#if you send an ask just send it twice so tumblr doesn't eat it and then you end up wondering if i just deleted it because i didnt i promise
mocha-gladiator · 11 months
hey guys lets all be cringe together!!
what was your childhood RP character that you became on the playground at recess? your OC that you wrote stories about? or your self-insert that you used to rescue your favorite movie hero when they were losing?
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rin-fukuroi · 2 months
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐧
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
If you want to support me and read my other works that won't be on Tumblr, you can always do it on my Boosty~
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairings: Ayato, Kaeya, Thoma, Neuvillete, Tartaglia x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, modern AU, established relationships, intimate photos, masturbation.
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. P1Harmony - Do It Like This
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Hey! I think you all miss the dick pic. Although no one asked me to do this, but you don't need to ask me even once to bring you something to eat! Enjoy your meal ( ˘▽˘)っ♨
✦ Ayato
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You'll have to try very hard, having endured all the cunning tricks of this man, in order to get a response photo from him immediately after he asks you to do your own.
Initially, it sounded like another joke, very typical for Ayato, but he was very surprised when you took it for a real request, pleasing the man with your piquant photo at perhaps not the most appropriate moment when he was at an important meeting. Fortunately for him, Ayato has enough self-control not to show how aroused he was by the image of your seductive body in front of strangers, but unfortunately for you, he just couldn't resist taking advantage of this opportunity.
It's always fun to play on your guilt, but when adding to your favorite collection of photos is at stake, a special excitement wakes up in Ayato. Of course, although you continue to play along with your lover from time to time, you yourself begin to get a taste. How much longer will he last, continuing to read your dirty messages and looking at the new photos that you took for him, before he snaps and just leaves work only to come home and fuck you to a state in which you'll not be able to not only type, but even pronounce his name? Ayato knows perfectly well what you are doing, so he staunchly withstands your attacks, believing that you yourself don't realize what you have just signed up for.
When he gets home, you better immediately wait for him on your knees without extra clothes, hoping that this will at least smooth out your future punishment a little, because if you think that Ayato will let you cum as fast as you want, then you're damn wrong.
As for his photo for you… Perhaps you still don't deserve to get them enough, but he'll definitely choose the most unfortunate moment for you to put you in an awkward position when one day a charming and insanely seductive photo of his naked body and an excited dick appears in your dialogue, to which you'll not have access. Next time you'll think twice before playing along with this scheming man, but isn't that why you fell in love with him?
✦ Kaeya
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art by @cheng25598
Kaeya doesn't even know what would be better, to discourage you with his unexpectedly racy photo or to start by forcing you to do it? But he's so carefree and lazy that he doesn't think long before just sending you a photo of his horny cock while he's dying of boredom waiting for you at home on his day off. Of course, he doesn't care at all that you at work and how, perhaps, all the colleagues around you heard your surprised squeak when you opened a dialogue with your lover.
This is the first time Kaeya has decided to have fun with something like this, expecting you to be embarrassed for sure. It pisses you off that he's right, and your face is inevitably blushing now, while you, trying to look as non-suspicious as possible, run out of your office, hastily closing yourself in the bathroom.
[Y/N]: Wtf, Kaeya?! I'm at work!
[Kaeya]: I just missed you;)
His carelessness will drive you to your grave someday, but you bite your lower lip, suddenly meeting the reflection of your flushed face in the mirror. You'd be lying if you said you didn't want to be at home right now, punishing your annoying lover properly, which is so obvious from the way moisture begins to accumulate between your thighs, settling on the fabric of your underwear. There are still a few hours until the end of the working day, but you're so infuriated by the ease with which Kaeya manipulates you once again, involving you in his dishonest game when you nervously glance at the door, taking a photo in the mirror, as close as possible to the concept of «sexy» in such an environment.
You were about to put your phone in your pocket, sending your reply photo with the indifferent caption: «Glad for you. See ya in two hours», expecting it to calm him down for a while, but didn't even expect to instantly hear the notification sound.
[Kaeya]: I don't think a photo in underwear will be enough to compare to what I sent u:( Or are u afraid that one of your colleagues will see what we doing?
[Kaeya]: If I were wit u right now, you'd have to hide a lot more obscene things.
[Y/N]: Huh? Do u really think u'd make me undress in front of u in the bathroom at my job?
You really don't know how Kaeya do it, but for some reason you fall for his provocations every time, now feeling the heat that you can no longer ignore burning your lower abdomen more and more, while your eyes slide over the most obscene lines that you've ever read, even considering that what kind of person you decided to connect your life with.
But one thing is for sure — now Kaeya's goal is no longer to dispel his own boredom, but to make you cum in one of the cramped booths while he enjoys driving you crazy with his unsurpassed talent for eloquence, describing in detail how he would fuck you in each in the corner of a small bathroom.
Next time, perhaps Kaeya should pay you a personal visit.
✦ Thoma
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art by @sonomi_rap5
Poor Thoma almost dropped out of his hands all the groceries that he decided to buy before returning home when he felt the vibration of the phone in his pocket, almost sure that this notification was from your message. You often write to him, knowing what time his working day ends, and asking him to grab something from the store, but this…
The confused man hastily turns away from all the people passing by, huddled in the corner of one of the shelves, when an attachment to your playful message appeared in front of his astonished green eyes, which said that you were looking forward to him at home. Is that new underwear?.. Thoma feels his cheeks flush with a bright blush, and his heart is pounding so wildly in his chest as he desperately tries to put aside all obscene thoughts. But this is hardly possible. You are so charming, adorable, divine in this photo, which he instantly saves before fixing his mesmerized gaze on him for a few more moments, feeling his cock harden and rest against his thigh.
«I'll be home soon!», — is the only message you get before Thoma disappears from the online, and you can't help but chuckle softly, imagining with what excitement and embarrassment he'll pay at the checkout.
As for him… Your gallery has been filled with his photos, perhaps not as soon as you would like. On the one hand, teasing a nice guy like Thoma is very funny, but on the other hand, you didn't want to embarrass him by luring him into your entertainment, which is not even the fact that he'll like it. But still, at some point you think that your relationship is strong enough not to collapse from one of your innocent… okay, obscene requests.
You'd like to see the look on Thoma's face when he saw the message with your dirty request. After a couple of minutes of silence, you were about to say that it was all just a joke, before you hear the notification sound, hurriedly grabbing your phone.
You have no idea where he hid to quickly take a cute photo for you, in which you can barely see anything because of the darkness in the room that Thoma chose for the photo shoot, but it's so charming that such a modest guy like him went to such obscenities for you, even at the risk to be noticed at your own work.
Thoma gets incredibly nervous when he doesn't get an answer from you for a long time, but he frantically looks at the inscription that you are typing something. Oh, should he have taken a better photo, or was it just a joke that he took seriously? But all his doubts and worries fade into the background, giving way to even greater embarrassment than what Thoma experienced when he received such a piquant request from you, when you send him a photo in response, but this time without clothes. The accompanying message contains detailed descriptions of how much you miss him and that you can't cope with how you miss your beloved boyfriend next to you to quench your thirst to feel his cock from that cute photo that he sent you, inside yourself.
What are you doing with him?.. It should be illegal to corrupt such an innocent guy in this way, but Thoma is really happy that he got the most beautiful girl in the world who is able to make him commit follies, just like he is now locking the door of some dark storeroom in his office, unable to cope with the desire that has captured him body and mind.
He doesn't know why you like to embarrass him like that, but… maybe he's starting to like it.
✦ Neuvillette
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It's not that Neuvillette didn't know how to use a phone at all, but let's be honest, this skill wasn't even necessary for him until the day you appeared in his life. Making the necessary calls and occasionally using banal SMS was all he was capable of, so using messengers was something new for him, which, of course, Neuvillette needed your help to figure out.
At first, both of you just exchanged innocent short messages, because, you knew, he couldn't often be distracted from his work due to an increased sense of responsibility, but one day a fleeting thought came to your bright head, which you managed to grasp and even decide that it would really be funny to just send Neuvillette your candid photo in the middle of the working day.
And really, what will he do about it?
Neuvillette is so sweet in his seriousness and responsible approach to literally everything in this world, which makes him a wonderful partner, but your hands have always itched so irrepressibly to throw something like that, knocking a stoically calm man out of his rut.
When you saw that Neuvillette had read the message, but had been silent for ten minutes, you almost thought that he had just decided to ignore your prank, but you had no idea what was really going on. After opening your message, Neuvillette just froze, not understanding what he should reply or do. It's the first time this has happened to him, and he's really discouraged.
The most respected and responsible judge doesn't say a word, just staring at his phone for ten minutes? This definitely doesn't go unnoticed. Although he is not particularly sociable, worried colleagues still wonder if everything is all right with him, finally bringing the poor confused Neuvillette out of his stupor. His head really had thoughts of consulting with someone on this topic, but he decides that this question is still too intimate to ask it to an insufficiently close person, so he has no choice but to solve this puzzle on his own and briefly unsubscribe to you that he'll be at home soon, before silently leaving the office.
To say that you were shocked to see Neuvillette on the doorstep of your shared house as soon as possible after receiving his message is to say nothing. But what struck you even more was when he hurriedly threw off his suit, with all the seriousness that only he is capable of, silently climbing onto your bed.
— Neuvi, what are you doing? Why aren't you at work? — you interrupt the man when he was about to throw off the rest of his clothes, before pausing, giving you a puzzled look.
— I got your photo.
— Yes… and?
— I thought you wanted to have sex, so I came home.
— Is that all?..
— Yes. Isn't that what you wanted? Why are you laughing?
p.s. After half an hour of an embarrassing but laugh-provoking conversation in which you explained to Neuvillette that couples sometimes exchange intimate photos while away from each other, it seems that the man finally realized for what purpose you committed such an uncharacteristic act for you.
Well… everyone learns from their mistakes. Next time, you might be lucky to see his inept first intimate photo if you tell him how to switch to the front camera before that.
✦ Tartaglia
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art by @eriimyon
For both of you, sharing any photos when you are away from each other is quite common, but Childe was still the first to dilute your usual correspondence, accompanied by cute and funny photos of your dog and what you cooked for dinner, with something more piquant.
Your lover, without any hesitation, asked you to take a photo for him when, on another of his long business trips, he felt too lonely away from you, and didn't even think about what he might receive a refusal to his request. You can say that you are both on some kind of your common comfortable wave, so you are happy to approach the task set before you even with some degree of creativity, making a photo of your breasts covered with whipped cream for Childe.
«This could be your dessert after dinner;)», — Childe is both touched, excited and saddened by your funny photo caption. He would like to be next to you to enjoy such a tempting dessert, but all he can do is take a photo for you in return.
