#it gives me the opportunity to develop my own interpretations of them
writing-with-sophia · 7 months
I don't know if you have ever done this type of genre before, so feel free to ignore this ask, but... Do you have any good tips or advice for writing horror stories? Like psychological and creepy stuff.
Love your blogs btw!! <3
Tips for writing horror stories
Awww, I love you guys too! Unfortunately, horror is not my strength, and I have never written a horror story before. I tried my best to write this, so if there is anything wrong, please tell me!
Tap into primal fears: Identify and explore universal fears that resonate with readers on a deep, primal level. Fear of the dark, fear of the unknown, fear of isolation, and fear of loss are all potent sources of horror.
Create suspense and tension: Build suspense by gradually escalating the stakes and creating a sense of impending doom. Use pacing, foreshadowing, and cliffhangers to keep readers engaged and on edge. You can also use short, consecutive sentences to create a sense of urgency and suspense.
Establish a chilling atmosphere: Set the tone and mood of your story through atmospheric descriptions. Utilize sensory details to immerse readers in a dark, foreboding, or eerie environment. Utilize the power of the unknown to create fear and anticipation. Sometimes what is unseen or left to the imagination can be more terrifying than explicit descriptions. Let the readers' minds fill in the gaps and create their own horrors.
Develop complex characters: Create well-rounded characters with their own fears, vulnerabilities, and flaws. Make readers care about them, and then subject them to terrifying or psychologically unsettling experiences.
Use psychological horror: Delve into the depths of the human psyche to evoke fear and unease. Explore themes such as paranoia, obsession, madness, or fractured perceptions of reality. Subtle, psychological twists can be just as impactful as overt scares.
Cultivate a sense of the uncanny: Take ordinary, everyday situations or objects and twist them into something sinister. This can create a stark contrast between the familiar and the horrifying, intensifying the impact on readers. Play with distorted reflections, doppelgangers, or seemingly ordinary objects that hold a sinister presence.
Leave room for interpretation: Allow readers to fill in the gaps and imagine the worst. Suggest horrors rather than explicitly showing them, leaving room for the reader's imagination to amplify the fear.
Build anticipation and reveal strategically: Tease and withhold information to keep readers engaged. Gradually reveal unsettling details or unveil the true nature of the horror at opportune moments for maximum impact. You can subvert their expectations and challenge their assumptions to keep them engaged and off-balance.
Explore taboo subjects: Fear can be evoked by exploring taboo or uncomfortable subjects that challenge societal norms. Use these themes tactfully and with sensitivity to create a disturbing effect.
Experiment with narrative techniques: Consider using different narrative perspectives to provide varying viewpoints and insights into the horror. First-person narratives can intensify the reader's connection with the protagonist, while third-person perspectives can offer a broader view of the unfolding terror. Use non-linear storytelling, unreliable narrators, or fragmented perspectives to create a sense of disorientation and psychological unease.
Study the genre: Read widely in the horror genre to understand different approaches and techniques. Analyze what works in other stories and adapt those techniques to your own writing style.
Edit with a critical eye: After completing your first draft, take the time to review and revise your work. Look for areas where you can heighten the horror, strengthen character development, or refine the atmosphere. Trim unnecessary details and ensure that each scene contributes to the overall sense of fear and unease.
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Unpopular opinion but I don’t like Vickie as a love interest for Robin. Why? Let me explain
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Every relationship in stranger things, Wether it be romantic or a platonic relationship, has been built and developed overtime and over the seasons. Almost every single character has a developed relationship or friendship with another character. But for robins love interest there is no build up at all.
- Nancy and Jonathan: their relationship has been developing since season 1 and over season 2 which led them to getting together. We see in season 1 and 2 how they built a relationship starting with a team up: friendship which grew and developed into a romantic relationship.
- hopper and Joyce : since season 1 they have built this relationship and paved the way for it since day one. Was it an easy process? No because the didn’t officially get together until season 4. But it was such a great development and build up, and because of this build up it feels more connected and more well written
Lucas and max: although the build up to their relationship was alot shorter compared to others, you can see how they started off as friends and developed over season 2 and this continues in season 3. For season 4 we see the aftermath of season 3 and how it affected their relationship, which put it at a halt. But over the season they developed their bond and relationship back and were able to reconnect.
Byler : although not canon there’s no denying that they have built the connection and relationship between mike and will over the seasons. If they become canon it will be well done and well developed for both characters, as we got to see both characters progress over the seasons and wether you think it’s platonic or romantic that’s your own interpretation but either way it’s still good relationship building and development.
There’s loads more relationships and friendships that have had this sort of build up and development over the seasons.
My main point is that Vickie only seemed to be only introduced as a love interest for robin and not much to her character and had practically nothing to do with season 4 at all. Instead of having her character develop a friendship which can evolve into a romantic relationship with Robin, they just gave a love interest that has no buildup or no connection.
Just to be Clear I ship Ronance so this might be biased but robin in season three barely knows Nancy and assumes what she is like. In season 4 both Nancy and robin seem tense when around eachother at first. But gradually this friendship between them develops over the seasons and we see an amazing connection form. This would be a perfect opportunity for a relationship to form, or atleast how it should be done.
For robins character they need to develop it rather than just give her an interest because otherwise it has no connection and is not interesting. I wish they atleast developed Vickie’s character differently so it would be a good ship, but it’s just lacking.
Note : this is just my opinion, but I feel they needed to write her character to be more involved. I think her character does have some potential. But maybe it’s just me but I found her character was way to similar in persona and in character to robin, so I struggle to ship them due to this and that there is no interesting development or moments between them. Maybe this will change in season 5 but I want robin to have a relationship that has pining, grows over time and has connections and build up!!!!
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zel-zo · 1 year
Hey so you know how in the Izuru-Fuyuhiko conversation, Izuru assumes Fuyuhiko intends to use Izuru for his talents? And Fuyuhiko refutes that like right away. Based on the recent art you made, do you have any thoughts on Izuru making himself useful (as a meat shield apparently) anyway? Izuru usefulness complex vs. Fuyuhiko 'people arent tools' complex or something like that? Sorry if this is a strange ask to get out of the blue haha I am interested in the narrative.
Ok so this is a FANTASTIC question and it took all my restraint not to send back an entire essay lmao💛💛💛 (correction^ I wrote 544 words of this so, maybe a LITTLE bit of an essay)
So, here are my thoughts on Izuru and Fuyuhiko's potential relationship in DRS:US:
I feel like the reason that Izuru may in fact stay with Fuyuhiko in this scenario (I mean, he outright says that if he were told to be free without orders he would probably just disappear overseas and cut contact,) is Fuyuhuko’s resolve not to use Izuru for his talents. I think that, in one way or another, this wont sit right with Izuru, who can easily reason out the fact that he’s a passive force until acted upon, and if acted upon (or used) for the good of humanity, that would have an overall better net benefit to the world than valuing his independence and letting his talents go to waste. As little as Izuru seems to care about anything, the thought process behind letting him do whatever he wants and not like, idk, make him cure cancer, is an absolutely atrocious error in judgement and has to be the fault of some under-developed moral code of Fuyuhuko’s. I think this intrigue is part of why Izuru would want to stay with Fuyuhuko: to see how long it will take for Fuyu, given ample opportunity, to abandon his personal code and start using Izuru (weather for humanity’s benefit or his own).
Note: I also think this is why Izuru would “make himself useful” (like the meat shield incident). By showing how much he could benefit Fuyuhiko when his talents are used, he’s subtly testing his resolve to keep refraining from doing so.
On the FLIP side we have Fuyuhiko, who’s honestly got a point. He’s definitely not thinking of it in the same big moral strokes that Izuru is, but he is thinking of the basic gist of it: What should you value more, a person’s freedom or the good they can do? In his (learned) opinion, the value a person’s life has and the potential they have for good aren’t exclusive, but that person needs to do the good on their own for it to have meaning. His relationship with Peko comes to mind hard here as someone who has been given a role and carried it out perfectly, denying their own free will in the process. Fuyu doesn’t go through the same lesson in the same way as DR2, but it’s clear that he’s coming to similar conclusions about valuing Peko’s free will in their DRUS interactions. I feel like, similarly, Fuyu would just want Izuru to start giving a damn about being used by people and stop treating himself like a means to an end.
