#it's a scrub but you can also use it like an exfoliating body wash which is really cool bc it's moisturizing too!
bunnyb34r · 7 months
Oh! I figured out what the lush box scrubbie reminded me of! It smells like popsicles! Specifically the yellow ones in the mini Pop-sicles box, or the mango/pineapple otter pop! :D
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prettieinpink · 4 months
Hi I really love ur blog and I was wondering if you have any tips about nails, bc my nails grow long but are so flimsy that they keep breaking off and bending easily, no pressure or anything
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Avoid nail polishes that contain formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate as they can cause your nails to weaken over time. Highly pigmented polishes can also cause weak nails. To avoid this, take breaks from nail polish and go natural from time to time. 
Use cuticle oils frequently, which varies from the condition of your nails. If you don’t have cuticle oil, vaseline or a lip balm is a good alternative.
Keep your nails away from dirty or wet environments. Dirt can nurture the growth of bacteria and wet nails are weak nails. If you have to be doing things that include excessive moisture or dirt, try to wear gloves of any kind.
Stop biting your nails and picking at them. While both are difficult habits to break, both can destroy the health of your nails. Be very mindful of how you treat your nails.
Wash your hands thoroughly when needed. Before and after you eat, you go to the loo, you handle food etc. When we wash our hands, The grime under our nails is also being washed away.
Nails are not tools. Don’t use them to open cans, remove stickers or open boxes. This will weaken them in the long run and increase the chances of them being chipped or broken. Use the provided tools you have instead.
Avoid prolonged exposure to harsh chemicals like cleaning products or acetone-based products. They can strip your nails of moisture which causes breakage
If you have nail polish on, don’t peel or pick at it but use a nail-friendly nail polish remover gently with a cotton pad/ball.
After that, if needed, file or trim your nails to your desired length. For smooth cutting, wipe down your nails with a wet cotton ball or wipe. 
Get a bowl of warm water and soap to soak your cuticles in. Then use a soft brush or a clean toothbrush to gently exfoliate your nails. You can usually use a little bit of your body scrub or a tad bit of sugar. Then, dry your hands & nails with a small microfiber towel.
Apply cuticle oil or any cream to moisturise your nails, then massage that it for a few minutes to stimulate nail growth.
Apply your polishes in the correct order. Base coat, nail polish then top coat. 
Moisturise with a nice hand cream! 
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beanibon · 1 year
Vash x reader where they shower together and they wash his hair and pamper him? Non-sexual intimacy ftw.
I love wholesome shower fics, just enjoying a warm shower together being all cute and shit 💜
Also this can be seen as either Tristamp Vash or 98 Vash
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Vash - Shower Thoughts
Vash loves having showers with you, the way you just massage his head, or gently scrub his body clean made him melt.
You enjoyed it as Vash would act as additional warmth along with the warm water, him hugging you from behind as you washed your hair, complaining when shampoo got in his eye.
You also loved how he'd delicately help you with your shower skincare, which you eventually got him apart of. His hands gently massaging your cleanser into your face, while you did his.
Both of you sing, Vash favouring the more upbeat songs that he'd belt out full volume, earning a fit of laughter from you. While you enjoyed the more gentle soothing songs, one that had Vash wrapping his arms around you and swaying.
You'd both join in whatever the mood was, laughing or humming along with each other.
Vash loved washing your hair, it was therapeutic for him. Plus hearing you sigh in content as he massaged the shampoo into your scalp, made him chuckle.
You also loved how each time you washed Vash's hair he'd lean into you touch, like he was some puppy begging for more attention. He was absolutely adorable, and can't help but press a few kisses to his lips.
Expect lots of kisses, Vash loves you and he can literally shower (ha!) you in them. Showering is no exception, in fact it causes him to go a little overboard until you're playfully shoving him away.
After you two are done with the shower, towels wrapped around each other, you begin pampering Vash with your skincare routine. I mean full exfoliant, face mask, the whole lot, and he'll just melt into your touches.
Has his arms around you while you do yours, asking a bunch of questions, mostly along the lines of "What's that?" At each new thing you use. You swear he's a child, but you love him nonetheless.
Showers are your special time, hardly interrupted and used to just spend time with each other, being close and pampering the other.
You both adored it and would each look forward to the next time you two can shower in each other's arm.
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forgetfulminks · 1 month
Cheapest Beauty Routine
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We all deserve to feel beautiful and take care of ourselves no matter what background we have. There are so many beauty routines that recommend products that are so expensive and swear that you need to have a lot of them as well. You don't need the best that money can buy just feel more confident in your own skin! In this post, I'm going over everything from skin care, to exercise, to makeup. If you want to take care of yourself, but you don't have a lot of money to spare, this is for you.
Skin care routine:
Wash your face with a bar of soap - get some soap, lather it between your hands, rub it over your face, and then wash it off with cold water. If you have dry skin, you can get some soap that is moisturising, and if you have sensitive skin, make sure to get a fragrance free one. Make sure to pat your skin dry with a towel or cloth, don't rub it dry.
Moisturise it with a moisturising sunscreen - the cheapest one is from the cancer council. Make sure to put it on after washing your face in the mornings.
At night, use a general moisturiser - To make it cheaper, I would recommend a gentle body lotion or just general moisturiser that you can also use on your body. Make sure it's a gentle one though, as your face is usually more sensitive and fragile than your body.
Hair routine:
Brush your hair everyday - this is basic, but still important! Once every day is the minimum, but if your hair gets very tangled, you might need to brush it multiple times a day. Brushing it before your shower is also great, because it makes washing your hair easier and helps to prevent breakage.
Wash your hair with shampoo + conditioner - it's better to buy shampoo and conditioner separately, but if you're REALLY low on money or you don't want to focus on haircare, head and shoulders has a good two in one.
Air dry your hair - this will make your hair more frizzy, but you don't have to buy a hair dryer for it. If you really hate the frizz, then you can get a leave in conditioner or a anti-frizz serum/cream/spray.
Don't go to bed with your hair wet! - if you can help it. It will increase breakage and make your hair even more frizzy.
Wash your hair brush every three weeks - this is really important to make sure that your hair doesn't get too oily. You can wash it by soaking it in water with some shampoo in it for 5 minutes or so.
Shower routine:
Wash your body with the same soap you used for your face - you can use a separate scented one if you want to smell nice, but you don't have to.
Exfoliate with exfoliating gloves - use your soap and exfoliate your body with these rough gloves. It's the cheapest way to exfoliate without buying an exfoliating scrub. However, if you have eczema or other skin conditions like it, DO NOT USE THESE. You will have to buy a cheap gentle exfoliating scrub, because these gloves can irritate your skin condition.
