#in the end i just settled on the gay girls. i wanted to get more specific but there were some emojis that just didnt suit my needs
funshinebf · 7 months
everyone shutthe fuck up and draw merylmilly ONE THOUSAND YEAR MERYLMILLY ATTACK‼️💥👭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💗🏳️‍⚧️
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johndonneswife · 2 months
I just wanted to tell you that your post about families and wedding stuff was relatable and I’m sorry you’re dealing with all of that. I can’t relate 100% since I am not getting married, but I’ve also never thought about it too much, since I have this fear that people who accept me now won’t accept me if I tell them I’m marrying a woman one day. I dunno, I think straight people are weird when it comes to weddings, like they didn’t think you were serious before that? Like it was a phase? (cont.)
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#thank you 🥺🥺🥺🥺#i also never thought about getting married until somewhere along my relationship with ayesha lol#i mean gay marriage was legalized in the usa when i was almost done with college so like! never occurred to me that it could happen for me#i def never had any wedding fantasizes and did not see myself settling down#i was actually like - marriage is so fucking heteronormative i will DIE before getting married!!!#the government does not own my love!!!! fuck the wedding industry!!!! etc#and i think i still have some hangups about that and feel like a sellout EVEN THO i want to marry aish more than anything#just making that clear lol#i think that’s also why they’re annoying me so much more than usual bc again they know how important ayesha is to me#but it’s okay 🫂 i was feeling my feelings the other day when i posted that#and now i’m just like. honestly if i was marrying a man my family still sucks so much i don’t think it would make a difference lolol#but i do agree re: straight ppl show their true colors when gay people try to get married. for sure#the main reason i am getting annoyed and frustrated is bc i have had multiple people#rsvp and un-rsvp and rsvp again. and then tell me oh they don’t actually know if they can make it#like girl u gotta actually lemme know this is not a house party it is a wedding. LIKE. aaaaargh#i also know i will neeeeever fucking hear the end of it from my mother and i think that’s what i’m dreading the most#‘i do so much for xyz and showed up for xyz’s wedding and did xyz for my brother and now he won’t even be going to my daughter’s WEDDING??!’#like. she’s already started that nonsense. and idk how to make it even more clear that i do not even care about her stupid brother 💀#anyway thank you for being understanding and for being so nice to me :’) ILY
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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marriedtobigfoot · 9 months
Steve ends up heartbroken, lonely and depressed after season 2. Nancy called him bullshit, even after he ditched all his old friends for her. Billy Hargrove took his spot at the top of the food chain. He can have it, Steve doesn't really want it anymore. But Steve does want to find some sort of connection. Someone to have in his life who isn't an 11 year old kid he barely knows. He tries to go on a date one night, take a nice-seeming girl to a party. He wants to find connection, to kill the loneliness that's been building for months, but just as he's feeling kind of good about things, his date ditches him.
So. He decides to drink his feelings. He gets majorly fucked up, and ends up laying on the ground in the backyard, contemplating how much life seems to hate him.
Only to literally get tripped over by Eddie Munson, who was at this party selling pot and is very confused as to why Steve Harrington is alone on the ground with a bottle of vodka clenched in one hand.
Eddie ends up chatting a little with Steve, nothing substantial, but enough to know that Steve is very very drunk, and also very very sad.
He asks if Steve wants to go back to the party, and Steve staunchly refuses. He doesn't want to be around a bunch of annoyingly happy people.
He asks if Steve needs a ride home, and Steve just kind of shrugs. His parents just left for another trip, so home is kind of depressing right now too. But he doesn't exactly have any other friends he can stay with so. Home it'll have to be.
Only Eddie can *tell* he doesn't really want to go home, though he has no idea why Steve wouldn't want to return to his veritable mansion after a shitty night. The reason doesn't matter much. He offers to let Steve crash at his place. Steve can take the couch, or hell he can stay in Eddie's room if he doesn't mind sharing, that way he wouldn't risk being woken up when Wayne comes home that morning.
And well, Steve agrees. Can't think of any reason not too. Munson has been nice so far, he's got a good easy-going energy that Steve likes. Why not stay the night.
By the time they get to Eddie's, Steve is *slightly* more sober. Not much, but he's slurring his words a little less, and he can walk with only a little help.
Eddie grabs them each a little plate of leftovers, because he has no idea if Steve's eaten at all. It's quiet while they eat, Eddie doesn't push Steve to talk, and Steve isn't sure what to say. Eventually Eddie sets the plates aside and give Steve an easy grin.
"So, do you want the couch, or are you crashing with me?"
Steve thinks about it for a while. He hasn't shared a bed with a guy-friend since he was a kid, and he's heard rumors about Eddie, whispers in the hall about the way he looks at other guys. But...Steve can't really bring himself to care. He's tired, and he really doesn't want to be alone.
"I don't mind sharing."
Eddie sets them both up in his room, letting Steve choose which side of the bed he wants, and they both settle in. There's a respectable distance between the two of them, and Eddie says a quick goodnight to Steve, figures they won't talk and just go right to bed.
Except Steve isn't sober, and he really isn't in a good headspace, so he can't stop himself from blurting things out into the quiet of the dark room.
"Are you really gay?"
Eddie stiffens next to him, he can feel it, he can hear the way that the other boys breath cuts off and he seems to stop breathing all-together.
"It's okay if you are, I'm not going to be an asshole about it, I'm trying not to be that guy anymore. I guess I was just curious."
It's quiet for another beat before Eddie seems to loosen just a little. He starts breathing again at least.
"Yeah I uh- I am. Gay. And if that's weird the couch is still open, I can-"
"It's not weird."
Steve let's himself mull over this confirmation, and then his mouth starts moving again, without his permission.
"Is it lonely? Cause I mean, it's got to be hard to date in Hawkins. People here are shitty. Unless you've got like, a secret boyfriend or something."
"No...no secret boyfriend. It does get a little lonely sometimes. I'm lucky though, I've got my uncle, and my friends are pretty great. That's enough most days."
"What do you do when it's not enough?"
"When your uncle and friends aren't enough, what do you do? To try and...make it better?"
Eddie is quiet again for a long stretch before he shrugs.
"I try to focus on something else. I'll play my guitar or work on a new campaign, read a book. Something to take my mind off it."
Now Steve is the one who seems tense, his jaw is tight and he's got his arms wrapped around himself. His next words come out as a whisper, but Eddie manages to catch them.
"I don't know how to do any of that."
He sounds almost choked, and Eddie is caught off guard. He's never seen Steve Harrington as anything other than solid, as happy. He's the king, after all. He's supposed to be all smiles and great hair. Only...Eddie's noticed that he hasn't hung out with his old friends lately, that he's eaten alone at lunch too many times to be anything other than strange.
"Steve...are you lonely?"
Eddie expects a denial, for Steve to laugh it off and tell Eddie that he's perfectly fine and fulfilled. Or maybe he expects a shrug, a non-answer. What he doesn't expect is the gut-wrenching sob that seems to tear past the other boys lips.
He doesn't expect to turn and see Steve Harrington's face, a scant foot from his, shining with tears.
He panics a little at the sight.
"Fuck- I'm so sorry-"
"Don't be." Steve tries to wipe his eyes, to hide the tremble in his voice. "Not your fault there's something wrong with me."
"What do you mean?"
"It's like I'm broken man, like nobody can stand to be around me. Tommy and Carol hate me now, Nancy- hell even my own parents hate being at home with me for more than a week. It's like I'm repellent or something. Couldn't even get a date to stick around for a whole night."
And Eddie's pretty sure *he* might start crying now. He'd never have expected this much from Steve, all that sadness to come pouring out. It wouldn't have happened if Steve was completely sober. Without thinking, he reaches out.
Eddie puts a hand on Steve's shoulder and waits to see if the touch gets rejected, but Steve seems to lean into him, so he lets his hand linger.
"This probably won't help, but I don't think you're repellent. And that's coming from somebody who your whole group used to torture. I don't know much about you, but I kind of liked having you around tonight."
Steve gives him a tiny smile. His eyes are still wet with tears, and the smile doesn't come close to reaching them. He seems impossibly small here in Eddie's bed.
"I don't know man. I just wish-"
He cuts himself off, apparently deciding his words are too far, but Eddie urges him to keep talking.
"What do you wish Steve?"
"I just wish that... there was somebody out there I could have a future with. Somebody who actually loved me, you know?"
It might be the saddest thing Eddie's ever heard, and he blames that fact for what he does next.
He takes his hand off Steve's shoulders and instead hauls Steve closer to him, fitting the other boy against his chest and wrapping his arms around him. It's a move that might get him decked, but he doesn't think it will. And he'll be damned if he doesn't hug Steve right that second.
He doesn't get hit. Steve tenses for a second, but it's just that one instant before he's melting into the embrace.
Eddie feels more tears falling against his shirt, and he couldn't care less. He keeps Steve close, let's him cry into his chest, runs a hand through that famous mop of hair.
He isn't sure how long it takes for Steve to calm down, but eventually he does. His breathing evens out, and he shivers a little before speaking.
"Thanks man."
And Eddie takes another leap of faith.
"I could be that person, you know."
"I mean. You know Im... not straight. It may not be exactly what you're wanting but. I think I could picture a future with you. If you want to, just for tonight...I could be that someone who loves you."
Steve looks at Eddie, like he's a puzzle that he needs to solve, before a other shiver seems to wrack his body.
"Just for tonight?"
It comes out as a whisper, but Eddie hears it all the same.
"Yeah. For tonight Steve."
"I think...I think I'd like that."
Eddie gives him the sweetest smile he can muster, and nods.
"Alright sweetheart."
Eddie isn't exactly sure what it means, to love Steve for the night. After all, Steve is straight. He figures it doesn't matter much though, it's only for a night.
He keeps a hold on Steve, let's him get comfortable tucked against Eddie, and he does what feels natural. He runs a hand up and down Steve's spine, traces shapes into the soft fabric of his shirt. He tangles their legs together, and in a moment of insane bravery he presses a kiss to the top of Steve's head.
He's met with a sigh, full of relief, and figures he's on the right track.
"Just close your eyes Stevie, I've got you."
"Can you tell me about it?"
"The future. You said you could see one. Can you tell me?"
And he asks so carefully, he sounds almost afraid, Eddie can't say no to that.
"Do you want the fantasy future, or the realistic future?"
"The real one."
"Alright then. Well, if I'm not going to be a rich and famous rockstar...I'll probably graduate and get a job somewhere in town. A real job, maybe working on cars or something. I'm good with cars. You'd come over all the time, have dinners with me and with Wayne. You'd have to meet Wayne. And we'd have more nights like this, sleeping close."
Steve let's out a pleased sounding hum, and shifts his face so it's buried even closer in Eddie's neck. He can feel Steve's breath on him.
"We could save up money and get a little place together, somewhere outside Hawkins. I have to stay kind of close, for my uncle, but maybe Indy?"
Steve nods, mutters something about staying close 'just in case'. He sounds like he might fall asleep, so Eddie keeps going.
"We could get an apartment, nothing too fancy. We would get two rooms, so nobody gets suspicious, but we would share a bed most nights. I'd play with my band on weekends, just for fun, and you'd join some little local sports team. I'd make sure to schedule DND nights so that I never miss a single game, even though I don't understand a damn thing about sports. We would come home for holidays, but most of the time it would just be us. I'd take good care of you, make sure you never go more than a few hours without me telling you I love you. I'll show up wherever you're working just to give you a hug and a kiss, and make sure you don't forget it. And I'll annoy the hell out of, but you won't mind too much, because I'll make you happy too."
Eddie can think of more. He can think about so many things. How he could give Steve one of his rings, even if they couldn't legally get married, even if Steve would never want that. Just as another reminder that he's loved. They could take trips together and go out to parties where Steve will never have to worry about getting ditched. Eddie doesn't do things halfway, and he has a hell of an imagination. He could picture them growing old together, if he tried, if he let himself. But this is just for tonight, so he doesn't. Instead he runs a hand through Steve's hair again, and listens to his quiet breathing. He thinks he may have fallen asleep, but he's wrong.