So, does this turn into a genuine friendship? Something more?... Maybe??? I see a lot of interpretations of Izuru’s character were he’s an unfeeling machine, which I personally really dislike. I mean, the man has enough emotion to be bored by being unable to be surprised by anything anymore. He does Cry, even if he doesn’t know why. In my eyes, Izuru is mentally incredibly developed, but emotionally underdeveloped because of his emphasis on learning and usefulness since his ‘creation’. So, these two’s relationship is both ambiguous and up for interpretation, but I do think it has room for Izuru to come to understand Fuyuhuko’s thinking and maybe even start caring for him eventually. Honestly it’s all up to your personal interpretation of Izuru’s character!
But yea, those are just my thoughts! Let me know Your own interpretation!! I love these characters and always wanna hear other people's thoughts on them!!! 💛
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basiatlu · 6 months
On Theft in Art
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First: thank you to the anon here and the other many people who brought this to my attention! I know you did it out of support of me and I love you for it.
I was ready to keep it private as I didn’t want anything negative to come up and be associated with my art. But as I was asked across different platforms concerning the art in question I realized it really bummed me out. I’m here to have a good time in the fandom and create with you all. We have a good thing here in the community and I didn’t want any smoke with another artist - a mutual even.
So to help me feel a little better about it I want to turn this into an opportunity to teach others on the differences between Reference, Inspiration, Reinterpretation, and Theft
Reference: (usually) a visual source of information in order to better understand something. Example here is of my reference board and the art I am currently working on.
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My favorite example of a professional using reference photos is by Hirohiko Araki (creator and artist of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure), who uses fashion editorials and photoshoots ALL the time it’s awesome - tysm @yumiaiyuma for showing me this goldmine
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Study and Inspiration: here is a great example from the wonderful Stephanie Pepper. Notice the caption stating these are studies, the movie it is from, and I will even go on to say that this artist is influenced or inspired by the prolific works of J. C. Leyendecker (but what’s key is that Stephanie Pepper has developed and practiced to the point of deviating from his work and become a style of art completely her own - and she’s so recognizable in my opinion!)
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Personal Example for Inspiration:
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An Example of Reinterpretation: note - Both these classical artists whose works are being recycled are dead and no longer missing out on potential work and income. Where stealing ideas and art from current artists hurts them financially and mentally and emotionally. Howl as The Fallen Angel by _mimimaru on Instagram is an interpretation of a 1847 painting by Alexandre Cabanel and is now considered public domain // the Mickey Mouse self portrait was by Charles Boyer and is a parody of the famous illustration by Norman Rockwell and was commissioned by Walt Disney, himself.
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Now here’s the part that is concerning to several people, myself included.
Recently, an artist found the reference I used, and decided to draw Andromeda, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Regulus staring at Sirius getting supposedly punished by Walburga Black off screen.
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Let’s be clear: this isn’t a matter of tracing or claiming my image as their own. I do not mind at all if myself and another artist end up using the same reference. It happens all the time. Referencing and studying is not stealing. Reinterpretation is great for meme art challenges and paying respect to old classics. Even being inspired and doing one’s own version of another artist’s idea is totally cool, especially if you tag and/or shoutout the artist that inspired you.
I genuinely love and appreciate everyone who has brought this to my attention and who has been supportive and defensive of me with this. That reaction means more to me than anything else in this whole ordeal, if I’m being honest. So thank you all so much, with all my heart.
In closing: Do I hope this is all one gigantic coincidence? Absolutely. It’s one of those very uncool things that hurts my heart as an artist. I just want everyone to enjoy art and inspire each other so we can all grow. I do not want any malice to come from this either. I just wanted to inform everyone that I am aware of this, and give some of my thoughts on it. I also wanted to use this as a way to educate everyone on artistic process and why these things might happen sometimes.
Edit: me and the artist have chatted and we see it as a silly coincidence ♡ and honestly I'm happy and so relieved with that. But I think a lot of this info is still good to be mindful of in a creative community where we circulate ideas and content regularly.
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randomnumbers751650 · 7 months
Talking about a ship for me is complicated because the feeling that I might be missing something or extrapolating too much. But still, I want to talk about Kafka/Blade.
Since HSR is a gacha, the chances of playable characters having romantic relationships are very low, so the fans have to pick the crumbs. Sometimes it’s pretty much obvious the devs want certain characters together, but the hand of the gacha business model holds them back. Other times, not really, maybe the devs are really aiming for platonic or other. And, of course, fans are free to interpret their own. So, I’m here to give my interpretation of KafBlade, why it called my attention.
From their interactions, they are working together and they have a level of affection: Kafka calls him Bladie (and he’s upset if others call him by that), Blade loves hearing her singing and is receptive to her whispers; they also seem to have good synergy in the battlefield. It also works in accomplishing missions, with Kafka’s lack of fear making her prone to injuries and Blade acting as her immortal bodyguard. Plus, there’s the implication they had to fake being a couple for a mission, which I hope it never gets a full flashback because imagining how it went is funnier. How they complement each other is what makes them so interesting.
They are both fundamentally broken people. We know Blade’s story, but it’s pretty implied Kafka has some tragedy in the closet (with Blade commenting he doesn’t want to see her sad; would it really be surprising?). And, they are villains after all.
But still, what I see in them is how they can still experience with each other things that they couldn’t imagine to experience or that they thought that they’d never experience. For example, Kafka is a liar. It’s a strength in her job, to the point even when she’s telling the truth it still feels she’s lying. She uses her whispers to dominate men and then discard them when they’ve done their jobs. She goes full “nothing personnel, kid”, because for her everything is just a job.
And then, one day, appears a guy who’s like “can you do that again?” A guy who wants to be whispered, whose lies sooth and motivate him. And then she learns he’s an immortal that wants to die and then she decides that she’ll help, but that she will strive to make his life more fun until that day because he amuses you. She has no feelings for him, because she has no feelings at all (or are very different from what normal people think to be); either she wasn’t born with them or the organization she learned her skills remove them, but still she just wants to make him feel good about his journey to death.
Blade is similar: he wants revenge. He crafted his entire life and used all his bladesmith skills to pursue that goal; it’s easy to imagine him forgoing everything, his feelings, his self-care, eating whatever slop he puts on his face, a very miserable life. And then one day a woman appears saying “join me” and she’s actually…fun to be around. Sure, they are using each other to their respective objectives, but there’s something more to it. He starts to pick her habits and helps her whenever she needs carry her stuff. And then he starts to wonder that, yes, his life sucks, but it sucks a bit less with her around. The blade he crafted for revenge can be used to protect, unexpectedly.
It should be noted that the devs already had opportunities to portray their relationship as toxic and abusive, but they haven’t. I’m not sure I’d call healthy either, but there seems to be a mutual respect and trust about them. I mean, they are dangerous (along with the rest of the Stellaron Hunters, Silverwolf, Sam and Elio himself (it’d be really funny if he was the cat)), but still it’s not hard to imagine them as a found family. We have to wait for future updates to see how they’ll be developed, but their Team Rocket dynamic with the heroes is fun.
One last thing is how I think it’s funny that KafBlade is “what if Gojo and Marin (from My Dress Up Darling) were evil?”. Kafka is the extroverted girl that loves shopping and fashion, while Blade is the recluse artist, but that grew bitter - as Yingxing, he was one the best bladesmiths of the Xianzou, he knows what beauty is (also please read the fanfic “dal segno al fine”, it really captures this side of his) – and would be reluctant even if Kafka’s feelings were like Marin’s; Kafka would have to have a lot of patience, but I think she’s not one to give up once she set up a goal.
I didn’t really review their text and quotes, I’m remembering all of it in the game and some comments in the internet. Even so, I wonder if others share these thoughts on them, especially the fact they bring out things that were previously kinda buried in each other, so it has potential for a more mature love story.
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jujumin-translates · 23 days
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 23 - International Minister of Arts and Culture
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Kazunari: Ah, the livestream started!
Muku: Is Citron-sama really going to walk the red carpet?
Kazunari: All I’m seeing is overseas celebs so far~.
Kumon: I’m getting kinda excited!
Misumi: There’s Citron~!
Muku: Waah, he’s so dignified and cool…!
Tenma: He really does look like royalty like this.
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Kazunari: I’ll snap a commemorative screenshot~.
Taichi: Is the interview in English? It’s crazy that Citron’s speaking without an interpreter!
Guy: This is a good opportunity to showcase the Kingdom of Zahra to notable figures in the culture and entertainment fields. It is most effective to communicate with those people in their own language.
