#if you want more of them feel free to shoot me an ask anytime
vikingpoteto · 2 months
You wanted prompts for drabbles so may I suggest any hurt/comfort liulao scenario, this ship is underrated qwq
Kung Lao dismisses the young students, but he keeps his smile frozen in place even after the last of them is gone. He's supposed to be responsible for the newest Shaolin now. Just another title he's fought tooth and nail to earn and he keeps telling himself that he deserves it. This is just another step on the way to prove himself.
He feels a familiar presence behind him and old doubts make his insides cold. How long has he been there? Did Lao notice because of his own skill or because he let him?
"Can I help you, Liu?" he asks, as nonchalantly as he manages.
"I believe you helped as many people as you can today," Liu replies.
Kung Lao turns around to face him. Liu Kang smiles softly at him, and his lips are so beautiful, his eyes so soft and earnest in their affection, it hurts. Everything hurts. Even when Liu Kang approaches him and loops his arms around his waist. I don't deserve him, he thinks.
"One of these days, Raiden is going to walk in on us," he says, half joking, half honestly concerned.
"Both of us would notice Lord Raiden," Liu Kang says without missing a beat.
Unlike Kung Lao, Liu Kang thinks the world of him. Would burn down the world for him. Sometimes, when Liu Kang holds him, Kung Lao stops thinking about earning his place and thinks he belongs. He forgets about rankings and legacies. It makes him worry about one day waking up and finding out this has been all a dream.
"Actually, between the two of us," Liu Kang continues casually. "I'm sure we can sneak out. Both of us completed our duties for the day, yes? It's only fair."
He rubs circles with his thumb on Kung Lao's cheek, as if he wants to erase the fake smile and allow his partner to just relax. For a moment, Kung Lao lets him. He leans into the touch and hums.
"I suppose we could. But can you keep up with me?" he teases.
Liu Kang grins, mischievous, a side of him that almost no one except Lao knows, and Kung Lao decides that he'll enjoy this for as long as it lasts.
Whether he deserves it or not... Whether it's real or a dream... It is his.
Send me writing requests!
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sturn-wrld · 5 months
🪼dress up to get undressed
pairing: matt x reader
summary: where reader goes on a shopping spree and matt sees an opportunity to complete part of her list.
genre: SMUT. if you don't like it, don't read it
warnings: p in v, nicknames, short mention of body insecurity
a/n: this will be the only promised smut part of this series unless i suddenly feel like making another part smut.
it's been a month since matt read through my list of all the little things i want to do and i'm starting to think he has forgotten about it. i mean it's not that it matters that much because all of those things happen anyway but it's just kind of disappointing that he won't be cheesy about doing them.
as i reach his house after my 3 hour long shopping spree with one of my best friends, matt walks out of the door to come help me with my bags. "you went crazy didn't you?" he says leaning into my open car window peaking into my back seat where the bags lie.
"of course. i wanted to treat myself today so that's what i did." i say looking back up at matt as i take off my seatbelt and he opens my car door.
"okay let's inspect the damage why don't we" he says opening the back door, earning a giggle from me. as he opens the door his eyes go wide as he sees the absolutely massive stack of bags. "you definitely know how to spend money" he says grabbing the first lot of bags from my back seat.
"obviously. what else was i put on this earth to do" i say sarcastically as i grab the remaining bags and shut my car, locking it with my free hand while simultaneously looking back at matt, holding open the front with his foot.
"be an amazing girlfriend" he says catching a kiss to my head as i walk through the door passed him.
we make our way to his bedroom where we place all of the bags on the floor next to his bed as he spots one he in particularly likes the look of. he turns to me, now sitting in his desk chair, holding the pink stripped bag. "victoria's secret?" he asks almost rhetorically, while shooting me the most seductive glare.
"yeah. like i said treating myself" i say shrugging turning my attention back to my phone. "wanna show me?" he says still staring into me. i was pounding in the inside.
we hadn't done anything sexual yet but i knew i was happy to anytime and the look he was giving me just made me drip.
"sure" i say trying to stay as nonchalant as possible. i pull out the black set and hand it to matt watching his eyes light up and the grow seductively darker. "i mean on baby. go try it on for me" he says gripping my jaw with one had and placing the clothing back into the bag with the other. i comply and make my way into his bathroom.
as i finish putting in the complementary bottoms to my lacey top, i question whether i should of bought this. i was never really the type to bash my body but i always had my underlying insecurities. suddenly there is a k pack on the door. "you done yet, beautiful?" i look at myself one more time in the mirror before replying, "yeah, you can come in" i turn to face the door as it opens to see my boyfriends face look absolutely astonished. "you are so gorgeous baby" he says before placing his hands on my waist still looking me up and down.
he then starts to play with the strap of the almost see through top with his right hand while running his fingers under the strap on the matching material hanging to my hips. "how about we finish another thing on your list" he says while reaching his mouth to my neck.
"what were you thinking?" i say completely knowing what he is hinting to. "i'm going to undress you and your going to sit there like the pretty girl you are while i fuck you as hard as i can. okay?" i just stare straight back at him absolute shock on my face as i have never heard matt talk like that but loving nonetheless. i hum in response as he hungrily brings his mouth to mine pushing me against the counter behind me. he starts bringing his head down to my neck, sucking mindlessly leaving marks everywhere.
as he brings his head down to my breasts he reaches his arms around my body to reach for the clips on the back of the bra. right before he unclips it he looks to me, "can i take this off beautiful?" all i do is him in reply. "baby i need words" is all he says before i absolutely lose my brain. "please baby, i need you to" with that he pulls off my bra and brings his mouth back to mine, quickly kissing me before making his way back down to my breasts. "good girl" he says, driving me mad.
after sucking dark spots onto every inch of my upper body he brings his mouth back to mine kissing me more aggressively than ever. "jump" he says moving his hands to my ass to hold me and lift me to the counter. once i'm on the counter he continues to squeeze and caress my ass as i arch and my chest back to his face. "you are so hot baby" he says huffing and puffing, having just released from a long aggressive kiss.
he slowly starts travelling his hand down my body before stopping right above my pounding clit. i start to grab at his shoulders and arms needing contact. "please" i whimper out needing something more "please what?" he says staring down at me. "please touch me or fuck me baby, just do something" he strips down his own pants before moving my underwear to the side. "your wish is my command" he says before slamming himself into and toying with my clit between his fingers. i grip his shoulders, my knuckles going white from gripping so tight. he grabs my hips moving me back and forth against his fully hard cock even faster, hitting my g-spot every time. "oh fuck" i scream at the top of my lungs. he lowly groans as he brings his body closer to mine. "your so tight for me" he says sending my haywire, clenching around him, almost reaching my high faster than ever. "you need to cum yet gorgeous? i can feel you clenching" i through my head back as he moves faster in and out of me. "yes" i scream it being broken up from the jaw droppingly fast pace im being fucked at. "cum for me beautiful" with that the knot in my stomach comes undone and i finish all over his dick. he brings me down from my high before pulling out and finishing all over my stomach and tits.
"that is going to definitely be my favourite thing in the list to do"
@ermdontmindthisaccount @its-jennarose @ilovemattsturn @frozenvegitableoil @meme2003
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snickerdoodlles · 2 months
headcanons behind fic: brother texting habits referenced in long & short
Chay holds up his phone sheepishly. “Also, your brother texted me. We’re invited to dinner.” Kim’s smile drops. He doesn’t need to ask which brother. “Did he type that out, or just send an emoji with a question mark?”
ngl, had i realized how much i'd expand this series, this is actually a scene i'd cut or at least heavily rework. it's the weakest scene of the story and its execution has only felt more clunky as time passes. hindsight! that said, i don't regret the scene either because the headcanons behind the premise of that scene are very near and dear to my heart, namely the texting rituals of Khun, Kinn, and Kim :D
the boys have a system to their texting. it's not anything as concrete as a code, that'd be far too dangerous and anxiety inducing. their system, naturally, revolves primarily around giving hints to Korn's mood without outright saying anything:
firstly, all brother invites to things go through Khun, because Khun's invites will only ever be invites and Kim's 'no's will only ever be 'no's.
anytime Korn demands Khun or Kinn (usually Kinn) drag Kim to a family thing for him go through Kinn, and 'Kinn's requests are always phrased as a question Kim can refuse. Kim once tells Kinn he'll show up if Kinn orders him to (because he doesn't actually want to get Kinn into trouble if Korn's being esp insistent), and Kinn smiles and tells him "thank you" and never ever once orders Kim join them, because Kim asked not to be involved in the family business and Kinn will take on any burden to keep Kim free of it.
Kinn passes along how insistent Korn's being through the overall tone and vibe of his messages, usually indicated by how much of it he types out. requests Kim join official functions sound like a formal invitation printed on a card, requests Kim indulge Korn playing family are much closer to Kinn's standard texting style;
because, and this is a silly headcanon i will have forever, Kinn fucking loves emojis. you know his whole "this could've been an email" vibe when he shoots that guy in the head ep1? same vibes except much cuter. Kinn thinks emojis are adorable and efficiency perfected. why send "thank you" when the 👍 emoji is right there? a picture's worth a thousand words and 🫂 is a thousand warm ones. he could send "wanna check out that new coffee shop by the studio next tuesday for brunch? their menu is 60% sprinkles so i'm sure you'll love it" but ☕🧋🎙️❔👑2️⃣🗓️🕦🍬👉💕💕‼️ is so much quicker. the only reason why Kinn's texts aren't 87% cute stickers is because he hasn't yet realized they come preprogrammed in his phone.