Moisturise your body after the shower - use the body lotion or general moisturiser I mentioned in the skin routine.
Hygiene routine:
Consider using a soft toothbrush - did you know that there are hard, medium, and soft toothbrushes? I did not for a while ;^-^ but a soft toothbrush is better. It will make sure that you don't shave away at your gums from pressing too hard, and they are just as cheap as normal toothbrushes.
Floss your teeth at least once a day - floss is very cheap and it will make your teeth healthier and they will look better. If you hate using floss, you can get those flossers that have a handle which makes it way easier to use. They are still very cheap, but you'll need to refill them more often than normal floss.
Clip your nails every two weeks - clipping them fairly often helps prevent nail issues and keeps them healthy. You can buy a cheap nail clipper at a supermarket.
Moisturise your hands every morning + night - make sure you rub it over your nails as well, as this can also keep them healthy. You can just use the body lotion or general moisturiser in your shower routine. It's slightly better to use hand cream if you have some extra money, but you don't have to.
Use antiperspirant deodorant - antiperspirant helps to stop you from sweating, while normal deodorant just tries to mask the smell. If you sweat a lot, try mens antiperspirant.
Optional: use a body spray after getting dressed - spray it on and under your clothes, it will make you smell nice! You don't have to, but body spray is cheaper than perfume and you can find them in the supermarket.
Exercise routine:
Use YouTube to find free at-home workout routines - there are so many workouts on there, you will definitely find one that works for you. And it doesn't have to be a workout if you don't want that! You can do yoga, pilates, calisthenics, dancing, anything you want! You can even just put on your favourite kpop dance video and try to learn the dance! The point is to move and stretch your body at least 4 times a week.
Go for a walk every day - it can be short or long, it doesn't matter, Walking is great for your body and your mental health. You can walk with headphones and just play some music, or you can just take in your surroundings.
Healthy eating:
Eat more protein - the best way to do this is to make sure that your three main meals have protein in them. For example, you can have eggs for breakfast, a chicken sandwich for lunch, and a beef mince stir-fry for dinner. It doesn't have to be expensive and you don't have to buy protein supplements. Adding even a little bit more protein to your diet will improve your health.
Eat spinach instead of lettuce - or mix some spinach with your lettuce in a salad or a sandwich. Spinach is high in iron and eating more of it can make you feel less tired. It's also cheaper than buying vitamins.
Eat some fruit and vegetables every day - having at least one of each every day is very good for you! They each have important vitamins and minerals that keep you feeling healthy. You can get whatever ones that you like to eat, but if you're looking for the cheapest ones, bags of apples and carrots are pretty cheap and you get a lot of them.
Drink two bottles of water every day - this is the minimum! If you want, you can buy one of those water bottles that tracks how much water you should drink in one day, but I personally find these bottles too big and inconvenient. If you feel the same, you can just get a normal sized water bottle and just make sure you drink two of them. It's better to drink more, but this is a great start!
A basic and cheap face of makeup is concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and lip balm - it doesn't change the look of your face much, but it does make you feel a lot prettier and more confident in yourself.
You can get cheap nail polish at a drug store - if you want to paint your nails, it doesn't need to be expensive. You can also get cheap nail polish remover if you need it.
Thrift! - you can get some cheap hidden gems at thrift stores! You'd be amazed at some of the stuff people give away.
You can get some cheap jewellery at Target - and if you're in Australia, Kmart is another great place to get it. You don't need super expensive jewellery to look and feel great! The goal is not to look expensive, it's to feel more beautiful and more confident.
So there is the cheapest beauty/self-care routine that I could come up with! This is the rundown of the costs for all the beauty products, not the food products or the optional makeup and clothing (it's in Australian dollars, so you'll need to convert to your currency if you're not from there):
Soap (3 pack) $4
Moisturising Sunscreen (150ml) $16
Body lotion (100ml) $9
Hair brush $6
Shampoo (100ml) $10
Conditioner (100ml) $10
Exfoliating gloves $12
Soft toothbrush $9
Floss $4 (pack of ~30 flossers is $1.50)
Nail clippers $7
Antiperspirant deodorant (100ml) $5
Water bottle $15
TOTAL: $107
Leave in conditioner $10
Hand cream $5
Body spray $10
TOTAL: $25
For an entire beauty routine, $107 or $132 is pretty good. And all of these products should last about three months. You'll only need to replace them once you run out, and some of them are just one-time purchases. If you're on a tight budget, this beauty routine makes you feel good and takes care of yourself without breaking the bank!
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merrybrides · 15 days
DIY: Summer Citrus Sugar Scrub
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Rejuvenate and revive your skin with this easy citrus sugar scrub recipe. With only 3 ingredients you probably already have on hand, you’ll be ready to whip up this gentle exfoliating body scrub in no time! 
Sugar Scrub, or body polish is a luxurious way to refresh your skin. It is so gentle that it can even be used on sensitive skin. 
Exfoliating body scrub makes a great shower favor, quick gift, treat for yourself or a hostess gift when you are welcomed to a friend’s beach house.  This jar will keep my skin happy all summer long!
Keep a jar of this sugar scrub by your kitchen to soothe your hands after washing dishes. It will rehydrate your skin from the harshness of the hot water and dish soap. Keep a jar of sugar scrub in the shower for a mini spa treatment up to 3 times a week! 
Citrus Sugar Scrub Recipe Ingredients
It’s made with just a few ingredients, from your kitchen!
Sugar – 1/2 cup of regular white table sugar is perfect for this diy sugar scrub! It exfoliates your skin, gentling rubbing away dead skin cells leaving your skin feeling smooth and radiant. 
Oil – I use 1/4 cup Vitamin E Oil in this recipe which is so good for your skin. Its anti inflammatory properties soothes and calms, while hydrating dry skin and working to heal any blemishes. 
Citrus – Is so good for your body inside and out! Naturally full of vitamin C it leaves your skin with a beautiful glow! It also can help to lighten sun spots or other blemishes on your skin. I love the texture and beautiful color the citrus adds along with its amazingly refreshing scent!  You can use the zest from one Orange, Grapefruit, or Lemon, or 2 Limes, in this recipe.
*** Zest is made from the top layer of a fruit peel. Always try to avoid the white pith. If you don’t have a zester, you can use a vegetable peeler to gently peel the top layer of your fruit. Then cut the strips into finer strips lengthwise, and then again into tiny cubes widthwise. 
