#it's also the weirdest shit ever that we have SO MUCH in common. like. it almost seems as if we've been studying each other's likes and
pinguuu-ni · 5 months
yeah u remember the fwb situation? 1 month later this really ain't feeling like an fwb at all
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treesandwords · 1 year
For anyone who's into LOTR I am rereading (again) and took notes on the weirdest/most interesting bits this time:
There are/were other magic rings beside the main ones, which is part of what makes it so hard for other characters to believe that Bilbo's ring is actually The ring
At one point Tolkien jumps into the POV of a random fox walking by our protagonists' camp and then never brings it up again, no big deal
The ever-controversial Tom Bombadil has several other names we just never talk about? And the elves (at least in Rivendell) know about him and have known about him for many years now
They also consider giving him the ring but ultimately decide it would be a bad idea because "he'd probably just lose it"
A lot of what happens to Frodo after he's been stabbed by the Nazgul is less symptomatic of dark magic and more of just...having a severe shoulder injury?? Like "oh no my hand is numb and I'm weak and can't move it, must be the evils of Mordor" bro you probably just have nerve damage and blood loss
Bilbo straight up writes and sings a song about Elrond's dad in front of him and a bunch of other elves in Rivendell like. The audacity.
There's a river called "Wetwang" (yes it's called Nindalf in Elvish, but that's not important here)
Aragorn never tells anyone else that Boromir admitted to trying to take the ring, it's implied he even keeps it secret from Gandalf once he reappears
The "Two Towers" actually refers to Orthanc and Minas Morgal, not Orthanc and Barad-Dur as the films suggest
Eomer has met and possibly was friendly with Boromir
Also Aragorn, who doesn't look that old, straight up tells Eomer he'd met both his father and Theoden when they were younger and he just...has zero reaction?? Like if a guy who looked not much older than me wisely said "ah yes, I met your father and uncle long ago" in a way that implied they'd worked together as somewhat equals I'd be. A little uncertain to say the least.
Oh and he also hung out with Denethor back in the day
Eomer and Gimli have a running disagreement on whether or not Galadriel is real, and if so, how hot she is
This is common ish knowledge but there are elements of actual Old English embedded into Rohan's worldbuilding (esp. the names/ "Rohrric" language) and the whole location is genuinely just Tolkien's fantasy version of Anglo-Saxon Britain. He is very not subtle about it.
And this actually ends up contributing to a main plot in the third book
Instead of the Palantir falling out of Saruman's pocket when he dies like in the movie, Gandalf shoots a spell at Saruman and makes him run back inside Orthanc and Wormtongue chucks the Palantir down at him from the window in retaliation
I know the potato scene is *iconic* but let's be real the fact that Sam risks a fire and takes the time to make a full rabbit stew plus seasoning while they're on a dangerous secret mission to sneak into the Darkest Of Dark Lords' fortress is kind of hilarious
Minas Morgul is some serious eldritch horror cryptid shit
Denethor is honestly such drama queen. Like I know he's supposed to be a threatening and tragic character but holy shit.
Also the entire houses of healing segment is unintentionally comedic
Like between the old lady who runs the house giving absolutely zero fucks, and the herb master and Aragorn having a mini nerd off about what Athelas/Kingsfoil is called in different languages, and also Aragorn and Pippin roasting Merry - who has JUST woken up from an Evil Coma by the way - about not being able to find his weed
"This weed is better than I thought" -- actual quote by Ioreth re: kingsfoil
This is something I noticed that a lot of people don't mention - the "Evenstar" that Arwen gives Aragorn in the movies that's tied to her lifeforce/immortality isn't really a thing in the books. The closest to it is this green brooch that she gives him via Galadriel in FOTR - but the only necklace she gives to anyone is actually to Frodo, as a token that basically means if he ever wants to go to the Grey Havens (as he ultimately does) he'd essentially be taking her place because she isn't going
Ok the scouring of the Shire is pretty common knowledge but are we going to talk about Lotho Sackville-Baggins became Saruman's dealer and helped smuggle drugs pipeweed into Isengard (see I told you it would come back)
Also!! Lotho was possibly EATEN by Grima Wormtongue, or at the very least Saruman believes he was, yes this is an actual canon thing
Legit quote from ROTK: "Worm killed your Chief, poor little fellow, your nice little Boss. Didn't you, Worm? Stabbed him in his sleep, I believe. Buried him, I hope; though Worm has been very hungry lately[]"
Seriously what the fuck
Saruman is killed by Wormtongue (who is then shot by a bunch of Hobbit archers) and promptly....disintegrates?
Anyway if you're a casual fan who's only seen the movies, or if you haven't read the books in a while, I'd highly recommend.
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goqmir · 4 months
i kind of like maybe just a little adore the new clue set cards like. the clue set itself is a weird and overpriced product and the physical cards themselves are definitely gonna be stupid overpriced because nobody wants to buy a board game to crack packs but like. the cards themselves? kind of fire?
i kind of adore that theyre not just all rares and we are getting clue set commons and stuff :3 its cute! and we're getting a new lonis too-- its not a super interesting card but i adore lonis and im very excited to play with more of her. and we get an interesting new land cycle in the cluelands too! the art for them kinda blows at the moment but at some point in the future i assume they'll be reprinted in a set that gives them fun and interesting art? maybe? please? im not exactly itching to play them but ill never turn down another cycle of duals teehee
id love to talk about some individual cards from the lineup so far that i adore! these are just my top picks but id recommend going and looking at the full list spoiled so far on scryfall :3
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for starters, my favorite card from the whole spoiler season right now i think has to be scuttling sentinel. i dont think i want to play her in any commander deck, but in my opinion this is like one of the top cards for cubes in 2024 period-- like cankerbloom tier of cube card. she's awesome! a crab elf which is such an awesome creature type, playable with green or blue, puts 1/1 counters on things and its main draw is just being a decent body that offers protection :) she's great!!!! ive already slotted her into the cube ive been piecing together recently. i like her a lot.
resonance technician is such a cool spell copier <3 every part of it is kind of expensive so im not really sure where youd play it but it does a lot of cool things all at once on a single card which is fun! the flavor is cool-- we all love weirds here-- and the functionality is useful and cute. cool card. big fan
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we also have portal manipulator who is like one of the weirdest and strongest combat tricks ive ever seen? this is like if aetherize also fucked your shit in. so i can absolutely see this seeing a lot of play honestly. but lets be real here this card just has amazing art. thheres portals around her skull !!! god shes so cool.
corporeal projection gets a shoutout because what a fun effect <3 it being izzet is awesome and on-flavor and the card itself is both an interesting choice to give your creature myriad for extra damage and a fun wincon :) im glad theres a simple and convenient way to give one creature myriad now that isn't a brick to run in my commander decks because it has a high-cost endgame mode. yay!
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finally it wouldnt be a goqmir set review if i didnt shout out the new cards that work well in Naya Cast From Exile :3 Boros Strike-Captain seems kind of mid but it's important to remember that the card never goes away, and you can cast it any time after when you attack with at least 3 creatures even if BSC is off the battlefield. big fan of this one! im not sure if i can find the space to jam him in my Rocco Street Chef decklist but he's a very playable option.
Personally, i think Headliner Scarlett is the winner this set. She's a very good hit pretty much any time-- you're always gonna get a minimum of 4 free damage when she sticks, and if you play her early you get some pretty strong card advantage, which turns into very very strong card advantage in both Rocco and Prosper. if you pull her late, she can win you the game straight up by allowing you to swing out uninhibited-- though i can't speak for Prosper players, this will pretty much always be at minimum a knock out if you pull it lategame in Rocco. definitely making room for her in my decklist.
anyway thats just some cards i liked from the weird product thats coming out :3 i was and still am iffy on purchasing the product and expect the cards to be a little too expensive but as far as designs go they're pretty cool and im very happy that they exist! um sqrrk <3
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wd-ghosty · 1 month
Chapter 1 - Resurrection
Haiii! It's me again bringing you more fics, this is chapter 1 of Ophelia's backstory.
TW!!!- Mid writing
It’s 3:45 am, and I’m in a dark room illuminated by fluorescent light, from screens surrounding my bed. I linked up to all these tubes, I’m constantly getting shots, my mind has been infiltrated by that wretched beating sound coming from the heart monitor. I dont know how I got here, I remember being at the beach with my friends, we got on a boat with a bunch of guys we didn’t know, I think we got drunk. And after that, all I can remember is a splashing sound and I stopped breathing…
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did I mention I can’t swim?
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I grew up with three older brothers they all had their own interests but one of them went through a ninja/samurai phase, and I watched all those shows with him, Ninjago, Randy Cunningham, and Power Rangers Samurai, but my favorite was the one about the turtles.
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They had a very passionate fanbase one i was a part of, I made so much fan art, and OCs hell one of my OCs was an obvious self-insert. Well she didn’t really look like me, she was tall, thin, pretty, the most confident person you’d ever meet, she would always be that one person people would go to if they had a problem, she was adored by everyone and hated by those envious of her. Nothing like me at all, I dont stand out in a crowd, I try my best to blend into the background I want to be almost invisible. Hell, she basically is an OC because she’s not one bit like me, comparing the two of us is an insult to her perfect being.
I made her so I could draw fanart of her and Donnie. Stupid right? I would draw the two of them in situations I imagine the two of us in. We’d go shopping together, and I’d give him the montage he deserved in the clothes dont make the turtle, in rise. I’d always be by his side willingly, helping him with anything he needed, in 2012. In the bay-movies, I thought I'd be the owner of his favorite cafe, and I'd always stay in late to make him whatever pastry I thought he’d want that day, and a coffee. When I got the finished product I was so happy sure I couldn’t let anyone see it out of embarrassment, but I was so proud of them.
Hmm… the beating is starting to slow down, and I hear a bunch of people running into the room, I think I’m gonna die. This reminds me of a short comic I made, Ophelia was assassinated by whatever villain and Donnie completely lost it. I wonder if he’d lose it if he knew I was seconds away from dea- everyone stopped talking and an irritating ringing sound replaced the beating.
“Ladies and gentlemen we are now landing in Manhattan New York, please get your bags from the overhead compartments, collect all your things, and thank you for flying with us.”
I rub my eyes open and get up from my seat. “I just had the weirdest dream ever. I was some random girl and I drowned to death, I think?” I take the two suitcases from the overhead compartment, and hand Nasir his.
“You have dreams of drowning all the time, yet you still go to the beach and crash into waves ten thousand feet taller than you. At this point, you’re seeing the future.” Nasir is one of my best friends, and also one of the most useful people I know. If you have a problem with somebody, just tell him and he’ll dig up some shit that’ll ruin their life.
“Oh my god, are you saying I’m psychic!?”
“No I’m saying you’re stupid, Stop standing there and move so we can get off this plane.”
Scoff, “Whatever, I can tell the future.”
“Your delusions cloud the part of you that's actually worth having, common we have to go before the Uber leaves us.”
Oh, I don’t think I properly introduced myself. My name is Ophelia Mafuta Chenett, you might ask “Why did you tell us your full name?” and my answer to that is, that's what the villaness does in every manhwa when they introduce themselves so that’s what I’m gonna do. I’m a soon-to-be freshman at Manhattan Institution of the Arts, (It’s not a real school) After passing the entrance exam I moved across the country to pursue my passion of becoming a fashion designer. Sounds stupid right? Doesn’t it sound like I'm some quirky girl from a 2010’s show? Well, I’m kinda going for that, as the main character of this world I have to keep up my spirits and believe that I can do whatever I want and even live in one of the most expensive cities in this godforsaken country. Oh, I’m also 17 years old, and my birthday is coming up soon so I'm basically 18, other facts about me, I'm from southern California, I have three older siblings, I’m 5’9 but basically 6’2 when I put my shoes on, into alt fashion, and I’m really big on video games especially when they’re story driven. Well, I think that’s it, you guys can just follow along on my journey to become… well, ME, aka perfection. XOXO byyyy!
“Please dont tell me you’re talking to your fictional 1audience again.” Nas slumped into his seat side eyeing you.
“They’re very much real I’ll have you know” She rolls her eyes at him and puts on her headphones.
“Drug addicts are probably so jealous of you, you dont need pills to get high off your ass, you were just born like that. You’re most definitely a crack baby.”
The two of them expected to get to their destinations rather quickly but, the traffic was honestly something that crawled out of the ninth ring of hell. Nasir got accepted into Princeton so he was especially irritated by the traffic. And Ophie got to campus two hours late but still managed to register and get settled in her dorm.
“Well it’s nice to know that all my stuff got here without issue.” then her phone started ringing, she got off her bed to check who called and her heart dropped. “Telli! Please dont tell me you left early, I'll hate it if you left early!”
“Nice to talk to you too Ophe, and no. I’m still in the lair because your plan landed hours ago and you haven't texted called or posted about it, so I knew after you got M.I.A. you’d unpack, and then pass out. We’re meeting tomorrow,”
“Oh… well that's embarrassing. It’s nice to talk to you again Telli, I've been so busy lately I forgot when we spoke last.” She flops onto the bed and gets under her pillows.
“Yesterday, at 5:45 am before when you were getting ready for your flight at 10”
“I’ll have you know I'm African, we usually leave ten hours before a flight, my mom was rushing me out of the house. And I find it shocking someone who’s never left the CITY is talking shit about me.”
“I've been to Tahiti before, what other countries have you been to?” she can feel the sassiness of his bum-ass eyebrows through the screen.
“OH let me correct myself. I CAN’T believe that someone who has never been to an airport IN HIS LIFE is talking about me.” She can hear him laughing his ass off through the phone, “So I think I win”
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“No, I’m letting you off the hook. See you tomorrow Ophe.”
“By Tell, kiss kiss.”
She hung up the phone and rolled on her back staring at the ceiling. “Hmm… I’m an adult now. No more mom, no more siblings, just me. AAAH!” She screamed in join and kicked her feet. She hopped off her bed and dug through her bag to find her laptop, camera, and ring light. After clicking record she gets in position. “Ehem. You hear that watchers I’m a grown-ass woman now! and you hoes better prepare for Escapism season 8, watch me as I live out my college dreams! This is gonna be amazing, you know looking past all the exams and homework. Yeah, I know now I’m not special, I'm surrounded by other talented people. But I’m the MC, I’m better than them by default, and I’m special in general, all those current fashion designers that slap a print of a t-shirt and call it a day won't survive here. I have to watch out for the people who actually make their garments, but being able to sew doesn’t mean they’re a good designer and I’m BOTH. Everyone else on my wave length will become an ally or an enemy, but I crush all those who oppose me under the heel of my platform red bottoms rest assured. Well, that’s all for now bitches, see ya!”
