#if they had an open relationship both of them would cry themselves to sleep every night
ladycatofwinterfell · 6 months
Was going to write “I share your bed because I want to” but forgot a part and ended up with “I share you because I want to”. That’s a whole new meaning
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ashwhowrites · 7 months
Oooh, look who opened their requests! Fitting! Would you want to do an Fboy! Eddie with a reader that gives him both a taste of his own medicine but also a wake up call?
Awesome, so FboyEddie! I just have read so many fics where the reader sleeps with him and gets hurt when he says it's just sex and she ends up giving him a dose of his own medicine by sleeping with a bunch of other guys and I'm like ... why?! Why do you have to sleep with a bunch of other guys just to get back at him, I firmly think that just shrugging and going on your life would hurt WAY more. So of course reader gets hurt when Eddie says he doesn't 'do' relationships but is like "life is short, why cry over spilled (spoiled) milk". And maybe Billy Hargrove helps her, because even though she doesn't want to sleep with him he always likes to piss other guys off and he's just 'you won't risk hurting ME while you get back at that wannabe Van Halen". And when Eddie is pissed and is like "how can you be with Hargrove, he doesn't care about you, he just wants to get into your pants" and reader is like "oh, unlike you, you mean?" and that is an 'aha' moment to Eddie. Sweet and fluffy ending if possible
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! As always, thank you for requesting <3
A taste of medicine
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Y/N and Eddie didn't cross paths too much. They had their own group of friends and hobbies. The only time they found themselves in the same place was at school or a party.
Y/N always had a thing for Eddie. She liked his mysterious and rebellious nature. She was attracted to him and she had no problem admitting that to him. He had the hots for her as well, the second she admitted she liked him he grabbed her hand and brought her to his van.
They were desperate, the kiss was hot, heavy, and messy. She clawed at his skin and his mouth attacked every inch of her. The windows fogged around them as Eddie pounded inside of her. Their moans bounced off the van and left no questions for the people outside.
The windows, noises, and the van rocking gave them the exact answer of what they were doing. But it wasn't uncommon for Eddie's van to be fogged up and rocking when he was at a party. It was almost a weekly occurrence. He liked to party and fuck. Everyone knew that about Eddie, especially the girls.
Anytime they wanted a sloppy, meaningless, and quick fuck, they'd go to him. He was damn good too, some girls came back more than once. But as always, he said it would never be more than sex.
"Look, I don't know where your head is, but I don't do relationships," Eddie said, pulling on his shirt.
"Oh," Y/N said she felt a small twig of hurt. The few times they've crossed paths, they got along and talked. Which he didn't do with girls. She was the only girl he talked to outside of sex. She thought she was different and maybe just a tad bit special. But she wasn't.
"Well, that's alright! Have a good night, Munson." She said, her voice chirpy and unbothered as she crawled out of his van.
Eddie didn't have a reaction when she slammed the doors shut.
The few times they passed each other, she gave him a small smile and kept on walking. She never came up to talk to him, not that she did before. But he guessed maybe she'd cling on to him the same way the rest of the girls did.
When they ran into each other at the next party, he was confused by her unbothered behavior. She talked to him the same way as before. She was friendly, smiling, and acting like nothing happened between them.
Even when a girl interrupted them, and was whispering in Eddie's ear, there was no sense of jealousy in Y/N's eyes.
The girl even went as far as to kiss Eddie in front of Y/N and all she did was smirk and walk off. A smirk that said, "Have a nice time."
Why wasn't she bothered?
Y/N left Eddie with his new girl of the night. The girl seemed to want Eddie's attention and Y/N didn't need to stand in the middle of that.
"I see you didn't fall for his spell." A voice said next to her. She looked over her shoulder to see Billy Hargrove behind her
"Life is short, nothing to dwell on." Y/N shrugged, she filled a red cup with a drink. Then she poured one for Billy and handed it to him.
"Do you know what might be fun?" Billy asked, his blue eyes snapping to Eddie and then back to her. She raised her eyebrows and turned her body to face him.
"Let's get back at him. It's time he realized not everyone is going to cry and beg for him back." Billy explained.
"One, I'm not sleeping with you just to get back at him. I don't sleep with random guys for any reason unless I want to have fun. And second, I'm not crying nor going to beg for him back. Involving you doesn't matter to me." She explained she wasn't a child. She wasn't going to get back at Eddie by sleeping around. She'd be doing exactly what he does. Plus she didn't think he'd care.
"Okay, fine. All fair points. We don't have to sleep together. Look, I need to make a girl jealous and you're hot. No feelings involved on either side, let me wine and dine you a few times. You get free food, might make wannabe Van Halen jealous, and you help me get the girl." Billy shrugged.
It didn't sound like a bad idea. She didn't care to make Eddie jealous. Billy was attractive and why say no to a few dates just to have fun? She liked dating and she liked getting spoiled. Billy wasn't expecting anything from it and neither was she.
"You got yourself a deal Hargrove."
Eddie found himself confused. He slept with Y/N, something he's been dying to do. And he craved her again. He waited and waited to see if she'd crawl back, like the other girls do. But she didn't. At the past few parties, she was always talking with Billy Hargrove and that didn't sit well with Eddie. He felt his insides burn when Billy had his arm wrapped around her shoulders.
How could she be so stupid? A guy like Billy Hargrove would never bother with a girl unless he was trying to get in her pants. Why would Y/N let herself be used like that?
And why did Eddie care so much?
For once, Eddie went after a girl. He ditched every girl that walked up to him that night. His fingers itching to run up under Y/N's dress. His mouth watered as he thought about her cunt on his tongue. He wanted her and he wanted her now.
He walked right up to her, she was standing alone for a second. Eddie took the chance.
"I've been thinking about you." He whispered in her ear, his arms wrapping around her as he stood behind her. He didn't waste a second, his hand slipping up her thigh. He could feel the goosebumps on her skin and the way she shuffled.
"Oh yeah? About what?" She edged on. If Eddie wanted just sex, she could do that.
"Your cunt clenching around my big cock. Your nails scratching down my chest as you ride me. Tits bouncing in my face as you swirl your hips. Riding me until you cum, using me until you're satisfied. Cum dripping out of you as you walk back into the party." His words went straight to her cunt. She took his hand and headed for his van.
Eddie panted as the sweat dripped down his forehead. His eyes half open as she crawled off his lap. Her skin glistened in sweat as she clipped back on her bra.
"Was that good?" He asked a hint of insecurity in his tone. She didn't ask him to fuck, he had to ask her. He had to make sure this time she felt him for hours, forcing her to think about him.
She looked at him a little confused and slightly laughed. "Yeah, it was good, Munson." She continued to get dressed and Eddie lay there naked.
He felt a little relief but also conflicted that she laughed.
"See you inside!" She said as she jumped out of the van. The doors slammed in his face yet again.
This time he wasn't going to let it go. He threw on his boxers and jeans. He didn't bother with his shirt, just throwing on his jacket. He marched back inside after her.
There she was, back with Billy like they didn't fuck each other's brains out in his van.
He walked up to them, yanking her away from Billy's grasp.
"Woah, Munson. Chill out. Don't hurt the pretty girl." Billy teased. He could practically see the steam coming out of Eddie's ears.
"Shut it." Eddie snapped, then he looked back at Y/N.
"What are you doing with him?" Eddie asked
"Um? Hanging out?" Y/N said she was confused. And she was confused as to why Eddie cared.
"Hanging out with Hargrove? Oh come on, he only wants to get in your pants! He doesn't care about you."
Y/N scoffed and shook her head. "Oh, unlike you, you mean? From what I can remember, after we hooked up you pretty much said sex was all it was"
He guess he never realized that. He was the one being stupid. He was the one who sounded like an idiot. He marched up planning to make her open her eyes, but her eyes were open.
Y/N rolled her eyes at his silence and marched off.
"Smooth, Munson." Billy teased, his hand slamming down on Eddie's shoulder. "I'll let you in on a little secret. She likes you way more than she thinks. You've got a chance, but the more you carry on with this fuck boy act, it gets smaller and smaller."
The hard part of always telling girls it was just sex, was not knowing a thing about them. Eddie had no idea where Y/N lived, worked, or a way to see her. He didn't have a number to call and he was embarrassed to ask around.
So he had to wait for Monday to arrive before he could apologize. He figured at least the extra time would give her time to calm down and give him time to figure out what he would say. But he still had no clue.
Eddie looked around every hallway he could, he even arrived at school early to find her. To his surprise, he found her. And not to his surprise she rolled her eyes when she saw him.
"Before you walk away!" He raced after her, his hand on her elbow.
"I want to apologize for my comment about Billy. I was the one who shut anything down and I have no right to speak on what you do. " Eddie started, his apology caused her to stay. Her head to the side as she nudged him on.
"I guess I never liked a girl enough to think past sex, and that's a dick move on my part. I was intrigued by you and I thought if we had sex, it would go away. And it didn't. I wanted you again and again. At first, I thought it was for sex. But the two times you shrugged me off, it hurt. And Billy helped me realize, if I was hurt, I can't imagine how hurt you could have felt. I don't want you to feel used. You are worth way more than that."
"Eddie, what are you trying to say?"
"I'm sorry and I want more than sex with you." Eddie said, plain and short. Right to his point.
"So now that it's you that wants it, you should just get it?" She asked
"No! I know that you have every right to never see me again. But I was hoping that the part that likes me or used to like me, might still be there and want to give me a second chance?" He asked, he never felt so nervous in front of a girl before. And he felt so seen and vulnerable.
"Look, I was fine with it being just sex, but I do like you. Yeah, it hurt a little bit that you wanted nothing more, but I wasn't surprised. And I wasn't going to crawl into a ball and cry about it. At the end of the day you are just a boy," she said, Eddie felt like this wasn't going in the direction he wanted. "But, maybe after a few dates, you'll be more than just a boy. " A small smile on her face.
"Okay now what are you saying?" Eddie asked.
"Cut off the girls, don't sleep with anyone else, take me on some dates, and after that, we'll see." She said, her head up high as she walked past him. Her shoulder brushed his.
She felt proud and she walked like she owned him, because in a way she did. No one ever had Eddie Munson on a leash but she was ready to drag him all around.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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bloodywings · 1 year
night remedy
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CW/TW!!!: self-doubt, feeling undeserving, I think this counts as anxiety, reader has a breakdown, hurt/comfort, deprecating thoughts. kiribaku x reader, bakugou doesn't talk too much, low-key semi-deaf bakugou, takes place in the future
2.7k words
Gender Neutral, plus size and POC friendly!!
I think that's all! please let me know if i missed anything!!
a/n: I started this in September while I was having a breakdown lmao
anyway, thanks for clicking! enjoy!
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“2:25” the red numbers of the alarm clock in front of you read. It was becoming too late to sleep by the second. But sleeping was the last thing you could do.
The room was almost silent. The definition of white noise was blaring throughout the room you were in. The soft blow of a fan that was practically always on. The rustling of a plastic bag, barely blowing in the soft wind the fan let off. And two soft sets of breathing. Your lovers lay next to you, Eijirou on the opposite side of you, and Katsuki in the middle.
This became a regular thing within a few months of the start of your relationship with them. A small disagreement ensued. Bakugou had been upset because he rarely got to sleep in the middle. You and Kirishima had both assumed that he wouldn’t have wanted to be. His quirk made him hot very easily, so two sets of body heat didn’t seem comfortable. That’s what the two of you thought anyway.
Turns out the blonde doesn’t like when decisions are made for him.
He had begun thinking that the two of you loved each other more than him. And he snapped one day. Only to be extremely flustered when he realized the truth of the situation.
You and Eijirou still tease him about it every once in a while.
Usually, the memory made you smile. But the weight in your heart made it practically impossible to do so.
A soft stirring from your blonde lover snapped you out of your trance. His arm is placed in a different place around your torso, attempting to get comfortable and stay sleeping. His stirring caused the red-head attached to him to stir a bit as well. but still, both remained sleeping.
The blonde’s breathing was the most prominent of the two. Blowing directly in your ear. But Kirishima might as well have been next to you anyway. His soft snores filled the room, usually, it was like music to your ears.
Usually? Yes, those soft snores have lulled you to sleep on many occasions. Now? You couldn’t focus on the soft breathing of your boyfriend if you wanted to. The dark thoughts were the thing keeping you awake. You took another glance at the clock, “2:41” the red numbers blared at you.
At that moment, you wished that the red hue would swallow you whole. Practically begging for it to take you somewhere where your head was empty, not a single thought. And the only thing surrounding you was the love of the two boys laying in your bed.
“y’know, one day they’re going to get rid of you?” the voice in your head whispered. The same one that had been torturing you for the past few hours. “one day they’re going to realize that you are of no use to them, and then they’ll leave you.” “Shut up” you inwardly groaned. “you’re only saying that because I’m right, they’re going to go off and be happy, without you”
Logically, you knew they loved you. They wouldn’t be with you if they didn’t. But your brain couldn’t help but scream about how worthless you were. How they would be better off with just themselves. Or maybe even a different third person.
Someone that's not you.
You could feel tears well up in your eyes at the thought. But crying was not a good idea right now. The heaving of your chest might wake up your explosive lover lying peacefully beside you.
So you pulled the blonde’s arm from around you slowly, so as to not wake him. You succeeded, walking slowly to the door. Just trying to go to the living room of your shared apartment to cry, and then come back up as if nothing happened.
But just as you opened the door a groggy voice called out to you. “Where you goin’?” the grouchy blonde questioned. He’d probably woken up from the lack of body heat at his right side. “See, you ruin everything for them, they can’t even get a peaceful night of sleep ‘cause you're a crybaby” the voice taunted.
“I’m just gonna go and get some water,” you responded softly, turning around. whispering as not to wake your other boyfriend sleeping peacefully. “Sorry to wake you,” you mumbled. Katsuki sat up a bit, only to lay back down when the red-head let out a whine. His red eyes were piercing you, they almost made you want to break down.
“m’kay, don’t take too long,” he grumbled, snuggling himself back into the chest of his boyfriend. Which the red-head gladly accepted, wrapping his arms snugly around the blonde.
With that, you made your way to the living room. A place where amazing memories were made, it should have made you happy, but you couldn’t help but feel downhearted.
As you glanced around the room, the standard flatscreen tv caught your eye. It was one of the two that the three of you had to buy.
Memories flooded from when you got the first one. Katsuki had tried to mount the first one himself. Insisting, “You think those extras could do better than me?” And he did it, the TV even held well. He’d even boasted about it, claiming “you idiots should stop doubting me.”
Bakugou ended up eating his words two days later
You had all arrived home at around the same time. Just happy for the day to be over, the gruesome hero work had taken a toll on the three of you.
Only to walk in and see the TV laying on the ground, face first. The screen completely shattered. Your explosive lover expected you and Eijirou to be angry at him. But the two of you were too busy laughing your asses off to scold him for it.
you looked around at the rest of your living room. There were a total of two couches in your living room. One three-seater, and a loveseat. Polaroids strung on the wall brought more tears to your eyes. The pictures varied from the first date you had to the most recent. Each one was dated with Eijirou’s sloppy handwriting.
The very first one was when Kirishima had finally broken down during your second year and spilled his feelings for you two. And you and Katsuki both accepted.
The three of you went on a date to the fair. And Eijirou was so excited, he hadn’t been to one since he was a kid. He was practically bouncing on the train ride there. And he dragged Katsuki and you all around the fairground. Winning prizes for the two of you left and right. From stuffed animals to keychains to a fish that he had won for you.
He wanted to win another for Katsuki, but the blonde claimed “I don’t want some stupid fish that’s gonna die in three days” He scrunched his nose up in annoyance and disgust while declining the red-head's offer. Instead, Eijirou won his boyfriend a large fish plushie, as a replacement for the fish he had won earlier for you.
While your explosive lover claimed to hate it, the stuffed fish sits up at the top of your shared closet.
The most recent one was for your 7th anniversary, it was Katsuki’s turn to plan a date. And he chose to cook and take the two of you to a cliff. Fairy lights were strung on the trees, and a large tent to fit the three of you. Simple, but so thought out. He had brought you two there with just enough time to see the sunset. And then you spent the night in the forest, escaping the city life for just a night.
Those memories are what broke you, they had made you feel so loved and yet you felt as if you didn’t appreciate it. “Do you see what I mean? you don’t even have any faith that they do love you” the voice returned, mocking the thoughts it had implanted into your head.
You found yourself sitting on the three-seater, leaning over, and softly crying into your own hands. Your thoughts running a million miles a minute. You could hardly make them out.
Over and over.
But they all seemed to agree on one thing.
That you were worthless
Every piece of sadness came down on you in waves, from feeling undeserving of their love, to now feeling guilty because they’ve done so much for you, and you still don’t have anything faith in them.
But, nonetheless, you didn’t break down, just small, silent tears, with even softer sniffles.
