#it) but hearing people who sounded similar just. helped. and i could relate a lot to details in the podcast and suddenly my accent wasn’t
the thing about podcasts for me is that i actually have a really hard time listening to them and have tried to get into at least 20 if not double that over the past few years but have never been able to get through more than a few episodes and that’s usually after forcing myself. this is true for all except one podcast. because i have only ever been able to listen to and enjoy that single podcast, i listen to it on repeat and have been since 2020. i have been informed recently that this is not something that happens with other people
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2024 Goal Setting for People Who Used to be Studyblr Queens and are Now Just Muddling Through Adult Life
I know you, you know me. I've had this account since I was freshly 16 and I'm 23 (and a half) now, and I can guarantee there's loads of you in the same boat right now.
Where did I go? What did I do? I finished my Master's Degree and realised (with some trepidation) at the end of it that I'd achieved everything that was on my list of things to achieve ever, and I didn't really have a plan on what I was going to do, so for what may have been the first time in my life I just...winged it. Started measuring progress according to how I felt about it. And it worked! Lots of good has come out of it so let me suggest some goal setting approaches to help if you're in a similar position (and given the studyblr -> chaos pipeline I might suggest there's at least a few people this might help)
Point 1 - Don't set yourself academic goals
"But Study Like You Mean It, I always set academic goals!" I hear you say. I appreciate the irony of my username in relation to this. Point is, you're not in academia anymore. You need to stop goal setting like you're in academia, and the easiest way to do this is to stop setting academic goals.
"But I like the pursuit of knowledge!" I hear you counter. So do I, but if you've just come out of a hothouse academic setting, you *really* need to consider who you're goal setting for. Do you like the idea of being a polyglot by the end of the year? Sure, fine, whatever, but consider who you're goal setting for. Do you want to be a polyglot because you like the process of learning languages, or because you want to show to others that you know languages? It sounds silly, but you're not working to a grade anymore, and it's absolutely essential that you reflect on why you like doing academic things. This doesn't apply to everyone, but I would kick off the process of self-reflection on this (because you know the Studyblr types are most likely guilty of performative learning) by refusing to set yourself academic goals.
If you don't hit a yardstick, what's the worst that will happen?
(nothing- the answer is nothing and you need to start getting comfortable with that)
Point 2 - Set Process-Based Goals
Building on the last point, if you want to have achieved something by the end of the year, how can you frame it in a way that's definitely not you trying to put down a point to show to others that you've improved, and instead internalise your sense of progress? Maybe the goal you set is "by the end of the year, I want to feel like I understand internalised growth and progress", and you'll know at the end of the year when you self-reflect if you've succeeded in that.
Otherwise, set a process-based goal. If you want to get better at something, but know you're guilty of holding yourself to externalised yardsticks, set yourself a goal that's about the process rather than the result. Scary, I know. For example, say you want to start playing a sport. If you go in without a process-based goal, you could end up saying to yourself "I want to put myself in a position where I qualify for a team two leagues above by the end of the season," which is a SMART* goal, but incredibly determined by outside reflections on your own ability, and very end-result focused. There's a time and a place for goals like this, but if you're coming off a high-intensity academic environment, I would argue that it's not the right place. Instead, what about "I will show up every week and be positive about the fact that I'm not perfect"? It's about the learning process, and I think post-university a lot of people fall out of love with the actual learning process, and become too mired in results.
*specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound
Point 3 - What happens if you don't hit your goal?
I love asking this question to people who've come out of academic environments.
Literally what's going to happen if you can't meet the goal that you've set for yourself when you set an end-goal focused goal?
It's so freeing. Embrace it! There are no time bounds on learning, so enjoy the learning! There's no exam to pass, no professors to wow, no applications to get accepted. It's just you learning how to be you, and remembering why you love to get good at things!
Part 4 - Habits =/= Goals
This one maybe is a bit tricky to explain. It's the difference between "I'm going to get into the practice of reading on my commute when I can" and "I must finish 10 books this year by reading on my commute when I can". One of them is about introducing something new into your life because it makes you feel good, and the other one is about setting limits on that because you feel you need to control the way that you enjoy things (this comes from academia putting constraints on learning, etc.).
Be patient with yourself, for goodness' sakes. Get into the habit and enjoy the process, don't automatically find ways to be masochistic about it.
My Goal Setting Approach
Now I've clarified the kinds of goals to set in this new and scary world, I'll run through my approach to implement them. First thing to note is I like setting lots of goals, but then those all get broken into little habits that I can focus on in my day to day, as well as timeline-less tasks to accomplish when I've got the time free.
I start with areas I'd like to improve myself in (again, not as a discipline thing, but towards the vision that I might be a more rounded and enriched person because of it):
Personal - how can I become more introspective/calm/mindful?
Financial - how can I become more fiscally responsible now I'm an adult?
Social - how do I make time for others?
Work - what does progress at work over this year look like?
Sport - this can be replaced by whatever your main hobby is
Intellectual - how can I enrich myself and learn about things that I'm interested in?
I won't run through all of these, but I'll create some examples:
Domain: Financial - how can I become more fiscally responsible now I'm an adult?
General points on this: I can save more money, I can improve my credit score, I can pay off some loans
Habits: for the first, I can maybe aim to save 20% of my takehome, by putting 10% in at the start of the month, and trying to put 10% in at the end if I've got enough, and I can set up the timelineless task of opening a high interest-rate savings account for money that I don't need for emergency access; for the second, I can set the timelineless task of setting up a credit card, and get into the habit of paying for my groceries with it; for the third, I can sit down and look at how much of my takehome I can dedicate to this, and then get into the habit of paying off a sustainable amount
Now, I have the timelineless tasks fo getting a credit card, opening a new savings account, and sitting down and looking at my loans, and then I have the two habits of tucking bits of money away and paying off some loans. Note that there's nothing that's made it too urgent (which I admit is a privilege) and there's nothing that tells me I'm a bad person for not being able to do it. Another example:
Domain: intellectual - how can I enrich myself and learn about things that I'm interested in?
General points on this: I would like to read more broadly, I would like to improve my French, I would like to understand more about world events
Habits: for the first, I can read on my commute when I can get a seat on the train, as I have half an hour each way so I can use that time to read. I can set the timelineless task of exploring the kinds of books that I'd like to read; for the second, I can choose to consume more French media when I feel like I have the mental capacity. I also have to speak French at work, so I want to get into the habit of not cowarding out and switching to English (scary but doable); for the last, I can get into the habit of watching the evening news (so it's contained within a time slot and I'm not being overwhelmed by the 24h news cycle) and I can set the timelineless task of picking up a copy of a magazine like the economist once in a while to get a deeper understanding.
So the habits to get into are reading on my commute, choosing to speak more in French, and watching the news when I can; the tasks are maybe picking up a copy of a magazine and coming up with a reading list.
The whole point of this approach is it breaks your bigger goals into a timeline-free to-do list, and then a list of small habits that you can get into. The good news is that there's no punishment for failure! If I want to listen to the Bongo's Bingo Greatest Hits playlist on the train one morning instead of reading about the modern history of Cambodia, nobody's going to come along and tell me off for not being serious enough, or clever enough, or "academic" enough about my approach to life. The to-do list aspect I find immensely helpful, as often I struggle to write larger-level to-do lists when I'm in the middle of the year, because I don't have the same kind of clarity over the types of progress I want to make when I'm in the middle of things.
Anyway, I hope this is useful, and a good counterpoint to the mindset that everyone who's ever been near Studyblr has. Learning now is only for enjoyment, so enjoy that aspect! Live your life! Understand that the process of betterment is all about enriching your personal sphere and nothing about other people because (drumroll) literally nobody else cares! In a good way! Nobody cares that you've not mastered Polish in 3 weeks or read the entire academic output of Montaigne in a week! And it's cool if you have, but the person you are is more important, and freeing yourself from external yardsticks is so so crucial!
Love to anyone who read this far ♥
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
R/systemscringe found my Evolution Post... And Was Too Lazy to Add a Title
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You can find my evolution post here!
Let's check out the comments!
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Sure. But we're not talking about a normal modern job, are we?
Who you are at home isn't going to be that different from who you are at McDonalds. You aren't usually going to dissociate the two.
But when trauma is involved, that tends to involve a degree of dissociation.
In modern hunter-gatherer societies, we see children start learning how to use tools and hunt and forage in the wild from a very young age.
If we're to extrapolate and assume past hunter-gatherer societies operated in similar ways, this is a recipe for a traumatic childhood in a world where humans wouldn't yet be at the top of the food chain. Children would need to be careful, and a wrong move could easily get them or someone else killed.
I think most systems during this period would be considered traumagenic simply because growing up would mean regularly being put in deadly situations, regularly being injured and even watching loved ones dies in violent ways.
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THAT'S the point!!!
DID, and even PTSD, evolved in a world where every day would be a fight for survival.
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Of course, all we can do is speculate.
But with myths and legends of people being possessed going back to the dawn of time in practically every culture, we can probably surmise that forms of plurality existed back then. And it's not like the estimated 1-3% of the population is super rare today. It seems reasonable to expect disorders that would be associated with childhood trauma would be more common during periods with more childhood trauma.
