#is it something he can control? is it activated via emotion?
fujii-draws · 10 months
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Still thinking abt this concept
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penny-for-thots · 10 days
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[!] POSSESSIVE SUO. hcs. f!reader + yandere-ish and spicy-ish content?. he's ... yeah ; i promise its okay lmfao. i saw a togame one, so ofc i had to do my man. this is a lowk long hc list ...
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hayato is the type to be extremely possessive of his friends, but he's so good at hiding it that no one can tell. if need be, he's ready to act like a snap of a finger, though more times than not, knowing his friends well enough, they have the situation under control.
hence, based on that, he's pretty (secretly) possessive over you pre-relationship. he's likely more so because you're a girl. not in a 'you're weaker,' way but more of 'i can't trust them around you' way.
hayato suo has a slick tongue.
he knows what to say, and when to say it. after all, the emotional intelligence he has is through the roof for someone of his age. at times it scares you how accurate his observations of you. often times, he notices things leagues before you do.
"you are aware that guy is flirting with you right?"
"unless you want the others to get a negative impression of you, i'd fix your expression."
"she's nervous, say something to help her relax."
specifically the first example, countlessly.
hayato suo is not a jealous person, after all, he's not dating you, how could he be jealous? though, there's something that pisses him off about those guys that approach you.
all of them were either sleazy or borderline misogynistic.
the first time you told him you were going on a date he almost burst a blood vessel.
it was at this point that suo realized he would have to do a bit more than the things he was doing to catch your attention: feigning injuries, "forgetting" his accessories around you, subtly purchasing things you enjoy, etc.
essentially, he was a boyfriend before he officially became one.
and even as you date, his shenanigans don't decrease. in fact, it increases. albeit, in a way you can't exactly point out.
instead of a dumb keychain or little figure he sometimes bought, he'd bring stuffed animals, necklaces, books, rings. the jewelry is always a matching set. he needs to let others know that the both of you are taken. you are a pretty girl, he has to stand his ground.
speaking of standing his ground, specifically in a fighting sense. he is always ready to through hands at someone for you.
someone is causing you anxiety? insults you? heaven forbid they assault you?
that time he had to be pulled away from mauling that dude? yeah ...
he'll through hands quickly if the disagreement can't be settled with words.
another way he proves being possessive, in a bot so subtle way, he'll leave small hickey's right where the line of your shirt sat. sure, they didn't show at the present moment, but you move the wrong way and anyone could see the way your lower neck and collarbone are littered in hickeys.
he's also a man to be alright with PDA. he's not too keen on too intimate activities, though small kisses and hand holding is his favorite thing to do.
(though he's not opposed to making out with you, biting and sucking on your bottom lip so when you go out it's kiss-swollen)
suo kisses the back of your hand and treats you like a princess while he's glaring at some poor unsuspecting man.
he's legitimately so happy to have you as a girlfriend. if they didn't know already, he's eager to introduce you, but if you wish to take it slow he will.
i mean he's also the type to ask you to cover his face in your lipstick via kisses.
having a possessive side to him, he loves seeing when yours decides to debut. he doesn't purposefully intend to make you jealous, but he couldn't exactly be rude.
he finds it cute when you have that huffy expression on your face, he'd annoy you as much as possible just to see a face like that.
adding on to material things he covers you in, he loves to see you in his clothes. the first time he saw you in one of his shirts, he almost lost it. instead of saying the ... things, he wanted to say, he decided to hug you from behind with a little tease about the situation, hoping you wouldn't feel something presses against your back.
i am severely sleep as it is 1:14 am, so in short, his possessiveness doesn't present in a way that you'd be able to point it out. others seem to point it out at times, but overall, he does normal boyfriend stuff but with ulterior methods of keeping you all to himself. he throughout enjoys your company and love, no one can take that away from him.
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704 includes several mentions of The Fight, the big unification bout in Vegas, and Muay Thai sparring. I don’t think that’s just for the dudebro vibes (tho that’s definitely a factor this season). When it comes to Eddie’s journey as presented in that epic episode, I think all the full-contact combat/sports references are doing subtextual work to narrate Eddie’s queerness and where he’s at this season.
Eddie doesn’t really consciously engage with his queerness at this point in the story but via Tommy as his mirror and all the sports references, I think it’s safe to say that Eddie is at odds with his queerness but he doesn’t fully realize that’s what it is and/or that it’s something he’s been battling on some level his whole life. A few things in the ep point in that direction:
Buck: How was the fight?
Eddie: Fight was okay. Seats were amazing. Tommy’s buddies with the promoter, so we were ringside. Felt like I was the one throwing the punches.
The sense I get is that Eddie is witnessing a fight inside himself but he’s not aware that he’s an active participant in said fight. That makes sense to me given his tremendous ability to compartmentalize and ‘be in control’. Like. The fight is happening but he has it walled off and isn’t consciously connected to it. His queerness is present and with him (aka Tommy with him at the fight + “watching half naked men pummel each other”) but he doesn’t recognize it for what it is quite yet.
A unification bout, according to Wikipedia because I know *nothing* about sports, is the bringing together of titles held by different fighters. Eddie going to the fight with Tommy seems to me like Eddie needing to discover an aspect of himself that Tommy that he has in common with him!
Then there’s all the Muay Thai references. Eddie says it’s been a long time since he met someone that can go toe to toe with him when sparring. Eddie’s fighting for his life against his queerness y’all. It’s not an actual match which is good but still I think the point stands. He’s at odds with a part of himself that’s trying to emerge victorious and express itself. But between Catholic guilt, family expectations, the hypermasculine culture of the military, and overall heteronormative comphet culture Eddie hasn’t been able to see/engage/accept his queerness.
I think this all feeds into to the scene where Buck comes out in 705 and Eddie expresses surprise about Tommy being gay but not Buck being bisexual. Buck has always worn his heart on his sleeve so it makes sense that when he figured out his bisexuality he would share that part of himself with others. Eddie is King of Repression, Reservation, and Control so it makes sense that he wouldn’t quite know HOW to do that for himself yet. Tommy’s character is a needed mirror for Eddie to see what’s possible for himself (all of himself) whereas Tommy was a needed vehicle for the actual expression of Buck’s queerness at this moment in the story. Tommy is doing so much friggin work in the narrative lol!
Lastly, I think Eddie’s own queerness is still a mystery to him and something that he’s sparring with on some level because he’s NOT allosexual! Now’s a good time for me to say loudly that I’m on Team Demisexual/Demiromantic Eddie. It fits with the data we have about his character and it’s still subject to the heteronormativity and comphet we’ve all seen affecting Eddie.
Eddie has expressed little interest in anyone of any gender who he hasn’t had a baby with, viewed as a mother-figure to Chris, or expected the universe to hand-deliver as if by magic. He has not intrinsic motivation toward sexual or romantic relationships until/unless he has a meaningful emotional connection to the person. He described himself as a nester and so far the only person we’ve actually seen him nest with in canon is Buck!!
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that season 7 has shown Buck and Eddie coparenting Chris and sharing their feelings with each other. It’s also meaningful that Eddie, Buck, and Tommy are all talking about Chris at various points and in various ways. Plus Buck thought he had to fight Tommy for Chris’ affection (and Tommy eventually tells Buck that’s not true). Chris has narratively been a metaphor for Eddie’s heart many times before. Buck is the one in the nest holding Eddie’s heart and both Buck and Eddie are gonna figure that out. They gotta or imma start throwin’ stuff!!
Anyway this meta got a little longer than I initially thought it would but I had to get this outta my head.
TLDR: Tommy’s epic mirror status for Eddie runs deep and so does his role as catalyst for both Buck and Eddie. He’s a bridge to Buddie *fingers crossed* Basically Eddie’s in the fight of his life trying to sort out his wants, needs, and identity when it comes to intimate relationships. Buck’s a little ahead of Eddie in the process but Eddie’s on his way!
(P.S. Buck is bi and I will die on the Eddie is demi hill. I’ll accept repressed gay Eddie with open arms but honestly I think demi fits what we’ve seen for Eddie way better.)
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gatheredfates · 2 months
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Nicknames: El. Age: Mid-to-late forties. I tend to play fast and loose with character ages unless specifics in the story necessitate it. Nameday: First Sun of the First Astral Moon (once again, you can see I care a lot™ about the birthdays of my characters). Race: Duskwight Elezen. Gender: Cis female. Orientation: You're implying El cares enough to think about it. She's probably somewhere in the sex-positive grey ace/demisexual camp, but let her own lack of consideration speak volumes as to its authenticity. Profession: Bog-Witch of the Northern Wilds, heretic and retainer to Firelight Trading Company. I imagine there's some kind of mythos around her as being a daemon that eats babies, but I'm hesitant to subscribe any real-world language to it.