("do you think he speaks in hieroglyphics because he's secretly ancient?" Kim asks one day.
"how old does it make you to understand him then?" Khun snarks back.)
((Kim leaves Khun on read for a week.))
some bonus thoughts: Khun's a spam texter of the highest order. every one text is sent across 3.5 texts minimum. Kinn only ever sends one (1) text. if Kinn's replying to multiple messages in one go, he separates his responses in indv bullet points (if he's feeling petty towards Khun, he responds to every one of Khun's messages individually).
(Kinn's multiple messages to Chay in long & short are absolutely because he's watching Kim's live. for all Kim's snooping, he has somehow missed that Kinn has every alert and then some set for Wik news and while he can't make every live, he plans his breaks around them and even moved a meeting once.)
also, while Kinn pretends he's threatening/blackmailing with these baby Kim pics, this is 100% him taking advantage of the situation to gush about cute baby brother with a fellow Kim AppreciatorTM. Kinn has the cutest little brother, and he's gotta keep up with news of baby brother's current shenanigans somehow 😤👏 Khun is guilty of similar crimes ofc.
(Kim suffers older brothers so much.)
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sinsandsweetness · 10 months
God I want Rick to press down on my belly with his cock in me I’ll start speaking in tongues
(I think about this every time i touch myself<3)
He has you in your favourite position. On your back with your knees pressed to your chest. And that angle alone is enough to make your eyes roll back.
You can’t speak. Can’t think. Hell, you can barely breathe. Probably because you’re on your third orgasm of the night and it really doesn’t seem like Rick’s about to stop anytime soon.
He doesn’t care. He loves seeing you all dumb on his cock, writhing right beneath him. He takes your legs by the back of your thighs and opens you up, pushing them to the side, and folding you even further in half. This way, he clearly notices the bulge in your tummy. His thick, glorious cock, making a fucking bulge. He takes your jaw and forces you to look right at it. To see exactly what he’s doing to you.
“Look at that. You always take me so well,” he praises, one hand grabbing yours, and placing it on your stomach, pushing down so you can feel him pumping in and out with every delicious thrust.
“Feel that?”
You can only moan in return. Free hand shooting up to grip the forearm that’s pinning you down. The feeling of him pushing on the bulge, brings actual fucking tears to your eyes. Yes, you can feel that.
“Go on, baby. Cum for me. Show me how good it feels. How much you like it…”
He doesn’t even finish his sentence before your orgasm hits. Ripping through your core and sending a wave of warmth down your thighs. A string of moans leave your parted lips, as your fingertips paint crescent shaped bruises onto his skin.
“Gonna give me one more, right?,” he asks, leaned back and watching you catch your breath. His thumb brushes over your tummy and the evident tremble in your muscles. You both knew ‘one more’ was a load of bull. That’s what he’d said after the last one, too. He won’t stop until you’re a damn mess. Shaking and crying and begging for a break.
Not that you mind. At all.
You nod up at him. Big, doe eyes so eager to please. To take whatever he gives you, it doesn’t matter.
“Atta girl,” he taps on your hips, signalling you to flip over before he tells you what he wants, “C’mon. Ass up, face down. You know the drill.”
Yes sir.
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qackiess · 8 months
me when big robot dragon kings beg
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Nsfw!!! : edging+collars n shit
Rushed as hell so probably spelling errors
Maybe ooc idk
Hope you enjoy!!
"Ngg..hhh." Predakings feverish pace falters as his leash was yanked forward, pressing his helm against yours. "This is humiliating." He grumbles. "I-i said to slow down.." You shakily stated, "you have to listen to me, hon." He heavily sighs, his thrusts receding to being slow but deep, as to comply to your demands. "Understood…"
You softly moan. “Good boy. Yes..yes, doing such a great job…" Your grip on the leash loosens, allowing Predaking more room to move.
His pace stays the same, it was agonizingly slow, at least for Predaking. His legs shook with need, he wanted nothing more than to plow you until you were a whining mess, but he felt compelled to listen to your soft yet stern demands. Though, everyone has their limits.
After what feels like an eternity, he lets out a low growl that reverberates through his chassis, not being able to contain himself, he hastily sped up his thrusts; making your optics widen in surprise.
“Please..I-I must-” He lets out a husky, frustrated grunt as you harshly pull his leash again, his claws digging into the floor. “You’re…you’re torturing me. You’re driving me insane…” He groaned.
You softly smile at his desperate whines, “I didnt say you could go faster… be patient, my king; and you will be rewarded.” You could hear his irritated growls, slowly growing louder, and his optics narrowing more at your every word.
You notice the downright predatory look in his optics, and your demeanor slightly falters.
“Predaking…hold out for a few more minutes, and ill let you have what you want, okay?” You persuaded, using your free hand to rub his chassis. “Please? For me?” You added.
He grunts at your words, “You dont understand, I..I cannot. I need you, why must you deny me-!” You once again pulled his leash, making him strain against it. You swore his optics became a bit glossy, “Lower your tone.” You hissed, he snarled at your words; his intakes becoming deeper.
You both sit in silence for a moment, staring eachother down.
“…you may resume, but try anything, and you will not be releasing at all, tonight.” You smugly smiled at him, which only riled him up even more.
“As you wish..my mate.” He gruffly sighed before thrusting inside your tight, warm, irresistible valve, immediately making his helm shoot back and his optics clench shut. How could you expect him to contain himself with a succulent valve such as this?
His thrusts were hard but slow, obviously some pent up sexual aggression behind them, making you bounce with each thrust. You looked up at him, the look in your optics almost spoke for you…devious.
You softly laugh before speaking, “You may speed up…in fact, you may be as quick as you li-ahh!” You suddenly gripped his leash as if it were a lifeline, he wasted no time ramming into you with no mercy whatsoever.
“Slag, slag…Predaking!” Your lingering hold on his leash pulled him forward with each thrust, and your valve was practically suctioning him in, but his breakneck pace never slowed.
You could barely form words, only moans and screams of ecstasy; Predaking was panting wildly, he was positioned right above you, his sharp talons on either side of your helm. His claws scraped the floor, as he continued to pound you relentlessly, he was almost at his peak; his spike twitching inside you.
“Hah, haah… Predaking, st-stop..!” You looked up at him desperately, though he showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.
“Predaking, I-I..ahh..said stop! Do not make me ask again!” You pulled his leash to get his attention, but to no avail he just kept going, you could feel small spurts of fluid seeping deep into your valve. He was so, so close, his spark pumping so fast he could barely hear you.
Your brows furrowed at his defiance, instead of pulling his leash, you reached up for his collar, yanking him down roughly, until his helm was near inches from yours.
“Stop! Or there w-will be consequences-!” Your desperate attempts to be assertive were null and void, uncontrollably panting; your optics stared straight into his. With a soft whine his pace slowed, but he was still noticeably chasing his climax.
“Are your audials broken..?!” You growled, using one of your servos to tightly grip the back of his neck, you held a firm grip, despite him being absolutely searing to the touch.
His breath hitched, “No…my queen/king…my deepest apologies…I..ngh..” He let out a throaty sob, pulling his spike out of you reluctantly, and his entire body shaking with a lustful need.
His optics were wide, staring down at you, it took absolutely everything in him to not pin you down and pound you like no tomorrow. Seeing you like this had always just, ignited something in him.
“See? Was that so hard?” You’d tease, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek before releasing his collar. His spike ached horribly, it felt almost swollen, he needed to release so bad.
He began ferociously bucking his hips into the air between the two of you, he was uncontrollably twitching, and he could not hold back the small whines and groans from the back of his throat.
“Ill do anything, just please let me overload, please.” He scrambled over his words frantically, barely audible begs and pleads escaping him. You stare at him with hooded optics, “My strong, brave king can take a bit more cant he? I swear on my spark, you’ll get your reward soon, just keep being good for me, yes?”
He got his overload like 5 hours later lmao, yk damn well hes gonna be pissed when he wakes up…
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thelovelylolly · 7 months
Hobie x reader where she gets her period on a mission and starts cramping realll bad and the monster just so happens to know when someone is hurting in any way and Hobie isn't there but later gets notified his girl got hurt and the rest is just like him comforting her wounds. And she's on so much pain she forgets she even got her period and so she gets up and Hobie is just like "uh.. Bae.."
Not forcing only do it if your comfortable 🫡🫶🩷
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Summary: Your time of the month comes in the middle of a fight, but you're too busy fighting to notice. Warnings: afab reader, mentions of periods, blood and wounds, canon-typical violence (let me know if i missed anything!) Notes: not my cramps starting the day i got this request-
You knew it was coming, but you would never guess that it would come in the middle of a fight. You were trying to catch a Venom variant to send back to HQ when you felt it, followed by a sharp cramp. But you ignored it, you had a job to do.
