#it's nice tho i feel like it's weirdly preparing me for when i go back to being a student
fairyofshampgyu · 2 years
Fuck You Series: Final Part
genre: smut, bit of angst, fluff, band au, uni au, enemies to lovers au, crack, friends with benefits
Pairing: beomgyu x gn reader (afab tho when it comes to smut parts)
warnings: smut, sub!beomgyu, dom!reader, riding, titty sucking, eating out
synopsis: you and Beomgyu are both from infamous rival bands at the same uni, you being the bassist of your band: Blue Moon and Beomgyu being the lead guitarist of his band: Tomorrow x Together. You hate Beomgyu the most though and one night at a party you decide to “teach him a lesson” and become…fuck buddies ??
Word Count: 3k
song of the chapter:  yours - maye
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Ryujin spits out her tea snorting, “Wait so you’re telling me, he got all weepy, confessed to you drunkenly and then you just dipped?!” Wooyoung begins snickering at this too.
Both of them had stayed the night at yours after you had forced them to abruptly leave the party last night and hadn't explained the reason until now whilst you were having breakfast, well more like brunch.
“What was I supposed to do?!” You retaliate back.
“You know, drunk words are sober thoughts...” Wooyoung puckers his lips into a kiss and adds on sound effects, moving towards you from the opposite side of the table with ryujin laughing.
“Oh shut up, Wooyoung.” Rolling your eyes, you fly your hands in front of his face to get him to stop whatever he was doing.
“I just have a little question though...do you like Choi Beomgyu?” Ryujin takes another sip of her tea, trying to feign innocence whilst also having the most smug look plastered on her face.
They both look at you awaiting an answer.
“Guys...” You roll your eyes but they just keep staring. “Come on, guys.” You protest but they still have their eyebrows raised at you, “Guys?! Really?!”
Did you like Beomgyu? 
You’d been racking your brains about it the whole night and hadn't been able to get any sleep over it. Hearing him say that had got you extremely confused and taken aback. Of course, there was the possibility that he really was just drunk and saying anything but for some reason it didn't seem plausible to you.
If you were being a hundred percent, completely, TRULY honest with yourself, you really liked beomgyu’s company and you had missed him like a lot. You forgot how much of a big impact he was on your life a few years ago. Sometimes you’d just use the sex part as an excuse just to see him...sometimes...But that didn't mean you liked him like that. You just missed your old best friend. You didn't think about his absolutely fucking gorgeous face all the time, his silky, soft hair, his cute, deep, brown eyes and really, really nice long eyelashes that reach his cheeks when they’re closed, his cute nose, that weirdly shaped dimple he has whenever he smiles or eats and his pretty fucking lips you wanted to kiss all the time - okay, shit. 
Maybe you did just have the tiniest, teeniest, smallest crush on him. If you’d even call that a crush. You’d just get over it though. Maybe you were just really sick right now. You kinda feel like you have a headache...
“Hello? Earth to y/n?” Wooyoung snaps his fingers in front of your face a couple times.
“I don't fucking know! Maybe...” You put your head in your hands, lightly banging your head on the table and groaning. Oh god. fuck, shit. How could this happen?! How is this happening?!?! How could you like Beomgyu?! Beomgyu??!!! BEOMGYU??!!
“You owe me $20.” Ryujin points to wooyoung and he sighs grabbing a twenty from his pocket.
“Did you guys make a bet on me?!” You lift your head off the table.
“Maybe?” Ryujin shrugs sheepishly.
“To be fair, I thought you were in love with Choi Beomgyu too. I just bet for drama.” Wooyoung also shrugs.
“I’m not in love with him!”
“Whatever you say.” Both of them speak in unison.
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It had been a week since you last saw or spoke to beomgyu and the day of your uni’s music festival. Jay had hyped you all up and you guys have been preparing nonstop for the big day. A lot was riding on this, if you guys got first place, it was an easy ticket to getting signed and to a big and well known label such as Hybe. It could take years for bands to get signed and to a good label too. You guys could not let the opportunity go because who knows when the next time would be? Most independent bands don’t really become big by themselves. You were a little nervous to say the least. But also pretty excited. 
After your band’s turn for their sound check, you could only wait along with the other bands, instrumentalists and vocalists behind the stage for the audience to start coming in. 
You guys spot one of what you presumed to be Hybe’s casting agents in the crowd at the back, slick black suit attire, sun glasses and a clip board at hand. They were very intimidating and you all gulped at the sight.
After many boring, bad, mediocre and very few good performances you had to sit through for what felt like an eternity, your band and txt were the only ones left to perform and the only ones people actually came here to watch. 
It was your band’s turn first.
All of you walked on the stage with your instruments, plugging it into the amps and testing for a second. Lights flashed down upon on all of you and you could see lots of little people down below, some cheering and roaring and some booing, being txt’s fans.
One of the heads of the music department introduced you guys and before you knew it, your newest track was being performed, Jay counting you guys in by hitting his drumsticks together 4 times and wooyoung starting to sing.
Your fingers glided across the fretboard on one hand and on the other hand,  plucking with your two fingers the strings, playing the catchy bassline. After Ryujin’s and Hyunjin’s really incredible guitar solo, it was your turn for your virtuosic bass solo that would make the crowd go “wild” too.
You guys did well. You could tell since the crowd applauded and screamed even louder than you thought was possible and you really think you have a shot of catching the casting agent’s eye.
Once you’re all behind the stage again, the five of you childishly squeal and jump together.
“We did it!” Hyunjin goes to high five all of you.
You feel Ryujin nudging you and you look at the direction she was indicating at to see Beomgyu and his members going up on stage. All of them wearing cool, matching outfits and makeup and Beomgyu somehow looks even more attractive than the last time you saw him but he doesn’t pay you any attention.
All of you decide to go in the actual audience for the last performance and you stand together looking up at the band performing, their fans cheering and your fans booing at them. Soobin was on the drums, Huening kai on the keyboard, Yeonjun on bass, Taehyun with his mic and Beomgyu on the guitar.
Admittedly, they were really good. I mean, you did play with them once, well not yeonjun but the rest and that was actually really fun. But your band were the ones that needed to win this.
There were times during their performance where beomgyu would straight up look you in the eyes and when you prolonged the eye contact, he’d quickly look away from you, taking his attention back on his guitar instead or the rest of the crowd around you but not specifically looking at anyone else in particular.
As expected, once they were finished there was also a big round of applause and cheers. And now you only had to wait until the judges would announce who the winner was.
The judges whisper amongst themselves for a good 10 minutes until they come to a conclusion.
“The band that wins this year’s university music festival is...TOMORROW BY TOGETHER!!” There’s an eruption of cheers and shouts and Beomgyu’s band jumping together.
Oh. You’re not quite sure how to feel. You’re not as upset as you’d thought you’d be but maybe it’s because it hasn’t really sunk in yet. Your chance gone. Who knows when the next chance will be. You look around you at your band and they look incredibly bummed obviously. But jay takes you all to the back where there’s comfy seats and you all sit there in silence for a while and then you all attempt to cheer each one of you up a bit.
“We still did really good.” Jay states, coming back from getting everyone drink cans.
“Yeah that was probably one of our best performances yet!” Wooyoung chimes in.
Hyunjin thanks jay for the drink he hands him, opening it before speaking up too, “Yeah and did you see how many people were there and the reactions to when we finished?!” 
“There’ll be so many other opportunities. Why are we acting as if its the end of the world?” Ryujin chuckles a bit before taking a big swig of her drink.
“Yeah and it was really fun just being on the stage and playing.” You agree and all of them hum their agreements too.
Ryujin nudges your shoulder again but it causes you to spill your drink. You give her a murderous glare before you look to where her eyes are occupied at to see beomgyu.
“You should go talk to him you know.”
“What?! Talk to him about what?!”
“Just shut up and go talk to him.” She rolls her eyes and very aggressively shoves you off the sofa in his direction. You give her one last look that says ‘I'm going to fucking kill you’ before approaching him.
“...Hi. Come to tell me how we didn't deserve to win and that your band was better?” He jokes, awkward tension in the air.
“No actually...I came to congratulate you.” You say mater of factly and give him a look as to say ‘why would you even suggest that?’ when truthfully, you probably would have.
Was that really all you were going to say? What else were you gonna say? What were you supposed to say? Was there something you were supposed to say?
“...And also...I hated you. For like, a really long time, think I just used the part that you ruined the band or whatever as an excuse but actually I hated you because I missed my friend that just left me. And I've been thinking and I don't want you to not be in my life again. I think...maybe...I have...” 
Ah, fuck it.
“I really fucking like you Choi Beomgyu! This day was all I should have been thinking about yet the whole time I was just thinking of you! You’re driving me fucking crazy and it’s really annoying actually!”
He stands there, staring at you with his wide eyes, dumbfounded and in disbelief, “Oh.”
“Oh?” You scoff, “Is that all you’re gonna say? I literally just unwillingly confessed to you.”
“Well, you already know how I feel.” He says, referring back to the night at the party when he was drunk. “But I'll say it again anyway, I really fucking liking you too, y/n.” He’s got that annoying, yet endearing goofy smile of his now.
“Great so like...what now?” You scratch at your head.
“Can we just makeout first I’ve been wanting to for ages!”
You laugh at him but give in, pulling him in closer and connecting your mouth to his, plushy lips moving perfectly against yours and making out with him until it’s necessary to breathe. “Well we’ve done platonic, sexual, so let’s add romantic relationship to that list now I guess.” He grins at you.
“Hmm...okay.” You can’t help the contagious grin of his taking up on your face either.
“Y/N!!” Ryujin shouts out your name, charging towards you, slight smirk when she see’s what’s going on, “Get over here right now!”
“Why? What happened?”
She shakes her head, out of breath from running up to you. You look at beomgyu in disbelief and he smiles back at you.
“I gotta go now and speak to this casting agent”
“Okay but after this you’re coming to my place! And then we’re gonna cuddle for hours and I also actually have to still teach you how to cuddle because you for some reason, don't know how to and then we’re also gonna watch a load of movies!” He shouts back whilst you leave.
“Fine but only if I get to pick the movie!” 
“What movie...?” He narrows his eyes at you.
“My favourite one.”
“That’s still your favourite film?! Do you know how many times you used to force me to watch that?! Like, fifty times!!”
“And it’ll be fifty one after this day.”
He sighs but gives in.
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“Stop teasing me, y/nnn! Just fuck me already!” Beomgyu whines, dramatically throwing his head on the pillow. You were at Beomgyu’s place now after the festival and you’d been teasing him for so long now, just fucking his dick with your hand and at such a painfully slow pace as well. “I’m so horny! We haven’t fucked in like more than a week.”
“God, say please then.” He really did have issues with patientness and you’d probably need to teach him that but not today anyway.
“Pleaseeeeee fuck me.” He pouts.
So you grab his dick and place it at your entrance, sinking down on it and he groans with knitted brows, his hands immediately touching and moving around every expanse of your body and bringing you closer to him. He was so touchy and needy today. 
He latches onto one of your tits, kissing and sucking them and playing and groping the other, desperately. Seeing beomgyu suck your tits never fails to make you go absolutely crazy.
“I missed you so much.” He muffles in between doing this and then he lightly drags his teeth over the bud, making you gasp.
“It was a week.” You shake your head and chuckle slightly at him.
“Yeah well, I thought you were never gonna speak to me again. And what? You didn’t miss me at all?” He blinks up at you with his pretty eyes.
“Okay, I admit I did kinda miss you.” You roll your eyes and he smiles after hearing. You grab his chin, pulling it upwards and leaning down to pull him into a messy, rough kiss whilst you ride him and he moans into your mouth.
“Hold my hand.” He whimpers, and you do, squeezing his soft hand tightly, still kissing and fucking him.
You ride him faster and he lets out stuttering moans, continuously with his mouth parted and his long hair, messy and moving with each bounce.
“I’m so close” Beomgyu groans, his own hands grabbing onto your waist and pushing you down to meet his thrusts.
He starts rubbing your clit with one hand, making you throw your head back as you bounce on him and you move your hand upwards to play with his sensitive nipple, knowing he wouldn’t last long and his eyes squeeze tightly shut as he lets out one last pretty moan before you both are sent over the edge together, warm cum filling you to the brim as your own leaked out around his cock.
You’re both panting and laying on the bed when beomgyu suddenly gets up and moves down your body, situating himself between your legs and spreading them.
“Can I…eat you out?”
How the fuck could you say no?
He positions his face in front, looking at your pussy, then looking at you and then returning back to lick a stripe of your pussy slowly and then latches his whole mouth onto your clit, lightly sucking and swirling his tongue around it.
He continues sucking your clit but sloppier and messier and faster and you tug on his hair bringing his face closer and he whines out loud, adding two of his long, pretty, and slender fingers into you, pumping them in and out of you fast and making you moan.
“You’re doing so good.”
He gazes up at you from between your legs, his puppy eyes adorning his face. “I’m your good boy?”
How is he so fucking cute? What the hell.
“Yeah, baby you’re my good boy.”
And he dives right back in more intensely, breath catching as he gently shook his head deeper in your pussy, nose bumping against your clit and he looks up at you through his long eyelashes, eyes big and innocent. You swear you can cum at the sight and you do, bucking your hips again this face as he laps up every drop of your cum.
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You gasp when it comes to the plot twist of your favourite movie.
“Why are you acting as if you don’t know literally every line of this god forsaken film?” Beomgyu raises his brow at you, propping his chin on your chest as you both cuddled on the sofa. You abruptly stop holding him in your arms and he starts having a fit, crossing his eyebrows and whining in his deep voice at you.
“Suddenly, I love this movie! It’s my favourite movie ever!…Now will you go back to cuddling me?” You huff, but go back to holding him in your arms.
“So now that we’re in the same company, doesn’t that mean we’re coworkers! We won’t be like rivals anymore and we’ll be in the same building and I get to see you every day!” Gosh, he’s never gonna shush and let you watch the movie will he?
“You’re down bad.” You gag.
“That’s it.” He grabs a pillow next to him, hitting it in your face. “You’re down bad! You just like to act like you’re not but you are! Admit it!” He continues to hit you but you grab another pillow too, pillow fight ensuing.
By now, he’s taken ahold of your pillow as well, no weapon left to protect you and so you surrender.
“Fine, fine! I’m down bad for you!”
“You’re not very romantic are you? I’m reconsidering.” He jokes, getting up.
“Okay, okay come back. I’ll give you a kiss! And I’ll plan and take you out on the most romantic date ever for you I promise.”
That makes him come back.
“It better be so romantic that I cry with tears.”
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Comments & Reblogs are really appreciated !!! <333
a/n: omg it’s the end 😟😟 I'm pretty sad I liked writing this series  ty for everyone who stuck around 😭 does it need an epilogue bc I feel like I ended it really badly ??
Taglist: @moonlit-yeosang @ii4enha-jwn @naniskpoptrashcan @kisshot-heartunderblade @gyulz @prplsoul @sonje78 @deez-nuts02​ @cha0thicpisces​ @sweethyuka​ @laxatives4hre​ @beomgewwwwww​ @caratsmatic​ @shoooobin​ 
503 notes · View notes
(English isn‘t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Suguru Niragi, fem!reader
• Genre: fluff, angst
• Warnings: mentions of death and murder, mentions of smut
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Affection: (how affectionate are they? How do they show their affection)
Niragi and affectionate are two things that usually don‘t go hand in hand. But if he really falls in love with you he has his ways to show his affection.
He would like to kill everyone that just lays an eye on you and if someone really dares to touch you he surely will.
„What are you looking at fucker?“ „You really wanna die, huh?“ „If you even think of her again you will regret it.“
Kinda obsessive with you.
Beauty: (what they find especially attractive about you)
In his eyes you’re the hottest, most gorgeous person alive. Your whole appearance, they way you act and talk just did something with him.
Comfort: (how they comfort you? How you comfort them)
Comforting someone isn’t quite his strength.
He would say things like „Imma kill anyone that comes near you.“ or „If you want me to I will blow their brains out just give me a sign.“
Is a bit overwhelmed when you just ask for a hug but he will do as you please.
Comforting Niragi is a whole other thing. If you know him for a while already and he warmed up a little bit he will tell you when something is wrong. But honestly you can’t do much more than just be there. But often your presence alone helps (a bit at least)
Dreams: (how they imagine their future with you)
He doesn’t have a particular dream. As long it’s with you he doesn’t really care.
Ending: (how would they break up with you)
„We’re done.“
Yeah that’s it.
Fight: (how would an argument with them look like)
He would scream and yell and cuss and eventually storm off (with slamming the doors of course) and try to take his anger out on something or someone.
Gentle: (how gentle are they? Physically and emotionally)
He’s not gentle at all. Often he feels bad when he realizes he hurt you in any way (not that he would ever admit it). You notice that he regrets his behavior because of his widen eyes and slightly open mouth. He will apologize in his own way. (Petting your back, being weirdly nice when you’re alone, etc)
It’s different if it happened during intercourse but I talk about that in nsfw alphabet 👀
Hugs: (do they like hugs? How do their hugs feel like)
It doesn’t happen often that he hugs you but when he does you can be sure that he will hold you tight and won’t let you go any time soon.
I Love You: (how fast did they say the L-word)
It slipped out during intercourse and he said it in the most dirty way possible.
„You’re such a slut for me, I love it. Fuck I love you.“
You both paused your actions for a moment but then he continued like nothing happened.
He doesn’t bring it up because he doesn’t want to admit that he has a weak spot for you. (But it wasn’t the last time this sentence left his lips.)
Jealousy: (how jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
When Niragi seriously gets jealous everyone around him is in huge danger. This boy will straight up kill everyone he remembers talking to you or even just looking at you.
But mostly he knows it’s a little game of yours because you love the fact that he actually cares for you and wants you for himself and himself alone.
And of course you love how he remembers you that you‘re his <3
Kisses: (where they like to kiss you? Where they like to be kissed)
He loves to kiss you everywhere. He want’s to make sure his lips were everywhere and he marked every single spot as his.
Even tho Niragi won’t admit it he loves it when you do the same.
Prepare for a lot of make-out sessions.
Little Ones: (how are they around children? Do they want own children)
Niragi and kids don’t work out. He doesn’t like kids and kids don’t like him.
But he would lie if he’d say that he doesn’t like the thought of you being pregnant with his kids.
Marriage: (do they want to marry)
Niragi thinks marriage on itself is stupid but he swore he will marry you anyways so everybody knows you’re his. (And he‘s yours)
Nicknames: (how they call you)
Mostly Baby or Babe.
Open: (how fast they open up)
It takes a while but eventually he will tell you about his past. Not all at once tho, but slowly one thing after another.
Patience: (how easily angered are they)
It depends on topic, who else is involved, is he having a bad day?
Quizzes: (how much do they remember about you)
He acts like he doesn’t care but in reality he remembers quite mich about you.
Romantic: (how romantic are they)
Niragi and romance are like day and night. Two things you never experience together.
Security: (how protective are they? How do you protect them)
Again even tho he acts like he doesn’t care he will kill everyone and anyone to keep you safe.
If you try to protect him he will try to get you out of the situation. When you’re alone he will yell at you. It might seem that he is angry but he was just sick worried.
„Don’t do that ever again! Got it?!“
Try: (how much effort do they put in dates, gifts, etc)
Not much because he has absolutely no feeling for this stuff. It mostly turns out to be an absolutely chaos. You think it’s cute anyways tho.
Ugly: (what are some bad habits of them)
It’s Niragi so there’s quite a lot that can count as bad habits.
Killing people, having no feeling for morals, showing little to no respect to others, etc.
Vanity: (how concerned are they with their looks)
He‘s not obsessed with his appearance but he liked to make sure that he somehow looks good.
Whole: (do they feel incomplete without you)
When Niragi is madly in love with you (which we assume here) he would absolutely feel incomplete without you.
Xtra: (random headcanon)
Sometimes he gets a wave of intense emotions and feelings towards you. He could fall to his knees and worship you like a goddess. He leaves the situation before it can happen tho because again, he will never admit his weakness for you.
Yuck: (what are some things they wouldn’t like)
Seriously flirting with someone else. Not the little game you play where you act like you flirty with someone, even tho it’s more than obvious that you’re not attracted in the slightest to them. But really showing interest in someone else. It would break his heart
Never make hints in front of others that he can get soft around you. That’s for you and you only.
Zzz… (some of their sleeping habits)
Moves a lot and snores.
When you lay next to him he will always try to touch you. At least feel your hand at his fingers.
194 notes · View notes
sunghun · 3 years
enhypen when you're on your period.
requested; no
warnings; period talk (obvi), mentions of food, some cursing??
note; sooooo i have several other things that i should be working on right now, but it's that time of the month for me, and i decided to write this in the hopes that it would make me feel better (bc there's nothing like writing cute bf!enha in these trying times to make me feel even more alone and single 😭😭)
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희승 | heeseung;
you were at your boyfriend's place
just chilling and spending time with each other
when all of the sudden you felt it
you legit just ran to the bathroom like your life depended
and heeseung is kinda confused like 🤨🤨
wut was that abt
until a few minutes later when he receives a text from you like
hey babe... i kinda started my period..... and i don’t have anything on hand atm..... would u pls go to the store and get some stuff for me... 👉👈
😳 oh....
ofc he says he will tho bc he’s a good boyfriend
but clearly he underestimated just how many kinds of pads/tampons there are
and yeah you told him to get the purple ones but there’s like 8 purple ones???
please he’d probably just end up buying one of every kind there along with like 5 different kinds of pain relievers 😭
hands you so many bags when he gets back and you’re just like
“did you buy the entire pad and tampon section??”