"That sounds nice."
It comes out muffled, spoken into Eddie's neck, but he manages to make it out, and he let's the vibration of it sink into his skin.
*It's only for tonight.*
He has to remind himself, because Steve is just feeling lonely. He doesn't want that future with Eddie, he just wants to feel loved.
But even if it's just pretend, just to help Steve for a few hours, he's okay with that.
Steve may think he's broken, but Eddie thinks he would be easy to love for a long time. Loving him for one night is nothing. He doesn't even have to try.
Tomorrow Steve will wake up sober, and he'll thank Eddie for letting him stay over, and they won't talk about it. Eddie will drive Steve back to his car in silence, and they'll say their goodbyes. They may not talk ever again, they never had before.
But for tonight? Eddie Munson will love Steve Harrington, and Steve? He'll let himself be loved, let himself beleive it. And he'll love Eddie right back.
Just for one night.
And if Steve ever needs it again? Eddie will love him for another night. And Steve will give that love right back. He's got plenty to spare, after all. And there's far worse people he could share it with.
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alessiasfreckles · 4 months
too in love to think straight
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Alessia always thought she was straight, until y/n joined the team. Y/n has a crush on Alessia, but is far too shy to do anything about it. Their meddling teammates decide to help them out.
warnings: none!
A/N: based off this prompt! longest fic yet at almost 4k words, so thank you for the prompt, it definitely helped the writer's block!
Alessia Russo was straight. Straight as a ruler. Sometimes her teammates joked about it, teasing her for being a heterosexual female footballer, one of a kind. She had never let the jokes they made get to her, always brushing them off, not even giving them a second thought. After all, she was straight, wasn’t she?
She watched you in training, sometimes. Not in a creepy way or anything, just in a… ‘wanting to know more about you’ way. Alessia was fascinated by you, even if she couldn’t quite explain why. You had joined the team a month ago and had already earned a reputation for being extremely shy and quiet. Sometimes your teammates would place bets on who could get you to say more than a single sentence that day, which you didn’t mind, really. You knew they weren’t doing it to be mean, and that they’d stop if you asked. Despite how shy you were, you’d already found your place in the team and felt comfortable there. The girls were your friends, even if you didn’t talk much. 
You were warming up in training, your hand on Steph’s shoulder as you swung your leg back and forth, when she said something that made you start giggling. The sound nearly made Alessia trip over her own feet, and when she looked up to see you grinning at Steph, she felt something flutter in her stomach.
That was normal, right? That was a thing that happened to straight people? She just really wanted to be friends with you, that was all. Right?
As the days went by, she started making an effort to talk to you more. She would coincidentally finish getting changed at the same time as you, meaning the two of you ended up walking together quite often. 
“So, um, how are you settling in?” she asked the first time it happened. 
“Good,” you said, smiling shyly. 
“That’s good! I settled in pretty quickly too, the girls are so nice and welcoming here, you know? I had been worried when I moved that it was going to take me ages to feel at home, but now it feels like I’ve been here forever!” she rambled, and then laughed awkwardly. “Oh, sorry, I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
“No, it’s okay,” you glanced up at her and gave her another smile, blushing slightly, and she smiled back. 
From then on, she found herself thinking about your smile a lot. She would look for you during training, hoping to catch a glimpse of it. It was even better when it was directed at her. 
“So we can all agree that Lessi definitely has a thing for y/n, right?” Steph said in the changing room to the few teammates that were still getting ready after the two of you had (completely coincidentally, of course) left at the same time once again. 
“Wait, I thought she was straight?” Kyra asked.
“Nah, y/n’s gay,” Jen piped up. “I mean, she doesn’t really talk about it much, but she posts about pride month on instagram and stuff, and we talked about what going to pride for the first time was like a couple weeks ago.”
“No, I know y/n is gay,” Kyra said, exasperated. “I meant Lessi. She’s like, the token straight in the team.”
“Yeah, I have a feeling that our token straight isn’t as straight as we thought. Or as she thought, for that matter,” Steph grinned. “Have you seen the way she follows y/n around? Like a lovesick puppy.”
“Maybe someone should try and find out if y/n feels the same way,” Jen suggested, a sly look on her face. “Ky, you should do it.”
“What?! No way,” Steph laughed. “Ky can’t keep her mouth shut to save her life.”
“Hey!” the younger Australian protested. “Actually, yeah she’s right. I would definitely just ask her outright if she’s interested in Less. Kinda get the feeling that we might need subtlety to get that kind of info out of her.”
Just then, Viv walked back into the changing room. “What are you guys doing in here? Come on, we’re all waiting for you.”
“Viv!” Steph exclaimed. “You’d be perfect for our plan!”
“What plan?” she asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.
“Okay, so you’ve noticed how Less has a crush on y/n, too, right?” Jen said, grinning. “Well, we want to find out if the feeling is mutual. But, you know, since y/n’s so shy we figured that just asking outright isn’t the right approach. So…. that’s where you come in!”
“Really, guys?” Viv said, looking unimpressed. “That’s their business.”
“Oh, come on, Viv,” Steph pleaded. “Look, we all know there’s no way y/n would make any moves herself, and Less probably hasn’t even realised she likes her yet.”
Viv sighed. “I guess you have a point. But I’m not going to push her, okay? If she doesn’t want to tell me, that’s fine.”
“Oooh, this is so exciting!” Kyra squealed, clapping her hands. “Oh, but remember to be subtle!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Viv said, rolling her eyes. “Now come on, everyone’s waiting.”
“So, um, you’re very much straight, right?” Alessia asked Ella as they had one of their weekly facetime calls. 
“Ha, yeah, unfortunately,” Ella grinned. “Why, you interested?”
“Yeah, yeah, very funny,” the blonde rolled her eyes. “As, y’know, a straight person, would you say it’s normal to, um, think about another girl? A lot?”
“Right, tell me everything,” Ella said, getting comfy. “Who is it?”
Alessia groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Y/n. The newbie?”
“Aw, yeah, she’s cute!” 
“Okay, so you think she’s cute too! So, it’s a perfectly normal thing to think about someone, isn’t it?” 
“Well, that depends,” Ella said with a grin. “Do you think she’s cute in a completely platonic way or in a ‘she’s cute and i want to kiss her and have sex and get married and have babies’ way?”
“Oh my god, Ella!” Alessia groaned again.
Ella laughed. “Okay, so it’s the second one.”
“I don’t know, maybe?” the blonde blushed at the thought, but had to admit to herself that it wasn’t the first time she’d thought about kissing you. “So, it’s not something straight people think about?”
“Nope,” Ella smirked. 
Okay, so maybe Alessia was as straight as one of those bendy rulers the cool kids had in high school.
“Ugh, what do I do?” she asked.
“I mean, you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to,” Ella said gently. “Like, about maybe not being straight, or about y/n.”
“Okay but,” Alessia started, then sighed. “Yeah, I don’t know if I want to do anything about the maybe not being straight bit. But, the y/n bit, I just, I don’t know! She’s just really fucking cute and like, really shy but when she does talk you can tell that she’s really smart and observant, and she has the cutest laugh, oh my god, the first time I heard it I nearly fell over, and I just want to be the one to make her laugh, you know? And like, I want to get to know her better. I want to know what she does when she gets home from training, what her favourite TV show is, what her family is like.”
“Well,” her best friend said. “Kind of seems like you do know what you want to do about y/n. You want to get to know her and make her laugh. Those seem like very achievable goals!”
“Yeah, I suppose,” the blonde said, frowning. Those were pretty achievable goals, actually. And technically she wouldn’t even be doing anything about her… well, her crush. She would just be getting to know her teammate. “Yeah. Thanks, Ella.”
“Anytime!” Ella said with a wide grin. “But as soon as this goes anywhere, I want to be the first to know, okay?”
Alessia let out a laugh, feeling much better after having talked to the brunette. “Deal.”
A few days later, you were walking on the treadmill in the gym when Viv joined the treadmill next to you. You smiled at her, not thinking much of it, and when she gestured for you to take your headphones out you did. 
“Shit, sorry, I hate it when people try talking to me when I have headphones in,” she cringed, laughing sheepishly.
“It’s fine,” you said with a small smile. You liked Viv. She was quiet too, but more confident than you were. 
“I just wanted to check in, see how you were feeling. You’ve been here for what, 5, 6 weeks now?”
“5 weeks today,” you said, and she nodded. “I’m feeling good. I really like it here. Everyone has been really welcoming.”
She smiled, and it was genuine. She really did want to know if you were settling in okay. “That’s great! I’m happy to hear that. Beth will be too.”
“You two really are the mums of the team,” you teased softly.
“Ha, yeah, people say that a lot,” Viv said with a laugh. The two of you jogged quietly for a minute before she spoke up again. “So, I noticed you and Lessi have been hanging out a lot lately.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you said, blush quickly rising your cheeks. “She’s, um, really nice.”
“She’s pretty new here, too,” the older player said offhandedly, glancing over at you. “Maybe she can show you some good spots in the area?”
“Yeah, that’d be nice,” you said, feeling your cheeks burn as you looked down at the treadmill, not wanting to meet Viv’s eye.
“I’m glad you’re making friends here, y/n,” Viv said with a kind smile, and you nodded.
“Okay, yeah, she has a crush on Less,” Viv announced to the girls in the changing room. It was the same group as before, Kyra, Steph and Jen, plus Katie, Leah, and Beth, who had gotten involved now too. 
“Oh my god, that’s so cute!” Steph gushed. “Wait, did she tell you that? Just like that?”
“No, of course not,” Viv said, rolling her eyes. “But trust me, okay? She likes her.”
“Alright,” Steph said, happy to believe her. “So, what’s the next step?”
“Guys, come on, you can’t meddle in this!” Leah said, standing up. “They have to figure it out for themselves!” 
“Aw, come on, Lee,” Katie said with a grin. “Surely a little push is okay? After all, there’s no way y/n is gonna do anything about it. And we’re still not sure Less even knows she likes her.”
Leah stood there for a minute, arms crossed, before sighing. “Fine, a little meddling is okay. But nothing big, alright?”
The girls grinned excitedly and got to planning.
Jonas clapped his hands, getting everyone’s attention. 
“Okay, ladies, I want you to partner up for this next one!” 
The team was close enough that things like this didn’t make you feel the same dread that it did in P.E. in high school. Partnering up now meant partnering up with any of your friends, not waiting anxiously to see if you were chosen. Still, you waited to see if anyone did choose you. 
Alessia sidled up to you with a smile. “Hey,” she said.
“Hi,” you replied, smiling back.
Behind your back, Steph and Katie shot each other a knowing look and a grin. 
“I meant to tell you, you played really well on Sunday,” the blonde said with pink cheeks. You weren’t sure if it was from the cold air or if she was blushing. 
“Oh, thank you!” you ducked your head, blushing a little. “So did you.”
“Thanks,” she smiled. “So, um, did you have a nice weekend? Aside from the game, I mean.”
You nodded. “Yeah, it was good. I just stayed home and relaxed.”
“Yeah? What did you get up to?” she asked, eager to know more about you, but realised she might be pushing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry-
“It’s okay,” you said, cutting her off and placing a hand on her arm, and she blushed at the gesture. “I didn’t really get up to much, to be honest. I watched some TV, read a bit, did some puzzles, baked a little. And the boring stuff, like doing some washing, cleaning. But I guess the other stuff is kind of boring too.” 
“No, it’s not! It’s interesting! I like learning about you,” she said quickly, then blushed deeper pink. “Um, what kind of puzzles? Like, jigsaw puzzles?”
You laughed gently. “Oh, no, like, um, puzzle books? Things like sudoku, crosswords, that kind of thing. It’s my guilty pleasure,” you admitted.
“Wow, so you’re smart, then,” she teased with a laugh. 
“Girls! Less chatting, more moving!” Jonas shouted across the field at the two of you.