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Large Glass Mixing Bowl
Handheld Citrus Zester (variations under Tips and Tricks)
Measuring Cups
Sealable Glass Jars (I like to use mason jars or repurpose clean jars I already own)
Ice Cream Scoop
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How to Make Exfoliating Body Scrub
This scrub is so easy to make. It only contains natural ingredients and no artificial food colorings.
Combine sugar and oil.
2. Add zest.
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3. Scoop into sealable glass jars.
4. Label and date.
5. Store for up to 3 months in an airtight container.
This sugar scrub recipe is so easy to customize to fit your needs! 
Citrus Variations – In this recipe I use orange, but any other citrus would work well! In the past, I have used grapefruit, orange, lime, and lemon. They all have worked wonderfully! If using lime I chose to use the zest from 2 limes since they are smaller sized fruit.
Oil Variations – Vitamin E Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil, Carrot Oil, Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Grapeseed Oil. 
Sugar Variations – Any white sugar should work well in this recipe. Sugar is used for a gentle exfoliation so keep that in mind when choosing the coarseness of the sugar. 
For a winter sugar scrub try adding a dash of ground cloves or ground cinnamon. 
Add a few drops of essential oils. My favorite combinations include other citrus oils to complement and enhance, floral scents such as moroccan rose or lavender, and woody scents such cedar or rosemary. 
Pro Tip: If using coconut oil, it will help to slightly warm the oil on the stovetop or even the microwave before adding it to the mixture. I love coconut oil and lime combination! 
How to Store Sugar Scrub
This Sugar Scrub recipe can be stored for up to 3 months in a properly sealed jar / airtight container.  
PRO TIP: Upcycle jars you already own!
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wrenreid · 2 years
Just Acting
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tell me this gif isn’t hot asf…..18+ story! ignore any typos
Chapter Seven
You sleep in pretty late, waking your lazy ass up at 11:30am. You put on some coffee and answer the absurd amount of texts from Aisha and Jess. Obviously, they're bombarding you about the date you have with Jordan tonight.
A part of you is nervous but the other part is excited to get back into dating. You haven't had a boyfriend in a while, and honestly the last wasn't a very good experience. You can't handle pushy people, probably because you're so damn stubborn. This guy was a complete asshole. But you are excited to get a new start.
You're trying not to get your hopes up about Jordan. He seems pretty nice and chill, but if he isn't for you, you need to make sure you don't get many feelings at all. Feelings aren't very cool. One date. It's just one date. Maybe two if it goes well and maybe more if that one goes well too. But it's important to know that it could be shit and you'll still be alone. Which is fine. Alone is comfortable. Comfortable means in control.
Anyway, after drinking some coffee, you sit on the couch making a mental checklist of everything you need to do. Your mind is racing a million miles a minute trying not to psych yourself out and also thinking about a bunch of other things. Somehow, you always have at least 20 things on your mind at all times.
You finally decide to step into the shower, making the water slightly warmer than normal so the steam can soften your skin and allow your shave to be smoother and pores opened.
You shampoo through your hair, making it nice and clean. The light scent of rose filling the air. You use your coconut conditioner and brush through your wet hair while the product is still in. Using your brush as a microphone, you sing along with the music playing from your phone on the counter. You tie your hair up in a little bun to let the conditioner set in and make your slight curls silky and smooth.
You scrub and exfoliate your legs before lathering up with cream and shaving them bare. You shave other parts of your body, and eventually you feel like a lovely dolphin. You wash your face then lather up your whole body with smelly good body wash. Finally, you rinse off the conditioner and soap, and step out of the shower.
After drying off your body and lotioning up, you put on a robe, just to feel extra saucy, then use some curl cream in your hair and let it air dry most of the way.
Dancing and singing along to your playlist, you move around your apartment trying to get hype for tonight. After a bit, you finally decide to start on your hair. You like to straighten it because it feels more classy, so you apply some heat protectant and get to work.
You change out of the robe and into a matching set of blue bra and underwear, they aren't entirely hot, but you don't plan on having sex right away anyway. While doing your makeup in the mirror, you remind yourself that you're that bitch. You actually feel really good standing in matching underwear and getting all dolled up. You make your makeup look a little more bold tonight.
The time for the date is getting closer and closer. You head to your closet and grab the outfit you had picked out. The grid printed jacket/blazer and a black dress. You slip on the clothes, careful not to get makeup on them. The dress hits about two inches above the knee. Looking in the mirror, you push aside all the body insecurities you have. You look great.
Finishing off the look, you apply some nude lipstick. You grab your cross body bag and head out the door, your heels clicking against the floor.
In the car, you check your makeup in mirror for the thirtieth time and pop a mint into your mouth. You drive to the restaurant, nerves and excitement eating at your stomach.
Jordan is sitting at the table when you arrive. He's dressed in a nice shirt and slim fitting dark pants. He's cleanly shaven and a smile is spread across his face when he sees you.
"Hey, Jordan," you say, sitting down across from him after taking off your blazer and setting it on the chair.
"You look amazing," he says.
"So do you."
He smiles, his bright white teeth shining against his brown skin. You're pretty sure Jess told you he was part Hawaiian and part black. You know for sure that he is a fairly good looking man.
The two of you make small talk that's only slightly awkward before the waiter comes to take your drink orders. You order a champagne and a water because you can, and Jordan gets a tea.
"How's work been going? You're an actress, right?"
"Yep. It's been going pretty well, we've just been filming the new season and everything."
"That's so cool. I've been busy too with work."
You continue to talk until it's time to place your orders. Jordan offered to order for you, but you did it yourself. You got sushi with a few egg rolls and he ordered a soup.
You and Jordan talk and enjoy your meal. He laughs as you try to use the chopsticks.
"You're doing great," he chuckles.
"Normally I just use my hands," you laugh.
"Go for it."
The two of you talk a bit about your families and work, neither of you giving too much information. You crack some jokes and laugh at each other.
The night ends before you know it. Jordan insists on paying the bill, so you get the tip. He helps you out on your blazer before heading out of the restaurant. Jordan grabs your hand while leading you back to your car.
"I had a nice time tonight," he says.
"I did too."
Jordan begins to lean in and you meet him half way, connecting your lips together for a kiss. It doesn't last long, but he goes in for another one. You're still holding hands too.
"Do you wanna-?"
"Maybe next time you take me out," you say. "If you're lucky." You shoot him a wink and almost chuckle at his shocked expression.
"Goodnight, Y/n."