“don’t judge me i was overwhelmed!!”
spends the rest of the day cuddling you
will absolutely get you anything you ask for and then some
and while it’s sweet eventually you put a stop to it when he starts going overboard
“heeseung, i love you and i really appreciate everything you do for me, but i when i asked for some chips i meant 1 bag, not 7.”
“i just wanted to make sure you had enough 🥺 i don’t like seeing you in pain and i wanted to make it better 🥺🥺”
pls he’s so sweet
makes sure to always have stuff at his place for you after that <3
제이 | jay;
definition of the chill boyfriend
like he wouldn’t get grossed out but he also wouldn’t freak out over you being in pain bc he knows it’s inevitable
but he will be extra nice to you for the entire week
he’s pretty ‘go with the flow’
like if you want to be left alone he’ll give you space
but he’ll also let you be extra clingy and affectionate if you want
enjoys being able to just sit back and relax with you
tries to distract you from the pain by showing you funny memes or telling stupid jokes
“hey y/n. what’s a lion’s favourite street?”
“i don’t know what”
“mane street 😃”
*groaning in both metaphorical and physical pain*
overall he probably wouldn’t make a big deal about it
but only on the outside
like if you’re having really bad cramps he wouldn’t freak out
but be prepared for him to not let you get up for the next week
will literally get everything for you so you don’t have to move anymore than needed
“y/N wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg??”
“going to the bathroom....?”
“oh. proceed.”
will also cook anything you ask for
just very sweet and chill tbh <3
제이크 | jake;
jake would literally be the best boyfriend to have when you’ve got your period
when you tell him you can’t come over like you planned bc you have really bad cramps
he feels so bad for you and decides to go to you instead
brings you practically an entire store worth of stuff
including the softest, most heavenly feeling blanket in the entire world
which weirdly enough smells like him??
when you ask him about it he’ll get all shy and rub the back of his neck
“i remembered you saying that you really liked this one cologne i was wearing a couple weeks ago, so i kinda.....sprayed some on the blanket before coming over here.”
get out the tissues because this boy is gonna make you cry
he’s too cute 🤧🤧
spends the whole week watching movies and doing anything you want
will watch sappy romcoms without complaining for once <3
and has like 3 tissue boxes on hand
because at this point he’s an expert and knows you’re gonna cry during every movie
plus. ya know.
i feel like this is super short
but like
idk guys!!
he’s just the perfect boyfriend ig
someone get me a jake pls
성훈 | sunghoon;
okay so you two had plans to go to an amusement park
and you were both really excited
but sunghoon was especially hyped bc he hasn't been to one in so long? and now he's gonna go with his favourite person??
fuck yes
but then you wake the day you guys were supposed to go in excruciating pain
of course that would happen the day you had exciting plans
you immediately took some pain killers and tried to tough it out
bc you knew how excited sunghoon was abt going
but eventually it just gets too much
so you text him like an hour before he's supposed to pick him
i'm sorry hoonie but i don't think i can go out with you today :(
what? why??
i got my period and it rlly hurts
is it really that bad?
usually he'd be more sympathetic
but he was so excited and now all those plans just went down the drain :/
he soon realizes that that was the wrong thing to say tho
just go by yourself if the fact that my uterus is shedding it's lining and trying to kill me is such a fucking inconvenience for you.
a few hours later he goes over to your place with some of your fave snacks as a peace offering
and instantly feels like an asshole when he sees you laying in the fetal position and crying
will spoil the hell out of you the rest of the week and every period after that to makeup for how he acted at first
lots of cuddling and sweet kisses
will get you anything you want without making a snarky comment about it
because he knows he'd want you to do the same if he was in that kind of pain :(
and he just really loves you a lot tbh :((
선우 | sunoo;
if you asked sunoo to switch to a stay at home date bc you got your period
not only would he enthusiastically agree
he’d also bring an army of snacks with him
bc hello? binging dramas and eating yummy snacks with the love of his life??
that beats going out any day
also i feel like he'd be a sympathy crier??
like you're groaning in pain and he'll just get a lil teary-eyed
bc he hates seeing you suffering so much :((
pls the two of you watching a plethora of movies in different genres
so like one second you’re laughing your asses off
but then the next your just .
sobbing while cuddling
y'all are a cute mess
would try to cook for you but it kinda ends in a disaster
so he would just stick to buying food for you
eventually tho
once you're feeling better
you'd be the one dragging him out of the house
"c'mon baby let's go!"
"but.....wouldn't you rather stay in and watch something?"
"no? we've literally been watching dramas all week. i wanna get out and do something."
"did you just say the word sigh out loud?"
basically if you want a relaxed week where you do nothing
sunoo’s got you covered <3
정원 | jungwon;
if you want lots of cuddling during shark week get yourself a jungwon
this boy will cuddle you the whole time nonstop
even if you're having a hot flash he'll just lie on the bed next to you
and interlock his pinkie with yours :(
bc he just wants you to know that he's there for you 🥺
would also try to cook for you but with slightly better success than sunoo
because he only does really simple things
"here babe i made dinner for you!"
and it's just a grilled cheese sandwich but he cut it in the shape of a heart 🤧🤧
builds a pillow and blanket fort in the living room for you guys and makes sure to use all the softest and fluffiest blankets for max comfort
might freak out a little if he sees you in The Period Position (you know the one) and making the sounds of a dying whale
you may have to convince him not to call an ambulance
"are you sure you're not dying????"
always makes sure to have ibuprofen on hand after that
tries to have you eat some healthy stuff even if all your body is craving is meat and sweets
“please baby 🥺 for me? 🥺🥺”
insert you reluctantly eating baby carrots
“you’re lucky i love you, yang.”
*heart eyes* “yeah, i am.”
니키 | niki;
i feel like he might be a little squeamish if you talk about in detail
"babe...that's so gross"
but he’ll try to be understanding if you have to cancel on him
if you’re up for it he’d plan a video game/movie marathon date to help you feel better 🥺🥺
probably wouldn’t stop teasing you until he takes it a little too far and you almost cry
bc he didn’t realize you’d be extra sensitive
but he immediately apologizes and keeps the teasing to a minimum after that
definitely too curious for his own good
which results in him wanting to try those period cramp simulators
he probably try to be all tough like ‘what no this doesn’t hurt at all’ but after like a minute he’s begging you to turn it off
“how do you go through that every month i almost Died.”
no but after that he’s like in awe of you
bc wtf?? how can you act like a normal person when ur insides are trying to rip themselves apart
wait but i can totally see him buying you like a little teddy bear to hold onto when he’s not there and you don’t feel good :(
would make sure to pick the fluffiest and cutest looking one :((
gets so soft for you when he finds out you named the bear after him
goodbye 🤧
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dirtycccat · 3 years
the demon bros+ undateables showing their love
thought about this for 5 min then had to write it out so enjoy
first off you notice he treats you differently
and by differently i mean like you’re his favorite child  sibling
you get away with anything??? and he’s softer with you than with the others (which is canon)
then you see that?? he keeps buying you stuff you said you wanted when he was present
and you’re ofc impressed
but you’re more impressed by how open he’s around you
he’ll leave most of his walls down around  you
which means you’ll get to experience unfiltered lucifer
he’ll laugh around you more, make dumb dad jokes, nap with his head in your lap, complain drunkenly about his work and bros, give you sloppy cheeks and forehead kisses
you find it rly cute though
if you’re in the human world he’ll 100% take this chance to send you beautifully written letters asking you how you are and leaving some verses that reminded him of you on the back like a 19th century vampire
“dear mc, how is your life? mine is filled with woe and unease since i do not  have the light of my life around anymore...anyway here’s a poem about being horny and alone by a 18th century romantic author hope to see you soon, xoxo lucifer”
you try to respond in the same way and send him memes on the back instead of  poetry (or real poetry depends on your mood)
protective of you 100% will throw hands with anyone that even glances weirdly your way
but also wants to show you off? like look at this human!!! this is MY human!!!
gives you random thoughtful gifts that reminded him of you
wants to be around you 24/7 so he invites you to all the events that he thinks you’ll like
you wanna party? perfect. you wanna go on a weird ghost stories tour around the city? cool. you wanna waltz in one of those old people parties? he’s already reserved two tickets. you just wanna lay around and nap? he’s already on your lap.
it doesn’t matter if you’re in a romantic relationship or not this man WILL serenade you outside your window
rapunzel style with an acoustic guitar or with a boombox like a rebel 80s kid
anyway here’s toxic by britney spears babe this is for YOU
considers you his bff ofc
but also at first he’s still really awkward around you and doesn’t really know what to do for you and feels bad thinking only you do things for him
until you reassure him you enjoy just being around him so it’s fine
he blushes and starts inviting you more to his room to game/ watch stuff
at some point he starts buying two tickets to all concerts he goes to and invites you along
but also? he asks you what you’re into and starts marathoning your favorite animes/ movies/ series so he can talk with you abt them
you feel really moved that he’d do that for you???  like??? bruh...
your relationship is basically friends respecting each other and wanting to know each other the best through their passions even if it means getting into some weird shit
it’s rly wholesome tho
if you’re romantically involved he’ll totally do roleplay as your favourite character and you do the same for him and it’s really cute
also imagine: artistic collabs. you make fanart together??? you can program games together???? you do cosplay together??? the possibilities...
he’ll hate to be compared to his dad brother but he does show how much he trusts you by showing his unguarded side too
when he first talked about lucifer without the filter of his nice guy persona you were pretty shocked
like he was really going at it
but then you realize? he’s just like that when he’s comfortable
and it’s not all mean spirited, he just has,,, a strong personality and a lot of opinions about stuff (which you sometimes share with him)
but you also found out it’s really fun to gossip with satan
since he knows all the juicy gossip from his multitude of ties (he’s sharing the title of gossip queen with asmo that’s why they get along so well tbh)
also if you even find a teacher you hate he’ll tell you all their embarrassing moments to make you feel better
he also recommends you books and poems and sends you quotes that made him think about you
so you sure as heck don’t need to buy books while you’re in the devildom bc he’ll buy you an entire library 
compliments you without comparing you to himself which is the highest compliment he can give
like mammon he’s more into the showing everyone his favorite human around while also protecting them
he’ll take you to his parties and gatherings as a guest of honor, he’ll make you meet all kinds of people and open up opportunities for you
he’ll be the one that pampers you
you’d think lucifer is the sugar daddy of the family but nope it’s asmo
he’ll buy you cute clothes, shoes, beauty products everything that he saw and imagined would look bomb on you
if you’re not into clothes he’ll buy you art supplies, books, anything you want but he’ll still probably  buy you at least some clothes he thinks are cute
if you’re romantically involved,,,, he’ll buy other toys for you as well which you can try together wink wink
cooks for you
no questions asked when it’s his turn to cook he’ll think about what YOU would like to eat first before making something
which is??? really touching coming from beel
and also means sometimes he’ll make the same dish three weeks in a row and annoy the others while you just get excited bc ??? you get to eat your favourite dish??? again and again???? 
thank you beel you truly know how to touch someone’s insides
also opens up to you and talks to you about his fears and thoughts
expect to get 4 am msgs from beel if he had a nightmare
which would end up in you coming to cuddle him (and belphie also joins sometimes)
which tbh is that even a thing you can complain about?
is more baby less murder when you’re around
naps on your lap, naps on your shoulder, naps with you anywhere
but also let’s you nap on HIM
besides being soft around you he actually opens up to you too
and talks to you about his traumas and issues
which he has in common with his twin what can you do
so you have weekly cuddle parties with him and beel where you talk about shit and actually make them resolve their issues instead of just,,, ignoring them
also if you’re into each other you probably tease each other and flirt really shamelessly in public while the others cringe and or blush at your language
are you a cowboy? because i want you to ride me all night 
writes you fancy letters with poetry like lucifer, but his ink is scented and  his envelopes contain pressed flowers more often than not
if you’re together you even do letter sexting if you’re into it
creates characters based on you in his stories (which you don’t believe even if levi points out you that the two of you are kinda similar)
asks you to spend more and more time with him and luke
invites you to picnics, reads to you while your head is in his lap, cooks you snacks
if you’re a theatre kid too,,, you do musical love confessions too,,, sometimes by just reciting the lyrics of really popular musical theatre songs in a death panned voice
cough a heart full of love from les mis but read like poetry through the fence of the house of lamentation cough
asks you cryptic shit hannibal style like “tell me mc what does it mean to want to be consumed whole by another? is it a desire to become something bigger than yourself or is it related to our need to become one with our loved one like some cultures pointed out before?”
you’re either really into his cryptid talk or just roll your eyes and smooch him
invites you around to his castle all the time
sometimes he even pulls some weird shenanigans just to make you spend more time with him
expect tea parties with him luci and barbatos in no particular combination
gives you compliments 24/7  even in public
remember how he treats lucifer? he’s that for you too but he’s learned from the lucifer experience to focus on complimenting you as a person more than how you look
if you’re into pda he’ll touch you all the time
if you ever wanted a gomez - morticia romance, here’s your goth big titty himbo that’s way too full of love
if you’re lovers expect to be pampered, i feel like? he doesn’t buy a lot of gifts and such because he’s probably tired of material things but he will make time in his busy schedule for you and spend a lot of time with you
which means more to him than gifts
(we will buy you anything you ask though)
actually talks with you about stuff outside rad, the demon bros and diavolo
also invites you to alone time tea or wine time
where you drink and gossip
if satan and asmo are the crowned queens of gossip barbatos is the king of gossip but he doesn’t share his knowledge to most people so nobody knows what he knows
but he knows,,,, a lot
and not only that he knows a lot about people nowadays,,, but imagine the things he knows about like historical figures and such,,, 
so prepare for story time with barbatos where he  talks about how oscar wilde was almost summoned by drunk inccubi during a party once, or how  diavolo cried when he was a kid because he sent a letter to caravaggio asking him to paint his portrait and he said no
also if you get drunk together expect really energetic talkative barbatos destroying DESTROYING everyone (except diavolo ofc)
“lucifer please i once saw you crying because you thought diavolo was ignoring you when you actually forgot to press the send button to your messages ”
if you’re romantically involved diavolo will always be first in his hear but that just means you’ll have to invite diavolo along on your dates which  just means you’ve got a new lover and a new bff
he invites you on all kinds of wacky adventures
you  visit witches, go to weird magical forest parties or orgies if you want, you go travelling the mountains for rare herbs
it’s like you’re faust and he’s mephisto  haha the irony and he’s showing you another side of the world you never knew 
ofc the others know about all this but??? they thought it’s normal and didn’t even consider you know nothing about it
but solomon knows what it was like to be just a human
and since he likes you he empathizes with your situation
he also make you meet all kinds of people
since he has 72 contracts and hundreds of years of doing wack stuff he must know some interesting people
and now his friends are your friends 
i feel like romantic solomon would be just him?? but less shady with you especially since now you understand him better 
but also he’ll probably bring you weird shit from his alone expeditions
did you ever want the tears of a mermaid? a carnivorous plant that feeds on emotions? a crying portrait? no? well too bad because now you have a room full of weird items
...that you love and treasure thank you very much
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gnocchighoul · 4 years
the undateables get turned into cats
(a continuation of this post!)
Man… if you thought Beel was a big cat… 
Diavolo is a big cat.
Literally. Like, you’re pretty sure he’s a lion or something. He’s fucking HUGE. 
His paws are the size of your head, and when he flops down on you it literally knocks the breath out of your lungs. He probably broke one of your ribs, but you’re only 80% sure. 
If you’re walking side by side and he leans into you, there’s like a 70% chance that you’re gonna get knocked on your ass. For your sake, I hope you have decent balance.
He definitely only lets you, Lucifer, and Barbatos around him while he’s stuck in this form. 
He also really is not aware of his own strength in this form. 
Everyone realized that when you and Lucifer showed up to the palace and Dia went to love-tackle Lucifer, expecting the demon to catch him like he normally does, but instead ended up tackling his ass to the floor.
Diavolo was way too excited about it.
Lucifer was miffed.
(You got it all on video.)
Without his goofy smile or laugh, Dia’s eyes are like. Really fucking intense.
Lowkey… he’s a little bit terrifying.
But.... he’s also baby. 
Give him snuggles. Smush his face. Kiss his big dumb nose. Squish his big toe beans. Literally just throw yourself on top of him and snuggle him like a body pillow.
Lucifer is horrified. Probably considers ending your life right then and there.
Barb thinks it’s fucking hilarious.
(It’s not that Dia necessarily Enjoys the experience of being turned into a cat -- he’s just Very sure that Lucifer is going to literally devote his life to fixing this, so he figures he might as well try to have a good time while it lasts.)
...He’s very chill but is also experiencing the BIGGEST existential crisis because he doesn’t fucking have hands to do anything. 
Listen, he’s not opposed to taking breaks. He enjoys relaxing too. But there’s so much shit that needs to be done and he can’t do any of it and it’s driving him up the wall.
Not that you would ever know, though. He’s very calm, even if he’s screeching on the inside.
So it’s basically canon that Barbatos helps Diavolo manage his time and keeps him from slacking off on his princely duties he’s literally a babysitter 
But like.
Come on. 
Diavolo is not gonna listen to a cat.
Diavolo gets up to so much mischief during the time that Barb is a cat, and since the prince is so busy being The Worst™, cat-Barb ends up spending most of his time with you.
Lowkey it’s weird as shit having a cat supervise you.
He’s sitting deathly still on the counter, spine ramrod straight, tail wrapped around his legs, eyes wide and all-seeing -- just Staring at you while you cook. 
You’re pretty sure he’s judging you. 
He’s actually reliving the trauma of Asmo finding him in all of his feline-glory and abducting him to play dress up.
(Cat-Barb is the least likely to bite or hiss at anyone, and he probably won’t throw a tantrum over being turned into a cat. Definitely wouldn’t mind sitting in your lap for some snuggles.)
(Is Very relieved when he’s finally turned back into a demon, though. Never wants to experience that again and is Not opposed to punishing whoever cursed him.)
(With Diavolo’s permission.)
Don’t tell Asmo, because he’ll probably cry kick your ass, but Simeon is the prettiest as a cat. 
He doesn’t Totally mind being turned into one, either. If anything, this will make for interesting writing-experience. 
He’s way too nice as a cat. You don’t see his claws at all, ever. If he gets stuck in an unfavorable situation (cough cough, Satan trying to mother him) he’s more likely to run off than he is to put up a fight
He’s very graceful and quiet. 
Purrs when you pick him up, because he once heard that cat purrs are healing to humans. He doesn’t know if that’s actually true or not, but he does it anyways. 
He feels the safest with you, and definitely doesn’t mind when you scratch him behind the ears or hug him like a stuffed animal.
He won't just flop into your lap like some of the others -- most likely he’ll just kinda like. Weirdly lean against you. It’s cute though!
Honestly he’s gonna be content to just sit with you while you do your own thing. Maybe watch a movie or listen to some music with him, and he’ll be a-okay with it.
If you give him catnip. 
he will literally just lay on his back on his floor for HOURS and knock the fuck out.
(Why do you even have catnip? I dunno, you tell me)
You assume that he’s dreaming about the celestial realm. Or TSL. or like. The secrets of the universe.
You can literally move his body however you want -- stretch his leggies, open his mouth, flip him over, pick him up --literally Anything-- and he just Will Not wake up.
Lowkey you think you might have killed him
When he Does finally return to the land of the living, he’s just gonna wanna snuggle u. 
But also turn him back into an angel Now, this has been a (mostly) relaxing experience but he’s ready to go back to normal now, thank u sdfghj
(Well at least he’s a cat and not a dog)
He is,,, the littlest baby kitten ever. Save him, dear god, before any of the brothers find him
Seriously, he’s so small
You can hold him in just one hand :(( he’s just a little boy :((
Don’t put him in your pockets or anything tho, he’ll be Very upset if you do. He just wants to sit on your shoulder and scream at the world with unbridled fury.
He’s a bumper car kitten. His lil tail sticks straight up and he has a lil round tumby :((
You know how all kittens are basically born feral?
Apparently, ferality also applies to those who are turned into kittens.
Basically, he still has the attitude of a chihuahua. 
Hissing, spitting, swatting--his instincts to just smack the shit out of everything and anything are Always operating at 100%. he’s a little firecracker. 
Does that thing where cats will hold something and kick the shit out of it with their back paws.
He’s very feisty. 
It isn’t a big deal, at least until Mammon makes fun of him and kitten-Luke LAUNCHES off your shoulder at him, like a little furball-missile of claws and teeth.
(Mammon just kinda catches him by the scruff and hands him back to you--but he does leave him alone after that lol)
His ears are basically always flat on his head, because he’s constantly Very upset with this whole situation and doesn’t want ANYBODY coming near him that isn’t you, Simeon, or maybe Solomon. He prefers you and Simeon, though.
He Might let Beel near him. Maybe. 
