#it’s a dream of mine to one day play the game myself (watched a let’s play!) and see the dialogue of NPCs and find out more secrets!
stardusttshowers · 6 months
one of the things i love about super paper mario is the way the villain characters (count bleck’s crew) exist in the world (or at least; flipside/flopside and lineland) outside of the castle, outside of the heroes’ mission and the villains’ missions. it just makes the world so much bigger!! people are aware of them!
the rumors you get from carson’s bar in flopside about who the villains are, their backstories, what they could be! and then the gossip we share with sipsi in lineland, and a few npcs in flipside/flopside talking about them. it just makes the world bigger and real, and lets us get to know them better. (even if said dialogue is quiiite obscure if you don’t go looking, or don’t know where to look)
the amount of detail (and writing!) they put into this game and its lore and characters, and worldbuilding never fails to impress me! they have a lot for us to create our own stories with, while also letting us imagine and answer what is left unanswered, and I think that’s just one of the many things I love about this game!
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mr2swap · 7 months
wedding gift for "dad"
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I feel terrible about how things turned out for me and my son David, but there is nothing I can do now. All I can do is live the life David always wanted for himself and his husband, Andrew.
I met Andrew when he was just a little boy who used to come every afternoon to play with my son David, the two of them were inseparable so much that I came to consider Andrew as the second son I never had, the years passed, and I saw how Andrew and David became men, until that moment I never believed that there was more than friendship between them, they were always so fanatical of spending their afternoons training in the gym until long hours of the night, studying in long sleepovers that lasted all weekend week and rehearsing their choreographies for the dance club they were both enrolled in. I guess I should have seen the signs.
10 years ago while the whole family was together and David was next to him, he decided to tell us the truth, they had been secretly dating for so long that I almost choked on a mouthful of my wife's delicious meatloaf, they all seemed quite happy at that moment everyone except me.
I was so stupid back then that at that moment, I decided that the man in front of me was not my son anymore, I started treating him differently, I cut myself off from him and Andrew completely, damn it! I even felt sorry that everyone on our street knew about it before I did. I'm 59 years old, in my day all that shit was kept secret, of course there were gay people, but I never thought David would be one of them.
For the good of the family I decided to just ignore David, but when he and Andrew came to my house with an invitation to their wedding I just couldn't help myself anymore, I told David that I didn't agree with his lifestyle and if he wanted to be gay had to be done outside this house and forever, I wouldn't attend the wedding of two fagots, let alone let someone from my family know about it.
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From that moment I did not see David or Andrew again, until their wedding day, I was alone at home watching the football game on television, my wife had betrayed me and left me alone to go to the wedding from David and Andrew, I drank a six pack of beers just to forget today's wedding, but while you were watching the game something strange happened, I don't know if it was the effect of the beers or maybe the strange wish that my son made, I swear that In a simple blink that I lived in slow motion I was transported from the comfortable sofa in my house to a hotel room.
I looked around surprised because my living room had become an elegant room on the twelfth floor of a hotel, believing that I was in an extremely realistic dream, I looked at my hands, they were no longer old and wrinkled, now they were firm and young, my clothes I had also changed instead of a dirty tank top that highlighted my huge belly and yellowed boxer shorts I was now dressed in a fancy tuxedo, I looked down in surprise that my belly didn't obstruct my vision to see my feet which were now in a pair in elegant black shoes.
-This must be a dream…-
I said out loud and startled by the sudden change in the tone of my voice, something seemed familiar in that voice, but I didn't know what it was, I decided to believe that I was in a lucid dream thanks to all the pain that I normally suffered in my back and on my knees they disappeared, with my long and firm fingers I held my hard and firm pectorals, even the sensations on my skin were different and for some reason my nipples were also much more sensitive.
I kept using my fingers to highlight each of my muscles, I continued down towards my chiseled abs, surprised to find myself with the hardness of my muscles instead of a grotesque round belly, I looked to the sides trying to find a mirror, so I could see myself better, and luckily I found one that was on the other side of the huge hotel room.
When I first looked at my reflection, I immediately recognized the face that was now mine.
Indeed, that was not my face, it was the face of my son David, I fell backwards terrified by the impact of seeing my son again and at the same time knowing that I was him, I remained silent for a whole minute making movements slowly while crawling to the mirror my eyes did not take off for a single second from the reflection in the mirror that imitated each of my movements.
As I knelt in front of the mirror, I examined my son's mature handsome face, his perfectly trimmed beard, his whitened teeth, and his hair which I had recently painted black.
-What the fuck is… This?-
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I caressed my new face while making strange expressions with my son's face in the mirror, to verify that it was me who was there. Suddenly, from the other side of the room, the ringing of a telephone made me wake up from hypnosis in who was submerged while looking at my face.
I stood up and awkwardly walked to the phone now that I was aware of the vast difference between my obese body and the young body of my gay son.
Before I had the phone in my hands I looked at the number, immediately recognizing it was the number we had had in the house for years, less and less convinced that this was a dream, I picked up the phone and simply answered it.
For five long seconds that seemed like an eternity the phone remained silent, a hoarse and thick voice broke the silence in which we were.
-Dad are you?-
-Who speaks? David? for the love of god what's happening?-
-Oh shit! If you are the one in my body, I… I'm sorry, I think this is my fault.-
-David, where the hell are you? and where am i? why is this your fault?
I had to sit down for the long conversation we had that day, he doesn't know exactly what happened, he was just getting ready to go down to the reception and be on his wedding day, but it seems an unexpected gift arrived, from out of nowhere a mysterious gift appeared on the floor, it was in front of the door so I guess it was a gift from her future husband or maybe the reception had sent them something in gratitude for renting the ballroom, the gift box was simple and it only had a name on it.
From: Mr2 Swap
He thought the gift was a mistake, that it simply wasn't for him and one of the hotel workers had got the wrong room, but for some reason he couldn't leave the gift unopened, it was almost as if he was calling him .
When he finished dressing, the gift was still there and David could not resist the supernatural curiosity that invaded him, he took the gift in his hands and opened it, he was not expecting anything specific, but what the box contained surprised him, it was a simple golden ticket
"Valid for one wish"
David looked everywhere, but there were no more letters or signs of who had sent the ticket.
-A wish huh?… I just wish dad was here to see how I get married-
And after that we both woke up in each other's place, while there Disney was counting all this madness I looked everywhere even under the bed, but there was no ticket not even a gift box it was like after his wish was fulfilled would have vanished.
While I was still looking for some clues as to where that strange gift had gone, my wife also dressed in an elegant dress entered the room, as soon as I saw her I knew that she had to find out what had happened to me and David But the words wouldn't come out of my mouth no matter how hard I tried I couldn't say a single word about the exchange or about the real David now being drunk in my body thousands of miles from here.
-the wedding planner is waiting for you son, if you take longer on the phone, we will have to postpone dinner-
Caught by the magic of the ticket, I act exactly as David did, I took one last look in the mirror and with a smile I fixed my hair, I definitely wouldn't act like this in a situation like this, but David's personality was so dominant in to my mind that now that so much time has passed since then I can't believe that I actually married another man.
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I drank a couple of drinks to ease the tension but as soon as I saw Andrew for the first time through my son's eyes it was like seeing him for the first time, he was a bit taller than me he had a lovely smile and had a body so fucking hot in that body hugging black suit that a boner formed when I kissed him in front of my family and David and Andrew's friends
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I will never forget my first kiss with Andrew, his lips were firm but soft, his tongue was so wild that I was carried away by the intoxicating taste of his saliva and that slight taste of champagne, with his long and strong arms he caressed my round butt giving me a prelude to what would be my wedding night, the grip on his fingers dug into the meat of my ass like teeth, in my old life I never allowed myself to be weak, but now I enjoyed my newly husband's manipulations.
By the time the wedding ended I was drunk enough to let myself go, the real Andrew noticed my nervousness a bit, but he thought it was just the nerves before the wedding, I hadn't seen my son or Andrew in years, I knew what enough for the time we were together and for what his mother said to convince him that I was the real David.
Hours went by and it got darker and darker, when all the guests had left and me and Andrew went up to the room, the real performance began, the second we walked through the door immediately Andrew took my hands and he tossed me onto the bed like I was a wild animal I stripped naked revealing my son's years worked muscles, my heart was pounding like crazy as I watched Andrew take off his shirt in front of me, I had seen Andrew shirtless a lot of times when I was in my old body, but now it was very different.
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As if they had a life of their own my hands began to adore Andrew's massive hairy pecs, I pinched those nipples that were in front of me and buried my face in the middle of his pecs, the smell was delicious, sweat, and a slight scent of champagne spilled on his shirt, Andrew seemed to be enjoying it even more than I was, his moans that must have seemed repulsive to me before now only turned me on more and more as he released one.
Andrew I can't contain myself for another second he took me by the waist and turned my body so that I was lying face down towards the bed, my legs settled as if they knew exactly what was happening, I arched my back and lifted my ass to display it in front of Andrew, this time the moans that filled the room were my own.
Andrew had plunged his face into my ass and with the same ferocity that he had desecrated my mouth he did with my anus, even though he had magically acquired the personality of my son David, all the sensations will be new to me, and my God. , what fucking incredible sensations!
As he used his tongue to please me with his strong, calloused, firm hands, he took my penis and began to masturbate it, for a straight man and I have done the old-fashioned like me all these pleasurable sensations were incredible.
But neither me nor Andrew were satisfied, Andrew stuck his tongue out of my hairy ass and slowly inserted his cock inside me, it was a painful sensation, but somehow familiar and pleasant, he fucked me so hard that day that surely we didn't let sleep to the people in the next room.
He was so drunk and so tired that day that I didn't realize when he had put me to sleep, and when I woke up to the rest of Andrew, I almost fell out of bed. Immediately, all the memories of the day before came to mind. I got out of bed as quietly as possible, took the phone and unlocked it with Andrew's face, it had 58 calls from the real David.
I changed into a pair of my son's tight revealing underwear and went into the bathroom, called David and told him everything that had happened that night, completely avoiding that Andrew and I had fornicated.
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It was strange hearing my son cry in my old voice, but there was nothing I could do to comfort him, I just promised him that he would try to figure this out and not ruin his life or his new marriage.
Since that day I have been pretending to be David, every day is something new and to be honest it is exciting, thanks to my new personality I was able to fully adapt to David's gay life the new ideas did not seem disastrous to me as they would have seemed to me in my Old body, I always thought my son was a model or something, I soon found out that he and Andrew were the best strippers in the city where we now live, we had loads of money, I never thought fagots would pay so much just to see me dance, having fun, kissing and stroking my husband's cock in public.
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It's been three years since then, Andrew and I have a nice house that we remodeled, a lot of savings in the bank, and we recently started an OnlyFans account as a couple, and he never suspected that she married her boyfriend's father.
Actually no one ever found out about the body swap, that's still our secret between me and David, and speaking of David we talked again after the swap, he has a hard time adjusting to his new life as a bigoted middle-aged man, all those stupid ideas that used to be in my head are now in hers but I think she's adjusting to her new gay son.
It's a bit hard to admit, but I prefer my new life, so I'll try not to open a mystery gift from Mr2 swap again.
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adsosfraser · 9 months
everlark; post mockingjay; jealous katniss
The roof is leaking. 
The tin bucket rings with the tap tap tap of the evenly spaced droplets. 
The deluge of rain hit hard last night and it has me humming happily, excitement in my chest. 
I’ve always loved thunder. The way it rolls deep within my chest and echoes in the deep old bones of the mountains around us. I would squeal with each clap and reach up to catch it in our Seam home as my daddy smiled from his chipped armchair. We’d play a game of hopping from spot to spot on the floor at each rumble and though his eyes hung in deep dark circles from his shifts in the mines, my father never tired. Then, Prim was born and she was terrified of thunderstorms for a time. 
It’s just one leak in our shiny and spiffy Capitol made home that’s been standing for almost a century now though. Thom and his builders have much more important things on their minds than a tiny leak in our roof. 
Some people still don’t even have roofs. The make-shift canvas of the sturdy tents lining the district hardly constitute roofs. 
When the war began, the Capitol wasn’t quite as invested in the architecture in their dear sweet Victors’ homes. They couldn’t keep up their perfect veneer in District 12 when they obliterated it into the ground. The poor things. 
And besides, a little water didn’t hurt that much. In my father’s home, we had at least ten designated containers to catch the drip of rainfall. 
When I step outside into the morning, the sun is bright and clear in the sky. No trace of the ominous grey and green puffs above remains. The grass is wet and smells of rain. A small trickle of a stream has formed on the gravelly road, opposite our home. At least the geese have been subdued into some semblance of peace because of the storm. 
Peeta had left this morning before the sun even stretched out into the sky. Usually I would already be out in the woods too, or by his side watching him knead dough or wipe sweat off his brow. 
But, I couldn’t settle last night. Even in Peeta’s arms I was restless. And when my eyes finally drooped shut, a nightmare had found me. The giant crash of thunder that split the sky in two in the middle of the night woke me up. In my dreams all I heard were bombs and gunfire. It had reminded me of-
Peeta let me rest in this morning when he heard my grumpy grunt as I shoved my face under the pillows to hide from the sunlight. Not that he let me do anything. But he had gently tucked me back in and left a muffin on my nightstand for when I was ready. 
