#insecure steve rogers
astxrwar · 5 months
“why do you HC bucky as desperately wanting to feel needed” well you see
Steve. pre-serum. scrappy smart-mouthed 5’4 zero brain cells. always sick and asthmatic and losing everyone in his life and Bucky took care of him! loved him! loved to take care of him!
and then one day steve didn’t need somebody to take care of him anymore. and he started taking care of Bucky (saved him the first time, then the second time, essentially brought him back to life!!) and bucky started needing him and he never really stopped needing him and he hated himself for it and for not being able to do things for Steve the way he used to. and then steve was just. gone. and now he’s alone. and he feels okay only when he’s being useful to people and Proving Steve Right about him being good under the decades of abuse trauma.
he is absolutely not comfortable with the side of himself that Needs people that badly, he’d gone most of his life being the caretaker and not really knowing what that even felt like, and it’s easier to allow yourself to need to be needed than it is to just. need. they’re both basically the same thing but it’s an extra step to assuage his pervasive self-worth issues and feel Secure in caring about people because he really just feels like a burden unless he’s being Useful.
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neonovember · 2 years
Loved loved loved the steve headcanon. If you’re in the mood, I would an expansion on the “steve is the type of man to never let you go to bed angry, even if you’ve both had a fight and he end up on the coach” because I absolutely agreed and I especially enjoyed reading that! Thank you for sharing this husband!Steve HC.
oh yes most definitely! His mind wouldn't rest until he knows you're at peace. Ask and you shall receive (i must say I did get quite carried away). I wrote this at 1 am so be aware of spelling :)
The Steve headcanon
My soul cannot sleep without you
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The rumble of the car engine comes to a stop as Steve pulls into the garage of your shared home, the living room light is still on and if you weren't already irritated, you'd mentally smack yourself for being so forgetful. Bills weren't cheap, even on an avenger's salary. 
Collecting the ends of your dress you shoulder your way through the car door, slamming it with an oomf for good measure. Steve, of course, shuts his door gently, and it leaves you even more annoyed with him. 
Why is he not angry? 
You don't dare look behind you as Steve begins to jog towards you, you fear the confusion that has been plastered on his face for the last 20 minutes would make you explode. 
You're about to open the door until you remember, he has the keys, Steve is already one step ahead of you, fingers brushing past your elbow as he twists the golden metal into the door nob. You can feel his stare burning into the side of your face but you will yourself not to look his way, to see that look on his face that would have you conceding.
The smell of peppercorn and maple engulfs your senses as you enter your hallway, the soft air of familiarity fails to calm your tense shoulders however, as you pass the framed pictures of you and Steve over the years without so much as a glance.
Reaching your kitchen you notice the bouquet of orchids Steve had bought you earlier today left on the counter, in the rush to get to the compound's charity ball on time you had forgotten to find them a vase.
What flowers would she like?
You search through the kitchen cabinets before you grasp the clear glass, shufflingly through appliances and setting it on the granite counter. You unwrap the orchids, cutting the stems down to fit into the glass vase and filling them generously with water. Steve looks at you incredulously, arms folded as his eyes follow your movements.
"Are you going to say something?" Steve says, his melodic voice travelling through the house, bouncing off the glass vase yet failing to penetrate you.
You begin to clean the stems and spilt water from the counter, ignoring Steve’s attempt at conversation. Did he seriously not realise the brunette practically hanging onto his every word?
Steves's hand grasp your own, stopping you from wiping down the rest of the kitchen, he lifts your chin but your eyes remain downcast, fiddling with the string of the washcloth.
"Can you at least look at me?" Steve says, scanning your face that remained emotionless. His fingers glide across your arms to rest on your cheeks, and the feeling of his hands on you, after she'd touched them has you ripping them off of you. Scoffing, you throw the washcloth into the sink, before turning towards Steve.
"I don't understand, why are you upset? Did I do something?" Steve furrows his brows, his hands gripping his pants as if he's stopping himself from reaching for you.
You scoff at that, "You can't be serious Steve, you are one of the smartest people I know and you can't notice something happening right in front of you?"
He shakes his head, eyes squeezing as he opens them, you notice him scanning over the events prior, but it comes up empty and it has Steve looking more confused than before.
“What's her name, huh Steve? At least tell me her name” You whisper, arms folded as the shimmers of the dress begin to irritate you.
“What? Who?” Steve replies, stepping closer to you
“Who? The brunette who was hanging off of you the entire night Steven” You groan, you hated facing your insecurities, much less voicing them.
There is a momentary pause in Steve as his mind backtracks to the evening, sifting through the hundreds of faces he’d seen tonight, he finally realises who you're talking about.
Tony’s accountant
“Marianna?” Steve scoffs
“Yes, Marianna” You spit her name like poison, but you can’t seem to get her face out of your mind, she’s taken homage next to the laundry you hadn't gotten the time to do. The way her pantsuit fitted her elegantly, sophisticated and modern, she was the woman of the future. And you were just, well, you.
She could pull off a red lip, something that never quite looked good on you, and the very way she spoke told you she said very few words that didn't ilicitate constant adoration. She didn't need to fill the space with empty jargon, every word had meaning.
The constant comparison had followed you the entire evening, and the past insecurities that you had thought you'd overcome seemed to weigh you down like an anchor, pulling you into the deprecation you knew all too well.
It was fine, you’d get over it until she began to talk to Steve, your husband. you didn't miss the look on her face as they conversed, utter, pure amazement. You knew it because you wore it every day, Steve had a way with people, it's what attracted you to him in the first place.
You felt out of place as they spoke about diplomacy and business, and at that moment you had wished you actually listened when Tony pulled you into one of the many long rants you'd gotten used to. 
She wasn't even mean to you as if the playground tactics were beneath her, but it didn't take her calling you a bitch to know the animosity that radiated from her every time Steve had tried to pull you into their conversation. You knew where you weren't wanted and you weren't about to make a fool of yourself. So you left them to it as you sat next to Natasha, who offered you a much-needed drink.
She had noticed your annoyance at Marianna the second she came over, as she always did, and for a second, you wish Steve would too. He was too pure too good, to take notice of the way Marianna got closer and closer to him or the way she bit her lip and laughed a little too hard at one of his lame jokes. The poor man thought she was being friendly, he was oblivious to her true motives.
Natasha held her grin behind an empty champagne glass, snickering when Marianna threw her head back for good measure. You had vented to her there, and she reminded you of the man Steve was. How he was absolutely enamoured by you and you only, how you had him wrapped around your finger so tight he wouldn't even think about looking at another woman that way. It was all things you knew deep down, but that didn't stop your brain from imagining the worst, that he was deep in an affair with his co-worker, and you were the dumb clueless wife who waited for him at home.
You wouldn't let that happen again, not after all those years of betrayal from an ex, you wouldn't let yourself be made a fool. Pride had a way of getting in between reality, and you let it stew you in anger until you were mad at Steve instead of her.
Steve shakes his head, moving closer to you,
“She's just Tony’s accountant, we chatted for a few, that's all doll” Steve replied, carding a hand through his blonde locks. Reasoning, however, doesn't seem to be on your mind tonight as you remember all the lies you've been told starting with she.
She’s just a friend, she’s just an assistant, she’s just...
“Well, she seemed to have taken your attention for the whole night, while I was left drinking champagne of all fucking things with Natasha. She was meant to go find her date for that night, but instead, she was with me” You replied looking towards him in anger.
“Well, I tried to include you in the conversation, but every time I asked for your opinion your mind seemed as if it was a thousand miles away!” Steve replied swiftly hands gesturing around.
“Yeah, because she was laughing every single goddamn time I opened my mouth, god Steve, can't you see what she’s doing?” You replied even faster, swallowing down the brick that began to form in your throat.
“What, what is she doing, I thought I was having a conversation with a colleague, but you seem to know better” Steve quipped, his jaw tensing and his shoulders seized.
“She wants you, and you’re either too blind to see it or already fucking know it” You replied, muttering under your breath.
Steve scoffs, shaking his head, eyes scanning your face as he remains silent.
“Is your silence meant to mean I was right?” You yell, tears beginning to gather on your waterline and you have to pinch yourself to get force them to remain there.
Steve’s eyes never leave your face, the cerulean orbs darting left and right, and up and down as if trying to understand your benevolence. His arm twitches as if he wants to gather you into his embrace and forget this entire evening.
“How can you say that” Steve replies, after a short while, “I was courteous, polite for god's sake, you know I would never do that to you” Steve moves until his hands grasp your own. They’re warm to the touch like he always is, and they begin to soothe the coldness that has begun to take over your body.