Though you knew it was unlikely, you didn’t want any chance of either of your lovers catching you in such a vulnerable state.
But little did you know Katsuki had woken back up, realizing you weren't back from the kitchen, and had gotten up to check on you. And much like Katsuki, the lack of body heat had woken up the sleeping giant that lay next to him.
The blonde told his boyfriend to go back to sleep, but his boyfriend refused, mumbling something along the lines of “it's too cold without you.” Or at least that's what Katsuki thought he heard. Ejirou had a habit of speaking the intelligible language when he was half asleep.
The two tired men made their way through the house, with the red-headed giant stumbling the whole way there.
Out on a mission, you lovers made their way down the stairs, passed the front door, through the kitchen, and out to where you sat, with your face in your hands
“Sweetheart?” a tired voice slurred out. You lifted your head from your hands, and through your blurry vision, you see both Eijirou and Katsuki standing in the doorway. Both of them still rubbing the sleep from their vision. The red-head was the one that called out to you.
“What are you doing out here?” Katsuki asked, making his way to you with the sleepy giant not too far behind him. As you looked up at them, Katsuki noticed your cheeks glistening in the soft moonlight that came in through the window.
“Were you crying?” Katsuki questioned. His question caused the red-head's eyes to widen slightly, fully awake and alert after hearing the word ‘crying’’. Eijirou looked at your face, noticing your wet face in the same fashion your blonde lover did.
“Why are you sitting down here, crying to yourself?” Katsuki interrogated, and while you knew that there was no malice behind his question. But you couldn’t help but flinch at his rough tone, you knew he wasn’t actually agitated with you, but his tone of voice was not helping the thoughts screaming in your head right now.
Eijirou nudged the blonde, silently telling him to shut up.
“What Katsuki means is, what's the matter sweets?” the red-haired male queried. kneeling down in front of you. And at that moment, everything came crashing down on you. Your poisonous thoughts, the lack of sleep, the guilt, all of it came crashing on you.
And before you could blink, a racking sob emitted from your chest, which caused both boys to immediately panic. More and more sobs flowed from you like a messy symphony, and to the ears of your lovers, it was like listening to nails on a chalkboard. Just the sound alone was enough for adrenaline to pump through their veins in panic.
“Hey, hey look at me, ____.” Eijirou pleaded. His heart was hammering in his chest. He’d comforted people before, but this was different, he was afraid you weren’t breathing enough with how hard you were crying. But you couldn’t obey his command, you were way too embarrassed to even think of showing your face. After realizing this, your red-headed lover asked “Is it okay if I hold you?” The small nod you gave was enough for Eijirou to pull you into his arms quickly, whispering soft “its okay”-s and “we’ve got you”-s over and over.
You could feel how hard his heart was beating and it only made you feel worse.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was no better, he sat silently, a hand rubbing circles on your back. He didn’t want to say anything that could possibly make the situation worse. He knew his attitude was harsh, and he knew he had a reputation for saying the wrong thing in situations like these. If anyone had walked in on the scene, they would think he doesn’t care. But lord knows he cares a lot, maybe even more than Eijirou, his palms were sweating, and he could feel his heart hammering in his chest, almost as if it was trying to jump out of his rib cage.
It felt like forever until your sobs slowed down to small coughs and shaky breathing. Now that you were done crying, the situation began to dawn on you. You had woken up your partners in the middle of the night because you were doubting yourself. Sadness began to fade over into embarrassment. You hoped they could just drop this, and you’d go to bed.
But unfortunately, Kirishima was the first to break the silence. “baby? you okay?” he questioned with a strong amount of hesitation. He didn’t want to cause you to break down again. “yeah, ‘m fine” you sniffled softly, snuggling further into the chest of your red-headed lover, attempting to hide from everything that had happened.
Kirishima only hummed as an acknowledgment, trying to find the words to help you. But before the words could make their way into his chest, he heard a soft mumble from you. A very muffled and almost unintelligible, “M’sorry” fell from your lips. It was so soft that Katsuki hadn’t even heard it, which was good for you, he probably would have had your head on a pike for apologizing for something like this.
“There's nothing to be sorry for baby, nothing at all,” Ejirou whispered, one of his hands coming up from your waist to rest on the back of your neck. Rubbing small, comforting, shapes into your skin with his thumb. “like I said, we’ve got you.” your boyfriend reassured, with all of the love he could muster.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Katsuki mumbled into the crease of your neck, where his head had been sitting for a while. A small, “not really” fell from your lips before you could really think about the question.
All you knew was that the thought of speaking about your feelings was enough to make that small knot come to the back of your throat. making it borderline impossible to hold the small tears that welled in your eyes. you blinked, attempting to make them go away, but instead the small droplets were soaked up by Eijriou’s shirt.
After a small amount of silence, your red-headed partner suggested you all go back to bed. As the three of you walked back to your bedroom, well more like your two lovers, Kirishima refused to let you walk, he carried you through the kitchen, into the front doorway, and up the stairs, with Bakugou following not too far behind.
As you entered your shared bedroom, which had grown cold due to the fan being on high speed, you began to feel sleepy. you were fighting your closing eyelids when your lover placed you in the middle of your soft mattress. both men coming to lay on either side of you.
And when their arms wrapped around you, smothering you in between them, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort. almost as if the love they had was wrapping itself around you, but not in a suffocating way, it had just enough pressure to let you know how much they care for you.
While the love of your boyfriends couldn’t make all your problems go away, it could get you through the night. and that alone made the future seem a little brighter.
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A/n: Hii, so how was it? Please let me know in the comments! If you have any ways I can improve as a writer please let me know! (remember there is a difference between constructive criticism and being rude)
Notes and reblogs are appreciated
I hope you're having a good day! And if not, I hope tomorrow is better! bye darlings <3
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missluckycharms · 2 months
Hii, I missed you and your writing. Can you write something about y/n and Harry (maybe phh). When she asks him what they are and he said he wants to be in a relationship but y/n isn’t ready yet and he reacts understanding 🫶🏻🫶🏻 can you make it a bit angsty too? Thank you 🫶🏻
I’m a little rusty so if this is somewhat crappy, just mind your business. Mwah. Thank you for this concept anon!! 🤍
Y/N and Harry have had a complicated relationship from the beginning.
Being childhood best friends can have it’s pros and also it’s cons, many cons Y/N had come to realise.
Five years old is when they first met, both their mothers being in the same book club is what set it off, the two meeting just before they headed into school where they’d also be together, connected at the hip their mothers soon came to know.
They were inseparable since five year old Harry comforted five year old Y/N as their mothers left them for the first time ever on their first day of school, the boy instantly hugging the crying girl as he reassured her he’d always be there, and he was, he really was.
Seventeen is when things started to get weird for them, hormones came into play, parties started becoming a thing and of course, testing the waters on who they both were interested in.
Harry finding himself the centre of attention with teenage girls pretty often, eyelashes fluttering as they basically begged to kiss him or even just sit in the passenger seat of his bet up truck that he drove, but Harry wasn’t too fond of it for reasons he wasn’t aware of at that time.
Y/N was shy, not really putting herself out there like Harry was, she would avoid parties and try ignore Harry’s pleads on insisting she comes with him for just an hour! She always rolled her eyes and agreed, but even when she was there, no one even knew she was.
But Harry always did.
College is where things got difficult, the pair going their separate ways for the first time in what felt like forever. Harry moved away, Y/N stayed, and it sucked, it really did.
Sure he’d come home every now and then and hang out with her when he could, but she could feel him slip away, pulling back slowly as she tried to navigate life without his hand on her shoulder reassuring her he’s there.
But he wasn’t anymore.
She took some time for herself, saved up money and decided to travel, leaving behind the life she felt way too comfortable in, wanting to find her true self, but sometimes, even if you try hard to get away from your past and start new, some strings are just hard to break.
And Harry was a string that kept hanging on.
Twenty five is when they met again, at a small bar in a different country to where they both left one another all those years ago, it was as if her mind was playing tricks on her, but it wasn’t.
It was him, he was there.
All the pent up anger for moving away from both parts was soon let out as they argued in booze filled rage, soon finding themselves tangled around one another the next morning as the sun seeped in through the curtains.
All the years of curiosity and anger came down to this, to Harry in her bed, the same Harry who had her back from five years old, who held her when she was hormonal and needing a shoulder to sob on for stupid reasons. It was him, and she had no idea what to think of it all.
A light groan startles her from her thoughts as he moves beside her, lazily peeling his eyes open as a sleep soaked grin creeps onto his face.
“This is the last place I thought I’d be, but no complaints here!” He jokes with a soft laugh, trying to wrap his arm around her to which she brushes off, leaving him confused.
Silence, that’s all he’s met with, Y/N staring at the ceiling as if she’s trying to piece her words together, but she can’t.
“Is something wrong? I can get you anything just say-“
“Just go, please” is all she can get out, her eyes closing as she fights off tears she doesn’t know why she’s even building up.
He looks over her face, he knows when she’s bottling something up, of course he does!
“I’m not leaving you like this Star.”
There it was, the nickname he always called her growing up. It stemmed from her love of astrology, always looking up at the stars whenever she could, he found it adorable, from then on always referring to her as one.
“Don’t call me that, you haven’t called me that in years.” She says almost as if she’s disgusted it even slipped past his lips.
Harry is confused, last night they were all over one another, couldn’t get enough of each other as they shared what was their first ever intimate night together, sharing themselves with each other for the first time ever.
“Please, can you just look at me?” He says with a light laugh, more one of confusion than of anything else, his heart tugging as he sees her flinch away from his touch yet again.
“It’s just best if you go, go back home and just don’t contact me again, I’ll do the same. Let’s just get back to what we were before last night.”
That was the thing, Harry didn’t want that.
“Y/N, do you know the reason I was here in the first place? The reason I suddenly just showed up?” Harry’s heart skips a beat as she looks at him for the first time this morning as she shakes her head softly.
“It’s because I couldn’t live without you, I tried, trust me I did! I tried everything. Nothing compared to what I felt when I was around you, knowing you were there was enough for awhile but when you moved,” he sighs with a shake of his head before he begins again.
“I felt like a piece of me left with you.”
Y/N doesn’t take her eyes off him, drinking in how he looks now, on sober eyes she can still see the young boy in him, the dimples poking out as he smiles down at her but there’s also differences.
She doesn’t see him as a friend anymore.
“Your hair is longer” she speaks, which is another difference she didn’t seem to notice last night.
“You had a thing for Tarzan growing up, had to get you some way.” He joked, earning a small laugh from her to which he beams at, missing her smile and her laugh that he was oh so fond of.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Can I be your idiot?”
That sentence brings her back to earth, the pit in her stomach returning as she fights back a lump in her throat as she tries to build up courage to tell him.
But she doesn’t need to tell him, he knows already.
“I know, you’re not ready for commitment, but I’m willing to wait until you are, even if that means I have to shower you in my love until you are.” He jokes, but he isn’t deep down and they both know that.
“I just need time.” She softly says, to which he just nods, smiling back at her.
“I’ve all the time in the world for you, Star.”
And just like that, things weren’t so complicated anymore.
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syneilesis · 4 months
[fic] Pampertime
Love and Deepspace | Xavier (Shen Xinghui) x Main-Character!Reader | Explicit | 6.7k words | ao3 link
Butler Rule No. 1: From the moment you accept the role, be prepared to obey your lady’s every command. The bunny butler outfit makes a grand return. In bed.
Content tags: Established Relationship, PWP, Roleplay, Bunny Butler Xavier, Dom/sub elements, Sub!Xavier, Strip Tease, Hand Jobs, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Cunnilingus, Face-Sitting, Cowgirl Position, Riding, PIV sex, Creampie
A/N: My contribution to the bunny butler Xavier train. Only gave a cursory edit once, so any mistakes still my fault. I'm just glad I'm done, whatever. Divider by @/saradika
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One bright and sunny afternoon, Xavier texts you: Emergency can U come up here to help me?
You're in the middle of cleaning your living room, after weeks of neglecting your household responsibilities due to the sudden influx of Wanderers in the neighboring city. The Hunters Association had been scrambling to send out their hunters due to the sudden invasion of Wanderers that resembled bafflingly like corgis—which was both a blessing and a curse, if one were to be asked. Blessing because, well, they were a breed that incited cute aggression and fluffiness, and civilian evacuation had resulted in minimal problems, if one ignores the influx of people into doglike Wanderers. A curse, because—well, they did look like corgis—fluffy like a bread with a cute butt, the kind that you would expect to see in the plushie line sold at Twinkle Toys Store. They're irresistible to drag your hand across their soft coat. A not-inconsiderable number of hunters realized the error of their ways in overlooking the fact that these floof of creatures were still Wanderers, and as a consequence, Linkon hospitals suddenly found themselves busier for a week or two.
Regardless, the corgi Wanderers were easy to take care of, once you saw past their clever ruse. The difficulty lay in the numbers. Like a relentless tsunami flooding the city, they undulate in droves, shaking their butts and bouncing around and generally making an oxymoronically cute menace of themselves.
As one of the hunters dispatched to the area, you valiantly resisted the siren cute-call and eliminated as many as you could. It took you and your team more than a week, and it would have been shorter than that, had Xavier been in the fray. But he had been sent in another region the week before, and was unable to join you in your fluff-filled resistance.
But now it seems that he's back and is in need of your assistance. Flashback to that time when his oven exploded due to his attempt at baking tarts, and you drop everything you're doing and fly outside, towards the elevator, fueled by fear and sheer panic.
When you burst into his apartment, using the spare key he left you, you cry out, “Xavier! Sitrep!”
A cursory survey of the area indicate neither fire nor flood, and his apartment seems undamaged. Fear subsiding, you finally take stock of the situation.
Perhaps it's not a kitchen emergency after all? There’s no smell of something burning, thank heavens for that. You do not want to apologize to his neighbors in his place again.
You call once more, “Xavier?”
“In here.”
His voice is coming from the bedroom, and that makes you waver. Why is he still in his bedroom? Maybe he's stuck in bed? Did he sleep for three days and wake up in an unusual position and in need of assistance to set back his limbs again? Weirder and weirder thoughts spiral in your head, and your lack of response prompts him to speak once more.
“You can go in, if that's what stops you.”
“Why can't you just go out?”
“I ... can't.”
The hesitation captures your attention. Xavier is probably entangled in the bed. You may as well help him.
“All right, I'm coming in then.”
When you open the door, you're expecting some sort of layers and layers of blankets, a sea of them, not just on the bed but also on the floor and other furniture. Xavier might be underneath in any of those blankets, and it's your duty to locate him and fish him out. You're ready to swim against these blankets, fight your way into it. Do your utmost duty as a combat partner.
Except it's not a sea of blankets that welcome you once you enter the room. It's—different.
So different.
So utterly different that you drop your phone. It clatters muffled against the carpeted floor, where it slightly nudges a gift-wrapped box. And that gift-wrapped box sits next to another gift-wrapped box, and another. And another. Until you lift your widening gaze to see that Xavier's bedroom is littered with a lot of them. And Xavier—
He's on the bed, all right. But he's—
He grins lightly, leaning back from his sprawled position. The pillows behind him sink under his weight.
“Kjalfjdsj?” you say, eloquently.
“I'm glad you came ...” A pregnant pause, before he drops the bomb. “My lady.”
Your brain short-circuits.
Xavier is sprawled on the bed, bunny ears on his head, waistcoat and tie, and—you just know, you can feel it in your bones—bunny tail on behind. It's exactly what he wore when you had your couple's photos back then. The fact that he's wearing it and, judging by the sudden change of interior design of his room, that he's replicated the decoration of the studio—actually, you don't know what you can glean from those points, because you're too busy picking up the remains of your brain matter to form a coherent thought.
He drops another bomb: “Why are you just standing there, my lady?” he says, and going by the quirk of his lips he knows the effect he has on you. Compared with the first time it happened, the shy reluctance is no longer present. “This bunny butler is ready to serve, just say the word.”
Your brain melts.
“Wha—I mean—um, guh—” You studiously reacquaint yourself with the concept of words. “I just—what is going on?”
Xavier blinks, and the bunny ears on top of his head twitch as if they are truly connected to his head. Your fingers twitch themselves in response, that urge to touch and feel them again.
“I just thought,” he begins, slowly at first as if testing the waters, “that you need to relax and get pampered after that difficult mission you've just had.”
The words percolate in your mind and you scrabble for an appropriate reply to that. To be fair to the man, Xavier is sweet thinking of your well-being like that. Or maybe he's guilty that he wasn't there to help during that corgipocalypse of a week. Regardless of his intent, you have to ask:
“You thought I need to relax and your solution is to dress up as a bunny butler?”
He has the gall to think about it at length. “Yes, my lady.”
You don't miss the way he spreads his legs a little wider at that.
