#i was always the fire elemental
mocha-gladiator · 11 months
hey guys lets all be cringe together!!
what was your childhood RP character that you became on the playground at recess? your OC that you wrote stories about? or your self-insert that you used to rescue your favorite movie hero when they were losing?
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melimelotus · 3 months
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entertaining the idea of eeveelutions as survivors of their own type. evolving when struck by lightning or caught in a fire/explosion as a way to survive
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
Do you have any really specific and/or personal Zukka headcanons that you’d be okay with sharing? I eat up every hc you put into your drawings like they’re candy, I was wondering if you had any others :D :D
OH boii i sure have,,, nothing coherent is coming to mind atm so ill just expose my Extensive backstories of zukka bethrotal armbands that idk if i will find a way to sneak into art.
sokka’s armband for zuko is forged back at Piandao’s mansion, and it's one of the most fine stunning pieces of jewelry ever crafted. it’s not the usual southern ivory but metal, more similar to the armbands worn as an accessory in the fire nation. it’s made of intertwining bands of gold and black meteor metal, with patterns of waves and dragon scales that seem to ripple and move when the light catches on them just right. and the pendant is a traditional blue stone from the swt.
There are no particular engagement gifts traditions in the fn, so zuko goes on a deep dive into southern water tribe ones, asking sokka’s family and friends about jewelry making and learning to engrave over the course of several trips to the swt. He makes sokka’s armband with ivory from his own first (successful) solo hunt. i’m not sure abt the material of the pendant lmao maybe gold? but amber would also be cool methinks
as for the pendant engraving they display a unique single braincell moment (untrue i just want them to match). love the fact that both of them are sea savvy navigators, love to think that in their pining era they spent a lot of time watching the stars and showing each other the different constellations and navigation pointers of their nations, so in both of their armbands’ stones are depicted the constellation used to guide sailors back home, sokka engraving the swt’s one on zuko’s armband and vice versa.
if they were sun’s out guns out kinda guys before this only gets worse during the first weeks of their engagement. shirts are banned. everyone look at the bethrotal armbands NOW.
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iyuro · 10 months
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"let's go on and on together forever. i wouldn't mind being like the scorpion and having my body burnt a hundred times over as long as it really was for the sake of everyone's happiness." - giovanni, night on the galactic railroad
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kicktwine · 2 years
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analog jayposting
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 4 months
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Rewatching* ATLA and augh, the animators knew what they were doing on this show. Look at the anguish in this poor kid's face.
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compacflt · 11 months
what are ice & mav’s favorite colors? what is your favorite color?
this is so specific anon i am screaming!!!!!
junior public affairs officer just out of college, having lost a bet and now being forced to pay, stepping into admiral kazansky’s pearl harbor office, trembling, sweating, holy shit, : Sir… just for indopacom branding purposes… t-the public affairs office would like to know what your favorite color is…
admiral Kazansky, dusting his framed confirmation certificate signed by the SECDEF and SECNAV and POTUS, entirely flatly and disinterestedly, without a hint of humor: United-States-Navy blue. [Pause] i feel this could have been an email. In the future, [long lecture about wasting the brass’ valuable time]
(PAO, to the rest of the pacflt general staff, later: this guy is fucking unreal. US navy blue. fuck him he is not real. he was genetically engineered by the DOD in the 1950s as a bioweapon. he’s not a real person.)
his favorite color is just blue. and it’s one of those questions no one ever asks him until Bradley comes along so he doesn’t have a favorite color until five-year-old Bradley asks him (this is an extremely important question to five-year-olds), which is when he decides on blue. “why?” pretty arbitrary, kiddo. i dunno. It’s the color of the sky and the color of the sea. and those are pretty much my only two reasons to live. shrug.
mav’s favorite color is red. You know, danger & stuff. “it’s the color of the warning lights that start flashing when you do something cool in an f-18 😛”
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why yes, voices in my head, i Will take a nap at 3 pm
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onaperduamedee · 2 years
I am obsessed with the way Park Chan-wook used translation in Decision to leave:
Sore apologizing for her imperfect Korean that is in fact quite literary, if Hae-joon is to be believed; Sore needing to express herself in Mandarin when sharing deeply personal details and using a program to translate her words, the confessions given to Hae-joon through a mechanical and disembodied voice; the shortcomings of said programm when Hae-joon translates and misinterprets her words regarding his body; the translation (lies) he himself unconsciously weaves when he talks to others about Sore; Sore checking afterwards the meaning of Hae-joon's specific words and her delayed reaction in front of her phone; the translation she does of his goodbye to her; the crushing, insurmountable realisation about what has been lost in translation in order to understand Sore's feelings and choices.
