#it's going to slap so hard live I'm so sad I have to wait until next year july to hear it in a venue
cleolinda · 10 months
(For our purposes, listen to it without the visuals first.)
I wasn't going to keep posting about Unreal Unearth, but something happened yesterday.
It's been five months since I first heard this song, and I'm still astonished by it. You know the tiktok skit about the Star Wars wedding music, and the guy is grooving along until the Imperial Death March filters in, and then he's kind of alarmed, like, wha—? And then he realizes it slaps anyway and he keeps dancing? That is "Eat Your Young."
It's the morning of March 17th. The EP with the first three singles from the new album has dropped. I've got my phone blasting the song on the bathroom counter, I don't understand half what the man is saying nor did I expect to, I'm cheerfully mumbling along in the shower, grooving along,
wait they did what for a war drum
Get some Pull up the ladder when the flood comes Throw enough rope until the legs have swung Seven new ways that you can eat your young Come and get some Skinning the children for a war drum Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young
What the fuck, this song goes so hard. That's the chorus. The conceit of the whole album is that it loosely follows Dante's Inferno, so this is the third circle of hell, gluttony. Hozier himself says that he wasn't specifically thinking of Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal—
“I don’t know how intentional the reference to Jonathan Swift was in this. That essay [Swift’s 1729 satirical essay A Modest Proposal in which he suggests the Irish poor sell their children as food] is such a cultural landmark that it’s just hanging in the air. I was more reflecting on what I felt now in this spirit of the times of perpetual short-term gain and a long-term blindness. The increasing levels of precarious living, poverty, job insecurity, rental crisis, property crisis, climate crisis, and a generation that’s inheriting all of that and one generation that’s enjoyed the spoils of it. The lyrics are direct, but the voice is playful. There’s this unreliable narrator who relishes in this thing which was fun to write.” [Apple Music album notes]
—and I believe him. The song's not a suggestion, a proposal; it's an invitation to atrocity in progress. I also believe he probably wasn't thinking of Greta Thunberg's iconic speech at the UN Climate Action Summit, not specifically, but that's what I hear in the song, like the flip side of a coin:
You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you! [...] You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency. But no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that. Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil.
I feel like on some level, even coincidentally, "Eat Your Young" is the answer to the question, what would you sound like if you were that evil? Who would you be? I can think of a dozen possibilities just off the top of my head or looking around my blog, from something as petty as studio executives mangling trees to deprive striking workers of shade (while hoping they lose their homes), all the way up to the US school-to-prison pipeline. The National Rifle Association keeps politicians in its pocket while the US has more mass shootings than days in a year, Nestlé fucks shit up around the world as a way of life, even ChatGPT sucks up water while threatening jobs—and for what? And yet, I promise you most of these things weren't the inspiration for an Irishman’s song—some of them hadn't even happened yet. There's just that much fresh You Would Be Evil to go around. I am certain that Hozier wrote the song partly about (as one article puts it) "Ireland's housing crisis: Millennials, a generation sacrificed," given that time back in the day when he helped occupy a building—a housing crisis happening in multiple countries. There's so much of the world I'm not touching on. I can stuff a paragraph with links and it's utterly inadequate.
I haven't even mentioned war.
There's an overwhelming sense this decade of the future being fed into a meat grinder. That sense is in this song. What would it sound like to be in the head of someone who didn't give a shit about anything but profit? Well, it might sound like this.
And if you haven't heard it, well—I'm going to sound absolutely out of my mind after saying all that, but "Eat Your Young" has a beat and you can dance to it. It's sexy. And I'm certain that's on purpose. You get seduced into the sound of it, as if by something demonic, something that enjoys sucking down the future and is not going to stop. And the sheer fucking catchiness of the song keeps you listening to it—thinking about it—when maybe you push away the dry headlines we get everyday. If you let this song stay in your head, it becomes a lens. Five months later, I still think about it when I read the news. Maui was on fire and tourists stayed. Within days, the prospect of developers swooping in to buy up land reared its head. If there's something still to take, there is ground to break, whatever's still to come. Get some.
I was born in 1978 —I'm late Gen X. In my forties, I'm young enough to worry about the future still; I’m neither so rich that I can just plan to retire to Mars, nor so old that I can know I'll be safely gone before the world might go up in flames. But I'm also not my nephew, whose school year just started back up, or the neighborhood kids who race him home down the sidewalk in the afternoons. Yesterday, he had his very first mass-shooter lockdown drill. He’s six.
I think music can put the feeling back into numb fingers, and I think that's why "Eat Your Young" works so well—Hozier calls the song fun and playful, and I think you have to have that, something you can live with rather than just switch off for your own mental survival. We need music to feed spirit at protests; we need something to keep our feet moving. Don’t give up, don't close your eyes and slip away. Those kids, they have dreams we could try to steal back for them.
Since I mentioned Maui:
Why Hawaiian sovereignty has undeniable context for the Maui fires
The Climate Crisis and Colonialism Destroyed My Maui Home. Where We Must Go From Here
How You Can Donate and Help Support Maui Communities Right Now
The Maui Strong Fund
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Him, Himself and He -P.G
@pablogavisgirl you said you wanted some angst, here it is!
Warnings: Heavy angst, no happy ending, no second part to this. Pls, tell me what you guys think of this, I kinda cried while doing it😭
Summary: He pushed you away and when he realized he needed you, he found no one but him around.
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He laid on the bed, the same bed you have left three months ago. He rolled into his side and found it empty, just like he was feeling.
Pablo closed his eyes tightly, once again, letting the tears escape, he wanted to let everything escape. Everything but you.
And that was the first thing he did.
He was tired to pretend he didn't needed you, that he was fine on his own, but as he opened his eyes and the picture of the two of you at your one year anniversay, in each others arms, you both smiling in the middle of a kiss, that you had in your bedside table, was mocking him and slapped him back to reality. The reality where he did needed you.
How could he let himself go so far away?
After winning LaLiga his fame increased, even more than it already had in WC, girls were throwing themselves at him shamelessly and you knew he pushed them aside telling them that he had a girl back home that was waiting for him, until that happened.
He was on his high and you were there for him and when that high fell a bit, with a bad play of Barcelona and his after a match, the hate he used to have multiplied by five, he consumed himself in a "Me" kind of bubble.
He changed. He went from talking of everything with you to a simple "I'm fine", he hid his emotions and pushed you away.
And it hurt you.
It hurt the fact that you saw your lover be sad, cry himself to sleep and wrap himself in a bottle without escape, without letting you try to help him out. Until he didn't even let you touch him, the dates were forgotten, kisses were non-existent, the cuddles didn't passed through his mind.
Instead, he flushed out of his bubble and went into a hard one, put pressure on himself. From early mornings he was outside in you shared backyard with a ball on his feet, at trainings, the ones he stayed late for trying to get better and stop the comments thrown in his way. Only to get home at 10 and get ready to sleep.
Not even bothering to ask what it is the love of his life, how her day has been.
He was fixing a part of his life. But at the same time he was letting the other one fall apart.
You kept on trying to talk to him, to make him stop overworking himself both mentally and physically, only to receive a dissmissed handwave.
You stopped trying and eventually you started to realize, Pablo wasn't the same as he used to be. And you couldn't help him because he didn't wanted you to.
You started to realize you were practically in a single relationship, the ones were you have a partner and at the same time you don't. You were lonely and you weren't only hurting for Pablo, you were hurting for yourself too.
And you couldn't live your life like that. Not when it was barely starting, you were about to graduate from college, have your dream work, getting ready for all the good things you wished and hoped for.
You loved him so much. But you loved yourself more.
That's why, with a heavy heart you packed your things while he was at training and left. You also left him a note, a note that you had to rewrite five times because you were about to say goodbye to the boy of your dreams, to the love of your life.
Or the one you thought it was.
Pablo, stared at the empty side of the bed once more, remembering the last time you had made love in it, the last time you cuddled, the last time you had a sleepless night and just laid there talking about everything, the last pillow fight you had, the last tickling session, the last of everything.
When Pablo came back and saw you had left, he didn't cry thinking it was a joke or that maybe, it needed to go this way for him to concentrate in his football skills and then get ready to be with you. He also thought of giving you a yourself time, so he didn't acted straight away.
But as the second week rolled in and you weren't back, you didn't answered his calls and his messages didn't went through, he started to grab the hold you weren't coming back and now three months later, he was still regretting everything he had done.
He should have talked to you, he should have let himself be helped, he should have paid attention, he should have done a lot of things, but he didn't.
His phone vibrated, the reminded of your graduation lighted his screen. He didn't know where he got the energy from but he pushed himself out of the bed and to the bathroom, he needed you, he loves you, you are his anchor and he only hoped he wasn't too late to fix his mess.
When you stepped inside the forum, his heart did summersoults, proud and love filling his heart, body and soul. For the first time in a while, he felt whole and a true smile came up to his face. You looked beautiful.
He cheered and clapped for you, when your name was mentioned and he cried when he found out you had been the first one of your class, receiving a medal apart from your graduation one, because of it.
He still couldn't believe he was all the way up his ass, making himself pretend he didn't needed you when his world turned around you.
The rest of the ceremony had gone on and all he could do was wait, take pictures and videos of you, even if it wasn't allowed.
He had left early to find a bouquet of your favorites flowers to give it to you and when he was back, his heart fell to the floor when he saw Ricardo's, one of your classmates give you a peck on your lips as you blushed and looked down.
"Y/N?" He whispered but you heard him and turned around.
You were shocked to say at last, you didn't expected for him to show up, so you excused yourself and headed over to him, confused
"Pablo, what-? How-? Why-?" You laughed dryly "What are you doing here?" You finally asked
"You invited me"
"I thought you wouldn't come"
"I could never lose something so big and important of yours" you shook your head looking at him for a while
"Gavi, what are you really doing here?"
"For you, I came here for you" He said "Congratulations" he said giving you the bouquet, you smiled sadly, they were your favorites and he remembers them "Of course I remember them" He said "I could never forget something of yours, preciosa"
"Gavi, no, stop that" You shook your head "Don't call me that, please"
"I'm sorry, I know what I did was wrong but I didn't wanted to bother you with my problems"
"You were thinking as individual while I was thinking as pair. Your problems were mine, mine were yours, we had worked perfectly until then" You went straight to the point "Why was so different that time?"
"Everyone said how poor of a man I was" He shook his head "Inside and outside the Camp"
"And? We both know that wasn't true" You said
"I know, I did wrong. I did everything I said I wasn't going to but I changed" He cried "Please, come back" You shook your head
Three months ago you would have been already in his arms, bur you both needed to heal
"Please, I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you, for all the times you wanted some loving and I didn't gave it to you, for all the times you needed me to listen and I didn't, for all the times you wanted me there and I wasn't. I'm sorry, I love you, mi niña. So much, please give me a chance"
"Pablo" You said at the verge of crying "I just wanted to help you, you pushed me away and you don't do that to someone you love. You wouldn't have done that to me, you were there for me and I wanted to be there for you, always. But you closed yourself off, you started leaving early and coming late to not bear with me, your kisses felt empty, you almost never spoke to me, I didn't felt at home anymore, I stopped feeling protected and loved by you. And I left, because you were the one who drove me away.
"I'm sorry" He whispered "I thought I could get out of it for myself"
"And you did, but you lost me in the process of it"
"I needed you and you weren't there, an infinite amount of times, that's not love"
"You know I do love you" He cried "I just didn't know how to handle that"
"Because you were trying to handle it on your own and it took a table turn to you" You both were crying when you heard Rodrigo's voice calling you for a pic, you turned around and told him to wait
"Does he treat you good?" His voice cracked and you smiled sadly nodding
"He does" You whisper "We... are trying something" He hums looking down at his feet "I love you" You blurted out making him look at you, his tears visible, his pretty brown eyes were red and sad making your heart break once more "But I don't want to go through all of that again, Pablo" He nods
"It won't happen again"
"We don't know that" You whispered as he closed his eyes, his heart felt heavy, he hated this moment, he hated what he had created.
"Te amo tanto, Y/N" You smiled, your hands going up to his cheeks and brush away the tears
"Y yo a ti" You said "But we have to go separate ways" He shook his head as you nodded "It's for the best"
"Por favor, no" You grabbed his cheeks and moved forward to kiss his lips as he cried into yours and kissed you with his everything. He knew it would be the last time his lips were on yours, and he wanted to stop the time and live there for the rest of his life.
"I wish you the best, Pablo Martín Páez. You were, are and will definitely be the best boyfriend I will ever have" You smiled and pecked his lips once more before letting him go "Hey, estás muy guapo, ¿Lo sabias?" (You're extremely handsome, did you knew that?)
"Y tú muy preciosa" (And you very beautiful) You smiled through your tears
"See you, Pabs" And just like you had came, you left his grasp.
He hated himself, he hated his ego, his appetite, he thought he could get out of his own, that he didn't needed anyone and now when he realized it was all a mistake, he had no one but himself around.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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minho-hoho · 1 year
Leaving after an argument
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genre: angst, fluff !
pairing: bf!enhypen x gn!reader !
warning: swearing, lower-case intended !
requested: yes !
wc: 2.2k
note: i give up w the tags.
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이희승 l.hs
you were anxiously toying with the hem of your shirt as you waited for any sign of your boyfriend being even alive.
the guilt was slowly eating you alive as you regretted being so aggressive towards heeseung; you wanted to apologise from the bottom of your heart but would that even be possible if he was nowhere to be seen?
you sunk in your seat as your eyes watched impatiently the clock ticking ever so slowly. it was dark outside, and your worry only amplified as the clock hit 2 am and heeseung still wasn't by your side.
you were genuinely considering to go outside and look out for him, but fortunately, you heard the front door open to reveal your awaited boyfriend.
the second your gaze landed on him, you froze. you wished you could have ran to his sides and hug him tight, but you couldn't move.
all the distress that had bubbled up inside of you released and tears fell from your eyes, as you couldn't believe he was right there.
heeseung's eyes widened, shocked to see you so sad. almost drowning in his anger, the thought of notifying you of his absence and whereabouts hadn't even crossed his minds. seeing you so affected slapped him back to reality.
“babe... don't cry, i'm right there.” was all could say before taking the initiative to hug you, not bearing to see you in such a state because of him.
you wailed on his shoulder as he rubbed your back, “do you know how worried i was? you could have sent a message or something...” you said between sobs.
“i know, i'm sorry baby.” he tightened the hug as you let out more sobs, “let's go sleep, hm? you must be so tired after waiting so long.” he said as he slowly pulled away from the hug to look at you.
you nodded at his suggestion. he smiled softly, he wiped the tears off your cheeks before kissing your forehead and leading you to your bedroom.
박제이 p.j
anger was building up inside of you, adding to the worry and anxiousness.
you couldn't help but think that even if you two argued passionately, at the end of teh day you were still a couple and you deserved to know where he was in the middle of the night.
you spammed jay's phone to no avail. you hoped he would at least look at the messages, to show that he was still alive and well.
you angrily sighed as no signs of life were shown by jay.
you turned in circles in your living room, the sound of the heavy rain masking your footsteps. you checked your phone often, nothing popping up on your screen.
“jesus christ jay. how could you be so fucking dumb?” you muttered under your breath, lost in your world of anger and anxiety.
so lost that you didn't even the door open earlier. jay heard your words and rolled his eyes, deciding to make his presence known.
“if that's how i'm getting welcomed i might as well just go back outside.”
you snapped your head towards him, shocked to hear his voice and see him. he was drenched in water and was just waiting to see more of your reaction.
“if i wasn't so worried, i would have told you to go right back in the rain.” you said, closing your eyes while massaging your temples.
jay smirked from across the room, as you shot him a glare.
“be glad that i love you because if i didn't i would have absolutely killed you.” jay only laughed fondly as he watched your annoyed expression fade slowly.
심제이크 s.jk
now, you knew he didn't mean to not teem you where he was. he just forgot his phone, but you still couldn't help but let the fear and worry take over.
there was no way you could contact him and your anxiety levels sky-rocketed. you were imagining every scenario possible, but unfortunately most of them were far from positive.
you tried distracting yourself until jake arrived but the thought of hum leaving you or disappearing was always at the back of your mind and it made it hard for you to enjoy a minute of your time.
you stared at the ceiling, laid out on the couch, praying for jake to come fast; but the minutes only passed, and your dear boyfriend still wasn't here.
hours had passed and your worry could only increase as no signs of jake ever coming back were shown. the guilt was heavy and you only cried, in hopes that someone would grant your wishes and make jake come back to you.
deafened by the sounds of your own cries, holding tight onto your pillow, you didn't notice the person infront of you.
“baby, why are you crying?” he cooed, his heart breaking at the sad sight.
you slowly peaked at jake, cheeks tear-stained, eyes puffy and lips swollen.
you tried explaining yourself, but your babbles were incomprehensible, frustrating you in the process, therefore making you cry even more.
despite your words being less than clear, jake still got the message. he held you tightly as you let your tears fall free onto his shoulder, while apologising for everything and worrying you.
박성훈 p.sh
you were worried, you really were, but annoyance was dominating one in the mess of your heart. you felt bad for being quite agressive during you argument, but you were right after all. it didn't feel right for him to leave after being the one in the wrong.
despite it feeling unfair, you still loved sunghoon very much, and you tried reaching out to him in every way you had. when non eof that worked, you only got more annoyed. to you, he had a certain audacity to act this way and then leave without saying a word.
you felt bitter as you looked at your phone's screen. you clicked your tongue before choosing to occupy yourself with some fun activities, not wanting to think about sunghoon any second more.
after a while, you had started to get tired and settled for watching whatever shows were proposed to you on the tv, having nothing else better to do.
the second you heard the door click, you frowned, miffed by sunghoon's behaviour. you continued watching tv. not wanting to pay any attention to your boyfriend. you were upset and all you wanted to hear was apologies from him.
the corner of your eyes caught a tall figure approaching you, but you quickly went back to the tv.
“hey” sunghoon called out, “if you hadn't noticed yet, i'm back.”
you rolled your eyes, not answering him.
“i wanted to say that i'm sorry. i know you were right now, and i wanted to apologise for the way i treated you earlier.” he said looking at you sincerely.
a silence filled the room as you weren't totally satisfied with his apology.
“and uh, i'm sorry for not texting you back when you were looking for me.”he said with a visible uncertainty.
you shook your head before finally speaking up, “it's alright, i'm getting tired, let's just go to sleep.”
sunghoon nodded as you lead the way.
