#it makes sense to me that he wouldn't see a reason left to live. plus it gives him clearer parallels to adrian which i really like
relicsongmel · 1 month
Here's a question for the Ace Attorney fandom about something I've seen a lot of varying takes on and I'm curious to see what people think.
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
Hi!! I would like to request Kaz x f!reader
I’m so sorry that this is so long and if this isn’t making any sense I can’t explain things for the life of me😭 If you do write this, thank you so much, ily :)
Anyway picture this, a reader who is quite sneaky decides that it would be very funny if she snuck a little note with something like „I live for the way you smile so brightly” into Kaz’s coat when he’s not looking. She manages and when Kaz doesn’t bring it up at all, she sneaks another note in. This continues bcs the reader just thinks Kaz is ignoring it and automatically throwing out the notes without reading them or smth. Over the time the notes get a little bit more brave like „you looked very pretty today, Brekker” and become genuine copmliments. Now i have two ideas how could the ending go. Kaz just casually mentions in a conversations with reader the sweet notes which reader is completely shocked by Or reader finds themselfs curiosly looking around Kaz’s office and stumbles upon a little box on his table. Thinking it’s gonna be some kind of jewelry she opens it and sees ALL the notes she snuck into his coat. But uhoh Kaz steps into the office and his eyes widen when he sees reader standing over the box. Reader gets flustered trying to explain what the fuck was she even doing there but is greeted by Kaz’s silence. He’s embarrased about her now knowing that he has been keeping the little notes since the very beginning ijsksjdks istg I’m going insane
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Summary: The one where Y/N thinks she's being sneaky. Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader Warnings: None I think!! Word Count: 2.3K Requested: Yes
A/N: YES YES YES YES I LOVE THIS!!!! I wanted to use the one where he mentions it casually in a conversation but it all led to reader finding out by accident. Tysm nonnie, enjoy, I'm sorry about the huge delay. Tough couple of months, hope u understand and that I did justice to this beautiful prompt, ily2 <3
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It all started as some stupid game. One only Y/N knew about. Everything about it was very silly, the sneaking around, coming up with what the note would say and when to put it inside his coat's pocket. The first time, the girl snuck the neatly folded paper when he excused himself to go to the restroom and left his jacket behind. Easy.
It read 'Your smile lights up the room, Brekker'. Cheesy, untrue and quite simple. She'd bet all her kruge on it, though. That bastard had a wickedly expressive smirk, so his full smile must be as sentimental as his smirk, right? Maybe her note would make him giggle in the confines of his office, maybe Kaz would burn the paper or toss it in the trashcan he so neatly kept under his desk. Truth is, Y/N didn't have an explanation or reason as to why she started all this nonsense.
The prospect of making Kaz angry or laugh even when she wouldn't witness it was probably it. The girl happened to be a sucker for the adrenaline rush of delivering her teasingly sweet notes, too. She got bolder and more creative, even getting the chance to sneak one during a job where she and Kaz had to pair up.
None of the crows knew except for Jesper, and surprisingly, he didn't tease her about it. When he caught her tucking a little pink piece of paper into the inner pocket of his boss' coat, he scoffed with a little smile and downed his whiskey glass.
"What on earth does it say and... why?" Jes smirked as Y/N returned to her seat next to him. "Not relevant, my friend. Don't snitch," "I could never, love." He laughed at his friend's eccentricities and let it slide. Another little secret shared between them wouldn't hurt nobody. Plus, her favorite sharpshooter had plenty to say when he was there to see Kaz discover the notes.
"I'm telling you, he smiled!" "Jesper, I don't care if he did," the girl giggled. She did. She cared a lot. "Kaz Brekker doesn't smile" "He did that weird upside down frown, not quite a smile, but he wasn't exactly displeased." Y/N had to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks by turning around, downing her glass of scotch. Had she really made Kaz smile? Or, somewhat, change that angry expression he seemed to keep, like it was carved carefully and perpetually on the sharp features of his face? There has to be an award to that, she thinks.
That note she remembered; there was a playful banter happening like many times before at the slat between the crows. They were all sitting down at one of the tables after a long day of kicking out pigeons upset because they lost all their money, drinks and giggles shared in a tired, dazed stupor.
"There is no way we could've made it without him. I mean, imagine me trying to carry Nina's dead-weight down two flights of stairs and out of that house." Y/N laughed as they recalled how useful Matthias turned out to be. "He's my favorite" Nina smiled, kissing the Fjerdan's cheek as he smiled proudly with a light red tint on his face (could be from the alcohol but they all knew his girlfriend made him nervous).
"And Inej, dear, I know I'm yours" the grisha teased her friend, pulling her close as the Suli girl smiled, not confirming or denying the allegations. Then Wylan, a bit tipsy and, for some reason defensive, hugged his boyfriend and declared: "Well, Jesper's my favorite," downing his glass. Jesper pulled it aside, pecking his head lovingly. "Inej's mine".
Wylan perked up from his place in Jes' arms with his mouth agape, making everyone break in laughter as the couple argued, their demo-man leaving the table with his boyfriend chasing after him trying not to laugh "Wait, dear I-I'm joking!" "No you were not! Take the couch". After they all calmed down, Matthias finally spoke. "Demjin, tell us, who's your favorite?".
Theatrical silence fell over the group. Kaz's heart sped up a little and Nina could tell, but said nothing. Then, as he scanned the group with a light smirk and his eyes lingered on Y/N for a minute longer, it sped up even more to then recede. "Oh, I know," the heartrender laughed, grabbing her glass to pour more alcohol on it. "You don't, Nina. I don't have favorites. You're all pretty solid assets," he said, voice deep and Y/N wondered how it would sound whispered in her ear.
"That's the closest we're getting to an 'I love you', guys. Hate to break it to you" Inej joked as everyone agreed. After a few more minutes, too tired to keep going, they all went to bed. Kaz woke up the next day to a note on his doorstep that said 'you're my favorite'. It was a bit different from the others he kept in his office. The letter was cursive, written in a rush on a slightly yellow piece of paper. Black ink.
"You plan on ever telling her?" A voice came from his side. Jesper stood, still in his white sleep shirt and trousers. "No one makes you smile. You should tell her, you know, at least." He was greeted by his boss's silence and the sound of his door closing.
Now, of course he knew. In fact, he figured it out after the fourth note or so, but Y/N didn't need to know that. Selfishly, he had been keeping that weird aching in his chest the girl brought all to himself for almost a year and it was getting tiring. Until he figured it out. He just hoped, to anyone who was willing to listen, that the notes weren't some joke for her.
He hoped that all those nights they spent enjoying the silence, the conversations where he'd let the wounded boy talk instead of the bastard of the barrel and she would listen attentively, almost lovingly, meant something to her. And that the notes were her way of saying 'I'm here and I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon'.
Y/N knew the game she came up with ended up being a breath of fresh air for all the compressed feelings she had for the boy. She had no problem with it. In the end, she was telling him every single thought that crossed her mind when those icy blue eyes turned into warmth when they were alone and he let his guard down. The things she knew she'd never say to Kaz's face.
Or so she thought.
It was a big coincidence, like a butterfly effect. Y/N came back from one of her many investigations (a trip to the Geldstraat to gather some information) and was walking up the stairs to Kaz's office to tell him what he found out. "Turns out you were right, he has two kids" she began, entering to an empty room. She should've left, see if he was in his room or downstairs watching the tables. Yet she didn't leave. Instead, with a heavy sigh, she sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.
It gave off more of the energy from a studio rather than an office. He seemed to appreciate neatness, from the bookshelves with books arranged alphabetically to the candles placed in the appropriate places so the room could be lit perfectly at night. So, of course, she was going to notice the rectangular red box sitting messily on top of a stack of papers right in front of her.
Again, would've, could've, should've stayed in the chair. She got up and peeked. A shock ran through her body, suddenly feeling so very cold she almost turned to see if the window was open. There sat all of her notes, some a bit more used, probably from him folding and unfolding them several times. At the top was the one she sneaked just that morning; "I sometimes wonder if you think about me just as much as I do. Probably not. Have a good day, though".
A million questions running through her head. Why was he keeping them? Did he know she sent them? And most importantly, why was she so stupid!? Y/N could've just... not! Just not write those stupid notes like she had some stupid teenage crush on stupid Kaz and keep her stupid feelings to her stupid self. But no. She always had to be too much, huh? Her words and emotions spilled out of her like a river. The thing was so big it showed over her wrist.
The creek of the door. She was so inside her head she didn't hear Kaz's steps. Shit. Shit. Shit. Hoping it was her imagination playing tricks on her, she turned around. Hope died and there stood Kaz Brekker, wide-eyed and pale as a corpse. She felt like she had to say something and saints she tried, but the knot on her throat only let a choked, unintelligible sound.
It could've been hours, really. Both of them just stared at each other. Kaz was so unbelievably embarrassed he wanted to ask Jesper to just shoot him in the head to end his suffering, begging on his knees for someone to come and help him. He was never this careless, not with things like the notes. He left them out, going through them for the fourth time that week, to get a drink downstairs. How did he miss Y/N walking through the door?
"Kaz I was just here t-to uhm tell you what I found out on G-Garson. I promise I didn't mean to snoop around l-like I wasn't looking through your stuff. A-anyway who a-are these from? They're very swe-" "You don't have to pretend, Y/N."
He knew. A new dread consumed her, and she dropped her eyes to the floor as quick as humanely possible. So stupid. So stupid. "So stupid" "What?" said Kaz, letting out a breath he didn't realize he was keeping in "I'm so stupid, I'm sorry, Kaz. I-I don't know why I wrote those". Was she truly apologising to him, her head bowed in shame? For what? He looked forward to discovering one of those sweet little notes every day, wondering what kind of message she had left him this time.