And really—you're only human, with wants and needs and desires. It just so happens that the common denominator of those three aspects point to the ridiculous man before you, in that ridiculous bunny butler getup that you secretly love and hope to see again. Which—yeah, it's definitely the perfect solution.
Stomping your hesitation and pride, you stride towards the bed, and Xavier, watching your every step, reclines further, giving you space for you to place your knee on the soft mattress, between his legs.
The bedfoam dips, and he shifts to avoid sinking down the indent your knee makes. Your other knee follows, and you move towards him until the heat of his inner thighs touch the outer sides of yours.
At the proximity between the two of you, Xavier tips forward, and in spite of your positions he doesn't need to tilt his head much upward to meet your deliberating gaze. An anticipatory sharpness falls on his expression and, oh, you realize, he must've wanted this too.
Which is all that you need to fall into this completely.
And it's a transformation: a reshifting of limbs and the straightening of spine, something like a lock unlatching.
“Mr. Bunny Butler,” you begin, low and relishing and shy of being predatory, “bow your head.”
Xavier's nostrils flare at that. After a couple of seconds he complies, and seeing the sliver of his exposed nape opens something within you.
Against your shoulder the bunny ears snag, their length not allowing to fall along Xavier's pose. You bring one hand up to trace an invisible line across an ear, the fur short and soft. Xavier's quiet beneath you, but you can feel him stiffening at your every move. Braced a little behind his sides, his hands clench tightly.
“Can you feel it?” you ask, pinching the colored tip of the ear, pushing it back to observe its make. It's well-made, and you wonder if this one costs more than you'd expect.
Xavier shakes his head. You want to hear him, however, so you tap the back of his head in warning. He exhales loudly; breathes out, “No ...” and then tacking on: “Master.”
Your eyes narrow in pleasure, the flesh of your cheeks bunching from how wide your smile is. “That's my good bunny,” you praise him, caressing the curve of his head. He shivers—whether from the praise or the touch or both, you don't know.
To see him like this—a formidable hunter with centuries of experience, the force of stars pulsing underneath his skin, ready to rupture at his command—head bent low before you, hands closed in restrained fists, the lines of his body intersecting into a show of surrender. Yielding. It heats the core of your belly and your blood, and you can't help but bite your lip as you savor the image.
Leaning back and sitting on your calves, you catch Xavier's downcast stare. His brows furrowed as if concentrating, and when he notices you trained on him, his eyes do something that reminds you of the existence of the concept of puppy dog eyes.
Every time he does that, you think, you want to gobble him up.
Closing in on his face, you raise your left hand and cradle his jaw, tipping it up, gazes never leaving each other. Then you draw nearer, and nearer, until your lips almost brush against his. The sharp sound of his inhale is deafening in this lack of distance. Your eyes never leave his, but his drop down, nearly crossing, as he's distracted by your lips. His breaths are hot on your skin, and finally you aim at the corner of his mouth, and open your own to say:
“Don't move.”
And then you descend, trailing butterfly kisses along the edge of his lips, his cheek, his temple. Xavier goes spine-rigid at the first contact, forgetting to breathe for a second, before slowly exhaling, as if trying to hold himself together. His brows knit again and his eyes flutter closed, the line of his lips sloping downward.
He's controlling himself. And that delights you so much that you shift to kiss his earlobe and tug it once, then whispering directly to his ear, “That's my obedient bunny. Keep this up and I'll reward you.”
You stop to wait, and when nothing happens, you tug his jaw and take a bite at the shell of his ear—he gasps—and continue:
“What do you say?”
Xavier's shoulders lurch. He breathes once, twice, before answering.
“Thank you, my lady.”
“Good boy.”
The first reward: a kiss on the lips. A quick, initial press before you pry him open with tongue, and he welcomes you eagerly from the way he surges to meet you. The hand on his face holds him back, but his own hands fly to your hips and plant themselves there.
You slap them away, he resists. You break the kiss, and he makes a disappointed sound, chasing you, and then realizes what he's done.
“I'm sorry—my lady,” he stumbles, putting his hands back in their previous position. He looks so properly chastised, you love it.
Outwardly, you sigh in disappointment, and he whips his head up, stricken. “After I said that you're obedient, you do this. What shall we do, Mr. Bunny Butler?”
“What—” He swallows. “What do you want me to do, my lady?”
In all the times you've tried to fluster him, Xavier doesn't really redden. At best his skin produces a soft sheen of pink across his cheeks that linger over his ears. Never tomato-red though.
But now, his face glows bright pink that gradiates to a noticeable crimson, ending at the tips of his ears. This is good development, you decide, something that you want more of. So you push further.
“Are you truly sorry, Mr. Bunny Butler?”
He nods meekly.
“Then”—a finger pokes at the center of his forehead and pushes, his head docilely tilting back, exposing his slender, beautiful neck—“don't move this time.”
You slip two fingers under his tie and pull it loose. The unobstructed slide of the silken fabric echoes around the room, punctuated by the hitch of his breath. The bunny ears jerk. To his credit, he's still as a statue, and the giddiness that you've been feeling for a while now mounts to a dull yet insistent ache that pools between your legs.
Then you unbutton his collar, which reveals more of that pretty neck. An alarmed sound forms in his throat, and you call his name in warning. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows whatever he's about to say.
And that Adam's apple becomes your next target: your mouth molds around it, sucking, and Xavier gives a full-body shudder. A groan bursts out of him. He's trembling, his hands—leather-gloved and creaking at the strain of his fists—his thighs, his shoulders. You can see how he wants to turn his head, to retreat from your hot mouth, but thinks himself the better of it.
You place your left hand under his head and kiss him under the angle of his left jaw.
With your free hand, you trace down the outline of his neck to shoulder. His breath catches, he jolts away, his eyes shoot you a betrayed look.
“My lady—”
You plant another kiss in the dip of his collarbone. “What does Mr. Bunny Butler want?” you ask against his moist skin.
He releases a shuttered exhale. Behind you, his legs move in a way that comes across as avoidant, as if he's hiding something from you. You glance down and realize the reason for his discomfort.
Saliva pools in your mouth.
But you swallow the surging desire ignited by the image of his arousal. It isn't time yet; you want to draw this out as long as you can.
Head still tipped back, Xavier doesn't see your discovery of his want, his eyes half-mast and his focus directed on reining himself in. If you remove yourself from the scene and study him from head to toe, you'd find Xavier the perfect picture of temptation, restrained, controlled on the surface but a collapsing star underneath, gravity pulling you to him and there's no way to escape.
Not that you'd like to escape in the first place.
You repeat your question, this time against his Adam's apple: “What does Mr. Bunny Butler want?”
“My la—” He chokes. Tries again. “Whatever my lady wants.”
Ah. Such a good bunny.
Your hands drift down to the next closed button. His tie is loosened enough that you can remove it in one hard tug. And isn't that a nice thought: one strong pull and he's dragged along by the force, his lips inevitably landing on your lips, a welcome collision.
But you don't follow that path; instead, your hands drop lower, to the last button of his waistcoat. The sides of your hands brush against the seam of his pants, dangerously close to his already obvious bulge, and it dawns on Xavier that you're already aware of his worldly response, if the widening of his eyes is an indication. He whips his head to shoot you a meaningful look, as if begging you to ignore his lapse of control—as if that is an unwelcome development.
Sometimes, you think, Xavier wants to show you a side of him that only exudes assurance, a sharp blade and sturdy shield that envelop you in sidereal protection. Be it from outside forces and his own—and even yours. Physical dangers, most especially, but curiously enough: information. Knowledge. The matters of the past. The matters of the heart. The both of you may have confessed that day, the words of your promises embedded in your heart like an oath under the stars, but there are times when a shadow passes through Xavier's expression, and he seems so far away. Light-years away.
But right now, that thought isn't at the forefront of your mind: it is the way the redness climbs up his neck, his face, his cheeks, painting him a beautiful hue that reminds you of a recently blossomed rose. He truly is gorgeous this way.
One of his hands encloses around yours, stopping your ministrations. Minute tremors hum under his callused palm.
“I'm—” A quick breath. “I'm supposed to serve you, my lady.”
Ah. Truly such a good bunny.
You capitulate, hands retreating from the button of his pants, but not before caressing his trembling hand and squeezing it once. An indulgent smile unfurls in the line of your lips, and you make a snap decision.
The second reward: freedom. Xavier has expressed his desire to serve, to please, and you'll give him the freedom to choose how to enact it—
Under a specific instruction, of course.
“Yes, of course,” you say, tapping his warm cheek fondly with your index finger. “Serve me, then, Mr. Bunny Butler. Strip for me. Slowly.”
He catches that finger quickly with his mouth, bites it lightly, like it's a warning—or a promise. You let him nibble and lick your finger for a couple of seconds, the wetness sending electricity down your spine, and you can't stop the shiver that echoes throughout your body. Xavier narrows his eyes in satisfaction at your response, hints of a smirk around his lips, and that's insubordination if you saw one. So you snatch your finger away from him, and punish him by dragging your wet finger along the column of his neck.
He jumps at the sensation.
“Strip, Xavier,” you repeat firmly. “Make sure it's a good show.”
It just proves how dedicated he is at this roleplay: by this point he should have already ended this little act and would have taken over, but he's holding your critical gaze as his hands settle over the topmost button of his vest.
“I'll try, my lady.” His voice drops to a low, husky murmur, one that summons pinpricks down your nape and the back of your shoulders, crawling in a slow, deliberate tease.
He does try, indeed. He moves back, affording you space to see his torso without having to change your position. One hand to brace his weight, the other deftly maneuvering each button at a comfortable pace. For every button opened, he takes a deep breath, gives you a confident smile, albeit awkward at the edges. But the rhythm of it lulls you, and you find yourself playing with his bunny ears again—a right decision, because he makes a surprised sound, which morphs into a moan.
The returned proximity grants you the ghostly brushes of his knuckles against your clothed stomach when he opens another button. Because of this, the way your stomach contracts every time he brushes you becomes known to him, and Xavier huffs a laugh, and proceeds to be more purposeful with it.
You tug at his bunny ear, hard. “Mr. Bunny Butler,” you warn.
His shrugs his vest off as his reply.
Now, only left with shirt and tie, Xavier stares down at them, thinking about what to do next. You help him by pushing yourself flush against him, making sure that your thigh grazes his cock. He judders, shoving his face on the crook of your neck and groaning. Idly, you continue playing with the furred ears.
“My lady, my lady,” he mutters, and you feel him sighing, “don't tease me.”
You hum. “Then put more effort in your show.”
He peeks up at you under those pretty yet underhanded lashes of his, and you spy hints of a smirk in that mouth.
But before you can question him about it, a hand grabs yours and guides it to his tie, wraps it around the silk fabric, and pulls. Slowly, carefully. From this angle more skin is revealed under your wandering gaze—the tease of a nipple, flashing beneath that white shirt—and you gulp at the flutter in your belly.
Once the necktie is completely off him, he takes it from your hand and, indeed like a show, re-ties it around his neck, a ribboned gift. At this point you're ready to combust—and he's not even naked.
“Do you like it, my lady?”
“Yes,” you rasp, suddenly off-kilter, “very much.”
“Then ...” He resumes undressing, the buttons of his shirt easily extricated, his movements economical, and bit by bit his bare torso opens before your anticipatory eyes.
He stops at the tucked-in part of the shirt. Glances at you, bites his lip, and goes back to pull the front off so the shirt opens just below his shoulders, presenting you such a gorgeous view.
Xavier sinks into the propped-up pillows—and you unconsciously follow—and smiles. “All yours, Master.”
He knows—that little shit—the allure of incomplete nakedness. The gap, the gape, the patches of exposed skin surrounded by fabric. Xavier's using it to his utmost advantage.
By now you could have clawed his clothes away from his body, but somehow, this tastes more delicious, the promise of a tease, the prolonged heat-pulse that thrums in your core, and you're pretty sure, if Xavier's shallow breaths are an indication, that he's into this too.
Well. May as well take advantage of this luxurious present.
One hand descends on the side of his neck, and you see him tamp down the surprised jolt. This hand, light in its touch, ghostly, virtual, traces the edges of the necktie. You can hear Xavier's bated breath, waiting for your next step.
Then down, down, down to his collarbone, the dip of it, your index finger making laps twice, end to end.
Then further: his chest. And this time, it's not only your hand that wants to participate. You brace yourself on his shoulder and bend down to kiss the center of his chest. Xavier lets out a sound, and inhales sharply.
Next: his left nipple, with an additional teasing nip. His hips buck from the sensation.
You stay where you are, lifting your gaze to ascertain his expression. His head is turned away, hiding his face, a hand covering half of it. But it's useless for him to hide, because his ear is in your direct line of vision, and it's a glaring red.
This propels you to indulge more: the hand on his shoulder slides down to pay his other nipple attention. His legs shift, restless. The sounds of his gasps and moans occupy the room. You feast on him, laying your tongue flat on him and dragging it wetly until you hear him stutter your name.
“M-My lady—I—”
You surge forward, and the force topples the stack of pillows behind him. In the midst of this, you reposition your legs so that you're finally straddling Xavier, your skirt bunching up just below your waist, and—teasingly—grind against his straining cock.
He jerks, grabbing at your hips, attempting at more friction, but you remind him who's in charge, and he eventually relents, taking deep breaths to calm himself.
“Sorry about that, my lady. I'm—I'm good now.”
“That's my good bunny.” Then you continue exploring his body with your tongue.
He tastes faintly of sweat but also the scent-taste of his body wash. He's showered just before calling you up. And for some reason, that does you: you rise to kiss him again, and your free hand sneaks itself under him—and grabs his bunny tail.
Xavier yelps, scarlet, shocked at the action, gaping at you and your smug face.
You squeeze the fluffy ball of a tail in response.
“M-My lady...!” he blurts.
“Shame that I didn't get to play with this last time,” you muse, feeling up the soft thing. It twitches under your curious touch. Delighted, you shift around Xavier's torso to lift his hips and study and poke at the tail repeatedly, entranced at the bounce and fuzziness of it. “A wasted opportunity, don't you think so?”
When you check Xavier's reaction, you have to hold back your laugh. He's clearly uncomfortable, but the discomfort is brought upon by embarrassment, as evidenced by his squirming and the persistence of his blush.
Words have left him, so he just averts your leery gaze, bury his face into the nearest pillow, and groans.
Taking pity on him, you release his tail—but not without giving it one last flick; he jolts—and slide your hands around the waistband of his pants. You're fumbling for the button and then the zipper when two gloved hands hinder your actions.
Xavier's face is rearranged into an indulgent yet mischievous smile. “My lady can enjoy me as long as you like. There's no need to hurry.”
But that's the thing, isn't it? You have already enjoyed him so much and enough that at one point things are bound to snap. He as your focal point of your want, the desire that thrums alongside your veins, almost like blood.
“But Mr. Bunny Butler,” you start, adopting a light, airy voice and tilting your head up at him, “there are a lot of things to enjoy from you. I'm not sure if one evening would do.”
Before Xavier can even get a word edgewise, you tear his pants open and yank his boxers down, freeing his cock.
“My la—”
His cock is a firm, solid weight on your hand, and Xavier bucks at the first contact, a halfway gasp ripping out of him. You watch his reactions as you stroke him slowly—painfully slowly, tantalizingly slowly—as your other hand crawl up his waist, flat palm spanning his side.
You know, intellectually and objectively, that Xavier is pretty. Gunmetal-grey hair that shimmers under the starry night sky. His smooth, unlined skin that you're harboring unholy envy for, soft under your curious fingers, almost pristine, untouched all his life. The column of his neck, strong bones underneath the layer of skin and muscle, the prominence of his Adam's apple. The outline of his body—even and proportioned, balanced like a finely crafted sword. And most of all: his eyes, the most expressive part of all of him. The color of an unperturbed sky, always clear and never lost. A steady glister in the darkness.
Right now, though, he's different altogether. Almost otherworldly in the way he's unraveling under your clever fingers. A shift of pressure and he's biting down the meat of his hand in a poor attempt to muffle his groans. A fleeting trail across the slit of his cock and his eyes flutter shut, his hips jumping off the mattress. He thrashes in chase of the pressure and pleasure you're providing him in crumbs, your need to see him lose that frustrating control of his. You keep stroking him and watching him blossom before you, petal by petal, limb by limb, nerve by nerve.
“My lady—” He's panting, running out of breath, his voice gaining that frenzied quality. It's music to your ears. “Master—Master, haa—”
He's coming, you can feel it. You can see it through his quickening breaths, the flush of his skin all over his body, the white-knuckled fist of his hands, the throb of his cock.
“My lady, I'm co—”
You release him, and the slow transformation of his face is such a fascinating phenomenon. From the crunch of pleasure, then crumpling into confusion. He raises his head to see you leaning back, hands away from him, his hazy eyes taking in what's happening—or its lack of. Then they widen, his mouth dropping open to release a sound of distress, round and full and cracking.
