#it's a form of emotional exorcism
chihoshisai · 2 months
Sweet Overtime
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Nanami x Reader
cw : established relationship, kissing, nanami is madly in love, fluff fluff fluff and feelings // wc : 1.4K
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Nanami hated overtime. 
Regardless of whether he worked for his unfulfilling past office job or as a current sorcerer, heaven would have more chance to fall down before he would clock out one minute later. It was an iron tight rule he had set for himself, to have control over his life after having his youth robbed by the constant going of society. But rules were meant to be broken, bent and sometimes ignored, as they served no purpose but to regulate and guide. All things considered, exceptions were a part of life and even Nanami had no control over it. 
You were an anomaly that came walking into his life, slowly and tenaciously clawing its way into his heart. At first, he disliked you like he did towards some other sorcerers — someone crazy enough to willingly do and enjoy the dangerous living of being a sorcerer. Someone who must’ve been completely out of their mind to fall for a fellow coworker and shamelessly pursue them at that too. But your consistency was enough for an opening to form in his heart, like a flower, it started as a sprout before blooming and leading to the complete surrender of Nanami’s feelings towards everything that partook in your existence. 
Despite his reserved attitude, he quickly acclimated himself to his role as your beloved — going on dates, the late night conversations, the emotional and physical intimacy which he insisted what mattered the most was what you liked, what you enjoyed while he promptly followed through. The hardest part was the vulnerability he had to learn to share with another, as you guided him through the thorny path of allowing himself to rely and lean on a fellow jujutsu sorcerer — who could lose their life at any moment. 
Despite all that, Nanami made it a point to separate all sentimentality while both of you worked — no sweet words, no stolen intimate moments. He treated you professionally.
And it slightly annoyed you, as you persistently tried to create opportunities that would make him fold only to fail miserably. Whispering honeyed remarks when no one was around, purposefully brushing your body against his claiming it was an accident and out of desperation, blowing a kiss in his direction. Though to be fair the last one did cause his face to flush. But his crimson self was the only act of fondness towards you that Nanami allowed himself to show. Even when his skin burned with desire for you, he knew better than to act on his incessant yearning. 
“Such behavior has no place here,” he would scold with his usual flat voice. But his eyes would soften at the look of your pouty lips as he whispered in a gentler tone, “we'll have plenty of time once we’re home.” 
The spoken words alongside the love filled expression of Nanami were enough for you to be willing to compromise, whilst a surge of motivation coursed through your body in order to finish your tasks of the day. After all, there was no mistaking that his affection knew no bounds once the veil of privacy was casted between the two of you, unraveling the mutual pining that he skillfully hid during the day. 
Today was just like the others — dull, boring but fulfilling enough as he had gotten the chance to exorcize another curse. With the clock that silently showed the passing of time, teasingly hinting towards the end of the day, Nanami’s longing for you had grown impatient due to your absence as he finished putting in order his report for the day. Earlier this morning you had left for a mission, depriving him of the usual sweet teasing he had taken for granted. 
While images of yourself danced in his mind, he was reminded of the way your lips curved to form a smile, how your eyes brimmed with delight anytime something catched your attention and most importantly the unparalleled warmth he felt everytime you uttered his name. His feelings overflowed like a waterfall and he just wanted to be done with this day so damn much.    
He just wanted to see you.
Dutifully focused on his task, Nanami didn’t notice the door you slowly opened as you poked your head through the entrance, just enough to see inside. 
“Kento,” your light voice floated to his ears and he perked his head up. The tender smile that emerged from his lip, sincere while also revealing the depth of his emotions at your sight, was enough to send a slight flush across your face. And following with a grin, you slid your body through the door and walked towards his desk, keeping eye contact with him, taking notice of the churning sensation that blossomed down in your stomach. 
“Aren’t you done yet?” You asked, well aware of the current time while sitting down in one of the chairs opposite his desk, eyes darting from his overwhelming paperwork to his sunglasses.
“Almost love,” he responded in a tender tone.
“Then I’ll wait,” you said on a hum, when in reality the need to tease him danced in your mind but you digressed in respect for his boundaries. Instead, you went to stroll around the room, letting your eyes trail alongside the endless bookshelves.   
Stealing glances at your pacing self in his office, Nanami promised himself not to get distracted by your taunts, even when his heart raced alongside the daydreams that previously filled his mind like soft rays of sunrise. But as none came, Nanami felt slightly disappointed at the lack of attention and before he knew it, the clock turned to five and he promptly put aside everything work related and his mind went on to focus on your nearby existence. 
Seeing as you still stood eyeing the bookshelves, Nanami discreetly went to wrap his arm around your waist from behind, gently holding and pulling you towards him as he did so and owning himself a slight gasp from your lips.
“That surprised me,” you said in a chuckle, as your skin prinkled at the touch of his fingers sliding around your waist. “Should we head home if you’re done?” You inquired, aware that Nanami disliked spending unnecessary time working as a sorcerer. 
“In a bit,” he whispered in your ear, “let me stay like this for a bit longer love,” he breathed down your neck, lips brushing your skin and draping you with his warmth. He had missed you. So much that he was willing to compromise on his unbreakable rule, enjoying this sweet moment he decided to bestow upon himself. A day apart was all it took for Nanami to abandon his principles, while he used his arms to make you face him, and bathe in your blushing face — his whole world. 
With a racing heart, you let your eyes lurk over his lips in an obvious manner, as your hands moved upward to grip his broad shoulders. His breath mingling with yours increased your desire to close the distance, but you felt unsure whether Nanami would be alright to cross such a line at work. For that reason, you pondered on the thought of speaking your worries aloud or letting the tension speak for itself. 
But your thoughts alongside your moment got quickly interrupted by the abrupt opening of the door and alongside it, the unsuspecting sight of Gojo. Who with a sly smile let his voice boom throughout the room. “Please don’t mind me and do continue,” Gojo chuckled, well aware that he was clearly interrupting. You eyed him, internally cursing the white haired man for his timing and how he made no attempt whatsoever of returning the privacy he had stolen.
Nanami however had kept his gaze on you all this time despite the disruption — he knew better than to indulge Gojo by giving him any form of attention. Instead, as he saw how your eyes had been robbed from his sight, Nanami grabbed your chin to redirect your focus on him. And while looking at your momentarily surprised face, he united his lips against yours, offering a kiss that hinted at his day long yearning and desire for you. It was only when the sound of the closing door which indicated Gojo’s departure that Nanami allowed his hand to reign free atop your body — one seizing your waist and the other ruffling your hair. His heart throbbed at the intimacy your presence offered and with much regret, he parted from the kiss, forbidding himself to go further for the sake of unraveling the deepest parts of your body only in the shared sanctuary that consisted of your place. 
“Let’s go home,” Nanami whispered, cupping your cheeks and smiling at the face that intoxicated every fiber of his body. 
You hummed in approval and felt Nanami slide his hand to weave his fingers alongside yours while he went and guided the way out and to more intimate moments. 
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enbeeanon · 9 months
Masterlist of herbs and plants!
This is a list that I have in my Book of Shadows, typed up so that you can use it, too!
Do not consume those with an asterisk (*) next to them. Some are edible in certain forms, but consult a qualified herbalist before you use them
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Healing, maintained good health, fighting off disease
Good luck, fertility, spiritual growth, prosperity
Prosperity, money, success, love, psychic powers
African Violet*
Protection, healing, spiritual growth
Happiness, love, friendship, comfort, reassurance
Protection, removing negative energy and bad vibes, helping to remove hexes
Aletris root*
Feminine magick, protection, prosperity
Prosperity, wisdom, success
Spiritual growth, luck, success, protection, love, barrier against unwelcome things
Angelica root
Protection, exorcism, removes negative energy, boosts feminine energy
Spiritual growth, dreams, sleep, protection
Love, luck, longevity
Arrow root
Purification, cleansing, healing
Divination, luck, prosperity, protection
House and item protection, healing, psychic growth
Youth, beauty, love, lust, healing
Happiness, uplifting, full of life
Wish magick, luck, protection
Fertility, passion, success
Home and business protection and blessings, warding off negative energy, purification, cleansing, divination, exorcism, prosperity, love
Bay leaves
Warning: if burned, ensure the area has ventilation!
Protection, psychic power, divination, success, money, wish magick
Wish magick, happiness, divination, spiritual growth
Astral projection, psychic powers, boosts spell's power, healing, helps to forget past loves, protection
Success, psychic powers, fertility, mental clarity, sleep, protection, prosperity
Protection, purification, cleansing, removing negative energy and hexes
Protection, healing, prosperity
Black pepper
Banish negativity, warding off bad energy, protection
House protection, home blessing, legal matters, luck, prosperity, protection
Brazil nut
Protection, prosperity, love
Brimstone powder*
Used to remove hexes
Burdock root
Protection, purification, healing, cleansing, self acceptance
Buckthorn bark*
Exorcism, wards off negative energy, removing hexes, aids legal matters
Fertility, luck, prosperity
Calendula (Marigold)
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, happiness, protection
Love, protection, healing, prosperity
Sleep, calms nerves, prosperity, luck, purification
Caraway seeds
Helps children stay safe from illness and general harm, protection, clarity of mind, passion, healing
Courage, love, passion
Protection, inner strength, healing, creativity
Lust, fertility
Courage, beauty, love, used in magick surrounding cats
Aids separation (such as divorce), emotional heartache, a traditional offering in Wicca (I'm not wiccan but that may be helpful for any of you who are)
Protection, purification, removes negative energy and hexes, prosperity
Mental clarity, psychic powers, aids sleep, lust, passion
Psychic powers, protection
Cherry bark*
Love, romance, passion, divination, clarity of which path to take
Helps to contact spirits, used to help people find deities
Love and peace
Healing and protection
Protection, used in dieting spells
Promotes dreaming, business success, healing, psychic powers, love, purification, protection, spiritual growth, adds power to any spell
Adds power to spells, speed up spells effects and manifestation
Mental clarity, protection, love
Prosperity, peace, calms nerves, love, psychic powers, dreams
Love, healing, passion
Fertility and healing
Cumin seeds
House protection, home blessings, general protection, exorcism, wards off negative energy
Luck, love, fertility
Innocence, spells for children
Contacting spirits, dreams, healing, purification, clairvoyance
Deadly Nightshade*
Astral projection, psychic powers, adds a boost of power to spells, healing, protection, helps to forget past loves
Protection against hexes and curses, mental clarity, luck, love, wisdom, enhances magickal knowledge
Dock leaf*
Prosperity, success in business, fertility, healing
Dragon's blood*
Increases power and boosts spells, banishments, exorcism, strong protection, love, energy, purification
Inner strength, physical strength, healing, prosperity
Exorcism, protection, house protection/blessings, healing, love
Healing, purification, cleansing, protection
Evening primrose
Healing, purification, creativity, protection
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, mental clarity
Protection, purification, healing, passion, courage, strength
Protection against accidents, clumsiness and illness, helps with colds and fevers
Protection, purification, healing, cleansing
Protection, purification, cleansing, consecrating tools
Galangal root*
Protection, prosperity, psychic powers, lust, passion, legal matters
Protection, healing, exorcism, inner strength, family bonding, home and business blessings
Healing, protection, love, meditation
Protection, prosperity, healing, luck, love
Aids healing from heartache, love, friendship
Dreams, divination, love, lust
Protection, love dreams, good marriage
Prosperity, luck, peace, inspiration
Purification, protection, exorcism
Protection, purification, cleansing, consecration, positive blessings
Love, dreams, spiritual growth
Juniper berries
Protection, exorcism, healing, calming nerves, love
Ladies Mantle*
Aids sleep, love, purification, beauty, inner calm, fertility, luck, protection, happiness
Purification, healing, cleansing, home blessings, protection, calming, sleep, love
Uplifting, mental clarity, healing, psychic powers, friendship, contacting spirits
Lemon balm
Healing, psychic powers, spiritual growth, divination, love, success
Mental clarity, psychic powers, love, lust
Lemon Mint
Healing, love
Lemon Verbena
Purification, protection, cleansing, love, passion, adds a boost to other herb mixtures
Divination, sleep, protection
Past life regression, protection, love, luck, exorcism
Removing love spells/enchantments, protection
Lily of the Valley*
Healing, uplifting, happiness, inner calm
Protection, healing, love
Liquorice root
Love, romance, fidelity
Liquorice stick
Good marriage, love, passion
Protection, exorcism, home and business blessings, divination, luck, prosperity
Luck, prosperity, love
Inner balance, psychic powers, spiritual growth, happiness, love, prosperity, protection
Marshmallow root
Love, protection, removing negative energy
Happiness, love, divination, inner calm, peace
Prosperity, psychic powers, spiritual growth, travelling, exorcisms, healing, protection
Youth, beauty, love, healing, prosperity, protection, fertility
Warning: can cause drowsiness and vivid dreams. Do not consume if pregnant.