“Oops,” Alessia said, grinning. “I guess he has a point.”
As you were walking back to the changing rooms after training, Jen came up from behind, clapping both of you on the back.
“Right girls, monthly movie night on Friday,” she said. “You in?”
You waited a beat to see Alessia’s reaction, before nodding.
“Great! Less, we good to do it at your place?” 
The blonde rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. “Do I really have a choice?”
“Nope,” Jen said with a grin. “Thanks, Less!”
She ran off, yelling to Katie that movie night was good to go, and Alessia laughed. “I’m not sure why they’ve picked my place,” she said, shrugging. “Personally I think Beth and Viv’s place is the best for movie nights. Plus, any excuse to see Myle, right?”
You nodded, smiling. You’d gone to one movie night at Beth and Viv’s place, a couple weeks after you joined the club. You’d been in awe of how close knit the team was, wanting to be a part of it, but not sure how. You hadn’t really said much that time, opting to sit on the corner of the sofa, watching everyone else around you.
“You’ll come too, right?” Alessia asked, her voice hopeful, and you felt your heart skip when you realised she was hoping that you would come, hoping you’d be at her place. 
“Yeah!” you said, trying not to sound too eager. 
“Good!” she said, sounding relieved. 
For the next few days, you couldn’t stop thinking about the upcoming movie night. You knew it wasn’t a big deal, really. After all, it was a bigger group of the girls that were going to be there, not just the two of you. Still, that alone was a scary thought. You preferred your own company, or the company of just a few people rather than a big group. 
Despite knowing that the evening was in no way a special occasion, you decided to dress a little nicer than you normally would for a night in (meaning you wore the slightly nicer leggings rather than the stained jogging bottoms you used as pjs half the time), putting your favourite perfume on to give you a boost of confidence. As you got closer to Alessia’s house, though, your stomach started tying itself in knots. You forced yourself to keep going despite how nervous you felt about being at the other player’s home for the first time, and rang the doorbell. 
“Y/n, hi!” Alessia said, beaming when she opened the door. “Come in! Oh, you can leave your shoes and coat over there, if you want.”
She wouldn’t admit it, but she was nervous too. She’d spent far longer than usual tidying and preparing for the evening, and had swapped out the decorative cushions on her sofa three times before giving up. 
“Am I early?” you asked when you realised you were the only one there. 
“No, don’t worry! Some of the others just have a habit of being late. Half the time I tell Katie an earlier time than we’re actually planning, just so she shows up on time. Speak of the devil,” she said with a grin when another car pulled up outside.
20 minutes later, the others had all arrived as well. It was a smaller group than last time, just 9 of you, though you weren’t sure how many more than that would be able to fit into Alessia’s living room. You were a little disappointed when Katie arrived so soon after you had, enjoying the short-lived one on one time you were spending with her. 
Meanwhile, Alessia and Leah were in the kitchen, getting drinks for everyone.
“So, you and y/n have been spending a lot of time together,” Leah said casually. “What’s that about?”
Alessia blushed. “We’re… friends?”
“Is that right?” Leah said with a knowing grin.
“Okay, fine,” Alessia said, easily giving in to Leah’s knowing look. She glanced over her shoulder, checking that the kitchen door was closed before continuing. “I just think that she’s really cute, okay? And yeah, maybe I want to kiss her, so what?”
Suddenly she was being hugged tightly by Leah. “This is so exciting!” the older blonde squealed, making sure to keep her voice down. “You should tell her.”
“What?! No way,” Alessia laughed, shaking her head. “I have no idea if she feels the same way!”
“Oh, come on, she definitely does!” Leah insisted. “Haven’t you noticed that you’re, like, one of the only people y/n talks to on a daily basis? Full conversations, too!”
“Pfft, that doesn’t mean anything,” the younger player said, frowning. Did it mean something?
Leah sighed. “If you say so. Just remember, though: tonight is for your own good.” she said with a wink, and left the kitchen before Alessia could ask what the hell she was on about.
She started to get an idea about 15 minutes, when Steph, Kyra and Jen all got a text message and mysteriously had to leave. 5 minutes after that, Beth checked her phone and, not particularly convincingly, said, “Oh, the neighbour has just messaged me that she can hear Myle going crazy, we should head home and check on her.”.
Alessia raised an eyebrow. It didn’t take long for Leah and Katie to make up a similar excuse. The door swung closed behind them, and she turned to smile at you sheepishly. 
“And then there were two,” she said. “Sorry, I’m not sure what all that was about. This isn’t how movie nights usually go.”
“If I’m being honest, I’m kind of glad it’s just the two of us, rather than a big group,” you admitted shyly, internally cursing the blush you could already feel rising to your cheeks.
“Me too,” Alessia said with a smile. Before she could get another word out, however, the bluetooth speaker she kept in her training bag next to the door started blaring Love Story by Taylor Swift. The song was accompanied by a couple of car headlights flashing outside the window and some honks, and when the two of you looked out you could see Katie grinning from her car before she sped off, cutting off the music when she left the range of the speaker.
“Right, well, I feel like she didn’t quite think that through,” Alessia laughed, shaking her head at your teammates’ antics. 
Your cheeks were pink and thoughts were rushing through your mind. Did they know you liked her? Was that why they’d picked that song? And why they’d all left?
Alessia’s phone buzzed, and she checked it to find a message from Leah, saying ‘Just tell her! You’ve got this!! x’. She quickly turned her phone off again when you glanced over, and gestured towards the TV, where the film the girls had picked was still playing. 
“Want to keep watching?”
“Sure,” you nodded, though really you weren’t that interested. If it meant you got to hang out with Alessia longer though, you were all for it. You both sat down and started watching the film again, but it didn’t take long for the two of you to start chatting, the film playing in the background. 
“It’s good that your family were so supportive when you came out,” Alessia said.
“Yeah, they were really sweet, actually. To be honest, I kind of think they expected it, you know? Being a female footballer and all that,” you said, then quickly blushed, realising what you’d said. “Not that, um, all female footballers are gay, of course, I mean, I know you’re, um-”
She laughed gently, blushing a little. “It’s okay, I know what you mean. I think my family were actually surprised, really, when I never showed any interest in girls,” Up until now, she thought. “I’m just gonna, um, get a drink, do you want anything?”
“Oh, no, that’s okay, thank you,” you said quickly, not wanting to make extra work for her. 
Grinning, she picked up your empty glass anyway and took it to the kitchen with her. When she was in there, she pulled out her phone, quickly texting Leah, ‘I don’t know how to tell her!’. She anxiously bit her lip as she waited for a reply, not realising that the water was overflowing in the glass. She swore under her breath when she realised, but was quickly distracted when a reply came through. ‘Tell her how you feel! That’s all you have to do x’. Well. That wasn’t particularly helpful.
She went back into the living room and set the glasses down on the coffee table. 
“So, when did you know you liked girls?” she asked, taking a sip of water.
“I think I always knew, really. I was just never that interested in boys, and I had a huge crush on a girl in my P.E. class in high school.”
“Oh, is that your type then? Sporty girls?” she teased, and you blushed. “Has, um, anyone caught your eye here then?”
“I, uh, I-” you stammered, cheeks burning. 
She laughed nervously. “Sorry, I’m teasing. Um, actually, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
You could feel your heart pounding as you wondered where this was going. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, I- well, I don’t think I am, um, straight, after all. At least, there’s at least one girl that I am interested in,” she said, sucking in a breath and looking at you with bright eyes. “You.”
“Me?” you squeaked, brain struggling to process what she was telling you. 
“I’m so sorry if I’ve made this awkward, if you don’t feel the same way, I’ve never done this before with a girl, and I really didn’t mean to make things awkward, we can just stay friends if you want, I’m so so happy to just be your friend as well-” Alessia rambled, barely pausing to take a breath until you put a hand on her leg, making her stop.
“I’m, um, interested in you, too,” you said shyly, unable to meet her gaze. There was a part of you that was still wondering if this was all a big joke. When Alessia’s hand cupped your cheek, you started to feel pretty sure it wasn’t.
“Really?” she asked, lifting your head so she could look you in the eyes.
“Really,” you told her.
You both leant in, gravitating towards one another, and you could barely breathe. You’d thought about this moment, dreamt about it. Whenever the two of you exchanged glances at training, when she laughed at something you said, when your hands brushed as you walked next to each other, you’d think about what it would be like to kiss her.
Now you were finally going to find out.
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bountycancelled · 5 months
something more than friends
(lucy gray baird x reader)
tip me on kofi if you feel so inclined
requested: yep, I hope you like it anon♡
content: a little bit of angst but mainly fluff, men (derogatory), kinda lovesick!lucy gray, jealous lucy gray (we love to see it), pretty intense description of kissing but no smut.
warnings: a very brief mention of drinking, internalised homophobia but it doesn't last long, gay stuff (duh), lowercase intended I know boo I'm annoying.
a/n: I haven't read the book yet so idk much about the covey so their appearance may ooc but that's solely due to my lack of knowledge on them
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lucy gray baird never faltered when she sang.
there were very few things that could get under her skin when she was on that stage, strumming her guitar and twirling in her skirt as the district folk stomped along to the beat.
sure, sometimes drunkards and the occasional hung up ex would try to cause a scene, attempting to gain her attention from below, but she would simply roll her eyes, waiting for someone to take care of them so that she could go back to doing what she did best. performing.
so what exactly had happened to make the lucy gray baird, forget a line in a song?
she was quick to remedy her mistake, carrying the tune in such a way that most patrons didn't even notice her mess up. but ironically enough, the very cause of her brain fog noticed. you.
you gave her a worried look, but she brushed it off, willing herself to continue playing as if nothing was wrong. and technically, nothing was wrong. you were there, in the far back of the crowd, wearing a white dress with a drink in your hand. and Lucy Gray didn't mean to be cliché, but you really did look like an angel, something divine that she had the honour of setting her eyes on.
but obviously, she wasn't the only one who thought that.
you were speaking to some man. which was fine, you were always the most gorgeous girl in the room in her eyes and she knew that she wasn't the only one who appreciated your beauty, you were always needing to awkwardly laugh at men's advances and brush them off as best as you could, but you weren't doing that tonight.
you were laughing, a genuine laugh, leaning in to hear his voice over the music, over her singing. she wanted to jump off of the stage and break her guitar over that assholes face, and she couldn't explain why.
she had always known that one day, you'd settle down with a kind man who cared for you (not nearly as much as she did, but that was okay) and then she would see you less and less. but knowing didn't make the taste in her mouth any more bitter.
the first time you told her about a crush that you had, on a boy named Tom, she spent the whole night convincing you that he just wasn't right for you. you believed her of course, rejecting him swiftly the next week when he asked you to go on a walk with him, walking instead with lucy gray, hand in hand.
but then, she did it every time you spoke about a boy, and you started to believe her less and less. 'I think you're just jealous lucy gray, and you don't anybody taking my attention away from you.'
you were right, she was jealous, and the thought of you, with a man, it disgusted her to her core. which is why she took off as soon as her set ended, not even staying for the applause as she searched for you outside.
there you were, and thankfully, you were alone, no undeserving man in sight.
she ran up to you, her brown eyes seemingly sparkling even in the darkened night. "how'd you enjoy the show, darlin'?"
her heart jumped when you smiled at her, your eyes crinkling in joy as you took both of her hand in yours, squeezing them affectionately. "you have the voice of an angel, lucy gray. and I envy the lucky fella who's gonna marry you, and have to serenade them whenever they want."
lucy gray rolled her eyes in a good natured fashion, trying to ignore the knot in her stomach when you mentioned her getting married. "I already serenade you, sweet thing. and im not gonna let some wedding band stop me."
you laughed airily, leading her by the hand towards the lake, where you spent most nights together. you sat down at the edge, laying your head in her lap when she sat beside you. her hand went to your hair, and she fought the urge to by giddy at the sight of your head in her lap, you were just... perfect.