Part of me wanted to pull him back in by the shirt of his buttoned collar and waste away the day. But even my arms wouldn’t listen to my demands. The bed was so nice and I fell deep into the mattress covered in one of the sheets as Peeta left the fan to run for me. The cinnamon and dill buried deep within the fabric of his side made me feel like I was rocking on a boat, in a lake with gentle rolling waves in my head. 
Besides, we haven't even kissed since he returned to me almost four months ago. At first the chaos of finishing the important parts of the bakery and going through the final touches to get it up and running had us distracted. Now I’m not so sure he wants to kiss me. 
I kick the loose rocks littering my path to the bakery. They skip and hop and fling themselves in the air. One hits another rock and angles itself to launch at someone passing me clear across the street but their back is turned and they don’t even feel it ping off the heel of their boot. I mumble an apology to myself though, and feel the heat of shame caving in on me from every inch of air around me. 
Before I know it, I’m in front of the bakery. It was one of the first buildings up in Twelve. Everytime I see it my heart swells with pride for Peeta. Even though it’s just the bare bones now, I can see its future clear across every brick. The sign hangs proudly over the front. The ‘s’ in Mellark’s is slightly crooked and splotchy because of my shaky hands, but when Peeta began painting it with such excited and reverent hands, he insisted I contribute to at least one part of it. 
Normally, I never enter through the front door of the bakery. The back door has always been home to me in a way. The first time I ever came to the back doorstep, I was sitting tall on my father’s shoulders and happily babbling along to a tune he was singing. He and Mr. Mellark quickly exchanged two squirrels with a respectful nod and I mimicked them which put the trace of a laugh onto the baker’s weathered face.  
Now, I want to surprise Peeta as one of his customers. The bell of the door jingles as I walk through the door. No one mans the front counter so he must be in the back. 
“I’ll be with you shortly.” 
His voice carries through the opening to the room with the ovens and prep tables and my shoulders relax at his calm but steady voice. The way the bakery was built and rebuilt, it’s easy for him to call out to customers without having to yell. My lip twitches up into a soft smile and I pull out one of the chairs dotting the tables around the room. 
His clomping footsteps and another ring of the bell clash together in my mind. I look up to see the new customer, expecting someone from Thom’s crew but I instantly tense up at the sight. 
Her hair is coiled perfectly into ringlets around her face and a big fur coat rests on her shoulders. Her chest is unnaturally large and her bottom even more so. But she’s perfect, right down to her nails. Not a blemish in sight and her blonde hair shines with health and lustre. 
She’s big and pretty.
Peeta’s shout pulls me from my scrutiny of the clearly Capitol woman. His steps are quick as he approaches her and wipes the flour off of his hands onto his apron. 
My head jerks back when he reaches for her across the counter and they embrace. His smile is brilliant and he doesn’t even notice me lurking in the corner. 
“Oh my dear.” They pull back from their hug and that woman kisses both of his cheeks, dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. “It’s been far too long.” 
“It really has Artie.” He squeezes her hand. “How have things been for you?” 
“Well why don’t we go and have lunch together? I’m sure you’ll be having your break soon anyway.” 
“It’s just me today, I’m not sure I can just close up shop for my lunch break.” 
“They can survive without you for an hour I’m sure. Just flip your little sign over and we can go to the opening of that restaurant down the street.” 
Peeta’s head turns to the back, searching a long moment for something. When he turns around, it seems he’s already made up his mind. He lets out a sigh before plastering his smile back on for the woman. 
“Well alright,” His hands work swiftly to unknot the apron around his waist and place it on the counter. “Sure wouldn’t want anyone else to give you the grand tour of our pristine district.” 
She places a hand over her chest and lets out a soft laugh and Peeta’s chest rumbles with a short chuckle. 
They walk over to the door, not even glancing my way as Peeta flips the sign on the door over to ‘closed’ and locks the door. Before the door smacks shut behind them, I shove it open and storm past them in the opposite direction. To the woods. 
The rock in my hand scatters to the ground. 
It was pretty and I thought Peeta would’ve enjoyed its smooth surface and swirling brown rings. 
But maybe now it’s not enough to preoccupy his mind with the pretty blood and flesh woman beside him. 
His head whips back to the loud sound of the slamming door and ping of the rock and I quickly turn my face away from his line of vision. 
“Katniss?” His hopeful voice calls out. But I’m already pushing to round the corner of the rebuilt merchant businesses. “Katniss!” 
He can have fun with his gorgeous Capitol woman on his arm. I don’t care. 
I save the grumbling for later though, my mind focuses on the ground below me as my legs carry me in a spring towards the fence. I duck under my spot in the chain-link and snatch up my bow and arrows. 
After the fifth poor squirrel participates in my very important exercise of letting my feeling’s flow for the day, I climb up a strong and tall tree. I lean into the familiarity of pulling myself up its sprawling branches and swinging my body up and up. Reaching for the sky just as its leaves are. 
Have I really lost my dandelion in the spring already? 
Did the hungry storms of last night, and the contrast of the harsh summer sun this morning already wilt it?
He so easily welcomed that woman’s touch. Someone from the Capitol no less. And he’s barely touched me in months. Save our desperate grip on each other as the terrors of the night take over. 
I will not be sharing a town with the woman Peeta so readily shares himself with. 
Instead of rough bark behind my back, I feel the hard arm of a rocking chair digging into my spine. The room is cosy and safe, like Peeta. I feel the sway of my body with the branches of the tree and hug my knees tight to my chest. 
“This baby takes nothing from you Kitty, my heart just has to grow some more. Like my tummy. That’s all.” 
I relax into her arms, feeling the steady beat of her heart where my head lays. Her stomach is fat, nice and cushy. As fat as anyone in the Seam could ever get. She smells pretty. Like the dirt and plants Daddy lets me dig my grubby little fingers into. I feel the song rattle through my chest as she hums to me. My head gets droopy and I curl further into her. Her hands run through my hair and as she rocks our bodies together on the chair, my head clouds with dreams that I can’t touch yet. But I know they’re there. Happy and warm. 
“I’ll always be right here with you baby.” 
Shivering in the downpour I’ve been caught in, I hum the same tune she soothed me to. Without thinking, my body rocks back and forth on the soaked moss and lichen on the limb closest to the ground. If I let my hand hang limp from my side I could probably brush the tops of the chives sticking out near the base with my fingertips. I don’t remember my journey down from the top of the tree, but it must’ve happened somehow. 
I could be crying. I don’t know. The fat raindrops on my face disguise any that may come. 
But it would be hard to disguise the snot squirming its way out of me. I rub my bare forearm under my nose. 
I do what I do best. 
I run. I hide away. And I sulk. 
It doesn’t matter. 
They all leave. 
Even if they don’t want to, they always do. My father and Prim's choice was made for them. I don’t know what’s worse. To have Peeta’s choice made for him or for him to actively choose that I no longer fit into his life. 
Either way, it’s all unbearable to think about. I gasp in sharp breaths and my chest is tight with the pain and fatigue of it all. I feel like I’ve just run the worst marathon of my life, and I’ve never even gone over five miles when training for the Quell put a stick up Peeta’s ass. 
His clomping footsteps alert me to his presence long before I can see his form through the sheets of rain obscuring my vision. Maybe if I tuck further into myself he won’t notice me sitting on the lowest branch of the tree. 
I was never a lucky person though. 
He approaches me slowly, like I would a skittish animal. I tuck my chin into the safety of my knees. Surely he’ll go away if I ignore him hard enough. 
I feel the air move around me as he swings a leg up and over and brings his body to rest on the same branch as me. It’s not without difficulty though, I know his leg still bothers him and can be cumbersome at times. After a quiet moment of him gathering his balance again, he lifts my chin up with his finger. 
I can feel the tear tracks, dry and crusty against my cheeks and I know I look like a drowned rat, or rather a drowned Buttercup from my little pity party under the torrential rain. 
“Oh, Katniss.” Warmth floods through me, all-consuming and relieving as his thumb traces the skin under my eye. “What’s wrong baby?”
My nose stings again as a fresh wave of fat tears fall from my eyes at the nickname. My lip wobbles and I can’t breathe. I try to answer, but everything comes out as a choked sob. Peeta reaches around to wrap his arm around me, rubbing my back in comforting circles. When I finally get the words out, they’re incomprehensible with my stuttering breath, throat full of tears, and snot muffling everything. To anyone but Peeta, who knows me so well, past the need for language. 
“Why doesn’t she want me anymore?” 
“What brought all of this on sweet girl?” 
“You’re leaving me.” 
“Not real.” 
“Maybe not your arms. But you are. Your heart.” 
“Never Katniss.” 
Fat rain drops fall from his delicate eyelashes, leaving behind them a darker shade of blond from the moisture. 
“You’re right here Katniss.” His steady and warm hands take my hand that’s shivering from the cold. He guides it straight over his chest and the comforting thump of his heart beneath warms me more than his coat he wrapped tightly around me does. I blink at his motions, my mind puzzling and patching them together into an attempt at coherency. 
His other hand reaches towards me and he watches me closely for any sign of apprehension in my eyes. I can’t manage any to bubble up in me at the moment. Tentatively, he presses the pads of his fingers against my own chest, speeding up the beat of my own heart along with his under the firm press the palm of my hand has against it. His fingers straighten until the heel of his own hand is flush against my heart. The soaked fabric of my shirt clings to us both from the water of the rain. 
“And I’m right here.” The pitch of his voice sounds at the edge of a question and a statement. 
It’s not fair to him to be stuck with me though, just because he knows I wouldn’t be able to handle it. He deserves someone good and beautiful. Just like him. 
Not a girl scarred from the fire she wore for pageantry and glory. 
“I’m not pretty enough for you. I’m not big enough.” 
“I wasn’t enough.” 
“Katniss.” My name breaks on his tongue; he physically can’t even force the muscles to move again, as if the ache in his chest is agonisingly painful from the blow of my words. I understand now. His heart is broken. Like I shot an arrow through him instead of the truth. Maybe I did, the day I sang to the birds in kindergarten and we’re forever tethered now from the invisible line of bow string to arrowhead. 
“I love you.” 
His beautifully made eyes well with tears, glossing the blue over with his pain. My eyes begin to water again, even after I’ve exhausted myself of the hydration required to sustain them. It’s not hard to feel what a man like Peeta feels for yourself, deep in your bones. 
“I came back for you. Back to twelve. Back to myself.”
“It kills me that you think you’re not enough. I’m so sorry I said those words in 13 to you. I know I’ll never be able to take them back. Or the-” He stares at my throat, where his hands once wove together into a nest of fear and pure hatred and I swallow under his gaze. “But I promise Katniss. I will remind you how beautiful and smart and brave and loving you are every single day. You are perfect for me.” 
“But you don’t want me.” 
“I’ve wanted you that way ever since I’ve understood what it meant.” 
But that doesn’t make sense. His constant distance and the sincerity behind his words clash within my mind. My brow furrows and my face deepens into a scowl.  
“Show me.” 
His eyes drag from their connection with mine, down to my lips. He looks back to me and his eyes widen with an emotion I’m all too familiar with. 
“I’m afraid.” 
“I’m afraid I won’t stop Katniss. They changed me. I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“So don’t stop. You’re my Peeta. No matter what.” 
The kiss is gentle and sweet and I pull my body back against the rough bark, forcing him to lean into me even more. I cradle him between my thighs and smile against his lips. They taste like a fresh burst of blueberries on my tongue and my smile widens at the thought of him sneaking his own fresh muffin from the bakery’s supplies. The way his lips slide against mine, slick with the torrent of rain that assaults us is new and exciting. To consume the very rain itself off of his lip makes my chest flutter at the fact that not even the rain will get the chance to touch him that way so long as I remain in this embrace. 
He shifts slightly against me and I immediately panic at the feel of him in that way. My body stiffens straight under him and he pulls back from my lips with a sheepish grin. 
There’s an apology in his clear eyes but I won’t have that. I speak before his mouth can form the words.  
I blurt out in a pant. “I like kissing you.” 
I tuck my head into his shoulder to hide the blush that crosses my cheeks. But it’s too late. He’s already seen it if the dopey smile on his face is any indication. 
“I like kissing you too.” His lips find the small space of skin by my hairline that isn’t hidden. 
I scoot closer to him and burrow into his chest. 
And that motion was a big mistake. Or maybe the best mistake I’ve made today.
We both carreen down into the cushion of soft grass below us when I push Peeta off-balance. A giggle bursts from my mouth unbidden as I land mostly on top of him. His body bears the brunt of the fall but he seems completely fine and a goofy grin crosses his face. He leans up to me and my heart flutters when he pulls me in for another short, sweet kiss. I nestle my knees around his hips and pull back from him with a smile. 
I reach my hand to his ear and tuck a wisp of blond back behind his ear. The kisses and our proximity have made me bolder. Bold enough to interrogate him. “What is your little blonde girlfriend going to think about this?” 