(If he promises not to eat him.)
kitten-Luke is the most likely to knead blankets and pillows (and also probably your leg). He has no fucking clue why he’s doing it, but he can’t stop.
I hope you’re prepared for joint parental custody with Simeon, because that’s what’s going to happen sdfghjklkg
He’s very calm. It’s kind of unsettling. 
Will just sit on tables, watching everyone and everything in the room while his fluffy tail occasionally flicks around.
You can practically see the gears churning away in his mind while he observes. 
Will occasionally lift a single paw in the air, like he’s going to move or wants to say something, but then he will just sloooowly lower it again. Then just keeps staring.
He is the most likely to just wander off on his own. He just randomly vanishes, which is a Wee bit worrying, cause, y’know. He’s still shady.
You really don’t see much of him during his time as a cat. You have no idea where he’s going or what he’s up to, but he does occasionally bring you presents from his travels.
Even as a cat, he has the good sense to not bring you dead things. But you are a little concerned when he brings you a spell jar with glowing blue liquid in it. 
Like, what the fuck? Did he make it himself with his little cat paws?
Even after turning back into a human, he refuses to tell you how he got it. 
You keep it anyways.
Probably figures out how to talk with his normal voice, and scares the absolute shit out of you the first time he says something.
After he’s had his fun, he figures out himself how to turn back into a human and has you assist him with the process.
(Partially because he wants to study you, partially just because he likes you.)
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writingoneshots · 3 years
How dare your box be almost empty!
let me change that
ya hear me
our beloved red head captain as usual he pulled another all nighter in his tinker shop(is that what they are called... i feel like i am missing a word)
just hyperfocused on this new idea he has been working on and ain't no one in the crew capable to pul him out of there so they just let him be
tho now it's the dead of night no ones awake on the ship but our man is hungry he goes to the kitchen just to approach it to stand in the doorway watching as his s/o is making herself something to whilst singing and dancing around the kitchen
anf he just... eustass kid. exe has stopped working
this man is confused for a second because if there is someone else awake then it should be wire because he has night dutie... and it also seems like that his s/o is just... not noticing him so he decides to enjoy the show a bit before he walks in and kind of moves with you and around you... still not noticing him weirdly enough so he just gets bold and grabs a chunk of your half finished food and eats it AND FINALLY YOU NOTICE HIM (our boi got a little attention starved there)
aaaannnnnnddd that's where my brain stops
enjoy my brainrots although it isn't the college art au this time BUT WE CAN'T HAVE AN EMPTY INBOX
anyway hope you are having a nice and keep up the good work mami
-your au anon( yeah lets go with au anon here😂)
Surprise.. coming up
Hola, au anon :) !  I enjoyed a little writing session in my current stress period right now. Sorry for not posting more, I am currently working on 2 projects at the same time and still need to proofread a few one-shots.  Please be patient.
- Kid x reader - my own OC -> Sova (Kid’s doctor) - 939 words; short OS this time - no smut but mention of it; threats from Kid (surprising, right?)
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"Wha- ..Hey!", you looked at him surprised and didn't know how to react. This whole time you thought that you were alone in the kitchen and suddenly your boyfriend appeared out of nowhere. "If someone would have attacked us, you'd be screwed. I've been here for a while.", Kid spoke with a full mouth, trying to finish the part he stole so he could grab the other one before you took it. You realized his intention immediately and pushed the plate to his side of the counter. Kid looked at it a little disappointed, "Now it's not that appealing anymore. It's more interesting if you're not letting me have it." "Don't be a child.. just eat it and finish working, so we can go to bed.", you rolled your eyes and started to prepare a different sandwich for yourself and another one for Kid. "Why are you awake anyway?", Kid frowned and sat down at the counter, eyeing you carefully. "I just couldn't sleep and I felt like it's snack time.", you shrugged and finished the first sandwich for Kid. Kid nodded and grabbed the filled bread, not letting you out of his sight. "Okay, I just need to ask.. What are you building in there? You barely left the room for a few days..", you tilted your head a bit, curious about his answer. "Secret.", he smirked and always looked down on you whenever you weren't looking. "Oh really? You seem to have a lot of secrets lately. Especially after a long talk, which you've had with Sova.", you narrowed your eyes at him pushed a glass of water into his direction. Kid just shrugged and didn't even want to comment on that. "So.. you're not going to tell me?" Kid shook his head. "Not even a hint?" He shook his head again. "..alright.. I give up. I am too tired for this.", you sighed annoyed now and shook your head. Without even realizing it, you put away the ingredients for the sandwich because you weren't in the mood to eat anymore. You turned around to the door, wanting to leave the room. "You've been sleeping quite a lot, right?", Kid mumbled while trying to chew and speak at the same time. You rolled your eyes and continued walking to the door, "Yes, and?" "And you're really moody lately.", he swallowed the last bit and took a big sip of water, emptying the glass. "If you want to make me angry, you're doing everything correctly.", you turned now around, crossing your arms at your chest. "You sleep a lot, you're moody, horny 24/7 - which I really enjoy by the way -, you eat tons of crap and you gained a bit of weight. Now do the maths, woman.", Kid hurried to say these words before a loud burp escaped his lips. You didn't even pay attention to it, as your brain calculated what he had just explained to her. "Oh.. my God." "It's weird to hear you say and not scream that..", Kid frowned and brushed his fingers through his hair as he stood up. Instinctively, your hands reached down to your stomach, "You're joking.." "Trust me.. I wish I was.", Kid chuckled a bit and approached you, "But now, I don't mind. It's time for me to have my own heir and prepare him or her for their future as a real pirate." You looked up to him, not understanding how he could take this so lightly. "I am going to be honest, though. If that child chooses to be a marine, it better learn how to run fast..", Kid looked at you seriously and frowned at how confused you seemed to look. "What's the matter now? Aren't women supposed to be happy about children?" "I.. I don't know if I should even have kids. I don't know if I could be a good mother.", you looked at him now worried. Your thoughts couldn't find a logical path in your brain and it scared you. "Are you fucking kidding me? You are literally taking care of a bunch of idiots on this ship. If you can handle them, you can handle my heir. I wouldn't be working on a bed and the coolest toys if I wouldn't be believing in you.", Kid looked down to you and then to your stomach. He touched your stomach softly with his index finger, "You better be strong. A weakling won't survive on the sea. And if you're a girl.. you better be into women because no man is going to be good enough for
you!" Tears were rolling down your cheeks, happiness, excitement and a little bit of fear in them. It was all a lot to handle but you were sure that Kid would help you go through with it. "Thank you, Kid.. ", you leaned onto his chest, trying to calm yourself down. All of your last weeks made a lot of sense now. The times, when Killer's cooking upset you because nothing was tasting good. The few moments, when you kicked out innocent crew mates because they looked at you in a weird way. And all the times, you woke up Kid in the middle of the night, just to have him satisfy you until you wanted to go back to sleep. You were sure that you'd be able to go through all of this and raise a child, if he was with you. "But I was serious about the marine part.. I will leave the child on an island, if it just hints to want to become a marine.", Kid commented again, ruining the moment as usual.
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lovingkaede · 3 years
Anon said: “Hii! I don’t know if you have a limit of characters but can you do Shuichi, Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Kazuichi and Kokichi confessing? If you can’t do to all of them is totally ok! :)”
Hi, anon! I made Headcanons of Hajime and Shuichi already :’) But I can do it one more time for you!!!<3
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Shuichi Saihara
He’s soooo shy
He feels himself comfortable around you but also uncomfortable because you’re so attractive wtf
Also he loves your personality 11037% because you’re such an angel and never judge him
Him opening up is kind of hard, he’d get help 100%
Kaito, the best bro, helping him
Not totally making a script
Kaito and Shuichi prepare the environment. The atmosphere is just like how he wanted it to be!!
The only problem,, he’s being hesitant now
Seriously, Shuichi, NOW? Out of ALL THE TIMES?
“Come on! I already sent them the letter. No running away now!” Kaito yells
HE DID WHAT? Shuichi didn’t know about this
Okay, he’s right. He CAN’T leave now for the god’s sake
And you arrive
And you see Shuichi
You’re immediately like, “Shuichi? Was it you? This isn’t your handwriting-”
“Y/n,, I need... To tell you something.”
“What is it?” You ask patiently- you can tell what is it by the environment tho-
“Well, I, um, the truth is...” He finally looks up, being hesitant, eyes not meeting you for few second, “I’ve been taking a liking with you for a while now, and...”
Kaito is like: Bro, stop being so lame
And before he finishes, you just walk to him and straight up pull him into a hug
“Shuichiii... I like you, too,” Is all you say
He is
Guess who’s official now
Hajime Hinata
He’s been thinking if he should confess his feelings for you for a while now
And he’s been avoiding you for a while because of that,,
You’re worried if you did something wrong
So you decide to call him
He picks it up after 0,000003 seconds
Ha! Can’t resist. He’s been missing hearing your voice
Long silence.
“Uhmmmm,, are you okay?” You ask weirdly
“Uhhh, sure! I’m okay.”
Another long pause
“Come on, you don’t have to lie, at least not through phone,,” You say, you sound kind of sad to him (yOU OBVIOUSLY ARE WTF HAJIME
“I’m...,” He stutters, feeling his cheeks heaten up
This only happened when he saw you. Hearing your voice also does that to him??
“It’s okay, Hajime. But could you at least tell me the reason you’re avoiding me?” You patiently ask. You don’t want him to hang up without telling you
“I’ve been avoiding?? You??” He says, but you don’t buy it. You just wait for his reply
“...I’m a bad actor, huh...?” He sighs, “Well... Y/n, I’ll be honest with you.”
This is what you wanted to hear from the start.
“I,, you didn’t do anything wrong, you’re only being nice to me! There’s no way I’d avoid you on purpose,, I, I just... Uh, I like you, Y/n,” Words slip out of his mouth, “And I don’t want that to ruin our friendship, so I was trying to keep it to myself... Ever since then.”
He hears some weird noises from your side.
“Uhhh, Y/n? Are you there?”
“Yeah, I’m running.”
You. WHAT?
“I’m running to your house.” Bold Y/n Bold
“Why would you do that?”
“Because feelings mutual, dummy,” You hang up, only to leave him staring at his phone blankly
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Omg he’d be the most romantic one!!
He’d put so much thought and emotion into it when preparing around
He’d even try to prepare the food- Peko helping him 100%
He’s just sooo excited
You didn’t expect the Baby Gangsta to suddenly call you to come over
He sends you the adress
You’re suspicious?? You don’t know that place??
Is he going to kill you??
Of course not!! He wouldn’t do anything like that........ To you, at least.
Anyways, after half of an hour, you arrive at the place. It’s a beach
It’s dark, you don’t see a thing-
“Fuyuhiko... Where’re you?” You ask nervously, looking around to see him
You don’t look where you step and and almost fall down
Omg- it’s him
“Y/n, are you okay?”
That’s so cuteeee
You just nod as he takes you to the place
Wow. The boy made a whole romantic dinner scene at the beach. Just for you
You rub your eyes.
“Hey... Don’t just stare, sit.”
You do as he says and look around you. You’re so surprised
“Don’t tell me you don’t like it,” He says, sounding offended
“Oh, noo, I like it. I like it so much, actually,”
“Hehe, knew it.”
“Did you make it all yourself?”
“No... Peko helped me a lot.”
You two don’t talk for a long while... And just then, you both call your names at the same time-
“Ah, you go first,” You say, because you’re faster than him
“I, okay, well, I guess you kind of expect why I organized this all, right...?” He asks, even he is unsure.
You blink as you feel your cheeks getting hot
“Well, it’s because,, I wanted to surprise you, and make you happy, I think I did a pretty good job, right?” He says jokingly, but you can see how nervous he is with this whole thing “And... This isn’t all. I wanted to... Tell you something. You’re someone... Really important to me, you know? And I keep wanting to spend more time with you,, that sounds so lame, doesn’t it?” He laughs as he looks at your face, “Well, it’s true. I like you, I like you a lot,”
Before he says more, you give him a kiss
It’s a soft, yet passionate kiss
When you break the kiss, he hides his face, clearly blushing, “Idiot... Don’t do something so sudden.”
Do it again.
Nagito Komaeda
Oh noooo
His inferiority complex: Let’s us introduce ourselves
He wants to, but he CAN’T.
Why would you even want to be something more than friends when he’s just trash???
Why would you even want to be close to him. As a friend or less
You have no reason to be
He can’t catch feelings, he can’t catch feelings
But he can’t help but fall for you, you’re just so nice... That you’re all he wants
He’s so sad he doesn’t have a chance with you
“Nagitooo!” You call for him as you run towards him
He forgets about those thoughts and looks at you as you cross the street to meet him
“Wow, you didn’t need to tire yourself just to meet trash like me, you know, Y/n?”
“If you call yourself that one more time, I’ll start throwing hands,” You say threatening, but in a cute way (In his eyes at least)
“Calm down... I was just joking, hahaha,”
He doesn’t get it
You’re always following him around and stuff... Don’t you ever get bored of him?
He thinks he’s nothing special...
“Y/n, don’t you have anything more important to do?”
“Other than you? Nope!”
“I, hahaha, to think that I’m actually important, you sure have a kind soul, Y/n!” He says with a soft smile, “I’m so amazed by your words, you never fail to make me feel actually good about myself. I feel so happy that I could fall for you.”
He speaks like that again,, you never know if he means that or he doesn’t.
Nagito is like being friendly or flirty with you at the same time- You can never read him
Well, his words always make you blush... Since you took a liking of him for couple of months now;;
“Ah, you’re silent. Did my words make you uncomfortable? I’m sorry I won’t do-”
“No, no, it’s fine...” You cut him off.
“Oh, okay then... I guess you don’t really mind stuff like that. Actually... Talking about my feelings makes me feel a lot better, but at the same time I feel like my heart will explode, you know?”
You just stare at him before nodding. “Yeah...”
You know he pretty much confessed his feelings to you just seconds ago-
And is cool with it.
“I,, too, like you,”
“That’s such a nice thing to say,” A soft smile appears on his face again
“I meant in a romantic way, Nagito,”
“Yep, yep!” He says jokingly
You just pout and rise on your foot before planting a kiss on his cheek
He feels himself blush, and tries to force a smile, but can’t.
“Wait... Were you serious?”
“I don’t joke around about stuff like that, Nagito. I don’t lie, either.”
Seems it’s his lucky day today.
Kazuichi Souda
He knows he has the biggest crush on you
Everybody does. Including you
And what’s he gonna do about it??
Gonna tell everyone about how much he loves you, well, except you, of course! ^^
Everybody is so done with him bringing you out out of blue
Kazuichi, just be quiet. <3
Just confess your feelings for them already!! he. CAN’T. He thinks you’d reject him before he confessed </3 That’s so sad actually because Kaz is great
But you know,, he pretty much confesses to you every second he sees you lol
Doesn’t need to say the word “I love you” A simple compliment from him enough to express his love for you
“Y/n, you’re my sunshine, you light up my day,” He says cheesly, you laugh at his statement
Yep, he’s like that everyday
He is walking up to you. You smile at him before seeing the big grin on his face
“What’s so funny? Are you finally going to confess your undying love to me?” You tease him
Kaz, this is too straight forward, this isn’t how it works-
Soo, he asks his friends for help
Gundham gives him the worst idea
But what’s he gonna do? Listen to him
Even Sonia supports Gundham’s idea-
Well, the plan is pretty much locking you two in a classroom so he can take the time he wants before confessing to you
And when he’s done, they’ll let you out
Sounds legit!!!
When you notice your not totally stolen bag is missing, you immediately make your way to classroom!
To yOuR lUck, you find it!!
“There you are. I’m so dumb, how did I forget my bag?” You say and grab the bag. When you make your way out of the class, the door won’t budge.
“Eh?!” You panick and try to open it up. Not working, it’s locked up. “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” You say before you drop your bag and lean your back on the door and sitting on the ground
“I’m supposed to take a test... Damn...”
“You sound depressed.”
He just?? Comes out of the?? Closet in the classroom??? And fuckingmwaves??
“What’re you doing in here?!”
“I’m pretty much in the same situation as you, Y/n!” He says cheerfully. Liar. He almost sounds happy to be stuck with you
“You seem almost happy,” You say calmly
“Well, I am, because I’m stuck with you,”
He doesn’t miss a chance to flirt, does he...
You look down and sigh,, then you blankly look at him, “Kaz,, you didn’t need to lock us in a classroom to spend private time with me. We can always hangout after school, you know?” You say, somehow you understand him
“Yeah... But-” He walks towards you and takes your hands in his, “How am I supposed to confess my love for you, then? You... Never take me serious.”
You blink. Like 3 times.
“Don’t give me weird stares! This is what you always do, you never reject me nor accept my feelings!”
“Kaz, I thought everybody new we are official by now-”
“Wait, what?”
“I mean- You didn’t know? I accepted your feelings,, like a week ago?” You say confused, but he’s even more confused than you.
You sigh. You’re so done with him. “I can’t believe you didn’t even know I’m dating you. Sonia, Gundham, open the door. I’m leaving.”
They do as you say. You step out of the classroom and wave at them, not even looking at Kazuichi who’s yelling behind you
“Y/n!! Love, please wait, we can talk this out, my sunshine!!!”
And they say romance is dead
Kokichi Ouma
Burn his feelings </3
Okay, okay, don’t. He needs love too
Especially if it’s you
He did know he was catching feelings and he let himself do this on purpose
Just teasing you non stop and spending time with you were enough, but the Gremlin wanted more
“Oh my gooood, they’re so perfect, Shuichiiii,”
“For the last time, of course I’m talking about Y/n!”
He’s been ranting about you like- for hours-
Well, he knew he had to confess his undying love for you very soon
That day, you were really tired and he’s been really pissing you off
So much that Maki nearly killed him. You told her it’s okay but you wished Kokichi to leave soon
But he didn’t, so you left instead <3 You were sleepy
But he started... Following you??
“Y/n, Y/n, I know you know I’m following you!” He happily states. Is he confessing his crimes?!
“Yeah, I’ve... Noticed,” You say and smile
“You’re really silent today, Y/n, is anything wrong?”
“No... But I think you’re really loud today, Kokichi,” You say and look down at him. “Aww, that’s so unlike you! Seriously, is anything wrong?” Even though he’s talking like his normal self, he’s worried
“Well,” You say nervously, “I heard some... Odd things,”
“Odd things? Like what?” He is reaaaally interested in what you say, he brings his face closer to yours. “Uh, it’s nothing to worry about. Good night.” You say and immediately run away
He stands there like 🧍‍♂️
Sigh,,, how does he not know what you heard? Everybody’s talking about how the little bitch likes you
Seriously, you can’t tell if he’s messing with you, or serious “Come on, there’s no way he likes me! He’s just messing around...” You try to convince yourself and finally lie down in the bed, getting ready to sleep, “He doesn’t like me at all...”
You shut your eyes, you really need to get some sleep. But you hear a banging sound. You open your eyes, clearly annoyed by the sound
It’s coming from the window... You pull the curtains and meet him
He bangs the window in reply, you open it and he smiles at you “Y/nnn, it took you sooo loooong. It’s cold here.”
“What’re you doing there? It’s the second floor.”
“Oh. I wanted to talk to you.”
“You could use the door!” You say, annoyed and worried at the same time. “But that wouldn’t surprise you! Anyway, let me in?”
You help him to get inside... What’re you even doing at this point
“What a nice night!” Kokichi says and points you fingerguns, “Don’t you think so, Y/n?”
“What’re you doing in my house...”
“You let me in, sleepyhead!”
That’s right. But you’re not asking the right question!! Please kindly tell him to leave your house <3
“Y/n, I’m actually here because you didn’t seem well,” He says, “And I wanted to ask-”
“You could ask me tomorrow,”
“Yeeees, but I want to do it now!” He says, damn, he’s being stubborn, in a situation like this? You know,, he won’t leave unless you tell him “So... You said you heard something ‘odd’, didn’t you? Tell me about it...”
So you tell him all about it. Can’t help but blush at how cheesy your words sound but you’re too sleepy to mind that.
“And that annoyed you?” Kokichi asks, you nod in reply. “Y/n, does the truth hurt you?”
You expected him to say ‘it’s a lie!’ but he didn’t. DID HE REALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU? HIM??
“Are you... Unhappy?” There he was again... Not being like himself. This is what romance does to people? “Not at all...” You say and avoid eye contact, “It’s... Weird? I had the biggest crush on you a while back and now feelings mutual.”
HE’S SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT. Though on the outside, he hides it very well ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
“Oh... Really?” He asks, smug bitch, “That settles it then...”
“Settles... What?” You say, you’re aware of what he meant, and he’s aware of you knew
“You already know,” He says and you stare at him, “It means,, I like you and you love me! Yeah!! Y/n, you love me, right? This makes us a couple!!!”
You just... Stare at him in awe.
You stare too much that he gets nervous. “Uhm,, what’s wrong? Do you... Want to kiss?”
“A kiss would be nice... But I think I need sleep, Kokichi,” You say and rub your eyes.
But you actually lean towards his cheek and plant a kiss ✨
You decide to talk about this tomorrow when you’re more energetic and let it slide <3
He puts you to sleep and plants a kiss on your forehead before whispering something totally not dirty in your ear and leaves - this time, he uses the door.