“Why did you ...”
You tug at the ends of the ribbon-necktie. He clicks his mouth shut.
“You said I can enjoy you as long as I like. There's no need to hurry.”
His gaze finally clears, and he gulps, nodding. Near your hips, Xavier's cock leaks.
“Then ...” You lay on top of him, chest to chest, thigh to thigh, your belly pressing against his pulsing cock (he freezes at this, and then continues to freeze), and place your arms on the sides of his head so your hands can reach the bunny ears. They still react delightfully under your roaming touch. “I'm going to enjoy these a little more. Don't move too much, okay?”
The room becomes pinched with quiet, and while you're intent on the furry ears atop Xavier's head, you can sense in your periphery his eyes on you. He's careful not to jostle you, the air he breathes catching on your skin, and you feel his arms snaking around your waist, settling on the small of your back.
“You really like the costume that much, huh.”
You hum in acknowledgment, rubbing the area where accessory meets scalp. You scratch it with your light fingernails, and Xavier sighs at the feeling.
When you leave the ears, you turn your attention to Xavier's expression next. He's still observing you, his flush now pale but enduringly distinct across his cheeks, and that entices you to meet his lips in a slow, patient kiss.
“It's nice, seeing you go through such effort to make me happy,” you answer him after you separate, punctuating the statement with a pleased, narrow-eyed smile.
A thought takes over Xavier, with the way his brows knit. Moments pass, you regard him, until he finally opens his mouth to articulate whatever has occupied him.
“My lady,” he begins, hesitant at first, but each word gains confidence, “there's something I want to do for you.”
“I want you to”—and here his stare morphs into that puppy dog eyes again—“sit on my face. Please.”
You're stunned. The room continues to be quiet, and you're stunned. Xavier doesn't add anything after that; just waiting for your response. He's probably not sensing how you've finally shut down. You, felled by nine words, the last one an imperative period that brooked no refusal.
When he calls you, his face and his voice are tinted with uncertainty.
“Stars, Xavier.” You scramble up to reposition yourselves in accordance to his request. During this transitory moment, Xavier removes his gloves with his teeth. Now bare, both his hands come up to hold your thighs from behind, adjusting their spread and angle. You want to whine self-consciously, but glimpsing Xavier's eager expression as you move towards his head, you stamp that part in your mind. “Okay down there?”
He doesn't reply—instead he just goes for it.
Your hands shoot for the headboard, a surprised cry shocked out of you. Is this Xavier's way of revenge for denying his orgasm earlier? The way he confronts you is not unlike a battle, with his single-minded focus on his goal and his preciseness. He parts your folds with his tongue, pays attention to your clit first: sucks it lightly before dialing it up. You convulse, your hips digging down, and he moans, the vibration thrumming your flesh.
“Xavier,” you sob, “Xavier. Xavier.”
He laps around your clit like a thirsty man, hands kneading your thighs. He must've been thinking about this for a while now, with how methodical he's going by it, strategized to push you into becoming a complete and utter wreck. He kisses your clit then mouths it, moves his tongue in lateral glides that have you thrashing on your position. You grind against him, and he welcomes it wholeheartedly, and behind you his hips thrust helplessly in air, his stubbornly hard cock drooling with pre-come.
One hand nudges you forward and you follow, until his tongue enters inside you—you gasp and shiver at the slick intrusion—drinks you with such loudness that you wouldn't be surprised if his neighbors overhear what the two of you have been doing.
He knows how to prolong the barrage of pleasure, that heat and swell around your core, your undulating hips, sustained until you buckle and collapse from the force of it, your orgasm torrential like a storm.
When Xavier emerges between your legs, his face shines from your slick and his saliva. A fond smile slips out of you, and a finger traces the length of his lips; then your entire hand, cupping the side of his face, a tender caress. A smile of his own appears and he nuzzles your hand, kisses the center of your palm, eyes closed and sated.
“Good boy,” you praise, and he sighs happily. “So good for me. Have to reward you, don't I?”
The third reward: release. You move back to pull his pants and boxers off him completely, and Xavier just watches you with anticipation, breaths in quick bursts.
“You know the drill: don't move.” You underline this order with a tease of his cock, a line-trail from the tip to the base and then a quick squeeze of his balls.
When you align yourself above him and begin to sink down, Xavier goes rigid-stiff, daring not to breathe, careful not to move. You pause from your progress, and send him a worried look.
“I—I'm—” He bites his lip, exhales through his nose. “I'm okay, I just. I'm just trying not to react too much.”
He casts you a helpless gaze. “Because, my lady, I'm afraid that my control would slip, and I would have my selfish way with you.”
You falter at that. To be honest that's not such a bad idea at all, but Xavier knows that this is for you and your needs, and what you need right now—and what you want, if one were to ask—is him under you, at your mercy. Just as he is right now.
So you move lower, feeling the head of his cock open you up, slowly. And you can hear the hitching breaths unwittingly made by him, his eyes shut and his whole expression folded inward, as if he couldn't handle the pleasure descending over him.
A groan tumbles out of his lips, low at first, quick and fleeting, but as you inch lower and lower, the feel of his cock molding you inside, the wanton sounds he makes lengthens, gets louder, until he parts those glistening lips and vocalizes his satisfaction.
“My lady—you feel so—”
“Good, I hope.”
He doesn't wait until you bottom out; he bucks his hips to sheathe himself inside you completely in one smooth motion. You cry out from his action, his cock pulsing against your walls, and the feeling of him pulls you in further bliss that your eyes flutter closed and your back arches as the pleasure spreads throughout your body.
“The best, my lady.”
He gasps when you clench around him, your wetness dripping between your joined bodies.
You really think the best position Xavier has ever been is here right now: underneath you, helpless to your demands, seized by pleasure that you're giving him and taking from him. The way his face doesn't know what to do in the undulating waves of pressure as you begin to move above him, your hips lifting and then slamming back down; the film of sweat coating his skin all over, moistening the sheets beneath the two of you. The severe grip of his hands, bunching up the blankets in their deathly clutch. His rapid heartbeat under your palm as you support your weight by bracing yourself on his chest. His moans, his filthy, filthy moans—his moans that you will remember until your dying day because they are so far out of his cultivated normalcy—open-mouthed, slack-jawed moans that come from the core of his abdomen, surging upwards, frantic, crazed, melodiously and sublimely wanton.
“Look at you, Xavier,” you pant, and one of Xavier's legs kicks out. “Look at my bunny butler.”
“What do you want, darling?” you ask, shakily tracing the side of his face. When your fingers near his mouth he turns his head to place a kiss at your fingertips, then drags his tongue out to lick at their length. Your index and middle fingers press flat at his tongue, and he groans around them. His puffs of breath beat in time with the movement of your hips.
One hand crawls towards your thigh, haltingly slides upwards, up to the junction of your hips, where it disappears under the spill of your skirt. Then it reaches behind to squeeze at the meat of your ass, and you gasp, stuttering your pace.
You take out your fingers so he can answer you, but Xavier grabs your wrist with his other hand and brings it back to his lips, trails kisses on each finger, murmurs nonsensical things against your saliva-coated skin until, louder, he tells you—
“Everything you can give me, my lovely Master.”
And, oh, isn't that a wonderful thing to hear? That readiness of his—be it in battle or in bed, he rolls with everything you throw at him, as though there's nothing that can taint you in his eyes, no betrayal to feel forsaken by. As though all that he's done, all that he's doing, is in service to you.
And it's because of this that you use the same hand to cup at his jaw and jerk it in your direction, bowing down to kiss him, bite his lower lip, thrust your tongue inside, lick the roof of his mouth, suck his own tongue—devour him fully and utterly.
He meets your intent with his own, just as intense, just as parched and hungry as you are for him. Every exhale is accompanied by a soft sigh, and you swallow his every sound—that lovely and soothing voice that lingers in your mind and haunts the edges of your dreams. His reaction just drives you to speed up your pace.
He's trembling all over, and tries to shift the angle from which you're riding him. Doing so affords his cock to hit something inside you, lighting up your body, starburst behind your eyelids, and you jolt, a whimper tearing out of your throat that Xavier drinks greedily. His hand on your ass traverses to your clit and plays with it, intensifying the blast of sensations on your lower body.
Obstructed by your mouth, Xavier tries: “My lady, I think—I'm close.”
“Me too, I'm—don't hold back—”
He doesn't. And he doubles his efforts in relentlessly stroking your clit and pounding up inside you, and the pleasure crests and crests and crests until you pulse and clench and come, sobbing at the white-hot crash flooding your nerves, collapsing on top of Xavier, mouths still connected.
And he doesn't stop. This time both his hands bracket your hips; grinds you down as he pushes deeper and deeper inside you. You're oversensitive but you don't stop him, just clinging to him and whimpering, and he begins to assail your ear, his panting tangible and hot against your skin.
“My lady, my lady,” he chants, voice shattering like glass. “My lady—Master—”
His orgasm feels like an echo of your own release, his spend filling inside you. Xavier gives a few more thrusts before slowing down and stopping. A self-satisfied sigh ripples over his relaxed body, and his hands climb to your back, guide you to pillow your head on his chest, embracing you as you melt on top of him.
Minutes pass, and his breathing evens; you expected him to fall asleep after, but when you look up his eyes are emphatically open.
“Aren't you sleeping?”
He glances down at you. Quirks a smile. “No, not yet.”
“Oh ...”
“We're not finished, my lady.”
“You've had your fill, Master.” He smirks. Then flips you over, reversing your positions so he's now on top of you. He starts unbuttoning your shirt. “Now let me have mine.”
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maarrgarr · 10 months
The Unknown Heir.
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader.
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warnings: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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Satoru remembered once, when he was fifteen years old, someone in his family told him that he had to have children for the Gojo legacy to continue to exist, and so that the world would not be unprotected from curses.
At that moment he only responded by rolling his eyes. He was just a teenager who only thought about having a good time and maybe sleeping with different women. But the idea of starting a family did not appeal to him.
Until he accepted his feelings towards you and the two of them started a relationship.
Until he saw you playing with Megumi and Tsumiki. Until he saw you trying to learn how to cook something delicious for those children who weren't even yours, but you loved them as if they were. Until he saw you comforting them when they fell and hurt themselves or had a nightmare.
When he saw all those moments he thought that the idea of having a child was not so bad. But only if I had it with you.
Perhaps, and even if it was wrong, because of that idea that had unconsciously settled in his head, the last few times they had sex he didn't care much about using a condom or not.
But he was wrong about something, in not talking to you about it. Because if only he had told you his desire to have a child with you, if he had only been more open, you would not have left.
But he thought it was not necessary to tell you. He thought that with all the love that he showed you daily, you would trust him and if you ever got pregnant you would tell him and you would both be happy.
But that didn't happen.
You got pregnant, but you didn't tell him anything and you left.
And he couldn't understand why.
Smoking was a habit you had long since given up. You haven't done it since you were a teenager, specifically since you started dating Satoru, who hated smoking. He lived scolding every time he saw you take out a cigarette and a lighter, he said that, in addition to smelling bad, it was also harmful to your health, so over time you stopped doing it.
Until an hour ago.
You didn't come back to the room after the argument you had with Satoru. You texted Shoko asking her to put Ryusei to sleep and you didn't tell her anything else.
You had already stopped crying and now you just limited yourself to inhaling the cigarette smoke and looking at nothing.
You wouldn't blame Gojo if he decided to never speak to you again. You hated yourself for ruining everything nice that you and Satoru ever had.
You had no coherent excuse for what you had done, except that you were a coward who got scared and ran away.
You weren't so concerned about whether or not Satoru would take care of Ryusei, you knew deep inside that Gojo Satoru would be incapable of not accepting his heir.
Now what occupies your worries was how you were going to cope with your relationship with Satoru, how were they going to organize about Ryusei's upbringing? if they couldn't even hold a conversation without arguing.
By the time you realized it, it was already dawn and soon you would have to meet Gojo.
You went back to your room and saw how Ryusei was fast asleep. You woke him up and helped him change and then left him with Shoko. You noticed that your son was a little quieter than usual, "Everything alright, Ryu?" you asked him and he just nodded. You thought maybe he was just tired.
"You have to tell me what happened last night" Ieiri told you when you left Ryusei with her, "I'll tell you everything well later. Now I have to go meet Gojo and see what he says" you told her and she smiled at you trying to calm your nerves, "I'm sure Satoru adored Ryu, after all, he's his copy."
When you arrived at the training ground, you were surprised not to find the students, nor Gojo there. You were about to turn around and go ask Yaga where they were, but when you did you found yourself face to face with Satoru.
The nerves invaded you.
"They went on a mission" he told you. "Ah" was the only thing that came out of you.
You two were silent, until you broke it.
You took a breath before saying what you were thinking of telling him. "Gojo, I have no excuses to give you why I ran away and didn't tell you that I was pregnant. Fear won me, and I'm not making excuses, I just didn't know what to do and-" He cut you off, "You were a coward and I thought that I was not dating a coward." His words hurt you, but you just swallowed and nodded, after all he was right. "Yes, I was a coward. And I'm so sorry Satoru, seriously, I'm sorry" you were sincere with your words and he noticed it, but right now he didn't care about your forgiveness.
"I didn't come to listen to your regrets. I came to talk about my son" you never got used to Gojo's serious tone, because he practically never used it with you. "I want to see him." he told you, and you clenched your jaw, you still hadn't planned how to tell Ryusei that Gojo was his dad. "Now?" you asked him, "Yes, now" he replied firmly. You sighed, "Okay, I'm going to go find him, wait here".
You started walking towards the infirmary, and meanwhile, you thought about how to explain the whole situation to your son.
It was time for Satoru and Ryusei to formally meet.
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TAG LIST: @jellykingsblog , @dummyf , @nyfwyeonjun , @lenasvoid , @yyxy27 , @staygoldsquatchling02 , @whoami-72 , @blackcatpandora , @descargueestoporgojosatoru , @iluv-ace , @mommasbigd , @guenievresworld , @idktbhloley , @cluvsya, @ieathairs , @darianias , @dcvilxswish , @kyriekurokami , @yourfavstalker25789 , @pumpkin-spi , @witchbybirth , @khaleesihavilliard , @scentedprofessorbailiffstudent, @nerdiel-has-no-braincells , @chalametnpeaches , @ajaxxlvs, @fandomsinthegalaxies , @stxrrielle , @ascybous, @safaia-47 , @sagekko , @cassidycampfire , @philiatothephobia , @nnasv.
I'm really sorry for taking so long to upload this chapter and on top of that I accidentally posted it twice. I had a week full of exams and that's why I couldn't publish, plus I didn't have many ideas on how to follow the story either.
But here is chapter 19, I don't like it very much, but I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you very much for understanding and for all the support this story receives <3.
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slyscoutess · 2 months
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paring: enzo vogrincic x fem!reader [ no faceclaim ] summary: your boyfriend, enzo, needs to lose a lot of weight during the filming of his new movie. You decided that you wouldn't let it be a torture for him, discovering and sharing new recipes together. writer: I always find myself thinking about Enzo talking about how it was a great time for him, the time he needed to lose weight. And I got the little idea of ​​him being quite domestic with his girlfriend, trying out those new recipes that would help with the weight loss journey.
( tradução para o português )
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liked by franromerofran, vogrincicenzo, annafntoni and 123 others
yourusername It's been 84 years since this house went on a mandatory diet, mainly because I wouldn't leave Enzo completely alone in this, and now father and son are both kinda grumpy
view all 34 comments
simonhempe pipito suffering from having to eat healthily, just like me fr
yourusername He is suffering because his father can no longer spoil him with food, gato arruinado
moratodeschini give the cat what he wants, the man I don't really care????
kuku.esteban I'm in favor of hiring pipo to act in pipe's place, almost same name
rocco.posca wtf??? Why does your breakfast seem to be tastier than it should be??
matiasrecalt My meals are so tasteless I'm thinking about throwing myself off the cabbage tree vogrincicenzo thank god is my girlfriend who cook this type of thing for me
pipegonzalezotano missing real food hour
paubaldini this seems soo good, i'm gonna ugly cry
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Enzo woke up that morning with a sense of calm and determination that enveloped him like a gentle hug. The sunlight, filtered through the partly open curtains, painted the room with a golden aura, making him feel as though he were immersed in a peaceful dream. Nestled between soft sheets, he allowed his mind to adjust to waking up, absorbing the serenity that permeated the environment. The enticing aroma of coffee wafted through the air, filling him with anticipation and comfort. He knew, without needing to get up, that his girlfriend was already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast with care and love. It was a ritual of connection, a way to start the day together, sharing not only meals but also dreams and aspirations.
