#im considering calling it the spice girls
mardytoast · 4 months
just chucked out 2500 (and counting) words about clyde's backstory and the formation of craig's gang
I was only supposed to write a paragraph on who clyde is at the start of my fic versus the end..
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suguruplsr · 4 months
Can we please get a Suguru × overworked Waitress reader? It can be fluff, maybe light angst from the reader, I'm all for the spice/smut as well 🩵🩵🩵
(btw you're one of my favorite writers on here, pls never stop🩷)
Let Me Do It
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,, x fem! reader , fluff + light angst + suggestive ending? <3
note: ty nonnie, that makes me so happy to hear. i try my best babes <333
divider @/chachachannah
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Friday, 9:05 PM • [suguru] to [you]: u off right abt now? picking u up today.
Friday, 9:10 PM • [you] to [suguru]: mhm, getting my things. i’ll bring u that frappe you like <3
you smile at the incoming message of suguru letting you know he’s on his way, thanking you for the drink. you double check your things, putting them next to each other before walking out of the break room.
the usually bustling cafe was hushed, the lo-fi music in the background playing more clearly without voices over it. the few coworkers leaving gave you their goodbyes as you head to the kitchen, starting on the mocha frappe suguru would regularly ask for in the drive-thru. humming the tune of the song in your earbud, you consider grabbing an extra drink or making a bag of food for yourself.
unfortunately, while in a time limit and a body that desperately needs to lay down, your indecisive mind convinces you to grab a donut, and quickly fry a medium sized pack of fries. an odd choice sure. but you recently got off your period, let a girl live.
your phone buzzes in your back pocket as you pack up the food items. with a small pep in your step, you head to the break room, catching your manager. “[name]! just the one i was looking for— i just wanted to thank you for taking extra hours this week, i was hoping if you could do it again next? you’ll be compensated greatly.” she smiles as if she couldn’t see the visible signs of tiredness upon your face.
your stomach turns disgustingly from the sight of her uncanny expression. you’re finally about to experience your two days off on the weekend, after multiple tiring days that rank from you waking up at dawn, working morning to night. “uh, im not entirely sure. i’ll call you before monday.” you don’t have the heart to tell her no, even if you know you’re teetering on the line of total exhaustion. you manager grins, clapping her hands together, “thank you so much! i’ll be waiting for that call. have a good day [name]!” you mutter a ‘you too’ as she disappears to her office, dread filling your body.
you know, once you try saying no, she’s gonna tell all the things as last time. about how business is harder after she fired some workers, or how much she could really use your help. all the same manipulation that makes your weak heart endure work tirelessly.
you shake your head, remembering that suguru was probably outside by now, considering the periodic buzz of your phone, and settling your things in your large work bag. which was basically a big purse, it’s been pretty helpful since you started bringing bags of food home. deciding that you don’t want a mocha mess in your purse, you carry the drink to the black BMW just outside of the establishment.
you see suguru leaning on the vehicle, his expression softening once he sees you, his arms opening invitingly, “hey baby.” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around you when you move eagerly into his hold, just needing to feel him. and his warm embrace quells all of the distress in you. you let out a deep sigh, body melting like jelly and turning your head to kiss his throat. “hi..” you whisper, “hi.” suguru smiles, looking down at you.
but your stomach turns when his lips form into a frown, eyebrows furrowed, “get in the car f’me.” he speaks in a hushed tone, kissing your forehead and walking with you to the passenger door, opening it for you. you get settled into the car once he closes the door, smelling the aroma of roses coming from the rose thorn air freshener hanging on the rear view mirror.
suguru turns his head to you after slowing down at the red light, just a few blocks away from home. you’re laid back with your eyes closed. and his eyes find the places on your body that signify your terrible exhaustion. like the eye bags you hate so much. hair more unkempt than how you like it, mainly because you’ve kept it in one style most of the week. or how you haven’t had time to wear any of the pieces of jewelry you love so much.
he can’t help but feel discomfort tingle in him as he thinks about the off handed comments you’ve mentioned about your manager for the past few weeks. all mostly with a roll of your eyes, or a sorry smile because of the extra hours you put in. it all makes suguru consider grabbing that phone of yours and giving her a piece of his mind.
but the small sounds of your snores bring an unconscious smile to his face, pressing on the gas.
you awake to your head hitting one of the uncomfortable pillows on your couch, body secured in suguru’s hold as he lays you on the couch. “hm?” you groan, blinking your eyes in confusion as suguru smiles down at you, “gonna go get your stuff from the car, i made dinner earlier, it’s on the stove.” your hearts warms from his words, a dreamy sigh barely leaving your lips as he parts from you with one of his forehead kisses, your favorite.
once he’s slipping out the front door, you stretch with a yawn, smelling a lingering scent of one of the many incense he owns, mixed with the smell of your favorite food. as you’re fixing your plates, you hear the front door close, footsteps moving throughout the house before heading towards you, and the sound of your lover slurping his drink begins to get loud. seconds later, arms wrap around you, a half empty drink in his hand, “have i ever told you how much i love you?” suguru kisses your neck, a strong whiff of mocha within his breath.
you cringe with a giggle hidden in your voice, “mmm, i dunno. i’m sure you love that frappe. considering it’s gone after..how long? three minutes?” you chuckle, putting down the utensil used to set the food on the plates, and laying your head onto his shoulder while he begins to pepper kisses around your face. “s’too good baby. but go sit down, let me finish this for you. bag’s in the room..” suguru gives you a firm little squeeze on your waist, taking away the plate in your hand and stepping back to let you escape his hold.
you allow him to take control, raising a brow at his catering. “is something wrong?” you question with a tilt of your head watching as he moves swiftly around the kitchen. you only gain his silence for a few moments, admiring the black graphic tee that his muscles would flex through every now and then, long hair swaying. you love seeing that slightly annoyed expression of his whenever his bang gets in his way. and you know it won’t be long until he’s asking you to trim it for him.
“well.. you seem more tired recently. and of course, i love seeing you work hard. but i just don’t want you touching a single thing when you’re home, you do too much at work already. just let me make your life a bit easier baby..” suguru sighs, eyes holding his grimace. bothered from the mere thought of you overworking yourself, just saying it is hard enough for him. as he goes to grab some silverware, facing you, he’s greeted with the sight of you silently crying, hurriedly wiping your eyes as he quickly moves over to you.
“s-sorry. you just —“ you hiccup, trying to gulp down the heavy feeling in your throat as suguru pulls you into a heartfelt hug that only makes you break down more, wrapping your arms right around his neck. “you don’t have to talk.” his whispers, “but i want you to know how much i appreciate you, i really needed this.” you mumble, sighing in content as he lifts you up, meeting your gaze with a boyish smile, despite your wet crying face, and pecking your lips.
“wanna tell me about it?”
“not yet.. in the morning.”
suguru hums in acknowledgement, walking towards your bedroom door as you hold his face dearly, kissing around his lips before giving him a long deep kiss. “god.. you don’t know how much i love you..” and he huffs against your lips, rolling his eyes with a grin that sticks to his face, cheeks hurting. “i’m pretty sure you can show me another time. all about you t’night baby..”
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itsjustrosee · 1 month
hiiii idk really what to call you bc yeah anyways i have a request fir u but feel free to take ur time with it idm at all seeing as ur blog is relatively new and u probably have a bunch of asks and stuff because ur first two fics were absolute masterpieces like literally anyways im rambling im so sorry uh
(u can skip that part) So my request is basically where minho and fem!reader are really good friends and shes like a track-hoe and basically has a really flirty personality so she flirts with all her friends and minho always gets flustered uh or something like that and one time he sees her flirting with idk one of the gladers and he gets jealous thinking that shes dating (said glader) and then she confronts him about it and they kiss and live happily ever after :D
sorry this is super long and confusing dont rush to do it take ur time !!
Ok I'm honestly getting so impressed with these requests, they are so thought out and unique and I'm literally living for it. Btw my name is Rosalyn so feel free to call me that or sometimes I go by rose but address me however you'd like <3 Anyways thank you so much for the request and all of the praise, I appreciate it sm!!
Anyways, this was a super cute prompt idea I absolutely love it, so I hope you enjoy!
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JEALOUS (Minho x fem!reader)
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Context: pre Thomas, read above for summary ^
Warnings: spice
Word count: 4K
! I proof read but there might still be spelling mistakes !
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When you arrived in the glade being a girl, it was quite a surprise for everyone.
Most of the boys tried to be pretty accepting, and after a while, you managed to get along really well with everyone. But if you're being honest, it was all due to your rather, flirty, personality.
That, however, you can't really be blamed for. I mean, you couldn't help it, it was just the way that you were!
It did, however, prove to be a slight problem during your first few months in the glade. You can't blame the rest of the boys for taking your subtle flirty gestures the wrong way, if you were them, you'd probably take the things that you said the wrong way too. So by no means was it their fault for thinking you liked them. But unfortunately, you never reciprocated their feelings, which only confused them more.
Anyways, the first person to understand this was Newt. He was always okay with your overly friendly personality and never actually got the wrong idea from you. That's probably why he became your first friend in the glade, and why when he said you should become a track hoe, you accepted his offer immediately. He, along with the rest of the track hoes' were rather chill and you enjoyed spending time with all of them.
You would consider yourself the closest with them out of all the other people in the glade, so you often hung out with them during the bonfires and dinner. However, you were relatively close with just about every boy in the glade, given your personality, but regardless, you naturally gravitated towards everyone.
It took a couple months for everyone to come to terms with your behavior and rather flirtatious personality, so after about five months, everything was going pretty smoothly. Under the given circumstances and all. Being trapped in a maze was by no means easy, but you were making the most of it. You had developed a good daily routine, and you can only imagine without the structure you and the other gladers had built for themselves, you all would've gone mad by now.
Part of your routine was waking up early. Alby had made Gally and the other builders build you a hut for obvious reasons, and Gally was happy to do it if it meant getting on your good side. You enjoyed the privacy from the rest of the boys but since you had a hut, you had a bed. A bed that was impossible for you to force yourself out of in the morning. After a couple weeks though, you got into the right mindset and started waking up right when the sun started peaking over the maze walls.
You woke up early so you could get a head start with some of the work in the garden. This meant you just spent a bit of extra time plucking out weeds and getting extra fertilizer from the deadheads. You did this to lightly the load that you and the rest of the track hoes' had to do, and you also did it because you just enjoyed being productive.
But one of the secret advantages of waking up early to tend to the garden was seeing the runners leave right when the maze doors opened. You took the brief amount of time they had before leaving to talk to them because they were all very busy people, and getting any opportunity to have a quick chat with them mattered to you. Especially because it meant you got to talk to Minho.
You never admitted it to anyone, but Minho was one of the only boys in the glade that you actually felt attracted to. You couldn't quite understand why, but you always felt drawn to him.
Maybe it was because he was held so high by all the gladers, even though none of them were ever able to talk to him because of how busy his schedule was. He was in the maze all day and when he finally returned from a long day of working to find a way out of the maze for himself and everyone else in the glade, he would be in the maze room. He was working, constantly. Which is why you felt special whenever you had the chance to talk to him. Even if it was just for a couple seconds.
Or maybe you liked him because he still got flustered whenever you talked to him. You would always try to be as respectful towards him as possible, but your flirtatiousness always found a way to shine through. And he seemed to be the only boy who hadn't gotten over how flirty you were, even though every other boy knew that that was just the way you were.
Needless to say, you had a pretty big crush on him, one that you tried your hardest to deny. But you really couldn't help it, which is why you chose to become friends with him. You decided to settle with that because you were sure he wasn't interested in being anything more. Even though Newt often tended to think otherwise.
But you still couldn't help but think that it was just so cute how whenever you talked to him he would fumble over his words, or get as red as the tomatoes you were tending to whenever you even touched him.
However, whenever Minho acted all flustered like this, he would curse at himself relentlessly, wondering why he was as awkward as he was whenever he was near you.
The truth is, he had been down horrendously for you the second Alby pulled you out of the box. At first, he chalked it up to you just being the only girl and well, he couldn't exactly remember the last time he had seen one of those. But as the weeks went on, his feelings for you only deepened. He never saw a point in telling you because every boy who confessed his 'love' to you got rejected. Part of that made him feel glad though because he knew that just about none of the boys in the glade were good enough for you, and he felt happy knowing you would never like any of them. But the downside to that was Minho thinking that he would never have a chance with you.
That never stopped him from wanting to talk to you though. He would purposely make sure to stop by the garden to talk to you before he headed into the maze. Whenever you weren't in the garden, he would check the deadheads to see if you were there. Once he found you, he would make some excuse by saying he was just taking a walk in the woods to clear his head before going into the maze.
He really didn't know why talking to you mattered to him so much, but it just did. And today was no different.
You were nealing down next to garden beds that Gally and some of the others had just built. It was a relatively new addition to the garden and you had just finished filling them with soil and fertilizer yesterday. So you were eager to begin planting some of the last remaining seeds that were sent up from the box into the beds.
You could always tell when a month would pass by when you ran out. The box always sent up a certain amount of seedlings and by the time you ran out, a month would pass and the box would come back up, providing you with another month's worth. So as you planted the last seed in the pouch, you knew that in a few hours, a new greenie would appear from the box, symbolizing the start/ end of yet another month in the glade.
You stood up, dusting off your knees as you congratulated yourself on your wonderful planting skills. But your eyes wandered away from the garden and onto Minho, who was now walking your way. Your heartbeat quickened as you saw him. He arrived slightly earlier than normal because you noticed that you hadn't seen any of the other runners with him, but you also knew it would only be a few minutes until they came to join him.
Minho mentally prepared himself while he walked up to you, telling himself that he was going to be normal today, and he wasn't going to start stuttering like an idiot.
At least that's what he tried telling himself as he approached you, clearing his throat, "Hey (Y/N)," Minho said while resting his hands on that runner's vest he always wore on top of his signature blue shirt which complimented each of the defined muscles on his chest.
"Hi, Minho." You said with a smile on your face that couldn't help but make Minho blush. "What brings you out so early? The maze doors don't open for another five minutes don't they?" You questioned. You had gotten pretty good at telling time around the glade, even without a watch like Minho.
"Oh yeah, I just thought that maybe I'd get over here a little earlier," Minho said with an awkward chuckle as he tried to smile back at you.
"Ah, I see," you said before continuing, "Is it cause you wanted to spend a little extra time talking to me?" You said with a giggle, trying to make a little light-hearted joke as you stared up at Minho with puppy dog eyes.
Minho however, did not take this as a joke. He began blushing, hard. "Oh no that's not why- wait no that's not what I meant. Like I love talking to you but that's not why-" Before Minho could continue to embarrass himself further, you cut him off.
"Minho I was just joking." You said with a laugh, trying your best to reassure him because clearly, he was mentally freaking out. You couldn't get over how cute he was when he was like this. You were always so used to seeing him act serious and stoic in every other situation, but whenever it came to you, he was a mess.
"Yeah- right. Of course." Minho said awkwardly, trying his hardest to laugh off the situation. He felt his cheeks heat up as you continued to look at him for a moment while taking off your gardening gloves. He couldn't help but take the time to admire you and the features on your face while you did so.
You had your hair tied into a loose braid that was slung over your shoulder and onto your chest. His eyes glanced up and down your body to see that you were wearing a pair of low-rise jean shorts paired with a V-neck shirt that clung to your curves and exposed your chest slightly.
You noticed his eyes drift to your chest and laughed silently to yourself but didn't say anything else to him. You normally didn't mind having the boys in the glade stare at you because, at this point, it was to be expected. But you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach as Minho looked at you, and you couldn't help but feel happy that you decided to wear this shirt today.
"If it makes you feel any better, I love talking to you too Minho." You joked, even though you definitely meant it. Your voice broke the slightly awkward silence that had filled the air while you put your hand on his bicep. No matter how many times you've made this gesture toward Minho, it never fails to surprise you with how firm his muscles are. It also never failed to make Minho physically stiffen and make his mind go completely blank.
You absentmindedly began softly rubbing Minho's bicep with your thumb. You were genuinely curious about how he had gotten this strong. Was it all the running he did? Did they have weights in the glade that you just didn't know about? You weren't quite too sure what it was but you were loving it.