She turns off her camera and gets back on her feet, “Well, I guess I'm done for today. I have three more days before orientation, and I don’t have my roommate yet. So I guess I should decorate my half of the room.” she turns her head and sees all the boxes stacked on top of one another.
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“Or I could take a bath. She grabs her towel and opens the bathroom door, so she can bathe in boiling hot water while listening to Nightcore on repeat.
After her bath, Ophelia lays in bed scrolling through Tumblr when she starts to think of that dream she had on the plane. “That girl. What was her name?” she thinks to herself. Ophei tries to recall all she can about her, “She was on the bigger side. Short hair. I only ever saw her in muddy browns and greens.” she eventually drifts off to sleep, just to wake up again.”
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“Sweetheart wake up.” She feels someone nudge her awake, “Hun you’ve been sleeping the whole class period.”
“Oh sorry Ms. Mayflower.” She scatters to put her stuff away and tries to leave the classroom before Ms. Mayflower stops her.
“Bear, sweetheart can we talk?” She pulls out the chair on the other side of her desk, and Bear sits down in it. “You’re failing this class, and I've talked to your other teachers and you’re not doing too well in their classes either. Is everything okay at home, did something happen with Mom and Dad?”
“NO. I um… I'm just not good at school, it’s just not for me.” Bear looks down at her lap fiddling with her fingers.
“Hun, you’re only passing art, but that’s an AP class we’ll have to pull you out if you keep this up.”
“But, math and science are hard. And I always try during PE I just never pass, and Mr. Brown SUCKS. A simile and a metaphor are basically the same thing, and nothing makes sense. And I like history but I never pass the test despite the fact I always get good scores on classwork.”
“Hun I’m sorry but me, including the rest of your teachers, have talked about it.” Tears start to swell up in Bear's eyes, as she stands up. “I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, you’re fine.” she leaves the room tears threatening to fall down her face, when she accidentally bumps into a small girl.
“What the hell is yours!- oh Beary, I haven't seen you all day. You look…cute.” she stares up and down Bear, and she decides to wear the sweet Lolita dress her dad got her today. She got self-conscious and covered it with a jacket but she left it in Ms. Mayflower's room.
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“Oh thank you, my dad got it for my birthday.” she uses her arms to try and cover her body.
“Yeah, you look like a baby doll,” One of the other girls said. “You know the things babies throw up on?”
“Aww look at her skirt it has plushies on it. do you sleep with them?”
“No” she whispers
“What was that?”
“No, i dont sleep with them.” she raised her voice
“Oh, well I thought you still slept with plushies, considering no one’s ever sleeping with you.” the girls start laughing and bear laughs with them trying to play it off.
“What are you talking about she's sleeping with the bears on her skirt, dont diss her man!”
The girls continue to make jabs at her dress nitpicking every single part of it to oblivion
“Haha you’re so funny Bailey, but I need to go now.” She tries to leave before the girls see her crying, but she’s stopped.
“Noo, where are you going we’re having so much fun eat lunch with us.”
Isn’t it shocking how much girls preach about sisterhood yet be so cruel to their fellow “sisters”? They’re pestering her trying to get on her nerves, she just wants to leave and they won't let her. Tall and big vs short and thin if they were guys then this would be clear cut, but for women with’s a lot more complicated. One of the girls, the smallest one grabs her arm and tries pulling her.
“Common eat with us bear we know you can eat a lot. Oh! I didn’t mean it like that.” all the girls laugh with her, and Bear starts crying.
“Oh my god bear! Why are you crying?”
“If you keep wailing like that then someone’s gonna call Peta” at that moment she pushes one of the girls to the side but she falls on her ass and started crying. And at this moment the bell rings, and everyone flods into the hall they’re currently in.
“Oh my god! The bear threw Bailey!”
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“She’s gone feral!” everyone started staring at her, and some people started recording. Then someone started barking at her, and a bunch of people joined in. so she just ran away. She hid in the girl's bathroom where she cried until the security guards forced her to go to class.
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Then Ophie woke up with someone patting her back and tears trickling off her face.
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That's it. Hope you all liked chapter 1 XOXO luv ya<3
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vodka-redbull-daily · 6 months
November 25th, 2023
*Graphic Sexual Content*
Yesterday, M--- had texted me saying that he wanted me to come over again. a lot of these guys are very last minute, and I guess he's one of them. I was already up, had just showered, so I figured why not? an extra $400 just like that? perfect. we texted back and forth for a little bit and he said he had to wait for his cleaning lady to come. I guess he had thrown a wild Thanksgiving party.  we talked for a little bit back and forth, and complaining about how miserable he wasn't he wasn't getting his dick sucked right that second.  I made a little joke about how it was all right and I would be there soon and then I didn't hear from him at all since then. I don't know if he didn't like my joke, if the cleaning lady never came, if he just fucked his cleaning lady or what happened. there's a guy I've been talking to over snap that I might see and he thought that maybe he died of an overdose. who knows.
I also had one of the weirdest experiences I've had in a while. I was talking to somebody online, doing that dirty, sexting thing that men like to do.  he was talking about me sucking a stick, because that's all guys ever want, and  he asked if I swallow.  I'm not a liar, so I said that I do and that I actually don't mind the taste.  of course, he fucking loved that.  that's when the conversation got kind of weird. he started talking about how he was going to jerk off into a jar and leave it for me so that I could taste it. I kind of liked the idea because of how ridiculous it was. it's almost like the more ridiculous one of these guys gets, the more I kind of want to do it just to see what it's like and have that experience. the problem was, he kept asking me where I live so he could leave the jar near there. I was already planning on going out with either D---- or W----, and he was all the way in Austin when I'm all the way in G---------. I told him these issues and then it might be a little bit difficult for him to leave me a jar of jizz just in the middle of nowhere,  and he responded “k”  and never talked to me again.
the more and more I write these notes, listen to these men talk, and sit with my feelings, the more I think I might have been built to have sex. Well, except for the fact that I kind of hate giving blowjobs. Beyond that, all these men seem to have their minds blown any time they fuck me. and I feel like I'm not even doing that much. I like anal and that drives men wild. I like the taste of cum. well I don't like it, but I don't hate it. it's whatever. it's like swallowing snot. and that's something else men go wild for. apparently, even after all this time and all this sex, I'm still tight. I think that might just be because of small though. again, men fucking lose their shit. I like to experiment, I like to try new things, I'm pretty open to anything. I have practically no refractory period, which I thought was pretty common for females but apparently, it's not. I squirt, I come repeatedly, I'm loud enough to be sexy but not too loud to be annoying.  I don't know if somebody can be born for sex, but that's what it's starting to feel like.
W---- came back into town today, so I went to go see him.  we ordered Chinese food,  talked about the holidays, and he showed me a bunch of his Tools in his Workshop. I love tools, I love it when people show me their neat little toys that make their lives just a little bit easier. I love looking at things people have built or rigged together. I love it.  it did hurt a little bit though. it reminded me a lot of him. reminded me a lot of the soldering iron he showed me because he knew I would like it. the most dangerous looking taser I have ever seen in my life that  he made with just some loose wires, a battery, and tape. it reminded me of him asking me for advice about some electrical things. it hurt. I thought it wouldn't be hurting at this point. it's been kind of a long time. I've been with so many other guys. and I really like W----.  genuinely. maybe not the same level and maybe not romantically, but I actually enjoy his company. 
After food, we went upstairs to bang again. because of course we did. when it comes down to it, that's kind of why I'm there.  he pulled out the vibrator again today, absolutely destroying my clit with the power.  he laid down three towels and we managed to keep from soaking the sheets, which is honestly a miracle. after about 10 to 15 minutes of me just cuming repeatedly,  he put on a condom and fucked me. good old missionary style. after he came, we took a few minutes to relax in bed before getting dressed and heading back downstairs. he had taken his dog to the sitter while he was on vacation and we had about an hour and a half before he had to go pick him up.  he put on some old Christmas movie,  ordered some groceries for delivery, and we curled up on the couch to watch it. he gave me a blanket since he's from up North and keeps his house at 68 degrees like a psychopath. we cuddled on the couch, held hands under the blanket, and just generally hung out.
after the movie was finished, he was talking about how he wanted to go do something fun for the Christmas holiday. he was already traveling to Arizona the weeks before, but he was saying how he wanted to try and get out of the country before the end of the year. we talked about possible places to go;  greece, france, and italy. Italy seem to really spark interest, since he had seen a YouTube video about  a restaurant that supposedly makes the best pizza in the world.  he showed me the YouTube video, we chatted about it, then he asked if I would like to go with them. I of course said yes.  why not? isn't the whole goal to have new experiences? he began to talk about Naples in France and the Alps and all the other places we could visit and it reminded me of him again.
I wish things would stop reminding me of him. it reminded me of our first date when we met and talked about his trip to France and how he Had asked me to come with him. how I had to say no since I didn't have a passport yet. I wonder what it would have changed if I had gone with him. maybe it would have been worse.  maybe he would have had his mental breakdown just like he did while I wasn't there and having to witness it firsthand would have been terrible.  maybe that cold, distant person he turned into would have still happened halfway into his trip, but now I would have been there to see that switch flip, experience it in person. I don't know. maybe, with me there, he wouldn't be constantly thinking about his ex. maybe, he wouldn't have turned his Tinder back on and started sleeping around. I don't know. I don't think it would have changed the fact that he doesn't love me, maybe it would have just drawn out the inevitable, maybe I would be even sadder than I am now because we would have made such great memories. 
Total Earned: $3,460
Body Count: 15
Dick Pics: 13
Head Recieved: 3
Head Given: 13
Sex Ranking:
M--- (x2)
0 notes
phoenixyfriend · 3 years
ok. karin vs anakin's genome being 50% the Force. go
Jesus fuck, okay. Uh, fair warning, I know very little about this subject, so it’s 90% bullshit. I am in no way qualified to talk about biology past the high school level.
Anakin's sixteen. He's part of a set of Jedi assigned to a weird mission regarding making contact with an isolated planet of near-humans with superpowers but no space travel. He doesn’t really have a Job here and now, he’s just there as Obi-Wan’s plus-one. There's an underlying plot about Sidious trying to acquire people from Ninja Land, but none of the Jedi are fully aware of it. Mostly they're distracted by all the ninjas and their bitching.
They call it the Shinobi Planet, because nobody can agree on a name for the planet when they ask and the last major international alliance was named after the shinobi profession, right? Good enough, you can change it later when you idiots can agree on literally anything, oh my god. The Samurai are very offended and it's a whole thing.
Anakin wanders a lot. He runs into various strange people and is mostly polite because, listen, half his friends are distinctly not human. When your immediate circle includes nautolans and besalisks and twi’leks and whatever the fuck Yoda is, you’re not gonna blink at a Hoshigaki or... uh... okay that kid just turned into a giant fox, is anybody gonna--no? That’s normal? Just him? Cool, cool, cool.
There’s a kage summit involved in the negotiations going on. IDK what’s being negotiated, probably something to get the ninjas to set up a singular spaceport so there’s somewhere to land WITHOUT ships being regularly shot down by village defense systems powered by that massive flaming purple skeleton warrior or the girl who punched down a mountain or the.. the literal desert? There’s a guy that can control the desert? Is there any way of keeping him away from Anakin?
(Gaara’s tickled pink that the reason someone wants to stay away from him has nothing to do with fear or respect for authority, and everything to do with ‘he is also from the desert and fucking hates it, so he’s staying away from the sand powers,’ because it’s very novel and kind of funny.)
ANYWAY where was I. Uh. Right, kage summit, lots of villages, they invite smaller villages to pitch in, but nobody ever ever ever wants Orochimaru anywhere near this situation, for hopefully obvious reasons, so Otogakure sends Karin.
Really, who else was it gonna be? Suigetsu? You want Suigetsu representing you on an interstellar political field? You want Juugo before he’s stabilized? You want Sasuke, master of ruining kage summits? You want these idiots representing you at the big kids’ table?
They send Karin. She’s a bitch with a temper, but at least she’s not as big of a political risk as... literally anyone else from the snakepit.
Anyway, Anakin wanders around, meeting people, trying foods, showing off when asked for demonstrations. He doesn’t have an Entire Protocol Droid, but he did cobble together a little floating helper that can do translations for him. Assume all translations are accurate and being done by the little helper bot. Bot’s name is G1-0T. Anakin calls it Glot.
He runs into Karin at one point, who’s not super into the whole situation, but at least Anakin’s interesting. She’s not interested in him, because he’s sixteen and she’s like... mid-twenties. And his hair is stupid. But! All these force-sensitive people feel weird to her, because sensor stuff, and it’s not chakra but it’s... something. Anakin is, of course, the weirdest.
(There are non-sensitives in the envoy, so she knows it’s not just a space thing.)
She strikes up a conversation about it, because hey, she hasn’t made it this far to not lean into... you know, being the kind of person who barges ahead with Weird Questions that might lead into fun science stuff.
Anakin is like. Well. This woman’s very strange, but it’s not like there’s anything against talking about midichlorians to random people. It’s easy enough to look up in the core. Not everyone knows about them, but it’s not a secret or anything.
“Wow,” Karin says, though not in so many words, “that sounds incredibly strange, and actually a lot like it functions completely differently from chakra, though maybe it intersects with nature chakra somehow. Can I take a blood sample?”
Anakin doesn’t want to give a blood sample to a stranger. Karin isn’t stupid enough to try to steal one. She’s seen what this Force Stuff can do, and this kid’s got a lot of it. She hasn’t got enough information on hand about it to know if he’d notice.
“How about I let you look at the blood of a guy that can turn into water?” Karin asks, because she’s not going to let him look at her blood. “I’ve got it with me.”
“...why?” Anakin asks, reasonably disturbed.
“He owes me,” she says, and does not elaborate.
“What, there’s nothing weird about your blood to share?” Anakin demands, like the ornery little bastard he is.
“People took my blood against my will for over a decade,” Karin says, with the kind of smile that threatens a stabbing. This is not secret information. Her healing factor is in the bingo book. Plenty of people still want her dead. “Nobody gets my blood except me.”
Anakin has no idea what to do with that answer. Most people wouldn’t know what to do with that answer. It’s not exactly a standard answer.
“So there is something weird about your--e chu ta what the fuck are those scars?”
Karin looks at her arm. She looks back at him. She raises an eyebrow.
“What do you think they are?”
He stares a little longer, and then very carefully does not say anything as she pushes her sleeve back down.
“So can I look at your blood?” she asks again.
“You can look at mine under a microscope,” she wheedles. “You can’t take any, though.”
Anakin... does eventually agree. Eventually.
There is a very angry redhead yelling at a machine, and Anakin does not know what to do.