[Childe]: Unfortunately, i didn't have cream next to me, so this is all the dessert u can count on!
You would have laughed at his joke if the dick on his photo that Childe took for you didn't look even more attractive than any sweet thing you can imagine. This is the first time that you have to describe in words all the things that you would do with this amazing cock, but it also had its own charm.
Your correspondence eventually ended in a rather heated conversation on the phone, which also came to naught as soon as the degree of tension between the two of you was so high that the only thing coming from the speakers of your phones was only moans and heavy sighs, while you were already in complete disarray, too lost in your own obscene fantasies. Perhaps Childe has never in his life masturbated with such pleasure as to the sounds of your sweet voice, holding in his head that image of you that was captured in a racy photo taken especially for him, just as you have never experienced an orgasm from how damn sexy his muffled moans sound in the speaker of your phone.
Of course, this is still so insanely little, but since then you both have a new common entertainment that you can do on lonely evenings to get over the separation. On the other hand, you have seriously opened a real Pandora's Box, now putting the idea in Childe's head that he can tease you in this way, so be prepared for the fact that one day you will receive a dirty message from him or even just a photo at the most inopportune moment (although no one said that you can't return the favor).
p.s. if u know the author of the rest of the art, write me their nicknames in private messages, and i'll add them in the post, because I have been saving these arts for a long time ago and now cannot find their owners:(
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
TD anon here, I do feel you on the "torture" scene with Taiga, I didn't want my last ask getting any longer lmao.
While the scene definitely made me squeal, for me personally it was undercut by the emotionally charged scene that happened immediately after with Romeo lmao. It's exactly how I felt with Frostheim too, being excited over the dance with Jin, and then immediately after we get the cigarette kiss scene with Jin and Tohma LOL. But it only makes sense, MC has only just showed up at the school, not enough time to bond, and honestly with these kinds of joseimuke games I don't have much expectations of interactions between the cast and MC so in TD she's already much more involved with the whole comic thing anyways.
Eating the Like Dove raw... was really a raw scene lol. He seems to be attracted to blood for some reason? Since he paused when MC's cut started bleeding, I think he was about to lick the blood tbh.
And yeah I do wonder if his shoddy memory has anything to do with his deal's cost. Another vibe theory time, I feel like his fear of the Like Dove might've been... ingrained in him somehow? Maybe he had a run-in before but can't remember it. The reason why I think this is because when MC met him alone, when she reminded him that she was the Honor student, his response was "Oh no wonder I didn't kill you on the spot", he literally forgot about her but his body/instinct made him aware she's someone he's not supposed to kill.... if that makes sense?
He feels like an even bigger enigma than Towa, I'm curious to know what's going on in his head in the moments he goes eerily quiet. Not to mention he's the poster boy of the game, has to be a reason. Luca feels more in line to be the poster boy but it's Taiga...
I enjoyed Haru's drunk spiel about how helpful MC is lol. Also my eyes going wide when Rui said he wants to know what she's made of too... what does that mean....... I need more Rui content, I love his blatant flirtations lol. I got a campus event with Rui, Haru and Romeo in the bar before I even read the chapter, their unexpected friendship is very cute ngl.
(sorry in case this is sent repeatedly, smth wrong with my net atm)
Generally speaking I have found tumblr doesn't post or send things twice but it sure as hell reblogs them with the same tags 42 times making me look like some sort of freak
for me personally it was undercut by the emotionally charged scene that happened immediately after
Yeah I get this. The cigarette kiss with Tohma and Jin took me off guard, but that was mostly because I thought this was an otome game? Come to think of it I don't think we've had confirmation of the whole joseimuke v otome game thing beyond the existence of the like dove and individual character affinity... Well and that when this was announced it was supposed to be an otome game. I know that the otome games subreddit has been having some, shall we say spirited? Discussions lately about how players feel about ros getting into relationships with each other. The general opinion was that a lot of times the ro x ro relationships feel more fleshed out that the ro x mc ones, and I agree. I actually stopped writing something I wanted to be an otome game because the story started shaping up to be more about the mc's mentor than them, and I personally do not think that is very fun. People do like laid back mcs, they do not like mcs who have no place in the narrative, and some writers aren't good at balancing that. TDB mc is doing pretty well when it comes to interactions with the main cast compared to something like Twisted Wonderland if what you want is explicit romance, so far it feels like Season 1 of og Obey Me! from what I remember of that game, so we'll see.
I didn't get the same level of intimacy from Romeo and Taiga as I did Jin and Tohma? But I think that's because in both cases I thought the like dove had appeared before Romeo got there and was talking to Taiga and the second scene made me think Taiga was angry at him for interrupting his "fun." Whatever that "fun" was going to wind up being because yeeeeeah he seems like he has a blood kink of some sort. I think he was going to suck on it and bite her a bit, but licking seems like a logical first step and less influenced by what's wrong with me. Like I said over here the scene with the Like Dove fascinates me... it says more about Taiga than any other character in the game that we get to see the dove twice and that when given the chance he shoots and eats it... if that isn't a metaphor for denial and emotional repression then I am not sure what is.
he literally forgot about her but his body/instinct made him aware she's someone he's not supposed to kill…. if that makes sense?
YES. I wanted to talk about this but it sort of got into conspiracy theory territory and my answer was getting long. I don't know if anyone remembers, but waaaay back in Book 1 when mc tries to escape the school she isn't able to get anyone's attention. It's like they don't see her, is that because of her curse or is it because of preventative measures put in place by the school? I want to lean towards the latter because it makes more sense BUT I also want to be delusional and say that it's part of mc's curse. There's something about Taiga's instinctual fear of the Like Dove and his comments to the mc that make me think his body knows her but his paranoia and memory issues keep him from knowing it.
This is just me writing fan fic... but Taiga is technically the first ghoul you meet. He is the poster boy of the game, he is the first person to bring mc into the main loop and tell her there's a spy. I want so badly for him to have known her at some point but to have been robbed of his memories... Romeo seems to think he is trying to forget stuff on purpose "gone off the deep end" and "escape reality" are both things he says to describe him though granted that last one was due to a misunderstanding about what Taiga was trying to do with the anomaly. Something real bad happened last year, something I feel like Taiga doesn't want to acknowledge unless he can get revenge on whoever caused it. I mentioned in another post, but I sort of want MC to have something to do with Clementia and that's why she's there at the dorm beyond it just being empty due to the clash. (I do get why Luca isn't the poster boy; he's not a dorm captain and those seem to be what the game wants to push. well them and towa lol)
Haru and Rui
Rui is a bar tender who is described as being "popular with the female students" probably because of how flirty he is ha. I love his dynamic with Haru and Romeo, just a barman and his two favorite customers shooting the shit and trying to relax. Rui is cursed to kill whoever he touches, so I think he wants to talk with MC more because he can relate to her in a very unique way. And he got gate kept from doing so by Haku in book one so he's extra curious now. I have his SR so I'll put him on my homescreen for a bit and see what voice lines I can shake out of him. For the little bit I did have him there he called him and mc "curse twins" which I thought was very cute. In a dark sort of way. The entire section at the Obscuary bar endeared me to all three of those idiots.
But especially Haru. He called Peekaboo his child this chapter too ;-; he's such a good dad. I wonder if he is going to show up next books at all? Or if it's going to be like the previous books and we'll instead see Taiga and maaaaybe Towa? Since he's friends with Zenji. Nothing to do but wait for May 0-0
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
could you do a head cannon of Xander and Grayson?
P.S. I love the head cannons you make. They are so amazing!!!!!
xander and grayson head canons
of course. i hope you like them (as always, i apologize for spelling mistakes, i'm a lazy ass bitch and don't wanna proof read). as always, if anyone has any requests, feel free to send them. i really enjoy making these.
xander forced grayson to get an insta account. xander is always live, grayson not so much, but sometimes xander will get grayson to join his live and talk to the fans.
when xander gets shitty racist comments, grayson tears the haters apart (he never talks badly about anyone, he doesn't want to get cancelled, but for xander he would)
grayson is always cooking xander meals cause he forgets to eat when he's busy in his lab.
when gray sends him those meals, he sticks little notes to the plate. sometimes it's just to ask if he needs anything else (other times just to say he loves him)
xander sometimes sneaks into gray's room and color-coordinates his closet (he comes back bc he knows gray is gonna mess it up again), gray loves it.
when they were younger and xander would piss gray off, he used to send little toys he made as an apology (gray would tear up).
xander is the only person who knows gray has a secret insta account dedicated to fashion.
xander is always hacking gray's main insta account and posting weird stupid stuff.
when xander was younger, he was afraid of the dark. gray would lie down in his bed until he fell asleep (sometimes he would leave afterwards to go back to his room, but other times he'd just fall asleep.
xander has a grayson fan account (he thinks gray doesn't know about it but he does)
during the eras tour, xander teased grayson relentlessly during shake it off.
they went to the eras tour twice (maybe even more), the first time, xander got avery to do the vigilante shit performance with him, but the second time he dared grayson to do it. (if anyone doesn't know what it is, i'll insert a link to a video at the bottom).
when grayson goes out to buy himself coffee, he buys flavored coffees (vanilla, caramel, etc) for xander (and avery) bc he knows they love it.
xander loves reading romance books (bc of max) and got grayson into it too.
when xander get injured bc of experiments gone wrong, grayson takes care of his wounds and tells him to be more careful (xander swears he will be but never actually does).
when max drags xander along to sephora, he'll buy gray some skin care he thinks he'd like (or purchases things he knows he's running out of and likes)
same things goes for books. when xander is dragged along to book stores, he'll buy some classical/romance books he knows gray will like (gray will buy him romance books too)
they both lovee medical dramas (xander cause of the drama, and gray cause he's interested in medicine) (sometimes libby and avery will join cause they like medical dramas too (i mentioned this in my hc post for them)). sooner or later everyone's joined them and it become a weekly thing.
xander (and jamie) get him gag shirts with their faces on them (gray will wear them when he's doing his skin care to not mess up his suits).
grayson secretly loves fast food so whenever xander is out, he makes sure to get him some.
when grayson and xander were younger and xander needed supplies for his experiments, gray would take him out to buy them.
xander gets really nervous when buying max gifts cause he really wants her to like them and grayson always reassures him by telling him his gifts are perfect.
xander (and avery) play matchmaker when lyra comes along (they're their biggest fans) (i just had this thought tho, what if jlb is trying to trick us into believing lyra is his love interest, but in reality she isn't)
xander lovesss collecting blankets so whenever gray is out, he makes sure to check if there are any blankets he thinks xander would love.
xander posts on tumblr about his fav ships and stuff and gray likes every single one of his posts.
sometimes they'll sit in the living room and just read.
they have this book club (just the two of them). every month they pick one book they're both going to read and talk about it. (nash and jamie think it's adorable and max and libby (libby also loves reading romance) sometimes join)
xander loves to annoy grayson by increasing the temperature in his room so he wakes up sweating (gray needs to sleep in really cold rooms cause he's always hot).
when gray is overworking himself, xander will either make him coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, and then get his robot on wheels to take it to him. (gray always laughs at this thinking no one hears him, but the robot has a microphone attached to it so xander knows. it always makes xander happy cause gray never laughs).
xander used to look up to grayson cause he thought he was so smart and amazing (he would look at him with amazement and stars in his eyes)
gray loves organizing his papers in binders but never has time to do it so xander does it for him.
gray loves rings so xander buys him some whenever he goes out (as you can see, they're always buying each other stuff in my head).
that's all i have for now, but i love them sm i'll probably make some more (it was literally so easy to come up with hcs for them)
here's the link to the vigilante shit performance for the ones who don't know what i'm talking about.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
screams i didnt save it...... i should really. start doing that? in case of tumblr eating things or button accidents??? but instead i simply enter your ask box and type nonsense in a fugue state and send it before i think about things like backups rip
AHHH don't worry my love it's my silly fingers that are at fault here. I'm going to do a little bullet point fic and hopefully I'll get the gist of what you put in your prompt!!!