You snapped out of your thoughts though as you saw the other runners approaching the garden. You looked back up at Minho with a soft smile as you took your hand off of him, "Well I hope you have a good run today Minho." You said while trying to snap him out of whatever trance you'd unknowingly put him in.
"Thanks," Minho said. At least he didn't stutter while getting that out, but then again, he only said one word. But it was a new record nonetheless.
You greeted the other runners with a smile and a wave while Minho's feet stayed planted in front of you, unable to move.
"We'll meet you at the doors Minho." Ben said as he and the others jogged past you and him, snickering at the whole situation.
You stared at him again for another moment, expecting him to move but something in him couldn't. "You should probably catch up with them right?" You ask him, hoping that you didn't just cause the glades best runner to short-circuit just because you touched his bicep.
"Right, yeah- yeah you're right," Minho said while letting out a soft chuckle.
"Be careful alright? I'll talk to you later." You told Minho as you patted him on the back while he began to walk past you.
"Okay yeah. Talk to you later." Minho said, still very flustered about what had just happened. He was still trying to process it all because even though you had been touchy with him before, it was never like this. There was something very different about it this time. He thought about it for the rest of the day while he was running in the maze, and even when he came back and ate dinner.
While Minho was showering before heading to the bonfire, he couldn't help but wonder if you also felt it, if you also felt the same energy in the air that he felt. Or if he was just overthinking an exchange between the both of you that hadn't even lasted more than five minutes.
The truth was that he wasn't the only one whose mind kept racing back to that moment.
You couldn't stop thinking about it either and it was distracting you this entire day. You didn't know what was so different about it this time, but you could feel something shift between you and Minho during that simple exchange. You brushed it off as much as you could and decided to turn your focus on showing the new greenie around.
He seemed to have taken quite a liking to you and was practically following you around 24/7, which you didn't mind too much. He seemed like a sweet kid who was around your age, behaving toward you the same way every other boy had toward you in the glade at one point or another.
As the day continued, the bonfire began and you found a seat with a group of about ten people, the greenie being one of them. He chose the seat right next to you and after a couple drinks, he had his arm around you. In your eyes, it really wasn't that big a deal. You thought it was sweet that he was opening up so soon, and you had to admit he was pretty funny. You couldn't help but laugh at a lot of his jokes.
But Minho wasn't too big a fan of how the new guy clung to you. While everyone gathered at the bonfire he couldn't help but notice how the very obviously drunk boy, had his arm around your shoulder and it was driving him crazy. He had been hearing whispers from the other gladers about how you were going to start dating him and the mere thought of it made Minho's blood boil. Even though all the comments that had been made about you and the greenie were jokes because everyone knew you well enough to know you were just being friendly, Minho didn't know that.
You were in the middle of a conversation with the new guy and the rest of the group when you spotted Minho walking in your direction. At first, you got excited, you had been waiting to talk to Minho this whole day. But then you looked at him and noticed the stern, almost angry expression he had on his face. Your confusion only grew as he stopped right in front of you, his build towering over you as you stared back up at him.
"Hey, can we talk for a second?" Minho said through gritted teeth. The amount of anger in his voice was prominent, and you couldn't lie, it was kind of hot. Minho was not a hot-headed person, so seeing him be anything other than stoic or flustered was new for you.
"Uh sure, is everything alright?" You ask with genuine concern. You didn't know what could've gotten Minho this angry so you were relatively worried.
"Yeah, it's fine. Just- can you come with me?" Minho said quickly, and it was obvious to you that it, whatever 'it' even was, was not fine. You took Minho's hand anyway as he helped you up from your seat.
Everyone in the group was staring at you, just as confused as you were while you told them you'd be back soon. You shot the greenie a wave and you could've sworn you saw Minho roll his eyes and scoff as you did so.
Minho led you to the edge of the deadheads and stopped by a nearby tree. There was silence between the both of you and you were waiting for Minho to say something. When he didn't, you spoke instead, "So what is this all about?"
Minho crossed his arms as he began to reply, you couldn't help but notice fury in his eyes as he spoke, "I should be asking you that."
"What?" You questioned, slightly dumbfounded and slightly confused by Minho's harsh tone. He'd never spoken to you in such a way, so now you were really racking your brain trying to figure out what you could've done to piss him off so much.
"Oh don't pull that oblivious klunk with me (Y/N)." Minho sneered.
"I'm not acting oblivious, I don't know what you're talking about, seriously." You said while putting your hands up in surrender, and it was the truth, you really didn't know what he was talking about.
"I'm talking about you and the greenie. How you guys were all over each other. Are you dating him or something?" Minho spits out, venom and jealousy lacing his words.
You couldn't help but laugh as he said this but you quickly realized he was being serious. "Wait you're kidding, right? Me and the greenie? No Minho he's just a friend." You said in an attempt to reassure him.
"Well, it didn't look like you were just friends. Not by the way he had his arm around you." Minho blurted out.
"Are you getting jealous Minho?" You asked with a grin on your face. Minho stayed silent for a moment after you asked, so you spoke again, "Why would you care anyway? It's not like you like me like that or anything." Annoyance in your voice this time. Who was he to act so pissed off about it if he didn't even like you?
"Who said I didn't?" Minho questioned while staring dead at you.
Now it was your turn to be silent.
"You like me?" You said as you just stared at Minho for a moment longer, wondering if you had really heard him correctly. A sliver of hope surged through you as you thought of the possibility.
Minho quickly realized what he had just said and just stared at you. Did he really just say that? Why did he just say that? His words got stuck in his throat and he stayed quiet.
"Minho answer my question."
"Yes, okay? Yes, I like you. So what if I do? Are you going to reject me the same way you reject every other boy?" Minho asked with genuine curiosity.
Before you or he could say anything else, you kissed him.
You hadn't even realized how long you had been waiting to kiss Minho ever since you laid your eyes on him. But as your lips merged into his perfectly, it all just felt right.
Minho melted into your touch as you wrapped both of your arms around his neck and he pulled you in as he placed both of his arms around your waist. The kiss you both shared was gentle yet passionate as you fell deeper and deeper into his warm embrace.
You pulled away for a moment to look Minho in the eyes, "I like you too Minho." You said with a warm smile that almost made him pass out. Minho's heart melted as he heard those words come out of your mouth. They were what he'd dreamed you you eventually say to him, and he couldn't think of anything else to do at that moment than to kiss you again.
The kiss between the both of you deepened and only became more sloppy and desperate as if the both of you couldn't get enough of each other. You allowed his tongue to enter your mouth and taste every bit of you. You could tell that he must've had some muscle memory from his life before the maze because he definitely knew what he was doing as his tongue wrestled against yours.
Minho pushed you onto a nearby tree and moved one of his hands from your waist and to your ass. You moaned softly into his mouth as he did so and you pushed yourself into him further, which only caused Minho to harden against you.
"Oh, there you guys are. I assumed you guys got everything settled?" Newt asked as he interrupted you and Minho. You both pulled away for the second time, breathlessly, and stared at him for a moment.
"Oh yeah- everythings um, settled. I guess." Minho said while turning around to face Newt. Newt gave you a look and you just gave a thumbs up and an awkward smile back to him.
"Alright well, I just wanted to let you know (Y/N) that the greenie was wondering where you were," Newt said with a smirk while scratching the back of his head.
"Oh, well- just tell him I'm busy or something." You replied hastily. You had waited long enough to let Minho know how you felt and you wanted nothing more than to turn all of your attention back to him now. Minho looked at you and grinned, obviously very pleased with your response.
"Will do," Newt said as he began to walk away and back up to the bonfire to join everyone else. You blushed as you put your hands up to your face and buried your head into Minho's chest.
"God that was so embarrassing." You said, your words muffled in the fabric of Minho's t-shirt.
"Oh come on there's nothing to be embarrassed about. If anything it's good that that shuckin' greenie'll get the message." Minho cooed as he wrapped one arm around your back and used his other hand to stroke your hair. He planted a kiss on your forehead as you took your hands away from your face and wrapped them around Minho's waist. You looked up at him again with a goofy grin on your face, which only made Minho grin at you back, "What, what is it?" He chuckled.
"You never struck me as the jealous type." You stated while tilting your head slightly before continuing, "Not like there's anything wrong with that though."
Minho only smiled back at you and brought his lips to yours once more, holding you in his arms as if he found the one thing that he wanted to hold onto for the rest of his life.
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alright yall here is yet another Minho fic
I hope you guys liked it and tysm @minhoshotharness for the request!! It was so fun to write and I hope that you liked what I did with the concept.
plzplzplzplz keep sending me these requests guys, I literally LOVE writing them
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redrum-alice · 1 month
Some HCs about the FreaKey couple even though I dont play the game...please dont kill me for this lolololol...
A.B.A gets jealous of other couples (she stalked them in public spaces from afar) who are more lovey dovey than her and Paracelsus. So to "spice" things up, she reads dating and romance tips on a (stolen) teen magazine that suggests those shoddy dating ideas and boasting to others that they're the end game (Paracelsus and others feels awkward as she says this).
After their arcade mode story, Paracelsus begins to feel guilt about having to manipulate A.B.A to wield him as a blood thirsty weapon. He knew A.B.A doesn't have hate in her heart, and saw how loving she actually is without her possessive traits. One example is when she polishes his brass parts after battle. She also tries to prop him in a comfortable position when at rest because she feels bad that he isnt mobile like she is.
Paracelsus admits, although not in a romantic way (sadly), that A.B.A is beautiful in her own way despite the uncanny nature of her origin. He says this in the most vague and bleakest way possible, yet A.B.A hyperventilated when she hears this.
Because of Paracelsus' statement on her beauty, she doesn't mind not fitting in with humans because his encouragement is all what she needed.
Let's say that A.B.A is considered attractive in their universe, minus the eye bags and the unkempt look- if someone ever compliments her in the slightest (grim extent is someone cat calls her) by a stranger, she would feel like she betrayed her husband for catching someone's eye. Mixture of frustration, shame, timidness, and anger would flow into her that she ultimately resorts to violence as a solution to the incomprehensible feeling. Paracelsus on the other hand would probs feel disgusted at the stranger's rude behavior, justifying his wife's violent outburst (ah yes, toxicity)
If another girl/woman compliments her though, she would be confused and scared as to why they would do such and not go after her husband. Because of her timid nature, she isn't used to hear positive things from others up until Elphelt (lol)
A.B.A's favorite color is blue, probs because she read somewhere or thought it's the calmest color. Blue in nature (partaining to animals) is usually rare, so it could also signify that she's drawn to things that are unique. (Or I could be wrong. I'm probably am--)
Speaking of the color blue, A.B.A attempted to dye her hair blue, but because of her vivacious red hair before, it resulted into greenish color (I know some fans theorize that her hair oxidized bc of her unusual body composition, but I wanna lean on the fact that she tries to fit in the outside world).
Paracelsus inspired her into liking color blue when he was talking about his past travels (at the risk of making A.B.A envy his previou's wielders ofc)
A.B.A was born with impeccable knowledge, thus explains why she speaks in such an authoritative manner. However since she lived in isolation for the first 10 years of her life, she does not know how humans speak in modern day. Paracelsus told her stories and spoke about philosophies only demons have access to.
Regarding small humans (as A.B.A likes to call the children), she wondered what it was like to grow up from a helpless being to a capable one, often lamenting that she hadn't had a literal childhood like a normal being. To cheer her up, Paracelsus suggested that their next date is at the park where there are swings and see-saws. Up to you how that's gonna work out lol
P.S., pls be gentle with me, Im new to the fandom and ship--
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angelkissiies · 1 year
Hellooo if you don’t do requests totally ignore this rn, but if you doooo I have a request for hockey player!Abby Anderson and cheerleader reader 👀
So basically Abby is watching her practise and some other girl in the squad runs into her on the ice and reader gets injured, Abby then is the concerned gf ofc and takes care of r??
You could do it so the girl who ran into R did it on purpose for some reason to add spice but that’s not necessary, have a good day/night!! :)
playing dirty
abby anderson x reader
cw : descriptive injuries, angst, cheerleaders being horrible, abby is stressed tf OUTTT, blood, again skating injuries read at your own discretion. hockey!au. modern!au. abby lowkey is rich bc her dads a surgeon.
a/n : this got less fluffy more serious and im so sorry !! I got super carried away so I’m sorry if this isn’t how you wanted it! also its not proofread in the slightest.
wc : 2.2k
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Abby had a habit of tagging along with you on long practice days, spending her time watching the team go over their routine or doing homework silently so as to not disturb anyone. It was a guilty pleasure, to be completely honest, as she loved to watch you do your thing on the ice- wondering how someone so usually reserved could shine so brightly under pressure. If she’d had the gall, she would've compared you to a diamond. That seemed to be less than fitting, seeing as there was no time in your life she could ever consider you rough or dull. To her, no matter what you were doing, it was showstopping.
It was no different today, she sat on the far side of the rink in silence as her airpod blared music into her ear. She’d gotten into the habit of using one instead of two in case she was needed, which was rare, but it did happen. At some point, the words of 'let it die' by the foo-fighters faded from her attention as she brought herself to peer through the plexiglass to scan the groups of girls for you. She usually had a knack for finding you almost instantly, but today you seemed to be tucked somewhere she couldn’t see as the music for the first routine began to blare over the speakers.
She couldn’t recognize the song as she watched the groups skim over the ice gracefully, performing stunts she was sure she’d never be able to do even with the amount of training she’d been through on the ice. It always put your dedication into perspective, long nights in the rink mixed with early morning workout sessions to keep you at your best- it took a lot to do what you did but you never complained. Not once had she ever seen you unhappy about what you do, with that, she made a mental note to herself to tell you more often how much she admired you.
You, on the other hand, were not feeling so graceful. With a face full of stray hairs from your impossibly loose bun and a uniform coated in tiny ice shards from the girl in front of you digging her skates into the ice- you’d almost had enough. It wasn’t often you had bad days at practice, but when it rained it poured. Seeing as a monsoon seemed to be occurring, you’d been pushing as hard as you could to just make it through this practice and take it back home in one piece. Though, it seemed to be increasingly difficult when the girl before you (yeah, ice shard girl) kept doing her spins a little too loosely and letting her blades come a little too close to your legs.
“Okay, listen, you guys are too far apart. I think we need to come in a little closer.” The coach called out, halting the music before it even got to the halfway mark. That was a clear sign that she hated what was happening, seeing as she at least gave it to the halfway mark to really come together. More stopping meant longer practice which meant Abby would have to carry you home in a bucket of your own tears by the time you were allowed to leave the ice.
You huffed slightly, pushing back the flyaways in a manner that did relatively nothing, before getting back to your original mark. By now, the girl in front of you was so close you could hear her snippy chatter with who you could assume was her friend on her left side.
“She’s totally blocking you from spinning.”
“No, because I was literally thinking the same thing, like, she needs to get it together.”
“For real, like first she shows up to practice looking like that, and now she’s being a total clutz on the ice.”
“Wouldn’t it be funny if you-”
The music beginning drew you from their not-so-private conversation, pushing your mind back to the task at hand before allowing yourself a small glance towards the benches. From your spot, you could see your girlfriend shuffling music on her phone before bringing her attention back to the ice- watching carefully.
Abby was a little bored, her usual girlfriend watching activities halted by the change in density- making it ten times harder for her to find you, so she bobbed back and forth between half-assing her chemistry homework and watching the routine play out. Not that she minded, either way, she’d be able to take you home tonight and admire you then- as she always did. Some might call her cheesy or overly affectionate but she knew you didn’t mind, even liking the way she’d always look for you in a crowd.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You hissed quietly, barely audible over the music as you just barely missed the girl in front of you’s skate. She’d released too early and you weren’t in place to be out of the way just yet, causing the blade to almost skim the sensitive skin of your ankle before you moved away and into your next mark. If you didn’t know any better, you’d be thinking that she was doing it on purpose- but that just wasn’t possible. Everyone on the team knew how dangerous blade cuts were, especially since you had to sit through an entire hour-long seminar on rink safety to even audition for the team.
