You wanna know something? I thought this was your main blog all this time.
Ah. Yeah I can see how that would happen lol. I have been posting here more than my main.
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I am going to stop posting on this blog! Instead, everything will be on my main blog here: https://creativeskull95.tumblr.com/.
The reason? It’s easier to maintain and manage one blog than two. Also I post stuff on my main that doesn’t make it to here and vice versa.
I am NOT deleting this blog, and I am NOT leaving Tumblr. I am simply consolidating where I post.
I am also closing the Inbox on Sunday, probably around 8PM Central. After that I will be posting almost every ask I’ve received. They may not all have answers, and they probably won’t be tagged, but I will post them. So feel free to send me any concerns or questions until then.
Though, here’s a quick little QnA that will hopefully cover some bigger questions.
Will you still post fanfic/art?
Yes on my main blog.
Can I still send asks/submissions?
Yes, to my main blog. I’ll answer there just like I do here.
Will you reblog anything from here to your main blog?
If there’s something specific you think should be reblogged, let me know.
Are you doing this because of some drama/controversy/etc?
No I’ve been thinking of doing this for a while now. I just decided to do it now.
You’re not deleting this blog though right?
Nope, it’s staying up as an archive to what’s been posted. Though there will be a Pinned Post directing new fans to my main blog.
Will you respond if we @ or direct message this blog?
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I'm gonna miss this blog. I know it'll still be around, but still.
I know, but I'll still be posting on my main so hopefully the experience won't be lost.
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Dark anon here. I just saw the important post thing and I just wanted to ask: will you be rebloging my submissions to your main blog along with everything else? I'm just anxious you won't do that for some reason.
Originally I wasn't but since you asked I will. Plus it'll provide the context needed for future submissions.
I'll probably get started on that tomorrow, though. I'm very tired right now.
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I am going to stop posting on this blog! Instead, everything will be on my main blog here: https://creativeskull95.tumblr.com/.
The reason? It’s easier to maintain and manage one blog than two. Also I post stuff on my main that doesn’t make it to here and vice versa.
I am NOT deleting this blog, and I am NOT leaving Tumblr. I am simply consolidating where I post.
I am also closing the Inbox on Sunday, probably around 8PM Central. After that I will be posting almost every ask I’ve received. They may not all have answers, and they probably won’t be tagged, but I will post them. So feel free to send me any concerns or questions until then.
Though, here’s a quick little QnA that will hopefully cover some bigger questions.
Will you still post fanfic/art?
Yes on my main blog.
Can I still send asks/submissions?
Yes, to my main blog. I’ll answer there just like I do here.
Will you reblog anything from here to your main blog?
If there’s something specific you think should be reblogged, let me know.
Are you doing this because of some drama/controversy/etc?
No I’ve been thinking of doing this for a while now. I just decided to do it now.
You’re not deleting this blog though right?
Nope, it’s staying up as an archive to what’s been posted. Though there will be a Pinned Post directing new fans to my main blog.
Will you respond if we @ or direct message this blog?
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You said you're making a one-snot. What's it gonna be about?
Fluffy NUzi cuteness. ^_^
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Who’s the guy with the red shirt in your banner?
Do you mean Dave Strider from Homestuck?
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What is the dumbest joke you've heard? Just curious.
Tbh I can't remember any. Sorry dude.
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so will galen appear in upcoming stories you make? I checked the original authors blog and he has not said much about the character in a while. which is a shame, I find him interesting.
Mostly just as cameos to be honest. I don't really wanna use him as a main or side character too much until @projectanomaly gets their fic for him written.
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Dark Anon one more time today. I looked at my submission, and I just realized I made one detail twice. Shit.
Shhh maybe nobody will notice.
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tbh, chapter 7 was kind of a little ruined for me considering what happened in chapter 9 was a direct consequence of what happened in it.
I mean, yeah, chapter 7 contributed to what V did. But it's also partly what's going on with her and Thad, too. She feeling things for the first time in probably ever, and she's not handling it well at all.
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“ Uzi is a bottom.” tbh, it kind of fits to a extent since Uzi would love receiving affection from someone ( *cough* N *cough* ).
Reread Wireplay and tell me she's not though, lol.
Also, yes, she loves being with N the most. He's definitely the most attentive towards her, and she loves that.
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When will the next Wireplay chapter be out? Not meaning to rush ya or anything, just asking.
Once it's written and edited.
I am working on it, don't worry. It's just a little slow due to work and other obligations right now. Plus I'm trying to balance that, Intruder Alert, First Meetings, and the oneshots.
Most likely the next uploads will be Wireplay 10 and a really cute oneshot I've been working on.
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Which Wireplay chapter is your favorite currently?
Hoo boy I like them all. But I think the roleplay one, and the second chapter. But that's just of the ones I've posted lol.
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Dark Anon again. I apologize if I sounded pushy earlier. I just get anxious when I submit something for some reason.