"who was that guy that you were talking to back then? when I was singing, I mean." she asked, her voice uncharacteristically quiet.
you thought back to about an hour prior, picturing every person that you had been with throughout the evening as you tried to recall who she was asking about in particular. "oh! that was matthew, his dad and my dad go way back, but the two of us never really shared their closeness for whatever reason. but after speaking to him tonight I'm a bit upset that I never tried to grow a friendship with him earlier."
she nodded, her cherry glossed lips pressing into a thin line. "he doesn't just wanna be friends with you though, I could see it." you scoffed playfully, raising a brow at her curiously. "you were all the way up on stage, in the middle of your favourite song to perform, and somehow, you could tell that much from so far away?"
she opened her mouth to defend herself, but after realising just how insane the notion sounded when you phrased it in that way, she quickly closed it again. "I'm not gonna let any man take me away from you, lucy gray, believe me when I say that I can't live without you."
your words sent a fury of butterflies in her stomach, and she swore that felt dizzy as you picked your head up, moving your face so close to hers that your noses were almost touching. she wanted to kiss you. god, what the hell was wrong with her? how could she be thinking of you in this way?
despite her inner conflict, she made no moves to create some distance between your faces, selfishly wanting to stay like this for as long as you'd let her. "I wish we could get married." she sighed, her eyes widening at her own words. "I meant- not like, I didn't mean- not in, like, a husband and wife typa way-"
you cut her off with trying to, with a tilt of your head making her suck in a sharp breath. "you don't wanna do husband and wife things with me?" you asked, and she could swear that your voice had a certain tone about it, one that made her cheeks feel blazing and her breaths shallow.
she shook her head, her usually fierce tone reduced to a meek almost whisper. "we can't do those stuff together."
you were too close for comfort. she could feel the tip of your nose against hers and if you leaned in any further, she was sure that she would combust. "who cares if we can't? the more important question is, do you want to?"
inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. she had forgotten how to breath. this wasn't right, she knew that, so why were her lips on yours in a flash, her hands in your hair, around your waist, holding your hands, touching any part of you that she could reach as the two of you kissed? in public, no less?
she couldn't find it in her mind to stop, not when your soft, sweet lips moved in tandem with hers as if you were molded to fit each other. when you pulled away, with lucy gray chasing your lips with an involuntary whine, you held her by the shoulders, a look of concern on your face.
that was when she felt it. the guilt knawing at her stomach, and the tears thar flowed down her face. was she crying because of how overwhelming her feelings were for you? maybe it was because she knew that you would have to hide... whatever had just happened between the two of you.
you leaned your forehead against hers, you sweet voice easing her fear. "I love you." she nodded, not being able to say it back just yet, but she could only hope that you knew. she moved to kiss you again, being startled out of her mind by a girlish scream in the distance.
it was maude ivory, eyes wide and hand slapped over her mouth in shock, with an equally suprised tam amber standing next to her. lucy gray felt sick to her stomach.
"I knew it." tam Amber said with a shrug, moving to sit next to the two fo you as she stared out at the moonlit lake. "no one looks at their friend like how lucy gray looks at you."
"can I be the flower girl? and the maid of honour? and the priest?" maude ivory rambled, laying half in lucy grays lap and half in yours. you simply laughed, explaining that her dream wasn't exactly possible but flower girl was certainly doable as lucy gray watched, tears threatening to fall from her eyes once again. only this time, they were of relief.
the joy she felt in her chest, at the thought that you could be... together in front of the covey was the best gift she could possibly be given. you and her, together. not just as best friends. although it was hard to wrap her head around it, she knew that it was exactly what she wanted and she had it on good authority that you wanted it too.
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biboomerangboi · 1 year
Not enough people talk about how in Rebel Robin, Robins parents are ex-hippy stoners forcing themselves to settle down but in doing so have giving Robin like all theses ideals about the world and like have talked to her about gay people and bi people they’ve met and that helps her with her realisation.
Like don’t get me wrong she’s still afraid to come out to them cause they don’t seem to hang out with any of the queer people she’s heard about and her sexuality is still very new to her but like there’s a chance Robin would have come out to her parents in between season 3 and 4.
So just picture for me, Robin comes out post starcourt because she’s been through scarier shit. She sits her parents down and talks to them with the knowledge that someone knows and has accepted her before. Also knowing that if things do go bad she has Steve and can run away to him. But her parents don’t take it bad. They like don’t take it great either because she’s not super close to them. But they still took it in and we’re awkward about it but not in a homophobic way in a very we’re trying to be strict parents but accepting parents kinda way.
So now Robin isn’t allowed to have any girl sleepovers but Steve basically is allowed to move in and she’s allowed to go to his anytime she wants. Steve is invited to family dinner and for once he’s not grilled like he’s taking their daughters virtue and instead her parents just see him as an extension of Robin, and Robin loves it cause she doesn’t have to perform or like live up to expectations. Her home becomes a safe place even though the world gotten so much scarier now that she knows monsters are real. But she has some support and is accepted.
But after 4 she starts to catch feelings and her parents know, and suddenly theres the strict parents she’s been waiting for. They treat Nancy like they would any boy beforehand. Robin has a curfew. She’s grilled repeatedly. Her parents ask questions about Nancys family and grill Steve for more info. Steve has the joy of saying Robin is at his place that night and to play the friend who like answers the calls being like, “Yes Mr Buckley, Robin is for sure with me. No she can’t come to the phone she’s in the bathroom. Sure she’s safe. Definitely not with a girl rn. Yes I’ll see you at dinner tomorrow when I drive her over.”
Like I just think it’d be so cool if her parents know and like know her and Steve are completely platonic so they are fine brining him in, but they will grill Nancy like she’s being interviewed for a change. Because that’s their little girl at the end of the day and they only want what’s best for their little girl. Meanwhile Steve is like a part of the family, he’s Robins brother he’s at this table because he’s a part of the shovel talk.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Do You Know What Shovels Dig? Graves Part 2
My version of the shovel talk trope.
Part Two to This!
Eddie knocked on Steve’s door bouncing on his toes.
Steve opened the door and then just led Eddie into the front room without a word. Eddie’s heart let out a small mewl of distress. Either Jonathan had been underselling it or Steve was worse than when he left. Eddie had a sinking feeling it was the latter.
“I’m guessing Jonathan called you,” Steve said, sitting down hard on the sofa.
“Came over and plied me with weed, actually,” Eddie said, settling next to him. “I get why you didn’t tell me. I can’t fault you for being hurt by people who you thought cared. But I can fault me for not noticing you were hurting. Because yeah, maybe you couldn’t say why, but I could have been there for you anyway.”
Steve’s shoulders sagged. “I should have at least told you that I was feeling upset.”
“I think the part that upsets me more than anything, love,” Eddie murmured, pulling Steve close to his chest, “is that I’m the newbie in all this, shouldn’t they be more worried that I’ll hurt you? I’m the wild card here, not you.”
Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist. “And it’s not as though I ended my last major relationship, either. That was all Nancy. I was trying my best, I really was. And I’ve tried with every other girl I’ve dated seriously, too. I’m always being broken up with, not the one doing the breaking.”
Eddie laid down and pulled Steve flush along the length of his body. “I’m the love and leave ‘em type, not you, sweetheart. The reason you are my first real relationship is because I liked not having to worry about get my heart stomped on by straight boys experimenting with gay sex and then fucking off back to their girlfriends.”
“So why are they coming after me?” Steve asked piteously, snuggling into Eddie’s neck.
“Because I keep myself to myself,” Eddie explained. “Even though I’m out and loud, I keep it tucked in my chest. But you sweetheart, wear your heart on your sleeve.”
Eddie kissed him and slowly began to rub circles up and down his back. He deepened the kiss. Yes, this was supposed to be a distraction, but he really wanted to make his boyfriend forget about his troubles for awhile. They were lost to time for awhile.
They didn’t get to sex, not really. Their clothes were still on, but Steve was sleepy and relaxed, so Eddie counted that as a win. He slipped out from under his boyfriend.
“Stay,” Steve mumbled into the sofa
“I’ll right back, darlin’,” Eddie assured him. “You need some sleep and I have to run a quick errand. You nap for a bit and I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay?”
“’Kay,” he replied, mostly asleep. “I love you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart,” Eddie said kissing his temple.
Eddie managed to arrived at the Byers house before everyone else. Will let him in.
Will led him to the front room where Joyce and Jonathan were waiting. Jonathan was on the sofa and Joyce was standing up chewing on her thumb.
“I talked to Jim and really chewed him out for scaring Steve like that,” she said the second she saw Eddie. “That wasn’t fair. Jim is supposed to be like a father to Steve, not be another bully.”
Eddie hugged her. “Thanks. I’ll talk to Wayne later, too. I didn’t even know he owned a shotgun.”
El scoffed. “He borrowed Dad’s.”
Eddie threw his head back and rolled his eyes. “Yup. That makes more sense actually and Steve would be too terrified to realize it was the same gun. He is in so much trouble for that.”
Soon everyone had arrived and piled into the small front room.
“What’s this about?” Dustin asked. “Jonathan said it was serious on the walkie. Not like Code Red, but bad.”
“I think it almost was,” Jonathan bit out.
Eddie winced, because he couldn’t be one hundred percent that if Jonathan hadn’t shown up that Steve wouldn’t have done what he threw at the older teen.
The room was silent. Eddie could hear his own ragged breaths and rapidly beating heart.
“Someone say something,” Robin pleaded. “What’s going on?”
“You are all assholes,” Will bit out. “Steve wouldn’t break Eddie’s heart if it was in his power and you all know it. So why the hell would you tell him if he did you would kill him? Not just cause him bodily harm, but actual death. Haven’t we seen enough of death to last our life time?!” He had been sitting on the sofa next to Jonathan when the meeting started but had risen to his feet.
Mike scoffed. “It not serious.”
“It sure the hell wasn’t the first time. But what about the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth or even the ninth time?” El asked, her eyes blazing.
“Ninth?” Robin asked.
Jonathan nodded. “If my math’s right. It could be more or less, but yeah. There were only a small dedicated handful that didn’t tell Steve some variation of ‘hurt Eddie and I’ll hurt you’, myself included.”
“That can’t be right,” Dustin said with a frown.
“Oh no, Dusty,” Eddie said, tilting his head side to side. “That’s absolutely correct. And worse is that none of you shit heads even said boo my direction. Not that I want to be threatened. I get enough of that, which now that I think about it...that’s why, isn’t it?”
The silence in the room was deafening.
“Oh, that is it!” Eddie crowed. “Can’t go after me because I get literal death threats so lets all dogpile on Steve instead!”
“Steve was in a really bad place when I went over there this morning,” Jonathan said into the bitter hush.
Joyce stepped forward. “I realize most of you are children and don’t quite understand what you did. But actual adults got involved in this mess. Adults that should have known better. So let me put this to you in a way you can understand so this never happens again. You’re getting to age were you’re dating yourselves, so think about how you would feel if someone came to your partner and threatened them with violence.”
“I’d be pissed,” Max said from the corner. “It’s no one’s business but ours.”
Joyce held out her hand to emphasize her point.
“Oh,” Nancy said from the corner of the room. She looked over at Jonathan and then ducked her head, crossing her arms over her stomach.
“Steve is so far from the boy that was a dick in his junior year,” Jonathan said. “Like that was four years ago. Almost five. And yet you still treat him like he hasn’t grown. Are you even his friends at this point or are you just so used to having him around that he’s just a tool to you to be used.”
“We don’t use him, do we?” Lucas asked, his voice cracking with emotion.
“You tell me,” Eddie huffed. “Do you ask anyone else to take you places? Do you have parties anywhere other than his place? Do expect him to be there for you when this shit gets to you, but don’t check in on him?”
The room was filled once again with the awkward silence.
“We didn’t mean to,” Dustin said, near tears.
“I want all of you to apologize to Steve,” Joyce in her best mom voice. “Work on being better friends. Because if you don’t, some day you might wake up and wonder how he just slipped away.”