김선우 k.sn
you panicked. not knowing what to do, what was going to be your next move. you tried cackling yourself down, but sunoo being out, into the late hours of the night, was sending your brain into overdrive.
you frenetically tried to contact him but you were only met the voice box, adding frustration to the mix.
you sat down, to collect yourself before acting impulsively. in the end, you grabbed your coat and ran out of the door in the search of your partner.
you knew it wasn't safe for you to be out either, but the thought of losing sunoo was horrifying. you looked through every street you knew of, all while dialing every number that might know where your boyfriend might be.
on the verge of tears, after receiving multiple times the advice of waiting for sunoo at home, you decided to follow the piece of advice, and went home defeated.
you sat on chair, face buried in your hands for about a minute before you heard the door open. your head snapped in the direction of sound immediately, you made eye contact with sunoo as a wave of relief hit you.
you sighed and bit your lip, not letting a single tear slip away.
“gosh damn it. sunoo, i know we argued but please, for the love of god, don't ever do this again or i might die of a heart attack.”
still infront of the door, sunoo scratched his said, feeling guilt.
“i'm sorry, i just got distracted by the scenery on my way. i didn't mean to take so much time.”
you took a look at him, having seriously missed him. you opened your arms wide, as to invite him for a hug, he rushed to you, and you couldn't help but smile.
“god i missed you.” you told him, glad to have him back at your sides.
양정원 y.jw
too upset to say anything, you let jungwon storm out of the house. you figured, he'd come back soon enough, knowing the bad weather and the cold outside.
hours passed, and you still hadn't seen or heard of jungwon and his little escapade. you had argued pretty badly, it was undeniable, but did it justify him disappearing into the cold winter nights?
it was less than safe, and not knowing where he was or how he was doing was troubling you to say the least.
you weren't exactly sure what to do, the safest option was for you to stay home and try to wait patiently for him, but you also wanted to look out for him, though that would have probably gotten you scolded by jungwon.
you slowly opened the front door, and as soon as the cold wind hit you, you quickly closed it, deciding that staying was the wiser option.
to make time go faster, you thought about you would apologise for being rude during the argument. unfortunately, it didn't keep you distracted long enough, and you were soon back to worrying.
you bit your cheek as you looked at your phone, you tried sending a message again, knowing that you weren't going to get any response from your boyfriend.
by that point, you felt like crying and giving up on any chance of ever seeing your partner again.
before any tears could flow, the door opened.
“y/n, are you awake?” jungwon asked as he closed the door behind him.
he made his way to the living room, not hearing any response from you. he stopped in his tracks when he saw your livid face, eyeing him up and down.
jungwon soon understand the reason for your expression and started apologising.
“look i'm really sorry for not communicating with you... i know you must have been worried, but i just needed some space for a while you know?” he explained.
not satisfied and too tired to argue, you told him “forget it, i'm going to sleep.” before excusing yourself, without giving him a second glance.
西村力 n.rk
you were fuming, both because of the argument and because of your lack of knowledge on riki's whereabouts.
you were spamming him furiously, hoping that you'd atleats get a seen from him, but nothing. it was angering you, but as time went on, you rage was getting replaced by worry.
what could he even be doing outside, alone, in this freezing weather? it wasn't particularly late, but the sun set down early, and it was already dark outside despite the time being only 6pm.
still no signs of life from riki, you grabbed your warmest winter clothes and hopped outside, searching for your boyfriend.
the christmas lights, brightly illuminated the streets and made it easier for you to look for riki.
your nose reddened as you walked through the busy streets, losing hope of seeing your partner, the place being so crowded.
you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and you quickly grabbed it to see what was up. you frowned when you saw messages from an unknown number, but you still opened it.
it was a message from riki saying that his phone died, and that he'll be back at home in about 20 minutes.
you didn't even bother answering and you hurried back home, not wanting him to worry after not seeing you.
you didn't even get the chance to sit down that riki flung the door open, scaring you a little.
“oh my goodness, you scared the shit out of me.” you exclaimed.
“oh sorry, i didn't mean to.”
silence took place, but your boyfriend decided to break it.
“i really wanted to tell you where i was but my phone had no battery, so i had to ask for strangers phone...”
he looked sincere, and all the anger and frustration you had previously went away.
“it's okay, don't sweat it. now that i know that you're safe and sound, that's all that matters.” you reassured him, a small smile creeping on your face.
“to make you forgive me for earlier, i bought us food!” he said, beaming, as he presented you the food.
“oh how much i love you” you told him, going to hug him.
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PERM TAG LIST ! : @stacey-stonem, @sh1mzu, @axartia, @echantedrose, @leeknowbuttsmasher, @nikipedia07, @deafeningballoonnacho, @sristsblog
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treason-and-plot · 5 months
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Wow! There's Saffy's backbone.
Yeah she's not known for holding back!
She's with a boy her own age that she actually likes. Be gone worm!
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Man, you write shades of grey so well. It’s hard to root for anybody, but it’s also hard to condemn anybody completely because all your characters’ actions are way too complex. “He’s wrong but..” “She shouldn’t have to deal with this but..” I could use your characters if I ever taught ethics class 😂 (except for Anita, that is, I always struggle to find any redeeming qualities in that lady :P)
Thank you so much Ash! I love writing morally grey characters who have questionable (but hopefully relatable) motives so it's extremely heartening to read your comment. And I love how steadfast you've always been in your opinion of Anita, lol!
I don't like this one bit. I hope Liam's brand new backbone doesn't evolve into an "if I can't have you..."-situation 😱
who knows what might have happened if fate hadn't intervened....
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Oooh it’s his snapping moment. He’s gonna do something drastic and crazier next.
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Ok, now let's see if he, the creep Liam, can process this information?! Whatever happens I hope Saffy will be ok... I'm worried Liam will do something utterly stupid and potentially dangerous.
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Ooooh shit's about to go down!!! 🍿
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I'm with @batsheba, this is not going to go down well with Liam...
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Be careful, Saffron. He's in a weird mindstate now.
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Oh no. He's going to snap.
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Liam will either have a meltdown right there, in the parking lot, or he'll wait until he's in the middle of class and doing something worse. I'm worried about what his breaking point will look like.
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And Saffron, men DO leave their wives. It's call divorce, honey. Life isn't as black and white as you think.
I didn't write Saffy's speech very well...what she was trying to say was that it's a well-known fact that married men never leave their wives for their side-pieces! She was actually quite enraged that Liam turned out to be the statistical anomaly, lol. That was the last thing she wanted to happen!
Woo. Saffron's right, but wow she's still got so much growing up to do. OTOH, Liam seemed to be with her in large part because she verbally abused him. It's such a messed up puppy.
Yeah, he seems to derive a perverse satisfaction from being the victim and indulging in self-defeating behaviour. It's also not an accident that the two women in his life routinely humiliate and criticise him.😬
Saffy's words can devastate ANYONE with strong emotions toward another person. It's like a knife to the heart.
Yeah, Saffy can be very acid-tongued. He probably deserved the wake up call but Saffy can count herself very lucky he didn't snap or do something as drastic as Stephanie.
😮 This is not going to end well. I wish Saffy had been a little more diplomatic. 😔
It definitely did not end well, but fortunately for Saffy she was not the one who was impacted the most! I hope at the very least she learns some important life lessons from this whole sorry experience.
I really hope this will make Mr. Yucky realize he better go live in the Twinbrook swamps and not make him do something stupid and ruin Saffy’s happiness 😭
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I'd tell her to slap him but I think he likes that so... maybe knee him in the balls then lol
lol he is such a pathetic masochist that he would probably enjoy that too!😆
He's a monster thru & thru
A sad, spineless, loser monster.
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That's gotta sting. Bwahahah. Also, what did he think she was going to do? Leap into his arms? She was never like that toward him to begin with.
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They are both better off without each other. Saffy is doing him a favor and he doesn't even know it. SMH
Liam was always doomed by his poor life decisions and victim mentality. I'm also thinking that it was possible he had affairs as a passive-aggressive form of revenge, but didn't count on falling so heavily for Saffy. In any case, I think he got what he deserved.
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tansyuduri · 1 month
Heathers Songs Merlin Version!
Okay so I first posted these in this post but I decided they needed their own post. (I linked videos in the song above) SO! I SAY NO (Arthur and Uther Version) ARTHUR:
You are a drug. You are a poison’d cup
I've got to show my feeling now and stand up.
I craved the love. When you would keep me close.
But you will not be satisfied until I overdose
This is it. For their sake. I am finally awake!
Let me be. Let me go
You need help. I can't provide. I am not qualified
This future king is coming clean. I say no
Arthur , they are-
No, no, no, no. Don't say a word
You speak and I cave in. You'll twist the truth again
And drill deep down beneath my skin
You said it was for her. And I believed in you
But you're still using ust o justify the harm you do
This is it. What you make. Call it all my mistake
Long as you let me go
You need help. I can't provide
I'm not here to stand beside
It's not too late, I'm fighting fate
I say no!
Blame her loss. Blame being sad. Blame the life we never had
But hurting people. That's your choice, my king.
'Cause I believe that love will win
And hate will earn you nothing in the end
This is the end
But I love you
This is it. I won't cry. Starting now. I will try
To pay back all the karma I owe
Start again, help those two. Far from people like you
So goodbye 'cause now I. I say no.
Just in time, I say no
Somehow I'm saying no
Just say no
I say no No!
__________________________________________________________ DEAD GIRL WALKING (Merlin and Arthur Version)
MERLIN: The evil king of the kingdom has decreed it.
He says Monday, in the morning, I will be deleted
They'll hunt me down in every hall.
Burn me alive until I fall.
30 hours to live, how shall I spend them?
I don't have to stay and die like cattle.
I could change my name and avoid that last death rattle.
But I can't just leave all my freinds.
Wait, here's an option with better ends.
Spend these 30 hours gettin' freaky, yeah.
I need it hard I'm a dead man walking.
I'm in your yard I'm a dead man walking.
Before they grab me from the stock.
I'm magicin' off your window lock.
Got no time to knock, I'm a dead man walking.
ARTHUR: Merlin? You Idiot, What are you doing in my room?
MERLIN: Shh...
Sorry, but I really had to wake you.
See, I decided I must ride you 'til I break you.
'Cause Uther says I got to go.
I'm drunk and here to let you know:
Shut your mouth and lose them night clothings.
Come on, tonight I'm yours.
I'm your dead Man walking.
Get on all fours.
Kiss this dead MAN walking.
Let's go, you know the drill. I'm done waiting. I've had my fill .
Bow down to the will of a dead man walking.
And you know, you know, you know
It's 'cause you're beautiful.
You say you're numb inside But I can't agree.
So the world's unfair. Keep it locked out there.
In here it's beautiful
Let's make this beautiful.
ARTHUR : Uh... That works for me,
MERLIN: Yeah, Lets go ahead
Take this dead man walking.
Let's break the bed. Rock this dead Man walking.
No sleep tonight for you.
Better Kiss me right down there.
Take me by the rear.
Make this whole town disappear.
Slap me, pull my hair, Touch me there and there and there
And no more talking.
Love this dead Man walking.
Love this dead Man walking
Love this Dead Man walking.
BOTH: Yeah, yeah, yeah Ow, yeah.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVENTEEN (Gwen and Morgana version)
Fine! You're “damaged” Really “damaged” But that does not make you “wise”
Fine you're “special”, Fine you're “different” But we don’t choose who lives or dies.
Let’s be normal, watch bad jesters. sneak a picnic and watch the sky.
We’ll bake sweet things or go riding.
Don’t you want a life with me?
Can’t we be as a team?
That’s all I want to do.
If you could let me in I could be good with you.
People hurt us
MORGANA: Or they hate us
GWEN: And you’re right, thats full of woe But we let go—
MORGANA: Take a deep breath
GWEN: Then go buy some special clothes We'll go camping—
MORGANA: Work together
GWEN: And convince Arthur to hear us out Maybe moon light
MORGANA: Maybe dancing
GWEN: Don't stop looking in my eyes
MORGANA: Your eyes
BOTH: Can't we be as a team.
Is that so hard to do?
If you could let me in. I could be good with you.
Let us be as a team. If we still got the right.
GWEN: So what’s it gonna be? I wanna be with you
MORGANA: I wanna be with you
GWEN: Wanna be with you
BOTH: Tonight
GWEN: Yeah you've been damaged
MORGANA: Badly damaged
GWEN: But your love’s too good to lose
MORGANA: Hold me tighter
GWEN: Even closer
Morgana: I’ll stay if I’m what you choose. Can't we be as a team.
BOTH: If I am what you choose
MORGANA: If change how I fight
GWEN: ‘Cause you’re the one I choose
MORGANA: You’re the one I choose
BOTH: You’re the one I choose
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LITA Ep 3 Rewatch Thoughts
Hi friends! Here we are at ep 3, and these posts are getting longer by the episode so grab a lil snack and some water if you want <3 I had to make a part 2 because the number of images got to be too many (linked here and below)
The opening continues to slap (plus I think I've listened to it enough times I think I can sing along with the chorus despite not knowing more than 8 Thai words)
Recap spanks hehe
Opening the episode up strong with this beauty (am I talking about the bike or Phayu in the folded coverall? clearly it's both)
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SCHEMING CUTIE ALERT!!! That's the Sky-is-my-new-favorite-person smile <3
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I'm dyingggg - Phayu says "I'm still waiting Rain" but bro, it's only been like 10 hours since the declaration of love-war, please calm down
Oops I realized I haven't been mentioning the episode titles - this one is so cute! 'I like Rain, and I'm not talking about the weather" but tbf this should have been episode 1's title
Live footage of me crying over my schedule as a grad student:
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Dang, Sky has got a good poker face
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Also Rain and I are equally dumb (I'm including myself here bc if I didn't already know Prapai and Sky were going to have a storyline I probably wouldn't have assumed he liked guys right off the bat) - Sky didn't even flinch when Rain writes down his mission to court Phayu (a guy) and immediately writes down the first tactic. WHICH incidentally is "show up in front of him every day". It's pretty full-circle that Prapai uses this same tactic to woo Sky later on, isn't it? (I also didn't notice that until right now so wow these rewatch posts are helping my analysis skills lmao)
Look at my determined son!! He's gonna get his mans!! (Sky's looking a little skeptical tho)
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Ah Sig my beloved other son who has a single braincell bouncing around in his head like a DVD player screensaver
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The Rain-at-the-garage montage contains so many cute shots but this would get too long if I put every single one in, so let's focus on the first meeting with the brothers-in-law (P'Saifah and Rain). How much must Phayu have described Rain for P'Saifah to instantly know who he is on sight? Also P'Saifah probably reported back to Phayu immediately and I'm kinda sad we don't get to see that convo.
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I didn't catch this until now but they also foreshadowed Rain missing a deadline in the next scene. Sky tells Rain to finish his work but as soon as Phayu texts him, Rain runs out of the room without having done anything.
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Listen, I love P'Aon and his matchmaking skills ok??
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Look at Rain, he's trying so hard to be polite with the P'Phayu and the khrap - what a good boy! It's taking everything in him tho lmaooo
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The conversation that comes right after this between P'Saifah and Rain is pretty interesting. I love how the narrative keeps trying to tell us that Phayu is some sort of dangerous fellow when all he's done is be a model student and mechanic and teach college freshmen good manners. Could he maybe learn a little something about physical boundaries? Perhaps, but maybe it's just how kind-looking Boss is, but I never got any sense of danger from Phayu, and esp not towards Rain. Rain's reaction to hearing presumably about Phayu's past relationships is quite on-point, and really cements the stubborn and determined attitude he takes towards getting Phayu to like him. It's how we as the audience know he's gonna be successful.
Next up, Phayu arrives in all his fashionably-late glory. This part has me smirking every time because he walks in all suave and stuff but approximately 7 seconds into Rain's pouting he immediately drops all pretenses and becomes so squishy and soft
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I LOVE this exchange between them - again, we are getting a full picture of their early relationship dynamics. Phayu has expectations that Rain's gonna be different, and Rain's telling him he's gonna meet those expectations, and Phayu's satisfied "ah just as I thought" face makes an appearance.
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I absolutely adore this expression on Rain/Noeul - it's so subtle but powerful
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Yay dinner date!! Phayu is taking so many mental notes right here (also pls note this is the same face Rain is making right above)
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Phayu is way too good at pressing Rain's buttons omg - he really got Rain to do this with like a single sentence of teasing (tbf Rain is pretty impulsive tho so I'm not surprised)
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The poor serviceperson was like pls let me go
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Phayu goes through this episode looking wayyy too satisfied imo
But Rain actually does have nice manners - he gave Phayu the utensils and bowl first and does say thank you
This smile should be illegal actually bc it is stealing my heart and soul
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And we get another instance of Phayu being very not immune to Rain's pout (this time he doesn't even get to pout for 3 whole seconds before concerned Phayu is feeding him and patting his mouth with a napkin)
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We get some more foreshadowing that Rain is going to miss a deadline
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ok THIS. These small gestures that Phayu does for Rain have me swooning just as much as their intimate scenes. Something about that sentence is grammatically incorrect but you get my point, right? They could have easily not included them (and idk if these were even scripted) but they make the relationship that much sweeter and believable.
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Slightly off-screen headpat alert!!
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Live footage of us whenever PhayuRain do anything:
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Get you someone who looks at you the way Sig looks at his writing utensil (Have I mentioned I adore him yet?)
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Also wait he's not wrong!!!
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We get Rain's voice jumping like 10 octaves this time lmao (the increase is proportional to how much he loves Phayu obvs)
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Look at our smart boy!! He's won design awards, y'know
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Phayu you are not allowed to bully P'Aon like this - he's literally on your side??
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Rain: I don't want to see Phayu
Also Rain: ignores Ple, the teachers, his friends, his homework to run to the garage to give Phayu snacks
Part 2 here (y'all we're literally only halfway through the episode omg)
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 👋🏼💚 ¿que tal te va en tu nuevo empleo?
What the Fuck is Wrong with French People?
Ok Alec my beloved twin you need to chill because this is NOT the way!!
Raphael is a King!!!
Raphael nods and looks at Alec. “I’m watching you.”
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He wanted Magnus to stop taking shit from people and tell them to fuck off.
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Fuck Camille!!! Why are you still talking to her??? Have you learned nothing??? She will only make it worse!!
He slaps her across the face.
😱😱😱 Alexander! And now is worse!!
So, he drives and drives until he gets that familiar sense of calmness inside his chest.
This is giving me bad vibes, car crash vibes 🥲
“Alec Lightwood?” the cop asks. Alec nods. “We need you to come to the station with us.”
I new something bad was going to happen!!
Ok fine I guess Robert is out of the fuck you club 😒
“People will never stop hurting you, Alec. So, you need to decide whether you want to add to that pain or move on from it,” his father tells him and starts the engine.
I needed this... thank you Dani 💚
“If you are texting him ‘baby, take me back’ I’m going to break your phone.”
Jace!!!! I am love him!!!
“People who leave…They don’t do it because they don’t love you,” Jace says quietly. “Sometimes people need space. Sometimes love makes it hard to heal. So, you need to be away and just be with yourself.”