Guy: Citronia has acquired foreign language skills to a certain degree for diplomatic purposes.
Banri: Even so, he’s completely different from the usual Citron.
Banri: Can switchin’ to a different language really make that much of a difference?
Guy: In his position, you must have a good outward appearance to a certain degree.
Guy: However, when he speaks Japanese, he is able to somewhat let his inner personality out more.
Banri: Yeah, I think he’s lettin’ it out a lil’ too much…
Tenma: I’m kind of surprised that he’s been able to keep it in at all.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Citron: 《As the people of Zahra have become increasingly more interested in them, we would like to invite many excellent theatrical and musical performances from overseas to the Kingdom of Zahra.》
Citron: 《I myself belong to a Japanese theater company called MANKAI Company, which has performed overseas in the Kingdom of Zahra.》
Citron: 《Based on that experience, I believe that we can be of great help in terms of support for overseas companies.》
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Citron: 《We hope to have many new encounters through this.》
Arts Festival Participant A: 《I have not yet had the experience of visiting your country. I have always hoped to have an opportunity like this someday.》
Citron: 《We look forward to your visit. We have many theater fans among our people, and they will certainly give you a very warm welcome.》
Arts Festival Participant B: 《I have heard much of your success, Prince Citronia. My impression of the Kingdom of Zahra being a more open nation has strengthened thanks to you.》
Citron: 《A little wanderlust can be very useful sometimes.》
Arts Festival Participant A: 《Hahaha. Right, I will be starting a new project to combine theater with the latest in AI technology and--.》
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Citron: …Phew.
Citron: (I’m almost through with the greetings.)
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Citron: (After all, if we look beyond Japan and Zahra, we can see that even if we just limit our scope to focus on theater, there is still a diverse range of development all around.)
Citron: (It is stimulating to actively go to places like these.)
Citron: (A whole new door, huh… That reminds me, I wonder if everyone in Spring Troupe watched the broadcast.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
TorORo has entered the chat.
Saku: He said MANKAI Company!
tsuzuru: It’s pretty amazing to hear your name mentioned at an international arts festival
Curry: citron’s here
tsuzuru: I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve read “TorORo” and wondered who that is
taruchi: skill issue
UC: Aren’t you in the middle of the arts festival right now?
TorORo: i amn on a rake!
Curry: break?
taruchi: the gap’s insane
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tsuzuru: That’s our Citron-san
Saku: But it’s kinda a relief!
tsuzuru: It’s like you were a whole different person during the stream
UC: There was a lot of excitement in the company LIME chat too. They were all watching from the lounge.
TorORo: evenb thouvgh we’re aparnt, it is likeb we arbe in rhe same confessional
taruchi: confessional lmfaooo
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tornioduva · 3 months
Avatar the last airbender - a small thought on Aang design
....Ok, so, all the talking about avatar these past days made extremely inclined to rewatch clips and episode from theoriginal. and with that, i developed a particular opinion o a specific things: Aang's tatoos.
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Now, we all like the lore and worldbuilding of this world; it has its issues, but it functions really smoothly (not considering Korra). I do think one thing we can all agree too: Aang's tatoos are how they are because they look cool by themselves more than for cultural reasons, but they do even more in his avatar state:
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Aang is visually really cool and iconic in both forms, and that is in gran part thanks to the tatoos.
What i want to say with this is: why only Aang has them? or to be precise, why the avatar state interacts with a visual component of the body other than the eyes only with the Air nomads tatoos? other air avatars have them, so it seems to be a peculiarity exclusive to his people. why is that?
And why is that a "problem" with me.
I'll be short with this: i just think all the other avatars should have visually highlighted elements other than just the eyes like aang does.
I just see it as a wasted opportunity, both to add cool properties to the avatar state and to add cultural details to the avatars and their people.
Like, i don't know if it's explained somewhere, i don't remember all of the show by memory, but it don't remember to any explanations as to why. One could sayis because the air temple are the most spiritual one. are you sure? that in the whole world only them have figured out tatoos that connect to the spirit? come on.
it's shown multiple times that spirituality is something possesed by all nations, and each with their own interpretation and local declination, this is just the one of the air nomads. Yeah, maybe adding to the others would leessen the specialness of the air nomads, but i think we would only gain by more visually diverse avatar states.
Like, tell me to my face that it wouldn't be cool to have fire avatar with glowing flames pattern on their fists and feet (maybe face even), water avatars with flowing waves all over their body, and maybe earth avatars with patterns all over their chest and back.
also, one, could say that the tatoos are important to aang, and so maybe this is a uniquely his thing for some reason. well, this opens even more possibilities!
if the avatar state does make things on the avatar's body glow based on their history and feelings, we could have things like hair, fingernails, only hands or feet, the mouth, and stuff like that. something like Anne from amphibia.
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Listen, i just want something as badass as this for tthe other avatars too.
This all train of thought started mainly after i rewatched some TloK clips, where i realized how plain she looks if compared to Aang.
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Like, she does go hard visually many times (especially here), but Aang just sticks to you.
i'm not sure what i could give to korra that does not clash too much with her design; again, maybe some arm tatoos would do the trick, but, given how her story goes, i think it would be cool if she had something like glowing cracks in her skin, giving a hint on her depowered/unstable character state, overflowing from her.
or maybe even just a glowing shade on the end of her hair.
don't know, i just think this was kind of a waste of good design, there to look cool but to not expand this privilege to others as well.
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badboyfriends · 1 year
Minecraft Worldbuilding Headcanons
-Players & Species
here is 1179 words of minecraft worldbuilding infodump
I would be spending several more hours working on this if I didn't cut it short here, so I might make a second part. But i'm.. kinda in finales week so I died today.
Included in this is references to some Minecraft YouTubers and their world building, namely Watchers, of the 2017 Evo SMP.
Feel free to use this for fics, art, comics, etc.
Includes headcanons for how Players work, are created, and function. Also how disabilities are accommodated!!!
Very simulation-esque. essentially my world building is as if The Sims were aware of what they are and they had access to make themselves god ig . cyber tech. yeah
The Devs/Developers are the first. As their world expanded, and the Universe grew, more of them would appear. They create the updates, design the Mobs, and ensure the future of their Universe; features, challenges and goals, for the Players to explore and use and learn from. The asexual creation of new Players. Purpose, for the Players to never get bored. Devs created the Watchers to manage the day-to-day of Players. Watchers fine-tune and teach the Mobs, kinda like playtesters, to give feedback to the Devs. 
The Devs determined what is and isn’t a Player, and what qualifies something to be a Player.
There are slips, and with malicious or ignorant intent, someone not given the right to be a Player slip through, as man-made creatures. Non-intended “Players” do not respawn, have Communicators (see: Players), or inventories.
Mob hybrids were added one by one, as they assured they could have a quality of life, and make changes as fit to allow them to be.Older Creeper hybrids may look different from younger ones, for example, as they fine-tune their process to make them have the healthiest, safest and most fulfilling possible life.
Devs rarely spend time with any Players. The ones they do speak with are usually first generation, very old Players.
(About Me: Watchers are god-like beings featured in an SMP known as Evo. They filled the role of overseers, and are typically interpreted to be the personification of the two things that speak to you in the End Poem. In the series, they were morally-neutral, punishing Players who did wrong, and awarding others. They put them through tasks and challenges, and led them to a series of portals that would take them through time, to new updates. The series started in the first version of Minecraft that featured servers. Nearly everything wrote is from my own worldbuilding or the fanon of others, as there is very little known about them in canon.)
The Player are made from the Universe, and made of the same code, but Watchers  ARE the Universe. They don't make the Players, but they make the Mobs that roams in each world. They oversee upcoming updates. There are only two Watchers who are the true Universe, the ones we see in Evo SMP, all other Watchers are “hired”/recruited based on their morality, strength, perseverance, or sometimes just sheer entertainment. Sometimes, in a situation of Permadeath, the Players that meet their standards are given the opportunity to expand their life and purpose by becoming a Watcher. They are taught the true Universe, the meaning of it all, and the power to manipulate it into life and love. Watchers can also turn animals into Players, and do so in the scenario that a world is deleted/abandoned by all of it’s occupants.
The head Watchers are the two that speak to you, the Player, during the End Poem. They are a bit disconnected but well-intentioned. They enforce laws, and assign Watchers to every Server and world to ensure it’s safety. The Old Watchers (as I’ll dub them) are god-like, and are the only ones that typically speak with the Devs on a regular basis. Not all Watchers are good. Some are centuries old, Players-turned-Demi-Gods who have watched all they love die or age. As such, their mentality may begin to crumble.