Hair: Long, wavy and jet black. Eyes: Amaranthine, though her consort with the void has warped the iris. it is possible to make out some kind of sigil when standing close enough. Skin: Silvery with pale undertones. Tattoos/Scars: Ink-dark tattoos permeate every inch of skin aside from her face, though it's hard to know if they were done by a needle or magic. Gothic in nature, their elegance hides a number of symbols that imbue her with power.
Parents: Lord and Lady Auclair were of middling importance and their deaths did not leave an imprint upon Ishgardian society. Elandervier rarely, if ever, speaks of them. She considers her father a spineless coward and her mother a reprobate and a narcissist. Knowing they were left destitute after her actions brought her a macabre sense of glee considering they were willing to forsake her for their own comforts. Siblings: Her mother claimed she cursed her womb. El replied the insinuation gave her comfort and walked away clawed at the cheek. Grandparents: Unimportant. The only connection she has to her lineage is down the line to old Gelmorra where she believes her family had prestige. Others: Elandervier used to be in control of a cabal of voidsent accumulated from her various bargains, deals and trades. One of the few pacts kept after her assimilation to Firelight Trading Company was a voidsent by the name of Gobnip. Gobnip presents himself as an opinionated baby Ahriman who is 'contractually obligated to say all the things Elandervier won't'. Do not be fooled, however. With the right amount of aether, he can reveal his true nature.
While the witch is on retainer to Firelight Trading Company, she holds no allegiance to them proper. The only person she actively obeys is its patriarch, Rexonus; one of the first people she met on her defection from The Holy See, and one of the first people willingly abandoned when her confliction emotions around him and her birth-city came to a head. They kept in touch via occasional letters as she set up shop in the Forelands, and he rushed to her side when the blasphemy's rampage through Etheirys put her life and soul at risk. She made a pact with him, the closest language to love she understands, and uses her pragmatics and knowledge of dark magic whenever it is called upon.
She's not ignorant to the fact he has multiple lovers, she simply does not care. El holds all of them at arms reach, respectable and cooperative when she has to work collaboratively, but otherwise holds no great desire to get to know them. She's friendliest with @riftdancing's Blink due to their similar traits, but even so wouldn't necessarily call her a friend.
The person she has the most complicated feelings towards is Alaice. I won't go too in-depth into why, because it could be a whole post on its own, but it's something about being a mirror and an antithesis for her; of being so similar and diverting so extremely. Alaice is everything El abhorrers and wishes she could be, she hates her and loves her in turn, she finds her futilely weak and unfathomably strong — and she doesn't know where to put those emotions. I always write the two with an undertone of homoeroticism because I can, but also because 'love is consumption' underpins a lot of El's characterisation and it's TASTY to explore. Aka, cannibalism as a metaphor for sapphic love, vampiric 'penetration' being inherently queer, so on and so forth.
Abilities: Mastery over dark magic including thaumaturgy, summoning (voidsent), communion, possession, warding, etc. Midwifery. El's mother trained her as part of their family traditions and the hope her skills would elevate her as a trusted member of Ishgard high society. Even when defected, desperate women would make the long trek to Anyx Trine for fear of retribution from the Church/High Houses, and she would perform these services despite her hatred of Ishgard/Ishgardians. This is where a lot of the 'baby eater' rumours/myths originate from, as El would also perform abortions where suitable. Mostly this entailed the transference of aether from a non-viable foetus to a viable one — something the men of the gentry did not complain about when it benefited their sons (how odd)! However, El would always defer to what the women wanted over the demands of their husbands, even if this was done in secret. Hobbies: Studying the history of Gelmorra and it's traditions; foraging for herbs, mushrooms, moss and other things for potions and spells; simmering in pools of water and occasionally turning into slime.
Most positive trait: Elandervier is pragmatic. Above all else, she will contemplate and weigh her choices against any and all outcomes and select the most advantageous result. This may not be the easiest path, either. She is not afraid of tough decisions and hard work. Worst negative trait: She's spiteful. She's petty. She wants to make people suffer as she has suffered. Her moral compass is misaligned at best, deadly at worst, and she doesn't care for consequence. She's not a good person despite doing a few good things and she doesn't want to be.
Colours: Black, green, purple and red. Smells: Anything earthy. Peat moss, freshy-turned earth and the scent of rain. The rust of blood. That smell you get when you get too close to a fire and you swear it's singeing your nose hairs. Textures: El is at home with anything that other people find revolting; slimy, spiny, soggy, etc. Drinks: Though partial to a red, El will drink anything. She can't afford to be picky when out in the middle of nowhere.
Smokes: When in Firelight Trading Company, yes. Tobacco is hard to come by otherwise, so she ends up quitting by proxy. Drinks: When she can. Guests often elected to bring her 'offerings' when in need of their services. She wasn't one to complain. Drugs: This one is tricky. I feel like things like hallucinogenic mushrooms and the like were probably an occasional indulgence, and she's a potions/medicine master of some renown. However, drugs as this sheet implies? No. Mount Issuance: If Gobnip is big enough she will ride him. :) Been Arrested: Good luck! Many have tried and failed!
Tagged by: @lilbittymonster — at least for this one! I'm going to try and do one character per tag. Tagging: @humblemooncat, @chainsofaether, @blackestnight, @mmorpg-escapism, @cadrenebula, @ascendedhypothesis, @ishgard & @allyennah! If you'd like a chance of being tagged, you can like my permanent interaction call here!
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
RWBY is a good show, and I’m tired of people pretending its not!
I’m sorry, I’m just so tired of all these random claims that RWBY is “boring anime cliche” or “racist white male writing”, So...let’s go over them in segments
Female characters:
Aren’t walking fanservice shots and aren’t sexualized
Aren’t degraded in their field (combat, tactics, dust usage, etc) to boost up male characters (cause seemingly female characters being too skilled at something is emasculating to incels)
When a woman says no to a man, the man takes no for an answer and doesn’t keep trying. (So dear Hbomberguy, stop claiming that Weiss x Jaune was ever a thing)
Women don’t require a man to “Defend their honor” (This is in response to the dude who harassed me in anonymous about V5 who was upset that Yang punched a creep)
Aren’t woobified or emotionally weakened, instead having reactions to things like normal human beings. (Sorry Shonen anime which loves to make women woobified or emotionally weakened vs men) Being capable of emotions but also doing things effectively.
Aren’t made into waifu for male characters. Nora is still a badass and even being allowed to explore who she is outside of Ren, which runs against the usual anime/manga bs. Weiss didn’t get with Jaune after finding out he helped w/ Neptune. Blake actually defended her boundaries when Sun crossed certain lines (even though they’re brotp not romantic, he’s a male character that could’ve been put as a pseudo-love interest). Yang is also shown to be more than just Blake’s GF as we see in Ruby Yang interactions, Yang vs Salem, Yang ageeing to talk with Robyn. They’re all their own characters not trying to be the perfect wife for a male character.
LGBT+ characters:
aren’t in a world of “everyone is gay or straight”, so for me at least coming across as more impactful
have Ilia (lesbian); Coco (lesbian); Terra (wlw) and Saphron (wlw) also married and w/ kid that aren’t treated different to any other couple; Scarlet (gay-male); Nolan (implied, I think its at this point and not confirmed, mlm); May (non-deadnamed, voiced by and helped crafted with the help of a trans VA, and not having her trans status be the central element of her character trans character); Blake (bi) and Yang (wlw) that are a main pair that are being allowed to build to a relationship at the same pacing as the hetero alt. pairing. BB being naturally built up and not rushed into a relationship, though still soft-canon locked in via Nora.
Are ALL ALIVE (funny how the straight white male characters get killed off?)
PoC characters:
Includes Marrow, Pietro, Joanna, Flynt, Yatsuhashi, Lie Ren, and Robyn as default heroes side
Includes Emerald having switched to the heroes side after having it foreshadowed in v3. Also possibly Elm and Harriet, depending on where they go in the future.
includes Sienna, who was admittedly actual wasted potential, being contrasted against Adam as the morally better version of violence in activism. A controlled violence actually giving a shit rights activist leader vs. a co-opting murderous abusive bloodthirsty psychopathic terrorist.
are easily the lesser in villain count vs. Caucasian villains.