It doesn't help though, instead, it reminds you of the times you've been told that your insecurities were imaginary, that the unfaithfulness in your relationship wasn't real. That you, instead were harbouring a secret, the anger you felt then turned to guilt at your own self for even accusing him of cheating. If you were told enough times that your reality wasn't yours, you’d start to believe it.
“Yeah well, the only person I can ever trust is myself” You whisper, spitting the words out and unlatching yourself from Steve's grasp. Steve looks down at you in shock, betrayal and hurt falling over his features, whilst yours turn to stone.
He closes his eyes before opening them again, nodding as if he accepted your anger.
“Fine, I’m taking the couch,” Steve scoffs, ripping off his tie and placing it on the counter, before walking into the living room the loud stomp of his shoes vibrating through the quiet house.
You turn to the discarded tie, grasping it into your palm, the texture of the material felt velvet against your fingers. It was a plain tie, one you'd find anywhere, but it was the first tie you'd ever gotten him. You'd gifted him many over the years, all of them more expensive and chic than this one but he'd told you you'd have to pry it out of his cold dead hands before he would give it up. 
It was his lucky tie because you were his lucky girl.
Where you still now?
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The satin pillow dampened with your tears, you hadn't waited to even close the door before you were muffling a sob that broke out of your throat. Since then, the tears never ceased, you had to shove your face into the covers to make sure Steve wouldn't hear you.
Sleep was fruitless, you had tried everything, but you lay there, like clothes on a washing line, wrung out and left to dry. Your mind wouldn't let the image leave, her fingers grabbing his bicep as she laughed, the way he grinned as his humour got praised.
Was that it, had she given him more attention? More than you?
A billion reasons clamoured your mind as you pushed your fingertips to your eyelids, wishing that you hadn't even gone to the charity ball at all, save the humiliation just for your mind only.
Deep down you knew, you knew that this was all the insecurities of your past coming forth from their hiding places. Steve was the best person in your entire life, he would never, his stupidly good heart wouldn't allow it. But that was just it, he was too kind and nice and good that people like Marianna were able to sink their claws and have their way with him however they wanted.
He thought they were being friendly, but they knew they weren't.
Hours seem to pass before you find the room illuminated with the light of your phone in your palm, your chest feels tight and uncomfortable and you don't know how much more of this you could take.
Tapping onto the folder named “him”, you are met with hundreds of photos of you and Steve throughout the years, starting from the very few dates you had before he claimed you as his, till the wedding night when you both had stayed up to take out the millions of pins in your intricate hair.
In all of them, every single one, Steve displays the same adored, content look of utter satisfaction and love, his eyes sparkled with it, like the sun glittering against the gentle waves and folds of the sea. An endless pool of longing that seemed to have depth only for you, to crash and fight and turn inside and out for you.
Your relationship was never easy, but Steve has always, always been the anchor that brought you back, he never gave up, even when you pushed him away and left him in the dark. Even when the fear of loss and hurt caused you to scream things you didn't mean and do things you shouldn’t have.
You flick across to a photo of Steve looking towards you, a soft grin lighting up his face as you held Clint’s newborn, you were cuddled up on a seat, your knees tucked into you as you were sucked into the guilty pleasure of red fat cheeks and baby fever.
Sam had captured it without Steve looking, sending it to you a couple of days ago with the words ‘Someone wants to be a daddy’. You’d laughed it off but each day you'd come back to that picture. Back to the moment when Steve looked like he had never loved something harder than you, as if it was his first time ever really feeling it.
He loves you, you know? I knew it the day he met you, he has this look on his face, where his eyes get all glazed over and his fingers are reaching for you. It’s like he can’t breathe until he can hold you, like his body will break in two and his heart will stop.
Natasha had told you that one night on the terrace unprovoked, with a beer in her hand and the moonlight falling over the both of you. She had been there from the start, had found you when you were still a shell of a person, back then you didn't even know what love was. You fear if it wasn't for her you and Steve wouldn't have ever met.
“Steve would never do that” 
The sounds of her voice those hours ago ring in your head. It was true, your entire time with Steve told you but what thing, he was not your ex. He was kind, and soft and held you like you were glass and he'd crush you. And then suddenly, as if a switch had been turned in your mind, the light of a dark place turning on you realise how utter fucking foolish you had been.
Steve’s faith in you never faltered, even when it should have he never felt a reason to distrust you, it was foreign, it felt strange to have someone utterly and fully hand their trust and soul to you. And what had you given him in return? Accusations and anger. 
Did he think now, that you did not trust him? That he had failed to show you how you should be loved? How he would never hurt you?
Those men from your past would never amount to Steve, and suddenly you felt you would die right in this room if you didn’t move. If you tell Steve he was enough and that you believed him and that the vows he uttered held true. Every hair on your body itched with this need until the covers were thrown across from your body and your phone was discarded on the bed.
You swung open the door, the cold hair hitting your face and you stumbled through the dark, you run down the hardwood stairs, the haunting reality of your actions following you, you had been so so foolish.
Steve is there, his frantic motions walking towards the bedroom freeze as he notices you. His shirt is crumpled and unbuttoned, and his golden hair is ruffled, the strands falling over his face as if he's run his fingers through it too many times. 
A look of desperation and longing paint his features as he watched you, hands shaking at his sides as he sinks his canines into his reddend lip. You wanted nothing but to hold him now, and the thought bring you to tears, blurring your vision until you miss a step, your heart dropping into your stomach as you brace yourself, waiting to meet the cold hard ground of the kitchen floor.
It never comes, instead, heated, carded muscle wraps around you, and you the smell of Steve, of earth and pine cones has you crying into his shoulder.
He came to you, even when you had screamed at him to leave,
He came to you.
Fresh tears slide down your cheek and you grip Steve, whose fingers softly rub your back, hands tightening around your waist.
“M’ sorry, so sorry Steve, please” You hiccup, covering your face into his shoulder.
“Ssh, my sweet girl, I know” Steve whispers, never seizing his gentle caress. His hands lift your face from his neck, thumb gathering the tears at your waterline. “I know, it’s okay, it’s okay, just breathe for me, hm? 
“In and out, can you do that for me?” Steve breathes out, eyes straining as he watches your shallow breaths ease into semi-normal respiration.
Without a word, Steve collects you in his arms and walks through the house until he enters the bedroom, shutting the door with his foot, eyes never leaving your face as he gently places you onto the now cold bedsheets.
You shudder, reaching for him as he slides in, arms wrap around your sides as he continues his light motions on your back, his fingers come to move your hair behind your ear, pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
You turn around swiftly, hands reaching to cup his face before you’re met with his reddened eyes, it's your turn now to brush away the tears before pressing your lips to his,
‘I should never have, Stevie, you, I-, you would never” You whisper against him his chest, the soft rise and fall lulling you into a state of haze and exhaustion. He presses his forehead to yours
“I just want to hold you now, god, I don't know what I will do if I don’t hold you” Steve replies muttering the words painfully. You wrap your arms around him, pressing yourself into his stomach as his biceps surround you. The sound of Steve's heartbeat, the rhythmic badum badum badum, engulfs you with a sense of tranquillity you hadn’t realised you couldn’t live without.
Steve, your sweet boy, was the one thing you couldn’t live without, without Steve, next to you, holding you between his arms, you don't think you would ever quite find sleep. Not anymore, not after him.
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possibleplatypus · 2 years
The more Disney tries to ram Steve Rogers' heterosexuality down our throats, the more insecure they look. And why are they doing this? He's retired or dead or on the moon or whatever (I'll give them time to make up their minds). They sent him to the past for his heteronormative white picket fence 2.5 kids in the suburbs ending. What more do they need to prove? They're like guys who have such fragile masculinity that they overcompensate and end up showing how little confidence they actually have. If they need to constantly highlight how manly a character is or whatever-- a character whose story they themselves ended-- it says more about them than it does about the character. It shows what they think is important in the character. Not his selflessness, his heroism, his integrity and so on-- it's his ass and how many girls he's pulled in his life. And they just end up looking more foolish.
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And She Was a Goddess (Steve Rogers x f!reader)
[Warning: body image issues; mentions of abuse and if you squint, manipulation; insecure reader; nudity; light innuendo at the end. Lemme know if I missed a warning]
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Summary: Some conversation between you and Steve led to him setting up his canvas to draw you naked, but somehow you can't seem to find the perfect pose. Turns out, that's not where the problem lies.
"You know what's messing with us?" Steve peeked at you from above the straight line of the canvas. You had been shifting around for fifteen minutes trying to get comfortable, you both knew it wasn't exactly working.