Nah, it's fine. I get anxious about stuff too, so I understand.
Oh, and by the way, the post is up.
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A FEW MORE DETAILS for the Strip Club AU (before I do the Origin Thing)
Soooo I just thought of some important details that have to do with the Strip Club AU, so my origin thing will be in my next submission.
Since I have nothing else to say, let’s dive right in!
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For some reason, in my previous submission I said “Uzi encompasses her desire for endless sex as well as her submission kink.” when I MEANT to say, “Rae encompasses Uzi’s desire for endless sex as well as her submission kink.” Just wanted to correct that little detail first
Good for clarifying that.
The Silver Strip is split into two parts. The first part is the entrance, which doesn’t include anything overly sexual as to not traumatize any children who wander in during the day out of curiosity. The second part is the club itself, which has a strip area above ground, and a brothel below
V, N and J have known each other since childhood. V and N were always the closest, and dated even before they joined the Strip, while J was content to just be the Mom Friend everyone came to when they wanted to get something off their chest, even though she had a wide array of issues herself that she didn’t talk about for a long time. At least, until S showed up in her life
Aw, Mom Friend J is one I haven't seen before. It does make sense, though, in a way.
The Silver Strip has the vibe of a giant rave. Neon lighting everywhere including the stages and poles, loud music, and small crowds dancing to the music. In the brothel portion, the dancing can sometimes get a bit more…physical, if ya know what I mean ;)
Every five years, around New Year’s Eve, the Silver Strip holds something called the Club’s Climax. To put it in its simplest terms, which is its only terms, the Club’s Climax is a giant orgy among the dancers and brothel staff, and even the bar staff should they choose to participate. It also means one lucky (or unlucky) staff member is chosen to be at the center of the affections. It isn’t mandatory of course, and staff can choose not to join in, but most of the staff chooses to cuz, like I said in a previous submission, they’re horny robots. And considering how many drones work the in strip, it’s a very, very pleasurable experience for everyone involved
With that said, Uzi once got chosen to be at the center of the Club’s Climax once. The pleasure was so extreme that she passed out a few times and, very almost, blue screened. And she considers it the best night of her fucking life
Have you seen the fics I write? Lol.
Thad and Uzi aren’t in a relationship, though they do have some feelings for each other. Nothing too serious, really
Most dancers in the Silver Strip use neon paint on their body that glows in the dark. Uzi V and N are three of these dancers. It’s nothing too over the top, just a bunch of painted lines over their bodies
That would honestly look really cool. Might try and draw that later.
J acts as Vera’s errand girl when she’s not working the bar. Sometimes she’ll help smuggle guns to the more dangerous parts of Haven, other times she’ll help with protection. But most of the time, if she’s out of the club, it most likely means she’s sending a message to a gang that fucked up
The center of The Alleys has two settings. In the night, it’s a giant party where people dance till dawn, and these parties can get so extreme, that some groups of people start fucking in public. During the day however, it’s quiet, as everyone is asleep by then. It could even be called peaceful
The Silver Strip has a secretary at the front desk named Caroline. She’s the nicest person you’ll ever meet, and also the most sassy. She takes calls, does the paperwork, works during the day and makes sure Maia doesn’t wander into the main club to protect her innocence
Oh yeah, Maia’s here too, by the way. Sometimes Uzi N and V, and sometimes even J and S, visit her Thad at their home. She is blissfully unaware of what their jobs actually are and sometimes goes to The Alleys without Thad’s permission during the day. She’s tried to sneak into the Silver Strip twice out of curiosity, but to no avail. She’ll get in there someday front desk lady!
Maia would be so confused over why, though. She knows what sex, or at least the pleasure programming, is from her mom's books. But she doesn't have any in depth knowledge of it beyond the technical aspects. So she's used that as an argument, but Caroline's still called Thad to come get her.
The center of The Alleys, at night, is basically a giant party, with everyone dancing to loud music, and gets so extreme, that some people fuck in public. It’s not like that during the day, though, as most people are asleep during the day. It can even be called peaceful.
The Silver Strip has a secret warehouse connected to the lowest part of the brothel that contains medical kits, bombs, molotovs, and any type of firearm that can think of. It serves as the armory for Vera and the rest of her gang
Nice, weapons. Would Uzi's rail-gun be in there, or does that not exist in this AU?
Haven is full of gangs. Big and small, strong and weak, old and new. Some are smart and cunning, while others are reckless and go for the kill. But they all share one rule: Do not fuck with Vera. Cuz she’ll fuck with you in turn. And you don’t want Vera to fuck with you. Vera has…a reputation, to say the least.
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And now, with this submission out of the way, I can finally begin working on the origin thing!
Stay tuned!
Can't wait for that!
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Dark Anon here. Just checking up on my submission again. Don't know why, since you said you'd post it today, but guess ya can't beat good old doubts in the mind that pop up for no discernible reason!
It's fine, I'm working on it now. Just had a busy day today is all.
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