He sits up to bring his upper body off the damp ground and my body follows him. 
I roll my eyes at him. I hold a hand to my chest and bat my eyelashes at him. “Oh Peeta it’s been far too long.” 
“So that’s what this was all about. You were jealous?” 
“No.” I scowl, crossing my arms tight over my chest. 
“Katniss, she’s old enough to be our mother. Maybe even our grandmother.”
“Hmm.” My eyebrow twitches. “Maybe you’re into that sort of thing.” 
He wraps his arms tighter around my waist, deliberately lower than where they were last time. He looks into my eyes for any sign that he’s gone too far but I won’t give him any. With a light pressure, he squeezes my backside tentatively with a wolfish grin, as if he’s just gotten away with stealing the last cookie from the cookie jar. 
“What I’m into is what I have my hands full of right now.” 
“But seriously Katniss, she saved us from the bombing in the Capitol after I tried to drag you away. She visited us both but I was the only one awake when she did.” His eyes are tender as he brushes a sopping wet piece of hair off of my collarbone. “It’s only ever been you my darling girl.” 
“And it only ever will be?” 
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You didn't actually think I would miss this, did you? (Tobin Heath x Reader)
Just a short little fic for Tobin's birthday. Not really edited so mind any mistakes. Hope you enjoy!
Between work getting busy and studying, life has been busy lately so writing has unfortunately been put on the back burner so fics might take longer than usual. My final essay is due in less than 2 weeks so hopefully I'll have more time to write after that!
Words: 1.4k
Y/n: Nobody on earth can make me feel the way you do. Everyday I wake up you continue to amaze me in every way possible. Your kindness, empathy and compassion are what make you the most amazing woman I've ever known. Please never stop being the beautiful, confident and sexiest person that I am madly in love with. Everyday I am blessed to have you by my side. I hope today is filled with love, friendship, surprises and fun. Thank you for going through life with me. Happy birthday my love. I love you today and always.
Toby: Thank you baby. There's no one I'd rather go through life with than you. I love you so much.
Toby: I wish you were here with me today... I miss you
Y/n: I miss you too Toby. We'll see each other soon. I'm sure you'll have an amazing day regardless. I wanted to have this text ready for you to wake up to, but I got busy :(
Toby: It's okay, facetime later?
Y/n: Wouldn't miss it. I have to go, but I'll message you a bit later. I love you
It was Tobin's birthday today. We had been together for 7 years and this was the first birthday that we would be apart for. Since we started dating, we had always made sure to be with each other on our birthdays. This year though, I was playing in Europe meaning I couldn't be there this year. Well that's what she thought anyway. I was out for a couple of weeks with an injury and coach had agreed that I could return to the states as long as I kept up with physio. 
Tobin's birthday happened to fall in the middle of a national team camp. One that I couldn't attend due to being injured. I knew they would be planning something so I had reached out to Ali to let her know I was surprising Tobin. I trusted her to not let it slip and she was able to keep me updated on their plans so I could surprise her. I didn't want to miss her whole birthday, instead I had found a flight that would get me there in time to surprise her at lunch. 
I got through security as quickly as possible. Knowing I was so close to seeing Tobin again was making me impatient. This was probably the longest we had gone without seeing each other. I hated it, but playing internationally had always been a dream of mine. They had organized lunch in the meal room at the hotel seeing as there were so many of them. I quickly dropped my stuff in Tobin's hotel room and cleaned myself up a bit before heading down to the meal room. 
Ali had organized a game of guess the person. Tobin was blindfolded and had to guess who was in front of her based on the feel of their hands and face. The girls smiled widely when they saw me, somehow managing to not completely freak out. I watched Tobin go through a few more of them. There was a wide smile on her face, the corners of her eyes no doubt crinkling. I knew pretty much all of Tobin's expressions at this point, even without properly seeing them. It made me happy knowing that even though she was missing me, she was still able to have fun and be genuinely happy. 
After a few minutes, I stepped up to Tobin, placing her hand on my arm first then my face. I knew there was a high chance that once she felt either of my hands she would know it was me. Besides the years of almost constant hand holding, I had a scar on one of my hands that was very noticeable.
I lent into her touch, enjoying the feeling after almost six months away from her. That must have been a give away, because her hand froze briefly before moving to my eyebrow that also had a scar then my left hand. She ripped the blindfold off, eyes wide as she stared at me in shock. 
"Y/n!" Tobin pretty much squealed, jumping up, arms wrapping around me as she jumped up, legs around my waist, "You're here, you're actually here."
"You didn't seriously think I would miss your birthday did you?"
Tobin kissed me hard, filled with passion and love. I knew the team were watching, fake gags coming from them, but I did care as I cupped the back of her head, not letting her move until we were both out of breath. Tobin watched me for a few seconds before speaking, "I love you so much. How long do I have you for?"
Reluctantly, I put her down, feeling my knee starting ache, "A couple of weeks. Pretty much until I'm ready to join practice again as long as I keep up with physio here."
Since there weren't any real plans for after lunch, Tobin and I snuck off to the room. We didn't do anything other than cuddle and make out a little bit. I was exhausted from my flight, all I wanted to do was hold her after months apart. When Tobin eventually had to go to the bathroom, I got the piece of paper and ring box from my bag. I quickly hid the ring box as Tobin came back into the room. I still wasn't sure if I was going to propose right now with just the two of us or do something with the team later. I wanted to have it with me for when I decided the time was right.
"I got you something."
"You didn't have to, just being here is enough."
"Shush and take it. I think you're going to like this."
I handed her a piece of paper. She read over it slowly before jumping on me, peppering kisses across my face, "You're coming back?!? We get to play together again?"
"I'm coming back. I still have to be there for a couple more months though. I love playing for arsenal, it's been a great experience, but it's not worth how much I miss you." 
A few tears fell down her cheeks as she kissed me slowly before a smile stretched across her face, interrupting the kiss. Her smile was one of my favourite sights so I wasn't mad about it, "You are amazing, I love you Y/n."
"I love you Toby." 
Once again I found myself watching her. Taking in her smile, the way her eyes crinkled, the dimples I was obsessed with, her beautiful eyes that I could look at forever and the short hair that drove me crazy. It was my first time seeing it in person, I had ran my fingers through it countless times already and was currently resisting the urge to do it again. I loved her more than I thought it was possible to love another person. She was the person I craved, the first person I thought of when I woke up or before I went to sleep, the first person I wanted to tell when anything happened. She was the person I wanted by my side for the rest of my life. 
"I meant what I said in my text."
"Which part?"
"All of it. Even after 7 years, you still make my heart race, butterflies and sparks to explode at even the slightest touch. No one has even made me feel the way you do and no one else ever will. I thank everything in this world that you chose me, that I get to be with you and love you every day. You are the only person I want by myside through everything life throws our way. The good, bad, funny, messy, whatever it is, it will be okay because I have you. I am so madly in love with you Tobin Powell Heath, I want to do life with you for as long as you'll have me. Will you marry me?"
Tobin launched forward before I could even get the ring box. She hugged me tightly, tears landing against my neck, "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I love you so fucking much Y/n."
My own tears fell, the happiness bubbling over as I chuckled, "Can I get the ring now?"
"You got me a ring?"
I reached under the pillow for the ring box, opening it for Tobin to see. It was just a simple rose gold band, it fit who she was and the type of style she liked. She grinned widely as I easily slipped it onto her finger, "Of course I did. I've been planning to do this for months now. Only the best for my girl or should I say fiancé?"
"God I can't wait to marry you Y/n."
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darlingillustrations · 4 months
Will You Be My (Platonic) Valentine?
Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. I’m as shocked as anyone to realize this, especially since I haven’t had a serious romantic relationship in years. But February 14th isn’t just a day for traditional lovers. It is also the day I came out of the closet as queer. It is the day I chose to stand up and show the world who I am. It is a day about self acceptance.
It is a day on which I commemorate loving myself.
After my divorce I started a tradition. Each year for Valentines day, I ask a single friend of mine to be my Platonic Valentine. Every time I do, it creates so much joy and surprise that I can’t help but wonder why more people don’t do this.
There are so many ways to love and be loved. That’s part of what inspires my Affectionate Animal series, in which I strive to paint as many different expressions of loving connection as I can. To me, deconstructing what our ideas of “love” are and reconstructing something that works for us is what lies at the heart of being queer.
I don’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I haven’t even had a date in longer than I can remember. But I remain open and curious to what the universe has in store, and I believe in the power of connection.
Love saves us, in the end, from a world of isolation, both in the giving and the receiving.
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If you would like to send someone a little love this Valentine’s Day, consider one of these ideas:
1. Mark the Calendar
Schedule a time to meet for drinks or take a walk and catch up. The anticipation of plans warms the heart as much as the actual plans themself. Quality time is one of the most cherished things we can share.
2. Write a Letter
Artifacts of our connections, like letters and notecards that we send through snail mail, have a way of anchoring our relationships with a weight that online “likes” and “reblogs” do not carry.
3. Potluck
Breaking bread together is one of the oldest forms of intimacy, and it doesn’t even have to be fancy to hold meaning. Invite a loved one over for spaghetti or pbjs. Light a couple candles to make it feel special. Or make time to play a board game afterwards.
4. Book Club
Read your best friend’s favorite book, then talk with them about it. This has been my favorite way to show my kid I love them lately, by reading the Percy Jackson books they are obsessed with, then watching The Lightning Thief TV shows on Netflix with them.
5. Early Spring Cleaning
Make a pact with your friend to each fill up a box with things you don’t need anymore and drop it off at a second-hand store together. Maybe even stay for awhile and thift something new to cherish once you get home.
We’ve all heard Marie Kondo’s mantra “Does this spark joy?” It’s time to apply that to your relationships, as well, and make time for the people who spark joy in your life by letting go of those who don’t.
6. Lend a helping hand
When you feel isolated or lonely, one of the most effective ways to dig your way out of that is to uplift others. Talk about your friend’s hard work or business online, raving about them. If your friend has an event or a project, spread the word about it. Use your voice to spread awareness of others’ dreams, and that will strengthen your connections.
7. Say “I love you.”
It’s so simple, but many of us go so long without hearing simple words of affirmation. It’s never too late to say it, and it’s never too much.
My Affectionate Animal series is available as art prints, notecards and stickers. You can buy them in my online shop.
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nikethestatue · 1 year
The Paperman
Elriel Month 2023
I don't even know what the prompt is, but I wrote this. Thanks to @gracie-rosee for suggesting Paperman.
It's short and has language.
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For A. 
Always the man of my dreams
When you know, you know, right?
And I knew. 
I knew that the girl with the big brown cow eyes–maybe doe eyes would be more appropriate–would be irreversibly tied to me. In some strange, cosmic way, in that sugary sweet Nicholas Sparks loopy, wordy nonsense, I just felt it. In my gut. My dick. My brain. Don’t want to say heart, but I have to admit, in my heart too. 
Brown-eyed girl was the girl. 
Only problem is, I didn’t know who the girl with the cow eyes was. Or how to find her.
It was a blustery day, so common in April, in Chicago. The weather playing mind games with the occupants of the city, taunting them with warmth and sunshine in the morning, only to plunge the temperatures to near freezing by the afternoon. Ha. Ha. Ha. Suckers!
I was standing on the CTA platform that morning, opting not to take the car to work, and now berating myself for that. ‘It’s a nice spring day’ they said. ‘A little windy’ they lied. It wasn’t nice and it wasn’t a ‘little windy’. Like a dumbass, I decided to walk to work, and not 3 blocks in, I was fucking freezing. Now, I am a big guy. I am 6”6 (like I said, I am a big guy), and you’d think that big guys, with 4% body fat and a couple of stints in Afghanistan back in the 2000s would be okay with the wind and the cold that was coming off the lake. I don’t know what it was about me–maybe it was that back then, I was in my early 20s, running hot all the time, or maybe it was my huge ass beard, or all the velcro gear that I had to schlep around on my body–but now that I was 34, I sure couldn’t tolerate the cold quite as well as I did back then.
Hence, me standing on the open platform, waiting for the train. Freezing my nuts off.
And then, Miss Thing saunters in. And to me, she is the best thing since…forever. Forget sliced bread. All I hear in my head is ‘Thunderstruck’ by AC/DC. Or AccaDacca as my Aussie friends call it. 
So I stand there, in the howling wind, under the shade of the old timey skyscrapers, shivering like a wet poodle in only my suit…and…
I am falling in love.
Like, legit falling in love. 
Because cow-eyes is perfection. 
I find myself thinking that she is everything that I’d ever wanted.
I am not a white picket fence kind of a guy, but if there was a girl that i’d trade my loft for, and end up in the suburbs with, mowing the lawn every Sunday and going to Costco to pick up 96 rolls of toilet paper–this is the girl I’d do it for. 
I am hoping she is not one for the Costco trips: because if she is perfect, if she is mine, if she is carved out of my own damn rib, if she was placed here, on this platform because she belongs to me, then Miss Cow Eyes isn’t a Costco girl.
But I don’t even care. 
I stare like a creeper, because if I close my eyes, I fear that she’d just disappear and I’d have to be committed, due to some intense nervous breakdown, because I let MY GIRL go and didn’t approach her.