Hope. He remembered the hope. Maybe he was this upset because the notes would stop now that she knew he knew? His eyes widened even more when he realized Y/N was standing right in front of him, waiting for Kaz to step out of the way so she could escape this torture. "You're right. You shouldn't have. Y-you should've just told me"
"Tell you what, Kaz?" the girl asked, taking a step back and looking straight into his eyes like he was doing. Kaz Rietveld spoke before Brekker could. "Tell me I am your favorite, that I'm on your thoughts nonstop every single fucking day, and that you consider I look lovely even with my hair in my face. If it is true, tell me right up front. I don't think I could stomach it being some crazy game, so please tell me it is real." Perplexed, she stared.
Kaz wanted it to be real, and she knew damn well it was. "You know I don't like games, Brekker. I mean it. All of it. Every single word is just me trying to catch my name in a whisper in your reactions... counting on making you smile, or at least, to temporarily jolt your thoughts from the generally dreary state they seem to be in."
He led a leather hand to grab hers, tangling their fingers with his. The boy couldn't help but notice how beautiful her eyes looked under the candlelight, warm y/e/c welcoming him home. Making him feel at ease in that saint forsaken land, knowing that with her by his side, everything seemed to be just fine.
"Y/N, since you entered my life, I have been acquainted with a new kind of light. Your presence has brought a certain innocence and laughter that I have not known before. Your character is resilient, as if it has been shaped by the hardships of this city. In my eyes, you are the embodiment of light, and I cannot help but find you lovely at all times, too"
It was a love that defied all logic and reasoning, a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space. They had each found in the other a place of serenity, a sanctuary where they could be themselves and forget the chaos of the world outside. With every passing day, their bond grew stronger, until a little piece of heaven was crafted, right there in their midst.
It was their own personal heaven, a place where they could bask in the warmth of knowing glances and brief touches, and where the mere presence of the other was enough to soothe their souls. They had found a love that whispered "I'm here" in the moments when it was necessary, a love that made a home for a broken boy and a shelter for a scarred girl who would go to the ends of the earth for him.
And as they stood there, hand in hand, they knew that they had found something special. They had found a love that was strong enough to weather any storm, a love that would see them through the trials and tribulations of life.
Together with time, they had created a world that was perfect in its imperfection, a world that was full of love, laughter, and joy. And as they gazed into each other's eyes, they knew that they had found their own personal piece of heaven on earth.
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Hi! Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed:)
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Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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padfootswhiskers · 3 months
With all respect, I think u guys give jkr's writing skill too much credit . Ik she said she planned everything abt hp books from the beginning( I don't believeit tbh), but she wrote some of the weirdest dumb stuff ever for the sake of the plot that don't make any sense ... Remus's life and even his name, for example.The fact that Remus hasn't visited Harry for almost 12yrs is ridiculous . "He thought Harry was safe - he felt worthless. He was a coward. " wtf?! No he didn't do it bc Harry shouldn't know abt his parents and wizarding world the End. srslyWheree were lily's friends? Oh they all passed away...Harry's grandparents THEY ALL PASSED AWAY ...problem solved (jkr is so good at this) and plus imo that also happened simply bc if Remus checked on Harry, he would be a father figure to him 100% (the role given to Sirius), and jkr didn't want Harry to have the same close connection with Remus as he did with Sirius. It would make harry -Sirius's relationship unimportant... Take Sirius's other relationships, for example. When he escaped Azkaban, he had no family, no lover, no one. Initially, I was like, "Yeah, okay," and that seemed fine. But later, it occurred to me that maybe he was written that way because he had to be solely for Harry. Like, he shouldn't care about anyone but Harry. Sirius isn't allowed to prioritize anyone over his godson.
to be fair, anon, i think two things can be true at the same time. a lot of stuff does happen in the hp universe for plot reasons---this doesn't necessarily mean it's always bad writing.
the plot required harry to be unaware of the wizarding world, alright. i don't see how this means remus would've taken, like, custody of harry or something if it hadn't! remus IS a coward. he IS extremely self flagellating. it IS completely plausible that he knew petunia wasn't a great person and left harry there anyway!
(take DH for example. he says tonks will be safe with her parents right after he tells them that her parents have been tortured for information. he isn't a stupid man, he's being deliberately cowardly.)
i understand that you probably really like remus, or at least the good bits of him, but character traits you dislike do not equal bad writing. remus consistently shows himself to be extremely passive-aggressive, conflict avoidant and unable to actually follow through on his conscience. i don't know about you, anon, but i can definitely see a man who convinced himself that withholding information about a wanted murderer was OK, convincing himself that harry is safe and better off without him.
jkr didn't have to use plot reasons to thwart remus and harry's budding relationship so that sirius could step in because...there isn't a scenario that exists wherein canon remus would step in to be an orphaned harry's father figure. i'm genuinely curious as to why you think he might. THAT, if anything, is what seems ooc to me.
as for lily, that seems to be pattern with jkr's 'popular girls'. i can't name five of ginny's friends if my life depended on it. it was also obviously done so that the snape reveal would have a greater effect. but lily isn't an established character the same way remus is.
as for sirius? i don't think it's unrealistic that he didn't have a lover/anyone waiting for him. i think people tend to forget he was only barely 22 when he got locked up; plenty of people haven't begun sorting out their lives at that age. lest we forget, he was also fighting a war pretty much the second he left hogwarts. not great for the dating scene, that. i don't think it's unrealistic at all that he hadn't thought about girls (or boys) or settling down at that time in his life.
but even if he had, i can't fathom a world in which he wouldn't transfer the love and devotion he had for james to james' son.
98 notes · View notes
"Masterlist? What is that?"
"it's mostly a record of the writings here, feel welcome to have a look and see if something catches your eye" she turns around and points to the the book detailing where every book or pages should
"last time I updated it was may 9, so it can get a bit behind but usually everything is in here"
Genshin impact
"a magical land where people are able to handle elements as they please, a bit too fantastical for my liking but she seems to enjoy writing them"
There is a folder on the table and named with perfect cursive handwriting "Holy offsprings". It seems it's a collection of small works
A bouquet of feelings
Sometimes actions have unexpected consequences. Good thing Aether knows how to fix this one.
Ancient language au
A long forgotten tongue slips away from their lips to the ears of people who believe it's their god's language
Read my lips
"to suddenly be left in a world where I couldn't read anything... Such a torture"
Universal language
After alhaitham found your ability you were almost forced to work for the academia translating works, some misunderstandings arise
Great sage au
A foreign face settles as a country's sage and tries to help, even when it isn't all that easy
As a former player the new great sage had a nice base of knowledge to stand on plus some new tools
Such a backstabber
His duty with sumeru has gotten him into a trail leading to you and believes you to be a danger. For some reason the proof he has reminds you of something… wait a minute.
Over tea
Luckily after cyno recognized them as not guilty they were allowed to return to their position and enjoy their new found love for tea. Seemingly the nation's calmness has lead to people allowing themselves to fantasize about their bosses’ love life
Everything feels so beautiful
"this one fits in the timeline but I'm not sure if even the writer knows how or when..."
Secret husband timeline
Be it because of secretiveness or nobody believing it was possible nobody found out about your marriage with the iudex until someone says it straight up. Oops
The first two are two different beginnings
How the iudex sleeps
"why did she choose for him to have a resemblance with otters? Even then it's a really sweet domestic piece"
Melusines say the darndest things
sometimes children can slip up and accidentally say more than desired. In this case the journalists are very happy about that.
Would they peel an orange for you?
"mhmm... I wonder why she chose oranges, I think she likes better pomegranate. Wouldn't it be more fitting 'would they open a pomegranate for you?' but I guess at the end it's the same intention"
Do they know if you wear silver or gold?
"I only ever wear this uniform, I'm not really sure how important that kind of stuff is"
Types of baby daddy
"my father has been a 'baby daddy' many times, including my and my sisters' conception and many of our half siblings. Despicable man. He even runs as fast as the thunders he throws so he is hard to catch"
Your ex in my body or me in their body
"seemingly this question is used to pick a fight with your lover, I'm not sure why would you, though"
"some blurbs or unrefined concepts, maybe in the future they can become something more polished"
Npc sagau
"suddenly strangers and your loved ones start acting as mindless zombies and only certain people seem to wake up but you are unable to know when... It sounds stressful doesn't it?"
Living together (npc sagau)
"it would make sense for them to live close by the only people you can speak with"
Obey me
"It's a kind of undefined academic environment in hell? I heard from other visitors that highschool and university are difficult and sometimes unenjoyable but isn't this a bit too on the nose? Either way seemingly she could romance demons, angels and a... Regular human? I'm sure she did not... My goodness"
Night bringer saga
All this happen during night bringer but aren't particularly connected or in a particular timeline!
Love language: acts of service
After being temporarily transformed into a demon you find that there are some gaps in your knowledge of demon features care but Solomon is very happy to help
With the firstborn's ring I made you mine
A before bed chat with Solomon leads to you showing some concerns about wearing the ring of light so openly and he offers himself as a scapegoat
Love language, gift giving
He is old enough and famous enough that he can spend some money on superfluous gift and extra candies as long as you smile at him
The sorcerer's demonic firstborn
Nobody is exempt from Mother nature's cruel whims, not even the all powerful sorcerer that defied death. Some friends of yours help you with your dream
Twisted wonderland
"another fantasy setting that happens in a world where people can use Magic and a school? I'm seeing a pattern with her likings. Just tell me she wrote for a prince or a future king or- it's just a guy with white hair again? No just because he is sleepy doesn't make him different, writer..."