"You're tense. Nervous."
You nodded slowly.
"Okay," his frame appeared beside yours swiftly as he took one of your hands, your bodies touching nowhere else. "It's okay to be tense. Can you tell me exactly what's making you tense?" he asked gently, soothing your nerves with every caress of his voice in the quiet night.
You thought hard for a while, trying to zone into specific parts of your worry. "It's my first time being naked in front of anyone."
"Alright, that's understandable. We can take all the time for you to feel easy right now. We have all night. You have to trust me. And trust yourself."
"I'm worried that…" You hesitated, then changed your words before they came out, "that the painting won't come out right." Your eyes widened as you realised what you were implying. "Not that I'm saying that you can't-"
"Calm down," he chuckled, the melodic sound taking you to heaven, "I know what you mean. Listen, if it doesn't go the way we thought, there's always more paint and paper. And the rest of the weekend. We'll figure it out."
"I'm thinking…I don't make a beautiful muse." You whispered so quietly he would have missed it if not for his super soldier hearing.
He looked into your eyes and then looked around the room, gaze settling on the full length mirror. "Come here," he tugged you to your feet effortlessly, "You see that thing?"
"Yes, why?"
"I want you to go stand in front of it. Facing the glass."
The soft but dominant tone of his voice had you nearly buckling at the knees. He had a way of bringing out the submission in you that you didn't even know existed. The submission you were delighted to have found. You had finally brought yourself to trust him with your life and heart. As a child, you always had to look out for yourself, running from your abusive family, running from a malicious neighbourhood; as a teen, from people who only wanted to use you for everything you could offer.
Being able to give everything up to this man, to completely surrender to him and let him control the decisions for even a brief period of time was freeing for you, ironically. Not having to decide meant not having to worry. That you were safe with him. Sheltered.
So when he responded to your confused glance with a gentle push in the direction of the mirror, you obeyed him without asking any questions, terrified as you were of the reflection surely awaiting your insecure gaze.
Looking at the woman who stared back at you, you couldn't help but point out to yourself just how badly made she was. How was that beautiful?? How could anybody want that basic looking creature? Want to hold that anything but shapely body? How could someone look at her-
"Now," Steve all but jumpscared you as his face appeared right next to yours, nuzzled close to your ear. A perfect face, you thought. Blessed with hair like fields of corn. Crystal eyes like an ocean in bright summer. Lips like rose petals blown apart. Sharp lines of facial structure that, along with umpteen other gifts of his, had cut through your walls as easily as a knife through water. Dimples whenever he graced you with a flash of shining pearls.
Handsome. Beautiful.
"Now," You were jerked out of your thoughts by the deep timbre, "I want you to look at yourself very carefully, pinpoint exactly which things you think make you anything less than beautiful."
You stared for a while. This was hard for you to do. You had never really focused on a certain part of yourself; you just kept telling yourself that you were unattractive in general.
"I have thick thighs."
"Not really you don't. They look perfect. Here," he raised your arms a little and placed his hands under them, "see this beautiful curve that starts here and runs all the way down…" he ran his hands down your sides, over your hips and further below until they rested on the sides of your thighs, "…to here? Your thighs complete that curve. It's absolutely mesmerising how well shaped you are." Looking at yourself, you found the curve he was talking about. You thought it wasn't so bad. You didn't really get his enthusiasm but whatever, you'd play along.
"Okay," You whispered, moving to get back to the couch.
"We're not done," he held your arms and kept you facing the glass, "You're gonna show me every single thing that's been eating at you. We're ending this tonight itself."
"My nose-"
"Is adorable. You're funny, sweet and kind and your face looks just like that. Your nose too. It's-"
"Blunt." You raised an eyebrow.
"Cute." He stressed. "It's perfect."
Sighing, you turned back to finish your assessment; knowing Steve, he most certainly wasn't gonna let this go unless he was sure you were done. And you wanted to see the painting that hadn't even started yet.
"I'm fat." You breathed out nonchalantly, feeling ready to cry inside.
"Look at me Steve, look at all that fucking belly fat," You snapped. You had had enough of this and truth be told, you didn't even want him to paint you anymore, naked or otherwise. Not tonight. You were contemplating sleeping on the couch but Steve would probably just carry you back to bed with him. And while you really wanted to be left alone, you also didn't want him out of the house.
Your anger, which had started to simmer, sizzled again at the sound of a laugh. A lighthearted, breathy laugh that cut through the silence just like his shield did. You looked up incredulously and glared at him, your back now to the mirror.
"You've seen Greek sculptures, right?"
"The fuck - yeah, I have of course, why?"
"Have you ever seen Aphrodite?"
"I…don't think so."
"She has belly rolls too. Did you know that?"
"You're bluffing."
He walked over to the coffee table to pick up his phone. Normally Steve Rogers absolutely wouldn't rely on that stupid rectangular thing for a picture, but his Greek and Roman art scrapbook was at his apartment, so he had to.
Pulling out a photo of the sculpture he wanted to show you, he returned to you, turning his screen so you could see for yourself that he was not, in fact, bluffing. There were multiple sculptures of her, showing exactly what he was trying to tell you.
"She was a goddess, darling. And to me, so are you. You're my goddess," he held your hands and kissed your knuckles, devotion and admiration bleeding out through every single one of his actions and words.
Your lips split apart and curved upwards after what felt like forever.
"Do you get how beautiful you are now?" He huskily asked you.
"I'm getting there," you answered in all honesty.
"Good," he kissed your lips lightly before asking, "ready to be my muse again?"
"Let's do this," you grinned.
You didn't get to put your clothes on again until next morning - Steve had more ways of admiring you than you thought, more physical ways. The painting? Well, it took way longer than that to finish. And when it was, you knew exactly how he viewed you. He had depicted you exactly as he saw you, and if that was the image of you in his mind, you didn't really care what anyone else thought, even yourself.
[Self-indulgent much, Sapphire?
Yes, pretty much so.]
@royalwriteroftheuniverse @peace-love-fanfiction @nana1000night @sarahrogersevans @wolphfeather @hawkeyes-queen @simpforsupersoldiers @jesevans @almosttoopizza @mainly-marvel @icantthinkofanyoneelseimsosorry
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darsynia · 1 year
Sneak Peek: Shipping and Handling Ch 2
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Summary: There’s a chance you and Steve aren’t the only people dealing with the strange chemical bond from Mistress, so you agree to submit to daily tests that should help Dr. Banner figure out what’s happening, and maybe how to stop it. The problem? Seeing each other every day brings a new set of side-effects that both of you hide from each other and Banner until things come to a head– not just for the two of you, but also for the man who has to deal with you: Bucky Barnes. Length/Warnings: 451 words for the snippet / Mentions of sex acts Minors DNI
Chapter posted either tomorrow or Monday. Finally some Bucky PoV!
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“You practically knelt down in front of him. Take pity, will you Doll?” 
Bucky only realizes the endearment after he’s said it aloud, and to minimize the damage, he clenches his jaw and twists his lips into an inconsequential smile.
It doesn’t work.
“You’ve never called me that before,” you say, your lovely eyes lit with surprise and something else, something he shouldn’t be looking for. 
Gruffly, he says, “Really?” It’s a shut-down tactic, because people are much less likely to elaborate on something they’re uncertain over. He maximizes its effect by leaning down to examine the oven door, which is indeed fucked. 
“Really. I liked it, don’t worry.” Your voice is soft. “Looks like you’ll be needing these menus, I doubt the stove is kitchen rated with the door off! Come on, I’m sure Steve is going to be hungry when he shows back up.”
Are… you joking about what Steve’s doing in his room right now? Bucky lunges over to block your way out of the kitchen. The shirt you’re wearing smells like the detergent he and Steve use, and something about smelling Steve on you sends heat straight to his groin.
He really should’ve punched Banner, too.
“Are you sure you want everything out in the open?” You look at him, uncomprehending, and Bucky’s a hypocrite, because there’s no way any of what he’s been thinking about lately can be in the open.
You’re shaking your head at him. “I don’t--”
Bucky grips the doorframe so tightly it gives a little under his metal hand. “He’s jerking off in there. He’d only do that while we’re waiting out here because he has to. If he comes out here and you make a comment like that, he’ll feel guilty for--”
“--weeks. Maybe forever. Shit.” you interrupt. He pushes off from the door to let you pass, and you continue; “Banner seemed certain that the… intensity was because we’d spent those two weeks apart, but this is--” You break off and drop the pile of menus on the dining room table with a long-suffering sigh. “I’m really worried it’s going to be untenable, but then I remember all the people out there this could happen to, you know?”