Omg that took me forever to finish. (Sorry if it’s too long--) I love how this turned out something between fluff and crack. (Especially Kaz’s lol) And Hajime’s one kind of angst </3 Anyways, feel free to request more of your comfort characters!!<3 Love you all, Plant 🌱
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
Show Me How
Description: After countless ‘I think she’s the one’ Grayson loses hope in finding his soulmate. But one girl gives him the hope to try again. 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4.5k+
Parties were not your scene. They just weren’t, but they certainly were your friends, and they loved to drag you with them.
Which is the only reason why you're in a stranger's kitchen, it was a nice kitchen tho, definitely better than the one at your tiny and overpriced apartment.
“I haven’t seen you around,” a random man’s voice spoke as they stood next to you.
“Cool,” you nicely replied, taking a sip of the cup that you were holding onto for dear life.
“You look hot,” he replied again, making you roll your eyes and turn to look at him.
“And you look like you should leave me alone,” you replied, you were a bit scared, he was taller than you and under the influence of alcohol and other things. 
“Feisty, I like it,” he smirked and you instantly felt smaller and scared. 
“And she doesn’t like you,” another man’s voice spoke, but from behind you, his arms wrapped around you, pulling you close but not that close. 
“And who are you?” the previous guy asked with an attitude. 
“I’m her boyfriend, and I suggest you leave her alone and leave while you’re at it,” he replied and the guy just scoffed and left. 
“Thank you so much, he was starting to scare me,” you thanked as his arm unwrapped from you. 
“It’s no problem. He shouldn’t be talking to you like that, or anyone else on that matter. I mean even I could tell you had no interest in him,” he replied giving you a smile that you returned.
“But seriously thank you, I don’t know what he was finna do if you didn’t come along,” you replied, placing your cup on the counter next to you. “I’m Nailed by the way,” you added with a smile. 
“Grayson,” he replied, returning your smile. “Also not to be rude, but I’ve never seen you around. Are you new to the ‘youtube community’ or?” he asked and you shook your head with a giggle.
“Oh no, I could never. My friends are and they dragged me here,” you replied and he sent you a confused look.
“Why not?” he asked and you shrugged.
“I don’t know, I’m more of a lowkey kind of person you know. Like thousands of people watching me do something sounds weird” you said emphasizing the ‘me’ in your sentence. 
“Oh, I get what you mean. But you get used to it.” he shrugged and you nodded your head. 
“You know what’s funny. I get hate every day because of my friends, like why do you take time out of your day to make me laugh, like really?” you said laughing a bit. It was true, you get hate and laugh at it, you could say that growing up with your family made you immune to hate.
“See, you’re ready to be a YouTuber or something, you’re like mentally prepared,” he replied with a chuckle.
“I’ll think about it,” you replied and took another sip of your water, “I think I’m gonna go,” you sighed looking at the time displayed on your phone screen. 
“Wait, why?” Grayson asked as he stared at you. 
“I’m bored, and it’s late. Plus my friends all left me so,” you shrugged.
“So you’re gonna leave me,” he replied, acting offended.
“Bro, I’m not leaving you. I’m leaving the party, plus I’m hungry,” you replied, putting your phone in your pocket.
“It’s my party, so technically you’re leaving me. Can you just stay? At least for a bit?” he asked, making you blush, thank God for makeup. You were confused as to why he didn’t want you to leave, but you didn’t mind it either. 
 “Fine, and thank God I didn’t talk shit about the party,” you replied, making him laugh. 
“What is my party?” he asked and you shook your head. 
“No, but I told you pirates aren’t my thing. I would be reading a book right now,” you replied and he shook his head. 
“A book?” he asked and you nodded your head. 
“Yes, a book. Reading is actually fun dude,” you replied and he nodded his head. 
“Well, then I’m gonna take your word on that and-,” he began saying before someone yelled his name cutting him off. 
That someone looked just like him making you think they were twins. 
“Ethan this is Y/N, Y/N this is Ethan, my twin brother,” he said as Ethan sort of inspected you and looked at you weirdly making you feel uncomfortable. 
“Hey,” he said, sending you a smile. 
“Hi,” you replied, returning him the smile. 
“She came here with her friends but they left her alone, and Bryce was acting weird so I came,” Grayson said and you nodded your head. 
“Oh, yeah he said you were being a bitch and left,” Ethan replied and you shook your head.
“No, he was being a bitch, harassing me and shit. He was scaring me,” you replied making them laugh. 
“At least he’s gone now,” Ethan said and you nodded your head. “I don’t know who told him to come, because it wasn’t me,” he added and Grayson shrugged.
“Me neither,” Grayson replied. 
“He probably came along with someone, like I did,” you replied and they both agreed. “Now this conversation is nice and all, pero I’m hungry, so,” you said, getting your keys out of your pocket. 
“What does pero mean, is it Spanish?” Ethan asked and you nodded your head. 
“Yeah, it means but,” you replied and he nodded his head and repeated the word to himself.
“Wait, can you give someone a ride, my girl was gonna leave to get food too,” he asked and you nodded your head. 
“Yeah sure, I don’t mind.” you shrugged and he nodded your head, he left and said he was gonna go get her. 
“So you’re gonna come back?” Grayson asked and you nodded your head. 
“I kinda have to now, but yeah,” you replied and looked around. You spotted one of your friends doing something but you didn’t know what.
“Ok, here she is,” Ethan said, coming back to a girl.
“Hi, I’m Karolina,” she said and you could hear a slight accent in her voice. 
“Hey girl, I’m Y/N,” you replied with a smile. “Do you wanna go now?” you asked and she nodded her head. You guys said your goodbye’s and she followed you out the house and into your car.
“Do you have any place in mind? I’m up for anything?” you asked turning on your car after putting your seatbelt on.
“Umm anything open honestly, and offer vegan food, they’re vegan,” she replied and you nodded your head.
“Wait, they’re vegan?” you asked and she nodded her head.
“Yeah, for a while now, it’s kind of annoying because sometimes not all places offer vegan options, and then we have to leave or something. But don’t tell me I said that,” she replied, making you laugh.
“My lips are sealed,” you replied making her laugh.
“So I see you were talking to Gray,” you pointed out, making you blush slightly but you still did.
“Yeah, he’s nice,” you casually replied. 
“Nice? Girl, he was all up on you,” she said making you shake your head while smiling. 
“He was not. He was just being nice,” you replied as she stared at you as if you were crazy.
“Ethan told me he had to go over to you guys because he saw him talking to you for like minutes,” she said and you shrugged,
“I mean yeah, but I doubt it. Doesn’t he have a girlfriend or something?” you asked and you shook her head.
“Nah, he struggles. A LOT,” she replied emphasizing the ‘a lot’.
“Word? How does he struggle when he looks like that?” you asked surprised. 
“Don’t tell him I told you this but, Grayson is a guy that goes straight to the point. And he does the same thing with relationships, he falls fast and some girls don’t like that,” she sighed and shook her head.
“Awww dito, that’s sad. But I get it. He wants someone to stay with and just settle down with. He’s ready to commit,” you replied and she nodded her head. 
“Yeah, and he falls fast, and Ethan always has to protect him and be there for him,” she explained. 
“Well, hopefully, he finds someone who loves him for him. I mean he seems like a really nice person and everyone deserves to be happy,” you replied as you parked your car in front of one of the restaurants your friends go to. 
“Yeah, he is, he just has to be patient,” she replied and you guys got out of the car and walked inside, ordered the food, and left. 
When you got back to the house, everyone had left and it was just you, Kristina, the twins, and their closest friends who they introduced you to. 
“Wait so you’re in college,” Ryan (not n-word Ryan) asked you and you nodded your head. 
“Yeah, but I might drop out, It’s not for me anymore. I only have a year left so I don’t know,” you shrugged and he nodded his head. 
“Might as well finish and get what you paid for,” he replied and you nodded your head.
“True, I don’t even want to be a doctor anymore,” you sighed and took a sip of your milkshake. 
“If it’s not good for your mental health then don’t do it,” Grayson shrugged and you nodded your head. 
“Yeah, I don’t know yet. I’m still thinking about it, anyway I think I’m gonna go,” you yawned getting up and throwing your trash in the trash can. 
“I’ll walk you out,” Grayson said and you nodded your head.
You followed him out of the house and walked towards your car. 
“Thank you for saving me from Bryce today,” you smiled and he nodded his head. 
“I told you it was no problem,” he replied with a smile and put his hands inside his pockets. 
“Umm, anyways,” you awkwardly replied leaning against your car. 
“Yeah, um-” he began saying before he got cut off by Ethan.
“Just give him your number. He’s struggling to ask you for it,” Ethan shouted, making you and Grayson blush. 
“Yeah, what he said,” he shyly smiled and you nodded your head. 
He pulled his phone and handed it to you while you handed him yours and exchanged numbers. 
“I’ll text you?” he asked and you nodded your head, putting your phone back in your pocket. 
“I’ll see you around Gray,” you softly said as you got inside your car, turning it on. 
“See ya, let me know when you get home, yeah?” he replied and waited for you to go back inside and get bullied by Ethan and the rest. 
When you got home, you shot him a quick text letting him know and took a shower before going to bed. 
Good. Wyd?
Watching a show, you?
Cleaning the kitchen
Wait...by yourself?
Yeah, E and Karolina when to bed so 
OOP, lmao good luck.
You replied before putting your phone down and continuing to watch your show before your phone started ringing. He was calling you so you answered.
“Hello,” you answered putting it on speaker and putting the phone on the bed.
“Hey, sorry if it’s random, I’m bored and basically alone,” he replied.
“It’s ok, I don’t mind, I wasn’t really watching the show anyway,” you replied, which was a lie. You were really into the show. 
“Listen, I know we just met and all, but do you wanna go somewhere tomorrow? It’s ok if you don’t,” he asked, making you smile and blush.
“Sure, just let me know when and where so I can get dressed appropriately,” you replied. 
“Umm, do you wanna go hiking, well not really a hike more of a walk?” he replied, making you laugh.
“You’re not gonna push me off the mountain or something right?” you joked.
“Ohh I’m definitely gonna do that,” he joked as a large smile waltz it’s way onto your face.
“Ok, so I won’t wear white. Is a tracksuit ok? I don’t go hiking a lot.” you said chuckling at the end, while Grayson nodded his head even though you couldn’t see him.
“Yeah, anything is ok. Well not really anything, heels are not good for hiking, or dresses, or skirts,” he slightly chuckled making you shake your head with a smile. 
“So, I’ll wear that and some sneakers,” you said, getting up from your bed to get the outfit and lay it down on a chair. “And I’ll just put my hair into a bun or something. You’re not gonna make me run are you?” you asked and heard him chuckle. 
“No, why?” 
“Because I used to run Track and Field, and I don’t want anything to do with running for a long time,” you said, emphasizing the 'long time'. You loved running but Track made you dislike it for a while.
“Oh, in high school?” he asked and you nodded your head forgetting he couldn't see you.
“Yeah, not to brag but I was a state champion,” you said with a smile walking over to your dresses pulling out a pair of socks and underwear. 
“Oh so you’re fast, but you’re so tiny,” he joked making you roll your eyes.
“And this is where I hang up,” you joked before he cut you off with a ‘NO’.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he said and you shook your head, leaving your room and walking over to the kitchen.
“So, Karolina told me you guys are vegan?” you asked.
“Yeah, for a few years now actually. It’s nice,” he replied as you rummaged through your cabinets. 
“That’s cool and all, but I could never,” you sighed grabbing a Rice Krispies treat and eating it.
“Why not?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” you replied chewing and swallowing, “I like meat and all. I’ve tried but couldn't. I was dairy-free for two months though,” you added, causing him to laugh.
“Ethan would be so disappointed,” he said laughing.
“Ethan can suck a dick, but that’s not really vegan, so he can suck on an eggplant,” you joked and heard Grayson wheeze making your jaw drop.
“Sir, do you have asthma?” you asked and he answered with a faint ‘yes’ since his laughter wouldn’t let him speak. You weren’t annoyed because it happened to you all the time. 
“Ok, ok, I’m done,” he said out of breath after a few LONG seconds of laughing. 
“Dang, I didn’t know I was that funny. I would’ve chosen to be a stand-up comedian instead of a surgeon,” you said and he let out another loud chuckle. 
You were on the phone for another hour, until you both decided it was really late and you needed some sleep for tomorrow. 
You finished watching the episode you were on and went to bed, only to wake up at 6 the next morning, since you agreed to have Grayson picked you up at 7:30. 
You did your business in the bathroom and took a quick shower. You did your usual routine, substituting your makeup with chapstick and waterproof mascara, you got dressed in the clothes you had taken out yesterday; a cute baby blue legging and sports bra set that your friend had gotten you. (could never be me)
You put your hair into a slick back bun, put on extra deodorant along with perfume, and made your way into the kitchen with 10 minutes remaining, which you used to cut up some strawberries and bananas, throw them in your blender with some other ingredients and place them inside two cute containers you had gotten from a random store. Smoothie bowls were your go two, they only took about 5 minutes to make and were so good too. 
Grayson sent you a text letting you know he was downstairs so you grabbed your bag with everything you needed inside, the smoothie bowls with spoons and two bottles of water, and made your way downstairs. 
“Hey,” you softly said once you saw him standing in front of the passenger door of his car, waiting for you. 
“Hi,” he said with a smile and opened the door, you got inside the car and muttered a small thank you, you put your seatbelt on and placed your little backpack between your seat and the bowls on your lap. 
“Ok, I made you this,” you said, handing him the bowl with the smoothie inside. “I made sure everything I put inside was either vegan or plant-based,” you said as he opened the bowl. 
“Oh good, thank you, this looks so good by the way,” he said with a smile as you handed him the spoon. 
“No problem, I figured you hadn't eaten anything, and it’s better to make things yourself than spend money on them, only sometimes though,” you said and started eating yours, he did too, considering the car was driving itself. 
“And we're here,” he said, parking the car since he started driving after he finished. 
“This is really exciting actually,” you said with a smile once you got out of the car and looked around the scenery in front of you. 
It was just trees but it seemed peaceful and calm, And the air felt slightly clean if you compared it to the one in LA. 
“I come here when I need some time away from the city and stuff,” he said, grabbing your small backpack from your hands and putting it on. 
“I see why, and that looks so cute on you,” you joked making him shake his head with a smile. 
“You ready?” he asked and you nodded your head. 
Ten minutes into your little ‘hike’ and the sun was beating down on you like there was no tomorrow. You naturally tan skin getting darker than before. 
“This is fun,” you said with a smile and Grayson turned to look towards you. 
“Really, or are you just saying it because you don’t want to hurt my feelings?” Grayson asked and you laughed. 
“Babe, I don't have a sugar coat. And I’m serious it’s so peaceful and calm, it reminds me of where I grew up,” you said with a smile making sure to pay attention to the floor so that you don’t trip and embarrass yourself. 
“Good because it reminds me of Jersey, and my childhood home and things,” he said, making you smile. 
“That’s cute, Oh can we sit on that bench over?” you asked and he nodded his head and you began to walk towards it. 
“Ok, tho but I would do this every morning if I wasn’t studying,” you sighed as you gave your legs a break from all of that walking.
“I started to do it with E, but then we stopped. But I try to at least every other day, gotta treat your body right, you know?”
“Mhm, yeah. I always try to sneak a workout in every day or go for a walk around the block which isn’t safe but you gotta do what you need to,” you said and closed your eyes as the sun shined on you and Grayson secretly watched you. 
“Maybe we can try and go for hikes here and there,” he shyly spoke, making you smile. 
“Yeah, we can be hiking buddies or something,” you spoke opening your eyes and sending him a smile. 
“Yeah,” he spoke as you got up from your seat. 
“Alright. Breaks over, move that ass sir,” you said making him laugh and get up from the bench. 
“Ignoring the fact that my legs want to kill me, this was fun,” you said standing in front of his car. You just finished walking back making the entire hike about and 1 and half long. 
“Yeah, you get used to it tho, but yeah it was fun, especially when you almost ate dirt if only I wasn’t there to save you,” he said with a smirk causing you to scoff. 
“Oh god, so funny, I’m gonna die HAHA,” you sarcastically said and rolled your eyes. “OK but it was kinda funny,” you chuckled causing him to laugh. 
“I’m hungry, you wanna grab something to eat?” he asked and you nodded your head. 
“Please? I’m so hungry,” you said.
“OK let’s go,” he said and you opened your door getting inside the car. 
“You want to come in? It’s ok if you don’t,” he asked as he pulled up to his house and you shrugged. 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother,” you asked and he nodded his head.
“I’m sure, come on Ethan isn’t here so it doesn’t matter,” he said, making you agree. 
“Oh wow, now this is pretty, it was pretty last night but now? Dang,” you said and he shook his head smiling. 
“Thanks, me and E remodeled it and stuff,” he replied, dropping the empty food containers in the trash. “You wanna go to the pool, try to cool off?”
“I would but I don’t have clothes,” you pouted pointing to your outfit. 
“I can give you one of my t-shirts,” he said and you nodded your head, and followed him to his room since he told you. 
“Ok, you can wear this then I'll give you something else before you go,” he said handing you a white tee with a Wakeheart logo on the left part of the chest. 
“Thank you,” you replied, getting the shirt from his hand with a smile. 
“You can change in here or in the bathroom over there if you want. I’ll be in the pool,” he said and you nodded your head before he walked out leaving you in his room. 
You quickly changed into the shirt, taking the bra and leggings off along with your shoes and socks, and slipping into the shirt, neatly folding your stuff and leaving it on the corner of his head before walking out towards the pool. 
Grayson’s heart rate accelerated at the sight of you in his shirt, his imagination created both cute and sinful thoughts. 
“Hi,” you softly smiled, slipping inside the pool and staying by the edge. 
“Hey,” he replied moving closer towards you. 
“Not to ruin the vibe, but I can’t swim,” you whispered and he let out a loud laugh. 
“Are you serious? Please tell me you're joking,” he laughed causing you to playfully slap his arm. 
“I’m serious asshat,” you replied and he stopped laughing. 
“Oh wow, how?” he asked and you rolled your eyes. 
“I never learned, how else?” you replied and he shrugged. 
“Ok, so if I were to pick you up and throw you over there-” he began before you cut him off.
“-I would drown and hunt you in your sleep you bitch,” you said, causing him to laugh.
“I’m not laughing Grayson, don’t you dare,” you said pointing your finger at his face like a mother would to their child. 
“I’ll save you, I promise,” he said and picked you up before you could try and run away, a loud squeal falling past your lips. 
“Grayson-” you began screaming before you felt yourself being thrown in the air and falling inside the pool. 
Not even a second after you felt a pair of arms wrap around you and pull you up to the surface, where you took a large and scared deep breath.
“I hate you so fucking much guy,” you screamed laughing, you didn’t hate him. 
“You’re laughing so you don’t,” he said and helped you get towards that edge.
“I don’t but still,” you said shaking your head and leaning against the pool wall.
“Alright, I’m sorry that was insensitive,” he apologized and you noticed the sadness in his voice. 
“Gray, you don’t have to apologize, we’re having fun. And you’re not insensitive because you didn’t hurt my feelings in any way,” you said rubbing his arm in a comforting way as he let out a sigh. “Are ok? Do you want to talk about it?” You softly asked, noticing how his energy changed from being happy to sad and concerned, making you feel his concern and sadness. 
“It’s ok. I’m ok,” he said shaking his head and putting on a smile, which you can tell was fake. 
“I know you’re not ok right now, I feel your energy, but if you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t force you to,” you softly said, making sure you weren’t pushing any of his boundaries. You carefully lifted yourself sitting down on the edge while keeping your feet inside the water.
“It’s just I don’t know, I’m scared to get hurt again, what if I’m doing something wrong and I never figure out what it is and I never find my soulmate and never have kids,” he sighed standing between your legs placing his hands on your knees.
“What do you mean to get hurt? Who’s going to hurt you?” you asked, confused as to what he was referring to. 
“I mean to hurt like emotionally hurt. And I mean like what if I never find my person and keep getting hurt by trying,” he sighed and you nodded your head as he spoke to let him know you were listening. 
“Well, when it comes to dating and love life, I’m not the best person to ask for advice but I’ll tell you this,” you began saying before letting out a sigh. “Everyone has a soulmate or their person, you just have to wait, sometimes it’s obvious as to who it is, while other times it’s the person you least expect it to be, just be patient,” you said with a smile and he nodded his head and laid it on your leg.
“And how will I know?” he muttered against your leg.
“You’ll feel it. You’ll feel connected to that person in a way that you’ve never felt with anyone else, and you’ll just know,” you shrugged and felt him nod. 
“Now, stop being sappy and have fun. It’s October, Halloween is coming up. Correction, Halloween has started for me,” you said and a genuine smile returned to his face. 
“We need to decorate, it’s our first Halloween here,” he spoke and sat down next to you.
“Oh, you guys need to go hard. I wish I could decorate but I can’t decorate the whole building, that's just weird,” you said making him laugh.
“Maybe you can help us decorate,” he said and you nodded your head. 
“Ah yes, just tell me when,” you replied.
It was two days. Two days of consecutive texting before Grayson knew he wanted to- no needed to see you again. 