Venom was a slippery guy to catch, no thanks to him being an actual symbiote that could shift into any shape he wanted. You started to get tired of chasing him up and down the blocks of New York in whatever universe you ended up in. Finally, Venom slowed down just enough for you to shoot some webs and drag him towards you. He roared and tried to escape, but you shot more webs and planted your heels in the ground.
He slashed around, cutting your webs off of him before charging at you. He threw you threw the front windows of a nearby shop, scaring the civilians around you. You hit the ground with a grunt and got back up a bit slower than usual. You could feel cuts from the glass on your back and arms, but you jumped right back into action.
You swung yourself up and kicked Venom in the head, stunning him for just a second. You webbed his hands and pulled them back behind his back, making sure he couldn't claw himself out of it. Then, he kicked you in the stomach since his legs were still free. You stumbled back as the air was knocked out of you.
Venom started to run but you quickly webbed up his legs, causing him to trip. You wrapped his legs up just like his hands and dragged him towards you as you caught your breath. Venom kept yelling at you until you shot a web at his mouth, shutting him up.
You sighed and lifted your watch, making a portal back to HQ before LYLA popped up next to you.
"What do you want, LYLA?" You asked as you threw Venom into the portal for Margo to deal with.
"You were off during your little fight. Slower, maybe?" The AI answered, glitching around you.
"Did you pop up to analyze my fight or something? Because I didn't ask you to do that, and if Miguel did-"
"It's not that. I'm just here to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine, just tired. And sore."
LYLA looked you up and down, noticing the cuts in your suit. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
"Please don't contact Hobie-"
"Already did," she chirped back. "He's on his way to HQ right now."
You opened another portal. "Alright, thanks LYLA."
"Anytime," she said before disappearing. You walked through the portal to HQ, ready to collapse into your boyfriend's arms and take a long nap.
"Okay, love, how 'bout you take a shower while I get you some clothes and stuff? Then I'll take care of your cuts," Hobie said, leading you to his bathroom. After he found you at HQ, he immediately took you back home to take care of you. Thankfully, you had started to leave some of your things at his place for times like this.
You were too tired to give any real reply, instead nodding as you walked into the bathroom. You started the shower and got out of your suit. You stepped into the shower and washed your body off, careful not to irritate your cuts and bruises. You heard Hobie come in and set clothes down on the counter, then left you to finish up and change.
You switched the water off and got out, bundling up in a towel and carefully patting your hair dry. You changed into what Hobie brought you. One of your tank tops and a pair of gym shorts you had left here. You opened the door to let Hobie know you were ready and tiredly sat down on the toilet.
Hobie came in with a small first aid kit and set it on the counter.
"Let's see what we're working with..." He said, prompting you to show where you got his the worse. There were a bunch of scratches and cuts on your back and the back of your arms.
Hobie carefully took care of them, cleaning them to make sure they wouldn't get infected. For any deeper cuts, he put a bandaid over it. It was quiet, but most of your days together after a mission were and you two wouldn't have it any other way.
"There, all better," he hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before packing up the first aid kit. "Do you need anything else, babe?"
Right as he asked, a painful cramp shot through you, causing you to groan. Hobie immediately knelt in front of you, concern and confusion written all over his face. For a second, you were confused, too, but you quickly remembered that you had started your period in the middle of your fight.
"I got my period..." You grumbled, leaning your forehead against his.
"Oh, I'm sorry love. What can I do to help?"
"Pain meds...and a heating pad..."
"Got it," he replied before quickly getting up and leaving to get you your things.
You closed the door and found some period products you left there last month. You grabbed a pad and took care of your business, then slowly made your way to the living room. Hobie had a heating pad warming up on the edge of the couch and he handed you a glass of water and some pain medicine. You popped the two pills in your mouth, swallowed them down with some water, and let Hobie guide you to sit down on the couch.
He let you sit down first before situating himself behind you, wrapping his arms around you and letting you lean back on him. He grabbed the heating pad and pressed it against your lower stomach, then grabbed one of the throw blankets you had gotten him and covered the two of you with it.
You smiled and hummed contently. "Thank you, Hobie."
"Of course, love."
You quickly dozed off his arms and a few minutes later, he dozed off, too.
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
It Started Out With A Kiss...How Did It End Up Like This
Pulling them in for a kiss by the waistband of their pants/belt
Ft. Childe, Diluc, Kaeya, Pantalone, Dottore
Warnings: Suggestive
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Eyes wide open + rapid blinking
He has the stupidest grin when you pull away
Every time he brings his fingers up to his lips after that, he's giggling to himself and stealing glances at you
He thinks he's subtle smh
When you point out that you do, in fact, notice his staring, he gets more blatant about it, clinging to you and doing kissy faces
His hand slides to your ass very often unless you tell him to stop
Just slapping it away? Yeah no, it'll find its way back there a few moments later
"You can grab my butt too y'know."
Look, we know it's not going to stop with a kiss because your face is going to plant itself right in his tiddies
It's just the way things work
Which leads to him swallowing pretty hard and gently rubbing your back and holding you firmly against his chest
Unusually compliant when you squeeze his tiddies
It's really out of his guilt for thinking of you that way when all you seemed to want was a kiss and some cuddles
At least that's how he perceived it
His eyes widen at first but it quickly morphs into a smirk as he takes a hold of your waist too
You're trapped in a standoff even after you pull away from the kiss with both of you holding the other's waist
You can see him swallow when you lean in again but he holds his ground though his eyes fluttered shut
And then you kiss his tiddies and his eyes shoot open
"Hey, weren't you going to kiss me- no that didn't count, get back here-"
May the Tsaritsa help you because you're not going anywhere anytime soon
He's quick to catch you by the waist and rest his head in the crook of your neck
"Mm, not quite...if you leave now, you'll rack up quite the debt, my love...and you know you can't run."
Hums as he kisses your neck
You can feel him smirking and you can't do anything about what with the hold he has on you
"You wouldn't be opposed to continuing that little stunt of yours, would you?"
Fool. Idiot. Imbecile.
You're getting pinned against the nearest surface and stared down
Though it's probably what you were aiming for because what other result could you possibly anticipate with him
Yeah, so what are you gonna do when the doctor has you on his workbench as he stands between your legs with his hands on your thighs
The correct answer is beg for forgiveness, but feel free to antagonise him more if you're keen on being punished
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Taglist[send an ask to be added/removed]: @myluvkeiji @pluvioseprince @aqui-soba @euphoric-author @paradise-creator @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @serenenation @loverofthe-stars @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @yuzuricebun @chaosinanutshell @howlantic @codename-hiraeth @andreiling01 @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating
Iirc you asked to be tagged for this @ay-asterisms ?
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Am I the only one that hates when this fandom tries to make doumeki the bad guy every chance they get? Like some people blame him for every single bad thing that has happened to yashiro since he entered his life and as someone that is really emotionally attached to doumeki I can't help but feel sad anytime I see them slandering him.
People are saying that he should stop pretending not to care that it's damaging yashiro's mental health more but what about his? I don't think people are being realistic about what's happening like imagine getting shot at and abandoned by confessing your feelings in the first place, even if you do manage to forgive that person you would never wanna do that again especially knowing how sensitive they get to that, yes I admit I hate what's happening between them and I wish they just talk it out but that's not happening anytime soon.
I honestly just want doumeki's pov I want to know what his thinking, how his feeling, is he still angry, what his next move is, how he really feels about the whole fuck buddy thing.....people are saying his caging yashiro but is he really? They are caging themselves, yashiro not willing to let go of doumeki again that's why he willingly gives himself to him and doumeki just wanting to be near the man he loves even if it means just sex it's sad.
Sorry for the long text😭 What do you think about this? I may be just sensitive because I really feel for doumeki
Hi Anonymous! 👋🏼 I wonder if you're the same Anonymous who asks me questions or if you're a different Anonymous every time? Either way, I'm happy to be asked questions, thank you for asking me for my opinion 🤗
So I also really feel for Doumeki. I fortunately have not come across the posts you've referenced. I will say however that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So if people don't like Doumeki that's their choice and that's OK.
So people saying every bad thing has happened to Yashiro since Doumeki entered his life: I mean tbh a shit tonne of bad things have already happened to Yashiro without Doumeki. And that whole arc with Hirata wanting to take Yashiro out, had nothing to do with Doumeki. People targeting Yashiro is part of the Yakuza life, Doumeki or not.
Re: Yashiro's mental health - this is already fucked tbh. Doumeki or not, Yashiro has convinced himself he loves his trauma and almost died post timeskip in how brutal and messed up his sex has become. Yashiro is not OK. He never has been. I see no evidence for Doumeki in just coming to Y for sex having any detriment to Yashiro's mental health.
The only thing this is going to do, is make Yashiro question what he wants and this is a good thing.
I personally think Doumeki is a fucking genius. He has completely understood how fucked up Yashiro is, that any indication of sentiment of love, spoken or expressed in any way other than sex, will repulse Yashiro (in fact the tender sex already repulses him). Yashiro hates and wants the tenderness. Yashiro wants to be loved but can't let himself be loved because what is love? Doumeki has found the sweet spot: a way of being together without being together.
Doumeki is in love with Yashiro but any hint of this or pressure from Doumeki's side, as you rightly said, could lead to Yashiro shooting him or doing something reckless.
At the very least, Doumeki knows now that Yashiro's body reacts to him and only him. Y's body knows love and tenderness and now craves to taste more, though he isn't used to this new sweet taste when he's had such bitter experiences.