Even the idea made you wince, urging you to fuck up choreo just to avoid her completely. It was definitely an option. Though, you didn’t get to think about it too long before you felt yourself hit the ice.
Abby watched the entire thing, mouth wide open as she saw the girl's leg fall too early during her move to slash a gash across your thigh. She couldn’t find the will to breathe as she jerked her lone airpod out and let her things fall to the ground before practically throwing herself onto the ice. She’d barely made it onto the ice before she heard a terrified scream fall from your mouth, probably from the sight of the blood that had begun to spill from your thigh and onto the ice. “Oh shit.”
You didn’t feel it until you saw it, eyes glazing over at the sight of the cut. It didn’t look deep enough to need stitches but it sure as hell was deep enough to cause a scene- drawing a scream from your lips unconsciously as the blood created a massive red spot on the previously pristine ice, the sight was enough to make you faint- but as you glanced around for help you saw the other girls staring horrified.
“Girls, get out of the way!” Your coach shouted, pushing past them with a first aid kit that seemed to manifest out of nowhere. You didn’t even see her leave the ice, she was so fast. She knelt down beside you, ignoring the blood as it seeped into her sweatpants.
You almost fainted, vision slightly blurry as you let your head fall back on the ice, only coming into focus when you saw a familiar silhouette pushing past your teammates who stood, continuing to stare, at the scene. “Abby, hey.” You murmured, watching as she audibly reacted to the depth of the cut.
“Did someone call a fucking ambulance?” She shouted, startling a couple of the girls who were close enough to be useful. Her face was two shades paler, making her look sickly as she tried to remain calm. As a hockey player, she’d seen far too many skate incidents, learning that the blades were more than enough to break the skin and even arteries if aimed correctly. That seemed to be her biggest fear now, as she watched the coach clean and dress the wound temporarily. Though, as the gauze met your wound it soaked with crimson, making her stomach churn slightly.
You bit back a morbid laugh, swallowing thickly as you spared a quick glance at your uniform that now sported random splotches of blood that you guessed splattered when the initial impact happened. It was comical considering how many times you’d chided Abby in the past couple of weeks about wearing her padding properly, worried about this exact result. For some reason, you never even considered that it would happen to you. Funny how things pan out.
The coach shed her jacket, dropping it onto the ice to soak up some of the blood before pressing down onto the cut to provide some pressure- much to your dismay. “Did she stutter? Go call an ambulance for Christ's sake.” She sighed, glancing up to see how you seemed to be doing- letting out a relieved breath to see that you were still conscious.
“Hey.” Abby hummed quietly, hearing the music cut off finally and the rink fall into silence only disturbed by quiet murmuring. She moved her hands to push the hair from your sweaty forehead, feeling in the same brush the chill that had entered your skin. “When I said ‘cut it up’ I didn't mean it so literally.” She attempted a joke, her laugh coming out uneasy as she referenced your conversation from earlier.
You laughed quietly, giving a small shrug as you began to regain some color to your face. “What can I say? I follow instructions to a T.” The patch-up job your coach did seemed to be working as you felt your body will with warmth again, attempting to fight off the icy chill of the ice below you (not to mention your sudden lack of blood).
She shook her head, biting the inside of her lip roughly before glancing around at the girls. The girl responsible looked like she was going to be ill, her bloody skate discarded on the floor by the exit as she regained her composure. “Hey, how did this happen?” She spoke again, leaning down slightly to cover some of her words. Though, yes, she did see the girl drop her leg too early- something seemed off to her. The entire situation having been weird from the start.
“Too close, that girl kept getting mad that I was fucking up her spins or something.” You whispered, glancing over to where they sat now- facing away from the ice. “They were talking shit about me before we restarted the routine.” You told her, leaving out all of the mostly unimportant details.
Abby clicked her tongue against her teeth, nodding slightly as she looked back down at you, giving you a soft smile. “No need to worry about that, pretty.” She hummed, hearing the sound of sirens getting closer to the rink. Someone she didn’t notice must've finally called, thank god. “You took that like a champ though, I've seen grown men pass out from cuts smaller than that.” She praised, watching as the blush color rose back into your cheeks- making her let out a small sigh of relief.
“Will you call my parents and let them know what happened? They were supposed to come see me perform at the game this weekend but I don't think that's gonna happen.” You asked, attempting to sit up but failing as it sent a sharp pain through your leg. You made a mental note to sue that girl, especially if this caused your exit from cheering. “I don’t want them to worry though.”
She nodded, tearing her eyes from yours as she watched the paramedics enter and hustle down the walkway to the rink. “Of course, pretty girl. You focus on them, okay? I’ll follow behind them in the car so I can take you home afterward.” She explained, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead before getting to her feet to move out of their way.
Abby let you fade from her sight as she focused her attention on the girls who sat unmoving in the team lot. She didn't know them personally but she sure as hell was about to as she shuffled over to the exit door- taking them by surprise momentarily.
“The fuck do you want?” One of them, the less bright one she assumed, spoke- causing the other girl to shush her almost instantly.
She sat nervously on the bench, one skate still laced and firmly on her foot whilst the other one leaked blood onto the ice right outside the door. If Abby didn’t know any better, she would've thought it was an accident. Based on the reaction from the girl now and the sight of it all, though her friends reaction solidified her original assumptions. “Allison, just shut up.” She stated firmly, voice trembling as she wrung her hands. “We’re so sorry, It was just supposed to be-”
“Shut up and listen,” Abby growled, leaning down to their level as she prepared to spell out what was going to happen to them. “You are going to go to coach and tell her exactly what happened, I’ll know if you lie because I fucking watched it. Then, you’re going to go home and wait for my fucking lawyers to call. Think you could do that?”
Was it maybe overkill, yes. Did she care, absolutely not.
The girls nodded, faces warped into a mortified look as they scampered back onto the ice- the main girl almost tripping on her discarded skate.
Abby drew her phone from her pocket, shooting her dad a quick SOS text before dialing up your parents, listening to the dull tone ring before your mother finally picked up.
“Hey! Not to worry you but..”
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ravenbloodshot · 29 days
Jack Grealish (Soccer Player).... Personality Reading
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He gives off very introverted-extroverted vibes. When he's alone, he remains alone. But when he's around others, he interacts and engages wholeheartedly. I low-key feel like he's someone who doesn't make friends easily or at least doesn't consider ppl his friend easily. He's definitely more of a loner than others realize, probably bc of what I said above. He's not the type to be standoffish when ppl are around him, he talks and jokes around, but truly befriending others. Not likely.
This guy is very independent and in his own world/space. He's someone that can look quite intimidating if you see him chilling on his own (I saw a scene of him sitting on a bus with his headphones in and others, I assume soccer teammates, walking by him kind of afraid to sit by him). He could have resting bitch face when he doesn't smile or the type to look upset even when he's not.
There is something cool about him. I get a "ik who I am" aura from him. Although as cool as he is, this type of aura doesn't come from living an easy life. He most definitely has had a rougher childhood than most
When I first said his name while pulling cards, I "accidentally," said Drake. It reminded me of Drake Bell, the Nickelodeon child star that was assaulted and abused. Idk if Jack was a childstar himself or just had a really bad childhood, but I sadly see a similar situation.
Jack may be quite manipulative and play victim at times to get his way. Although, he may actually go through a lot and have shitty shit happen to him. He may use that to make excuses for himself, like "ik I drink too much and it's affecting how I practice and ultimately my teammates as well, but Im really dealing with a lot."
Wow...this guy has a VERY strong intuition, could be a strong manifester as well. He's the type of person to unintentionally predict or speak things into existence. You guys know how when you're calling off of work and you give an untrue excuse, he's the type to call in saying like "oh, my dad's in the hospital so I can't come in" and later that actually comes true. He can go quite far with this gift, but he can also cause a lot of destruction. I think he will use it carefully, if he was aware of it. It's possible he spoke his successful career into existence.
I looked it up to see if he has a girlfriend/wife bc I was picking up on some interesting vibes. Turns out he does, but unfortunately, he's not very faithful, and is likely very good at hiding his secret escapades. Even if his girl finds out, she's not the type to expose him, and neither are his secret lovers, so his public image will never take a hit (not for this at least). He does all of this sleeping around to fill some type of void. Definitely, a guy who needs therapy.
Princess Diana by Ice Spice is a song that fits this reading's energy
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munsster · 2 years
Hi again! I have this idea for a Walter Keys (x fem!reader) fic where Keys buys the reader a puppy for her birthday and he has to go and get this puppy and all its toys and then hide it before she gets home from work. I can just imagine Keys running around his apartment chasing a little chocolate Labrador puppy or something and then the reader gets home and he surprises her with it but it's just CHAOS.
of course, you don't have to write it, but I thought it was a cute idea!
keys surprising you with a dog
A/N: THIS IS SO CUTE IM BLUBBERING LIKE A LITTLE BABY OVER IT (also i did it in headcanon format bc it felt right) SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT THE BIRTHDAY PART but it can still b read that way!!
Warnings: just fluff, cursing, a kiss, pure chaos and i love it
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he definitely felt like you were dropping hints and you were NOT subtle about it
“omg look at that perfect little puppy” + *bombards his messages with pics of little doggies* + “DOG!” x100 + “don’t you just love dogs?”
but he’s pretty sure you don’t know that he knows that you know what you’re doing
tldr; he’s getting you a dog
he’s spent WEEKS scrolling thru adoption ads online and scouring shelters for the bestest boy and then
looking for a loving home: misha! chocolate lab, 7 month old, friendly/affectionate/playful, vaccines up-to-date
with the sweetest little face and a picture of him playing catch
like COME ON
you know keys immediately called the number and sped on over to the address they sent for this pup
misha sat in the passenger’s seat the whole way home, and keys quickly found out he likes the spice girls
they’re already best friends and it was only a four hour drive
……. he’s committed
only he didn’t consider: food, bowls, a bed, toys, leash, etc.
so the journey is back on, and you’re off work soon
lets misha trot around the store picking out his favorite toys (chooses the loudest, most squeaky ones and is grinning like a bastard the entire time)
picks out a matching collar + leash and a fluffy bed and like 100 pounds of dog food
needless to say, he may or may not have spent almost $1000 that day
no matter ‘cause the look on your face is gonna be priceless, he can already tell
then he lets misha off his leash and into the apartment
and he’s off
sprinting into the bedroom and out again, barking at nothing, bouncing off the walls, he’s got the ZOOMIES for sure
and keys is just standing in the front doorway, leash in hand like……. what have i done
apartment: trashed
so now he’s chasing after the ball of energy, picking up knocked over books and a lamp and trying to get the shoe out of his mouth when he hears
“… i’m home”
all while he’s crouched by the arm of the couch, eyes wide, and turned over his shoulder to smile at you
and the dog comes SPRINTING out of nowhere, completely mowing him over, flattening him on the carpet
and keys just groans because he can hear you laughing while the dog laps at his face
you set your stuff down and kick the door closed and are DOUBLED over looking at this fully grown man with a dog wiggling around on top of him and nearly suffocating him
and you’re just kneeling down next to them and scratching the dog’s head while keys is playing dead and you’re like
“who’s this little guy?” “the devil” “awww, such a good boy, what’s your name, bub?” “it’s misha. and he’s insane” “hi, misha!!”
and the puppy hops into your lap and you have to hold him back from climbing you like a tree
he’s such a sweetie, and keys is still recovering
then misha sits down in your lap and is panting and nudging your hand until you pet him more 🥺🥺
“so who are we dogsitting for?”
“we’re not”
and you just laugh and shake your head while keys wipes the slobber off his face and sits up
“ha ha very funny. who?”
but keys just stares at you with that little stupid smirk and you look up from the dog and your face go so serious
keys is scared
“he’s ours?” “mhm”
and you just hug the little puppy and are literally on the verge of tears and grabbing keys by the back of his neck to give him a big kiss
and misha starts barking up at the two of you
and you pull away laughing with keys holding your hand
“he’s ours”
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annachronisme · 8 months
Steve has good parents AU.
an idea I find hilarious is where Steve's parents are good parents but most importantly they're massive giganteous NERDS but even better ? They're concretly dumbass.
I want a Mrs. Harrington - can I call her sophie ? Im calling her Sophie- who's gorgeous like hand down prettiest girl in town when she was younger but then she's goes home and she just like go full gremlin mode stained jogging headband and thick ass glasses and baggy tshirt. My girl right there is a bookworm that why she need glasses and she lounges in comfy close to read. She regret every day she did not pass the passion of reading to Steve. When steve told her letters were jumbing around the page and moving she said 'Oh yeah make sense.' Like I said : dumbass
I want a Mr Harrington - Richard ? Richard.- Ice man. Not a smile on his face, work centered, never talk except for works just as beautiful as his wife and then he goes home and becomes a man child(affectionate) like my man still don't talk but catch him on a subject he like he will neeeeever shut up. My cartoon man right there who wanted to draw cartoon too but had a shitty dad.
But I want some shade, I want SPICE. My two blorbos right there didn't love each other that much and thought the other would hate them or mock them for who they truly were until one day they discovered that daaamn. Living and loving your spouses is better when they let you enjoy the things you love ! And then they went into lovebirds mode. There's still not home often even though they try, my idea is that they're both from family that struggled with money for some times and want to provide eveything for Steve but ultimately forgot to just be there. But like post season 2 or right at the end, they get a call about Steve being in a really bad fight while protecting kids and they run home. After that they try to come home more often which always end up in board game night.
Can anyone see my vision ????
Imagine this, Nobody in the party ever heard of Steve parents even less saw them at this point they're not even sure they exist. The only one that vaguely met them were Robin after Starcourt and that's it. She didn't even talk to them she just saw a couple run in -ignoring Doctors and nurse- directly into Steve's room. Dustin at this point considered Mr&Mrs Harrington to be cryptids. So imagine their surprise when after yet another Upside Down apocalypse everyone reunited into the recently back Byers' House to celebrate and Steve didn't come. Then they started to worry and Joyce decided to call his house to check. And when he answered all she heard was arguing in the back and everyone's worry skyrocketed. Steve was very casual when answering and he apologized for not coming apparently he forgot.
Until they heard Steve yell back.
' Give me my money, you traitor !' 'NO!' 'You always do this' ' DAD! Give her your money you owe Mom !' 'NO! She's in JAIL. I'm not paying a CRIMINELLE.' 'Oh MY GOD' 'You landed on my PROPERTY RICHARD.' 'FUCK YOUR CRIMINELLE ASS SOPHIE'
and that's how everyone learned that No Steve's parents were not cryptid, dead or else and that they were very passionate about monopoly.
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sweet-cuddlebug · 3 months
~ Greetings and welcome to my blog ~
♤ About me.
• You can call me Mers, Mercy or Mersi
• My pronouns are they/them/she/her/he/him
• I'm bisexual
• Also a taurus
• And neurodivergent
♡ About interaction rules.
• Do not interact with this blog if you are LGBTQIAphobic, pedophillic or MAP, exclusionis, racist, ableist. Immature and hatefull in general
• If in some of my posts the information shared is wrong or incomplete, please let me know through comments so I can edit it
• If you felt offended or attacked in any way due to my post, let me know through private messages so we can discuss and resolve the problem or misunderstanding
• You can leave comments with tips to improve my drawings (as long as the comment is respectful and refrains from using bad words)
• You can ask about the content I share, sources of entertainment I know, would watch, or could talk about
• Any question about my personal life will be ignored
• Also, you CAN send requests for me to draw and share (I mean, free, but nothing special), like doodles or something idk, and I CANNOT DRAW RIGHT NOW :(
• I have no problems blocking others.
◇ About the content.
• In this blog I will talk (or reblog) and publish fanart about the sources of entertainment that I enjoy
• Accompanied by occasionally talking and publishing drawings of my own OCs
• From time to time I will talk or reblog about content that may be considered political or sensitive, I will try to use tags well to avoid discomfort
♧ About the fanbases I am a part of (or just enjoy) ( "☆" currently a favorite) (this part is so messy im really sorry) (THIS IS DEFINITELY GOING TO BE EDITED)
• Cómics / Webcómics:
☆ Homestuck _ ☆ 13 Cards / 13 Карт (The Land of Kings) _ Crow Strider AU _ Rodney R Rodney _ Heartstopper _ The Little Trashmaid
• Anime:
☆ Mob Psycho 100 _ Demon Slayer _ Spy X Family _ My Hero Academia (not so much now) _ High Guardian Spice (ironically? (is it even anime?))