Those who are Watchers, stop aging. They no longer can scar, and all injuries are cured on respawn. The state of their body from before being transformed remains the same. For example, bad vision, scars, and hearing lost remain. Their body is frozen from where they left off. Temporary ailments, such as bags under eyes, scratches, bruises, etc. can still occure.
They have the ability to shapeshift, but it is something that takes effort, and can be blocked by Servers. Watchers can toggle between their Player form, where they left off when they were human, or in a Spectator-like form. Think biblical angel. Thick bird-like wings, that can come in a plethora of numbers.
The state of their Watcher form is determined typically by their mental or emotional state.
Watcher Form
Cool & Collected: One set of wings, long and angular with slick feathers. Appear in the vision of others like a foggy outline in the mist. Eyes covered by a mask.
Stressed & Anxious: One-Three set(s) of wings, feathers bristled and messy. Purple glow around the edge of the mask, and outline of eyes appear around them. Can appear shadow-like.
Angry & Upset: One-Six set(s) of wings, outstretched with a shimmery-crystal like appearance. Halo of eyes around their head. Their real eyes can also be seen glowing underneath the mask. Visual distortion to any that see's them in this state, like a graphical glitch.
Player Form Capabilities
Their eye color is now a hazy purple-gray. Similarly to their Watcher form, experiencing emotions can cause their eyes to turn to a more vibrant purple, and become illuminated.
They can shapeshift their form. If a Player was a hybrid before it's conversion to a Watcher, their traits remain. Their Watcher Form hides these features, and they can also be hidden or altered by their shifting.
Purple wings are always part of them, becoming part of their default form.
Wings can be altered while shapeshifting. Length, width, color, feathers vs scales, etc. are all able to be changed, but they always must remain part of them. Their size can, however, be made small enough to disguise them and appear human.
Wings, tails, hair length, hair color, ears, and clothes are all that can be manipulated. Unlike wings, hybrid Players can completely shift their tell-tale features away.
Qualifications to be a Player
Cognitive Ability
Awareness of self (pain, desire, etc.)
One limb or more capable of holding and manipulating an item
Land mobility
Ability to care for one's own needs (The children of Players are not registered as Players until they reach that milestone. At ages six-eight, they obtain that status. Dependent on the age and maturity of a hybrid/non-human species)
Capable of Respawning
If all are met, they are registered as a Player. Being a Player comes with a Communicator, the main system to access the greater Universe.
Communicators offer: Settings, server-list, world creation, texting/messaging, video calling, basic/generic social media
Players join a Server or world by selecting their desired location, and placing it on an unlit netherportal frame.
Communicators are not breakable, and are tethered to a player. They hover, teleport, follow you, and if you do "break it", like shattering it, it respawns. They are an extension of yourself, that allows you greater control in the Universe.
Communicators are the access point for Inventories. Inventories are a pocket-dimension, which you access through the Communicators Graphic User Interface. Breaking items drops them as a digital, or holographic image on the floor. Stepping or touching it will automatically collect it, and put it in your Inventory.
Players are capable of overwriting the inventory, by turning off the setting. Doing so will make it so your tools do not react how they typically wood, and work as real-world items. However, it also means physically carrying them and real manual labor.
Anthro/Animal Players
In the situation of a world/Server being deleted, Watchers and the Universe will pick the most interacted-with animal(s), and the ones that witnessed the most behavior of a Player, and the former mob(s) will take the Player's place. They are warped and made humanoid to fit the previously mentioned criteria.
The longer they were a pet/companion to the Player(s) the more memories of their time as a Mob they’ll remember. Most forget overtime, and will take on the memories of their Player/owner believing them to be their own. 
While Players can be born, they can also be spawned by Devs or Watchers. Players can be created anywhere from the ages of 8 and up. They will spawn (typically) in a single player world of their own, an assigned Username, and the knowledge that they're meant to survive and discover.
Hybrid Players are typically Mob and Human to qualify, but that's not always the case. There can be double or triple Mob hybrids, without Human, though uncommon. Hybrid Players can be born from two Human parents. In the case of a Player becoming pregnant, The Universe has a small chance of giving the baby a Hybrid-feature to make it more inclined to their surroundings. Hybrid Players are more common for Spawned, but both is possible. Two Hybrid Players of different species typically ends up with the child being one or the other, not both, but it can happen.
Usernames for Spawned are automatically assigned, but can be changed.
Usernames for Players who are born, is a prompt given to them the day the world considers them a Player. At this time, their parent typically have given them a name. Their Username typically contains said name, but with alterations/additions. These Usernames are chosen by the Player, however, and as such can at-times be completely unrelated. That is their legal name.
Accessibility was painstakingly given to ensure every Player could live a life. Devs do not oversee the creation of every single person. They allow them to live, make mistakes, etc. and do not want every Player the same. There is assistance and accessibility for the hearing and seeing impaired, limited mobility folks, etc.
Subtitles on their Communicator act as you imagine they would. Only seeable in your eyes, is a small black box in your peripheral that describes the sounds around you.
Visual indicator of where a noise is coming from. Each line in the Subtitles has a corresponding color, and an arrow of the same color, small and in the peripherals, that point towards its direction until it fades. Able to be turned off.
One small earplug that narrates your surroundings. It gives the distance between you and a Player/Mob, the amount of blocks you’re looking at and what they are, the registered Username of a Player, etc. Warnings for steps up and step down.
The option to describe a Player (hybrid, hair and hair color, eye color, etc)
Some use a guide cane, or can train a mob to be their guide.  Some prefer the narration and can navigate through life fine that way.
Using your Communicator, you can transform something into a wheelchair, crutches, cane, etc. In doing so, Servers will automatically allow you to keep them on/with you. It does not take space in the inventory. They are fully customizable by the Player.
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nayruwu · 6 months
I wanna know the lunaify gureshin lore please
ha ha! i'm so glad you asked!
i'm not trying to say the way their relationship is in canon is bad, because kagami just had different priorities in the story. i don't think a casual reader would think anything is missing, but i spend a lot of time thinking about these characters specifically so naturally i'd want to fill in the gaps.
right off the bat i think the way shinya introduces himself to guren is kind of... odd. it's his thing to mask his feelings and intentions, so for him to immediately overshare and dump all of that onto guren first chance he gets feels rushed and, quite frankly, out of character. even if he really wanted guren as an ally, it would have made more sense to observe a whole lot more first and try to gain his trust more slowly. imagine how much more charming it would have been if guren had thought shinya to be a spoiled hiiragi brat at first, and only slowly realised that hey, he's like me. the scene where seishiro punches him in the face would have been perfect for this. or, you know those scenes where a character accidentally lets something slip or moves in a way that reveales bruises or wounds they have and then they stand there awkwardly not knowing how to react? it's cheesy but i love fondue so it's fine.
one thing that i've seen in fanfiction a couple of times is shinya being ashamed of his past in the training facility, and intentionally never mentioning it to guren (thinking he, the selfless saviour of the ichinose, would be disgusted at his selfishness). and i really like this idea! shinya having tried so hard to be guren's friend and not wanting it to be destroyed. guren finding out and being horrified, not at shinya but at the hiiragi, because what the fuck are they doing to little children? the conversation that would have to follow after. it'd be intriguing development where they'd both have to open up and be honest. but recently as i was rereading the novels i realised that guren just... already knows about the trials. i can't even remember where exactly it was mentioned, but it's there in a side sentence, casual, without a second thought. booooo. boring. huge missed opportunity.