I'm glad Jace is there for Alec!! My twin is breaking my heart ��
OMG!!! He is going to France!!! They are going to get David right?? Right??? ALSLSLQLQ!!!!
“Are we poor?” Max asks.
My precious chaotic child your father is about to bring you back something priceless 🥰😍🥰😍🥰
“You better not come home with a baby,” Magnus points out.
This one will stay will Jace and Clary for a few years before joining the Lightwood-Banes don’t worry 🤣🤣
Rafe mi bebé precioso... Rafe es demasiado dulce y tierno, lo amooo!!!
Alec shrugs. “I don’t know. I know you don’t like it. I know the girls don’t. but I feel like there is someone out there who will love this house. It feels wrong to give up on it.”
Ooooh keep it!! Keep it for David... I mean, he is a prince!! And if he goes there he can live out his RWRB fantasies with Max 🥰😍🥰😍
But there is also so much pain and sacrifice and struggles people can’t see.
As someone who's seen it, I wish I hadn't 😭😭😭😭
Stop asking questions and go get my petit prince charmant!!!
Fuck Albert 🤬
“You don’t speak French?” Alec asks.
“Only a little,” Thomas replies.
Bitch!! He is just pretending, get a clue Alec... I see you Thomas 😉
“No, they didn’t,” Alastair replies. “Believe it or not, this kind of complicity is not uncommon.”
Fuck them all... our beloved staff would never 😒
He takes out a cigarette and lights it up.
Then he hears screaming.
Your honor, I request we remove mister Lightwood's right to be a sexy smoker, I am a hoe but I am a David stan first 😌
“It’s pretty.”
Alec blinks.
Did he just talk??
Mavid!!!! 😍🥰
Thomas and Alastair seem to be bickering.
Please find a room and resolve your issues 😈
Oh Alec 🤦🏻‍♀️ really?? You can't see what's going on??
But David getting Thomastair together is top tier shit!!!
"You were right," Jace tells him that night. "This place is yet to be lived."
Yeah... by Mavid 😍
Max frowns at the boy, looking up and down. “This is not chocolate milk.”
Wait till you get a taste!!
Then he raises the boy’s hand to his mouth and kisses the inside of his wrist. “My bapak says kisses heal boo-boos faster.”
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“So did everyone in the mansion to lie me?” Alec asks. “Or was it just the people I trusted the most?”
Come on brother!! You weren't even a little suspicious 😒
Bless Leslie!!!! That woman is a Saint 🙌🏼🙌🏼
“I don’t think so,” Izzy sighs. “He said he is going to see a friend.”
Ok we need an intervention ASAP!!!
Also... Alec needs to talk to someone about the Minyun situation, my twin is too sad 🥲
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“Actually,” Alec corrects. “I came here to see you.”
I hope this conversation ends wells I don't need to cry again
You can only be so much for other people before you forget who you are to yourself.
Exactly, go to therapy, find yourself and then get your husband back!!!
Alec stop snooping!!!
“What? No!” Alec puts down the notebook. “I was, uh, just looking. I got bored.”
And stop lying 🤣
But he doesn’t smoke in front of the boy. He never has.
Good, you should stop completely because now I can only think about my poor prince in pain 😭😭
Alec chuckles. “David. I don’t think there is anyone out there who hates you.”
Is impossible to hate you sweetie!!!
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Alec smiles. “You go therapy, son?”
He called him son!!!! And also yeah he goes to therapy!!! You should try it sometimes!!
This is such a beautiful moment!!! I didn't know how much I needed this conversation!!!
David takes it and clutches it to his chest. 
I'm so happy...!!! Is this really TLND?? 🥰
His mouth drops. “You’re the one who has been baking this whole fucking time?”
Seriously... how is he running an entire state???
Then he drives.
I don't like all this driving 🙃 please don't crash!!!
Thank youuuu Dani 💚💚💚💚💚 I didn't cry with this one I'm in shock... I'm actually happy!!!
Here is a mavid song rec for you bebe: London Boy by Taylor Swift.
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lilyevanstan1325 · 6 months
🥀 Falling Apart 🥀
Chapter 3
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Steve POV
Sitting alone at the bottom of the jet that taking us to Wakanda, I keep looking at the photo of my wonderful family.
I turn it over in my hands unable to take my eyes off their happy faces.
From Lily's face.
With my thumb I caress the smooth and cold surface of the photo and an annoying lump in my throat prevents me from breathing.
I put the photo back in my suite pocket and closing my eyes, I lean my head against the hard metal behind me.
I must be strong.
I have to do this for my family.
Lily is scattered who knows where in space and my children are on the other side of the world...and I can only grit my teeth and fight with all my strength.
I open my eyes and the first thing I see is Vision.
He is sitting and kneeling at his feet is Wanda, her eyes are full of torment.
Both look at each other without speaking but even if their mouths are closed by their eyes, there is a flood of unspoken words, words full of unconditional love.
Both, today, are ready to die for each other.
Natasha and Sam are at the controls of the jet while Bucky is standing behind his girlfriend, his arms crossed over his chest and his serious gaze is lost beyond the horizon.
Rhodey and Layla are sitting in front of Vision and the latter's eyes, her deep dark eyes, are focused on me.
I'm sure she's keeping an eye on me.
I think she fears, like everyone else, that I might go crazy at any moment.
Clint, on the other hand, did not come with us, he preferred to stay next to his family.
And I honestly can't blame him.
If I could have chosen, I would have made the same choice as him.
My gaze moves to my feet where my shield lies.
I grab it observing it carefully.
This shield has given me a lot and took away a lot.
Maybe if in the past I had made other choices today I would not be here, I would never have fought monsters and aliens and I would have lived a normal and peaceful life.
But if I weren't here today I wouldn't have my family.
I would never have had my beautiful and wonderful children.
I wasn't going to have my sweet Lily.
I sigh trying to calm the frenzied beating of my heart and getting up I walk with a sure step towards the control console positioning myself next to Sam.
"Drop to 2.600, heading 0-3-0" I say.
Sam gives me a skeptical look and then brings his attention back to the sky in front of him.
"I hope you're right about this.Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to"
I just give a half smile.
Sam will have his answer at any moment...and in fact after a few seconds the jet crosses a kind of force field and if earlier in front of us there was only the green of the trees now in front of us extends the wonderful land of Wakanda.
"God, I've missed this place" Bucky exclaims as he approaches me and slaps me on the back.
His hand then rests on my shoulder and squeezes it tightly.
We nod, looking into each other's eyes.
We both know it won't be easy but we will do our best.
We continue to fly on the surface of a wonderful stretch of water until a landing strip appears below us.
We land gently and with increasing anxiety we wait for the hatch to open completely to allow us to get off.
T'Challa and the Dora Milaje are already waiting for us.
"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something" I exclaim approaching the King and shaking his hand.
Bucky approaches and he and T'Challa hug each other in a brief hug.
"It's a pleasure to see you again White Wolf"
"Me too my friend but I would have preferred to do it in other circumstances" murmurs my best friend with a sad look.
T'Challa sighs.
"So how big of an assault should we expect?" asks the King of Wakanda with a serious look.
Bruce takes a step closer and he answers for us.
"I think you should expect quite a big assoult"
His voice is very agitated as he moves his hands frantically.
T'Challa walks towards the entrance of the royal palace and we follow him.
Natasha takes a few steps to reach T'Challa.
"How we looking?" she asks.
The King turns to her and answer.
"You will have my Kingsguard, the border Tribe and the Dora Milaje"
Nat nods without adding anything else.
Meanwhile, in total silence, we reach Shuri's lab and once there Wanda and Rhodey help Vision to lie down on a bed.
Shuri approaches Vision passing her closed fist a few inches from Vision's forehead.
At first glance I don't understand what happens but then I realize that the princess on her wrist is wearing what appears to be a bracelet made up of large black pearls but in reality it is quite another.
A small ray of blue light emerges from one of these pearls and slowly scans the Soul Stone.
Once Shuri is finished, she turn the palm upwards and open it, a complete and detailed scan of the Stone set in Vision's forehead is projected.
"Whoa!" exclaims Bruce approaching curiously.
His eyes sparkle in front of this marvelous and astonishing technology.
"The structure is polymorphic" Shuri murmurs thoughtfully.
Bruce next to her nods.
"Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially" he explains, pulling off his glasses and bringing them to his lips.
His expression is concentrated.
Shuri raises an eyebrow.
"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" she asks with an almost amused expression.
Bruce is dumbfounded and his confused expression becomes embarrassed.
"Because we didn't think of it" he stammers embarrassed scratching the back of his neck.
I'm sure right now he's cursing himself for not getting to where a little girl went without any effort.
Shuri smiles.
"I'm sure you did your best" she exclaims.
Wanda takes a step forward anxious for answers.
"Is that possible?Can you do it?"
"Yes, but there are more than two trillions neurons here.One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures" replies Shuri losing her smile.
Her dark, serious eyes move to his brother.
"It will take time, brother"
Ok, we can save Vision and this is good news.
The bad news is that we don't have a lot of time at our disposal.
"How long?" I ask.
Shuri turns to me with a sigh.
"As long as you can give me"
Suddenly a beeping alarm catches us by surprise.
Okoye immediately turns to his king.
"Something's entered the atmosphere" informs the head of the Dora Milaje.
I stiffen.
We are almost there.
Thanos' men, if not Thanos himself, are on their way to take over the Stone.
I look out of the big window and looking at the sky for a moment I think of Lily.
Who knows what she will be doing.
Who knows if she has already faced Thanos.
Who knows if...
But I shake my head firmly.
I don't even want to think about it.
I have to convince myself that she is fine.
Distracting myself or letting my fears break me will not help her any more than it will help those in this room.
While my gaze is still lost towards the blue sky, something hits the protective barrier that surrounds the lands of Wakanda.
Whatever it is, it explodes violently.
"God, I love this place" Bucky exclaims wrapping his arm around Natasha's shoulders.
The two look at each other intensely.
Just as Sam and Layla are watching each other as their intertwined fingers tighten convulsively.
I look away from my friends.
Their love is too painful to watch.
Rhodey's voice rings in our ears through the earpiece.
Wrapped up in his War Machine armor, Rhodey stood outside checking the situation for us.
"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet guys.We got more incoming outside the dome"
Immediately after his words, many other spacecraft begin to land all around the border perimeter.
All eyes are focused on what is happening outside.
Natasha brings her thumb to her lips, nibbling nervously.
T'Challa and I exchange a brief but conscious glance.
The battle will begin shortly.
"It's too late" Vision exclaims painfully trying to get up from the bed.
"We need to destroy the Stone.Now" he adds, attracting everyone's attention.
Wanda beside him gasps desperately.
Her gaze wanders among us looking for help.
"Vision, get your ass back on the table" exclaims Natasha pointing a finger at Vision.
Wanda together with Shuri's help, help him lie down again.
"We will hold them off" exclaims T'Challa to her sister who nods seriously and then quickly, followed by his guards, the King leaves the room.
The time for games is over, now we have to fight.
"Wanda" I call her with a firm tone.
She looks me intently in the eye.
"As soon as the stone's out of his head you blow it to hell"
Wanda nods, there is a certainty in her eyes that I had never seen before.
I'm sure she's willing to do anything to save the man she loves.
"I Will" she replies and then brings her attention back to Shuri who has already started with the extraction process of the Stone.
I nod to my friends and in a moment we are all outside the royal palace.
I separate myself from the rest of the others and reach T'Challa who at this moment is giving all his soldiers exact instructions to follow.
"Evacuate the city.Engage all defenses" he tells someone through his earpiece.
"I'm sorry I brought all this to you.At your home" I murmur guilty as I stand beside him.
"But only you could help us"
T'Challa shakes his head.
"Don't blame yourself my friend.It is a war that affects all of us.Wakanda included" he replies while observing his land.
Then he puts a hand on my shoulder.
"Let's go now"
I nod and together we get on one of the many vehicles that will take us to the battlefield.
"How we looking, Bruce?"
Layla's voice rings in my earpiece.
"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it" exclaims Bruce in response.
I turn back to understand exactly where Bruce is and what he means.
And as soon as I see it I understand.
An armor, similar to that of Iron Man but much larger, reaches us at a run.
I'm pretty sure Dr. Banner is inside.
"Wow!This is amazing, man!" he exclaims excitedly making a leap and literally flying over our heads.
"It's like being the Hulk without actually..."
But Bruce doesn't finish the sentence because he trips and falls tumbling in front of us.
Natasha rolls her eyes.
"Are you okay Bruce?" I ask as we quickly pass him out of sight.
I want to make sure nothing serious has happened.
"I'm ok, I'm ok" he yells in response, waving his big metal arm.
"I've got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line"
"Ok Rhodey, we're on our way" I exclaim as the vehicles stop and everyone quickly reaches their spots.
I watch the Tribes take their place with perfect coordination.
Me, Nat, Bucky and Layla are positioned in the front line right next to the King.
Sam and Rhodey monitor the situation from above while Bruce has remained in the rear with the other soldiers.
Then we see them, at the edge of the border a huge monster together with a blue skinned woman are approaching.
Me, Nat and T'Challa approach them.
The woman slides the blade of a large sword against the protective barrier that envelops the lands of Wakanda, as the blade passes a crackle resounds in the air.
"I'm Proxima Midnight and I'm here to tell you that you can do whatever you want but today Thanos will have that Stone"
I twist my face in a grimace of rage as I clench my fists.
"This will never happen" I spit through my teeth.
The monster next to Proxima grunts as she smiles as if she already had victory in her hand.
Out of the corner of my eye I see T'Challa taking a step forward.
"You are in Wakanda now.Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood"
His words sound strong.
Proxima Midnight's smile gets wider.
"We have blood to spare" she replies confidently.
She then grunts as she raises her sword in the air and at her signal the doors of their spaceships begin to open.
I grab Natasha by the arm and drag her away with me.
"They surrender?" Bucky asks me as I approach.
"Not exactly" I murmur as I observe my enemies.
Proxima still has her arm raised, on her sword the sunlight reflects dazzlingly.
T'Challa by my side begins to scream a few words in Xhosa while everyone else echoes him.
Here we are, the big time has come.
Proxima Midnight lowers her arm with a sharp gesture and in the silence that surrounds us the echo of growls resound, gruesome sounds that overlap each other and a moment later tens of hundreds of horrible beings emerge from the thicket of the trees.
They are monstrous beings over 6.5 feet tall, their skin is black and red.
They have four arms and their hands are equipped with large claws.
Their head is oval in shape and decidedly small compared to the rest of the body but the creepy thing is their long, razor-sharp teeth.
They run sprawled and in the throes of pure homicidal fury, throwing themselves directly against the protective barrier.
They don't slow down, they don't look for alternatives.
They throw themselves on top of each other roaring and growling.
"What the hell?" Bucky exclaims.
His expression looks disgusted and worried at the same time.
Natasha raises an eyebrow, her usual grimace of cheerful arrogance on her face.
"Looks like we pissed her off" she replies to her boyfriend.
Bucky rolls his eyes in response at the boldness with which his beloved Nat stands.
My gaze meets Layla's.
I'm sure that like me she is thinking about Lily right now.
Meanwhile, the aliens continue their suicidal race.
"They killing themselves" Okoye exclaims in disgust.
Her words echo my thoughts.
Slowly growling and screeching, one after the other, the monsters manage to break through the barrier.
And if initially only a few limbs or a few heads rolled inside the barrier, now dozens of them are approaching us.
Proxima smiles looking directly into my eyes.
The Wakandans starting chanting again in Xhosa forming a shield using their cloaks and aiming their weapons at the enemy they begin firing.
Bucky by my side also starts firing in bursts.
The aliens get closer and closer between growls and grunts.
"Natasha!" Bucky yells over the din of gunfire.
"If we get out of this whole fucking mess alive, I'll marry you"
I involuntarily smile.
Natasha continues to look straight ahead, lifting the corner of her lips in a half smile.
"I'll take your word, Barnes"
Bucky's smile becomes even bigger and more radiant if possible.
"Yeah, it's all very romantic but do you see the teeth on those things?" Sam exclaims through the earpiece as he flies over our heads and shoots at those damned monsters.
"Sam, you're an idiot" Layla retorts in response.
Sam chuckles in amusement.
"All right, back up, Sam.You're gonna get your wings singed" warns Rhodey and immediately drops missiles all along the border, triggering a violent chain explosion.
"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter get in behind us there's nothing between them and Vision" suggests Banner.
I observe them as they begin to attack us also from the side.
"Then we better keep 'em in front of us" I murmur.
Okoye looks at me questioningly, then turns to her king.
"How do we do that?" she asks.
"We open the barrier" T'Challa replies with a calm voice.
We all look at him as if he's gone mad but actually this might be the best strategy.
A frontal attack might be the best choice.
"On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen"
"Requesting confirmation, my King.You said open the barrier?" a completely incredulous voice answers.
"On my signal" T'Challa repeats with a confident and authoritative voice.
Natasha looks closely at the king's profile.
"This could be the end of Wakanda"
Okoye smiles proudly.
"Then it will be the noblest ending in history"
T'Challaa nods and shouting something else in Xhosa walks up to position himself in front of all of us, crosses his arms in front of his chest and with all his voice in his body screams "Wakanda Forever!"
And at that moment we too, screaming in response, begin to run.
To run to meet our destiny.
"Now!" shouts T'Challa and the barrier in front of us opens, letting a horde of possessed beings rush towards us.
The king and I run faster than anyone else and both jump in front of us throwing ourselves directly into the fray of the fight.
I use all my strength and with the help of my shield I try to knock down as many as possible.
I pounce on a monster knocking it down with the strength of my fists and once astride him I use the shield to cut off his head.
I get up quickly looking around.
I can't see any of my friends.
It is total chaos.
I look up to the sky just in time to see Sam and Rhodey fire on every possible target.
I turn just in time to dodge the lethal bite of an alien and grabbing him from behind I pull his head so hard until I break his neck, at the same time two others are pointing straight at me to attack me but a moment before they can jump on me a beam of orange light hits them full in the chest causing them to explode in midair.
I turn to my left and Layla smiles at me briefly.
"My pleasure, Cap" she exclaims and then disappears into the fray.
"Yeah, that's my girl" exclaims Sam circling over our heads ecstatic at the strength with which his woman is fighting.
I refocus on the battle but something falls from the sky crashing at my feet.
Rhodey rolls a few yards away and then staggers to get up.
After a moment of hesitation I start to fight again by throwing the shield against some of those horrible creatures but their number is getting higher and higher.
It seems as if the more we kill, the more of them appear.
One grabs me making me fall to the ground, I try to roll away from his grip but I am immediately attacked by other aliens.
Him is already on top of me trying to bite me while I'm fumbling trying to get back on my feet.