So can the RWDE please stop trying to claim how RWBY isn’t better than anime/manga at least, but overall “isn’t progressive” in these areas.
Adam Taurus represents a very real element in real life regarding “Radical civil rights movements” ; extremism and co-opters; While the actual faunus rights aspect on its own is given a sympathetic light repeatedly. We also have Ilia Amitola, the female POC lesbian, get a redemption. While Adam Taurus, the cis white male edgelord? Is Evil  and gets his death by double penetration at the hands of two lesbians. (Edit: yes, I know Blake is Bi, as is her VA. It was an expression explaining how cis white male “authority” individuals get emasculated)
The WF has a lot of references, not specifically the Black Panther one. Also the WF on its own is fine, its the version that gets corrupted by Adam’s psychotic co-opting terrorist ass that is the problem.
 Reflective of reality where if any group for any cause crosses into violence that involves innocent bystanders; then they lose any credibility and are nothing more than terrorists. I don’t care what the cause is. Which is exactly what the WF under Adam presents; but is just 1 vein of it with Sienna’s vein existing, Ghira’s, and even Blake’s. Was it handled perfectly? No, you could have easily have shaved time from Adam to give to Sienna and had her live to continue. Personally I found Sienna to be the actual wasted potential, but EruptionFang naturally loves cis white male evil men as his favorite Meow Meows. Don’t even try to recommend a gay or bisexual dude to rwby critics, they’ll flip and call it pandering.
The MC’s aren’t remotely “paper thin”, nor secondaries. Heck the only ones that fit that bill are characters in the tertiary vein that are supposed to be that way. The “two traits” falls apart if one actually pays attention to the characters.
And most fixit fanfics not only sexualize the characters in a show with no fanservice...
Sadly they also overfocus on male characters and have their favorite male characters talk down the female main characters.
Robyn Hill represents the people standing up NOT against the military, but against fascism/totalitarianism. We see that for all the “good intentions” that Ironwood MAY have? It is always sabotaged by him. Ironwood backstabs Ozpin, brings an Army as a show of force, does multiple projects behind people’s backs, and yet displays more than few acts of hypocrisy. Volume 7 literally showed him acting as a dictator because he believed that only he knew the answer to everyone’s problems. Yet the consequences of HIS actions are what led to Atlas Downfall. Yang and Blake even tried to get Robyn to work with Ironwood and Robyn was literally willing to do so. Which of course pissed off Ironwood stans that anyone, especially a POC hero of the people, would stand against a Cis White Male Authority figure. The elections in V7 meant that anyone’s authority could be challenged by the people. Of COURSE Ironwood stans REFUSE to acknowledge the election part was good.
The attempt to balance idealism with realism is pretty interesting. What do you do against an enemy with an unlimited army, immortality, and agents who seek to turn everyone against each other? Do you submit to the “inevitable?” Or do you keep fighting to the end, instead prolonging the end?
You can think of this as having borrowed a theme or two from dark souls!
RWBY is at the very least leaps and bounds beyond most anime it's close in genre with. I remember seeing, partially in jest, the idea that RWBY has half the fanbase it does for being an action anime with a female case and no fanservice and I think it might almost literally be true.
It is depressingly hard to find a decent action show with a female cast that doesn't sexualize them in gross ways. Even shows I like on the whole end up doing that.
Of course, the points regarding love are helped by the fact that a good chunk of the female cast is front and center in the story. They’re largely in the driver seat and aren’t secondary to any male titular protagonist. Thus you don’t get cases where a girl on the main cast is there to be… the girl.
In any other story, Oscar and/or Jaune  would be front and center. Heck, the three creators of RWBY are guys before their team grew so you’d think they’d “write what they know.” Yet they stick to their guns on having girls get shit done.
One Anime a person I know felt came close to this was, if you can believe it, Fairy Tail where Natsu might’ve been the prominent ass kicker but Erza is the one effectively leader the team, Wendy goes on an arc of learning to love herself and Lucy grows into the wizard that leads the charge against Acnologia.
Yet it sent mixed signals with how the girls (those of age) had designs that left little to the imagination. I can appreciate an artist honest in his horniness… but the Anime did something right when it came to Erza’s torture in Tartaros that helped sell the gravitas of the traumatic experience.
RWBY feels like the above but far more refined in execution. There’s a time and place for schlocky cheesecake but not when it clashes with the narrative and themes overall.
So tell me...without using Hbomberguys’ repeated false information about the “love triangle” or “self-insert” slander...how would YOU respectfully criticize RWBY?  How would you claim to be “a critic” yet still encourage people to watch RWBY? 
If you try to bring up Hbomb’s 2.5 hour hate video, then anyone who tries to claim that a video from 2 years ago no longer is relevant is just being hypocritical. (Looking at you, RWDE Apologist, you know who you are)
Oh, one more thing. RWBY seasons 1-3 were the weakest in terms of writing and animation. But even so, the fact of the matter is that anything that happened in those seasons are ignored by critics, theorists, and straight shippers.
Material Inspired from   https://www.tumblr.com/crimsonxe/691425946111295488/since-i-ran-across-a-dumbass-earlier-that-tried-to 
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nico-esoterica · 28 days
Why these trendy gross men are predators (astro analysis)
tw: mentions of grooming!
Metroboomin, now exposed as an open and shameless child predator uncoincidentally has a whole Libra stellium that the SN is running through. And it's being activated via Drake's 3H that can be associated with inner-circle connections or (from an artist's perspective) having brief projects with. The SN in Libra during our current cycle is bringing issues of past harm done to victims to light. Another person this immediately affected months back is Jonathan Majors who has his Mercury and Venus in Libra.
Drake's placidus Sun crosses back into 3rd house. It also conjoins Pluto (in Scorpio) and is copresent with Venus. This combination on its own doesn't mean anything. But when you add context, with Scorpio as the lens, it has a sinister effect where those you're hanging out with casually for work are also people who have issues. Since he has a Mars that hovers between the 6th and 7th houses in the 'Venusian' decan of Aquarius, imo, it spells out work place misogyny that forms not only camaraderie, but due to Scorpio hiding things in the general 3H of 'early childhood development' is..1+1=2. Meaning.. sharing a hobby (3H) of underage girls being tossed between temporary coworkers or it just being something they all have in common separately.
Mars in the 7H can play out as antagonism towards women in the charts of terrible men. Usually has something to do with the mother. Drake has a 12H Cancer Moon (11H in placidus) which forms watery trines to his whole sign 8th and 4th houses. Water houses hold memory (water--it's absorbent nature) and can link to trauma because they play a role in the emotional parts of us we keep private and are processing or unaware of. In the charts of abusive people, water, imo, plays out as following the rhythmic cycles of trauma because they're motivated by deeply felt (water gets into things) emotional spite. And trines and sextiles allow for it to flow unimpeded. Since those are supportive aspects, it means that the behavior is aided and encouraged. Its occurrence in water houses gives me a visual of it happening, like rivers and motes below things, beneath larger systems or served as connective wave lengths between people like bodily tissue.
The Moon and Jupiter are also in domicile (in their respective homes) in Cancer and Pisces, so this behavior was downright encouraged and he was very at home doing it (could be literal). And they're forming the belly of their grand water trine to his Scorpio Venus. The middle decan of Scorpio is associated with the 6 of Cups and the 6oC relates to childhood or nostalgia in many tarot card pulls. It's what we're holding onto which we're afraid to let go of. You're following me here. In the middle decan between two cards that are associated with not having enough of something or too overwhelmed by choices (5 and 7 of cups), the 6 is where we're happy with what we have and can happily indulge. When you combine this with all of the 'positive' neutral astrological elements discussed, Drake, flat out, has 0 remorse, never thought it was a problem, and knew he could get away with his behavior safely and uninterrupted... until now.
However, as per my last 2 audios about the Drake/Kendrick beef on my Patreon, all of that Scorpio, IMO can lead to paranoia. And in the 4H, unless you are absolutely convinced nothing is out to get you, you will tend to be living like a wild person muttering to themselves off their meds in their house unless you transmute that control issue into something (that isn't a person).
I feel as if he chose to quell that, partially, in ruthlessly controlling and grooming the most unprotected and exploited group of people. Young girls.
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 11 months
Many many unhealthy dark thoughts about Tangerine’s yandere tendencies. 100% do not condone this behaviour. Get out or get help if you find yourself in a similar situation!!
