy are the sons of Batman and Superman and they get into shenanigans and have a cute friendship. I really like these ones😊)
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2. Young Justice 1998 (older so dunno if you wanna start with it, but it’s fun and wacky and I love it, 55 issues plus some crossover/tie in issues so probably like 60 ish issues, features Tim drake/robin, superboy/Conner kent, impulse/Bart Allen, wonder girl/Cassandra sandsmark, greta Hayes/secret, arrowette/cissie king jones, plus more like empress/anita fite, slobo, and red tornado.)
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3. Graduation day (mini comic that is 2 or 3 issues about breaking up yj and the titans smh smh) then the core four (Tim, Bart, kon, cassie) join the teen titans
Teen titans 2003 (grittier and edgier than yj but has it’s nice character moments here n there, about 100 issues, but I’m not gonna lie if Conner isn’t in the issue I kinda zoned out or skimmed it ummm >_>)
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4. Batman urban legends. ( ongoing, anthology of several stories and characters, good if you wanna meet a lot of Gotham based characters. This was like my first legit exposure to dc comics specifically so I’m putting it here)
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5. World’s Finest 2022 (ongoing, Um I think there’s 5 or 6 issues out rn. It’s revisiting Batman, Robin (Dick grayson), and Superman’s first years together and it’s reallyyyyy cooooooool. I love the vibes and art. Feels very authentically comic book-y. Dan mora is my favorite dc artist Honestly . Lots of others show up too like Supergirl and Doom Patrol 😊Actually this is Probably my fave out of the new comics)
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6. Batgirls 2022 (ongoing but there’s like 9 issues out I think??, features Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, and Barbara Gordon, who have all held the mantle of batgirl. Also the art slaps.)
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7. Batgirl 2000 (70 issues, about Cassandra cain’s run as batgirl, I haven’t finished it but Its like a really lauded run and is well written so go read it)
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8. Batgirl 2009 (26 issues I think, this is about Stephanie brown’s run as batgirl, she is my beloved I love her so much and her jokes are so😖💜)
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9. Red Robin 2009 (26 issues I think?, runs parallel to Batgirl 2009 and Batman and Robin 2009, I put this one last bc I feel like it needs a Lot of context unlike the others where you can just jump into it but it is short and It was also one of my first comics so 🧍🏻‍♀️. Basically Tim drake had a solo run (Robin 1993) but it’s over 100 issues and I haven’t even read all of em bc there’s. So much. So if u wanna read more tim drake stuff I’d suggest looking up a reading list bc he debuts in the Detective Comics issues and then gets his own solo. Anywaysss so basically a lot of shit happened lots of friends n family died or “died” leaving Tim in a pretty bad place. Bruce is assumed dead, so Dick becomes Batman and makes Damian his Robin, and Tim takes up the Red Robin mantle. okay actually you can easily pick up the context when u read so nvm😗✌️)
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I was gonna put more but I’m on mobile and hit the photo limit ☹️ Kon and Bart have their solos, I started reading The New Teen Titans from the 80s, Damian has a recent robin run, and I’m planning on reading more supergirl/superfam comics and green lantern corps comics so yeaaaaah there’s a loooooot. Hopefully something here piqued your interest and I didn’t overwhelm you.
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pikahlua · 1 year
I don't know what exactly it was but- I feel like that scene with AFO holding up strawberry boy 2nd, his monologue then kind of reminds me of earlytsuki... AFO going on about 'You should have been just an insect' (no verbatim recollection sorry but that was the mood) reminds me of earlytsuki's angsty 'Even though you're just a deku! What do you think you can do!' and its derivatives (again not verbatim lol but u get me i hope) I feel like making Katsuki progress past the derogatory expletives (admittedly a very loaded, deep reaction in restrospect but still) to becoming the guy who gets the same breed of anger from AFO, the dude who didn't step a single step forward from that position is... whew. God. I just always got the same vibes from Earlytsuki's labelling of "extra" and AFO's manner of dehumanization of those they deem "below" them. Idk? Idk. I didn't catch a lot of the other visual cues tying them together u mentioned but I agree that AFO vs Katsuki and Shiggy vs Izuku makes a lot of sense!
Yeah, the "you were only meant to be an insect" bit lines up a little too well with Katsuki's "he wasn't supposed to be more than a pebble in my path."
The recent anime episodes have been solidifying the Katsuki vs AFO dynamic for me. We've seen a loooooot of heroes face a villain that they identify as their "past self" (or sometimes even "me from another future"). E.g. Endeavor vs Hood, and Shouto vs Dabi. I could see Izuku vs Tomura and Ochako vs Toga being taken in this direction. And Katsuki vs AFO would absolutely fit this trend for so many reasons. Katsuki basically already told us something like this was happening between them in chapter 358.
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zoropookie · 8 days
okay so
one of the, if not THE, biggest idol anime franchises out there is probably Love Live School Idol project. I recommend by starting with the first two seasons that feature the very first group, Muse, then after that you watch the movie first movie. Then you move onto sunshine, also two seasons which features the group Aqours. Then you watch the secind movie, over the rainbow. Then after that you watch next one named superstar, featuring the group liella. It has currentky 2 seasons but a 3 one is expected and no movie yet. there’s also the extra series named nijisanji, 2 seasons, probably will get a third one eventually, absolutely recommend for this one watching video letsplays of the game story.
Then after you wtached that anime there would be a LOT more to find withing this franchise if you so wanted.
Another good anime is Pripara, it’s really long tho, but the story is really good. Though it’s main focus is for kids there are a lot of good story aspects in it. The characters are often rather gay for each other so. shipping is a rather big thing in fandom. There are also two trans characters in it. It has a heavy focus on friendship though but they handle ut really well.
Another one of them originals is Aikatsu. Ansoluteky recommend watching the original aikatsu series first (I think it has like 3 seasons or so????) because it explains the basics of the aikatsu system the best. after that i recommend watching aikatsu stars (there are male idols in there but. it’s absolutely infuriating. they get one song. together. and only really show up in season 1 and in season 2 get pushed to the side).
Aikatsu has in the middle if it a movie, I think in like the third season its set? And recently there also came out a new movie that’s like a finish to the aikatsu original timeline as far as im aware. aikatsu stars also has a movie but its not a personal fav so i odnt really remember it well. There’s also aikatsu friend and on parade which… bith are things. that needed much more time for their stories to work out.
And then there’s a loooooot more that I have on my to watch kist for years by now but havenmt gotten to because of t i m e
For me the different systems and music styles and performances just. very much show in the way I make aus and characters in my brain shixhisbixgsobd
the way i know of all three of those omfg 😭 i’ll start with love live and go from there, thank you! hopefully my brain can handle all of the bright colors and episodes that feel longer than intended
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unhonestlymirror · 9 months
C-can we see ukraine with her natural dark hair and that crown braid (kind of tymochenko, sorry that i dont know its name) ? Also what do you think of canon blonde ukraine design ? Aren't natural blonde hair among ukrainians adults pretty rare ?
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Юлічка Зубажінка ТиМошинка is an important part of our meme culture
I don't have complaints about *design* but I have a loooooot to say about Ukraine's representation in general. Especially behaviour.
Well, Ukraine is the biggest European country, so of course it will have more blonde people by count than, e.g. Iceland. However, in proportion - yes, blonde hair is pretty rare (10% according to some sources) - and most blondes usually are in northern areas, those with lots of forests.
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