so-many-fandoms-here · 2 months
Downloading custom content for The Sims is like shopping without having to pay 🫶🏻
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so-many-fandoms-here · 3 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistakes you notice.)
• Characters: Shuntarō Chishiya, fem!Reader
• Genre: Angst
• Warnings: death, betrayal, logic mistakes/plot hole (I just kind of messed up I’m sorry :/), (manga spoilers I think?)
Angst Prompts - #20
༺☆༻ ༺☆༻ ༺☆༻ ༺☆༻
-Chishiyas POV-
(Y/n) and I stepped inside the classroom of the elementary school which was the destination of the game we would participate in. Two other people were already inside the room, sitting on the big desk in the middle of the room.
On the table was something like a board game set up, obviously the game we were about to play. „Four people“, I mumbled, looking at the two empty chairs left at the table. „Means this will either be really hard, or really easy“, (Y/n) finished my thoughts.
Hesitantly she walked up to one of the chairs and sat down, being greeted by a belt like thing popping out of the seat and trapping her on the chair. „What a surprise“, she mumbled sarcastically, making me grin slightly. I sat down next to her on the last empty spot and took another glance at the people sitting on the square table. Both of them were men, trembling and sweating with fear.
„Registration closed“, the well known mechanical voice appeared. „Game: Rummikub. Difficulty: Diamond 2.“
I have to say, I was a little disappointed at the difficulty. Of course two days more on my visa were better than nothing, but I hoped anyways to get a higher difficulty so I could have a few days more to rest. But it was too late to think about that.
I looked back to (Y/n) who’s leg trembled nervously, then back at the table. It wasn’t exactly a board game that was set up. On the table laid tiles, lined up in neat rows. In front of the players stood a little rack where one could place said pieces.
„Rules: Every player gets 14 tiles on their rack. The goal is to be the first one to play all the tiles from your rack by forming them into sets. There are two kinds of set. Either a run, a set of at least three consecutive numbers in the same color, or a group, a set of three or four tiles of the same number in different colors. In order to make an initial meld, each player must place tiles on the table in one or more sets that total at least 30 points. These points must come from the tiles on each player’s rack; for their initial meld, players may not use tiles already played on the table. Later players can add tiles to already placed sets. If a player can not place anything, they have to draw a tile which ends their turn. Jokers can be used to replace any number. The last one with tiles on their rack loses.“
I looked over to (Y/n) to see if she understood everything. She reassured me with a nod.
„Game start.“
For this game I definitely needed luck, but maybe if I payed enough attention I could see some patterns in how the others placed their tiles on their racks. Maybe they have a structure behind it like placing them after color or numbers. I focused on one of the men, looking whenever he picked up another tile, the way his groups were organized, hoping I could see trough him.
(Y/n) was the first one to finish, followed directly by me which caused me to relax my shoulders again. We’re safe.
The unlucky man who lost acted like all the others in the games I played before. He screamed, cried, kicked and tried to flee but like all the times before he was unsuccessful and after a few seconds of him having a meltdown a laser shot trough his head. At least he had a quick death.
I looked over to (Y/n) again who seemed calm again too, not further touched by the man’s death or at least didn’t show it.
While we sat there and waited for the Game Clear announcement, the table suddenly started to move down. I leaned forward to get a closer look and saw that the floor where the table stood on was constructed like a small pedestal, now moving down into the floor and swallowing the table. But even after the floor closed again the mechanical voice stayed silent, destroying the light feeling of peace again that I was feeling.
After a few moments the table returned, the tiles set up neatly again. (Y/n) looked at me with the same amount of horror in her eyes as I was feeling deep inside me. It would have been way too easy.
„Round two. Game start.“
My eyes were glued to the man that sat with us and I tried to focus on him but not because I wanted to read him, but because I tried everything to not look at (Y/n). I felt so stupid. I was always prepared for everything, always had a plan and held a good distance to everyone, but besides all my efforts I just couldn’t stay away from her.
I heard (Y/n) mumbling all kinds of curses and stuff, completely consumed by panic which made it even harder for me to stay calm.
„No no no!“ „That’s not right!“ „I don’t want this!“ - her cries shattered my heart.
I didn‘t know if I was glad or not that the man lost. Yes, I would have more time together with (Y/n) but it also made the situation so much harder than it already was.
After the scream of the man died with him together, we were left alone and if the situation wasn’t so unbelievably painful, I would have laughed about the fact that even the table disappeared again.
„What now?“, she asked after a long pause, obviously not needing an answer. My eyes were glued at the tiles in the table, all neatly lined up again. I wanted to touch her and if we both would have reached out our fingers could have linked but none of us moved, knowing that this touch would have made everything harder.
Her (e/c) met mine and in silent agreement we reach out for the tiles to start the last game. I didn’t know what I hoped for. If I wanted to win or if I wanted to lose because both seemed to have the same outcome - I would die. And I couldn’t tell which death was better, the physical or the emotional.
(Y/n)s fingers danced over the table, picking out the tiles carefully and like the times before it seemed like she had luck with every draw. Almost as if she knew where which tile was placed.
„That‘s not right!“
My head shot up and I watched her as she looked at the tiles. With a horrible gut feeling I focused on her eyes and saw it. They didn’t move in a swift motion, they eyed every piece individually. She counted the tiles.
„You seem to win again“, I whispered, nodding to the many rows she already placed. She paused and with her hand still in the air she looked at me, her eyes shimmering with tears. „I don’t think I want to win.“
The words I said hurt worse than every injury I suffered before: „Then why do you play?“ A confused look appeared in her eyes and slowly she let her arm sink. „What do you mean?“
„I heard rumors about the Dealers“, I said. „They make sense, you know. Setting up the games and all that. But why do you set up a game where only one can survive if you know we’re both will participate?“ All the color in her face was gone, but she still acted like she didn’t know what I was talking about. „Did they manipulate your game?“, I asked further but still couldn’t get an answer from her.
I looked around the room, hoping I would find a camera, but if they where some, they were hidden pretty well. It didn’t surprise me though. Nothing surprises you when lasers are shooting through head out of nowhere.
„You can’t talk about it, right?“, I took another guess that was answered with silence too. All the times she went on a walk, was she actually setting games up? She was gone for hours but I never questioned it. Why would I? I couldn’t blame her for wanting a few hours to herself, which I thought was the reason for the long walks.
„I am sorry.“ (Y/n) voice was barely loud enough for me to hear. „I am a dealer.“ She shut her eyes tight, like she waited for something, but what she was waiting for didn’t seem to happen, leading her to open her eyes again. „Guess they don’t care, since one of us is going to die anyway“, she said with a sad sigh, confirming my guess that she wasn’t allowed to talk about it.
„You lied to me“, I stated objectively, trying desperately to keep my composure.