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always-a-joyful-note · 7 months
I think the reason I like the 5 Eccentrics so much is that it's just such a good depiction of the….variety of friendship. Because it was a group literally created to be destroyed. It was, in other words, a forced union of 5 people who might have never or barely interacted. Yet even with that, even knowing that, they all chose to have a meaningful friendship with each other - they chose to be friends and remain friends even if their union was forced, even if the very reason that they met was to be taken down. It's almost the arranged marriage trope but it wouldn't work as well like marriage because it really isn't that. It's like the family system (brought together by chance and a common identity) but it's still different. Because they didn't HAVE to be friends even if sharing the same label, because they didn't have to keep sticking around each other and become a real family. They chose to be friends in spite of all odds, chose to be grateful even amidst their destruction, and forged a precious bond that not even their predetermined fall could break and in this essay I will -
#fandom spamdom#enstars#ensemble stars#stuff i say#welcome to the inevitable five eccentrics post that i finally made you may move along now#BUT NO FOR REAL YOU GUYS IM SO OUGH OVER THE FRIENDSHIPS IN ENSTARS#for all the crazy that goes on in the story the friendships and the brotherhood (or siblinghood in some cases) is just so -#i dont even know the characters that well but i could go on forever about the amagis or sakumas or aoi twins#and maybe add a dash of the tsukasa-oukawa cousinhood while we're at it#and thats not even mentioning himeru and his brother#but the eccentrics have had me in a chokehold ever since the anime and the element miniseries and they havent let me go#its about connections that were forced but bonds that were forged instead#its about being thrust into the fire together and deciding to be the cooling water for each other instead of keeping a distance from them#its about friendship and family and realising theyre human because they found people like their own selves#and it messes me up how they also found people to establish their humanity with asides from each other#idk how to explain it because they always talk about how they werent very human before while im shaking them....#...because you guys WERE human. you ARE human. you have always been human but never treated as such...#....andfjaisojr eifowjifjsof eive lost coherence#i swear enstars hasnt made me go on about the human condition and the philosophy of humanity#i was already like this before the game#also i just find it so fascinating how the stories establish each of the idol boys' humanity....#....but at the same time the art and the very nature of the industry theyre participating in also kind of forces them to keep it under wrap#(like come on. even the name idols is so compelling...things made by man but revered as gods and potentially more fallible than man etc)#anyway disclaimer that these are all my opinions etc..
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fishwithnohobby · 3 months
what if waterghouls have an extra form, an extra level of unglamouring that isn't suited for land, with no legs and just in general even more creature like then their usual unglamoured form.
now what if this form, since its exclusive to water ghouls, doesn't get "written over" during dews elemental change.
maybe he knows its there cause he can feel the water but doesn't wanna check cause he doesn't want to be reminded of what he lost
maybe rain gets trapped in the lake somehow and dew, in the middle of crisis management meeting with the others, just runs away and jumps in , leaving everyone else VERY worried and confused, as no one knows about the water form and dew has been aggressivly avoiding water
rain thinking he's hallucinating and/or dead as dew approaches cause what the fuck
mountain and aether getting a bit too emotional about seeing dew in a water form again, making him once again question if they loved him more back then
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ghoodles · 8 days
Whump month!! I tried to make it a sort of mix between both days 1 and 2 but i really just ended up focusing on the burn part of it so.. just day one! (thank you to @cirrus-ghoulette for making this!)
Characters featured: Sparrow (OC), with a mention of Dew
CWS: Burns, Blisters, Improper burn care, Improper wound care, Blood
Summary: Sparrow finally gets a chance to harness her fire.
Sparrow had never been one with magic.
She’d seen her family and peers use it as second nature, from making cool breezes in the pits of gluttony to warming a cauldron with their own hands in the cold nights that had followed the scorching hot days. She’d seen her friends hunt, an air ghoul removing the air from an animal’s lungs as a fire ghoulette swooped in to cook the flesh. And yet- her magic could not manifest. Close to barely grasp, but not enough to harness, to bring up to her fingertips or any form of her body, until she was pulled out into the cold, yet welcoming Earth. During her visits with the other ghouls, she’d learned about the instruments the Ministry had possessed; Items enchanted to give that small boost to allow the powers to flow out. From then on, he had begun to search for a guitar- the Element of fire, the one he couldn’t reach. In the cover of darkness, the ghoulette had snuck into Dew’s room.
And now, the Stratocaster was in her hands, the low light of the practice room making it harder to see- It’d be too risky to put the lights all the way on, after all. She’d pulled out a spare pick and tabs for a random song- Which one didn't matter, she just had to let the warmth out, to pull the fire out from the depths of her soul and harness it, like everyone else did.