I can't see at all how Doumeki is caging Yashiro; in fact the opposite is true - Doumeki is on the cusp of setting Yashiro free. But Doumeki can only open the birdcage. Yashiro needs to choose to fly. Yashiro needs to choose to accept this tenderness, this devotion, this love and accept the rough punishing sex isn't actually what he wants.
Doumeki is the necessary catalyst to make Yashiro question. But at the end of the day, the only person who can save Yashiro is Yashiro.
I'm fortunately unbothered by others' negative opinions of Doumeki. If people don't like him that's OK.
I trust my own opinion here and I love both Doumeki and Yashiro. I want both to receive the love that each other can give more than just the sex.
Yashiro needs to accept that he is in love with Doumeki and right now, Doumeki has accepted that for now, Yashiro can't love him.
But in the unspoken plains of sex, both can love and hide their true feelings at the exact same time.
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rblackdeco · 12 days
hihi I love your fics n this is my first time requesting :]
may I request a Barty Crouch jr x romantic!amab!reader fluff fic?
Something, something along the lines of the slytherin skittles (or just reader and barty, your call) up on the astronomy tower after curfew (snuck out n’ stuff), and then reader fell asleep on Barty while they were pointing out all the constellations they could see?
thank you so much if you write this, and absolutely no pressure at all if you don’t want to! <3
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— pairing: barty crouch jr x amab!reader
— a/n: hii, thank you so much for requesting, i hope you enjoy it, i tried my best!! it's also my first time writing for amab!reader, so let me know if it's okay <3 barty might be a little ooc for what it's used to but i love the idea of a soft barty only with his partner (feel totally free to request again if you want him more chaotic, i'll gladly write that!!)
— warnings: mostly fluff, mention of smoking pot (barty is a little high, reader is open to interpretation)
For the first time in years, maybe, Barty doesn't feel like talking.
Not that he would need to anyway, the silence that lingered between you was comfortable enough to allow that, but still, he never felt so at peace.
He thinks it's about you. It's your presence, the way your hair tickles the skin of his neck where your head lays, gentle weight settling on his chest. When he commented that with Regulus, he said Barty should get a weighted blanket. He thinks you beat it by at least hundred times. Weighted blankets wouldn't do half of what you do to him. He wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world right now.
To be fair, you wouldn't either. Not even with the smell around you, weed and smoke and the stolen candies from the kitchen that lay unfinished next to you. Not when you have Barty's heartbeat just above your ear, his voice just loud enough to rumble across your chest when he speaks. You have no idea what he's saying anymore, but it's just so nice to hear him talk.
"This meteor shower is supposed to be rare. You, baby, are supposed to watch." His voice is full of taunt, the smug on his face when he catches your eyes sneaking to him.
"Yeah, Crouch?" You smile back at him, snuggling closer to him as if there was a way to get closer.
"Uhm, can look at me anytime, baby." His hand tugs at your chin, grin wide as he gently pushes it upwards, to the sky. It's beautiful tonight, clear vision from the shooting stars that light up the sky for brief moments before they disappear. "We should make it ours." A beat of silence has passed and you think you've lost something. He makes no sense.
"The stars?" You ask, smile slipping to your lips with no resistance.
"All of it. Each wish from those, they're all ours now. The planets too. All ours..." He points out, following an imaginary trace from the meteor that fell just a moment ago. You blinked, looked over at Barty again, and it's gone.
"I thought you didn't believe this crap?" You say, voice no softer than a whisper, but Barty catches the tease.
"Oh, baby, don't offend me." He lets out a breathy laugh, flicking the side of your head, but not letting you move it either. "I'm taking all the wishes I can for you, angel." The pet names drips from his lips, he has a tendency of saying them a lot when he gets high. You're always "baby", always "angel", always "pretty boy". There's a lack of something on his tone, his arrogance or taunting, but you're buying it. It's strange seeing him so soft, but you adore it, every moment.
You nod against his chest, his rambling and the raspy tone pushing you towards a state you've been trying to avoid, sleep claiming your body in a slow but sure pace. You think Barty can feel it either.
"Thanks, B..." You mumble, getting more comfortable on his chest.
"Anything for my boy." He says, no edge of intention to his words, his hand slipping around you waist to hold you close. His fingers trace your hip bone, softly.
His boy, his words echo on your chest, soft, soft. You could be that, if he kept saying it with that voice. Especially his. You're convinced he got you folded in half with that tone alone. He kisses the corner of your lips, thumb holding your chin in place. He begins to talk about the constellations again, not a single coherent idea to the textbooks you've learned, but just as poetical. You're pretty sure you hear he names a star after you before you fall asleep.
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lou-struck · 9 months
Blasting Down the Boardwalk
Katsuki Bakugo x reader
~You drag your blasty boyfriend down to the boardwalk for a rollerblading date. 
WC: 2.3k
~This is one of the requested prompts for my Summertime Fun Event. Feel free to check it out. 
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“There is no way in Hell I’m putting those things on,” Katsuki grumbles as the employee at the skate rental booth sets two bright neon green rollerblades with hot pink wheels on the sunbleached rental booth.
The poor guy flinches at the Pro Hero’s tone. “I-I’m sorry. T-these are the only rollerblades we have left in your size, Mr. Bakugo. s-sir.” The tall counter does little to hide the shaking of his knees as he looks to you with wide eyes, no doubt hoping that you’d be able to do something.
“They’re perfect,” you are quick to shoot the worker a reassuring glance before turning your attention to your pouty blond boi. “Oh yes, you are; now, take off your shoes so I can pay.”
“Not if I’m gonna be wearing these lame-looking skates.” he argues back, “and I should be the one paying.”
“You paid for lunch, remember?” you shoot back, a teasing lift in your tone. “But I get it.”
He looks a bit confused, “You do?”
“I do,” you smile back. Doing your best to maintain your poker face. “You know you never had to lie to me, Suki; if you don’t know how to rollerblade, it’s not that big of a deal. We can go and do something else that is a little easier for you.
The mockingly patronizing way you cooed at him lights a fire in his crimson eyes. “I never said I couldn’t do it,” he grumbles, reaching down and taking off his sneakers. He plops them on the counter with an annoyed huff and looks at the employee. “I’ll take the damn skates.”
As he walks over to the bench with his bright new footwear in hand, you smile to yourself. This rollerblading date may have been your idea, but you know your boyfriend wants to use this as another opportunity to show off in front of you. 
Even if the Rollerblades do look like something pulled straight from The Barbie Movie. 
The workers’ shoulders relax a bit as you sling your dinosaur-shaped bag off your shoulder and take out your wallet to pay for both your skates and Katsuki’s. “How long can we rent them for?”
“It’s a three-hour rental period, but we are about to close for lunch, so you can bring them back anytime after an hour to get your shoes if you want to stop early,” he explains, running your card and handing it back to you.
“Sounds good,” you smile, sliding your card into your little tote bag and slipping out of your shoes. “Enjoy your lunch.”
You turn to walk away and hear the smallest little “you too.” from the rental booth. You fight the urge to laugh at the accidental comment and continue on, feeling the strong but not uncomfortable feeling of walking along the pavement with just your socks on. 
Katsuki is just lacing up his last skate as you get to the bench and can’t help but return the smile you give him. “What took ya so long? I thought you wanted to do this shit.”
“We have plenty of time,” you say, plopping down and lacing your flashy roller blades. You fiddle with the hot pink laces, pulling them until the skate is tight against your foot. It’s been too long since you have donned a pair. 
Looking around the crowded boardwalk, a small part of you worries about possibly crashing into an unsuspecting stranger. 
You shake the thought from your head and use the bench’s arm to get to your feet. Despite the little wobble in your legs, you stand tall and balanced as your muscle memory works in your favor. “Hey, I still got it,” you say to your boyfriend, who stands with little issue. 
“Are you sure?” he asks, skating over to you. “I don’t want to have to carry your ass back here after you get a face full of pavement.”
“Yes, I’m fine,” you say defiantly, taking a few strides to prove to him that you are more than capable of staying upright. “Now, let’s go.” 
You start to skate down the boardwalk; a slight breeze cools your skin and pushes you along at a comfortable speed as you take a peek behind you. 
“Oi, wait for me,” Katsuki calls, skating after you at a brick pace. He looks just a bit silly lumbering after you in the neon roller skates, but it’s just as cute as you thought it would be when you had planned this date. 
“Is that Dynamite?” a teenage boy with a face full of silver freckles whispers to his friends as they watch the hero. 
“Yeah, right,” the other scoffs, tossing their head back in a self-assured fashion, “and Red Riot was over in the park sleeping on a Hammock.”
“Oh,” the freckled kid says sullenly. “But it looks just like him…”
You listen to the fading conversation of the teens, feeling a bit bad for the one who had just spoken. Katsuki reaches out and takes your hand in his sweaty one. 
“What took you so long?” you tease, interlacing your fingers with his. “I left you in the dust.”
Your words bring a competitive glint to his eyes. “We were racin, sweetheart? I didn’t realize.”
Your brow furrows in mock condition as you bite the inside of your cheek. “That’s not like you, Suki, don’t tell me you lost your edge.”