Now, here’s where being 6”6 sucks. 
Yeah, I got a nice Italian bespoke suit on, and my watch costs more than a house, but I also got neck tattoos, hand tattoos, Freddy Kreuger-level scarred hands, and I am 6”6 and I scare the ladies even on a good day. Yeah, I fucked a lot, still do–though now that I am in love with Cow-Eyes, I am going to be faithful forever–but the girls I fuck(ed) were still cautious, and only found their courage after the help of some alcoholic liquids. They are never disappointed when they say ‘yes’ and take a walk on the wild side with yours truly, but Cow-Eyes doesn’t seem like that kind of a girl.
She is like…pure. 
Not sure. 
Maybe she is not pure, but she is a good girl. 
She’s got a cute pink and gray checkered coat on, she’s got cute white Adidas skater shoes on, cute jeans, and a cute pink beanie, on her extremely cute head. Waves of golden brown hair whip around her perfect face, smacking around the red-painted lips that I am absolutely sure I will kiss one day. And do some other very objectionable, but very hot things with. The sight of her makes me think depraved thoughts, even though she is just standing there, being all cute, clutching a leather folder to her chest. The chest–I also want to do unmentionable things with.
Here I am, suffocating with love and lust, and Cow-Eyes has no idea and the wind is just brutal. 
A gust hits us so hard, it almost knocks her off her feet. She takes an awkward Bambi step, trying to hold on to all her crap, and I, being a gentleman and a dick, let her fall right into me. Into my ever-loving arms she stumbles, clutches my biceps with her little hands that have short, imperfect nails, and her sweet Altoids-y breath washes over me, as I hold her up. She smiles at me, all cute and flustered, and I smile like a shark, because I smell the delicious scent of fresh meat. My meat. This will all be mine, very soon.
The rumble of the upcoming train sends me into a sudden panic. 
Are we sharing the same train?
Is she hopping on one and I am on the other?
Are we destined to miss each other like two ships in the night? Nope. Not if I have anything to do with it.
Cow-Eyes is blushing like a virgin, touched for the very first time, and I don’t want to let her go, but I also don’t want it to be weird.
It’s already weird, because I am in love with her, and she doesn’t know it. She doesn’t know that she will be in love with me too. Like this is how weird this is–here I am, staring at the future mother of my children (I am hoping for twins, boy and girl, but I am flexible), and the love of my life is trembling in my arms, not knowing that I will be attempting to impregnate her pretty soon (with consent, don’t worry).
The crowds swell and she separates from me, while another gust of wind almost fells us all down. In this instance, all it does is it makes her lose hold on her folder, and out flies a piece of paper that smacks her right in her perfect face. 
I am losing her. She is fleeing my arms and I am feeling hollow and fucking empty, like she just tore a piece of my soul and took it with her. Dismayed, I watch her shoulder her way inside the train car, and she gives me a look…And I fucking freeze. Because the look is raw and full of understanding. Like she’d known me all of my life. Like she understands every strand of my being and every fucked up thought in my head. Cow Eyes blink at me, and the doors close and I watch her go. Away. Without me. 
I am so discombobulated, I feel as if a limb was severed and her phantom presence is still with me, the scent of perfume and Altoids marks my skin, my shirt, but she is not here.
Dazed. I am dazed and confused, and I watch the train snake forward, feeling like a new bride watching her lover go off to war never to see him again. 
How do I find a girl in the city of 5 million?
My girl.
My Cow Eyes. 
My beautiful girl who is cute head to toe and who’ll have me as a husband, and will never lose me in the crowd, because she can always spot a 6”6 monstrosity with neck tats. 
Now, who is dry humping my leg?
I look down, and there is a piece of paper wrapped around my pant, stuck there and held up by the wind. Thanks buddy! Never loved the wind as much as I love it right now. There is a rowdy looking pigeon that’s eyeing my paper like a bastard, or maybe it’s the remnants of the burrito that someone graciously tossed right on the platform, because throwing it out in a garbage bin is too much work apparently. Anyway, I don’t care, because I beat the pigeon to it and sweep the paper up in my hand, before he flies into my leg like a bull attacking a matador. I nudge the burrito towards him–buon appetito, pal–and look at the paper.
First thing–there is a perfect imprint of my girl’s lovely lips right on the paper. It’s smeared a bit, as she’s been sucki-
Okay, focus. Time for that later. The pouty outline of her lips is pure deliciousness, but I am not after spank bank material right now. Priorities and all.
It’s an invoice of some kind. To a tattoo shop.
My girl looks like she’d faint at the sight of needles, but maybe I am totally misreading her? What if babygirl has a sleeve going? I mean, even I am doubting that this is the case, but why the heck would she have an invoice for some dude named Martin Scalia for $350 from Jade Eyes Tattoo and Piercing Parlour, LTD. Props to the British spelling of ‘parlor’--a classy move–but Jade Eyes??? They literally have some kind of unfathomable connection to Cow-Eyed Girl and they call it ‘Jade Eyes’? Dumb.
I am pensive and kind of an asshole for the rest of the day.
I have Martin Scalia’s invoice sitting on my desk in my office, and I am staring at the slightly smeared lipstick imprint like I am deranged. 
I am deranged.
I have an 800 million deal that I am working on, but all I can think of is my girl. I look out at the vast expanse of the city, its skyline dotted with an endless number of skyscrapers, all looking like overly erect dicks, the dickest of which is of course the Trump Tower. And somewhere, in this Forest of Dicks, is my girl. Who is currently not with me, and that’s just throwing me. She should be resting her sweet ass on my lap right now, looking at me adoringly, calling me ‘my love’ or ‘master’ and eagerly thinking of what I would do with her once we get home. Instead, she is gallivanting somewhere unknown to me and it’s irritating as fuck. 
My buddy Cass sticks his big head in the door of my office and asks me if I am in love, because I am, apparently, mooney-eyed. He snags a look at Martin’s invoice and the lipstick smear, then grins like an asshole and leaves me be, while whistling ‘Strangers in the Night’. I love him as much as I hate him. But mostly love. I only love two people–Cow-Eyes and Cass.
I am sprinting out of the office and onto the street like a young buck. I am a young buck. Or maybe, a middle-aged buck, but I have a plan and it’s giving me wings. I get into an Uber and we drive all the way to UIC, which, in my opinion, is still a neighbourhood that’s shady as fuck. I hope that my girl is safe walking around here. 
The car drops me off at the infamous Jade Eyes Tattoo shop.
I am gonna be honest here, I didn’t give this too much thought.
My brain is so full of my Cow-Eyed girl, that there is absolutely no space left for anything else. Like planning. Like not being a creeper and just barging in. Or considering that she might not even be there. Why would she be? Maybe she is an accountant and this is her client? I guess I can beat the shit out of the tattoo guys and demand to know the whereabouts of their sexy, gorgeous, perfect, incredible, stunning accountant who will be my wife, though I prefer not to go that route. I try to be peaceful. Usually. 
Also, she cannot be an accountant.
She is definitely a writer. Yes. She writes dark romances. I can feel it.
So….I actually don’t have a plan.
But I walk in anyway and figure I’d play it by ear. 
And there she is. The beanie is off and her golden hair is gilded by the light, gleaming light the sun at dawn.
Those large brown eyes flicker and blink, and she recongises me. The moment is right there. Seared into my memory forever. She blinks. And she knows me. She knows me through time and space, like I know her. She is my girl. It’s inevitable.
When you know, you know. Right?
“Go on a date with me,” I order.
“Okay,” she says. 
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Be My Favorite - Intro
Hello! I’m Key, and I’ll be your Be My Favorite historian and enthusiast.
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I’ve been really excited for Be My Favorite ever since the series was first announced in December of 2021. The premise grabbed me right away since I’m a big fan of time loops (please watch Triage if you haven’t already, I’d say it’s the strongest BL series to date), and Krist’s one of my favorite actors, so it was an instant five stars of anticipation for me. Then in September of 2022, Gawin (another favorite of mine) was cast, and I had a dream casting I think I might have joked about once. (So I did this, you’re welcome.)
Whoever cast Gawin, I’ll send you a basket of whatever you love and aren’t allergic to.
Be My Favorite had a rocky road to casting.
From what I’ve been able to follow, it was initially meant to be a KristSingto comeback vehicle. (Their last BL together was the SOTUS Our Skyy episode in 2018.) However, in 2022, Krist tentatively told fans at a fan meeting that Singto’s schedule didn’t work out with filming. Seeing as GMMTV didn’t want Krist acting in BL series without his brand partner, I think they knew Singto wasn’t planning to renew his contract, so they cast Mike instead. Personally, I was excited to see Krist step outside his comfort zone with a different actor, and he’s close to Mike, so I figured it’d be a good match. I was also happy for Singto, because he’s wanted more independence in his career. He’s into photography and directing, he’s made his own studio, formed his own fan club in Japan, etc. (I think it’s likely he and Krist will work together again, though. They’re still very close, they play video games online with their friends from university fairly regularly, and Singto went out of his way to organize a KristSingto concert in December of 2022 through his Japanese fan club. KS used to hold their GMMTV-sponsored concerts there annually before the pandemic, so I think it was both a “final chapter” to one part of their lives and evidence that they can collaborate again if they want to.)
I didn’t have strong feelings about Mike’s casting. I haven’t seen him in much, but I liked him in the teaser, and he’s already close to Krist, so I was on board. After seeing Singto improve through his series with other actors (something he might have had to fight for, but that’s pure speculation), I was just excited for Krist to get the same opportunities.
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And then…Gawin. [seventeen sparkle emojis]
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As I said on Twitter the day Gawin’s casting was announced, “I could not be more pleased and delighted that I’ve built a reputation for myself that makes people think, ‘Krist and Gawin? QUICKLY, LIGHT THE FIRES AND TELL KEY,’” because I woke up to not one but three separate friends letting me know about it.
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I went from excited to feral in the four seconds it took my brain to go from, “This can’t be real,” to, “Finally, bizarre breaking news that isn’t actively traumatizing.”
Truly, I have to hand it to Krist, because he's wanted this project to do well from the start, and he's stuck with it and worked hard on it through potentially three scene partners. And he really seems to have grown and learned from Gawin, so good on him.
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My one worry was that I haven’t enjoyed most of Jittirain’s adaptations.
But then I found out that the director, Waa, directed The Gifted and also has screenwriting experience. Krist has worked with Waa before and speaks highly of his process. There are a lot of scenes in the first episode of BMF that seem very clean and well edited, so I have hope.
On top of that, I’ve also seen fans mention that Be My Favorite is “inspired by” Jittirain’s novel, not adapted from it, which I think is a crucial distinction. (I don’t know the source for that, but I want it to be true, so I’ll believe it for now.)
Krist has said that they changed a lot from the novel, and based on what I know, the first episode has already departed quite a bit, so I have put my faith in Waa.
For many reasons, some series just get the short stick with the amount of postproduction and budget they get. Some series are still filming as they start airing, some have budget cuts during production, etc.
Filming for Be My Favorite began on November 19th, 2022 and wrapped two months ago on March 24th. That same day, Waa shared on Twitter that he’d be starting work on intense editing right away. That was a great sign to me. With filming complete and two months of postproduction, he was almost certainly able to do a cleaner job than if he’d had to struggle under continued filming and simultaneous editing while the show was airing.
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Also, BMF definitely seems to have money behind it. For example, this upgrade from the trailer to the first episode. In the trailer, as Kawi makes his first trip to the past, there's a bright, swirling glow around him.
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When the episode aired, the effect looked a lot cleaner and had scenes from future episodes woven in.
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Also, I loved this transition shot with the blurry background, and the dandelion seed floating across the screen was a cute detail, since that's the flower in the time loop globe.
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Little things like like this tells me they’ve had the time to do this series well, and that there's a lot of love and effort going into it.
This February, the acting coach for BMF did an interview (1 & 2) that I really enjoyed. She said she’ll be sharing a video of their workshop now that the series is airing, so I’m keeping an eye out for that.
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Like I said, I love both of them. I first watched SOTUS and the Kiss series in 2020, so I became a fan of both right around the same time.
In April of 2022, I made a top ten list of what I thought were the best acting performances up to that point. Krist was on it, and so was Gawin. I admire both of them a lot, and I think they’ve both improved tremendously over the years.
Krist, from what I can tell through interviews, leans toward method acting. For example, in the scene I included on my list above, Arthit was apparently meant to cry a few lines later on, but Krist lost it earlier than scripted because in order to channel the emotion he needed for the scene, he imagined how he’d feel when Singto followed through with a long-time dream of studying overseas. It ended up one of their strongest scenes together because it was genuine.
Meanwhile, Gawin was interviewed in November of 2022, and while I think the whole interview is a great read, I wanted to emphasize this part:
“When I prepare for a role, I really have to dig into the story of the script,” [Gawin] explains. “Sometimes they do the last scenes of the series on the first day of being on set. So, you have to be really prepared with the entire story. You’ve got to know the whole thing, what emotions that character went through, and the changes with that character.” 