Hob is captured in battle and given to Destruction (which makes total sense since he's the warlord of the whole Endless fam and was actually responsible for their victories). Destruction himself obviously has this reputation for being an insanely powerful soldier and it's fair to say that Hob is a little intimidated when he's handed over to the enormous man.
But. Destruction is a very gentle and kind person, and while Hob is moved into his quarters and fully expects to serve his new master, Destruction doesn't make any moves to use him. His only request is for Hob to pose for sketches. It's actually really nice and sweet, and they begin to relax in each other's company bit by bit. Destruction shyly asks to be called Ollie, and Hob just melts because he's absolutely falling in love with this gentle giant.
Their life together is pleasant and they keep dancing around their obvious attraction to each other, until an assassin makes an attempt on Ollie's life. They get as far as aiming to stab him, but Hob doesn't even think twice about putting himself between the knife and the man he loves. He ends up in a bad way but the wound isn't enough to kill him.
Ollie is so mad that Hob would do such a thing and gives him a proper telling off as soon as he's conscious. Hob just grins loopily and says he'd do anything for love. Ollie obviously has to return the sentiment (but he says that if Hob ever puts himself in danger again, he'll kill him).
During Hob’s long recovery the horniness is EXCRUCIATING. Apart from kissing and some light petting, all sexual activities are off the table. Hob literally begs Ollie to finger him but his fingers are so thick... they have to stop for fear of impeding Hob’s healing. On the plus side Ollie does promise to put his whole hand into Hob as soon as his stomach muscles have healed up 100%... Hob has been thirsting over those huge hands and he is very eager to have those sword calluses inside him.
Ollie's sketches of Hob are VERY spicy these days. Hob can't believe that he really looks like that - Ollie's close-up sketches of his widely spread hole are particularly beautiful. Ollie even tries to draw Hob while fucking him, and while they're not the most accurate depictions, Hob treasures them all the same.
That's all I have for now!!! But I definitely think this version of warprize hob needs to go places!!! I love it so much already.
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trulybetty · 8 months
Sunday | Week In Review VIII
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This week's Sunday in review is sponsored by your local Farmer's Market sugared doughnuts, proudly provided by @secretelephanttattoo IYKYK 🍩
Hope everyone had a good week this week! 🙌 Tumblr is still doing it's thing with it's notifications in my activity tab. It's mostly just full of likes and some mentions (I still come across a couple on my dash I wasn't notified of), but mostly it's affecting reblogs. Anyway, if you have something you think I'd be interested in seeing or want to share - feel free to send me an Ask/DM or tag me!
Light reading week again, but it's not to say it wasn't filled with some gems!
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T R U L Y U P D A T E S . . .
Happy Birthday (Joel)
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W H A T I R E A D . . .
Grocery List (Frankie) by @frenchiereading I'm a sucker for domestic fluff and even more so when it stems from the Shared Breaths universe 💕 - not going to spoil this one if you haven't read the main series (which I will always shout out) - but there's a broccoli recipe here that still makes my mouth water when I think about it and I really want to try making it (if only I could conjure Frankie just as easily)
You’re Perfect for Me (Marcus P.) by @boliv-jenta The Marcus Pike thots were out in full effect this week and it started for me with this little one shot. Marcus needing some help unwinding from a tough day? Sign me up!
machine wash warm (Marcus P.) by @idolatrybarbie some more domesticity, this time from our boy Marcus (he's made for it really) and while short, it doesn't skimp on the feelings and a man who will wash your bedding and deal with the fitted sheet? Yes please!
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 6: Jeeps, Texts, and Sliders (Triple Frontier) by @rhoorl This series has be in a permanent choke hold and I'll eat up anything Jess puts out (have you checked out her Dieter series and her Frankie one shot, because you should!) and this series is the gift that keeps on giving and helps satisfy my Will Miller thots. This weeks installment is no different - we've got tensions building with Will and Katie, Benny and his big brother relationship with Connor, Santiago being Santiago and David living his best life (I want to be his bestie). Hands down one of the best things to come from thots over the Delta boys clearing Reader's garden in @goodwithcheese's 'Layover Series' (which you should read too)
The House (Jack) by @gemmahale I was so happy to get started on this series this week! The week took a left turn and I couldn't devour the rest of it as I wanted, but this is on the docket to catch with this week! It's full of intrigue and mystery and that's just the first chapter! I can't wait to see how this plays out with Andrea getting reacquainted with her grandfathers property and the history it holds.
glass (Marcus P.) by @idolatrybarbie I could be bias because this was written based on the prompts I sent over for Bea's fifty follower celebration, but it doesn't need that, because it's so good all in on it's own! We've got fluff, we've got Marcus (did I mention it's Marcus?), we've got some spice and we've got action! I'm never one to pressure authors to write fanfics, but if Bea were ever to expand on this I'd be all over it.
Butter (Joel) by fuckyeahdindjardin A happy birthday celebration for our main man Joel Miller was more of a gift to us I think. This is so incredibly sweet (pun fully intended) and was just a delight to read that had me squealing all the way through with it's toe curling pure fluff at it's best. In need of a birthday cake to bring home Joel comes across Reader closing up for the night and in exchange for fixing her shutter, she bakes him a cake. Don't sleep on this one!
What Do We Have Here (Javier P.) by @secretelephanttattoo El treated us twice this week! Now I'm still behind on Narcos (hey, I managed an extra episode this week, now a staggering five and a half episodes in!), but even if you didn't have a clue who Elisa was, the spiciness of this fic would soon make up for it! I also learnt a new word, epaulettes. Smut and education in one fanfic? What more can you ask for?
Headshots (Marcus P.) by @secretelephanttattoo Okay, the second of El's offerings this week? Not only has she been bringing the Marcus thots this week, but the fluff too! Imagine showing up to the FBI headquarters to take head shots for the agents and running into Marcus Pike multiple times over the course of a week? Wait, you don't have to! El has crafted it for us and I hear there may be a second part (series?) in the works!
Hypothermia (Joel) by @morallyinept I am the worst camper, so much so Joel Miller would probably leave my sorry ass for the clickers after the grief he'd have with me. But I hope that would be after I get to snuggle up to him for just warmth...
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M E M O R A B L E P O S T S . . .
I had some interesting confessions in my Ask Inbox: Joel Thots + Oscar's Cupcakes
All of @penaonthestreets-javiinthesheets's mood boards, because they are all a mooood and a delicious delight for the eyes
The Gif™️ thots were out in full force
Maggie getting the Marcus Pike Puddles going with pancakes and cuddles visuals
Will Miller visual thots, I don't need an excuse to enjoy this over and over again.
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B R O U G H T T H E J O Y . . .
How well and truly this community is so lovely - I had a really shitty day at work yesterday and by time I logged in later that night I had some wonderful messages, tags and mentions from absolutely amazing people. I can't even remember how I stumbled back onto Tumblr, but I'm so glad I did. This space really can feel like you're shouting into the abyss sometimes, but sometimes you get a response back with a 'my thots too' and you start to build your own little community.
I think I mentioned it the other day, but likes and numbers really won't hold their value. It's the reblogs with the comments, the thousand gifs/emojis or the back and forth discussions of WIP's in DM's that really make this all the worthwhile.
And also a Costco sized container of pico de gallo... it's about balance friends. But seriously, I've pushed the limits of what I can put it on this week.
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T H I S W E E K ' S J A M . . .
This week's song is brought to us by my Chiffon feels as I got back into writing for Dieter x Bryony and this song is very them coded...
Hope everyone is having a fabulous Sunday, whatever it is you're doing and I wish you all a great week ahead! 💕
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yandere-fics · 8 months
Sending this twice because tumblr's been eating my asks.
Freaky Friday scenario with the OCs where they swap bodies?
Think it would be pretty interesting as some of the delusional one's would probably be like "heck yeah I'm closer to my darling now" (Granted Ainsley would then realize her darling is now in control of her body and has no idea how to control her magic.)
Wile some who have cities or kingdoms to run would kinda be in a dilemma as they can only call off so many meetings until there's one that's too important they cant't.
ant then there are the one's who aren't human like veronia and Kassien who have to understand and adjust to how their darling's body works.
(Yeah I don't know why tumblr eats requests so much, usually what happens is I will see on my phone that there's a request but then when I click to see the full thing, it's not there so I can't tell what the full thing was. Also I watched that movie so much as a kid, I had the biggest crush on Lindsey Lohan though at the time I didn't realize it was a crush cause I thought it was normal to think that way about girls.)
