#injured peter
starker-sorbet · 15 days
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⚘ Yarrow ⚘ - symbolizes healing and protection
Tony caring for his boyfriend Peter after a particularly bad patrol leaves him roughed up
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spicler-man · 2 years
injured peter
masterlist here
Thirty Hours by polaroid15
The sun sets. Peter breaks three toes and hits his head hard against concrete. There’s a steadily bleeding wound in his side that he’s staunched with his webbing and tries not to acknowledge it when it burns. He can still walk in a straight line, which is good. He’s starving and tired and cold. It’s been fifteen hours.
Or, Peter doesn't take any breaks during a lengthy fight with the Avengers. The mind-melting fever that follows really should have been expected.
Warmer in the Winter by Bean_reads_fanfic for eccentric_artist_221b
Nobody's seen Peter for a couple days. ...this is how Tony finds out that spiders hibernate.
(Written for the 12 Days of Fluffy Christmas prompt: "cold sleepy cuddles")
Like a Bear by An_Odd_Idea
Whumptober 2020 Prompt 21: Hypothermia Peter and Tony wake up sealed in a box, but it’s not just a box, and Peter’s not just a kid
How They Perceive You by ephemeralstark
Peter couldn't finish as the doors to the room they were in flew open and a shaky “you can't go in there,” could be heard. “Hey, Underoos, fancy meeting you in here!” Mr. Stark said cheerfully, although Peter could see the tenseness in his jaw and the hardness in his eyes that made him mentally groan. “M-Mr. Star’.” Peter mumbled in greeting. “Mr. Stark, you can't-” “-be in here.” Mr. Stark said, interrupting Dr. Kat. “I know, they told me, but judging by what I can see here, it’s a good thing I ignored everyone. That won’t work on him.” “It’s anaesthetic.” “I know.” Mr. Stark said. “And it won’t work on him, he’s a funky thing, aren’t you Underoos?” - Peter's lung spontaneously collapses and Happy does the only thing he can - takes Peter to a regular hospital.
a poisonous cure by turtle_bean
“Hey, does this juice smell weird to you?” Peter asks suddenly. There's a bit of an aftertaste lingering on his tongue - a prickling, tingling sensation. A doubt stings at the edge of his mind. His spidey-sense buzzes softly.
May raises an eyebrow and sniffs at the glass. She frowns, shakes her head. “Smells like orange juice. Why, do you smell something?” --
or, may parker learns that her nephew has been swinging around the city in spandex.
[sicktember day vi. - alt prompt: vitamic c]
{Death Can't Stop Me} by Chaeyoung26090 for vilhelm
Requested by Vilhelm: I also think it would be cool if in a one-shot Peter meets the grim reaper and he's like I can't take this innocent bean away and they become friends.
********** "Safe and grieving," Death said softly, waving his hand. In front of them appeared a screen.
"Peter NO!" Tony was sobbing, clutching his hand. They were still on the battlefield, but all the enemies were dead. All around them, the citizens could be seen sobbing or comforting each other, "Not you. Please, Bambi, wake up. It's not funny."
"Tones," Rhodey said, clutching the man's shoulder, tears streaming down his own face. Thor strode in, seemingly about to say something, before he caught sight of Peter and froze, dropping his hammer on the floor.
"PETER BENJAMIN PARKER WAKE UP BEFORE YOU'RE GROUNDED FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE," Tony screamed, shaking Peter's body which was riddled with bullet holes. Steve flinched, shaking his head and turning away. Clint retched and covered his mouth, dropping to his knees.
Peg Leg Pete by wolfypuppypiles
You know what a broken leg feels like? Not good. Not good at all. It aches and feels wrong and Peter was sort of worried about his bone shifting but it's not as if he could go to a hospital.
Peter breaks his leg at school and doesn't want to tell anyone about it. But that doesn't mean Mr Stark doesn't already know.
Walk It Off by cyborgchickenbanana
Steve forgets that Peter is just a kid, not a seasoned Avenger.
Mistakes by happyaspie
Peter is injured during a mission but Tony is too distracted to notice... or listen when Peter tries to ask him for help. This leads to some frustrated tears, a trip to medical, a few promises and, of course, forgiveness.
when my body won't hold me anymore (where will I go) by madasthesea
But he knows. He knows.
He can feel it.
Peter’s dead.