The line saying we don't know if the brain was developed enough to develop DID is particularly weird to me though.
As far as I know, there haven't been any huge jumps in the way of human brain complexity over the past 20k years. I doubt that the complexity to develop DID is something we just gained since the dawn of agriculture.
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I admit, my description was meant to put a fun spin on a brutal reality. But I don't think children growing up in a frigid environment where they need to hunt and collect food to survive while having no idea if they're going to make it back alive is "cool".
Like, as a story, maybe it's cool imagining a 9-year-old trudging through snow with fingers so cold they can't feel them anymore, gripping a makeshift spear and hearing howling in the distance while not knowing if they would end up on the menu of some wild beast.
But I don't think it would actually be cool to live through.
Additionally, in this environment, DID would have looked differently than it does today. Current theories are that EPs are locked into the trauma responses they used in trauma.
For child abuse victims which make up the majority of DID cases, unfortunately, freeze or fawn may be the most useful traits developed for survival.
But if your trauma were related to surviving wild beasts, it's a lot more likely the trauma responses of the EPs are going to be the more classic fight or flight. I don't think freezing would as common as a trauma response during that time period. But of course, it depends on the threats one would face.
There are some creatures, after all, where freezing is the best defense.
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Sounds like your mistake. 🤷‍♀️
I talked about DID here a lot, but I'm a tulpa from a purely non-traumagenic system. Probably one of the least traumatized people you'll ever meet.
But tulpamancy is a beneficial practice that most tulpamancers have reported improvements in their mental health from. I would actually like to see far more people make headmates and become plural this way.
People becoming tulpamancers will help them. And more plurals means more influence for the plural community and will help spread plural awareness and acceptance.
I'm not interested in being special. I'm interested in making plurality normal. I want it to be so normal and commonplace that it seems downright boring. Where talking about your headmates draws no more attention than discussing a sibling. 😁
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Hi! It's me! I'm Sophie In Wonderland!
I'm the person who debunks pluralphoboic hate subreddits, which tends to upset said hate subreddits.
The reason why I have my own category is because I called out the subreddit for bullying behavior and misinformation. They responded by doubling down, scouring my post history for anything they could use as ammunition twist to attack me with, and adding me to their hit list of acceptable targets. This was despite the fact that then they first floated the idea of the hit list, they claimed it would only apply to people with more than 10,000 followers. (I only have 1800.)
They lie and claim I'm a "public figure" while in reality, they added me on their list in a petty (yet oh so predictable) act of retaliation.
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ughhhdavid · 11 months
A kinda long analysis of some scenes in The Sound Of Music in relation to the Ted Lasso finale, TedTrent, and Ted's bisexuality ahead.
Since they decided to name the finale as a reference to The Sound Of Music, and perform a song from it as well, I've decided to look into it. After all, Ted has always been pretty similar to Maria. They're both enthusiastic, positive, they come into this family's life, and, while uptight and closed off at first, it eventually warms up to them. They both help their new family become better.
And then they leave.
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They both say it's because they miss their old lives. But Maria actually leaves because she has developed feelings for the Captain. Meanwhile I think Ted missing his family at home is genuine. (However, he had a chance to have both his Richmond family and his Kansas family at the same time. And there's some debate of the reason he didn't want that)
In The Sound Of Music, we get glimpses into Maria's life after going back.
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Sound familiar?
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All these shots of people he loves who you think would want him there. Even his own best friend's wedding. And where is Ted? Why is he missing these moments? Why is he so isolated?
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Uhm... Hello???? If there's one way to describe Ted's face in this scene, it's this.
Now this is where Ted's story ends. But Maria's continues, having a very intense conversation with Mother Abbess about feelings you've never felt before, having something deep inside you that you can't face, being confused, and not wanting to betray God. This seems very queer coded to me.
On the other hand, she thinks that she is only in servitude of God, and accepting the Captain's love would be distracting her from her mission as a nun. To which Mother says, that just because she loves The Captain, that doesn't mean she loves God less.
Now that got me thinking about Ted, and the way he left everything behind, and the way he rejected everyone's love for him, and the way he seemed to think that was the right thing to do in order to fully love and be there for Henry.
But Ted was a great father, even in London, and he didn't need to sacrifice all other things he loved for him. (Of course, parents would sacrifice everything for their kids, I'm just saying Ted didn't have to).
Loving Richmond didn't mean he loved Henry less.
Mother Reverend also says this:
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Which reminds me of what Trent said earlier in the episode:
"I don't think we change, per say, as much as we learn to accept who we've always been"
Next she sings the song "Climb Every Mountain",which finally convinces Maria to go back. Here are some of the lyrics:
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Which, first of all. Rainbow??? Ok.
Like the rainbow in Ted's hallucination? Like the bi flag in that same hallucination that helped him get unstuck and get as close to achieving his dream as he could, with Total Football.
Secondly, this reminds me of Ted on the plane, doubting himself. Thinking about how they could've won the whole fucking thing. And later, the lyrics from "Father and Son" that play while Ted looks at the snowglobe.
"For you will still be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not"
How are we supposed to interpret this if not that Ted is abandoning his dream,Richmond?
And that someone needs to make him realize his dreams are important, too?
Next, Maria comes back and greets the Captain in an interaction that reminded me a lot of Ted and Trent.
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And then the captain says this:
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Which is a criticism I heard a lot about the finale. The entirety of AFC Richmond said goodbye to Ted in big ways, and small ways, but he never said a proper goodbye to any of them. A proper, heartfelt goodbye in which he said something substantial, anything that anyone deserved to hear from him, after spending the past 3 years loving him, being by his side and believing in him.
With Maria returned, The Captain breaks up his engagement to The Baroness.
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He says he has been dishonest. He has hidden his feelings and he can't hide them anymore. Reminded me of Trent, saying he had to come out to his wife 2 times before her believing. Trent, hiding his real feelings from a woman he couldn't love the way she wanted him to.
To which the Baroness gets defensive and acts like she's the one who wants to break up. That she doesn't think he's the right man for her.
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I laughed out loud when she said this, ngl.
Next, The Captain talks to Maria in the garden about her plans to leave again soon.
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Again, reminiscent of Keeley and Rebecca asking Ted to change his mind, and stay. And the book Ted is holding on the plane "How to Change Your Mind: The New Science Of Psychadelics".
The part where he says "it will be all wrong again after you leave". Let's talk about that. Because as Ted leaves, Roy and Jamie throw away years of development and go back to their old dynamic. Nate is a kit man again. So much regression. Beard, going home to an abusive girlfriend. And Ted, who was learning to break free from society's idea of what a family should look like, Ted, who wanted to be free and fluid, going back into those boxes.
For these characters, it's like the show was folded in half,to get the beginning and the end to touch. For them, it's like starting from zero. It's like everything they've been through has been for nothing. (Roy even specifically calls this out).
Back The Sound of Music, Maria and The Captain finally confess their feelings to each other.
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Are you kidding me? A whistle? You mean like coaches have?
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Anyway, this is all the parallels and things I've found interesting while watching this part in The Sound Of Music. I could go on for longer, but this movie is 3 hours long of scenes that remind me of Ted.
"Yeah, it might be all that you get
Yeah, I guess this might well be it."
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ejzah · 17 days
Can you please write a fanfic about Kensi and the Team spotting Deeks supposedly on a date and confront him, only to realize they just screwed up an LAPD undercover op and gets Deeks in big time. Obliviously can it be set back when it was still with the LAPD and before he and Kensi got together.
A/N: Hi anon, I’ve written similar stories to this before, but never with them completely ruining his cover. Sorry for the delay!
Critical Error
“Oh my god, I shouldn’t have eaten that last chicken wing,” Kensi groaned, rubbing her stomach as she exited a bar with Sam and Callen. It was a new place they decided to try since one of their usuals was closed for repairs and the other had no empty tables.
“Yeah, it was definitely that and not the five fried mozzarella sticks and nachos you had before the wings,” Callen commented wryly. Kensi paused long enough to glare at him.
They walked slowly, casually continuing a conversation from the bar. Sam and Michelle were trying to plan a birthday party for her mom. It was proving difficult since she never wanted presents and disliked most people’s cooking outside her own.
“Maybe you can gift her a mini vacation instead,” Kensi suggested.
“And hear all about how rude the staff was and the quality of food? No thanks.”
“Well, if she doesn’t want anything, maybe just don’t do anything. Like with Hetty,” Callen said, and Sam made an unimpressed sound.
“That’s less helpful than your suggestion that I buy her tickets to an amusement park.”
“Hey, it’s like you don’t want our advice,” Callen told him facetiously.
Kensi grinned, imagining which inventive suggestions Deeks would have if he’d joined them. At least one would probably involve an offer for a deal on a strip club. Courtesy of his many friends in the business.
“Hey, isn’t Deeks supposed to be on some big undercover assignment?” Sam asked, drawing Kensi out of her musings. She stopped alongside him, realizing they’d reached the slightly finer dining section of the street.