Dreams, astral projection, psychic powers, healing, inner strength, visions, protection
Protection, purification, cleansing, exorcism, spiritual growth, helping relieve sorrow after tragedy, healing
Inner calm, sleep, peace, meditation, inner confidence
Protection, healing, removing negative energy, exorcism
Prosperity, divination, love, luck, mental clarity, protection, uplifting, healing
Protection, purification, healing
Peace, calm, love, luck, lust
Calming, dissolving anger, beauty, love, peace
Happiness, protection, prosperity, healing, love
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, luck, uplifting, healing
Home blessings, friendships, sleep, inner peace, emotional balance, love, family bonds
Natural lucky charm, healing, prosperity, protection, exorcism, removes hexes
Used to break a spell, exorcisms, removes hexes, mental clarity, passion, prosperity, contacting spirits, divination
Purification, protection, home blessings, inner calm, aids calm in arguements, helps prevent travel sickness
Psychic powers, calming, healing, aids rest, mental clarity, dreams, love, purification
Good marriage, mental clarity, purification, protection, love
Protection, purification, cleansing, prosperity, inner strength, grounding, healing, fertility, success, home and business blessings
Prosperity, luck
Pink rosebuds/petals
Friendships, love, romance, self acceptance
Healing, love, peace, inner calm
Divination, wish magick, protection, prosperity
Poppy/Poppy seeds
Happiness, love, lust, luck, sleep, prosperity, fertility
Healing, luck, prosperity
Love, luck
Pumpkin/ pumpkin seeds
Healing, divination, honours the moon
Raspberry leaf
Protection, sleep, dreams, healing
Red rosebuds/ petals
Passion, love, romance, psychic powers, healing, protection, divination
Red sandalwood*
Trance work, divination, meditation, consecration, purification
Love, luck, healing, invoking positive spirits
Purification, healing, sleep, mental clarity, psychic powers, spiritual growth
Rowan/ Rowan berries*
Protection, home and business blessings, success, psychic powers, healing
Exorcism, protection, luck, removes hexes, love, mental clarity, healing, home and business blessings
Psychic powers, healing, love, lust
Purification, cleansing, mental clarity, psychic power, spiritual growth, home/general protection, wisdom, knowledge
Cleansing, purification, protection, removes negative energy, protects against psychic attacks
Sea salt
Purification, cleansing, casting circles
Slippery elm*
Protection, stops gossip and rumours
Protection, protection during sleep, clarity of mind, healing, love
St. John's wort*
Protection, healing, love, happiness, divination
Tea tree*
Healing, peace, harmony, mental clarity
Psychic power, spiritual growth, love, stopping nightmares, divination, courage, purification, restful sleep, healing, inner calm, balance
Valerian root
Sleep, purification, cleansing, protection, dreams, love
Inner calm, harmony, peace, protection, purification, divination, consecration, prosperity, love, creativity
Healing, mental clarity, wish magick, fertility
Divination, protection, love, healing, relieve sorrow
White willow bark*
Protection, love, healing, divination, luck, inspiration, psychic power
Witch hazel*
Protection, healing, charm
Exorcism, protection, love, removing hexes, dispels fear, promotes calm, inner strength, psychic powers, courage
Removes negative energy/hexes, protection
Ylang Ylang*
Inner calm, brings peace to situations, love, happiness, tranquility
This took me two hours to write up, but hey! Hope this helps!
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sprout-fics · 11 months
Wanna make you fold like a paper crane—-write your fav boy with his hand on your throat, folded under him and calling you his good pet
You already know who my fave boy is
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You can’t seem to find him in the darkness. 
You feel him, have no choice but to feel him, the unrelenting weight of his massive form bracketing you in from all sides, folding you in half so your legs strain outwards, upwards, making room for the girth of his cock that splits you open under him. His voice grunts down quick, panted little breaths in the space between you, muffled by your moans and the smack of flesh against flesh as he drives into you. One scarred hand grips at a calf, an anchor for you both, one for him to cling on to and drag you to him, one that grounds you against his relentless advances. 
The stretch of him is almost to the point where it burns. Yet the fullness of him is absolute, occupying every fiber of your being as you open up gently and sweetly for him, offering the desperate cries of your voice in the pitch black room. Ghost fucks into you like he’s trying to prove something, release some type of pent up demon inside him he refuses to name. You taste it against your lips, feel it in the bruising intensity of his grip, hear it in his voice grinding down at you like he’s trying to exorcize it. 
You take it into yourself with every shuddering gasp, every short punch of his hips that sends a tremble of delicious friction up and over your spine. It fractures outwards, embeds in your veins, builds and builds and builds until you can stand it no longer. 
Ghost comes back different from missions. It’s like the return of earth under his feet, the stillness in the absence of gunfire has him fumbling blindly in the darkness, searching for something to embed himself into lest he forget himself. 
Inevitably, it’s you.
Ghost is brutally efficient in most ways, and that includes destroying you. He’ll hoist you onto the bed, will toss you on your back and cage you in so there’s no escape. He won’t offer anything as romantic as kisses or gentle whispers of nothing. Instead he’ll slide his hand down to the core of you, waste no time in making slickness spread over his fingers before pushing it back into you. You’re always left whimpering, hungry, desperate by the time he decides to fuck you, shedding his clothes in quick succession before hoisting you to him and pressing inside. 
This evening is no different, but there’s something about him that’s different. He has his hand against your neck like he’s trying to keep you there, keeping you from stretching upwards and trying to find him in the darkness. You can’t see his face, know by now you’ll never see it, but in the space between you and him, in the absence of so many words, you want to touch.
“Ghost-” You try with a little cry as he shifts his grip on your, changes his pace from punishing into precise, sending an electric sharp jab of pleasure so bright it shoots up your spine and echoes into something near a shout.
“Ghost-” You try again, hands seeking him. 
A hand snatches your own, and you think for a moment he’ll press it away, pin it to the bed and keep it there. 
Somehow, his fingers entwine with yours instead. 
“Simon.” he rasps, voice wet with an emotion you can’t see. “Call me Simon.”
You blink into the void, eyes glassy and unseeing as you pant, writhe and arch against him, the sublime secret of his name spilling across your tongue. 
“That’s right, pet.” He growls down at you, hand pinning yours to the bed, fingers tangled together as he takes, takes, takes-
“Simon. My name is Simon.”
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artist-issues · 10 months
Some Things I Believe About Stories
Stories should not be PRIMARILY created to entertain. They should be created to teach, or encourage, or inspire, USING entertaining qualities. The Romans used entertainment to distract the populace from corruption. J. R. R. Tolkien, on the other hand, described "escapism" as "a prisoner of war escaping from enemy camp to go back home." You're not running from reality to fantasy when a story does it's job. You're running from the dark, twisted side of the world to something that reminds you of the good, the true, the beautiful, the correct. You've been imprisoned by bad ideas and confusion and dark perspectives, and the story shows you how to escape and get back to true and beautiful reality. It's got a point, it's not just for diversion.
Stories should be made to serve others and leave the world better than they found it. Storytellers should not only tell a story to exorcize their personal demons or point to how clever and artistic they are. That can be a nice bonus. But the point should be to serve the audience. Think about it. When it's made, it's timeless; it will be read or watched or listened to by the next generation, or the next. What are the storytellers letting fall into the hands of the people who come after they're not around to explain or gain a profit?
The storyteller should be passionate about the story while they make it. This could look like a sense of duty, or fun, or just excitement. But those outward emotions usually signal an inward understanding of how important the story is, and therefore, a level of compassion and care for the eventual audience.
You can like a story or dislike a story. You can interpret a story or misinterpret a story. Those things are subjective. But whether or not a story is good is objective: it can be measured. Does the story say what it is trying to say in the clearest, most compelling way possible? If yes, it's a good story. If no, it might be great entertainment. It might be funny. It might be cool. It might be quotable or franchise-able or profitable or even memorable. But it's not a good story if it does not say something in the clearest, most compelling way possible.
A story's main point, or theme, is the most important thing about it. The characters, the set design, the pacing, the soundtrack, the language, the use of color or lighting or blocking etc.; all of those pieces work best when they are unified in the goal of communicating that main point or theme.
Death of the author = death of the story. It's point is to say something. If you claim the speaker's intent is meaningless, so are the words spoken. If you claim it can mean anything, your words are meaningless too. We all might as well tell no stories and blabber gibberish instead. It’s one thing to say you understand what the author intended, and you like to think of it in/wish it were another way. But it’s quite another to say that what the author intended is unknowable or doesn’t matter. You’re either calling the author a bad storyteller or, again, recommending we all speak gibberish.
Both form (the quality of the story and it's elements) and content (the main point or lessons) matter. Without one you have a lecture, not a story. Without the other you have entertainment, but no valuable, timeless, beautiful truth to make it a “story.”
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Hi! I'm Jewish and interested in going into genocide studies more broadly for grad school! Do you have any advice for coping with what you learn or favorite books?
Coping.... you're going to spend about two years alternating between crying and making deeply disturbing jokes whenever you have a spoonful of alcohol. You're going to have weird dreams, and watch helplessly as genocide and atrocities just keeps happening. You'll slowly form a trauma callus which directs you towards gallows humor over tears, and allows you to compartmentalize your emotional responses to things. You'll realize how powerless you are to make it stop and it'll make you re-evaluate everything you thought you knew about how the world works. If you try to use your knowledge and expertise to speak out, you're likely to face harassment.
But you probably already know all of that, right? Because no one goes into Holocaust and Genocide Studies because they want to. We go into it because we have to. Because there is something buried deep in our souls that knows the pain and anger and mental health impacts are worth it if we can bear witness and maybe even be a tiny fraction of the reason behind it when justice is occasionally served, or when societies respond appropriately to genocidal speech.
Read Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder, and Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women during the Holocaust eds. Hedgepeth and Saidel.
If you can get through those two volumes without vomiting, using so many substances that you can't retain anything you read, crying so hard that you puke, or having a panic attack so bad that you feel the need to perform on exorcism, then yeah you should be ok.
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dailyadventureprompts · 2 months
Dear Dapper - you're so great at helping me think through ideas and creative blocks, and you have such great thoughts about DnD religions, so I hope this question is perfect for you. (Forgive the length, feel free to trim in any posting).
Our campaign is set in a world where the gods found some "clay" and sculpted a world out of it. Most of the various plots stem from the earliest, most powerful creations having various emotions about this act (resentment and reformation, jealousy, an overextended sense of ownership, or feeling they can redo it better). In the past, the sense of resentment led to a war where the traditional, but respected, judge-like, ferryman-style psychopomp god of death was killed. He now exists as a partial remnant, God of Undeath - the dark moon. The other gods then fled, abandoning creation.
My character started as a cleric of the light moon goddess, and as perhaps the most mythologically invested player, I've been expanding to become pan-theistic - trying to round up what remains of divine power into beneficent hands (ie, against the bbeg). In a recent story arc, a part of his soul was stolen, then given freely to this God of Undeath.
The God's angry (presumably about being killed - the how is an upcoming plot point). He's viewed as asleep, and wants to 'wake' the living world into undeath. His worshippers are secretive necromancers and the undead. Otherwise his themes so far are generally gothy, macabre and evil.
I think my character's desire is to try to restore him in some way, or at least, 'wake' him into some element of his former neutral/benevolent self. As a player, I want to toy with the scary, gothiness of this change, and dance with temptation a bit. As both, I want to find some good or positive elements to the Undeath angle that I can spin.
What ideas does this generate for you? In particular, what are some positives from undeath that I could play with? Why would a normal living wizard fall into the necromantic worship of this 'deity' (other than the selfish desire for immortality as a lich or vampire)?
Thanks for any thoughts you might have!
Fundamentally any depiction of the undead are really a portrayal of our relationship TO death, and the many reactions we can have regarding it's suddenness, tragedy, and inevitability.
A god that's angry about their own inevitable demise strikes me as one that's stuck mid way through the seven stages of grief, a state not unlike undeath because it leaves those trapped in it unable to move on. Cultists might think they're gaining immortality through undeath but really they're trapping themselves in bereaved stasis.
The ultimate resolution then is taking steps toward catharsis and acceptance, of letting go, and coming to terms with the loss as a form of exorcism. Perhaps your character also had a significant death in their life and had trouble moving on, and wants to give this god the same hardwon peace they finally achieved, or achieve it by working things out through this god.
I find it interesting that "gothy" is a term that's brought up multiple times in your description, because one of the big parts about goth subculture (other than a kickass music scene) is a philosophy that asks us to not shy away from the fear of death but instead look at it head on, unpleasant as it is, and say " I embrace you and in doing so I acknowledge how great life really is"
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
no surprises - okkotsu yuuta
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word count: 4.5k warnings: themes of depression, light swearing summary: (y/n) learns she doesn’t see the world the way Yuuta does.  She also learns she doesn’t see herself the way he does. - based loosely around no surprises by radiohead more info: aged up characters! ___
[ a heart that’s full up like a landfill / a job that slowly kills you / bruises that won’t heal ] ___
The world of Jujutsu was fairly small and only shrinking.  Sometimes it was cool to be a part of a unique society.  Most of the time, it was lonely.
(y/n’s) classmates were nice enough, but she had yet to make a real connection with any of them.
Maki was great to train with, and she could be fun.  But she was so intimidating that when they were alone together, (y/n) tended to keep her head down and mouth shut.  You couldn’t say anything wrong if you didn’t speak a word, right?
Then there was Panda, who was very kind, but he could be rambunctious, and a bit of a prankster.  Besides, he tended to partner off with Toge anyways, so there wasn’t a point in trying to reach out more.
And Toge only spoke in rice ball ingredients.  It was a little hard to form a friendship around that.
(y/n) tried not to let herself be too affected by all this.  It wasn’t fair to be upset that they’d all formed a bond before she had come to Jujutsu Tech.
Eventually, she grew to accept that she wouldn’t be joining the strong familial bond they all shared with each other.  She thought this to be a good thing- at least that way if something were to happen to her, no one would lose someone they cared about.  And in this field of work, risking your life was always an asterisk on the mission form.
But risking your life to save others? That had to be one of the most selfless jobs there were.  So if the price of exorcizing curses was a little loneliness, then so be it.  She’d still choose this life if she had another chance.
At least, that’s what she’d tell herself when she’d stare at the sky late at night, recalling the days before she’d discovered her cursed energy.
[ you look so tired, unhappy ]
“You don’t really think that, do you?” Yuuta asks her one night.
(y/n) glances over to the boy next to her, his eyes a dark blue that rivals the night sky above them.  She can’t quite place the look on his face… despair?