• Cartoons Series:
☆ 13 cards / 13 Карт _ ☆ Xiaolin Showdown _ ☆ Adventure Time _ ☆ Hanazuki _ ☆ Danny Phantom _ The Owl House _ Bluey _ Avatar: The Last Airbender _ The Legend Of Korra _ Hazbin Hotel _ Steven Universe _ Villainous _ Final Space _ Rise Of The TNMT _ DuckTales _ Gravity Falls _ Arcane _ Over The Garden Wall _ Monkey Kid _ Invader Zim _ Ok KO Let's Be Heros
• YT series:
Helluva Boss _ Metal Family _ Digital Circus _ Lackadaisy _ Eddsworld
• Movies:
Turning Red _ How to Train Your Dragon _ Kung Fu Panda _ Trolls _ Sound of Freedom
(pretty much any Disney or Pixars movie to be honest, those are the ones I remember right now)
• Musicals:
Hamilton _ Dear Evan Hansen _ Be More Chill _ Mean Girls _ Six _ Heathers _ Beetlejuice _ Nerdy Prudes Must Die _ The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals _ Ride The Cyclone
• Video Games:
☆ Little Nightmares _ ☆ Ace Attorney _ Danganronpa _ Saly Face _ Little Missfortune _ Five Nights at Freddy's _ Undertale _ Deltarun _ Night In The Woods _ Detroit: Become Human
• Minecraft Series:
Karmaland (4 & 5) _ Hermitcraft (6 to 10) _ The Lifes Series (Traffic Light Series?) _ OriginsSMP _ QSMP _ DreamSMP
• Books:
Percy Jackson _ Harry Potter
(Ok, technically I don't read many famous books to be part of the fandom, but I usually know what people are talking about)
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absolutesort · 1 year
location :    kitchen.
description :  the three girls make food for their dates with victoria.
featuring :  jenny /  @blondcs   &  charlene /  @guttcd
𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨.
“i think i’m gonna do like… a crème brûlée type deal, zeke from high school musical style. she looks a bit like sharpay if i squint.” frankie notes, thinking aloud, propped up on the kitchen counters with a spoon full of melted chocolate pressed against her tongue. it wouldn’t be love island without the obligatory melted chocolate and strawberries combo to go with her dessert, pre-prepped and ready to go by some intern who drew the short straw. make sure you feed her a strawberry, and tell the camera assistant when you’re gonna do it.  “kinda wanna do it just so they give me a blow torch, y’know?”  
𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐧
she’s halfway through pushing a slicer down an apple—the kind with handles on either side and a round spot for the core—struggling a bit when frankie stops her short. “crème brûlée?” there’s no way. “isn’t that like, super hard to make?”
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬
right now charlene feels like she’s surrounded by a bunch of sharpays. three blondes one brunette. pretty hot. “zeke and sharpay should have been end game! have you ever made a creme brûlée before, frankie?.”  she calls out from the chopping section, sights focused on making sure she doesn’t cut a finger off. though if she really wanted to stand out… “what are you making, jenny?”
𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐧
she finally gets the contraption down and the apple slices fan out like a flower. perfecto. “i’m doing a salad. nice, classic first course.” because if frankie’s considering crème brûlée, there’s no way she’s not gonna have something to say about that. “i was gonna do like, a caprese thing but there’s no way the store in town has good mozzarella, so… what are you making and will there be enough to share ‘cause you look mad legit over there.”
𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨.
“what, you don’t think i could do it?” bitch. honestly, she can kinda see why adela hates her — frankie’s relationship with jenny hasn’t exactly been sunshine, daisies, butter mellow either — but her lack of faith only makes frankie more determined. “i’ve spent literal hours of my life in a galley watching our head chef do it. it’s just ice cream, sugar and egg yolk.” she neglects to mention that she’s a kinaesthetic learner, not a visual one. “like… how hard can it be?” her eyes flicker over to charlene, hoping for some kind of confirmation that she isn’t massively unqualified for the job.
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“salad! niiiiiice. keeping it classy. i’m making some jambalaya. im like, totally missing some spiced thoughts i don’t know how well it will turn out. i’ll totally save some for you though.” she offers jenny a little wink, like they’re sharing a secret. charlene almost certain that crème brûlée is a lot harder than what frankie is saying, but the blonde sounds so confident that charlene can’t help but give her a supportive thumbs up. “you got this! worst case scenario you could do one of those cute microwavable brownie mugs if the producers won’t give you a torch.” or if her attempt to make a five hour dessert in 45ish mins fails
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“uh… not really?” she looks to charlene for backup. “that’s like, pastry chef, gourmet shit. just make sundaes or something or you’re gonna be stuck in this kitchen all friggin’ day.” even jambalaya seems complex for a love island meal but that could just be because jenny’s not entirely sure what jambalaya is. “do you know this is the second time they’re making me do this shit? as if i don’t hate cooking. they’re definitely punishing me.”
𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨.
at the mention of charlene's dish, frankie can't hold herself back from singing out "jambalaya! jambalayo..." to the tune of bamboleo by the gipsy kings, springing to life like someone's put twenty pence in and wound her up like a clockwork doll on mandy. "there's actually a country song about jambalaya... by hank someone. i don't remember, my dad would know it." not that anything she's saying is even important. even if charlene's encouragement only runs skin-deep, frankie shoots her two finger guns in response. despite the knowledge that miles wants to chat to charlene, a notion which doesn't exactly spark joy, she can't really bring herself to dislike her when she'd always assumed the two of them would be friends. but if she kisses him, she'll change her tune. "they'll give me a torch. chris loves me." frankie knows most of the production crew by name, often finds herself wandering about in places she shouldn't, asking the floor runners about their day. there's only so many times she can talk to the other islanders about how many siblings she has (four) and where she sees herself in five years time (just straight up vibing) without getting bored. "i'm gonna be stuck in this house all friggin' day anyway. and they probably won't let us leave the kitchen until like... they've got a fuck tonne of usable footage. might as well hone a skill." unlike jenny, who's decided that leaves is the way to go about it. "is salad your way of telling her to graft someone else?"
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frankie with a torch sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, but jenny just presses her lips together in a tight line, rooting around the silverware drawer for a knife. there’s no rhyme or reason to the way she slices the plastic wrapping off the block of cheese she’s planning to cube up, but she doesn’t cut herself so everyone upstairs can shut up, thanks. and everyone downstairs too. “why, is creme brûlée your way of saying you’re interested?”
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she has no idea what the hell frankie is singing so the only thing she can do to chime in is ask “do you like country music?” she’s from alabama or something right? “it’s so funny that we have to ask permission to use stuff like that. i get this is a rented space and we have to be careful but it’s like, borderline ridiculous.” unless frankie proves them right and burns the whole place down. there’s a beat of silence when jenny and frankie do their little back and forth of whether they are interested or not, meanwhile charlene has her attention on chopping up some sausages.
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“yeah, dude. dolly parton’s one of my favourite musicians of all time.” as a kid, on the long stretches of time when her mom would disappear, only returning to ‘borrow’ money, frankie would pretend that the reason she left was because she was secretly dolly parton, but no one at school or her dad was allowed to find out, or it would mean she had to stop visiting. sometimes, she thought her mom was speaking to her through dolly’s lyrics, the sound of it thrumming from a mug as she sunbathed on the hot tin roof of a trailer park. “i’m not interested,” frankie fires back, leaping down from the kitchen counter to check the temperature on the oven.  just competitive. “but you never know what powerful wish-granting abilities bombshells have. they could’ve told her whoever makes the best course gets hideaway or some crap.” and honestly, charlene and jenny are the two people in here she’d most want to beat to the prize.
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“have you had to get advil yet? they act like it’s fucking adderall, and after this whole song and dance of ‘what hurts?’ and ‘rate your pain out of ten’ they only give you one.” what’s one advil gonna do for a pounding headache and… inflammation? by that logic, she can’t imagine them handing over the torch at all without some serious release forms. it’ll be a good test to see if the crew likes frankie as much as she says they do. “you think that… if you make the best food, they’re gonna give you the hideaway with miles? that makes literally no sense. have you seen the show?” plus, a salad could very well win best course, thank you very much. no accounting for taste…
0 notes
extravaguk · 3 years
sex education 2.0
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pairing: college!au, jungkook x reader
summary: "Are you calling me boring?" Jungkook gasps dramatically, looking at you dumbfounded and visibly offended. You roll your eyes, taking a napkin and leaning forward to wipe the crumbs of garlic bread on his lips.
"First of all, don't talk with your mouth full, you pig. Second of all," you stop to take a sip of your coke, aware of Jungkook's expectant eyes on you. "A little, yeah." 
wordcount: 9k
genre: smut - angst(? not rlly - fluff, like tons bc im a slut for fluff
rated: m (duh!2.0)
warnings: alcohol and weed consumption, just jk and tae being bros having bro convos, switch!reader, switch!jk, but mostly dom!jk, dirty talk, glimpses of poorly written bdsm, reader being a jealous and ‘insecure little bitch’ (her words, not mine),slapping (dont worry i tried to make it funny), how i met your mother spoilers (sorry im a gemini i spoil shit), spanking, degradation kink, back at it again with the spit kink, slight anal play, beware!of jungkook being a sweetheart, a lil mean at the end but a sweetheart nontheless.
read sex education here!
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Three months of being in an actual commitment with Jeon Jungkook, your brother's partner in crime since the young age of five and, therefore, a common denominator throughout your childhood and teenage years, has proven to you a few things you never knew you would discover about the boy himself: Jeon Jungkook is definitely not what you thought him to be. 
You thought growing up with him would've been enough telltale about everything that made Jungkook be, well, Jungkook. He wasn't as immature as you had believed prior to the beginning of your relationship, he was funnier than you remembered -although maybe you found him funnier now that Taehyung wasn't in the picture to interfere with infantile inside jokes that you never were able to grasp-, and smarter than he had ever let you known before. Although you're sure the main reason his grades had started to improve was solely you and the way you rewarded him by opening your legs everytime he passed an exam. 
But above all, if there was something that had truly surprised you about Jeon Jungkook was the fact that he was truly an absolutely and undeniably softie.  
You loved it. Loved the random scribbled love notes he sometimes left in your backpack before kissing you goodbye to leave for his own class, loved the Spotify playlists he made exclusively just for you -with genres that varied between sappy and romantic and wanting to tear your 'wet ass pussy' in two-, loved the late night texts filled with emojis telling you how much he missed you when both of you were too busy doing assignments and studying to see each other -even if it hadn't even been 48 hours since you last saw each other-. You loved how careful and sweet and thoughtful he was. You really did. 
"Are you calling me boring?" Jungkook gasps dramatically, looking at you dumbfounded and visibly offended. You roll your eyes, taking a napkin and leaning forward to wipe the crumbs of garlic bread on his lips.
"First of all, don't talk with your mouth full, you pig. Second of all," you stop to take a sip of your coke, aware of Jungkook's expectant eyes on you. "A little, yeah." His mouth falls open and you supress a laugh. You really shouldn't be enjoying this so much, but there's something about Jungkook's reaction to his ego being bruised and that terribly adorable pout on his face that just makes your insides tingle with joy. 
"What do you mean? I've had plenty of girls in bed before you, like a whole lot, and none of them have ever called me boring! They loved this adventurous and fun dick, alright? Why do you think-" you raise a brow, scrutinizingly. It still amazes you how with just a simple expression and no words needed, you can make all color from Jungkook's face banish and how quick he is to reach for your hand across his bed. "But I only love youuuu, and you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and my dick like, baby, have I mentioned how head over heels I'm for you?"
"Only like five times today." rolling your eyes again, you pull your hand from his to toy with the peperoni piece on your slice of pizza. Jungkook swallows the lump in his throat, he was starting to get truly concerned now. You couldn't possibly...?
"Are you not satisfied? I mean, do I not make you feel good or...?" there's clear worry in his voice and that makes you meet his eyes, shaking your head hurriedly. Now it's you who take his hand in yours.  
"No! No, babe. I love sex with you! I love everything you do to me, I love how you treat me, I love how you make me feel. I'm a hundred percent satisfied, I swear, It's just..." you sigh, dropping your gaze to rub slow and reassuring circles to the ink adorning his skin. "All I'm saying is... I may also want to experience what all those girls have experienced with you, y'know... the not so vanilla stuff. But you always seem to be scared to try new things with me, and I don't know if it's because of m-"
"Baby," Jungkooks soft voice calls out to you, removing the pizza box in between the two of you to slide closer to you on the mattress. He craddles your face with his fingers, tilting your chin up to make eye contact with you. "_____, don't say that. I just don't ever want to cross any boundaries. I don't want to hurt you or do anything you might not like or regret later, you know that, right?" placing a small kiss on your lips, you hum in content nodding your head yes.
"I know that." you pull him for another brief kiss, oddly not caring about the faint taste of garlic and spice on them because that's what love will do to you. "But what if I do want you to hurt me? What if I want you to fuck my mouth with no mercy until I cry and slap my face after you've cum all over it while you call me a slut?" you pause, eyes meeting his through your eyelashes. "Or viceversa."
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It's not that Jungkook is afraid. Because Jungkook is afraid of nothing in this world. He will murder any spider in his way, he will throw a punch to anyone who denies mint chocolate ice cream as the superior ice cream flavour -and he knows that means he will have to literally fight like the entire population on planet earth-, and he will Rey Mysterio you if you ever discredit or deny his incredible skills playing Overwatch.
Jeon Jungkook prides himself in being fearless in every aspect of his life. Except when it comes to you. 
So yeah, maybe he was a little afraid. Because hearing you use the words 'choke', 'slap' and 'slut' in the same sentence did things to him that he didn't deem possible considering none of you were newbies anymore to intimicy. You have been together for three months, for God's sake, but you still made his cock twitch like the first day and he's sure in twenty years you'll have the exact same effect on him.
He didn't want his most primal instincts to overpower the respect and love he'd harboured for you since you were kids because at the end of the day, one, you were still his best friend's little sister, two, he appreciated you too much to ever cross any lines, and three, as cliché as it sounded, you were nothing compared to the girls he had been with previously. What he feels towards you cannot be compared to anything he had experienced before. 
And fuck, was he in a predicament. Because you made him weak in his knees for you and you were not even aware of it. You were not aware of how badly he has wanted to explore and take things way further, way out of both his and your comfort zones. But he's terrified. He's terrified because all he wants is to to take care of you and what if he fails at the one thing he's swore to himself? What if he lets the darkest side of him consume him and at the same time consume you? What if he does actually hurt you, not just psichologically but also physically?
He would never be able to forgive himself. And neither could Taehyung.
And that, was also tormenting him.
Taehyung seemed fine with the two of you dating -or at least that blow to Jungkook's face seemed to ease things between them-, but Jungkook is not dumb and has felt his best friend slowly distancing himself. 
Sure, they were still best friends and will ever will. Taehyung is loyal to Jungkook and Jungkook is loyal to Taehyung. Has been that way since they were five and that will not change just because Jungkook's caught feelings for his little sister.
But the phonecalls were not as often and not as long as they used to be; in rare occasions Jungkook could sense a certain type of awkwardness between them that really had never happened in their friendship, and sometimes Taehyung's jokes seemed to hold more truth than lightheartedness. 
And to top it all off, Jungkook's dilemma regarding you was eating him alive and, usually he would turn to Taehyung for girl advice, only to later realize he was also frightened of doing that. 
But a Friday night at 2 a.m, Jungkook decides he can't take it anymore. 
"Sup, man." Taehyung's voice answers Jungkook's phone call on the second ring, like he always does. 
"Hey, bro." Jungkook clears his voice, suddenly feeling self conscious. "Are you busy?"
"I don't know," his friend seems to be chewing on what Jungkook bets is red Skittles -yes, only the red ones- because he just knows him too well. "Are you busy still fucking my little sister?" 