„Of course I lied!“, she suddenly yelled, her voice breaking mid sentence. „Did you think I would actually tell you the truth?!“ Her tears are pouring like waterfalls. „I couldn’t! I mustn’t! They would have killed me on the spot! I tried to make it obvious that I was lying, your so smart Chishiya, I hoped you would see through me!“
Keeping my stoic expression was hard with her screams, invading my ears and running through my body like bolts of lightings. „I prayed that you would get suspicious of my walks! I prayed that you would notice my obviously weird excuses, but you never did! Why did you trust me Chishiya?!“
My skin crawled, not because her voice became so high, but because of the hurtful truth in her words. Of course her reasoning was odd and maybe there was a part of me that was suspicious, but I didn’t want to be. I felt like (Y/n) wouldn’t lie to me, that she wouldn’t betray me. But she did.
But she had no other choice.
„Yes, I set up the game but originally only one was supposed to die!“ Her eyes didn’t seem to have any tears left, but her body didn’t stop to twitch, trying to squeeze out more tears.
„What about the other games you played? Did you all set them up?“, I asked, somehow still keeping myself together. „The less you know the better.“
I wanted to get angry at her but I couldn’t, because I knew that she was right, no matter if I liked it or not.
„I know a lot, Chishiya. More than I want to know, all Dealers do. We get provided with a decent amount of information, but we still don’t even have a quarter of the knowledge of what’s going on“, she continued. „And believe me, I didn’t want anything ever so bad than to tell you everything, but I can’t without causing you to be in danger again.“
I did believe her. Again I was met with the brutality and chaos of this world again. You couldn’t tell good and evil apart and betrayal and lies were sometimes a good thing.
(Y/n) sigh heavy, her breath leaving her lungs intermittently causing her to sound even more miserable than she already did. „How many tiles do you have left?“, she asked, bringing our last conversation to an end. „Two“, I answered and looked at the black and red one on my board.
Without looking away from my face she took a random tile and placed it on her board. „Take the second last from the top row out of your perspective.“ Her eyes were burning themselves into mine and I needed a second before I was ready to look away, to trust her one last time, and reached out for the tile she was about to take a few minutes ago. It was a joker.
Then she drew another random tile, which she didn’t even bothered to place on her rack but instead placed it next to it, the number facing down so neither I nor she saw what her last draw was. „Finish“, she whispered, but my hands were frozen.
There was so much I wanted to say, and I felt she had so much to say too, but both of us stayed silent, knowing these words had to die too, because if we started talking, we maybe wouldn’t stop ever again. Not a hundred years would have been enough for all the things I suddenly wanted to say, so instead I took the few seconds left to look at her, to study her beautiful face so her features would be burned into my brain and I would never forget her.
She smiled while I placed my last row of numbers. She smiled while I knocked over the rack to symbolize that I have won. And she still smiled while the laser shot through her head, causing her head to fall on the table.
„Game clear“, announced the mechanical voice while my chair set me free again but I didn’t stood up right away. I decided that everything that happened in this room would stay in this room, so if I cried in here, it basically never happened, but my eyes didn’t pour any tears besides a single one, which made their way lonely down my cheek.
After I stood up I allowed myself to pet her (h/c) hair one last time before I took the card and left the building, leaving (Y/n) and with her a piece of my heart behind.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 3 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Levi Ackerman, fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff
• Warnings: none
-Levi’s Pov-
I will never forget the first time I got to see snow with my very own eyes. I had been with the survey corps for about seven or eight months and started to become an active and important part of the team. While a lot of comrades were still suspicious of me, I had the trust of some of the higher ranked soldiers like Erwin, Hanji and (Y/n). Especially (Y/n) since she was told to have an eye on me after I announced to Erwin I would follow him and the corps, to make sure I wouldn’t do shit or anything. What started as a forced companionship turned into a real friendship which led her to be beside me when I looked out of the window that morning, seeing the white blanket that was hugging the world.
(Y/n) who noticed your tears before even yourself of course sensed my excitement before I could tell it was there. „You never saw snow, did you?“
Immediately I tried to brush it off, still not being used to the fact that someone might know me just as well as Furlan and Isabel did and answered in a rather snappy tone. „How was I supposed to?“
„Let’s go outside then.“ She didn’t even waited for me to answer and stood up immediately. „Why?“ I asked, watching her as she put her coat around her shoulders. „I know that you want to.“
She was right but I was way too proud to admit that. Instead I clicked my tongue and frowned. „I’m pretty sure your piss would freeze before it hits the ground. Thanks, I’m staying inside.“ (Y/n) rolled her (e/c) eyes at me before grabbing my at my arm and pulling me on my feet. „Stop acting like that and put on your coat.“
I would have continued to argue but deep inside I really wanted to go outside and take a closer look, so I swallowed down my pride and quickly put on my jacket.
I can’t really describe it but I could smell the snow and the cold when I stood outside. The crunching sound made by my shoes sinking into the snow had something soothing and overall did everything seem so… calm. Everything was quite and besides (Y/n)s and my breaths and footsteps left behind in the snow, there was no sign of any life around us.
I always liked the color white. It was pure and clean. Since this day I associated another thing with it: peace.
The absence of noise and the sudden brightness of the world left a lasting impression inside me and even though the temperature left my body shivering I felt warm on the inside.
„It’s beautiful, isn’t it?“ (Y/n)s voice was like a slight breeze, perfectly fitting inside this heavenly scenario. „It is“, I answered and crouched so I could brush my fingers through the snow and feel the wet cold.
„Winter makes the world seem so peaceful“, (Y/n) spoke what’s on my mind, letting her gaze wander. „It’s cold and rough on the outside but it doesn’t mean any harm. It does what it needs to do in order to exist and if you’re open for it you’ll see the warmth and beauty in it.“
I knew that she wasn’t talking about the snow anymore but I acted like I didn’t get the reference. Acted like I didn’t realized that she saw right through me and my façade. Acted like my heartbeat didn’t fasten at her words.
„We should go back inside. I feel like my nose is about to fall off“, I say after I found my composure again and stood up. (Y/n) giggled and agreed.
Before I stepped inside I looked at (Y/n) again, making her stop her movements because she sensed I wanted to say something. „You know. Snow melts after being in your hand for a while.“
While I cringed at myself, how I stumbled over my words and the way it sounded over all I saw a smile in her face, understanding what I tried to say, like she always understood.
She still understands everything. Always.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 3 months
You might want to relinquish your aib posts cause it takes you to the browser instead of the app?
Definitely gonna look at this
I had this problem once before and it somehow happens almost every time when a fox is a bit older
Idk what causes it :/
Thanks for letting me know!
0 notes
so-many-fandoms-here · 4 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Levi Ackerman, fem!Reader
• Genre: angst, fluff
• Warnings: mentions of death, grieving, mental breakdown
-Levis Pov-
My hands shake uncontrollably as I look down on the torn white fabric in them. I was always so careful, always washed it separately, looking closely that it wouldn’t be exposed to too much soap. I even put it in an extra drawer so I wouldn’t lose it by accident. I feel so dumb for wearing it all the time, even in battles, because I should have known that someday this worn out piece of fabric would fall apart. My favorite ascot, my lucky charm, the last memorabilia of my mother now had a nasty cut at the bottom, splitting the white fabric and exposing the seams that had held it together.