You drive home with a smile on your face. He seemed pretty... nice? You're not entirely sure. Jordan was attractive and sweet, but you don't know if you feel something. Maybe it takes more than a couple hours to determine that.
When you get home, you take off your heels and clothes and slip into some sweats and a sports bra. You wash off your makeup and plop down onto the couch.
Of course, you've already gotten multiple texts from Aisha, AJ, Jess, and your sister about the date. Your mom doesn't know yet, because you don't want her to freak out and think you're going to get married anytime soon. A part of you thinks she's a little disappointed that you're 33 and still single.
You tell your friends that you're probably going to go on a second date with him and see how it goes. It kills you, but dating is really just seeing where time takes you.
chapter eight
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @crynroom @scarredelirium @reid1nspiration @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz <3
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vldlance · 1 year
juno dearest i saw someone send you an ask about skincare so i wanted to join in..
what should i do/use to exfoliate.... i use a scrub gell at the moment but it isn't doing enough
cece dearest! this is a great question bc i feel like exfoliation is one of the most misunderstood steps in skincare. so i’m just gonna go through a few tips before i get to products!
1) you don’t need to exfoliate as much as you probably think! i think that exfoliating feels like the thing that will Scrub Away acne…it’s possible as humans it just feels good to rlly scrub at something to “fix” it. but you’re probably doing more harm than good if you exfoliate a lot! once or twice a week MAX is the best idea for most people.
2) if you’re seeing a lot of dead/flaky skin on your face frequently, it’s probably a moisture issue rather than a need for more exfoliation!! try the moisturizer i mentioned before, or add a hyaluronic acid serum (i like the one from the ordinary) to help this.
3) sugar scrubs, scrub gels, and exfoliating pads are…at best outdated forms of exfoliation. they tend to be overly harsh and abrasive, and they can do more harm than good! i prefer chemical exfoliation, which is gentler on the skin (even tho it sounds…rlly aggressive). i do love a sugar scrub for body exfoliation tho, where the skin is thicker and less fragile.
with that said, my go-to exfoliating product is the ordinary’s AHA 30% + BHA 2% Exfoliating Peeling Solution. this is a chemical exfoliator that you just put a thin layer of on your face (avoiding eyes, mouth, and any open sores or acne spots!!!!!!) and leave for a maximum of 12 minutes.
some tips in using this product:
do NOT use this product without using sunscreen. aha’s and bha’s, like many skincare products, can make your skin more sun sensitive. if you use this, you must wear sunscreen every day (though you should always do this anyways)
this product will probably have an uncomfortable tingle while using. that’s okay and normal! however if it is Bad pain, wash it off immediately. for best safety practices, do a patch test of the product on your wrist before using it to make sure you don’t have a bad reaction.
do not use this product Anywhere that skin is broken. it will hurt like a fucking bitch and it is not good for you
listen when i say only leave it on for 12 minutes max. i usually can only stand 9 or 10 before the tingle bugs me
start by using it once a week, then Maybe move to two eventually, if it feels necessary. you’ll help train your skin to handle it
here is a picture as usual!
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also, reminder (for ppl besides u cece lmao) that i am not a doctor. this is advice based on my own experiences and knowledge as a semi-skincare hobbyist, NOT general guidelines for every person ever lmao
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candygrlsworld · 2 years
Shower Routine🛁🫧🎀
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Ok so I’m kind of a dramatic person. So my shower routine is very intricate. I use a lot of different products and it usually takes my an hour to shower everyday. So I’m gonna tell you guys some of my secrets and some of my favorite products!!!
But to give you an idea the point is to smell like a strawberry cake!
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(Me when I get out the shower⬆���)
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Ok so here is a rundown of the products I use
Dove vanilla body wash
Bodycolgy strawberry cheesecake body cream
Strawberry poundcake bath & bodywork’s
Tree hut cotton candy body scrub
Dive unscented bar soap
Pink sugar perfume
Pink louffa
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The first thing I do is just rinse off my body,I then get my loofa and scrub down my whole body with just water (but not my privates). And I only exfoliate with my tree hut scrub once or twice a week. DO NOT OVER EXFOLIATE!!!
I then use my sugar scrub and scrub my whole body and rinse off. That’s when I lather my whole body with the dove body wash. And I know this is T.M.I but I use my hands to wash my privates. I think rags and loofas are too harsh. That’s why I also switch the unscented bar soap to wash my privates. I then wash my privates and my body three times and rinse.
When I do shave, I make sure the area is wet, I don’t like dry shaving. As soon as I get out of the shower I put Vaseline on the areas I shaved. I know a lot of people use baby oil after they shave but here’s why I use Vaseline. When I first starting shaving my underarms they would always be super dry and dark and bumpy. Which I then started using the sugar scrub which got out the dark color, but not the rough texture. But when I started using Vaseline it made my underarms as smooth as a baby’s bottom. And that’s my lil trick for getting smooth skin and get rid of dark pigment.
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When I’m done I lather myself in the bodycology strawberry cheesecake body cream. I know that this doesn’t do much for moisture but this is only for days when I’m extra I usually use Vaseline lotion. And then I either use my strawberry poundcake perfume or my pink sugar. And then I’m done!
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When I take a bath I usually use dr teals bubble bath or a lush bubble bar. And I also get lush bath bombs but for when I don’t have lush money I usually just get a Walmart brand one.
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And then I repeat the same steps that I do in the shower. I want to eventually order a bath tray so I can watch my shows easier.
I usually just watch clueless, sailor moon or nana. And for YouTube I watch gabbie demartino as well as Lisa hart. Idk I just feel like baths are such a feminine thing so I just feel obligated watch feminine things.
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Here are some YouTube videos that I recommend watching to upgrade you shower routine
Helloblackchild smell good all day
Nurse key shower routine
Nurse key lighten up armpits
Tiarra Monet feminine hygiene tips
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Well that’s all. Let me know if you guys want more posts like this!
~yours truly💋
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truffoire · 2 years
Truffoire Reviews -Tired Of Looking At Your Dull And Dry Skin? Here Is How You Can Fix It
Do you no longer feel confident in your skin? Does your skin feel dry and lacks glow? If your face feels dull, you may be considering some ways to fix it and wondering the reason for not having radiant skin. 
Skin is the body's biggest organ. In this way, it's a good idea that there will be times when your skin appears to be a piece sick. Try to sort out why and how you might change that. The biggest reason known for having dry and dull skin is dehydration. Drinking sufficient water is not only good for your body but it also reflects on your skin. Check out how you can pamper the skin to its best, Truffoire Reviews – Why Your Skin Needs to Stay Hydrated at All Costs. 