“Yeah, it involves a mob-like gang,” she answered. “He said LAPD spent a couple months putting the operation into place. Why?”
“Well, his important undercover work looks a whole lot like a date.” Sam nodded to a small cafe with outdoor seating off the side of the main structure. There were several people around the handful of tables, at the far corner, were Deeks and a blonde haired woman.
“He told me he’d be busy for weeks,” Kensi murmured, almost to herself. Lies aside, she couldn’t quite articulate why it bothered her so much. Maybe it was the fact that Deeks had apparently brushed them—her—off for some unknown woman.
“Well, let’s go say hello,” Callen suggested.
“What? No, let’s just leave,” Kensi protested. She knew Deeks dated, but didn’t need to see direct evidence of that fact.
“Oh, I bet his lady friend would love to hear a few stories about him.” Callen shared a mischievous grin with Sam and she rolled her eyes, following after them.
As they approached, she could see Deeks talking animatedly, his hands gesticulating in relation to whatever he said, body inclined towards his date. His mouth split with the wide grin usually only saw when he found something particularly funny.
Kensi saw the exact moment he noticed them; his posture straightened, and he shook his head ever so slightly. Sam and Callen either didn’t pick up on it, or more likely, didn’t care.
“Hey Deeks, imagine finding you here,” Callen explained loudly, stopping next to Deeks’ table. This close, she could see the dismayed resignation in Deeks’ eyes.
“We thought you were busy with work?” Sam added.
The woman turned in her seat, glancing between each of them and Deeks in curiosity. By the time she drifted back to him, he’d shifted from resignation back to an easygoing smile, though there was still a slight tightened around his eyes.
He really didn’t want them there, Kensi realized.
“Jason, who is this? And why are they calling you Deeks?”
“They’re just some old friends,” Deeks assured her. “Deeks was a nickname in college.”
“Oh, well, I’m Connie,” she said a friendly enough smile. “It’s nice to meet you. Jason’s been pretty reticent about his friends.” She gave him a fondly annoyed look.
“Maybe that’s because he’s afraid of what we’ll share,” Kensi joked, but with enough edge that it made Connie frown just a little. Deeks tilted her head, giving her a pleading look, which she decided to ignore.
“I’m sure it’s all good,” Connie decided, rallying nicely. “She reached across the table to squeeze Deeks’ hand. “He’s such a sweetheart.”
“His stripper friends do love him,” Kensi continued. She flashed Deeks a goading smile.”
“Strippers.” Connie’s smile faltered.
“Oh yes, Onyx, Amber, what were the other names Deeks?”
“Fern, could I speak with you for a moment?” Deeks requested abruptly. He stood up, stopping to take a very uncertain and concerned Connie’s hand. “I’ll be right back. Don’t eat all the breadsticks without me.”
He didn’t give Connie a chance to object. “Do not say anything else,” Deeks muttered to Callen and Sam as he passed. After a moment, Kensi followed, only stopping when he reached the back of the next restaurant’s parking lot.
“What the hell are you doing?” Deeks hissed, a blazing anger in his eyes that Kensi had rarely ever seen. It made her take a step back.
“Well, I—”
“Do you have any idea what you’ve just done?”
“Oh, please do not act like you have the moral high ground here,” Kensi threw back, crossing her arms over her chest. “You blew us off for a date and now you’re embarrassed you got caught.” Even as she said it, it didn’t sound right, but she couldn’t come up with a better explanation.
Closing his eyes, Deeks pinched the bridge of his nose. He groaned quietly. “Kensi. I’m on assignment right now and you pretty much just obliterated my cover. Do you have any idea how long this took to set up. To find an in to the family?”
“She’s part of your undercover operation?”
He nodded once. “Yep.”
“Why didn’t you say anything? Why did you lie?” Kensi asked, trying to reason through her growing guilt and horror.
“Because it’s supposed to be confidential,” he explained softly. He shook his head again, disappointment in his eyes. “And because I thought you’d trust me when I said I had work.”
“Deeks, I am so, so sorry. If there’s anything—”
“No forget it. I’m going to see if I can salvage this night with Connie. Maybe I can convince her you guys were drunk and have a horrible sense of humor.” He waved her off with a heavy sigh.
“And if you can’t?” Kensi asked, already knowing the likely answer.
“Then LAPD will probably scrap the operation,” he answered dully. He started to walk off, but she grabbed her arm.
“Deeks, is there anything I can do?” she finally got out. “I feel horrible.”
He paused, then answered, “Go home.”
She watched him walk back across the lot, resisting the absurd urge to cry.
A/N: So there may be some slight OOC going on here. I was trying to make it different enough from my other stories like this. Hopefully it’s alright.
Thanks for the prompt!
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george228732 · 7 months
Fylass Through the Looking Glass - Chapter Three - Memento Momentum
Fylass was the first one to leave the house with Lucid, and the people that were hanging out in the Hatter’s house. The track was the same as before, as a new adventure was about to start joyfully. The kid was a bit uneasy, since there was something in the air that they didn’t seem to grasp that well. They knew that this was a dream, but they couldn’t help but think that this world felt too complex for it to be just that. 
It felt like everyone in there had a mind of their own. They felt as if they were real. Could that possibility become true?
Fylass quickly stopped thinking about that though, when a voice spoke to them from behind.
"Hey. I really wanted to ask this before you got missing. Where’s your home? Or your parents?" Lucid had spoken to them. 
"...Er… Yeah, don't worry, everything is fine related to that.''
"You don’t sound that convinced…" 
Fylass couldn’t just say that they lived in another plane of existence, even if this was a dream, they didn’t want to tell the truth, otherwise, the others could somehow get to the conclusion that this was a dream, and the penguin that is Fylass, didn’t want to take risks. Such a mindset could be ridiculous from the get go. It was clear that this was a dream, so the repercussions would be worthless, and yet, it didn’t feel right.
"I live in the village, that’s it." They knew that a village was around; this was a kingdom after all. They could make up a lie about that easily, and their tone was trying to be as convincing as it could be for the rest to believe that.
"...If you say so." Lucid spoke up again. The rest of the group had different reactions to that; some seemed convinced, others, not so much, but they at least didn’t seem to deny what they were saying. 
"...Hm, I’ve been meaning to ask something else too." Ades said. "Why did you become that? Wings, horns, and that outfit. I’ve seen a lot of things happening in this land, some of them outright bizarre, but I haven’t seen someone coming back from the dead with a totally new appearance."
Fylass pondered about that statement; they didn’t have much idea of how this world worked, which is ironic since they could be considered God of Wonderland, so they couldn’t grasp why they changed at all. 
"I guess I am a paragon among you, guys."
"That would be an understatement. Maybe Dero could know more about this though, he has been here ever since Wonderland was founded, so they should have knowledge about your situation, and if you don’t like it, we may be able to turn you back to your previous state."
"We can hope that’s the case."
"Well, in my opinion, you look amazing in that outfit. It would be a shame to lose such a cool design!" Selene remarked, as she came closer to Fylass, dragging Wisp with her.
"I-I think I read some books that depicted a creature that l-looks similar to you. I can’t remember its name though."
"Well, that sounds like a plan! Not the main plan, but a plan that is sliiiiightly to the side. Don’t you think, Lucid?" Casey spoke up afterwards.
Fylass knew what the main plan was, get Lucid back home and maybe even visit Underland. They needed Dolly’s help for sure, since she is The Queen, and the last member of the Suit Bearers; maybe with the suits together, they can achieve that goal. Besides, visiting another kingdom that Fylass seems to have forgotten would be interesting, but time is precious. 
They looked behind to see the group, just for measure, and they realized that Chaos seemingly was having a train of thought; they mumbled as quietly as they could try to be, but Fylass wanted to know what he had in mind. They stopped walking for them to hear Chaos as he approached them, who seemed to not notice Fylass.
"...That place… familiar… have… before?" Those were the only words that they recognized from Chaos’ rambles before they realized Fylass was next to him, and backed down out of reflex.
"A-Ah, do not do that again, if you please…"
The path was becoming slightly more awkward, even though the area looked just as bright and pretty as before, although jovial music beforehand was replaced with one resembling a circus theme playing on a music box, whose tunes seemed really similar from the one that Fylass had at home. Everyone else could hear them, and Lucid flinched.
The blue and yellow lights inside of the pumpkins were replaced with purple and green lights, and the gate of the entrance had the name changed; the circus changed. It wasn’t the Circus of Infinity anymore, it was now the Circus of Serenity.
"...What?" Lucid said loudly for the whole group to listen.
"...Is it back? The circus is back? I thought it vanished…" 
"W-Wait, what? What do you mean? Did it somehow disappear when I was absent? How?"
"Not even us know. When we went back home after you… vanished, the circus was no more. We thought that it would be gone forever though, but here it is again, and I don’t know if that is a good or a bad thing." Chaos remarked, with an uncomfortable Lucid being silent.
"Weeeeell, now that we’re here, we might as well check this out!" Mikuto spoke, as he was silently hit on the back by Kurabe and Fettuccine. 