The tears that spill out of my eyes are burning like acid and leave an itch on my cheeks behind. My cries are loud and ugly, unnecessary dramatic over something so small but I just can’t hold them back. Sob after sob, whimper after whimper squeeze it’s way around the big knot in my throat and escapes into the suddenly thick air. „No no no no no no…“
Crying suddenly feels so exhausting that I have to sit down on the dusty floor, so I sink down, my eyes never leaving the precious cloth in my hands.
I don’t recognize that someone comes in at first, not until they kneel in front of me. „Levi?“ A voice soft like a feather speaks to me. „What happened?“
I look up and see (e/c) eyes filled with concern through my teary vision. (Y/n) must have heard me crying while passing my office door. Hopefully no one else did.
I opened my mouth but shut it tight again because I was so embarrassed to admit it and I didn’t want her to think poorly of me. What kind of a captain am I for crying over something so insignificant?
But it‘s not. It’s not insignificant.
My thoughts race while I try to figure out if it’s better to keep it to myself or to tell her. (Y/n) is a loving person, calm and I never heard or see her judging someone. She is a dear person to me and while I look at her another wave of embarrassment washes over me, this time for worrying she, out of all people, would make fun of me.
Slowly I open my hand and reveal the cloth to her. „My ascot ripped“, I whisper while shaking like a leaf. Her hands cup mine while she eyes the fabric. „It’s not just a regular ascot“ I continue. „It’s a piece of my mothers dress. It’s all I had left of her and now“ My voice breaks again. „Now I destroyed it.“
(Y/n)s hands move from mine to my face and she gently cups my cheeks while wiping away the tears with her thumbs, just to be met with new ones. It feels like I can never stop crying again.
„I can sew.“ Her voice breaks through the wall of sadness that has built up in my ears and I look up again. „I can sew“, she repeats. „I can fix it Levi. It’s going to be okay.“ My eyes are glued to hers as she stands up and reaches for my hands to help me up too. „I’m just going to get my stuff. I will be back in a minute.“ She squeezes my hands before letting go of them and walking out of the room.
Completely overwhelmed by all kinds of emotions I am feeling I just stay still, waiting for her to come back and just like promised does (Y/n) walk back in a minute later with a small basket full of yarn, buttons and needles.
She places the basket on my desk and walks around it to sit down on my chair. Then she holds out her hand to me, asking for the cloth in my hands, which I hand to her. Completely in awe I watch her as she licks the tip of the yarn in order to get it smoothly through the small hole in the needle. Then she rips the yarn with her teeth and ties a tiny knot at the end of it. She guides the needle with skilled hands through the fabric and I can watch how the ripped pieces of my precious ascot become one again. It looks like magic when she does it. She closes her work with another knot and hands me my ascot back with a smile. „This should work.“
I take it back and look at it. If you don’t look closely, you wouldn’t know it got sewed. (Y/n) is already in her feet again as I look back to her. „Thank you“, I say while returning her smile. I don’t think anyone has ever done such a nice and meaningful thing for me.
Her hands find mine once more, but this time they take my cravat back in, just to move to the back of my head and tying it neatly around my neck. „I have a memorabilia from my parents too“, she tells me while bringing my cravat in place. „It would destroy me if something happened to it.“ Proudly she eyes her work. Then she takes the basket back in her hands and steps back. „I see you at lunch.“
Just as she is about to walk out the door I raise my voice one last time before I can change my mind, causing her to turn around again. „You’re my favorite person, you know?“
The joy in her smile creeps from her lips through the room to me, tickling the corners of my mouth until I rise them up too. „And you’re my favorite person“, she answers before leaving my office.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 4 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Levi Ackerman, fem!Reader
• Genre: smut, fluff
• Warnings: explicit content, sexual content, sensual sex, kinda ooc Levi
۵ ─────⊱۵⊰───── ۵
Only in underwear and with an aching heart I view my reflection in the mirror in front of me. I can’t help but to compare myself with the other women my age. Their bodies aren’t full of scars and flaws, while mine is clearly painted from the war. I don’t even know why I keep making such a big deal about it, after all I am not some young thing trying to impress men. I’m the mother of a six month old, in her late thirties and happily married for about a decade now. I fought a war, saw people die and was on the brink of death about a dozen of times myself. But still I feel like some 20 year old that never had to face all this stuff, leaving her appearance her biggest problem.
„She’s finally asleep“, I hear Levi saying, snapping me out of my thoughts. I didn’t even hear him coming into the room. „Everything okay, dear?“ he asks while limping towards the bed and sitting down.
I turn around, arms wrapped around my belly. It feels pathetic to admit it. „Not fighting for my life everyday made me notice my looks“, I admit quietly, tears welling up in my eyes. Levi looks at me, his nose scrunched like I told him about a talking pile of dust. „What do you mean?“
„The war disfigured me.“ Tears are streaming down my face now but Levi still looks at me, like he doesn’t understand a single thing. He scoots over and pats on the mattress. „Lay down.“ Now it’s my turn to look confused. „Just do it“, he insists, and so I make my way towards the bed too and lay down, just as he told me. My hair, still wet from the shower I just took, tousles all over the pillow and it’s like I can feel the knots tying themselves back in.
Levi is on the foot of the bed now, his eyes softened as he looks at me. „Stop talking shit“, he says. „The war didn’t disfigured you. Quite the opposite. How can you not realize that this makes you even more attractive? The way you survived the impossible?“
His hands sneak to my feet, massaging them, before lifting both and kissing my ankles. „Your feet walked you so many miles, you ran right into your death just to serve humans you don’t even know personally, to make sure they’re safe.“ He kisses my ankles again. „And they’re never afraid to kick my ass if I need it.“ A soft smile crawls upon my lips.
He moves up to my clean shaved legs. „It’s impressive that your shinbones never broke“, he mumbles against my skin, placing kisses all over my lower leg. „How often and how hard you fell during battles.“
Then he moves up to my thighs. „And don‘t get me started on your thighs“, Levi speaks, kissing them too, even marking them like he did sometimes when we were younger. „So muscular from all the horse riding. And so perfect around my hips and head.“ I couldn’t suppress a giggle, which earns me a bright smile from Levi.
I shriek as he moves his hand under my body, massaging my ass. „How many hours did you sit on your pretty ass in this boring meetings that never brought us anywhere?“ A rhetoric question, but I answer anyways, playing along. „Enough.“ „And yet, it never gave up“, Levi says with a teasing smile, letting go of my bum. I wait for one of his typical jokes and look at him confused as nothing comes. „Wow, no joke about taking a shit?“ I ask jokingly, to which I earn a roll of his steel-blue eye. „I try to be romantic and sexy, brat.“ With a giggle I lean back again, letting him continue.
His next stop is the already wet area between my legs. His fingers caress over my panties and both of us feel the damp spot on it. He hooks his thumbs in the hem of the piece of clothing, searching for consent in my eyes. „May I?“ Instead of answering I raise my hips so he can take it off. Levi understands and pulls my white underwear down, the way it sticks on my vagina gives me a feeling of how incredibly wet I am already.