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The most effective method to restore dull skin
We all at some point in time have a periodic episode of dry and dull skin. However, assuming you're routinely awakening to dull skin, you may be considering how you might work on its nutrition. 
The uplifting news? You have a lot of choices.
1. Go delicate on your skin
You need to ensure that you have eliminated your pore-clogging routine and cosmetics, however, do it delicately. 
Keep away from brutal cleansers and drying scrubs, which can be a common reason for skin redness, dryness, flaky skin, and rashes. All things considered, incorporate cleaning oil in your skincare routine to get clear skin and a lot of sunscreens without harming the top layer of your skin. Then, at that point, use a delicate skin cleaning agent to eliminate the oil and pat it dry. Also read, A Truffoire Review — How Your Skin Can be Your Pathway to Your Confidence. 
2. Keep away from hot water
Using hot water daily to clean your skin strips away the natural oils causing irritation and dryness. It can likewise cause shallow vessel widening, making the skin seem red, however just briefly.
Rather, utilize water at room temperature while washing your face. Additionally incorporate cleansing moisturizers like shea butter, coconut oil, shea margarine, or luxury products from Truffoire that are carefully designed to restore the moisture in your skin. 
3. Exfoliation is good for your skin
Normal peeling or exfoliation is vital to the gleaming composition of your skin. At the point when dead cells develop on the external layers of your skin, it makes your skin look dry, flakey, and dull and might obstruct your pores. Standard exfoliation or peeling can keep this from occurring. Exfoliation likewise assists with polishing and smoothening your skin, diminishing the presence of scarce lines and flaky skin. 
4. Use a serum to brighten your skin
Face serums contain a high level of minerals and Vitamins that assist to light up your skin, support hydration, and lessen the indications of maturing.
Since serums retain rapidly in your skin, you can use them a few times per day in the wake of cleaning and moisturizing. Choose a serum that has resveratrol, ferulic acid, Vitamin B3 and C.
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thenycbratzdoll · 2 years
My Updated Night Routine
Lately i’ve been very busy and at night, it’s the only time i’m able to have time for myself to prepare for the day ahead. Having a night routine helps me wind down and relax for my night’s sleep.
When i finally arrive home from getting off of work i immediately put my work bag down and start gathering the items for my shower and skin care routine.
🧴For skin care🧴
I work at ulta, so i love to come in with a beat face. Due to me wearing tons of makeup i have to go deeper when it comes to cleansing.
I love to go on with the “pink cloud rosewater herbivore makeup removing face wash”. This immediately melts the makeup off your face. I promise you this works wonders. Before i get into the shower i love to put on a face mask while bathing. My go-to face mask at the moment are the “tatcha clarifying clay mask exfoliating pore treatment” and “kora organics turmeric BHA brightening treatment mask”. For me personally, these mask works wonders for the skin and i love a face mask with exfoliants in it.
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🫧The shower routine🫧
I’m a seasonal person when it comes to scents. Since the fall is approaching us i already jumped into a more warmer scented shower routine. I first go in with my “caress exfoliating body wash in the scent shea butter and brown sugar”. This scent smells so yummy and instantly improves my mood. For down there care I go in with my “honey pot feminine wash” After i finish this part of my shower routine and wash it off, i go in with a body scrub from treehut in the scent “tahitian vanilla bean”. Recently i dropped the nair and been shaving my body instead. I’ve been in love with using a shave butter, it automatically makes my legs and arms feel like clouds. I use “truly shave butter”. As for razors i do like the venus razor, but i feel like i can find better. (if you guys have any recommendations for razors please let me know). When i’m done with all my shower routine steps and cleaned my entire body, i finally wash the face mask off.
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☁️Body care☁️
Since my last post on body care i’ve went deeper into the moisturizing process. I’ve been showing more appreciation when it comes to my boobs and butt and truly helped me to do so. Even though the scent is out of my night’s category it stills smells so yummy and leave my boobs very soft. For this go in with the “truly açaí your boobies boob polish”. What i use for my butt to also leave it very soft and smell super good i go in with the “truly buns of glowry tighten & glow butt serum” After this i go in with one of my favorite moisturizers at the moment which is the “sol de janeiro brazilian bum bum body cream”. This smells so lovely and i also pair it with the “sol de janeiro brazilian crush cheirosa’62 bum bum hair & body mist”. Lastly i’ll go in with any scented spray on deodorant from dove.
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💖Finishing settling down💖
I like to finish the rest of my skin care while being in my room. Since my skin been healthy I don’t do as much anymore. I go in with my night cream from “fenty beauty” Sometimes i’ll go in with a toner before it and then a facial mist after moisturizing. After moisturizing my face, i’ll then moisturize my lips with the “laneige lip sleeping mask”.
I’ll straighten up my room because while getting ready I sometimes make a disaster and i’m still trying to figure out how💀.
FINALLY, i’ll get in bed and relax (disclaimer: always make sure you have water on your bedside table before you finally relax). I always set my alarms so i can wake up on time to get ready for work in the morning. Before going to bed i spray down my pillows and plushies with an aromatherapy mist then i’ll usually scroll through twitter, tumblr, or play on my switch while listening to my favorite playlist. For a healthier habit after going to bed i’ll try to read a book.
This wraps it up for my night routine. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much i enjoyed making it. <3
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sumeruin · 10 months
ur the best angel ilysm ty ty ty 😭 do u have any recs for products?? i don’t do like. any of that stuff ever but i want to start!!