Not before he was warned by Ethan. He had promised Ethan he wasn’t going to get himself entangled with anyone yet, that he was going to relax and stay on his own for a little. 
But he knew he needed to see you, so he told Ethan you were going to help him decorate, which was true. Plus Ethan thought you were a good person, along with Ryan and Karolina so why not meet up with you for a bit. 
Part Two
Tags: @fangdolan @simplyxdolxstyles @333dolans @dolanissues @ydolanssss @rhyrhy462 @blindedbythelightt
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Final Fantasy XIV: A Quick(ish) Summary As Told By Someone Too Lazy To Recheck Exact Times/Things
1.0- We don't talk about it
A Realm Reborn (ARR)- for some strange reason the world got like, completely blown up 5 years ago, crazy! You are some dumb kid from nowhere in particular, with nothing but the clothes on your back and a weapon that is little more than a chunk of wood, or a book. Possibly just your fists. You have got 50 levels and a shitload of lore to get through until you reach the first expansion.
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Essentially: you don't have enough money for chicken nuggets, your fashion game is nonexistent, and every high level player calls you a sprout and exhibits Concern about your every action (they mean well).
Garlemald bad, Ascians bad, Eorzea uhhh trying to be good but kinda racist/capitalist/pirates with a history of colonialism, Coerthas is French Catholic and in the Crusades with the dragons. Hydaelin... good? Confusing, for sure, often referred to as Mother in text. Primals bad and scary, but fortunately you are immune to their mind-fuckery techniques thanks to Crystal Mom and surprisingly good at kicking their asses. Garleans mad that you ""savages"" keep killing Primals, despite having a whole mandate against Primals and Primal summoning. Ascians mad that you keep killing Primals because Ascians are dicks. People die, there is an amnesia plot, some annoying twerp is annoyingly right about a lot of things and also you can't get rid of him, Moogles, possession, fucking Ancient Aliens Allagans (if it's a problem in ARR, it's Ascians or Allagans aight), and hey ho you go and kick Garlean asses until they throw a giant machine at you that they stuffed full of Primal juice. Such devastation-!
Then there is the slightly post ARR stuff, where we're still level 50-ish but not really into the next expansion. So basically, we meet Dragon Dad who slaps Crystal Mom's blessing off of you to build character, Ascians are once again dicks, Who The Hell Names These Things, wow Lysanderoth you're definitely not suspicious at all, and our annoying twerp is dabbling in politics and for some reason you're getting fond of him?? Just in time for...
Heavensward (Lvl 50-60)- Congratulations, you are now an enemy of the state! We return/flee to French Catholic Coerthas/Ishgard, where we get to room with our Dear Friend, Haurchefant.
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Don't mind how all the high leveled players have started crying. This expansion is emotionally devastating, has a great storyline, and also features canonical consensual dragon vore as a plot point. You know that tweet that's all "Church bad because they won't let you fuck dragons"? Yes, that's Heavensward. You will still cry. We embark on an epic road trip with the annoying twerp (ft his existential teenage crisis), a famous dragon killer and sadboi, and a famous lady who advocates peace/fucking dragons. Somehow, none of you kill each other. Instead, you murder a weirdly attractive bug-man with good music and a desire for violence, a giant flying whale, and some old dudes. You also beat up the same Ascian from the first bit, again. And again, in his final(?) form. Dragon Dad has come along to watch your progress, and also check on his kids cause he's actually, y'know, the entire progenitor of the dragon race. Wow! His family is very sad, mostly. But he does like you, so hey, he can adopt you and have one kid that turned out ok and happy! Hahahahha there's no therapists in Eorzea :')
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Then we get to deal with "Hey we ended your like 500 year+ Crusade and kind of upended your social structures, y'all good?" (no), something something Warriors of Darkness, something something Urianger sus, then ALISAIE JOINS THE PARTY. I love her ok, let me have this. She's the annoying twerp's twin, and she's more inclined to hitting things that politics and philosophy. She's also kind of crushing on you. Also Minfillia kinda fucks off to nowhere, which is weird, b/c she has been Important but also Not Involved with the plot for like. 8 years.
Stormblood (Lvl 60-70)- Return of Lysanderoth! Briefly. Before he fucks you over, again. And a bunch of other people, honestly. But hey, this puts Eorzea in open contention with Garlemald for the first time in years, instead of them hovering in an uneasy cold war. For the first goddamn time in the game, you canonically get your ass kicked. Hard. So hard you decide fuck it! And go overseas to Fantasy Japan/China to visit some nice people you helped out earlier. You get catfished. You meet a weeb. There's some pirates, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There's Ravana take 2, this time in a slightly more 'Forever 21' phase. Wild, young, free, REJOICE.
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You attempt to inspire rebellion (since your character doesn't talk much, this is quite difficult). Garleans crack down, and hey look, the dude who kicked your ass is back! Prince Zenos Yae Galvus, as by this point you've hopefully learned, even if you're bad with names like me. He kicks your ass again, but this time we break his helmet, and wait shit is he... kind of hot? Maybe? Fuck?? He pins you to a wall and tells you to find him later, it's all confusing and prompts strange butterflies in stomachs. (Side note: as a lesbian, I am making some assumptions here. Mostly based off of how I reacted to the idea of Tsukuyomi doing the same. Mm.)
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Then he promptly fucks off, and to work off that sexual tension you square up and work with local friends on Rebellion! You get help from some neighboring nomads after proving you're cool enough to tame a bird, and this proves enough to free the area from Garlean control (for now). We go back to Eorzea, and prepare to kick Zenos' head in. He's playing hard to get though, so we gotta get through some other folks, learn hard lessons about war/colonization, and feel bad. AND THEN WE KICK HIS- oh no wait. Is he... coming on to us again? Oh jesus man, get a therapist, oh my god, this is awkward for us both. Turns out he's kinda depressed and just wants you. To fight him. To the death. There is some bullshittery and he becomes dragon. Fails to kill you, so he kills himself. (Spoiler: it doesn't stick)
The Garlean Empire is now pissed off at you, and Eorzea in general. Everyone is kung-fu fighting, but oops, Garlemald is preparing to commit ~war crimes~! Someone is doing something weird, which is making your Scion friends fall into comas, which is both very convenient and highly inconvenient, cause all of you are kinda needed right now! Zenos, or something in his body, is causing trouble as well. Look, even when we thought he was dead he was causing trouble.
Shadowbringers (Lvl 70-80): We find out what's been making our friends pass out- someone from another dimension has been trying to yoink you over to them, and like all attempts at using the Rescue spell, it just sometimes leads to hilarious accidents. In this case, some epic lag, so although your friends have only been out of it for a week or two at most, they've been in this other world for 5 whole years in some cases. Turns out, Garlean war crimes are all an Ascian plot (what isn't, by this point), and mysterious Crystal Exarch is hoping you can save this world and your own.
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At this point, Yoshi P, the lead developer, pulls out a gun and asks if you've been doing all those side-quests and optional 48 man raids. He worked very hard on those, you know. He put in lots of lore. Then he asks if you remember all those dangling plot hooks from previous expansions. We're addressing a lot of those. And adding more. You are sweating and nodding frantically while scrolling a wiki on your phone.
You get to feel like you're in an Otome game, because there's two dudes being weirdly polite and interested in you, but also real snappish to each other in terms of "fuck off she's mine". Alisaie and Alphinaud off-screen character development. Urianger still sus. Thancred now a dad? Y'shtola still so good. A lot of things happen, and you get progressively sadder as the expansion goes on. You get a nice, great big burst of hope and love, and then SOMEONE is a DICK with a GUN. (It is not Yoshi P.)
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Now you just feel bad. Your character feels bad. This is all build up for the A) some motherfucking revelations and B) the utter catharsis of "If you could take one more step... would you?" "What, all by myself?" "THROW WIDE THE GATE"
I have shed legitimate tears over Shadowbringers ok, between the music, story, and pacing it is an Experience. Oh my god tho, all the music from Shadowbringers is so good. La-HEE
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theobsessor1 · 3 years
Shedding the truth
Summary: Deceit should know better, going through with another one of Remus’s ideas. He thought it would have been a one time deal, just something for them that night to experiment with his more reptilian side. But he’s starting to regret it with the growing nest of eggs, and horrible uncertainty of feelings swirling in his chest…he might be in some trouble here.
Pairings: Loceit, Demus, Intrulogical, intruloceit
Warnings: None (let me know if i need to tag anything
Word count: 1,926
previous chapters ch.1, ch.2, ch.3, ch.4 (read on ao3)
(wish to support me buy me a coffee :3)
Chapter 5 of “Say Something” series
Logan has been acting strange and Deceit can’t put his finger on why.
The logical side has made him breakfast on occasion, invited him to his room to read together or even for him to join Remus and the side in activities. Giving compliments and shy words sometimes.
Something must be going on here, the bespectacled side must want something from him. Another night together maybe? Why else would the side be acting so weirdly nice to him?
A trick to get something? Or maybe just to be on his good side since Remus and him have finally confessed to one another.
He’s not sure about the motive but it’s obvious something is going on...Whatever the motive it is...a bit nice having the extra attention.
Knock Knock
Scratch that...it’s annoying.
“Deceit please, you have hardly come out of your room, Remus believes you are ill, Let us in to help you.”
Deceit huffs curling up tighter in his bed under his several layers of blankets, he hasn’t bothered to put on his heat lamp. Every time he turned it on he felt like he was boiling, but without it he’s freezing, a horrible conundrum.
Even with all his fluffiest, softest, warmest blankets he can possibly bundle up and burrow in he’s left with the shivers.
He just wants to be left to sleep, all he needs is that precious sleep. Any illness can be cured with rest, but of course that is if he can get any.
Besides he can’t let anyone come in here. He hasn’t moved the eggs yet, they’re still the nest in the corner of his room. The number is officially up to three eggs now. A deep blue egg patterned like it is made of stones that he laid soon after Logan and him had...we...Getting sick has gotten in the way of moving them.
He can just push through this illness like he does with all the others.
“Deceit I respect your space but I must insist I come in. I made soup. Remus has shown me how to make your favorite.”
The snake side hisses a soft breath in response, coughing a bit, feeling ready to just bite something if this keeps up!
“...I’m coming in whether you like it or not.”
Deceit’s eyes widen. No! Mustn’t see the eggs! He launches himself out of his bed tripping over the many blankets he had entangled himself in. Protect the eggs! Keep them hidden! He face plants on to the ground from his efforts to scramble from the bed, hissing loudly as he hears Logan rise up with Remus, no doubt the duke having been dragged into this mess to help logic break into the room.
“Deceit?! Are you alright?”
The concern in Logan’s voice is clear as day as the side quickly rushes to his aid and helps him sit up from the floor. But all the scaled side can do is squirm and hiss, feral thoughts to keep them from the eggs fueling his wild clumsy movements."Stop! Out! Get out!”
Even with his protests the logical side conjures a handkerchief to try and help Deceit’s bleeding nose staying put. “Hold still, your nose is bleeding, and you’re burning up! You should have let me come look after you. You look awful.” Logan’s brows pinch together as he takes in Deceit’s condition, the side only struggling more adamantly in his hold.
“Oooh! You’ve been hiding goodies from us eh? Easter ain’t even here for seve-eah!”
Remus blinks the room suddenly upside down as he lays against a now cracked wall, staring at the spot he’d just been standing at where Dee now wobbly stood hissing at him with Logan shoved on the floor by the side of the bed.
“DoN’t ToUcH!”
Logan huffs dusting himself off as he gets up from the floor, only to pause spotting what the scaled side was guarding over.
There large and distinctly different colored patterned eggs neatly placed in what seems to be a makeshift nest? Consisting of throw pillows and blankets piled in the corner of the bedroom. “Deceit...What are those?”
Deceit hesitates, wincing at the question as his posture stiffens further. “I...Remus had an Idea since I’m partly a snake and I...they’re mine.”
Logan remains silent, staring at Deceit as he takes in this information.
Remus tries again to get near the nest only to get flung back into the wall with several angry snek sounds from Deceit. Nervous about the two finally seeing the nest and their reactions he starts talking again “Nearly every time I’ve slept with someone I’ve ended up laying one about two weeks later. I-I thought it wouldn’t keep happening.” he makes a distressed sound running a hand down the scaled side of his face as he takes a glance at the eggs then back at Logan “I-I was wrong and I-I was going to talk to Remus, I had told myself to but I just-...” he takes a deep breath watching Logan closely, eyes darting over the logical side’s unmoving face.
He can’t stop himself from talking more, panicked that suddenly all of Logan’s niceness would stop, he’d just gotten used to it! He wouldn’t admit it but he doesn’t want to lose the side. Would Logan abandon them both now? Because of this bizarre occurrence
“The green one is Remus’s, Pink and yellow with the speckles is Emile’s and Remy’s, the traits in the imagination..and...and that last one is yours”
He scans over Logan’s face once more. The side’s eyes follow to each egg he pointed to but nothing more.
Logan glances to him. He’s unsure what that expression is.
“Well? Use your words instead of just staring at me like-like I’m some freakshow!” Deceit pleads, he shouldn’t care about what the side has to say about it. It’s his eggs. The side’s don’t need to know of them or have an opinion but...Even so it feels like some hand has a vice grip on his heart, ready to squeeze as he prepares for the worst from Logan.
“Please...say something.”
“...How can I help?”
Deceit blinks, all feeling rushing out of him almost dizzyingly, leaving him wheezing “What?”
“How can I help? One of them is mine correct? That doesn’t really matter even if none of them were my children I’d offer my assistance.” Logan clarifies, eyes sparkling behind his glasses.
Deceit hesitates, squishing down that small lift of hope in his chest. He senses no lie, but still. He can’t stop the anxious doubt clawing at his mind “You mean that?” He’s not sure if it’s these unfamiliar emotions building up in his chest or simply him being ill that makes his legs wobbly.
Logan nods lifting a brow at the scaled side, eyes still gleaming almost...excitedly? As he helps Remus from the floor whispering something to him before he turns to Janus again. “Of course. I am fully capable of helping assist you in carrying for your brood as well as helping with whatever may come out. I am responsible for one and as well as I care about you, it would be rather foolish and shameful of me to expect you to care for them all on your own without some help” He steps closer, putting a hand gently to Deceit’s side and guides him over to the restroom where they can see Remus filling up the tub with warm water.
“First thing that needs to be done though is for you to get better. How long have you been ill like this?”
Deceit sputters looking between the two sides “I-I’m not sure, for a while now I suppose?”
Logan nods with a hum, Remus and him working to strip and help Deceit into the tub before the duke disappears back out the room bouncing off to who knows where.
“A nice soak in the warm water should help, you’ve spoken many times of your hard time retaining heat. I’ve done some research in my past time, warm water and heat lamps are most pro-”
“I already have a heat lamp and tried it, I-It was too much.” Deceit interrupts him almost poutily as he melts in the warm water.
Logan nods, eyes scanning over the snake side “Are your scales normally...flakey? When you are sick?” He conjures up a washcloth to soak in the water before using it to gently dab and rub at Deceit’s scales. The scales start...peeling?
Deceit shakes his head “No, they should only be flakey when I’m near my shed.”
Logan hums shaking his head fondly “Deceit...You’re sick because you haven’t shed. I-there are several layers of old scales here. I’m surprised you haven’t caused something worse to yourself.”
Deceit furrows his brows “That can’t be right though! It’s been nowhere near my usual shedding days.”
Logan continues to gently use the washcloth to rub the scales, the skin peeling more as he works, removing the sickly yellowy-green to show a more vibrant almost forest green underneath with of course the lighter yellow accent scales. “Well clearly you’ve missed it several times because you are shedding right now...Could it possibly be from laying your eggs? Most snakes shed when gravid.”
Deceit frowns thinking that over.
There is the sound of shifting wind as Remus appears back in the bathroom holding a large bowl and a pile of clothes. “I brought the soup, and I got more comfy clothes.”
“Thank you Remus, will you set those at the bedside table and assist me in here with Deceit’s shed?”
Remus bounces tho careful not to spill the soup “ooh! Is that why he’s such a grumpy gus! It’s shed time! You should have said something sooner ya silly serpent.” he sets down the items and poofs himself out of his own clothes to hop into the tub with Dee. Earning a few grumbled choice words at him from Deceit for taking up so much room but he doesn’t mind, after all the scaled side just gets himself comfortable leaning against him.
The two sides work for some time to remove the old shedding skin until the snake sides scales are gleaming. Once the side is dressed in comfy soft pajamas they guide him back to bed getting him comfily piled into the many blankets.
Logan moves to pull away only to find a hand latched onto his shirt.
“You...don’t leave. I-I..I would like the company.” Deceit confesses looking to the two sides nervously
The logical side can’t help a chuckle “Don’t worry I’m just grabbing the soup.”
Remus climbs onto the bed cuddling up to Deceit’s side. “You want to pick a movie for us to watch double dee?”
Deceit sleepily nods “Brave, I like the message...and magic”
Remus chuckles, nodding and summoning up Logan’s laptop to play the movie on as the scaled side leans against him resting his head against the dukes shoulder just as Logan gets comfortable on his other side.
The two sides take turns to feed him as they watch the movie, his eyes gradually growing heavy as it goes on.
Drowsy with his head full of cotton Deceit nuzzles Remus’s cheek affectionately before doing the same to Logan. His thanks given he burrows further into the pile of blankets letting his eyes finally close and drift off.
Feeling cared for and that his broos is safe, He drifts off into a peaceful slumber, smiling softly to himself.
Maybe it will be alright.
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idolish7rabbitchats · 3 years
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 2
Tsumugi: Everyone, thank you for gathering! I was thinking that we could collect requests for Tsunashi-san’s “RADIO STATION Twelve Hits!” here.
Tsumugi: Continuing from last time, I’ll manage the chat. Please take care of it!
Ryuunosuke: Please take care of me!
Anesagi: Ryuu is last in TRIGGER too huh! Everyone, please take care of us!
Okazaki: From me too, please take care of me!
Banri: We’ll be attending too.
Tsumugi: The requests gathered from everyone will be, like it has been up to this point, decided by a raffle pull in the show. So then, I’ll ask for the requests from the youngest!
Ryuunosuke: I’m looking forward to everyone’s requests…!
Gaku: Ryuu was a little bit restless before the group chat. (lol)
Tenn: He checked the time countless times and stood up and sat down a lot huh.
Ryuunosuke: Waah! You don’t have to say that here!
Gaku: He’s embarrassed huh (lol).
Tenn: He’s embarrassed.
Momo: Ryuu’s cute! Like a guy who’s waiting before his first date \(*´ω`)人(´ω`*)ノ
Mitsuki: Going on a date with 16 people is huge lol.
Yamato: The gender ratio is unequal.
Yuki: It has nothing to do with guys and girls. Isn’t it fine if we can make a pair?
Iori: As expected from you, you have a freedom of thought.
Banri: I think he’s just lazy. (Lol)
Tamaki: Yeah! 
Tamaki: I’ll pair with Ryuu-aniki.
Ryuunosuke: Eh, is it fine? I’m happy but, why?
Tamaki: It’s almost your birthday so if we were together, we could eat cake.
Ryuunosuke: I see, you are tempted by food. lol
Sogo: Tamaki-kun, what are you thinking about with your senpai…!
Tamaki: It’s fine with So-chan too. 
Sogo: I’m glad that I won’t be alone but...
Riku: It feels like we are pairing up for P.E. class!
Anesagi: What have you been talking about?! We should move on to collecting requests!
Tsumugi: R-Right! Then, from Tamaki-san please!
Tamaki: Kaay.
Tamaki: Ryuu-aniki, who’s your fave in IDOLiSH7?
Ryuunosuke: Eh! My fave?! I mean, that kind of request is certainly…?
Gaku: That’s what you said during my turn isn’t it?
Tamaki: Because Gakkun said that he likes everyone and didn’t actually answer it!
Tamaki: [Angry Kinako Stamp]
Gaku: You’re still mad? (lol) I said sorry and gave you a pudding afterwards right.
Tamaki: I already ate it so I forgot.
Ryuunosuke: I see, so I’m your revenge huh! lol
Tamaki: Ryuu-aniki, I believe in you.
Tamaki: [Pudding In Jar Stamp]
Tamaki: [Pudding In Jar Stamp]
Tamaki: [Pudding In Jar Stamp]
Ryuunosuke: Since I got it so straight-forwardly, I might just make Tamaki-kun my fave!
Tamaki: Hurray!!!
Tamaki: [Sparkling Kinako Stamp]
Mitsuki: Tamaki, is that fine…?!
Sogo: You have to respect Tsunashi-san’s opinion too.
Nagi: If you asked Yaotome-shi and Tsunashi-shi, you have to ask to Kujo-shi too.
Tenn: Like it sounds like you want to take this opportunity to just complete them all.
Riku: I wanna hear it too! Yes! Yes!
Riku: It’s not only because of the opportunity!
Iori: It seems it would be difficult if he picked anyone other than the center...
Tenn: I would’ve answered it if you requested that during your month ^^
Riku: Eeeeeeeeeeeh!
Tsumugi: I’m also curious about Tsunashi-san’s favorite! 
Tsumugi: To continue, Iori-san please!
Iori: From me it’s a “Yes/No quiz”.
Iori: It’s the game where you should answer yes or no within 3 seconds to the questions that I prepared. If I ask about personal questions, listeners could know many sides of Tsunashi-san and it would be good.