“Is something wr--”
“What the fuck is your blood?” she demands. “It’s glowing in ultraviolet. It burned the dye up. I tried to sequence your genome--”
“Woah, I did not agree to that.”
“--and look at this. Look at this!”
“I don’t know how to read your graphs. None of this is a language I know.”
“It’s garbage,” she hisses at him. Glot takes a few moments to process it. “Look at this. This is supposed to--fuck, where’s the Jiraiya file, he’s standard--this is what it’s supposed to look like for most humans with chakra. And this is a civilian, and a few bloodline users--”
“Do you just carry these around with you?”
“Shut up, you don’t exist. You have--you have more in common with summons than people. I ran a blood test on one of your human diplomats, the ones that aren’t monks--”
“When did they agree to that?”
“They didn’t, I’m just sneaky.”
“I should tell Obi-W--”
“STAY THERE, I’M NOT DONE YELLING YET. Do you see this? Do you see this shit? This is the one and only time I’ve managed to perform any kind of analysis on a bijuu. They don’t usually have blood. Shukaku is sand. Matatabi is literally just fire. This was almost impossible to make happen, but I did it because I’m a dedicated biomedical resea--”
“Because you’re unhinged.”
“--rcher, and you know what? You know what I’ve found?”
“Your blood looks like you’re half demon,” she says, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking, a little wild-eyed and clearly pissed at him. “Half of it’s human! Half of it looks like the non-physical chakra manifestations that were torn-apart remnants of a godlike demon. The fuckers can’t die. They also can’t breed. They don’t have reproductive organs! This isn’t just demon-tainted like a jinchuuriki, I’ve got that analyzed--”
“Because my cousin’s a moron, don’t change the subject. You--you shouldn’t exist. Your blood is stupid. Fuck, is this what I’d find if I analyzed the Sage of the Six Paths?”
“The what?”
She ignores him, frowning at papers. “Is--I need to call Haruno, she might still have some of Kaguya’s blood dried on her old gloves from the war, I know she kept those as a souvenir from the whole ‘punched a god’ thing.”
“I’m sorry, the what?”
“There was a thing a few years back, godlike alien demon princess who got sealed into a moon by her sons a thousand years ago, but her immortal sentient goo child brought her back with a giant tree that consumed all the tailed beasts-the flaming fox you saw earlier is one of them--and then used a giant eyeball to reflect off the moon to put everyone in a hallucination at the same time so she could eat our life-forces,” Karin dismisses. “It’s not important.”
“There is--what?”
Jedi see many things. Many of those things are very strange.
This is a little much even for Anakin.
“It’s over, if you want the actual details, talk to my idiot cousin,” she huffs. “But now I need to run comparisons between the actual nonsense that is your entire existence and the actual nonsense that is my cousin’s existence, and maybe Sasuke’s... fuck this is going to be a mess, I’m going to have to cross-reference all the clans with bloodlines we know are derived from Kaguya, she’s the only angle we have on gods like that, unless... maybe there’s still some black Zetsu goo somewhere... Orochimaru must have kept a sample...”
“Uh, can I--can I go? I’m not comfortable here.”
“I need to find Naruto so he can call the Sage of the Six Paths out of the afterlife so I can see if I can get blood from a ghost to compare to yours.”
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endlessymphony · 3 years
🧸 Congrats on 50! It is very much so deserved and so are all the future followers! If it’s not too much could I request a fluffy blurb with the one and only Remus Lupin, like a classic friends to lovers awkward and sweet first date shenanigans? Ilyyyy
thank u my beloved anon! <3
i think i’m in love with you. (pt. 1???)
pairing - remus lupin x reader
summary - the good ol’ best friends to lovers trope
warnings - cussing, lots of awkwardness, mentions of underage drinking
a/n - this is vaguely inspired by my ‘you are the kind of boy that they write love songs about.’ spotify playlist— because it’s adorable + has the same vibe
a/n continued; pls let me know if you guys want me to continue this fic to include the date! i honestly think this is just so sweet and cute, and would love to hear some feedback about it :) (might make it a two parter if y’all like it enough!!)
you and remus had been friends since fourth year, and while it wasn’t quite the ‘perfect’ first impression that brought you together, recalling the memory makes you smile nonetheless. most would claim that first impressions are truly everything, but you would beg to differ- seeing as being drenched in pumpkin juice by a very apologetic and slightly aloof boy has now led to one of the best friendships you’ve ever had.
tonight was just an average friday night in the gryffindor dorms as the marauders were hosting their usual ‘study’ night; obviously there was lots of chatter and laughter with an absence of any real studying happening, the name only aided in the fight against being caught by any teachers.
you and remus had claimed the couch whilst lily, james and sirius were scattered about the floor, peter sitting in a chair beside the couch.
glasses in hand, you were all slightly tipsy off of combinations of muggle alcohol that sirius managed to get his hands on, chests feeling as if they were alight. your skin tingled, brain and tongue feeling fuzzy as you laughed along with the others about something that james said.
you looked over at remus and caught him staring at you, you made brief eye contact before he looked away, a bit shy, but you giggled at decided to brush it off.
“you guys will never guess what i got for us tonight.” sirius started, legs slightly wobbly as he stood up. he reached into his pocket and retrieved a vial of veritaserum, “what better way to play truth or dare... then with some of this?”
you all looked around at each-other skeptically, knowing all about what that tiny vial can do to friendships, relationships, and your head. “i say we do it.” james pipes up, a smirk coming to his face. “...unless any of you have something to hide.” he turns to look at you and remus, raising his eyebrows a bit. you and remus turned to look at once another, cheeks darkening as your faces start to heat up. you look away quickly and try to ignore it, again.
ignore that feeling pooling in your stomach. the way your heart begins to flutter when you lock gazes. no, it can’t mean anything, right?
you all eventually give in to sirius’ antics, passing around the vial- everyone taking a shot. you’re the one to finish off the potion, it was an odd taste, your face contorting as you swallow it. not sweet, but not bitter, but also not sour- somehow all three combined to be one of the weirdest things you’ve ever tasted.
you place the glass vial down on the table in front of you, everyone waiting for the potion to take its effect. you sipped on your drink as you waited, hoping the taste of whatever lily mixed up would wash away the taste of the veritaserum.
and soon enough the ‘truth’ serum, as its called, began to work its magic on the rest of the group and yourself. your thoughts began to run- what if i mention the way that remus makes me feel? no, y/n, we’re not doing that tonight, plus no one will ask about it anyways. well, you spoke-thought too soon. everyone knew in some way or another that you and remus each had a thing for one another, so why not play on it when you’re both forced to tell the truth?
lily turned to the two of you with a wicked grin, just finishing up her dare, which you had missed due to the fact that you were consumed by your thoughts. her voice snapped you out of the haze, “so, y/n, truth or dare?” she drawled. both were terrible options. you knew that if you chose dare, you would end up licking someone’s foot or running down the corridor topless. but! truth was all the more terrifying. though, you suppose it’s the lesser embarrassing one of the two.
“truth.” you responded flatly, mumbling under your breath begging the universe to not mention remus. “what’s going on with you and remus, hm? do you like each-other?” her eyes glinted mischievously as she swirled the remnants of the drink in her hand around her cup. you wanted to say ‘nothing!’ but that wasn’t happening, mouth going before mind.
“i think he’s cute, and he gives me this weird butterfly feeling in my chest and sometimes talking to him makes me feel nauseous because i’m so nervous, maybe i think i’m in love with him.” you slapped your hand over your mouth to stop what felt like a stream of verbal diarrhea, eyes widening at what you just said. “shit, fuck. remus, i’m so sorry.” you said turning to him as you stood up.
you could almost cry from the embarrassment, well, that’s what you were doing as you speed walked back to your dorm. you couldn’t stay there, not after that, and you definitely couldn’t face remus. you just told your best friend you were in love with him, for merlins sake! if that wasn’t going to ruin the friendship- no, don’t even go there. that will ruin the friendship.
you launched yourself onto your bed, door shutting behind you. burying your head in the pillows, you just wished the mattress would swallow you so that you didn’t have to face reality. tears were scarce by this point, most of them streaming down your cheeks as you sped away into the hall.
remus was still sitting in the common room, dumbfounded. “shit.” he mumbled, mind completely scattered after your turn. james and sirius turned to him, sympathetically, well as sympathetically as they could until sirius cocked an eyebrow and started to muse, “you gonna go get them lover-boy?”
“yeah-“ he smoothed his hands on his sweater, “i am.” remus stood up and took after you, knowing that you always holed yourself up in your dorm whenever anything upset you. ‘they’re bound to be wrapped in blankets, face in the pillows’ he thought.
and that’s how you were exactly. wrapped in a crocheted blanket, face in the pillows. you didn’t know if you wanted to scream, or cry, or just run away and get a new identity and start a new life at beauxbatons or something as a transfer student.
remus reached your dorm, fist quivering as he started to knock on your door. “y/n.” he called, voice wavering. you sat up, “the doors open, rem.” he peeked in, a goofy grin coming to his face. “there you are.” he chimed, closing the door behind him as he walked in, sitting on your bed beside you.
“you always do that, y’know? whenever you’re upset or embarrassed, you always wrap yourself in that blanket and lay face down. sometimes you scream, or cry, or just end up taking a nap.” he chuckles lightly. “i hope you don’t feel bad about earlier.” remus stares at his feet, tapping one against the hardwood flooring. “i just don’t wanna ruin our friendship with my stupid crush.” you admit, feeling defeated, but he chuckles again.
you turn to look at him and cock your head, “what’s so funny?” you feel even worse, is he mocking you right now? laughing in your face? ouch- remus you absolute douchebag.
but it’s none of that, “well, y/n, to put it plainly, i think i’m in love with you too.” he stops his foot, looking up at you. your eyes meet, hearts both racing. “oh.” is all you can manage. his eyes dart back to the floor, “would, uh” he clears his throat slightly, “could i kiss you? maybe? would that be okay?” remus’ face starts to turn pink, a colour that you always thought complimented him quite well.
“yeah. that would be fine.” you replied, breathlessly. him saying that completely winded you. he gently placed his pointer finger under your chin, thumb bumping against your bottom lip as he leaned in. your eyes fluttered shut as you met him in the middle, lips brushing. it took everything in you not to just die then and there.
you bumped noses a few times throughout the kiss, giggles filling the room as you both pulled away- feeling the same breathless feeling once more. “so, this isn’t gonna ruin our friendship, right?” you asked, a smile playing on your lips. “of course not, if anything, now i just want you to be my best-friend AND my partner.”
“that would be lovely, rem.” you smiled even wider, pulling him in for another kiss.
maybe this whole awkward and messy confession wasn’t as bad as you thought.
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teeheesposts · 2 years
Emmy woke up, only to find that she was in a cold room with-
Was that Batman in the corner?
“This is the weirdest dream ever.” She announced, eyeing her surroundings in disbelief.
Emmy looked around to see the rest of the batfam arguing in what looked like hushed whispers.
“Well, I’m going back to bed, I have like, eight quizzes tomorrow.”
Red hood snickered, nudging his other siblings who were smiling as well.
“Laugh all you want. Asshole.”
“Language.” Batman reminded.
“My mind comes up with the weirdest shit sometimes.” She mused, looking around.
“Well, this was an interesting enough dream, but I guess I’m going back to bed now. Kinda sad, this would’ve been lowkey interesting.”
Emmy pinched her arm and closed her eyes.
She opened her eyes for a second time and was shocked to find out that she was in fact, still in the Batcave.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on?”
“We could ask you that. You literally fell through some weird vortex then passed out.” Nightwing commented.
“Okay, we’ll first of all, where the hell am I? Second, what are you guys’ names again? I’m not really apart of the DC fandom.”
Everyone eyed her suspiciously.
“What? I’m not cultured when it comes to DC comics and shit. Literally the only reason that I know Batman is because I read daminette fanfiction.” Emmy said, narrowing her eyes defensively.
“Damian what?”
“Daminette. Definitely my favorite ship. Or Felinette. Lukanette’s pretty good though.”
“Does anyone else not know what she’s talking about?”
“Right. I forgot. I’m totally going to oversleep, but this dream is one hundred percent worth it. My subconscious is really weird sometimes.” She said casually, propping her legs up in the chair.
Her outfit.
“Material girl, I guess.” She commented, glancing at what she was wearing. It seemed that her dream,(coma, whatever this was) had good fashion taste.
“Why the hell am I in this weird chair?”
“You are suspicious, we don’t know if you can be trusted or not.” Batman responded, his tone and stance giving away nothing.
Emmy rolled her eyes and laughed. “You do realize that I know you guys’ secret identities, right?” She said, taking on a broader stance.
“Is that so?” Red Robin said. His eyebrows were raised so high it looked like they would disappear in his hair.
“Yeah. Cut it out with the formal talk, you sound like me when I’m trying to make my essays longer.” She snarked.
“Well, since Red Hood is here, that means that Damian is Robin, right? Then Tim is Red Robin?”
Instantly the aura in the room became guarded.
“How?” Batman demanded.
“How do I explain it? It’s kinda hard. Let’s just say where I come from, it’s common knowledge.”
“Relax. I won’t tell anyone, while I’m here anyway.”
She attempted to stand up and stretch, but then realized her wrists were chained.
“Um, hello? Can you take these rusty things off of me?”
“Wow. Even in a dream, I’m imprisoned.”
They all stared at her wordlessly, maybe still processing the fact that a random stranger knew her identity. “There’s gotta be some way to get out of these things!” She said, shaking the chair with all of her efforts.
After one last desperate tug, something miraculous happened. She floated up in the air, and she felt something latch on her back. Were those…wings?
“This is so much fun!”
The opposite party watched her in shock.
“Also, does anyone have any gum?”
Emmy had no clue what was going on, but she wasn’t going to complain. Whatever this was, it was going to be very very interesting.
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ask game: i challenge you to answer all of them
Thnk you!
What do you guys usually fight about, if anything?
Placidus loves ketchup on chicken. I hate it. Motherfucker keeps using ketchup. Asshole. 2. Shit about sleeping vs. staying up
2. What are everyone's fashion tastes?
Anything casual for me. Runo likes pastel, Sanity likes cats, Ilmari and Casimir like anything. Placitrio likes punk stuff. Antti is all for camo.
3. Who's the best at dealing with stress?
Casimir. Definitely.
4. Who has the weirdest music taste?
Military marches for Antti. And Plac secretly listens to bubblegum pop.
5. Do you see your system members as individual people, parts of a whole, or something else? Do other members see things differently?
Sometimes I tend to see them as me. We are vastly different, but weren't we all one person when I was a young child? We are individuals, that's the truth.
6. Is there anything everyone can agree on or have in common?
Mambo Italiano SLAPS! 