„Your perfect pussy“, he whispers after placing the piece of fabric next to him on the bed. „Making me feel things I didn’t even know were possible. And making you feel things with only a light touch.“ To prove his statement he placed a kiss on my clit, making me shiver. „And not only this. It was the door to this world for our babygirl.“
After a few strokes through my wet folds he makes his way further up to my tummy. „I know how much you despise your stretch marks but they show how well our daughter grew in you.“ Sweet kisses are placed all over my stomach. „You created life, dear. I didn’t thought you could get any more beautiful, but then I saw you becoming a mother.“ New tears sting in my eyes, but this time they are tears of joy.
As I feel his hands move upwards I instantly sit up to unclasp my bra, throwing it next to the bed before laying down again and with a pleased smile Levi cups my right breast while kissing my left one. He takes his time with them, moving his lips back and forth between them so he gives both equal attention before he speaks again. „Not only are your boobs beyond sexy, they also feed a living being.“
With that Levi moves further up again, now kissing my throat and neck. „I was always allowed to hide from the world in the crook of your neck.“ Another kiss. „And your throat a) always takes my cock so well and b) protects your vocal chords that create your beautiful voice.“
With this lewd, yet pure sentence he moves to my left arm, kissing it’s whole length down do my hand. „Your shoulders, always willing to stem the weight of others too, no matter how bad it hurts you as long the other one has it easier and your strong arms, always giving out the best hugs.“ Then he kisses the palm of my hand. „And your hands, making me realize that the world provides more than violence.“
His kisses come back to my face and start to cover my cheeks. „I love the tiny wrinkles next to your nose when you smile.“ My nose gets a kiss too. „And the way you scrunch your nose when you’re embarrassed.“ He travels up the bridge of my nose until he reaches my forehead. „Your smart head“, then left again to my ear. „And your open ear, always listening when someone needs it.“ Then under my eyes. „Those beautiful eyes of you and all the lovely ways they look at me.“
And then finally, Levi kisses my lips. „And your lips, curling up to the most beautiful smile in the world and giving the best kisses.“ I rarely ever see him like this. So soft and vulnerable without him having a beak down.
„Your scars and flaws make you even more beautiful“, he reassures once again before diving into another kiss, this time adding his tongue too.
His healthy hand sneaks down between my legs again and starts to please me by sinking two fingers in my dripping cunt. A moan leaves my lips while I roll my hips against his hand to feel him deeper inside of me. Chapped lips on mine muffle my moaning while I chase my high on my husbands fingers.
„I want your cock“, I whine breathless as I feel my pleasure increasing. „Cum on my fingers first. You’re so close, I can feel it.“ That’s all it needs for me to fall apart. With a dizzy feeling I watch Levi stripping, placing his clothes on the floor next to the bed while stroking his boner.
In awe I look at his body. Even though Levi can’t walk properly anymore he tries his best to stay in shape, even with his almost 40 years. Especially his arms are still fine toned due to the weight lifting he does. The scars on his body tell the story of Humanities Strongest, making him even hotter in my eyes.
I think I understand what he tried to tell me.
My mind goes blank as his cock finds my pussy, pushing his whole length into me. As I moan louder than intended he quickly places his lips on mine again, not wanting to wake up the baby. Or the neighbors.
With his lips on mine and his cock deep inside me, I am able to let go off my worries and I only concentrate on the feeling of his tongue and the feeling of my second orgasm building up while he moves in and out of me. Our mixed moans and the sound of skin against skin create a lewd symphony inside of our bedroom.
„Fuck (Y/n), I‘m cumming.“ My legs close tighter around him so he’s even closer. I want to feel him cum inside me. And that’s exactly what happens. I can feel his cock twitch and with a hiss, followed by a loud groan I feel the warmth of his sperm inside of me, which takes me over the edge too and has me trembling under his body and clenching around his cock while I embrace my heavy orgasm.
Goosebumps raise as Levi falls on the mattress besides me, his hair messy and his back scratched by my nails. „I love you so much“, I whisper in his ear, petting his head. „I love you too
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so-many-fandoms-here · 4 months
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so-many-fandoms-here · 4 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Levi Ackerman, fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff
• Warnings: none. Just a funny little idea I got in the shower. Not as depressing as usual 🫶🏻
An Useful Skill
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The nicest days were the ones no one had to fight for their lives. Even the survey corps had their days off which were often used to visit family or go to town. Since no one waited for you, you chose the latter and together with Hanji, Levi, Erwin and a few other comrades who weren’t that lucky to have someone to visit you made your way to pretend to be normal for a few hours.
With a smile you gave your horse into the care of a nice old man with an impressively long, white beard. „So“, Hanji spoke. „Any particular plans?“ You just shook your heard before looking over to Levi who had his usual stoic expression. „Trying to not get migraines from your voice“, he mumbled, giving Hanji an annoyed glance. „Charming as always“, they responded, rolling their eyes even though their just as amused as you.
Your eyes wandered to the sight in front of you again, watching Eren, Armin and Mikasa who walked a few feet in front of you. It was the first day off since the new recruits started at the regiment. The other recruits already flew out, doing whatever kids in their age did.
„Im going this way“, Erwin stated after a while. „I need to get a few things. Keep an eye on Eren, Levi.“
Levi shot an irritated glance at the commander, obviously not thrilled by this order. „It’s my day off!“, he said rather angry. Erwin sighed, smelling the upcoming argument he can’t avoid, and turned around again. „Yes. But he’s under your care“, he remembered, making Levi raising his eyebrows. „What, can’t clean up after my fucking pet?“
You turned to Hanji just to witness that they had difficulties to control their laughters too.
„If your pet can turn into a titan, then I‘m afraid not.“ Erwin stated calmly which made Levi even more pissed. „And what am I supposed to do without an odm gear?“ Levi pointed down his white button down shirt which was stuffed neatly into his black pants. „Without that I am just as useful against a titan as the military police is.“
That was the point where you couldn’t keep quiet anymore and Hanji and you bursted out laughing, earning an annoyed glance from your husband. As he turned around again, Erwin was already walking away. „I trust you, Levi“, he says with a wave before disappearing behind a corner. „Oh my god“, Levi mumbled while pinching the bridge of his nose. Then he looked to the kids. Armin and Eren were caught up in a conversation, which Mikasa followed quietly. „Those brats better behave.“
Luckily they did. To be honest, it was a rather pleasant day. Since Jean went with Sasha and Connie there wasn’t any danger of another stupid argument coming up between him and Eren so everything was really peaceful.
At one point you came to a story that sold clothing, mostly dresses and even though everything seemed really expensive you just couldn’t bring yourself to walk past it. So you went inside to look around. Dreaming is free after all.
You stepped inside a heaven made of cloth and lace. Everywhere you looked was a dress, more beautiful that the other. You walked your rounds through the cinnamon scented store, always coming back to that one dress.
It had a white blouse, the sleeves puffy at the shoulders. The crimson red skirt fell to the middle of the dolls shinbone and on top it wore a little jacket in the same red. Next to the doll was a pile with the same dresses, neatly folded.