Peter Parker watches as Tony carefully arranges his limbs on a cot.
“Mr. Stark,” he tries for the dozenth time. No one hears him.
stop, don't start by iron_spider
“Shit shit shit.” Tony severely underestimated this guy, if this is on him, because Tony has a backup plan for every backup plan in his suit, has protocols for every misstep, every frayed wire, every glitch, and yet here he is, someone else’s weapon.
The true horror of it doesn’t set in until Tony sees Spider-Man swing by—Tony raises his own hand, aims and locks on.
“No, no!” Tony yells, panicking. “No!”
He shoots a repulsor blast, and knocks Peter out of the air.
Cold Snap by inkinmyheartandonthepage
“Hey, did you know that some spiders hibernate.”
“I did,” Peter hummed happily.
“Hmmm. And did you think that it would have been wise to share that little bit of information?” Tony huffed.
“Why?” Peter frowned.
“I don’t know, maybe because you triggered a hibernation sequence and you’ve been asleep for three days,” Tony quipped.
Mother May I by battybatzgirl
Peter gets hurt a lot. But that's fine! He doesn't need Karen to call Tony every time he gets a concussion or a broken bone. He heals up just fine on his own. He doesn't need to have a hospital on call.
Until the one time things go too far.
Whumptober Prompt Day 3: Impaled
Presumed Dead by spooderboyandtincan
After a HYDRA mission goes wrong, Peter is presumed dead and Tony mourns his son, until...
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marvel-lous-guy · 8 months
Tony: what the hell were you thinking!?
Peter: Obviously I was thinking I would get away with it and wouldn't have to explain myself!
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iwasbored777 · 6 months
The fact that all Gwen knows about her variants in other universes is that they're dead is so sad. Like imagine you want to know what happens to you in other dimensions and it turns out that wherever you look you mean nothing, you're so unimportant that there's no bigger role for you other than dying.
And I've seen you guys pointing this out, where she's looking at what looks like her own death and even if it's not this is not just a "love interest" Gwen, this is a superhero who is supposed to mean something, but she doesn't. She's only here to die. And so far this (our) Gwen doesn't have any reason to believe that she won't die very soon just like other Gwens.
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I think that one of the main reasons why she's rejecting Miles is not just her trauma and all shit she's been through and the fear of dying like other Gwens when they're involved with Spider-Man, but also because if they start something and she dies this will hurt him too.
It's easy to say "canon events aren't true she shouldn't believe in that" but this isn't just a regular risk, this is her life we're talking about.
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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The Night Agent s01e10: “Are you [good]?”
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petersoftparker · 4 months
Medical Assistance needed?
Spider-Man x Civillian!Reader
Warnings: kidnapping, gagging, concussion
The only thing you knew for sure waking up, was that you probably have a concussion. Your eyes weren’t even open yet, but nausea made you gag immediately. “Oh shit, fuck okay” Peter panicked, rolling you onto your side. It took a few minutes of you doing breathing exercises for the feeling that you were about to throw up to pass.
“I’m gonna get us out of this, I promise” You laughed a little in disbelief, but still smiled at Peter reaching out beside you to squeeze his wrist. You didn’t know if it helped him at all, but It gave you some comfort feeling the faint rhythm of his heartbeat. “Don’t be a hero Peter.” You sucked in a breath before continuing “Not your fault we’re in this mess. Who knows maybe they just got the wrong people and they’ll let us go".
Peter sighed, not bothering to contradict you. You both knew that it was unlikely. 
He repeated himself, trying to will himself to be as convincing as possible for you “It’s my job, I am going to get you out of here”. The statement making you pause before hesitantly asking “Your job? What are you talking about”.
“I’m your protector.” “Sorry, what?” You didn’t quite know if you heard him correctly, the ringing in your ears hadn’t fully gone away yet. You squinted giving him a quick once-over. 
Peter had to take his wrist away, already regretting it as he did it. He occupied himself with ripping the bottom part of his shirt off to use a makeshift tourniquet for his leg while explaining “I was chosen by the Avengers, my duty is to protect you at all costs.” 
“Don't wanna be mean but just gotta point out the obvious; you can’t do a pull-up."
He nervously smiled, still staring down at his lap “Surprise! I’m actually a superhero.”