Taehyung chuckles at his own joke, but Jungkook doesn't. He knows there's no malice, but he can't help to think there might be. He settles for a sigh. "Yeah." he can hear some shuffling on the other side and the clicking of a computer mouse. Jungkook would also bet he was playing Among Us and he would lie if he said he wasn’t disappointed he hadn't called him to play with him. "Y'know what, it's not even important, I'll just call y-"
"Come on, man. You haven't even laughed at that and you usually laugh at everything I say even when no one else does." Taehyung swirls in his chair, his attention fully focused on his best friend. "Seriously, what's bothering you." Jungkook takes a deep breath, rubbing the side of his face. 
"It's about _____."
"_____? As in, my little sister? Who you're fucking?"  
"Tae, dude-"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Go on." Taehyung stiffles a laugh and waits patiently for Jungkook to continue.
"She um... Fuck, I hope this isn't weird, dude. I really do. She wants to like... rough it up in the bedroom, I guess? And I just... I don’t know... I'm terrified dude." There's silence filling the gap between Taehyung and Jungkook and Jungkook almost feels like throwing up. 
"You're coming to me for sex advice... about my little sister?"
"I know, dude but... Who else I'm supossed to talk to? Jimin? Hoseok?" Jungkook sits up on his bed, an ugly knot beginning to form in his stomach. "I mean, you're my best friend," Jungkook swallows again, voice cracking. "...right?"
It's Taehyung's turn to sigh after a few seconds before he replies. "Forever and always, bro." His tone settles Jungkook's uneasiness. There's nothing but honesty in it. "Listen, Guk. I really don't know what kind of advice to give you because, literally, ew. But I do know my sister, and if that's what she wants and she's communicated with you about it, it’s because she trusts you. And I trust you more than anyone in my life. So there you go, man."
Relief washes all over Jungkook's body and he lays back on the bed again, heart not beating as hard as it was a few seconds ago. 
"Thanks, dude." Jungkook smiles. "Sorry for calling you so late."
"No problem, bro." Taehyung smiles as well, swirling his chair back to his computer screen. A weight of his own being lifted. "Among Us next time?"
"Yeah, I'll let you know. Good night, bro."  
Taehyung calls Jungkook's name before he can hang up. "Hey, man?"
"Yeah, man?"
There's a pause between them and then Taehyung speaks. "I love you, man."
Jungkook supresses the threat of tears about to spill because he knows Taehyung would try to bruise his other other eyebrow if he ever found out. Or hug him to death. Or both.
"I love you too, bro."
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"This reminds me of the first time you gave me a blowjob." Jungkook chuckles, watching you get down on your knees between his spread thighs, make up free and sporting a similar low messy bun as that time he's mentioning, except this time you're wearing one of his hoodies engulfing your smaller frame. Proof that this time around, you're exclusively his and no one else’s.
"You mean the blowjob of your life." you giggle as you reach out to pull down his sweatpants, deligthed to see he decided on not wearing any underwear. Your spit on the back of your hand and immediately wrap it around the base of his rock hard cock while his own darts out to push the strands falling down your face behind your ear, heart eyes emoji looking down at you looking up at him. 
Your tongue swirls around the tip timidly, swallowing the drop of precum oozing as he sighs heavily and lovingly. "Every blowjob you give me is the blowjob of my life." he unties your hair from the band holding it together because he prefers his fingers to be the hair tie, prefers to be the one to guide the bobbing of your head up and down his dick. 
You hum in appreciation against him, cherry balmed lips wrapping fully around the head of his cock and he hums back. "Love seeing you on your knees for me with your pretty mouth stuffed, fuck." You take him deeper, closing your eyes. 
Your hand moving accordingly to your mouth and your panties already wet, clinging to your folds. It's really not your fault Jungkook is the most delicious eye candy on earth and how fast can the mere sight of him make your pussy lips quiver. You slurp around the head obscenely , a moan of yours mixing with a moan of his. "Hands on your back." 
You obligue, removing your hands and growing excited at the dominating low tone his voice exerts. The grip he has on your hair tightens and controls your motions, pushing you further down his dripping shaft until your nose hits his pubic bone. He holds you there, his own eyes closing shut and his dick twitching insde your mouth. A thrust of his hips make you gag and has one of your hands flying to tap his leg two times, letting him know you were in need for air. 
He releases you, pulling you back until his cock is pulsating in front of you. He looks down at you, both breathless but the difference is you look so messy. Eyes watery, chest moving heavily and saliva leaking from your lips. 
Yeah, there was a reason Jungkook hasn't been like this with you before. The sight of you submitting completely and looking so nasty was too much for him to handle. He might never want to see you any other way than this. 
"Isn't this what you wanted, huh?" the free hand that had been supporting his weight on the matress grasps your face harshly, making you lock eyes with him.
 "I thought you wanted me to choke you with my cock like a little whore?" you nod your head eagerly, unable to form words. Your pussy throbs, prompting you to rub your thighs to get some sort of relief as his thumb smears the spit adorning your lips. You're quick to envelop it in the warmth of your mouth, an involuntary moan leaving your throat. "Such a pretty slut," he lets his cock slap against your cheek, removing his thumb to move his hand back to his previous position. "Open again."
You do, his length entering your mouth again -that you gladly accept- and then he's shoving you down by your hair. "Shit, gonna fuck your mouth so good..." 
And he does, not holding back anymore, his hand thrusting your head along his shaft until your throat tightens around him repeteadly, struggling for breath. But you take it, you take the aggresiveness and the degradation because fuck, you've been waiting for so long to know what this feels like. To have Jungkook be mean and have this type of control and power over you and you're enjoying it a bit too much. 
"F-fuck, I'm gonna cum, leave your mouth open." he releases on your tongue, not able to look away from the image of you with tears falling down your eyes and mouth drenched with him and your spit, some of his cum staining down your chin and the corners of your lips that he gathers with his thumb and pushes back into your mouth. He groans, watching you swallow all of it like a good girl, your tongue grazing around his digit for the remainings, gaze not leaving his. "Let me grab my phone real quick, I need to take a picture of this."
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You were definitely not the jealous type.  
You prided yourself on being able to recognize when your behaviours were due to your own insecurities and removing all sorts of feelings of uncertainty from your mind. You never liked toxic patterns or the glamorization of them and your relationship with Jungkook was proof. You knew relationships were supossed to be based on blind trust and faith in your partner and yours definitely reciprocated in the same way. 
"So can anybody tell me why Eunha is basically all over my boyfriend right now?" you wish you could blame your state on Hoseok's weed, who's sitting on the left side of the couch right next to you at the frat party. You really wish you could have an explanation for the way your heart tugged in such a weird way and your stomach swirled dangerously until almost making you nauseous. You really tried to blame your overthinking on the joint you had just passed to your friend. 
You knew it was bound to happen someday, especially considering Jungkook had always been a ladies' man and the kind of attraction from both men and women he was able to manifest, willing or unwillingly. You just never thought it would happen so soon and in such way that made you clench your fists so tight and your nails dig into the palm of your hands so painfully. 
"I mean, they did have like a long fling a few years ago, didn't they?" Seulgi, sitting on your right, chimes in. 
That was true. Longer than most flings Jungkook ever had before you.  
"Yeah, before she dumped him." Hoseok adds.
Your eye twitches and your jaw contracts. Because that, was also true, and it was mostly what was bothering you so much. 
Had it been Jungkook the one to move away from his situationship with Eunha like with most girls, you wouldn't have such a problem with the way she's shamelessly leaning towards him from across the room. Or the way she's twirling a strand of her hair between one of her fingers while battling her lashes. Or the way she's hysterically laughing at whatever he was saying, because your boyfriend was funny, but he was not that funny. 
You were not the jealous type, and Jungkook definitely wasn't giving you any reason to be, because as coquettish as the blonde was being or as provocatively as she was pushing her tits into his arm, he politely keeps his distance and tries to also engage with Jimin in conversation, leaving her pouting. But that wasn't enough to not make you start seriously questioning your feminist ethics right now. 
"Wait, you're not jealous, are you?" Seulgi turns to you, offering you the joint -how long had you been focusing your attention on Jungkook and Eunha to not realize it was your turn again to smoke?-. You take it, hesitating between answering right away or taking a hit before doing that. You were never a good liar. You look between your two friends who are looking back at you with their eyebrows raised.
"I-" you close your mouth and run your fingers through your hair. "Maybe? I don't know what I'm feeling and I don't like it one bit." 
"Aw, babe." Seulgi squeezes your knee, eyes showing you sympathy. "Jealousy is a natural response to any relationship."
"I know..." you take the joint in your hand, taking a long drag before letting the smoke out. "I just don't want to sound like an insecure little bitch!" you whine. "I don't want to be like 'Oh, why would Jeon Jungkook, a God of the Olympus, dare give his attention to a peasant as unworthy as me!?' Like no, he's just a man. A little less mediocre than most but a man nontheless. I'm not going to doubt myself or other women just because he's more beautiful than most, and hotter, and funnier and has a massive co-" you notice you're getting carried away by the look of disgust in Hoseok's face and Seulgi trying to hold back a laugh. 
"Anyways, he's lucky to have me. We're both lucky to have each other but sometimes I feel like I might be the luckiest out of the two. And seeing Eunha looking so pretty and throwing herself at him is triggering me because..." you pause to take a deep breath and lounch back on the couch. "What if he realizes one day that I'm luckier than he is and he could be luckier with someone else?"
There's, ironically, a long silence. Ironically because the sound of Travis Scott making the walls tremble is anything but, until Hoseok speaks.
"I think you feel that way because you still haven't seen how that boy looks at you, _____." and then he motions to the spot from across the room you had been observing for too long, the spot where Jungkook is now glancing at you after noticing your detectable distress, with a frown on his features. 
'You okay?' he mouthes, his fist raising in the air in a thumbs up, questioningly.  
Your heart jerks, and not out of bitterness or envy caused by a girl trying to get your boyfriend's attention. Because his attention is always entirely on you, no matter how many feet are separating the two of you. 
'Yes' you mouth back, with a nod of your head and an encouraging smile that has formed itself on your face. He beams as well at you. Mouthes an 'I love you' and puckers his lips in a flying kiss that makes you giggle. You mimic him, your heart tight against your chest. 
Hoseok is right. You have nothing to worry about.
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Jungkook is in love with you. Sometimes, he thinks, he's too in love with you.
"Can't believe I'm letting you do this."
"Can't believe you're such a pussy."
Jungkook huffs in annoyance. He would smack your ass right now if his hands weren't restricted by a scarf of yours he had never seen before to your bedpost. He would also send you a mean look if his eyes weren't covered by the only tie he owned and had so generously lent to you. 
When you mentioned you wanted to try this, he expected you to be in this position. Not the other way around.
He's sprawled on your bed, only his boxers covering him as your legs straddle his waist and you tighten the hold of the scarf around his wrists sternly. He winces and manages an 'Hey!' He knows you're only wearing your panties because he can't feel anything else and he's felt one of your naked tits brushing  his face as you tied him up. He also tried to catch one of your nipples in his mouth as a form of punishment, to no use because you swiftly backed away from his attempt. 
"I've never been a bottom before, this is new for me." he says. He really doesn't mind any of this. He's just not used to it. He knows he'd be lying if he said it didn't turn him on a little bit, even if he'd rather be the one to have you completely unmoving and naked beneath him. Especially now that you're skimming your nails up and down his torso.
"Mm, good to know." your lips follow the path your fingers created, from the center of his chest up, moving steadily and tracing soft kisses over his flesh. 
"Don't worry. I'll be gentle." you croon, dragging your tongue from the pulse of his neck to his earlobe, nails scraping lightly over his left nipple. Jungkook shudders, air sucked in through his teeth as his mouth opens on its own. Taking advantage of this, you place a kiss on the corner of his lips before slipping your tongue inside. 
He answers simultaniously, his own tangling with yours, swallowing each other's moans. Your hips set a slow peace, clothed cad core griding over the length poking between your thighs. His hips move unvoluntarily, trying to find some sort of friction to make up for the fact that his hands are unavailable to knead your ass and pull you closer, if that was even possible.
You separate from him, raising on your knees. Jungkook whines in protest, hips buckling up from the mattress to try to meet yours again.
"Jungkook, I'm serious, stay still!" 
"I take it back." his voice shaky and hands straining against the tight hold the scarf you tied around has on them. "I don't like this. Untie me so I can fuck you, babe." he complains. You sit on his tiny waist, your thighs trying to stop his movements. 
You take a moment to assess him. He looks too beautiful for his own good: hair courtaning his forehead, biceps bulging and abs flexing. You can't see his eyes but you know they might be glassy. You bite your lip to supress a whine of delight. You almost consider doing as he says. Almost. 
But you mantain your ground. Your jealousy from the other night had been crawling slowly from within these past few days and since you couldn't take it out on Jungkook any other way because he really wasn't to blame, you figured you'd try something new to punish him and let some of your supressed anger vanish. 
Twisting your body back to pull down his boxers, not all the way, just enough to have his cock springing free from the confines of the fabric and slapping against your asscheeks.
"Has toxic masculinity seriously polluted your brain so much you can't take this seriously?" you fall forward, one of your hands balancing you beside his head as the other wraps around his neck, a tentative hold not yet to constrict his breathing. 
He gulps, his body's tense and his Adam's apple is prominent under your touch. All he can see is black but he'd do anything to watch your pretty tits bouncing in front of his face. "I don't like this conversation either." he pouts.
"Then why are you so hard?" you grin, holding yourself back from laughing as he hesitates for an answer. You lean closer, mouth against his ear as you whisper. "I'm so wet right now, I could take you just like this. No lubrication at all and my pussy would just swallow your dick." Feeling his girth still between your ass flutter, clearly affected by the sultry tone of your voice. You remove your hand from his neck seeing as he has stopped moving obediently. Reaching back, you slide your panties to the side and align your entrance to the head of his leaking cock. 
"Fuck, baby, please~" Jungkook's pleads fills the air, hips desperately back in motion and sliding just a few inches inside your drenched heat. The warmth envoles him instantly, your pussy pulsates around him and neither of you can't help the in synch groans tearing from your throats. 
"Just the tip" you lick your lips, your voice betraying you as you resist the urge to glide the rest of his lenght inside your quivering core.
"Just the tip, my ass." 
Out of sudden, Jungkook is swiftly lifting his hips from the matress, sinking all the way in. You cry as your body jumps forward, face hidden in the juncture of Jungkook's sweaty neck. His thick cock stretches you out as nice and deep and perfectly as he always does. You mewl. This was not supossed to happen at all.  
"See? This is what you really wanted." you can hear the chuckle threatening to spill from his lips, anger starting to boil inside of you again. 
Regaining a little bit of your lost control, you lift yourself on your trembling knees and sit back again, the tip of his dick hitting your cervix. You groan in unision, placing your hands on the hard planes of his chest and steadying yourself to try to reclaim your dominance. Finding it troublesome, because Jungook is set on having it his own way, his thrusts meeting yours in perfect synch.
You really shouldn't feel your climax approaching so soon but somehow battling for control while bickering with Jungkook is about to send you over the edge and that's making you even more annoyed.
"I swear to God, Jungkook. If you don't stop moving and shut the fuck up..." your murmur through gritted teeth, jaw slackened and eyes fluttering shut.  
"What?" he spats, breathing rugged and voice coarse. "If I don't shut up, you'll wha-"
The sound of a sharp smack echoes inside your room and Jungkook's movements freeze on the spot. His head is turned to the side from the impact, and a faint print of your fingers is adorning his  already stinging cheek. None of you mutter anything for a few seconds, until concerned words start to rush out of you.
"Ohmygod, Jungkook, I-"
"Did you just slap me?" Jungkook is unmoving, his mouth agape and you can picture the incredulous expression his eyes might be oozing. "Baby, what the fuck?!" You're mortified. Your hands cover your mouth and your eyes, wide open, stare down at him although he can't stare at you back.
"Babe, I don't know why I did that, you wouldn't stop talking and I know that's not an excuse but it-" 
"It was fucking hot." a breathy laugh in disbelief leaves his chest. Your forehead creases, hands falling down to your chest to try to steady your incessant heartbeat. His tongue darts between his pearly teeth, a smug smirk on his features. An eyebrow of yours raises as you size him up, the realization that his body is completely motionless now hitting you.