“You don’t ever wonder?” She mumbles, her eyes returning to the constellations.  “What if… what if I wasn’t born like this?”
Yuuta swallows.  Sure, all the time, he thinks, but something tells him that’s not what he should be telling her now.
“I suppose,” He answers her quietly.  “But there’s a lot of stuff I’d hate to miss out on”
(y/n) laughs, which wasn’t the reaction he was expecting at all.  His brows furrow in her direction while she shakes her head.
“What?” He asks.
“You,” She answers, still staring at the sky.  “In what world is this life best case scenario?”
“You hate it that much?”
“Hate doesn’t begin to convey what I feel for this life,” She shakes her head.  “But it would be selfish of me to say that, wouldn’t it?” Finally she looks at him again, letting him process the question before continuing.  “Knowing what I know now, it would be selfish to walk away- for what, something better? Something that brings me happiness? Could I really choose something like happiness over protecting people?”
Yuuta is silent for a moment, leaving her to stare at him and try to pick apart each and every emotion behind his eyes.  She assumes he must feel the same.  If given the chance to go back and change the course of fate, much more than trauma could be restored.  A real, normal, life could have been had.  She wonders if that’s what he’s thinking- what life he could have had for himself had he not been dragged into this one.
She’s wrong.
While he sits beside her on the creaky old wood planks that made up the deck outside of the dormitories, Yuuta can only think about the present, the only life he’s ever known, and the only life he’ll ever have.  Her words hurt him, not because he’s offended, but because… it makes him sad for her.
He’s known (y/n) for quite some time now.  When they first met last year, she was very reserved, curiously enough though, he found she wasn’t shy, she just tended to keep to herself.  After a year of spending whatever free time he had, he tried to understand her better.
(y/n) tended to give him scraps- only last week he learned that her favorite color was blue.  “Like at midnight.  Or the ocean” She’d said.  He didn’t mind that it was taking more time to get to know her than the others, in fact, he found that he enjoyed her quiet presence.
He’d grown very fond of her, so much in fact that when he’d come back from long days or weeks away, it was usually her he gravitated towards to catch up with first.  He’d spend the following day joking around with Toge, and training with Maki, and getting thrown around by Panda, but that first night belonged to (y/n).
And it was typical to find them sitting on this deck, staring at the stars.
With these thoughts in mind, Yuuta takes in a breath before asking her the question he’d been biting back.
“You don’t think you can find happiness… here?”
Slowly, her eyes fall from the stars, but she can’t bear to look at him, so instead she keeps her vision blankly ahead.
Why must he be this way? She curses internally.  Why does he have to… care? Why can’t he leave me alone like the others? He insists on being involved… why?
She can’t look at him, because she knows if she does, she might just grow a little closer to him, and she couldn’t accept that.  He was too good.  And it was safer to keep a distance, to never really be attached.
When you’re attached to things, you grow weak.  And this wasn’t a field where she could allow even a shred of weakness.
Her teeth gnaw on her bottom lip.
“You ask me that as if my happiness holds any importance,” She says.  “I don’t think it’s fair to weigh that against human lives”
“You don’t have to pit the two against each other,” Yuuta declares.  “Both can be equally important to you.  They’re important to me”
Her head snaps before she can remind herself why she wasn’t looking at him, and she’s reminded as soon as their eyes meet.
He’s smiling at her.  He has the warmest, most comforting expression on his face, and she doesn’t understand why, but she knows that’s simply who Yuuta is.  Warm, and comforting.
“Why?” She whispers, afraid if she’ll ask any louder, the shadows will hear, and they’ll mock her for her vulnerability.
“Because you’re my friend,” Yuuta shrugs like the answer is simple.  “And I care about you,”
She blinks at him, her eyes wide with bewilderment.
After all this time of forcibly keeping him at arm’s length, he still considered her a companion?
The hot sting behind her eyes let her know that her heart was betraying her mind, but no matter how strongly she willed herself to bottle it up and force it away, the feeling remained.
“The others care about you too, you know,” Yuuta continues.  “Trust me, I’ve learned they have weird ways of showing it, but they do,”
(y/n) swallows the lump in her throat.
“Even when you try to push people away, the ones that matter have a way of sticking around,” There’s a small smile on his face as he speaks, ducking his head as a rosy tint colors his cheeks.  “But that’s a good thing, right? Without friends you love and who love you, what’s the point?”
“Being strong,” Her voice is raspy, but she has yet to let a single tear fall.  “Holding your own.  Looking out for yourself.  Y-you have to.  It’s the only way”
Slowly, and maybe for the first time ever, Yuuta was beginning to understand her.
He turns his body to be facing hers, letting her know that she had his complete and undivided attention.
“You wanna know something funny?” He asks, and she doesn’t respond, but he speaks anyway.  “You’re reminding me of Gojo-Sensei,”
Her nose crinkles in mild-disgust and confusion, and Yuta chuckles.
“When he first found me, he told me this weird thing that made no sense.  But I was so broken up about Rika, and so scared all the time of what was coming next.  I did everything I could to keep people away from me… I just never wanted to hurt anyone- well, ah, you knew that I guess, huh?”
Bashfully, he rubs the back of his neck.
“Well, he told me that love was the most twisted curse of all,” He said.
(y/n) blinked, a bit shocked that her goofy, sweets-loving sensei could say something so dark… and profound.
“And at first I guess I thought I understood what he meant.  It means it holds you back, right? It makes you weak, or lost.  And that’s all I was feeling at the time…”
He trails off for a moment, lost in his memories.  Surprisingly, he smiles at her.
“And then I met you guys… and I understand what he meant now”
(y/n) blinks, waiting for him to continue.  But he just sits there and smiles at her, and she realizes he’s not going to tell her.
“Well?” She pressed.  “What’d he mean, then?”
Yuuta laughs, before placing his hands on the ground and hoisting himself up.
“It wouldn’t be fair to just tell you, dummy,” He teases, reaching his hand down to her.  “You gotta figure it out yourself”
She stares at him for a moment, still calculating what he was getting at, what was the point of all this? And then her eyes fall to his outstretched and helpful hand.
Her heart drops to her stomach, and she fears it’ll launch back up to her throat and be regurgitated.
Cautiously, she raises her hand, and sets it in his.
Yuuta beams as he helps her to stand, firmly clutching her palm in his to keep her steady.
“So- so what,” (y/n) shakes her head, her brows drawn together.  She pulls her hand out of his hold almost instantly, wrapping her arms around herself defensively.  “All that nonsense about love and letting people in, I just have to accept that?”
Her voice cracks and she lets out a humorless laugh.
“Because it’s the most ridiculous, selfish thing I’ve ever heard,”
Yuuta’s face falls, a frown pulling on his lips while she spews out her interpretation of Gojo’s words, and it wasn’t what he’d intended at all.
“See, you can love people all you want.  You can care about them, and- and look out for them, and get to know them.  But at the end of the day, when you die and they’re left loving what’s left of you, that’s on you,”
She does her best to ignore her own sniffling, and the way her voice breaks and rasps as her throat constricts, but it’s all too noticeable.  Yuuta watches as she completely crumbles in front of him.
“Love makes you weak,” She mutters, aggressively wiping at her eyes before any tears could fall.  “It makes you overthink, it trips you up when you need to be on your highest alert.  Gojo-sensei was right about one thing.  Love is a curse.  It’s no gift at all.  It’s a damnation to weakness.  Love is a waste of energy, and- and it’s a waste for you to pretend like you care when you barely even know me!”
Yuuta shakes his head, stepping towards her with his hands out.
“No, no (y/n) that’s not true-”
“It is,” She seethes, stepping back before he could touch her.  “Aren’t you bothered? Don’t you despise me?” The question is exaggerated, and she’s just waiting for him to admit it.
“Of course not!”
“Well then why?” She gasps out.  “Why do you keep coming back to me- seeking me out and trying to get to know me? Can’t you tell I don’t want you to?”
“We’re friends, (y/n), we’re partners.  I care about you whether you want me to or not-”
“That’s unfair-!”
“That’s love!” Yuuta cuts her off this time before she could argue with him any longer.  “Like it or not you don’t get to choose who loves you! Okay!? It just happens!”
Shockingly enough, she doesn’t have a response for that, so Yuuta seizes the silence himself.
“You’re wrong,” He tells her, stepping closer again.  “You can push people away all you want- it won’t work.  Not with me.  I won’t let you,”
A tear escapes one of her eyes, making a break down her cheek, before sliding along her jaw.
“Be angry with me if you have to, I don’t care.  You mean more to me than your anger could get in the way of”
“I don’t understand,”
She sounds defeated, her voice quiet and still breaking as she attempts to fight her feelings.
“I don’t understand,” She repeats.  “Why? Why go through the trouble?”
Yuuta chuckles, and takes a bolder step forward, reaching out to brush his knuckles over her jaw, collecting the stray tear.
“You’re wrong again, (y/n/n),” He says fondly.  “It’s no trouble at all to love you,”
A knot forms between her eyebrows as her eyes flicker between his, desperate to read the thoughts behind them.
If only there was a way he could convince her that he was telling her exactly what he was thinking.
“It sucks sometimes,” He admits with a chuckle.  “When I’m gone and I miss you, or when you want to be a brooding jerk.  But it doesn’t make me love you any less,”
He really loves me? She wonders.  Or is he just saying this?
“Actually, I think that stuff just makes me love you more”
Now her tears are falling down her cheeks in steady streams.  She shakes her head at him, the action small, almost pathetic, she thinks.
“Can’t you see I don’t want that?” She all but whimpers out.  “I can’t- I just can’t have that”
“You don’t get to choose that for me” Yuuta shrugs a shoulder, giving her a small smile.  He does his best to hide the way she’s shattering his heart.
“It’s not fair, it’s not fair to me,” She continues, lips trembling as she tries to form the right words.  “If- if something happens and I’m dying I can’t-”
She hiccups and Yuuta finds himself shushing her, cooing softly as his hands cup over her cheeks so sweetly, brushing away her tears as they fall.
“You think too much about everything, yaknow?” He hums to her.
“I can’t carry that weight,” She mumbles.  “I can’t- I can’t die knowing I’m leaving people to grieve for me”
She sees him smile and she just wants to fall to her knees and break down.  She doesn’t understand him, not in the slightest.  How could he stand there and comfort her while she’s trying to reject him?
“Like I said,” Yuuta sighs while he carefully dries her cheeks.  “You don’t get to choose that for me”
“You don’t get to choose that for anyone,” He corrects himself.  “That’s what isn’t fair.  People will love you whether you want them to or not.  You will love people whether you want to or not.  It’s not a choice at all”
She stares at him for a moment, ignoring that voice in the back of her mind telling her to push his hands away and retreat to her dorm.  Instead, all she could think about was a short conversation they’d had a week or so ago.
There’s a shift in her demeanor, or so Yuuta thinks.  He thinks that when he looks into her eyes, there’s something there that wasn’t there before.  A glint, a shimmer of hope.  He gazes at her (y/e/c) fondly, hoping whatever it was he was seeing would reveal itself.
“Last week you told me your favorite color was green, like the leaves in summer,”
Her words were murmured, anxiously so, but she willed herself to keep talking.
“And I told you my favorite color was blue,” Her cheeks began to feel warm.
Was this bashfulness?
“I like… I like the blue of your eyes,” She was nearly choking on her words, but this was much different from before.  “That’s my favorite color,”
Yuuta’s blushing too, so much so that he wants to tug at his color to relieve the heat creeping up his neck.
“On the nights that you’re gone, I sit out here and… and hope you’re okay,” (y/n) confesses.  “I hope that we’re looking at the same stars and that when I ask them to look out for you… they do.  I look at the sky and it’s just so beautiful I can’t stop myself from being reminded of you… even when I don’t want to.  I can’t help it… it’s the damn blue…”
Her tears have stopped falling, yet still somehow she looks distressed.
Still, it’s different than before.
“Is that love?” She mumbles, and Yuuta isn’t sure if she’s asking him or talking to herself, but he answers anyway.
He drops his hands from her face so that he can wrap them snugly around her waist, drawing her close to him so that he could hug her.
At first, she just lets him.  She stands there frozen, trapped by the action, trapped by her thoughts.
This must be, she thinks.  It must be.  Because what other feeling could have her so… lost in another person.
A shiver goes down her spine, and at the same time she feels so warm it’s almost uncomfortable.
All at once, she falls against him, throwing her arms around his neck, embracing him as tightly as she possibly could.  She buries her nose into his shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut tight before any other tears could fall.
He returns her vigor right away, pressing her close to his chest.
(y/n) melts.
“I’m sorry,” She mumbles into his jacket.  “I’m sorry for everything-”
“Don’t apologize,” Yuuta cuts her off, a hand cupping the back of her head, before carefully tangling his fingers in her hair.  “There’s no need”
Yuuta hears a quiet mumble against his shoulder.
“You’re so good and I don’t understand it sometimes,”
He chuckles, leaning back and pulling her away from him just enough that he can look down at her.
She’s smiling now, but even still, Yuuta can see there’s a sadness behind it.
“I do… care about you, you know?” Her voice was quiet, eyes darting between his, hoping to find a flicker of trust.
She found much more than a flicker.
She could have sworn that his irises held more color than she’s ever seen before.  The perfect swirl of love, and blue.
“I know,” He smiles and it’s warm, and it makes her feel every pleasant emotion.  “But it’s nice to hear it” He teases.
She cracks a little, her despair melting away.  She couldn’t tell what did it exactly, the sweet words or bright smile, maybe his thumb brushing over her cheekbone being the most soothing thing she’s ever felt- or maybe it was all of it.  