He could tell you were one second away from freaking out about his previous statement, but the door was slammed open before you could. Peter wasn’t caught off guard but you unfortunately didn’t have the same abilities that Peter did. The loud noise and sudden light making you flinch away. Peter shifted his body, trying to give you a chance to adjust to the light and making a barrier between you and the villain. 
The Villain cocked his head, smirk on her face. “Cute. Not effective, but cute.” Peter glared silently. 
“Look, she doesn’t have anything to do with this. Leave her be and I can give you what you want.” 
“And what is it exactly, that you think I want?” The Villain questioned, raising her eyebrow.
Before Peter could answer, someone else walked into the room. Peter noticed that they looked a bit panicked, speaking to the villain in a low tone eyes casted downward. 
“Sir, Iron-Man has been seen on the perimeter” 
“So deal with it.” 
Silence overtook the room as the henchmen made no move to leave, before Villain sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. “Let me guess. You don’t know how.” With a nervous nod from henchmen, Villain snapped “You are incompetent. Fine, I’ll take care of it.” 
She stormed out, swinging the door shut behind her. She didn’t notice the web attached to the handle, which allowed Peter to keep the door cracked open secretly.
“Okay, I’m sorry but we really got to get going. Can you stand?” When you didn’t answer right away he looked over at you to check if you were still awake, your dazed eyes meeting his. Dread pitted at the bottom of his stomach. His tone softened calling out your name quietly. He reached out cupping the back of your head, silently assessing for any major wounds. You responded, throwing a thumbs-up in the air quickly before dropping your hand on the ground “Mhmm, course I can stand. We gotta go?” 
“Yep, we gotta go. We need to get away from the villains remember? Alright, here we go. Nice and easy.” He kneeled beside you for a moment, to slide one arm under your shoulders and the other under your knees. Once the hold felt stable, he slowly stood up. You gasped, not expecting the sudden movement. You squirmed, pushing a hand weakly at his chest “Let go. ‘m fine.” 
He scoffed at your definition of ‘fine’ but offered a simple “Just relax honey, I’ve got you. We’re gonna go home now.” His grip tightened around you when you took his instructions very literally. 
He could hear numerous heartbeats in the building, but since Iron-man’s arrived the number has been steadily dropping. He breathed out in relief and got to work. It was interesting to say the least, most of his missions he didn’t have a running commentary as he fought. “I’m so serious Peter. Listen to me. Why would you hide your abs from the world. Y’should fight the evil people without a shirt. Sometimes.” His cheeks flushed muttering under his breath “Oh my god, we need medical assistance right now”. 
“Hate the little evil freaks. Not cool… Its like Luke yaknow. Would never do that to you.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows looking down at you to ask “You would never do what to me?” He assumed you meant Luke Skywalker, but he was having trouble connecting the dots on where your mind went with the last part of your sentence. He was proven correct about his Star Wars guess when you forcefully grabbed his hand that was around your shoulders. “If I’m ever evil, I’ll let you keep this.” “Oh. Thank you.”
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xmcu-fietro · 2 years
saw a youtube comment talking about how Peter’s powers are more than mere superspeed---how he can essentially manipulate gravity and inertia and that’s why when he throws people out of the mansion they don’t die, and why he can listen to music super fast. Everything within his bubble operates under his power’s rules, basically, and that’s also why he can make it so that he can stand still (not running) while everyone else moves in slow motion. And then someone responded by saying that that would make a ton of sense because of who his father is since gravity manipulation is a lot closer to electromagnetic field manipulation than superspeed is, and I’d never thought of it that way but MY HEART
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finally!!!! finished the color wheel challenge with these hotties in my art style!!!
i wanna thank @proxylynn as well for helping me suggest few characters for this challenge hehe!! ^u^ 💖
🩷 Ren (14 Days With You)
❤️ Pedro (Angry Boy Pedro And His Friend)
🧡 Ren Hana (Boyfriend To Death)
💛 Friend (See Thru: Need a Friend?)
💚 Vio (Your Boyfriend)
�� Sunny Day Jack (Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack)
💙 Peter (Your Boyfriend)
💜 Alan (My Dear Hatchet Man)
I hope you all like it!!
edit: fjdkdjdh im too shy to tag the creators of these ocs and i didn’t know most of em have tumblr accs im living under a rock but fr tysm for the notes ❤️
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 2 months
Ok ok, but the prompt “if you die, I die! Don’t you get that?!” with Peter yelling it at Tony 😂😂
Fine. Fine. Yes. Let's reverse it. Another mini!