of course!! warning though, this is going to be very long. so, i start by putting a hair mask about 45 minutes to an hour before i actually get in the shower. i use the function of beauty wavy hair mask, but you should use whichever one works best with your hair type. then, when there’s about 16-20 minutes left on that, i put on a face mask. i use the crème shop my melody gelee mask, but that just personal preference on texture + what works best with my skin. after those are done sitting, i actually get in the shower. i have an extra long playlist and a shower speaker that i use, but listening to music during it is totally optional. the first thing i do is wash out the hair and face masks, and then i shampoo my hair. i use the nexus damage repair shampoo and conditioner, but again, you should use whatever works best with your hair type. i like to shampoo twice, and then once all that is washed out i wash my face. i use the pixi salicylic acid cleanser, and i know everyone says not to wash your face with shower water, but i sometimes drink the shower water, and if it’s good enough for the inside of my body it’s good enough for the outside <3 after that, i squeeze the extra water out of my hair so that it absorbs the conditioner better, and apply the conditioner. i do not rinse it out yet though!! i leave it in, usually with a shower cap of some sort so that none of it accidentally washes out, and i start shaving while that sits. i exfoliate first, because that helps with razor bumps and ingrown hairs, and i use the tree hut vanilla sugar scrub, but you can use whatever exfoliating product you prefer, whether that’s an exfoliating glove or a sugar scrub or whatever other exfoliating things there are. then, i start shaving. i use the eos shaving cream, also vanilla scented, and the venus deluxe smooth sensitive razor, the one with rifle paper co. because i like the pretty flower design <3 i shave my legs, underarms, and bikini area, using little back and forth motions for all three areas. after that i use body wash and a feminine wash, the ones i use are the native sweet cinnamon hearts body wash and the summer’s eve sensitive skin wash. and then, i finally wash out the conditioner, and i’m done with the shower part. once i’m out of the shower is usually when i do any face shaving that needs to be done, like cleaning up my brows or upper lip, while my face is still wet, and then i’ll get started on body care. i start with lotion, and then do a body butter, and then do a body oil, and then do a body shimmer if i’m feeling like it. the ones i use, in order, are the bath and body works strawberry pound cake lotion, this body butter i got on etsy, and up & up body oil because it’s the biggest container of it i can find. after that i do deodorant, and i use two, one that smells pretty and one that actually works, because we all know that one’s that smell pretty wear off in about five seconds, especially in july humidity </3 i use secret shea butter deodorant first, and then native sweet cinnamon hearts next. after that, i move on to hair care, which is just the function of beauty leave in conditioner for wavy hair and some rosemary water, and then i do my night time skincare routine + a sheet mask and style my hair and i’m done!! usually i do either heartless curls or give myself a blowout for the hairstyling part <3 hope this helped nonnie!!! sorry it was so long lmao
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elsweetheart · 1 year
Reading your shower routine makes me so happy because mine is so similar and I can’t deal with changing it but my friends think it’s over the top so I’m sharing it on here because it feels like a safe space.
I shower at least four times a week because I get anxious when I don’t but I wash my hair once a week at the very most because it is wavy/curly and washing it regularly makes it very poofy and frizzy.
Hair washing starts with brushing my hair, wetting my hair then brushing it with my wet hair detangler then using my shampoo, I wash it out then I use my conditioner I let the conditioner sit for ten minutes.
Then I wash out the conditioner and put the deep conditioning mask in we turn off the shower set an alarm and watch TV for an hour in my towel then I wash that out.
To finish off the shower I exfoliate my ENTIRE body and I use a specific foot scrub cause I’m a check out chick and used to do ballet and tap so my feet are nasty. Then I wash my body I don’t shave because I wax (not that anyone needs to do either)
I towel dry but I let myself air dry while I do my hair which involves brushing it then applying serum brushing the serum in then applying some anti frizz oil, then I apply some scalp oil as well even though I’ve already put the anti frizz oil in. Then I put my hair in a wrap so it doesn’t get knotty at night (I do this every night not the serum and oil but the hair wrap)
Then I apply the body oil, once that’s dried in I apply this very thick body butter I have then I apply this special foot lotion in a thiccc layer and put socks on so it can soak into my skin. Also hand cream.
Then I apply skincare which is cleanser, exfoliator, sheet mask, regular mask, eye patches, lip patch, serum, eye cream, face oil, moisturiser, retinol, acne patches, Vaseline on the lips and eyebrows, eyelash serum. (My skincare changes depending on the night this is for my big skincare night)
Then I put my PJs on make sure my nails are on properly cause I’ve always got falsies on and I go to sleep covered in a ridiculous amount of product feeling happy and moisturised.
Is it extremely excessive? Yes. Do I need to do it? No. Does it make me feel happy and less anxious than before? Yes.
This was so long wtf I 100% understand if you don’t respond.
yes!!! i think a longer shower routine is great because it helps you unwind!! you can’t really be on your phone much so it’s a great time to reflect from the day :)!! don’t change it for anyone <33
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aspecriddler · 2 years
My Personal Self Care Guide
this isn't what I normally post about, but I'm feeling motivated and inspired so I thought I would share my self care tips, tricks, and products
note: this is not a comprehensive, one size fits all thing. some of these may work for you and others may not. none of this is meant in bad faith
feel free to add to this btw
Belief System
the first and foremost thing is to find compassion for yourself and your body. you deserve to care for yourself, full stop, no exceptions, no excuses. you deserve it
second, don't shame others for how they take care of themselves. it will probably look different from you and that is okay and normal. you're not better than someone else because you're different, you're just humans
third, do not try too hard. do not give in to the myth of consumerism. you don't need a million different products to be beautiful and feel good about yourself. you do not need to make yourself into something palatable and marketable, and in fact doing so is harmful and very much not self care
These are the three tenets of self care. Use them liberally and wisely
Tips and Tricks
hydration is key. you need hydration so much and you probably don't even realize it. I personally get most of my hydration from (unsweetened) tea both hot and iced. the tap water isn't super clean where I live so boiling the water is more hydrating and it removes anything bad that might fuck with me. I suggest doing the same even if you're not in the same situation. also it gives a much more natural caffeine boost than coffee does
acne is a natural part of being human. prevention methods include washing your face at least once a day, changing your bedding frequently, and avoiding touching your face. when breakouts happen don't mess with it or pop it, that can lead to infection and scarring. instead try pimple patches or bandaids with acne medication on them
choose a signature scent and coordinate your products with it. I personally made mine roses with an undertone of eucalyptus and sandalwood, but it doesn't need to be that complex. doing this makes the scent much more noticeable which makes you more memorable
if you don't have textured hair (I am white so I don't have many tips for poc, very sorry), wash and condition it every other day (on average). also using heat protection spray on wet hair can help prevent frizz
Skincare and Products
the best rule of thumb I have is "the simpler the better"
you literally need a total of six products minimum and ten maximum and all of them you can find either at a local drugstore or supermarket
for hair care I just use suave brand. it's like three dollars and as far as I know doesn't have a lot of the harmful stuff more expensive hair products will have. again this does mostly apply to non black hair, deeply sorry but I'm just not qualified to speak on it
do not use exfoliating products on your face. scrubs, charcoal strips, etc. they are all going to cause you more breakouts so you'll buy more products. same goes for fancy lip balms. look for stuff that's meant for sensitive skin and is unscented
body wash is important but what kind you get doesn't really matter. I get rose scented cuz of my signature scent thing but in the end as long as it gets you clean it's cool
deodorant. in this case the natural kind probably won't cut it. just get something with a scent you like, but avoid brands like old spice because the heavy scents can cause chemical burns. I personally use dove men's brand in a solid stick, but it's truly up to preference. also shaving is in no way necessary for anyone but I've found shaving my pits makes me sweat and smell less
exfoliate in the shower if you feel like it. I personally use Dr. Teals epsom salt products because they're cheap, reliable, and they smell good (they have lavender and eucalyptus, I prefer the latter). make an epsom salt bath for relaxation and pain relief, use the salt scrub for exfoliating and pain relief, and/or use the body oils for moisture. a lot of these things are very texture so be sure to find what works best for you
moisturizing! you can never go wrong with plain Vaseline. it's safe to use pretty much everywhere and is super effective. it's my holy grail and a big tub is like five bucks. I also use it as facial moisturizer, though I go out of my way to get their rose lip care (they also have cocoa butter)
I already talked about heat spray for hair but that's another one of the optional products
Recap: the only things you really need are shampoo, conditioner, face wash, body wash, deodorant, and vaseline for moisture. Optional products include scents (perfume, cologne, body spray), heat spray for hair, exfoliating scrubs/epsom salts, and specialized lip care
do what works for you
don't buy in to capitalism and consumer culture
be kind to yourself and your body
create a signature scent
the simpler the better
support others in their self care journeys
That's all from me, have a lovely day 🌹
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good afternoon frank. 10 favorite ways to get rid of pimples?