... which also leads into the next point. because even in resurrection, even when they call each other 'best friend', guren never really thinks about shinya. and i know how this sounds - of course he thinks about him! like, literally all the time! but what guren thinks about is how he needs him, how he wants him to live, how he doesn't want to exist without him, but he never really thinks about shinya himself. normally, you'd want to know about your best friend's life, try to be there for them, worry about their wellbeing. in canon, this is never considered. shinya doesn't ask for support, guren doesn't give it. i get that this is a really complicated issue considering that before the catastrophe they're mostly not that close and guren has like a million different problems to deal with & after the catastrophe his biggest concern is keeping shinya alive, but i did come up with a solution for this (sorry i went on a tangent there again the shinsanity is getting to me). so what shinya often does is put guren's goals and wishes above is own (be that by not being able to figure out what he wants and helping guren achieve his goals instead (canon) or quite literally being in love with him but never acting on or even acknowledging it (interpretation)). shinya knows that guren has a horrible case of saviour complex, has watched him repeatedly destroy himself to try and save someone else. so it would make total sense if he, having devoted himself to supporting guren, didn't want to become the reason he gets hurt. it would make for a horribly sad situation because there is no way guren would want to accept this but it plays right into his need to keep shinya at a distance, so there's nothing he can do about it.
let them snuggle.
just a glimpse into my dark, twisted mind😈
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auburnflight · 10 months
VnC 60: Jeanne, Agency and Heteronormativity
In this chapter, we had… uhh… some things thrown at us. And I’m not clear how we should be taking those things. Serious, goofy, the calm(?) before the storm? So I’m going to approach this post not from within the text, but with an idea in IRL society, which affects the text: heteronormativity. Specifically, compulsory heterosexuality: the idea that if you’re a woman, feeling anything toward a man, that has to be a crush. And anything you’re feeling toward a woman is never romantic. Right?
The societal scripts we’re raised with in a heteronormative society dictate how we interpret our own feelings and how we act upon them. What we do with our feelings is often premeditated, rather than genuine. For example, asexual people can often relate to the act of consciously picking people to have “crushes” on when they were growing up, forcing something just because they were taught they had to fit into that framework. In essence, we aren’t given a framework to have full agency over our emotions. (My previous post on Jeanne and the theme of agency in relationships is in the source link if y’all are interested).
This is why I love the freedom that’s at the essence of this moment:
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Here, given the opportunity, Jeanne is genuinely and spontaneously expressing her feelings. There was no reflection immediately prior on societal scripts about romance, as there was on her “date” with Vanitas, and as there are for many of us growing up queer in a heteronormative society. It’s plainly just what she’s feeling, and the clumsiness of the delivery only highlights the moment of freedom that she and Dominique are experiencing.
I’m not here to make a judgment on, between Vanitas and Dominique, which of her attractions (regardless of the type) are “true” or “false”. …Okay, maybe there is a bit of a Domijeanne agenda here. But the point I’m trying to make is, once again, we are seeing how Jeanne’s relationship with Vanitas takes away her agency, whereas her suddenly sweet and …canon??? relationship with Dominique gives her back that agency. Breaking out of those heteronormative scripts can be so freeing and thrilling, if a bit scary, and it can ultimately lend us more comfort and happiness with being our genuine selves than trying to force ourselves into heteronormative boxes ever could.
I saw a bit of my younger self finally discovering she was sapphic in Jeanne's little outburst here, and whether it's a genuine development in the story or it's supposed to be taken more humorously, it just made me really happy to see such a radiantly queer moment.
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talonsandtails · 6 months
Just watched the sonic prime season 3 trailer and I am so angry at this show.
They had the FIRST GOOD SONIC CHARACTER IN FOREVER in the form of Nine and they’ve WASTED HIM!
I’ve got a lot to get out about this.
So Nine is a character I absolutely adore. I think he’s one of the rare few examples of an edgelord character done right. He also acts as a nice counterpart to Sonic. His character is perfectly set up for some engaging conflict with the situation at hand with some nice character development with some wholesome moments sprinkled in there.
I honestly actually really liked the conflict that was set up at the end of season 2 but was also nervous for the shows plans for nine in season 3. And of course, based on the trailer, it seems nine has been turned into a generic “I wanna rule the world” villain with no chance at redemption given that the show is pulling together all the characters, including the past antagonists, to face off against him.
Just… why???
Sure I get it, people love twist villains. I love twist villains. It’s great when you can make us attached to a character and then have them stab us in the back.
But the thing is that Nine had so much more potential as an ally than a villain!
What makes Nine so compelling is that he’s the angst we always wanted to see in Tails but never got. I was hoping this would be expanded upon, with the writers finally giving Nine something good in his miserable life through Sonic, but it NEVER happened. All we got were pathetic moments of Sonic showing him basic human decency.
The missed opportunity that bothers me the most is the conflict that we saw come to a head in the finale of season 2. This will take me a minute to explain my interpretation of what’s going on between them.
From Nines point of view, Sonic, the only person he thought ever cared about him, is more than willing to throw him away for a better, less broken version of himself. For the duration of the show, Sonic has been treating Nine as a stand in for Tails and not his own person. He isn’t bothered in the least about the fact that reviving Green Hill would erase Nine. Now that’s not to say I think this is intentional on Sonics end. He’s just a complete moron in this show and more than likely the thoughts just never occurred to him. I think it’s pretty likely that Nine realizes this too, but that doesn’t make it any better for him. It probably hurts him even more to know that Sonic’s actions would have led to his death had he not intervened, and Sonic never even realized what could’ve happened. This here is a good example of how Sonic doesn’t see Nine as his own person, by the way. Ie. “you expected me to just go along whatever you said, didn’t you?” I love this quote in particular because of the implications behind it. This is, in fact, exactly what Tails does, so Sonic expects Nine to be the same way.
Imagine a clone of you suddenly showed up one day, but it lacked the trauma or disabilities or whatever you have, and the person you love most instantly abandons you for this better version of yourself. Like you were just a broken toy that was being replaced. This is essentially what’s happening to Nine.
Nine isn’t entirely in the wrong with what he did in season 2. I also don’t actually blame Nine for not understanding Sonic’s point of view here, desperately missing Green Hill and his old friends. Because he HASN’T acted like he’s missed Green Hill. He’s acted like Nine was just another Tails. Had Sonic separated Tails from Nine in his mind, I doubt Nine would’ve turned on him like that. Because Nine does care about Sonic. It’s easy for people to think that Nines just a selfish brat, but he’s not. He’s risked his life several times for Sonic, someone he just met, because Sonic showed him just a tiny bit of kindness. Realizing just how little Sonic really values him hurts, and it’s easy not to see the other persons reasoning when you’ve been hurt the way Nine has.
And yes, Sonic values Nine very little. I 100% believe this. I don’t believe that this is intentional on Sonic’s part. However, as I’ve said, Nine isn’t his own person in Sonic’s mind. Nine is just an angrier Tails, and so Sonic sees the restoration of Green Hill as the restoration of Tails, and not what it really is; the death of Nine.
Had this ever been explained to Sonic at any point I’m sure this would change. But thanks to the writers apparently frying their braincells and serving them up for dinner, now this will never happen.
THIS is why I hate the choice to make Nine a villain so much. Had Nine stayed a protag, we could’ve instead had an interesting and heartwarming conflict that would’ve resulted in great character development on both ends. The writers could’ve had Sonic realize just how much he’s hurt Nine, and as a side note acknowledge how much suffering Nine went through. This is a small nitpick but I wish Sonic would’ve had a convo telling Nine that what he went through wasn’t fair and comforting him. It would’ve been really heartwarming. But anyways, after he understands how he’s been treating Nine he apologizes and Nine finally gets to feel as though he’s truly valued for who he is. And as a result of this, Nine could’ve had character development where he realizes just how much Sonic’s friends in Green Hill really meant to him, and that he couldn’t simply give up and start over with Nine in The Grim. And because he cares about Sonic more than anything, he willingly gives himself up to bring back Green Hill.
Can you see why I’m so angry about having this taken from the fandom? Instead now Nine is just like any other cartoon supervillain wanting to take over the world. And sure his motivations of wanting to create a perfect world because of all the suffering he himself went through is still interesting, but it doesn’t compare to what we could’ve had. Plus, I’m certain this motivation and Nine as a character are going to be completely butchered, because according to the trailer Nine has somehow gone from just wanting to be left the frick alone to work on the The Grim to somehow destroying the entire freaking Shatterverse. 0-100 real fast and it makes absolutely zero sense.
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So a lot of the people in the fandom want Usagi to appear in Rise if/when Rise ever comes back because Usagi appearing in TMNT media happens consistently: he appeared in the 1987 series, 2003 series & the 2012 series
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So it’s obvious why people want Rise to get the chance to complete the tradition and have an Usagi of their own but there has been a debate on /which/ Usagi should appear in Rise.
Should it be Miyamoto Usagi or Yuichi Usagi?
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2022 introduced a new take on the samurai by introducing Yuichi Usagi who is a descendent of Miyamoto Usagi many think that Yuichi is a better fit for Rise as like Yuichi is a new take on the samurai rabbit concept, the Rise turtles are a new take on the TMNT turtles. 