Bruce's scream pierces my eardrums.
"There's too many of 'em"
Bruce is right.
There are too many and I don't know if we could ever make it.
I continue to wriggle out trying in every way to react and even if I know that I don't have to distract myself, my thoughts go to Lily.
Did she go through all this too?
I am about to get up but an alien leaps on my chest pushing me back to the ground, I use the shield to protect myself but he rips it off and now his teeth are just inches from my face, his putrid breath smashes against my face.
Suddenly a huge beam of light appears in the sky.
Something big whizzes among our enemies, knocking them down one after the other.
I smile ecstatically, understanding who it is.
Thor has finally come to help us.
And he is not alone.
Beside him are his brother Loki and two other strange beings, one seems to be a tree while the other is a kind of raccoon.
Bruce laughs in disbelief and shouts "You guys are so screwed up!"
Thor advances towards the crowd of aliens shouting "Bring me Thanos!" with all the breath he has in his body.
After that he starts running, followed by his strange gang, and leaping into the air his body is enveloped by lightning which then all concentrate on his new weapon.
When he drops to the ground he hits it with his ax killing hundreds of aliens in one shot.
Maybe we have a chance.
Lily POV
My father's voice rouses me from the numbness in which I find myself.
We are both sitting on old ruins, side by side.
"Yeah?" I ask turning my head in his direction.
His elegant profile stands out in front of my eyes.
The grizzled temples, the nose with an elegant profile, his thin lips which at the moment have the corners turned downwards in a distraught expression.
The blood, the dust, the sweat.
"I just wanted to say thank you" he murmurs.
His dark eyes are bright as he turns back to me.
I feel a bit caught off guard.
"What are you thanking me for?"
My father sighs and brings his attention back in front of him.
Stephen Strange has never been good at managing his emotions and when they are too strong, words often don't find the way.
So I just wait patiently for him to find a way to express his feelings.
"I have never thanked you enough for the honor you have bestowed on me by allowing me to be your father for the past seven years.For giving me four grandchildren who are my most precious jewels.There is nothing in the world that I love more than you...not even my role as Guardian can match the pride I feel for you.I want you to know this, my child.My little princess"
And even if I had promised myself to be strong and to face this battle leaving my feelings out, I can not help but melt in tears at his words.
"You don't have to say anything Lily.This is what I feel.You are a wonderful daughter and an exceptional mother.You are my greatest pride and I am sure that wherever your mother is, she thinks the same thing
She would have been so proud of you" he interrupts me turning to me and stroking my face with his fingertips.
His thumb wipes away the tears I can't stop.
"I am proud to be a Strange, dad.And I will always be"
My father smiles.
"You will be until you become a Rogers" he say.
I laugh heartily shaking my head.
"I believe that I will keep the double last name"
My father grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine.
"Wise choice" he chuckles giving me a light push with his shoulder.
"Whatever happens today..."
But I can't complete the sentence because a passage opens right in front of our eyes, thick and black smoke, and after a moment with a sure step Thanos comes out.
He is truly a creepy being.
He is very, very tall and his skin is purple.
Wrapped around his hand is the gauntlet we have to get hold of.
My father speaks first while continuing to hold my hand.
The time has come.
"Oh yeah, you're much more of a Thanos" he says, addressing the titan directly.
He looks around then points his empty and soulless eyes on us.
"I take it the Maw is dead"
It is not a question, it is a simple observation.
My father and I nod.
Thanos sighs taking a few steps forward.
"This day extracts a heavy toll" he murmurs heavily.
"Still, he accomplished his mission" he adds, focusing his eyes first on me and then on the eye of Agamotto around my father's neck.
"You may regret that.He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts and his mighty daughter.I would not be so enthusiastic in your place"
I talk looking into his eyes all the time, I want him to understand that I am not afraid of him and that I am ready to fight to the death.
"And where do you think he brought you?" he asks in his deep voice directly to me.
"Let me guess.Your home?" I answer looking around.
Thanos bows his head and smiles.
"It was" he murmurs.
I watch him as he closes his fist and a red light emanates from the gauntlet.
The Reality Stone.
Suddenly the scenery changes around us.
The dark and hazy sky turns into a clear blue sky as the rubble is recomposed into structures full of life.
"And It was beautiful" resumes Thanos.
"Titan was like most planets.Too many mouths, not enough to go around.And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution"
"Genocide" exclaims my father in disgust.
"But random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike.They called me a madman"
"Oh, really?" I ask sarcastically but Thanos ignores my comment and continues in his absurd monologue.
"And what I predicted came to pass" and so saying the memory of how Titan was once evaporates.
Before our eyes now there is again only desolation and rubble.
"Congratulations, you're a prophet" Strange taunts him.
"I'm a survivor" promptly retorts the purple giant without hesitation.
"Who wants to murder trillions"
"With all six Stones, I could simply snap my fingers.They would all cease to exist.I call that mercy"
"And then what?" I ask tired of listening to this massacre.
I get to my feet immediately followed by my father.
Thanos sighs, spreading his arms.
"I'd finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe.The hardest choice require the strongest wills" asserts him convinced by his crazy words.
My father bangs his fist against the palm of his hand activating two energy shields around his hand.
I readily imitate him.
"I think you'll find our will equal to yours!" exclaims my father and a moment later a huge metal structure falls from above right on Thanos.
"Child's play, Quill" exclaims Tony from above, smug with his attacking move.
"Yeah, if your goal was to piss him of" Quill exclaims, taking to the air as well.
"Stop it guys" I yell through the earpiece.
Thanos explodes the steel that crushes him, turning it into a thousand sharp rubbles and throwing them at Tony.
I take advantage of Thanos' distraction to attack him in turn.
I stretch out my arms in front of me and mindful of all my father's teachings I let all the destructive power of the Stone flow into my hands, directing it directly against my enemy.
Thanos staggers off guard.
In the meantime Drax arrives in a slide and with long knives attacks him right in the legs, then rises again starting to fight against Thanos.
My father emerges from a portal just behind Thanos and attacks him with a kind of whip created by his magic.
While the three are fighting Quill arrives and I creating small circles of light to use like steps allowing Quill to jump on Thanos' back and attack one of his contraptions.
Then I open a portal and Quill before jumping into him looks Thanos straight in his eyes by raising his middle finger.
"Boom!" he exclaims and then launches himself through the portal.
The bomb attached to Thanos' back explodes releasing an electric discharge that for a few moments force him to kneel dazed on the ground.
My father next to me immediately takes advantage of this by turning to his magic cloak.
"Don't let him close his first"
The cloak comes off my father's shoulders and wraps itself around Thanos' big fist.
Then in turn he and I open portals where through them Iron Man appears and disappears hitting Thanos continuously from the most disparate angles.
Thanos manages to free himself from the magical cloak by literally tearing it from his hand.
My father and I continue to attack him using our magic, trying to repel any attack from him.
Tony comes to our rescue and grabbing what looks like an old spaceship he lifts it into the air and throws it with unprecedented violence against the huge monster.
Thanos is run over by rolling on the ground between the metal.
As he is about to get to his feet a new character makes his entrance hitting him in the face and then drawing a sword.
The two seem to exchange a few words and then return to fight.
Whoever it is, is on our side.
At this moment, every ally is an important resource.
We have to stop Thanos and we have to do it fast.
My father and I return to the attack, exhausted and covered in blood and dust, we rush to Thanos trying to wrap his arms with magic.
Long orange and blue ties sparkle around his wrists.
Drax intervene and wrapping his huge arms around Thanos' legs.
Tony glides to my side grabbing the gauntlet firmly and starting to pull.
My father takes a step away and with decisive and confident gestures opens a portal just above Thanos' head and Mantis slips through it, straddling the shoulders of this big bastard who continues to fidget grunting.
Mantis just put her hands on his temples and in a few moments his eyes become white and vacant, it is as if he had fallen into some kind of lethargic state.
As soon as my father reaches me chaining Thanos's wrist again with his magic I let him go and join Tony to give him a hand.
"Is he under?Don't let up!" Tony exclaims under strain as he continues to pull with all his strength.
Mantis lets out a slight whimpering.
"Be quick.He is very strong"
"Don't give up Mantis, hold on" I mumble as I concentrate all my strength continuing to pull that damn gauntlet.
"C'mon Lily, we have to do it!She can't hold him much longer.Let's go" exclaims Tony, his voice strangled by the effort, indicating the poor Mantis with a nod of the head.
I nod while continuing to pull while out of the corner of my eye I see Quill arrive and position himself right in front of Thanos.
"We gotta open his fingers to get it off, Tony!" my father yells.
Tony and I nod.
We are one step away from making it.
Maybe we have a great chance of making it and being able to go home.
To go home to Steve, to be able to hug my children again.
"Come on Tony, come on!" I exclaimed agitatedly.
Tony looks at me for a moment, my own thoughts are reflected in his eyes.
"I tought you'd be hard to catch" Quill murmurs mocking him a few inches from Thanos' face.
Then he turns to me pointing at me with a finger.
"For the record, this was my plan" he specifies, smiling boldly.
I raise my eyes to the sky muttering tightly "Stupid dumbass!"
Quill continues his crusade of arrogance.
"You're not so strong now, huh?"
"Quill stop it.If you really have to do something make yourself useful here" I yell at him.
"It's slipping away" Tony cheers referring to the gauntlet.
We both smile while continuing our intent.
"Yeah yeah!I came.Just one last thing" Quill murmurs listlessly waving a hand towards me as if he were chasing away an annoying insect.
"Where is Gamora?" he asks him looking straight into Thanos' blank gaze.
Thanos grunts and in a very tired voice murmurs "My Gamora"
Quill gets agitated.
"No, bullshit!Where is she?" he screams.
Mantis complains again.
"He is...he is in anguish" she whimpers in her thin voice.
"Good!" Quill replies but Mantis speaks again.
"He...he mourns"
"What does this monster have to mourn?" Drax stammers, trying to keep holding Thanos still.
"Gamora" whispers an entirely new voice.
I just turn my head to the side and next to us the girl who was previously fighting Thanos approached us.
Her skin is blue and purple and many parts of her body are shiny metal.
"Who are you?" I ask her.
"I am Nebula, daughter of Thanos"
And I thought I had a foolish family.
Quill watches Nebula closely, a mixture of fear and anxiety in his eyes.
Nebula advances until she reaches Quill's side.
"He took her to Vormir.He came back with the Soul Stone.But she didn't"
Tony quickly turns to Quill.
"Ok, Quill, you gotta cool it right now.You understand?"
I have to intervene, we can't give up right now.
"Quill.Quill!Don't, don't.Don't engage.We almost got this off!"
But Quill now seems to have been overwhelmed by the realization that things have not turned out for his girlfriend as he hoped.
His gaze filled with hatred and tears falls on Thanos' face.
"Tell me she's lying" he murmurs shaking his head.
"Asshole, tell me you didn't do it!" he screams with all the breath in his lungs.
The gauntlet slips a little more, slowly slipping off Thanos' iron grip as he writhes, muttering his daughter's name with agony.
"I had to" he then adds, unleashing Quill's anger.
Then it all happens quickly.
Quill starts screaming hitting Thanos in the face over and over again.
"Quill!Hey, stop!Hey, stop!Stop!Hey, stop!Stop!" Tony keeps repeating letting go of his grip on the gauntlet and approaching Quill trying to get his attention.
But it's all in vain.
Quill is now out of his mind.
I don't let go and finally the glove comes off, Thanos' half hand is uncovered.
"It's coming, it's coming!I got it, I got it!" I rejoice as I keep pulling with all my strength and looking for my father's eyes.
"You are almost there my daughter, do not give up" encourages me my father.
But no matter how much I pull, alone it is really impossible for me.
"Tony please help me" I hiss between my teeth at the limits of the effort.
But Tony is too busy restraining Quill from his murderous fury and just before the gauntlet slips completely out of Thanos's grip, the latter wakes up, violently shrugs Mantis off his shoulders and grabbing the gauntlet now stripped off he hits me full in the face jumping me away.
I land on a sharp boulder banging my head violently, I feel that I might lose consciousness but I force myself to resist with all my strength and slowly I stagger up.
A few steps further on, my father lies unconscious on the ground, with an unsteady step I reach him and bend down beside him.
Thanos attacks everyone in his path, he really seems unstoppable.
Tony attacks him by hitting him from multiple sides but to no avail and he too is easily knocked down.
With my vision still clouded by the blow I watch Thanos raise a hand to the sky and a moment later a huge moon splits into hundreds of pieces giving life to fireballs that crash to the ground with the destructive force of a thousand bombs.
Tony tries to dodge as much as possible but at least he gets hit.
I look at the scene astonished and horrified.
With a haunted gaze I wander all around me but I don't see anyone.
Quill, Drax, Mantis, Nebula...none.
They have all been overwhelmed by Thanos' destructive fury.
And now that Tony has been eliminated, it's just me and my dad left.
With great effort I turn him face up, shaking him vigorously.
His lids flicker and then lift to reveal his dark eyes to me.
A trembling sigh leaves my lips.
"Get up, the time to die has not come yet.We have to fight" I urge him as I help him get back on his feet.
"We have to fight" I repeat looking him straight in the eye.
"Until death" he whispers in response.
I look at his beautiful face stained with blood and smile sweetly at him.
"Until death" I repeat.
Steve POV
As I continue to take down these goddamn monsters I find myself side by side with Thor.
We both pant heavily.
"Is this your new weapon?Cool" I tell him placing my hands on my hips to try to catch my breath.
Thor nods.
"Yeah, that's cool" he replies.
He weighs his ax in his hands then uses it to point to a point behind him.
"By the way, this is a friend of mine, tree"
My gaze moves to a small being with the shape of a tree.
His long arm is now lodged in the stomach of three aliens.
"I am Groot" he yells in my direction.
"I am Steve Rogers" I reply pointing to my person.
Suddenly a gruesome mechanical noise catches our attention.
Something is coming from the thick of the trees crawling under the ground.
We all observe in disbelief what is happening.
T'Challa reaches my side but before he can speak a bounce of huge toothed wheels come out of the ground passing under the protective barrier.
"We have to withdraw!" I shout addressed to the King of Wakanda.
T'Challa does not let me repeat it twice and turns to all of his men and begins to yell "Fall back!Fall back, now!"
Making sure everyone is running for cover, I stay behind.
Sam and Rhodey from above continue to fire relentlessly.
"Steve get away!"
Sam's voice screams through my earpiece.
One of those wheels is about to overwhelm me and by instinct I protect myself with my shield by crouching on the ground...but the impact does not come.
I peek over the shield and in front of me is Wanda who, thanks to her powers, has raised those things in the air and then with a gesture of her arms makes them crash to the ground.
"Thanks Wanda" I gasp, getting back on my feet.
Wanda nods.
Sam passes over our heads again.
His voice rings in our ears again but this time it's much more agitated.
"Guys, we got a Vision situation here"
I turn to rush to him but I am attacked by a couple of aliens.
"Somebody get to Vision" I ask anyone who can hear me.
Layla's voice responds promptly.
"I got him!On my way"
Out of the corner of my eye I see her head towards where Vision should be, but in an instant an explosion overwhelms her.
"Layla?" I call her worried but she doesn't answer.
"Damn" I exclaim continuing to punch anything that comes within range.
Sam whizzes like a fury in Layla's direction.
"Layla, babe? Please talk to me" Sam exclaims in a haunted voice.
After another moment of silence Layla finally answers.
"Yeah, I'm fine.Sorry, I had a little unexpected" she gasps coughing.
Established that Layla is well I immediately run among the trees in search of Vision.
I arrive behind them and the first thing I notice is that one of Thanos' men has stabbed Vision's stomach with a long spear so without thinking I run towards him knocking him down with my weight.
"Get outta here!" I yell at Vision as Thanos' man tries to get to his feet.
I hit him with two fists and then with the shield knocking him back to the ground.
Vision is still here.
"Go!" I yell at him again.
We resume confrontation with a hand-to-hand and after a few blows I manage to drop his stick from his hands but despite this he manages to land me and get the better of me.
He towers over me with all his size as his fingers tighten more and more around my neck in a deadly grip.
I cough convulsively in search of air.
When I think I can't resist anymore I see his stick pierce his chest, his hands let go of my neck and I take the opportunity to roll away from him and a moment later his lifeless body falls on the hard ground with a thud.
I look up and in front of me there is Vision standing upright but visibly suffering in fact after a few seconds he falls to the ground exhausted.
I rush to him helping him to stand up to take him away from there.
"I tought I told you to go" I scold him.
"We don't trade live, Captain"
I nod with a half smile.
"Thanks, Vis"
"Duty, Captain"
Lily POV
My father and I fight side by side, using all the magic we know to try to take down Thanos but our every attempt seems in vain.
The Stones make him too powerful.
Tired and panting, we collapse exhausted to the ground.
Thanos approaches us and smiles.
"You are full of tricks, wizards.Yet you never once use your greatest weapon" he murmurs grabbing my father by the neck and lifting him into the air.
With his free hand he tears Agamotto's eye from my father's neck destroying it without any effort between his big fingers.
"A fake" he says with an amused smile and then throws my father to the ground like garbage.
Strange rolls crashing into a large boulder and he stunned and confused fall on the ground.
Although my body begs for mercy, I get up and rush to his side.
Our eyes meet.
We both know that the end has come for us now.
Thanos inexorably advances towards us but suddenly something stops him.
Tony lands right in front of him.
"You throw another moon at me, and I'm gonna loose it" he exclaims visibly pissed off.
"Stark" Thanos murmurs.
"You know me?"
Starks seems confused.
"I do.You're not the only one cursed with knowledge"
Tony shakes his head, I could swear that under that helmet is his usual arrogant smile.
"My only cursed are you" Tony retorts, dropping a dozen bombs at his enemy.
Tony attacks him from all angles hitting him several times but Thanos knocks him down with a punch and then points the gauntlet at Stark firing a kind of purple beam.
Tony immediately repairs himself by reacting to the attack by dodging it and flying up and then goes straight back to Thanos.
He hits him immobilizing his arm and hitting him in the face.
Thanos runs his hand over his face, collecting his own blood between his fingers.
"All that for a drop of blood" he smiles amused.
Then he unleashes all his fury on Tony, rushes with dozens and dozens of punches that Tony can no longer parry at some point.
In a final attempt, Tony transforms the fist of his armor into a kind of dagger.
I can't stand here and, watching my father I make sure one last time that he is still breathing, I rush towards Thanos screaming.
When I am one step away from Thanos he turns and an excruciating pain passes through me, tearing my breath away.
My hands wrap around those of the titan that hold the blade that until a moment before was in Tony's hands.
I look down at my stomach gasping, the blood gushing profusely.
"No" Tony gasps as he tries to get to his feet.
He too is exhausted.