But now with her brain a mush and her life’s philosophy being burned to ashes, she was considering that maybe… maybe it was just him.  Maybe this was just the Yuuta Effect.  Maybe it was his charm that seemed to have it’s own gravitational pull.  Maybe it was his dopey smile and nervous way he talks paired with that sweet look in his eyes.  Maybe it was the fact that it was so fiercely loyal that he wouldn’t leave your side even when you were begging him to.
Am I an idiot?
His name came out in one small breath, and he’s reminded just why he was so infatuated with her.
He was always hanging onto her every word, eager to hear what the next one would be.
“I don’t… I didn’t realize…”
She cuts herself off, wincing and shaking her head from the embarrassment of not even being able to form a sentence.
Rolling her eyes, she looks back up at him, staring at him seriously.
“I never realized you felt that way,” She finally said.  “And I’m sorry I… I never told you… how I felt”
He raised a brow, playfully.
“You didn’t realize, huh?” He asks.
She shook her head.
“I don’t believe you”
“What?” (y/n) scoffed.  “What do you mean you don’t believe me?”
“I don’t believe you,” He chuckles as he repeats himself.  “It was too obvious.  You’re the secretive one”
“Obvious?” She asks.
“Uh, yeah, it was pretty obvious,” He’s still laughing, pretty nervously, but it’s cute.  “You’ve caught me staring, I know you have”
“So? You zone out a lot” (y/n) shrugs her shoulders.
“Okay, well I also try really hard to get close to you”
“How was I supposed to know that you weren’t just trying to be my friend?” She fired back.  “These aren’t exactly solid arguments”
“How? You’re seriously trying to tell me that you haven’t noticed?”
She tries to stifle a laugh at how worked up he’s getting over this, but she fails and giggles spew out uncontrollably.
“Okay then, since you just want to laugh it up at my feelings, how is it you feel anyways?”
Her giggles halted immediately, eyes wide and darting up to his.
“Well?” He asks, impatiently.
“Well.. I’m… fond of you”
“You’re fond of me?” He asks in a posh accent.  “What are you eighty?”
“Shut up” (y/n) mutters while he continues to laugh and tease her.
“Are you hoping to win my favor? Perhaps court me?”
“You’re not making this any easier you know,” (y/n) says, doing her best to scowl at him.  But it’s difficult to not smile at him when he’s smiling like that.  “I could always just walk away.  Go to bed and sleep for a loooong time and wake up and pretend this never happened-”
“So you’re in love with me?”
He has such a way of making her freeze, that she thinks he’s doing it just for his own amusement.
“Maybe” She mumbles.
Yuuta grins.  He grins so wide that all of his teeth are on display, and his skin crinkles at the corners of his eyes.
“I can work with maybe”
(y/n) scoffs, her lips turning upwards against her will as she drops her head to stare at the ground.
“Come on,” Yuuta hums, heading back towards the dorms.  “I’ll even walk you back to your room.  You know, to prove what a gentleman I am”
(y/n) giggles, and nods her head softly before following next to him.
They walk in silence, side by side, back inside.  It’s comfortable.
He walks her to her dorm, they say goodnight, and maybe they linger in the doorway a few moments longer than necessary, maybe (y/n) closes her door and leans against it for a few minutes while she hopes that her heart would calm down in her chest.
As she lays in bed that night and stares at her ceiling, she realizes that she had gotten it all wrong.  Perhaps her whole life, but… definitely this last chapter.  She had blinded herself for so long that she hadn’t even been able to see Yuuta was in love with her.
And she was absolutely in love with him.
[ no alarms / and no surprises, please ] ___
3 months later ___
“He’s late” Maki scoffed.
“It’s been two minutes, I’m sure he’ll be here soon” Panda comforted.
“Tch,” Maki rolled her eyes, turning to Toge to shake her head.  “That’s still late” She muttered.
“Salmon” Toge replied with a shrug of his shoulders.
The cursed-speech user turns to (y/n) next to him, raising his brows in a way that she understood exactly what he meant.  Maki.
(y/n) gives him a small smile in acknowledgment.  She can’t see him smile back, but the crinkles at the corners of his eyes told her all she needed to know.
And then the car pulled up, and her timid smile turned into a face-splitting grin.
Ijichi gets out first, scrambling to the back of the car to open up the trunk.  (y/n) ignores the luggage he pulls out as the passenger door opens.
Yuuta steps out, and he looks tired, disheveled.  Understandably so, it was a long flight from Paris to Tokyo, followed by a long drive from the airport to Jujutsu Tech.  It was nearly sixteen hours of traveling when the day was done.
And yet, as he’s stretching his back as much as he can, his eyes land on her, and he forgets all about his achy muscles.  He jogs off to his friends, ignoring Ijichi who was struggling to carry two duffel bags, a backpack, a sheathed katana and a suitcase.
“You waited up for me?” He asks excitedly, quickly hugging his friends.  Panda, Maki, Toge.
“Of course” Panda said warmly.
“Toge made me” Maki snarked, but it was impossible to miss the warm smile on her face.
“Salmon” Toge grins as he gives his best friend a welcome hug.  
Yuuta’s grinning too, patting Toge’s back affectionately before pulling away.  He turns to the last of the bunch, still grinning like a madman.
“Your turn” He says, tugging on (y/n’s) arm and pulling her into a hug before she could refuse.
She wouldn’t, of course, and he can tell by the way she throws his arms around his neck and reciprocates the embrace happily.  He squeezes a little tighter.
“Missed you, you know” She mumbles into his ear so the others can’t hear.
(The others are playing ‘Tackle Panda’, but she doesn’t notice of course)
“Had a feeling,” Yuuta hums.  “You did write a lot”
(y/n) scoffs, pulling away so she can punch him in the arm.
“Don’t make me regret it” She teases back.  
“Too late now, I’ve already saved ‘em all,” Yuuta replies, his hands grasping onto her wrists before she could attack him anymore.
She rolls her eyes, but when he tugs her closer, she steps in anyways, leaning up to meet his lips in the middle, kissing him softly.
His hands drop hers, so that he can cup her face and kiss her again, properly, deeply.  Luckily their friends are still too busy wrestling on the ground, so they had a few extra moments of privacy.
When they part, he leans his forehead against hers.  His hair had gotten longer in the month and a half he’d been away, it hangs in both of their faces rather annoyingly but neither bother to move it.  She can see his sapphire eyes just fine.
“I missed you too,” He tells her softly, before bumping his nose against hers.  “I’m glad to be home”
“I’m glad you’re home,” She hums back.  “I love you”
His beam only brightens, and he pecks her lips in a quick kiss before their friends could see.
“I love you too” ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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kurticus · 1 year
Monitor Duty Company
“So I have been meaning to ask, what exactly are you?”
Danny was floating through the open space of the Watchtower bridge. Idly tossing a fist sized red bouncy ball with a yellow lightning bolt pattern off of the gray metal walls. The question came from the red speedster, Flash, who was lounging in the central chair of the room with his feet propped up on the control panel. Supposedly Flash was watching those monitors. But despite this being the third time Danny had visited the space station, he’d never seen Flash monitor anything. He just made conversation and told stories that Danny could not decide if he believed or not.
The question caught Danny as he sent the ball flying. He fumbled and twisted upside down as he barely caught the ball on its return. Nervously he straightened and replied, “What am I? Uh. Kind of a deep question isn’t it?” 
Flash waved his hand dismissively. “I mean the ghosty stuff. Not really my area of expertise. But you don’t strike me as a ghost.”
“Ha. Not ghostly enough for you?” Danny put his hands over his head and made his eyes glow. “Am I not spooky enough?” He waggled his fingers for extra effect.
In a blur Flash was standing next to him, giving Danny an over the top examination. Half bowing as he hummed in consideration. Then in an instant he was back in his chair spinning slightly. “Nope. Kid you don’t seem like a ghost at all.”
Danny let gravity find him again and drifted back to the floor with a light thump. He stood up straight and eyed a glance at his reflection in one of the grand windows of the space station. His hair was still white and he radiated a soft glow. Slightly annoyed, he asked, “What do you mean?”
“I have met ghosts. Sometimes they seem like normal people. Sometimes they are invisible voices that try to creep you out. Sometimes they turn into monsters and throw cars at you. Heck we have a part-time leaguer named Deadman. Nobody can see him at all until he decides to take over someone's body. I’ve never seen a ghost shoot lasers or make glowing shields like you do.” 
Suddenly a pencil eraser from somewhere on the nearby desk bounced off Danny’s face. Danny flinched and rubbed where he’d been hit. “Ow, stop that!” Looking back he saw Flash toying with a pencil innocently.
“Besides,” Flash continued, pointing the pencil at the ghost boy, “You are solid. Lots of spooky things have to work to be solid. You default to it. You gotta choose to go through stuff like J’on does. So I figure, not a ghost. Am I right?”
“Well, I am a ghost.” Danny tossed the ball back to the speedster. “But that is kind of a blanket term that gets complicated fast. Lots of things call themselves ghosts. Technically speaking, I am an Ecto-Entity.” Danny pronounced this with formality and a stiff back. Thinking of the way his parents said it. “Also more politely known as a Ghost of the Infinite Realms.”
“Infinite Realms huh? Sounds spacious.”
“You have no idea.” Danny picked his foot up and tucked it under himself. Then slipping past gravity he pulled the other foot up so he was sitting on nothing with crossed legs. Drifting slightly he continued. “Also called the ghost zone, it is an endless dimension of energy and emotion that exists in the shadow of reality. Basically emotions and memories from this world can imprint on the energy of the ghost zone. Then that energy forms stuff like me.” 
“So,” Flash smiled. “Just to be clear, you aren’t some creature that escaped from Hell to haunt the living?”
Danny flashed a crooked smile and shifted his eyes to a bright frost blue. “Keep the jokes up, I know how well you handle iced floors.” Still drifting lightly while sitting in air, Danny softly blew air at Flash. Dusting him is a light coating of frost and snow. 
“Cute.” Flash shivered slightly and brushed a few snowflakes from his shoulders. “So not the exorcism, don’t go into the light kind of ghost?”
Danny thought back to the flash of pain and light from the accident. “Uh, well… There can be some overlap…” 
This conversation takes place after Danny has worked with the Justice League a few times and built some trust. Flash, after learning of his love for space, invites him to spend time at the watchtower. Giving him someone to talk to during his shifts on monitor duty.
I haven't written much myself, but there have been so many great posts lately about Danny interacting with the DCU. I might have to start my take as well.
Plus the question of how the lore interacts between the different shows is really compelling to me.
Let me know what you think. I haven't written much so I am sure there are plenty of pointers I could use. Hit me.
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sisi-halloway · 1 year
Pink Peonies: Nanami x Reader
Reader has been married to Nanami for less than a year, and he has to remind them he loves them!
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It had been a long time since you and Nanami had been intimate. Somehow, you'd already fallen into the dreary rut of mundane matrimony, even though your union was only coming up on its first anniversary. He'd go to work, exorcizing who knows what, only to come home, kiss your forehead and eat the dinner you made. Then the two of you would take to the opposite ends of the couch to do whatever activities suited your most current tastes. His nose was always in a book, your eyes were always glued to a screen. Then you'd go to bed, some nights touching, most nights not.
You expected today to be just like that.
You'd find out soon, you were wrong.
At this very moment, you were at the dinner part. Some invisible urge inspired you to make something that would perhaps be considered one of Nanami's favorites. It was almost done. He was going to be home any minute and you'd always liked to have dinner finished when he walked through the door. Your husband was a punctual man and you'd learned to be punctual too. You hadn't been before you married him, but ever since you said 'I do', that's one of the things you've changed about yourself for him.
The doorknob rattled and the door swung open. You turned to greet your husband but instead of seeing his face, you were welcomed by pink peonies. That was nearly enough to send you to your room in tears.
Setting the flowers down on the counter, Nanami made a beeline for you. His arms outstretched, he took you into them, crashing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss.
The curve of your waist, the back of your neck, your spine, your throat, your arms. Nanami left none of these places untouched, unkissed, unappreciated. Your stomach was a whirlwind of every beautiful emotion you'd thought you'd never feel again. This passion made you red in the face, and warm between the legs. If he had made you feel like this with your clothes on... you'd hoped there would be a part two later tonight.
Pulling away slightly, not daring to let you out of his hold, Nanami locked your eyes into a serious hazel gaze. Freezer burn crawled out of your pores, coating your body in the form of cold sweat and raging flush. His intensity made you hold totally still. You were in a trance, held fast in the protective and possessive cage that was your husband's arms. You didn't want to leave.
"I missed you."
His rare words swathed your face before the kisses did. The soft lips if your usually reserved husband stamped intimately in a beautiful pattern along your neck and jaw. The way you sighed... your sighs hadn't been romantic or sexy in a long while. They had been exasperated, lonely, dry. This sigh was the kind your Kento missed so much.
"I missed you too... I made dinner.."
Nanami places one last kiss on your nose before letting his hands slide down your waist, lingering at your hips. He gave them a squeeze before looking toward the dinner on the stove. He smiled. You made dinner every night, and that was something he easily overlooked. That was an act of service you so dutifully provided him... never because he asked or told you to. Today, after an eye-opening conversation with a colleague (Sartoru Gojo of all people), Nanami realized he was enjoying the benefits of your marriage but missing out on everything he loved about dating you. He was taking you for granted and blaming it on tradition.
For everything you do, not just dinner, he knew he should be thanking you just as dutifully. Not only with words but with actions. Marriage was not an excuse to be complacent.
"You did?" The inflection of his voice made your stomach turn in delight. It was pleased, it was surprised, it was nurturing. It was attractive. It made you swell with pride.
"I did... it's one of your favorites? Garlic breads too..."
He kissed your temple.
"Thank you, dear. It looks quite good... let me set the table for us. Put on something comfortable?"
Something he was promptly going to take off after dinner.