Levi looked through the rather big store for you while folding a button down shirt he found and bought. It was the cheapest thing in the whole store but still shitty expensive. Since the material was really good, he figured it would be okay to spoil himself one time with a decent shirt.
He found you standing in front of the puppet with the dress. The way your (e/c) eyes sparkled told him how much you liked it. „Found something?“, he asked as he stepped beside you, slightly touching your back before pulling his hand back. A small gesture others wouldn’t even notice, but meant the world for you since Levi wasn‘t really someone who showed affection in public, but tried anyway since he knew how much it meant to you.
„Oh no“, you said with a rather sad laugh. „It’s way too expensive.“ Levi followed your eyes who were looking at the price tag now, causing him to raise his eyebrows at this ridiculous price.
„You’d look beautiful in it“, he reassured you, managing to still make you blush after all those years.
Levi knew damn well that it embarrassed you to admit that you were disappointed over something so insignificant like a dress. You tend to forget that just because you’re a soldier, you can have normal wishes like a pretty dress and that you can be disappointed over something other people would be.
You shook your head to get rid of the imagination of you inside this dress. „Well, I don’t need anything from here. How about we eat something? There is a nice looking café.“
Levi seemed like he snapped out of his thoughts when he looked at you. „That’s a nice idea. Go ahead, I’ll be there in a second.“ You didn’t thought further about it, which may have been a mistake, and went out of the store to walk to the building on the other side of the street. Eren, Armin and Mikasa followed you. Hanji tried to too, but Levi held them by the wrist, stopping them in their movement. „Do me a favor, four eyes.“
„Well if you ask that nicely“, Hanji laughed, irony painting their statement. „What can I do for you, shorty?“
Levi ignored the nickname and pulled them down to him, so Hanji would hear his whispering. „Distract the shop keeper.“
Hanji frowned at him. „Why?“ „Just do it!“, he hissed before letting the collar of their shirt go.
Hanji thought about it for a second, keeping eye contact to the man but eventually just shrugged their shoulders and turned around to walk up to the Lady, who seemed to be the owner.
With a quick glance around to make sure no one was there, he walked back to the corner of the shop where you saw the dress. He looked at the sizes and with skilled hands he grabbed one of the dresses and one of the jackets, folded it really quick and shoved it underneath the shirt he wore. To be safe he closed the buttons of the jacket too, hoping it wouldn’t be so obvious that he just shoved a whole dress underneath his clothes.
He walked back to the entrance, looking at Hanji, the unbeaten winner of chewing ears off, to sign them he’s done. Luckily the woman had turned her back to the door, so Levi was able to leave without her even noticing him.
You were standing in front of the café, chatting with the others and chewing on a bagel when Levi made his way to you.
Your smile faded and you squeezed your eyes as you looked at him, sensing that something was off. You knew your husband. When Hanji almost stormed out of the shop, you knew that there wasn’t just something off, there was something terribly wrong.
„It’s time to go brats“, Levi announced. „We’re supposed to be back by sunset.“
You cocked your eyebrows at him and his suddenly messy outfit. „Levi?“, you whispered as you walked beside him but he shushed you. Even Hanji avoided your gaze.
The whole way back to the headquarters you could just guess what happened, and you really hoped you interpreted Levi’s sudden belly he didn’t had when you arrived wrong.
You didn’t even let them take care of the horses. Instead you instantly dragged Levi and Hanji with you inside the building and to Levis office.
„Don’t tell me you-“ you started when you closed the door but got interrupted by Levi. „You know that I have been stealing a lot in the underground.“
That confirmed your guess, but even though your tried to be mad at him, you couldn’t stop the smile that rose in your face.
„It’s an useful skill you’ll never un-learn. Do the math“, he said while opening up his jacket. Hanji leaned with a big grin against the door, only realizing why exactly they had to distract the owner.
„Levi!“, you tried to scold him, but failed since the smile in your face caused that not even you could take yourself seriously. „Go ahead and try it on“, he mumbled while pulling the folded dress out of his own clothing, handing it to you.
Your eyes darted to Hanji who stood silently in the corner. „You knew?“ They raised their hands with an excusing expression. „He just told me to distract the owner.“
Eyes jumping back to Levi you gave up to try to look angry, making room for a soft smile on your face. „Levi.“
„Your eyes sparkled“, he mumbled almost too quiet for you to hear, but he quickly switched to his usual behavior again. „Now try it on, brat!“
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so-many-fandoms-here · 4 months
I habe so much I want to write and yet I’m here with so many wip, procrastinating for almost a week now 💀
repeat after me
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so-many-fandoms-here · 4 months
🇯🇵Tokyo Revengers🏍️
Fluff: 🐑 - Angst: ❤️‍🩹 - Smut: 🌶️
„Ask The Boss“ 🐑
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so-many-fandoms-here · 4 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Manjiro (Mikey) Sano, fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff
• Warnings: none
„Ask The Boss“
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃ ˚᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Manjiro and you are a well known couple. Logical consequence of being in a relationship with the leader of the infamous Toman. No one dares to even bat an eye on you because messing with you means messing with The Unbeatable Mikey.
What they don’t know is that while Mikey may be Toman‘s boss you have quite a few things to say when it comes to your relationship.
You’re a rather dominant person and won’t let people mess you with you, not even your boyfriend. But that’s exactly what he loves about you the most.
Mikey and a few others sat together one day, talking about issues with another gang. The blonde boy chewed on a cookie while Draken, Takemichi, Chifuyu and Mitsuya discussed about whether to attack or to wait a little longer.
They glanced at Mikey from time to time, hoping they could read in his face what he preferred, but he seemed more interested in the pack of sweets in his hands.
„Mikey“, Takemichi decided to talk to him directly. „What do you think? Should we do something this week already?“
But Mikey just shrugged with his shoulders and mumbled „Ask the boss.“
A few of the boys laughed and Draken sighed and rolled his eyes. Takemichi on the other hand just looked confused. „But… You’re the boss?“
Now Draken started to laugh too and hit his bad so strongly that he started to cough. „You’d be surprised, Takemitchy.“
The timing was perfect. Just as Draken endet his sentence the door swung open and you stepped inside the room, an angry expression on your face. „Sano Manjiro!“, you yelled. The eyes of the others wandered from you back to Mikey who had a guilty grin in his face.
„His full name out of her mouth never means something good“, Chifuyu whispered in Takemichis ear.
„What did you do this time?“, Draken asked while he looked at Mikey who now hid the cookies behind his back.
You walked up to your boyfriend and looked at him with an expectant expression. „My cookies.“ Without any protest he returned the cookies to you.
„You know, you could just ask“, you scolded him while stuffing the package in your bag. „I’m sorry“, he mumbled while reaching out for your hand again. You let him intertwine his fingers with yours. „You better be. You can be a pain in the ass.“
Takemichi followed the whole scenario with a surprised expression while the others desperately tried to hold back their laughters.
„Is anything planned this week?“ Mikey quickly used the opportunity to ask. You shook your head no. „Why?“ „Gang shit“, he responded shortly.