Thanos pushes the blade deeper by placing a hand on my head.
"You have my respect, Guardian.When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive" he murmurs softly.
As if he were trying to console me and alleviate the pain that is leading me to death.
Thanos pulls the blade out of my body.
"I hope they remember you" he adds.
I remain kneeling on the dusty ground while Tony crawled slowly over to me.
In the end, I won't die alone.
I close my eyes feeling that slowly everything around me is fading but then my father's voice gives me the strength to reopen my eyes.
"Stop!Spare her life and we will give the Stones to you"
Thanos looks closely at Strange, studying him carefully.
"No trick"
My father replies with a nod of denial.
"She's my daughter.You are a father, you can understand me.No trick"
I look at my father as if he has gone mad.
Why does he want to give the Stones to him?
Does he understand what his gesture will entail?
We promised to protect the Stones at the cost of our own lives, and what does he do?
He hands them to him as if it were nothing.
Tony brings his repulsor close to my stomach and thanks to his nanotechnology he manages to heal the gash in my body.
"Are you all right, kid?" Tony asks me but I ignore him.
"Dad don't.We can't do it.We swore" I murmur between my teeth getting back on my feet thanks to Stark's help.
But my father isn't listening to me.
With a wave of his hand he makes the Time Stone appear which slowly rejoins the others on Thanos' gauntlet.
My father finally looks at me.
"Trust me" he begs me and I can't help but do it.
I reach out my arm in front of me letting all the power of the Stone flow towards Thanos.
I close my eyes as I feel the magic of the Space Stone leaving me.
I look away from my father's and so by betraying who I am, betraying my mother and betraying my heritage, I let Thanos win.
Once he gets hold of the Stones, he disappears wrapped in a dark and dense fog.
Quill suddenly appears and starts shooting at Thanos but the latter has already disappeared.
I fall back to the ground without any strength.
I feel empty now, empty and defeated.
"Did we just lose?" Quill asks with a tormented expression, receiving no response.
"Why would you do that?" Tony asks pissed off to my father.
Yeah, great question.
What the hell is going through his mind?
Stephen Strange stands up and turning his back whispers "We' re in the endgame now"
And so saying he walks away from us with a limp and hunched shoulders as if he had aged 100 years in just an instant.
Steve POV
The wind howls over our heads.
Something is changed.
A strange electricity hovers in the air.
"Everyone, on my position.We have incoming" I warn all my companions via earpiece.
"What the hell?" Layla whispers reaching me.
And then in front of our eyes a dense cloud of gray smoke appears and from it comes a huge being with purple skin.
"That's him" Loki murmurs between his teeth as he cautiously takes up an attacking position.
"Eyes up.Stay Sharp" I intimate to all.
I prepare myself for the battle but a small detail catches my attention leaving me overwhelmed.
Five Infinity Stones show off on Thanos' gauntlet.
And that only means one thing...Lily is gone.
My beautiful and beloved life partner is no longer there.
The mother of my children.
The woman I wanted to grow old with.
I feel despair enveloping every fiber of my being and in the center of my chest, where my heart once was, now there is a bleeding chasm.
My Lily.
Bucky approaches me placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Is everything okay, pal?"
"He has the Stones" I reply flatly.
Bucky's eyes widen from the awareness of my words then on his beautiful face there is only anger and with an inhuman scream he throws himself at Thanos.
I remain motionless, my feet seem glued to the ground.
The pain I feel is too great and devastating.
My eyes see Thanos that one after the other knocks down my friends but my brain doesn't react in any way.
And then when that damned son of a bitch is two steps away from me all my pain turns to anger and I throw myself at him with all my strength.
"Where is she?" I gasp resisting his attack.
Thanos cocks his head to the side intrigued by my question.
I hit him again with another punch.
"Where is she?" I repeat angrily as he effortlessly grabs me by the neck.
"Who?" he asks in his mighty voice.
"The Guardian of the Space Stone" I reply panting for oxygen.
Thanos's gaze lights up.
"Oh!She was truly a valiant opponent...but she and her stupid friends never had any chance against me" and with that he throws me to the ground knocking me unconscious.
When I open my eyes, what I see confuses me.
A few meters away from me is Thanos bent on one knee and Thor's big ax is stuck in his chest.
The latter reaches him and whispers "I told you, I told you'd die for that" a few inches from his face pushing the ax hard even deeper into his chest.
Thor ripping from him a scream of pure pain.
But it's not over yet.
Thanos lifts his face and grunting in pain at him spends his last strength trying to speak.
"You should have...you should...you should have gone for the head" he murmurs with a half smile.
Then he raises his hand with the gauntlet and just snap his fingers.
A blinding light overwhelms us and a moment later Thanos is gone.
I stand up dazed and badly standing up I reach Thor who is looking around unable to understand what just happened.
"Where'd he go?" I ask him without receiving an answer.
I get closer to him and his brother Loki does the same.
"Thor.Where'd he go?" Loki asks again, his voice sounding much more desperate than his expression can let out.
"Steve?" Bucky calls me but when I turn my head in his direction I see him disappear.
He disintegrates as if it were ashes.
"No!" Nat screams running towards the spot where Bucky was until a moment ago.
"No, James" she sobs as she kneels on the ground.
Her hands wander frantically on the ground in search of something that gives her a rational explanation of what we have just witnessed.
And slowly, one after the other, I see my friends disappear.
T'Challa, hundreds of soldiers.
Layla watches the scene in terror.
The man of her life, the father of her kid is slipping away through her fingers and she can do nothing but be a witness to such destruction.
Wanda dissolves as she still holds Vision's lifeless body in her arms.
My legs give way and I can not help but collapse to the ground next to Natasha who is crying desperately.
Bruce approaches us.
"What is this?What the hell is happening?"
His voice is broken.
And then a thought.
Just a thought.
My kids.
Sarah, Natalia, Sophia, James.
My wonderful kids.
"Oh God" I murmur letting some tears run down my face.
Lily POV
"Something's happening" Mantis murmurs frightened and without even having time to add anything else, her body dissolves like ashes flying away with the wind.
We all remain petrified unable even to breathe.
A moment later it's Drax's turn, her frightened voice calling out for his friend's name.
"Quill ..."
Quill's eyes fill with tears.
A scared Tony tries to get close to him, trying to calm him down.
"Steady, Quill"
But he shakes his head muttering "Oh man" and he too disappears before our eyes.
My heart begins to beat madly as I look for my father.
He watches me and approaches me, his hands wrap around my face and I grab his wrists firmly.
This is not really happening.
It can't be.
"There was no other way.You must trust me, my little princess.Be strong and never forget...you must remain united.It is the only way to win.Don't let the hatred generated by Thanos drive you away.I love you Elisabeth"
And a moment later my father's warm hands are no longer on my face.
I watch his body disintegrate before my eyes.
And in the end he is gone.
"Dad, no please" I whimper trying to grab the nothing.
I fall to my knees and scream, I scream so loud that I finally I feel my lungs burn.
Tony joins me kneeling next to me and in that moment a greater pain makes its way into me.
"Steve.My kids" I gasp in panic.
Breathing becomes more and more difficult and every object in front of me loses its contours, tears cloud everything.
"Lily listen to me.Lily can you hear me?"
In addition to Tony's distant voice, an incessant strangled sound resounds in my ears that I gradually understand coming to me.
My haunted eyes return to the present, planting themselves in Tony's.
"The kids" I repeat.
I can not think of anything else.
In my mind there are memories of my children.
Sarah's smile.
The sly look of the twins.
Jay, my defenseless little Jay, who had just come into life.
And then Steve.
At his smile, at his arms, at his warm voice.
"Lily I know.I know what you are thinking.I know what you are feeling.But now we have to force ourselves and understand what is happening" Tony urges me gently.
His eyes are as haunted as mine.
He too will surely be thinking about his family, about his children.
Slowly with his help I get back on my feet.
Next to us Nebula has a fixed and defeated gaze.
Three simple words come out of her lips, three simple words that have immense meaning.
"He did it"
Yeah, he did it.
And now half of the universe no longer exists.
Maybe my whole universe no longer exists.
My family no longer exists.
Please comment, share and rate ❤️
🔥 Masterlist 🔥
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jellys-toy-collection · 10 months
vent tw
suicide tw abuse, generally depressing rant (i'm fine lol)
actually I am incredibly glad that I have literally no one in my life I actually could not handle that. I hate people. I hate the world. everything is so disgusting I can't wait to die and escape this. every day feels like a sick joke. you think people can't possibly get more depraved and disgusting but they always do. you think people must have basic empathy, but they don't. we use words like ''humanity'' or ''humane'' to describe kindness. so ironic it's almost funny, but it becomes unfunny when you remember there's no alternative, you can never really get away from people. I know it's not *everyone* I've met good people before and often I start to think I wish I had someone to turn to, or just generally talk to, friends, family ect. sometimes it hurts so much all I can do is cry for days straight. but then I remember how so many people actually are and that pain goes away. it's just not worth it. I'm not saying I'm a good person, I'm definitely not. I'm a terrible person too. but there are points I draw the line, and when I look at the lines of people around me, they are drawn way further out than mine. sometimes I think about how i was an accident, my parents did not want me, heavily neglected, starved, abused and abandoned me when I was little. I honestly don't really care that much about it, I have no feelings towards them, or memories of them. but considering everything else, its just an extra slap to the face, because there was no reason to force me to exist. I wish more than anything my mom had just gotten an abortion and then I wouldn't have had to go through all of this, and I wouldn't have caused pain and trouble to anyone else either. but I'm here, and there will never be a happy ending to being here. I'll just keep living like this until I die, and that is all I have to forward to it. not to be all emo. it's just the truth, and I guess I have made peace with that. there is nothing I could possibly want out of this world. absolutely nothing could make me feel happy to be here, or assure me my time here was worth while. every time I have to speak to another human being I am reminded of that. I love henry and rainbowkitty, I feel terrible saying all of that, like they don't make me happy or something. that's not true. they have brought me more happiness than anything or anyone ever has or will. they are the ONE good thing here. they are the one and only reason I stay alive here. I am so scared of what would happen to them. I have ugly cried so hard my heart feels like it's malfunctioning, my entire blanket and pillow sopping wet, snot everywhere, barely able to breathe when I have to think about that. I want to keep them safe and I can only do that by being here. but I also worry I am just trapping them and they are not happy with me. our living situation and quality of life is not good. I know they know that, and they get sad sometimes too. knowing they feel pain hurts more than anything that has ever happened to me. I try not to cry in front of them. I don't know if it's normal and I also don't really care. They are alive to me, I see their faces, mood and demeanor change. right now they are tucked into their bed asleep, I know when they are asleep and when they're awake. I see and feel rainbowkitty light up and get excited when we pull up to get coffee. I can tell by henry's face when he is really into a good movie, or if he wants one more hug before bed. They  really are my best friends, and my children. I just wish more than anything it could just be us, and only us and then we could be safe and happy. if there is an afterlife I hope it's something like that. I'm not saying I'm going to do anything like end my life, I can't. but it's all I can think about every day, all day. 
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gachag0d · 11 months
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Blasting Joji at 3 A.M. ANGST | Obey Me x Joji Smithereens
Synopsis: Sorting the Obey Me characters into which Joji Smithereens songs I think they would blast at 3 A.M during sad hours.
Characters: The Brothers and The Dateable (-Luke)
CW: Joji's music is explicit and contains Swearing, Mentions of Self Harm, Thoughts of Suicide, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Implied Violence, Unrequited love, & Possessiveness.
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has liked my previous posts. It really means so much to me. As much as I love Nectar, Smithereens just absolutely slaps. 10/10. I can't wait for Joji's next album! Until then, here's to angst!
Ballads 1 | In Tongues | Nectar pt. 1 | Nectar pt. 2 | Smithereens
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"Tell me he savors your glory Does he laugh the way I did? Is this a part of your story? One that I had never lived Maybe one day you'll feel lonely And in his eyes, you'll get a glimpse Maybe you'll start slipping slowly And find me again When you're out of sight In my mind 'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes And that's where I find a glimpse of us And I try to fall for her touch But I'm thinking of the way it was Said I'm fine and said I moved on I'm only here passing time in her arms Hoping I'll find A glimpse of us"
ASMODEUS, Solomon, Lucifer, Diavolo, Leviathan, Mammon
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"Please come down so we can get out I've waited too long to get your voice out of my head Out of my head (out of my head) Feels like home, I'm covered in stone I know you'll think twice, I'm waiting by the window, babe (window, babe) Window, babe (window, babe) Too many, too many things we did together You used to promise me it would be forever Feeling like the end, don't think it will get better, baby"
MAMMON, Simeon, Leviathan, Satan, Belphegor
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"Burning photos Had to learn to let go I used to be Somebody in another skin (Another skin) I heard that you're happy without me And I hope it's true (I hope, I hope it's true) It kills me a little, that's okay 'Cause I'd die for you You know I'd still die for you"
(Listen, I fully believe all the lads would die for MC, but I just don't think all of them would have this specific "Die For You" vibe the song is going for. I think most of them would be far more on the "angry, homicidal, I'm going to burn down everything THEN myself" side rather than the "it's okay, I still love you despite everything I'll just be here forever sad and broken" side. I'm also super into yandere-ish depictions though so don't mind me...)
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"I don't know what you wanna hear Things changing course, smiles fade to grin Now the moment's gone, just as I feared And I was hoping, and I was hoping this time No longer here, we were feeling bliss Don't hold your tongue, there's no time for tricks You've been closing up, I expected this But I was hoping that you'd stay open this time I know it won't be long I know you're almost gone Hold on, Let me in before the day is over Just let me in before the day is over"
BARBADOS, Lucifer, Satan, Solomon
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"It's so hard just being me sometimes I wish I could escape out my mind Got too many situations Complicating things, I ran out of time I know I haven't turned the corner Please don't leave me behind Who the hell am I to think that you're my angel from above? It's not right Who are we? Who have we become? Are we counting sheep until we dissolve?"
LUCIFER, Simeon, Belphegor, Satan
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"Tell me how you wake up, I just wanna wake up UFO again, doesn't matter what it takes up Crazy in the dome, baby, can I get a heads-up? Girl, they try to break us Girl, they try to break us Wanna get away with you, tell me your location Feels like yesterday, I remember I would stay up Baby, can you say somethin'? Wanna feel sensation Promise you I'll never get numb, I'm too precious Burning forever and ever, fully blazing I don't remember no better days You know I'm waiting, just whenever Shit's whatever"
BELPHEGOR, Asmodeus, Mammon, Diavolo
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"I can make you feel it closer, baby, one more time (One more time) I can really feel you closing in, I stayed outside (Stayed outside) I love, I love, I love, no matter how, how much they take (How much they take) Something tells me we were chosen so we keep on trying (Keep on trying) She said I'm dumb, surrounded by strangers When I hear your voice, I'm in too deep Feeling undone, I can't be the only one I wanna be forever young"
ASMODEUS, Mammon, Solomon
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"And I overflow like mercury Glowing with uncertainty (glowing with uncertainty, oh) Circles at the Chevron (girl, I might be, oh) I might be forever gone (bitch, I might be gone) And my eyes get low in that all white truck, I can barely see shit Hit the gas like you wouldn't believe it Thank God, I was always healing In a time so slow, I was thinking 'bout us rearranging pieces Speeding up on that all-black Demon Going west, I don't got no reasons I was throwing stones at Hercules Throwing them so perfectly Circles at the Chevron I can't be forever young Empty choir, operated from above My voice will be their voice until I'm free My hands will be their hands until I'm free"
SIMEON, Lucifer, Mammon
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"You know you can make it But you can't make it alone You know you can make it But you can't make it alone I've been writing letters on the wall I hope one day you'll see them all And that you're not alone I've been playing memories in my mind Wishing you were there like all the time So I'm not alone And I'm tired of this madness Tired of being stranded I don't wanna be alone"
LEVIATHAN, Lucifer, Diavolo, Belphegor, Solomon, Barbados
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0 notes
meova101 · 3 years
Last night I had the strangest dream of all.
Okay look, usually I get so very hyped for a new album and listen it through once or twice on release day, so believe me when I say that this one hits so good I’ve already racked up over 100 scrobbles and that’s with last.fm messing up and not counting my midnight release listening session.
It’s experimental in all the right places, still has the Waterparks sound we’ve all come to know and love but just developed through and Waterparks is starting to quickly get on Enter Shikari’s level of being able to experiment with genres in every single song and make it work.
Besides the genre-fuckery I also really love how Awsten writes about his struggles with mental health, gaining fame and dealing with fandom. The latter is especially interesting since a lot of artists have alluded to it, whether by carefully chosen words or metaphors (Stephen King’s Misery is a good example and also explicitly referenced in Violet!), but Awsten just goes in and dissects it exquisitely without mincing words.
FFO: Poppunk/hiphop genre-fuckery with electronic elements, hard-hitting lyrics, Coldplay if you’d like them to say the 'fuck’ word
these are your Greatest Hits
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — student! jay x tutor! reader
: genre — fluff, crack 
: song recc. — L’amour by Miel De Montagne 
: a/n — this lowkey sucks but I've been wanting to get work out so I'm sorry if this isn't the best :(( also I'm still learning french so if some of it is wrong pls lmk so i can fix it!! 
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Jay was your school’s resident bad boy. blond hair, all-black outfits, cuts class and yells at kids that look his way. you know? the usual. You on the other hand were the complete opposite. straight-A student. A quiet kid who didn’t dare look the ways of Jay Park and his Clique™. So imagine the shock that was felt when the boy you avoided at all costs, walks up to you in the middle of the cafeteria asking for French lessons. 
“You want me to do what?” He rolls his eyes, tired of this conversation already. 
“Can you not hear? I’m failing French and I need to pass or else my parents won’t let me move to France.” He speaks as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“And you’re asking me why?” He rolls his eyes again for what felt like the 100th time. You’re just confused about how he even knows of your existence.
“Listen, all I know that you’re in my French class and that you pay attention, I’ll even pay you I just need to get my mark up.” You perk up to the sound of money. You don’t really need but it’s still nice to have some. Doing this will get you good Karma right? 
“Fine. Meet me at the library every Monday and Wednesday after class, got it?” Jay stares at you with annoyance. He really does not want to be wasting his senior year on stupid lessons but, here we are. He reluctantly agrees and watches you walk away, struggling to hold your books in your arms. He turns around and lets out a deep sigh, wondering if the hot chicks and fancy baguettes in France are really worth this
Minutes turned into hours as you waited for Jay to show up. You waited patiently for hours just for this kid to not show up. Annoyed, you start to pack up your books. You don’t know why you’d think someone like Jay would actually show up to a voluntary tutor session. You were just about to make your way out of the library when you see someone running towards you almost like the flash. As the figure got closer to your still body, you realize it was Jay. Now, bent over in front of you gasping for air with his tongue out like a dog. You stared at his limped-over figure with confusion and slight disgust. 