Forced fairytale
The tale of the sleeping beauty is one he holds dear, be it because it's related to his great grandmother or his dorm, malleus can't help but feel like silver and the prefect would be such a perfect modern retelling.
73 notes · View notes
Okay so i finally got it down after dumping word vomit and then editing word flow into my notes so here we go! Still rough but eh it's concepts and stuff.
Inspired based on the initial magic mirror quote/diagnosis for magicless yuu: “The Dark Mirror: I sense no magical power from this one. Soundless. Colorless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.” which made me think well if the soul is empty of magic then maybe it can take in magic. If the reason it's senses no magical power plus it notes the soul is funky. Dark mirror even had to pause and notes…. "Your soul is unclear to me…" Then my “soundless and colorless and shapeless” soul is obviously probably different than other souls magic mirror sees. What if the soul could absorb some magic and do some funky stuff y'know? Lightning rod absorbtion type of situation.
Dark Mirror roasting our soul in front of orientation like "look at this bland ass empty soul mf. Murky ahhh" /j
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Still Essentially all the canon event shit but like to the left cause my Yuu is a chaotic dipshit (affectionate) who discovered that they can essentially absorb and thus utilize magic to an extent but only if it's direct source and it unfortunately causes some side effects. Namely changes in appearance - sometimes chimeric depending on what was consumed/absorbed- plus odd sense of hunger/emptiness due to filled up soul and resulting emptying when out of magic. Think blot effects but not really blot cause the earth soul is funky and don't really have blot capabilities since blot comes from magic producing folks who are stressed and we don't make magic and this yuu is basically a blank vessel conduit with lightning rod type of abilities but only for direct magic. if spell fire hits then whatever free fire magic but if the spell fire makes other real fueled fire then ouch! Or if curse is flung but again it depends. Plus it is absorbed and retained and if there's a fair amount of it in the blank slate soul then changes happen but like no blot so you just look funky plus abilities. You can burn it off cause your shapeless funky blank slate soul is just a conduit/vessel. Personally wouldn't want to cause i want that back up magic y'know lol. also grim will have to fight me for those stones cause I'm gonna eat em up once i genuinely figure out my abilities. Again canon is like in the room but not really y'know. Mostly cause there's a "magic less" human who can eat up your magic spells and become a bit chimeric depending on the amount inside and also what was absorbed or outright consumed. Crewel keeps a sharp eye on our mouth movements cause now he has to live Knowing one of his students might snack on a piece of his magical ingredients for magic gains- he's that meme of dog owners wondering what the hell is in their dog's mouth. Also magic absorption changes based on how far removed it is from just magic versus enchanted etc plus still a limited vessel so like gotta increase the capacity but also plan out what to absorb and keep and not run out etc.
Thats pretty interesting.
Being able to absorb and consume magic would be rad, which also makes me think of being able to steal it.
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bestworstcase · 2 months
I think it'll be interesting when RWBYJ tells everyone about the ever after, specifically Oscar/Ozpin. I think that'll be a hell of a slap in the face to those two. Imo it's pretty clear that Oz doesn't like the Brothers (his lie for his curse literally puts them in the WORST light to anyone who hears it), but isn't exactly open about it nor does he think on it much. But hearing that the 'gods' are essentially just people who got kicked out of their home would make him. Well I hesitate to say that he'd flip the fuck out, but I definitely think he wouldn't be happy at ALL. I'm sure he'd be furious while simultaneously having an existential crisis.
Frankly, Oz is just. An interesting character when it comes to his thoughts on the Brothers. He went from more or less listening to Light without question (but immediately started questioning when Salem talked to him- "Unsure of where his loyalties still lay-" he trusts Salems words but is confused about his stance on Light, perhaps afraid of questioning him), to putting them in a bad light repeatedly and more or less giving up on his task (there's far far easier ways to unite the world i.e. war- why would he deliberately make it hard on himself? He's far from stupid. He still foes his best to foster peace because why wouldn't he?). And, now, he's actively fighting his curse, and is doing so the second he got an ounce of hope.
I think why he hasn't really thought of fighting the Gods is bc a) he's still scared of them (and it makes sense, I'd be scared too) and b) he never knew that they, well, were just people. I think he'd need some convincing, but I really think he'd be happy to try his hand at giving Light a piece of his mind lol. Something tells me Oz has millennia of bottled up anger- something will eventually be the straw that broke the camels back, as even the most resilient of people can break.
Though I think the biggest issue would be the idea of teaming up with Salem. He's bitter and terrified of her, and although we don't know exactly what's happened between them since their first fight (beyond Oz spending several lives as an alcoholic, then wandering Remnant being reminded of Salem (not necessarily bc he thought every Grimm attack was her, Grimm just remind him of her)), it's entirely possible Salem has also done... something to hurt him. No one's that bitter or terrified of someone for absolutely no reason, but whatever the reason is, that'll definitely be an obstacle between him being allied with her against the Gods. Plus she also, yknow, tortured him and allowed Hazel to torture him (which Oscar took most of it, but they're in the same body).
I think that interaction would be... interesting. Especially since I really don't think Oz even is 'Ozma' anymore. Ozma is the foundations yes, but the merge changes you fundamentally. He has changed his name every lifetime (if Oz doesn't accidentally answer to the name Oscar I'll eat my left shoe), but how much of him really is Ozma anymore? Ship of theseus and all that. If he, by all accounts, isn't 'Ozma' anymore and Salem isn't aware of this, I think it'd be an interesting revelation for her. There's similarities between Oz and how he used to be, but I feel like 'Ozma' is functionally a deadname for him (Oz trans/DID allegory? /j). Especially since I think Ozma is just- not who he is anymore. He's tried living up to the name, but he can't and he knows it (the words his illusion in v9 says speaks a lot to his mental state and his opinion of himself).
God speaking of his illusion on v9, I think it's incredibly clear that what each illusion says pertains to that character in some way. And it says so so much about Ozpin and how he sees himself. It's ironic how the God of Light, associated with creation, made him, yet he thinks that all he does is destroy. He's scarily good at splitting people apart just accidentally (i.e. v6, Summer basically throwing him under the bus thus STRQ broke apart and blamed him, etc) too. Yet Salem, immortal via Lights curse, made herself through Grimm and is very good at rallying people. Dunno, fun thought there (it's why swap aus are so damn tasty with these two).
Sorry for the long ask, I just wanted to ramble in your inbox for a bit. I have many thoughts about Oz.
not. to be snarky but
To live free or die, it’s all the same The enemy was right, there’s no reclaiming In waves of shame We’re desperate to make amends But through a simple soul we lie complacent  Love brings us dreams But grief makes the heart burst at the seams  As light fills my eyes I’ll picture me beside her And pray that I’ll inspire  I promise I’ll be here until the end I promise I’ll be here until… Our story has been told Til our bodies break down every door Til we find what we’ve been looking for
terrified she’ll never forgive him and terrified of what will happen if she confronts the gods again, yes. but terrified of her?
the enemy was right. we’re desperate to make amends. grief makes the heart burst at the seams. i’ll picture me beside her. ozma isn’t terrified of salem; he is, explicitly, ashamed of himself and desperate to make amends and longing for her.
listen. you don’t have to go salem did dot dot dot something to hurt him. we KNOW exactly what she did; rejected the mandate, fought him, burned him alive. they blew up their home and killed their own kids. is this insufficiently traumatizing to explain him.
similarly i do not have to go ozma did dot dot dot something to salem: we know exactly what he did. we know why she’s furious and bitter and still hurting. it is not ambiguous.
he’s spent the intervening centuries hiding inside a narrative where salem is the Great Evil he must defeat because the guilt he feels for deceiving and manipulating her and the grief for everything he sacrificed is so unbearable that he can’t touch it except through layers and layers of distortion. but it’s bleeding through the cracks everywhere. the infinite man tried to be a hero and is a fool who may not be worthy of forgiveness, ozpin suggests. look far enough ahead from the ending of the girl in the tower, and you’ll find the hero who saved her turned out to be a villain.
he hates salem. (he deserves her hatred.) this is the wrenching internal war he fights with himself day after day and life after life; the only way he can live with himself enough to function is by hating her, but the hatred is a fiction, a lie, to protect him from his fear. the truth is that he neither hates her nor deserves her hatred.
i am being intentional about calling him ozma, by the way. i am also intentional about when i call him ozpin or oz. i do not think ozma is a deadname. i don’t think ozma is an ideal he is trying and failing to live up to. he doesn’t identify himself as ozpin; he says “the professor ozpin you all met was not my first form.” he dons these other identities as a mask—i am the combination of countless men who have spent their lives trying to protect the people of remnant—because he hates himself. ozma is who he’s running away from because he doesn’t think ozma has ever been enough.
that is why. salem distinguishes between ozpin and ozma the way that she does. and why she is able to differentiate between oscar and ozma even when oscar is mimicking ozpin, because ozpin is the latest in a long series of masks that ozma wears.
(ozpin is tippetarius enforcing his own exile, and thus he became the wizard. ozma is the true self imprisoned by the curse. he’s… named ozma for a reason.)