The weight loss journey for his role in "The Snow Society" had become more than just a professional goal. It had become a central part of their lives, a shared journey that strengthened their bond and united them in a common purpose. They had embraced this journey together, facing challenges and celebrating victories side by side. Every morning, as they smelled the fresh coffee and contemplated the soft light flooding the room, they renewed their mutual commitment to care for each other and themselves. It was more than just losing weight for a role; it was about taking care of their bodies, nurturing their minds, and strengthening their relationship through mutual support and camaraderie.
With a gentle yawn, Enzo stretched in bed, letting the last remnants of sleep escape his body. Wearing his comfortable pajama shorts, he prepared for another day filled with challenges and adventures alongside his partner. Aware of the possibilities the day held, he filled himself with determination and curiosity, readily willing to face whatever came his way. As he stepped through the partly open door of the kitchen, Enzo was greeted by the familiar and comforting sound of hot water passing through the coffee filter. The welcoming aroma filled the room, enveloping him in an aura of comfort and familiarity. His girlfriend was focused, her skilled hands carefully cutting fresh fruits, ready to compose the perfect breakfast. The morning ritual of preparing the first meal of the day together was a tangible expression of their love and mutual commitment.
As he watched his partner work with skill, Enzo couldn't help but smile at Pipo, the couple's lazy cat, elegantly stretched out on the counter, lazily watching the kitchen activity. The feline was a constant presence in their lives, bringing comfort and joy with its serene and indolent personality. Enzo approached the counter, enveloping his girlfriend in a hug from behind, planting a loving kiss on her neck. The atmosphere was imbued with a tranquil serenity, as if the very air were suffused with an aura of peace. The gentle clinking of knives cutting fresh fruit was the only sound breaking the silence, creating a delicate and comforting melody that filled the kitchen. Enzo, entering quietly, contemplated the scene with a sense of calm and admiration.
His girlfriend was immersed in her work, her graceful and precise movements revealing the dedication and care she put into each task, not only in meal preparation but also in nurturing their relationship. Every fruit cut was executed with a mastery that denoted years of practice and love for the culinary arts. Enzo watched her with a sparkle in his eyes, marveling at his partner's skill and grace. It was as if she were dancing among the ingredients, moving with a natural harmony and fluidity that captivated his heart. In her delicate gestures, he saw not only a master in the kitchen but also a committed companion intent on making every shared moment special and meaningful.
As the sunlight gently spilled through the window, illuminating the scene with golden hues, Enzo felt inundated with a sense of gratitude and tenderness. That was the essence of the life they had built together: simple moments, yet laden with love and mutual care. And in that moment, as he stood there, silently admiring her, Enzo knew there was no place he'd rather be than by her side, sharing every small moment of the journey they had chosen to walk together.
Enzo felt a comforting warmth spread through his chest as he wrapped his girlfriend in a hug from behind, his arms enveloping her with tenderness and protection. The delicate scent emanating from her enveloped him like an invisible embrace, flooding his senses with a feeling of familiarity and love. She was more than his partner; she was his anchor amidst the storms of life, his source of comfort and strength in times of adversity. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, Enzo allowed himself to sink into that moment of shared intimacy, letting himself be carried away by the comforting sensation of being with the person he loved. Each beat of his heart seemed to echo the deep bond they shared, strengthening their connection and renewing his determination to face the challenges that lay ahead.
As his arms embraced his girlfriend, Enzo felt her gently interrupt the fruit cutting, her fingers sliding down his arm with a gentle caress. It was as if she could read his thoughts, sharing not only his concerns about the necessary weight loss for the role but also his determination to make this journey as bearable and rewarding as possible for both of them. It was in moments like these, surrounded by the calm of the morning and the comforting presence of each other, that Enzo found strength and inspiration to keep moving forward. Knowing they had each other to lean on, to share the joys and burdens of life, was an invaluable gift that he would never cease to cherish.
Enzo knew well that she had delved headfirst into extensive research, consulting nutritionists and exploring various approaches to diet and weight loss. Every article read, every conversation with experts, was an incessant quest for knowledge, an attempt to find the most effective and healthy path to achieve their goals. Her determination was palpable, and Enzo deeply admired her tireless dedication. Together, they had turned all that knowledge into action, developing a carefully crafted meal plan. Every meal was meticulously planned, ensuring they received all the necessary nutrients to sustain their bodies during the intense weight loss process. However, the plan wasn't just about nutritional aspects; they also made sure that each dish was an enjoyable gastronomic experience, preserving the taste and pleasure of food.
Enzo felt a profound sense of gratitude for having such a dedicated and loving partner by his side. She not only shared their goals but also invested her time and energy to ensure they achieved success together. It was a clear demonstration of the mutual commitment they nurtured, not only regarding weight loss but also in building and strengthening their relationship. As the comforting aroma of coffee filled the kitchen, Enzo took a moment to appreciate the tranquility of the moment. There, next to his partner, he knew that no matter how challenging the road ahead might be, they would be together.
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liked by pipegonzalezotano, matiasrecalt, paulabaldini and 104 others
yourusername Today's lunch featured seafood, and for dessert, Enzo stole tangerines from the neighbor and pretended it was normal (which it probably is for him, since we don't buy tangerines and he's always eating one).
view all 42 comments
kuku.esteban Tomorrow it will be in all the newspapers in Latin America: Uruguayan actor steals mixiricas and an INCAPABLE elderly man
vongrincicenzo incapable is me, that old man is in excellent condition
franromerofran stop immediately, you are prohibited from posting delicious food
yourusername that's my boyfriend fran franromerofran STOP
pipegonzalezotano NO MORE SALAD I BEG YOU
rocco.posca Another day, another desire to live in the Vogrincic house
feliperamusiomora petition for enzo to let us sleep on his couch vogrincicenzo petition denied, and don't listen to nena, she shouldn't agree
agustinpardella I can smell the shrimp in the photo, I'm going crazy
alfosinacarrocio I'm stopping in front of your house immediately
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Enzo was sitting on the balcony of the apartment, immersed in his lines as he reviewed the script for his next project. The golden afternoon sun bathed the surroundings, gently warming his face and illuminating the space around him. The warm breeze blew softly, carrying with it the fresh scent of flowers from the garden below.
However, even amidst his concentration, something caught his attention. His eyes diverted from the paper and fixed on the tangerine trees in the front house. It was a simple yet captivating sight. The branches laden with small citrus fruits swayed gently in the wind, creating a delicate and mesmerizing dance. That old house had always held a charm over Enzo since he and his girlfriend moved into the apartment. The weathered walls and windows adorned with lace curtains evoked a sense of nostalgia and romance that he simply adored. But it was the tangerine trees that truly fascinated him.
Every time he looked at those small bushes, Enzo was transported to a place of tranquility and calm. With determination, Enzo carefully placed Pipo, his sleepy cat that was on his lap, onto the balcony table. He felt the slight weight of the feline transfer to the wood as he rose, ready to venture out. The sun still gently bathed the surroundings, casting playful shadows across the furniture.
Enzo leaned, but did not close, the balcony door silently, letting the cat enjoy the fresh air as he ventured outside. Passing through the kitchen, a delicious aroma of home-cooked food enveloped him. His girlfriend, wearing one of his oversized t-shirts and denim shorts, was focused on preparing lunch. Her hair fell casually over her shoulders as she skillfully stirred a pot. A wave of desire washed over him as he saw her there, so natural and beautiful in the simplicity of that everyday moment. Enzo felt an intense urge to approach her, to envelop her in his arms and whisper words of love. But he resisted, knowing he had a mission to accomplish that day.
With a discreet smile on his lips, Enzo restrained himself, averting his gaze with determination. With careful steps, he left the house and closed the door with a gentle click, ensuring there was no noise to disturb the tranquility inside. The wood of the door fit perfectly into the frame, as if cooperating with his intention to leave without attracting attention.
As the sun began to bathe the kitchen with its golden rays, the current cook of the house began to feel the gentle touch of Pipo sliding down her leg. She was surprised by the cat's presence there, knowing that at that time, he would probably be enjoying the sun on the balcony with Enzo. With a curious smile, she bent down to pet the feline and asked in a soft voice, "What are you doing here, Pipo? Where's your dad?" Pipo looked at her with his large curious eyes but made no sound in response. His tail moved slowly from side to side, as if subtly communicating something.
Intrigued, the woman picked up the cat and decided to investigate. With light steps and the cat nestled between her arms, she headed to the balcony, where she hoped to find her boyfriend. Upon reaching the glass door that separated the kitchen from the outdoor space, a gentle breeze caressed her face, bringing with it the fresh scent of plants and flowers. Her eyes scanned the balcony, looking for Enzo, but he wasn't there. She furrowed her brow, confused by his absence, but her heart warmed at the tranquil and serene scene before her. The sun's rays painted everything with golden hues, creating an atmosphere of peace and serenity.
With a contented sigh, Enzo's girlfriend approached the table, where Pipo used to settle next to his boyfriend. She imagined Enzo there, immersed in his thoughts or perhaps reviewing the script while the cat slept peacefully by his side. Realizing that Enzo wasn't on the balcony, his girlfriend began to search for him, talking to Pipo as she looked around. "Where did your dad go?" she muttered, while the cat meowed in response, as if trying to help in the search.
Her gaze eventually found Enzo in the front house, using his t-shirt to make a basket and pick tangerines from the neighbor's tree. With a playful smile, she greeted the man who lived in the house, saying, "Good morning, Mr. Oliveira!"
Enzo, surprised by his girlfriend's sudden appearance, quickly looked up and, in doing so, lost his balance, dropping some of the fruits he had picked, feeling somewhat embarrassed as he tried to retrieve the tangerines that had rolled out of the makeshift basket. His girlfriend chuckled softly at the situation, approaching to help him gather the fallen fruits. Enzo smiled, feeling relieved that it was just another playful joke from his beloved, until the voice of the neighboring gentleman emerged not as distant as he would have liked. "Good morning, dear, how's your afternoon going?" he addressed the neighbor with a wave, working in his garden not so far from the tangerine trees. Enzo's eyes widened quickly; it was clear that she would know about it, taking time to talk to her neighbor when she wasn't working and Enzo wasn't home. Enzo and his girlfriend looked at each other, sharing a knowing smile before Enzo quickly ran back to his apartment, leaving the freshly picked tangerines on the kitchen counter. Upon arriving home, he found his girlfriend still chatting with the neighbor on the balcony. He smiled to see her so comfortable but decided to surprise her and continue playing the role of the good guy to the old man who lived in the house across the street.
With light steps, Enzo pretended to leave the house for the first time that day, yawning exaggeratedly and stretching as he approached her from behind. The gentle breeze played with his hair as he approached, his loose t-shirt adorning his body casually. One of his hands slid gently to her waist, while the other stretched in a theatrical yawn. He leaned in to gently kiss the top of her head, his lips brushing lightly against her hair as he spoke.
"Ah, good morning, babe," he murmured sleepily, trying to maintain a tone of surprise in his voice. "Good morning, Mr. Oliveira!" his voice now a bit louder, as he greeted the neighbor, waving gently to him, who waved back. His girlfriend turned with a smile on her lips as she felt Enzo's touch, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she realized what he was doing, deciding to play along. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she replied, laughing softly. "Are you aware that it's already lunchtime?"
Enzo laughed, feeling happy to be sharing that relaxed moment with her. "You know how it is, I was up late last night, it was reealy hard to sleep," he joked, gently squeezing his girlfriend's waist in a loving gesture. The neighbor, who was watching the scene with a friendly smile, once again drew the couple's attention, engaging in a new conversation with the woman, occasionally bringing up Enzo, who, in turn, smiled at the neighbor, conveying an impression of courtesy and friendliness, but his thoughts were fully focused on the woman by his side.
Unable to resist the growing desire within him, Enzo let his hands slowly descend to her hips, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his fingers, which soon wandered to one side of her ass, still pretending normalcy, as if listening to the whole conversation. He gently squeezed it, conveying a subtle signal of possessiveness and affection as the conversation continued. Time seemed to slow down as they exchanged words with the neighbor, but inside, Enzo was eager for the moment when they would be alone again. Each touch, each glance exchanged with his girlfriend only heightened his longing for her.
As Enzo enveloped his girlfriend in a passionate embrace, she gently interrupted the effusive exchange of affection to address a few words to the neighbor, who was still watching from below. "Mr. Oliveira, I think it's time for lunch. Let's resume this conversation later, okay?" she said, smiling at the man as she slowly moved away from Enzo's embrace.
The neighbor nodded understandingly. "Of course, no problem! See you later, kids," he replied with a friendly smile before heading back to his house. With the brief interaction concluded, Enzo's girlfriend turned to him, ready to resume the moment of intimacy they had interrupted. However, before she could say anything, she felt Enzo's head bury into her neck, his arms wrapping around her from behind.
She sighed softly, feeling a shiver run down her spine with the light kisses Enzo left on her neck. It was a simple gesture, but filled with affection and tenderness, which made her feel loved and desired. The kisses gradually turned into nibbles, causing the woman to lean back into her boyfriend's warm touch, who in turn pressed his hips more against hers, his lips delicately moving to her ear. "Let's go inside, babe, I need to eat something…" he whispered in her ear, his voice husky and incredibly endearing, he knew well when and how to use it. "Lunch is ready, we can serve ourselves now, my love," she commented. Enzo chuckled playfully at her response, squeezing her more in his arms with tenderness. "Always thinking about food, huh?" He said with a teasing smile, his lips gently brushing against her neck as he spoke. "But I think I can make an effort not to completely exhaust you, after all, the smell of lunch is so good that it would be a sin not to enjoy it later," he whispered, before pulling her back into the house again.
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liked by agustinpardella, kuku.esteban, paulabaldini and 113 others
yourusername Time to replenish some shortages in the fridge, and Pipito decided he didn't want to leave Enzo's lap, or was it Enzo who decided not to let go of the cat?
view all 42 comments
moratodeschini Living or just waiting for the moment when I'll steal Enzo's cat and girl?
vongrincicenzo please don't feliperamusiomora I'm right here, you know?
simonhempe pipito just living the life I dream of
yourusername you dream abou my boyfriend's lap? vogrincicenzo I also dream about u
pipegonzalezotano your fridge must be very sad
rocco.posca just waiting for her to decide what they are going to eat for dinner so she can give me the drive with the recipes for my menu for tomorrow
matiasrecalt Rocco said something about uploads a recipe drive every night, nena send it to me
kuku.esteban It's good that you went out shopping and aren't stealing from other people's houses
agustinpardella Who's to say they didn't steal from the market? jeronimogiocondobosia and tomorrow in the daily newspaper . . .
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As Enzo and his partner walked through the aisles filled with shelves brimming with colorful and aromatic ingredients, a package of pasta caught her attention. With a smile on her lips, she picked it up, displaying it with a curious gaze. "What kind of sauce do you prefer today, love?" Her voice carried a note of curiosity, as if she were ready to venture into creating a new dish. Enzo, staring at the package with anticipation in his eyes, considered for a moment before replying, his smile widening as he imagined the flavors blending perfectly.
"How about a well-seasoned tomato sauce?" he suggested, his mind already running through the steps to prepare the dish. He could visualize the fresh tomatoes being cut into juicy pieces, the aroma of garlic browning in the pan, and the spices dancing around, ready to transform the simple pasta into a culinary masterpiece. His partner nodded with a smile of approval and said softly, "You know, I was thinking, we could try that recipe we saw on TikTok? It looked delicious and would be a great option for breakfast."
Enzo smiled, agreeing with the idea. "We can do that tomorrow morning. I think it will be a perfect way to start the day." As they continued to wait in line at the checkout, Enzo felt a comforting warmth as he held his partner's hand. It was a simple gesture, but it filled his heart with love and gratitude. He realized how lucky he was to have someone so special by his side.
Enzo looked at his partner and said with a sincere smile, "You always have the best ideas . . ." He quickly heard his girlfriend's laughter, as she hugged onto his arm, a great deal of affection in her laughter. As they waited in the checkout line, the tranquil atmosphere of the market seemed to envelop them in a cocoon of intimacy. Enzo felt her body heat drawing closer, and before he could realize it, she gently rested her face on his shoulder, their gazes meeting in a moment of complicity. Her eyes sparkled with tenderness as they looked at him, conveying a feeling of affection and connection that filled Enzo's heart with a sweet sensation of love. He could feel the warmth of her breath, each beat of her heart seemed to echo in perfect harmony with his own. Without thinking too much, Enzo let his instincts guide his actions. With an almost instinctive gentleness, he leaned forward slightly, capturing her lips in a quick and delicate kiss. It was a simple gesture, but full of meaning, an expression of affection that spoke volumes without the need for words. Her lips responded to the touch, their hearts dancing in unison, sealing the moment with a sweet promise of mutual love and unconditional support. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, lost in their own little universe of affection and love.