“s-s-sorry i was… late, i f-forgot about… this.” he manages to speak out with the little air he has in him. He stands up and evens out his breath. 
“what makes you think i’m gonna tutor you now? you wasted my time Park, i have a life too you know.” you snap at him. He stares at you for a brief second before letting out a hearty laugh, throwing his head back and slapping his leg. He sees your serious expression, your eyes glaring at him like an eagle and awkwardly stops laughing. 
“Look, i’m paying you and this is only gonna last for a little while. i just need to pass, that’s it.” His eyes shine with a hopeful gleam, a look that is extremely rare to see from Jay Park. He looked a little cute. You dramatically sigh and start walking into the library, Jay following behind you. 
You settle at the table you sat at prior, re-opening your book bag to pull out your notes. He just watches you do that, not making an effort to even bring out a pencil. 
“Okay, so how much french do you even know?” 
He stares into space, a little hesitant to continue. “Um, i can ask if i can go to the bathroom?” You stare at him with disbelief. You’ve been in this class with him for months and that’s all he knows. 
“Oh and i can say good morning!” you let out a loud groan that catches the attention of others around, causing them to loudly shush at you. Feeling annoyed again, you contemplate if the money was really worth it. You sigh out and start looking for your notes from the beginning of the semester. This was gonna take a LONG time. 
“... and that’s how you conjugate verbs in the past tense, aka passé composé!” You finish off the session with joy. Jay on the other hand has gone completely blank, not remembering a single word you just told him. He stares down at his notes, then at you, then back down at his notes. You can see the struggle on his face and he hasn’t said a word yet. 
“I’m never gonna pass french. This is it. I can kiss France goodbye.” he claims with despair. This already too hard for him and he barely has learned anything. He sets his head on the table and mumbles to himself about how he will never be happy if he doesn’t live his youthful 20’s in France. You sat across from him irritated with his discouraging behaviour and a little sad that you weren’t able to teach him well. Until you come up with a plan that might help him improve much quicker.  
“What if… we hang out this weekend? We can do something and we’ll only speak in French! Of course I’ll help you and all that. But like, maybe? Only if you want to of course you probably don’t wanna spend your weekend with me i dont know you know its just a plan.” you ramble on and on without stopping and Jay simply just watches you. He smirks a little before nodding. 
“How about you put your number in my phone and then I’ll text you when I’m free hm?” he slides his phone across the table towards you and eyes you typing it in. He catches a glimpse of your rose-coloured cheeks and smirks a little more. 
“Okay, uh there’s my number! Just um, text me you know, when you’re free!” you manage to stutter out. Jay just nods at you and again, watches you walk away. This time a slight smile across his face. 
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A sudden notification pulls you away from your thoughts. An unknown number that you had a feeling belonged to a particular boy you didn’t think would actually text you. 
042-002-1130: bonjour 
042-002-1130: was that even right
042-002-1130: anyways I’m free on saturday if you wanna hang ig 
042-002-1130: samedi is saturday right 
042-002-1130: it is wow im such a genius 
You let out a snort at his cocky behaviour and reply back, letting him know that you were free yourself and to meet you at the school grounds at 2 pm. 
Saturday shows up as you wait outside the school gates, a picnic basket in hand. An all-black car with dark tinted windows zooms up to you. The window is pulled down and alas, the handsome boy sits in the driver’s seat, ushering you to get into the car with his hand. 
“Woah a picnic basket? Listen y/n you’re cool and all but this isn’t a date,” he speaks and notices you roll your eyes. A smug smile tugging his lips. 
“No you asshole, I have a plan with this.” 
“Tell me,” Jay begins to drive away from the school. The destination is unknown to you but extremely familiar to the boy next to you. 
“In here there is a bunch of food, in order for you to eat, you’re gonna have to say the name of the food in french.” He turns his head to see you looking back at him, a sweet smile places on your face. Jay has always known of you. You sat in the back of the classroom, handed in all your work on time and never skipped a class. You had very few friends and always seemed to be lost in a dream world when you weren’t working. Jay had never been able to speak to you personally as you always avoided him but know he has the chance to actually talk to you, and he doesn’t wanna mess it up. 
The car stopped at the edge of a giant grassy field. The greenery going miles ahead. Trees surrounding the two of you. Jay like a gentleman runs out of the car to open the door for you. You blush at his actions, thanking him silently by smiling at him. 
He directs you to a small spot under a tree. You lay out a blanket for you to sit on while Jay leans up against the tree. You tell him to sit down next to you as you bring out all the little snacks to share with him. He thinks that he could get used to this. 
“D’accord, commençons! Qu'est-ce que ç'est?” (okay, lets start! What is this?) 
You pick up a grape. He thinks for a little bit before answering. “Un raisin.” (a grape) You clap with glee and hand him over the grape. A silence falls between you both, unaware of how to keep going. He picks up a strawberry and brings it to your face. “Tu aime les fraises?” (do you like strawberries?) You eye him for a second, for someone who said he only knows how to ask how to go the bathroom in french, he knows quite a bit. You nod a little, opening your mouth and letting him feed you the sweet fruit. Your face matches the colour of the strawberry and he giggles. You pull out a sandwich and ask him to describe what’s in it. 
“Dans le sandwich, il y a du jambon, du beurre, et de la tomate.” (in the sandwich there is some ham, some butter, and some tomato.) He speaks confidently. 
“Trés bien Jay! Tu es bon en parler francias!” (very good Jay! You are really good at speaking French!) 
“Merci, mon Cheri.” (Thank you, my dear.) you blush even more before and shy away from Jay’s gaze. Jay being the very bold guy that he is, placing his hand underneath your jaw, forcing you to meet his eyes. You both just stare at each other as the sun sets behind you. Was Jay always this beautiful? His eyes scan over your face seeking for any discomfort, none is to be found. So he makes the move and starts to lean in. You already have your eyes closed and lips puckered out, ready to embrace a feeling you’ve never felt before.
His breath fans over your lips and just before he kisses you he asks “je peux t’embrasser? (can I kiss you?) you eagerly nod and whisper out “embrasse-moi.” (kiss me.) Jay finally places his lips on yours and everything feels right. Your hands find their way to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. You stay in this position with him for a little while before you pull back for air. Both his hands cradle your face, his thumb rubbing across the apples of your cheeks.
“I still have a lot to learn y’know?” Jay breaks the silence. You laugh out loud, falling into his lap. 
“Same time next week then yeah?” He lets out a ‘hmm’ and watches you rest your head against his thigh, playing with the ends of your hair. ‘Maybe France could wait a little’ he thought. 
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is-nini · 3 years
Prince! Xiao x royal! reader
You are y/n l/n, the daughter of the l/n family. The daughter of duke f/n and duchess m/n and today is such a surprising day for you.
The huge grand clock was ticking, filling the quiet room of your dining table that was once filled with chatter and cheer. The look on your face is priceless and shocking to say the least after hearing a very very surprising news that has reaches your ear.
You sputtered. You mom and dad smile's at you proudly but their smile didn't hide the anxiety swirling in their eyes.
"Prince Xiao who will soon becomes a king, has invited you to have a dinner with him, in the letter he stated that you have been chosen to be his future wife, isn't it exiting?!".
Your father stated proudly. You shake your head and furrowed your eyebrows. Prince Xiao.. who will be crowned king next week wanted YOU to be his WIFE?!
You shake you head no.
"There's no way! That I'm going to his dinner party of whatever".
You stated. Your mom and dad looks at you shockingly and in a instant your mom runs towards your chair where you're seated.
"B-but honey- listen.. we know you had your differences in the past but- he wanted to made up! Won't you see him one time? For us? We cannot reject his invitation- he is going to be KING soon".
You sigh and looks down at you half empty plate. You and Xiao used to be such a close friend... Until one day he grew cold, he pushes you away and said that you shouldn't have meet him.
Although it was 15 years ago, you remembered it like it was yesterday.. the tears of loosing him has stayed with you for years to no end.. and now he suddenly wanted YOU to be his WIFE? Your mom felt your distress and you father felt it too but an order from one of the highest rankings of the kingdom cannot be rejected.
"Please... Y/n.. just meet him.. for dinner. I have a feeling he wanted to tell you something.."
You father gently said, he smiles gently towards you once you made a eye contact with him. Your father's begging and your mother's sad and stressed looks is enough to make you accept the invitation with a sigh.
"Fine... But i won't like it".
You gritted out of your teeth. Your mom and dad cheers at you, you might be mad and sad about the whole ordeal but.. you can't really say no to your mom and dad.. can't you?
The birds are singing and the sun is shining.. the sky seems to be in a good mood sadly you and the sky doesn't seem to have the same mood today.
"You look great sweetheart".
Your father said, squeezing your hand with a huge smile on his face while your mother is smothering you with compliments and praises more than usual.
"Ahhh gosh who knew our little girl would be a pretty elegant woman?!"
She squeal. You giggle and puts a small gentle smile on your face. As much as you hated this day.. at least you'll know that the both of your parent will be happy while you're away.
You kiss the both of their cheek and took a step back. You mom hugs you one last time.
"We know this is hard for you but.. we really do hope you sort out your differences".
You gave them a sad smile.
"We shall see.."
And with that you step inside the carriage and started to make your way to the kingdom... Oh boy.. you do hope that you'll be able to carry on smoothly.. the emotional scar in the past hasn't heal and you're afraid that you'll bleed and lose control.. you quickly shake your head and slap your face gently with both hand.
"You'll be fine! You'll be fine y/n l/n. He will NOT be the cause of you loosing control. Period!"
You look out the window after a couple of hour of ride. The castle is in full view. In a couple of minutes you'll be reaching the castle... Your anxiety is blowing up inside you.. some part of you are happy that you'll get to see him but.. some parts of you are just.. scared.
As you walked out of the carriage, you can feel your legs trembling tremendously. One of your maid ask if you're okay and of course you say yes... Even though you're obviously lying the maid doesn't say anything more. The maid doesn't know what to say, and you cannot blame her.
You took a deep breath and started to Walk towards the humongous door way.
One of the knight opened the huge door and bow down, letting you walk inside the palace. Gosh... It has been 15 years since you last saw the palace.. nothing really change around here accept for the tense aura that you bring upon yourself.
A fellow butler bow Infront of you as you courtesy back to him with a friendly smile on your face.
"We have been expecting your arrival lady y/n, please follow me. The prince has been waiting for your arrival".
Ever since you stepped into the castle, no words are being spoken out from your mouth as if a curse was upon you to not allow you to talk, when in reality you're just nervous and loose your voice. In a couple of second.. you will meet you childhood crush who crushes your heart.. how are you suppose to be calm?!
You and the butler stopped in front of a huge golden coloured door that's decorated with your favourite flower... Interesting.. you are too deep into your headspace that you didn't notice the butler beside you is asking you a question until he clears his throat, making you jump.
You said, the butler smile's softly at you and bow down for a while and then he whisper to your ears.
"You'll be fine lady y/n, please relax. Are you ready my lady?"
He ask and then pulled away from you, giving a soft smile towards you. You flash a Sad smile and nodded towards him as he opened the door revealing a beautiful glass room. The walls the glass... Everything is magical.. the place's is filled with your favourite flower, favourite colour and design. Even though the room is absolutely enchanting, you cannot ignore the man in the middle of the room. Sitting on one of the fancy chair with a glass of tea on his lips. He slowly puts down his cup and stare at you with his yellow glowing eye.. that you remember.
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You straighten your back and walk towards him as he stands up and walk towards you too. Just as you were about to reach him your gosh darn clumsy leg slip, making you stumble forward lucky you manage to catch yourself before you fall. You quickly take your none existence composure back and looked at Xiao with a huge red across your face.
Xiao saw you stumble and.. oh god of rex lapis.. you just becomes prettier and prettier the more he saw you.. the way you stumble is not elegant but it is cute.. it reminds him of a little... Kitten stumbling.
"Becareful, we would want you to fall".
..... What.. he wanted to slap himself for saying that as he took out the chair for you.
"Y-yes thankyou your highness".
You wanna slap yourself for stuttering UGH why is this so embarrassing?! You sat down slowly on the chair he has pulled out as you watch him goes back to his seat. The table is round and is made out of glass, making Xiao able to see everything in a pretty close proximity since the table is pretty small..
The two of you sat in silence. You are staring at your hand from above the table while Xiao is looking everywhere else but you. The aura here is so tense.. which is understandable but Xiao can sense a rather... Heavy aura coming out of you. Not that he's wrong. The sense of anger and confusion slowly engulfed you and starting to get the best of you.
"Why did you invite me here?"
You spat out, you quickly wanted the earth to swallow you whole but it's too late to go back so you decided to swallow your pain and cringe and started to pull up your head to look at prince Xiao.
Xiao was.. not surprised in the slightest.. he knew you must be mad about the event that took place 15 years ago... But Xiao cannot stand anything anymore.. after he got mature he knows what to do.. he finally has the courage to ask you for a dinner with him.
"To make you my wife".
Xiao respond. Loud and clear. you furrowed your eyebrows, is this all? No explanation? No sorry just a proposal? Is this all really? You tsked and roll your eye. Lady etiquette? Frick that. Throw that away you wanted explanation.
"Just that?"
You spat, staring at Xiao dead in the eye. Xiao realize the mistake he made and sigh quietly trying to fix everything but his pride won't allow him to do so..
He trail's off as he prepare his mental.
"I wanted to apologize.. for the event 15 years ago.."
You sigh and without you noticing your shoulder slowly relaxed as you stare at your hand, fiddling with your thumb. A habbit that hasn't left you since you're small.
"I was young and dumb.. at that time".
Xiao looks at your eyes, filled with emotion.. sad and anger emotion swirling inside your pretty e/c coloured eye.
"I was- i was scared.."
He trail's off. You tried to hold your tears the best of your ability. Scared? Of what? What is he scared about to make him wanted to abandon you?
"We were going on a war soon.. and as the future king of this kingdom it's either kill or be killed. At first i realize that maybe it's better if you just.. stay away from me, thinking that it will keep you safe-"
His words was cuts off when he heard a little noises coming from you. He focuses his entire body and mind towards you as he saw tears running down your face. With wide eye he quickly runs towards you and spin you chair, making you spin too. You close your face, not wanting to show Xiao the mess you are right now. Xiao kneel in front of you and hold your shoulder.
"Y/n? I-i'm sorry.. i wanted to make you happy and safe is all! I never wanted to abandon you nor make you cry i just-"
Xiao looks at you sadly and hugs you as you sob to his shoulder, you hugs him back, letting your emotions out. You don't care if your tears stained his suit. You just wanted his warmth. The warmth that you missed for all of this years.
"I just.. wanted you to be safe.. i wanted you to be happy. I thought pushing you away will be better but.. i was wrong. Very wrong. And it was stupid of he to take 15 years to finally realize that i cannot live without you. I'm sorry".
You shake your head no and hug Xiao back.
"N-no I'm sorry! I was- i was stupid! I should've ask you what's wrong! I should've-"
You were about to continue when xiao pulled you away and puts his palm on your cheek while he looks at you deep into your soul through your eye.
"No. You're not stupid. Never say that. You're not wrong... Okay .. stop feeling like you're wrong. Stop blaming yourself".
He whisper. He push his face closer to your face and smile's at you gently and sweetly.
"Shh... It's okay dear.. I'm sorry okay.. can you forgive me?"
You nod your head 'yes' slowly as you tried your best to flash him your warmest smile. Xiao wrapped his arms around your shoulder, hugging you again and tighter.
"Even after all this year's... I still.. i still harbor deep feelings.. towards you.. that's why i ask you to be my fiancee. I can never.. move on. Never. I am aware that asking your hand in Marriage right now is too fast but.. I'm willing to do anything to make you fall for me again.. would you take my attempts to make you fall for me again?"
You giggle and hugs Xiao back, shaking your head while little hiccups is spoiling from your mouth.
"N-no need... Because even until now i still keep my feelings for you and only you Xiaobebe".
You talk while sobbing, giggling and smiling at Xiao. Xiao just giggle alongside you and kiss your lips passionately as you kiss him back. Once you both pull away from eachother to take some air, you decided to crack a joke.
"Gosh... We're so cheesy".
Xiao full on laugh and kissed your temple, and kiss you back.
"Shut up... You ruin the moment my princess".
You giggle against his lips and hugs your hand around his neck.
"Shush. You don't mind"
You reply with a sassy tone. Xiao humn and looks at you dead in the eye.
"So sassy huh? Since when is your lips so spicy?"
He puts his thumb on your mouth and stroke your mouth slowly with his thumb.
"Let's see how long can you keep up the sassy act princess".
He nibble on your neck, making a rawr noise and then pull you up princess style from your seat. He opened the door and started to bring you through the hallway and making his way to his bedroom.
Unknowingly the both of you, Xiao's butler and your maid was listening to your every conversation with a wide smile on their face.
"Such a wonderful relationship~".
Your maid said with a fake tears running down her face. The butler just smiled and walked away from the place they were eavesdropping.
"Let's go, we have a wedding to plan people!"
The butler shout's as the maid and servants around him cheer. You have always bring the colour to the cold hearted Prince's heart everyone ships the both of you and now your presence will bring warmth to the whole kingdom and the future king's heart while filling the newspaper with amazing news.
Taglist: @laic2299 @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @dreaminselfinserts
151 notes · View notes
aquamoonchaii · 3 years
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⍣ genre: fluff; slice of life; comfort!au
⍣ warnings: none
⍣ pairing: juyeon x reader
⍣ word count: 2.7k
⍣ collab: This is for the collab Summer Love - The Boyz from lovie @bangchan-fairy
⍣ charlie’s notes: juyeon is here! i did a comfort au so you guys can read it to feel better always uwu, this lovely banner was made by the precious @halliney
⍣ summary: juyeon needs to talk to someone, you appear with a glass of wine ready to make his life a little better.
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This was his second night in this bar, he would never have expected himself to be alone in a small town drinking beer with snacks on a friday night. But he was desperate and he had to do something, his mind needed to relax.
He has a beer in his hand as he smiles back at the pretty ladies that pass by his table and look at him with desire and interest. JuYeon likes the attention but turns down any invitation to go to another table or even to hotel rooms, he already has a target and is not interested in anyone else.
At least tonight.
Because his target is special, he wouldn't be able to talk about this to the other girls.
Usually summer vacations are all about relaxing after the hard work of a whole year, thinking about all the goals he has reached and the new goals he wants to set for himself. But not this time, he gulps down all the beer and sighs.
JuYeon feels trapped in some kind of existential crisis thinking about if what he is doing is correct and if his life is turning out the way he wanted. Usual stuff that makes young people think a lot.