Ryuunosuke: I would answer them by reflex huh? That seems fun!
Ryuunosuke: Would Iori-kun give me the questions?
Iori: That’s right. Of course, they would be checked by Anesagi-san though.
Momo: I also want to think of things to ask Ryuu~ (ノ´Д)ノ
Sogo: Um… If it’s alright, would you allow me to help too?
Mitsuki: Ah! I have something I wanna ask too!
Iori: That helps. Everyone has real questions they want to ask so it seems this quiz will be intense.
Yamato: Oooh. You are popular, Tsunashi-san!
Gaku: You’re popular huh, Ryuu!
Ryuunosuke: Somehow I’m happy…! The request corner is a great thing huh!
Tenn: You are a natural lady-killer. That’s a good thing tho.
Ryuunosuke: Eh! L-Lady-killer?! Are you praising me?!
Tenn: I am. I said that was a good thing right.
Ryuunosuke: Really? I’m happy to be praised by Tenn!
Ryuunosuke: Iori-kun and everyone too, please ask me anything that’s fine!
Tsumugi: I’m also looking forward to everyone’s questions for Tsunashi-san!
Tsumugi: So then, let’s have the request from Riku-san!
Riku: Yes! From me it’s “I want to hear an episode of bravery about bad things”!
Riku: Tsunashi-san is nice, cool, good at cooking, and really cool! But, actually I want to try asking if there was a time you were naughty!
Yuki: You said cool twice.
Gaku:  Just that, our Ryuu is cool huh!
Ryuunosuke: You think of me that way huh! I’m happy to be praised by Riku-kun.
Tenn: I certainly can’t imagine a naughty Ryuu.
Riku: Right! But I just can’t imagine what makes someone naughty at all.
Nagi: Like lining up all night for a big event in summer and winter?
Mitsuki: That’s certainly bad but Tsunashi-san wouldn’t do that right lol.
Ryuunosuke: If you’re participating in an event, it’s important to follow the rules huh!
Okazaki: So anyways, what kind of thing would be naughty?
*Tsumugi: Like running down a hallway…!
Ryuunosuke: That’s dangerous huh! It would be bad if you slipped and fell...!
Ryuunosuke: Unfortunately, I’ve never been naughty in my youth. Lol I was always in the ocean!
Gaku: I knew that Ryuu wasn’t the bad boy!
Tenn: Actually, I’m a little curious about you having that sort of past or not.
Anesagi: No way, that sort of thing! I want him to be both calm and sexy even if he was carrying a backpack!
Momo: That kind of elementary schooler is too distinctive! lol
Ryuunosuke: I don’t think I wasn’t sexy or calm before… I was an energetic elementary schooler who was running around barefoot. Lol
Ryuunosuke: I don’t know if I have something you could call naughty but I’ll tell you after I look back at pictures from my childhood!
Riku: Thank you!
Yamato: That he tried to answer the request by looking back at his album, he’s not naughty at all, certainly he is an honest person.
Sogo: It’s a heartwarming episode where we can feel Tsunashi-san’s honesty!
Tsumugi: I’m also secretly interested in a naughty Tsunashi-san! Lol
Tsumugi: Next, Kujo-san, can I have the request?
Tenn: Yes. From me, “Let us hear if you have anything you want to say to TRIGGER”.
Tenn: More like to me and Gaku than to TRIGGER. Ryuu isn’t the type to strongly argue, so I want him to say anything in this opportunity.
Tenn: I’m fine with something like what you want us to do, what you want us to change, or a request for us.
Gaku: That’s a good request! Ryuu, say anything to us.
Ryuunosuke: Gaku, Tenn, thank you! Honestly, I think TRIGGER’s relationship for now is the best, I don’t have any request.
Tenn: See, that sort of thing. Even though you could say selfish things. 
Ryuunosuke: I want you to say selfish things. Tenn does all the jobs or household things by yourself.
Ryuunosuke: Before this, I thought you never left your room huh, but you’d actually caught a cold hadn’t you.
Gaku: That! We seriously would’ve wanted you to say it at that time.
Riku: Tenn-nii caught a cold?! Is he okay?!
Tenn: I’m okay. I recovered after I slept all night.
Riku: I’m glad…!
Gaku: Even for one night, medicine or food or something, there was something we could’ve done right?
Tenn: Are we still talking about this? We already talked about it enough.
Ryuunosuke: Because Tenn hesitated weirdly.
Tenn: It was just a slight fever, not a serious cold, and I can’t spread it to you guys.
Gaku: You’re still saying that sort of thing?
Ryuunosuke: Honestly, about this, I’m still a little mad now.
Tenn: Since Ryuu doesn’t get mad easily, you are persistent when you do.
Ryuunosuke: I had a reason to get mad so I got mad. 
Nagi: Were you three fighting?
Tamaki: Though you are adults, don’t fight-!
Mitsuki: Aah, not so much a fight… I understand how Yaotome and Tsunashi-san feel here.
Tenn: It’s not a fight. We’re already done talking about it.
Gaku: We’re not!
Ryuunosuke: How about we talk later? This group chat wasn’t to talk about that..!
Tsumugi: Not wanting to make your friends worry, but also wanting someone to rely on you, I understand them both...
Tsumugi: Nagi-san, please give us the request!
Nagi: Leave it to me. I’ll be an air purifier in this group chat!
Momo: Nagi being an air purifier sound strong lololol
Yuki: That’s a good one.
Ryuunosuke: Nagi-kun, sorry. Thank you for easing the tense atmosphere.
Nagi: I don’t mind. You can pay me in the request corner. :-)
Ryuunosuke: Got it! I’ll try my best to pull Nagi-kun’s request..!
Iori: Is he an air purifier or a schemer… He is tricky.
Nagi: You shouldn’t worry about tiny things! My request is “Impromptu☆Tsunashi-shi’s Haiku”!
Ryuunosuke: Haiku meaning that 5,7,5 haiku?
Nagi: Exactly. Along with the theme I prepared, I want Tsunashi-shi to make a haiku at that time.
Nagi: When you read your haiku, you need to use the echo effect.
Sogo: Somehow that’s detailed instructions.
Nagi: If I'm gonna do it, I need to produce everything perfectly.
Ryuunosuke: As expected of Nagi-kun. Thank you for thinking of it with details!
Nagi: Anyways, to prepare for getting any theme from me, please check out Magical★Kokona’s latest episode. 
Nagi: Especially, I’ll recommend that you understand the enemy character in last week’s episode, the Darkness Bear Secretary’s line.
Ryuunosuke: Th-That’s really quite detailed huh?!
Riku: Oh right, earlier while watching Kokona, he was murmuring “He has the same voice as Tsunashi-shi.” I think…?
Mitsuki: Then, you are thinking of making Tsunashi-san to act out that bear’s line isn’t it!
Nagi: (°3°)~♪
Tenn: I’m curious about how he is going to lead to acting as that character with a haiku.
Gaku: I feel his commitment to not just request him to act as the character.
Ryuunosuke: If Nagi-kun is expecting it that much then I’ll really try my best..!
Nagi: I’m looking forward to it. :-)))
Tsumugi: I couldn’t check recently but I’ll catch up to the latest episode too…!
Tsumugi: Next up is Sougo-san please!
Sogo: From me it’s, “Tsunashi-san is kind but I want to hear of a time when you got mad.”
Sogo: But, earlier there was the story of how you wanted Kujou-san to let you worry over him huh...
Sogo: I’m sorry. I said something to bring it up again..!
Ryuunosuke: It’s fine. Because it’s not like we were really fighting.
Gaku: Ryuu is generally a generous person huh. Even if someone says something a little sarcastic, or someone bumps you when you’re walking, you seem fine.
Ryuunosuke: There is no use in getting irritated over that right? 
Ryuunosuke: Maybe that person had a hard time and something bad happened to him.
Yuki: You are like a saint.
Sogo: But, I understand that feeling. Because I also have only a few things that will piss me off. 
Sogo: But I won’t forget the name and face of the person who did it to me.
Yamato: That’s even scarier! (lol)
Iori: I feel like that has a slightly different meaning to Tsunashi-san’s “not getting mad.”...
Sogo: I-Is that so?
Tamaki: I’ll be careful never to do anything terrible to So-chan.
Banri: Because he already remembers your face and name huh (lol).
Tamaki: [Sweating Pudding Stamp]
Sogo: It’s terrible to be this scared of me.
Tamaki: [Shaking Kinako Stamp]
Ryuunosuke: It’s important to understand what kind of person your companions are huh! It's proof that you are thinking about further things.
Ryuunosuke: Sougo-kun’s amazing huh!
Sogo: Thank you…! I’m very grateful for your compliment.
Mitsuki: Excuse me! Can we take a little break?
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san, did something happen?
Mitsuki: Seems like Nagi wanted to see Kokona’s Darkness Bear’s episode, but he couldn’t find the recorded data.
Mitsuki: He looks so down and I feel sorry for him. Can we search for a hard drive together for a little bit?
Yamato: Seems like there are streams too. But he said it’s different from the recorded video.
Ryuunosuke: I see…! I hope he has the data!
Mitsuki: Sorry, to cut it for a weird reason!
Tsumugi: So then, the group chat has also become long so we’ll take a little break. I’ll contact you at the time we could restart!
Okazaki: So anyways, what kind of thing would be naughty?
Tsumugi: Like customizing your school uniforms…?
Ryuunosuke: There were people who customized their uniforms secretly huh! I didn’t get it much, so I just wore it normally. Lol
Ryuunosuke: Unfortunately, I’ve never been naughty in my youth. Lol I was always in the ocean!
Okazaki: So anyways, what kind of thing would be naughty?
Tsumugi: Like lip-syncing the Alma Mater at an assembly…?
Ryuunosuke: I was singing but some people don’t, so some people would feel embarrassed huh.
Ryuunosuke: Unfortunately, I’ve never been naughty in my youth. Lol I was always in the ocean!
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foxtophat · 3 years
MERRY CHRISTMAS IN JANUARY EVERYONE yeah i know ~nothing is fixed~ but whatever, fuck you, have some fanfic
so anyway i’ve been planning this for a while, i’m kinda shocked tho b/c i finished writing it in like less than 3 days??? (aside from editing)  usually it takes me longer to at least figure out how to wrap things up, but at least this one was easy money. i’m sure none of the other ones will be so kind to me
this one takes place a month or so after the last one; it’s set in spring 2028 (omfg finally on a new year!!!!) and it has a little something to do with carmina finally getting some chickens!!!!  one thing about new dawn that i think was really lacking is the explanation of how life... restarted before the highwaymen.  i definitely remember a few houses having chicken coops, too, so i know i’m not crazy putting these feathered friends in.  to me, chickens are the most sensible post-apocalyptic pet outside of a dog; easy to care for, provide food while alive AND after death, and they can reproduce easily enough if you’ve got a rooster on hand.  i can imagine a family making quite a life for themselves as a poultry farm in the apocalypse!
ugh idk what else to say so i’ll just say it: thank you so much for all of your comments and kudos on this series. i am so stoked to know that my self-indulgent trash is delicious to more than just my possum ass!  i’ve had a lot of fun worldbuilding in ubisoft’s playground, and i hope to continue doing more fun stuff that other people will enjoy too!!!
with all that said, i hope you enjoy the fic :) i’ll put it below the cut for you if you don’t wanna leave tumblr, but ao3 looks so much better. anyway, thank you and have a great jan 20th!!!!
Winter melts away the same way it does every year, leaving in its path wet dirt and green buds of spring growth. John, nursing what's likely the last cup of coffee they can wring from this batch of grounds, stares out over the back yard and idly marvels at how quickly the snow had disappeared. Montana had been his first experience with white winters; even though he's gotten used to the changing seasons in theory, though, he can't help but be distracted by it year after year.
Across the yard, situated just in sight by the hangar, John can plainly see Carmina's new chickens looking for breakfast. They're the newest addition to the homestead, but so far John has only had to watch from afar as the Ryes worked to adjust them to their new home. He's not sure who's raising chickens out here, but at least they were willing to barter. Fresh eggs are going to mean a lot more than the dwindling supplies out of Jacob's cache.
The misty-gray of early morning has almost evaporated in the rising sunlight, and still the chickens haven't been fed. John watches them from where he stands, their frustration leading to subdued crows as they scratch at the dirt. He doesn't know who's noisier — them, or Nick and Kim arguing at the table behind him. Thank Christ the wet end of winter is over; John doesn't think he can tolerate much more of their married nagging. On some level, he's glad they don't make a habit of yelling at him instead of each other, but Jesus, he can't wait for them to both get some space from one another.
"This is why we said we weren't gonna do pets, remember?" Nick says. "Because if she got a pet, we would end up taking care of it. Remember?"
"Yes, Nick, I remember."
"Yeah, and here we are!"
Kim sighs. John doesn't have to look to see the exasperated eye-roll that comes with it. "It wasn't me who kept her up late last night! Which one of us was egging her on when she should have been asleep?"
This is exactly why John has never owned a pet. They're more trouble than they're worth, and the only thing they seem to be good for is teaching shitty life lessons to kids who don't care enough to learn. The only good thing about the chickens is that they provide something in return other than obnoxious crowing.
Carmina thumps around upstairs. John isn't looking forward to having to listen to Kim lecture her on responsibility, but he's not thrilled to listen to much more of this bickering, either. If his choices are to stay inside and fester or go out into the first nice day of the year — well, that's not much of a choice, is it?
"Fine," John sighs before either of the Ryes can set their sights on him, "I'll do it."
"Nobody's asking you to do it," Kim replies. "It's Carmina's responsibility."
John shakes his head. "Of course it is. Where's the feed?"
Nick points out a white plastic container sitting on the pass-through to the kitchen. "Not gonna wait for us to boss you around?" he asks.
John picks up the container and rattles it to make sure it's full. "I'm streamlining the process," he replies. "Unless you enjoy giving me orders."
Sure enough, implying Nick might like being a bossy piece of shit is enough to get him to shut up. He sighs with a deep frown at John, who ignores him as he heads out to the coop. It's a petty satisfaction to take the rug out from under Nick's feet, but John's not above it. Not by a long shot.
Some of it might be compensating for the disintegrating peace that had come with winter. Before the blizzard set in, they'd had enough on their collective plates as they prepared for the worst of the season. Afterward, the snow had prevented them from doing much more than what was necessary to survive, and the resulting downtime had settled like a comfortable blanket. Even now, with a few weeks of grating interpersonal interactions, John feels more focused, more rested than he can ever remember feeling. Living underground for eight years, he'd naively thought that he'd gotten enough rest to last him a lifetime — but he'd been strung out on Bliss and trying not to suffocate, and he hadn't known what he was doing. He's starting to suspect that the Bliss might've had a worse effect on him than the myriad other drugs he'd ingested. Hell, he's not sure he's clean even now — but he's managing, and that's what matters.
It's only once he's halfway across the yard that John realizes Kim forgot to argue about him going off on his own. Sure, he's only going as far as the hangar, but it's become something of a pleasantry she uses whenever John pretends to have the freedom to go where he pleases. Her irritation at Carmina and Nick probably made her forget. She's gotten so used to trusting John that she's finally found other things to take up her attention.
Weirdly enough, the casual disregard for his potential backslide irritates him. It really shouldn't. He should be thrilled that he can finally disappear from view for an hour without somebody calling out a search party. He's more than earned it, he thinks, but their trust highlights their naivety. Luckily for them, John means it when he says he's changed — but it's a line they're going to hear time and again from people far less genuine than he's been. They're so willing to help everyone and anyone that they don't even realize how much of a target they're making themselves. John's had to hold his tongue whenever Nick gives free supplies to shifty-eyed tweakers who are "just passing through," and while he trusts Kim not to let anyone obviously suspicious into the house, he doesn't trust her to recognize a cunning liar.
The last thing John needs is for the Ryes to put their trust in the wrong reformed psychopath. At least he's capable of picking up their slack. After all, John has his time at law school and years of psychological abuse under his belt — plenty of real-world experience dealing with unrepentant garbage. He'll notice it when somebody cases the hangar or acts too erratically, and hopefully the Ryes will listen to him if he gets the nerve to voice his concerns.
Not for the first time since summer, John is struck with a newfound respect for Jacob and the role he'd inhabited in the Project. It used to be his job to look out for insurrectionists, and he'd taken on that burden even when John and Joseph would openly dismiss his concerns. John can't imagine how many fires Jacob must've put out while the rest of the family was distracted by the Bliss. Looking back on it now, it's honestly a surprise they maintained their operation as long as they did, considering only one of the four of them was ever sober.
The chickens are hopping at his arrival, scuttling around the dirt and crowing as John reaches the pen. They don't notice him so much as the bin he rattles on approach, full of vegetable cuttings and strange white worms that come out whenever it rains. John doesn't mind one lick — he's never been much of an animal person, and he certainly doesn't care if Carmina's so-called pets notice his existence. Of course, knowing Carmina, she's going to use this as an excuse to shift breakfast duty to John full-time, and John won't have much of a say in the matter.
Well, that's not strictly true, but if Carmina asked, he knows he would do it, if only to give his day more structure. Truthfully, he's grown to depend on routine, when before it was impossible to keep to a schedule that didn't involve other people's expectations of him. There's probably a metaphor to be made about trains on and off the tracks, but John has never been particularly interested in locomotives.
John shakes the dead bugs and scraps out into the pen, watching the hens as they race to be the first to eat. They're perfectly happy now that they've been fed, cooing and clucking as they peck the dirt. They certainly seem content with safety and food — not entirely unlike the survivors living day-to-day in the town and beyond. Sure, John might not always be satisfied by bare sustenance, and one day he'll chafe under the grind of surviving week to week, but for now, he might as well be a dumb chicken crowing in the morning sun.
He throws some more feed into the pen, watching the three hens waddle after their meal. One of them lingers by the fence, freezing for a moment as her head swivels back and forth. She pecks at the dirt away from the feed before hustling after her two companions. John watches as she stops again; when he tosses a few worms in her direction, she pecks briefly at them before lifting her head to survey her surroundings.
The primal sensation of something being wrong nearly overtakes John's reasoning, before he manages to remind himself that a chicken's predators aren't exactly his to worry about. Still, he rattles the container to bring the hens scuttling towards him; all three are easily distracted by food now, but John can't shake the feeling that he'd missed something they hadn't. A fox, maybe? A snake? Anything could be lurking in the woods on the other side of the wash. Not a whole lot that could hurt him , of course, but he's not about to be blamed for Carmina's chickens being eaten by a wild dog.
The fence-line is... nebulous past the hangar, sure, but John's positive Kim doesn't consider the rest of the old airport off-limits. Then again, she might be in the mood to lecture him once she gets through with Carmina. It's a risk he's not sure he's willing to take.
Two chickens continue to eat as one keeps watch, their heads bobbing up and down as they switch off. Their unease mirrors his own, and John can imagine Faith giggling at him for being swayed by some dumb birds.
"Very well, ladies," he sighs, shaking the remainder of their breakfast onto the ground. "Don't let them say I don't care."
The chickens don't give three shits about John's motivations, of course; they watch him go, pecking at the food with increasing carelessness as the distance grows. John rolls his eyes at their sudden fearlessness, half-convinced to let whatever animal is lurking eat them out of spite.
There's a wide swath of dirt behind the hangar, separating it from the mostly-overgrown remnants of Rye Aviation that couldn't be saved. John can see the edge of the chicken pen from here, but the hangar is blocking him from the house. Even though he knows the Ryes trust him not to run off, he still feels distinctly uneasy going somewhere where they can't see him. At this point, Nick would probably only tease him for it, but John's not about to linger out here and risk turning Kim's irritation on himself.
To the right of the derelict hangars is a sparse wedge of trees that have grown in uninterrupted. John knows there's a path cut between the trunks, one he'd made himself while hauling the tire-planters for Kim last year, and there's a long stretch of unused runway beyond it. It isn't a great place for anything bigger than a fox to lurk in. That doesn't explain the feeling of being watched that comes over him as he stops halfway across the empty dirt lot; he looks around, but there's no place for anything to hide out here. The overgrowth on the old hangars can't be more than two feet high, and the bushes in the copse are brambly and sparse. The only place anything could hide would be in the trees, which is why John approaches them with more caution than they're worth.
The thinned underbrush is easy to explore, but John goes carefully as he picks through the trees and bushes. He doesn't know exactly what he's looking for — some sign of predators, whatever those might be — but he doesn't find much. There are some hoof-prints clear in the dirt, curving sharply away from the Rye homestead and back out to the airstrip, which tells John that the goddamn deer are back, probably looking to eat their hard-grown crops. Other than that, there's no sign of anything that might be stalking the hen-house. The ground is still somewhat soft from the rain a few nights ago, but it barely takes the imprint of John's boots as he explores the small grove.
That's why it's such a shock to see the tread of a narrow boot in the dirt by the trunk of one of the trees, well off the beaten path. It's an old print, he thinks — but he doesn't remember the last time any one of them had been out this way. Certainly not since the last time it rained.
An electric shock conducts itself down his spine. Somebody had been out here, hiding here in the trees, and it's only been two, three days since the last rain. John turns, and from his vantage point, he can clearly see the coop and the back of the hangar, but not the house. For that, he'd have to move out of the trees, into direct view of the porch.