♡ How They React To Switching Bodies With Their Darling ♡
♡ The Kingdom Version ♡
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♡ Girl you live like this? It really doesn't matter how fit and healthy you are, elf bodies are a finely oiled machine and she happens to be an extremely high ranking elf so a human body is a violin that has been played since you were five, versus something that was artisanally crafted for years before being put away for display only. ♡
♡ She will be judging you and that judgement will be very apparent. It's out of love but it might make you feel a bit bad, to be far though you lived in her body too so you know exactly why she's saying this. By the time you return to your body, she's got you on strict vitamins and a morning shake that tastes like death and she will force you to keep the routine up because she wants you to feel just like she does every day. ♡
♡ If you two have not bonded, meaning you're still immortal, she's a million times worse because she can actively feel herself dying. This bitch is watching The Last Unicorn and kinning the unicorn. The pressure is also on to bond quickly cause she wants to preserve your health. She's so annoying because this bitch has never been sick a day in her entire life and it shows. ♡
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♡ Kassien is pissy, she has no strength to threaten you into submission anymore. At least she would be pissy until she sees you stumbling around because her wings are throwing you off balance. Still she does really hate this. She already has a complex since she's only a mid ranked demon, and now she has to exist as a human for a bit. ♡
♡ On the bright side, she's only a mid ranked demon so you can't completely destroy everything and she has a fighting chance since you're still so uncoordinated whereas she feels faster than ever. She's so glad that she installed a heavy lock on her apartment door before this happened, otherwise it would be harder to keep you from using this to your advantage to just leave. ♡
♡ Rest assured by the way, anything you try to do while she is momentarily out of control, will be remembered and punished thoroughly as soon she can get back in her fucking body. She's trying very hard to remain calm but this is very angering. ♡
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♡ She's finally mortal and capable of dying for the first time in centuries and she hates it. Before you this would have been a boon, just jump into a humans body and just off a bridge. Bada bing bada boom, her issues are solved. But this isn't a regular human body, this is her reason to live's body so she now has to do the one thing she thought she'd never do, do something to purposely prolong her lifespan. And yours too since she remembers just how weak mortals are, being in your body for a bit. ♡
♡ Firstly you two have to go to The Boss. No assassinations are happening that week since The Boss only has one professional assassin on payroll. She's not used to the proportions of your body so she would not be able to kill, plus she wouldn't want to do anything that might put your body in danger. There's no way you'd be able to do them either despite being in her almost robotic body that can throw a pencil through an eyeball and somehow instantly hit the part of the brain that kills them.(She tested it once or twice) ♡
♡ You're not going to see much of her for awhile once the situation has been resolved since now she has to work overtime to make up for the lack of assassinations. Luckily this reminded her that she also needs to solve the issue of your mortality. Being in a mortal body again reminded her how much she's changed and how much she only wants to live for all eternity with you now. ♡
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♡ She's a pervert. Nasty, spray her with a spray bottle, please. Her first instinct is to dress you up all sexy and take photos so that way when she returns to her own body she can enjoy them. If you tell her not to then she won't but she'll probably feel up your entire body so she knows exactly what your weak spots are. ♡
♡ She's not even bothering to try to switch back, honestly you need to be close to her since you want your body back so it means she gets to keep you, though her attitude will change once she realizes if things stay this way then she never gets to kiss you since kissing her own body would be fucking weird in her opinion. She's not into that crap. ♡
♡ Your poor body has been violated by her grubby hands, even when you switch back you feel like you've lost any remaining purity you had since she now knows your every nook and cranny. So have fun with that, she can play you like a fucking fiddle. ♡
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♡ This is the most fear she has ever been capable of feeling. Perhaps it's because she's in your body that her emotions aren't quite as dulled but she's actually frightened on several levels. Although she knows nothing bad is likely to happen, especially since she can switch you back very quickly, there are several bad thoughts running through her head before she finds an artifact to switch you back. ♡
♡ Her first concern was you accidentally finding out how to switch back to her original form. Her original form is large enough to destroy the city in a moment if she ever went back to it, and it's only gotten larger as she's accumulated more power. The other worry was you figuring out how to use her binding power and using it to keep her away from you. That would just be devastating. ♡
♡ When you two are back to normal, she doesn't say much but you can tell she's shaken because she forces you to sit on her lap and occasionally kisses your forehead as she does her paperwork. Paperwork is most of the work she does so meetings weren't too much of a worry for her, she had way more pressing concerns. Like her eldritch powers that should never fall into mortal hands, let alone the hands of her mate who doesn't know what's best for them. ♡
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penncilkid · 1 year
Hello hello! My name is PK and I'm a fervent enjoyer of non-canon ships. I'm not a fic writer exactly but I've been told "Where's the fic OP" twice now by my friends. So I thought I'd format one of my fic-adjacent ramble sessions for Tumblr!
Pairing: Milo/David [No Sweetheart or Angel, wanted to go easy on myself] [MDNI*] [Let's call this "canon reminiscent /lh]
Word Count: 3.2 K
*(I wouldn't consider this smut by any means but there's a few lines that make me want to add this as a tag)
[As a reminder, I diverge from canon quite a bit with this. This is just one route I could see leading to Milo and David getting together]
My vision for this pair is that they start getting closer in a more than just friends way a little bit after Gabe dies. Not immediately because have some decorum, but it would start during that transition period for David as Alpha. Asher is trying his best to help but is also grappling with the whole Beta thing, so he feels like he's in a complex position. But him and Milo can see that David's not doing great so Milo's like "Fine, I'll bite the bullet" and tries to confront David about it.
At first it's subtle, asking David if he needs help with something, if he wants anyone from the pack to stay after for meetings, if he wants them to pick up a shift so he can have the day off, etc. But David is too stubborn to accept any of it so he keeps brushing them off. This ends up culminating in a "fight" one day where Milo again tries to make an offer that David shoots down. Milo sort of snaps and is like "Alright, what the fuck gives? Why are you acting like you're too good to get help anymore, David?" David says he doesn't know what he's talking about, Milo calls bullshit. It doesn't turn into a screaming match but it's enough of a heated argument that Milo storms out of the den.
In the days following, Milo either calls out sick, switches shifts with people, anything to avoid seeing David. David brushes it off, thinking he's got more important things to worry about if Milo's going to throw a fit. But of course, Ash being Ash means this stuff can't fly for long, so he tells both David and Milo that he needs help with something at an odd time of day and then "coincidentally" doesn't show up. When Milo gets to the den, he's real tempted to get back in his car and leave. It's a mix of still being a little frustrated with David and being embarrassed that this "fight" has gone on for as long as it has. He walks up to David (who was waiting outside for Asher) and is like "Lemme guess, you're waiting for Ash?" "How did you...?" "Fucker told me the same thing."
They do some lighthearted bitching about their friend, which eases the tension. There's a bit of silence and right as Milo gets ready to apologize for speaking out of turn, David apologizes first. He acknowledges that Milo was right in what he said and that he's been struggling with everything changing, but he hasn't wanted it to show on the outside. Milo makes a light jab at David, "Alright well did you really expect that to go over my head? C'mon, David, we've known each other since we were kids. Gimme some credit" To make up for it, the two of them go out to eat, all that's chill. Cut to when Milo gets home, maybe has a drink or two as he's winding down. David sends him a message, confirming he made it home alright (because I've always latched onto the idea that he's super attentive to that given what happened with Gabe). Milo sends David a quick reply and wonders why seeing that message made him feel some type of way (romantic? Who knows, not Milo that's for sure /lh)
Now if I remember correctly, the audio where Angel learns about Gabe, it's been around 3 years since his passing. Keeping this in mind and in the spirit of being canon reminiscent, I think around/after this point is when Milo's feelings for David start to really bubble up. They've been building for awhile, much to his dismay. He's trying to play it cool, but his heart's in his damn throat any time David touches him casually or whenever the two of them are assigned to a job together. And he knows it's getting bad enough where he might lose focus, so he swallows his pride and does what he's been avoiding for months, if not years: asking Asher for advice.
"Alright, look: You and me both know that you had a lil crush on David when we were in high school. How the fuck did you get over it? I'm drowning, Ash." If this conversation is happening on the phone or at Asher's place, cue him yelling to Babe that they owe him 20 bucks (because it's funny to me <3). Asher asks Milo why he wants to get over the feelings so bad and Milo's like "'Cause this is David we're talking about." "So what?" "We've got... history. That complicates shit all on its own." "And?" "....Alright fine, and I'm also terrified he's not gonna feel the same. Happy?" Asher is being the little shit that he is, putting his arm around Milo's shoulder. "Listen. If I know David— And believe me, I do— What ya gotta do is be direct. If he doesn't feel the same, that's one thing. But if you even want a chance, you gotta be straight up with him. If you tried to ask him out casually, he'll just assume you're being friendly because that's what you are right now. Friends." Milo takes all this in and is like, "Nope, just gonna shove these feelings down for eternity." "I'll tell Marie—" "I will beat your ass." He knows Asher has a point though. Any idea Milo might've had could be easily construed as them just chilling as friends. But he doesn't really act on anything for awhile.
Now, before we get into the next phase of this, some added backstory: David had a crush on Milo growing up. I'm thinking a little after high school (won't say college necessarily since I don't picture them in college but like, young adulthood phase). He'd always found Milo incredibly attractive and found his boldness admirable in general. David was constantly thinking about what he had to do for others and how to make the pack look good (since he was the Alpha's kid then the pack Beta). Milo always felt incredibly refreshing to be around. But he figured Milo would never be interested in because David's just himself so he eventually got over it. Cut to that argument him and Milo had a few years back. He remembers that night when they made up because dinner had been fine but all he could do was focus on Milo. It felt nice to just hang out with him without the pressures of being Alpha. And he enjoyed listening to him talk about anything because he always had a strong opinion. I think around then is when his past feelings awoke again but there was a new obstacle: He was the Alpha of the pack. It wasn't like before, things were different. He'd never have a chance to pursue Milo without feeling like he had pushed Milo into a corner somehow. So again, he tried his best to push his feelings down, appreciate and value the friendship he had with Milo and leave it at that. It was enough to just have Milo in his life, even if it wasn't going to go any further.
Back to how these two end up together: the Moonbound Solstice. They're all at David's place, everyone's having a good time together. Milo's chilling, talking to someone from the pack when Asher cuts in and is like "Sorry, just gonna steal him for a minute" "Ash, you can't just— AY okay okay I'm coming" They walk off, somewhere far from the kitchen to minimize the risk of David overhearing. In hushed voices: "Alright, so what's the plan?" "Ash, what the fuck are you talking about?" "Milo, it's the Solstice. This is the perfect time to make a move." "Are you out of your damn mind? This is the last place I should be hitting on— On you know who." "What are you talking about it, it's perfect! The whole pack's here, no one would even notice." "Look, he's already got his hands full hosting the Solstice at his own place for a change. I'm just gonna chill and enjoy the night for what it is." Asher is pouting as Milo walks off, immediately thinking of what he can do to help nudge David Milo's way. (Unhinged alt route: Ash giving Milo a flat so he has to stay the night)
Cut to the end of the night, people are heading out and whatnot. David is subtly trying to get people out because he loves his pack but his senses need a break. Asher (+ Babe, package deal) and Milo offer to stay and help clean, and David lets them since it's only a handful of people. Milo's keeping his cool, vibing to the much lower playing music when: "Babe, what do you mean you have a work call you need to take tonight? Can't it wait?" "Sorry, Ash, I need to be home in the next twenty minutes" "Alright. Guess we're heading early." Milo thinks nothing of it until he makes eye contact with Babe. They smile with a sickeningly sweet wave. Those bastards. Before Milo can try to rope Ash into staying somehow, the two of them are gone.