Lurging forward, you pinch his jaw between your fingers, your hips carry on their grinding on their own accord. He releases a raspy moan, your walls clenching around him as another hit strikes his cheek, softer this time. 
"You gonna be good to me?" you mutter against his lips. He nods slowly, his mouth salivating as your hips swirl on top of him. He blindly tries to reattach his mouth to yours, but you dodge him, going for the skin of his clavicle instead. "Can I fuck you slow like this until you're filling me with your cum?" He squirms when he feels you sucking a pretty purple bruise on his flesh, your cunt dropping all the way down his cock, leisurly grinding against his pelvic bone, looking yourself to find some relief to your clit. 
"Ah!" his head tilts back, back slighlt arching as you soothe the mark on his neck with your tongue. "That m-might be s-sooner than you think, babe" he admits timorously, swallowing the lump in his throat, the veins on his neck on full display. 
You sigh in content because, thankfully your orgasm is also closer than he thinks it is. "M-me too-" you gasp, your face buried on his shoulder, letting your fingers brush his ebony hair, nails gently scrapping his scalp as you keep the tortuous movements of your hips against his, his girth hitting that spot just right everytime until you feel the knot in your tummy finally snapping. "C-cum, J-Jungkook, I-m-"
Jungkook doesn't need to be told twice because he has been holding back from it for a while now, not really willing to admit he was enjoying this as much as he was. With a thrust of his own fused with the way your pussy is tightening around him it's enough to send him over the edge, an unpredicted cry emanating from his vocal chords harmonizing with your own, his whole body tensing as your walls milk every single drop of his cum. 
For several minutes you stay just like that. Jungkook's hands still tied, blindfold still on, his mouth still agape as his chest rises and falls until his breathing becomes steady again. And you, on top, your fingers tangled in his dark locks, your breath fanning against his neck and his release dripping down your thighs. You stay like that until your body starts shaking with uncontrollable laughter. 
Jungkook tilts his head towards yours, eyebrows furrowing and eyes still covered.
"What was that noise?" you manage through your giggle fit. "'Aaah!'" You've never made a noise like that before, I can't- it was so funn-"
Even while still being strained and blindfolded and with you making fun of him, a loopsided goofy smirk starts making an appearence on Jungkook's features. 
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Fancy dinner parties were never your thing. 
Wearing heels that were too high -specifically to try to match Jungkook's height-, a new expensive dress that you were surely going to return as soon as the event was over because you definitely could not afford it and socializing with Jungkook's clique was definitely not the way you envisioned your Saturday night going. 
At least Jungkook had barely been able to keep his hands for himself at the sight of you wrapped in emerald green silk and lace. But even that couldn't make you feel less uncomfortable and out of place. 
Yugyeom, one of Jungkook's friends, had definitely more money than your boyfriend had previously let you know. Apparently, being a 'lil rich' as Jungkook had mentioned meant booking a luxurious restaurant to hold a dinner party with at least fifty people who looked just as 'lil rich' as Yugyeom's Gucci tuxedo.  
'It'll be alright babe. Yugyeom always insists on celebrating his birthday like it's an Oscar after party. We'll just eat some of that disgusting caviar and then head home to watch Netflix, I swear'. 
And yes, caviar was gross, but so was the fact that Jungkook had failed to mention a certain someone would also be making an appearence. 
After introducing you to a few of his friends and realizing that Mingyu's frendliness and amiability helped you feel more relaxed, he had excused himself to the bathroom, leaving you and his friend to entangle in a heated conversation about How I Met Your Mother's finale season. 
You were thankful for Mingyu's humble nature and easygoing talk for a few minutes until you finally spotted your boyfriend making his way back into the room, stopping in his tracks to acknowledge a group of friends from his class. 
Again, you wouldn't have such a problem with a certain blonde if she would just stop looking at Jungkook with stars in her eyes and pressing her cleavage against him while playing with her hair. It was hard to keep track of your conversation with Mingyu while Eunha was standing right next to your boyfriend and seemingly ogling up at him. It was also hard to not let your mind waver to dangerous territory when you took notice of how disgustingly good they looked together. 
Just two attractive people who would look disgustingly good together. 
Mingyu's voice makes you turn back to him. 
"...I don't know, like, Barney was a womanizer until Robin, you know? He changed for her! They were just perfect for each other, but they had to throw it all away by killing the mother and then making Robin marry Ted? And Barney going back to his old ways?" Mingyu sounds exhasperated and you would laugh and find it cute if your stomach wasn't tugging again in a way that made you regret drinking so much wine so fast. Specially after his last statement.  
"That's what I'm saying." you mumble, turning your attention back to your boyfriend in the crowd.
Jungkook wouldn't go back to his old ways. He loves you. There's nothing to worry about.
But as you watch him start to make his way towards you, you also watch the way Eunha grabs the sleeve of his blazer to pull him back. She leans in, whispers something in his ear to which he just shakes his head, says something that it's impossible to decipher from here you're standing and simply walks in your direction. 
Still, as much as you tried to be neutral and objective and not a 'jealous little bitch', it's almost impossible to hide the sour expression on your face. It's impossible to unclench your jaw throughout the entire evening or lose the too tight grip on your glass of wine. Even when Jungkook whispers in your ear if you're okay, you merely nod yes. You avoid eye contact with him and everytime he tries to slip your hand into his, you dodge him it by wrapping your arms around yourself, claiming how cold it is.
Jungkook is not dumb. 
He know something's up but he's also not stupid enough to cause a scene in public or preassure you into talking. So he settles on wating and being patient. Even as he slips his jacket on your stiff shoulders with pouty lips and his eyebrows drawn together, all he does is press a small kiss to the back of your neck. It takes all power within you to not throw yourself in his arms. 
But as midnight approaches and it's time to leave, you notice a change in Jungkook's behaviour as you say your goodbyes. His hand on your back is not just a soft caress, instead, his fingers pull you closer, dig into your skin as he drags the both of you to where his car is parked. Now it's him who avoids your gaze. His tensed jaw and his tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek is a visible indicator that Jungkook is pissed. 
You know his body language as well as he knows yours. And now, as he opens the door of the passanger seat so you can slide in, the guilt and the remorse of acting cold towards him for hours is finally dawning on you. 
"Are you going to tell me now what was that about?" when he closes his own door shut, he doesn't bother to put his seatbelt on. Just grips the steering wheel as he turns to you. 
"I-I don't know what you're t-"
"You don't know what I'm talking about?" he laughs, not a bit of humour in it. "I know scenes like this make you feel uncomfortable but I actually thought everything was going fine. I leave you for five minutes with Mingyu and when I come back, you won't look at me, won't touch me, won't act like I'm your boyfriend. Like I did something wrong. So please, _____, tell me, what's going on?"
You know there's no excuse for the way you acted. You know it's not Jungkook's fault he attracts attention and it most definitely not his fault if an ex of his is still hung up on him. You know it's your own fault and you know you should not try to excuse yourself and fight back. You'd swore to yourself you'd push down any feelings of jealousy deep inside until they disappeared. But something about tonight makes you explode.
"Why was she being all over you?"
Jungkook's face twists in confusion. "What? Who?"
"Eunha! Who the fuck else? She was all over you a few weeks ago at Minghao's party, and she was all over you tonight!" your voice is louder than you would've liked but at this point all you care about is letting it all out.
"This is what all of that was about? Eunha?"
"Yes! I've seen her on campus as well! Always trying to get your attention! I don't care that you have friends in common, but specially tonight, she whispered something to you and she was looking at you like she-"
"Who cares how she looks at me? All you need to care about is how I look at you because the only thing I care about is how you look at me!" Jungkook exclaims, clearly exhausted of this conversation. 
You sink in your seat and look away as the knuckles on his hands turn white from gripping the steering wheel. 
"_____," he calls you gently,  but his voice mantains a stern tone to it. "We don't do jealousy. I thought we were supossed to trust each other blindly. Have I not proved to you how sickenly in love with you I am? Do you not trust me and what I feel?"
"I-... Of course I do. I-just... I don't know. You're right. That was uncalled for." you wrap yourself in the warmth of Junkook's blazer, trying to make his scent wash away any ugly resentment and guilt in your body. 
"Wanna know what she said to me?" a rethorical question, because he was going to tell you anyway. "She asked me if I was going to stay for Yugyeom's after party, way past midnight. Wanna know what I said?" he turns to you. "I said no, I'm spending the night with my girlfriend."
None of you say nothing after that. He just puts his seatbelt on and starts driving. It's not too much of a far drive to his dorm, but the silence and the awkwardness makes it feel so much longer than it should be. You don't remember the last time Jungkook was mad at you. Actually, you don't think Jungkook has ever been mad at you. He loved the banter, loved to tease you, loved being competitive with you. But you had never seen him being avoidant of you. And that feeling tears your heart on the seat of his car.
"Are you mad at me?" you ask, voice barely audible, when the car stops at a red light. His dark eyes meet yours, his face immediately softening as he studies your expression. Then he picks one of your small hands in one of his big ones, brings it to his lips and lightly kisses your knuckles. He communicates with his eyes what he doesn't with words and it's enough to make you feel secure, at least for now.
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When you finally arrive at Jungkook's room, he holds the door ope for you and lets you walk in, but he's still unusually quiet. So much so, you start to worry you might have fucked up big time. 
You stand there, not knowing what to do as you watch him sit down on his bed, slipping his shoes and socks off and loosening the tie around his neck. His hair, that was perfectly styled a few hours ago, is now messy by the amount of times his hand has pushed it back. He looks too yummy, and you hate the fact that tension and a little bit of fighting has managed to make him look as delectable. 
You ignore the heat starting to form in your belly because now it's not the time to be horny. Not when you still need to apologize and make things right. He's rolling  the sleeves of his black shirt down his forearms when you decide to speak. 
"Jungkook, I'm very sorry." you start, as you remove his blazer off you and place it on the chair right in front of his desk. "I don't know why I acted the way I did. I dont get easily jealous and I really don't think I am but..." your throat constricts your words for a moment. "The more I love you, the more frightened I get when I think that one day you'll realize I'm better off as your best friend's little sister. I-I dont know what I'd do with myself if that ever happene-"
"Take off your dress." Jungkook's impassive voice and emotionless face startles you and you freeze on your feet. 
"Did I stutter?"
His elbows rest on his knees and he's holding your stare with his. His doe eyes lack that free spirited and amusing glint they usually have. He looks bored, scrutinizing you. He's not challenging you. He's commanding you because he knows you will obligue. 
That's why you gulp and slowly slide the straps of your dress down your arms until the fabric pools at your feet. His eyes waver along your naked breasts, nipples perking up like the mere intensity of his gaze is ordering them to. He doesn't make a move and doesn't say anything for a few seconds. He doesn't compliment you like he normally would at the sight of you almost naked in front of him.
His lack of words make you feel insecure, regardless of how turned on you are. You're used to Jungkook being reassuring, you're used to his lighthearted jokes and his playful kisses in the bedroom. But you're not used to Jungkook telling you what to do and keeping his distance while doing so. Your arms move on their own to hide yourself.
"Don't. If you hide from me, I swear to God, _____." he watches you as you let your arms fall back to your sides, your chest moving up and down while you struggle to breathe. You can't deny Jungkook's gruff voice and his eyes studying every bit of skin available to him like he hasn't seen you naked before is not making your underwear stick to your lower lips. 
"JK, I just don't think this is the right moment to-"
"On my lap." your heart skips a bit, a thrill of excitement coursing through your veins.
"I said, get on my lap, face down." he says again, this time slower. One of his eyebrows quirk up. "Or would you rather me drag you myself? Or make you crawl?"
Your eyes widen, and your feet are quick to approach him. Your nipples tingle, your core is throbbing and your cheeks are adorned by a beautiful blush that Jungkook doesn't miss. 
He doesn't move until you're in front of him, just to help you lower yourself on his lap, your cheek and your nipples touching the mattress and your ass up. You close your eyes when Jungkook skims his fingertips over your skin, his carressing relaxing your body until he eases your nerves a bit. He sighs when he notices the way that poor excuse of a thong sticks between your folds as his strong hands massage your buttcheeks. 
He's taking his time, his fingers gliding over your soft skin, his breathing too calm for your liking. Until one palm of his hand collides sharply against your right cheek, sending your body forward. You gasp, the stinging making your body want to pull away. But he's quick to catch both your wrists behind your back, keeping you in place. 
Another smack, this time harder, on the same cheek. 
"Did I give you permission to talk?"  
Smack. This time on the left cheek. Your back arches on its own will, presenting more of your ass to him unwittingly. Your eyes squeezed shut and bite the inside of your cheek as you rub your thighs together. You keep quiet as his hand lands another blow on your ass. 
"That's a good girl. Now," his voice is gentler this time as his hand soothe your reddened cheeks. "do you think what you did tonight was okay?" you say nothing, only a mewl slips past your lips. Another smack. "Answer me."
"No." you lick your lips, anticipating more. 
"Do you think it was funny to pull a stunt like that?" 
"No, it wasn't. Spread your legs for me." you do as you're told and he finally pulls down the drenched piece of lace down your thighs. He leans forward, spreads your cheeks with one hand as he lets a glob of spit fall directly into your lips. He makes you gasp when his fingers start sliding up and down your folds slowly. 
"I've had to put up with this kind of behavour since the day you begged me to fuck this tight, virgin pussy like the little slut you are." you whine, face red as humiliation starts to creep in. Jungkook slips one finger in, pumping it slow and easy. Your hips move to take him deeper.
"I tried to be a gentleman, you know?" he says, adding a second finger. "I've tried to treat you nice and sweet and be the best boyfriend I could be to make you happy and keep you satisfied in every sense of the word." his thumb finds your clit, rubbing tortuous circles. 
"Been compeletely whipped since I kissed you for the first time. Haven't looked at other girls because I just can't when I have everything I want to look at right in front of me." murmuring, he starts to get lost your pussy and how it swallows his fingers and how obscene you look and sound, dripping right on his trousers. He watches his fingers moving in and out, almost hypnotized. "Yet, somehow..." he pulls away. You whimper in protest. 
"Somehow, you still seem to doubt me." His hand smacks your cheek again, wet fingers spreading your essence all over your skin.
"P-please, please." you cry. You miss Jungkook's sadistic smile before he releases the grip on your wrists, still keeping you on his lap. Both his hands spread your cheeks now, and another glob of spit falls right into your asshole. His fingers find your cunt again, easily taking you almost over the edge.
"If you could only look at yourself right now... All spread out for me like a needy whore in heat" his thumb teases your unexplored rim, hesitantly, coating it with his spit and your own arousal. He presses in slowly. You gasp, your body tenses and Jungkook stills his movements immediately. There's silence for a few seconds. 
"Too far? Should I stop?" and there's your Jungkook, concern lacing his voice. His free hand caresses your back, your body relaxing, laying back down obediently. His fingers are still inside you and his thumb is still asking for entrance. He leans forward, placing a small but comforting kiss on the bruised skin of your right asscheek. 
"Go on." you whisper, but he doesn't move right away. This time, it's his own body that tenses momentarely before going back to his tranquil demeanor. He breathes through his noise as his fingers pick up where they left off. 
"Yeah?" you swear you hear him swallow a lump in his throat. "Gonna let me finger this tight little ass like a good slut? Mm?" his thumb slides deeper, slightly stretching you out while his fingers work your pussy in a solid rhythm. "Gonna let me stretch you out little by little until I can open you up with my cock one day?" his movements speed up, fingers sliding out of your cunt to play with your clit and his thumb slowly moving in and out. "You don't wanna talk now? You just want to stay silent while I fuck your ass and-"
And then you're cumming, so unexpected it takes both of you by surprise. Your hands grip onto Jungkook's sheets, your thighs clasp around his hand as you scream his name. He doesn't stop though. He rides you through it, encouraging words mixing with filthy insults that prolong your orgasm until you're squirming beneath him. 
"Shit, baby... My hand is soaked." he mumbles, as he slowly removes his fingers and thumb from you. "You okay?"
You faintly nod your head yes, not able to find words through your dry mouth and your pussy still convulsing. 
