#is this ooc? yes
arthurtaylorlester · 1 year
Hey you tagged that post abt John liking fizzy drinks? This is your excuse to talk as much about that as you want
... you have unleashed something in me
now typically you'd say "but red! harlan says john doesnt like eating!"
and to you I say:
a) respectfully, harlan mightve made these guys but the moment I started the podcast they became my little guys. john likes fizzy drinks
b) i think john doesnt enjoy eating simply because he cannot taste food.
and when he tries fizzy drinks for the first time, with his own body, oh boy it makes him feel more alive than yknow doin human stuff with arthur
picture this:
john has a body that looks mostly human. he's finally dragging arthur to see snow white and the seven dwarves. but oh? what's this arthur? food? in a movie theater? but won't the chewing noises be too loud? what did you say, it's part of ✨️experience✨️, oh well than we have to get some!
sadly for john, arthur does not warn him that sodas are very carbonated, as I call them are functionally spicy juice, and john curses out a little bit too much when he drinks and they don't get to watch snow white bcs they get kicked out :(
so he develops an intense distaste for fizzy drinks until one night arthur drags him to the bar because john! you forced me to watch a movie, which insensitive by the way, and then got us publicly kicked out really its the least you could do
and so he goes, because no one has ever said no to arthur, and there arthur makes him try yet another human abomination: alcohol. except this is 10000x times worse than the sodas, it has no twang! it's just bitter water that could possibly burn your throat and ruin your liver!
arthur, having grown up during the prohibition, took a fancy to it simply for the novelty but john wouldn't stand for such unpleasant human creations, he used to be the fragment of a powerful god after all
and so he orders a coke, which yknow yeah maybe sucked at the movies, but it was less sad then ordering water. but oh! wait this, this is actually not all that bad, if you know what to expect, it's sweet but not sickeningly so, and leaves a quietly pleasant feeling in your stomach and arthur what other drinks like this are there?
so yes maybe, arthur and john end up ordering almost every fizzy drink at the bar, cotton club, dr peppers, pepsi (after this john started the pepsi vs coke debate die mad about it) you name it they drank it.
and if they also got a little bit drunk and looked just a little bit insane ordering all those drinks to the bar-goers, well that was how things always ended with them anyways
next time! why john is an avid guitar player and arthur is probably a dog person with a cat personality!
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msmimundo · 4 months
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In which Angel Dust gets big on politics
EDIT: Part 2
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galaxy-lilies · 14 days
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silly whiteboard doodles feat. cubfan135
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secretdazedragon · 2 years
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“Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere!”
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wasyago · 8 months
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so, would you?
nothing important under the cut, you don't need to look haha
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goodomensbutwrong · 10 months
Aziraphale: You look good in that hoodie.
Crowley: You know where else I'd look good?
Aziraphale, zero hesitation: My bed.
Crowley, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
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ameba-from-space · 1 year
We've all seen the batkids forgetting they are adopted... but how about damian forgetting he is not
Damian: It's not like you're my real dad!
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quiddlegoose · 3 months
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is this anything
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au where jekyll agrees to run off with and be frankenstein’s new little experiment in exchange for her not telling anyone about his secret. shenanigans ensue.
woah closeups
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firbolgfriend · 4 months
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I don’t know if I’ll post the full comic here because. Dialogue is cringe. But I do like these sketches
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azriaann · 3 months
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had to put them into my favourite trope😋!
nalu brain rot goes crazy rn…
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 5 months
thanks @mauselet
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wannaeatramyeon · 5 months
Goo Kim x Reader: Suspicious
G/N. So so stupid.
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Your boyfriend is indulging in suspicious behaviour.
More and more, you catch him smiling sweetly at his phone, chuckling. At times you think you might have heard a squeal. He's always staring into it late at night, first thing in the morning, hiding his screen away from you.
Which usually would put you on edge if he was anyone else. Leave your imagination running wild, cause your insecurities to rise to the surface.
But you know Goo. He would have no problem kicking you out of his bed, his apartment, his life if he didn't want this anymore.
Except this isn't that. He's still as clingy as ever, still a mischievous menace. A brat, feral and needy, showing his own brand of affection and fondness.
You're almost certain that if you asked, he would shave his head for you. His precious blonde locks. That's how much he loves you.