Bucky nods toward the hallway leading to the bedrooms, where Steve is probably touching himself right now. “Is that the 'untenable' you’re talking about?”
Your face wrenches in embarrassment, eyes closed, and you nod. Because he doesn’t want to go through this whole ordeal without some amusement at his own expense, he says, “There are two bedrooms, if you need to borrow mine? You know where it is.”
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3twindragons · 2 years
Insecure Steve Rogers...
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bucky-boo-bear · 2 years
⍟ Steven "Grant" Rogers ⍟
Jealous much(sub!Steve x softDom!reader) Summary: At a party, jealousy gets the best of you and smut ensues.
Double Date (Steve x reader) Summary: Bucky forcefully took Steve on a double date. How will it end for Steve
Dumbass couple for their daughter(Stucky x reader) Summary: Stucky's daughter gets her first period. The idiots freak out and go to their housemate for help.
It's never enough(Steve x reader) Summary: There is no barbeque, just him sitting on the dining table with some take-out containers, waiting for you. It’s your favorite. Why do you bother Steve? Everything’s gonna end the way it always does.
Birthday boy (Sub!Steve Rogers x reader) summary: Steve gets some action on his birthday. Maybe more than he asked for.
[Main Masterlist]
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pandagirl45 · 4 months
Steve: *curled up covering his face* *heaving in breaths*
Rhodey: steve... Steve?
Steve blinked back the running tears as he gripped the warm sweater. He clung to it as he buried his body into the warm pile of blankets. He wasn't ready.
He never is ready for winter. New York snow. God, first when he was nothing but a shrimp weak... and now. He couldn't breath as ice crept into his lungs. As the icy stinging water burned his eyes. As his chatter blue but the serum never letting him really rest.
The time in the ice, the arctic ocean was the a moment he never wants to experience again. All it took, all it takes is the snow laden lands to remind him how he lost so much and more. How everything he did froze and shatter in his hands.
He heaved in air as the door clicked open. He was afraid that warmest things around him would fall. Shatter into ice shards. He can't fix that. He can't fight his way to fix it. He can do a shitty PSA about it. He can't.
He can't.
Steve blinked back his hazy vision seeing James Rhodes holding his face gently. Rough warm thumbs brushing away his tears. His soothing dark chocolate eyes bright from the new yoek winter lights. His lips burning comfort into steve as he let out a shuddering sob.
"You are okay," his deep sugary voice melted whatever ice that clenched at his veins, Steve clung to the fuzzy sweater, "you are okay blondie."
A wet laugh, Steve wrapped his arms around the colonel, "thank you, teddy."
Rhodes huffed, a grumble of fondness, "first tones and now you with terribly cute nicknames."
Steve let out another wet sob as he clung to the warm man. A dark thought swept by the crisp summer feeling from rhodes. The heated gunmetal pilot shielding the ice remains of his fears. For now, Steve felt warm. He felt protected as he cuddled into the blankets with rhodey, intelligent thumbs soothing Steve to sleep, "I'll be here, okay steve?"
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just-give-stucky · 2 years
Tw: body dysmorphia
Something that really bothers me is when people say Bucky “put on weight” in Civil War.
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Just for reference here’s a side by side of Bucky in ca:tws and in ca:cw
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I mean there is basically no difference. Sebastian Stan has been pretty upfront with having issues with body dysmorphia and comments like that will obviously make it worse. I mean everyone knows about the impossible body standards that are put on women, I wish people would recognize that this also effects men. Like in order to get this shot
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Chris Evans had to be incredibly dehydrated. Also they had him wear shirts that were so small they physically hurt him. Maybe I’m just over sensitive about this because I have issues with body dysmorphia as well
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stevesbigbazoxngas · 2 years
I love the stucky fic trope where its like
Steve: Yeah, me and Bucky sleep in the same bed, and cuddle at night, and we also hold hands when noones looking and hook our ankles under the table, and also we've had hot steamy emotional intimate passionate sex and we've told eachother we loved eachother... but i KNOW bucky loves women, he's going to leave me to go settle down with a GOOD GIRL and get MARRIED☹️☹️💔💔💔
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lythea-creation · 2 years
Pathetic - Natasha Romanoff x fem reader
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summary: You gained weight after a bad injury from a mission. Now you have to deal with the aftermaths.
warnings: food issues, self-worth issues, depression mentioned
word count: 749
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
“Don't you think you're adding too many nuts to your yogurt bowl?”, Tony questioned.
“Don't you think you should be busy with your own lifestyle instead of mine?”, I shot back.
“Was just trying to help. I mean … you did change over the last few months”, he noted.
Why did he feel the need to comment on my body? Yeah, I had gained weight over the last four months making me look pretty chubby as I was barely a healthy weight anymore. But the past months had been hard and he had no right to comment on me like that.
“You unfortunately didn't. Still the same arrogant asshole”, I snapped and left with my food.
After getting severely injured during a mission I had gotten depressed. I had always had phases throughout my life where I had felt that way but becoming an Avenger had definitely helped. Laying in bed without being able to do anything myself had been devastating for me and I had tried to get rid of my feelings by eating. It was not like I had had anything else to do except sleep.
Now I had to deal with the consequences and I had just finished my first workout after the long break. It had been long since I had felt so weak and pathetic.
I stopped in the hallway to decide where I should eat.
Honestly my appetite had completely vanished after Tony's comments but I knew that none of my problems would solve themselves if I did not eat, rather the opposite. My body and mind needed the fuel especially after the workout. Otherwise I would stay weak as hell.
For a moment I considered joining Wanda and Steve in the living room, but ultimately decided to retreat to my room.
A sad and heavy feeling settled in my stomach when I sat down next to my bed. It felt like the last months had somehow distanced me from my friends. Sure, they had visited me from time to time. But mostly it had been Natasha who had been with me, and Wanda whenever Natasha had not had time for me.
Absentmindedly I poked around in my food and forced myself to take a bite every now and then.
A knock resounded on the door before it opened.
“Hey (f/n), why …? What's up?” Natasha immediately noticed my bad mood. She was a well-trained spy after all, and my girlfriend.
She sat down next to me, a worried look plastered on her face. “Are you not feeling well? Was the workout too much?”
“No, the workout was okay. I'm weak but I pulled through”, I mumbled.
“What is it then?”
Tears blurred my vision as I shakily put the bowl aside.
Natasha immediately inched closer to me and took my hand to give me some comfort.
“Just look at me. I'm disgusting and pathetic. My body is completely useless and ugly now”, I stated with a shaky voice.
“What? Who told you that?”, Nat questioned obviously upset.
“I won't tell you. You will just hurt him”, I assumed.
“Because he deserves it”, she muttered. “Yeah, you gained some weight. So what? You were going through a rough time and eating was your way to cope. I distance myself when I feel down. Steve exercises too much. Wanda finds it hard to eat anything at all. Everybody deals with things differently. You don't need to feel ashamed just because other people force it upon you. Everything that matters is that you do the best you can to be healthy. That's all that matters. I still love you and it hurts me to see you hurt.”
A soft smile captured my face. “Can we go on a walk together? I'd love to spend some time with you outside of my room after laying around here for weeks.”
“Sure, but first you need to finish eating”, she reminded me and leaned over me to get my bowl and hand it to me. “And you still need to tell me who got you into this state.”
“Nat ...”
“Fine, don't tell me. But if I find out who it was he's gonna regret it”, she proclaimed with a grin plastered on her face.
Being the sneaky spy she was she found out soon. I did not know what had happened between them, but Tony had never been nicer to me than now.
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foreversecrets · 1 year
When Andy Advocated for Aria
Rogers Family Expansion Masterlist
Pairing: Andy Barber x Aria Pearson (OC)
Summary: After one failed marriage Andy was content to live life alone, but he walks into his sister engagment party and discovers the one person who makes it completely unacceptable for him to continue life as a bacehlor.
Rating: General
Rarely, but occasionally you form a friendship with someone that is strong enough to withstand all the struggles and time itself. Aria happened to be one of the fortunate ones to meet her lifelong best friend, Delilah Levinson when they were both 8 years olds. That friendship became the most important relationship Aria had after cutting herself off from her family. Which is how she found herself at the Rogers Estate to celebrate Deli’s and Bucky’s engagement. At least one of them was getting to end up with their childhood crush, to be fair both Deli and Ari told her to pick a different brother to develop an infatuation for. 