Before you went to your shared bedroom to change, you smelled the flowers. They were beautiful and the most touching thing about it was that Nanami had remembered which ones you liked. You didn't have a favorite flower, but you seemed to be that flower's favorite person.
Pink peonies.
When Nanami asked you on a first date, he had asked you in the courtyard of your university. There were pink peonies all over the campus grounds as it was the height if spring.
When you graduated from your university, the party that Nanami had so meticulously planned for you (even though he hated parties) featured pink peonies thanks to that cute first year, Nobara Kugisaki. She was from the same small town as you, and she brought the flowers to make the place look more... you.
When Nanami had taken you to the opera for an evening, the corsage you had ended up picking out was a pink peony. It looked divine with your black outfit and he ended up putting one in his suit.
Even your wedding planner decided pink peonies were your flower. Kugisaki did the honors of throwing the petals around fashionably as you walked down the aisle. You even wore a peony perfume.
He looks at you from his place at the cupboard, grabbing two sets of china to set the table with. His face was tired, like usual, but the lines of his jaw and his brow weren't so stubborn. They were soft with compassion. Compassion you realized was for you.
"Why all of this... all of a sudden?" You ask.
He sets down what he was holding, coming over to cup your face in his hands. Your eyes moistened as he pressed his lips to yours in a sweet smooch. He takes a breath as he found the words.
"I was reminded today that you are everything I've ever wanted and more... but I haven't been treating you accordingly.."
Nanami never treated you badly... but you will admit that the spontaneity had been replaced with regularity after you two got married.
"I wanted to remind you that I love you, (y/n)... and I'll do better showing you that."
Your eyes welled with tears that escaped your feathery cages before you could catch them. Nanami's thumbs carefully swiped the glittering pearl beads away, his pink lips caressing the wet skin they left behind.
You were lost for words really. In this small gesture your husband had reminded you why you married him. He was kind, diligent, hardworking, and deep down he was sensitive and loving. You couldn't hold your feelings back from him any longer. With a small sob, you clung to your husband, safe in his embrace.
"I love you Kento.. so so much."
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dharmafox · 7 months
Apropos of recent discussion around whether or not the Medicine Seller fucks, I do see him as very much a sexual being, and I think that part of his nature is significant. I think he embodies sexuality as a primal, generative unity of masculine and feminine, in keeping with the philosophy of yin and yang. He represents sexuality as something sacred - hence maybe the paradoxical impression that he's both highly sexual and also untouchable.
I also think his sexuality relates to the mind-body connection, which is important in Eastern medicine: the idea that the relationship with the body is connected to the relationship with the mind. (This relationship is why physical grounding, usually through focus on the breath, is important in meditation practice: it's as much about reconnecting with the body as it is about reconnecting with the mind.)
The Medicine Seller's work is with the mind, but in Mononoke the body is also a central theme. Especially important in every arc is the way women's bodies are treated. Mononoke explores a world where women's bodies are abused and exploited and their wishes and desires are denied. Their negative experiences of sexuality and with their own bodies are what create all of the mononoke - manifestations of their mental and emotional pain. The zashiki warashi are created by their mothers' pain; the umi bozu is created by Genkei's denial of Oyo; the nopperabou is created by the repression of Ochou's desires; the nue is created from the body of a woman men treated as an object; and both bakeneko arise from extreme violence done to Tamaki and to Setsuko.
Especially for women, I think the Medicine Seller's influence facilitates a healing of their connection to the body and to sexuality. He presents a concept of sexuality that women can experience as positive and that's as much about their desires as it is about men's, and he also presents an image of the feminine as something beautiful and deserving of respect. His presence becomes a grounding force that draws injured women back into contact with their physical experiences along with their mental ones - allowing them to heal their relationships with their bodies by confronting their physical trauma at the same time as it allows them to heal their relationships with their minds by confronting their mental trauma. Both are needed for complete healing, or for exorcism of the mononoke, since they're equally significant aspects of the Form, Truth, and Regret.
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I just realized (almost) all my favorite animes can be summed up by "murder in various forms.”
Psycho-Pass - Murder is good if it's free will and you don't get caught. Unless you do get caught. Or you’re a cop. Then it’s bad.
Yuukoku no Moriarty - Murder the nobility that murders peasants. (Eat the rich.)
Shingeki no Kyojin - Titans kill people. People kill Titans. Titans kill Titans. People kill people. Titans are people? Huh. Everyone dies. The end.
Mo Dao Zu Shi - Murder is good unless it's your sister's husband or your sworn brother.
Tokyo Ghoul - I mean, have you SEEN it?
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Demons murdering humans is good. I mean bad. Depends on who you are.
Howl’s Moving Castle/Spirited Away - No Ghibli characters were harmed significantly in the making of this post.
Kuroshitsuji - Muuuuuuuurder? What murder? I didn’t see any murder hahahahahhaha- (please don’t kill me, Sebastian-)
Akudama Drive - Literally everyone’s killed someone in this town.
ID: INVADED - It’s cool to let an ex-cop murder serial killers as a serial killer who has a serial interest in killing serial killers. Oh, look; there’s three of them now. Two. Fun.
Link Click - Stop thinkin’ ’bout it- (SEASON 2 THIS SUMMER-)
Kami no Tou - Murder is good if you wanna climb the tower.
Vanitas no Carte - Humans are murdered. So are vampires.
Spy x Family - Murder is awesome if it's your parents committing it!
Youjo Senki - It’s literally about a girl committing homicidal war crimes-
Baraou no Souretsu - Being enby makes one want to commit murder instead of dealing with internal and external transphobia as a result of the time period one has been born into. (Also bonus absolute fire OPs by the VA of YuuMori Sherlock.)
Dororo - Murder everything until you get what you want, but don’t lose your human heart or your traveling companion.
Mob Psycho 100 - Exorcism may technically be considered murder? (Don’t tell Mob.) Also, bottling up your emotions is a mixed bag.
Chainsaw Man - Local hungry/horny man kills his half-siblings for the bare minimum standard of living. 
Banana Fish - *cries wails screams rolls on the ground sobbing*
Cike Wu Liuqi - Watching a guy slowly devolve into madness due to his murderous past is surprisingly fun, actually. (Just because you were good at murder, doesn’t mean you are now…)
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners - Being a cyborg significantly increases your chances of a) being murdered or b) committing murder.
Trigun Stampede - He just wants to spread love and peace, so please stop calling him a murderer. His brother, on the other hand...
(may be subject to change as time passes)
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the-angriest-author · 3 months
Writeblr intro
not sure if I'm doing this right... tbh, idek what to put on here. Anyhow, I've been writing for about two years now (YAY!!). I mostly write poetry although as I write this most of my posts are short stories of the fantasy variety. I like reading swoon-worthy romances so if you write anything that makes me blush and kick my feet like the teenage girl I am, I will follow you and maybe stalk all your posts. If you are the grammar police I must warn you that you will be forced to arrest me after reading my posts (I'M WORKING ON IT, not really tho).
I've been on Tumblr for idk how long but I keep ghosting the app (Life and whatnot) I'm craving community, especially with fellow authors, maybe ones with more writing experience (I am a newbiiieee). Guys... I swear I won't ghost again 🤭.
And here are all my labels for all my lovely people:
Queer (bi or pan idek man this sexuality shit aint for the weak of heart)
Retired Stoner (Moved to a place where I can't smoke)
Raging bitch (Moved to a place where I can't smoke)
Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising (Raging Bitch)
Not actually a raging bitch, just think it's funny (Please like me)
ADHD (Prone to run on sentences and overusing parentheses)
Chronically misunderstood (Capricorn)
Very Annoying (Sagittarius Moon)
Certifiably Woo-Woo (Hence the astrology references)
Not Funny (I think I'm hilarious and spent 5 minutes straight laughing at this little section)
Current WIPS
To The Stranger Who Stumbles ~ A collection of poetry written during a time of my life when I was experiencing some intense change and coming to terms with certain childhood events that were... not so fun.
Genre: Poetry
Word Count: 5953
Stage: Beta Reading (message me if ur interested)
The Mad ~ Mildred the Mad and her crew of dangerous and mythical women are charged with kidnapping and delivering the Seelie Prince to the Unseelie kingdom. But with every plan comes complications, some in the form of brooding king's guards.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Action
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Found Family
Current Word Count: 4434
Stage: ROUGH DRAFT and planning
P.S. My messages are open! Let's connect!
Published Works
The Hidden (w)Hole of a Heart ~ Literally my whole heart shat out onto paper. But seriously tho it's available on Amazon now and I would appreciate any support. In actuality, it's a story about a young woman (Yours Truly) coming to terms with her deeply feeling nature and Depression. The poems describe the heaviness of emptiness and the overwhelmingness of intense emotions.
Haunted House
Feelings stick to my walls like ghosts,
How is an exorcism performed on a memory?
How do I let them pass through me?
An Apology to The Crone
Pressing my tiny fleshy palms to my ears,
I refused to hear the wisdom of the crone.
Her voice was scratchy with use,
As she warned me of my journey.
I’d close my eyes with every disaster.
The niggling feeling would whisper a wrong,
And I’d pray to God my feet were swift,
So, they could carry me away.
I’d refuse to harden,
Reasoning that beauty is only found in the soft.
I waited to be taken by my knight.
I never cared that the gleam in her armor was an illusion.
I stand unprepared for the cruel world.
Preserved in my maidenhood.
Having grown tired of disobedience, 
The crone has abandoned me.
Only now do I see the clarity of your wisdom,
I will forever be sorry.
A Terrible High
on occasion
there are quiet moments
where minds begin to fill blanks
when small things grow
rock to boulder
smashing me against the ground
I’m nonexistent.
If I were nonexistent
the boulder would simply blow through
and I’d be nothing.
And I’d be okay.
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 1 month
tell me about doc catholic priest au >+]
rubbing my evil little hands together
okay okay so Doc is a priest under Jebediah, who is the bishop of the church he operates at. The Machine is more or less god and Phobos is more or less Jesus and aside from that it's the classic Gothic style catholicism
anyway Doc is a priest who's been down on his luck, lost his family when he was much younger, and has been with the church just to try and find some sort of purpose in life. he's sent to perform an exorcism on a kid who's been plagued by evil spirits, and that goes fine and dandy except he himself ends up haunted by Hank, Deimos, and Sanford, who are demons
Hank doesn't tend to manifest to the point where he can be seen, but when he does it's always as a dark shadowy figure and never a fully formed person. he's the most likely the physically lash out and throw things or even attack Doc to get his way, but he's seen a lot less frequently than the other two
Deimos and Sanford have a more passive influence over his thoughts and emotions but they do manifest pretty often. Sanford is the only one that other people are able to see, only because he lets them. he spends the first few weeks masquerading as a church member, "attends" mass, and even goes to confession with Doc. his angle is to get to know him on a more personal level, gain his trust, and increase his own influence
Deimos is one of those spirits that gains more power at night and causes a lot of sleep disturbances/paralysis/nightmares. during the day he'll manifest quite often and just be a nuisance, give the most unhelpful/violent suggestions to solving problems, and sometimes throw things or write on the walls both in an effort to make Doc feel like he's losing his mind and make him look like he's losing his mind since he's the only one who can see Deimos and Hank (when he's around that is)
the goal isn't necessarily corruption. Doc's soul is plenty stained on its own. sure he picks back up drinking because of them and yeah he'll wake up with scratches on his body from Hank, but really he just serves as an anchor to reality for them to operate off of. Hank isn't usually around because he's somewhere else doing demon shit and he needs the new meat suit to stay alive and un-exorcised unlike the last one. if people around town start mysteriously dying or noisy neighbors end up hospitalizing or Doc's landlord suffers from a nightmare-induced mental breakdown after trying to raise the rent? well that's no one's business
sometimes a guy is just three other guys inside one guy. that's basically what I've got for now but I do wanna flesh this one out more
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rehfan · 1 year
Feeling down need something soft something fluffy and some gentle love making and make it plus reader or at the very least self conscious reader who just needs loves from eddie
I know I'm a slow writer, but here you go, bb. Hope your day/week/month is much better!
Rainy Day Lovesong
Eddie x fem!reader/AFAB!reader/self-conscious!reader/plus size!reader
18+ only please; minors DNI, friends to lovers; fluff and smut; hurt/comfort; emotional hurt/comfort; PIV sex; unprotected sex (DO NOT DO THIS); cockwarming; cuddling
His hugs were the best hugs. You didn’t care why, but you had your suspicions. Could have been that his mom taught him. Or he inherited the skill from Uncle Wayne - that man’s hugs were rare, but when he hugged you, you knew it mattered.
And that’s how you felt when Eddie hugged you: you mattered. You mattered to Eddie. Even though you were only friends. He made you feel like the only person in the world when you really needed it.
You had walked to his trailer. Your no-good, terrible, bad day had oozed into every corner of your life and when your car got a flat on the way home from the worst day at work EVER? You were done. Instead of heading home to a carton of ice cream & a bubble bath, you headed straight to Eddie’s.
It didn’t matter if you arrived unannounced. He never cared. You were always welcome.
But because the Fates hated you, they had to ruin your walk. The skies opened. You should have grabbed your umbrella from the car, but you hadn’t thought about it. You were too busy trying not to have a nervous breakdown. So down the rain came and you were sopping wet within minutes, your clothes sticking to you in an uncomfortable way.
You were never really at ease in your own skin, constantly comparing yourself to the other girls & women you considered attractive. Wearing baggier clothing was your version of armor against others who saw your flaws. But the rain & wind of Indiana made your clothing adhere to all your uglier curves, causing you to wrap your arms around your belly, not just to help keep warm, but also to hide the spare tire that would have made the Michelin Man jealous.
By the time you were squishing up the steps to Eddie’s place, you resembled a drowned rat more than yourself.