If by "getting rid of pimples" you mean "eliminating a pimple that's already popped up," well, this is a hard one to answer for a variety of reasons (what if the pimple is on my skin that you're rubbing? what if you're rubbing my skin while there's a pimple under the skin, etc.)
But let me start by saying that "get rid of" is an overstatement. People do sometimes use a product that goes like "this product will help you get rid of [kind of acne] in [days]," but it's not clear to me that this makes a big difference.
On the other hand, this is an issue that affects me pretty often. There is a whole set of things that people usually do to treat acne, and then there is me, who is a complete freak. (This is also true of my sister.)
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Here are the standard things that doctors recommend, to give you an idea of their variety (if this list does not include anything helpful, consider how I'm different from them). Note that this is a pretty "normal" acne treatment for a normal person, and I'm really unusual.
Wash. Not all washing products work, but a lot do. (Dish soap, bar soap, facial/body scrub, lotion, even alcohol, although I don't know how to say this without sounding like it's bad advice.) This is a simple step that can be done right after getting pimples. I will not reccomend it if you've already got acne and it's just causing problems; I reccomend washing in general.
Don't. Washing products can make your acne worse. And if I'm in the shower, I will find a wash I can stand. I don't do this often, except when I'm in a place with very little water and the shower isn't a luxury.
Moisturize. You're probably moisturizing already, right? I highly recommend doing it more. (I get acne, and I moisturize.) It's very important to me to moisturize all over before my skin gets oily and my acne gets really bad. When I moisturize after I already have acne, it will worsen. There are special products for oily skin, but they tend not to work as well on me.
Cleanse/Treat with Cleanser. If your acne is particularly bad, they usually recommend using a special cleanser for acne. You need to use a special cleanser because the usual cleansers have been shown to be counterproductive for acne. Cleansers are just for when you have a breakout, basically. I will not reccomend them if your acne is just causing problems. But for me, it's a very big help.
Use a Retinol. For this one, you need to use an expensive treatment that you can only get in a medical office. You put this stuff on your face, and it takes off your pimples. If that doesn't sound appealing, I don't really know what you have to lose. It isn't fun, but it works.
Steam. This is an underappreciated method for treating acne. This has the added benefit of reducing oiliness, which can help prevent acne from spreading in some people, but does not work for me.
Exfoliate. This sounds like overkill, but exfoliating seems to make my acne worse until it clears up, so I end up doing it pretty often, even though it isn't helpful.
Apply/Combine Acne Products. The general category of acne products includes spot-treatment gel, lotion, creams, etc. This one is sort of like exfoliating, because it takes off your pimples, but it's less like exfoliating. I reccomend it only if the problem is that you have oily skin and that keeps clogging your pores, and only if you have tried and found it not to be helpful.
The ones I like are "cleanse and moisturize," "steam," "get rid of a pimple," and "exfoliate, then apply products, then wait a bit and see if they help, then repeat." But, you know, it's always a gamble, and I'm just one person so what do I know, etc.
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goddessbeautystore · 10 days
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🍯 The Sweet Elixir of Beauty: Harnessing the Power of Honey
When you think of honey, the first images that likely come to mind are golden, viscous rivers of sweetness dripping from a honey dipper, or perhaps a hot cup of tea sweetened just right. However, honey has been cherished for centuries not only as a delicious natural sweetener but also for its remarkable health and beauty benefits. Today, we dive deep into the world of honey and explore its multifaceted uses in the realm of beauty.
🍯 A Brief History of Honey in Beauty
Honey's journey as a beauty elixir dates back thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, including the legendary Cleopatra, were known to incorporate honey into their daily beauty routines. Cleopatra famously used honey and milk baths to maintain her radiant complexion. The Greeks and Romans also used honey in their skincare rituals, recognizing its healing and moisturizing properties.
🍯 The Science Behind Honey's Beauty Benefits
Honey is more than just a natural sweetener; it is a powerhouse of nutrients and beneficial compounds. Here are some key components that make honey a beauty must-have:
- **Antioxidants:** Honey is rich in antioxidants, which help combat free radicals and protect the skin from oxidative stress and premature aging.
- **Antibacterial Properties:** Honey's natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties make it effective in treating acne and other skin infections.
- **Moisturizing Properties:** Honey is a humectant, meaning it draws moisture from the air into the skin, keeping it hydrated and soft.
- **Enzymes:** The enzymes in honey aid in gentle exfoliation, removing dead skin cells and promoting a healthy, glowing complexion.
🍯 Honey in Skincare
🍯 1. **Natural Cleanser**
Honey can be used as a gentle and effective facial cleanser. Its enzymes help remove impurities and unclog pores without stripping the skin of its natural oils. To use honey as a cleanser, simply apply a small amount to damp skin, massage in circular motions, and rinse with warm water.
🍯 2. **Acne Treatment**
Due to its antibacterial properties, honey is an excellent remedy for acne-prone skin. It can help reduce inflammation and prevent future breakouts. Dab a small amount of raw honey directly onto blemishes, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and rinse off with warm water.
🍯3. **Hydrating Mask**
For a deeply hydrating face mask, combine honey with other natural ingredients like yogurt or avocado. Apply the mixture to your face, leave it on for 20 minutes, and rinse off to reveal soft, supple skin.