He looks damn evil as his blood-red gaze sizes you up in front of him, you look a bit silly in your bright rollerblades, but at this moment, you are his competition. “Never, get ready to eat my dust.” He bends his knees slightly, ready to race.
You do the same, ready to meet his challenge. “Bring it on.”
In a flash, the two of you take off, racing down the boardwalk, skating past obstacles and people. Your skates glide you across the pavement easily, skating until your knees feel weak and your lungs are afire, but you don’t let up. 
If you did, Katsuki would surely pass you. 
You race until you get to a part of the pathway, where it splits into two. You roll to a stop, finally being able to catch your breath. Doubling over in exhaustion, you glance over at your boyfriend, who looks completely unphased by your ‘race.’
Curse his Pro-Hero Stamina
“I won,” he smirks.
“No way, I got here first.” You argue back. You’re about to say something else to defend your victory, but your thoughts are interrupted. You hear the chime of a little bell, and it steals your attention easily. 
The bell is attached to the cutest little blue and white striped ice cream cart, and a vendor in a sailor’s uniform is handing out large scoops of cold ice cream to a few customers. 
“Ice cream,” you point, looking at the little cart and vendor standing under the shade of a giant blue and white striped umbrella. The Summer’s heat does more than enough to make you crave the frozen treat. “We have to get some.”
You grab his wrist and pull him towards the ice cream cart, earning an amused huff from him as he rolls behind you. “You’re gonna let me pay this time.
“Not a chance,” you wink back at him before absentmindedly reaching for your familiar tote that should’ve been on your shoulder, finding nothing but the sleeve of your t-shirt. Your stomach sinks to the ground when you realize that you left it on the counter at the skate rental booth. “Oh shoot, my bag.”
“That lame dino bag?” he asks, “The kid at the stand probably just put it behind the counter. You can get it back when we are done.”
“But I’m worried someone might steal it. The rental place was about to close for their lunch break, and it’s just going to be sitting there on the counter.” you frown. “And don’t call my bag lame; it’s cute, and you know it.”
He grins at you wolfishly and reaches into his pocket, pulling out his faded leather wallet. “It looks like I get to pay after all.” 
You hang your head in defeat as he takes out his black credit card and slides into your hands, “Get me somethin, I’ll go get your bag.”
Before you can argue, he activates his quirk, the little explosions propelling him down the boardwalk. Clearly, he wasn’t giving it his all during your little race. 
You are so going to get him back for that later.
“Outta my way, extras,” he yells loudly as people scramble to get out of the pro hero's way as he blasts past them with a frightening speed. As the neon skates disappear out of sight, a giggle slips past your lips. 
You really do love that man.
Katsuki’s brow is furrowed in determination as he blasts his way down the boardwalk, eyes scanning the crowd just in case someone is walking by with your tote bag. He is completely absorbed in his mission as he gets closer and closer to the rental booth. Spotting the dinosaur-printed fabric tucked between the booth’s outer wall completely unguarded. 
He reaches for it and looks inside just to make sure nothing has been stolen, thankfully finding everything that looks valuable still inside its walls. 
“Dumbass is just asking for someone to take their shit, huh?” He mumbles, sliding your cutesy bag over his arm.
It doesn’t slide all the way up to his shoulder; his biceps are so big the little straps won’t move past his elbow. He looks a bit ridiculous, but no one in their right mind would tell him that.
He locks eyes with the two teenagers from before; the one with silver freckles eagerly tugs at his friend’s sleeve and points at the hero. “See, I told you it was him.”
Before the other can respond, Katsuki turns his gaze to the gawking youths. 
“The hell are you two looking at?” he huffs before blasting out of there and back towards you.
A bit of ice cream from the cone you bought for Katsuki drips on your hand as you eat your own with the other in the comfort of the shade. The summer heat does little to keep the treat cold. Still wearing your bright rollerblades, your feet begin to feel sore from your long race just minutes ago. 
With the sting of fresh blisters that are no doubt forming beneath the neon laces on your mind, your eyes scan the busting boardwalk for any kind of bench or ledge the two of you can sit on, finding none. 
You sigh, take another bite of ice cream, and boredly rock back and forth on your wheels. Watching the seagulls viciously circle a couple sharing a box of french fries, too in love to note the danger that lies overhead. 
Your eyes are pulled from the impeding swarm by the familiar sound of light explosions. Katsuki is coming back. 
People clear the way for him as he blasts back to you, your bag secured around his arm. ‘Told ya I’d get it back.” he smirks, eyeing the ice cream in your hand hungrily. 
“That was quick,” you smile, holding out his cone towards him. A bit runs down the slides and drips onto the pavement below.
“Thanks, now here’s your damn bag.” He huffs, holding out the cute bag towards you. “You’re lucky no one took anything from it.”
I know I am. But you’ll need to hang onto it just a little longer.” you say. 
“What, no. This is your damn bag, he huffs. Already securing it in his hold once again. Arguing with you just because he can.
But my hands are covered in Ice Cream; it will get all sticky if I take it now.” you point out, “You’ll just have to keep it.”
“Damn it, why do I have to keep holding the bag you lost?” he sighs. 
“Because it suits you.” You tease, looking down at the bag. It really does look nice on him, or at least his arm.
“The hell it does!” He yells loudly. Unintentionally scaring away all the birds along the boardwalk, “Now give me my ice cream.”
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network @planetonet
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
Hello again. XD Would you consider a Calamity Jane!Reader request for Buddha, Heracles, Lu Bu, Rudra? Got her in my brain now and she ain't fittin' to leave anytime soon. A women of action not words, tall, compassionate but crass. Strikes me as the painfully blunt type.
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"Listen here stretch, I ain't got no time for yer gum flappin', either ya get to yer point or I'm puttin' some lead between your pretty lil' eyes."
If you want you can use my previous question with Artemis vs Clamity Jane and flip a coin to see who wins. XD I want you to have as much fun with it as it runs through my head.
No rush, please and thank you~!
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With a warm apple pie~!
-You were no soft and delicate lady; you were a woman ready to throw hands with anyone who would dare disrespect you; many learned that the hard way when they tried and quickly got either an ass beating or a bullet lodged somewhere in their body.
-You kept to yourself in Valhalla, as everything you needed was provided for you, so there was no need to work hard any longer, but you felt bored just sitting around, so you started a large garden, something you were proud of.
-There were times you missed riding on horses and exploring, scouting out new territories, and you would be able to sate those cravings for a while, getting a horse, borrowed from one of the Valkyries, and just go out and ride, feeling the freedom of just being out and running free.
-Those who lived near to you respected you, as you respected them and protected them against those who just wanted to take, despite having everything they would need.
-Many, humans and gods, learned to leave your little corner of Valhalla alone, mainly because you wouldn’t hesitate to shoot them, and you weren’t known for warning shots.
-It was a time of celebration in Valhalla, after humanity had won Ragnarok, earning their salvation and gaining the respect of the gods.
-You had fought as well, against a huntress goddess, Artemis, who, in your opinion, was one of the few people you respected. And you had greeted her, once all those who had fallen, had been returned to life, with a warm handshake and a hug, welcoming her back.
-Artemis respected you, as you bested her, and the two of you became friends as well as rivals, constantly having competitions and trading wins between the two of you.
-Your hard-won victory in Valhalla had gained quite a lot of attention, as they were all recorded, so those who fought earlier could see all the later fights, and you found yourself being courted by a weirdo, or at least in your book he was a weirdo.
-Buddha- He learned the hard way that you don’t like to be snuck up on. He saw you speaking with Brunnhilde, and he grinned, wanting to ask you questions about your fight, as you were very impressive with your abilities to dodge and shoot at the same time. When he wrapped his arms around you, he quickly found himself on the ground, holding his jaw after you had whirled around and delivered a haymaker, pulling out your pistol at the same time, pointing it at him. He grinned, flirting, “If I had known you liked it rough I would have tried harder.” You cocked your pistol, your eyelid twitching before Brunnhilde stopped you, “None of that now.” Buddha did make it up to you, taking you out for a drink. He wanted to know more about your feisty side.
-Hercules- He was like a dog, if you had to describe him, big, happy, kinda dumb looking, but he was pretty damn cute. When he approached you, asking you for a fight, he began to ramble, praising your fight and going over it. His enthusiasm was pretty cute, but it got old pretty quickly as you grabbed his top, pulling him down into a kiss to shut him up, “Stop flapping your gums- if were gonna fight then let’s get to it!” his lips were stuck in the puckered position, completely shocked on how bold you were before he was quick to catch up you, giving you a shy look, “If I win can I get another kiss?” you couldn’t help but smirk up at him, silently challenging him. There was something exciting about you!
-Lu Bu- He had approached you wanting a fight, wanting to test his strength against your own, trouble is, he did it while you were in the middle of enjoying a nice cold beer at your favorite saloon in Valhalla. You waved at the bartender, signaling for another drink and he was surprised when you pushed it to him, “Drink up- ain’t no fighting happening today. I ain’t nowhere near sober enough to give you what you want.” You were so unlike the women of his time, soft spoken, reserved, you were loud, crass, and to be completely honest, he liked it! He downed the drink and you gave him a smirk, “Is that a challenge, boy?” the bartender could only roll his eyes as he prepared the glasses for your next drinking contest.