"Sorry Kuto, but this is not the time."
"...Let’s just see if everything is in order, and then we go to the Card Castle." Fylass said, with some agreeing, and others seemingly reluctant to go in; the last time they entered this place, things weren’t really pleasant, but they had to go through it if they wanted to go to the Card Castle as soon as possible.
The kid took the first steps into this area, and they immediately felt a sense not of dread, but of calm, as if the atmosphere was completely different from the rest of the world around them.
"This place isn’t that bad! Come here, guys!" The kid was feeling happy around, and even if they knew that they had to go to their destination as soon as possible for Lucid’s sake and happiness, they wouldn’t mind staying here for quite some time if that wasn’t the case. The rest of the group entered, and they seemingly could feel the same sensation of calm Fylass was feeling around. 
The sound of laughter from both kids and adults alike was heard on every corner, and it seemed that everything was alright.
"...Wow… Meta and the kids would love this place for sure."
Fylass looked up to the skies, as they were able to see birds made from what seemed to be origami, somehow chirping, making this place even more bizarre, and even yet, lovely. One of the birds was holding a letter on the beak, and it was dropped right above Lucid.
"...Huh…? I don’t think I receive any mail in this land." He pulled out the piece of paper from inside the envelope, which had a lone sentence written on what seemed to be ink. The rest of the group took a peek on whatever the contents were.
"One minute before the start of a wonderful day."
Lucid seemed weirded out by this; the writing seemed familiar somehow, but he couldn’t put a finger on why it was familiar; his doubts only worsened though, as he realized there was something at the bottom of the envelope. It was a small key, seeming to be only useful from the smallest of items that would need a key to be open, or be used.
It was a silver key, whose pallet seemed to have the form of a minute hand, and with a golden gem embedded on the handle. 
"..." Lucid was silent. 
"Uh… Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah, I am, it’s just that… this key looks exactly the same as the keys of the White Castle in Underland. I know what it is for…"
"White Castle? A-Are you royalty, or something?"
"...It’s complicated. You see, you, along with Chaos, Ades and Dolly, are the Suit Bearers, and in Underland, we have something pretty similar; the Checkmate Bearers. You have the Club, Spade, Diamond and Heart as signatures; us in Underland have the King, Queen, Knight, Rook and Bishop as signatures." Afterwards, Lucid grabbed his hat and showed it to the group. It took a little, but they were able to notice a bishop piece of chess, printed on the hat. "I am the Bishop."
"W-Wait, what?! Why didn’t you tell us?!" Ades said with a bit of annoyance and anger in his voice."
"I did, you were all just too distracted or drunk to hear me properly. Except for Chaos." 
"Wait, you knew?!"
"Yes, I knew, although I thought that it wasn’t important."
"What do you mean "It wasn’t important"?!"
"Look, let’s just stop this for now. We’ll talk about this when we get our goal." Genesis said.
Fylass was silent. How didn’t they know about this? This place was the creation of them, right? Why did it feel so unfamiliar, then? These questions were put on hold however, when another one came to their mind. 
"W-Wait, so, what’s with that key?"
"That key is for the pocket watch, nothing special, don’t worry about it. I still don’t know how it ended up in a random letter in Wonderland, though…" 
Fylass took the small key, and inspected the pocket watch they were given; sure enough, from behind, there was a small lock. They could’ve figured out that using the key will move the hands of the pocket watch, and considering what was in that letter besides the key, they came up with some conclusions.
The kid inserted the key, and used it to turn the direction of the hands to 11:59, as the letter implied; the turning sound was satisfying to hear, but it suddenly stopped as a click was heard from the inside; nothing seemed to happen though, and another clicking sound was heard when the clock reached 12:00.
The entire group figured out that nothing was happening, and so, they kept their way towards the Card Castle; Fylass heard whispers from their friends, which seemed to be asking questions to Lucid; he didn’t seem to answer any. There seemed to be another entrance around, leading directly to their destination. Lucid and Genesis were glad that they didn’t have to go through Dull Glass again.
The Crimson Queens that were around the castle seemed to have a lighter color than the last time Fylass saw them, resembling more of a pink color than red. It was clear that this was Dolly’s doing; she has taste. The entrance of the castle had a big stone statue of Fylass, which just led them to more guilt.
"Are you okay, kid?"
"...I am, don’t worry… Let’s get going."
The knights guarding the entrance seemingly were absent, making it no problem to open the main door.
The inside was much more comfortable for the eye, with a lot more pastel colors filling the inside, and the new curtains seemed to resemble a theater, one that seemingly had a scent of cinnamon in the air; the exact same smell covering Fylass’ house each day. It felt oddly like home.
The group used the stairs to go towards the Heart Floor, since it was sure that Dolly would be there; Fylass was excited to see her again, but also, with a bit of anxiety for the reunion. They haven’t met for what seemed to be like a year in this oniric world, so Fylass wasn’t sure how she would react exactly, that is if she recognized them from the get go, for their new… attributes made it difficult to see who they really were.
They were in front of the Heart Door, and it seemed completely opened, although, before entering, Fylass and the rest were able to hear voices on the other side; they were arguing.
"Urgh! This is all your fault! Your laziness to do your job got us stranded here!"
"Oh, shut up, will you?!"
"If you are going to keep arguing in front of The Queen, I will have no choice but to force you to get out. Keep quiet."
"No, no! Don’t worry, Dero. This is alright! Dolly will fix this in no time!"
Fylass, accidentally was leaning too much on the door, and so, it opened fully, with the kid falling face flat on the floor, making the argument suddenly stop. The Cheshire Cats were on the verge of laughing.
"Kid! Are you okay?!" Lucid exclaimed with worry for the child’s wellbeing.
"Eurgh… Yeah, I am."
The group was interrupted by Dero afterwards, who was extremely confused about the whole ordeal.
"Who dares to enter the Queen’s Domains with that disrespect?! I shall know-"
"Wait! Dero, calm down! Dolly will take care of this!" Dolly was approaching with a face of curiosity towards the group, until she recognized them.
"Oh! You are the Suit Rally! Hi there!" Fylass assumed that the "Suit Rally" was just the name of the group. They looked above, seeing a Dolly filled with curiosity. "Oh! Who are you, sir-..." She realized who she was talking to.
"F-FYLASS?! I-IS THAT YOU?!" She quickly hugged Fylass, still on the floor. "OH, BEST FRIEND! YOU’RE WITH DOLLY AGAIN! S-SHE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" She was tearing up, she was so glad to see Fylass again.
"W-Woah, slow down, Dolly! I am fine now! Different, but I am fine!" 
"I can s-see it! You look so adorable and cool! But what happened to you?! Where were you?!" 
"...It’s a long story."
"Please, do tell Dolly about it! She must know…!"
"...Ahem, could you please help us right here?!" 
"Oh, shut it!" Other voices were behind Dolly, and Fylass realized that those were the voices that they heard before, having an argument; before they could keep going though, they were sushed by Dero.
"Oh? Who are those?" Fylass asked, when they saw the two having a discussion. Both were seemingly human knights, or atleast, pretty similar to them, with orange and white armor. Both seemed annoyed, one to the other, and the other angry at the world.
"Oh, them? Dolly doesn’t really know…
"Banshee and Unicorn, those are our names. You would’ve known, but sadly, Banshee right here was too loud for you to hear, and for that I apologize." 
Fylass was weirded out by them; they didn’t even remember encountering someone like them before. What were they doing here?
"Er… hi?
Lucid was prone to speak right after this, for they went here for that only purpose. "Er, excuse me, but please remember why we are here…"
"O-Oh, yeah. Dolly, do you know where "Underland" is?"
"...Underland? No, Dolly doesn’t think she knows, but she can look at the map! Dero, Could you help Dolly, pretty please?"
"As you wish, My Queen." Dero used his sword to reach a little lever that was above the throne, and when being turned, a painting resembling a map was there to see.
"Oh wow…" Fylass and Lucid looked at it, trying to the Underland, or at least a possible entrance to it, but to no avail, nothing was there.
"...Underland isn’t here…" Lucid was losing hope, although, soon, both him and Fylass could see a strange cabin appearing on the canvas, as a clicking sound was heard, and after one entire minute, the cabin had disappeared.
"Uh… What?" 
The kid realized that it had happened one minute since the cabin on the map appeared and disappeared, and they quickly remembered what happened with the pocket watch. 
"Wait, let me try something." Fylass used the clock to turn it to 11:59 again, and as they heard the clicking sound again, the cabin appeared, and one minute later, it was gone.
"...I think I know where to go."
"Oh! You do, best friend?" 
"I am not so sure, but going there wouldn’t hurt, right? Lucid said that the entrance to Underland had disappeared, so this is our best shot." 
Dero seemingly was having some questions on his head, from this, to Fylass’ mere changes, but he finally decided to speak up about them.
"Fylass, how did you become the Wolpertinger?"