874 words, a little more angsty with a hurt Tony Stark and a very passionate Peter Parker. Enjoy!! :D [Click here for a reversed use of this prompt]
If You Die... Part. 2.
As Tony came back to awareness the first thing he noticed was the incessant beeping of a heart monitor. It was one tone after another, in two second intervals. Beep… Beep… Beep... He tried to turn away from it, but he couldn’t get his body to cooperate. He was exhausted in a way he’d never felt before. His limbs felt like lead and his eyes refused to open. 
For a few minutes, he simply laid there mildly aware of his surroundings but lacking the energy to interact with them. Beep… Beep… Beep… The sound was starting to get on his nerves. He wished it would stop. He tried to clench his fist but managed nothing more than a small twitch of his finger. His forehead creased slightly in concentration. Another two fingers moved, flexing upward and dropping back down to the sheets. That seemed to get the attention of whomever was in the room. His hand was suddenly engulfed by a firm warm grasp.
“-ister Stark?” Tony used all his strength to turn towards the voice. His head moved marginally but he managed to crack an eye open. “Mr. Stark?” As his vision focused he was able to see Peter hovering above him.
He parted his dry lips and pressed his sandpaper tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Kid?” he rasped. It came out in barely a whisper. But he was certain Peter heard it. His kid’s hand tightened around his own and tears started to break free from his eyes.
“Mr. Stark!” Peter leaned forward until his head was resting heavily on his chest. Hot tears were soaking into his shirt and wanted nothing more than to comfort his kid. He felt more alert with his eyes open and his strength was slowly returning. He pulled his heavy hand out of Peter’s grasp and repositioned it so he could wrap his fingers around his kid’s wrists.
“I’m right here, Buddy,” he murmured, while fighting his other arm off of the mattress. Eventually, he managed and was able to get his hand to the back of his kid’s head. “I’m right here.”
“You almost weren’t!” Peter stood up, sniffed and ran his free hand over his cheeks. “You almost- You almost died, Mr. Stark!”
A painful lump formed in his throat. He looked at the bleached-white sheets and tried to swallow past it. “But I didn’t.”
“But you could have!” Peter shouted. Fresh tears started to flow. That time, he didn’t try to stop them. “The doctors said- they said you might not- We almost lost you!”
Tony licked his dry lips and coughed. Seconds later, a nurse walked into the room, raised his bed and offered him some water. Once he’d had a few sips, she started tugging at the various tubes and wires. She shined a light in his eyes and started asking questions. He answered them with an absentminded nod or shake of his head. His gaze had yet to leave Peter. Even from across the room he could see his kid’s puffy eyes and tear streaks cheeks,
The nurse finished with him and started talking to Peter. He couldn’t hear what she was saying but he could see his kid nod his head. Then, the nurse was gone and Peter returned to his bedside still sniffling. 
“You can’t do this again,” Peter said, his voice eerily calm. He gathered a shuddering breath and pressed his lips into a tight thin line.  “I can’t- you were in a coma for three days! You can’t-”
All of a sudden Peter’s anger and upset finally made sense. Tony’s eyes momentarily winded in response. Six days was a long time to wait for someone to wake up. “I’m sorry, Bud. I never-”
“You can’t die!” Peter shouted loudly enough to make Tony flinch. “If you die, I die! Don’t you get that?” His fists balled up by his sides as his face crumpled in anguish. “You- you’re the only one I have left!”
Not quite understanding, Tony pulled his brows together. “You have May, your friends and-”
“They aren’t you! I need you, Mr. Stark!” Peter’s voice cracked on the last syllable. He ran his hands down his face and crossed arms defensively over his chest.  “I’ve already lost my mom and dad! Then I lost Uncle Ben too! I need you!”
tony felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. “Pete. Honey-”
“Stop it! Stop- Don’t patronize me!” The anger didn’t last long. Within seconds Peter was back to leaning over the bed, one arm wrapped around Tony's stomach. “Just- next time let someone else make the sacrifice play! Because, selfish or not- I need you here!”
His kid was crying again and Tony could feel his own eyes starting to water. “Oh, kid. That’s not- that’s not selfish, Buddy. That’s-” 
Peter squeezed him tightly enough that it was starting to hurt. He didn’t complain. He simply held on with equal ferocity, 
When Peter let go, it was so he could look Tony in the eyes. “I love you,” he whispered.