There are also those that say Yuichi would be a better fit with Rise because of the similarities his personality has with the Rise version of Leo.
I’ve seen a couple of Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles/ ROTTMNT crossover fics where Leo ends up in Miyamoto’s world or Neo Edo or Yuichi ends up in New York & they have to figure out how to get Leo or Yuichi home but the thing is Rise has the opportunity to do something that hasn’t been done before with Usagi.
Traditionally Usagi & the Turtles live in separate worlds & when they meet it’s because one of them has ended up in the other’s world. The reason for the separate worlds is Usagi Miyamoto is well a samurai rabbit, he lives in a version of feudal Japan, he’s an anthropomorphic rabbit who can move about normally because he’s normal in his world while the turtles are not normal in theirs.
But Rise has an opportunity to actually make Usagi part of the Turtles world without taking away the characters original concept thanks to the concepts of Yokai & the Hidden City that were introduced in Rise 
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Anthropomorphic animals are normal in Rise, Rise can make Usagi a Yokai, Miyamoto Usagi can be a samurai in Feudal Japan if the Yokai haven’t been forced into hiding at that point.
I’ve always kind of thought that Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles is set in the same world that the 2012 Turtles visited considering they are both in the CGI style & Yuki Matsuzaki voices Miyamoto Usagi in both TMNT 2012 & Samurai Rabbit which makes me think they’re same world just set in different time periods so rather than have the Rise turtles jump worlds to meet Usagi I personally think that Rise giving the opportunity of having the Turtles & Usagi being from the same world by making Usagi a Yokai is too good of an opportunity to pass up & it also give the Rise team more freedom when developing their own version of Yuichi.
I really hope Yuichi get popular enough that we see different iterations of him, I love seeing different interpretations of the same character as they go through different iterations.
The fact that Rise has time travel also gives the opportunity for Rise to use both Usagi’s both Yuichi & Miyamoto if the Rise Turtles end up time traveling to feudal Japan they have the opportunity to meet Miyamoto Usagi & then meet Yuichi in their own time.
I have a funny scenario in my head where Leo time travels & meets Miyamoto first & then meets Yuichi.
Yuichi & Leo either get along immediately bonding over historical facts about Miyamoto Usagi or Yuichi & Leo argue a bunch before becoming friends because Leo keeps on telling Yuichi that his historical facts are wrong.
Anyway I’d really like to see an Usagi in Rise precisely because as I said, the Hidden City & the existence of Yokai give the opportunity for Usagi to be part of the Turtles world like never before.  
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Internverse (RC9GN AU) [Name Subject to Change]
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Lovely timezone, my dreamers!
So, I blame the constant brainrot I have somehow developed for a ridiculously dead fandom (but we continue to exist lol). The idea, however, is not entirely my own and I do have to give credit where its due (it simply wouldn't be possible without @7-inches-of-satanic-panic having made a post about it and i simply decided to write something for it!)
Now, to explain this AU- canon divergent storyline- it mostly follows McFist and Viceroy (it was Viceroy pfft) coming up with a new plan on capturing the ninja which leads to them creating an internship program in an attempt to unmask the city's 'vigilante'. By the power of well-placed plot logic, and because well, it'd honestly fit the theme- Randy's accepted as an intern and begins working at McFist Industries as he's using the opportunity to figure out the evil duo's next steps but of course, the question remains: what happens if he gets caught?
Unable to easily back out, Randy is left having to complete the internship and if he happens to be enjoying himself a little, that would be a lie- what are you talking about?
Now everything after this is my own interpretation!
Everything takes a sudden turn because Randy isn't exactly the most qualified, but at the same time- i feel he does have some range of skills that McFist and Viceroy could be interested in. ADHD! Randy taking an interest in math for instance? Absolutely, but now he's literally interning for his archenemies and for the time being, the Sorcerer isn't as major of a villain as he would be in the canon; anyway, moving on-
Randy doesn't really seem to find anything amiss and mostly spends his time interning under Viceroy as McFist is, well, McFist- but things get interesting when he (Randy) ends up in the radar of McFist who's a bit suspicious and comes to the conclusion that Randy might be the Ninja due to the type of slang he uses- (which becomes dismissed by Viceroy because apparently Randy is a bit clumsy, and how could someone like that ever be the Ninja, amirite? /lh)
Though I also like to imagine at least Randy and Viceroy bond because, well, who wouldn't be slightly interested in the new technology Viceroy's developed for video games? Honestly- this might be partially inspired by me having read other AU's where Viceroy sort of adopts Randy and I will get my dues with this pfft, but anyway-
At some point, things get tense because Randy mysteriously vanishes when a robot attacks the city, and now has to come up with a plausible excuse to why he left McFist Industries-
(author's cut: i might either write this as a long one-shot or it's going to be a multi-chaptered work where it explores dynamics a little bit more and may gain more 'lore' behind it so to speak)
Headcanons + Thoughts
~ To fit the theme a little, Randy is something of a math prodigy- though it's not something he made an effort in showing before and it's due to this he's accepted into the internship program
~ Personally the program is only meant to last the course of a single month since it's mostly to unravel the Ninja's identity, but things kind of... derail- because Randy does have his skills and Viceroy's curious
~ Randy is peak ADHD in this; I can cover everything about it in a separate post (but basically- he can't sit still for longer than five minutes and is always fidgeting with something)
~ McFist isn't a total idiot and he suspects something strange about Randy, but it's mostly him realizing that Randy uses the same sort of slang as the Ninja- even attempting to bring this idea to Viceroy, though it's not enough
~ All of the expenses are paid for- including lodging in order to make the internship seem more legitimate (and it is, it's also a ploy to capture the Ninja but no one needs to know that)
~ Bash and Randy? We'll see where this goes, but they'll definitely have interactions with Bash being McFist's stepson and well, Randy's interning so they're bound to see each other repeatedly
~ the Sorcerer isn't an overarching element in this as he would be in canon, but he might get cameos- or it's something introduced in the second half of the series to keep things interesting, genuinely we'll have to see
~ if there is going to be reveal, I honestly want the suddenly dawning realization that the Ninja is a teenager- that it's not something to be taken lightly, and while McFist may honestly ignore it, Viceroy certainly will not (and that's all I'm saying on the matter right now)
~ what lesson am i going to be using for this? i'm honestly on the fence of whether i use a preexisting one, or if this is going to be something entirely new Randy's facing-
~ for the sake of how things are going to run, Randy's family is absent during this- i do think he either lives with another relative (half-credit to @7-inches-of-satanic-panic since it's possible it could be an aunt acting as his surrogate mom? or the hc i've talked about before- that his parents are just constantly working and busy, and tend to neglect Randy a lot)
Under-the-Cut Information (+ Thoughts)
I am definitely treating this as a more lighthearted story, but there's going to be serious elements because there isn't a single way that Randy's completely fine being the Ninja and sure, he does love it, though there's got to be an emotional toll happening he isn't realizing (we've seen this in canon, it isn't out of the realm of possibility)
I do want to say that I am using neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ headcanons and elements in this piece, and if that's going to be a problem- please, find something else to read
I'm going to explore the depth of Randy's personality as he genuinely should've gotten more development and I felt his character had a weird... switch during the second season-? Like, it still felt like him but he also could be a massive jerk for seemingly no reason and then regret his actions as if this isn't the most adhd coded kid i have ever seen in my life, it would explain a lot
might play around with character designs? i'm not sure yet honestly-
currently the au will be titled intern randy au until further notice, so if you want to follow the story- the tag is #internrandyau
That is all I've got for now!
Mod Danny (They/Them)
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not-souleaterpost · 2 months
opinion on gopher
Well no shade at any Gopher fans but not really positive so dont read further if you dont wanna be sad😂
To me Gopher kind of is one of the reasons for my controverial oppinion of the anime being better than the manga:
The most simple and least pretentious way of describing my thoughts and reasons is - I find him unfunny and obnoxious, while also feeling that he is a pointless charachter with wasted potential at the same time.
But to get more into detail...
When did he get introduced (if I remember correctly?): During that whole mini-arc about Maka wanting "to be an angel".
I have many problems with that part of the story, especially with how it turns Maka into some generic "tsundre kawaii girl who not so secretly likes the guy who she is bitchy too"
But I wont get too much into that, just the fact that I get the point - Gopher gets introduced as foil to her in that arc, to kinda give her a reality check of how unlikeable and childish she is acting.