My thoughts:
Tangerine’s housewife kink is out of control. Put his Darling in an apron and the man can barely function; all he would think about is taking her to bed.
He would be the type of man who would get turned on by his Darling doing the most mundane chores around the house - ironing his shirts, baking, crocheting a soft toy for one of their children - activities he considers feminine and which feed into his housewife kink.
His expectations of his Darling are unhealthy and unrealistic.
Once she was living with him Tangerine got rid of any clothing he deemed “inappropriate”. Now his Darling’s wardrobe consists mainly of dresses and skirts and he expects his Darling to adhere to this dress code.
He gets angry when his Darling makes independent decisions as he wants them to be utterly dependant on him. His Darling doesn’t have access to their own money and instead is given an allowance. Tangerine would also insist that his Darling pay via card so he can see all transactions they have made.
Gradually Tangerine would isolate his Darling from anyone he thinks are bad influences. Initially he would constantly phone and text his Darling and would become very angry if they didn’t reply immediately and would subsequently punish them (in the bedroom) for their “neglect”. He then realised it was easier to put a tracker on their phone and cameras inside their house so he knows where they are at all times. In his mind this isn’t an invasion of privacy. Instead it’s a way to protect his Darling because she is innocent and naive and unable to make informed decisions.
He definitely chips away at their self confidence as he wants them to be completely reliant on him.
He is rarely gentle in bed with his Darling. He would never beat his Darling, but he is fascinated with the physical, mental and emotional limitations of his Darling.
100% uses their children as a way to punish his Darling by limiting contact or accusing her of being a bad mother. The latter is never true as he would never have children with someone he would deem “unworthy”, but he has found that such accusations are a good way to punish his Darling. Of course their children know nothing of these punishments.
Tangerine absolutely adores their children and thinks they can do no wrong. They are perfect because they are hers and they are his. Anyone who insults his children or his Darling have basically signed their own death warrant.
It is incredibly twisted and abusive, but Tangerine is madly in love with his Darling and wouldn’t be able to survive without her. He needs her more than she needs him, and he knows this hence his suffocating clingyness. He wants to be the centre of their world like she is the centre of his.
To outsiders their relationship looks normal. Just very very traditional. And even when their children are grown up their kids don’t see anything wrong with their parent’s marriage. And Tangerine deludes himself that his Darling is happy with their marriage. Whether she is or not is something she only knows…
Sorry for this long and dark rambling about yandere!Tangerine. But after reading your fic I have been unable to think of anything else. Again I do not condone Tangerine’s actions!!!
I absolutely loved this, such an interesting perspective on dark Tangerine.
Totally agree on the kids. Tangerine seems like he'd dote on his kids, especially if it is a little girl, and he'd be the best dad for them, teaching them how to stand up for themselves and also self-defense so they know how to protect themselves. Just imagine Tangerine losing his patience at the PTA meeting 😂
Feel like he'd really enjoy the whole idea of having the perfect marriage with reader but at the same time, he ruins it with his toxic controlling atittudes.
(also don't worry, we know that all of these dark fics and thoughts are NOT supported irl. This is just FICTION, so no one should take this seriously, please).
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libbee · 1 year
Dangers of the Abyss
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Intro = Does this image stir something in you? Some emotion, thought, memory? Perhaps fear. What we cannot express in words, we express in symbols and images. Images are not mere pixels but they are emotionally charged and they exist in our minds too. After all, our eyes are like cameras, mind is like camera film, memory is like storage space. The unconscious world can be accessed via your mental images, fantasies, visions, dreams, thoughts, emotions, memory. Some of the tools we use to explore the unconscious are writing, art, active imagination, tarot cards and alchemy. Some of the ways we know unconscious exists is synchronicities, projection and spiritual awakenings.
World of the unconscious = Few things are as tempting as exploring the 4th, 8th and 12th houses in astrology. Especially when you find yourself at the outskirts of healing, you are sucked into these areas of life and may lose touch with the material world. When the native is so engrossed in spiritual work or shadow work that they are obsessed with it and do it compulsively everyday, that is when you know that they have crossed the limits of what is healthy for them. Astrology, spirituality, occult, esoteric and mysticism (for eastern audience), new age tools (for western audience) can be very tempting in times of turbulence. This is why when life is out of control (eg, divorce or break up, disease or accident, money or career problems) we run to astrologers/psychics/healers, even if we were atheist or anti-theist otherwise. What is unseen, intangible and unknown resides in the unconscious and these 3 houses in astrology are the mining holes for the unconscious. They represent the collective unconscious, personal unconscious (or the subconcious mind) and bringing them to the light of the day is called awareness/enlightenment.
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3. Curious case of Friedrich Nietzsche = Though history does not report why Nietzsche went insane, many report (including Carl Jung) that Nietzsche went so far into self exploration that he could not come back to the material life. That he went so deep into the unconscious that he could not pull himself out of it and completely submerged with the unconscious. Do you see how dangerous it is to do shadow work? Though whether Nietzsche could be reborn or not is not something we can decide, for it was his life path and his destiny. Though he lost himself in the darkness, at least he wrote some great books, at least he excavated some pearls from the ocean for the rest of us. It is to be noted that Nietzsche had ketu/south node in the 7th house which can signify his unsuccessful love life, solitude/loneliness and also had sun in the 12th house.
"...Nietzsche would be just about as grateful to his rescuers as somebody who has jumped into the water to drown himself and has been pulled out by some fool of a coastguard. I have seen Nietzsche in states in which he seemed – horrible to say – as though he were only pretending to be mad, as though he were glad to have ended this way!” Peter Gast, The Madness of Nietzsche by Erich Podach
4. We the regulars = But we the regular, the common, the laymen people who cannot afford to be lost in the unconscious world, who have school/college/job, family/relations/marriage, money/food/shelter to take care - we need a foundation to navigate the material life alongside the spiritual life. Unless you are an ascetic sitting in a cave, browsing tumblr in your lunch break before the 10 hour meditation session, we know that you have a full life with many dimensions to take care of. And it is for those of us to learn to balance the material and spiritual life
5. Doing it alone = Whether a therapist or a family member or a friend or a loved one, anyone who can keep you grounded in the real world, bring you back to the daily life, keep you rational when you are losing touch with reality and guide you when you are losing track can be helpful. Though shadow work is a solitary process, we still need somebody else to give us objective judgment, tell whether we are biased in our judgment and guide us with their own wisdom and experience. This is why 4th/8th houses also deal with generations, ancestors, inheritance, history because it is only by standing upon the shoulder of the giants that you can make progress in your life. We may think we know it all intuitively/alone, but the more we learn the more we discover how little we know. "Learn from the mistakes of others, you can't live long enough to make them all yourself." - Chanakya, Indian polymath
6. Psychic content is reality = I am very fond of this interview of Carl Jung. What Jung meant to say here is that the events of psyche are as real as the material life. For instance, if you celebrate your birthday on a certain date with your friends, you call it reality. But if you think about celebrating your birthday with your friends, you call it daydream and not reality. This is where Jung says that even the world in your mind is as real and valid as the world outside. So whether you celebrate your birthday in physical world or mental world, both are equally valid and real. So, when the mental world is as encompassing, satisfying and real as the physical world, it is very easy and tempting to spend your whole life in the mind. In the modern world, the addiction to social media, internet, video games and T.V. is similar to living in your mind (unless you are using technology to do your job and make money).
7. Being clueless and inexperienced = The baby witches often ask minute questions on spells, tools and energy. Do you work in coven or are you a solitary witch? Are you a family astrologer or the first in your family? Do you visit a psychologist or do your own therapy in your journal? If the answer to all these questions is the latter of the two, then you may have begun from a place where you were clueless, inexperienced and confused. Perhaps you learned from trial and error, perhaps you did hours of research, perhaps you felt like you were not meant for it, but what we do know is that being clueless and inexperienced in the world of the unconscious can have serious drawbacks and dangers. The most dangerous is the mental and emotional impact of practices that do not make your life better rather pull you in a rut.
8. Solutions = Solutions are very simple, so simple that we may dismiss it, but learning to keep a balance between material life (school/college/self care/job/ family/responsibilities) and the spiritual life (shadow work/alchemy/exploring the unconscious/self actualization) is crucial. Next solution is to be able to identify the psychic contents with mindfulness and living in the present moment - this comes with practice, perhaps months or years of practice before one can calm down the restlessness to stay mindful. Next solution is to really understand your mental process. Mind is a beautiful thing, do not deal with it lightly. Just like you would arrange, clean, organize, beautify your physical space, you also have to arrange, organize and keep your mental space neat and clean. Next solution is to what I mentioned earlier in a post to keep marking mistakes and correct decisions for yourself, to use reasoning, logic, common sense, decision making, routine (rather than be emotional thinker, magical thinker, impulsive and reckless). In short, think BEFORE you act and not the vice versa. The exploration of the unconscious is systematic and organized, it is not careless and impulsive.