They all nodded.
Erica tilted her head to side. “Wait a minute. Why didn’t you give Eddie or Steve the shovel talks? Any of you?”
Jonathan shrugged. “Just didn’t care enough. Plus I always thought they were bullshit, anyway. Shit happens. Any of you want Nancy dead because she broke Steve’s heart?”
Nancy’s head shot up and her jaw dropped.
“I love you,” Jonathan said. “But you can’t deny that’s what happened.”
She snapped her jaw shut.
The whole room was shaking their heads. Of course they didn’t want to hurt Nancy.
“Friends don’t hurt their friends,” El said. “And if you’ve been hurting Steve, maybe he needs to be taken away until you learn to play nicely.”
Joyce hid her smile under her hand. That was one way to look at it.
They looked at Will.
He rolled his eyes. “I think made myself pretty clear when we started this, so yeah. Fuck off.”
“William!” Joyce hissed. “Language!”
Will looked up at her completely unrepentant. She sighed. “I’m with my boys, I’m afraid. Shovel talks are bullshit and Steve is a good boy who has continued to go to bat, sometimes quite literally, for all of us. He could have walked away from the Upside Down fuckery at any time, but he came. He stayed. He took hits meant for someone else. Someone weaker. That’s a good friend. Maybe you should start treating him like one, too.”
Eddie looked around at everyone. “Has everyone learned their lesson?”
Everyone nodded.
“Good,” he said. “Now I’m going to back to Steve because he’s waiting for me. But I want those apologies. I don’t care if you call, write, or visit. But you will apologize. And no more shovel talks.”
And now with part three! Part four ! Part Five Part Six
Tags because they asked:  @justforthedead89 @zerokrox-blog @ihavekidneys
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misskattylashes · 2 months
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My controversial Milex theory
So, common lore is that Miles has always been this free and easy, liberated rocker, and Alex was the repressed, closeted one, holding Miles back from coming out. But recent events have made me think differently. There was the Miles at church thing, the realisation from Knee Socks that that is possibly about Miles and his religious guilt (the ghost in your room etc), and now the Suki Waterhouse thing. He has deliberately posted her song, congratulating her on her hit. It is an unusual move for him, but there won’t be any speculation about them because she is settled with Robert Pattison and they have recently had a baby. It is like Miles is making an effort to show there is no bad blood between them.
Why? Well I am thinking that maybe he is gearing up to come out, and seeing as Suki was his biggest publicised romance and she was supposed to have left him for Bradley Cooper (who it is rumoured also gay/bi) then Miles is now saying between the lines that it is no big deal what happened between them.
Alex always gets the bad rap because he is the one who has had long term girlfriends, but I think we have to look closer at Miles. He too has been in situations where he was sticking his tongue down the throat of a Page Three Girl or some model, and his lyrics in the early days were full of ‘she’ and ‘girl’ much more than FWN or Humbug. Even his videos always had females in them, just as much as AM’s videos (and let’s not forget, Alex has never fully interacted with a woman in an MV).
Personally, I think from 2008 – 2015 Miles and Alex had a casual thing going, but listening to Alex’s lyrics from this period, I would say that he realised early on that he was in love with Miles, and it was an open secret. See any clip of the Monkeys being interviewed around this time and the other boys pull faces when he talks about Miles. Whereas I think Miles was still convincing himself he could ‘go straight’ if he wanted to. I say this because in between DWYA and CDG we have EYCTE, and twice Alex has made reference to them ‘falling in love’ during this time, and by the end of the tour, Miles looks as lovesick and smitten with Alex as Alex has with him since 2008. Miles could no longer fight his feelings and had to come to terms with his sexuality, but by then he had mucked Alex around too much, and Alex had to go back to being CEO of Arctic Monkeys, so Alex wouldn’t commit to him. Hence you get CDG (but you also get the Ultracheese). This led to their breakdown around 2017 -2018. But instead of what everyone thinks, that La Cigale was the beginning of the end, I think it was the opposite.
By NYE 2018/2019 they are in their local in Bethnal Green, celebrating (Louise is there but Alex is trying to ignore her) and by Change the Show, Miles’ lyrics are no longer gender specific (apart from Caroline) and he sounds more annoyed at Alex rather than full of angst and hurt like CDG.
Then we get to OMB/The Car.  OMB is full of songs where Miles is reflecting upon his own behaviour, and on The Car we have Jet Skis and Hello You that hint at their reconciliation.
So in summary, I think Alex’s closet is very public but in their inner circle everyone knew the truth, but Miles’ struggles were far more internal and it took for him to realise he was in love with Alex for him to come to terms with who he really was and he had to become comfortable with that before they had any future.
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pupyuj · 8 months
hey bestie -
any thoughts abt this? 😇
i hate her so bad HER SMIRK... HER HAND... I THINK SHE SHOULD DO THAT TO ME— and i'm making yuj g!p here bcs come on... ya'll know why. sorry if this dragged on i'm kinda obsessed... this might as well have been a fic 😭
hhdhhsdjxn being the dancer that's paired up with her and you're so shyyy bcs how could you not? ☹️ ahn yujin was so much prettier up close, and the thought of her putting her hands on you really just got your mind reeling... so much so that you ended up spacing out in the middle of practice bcs you were thinking of a lot of things and got scolded by the choreographer, which yujin witnessed when she took a walk out of the room and saw you pitifully standing in front of the choreographer with your head down,,, apologizing to yujin about the whole thing and promising her that you will not fuck up starting from now, and she was so nice about it!
yujinnie offering to practice with you more after everybody was gone,, you insisted that she should rest up so she could have energy for tomorrow's practice but this girl was so persistent—she didn't want to leave you alone 😳 "ghosts walk around here at night, unnie, did you know that?" she teased while poking your sides, smiling widely at the way you froze up at the thought she's so 😭 she's silly but she gets all serious once the music started! and you work so well together too, the two of you just overflowing with charisma and chemistry 🫣🫣
"yujin-ah, if you hold me so gently like that, nobody's going to be convinced that you're in control of me." you joked bcs yujin has her hand wrapped around your neck, but really she was just touching it, no grip whatsoever 😭 yujin's gay ass blushing, but you don't notice bcs she covers it up with an awkward laugh, "aha, well... how tight should i...?" she asks, pulling on the sleeves of her sweater nervously,,, taking her hand and putting it around your neck again, "let's see what looks best! go on." you were saying with a smile?? yujin didn't know whether to think you were insane or just purely oblivious 😭
"g-go...?" yujin was so nervous??? she was pretty sure she had the 'upper hand' earlier, what happened??
you tilted your head, smiling innocently at yujin before saying the words that made her knees turn to jelly. "choke me, yujin." seriously, what the fuck happened????? regardless, and despite her flustered state, yujin does what she was told! she tightens her grip on your neck, albeit slightly. you nod at her, telling her to continue on. she does it again, and now it was getting difficult to breathe.
yujin had to admit that you breathing heavily while clutching the sleeve of her sweater was a major turn on,, her eyes darken the longer her hand was on your neck, she so loved that sick look in your eyes that told her that you were into this entire thing too,, she suddenly pulls you closer?? her face so close to yours, eyes scanning every feature in your face, and yujin was so sure that she was going to kiss you... until you started tapping on her wrist. and then she goes back to sweet baby mode and releases your neck from her grip, "are you okay, unnie?" she was very worried :(((
"y-yeah! that was really good, yujin-ah." you turned back to the mirrors in an attempt to hide your red face,,, but it really was too late bcs yujin already knew you liked all of that 😭 restarting the music and still working amazingly together despite the awkwardness that now settled in the air, and then comes that part... which yujin somehow messed up?? so you had to do it all over again, and again, and again... eventually, it was getting tiring 🫢 but neither of you were going to give up!!
getting to that part again and oh.. yujin's thoughts got the best of her,, and it didn't help that you looked way too good in your crop top so she ended up getting way too into the choking part,, her grip was the tightest it's ever been and fuck she looked so hot looking down at you like you were some kind of inferior thing she can just toy with 😵‍💫 you let her pull you close enough to her face again, her breath fanning your face and her eyes so fucking focused on your lips,, but see... you didn't want to stir up trouble at such a time so you tapped out again,, "i think we got this part down, yujin-ah." you said with a forced smile,, christ you wanted her so bad,,
"u-um..." yujin fiddles with the hem of her sweater awkwardly,, she was so different from the girl you saw merely seconds ago?? and for what reason?? guess you'll never know bcs she bolted out of the practice room without a single word, leaving you confused,,,
little did you know, poor yujin ran to a small empty room to take care of her little problem! you, her sweet and lovely (y/n)-unnie, proved to be too much of a cute thing to her gay little brain so of course... she got a boner while choking you 🫣🫣 reaching down to try and jerk herself off as quickly as she could bcs she never rlly learned to calm herself down without masturbating until she got a sick ass thought before she could touch her dick underneath her boxers 👀 you were the one who did this to her, so you should be the one to help her out right??
yujinnie making her way back to the practice room with a clouded mind 🫣 the only thought occupying her brain is fucking you until your knees were weak... and the want only intensified when she saw you stretching on the floor of the room,, you immediately smile at yujin upon seeing her and stood up. "there you are! i was wondering if you went home without me... should we pack it up?" you asked, approaching her and oh you looked so cute :((( with your smile, your soft eyes, and the pure excitement in your voice... yujin couldn't wait to ruin you 🫢
your bag being close to the wall... and yujin backhugs you as you stood up,, "yujin-ah?" you asked with a laugh,, you could feel her dick poking your ass but you didn't want to comment on it bcs it's not like you didn't know she had one! "since i helped you perfect the choreo, you should pay me back, unnie." yujin grinds on your ass slowly, her breathing deep and low,, and see... you weren't about to reject her now that you knew she felt the same way as you did... so what else could you do but press back against her? and put her hands on your tits??
😵‍💫 yuj relentlessly thrusting her dick in your cunt as soon as both of you have pulled your pants down,, you moaning loudly helplessly while yujin pounds you from behind,, her cursing right at your ear about how tight you were, how much of a slut you are for her, and how well she would ruin you tonight,, we all know yujin is huge, so her dick was a tight fit in your pussy but at the same time, it felt so right being filled so full like this 🤤🤤 yujinnie spreading your cheeks and watching as her cock disappeared inside your cunt, only coming out even more drenched from your slick...
mmdhdjkfsk yujin reaching for your neck and pulling you back to her,, her ears tingling bcs of the noises you made as she choked you,, "u-unnie... wan' me to come inside you?? i want to... wanna breed your pretty pussy and make you my little slut... w-want that, too, unnie?" and having to nod bcs you couldn't rlly talk 🫠 yujinnie pressing your face against the cold wall while she continues her assault on your pussy,, just using you like she would use a toy,, slapping your ass until it turns red and she leaves marks 😫
her grabbing your waist and holding you down on her cock as she comes inside you,, painting your insides with her warm cum and filling you up nice and full,, getting pissed at the way her cum leaked out of your pussy as soon as she pulled out... so she fucks it back into you with her fingers??? and it gets sooo messy bcs she uses both her hands, one to finger you like crazy and one to toy with your clit,,, it all felt overwhelming but way too good so you opted to stay still while yujin fucks you all over again,, "unnie's got to come too..." she was saying, biting on your shoulder while you writhed against the wall, fuck 😵‍💫🥴
shsdjhkdkj squirting all over her fingers, and yujin doesn't even stop there :((( she keeps thrusting her fingers inside your cunt as you came, only pulling out to hold you close and keep you from collapsing bcs you felt light-headed :((( yujinnie sucking on her own fingers just to get a taste of you and her moaning in satisfaction?!!! definitely reaches over and shoves her fingers inside your mouth, a mix of her drool and your juices occupying your taste buds 🫣
the two of you definitely fuck during and after every practice after that 🤭🤭 always making up excuses to stay behind after everything is done... and never getting any actual practice done bcs yujin gets busy dumping her cum inside you for hours on end until midnight 😍
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hijackalx · 7 months
yall he would be so embarrassed by how vampires are portrayed in the media. like enraged 😭😭 he feels like they make him look like a joke and would refuse to watch/read anything with vampires in it bcz nobody ever gets it right. but if modern day tav DID ever get him to watch twilight with them he would be like shrinking into his shirt from secondhand embarrassment AT FIRST but i feel like he would eventually get invested LMAO like u know how dads stand in front of the tv and get stuck there bcz theyre too interested lol that kind of vibe
sooo hedonistic and materialistic like he loves all things luxurious, chocolates, expensive fabrics, comfortable furniture etc. he does NOT want to settle for anything less. but this also means he expects the same for tav 🥰 but he's kind of messy too? like it makes sense with being materialistic bcz eventually youll have lots of clutter. his tent has all kinds of unnecessary shit
hes lowkey sentimental. LOWKEY THOUGH he would never admit it. like if tav ever gave him something like idk, a necklace they found or something and said it made them think of him he'd literally keep it forever and ever. dont call him out on it tho bcz he'll get defensive af 😔 HES SUCH A BABY
tav and him will argue A LOT but thats because he purposely pushes ppls buttons. (nsfw mention) its like foreplay to him and if u read the nsfw section youll see why lol
so sooooo jealous but only if he feels like youre getting too close to someone else. like initially i dont think tav sleeping with someone else makes him jealous bcz of his backstory like he doesnt rlly view sex as something that only happens between two ppl that love each other and thats what would bother him the most. and i think hes only open sexually bcz hes conditioned himself to be that way, like maybe after a while of being with tav it really would start to bother him if they were sleeping with other ppl and he'd eventually want to be exclusive.