The twins always said one day they’d be legal siblings once Aria married into the family. Deli had urged her to give Lloyd a try but Aria found him far too crude and his sense of humor boarding on cruel, she put up with that pairing for a whole two weeks before she confessed to the twins her crush was on Andy. The same Andy the twins believed to be emotionally unavailable, they even thought him asexual at one point and didn’t want to put him in an uncomfortable situation. Then Andy brought his first girlfriend home to meet the family, Aria never stood a chance compared to the thin-almost anorexity thin- Laurie. How could she a plus sized, red-brown hair with dull hazel eyes who’d never met the beauty standards of her peers let alone Andrew Barber, at least not until she succeeded in becoming a successful model. Now she had her pick of suitors from all genders but in her heart she had never recovered from her childhood desires. 
The man who was supposed to be here today, alone. When Andy lost ‘his’ son and divorced Laurie, Deli had informed Aria right away. Deli had been so happy when he finally returned to the family but the past feelings were never brought up again. He hadn’t wanted her back then, why should it be any different now?
“Aria!” Deli spotted her best friend the moment she entered the room and rushed over, launching herself into Aria’s arms. “I’m so happy you could make it!”
“My best friend is getting married, of course I made it.” Aria smiled, breaking from Deli’s embrace to quickly give Bucky a side hug and greeting. Instead of engaging in conversation, Deli led Aria towards a small group of her brothers: Curtis, Lloyd, and Ari.
“Lady!” Ari smiled wide calling out her childhood nickname before squeezing her tightly in a bear hug. She has to push him off so she can breathe but she smiles at him nonetheless. 
“Curtis, Lloyd, you remember my friend Aria?” Deli asks, emphasizing Lloyd over Curtis making it difficult for Aria to stop her eyes from rolling. Deli was determined but it seemed Ari was on Aria’s side when he shook his head at his twin's efforts. 
“I do,” Curtis offers a polite smile.
“Last time I saw you, you were beating the shit out of Ronald Walker for photographing Deli and I in the dressing room at the mall.”
“Should have done worse.” Curtis grunted. Between sips of his beer Aria is able to make out a slight upturn of Curtis lips implying his pride in his actions.
“And what do you remember of our last encounter?” Lloyd smirked trying to garner Aria’s attention.
“You fucking you fist at the dinning room table in your fathers house.'' Her story, though true, was purposely meant to take him down a peg while the others laugh but Lloyd’s arrogance makes him preen. He is well endowed and knows it. Aria integrated herself within the group while Deli was pulled away to engage with other guests. By association she’d been rather close with Ari as well, his presence doing wonders to ease her as she converse with the group.
Andy was really late for the party but he’d spent all day speaking with the women Curtis had liberated to prepare them for the upcoming trial against Rumlow for his transgression against them. Most of them wouldn’t be of help considering how they were struggling to overcome the trauma and therapy wasn’t a magic fix all. Chole Collins was his best bet but that was a little tricky considering the connection that was developing with Curtis. Curtis who was as invested in this case as Steve whose reasons were keeping the family safe, which is also why Steve is paying all medical and mental expenses for the 15 victims. 
Offering the happy couple his congradulations then seeks out Curtis to provide him an update on Chloe. He finds him speaking with Lloyd, Ari, and a woman he doesn’t recognize. Curvy in all the right places, red-brown hair, and hazel eyes, she is physically appealing to him in a way he doesn’t expect. His ‘type’ having previously been thin, blends into the background, type of woman. The woman's lyrical laugh fills the room at something Lloyd says, realizing he’s going to have to be more assertive in pursuit of the woman he takes a deep breath and steps up to her.
“Hi, I’m Andy.” he puts his hand out offering her a kind smile but all the humor fades from her eyes as she looks down at his hand promptly ignoring it.
“I’m aware.” was her short replay.
“Have my brothers misled you on my character?” Andy asks looking to the men in question to glare but the men just watch on with barely contained mirth.
“There’s no need Mr. Barber, as you’re perfectly capable of diminishing your reputation all by yourself.” Aria chugs the rest of her beverage and then smiles kindly to Lloyd. “Can you show me to the refreshment table?”
A confused Andy watches as Lloyd leads the still unnamed woman away, waiting until they disappear into the crowd before rounding on his brothers for an explanation. 
“You really don’t recognize her?” Curtis asks smugly.
“That’s Aria Pearson, Deli’s best friend.” Ari explained. 
“That doesn’t explain the hostility.” Andy’s brows furrow.
“She’d been around since we were all kids, you’ve met her too many times to count and she’d had a crush on you since we were teens. So, not only did you not recognize someone you’ve known for over half your life but you crushed those old feelings she still apparently hasn’t overcome.” Ari says matter of factly, looking over his shoulder out of concern for his dear friend but finds her now conversing with Annie, Steve, Daff, and Frank. A good combination to perk up her mood while Ari deals with his socially inept older brother.
Andy swallowed realizing he was an asshole for not remembering her but how was he to blame for her unrequited love? It's not like she had even told him, teenage Andy’s ego would have inflated but he still would have let her down easy. But it was a weird situation to learn the woman he’d been about to attempt to flirt with had once desired him in the manner he found himself now wanting her. Not knowing how to correct things with Aria, he decided to focus on things he did understand and could control. 
“Chole’s given her official statement to police, she said she was okay but I think you should check in with her.” Andy advised Curtis who then nodded, said goodbye and excused himself from the group to go do just that. 
“So how are you going to make things right?” Ari inquired, Andy raised his brows at his brother nonverbally requesting her explain his meaning. “You’re interested in her.”
“And you’ve already stated-”
“Shedid but Deli and I have been telling her for years to pick someone else. Hell Deli’s been trying to set her and Lloyd up since we were 15 years old.”
“Her is one of the single-”
“Why not you or Ransom?” Andy was more curious than envious.
“If there was attraction between me and Aria, I would have locked her down ten years ago. And Ransom can’t do a serious relationship.”
“And why wasn’t I an acceptable choice?” He's a little salty about his exclusion from potential suitors.
“Aria has a lot of insecurities that your lack of emotional availability would only hurt her.”
“Emotionally unavailable?”
“Come on Andy, you never talk about your feelings and sadly Aria is the kind of woman who needs constant validation.” Ari chuckles. “I guess that’s how she ended up as a model.”
“I suspect she’s going to be involved in this wedding so I’ll have multiple opportunities to win her over.”
Ari snorted, “Good luck, Deli is going to make it as difficult as possible. She is dead set on Lloyd and Aria.” Ari leaned over and whispered into Andy’s ear offering his brother support. “Between us, I’m rooting for you.”
“Trying to cause discourse in the family?” Andy smirked.
“No, I just think now, with the way we’ve all developed and changed over the years, you are the best suited in our family to marry her.”
“I’ll try not to fuck it up.”
Andy had always been closest to Ari out of all his brothers but his connection to Aria in this manner would provide him with basic assistance, so Andy sought out Steve. Annie had been all star eyes and gentle cooing while Andy told the story to Steve and revealed that he wanted to do right by the women as well as attempt to achieve Aria’s heart. Annie, always a fan of romance and love had practically demanded Steve aid Andy, not that she needed to. Steve was always looking for a way to improve the quality of life for his family. 
Steve had urged Andy to join himself and Bucky during their outing to get fitted for the wedding, informing his younger brother that Aria would be in attendance to ensure the men choose suits Deli would deem suitable. Her duties as Maid of Honor were taken to another level as she involved herself not trusting Steve’s sense of style. 
When Aria stepped into the shop, Andy couldn’t stop the smirk on his lips at Aria’s annoyance; she didn’t acknowledge him, opting to jump into conversation with the tailor and his apprentice. The conversation panned out well for Andy as he found himself being measured for a suit by the woman herself. 
“I owe you an apology for the other day. I didn’t immediately recognize you and I-”
“No need for an apology Mr. Barber.” 
“I wish you’d call me Andy.”
“I wish for a lot of things I’ll never receive.” 
“Anything I can grant?” he waggled his eyebrows.
“Not unless you have a time machine,” she whispers under her breath. 
“Trust me, I wouldn’t have been good for you back then. I was far too selfish and closed off.”
Rage and hurt are bubbling up in her as she comes to realize either Deli or Ari revealed her childhood crush to him. “You mean superficial.” Andy cocks an eyebrow at her. “Laurie was so thin I thought she had an eating disorder.”
“Aria,” he says softly, hoping she will meet his gaze so she can see he is earnest in his response. “I was a dumb kid back then but I’m a grown ass man now who knows better. You are beautiful, I promise you that.” he recalls Ari’s advice on her desperation for approval but he is suddenly doubtful of his verbiage as he sees pain flash in her eyes.