"I have to start changing supermarkets," Enzo and his partner were immersed in their own world, lost in the sweet moment they shared, when a familiar voice interrupted their bubble of intimacy. It was the lively voice of Matias Recalt, certainly the couple's best and closest friend, approaching with a shopping basket. "A little modesty, please," exclaimed Matias, with a playful smile on his face. Enzo and his partner quickly separated, blushing slightly at the surprise of being caught in such an intimate moment. They exchanged quick glances, sharing a shy smile before greeting Matias. "Hi, Matias!" said Enzo, trying to disguise his surprise. "How are you?" Matias laughed, noticing the slight tension in the air. "Sorry for interrupting your romantic moment. I hope I was being intrusive!" The woman laughed, shaking her head. "Don't worry, Matias, we just got a little distracted." Enzo agreed, relieved to see Matias's easygoing nature. "Oh, didn't even notice."
As they waited in the checkout line, the conversation between the three flowed naturally, as it always did when they were together. Matias shared some funny stories about his day, and Enzo couldn't help but laugh, while his partner smiled, enjoying the friends' banter.
Meanwhile, they went through their purchases, each carrying their baskets towards the checkout. The atmosphere was light and relaxed, and Enzo felt grateful for the presence of their friends. When it was finally their turn at the checkout, Matias bid them farewell with a wave, wishing them a good night. Enzo and his partner thanked him for the enjoyable encounter and exchanged more smiles before heading out of the market.
The cool night air enveloped them as they exited, and Enzo and his girlfriend walked together towards their parked bicycles. They intertwined their hands, a simple yet meaningful connection that symbolized the support and affection they shared.
"And that would be another almost end of the day," said Enzo, looking at his partner with a smile. She nodded, agreeing. "Yes, even though it was interrupted at the end."
Enzo laughed, agreeing with her. "True, I found it funny he wrote down everything you bought so he could cook tomorrow." They reached their bicycles and, together, mounted them, ready to head back home.
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liked by matiasrecalt, blaspolidori, dellagustin and 109 others
yourusername Ending the day with the cast on The Sims.
view all 32 comments
blaspolidori enzo playing himself playing on the sims
yourusername he was planning our wedding vogrincicenzo and you're the flower boy, blas
simonhempe everyone of the cast?
yourusername there are some that are not filmbayona I am? yourusername yes, but you mysteriously starved
pipegonzalezotano tell me that at least then I'm watching football eating real meat
rocco.posca I hope you downloaded a mod for my hair
matiasrecalt I love this game I'm the same height as blas
moratodeschini should we tell Enzo that she has wicked whims??
alfosinacarrocio let's wait for the reaction vogrincicenzo guys . . . it was so much out of nowhere
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After a peaceful and comforting night, Enzo and his girlfriend decided to spend some time together playing The Sims. Sitting comfortably on his lap, she skillfully held the mouse while he watched attentively at the computer screen, immersed in the virtual world unfolding before them. Together, they built a small fictional community with characters from the movie cast, with every detail carefully planned to reflect their tastes and personalities. Enzo was fascinated watching his girlfriend's creativity flow as she decorated the houses, chose the furniture, and planned the sims' careers. It was as if they were creating their own world, where they could escape the daily worries and get lost in imaginary adventures.
As she delved into the game, Enzo appreciated the opportunity to simply observe her, marveling at how her expression brightened with every achievement and challenge overcome. Feeling the warmth of her presence on his lap was comforting, a constant reminder of the love and companionship they shared. Enzo watched closely at the computer screen as his girlfriend manipulated the game controls. Suddenly, an interaction between the sim representing him and the one representing his girlfriend caught his attention. He watched with fascination as the sims exchanged gestures of affection, somehow reflecting the dynamics of their own relationship.
However, his surprise soon turned to shock when suddenly the game activated a mod known as Wicked Whims. His face twisted in a expression of surprise and confusion as he witnessed the explicitly romantic interactions between the sims, far beyond what he was used to seeing in the game. Turning to his girlfriend, who was still comfortably seated on his lap, Enzo asked incredulously, "What's going on? Is this how the game is now?" His voice carried a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty as he tried to process what he had just witnessed. She simply smiled gently, noticing his confusion. With a reassuring touch on his shoulder, she explained that this was not the game in its original form, but rather a fan-made modification to add a new layer of realism and complexity to the sims' interactions."Oh, so our reality is to just start hooking up out of nowhere?"
"It's not like you can keep those hands off me…" Enzo chuckled at his girlfriend's response. His laughter was a mix of relief and amusement as he settled comfortably in the chair, his hands automatically gently squeezing her waist, as if seeking closer contact to dispel the surprise. As his fingers lightly caressed her waist, Enzo felt comforted by her presence on his lap. "Apparently she's eating for two now… maybe we could try that out here too, right nena?"
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zzoguri · 9 months
somehow, i'll gather the stars just for you ➵ jacob bae
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non-idol!jacob bae x reader
even in the nights where the stars refuse to show themselves, jacob will round them up just for you.
general genre/warnings ➵ fluff, light angst and hurt/comfort, gender neutral reader, lowercase intended, established relationship, sort of reader-centric because oof you do have problems (but we never dive into them)!, talks about constellations and stargazing, set on the beach (hence why it's part of the event), overall very soft and caring and understanding boyfriend!jacob ever, kissing, cuddling
word count ➵ 1.7k words
taglist ➵ @deoboyznet @kflixnet @blankjournal @winterchimez @miusgirl @jenoscafe @sweet-unicorn-world @mosviqu @vernyangel
playlist ➵ tila tala by syd hartha // where the sea sleeps by day6 (even of day)
a/n ➵ wrote this on a whim again. i have a tendency to write drabbles like these when i feel kinda :// but i am glad to say i am finally making my submission for deoboyznet's summer for you event!! i hope you enjoy this cute jacob drabble for the time being :]]
want to be part of my taglist? send me an ask! masterlist
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the air smells of salt and burning wood. your eyes remain closed as the crackling coming from the bonfire fills your ears. the saltwater breeze hits your cheeks, stinging them like always.
you consider this beach a safe place from any storm—a getaway car from turmoil in every corner of your life. all away from the city that brings you nothing but stress and uncertainty, the beach will do nothing but bring you comfort. 
and tonight should be like every other; the ocean would meet with the shore in intervals; the whispers of the wind are meant to be loud, mumbling melodies you never hear amid heavy traffic, and; there should be a sea of stars around the moon that glows, forming constellations you know the names of all around it.
but when there's no celestial body in sight, you realize that tonight's plans will not push through.
"this is the first time i've seen the sky filled with nothing but clouds," your boyfriend, jacob, voices out. your eyes open as you take a quick side glance at the boy beside you. "from the beach, at least"
you rip your eyes away from him only to be met with a sky that has not changed. tonight was meant for stargazing. but the one night you two finally settled on had to be one that was not made for you both.
the starry night should come—this type of occurrence has never happened in the years you spent going to this beach. so why, out of all times, did the stars refuse to show now?
jacob wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close so that your body can rest on his. your back is supported by his torso as his chin rests on your shoulder. a small sigh leaves your lips as your eyes drift back down to the body of water behind the bonfire that glows in front of you. 
"i'm sorry tonight didn't turn out as planned." jacob's whisper is almost inaudible. "i'm sure the next time will have as many constellations drawn up in the sky—ones you know the names of, of course." you know it's his attempt to lighten up the sour mood you had since leaving the city with him.
he's always been the understanding type—the one to let you feel whatever you wanted to feel, and share whatever you were comfortable enough to share. but he never fails to remind you that he's there; offer you an ear to listen to you; act as your shoulder to cry on, and; share with you words that you need to hear at any given moment.  
you swallow the lump in your throat, "we spent so long trying to find one night that works for us only to be met with a starless sky." you then stare at the orange glow that emits from the burning wood. "i can't believe this is the first time this is happening, a night with no star in sight, on the day we wanted to finally stargaze together."
and it should be a small thing to be upset about—a moment to be bummed out about but easy enough to bounce back from. but the reason you're at this beach tonight is the same reason why you always find yourself leaving the city in the first place.
jacob continues to draw unrecognizable patterns on your arm. "what do you think that is?" his question has you looking at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "do you want me to draw it again?"
when you give him a nod, he repeats his actions, tracing out four imaginary lines on your skin you cannot make a figure out of. your eyebrows remain furrowed at him, only making him slip out a chuckle. 
"i'll give you a hint; it's a constellation."
you feel yourself pout at his words. despite any ruined plans, he never fails to find a way to make any night turn in the right direction.
without any answer leaving your lips, jacob shows you a teasing look. "don't tell me you don't know your constellation when you dragged me out to the beach this late into the night." when you bump your shoulder against his chest, he lets out a giggle. "okay, i'll do it one more time. if you don't know it, i'm about to believe you don't know your astronomy after all."
he draws the pattern once more. the sensation resembles the letter "w" with wide spaces in between. and you spend your time rattling through your brain, only to figure out what he was trying to draw. "is it cassiopeia?"
he smiles at your answer and says, "wow, you know your stars!" he quickly gives you a peck on the lips, catching you by surprise at the sudden action. your flustered expression only has him smiling bigger. "think of that as a prize."
you roll your eyes. "i didn't know you knew your constellations. i was planning to show off astronomy knowledge in real-time versus having you pull out pictures and me telling you the names of each one."
"that's all i remember, really," he admits as he continues to draw patterns on your arms. at this point, you aren't sure if he's trying to draw out more constellations for you to guess or if he's simply tracing for fun. "if i remembered more, i would have let you guess all the ones i knew. it would be our way of stargazing without the stars themselves."
your heartstrings tug at his words. no matter what the world brings to shatter you, there will always be one boy who never fails to look out for you.
you let your hands reach out towards him. "give me your hand." jacob moves his hand away from the sand and lets it rest on yours. with his palm facing up, you bring your free hand to his hand. "this is," your index finger draws out a small box with a long tail. "the small dipper."
his head tilts to the side, eyebrows furrowed at what you had just drawn. "what? can you do it again? it feels like a badly drawn tadpole."
"tadpole?" you scoff, taken back by his comment. "that's the small dipper!"
you draw it out once more, only for him to hum. "sure, i guess." once you gasp at his words, he cannot help but giggle. a pout rests on your lips over his comment. "i'm just kidding! come on, show me more."
you glare at jacob for a moment. "don't make fun of my drawings then!"
"i won't," he says before he nuzzles his face into your shoulder, leaving a long kiss. "teach me about these constellations."
and so the night goes on. you show him ones as simple as scutum and ones as complex as orion. while jacob found himself just nodding at your words with no clear idea of how these constellations actually looked like, he still liked to hear you ramble about these star patterns typically found in the sky.
he notices how you slowly found yourself brightening up over sharing your knowledge of astronomy. from how reserved you were before getting into his car, he now sees the same person who cannot help but ramble over their love for the celestial bodies.
"and this is," you draw a pattern you remember by heart. "gemini." jacob smiles at how you decide to show him what his star sign's constellation is. "it's one of my favorite ones, actually."
"it is?"
you let out a hum as you look at his hand where your index finger rests. "if you look closely, it resembles two people." you draw out the pattern once more. as soon as your eyes meet his face, you notice how his expression shifts into realization.
"wow, it does," he smiles as he looks down at his hand that you continue to draw on. "it resembles us."
you roll your eyes over his words. "jacob, that's not what it means, but okay."
your boyfriend cannot help but move his hand off of yours, bringing you closer for a cuddle. "yeah, but still. let me make whatever i want with those stars you love." he leaves you another kiss on the cheek. "besides, i want to make everything about you and us." you cannot help but smile at his affection, your eyes resting on the wood that continues to burn.
despite tonight's events (and the reason why you needed to get out of the city), jacob found a way to make you feel better. without uttering a word, he knew exactly what to do to save tonight. and somehow, you are almost glad that the stars decided to not show up—tonight's events turned out to be cuter than actual stargazing.
"thank you," you whisper out. "for trying to make tonight better." when you move your head to face him, you notice that his eyes are already on you.
he shows you a soft smile—one that never fails to fill your heart with warmth. "i just want you to know i'm always here. i'll be anything you want me to be, just so long as we'll both be okay."
you cannot help but let your face move closer to his. as soon as your eyes close, you move forward until your forehead rests on his. you can feel his breath graze over your lips. and with a moment to breathe, you say, "i'm glad i have you. even in times when everything went wrong, i'm happy that you were always there."
"of course," his hand reaches out to rest on the side of your face. and when his thumb starts to draw imaginary lines on your cheek, you cannot help but smile. he traces out what you can only think of as the constellation of gemini. "just like what i drew on your cheek, i'll make sure we'll always be together. i'll be sure to engrave it there like how you did on my hand. that way, we know that it forever remains somewhere, even if the starry night may not show it."
and just like that, you let yourself close the distance between you two, lips locking with the boy who never fails to know what to do in every distraught moment.
tonight's events may not have gone as planned, and the beach may not have become the place you were hoping for it to be when you desperately needed it. but for you, jacob is more than what the beach and its starry night can provide. on starless nights, he would round up the stars just for you, somehow.
if you liked this, please do reblog and leave feedback!
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yandereorg · 1 year
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐟 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Roy Harper as a yandere (i wrote this with a student reader in mind but I don't know if that's super clear)
Note: Inspired by @anxiousnerdwritings specifically this love letter, an amazing read and you should definitely check it out, it characterises Roy incredibly and I love it.
note p2: this is so long, I originally planned it to be much shorter lol and let me know if you want a part two and please reblog<3
Wordcount: 3.9k
Warnings somnophilia, self-harm, threats of suicide, yandere behaviours, smut, masturbating, morning sex, a lil fingering, imaginary oral m receiving,
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Roy Harper is Obsessive, Delusional and Manipulative. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
You consume his every thought, conscious or unconscious, from the moment his eyes meet your form his soul has been intertwined with yours, you must also be possessed by the thought of him, surely. He knows that this is a shared flame, that he is not alone in his desires. As soon as he gets at home, he’ll tell Lian about you, depicting you as a heavenly body, you’ll be their saviour, save roy from the sin which suffocates him almost entirely, you’ll complete his family and happiness will fall upon them. He often daydreams about waking besides you, in a sleepy haze you’d cling to him, beg him to stay and he, of course, would stay. He wouldn't never pull himself away. He imagined how Lian would draw the three of you together, he’d give Lian and you enough love to last aeons. Every time a thought of you bubbles in his head joy takes over expression. Both Jason and Kori, saw him turn into a lovesick fool instantaneously, they were weary at first; Jason forewarning him not to tell Lian in case it didn’t work out. In case it doesn’t work? This thought hadn’t crossed Roy’s mind and he didn’t want to think about it, you loved him back, he felt it in his bones. His reaction was immediate, impulsive, abrupting from his seat to defend his enchantment which stemmed from a passing glimpse, one you might have not shared.
After some begging, Jason agrees to help him find you. And they find themselves at you apartment, Jason notices that this is the most genuine emotion that Roy had ever shown. Usually Roy just didn't care, he only lived because he couldn’t end it himself, he threw himself towards death at every opportunity. He thought that Lian would grow to hate him as she grew older and he would have repeated his and Oliver’s relationship, giving her the same scars Oliver left him with, at least if he was murdered by an alien he could die a hero. You had injected a new brand of hope into him, and although Jason began to mock him for sniffing your clothes, he was happy that Roy felt something more than self pity and dissatisfaction. Jason had ushered him out of the apartment, but later that night he returned. But you did leave the window open, like you’re crying out to him. And of course he answered, like the good boyfriend he is.
It was messy, your scrubs along abandoned on the floor You were sleeping, deeply, you had exhausted entirely, showering then just throwing on a t-shirt before sleep takes over
An oversized shirt draped over you, protecting your pretty form his perverse eyes. Though it didn’t do much to stop him, you were so tempting, Roy rolled up your shirt, exposing your exquisite anatomy, and even better? No underwear, you knew he had been here and you knew he would come back.
How sweet. He wished he could stay for longer, but he had a job in the morning, what if you invited him to stay. He wouldn’t be able to leave your side, even now your sleeping sensuality nearly pulls him into a sinful spiral. He finds himself on his knees, placing kisses from the nape of your neck down to the valley of your breast as he begins to fondle the soft mounds, your soft moans acting as a transcendent soundtrack, ripping through the silence.
He wanted more. So much more.
The tension made his pants uncomfortable, but they were soon striped from his body, he hoped a cold shower would wash away some of his desires.
Your moans echoed in his mind, he imagined that it was you who was pumping his cock, envisioning you on your sweet little knees preparing his cock to take his cock in your mouth. He knew that your throat would be perfect for him.
Even just the mental image of your cock drunk eyes roaming around his body as his hips continued to thrust into his own hands, small groans escaping his lips as he becomes undone. Envisaging you desperate and achy as he is, your hands tracing his legs, finally he reaches relief but the shower drain is where is essence ends up, he wished it was you, holding out your tongue, pretty doe eyes staring up at him and when he told you to swallow you would, you were such a good nymphet.