-Rudra- When you spotted a god hanging out by your front gate as you were coming home, you glared slightly, wondering if you had another fight, “Hey- what you doing here?” Rudra turned and you had to admit, he was quite the looker as he gave you a friendly smile, “Hello there Y/N, I wanted to come and see you. I have some questions about your fighting technique that I wanted to ask about.” He didn’t seem like he was here to fight, but you weren’t completely sure just yet. He was expecting you to invite him in but surprised him with your crass nature, “Don’t know what you want to ask about it- it’s simple, dodge and don’t get hit and hit the other bastard first.” He couldn’t help but grin, seeing your simple way of thinking about a fight. It took a few visits before you invited Rudra into your home, finding his persistence admirable while he was elated he was finally getting through to you.
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justimagineok · 1 year
2:30 series - GET OUT
Summary: One too sure, the other not that much. One focused on the present, the other too stuck on the past and afraid of the future. Both of them in love with each other.
genre: angst ( are we really surprised at this point?)
A/N: Let me know if you have any questions ;) as always feedback is always appreciated! feel free to reblog, comment or send me an ask at anytime 😊
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The next day, Jungkook's mother stayed with him until lunch, when Namjoon arrived to replace her. You agreed with him to stay with Jungkook from the afternoon until the next day, since he informed you that he had a meeting with Bang PD. You arrived at the hospital at the agreed time, greeting some of the nurses that you have already become accustomed to due to the hospital's routine. One more day going to the hospital meant one less day until Jungkook came home. 'Let's get it.'
You received a quick message from Namjoon informing you that he would quickly go to the cafeteria and that he would go to the meeting soon after, letting you know that Jungkook was already waiting, and you headed to the room in quick steps. Perhaps today he was a little happier? More hopeful perhaps? 'Let's find out', you thought to yourself. You knocked softly on the door before entering, seeing Jungkook too absorbed in his game to react to your entrance. Not a good sign. "Hi grumpy. Did you eat anything?"
Jungkook only sighted, still focused on the game.
"Hello?", you waved to gain his attention, but still didn't move.
“Leave me alone, YN. I don’t need you micromanaging me.”, he replied bitterly.
You stopped on your tracks, odding his attitude. "I'm not doing that. I literally just asked if you ate. You want Skittles? ", you offer the package to him, but Jungkook grabs it just to throw it harsly on the other side of the room."What the he-"
"Why are you even here, YN?! I told you to leave.", Jungkook glares at you. 'Not this again', you think to yourself.
"And I told you I'm not going anywhere, Jungkook. Get over it.", you asserted  nonchalantly, sitting on the couch. Jungkook sits up straight, shooting his cold eye at you. "Do you think I'm joking? Do you think any of this is funny? You’re not my anything anymore, YN, so, stop acting like it.", he scoffs, dismissing you.
"Ouch. That was a low blow, even for you”, you say, surprised at his tone. You thought he was just being angry at something else, but no. He was fuming at you.  "Jungkook, what's going on?"
"What's going on?!", he looked at you like you were clearly missing something obvious. "I'm mad 'cause I can't fucking trust you, YN! You left me before without any hesitation, no second thought at all!"
"No! Don't 'Jungkook' me. What the hell is stopping you from doing it again? It's pity! It's your fucking savior complex and I hate it! I  FUCKING HATE IT!"
“I don't pity you, Jungkook!", you spat back.
"Do you think I'm a charity case, huh? Go away! I don’t want you here.”
Namjoon who just entered the room, stopped in his tracks, shocked by whatever it was he was seeing.
"I'm not leaving you Jung-"
"GET THE FUCK OUT! GOD! ARE YOU DEAF?! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE ANYMORE!", Jungkook's face were red like you never seeing before.
"Jungkook, don't speak like that to her, man", Namjoon interjected, speaking for the first time since he arrived. He, too, was thinking you and Jungkook were just bickering like you guys always did, but this was different, and it was escalating quickly.
"Back off, hyung!", Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at Namjoon, who were just too stunned to react. "God! You're so clingy, YN... You're just making my recovery slower. You're dragging me down with you.”
Jungkook could see in your eyes, that if his other sentences hadn't broken your heart, the last one did. But he didn't stop.
"Jungkook, what is... wrong with yo-", you try to speak, but he interrupts again.
"What? You think we're going back to dating?! Just because you said you loved me before the accident?! I'm sick of being near you, YN and thank God we didn't kiss, 'cause I'd probably fall for that. You think I'm loyal like a puppy and that you being here is gonna make us stronger?! Get out of your head, YN. Grow up. You're no longer useful to me.”
You give a step back, letting his words sink into your head. He was trying to hurt your feelings and make sure you wouldn't come back. You just didn't understand why.  Jungkook closed his eyes, wanting to die, but instead he just ended his speech. "I just want you to go, YN. I want you to walk away. You're good at that."
“I don’t believe you for a second,” you shake your head, stating your ground. “Not for one damn second, Jungkook. If you want to get rid of me, you’re going to have to try harder than that.”
"YN, I think it's bes-", Namjoon tried to speak, but Jungkook beat him to it.
"You know where I was going when my accident happened?", he spats. "I was going after you. Cause that's my go-to response to everything. I keep chasing after you, YN. But not anymore. I'm done. You're the reason I'm here. The reason I'm in this deep shit and I can't stand to look at your face anymore."
"Jungkook, this is unacceptable, man!", Namjoon yelled, ready to give Jungkook a lecture and a deserve smack.
"Let him say what he wanna say, Namjoon", you say  as you stare into Jungkook's hatred eyes. "He wants to be hated by me so much. I think he's finally succeeding.”, you sight disappointed, looking away from the maknae's eyes.
"I'm done playing house, YN. I don't need you in my life and I don't want you in it. I don't feel good with you.", Jungkook said finally, turning his head to not spare a glance at you anymore.
"YN, don't take what he's saying seriously. Some bug clearly ate what was left of his brain.", Namjoon glared at Jungkook, who scoffed.
"It's okay.", you breathe deeply. "Think I’ve heard enough, I'm going home.”, you sighted, grabbing your purse and heading towards the door. "I should have seen it coming.", you whisper more to yourself while closing the door behind you. "I am sorry you became the shallow person you always feared,  Jungkook.", is the last thing you say before closing the door.
"YN, wait-",
"Let her go, hyung."
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You're too far to hear Namjoon's screams at Jungkook.
"You're acting like a kid, grow the fuck up, Jungkook!", Namjoon yells, his face red with anger. "Keep doing this shit and I'm going to punch you, I swear, man!"
"I don't need her. In fact, I don't need any of you, hyung.", Jungkook says, staring at him.
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that.", Namjoon dismisses his words. "I can imagine that none of this must be easy for you, JK, but it's not our fault. It's not  YN's fault either, and you know that…", Namjoon sat at the edge of the maknae's bed. "But the way you're acting? No accident is an excuse for the way you're treating YN. She's done nothing but stay by your side, and you keep acting like she's being clingy, when in fact, she's doing this because she cares about you. I don't know what you think her motives are to taking care of you, but I can assure you it's not for your handsome face, cause even that can't make up for the fact that you're a fucking asshole that keep mistreating someone who cares about you."
"I never asked her to care.", Jungkook spats back.
"See? That right there? That's what I'm talking about! What if the situation where the opposite? What if she was the one who needed help? The one hurt... would you take care of her?"
"You know I would. She needs me", Jungkook answers immediately.
"Maybe you're wrong. She's even tougher than she lets us see, JK. Maybe you're the one who needs her and not the contrary. You act like you see her as this broken little thing that needs you to take care of her. She doesn’t need that. She might have been broken at one time, but she’s not fucking broken now. She’s put it all back together. She’s made a life for herself. And one more thing: your accident was not her fault. I can't believe you said that to her.", Namjoon shook his head, frustrated. "She didn't make you go after her, Jungkook. It's you who chose time after time, just as she's choosing time after time to come back here."
Jungkook says nothing. Namjoon gets up picking his stuffs on the couch to stay the night.
"I always admired you, JK. Please, don't make me regret it. The way I see you acting right now only makes me think how much you don't deserve someone like YN in your life. I wish I didn't think this way, but I do. Just pray she doesn't come to her senses and realize that too."
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If You Let Me (Badda Boom Universe)
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Alpha!Jax Teller x Omega!POC!Reader "LuLu"
Flashback to that time when you confessed your love during a jam session in the backyard unaware that Jax and Opie can hear you through his open window and things took a turn you weren't expecting.
Smut, Fluff and Smut, Light Angst, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Jax Teller, Accidental Voyeurism, Oral Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Marriage, Pregnancy
Hello Heathens, I've decided that anytime these two have a story for me to write about them, I am going to add it as a chapter to their saga. This story is heavily inspired by the song "If You Let Me" by Sinead Harnett. (A link to the song will be in the story) Happy Reading!
Banner by @cafekitsune Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Your recent hook up with Jax is fresh on your mind. 
Granted, it was a week ago when he was “off again” with Tara before you found them back together just days later. It’s a semi-normal thing you've learned to deal with since you were teenagers.
You know loving him the way you do is painful, but you can't seem to help yourself. He’s had your heart since you were preteens and all those lovely hormones kicked in. His scent is the only one that has made you weak in the knees from just one hit. But you’ll only ever be his Little Moon, the girl who is dependable, always there whenever and for whatever he needs. 