7. How long have you known you're part of a system? Has it taken other members a longer or shorter time to come around?
It was the longest for me, as a fucking host. I had people in my head and personality shifts and all, I just fucking ignored it until Sanity just erupted out of place lol
8. What was the discovery process like for you?
"I think I have people in my head" and I named them at 6th grade but gave no fucks afterwards because "they cant be real lol". Then Muse said that I might be a system, so it was like lifting off the veil and oh my.
9. What do you feel your origins are, if you feel comfortable sharing?
10. If you could wake up tomorrow and have everyone be in separate bodies, would you?
Oh God yes. Though, Sanity has a catchphrase, "All would do well but us, Karl. We would fall like flies, Karl."
11. Do you have a favorite plural character or headcanon? 
I sometimes hc Dr. Gears from SCP Foundation as plural. What a lad.
12. Does anyone like any video games? What about books or TV shows? 
Antti: Battlefield 1. We all like it + SOMA + Bioshock. I, Val Pax, Plac, and Sanity love French Revolution related stuff.
13. Who's the most outdoorsy, if anyone? Who likes to stay inside the most, if anyone?
Sanity likes to take walks at night, even at 1-2-3 AM. I am such an introvert.
14. What is religion and spirituality like for your system, if applicable?
We are grateful and try to pray. Casimir, Runo, and Ilmarinen are the best at that.
15. Who, if anyone, are you out to? Are they supportive?
Out to a few old friends and Muse! They are very supportive.
16. Do you see multiplicity as more of a spectrum that everyone's on, or something that only effects some people? 
I have no idea. I mean, there are differences between singlets and systems I guess.
17. Any nonhuman members?
Ilmarinen sometimes imagines himself with wings. So does Casimir. And Sanity doesn't like being a human.
18. Do you have introjects? If so, where do they come from?
We don't talk about the introjects.
19. Do you consider yourself disordered? Do other members feel any differently about this? 
We keep forgetting shit, barely fucking alive at times. But the disorder is trying to protect us. We wish to be much more than a disorder.
20. What are everyone's favorite hobbies?
I like drawing. Sanity loves drawing and doing research. The Historians love research and writing. Placitrio likes music and arguments. Casimir and Ilmarinen like organising things. Antti likes writing. IX and XXI just like peace.
21. How do you resolve in-system conflicts? 
No fucking ketchup, Plac. Though, he always eats some when he fronts. We just shout and talk out loud until we reach a conclusion.
22. Do you dissociate often? What is dissociation like for you, if applicable?
All the fucking time. I barely remember the day. It's zoning out. Also, not registering the memories. I lived a day but I don't ever think about it again, register it as a dream-like state and it doesn't exist in my brain.
23. Do you wish you had more or less members, or are you happy with what you've got now?
I think we are okay. Plac wants to kill me, Sanity, and XXI though. Sanity actually begs for it.
24. How active are your other members? Who's around in headspace the most? Who fronts the most? Who's dormant, if anyone?
Sanity, Val Pax, Casimir, Runo, and the Placitrio are very active. Placidus is usually very vocal in the headspace. Introjects are dormant.
25. Do different members have different art or handwriting styles? Feel free to show examples! 
Sanity's handwriting is CHAOTIC. Runo and Casimir have the best one. Will post sometime.
26. Do you ever feel NOT multiple? Like a singlet, or somewhere in the middle of the spectrum? Do you ever forget you're part of a system?
Not this but somehow like the opposite. I accidentally use "we" while talking to people I'm not out to sometimes...
27. Do you guys have different tastes in food? What are everyone's favorite foods?
Fuck you Plac. I said no ketchup! Who the fuck eats ketchup like that, man?
28. Have you ever struggled with denial?
Oh boy a lot.
29. Does your typing style differ depending on who's fronting? 
I use the British English variant most of the time. Sanity keeps making typos. Casimir types very formally.
30. Do you have any amnesia? What's it like for you?
We forget every fucking thing we do. Brain doesnt register shit as memories. Like dreams.
31. Do any system members have a different gender or sexuality? How do you guys handle this?
Yeahhhh. Mostly we respect my decisions. However, female or enby members are free to express their gender identity when they front.
32. How has your system changed over time? 
We had the introjects go dormant and a split. (Welcome XXI)
33. Who's the oldest member? Who's the youngest?
Hermit is the oldest, like 60-80. Olive is youngest, around 5.
34. Do you see your system more as family, more as friends, more as roommates, or anything else?
Some of us are a family. We are altogether like roommates!
35. What would your perfect life or dream job look like? How does this differ between members? 
I, Val Pax, and GHJ want to be historians. Others are okay and glad. Runo could be a therapist. Plac could be a gardener. Casimir could be an architect. Ilmarinen could be a religious worker. Antri would love to be a soldier if we were healthy lol
36. Name your favorite quality of all the members you can think of! Including yourself! ;)
Im the host, i like that. Sanity's art is perfect. Runo has good taste of music. Casimir and Ilmarinen protect our body and soul. Placitrio are energetic as hell. Val Pax writes a lot. GHJ honours history. Olive is so cute. Antri writes helluva military stories. IX is very calm. XXI protects San.
37. What's the most awkward experience you can have that you attribute to plurality?
Forgetting ENTIRE people and conversations. Or lashing out on someone (thanks Plac)
38. Is it easy for you guys to be co-conscious?
For some of us. Plac is co conscious often. And Casimir just waits just in case ae is needed.
39. Are you blurry often? How do you deal with blurriness?
Man I live life in a blur and cant deal with it fkkvsklcd. We actually have a discord server though so we note things down
40. Do you know a lot of details about your system members, or is it more hard for you to parse out?
I know what they share about themselves
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sarunohadaki · 2 years
Thinking about my self-indulgent luminerik kidfic again and what their kids would be like... (note: under read more is literally almost 1.5k words of rambling)
Liz: She/her. Black hair, green eyes, pale skin, and Octagonian accent. The oldest. Adopted from Octagonia when she was six. (But has Hottish roots.) An ambivert. Very type A personality. (Or just highly competitive and results-driven. Analysing personality tests makes brain hurty.)
Takes a while to warm up to people and def needs to work on her people skills. Does a lot better in a crowd or with older adults. (Maybe she just wants/likes to look mature? Wants to be adult already.)
Favorite weapons are sword, then bow and arrow. Doesn't really know anything about magic. Keeping her fighting skills sharp is just as important as doing well in school! Thus, she's naturally top of her class, too.
I imagine her busting into a meeting in her adventuring gear, excited to show off her newest discovery to her dads. But I can also imagine her rocking a ballgown at a fancy event. (Lots of Jade energy.)
Loves Erik and Mia the most. (El is not sour about that at all. You really can't too much when you factor in that he's the one she goes to for all the comfort-seeking, since Liz wants to look strong in front of Erik.) She looks up to Jade and Hendrik a lot.
Really appeals to the idea of being an older sister, primarily because she likes being someone others can look up to or confide in. Idris doesn't really jibe with that but Lief appreciates it!
Idris: He/him. Black hair, gold eyes, brown skin, Gallopolitan accent. He's a little shit. Adopted from Gallopolis when he was ten, primarily at El's behest. Doesn't really know what he's doing in Dundrasil but he's trying to figure it out.
Good at a mixture of fire spells and knives. Doesn't have a favorite parent— both spoil him an uncomfortable amount, though he confides in Erik the most.
I still have to figure out what his motivation/aspirations are. I feel like he'd be an extrovert! Once you lean into the whole "prince" thing, I think there's a layer of him that really likes living in a castle. ...And another layer that still won't ever get used to it.
Gets into arguments with Liz on the regular, but she only puts up with his shit for so long before refusing to engage with it anymore. (Ideally in a more mature manner than Veronica and Erik.) They'll eventually reach a common ground where Idris acknowledges/respects Liz's strength and she stops treating him like a little kid.
On that note... appreciates people who don't treat him like a child. Favorite person is definitely Sylv! Then, hmmm... Rab or Faris. People who are a little goofy but genuine, you know? A plus if they're strong. So I guess he'd like Ronnie, too.
Lief: He/him -> she/they. Pink hair, blue eyes, slightly tan skin, weirdest conglomeration of dads' accents. The baby!!! Was adopted when they were days old; a carriage on a rainy day was uhh met with some complications.
El spoils this kid so rotten. All he's ever wanted was to have a baby wake him at two in the morning and make him rock it to sleep for three hours straight. There might be sleep deprivation in his eyes, but there's also extreme pleasure in cradling a lil baby in your arms and seeing it grow up into an adult.
I have considered writing... thousands of words of El just reveling in the baby-rearing process and Erik standing off to the side like, "I'm happy you're enjoying this so much babe, you do you."
A little, shy introvert. Looks up to the older siblings a lot, who are both really kind to Lief in return. Lief definitely prefers El the most out of the parents. (I wonder if Liz or Idris would be jealous?)
Prefers magic and books. Finally, we also get a good Mia/Jade/Gemma/Serena/Veronica lover. Lief really likes her female role models! (Of them all, though, I think they'd like Gemma or Serena the most.)
Definitely goes on a gender journey somewhere along the way. I feel like I need more research to get into that but it's there. Lief likes wearing dresses and the dads are very supportive! Liz excitedly lends her some.
There was something about a piano room once but I don't remember the details. I think the plot went that Liz was growing older and wanted to move to a new bedroom, where she discovered there was a room down the hall with a piano in it. Liz ends up getting Lief's bedroom, which is larger, and Lief moves into the piano room. Lief learns how to play piano and really enjoys it.
Last note: Finally we get a kid who feels right at home in fancy garb and has dinner manners! Their accent is Drasilian but also a healthy heaping of a (fucked-up) mixture of El and Erik's accents.
I'm considering whether it would be reasonable for Liz to go to speech therapy since I've given her more of a Derk dialect, but I can already imagine El and Erik diving into a deep pro/cons list and concluding she is perfect the way she is and it's not worth possible harm to her self-image...
...But she might end up trying to perfect her dialect anyway, as she wants to be a proper future queen with a fancy Heliodoran accent or something.
At dinner parties, Liz has a lot of fun socializing with guests. She dresses up fancy and schmoozes well.
Idris finds the whole thing sorta annoying — if he has to be there, he might spike the punch bowl or sneak slimes under the tables — but he'll do it for appearances and the rare fun conversation. More often he'll sneak out with his equivalent of Derk and return before curfew at the end of the night.
Lief, too, prefers to read in the corner. But they were raised in this weird fancy shit, so they don't mind acting every now and again if it's for appearances. Eventually, she'll get more confident with it and maybe find a romantic interest or friends to support her.
I struggle to imagine all the kids in a room together getting along, but I think if I wrote it enough the dynamics would start to make sense together. They all have little places where common interests overlap; it's just a matter of finding them.
El's been assigned some of the more maternal features of being a parent, mostly by choice. I feel like of the two men, he's definitely the one who's already overanalyzed what the kids need, and worried that not having a mom is going to result in some sort of emotional deficiency.
Erik scarcely cries as it is, so El shows them that it's okay to express how you're feeling and definitely leads by example. Idris probably finds the whole thing awkward. Liz is really expressive and Lief lands somewhere in the middle.
I have it written somewhere that El cuts his looong hair down to shoulder-length and regrows it again. I think it'd be cute if he and Lief grew their hair out together and El showed them that guys can have long hair, too!
The dads take turns playing tough cop but Erik arguably does a better job because El always carries around guilt/discomfort for having to play the role. I don't think the kids would get a lot of the "go ask your father" situation where they keep getting sent to the other dad when asking for permission to do something. El/Erik both feel comfortable enough to put their foot down when needed, though the bigger decisions require dual consideration before reaching a decision.
My favorite dynamics are: Lief & El, Liz & Erik, and Idris & Erik. I cannot express to you how many times I have imagined El cradling a lil baby and singing it songs and loving it oh so dearly... 😭 If Lief ever got into an argument with El I think it would destroy him. (So naturally that happens at least once. Kids are little shits.)
Thinking about it now, there has to be at least ONE time where Idris and Lief join forces against Liz for one reason or another. Jealousy? Resentment? Wanting to knock the oldest sibling down a peg? I don't really know but I think it's one way Lief and Idris would bond.
Idris and Liz would bond over orphan life together and their thougths about living in a castle. Lief and Liz would have fun trying out pretty clothes.
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sunsetcurveofficial · 3 years
can I request ot3 or even all 4 sunset curve soulmates drabble 🥺
this... is so much longer than a drabble, i’m so sorry. it was only going to be a fraction of this but then... i kind of liked this universe and kept going lol
anyway, here we go, 2k of sunset curve ot3 soulmate goodness 
also available on ao3
It’s weird, this soulmates thing. Alex has always thought so. So people are born with random sentences scribbled onto their skin, and they’re supposed to be the first words your soulmate ever says to you. It sounds all beautiful and easy enough, and really, for most people it is. He supposes it’s nice to know you’re actually supposed to be with the person you may or may not fall in love with. Most soulmates do, he knows. But not all of them. Some remain platonic, because some people are not made for romance and that’s okay. He knows that platonic love isn’t any less important than romantic love. Generally speaking, he does think that the soulmarks make sense, too. For most people. 
His, however, has never made any sense at all. 
Because his soulmark says Hi, I’m Reggie. Reggie says you’re killing it on the drums, man.
It doesn’t make any sense. It never has. 
So, he met Reggie when he was 13. And Reggie said the first part of his soulmark to him. Which makes sense. The second part, however, remains unsaid. And it doesn’t surprise him that it does. Because why the hell would Reggie tell him that Reggie says he’s killing it on the drums? It doesn't. Make. Any. Sense. And frankly, it makes Alex a little anxious to think about. Does he have two soulmates? He used to think that is something that only happens in fairy tales. 
The weirdest part, however, is the fact that half of Reggie’s soulmark also remains unsaid. Reggie has the words Oh, hello, I’m Alex. Dude, you shred on the bass! tattooed onto the skin on his forearm. The first part is self-explanatory and makes perfect sense, but Alex didn’t even know Reggie plays bass when he first met him. 
He and Reggie have spent hours and hours dwelling on what it all means, and why both of their unsaid halves are related to their instruments, but to no avail. They have no clue. Having two soulmates is rare, but your soulmate also having two soulmates is close to impossible. Neither of them have ever heard of that happening before. Except maybe in fairytales or TV shows. 
On Alex’s 14th birthday, they agree that there isn’t any point in agonising over it, because they would inevitably find out, eventually. So Alex tries not to dwell on it anymore and focus on his new boyfriend instead. Because while he and Reggie have assumed they are soulmates of the platonic kind at first, they have since figured out that kissing is much nicer than it looks on TV, especially when they’re doing it with each other. 