But he wasn’t selfish; no, no, no he’d help you up, his lips would meet yours, tasting himself on your lips, he was greedy, wanting to consume you entirely. his kisses wandered down, worshipping your breasts. Sucking at your supple breasts, teasing knowing that your cunt is aching for him, but he carries on, your hands finding their way into his hair, unconsciously pulling him in closing, your moans melodic calling out to him like a siren, guiding him to your already dripping entrance.
Roy is attentive, and he would put all his love and desires into worshipping you in your rawest form, he doesn't quite realise that his hand once again pumping his cock as the thoughts of devouring your cunt, reaching his second climax as he images your juices spread over his face.
Eventually you met them, although orchestrated, still your real introduction to Roy was him holding you in his arms, mirroring the end of a wedding, safe and secure in his arms. He hoped you couldn’t hear his heart, it was practically pulling itself out of his chest cavity so you could hold it, you already ruled over his heart, mind and soul completely. Your eyes kept meeting his, then darting away, your cheeks started to mirror the colour of cherries, your dreamy vanilla scent was so close, so alluring, mouth-watering. Placing a kiss was so tempting, he imagined you kissing back, so grateful, he had saved you he surely deserved a little treat, maybe he could find an alley and the two of you could indulge yourselves in each other. The two of you had reached safety, he placed you on the ground, like you were made of china, so gentle.
“Thank you, um” Your voice so angelic, he heard wedding chimes encompassing him, he was entirely overwhelmed.
“Roy, my alias is Arsenal but you can just call me Roy.” His smile was almost blinding, but both incredibly infectious and comforting. Your face mirroring him, blessing him with your ethereal smile, you were just so perfect.
“Well, thank you for saving me Roy.” you repeated again, now knowing his name, the way his name rolled off your otherworldly tongue reinvigorated his smile, even bigger than before.
Roy had opened his mouth to speak but was soon interrupted by a man with his face covered with a red mask, letting him know that Kori (who you assumed was the fiery alien that you saw briefly) and he had everything covered, and to take you someone safe, and he did. Although it took some convincing, you tried telling him that you could walk, laughter came out, he explained through the giggles that if he let you walk he’d just have to come save you in five minutes time, the city was absolutely crawling with criminals, and it seemed like all they were out tonight.
So you got into the car, a little awkward, but Roy was funny, and when your favourite song came on he knew every word, the car soon turning into a karaoke session, joy taking over your expressions, you saw you relax, becoming more comfortable. Mid singing your heart out, your stomach deciding to make its solo debut.
You immediately murmured out a sorry, embarrassment taking over.
Roy was quick to nip that, “We all get hungry sometimes babe, you I saved a pizza place one time and now I get free shit for life, you wanna get some angel?”
“Yes, please.” You were so sweet, nodding your head with a cherubic smile.
You had invited Roy in, not wanting to be rude, you were so adorable, the way you apologised once again for the state of your apartment, which was almost immaculate. The tangy aroma of pizza filled your apartment, laughter often ripped through the air, as the two of you mocked whatever was playing on the T.V, the two of you huddle on opposite ends of the couch a blanket covered you, time flew by with roy, he always found a way to bring out a giggle. Eventually you had finished, hunger once again unknown to you, before you could clean up roy began to it, stating that you had had a stressful day. You let out another thank you, your gentle voice called out to him, butterflies fluttered about in his stomach every time you spoke. Roy sat back down, sending a smile your way, he looked lonely.
“It’s getting a bit chilly.” You shifted a little closer to him, and roy ever so eager, and picking up on the cosy atmosphere you were trying to create, pulled you into his arms, you had been completely engulfed in his warmth
“You know, you don’t have to play coy babe, just tell me and I’ll give it to you, I’m easy like that.” A blush quickly overcame your features, you had attained your goal, if any else had whispered in your ear about how easy he was, your reaction may have been different, but Roy was so warm and you had only known him for 5 minutes but he made you feel mushy on the inside, and you also wouldn’t mind if he rearranged your insides.
Everything had been muted, the T.V almost covering the sweet melody of your breathing, Roy decided to tuck you into bed, hoping to save you some back pain. He messaged Jason, thanking him for looking after Lian while he worked his way into your heart, mentioning that he’d probably be home soon.
He wanted to crawl in next to you, he had made such good progress, his lips planted themselves on your forehead, he wanted to hold you through the night, already feeling the absence of the warmth which enveloped the two of you so perfectly. Before his lovelorn heart could ache anymore you interjected.
“Are you leaving? Do you have to?” A pout mixed with the sadness that laced your voice, created an irresistible cocktail of desperation, and Roy had never been one to rival his own desires.
“You’re hogging a hero babe, so greedy.” He was always so playful, shaking his head mocking a scornful motion. He made his way across the hall to the bathroom, not bothering to close the door, making sure you got a show. Jason convinced him that something like this wouldn’t happen so soon but he stood there, striping away his pants, he heard the bed creek and your footsteps approach him. Your arms snaking around his midriff, helping remove his vest, leaving him in his boxers, as your hands roamed up and down his chest, your gentle hands felt like a dream, as if holy water had been spread out over his body, leaching out the sins of his past.
He was right, your heart pulled towards him as did his. He could not wait to introduce you to Lian, she would love you so much and his heart turned into a puddle at the thought of you joining their family.
“I’m sorry but I don't think I have any pjs for you to wear.” You were so close, your voice so soft, the way your head settled against his back and your hands stopped exploring, coming to rest around his waist.
“Again you can just tell me what you want babe, I’m happy to provide you with anything you want.” His suggestive whispers left tingles going through you. He hadn't realise that you brought a change of clothes but as soon as you began to move Roy switched positions, he only let droplets of his love, not wanting to showcase his willingness to worship you, on his knees quite yet. But he could display enthusiasm when it came to him taking care of his soulmate. He nearly ripped off your clothes, the sudden cold pushed you further into his arms, it was his turn to roam around, yet it was cut tragically short, if Roy was a less stable man he’d burn all your clothes, he still to place a few hickies on your neck which soothed his soul a little. You ushered him back into bed, you stayed in his arms, you got a few hours of sleep, Roy wasn't rather preoccupied with your image, ghostly touches here and there but it mostly stayed inside his head, his imagination is more vivid now then he remembers.
Your alarm went off far too early, 5am? You got 3 hours of sleep at most, you tried to roll off of him but his arms just locked you in place.
“Leaving so early baby?” His morning voice sexier than his normal voice, you could feel the arousal rise up within you, his eyes burning through your clothes.
“Sorry, I’ve got a long commute like just under two hours type of shit, and if i miss one train then I’ll miss the next one and get in trouble, plus the trains are always a mess and sometimes the b-” His lips crashing into yours, cutting you off, although that didn’t stop you from kissing back. Once again he switched positions, his god crafted body looming over you, you had tried to break the kiss but you wouldn’t leave his lips unless he permitted it.
“I’ll give you a ride, just stay here.” Drawing you in closer, trying to pull you into another all-consuming kiss but still you persisted.
“Are you sure? it’s an hour drive and you’ve already done so much for me. and i haven’t done anything in return.”
“I’m a hero babe, I gotta make sure pretty people are taken care of. and I have a growing problem if you really wanna help out.” His hand took yours, placing it over his bulge, your amorous glance, along with the fact you had hastily brought over your other had to help tug down his boxers, pressure had begun to swell within your lower stomach, anticipation and attraction began to pool at your core.
“Your turn, now strip.” A new tone, more demanding one, and of course you soon ripped off your shorts and than your panties were quickly yanked off, along with the rest of your clothes, all discarded as roy once again shifted, laying himself behind you, hocking his legs with yours spreading you open when he lifted up his own legs, his hands grazing over your breasts, sending shudders through you, he muttered out praise.
Roy continued to leave his marks everywhere he could. letting out a moan when your thumb started to tease the already aggravated head of his member, precum already leaking out onto your hand. Roy had brought you in for another kiss, it was sloppy, needy just like roy. He let out a whine, but the imagine of you cleaning up his essence with your sweet little mouth filled him with a feverish desire.
His fingered dipped into your already dripping entrance, you let out a shaky moan as he applied pressure to your clit, circling, a kiss catching the majority of you whimpering, soon enough the source of pleasure was taken away. Soon replaced with his cock, his hands help your hips in place as he pounded into you.
“Roy, please”You were so close. Pure ecstasy ran through you.
“There’s so much more I want to do to your pretty body baby. Just need more time.” spoke into your neck, his hot breath full of desperate carnal need.
“Don’t worry baby, there will be other times, this is just the start.” This was your first mistake, this comment made in a lust-drunk haze would haunt you in mere weeks. Roy was beaming after this comment.
He was right.
You loved him.
Everything had been better than expected, strange compared to everything else in his life. But you were so perfect, coming undone on his cock just as his essence spilled out of him inside your pretty little cunt. He left a few more kisses before checking in with you, and when he was finished he started running the shower for you.
The next two weeks saw you and roy fall into a pattern, you’d get nightly visits from roy, and he’d drop off at university, send you horny texts throughout the day, sometimes he would lure you out of a lecture, guiding you to a lonely closet, where your pretty moans would go unheard. He even invited you to meet his kid, a bit soon but Roy was ever eager, and she was a cute kid. “Love yous” were so common, Roy used it as a greeting and a goodbye, he even said it when he slept, Roy had given you crumps of his past, although you had no clear picture or solid ideas, you knew he was desperate to be loved, and his reaction to small things revealed the vast abyss that insecurity had carved in to him, he dropped a glass and practically begged for forgiveness. Eventually the setting changed, Kori and Jason had gone to gotham? something like that anyway, but tonight was a lot more wholesome, Roy, Lian and you snuggled up on the couch, matching hot chocolates and snacks. When he first mentioned having a kid you were surprised, but he was great, Lian was great, she was bright and kind, just like Roy.
Your arms wrapped around him, a sweet moment full of laughter and light, you had just been saying your goodbyes, it was winter and he was going to return to his city while you would remain here, you and roy had plans to take Lian to see Santa, and go ice-skating, you were so excited as you explained your plans to him, even telling the present you had gotten for Roy and how you couldn’t wait to see his reaction when he saw it. The joy soon was sucked away from you, the impact of the ground winding you, all you saw was Roy, beating the life out of someone. Your friend. Fog clouded his vision, he heard your cries for him to stop, but he wouldn’t, he couldn’t, not until this scum learnt the lesson not to speak to you, you were his. This piece of shit would not take a cleaver to his family and rip it apart. You were his, you belonged to Roy, a hand tried to stop him, that piece of filth would find the same fate.
It took one punch before he saw it was you.
The relationship would never be the same. Never get to even continue, if you got your way.
As the campus security team dragged him away, his eyes never left you, you looked like a bird who had just had their wings cut off.
But he could sew them back on. His love was not so fickle and the same love existed within you.
Roy was going insane. He had been blocked everywhere. You ignored his knocks, cries and pleads at your doors. He even sent Lian to you, hoping you would bring her home and he had all your snacks ready. The cops brought her home. Jason saw something break inside Roy, Kori even picked up on it, she took Lian out of the house, Roy was so close to exploding, Jason saw the fresh additions to the collection of marks on his arms. Jason suggested letters, it was more personal so he sent some. Jason paid you a visit, nearly breaking down the door. He scream through it, telling you that Roy had started to destroy himself, he fell back into self harm because of you, his suicidal ideations came back  because of you, Lian could lose her daddy because you were selfish, the stress that you had caused him could push him back into addiction. All because you were afraid of love, love as strong as Roy’s hurts a little and it’s not like it was purposeful anyway. You were fucking pathetic. Jason was terrifying but at least he left.
Hey angel,
Lian and I really miss you, she’s heartbroken at the thought of a Christmas without you. She was so happy that she got to chill at your apartment for a bit, she also said that your face had healed up. I can't explain how sorry I am. I love you more than anything and i just saw a guy touching my girl. I was just trying to keep our family together babe. I saw you the other day, I’m always looking out for you, so pretty, the jumper you wore matched my vest, I was so happy. I know your bad mood will pass and I'm glad our minds still think alike.
Love, Roy
Hey angel,
You know I’m away at the minute, heros don’t get days off you know? But that doesn’t mean I don’t have eyes on you babe and I’m really annoyed? Disappointed? Your behaviour was foul. Something I don’t even expect from Lian, throwing out the presents, you'll be lucky Jay is with me he was disgusted when Kori told him. He says that you should be taught a lesson, but I know you’re a clever girl, and you’ll make the right choice eventually. Won’t you baby? But don’t worry too much about it, I'm sure I can forgive you. Once you come home and then everything will be okay, Jason promises he won’t have another outburst when you start making good choices again. Kori also mentioned that you kept the stuff Lian made you, the two of you are so cute but you broke her heart on Christmas, she was crying her heart out, she doesn’t understand why you’re being so stubborn. But i was thinking we could do a re-over when you come home, it'll be the world to Lian, we could even go stay somewhere snowy, it’ll be picture perfect like the movies, you know? love you babe, see you soon!
Love, Roy
Hey baby,
I’ve given you so many chances to come home and I don't want to be the bad guy, but i can't let you pull this family apart. Lian is heartbroken, I’m heartbroken, Kori and Jason are both tired of my whining but don’t worry I found a really nice place we can stay while you get better, it’s just gonna be me, you and Lian, the three amigos, it’s gonna be so fun and Lian can’t wait either, she’s just like me forgiveness comes easy to her.
Anyway I’ll see you super soon and don’t make it any harder babe, it’ll just be easier on both of us.
Love, Roy
“Y/nie’s awake, she woke up dad.” Your head felt like your brain was eating itself, and Lian's sweet, angelic voice did nothing to soothe you because you knew whose footsteps were approaching. 
Tears bubbled in your eyes, he called out to her, telling her to be careful because you were poorly and extra fragile these days. Roy just wiped away the tears that came rolling down, once again you had been engulfed in his feverish lovesick warmth, his face nuzzling into your neck, whispering out; “I’m sorry baby.”
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beomgyuslilracha · 1 year
you don't go to parties ☆.* 3
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⊹ pairing: choi yeonjun x f! reader
⊹ genre: exes to ... complicated
⊹ warnings: none, tbh? i don't believe there's any
⊹ wc: 5.3k
summary: back in your college days, you were living at the prime of your life alongside your boyfriend, yeonjun. you couldn't remember most of it, though, considering it was a blur consisting of mostly parties and many drunken nights. eventually, you reached your limit, and you and yeonjun no longer saw eye-to-eye. after many fights and endless tears, you disappeared for good and left that life and your boyfriend behind. but, five years later, yeonjun was still waiting for you at every party.
that night, the ride home was a surprisingly silent one. the only noise to be heard was the soft noise emitting from the cab's front stereo.
kai still held your hand with his, his thumb caressing the back of yours every now and then, whereas beomgyu had opted to mindlessly play with your fingers for the duration of the trip.
you knew that the three of you had developed a close relationship while working together, but you couldn't help but smile shyly to yourself anyway. you would have never imagined a situation before where either of them would have made such efforts to comfort you, much less both of them.
before long, the drive ended just outside your apartment building. in which case, you were rather taken aback when you watched both doors of the cab suddenly open, allowing both boys to exit and wait for you to follow.
your head was tilted curiously, watching as beomgyu then paid the driver for the ride.
were they not planning to take a cab home?
"hey, you're coming up, aren't you?" kai questioned teasingly, earning your attention to see him leaning down to gaze at your dumbfounded expression still sat in the cab.
"uh, yeah.. right," you eventually spoke, scooting across the seat to exit out the door he held open for you.
beomgyu walked up a second later, his lopsided smile spreading widely across his face when he, too, noticed how confused you were. you were beginning to feel as if you were being left out of some joke that only they knew about.
"no offense, but ... what are you guys doing?" you asked nervously, hoping not to upset either of them for being confused.
"we're having a sleepover at your place!" kai answered cheerfully, his warm smile making it impossible for you not to reciprocate. he even made it all too easy for you not to realize when he had planned such an event in the first place.
even with a smile now present on your face, you still looked between both of their faces in surprise. "oh, that's so sweet," you uttered simply, your lips then forming into a tiny, quivering pout.
just when you thought that you couldn't cry anymore, you just couldn't stop yourself from growing emotional at their kindness.
as thankful and appreciative as you were, you still wanted to assure them that you were fine and that they really didn't have to - though, you silently hoped that they wouldn't listen to you.
luckily, kai and beomgyu knew better, and they practically lead you by the wrist towards your own home while laughing at you.
once inside, the two of them headed straight for your linen closet to pull out spare mats, pillows, and blankets in order to create makeshift beds for themselves on the floor of your living room. after they were done, you were sure to remind them of the extra pajama sets you had purchased for them — an investment of yours way back when kai had first started to stay over often.
eventually, you were sat in the middle of their bedding, in a bundle of blankets that beomgyu had force-wrapped you in, as the two raided your kitchen to make snacks and drinks to enjoy.
despite your insistence that you merely just wanted to sleep the rest of the night away, kai had suggested putting on your favorite comfort movie first to make you feel better before the night was over.