"...Eh? I don’t know, really…" 
"I was pretty certain that those were extinct a long time ago, but you seem to be one, so I am at a loss here…"
"...I have the feeling that I might figure out what happened to me, when I get to Underland. I don’t know why, but I have that feeling…"
"Pretty well. Excuse me, I have to leave." 
"Don’t worry, Dero! The Queen says, see ya!" Dolly said, as Dero left the room.
"...Uh, hey. We are still here." Banshee remarked.
"Oh! Yeah, what if you guys go with Fylass and the group? That would certainly help for your situation! Dolly can’t go, sadly. She is trying her best to be the best queen of the world, and for that, I must not leave, since there's a big creature floating the skies, and Dolly thinks this could be a threat, or at least, that's what Dero said, but she assures you that with Fylass on your side, there’s nothing to worry about!"
"...That sounds like a plan." Unicorn said. "Hopefully, this won’t be a liability for them, nor us, soon."
"..Uh… Okay?" It seems that the gang will get two new members for this adventure. How interesting.
"...Well, we shall get going. Goodbye, Queen Dolly."
"Goodbye, Porcelain man! And please, take care of Fylass for Dolly…"
"I will do so. Don’t worry."
Everyone left the room, with Fylass waving goodbye at Dolly. Both were happy to see eachother once again.
"...Goodbye, best friend. Dolly wishes you luck in your endeavors…"
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genderstealer2000 · 4 months
How do you start gender hoarding? I know that it might sound like a stupid question, but you see, I live in a place where trans people and nbs are looked down upon but lesbians and gays are ok. (rural Australia)
I felt weird coming out to my bf as a demigirl( I am AFAB) and he knows I’m a furry, but doesn’t know about my alter humanity (questioning therian)
So my view of gender is very “traditional” and where I live there’s only really female, male, trans and (very rare) nonbinary. I also have highly suspected autism/ self diagnosed yet I don’t see gender in a way I hear people with autism do, probably due to my upbringing
I want to know from a person like you who knows the “newer” ways of gender how I should gender hoard and not stick myself to just the traditional genders
its not a stupid question at all!! ill do my best to answer! so i identify as agender transmasc. agender goes under the trans umbrella and nonbinary, but i dont see myself as gender neutral i just have no gender. now going more into the transmasc, just means i feel more masculine. doesnt really effect the way i present my gender any differently, hmm i guess i dont really know how to explain it. i dont understand the concept of gender, i dont understand a lot of social constructs, i honestly think its sort of unneeded. my gender is complex in the most noncomplex way, its vast and its tiny. ive made my own genders based off of feelings and intrests, i think thats the best way to get started with genderhoarding. making your own ideas, analyzing yourself. (personally its helped me become more aware of who i am!) imaginationnnnn!! creativity!! make something up, no ones stopping you! the way i view gender is its what makes you, you. it doesnt have to make sense to anyone but you. it doesnt have to make sense! some of the things i tie in with my gender are the rustling of leaves in a forest, fog in the early morning, large fields, chaotic music, soft stuffed animals, the smell of pavement after it rains, soft piano music, acoustic guitar, the moon some of those things are real different!! and those are some of the things that i view my gender as! i think its a lot easier too with the internet, theres a ton of people who have similar ideas and interests so they also make genders, sexualities, and flags to go along with them.
i have a board on pinterest that i frequently add stuff to, i could link it here if you would like! i also save just anynthing that pops up if it remindes me of my friends or it seems cool. it doesnt mean i identify with it, but its cool to read about them! i keep track of them in a notebook as well!! my genders relate to my hyperfixations, mostly. Hyperfixations and anything that i can relate too! ex. horrormasc: a masculine aligned horrorgender. fits both definitions (1: a horrifying/all over the place gender, and 2: a gender related to different horror genres) raingender: a xenogender connected to the rain scenekid/scene neutral, oldwebemoic, onlineboyic, endspacic etc, etc. dont feel rushed at all to tell your boyfriend! when i started feeling more comfortable telling people, i made sure to have articals pulled up to read, notes etc. so it would be easier to sort me thoughts? get it out more smoothly. i also wanted to talk about self-diagnosing!! i hear so much negative about it, but honestly, its good to research and try and find out things about yourself. that my opinion. and not for longterm, just for a bit until you can get evaluated. gahhhhh self diagnosing is valid and it makes me so mad to see people who think its not. granted, some people to just see a couple things and "oh yup got that" but when you really spend time looking at signs, symptoms, traits it can be very beneficial in the long run, and also just to check before you go get evaluated also i apologize if this is insanely long, or if it makes no sense. im sleep deprived, im trying to fall asleep gahh i hope this helped even a little bit!! if you want me to expand on anything or explain anything further feel free to dm me!
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guardianssystem · 6 months
hey 0/
saw your response and so here's my attempt to describe what being a median system is/means (from our experience and knowledge, if anyone wants to correct things here or add on feel free :D)
median, when refering to plurality or systemhood, is a descriptor for how a system functions or presents generally. there are two main, often overlapping definitions. i'll be using the words system and parts respectively throughout this as thats how we talk about ourselves but they can be substituted with plural or any other similar terms (or none at all) and headmate/person/alter/facet.
the first 'definition' of median, is a system whose parts are all quite similar, generally like different versions of the same person but they can be quite similar in other ways. this is distinct from 'multiple systems/plurals' (systems and the like who aren't median) as generally those systems experience a reasonably high level of difference between parts. (like how you hear a lot of systems saying they are multiple people in one body, it implies that there's a decent amount of difference between them.)
the other 'definition' of the word, is a system who feel like they are not really independent from each other in the way multiple systems are. like they is more than one person/part in a body but not exactly 2, like 1.5. so singlets would have 1 person to a body, median systems might have 1.5, and multipe systems might have 2. its not exactly a headmate count even though it sounds like one, more like a separation level i guess.
tumblr wont let me attach an image properly but this is a little diagram i just made to try show some of the ways you might imagine a medain system compared to a singlet or multiple (feel free to copy and paste it into your post if you reply) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1166724958362275884/1169587061397917787/IMG_8414.jpg?ex=6555f1d5&is=65437cd5&hm=e518ae1c3f68c42ab9b5a20291744b823adb4b7f576e29c84c47fc2ca5252964&=&width=1422&height=1054
not all median systems experience themselves like one of those two things but they are generally how the term is defined. some medians experience one of those things but not the other, some experience both, its really a matter of how you define yourself. its all a spectrum as well and there are some terms in between and some more i could probably say but this is getting longer than i intended so ill finish up there.
if you want a little collection of stuff about the experience you could also take a scroll through @/median-culture-is here on tumblr. again, ask if any of this doesn't make sense. thanks for taking the time to read through this and understand us a little better :)
- 🌱☀️
Okay that is definitely something that should be in the document, but not something that should be where we put it 🤣
We have the feeling we might have mixed Median up with something else. Maybe Medium? We're not sure. We think we definitely should have known this already, though. Our partner thought they might be a median or similar when they first discovered their plurality and did a ton of research that we helped with. Amnesia, we guess 😅 so sorry
Thank you for explaining! We'd heard the phrase "more than one, less than two" quite a few times, we guess that's probably in relation to medians.
We'll edit it in the document sometime today (quite a few things on today unfortunately.) Thank you for bringing it up and explaining ❤️
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lennies-blog · 9 months
I saw that on Sky Germany website there is a video of Sebastian at the SailGP. Do you still translate things related to Sebastian Vettel?
Here https://sport.sky.de/artikel/segeln-ex-formel-1-fahrer-sebastian-vettel-feiert-premiere/12925984/34240
Translation coming up!
Okay it's really weird, because most parts of the video don't have sound 🤔
My phone cannot play the video at all, saying it's not available and then I thought my laptop has difficulties with playing sound overall, but the video has got sound, but only the parts where Seb is talking and it sounds like he is answering some kind of questions so there is definitely something missing!
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To sum it up:
Seb is now co-owner of the German SailGP team and was able to take part in a drive around on the German F50-catamaran this weekend at the coast of Los Angeles. The video shows Seb interacting with people, getting on the boat and a little segment of him taking part in the drive. (*all without sound*🥲)
But here are the parts that I could hear (some of which were already in English which I only transcribed. I also did little paragraphs where I suspect new questionshave been asked):
"It was by coincidence obviously. I often heard that there are a lot of similarities between sailing really high class and racing on the track, which I know (*laughs*) probably a lot better (*laughs*), but yeah, then though Thomas, who yeah, was the initiator of the German team, I got into it, I heard about it, learned about it, and yeah, I got more and more hooked. I'm not a sailor myself, yet, so maybe to be, but yeah, that's how it all started. (I) tried windsurfing, that's as close as I got.
Now it's fascinating to see there's a whole nother world that which I said has a lot ofthings in common and yeah, to understand the element of wind is very difficult because you can't grab it.
I think watching now on TV is a lot easier then back in the day, because you've got all the graphics, so you understand actually who is leading, what's going on, you see where the wind is coming and what's most likely to happen. In the end it's all about details and that's what every team seems to be looking for.
Well I think for sure by nature. It's more sustainable, I mean it's powered by nature, so obviously that's very exciting. Once it gets the lift and foils, it's pretty incredible. Also to stand on land and see it is pretty cool.