I think part of what makes Krist and Gawin a good combination is that they’re strong actors with different energies who might just have different ways of preparing for a role. I’d love to hear both of them talk in more detail about their processes, but it seems to me like Krist looks inward for personal experiences to connect with the character, and Gawin creates the character he’s playing based on research.
Another interesting point is that In that same interview, Gawin says he thinks Saifa from Enchanté most resembles his personality (easygoing, music lover, etc.), but he got his start as Mork from the Kiss series (attitude issues, perfect sasspot, etc.). Meanwhile, Krist had an easy link to his first major role, Arthit, in that he’d also been head hazer in university. So Krist started his career able to access a common point with his character, so that might’ve influenced his approach to future roles. Whereas Gawin started off with a character completely unlike himself, so he started from a place of more emotional detachment and probably a more research-oriented approach.
Also, they just seem to have connected on a personal level.
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Working with someone so different gives actors the opportunity to learn from each other. When interviewed, Gawin said he and Krist discovered they have a lot in common, and it seems like they bonded over music and spent a lot of time on set singing together. (Their harmonizing is genuinely beautiful.)
Krist’s OST for the series is one of my favorites and Gawin has a ballad coming up later in the series, but I hope they give them a duet at some point. (It’d be a huge missed opportunity if they don’t.)
One of the sponsors for the series is fucking Wiskas.
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This could just be because Krist is their brand ambassador. (The man has four cats. He has an army to feed.)
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OR there is a feline presence in the show. If this is true, I will die, because Triage, series of my soul, also had cats in it.
Listen, I will send TWO baskets of whatever Waa likes if he's enabled me to make the "if I had a nickel for every time there have been cats in a Thai BL time loop series, I'd have two nickels. It's not a lot but it's weird that it happened twice" joke.
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Big fan! Love it all! (PLEASE CATS.)
I’ll leave this here as an introductory post, and I’ll make separate posts for my individual episode thoughts using #key watches bmf.
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rebelwrites · 2 years
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Winner Takes It All || Three: Living In The Past - Charles’ POV
Charles Leclerc x Valentina Hendrix (OC)
Winner Takes It All Masterlist
Summary: Charles is having a hard time, four years down the line he shouldn’t still have Valentina on his mind but no matter how hard he try’s he can’t help it
Warnings: sad Charles, Mentions of a manipulative girlfriend
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
November 2013
The mustang sat on the driveway with a large black bow on the bonnet, I couldn’t help but smirk knowing exactly how Valli was going to react when she saw it. This had been her dream car ever since she was old enough to drive a kart.
This was one of the hardest secrets I ever had to keep from her but it would be so worth it.
“You ready?” Pierre grinned as he joined me on the driveway, letting his eyes run over the candy apple red Mustang.
“Let’s go see the birthday girl.” I nodded, waving the bunch of flowers in the air.
Before we could move away from the car Valentina came running out of the house, instantly froze when she spotted the Mustang.
“Urm, what is this?” Vali breathed, blinking back the tears.
There weren't very many times that I had seen this girl speechless but this was one of them. She wasn’t meant to see this just yet. Me, Pierre, her dad and Jules had everything all planned out and this definitely wasn’t it.
Placing the bunch of flowers in the wall I engulfed Vali in a tight embrace, kissing the top of her head as everyone else came out onto the driveway.
“We thought it was time you stop whining about this bloody car.” Her dad smirked, shoving his hand in his blazer pocket fishing out the key for the car. “Buon compleanno, mia dolce ragazza. Happy birthday, my sweet girl.”
“This is a present from all of us,” Jules beamed, pulling Vali from my arms, spinning her round in a circle like she was still 5 years old. “Question is who gets the first spin?”
Valentina pulled back from Jules raising her brow at him with a wide smirk on her face before she wiggled out of his grip practically running to the driver's door.
“Leclerc, vieni o no?. Leclerc, are you coming or not?” she shouted as she effortlessly sunk into the driver’s seat.
Quickly Pierre removed the black bow from the metal of the car. Without a second thought I joined Vali in the car, watching as her eyes lit up the moment she started the car up and the V8 engine roared.
“Nugget, do not wrap this around a tree.” Pierre winked, causing her to flip her middle finger up at him as she reversed off the drive.
Present Day
Leaning against the railing of the yacht I couldn’t help letting my mind wander, I knew I shouldn’t have but it was an instinct I couldn’t control.
Even four years later I found myself letting the memories me and Valentina shared play like a move. I knew it was wrong especially with Becky laying on the sun loungers less than 100 yards from me but once I started on the Valli thought train there was no stopping it.
Every day I found myself thinking of her at random points of the day, she always found a way to creep into my mind no matter how hard I tried to block her out.
The sun was starting to rise across the Moroccan sea, this was one of my favourite places to be other than on the track. It gave me time to clear my mind.
Pulling my phone out I found myself pulling up Valentina’s instagram, it was a bad habit of mine. I sighed heavily when there weren't any new posts, swiping off her profile I started aimlessly scrolling pausing when I saw the post from Pierre.
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So she was in Italy with Pierre.
I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of them at a coffee shop, everyone knew that Valentina was a huge coffee addict. If that girl didn’t have coffee then it was game over. Even though she had her sunglass on something told me the look of mischief was twinkling in her eyes, just the sight of her made my heart skip a beat. In a way this wasn’t fair on Becky but then again I also didn’t give a fuck she was the reason I was unhappy, the reason that I lost the best thing that ever happened to me.
I knew that I should have come clean about what happened but I couldn’t, Becky made that perfectly clear. She was blackmailing and manipulating me because she knew I would do anything to protect Valli’s secret come out. If I tried to I break up with Becky then she would tell the world about Valli’s police record and there was no way I was letting that happen so I did the one thing I swore I’d never do.
I broke her heart.
Running my hand over my face I quickly wiped away a tear that had slipped down my cheeks. I thought I was protecting Valli but I hurt her even more.
“Charles,” Becky called from the sun lounger.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at the sound of her voice. Even after four years I still couldn’t stand the sound of her voice but there was nothing I could do about it.
“Yes, darling.” I hummed, locking my phone, slipping it into the pocket of my hoodie.
“I’m bored, can we go home?” she whined.
“I mean we haven’t been here that long but yeah sure.” I nodded, trying not to show how annoyed I was. She knew that I loved spending the mornings on the yacht watching the sun rise but she didn’t care. She never did. “Let me just make a phone call and then we will head off.”
I didn’t give her a chance to respond before I walked off into the cabin of the yacht. I needed to speak to Pierre, I just needed to know if I was able to see Valentina over the off season, I missed all three of us being together and I know it was my fault.
Hitting Pierre’s name I pulled my phone to my ear letting my eyes close at the sound of the dialling tone buzz in my ear.
Sighing when it went to voicemail, this wasn’t unusual. Ever since I walked out on Valli four years ago everything changed. Pierre and I were perfectly fine when it was racing season, it was like nothing had changed but whenever we weren't racing he was with Valli and we hardly spoke.
I needed to stop living in the past, I couldn’t change the past no matter how hard I tried.
Walking back into my childhood home, I was instantly greeted by my mother. The tight embrace she pulled me into made me feel safe. Once again Becky made her presence known by moaning she was thirsty.
I didn’t miss the eye roll that came from mum, she didn’t try to hide the fact she hated Becky.
“Tu sais où est la putain de bouilloire. You know where the fucking kettle is.” Mum snapped, causing both me and Lorenzo to wince. It wasn’t often she lost her cool but when she did we all knew to run.
Ducking from her arms I shuffled to the kitchen, greeting my older brother with a hug. I chose to ignore the questioning look from him as Becky strolled into the kitchen, huffing at the fact my mum didn’t offer her a drink.
“How long are we staying here?” Becky asked, running her fingers up my back.
“I told you last night, we are staying for the two weeks for Christmas.” I nodded, thanking my back was facing her as I pulled a face to Lorenzo. “This has been planned for months now. So if you don’t want to be here, order an uber or something because I am staying.”
A deathly silence fell across the room, I was actually proud of myself for standing up for myself, there was no way I was bailing on Christmas with my family.
Becky didn’t say anything, she huffed like a toddler that wasn’t getting their way before she stormed out of the house, letting the door slam behind her.
“Well, that answers that question.” Lorenzo chuckled, pushing past me to grab a couple of beers from the fridge. “Pourquoi es-tu toujours avec elle ? Why are you still with her?”
I just shook my head at my older brother. “I can’t tell you,��� I shrugged, taking the bottle from him and followed him outside to join the rest of the family. “But I don’t wanna talk about it, I just want to enjoy my time with you lot.”
Sinking onto the outdoor sofa, mum pressed a kiss to the top of my head as she walked by.
Once again my mind was in overdrive, more memories of Vali popped into my mind and I couldn’t stop them.
July 2017
The sound of Valentina’s laugh was all I could focus on, it didn’t matter about the music that was playing, all that mattered was her.
Watching my girl run around the garden in a pair of denim shorts and bikini caused my heart rate to increase. This is what I loved, nothing was more important than family time and Vali got that coming from a close knit family herself. The garden was full of people that I saw as family.
“Sharl, come on, stop being boring.” Valli shouted across the garden, resting her hands on her hips staring me down from across the garden. The smirk on her face made me weak at the knees. I honestly had no idea what she was wanting me to do but I would do anything she wanted.
“What are we doing sweetheart?” I grinned, pushing myself off the sofa, making my way across the garden to her.
As soon as I was close enough I pulled her into my arms, pressing my lips against hers causing a few whistles to echo around us.
“We set up a mini RC race track.” Valli grinned, her eyes shining bright with excitement. “I needed a team mate.”
“Pass me that controller, you goof.” I chuckled, pressing a kiss against the top of her head.
Present Day
“Are you even listening to me?” Mum scolded, clipping me round the sound of my head.
“Sorry,” I sighed, running my hand over my face. “Got lost in my thoughts again, what did you say?”
This was getting ridiculous now, I couldn’t even hold conversations anymore without my mind drifting, this was getting worse and time went on. I would have thought four years down the line things would have gotten easier not harder.
“I said I spoke to Valentina the other day.” she said softly, taking my hand in hers. I could see the sadness in her eyes as she looked at me. She saw Valli as her own daughter, the one she never got.
“How is she?” I asked, refusing to make eye contact with mum in fear I was going to end up crying.
“You know what she is like, she is good at masking the truth.” Mum whispered, brushing her thumb over my hand. Her movements were soft and slow like I was going to break any second and the truth is I wasn’t fair off. “Why don’t you reach out to her?”
“Après tout ce que j'ai dit, tout ce que j'ai fait. Il n'y a aucun moyen de réparer ça. After everything I said, everything I did. There's no way to fix this.” My voice was breaking as I spoke, the tears were threatening to spill over my lash line. “Il n'y a aucune chance qu'elle me pardonne un jour. Elle ne comprendra pas pourquoi j'ai fait ça. There is no way she will ever forgive me. She won't understand why I did this.”
Shaking my mum’s hand off mine I needed to go for a walk, I needed to try and clear my head even though I’d never be able to get peace.
My heart always belonged to her and it always would.
Valentina Hendrix was the one who got away.
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@chibsytelford @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @stillbreathin @angywritesstuff @miamedyu @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @micks-afterglow @livo67 @buendiabebeta @pleasedontfollowinlost @ferrarifwendvale @hungryhungarian @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @sunf1owerrq @queenslife @panicforspec @inesramoss30 @justme2042 @liv67 @sessgjarg @derpinathebrave @idkiwantchocolatee @littleobsessionsandlifeslessons @alynoa @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @organasith
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rhodesrider · 2 years
When it’s Time…
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Solo S. x Virgin!Black! Fem Reader
NSFW! 18+! Minors DNI!
Warnings: Oral Sex, throat creampîe, rubbing
Word Count: 1.4k
I just don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything. Different hobbies, I’ve tried video games, knitting, poetry. Hell even other crafts but I can’t get my mind off of sex. More importantly off of Solo. I’m terrified of what he will think. I gave him the whole speech of how I wanna save myself for marriage, save myself for the right one. But now I can’t stop thinking about it. He’s gonna think I’m just a whore…
I sigh as I shake my leg just trying to knit something. I soon heard a car door, had to be the twins and Solo. I heard the door next and I just made it look like my mind wasn’t on nothing, just knitting and watching YouTube. “Hey old lady.” Jey snickered and I threw a wad of yarn at him. I received a hug from Jimmy and Caught the Load of yarn back from Jey. “Next time imma throw one of these sticks.” I smirk. Soon I felt a kiss on my cheek from solo, I glanced as he sat by me looking at my cardigan I’m almost done with. “We gonna let y’all have ya little alone time. Night bro. Night y/n.” They both went upstairs and solo kissed my hand smiling. “How was your day baby girl?” He asked low since it was late and he didn’t wanna wake anyone in the house, his voice could be heard anywhere.