Ruts included. 
You aren't fooling yourself thinking that someday he will truly be yours, your collarbone sporting his claim. So you keep yourself open to interested parties and have racked up quite the body count. But no one has hijacked your heart, or satiated your heats, like Jax has. 
Well, that’s not true. Ari came pretty close to taking the role of Alpha in your life. Just when you thought you could possibly take things further with him, he got a job offer overseas he couldn’t pass up. That’s where things ended, just over a year ago. The universe loved to torment you.
Seeing Jax a couple days ago at the clubhouse, Tara hanging all over him, was all the reminder of your place that you needed. So you're spending your day off with Diamond, out in the sunshine on your back porch. Medicating your soul with your dear friend THC.
“Girl when are you going to get over that boy? The dick must be amazing for you to keep going back knowing he isn't going to pick you. I don’t care how good he smells to you.” Your best friend protests. 
“I’m not going to bother trying to explain it to you again. My love for him isn't conditional. His scent is the one thing that always calms me. When we hook up, great, when we're just hanging out at the clubhouse, great. No matter who is there. It is what it is, D. I’m not trippin over it. So neither should you.”
“You’re telling me you dont want more?”
You let out a deep sigh. “Of course I do. But there’s nothing I can do about it. That’s how unrequited love works.”
“Alright then. If you say so. But answer me this one question.”
“How do you manage all these pent up feelings without lashing out?”
“Easy. Like this.” You take a hit off the joint and start strumming on the acoustic guitar in your lap. 
The Ganja begins to steadily course through your system, loosening your tongue and helping you purge all the pent up emotions you’ve been bottling up. Your surroundings disappear as your voice is carried on the wind to Opie’s open kitchen window, where he’s handing an exacerbated Jax a beer.
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“Is it for good this time?” Op asks.
“She’s leaving again. So yeah. It’s for good.” He takes a sip of his beer. “At least for me it is. I really am getting too old for this back and forth shit.”
“I’m sure the fact she’s a beta doesn't help. Especially when you surround yourself with a certain little Omega.”
“I’ve known LuLu my whole life, man. If Gemma hasn’t run her off, Tara certainly isn’t keeping her from me.”
“Ya finally gonna do something about that, now that you're a free man?”
“What do you mean?” He pulls a cigarette out of his pack with his teeth and proceeds to light it. “We just hooked up last week.”
“I meant to make it more official than just hooking up when you need a tight place to stick your knot.”
“But she takes it so well man.” He smirks, tilting his head as a sound catches his attention. “Do you hear that music?”
“Probably Lulu out in her backyard.” Op supplies. “Must be high too, for her voice to carry this clearly.”
He gets up from the table and heads to the open window that has a perfect view of your backyard. There he finds you, sitting on the porch with Diamond. Your eyes are closed, fingers strumming along your beloved acoustic, emotion clear on your beautiful face as he soaks in the words you're serenading.
“I wonder who she’s singing about.” He thinks aloud.
“You can not be that dense man.” Op chuckles out.
“What are you talking about?” His eyes never leave your backyard.
Opie shakes his head. “I’m sure it’ll come to you. If not, just go over and ask her.”
Your mouth watering scent, along with your sweet voice, wafts in through the window. He can’t help but feel a pull towards you as he takes a deep inhale, allowing your last notes to sink in. He carefully watches as you look at Diamond, a smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes gracing your face.
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“Damn girl, you’ve got it bad. You weren’t kidding about it being unconditional. Jax is one lucky son of a bitch and he doesn't even realize it.” Diamond declares through a plume of smoke.
“Like I said before. It is what it is. Just because he checks all my mate boxes, doesn't mean I check all of his.” You swallow, placing the guitar next to you and taking back the joint offered to you. “I can’t wait around for life to find a way. So, I enjoy what I am given.”
“You’re too damn precious for this world girl. Fuck I wish I had just a sliver of your patience and self resolve.”
“Oh, no. I’m still a petty bitch. Don’t get it twisted. I hate the fact that he chooses her over me. I just don’t see the sense in wasting energy on it.” You take a hit. “He’s had more than a taste. Not to mention he’s a full grown Alpha. If he wants more, nothing’s stopping him but him.” You exhale, letting the smoke slowly leak out of your mouth and into the air.
“Is that right, Little Moon?” You turn towards the voice of the Alpha in question as he walks up your porch steps.
Unafraid of the truths you now know he just heard you hold your head high. “Sure is. But it’s of no matter at the moment is it? You belong to someone else.”
“She ended it today actually.” He confesses. “She leaves for Seattle tomorrow morning.”
“She never really could stand Charming for long. Always chasing something better.” You relay.
“I have to agree with you there. But it at least frees me up again.” He gives you that devilish smile.
“You could have been free at any time, Jackson. You chose to embrace your gilded cage.” You coolly state.
“Shiiiit, Mary Jane’s got you extra poetic in your pettiness today. I love it!” Diamond laughs out.
“Aw come on Darlin’. Here I was, having heard your little concert, thinking maybe I’d find you being all soft and sweet.” He play pouts.
“I’m not in the mood for your games or to ruin my high Jackson. So please, just say what you have to say.”
“You sure about that Omega? Even with Diamond present.” He nods towards your bestie.
You narrow your eyes in his direction. “I have nothing to hide from her. I’m waiting.”
“Alright.” He crosses the deck, cups your face in his ringed hands and pulls you up to his face, laying a devastating kiss to your lips. Your synapses go haywire as his strong scent envelops you, allowing a whimper to escape your throat. His hands glide down to your waist, where he lifts you up so that he can switch positions with you.
Your thighs are now splayed across his denim covered lap, loose shirt raised to your waist, exposing the tiny shorts you were wearing underneath as he leans back into your former seat. He breaks the kiss, a smug look on his face as he looks up into your glazed over eyes. “That’s better.”
He runs his thumb along your bottom lip. “Diamond, I’m going to need you to give me and my Omega some space. Op’s next door if you don't want to go home. Choice is yours.”
“Your Omega.” You whisper, in confusion.
“You heard me correctly.” His eyes remain on you.
“Oooooh bitch, Imma bounce. Even though it looks like this is gonna be good.” Diamond grabs her bag. “I expect a full report first chance you get. Which by the look on his face isn't going to be til at least tomorrow. Love ya girl. Bye.” She scurries off.
“Bye.” You wave to her, your eyes never leaving the Alpha below you.
“You and I have some things we need to work out. Are you up for it Little Moon?”
“Does this have something to do with you overhearing me singing?”
“That’s part of it.”
You sigh. “Okay. Give me your worst.”
He grabs the waistband of your shorts, snapping them against your skin. "First I need these off of you. We're gonna have this talk with you warming my cock so you understand just how serious I am." 
With a determined look and slick quickly dampening the crotch of your shorts, you stand up on shaky legs. With an initial push down over your ass, you shimmy them the rest of the way before taking a step out and kicking them off to the side.
His eyes devour your bare lower half, biting his lip as he runs a palm along the bulge in his jeans. “Mmm. Good girl. You really would do anything for me huh?” He hits you with his dazzling smile, the one that always has you weak in the knees. “Come here and unzip me, Omega. I want you to pull me out and sit on the evidence of what your scent does to me, darlin’.”
You can feel your slick beginning to slowly leak down onto your thighs, perfuming the air further with your scent. You squeeze them together before stepping forward and doing as your Alpha requested. You bend over at the hip, ghosting your fingers down his torso until you reach the tented denim, releasing his hard length to the light of day. With a quick squeeze to his base, you straddle his lap and slowly lower yourself down onto his thick cock, letting it fill you up inch by inch. 
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look at the possessiveness and lust swirling in his Cobalt blues. Drawing in a deep breath, your lids become heavy, you can’t help but lose yourself in how good his mouth watering scent mixes with your own sweet essence. As you reopen your eyes, he places a soft kiss on your lips, sliding his hand down to wrap around your throat. "Now be a good little Omega for me and pay attention to what I have to tell you."
You nod your agreement. Your tongue, incapable of forming words at the moment.
“I was next door at Op’s, shooting the shit in the kitchen. Downloading him on all this Tara business. When this music drifts in through the window that faces your backyard.” He pushes his thumb under your chin. “Imagine my surprise when Op tells me it’s probably just you playing around out back.”
You swallow against his fingers. “You heard me.”
“Oh yes, Little Moon. I heard every sweet and tortured word you sang.” He smirks at you. “At first I thought you were just singing to sing. Though the words did sound a bit like a confession. It wasn’t until you finished and Diamond got to chatting that I connected the dots. All those precious words were about me.”
"Yes." You whisper out.
"And here I was, getting called out by Op right before the universe comes and drops a neon sign pointed in your direction." He licks his parched lips. "I originally came over here to tease you about getting high and serenading the neighborhood.” He chuckles to himself. “After hearing you say it wasn’t worth the energy to wait around for me and then still called me out on it when I showed up. Well, darlin' I knew I had to rectify that."
"So that's what this little show of Dominance is all about then? Witnessing the power you as a whole have over me?” You give him a challenging look.