As soon as he saw you, his eyes flew wide followed by his arms. As soon as you saw him, you cried. “Eddie,” was all you managed before he pulled you into the warm and dry, wrapping you in his arms and swaying you gently back and forth.
He didn’t care that you were dripping wet, soaking him and the carpet beneath you. He didn’t care how you looked, your hair a mess, makeup washed away, sweaty, shivering. He didn’t care a damn. You needed him.
At first he just let you cry. You were too upset to form realistic English sentences anyway. You fisted at his shirt, screaming your frustration into his chest, abandoning all sense of propriety and dignity. The tears burned and your throat hurt, air and spit vying for access to your pharynx causing you to choke and sputter. Your nose was a snot factory. You couldn’t stop yourself. Every ounce of everything you’ve ever mourned came pouring forth from your soul. You ached with the exorcism of it.
Eddie just held you. Soft. Strong. Tender. Firm. Cradling you against him perfectly. The long, warm line of him solid yet swaying, rocking to soothe your fractured soul.
The pain moved over, around, and through you. Each of your cries renewed as wave after wave swallowed you under again. Eddie never wavered. Your rock to cling to. Your shelter. Your anchor.
You forgot the storm outside until you heard the first peal of thunder. It snapped you back to reality. Your sobs slowed and settled. You felt exhausted yet more clean. Finally, you just rested your cheek against his chest, aware of only your tandem breathing and the patter of rain on the roof.
His fingertips swept at the errant drops along your face, clearing them away. You shivered.
Warm lips met your forehead followed by a warm stubble-covered cheek. “Come on. Let’s get you dried off.”
He led you to the bathroom and sat you on the toilet, asking you to wait there. He disappeared only to return a moment later with an oversized sweatshirt, a pair of sweatpants, and socks. “Here’s a towel for your hair,” he said, handing you one from the tiny linen cabinet in the wall. “Get dressed. Your wet things are going in the dryer, so empty your pockets.”
He left and you could hear him rattling around in the kitchen.
You undressed and redressed slowly, drained from all the day had brought you. All the while, you marveled at his unquestioning patience with you. He didn’t even seem curious as to why you were so soaking wet. He just gave you dry clothes. He didn’t ask why you had absolutely bawled like a small child in his arms. He just stood there and held you.
You took a small moment to thank every god you barely believed in for Eddie Munson. How you and he were even friends was a mystery to you, but then, that was Eddie. If you weren’t his enemy, you were his friend. That’s just how it was. And if you were his friend, there was no half-assing it; you were his friend all the way.
Once dressed and mostly dry, your skin finally warming under the clothes he had given you, you brought your wet things out to the dryer and stuffed them in, starting the machine. He was cooking.
Inside of ten minutes, he had warm tomato soup and grilled cheese for two served up on the kitchen table. You sat and ate without a word, biting into the sandwich delicately. Burning your mouth would be the coup de grâce you didn’t need.
As you chewed, he supplied: “The trick is, you gotta use mayo instead of butter. Learned that from Granny Munson.”
“Why?” you asked, relieved to be talking about something so innocuous.
“More of an even toast,” he said.
“Didn’t know you were such a master chef.”
He tilted his head and smiled. “Don’t look now, but I think you might be smiling.”
You ducked your head, blushing a little. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Huh. Maybe my imagination then.”
You finished your food and Eddie cleared the table, filled the sink with soapy water, and dunked the dishes in. You came to him and hugged him from behind. Your “thank you, Eddie” was muffled, spoken into his spine.
He paused. “Don’t mention it, sweetheart.”
You could have fallen asleep standing up against him just then. He roused you gently, shifting against you, and said, “Check out my latest rentals, babe. Over by the VCR. Pop in something. I’ll be on the couch in a minute.”
You gave his torso a squeeze by way of acknowledgement and moved to the TV. Any distraction would be nice. Two horror flicks and a third, a western, we’re resting on the VCR. “What’s this? ‘The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence’? I’m guessing it’s Wayne’s.”
Eddie smiled, wiping his hands on a dish towel before flipping it over his shoulder and leaning on the kitchen counter, arms exposed, braced wide to support him, hips shifting. Your breath caught at the action. “You are as astute as you are beautiful, beautiful.”
Beautiful? Was he saying that to you? You paused before your next question, convinced he was just teasing.
“Can we watch it anyway?”
He shrugged and turned back to the dishes. “Whatever makes you happy, pretty girl.”
Pretty girl.
The words hung in the air, shimmering like a mirage in the desert. You heard the echo of them rattling around the walls of the trailer as you popped the tape out of its case and inserted it into the machine. You felt the words like a heartbeat, the dull lub-dub lub-dub replaced with pretty-girl pretty-girl.
He’d never said that to you before. Not even during a fit of sarcastic teasing. All the weeks and months you had known him never once. Sure, there was sweetheart, darlin', or princess when you were being a moody bitch, but never that. The words hit you sideways. You swallowed hard against a lump that was forming there.
You snuggled up on the couch with your insecurities watching the opening credits. “You can use the afghan if you want,” he said, “It’ll keep you warm.” He was drying the dishes now and watching you carefully.
“Thanks,” you murmured and pulled the crocheted blanket from where it lay along the back of the couch and draped it over yourself. He was right. Instantly you felt cozier.
Ten minutes in, he joined you. He sat at your left and offered a hug, extending his right arm out and behind you. You leaned in, hyper aware of the warmth of him and the scent of him and the feel of him and the sweet gentle loving care of him and you wanted to cry all over again… but you heard his heartbeat and your breathing followed his and you snuggled into him…and you let go.
You don’t remember the movie. You heard Jimmy Stuart’s voice and some others, but you weren’t following. Sleep covered and uncovered you, restless in its attempt to capture you. Like looking at the sun through the branches of a tree, which dappled the sunlight, varying from blocking it entirely, letting it shine muted through the leaves, and allowing its kiss full on your face, you were aware and not aware, trapped between a dream and the idea of a dream, constantly shifting and drifting, carrying you with it on the breeze.
Distantly, you felt his arm about you, hand rubbing up and down on your arm. His breath was in your hair, warming you further. In your mind, swimming between dream and wakefulness, you allowed yourself to follow your instincts. Your instincts told you to snuggle upward, nosing against the skin of his neck, lazily enjoying the feel of him and not quite grasping if you were dreaming or not.
He was so warm, so comfortable. You nosed further. Your mouth touched his skin, kissed it gently. You heard yourself hum, pleased with the sensation. Or was that you? There was a hand to your face. It roused you slightly.
A finger tilted your face upward. "Hey, pretty girl." His voice was heavy and deep. "You awake?"
Your eyes opened and focused slowly. Eddie's brown eyes were right there. And so was his mouth. You could see the stubble on his face so sharply. He had freckles. You hadn't noticed them before. He was smiling at you. Smiling like he knew something you didn't. You strained your memory, trying to think of what you could have done or said... did you drool on him? Did you snore? Did you-
"Oh shit! Ohh shit!" You pulled away from him like you had been burned by him. "Did I? Did I really just- kiss...?" The earth needed to swallow you whole. It needed to swallow you whole right fucking now.
"Hey! Hey!" He pulled you back toward him gently but firmly. You allowed it despite being mortified by your own subconscious lust. You hid your face in your hands. "I'm so sorry, Eds. Stupid of me. So sorry. I can't-"
"Hey." He pulled gently at your wrists, revealing your blushing face.
"-believe that I did anything like-"
"Hey." You couldn't meet his eyes, even after he dipped his head down to force your focus.
"-that at all. I mean you don't think of me like that. And I can't blame you because I'm-"
You stifled a sniffle. His fingertips were under your chin again.
"You know I like you, right?" he asked.
Your brain short-circuited. What he was saying didn't make sense. "What?"
He huffed a small laugh and his cheeks pinked up. "I like you."
"Well yeah. I like you too, Eddie, but I don't think what I did was appropriate considering-"
"No. No. No, sweetheart," he said, cupping your face in his hands. "You're not hearing me. I didn't mind it. I liked it. I like you."
"Not- like that though?"
His grin was stunning: shy yet bold all at the same time. How did he do that? How could he take the breath from your body and yet act like it wasn't a crime?
"Yeah. Like that."
"But I'm not, uh..."
"You're not what?" he asked. His eyes caught you running a hand over your stomach. "You're not... tall enough?"
You snorted a laugh. "No!" you said swatting your hand at him gently. "You know what I mean."
"Uh huh," he said, "Well. You mean... this." His hand skimmed over your belly. You couldn't breathe. No man had ever- ever-
"You okay, pretty girl?" he asked softly, his hot breath on your ear. "Talk to me."
"I- uh...," you managed. You couldn't manage more. You leaned into him. His head came around to capture your mouth with his. He was painfully gentle. Your senses reeled.
He likes me he likes me he likes me he likes me
His hand snaked under your sweatshirt. You were on fire from the inside; there was nothing but lava in your veins. He shifted his weight to the floor, kneeling before you. The hem of the sweatshirt lifted up and before you could react, his mouth was on your stomach. He pressed his face full onto your skin, his stubble scratching in the most delicious way as he kissed and hummed against the very place that made you so self-conscious.
It tickled. You wiggled against him, failing miserably in your attempt to not laugh. "Eddie!" He brought his head back to see you smiling at him.
"Hey... is this the same girl who was afraid that I didn't like her?" he said. Your smile was all the encouragement he needed to place comical loud sucking, smacking kisses to your belly. You didn't hold back your cackling laughter.
"Now there's my girl," he said. He leaned up and wrapped both of his arms around you, grinning stupidly at you. "That is- if you want to be my girl."
You faked thinking it over for a split second before kissing him full on the mouth. Oh you were his girl alright. Every single part of you.
Eddie was all too happy to show you all the places he appreciated the most. He had started with your belly, of course, but then he soon moved on to your boobs, nuzzling against the underside of your bra. "Do you have any idea how badly I've wanted just to motorboat the shit out of you?"
"And what's stopping you now, dungeon master?"
"Ohhh we've gotten bold, haven't we, sweetheart?"
You blushed at that and he laughed. "Come here," you said, scooting to the edge of the couch. You cupped his face and smiled at him. Then you removed that pesky sweatshirt.
"Jesus fuck," he marveled. "You are so fucking beautiful, babe." With a reverence you didn't realize that he was capable of, he nuzzled his nose between your mounds. He mouthed at your flesh, his stubble scratching, but it was a sensation you had wanted to feel for so long. You moaned his name and he grunted approvingly. Your fingers in his curls, this was the feeling you had dreamed of.
He sucked at your flesh and you knew he was going to leave bruises, but the marks he would leave would serve as a reminder of his want. You couldn't wait until they bloomed tomorrow. He was leaving a trail of slow sloppy kisses along your skin. You kissed his temple to encourage him.
"Sweet boy. Beautiful boy." He lifted his face to look at you.
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yes, sir," you said. You captured his mouth again. "I've dreamed of this too. Dreamt of you. Touching me. Loving me. Despite..."
"Nope. Nope. Not entertaining those thoughts tonight, babe. Not tonight, not any night. Besides-" he said. Quickly he regained his footing and squatted. Reaching underneath you, he heaved once and pulled you up against him as he stood. You shrieked with the movement, your head just above his as he held you. Your legs wrapped reflexively around his waist and your arms squeezed around his shoulders. His head was right at your cleavage.
"Besides, pretty girl," he continued, a cocky grin on his face, "I've been lifting amps and drum kits for a few years now. You think I'm afraid of you?" He grinned widely and full-on motorboated you, his curls shaking all over you. Laughing, you brushed them back as he brought his face back up to you. "Wanna sleep over?"
"Just tonight?" you asked.
"Tonight and any night you want, my babygirl," he said. There was a softness in his eyes as he gazed up at you. It took your breath away.
"Take me to bed, Eddie. I had such a shit day. I- I just want you to keep me warm. Please."
"You got it, precious," he said, kissing you softly.
His bed was unmade when he carried you there, so it was no problem getting you under the sheets. As soon as you did, you shimmied out of the sweatpants and dropped them to the floor. He cast off everything but his boxers and he stopped when he saw you staring. He looked down at himself then back at you. "What?"
"You're so fucking hot I want to cry," you confessed.
He blushed and smiled and stammered and dammit if he hadn't made himself even more hot. "Does that mean I can join you?"
"You'd better," you said, "because I think if you don't, I may actually explode."
"Oof," he said, mock-concern on his face as he got under the covers with you, "can't have that. What would I tell Wayne about the exploded girl in my room?"
"I suppose it would be hard to get me out of the sheets," you mused.
He gave you a look. "What makes you think I want you out of these sheets?"
He was on top of you, kissing and snuggling and weighing on you. Your brain buzzed with all that there was to see and hear and feel and taste. His tongue against yours became the only thing you wanted to taste. His touch was the only thing you wanted to feel. His scent surrounded you and you wouldn't have it any other way. And his moans? You would have never pegged Eddie for a moaner, but he was. You wondered what he sounded like when he came.
His clever fingers unhooked your bra at the back and his eyes asked your permission. You nodded and kissed the tip of his nose. The material was soon cast aside and he pushed himself up on his hands to take you in.
A wave of self-consciousness came over you and your arms reflexively covered yourself. "Noooo," he said gently. "Do not block the most beautiful girl's body I have ever seen." He carefully took one of your wrists in one hand and raised it above your head, gingerly holding it there. He did the same with the other. You couldn't move. Panic built within you and he saw it. "Shhh... it's okay. I'm just looking. You are so damn pretty, sweetheart." Slowly, he released your wrists. You kept them up by your head, feeling his gaze on you like a touch. You closed your eyes and let him take his time.
"Don't go away, precious," he said. His breath was at your ear, his hair tickled your skin. "Stay here with me."