“I know my value, I have always known my value,” she whispers hisses at him, casting a quick glance around to make sure she isn’t causing a scene before continuing her thought. “And having your childhood crush finally acknowledge your existence may be every other girl's dream but I find it insulting that it took over ten years for me to finally be deserving of Andrew Barber.”
He sees tears start to fall from her eyes but has no opportunity to react before she leaves, announcing she needs some air. Once she’s out of the shop Andy lets out an irritated groan. This is turning out to be far more work than he had anticipated, he ponders for only a moment on if she is truly worth the effort. But even as he thinks about it he sees mental images of the couples around him: Steve and Annie, Frank and Daff, Deli and Bucky, and now Curtis and Chloe (kind of)-he pictures their struggles: infertility, abduction trauma, arranged marriages, cheating, and scandals. He has seen first hand how the strongest connections grow and build off strife and by comparison his ‘difficulties’ with Aria are menial, he should be able to come out on top. Now he just needs to figure out how or what to do or say to start breaking down Aria’s mental barriers. 
“Go after her!” Steve, Bucky, and the tailor instruct eagerly. 
They basically push him out the door to look for her and magically resolve her hurt. He finds her around the side of the building leaning against the wall weeping. For once, Andy knows just what to do to ease her emotions. He pulls her into his arms humming into her hair, his hands rubbing gentle circles into her back as he rocks them slowly. He feels guilty for causing this response even though he couldn’t have known she’d react this intensely. 
“I’m sorry, it's not right for me to hold animosity towards you for things you couldn’t even know.” she’d tried to calm herself, focusing on steadying her breathing. He remains patient, keeping his mouth shut as she unloads all the things that are bothering that she’s no doubt kept bottled up for far too long. “But the insecurities and self-hate my father embedded in me and it only intensified the day you brought Laurie to meet your family.” she’s stopped shaking now, tears completely stopped though her eyes and face are still red. But those beautiful hazel eyes look up at him with such melancholy it pierces his heart. “Its by no means your responsibility or fault I just-”
“Hey,” he wipes the drying streaks of tears from her cheeks and cups her face in both his hands. “You’re entitled to your feelings and even though it was unintentional, I contributed to the shitty opinion that has tormented you your entire life. I can’t repair the past but I can assist in your future moments of doubt.” 
“Because you’re important to my family and I’d like you to become important to me as well.” he seals his words with a firm press of his lips to her forehead.
“Thank you for coming to check on me,” she finally smiles up at him.
Before he can stop himself he says, “Thank me with a date?”
“”No,” she laughs.
“How about a dance at the wedding?”
“I suppose,” she sighs.
Two months later at the reception, after all the toasts and traditions, Andy finally finds Aria leaning on his chest while they sway for hours, surpassing the one dance she’d been obligated to provide him. The only interruption being the bouquet toss where Chole-Curtis’ official girlfriend, catches the arranged flowers when Daphne-Franks’ girlfriend, slaps it away from herself. Andy makes a note to ask Frank about that later, but for now he spots Aria smiling brightly and eagerly returning to him and that’s all he can focus on. The two being some of the last to leave with the promise of contacting one another soon to schedule their first date. 
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possibleplatypus · 2 years
2016: #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend
Disney: 🙈
2016: Watch Steve kiss Sharon right after Peggy's funeral! See how Straight he is? Isn't it so sad that he waited too long for this romance?? 🥺🥺🥺
2019: Steve goes back in time to marry Peggy! 😍😍😍 His true love! Isn't it romantic?? 💖💞💕 He's been pining for her all this time, and vice versa! Who's Sharon? He and Bucky talked about it before he left so it's all cool. Why aren't you happy?? Stop criticizing us and just be happy for Steve's happy ending!! 😤😤😤 we even played It's Been a Long Long Time for them, you guys like that song right?
2021: Look at how cute a couple Steve and Peggy would have been if she'd gotten the serum! 😍💗💗 NO their scenes don't look like the stevebucky scenes from CATFA at all roflmao you're crazy 😆😋😂
2022: Steve was the Straightest Straight Man to Ever Straight!!! He was a virgin before the serum (couldn't get a girlfriend, the poor thing) but he definitely Had The Sex before he died. He didn't die a virgin, of course not, are you kidding? 🤣🤣 That would have been TRAGIC 😭😭😭 He lost his virginity to a GIRL after he got the serum! A girl, specifically 💃 Because he's Heterosexual and was finally attractive after he got swole. You got that?! It was Specifically a Girl he'd had sex with, write that down!!!!
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xwinterdreams-blog · 2 years
I’ve got no right to love you (but I still do)
Team Fuck fill for @stevetonygames square “Insecure”
Steve hovered in the doorway of Tony’s room, hesitantly wondering what he was even doing here. He was sure he was the last person Tony wanted at his bedside, their last exchange had made that abundantly clear.
No trust - liar!
The accusing words echoed in his mind, but they weren’t enough to pull Steve away. Tony was alive. Weak, but alive - and his spirit was as strong as ever. Steve had thought that he was gone, disintegrated into nothing. Like Bucky, like Sam. Like half of the population.
So he honestly didn’t give a damn if he had the right to be here or not. Didn’t care if Tony hated him. Blamed him. If Pepper and Rhodey were all the support he would ever need.
Steve had to be here. Had to check on Tony, make sure he was alright. Savour the fact that Tony was here, breathing–unsteadily, but breathing all the same.
Shaking off the insecurity that held him back, Steve strode into the room and took a seat at Tony’s bedside, relieved that he’d found a moment where no one else was hovering. He could do this with an audience, but it wouldn’t be pretty.
Steve sat there, content with the quiet, as he took Tony in. Cataloguing all the differences he saw now from what he remembered the last time–the last time he saw him. Not the best comparison, seeing as he’d been bruised and bloody, but he hadn’t been this gaunt. Steve couldn’t even bear to think about it, Tony floating out there in the middle of space. No fuel, no food, no hope. It was horrifying.
He couldn’t thank Carol Danvers enough for what she had done. Not that he’d actually done that, but he definitely should.
The voice was flat. Groggy, but unmistakably not pleased to see him. Well, he’d expected that. He met Tony’s narrow-eyed gaze with determination.
“What do you want?”
“I, um, wanted to… check on you.”
“Well, you checked, you’ve seen. I’m fine. You can go now.”
“Please, Tony. Don’t send me away.” If he had to plead, he would.
“Why?” He asked warily. “Haven’t we said all we need to say?”
“It was mostly you who did the talking.” He pointed out. Tony merely raised a brow, as if to say exactly. “I just-I care about you, and I-”
“You care?” Tony scoffed. “Oh really? I must have missed that memo.”
It twisted the knife in Steve’s chest, every scathing comment. But he knew he had earned them, that was the worst part. Knowing how much he’d hurt Tony, and this was the result.
“I know I have no right, Tony. I know I lost that the minute I chose to walk away. That it meant giving you up. I wasn’t there when you needed me and I don’t get to be all concerned for you now. But fuck that.”
Tony reared back in shock, but Steve wasn’t done. “I may not have the right, but I’m damn well taking it anyway. Because I am concerned. And I do care. And maybe I was okay with you never talking to me again. But you being gone? Dead, disintegrated, lost in the void of space? I’m not okay with that. So hate me, yell at me. But I’m gonna sit right here, until I can breathe again, knowing you’re alright.”
By the time he finished talking, Steve had gotten so worked up he was almost panting. He took a few moments to catch his breath, watching a myriad of emotions flick through Tony’s expressive brown eyes.
“That was… a better apology from you then I was expecting. And you didn’t even say you were sorry. Which is good, actually. I fucking hate apologies.” Tony grinned, but Steve could see the sincerity behind the flippant remark. Something in him warmed. He’d been braver with his words then he had felt, full of self-recrimination and worry, but here Tony was, smiling at him.
“You know what else would make a really good non-apology?”
“What?” Steve asked, sure that by the way Tony’s eyes danced he was up to no good.
“Everyone’s insisting I go slow, eat light, healthy meals… but I am really craving something delicious. Greasy. Filling.”
Steve hesitated. They had a point, Tony hadn’t been eating properly and he didn’t want to do anything to hurt his recovery…
“Oh come on, Steve. I’ve been dreaming of the food I would eat. You wouldn’t deprive me of this one, simple thing now would you? You are sorry, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” he said slowly, brows knitted. He knew Tony was manipulating him, but he really wanted to make him happy. Give Tony something he couldn’t get from anyone else. Which was something he should probably think about… later. “I suppose I could make you some bacon…” Tony rolled his hand in a keep going gesture. “Sausages, pancakes, hash browns, eggs?”