9. Conclusion = So, if you are a first generation astrologer or witch or healer or trauma cycle breaker, be very vigilant of your limits and structure. I have written about psychosis before which can induce when the native is not mentally prepared for the psychological adventure of healing and actualization. Psychoanalysis, spiritual practices and occult practices are parallels to each other and if you feel like you are called into any of these interests, please make sure you have your physical life in order, lest you want to reach rock bottom again and again. I am speaking from experience that being first time clueless healer, psychoanalysis made my life even more complicated instead of magically improving it. I thought I had hit rock bottom in physical life but I did not know yet that even rock bottom has a basement that I hit with clueless psychoanalysis and spiritual practices. It was like this diagram for me:
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It felt like I was making great progress with shadow work and psychoanalysis, it felt like I hit the jackpot and all my problems would be explained/solved but it took me a lot of time to realize that it takes immense responsibility to tackle the world of the unconscious and it is not mere for fun and games, rather it can really disturb your life and make you dysfunctional in the material world.
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quinloki · 1 year
Age play, blood play, mfm for Marco, Thatch, and Sabo pls
Alright, we're going to do this one by Kink.
MFM, Blood play, Age Play.
I want to note two things before I go into this: I know almost nothing first hand about age play, and just spent the last 20 minutes reading up on it via a few sources I trust. I'm going to do My Best <3 but I apologize if I get something wrong.
Second Note: Honestly, I shouldn't have to say this, but in the lesser known kinks I feel compelled - if you're going to come into reblogs and chat being a fuck about someone else's style of consenting adults kinky times, I will block you in as many ways as I can.
If you're particularly unlucky, I will bury you publicly.
If any kink mentioned in these asks isn't your vibe just - move. along.
MFM - Threesome involving two straight guys and a straight girl because the guys don't interact (so I'm assuming straightness, otherwise why would you let a whole human body alone like that?)
Marco - Sure - A lot like Shanks, this man has spent almost his entire life as a pirate and on a pirate ship. Marco is pretty open to just about anything, but he's so laid back that nothing really comes across as enthusiasm. There's plenty he is enthusiastic about, but I think the damper on this situation would be in only giving attention to one of two available partners. He's all for following the boundaries of the session, don't misunderstand, but those bedroom eyes of his can admire a full range of people.
Thatch - Yes - Look, Thatch is here for a good time, and he's all in for the parameters provided, why not? It makes everyone else comfortable and he can make breakfast for three in the next morning just as easily as two. He'd be less inclined to invite someone in between him and his partner, but joining in with another couple is fine in his book. (Thatch, I feel, is not lucky in love xD So he can be pretty soundly in the "not-sharing" category when he gets into any kind of relationship.)
Sabo - Rather Not - It's not that Sabo's a stick in the mud or anything like that, but he is a bit of a control freak. He's also a little shy outside of an established relationship, and not very good at sharing when he's in an established relationship. Sex is also a vulnerable activity, never mind the emotional and physical vulnerability, but also tactically - and he's got a lot on his shoulders already. There's too many variables, and for better or worse, I don't think he's interested in much of any kind of group setting. A polycule sure - something established and vetted is something I could see for him.
Blood Play - A risky form of edge-play. Please, please, please practice this as safely as possible. (Also, I swear I do head canon some characters being for this kink, just not really any of these people XD - sorry!)
Marco - Sure - There's that continued "it's hard to get enthusiasm out of Marco" again, but in this case, it's a sure because Marco is Marco. There's a lot of risk with Blood Play (unless we're talking menstrual (well, there's still risk there, but differently)), but between his profession and his devil fruit, he's just about the absolute safest partner you could have for this particular kink. He's not much of a sadist though, and honestly I think he'd prefer to be the one getting cut than the other way around - but only if it's something that gets you off.
Thatch - I dunno - Thatch is, to me, kind of squeamish about blood. In battle it doesn't get to him, in the kitchen, it actually kind of does. He manages to deal with it well enough that only maybe a couple crew mates know about it. Blood belongs inside the body, and that's his stance on it. He's not going to pass out or hurl, but Thatch knows how to do two things with knives - cut food, and, well, cut people.
And how he does both aren't techniques he's comfortable using on you. You could maybe bring him around with Marco's assistance, but I can't see Marco helping since he'd definitely know about Thatch's mild squeamishness.
Sabo - Yes and No - Sabo has, to me, a bit of madness in him. I mean, he's been through a lot, and I think there's a lot of extra risk in blood play with him. I feel like it would trigger bad memories, and I feel like he would be all for trying it. It's a kink of control, and there's an intimacy to it no matter how you go about it. So he would want to, carefully, try it. It might not be the first time, or the second, but at some point I think the light would flicker across that crimson liquid in the "right" (wrong) way and if everyone is lucky, the knife is buried in the wall, and no one gets hurt.
Age Play - Consenting adults role-playing as a different age.
(psst, hey, not all kinks are sexual and a lot of BDSM is actually not sexually motivated! -- I say this as a very sexually motivated human, if I can understand it, <3 so can you <3 )
Marco - FUCK Yes - Marco's actually a little enthusiastic about this because it's new to him. You lay everything out for him, and spend a few hours educating him and going over the finer points. He's attentive, ready, and willing. It's pretty chill for both of you, and honestly it's become a good way to bond, and stress relieve together. Thatch probably teases him at some point that he's treating you more like he's your father, and not your lover, but the two of you just laugh about it. It's a sweet little shared secret between you.
Thatch - Starts as a I guess, moves to a Yes - It takes Thatch a little while to really understand the assignment, but the more you explain, and the more you spend trying, the more he gets into it. It is a nice change of pace from the normal rhythm of the day to day of the ship, and he shifts around in the different kinds of roles pretty often. You two played tag one time and it ended up being half the crew playing as well before it was all over and done with. Though, no one else really understood why you were both acting child-like, but that just for the two of you anyway.
Sabo - I guess/Sure - There's just so much muck around Sabo's childhood and his concepts of family that I think this would be more a can of worms than anything good. He'll try, a few different ways, and a few different times, but younger play would make him sad for reasons he doesn't understand (until his memory comes back), and older play would make him angry for reasons he doesn't understand.
Given time he could probably come into a full Yes, but he's gonna need therapy to unravel those memory traumas and family issues first.
I honestly feel like I learned more about myself than these One Piece characters with this particular ask, but that's life sometimes XD <3
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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masked-kitsune · 1 year
Danny Phantom Separate au
In this au Danny and Phantom are two separate entities. The two made a deal during Danny's portal accident. Danny was given a few basic powers, mainly intangiblity and invisibility. Phantom is the banished son of Paraih Dark. Phantom was starting to fade when Danny encountered him in the newly active portal. The two were both dying and struck a desperate deal to help each survive and so Phantom's core turned into an amulet that Danny now wears around his neck allowing the two to switch places quickly with their usual transformation. It's sorta like a Yami and Yugi situation for the two of them.
•Sam and Tucker actually don't know about Danny and Phantom being two separate beings, they assumed they're the same since Danny always wears the amulet and he never bothered to correct them. They're proven wrong about this assumption during memory blank
•Identity crisis was the result of the two fighting. The Fenton ghost catcher gave the two enough charge to be separated with some issues
•Danny learns that he and Phantom can temporarily turn into the other with enough of an ectoplasmic charge
•Danny could tell something was off about Phantom during the circus Gothica incident but didn't immediately chalk it up to mind control until Lancer was locked in a closet.
•Memory blank caused them to lose their connection which in turn caused them to lose their memories alongside the tampering of Desiree with her magic due to the wish Sam made. They had to relearn a few things especially after Sam made her counter wish
•Dani was the result of Vlad trying to clone Danny without knowing that he and Phantom weren't the same person which resulted in Dani and the other clones being extremely unstable
•Vlad is still a halfa due to his ectoacne
•Dan is the result of Phantom being corrupted when Vlad stole the amulet off Danny during the events of the ultimate enemy and the halfa trying to use the amulet. Danny tried to save Phantom which resulted in the teen's death, Vlad's ghost half being absorbed into the amulet and a weakened Phantom being overwhelmed and absorbed by the evil ghost half.