It took all you had to open your eyes. His were there waiting for you. You swallowed hard when you saw the adoration there. You felt the hot tears stream from your eyes to your ears and your hair.
"You're crying, babe? Did I hurt you?" He was so worried.
You shook your head. "It's just... I've never been so loved before. Never been called 'pretty girl' or 'precious' before. You're just... too much, Eddie."
His smile was soft as he kissed you again. "I don't mean to be. It's just that, well, I've wanted you for so long, I guess I'm just getting ahead of myself. I can reel it in, if you want."
"Don't you dare!" you said, your cry broken by your tears. Your arms wrapped around him and pulled him back down on you, your legs wrapping around him. "Need this. Need you." He was hard. You could feel it.
His head came back and away from you and you kissed along the line of his neck. He grunted uncomfortably. "Little girl, if you want me to take it any slower and not go full-throttle..."
"Want this, Eds," you said. "Want cuddles and warmth."
"There are certain parts of me that are beyond 'cuddles', babe."
"I know," you said. "Can we just... Here." You slid your panties off under the sheets and kissed him slowly, deeply, until you felt him melt into you. You reached between you both and took hold of his length. He hissed at your touch, his eyes filled with question and concern. "Trust me," you whispered.
You brought his hardness out from his boxers and guided the tip against your folds. "Oh fuck," he swore, his head dipping to your shoulder. You raised your hips and wrapped your legs around his hips. He sank into you. The burn of him splitting you was enough to cause your back to arch. He watched you as he disappeared inside you. "God damn."
Once inside you, seated fully, the burn dissipated and left behind only a complete sensation of fullness. "Oh welcome home, baby," you cooed at him. The lost look on his face was worth the world and twice that.
His body rested against you fully now. His cock twitched and he did his best to relax. He kissed your cheek. "Has your day gotten better?"
"Oh hell yeah," you said. "This is better than any tub of ice cream or hot bubble bath in the world. Yours?"
"I never dreamed it could be so good, pretty girl."
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best-underrated-anime · 5 months
Best Underrated Anime Group E Round 2: #E7 vs #E3
#E7: Teenage boys use empathy to solve problems for youkai
#E3: Sending us penguins will NOT fix our terminally ill sister, but thanks anyways
Details and poll under the cut!
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#E7: The Morose Mononokean (Fukigen na Mononokean)
Without realizing it, a high schooler named Ashiya Hanae shows kindness to a youkai and is subsequently possessed by it on the first day of class. The spirit clings to his shoulder, making him progressively sicker each day. After a week of collapsing on his way into school, Ashiya notices a “Help Wanted” flyer for an exorcism service in the nurse’s office. Desperate, he calls the service, only to find that it is run by his grumpy classmate.
Abeno Haruitsuki prefers youkai to humans, sleeps through class, and is the master of a sentient tea room called the Mononokean, where youkai come for help with their problems. It turns out that they’re mostly benign, and exorcising them to the Underworld is safer for them. Ashiya convinces Abeno to exorcise the spirit possessing him, but Abeno demands he work part-time for the Mononokean as repayment. Abeno’s intimate knowledge of the spirit world and Ashiya’s empathetic nature form a great contrast as they work together.
The Morose Mononokean is a beautifully written and animated coming-of-age story— with youkai, which can only ever make a piece of media better. The characters, both human and youkai, are fully three-dimensional, and although there isn’t much of an overarching plot in the first season/early manga chapters, the episodic stories contribute to the growth of both Ashiya and Abeno; their juxtaposed methods of problem-solving, and the way they affect and learn from each other’s perspectives as they become closer, are very satisfying both to analyze and to experience on an emotional level. Beyond the writing, the art is outstanding as well. The designs for the youkai characters are frequently adorable, occasionally terrifying, and always quite original, brilliantly incorporating characteristics of existing creatures in novel ways. The occasional visits to the Underworld are always a visual treat, with vibrant colors and a unique animation style painting the backdrop. Both the art and the characters are delightful and moving, and the OP is a banger. As a connoisseur of urban fantasy, Fukigen na Mononokean’s focus on emotion over action has made it my all-time favorite anime in the genre.
Trigger Warnings: None.
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#E3: Mawaru Penguindrum
For the Takakura family, destiny is an ever-spinning wheel, pointing passionately in their direction with equal tides of joy and sorrow before ticking on to the next wishmaker. With their parents gone, twin brothers Kanba and Shouma live alone with their beloved little sister Himari, whose poor health cannot decline any further.
On the day Himari is given permission to temporarily leave the hospital, her brothers take her out to the aquarium to celebrate, where the family's supposed fate is brought forth with her sudden collapse. However, when Himari is inexplicably revived by a penguin hat from the aquarium's souvenir shop, the hand of fate continues to tick faithfully forward.
With her miraculous recovery, though, comes a cost: there is a new entity within her body, whose condition for keeping her fate at bay sends the boys on a wild goose chase for the mysterious "Penguin Drum." In their search, the boys will have to follow the threads of fate leading from their own shocking past and into the lives of other wishmakers vying for the Penguin Drum, all hoping to land upon their chosen destiny.
Do you like weird artsy stuff? Do you love magical girls? How about weird, messed up character dynamics? Then boy oh boy, Mawaru Penguindrum is the show for you! The show starts out funny enough, but will quickly spiral into an intense and intricate plot, involving fate, the mafia, magical destiny-rewriting spells, and penguins. Which yes, before you ask, the funny penguins are in fact plot relevant.
Penguindrum isn’t really a show about all that stuff though, even though it is. It’s a very symbolic story, about living under the crushing heel of capitalism, and the quiet poison of the societally expected nuclear family dynamic. I could write an essay on each and every single one of the characters, as they’re all given a lot of depth and time to grow. Every character has their own baggage that, one way or another, ties back to someone else. Everyone in this show is connected in some way shape or form, and that’s really highlighted when everything starts to fall apart. Be warned: this show is NOT a light watch! If you’re the type of person who gets really into deciphering symbolism and creating your own meaning from pieces of media, then this show is for you!
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Flashing Lights/Flickering Images, Gender Identity/Sexuality Discrimination, Guns, Incest, Kidnapping, Nudity, Pedophilia, Rape/Non-Con, Smoking, Suicide, Bomb Threats/Attempts and Terrorisim
It’s a very major plot point. This show is HEAVILY based off the 95 Tokyo Sarin Gas Attacks, so if content like that is triggering to you, tread lightly.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how they’re presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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deng-tsing-shiu · 1 year
Lawrence(?) X Reader
Synopsis: You assist in the death of “lich” Lawrence.
(One small question, will Gato make a Lawrence-related DLC for TPOF?)
Word Count:4.9k
It's my first time writing a homoerotic novel in English, and my first time posting my work on a non-Chinese platform.I wrote it on 14 February,but...Anyway,
I hope you will enjoy my Chinglish writing(?).
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Background information:
In TPOF, MC1 from “You made a friend” ending is tormented by nightmares and voices after returning to modern society. MC1 contacts the Exorcism Guild, and the human world discovers the existence of this monster. During the investigation, they discover a related case: MC2 (from BTD2), who had contact with him 26 years ago(which is the time interval from BTD2 to TPOF.), left behind a strange written legacy. Out of sympathy for Lawrence, MC2 hoped that future generations could end the wandering behavior of the monster on the River - but now no one knows its real name:Lawrence Oleander.
MC1 had seen the Lawrence’s miserable condition and understood that eternal life is a curse, not a blessing. MC1 regards it as a “friend” who saved their life, but also fears becoming a monster like it. MC1 talks to it as much as possible, trying to awaken its human emotions and feelings. MC1 discovers some of its scattered past and its numerous attempts to die, but it couldn’t.
With the help of the Exorcism Guild, MC1 can escape Lawrence's control and die.
Lawrence’s existence is a potentially valuable research topic for the Exorcism Guild. How do humans become immortal monsters, and how can the curse of immortality be ended? The Exorcism Guild has set up a special team and established a base near its hiding place. Because they don’t know its original name, for convenience in future research, they refer to it as “Cernunnos,” which is derived from the mythological deity of ancient Celtic mythology in ancient Rome. It means “the horned one” and is in charge of hunting, fertility, animals, plants, wilderness, and also has the power to rule the underworld. Experts in various fields of human research, such as dream interpretation, unknown creatures, and black magic, gathered here for years of research. They came to a unanimous conclusion: Cernunnos must become human before it can be killed.
Opinions on how to resurrect it vary. The reason for being human is because it has a beginning and an end, life and death: some say that it only needs to regain its original name to awaken its memory, emotions, and human qualities so that it will recall its “beginning.” During the period when it regains its human form, it can be “ended” again. However, after decades of research, no one knows its real name.
Finally, people turned to another way. This sentence comes from "The Peony Pavilion", an ancient oriental book that records the secret ceremony of how to "resurrect" nonexistent people:
Emotions rise without a known start
Love once begun will never end
It makes people die or alive
Therefore, the solution to resurrecting Cernunnos is also very simple and old-fashioned: it only needs to regain human “emotions”, such as love, angry ,fear and so on.But how can it obtain “emotions?” MC1, one of the few people who could communicate with Cernunnos, had already passed away, and as for MC2, that had been half a century ago.
“Cernunnos” learned about the human’s efforts to kill it through the Exorcism Guild members’ dreams, and began to observe the human’s behavior, watching the busy people working hard for it, its loneliness briefly disappearing.
It reached a tacit understanding with the Exorcism Guild. So, who will be the experimental subject? Even if they know Cernunnos’ hiding place, the corrupting effect is so terrible, and it’s so difficult to be close to it from a physical distance that the investigation has stopped.
Until Y/N appeared - that’s you. You were born with elements that can resist corruption. That means even if you come in contact with it, it won’t affect you. And your identity has countless connections with MC1 and MC2: historically, MC2 once adopted a child and used “Oleander” as the surname of the family. The child later developed his own family, and the descendants of this family later related to the descendants of MC1 through marriage. Therefore, you have information about the two families at the same time. It is most appropriate for you to come forward and let Cernunnos gain “emotions.”
Let the story begins.
You have always been lonely until you join the Exorcism Guild. This can relieve your loneliness when you are busy.
"Miss Oleander, it's up to you next!"The exorcist guild gives you an important task. Oleander is your family name. To be honest, after you know about the task, you really don't want to accept it. But the guild's promotion is close, you have to take, your competitors wish you immediately refuse. Of course, if you successfully complete this legacy of history, your future will be bright.
You didn't mind the task at first. You planned to loaf on the job, and finally told your superiors that you had done your best. You casually write a project plan. It’s very simple: you plan to treat him as your boyfriend.
It can’t be but who cares. This study lasted nearly half a century and no result. You are not an exorcism genius and you don't think you can complete the task.
Unluckily, Cernunnos notices your presence and “happy” to assist you in your task if you can really make it die. Cernunnos is so active that you can only bite the bullet and continue working. You don't want to know the consequences of offending him.
You come to the swamp and get up close and personal with His skeleton, and It was the first time for you to observe the “lich” in the real world: His skeleton changes and changes, but what remains the same is the skull of the broken antlers - the bone cavity of the head overflows with an ethereal blue flame, the charred heart hangs in its dried chest cavity, and its heart also emits an ethereal blue light - even after half a century, the heart has not decayed?
Cernunnos will assist you in your "mission", which is what It wants: death. According to your program, it will first have to learn to be a “human being". You put your hand on the top of its forehead, and you make sure that even this level of contact does not cause damage to your flesh. Someone in the guild has experimented with Cernunnos, and its corruption will not only work on living beings, but its ability is a magnetic field-like presence that interferes with the operation of the electric field, and the mechanical body cannot function properly around it.
You know a lot about it from previous research materials. The heart of the body is where the humanity exists, MC1 company to restore him a lot of emotion as a "friend" , his heart began to beat again.This kind of “creature” will still live without a physical heart, but it will make it completely lose the humanity, which makes it more difficult for you to communicate with it. The beast still feels lonely, indicating that he still has a little human nature and his heart is still functioning. You sympathize and promise him:
"I will help you obtain the heart of humanity."
You had no systematic plan and went completely on a whim. Surprisingly, this old monster was so cooperative. However, Its corrupting effect was so severe that not an inch of grass grew where it passed. You applied to the guild for amagic tool that could suppress the corruption.The guild threw an uninjected-energy junk to you. You were not discouraged, you inscribed on it the talisman that best matched Cernunnos’s physique and enchanted the spell, which was your first gift to him.
It is impossible to keep dating in the deserted forest that is not normal. You applied to the guild for the tool of illusionary disguise. It’s so perfect that his appearance looks no different from ordinary humans while using it. Interestingly, this device does not use magic. It is entirely a product of technology instead. The principle of this device is to adjust the shape through physical light and shadow, and has a similar function of reading the heart, and can generate the corresponding expression on the face according to the frequency of heart contraction and beating.
This is a visual trick, this technology is mainly developed by the guild, and today this technology is still in the internal testing stage. His decay has been partially suppressed with magic spells and this high-tech product can function now.
He has no special ideas, his appearance scheme is automatically generated by the AI: an ordinary young man with blond hair and blue eyes. the AI even gave him a random pair of tattoo:He stared at his arm band tattoo and his expression looked really strange. The expression is generated by the AI according to the condition of his heart, which greatly facilitates you to read his emotions, although he is mostly expressionless.
How can you go on a date without the money? You have applied for another project fund from the Guild and you are going to use this mission fund for a vacation. You brought him to the human community and he is silent most of the time. It has been too long since he has been in this place. The human world has changed over the years, urbanization is highly developed, artificial light all over the streets, in human cities can rarely see pure darkness, he felt uncomfortable, and even a "disgust" emotion.