also he cares abt tav so much. like he pretends like he doesnt but if they freak him out enough theyll see just how much he worries abt them and wants them safe 😭❤️
love language:
giving = words of affirmation. he loves to call tav pet names and comment on how good they are at things and how good they look etc. he LOVESSS it especially if tav responds to it in any way (physically or verbally) bcz he also loves to tease lol. also dare i say physical touch? like just innocently touching tav all the time. this i feel bcz he (spoiler???) rlly enjoyed the hug during his confession scene and also wants to hold tav's hand after. (end of possible spoiler) like he'll prolly do little things like rub tav's back or caress their face randomly while theyre talking to him lol all very sensual tho hes a very sensual man
receiving = words of affirmation and physical touch lol both in the way i described before. i dont think he would like tav teasing him tho most of the time he gets genuinely pissed off 😹😹😹 hes just a lil short tempered
apparently hes 5'9 but i dont know where thats coming from lol i dont get that vibe he looks pretty lanky i would say between 5'11-6' is more realistic like lets be honest a 5'9 man lured back all those victims for cazador? be so fucking for real 😭😭 also decent muscle tone not scrawny but not SWOLE
lets go girls and gays 👯 for starters i dont really see him enjoying being submissive at all like u had to roll a 15 to even get the mf to say 'please'. i think this is especially because he hates having his autonomy taken away from him but he has a controlling personality in general (he was deciding ppls fates as a magistrate before cazador 🧍🏼like HELLO what the fuck was that 😹😹) . he likes to call the shots BUT i dont think hes selfish (kinda feel like hes a giver lowkey?? are we feeling the service dom allegations ??) he just withholds what tav likes until they do what he wants or theyre good for him. he always remembers to reward them tho 😇
he LOVES BRATS (hence the arguing mentioned before) !!!!!!! theyre his absolute favorite like theres something abt putting someone in their place that turns him on so much. theyre also so fun. he usually does it by being mean and degrading them tho lol. but once they submit to him hes so soo sweet. theyll also get bonus points for calling him something that implies hes above them (daddy, sir, master) but he wont make them. he prolly likes to see if he can make them do it voluntarily for an ego boost lol.
hes sadistic in the sense that he likes to “hurt” tav but not in extreme ways. he likes them too much for that. like he'll pull their hair and choke them (bite them) or something but he wont cause them horrific pain if u catch my drift. i still feel like hes into seeing them cry tho lol like if they go to him for a shoulder to cry on he'll try to act sympathetic but he'll also pop a boner HELP HES THE WORST
takes forever to cum like bro 🙄 I GOT RUG BURN ON MY PUSSY !!!! also has a very attractive pp probably 6-7 inches? like its textbook perfect. upwards curve. pink tip. shall i go on.
he wont do this to a one night stand but if he likes tav enough he'll want to mark or claim them in some way. like leaving bite marks and bruises EVERYWHERE or even cumming inside them.
also not as kinky as u would think like keep ur questionable kinks away from this man he will judge so hard. MAJOR kink shamer. in short no u cannot piss on him lmao leave peepaw alone
aftercare with him depends. at first its rlly cold and u get corny rehearsed lines and he cant wait to go sleep by himself 😭😭😭 BUT after he catches feelings hes very attentive and will help tav clean up. also will prefer to stay with them until morning.
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 8 months
Not a request! This thought has me weak in the knees.Imagine cowboy!Natasha Romanoff X cowboy!Wanda Maximoff both have penises.
They're ranchhands and are tasked with herding some sheep to a new pasture. One night Natasha is asleep and wakes up to her Levi blue jeans undone and Wanda's hand wrapped around her thick cock, stroking her. She freaks out and yells at Wanda "I'm not gay" but can't help the way her body feels, especially her cock while Wanda's lithe fingers stay wrapped around her. Wanda leans forward trying to capture Natashas lips and Nat snaps, pushing her back down against her sleeping bag and wrapping her hand around Wanda's throat. Wanda let's a soft moan slip past her lips and Nat looses it. She takes her hand from Wanda's throat to her jeans and takes them off, bare from the waist down and incredibly painfully hard. She wraps her hand in Wanda's hair and tugs her up and flips her onto her stomach. She then forcefully pulls Wanda's jeans down to her knees, spits in her free hand coating her throbbing cock and slams it into Wanda's asshole. The brunette cries out from the force and Nat grunts and moans at how good it feels to be inside Wanda. She releases Wanda's hair and grips her asscheeks as she mercilessly rams into Wanda's ass "th-this what y-you wanted slut?" She grunts. "H-harder" Wanda begs beneath her. Natasha aggressively pushes Wanda's face against her sleeping bag and all that's heard is grunting, skin slapping and Wanda's cries of pain and pleasure.
Hours later Natasha is laying between Wanda's legs, sucking her cock and moaning at the taste of Wanda's hardness in her mouth "I thought you weren't gay?" Wanda pants "shut the fuck up maximoff." Natasha growls out before she slips and finger into Wanda's ass and continues to deep throat the brunette. 🫣 uhhh anyways, that scene has been going through my mind nonstop for weeks 🤤
That... Waw!
Can you imagine Natasha pushing into Wanda's tight little hole, thinking she's being all rough and dominating and she sees the brunette reaching down to stroke her cock.
"Oh no, you don't get to touch." Natasha growls, pulling both of Wanda's hands behind her back and pinning her down. "You only get to cum after I'm done with your cute little ass." She snarls down at her.
But Wanda's cock is deliciously rubbing against the rough sleeping bag while she's being rammed from the back and Natasha is fucking her nice and hard and it's enough for her to come anyway, staining Natasha's sleeping bag, barely stimulated and desperate for so much more.
She lets Natasha take her in every position imaginable. The redhead teases Wanda the entire time, crude words spilling from her lips and rough fingers barely touching Wanda's throbbing cock.
In the end she sucks her off, slowly swallowing her length and probing her used asshole with her finger, threatening to stop if Wanda so much as utters another teasing word about this.
In the morning Natasha pretends like nothing happened, but as soon as night falls and they settle down for the night again, it's the redhead that makes the first move, making Wanda smirk. Gay or not, they were going to have a really good time.
Anyway, I think this is such a hot thought... I maybe haven't mentioned it, but I have the biggest crush on Cowgirl Wanda. With her thick southern accent and that charming smile... I'm such a city girl all the way, but I would drop it all and go live on her farm for her in a heartbeat. 💜
I've had a million Cowgirl Wanda x Fem!Reader ideas and even some G!P Cowgirl Wanda (it's not just her accent that's thick 😉 ) x Fem!Reader ideas that aways get me all hot and bothered, so this was very fun for me to read. I love it :) Thank you for your horny thoughts!
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
there’s a few potential sansa romantic endgames that i think have some textual basis and i think all of them come with a lot of issues wrt sansa being able to publically claim these relationships which is why i think sansa will say her children are “fathered by a wolf” because regardless of Who she’s with or even the legality of it, she’s going to be actively concealing their identity AND YET she needs to have children.
i think especially that even though arya’s love life is guaranteed to be less complicated, sansa will feel obligated to take this “burden” of ensuring their line onto herself; she wants arya to have the freedom to go where she pleases, be with who she pleases, and follow her passions and that is not easy to do if everyone is expecting you to come home and start popping out kids. I consider them a sort of reflection of ned and lyanna in this way in that sansa, second born and not meant to rule, uses her newfound power to let the wild, youngest girl (but not youngest child) in the family follow her passions wherever they may take her.
this is all kind of weird with the nixed time jump but considering that george has talked about writing stories from arya’s pov about her adventures, I think it’s going to be fairly important in story regardless of their ages that arya will attempt to offer to stay home and marry and have children as a way of helping to protect sansa’s very shaky claim on winterfell but that sansa encourages arya to do whatever she wants. to travel, to help shepherd the boatloads of refugees from the various wars to wherever they want to call home, to settle displaced northerners in other parts of westeros as well, to get involved in the lives of the people arya is helping and agree to help them liberate their own homes by using her skills (crucial here that arya is A leader but not the SOLE leader), or to go out into the woods and be a secret not-quite-an-outlaw (bc sansa isn’t outlawing anything that could hurt arya’s lil crusades, probably is helping bankroll arya) to bring justice to the smallfolk, like whatever it is arya wants to do with her life, the point is that she offers to give it up and sansa refuses to take the offer.
and then we have the idea that her kids are fathered by a wolf. not elizabeth-ing herself here exactly because she’s having children but never publicly acknowledging a father or a husband or even a lover.
i think the candidates most likely are jon snow and theon, with both brienne and podrick as like “i’m not saying he’s gonna do it but i am saying they make a lot of sense narratively” and aegon vi as a huge long shot but still undeniable contender. if briensa does go canon everyone owes me five bucks each tho. i think the options other people float are not just wildly unserious they also clearly don’t think sansa will be The Ruling Lady Of Winterfell, but some much more minor or less emotionally resonant title and i just do not vibe with that shit at all. harry the heir, sandor, sweetrobin, tyrion, littlefucker, like never mind sansa never once showing any real interest in these guys and NONE of these dudes being satisfied by the idea of being her secret husband, if sansa says to arya “yeah i’m marrying tyrion” arya is going “blink twice if you’re being held hostage and you need me to kill him” but it’s too late because jon snow is already unsheathing longclaw and bran is attacking with every raven in winterfell. it’s not fucking happening and imo it’s unserious to pretend like it could happen in canon. (and if it DOES happen in canon you will find me rocking up to george’s house in jersey and demanding to know why he’s so weird about teenage girls). i think margaery is a huge long shot here (and not just bc it would make them both canonically on screen gay) because i don’t think she’s gonna live to the ending, and jeyne poole is too traumatized at this point in time for me to feel confident in putting her in the same category as brienne and pod.
(theon’s trauma is WHY i think he’s still a contender - post reek theon is going to struggle a lot with figuring out where he’s supposed to be, who he’s supposed to be, and who he can trust as he puts himself back together, and that lends itself nicely to the idea of a secret husband/lover imo. once again, we are talking extreme trauma bonding here - that’s just the only way i see sansa’s romances going).
if you’re asking “who do you think arya is winding up with” it’s gendry. i don’t doubt that there were some plans for edric dayne, arya, and gendry but i think gendry was always going to be her great love here, that she’s always going to turn down the idea of marriage to him but gendry doesn’t care so long as they are still together. there’s a neon blinking sign over gendry’s head that says “endgame material” and i think it’s unserious to pretend it’s not there too!!