But the point is, that even with the most charitable interpretation of the arc, Gopher IS just by his nature a charachter tailor-made (literally) to be obnoxious and annoying.
And unlike Excalibur, I find the way in which he is just groan-worthy and not charming and soothing (Yeah Excalibur is great, shout out to the OG)
But ok, maybe thats just bad impresions, does he improve later? Not really cause his whole gag stays this kinda creepy quasi incestious obssesion with Noah and idk, dont even wanna write about that part too much lol
But even if one just looks at it as a charachter trait with possible development, it leads nowhere, Gopher being static besides his final gag (which I admit is funny but also a bit ehh with the whole implication of what hes gonna do with 7 naked unconcious bodies...)
Still, one could say why am I'm expecting something out of a gag charachter? Just dont overthink it - maybe I wouldnt if Ohkubo didnt kinda setup a situation where it seemed there could be more to him, only to be just wasted panel time in the end:
What I mean is, the whole setup of him torturing and integoriating Kid - which seemed to be a perfect opportunity for charachter development for both of them - because they actually have some simmilarities:
Both are "created" and "reverant" to their Father-figure, both have unhealthy obssessions and both start throwing childish tantrums when things dont go their way. (also surface details like both seemingly being anime pretty boys appeiling to a specific demographic, with the dark hair and proper dress-code etc)
Yet all that didnt lead to anything - neither Gopher realised that his "master" is horrible compared to the other side, nor did it make Kid reflect about his own obssessions and how obnoxious and ridicolous he must look to others.
Neither was there anything about being sorta non human, "created" not born - but thats excusable cause that was revealed after the fact in Kids case.
Hell, still there could be even some strengthening of both sides negative traits, the tragedy of communication being impossible, but all lead just to an ok gag of Kids face being made unsymmetrical.
But also on a tangent, the whole "black wings" thing also just seems to be derivative - especially when the much stronger parallel of "angel vs demon" with black and white wings was between Maka and Crona, so yeah I think the whole obnoxious Maka and Gopher thing kinda deluded that meaning, but thats more of a pet peeve.
Still, to leave of not with just bitching, but an interesting thought, or atleast kinda funny in a stupid way (enough that I will prolly use it as filler in my iceberg videos):
So Gopher is a creation of Noah. But Noah is just one of seven other creations. Who are made by the Index, which is just a manifestation of a part of the Book of Eibon, which was written by the Wizard of the same name.
How many layers of being a tool is that?😂
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ferusaurelius · 1 year
Turian Culture Meta - Ferus Style
Yeah so -- ready to descend into crazyland? 
We’re gonna dive into some meta thoughts I have about what sort of cultural educational and military system would produce the interesting client-state relationship between the turian Hierarchy and the Vol Protectorate.
Disclaimer: The opinions of the author (me) are naturally my own and are not intended to argue for or against anyone else’s ideas. This is not even intended to be an interpretation of canon, in point of fact. Canon doesn’t have much to say about things that actually interest me. -shrug-
This is my ‘plausible’ version of conceptual options and social structures that canon either glosses over or fumbles entirely. Because it’s just not interested in these ideas, really ... BUT I AM. :D
If you find any of these concepts compelling? Fantastic, please liberate them! Go and use them in any or all transformative work with or without attribution.
I really Do Not Want to be the only one writing this stuff, so... be welcome!
Full post (long) underneath the cut.
The Situation
The turian Hierarchy makes first contact with the Citadel some 1000 years after the volus have drawn up the Unified Banking Act (300 B.C.E.) and have a thriving economic network of colonies after discovering FTL travel. The volus in point of fact have more than a millennia of advanced experience in working with multi-species ventures and are a pillar of the galactic economy long before the turians finish off their brutal Unification Wars.
If you took just the game’s on-screen hints as fact, none of this is evident in the galaxy by the time Shepard encounters volus on the Citadel. They’re treated as a sort of minor curiosity in comparison to the turian characters -- whether because of the mask, or just because economics is “less interesting” in a AAA-shooter. OH WELL.
Another interesting element is that the volus are “accepted” as a protectorate of the Hierarchy around 700 C.E., shortly after the Krogan rebellions.
To my mind, this is translation for: the Hierarchy’s war economy in the aftermath of the Krogan rebellions would have collapsed without the intervention of volus administrators, economists, logicians, and other bureaucratic types. What the Hierarchy DOES have of a peacetime bureaucracy was likely or nearly entirely trained and reformed by the Vol Protectorate’s extremely professional civil service. Fight a series of wars and warlords in the colonies for around 1000 years while someone else is running the galactic banking system ... and you’re probably woefully behind the curve in that area, just saying.
When you’ve “elevated” one warlike species (the Krogan) and then been surprised that they’ve gone on to aggressively contest the rest of Citadel space, it even seems likely/possible that this was a grand strategic bargain on the part of the Citadel species to avoid the turians becoming a “second” Krogan incident.
A values-driven and rules-based collectivist civil society that managed to transition to a peacetime footing without an accompanying economic collapse would be a much more stable galactic force ... plus you get the opportunity to fill in C-Sec ranks, develop a galactic security fleet (employing turian Dreadnoughts), and use those related tasks and duties to bring turians (an otherwise very militaristic society with a historical doctrine of total war) into better compliance as galactic citizens. In essence: the Vol Protectorate gives the Hierarchy something to protect rather than conquer.
Naturally, turian cultural perspectives on the purpose of the Hierarchy and the relative values of the culture probably run the gamut from the more imperialistic Unification and pre-Unification end of the spectrum to the more socially/galatically communitarian version of the Hierarchy, itself, as a participant in creating civil society within the Milky Way.
When in doubt? I prefer to view individuals on a spectrum or continuum of different possible viewpoints -- and to prefer that a full spectrum of interpretations be available to my characters. So that’s the type of environment I’d use as backdrop for, say, a fic.
Education (Given: The Situation)
Which takes us back to the Hierarchy’s mandatory service culture and boot camp at age 15, with mandatory service from age 15-30.
“Public service” as opposed to private industry is more a matter of organization and aims than it is a limitation of ‘choices.’ Take, for instance, the example of ‘national’ industries owned by a state. Any state-owned enterprise might conceivably count toward ‘public service’ citizen credit. These enterprises could include everything from arts museums and public art projects (ala the Works Projects Administration of Roosevelt Depression-era US policy) to industrial fabricators, dockyards, and other collectively owned and operated institutions.
Note that I also don’t equate state-owned industry to CENTRALLY-PLANNED industry! You might, in a turian society that prizes both individual accountability AND public service, have for instance a federated system of local control within a centrally-organized public works or other department.
Fair warning: this is my professional bureaucrat side talking. There are MANY aspects of infrastructure, particularly public works infrastructure, that are site- and context-dependent. Central planning of these features quite literally doesn’t work outside of administration and funding (which you WANT organized in larger packages if possible, to secure the best possible loan terms). 
I also imagine that a public service-oriented society would work on incorporating the economic fates of its outer colonies into the trading lanes and patterns of the central Hierarchy (in order to secure greater loyalty and collective bargaining power, alongside the Vol Protectorate’s economic management engine).
So what would education in a “man-of-action”/”public service” society look like? I’d think more a system of apprenticeships and practical qualification or on-the-job (OJT) training and certification where available! 
A boot camp experience is usually important both for training in values and standard procedures, so it’s less likely to vary appreciably between any one place and another beyond basics related to climate and environment. I’d expect boot camp training to be purposely standardized -- individual accountability doesn’t necessarily lead me to conclude that turians would be keen to judge themselves on anything other than “demonstrated merit” (and testing would be ONE part, but probably not the most significant -- outside of genuine performance on practical tasks, and the ability to produce measurable results!).
Pre-boot-camp education would likely be designed to expose juveniles to as many professions as possible -- there’s a bit in the codex about the turian respect for “knowing one’s place” and finding a comfortable place where the individual best serves the community (rather than individual prestige or economic gain). This would also track with turians being ‘poor’ entrepreneurs (i.e. less inclined to start their own businesses for profit, or with less opportunity when they’re in State-mandated service) ... and account for some of the distrust of ‘merc-born’ turians who chose to opt out of the traditional Hierarchy structure.
I’d also expect a classical turian education to include emphasis on health, community values, and being able to communicate in a general way with their volus partners/collaborators in areas that are less often viewed as strengths of turian culture (aka: economics and business, anyone?).