You take his hand, and it is the first time his skeletal body touches the flesh of a living human being. Although his perceptual nerves are out of order, he can still "feel" the pulsation of your veins under the skin perceiving from the depths of his soul. There is a strange vitality that surges in you and he is curious to scratch the surface of your body to see how the roots and stems of the human body work. He "asks" you politely with his hoarse vocal cords: whether he can do that or not. MC1 taught him that human courtesy.
You agreed.It’s able to cure your skin with today's technology - as long as He avoids your heart area.
His bones have worn down to a point where they are not sharp enough. He’d rather to cut through your skin with his fingertips themselves but he couldn’t. You give him the knife and his cold skeletal hand touches the back of your head and he begins- seemingly testing the knife? As he turns to slice open your front chest and abdomen and you feel his hand shaking slightly as he holds the tip of the knife.
Just slashing away, He did not act further - because He was confused, He cocked His head in confusion, He did not know how to deal with these extra feelings inside. You find as if his heart has sprouted flesh and become slightly bulging.Is it your illusion? Are you contemplating how you are going to finish your report on "Cernunnos".Maybe he likes SM? Or is it an indication of a suspected compulsive skin peeling disorder?
You have a fondness for growing plants. You have various varieties of oleander growing in your home. The flowers are difficult to care for, but you take great care of them. You also planted some laurel, which is the raw material for making exorcism vessels, and you always use it. He observed you pruning the plants. You sensed his gaze and handed him the gardening shears, cultivating a hobby is also some kind of "love". He trimmed the leaves just as you did, and he was as skilled as if He had done it a thousand times before.
You took care of him like a flower. He is used to being around you.
You tell him that the flowers you planted are called "Oleander", which is also your last name, and that the plant He is pruning is called "Laurus". You think of one of the Guild's programs which has already abolished: find his true human name. Even plants have names, and becoming human should have a human "name" too.He must give himself a name - the original name "Cernunnos" that is too long to spell.Also you feel that he is not like a deity, "Cernunnos"doesn't fit him .
According to human marriage customs, the woman can choose to take her husband's surname when the man and woman get married.
What about the name? He gazed longingly at the plant and said it with a low voice:
"Laurus... I like it."
You heard it as "Lawrence," which is a very common name for men. There's even a river called the Saint Lawrence River.
He now has his own name: Lawrence Oleander, When you call out his new full name, he looks incredulous.It is the first time for you to see his volatile emotion and you can even see his azure pupils tremble slightly with the blue flames(or water?) spilling out of his eyes. He opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.
He likes to hear you call him by his name. He began to feel what it was like to be alive as a "human". He lived in the silence of the swamp for a long time, and when he was bored he would look up at the unreachable starry sky above him. You took him to a hill in the countryside, and you climbed to the top and looked out with him at the city lights. You think this is a very romantic date. The human city is shrouded in fog so the stars are invisible at night, but the lights of all the houses at nightfall are the starry sky of the city.
The city is bright, warm and lively, which was completely different from the dark, cold and silent swamp.This vitality does not suit him which can’t make him calmly settle down,either. The mountaintop is just you and him, and he likes the atmosphere.He somehow believes that you can bring him the ultimate death.
But since he regained his name, there has been no progress on your mission. After the Guild project team read your progress report, they shook their heads and they made the following "constructive" comment.
"Didn't you say you wanted him to be your boyfriend? Why didn’t you even have any intimate acts?"
Are they crazy? Make love with a skeletal monster ......?
"At least, you should kiss and hug. How else are you going to develop a relationship?" Someone laughed. They just want to see the "Beauty and the Beast" . You grit your teeth.You have to be patient because these assholes will give you a score for your assignment. You are a candidate for the future president. After you get that position, you will liquidate them one by one afterwards.
You return home and indignantly turn on the TV to relax. But the TV signal in your home is manipulated by those jerks. No matter which station you tune, it's all porn. You turn off the remote control, and the TV will automatically turn on again. You can imagine the mocking looks on their faces. You unplug the power.
You're so angry that your face turns red and you realize after the fact that you've been screwed by a competitor and that this damn mission shouldn't even exist. He looks at you in confusion. He's seen images on television of people hugging each other and then people pressing their mouths and lips together, an act that indicates intimacy. He has also seen countless scenes of human dreams, people seem to enjoy this. It's called "kissing", right?
You'll prove them wrong, you'll be able to do it-
You're in a fit of rage, and you ask him for a kiss. He's “surprised” for a moment; after all, he's in a decaying form. You don't care whether he agrees or not, you press your lips between his upper and lower jawbone with a flourish. His hyoid bone protrudes from between his jawbone and his throat, tentatively probing into your mouth, and you unexpectedly find that there should still be a few pieces of flesh hanging from his hyoid bone, as you feel the texture of the flesh.
A demented look comes into your eyes as you unclothe yourself. Your skin is pressing against his hard bones that are sinking into your soft flesh which makes him warm and comfortable.
He has no human lust for desire is based on flesh, generated by the nervous system and endocrine system together.He kind of laments his long-rotted, frame-only form again. But he likes doing this with you which means getting closer to you that way.
Is there anything crazier than that? You feel a pang of revulsion. But you can't show it in front of him. Maybe it is wrong to join the Exorcism Guild. No one can understand you.
"I understand ...... your loneliness." He knew your dreams.
You broke down and wiped your eyes. Your exorcism ability was nothing special.It only works on yourself and you cannot purify others. You've always wanted to be recognized in the Exorcism Guild, you've worked hard, you've studied a lot of magic formations, and even though you've worked hard, you can't match the innate "superpowers" of the other members. It’s impossible for you to be the leader of the guild.They promised the moon to you.Like the carrot dangling in front of the donkey, you will never be able to eat it in your life. You worked hard but you are still at the edge of relationships.
You can't use magic, and the guild won't entrust you with serious exorcism missions until you join the "Cernunnos" project team.They are right: you are the best human to get close to Cernunnos.
Damn the quest, damn the guild - and damn the world. You lost your calm in front of Cernunnos (and now his name is Lawrence).
His skeletal hand touches your cheek as he watches you. Looking at your tearful expression, his heart inexplicably feels a sadness that has not been felt for a long time.
"Do you want to see ...... that river?" He asked. This is the way he can think of to comfort you, the river can make people feel calm.
His habits have been mapped out by the Exorcism Guild, and he will have different emotions for people who have also visited the River. You are reminded that the first of the "Ten No's" of the program's code is: "Never follow them to the river." This is a paradox. If you want him to have "feelings", you must have died at least once.
You agree. Maybe only monsters in this human world can understand you. You come to the edge of the swamp.
Your vision is blurred. Did you really see the River? Or was it an illusion on your part? Why is his appearance in the river so similar to the one disguised by that apparatus simulation? Wasn't his soul a monster? Why is he in that human form in the river? The longer you stay around him, the weaker the connection with the River. Maybe you can return to earth yourself without him. The River does not bring you peace. Perhaps "corruption" is the trait closest to the River, and "resistance to corruption" is not compatible with the River's temperament.
You weakly returned to the flesh of the earth, the residual pain of death still exists, he looked at you with a very different look.
Your mission was wrong from the beginning. He is not a monster, his soul is human.
Was his soul always human? Or did your plan work? But he doesn't have a human body ......
You are under a lot of stress, will you still be able to complete your mission? You feel abdominal pain, nausea and dizziness.
"So, you failed your mission?" Your rival looks at you with interest, there is only one spot for this career advancement, you are competing for the same spot, she is provoking you, she says sarcastically, "That’s all? So much for your learning."
You clench your fists, your nails digging deep into your flesh, and you pull out a sneer, "Don’t jinx it."
"Oh, what a pity... it's so hard for you to get an assignment and it turns out to be like this." This is also your first assignment.
Is this a hallucination? The heart under Lawrence's ribs seems to have recovered quite a bit, but you always feel that something is missing. It seems that "love" is not enough to bring him back to life, not to mention that he can not seize the full human lust.
Your mission is not accomplished. You saw this coming from the beginning, but even so, you became anxious and fearful. Your previous efforts are going to be in vain. You are about to be expelled from the guild.
"Actually, there is another way," your rival says, leaning over your ear, her voice seemingly compelling, "that formation of transferring flesh - aren't you the best at that? "
She's annoying, but she also reminds you. If Lawrence's soul is restored to normal, all he needs is a human flesh body ...... and then, again, to use the human flesh body to die.
You made up your mind. You will prove they are wrong. Your name will be stamped on the page of history .You will become an epic poem sung by people for generations to come - and you want ...... Lawrence to never be alone again.
That's February 14th. You know the date, "Valentine's Day." In the 3rd century A.D., the Roman emperor declared all marriage promises abandoned so that more unattached men could take to the battlefields of war. A priest named Sanctus Valentinus continued to perform church weddings for young men in love. When the matter was denounced, Father Valentinus was hanged on the gallows on February 14, 270 AD.
You think you are the warrior woman who is going to the battlefield. That day, when you finished the last word of your project report, you figured out the third way to end this “lich”, and you would fight the perfect battle: if the ritual went well, you and Lawrence would share the same heart, your souls would merge, and you would be able to manipulate Lawrence to lie down in the river while he could only watch it happen - -you die together. You are in a good mood, you dress up and ask Lawrence if you can go to the tavern for a drink? For a long time, it's been you who says where to go, and that's the first time you've asked his opinion.
It's a bar called "The Jackalope". You hand Lawrence the glass and you ask him to drink it. He agrees, which he usually doesn't do, he doesn't need to eat, his hollow skeletal body can't be loaded with human food.
Can you imagine the liquid slowly flowing through his bones and finally spilling out from his hip bone in one stream, or is it already spilled when the liquor reaches his jaw? You cover your stomach and laugh so hard that you end up laughing out loud. He's staring at you the whole time.
Enjoy the feeling, Lawrence Oleander, and after this night, you'll have human flesh.
Slightly drunk, you take him to the place you have prepared for the ceremony. He looks at you, he is finally able to die - why does he have a little bit of attachment to this cold world?
You pull him into the magic formation you have prepared in advance, you gesture for him to sit cross-legged, you sit opposite each other, the light and shadow camouflage on his body have been lifted, and he turns into dead bones, which is his real appearance.
You take out the special knife for the ritual, which is engraved with runes. You aim it at your heart, you can't do it alone, you ask him to help you, he hesitates and agrees.
"I will help you get the Heart of human." You are weak and this formation will briefly sustain your life force and ensure that you see the ritual through to its completion.
"And then ...... you will be totally dead ." You smile. Then, your actions will be remembered by the Exorcist Guild and go down in history.
Within his skeleton, where the core of his heart is located, the original dried up heart of his has been replaced with yours. Your heart turned into a red pearl, red and bright, hot and unusual, as if burning red iron, this brightness shone all over his whole body bones, and the heat spread all over the bones. In the bone marrow cavity inside the bones, the red filaments, which are tightly connected, are like the tungsten filaments in a light bulb, emitting red light, getting brighter and brighter, all over the bones of the body.
His muscles are born little by little: all ten toes, the palms of the feet, the heels, the calves, the knees, the thighs, the abdomen,the central organs, the fingers, the palms of the hands, the arms, the elbows, and the head. Finally, the two antlers on his head should be broken, he has a human body.
And your body is decaying so fast that while you can still hold the knife, you should take it and stab it into his body, after which he will obtain true death.
With your last voice you say to him:
"Happy Valentine's Day."
He strokes up his heart and he looks at you in confusion. He feels one more thing in his heart - what is it?
His heart hurts, and this pain is enough to bring tears to his eyes.
What people fear more than life and death is loneliness.
[You killed him]
"Happy Valentine's Day."
You got out the knife in time, and you used your last strength to stab it as far as you could into Lawrence's newly flesh-generating heart.
He looked at you in confusion. He feels one more thing come out of his heart. His heart hurts, and this pain is enough to bring tears to his eyes.
You melt into one. In the River, your vision is his vision, and he sees the same as you. But he cannot manipulate your actions; you lie down in the river, you drift together, you die together.
The Exorcist Guild remembers your sacrifice, your name is engraved forever on the wall of honor of the Exorcist Guild, and you have earned the respect of your opponents. But what does fame mean to the dead?
[You didn't kill him]
You hesitated at the last second. Whether to live or die, you have to give him the choice.
Your flesh withered quickly and you could no longer hold the knife, which fell to the ground, stained with your blood. You turn into bones, and your skeleton falls helplessly on his body.
He strokes his heart, and he looks at you in confusion. He can feel his pulse.
He feels something extra in his heart, and his heart aches, an ache that is enough to make him shed tears.
You disappear.
He walked down the street alone.
Why did you give up at that last moment, when you should have stabbed the knife into his heart? He wasn't grateful.
He felt that he was getting further away from the river as it turned out. Your heart, a blessing and a curse. His regenerated flesh was normal, he had never felt so healthy, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching - the senses were so sensitive. He thought about stabbing that knife into his heart, and the pain made him stop halfway.
Things were back to square one. What was the point of his life? He didn't fit into this society. The world was alien to him, and he wandered aimlessly in it. Observing the people around him, the whole world is white with bones.
He sees the person you hate. She takes your place, and your hard-written project reports are tossed aside. They are nothing but a white skeleton too, nothing to hate.
He sees someone you like. He is also a white skeleton, there is nothing to love.
No matter how beautiful or ugly the appearance is, all people will be turned into white bones.
His hand presses his beating heart through his skin. It was yours.
It made him feel like you were always around.
And it did. Your soul rests inside that heart, and you feel like you're imprisoned inside Lawrence. You can see his every move, and his physical body is your prison. You can't manipulate his actions. When he dies and his soul comes to the River, you remain the same.
Whether he chooses to go downstream or continue to wander.
From now on, you will not be alone.
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