“Yes. All of that. I need it.” Tony put his hands together imploringly.
“Fine,” Steve relented. “It’ll be our little secret though, okay?” The last thing he needed was Pepper or Bruce on his case.
Tony put his finger to his lips, eyes twinkling.
Was Steve trying to buy Tony’s affection with food? Possibly. He knew it wasn’t that simple, not by a long shot. But it was a start, right?
As Steve got up and left the room it occurred to him that Tony was getting his wish after all, convincing him to leave the room. When all he’d wanted was to stay. But glancing back at Tony before he walked out the door, Steve saw the excitement in his eyes. He wanted him to come back. And that was worth everything, really.
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.⋆。What I Cannot Give You。⋆.
Steve Rogers x plus size reader
After sleeping with your boyfriend for the second time, you find out that he’s never cum with you- but his ex says that he always did with her
Warnings: smut, angst, insecurities, feelings of inadequacy, misunderstanding, inability to finish (on Steve’s end), ooc!Sharon, mentions of diets, comfort
WC: 2.3k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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“Alright, what’s going on?” Numbly, you looked up from your cold cup of tea to meet the piercing green eyes of your best friend. Natasha was almost glaring at you as she stood with her hands on her slim hips, quite obviously having been watching you for some time.
You swallowed thickly. “Nothing, nothing’s wrong.” Her scowl deepened.
“That’s not what I asked now was it?” Your stomach flipped and you squeezed the teacup even tighter. “But now that you’ve said that, what’s wrong? And don’t you dare lie to me, I’ll know.” 
You should’ve known that Nat would spot your unease from a mile away, you should’ve just stayed in your room. But the need for food and a distraction from your thoughts had been too great of a temptation. Your vision blurred with tears as you pitifully shook your head. 
Suddenly, all the exasperation was gone from her expression and she was kneeling before you, one hand on your knee, the other on the arm of the couch. “Hey, hey don’t cry.” You whimpered loudly, now unable to stop the onslaught of emotions.
“It- it’s fine. Everything’s fine.” With a free hand, you furiously wiped away the fat tears that were now rolling down your full cheeks. Natasha sighed heavily and pulled the cup from you, placing it on the coffee table behind her.
“Was it that commercial about the cat and the raccoon again?” She teased though her tone still held some strain of wariness. 
“No.” You groaned tearfully, making Nat smile warmly at you.
“Then it can’t be so bad can it?” Moving gracefully, she plopped down on the couch cushion next to you, taking your shaking hands into her steady ones. “Did something happen with Steve?” The watery look you gave her in return was all the answer she needed.
“Stevie!” You cried, your head tossed back in pleasure. It was overwhelming, overpowering, it was everything. The man above you groaned as you tightened around him once more, practically strangling his cock with the force of your orgasm.
Your nails scraped down his muscular back, leaving behind bright red lines that would disappear before dawn even broke the horizon. “Feels so good!” Your sobs echoed through the room along with the wet slapping of skin as his hips met yours.
Blonde hair brushed against your nose as Steve buried his face into your neck, lathering your burning skin with even hotter kisses. “That’s it doll, one more time for me please.” And as the fat head of his cock hit that spongy bundle of nerves inside you, you obliged him. Though less powerful than your previous three, your soft body still tensed with ecstasy and your mind went hazy.
“Good girl, my good girl.” Steve muttered softly, laying one last gentle peck to your shoulder before he pulled himself away from you. “Did you have a good time?”
You rolled your eyes with a smile. “I can’t feel anything below my hips, does that answer your question?” He chuckled and kissed the tip of your nose.
“Alright, no need to be smart about it.” As gently as he could manage, Steve sat back on his haunches and slowly pulled out of you. You whined at the sudden emptiness of your cunt and the soreness that came along from having his massively thick length inside of you.
But there was no other sensation after that, no telltale feeling of cum inside of you or drying on your thick thighs. Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked at your boyfriend. “Did you finish?” The question came out more shaky than you intended but Steve seemingly didn’t notice.
“No but you did and that’s all that matters.” He dismissed as he stood up from the mattress. You sat up on your elbows, not done with the conversation just yet.
“That’s the second time it’s happened and we’ve only had sex twice.” You pointed out but Steve just sighed.
“It’s fine, it happens sometimes. I’m just happy that you felt good. That’s more than enough for me. Now stay there so I can clean you up.” And as he walked to the attached bathroom, your heart sank and a pit began to grow in your stomach.
“Stevie.” You started but quickly stopped as his blue eyes bore into you. Rage oozed from them like lava, stunning you into silence.
“That’s enough. I told you it’s fine, I won’t be having this conversation again.” With tensed shoulders and clenched fists, he left the room leaving you lost and feeling far more empty than ever before.
“Okay so he didn’t finish but you did. I see no problem with that, it would be the opposite for most guys.” Nat shrugged, a lean arm around your shoulders as she continued to comfort you despite her apparently dismissal of the whole thing.
You huffed, now more frustrated than distraught. “That’s not the point.” You tried to yank away but she held strong, easily pinning you back down onto the couch.
“Then what is?” She implored.
“That I’m not enough for him!” You cried. “That I’m not pretty enough or good enough in bed to even get him to cum! There has to be something wrong with me and he’ll figure that out soon enough and leave me.” Fear and sadness filled your heart as you spilled out your deepest fears to your best friend who was now stunned unto silence.
“He’ll find someone better, just like everyone else did.” You bit down on your lip as more tears rose to the surface. 
“Pcholka-“ She started but was quickly interrupted by another person strutting into the communal living area.
Sharon Carter, the very personification of everything that you wished you could be, was smirking devilishly as she strolled past you and Natasha, apparently heading for the kitchen. You held your breath as she gracefully walked by, her high heels (which weren’t needed for her job) clacked against the expensive flooring. 
“Don’t mind me ladies, just getting myself a protein shake. This new diet is a killer I tell ya but it’s so worth it.” Her smirk made you shrink into yourself but Natasha’s firm grip kept you from escaping. 
An uncomfortable silence settled over the room as Sharon flitted about the kitchen. Until she finally began her walk back out. You breathed a sigh of relief as she passed by the couch once more but right as she reached the door frame, she turned back and made eye-contact with you.
“Oh Steve always finished with me.” Your eyes went wide with shock. Sure there had been rumours that your boyfriend and the CIA agent had been involved but nothing more ever came out of it so you always just dismissed it as office gossip, until now. “Every. Time.” She said, rubbing even more salt in your already wounded ego.
“No one fucking asked you Sharon. In fact, why are you even here, weren’t you reassigned because of your fuckup in Bosnia?” Natasha snarled, her eyes narrowing on the other agent. She twisted her body around, giving you the opportunity to rip from her grasp and make a run for it.
Nat called out your name but all you could focus on was the way that Sharon smirked at you, her bright eyes alight with an evil plan and you wouldn’t be sticking around to watch it play out, not when you knew that she would be successful.
Being the completely understanding and perfect boyfriend he was, Steve could be easily avoided with a simple text that you weren’t feeling well and needed some alone time. He would always ask if you needed anything and you could tell that he was curious as to why you weren’t letting him come take care of you but he respected you too much to pry any deeper.
Natasha hadn’t been so easy to avoid but your stubbornness won out over hers so she had left you alone, just like you wanted. It was easier being alone with your thoughts than having her try to convince you that what you were feeling was stupid and a total misunderstanding.
Groaning, you threw your phone across the bed. The screen was still bright with the Cosmopolitan article about ’10 Tips and Tricks to Make Him Go Crazy For You’, all of which seemed very expensive in the case of toys and lingerie or positions that you were not nearly flexible enough to pull off.
Maybe it was hopeless, you already knew that you weren’t good enough for him so what did it matter if you couldn’t get him off. You were barely even together in the first place, it wasn’t as if you were already in love with him and breaking up would devastate you.
You rolled over onto your side and curled into the pillow that miraculously still smelt like him, squeezing it tightly to your chest. This feeling was familiar, the drop of your stomach, the stutter of your heart like you were at the precipice of a cliff and unable to stop moving forward. 
And all you could think about was the disgust and the anger in Steve’s eyes that night. It was like in that moment he also figured out how one-sided the relationship was and he hated you for it.
“Doll, I know you’re in there.” Your body snapped up, your muscles pulled taut with anxiety. “You don’t have to open the door, I just want to know if you’re ok. Nat said you were having a tough time.” 