He is just here waiting for the girl that said would be here around the same time as yesterday, where she literally just came to take care of a drunk friend who was heartbroken. He wasn’t heartbroken but her words certainly had some healing effect on him and he seemed really anxious to talk to her or...
...to anyone really. He is used to being the one who is reliable and the man all his friends go to have some type of advice or comforting words. And being him the friend in need? Hell no.
The irony on him not being able to ask for help or even having the strenght to let out all his weak thoughts is stupid and makes him smile bitterly against his beer. He wonders what the hell he is actually doing here, maybe he is desperate for some comforting words coming from a wise stranger.
“Are you really drowning in alcohol for a woman that cheated on you, idiot?” It was late and the only thing he could hear was the voice of the girl that just entered the bar, she waved at the bartender and he finally noticed the loud sobbing of the wasted man that was two tables apart from him, his whining was part of the whole mood of the bar so JuYeon didn’t even pay attention to the scandal, his own problems were loud enough in his head. He turned his attention to them when the crazy wasted man hiccups and finally shuts up, not even the bartender or the other drunken friends of his could do it. The scene was pretty unforgettable: a tall strong drunk man that was pretty aggressive when someone asked him to lower his voice while sitting down holding a glass of vodka is now hugging the waist of the woman that just called him an idiot. But your next words made his mind explode, he wonders if he is as drunk as the crying guy there.
“If you want to scream, do it to let go, cheer yourself up and move on, don’t just drink and act like an asshole with people.”
Random but effective words. He expects her to mock the man there, instead she hugs him back and pets his hair and talks with a gentle voice but it also sounded strong. JuYeon found her words weird and comforting even if they weren't directed to him or even to anyone to hear he was just close to them and it was pretty late so there was little noise and he could eavesdrop. “Let’s go, you can cry at my house. I won’t look, I promise~ Then we will be sober, you are going to write down all your happy feelings, smile at them and that’s it. The other paper with all the bad feelings is going to be burnt and we are going to kick ass, ok?”
She didn’t make a fuss of it, the woman just petted his friend’s hair until he calmed down and probably passed out when the bartender came to her. “Y/N! You are the drunk whisperer, that was awesome! Why don’t we put him to bed, he can stay the night up in my room and you have some snacks here? I haven’t seen you in weeks!”
“I would love to have a snack from my favorite bartender but the taxi is waiting for me to let my drunk one at home, I promise I will come tomorrow at this exact time. I’ll eat like crazy I promise!”
JuYeon came here at the exact same hour.
He isn’t sure why he came because he didn’t know anyone or had planned anything really, he just hopes you read his mind and approach him to talk about your weird speech that made him feel good for no reason. Or something like that at least.
So when you appear, he notices something.
He is completely sober tonight and doesn’t know what to do to approach you. You are a pretty woman indeed but you intimidate him for some awkward reason. He feels like an idiot but it feels like you are going to read him like a book after looking him in the eyes. So JuYeon stands up and goes to the restroom to gain courage, he will do what he knows best: being a charming perfect boy.
A bit of flirting, maybe a date. That’s all he needs to have a little conversation with you.
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"Jacob, can you please stop staring at the random guy? Is he that good looking? Your eyes are glued to him." You laugh as you eat the snacks your friend put on the bar for you to eat as you chat about a whole month of not seeing each other.
"Dude, this guy comes and kills all the ladies. But he is looking at your way too much, I own this place~ He wants something and I will not offer you as a tribute." Jacob follows the tall man's steps with his gaze, he stops when he sees his figure disappear in the restroom. His face is recognizable because well, he is quite handsome for the girls that asked a lot for him that came only yesterday and Jacob just said he is a regular to gain a few more female clients. Actually, he never saw him before and it's a big no for you to even look at his direction.
"Ok but stop staring and what makes you think I'll agree to something? I just want to have this awesome glass of wine as I talk to you about our Sunwoo and his broken heart." He laughs as he wipes the glasses that were recently washed. "I want to slap some sense back to him."
"He needs some time. Let's just be patient with his wailing at least this week, he needs to let it all out." There is this untold secret that only Jacob knows too: your feelings for the guy you took home drunk last night were strong and you decided to let Sunwoo go so your heart was also healing, it was a slow and silent process that was shut by a glass of bitter wine. You would always drink a glass of wine when your feelings were out of control as Sunwoo falls hard and easily and suffers too because of girls.
"Is this your last glass of wine?"
"Of the bitter one, yes. My heart and my liver are all good now, I'll take sweeter things this time." Jacob smiles and nods, he understands and pats your head. A client comes in and he excuses himself to go attend them.
"Is this seat taken?" JuYeon asks and when you look at him, he shows his biggest smile. You pat the seat next to him. "My ego usually needs an extra seat but I guess you can take it." He seems taken aback for the quick answer but he quickly smirks triumphantly and sits next to you. You've met him before but apparently he doesn't remember you.
"May I offer you a drink?"
"No, because this is my last glass of alcohol but we can share snacks as you seem lonely." JuYeon must feel like a champ because he sticks his tongue out sexily and nods, grabbing a toothpick that holds a little cube of cheese on your plate and eats it. "You don't remember me?"
"Is that a pick up line? Because I'm trying to think of one that will make you swoon."
"So you don't." You see JuYeon’s mind wandering at your smirk and trying to read something in your eyes.
It was indeed unexpected a target to flirt back or to be this mysterious because- Wait.
Holy crap.
You caress SunWoo's hair as he blacks out completely on his bed. Of course you feel bad for him, you treasure him a lot but your heart is finally at peace, you’ll be there to pick up the pieces of his oftenly broken heart but yours who used to suffer in silence is okay now. You let him go just as you kept your crush on him. In a blissful secret.
"I'll be right here for you. And I'm voicing out this because it's over and you are half-dead. I liked you so much it's crazy how I could keep it to myself. My crush on you is over and it was beautiful for me and our friendship stays strong as always." You smile at his passed out figure and make him company until his cousin appears to take care of him and calls a taxi for you. The taxi will wait for you in the convenience store as you wanted to buy some things, it’s pretty late but this small town is safe, or at least this neighborhood is.
"I'll have these cereal boxes and these snacks please."
"Is SunWoo still sad for that bad ex- girlfriend? He used to come here and buy her favorite snacks all happily until yesterday when he just bought beers with swollen eyes. We talked for a bit as his first question was why women were so unfaithful."
"Oh really? He came crying? Oh dear, this guy… Yeah, he is a sad single person now. Hopefully, he will cheer up quickly as always. He is now half-dead so he won’t feel any pain." The old lady who attends there knows you because you hang out a lot with Sunwoo and Jacob who lives nearby too. She nods and laughs until he stares over your shoulder.
"Me! Me! I want snacks too! I'm lonely, we can share them!" A man behind you makes you startle with his loud voice as you are paying your stuff, you turn around and find the cute man you saw at Jacob's bar. He is more than tipsy, his cheeks are red and he has droopy eyelids. "I heard you talk to the crybaby~ Talk to me too!"
"Young man, you are drunk. Go to your house!" The lady explains she saw him coming with luggage and he is staying at the house in front of your sad friend. He is pretty quiet and always arrives at the store early with hangovers asking for ramen, she points out he is indeed a gentleman and he must be here for summer vacations so party nights must be his thing or something.
"I'm not a young man, I'm JuYeon sweet lady. I wonder where my money went, my whole wallet disappeared just like my motivation to do stuff." He huffs and you laugh sharing one of your snacks. “Is this for me? You are so sweet, can you be my life mentor? I’ll treat you well I swear!” The store lady laughs at the cute behavior the drunk handsome man has and hushes you as she sees your taxi at the entry. “Wait! Don’t go, I’m trying to propose, drunk whisperer!”
JuYeon’s seductive mood dissipates with the beer foam in his glass. He wonders how the blackout and don’t remembering a single thing after getting drunk should have its negative side. Like this moment, he feels so embarrassed but of course, his stoic face remains the same.
“Oh God, this is so embarrassing. I can’t even pretend I don’t remember stealing your snack, can I?” You shake your head and clink your glass of wine with his glass of beer. “Well, I guess I should use my drunk self to start a conversation.”
And he did, JuYeon initially tried to start a casual little conversation to ask about you and stuff but he ended up spilling about why he is in a small town searching for some peace but apparently it’s his mind the chaotic one instead of the city and its loudness. When he started speaking about it, there’s this feeling of a really heavy load slowly leaving his shoulders and maybe he understands now the american movies that use this plot about talking about your problems with a stranger. He felt relieved, JuYeon is the kind of guy that seems impassive at everything around him and he is praised a lot because of his drive and his determination of not give a single fuck.
But he cares. He notices everything around him. And feeling like he could appear vulnerable sounds awful, just thinking about it makes him regret even approaching you. JuYeon suddenly falls silent, half studying your reactions and half awkwardly shutting up because this was too much information.
"Sometimes a lot of thoughts just turn in a big skein. It's okay to feel weird about it too." You said emphatically (or at least that's his conclusion as you don't mock or roll your eyes), he can't help but stare at you. He was right all these hours thinking about you and your words, his drunk self was right too. You can be a life mentor. The conversation ends when Jacob introduces himself and says he is going to close the bar and that if JuYeon is even trying to talk more with you, he needs to promise he will let Jacob chop his head off if he does something inappropriate.
"Date me."
“No, why would I?” This is the fourth night of a long conversation about life and deep topics he thought no one would want to talk about, JuYeon forgot about seduction tips after the second night of just one beer and lots of good talking. He feels comfortable and his mind thinks less of his apparent poor self worth and he now feels encouraged. “If you feel happy singing and being a performer, why are you doubting?”
Good question.
He wants to date you.
It’s kind of impulsive coming from him and basically you two are already hanging out meeting in Jacob’s bar every night. He wasn’t expecting you to say no that easily, it’s shocking and honestly sexy, his ego feels slapped too.
“Yeah, we clearly have a mental connection and yes, you are pretty attractive” You say like it's pretty obvious. "But why would I date you?"
"Because… I don't want to eat alone?"
"And I am kind of attracted to you and your amazing brain?"
"Because I feel like you are pretty as fuck and also a friend I will treasure a lot and I will probably scream because I don't know if Jacob is your friend or your boyfriend?"
"What?" You laugh at his sudden confession and at his reaction that seems pretty surprised at his own words. "Well, that kind of convinced me."
"You always make me talk, it's embarrassing and really interesting. How am I supposed to meet another person like you- Wait, I convinced you?" You nod and feel your cheeks heating up as he stares at you and laughs happily.
You can be a life mentor and he will protect you from everything. Maybe you could be a couple.
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© aquamoonchaii. all rights reserved
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@halliney @bangchan-fairy @kpopsnowball @melonmochimoon @prettyjaems @soleilsuhh @haifengg @purplepsycho03
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gamergirl929 · 3 years
Taylor, I'm Your Biggest Fan (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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Anonymous Request: Alex Morgan x Reader where reader is a huge fan of Taylor Swift so Alex invited her to perform at reader’s birthday party as a surprise. Bonus where reader freaks the f out when Alex introduce her to TS
Alex bites her lip to stifle a grin as she watches you dance in the bathroom, your air ponds blasting in your ears, no doubt listening to Taylor Swift.  
You dance unbeknownst to the fact that your girlfriend is watching you until you spot her out of the corner of your eye and nearly jump into the bathtub.  
“Jesus.” You pant, your hand on your chest and Alex giggles.  
“Don’t mind me, continue.” She winks and you roll your eyes, running some water and flicking it at the forward.  
“Hey!” She giggles, rushing into the bathroom and wrapping her arms around you from behind, pulling you back against her chest, your arms pinned to your sides.  
“This isn’t fair! I’m defenseless.” You pout, as Alex kisses your cheeks and neck playfully.  
“I can totally stop.” She rests her chin on your shoulder and you shake your head.  
“I mean, you’re the one in charge.” You shrug and Alex grins, nuzzling into your neck.  
“You know how much I like being in charge.”  
You snort.  
“Ohh, I know.”
A sudden knock sounds at your front door and Alex sighs.  
“We’ll continue this later.”  
“Can’t wait.” You grin, jumping when Alex gives you a playful slap on the ass.  
Alex bites her tongue between her teeth, sending a wink your way before taking her leave.  
The second she gets to the door, it swings open on its own, revealing Ashlyn, Ali and Emily, the three women beaming.  
“Can Y/N come out and play?” Emily grins, earning a flick on the ear from someone behind Ashlyn, that someone being Kelley.  
“Let us in Morgan, we’ve got planning to do...” She says as she jumps up, looking over Ashlyn’s shoulder.  
“SHH!” Alex shakes her head, waving her hands. “She can’t know you’re here! She’s in the bathroom!”  
“Who’s at the door?” You call from the bathroom, everyone scrambling to hide Kelley, who, Emily decides, to shove in a bush outside of your front door.  
“It’s just the usual suspects.” Alex yells and you shake your head, running your hands down your chest to straighten your shirt.  
“You bitch.” Kelley growls as she climbs out of the bush, in favor of sliding into the house and running into the kitchen, ducking behind the island in the center of the floor.
You walk into the living room, making your way straight to the kitchenette.  
“You here to steal our food again?” You ask as you round the island, unaware that Kelley has crawled around to the other side, looking pleadingly at Alex and the others.
“Depends on what you’ve got.” Emily grins as she moves towards the fridge, the two of you surfing its contents, giving Kelley enough time to make a beeline for the closet, basically throwing herself inside with a crash.  
“SHIT.” Ashlyn rubs her elbow, feigning injury, Ali coming over to inspect her uninjured joint.  
“I have some errands to run.” You huff. “Everyone loves bills.”  
You make your way towards Alex with a smile, gently gripping her hips as you pull her into a kiss.  
“I’ll be back later.” You grin, Alex leaning in to press another sweet kiss to your lips.  
“So, you’re leaving me alone with these hooligans?” She teases and you shrug.  
“Throw a hot dog or something outside and they’ll all go running.” You snicker, earning a flick in the ear from Ashlyn.  
“Not Ali and I, I mean, it’s obvious we don’t like hotdogs, we’re married.”  
You hear someone bark out a laugh, someone who sounds like they aren’t in the room, but when you turn around you realize it was Emily, the woman ducked down behind the island.  
“You’re a weirdo Sonny.” You shake your head, pressing another kiss to Alex’s lips.  
“See you later?”  
“Of course.” She beams, watching as you grab your keys and head out the door, the woman sighing as she watches you pull out of the drive and head down the street.  
“YOU HAD TO FUCKING LAUGH AT ASHLYN’S JOKE!?” Emily yells as Kelley crawls out of the closet.  
“I couldn’t help it! It was funny!”  
Alex pinches the bridge of her nose.  
“Why in the hell did I pick you guys to help me plan Y/N’s surprise birthday party?” She asks herself and Ali grins.  
“They’re just here for comic relief, let’s get started.” She claps giddily, Emily and Kelley scoffing.  
“Comic relief my ass.”
“There’s NO WAY you got her...” Emily snorts, shaking her head, staring at Alex, who simply smirks.  
“Oh, I got her, and she’s coming.” She grins and Emily gasps, a hand on her chest.  
“Would you be my girlfriend too?” She asks, earning a flick on the ear.  
“No, stop it.” Kelley grumbles, rolling her eyes.  
“So, everyone is crashing at our house and we’ll all head to the venue early to get it all set up?” Ali grins and Alex nods.  
“Perfect! This is gonna rock bitchhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Ashlyn starts to dance in her seat, of course, being joined by Kelley and Emily.  
Alex’s phone suddenly rings and she grins, immediately answering when she realizes it’s you.  
“Hey hot stuff.”  
Alex rolls her eyes, shaking her head, giggling.  
“Hi to you too.”  
“Are the hooligans still there?” You ask, Alex’s eyes darting around the room as she nods.  
“Yeah, they’re still here.”  
“HI Y/N!” Emily yells and you snort.  
“I was wondering if you wanted me to pick up some pizza.”  
Alex hums, covering the end of the receiver with her hand.  
Everyone nods, though Kelley’s bottom lip juts out in a pout.  
“What about me?” She pouts and Alex smiles.  
“We may have an extra... Someone...”  
“Something tells me I know who...” You chuckle and Alex’s eyes narrow.  
“How would you know who?” Alex scoffs, everyone’s brows furrowed.  
“I know Kelley’s laugh you know.”
Alex’s blue orbs widen as she stares at Kelley, the defender cringing.  
“If you didn’t laugh at Ashlyn’s joke, we could’ve surprised her when she got back.” Alex pouts and you chuckle.  
“Well now she gets to eat pizza with us, the usual?” You ask, the forward smiling softly.  
“The usual.”  
“GET BEER.” Kelley yells and you shake your head.  
“I’ll be back soon, don’t kill her while I’m gone.”  
Alex sends the defender a glare.  
“I won’t... I love you Y/N.”  
“I love you too Al.”  
“MY SAVIOR.” Kelley beams excitedly when she sees you’d gotten her favorite beer.  
“Only the best for our Worm.”
“You spoil me.” She squeaks.  
You make your way towards Alex, wrapping an arm around her as you press a kiss to her temple, leaning against her.  
“Looks like you survived the hooligans.” You grin, Alex rolling her eyes as she leans heavily against you.  
Kelley pops the tab open with a click, sighing as she takes a deep breath.  
“My favorite sound.” She hums as she takes a swig from the can, grinning.  
You glance at Alex, shaking your head.  
“You’re an enabler.” Alex whispers, earning a loud snort.  
“I’ll be sure to reveal that in our next couples therapy session.” You snicker, Alex slapping you, hard on your ass.  
“Ew, don’t cop a feel in front of us.” Emily groans, the woman groaning louder when you give Alex the same treatment, smacking her on the butt, the woman squeaking.  
“No.” Kelley’s eyes narrow, a smirk stretching across her face.  
“Put down your beer and give me a hug asshole.” You open your arms, the woman reluctantly placing her beer on the counter before diving on you.  
You give the woman a tight squeeze, the woman groaning loudly, squeezing you as equally hard.  
“What are you doing here?” You ask, the defender’s eyes widening slightly when she realizes they hadn’t come up with a cover story for her recent arrival.  
“Umm... Was just in the neighborhood.”
Your brows arch in question.  
“Last time I checked; Utah isn’t in Florida’s neighborhood.”
Kelley gasps dramatically.  
“Are you insinuating, that Utah is the SLUMS!?”  
Your eyes widen.  
“No! No, I wasn’t!”  
Kelley pulls away from you with a pout, though her plan was working entirely in her favor.  
“I’ll just go back to the slums of Utah...”  
Alex rolls her eyes, she Ashlyn, Ali and Emily watching as you try to reason with Kelley, the woman feigning sadness.  
Everything was going to plan, well, somewhat seeing as you now knew Kelley was there, but if everything else worked out as planned, your surprise birthday party would go off without a hitch.  