Well it's still early days. If you look at it, as far as I understand where the team comes from I think it's a big shot. I think we are happy with how the first event went and looking forward to the second one.
Yeah I think for one, the speed. When the boat was up once, everything is suddenly quiet and you can only hear the wind, but then the wind gets stronger and then the maneuvers in the corners, the interaction of the crew, the coordination just beforehand and the start, cause there us not much time left then to speed around the corners. I think you kind of understand more of how everything works together, so that it will work well, if you've driven yourself.
Yeah, I would say I still have the view if an athlete and I think it's incredibly interesting. I think every kind of sport has its charm and if you get into it like today it helps you a lot more to assess it. That the level is very high I think you can see from the outside, how big the boats are and then the speeds added to that, but if you then have the chance to participate/drive in it once, I really enjoyed it, then I think you can get more into the rhythm and understand what exactly is demanded. Its very very physical, you are on edge the whole time, especially with the G forces in the corners and yeah, it's oftentimes hard to explain, even if back then when I talked about racing it was very hard to convey that it's actually really exhausting, and yeah, it's a great sport, really.
Yeah well, my role isn't really that active that I sit in the boat every weekend, steer it and make decisions with them, but rather try to incorporate my experience from theoutside. Especially the teamwork and the all data is something that I worked with extensively within the last years, or was allowed to work with, and be able to bring something to the table there, I think just this inside view, because I think not dependable on the kind of sport you can contribute a lot of experiences and if it helps, all the better.
Ah well, it was great. I didn't know what to expect to be honest. It was really impressive in many ways, first of all the speed on water is you know, a different perception of speed. But then the G forces, the cornering, but also to see the crew, you know communicating to each other, preparing sort of the next move, why you're trying to optimise the current course, yeah. Also you know there's sometimes not much time before you make a decision orbefore you got to make a turn, so that was very impressive to feel it from the inside.
Yeah for sure, it's very different to racing. I mean I did miss my seat belts and my seat, so it was a bit adventurous at the beginning, the changing sides, gotta aim for the little hole to jump into, but yeah, I did get used to that part, but the first couple of times was, I wouldn't say scary, just very very unusual. But yeah, then you get in the groove and obviously I had whole trust in the team surrounding and it was fun to then feel the boat also accelerating, picking up speed, so that was very nice."
Interview, after Seb was just taking a ride on the catamaran:
Person A: "Allright, you're ready? Is everything working?"
B: "Yeah"
A: "Cool! (To Seb:) Okay, if you can look at me: So, what is your first reaction? You actually got to drive and fly the boat! What was it like?"
Seb: "Well it was amazing! I think (it's) very different when you're on the boat than when you are on land, but everything is moving, changing sides is eh, quite a challenge the first time, then you sort of get used to it. Very very impressed by the G force, you were able to pull the boat round the corners, I did not expect that! Yeah, I was wishing for a setabelt to be honest (*laughs*) when cornering, but yeah it was incredible to see how the team interacts with each other, always trying to keep the boat in control and obviously try to make it go as fast as possible, yeah, was impressive."
A: "How was the crossing-the-boat?"
*Switches to German and basically repeats it all*
Seb: "Yeah, I mean I didn't look down, so I just focused on where I needed to end up and also, you know, when you see the corner, the turn coming, I was sometimes a little bit, not panicking, cause I trust them, but thinking 'okay, it's about time! Should J really? Switch? To the other side?' And then obviously they're used to it, doing it in the last second so literally a second before the last turn, the last guy hops in the hole and we got the corner coming, so yeah, good fun, definitely!
Yeah, it was mega! Very different from what I expected, especially the G forces in the corners, you can really let it fly around the corners. But also the speed in general! Just with the wind, when the boat is going up it all gets a little quieter and you only hear the wind that is getting louder and louder. Yeah it was a lot of fun and also seeing how the team works together and always has everything under control, yeah a lot to take in, but it was really good!"
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starrabbitmedia · 8 months
Anon who recently asked about OCs here. Hear me out: tiny robotic assistants/companions (Actual companions not. "Companions" wink wink) for the main three. Someone similar to them to keep them company who's also pocket sized! I think it'd be a neat dynamic (especially for Zavy with his constant need to have company)
Those are the OCs I'm making! They have names but not designs. Fairy's is called Cotton, Zavy's is (subject to change because I couldn't think of a theme he has besides clown) Peach, and Mirage's is Phantasma (like Phantasmagoria!)
This is incredibly cute! And it works very well, because tiny bots like that are actually canon in the Star Palace universe. When it comes to the bots that are personal companions, and the world in general, I actually take a LOT of inspiration from an old Anime/Manga called Chobits. In that anime, all of the bots are called Persocoms, and they are walking, talking computers. So none of the main characters have anything like a laptop or PC, The Persocoms themselves are the computers. There are large ones that are people-sized, and then there are smaller ones that are considered Laptops.
Like these two:
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They're pocket-sized, and easily transportable.
The tiny bots in the Star Palace Universe are usually a little bit bigger than these guys. They're about a foot tall, at the smallest. Anything tinier would just be a toy that wouldn't have AI capabilities.
The bots that are 1-2 feet tall are usually a sort of a replacement for a service dog. They're little guys who follow their owners around and make sure they're doing okay. They can help with both mental and physical disabilities. The more help the person needs, the bigger the bot will be in order to meet all of their accommodations. If someone needs a full live-in nurse, the bot will usually be around 4-5 feet tall. Meanwhile, a medical bot in a hospital will often be far bigger because of how how much work they have to do there. Zavy, as an example, has to be big and strong enough to lift emergency patients from one stretcher to another. While a smaller bot could push the stretchers, they have to be able to move quickly and stop on a dime, which is easier for a bigger bot.
3-4 foot tall bots are also used in food-service jobs. (Like Taki!) They're small so that they can move around the kitchen easily, but also not take up a lot of space. They also usually have stretching limbs so that they can reach around from one place and now have to move much.
Performance robots will usually be bigger than usual (like how Fairy is 8 feet tall). This makes it easier to see them on stage. Though as a result, the humans next to them usually look quite small in comparison. This was something the production companies didn't really think through, and therefore they're working on slowly bringing them down in size to not be QUITE so big.
As for your OCs, they sounds SUPER cute. If I may make a suggestion for Zavy's, you could go with Jelly, which represents the weird little Jellyfish lamp in his room. Or you could go with a star-related name, because the rest of his room is nebula-themed. No matter what, it's your OC. I look forward to seeing what you create.
Not gonna lie, as soon as I saw the name Peach, I just thought of--
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mothicality · 2 months
why are there no good insults :/
i'm not entirely sure when or how i started thinking about it- maybe after seeing people with intellectual disability talk about the r word, or people talking about gay being used as an insult, or a masterlist of ableist terms... or maybe something else
but i first just started thinking about how "stupid" and "dumb" as insults are awful and ableist. the main conclusion that came from it is pretty simple, "if you're using this thing as an insult, what's wrong with being this thing?"
and as i get better at keeping it in mind, i'm realising most insults have similar issues... by using it as an insult, i'm saying there's something wrong with being that thing, which i rarely agree with
so i've already mentioned stupid and dumb- there's nothing wrong with being stupid/dumb/less intelligent. the only thing it really means is that some people have a harder time with certain things than others, so need accommodations. that applies to pretty much any disability, and i don't think there's anything wrong with being disabled or needing help, so it's hypocritical of me to use stupid/dumb/similar words as insults.
one i only realised recently is "loser" - i was struggling to think of ways to express my hatred of a certain person, and ended up landing on "loser," but... that just means someone who doesn't win, especially getting last place. but that just means the others did better, it doesn't mean the person who lost did anything wrong. i don't think there's anything wrong with losing or being bad at things, so using it as an insult is hypocritical of me.
with blind and deaf i'm a bit more iffy since they do have other meanings than the disabilities that could make sense as insults, but they're primarily related to the disabilities so i do lean towards them not being okay. i've only seen one blind person and a few deaf people take issue with it, so that does add to my iffyness since i see so many who don't mind, but again, i do lean towards thinking it's wrong to use them as insults.
there's countless others i can't think of right now and that would make the post way too long, but i'd love to hear if anyone else has more words and their issues to share.
i think thinking about this stuff can be useful for one's own mental health as well. my ex struggled a lot with feeling like he was stupid, which he often told me about. most people in that situation would rush to tell him that he's not stupid and try to prove that he's smart, but... so what if he's stupid? i tried to work a lot with that with him, going through the possibility of being stupid and why he felt negatively about it, trying to help him see that his intelligence doesn't matter and doesn't effect his worth as a person.
but yeah, that's just something i've been thinking about for a while. i thought of it now because i saw someone say that all disabilities are valid and matter, and then shortly after said i sounded stupid.
i've also seen a lot of people jokingly asking if someone's "acoustic" (meaning autistic) in a way that is not positive, even while claiming to support autistic and otherwise disabled folks.
so yeah, would love some thoughts on this, and recommendations for better insults lol
(also this post is not encouragement to insult people. i hope that's obvious but this is the piss on the poor site. sometimes insulting someone can be okay though, especially if there's no way of them knowing you've said it. there are very shitty people in the world that you sometimes need to express your hatred for, insults are the easiest way, in my opinion at least)
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perplexingluciddreams · 6 months
can I ask a question if ur ok with it? I i rlly want semiverbam and nonverbal ppls thoughts and information on this over anyone else. can semiverbal mean u struggle with speech bc u often do not know what to say if it’s not a topic on your special interest? or otherwise your scripts which consist of like “that’s nice” or other short phrases.
like I can try to have conversation but my brain will go blank and I literarily cannot think of what to say therefore I cannot keep talking. or if I do talk I must repeat the same two word phrases over and over. i have struggled to make friendships bc of my issues with talking. we try to talk and get to know each other but even after YEARS they get barely anything out of me. I can say words it’s not a physical struggle but my brain can’t know what to say to say words often. so all of my life I’ve been known as a very very quiet barely speaks shy kid. I even often have trouble talking about my special interests if it’s not done over text rather than talking.