„I have time.“ Mikey seemed like he wanted to say something, but quickly shut his mouth again, knowing arguing with you never works. You’re so stubborn, arguing with you is like arguing with a stone. You let Mikey’s hand go and waved. „I’m meeting up with Emma. See you later.“
Takemichi still looked beyond confused when you left the room again. He looked at the boys who didn’t seemed irritated at all. „That‘s (Y/n)“, Mitsuya explained. „Mikeys girlfriend.“
Now everything made sense. Kind of. „And she wants to fight? But she’s a girl.“
Mikey raised his eyebrows while he wiped the cookie crumbs on his pants. „You don’t want to underestimate her“, he clarifies before going back to discussing the plan, this time being an active part in the conversation.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 4 months
Please 🫶🏻 I’m dying to know
Reblog if you're a fanfic writer and you wanna know what your followers' favorite story of yours is ❤
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so-many-fandoms-here · 5 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Abigail, fem!Farmer
• Genre: fluff
• Warnings: none
Affection: (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate. Won’t let you leave the house without at least one kiss and hug.
Beauty: (What do they find especially attractive about you)
At first she looked up to you for going down the mines. You are so brave and strong and the muscles from all the farm work you do only make you even more attractive.
Comfort: (How do they comfort you? How do you comfort them)
Looooong hugs. Will bring David the Guinea Pig to you for cuddles.
Playing video games with her always does the job. And of course lots of cuddles too.
Dreams: (How do they imagine their future with you)
Loves the thought of moving in with you and helping you with the farm. Maybe even go exploring the mines together.
Ending: (How would they break up with you)
It would be pretty hard for her and she would be sad for a good while after it.
Fight: (How are they during an argument)
She likes to get out of the situation to gather her thoughts. Will go to the graveyard or on the forest, any of her usual spots to calm down. Later you two will talk calmly about what happened.
Gentle: (How gentle are they? physically and emotionally)
Very gentle.
Hugs: (Do they like hugs?What are their hugs like?)
Absolutely. Her hugs are long and she will bury her head into your shoulder.
I love you: (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Rather fast. She’s head over heels for you and is not afraid to let you know.
Jealousy: (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
It can happen from time to time that she worries a little too much. Reassuring her will make her feel better though.
Kisses: (Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves it when you kiss her on the cheek and forehead. Other way around too.
Little ones: (How are they around children?)
A little awkward at first but it gets more natural the more time goes by.
Marriage: (Do they want to marry?)
Yes. The theme would probably be white and purple.
Nicknames: (How do they call you)
Mostly Baby.
Open: (When would they start revealing things about themselves)
Rather quickly too. She instantly knows that she can trust you.
Patience: (How easily angered are they)
Doesn’t get angered by you at all.
Quizzes: (How much would they remember about you)
A little forgetful but will have the important stuff in mind.
Romantic: (Are they romantic)
A little clumsy when it comes to being romantic but she definitely knows how to set a nice mood.
Security: (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Won’t admit it but is always so touched when you’re protective over her. Will probably say stuff like: „I could’ve done it on my own.“ but you can be sure that her heart is melting.
Try: (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Especially for the anniversaries she plans a long time ahead because she wants to make it special every year.
Ugly: (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She’s quite messy. Her clothes are everywhere and she forgets to tidy up or close cupboards.
Vanity: (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Definitely likes to make sure she looks good.
Whole: (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I wouldn’t say incomplete but it definitely would take her some time to get over you.
Xtra: (A random headcanon for them.)
Hates Junimo Kart dearly but will still play it.
Yuck: (What are some things they wouldn’t like)
When you Boss her around or say stuff like „that’s too dangerous for you“ or „let me do it, that’s too difficult.“
Zzz…: (Some of their sleeping habits)
Snores lightly.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 5 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistakes you notice.)
• Characters: Levi Ackerman, fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff, angst
• Warnings: existential crisis
„Who am I?“
As I walk home from the market I quietly hum a song to myself. I feel my whole body tingle at the thought of this evening. Since the war against the titans is finally over, Levi and I have settled down. No more fights, no more orders, just him and I living the closest to a normal life we could possibly have after all we had to go through. And with that we finally got to try for a baby. A bit late for two people in their late thirties but for once fate meant it good with us and now I am here, about seven weeks pregnant. I have planned to make a nice dish, light a few candles and then to tell him. He will be so happy.
As I enter the door to our home I find Levi sitting on the floor, his wheelchair kicked over and his crutch has been broken in half. „Honey?“ I ask as I close the door and place the bags on the floor. „Is everything okay?“
„I‘m fine“, Levi says angry, obviously lying to me. He still can’t handle the fact that he can’t walk properly anymore. On good days he can walk short distances with his crutch but after a while he has to switch to his wheelchair and he absolutely despises it.
Carefully I walk towards him and crouch beside him. „May I help you getting up?“ „I said I‘m fine!“, he yells, making me startle at his volume. Instantly regret glows up in his tired eyes. „I‘m sorry.“
With a soft smile I sit down next to him and take his hand in mine. „It’s okay.“ But he shakes his head. „It’s not. I can’t just yell at you because I am frustrated over the fact that my leg is trash.“ I look over at the wooden crutch that’s showing it‘s sharp splinters at the position where it’s broken in half. Then I look at Levis hand to make sure he isn’t hurt. Even though he lost two fingers, his hands still have almost as much strength as they used to have a few years ago.
„I hate this feeling (Y/n)“, he whispers while he lets me take a closer look at his hands. „It scares me.“
After I examined his hands thoroughly I let go of them, to place my hands on his cheek. „You don’t need to be afraid anymore. It’s over Levi. We’re safe.“ But his eyes doesn’t soften, instead they start to fill up with tears. „That’s what’s scaring me.“
I let him cry, hoping it would make him feel a bit better. Softly I wipe away the hot tears that stream down his face while he shuts his eyes to make them stop pouring.
„I fought my whole life. My whole life was filled with fear, pain and war.“ Levi leans the weight of his head in my hand and I hold him. I will always hold him. „I was a known criminal in the underground, then I was a Captain, I was the strongest soldier of humanity. But now? Who am I now, (Y/n)? Who am I?“ His eyes find mine, desperate for an answer.
„You’re my husband“, I whisper with a smile. But my attempt to cheer him up failed, because now his sad eyes widen with shock. „Fuck, that sounded awful“, he cries out. I want to continue, but he interrupts me by grabbing my wrists. „I didn’t meant it like that! (Y/n), being your husband is the title I wear with the most pride. It’s just… It’s the only title that won’t bring me any pain.“
„I know Levi“, I reassure him with a slight giggle. „I didn’t interpret it like you thought.“ His grip softened again and he sighs relieved. „I should be happy because this is what I dreamed of but… It doesn’t feel real. It doesn’t feel right that I am supposed to be safe.“
It looks like he hardly gets the words out of him. I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult this has to be for him. Yes, I experienced immense pain too, but Levi hasn’t stop experiencing it since he was four years old. The fact that he survived all of this, a lot of it all alone, makes him to the strongest man alive in my eyes. But now it’s like his life was taken away from him, even though this is supposed to be a good thing, he needs to get used to it. This is all new and surely super overwhelming for him.