They’re 15 when it all starts making sense. Except it still doesn’t, and it’s completely insane. It’s a perfectly normal Wednesday and Alex is waiting for Reggie by his locker, idly going over his maths notes, when he hears Reggie’s familiar laughter reach his ears. He looks up with a smile, and he finds Reggie walking towards him, dragging another boy he’s never seen before along by the hand. There are a couple of thoughts raining down on him all at once, approximately in this order:
“Why is my boyfriend holding hands with another guy?”
“Who is this?”
“Don’t be jealous now, Alex. He’s your soulmate.” 
“Fuck, that new guy is pretty. Almost as pretty as Reggie.” 
“Stop staring, Alex.” 
“Alex! Alex!!” Reggie says excitedly when they reach him. He’s beaming, his smile almost blinding, and Alex wants to cry a little bit because he loves him so much. “You gotta meet Luke! He’s just moved here, and I just met him in music class. Also-- no, never mind, later. Luke, this is Alex.” Reggie is jumping up and down a little, and he’s so bubbly, he almost seems nervous. Alex faintly wonders what that’s all about. 
Alex stares, feeling a little overwhelmed by an onslaught of emotions he can’t really place. Luke nods at him. 
“Reggie says you’re killing it on the drums, man,” Luke says casually, and Alex swears his heart stops. No way. His whole world is closing in on him, and he stares at Luke open-mouthed, unable to say a single word. He blinks, and forces himself to look away from Luke - his soulmate, his freaking second soulmate - and meet Reggie’s eyes instead. Reggie looks like a deer in the headlights, and at least that’s an emotion Alex can relate to. It’s eerily quiet for a long time, the chatter of the students around them drowned out by Alex’s own heart hammering against his ribcage. 
“Umm… are you two okay?” Luke asks, and somehow the sound of his voice snaps Alex back to reality. Right. He has yet to say anything. Has yet to say the words written on Luke’s skin somewhere. Oh dear. What is he going to say? Why does he feel so pressured to say the right thing when it’s already been decided anyway? He feels himself panic a little. He should just answer Luke’s question, right? Easy. Isn’t it? Except he doesn’t even remember what Luke said. Fuck.
“What the fu--” he starts muttering, eyes widening as he stops himself, “I mean, no, I can’t say that-- no, that’s awful, oh my god, I messed this all up. Fuck!” His eyes widen even further when he realises just how badly he fucked up. He looks back at Luke and blushes.
“I am so sorry, man,” he says, and he means it. Luke stares at him for a long moment before bursting into loud laughter. He holds onto Reggie’s shoulder to keep himself upright, and something about the sight and the sound sends a flutter to Alex’s stomach. Reggie is laughing too, and he keeps eyeing him fondly. It helps to calm Alex some. 
When Luke’s laughter ceases into a grin, he picks up the hem of his sleeveless band shirt and reveals a perfect tattoo of Alex’s rambling. It’s not all there is, though. Above it, there is a line saying, Thanks, I also happen to shred on the banjo. 
Alex blinks. It fits perfectly with Reggie’s second half. And Reggie does shred on the banjo. No. That can’t be real, can it? They can’t all be soulmates, right? That doesn’t happen. He looks up to meet Reggie’s beautiful green eyes, and he’s beaming at him. Then he meets Luke’s, and the stranger - because that’s what he still is to him - grins from ear to ear. 
“Well, boys. Nice to meet ya. Soulbros, or some shit.” 
Alex makes a face. Reggie giggles and shoves at Luke’s shoulder. 
Alex faintly wonders if Luke is straight and makes up for the platonic part of their little triangle. Luke raises an eyebrow, grinning. 
“No? Okay, well, that’s good. ‘Cause I think you’re both like, insanely cute.” 
Alex blushes, he knows he does, and he’s comforted by the fact that Reggie blushes, too. Red blotches appear all over his cheeks, and it’s the most beautiful thing. 
Luke seems to have no qualms about anything, and Alex thinks that makes sense. He and Reggie do still need a little more confidence between them, and a little more of a doer, since they both tend to be talkers if no one pulls them along. 
“Uh, yeah, Reggie and I are already dating,” Alex says. Luke nods as if he likes to hear that. He’s definitely adjusting to this weird three-way situation much faster than Alex is. 
“Sweet!” he says and beams at them. “Also, boys! We can start a band. How cool is that?”
Alex stares again, feeling like he’s missed something. He and Reggie have been talking about starting a band with their friend Bobby for so long, but they’ve never done it. 
“I play the guitar,” Luke explains, “And I sing, and write music.” 
Well, Alex thinks, that makes more sense than anything he’s ever heard before in his life. Just like their soulmarks suddenly make the most sense in the world. 
 Reggie falls for Luke first. Alex sees it happening right in front of his eyes, and he wonders if he should be jealous, but he stomps out that spark before it can be set aflame. They’re all soulmates and it was bound to happen. It’s not like he doesn’t feel it too, the magnetic pull towards Luke. Luke is wonderful. He lives and breathes for his music, he’s driven and passionate, and kind. There is a depth to him, too, and Alex thinks he can’t wait to explore it. Alex would say he’s the most beautiful person he’s ever met, if it wasn’t for Reggie. They are so different in so many ways, but that’s one thing they have in common. 
“I think I want to kiss Luke,” Reggie says one afternoon when they’re 16 and hanging out in Alex’s room, listening to music and waiting for Luke to pick them up and take them to Bobby’s place for their band practice. “Is that okay?” 
Alex smiles at him and pulls at his arm to make him straddle his hips. He reaches up to brush a loose strand of hair off Reggie’s forehead. 
“Of course it is,” he tells him. Reggie beams, but Alex can see another worry crease appear on his forehead.
“You don’t want to yet, do you?” he asks carefully. Alex shakes his head. 
“I’m happy to kiss just you for now.”
Reggie smiles again and leans down to press his lips against Alex’s. Alex wraps his arms around Reggie’s neck to keep him from pulling away as he deepens their kiss. Alex loves kissing Reggie. He thinks it’s the best feeling in the world.
They’re still kissing when Luke bursts into the room. Reggie startles so badly, he nearly falls off the bed, and Alex knocks his head on the headboard. 
“Aw guys, without me again? I’m really starting to get a little jealous here,” Luke pouts. 
Reggie gives Alex a look, and Alex nods, encouraging him to go on. So Reggie jumps up from the bed and takes a few strides across the room to step into Luke’s space, push him until his back hits the door, and then kiss him right on the mouth. Alex expects jealousy, but he only finds himself feeling warm all over. He loves them both, he knows, even though he might not have any desire to kiss Luke just yet. It’s mostly just due to his nervousness anyway, but even that makes no sense, because it’s not like Luke would reject him. 
He watches Luke kiss Reggie back eagerly, his hands roaming over the other boy’s back as he keeps him close and tilts his head for a better angle. 
When they pull apart, Luke smiles happily, and Alex feels that flutter in his stomach again. He knows he won’t last much longer. Especially now that he’s seen Luke kiss Reggie. Maybe he kind of… wants a taste anyway. But not just yet, even though Luke is giving him a longing look over Reggie’s shoulder and it does all sorts of funny things to his chest. 
 They’re 17 when he finally gives in and kisses Luke in the middle of one of his impassioned rants about the song he’s working on. Luke gasps in surprise, but immediately lets go of his guitar to bring a hand up to the back of Alex’s head. He kisses him back the way he plays music. He gives it his everything. It’s the best feeling in the world, right on par with kissing Reggie. 
When Alex pulls away, Reggie is grinning at them from his spot on the floor where he’s idly plucking at the strings of his bass. Luke is smiling happily and promptly wraps his arms around Alex’s waist to hug him, holding on tight. 
“Dude, you had me so worried. I was half convinced you didn’t want me like that. That this part of the triangle is strictly platonic for you or something!” he says. 
“I told you, babe,” Reggie comments. “He just needed time.” 
Alex shrugs. 
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I just-- I get so nervous sometimes and--”
Luke interrupts him by pulling him into another kiss. 
“I know, you dork,” he says, then turns towards Reggie, “You’re both dorks.” 
Reggie doesn’t even look up from his bass when he says, “Yeah, but you love us anyway.” 
“That’s fair. I really do,” Luke says, shrugging, then clears his throat, “Well, soulmates. Let’s get to work. We got an important gig to rehearse for.” 
 -  End.   -
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whindsor · 3 years
the trials of online dating, part 2
hey @witchofinterest you’re still inspiring me btw
Swipe left, swipe left, swipe left-
Mika thought, with all the options available to her, that online dating in NYC would be a breeze. In truth, it didn’t even have to be dating. She just needed friends that weren’t her sister or her sister’s boyfriend.
Swipe left, swipe left, swipe - oh, hold on.
Mika furrowed her brow, glad that the handsome man on the screen couldn’t see the double chin she sported as she curled up on the couch. James Bucky Barnes. She’d heard that name before. Where had she heard it before?
A quick google search reminded her, making her sit up and stare down at her phone. Now when she looked at his picture, she remembered how sad he looked during the trial, how tired he was when he took the stand to talk about all the things that happened to him. TIME magazine ran article after article about the years he lost.
And now he was trying online dating? Good for him.
Mika stared long and hard at the screen. He was cute, and he also probably felt a little misplaced here in New York. Or, this was a fake account, and she would be disappointed. Again.
Hiking. Technology. Reading. Well, they had two out of three things in common.
Fuck it.
She swiped right before she could think too hard about it, going through a few more profiles before deciding that no one was going to strike her interest until she figured this James Bucky Barnes situation out. So she put her phone down and went about her afternoon, baking some bread for the week and cleaning the fridge out. She hated cleaning the fridge out, but since she was currently mooching of her sister in the studio apartment, she needed to do a little extra work.
She wasn’t surprised when her phone dinged later. She was surprised to find that it was James Bucky Barnes, accepting her match.
Her stomach did a flip. She wasn’t cool enough to match with the former Captain America’s best friend, and definitely didn’t expect him to go for the Romanian girl.
Had to be a catfish.
Mika: Is this really Mr. Barnes?
She was going to get to the bottom of this. If he messaged her back, then she could get on the web app and trace his IP address and see where it was registered. She wasn’t positive on the legality of that action, but safety came first. Her phone dinged again. A message!
James: Unfortunately.
The response made her laugh out loud, any thought of tracing his whereabouts fading. A catfish wouldn’t respond like that.
Mika: Deciding to try online dating? You’re becoming a real modern man, James! James: My therapist made me.
Ouch, okay, so maybe he wasn’t into the dating part. Mika was about to switch her tactics when he messaged again.
James: Sorry, that was short. Still getting the hang of this. James: You can call me Bucky. James: If you want.
Mika smiled down at her phone. There was something magical about the guy not caring about sending multiple texts in a row. Any girls she dated didn’t mind it, but men were always wanting to look all stoic. Mika found that the less they talked, the more desperate they were.
Mika: Nice to meet you, Bucky. I’m Mika. James: Nice to meet you, Mika. James: I saw you’re from Romania. Have you lived in New York long? Mika: Just a couple months. Moved here after the Blip. James: Oh, I’m sorry. That must be tough. Mika: Could be worse. I’m staying with my baby sister who is now, technically, older than me. Mika: How is it being back here?
Well if he didn’t think she was a creepy stalker, he did now!
James: Weird. So many things are different. James: But even weirder, some things are the same.
When Mika blipped back, it was hard enough to figure out everything that changed in five years. If the TIME articles were correct, Bucky was back in New York after leaving eighty years ago. She couldn’t even imagine how weird everything felt for him. And how lonely he must be.
Mika: So what’s the most important thing for me to check out? Mika: You know, since you’re a true New Yorker.
That was a safe enough topic, right? She hoped so. Centenarian or not, he was the first person to message her that didn’t ask for pictures, and she was in desperate need of someone chill. It took a while for Bucky to respond, long enough that she was utterly convinced that she’d said something wrong.
James: Totonno’s is where we used to go for pizza all the time. If you want good cheesecake, Junior’s is the best. Mika: Oh, I like both of those things!
She paused, hoping that the next message would be him asking her out. Of course, it couldn’t be that easy.
James: Let me know if you like them. James: If it’s any consolation, they still taste the exact same. Mika: Good to know. I’ve also been on the hunt for a Romanian place. Mika: Know of any? James: Not right off hand, but I can do some research. James: I spent some time there, before the Blip. Mika: Really?? Where?? James: Bucharest. Mika: No shit! I lived there! Mika: I was on the south side, in Rahova. James: …so was I. Mika: What apartments? I was Bloc 70 B.
The dots hovered, then disappeared, then hovered again, then disappeared again. Mika held her breath, but couldn’t maintain it long enough before having to take in a gulp of air. Bucky still didn’t respond. Was that too intimate a question? God, she hated this online thing sometimes.
Finally, her phone lit up again.
James: Did someone send you. Mika: What? No. Mika: I’m sorry, did I say something wrong? Mika: I know they weren’t the fanciest apartments, but…
Another ten agonizing minutes, then,
James: I’m sorry. I lived in those apartments too. James: I get spooked pretty easily nowadays.
Mika let out a huge breath of relief. Okay, good, so she wasn’t some inconsiderate asshole. Her and Bucky just had the weirdest coincidences.
Mika: That’s fair! Mika: How do I know you’re not the one following me?
Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
James: I don’t do that anymore. James: That…probably didn’t help my case.
Oh thank God, he was just as awkward as she was. And at least he had the excuses.
Mika: Meh, not the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me. James: Same. James: Wish I could even say getting blipped was.
Don’t do it, don’t ask it, don’t say it -
Mika: What’s the weirdest thing then?
James: When Steve tripled in size. James: Thought I was hallucinating. Mika: Oh God, I can’t imagine! Mika: It’s weird enough that Nicoletta is a year older now Mika: At least she’s the same size James: Do you have other siblings?
Mika tapped the edge of her phone. She never did figure out how to word this without eliciting a pity party. But hey, Bucky of all people would probably understand.
Mika: We had an older sister. She passed away. James: I’m sorry to hear that. Mika: Thank you. James: My sister passed away about 20 years ago. James: Obviously, I was not there. Mika: Have you visited her grave? James: Yea, in the first couple weeks I was here. James: Will you think I’m an asshole if I say it was anticlimactic? Mika: Not at all. Mika: Last time I visited Raisa I called her a selfish bitch so Mika: You’re in good company
Too much information, that was too much information.
Bucky sent back…a laughing emoji.