When Milo and David are alone, Milo tries his best to focus on the task at hand because feelings or not, he's not gonna do a shit job at cleaning so David has to clean up after him. Once the bulk of it is done, David mentions that he needs to grab something from upstairs or maybe says he's going to go change out of his clothes (I imagine he put on something better looking but not as comfortable for the solstice). Milo's chill with that, getting his keys, phone, other personal belongings together. He happens to slip into the kitchen though, stealing a bit more of the food David had made for the solstice. While he's stealing (said with love), he hears very close to his ear: "You can take some home if you want." He nearly punches David, gripping his arm as he tries to slow his heart rate. "You tryin' give a guy a heart attack, Shaw (/lh)" because he legit didn't hear David come back downstairs. "Maybe if you weren't busy trying to steal some food, you would've heard me— Greer (/lh)." Milo rolls his eyes with a grin and there's a moment of quiet when he realizes his hand is still on David's arm.
He lets go, clearing his throat, confirming that it's actually cool if he wants to take some of the food home with him. David says sure, giving him a container to fill (or Milo takes whatever the food came in, not sure what I'm picturing David's cooking set-up to be). David walks Milo to the door (as a good host does) and the two of them talk in the doorway for a few minutes about upcoming jobs, responsibilities, all that formal shit. There's another quiet moment as the two of them watch each other. Inside, Milo's like "Alright, no one else is here. This is as good a chance as any." The second he gets ready to ask David out on a more proper date, David instead says "Good night, Milo" and essentially closes the door in his face. Milo stares for a moment before cursing himself in Spanish (my HC), walking to his car and muttering about how "Of course he was just being polite, what the fuck were you thinking?" On the other side of the door, David is groaning into his hands, face warm as he tries to calm down because he came way too close to making a move on Milo.
Intermission (Wow, you're still reading? Damn /pos): I wanted to think of how to push them closer to a confession before they actually get together and eventually settled on "sickfic shenanigans". Insert deliriously sick Milo whose phone died and he can't find a charger for the life of him so David goes over to his place to check on him. Initially, he's trying to get David to leave because "I can handle myself fine". But that doesn't last long because admittedly, he feels like shit and has been for the past 12 hours. The dynamic quickly turns into Milo convincing David to stay then being so sick his filter is hanging on by a thread (/lh). "Why do you have to go rush off so fast?" "Milo, I have a pack to take care of—" "First off, I'm part of the pack— (cue Milo coughing) And second, they'll be fine without their Alpha for a few hours." Milo's playing it off as lighthearted but David can tell he doesn't want to be cooped up inside alone on top of feeling like shit physically. A little later, when Milo's on the verge of falling asleep (as many do while sick), he's like "Y'know, it's fucking wild you don't got a mate, David. Like look at you. Doesn't make sense" David laughs at first, thinking Milo's sick delirious (which he is, but that's affecting his filter, not the validity of his words). He's like "ay, why are you laughing, I'm serious. Look— if I were ya mate, I'd treat ya right. I'd cook, I'd work extra hours so I could see ya, I'd make sure we're the best dressed wherever we go— not to mention, I got a great dick." David writes this off as Milo being sick and spewing nonsense but never forgets the words. Meanwhile, Milo (after getting over the sickness) is convinced he dreamt saying any of that to David.
Back to the present, David's been a bit stressed with work as of late so Asher suggests the pack take a trip/weekend vacation. He says he'll handle figuring everything out, letting David take a backseat this time. They go somewhere, a resort, a hotel, something that involves people having rooms they're staying in. Everyone's having a good time, chilling all day, night rolls around. David's in his room when he realizes he forgot to pack something— can be anything. Toothpaste, a charger, something for his hair, the specifics aren't important. He texts Asher, asking if he has the thing he forgot and Ash is like yeah. David asks Ash which room he's staying in, Ash texts him the room number. David leaves his room, goes there, knocks and waits patiently. Door opens, and who's standing there? Milo, shirtless and in the middle of brushing his teeth or some shit.
David's checking his phone to see if he went to the wrong room but nope, numbers match. "Asher must've made a typo. I just needed to borrow something from him." "Well, what did you need? Maybe I have it." Before David can leave, Milo's busy ushering him in, closing the door so he can finish brushing his teeth before finding what David needs. They're making idle conversation, talking about what they spent their respective days doing. While Milo's talking, David's kind of staring at his back, not processing a word he's saying. Milo turns around and notices and is like "What? Don't tell me there's a bug on me and you didn't say shit? (/lh)" and David is trying to think of a good cover up. Milo tries to lighten the mood, says he's just messing with David before going to find whatever David's looking to borrow. He finds it, hands it over when for a split second, his eyes land on David's crotch. David leaves shortly there after but all night, Milo's like "...That was a boner... why the fuck did he have a boner?" But again, Milo's mind is like "Nah, I'm reading this wrong somehow."
Now, I'm painting a picture: it's the next day, Ash, Milo, David, few others from the pack plan on doing something together while on the trip. Asher gets there a bit late but is somehow on time compared to David, who shows up minutes after (that man was up all night pining). Ash notices Milo's not here yet and has a devious idea (as always). He asks David to go check on Milo so they can go. "Why me?" "You were the last one here, it's only fair. Now shoo." David rolls his eyes but goes, getting to Milo's room, knocking. He can hear Milo's definitely inside because he's cursing and complaining. He knocks again before the door swings open to reveal a mildly disgruntled Milo Greer (my vision is he's in pants and a white tank with his name chain. The in between outfits outfit).
He asks what David is doing there, David explains that Asher sent him to pick up Milo, Milo's like "What time is it— Jesus fucking Christ." The issue at hand is Milo can't find an article of clothing that he swears he put in his bag. He's been trying to get by with alternative options but none of them look the way he wants them to, which is making him quietly lose his shit. David stifles a laugh, to which Milo lasers in on. "And what do you think you're laughing at?" "You haven't changed since we were kids, that's all." Milo scoffs but admittedly, the sentiment puts a smile on his face. Almost immediately after that moment, he finally finds what he was looking for (tucked under something, irrelevant right now). He starts to get ready, pulling his shirt on, buttoning it up but let's say a button or two is fighting him for whatever reason. Without a second thought, David walks up, buttoning it for Milo. Milo's having an internal moment as a result, staring at David's hands then his face. David finishes and looks up to catch Milo staring. He clears his throat, saying something about waiting in the hall when Milo catches his wrist.
"Can I take you out on a date?" "What?" "I don't know what or where yet, but I just— I know this is probably stupid and I'm shooting myself in the foot here, but Asher's gonna kick my ass if I don't do something so— Can I take you out on a date, David?" David's taken aback. "Wait... so you were serious. That time you were sick. All that stuff you said about being a good mate for me." "THAT WASN'T A DREAM?" Cue Milo letting go of David's hand and nearly cursing himself out, running a hand through his hair because now he's mortified. "I can't believe I actually said all that shit to you—" "Did you mean it?" "Huh?" For the first time, David's not looking at Milo like a friend or pack Alpha. The look in his eyes screams pure, unfiltered attraction. "Yes or no, Milo." Milo's face is hot, "Course I meant it. I'd treat you great if you gave me the chance to show you." David steps closer, gripping Milo's face gently and tilting it up towards his. "Show me." Milo grins before pulling David down to him, the kiss they shared far better than the ones he remembered from spin the bottle games they'd played as teens. This kiss felt deeper and closer than that could ever compare. The moment they break away, gasping for air, Milo's busy unbuttoning his shirt. David asks what he's doing, to which Milo replies "I'm about to savor as much time with you as I can before I have to see Asher's smug face. Unless you'd like to explain how your hair became a mess between the time you left to find me and when you get back?" David laughs before pulling Milo to him again.
So yeah, that concludes this fic adjacent ramble (/lh)! I love rarepairs and rambling, so if people enjoy this, I may format some other rambles as they arise. I think I've got some Sam/David tucked away somewhere, so let me know. If you actually read all of this, wow, okay, thank you (/lh /pos)
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scaramouche-bully · 2 years
Hi it's 🍥 I'm going to send this twice because I don't want Tumblr eating my asks, so sorry for possible spam. ​ Scaramouche. I want to beat the shit out of him. He deserves it, he'd like it too. I know he would. His squishy cheeks would be all red from getting slapped, little tears would pool in the corner of his eyes... I'd like to wipe them for him, he can clean my fingers with that cute little mouth as a thank-you for being so kind to him. He'd have scrapes on his knees and elbows from begging for forgiveness. I like to imagine him with a bloody lip, and a scratch or two on his face. Did someone hurt him? Did his dumbass slip and fall? Probably, but either way he deserves it. I'd choke him when I grab his neck to pull him up into a kiss- pull his hair while I sit on his face, too. He'd be begging to fuck me, but he'd just end up getting fucked instead. He can enjoy soft sex after he's taken his punishment, but right now he needs to be put in his place. It doesn't matter that he's sobbing and moaning incoherently, he still hasn't had enough. But it's okay that I'm so mean to him, because it's his punishment for being so mean to everyone else. It's okay that I'm mean to him, because I love him. It's okay that I'm mean to him, because he likes it. I've kissed his squishy squishy cheeks all better and said sorry. He's better now, just a little pouty.
Hi 🍥,
No worries about the spam, I understand and it's frustrating when Tumblr decides it doesn't wish to work anymore. But yes! I agree. I despise his attitude and I can't wait for when we get to fight him because I will put him in the dirt, laughing the entire time. I will admit that I have the weirdest obsession with face sitting but this entire ask. I adore it. I adore it all. I'm going to label this as my favorite.
Side note, I remember there was something I watched/read where the guy was attempting to take a girl home and the main character felt insulted that the guy wasn't hitting on her instead. So the main character barges her way into the situation and calls the guy out for being a creepy pervert before taking him to some dusty alleyway and fucking him herself. Just that concept. I want to write it. I would have to tweak it a bit for someone like Scaramouche but that. Maybe I just want to be an equally snobby brat haha.
- 🐑
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nontoxic-writes · 2 years
I would really like to know about the Apocalypse AU and the original novel!
AHH thank you!
The apocalypse au is one ive been tinkering with on and off that started from an ask meme here on tumblr (the post is here, if you’re interested!), that i apparently started a year and a half ago lmao
Im super stuck on it, but i open it often and try to make words happen because i do love it. Here’s an extra-long snippet because it’s an enemies-to-lovers fic and this is the only bit written so far that actually shows that WHOOPS
"Grab that red backpack from the bed, will ya? I'll grab the food."