“It was ok. Finished up some work for school and I’m almost done with this little project.” I smile readying the next loop starting it like clockwork. “I’m glad you had a ok day. I miss you baby.” They were at rehearsal all day so I didn’t see him, I only saw him getting up so early then leaving out. “I miss you too baby.” I smiled and turned to him, soon sharing a sweet kiss. But that kiss turned to a hungry makeup session slowly, our fingers roaming, god I want more. He holds me close, moving my knitting he continues, the make out session goes for a hour, I wanted him bad.
“God I’m sorry baby I didn’t know I over did it.” I blink looking to see what he was talking about, my panties had a little wett spot on them. I blush hard and cover myself with a blanket embarrassed. “It’s ok baby um I’m actually a bit hungry.” I could feel him smile and get up. “I’ll fix you some food and we can watch tv ok?” Solo got up and went to the kitchen. Soon I’m receiving a text. Great, it’s from Dasha.
Dede: I know they home because I heard y’all come in did you ask him?
Me: No. And weren’t you sleep?
Dede: I was till the boys came in now I’m just sitting in bed playing animal crossing Looking at Roman sleep. But that’s besides the point, why didn’t you ask him?
Me: I’m not sure…
Dede: You vented to me for 3 hours today. About you feeling like solo was the right one to give that v card too and you didn’t ask him?
I sighed and threw my phone to the side as solo came back with some food. He gave my plate getting the blanket ready but sad enough I’m still horny. I wanted him bad. I bit my lip squeezing my legs together needing some relief.
“Oh baby I’m sorry. I need to get rid of something, I’ll be back.”
He only saids that when he needs a cold shower, this is my chance!
“Baby wait-“
He stopped from getting up, putting his plate on the table and mine I put on there as well. “Baby, um, maybe I can help with that?” He blinked looking lost. “Baby you wanna..?” He pointed at his shorts and I nodded. It’s been two years, and I never did anything sexual with solo. Im surprised I’m still with him. “Baby are you sure?” I nodded once more blushing and biting my lip. I’ve have dreams of it, just letting him fuck my throat. Grip my hair and just use my throat till he cums down it. He sighed nodding and he started to remove his pants.
“Baby, are you sure?”
I nod once more and he removed his boxers. I blinked and watched as he stroked his long thick dick in front of me. He was big. “Don’t worry take your time, he doesn’t bite.” He chuckled. I got closer and soon solos free hand went to my back rubbing it, comforting me. I sat up to get a good focus on it and started at the tip. Licking and sucking on it slow. Solo blushed shivering some feeling my warm mouth on his sensitive tip. His precum was landing on my tongue, but I continued to go down on the shaft. “F-fuck mamas…” he moaned a bit making me blush and not noticing my panties getting a wett spot again. His groans and moans are so hot. I could hear em all day if I wanted to I wanna hear more. I started to suck him off my mouth barley letting me get to the base of his dick, I felt his hand soon on the back of my head for me to go deeper. I did so gagging on his size and he soon helped me up to check on me. “Baby I’m sorry am I too much?” He asked. He wasn’t, he was just right, him checking on me to make sure I’m ok is making me more horny.
He was taken back by my beg. I thought I saw his dick jump from it. He led me back to his dick soon letting me deepthroat, I gag some again but I continue sucking him off. Going down to the base as tears fell as a reaction from my body, but he watched me. I think he likes seeing me like this. He sighed out and bit his lip pulling me up some letting me get some air. “Fuck that feels so good, you’re doing so good baby.” He..is he praising me?! It like my body got more relaxed and my mind is melting. I’ve never felt this way before. He led me back to his cock and held my head slightly. “Baby I’m gonna fuck your throat ok? So just tap if you need air ok?” He smiled and bit his lip, I nodded giving the go and he started throat fucking me moaning out, I drooled in his dick sneaking my hand on my panties rubbing my self teasing myself. He just fucking my throat feeling his dick down my narrow ass throat, fuck I loved it. Was this was it called being used? It felt amazing. “B-baby I’m gonna cum~” he announced and kept going, please keep doing baby, fill my throat up I wanted it for the longest. I rubbed myself more close to my orgasm and soon my face was planted in his pelvis.
The warm nutt down my throat. He groaned as more pumped in my mouth. I shivered as my panties were ruined. He pulled out slow and his dick leaked out cum from his tip, I coughed some and he was gonna help me but I regained myself quick and licked his tip not wasting any nutt. I swallowed and he blushed hard. We both sighed from our orgasms. Looking at each other. “I’m sorry baby if I did too much-“
“That was so good~”
I felt like my mind was re-educated. I looked up at him smiling as he was just taken at the fact of me sucking his dick for the first time. “Baby it’s just I know you like never wanted to really have any like sexual activity-“ “I enjoyed every moment of that solo, I’m very great full that you are patient with me, this was my choice and I made such a great choice to try something. I just need to change my underwear…” I showed him my drenched panties and he blushed more. “You came while you were sucking me off?” He asked in a low voice. I like that tone a lot. “Yes sir I did.” He looked like he wanted to fuck me hard after I answered him like that, I learned that from Dasha. Which means, my dear solo is a bit kinky. I smiled walking away and felt eyes on me the whole time.
Soon a text.
MyJoJo: Baby. I’m willing to wait. I’m willing to do this slow. Until the finale. I love you so much.
I texted him back smiling. I think imma take it slow too until it’s time. It’s gonna be time soon. I know he’s the one to take it but I have to be sure.
✨Thanks @jillnjones57-blog for the idea ✨
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phlurrii · 1 year
Speaking of shiny mews…
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So after squealing and screaming like a made woman, so much my poor cat rolled off my lap, I shoved this baby in a dive ball and OFFICIALLY CAUGHT THE ONLY CATCHABLE LEGITIMATE SHINY MEW. Still available… I remember seeing this event when I younger and watching how you could chase mew, almost playing with it before encountering it. Being both memorized and devastated I missed it and would never get to experience the epitome of mew events.
Playing through all the Pokémon games, I would always fall for every fake video, online rumour, or trade to get mew. I offered any Pokémon of value I had to trade for one and finally got a Japanese mew around age 10. I loved that lil cat to death, though I’ve since lost it to the void of time and foggy childhood memory; my next mew that was all mine were two lil babies I got in an XY mystery gift event. That was birth of Meau and Mew for me, the first I always called my “original” mew or “ancient” mew like the card, while the second I considered my cannon mew. I still have both babies to this day and have since brought them to home.
Despite such, I never forgot about the catchable mew in emerald, though conceded to move on to more modern day mews! From shelling out 50$ to get mew in that bloody pokeball in lets go, to my father letting me catch the mew in Pokémon Go (I didn’t care much for the game, but my chad of a father got into it solely to bond with me, Rest In Peace you lovable bastard) and finally my level 1 mew from BDSP. Which, due to my interest in breaking/glitching Nintendo games, has now given me infinite access to level 1 mew and up via the god egg in SWSH. I can now perpetually have a starter mew in any future games that mew is in, eheheheheh childhood dream accomplished >;3c
That, so far has been my journey.. though it didn’t quite end there. With my attention being brought to the pomeg glitch in emerald, reactivating the old sea map event, and hunting/catching myself a shiny lad… there is only ONE mew to left for me to get. The original Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green glitched mew. Now the issue with them is they are not transferable out of those games, unless you do another intensely complicated glitch up, right, down, left, left, clap your hands, and do a lil jiggy lol. So with shiny mew caught, I’m on my way to dragging the TRUE ancient mew out of the first games, naming the bugger Meau, and bringing them all the damn way up to Scarlet!! My army of mews will only then, be complete.
Finally, for those fellow weirdos that read this far, due to my now infinite amount of mews, both shiny and otherwise; if anyone would like a legit, albeit cloned, mew with a specific name, feel free to reply to this post and I’ll do my best to sort it out! Shiny one’s will have to wait tho cuz transferring those bad boys through 5 generations is a biTch.
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
Gavin Reed X F.Reader - Wicked game (Part 1)
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(Pictures are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google - Collage made by myself.)  
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹  
Summary: After a long time, Gavin Reed receives a message that evokes many memories in him. Memories that he would prefer to banish! He hates them, detests them! He almost succeeded in forgetting you, but then you try to enter his life again and he doesn't like that at all...
Warning: A little bit spicy, language
Gavin Reed X F.Reader - Wicked game (Part 1)
Gavin glanced at his watch and sighed with relief, knowing that in a few minutes he would finally be able to go home and enjoy a well-deserved rest. The numerous murder cases on his desk were piling up, and by now the detective was simply stressed out. Accordingly, his mood was not exactly the best. A week's vacation, out of Detroit? Yes, that would be just the right thing, but that was probably out of the question at the moment. Sighing, the young detective leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on his desk. He might as well spend the last few minutes relaxing. Picking up his phone, he searched through it for any new emails and messages. As usual, there was nothing interesting, except for one message that caught his attention. Suddenly, he threw the phone carelessly on his desk; he did not even want to open this message that had come to him a few days ago. Gavin was more of a loner; this was probably also due to the fact that he was not too popular among his colleagues, his arrogant nature also playing a big role In this. He was rude, sarcastic and a big asshole. "Fuck..." He yawned, and feeling the tiredness overtaking him, Gavin rose from his seat, grabbing his leather jacket. He walked toward the exit and thought about whether he should really go straight home? Perhaps he should let the evening fade away in a different way? Maybe he would find a nice companion or two with whom he would spend the night? Gavin actually played with this thought, but by the time  he had gotten into his car and started the motor, this idea had vanished. For something constantly prevented him from getting involved with a woman, even if it was only for one night. Gavin growled in annoyance as she crept back into his mind. He had to concentrate on something else. ''Some music should work...'' he muttered softly to himself and turned on the radio. At first, Gavin could actually relax, but as quickly as he had pushed it out of his mind, it returned again and that was just because of that damn song which was playing right now. It was an old song, but this very song reminded him of his common past with this woman. ''Fuck...'' Why couldn't he just forget about her? Why wouldn't she leave him alone! Gavin looked at the piece of jewelry, on his left ring finger, and again let a discontented growl slide across his lips. The truth was, he didn't want any other woman. All he wanted was Y/N. Since she had left him, there had been a huge void in his life and no woman had ever managed to fill that void. There had been enough one night stands, but what good did that do him in retrospect? And had he never desired any of those women the way he had desired Y/N....  he still craved her like a madman. The young detective didn't even notice as he pushed the gas pedal harder and harder, driving well over the speed limit through the streets of Detroit. Gavin thought about his shared past with Y/N. They had dreams, had gotten along well, loved each other, and were going to get married! Damn and how he had loved her! And he still loved her. Deep inside, he knew that. He kept trying to tell himself that he hated her for just leaving him;that she had just left without trying to talk to him, without any explanation on her part, but he couldn't... as much as he tried, he failed again and again. After all, he couldn't even manage to get rid of that damn ring on his finger! He should hate her, for God's sake! She had ripped his heart out of his chest and thrown it to the ground. Stomping on it, she had left him behind. Why had she done that? What had he done wrong? Was it up to him? Had he made mistakes without realizing it? Of course, there had been disagreements from time to time, but never had they parted in a loud and dramatic argument with door slamming or the like. To this day, Gavin didn't know if Y/N had betrayed him with another man. Finally arrived at home, he threw the house keys into the small bowl, which stood on the side table in the hallway. The first thing he did before getting rid of his jacket and shoes was to get himself an ice-cold beer. That was exactly what he needed. Gavin's interior was rather plain, but there were rare collectibles in many corners. Among them were golden records of Elvis and some merchandise of movies. He just liked the old classics. Gavin leaned against the kitchen counter as he sipped his iced beer. Y/N was spooking through his mind again... ''Fuck!" That had only caused something to stir in his pants and now he slammed his beer down on the counter in a rather foul mood and ran to the bathroom. So much time had passed and yet this woman still managed to make his head turn crazy. Gavin stripped off his clothes, tossed them carelessly into a corner, and stepped into the shower. First, he ran cold water, gasping a little in shock as the cold water wetted his heated skin, but it was just what he needed. Staring at the blue tiles in front of him, Gavin sighed softly and leaned his arms against them. He couldn't help but think about her. Day and night,it had never been any different. He could still remember how it had been in the beginning of their relationship. Gavin hadn't been able to keep his hands off her...
Three years ago....