”what if you could be anyone?” <- the blacksmith does not ask ruby this question because ruby needs to stop being herself in order to be happy. she offers ruby a metaphorical representation of ozma’s curse—what if you could be anyone, slip into a like-minded soul and become that person—in order to guide ruby to the realization that only her true self is the right fit. this is what i like to call blunt force foreshadowing.
ozma is trying to be a thousand different heroes and salem has only ever wanted ozma. ozma then is not the same person as ozma now, but ozma is ozma is ozma. the ship of theseus is the ship of theseus, then as now. on those who enter the same rivers, ever different waters flow. read heraclitus.
the thing is. yeah. he’s going to snap like a brittle twig when he learns the truth about the gods… because he already knows salem is right, deep down. the enemy is right. it bleeds through even into the lost fable, which is narrated in his voice. jinn’s telling—his telling—obfuscates and twists away from salem’s interiority, her feelings, her motives except for the moment of her realization about the brothers: perhaps the gods were not as powerful as they seemed; she had lied to them, turned them against each other; they were fallible.
the enemy is right. he knows she’s right.
hearing what the kids learned in the ever after is going to shatter the cognitive dissonance preventing him from acting on that knowledge. it’s going to surface ‘until the end’ but now joined to the hope he has—since the end of v8—that he can make amends for his cowardice and lies.
ozma apologizing to the kids and asking for a second chance to earn their trust was, uh, a practice run for ozma apologizing to salem and asking for a second chance. the fallout of the lost fable (“there was so much you hadn’t told us! how could you think that was okay!” and “i gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world; i thought i was finally doing some good!”) is a reflection of salem’s distress. the narrative is on her side. because. he lied to manipulate her and grievously betrayed her trust. in exactly the same way he did to the kids.
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kozachenko · 1 month
Some thoughts on some of the newest CDS chapters below the read more tag for spoiler's sake, since I have read the newest one and have some thoughts
As flawed as Cheating Detective Satori is, one thing I will give it is how it shows the reactions of the spirits and Youkai living in Former Hell to the whole "sealing it up" thing. While I was initially annoyed about the whole "sealing former Hell" thing, I feel like the newer chapters have kinda made the whole thing make more sense, especially in the newest one where Parsee mentions how in the case of a vengeful spirit making too much trouble, Former Hell is just gonna seal right back up and become Hell again, which is a system that has been around since Former Hell was established. I think what this little addition does well is that in retrospect it makes the whole decision of sealing up Former Hell make a bit more sense. Also, the mystery that the latest chapter left off with (Parsee's realization that Former Hell must have been sealed from the outside) is really interesting, and had that bit of realization not been included by Parsee, it probably would've been a major plot hole that Parsee's tunnel also got plugged up when the whole system was made years ago when Former Hell was first established. Also, would Parsee know who Mizuchi is? Or have at least heard of her? Or is Mizuchi kind of treated like an SCP in Former Hell and is kept a secret from everyone else, even though in the earliest chapters of CDS, Satori mentions that Mizuchi has been a bit of a problem before, and Yuugi also knows her sooooo is this a writing mistake or intentional? Although there are a lot of vengeful spirits in Former Hell so knowing who each and every single one is is probably giving the denizens of Former Hell a bit too much credit lol. But still, Mizuchi seems to maybe be a more well known vengeful spirit so I'm still a bit confused on that, or maybe it could just be as simple as Parsee having never met Mizuchi when counseling vengeful spirits.
Maybe certain people aren't allowed to even see Mizuchi since they could be prime targets for her to possess people and escape. Which could also be related to the reason why she escaped in the first place, maybe she possessed someone with a grudge against Reimu or anyone in the Hakurei bloodline and used them to get out of Former Hell?
Also, when you think about that and the fact that Zanmu is the one who proposed the move, it gave me the headcanon that Zanmu also put that system in place since she wouldn't just leave it carelessly unattended. Since it's in her character to think ahead and meticulously plan things, why wouldn't she put this safety measure in place?
Utsuho and Koishi were also really good in this chapter, and Utsuho's title is so fucking good, I love it. Koishi also trying to get the other vengeful spirits to chill out is also a fun detail. Her point about the vengeful spirits not even being allowed to leave regardless is also something interesting to think about. Though it is explained in the manga that the vengeful spirits just needed a reason to attack, the idea of someone getting mad about the loss of a freedom that they would normally never use is very interesting to me.
When the manga is finished I'm most likely gonna do a full review on it, since my last one had way too much swearing and I was also really tired and wanted to sleep and I am just overall not happy with it. Plus, the manga seems like it's starting to get better, and with ZUN himself saying that he's aware of the criticism towards CDS, I'm gonna stay optimistic with this manga. Also, it would be really interesting to see how the people in New Hell react to the restoration of Former Hell, especially Zanmu due to how important she is in the actual creation of Former Hell, although a small part of me thinks that she would just go, "not my Hell, not my problem" and leave it at that, the other part of me thinks that would maybe be a little out of character for her. Like, I don't think she'd be panicking, but at the same time she's not gonna treat it like a non-issue. Though that could just be me since I like Zanmu a lot lol.
All in all, just a lot to think about with this new chapter.
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archivalofsins · 8 months
This probably meaningless but i think a comparison we can draw between kazui and amane is that Kazui has stated that hes seen by his family as a disappointment and Amane is seen as like the ideal good child. I'm probably making shit up but yeah 👍
I am so sorry for the late answer. I thought I had answered and just realized today that I hadn't done that. I don't believe it's meaningless.
I was just discussing the overlapping similarities between the prisoners. Specifically in reference to how they answer the family question. Shidou and Kazui both answer it in a way I find incredibly interesting that leads into the validity of your statement in my opinion.
When asked,
Tell us your family structure the prisoners answer with,
Prisoner 001 Sakurai, Haruka: My father and my mother and me.
Prisoner 002 Kashiki, Yuno: Grandpa, grandma, mum, me, younger brother←Yura.
Prisoner 003 Kajiyama, Futa: Father and older sister.
Prisoner 004 Kusunoki, Mu: Papa, Mama and Mu.
Prisoner 005 Kirisaki, Shidou: Wife and two children.
Prisoner 006 Shiina, Mahiru: Papa, Mama, Mahiru.
Prisoner 007 Mukuhara, Kazui: It’s only me now.
Prisoner 008 Momose, Amane: It was my father, my mother and me.
Prisoner 009 Kayano, Mikoto: My mother, me, and my younger sister. My sister’s a blossoming high school student.
Prisoner 010 Yuzuriha, Kotoko: Grandmother, father, mother, older brother.
Kazui and Shidou both use their marriages/found family or current status within the family to avoid elaborating on the structure of the household they were raised in. Which was one hundred percent the question and others have answered it accurately including Mikoto who we all know doesn't even live with his sister or mom anymore. So, these two just chose to give answers that were convenient for them.
The way they answered makes them the only people in Milgram we don't know the sibling status of yet. Even Amane is alluded to being an older sister through the credits of Magic but that could be a status given to her within the structure of her religion.
So, we don't know if they were raised by single parents or both if they have any younger or older siblings or a twin. Because they've willfully chosen to omit that information by focusing primarily on the households, they've created not their family overall.
Something that in Shidou's case is understandable given he's paired with Mahiru and both of their stories focus on romantic love. So, there being a focus on his marital relationship makes sense in context of his pairing.
It only gets weird when one takes into consideration that the Shidou we see in Throw Down working in the hospital has a mole on between his neck and collar bone. An area that the Shidou in Milgram is conveniently always covering by wearing a turtleneck or some sort of shirt that keeps the area where that identifying mole is hidden at all times.
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Going as far as to sleep in a fucking turtleneck in Throw Down for this reason.
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Plus, the one time it's alluding to him doing doctor shit it's conveniently shot from an angle where we wouldn't be able to see the mole anyway. Since it's on the right side of his body and we are seeing the left side. Not even touching on the fact that the likelihood of having twins increases if one is a twin themselves and many have speculated the children in Triage are fraternal twins.
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This trend of showing this mole off and then covering the person that area when the character that is undoubtedly Shidou is shown continues throughout Triage.
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Made even worse through this scene where we see Shidou reaching out to a guy we know isn't him because both of their hair is a different color they are wearing different clothes- And if those two things aren't enough.
Triage expressly shows us they have different fucking haircuts as well.
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All something that will remain highly speculative simply because when asked his family structure he conveniently omitted having any parents or siblings and simply focused on his marriage.
Which is better than Kazui who uses the concept of being disowned to omit having any family at all. Yet conveniently mentions his victim was his wife now. Unlike Shidou who at least answered the fucking question even though he scratched it out.
Which is even weirder since the Kazui is paired with someone who's entire story is deeply rooted in familial issues and yet we know nothing about his family. We don't know if he was raised in a two- or single-parent household if the family that he states views him as a disappointment are his parents, in-laws, siblings, cousins etc.
Hell, we don't even know if Hinako was being referred to when in his statement about family viewing him as a disappointment. But we have to assume she is because she's the only fucking person we have confirmation of being his family at any point in time. Even if that confirmation is tentative at best.
We know more about his childhood friend than his family background and nobody seems to have questioned that.
Overall, I don't think you're making shit up or reaching, but we have so little information on Shidou and Kazui's families that pursuing this train of thought is damn near impossible. It's made even weirder for Shidou because he states this in his second written interrogation.
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So, his family was greatly involved in him getting into this relationship but he just omits them because technically they're not apart of my immediate family structure anymore. Like okay sir do you have a mom? A father? Siblings? Like what the hell? You got to know your wife through your family you can't mention them now? Okay...alright whatever.
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theroundbartable · 5 months
You said to ask you about your takes about Merlin, and I always find it interesting to find out which angle people approach an ot3 of, so which edge of the triangle arthur/merlin/gwen was the first you shipped? Or was it the full ot3 right away? 👀
Ah, yes. When I started watching Merlin back in 2019, the very first thing I shipped was Merthur.
I usually don't start shipping right away, I start looking at the different dynamics and wait where it may take me. And the very first episode left all dynamics open. So, I wasn't an instant Merthur fan but I could tell that this was where I was heading.
Even though I wanted to ship Merlin x Gwen first because Gwen had a crush on Merlin and Merlin was oblivious and Arthur was an arse in season 1. I still knew I would end up a Merthur main.