It has to be Grace's boot. She's the only one he could imagine creeping around the property with good intentions. But even that explanation doesn't settle the anxious flip of his stomach; he tries not to let it show as he marches from the trees, intent on dragging Nick over and proving to him once and for all that they need to be more goddamn careful about who they let around the property. Somebody is going to want the copper fixtures they've salvaged, even if there's nobody to sell the metal to these days.
John gets halfway back to the coop when he catches something in his peripheral vision. Terrible, primal terror grips him as he fixes his gaze on the trick of the light that had scared him, ready to catch Grace peering at him over the abandoned hangars, or maybe a pack of wild dogs. What he sees instead turns his blood to ice, caught like a deer in headlights as the low-hanging shrubbery and thick vines shift and part for a rising mass of dark brown fur. The shape that rises from the underbrush is a tall, dark smudge against the blue sky, and John nearly swallows his tongue when he sees its face — or the horrifying absence of one, replaced with white, flaking skin and two huge, empty eye-sockets that are fixed on John's position.
It doesn't move. Neither does John, frozen to the spot as the chickens begin to crow and fuss. He can't fathom what he's looking at — a bear, a person, a fucking mutant? — but whatever it is, he suspects it's infected with Bliss. Who knows how many angels ended up underground after the Collapse? What might've happened to them in the years since? All John knows about them is that they're dangerous to everybody but Faith, and Faith died a decade ago. If this is an angel — God, there'll be no stopping it. And if it isn't — then what the hell is it ?
There's no way for John to get from here to the house without the thing chasing him. The hangar is blocking his brutal oncoming murder from the two people who might actually be able to do something about it. He doesn't have to look to know the distance from here to the house is insurmountable.
The creature lifts its arm, and the situation that couldn't get any worse takes an even more horrifying turn as it reveals its weapon of choice: a crudely fashioned bow, the same kind of handmade weaponry that Joseph's followers have been seen with.
All at once, Nick's voice is ringing in John's ears, warning him of what's going to happen if this gargoyle takes him away. The things John hadn't considered before — the Ryes' reputation, Carmina's safety, the hard-won trust John's gained from the survivors — it's all in jeopardy. The situation barrels into him all at once — the realization that whatever Joseph did to create this thing , he won't hesitate to turn on John.
He tries to shout a warning, but his breath is caught in his throat. Faith's voice, faint on the breeze, laughs and whispers sing-song into his ear:
They've found you!
The monster barrels down the slope of the hill as if prodded into action by a hot poker. Its gait is wide, bringing it towards John at speeds impossible to outrun. This time, John's shout comes out clear as a bell, panic screaming through him as he turns and bolts for the house. He nearly clips himself on the pen as he hangs a sharp right turn, the porch coming into full sight —
Something snags the back of John's shirt, and his momentum briefly chokes him. A thick arm bears down across his neck before he can rip free, the creature grunting in exertion as it yanks him backward. John feels his boots scrape on the dirt as he's dragged towards the trees, away from the safety that's plain in sight.
Animal instinct kicks in. John gnashes his teeth but there's nothing to bite, so he kicks out his feet instead, first in front of him and then harshly backward until he can hook his shin behind his assailant's and trip them both to the ground. The creature goes down with a surprised grunt; John does his best to roll away, only to be yanked back by his hair. He's distantly aware that he's spitting like a cat in a sack, clawing and biting, the two of them rolling in the dirt as John screams profanities and heresy at the monster trying to pin him down, anything to convince the universe to take mercy on him for once in his fucking life!
The creature manages to grab him by the shoulder, throwing him into the dirt before backhanding him violently across the face. It's enough to daze him; for one horrible second, he's unable to do anything as the monster begins to drag him across the dirt by the legs.
There's a commotion coming from the house. For a split second, the creature looks up, and John realizes his opening at the same time the monster realizes its mistake. It looks down just in time for John to kick it square in its barky, hollow-eyed face, sending a split down the wooden facade.
" John !"
The monster reels backward as if burned, grabbing at the mask as it falls away. John catches sight of a single dark, wild eye behind the broken wood before he kicks out again, sending both boots into his assailant's chest. As soon as the creature staggers back, John bolts, scrambling towards Kim as she races toward him with the rifle drawn. Nick is hot behind her; he grabs John's shoulder and drags him partway back to the house. John doesn't need the escort, and so Nick quickly leaves him to scramble up the porch as he goes after his wife.
John gets all the way to the stairs inside before he realizes there's no safe place to hide. He'd found out this winter just how flimsy the prisoner story had been; if somebody wants to take him, all they have to do is climb onto the roof and jimmy the lock on the nearest window. Whether it's through the broken window in his room or a gap in the roof leading to the attic, the Project will find him. He can't possibly outrun them forever. He'd be stupid to even try. God, he'd been a fool for thinking Joseph wouldn't send someone looking for him, that he wouldn't want to snatch John back from the clutches of apostasy. There's no way Joseph will leave a loose end like him untied.
John sinks to the bottom steps in his mounting despair, only to realize for a second time that he's being watched. The realization is less of a shock as Carmina peers at him around the kitchen archway; she jumps at the distant rapport of gunfire, staring owl-eyed at John as though she expects him to do something.
"Stay down," John hisses, setting an example as he keeps low on his way into the kitchen.
"What happened?" Carmina asks, frantic, "Is mom gonna be okay?"
"Yes," John replies, although he can't possibly know that for sure. He waits a beat, listening for more gunshots, then carefully lifts his head to check out the window when none come. He lets out the breath he'd been holding when he sees Nick standing with his hands on his hips, staring at Kim further down the yard. Whatever the danger had been, it's not pressing enough to warrant immediate action.
"Seriously," Carmina whines, as if that could hide her fear. "What was it? Was it a bear? Grace says there are bears in the woods but I've never seen —"
John sinks to the ground, his mind reeling even as the panic passes, leaving him numb. "It wasn't a bear."
Carmina chews on her lower lip, looking up towards the window as though she might try looking for herself. "Are the chickens okay?" she asks.
"They're fine," he sighs. He pushes his hair from his face, only to realize that his hands have started to tremble with run-off adrenaline.
"Are... you okay?" she asks, frowning as though she can't decide whether or not his wellbeing is her problem to deal with.
Goodwill must be genetic, John laments. "I'm fine," he tells her. She gives his shaking hands a hard look; he sighs and reiterates, "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."
"I'm not," Carmina huffs. Apparently, Nick's attempts to teach Carmina how to bluff haven't worked out.
John is saved from needing to reassure her as Nick abruptly appears in the kitchen arch, out of breath and red-faced. His shock gives way to relief at the sight of the two of them huddled by the counter. He's out of breath and visibly bewildered.
"Shit, John, you okay?"
"I'm fine," he says, although he doubts Nick will believe it any more than Carmina had. His foot jogs uselessly against the floor. "Kim — did she...?"
Nick shakes his head. "She tried," he says, "But it was too fast. What the fuck was it ?"
"Somebody from the Project."
"No shit. But — look, it wasn't an angel , was it?"
John shakes his head. "I don't know."
Kim storms into view, making her way to the pass-through from the living room side. She sets the rifle down on the counter, catching John's eye with a glare. John hurries to explain himself, as if he could possibly apologize for bringing the cult back to her doorstep.
"I was checking for foxes," he tells her, "I didn't think it — if I'd known what it was, I wouldn't have gone on my own."
Despite the fury in her eyes and the hard edge to her voice, Kim seems to mean it when she replies, "As long as nobody's hurt."
But the damage is done, and John can't help but babble on uselessly. "I wasn't looking in the right place. But I shouted as soon as I saw it. I just — couldn't outrun it. I wasn't fast enough. And I wasn't — it was stronger than I expected, stronger than..." Even he can hear the panic edging into his voice, cutting himself off with one last worried question. "Do you think it's gone?"
"It better be, if it knows what's good for it," Kim replies. "Are you sure you're okay?"
At any other time, John would be irritated to have to reassure every single Rye individually that he isn't in the throes of a panic attack. Right now, he's only grateful to realize that Kim doesn't blame him for the thing's appearance.
"I am," he says. "Thank you."
Nick groans, covering his eyes with one hand as he leans against the counter. "So much for it being safe to go out alone. Damn it, we got too comfortable."
" I got too comfortable," John says. "It wouldn't have cared about either of you."
"What about the chickens?" Carmina asks, "Are they safe there?"
Kim crosses her arms. "What I want to know is what the hell the Project is doing out here."
Her question is the only one John has any insight into, although he doesn't know how realistic his theory is. "They might be hunting deer," he says. "The only thing I saw, other than — than that , were deer tracks."
"All the way out here?" Kim asks skeptically.
"The hunting can't be any good in that swamp they're hiding in," Nick points out, frowning as he considers the idea. "And there are more survivors around the river these days. I'd bet that'd make for slim pickings."
"I doubt we'd even know they come out this far if I hadn't been the one out there. At least we've confirmed they're actively searching for resources beyond their compound — and they're relying on traditional methods to do so. Most likely because the armory was destroyed."
"Thank God for the Deputy," Nick sighs. "Okay. We're just gonna have to... I dunno, be willing to shoot, I guess." He doesn't sound so sure about it, and he quickly softens the intention. "At least a couple more warning shots. Once they remember guns outstrip arrows every way but sustainability, they'll probably keep back."
"We can push the fence-line out, too," Kim says. "It won't necessarily stop them, but at least it'll give them a line to cross. They're not cavemen — they remember property laws and how those get enforced around here."
"We'll have to start checking the traps more often. They might be living like bloodthirsty Mennonites right now, but that doesn't mean they aren't willing to steal to survive."
"They'll justify it one way or another," John sighs.
"So I guess we don't have to move the chickens after all," Nick says, "So long as we establish a perimeter. Sound good, Carmina?"
Carmina must have slipped out at some point during the conversation because she's nowhere to be found in the kitchen. Nick glances over John's head and out the window, swearing loudly.
"What the hell is she doing out there?"
John gets to his feet as Nick and Kim take off. He watches them through the window as they chase after Carmina, who's stopped to look around partway towards the coop. Either she's dumber than she seems, or she's inherited both of her parents' reckless streaks. Either way, she's going to leave herself open the same way John had. She's too confident that nobody wants to hurt her. The only way John knows how to teach that lesson, though, is not one that Kim or Nick would approve of — and so he sidelines his worries in favor of sticking with whoever is more armed than he is.
By the time John comes outside, Kim is knee-deep in the middle of a heated lecture about safety and responsibility. Carmina scowls at her feet, her face turning red as she's scolded. John ignores them, passing them by in favor of catching up with Nick, who's come to a stop a few yards past the coop. He's staring out into the unoccupied land — land that used to be his property, once. Now Nick is as much a stranger here as John is.
"Check it out," Nick says, holding out a thin, white-barked piece of wood. John takes it and recognizes it immediately as part of the mask he'd broken in two. The hole for the eye is a roughly cut gouge in the soft wood, and the bark flakes as he wipes his thumb across it.
"I hadn't even considered a mask," John admits. "I thought it was a monster."
"You and me both," Nick replies. He heaves a sigh. "Still waiting for the mutants to crawl out of the sewers, I guess. But I think we can handle a couple of jackasses with arrows."
John squints across the clearing, as if maybe his assailant has hung around waiting for them to reappear. "Next time, it might be Joseph," he points out grimly. "That hunter recognized me immediately. They'll tell him I'm here, and he'll want to find me."
"Come on. Like Joseph's gonna risk crossing enemy territory on foot. I'd be more worried about those goddamn hunting parties you used to send out."
John unconsciously reaches up to rub his throat. "Yeah," he says. "You're right. One of them clearly wasn't enough, but if Joseph decides I'm worthwhile, they'll come as a pack. If he's still manufacturing Bliss somehow, it would be easy to subdue me. And then..."
He's surprised out of his would-be reverie as Nick slaps his shoulder with a heavy hand. "We're not gonna let that happen," he says. "As long as you put up the same fight you did today, Kim and I are gonna come running."
Despite the reality of hidden archers and surprise ambushes, John allows himself to be reassured by the sentiment. At the very least, he pretends for Nick's sake. "I suppose you two were quick to the rescue," he drawls. "But if they get me to the tree-line, I'd rather you just put me down before I get dragged all the way back to the compound."
Nick chuckles. "We'll try to avoid that for now."
Looking over his shoulder, John catches Kim crouched down in front of Carmina, hands on her shoulders. Whatever she's saying, it's too quiet for John to hear, but Carmina's sniffles are a loud precursor to a lot of tears.
"I guess she believed you when you said the Project wouldn't care about us," Nick sighs. "At this rate, we're gonna have to put a bell on her."
"I could tell her about the child soldiers from the summer camp, if that would prove the gravity of the situation."
Just the mention of it makes Nick look a little queasy, and John immediately regrets bringing it up. "I don't want to scare her that badly," Nick says. "She's a good kid, she means well. She just needs to stop going off half-cocked, is all." He rubs his hand across his forehead and complains, "I thought we taught her to be smarter than this."
"She's still your kid," John says. Nick gives him a sour look, but it's the truth no matter how bitter Nick might feel about it. "You can't expect her to be utterly obedient, given her genetics."
"I guess ." He sighs, shaking his head. "At any rate, it's time we stop sugar-coating the cult for her benefit. She's obviously not taking it seriously."
John looks again and sees Kim embracing Carmina tightly. He can't help but worry about what might happen if the hunters come back. When he'd been with the Project, he'd understood Joseph's motivations — at least superficially — but now he's completely in the dark. They used to fill their ranks with abducted children and their desperate parents. He has no idea if Joseph is in a position to expand his flock, but if he is... John does not doubt that they'll start with the young and impressionable. Carmina, being young but not as impressionable as they'd like, probably wouldn't make it back to the compound before she got herself killed. He can't imagine anyone having enough patience to break her.
"You... uh, think we should be worried?" Nick asks after a brief stretch of silence.
"Not yet," John replies grimly. After all, the Ryes have a bargaining chip like no other, in case their daughter is ever taken. John can see to it that she's left alone, but it will only work once — and after that, who knows which brother will be sending hunters after her.
"Good thing we got ourselves a couple of extra guns," Nick says. "You and her are gonna have to start carrying pretty much everywhere."
"I'm sure people will love that."
"Fuck people, man, did you see the size of that fucking guy?"
John can't help a wry smile. "They weren't so big. If I were a couple of years younger, I would have taken them."
"Yeah, sure. "
The lecture must be over with for now, as Carmina's attention has turned back to her chickens. Kim watches her from a distance; John can't read her expression from here, but her posture is tense and defensive. John can't blame her — he doesn't have a parental bone in his body, but the stress of raising a child in these conditions isn't lost on him. Trying to instill a sense of fear into somebody who lived their formative years without a threat in sight can't be easy. Doubly so, considering Carmina can no doubt outgun the rudimentary weaponry the Project is utilizing. Hell, maybe they really are only a threat to him. Maybe it doesn't matter if Carmina sneaks out of the house.
"She won't leave unnoticed again," John decides, because it's the only promise he can genuinely keep.
"Oh yeah? You're gonna eat those words when she's a teenager."
"I'd hope she would be smart enough to bring back up by then."
"Me too." Nick exhales loudly enough to get Kim's attention, stretching one arm over his chest, then the other. "Well, I guess we better get started if we want to have anything to show for it by nightfall."
Even so, it takes Nick another moment before he brings himself to move. John lingers behind, unable to help himself as he eyes the trees distrustfully. There's nothing saying that hunter isn't still out there, watching them from a safe distance. If Jacob had a hand in training them, it's unlikely that John will ever see them coming again. He's likely lost the one chance at a level playing field, and he hadn't even realized it was something he could lose.
Fuck it. It doesn't matter. John has adapted time and again to every disaster in his life, and there's something to be said for the person who he's become. If this is the next catastrophe that he'll have to weather, then so be it. If he isn't capable of dealing with Joseph by now, then it's likely he never will be — and if that turns out to be the case, he can only hope that Kim is as quick on the trigger as she seemed to be today.
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 31
the drama continues....
so I got like halfway thru the issue and my liveblog got deleted bc I accidentally zoomed in really far and for some reason that deleted fucking everything :) thanks tungl!!!!
like ik I probably shouldn't type these up right in the tungle post but ugh. why would THAT delete all my shit. fuck this
anyways I didn’t write that much but I’ll try to rewrite it...
I love the mexican standoff cover, ratchet and megatron and chromedome look so hardcore and serious, meanwhile nautica is having the time of her life. respect
ooooughhhh flashback w/drift and pipes, ooof
is that chromedome and rewind??? hhhhhhhh they're on a date....
drift: don't ask where I got my blood money credit card pipes.
pipes is so cute I love him
and riptide!! I love him too
I love that transformers have a whole language that they speak by holding hands. fuckign superb you funky little robots
two trucks holding hands...
the lost light hhhhh ;_; best spaceship
its sooo cute that nautica thinks of brainstorm as like, the number 1 genius...her calling perceptor ‘brainstorm-level brilliant’ is adorable, I love those two sm
nautica ily sm
‘quanton technology’ vhbsjdfbsaf tailgate ily
in this art style, getaway has like, a mouth? looks super weird
nightbeat is so rude I love him
I fuckgin love the sci-fi bullshit w/the quantum stuff
I'm sorry but ‘dipstick’ is still such a funny name lmao. so is ‘huffer’ tbh
the fact that there’s something called a Smartplanet™ is hilarious. reminds me of the SmartBoards™ of my youth
and ofc the galactic council created them and added tuition fees. smh
cyclonus’s disgust at tuition fees is so relatable
tailgate pulling a gun on megatron...oooomg
the top of megatron’s head is weirdly round in this art style lmao
megatron: ...is that baby threatening me with a gun??
aaand then megs and riptide pull their guns out too
ok yeah so I guess cyclonus DID go on a murder spree prior to mtmte, but also at this point who HASNT done some war crimes, lbh
aaaand there’s ravage!
ravage and megs speaking hand 👀👀
cyclonus ik you’re worried abt tg and also terrible at communicating your feelings but please be nice :( :( 
and there’s getaway, sliding in smoothly...get AWAY from tg tbh
‘I'm fighting the urge to diagnose you’ lmao ratchet
nightbeat is like oh hell yea a mystery is afoot
tailgate telling cyclonus he’s scared :( give your tiny roommate a hug cyclonus
and here we get to hear abt MTOs...such an interesting concept, I love it
hoist mentions he knew an MTO named scattergun...wasn’t that one of chromedomes husbands? oof
interesting point, that w/out the war, the MTOs likely wouldn't exist - so does megatron get credit for that, then? does that get subtracted from his kill count? lol
also I feel like it’s noticeable even here that nautica doesn't distrust/hate megatron as much as a lot of the others - which makes sense bc she wasn't ever involved in the war, and never had to deal w/any of the decepticons or megatron in any context except post-war
and for tailgate, who also missed the war, it makes sense that he’d distrust megatron, because all the people tg is closest to hate megatron, and tailgate is trying his best to be an Autobot™
‘prenatals’ jro what the hell is that
I started writing up my reproductive themes spiel but it got so long so I think I’ll make a post just for that lmao. channeling jro w/that one
poor riptide...it’s tough when you’re not made for academics
fascinating how at first the MTOs/CC bots did get at least a basic education which involved cultural information, but as the war went on the education dwindled until it was just the basic stuff needed to fight in a war
ratchet has an interesting point, with MTOs being more likely to have ‘mystical experiences’ bc they're essentially newborns thrown onto a battlefield trying to make sense of things
and we also get to hear about information creep, another important concept! lots of relevant exposition this issue
I love information creep as a concept so much, bc it makes sense that even mechanical beings with like, computers in their brains wouldn't be totally infallible - bc if they’re really alive, and have souls, then that means there HAS to be fallibility, bc otherwise they would just be completely fact-based and logical, and that would make them less ‘alive’
also, the fact that they live so long would definitely contribute, and it’s cool that there ARE some sort of consequences to living for literal millions of years
aw nautica :(
tailgate aw man :( cyclonus will be back don't worry 
nightbeat is such a dick vhbhdjskhfbsjkf ‘someone tell tailgate to get a grip’ his bf just disappeared ok
and we get a brief reappearance of magnus and his humansona before he disappears too
nightbeat: enough of this bs! ratchet, break every hipaa law ever! go! 
and then ratchet DOES bvhajdbfajskfbajhd I am once again asking for somebody to care about patient confidentiality in cybertronian medicine, 
cant believe riptide got KO’d for 2 days straight and got left behind by the lost light as a result. Ls
nightbeat solved the mystery! woohoo! megatrons still gonna be rude abt it tho
OOOOH man and there’s the slaughterhouse lost light. oh boy oh god
I'm so not prepared for slaughterhouse oof. I'm glad we’re done with the court drama stuff bc that's so not my speed vbhdjkbfjksdf give me wacky sci-fi adventures or give me death!! 
I'm honestly just so excited for the time travel arc lmao give it to meeeee
so yeah, til next time!