"Good. Get on the bed. On your hands and knees." 
You somehow manage to slip from his lap and position yourself as he says. Except your arms and legs are shaking. Although the sound of Jungkook undoing his belt and his hands gripping your hips and bringing you towards him until the head of his dick is at your entrance is enough to make you forget about how tired your body is. You surrender to him, not even bothering to hold yourself up on your arms, your fingers crumbling the sheets and your face buried into the pillow. 
When his cock enters you, a pitiful moan leaves your mouth. His thick lenght slides into your heat, filling you perfectly as he always does. It's a wonder how well he fits inside you. 
"Such a perfect slut for me. Always ready for me to do whatever I want with her, since day one. So tight, so ready. So, so perfect. All mine." he talks as measured as he moves, dragging each word out as his hips find a nice tempo. 
Then he doesn't move for a while with his dick buried between your walls, and you know he's holding himself back. You turn your head slightly to look at him. He catches your eyes instantly. Sees your mascara running down your watery eyes, and your smudged lipstick and your messy hair and then he's giving you that look. That look that lets you know that Jungkook is, indeed, whipped for you. Leaning in, he presses his shirt-covered chest to your sweaty, naked back. His cock dives deeper, not an ounce of space between you as he lovingly kisses your cheek until his mouth finds yours. 
He kisses you hard but soft, tongue meeting yours for the first time since you entered the room. Jungkook is not a man of words. He's silly, and a jokester, and finds it difficult to express how he's feeling. But when he kisses you, or looks at you, when he touches you, or when he makes love to you, even if it's as dirty and filthy as right now, he's always able to transmit exactly what he can't vocally.
He's telling you there's no other place he'd rather be than here, with you. 
When he pulls back, a string of saliva still connecting your lips, his hand moves to the back of your head, fisting your hair in a tight hold that makes you arch your back and desperately moan for him.
"A-and you're mine." you sob.
It's like something snaps inside of him. He growls and suddenly his hips lose control. He nails you against the mattress, his grip on your hair pulling your head back, his lips against your ear as your cunt clenches around his cock. 
"Just yours. All yours." his grunts send shivers down your spine and you're close again, even in the painful and uncomfortable position your body is in. Being at Jungkook's mercy and him being at yours is enough to have you seeing starts.
"This is the only pussy I want wrapped around my cock. Your lips are the only ones I want to kiss. You're the only one I want between my arms." It only takes two flickers of Jungkook's free hand against your nub and his next words to tip you over. "You belong to me, and I belong to you."
You squeal as you come, and Jungkook bites your shoulder to keep himself from doing so as well as he follows shortly. He fills you up with his release,  but he doesn't release you from him. He wraps his arms around your frame, both your bodies becoming soft as he rolls over to one side with your back still pressed to his chest, cock still inside you. His lips find their way to the skin of your shoulder and the back of your neck. His breath fanning your flesh makes you smile.
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"That is so not like my sister. I'm telling you, she never gets jealous." Taehyung says over the phone. He's munching on something again and Jungkook would bet all the money in his wallet again he's eating Skittles. Red Skittles. "So, everything cool now?"
"Yeah, man. We just talked it out, you know?" Jungkook's gaze falls on you, laying on your stomach on his bed, laptop iluminating your face, earbuds on and your head moving to whatever music you're listening to. Jungkook would bet all the money in his bank account it's Shape Of My Heart by The Backstreet Boys. Or at least that's what he's been able to guess so far. He was never good at reading lips, specially when trying to guess boybands' lyrics. 
Friday's nights meant late 1990's/early 2000's pop nostalgia for you. It meant shaking his head and spending the following week trying to get Britney and Xtina songs out of his brain for him. Although lately, he hadn't been trying that hard. Jungkook sighs in content, not really trying to cover the fact that he might be looking at you like a starstruck teenager. Which, it was totally fair because that's exactly how he feels about you. "Communication is key, bro."
He keeps watching you until your head perks up and catch him gawking. You smile at him and he smiles back.
"By 'communication is key' you mean you actually fucked my little sister silly right? Bro, I swear, I'll block your numb-"
"Sorry man, gotta go." 
"And now you're gonna fuck her silly again, right? You son of a b-"
Jungkook hangs up just as you take your earbuds off, making his way to you to kiss you silly.
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larentsaloud · 2 years
Did Thyme borrow from Ren or Kavin the pink cream sweater for his line sticker. I could not believe it was a soft colour with no animal print!
Anon, you came asking the right questions. 
Shall we do a review of Thyme’s fashion for the episode? Might need to be a weekly thing.
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Outfit 1. The I Have A Girlfriend Proud Puppy 
This fashion choice focuses on the simplicity of pink stripes to demonstrate victory using flames, bit like Phoenix rising from the Ashes. My boi wore this ludicrous outfit the night after he reconciled with Gorya. I like it because it’s blank and pink, and I love those colours. Just not together.
 It’s STILL VERY tame in comparison with what P’Thyme has worn previously, so overall 6/10 considering that we even got a new chain that is not mafia sized. Look at him beaming with his GirLFriEnD. LMAO. This outfit screams twin flames. 
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Outfit 2. The I Demand Your Attention Now Gurl
Wow. I mean, a LV coat is chic and all. So that's neat. 
And then we have unicorn dye shirt. 
I loooooove this little number. 
What would you wear after calling your gf 83 times and interrupting her lecture to confirm your relationship status and invite her on a date? Yeah. Exactly. You gotta be visible. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. 8/10 because Thyme is wearing a CHOKER. akjshaskjhd. SWAG. 
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Please this was the CUTEST scene. 
Not only is he excited at 3.30 am picking his outfit, but he’s wearing the least offensive dressing gown. 
It suits him so much and he looks like a giant red bear who just needs lots and lots of cuddles.  Poor Ren dealing with the fashion fiascos on that hanger. 
PLS. We all died when he was gunna wear that safari get up with binoculars, right? Oi ve. Cutie. 10/10
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Actual donut and leopard print shirt has been chosen by Ren. 
I am sensing ren-venge starting early. LMAO. I call this fashion choice the clash. We have Gorya wearing early 2005 Oliver Twist with a hint of Spice Girls and Madonna as @crazybooksandplantslady coined the term and Thyme is dressed as...Thyme and styled by Ren.  
Absolute Fail but Thyme is so flipping sweet during the date, even though shit backfires FASTER than you can say ‘go back to France Ren’. So. Decisions. 4/ 10. Sorry. 
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Outfit 5. THE MAD AT MY GF 
I love it, because the defences are down and we don’t have animal print. I have a theory that Thyme gears up into stripes to feel invincible. For battle. IDK where he got this from. But if it was from his wardrobe I need to see this on him few more times for science. 
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Me covering my eyes anytime slander occurs of Thyme’s outfits. 
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Outfit 6. The Struggle Is Real ™️ Outfit AKA I wanted to apologise but my girlfriend is hugging my bestie so im pretty on edge about it all TBH
And last but not least the tiger is back. This is is decent. Although the mafia chain is back and I did not miss it.
7/10. I don’t like the poop jumper, but the fit was nice and he can wear literal garbage and look million bucks. Alright for some huh?
Hope this helps anon. 
If I have forgotten anything lemme know. 
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joontier · 3 years
Subliminal in Scrubs | V1;  report ix
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pairings: dr. jeon jungkook x female reader
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: doctors! au; humor, romance 
warnings: swearing
word count: 1.8k
g/n: ((unedited skfslkdf)) also,,, i will be releasing Parallel Palpitations very soon [which features this Jimin hehehehe stay tuned for that] PLUS, im very excited to release the report x AHHHHHH send me your thoughts pleaseee 
[taglist]:  @nottodayjjk @ditttiii @zeharilisharaban @btsbunny07​ @turquoiseandplaidinautumn @aamxxrii @codeinebelle​ @btsmakesmehappy​
Subliminal in Scrubs (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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You open your new group chat first thing in the morning, wanting to check on Soomin and Jimin. Just yesterday, the two had informed you of their concerns separately, both worried over the same thing. Soomin’s mother wanted to hold a small congratulatory celebration for her daughter’s KMLE results, and her subsequent acceptance at Woocheon, so there was going to be a party exclusively for all tenants of the building at the restaurant just next to the cafe. 
The two hadn’t worked out their budding acquaintance, as you had practically forced them to greet each other the last time you were at the cafe, so you thought this might be a great way to have them start over their tricky relationship. 
As you’ve expected, both of them had even tried to convince you to come, in the hopes that a mutual friend could help diminish the awkward air around them. You’ve declined each of them politely, not wanting to intrude on their little get-together. Besides, (just like you hadn’t forgotten to mention to them), this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of this wall hindering their friendship (to which, both of them had also quite strongly disagreed upon). 
A mere three hours after their outpour of sentiments, as you’re rewatching episodes of Dr. Romantic with Chohee, the pair drunkenly call you, requesting a video chat. You’re pretty sure not one of them is aware of what’s happening, especially with Jimin refilling his shot glass every thirty seconds; Soomin speaking gibberish, and Chohee literally teasing them through the screen of your laptop and yet none of them seem to mind a damn thing about it. 
So, with hopes that each of them arrived home safely last night, you type in your text message. 
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‘What is this place, really?’ you mutter to yourself, slightly regretting your decision to take the subway instead of a cab. You only ride taxis for places you’re not familiar with (such is the case with today) but you didn’t want to spend twice as much solely for transportation so you took the train to the building. 
Now you feel lost. You’ve just gone to the main entrance of the building, but there was scaffolding barring the entrance, and now you’re struggling to look for Entrance B with the singular tarpaulin saying “Please use Entrance B” and a faded arrow below pointing to the left. After a grueling ten minutes of asking people for directions and walking all over the place, you finally find Entrance B and hurry on your way inside. 
There’s already a small crowd forming where the directions for the processing of your license is posted, and you can’t seemingly read the directions all the way down with people clearly taller than you blocking the way. 
“What’s the matter? Can’t see the directions, smally?” 
Your instant recognition of his voice makes you hang your head low. You figure there’s no way you can get rid of this guy anytime soon. 
“Hello, Jungkook.” 
Why is it that he’s always there wherever you are? He couldn’t be stalking me, could he? 
Jungkook almost spits his water on the girl in front of him. Oh, so he heard your thoughts then. “Yeah, you wish, woman. I wouldn’t do that even if you had one million strapped to your neck.” You roll your eyes at him. 
“Wasn’t asking for any conditions for you to do that, but thanks for letting me know your thoughts.” 
“Awh, you mad, babe?” Shaking your head at him, you try to continue peering over everyone’s shoulder to check the post. “If it makes you feel any better, I would for two million though.” 
You were just about to retaliate with a smart comment, but you see a girl walking towards Jungkook while twirling her hair with her newly manicured fingers. “Jungkook-oppa, you’re here!” she says, hooking her arm on his elbow. 
Ah yes, it’s the same brat that kept defending Jungkook’s ass during the KMLE exam. “Why don’t you come with us? My mom works here,” her voice gets down to a whisper, but loud enough for you to hear. “If you come with us, you wouldn’t have to fall in line, then maybe we could have lunch together. 
Jungkook removes her hand from his, “No thank you, I’ll just wait here.” 
“With her?”
The audacity of this bitch. 
“Yes, with her.” Jungkook says, not skipping a beat. “She’s...better company.” Oof, that’s gotta hurt. 
You try not to show much of your currently soaring pride on your face, but you can’t help but clear your throat as a terrible disguise for a snort. The girl becomes silent after that, with most of her friends trying to control their facial expressions after Jungkook’s reply. 
“Fine then, your loss,” she says with a flip of her hair, then makes her exit. 
You're unsure what to do now as the girl has already left, and you’re also not sure if you’re entirely happy about being left with Jungkook now. “Why didn’t you go with her? Could’ve saved you a lot of time considering the people here.” 
Jungkook clenches his jaw, as if in thought. “I don’t like cheating. I believe that there’s a different value in the reward that comes with something you worked hard for.” 
You’re surprised. You really hadn’t expected this kind of quote, coming out of Jungkook out of all people, but you find yourself nodding as he speaks, quite impressed that you share the same principles. 
As the crowd starts to disperse, you and Jungkook finally get your turns to take a look at the poster. “Is it often?” 
“What is?” 
You point a thumb backwards towards where the girl had gone to, “Having girls throw themselves at you all the time?” 
“Oh that,” Jungkook chuckles, then gives you a lopsided smirk, “Yeah, that. Hadn’t realized being this hot was so tiring.” Squinting your eyes at him, it then again dawns on you that you shouldn’t even have asked him that sort of question at all. 
“You know,” he says, nudging your shoulder with his, “I’m quite jealous of you really,” your brows crease together. This can’t be good. “At least you don’t experience all of that, cause you know…” he says, gesticulating his hands over his face. 
He did not just insinuate that you were not...attractive at all. Huh. This bastard can wait for his license alone then. 
“Goodbye, Jungkook.” 
“Hang on! ________, wait! I was just messing with you,” Jungkook laughs, running after you.
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The cashier is already scanning the last items on your grocery list by the time Jimin and Soomin had texted you that they were done with their licenses, and you three had agreed on meeting up by the mall’s concierge. It doesn’t take long before you all decide on having Italian for dinner, after seeing the restaurant nearest to where the concierge was. 
“Wait, it took you guys only half an hour?” you exclaim, recalling how you had to endure at least more than an hour with Jungkook as you waited for your licenses to finish. Thankfully though, the latter had other errands to run so you two parted ways as soon as you got your IDs. 
Jimin, always the gentleman, offers to get your group the utensils as well as a few condiments and spices you might need with your meals. “Soomin-ssi, do you know anybody else who’s going to Woocheon too?” he says, setting the silverware atop the napkins. 
Soomin thanks Jimin for the thoughtful gesture, sending a small smile his way. You squeal inwardly, wanting to know what happened last night for them to interact like this. “Um, also, I’m not so sure about the others who will be attending Woocheon too...I only got a glimpse of the list, sorry.” 
“Ah, no worries about that. So, how was the dinner party last night?” 
The two glance at each other, seemingly communicating with their eyes. Oookay, what’s going on between these two? What exactly happened last night? If they wanted to be alone, they could’ve just said so… 
“It was fun,” Jimin initiates, plastering  what seems to be a painfully wide grin on his face. Soomin nods along with him as she adds more, “Honestly, I don’t remember much about last night, but I do recall Jimin calling me ‘sajangnim’ the whole night. And I told him to not call me that, but Jimin here is a stubborn man.” 
“Yeah, you complained about that too last night,” you laugh, cutting your garlic bread into pieces. “Wait, what?” Jimin squints his eyes at you, “Were you there last night? How did you....” 
“I’m guessing you both don’t remember calling me last night too, didn’t you?” 
“We did?!” they say in unison, making your eyes go wide. “Did I do something stupid?” “Please tell me I didn’t say something I shouldn’t have?” 
“Hmm, well, it was quite the conversation last night,” you tease them, wanting to see how far this can go, “plus Chohee was there too so I have another key witness.” 
“What?” Jimin squeaks, lips pressing into a thin line, “what’s the key witness for?” 
“That, my friend, is up to you to remember and figure out.” You give each of them a wink, before turning your attention back to your pasta.  
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Transferring all your groceries to one hand, you fish your keys from your purse, shaking it lightly to hear its jingle as you blindly course your fingers through your bag. As the elevator doors open, you see your neighbor down the end of the hall, trailing after a man. 
Ayoung hears the elevator bell ding and turns to your direction. She excitedly points her thumb to her back, mouthing ‘new tenant’ to you. She keys in her code and lets the guy in first. The moment he’s inside, she leans by the doorframe and whispers how hot the guy actually was and how much of a lucky neighbor you were going to be. 
You shake your head at her, leaving Ayoung to entertain her guest. Of course, not forgetting to pray that she manages to score you a hot man next door.