Back in 2019 I was still working through a lot of stuff when it comes to relationships, sexuality, identity, trauma, etc, It sounds weird but what I needed at the time, was characters that I couldn't "be" and that also couldn't be attracted to me. The reason for that is too personal to post here but that's why I distanced myself from female characters in ships at the time. That's why I knew Mergwen wouldn't be where I'd end up. I didn't hate them, I just couldn't deal with certain things.
And then came the Elena episode in which Merlin tells Arthur that he will be a better king with a woman by his side whom he loves. I was already lowkey shipping Merthur by then, but THAT scene burned itself into my DNA and changed me forever. I LOVE that scene! If I ever had any doubts until then, they were gone the moment Merlin hands Arthur the sword and says: " I think you're mad."
I knew from the beginning that Merthur wouldn't end up canon, and that without looking at spoilers. The show is from 2012, I just knew. In fact, I was delighted with how FAR they took it despite that!
And I absolutely loved how the canon ship actually made sense. And Ioved how it was a learning curve for me too, to see them grow to make sense. In the beginning it felt a bit sudden but when I watched the show again, I realized just how many moments they actually had.
Plus, Gwen wasn't a mere love interest, she was a real character. Basically, she passed the bechdel test, lmao. I love that she's a blacksmith, that she had her own story arc, her own tragedies and losses, a full family that we SEE in the show, etc. And I loved her dynamic with Arthur growing from awkward to genuine. I always thought that relationshipwise, they were one of the best portrayals of lovebirds I've seen in a series in a long time. And BBC merlin is PG so that was a bonus. And they always had space for Arthur's friendship with Merlin. (This is very important to me, as an ace person who used to think they would lose their friends due to their relationships)
And well... years have passed and I slowly got over my trauma through writing fanfiction and some mild confrontation therapy. There was one fic especially, that paved the way for Mergwenthur. I think that one was Wired... (2021) in which time is a circle and Merlin lives long enough to see Arthur be born again. In that one I tried to be as close to canon as I could, while also writing a Merthur story. Originally, Arthur was meant to choose Merlin, but during the darkest hour, in which the story begins, he's already head over heels for Gwen. And the more I tried to grasp Arthur's feelings after the magic reveal, the less possible it was for me to not see Mergwenthur.
As Arthur starts realizing his fellings for Merlin, his feelings for Gwen don't change, because why would they? The feelings were different but they were both of love. And when I tried to characterize Gwen, I ended up thinking of their three person date in season 4(?) in which Arthur says:" Isn't it nice to be here? Just the two of us?" And it's GWEN who says: "you mean, the THREE of us. " When I thought of that, I just couldn't imagine that Gwen didn't already know and accept Arthur's feelings. And I couldn't imagine Merlin wanting Arthur to choose him over Gwen. While at the time, Mergwen wasn't really on my mind, I thought this was where the story was naturally progressing, so I let it.
I've always been a multishipper. But this dynamic is important to me. I've analized their relationship a couple of times and come to the conclusion that Gwen is the better Queen (some people like to call Merlin Arthur's queen). Because her relationship with Arthur is build on mutual goals and their future vision of Camelot. Their relationship is reasonable and healthy. I think their love is very soft but strong. While Merthur is just unhinged soul bond, ready to sacrifice everything for each other, including Camelot. Merlin would be a terrible Queen, like, seriously. Camelot would be destroyed the moment Arthur gets abducted once. Their love is intense and fickle in the sense that they can't live without the other. And Mergwen should have had more moments. Gwen was always the one person picking up that some things about Merlin were a bit odd, like the Lamia episode, or servant of two masters, etc.. I feel like Mergwen is a ship that's friendship first and can be both wholesome and completely mad, depending on which of the two indicates the action.
So, it was a bit of a curve for me. I ship them individually, I ship them together, apart, with other characters, everything. But the more I look into the show, the more sense Mergwenthur makes to me. Regardless of whether they are platonic or not, I can't unsee them. And why would I? they are fun.
Haha, this answer was very long, but I hope it answers your question :D
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Spoilers for God Of War Ragnarök and its DLC, Valhalla, below.
I've considered before that of everyone in DMC, Vergil would fit in the best for a God Of War crossover. Not just because his shunning of modern weaponry would make him the least strange to the GoW cast, but also because he and Kratos have a lot in common. They're both extremely powerful individuals who've indirectly caused the deaths of countless innocent people due to a selfish quest, for power and revenge respectively.
The recent DLC has me thinking of this again. Given Týr's generally good nature, it wouldn't be so strange for him to reach out to a stranger from an unfamiliar realm and help him master himself with the aid of Valhalla.
The logistics of it are another matter. I think if the DMC universe even existed within GoW's multiverse sort-of-deal, I'd more easily imagine Sparda's conflict with Mundus being contemporary with the events of the GoW games than anything involving Dante and company, but that's beside the point.
Of course, Valhalla would look very different to Vergil than it did to Kratos. For the latter, it took the form of the nine realms he now calls home, then later the homeland he left behind. Like Kratos, Vergil would probably see places relevant to his own life: his childhood home, Fortuna, the Temen-Ni-Gru, the Underworld, Mallet Island, Redgrave City, and the Qliphoth.
Valhalla may take on a more Norse appearance when Vergil fights enemies chosen by Valhalla rather than ones from his own memories. Speaking of whom, those would definitely include Beowulf, Arkham (in some form), Mundus, Nidhog (not to be confused with the similarly named creature in Ragnarök), Elder Geryon Knight, and Dante. Lady and Trish could appear as well, since he fought them when he was Urizen, and perhaps Nero would too. Of course, Týr would want a piece of Vergil as well, and due to his longer life and greater experience, would probably give Vergil a significant challenge.
I'm certain Malphas would also appear in some way, but not necessarily as a boss. She was hostile toward V, but she served Urizen, so her role may not be entirely hostile. Speaking of allies, I'd imagine Griffon, Shadow, Nightmare, and perhaps even Phantom would appear for similar reasons. Their status as memories alone may be ambiguous, since they originated from Vergil's memories to begin with. His time in Valhalla may present an opportunity to really process said memories (as opposed to the demonic manifestations of them being murdered in a scene Vergil isn't even in 😒).
Also like Kratos, I imagine Vergil's journey would culminate in a confrontation with himself. But while Kratos only had one stage of his life to confront, Vergil has worn many hats. His younger self who joined Arkham to open a portal to the Underworld and claim Sparda's power, the black knight who completely lost his free will, the demon king who had completely given up his humanity, and the fragile human who risked it all to right his wrong. Plus, Kratos had already come a long way by the beginning of the DLC, while Vergil has only just realized that maybe jeopardizing innocent lives in the pursuit of power isn't such a good idea. Týr has his work cut out for him.
I've also been thinking about how Vergil would play in a God Of War game, and I think his moveset would translate rather well.
I think of all the elements in the game, Yamato's would be Bifröst. The purple-blue color fits better than any other, and the energy's association with realm travel could be connected to Yamato's portal-opening powers. It's basic attacks would apply Bifröst status, which can then be detonated with a Judgement Cut (probably done by pressing the triangle button).
Given Judgement Cut being on triangle, and Beowulf having no ranged abilities at all (save for Dante's fireball from DMC3), it's hard to imagine what Vergil's ranged attacks would be. Summoned Swords would make sense, but I think those would be better placed on the square button, like Atreus's arrows, because they're meant to be used without interrupting Vergil's animations. I also think moves like Drive and Round Trip would work better as Runic Attacks. So, I think it would be best to emphasize Vergil's skills as a close-ranged fighter, and use the ranged controls to implement his teleportation abilities.
As for Beowulf, light is an element the player can use in God Of War (2018), as it's the first arrow element Atreus gets. And much like Kratos's bare-handed attacks, they are useful for applying Stun status, so that's likely what Beowulf would do to. Also, some enemies who wield light can use it to temporarily "blind" Kratos, so maybe Beowulf can do something similar to enemies.
If Kratos deals damage while avoiding hits for long enough, he can activate Permafrost, Immolation, or Malestrom by pressing L1 and triangle, buffing the melee attacks of his currently equipped weapon. I think Vergil would use Judgement Cut End in place of this, because avoiding damage is precisely the prerequisite to use that move in DMC.
On a final note, I think it would be cool if Vergil's stun grabs took inspiration from V's finishing moves.
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 059 - Captain T'Pol and the Quantum Parasites
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 3 Episode 8 - Twilight
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The episode cold opens with Archer waking up to find T'Pol has taken has taken his place as captain. Not only that, but enterprise is being chased by the Xindi weapon and two Xindi ships! Quite an exciting opener. Then: We see the weapon crack open a planet. Next thing we know, Archer's an old man on earth. And for some reason, living with T'Pol in a kind of couple-y situation. I wish the show would stop trying to make Archer x T'Pol work, they have absolutely no chemistry with eachother. Apparently Archer is missing 12 years worth of his memories. Most of the episode was through flashback, with T'Pol explain what happened. According to her, Archer was hit by an anomaly, and has been unable to form any new Long Term memories ever since.
This was a really interesting episode. Normally when a show does Amnesia, they do Retrograde amnesia, so it's nice to see an attempt to tackle Anterograde amnesia for a change. And the episode being from Archer's perspective while he's suffering from it was really interesting.
Also, is this the only time we get to see T'Pol in a normal Starfleet uniform? Because it really does suit her, better than the uniforms she's had so far, at least. While we're on the topic, we later see Trip in the Captain's uniform, and it suits him too. And Malcolm's beard.