It was a hot summer night. Gavin and Y/N had arranged to meet at her place for dinner. She was standing in the kitchen, while Gavin had taken a seat at the dining room, watching her from there and smirking… or rather, he admired her. His gaze slid over her entire body. She was beautiful and desirable. Her tight skirt, emphasized her wonderful butt and her legs were more than seductive. At the sight of her, the young man became quite hot. How long would he have to wait for her? Gavin rose from his seat and walked towards the young woman, with an mischievous smile. Y/N didn't notice him until she felt his strong arms wrapped around her hips. ''Mhm, smells more than seductive...'' Gavin purred into her ear, which made Y/N shiver pleasantly. She really didn't expect this gesture. ''Gavin?'' ''I didn't scare you, did I?" he asked, smirking seductively. But from the looks of it, and he could literally feel it, her heart seemed to be beating wildly against her chest. But also his was beating faster. This woman was the purest temptation. Y/N closed her eyes as he pushed her long hair aside, to caress her delicate neck. Y/N's skin was incredibly soft and Gavin snuggled even closer to her, causing the young woman to support herself against the counter. Gavin took in her delicate, feminine scent and it clouded his senses. ''Ahh... Y/N...'' He gasped hoarsely in her ear, nuzzling his hips against her firm ass, and that made the young woman moan. ''Gavin...'' She seemed caught off guard and made it seem like she didn't know how to handle this situation. But Gavin knew from the way he had met her, she really didn't know. She was so innocent and that made her so damn desirable and that didn't stop Gavin even more from continuing to tease her. ''You're so beautiful... so sexy...'' He gently bit her earlobe and purred like a cat against her ear and Y/N, was completely addicted to him and she couldn't help it. The young woman did not know how to deal with this situation. She felt a bit overwhelmed, since this was the first time that a man was so close to her. Well, Gavin had flirted with her and kissed her time and time again. But this was the first time he had been this close to her. ''You're making me crazy, sweetheart,'' he whispered to her, gently biting her neck, then gently running his tongue over the spot. His left hand found its way to her thigh and he pushed the fabric of her skirt up her skin. ''Gavin!"
The young man gently turned her to face him, lifting her chin as he saw her shy gaze resting on the floor. Looking downwards to where she was looking, he saw her chest rise and fall in a quick beat; her breasts stretching the white fabric of her blouse. Gavin almost choked at the sight. He then looked into her beautiful eyes, which looked at him insecurely, yet full of desire. Gavin caressed her delicate cheeks, which seemed to glow in shame. ''Are you afraid, Y/N?" He asked because if she was unsure, or afraid of this big step, he would not force her to do anything. The worry was clearly written on his face but Y/N smiled at him, as she placed her delicate hands on his strong chest. ''No... I'm just... inexperienced, Gavin,'' she admitted softly, even though it made her a little uncomfortable. After all, she was twenty-five and still a virgin. Gavin, however, just grinned. Yes, he had thought so but that was not a big deal for the detective. ''Don't worry...'' Gavin whispered, lifting her arm to rest it on his shoulder. Then he pressed her hips firmly against his; Y/N could certainly already feel his hard manhood nestling against her. ''I'll be gentle.'' But suddenly, he saw tears shimmering in her eyes. What Gavin didn't know was that she was just happy at the moment and he completely misread her reaction. Was she uncomfortable? Was he pressuring her? That had not been his intention. Gavin gently put his hands to her cheeks. ''Shhh, hey... Look at me.'' Y/N looked at him and blinked away her tears. Gavin looked at her with genuine concern. ''I didn't mean to push you.'' Y/N smiled at him and that relieved the young man immensely. Now he also smiled and gently kissed her tender lips. ''You didn't, Gavin. I like it...your little games. I enjoy it.'' Her voicesuddenly gave off an erotic undertone and when Gavin heard this, he gave her a seductive smile. She had no idea what he was able to do with her. He leaned down, kissed the tears from her cheeks, following the wet trail to her throat. He heard her gasp in pleasure as he kissed her passionately, and at the same time, he opened her white blouse, slowly pulling it over her arms. In doing so, Gavin went very slowly and gently to increase the young woman's pleasure. It hadn't taken two minutes for them both to make their way into her bedroom. Before Y/N knew it, she was lying on her soft sheets with Gavin bent over her. She saw the fire in his eyes that blazed for her. It was an untamed fire and he wanted her to feed his desire. Gavin reached with both hands into her hair, holding onto it gently. At the same time, he slid his tongue over her soft lips until Y/N opened them, returning his kiss. They both gasped in pleasure and Y/N opened her eyes, pausing in what she was doing and that didn't escape Gavin's attention. He opened his eyes, looking at her face. She still seemed unsure. ''Do you want me to stop? But the young woman shook her head. ''No, Gavin. I want to feel you. Deep inside me...''
Present day
Gavin turned off the water and sighed heavily, running his hands through his dark brown hair and brushing back the wet strands. He sighed softly as he ran his hand over his face, preferring to do nothing but make himself comfortable on the sofa, watching a good movie on TV. Maybe that would finally bring him his peace. Gavin stepped out of the shower, grabbing a clean towel and used it to dry off his well-toned body before heading to his bedroom and throwing on a black shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. Gavin let his gaze slide over his bedroom and it was time to put it in order. He hated disorder. Yes, he really hated it, but due to his work he often didn't get a chance to tidy and clean everything the way he would like. But for nothing in the world would he bring an android home to do the housework for him. He would rather die into his own garbage. While the young detective was bringing his bedroom up to standard, the doorbell rang about twenty minutes later. Sighing heavily, he rolled his eyes. ''Everyone is really getting on my nerves today,'' he grumbled to himself in a bad mood. Whoever that was, he would send them away. With quick steps Gavin made his way to the door and he could hardly wait to see the stupid face of the person, when he would tell him to get the fuck out of here. He literally tore open the door. ''The fuck is wrong...'' He immediately fell silent when he saw who was standing at his door. His eyes just stared at the person and Gavin didn't even manage to get a word past his lips. ''Hey, Gavin...'' Y/N was standing in front of him, and God knows Gavin hadn't expected that. But Gavin managed to find his voice again and he leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms in each other. ''What a surprise. What are you doing here?'' His eyes looked at her icily, while Y/N's eyes were lined with regret. It had not been easy for her to take this step and drive here; back to Detroit and back to Gavin to deliver him an explanation for her disappearance. ''May... may I come in?'' ''No'', Gavin replied coldly. He was so angry with her and actually didn't feel like listening to her either. What else did she want from him? Had she been gripped by a guilty conscience and had come here to soothe it? As if it were that simple! ''Gavin, I want to talk to you. Please...'' ''Oh, you want to talk?" Gavin pushed himself off the door frame and walked towards the young woman. He was quite a bit taller than her and as he stood in front of her, he looked down at her. As Gavin looked into her eyes, he saw that she deeply regretted something, but that would not soften him. Her sweet doe eyes would not bring him to his knees. He wasn't an idiot. She had used him once before, and he wouldn't let herself be used a second time. ''After all these fucking years, you come driving up here, thinking you need to talk to me? What do you want to talk to me about, Y/N? Huh?! Wasn't it enough of an answer for you that I ignored your mails? Are you that slow on the uptake?!' His tone was sharp and Y/N had to swallow. She knew Gavin would react that way. He was still the hothead she had come to know. ''Gavin, I-I'm sorry...'' The detective kept his distance from her and now his anger was unstoppable. He was simply stunned by her impudence! She just come here, thinking she would fix anything? With an apology? ''So, you think you can just come here? Apologize and then expect me to forgive you? After all these years, by just leaving me alone? I didn't even know where you were or who you ran off with!'' ''I didn't run off with anyone, Gavin!'' ''Stop lying!" he snapped at her loudly, causing the young woman to flinch. ''And get off my fucking property! Do you understand? I never want to see you again, Y/N!''
"That's the problem, Gavin! You don't listen to anyone, you don't give anyone a chance to justify themselves!'' she replied a little louder now. ''I know I fucked up, okay? But I'm here to talk about it! I don't want to talk my way out of it, but I want to tell you that I made a big mistake and that you detest me for it, I can understand! But please, listen to me! Even if it's only five minutes! Please!" Gavin, however, just shook his head and went back into his house. He slammed the door loudly behind him and just left the young woman standing outside. He didn't want to hear anything! She should get out of his life! She had already done that once. Gavin was growling deep and swallowing hard, his heart hammering wildly against his chest. Suddenly, he swept the bowl off the table that stood in the hallway and cursed loudly. ''FUCK! Why had she come back into his life? No! He wouldn't listen to her! He would only regret it! ''GO TO HELL, Y/N!" he shouted loudly to her and these words hit the young woman very hard. But could she also completely understand his anger. She had just left, broken up with him via text message and he had every reason to hate her. But Y/N owed him an explanation and she hadn't driven all the way out here to leave now. And she wouldn't. She wouldn't wait until Gavin would be ready to listened to her. She didn't expect him to forgive her, because he certainly wouldn't. Y/N knew Gavin very well, and she knew that it was not in his nature to forgive another person for his mistakes. That was just the way he was.
Gavin saw her standing in his front yard from the living room and he could only scoff at that. ''Is she fucking serious?!''
She wasn't going to soften him up with that. For him, she could to stand out there all night freezing her pretty ass off! The young detective took a sip of his beer, and tried convulsively to keep his eyes on the TV. But his eyes kept wandering to Y/N, who was standing there quietly. Heavily annoyed, the detective rolled his eyes. Finally, not wanting to be able to see her anymore, he turned off the television and left the living room. She's acting like a crazy person! She couldn't be that serious! Y/N had had her chance and she had thrown it away. What had he done wrong? Hadn't he always been there for her? All right, he had put a lot of effort into his career to get to where he was now. But if he was honest, he had never blamed himself. He had only ever been angry with her. It suddenly started thundering and it let out such a loud thud that even Gavin winced. ''Oh, shit...'' The water literally shot down from the sky. The young detective looked out the kitchen window and saw the rain pouring down. ''Well, sorry, sweetheart! I guess you should have stayed home!'' He grinned in amusement, imagining how wet she must be now,but she had probably already gotten into her car and driven away. Thinking how she must have run to her car, he laughed in amusement. ''Serves her right. I would still have let the lightning strike!'' But as he walked back into the living room, his laughter faded. Y/N had not moved from the spot. Gavin sighed heavily, and somehow, in retrospect, he felt sorry for having made fun of her just a few minutes ago. He bit his lower lip and looked down at the floor. He wasn't really getting soft now, was he? ''Fuck..." Gavin walked to the front door and opened it. He just couldn't bring himself to leave her out in the rain. Y/N turned to him when she heard the door open and she cautiously rose from her spot. ''Come on in, Y/N...''
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fumikomiyasaki · 6 months
❤️ for anyone- >:3
I adore you
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"What I love about Onyx... oh my I could probably talk hours about this but let me give you the shortened version. I adore this mystery aura keeping me wanting to figure out more about her, those pretty piercing eyes who give me a shiver each time they strike me, the beauty of those thighs being hugged by stockings and nice dresses... that she is honest with her dismay towards me, that even covered in blood she looks more stunning than anything... her dedication to her writing and crafts.... that blush when a compliment of mine hits her... even the pain she gaves me is far more comforting than the pain I already been through... she truely is a precious gem among them all to me... one I want to keep close and claim as mine each day I can... even if it has to be with some marks she might want to hide. I am just teasing.~ Or maybe not."
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"About Keisuke? I do love the time we spend together a lot. Playing games, making theories, cuddling while watching something, going to cafes for some tea and snacks... He is also just adorable when I get him flustered I can't help but to feel so happy about it and just want to hug him more. This messy hair of his is sweet to ruffle as well or to share a book in the library and place a kiss on his cheek. Even if it can be tiring with both our bothers but.. I take that risk... he kinda always understands what is on my mind and knows what to do when I need it... and I was impressed that even when I get annoyed by Barry or Yasuno he managed to stand up to them... If he reads his poems to me his voice calms me cause its so soothing to me... what I wanna say is I think there is just a lot why I hold him dear and cherish him.... but I often hope I don't bother him too much with things... I want to leave him his space but the urge to just be close and affectionate and slightly teasing to him is too high... I just can't help it. <3 "
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"I would say... even if I call him my Angel I really think I can't say anything without being judged or look at wrong here so... how do I say this... He is beautifull.... attractive... but also quite a mess to deal with... I regret telling him a lot of my preferences.... as well as some of my... odder sites... first I had a blond who didn't accept what he is and now I am with a blonde who is the one exposing me... um we did talk what I love about him... Despite being an annoyance he does actually give me what I need and for the money I hand him he does make me feel good enough so I guess... I love him cause he is one of the few who is there despite my oddities."
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"I am already a hot mess just thinking about the boss... this strict tone he has with me... with that firm grip of his hands... this nice body I see move during practise... this buttery voice getting angry with me.... he has talent, looks and strength, what else can I want more?... on Serious note I also admire him as a person as well... he knows how to handle the performances more than anyone But I still can't get help being distracted by his- *he was dragged away by April* "
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"Dawn... she makes me feel more comfortable in this untrusting world... being close to her feels like a short nice dream I don't want to end. She is as pretty as the morning sun... Eyes to get lost in and holding her close feel feels like you embrace a cloud yourself. I want to keep anything that would hurt her away just to see that smile each day... I enjoy just having a quiet time where we lean against another or she makes her treats while I finish my work... she is also so precious sleeping in my arms... I do feel the stars brought me to her and I won't let her go no matter what."
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"W-why do you bring him up? Geez... well he is handsome in a way... he is reliable... does at least have good manners and doesn't cause me a headache like some others.... b-but its not like I like him that much.... or do I?... I just don't know myself... sometimes when I talk to him I feel my heart pumping... I feel despite the flames he throws drawn to him... and its admirable to still have a family you care about cause.... I can't say the same... I guess you could say I like him because he makes me have hope more in people I meet and that some are comfortable to be around but... I hate to admit I dreamed about him at times... I will stop talking and don't you dare tell anyone about this."