David glances into the bed of the truck, the red backpack tucked innocuously between his two suitcases, just out of arm's reach. He's going to have to climb up. He really doesn't—
"David?" He blinks rapidly, and sees Patrick standing next to him, a smaller, grey and yellow backpack slung over one shoulder. "You good?"
"Mm! Mmhmm. I'm… I'm great. Why wouldn't I be great? This is just so… so great, you know? I'm stranded at the mercy of a total stranger, in the middle of the woods, off a… a dirt road I couldn't even begin to find my way to, about to sleep on the ground in my three thousand dollar sweater—"
"Three thou—?!"
"And it's going to be dark soon and that's when the moths come out, and I just know they'd love to get their dusty little mouths all over this sweater, and now I'm supposed to… climb into this truck and get your camping gear?!"
Patrick blinks at him, once, twice, three times — he's practically batting his eyelashes at David in confusion. "Honestly, I was with you for the first part, the whole world has gone to shit, but the thing that broke you is having to pick up a backpack?!"
"It's a fugly backpack!"
Patrick doesn't blink at him this time. His gaze is steady, hardened. "Okay, well, I see my mistake in trying to keep you safe from desperate strangers and graciously offering to share my sleeping accommodations with you. I was going to offer to sleep on the ground and give you the sleeping pad, but you know, I think maybe I'll keep the tent and the protection it offers from moths for myself. You can have the bed of the truck."
Patrick tosses down his grey backpack with a thud that sends a spark of worry down David's spine — that has the food in it! — and hauls himself into the truck bed with ease, all masculine lines and useful strength. His legs don't clear the height, but it's fine, because he's able to haul himself up by his impressive shoulders, his biceps bulging as he does.
He grabs the red backpack and pulls harshly, sending David's suitcase skittering across the truck bed.
David whimpers.
Patrick freezes.
It's a standoff for a second, Patrick's back to David so he can't even attempt to get a read on his face.
Then Patrick's shoulders relax a bit, and he sighs. "We can share the tent. Just… grab the other bag, please?"
David does so without complaining about how the dirt it's now covered in is getting on his sweater. It's the most magnanimous he can be right now.
He pretends to dig through for dinner as Patrick sets up the tent and ends up deciding to make them a simple peanut noodle dish.
He just… has to wait for Patrick to set up the stove, too.
He stalls long enough while sorting through the pack that Patrick eventually does just huff out an irritated breath and sets up the stove on a tree stump. David watches out of the corner of his eye so he can do this next time so Patrick doesn't have the satisfaction of thinking David is incapable.
"What are you doing?" Patrick asks when David sets out the ingredients.
David glances down at the haul in his hands. "I—"
"The peanut butter is for lunches. I've carefully rationed the food for maximum nutrition payoff, and we're already splitting it so I—"
"Can you just let me do this one thing?" David snaps. "Whatever, if you want to eat boiled rice and beans, that's fine, but I was going to make some poor imitation of pad thai with this and I don't see why you're so concerned about my helping if you won't even let me help."
Patrick just looks at him. "Fine."
This… is longer than i thought whoops.
As for the original novel, like i said, it’s a childhood best friends to high school rivals to adult roommates to lovers story that’s basically just a love letter to my small town in Ohio. I’m realizing my mistake including this in the list since combing through 96,000 words of a VERY rough, unedited draft for a snippet is a nightmare and i’ve now been looking at it for like half an hour and haven’t found one lol im so sorry (but also not because again, its ROUGH and no one should have to read that)
Ask me about my wips!
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alfonzone · 1 month
You don’t have to stalk someone’s page to notice things lmao it’s just obvious when I’m scrolling and I see you typing paragraph responses to asks that you asked them yourself? Lol
Yep, that's what I figured as well; a lot of variables that's why I didn't want to say anything. Tthey could still call cap on you, but that doesn't matter.
Point is, you noticed it, decided to point it out, and that's okay. 😊😊
I came clean about the ones I sent myself and why I did, you agreed with me that it was pathetic and that's it.
Your last asked tho where you're so condescending about it I just responded with a "👍🏽"? I didn't need to prove you otherwise and didn't want to. However, I do in fact have a good group of friends here that "actually care enough about my life" (not that it matters), "to ask me questions" or however you stated it.
let's get a little lmao and lol about this - you know.. maybe just maybe, I blocked this ask, did a little look around, saw that I had you blocked without actually blocking you, unblocked you again, and now I'm responding to this ask. Or let's say I couldn't unblock and recover this ask myself — so I sent Tumblr support a ticket about it, and I used my charmness to state "oh I blocked the ask by accident, can you pretty pretty please be my knight and hero and unblock it/them" etc, and boom, I'm here, like you stated, writing paragraphs about it? Or maybe , I can only unblock you but not recover the ask, which then throws everything I just said to the trash because I'm writing this. Was I that or am I that pretty to do that 😱🫢🤔? Or maybe I didn't/don't need to do all of that because like you, it's pretty obvious who sent these asks, which is ironic you know?
By the way, are you only following a handful of people here that only post once or twice because I answered these two previous asks around 4 hours before you actually responded so I'm pretty sure they would have been lost in the dashboard of abyss. Or did you see it earlier than that but just now responding to it? See? I'm considerate about it 😊 lots of variables. I apologize for not stating that you might have just seen them through the dash. I actually thought of it while I was crossing the street with my nephew, but then forgot to edit and add in the ask.
Can we please move on from this? you called me out, I responded, you agreed with my "it was pathetic of me" response, my friends here think you're shitty on how you responded, miserable to also even care about it and want me to block and trash you, I don't want to think about you that way or call you out because I know who it is and I'm just letting you be, and lastly, I'm assuming you could care less about the responses because 1. You just don't care and 2. it's amusing to you for the most part. Am I missing anything? It's not a big deal tho, different folks, different personalities.
That being said, again, thank you for sending the previous asks. I was able to just vent here and on my other blog instead of moderating myself in fake asks. I appreciate you for that.
I don't know if you slept since you sent this ask, but if so, I hope you had a good night's rest and uh just take care of yourself, anon. Oh, don't forget to remind your friends/loved ones that you appreciate them, hug and annoy your loved ones if you can, eat, stay hydrated, look up, BREATHE, and just do your best, however your best looks today is enough. Life is a blessing ✌🏽☺️
If anyone made it this far, can you please send me a random ask about how you're feeling, what's something you're excited about, your pet, what your day is looking like, or how about this— any book/movie/show recommendations?
anything for me to respond other than the same previous topic.
0 notes
simp4ace · 2 years
☁️ we need to talk about the brave n mighty Ace too !! The one that will spot you in a hallway and catch you off-guard with his love attacks. wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close, despite knowing that teachers are nearby (let's not forget he's a bad boy™ 😠😤), not afraid to show off his bf/gf to everyone, with the brightest smile on his freckled face. aaa that! Ace showing u off, and vice versa. I may not be into PDA irl but when it comes to Ace and fanfiction I'll make an exception<333
bby you send this twice hehe Tumblr didn't eat your ask don't worryyy🥰 it's just me being slow these days jjdfvbdffhvb and ahhhhh THAT'S SO CUTE I MIGHT MELT???? seriously, love me some bad boy Ace, please... that's all I need thank you very much ;u; ;u; ;u;
So like, imagine you're dating Portgas D. Ace - the most infamous delinquents in school, one of the hottest guys also. Everyone, regardless of gender, is captivated hopelessly by the way his smile always seems to shine brighter than the sun, and the way his laughter bounces with the winds, sounding so light and airy that it warms anyone that hears. Somehow Ace's popularity skyrockets after joining the Whitebeard gang - the strongest gang in school. He lost to Whitebeard, true, but that only made him even sexier in the students' eyes (yo, have you seen Ace being beaten up? hot af)
No one knows how or why you manage to catch his eyes, but you aren't going to question it. When he kisses you, those warm lips of his lit blazing flames in your heart, sending thousand of butterflies to your stomach as you cling to him, in a desperate attempt to keep yourself from falling. And oh man does Ace love to kiss you! He kisses you anywhere, anytime that he feels like doing so.
In class when you're studying? Ah yes! Ace watches as you pout a little when solving a math problem; your lips purse in such an adorable way that makes him just want to feel the sweet sensation of them against his. He wastes no time thinking about it, though. Leaning over to your desk with the notebook holding high in front of you to block the teacher's vision, he quickly steals a kiss from you; his nose touches yours lovingly. And then Ace would back away, flashing you a boyish, innocent grin while your face is literally on fire 🙈
In the hallway when you are talking with your friend? An absolute yes! Ace and his gang are going down the stairs to the canteen when he spots you in the crowd. He can always recognize you, no matter how far you're away, or no matter how many peoples are around you. You are the only one he sees. Pushing his way through the hallway, Ace doesn't care if he bumps into other students or not. His pace quickens the closer he gets to you, and woahhh, you find yourself almost stumbling when Ace hurls himself to you from behind, arms wrapping your waist and chest flush against your back. Your cheeks are attacked by a series of nonstop kisses and you can't run away, for Ace has already caged you in his embrace. Not that you want to, anyway.
You might hear a groan from your homeroom teacher - Smoker - when he is passing by: "Oh, please, do I have to remind you this is school, you brats? Have you no shame?" - Ace shows he surely has no shame at all by pressing a loud kiss to your temple: "MWAH" and Smoker shakes his head in annoyance.
Obvious enough, there's not only Smoker to find Ace's outrageous display of love annoying, but some people who are jealous of not having that love for themselves also find that's incredibly unbearable. They feel extremely frustrated every time Ace and you are all lovey-dovey, but Ace shuts them up once and for all.
"What are you looking at? Want to join? Well, too bad. My heart, my arms, my hands, and my eyes are all belong to this person already, so I can't share those sorry," He winks, pulling you to his side and kissing your hair gently before continuing, "I love them more than anything, so if anyone, whoever it is, dares to bother them, I won't take it easy!"
His wink turns into a deadly glare, and the envious can only swallow their indignation. Who even dares to mess with one of the Whitebeards?
Ace doesn't hesitate to show off his love and protection for you to the whole world, because oh my God, you are just too amazing? Too cute and sweet for his own good. The freckled honestly doesn't know what he did to deserve your love; he just knows that he has to adore and cherish you with every moment he has.
For Ace doesn't want to live a life with regret. He doesn't want to live a life without you.
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whiteheartlight · 2 years
hey pst hey yeah you here is a secret snippet of the next section of the Toa Mata Hagah au because I have been very busy with a new job and moving to a new state so I am not ready to post a full story on ao3 but u can have an intro if you want just cause it's been a while and we're tumblr pals okay byeee
“I wanted one so bad. I don't think he even thought of me. Can't I have yours? Come on, Krika, can't I have that one?”