Archer's reaction to hearing that Earth and most of Earth's colonies were destroyed is heartbreakingly well performed. It might be the best performance Scott Bakula has given for enterprise so far. However, it was at this point that I started figuring that things weren't exactly as they seemed, and that this was all in Archer's mind. Earth and humanity wouldn't be destroyed off-screen. I also started to notice other small details that were off. T'Pol wouldn't argue that The Vulcans held back Earth's warp program, that was always Archer and Trip's talking point. But, later in the episode I'm proven wrong. This episode actually happened, it's just undone because of the parasites infecting Archer's relationship with Space-Time. Eliminating them now, means they never existed, so curing Archer means that he would never have been infected in the first place
The cure of course is blasting the Parasites out of Archer's head with the Warp reactor. I don't think that's how medicine works, but who am I to argue with Phlox's methods.
I really liked this episode, it had some really good emotional beats, and even despite it's more emotional nature, still managed to squeeze in a couple good action scenes. Enterprise's last stand, with everyone fighting to the absolute end in the faintest hope that Phlox's theory about the parasites was correct was beautiful, and the calm at the end once everything was undone was just really nice.
Plus, a nice Time Travel twist. In a way, it kind of reminded me of the 10th Doctor episode, Turn Left, in that a parasite causes an aberrant timeline where everything just goes wrong. It's not quite as bleak as turn left, and this deals with future events instead of Past Events, but I still loved it.
Comparing my Enjoyment of this Episode with a Doctor Who Universe Story of the Same Title
Doctor Who - Big Finish Monthly Range #23 - Project: Twilight
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Project: Twilight was the start of a mini arc that ran through Big Finish's 6th and 7th Doctor Radio Plays, often Called The Forge Arc.
The radio play opens with brilliant opening that makes little sense on the first listening, but when you come back to it, it makes a lot more sense. Specifically, the Project Twilight subject's escape from the Forge in World War One. The audio then jumps forward to the modern day. I like to keep the plot summary stuff short for the Same Title segment, so I'll skip over a lot of the details, but it's initially framed as a strange murder mystery about a spontaneously combusting body, but beautifully unravels into a century long Conspiracy involving a secret government organisation called The Forge, a Vampire-Super-Soldier program from World War One, and how The Doctor, his companion Evelyn, and a random civilian called Cassie end up wrapped up into it.
The story's individual villains of the Project Twilight Vampire vampires are fantastically written, and the story masterfully sets up Nimrod, the main villain of the Forge Arc as a whole.
Project: Twilight is a lot more gruesome than most Doctor Who stories, but it plays it's horror very tactfully and the fact that it's a radio play which leaves the visuals to the imagination really adds to that atmosphere.
Picking whether Enterprise's Twilight or Doctor Who's Project Twilight is better is a hard choice, they both scratch very different itches and fill their roles very well. I am leaning more towards Project: Twilight because I'm in that Halloween Horror mood at the moment, but Enterprise's Twilight was also a really good timey-wimey emotionally driven experience.
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laladellakang · 11 months
OMGG i'm so honored that you will let me see the draft of you futur post if I want to and OFC i want to you're like one of my fav author/writer on tumblr so why i would not want to see one of your draft ?! Like really i'm currently so shocked 🥹🥹 i love youuuuu ( and Lala too ofc my girl ) 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
OKAY SO HERE IT IS, MAJORRR FIC SPOILER AND ITS SO SO BAD IM SO NOT PROUD OF IT. IT MAKES NOOOO SENSE (i mean it does but doesnt at the same time) but it was your birthday yesterday and i really wanted to give you a gift. please look forward to the revised and BETTER ver of this soon! 🤍
contains: angst. mentions of cheating (mainly jay)
The world is fucking different. 
Something is off, and I can sense it. Everything just feels strange.
Today, I went to campus for a lecture and ended up accidentally falling asleep in class. No big deal, right? It's not like it hasn't happened before.
The big deal was how odd everything was when I left the room.
I was supposed to be picked up by the car and taken home, but after waiting for ten minutes, there was no sign of it. 
I tried calling our driver, but the call got disconnected. I attempted to reach out to Sungho and Yunji, but their calls were disconnected too. I even tried calling every manager contact on my phone, but nothing worked. Plus it's not like I don't have any signal, it just wouldn't connect for some reason. Something about the numbers not existing.
I decided to take a taxi, hoping it wouldn't cause any trouble. But even the ride home felt odd. Seoul looked... different.
I texted the boys that I was on my way with a taxi and that I feel a bit off. I didn't get a reply or a single read, not even from Jungwon.
But it's whatever! I just wanna get home and cuddle with whoever's free.
Taking a deep breath, I entered the dorm using the combination.
My heart sank as soon as I stepped in.
Female shoes. Ones that are definitely not mine.
Nausea overcame me, and my breathing became heavy as tears welled up.
No. Della, don't. You trust them. She could be anyone. No one is cheating on you.
What if it's a sasaeng? Is someone breaking into our– no. Most, if not all, of the boys should be home. They would have done something if someone had broken in.
It can't be a relative either, as we would have informed the group beforehand.
Then who is she?
"I'm home," I managed to say in a normal voice, trying to hold back the tears.
I heard panicked shuffling and quickly wiped away stray tears before they could see me.
You're strong, Kang Della. Don't show any weakness or insecurity to whoever this person is.
And there she was, someone I had never met or seen before.
She had made herself at home, wearing loungewear and her hair styled in a messy up-do.
Her eyes were wide, mirroring my previous vulnerability, and her breathing was heavy.
And she was stunning. Her freshly-dyed blonde hair contrasted with my midnight black one. She was tall (though not as tall as me, judging by how high she reached the shoe rack), with a small face, big eyes, and plump lips.
Honestly, she reminded me of myself, but in a different font or something. I don't think she's Korean.
"Who are you, and how did you find out where we live?" she asked me fearfully. "How did you know the passcode?"
Just wow.
I know that in situations like this (or at least what it's looking like), the blame should mainly fall on the cheater rather than the person they cheated with.
But she just referred to my home as hers. Ain't no fucking way.
"Where YOU live?" I scoffed, licking the inside of my cheek. "I'm sorry– who are you, and why are YOU here?"
That's when I noticed she was wearing my favorite Jay-shirt. It felt like my heart was being crushed, and I could feel the symptoms of a panic attack creeping up.
My sweet Jay. Earlier today, he woke me up and told me I was the most beautiful woman in the world. How lucky he felt to have me. His eyes showed sincerity. Was it all a lie? How can someone so lovely be so cruel?
"I live here. Who are you, and how did you know the passcode?" she responded, a bit more sternly. What the hell?
"This is Enhypen's dorm. I live here," I said, surprised that she didn't recognize me, even though she's dating a member of my group.
Shit. That stings. Park Jongseong fucking cheated on me.
Confusion crossed her face, and she was about to say something when we were interrupted by more shuffling.
We both turned and saw an angry Heeseung.
"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" he said sternly, pulling her behind him to protect her.
Heeseung too? My protective Heeseung who got angry at the other members if they left me unsupervised after my injury.
Now he's protecting her instead of me?
My heart started pounding, and it became harder to breathe.
"Heeseung-oppa?" I said in a small voice, feeling incredibly betrayed.
"Who are you?! Get out of our house before we call the police!" he raised his voice at me. The boys had never spoken to me like that before, especially not in such a harsh tone.
"I live here! Lee Heeseung, what are you saying?!" my voice shook as a few tears escaped.
More commotion followed, and this time all seven members appeared. Even Jake, who I could see peeking from the side of the wall.
Is he... afraid of me?
My Jake who was scared of the girls in I-Land but became so comfortable with me that his golden retriever personality came out. Now he barely wants to see me?
"You don't live here. Who are you?" Jungwon stepped forward. My Jungwon. Enhypen's leader who is ready to protect everyone despite being maknae.
But why isn't he protecting me?
"I—" the sight of all my boyfriends turning against me and defending this girl became too much. I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate, and a panic attack was on the verge of consuming me.
Shit. I haven't had a panic attack in so long and the fact that my lovers are the ones to trigger it is insane. Everything was perfect just this morning– what happened?
"Breathe. Take your time," Oh my Sunghoon. So incredibly precious. Always reassuring and giving me reminders since day one.
"Sunghoon," Heeseung scolded.
"She's going to have a panic attack! How can she explain anything?" Sunghoon reasoned. "Niki, get her some water."
"No, Niki. She should leave. Now," Sunoo said firmly. "I'm calling the police." My Sunoo, our sunshine. We've had our squabbles, but I've never been this scared of him. Now I understand what people mean when they say he has an intimidating face.
"Wait, wait. What's your name?" Riki asked. "Calm down a bit. Tell us how you got in," he approached me and gently rubbed my shoulder. I tend to forget that he's still so young since he hates when I remind him of our slight age gap. My Riki is too pure sometimes. He's doing this when I'm a stranger to them. 
It suddenly hit me.
Shit, why didn't my brain work faster?
I'm a stranger to them. They don't know who I am.
It breaks my heart but I should at least introduce myself so that they know I'm not a threat.
"Jay-hyung, call the police," Riki switched languages, probably to ensure that I don't understand.
"Wait! Don't call!" my eyes widened, instinctively grabbing Riki's wrist. "I'm not a crazy fan, I swear!"
"Let go of him," everyone said in unison.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hold him. It was a reflex," I let go and took a deep breath. "My name is Kang Della. I'm a member of Enhypen."
"I'm sorry, what?" Sunoo scoffed. "We only have two female members in our team."
"What the fuck is happening with the world?" I couldn't help but chuckle humorlessly. "Have I gone insane?"
"Answer us– what do you mean you're a member of Enhypen?" Jungwon asked.
"Did I do that thing from Everything, Everywhere, All at Once?" I leaned against the wall, clutching my aching head. "Just give me a second."
I have officially gone insane.
Even if I did 'multiverse hopped' or whatever you call it, I have officially gone insane. My head fucking hurts.
"Can you please answer us?" Jake asked in a softer voice.