•Clockwork eventually removed the time medallion from Danny's chest
•Clockwork is Phantom's other parent and ends up as a father figure/mentor to Danny
•Danny becomes part ghost due to Phantom
•Phantom shows some of his real power during his fight against Paraih Dark since he manages to briefly send Amity Park back to the real world from the ghost zone. The fight took a toll on both Phantom and Danny. It was more of an emotional toll for Phantom while the physical toll went to Danny
•Phantom remembers bits and pieces of his life in the ghost zone. Phantom is 1400 in human years and is 14 in ghost years
•Paraih went mad due to a poisoning attempt by an observatant when one made a bid for power after sealing Clockwork in the clock tower with a powerful artifact alongside Phantom. He was told his husband and son were lost and in his grief drank the blood blossom wine that ended with him going mad and leading to him needing to be sealed. The observatants cast the traitor into the deepest darkest parts of the ghost zone as punishment
•Phantom leans all of this via Clockwork
•Thunderstorms are hard on both Phantom and Danny
•Phantom was poisoned in a ghostly assassination attempt
•Skulker was hired by said assassin at first and then by Vlad
•Phantom being the prince was kept a secret from the rest of the zone except for Frostbite in the far frozen
•Danny keeps the amulet tucked in his shirt to avoid his parents equipment from pin pointing it
•The Fenton parents don't know about either portal incident
[Feel free to add more to this. It'll be interesting seeing what others come up with including crossovers, just nothing too extreme]
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Scrapnik Island Issue #4: Scrapnik Island (Part 4)
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Welcome to the finale of Scrapnik Island! All I have to say for this is that I absolutely love it and the ending cements Scrapnik Island as my favorite Sonic IDW Miniseries.
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Not to mention, the covers are absolutely amazing!
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We kick off the story with Mecha Sonic preparing Sonic for the mind transfer, with Sonic wondering what the hell he’s talking about. Mecha explains how Eggman once tried to make a device that controls Badniks via his mind, but got bored and scrapped the project (I’m not surprised). Mecha used this in combination with Tails’ tablet to download his own mind into Sonic’s body, with Sonic suddenly realizing that he’s indeed serious about this.
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Mecha explains that the Scrambled Egg Carrier is just a piece of junk, meaning there is no way for the Scrapniks to flee the island, so after transferring his mind into Sonic’s body, he’ll just run across the ocean and get his revenge on Eggman. Logistics aside on running across the ocean, something we saw in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie (and the fact that he could also just repair the Tornado), this sounds like a good plan.
Sonic questions him about Sigma and the other Scrapniks; y’know, his friends, but Mecha takes a moment, then tells him that friendship is weakness, a brief glitch in his software. As he talks, we can see the Scrapniks hide above them, horrified by Mecha saying they were never his friends.
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Sonic calls him out on it, saying how he’s just full of it. He may have hit a nerve there, but Mecha just tells him to shut up and activates the machine and we get a really painful look of Mecha’s mind being transferred to Sonic’s. Sheesh, Sonic looks like he’s being electrocuted.
Okay, I will stop here for a moment just to note that I did speculate that, with how things were set up, Sonic would have to go through a typical “battle inside your mind” and try to expel Mecha somehow out of his mind and body, but what they did in the comic is actually much better!
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The Scrapniks, witnessing this sin against nature, leap at Mecha, yelling at him to stop. Not only do they attack Mecha, but also the machine, breaking it in the process. *claps* Amazing job, guys!
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Mecha is kneeling in the ashes and broken machinery, devastated. All of his hard work is gone thanks to the Scrapniks he rejected as his friends and he screams how they ruined everything. His eye glows, showing that he’s pissed.
Mecha gets up, charging at the Scrapniks (and making a reference to Super Mario Bros. Z).
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While Mecha is busy, a few other Scrapniks quickly free Sonic, who is dazed and still fried from the incomplete mind transfer. He hears a voice inside his head, talking about how their plans are ruined, how they have to escape the island...
“I’m... not... trash...”
And there it is. Yeah, Sonic realizes that he’s picking up fragments of memories, thoughts and emotions, all of which belong to Mecha Sonic. Despite acting all aloof, it is clear that Mecha is still suffering from low self-esteem and just wants to prove he isn’t a piece of junk left to be abandoned.
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Mecha slaps away another Scrapnik, which pisses off Sonic, who spin-dashes into Mecha, leaving the Scrapnik, who was about to be torn to shreds, surprised.
I really love the reaction Sonic has in the upper panel. It is not because he’s trying to protect them (although that’s part of it), but because he sees the Scrapniks as his friends. If you mess with his friends, you have to deal with him; and he’s furious.
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During their race, it becomes clear that Sonic still can’t run properly because of his injured leg, describing it as being stabbed by thousand needles. However, he still pushes through, despite the agony he feels. Mecha then suddenly asks him what he even knows about pain, saying how what Sonic is feeling is nothing compared to what Mecha went through. 
Unlike Sonic, he has been cast aside, robbed of his purpose, and while Sonic may have defeated him last time, he’s now completely alone and injured.
“You’ve reached your limits.”
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“Ah. But see. That’s the thing about limits... they’re meant to be broken!”
Despite visibly sweating and being in pain, Sonic smiles through, accelerating his speed, much to Mecha’s shock and they speed right over the conveyor belts that lead to an active furnace. Honestly, I’m not surprised that this is happening. Sonic has a strong willpower and he’s determined enough to power through anything. We all saw what happened in Sonic Frontiers.
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We see the two fighting, with Sonic still struggling, but he’s doing his best. Also, why is this slowly giving me Toy Story 3 vibes?
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Sonic manages to catch Mecha off guard, kicking him in the face and shattering the brace the Scrapniks made for him, and Mecha falls into the scrapped metal, bested by Sonic once again. During his fall, we see a brief flashback to happier times, seen as friend and protector by the Scrapniks, shown love by those who care about him.
We also see his red eyes turn yellow as he lands. It seems as if his rage has vanished.
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Sonic, seeing Mecha sinking into the pile of scraps that is going towards the furnace, calls out for him, telling to grab his hand, but Mecha swats it away.
Mecha tells Sonic that the cobalt hedgehog has the freedom to explore the world at his own leisure, unhindered by regret and and failure... and how that must be nice. He says how this is what he deserves, how he failed both of his directives to beat Sonic as Eggman’s creation and protect the Scrapniks.
“I am a failure. I am worthless. I am trash...”
Hm, who does this scene remind me of...
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Sonic appears to share the same sentiment as I do, because look at him! He is furious!
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He just yells at Mecha to cut the crap and extends his hand, giving us this amazing speech:
“You give yourself value and purpose! No one else! You gotta live for you! That’s what it really means to be free! NOW TAKE! MY! HAND!”
Mecha stares, then lifts his hand and grabs Sonic. Wow,... just, this is pure awesomeness! This is Sonic at his best, inspiring people to make choices! There is no way he’s going to let Mecha just die like that! Not to mention, his speech isn’t just directed to Mecha, but to everyone. Hell, this is what he hoped to teach Surge and Kit, but we know how that one turned out.
Not only that, but it also applies to real life. We live in a world where it is easier to accept being told by other people what you can do and what you can’t do. We just conform to the masses. Sonic tells you to screw that option and live for yourself. It doesn’t matter what others think about you, but what you think about yourself. It is a really powerful message.
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Sonic attempts to pull Mecha out, only to pause, with Mecha wondering what’s wrong. Sonic grins sheepishly, admitting that he may have overdid it with his foot and now he can’t move it.
Mecha’s reaction is priceless. You can just hear the “You gotta be kidding me?!” line as he notes how there was all this big talk and Sonic can’t even get them out. Sonic replies how he’s working on it. Absolutely hilarious!
Fortunately for Sonic, someone familiar grabs him.
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It is Tails! Not only did he survive the fall, but also brought along Sigma and all of the other Scrapniks to form a chain-link line and pull Sonic and Mecha out of the furnace. Awesome job, guys!
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Once they’re finally safe and sound, the Scrapniks and Sigma just hug Mecha, with Sigma apologizing for being unaware of his inner turmoil. It doesn’t matter, though, as Mecha is just happy to be surrounded by his friends and family.
Sonic and Tails observe the reunion, both happy, but... is Sonic crying? Yeah, he is! He’s crying! Sonic is legit crying!
Screw you, SEGA mandates!