The Makuta is scanning him with eyes like he wants to devour him. Kopaka meets his gaze coldly. His hands are full of ice. Just in case. He hates the way he looks at him. He hates him, period.
“It's pretty! I like Ice Toa. I guess a dark one maybe would match me better. But come on. You're not using it, are you? I bet you're not. I bet you hardly get into fights at all on Zakaz.”
Actually, they've squashed two civil wars in the past three months alone. Then again, that mostly just involves showing up in the middle of a battle and sending both sides scattering before they can all kill each other.
“Krika, you're not even listening!”
“No, I'm not,” Kopaka's Makuta responds finally, sipping from his drink on the other side of the table. “I never listen to you when you're whining.”
The yellow and black Makuta sitting across from Kopaka deflates, letting himself sink down over the table.
“Miserix was always giving me presents,” he says. “Miserix said I was one of his favorites. I can't even get Teridax to look at me twice! I should have gotten one. I would have really liked one. Miserix would have given me one.”
“Your brother's death has been hugely inconvenient for you, then,” Krika returns scathingly.
“It really has been,” Bitil mopes. “It's terrible.”
“Can I be excused?” Kopaka interrupts them both irritably.
“Oh, it talks,” gasps Bitil.
“What did you think it did?”
“I thought Ice Toa didn't ever talk.”
“I think I'm starting to see why Teridax doesn't notice you,” snaps Kopaka. “Your head's so full of rocks it's astonishing he even allows you to run this backwater junkyard.”
Bitil gapes openly at him, but he's smiling a fang-toothed smile as he does, rocking back from the table in delight. “It sassed me! Krika, it talks back. That's so funny. Oh, I want one so bad.”
Kopaka gets up, shoving his over-sized chair out from behind him and stalking away from the table. Bitil's cackling laughter follows him as he goes.
“If the rest of your siblings are all like this, I'm going to be cutting this trip very short,” he shouts back at Krika.
“You wanted to come,” his Makuta retorts. “So keep your damn mouth shut.”
But they both know that he never has kept his damn mouth shut when he had something to say, and he probably never will.
“You're a little shit, you know that?” Krika sighs, looking back at his brother. “You still act like you were just pulled out of the pool yesterday.”
Bitil sighs back at him, putting his chin in his hand. “I'm bored, Krika,” he says. “Miserix always asked me to do stuff... Miserix trusted me. And I trusted him. He always brought me good things to eat so I got bigger than the others. Teridax just leaves me here. I feel like I'm rotting. I really do wish I could have a Toa or something to play with. How am I ever going to make any progress in the Brotherhood now?”
“Do your duty quietly and well,” Krika replies. “If you see an opportunity to prove your loyalty to Teridax, take it. That's all you can do. Complaining and begging, however, will not get you anywhere.”
“You'll put in a good word for me with him if he needs something done, won't you, Krika? He likes you. And you know I'm a good fighter.”
“A brutal one,” replies Krika, glancing him over. “But yes, a good fighter. Although I wonder where that bruise down the side of your face is from.”
“Oh, yeah.” Bitil pokes forlornly at his miscolored face, grey in places it's usually green. “It's the mask. I just wake up with bruises, cuts, everything. I'm barely tolerating it anymore, honestly. The other day I dropped a specimen and killed it because suddenly my whole arm was broken.”
“You use it too often.”
“Maybe. But like you said, I'm a good warrior. Don't have much else going for me.”
“Your cats are very good, Bitil.”
“Awww. Thank you. Yeah, they're getting better. Working on smaller ones, but equally deadly. You think Teridax would like that?”
Krika takes another drink from his cup. “Don't create for Teridax. Work for Teridax – create for Matoran.”
“Matoran.” Bitil's back to his nasally whine, picking at the table with his claws. “I'm sick of Matoran. I don't even see any anymore. I ship all my Rahi out. You think Matoran are sending me thank you notes back because I took care of their problem with the thigh-sized rats or sent something to eat all the birds with diseases? Not a chance. It would be nice to have a Toa, really. Then the Matoran would want to come see us. And he could take care of some of my battles for me so I don't have to wake up in random pain every week. It's not fair. Antroz got two. That's not fair.”
“Bitil,” warns Krika. “Complaining.”
“I wish Miserix was here,” he sulks. “I hate Teridax.”
Bitil sees Krika's gaze narrow a half-second before he realizes he probably shouldn't have said that.
A flare of repulsion throws him mask over heels from his chair and crashing into the wall hard enough to crack stone. The ceiling shakes above them. As soon as he's blinked his eyes open again, Krika is there, grabbing him by his chest piece and hauling him into the air, red eyes burning. Bitil pants, grabbing his hand, and lets out a flimsy growl.
“Don't,” snaps Krika, cuffing him over the mask. “Don't you ever snarl at me for trying to keep your stupid head on your shoulders. You never say things like that. Do you understand me, Bitil? You never, ever say things like that about Teridax. About any of your leaders. Not to Makuta you trust, not to Makuta you hear saying similar things, not to beings who will never even have the chance to whisper in Teridax's audio receptor. You don't say things like that.”
Okay, so he definitely shouldn't have said that. Krika watches Bitil's expression flashes between angry and guilty for a few seconds before he finally settles back into his usual sulking. Krika sets him back on his feet, putting his hands on his hips. “You've always been too self-absorbed, Bitil. If you had any wisdom, you'd have realized that words like those could destroy you.”
“So we're not even pretending anymore,” says Bitil sullenly.
“Pretending what?”
“That Teridax isn't killing those of us who talk back to him.”
“Bitil. Add that to the list of shit you don't say.”
Bitil looks up at him, his mouth slightly twisted. He shrugs his shoulders and crosses his arms over his chest, shrinking in on himself a little. “She says that stuff.”
Krika frowns at Bitil. “What? Who does?”
Bitil rubs at the bruise on his face again, shifting in place.
“Bitil,” warns Krika.
“You know who, okay? She came to visit me, you know. Zarin.”
“No. I didn't know.”
“You didn't? I thought you and her and Antroz were always talking shit about the rest of us. Making all the real decisions since Miserix was never interested in the political side of anything. I used to think if anyone was ever to take over from Miserix, it would be one of the three of you. Well, not you, Krika. Maybe her or Antroz, though. I guess Teridax was just biding his time, letting you four be in charge until he was ready.”
Krika doesn't reply. Bitil moves back towards his chair, picking it up off the ground.
“She isn't the same since the others disappeared, Krika. She won't forgive that. If she truly believes Teridax did it – hypothetically – ”
“What did she say, Bitil?”
Krika wishes that the very asking of the question didn't make his ichor seem cold.
Bitil won't turn to him.
“Just one thing,” says Bitil gruffly. “I don't care that much, I just – I don't know. If Teridax comes asking, you can back me up, say that I didn't encourage it. She just said that if I was upset about Mir dying, I shouldn't do anything reckless. Instead, she said I could come talk to her about it, and we would work on it together. She said she understood if I was upset about Mir. That's all.”
Krika runs his hands over his mask, his spines raised at the back of his neck. For the sake of the Spirit, isn't she smarter than this? To speak words like this, no matter how ambiguous, to Bitil of all Makuta? She could have come to him. She always used to. Could she really have been so reckless?
“Have you told anyone else about this?” he asks shortly, dropping his hand from his mask.
“No,” grumbles Bitil. “Not that stupid.”
“Good. Keep it that way. Don't even tell anyone she visited. She was just talking about helping you with your grief. That's all. There was nothing rebellious in that, brother.”
“Right,” mutters Bitil. “That's why we can't talk about it. But don't worry. I'm not going to go see her or anything, either. I just want to forget that it happened. I would forget Mir too if I could. I don't ever want to think about him again.”
Krika stares at the back of his head as Bitil sits back in his chair. Rumor has it he was the one who found Mir's ichor still fresh on the floor of his keep, his body taken up to the Star before any evidence could be found. Bitil, Gorast, and Mir visited each other frequently, so it's perfectly believable, if you ask him. They were always tight as Toa. Now he never wants to think of him again?
“Good,” Krika says finally. “I'll speak with her. Just to double-check. But putting it out of your mind is for the best. Like I said, just do your duty.”
“And prove my loyalty to Teridax if I get a chance.”
“Right. Look, just be good. I need to go. I want to be in Xia by evening.”
“Don't worry about it, Bitil. Just something Antroz called me for.”
Bitil shakes his head at him, smiling. “Have fun talking shit and making decisions. Say hi to Antroz and Zarin. You three... the unholy trinity of the Brotherhood.”
Krika gives him a second cuff on the mask, just for good measure, and gathers up his things. Bitil walks him to the door of his keep, stepping out into the sunlight with him. After a minute of squinting against the bright sun, they can make out the tallest ship in the bay of Bitil's island, and a white Toa sitting on the prow, looking out at the morning light.
“Really wanted one of those Toa,” sighs Bitil yet again. “You sure I can't keep it?”
“Bye, Bitil.”
“Hey, hey! Where's my bite?”
Krika scoffs, considering telling him no. Bitil's about three times the size of a Toa these days, and only a couple feet smaller than Krika himself. He doesn't need to be sneaking energy from his larger siblings. But he supposes it's symbolic. Krika himself used to take a bite from Miserix. It was a sign of deference. A sign of respect for the hierarchy of their Brotherhood. Maybe a tiny sign of some form of affection too. Miserix always offered him his wrist.
Krika never quite has it in him to tell the others no.
“You take more than a nip and I'm going to hit you,” he warns, reaching out his wrist.
Bitil grins devilishly and sinks his fangs into Krika's wrist. Right on schedule, he takes a drain of energy so intense it makes Krika's fingers go slightly numb.
Krika sighs and activates his mask again. Bitil goes flying back into his fortress. Even from the rubble of the nearest wall, Krika hears him laughing loudly. He always takes too much and he's never sorry.
“Greedy jay-cat.”
“Bye, brother!”
Krika leaves the fortress behind, walking down towards the water. Sailors from all over the world stare at him as he goes or duck quickly back into boats or huts. He steadily ignores all of them, heading up the walkway of his ship.
“Finally.” Kopaka is waiting for him, but he looks like he's about to take off all on his own, a waft of impatient chill following him as he approaches. “Can we go now, or do we have more breakfasts to attend?”