James: That’s how you know you were close. James: My mother got mad at me because Rebecca thought her name was “Stupid Baby” for a long time. Mika: Aw, you were much nicer to your sister than I was haha James: Well, it was the ’20’s. James: Things were a little different. Mika: Were you a flapper? Mika: Don’t lie. James: I would never. James: Lie, that is. James: I was definitely a flapper. James: The cutest damn toddler flapper you’d ever see. Mika: Pics or it didn’t happen. James: I don’t know what that means. Mika: It means I want photographic evidence. James: Cameras weren’t invented yet. Sorry.
Man alive, James Bucky Barnes was funny.
They kept going back and forth, attempting a more normal conversation. It was, Mika found, a very nice conversation. He was someone she liked talking to, and he seemed to enjoy talking to her too. Or at least he was really good at faking it. 
“Why are you smiling so much at your phone?” Nicoletta asked later, giving her an odd look from her easel. Her boyfriend had already gone to bed, leaving them to watch whatever they wanted on Netflix. Of course that meant they put on a baking show and proceeded to do anything but watch it.
“Huh? I’m not smiling at my phone.” she said, tucking said phone into her lap.
“Don’t be dumb.” Nicoletta said, brandishing her paint brush like a knife. “Who are you talking to? You better not say-“
“Ew, no, not him.” Mika said, cutting her off before she could utter the name of her ex. “Just…someone I met on HiLove.”
“I thought we talked about those dating apps.”
“I’m lonely! I need friends.” she said. “He passed the background check.”
“Let me see a picture.” Nicoletta said, coming over. Mika sighed, thumbing through the app to find Bucky’s profile, and the one picture he had. She hoped her sister didn’t notice the two unread messages in the corner. “Hmm. Okay, he’s handsome.”
“Yes.” Mika agreed. In fact, he was becoming more handsome as the afternoon went on. “And he’s funny too. And smart.”
“Ok, calm down. You just started talking to him.”
“I know! I’m not like, proposing marriage.” Mika said, rolling her eyes. “I just like talking to him so far. That’s all.”
“Uh huh. I know how it goes with you ‘talking’ to good looking people.”
“About as well as it does with you.” she pointed out. “Pre Steve, of course.”
“Of course.” Nicoletta said. “Have you discussed future plans? Deepest fears? Favorite sexual positions?”
“I hate you.”
“These are important questions!”
“I’m going to bed.”
“No phone sex on the first day!”
“I really hate you!” Mika sang, pulling the curtain around the little area in the studio apartment that counted as her room. It was late, and she probably should go to bed anyways. But Bucky was still up, and they were currently discussing movies. Turned out, he was way behind.
Mika: Star Wars? James: Nope. It’s on the list. Mika: Star Trek? James: Also on the list. Mika: Pride and Prejudice? James: Isn’t that a book? Mika: And a movie! My favorite one. James: Guess I’ll move that to the top of the list then.
Was he…flirting? Mika couldn’t deny the smile on her face now, even as her eyes struggled to stay open. Nicoletta went to bed, and with the light off, staying conscious was becoming a struggle.
Mika: Good answer. James: Ever seen Wizard of Oz? Mika: …no. A little before my time. James: Ouch.
Despite the humor and the fun conversation, she could feel the fatigue setting in. She was so afraid to stop talking, afraid that tomorrow he would change his mind, or find someone cooler than her. But she couldn’t stay up all night anymore, she wasn’t in her 20’s.
Mika: Unfortunately, I think I need to sleep. James: I understand. It is really late.
She paused, tapping the edge of her phone. What was the worst he could say? No?
Mika: Talk to you tomorrow?
Apparently it was his turn to pause, long enough that she nearly fell asleep before her phone buzzed again.
James: I’m looking forward to it. James: Goodnight, Mika. Mika: Goodnight, Bucky.
She went to sleep with a smile.
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mannatea · 3 years
i almost had a STROKE. i came home early, minding my own business, and turned on the game before abandoning it on the title screen while i loaded up the dishwasher to run, and while i’m doing this i hear the weIRDEST sounds and the cats are acting REALLY put off by this too and it takes me like FIVE MINUTES to figure out it’s random characters battling shit since the title screen went into like, idk, show-off mode to feature the different class types. -_-
aNYWAy...back to supports i didn’t have time to read last night:
ignatz x lysithea C = “i like it because it reminds me that other people care about me” omg ignatz you’re a cute lil bean i love u. lys came for his fucking life though, gee whiz. U HURT HIS FEELIES GIRL.
ignatz x marianne C = ;_; he’s so good, not picking on her about her inability to make small talk, and even working to make her feel good about the silence hhhh i like it.
claude x raphael C = this was kinda cute. “Vicious cycle of charity” lmao
raphael x lysithea C = raphael is such a fucking himbo i love him
caspar’s little “HEHEHEHEHEH” when he dodges attacks is hilarious
byleth x petra C = got it before.
raphael x byleth B = “i sold all our valuables to pay my way in” damn boy, he loves his lil sister so much ;o; “you should ask your father to have more kids” i’m like 20+ i don’t think at his age he wants to raise any more, especially not normal screeching colic-y babies GJSFDFALJDSAFS
cyril x byleth C = got already
byleth x rhea C = “i shouldn’t treat you like a child” i mean, compared to u i’m like... a lil baby so whatever works lmfao. anyway i got this before but...new insight and all. “grandmaMa... it’s mE... bYleTh.”
lorenz x lysithea C = “the future, he says. as though i have a future.” 👀 lorenz is interesting here. at least he takes his responsibilities seriously and he gives a damn about keeping the peace/maintaining relations.
marianne x claude C = “NONE OF UR BUSINESS.” 👀 lovin that. good job marianne, but waht u hiding? don’t worry claude, we’re both nosy af so.
marianne x raphael C = ;___; raphael is so sweet wtf. the biggest himbo. i love that he jumps to “you can talk to birds” and not “you’re completely fucking unhinged, huh.” he just thinks it’s the neatest thing ever and doesn’t get weird about it i love him
leonie x raphael C = we’re all leonie when we gotta go to the grocery store and we try to carry it inside in one trip,,, “do you think you’re like this because you had The Poor?” lmao called out, feelin it. anyway she’s so nice to him and they’re THE SAME LOL. also i enjoy the lil support parallel there with leonie and raphael & raphael and claude lol.
leonie x lysithea C = lysithea is so cuuute ahhh. i love that she strives to always be better, which i think is something she has in common with lorenz, so that’s neat.
caspar x linhardt B = LOL these two are fun. i like their dynamic so far.
claude is doing his best to learn more informations about the ten “heroes” but lmao. thwarted at every turn. sorry nerd, you’ll have to wait a hot minute while we beat up miklan.
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ashyblondwaves · 3 years
First of all please write that enemies with benefits thing that “stupid fucking bitch” and “red bastard” shit killed me. Like little vignettes of them hurling insults while they try not to break their kiss AND while they’re trying to get naked as fast as possible?? Immaculate.
Second of all do you think they wear some kinky ass outfits in the bedroom sometimes? Like full leather and whip type shit? I could see dom Wanda whipping Vision. Or Vision dressing as a professor by putting on a blazer and glasses? Whooo boy.
Can Vision take a whole one of Wanda’s titties in his mouth at a time? Does he try his best to do it with each of her ass cheeks?
Does Wanda like getting her hair pulled? Does Vision put on his human disguise so Wanda can pull his hair?
Which one likes calling/being called a dirty slut more?
Have they ever fucked in public in an alley or something after a battle bc adrenaline?
Vision in leather chaps?? Thoughts?? A cowboy hat would also be acceptable?
What are Wanda and Vision’s craziest fantasies individually? Have they had some of the best sex of their lives because they tried something new?
Are Wanda and Vision the hottest parents on the PTA?? Are they each oblivious to how hot they themselves are but stare daggers when the hoes are staring at their spouse who is objectively hot AF??
Fun possible angst trope/ idea/hc?
Fun fluff idea/hc?
New and fun smut idea/hc??
Any no powers AU ideas?
In what scenario(s) could you imagine either Wanda or Vision being super overprotective of their partner/family?
Do you have any hc’s for either of them coming home from a mission and the other one breaks down because they thought they might never see them again?
Are they as obsessed with each other as everyone thinks? Are they touching at all times? Do they know?
Do they have any matching outfits? My headcanon is that the whole family wears matching sweats or tshirts or something every year for a picture. And when Wanda is pregnant with the boys or with Flo, her shirt/ sweatshirt says big bird and everybody else’s is a different Sesame Street character.
Also when Wanda was pregnant with the twins she had some sort of one fish two fish red fish blue fish or some other kind of twin themed outfit on. Vision repped Dr. Suess in some other way.
Does Wanda jump Vision whenever she gets the chance? Like is he washing dishes she sneaks up behind him and whisper some nasty shit to let him know it’s on? Does Vision do this to Wanda?
Have the team ever been looking for Wanda and Vision just to find them curled up in the blankies with everything covered but still naked and Vision is just snoozing on a titty?
Would Wanda ever get her nipples pierced? I’m projecting lol this is a goal of mine to get them pierced soon.
Would Vision get his human nipples pierced? Would he stan Wanda getting hers?
Where is the weirdest place they’ve found hickies on their bodies?
What is the weirdest place the team has seen hickies on their bodies?
Has anybody ever seen bruises on Wanda’s wrists or neck from Vision’s big ass hands and asked if she was ok and she’s like oh yeah they’re not those kind of bruises so she blushes and leaves?
Has Wanda accidentally read someone else’s mind while she and Vision were fucking because she lost control of her powers? Was it some weird shit?
Have a fun night!!
Second of all do you think they wear some kinky ass outfits in the bedroom sometimes? Like full leather and whip type shit? I could see dom Wanda whipping Vision. Or Vision dressing as a professor by putting on a blazer and glasses? Whooo boy. You just put your finger on the pulse of one of my kinks. The professor kink. Professor Vision. YES PLEASE.
Can Vision take a whole one of Wanda’s titties in his mouth at a time? Does he try his best to do it with each of her ass cheeks? That’d have to be one awfully big mouth to do that, so probably not!
Does Wanda like getting her hair pulled? Does Vision put on his human disguise so Wanda can pull his hair? Yes and YES. Sometimes Wanda just needs a handful of that blond hair while he’s going down on her or really getting in there with some good ol’ missionary.
Which one likes calling/being called a dirty slut more? I’m not sure either one do but I had to choose, probably Vision.
Have they ever fucked in public in an alley or something after a battle bc adrenaline? Kissed? Absolutely. Groped? You bet! Full on fucked? Not yet but probably one day at the rate they’re going.
Vision in leather chaps?? Thoughts?? A cowboy hat would also be acceptable? Let’s go with assless chaps, no hat and maybe a lasso?
What are Wanda and Vision’s craziest fantasies individually? Have they had some of the best sex of their lives because they tried something new? Vision wants to be tied up and edged while Wanda recently discovered she wants people to almost catch them. She’s always trying to get Vision to do something where people might see or catch wind of things. After years of being secretive, she’s done with that.
Are Wanda and Vision the hottest parents on the PTA?? Are they each oblivious to how hot they themselves are but stare daggers when the hoes are staring at their spouse who is objectively hot AF?? Absolutely yes! They both hot and they’re Avengers. Can’t really get much hotter than that. The commoners want in on that Avengers swag, but it’s not gonna happen.
Fun possible angst trope/ idea/hc? There was a scare during the twins’ pregnancy. Wanda went an entire day without feeling either of them move and spent that time thinking the absolute worst. Then she had some spicy food and it woke those boys up.
Fun fluff idea/hc? Vision doesn’t understand football. I mean, he understands the rules and the strategy and can appreciate that but he just doesn’t get the point of throwing a ball around. He does it though for the boys sake and they love him for it.
New and fun smut idea/hc?? Now that I brought up Wanda wanting to do it and almost get caught I have this idea that they rent a hotel with a big window. Think of the window in IW and they just fuck against this window for anyone walking by to see if they look up at the right time.
Any no powers AU ideas? Besides The Playlist? Nothing at the moment but that can change with the tiniest of pushes LOL.
In what scenario(s) could you imagine either Wanda or Vision being super overprotective of their partner/family? It’s all about those big bad guys they fight. They want to protect the boys from that world at first, until the boys show their powers and they realize there’s no shielding them from it. As it was said in WV, they were born for it.
Do you have any hc’s for either of them coming home from a mission and the other one breaks down because they thought they might never see them again? This happens a lot. Almost every time one of them goes on a solo/mission without the other. Anxiety and bad thoughts take over, even for Vision and his logical self. So the minute either of them walk in the door, they’re right there to greet them in relief and tears and unrealistic promises to always come home to the other (cause who can promise that for real? :’()
Are they as obsessed with each other as everyone thinks? Are they touching at all times? Do they know? I mean it sure as hell seems like it. Something that I headcanon is that Hex Vision is the real Vision in the sense that, this is who Wanda knows. She created him, afterall. That side of him we see in Westview is still him, just that side Wanda gets and he may have kept hidden from others. But that’s just my headcanon.
Do they have any matching outfits? My headcanon is that the whole family wears matching sweats or tshirts or something every year for a picture. And when Wanda is pregnant with the boys or with Flo, her shirt/ sweatshirt says big bird and everybody else’s is a different Sesame Street character. That’s so cute! They definitely coordinate outfits for pictures and maybe all wear cheesy things for holidays (Vision’s idea, let’s be real) like matching pajamas.
Also when Wanda was pregnant with the twins she had some sort of one fish two fish red fish blue fish or some other kind of twin themed outfit on. Vision repped Dr. Suess in some other way. Thing 1 and Thing 2, yo! Not that the boys are “things” but you know. To stay with the twin thing.
Does Wanda jump Vision whenever she gets the chance? Like is he washing dishes she sneaks up behind him and whisper some nasty shit to let him know it’s on? Does Vision do this to Wanda? Wanda is ready whenever Vision does anything domestic. Washing dishes is a big one for her. Those sleeves are rolled up, he’s looking fine as hell and Wanda definitely takes advantage. Vision returns the favor too, usually during more quiet moments where he can tell her how beautiful she is but then get really dirty about it.
Have the team ever been looking for Wanda and Vision just to find them curled up in the blankies with everything covered but still naked and Vision is just snoozing on a titty? Snoozing on a titty lmao. That’s great. I bet the team has totally found them in weird states of undress before. That’s just the risk you take when two Avengers get together.
Would Wanda ever get her nipples pierced? I’m projecting lol this is a goal of mine to get them pierced soon. I could see this. Maybe in the AoU days or something, just a spontaneous decision to do something a little wild. Good luck on your piercings. Sending you good vibes to heal perfectly.
Would Vision get his human nipples pierced? Would he stan Wanda getting hers? I don’t see Vision being a nip piercing kind of dude but he would absolutely support Wanda if she decided to do it.
Where is the weirdest place they’ve found hickies on their bodies? Wanda has found them all over. Weirdest place, right under her armpit.