Tony smiled and placed his hands on either side of his kid’s damp cheeks. “I- I love you too, Pete. So much. And I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
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blackhholes · 16 days
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Self-Injury in Teen Wolf
“A Hideous Torture on Himself”: Madness and Self-Mutilation in Victorian Literature by Sarah Chaney / Representing the Unrepresentable: Self-Harm as Affect by Laura Wilson / Damaging the Body Politic: Self-Mutilation as Spectacle by Alexandra Gray
Written for @teenwolf-meta‘s Meta May Monday theme: pain.
The idea of pain making you human was introduced into the show when Derek said "And that's what keeps you human- pain." to Scott in the season one episode The Tell. It's a concept which is repeatedly brought up throughout the show and might actually be one of the more consistent facets of werewolf lore seen within the show.
When lycanthropic characters are incapable of relying on their anchor to tether them to their human side, they can instead draw on their own pain, often self-inflicted, to avoid the consequences of shifting. Throughout the show the character shown to utilize this the most is Liam. He's often incapable of controlling his anger and as a result is incapable of keeping in touch with his humanity, meaning that he's pushed to the edge of self-injury more often than other characters.
Another instance where we see characters inflict injury on themselves, or others, is when they need to trigger their healing. As seen in the season four finale when Kira is unable to heal after being attacked by berserker-Scott, where she then has to cut up her hand with a shard of obsidian for the rest of her body to heal. This is interesting because it visualizes a clear disconnect between the body and the self, the self which needs to heal can only communicate this with the body through more pain and injury.
Lydia is also seen injuring herself in season two when she's being controlled by Peter. When she's awoken by her mother her sheets are covered in blood and it's then revealed that she punched her mirror with no recollection of it. This serves as a narrative red herring as it's revealed later in the same episode that the Kanima hates its own reflection, but on a personal level it also shows the viewer the disconnect Lydia is experiencing between herself and her mind.
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starker-sorbet · 2 years
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Peter didn't know what made him go to the superior's tower for help. None of their previous interactions made him think the man wouldn't just give him over to the Sinister Six, or whatever they called themselves, maybe he would even kill Peter himself. Spider-man has always an annoying pest to the man after all. But he was bleeding heavily with multiple broken bones and nowhere else to go before he passed out. Which he promptly did, right on the superior's balcony, specifically right on the man's lap due to his web-shooters breaking before he could land properly.
If he was honest with himself Peter didn't think he would wake up after that, much less wake up in a, no doubt extremely expensive, bed with his injuries cleaned and bandaged. 
And his masked removed. 
Panic welled up inside him. The superior iron man, aka Tony Stark the man with an omniscient AI, knew what he looked like and no doubt had found out everything about Peter Parker. Everyone he cared about was now in danger because he was stupid enough to fall into a trap where the only possible point of safety was a supervillain's home.
But then the man surprised him, he acted nothing like any other supervillain would after discovering Spider-man's secret identity. Oh Peter still didn't trust Stark as far as his Aunt May could throw him but it was nice, not feeling the need to hide a part of himself as he healed. And having someone he could talk to about his activities as Spider-man without having to censure what he says about himself.
As the days went by and Peter healed he found himself enjoying the time he spent with Tony more and more. The older man seemed to genuinely like him and Peter realised he could honestly say he felt the same. It's just a shame the man was a villain. Although as they talked Peter found himself agreeing more and more with the man about some of the reasons for his missions.
And compared to some of the things SHIELD and their so called heroes did Tony's actions didn't seem that outrageous. They almost always lead to less or even no civilian casualties than whenever Captain America and the Avengers were sent out on SHIELD missions, in fact most of the casualties that happened during their battles always seemed to happen when the Avengers came on the scene. Whenever he fought Tony by himself there was never anything like the number of deaths caused, often there weren't any.
So when a few weeks later Tony declared him healed and ready to return home Peter had made up his mind. The pair of them obviously like the other so why couldn't Peter stay a while longer? It wasn't like they were really on opposite sides any more now were they. 
There weren't many things that could shock THE Tony Stark, but Peter's declaration that he was on Tony's side seemed to be one such surprise. But a pleasant on if the older man's smile was anything to go by
requested by anon
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #125
AU where Thanos never happened and the Rogues eventually return. They've been pardoned and they're supposed to get the team back together, but there's still tension. A lot has changed.