However. The behaviour is peculiar, odd. You don't know what to think.
He's engrossed in his phone even more than usual this evening.
He didn't hear you come through the door, pad through the apartment, sneak up over his shoulder, almost breathing into his ear, eyes briefly scanning over his screen until-
"What's this?"
Goo yelps. Jerks away violently and with such force his glasses clatter onto the floor.
"Shit!" You hear him mutter under his breath as he tries to discreetly click his screen off and bend down for his glasses.
You're pretty certain you saw what you think you did.
…Really? Is this what he's been hiding from you?
Tentatively, because it's obvious this guy is touchy as hell about this, you ask, "Is that-"
"Nope!" He snaps, a very uncharacteristic blush blooming over his cheeks.
"Goo," You grin, eyes crinkling. "Are you embarrassed?"
He puts his glasses back on, adjusting them as he peers over haughtily at you, regaining some of his composure. "No cupcake, I don't get embarrassed."
You put your hand on your hips, raising an eyebrow. "Sure. That's why you've been sneaking around with your phone."
"I have not been sneaking."
"Sneak. Ing." You emphasize each syllable, then ready your fingers at his forehead. "I may have thought you were up to no good." With that, you give Goo a light flick that he grossly overreacts to and screeches.
"So what?" he rubs his forehead with a pout, "I'm always up to no good."
That's true. You admit it with a sigh.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket, clicks it back on sheepishly. "They just... They love each other."
"I know." You tread carefully, not sure which of his manic moods he's rapidly approaching.
"And they both die in the manga." You swear you see Goo's lip wobble, "I just want them to be happy."
Ok, that was definitely his voice cracking you heard there as he shows you his browser, tabs upon tabs of fanfiction open-
Really, goddamn. That is a lot of fanfiction. Although you understand the grip of a hyperfixation all too well.
Maybe you should have seen this coming. You know Goo loves his manga and anime, and you know he loves this particular one. You just didn't know how much. You didn’t realise he indulges in fandom activities.
Did he not realise you loved it too? The amount of fanfiction you gorge on? That there was no need to hide this from you? You wouldn’t have ever made him feel ashamed of this.
"Hey,” You give him an encouraging smile and a nudge, “Did you read the college AU one? Where they're both-"
"PROFESSORS AND MARRIED!" Goo interjects, eyes widening in realisation. 
"Cupcake!" He purrs, any embarrassment or hesitation a thing of the past. The distant past. He throws his arm around you. Ecstatic at finding new common ground, starts to ramble and talk about his favourite fics, his least favourite. The tropes he loves, the tropes he hates. Mouth running a mile a minute.
When he finally pauses to take a breath, he smooches you on the cheek. Reading between the lines, as a way of apology for his suspicious behaviour.
And continues, until you interrupt him and tell him that your favourite ship is actually these other characters and-
"Ugh. Tasteless." Goo scoffs, removing his arm from you and stepping away as if your terrible taste will infect him.
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tddoodles · 6 months
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Gwen, but punk, I think?
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winewinebloodwine · 8 days
Pourquoi esque jai besion de vivre ici- dans cette vie qui est tout plein des chose mal et unjusté, mais ci j'alle ja passe le chance, le plus petit que c'ai mainterna, du vue mon amour, mon coeur, ma raison de vivre, encode just une fois.
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bluegiragi · 7 months
What is Horangi’s species like? Are they all kinda mean cause they’re cats or it that just him?
Horangi is a Haetae hybrid, which is an extremely rare monster that stays contained within their own family bloodline. In the Monster AU there's something like 12 families who have Haetae lineage (Horangi comes from a family of tiger variants) and that's all the Haetaes in the world.
They're not all...mean per se but I'd say most of Haetae hybrids are extremely devoted to what they see is a noble life-long cause to protecting their territory. They're very regimented families who live strict, regimented lifestyles and intentionally detach themselves from average humans and what they see as their vices like alcohol or gambling.
Horangi is an outcast from his family, and has been estranged for a long time. Years of growing up in this environment resulted in an especially explosive rebellious phase that backfired on him immensely. He's been disowned by his family, and would say he doesn't give a shit about them anymore.
so tldr; yeah they're all kinda mean lol
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