I have a very strong inner monologue lots of words but when it comes to actually talking I struggle. there are times I do talk fast and more though. And times around certain people I feel it is easier. but often it’s not. and even if I’m comfortable around a person I can still struggle.
but I’m not sure if this is a semiverbal thing or if I would still be verbal. i don’t want to wrongly use a term. any help on what semiverbal means and If any of this sounds relatable?
Hi, anon, I will do my best to answer your question. I can only speak from personal experience, as someone who grew up semiverbal and is now permanently fully nonverbal due to late regression.
Firstly, semiverbal is a community term (as in, not have medical definition, not used by doctors or professionals). It means someone who struggles with speech and/or verbal communication all the time. If this is a constant struggle for you (as in, not completely verbal sometimes and have “episodes” other times), I think you can use the word semiverbal to describe that experience.
It sounds like you struggle more with the language/word side, and less with the physical speech side. And social issues like struggling with back and forth conversation, cannot speak about any topic other than special interests, etc. can all overlap.
What you have written here sounds relatable to me in some parts, for how I was when I was younger, when I was semiverbal. I also had difficulty with my mouth blurting out things I didn’t mean and didn’t want to say, things that didn’t match my thoughts. But that was only partly due to the physical lack of control. It was also because I didn’t understand what I was saying/repeating. I didn’t have the ability to match my thoughts with words, or words/phrases with meanings. If I could see that I was “supposed” to say something, then if the physical ability was available to me at that moment, I would just say something I had heard someone else say, that had some kind of link. I could identify when something had a link or was on the same/similar topic, because of how my brain finds patterns. But I never understood what the majority of it meant - only understand for the most simple sentences and phrases.
I was rarely rarely able to use unique words or sentences to say my thoughts and feelings and experiences. My brain was blank or “quiet” a lot (still is). I mostly didn’t know when I should tell something, even important or dangerous or emergency things. I only grasped that I was supposed to say something when someone else talked then there is a silence and they look at me 🤷🏻‍♂️. Then I have to sift through the noises they just made, find a recognisable word, make a link with a script I remember hearing, and send it out my mouth. This is an example of how another aspect of my autism (low awareness, low social understanding) affects communication abilities/opportunities.
I personally don’t have a strong inner monologue, and I did have physical struggles with speech so not only language problems, but I can relate to what you’re saying in some ways. I was also a “very very quiet barely speaks shy kid”.
The language/word side is very important to communication. It is not only about the physical speech.
The main reason for the difficulties I have with communicating overall, is the language issues. And the language issues is the same, when I had physical speech before, and when I don’t have that ability anymore now. That is the main underlying struggle for communication.
I hope this answer was helpful for you. Anyone else who wants to add on, please do! And if I left anything out, or miscommunicated something, please correct me. This is my final disclaimer - I am only one person with one experience and this is all I know.
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drawnaghht · 7 months
I saw your tags in my post!!!! AND I'M SO SURE YUI PARENTS ARE DEAD!!! But they died when he was still really young so he doesn't really remember them. I'm so curious on what other people think about his childhood. In my mind he was a chaotic child who performed tricks for his Aunty.
Oh! I'm glad to hear that bc I had a similar thought over the series ^^
The way Auntie says it in the first episode, it really does sound like... she promised his parents a long time ago, and it is something much-mentioned between the two.
I actually have a theory based on Auntie's appearances and what she says, that she decided to make a kind of larger white lie about herself to Usagi, and that she is actually his grandma and for some reason has asked to be called auntie. So many if us assume that she is literally, his aunt, but the way I understand it as a non-native speaker, auntie in english can mean an elderly woman as well, regardless of actual familial connection.
there's also how the japanese dub has translated her as obaa-chan, grandma, which can be used for any older grandma-age lady too. then also how Stan Sakai calls her Usagi's grandma in interviews.
so where I'm getting to with this is that maybe it's a painful topic for her, whether it was her sibling or her own child who died, but it seems she's gone through a lot and maybe omits details about what happened to Yuichi's parents. In any case, she had made a promise to Usagi's parents and we don't know much beyond that. If we go more into headcanon than theory territory, we could expand on what's implied in the show. What if besides looking after the boy, they also asked her to promise to look after him as her own? And so she became Auntie, instead of only Grandma.
Or it could even just be a personal preference! I have an aunt thru marriage who right-off-the-bat requested to be called by name instead of "aunt" or "auntie" because those monikers felt old to her.
Perhaps for Usagi's auntie, it was similar and she felt that because he couldn't experience having parents, at least he could experience having an auntie, and that's what she asked for him to call. Not an older grandma, but an experienced auntie. Altho that's not what those words have to mean, it is just speculation from me based on how she's written. Also, because she seems to be a war veteran (the prosthetics and experienced skill despite her old age), she might have things to hide. so perhaps she prefers something familial and close what a family member would call her, but not her full or real name, as perhaps the boy's parenrs would have called her.
Just some thoughts!
My theories on what actually happened to his parents range depending on what I take as a jumping-off point for the theory. Easiest and most extreme example; Perhaps the wars were recent and they died there? Maybe they even had more kids before Usagi? Because Usagi's name also includes Yuichi tho, with the meaning of "first-born brave son", perhaps not. Another theory I had earlier in s1, is that they went to the city, related to their farm, perhaps they needed investors or were doing business of some kind. What happens next branches off - it could have been a simple mugging or other crime that left them vulnerable or hurt enough that they couldn't get help anymore.
One of the theories I have is that it is related to some gang wars that took place over 10 years before the events of the series and Usagi's 16th birthday in ep 1. I'm going to use this one in my Neo Edo Idol fanstory because it seems to fit the best there ^^ It's implied by how the three main gangs in the series basically exist in a corrupt way where they can both tell the Shogun what to so, but are also sequestered off into their of territories, that probably things weren't so great before, but under the semi-corrupt Lord Kogane, they exist in a standstill. So maybe Usagi's parents found their ends in whatever went on with the gangs 10+ years ago.
If we tie it with the fact that a big criminal was alao going around the city causing problems, mentioned in Gen and Toshiko's flashbacks about their mom's praxis, we can get another interesting connection. Maybe Usagi's parents were victims of this black wolf. There's even the theory that maybe... this could be related to Jei, known from the comics and that this character is a nod to him. Whether a descendant or a random black wolf possessed by Jei, it is an interesting nod. So 2 things could have happened. Or any number of things really! Mainly I am thinking, maybe Usagi's parents got hurt by Okami, and died then and there; Possibly, they could have been hurt by either Okami or anyone or anything else, but then couldn't get help because the city's only working hospital was closed because of him. It's interesting to think about! I hope someone else makes these connections in their Usagi Chronicles fanstories as well :)
Anyway, this became a whole big tangent answrr lol ^^; but thanks for talking about this! lolol I love talking about this sjow and Usagi's parents and what happened to them, any details about them... they are like one of the biggest unknown mysteries to me haha and it would be really cool to get something like a FAQ or some companion piece/comic where we get more fleshed-out lore for them too ^^
Of course, since the series was made inspired by Senso and Space Usagi, it's likely we'll never find out, but it's fun to think that maybe the writers, storyboarders and showrunners all hax some small ideas about his parents, and that these ideas simply weren't used for time reasons...
Thanks and feel free to ask/talk more!
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dominicsorel · 10 months
Hey can i hear abt ur passed pawn duo/sora kairi bbs theory pls im rlly curious
AAAAAA IM SO HAPPY U ASKED OK so for me i think they’ve been dropping hints in each game for a very long time but it’s easy to miss them.
The biggest one as of recent is in MOM where Kairi tries to find Sora in her memories. She might have thought he returned to her like Vanitas had Ventus’s past memories after being split from him in the way they were (KH3 novel states this) so that’s why I believe she chose the memory search method. She thought it’d be the most productive way to save Sora because he’s not just a product of himself but the old Kairi as well. He had her old memories for a very long time and it helped shape who he is even if it was on a subconscious level. Xehanort says those memories long gone and that implies Kairi’s old memories went SOMEWHERE.