If turian culture is truly militaristic and communitarian, both, and formed around a sort of military hierarchy, that society will also be shaped by what doctrine views as effective deployment of force and possible missions and required capabilities In military terms, this would be defined both by a theoretical ‘ideal’ force structure and various desired concepts of operations.
Military Doctrine (Given: The Situation)
So, what capabilities would be valuable for the turian Hierarchy to provide to the galaxy? What are its internal needs? What are the needs of its closest allies and partners?
We already know (or suspect) that Dreadnoughts are one sign of military status. These immense warships are required to secure and hold space stations and other important remote outposts, alongside the smaller cruisers, frigate wolfpacks, and other space Navy-type forces.
We can also consider C-Sec (civil and criminal investigation on the Citadel, security for ports, anti-smuggling operations, etc.) as a separate civil branch and outgrowth of skills are learned and taught within the Hierarchy and something of a stereotypical (and desirable!) turian job outside of Hierarchy space.
Other valuable services provided by the Hierarchy include staffing and operating a force (32 fleets!) large enough to secure not just Hierarchy space but also to protect the Citadel. Turians canonically value combined arms and disciplined maneuver warfare, decentralized command-and-control, and are also the primary military arm and security force for the rest of the galaxy.
In summary: the turians are so good at staffing and maintaining fleets that the rest of the Council species seem to prefer handing these civil functions over to the turians in proportion to their relative expertise and cultural strengths.
All of the above implies that turian culture would need to be an extraordinarily flexible (structurally) society, if individually somewhat set and rigid in expectations and values for fulfilling assigned duties.
I’d believe that assignments, once given, were equivalent to anyone else’s ultimatum! I’d also imagine that turians would find it VERY personally important to seek out roles where they could fulfill all potential assignments to the best of their individual abilities, and that ‘finding’ that place/role in society would be akin to a life path.
Amateurs Study Tactics
A short aside that warfighting ability, alone, at least on an individual level, is a minor strength in comparison to building an effective collaborative combined arms force. The organization required at an individual level? Not much! Just personal training and supply.
Problems mount as soon as the force expands in size, complexity, and desired mission capabilities. I could see volus economists and logicians, as well as military scholars, being the preeminent organizers and administrators of turian force structures. I could see the volus economic influence being a quite effective force multiplier for the turian Hierarchy, in terms of creatively organizing fleets and their sub-units into autonomous mission-capable interchangeable “parts” which all know how to work together and communicate to achieve complex adaptability and integration of vastly different forces, hardware, and weapons systems at a variety of scales (from galactic, to orbital, to low-orbit, to planetside ground).
Which leads us to ...
Professionals Study Logistics
This is just the study of the application of “effective force.” What makes a force effective? It needs to be supplied with personnel and materiel such that it can accomplish its assigned mission -- preserve the capability of the force through the supply of the necessary tools at the right time, alongside the ability to maintain, repair, replace, or rotate those tools as needed.
A force that has been improperly positioned (is too far forward of supply lines, or too far in the rear to be applied at the right time) is by definition an ineffective force. It is unavailable to accomplish the mission.
There’s a long, rich tradition of economists studying the choice behaviors of nations seeking war, the application of deterrence, and the conditions of victory and defeat on a multitude of different battlefields in different historical and cultural contexts. We get just about NONE of this (barring some high-level generalizations) in Mass Effect, proper!
If we did, we might have seen a bit more nuance in illustrating the Vol Protectorate as not just the economic backbone of Citadel space, but also the preeminent experts in military grand strategy and supply. They’re likely the most closely associated Citadel species and have the most experience collaborating with turian systems of organization! The volus would be just as good at turian military history as turians are, if not BETTER observers and critics on the logistics/economics side, in terms of patterns of thinking and history!
At some point I’m going to have to write the “lessons learned” memo on the First Contact War from the point of view of an eminent volus logistician and economist (ala Thomas Schelling).
Because I’m a nerd, and if the FCW was a failure due to logistics and supply errors? You can just BET the volus were kept out of the First Contact loop as a some sort of power play on the part of less-qualified frontline personnel... no, they’re not salty about that, why do you ask?
HATE ME YET? Yeah, I can’t stop thinking about this stuff, either ... and now you know why my fanfiction is the way it is. :D
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aaenvs3000w24 · 2 months
Final Post! My reflection as an interpreter
This course provided me with the opportunities to learn about various learning styles and methods of interpretation, giving me the tools to discover who I am as a nature interpreter (Hooykaas, 2024). My approach as an individual comes from the desire to evoke emotional responses through interpretation, whether that be through art or through teaching scientific concepts (Beck et al. 2018, p.44). Looking back to my second blog post, I described my ideal role as an interpreter being a professor. I still resonate with this role, but the idea of interpretation in less of a directly-academic setting has crossed my mind. I still believe that my ideology of presenting scientific information in a setting for open conversation is most suitable to me. Through this open line of communication surrounding scientific topics, it can open a listener to care about things such as plant nutrients or global warming, to lead them to caring for these topics in day-to-day life (Beck et al. 2018, p.60). In addition to interpretation through speaking, I have realised that my learning styles being tactile/visual really reflects in my art (Hooykaas, 2024). I explained my connection to art and nature interpretation previously in my blog, and I have always known that nature has inspired me to create throughout my life. My art provides me with another outlet to showcase nature interpretation in a physical way that can provoke viewers to ask questions and get curious about nature (Beck et al. 2018, p.229). 
Through these two very different paths of interpretation, the responsibilities I uphold are to stay true to my passions and to state unbiased, clear information to my listeners. Staying true to my passions is important for both art and scientific interpretation. If I were to deviate from art that makes me feel fulfilled and from science that applies to concepts I care about it wouldn’t be me. This is a responsibility I have to myself as an individual, and without the passions that drive me to be curious about nature, I would have no role as an interpreter at all. Stating unbiased and clear information is especially true if I am to pursue a professorship in academia. It is a responsibility to pass on information that is factually true so that others can interpret their own opinions off it. Topics that come to mind regarding this include GMO information as well as the various methods of combating climate change. Fulfilling this responsibility can be done through constantly learning, maintaining professionalism, and developing various skill sets to be a credible interpreter (Beck et al. 2018, p.378).
The belief that I feel defines me as an interpreter is that nature is the greatest teacher in balance. When a tree falls, it creates a space for insects and small animals to burrow under, it gives life to fungi and moss, it creates an entirely new ecosystem of life through death. A quote that connects to this belief is “Often the scene interprets itself, so interpreters need not impose.” (Beck et al. 2018, p. 83). I really resonate with this quote because through observing the natural order of life, you learn so many concepts that you can apply without doing anything but taking it all in. On a more cellular level, learning about homeostasis and how plants create antioxidants to keep themselves healthy is applied to human concepts of health constantly. Being taught to eat blueberries as a kid because of their antioxidant potentials, drinking peppermint tea to soothe inflammation in the stomach, health concepts that were learned from nature. I believe that through observing the natural science of life, order can be brought to my own life, and it is a goal to share my interpretation of these instances with others. 
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All in all, my ethics as an interpreter lay in being truthful, kind, and curious. I also want to remain aware of the privileges I hold in life, and to attribute credit to those who made my interests available to me. As an interpreter, it is important to me to share the truth with all who listen, even if that truth is ugly. I will share the truth about food processing, land colonisation, and inaccuracy of government regulations where it is due. Learning about the beauties of nature is never without the unfortunate facts that may lay underneath the information. Another area of ethics I feel very strongly about is being mindful of each person’s struggles throughout life. This concept is more for the scenario of me as a professor. I have always had the goal of creating an atmosphere built on actually processing and caring about the information learned, not regurgitating facts to fulfil a standard test. I have had many struggles out of my control throughout my university experience, and while some professors have helped, many haven’t. It is a goal of mine to never be like those people. I want to be able to help students who care about succeeding even when life deals them a bad card, something I wish that could have been done for me. This is a large basis of my ethics as an interpreter, and it drives me forward to reach my goals. 
It is bitter-sweet that this is my last post, as I have never had an outlet to share my thoughts on nature in a way like this. It has been very interesting to question areas of interpretation that I had never thought of before, and it has helped me reflect on where I see myself going in the future. I look forward to seeing how all your final posts summarise you as an individual interpreter! Enjoy some photos of nature to end this blog off :)
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Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage: For a Better World. Sagamore Publishing LLC. 
Hooykaas, A. (2024). Nature interpretation. https://courselink.uoguelph.ca/d2l/le/content/858004/Home
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