Tony has told them repeatedly to never call in Spider-Man for backup. Steve doesn't understand or approve. He assumes Tony is just holding a grudge, trying to keep this new, obviously powerful recruit on his own side. 
One day, Tony is caught up in SI business somewhere when a mission comes up, and they need extra hands. Steve decides to call in Spider-Man.
At first the mission goes smoothly, but then of course things take a turn. All hell breaks loose.
Tony taps into comms not long after to tell them he's on his way. He's left his meeting and is flying as fast as he can, though he's still a long way out. Somehow, Tony figures out that Peter is there. (Maybe he overhears Peter quipping, maybe Steve casually references Spider-Man.)
One way or another, he figures it out. He goes deadly quiet, then switches to a private comm with just Steve.
Tony is betrayed, aggravated, terrified and trying to bury it (and not doing a very good job), and honestly kind of bitter and insulted that Steve can't hear his obvious fear. Steve is annoyed at Tony's childish stubbornness, assumes the man is just mad at things not going his way. Still in the midst of battle, he dismisses Tony's concerns.
Then, Spider-Man gets hurt. Bad. Tony had already been frantically trying to get there faster when he heard the kid was there, but he still doesn't arrive in time.
At some point -- maybe there on the battlefield, maybe later in med bay when Steve arrives to chew Tony out for leaving with Spider-Man instead of staying to help -- at some point it becomes abundantly clear that Peter is Tony's son.
(Bio, adopted, emotional, doesn't matter)
It becomes clear that Tony wasn't making Spider-Man off-limits for selfish reasons. Steve, blinded by his own view of Tony, was unbelievably wrong. 
It turns out, he had just been trying to keep his son safe.
If the reveal does happen later in med bay, there could even be a moment after the battle where Steve, fuming about Tony's lack of help and general inability to be a team player, is intercepted by Rhodey.
Maybe Rhodey arrived just after Tony (flying from the same meeting, but Tony freaked out and raced ahead) and then stuck around to help finish the fight. His reaction to Steve's unempathetic and baseless reading of his best friend is stone cold.
Bonus 2:
Steve fails to notice or understand Rhodey's meaning. Then he gets to med bay and is faced with the image of Tony holding a sleeping Peter on the hospital bed, glaring right across the room at him.
Both of them completely aware of what Steve had assumed, all these years, about the kind of person Tony was
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reginaphalange2403 · 10 months
The hiding an injury trope always hits the fucking mark for me. Like character A trying to not make it noticeable all day cause they don’t wanna be a bother or they want to appear tough, and then B finding it and being pissedTM at first but then soft and comforting about it PLSSS that’s the sweet spot😣💓
Somebody write one for me🧍‍♀️
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muscari-melpomene · 2 years
Upon reflection I think the best possible episode of tpp would be Nureyev having to work with Mick Mercury to save Juno. Imagine how angry he would be at literally everything Mick did.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 11 months
Hi! I’m looking for a fic:( that I cannot find for the life of me
It’s Sterek I think, almost positive, It’s based in season 1 when Peter goes to Stiles to track down Scott except after helping him, Peter kidnappes Stiles and puts him in the trunk of the car of his dead nurse they drive to the woods. Pretty much Peter leaves him there in the middle of the woods and the events of season 1 finale happens but Stiles is in the trunk and nobody hears him scream for help.
During the time Stiles is in the trunk he goes through panicking and panic attacks so obviously Peter dies and he is the only one that know is locked up in the trunk. He is there for about 3 days I believe(? Some deputies find him and they take him to the hospital for obvious reasons.
That’s all I remember˙◠˙ I don’t remember anything of how Derek and Stiles get together.
That’s it, sorry for the long ask and thank u for a the work you do ♡
Hey anon! You found your own fic. Thank you for letting me know!
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Coming Undone by KouriArashi
(11/11 I 57,618 I Teen I No Pairing)
Stiles deals with the aftermath of being abducted by Peter Hale and left for dead. It's harder than he would have thought to accept his place in the pack when he's convinced that he's the 'weak one' and can't protect himself. Fortunately, Scott and Sheriff Stilinski are there to help, and to nag Derek until he helps, too.
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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The Night Agent s01e06
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