With tears in my eyes I pull him into a hug. „You were my husband all of the time. You were a best friend, a person of trust and a loved one all along. And you will stay that. Just like you always stay humanity‘s strongest. You’re so much.“ I peck him on the cheek before I start to list all of the things he is. „You’re the strongest man of human kind, I would even go further and say you’re a legend. You’re my husband, the father of our child, my best friend-“ „I’m what?“, he suddenly interrupts me and pushes me a bit away from him so he can look me in the eyes. With that I realize what I just said.
„You’re not messing with me, are you?“ Levis eyes are opened wide, tears sparkling in them again, but this time they were tears of joy. „This wasn’t the situation in which I wanted to tell you, but it does the job too I guess“, I say with a wide smile.
„Are you serious?“ he asks again, to which I only nod. „You better are, you know how bad I want this!“ I giggle over his ,thread‘. „I planned to cook a nice dinner and tell you then.“
This time he was the one to pull me into a hug. Still in disbelief he asks over and over again. „Are you sure?“ „Are you positive?“ „Is this really happening?“ To which I all answer with amused ‚yes‘s.
„You’re going to be a Daddy, Levi“, I eventually whisper in his ear to make him stop asking if this is real. „I’m going to be a Daddy“, he repeats. „I’m going to be a Dad. I’m going to be a father.“ He continues to say it over and over again, using every word for Father he knows. I don’t interrupt him this time, because this is by far the most happy I have seen him for a very long time.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 5 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Haley, fem!Farmer
• Genre: fluff
• Warnings: none
Affection: (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Haley is hella affectionate. Will always seek body contact by holding your hand, placing her hand on your thigh when sitting together, hugs, etc. Will run you a hot bath after a long day on the farm. And she absolutely loves to do your hair.
Beauty: (What do they find especially attractive about you)
The fact that you didn’t got irritated by her mean behavior really caught her.
She took glimpses at your body here and there since the day you moved to pelican town and really likes how toned it is from all the heavy work you do.
Comfort: (How do they comfort you? How do you comfort them)
Lots of cuddles!
Dreams: (How do they imagine their future with you)
She really likes the thought of becoming a stay at home mum and do chores around the house to help you. Since she met you the farm live grew really attractive to her and she wants to grow old with you there until your children or grandchildren maybe take over the farm like you did for your grandpa.
Ending: (How would they break up with you)
She would try to hide her tears and go back to her bitchy behavior but she wouldn’t be able to hide her shaky voice.
Fight: (How are they during an argument)
Oh fighting with her is a real pain in the ass. She’s so sassy. She will apologize properly in every way possible after tho ;)
Gentle: (How gentle are they? physically and emotionally)
Beside her being her sassy self sometimes she is very gentle. She is an angel around you and your kids.
Hugs: (Do they like hugs?What are their hugs like?)
She loves hugs. I see her with her arms wrapped around your neck, pouting when you let go of her again.
I love you: (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It took a bit for her to accept the fact that she is in love with a woman, since she thought she’s straight for her whole life. But as soon as she knew that you’re the one she told you.
Jealousy: (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Haley gets jealous very easily. Well, she’s with the hottest and kindest woman on earth, of course she thinks everyone wants you. Main reason for your fights. Please reassure her, it really bugs her.
Kisses: (Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves kisses on her lips and neck. Make it a bit more sensual and you have her melting in your hands.
Loves to kiss your lips.
Little ones: (How are they around children?)
Haley may seem cold with other children but with yours? She’s a different person. She’s a wonderful mother.
Marriage: (Do they want to marry?)
Absolutely! Wants a classical, big, white wedding.
Nicknames: (How do they call you)
Baby, Honey, Dear, any sweet name you can think of honestly.
Open: (When would they start revealing things about themselves)
Rather quickly. She feels that she can trust you.
Patience: (How easily angered are they)
Can get pissed quickly but will apologize right away.
Quizzes: (How much would they remember about you)
She will remember especially stuff you like. Your favorite shampoo, favorite scent, all the stuff that makes you feel good
Romantic: (Are they romantic)
Yes, very.
Security: (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Sometimes she wants to lock you inside the house when you pass out in the mines again. She’s always dead worried when she gets a call from Harvey or Marlon in the middle of the night.
You would probably throw hands if anyone would threaten Haley.
Try: (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Haley puts so much effort in literally anything she provides for you. Anything for the love of her life.
Ugly: (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Her bitchy moods.
Vanity: (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Very. It’s Haley we’re talking about.
Whole: (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It would be pretty hard for her to move on and even when she’s over it your memories together would always have a very special place in her heart.
Xtra: (A random headcanon for them.)
Buys regularly Dessous to surprise you with them.
Yuck: (What are some things they wouldn’t like)
When you flirt with anyone else, even if you don’t mean it.
Zzz…: (Some of their sleeping habits)
Sleeps best when you two cuddle, even if it’s summer. Her mouth hangs slightly open when she sleeps.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 5 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice)
• Characters: RK-800 (Connor), fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff, slight angst
•Warnings: logic mistakes for the plots sake
Connors POV
My eyes scan the office until I found the person I was looking for: Lieutenant Hank Anderson. I approach him with a nod.
„Hello Lieutenant. My data reset was successful, meaning that I am able to focus fully on our missions again.“ I don’t know how much data they deleted and what was the reason in the first place but I am positive that CyberLife had their reasons.
Andersons expression looks like a mixture of annoyance and and disappointment. Whatever CyberLife deleted, he doesn’t seem to enjoy my reset.
With a resigned sigh he stands up from his chair and motions me to follow him. „In case you worry about my reset: I kept all the data important to the case, so there is no need for you to-“ „Shut up.“
A familiar… feeling? spread inside me at his remark and I instantly know that this is his typical behavior.
„We‘re gonna pick up (Y/n) real quick“, he informs me when we sit inside the car, driving through rainy Detroit. I could swear I‘ve heard that name before but I can’t seem to find any data about a (Y/n). I probably stumbled about a statistic about names in the USA one day. It may be either a really common or a really rare name based on the fact that I connect something with it.
I turn my head to my left and realize that Anderson looks at me expectant. As I don’t say anything he sighs again, looking back at the street.
After a six minute drive he parks in front of a high apartment complex. Like always I stay close behind him and follow him inside the building, the elevator and eventually in front of a door in the 4. floor. He knocks against the door and shortly after a young woman opens it, a shocked expression in her face as she sees us.
I scan her face but to my surprise no data appears. Instead an error sign pops up in my program. Like she even doesn’t exist.
„What are you doing here, Hank?“ the woman asks while she just watches the Lieutenant slipping between her and the doorframe into the apartment. Her (e/c) eyes lock with mine for a second before she follows him inside her home. Again I follow. I find myself inside her neat living room.