What is the weirdest place the team has seen hickies on their bodies? Nat saw some mark on Wanda’s inner thigh that she knew were hickies or bite marks. Wanda said they were bruises from training but then eventually spilled the beans.
Has anybody ever seen bruises on Wanda’s wrists or neck from Vision’s big ass hands and asked if she was ok and she’s like oh yeah they’re not those kind of bruises so she blushes and leaves? Nah. Vision is typically gentle with Wanda with his hands, knowing how easily she would probably bruise if he used more strength. He wouldn’t leave her to walk around with actual bruises on her wrists or anything. Maybe on her ass from holding her while she rides him, but that’s about it.
Has Wanda accidentally read someone else’s mind while she and Vision were fucking because she lost control of her powers? Was it some weird shit? Not yet but it could always happen ;)
Have a fun night!! You too! Thanks for stopping by with fun questions for me!
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Ayesha Liveblogs Death Note
I’m watching this show specifically because of that text post that said, “Watch how quickly this one guy decides to be the worst person ever” and he has killed two people in the first ten minutes
Though 2 be fair he’s killing people to save people so it’s a trolley problem kind of thing for now
“In fact I’ve been waiting for you... Ryuk” ok weird flex Light but u do u
“You’re the first one to use to this extent in five days” WAIT DID HE MURDER ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN FIVE DAYS I THOUGHT HE WAS JUST LOOKING AT A LIST OH MY GOD??
“So there isn’t a price to using Death Note?” said Light, as if killing people is just a normal thing that we all do
Fhkjfhfkjb Ryuk really went ‘u used the book so we’re friends now’ 
I was wondering why the book was in English, and I guess that makes sense British and American imperialism really Did That
“I can write down the names of criminals, and slowly reduce the number of evil people” uhhhh doesn’t u being a Book Murderer also make you a criminal Light
“Human lives shouldn’t be taken so lightly” bah dum tss
Also I guess that revelation lasted about thirty seconds for you huh
Update from 15 seconds later: Even less than that
“I would create a world of earnest, kind humans” really because I don’t think places that allow the death penalty are generally nicer societies 
It’s interesting that they use English in the classes and the notebook but the conversation at Interpol takes place in Japanese (despite the implied internationality and Ryuk’s aforementioned claim about English being most common) 
Huh I won’t lie I do think it’s confusing that the main characters are L and Light, which also starts with L
“I am justice” I mean if anything this show just proves that no one should be allowed to use the death penalty on apprehended suspects in criminal justice cases ever 
Wow this show is full of mind games already I guess I can see why like, crime show fans would dig it
“But I’m going to say this as your roommate” OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES KJHRGKJHKJHG
Interesting that someone is following Light specifically already
I mean not to poke too many holes in your plan Light but wouldn’t it clash with your plan to become God if you die at like 35 or smth 
“You’re already much more of a shinigami than they are” Ryuk said my friends are BORING I want to hang out with this MURDER TEEN
“I may not look it, but I’m pretty popular” Light is exactly the kind of guy who ends up in a true crime special where a bunch of people say he seemed like a nice, charismatic young man
Man this poor girl that Light brought on this date is going to be straight traumatized after this
I mean isn’t it MORE suspicious if someone dies around someone with direct ties to the police even if it’s not a heart attack
“You were indeed a brilliant FBI agent once, but now you’re my fiancée” kjhfkjhg WHAT FBI AGENTS CAN’T BE MARRIED 
“Once we have a family, you’ll be so busy that you’ll forget that you were an agent” I’m not a fan of Raye Penber 
What’s the point in killing Raye at all???? He told you he was part of a special investigation so clearly he’s not that suspicious of you
Light sure is bold to announce his Killing People Experiments in the middle of a busy sidewalk 
Incredible that consistently no one notices Light’s increasingly threatening declarations????
Fjkfkfhk these five cops finding out their Hail Mary is this strange little goblin man,,,, wow
This woman has really pushed Light to the brink just by giving a fake name, I admire her tenacity
Cops wearing fake IDs really did not age well oh boy
Wow it really took only eight episodes for L to track Light as close as one of two families
“You have a wife and daughter, right?” “I know!” I mean..... not 2 be that guy but... cops
 “To me, apples are like... Well, like cigarettes and liquor to humans” Vcvhcjhj every once in a while Ryuk says something that really tickles me
I know the word sociopath is kind of outdated but man does Light have actual interests outside of school or does he just do stuff to fill the void of his lack of interests (outside of murder)
JKHGKJHGKJHKJHG I cannot believe that this has turned into a fake classmate situation first of all 1) are you going to become friends and 2) How old are you Ryuzaki/L?
“Where is that rich kid from? And he’s even at the top of his class? What a jerk” honestly a mood
I DESPERATELY want Light’s mother or sister to overhear his evil cackling will someone finally eavesdrop on this god complex
“If I sit normally, my reasoning skills drop by 40%” weird flex but same 
Sidenote: I can’t believe how many episodes of this show I already have watched
Ngl I was VERY shook that Mr. Yagami had a heart attack. Also does Light care if his family lives or dies or is he kind of neutral on the subject? 
“If Kira is an ordinary person who gained this power, then he is a very unlucky person” Dad and L said ‘if u ARE Kira could you please stop murdering thank you <3′ 
Light really underestimated how much cops hate anyone who has killed a cop oops
Update from ten seconds later: Two people, I guess
Well this explains the girl in the short dress which serves as the Netflix thumbnail of this show I was wondering when she would show up 
Also she sounds like she’s very young? Clearly Shinigami don’t have a minimum age of informed consent when it comes to their Murder Eyes Contract 
Hahah I bet Light didn’t imagine that his petty and fucked up apple joke would bite him so quickly in the ass
Dhkjdhdkjhd Misa is so bold dropping her Death God deets in a video for anyone to see 
“The way to kill a Shinigami, is to make them fall in love with a human” does this mean that Ryuk is going to fall in love with Light or Misa? Both would make me uncomfortable
Oh wild guess Misa became a Death Note Wielder through the Power of Unreciprocated Voyeuristic Love
“Yeah, I have a girlfriend now,” said Light, after a girl contacted him through a series of anonymous video tapes implicitly vowing to be his disciple 
“No one could tell who he’s attached to if I’m with this many people” [20 seconds pass] “Found him!” HAHAHA the funniest part of this show is consistently watch Light going “got ‘em” before it immediately is revealed that he doesn’t got ‘em 
Why is Light so incredibly searchable??? I think the only way people people could find my height online is if I happened to answer it for one of those Facebook note memes in 2007 lmaoooo
“There are many places that will go and sell your personal records” ah, data breaches; a problem that has not gotten any better in the last 15 years since this anime came out
HKJHFHKJFHF Light immediately jumping into fake-dating his weird disciple in front of his mom... what is this show
“Please make me your girlfriend” OH MY GOOOOOD
This is one of the weirdest romantic dynamics I’ve seen in recent memory but you know what? Whatever, at least it’s not Anxiety and Murder
“Does that mean I’ll have to deal with her until she dies?” Light is truly exuding some Ladybird Book of Dating Energy rn: 
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The fact that to kill L all Light had to do was get an obsessive girlfriend... astounding
Beautiful that it took Misa less than a week of knowing Light to ruin his whole 15 episode game plan and also life
“I think I may be Kira” Well this show keeps taking one escalation after another this is exhausting why can’t Light just be a normal person who found it, tried it out of interest in the occult, discovered he’d committed a horrible atrocity and then went to therapy for the rest of his life only to confess to Magical Murder on his deathbed while his family goes, ‘Wow, Grandpa’s crazy’
Does L not think that keeping three different people imprisoned for days on end will lead to some psychological repercussions for him
FOR WEEKS ON END????? OH MY GOD???? The fuck L, I know two of these people are murderers but there are some minimum conditions of correctional facilities and this seems a little Stanford PE
“I will make arrangements so you and I are together 24 hours a day” call me crazy but I would not want to spend 24/7 with the man who imprisoned me for over a month while playing cruel psychological games all the while
“I’m one of those people who’ll accept Kira, I’d think of ways I could help him” Misa said Bimbo Rights
“I could never toy with a woman’s emotions like that” Light’s dating life and personality has gotten a LOT funnier since he forgot he was a murderer I kind of wish THIS could be the whole show 
Also: Nice to know Light USED to have standards of how to treat women
Honestly fair play to both L and Light they both deserved to be punched and it’s funny to see eighteen episodes of mind games culminate in punching and kicking each other in the face
“Matsuda’s being an idiot again” “Well, Matsuda is a natural at that” wghkjhgkj what has Matsuda done to any of you
"He’s punishing criminals as a front, and killing people for the benefit of this company” is Light unknowingly going to solve the murder chain he himself started... inspiring
“I was testing you” this is why Light is your only friend, L, Aizawa has kids and it’s a dick move to ask him to put his convictions before them
Poor Matsuda realizing he’s got the least to offer to their team... me in high school science labs 
I understand Aizawa’s moral crisis but why do NONE of these cops care about their wives or daughters they’re just kind of like, ‘I will provide for you but I have no interest in or fulfillment from being part of your life’ (ACAB)
Matsuda is truly about to die for being dumb and eager to help 😔 Rest in Pieces
“We must not allow Yotsuba to figure out that we are investigating them,” said L, just after it cut from Matsuda being obvious about investigating them. Oh Matsuda 😔 you’re so bad at your job 😔
MATSUDAAAAAAAA oh thank goodness; Bimbo Rights save the day
“I can’t go along with your idea, it’s wrong!” said Light, despite the fact it took him 15 seconds to get over murder the first couple of times he did it 
Staaaaaaaaay Good Light, I don’t want ur Deathnotesona I want this young man with moral convictions!!
The level of hubris it takes to answer a phone call during your secret Murder Meeting while people continue to talk about their Murder Plans is just out of this world
“If I die, you could probably become the successor to the ‘L‘ name,” said L, to the person he has been trying to catch for twenty episodes 
“I won’t say anything under any kind of torture” “Yes that’s true” Which he knows because he tortured her for six weeks!! You see that that’s fucked up, L, right? RIGHT??? RIIIIIIIIGHT? (LIIIIIIIGHT???)
Seriously not to beat a dead Shinigami but Light is so much better like this. He doesn’t want to throw people’s lives away for the investigation! He wants to protect Misa! He thinks Kira is wrong! Why does he have to be a murderer!!! Why can’t this show be about a nice young man!!!!
Wow Rem is so ride or die for Misa protecting Misa from creepy Higuchi, giving her info and telling her to trust Light, that’s love bitch
Props to Misa for getting a confession out of Higuchi after one (1) car ride 
Why do I feel like L is going to be responsible for reawakening Bad Light is it because he psychologically tortured him for six weeks? Had his dad hold him at gunpoint? Forced Misa to investigate on his behalf? Constantly and unerringly presses him on what Kira would be thinking as he’s handcuffed to him 24 hours a day? Maybe!! This is like Build-a-Bear but he’s customizing his Teen Murder Friend 
“Only Mr. Matsuda can do [the mission to lure out Higuchi!Kira]” Death Note really said the Himbos, Herbos and Thembos shall inherit the Earth 
They keep saying they don’t know how he kills but it seems pretty obvious that he writes down their names to kill, they literally saw him do it
I really don’t want any of the investigation team to die but things are not looking hot :(
“Ryuzaki, I never knew you could fly a helicopter” “It’s just intuition” what does that MEAN
“Those aren’t allowed in Japan,” said Light, about a gun, as if he had not killed probably thousands of people without one 
In spite of this fact I really do want Good Light to stay 😔 Why! Can’t! This! Show! Be! About! A! Nice! Young! Man!
Also they really are playing into this father-and-son duo I will be very sad when the dad inevitably dies as I’m sure he will 
Family side note: I’ve been wondering this since the prison ep but where do Light’s mom and sister think he IS now that he’s dropped out of first year uni to be a teen criminal investigator handcuffed to a maladjusted homebody private eye
AIZAWAAA and also the other two guys I guess there was a plot relevant reason for him to rejoin the police huh
Well what a clean ending to this Kira arc. No one died and the killer was caught! Yikes that the next ep is called ‘Revival’ tho 😔 Rest in pieces Good Light
Also a new and very threatening intro???? What happened to the Twilight Apple Hands 
BOOOO I knew Light would get his memory back but I was hoping it would at least fuck him up for a while he sorted out his two personas but I guess all roads eventually lead to Bad Light 
Full disclosure I stopped watching for a few days just after Light got his memory back and let me tell u coming back later hasn’t made it any more tolerable I am truly not built for this EUGH
“Do you really want to halve your life a second time” “Well, that can’t be helped” REALLY???? CAN’T IT BE HELPED MISA??? WHY ARE YOU AND LIGHT SO CRAZY
Oh I guess we’re back to Light saying incredibly suspicious things right near the investigators lmao what if those cameras secretly had audio or you know, L simply knew how to read lips 
“Misa, let’s make a new world together” Remember a bunch of episodes ago when Good Light was all ‘I could never toy with a woman’s emotions’?? What was the reason!!!