Tails turns to him, surprised to see Sonic smiling and crying, but Sonic replies how those aren’t his tears...
They’re Mecha’s.
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Honestly, I teared up during this page, because this is so heartwarming... and a great loophole around SEGA’s mandates. Yeah, sure Sonic can’t cry, so how about we say those were Mecha’s tears thanks to their mind link. That’s okay, but let’s be honest here, fans know that Sonic probably also shed a tear of his own during this scene.
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So, all that is left is Tails removing Eggman’s programming from both Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles (who seems to now behave like regular Knuckles, being aloof and all that), and Sigma and Mecha are thankful for their help, with Mecha finally being free to be his own person.
Have I already said how much I love this? Because I do!
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“The value of one’s existence isn’t determined by successes and failures. Both are fleeting and impermanent. What truly matters is having the courage to keep moving forward... I see that now. Thank you, Sonic.”
Okay, is it just me or does this really give off Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back vibes? Because it does!
In any case, we see Mecha thanking Sonic for making him realize how he’s the one who gives himself value, holding the sunflower as they’re called over by Tails, Sigma and the other Scrapniks to the fixed tornado. Mecha notes how he has no idea what the future holds for him, but despite the uncertainty, he’s ready to face it head-on with the help of his friends.
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As Sonic and Tails depart, bidding good-bye to their new friends, we are left with Mecha’s thoughts.
“I’m done being controlled by yesterday. I’m going to live for tomorrow.”
Damn, just damn...
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The premise is so simple, but the message is incredibly powerful! I really hope we get to see Mecha Sonic, Sigma, Mecha Knuckles and the Scrapniks again. As a matter of fact, their presence could be linked with Belle’s decision to help abandoned Badniks. It’s just perfect!
This story is perfect and I hope we can get more stories like this one in the future.
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#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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numbuh900 · 4 months
Codename kids next door headcannons
Numbuh 19th Century's real name is "Albert Lewis"
The Galactic Kids Next Door have tried making a bootleg omnitrix watch.
The boyfriend helmet technology was made by the GKND, and the Galactic Kids Next Door supreme leader uses it's tech to mind control their operatives.
Father and Grandfather's powers stem from their emotions via their hatred of kids, and going with my "The GKND are mind controlled by its supreme leader headcannon" the brainwashing amplified Nigel's dislike for adults all the way up to 11 which activated his powers.
The previous leader of the GKND was actually a fair and kind and powerful alien that's the pure reason the KND exists at all, they gave kids the knowledge and skills to defend themselves so that the universe can be safe for kids.
If they were to learn about what the current leader has done to the organization, they'd be heartbroken.
In the middle ages, the KND treehouses looked more fantasy based and whimsical, like something you'd see in a fairy tale.
When the KND travel through space, they meet a pair of alien adult hero's that are a parody of Wander and Sylvia, the galactic kids next door can't stand them due to them annoying the crap out of their operatives and evacuating planets scheduled for decommissioning.
Numbuh Three has alot of knowledge about yokai (Japanese supernatural creatures)
Numbuh Five and Cree's older brother lives in France, and they mail letters to each other all the time.
Numbuh Two's Dad is a fighter pilot in the military
Numbuh One's Mother's name is "Olivia"
Numbuh Ten's real name is "Ashley"
Bonus round: KND Multiverse headcannons
Theres a knd sector in the TROLLS universe, and they battle villains in music battles
Kid Cosmic is an honorary operative after his encounter with Numbuh 362. They get along well like siblings. Numbuh 363 doesn't like The Kid a lot, but Kid tries to be really friendly with him and even gets him to calm down whenever he gets mad.
Numbuh Five is a powerpuff girls fan, she's even a honorary powerpuff girl and in return she made Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup honorary operatives.
The Gravity Falls Kids Next Door aren't as hostile towards teenagers like most operatives, In fact, they get along with Wendy and her freinds greatly.
The Bikini Bottom KND don't have much of a problem with SpongeBob and Patrick since they don't view them as typical adults. They also really like Sandy Cheeks as she supplies them with her technology. They're neutral with Squidward. They don't have a high opinion on Mr.Krabs after hearing about that "Krabby Land" scam he pulled.
When Mac and Bloo joined the Kids Next Door, they've been rescuing abandoned imaginary friends or freinds that are being mistreated by adults. Lots of KND operatives have even been going to Foster's to adopt their own imaginary friends, and they've been happy with them ever since.
Timmy Turner, Chester, and AJ joined the KND, Timmy supplies his sector and other sectors with magical 2x4 technology. Everyone is baffled on how he managed to get the mysterious energy source for them.
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ask-the-furies · 1 year
Welcome to ask-the-furies!
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About: What is this?
Who are these characters?
What can I ask/what can I expect to see?
What’s the tag system?
COMPLETED THOUGHT PROJECTS: Flocks, Herds, And Schools Gender? I Hardly Know Her!
About: What is this?
This is an askblog for the skills of Disco Elysium! It will be written in the style of the game itself. It will be a mixture of canon information and headcanon interpretation, with references to multiple routes and canons in the game itself along with semi-fic-ish elements to it.
Who are these characters?
These are the skills from Disco Elysium, the stats that determine Harry Du Bois’ abilities and thoughts. They are the personified manifestations of his capabilities that exist within his brain as voices. Here are my designs of them:
Limbic System and ARB:
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Since they’re so broadly defined as both game mechanics and as characters, I’ll be using my own headcanons to represent them (so we’re gonna get a little silly with it.) I’ll give a brief rundown of the skills as they’ll be represented via their functions:
Logic: he/him. Ability to piece together clues and detect inconsistencies.
Encyclopedia: he/him. Pre-existing knowledge of the world of Elysium.
Rhetoric:they/he. Ability to argue against others and convince them.
Drama: he/she/they. Ability to lie and detect lies.
Conceptualization: any/all. Ability to discern deeper artistic meaning and subtext.
Viscalc: he/they. Ability to determine and inference things based off of visual clues.
Volition: he/they. Moral fortitude, mental health, focus on work.
Empathy: they/them. Capacity to understand how others are feeling.
Inland Empire: they/them. Imagination, hunches, and being fascinated with the mysterious.
Authority: he/him. Ability to exert or impose command.
Esprit De Corps: any/all. Understanding police culture.
Suggestion: they/them. Ability to plant ideas and subtle subterfuge.
Endurance: he/him, physical health and vitality.
Pain Threshold: she/they. Ability to seek out and put up with pain.
Physical Instrument: he/him. Ability to use the body as a tool.
Electro-Chemistry: he/they. Base instinct of seeking pleasure.
Half Light: she/he. Fight, flight, faun, or freeze response.
Shivers: she/her. Connection with the supra-natural elements of the city.
Hand/Eye Coordination: he/him. Ability to throw, catch, and shoot.
Perception: she/her. Ability to pick up details that activate the senses.
Reaction Speed: she/they. Ability to think/act quickly.
Savoir Faire: he/they. Agility and grace, in both a physical and social sense.
Interfacing: he/him. The use of tools with finesse, like operating a second body.
Composure: they/them. Capability of staying focused and collected under pressure.
Ancient Reptilian Brain: he/him. Controls base animal instincts.
Limbic System: he/him. Controls emotional responses.
(If you have other characters you’d like to talk to that aren’t listed, like the horrific necktie, feel free to try and ask anyway. They may have something to say?)
What can I ask/what can I expect to see?
You can ask the skills just about anything you’d want to know from them. Since there are 24 of those assholes living in Harry’s brain, they need a way to get attention and enrichment, so they made this blog. Ask them about what you’re curious about!
This blog will get about as risqué as the game does— potential mentions of drug use/abuse, sex and sexuality, violence, etc. As such, no minors here, please. Ship content probably will happen and you’re more than welcome to ask about it, just be cool.
That’s generally rule number one for this blog lmao is just be cool! If I don’t want to answer something then I just won’t.
You can expect to see posts written in the style of the game itself, with the skills answering. Sometimes it may be accompanied by art, but not always!
You can also probably expect to see some skills art get reblogged (both my designs and other peoples designs) If you make fanart for my skills designs make sure you tag @ask-the-furies in it so I can see and RB it!!
Tag System?
The relevant skills and their groups that get mentioned/speak in will be tagged in the post— a post containing Interfacing will be tagged #/interfacing #//motorics, for example. If there are continuing ask threads/a storyline or conversation that fits into a particular canon, I’ll make unique tags for those as well.
#ask is for asks.
#ooc post is for ooc posts.