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poinsettiaatnight · 4 years
alright I just decided to look up an episode of the TMNT 2012 series because I vaguely remembered there being an episode with the baby turtles & I need me some cute found family feels in my life right now
then I just see this
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so now I’m just sitting here like “hey I’ve actually watched the movie Yojimbo a while back & that’s a pretty neat reference to make” & I find out this is also a crossover episode with another comic character so now I’m intrigued because I didn’t realize this show did stuff like this (the fact that I’ve only watched a few episodes of season 1 might explain it)
and let me tell you, I was not prepared for how much this show had changed
first of all, rabbit samurai? hell yeah. he looks pretty badass
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the wolf guy has way too many teeth
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(not gonna lie, this shot is pretty creepy)
also they changed the theme song?! 
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i see the boys have gone all james bond on us
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(i’m getting some cowboy bebop vibes from this intro too)
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and it looks like my girl April took a level in badass over the seasons but i’m going to take a wild guess and say she’s not actually in this episode
also, is this an official 5th season or some pseudo-spinoff thing they tacked on as a sort of final season?
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this title kind of threw me off. is season 5 just a bunch of canon AU episodes or something?
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that’s a really nice background tho
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...is that a severed hand? in my ninja turtles cartoon? maybe i’m just not used to the cartoon fandoms because i thought this show did that thing where they use robots & stuff in place of real people to get around censorship rules (& all that jazz)
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jesus christ, this kid’s a spoiled little shit isn’t he? i hate excessively bratty children like this. kudos to the VA for perfectly portraying that whiny tone
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i really love it whenever heroes get those white Batman eyes when they’re in a serious fight. and the group full on showing off their ninja skills is so fun to watch. it’s weirdly easy to forget that they’re ninjas when you mainly think of them as just huge anthropomorphic turtles also have they been called kappa before in the show? i don’t know but i’m loving that nod to folklore/mythology
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i don’t know anything about cinematography or scene composition but i just really love this shot   
Usagi’s a pretty cool character so far
first of all, this next scene? loving the change in art style
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second of all, HOLY SHIT! HE DEAD! someone actually died in this kid’s show. that’s pretty brutal. how long have the TMNT been full on killing people in this show? go hard or go home, i guess (or maybe it’s like One Piece where any death goes as long as it’s in a flashback)
is this Usagi’s background story from the comics too or has it been completely changed for this show? just curious
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and again, i am loving this art so much!
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now where the fuck was he keeping that pizza all this time?!
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Mikey being all supportive when Donnie says it’ll take decades to send them back home & Donnie clearly appreciating the positive response is exactly the kind of family moment that gives me life they’re so adorable here look at Donnie’s little smile
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Usagi just straight up sliced a dude. i mean, there wasn’t any blood but still that guy fell from his horse & hit the ground pretty hard. 
another guy got knocked off a horse then got trampled by another horse, so he’s definitely horribly injured if not dead. holy shit, the kill count just keeps rising 
and how did armor for wolves (or whatever those soldiers are) fit four giant turtles? and how did they learn to ride horses? have they done it before?
i can’t get good screenshots of the action scenes but Mikey straight up kills 3 more wolves with his shuriken and honestly i was not expecting that from him
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Usagi staring down the villain while standing on a moving horse is such a badass move
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i know is should be more concerned about the protagonists possibly-but-not-really falling to their deaths but i’m more worried about the horses. those animals are crazy delicate, man. i’m pretty sure if a horse’s leg gets injured they’re pretty much ruined for life or something. and they’re falling off a cliff. those horses are fucked
i didn’t expect a lot of this from this show going back to it. i definitely need to finish these crossover episodes in addition to the Lone Rat episode. maybe i’ll watch the whole series. eventually. after i watch ROTTMNT.
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 61
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It had been a long day of uncomfortable conversations, meetings, interviews, lunch with strangers, and an early dinner with friends. I'd left my room at nine and it was after eight when I slid the key card in the door.
The smell hit me fast. Roses. I flipped on the light to locate the source. Sitting on the glass dining table was a vase of red and black roses. That's a little scary. Then I noticed something with black polka dots and a bow.
"No way." They couldn't be. I pulled them free and they were. Disney mouse ears. I started laughing. There was only one person these could be from. The card said, "From one Disney lover to another. Sunt al tău, copil. Xoxo, Emma."
Emma has sent me roses signed “I'm yours, baby.” Had I not already moved my Wednesday dinner to Sunday I would have been on my phone making up shit to get out of Canada a day earlier. On the back of the card was an explanation. Red roses for romance and desire. Black for new beginnings and change. I was thinking love and hate, but this better.
I put them on and sat at the table in front of my laptop. I was about to hang up and text her when she picked up, "I'm here. I’m here. I was in the bathroom changing." Her fingers touched the screen, "You like your ears?"
"I love my ears. And my flowers. It smells great in here. Thank you."
"You're welcome. I hope you got the sarcasm. We don’t love Disney, but are Disney lovers."
"I did." It kills me that she's turned an NDA into a joke between us. Mice can't tell time and roses with ears. Emma is simply the best. She was also slowly sliding sideways.
"Are you drunk?" I turned my head to the side following her tilt.
She rubbed her hand under her nose with her eyes closed. "A little drunk. My nose itches." She repeated the action.
"Did you have a fun spa day?" I held up my hand with crossed fingers.
"I did!" She listed a little more to the side and I smiled. "There was a lot of seaweed."
"A lot of seaweed. It started with a salt scrub, which felt really good. Then I was wrapped in seaweed and left to marinade for a while."
"Marinade." I curled my lips in trying not to laugh. This was a different drunk. She was silly.
"Next was their signature "four-hand" massage. Two people."
"That sounds fun."
"You'd think, but it was weird and creepy. I felt like I was being prepared as a virgin sacrifice to a lesser known god or maybe a volcano."
"Except you're not a virgin."
She frowned and huffed out a disgusted breath, "You don't know that."
I laughed, "Yes, I kinda do."
"Fine. I was very uncomfortable and sent one away after maybe two minutes. The massage therapist said it happens and was important for me to be comfy. It was a very good massage. She left and an aesthetician came in for my..."
She paused and I filled in, "Seaweed facial?"
She touched her nose and pointed to the camera several times. So cute. "We had a very yummy spa lunch. I had an avocado and chicken salad sandwich with these super crunchy fresh potato chips. And champagne."
"I wondered when the drinking was coming."
"Lunch when the three of us were brought back together. See, I'd had such a lovely morning and they threatened my happy and now relaxed mood. I thought bubbles would keep away the negative juju."
"Juju." I kept repeating these strange words.
"We went into this room with pedicure chairs all wrapped in white fluffy robes. The whole thing repeated itself on my hands and feet. Salt scrub, hand and foot massage, seaweed wrap, and marinade."
"I bet there was more champagne too."
"There was! We had to choose mani-pedi colors. My colors are blush and bashful. I have chosen two shades of pink, one is much deeper than the other.”
The champagne had brought out her accent even more and she fired up the Steel Magnolias’ quote. "Are your toes pink?"
"They are. I'll show you." She pulled her foot up in front of her phone instead of, you know, moving her phone to her foot. I got a brief glimpse of her toes before she fell over and slid onto the floor. "Ow."
"You ok, sweetie?"
She sat up and leaned against the side of the bed, "I am fine. We got dressed and did some shopping. Then called dad to take Katie out so we could continue day drinking by the pool. It turned into evening drinking. Ironically, I will be spending the morning at a shelter with one of my rehab therapists with a champagne hangover."
"You can do a Ted Talk on making positive choices prior to conducting volunteer services."
"You're a funny boy. Funny, funny boy." She did the weirdly cute nose scratching thing again. "I know better than to drink this much champagne. It makes my nose itch. And it's a strange bubbly sort of drunk." She pointed a finger at me, "Let me tell you something, baby boy, my mom and twin juiced up on champagne kept the day smooth. We talked skincare while lying in the sun. The irony of which is not lost on me. Oh god! There it is. When champagne is exposed to sunlight it becomes sewage." She moved very close to the screen, "Your eyes are pretty. The blue changes with your mood and they're so expressive. I want...”
Emma stopped talking and just smiled.
"What do you want, baby?" This was either going to be very sweet or very dirty. I was up for either.
Emma moved back from the screen a little. She laid her head to the side with the slightest smile, "I want to lay in your arms and look in your eyes for hours, just to see what they say."
"I think that can be arranged."
She nodded then yawned, "I'm sleepy. Will you read to me again?"
"Absolutely." I made it through a paragraph before she was asleep.
I flipped my phone over and over in my hand, trying to decide if I should call. That I couldn't decide was the decision.
Celie picked up on the third ring, "Hi Sebastian."
"Hey Celie, I hope it’s not too late."
"Not at all. It's not even nine. What's going on?"
"I just spent twenty minutes reading Winnie the Pooh to my drunk girlfriend who's a thousand miles away with her dysfunctional family. She fell asleep in less than one."
"Why'd you keep reading?"
Even though she couldn't see, I shrugged, "I wanted to." I knew she wouldn't accept that answer. "I didn't want to break the connection."
"Because you felt connected or because you felt insecure?"
"Good for you, Sebastian."
"Yeah." I nodded. It was good. "This morning I was insecure. I had to ask Emma to sign an NDA."
"NDA's aren't new for you."
"It's usually her people and my people working it out and I sign by the sticky arrow. I had to be involved in this one and it was gross. Made it more personal." I huffed out a breath. "Probably should have been before. I know it should. Emma and I had already talked about it and she said she didn't have a problem signing paperwork for something she'd never do anyway. But when it came down to asking her to sign it, I was terrified. What it said about her. What it said about me. What it said about us. I didn't want to hurt her or have her feel like I didn't trust her. I do trust her. All the things I’ve learned, the things I'm doing, we're doing, I was terrified they'd be ruined by this stupid NDA. I told her all that and by the time we hung up I felt more connected and secure. I think facing it and talking about it made me feel closer."
"That's what real intimacy does. You can't have real intimacy without having difficult conversations and talking about emotions. Being vulnerable. Not shutting down. Not using sex to create a hormonal and false intimacy. Risking letting your partner see you. Being emotionally available."
"Yeah." That's what I thought.
"What was Emma's response."
"She told me she wasn't going anywhere and mice can't tell time."
Celie laughed, "Mice can't tell time?"
"Disney is the only studio on the NDA. They sent it half-hour early. I went from scared to furious in a heartbeat. They sent it early because Micky Mouse, mice, can't tell time. Later she sent me roses that came with those mouse ears on a headband."
"I like her."
"Me too. I don't want to fall back into old habits. I like this. All of it. How do I keep this?"
"Keep doing the hard stuff. Having the conversations you want to avoid. You're taking risks and getting the emotional payoff. You build on that. When you hit a bump, and you will, you go back and try again." She paused, "Sebastian, you are doing things differently. When you question, check yourself, because you know what you’ve done in the past. I encourage you to take the risk to do it differently. Use your resources. You are not alone. I am here to help. You have good friends who will tell you the truth. And most importantly, you have Emma."
I laughed, "Wow, you're good."
"You don't always make it easy, but right now you are." She laughed too. "It's nice to see your hard work coming together."
"Thank you."
"You could also Google “How to know if your boyfriend is emotionally unavailable" and do the opposite."
"You know I’m going to fall down a rabbit hole now."
"In your different mindset, you may make some connections you haven’t previously. Have a good night, Sebastian."
"You too, Celie."
I thought I was in for a sleepless night with the internet. I was wrong. I made it through three articles before I shut my laptop down. The first two started with a simplified explanation of why someone is emotionally unavailable. I was already familiar with the long version. Both had lists. Roughly the same lists. Lack of serious relationships, not making an effort, and not wanting to have real conversations has never been me. I want and do them all. Difficult to reach and defensive sounds familiar. Then there were the very familiar ones. Inconsistent affection. It’s about what and when it’s acceptable; not as simple as public and private. Sometimes it wasn’t ok in private either. Misunderstanding and being dismissive. The number of times I've said “that's ridiculous" is embarrassing. Usually, it wasn't. Inability to stay present during conflict or emotionally laden conversations. "That's ridiculous" also puts a stop to those. Wanting control of the relationship. Yep, who can know what. Thinking emotions are weak. Not weak as much as dangerous. Pulling away. Everything else was just another way of pulling away.
Two lists more than covered what I know I'm guilty of. However, the familiar things are things I did and said to myself much more than to anyone else. Except the pulling away. If you tell yourself your feelings are ridiculous, put limits on what’s acceptable, and check out of emotional conversations pulling away is what happens. All those create distance even if it’s you doing it to yourself.
It took a while to find the third one. I was looking for something hopeful. If it wasn't a list of traits it was tips to make him fall for you. Emma has managed to do that quite well without the manipulation on those lists. A few pages into my Google search I found how to tell he's changed. Some were things I'd learned already. The new things with Emma: lets you in on his past; wants to change; your opinion matters; protective; and his words match his actions.
I could do these things, what sticks out, is I'm not constantly running myself down for my feelings and when I give voice to things that lead up to those feelings she doesn’t either. Emma meets me where I am and shows me a way out. A way through.
I am almost there and what I struggle with she helps me. I think that's why we have relationships. We need other people. I'm never going to be perfect and will need support. When I think of my friends, they're not perfect. I'm there for them when they need me. The last couple of days I've been there for Emma. She didn't handle it all on her own. She called me and let me be there. Let me listen and emotionally support her.
I looked at the roses she'd sent me. The ridiculous polka dot mouse ears that match her bikini, except my ears have a red bow her bikini doesn’t. I climbed out of bed, put on a shirt, and took a picture. Me in ears with a wry smile and a caption saying, "Disney lovers." went up on Instagram.
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rqs902 · 4 years
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ITS MY BOY ENYU!!!! ON THE FRONT PAGE???? okay also a big deal for zhaohao and li hao too!!!
ok now into part 2 of the ep
interesting that they focused on junhao for everybody. can understand he probably has the most different and struggle experience so probably more interesting for dramas sake lol im surprised they dont spend more time on shengen, considering his popularity. 
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA JUNHAO FREAKING OUT over the fact that they only learned the dance for 40 mins. LOL thats the level of tyger + kou cong + shengen, i can imagine the struggle of the yang guang nan hai group in comparison AHAHA i just imagine him running down the hall freaking out like HOW DID THEY LEARN THE DANCE IN JUST ONE CLASS WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE 
lollll “theyre all dachang boys” “theyre all zhang yixing’s students” HAHAHAH you know even though he is slightly struggling compared to the rest, he aint bad and theyre all taking it light hearted with laughter so seems like a good learning environment! and he’s confident he’ll get it LOL thats good! i think thats what makes him so amusing 
HAHAHA i love how lin mo just keeps giggling at junhao like he genuinely just finds him so amusing LOL yay for making new friends 
awww bc junhao’s always been a leader i feel like for him to finally feel like hes being taken care of is so nice. i have absolute confidence that this group will treat him kindly. AW HE CALLED HIM MOMO 
im still disappointed they have YET to show zhan yu’s funny/strange personality and this wouldve been a great opportunity bc hes surrounded by friends he’s comfortable with!! like his friendship with kou cong! or akey and lin mo! but sigh...
wow the lyrics are so fitting for lin mo to scream LOL but also ay his vocals?! aw im glad they put in a little rap for shengen and akey! honestly was kinda hoping for more bc they havent had a proper stage together before and i feel like itd be awesome but also junhao and zhan yu vocalization at the end was on point!!
lol all the kids being like zhang pd’s words are so detailed and professional... sigh theyve been missing out until now 
im glad they really pointed out how each member of this team did well! they really all did a great job with each of their parts, and they each got a little part to shine, and when put together, it was a complete performance. im proud of them and happy for them!
aw.... i feel like we’ve been waiting so long to hear lin mo get complimented.... i feel like it’s been since qcyn namanana that we’ve been waiting for him to redeem himself and climb back up to the peak. ugh its been nearly a year and a half. im just so terrified of whats gonna happen next bc im way too skeptical at this point to expect this high to continue, esp with what happened after namanana last time......... but for now, im happy. relieved hes finally getting the recognition he deserves and im happy that hes happy. lol i was also half scared we were gonna get spirit of the knight-ed again with his pink hair (nightmare flashbacks to lin mo and changxi’s deletion from that perf) i dont think ill ever get over that :( i feel like as a lin mo stan, ive been trained to not keep my hopes up and to prepare for the worst bc hes the type of person who just always gets the short end of the stick, it feels like. 
aw the part when they go back to the waiting room and jin fan is waiting for them with an encouraging smile and the whole exchange of "帥的真的帥的" "哇~可以吧" "我沒想到" "那必須的" our leader did them proud :’) 
ugh the part where luo jie calls them and tells them he can’t come back........ heart breaking. i can see why lin ran and xikan would be really affected. lin ran has been luo jie’s go-to since he left and knowing how their usual friendship involves making fun of one another and jokingly complaining about each other, it hits hard when lin ran says he cried his eyes out. it hurts that they didnt get to share the stage again before he left. xikan may not have shared the stage with luo jie during ip, but hes known him since then and has been with him through both rounds here. it interesting bc i feel like the namanana perf was very light hearted on qcyn but i cant see that happening here, esp with their outfits? 
aw shiwei and chaowen taking charge to raise their spirits :’) 
lin ran’s voice fits so well with this song wow! i really like his lines! also lol i didnt know xikan would have abs but okay and tbh im always hesitant about dances with props bc it always is so easy to look messy..... like every slight difference in angle in the way you hold your arms is immediately magnified 
and like sxl’s fan is obviously broken and having performed fan dances myself i know that that’s like the most annoying thing to happen on stage, and can be really difficult to deal with, even tho it happens ALL THE TIME with those types of fans ugh :( 
i mean its super kind of them to leave luo jie’s space empty for him, but its kinda weird to have parts of the audio missing sadly :( and also chaowen’s voice did something weird in the middle there, like its sounds weirdly weak 
wait didnt yixing tell them to close the fan? but they didnt? 
xikan’s facial expressions are perfecttt, good for him! wish they gave more screen time to shiwei during shiwei’s lines lol... but also i cant help but hear lin mo’s voice during that part LOL ugh speaking of which i miss that team dynamic namanana team a on qcyn HAHAHAH hwx being a brat and fjj running around wild and lin mo giving up on them all just laughing like idiots for hours on end while bo yuan just judges them from a corner LOL i love the beginning of the wenxuan and lin mo friendship good times :’)  
HAHAH ENYU AGAIN WITH THE REALEST COMMENTS - i agree AHHAHAH i love these kids too but there was something off about this stage 
im surprised but also not surprised by what the judges are saying 
o didnt realize sxl was supposed to be center but i guess that explains the big puffy thing on his shoulder lol.......... agree with cx tho, even without his broken fan, i think the fans made them look worse bc it just looked messy 
well idk if we’re getting all the stages today but at least jin fan’s is also getting aired! TYGER HUG FOR JIN FAN YESS
jin fan teaching them dance? yes thank you for showing us he is a good dancer. oof jin fan’s just too nice :( hes trying to avoid conflict too much that it caused conflict smh......... lol oscar trying to talk to su er hes having such struggle i feel that bro LOL hes doing really well though, tbh being relatively young, hes really trying his best and is being reasonable. 
LOL HE CALLED HIM JIN FAN GE i forgot jin fan is considered old lol..... jin fan really taking the higher road here and im glad they sat together and talked it out a bit
THE JIN FAN VOICE YESSSS hahahhaha kou cong holding the tyger sign!!
oo is that some of his bel canto-style singing coming through LOL 
AY NICE for hong weihao and oscar to put in some rap 
some of those high notes were a bit questionable at the end but okay jin fan is really claiming that vocal + dance teacher role i see.... interesting 
but agree with yixing that he doesnt need to force himself to do high notes bc his voice is so nice regardless!! yay for oscar getting recognition! im still waiting for jin fan to do a cool dance performance sigh
wasnt expecting an enyu feature BUT ILL TAKE IT 
oof huang enyu saying hes really trying to put himself out there by going for leader and the realest comment that he hasnt considered getting to debut he just wants to pass this round oof and he feels like his opportunities may be cut short bc hes getting old oof
enyu and chenxu crying watching the movie 
AW THEIR HAHA VIDEOS ARE THE CUTEST THING I LOVE THESE KIDSSS so sad that so many of them are at risk of elimination :(  im glad these vocals made their own friend group! I hope itll be a memory they carry forward. they do all have shared experiences as vocals on this show. 
this reaction to junrong’s voice
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same tho :’) but actually all of their voices are so so nice like actually these 5 are all people whose voices ive really listened for on this show, but wow renyu’s voice in particular like really ugh just sounds so pure 
also enyu looks really nice in this performance but thats a side note okay moving on
i mean literally these reactions
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and li hao crying while singing and so many kids in the waiting room crying while watching OOF this perf has got me emotional 
UGH ENYU his plea just.... the way he yelled it bc it mustve taken courage and it mustve been a frustration on his mind for a while now and bc maybe he wouldve broken down if he hadnt yelled it out but im really crying now.... and its so out of character for him that you know he really really is feeling desperate and feels the need to speak out
lol wait gjm posted on weibo about him? is that why hes getting more attention lol..........
i really hope the vocals win :( 
no tygers in the next ep preview? hmmMMMMMmm okay 
well also interesting that they put the other 4 perfs with the elims...... seems sketch but at least most of my kids got to go this week ahhhhhh i feel bad for the other groups already. esp the ones with the kids who arent as popular... 
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