© joontier 2021
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bellamygateoldblog · 3 years
abby littman stans are either thirteen year olds or have the maturity of one. yeah, i get that the girl is going through it, but the extent that some people will go to defend her is ridiculous
oh say that!
don't get me wrong i love mang's toxic dynamic and find abby and ginny's strained hostile relationship really interesting. the tense back and forth had me hooked. abby is so jealous and threatened by ginny, she's so cunty, and i love that. her antagonising ginny is literally the best part of her character for me and is why i genuinely love her. like i hate her but im absolutely thrilled she's here and i wouldn't change her for the world. im a fan of her, shew not my #1 but i like her presence on the show.
i get fandoms scrambling to defend flawed characters and alieviate them of their Sins so they can feel like good people for liking them is In right now, but it's my opinion that insight into abby's life isn't there to make us sympathise with her and excuse her targetting ginny but understand her better and humanise her. her illness and home life are motivations for her to displace her anger onto ginny, her anger is displaced onto ginny because max really took to her and she's threatened, it ties into her own insecurities about how she sees herself and feels in her own skin versus how beloved ginny is. they're all reasons, not excuses.
some fans of her essentially make out like because ginny is annoying and messy and maybe everything abby sees in her has some truth to it she deserves the way abby treats her which is wrong to me. and if they genuinely think that then yes they've got the emotional and mental age of a 13 year old.
i was extremely taken aback by how loved abby seems to be by fandom in contrast to how hated ginny is simultaneously, when abby is only interesting because of ginny jdskrjsjrhsj. ginny made her special. away from her dynamic with mang she's bland.
abby is bitchy and mean but they sympathise because of her home life, but ginny's struggles don't overrule her flaws the same way, she doesn't garner the same reaction. she gets the opposite because people tend to be witnessing her from their preference for georgia from what i can see.
the gng fandom can't exactly cope with conflict between characters. they simply have to pick a side instead of comprehending the nuance of it and both parties involved and realising the show never asked you to bet on either of them nor did it tell you which one was right if there was a right. it just showed you something. you did the rest. most of the time they BOTH have a Point, or at the very least you Get why they're on the side they are and that's what made it so engaging for me.
something i find especially fascinating is her reaction to herself slapping ginny. her real feelings leaked through in the moment before as more than just a catty or passive aggressive comment. the "screw you ginny" is dripping with vitriol and pushed down bitterness and you can see she really does feel strongly about ginny. now ginny wasn't wrong. she wasn't right either but she wasn't wrong. we saw it ourselves how completely off the fucking rails ginny's home life is all season, abby isn't the only one with family troubles, abby calling them "bad friends" was a little harsh and entirely hypocritical considering the way she treated ginny from the start, ginny was then hypocritical back to her saying "it's not always about you" when ginny does tend to think everything is about her and abby KNOWS THIS. and that was the final straw. that's been bothering her since DAY ONE. that in her eyes everything's ALWAYS about GINNY. so she literally shocks herself by lashing out. then she punishes herself and makes it 'even'. and that's what abby does. punishes herself. projects onto ginny, takes it out on ginny who represents her insecurities and fears but it's herself who isn't good enough. it's ginny's fault for being better, but she knows it's her own for letting her. that's how i inferred abby's internal monologue through some of their interactions. i think it would be really fun to see ginny return more unapologetic and push back against abby this time. might spice things up between them.
i personally would love to see more of nora tbh.
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y’know the wildest thing still to happen to me on this hellsite was my first experience of sexting, sans nudes, that was done in front of at least 250-500 followers because of those horny anons i had in early 2013 when i was 17. instead of being exposed to it on my phone privately with a partner at that age, it was done publicly for the internet to see lmao. i remember begging the anons to stop and “come off anon” because i was “losing followers” at the time too bc i was so insecure about my follower count lmao. and then yeah when they came off anon they were both 28 years old.
to write the responses, i just consulted cosmo mag sex pages for ideas hoping that the anons would like the options i chose. in one i detailed doing anal- a sex act i hadn’t even done yet irl- let alone every other thing i suggested in them (head, idek long, drawn out foreplay, some stupid fancy sex moves that cosmo was all like “use these moves to spice up your sex life 🔥🔥”, sex in a bath, i’m pretty sure i had some lines about tying or handcuffing them to a bed (????) etc etc etc)….
when again, i had never even done any of those above sex acts in real life. i was a naive teen who was incredibly shy in regards towards her love life because she’d “never been kissed” and had never had the “hot emo boyfriend whose in a band and is covered in tattoos” she’d always wanted, let alone even a boyfriend that she had actually fucking liked (ie clear braces boy, for like a month in year 9/2010 vs the popular boys that made fun of her, that she always had unrequited crushes on)…. hell, my blog title when i first started on here in 2011 was “the perfect epitome of being forever alone” because of these very reasons. but here she was, writing explicit sex acts to strangers like she knew what the fuck she was doing, to an audience of 250-500 people- and then to fucking grown ass men in inboxes. i was just parroting the shit i’d read in cosmo (both sex advice and sometimes excerpts of erotica/“sexy, steamy reads” they had some months) and also heard repeatedly in the porn that my high school stalker/creeper at public school loved to show (harass) me with to flirt with me, whenever we were alone together at school in 2012/2013.
like you could tell how naive i was….. because i used ridiculous lines like “like a gentleman entranced, you lead me to the bath for our next foray” and dumbass prose-y things like that. because what the fuck does that even mean 😂😅????
and this is why i think minors should be careful with their online experiences. like yeah, you could say that i wasn’t a minor anymore- more of a “young adult”- who should of made the smart decision to not engage with these anons. but i was a kid. i thought it was fun. and when the dudes came off anon, i thought to myself “it’s not like i’m ever gonna meet them if i ever go to the US or puerto rico at any point. it’s not like that they’ll ever recognise me in person or ever reach out to me again in the future. i might as well do it.” and i did eventually end up ignoring the guys in my inbox, due to my mental health kinda plummeting from the middle til the end of 2013 because of my end of high school exams and stuff… and also the puerto rican guy’s infamously inappropriate “hot PE teacher fucks HOT female high school student in the girls change room showers” fantasy which fucking disgusted me, when he full well knew that i was STILL IN high school.
and obviously again, there’s the point about using the “block” button function. but as i’ve stated several times over my years on here, back in my early days of tumblr, i never wanted to block or unfollow people (even if they were trash like these two men), because it seemed so “mean” and “final”. obvs now i have no qualms about blocking people, and actively encourage younger people on here to use the block button with reckless abandon towards creepy people or people who can hurt them in some way. but to high school teenage me, the whole “using the block button” thing seemed to go against me being a “nice girl/person” so i never used it, no matter which social media platform i was on.
this is why i’m hella scared for young teen girls on tik tok wanting to have onlyfans accounts: because it’s where they’ll be exposed to ACTUAL CREEPS AND PREDATORS incredibly quickly; all because they can make money off selling images of just their feet or eventually their body….. depending on what these creepy strangers demand from them….. and they’ll feel like they’ll have to do it…. but to do it before you even start experimenting properly with relationships and sex is even worse. like. yeah. i’ve admitted before that i originally started this tumblr to possibly post nudes, to see if i’d get the positive feedback that i so desperately wanted/craved from the boys in my year at catholic school- eg. to be called “sexy”, “hot”, “fuckable” possibly “beautiful”- like some of the so called “popular girls” got on their hella basic bikini photos back then (like i remember one girl i knew ended up with like 500 likes and a fair amount of comments on one of her bikini pics and i was INCREDIBLY BITTER because not even a pic of me with a nice outfit on, my hair done and makeup on could EVER get those numbers, let alone even break over the double digits).
but i decided posting nudes or other explicit images on here was an absolute no go, because i realised that i never wanted people that i knew digging up barely clothed/naked pics of me and sending them to me all like “hey, is this you?” and then possibly mocking me, all because i would’ve been dumb enough to put my face in them probably at the time. now when i take nudes and send them, i never show my face. because i know now, that even in relationships, your partner can use nude pics as leverage for arguments or to abuse you in such a way that they’ll upload your pics without your knowledge to god knows where on the internet probably as a way to get back at you in a horrible breakup.
this is what i sincerely hope some young girls who ever contemplate starting onlyfans accounts take some time SERIOUSLY CONSIDER. please know that if you share shit on onlyfans, it can shared and re-shared (i think idek how OF works tbh) to god knows who- and eventually end up in the hands of people you know. i don’t fucking care if it’s a “good way to make money!” or if people think that im trying to stop teen girls from being “girl bosses” and the other dumb as fuck internet memes you want to throw at me. because this shit isn’t “haha internet meme funny” material. it’s some fucking serious stuff. and also, i’m not saying “don’t become a sex worker when you’re older” or whatever either. you’re free to make that choice when you’re in your 20s (no i even mean 17-19 year olds in this post as “young teen girls”- sorry you’re basically kids to me at almost 26). just please consider where the fuck your stuff can be shared to. who it can end up being shared with or to.
this is why i was so fucking adamant with my infamous old follower mr adelaide fuckboy/MAF that i personally would NOT consider becoming a camgirl for him or just generally… because i had no idea where the fuck my images or videos would end up. and do you know the places i’d never want them to fucking be??? in the hands of my high school stalker/creeper. in the hands of those two 28yo men from 2013 (who’d now be in there late 30s or early 40s). i absolutely don’t want them in the hands the mid-to-late 20s and early 30s men that that girl i met at public school in 2012 who was pissed that i didn’t believe that were “adults” because we were finally over the legal age of consent (16) in our state of australia, and so we were apparently fine to “fuck” literal grown ass men because “just fuck them and they’ll be nice to you!!” which i knew was fucking bullshit.
i absolutely don’t fucking want explicit videos/images of me ending up in “why the fuck won’t you let me give you “sex lessons” in the back of my car as a “favour” and as payment for teaching you how to drive you stupid, stuck up & frigid, virgin bitch!?” guy’s hands from 2014 (when i was 18/19 at the time and he was 25… he ended up being the first person of many i’d EVER block on social media lol). or i don't want them in the hands of those weird early 20s dudes (one of which was trying to set me up with his friend) who hit on me at 16/17 (2012) who were angry that i didn’t like and watch porn as much as they did…. and who promptly asked me at the end of their period of harassing of me: “do you know any sluts we could add?” because i kept refusing their suggestions etc.
hell, quite frankly i don’t even want them to go to mr adelaide fuckboy/MAF either, but the very few and far between nudes that i sent on snapchat to him back in 2016 are some nudes that i’d rather forget lmao. hell. i don’t even know if MAF ever deleted my nudes or shared them somewhere else or not, after he fucking wheedled them out of me with “i’ve followed you for 4 years, don’t be a shit! you owe me nudes!” so he’d just shut the fuck up about my social life decisions and leave me the fuck alone.
i don’t want ANY ONE of the guys i mentioned above to get their hands on photos of minors either…. because i definitely know my hs stalker/creeper would… because his fave “make her jealous” tactic that he’s always used on me is that “hey…. i’m dating a *insert teenage girl’s age here*! be fucking jealous that you don’t fucking have me and feel guilty that you won’t fuck me like this girl does!!!” just like he did in 2015, when i ran into him on the home from uni… when i turned 20 the next week and he turned 20 that december. at that time it was a 14yo girl he used as an example of him “dating”/“fucking” to make me jealous. instead, i was completely and utterly fucking disgusted. like any fucking sane and normal human being would/should be at that horrible age gap. that is literally a fucking child that he was fucking grooming. and we were literal adults. back the fuck away.
just please. PLEASE CONSIDER the types of people that trawl these kinds of sites and their intentions. please consider that you are young. very fucking young. you literally DO NOT need to upload nudes to the internet because it’s apparently a “lucrative” business. fuck the jokey “boss babe” rhetoric around it all the way to fucking hell.
because if you’re a minor: i do not want you to have your first experience of sexting or sending explicit images literally in front of god knows how many total strangers for the whole world to see (okay i know only fans is like subscriber/follower based or whatever. but i don’t care)…… even when you (depending how good you are with relationships etc) haven’t reached the common supposed milestones of your “first boyfriend/girlfriend/partner” or “first kiss” or have even “lost your virginity” (which isn’t real anyway- don’t buy this fucking bullshit)…. just like i stupidly did with my exposure to sexting here on my tumblr back in 2013. these people don’t/won’t give a flying fuck about your privacy or safety. they don’t/won’t give a fuck about your boundaries either.
please don’t possibly scar yourself for life, just because you’re being told that it’s a quick & convenient way to make some money for weirdos on the depths of the internet. you will regret it in future. just like i do now with mine. it should’ve been something personal between me and and a guy i trusted and liked at the time. not to some random 250-500 random strangers on this hellsite (okay the notes on these posts were literally single digits or non-existent, but still… and also some of my irl friends who had tumblr saw these posts as well) for a show….. and then privately with two 28yo literal grown ass men…. who should’ve been fucking hitting on women their own goddamned age and in their own countries and NOT a 17yo high school KID (at the time) from australia; who, now in her 20s, needs therapy to sort this shit out lmao. mind you they both reeled me in with the “you’re so mature for your age” bullshit line…. which i fell for a little bit, even if it did make me feel kinda gross at the time, too. don’t fall for that bullshit either.
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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I have chapped lips and I do not enjoy this!! I know its half because I didn't drink enough water at camp, and also just being out in the cold. But man. This is annoying. Im going to have to find a sleep pack for my lips. I have one somewhere I think.
I had a pretty nice day all things considered. I loved my outfit and felt super cute. But I was very nervous about the dentist. I actually had the time wrong. It was 930 and not 9. So I got to stay in bed longer. I decided to drive myself because I was worried about James being late to work. And really I needed to do this alone. So I could like. Process after. Good or bad.
It didn't go to bad. I did forget what floor it was on and panicked in the elevator. I thought it was 3 but it was actually 2 and I recognized the floor when the other girl in the elevator got off there. So I rushed out behind her like a weirdo.
And she was going to the same dentist! I felt like I was following her.
I was prepared to wait a while. There were 3 people in the waiting room before me. But they called me back first? So strange. But I was just being assessed so it made sense I think.
I couldn't stop cracking jokes because I was nervous. They thought my head termites theory was funny. The dental assistant I think was surprised by me? Like I would crack a joke and she would pause before she laughed and we had some nice chats. I was very interested in my xrays. The funny x-ray machine was half broken so I offered to help hold it together so they could get the pictures done quick. Which was more for my benefit because the thing you have to bite on was giving me a cramp in my jaw.
The break is just what I expected. A cavity formed next to a previous filling, which made it break off. But!! It doesn't seem to be close to the root and not that bad overall! So I can probably get away with just a regular smegular filling. So I will go back in a few weeks. The dentist thinks my face pain is my sinus and not my tooth and I should go back to the ENT doctor. We will see if I actually do that.
I wast whistling this morning but I started to in the afternoon. I left the dentist in a pretty good mood. And for some reason I would start whistling like immediately when I went outside. So weird. I went to the fancy organic grocery store in the same parking lot. I got a few things James said we still needed for thanksgiving. And a "celebration roast". Not even because I want to eat it but I think it will be funny to try? And it was on sale so its not the worst if I hate it.
I headed home. It was cold out but it was nice. I got back here and James was baking a pie. The apartment was cold but it smelled so nice.
I had a little early lunch. And worked on styling. And once James was done in the kitchen I got to work on the soup I wanted to make for dinner tomorrow.
I was a little frustrated though because we didn't have everything on the list. So I was like. Upset. I was okay with subbing things but it was annoying. I think mostly I was upset because I was tired and cold.
But the soup came out so good. I added some more spice but the cheesy level to the corn texture is so good! I would have some for dinner. It was great. I am very proud of it. I put some in small jars to freeze for later.
After I finished that I would go sit with James and play animal crossing for a while. I was very tired but I decided not to take a nap so I could sleep a little earlier tonight.
James went out to get some stuff when they had lunch later. I laid on the couch and watched videos. I did more styling. I did some window shopping and made a new wishlist for fun. The sun went down and I wandered around the apartment. It was a nice day.
I got a shower and now I am in bed. Listening to James play dnd. I think Im gong to paint my nails and lay down.
Tomorrow we are going to my parents. My dad is apparently leaving to go to the hospital to have surgery right after dinner and Im really worried but I am trying to just be okay with it. Everything will be okay. I am just really glad I get to go see them.
I hope you all have a nice day tomorrow and you get to safely see your family. Goodnight everyone!
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