🍯 Honey in Hair Care
🍯 1. **Conditioner**
Honey is a fantastic natural conditioner that can give your hair a healthy shine. Mix honey with olive oil or coconut oil and apply it to your hair, focusing on the ends. Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it out with shampoo.
🍯2. **Scalp Treatment**
Honey's antibacterial properties can help soothe and heal a dry, itchy scalp. Mix honey with warm water to create a rinse, massage it into your scalp, and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
🍯 3. **Hair Growth**
Honey can also promote hair growth by strengthening hair follicles and preventing breakage. Mix honey with aloe vera gel and apply it to your scalp and hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
🍯 Honey in Body Care
🍯 1. **Bath Soak**
For an indulgent and hydrating bath, add a few tablespoons of honey to your bathwater. The honey will help moisturize your skin, leaving it soft and smooth.
🍯 2. **Body Scrub**
Create a natural body scrub by combining honey with sugar or sea salt. Gently massage the mixture onto your skin in circular motions to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. Rinse off with warm water for silky, smooth skin.
🍯 3. **Lip Balm**
Honey's moisturizing properties make it an excellent natural lip balm. Apply a small amount of honey to your lips to keep them hydrated and prevent chapping.
🍯Choosing the Right Honey
For beauty purposes, it's essential to choose raw, unprocessed honey. Raw honey retains all its natural enzymes, antioxidants, and antibacterial properties, making it far more effective than processed honey. Look for local or organic raw honey to ensure you are getting the highest quality product.
🍯 A Word of Caution
While honey is generally safe for most people, it's essential to do a patch test before applying it to your skin, especially if you have allergies or sensitive skin. Apply a small amount of honey to your inner wrist or elbow and wait 24 hours to see if there is any reaction.
🍯 Conclusion
Honey is truly a versatile and powerful beauty ingredient that has stood the test of time. From skincare to haircare, its natural properties make it a valuable addition to any beauty regimen. By incorporating honey into your daily routine, you can enjoy its myriad benefits and achieve a radiant, healthy glow.
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beautyneha · 1 month
Organic Skincare
Best Organic Skincare
Best Organic Skincare using natural products like plants and oils to keep your skin healthy. It’s good because it doesn’t have any harmful chemicals. When you use the best organic skincare, your skin stays beautiful and you’re helping the environment too.
The best organic skincare is all about using natural stuff like plants and oils to take care of your skin. These products don’t have any bad chemicals, so they’re gentle and safe. When you use organic skincare, you’re giving your skin the good stuff it needs without any harmful things.
Another great thing about organic skincare is that it keeps your skin healthy and looking great. Whether your skin is dry, has pimples, or shows signs of getting older, organic skincare can help fix those problems and keep your skin at its best.
And what’s even cooler is that choosing organic skincare is good for the Earth too. When you pick products made with natural ingredients and eco-friendly practices, you’re helping to take care of our planet. So, when you use the best organic skincare, you’re not just looking after yourself, you’re also doing something good for the world.https://www.beautyworld.mydt.in/organic-skincare/
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Organic Skincare Brands
Organic skincare brands are like companies that make skin stuff using good things like plants and oils. They don’t use yucky stuff like chemicals or fake things, so their stuff is nice and safe for your skin. Some famous organic skincare brands are Burt’s Bees, Dr. Hauschka, and others. They make your skin happy without hurting it, which is super cool.
Burt’s Bees
Avalon Organics
Acure Organics
Juice Beauty
Alba Botanica
Andalou Naturals
Tata Harper
Herbivore Botanicals
Picking organic skincare brands means you’re choosing stuff that’s nice for your skin and the planet. It helps make your skin happy and keeps the Earth healthy too. So, using these brands makes your beauty routine better for you and nature.
Organic Skincare Products
Organic skincare products include a variety of items made from natural ingredients. Some popular ones are:
Moisturizers: Creams or lotions made with natural oils like coconut or shea butter to keep your skin hydrated and soft.
Face masks: Masks made with ingredients like clay, honey, or fruit extracts to purify, nourish, and rejuvenate your skin.
Body scrubs: Exfoliating scrubs made with natural sugars or salts to slough away dead skin cells and reveal smoother, softer skin.
Lip balms: Balms made with natural oils and butters to moisturize and protect your lips from dryness and chapping.
Cleansers: Gentle soap for washing your face. They’re made from plant stuff to clean away dirt and stuff without making your skin dry. So, they keep your face clean and happy!
Serums: Light potions for your skin. They have special stuff like vitamins and good things that help with things like wrinkles or skin that’s not all the same color. So, they make your skin look better and healthier.
Sunscreens: Protective shields for your skin. They’re made from natural minerals like zinc or titanium to keep away the sun’s harmful rays. So, they keep your skin safe and happy when you’re outside.
These organic skincare products are made without bad stuff like harsh chemicals or fake things. They help you have healthier and more natural beauty routines. So, they’re good for you and your skin.
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Botanical Skincare
Botanical skincare is all about using plant-based ingredients to take care of your skin. It means using stuff like herbs, flowers, and oils from plants to make skincare products. These natural ingredients can help keep your skin healthy and glowing without any harsh chemicals. Botanical skincare is like giving your skin a gentle, nature-powered hug.
Botanical skincare means using plants to make your skin healthy and happy. Plants like aloe vera, green tea, chamomile, and lavender can make your skin soft, calm irritation, and even out oily skin. They also have stuff called antioxidants that are good for your skin.
The cool thing about botanical skincare is that it doesn’t use bad chemicals or fake stuff, so it’s great for people with sensitive skin or who like natural things. You can find plant stuff in all kinds of skincare things like soap, lotion, and masks.
People like botanical skincare because it’s pure, good for the Earth, and feels like being close to nature. Just remember, not every plant works for everyone, so be smart when picking, and if you’re not sure, ask someone who knows about skin stuff for help.
Holistic Skincare Routine
A holistic skincare routine means taking care of your skin in a natural and healthy way. It’s like giving your skin a big hug! You use things like gentle soaps, oils, and creams made from plants to keep your skin clean and happy.
First, you wash your face with a gentle cleanser to get rid of dirt and make your skin fresh. Then, you might use some natural oils or creams to make your skin soft and smooth. These can also protect your skin from things that might hurt it, like the sun or dry air.
Holistic skincare is great because it doesn’t use yucky chemicals that can be bad for your skin. Instead, it uses natural stuff that’s good for you and the environment. So, your skin stays healthy and you feel good too. click here
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