"My name is Kang Della. I was born on March 16, 2003. I'm from Seongbuk-gu, and in 2020, I participated in a survival show called I-Land," I looked up at their faces, hoping to see some recognition. Some looked in disbelief, while others seemed slightly annoyed.
"I made it into the final lineup of Enhypen. Seven boys, two girls. It was you seven plus me and Alice, but Alice left shortly after, so I was the only girl," my eyes welled up with tears at the thought of them not remembering me after everything we went through. "I live here. This dorm has been my home for almost three years. I was attending a class in university, and suddenly I came home to... to this."
"You expect us to–" Heeseung was about to say something when she cut him off. She moved closer to me, looking me in the eye. "Mila–"
"Do you have any proof?" she asked softly.
I maintained eye contact as I pulled out my phone. I let out a shaky breath when I looked at the screen for my Face ID.
The lock screen displayed a picture of us, my Enha.
I opened the gallery app, and a few tears escaped my eyes. I flinched slightly when Mila's hand reached out to wipe them away.
"Take your time," she assured me. Damn, she's sweet too. She seems perfect.
"Thank you," I whispered. My thumb hovered over the photo album labeled 'my forever.' I know I'm being dramatic but all I kept thinking was 'will I ever return to my world again?' "Here you go," I handed her my phone.
I watched as she scrolled through the pictures, but quickly adverted my gaze to the floor. I really wanna go home. I'm surrounded by my comfort people but they're not my comfort people.
"Guys.. These are actually you..." Mila turned around to show the seven. "And it's not even a look alike, it's definitely you. This is the company building," Jay took the phone out of her hands to have a closer look.
I saw him tap on a certain video and Shout Out started playing. That's when I couldn't take it anymore. Again.
I broke down. A full on panic attack.
"Oh my God," Mila wrapped her arms around me. "Let's get you inside. Niki, get her water."
Hearing Shout Out made me think of four things at the same time;
1. How the hell am I gonna go home and how long will it take.
2. I'm all alone in this world/universe/whatever this is.
3. I'm surrounded by people who look and are practically my soulmates, but they're not mine.
4. I guess we're not together in every universe after all. I know it's probably impossible and that the guys were just reassuring me for the sake of it, yet it still stings. This is a reality check.
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ac1dl4v3 · 11 months
numinous nevertheless. who . . dom!sanji x male!bartender length . . 1.3k words! warnings . . mature/smut, a drabble, written in third person, male bartender is of color and given some name, oral, degradation, rough handling, power bottom oc, kinda public indecency, and some french....
extra disclaimers!! the ending prolly gon piss you off cus i got tired gn, so prepare yourself for the fall.. (i'm so sorry💀) btw, the inspo for this is a real line oda made sanji say. “you’re welcome to choke on my foot.”
After a petty scuffle with a certain bar tender after hours, Sanji gets so irritated that, while holding the man close by his tie, he says, “If you still got a problem with me you’re welcome to choke on my dick, bastard.” You wouldn't expect the bartender to grin, would you? Sanji didn't either, to be honest, but he thinks to himself, 'If that's what this weirdo is into I guess I don't have any reason to stop him.'
The man chuckles with the scent of peppermint and matcha tea tickling Sanji’s chin. Since he's being tugged forward so harshly, it's hard not to notice his aroma. "Is that a request or a challenge, frenchman?" A teasing, suggestive, flirty, and dare one say hilariously shaky tone matches his query too well; Sanji can't help but to throw caution to the wind. If someone has to teach this guy how to respect a man such as himself, he fits just the description. Maybe the barman can consider the lesson as payment for the damages done to his establishment not too long ago (via a fight which sanji had to break up to protect the sacred women in the vicinity).
In any case, Sanji isn't necessarily one for patience. Especially since his crew (just zoro) must be looking everywhere for him at this point, now that the sun has begun to set...
Plus, the exchange of ongoing eye contact was beginning to gross him out. For shits sake the man looked like a hopeless, love-sick loser with the way his smile only widened at the thought of sucking sanji off in his empty bar against a setting sky. baby is truly living the dream.
"You really don't have any shame, do you?" Such a disappointed, disgusted tone would trigger the average person to become defensive, claiming how he can't be the one to criticize with the way he bleeds out at the simple thought of a woman. However, sanji doesn't even care for a response, truthfully, it was rhetorical because the answer is obvious. Which is why he chooses the proactive route and steps over any incoming retorts to his question. "Get on your knees."
Wrapping one long, black silk pant-covered leg carefully around his puppy's waist, Sanji delivers two hot-tempered kicks to the back of his knees. Thus, making the bartender buckle in place and kneel, as demanded. "Let’s see how you manage first. Then, you can tell me if you think this is a 'request or a challenge', glass cleaner."
The lowered man's hands then ran across Sanji’s waist, willingly submitting to the chef's words as he slid his belt out of the pant loops with haste. All the while his eyes never left Sanji’s, which were peering down at him somewhat annoyed, for some reason, as he lit a new blunt sitting at the edge of his lips. By the first inhale of lavender and mint, Sanji’s being pulled out of his briefs and handled with two tight fists as if it's quintessential for the chef to be in this scenario. The problematic bar tender, whom doesn't even have a name to anyone's knowledge, closes a fist around the head of Sanji’s dick, tightening it slowly to see how much pressure would get the reaction he's so desperate to see. "Don’t be stubborn, be a little noisy or I might get bored.. or do i have to drag it out of you?"
A stupid question, but who could stop the poor guy for trying. If it's noise he wants he shouldn't expect moans or pleas or praise from Sanji. With the way his ring adorned fingers are being tangled in the springy brown curls below, anyone with sense can enable some foresight as to why he's beginning to grip the fist full of hair so tight. With a quick pull and shove, Sanji’s dick is jabbing at the warm corners of the brunette's slippery throat.
"Sacré bleu. Just shut up, already." Sanji’s fist doesn't ease up, even while his legs are being gripped and shallow nose exhales fail to release properly against his abdomen. He insists it's not yet time for the barman to flap his talkative lips. "And watch the teeth, damn it. I’m not running a meat eating contest."
Sounds of sloppy lapping and gags bounce from the still silence of the bar as Sanji leans back against a nearby tabletop, humming in satisfaction at the change of pace. In spite of his climbing arousal and the alarming amount of saliva spinning around his dick, he finds enough consideration for Mr.talks-alot's position and slowly pulls him off. Feeling his dick spring in release against the cool air, Sanji watches with disinterest as the man coughs "dramatically" and wipes his face displaying some level of amazement and shame.
"Goddamn.." his voice is stable and offended, yet his expression admits he's still curious about the limits of Sanji’s patience and frustration. I mean, he did care enough to give the man a break. 'He must be warming up to me.'
On the contrary; honestly, he's beginning to grow bored. "Oh, good, you're breathing." Sanji says with sarcastic enthusiasm. While inhaling another cloud of his half depleted blunt, he raises a swirled brow and gestures to his erection, awaiting its greeting without having to use his hands once again.
This time around, the bartender descends with a quick introduction, once again testing his weight on a thin sheet of ice. "By the way," he mumbled, knowingly irking the under-stimulated male above him. "You can call me asani." A name which Sanji isn't very likely to remember, but poor Asani doesn't know much about the cook other than his temperament and his size. He continues to press his folded, wet lips around Sanji’s rosy tip, rolling his head in circular seats between teasing laps and kisses, but he's only reaching half of the cook, and that'll never be enough. As he notices Sanji’s punitive hand reaching for his head for a second time, Asani sinks his cheeks in tighter and suffocates the soft, swollen skin. Light pink petunia hues gloss beneath clear bubbles of slobber with each inch he progresses over, swallowing the size of the judgmental man with hope filling his chest as much as his cheeks.
Before long, Sanji’s leaning his head back, eyebrows furrowed, eyelids closed, and lips sealed tightly. An expression of concentration which could easily be confused with frustration, or perhaps both, because even when Asani tried his best, Sanji knew he could do better. The average speed wasn't what he wanted, he wanted to be overwhelmed. He hoped to be given a challenge, have his knees wobble beneath him in front of a man whom he wouldn't kiss the hand of. He wanted to be forced to let go of asani's hair, have his hand slammed on the table behind him-- Sanji craved dominance.
Better said, perhaps, he craved Zoro.
With detectable irritation, Sanji sighs and puts away the remaining clip of his once enjoyable joint, tucking it away in his loose shirt pocket. "It’s fine." At this, Asani-- like a bemused puppy-- slowed his movements and looked up at Sanji. Hesitantly, he loosened his tongue's fixation on the throbbing vein stretching across the base of Sanji’s dick. "I’m wasting my time here." Sanji’s tone was instantly careless and detached as he began lighting his next blunt-- rosemary this time.
However, Asani wasn't in agreement with Sanji’s blatantly inconsiderate claim. He remained against the tiled floor with his fingers clutching the fabric pooling at Sanji’s ankles. Rather than assist him in fixing his appearance, he moved a palm to the back of Sanji’s hair printed thigh, letting his grip there make a point in explaining that he didn't feel the same. "If anything's being wasted it's your breath. Do you ever say anything interesting or are you just handsome for the attention?"
Sanji chuckles, unamused and peevish as he holds the rolled paper between his outstretched fingers, reaching down to pull up his briefs himself. Since Asani was proving to be a simple, bungling boy yet again. "I do both, glass cleaner," he claimed in a poorly attempted tone of calmness. "And I don't waste anything, but you might be worth tossing with how stupid you act."
★ ac1dl4v3 productions. all rights reserved, do not plagiarize.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Hello, 'tis I, SecretIdentity!Alastor Anon once more:
I didn't realize wendigo weren't closed culture, I was under the impression that they were, my bad, sorry; thanks for telling me. Anyways I agree that interpretations w/ them as spoopy monsters is pretty blargh & that my Secret-ID-AU!Alastor, even canon!Alastor, are as far from wendigo as can be lol.