“Have you ever told the truth at any point in your entire life” L cutting straight to the core lmao (also the answer is obviously ‘no’)
This show has taken a jarring tonal shift why are they having a post-rain-confrontation massage and towelling each other off this is a level of intimacy I was not prepared for I NEED PEOPLE TOOK LOOK AT THIS:
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I guess L knew he was forcing Rem’s hand to kill him if he disproved the rules written in the book?? But to what end omg how does this help anyone 
“In April 2012, Light Yagami, age 23, joins the National Police Agency” should’ve known we’d land here eventually (ACAB)
Ah, I see another person who doesn’t know how to sit, clearly they will inherit the L title next lmao
Update from the first few mins of the next ep: “Near should succeed L” told you
“There’s no way I’m letting Sayu marry a detective” ahjfkhkjf he’s a little old for her I think but it wouldn’t be the worst thing this show has done romantically lmao; maybe Sayu would get to investigate her brother
“I might’ve considered going out with you, if you were a little younger” HA GOOD FOR HER
“[...] the Japanese police are unreliable. In order to solve this case, we want you to hand over the notebook to our country.” Of all the Japanese-speaking Americans in this show, this is the most accurate jkhfkhf the US government really is Like That 
Ah, so that’s where Mello’s gone, oh how the turn tables 
Also way to sell your subordinates out immediately, NPA Director, will you give them the Kira task force’s home addresses too
The real question is if Light actually cares about his sister enough to prioritize her over the notebook
“Call me... N” Oh my good L... M(ello)... N(ear)... Oooooooooooooooo
It’s my saving grace that I only need to get through 9 more eps but as always I must wonder where this is going will Light just die and end up in Shinigami purgatory while the people who knew him after the fact go, ‘hey, that guy was fucked up’
“If things get bad, I’ll have to kill Sayu” well I guess that answers that question, my expectations of Light are so low and yet he continues to find new ways to be awful
Good for Mr. Yagami and Sayu for getting out of that alive I guess but hoo boy I think this is going to have some psychological repercussions for both of them 
Uh oh this episode is called ‘Father’ I’ve been dreading this one bc I think that means Mr. Yagami is about to die 😭😭😭
“It was an institution for brilliant children, to raise them to become L‘s successor” okay calm down Professor Xatari that’s not what children are for lmao 
Well I guess it’s a lot easier to track down info about these two guys than it was to figure out L lmao
HAHAHA Sidoh haunting Ryuk to ask for his stuff is a fun addition to this madness  
“He’s scary for a human” jkhhfjh how unhinged does Mello have to be to threaten a literal Shinigami 
I truly don’t understand the logistics of how they revealed Ryuk to the police force isn’t the second Kira notebook supposed to belong to Actual Kira, in the police force’s eyes????? I do not understand how Light can just turn up with another notebook and everyone’s like ‘sure cool’ did I miss something 
Mr. Yagami killed for being unable to take human life ugh this is the worst 
Neither Mello nor Near seem overly concerned with the lives of people around them does being a Super Genius Investigator also mean you have to be a dick (is this Benadryl Coddleswab Sherlock syndrome)
Lmaooo genuinely love how it’s constantly apparent that Light is the least smart of all of the smart people Light spent five years working on his reputation and it took Near one (1) phone call to destroy it 
Ghjkhgkhgkgjh Light outsmarted by Near yet again never think people will prioritize principles over money
Lol yeah Aizawa needn’t have given a name after he said the “Deputy Director Yagami would kill Kira and then himself” thing, you don’t do that just for anyone who was he fooling 
How does Light keep track of all the renunciations and notebooks bc I certainly can’t 
Ffhkfjhfj Mikami truly looks like the son of L and Light it’s like Light missed him and was like, “Miss u boo :( (even tho I kinda killed u) I’ll adopt An Evil 27-year-old in ur honour :)”
Is Mikami’s story really, ‘I got bullied in high school and have mommy issues so now I think people I don’t like should die’ ok Shonen Snape 
“I just want you to meet with me and hear me out” Light really proving to Aizawa that he can lie AND manipulate people’s feelings 
“The truth is, she’s not smart enough to be my partner” first of all Light I think this show has proven you’re not that smart, and Misa’s Herbo Energy is effervescent and will outlast you, and third of all go to jail
“He’ll look suspicious if he doesn’t say something soon” “Ide, have you ever been in love” Matsuda continues to be the only good part of this show
“You’re the only man I’ve ever respected and admired in my life” GET SOME THERAPY KIYOMI
“You’re going to be the goddess of the new world” so it’s not enough for Light to be a murderer he must also be a cheater
Lmao Near’s powers of perception do seem a little B/BC S/herlock because L tried for literally months to work out the possibilities and Near is just like ‘I KNOW IT NOW’
“The only thing I can deduce from this is that Light Yagami is popular with the ladies” HEAVEN KNOWS WHY (PUN NOT INTENDED)
Every moment Aizawa gets closer to proving Light is Kira is another step closer to death 😔
“This is definitely Mikami’s handwriting” Not to be a know-it-all, Near, but handwriting analysis has been proven faulty many times in multiple courts of law
This truly is a game of Cat and Cat. All these hidden plans give me a headache fkjhkfjh call me Misa-Misa and spin me sideways I don’t have the braincells to spare
Well this is definitely some kind of s*xual assault absolutely fucking hate it wow this show truly just drains the life out of you 
“Matt, I never thought you would be killed” why wouldn’t you think that at this point anyone who comes close to this investigation eventually dies (also wjkhkjhgk why is Matt special didn’t you kill all those thugs you had before -- Mello said ‘the lives of my allies are only important if they are drawn in handsome protag style’) 
As of yet I haven’t really talked about Near’s wild toymaking but hoo boy is that L finger puppet something to observe
“Everyone who knows about the existence of the notebook will die” I’m still pulling for their survival, particularly Matsuda (himbo rights!!!)
Imagine if they just shot Light Yagami on sight how ironic would that conclusion to all these mind games be 
“I’m waiting, for the one who will solve everything, to arrive” Lmao if it turns out L is alive I’ll pee laughing this show is so fucking stupid 
Take a shot every time there is a Humpty-Dumpty-in-Puss-in-Boots style explanation about how everything actually happened
“I’ve won, Near” I bet/hope what gets Light caught is his inability to hold in his hubris for one (1) minute
Although the last episode is called New World, in which case maybe he wins in a very weird ending to a very weird show
Sjkfhkjhfkhfkjhf well I guess what gets Light caught is that the person he invited to be his murderous disciple keeps calling him God
“A second ago, you said ‘I win.’ That’s as good a confession as any” HA hubris strikes again also bold of Aizawa to clap Light on the shoulder knowing he is a mass murderer
Ohhh Matsuda he’s so nice and believed the best of Light :((((((((((((
Watching Light become increasingly desperate and crazed is very uncomfortable give it up dude u’ve been beat (though I suppose there is time for everyone here to be murdered still lmao)
Yeah I figured if one of them was gonna shoot it would be Matsuda :( :( Good for him for not killing Light tho!!
Huh I guess that’s the end of the show I thought Light would die but I did think we’d at least get to see him in Shinigami Purgatory or smth... what a wild ride. This certainly was a show.
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Outside chapter 16: Therapy Sessions
And thus, we return to Outside! Starting with this brief interlude like chapter from someone completely new!
Update schedule is gonna be once every two weeks on Monday, just like before. As for Happy Times, that's gonna be on the back burner for a while so I can get this done, but I'll try and pop out another episode at some point.
So enjoy for now, and see ya;ll again later! :D
The puppet laid on the couch, flopped over like a discarded toy, eyes staring unblinking into space. If she didn't already know better, Trina would have assumed it was something one of her patients had left behind .
It, or rather she, wasn't a forgotten toy, however. She was her new patient, and, according to what another patient, Stacy, had told her, she had trust issues. But, she could work with that. And by that, she meant do paperwork until Scout was ready to talk.
Unfortunately, it seemed like that was taking a while. Before she knew it the whole hour had passed and the alarm had gone off. When Trina looked up from turning it off, the Puppet was gone, and the door was open. Ah well. She supposed she should prepare for her next patient, then.
Once again, Scout was laying on the couch. A different position this time, and staring in a different direction. Trina resigned herself to more paperwork again, like the last few visits. Though she felt like they were making some progress. Sometimes she looked up and Scout was in a different position, or she was in the middle of blinking.
In her mind, that was a good thing. It meant the Puppet was starting to get comfortable with her. Maybe soon, she'd actually start talking.
"Did you know Hosts can bleed without getting hurt?"
The question startled Trina, and she fumbled the pen onto her crossword book. "Excuse me?!"
"Yeah they do it naturally into the toilet! And into these weird giant soft band-aids that Stacy didn't want me to mess with." Scout reached down her shirt and pulled out a bright orange square. "Jokes on her, I took one anyways."
"Ah." It made sense, actually, that Scout would have no knowledge of the menstrual cycle. "And... did Stacy explain what they were for?"
"Nope! She just yelled a lot, and turned really red." She pulled the tape holding the wrapper closed off, then stuck it to the couch. "I asked Will why she wouldn't tell me, and he said it's because Stacy's a prude. And then she yelled at him."
"Did Will explain it to you?"
"No. Because he's also a prude. Stacy said so." There was a loud tearing sound as she slowly pulled the backing off of the pad, and Trina realized why Stacy had kicked her out of the bathroom. She also made a note to never let Scout into her bathroom.
And so, Trina spent the remaining forty-five minutes giving a sex-ed lesson to a living hand puppet. Not the weirdest session she'd ever had, of course, but it was certainly up there.
She just wished Scout hadn't stuck the pad to her keyboard.
The next few sessions were spent answering whatever questions Scout had that for whatever reason, she couldn't ask Stacy. Whether it was about biology("But why is it brown?"), a question about porn("I just don't see the appeal of watching Hosts fucking."), or about movies("He was the best character! Why the fuck would they kill the best character!"). Most of the time, Trina would google it with her. But sometimes she would ask why she couldn't ask Stacy. Usually she'd get one of what felt like stock answers, but occasionally she'd go really quiet and only say:
"I just wanted to know what you thought about it. That's all."
And Trina would, outwardly, accept that. But she always made note of which questions were related to that answer to try and understand her better. She also started on a timeline, to try and get the two into a session together. It probably wouldn't happen soon, she wanted to try and get Scout talking about herself first. But once she'd made some progress there, they could try a joint session.
It took another several weeks before Scout told her anything about herself. Although it wasn't what she expected.
"And then he gave me ice cream! And I ate it, because it was solid and delicious! But it fucking melts! And it's fucking gross!" She was raging, but in a way that almost made her look adorable. Not that Trina would tell her so, of course.
"And, why is it so bad that it melts?"
"Because it soaks in! Duh!" She looked thoroughly annoyed, and Trina felt a little bad for asking.
"What happened next?" She asked instead.
"Stacy and Will yelled at each other a lot, and then Stacy went to sleep on the couch. And then the next morning they locked themselves in the bedroom and wouldn't let me in while they made weird noises."
"Ah." Stacy had told her about that. It wasn't always the healthiest thing she could do, but Stacy genuinely thought it helped so Trina wasn't able to do much to dissuade her. "Did they come out at some point during the day?"
"Yeah, eventually! But it was boring as hell until then." A pause. "They banned me from Netflix, too, cause Stacy said what I was watching was a bad influence on me."
"Well that's too bad." She kept her tone sympathetic. "What else do you do during the day?"
"Watch TV."
"Besides that."
"Oh." Scout sat up, thinking. "Nothing- Well, I do hang out with Stacy a lot."
"Hmmm." Trina wrote that down in her notes. "Have you tried to find something other than TV? A hobby of some sort, or even a game to play?"
"I do play this game called Kirby sometimes." She admitted. "It's... kinda fun."
"Have you beaten it yet?"
"I mean... no..." She looked away, playing with the edge of her shirt.
"Maybe you should try and do that. Could be more fun than just watching Netflix all day." She kept her voice upbeat, and tried to figure out something else the Puppet could do besides TV.
"Maybe..." She looked around the room, eyes never stopping on one spot for too long.   Trina waited patiently, pen tapping lightly against her notebook. "... Something happened last night. Something... kinda bad."
Scout nodded. "Sometimes, when Stacy wakes up and doesn't know where I am, she'll... take over my body. Not to do bad stuff though!" She was quick to assure when she Trina's face. "It's just to, y'know, see where I am. She gets worried when she can't find me."
Stacy had mentioned that. Apparently she now brought Scout everywhere with her, including to her programming job. "What made last night so different then."
"Well, normally I just sort of... float? I guess? When she does that. But, last night, I... woke up in her body."
Trina blinked. "Well, I suppose it makes sense that would happen-"
"No it fucking doesn't!" Scout shouted, cutting her off. "It's a bad thing! Very fucking bad!"
"Well, why do you say that?"
"Because it means that our fucked up link is evolving!" Scout told her in a 'duh' tone of voice. "Who knows how it could change from here!"
"Is it possible that you've always been able to do that, but just never did before now?" Trina asked.
That gave her pause, and seemed to calm her down a bit. "... I don't know. Maybe." She shrugged. "I... never really wanted to try before..."
Trina nodded, adding another note to her paper. "What happened next after you... woke up in Stacy's body."
"Well, we both flipped our shit, which woke Will up and then he flipped his shit. And then he and Stacy yelled for a while before he left and we managed to, uh, swap back." Scout scratched the side of her head, thinking. "And then Will came back with something, and he and Stacy fought some more."
"What did they fight about?"
"The thing Will brought back. It's some sort of a toy, like a psychic test." She scowled. "He made us sit there and do it, right then."
"The Waygetter one?" At Scout's confused look, she waved the question away. "Never mind. What were the results?"
"100 percent psychically linked." Stacy said, arms folded and stoic look on her face. "Not that I didn't already suspect, but I'd prefer a real test to a Waygetter "toy"."
"Of course you would, considering your past." Trina said, jotting down notes. "Did anything happen after that?"
The young woman shrugged. "Not a lot, mostly just went back to bed. I thought about banishing Will to the couch for his betrayal, but decided against it."
"Good." She nodded. "Banishing him over something so small, and when he was just trying to help, could lead to resentment building up later on."
"Yeah yeah." She kept her arms crossed, eyes trained on the floor. "Scout was pretty upset about it, though. But she's upset about a lot of stuff cause she feels guilty."
"Really now?" Trina jotted that down. "How do you know about that?"
"Psychic link." Stacy raised a single eyebrow. "Duh."
Trina sighed. "Has anything else happened lately? Made any friends at your job?"
"Not really." She shrugged. "This one woman, Chell, talks to me sometimes. She knows sign language, which is kinda cool I guess. But, I wouldn't say we're friends."
"Maybe you should focus on making friends with her. It seems like you two already have something in common already."
"Mm." Stacy looked away, tapping the fingers of her prosthetic against her flesh arm. It was pretty scary to look at, but it didn't stop her from wearing a spaghetti strap, leaving the limb on full display. Trina had also taken note of that, attributing it more to the woman's anti-social behavior than confidence or a strong body image.
"You can't rely on Will's friends forever, Stacy." She told her. "You need a life outside of him. It's not healthy to center everything around him."
"Easy not to lose everything if you don't have anything." She retorted. "I have Will, and I have Scout. They're all I need for now."
"What about your brother?" She looked away. "Or your father? Have you talked to either of them recently?" Silence was the answer, and Trina only sighed, used to it by now. "Your homework this week is to call your family for once. You need to repair your connections to them."
"I need to convince Scout to drop her guilt."
"That's my job." Trina gave a small smile that went ignored. "I'm serious about talking to your family though. Especially if you plan on getting into more... situations like this one. How would Danny feel if you died, and nobody would tell him anything about it?"
Stacy shrugged, and Trina sighed again. "Call your father. Text your brother. Make a new friend. Do one of these three things before our next appointment, okay?" She ordered as the timer dinged, signalling the end.
"Fine." The woman ground out, standing up and straightening her top. She accepted the offered prescription, then left the room. She stopped just briefly to grab her bag from Molly, the receptionist, and then went out to her truck. Scout popped out of the bag as she exited the building, and Trina sighed as she watched them.
They truly were an odd pair, and Trina hoped things worked out for them. She certainly couldn't imagine it could get any worse, anyways.
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