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anauro · 4 months
I’ve been going through my Google docs and found this alternative ending to ch20 of Drugs and surgical scrubs aka what would happen if Regulus didnt blurt out “the Barty and Rel thing”
“You know how sometimes friends decide to fuck up the friendship with sex?” Evan didn’t wait for an answer, before carrying on, “they say it’s just gonna be a one time thing, that it won’t change anything, but it actually does change pretty much everything. And then the other person expects things to get back to normal and I want it too, don’t get me wrong, I really do. But I can’t.” Evan looked at him pleadingly. “I can’t.”
Regulus felt anxiety weave its way into his brain. He set down his coffee and looked Evan in the eyes.
“What exactly are you telling me, Evan?”
In the peripheries of his vision, Regulus could see Evan’s nails digging into his palm. His breath hitched in his chest as Evan opened his mouth.
“Me and Barty slept together.”
The air got knocked out of Regulus’ lung and his vision went black as Evan’s words settled in.
Evan and Barty slept together.
His two best friends. Straight. Fucked each other.
This better be a fucking joke.
But Evan didn’t look like he was joking. Instead, he mirrored Regulus’ terror, both of them staring at each other with pure fear.
Regulus cleared his throat. “Come again, sorry?”
“I slept with Barty.”
The pain that exploded in Regulus’ heart was overwhelming, each heartbeat spreading it further around his body.
“But…but you’re both straight,” he managed to squeak out.
“No, that’s the problem, Reg.” Evan reached forward and grabbed Regulus’ hand. Regulus allowed it, too shocked to protest. “I don’t think I’m straight and it scares the crap out of me,” he said in hushed voice. “I… you’ve known me since I was a little kid, so tell me. Am I different now? Does this change anything?”
Regulus wanted nothing more than to run away from here and be sick in some bathroom and then challenge Barty about this new development.
The pain in his chest was not easing off and Evan’s fingers around his hand felt like blades, seeping the poisonous venom into Regulus.
The same fingers held Barty’s hand. Touched him.
Regulus closed his eyes shut.
“Liking men isn’t a bad thing, Evan,” he forced the words out of his mouth. “It doesn’t change who you are. You were always like this, you just didn’t realise until now.”
“So I lived over twenty six years of my life without knowing? What other things am I hiding from myself then, huh? From you?”
Regulus shook his head, biting on his bottom lip. He didn’t want to have this conversation with Evan, least of all now. But when he opened his eyes and saw the desperate look on Evan’s face… Evan was still his friend. Even if Regulus hated him at that very moment.
“I’m gay, Evan.”
Surprised flickered through Evan’s face.
“You… what?”
“I’m gay, Evan,” Regulus repeated, wringling his hand free. “I’m gay and I always have been and there’s nothing wrong with me, so there’s nothing wrong with you either.”
Evan watched him, utterly astonished.
“Don’t give me this look, Ev,” Regulus sighed. “I didn’t tell you before, because it wasn’t relevant. You guys were doing your girls and I… I was hooking up with men all along.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” Regulus scrunched up his nose. “What are you sorry for?”
“For making you feel like your sexuality wasn’t relevant. For not being enough of a good friend that you felt safe coming out to. For that… I’m sorry.”
A warmer feeling started to spread through Regulus’ body, originating at the fingertips Evan held just a moment ago. It eased Regulus’ heartache, an aloe vera to his soul.
“It’s okay, Evan,” he said quietly. “It was me who didn’t want to come out to you guys rather than you doing anything.”
“Man, look at us,” Evan mused. “We could have been having awesome gay sex all throughout uni.”
Regulus swallowed down the bile that was coming up his throat.
“Yeah. We could have.”
He could have had Barty all along. For years, he could have had him.
If only he had said something.
“How did it happen?” The question was out of Regulus before he realised.
Evan gave him a confused look. “You mean me realizing I like women and men?”
“I mean you and Barty.” Even saying the words out loud burnt in Regulus’ throat. “How did it happen?”
“Oh.” Evan’s smile faltered. “It… just kind of did? I said I’ve been having thoughts about men and he offered and I agreed.”
“He offered?” Regulus all but choked out.
Was that how easy it was to get Barty all this time?
All he had to do was ask and Barty would offer?
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silvyysthings · 5 months
I’m the anon that discussed pr in Hollywood. I was specifically talking about pr romantic relationships. Timmy is not in the same situation as two older and out gay men - one of whom is already married. I wanted to clarify, I never said all of Hollywood participates in pr romantic relationships. “Pr” is all over Hollywood, it can be as simple as two co-stars pretending to be closer than they actually are - it’s not inherently romantic.
But to get more specific, people in Hollywood that are hot right now or up-and-coming like Timmy, Elordi, Butler, Gerber, even LRD - or someone else I won’t mention - have a very incestuous dating pool. Is Hollywood small? Sure. But there’s a business reason as to why all of these clients end up dating each other until they switch to another one. Younger Hollywood stars are in this position to keep younger people interested. They are more likely to be in a pr relationship than older ones who are more established and are settled into their own lives. Unless you choose that to be your life forever like that girl’s family has. I just wanted to share some comfort because this is business. It will end. It is annoying as all hell but it’s not real so why should I waste my emotion? I make the choice to be empathetic. If he’s seemingly not acting like himself - maybe it’s because he is not happy. And although people don’t like to hear this, contracts do not care if you are happy or not. You just have to sell it.
I wish so badly for someone to come out and talk about this stuff on a large platform but the people who benefit from it financially won’t and the clients are subject to NDAs 😉 A pr relationship is even in Singin in the Rain (1952)! These methods run deep. I didn’t just wake up one day and learn this and ofc I don’t know all. It’s taken (too many) years of observation and being online. I learned these things 10 years ago and all of a sudden Hollywood started making more sense. Again, all I can do is recommend that podcast episode and wait for this all to end. It will. I’m not giving her the time of day. Anyone else can but that’s not how I choose to spend my time. Boy, I really hope I don’t come across as patronizing. It’s a lot of information to put into two asks *sigh*
Thank you anon 😘
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whyareyouhere66 · 11 months
JJ Maybank x Male Reader - Safe With Me
JJ Maybank x Male !kook! Reader
Request [shortened, it was very in depth and I don’t want to spoil too much] : “male reader is a popular kook…and best friends with Sarah and Kie…and he has a rough family they are super rich but his dad doesn't like him to being gay…also JJ and the reader act like a couple and they like each other but don’t realize it cause they like what they got…[main event you’ll have to read]…then they make it official.”
CW: hurt/comfort, homophobia/homophobic family, the slightest mentions of drinking, kinda cheesy towards the end, y/n’s dad sucks
An intense feeling of deep affection
“Y’think we can make a quick pit stop before we go and do, well, whatever this is?”
The voice woke Y/n up before the sun even could, though his eyes were still close to shutting. It was Pope’s voice, of course- his sarcasm leaking through his words.
On the couch, Y/n had one arm stretched out next to his face to act as a pillow, shielding his eyes from the early morning sun just enough for him to not be blinded. 
A few feet behind the couch, Pope walked over to the small round table where John B sat with Sarah. Papers were scattered across the wooden surface, the girl’s feet propped up on the edge. 
“Eh, sure why not- hey, pass me a beer, will you?” John B said, nodding towards the fridge behind Pope’s chair. 
“It’s 7 in the morning.”
“Oh c’mon, never too early to get a little drink.”
Pope rolled his eyes, but sure enough got up again to open the fridge.
The sound of a can being tossed, and the rattle of the fridge door closing made Y/n groan. He just wanted to sleep, he was comfortable on the lumpy couch with JJ’s warmth beside him. 
The night before they’d fallen asleep side by side, nothing new for either of them. JJ’s head was settled just below Y/n’s arm-pillow, just slightly pressed against his chest while their legs overlapped. When the sound continued on, his friends still talking across the room, he shifted in his spot and let his free arm fall on JJ’s shoulders.
Y/n would’ve smiled at the sight of the blonde settled so close to him, but the voices that rang out behind him were so loud. 
He just wanted to go back to sleep-
“Aw, did we interrupt your sleep?” Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed.
Sarah was grinning at him, seeing how his face had changed. 
“Let’s go, up and at ‘em.” John B joined right in, drumming on the table just loud enough to force Y/n’s eyes open, and stir JJ just a bit.
It was then when the sun finally hit him, groaning again and rubbing his eyes. “You guys are so loud.” Y/n complained, lifting his head and looking around the room. 
Kiara lay sprawled out on the arm chair across from the couch, rubbing her eyes and glaring at Pope and John B. “Seriously guys? This early?” She asked  sleepily, falling against the chair again. 
It was clear the other 3 couldn’t care less, Pope ignoring the sleeping teens while John b and Sarah were getting up from the table to bug them some more. 
The blonde girl walked to the chair, standing over Kie and grinning widely. Back at the couch, John B walked past the half asleep pair, drummed against their legs once, before looping around back to the kitchen.
The slaps to their calves caused both Y/n and JJ to jerk, the latter doing so more loudly as he was only then waking up. 
“What the fuck dude.” he grumbled, shoving his face back against the couch while Y/n rolled over onto his back. 
At that point, all 6 of them were awake- whether it be willingly or not. It was simply a part of the Chateau’s morning routine, something you sign up for when falling asleep at John B’s. The alarm would be just as obnoxious as the host. 
Y/n pressed the heel of his free hand into his eyes, hiding them from the sun. The other arm was still stuck under JJ’s neck. “What time is it?” He asked, to which Pope responded.
 Y/n groaned. 
“Shit,” he mumbled, clumsily sitting up from his spot on the couch. 
“Pops’ll be mad?” JJ sighed sarcastically, and watched Y/n’s figure as the boy stumbled off the couch to grab his shoes. 
“Don’t leave me man-“ he gasped out dramatically, and Y/n couldn’t help but smile. Reaching over the couch, he ruffled the blonde hair on JJ’s head.
“Oh, this is heartbreaking.” Kie faked a frown and put a hand over her heart.
 The two boys had always been close, everyone knew that. They each cared for each other in a way that neither could truly describe, any words used felt wrong, or perhaps too soon for them to say. 
So they didn’t try the words, they stuck to their bond even if it got them the “idiot-boyfriends-who-aren’t-even-boyfriends” label in the group.
Y/n himself felt the smile growing, opening the door that lead out to the porch.
“Bye, JJ” he called jokingly, getting a “bye Y/n” right back, the words holding the same tone that his had. 
It wasn’t until he was entirely out of the house that he let his mind wander, only having 10 minutes time before his car would reach his drive way- where the smile he wore would disappear. 
Intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
A day had passed since Y/n unfortunately had to leave the Chateau early, and it wouldn’t be long before he was back in the car with his closest friends, with JJ.
The h/c teen sat on his scratchy, leather couch- it’s black color popping out against the light walls. 
He sat there, leaned against the armrest scrolling through his phone as he waited for the Pogues to come and pick up him and Sarah. Across the room, his father- D/n L/n sat at the dining room table.
The man’s face was very stern, lips formed into a  thin line as he stared holes into his computer screen. A few papers were in a pile, his hand resting on top - the focus leaking from his eyes leaving no breathing room, no space for him or Y/n to talk. 
The latter looked up from his phone, glancing at the stairs where Sarah left for the bathroom 5-ish minutes ago. The sooner she came down, the sooner he’d have an excuse to leave the room. 
Slowly, he let his gaze wander. 
It shifted from the long staircase, over the walls until it was set on the man at the table. His eyes narrowed.
Greed and love. 
It was a relationship never fit to work, though it can still find itself intertwined into bloodline. Two opposing forces sitting on the same branch of the family tree, living in the same house. One on the couch, one at the table. 
Y/n always preferred to differentiate himself from greed.
Being born a Kook, he accepted his privilege. But he saw what greed looked like, he lived with it. And he knew, from the nasty snarl worn on his father’s skin, that it was something he never wanted to be.