#/thought cabinet is fort posts that introduce a new thought to the cabinet.
I can’t promise I will answer every ask but I sure will answer the ones I think I can write something funny/clever about : ))
Something important: don’t take any of these posts too seriously. I work in a pretty superfluous way with what I imagine the skills are like, what their relationships are like, their lore, etc. The skills are best friends. The skills are roommates. The skills are in love. The skills are coworkers. It’s all true to me where. We are getting silly with it.
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shuttershocky · 2 years
Hello Shutter! I was hoping you could help clarify something about Talulah's arc. So, Kashchey could not make her do anything that she didn't want to do. After she reached her breaking point, she began to lash out more and being less kind, falling into step with the theme of the cycle of abuse and her fulfilling how Kashchey wanted/groomed her to be, in spite of her previous best intentions. Kashchey strove to break Reunion apart from the inside out to hurt her. (1/2)
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When Kaschey says that, he doesn't actually mean that Talulah is now cooperating with him in murdering her own movement and literal found family, because if he needed her cooperation he would have had a different approach. He means that if she chooses to resist him and fight for control, he will lose. Kaschey already knew that Talulah was proud, and years upon years of fascism brainwashing would not change her belief in the power of little people. Thus, his approach was never to make her think like him. The indoctrination was to plant the seeds of his mind into her, and once her will was crushed by despair, he could take over.
Despite Wei Yenwu being Kaschey's archnemesis, it's actually Fumizuki who correctly assesses that Kaschey's abilities are psionic Arts, and also rightly worries about what sort of emotional torture Talulah must be subjected to under Kaschey.
Basically, Talulah couldn't resist him because her mind and will had been completely broken. She will never believe that people were born to be ruled, but she could be made to lose hope that her fight would ever amount to anything. At that point, Kaschey could take over her will and kill everything she holds dear, nothing matters anyway. I guess you could call it a sort of ego death. She was so depressed and suicidal she didn't even resist when Kaschey held her own body hostage via a blade to the throat during the battle with Amiya and Ch'en.
Funny enough, you can say Amiya and Ch'en actually use a much more straightforward version of Kaschey's methodology against him to restore Talulah; the application of extraordinary amounts of pain until the current active ego passes out. Except rather than mental and emotional torture over years, they just beat the shit outta him, caveman style.
Kaschey is unable to control her again afterward because seeing Kaschey actually lose gave Talulah a new mission to keep her going: she will find a way to permanently kill Kaschey and destroy every piece of his influence and power, then she will atone for all she let him do by killing herself.
TL;DR - Talulah was so deep in despair that Kaschey could do whatever he wanted without any resistance. Resistance then came from the outside in the form of a teenage bunny in her emo phase, who proceeded to beat his ass up and down Chernobog until Talulah woke up.
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bttf-dork · 1 year
Would you possibly be willing to share more about your lightning powers au? It seems super cool!
Yeah of course! Thanks for asking :)
So this is the main post about it, but basically Marty unwittingly gets time travel powers from extended unsafe exposure to the DeLorean, and only realizes that when he accidentally goes back in time to 1931.
The impetus of this is a fight with the Tannens, and the powers become activated with Marty’s intense fight or flight response. Since Marty has zero control over any of this, he gets zapped back to a time where he know he would be safe (i.e. with Doc). Unfortunately this has the side effect of knocking Marty out cold, since the whole ordeal expends a significant amount of energy.
Emmett finds him passed out in the town square and lets Marty stay with him and his father while they figure out how exactly Marty got there and how to send him back (with Marty being very cagey and tight-lipped about the whole time travel thing). They eventually figure out that Marty’s powers are triggered by emotion, and can cause lightning-based damage to physical objects, after a major argument about how secretive and manipulative Marty has been throughout their entire friendship (which was a long time coming honestly). This ends up both being the breakthrough that they need to help Marty get back to his time period, as well as the tipping point for Marty emotionally, who is worried that all of this scientific experimentation is only hurting/going to hurt everyone around them.
During this same time Marty gets involved in record keeping and historical research at the courthouse for Judge Brown, Doc’s father, via accidentally demonstrating his breadth of historical knowledge. This drives a bit of a wedge between Emmett and his father, as although he is more accepting of his son’s scientific career than before, he is not 100% on board with the idea. Marty does not like this one bit and ends up mediating more than his fair share of their arguments and disagreements. This all comes to a head with Marty revealing he’s actually a musician, not a lawyer or historian, much to Emmett’s delight and Judge Brown’s (mild) chagrin and further acceptance of his son and his career path. This is more or less a B plot to the main story, and is functionally supplemental, but I still find it an interesting thought exercise.
Marty and Emmett continue to experiment with which emotions trigger which kind of reactions, using a jury-rigged version of the mental alignment meter. Emmett at this point has begun catching on to the fact that Marty is involved in time travel, although he doesn’t have all the details, and is mostly avoiding the topic due to Marty’s reactions. This culminates in Emmett essentially realizing “wait, you’re a time traveller!” in front of Marty and Marty imploding into a panic thought spiral of “oh god I doomed the entire timeline,” which has the unfortunate ramification of a massive power outburst that Emmett now has to contend with. Emmett basically shoves a guitar into Marty’s hands in a panic and hopes for the best based on what Marty had told him about his love of music and how it helps him relax (from the the B plot). Thankfully they find out that musical instruments can act as something of a power conduit and calming measure, and that Marty is able to control who and what the lightning harms just from Emmett being able to shove a guitar into his hands and come away unburned. They also begin having healthy discussions about the risks of scientific endeavors from here on out.
From that point onward Marty and Emmett have the fun task of figuring out how to control the lightning/time travel powers to send Marty back to his time period without accidentally stranding him in the Stone Age or the Twilight Zone. This ends up taking a lot of trial and error, but it eventually works and they are able to send Marty back home. I also like to think that although Emmett doesn’t have 100% of the details, his adventures with Marty do end up surfacing in his eventual plans for a time travel machine in a fun paradox moment of narrative looping.
And that’s pretty much the au, plus or minus a few run ins with the Tannens and at least one friendship hug. :)
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randomaussie99 · 1 year
An idea popped in my head and it developed to started to take some notes and ended up here. I would love to hear your thought, comments, alterations or enhancements.
AR/AI training for subs/ slaves / pets.
A full head latex and rubber hood with integrated AR/VR goggles, Bluetooth earbuds, and augmented mouthpiece, nose and neck. The hood would extend down to the shoulder blades for full coverage.
The AI would be programmed in advance but learn on the go within certain paramaeters. The AR component would provide an augmented and altered version of reality depending on the training requirements, advanced nature of the slave and cruelty.
Things like a TV, writing, newspapers would appear hazy or blurry. Things of desire would appear bold and colourful (chew toys, balls, cage, bed). Items for discipline may have a glow or aura. Cage or kennel might give a warm glow where as a punishment zone (laundry) may have a cold look.
It may give only tunnel vision or limited depth of vision. Or even down to greyscale like a canine. Vision could be turned off for periods of time.
The AI could assess the house or apartment, and alter the appearance of the walls, doors and appliances so they appear to be something else - a jail cell, hospital, kennel, school. Your normal door looks like a cell door.
The earbuds and the AI can limit the comprehension of words so that all words that are not specific commands are jibberish, or translated to a foreign language. My choice would be that normal English for me is jiggerish, and the dog commands are in German. I have to learn the German commands. Since none of my friends actually speak German, I am excluded from normal conversations.
The AI could reduce the slave to silence, or enhance like a canines hearing.
Various sounds could be triggered baby doing something right or wrong. Pick up a ball and here the sound from Mario Brothers when he gets a star. Or a crowd cheering when a trick is done well.
Other times there may be background screams, moans, slave mantras repeating over and over. If in a virtual cell, the sounds of torture occurring all around.
Mouth and neck.
The mouth piece, nose piece and neck section are enhanced components that can expand or retract to allow for breath control, feeding control, gagging, choking as required for training or punishment.
The system would be voice activated by a specific voice (Owners) or via phone app. Of course the app could be opened up online for an Only Fans type where subscribers can alter the pups training or adjust any setting (within limits).
Plug Ins
The hood could have receptors that detect emotion and this connected to a tail plug. Happiness wags the tail and sadness makes it drop beneath the legs.
Scheduled maintenance
Programming would know when feeding or sleep time is and audible commands issued. It could be set to training mode and just repeated issue of commands (sit, stand, roll over, play dead) until the puppy is exhausted and knows them perfectly.
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