“I’m fine Steve, just having a moment.” You tried to dismiss but the dry crack of your voice had him opening your door and slipping inside. 
In the dim light of your bedroom, Steve’s figure was imposing, his sheer size creating a void in the space. Your heartbeat pounded loudly in your ears as he gently shut the door behind him. “You only ever call me Steve when something’s wrong.” His steps were featherlight as he cautiously crept closer.
“See, there it is again. I’m your Stevie not Steve.” He whined playfully, making a ghost of a smile dance across your lips. The mattress dipped under the weight of one of his hands as he planted it by your wide hips, giving you enough space to be respectful but close enough that you could feel the heat of his skin through your pyjamas.
He leaned closer as if going in for a kiss but you stopped him with a hand to his strong chest. He paused for barely a second before he pulled your hand away and brought it up to his lips. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Your eyes dropped to your lap, you could guess what was coming next. ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ or ‘I just think we’re better off as friends’. But instead of the breakup you thought was going to happen, Steve hooked a finger under your chin and guided your gaze back to him.
“Is this about the other night? I told you that you didn’t have to worry about that.” He tutted as his thumb gently caressed your jaw. You hesitated nuzzling into his touch, still too hurt to want that comfort.
“But why would you even be with me if I can’t make you feel good?” As soon as the words slipped from your mouth, you regretted them. Steve’s expression turned stormy and suddenly, his grip became tighter until your jaw ached from the force of it.
You could see the way the vein in his neck twitched as an angry flush crawled up his cheeks. You knew he wanted to yell, to lash out at you but he quickly swallowed down his anger, taking a deep breath before he spoke again.
“You do make me feel good. You make me feel amazing, both in and out of the bedroom. You’re gorgeous doll, and smart and funny and caring. I’m with you because of that, not because I want to just get off. I get pleasure from your pleasure.” He cooed, leaning forward to rest his forehead against your own.
His breath fanned across your lips as his other hand finally cupped your hip beneath your oversized shirt. “Sharon told me that you always finished with her.” You whispered, your fingers curling into the compression shirt he wore.
His pecs rippled with your touch, his heartbeat strong beneath your palms. “I can’t cum, doll. Or at least I can’t anymore.” Taking a shaky breath, he continued.
“I don’t think I’ve cum since before the serum.” His voice was soft, ashamed. His broad shoulders dropped as he finally admitted the truth. “It did something to me that no one has been able to figure out yet but we’re getting closer.”
“But Sharon-“
“I faked it with her. Every time.” At your puzzled expression, Steve smiled softly. “I always wore condoms so she couldn’t tell and besides, it was only a couple times before you were even around. I haven’t thought about her since the moment you walked into the tower on your first day.”
Only now did you melt into his hold, letting him pull you closer as he endeavoured to comfort you. “You’re all I want, all I need. I promise.” 
“Really?” You whispered, your lips drawing closer to his. The corners of his eyes scrunched as he smiled back at you.
“Really. As long as you don’t mind that I can’t fill you up with my cum, mark you from the inside out.” He growled playfully. Heat rushed to your cheeks at the dirty talk, your mind now filled with images of just that.
“Stevie!” You yelped but was cut off by his lips pressing against yours. Your heart skipped a beat as he held you tighter, the kiss quickly becoming far more passionate.
“That’s my good girl.” 
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3K notes · View notes
navybrat817 · 3 months
Pairing: Motocross!Steve Rogers x Motocross!Female Reader Summary: You have a crush on Steve Rogers, but you don't think you're his type. Word Count: Over 1k Warnings: Crush, longing, slight insecurities, swearing, nicknames, Curtis is a good friend, Motocross!Steve Rogers (he's a warning, okay?) A/N: Finally an intro for Champ and Daisy in our Dialed In AU! Took me how long, @yenzys-lucky-charm ? Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @saradika . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated! ❤️
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A 450 rider like Bucky with a lot of wins under his belt, Natasha was serious when she said Steve was one of the best riders in his class.
It was one of the reasons people called him “Champ”, a nickname he wasn’t overly fond of since some of the guys liked to tease him after races where he didn’t place first. It also gave him flashbacks of when he was younger and smaller, virtually ignored or told he wouldn’t excel in anything physically.
With a lot of heart and a late growth spurt, he proved them wrong.
Bucky said once that his nickname should be “Adonis” because of his now statuesque looks and the pit lizards fawning over him or “Golden Boy” because of his success and admiration.
Steve never let any of that get to his head and refused to let the pit lizards distract him. He worked hard to get where he was and continued to give it his all on and off the track every single time.
His determination was one of the many reasons you found yourself drawn to him. He was the kind of rider and person many aspired to be.
Your crush only grew the day you two actually met.
A rider yourself, you earned the nickname “Daisy” thanks to the flowers on your helmet and general sweet demeanor.
The helmet was the very thing Steve complimented you on when he walked by you at your first pro race.
You hadn’t meant to stare when he walked by, but his reputation preceeds him. Clad in red, white, and blue like a patriotic God, his blonde hair sparkled in the sunlight and his eyes looked like the sky on a cloudless day.
The sheer size of him almost made you whimper when he got closer. How a man was able to walk with such confidence and dominance yet still had an air about that said he was humble was a gift.
He even stopped to speak to a few kids who were eager to meet him and you couldn’t stop smiling when one little boy wrapped his arms around his legs in a tight hug.
Who wouldn’t fall for him?
You were certain you still had a dopey smile on your face when he looked your way.
“Beautiful.” The deep timbre of his voice sent a shiver down your spine when you realized he was speaking to you, which you tried to blame on pre-race jitters. “Your helmet. It’s beautiful,” he said when you didn’t reply.
You deflated slightly because of course he didn’t think you were beautiful. You were just a rider and not like the girls who flocked to him.
“Oh, thanks,” you croaked, clearing your throat immediately to try and save face. “I like daisies,” you added, mentally kicking yourself for stating the obvious. Why else would they be on your helmet?
The lopsided grin he gave you brought your smile back to your face. “You’re Daisy. Heard good things about you.”
Biting your lip and glancing away briefly, you didn’t catch his gaze following the movement. “You have?” You asked, slightly surprised that your name made the rounds.
“Yeah.” He nodded toward the track. “And I’m eager to see what you do out there.”
Your stomach did a somersault, but you held your head high. “I’ll try not to disappoint.”
“I doubt you could disappoint anyone,” he quietly spoke, looking over his shoulder when Bucky called out to him. “Gotta go. Good luck out there, Daisy.”
“Thanks, Champ,” you said, shifting back and forth on your feet when he stood up straight and flexed his gloved fingers. Maybe you shouldn’t have used his nickname. “I mean, Steve.”
You couldn’t read his expression, but you felt better when he gave you one more lopsided smile. “Champ sounds nice coming from you,” he said before he walked away.
You tried not to swoon or check out his ass when he went on his way, but Curtis clocked you immediately.
“You might wanna wipe that drool off your chin before your race,” he said, nudging you with his shoulder when you glanced at the ground. “Nervous? Don't be. You’re gonna kick ass out there.”
“Not nervous,” you said, biting your lip again. “He said he heard about me.”
“Yeah. Riders talk, you know that. And the guys saw you practice, so they know you have skills,” he said, sighing when you lifted your head and longingly stared after Steve. “Look, don’t let him distract you.”
“I’m not letting him distract me,” you argued, moving your helmet between your hands. “It’s just nice to get a compliment from such a skilled rider,” you said, especially since a lot of guys had a tendency to ignore you once they knew you loved to race.
Curtis narrowed his eyes. “I’m a skilled rider and I compliment you. I don’t see you walking around with hearts in your eyes and having a little crush on me.”
Your cheeks flamed before you hit his arm. “More like you bust my nonexistent balls. That’s not the same thing,” you said.
He didn’t move an inch when you hit him, the wall of muscle that he was. “Perk of being my friend,” he deadpanned, looking in the direction that Steve went, too. “I’m not one for gossip, but Champ is single.”
You put your helmet on so your friend couldn’t see your face. “Good to know, but I doubt I’m his type,” you said.
Because why would he like you?
“Rogers is a fucking idiot if he doesn’t want a girl like you,” he said sincerely before he hit your helmet with the palm of his hand, the familiar grumpy stare back on his face. “But enough of that shit. Get out there and win your fucking race.”
Which you did.
Steve's heart skipped a beat when you removed your helmet and smiled.
Because the truth was, you were exactly his type.
And he’d sweep you off your feet if you let him.
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They're sweet, okay? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Steve Rogers Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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