The boy stared at his father until the edges of his vision began to dance. So, he looked away, eyes going back to his phone screen. He didn’t want to think about it anymore than he had to. 
The time read 12:09, him and Sarah were to get picked up at 12:15. Y/n stood up, tucking his phone into his pocket so while Sarah took her time upstairs, he could at least get some of the stuff he needed. 
Starting with his keys, he grabbed them from the coffee table and stuck them into his pocket. He moved towards the fridge next- but the noise that had come from his key chain caught his fathers attention. 
“Going somewhere?” D/n asked, just as Y/n had opened the fridge door. 
“…yeah.” The h/c looked straight forward, the blue-ish light flooding his face as he grabbed a water bottle. 
“And where would that be?” 
Y/n’s father hadn’t looked away from his work, though Y/n couldn’t tell either way as he was staring straight into the fridges’s shelves.
“Just out, nothing special.”
He  eventually had to draw away from the fridge where he’d been hiding. The silver door closed after him, and Y/n turned to see his father looking right at him. 
“Just you and Sarah?” The man asked, raising an eyebrow and resting his elbow on the back of his chair. 
Y/n’s face faltered. He knew who his father was referencing, what he was getting at. 
“No” he thought, saying it in his head over and over until maybe, he could say it out loud.
“Doesn’t matter.”
…or not. 
Admittedly, he didn’t want his father to know. He selfishly wanted his friends to be his own thing- because when his father even caught sight of them, it would become a disruption. 
D/n had the belief that Kooks and Pogues shouldn’t interact unless absolutely necessary- he was just “too good” for them, after all. He worked so life ran on his own personal railroad, and Y/n’s friends were nothing but roadblocks. 
“Oh, but I think it does.” D/n narrowed his eyes at his son, who looked away with his head tilted towards the floor. Y/n fidgeted with the bottle in his hands- his father was onto him. They each had one specific boy in mind at that current moment, and by the look in each others eyes, they each knew it.
“Hey! Sorry about that, Wheezie called me.”
 Sarah landed on the last step just as Y/n was released in from his father’s stare. She looked up from her phone, not catching how D/n had to adjust to return to his computer screen. 
Y/n quickly walked to her, giving her a smile when she quirked her eyebrow. 
“Hey, took you long enough.” He joked, sitting back on the couch. Sarah rolled her eyes and shrugged. 
“Just say you missed me, it takes less time.” She says, plopping down onto the chair. 
Y/n laughed, letting his shoulders relax as Sarah had joined him in the room. He opened his mouth to reply, fire some sort of comeback, but a small ding came from his phone.
‘We’re here, hurry up JJ’s about to rob your neighbor.’
The text came from Kie. Y/n peered over his phone and caught a glimpse of her car outside the window, catching a small smile on his face. Sarah followed his eyes and saw the car, grinning and nodding at the boy to get up. 
Sparing one last glance to his father, Y/n followed Sarah out the door. 
“Hey hey!” 
As soon as Y/n stepped foot outside his door, JJ was jumping right out of the parked car- of course. With a grin, Y/n hopped down the stairs and jogged to meet him in the middle.
“What’s up JJ-“ he said, his voice almost giddy, and he wrapped his arms around him. There was a slight slap on his back as JJ hugged him back, and a tickle in his neck as that’s where JJ buried his nose. 
“Waiting for you, I was about to hop the fence and visit old Richie over there-“ JJ’s voice turned breathy at the end of the sentence, spinning on his heel and bringing the boy in his arms right with him. Y/n’s eyes widened, and a laugh rumbled from his throat. His arms tightened around the boy, securing himself when his feet left the ground. 
“Holy shit dude-“
“JJ, put him down.” John B sounded tired, managing no more than an eye roll when JJ only laughed. Though, he did drop Y/n onto the sidewalk right next to him. The boy, with his feet finally planted on the ground, patted the back of the blondes back.
“C’mon, let’s head out-“
The deep voice sent chills down the teen’s spines, each of them recognizing who it was. The joyful feeling that tainted the air only seconds ago suddenly faded into tension.  Y/n himself was forced to hesitantly turn, and meet his fathers cold eyes. 
“Come here.” The glare that emitted off D/n’s stern figure made his son shudder- the boy really just wanted to leave. 
“Dad, we’re going somewhere-“ 
“I thought we talked about this?” One eyebrow raised, turning D/n’s face into one of judgement. Y/n swallowed.
“I mean, there was never really an agreement, so-“
The next look that came from D/n was one of warning. 
A small lump formed in Y/n’s throat, swallowing it down and air huffed from his nose. 
“Mr. L/n, we were really just-“ Kiara, bold as always, tried and failed to reassure her friends father. Her words got cut off before she could even finish, the deep voice replacing them. “No, no I know. And it’s not happening.” 
Y/n felt his skin itch, why was his father doing this in front of his friends?  Before he would go out of his way to avoid them, but now he talked freely. Y/n’s eyes flickered to the car, having half a mind to run and jump into the back seat before another word could spill. 
“Y/n, look at the neighbors,” his fathers voice rose, “their son is your age, what about that?” He gestured towards the large, nearly identical house across the garden. His other hand gripped the door handle tightly, as if he was prepared to storm back inside at any moment. 
The group tensed, they knew what his father meant, even if he hadn’t said it directly. Though while John B and Pope bit their tongue, Kiara stepped forward with a deadly glare imprinted onto her face. 
“What are you implying?” She asked, clearly having taken offense. Y/n looked at her, battling with himself in his head as to whether or not he should stop her. John B’s hand landed on her shoulder, urging her to step back.
Y/n’s eyes are torn away when he suddenly felt the familiar warmth of JJ’s hand grabbing his. His eyes widen. 
He nearly pulled away, but something made him stay, something in him wanted to. Though the second his fathers cold stare landed on their tangled fingers, he questioned that decision. 
JJ glared harshly at Y/n’s father- but no words fell, as he still was trying to decide if he should say anything at all. But in that moment, it was better that he didn’t.
Y/n was frozen in his place, head tilted down to stare at his hand and JJ’s, too scared to look up. 
“And what’s this, huh?”
“Are we still on this, are you serious?”
The words tugged the strings of Y/n’s heart, hearing such words from his own father, being watched by all his friends, by the boy he could only secretly love. He glared at the ground, shaking his head. 
“You just-“ D/n turned, facing the wooden frame of the door and rubbing his eyes, “this is not how I wanted to raise you.”
The words ran Y/n’s throat dry, like a river drowned into soil by hot sun. JJ felt the way his hand tightened, heard the shaky sigh that escaped him.
Kiara, once more, stepped forward boldly. “You can’t say that to him!” She rasped, eyebrows pulled into a deep furrow. JJ too found his voice quickly, barking out a “hey!” 
“Mr L/n,” Sarah’s whisper barely scraped past the lump in her throat, only heard by her boyfriend. 
As Y/n stood there on his own walkway, all the words of his friends fizzled against his ears in an echo. He stared at the ground until he became dizzy, nothing but his fathers voice reaching past his ears. 
He didn’t want to fit his fathers description. But it still hurt. 
He snapped out of the daze when JJ began moving, their joined hands swaying. 
“The fuck is your problem, man?” JJ’s voice was heavy with anger, challenging D/n with his voice. Y/n’s eyes darted to JJ’s face.
“Excuse me, young man?” The authority that rattled from Y/n’s father would’ve made anyone else back away, but JJ only seemed to move closer. Y/n watched on with wide eyes. 
“JJ,” he tried, suddenly becoming aware of what exactly was happening right next to him. 
“You talk to him like that then wonder why he likes hanging with us? Man you must be joking-“ the blonde seethes. 
“Do not talk to me like that,”
“You’re a real piece of shit.” 
John B pulled JJ back, giving him a stern look. Pope, backing towards the car, mouthed at him to shut up. 
Y/n’s heart pounded, staring only at JJ. What was he doing?
D/n’s head snapped to his son’s.
“If this is how you’re going to be, dont try coming home.”
Y/n reeled back, shocked. JJ stomped forward. 
“Good, he’ll stay with me. You’re only helping me here, man.” 
It got quiet for a moment after that. 
Angrily, Y/n’s father looked at him expectantly, telling him to choose with nothing more than his eyes.
Y/n’s lips were parted, staring right back at his father for the first time that whole argument. JJ’s arm snakes around his shoulder.
“He’ll be safe with me.”
Those last words are what settled it for Y/n, the only thing he needed to hear before he knew. He knew exactly what, who, he wanted. 
Wordlessly, he turned away from his father and pulled JJ into a tight hug. No hesitation followed as JJ pulled him even closer. 
Behind them, the door slammed shut, and Y/n knew that was it. Yet for just a moment, when JJ pulled away and held his face in his hands, he pushed the thought away. 
“I promise.” The blonde whispered with a small smile . Y/n smiled back, unable to stop himself for he knew what he truly meant by those words. 
The smile broke into a sniffle and a chuckle, feeling Kiara attacking him from behind with a strong hug. Sarah followed.
“Fuck, guys, I don’t know what to do now-“ he kept the smile through his teary eyes. 
“We’ll figure it out, man.” Pope told him from the car. “We always do.”
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shaunamilfman · 5 months
do you think Jackieshauna was one sided or do you think they were mutually pining over each other in their own special ways?? sometimes I see people say it was strictly Jackie who loved Shauna or vice versa which I think is interesting how people see their dynamic w such stark differences in opinion if that makes sense
i think canon jackieshauna is so interesting because it's like requited unrequited in the sense that they're both in love with each other but doesn't think the other returns those feelings.
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the car scene is so interesting to me because of the stark difference in the way Jackie is with her boyfriend vs the way she is with Shauna. she's so short with Jeff, so obviously upset with the way he's touching her. that scene where she stares blankly into the mirror afterwards is so heartbreaking. Jackie's aware that she has to fake every "orgasm" that Jeff gives her, aware that she doesn't like touching him, and aware that she doesn't really like being with him. then the second Jeff leaves and she gets to see shauna she's so upbeat and excited. Jackie's very flirty in this scene ("oh, were you listening to that? 😁🤭") unlike any scene she's pictured with Jeff. i definitely think Jackie is in love with Shauna subconsciously or otherwise.
i have just one question for you. what's gayer, being gay or whatever the fuck Jackie was doing in that car ride in the pilot?
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it's "You're the best friend I've ever had, you know that right?" not just you're my best friend. best friends can change but they don't. they're more than that. their relationship is special, it's different from simply being best friends. we aren't simply Jackie and Shauna we're Jackie-and-Shauna. ("i don't know where you end and i begin")
i think Jackie does on some subconscious level knows that she's in love with Shauna. i think a big part of that is what contributes to Jackie not telling shauna she loves her back. Jackie feels too guilty to say it because she (in her mind) knows that she doesn't mean it the same way that Shauna does. then you have shauna who immediately afterwards is asking Jeff to tell her he loves her. she clearly doesn't care that it's him saying it ("don't worry, i won't hold you to it"), but she needs to hear it. Jackie won't tell her she loves her anymore and that makes her so fucking desperate to hear it. if shauna can't have Jackie, if jackie won't love her anymore, then she'll have to settle for the next best thing. someone that Jackie does love, because in her mind that's the closest she'll ever get to what she truly wants.
which brings us to the inevitable question. what's gayer, being gay or fucking your best friends boyfriend while thinking about her?
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Jackie and Shauna are both shown being so incredibly jealous the second one of them talks to someone else. that is not platonic friend behavior. the way they look at each other just seems so telling that they both had feelings for each other imo. like jackie is literally going out of her way to make shauna jealous after shauna sided with Tai instead of her. they're both in love with each other your honor.
anyways long story short I do think it's mutual pining. i think canon shauna realizes she's attracted to girls long before she realizes she's in love with Jackie, while canon Jackie knows she's in love with Shauna long before she realizes that it means she's attracted to girls. i really do think they would have gotten together if only they had more time.
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