„Wait here Connor. We’re back in a second“, Anderson orders me before he goes with (Y/n) into another room. They seem to argue slightly I realize. But I follow his instruction and start to look around the room while I wait for them to come back.
A gray sofa is placed in the middle of the room with a small table made of glass is in front of it, covered with a tea cup, a book and a tv remote for the tv that hangs on the wall in front of me.
While I look at the sofa glitchy pictures appear in front of me. I see myself sitting on the sofa with the woman that just opened the door, but before I can look further into it, the memory (I suppose that’s what it was) is gone again, leaving me back confused and unsettled.
I walk over the open kitchen, only separated by a single step, and take a look around there too. Maybe I can trigger another… whatever that was.
And I indeed can. As I look at one of the sticky notes at the fridge, the writing way too neat and symmetrical for a human, another picture appears in my vision.
„I wrote you a shopping list while you showered, so you won’t forget anything later.“ A voice speaks. My voice. „You’re the best Connor“, her voice responds while she steps next to me, leans closer and… kisses my cheek?Again before I am able to take a closer look at everything, it’s gone already.
I look at the note again that’s reminding her in form of a few checkpoint to buy utensils like dish soap and new sponges and then I continue my expedition.
My next stop is the bathroom, which door is opened wide. I look inside and see myself standing in the mirror next to her again. I watch myself drying her (h/c) hair while smiling at her even wider smile.
This time a wave of sadness washes over me as the picture fades again. I want to figure out what these pieces of memory will look like at the end, when I put them together.
The door behind me, opposite to the bathroom opens and as I turn around I see Lieutenant Anderson and (Y/n) step out of what seems to be the bedroom. A short glance inside to the bed is enough to trigger the final puzzle piece. (Y/n) and I sit on the bed, her hands in mine and her lips against my mine. And with that everything crashes over me. The fear when they took me to reset my data, the pain I felt on the way there even though I can’t remember details like how I got there or who took me.
What I know is who is in front of me. Who they tried to make me forget.
„Tell him your name“, Hank pressures but (Y/n) shakes her head. „We’re gonna get in big trouble if someone finds out.“
Four eyes are glued to me while my eyes switch between Hank and (Y/n) at first before they focus on her. „You’re (Y/n) (L/n)“, I start to speak before I am able to think. „You’re 28 years old and were born in Texas. You’re favorite color is a light blue. #9BD3FF to be exact. Your favorite song is Mr. Brightside by The Killers and you like to bake. Your first pet was a red-eared slider turtle named Rocky. The first time you kissed me was on your bed at 9:34 pm on a Friday.“
With every spoken word of mine, (Y/n)s and Hanks eyes got wider and even I was a little bit overwhelmed by the sudden amount of information popping up. But it feels good to remember.
„You… You remember me?“, (Y/n) asks with a shaky voice to which I nod. „But… They deleted your memories.“
„They can delete data, but they can’t delete my feelings“, I answer. „You’re unforgettable.“
It has only taken about two hours for me to get all the data back they tried to delete. Probably because this is more than just some data.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 5 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Takatora Samura (Last Boss), fem!Reader
• Genre: Angst, fluff (turned out more fluff that I intended)
• Warnings: detailed description of death and decay, talking about the meaning of life
Angst Prompts - #8
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Since I came into this world I saw and felt absolutely everything. I saw people laughing like maniacs right before a laser shot trough their head. Saw people crying about still being alive and how they prayed for their death or the courage to end it themselves. I saw craziness, hope and despair. And I felt all of it too. I cried and laughed, I mourned and partied, I felt how sanity and craziness alternated my brain and I felt how grateful and yet unappreciative I was for being alive. It felt like my brain was eating itself.
Back in the real world, living always felt like a burden. You were alive because you had to. I was sick of it and longed for a change. Now life was a privilege and I still didn’t know how to feel about it. Do I want to go back? Or do I want do find the meaning of life here? Questions over questions flooded my brain and just as I thought I was about to drown in them I met him.
Last Boss was a skinny guy with lots of tattoos covering his body. He looked impenetrable and always had a katana with him.
He understood me. He was like a drain to my overflowing head and our talks helped me to empty out the water soaked dizziness my brain was drowning in.
One night I talked to myself as I sat on the rooftop, hoping if I ask my questions out loud some intention of mine would answer me. „What is life all about?“
Instead of getting an answer by my intentions, the stars, god or whatever, Last Boss answered me. „I never figured it out. But since I am here, I feel like I am closer to the answer.“
Maybe it was fate. We both went upstairs regularly but somehow we always missed each other. But tonight, with my head heavier than usual by all the stuff around me, he suddenly was there.
Since then we met up almost every evening to talk. I never had so honest and deep conversations with anyone else before and for the first time it felt like someone gets me, that I don’t seem crazy. We talked about our lives before and what we wanted to leave behind, about the definition of good and evil, about how moral codes doesn’t exist in this world and how life becomes a deeper meaning here. Last Boss was determined to stay here until the very end, I for my part was still unsure, but the imagination to stay and have this conversations with him until one of us died sounded surprisingly tempting. I know that I fell for him at the worst time possible but what I also know is that I wouldn’t trade what we have with anything in the world. It seemed more meaningful than anything I’ve experienced before.
„Are you afraid to die?“, I asked him one night as we once again lay next to each other in bed, another ritual we started one day without any particular reason.
„No“, he simply replied. „Are you?“ I thought about it for a second before answering. „I don’t know“, I say. „Probably. But not more than I am afraid of living.“ Another statement any other person would‘ve called me crazy for, but not Last Boss.
„I really like you, you know“, I admitted after we both went silent for a while. „You do?“, he asked, nervousness painting his voice. „I do“ I reassure. „Not a good time for things like this. Or maybe it is, I don’t know. I just wanted to let you know. You get me, you know.“
His hand touched mine and quickly linked its fingers with mine. „What do you think happens after we die?“
Another question I have to think about. I’ve asked myself this a couple of times but never really came to a conclusion. „I don’t know“, I said again.
„I think we will become one with the earth“, Last Boss whispered, brushing his thumb over my hand. „I like that“, I admitted with a smile. „That would make us being of use.“
The tattooed man let go of my hand and turned on his side to look at me. „What do you mean?“ I rolled on my side too and looked into his eyes. „If we don’t get cremated our bodies will rot away, feeding the worms and the ground. Our death will be compost for new life to begin and spread.“
„That‘s beautiful“, Last Boss whispered. Other people would frown and call him sick for viewing this morbid fantasy as beautiful, but I nodded confirming. „Yeah. Maybe that’s the meaning behind life.“ „To die and create room and resources for new life. To keep the cycle upright.“, he finished my thoughts.
The dim light shined through the window on his face, lighting it up just enough for me to see his dark orbs that stare right into mine. My hand brushed over his cheek while I can’t help but to smile. He placed his hand over mine to make sure I wouldn’t move it away, then he whispered: „I don’t care about the time.“ Obviously picking up my on my confession again.
My smile got even wider as I brushed with my thumb softly over his lips. Then I got closer to him and pressed my lips on his. And again. And again.
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