Her hands slowly went to the strings, holding and playing over and over again, trying to engage with the embers deep in her chest, in her soul, in her being. She kept her hands steady, even when the heat had begun to rise up, her brown eyes lighting up in the process, leaning into it to bring it up further- just as the many, many people had told a younger her to do. 
The excitement was short-lived, the joy suddenly turning into pain, a scorching, burning pain as he felt a scream bubbling in his throat, keeping it down and instead trying to play more- maybe the more he played, the more he could control it, as the fire crackled its way through her veins and made its way onto her hands, the heat causing the strings to begin to melt through, snapping them string by string, the metal snapping against her soft hands and allowing for crimson to seep down, with painful licks of fire peeking out from the wounds as she tossed the Stratocaster away, her hands palms up with fire dancing its way up her arms- unable to stop the force even as she tried to pull away from the connection, her breathing quick and pained, stifling the pained exclamations as they tried to bubble up but she wouldn't dare whine or yell, this was her fault and her fault alone.
Maybe she should have tried air, she should have taken a synth or keytar or something other than this, but it was too late.
It took her fifteen minutes in order to calm the raging element down enough, the licks of fire against her forearms dissipating into discolored skin and small blisters that would most likely grow in the morning, but she couldn't care, leaving the discarded guitar as she stumbled back to her room in the dead of night, trying to not gain anyone's attention, even if nobody was there, she had to be sure. This was her own fault, she'd deal with it in the morning, maybe grab some burn creams out of the infirmary or something, but as her head hit the pillow it had all fell to black, as her body attempted to gain the energy to fix the mess she'd made.
Sparrow had woken up late to the sounds of banter outside her room, unable to understand, she groggily stood up, staring at the burns in the mirror, the blisters unsightly, the wounds on her hand a bit cauterized, but not enough to quit the bleeding, which it had done the night prior, leaving crimson stains on the bed. She pulled together an outfit as the conversations outside continued, a black t-shirt with stars on it, blue jeans, and a gray jacket, wincing as the fabric brushed against the burns, taking a couple of breaths as the pain rippled through the forearms. 
After it had become a bit more bearable, she went out to join the banter of the others, her wings occasionally twitching as the fabric had continued to rub against the burns.
It was her own fault, her own carelessness. She'd take care of it soon enough, maybe.
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mceproductions · 6 months
Best of 2023 Music #25: Lauv “Steal the Show”
There is a certain magic when it comes to unexpected connections.
Ember Lumen originally wanting just to humor Wade Ripple began to see him for more than what her heritage had previously seen.
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All through a new age love romp showing the duo on a day trip in the city exploring what is offered.
Lauv kills it with the vocals.
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And montages for weddings got a new theme.
SUM 22: Through his vocals, Lauv sets the mood of the bubbly connection that begins to form with Ember and Wade via Elementals highlight.
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chaosgenasi · 1 year
thinking about Aabria saying, "Opal, you are knocked off your feet as a massive earthquake rips through the Flamereach Outpost... It's not raining anymore, but there's a strange purple and a reddish orange light, like an Aurora Borealis, but jagged streaking across the sky," and Ashton saying, "I remember, vaguely, watching everything fucking go, everything just rip apart... wind and light and air and people flinging through the air, cracking and breaking and—" and Matt describing the leylines and the storms all throughout this episode: "At night, it's like a natural celebration of color and light. The night sky now around you, as the auroras are more visible, the leylines themselves are breathtakingly beautiful. And matched with the knowledge of what's to come, deeply ominous."
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rangers-are-cool-moved · 10 months
"Please tell me that I am imagining someone stalking my little brother." Izuna requested of the young Kunoichi as he dropped a bento wrapped with a dark purple cloth in her lap. He stretched his arms above his head then before stepping in front of her, hand resting on his sword as he gave a playful grin. "If not then I propose that after training we go visit that section of the woods. I hear the overgrowth there is just awful and you can always use more work on your Katon control."
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  The silver haired Firesword heiress didn't startle at hearing the sudden request. "I could say that; but I'd much prefer Shisui-san to be alive. He's being stalked." She looked up from the book she was reading and blinked, looking vaguely surprised at the unexpected bento. Aside from Shisui, Itachi and Sasuke were the only other two members of the Uchiha Clan she interacted with. So it was rather odd having Izuna track her down, near the Forest of Death.
  "Hello to you too, Izuna-san and thank-you for the bento. My Katon control is fine on it's own, however I need practice in using it with my Genso Kesshō."
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rex101111 · 5 months
currently playing Final Fantasy XVI, and while I am having a lot of fun so far, I have a fair few complaints. I'll give my full thoughts when I actually finish it, and maybe NG+ who knows, but for now the one complaint on the forefront of my mind is that a game that a has Trophy/Achievement named "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeift" should not, ideally, be taking itself as seriously as this game does.
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