And yes! I really like Peryton!Alastor as a concept (plus, bird AND deer behaviors! It's got the flavors built in! Either the SecretIdentity!Alastor's wings are too small to fly, or they were injured & rendered flightless some time ago (broken funny? Nerve damage? Amputee? haven't decided). He's been a lot of fights over the years, there's a toll taken there.
And I just had a thought, what if, Alastor's plan to ally with Charlie & support her hotel idea, was a survival-brain, seat of his pants idea? The most recent Cleanse had all of Hell in a huge serious of brawls, duels and turf wars right (tbh I have... issues with Sinners and the Cleanse itself only being confined to the Pride Ring but I haven't decided yet)? Set 'Day in the Life' Alastor comic but a little to the left slightly before the Cleanse, Alastor and Sheep Lady get caught outside during the Cleanse. Eventually leads to Alastor getting into a marathon of close calls both with Exterminator Angels AND Sinners afterwards, he's won in the sense that he's alive, and the Radio Demon's identity is still a mystery as well as his mythos uplifted further. By the start of the AU Pilot time post-Cleanse, all his usual hideyholes (Rosie? Who actually is an Overlord apparently?) are either too far or partially compromised (Vox bothering him, Alastor, as himself, a 'known associate' of the Radio Demon?), so he needs to buy himself some breathing room to recover and figure out his next moves. (Sheep Lady is alive somewhere but nowhere to be seen for now).
Alastor uses some magic he's got to make himself look unruffled/unhurt, can't show weakness after all, wounded prey animals get targeted first. He ends up ducking into the News Studio just in time to see Charlie's broadcast interview live.
Idk I just thought it would be kinda interesting if Alastor allied with Charlie because he was flying by the seat of his pants and too allergic to showing weakness (legitimate concern considering Hell's society) to try coming as a guest, because not only is that an affront to his pride but the lack of control would be scary probably, so he needs to pitch himself (and his true identity, but separately and somehow a reason to also be there bc that's the point but he can't let them know it's the point) as a valuable asset without looking weak. So he calls in a couple of those few ongoing contracts/favors that he's been holding onto for a while, Niffty and Husk, they're the... Safest choices, to contribute something to this allyship support deal he just pantsed himself into. He had a plan the whole time (no he didn't).
Instead of the pilot/ep1 ending with Sir Pentious just showing up, he doesn't, no big powerwank scene, just quiet scenes for each of what is probably going to be (most of?) the main cast ending their day, settling into the hotel. Also I feel that there was some missed opportunity in the pilot canon where Angel mentions that there's no food at the hotel, and Alastor offering to cook jambalaya for everybody (later if he has a more pressing injury to bother with in secret? Could even be a tidbit of Vaggie talking to Charlie about how Alastor [Radio Demon's ambassador] smells like blood, and if Alastor hears he wouldn't correct her) dialogue at the end can stay though, or it get picked up later.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my Alastor blether, I know he's just Viv's edgy karen-hair wasted potential OC but, man I enjoy redesign/rewriting him.
Thank you for sending in your ideas -- it's some truly excellent blether! Characters that are exceedingly powerful but also in survival mode always make for an interesting time.
(Incidentally, you've also got me really invested in the idea of Alastor with stubs of what used to be wings hidden under his clothes.)
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myristicisms · 2 months
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Birthdays were something of a rarity to her, many years spent at the orphanage where she just got told congrats on living another year and then ignored save for the occasional year that Gebel managed to find a way to celebrate in a way that was more than just sitting on her bed chatting idly and yearning to have a proper family. After Gebel's death though, none of her birthdays really mattered and that fact had only been amplified by her former boyfriend who conveniently always forgot and always went off to do something else with his brother on her birthday. Every year. It never bothered her any though, such was life and honestly Miriam had better things to worry about than the fact that her age was one year higher than it was the previous day.
Waking up felt the same, for once she managed to wake after her boyfriend and while usually she wouldn't be too concerned with the fact, it confused her that the man wasn't still in bed; Usually he was still curled around her even if he'd woken first simply because he needed a moment to fully wake up and because usually she was always sprawled half on top of the poor man and he was too polite to wake her up himself unless he really had to get up. ( Wonder what he's up to... ) She muses to herself, a smile creeping upon tired features. Bones crack as the pallid woman stretches, laughing softly at the old t-shirt she'd stolen from Sonon flooding her senses for a moment before she stands up and shakes the tiredness from her body with a soft hum. The house smelled good, really good actually, as she pads out from their shared room, feet leaving gentle thunks against the wooden floor while she draws closer and closer to the dining room.
She peaks into the kitchen, icy blues gleaming with a reserved warmth only ever seen when gazing upon her little family; She may not have been formally adopted like she'd dreamt of as a kid but a loving boyfriend and his kid sister was just as good, waking up every morning and seeing Melphie's tired grin was more than enough to ease her heart into a ridiculous state of comfort as was being able to watch Sonon hum whilst making breakfast for the household and she'd happily stand beside him whilst the two cleaned up after eating their meal, it may not be what one would think of as typical for a family but it was hers and she loved it.
“ Good morning lover. ” She cooes softly, leans against the doorway with a tired smile sat atop pallid lips, “ You don't happen to be up so early for a specific reason, do you? Aside from making breakfast seeing as Melphie is still in bed and you left me all on my lonesome. ”
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@sleeplesswork | Sonon Kusakabe
within the kusakabe household, huge birthday celebrations weren't really a thing. lucky for sonon, his birthday often fell on the first autumn festival of the year. and for melphie's — born only a handful of days after his — birthday, they'd usually still go to practice, then return home and cook up a miniature feast: left up to sonon to do all the hard work, of course. despite it only being the two, they'd always managed to have some fun, so when melphie sighed a mere week ago, annoyed she had yet to hear her older brother planning something extravagant for his girlfriend, the man frowned. while yes he did plan to do more than his sister and his old traditions, it wasn't like he was organising some colossal party. plus . . . sonon was sure even if they put their heads together, both miriam and himself couldn't come up with enough people to fill a room. so melphie's idea went out the window, and there wasn't much romantic he could think to do, considering sonon's kid sister didn't have school . . . well, hopefully a nice breakfast, some sweet treats, and the small gift kusakabe had gotten a couple of days prior would be enough. if not, he's more than willing to make up for the fact tomorrow when melphie is out of the house.
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bluesummers57 · 2 years
ricky did not treat gina as a backup !!!!
i've been on twitter a lot these days, & someone said that ricky treated gina as a backup emergency option for whenever nini ditched him. and since i have nothing else better to do (actually i do im just procrastinating) and don't feel like having people yell at me on twitter, im going to talk in here about how i don't agree with this and WHY i don't agree with it, while talking about how it's not even true in the show . this is gonna be a long post because this really got me intrigued
okay so the reason this got me thinking is because i actually do think ricky blew it with gina. like i do think he didn't do right by her because that's what the show tells us and shows us. there's no room for interpretation when it comes to that. ricky hurt her but it wasn't because he saw or treated her as a backup. he also never came to talk to gina when nini ditched him or whatever, like people have been saying he did. they just met when he and nini were going through something. but the first time they bonded was purely out of relating to what the other was going through, getting each other in ways no one else in their lives really has. that's why ricky found himself closer to gina more and more. what he had with gina had nothing to do with her being a backup for nini
we keep talking about the same thing over and over again (and people still don't get it), but when ricky was hanging out with gina in season 1, he didn't think about going back to nini. we actually don't know how things would've been if gina never left. maybe ricky would've moved on from nini more early on, and they wouldn't have had such a bad breakup, or maybe not. but there is still no way of knowing. during gina's confession, ricky looked extremely affected by everything that she was saying but it wasn't like he could act on anything or reciprocate the feelings, he was already back together with nini.
in season 2, ricky crossed a line in asking gina for advice in his relationship with nini, he was oblivious and in the wrong to think him and gina could pretend like nothing happened between the two of them on opening night. that was something he did that hurt her! but he never saw her as a backup. he saw her as a friend he cared deeply about, & who he felt seen with. it was easy to talk to her. she's pretty amazing. it's hard not to fall for her. why people are always trying to prove ricky never had feelings for her like it's this very unlikely thing to happen is beyond me. plus the thing w ricky and gina is that they make each other better people. she helped him deal with change & understands him. that's how he sees her, and one of the things he cherished in their relationship. ricky makes gina vulnerable and he was literally the person who helped her open up & let her guard down. he was her first real friend at east high. that's how she sees him. she's not his backup nor his second choice. she's his second chance at the love he truly needs.
it took a while for ricky to admit to himself his feelings for gina because like the shownrunner of the show said (I've read the interviews 😓) there is this "forbidden aspect of ricky and gina's relationship". ricky felt guilty. he connected and bonded with someone else who wasn't nini while he was trying to get her back. makes sense for him to be conflicted. not to mention his whole thing regarding change... people still refuse to acknowledge how strong that was. staying with nini meant nothing would change, going for gina would mean everything would, and worse - it would mean it's okay for things to change! and ricky didn't really wanted it to be okay just yet. but he's better now, it took him a painful break up, spending time with his mother who emphasized yet again that sometimes people change, dating someone completely questionable (someone who parallels gina in a lot of ways, but who he soon realises is nothing like her), to reflect on that. he evolved and season 3 shows it. he got a second chance with gina and he took it. if you don't like them as a couple, that's fine i guess, but saying ricky treated gina as an emergency backup for when he couldn't have nini is completely incorrect because it wasn't the case at all. okay im done now! 😪
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