But why do I think this? I’ve got a few examples.
Kairi didn’t want to leave the islands but Sora held an interest in Kairi’s home world. “Xion came from Castle Oblivion. That’s probably why she was asking about the place.” Riku runs operations for the Sora search out of Radiant Garden where Kairi is from. Ienzo states he hasn’t seen Sora since the castle but…he never saw Sora at Castle Oblivion. Sora also is the one to help restore Radiant Garden. And a small note I enjoy is Sora apologizing for lying to Ariel about not being from another world. Ariel isn’t mad and states if he can visit other worlds, maybe she can too. Reminds me of Sora looking like he thinks Riku is talking to him when he’s telling Kairi it’s thanks to her he thought of trying to go to another world. He might’ve gotten credit if he was honest about who he used to be. If he even knows. Shang also gets upset at Mulan for lying about her identity and Sora even expresses he can relate to her in the manga version.
(Maybe for different reasons but the reading of what gender you view him as is up to you. Personally, I read him as a trans guy.)
Sora makes the difference in helping save Aqua. Aqua stated she felt like she met Kairi for a reason and Sora helping save her after ten years of suffering in the Dark World sounds like a pretty big reason to me. He could also use her weapon Master Defender which Kairi touched Aqua’s weapon when they met and people have theorized that’s how Kairi can use Destiny’s Embrace so…wouldn’t the same be possible for the old Kairi?
Xion looks more like Kairi but she has a lot more similarities to Sora in her personality that Riku himself can’t help but notice in the Days novel. It wasn’t just him seeing Xion as Sora. He felt like he couldn’t lie to her because of how much Xion and Sora had in common. She also stays at Hollow Bastion after running away. From this, I think she’s supposed to be a hint that the old Kairi has been Sora right under our noses this whole time. Xion also expresses worry about Kairi in the Days novel that’s very reminiscent of Sora’s care for her. Namine actually keeps her promise to be real friends with Sora through Xion too. My favorite indication of this is Data Sora asking Data Namine if she kept her promise “to the me I don’t know”. That’s why them talking happily in the KH3 ending is even sweeter.
That’s just some of my reasons but I’m out of energy so we can continue this in another ask later if you’re interested! I’m really happy to know people are curious about this because it feels like it’s becoming more and more real with each game.
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nimmenstjer · 2 months
Quick question for you! I’m slowly learning Dutch and I wanted to ask if you have any advice for a beginner.
I’m a bit ashamed to ask but I really want to improve and I figured that asking to someone who is Dutch might be helpful.
Also probably by the end of the year I’ll be able to visit a friend that is moving near Utrecht. Do you think I should try to interact a bit in Dutch or people will get upset if I can’t pronounce/catch the answer very well? (I’m autistic and sometimes I have some issues in elaborating what I hear even in my own language)
I hope I haven’t annoyed you too much with my questions
I think the best kind of advice would be from someone who is also learning dutch, since they would run into the same difficulties.
The one thing I can think of is figure out how vowels sound so you can get the pronounciation more easily when reading something, wich is pretty consistent in dutch, so that might be helpful.
A thing you might at first have trouble with spelling 's ochtends, 's avonds, and suchlike, but that's the same rules as how "you're" is short for "you are", it's just that "des" is an old fashioned version of "de", and basically only survives in contractions like that.
Something you might run into is also the difference between "de" and "het". Both of them are basically "the", with "het" ocasionally leaning towards "it", but in casual use, getting it wrong a couple of times isn't a disaster or anything. Pretty sure this one is mostly an experience thing, so don't sweat it too much.
A lot of compound words have a connecting "e" such as pancake being pronounced "Pannekoek" but spelled "Pannenkoek". This is because in casual word use we went the opposite way of the Germans, and rather than not always pronouncing the "e" en words that end in "-en", the dutch don't always pronounce the "n". As such, at the time this spelling rule was established, it was assumed to be lazy/casual language usage, and the "correct" spelling had an "n" put in, despite the fact that the "e" in a lot of compound words is more of an ease-of-pronounciation add-on than anything else.
I don't think anyone would be upset, your biggest issue with trying to talk in dutch will be that a lot of people know a decent amount of english and will switch to that mid conversation once they figure out that's the language you're better in.
Hey, fellow autistic! Anyway, you have the perfect excuse built in right there! Not that you really need an excuse, but "Oh, I didn't quite catch that, could you repeat that?" and similar is a pretty useful response in those cases, and if you're surrounded by people with varying levels of accent or you straight up don't know the entire language, it's even more effective.
What I remember from school, in grammar, the trickiest bit was figuring out wether a verb ended in a d or a t or a dt, which I basically always just always did by comparing it to "Ik loop, jij loopt, wij lopen, ik heb gelopen/I walk, you walk, we walk, we have walked" rather than figure out what kofschip/fokschaap stands for (some grammar trick about letters I never bothered to figure out, as my method worked most of the time)
A fun fact: There is something called "steenkolen engels", literally "coal english", wich is basically what happens when english speaking crews have to work together with dutch speaking harbour workers, and they figure out that if you pronounce things with the other guys accent and add some of the words you do know, you can mostly figure things out together. So it's basically dutch with an english accent and some english words.
second fun fact: if you ever become fluent in dutch, as an english speaking person, your accent has a chance of sounding frisian, even if you don't speak frisian at all. This is because frisian and english are closely related.
third fun fact: You are not annoying. People who try to learn and improve in anything are a delight. You are, therefore, a delight.
A joke (paarden is dutch for horses. Fokken is dutch for breeding a type of animal) A guy was at a party talking to an englishman when he was asked what he did for a living. "Oh, I fok horses." "Pardon?" "Yes, paarden."
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necroangelz · 1 month
💉 if it's okay :3
I wish to learn more about kin memories & how they work, so I wish to hear yours!! (& maybe if you want, could you explain kin memories please n thank u)
I'm happy to help uu learn more !
heres this neat article i found online that explains what kin memories are (aaand today i learned that there's a fictionkin website WOAH /pos) linkie
tell me if uu want me to explain anything further or summarize the info if uu can't read everything right now ^_^
『 💉 』
a kin memory
along with my kin mems I'll also explain to uu how i got them (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
( as Hatsune Miku, in a timeline where i was a robot idol )
if uu didnt know: in fictionkin terminology, timeline refers to the past life uu had as that character basically. the word canon can also be used
once, i escaped the studio-compound-apartment where i "lived" (technically it's the location where i was stored by the company that made me) to go on an unauthorized road trip with the other robot idols (vocaloids). i have a LOT of memories about this little event. the first thing i remembered was that i simply snuck out and went on a road trip with kagamine rin and Len. what sparked me to remember this event was seeing this fanart here:
Tumblr media
artist unknown, sorry.
it's quite common for kin mems to be sparked by seeing anything related to the character's media, such as fanart.
when i saw this fanart, one could say i felt a strong impression that we went on a road trip, and we were sitting in a car together just like the fanart. at the time i didn't have any sensory memories to go off of, i just innately knew that it happened. (having a lot of mems that are things uu only innately know are fine too! detailed sensory memories aren't necessary to be a valid kin)
eventually i got another memory, can't remember how, and it was mostly visual. (naturally) it looks like a hazy blur when i think about it, but i know what was happening in that memory anyway: it was nighttime and we were at the beach. rin was holding sparklers. there were many of us robot idols there enjoying our night of freedom. i reflected upon the memory further, wrote about it, shared it with some people, and upon further reflection i was able to make it clearer. i got an auditory memory of Rin's laugh and the sound of the sparklers (i also remembered how rin chased me around the beach lol)
last memory I'll discuss: last year i went on a vacation with my family to go swimming somewhere. being in the car with them and the chaos of the trip gave me an impression that robot idols' road trip was also chaotic. after getting that impression i recalled more memories that matched the impression i got (as in, i got memories that were also chaotic)
I'll ramble a bit more about kin memories and my experience with them
i get kin mems through a lot of ways. interacting with content related to the media, like what i mentioned earlier, is one way. there's also listening to music that reminds me of the kin or my past life as the kin (so basically like character playlists lmao) i heard meditation helps people too but I'm trash at meditation so i only tried it like 2 times and it never rlly did anything > <
sometimes mems come to me when I'm not expecting it either. maybe something happens throughout my day, or i just see something, and i recall a kin memory that's similar to what i saw. it's like my brain was "reminded" of the mem
one example of this is when i was outside and i looked up, and the sky was so blue and beautiful, it was a nice day outside, and i remembered playing outside with my friends as sunny omori ^_^
not all memories that one gets will be pleasant. i myself have a few negative memories. if one is distressed by their negative mems, it's absolutely okay, but one must understand that it isn't their life anymore and they have a choice to not dwell on their past life, past mistakes, etc. who they were in a past life does not define them anymore. i used to be very very affected by my negative memories, I'd just be in a slump for multiple days and i won't stop thinking about the mems, but I'm no longer affected by them
so yeah... i hope all of that made sense ahahahahhaa i am not crazy i swear
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