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*blushing* "I feel like I am under a spell each time I talk to her... like she enters my mind against my will and twists it to her ways... how come a lowley servant like me be this close to demon royalty I won't ask myself anymore cause it just happened but... I just feel her tapping my shoulder and my brain flipped a switch that makes me a fool for her I admit it. How come her kisses make me long for more.. it made me even think giving up on my current positions but... Kimon is important to me as well... I do love Cattleya to the point it drives me mad given how her voice and actions draw me in but this at this point makes me question myself with how bad it is..."
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thelightsandtheroses · 8 months
Weekly Wrap Up #1
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What's that? We're moving from monthly to weekly wrap-ups/rec lists?
This Week’s Fic Recs
These are just a few of the fics I’ve enjoyed this week. As always. please be mindful of any content warnings and I believe all fics/ blogs are 18+
Javier Peña Señorita - chapter 7 @lavendertales I finally caught up on this fic and damn, it was worth the wait! Let Me Love You - @thetriumphantpanda A very hot Javi one shot come away with me and we'll kiss - @undercoverpena I will read anything jo writes for the late night texts universe.
Joel Miller Observations - @ezrasbirdie I loved this fic and the sweet flirting between the reader and Joel.
Ezra (Prospect) Compulsion - chapter 8 - @iamskyereads Skye has created the most vivid and brilliant world and OFC in this fic. I adore her writing so much.
My Writing This Week
I don't know what happened to me this week, but I managed to post three different things (if we count last Saturday, which for today we will). I won't lie, I feel super proud of this achievement:
Joel Miller Your Hand In Mine [series] Drabble - you're face to face with the man who sold the world Chapter Two - there goes the fear again
Frankie Morales After Rain [drabble]
What I've Been Up To This Week
The past couple of months have not been easy and work has been super busy recently, however I still had some good experiences this week. Over the weekend, I visited a new-to-me local Indian restaurant (really lovely food), and I also treated myself to a new book.
What I've Read:
The Good Daughter - Laure Van Rensburg
Reckless - Elsie Silver
What I've Listened to, Watched or Played:
All of the Noah Kahan - Stick Season is the album I play on repeat going to work these days
I started listening to Laugh Track by the National on a work friend's recommendation as I do like the National anyway.
I have been listening to Dream Girl Evil by FLorence and the Machine on repeat since it was used in The Other Black Girl TV adaption.
I've been playing Spiderman: Miles Morales - I cannot help but love this game so far. It's really good fun
I started another TLOU rewatch because it feels autumnal to me and it will help with fic research. That's my excuse anyway 😂
I also watched Wilderness on prime, which had some definite potential and great songs in the soundtrack but didn't really work for me overall.
How was your week?
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josmoodboard · 2 years
🌙✨ my favorite lyrics from midnights ✨🌙
❝ All they keep asking me is if I'm gonna be your bride. The only kinda girl they see is a one-night or a wife. ❞ — Lavender Haze.
❝ The lips I used to call home. ❞ — Maroon.
❝ I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser. ❞ — Anti-Hero.
❝ I should not be left to my own devices. They come with prices and vices, I end up in crisis (Tale as old as time). ❞ — Anti-Hero.
❝ I wake up screaming from dreaming one day I'll watch as you're leaving and life will lose all its meaning for the last time. ❞ — Anti-Hero.
❝ You wanting me tonight, feels impossible, but it's comin' down, no sound, it's all around, like snow on the beach. ❞ — Snow on the Beach.
❝ I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this. I hosted parties and starved my body, like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss. ❞ — You're on your own, kid.
❝ Everything you lose is a step you take. ❞ — You're on your own, kid.
❝ You're on your own, kid. Yeah, you can face this You're on your own, kid. You always have been. ❞ — You're on your own, kid.
❝ He was sunshine. I was midnight rain. ❞ — Midnight Rain.
❝ I don't remember who I was before you painted all my nights a color I have searched for since. ❞ — Question...?
❝ Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man. ❞ — Vigilante Shit.
❝ I don't dress for women. I don't dress for men. Lately I've been dressing for revenge. ❞ — Vigilante Shit.
❝ Putting someone first only works when you're in their top five. ❞ — Bejeweled.
❝ Don't put me in the basement when I want the penthouse of your heart. ❞ — Bejeweled.
❝ You would break your back to make me break a smile. ❞ — Labyrinth.
❝ You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back just like that. ❞ — Labyrinth.
❝ Karma's a relaxing thought. Aren't you envious that for you it's not? ❞ — Karma.
❝ Ask me what I learned from all those years. Ask me what I earned from all those tears. Ask me why so many fade but I'm still here ❞ — Karma.
❝ To you I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it ❞ — Sweet Nothing.
❝ You see all the wisest women had to do it this way 'cause we were born to be the pawn in every lover's game. ❞ — Mastermind
❝ No one wanted to play with me as a little kid so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since to make them love me and make it seem effortless. ❞ — Mastermind
❝ So I told you none of it was accidental and the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me. I laid the groundwork and then saw a wide smirk on your face, you knew the entire time. You knew that I'm a mastermind. ❞ — Mastermind
❝ My hand was the one you reached for all throughout the Great War ❞ — The Great War.
❝ And maybe it's the past that's talking screaming from the crypt telling me to punish you for things you never did. ❞ — The Great War.
❝ Did some force take you because I didn't pray? Every single thing to come has turned into ashes. ❞ — Bigger Than The Whole Sky.
❝ Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours. ❞ — Paris
❝ I want to brainwash you into loving me forever. ❞ — Paris
❝ You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love. The slowest way is never loving them enough. ❞ — High Infidelity
❝ I think there's been a glitch. Five seconds later I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch. ❞ — Glitch
❝ And if I was a child, did it matter if you got to wash your hands? ❞ — Would've, Could've, Should've.
❝ And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts. Memories feel like weapons and now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering ❞ — Would've, Could've, Should've.
❝ I miss who I used to be. The tomb won't close. ❞ — Would've, Could've, Should've.
❝ I can't let this go. I fight with you in my sleep. The wound won't close. ❞ — Would've, Could've, Should've.
❝ Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first. ❞ — Would've, Could've, Should've.
❝ Burn all the files, desert all your past lives and if you don't recognize yourself that means you did it right. ❞ — Dear Reader.
❝ Never take advice from someone who's falling apart. ❞ — Dear Reader.
❝ Dear reader, bend when you can, snap when you have to. Dear reader, you don't have to answer just 'cause they asked you. ❞ — Dear Reader.
❝ You should find another guiding light, but I shine so bright. ❞ — Dear Reader.
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alma-amentet · 1 year
I’ve been tagged by @katastronoot @sheirukitriesfandom and @dirty-bosmer (thank you all! 💖) 
This was sitting in my drafts for a while, just forgot to post...
Not tagging anyone ‘cause idk who hasn’t done it yes... Feel free to take if you feel like!
1. are you named after anyone?
Grandma originally named me after her little sister who died in early childhood. She was babysitting and blamed herself for that accident.
But that was too dull, widespread, and didn’t felt mine, so my nomatophobia started progressing. Finally I renamed myself after Fairytopia Barbie. Best friend started calling me Elina in 2008, when I was pretty much into Barbie movies fandom. It stuck, I started telling everyone it was my actual name, even at work. Then finally changed it legally and never regretted. 
Barbie movies is everything, yeah.
2. when was the last time you cried?
One weekend ago.
3. do you have kids?
Nope, and it’s most probable I won’t. Already in my 30s, didn’t start wanting/regretting yet. I like kids, kids are like flowers, but let them bloom in someone else’s garden. 
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not really. Being neurodivergent, I have troubles with a sense of humour in general. Many things feel more offensive than funny to me, and if I try it myself, it might be rather insulting than funny... So only with closer friends, I guess.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
Drinking games, lol.
Not a fan of sports and competitions. I prefer fitness\wellness, where you don’t have to compete or show off. Never liked team games as well. As a kid, I enjoyed tennis or badminton a bit, but again, just for fun.
I do yoga a bit, would like to excercise more though.
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
Style, clothing, hair, accessories. Whether they have some fandom\music\etc merch on. This way I might identify them as the ones like me, the ones worth talking to - at first sight.
I can be generally cautious, even hostile, about people, esp males and elders. And in general, I prefer meeting people online or in some safe spaces / meetups where everyone shares some interests/hobbies/fandoms. It’s easier for me.  
7. eye color?
blue gray. and I do wear color lenses - need them to see things anyway, so why not have fun with colors? Last year I had red ones and wore them casually.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy and clever endings that give you food for thought and make you feel feelings - I’ve been a long time Pixar fan, you know.
There was time I’ve been into mystic horrors, some years ago, but now I’m old and tired even for them. LIfe is a dystopia by itself, I need more kind stuff.
(don’t watch movies much these days, I prefer games).
9. any special talents?
Some say I am outstanding and bold,and that I have great creative potential, and that I inspire some people just by being myself... IDK.
10. where were you born?
a city in the mountains
11. what are your hobbies?
I’m a a self-taught seamstress, I’ve been sewing most of my life (because I always loved creating things myself & from my very childhood wanted some unusual clothes that couldn’t be purchased in regular stores). At times, I took comissions, then were 5 years of cosplaying.
I’m into corsetry (waist-training and making corsets myself).
And drawing, of course.
12. do you have any pets?
Nope. Used to have an aquarium in the past.
13. how tall are you?
5’7″ (170 cm) 
14. fave subject in school?
Biology (just in elem and mid, then it became too complex), english. 
I was also one of the best in literature, but I didn’t like it at all. Just figured out how to get exc grades and did it for the sake of being praised. 
15. dream job?
Illustrator, artist.  
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15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @andromedaexists! It's cool your names have connections to family and saints, and that you've tried so many things/sports. Your cats sound adorable (though this goes without saying for cats perhaps).
As for myself:
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes! My mom wanted to give me a "hippie" name like Freedom or Windsong or something, but my dad would have none of it. In one of their rare instances of compromise, they settled on naming me after a folk/pop singer who was big in the 70s. If I decide to change it at some point, I'll probably choose something very similar in spelling/sound.
2. When was the last time you cried? Like two days ago while thinking about a scene where a character experiences Gender Thoughts (positive). And the day before that while listening to talks on medieval history about humans being humans. Then last weekend, while watching Puss In Boots with my partner. Look, it's not outright sobbing and tears, but I do mist up a lot, okay? For someone who had to numb their emotions to survive much of their childhood and teen years, I appreciate this actually. That despite whatever pain I've experienced it couldn't stop me from recognizing and overflowing at the pleasure and beauty all around me.
3. Do you have kids? No, and no plans to. I'm content with my affection for the children of others in my life.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I think so? I definitely used to, though I think I've cut back on it significantly.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? The way they speak and how they communicate in general. Accents, idioms, whether they're confident (and if that confidence is bravado or well-founded), is their choice of words vibe-based or definition-based, etc. I'll recognize someone's voice before their face tbh. 😅
6. What’s your eye color? Brown. I get compliments on them.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Both? Depends on my mood. I always love a "hard-earned happy ending", though. Those Situations really did a number on my blorbos, but they kept on keeping on. That sort of thing.
8. Any special talents? Defying expectations, I guess? I often apply for jobs/sign up for experiences where the people in charge just go, Um, are you sure you're supposed to be here? And I'm like, Sure, why not, let's go. Then I do pretty well at whatever it is and they're impressed, mostly because they thought I couldn't/wouldn't stick around. People also seem to generally like my baking.
9. Where were you born? Northern California, USA.
10. What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, little art projects, video games, gardening, baking, thinking too much, harassing various invertebrates, sea creatures, and neighborhood animals with my affection/fascination
11. Have you any pets? A cat named Mimi! She was a stray I agreed to adopt from a friend on Discord while drunk. This remains my best decision made while under the influence.
12. What sports do you play/have played? I did martial arts for the last seven years, including fighting in like 4 tournaments. I put it aside since college takes a lot of my energy now. Also, training is expensive, and the culture around it sucks pretty often. I'd like to get back into it one day, just with people who value it for reasons similar to mine.
13. How tall are you? 5' 8". I'm too American to be measured in cm (joke joke this is a joke the metric system and I are buds).
14. Favorite subject in school? Before college, lit/reading. As an adult, I really enjoy history and anthropology related stuff too.
15. Dream job? Making a living off my silly little gay vampire stories. But I'd settle for translating fiction between Spanish and English.
Copy/Paste for mobile users: 1. Are you named after anyone? 2. When was the last time you cried? 3. Do you have kids? 4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? 6. What’s your eye color? 7. Scary movies or happy endings? 8. Any special talents? 9. Where were you born? 10. What are your hobbies? 11. Have you any pets? 12. What sports do you play/have played? 12. What sports do you play/have played? 13. How tall are you? 14. Favorite subject in school? 15. Dream job?
No pressure tags (and no pressure to answer any questions you don't want to ofc) @vacantgodling @korblez @space-cadead @afoolandathief @cljordan-imperium @late-to-the-fandom @thecyrulik @blind-the-winds @muddshadow @theskeletonprior @rosieartsie @letsmakeitwrite @k--havok @likegemstone @thatndginger
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