Krika ignores him, giving the signal for the Skakdi sailors he employs for short trips to get going. He stands observing the work, watching Kopaka run among the sailors and help release the sails, half as strong but twice as lithe. He knows Kopaka is excited to go to Xia, to see his siblings – knows that the Ice Toa has been circling back to questions about Xia, Vortixx, and Antroz on repeat ever since Krika told him they were taking a trip – but as he stands there watching his Toa Hagah bask in the gold light and the spray off the silver protodermis sea, he thinks that it's probably easier not to have brothers and sisters at all. You don't have to worry about any of the stupid trouble they get themselves into.
And you never have to grieve their loss, either.
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musette22 · 2 years
I’m so sorry to unload on you and being anon and all, but I can’t stop crying today because I’m so scared. We took our 7 (soon to be 8) year old ragdoll cat to the vet yesterday because she has been drinking and peeing excessively for a while. We went in for a check up in december because she had also licked off all her chest and stomach hair and they tested for UTI, but found nothing. We were sent home with instructions to change her food to see if that made a difference. We went back to a brand she has been happy with for years and the fur is maybe growing back a little. But, since then she has started drinking so, so much more and peeing over twice as much as usual and I didn’t know how serious that was until I Googled it recently. She is so healthy and playful otherwise and eats normally I thought it was fine. They did blood samples and another urine sample to check for kidney disease, diabetes, cancer etc yesterday. I am almost certain it is kidney disease and probably at a pretty advanced stage and I am panicking and crying. It could mean she only has a few months left, or at best a few years I think. She was supposed to grow old!! I lost my dear father to skin cancer a few years ago and this brings back so much of those horrible feelings I’ve tried to bury. It doesn’t help that our cat who hates strangers had to be in a different room from us when they took the samples and she ended up scared and traumatized and had to be sedated. She’s still not over it today and I feel it’s only a taste of what’s to come. I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. I don’t have a lot of people who would understand how much my cat means to me I guess. The vet said the test results would take a few days to get back, but I feel I already know what they are going to say. My boyfriend agrees and he is devastated too, but handles it by keeping it inside. If I tell him how I feel it will only make him feel worse. Why do we do this to ourselves? I lost a cat as a child and said then I would never get a pet again, but here I am. I hate it! I love my cat so much, but right now all that love is just hurting me. Sorry for treating you as some kind of therapist. I use Tumblr as an escape usually and you are always so positive and kind. Do not feel obligated to answer, it is enough that I got it off my chest somehow❤️
Sweetheart, I'm so, so sorry this is happening to you and your lovely cat. It's always horrible when a pet gets sick because we can't ask them what's wrong, and we can't explain to them what's happening, or why they need to go to the vet, and it's just heartbreaking. I guess we do this to ourselves because pets and their humans just have a very special bond, which, in my opinion, can greatly enrich a human life (and the pet's life too, for that matter), which usually makes the pain of their eventual passing 'worth it', for want of a better phrase. But that doesn't mean it's easy to see them suffer, it's absolutely terrible. I wish there was something I could do to help or make you feel better, but I hope that at least getting all of this off your chest made a little bit of a difference. I'm sending all the good, healing vibes to your beautiful cat, an I truly hope that whatever is wrong with her will be treatable and that she can be with you for many years to come. Sending you so much love and hugs, hang in there, darling!❤️❤️❤️
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cherry6759 · 5 years
Conclusions I reached after entering the Awkward Death Note server
@awkward-misa @awkward-bb @awkward-near @awkward-mello
The characters:
Matt goes rabbit. He also is a To-Matt-o. Protecc the hacker boi.
Mello is an a n g e r y Mafia boy who can scare the hell out of anyone, but is also beautiful (even after becoming a crisp). He doesn't have a dad.
Near doesn't let mom Tsujimura get out of his card castle because it will fall, then Mello goes and kicks it anyway. He has the creepiest smile.
L has no favorites--even if he has a favorite, he has no favorites. Would trade Kira for a rotten potato. He took Misa's cake, so she took his virginity (L says this is a lie. L is utterly disgusted with this statement).
Kira tries to make others feel better in the most asshole way possible. Would trade every Task Force member for a rotten potato. No one is allowed to touch his twin, not even the twin himself.
Light is very confused all the time, give the poor boi some rest.
Beyond Birthday is an angry ball of angst who would kill L in his sleep if he was a bit more unfair. Leaves easy clues and then regrets it. "Ah, I like Near *proceeds to bury him alive*".
Misa will marry a cake one day. If L tries to steal her boyfriend, she'll probably stab him with her eyeliner.
Ayatsuji is Mello's unofficial dad and a total disaster. He is internally screaming 100% of the time, and is a walking ball of angst that Beyond won't use because reasons. Don't let him get bored or he'll explode dolls.
Tsujimura would sacrifice herself for her sensei without thinking twice, but would also trade him for a rotten potato. She is too kind for her own good and HER ABILITY IS NOT LAME. Let the poor woman adopt Near already.
Ranpo probably got bored because of Matsuda and silently left.
The mods:
Canon is dead. Tsugumi Ohba can eat a cactus. Timeline? Never heard of her.
Lizzie: :)
Charlia and Lizzie are the angst duo. Also the piano duo. Rachel occasionally helps with the angst, whether it's intentionally or just giving fuel to Lizzie on accident.
"You can hurt Mello as much as you want, but idk I just want to protect Matt"
Kina and Cat fight in spheres. And also dance on cakes. Don't question it, just accept it.
Rachel is the new Dora the Explorer, who can't see the obvious answer even if she's inside of it.
We are all embarrassments to our muses. Except for Charlia. Good job with the puzzles, Charlia. L is proud, but you're not his favorite, since he has no favorites.
Rachel 1: no you didn't.
Rachel 2: fuck Tumblr didn't post my reply
Cat's account is being constantly invaded by a curious Kina.
Everyone, expect for the angst duo, panicked with the puzzles Beyond created. Somehow, Rachel discovered that it was a school bus. Kina remembered Lizzie's creepy story about school bus crashing. Rachel found out about the Chuo Park, but Lizzie was the one to say "yeah, it's that one".
Rachel, internally: You shouldn't trust me even with a piece of paper. I'm a walking disaster. I would trade myself for half of a lasagna.
Rachel, externally: I CAN DO IT.
But Lizzie had a plan. Lizzie always has a plan.
We are all constantly confused. Please just send some normal asks sometimes.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I feel a lot better today but I saw this stupid cough! It's only made me gag twice but I really don't want to throw up. And I have to talk a lot and all of my jobs. So this is not fun for me. But I do feel a lot better.
Having James here last night was really nice. He was mostly asleep by 10 and I spent the next couple hours plan on my phone and feeling better. The baked potato he made me helped a lot. He was able to kind of accomplish a couple things before I went to sleep. And sleep was okay.
I woke up at 9 and James had to leave because he had a lot of things he wanted to do today. I stayed in bed for a while. But then I got up. I got to ask my father okay. But then I decided I had enough energy to send to work email and it took everything out of me and I had to lay back down. I really knew I needed to eat something but the idea of getting up made me feel horrible. I gave myself 15 minutes and then at 10:30 I did get out of bed. I made an omelet and toast. And I found a lot better. Which of course I did but it's still very hard for me to move. Especially because it's still pretty cold in here. It's finally warming up outside but that doesn't transfer back here because I don't really get much direct sunlight. This morning I did get a lot which was nice. The days are getting longer.
I left for work and got the bus downtown. I worked on a new job chart for the kids and then Chelsi came and we worked on couple things. Got paint ready. And it was a nice day.
We went to pick up the kids and we had about 14 people with us. Almost everyone. We may be getting another new child. He's actually an old child who's coming back after a break. Elijah. I really like him so I'm I'm glad he's coming back and I hope he folds into the class again. But everyone today was really nice. I got a lot of hugs and it was always nice to be around them. There was a couple times with one of my students who Justice is always saying negative stuff. And I can be difficult. But it's all right.
We had a good dinner. Resource was fun. I got to show some kids how to ride skateboards because Liz got some from a donation. And I used to ride skateboards all the time so it was really nice to be able to show like 10 kids the proper way to stand on a skateboard and then see them do it properly and be able to ride around. It was a lot of fun. When I go back home next month for spring break I'm going to grab the two dime boards that I have there so that my kids can play with them.
Part-time went pretty good. As suspected when the kids saw their sculpture some of them are unhappy. But you know what they're for we worked on some extra stuff they painted. I made some extra clay. Everything was great. Listen to music we had a good time.
I have the kids do jeopardy-style vocab for snacks. And then it was time to go home. Kids got picked up. I talked to a couple parents about stuff both good and bad. And then I caught the bus right on time. I got down to the grocery store and James was waiting for me.
We picked up stuff for quesadillas and a couple extra things. We saw that the grocery store now sells ghee butter in spray bottles for $20. That was hilarious. But we got all of our food and then we went and got my bike and we headed to his house. He made us dinner and we watched videos and told each other about our days. It was nice just to be with him. He made cupcakes and then I laughed a little after 8.
I stopped at the pet store to finally get my pork at some new food. He's been eating the same salmon flavor Pate from the grocery store for a week now I feel like a monster. Between being sick and every time I'm over by James's house it's closed because I leave too late or too early there hasn't been time to get any. But I finally did and then I went home.
I got back here and I saw that there was a desk in the alley. So I drug that thing all the way down to my apartment. But it's too heavy for me to get up the stairs so James is going to have to help me. Speaking of James he did actually get me a set of keys for his apartment finally. So now I can go there whenever I want and take all of his snacks. I'm kidding. But it was nice of him to get me them. Makes me feel really nice.
After I fed sleepy I worked on my 2012 Furby for a bit. The kids really enjoyed that you connect that I brought today and I wanted to show them the other new one I got but I can't stand how loud they are. So it's been like 45 minutes looking through the tutorial my Tumblr friend had sent me and I was able to remove the speaker completely. And then I was able to figure out how to remove the wire that makes high pitch sound that connects it to your phone. Because that is like a mosquito buzzer and makes my eyes hurt and my teeth ring. But I figured it all out and she's perfectly silent now and I'm really pleased.
I came upstairs and I made outfits for the week. I am desperately in need of tights I have to do laundry tomorrow. But I also have work at 8 a.m. at the Museum. So I have to figure out a time to do that after work. It'll get done I'm not that worried. Now I'm in bed. I have to go run downstairs and grab a couple things I said I was going to bring for the kids and then I'm going to go to sleep because I have to wake up so early tomorrow. I'm actually going to try to wake up at 6:45 so I can make breakfast and I have to rush. But I still have to leave here at like 7:30 and I'm not thrilled. But it's okay. I'll make it work. I'll do my best. Let's just hope this cough goes away and the energy I've been getting it's just on the uptick. It was so nice to leave work in the sun still be up and I'm excited about that tomorrow too. I hope you all sleep well tonight. Pray for spring.
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