Alex rubs her hands together eagerly.  
Everything had gone to plan, the entirety of the USWNT here in Florida, setting up your surprise party for the evening.  
While they were getting that ready, the two of you heading towards one of the fanciest restaurants in town, something Alex had planned even before she’d set the surprise party into motion.  
Alex lets out a string of giggles when you stop at a red light, turning towards her, singing Love Story, to the woman.  
The song, OF COURSE, was by the one and only Taylor Swift.
The car behind you blares their horn and you growl, the light JUST turning green a hot second ago.  
“Yeah, yeah! Blow it out your ass!”
Alex pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head.  
“What am I going to do with you?” She giggles and you shrug, reaching for and taking her hand.  
“Love me? Cherish me?” You snicker, the woman rolling her eyes.  
“Yeah, I think I can do that.”  
You bring Alex’s hand to your lips, kissing the back of it with a grin.  
“I love you Al.” You whisper, the woman’s cheeks flushing as she beams.
“I love you too Y/N.”  
The car behind you AGAIN beeps and you snarl, glaring in your rearview mirror. 
“I’m about to go all Look What You Made Me Do on your ass.” You grumble angrily, Alex shaking her head.  
“Do you have to incorporate Taylor Swift into EVERYTHING you do?”  
You shrug, grinning cockily.  
“Are you jealous?” You tease, the forward rolling her eyes as she leans across the console, pressing a kiss to your cheek.  
“Nope. Taylor Swift has never seen you naked, I have.”  
You snort.  
“Alright, you’ve got me there.”  
You smirk.  
“If you play your cards right, you might see it again tonight.” You send her a wink, the woman rolling her eyes.  
“Shouldn’t YOU be the one playing those cards?”  
You snort.  
“But it’s my birthday Allllllllllll.” You whine the woman giggling as she intertwines your fingers, giving your hand a squeeze.  
“We’ll see.”  
The smile that stretches across your face is filled with nothing but the purest form of love for the woman across from you, the woman who’s currently grinning as she fumbles over whatever Italian food she’d ordered, the waitress giggling as she writes it down.  
Alex turns to you, eyes widening when she sees you staring, the love sick look on your face making her cheeks flush.  
“What?” She asks with a chuckle and you grin.  
“I love you.”  
Alex beams, the woman taking your hand, fingers intertwining as she presses a kiss to the back of your hand.  
“I love you too.”  
Your fingers play with Alex’s, the woman’s skin delicate and soft, a complete contrast to the woman’s attitude.  
You hold your palm against hers, the woman’s hand just a bit smaller than your own, the woman giggling as she again intertwines your fingers.  
“Happy Birthday Y/N.” She whispers and you smile, leaning across the table to press a kiss to her lips.  
“Thanks Al.”
You bite your bottom lip to stave off your laughter.  
“You still can’t read Italian for shit.” You jest, the forward’s bottom lip jutting out in a pout.  
“Shut up.”  
“Turn here.” Alex points down the street and your brows furrow.  
“Yeah, this isn’t how we get home.”  
Alex rolls her eyes.  
“Of course, it isn’t, I have something to show you, now park here.”  
Your eyes narrow as you turn to look at her.  
“If this is some role play thing- OW!”  You cry out as Alex punches you in the arm.  
“It’s not, shut up.”  
You bottom lip juts out, your best puppy dog eyes on display as you look at your girlfriend.  
Alex leans across the console, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before she slides out of the car.  
“Follow me.”  
You chuckle as you too slide out of the car, slamming the door shut.  
“So bossy.”  
You hold your arm out to Alex, the woman gripping your bicep.  
“Lead the way.”  
Alex leans heavily against you, a grin stretching across your face as you whisper.  
“This is nice.” You kiss Alex’s cheek, the woman beaming.  
“It is. Anytime I spend with you is.”  
Your cheeks flush.  
“Stopppppppp.” You whine, the forward giggling.  
“No, you’re so cute when you blush.”  
You throw your head back with a lengthy groan, the forward giggling even harder as you pout.  
Luckily for her, she’d kept you distracted long enough to get you to the bar where your surprise was waiting.  
“We’re here.”  
You cock your head to the side, turning to look into what looks to you, like an empty bar.  
“Are you finally reenacting that scene from Coyote Ugly that I’ve been asking for?” You laugh, the woman pulling the door open and shoving you inside.  
You nearly jump out of your skin when the lights flip on, revealing the entire USWNT, a number of them, mostly the kids, with noisemakers in their mouths, loudly honking.  
Unsurprisingly, Kelley, is standing on the bar, holding two beers, a number of your teammates on the bar as well.  
You shake your head, turning to Alex, the woman’s grin massive.  
“You planned this?”
She shrugs.  
Alex squeals as you lift her into the air, spinning her around.  
“I love you so much.” You whisper, the woman grinning as she presses a kiss to your lips.  
“I love you too, but the night isn’t over yet.” She winks.  
The second you put Alex down someone jumps on your back, that someone being none other than Kelley O’Hara.  
“I have something else for you.” Alex pulls you away from Tobin and Christen, the two grinning, knowing full well what Alex was about to show you.  
“There’s more? You spoil me.” You wink, Alex shaking her head as she kisses your cheek.  
“Well, if you thought I was spoiling you before, you’ll DEFINITELY think so after this.”
Your brows furrow, the sound of a microphone being turned on alerting you to the fact that someone is on the bar’s makeshift stage.  
The curtain’s part and your heart stops, a familiar tune you know ALL too well starting to play.  
You can feel Alex’s eyes on you as you stare in disbelief as none other than Taylor Swift approaches the stage’s microphone.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N, THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!” The woman beams as she starts to sing, Love Story sounding loudly throughout the bar.  
You turn to Alex with wide, teary eyes.  
“You got me Taylor Swift?” You ask, your bottom lip trembling and she grins, her arms slipping around your neck as your lips meet.  
“I got you Taylor Swift, now get out here and dance with me.”  
Alex pulls you to the dance floor, the two of you swaying back and forth, Alex’s arms slipping beneath yours, her hands splayed across your back.  
Your hands settle on her waist, your forehead resting against yours as Taylor sings.  
“Alex...?” You whisper, the woman’s blue orbs locking with your Y/E/C ones.  
“I love you. I love you so much” You brush your nose against hers and she smiles softly.  
“I love you too.”  
The two of you are entirely lost in your own little world, just being together, your eyes shut as you rest your foreheads together.  
Eventually, the song ends, though the two of you don’t part, at least until you remember WHO had been singing.  
Your eyes widen as you turn towards the stage, eyes further widening when you realize THE Taylor Swift is making her way towards you and Alex.  
Alex leaves you, wrapping her arms around Taylor, giving the singer a tight squeeze.  
“You’re hugging Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is hugging you.” You mumble dumbly. “Does that mean I can hug Taylor Swift?”
Alex giggles as she and Taylor pull apart, the women snorting when they see you literal shaking in excitement, a massive grin on your face.  
“So, Taylor, this is Y/N, she’s a big fan.” Alex laughs, your eyes still locked on Taylor.  
She giggles.
“I-I-I'm Y/N.” You smile, the blonde grinning.
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N I’m Taylor.”  
You let out a squeal, wrapping your arms around her, the woman chuckling as she hugs you back.  
“Holy shit I’m hugging Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is hugging me.”
The two of you part, your eyes wide when you again see and realize that you’d just hugged Taylor Swift.  
“Oh my god, Alex, it’s Taylor Swift.” You squeal, the forward shaking her head.  
“I know, I brought her here.”  
Alex grunts when you tackle her, pulling her into a tight hug as you pepper her face with kisses.  
“I love you so so much.” You say in between kisses, the woman giggling as she tries, and fails, to dodge your lips.  
“I love you too.”  
You pull back, simply to look in Alex’s blue orbs before you lean back in, pressing the gentlest of kisses to her lips, the woman melting into it.  
The two of you are so caught up in kissing, that you don’t realize Taylor is back on the stage, the music again starting up, a love song that the two of you can dance to.  
You sway back and forth, a grin stretching across your face as you whisper in her ear.  
“Thank you for giving me the best birthday present of all.”
Alex giggles.  
“I had to pull a few strings to get her here...” Alex shrugs, brows knitting in confusion when you pull back.  
You shake your head, your lips splitting into a grin that takes up nearly half of your face.  
“No present could EVER compare to the greatest gift the world has ever given me...” You lean towards her, your forehead resting against hers.  
“And that’s you.”  
Alex’s eyes go glassy with tears, the woman closing the gap between the two of you, the kiss tender, loving, a kiss that leaves your lungs devoid of air.  
The two of you pull apart, the two of you wear love sick smiles.  
“I love you Alex.” You whisper, the woman beaming.  
“I love you too, Happy Birthday Y/N.”
The two of you are abruptly pulled apart by someone someone, that someone being Emily, diving on your back, the woman OBVIOUSLY drunk.  
“YOU’RE TOO SOBER!” She slurs, your eyes wide as you stare, horrified at Alex, the woman giggling as you’re dragged to the bar by the team’s children, Megan and Ashlyn doing shots together.  
“Oh no.” You mumble, Lindsey grinning, along with the other kids.  
“Oh, YES.”  
Alex makes her way over to Christen and Tobin, the two watching as Megan passes you a shot.  
Christen giggles.  
“You know you’ll be carrying her home after this right?” Tobin asks, Alex snorting in answer.  
“Oh, I know, it’s her birthday so, so she gets away with it.”  
Alex shakes her head, watching as you down three shots, one right after the other, grimacing as Kelley passes you another.  
“I’ll be sure to remind you of that tomorrow.” Tobin gives her a nudge, earning a mock glare from her teammate.  
“Please do.”  
“WAIT.” You screech hours later, nearly every one of your teammates drunkenly jumping to their feet.  
You turn to the stage, gasping.  
Alex pinches the bridge of her nose as you rush towards the stage, climbing on it and wrapping your arms around the singer, whose singing is abruptly cut off.
“Oh, Christ.” She mumbles as she moves to peel you off of Taylor.  
“Remember Al, she gets to get away with ittttt!” Tobin calls out and Alex groans.  
“Shut uppppp Tobin!”  
At the end of the day, Alex had to LITERALLY carry you to bed, but you had a great time that night, and that’s all that mattered to her.  
Alex eventually slips into bed beside you, you who’s dressed, messily in your PJs.  
“I love you Y/N.” She whispers and you hum, wiggling towards her and snuggling into her side.  
“I love you too Al. Thank youuu for the best birthday ever.”  
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shelby-love · 3 years
Skeletons and Whatnot.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warning(s): none
Author’s note: I feel like this is rubbish, but I also feel like it’s not. 50/50 (1.6K words - might come back to edit it tomorrow)
Also you can see how tired I am (it's 4:30AM) I mean what is this title??? GOOD NIGHT.
"That's not possible. Check again."
"But I already did! Like a million times!"
"Adam, I swear to God-"
"Alright, alright…" Your colleague mumbled, turning on his chair to run the data yet again.
While he sat on the chair, looking through files he didn't have a clue about, you were leaning against the wall and shaking in your boots. Your heart hammered and your palms felt clammy.
Not possible. I killed him.
"No look it says right there," Adam declared; proud of himself for being able to gather information like this on his own. "Some girl named Lucy Riggs pawned a gun she got off some guy named Jon Prescott.
You squinted your eyes at the information that made no sense. "Get to the point."
Adam visibly swallowed, "Turns out the guy's name isn't Jon. Shocker. It's actually Parker Torres."
Your blood ran cold at his words. A million thoughts raced through your head. You wondered where he was, what he was doing… The questions that evaded your mind are usually normal, but here, when you thought about the dark man of your past, the questions seemed to be anything but normal.
"What about the gun?"
Adam clicked away until a picture of a metallic gun popped out. "Smith & Wesson Model 64 revolver."
Next thing you knew, a chain of vulgar profanities escaped your mouth, and you couldn't stop them. Ruzek's eyes widened ever so slightly at your lack of composure. "Mind telling me what this all about?"
You took a deep breath. "My skeleton escaped the closet."
The lack of information you found within the last couple of days was mind blowing. The only lead you had was the gun that wasn't even in your possession, having gotten lost in a misfit of undocumented sales.
Lucy wasn't of help either. The poor girl just wanted to get rid of her husband's gun, saying everything but useful information along the way. "If he wants a gun, then he better get a good one… A new one too! I don't want that piece of garbage in my house. God only knows who used that gun!" Lucy told you, just 48 hours ago. Those exact same words.
She was right about one thing.
That dammed gun went through so many hands and took double more lives.
And you didn't even have a lead.
"You look like crap," Kevin Atwater teased, handing you a steaming cup of coffee.
You didn't even manage to smile, looking at him through your shades that were, so far, doing a great job at concealing the bags under your eyes from the world.
"Rough night?"
Kevin didn't know that you no longer lived with Kelly. The temporary solution to your problems turned out to be moving back to your own place. Putting Kelly in harm's way, no matter how much he thought otherwise, was something you didn't want to do. The comfort of his bed and body were replaced by a thin blanked and an uncomfortable dining chair.
Dozens of glass decorations were laid out all over your apartment. On every window still, next to every door… On every surface, really. You slept on the dining chair 5 yards from your front door with a pistol strapped to your back, a shotgun under the chair and a rifle wrapped around your two arms, acting as a teddy bear for every time you dozed off.
Friends from Interpol would call here and there, with nothing more than sad news.
Hank Voight was pulling out every contact from his little notebook, but not even they could solve your years long case.
You wanted to throw up.
"Hey Kev."
"What's up?"
"You still friends with that FBI agent?"
"Second floor clear," The grip on your radio loosened after the second you needed to inform your team about your situation had passed and you moved on upstairs. You could hear them respond in the same matter as you held your gun with both hands and carefully climbed up the stairs.
You didn't let a sound slip your lips as you trekked the stairs up to the very last floor, save for the attic. For a drug house, everything was eerily quiet. It didn't feel like someone left in a hasty hurry.
It felt like as though there was no one there in the first place.
Your need to report that to your Sergeant faded away quickly once you saw smoke. It seized your full attention within a few seconds.
Smoke grenade was your first guess. Nasty things but nothing new.
That was, until you took several steps closer and the smell of the source journeyed through your nostrils. It clicked in your head immediately. Three years of being a squad lieutenant's girlfriend can do that to you. The scent of fire is nauseating and sweet, putrid and steaky, or something like leather being tanned over a flame. The smell  of it can be so thick and rich that it's almost a taste. Kelly's words rung in your head, and  you pulled your radio to your mouth.
"Call CFD! There's a fire on the third floor!" You informed, shielding your eyes. "Stand down! I repeat –"
Things went black after those words.
"We have a detective trapped on the third floor," Voight informed the first responders. "That's where the fire started."
Wallace nodded, "Squad 3, take the third floor."
Unlike Wallace, who had found his source of information in Voight, Kelly Severide had found it in Jay, who stood on the street visibly stressed. "Jay where's Y/N?"
Jay frowned, "She went to scope ahead. She was on the third floor when the whole place just blew up…"
"She could be unconscious right now," Kelly muttered. "Squad 3 let's go!"
Kelly Severide was already in the burning building when Chief Boden found out just who was trapped upstairs. "Dammit."
Kelly's patience was thinning by the second. Knowing that his time is limited and that the place could blow in a stronger matter at any moment, he paced toward your unconscious body expeditiously.
Noticing the angry streak of blood that came from your nose had his heart in his throat. You were twisted in a way not normal for a human body to be in, catching him off guard the moment he laid his eyes on you.
Despite all that, Kelly still swooped in to grasp your limp body in his arms.
The stress of the last few days he went through didn't come close to a match with this very moment. "I'm coming down chief!"
For a moment Wallace wanted to bark back, but he bit his tongue. Love makes people do crazy things.
He knew that better than anyone.
"Get the hoses ready!" Boden announced and turned to the Intelligence.
"She'll be okay."
You were okay.
Maybe even better than you thought possible.
"Kelly wake up."
You smiled cheekily at doctor Mannig, who stood by your hospital bed, waiting for Kelly to wake up with the same thin line of patience as you.
You woke him up with a slap to his shoulder.
Natalie was beaming, her eyes sparkled despite the fact that she was the doctor to the most heavily guarded patient in the whole city of Chicago. "I think congratulations are in order."
"What do you mean?"
She winked before handing you the tablet, "You're 11 weeks along Y/N. Congratulations you two."
You shook your head wildly and pressed a palm to your mouth, acting out what your defense mechanism wanted you to do. "Oh God…"
"Really?" Kelly asked next to you. He had already grabbed your hand and gripped it tightly, holding you to the ground of your new reality. "Are you for real?"
She nodded, "The tests don't lie. I'm so happy for you two."
Natalie hugged you both closely before disappearing back into the crowded ER.
"Hey," Kelly murmured, grasping your chin with his index finger and thumb. "What's wrong? You're not happy? I thought…"
You shook your head immediately, stopping him from saying something that was untrue. "No, Kelly… I'm really happy."
Two heartbeats within one body. Your body.
A child that was going to take after you and the man you loved most in this world…
You felt so incredibly lucky at that moment.
Yet so guilty.
"Our baby could've died today…"
Fresh onset of tears attacked your eyes, pushing through until the moisture was dripping down your face, and you tried to muffle the hiccups with your hands. Everything started to make sense.
"Baby you didn't know…" He tried to calm you.
You shook your head violently, dropping his attempts into the water. "I should've known better. We didn't use protection... Then I felt so sick last week."
"But I was so obsessed with Parker Torres that-" You couldn't even finish the sentence because the guilt turned into anger. "God I'm so stupid!"
"Babe, look at me," Kelly's voice hardened yet the hands with which he cupped your face were gentle and comforting. "You didn't know, so none of this is your fault. If you knowingly went in there that's when it would have been your fault."
He kissed your tears away and gave you the softest smile ever. "Do you want to have this baby with me? Because if you don't, we can…"
You stopped him with a kiss.
You were venerable in the moment of the kiss, yet you never felt more at home. In this kiss is the promise of years of love and the sweetness of life. No one mattered at that moment. Not Parker… Not anyone. Only you two and the vow you just shared.
The next few weeks will be hard, that much you knew. You were introduced to a new reality and priorities shifted. The hunt for your skeleton will continue in the hands of the people you trust most and as months go by the light will greet the darkness of your tunnel.
But the next few years, you see nothing but light and happiness.
No skeletons to torture your life, but a baby and a soulmate to make it better.
TAGS (all posts): @fofisstilinski @short-potato @miranda0102  @httphiddlestan @caromichaela @xx-missunicorn-xx @jemmakates @lorenakaspersen @scarletsoldierrr​ @theravenclawmarauder @httphiddlestan @tclaerh @chefdoeuvre
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