“Not at all.” Unbothered by your accusing tone, he caresses your neck, fingers dipping down until they ghost along your collarbone. “This is all to make it clear where I stand. I heard you loud and clear, Omega. No more dancing around it. I’m taking what’s rightfully mine.” He growls out.
You involuntarily clench around the girth settled deep inside of you as his words register, making him practically purr at the feeling.
“Fuck it. Move your hips Omega. I need you to continue being a good girl and let me watch you ride your Alpha.” 
Your eyes alight at his command. You swivel your hips, slowly grinding against him in a figure eight pattern, losing yourself in how full you feel, walls gripping on to his thickness.  
You raise up and start to bounce on his lap, his hand returning to your throat, giving it a gentle squeeze. The sweet pressure, muffling your moans. "That's it. You look fucking gorgeous when you ride me. Your tight little cunt was made for taking my knot. And you’re going to let me stuff you full of it aren't you."
You can feel the stirrings of an epic orgasm on the horizon. He removes his hand from your throat, gliding his fingers down your torso to start rubbing your clit in tight little circles. You gasp out, head tilting back, hands gripping tightly to his shoulders. You’re right on the knife's edge, rapidly hurtling towards your own climax. 
"Fuuuuck, baby you're so close. I can feel your sweet little pussy trying to make me pop my knot. Gonna cum all over my fat cock, Omega?" You moan out, head bobbing, lost in a haze of lust. "I can’t hear you, ‘mega. Use your words baby. Do. You. Want. To. Cum. On. My. Cock?"
"YES! Please, Alpha. Please. I want to cum all over your cock, make a mess just for you." You beg, uncaring of who might hear you.
A low growl vibrates through his chest. "There's my sexy little Omega. Begging so pretty for her Alpha." His fingers, dancing along your clit, quicken, causing the grind of your hips to increase. 
"Now!” He grits out with a strong thrust of his hips up into you. “Cum for me right now, Omega. Want to feel this tight cunt of yours clamping down on my dick like a vice." 
His command was all you needed to let go and fall head first into a mind numbing orgasm. You rest your forehead against his, as you let out a deep guttural moan. Nails digging into his shoulders as you writhe and squirm in his lap, riding each wave of ecstasy.
He pulls you in closer, kissing you to muffle your screams. You do have some pretty nosy neighbors afterall. His tongue dances with yours, setting you off once again. Or did you ever stop? Honestly who cares at this point. You find yourself chasing his lips as he breaks the kiss.
"Such a perfect Omega. Cumming so hard for her Alpha. Gonna let me fill ya up, baby? Cum so deep you'll be feeling me leaking out of you for days?" 
You whine at the images his words create. "Yes. Please. I want you to fill me up so badly, Alpha. Need your knot." You plead with a twist of your hips. 
Gripping your waist, he pumps up into you at an erratic pace. “Fuck baby, I’m right there.” 
You grab his face, leaning down to smash your lips against his. Your tongues fight for dominance as he groans out, knot popping as he thrusts in deep, locking you together as he paints your womb white with his seed. Your velvety walls, milking every last drop he has to give you. 
You find yourself smiling, as you hum your pleasure at being filled, against his lips. He pulls back slightly, trailing kisses down your neck, until they rest against your collarbone. Running his teeth along your skin, lips latching on and breaking various blood vessels with his suction. Leaving behind his temporary claim. 
“Couldn’t help myself. Had to leave my mark somehow, darlin’.” He kisses the darkened, tender flesh. “When my teeth do finally sink in. Breaking your skin for the first time. You are going to be lying blissed out beneath me in bed, with my knot deep inside you. Not riding me in the backyard.”
“Don’t keep me waiting too long this time, Jackson.” You tease.
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After you both caught your breath and cleaned yourselves up, you decide to enjoy the rest of your day off together. Smoking a fresh rolled joint, enjoying some great takeout, and watching movies until you fall asleep cuddled together on the couch. 
Both of you awakened once the sun broke through the curtains and into your eyes. This has never happened before. One of you always leaves before the other wakes up. You have to admit it feels right waking up wrapped in his arms.
“So, Little Moon. How do pancakes sound?”  
Damn why does his voice have to be all deep and husky first thing in the morning.
You shake out the naughty thoughts running through your mind. There’ll be time for that later. “That sounds great to me as long as you can get Opie to make them instead of me.”
“It’s the least he can do after the free show I’m sure we gave him.”
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mcyt-passover-event · 2 years
MCYT Passover Fanworks Event
Hi folks! I (@atthebell) am looking to host an MCYT Passover fanworks event sometime in March, just before Passover. It's way too early for anything to happen soon but I wanted folks to know this event is in the works. At the moment this is being planned by myself and @xpoolboy; I would love to get some more admins (particularly Jewish admins!) to help with planning, Discord logistics, and gathering prompts, but obviously nothing big is happening anytime soon; this is just an intro post to let folks know that this is happening.
My hope is to have prompts about the Passover seder and the Ten Plagues as well as the general idea of MCYTs celebrating Passover with loved ones. Please fill out the interest form once I release it to submit prompts (you don't have to be participating to submit prompts!) or you can shoot me an ask/DM and I'll add them to the list.
This is open to all of MCYTblr! I will send out an interest form in a few months, probably sometime in February, but if there seems to be a lot of interest I'll get working on it in January.
If you're not familiar with Passover, here is the Wikipedia page and here is the My Jewish Learning page. Once again feel free to send asks here or to Bell to get more info!
Please rb to spread the word!
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classickook · 2 years
For your little blurb Steve requests!
You get hurt or sick and you never let anyone take care of you, but your boyfriend Steve convinces you to let him help.
Idk just a lot of comfort!
i love a good sick fic! steve would be so good at this 🥺
the light pattering of raindrops ping against the window as you lay snuggled beneath the covers, stuck in bed after catching a cold - probably from one of your many shifts at family video.
you already watched enough movies to last a lifetime and took more naps than you can count - and now you’re bored out of your mind. it’s only been a day so you don’t know how you’ll manage to spend all this free time until you recover enough to leave the house.
a wastebasket full of tissues rests on the floor beside you and is in need of emptying, but you’re far too lazy to get up. in fact, you can’t remember when you last got up or even ate anything, your stomach feeling uncomfortably nauseous anytime you even thought about food.
there’s a gentle knock on your bedroom door before it opens wide to reveal your boyfriend, dressed in a cozy sweater and pajama bottoms.
“hi, baby,” he says softly. “robin told me you were sick, why didn’t you call me? i would’ve come over sooner.”
you silently shrug beneath the covers where your head is just barely visible, so he moves farther into the room to catch a better look at you - hair a mess, nose pink and sore from the tissues, and dark circles beneath your eyes. in short, you definitely look sick.
as he comes closer, you see a bag clasped in his hand. “i brought you some things,” he says, sitting on the edge of your bed and pulling down the covers.
“no,” you whine, tugging them even further up to cover your face. “i don’t want you to see me like this.”
“like what? like the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen?”
you pout. “i’m sick, stevie. definitely not feeling very pretty right now.”
“you always look pretty, baby,” he replies with his signature grin. “just let me take care of you, yeah?“
“shouldn’t you be at work?” you ask, taking the focus off of you for a moment.
“i was, but then robin said you were out sick so i took the rest of the day off. you need someone to take care of you, baby. when was the last time you ate?” he asks, resting the back of his hand against your forehead to gauge your temperature.
“i don’t know,” you reply honesty. “i’m not really hungry.”
he tsks softly, “you need to eat something and take some meds or you won’t feel better. then who will keep me company at work?”
you raise a brow. “uh, robin?”
steve pouts. “but i want to see my pretty baby. will you really deny me the opportunity of seeing my girlfriend every day? how do you expect me to work in that kind of condition?”
“you’re so dramatic,” you tease, but you smile nonetheless. this boy can always get you smiling in any situation.
“only for you,” he says with a wink before rifling through his bag. “okay, so i brought medicine, crackers, ice cream, and some new movies for you. why don’t you start with the crackers and pick out a movie while i heat up some soup, yeah?”
“okay,” you agree to which he shoots a satisfied grin your way before leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“i’ll be right back, baby,” he says, and passes the stack of movies to you. “pick out whatever you want.”
“thank you, stevie,” you say, loving that you have someone in your life that cares for you this much.
he presses his lips to your forehead one last time before dashing out of your bedroom to heat up the soup he promised. you flip through the selection of movies he brought and decide on the cheesiest one you can find, already digging into the ice cream.
maybe your day spent under the weather wouldn’t be so boring after all.
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vollb3r · 9 months
Okay hiiii welcome! Literally you can scream about them anytime. My dms and asks are open. Ask me whatever you want. Talk to me. I need more people to talk to about them. I'm obsessed with these two. Been this way since the trailer came out. When did you first go: oh they should kiss??
- spider 🕷
omg hi there!! tysm for saying hello, i saw your profile and i was like omg i'm not the only one who ships them hooray so plz feel free to shoot me a dm too, i need more vollber buddies :] AS FOR YOUR QUESTION AHEM i shipped them from the literal moment i saw them together but my definite "oh they NEED to smooch" moment actually only hit me during the plane scene at the end of the film because klaber was just gazing up at voller while they were spiralling to their deaths and i was like ARGHHHHH NO MAKE THEM KISS!!!! but yeah, that's that :)
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