"guys, you really don't have to do this." you reminded them, though sounding very unconvincing as you spoke with tears welling up in your eyes once again.
only this time, they were out of love for your adorable friends.
kai, who had trailed over to set the bowl of popcorn on the ground, wrapped his arms around you for about the umpteenth time that night. "we know we don't have to, but we want to."
beomgyu came over from the kitchen with a single steaming mug in his hands, carefully kneeling down on the floor in front of you. "here, y/nie, i made you hot chocolate!"
you could feel your bottom lip quivering yet again as you accepted the mug, though you were too emotional to help yourself. looking at the way they were trying their best to take care of you almost made you forget that you were their manager in the first place and not their little sister.
"thank you, beoms." you kissed the air in his direction, causing the boy to blush profusely at your affection.
after the rest of the drinks were made, the two settled in beside you on the floor and turned on the movie.
from the second you left the cursed party to then being sat in between your friends on the floor, you were relatively surprised that both boys had yet to ask you about what happened.
in fact, you most expected it from kai, but he seemed to be the most adamant about keeping your mind distracted. he was the one who suggested the sleepover and brought up the movie, after all, and he was even trying his hardest to make lame jokes in between to make you laugh.
nothing he did went unnoticed, and you appreciated him all the more for the effort he was putting in to make sure you were okay.
once the movie was over, you had to meekly remind the two that they still had schedules to attend the next day. despite their reluctance, they eventually agreed to get some sleep - more so for your benefit than their own.
you were originally planning to sleep on the floor mat beside them, but beomgyu was quick to deny you the opportunity. he didn't want to risk you sleeping uncomfortably, so he made a bed for you on the soft-cushioned sofa instead.
ignoring their groans, you decided to set a reasonably late alarm to wake the three of you in the morning - just late enough to give you plenty of time to sleep, but still early enough to have spare time to get ready in the morning. once that was done, you finally bid both boys a goodnight.
of course, it was nearly impossible for you to sleep.
once absolute silence had filled the room, other than the shallow breathing emitting from the other two, you were left to wallow in your own thoughts.
as much as you didn't want to, you thought about yeonjun.
you could remember the face he was making just before you left; you could clearly picture the pain that he was in from your words. a twinge in your chest almost convinced you to feel guilty, but you knew better.
in any case, regardless of the fact that he deserved it, you still couldn't help but want to wish him the best.
as the hot, silent tears cascaded down the sides of your face, you still hoped that yeonjun would be okay anyway. regardless of the hurt that he had caused you, you still cared so much for him. he was everything to you for so many years of your life, it was all too difficult to hate him ... even if you wanted to.
if nothing else, you hoped that your past relationship would teach him to be a better person. if it couldn't be you, no matter how much it hurt to think about, you still prayed that he treated his next relationship better.
kai's soft voice broke through the silence, succeeding in drawing you away from the depths of your wandering thoughts of despair.
"yes?" you asked him simply, copying his whispered tone so as not to accidentally cause beomgyu to stir and wake up.
"do you want to talk about it?"
you remained quiet for a minute, staring up at the darkened ceiling and wondering for only a second if kai could hear just how loud your heart was pounding through the silence.
.. did you want to talk about it?
a part of you was desperate to confide in your friend, but another part merely wanted that chapter of your life to officially be over. besides, you felt it was too long of a story for you to delve into detail now - especially when imagining the amount of sleep you would be forcing the poor boy to miss.
as you thought it over, kai continued to wait patiently for your response. he laid still, his breathing calm, and simply waited.
finally releasing a heavy sigh, you shook your head to yourself. "not today," you whispered vaguely.
you would tell him eventually, there was no doubt about that, but tonight wasn't the night for it. you would wait again for when the time was right.
"i'll be here whenever you're ready," kai answered you softly, causing your heart to instantaneously swell with adoration.
at the sound of slight rustling, you stole a brief glance toward where he lay to notice the small movement of his hand slowly reaching toward you. a small smile gracing your lips, you outstretched your own hand to lightly grasp his.
no other words were exchanged after that. the two of you were able to sleep soundly, with both your hands entwined.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
the following morning, just past all the trash scattered on every inch of the tiled flooring, a lone figure could be found huddled underneath layers of blankets in his bedroom.
with a silent chuckle to themself, the new presence placed the iced americano on the bedside table before lowering their head to hover just above the sleeping figure.
somehow, the name of endearment had yeonjun sitting up faster than he ever had in his life, drowsily searching around for the source of the voice. "y/n??"
"y/n?" the normal tone of the voice returned as they spoke questioningly. "who's y/n?"
rubbing his half-lidded eyes to fully regain his senses, yeonjun turned to his right to spot his friend, taehyun, standing just beside the bed with a mischievous grin dancing on his lips.
yeonjun rolled his eyes at the realization, groaning and turning his entire body to shove his face back into the pillows. "what're you doing here?"
"i told you i was going to stop by," taehyun answered nonchalantly, drinking from his own caramel macchiato in hand - a treat he picked up on his way over.
yeonjun lifted his head to glare annoyingly at his younger friend, allowing the smell of coffee to finally grace his senses. "yeah, but the party was last night."
smiling in amusement, as if he had been planning this response for years, taehyun said, "i just told you i was stopping by, i never said when."
if his eyes could roll out of his head, they surely would have from that response. to be perfectly honest, yeonjun wasn't even the least bit surprised at the way taehyun 'outsmarted' him - it was not the first time, nor would it ever be the last - he was just annoyed with him.
reaching for the americano waiting for him, yeonjun chose to simply tune taehyun out after that. he didn't care enough to bother asking anymore questions about his presence, thus opting to pretend that he wasn't even there to begin with.
once taehyun caught on to this behavior for himself as well, he continued anyway to regain his attention. "so who's y/n?"
the question had yeonjun choking on his sip, causing him to cough and sputter in surprise. he had entirely forgotten that he had called for you at first, so he wasn't the least bit prepared to hear your name again.
"ooh, that bad, huh?" taehyun questioned, taking yeonjun's surprised reaction as a response in itself.
taehyun had known yeonjun ever since they were both trainees, and not once did he ever hear the name 'y/n' slip from the boy's tongue, so he assumed it to merely be a recent pursuit of his that had ultimately rejected him.
... i mean, i guess he wasn't entirely wrong.
yeonjun quickly shook his head after his coughing fit had faded. "she's no one," he grumbled, though feeling a faint sharp pain in his heart from his own words.
after you had left last night, yeonjun didn't bother to leave his room after that. he couldn't remember how long he had stood frozen in place, almost convinced that multiple days had passed, but he had eventually dragged himself to the bed and went to sleep.
if he were to move the sheets over slightly now, he would then find that same labros shirt bundled up beside him. it no longer smelled of you the way that it used to, but it still held every memory of you regardless.
observing his friend's reaction, taehyun was inclined to believe that there was something deeper to whoever you were. he had seen yeonjun come across many girls for as long as he had known him, and he had never seen him look so distressed from any mere rejection.
"what happened?" taehyun asked simply, his tone stern and heavily indicating that there was no getting around it.
if his friend was this distressed, then taehyun refused to overlook it.
yeonjun was torn. on one hand, he refused to think of you again in order to avoid the pain it caused him to do so, but, on the other hand, he wondered if it would help to talk it out with a friend of his.
glancing up at taehyun briefly, yeonjun also realized that he had no intention of letting the topic go either.
taking another sip of coffee, yeonjun gave in.
he told taehyun who you were, how long you had dated, and when you first broke up. after receiving a nod to continue, yeonjun then explained all of last night's events - though maybe twisting the story only slightly when it came to his own behavior.
kai could be found sneezing back at +U entertainment, unknowing of the negative light his name was being painted under by a certain someone.
once he had finished his story, yeonjun was then left staring at taehyun expectantly. after a second too long of no response, he scoffed. "well?!"
taehyun blinked, confused. "well, what?"
yeonjun threw his hands up in disbelief. "this is where you come in with advice on how to win her back," he yelled at him, gripping his own hair in frustration.
"win her back?!" taehyun echoed, now looking at yeonjun as if he were clinically insane. "what do you mean 'win her back'? you and i both know that it's-"
"don't .. don't say it," yeonjun immediately interrupted, knowing he would not be strong enough to bear it.
of course yeonjun knew it was over, he wasn't blind ... but it didn't mean he couldn't still try. if he couldn't win you back, then he was willing to do anything to at least have you back in his life. if nothing else, he just wanted to be able to see you again.
even if it meant you couldn't be his.
taehyun now sat silent, with nothing other than pure pity written in his features. shaking his head, he decided to push logic aside and support his poor friend in need. if it would help him to cope, and hopefully realize the truth later, then taehyun was willing to do what he could.
"well, how about this," he started, placing his drink on the nightstand and causing yeonjun's head to perk up eagerly. "have you tried just being a better person?"
"... what?" yeonjun's expression was quick to shift into that of confusion.
"you know, just being a decent human being?" taehyun clarified further, his deadpanned appearance making it difficult for yeonjun to understand if he was joking or not.
yeonjun could only stare at him with confused, narrowed eyes. he couldn't imagine that taehyun was being serious, but, at the same time, he genuinely appeared as if he were.
"you're not actually telling me you don't know what it means to be a decent person, are you?!" taehyun suddenly burst out laughing. he always knew that yeonjun wasn't exactly the greatest person alive, but this was just too much!
"obviously i know what it means!" yeonjun finally yelled, holding up a playfully threatening fist as if he were going to hit him. "i just think your suggestion was stupid."
taehyun rolled his eyes. he figured he was going to have to be much more specific in order to get his point across.
"okay, fine, have you apologized?"
the loudest silence imaginable filled the room.
this time, yeonjun was pretending to be quite focused on the straw of his drink – too embarrassed to admit that he hadn't.
"are you- choi yeonjun," taehyun scolded, standing up entirely from his place on the bed. "you haven't apologized to her ONCE in FIVE YEARS?!"
"i- well..," yeonjun began to stutter, still avoiding eye contact. "um, so.. not exactly?"
taehyun shook his head. he took back every pitied thought he ever had, now deeming yeonjun's problem a grave dug too far deep.
he grabbed his macchiato from the nightstand and began to storm out, not even finding his time there to be worth spending. the boy was hopeless.
"wait- taehyun!" yeonjun called after him in a panic, scrambling out of bed quickly in order to chase down the last sign of hope he had.
having to step across the disarray of mess that covered the ground, yeonjun eventually managed to grasp a hold of taehyun's shirt in order to stop him from leaving. this only prompted him to turn around and give a rightfully deserved lecture.
"five years, yeonjun, and you haven't apologized," taehyun repeated in disbelief, not even able to look at him as he spoke. "i know you're my friend and all, but i can't say i blame her now."
despite the sting it left in his chest, he couldn't even be mad. taehyun was right, and not even yeonjun could blame you for that either.
he knew you deserved an apology - a long overdue one, at that - but the words never seemed to want to come out. even when he was standing in front of you the night before, with the words practically readied and waiting on the tip of his tongue, he just couldn't bring himself to open his damn mouth.
"that's why i need to make her forgive me," yeonjun mumbled almost pathetically, dropping to his knees in defeat.
taehyun shook his head in disappointment yet again. "you can't forgive someone who was never sorry in the first place."
a minute of silence later, taehyun sighed. if he waited any longer, he was sure that yeonjun would melt into a sad little puddle on the ground.
"here, let's take a break and clean all this up," taehyun told him, gazing around the destroyed living area. "when we're done, then we can brainstorm how you're going to apologize."
he didn't leave any room for yeonjun to deny or negotiate the plan, having abandoned him on the floor to search for whatever cleaning supplies he could get his hands on.
by the time they rejoined in the kitchen, the house was almost unrecognizable from how it appeared in the morning.
thus, the brainstorm of ideas began. after about ten minutes, both of them were feeling very different emotions of distress.
"what if i buy her gifts? i can send her flowers or- or maybe sweets that i know she likes?" yeonjun was almost pleading, after having about twenty of his original ideas entirely rejected by taehyun for 'not being creative enough'.
yeonjun could probably agree with that when he suggested writing a letter, but he at least thought the other ideas weren't that bad.
"if she can't stand you, why would she accept any gifts from you?" taehyun questioned him, thoroughly annoyed by this point.
he had been forcing yeonjun to think of an apology entirely on his own, but, at the rate he was going, taehyun frustratingly believed that he was going to have to step in at some point.
"besides, do you even know anything about her now? how will you know where to send a gift?"
yeonjun opened his mouth only to shut it a second later, realizing that taehyun had a very unfortunate point. he knew absolutely nothing about you.
after you left all those years ago, you had deleted any and every trace of yourself from social media so as to start anew without any connections to him. yeonjun remembered trying to search for you, but he gave up entirely after a year when he continuously came up blank time and time again.
wherever you were, you truly had no intention of being found.
"wait a minute..." yeonjun suddenly mumbled out loud, though mainly to himself. "beomgyu!"
"beomgyu?" taehyun echoed in confusion, being left out completely from yeonjun's thought process.
yeonjun pulled out his phone in a hurry, tapping away maniacally to search for beomgyu's social media. seeing as he was an idol himself, he knew he would have to be a public account.
"y/n came to my party last night with beomgyu," yeonjun began to explain to taehyun, who had curiously leaned over in his seat to watch what he was doing. "if they're friends, that means i should be able to find her through him!"
taehyun was quick to remind yeonjun of the reality. "beomgyu wouldn't be following anyone he knew personally. the most you'll find is the company he works for."
"but she could be following him," yeonjun countered, already clicking on the thirteen million followers the dork had to his name.
his hands were practically shaking, and his heart was pounding far too loudly in his ears. with every letter he typed of your name, the numbers dropped down dramatically.
until there was no one left.
yeonjun's heart dropped along with his hands, leaving him to stare defeatedly into space. he didn't mean to get his hopes up at the idea of finding you again, but he couldn't help it.
the only connection he had, and it came to a dead end far sooner than he had imagined.
"she works as a manager at +U," taehyun's voice suddenly pierced through yeonjun's thoughts of hopelessness.
"what??" yeonjun perked up quickly, his brows furrowed in angered confusion. he couldn't possibly understand how taehyun would know that information - only up until he realized that his friend was scrolling through the same profile of yours that he had just failed at searching for. "how did you-?"
"i figured, if she was smart, she would've just blocked you," taehyun shrugged nonchalantly, wiggling his phone to reveal your account. "and turns out she is."
yeonjun didn't care enough to refute, only caring to yank the boy's phone from his hands so that he could see everything for himself.
and there it was.
years of your life that he missed, now in the palm of his hands. his heart still twisted painfully at the sight of your smile - only to hurt even more when it was paired alongside the same boys that you had showed up with before.
he hated that he couldn't be the source of your smile anymore. he hated that you could live your life happily without him, while he had spent every night of his desperately waiting for you.
yet, despite knowing that he should just move on and leave you be, he just couldn't let you go.
"come on, let's go," yeonjun announced out of nowhere, storming out of the kitchen to his bedroom in determination.
meanwhile, taehyun was left behind with no clue what was happening. "wait, where are we going?"
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
"i can't believe i let you drag me here," taehyun groaned in annoyance, gazing up at the large company building belonging to +U entertainment - their very own rival company to Star One.
yeonjun, dressed now in a trench coat, mask, and pitch black sunglasses with an arrangement of your favorite flowers in hand, was staring nervously at the revolving doorway of the building.
on the way over, he had planned out an entire scenario to hand deliver your favorite flowers and apologize to you face-to-face. now, knowing you were somewhere inside the very building he stood in front of, he was beginning to grow cold feet.
he turned around in embarrassment and shoved the flower arrangement into taehyun's unsuspecting hands. "i can't do it; you take them in for me."
"me?! this was your stupid idea," taehyun whisper-yelled at him, trying to shove the flowers back.
"please, taehyun, i'm begging you to do this for me," yeonjun cooed, faking tears as he grasped his hands together to plead his dear friend. "if she sees me, she might not accept them!"
"then why would you buy them in the first place??"
yeonjun didn't answer. instead, he pathetically dropped onto his knees and pressed his hands together in a praying motion. he figured if he didn't look around, he could pretend that no one on the sidewalk was staring at him.
taehyun, on the other hand, was very aware of the onlooking bystanders. seeing as he was the unfortunate one without a disguise, he found himself having to give in to yeonjun's pleading all too quickly just to save himself from anymore public embarrassment.
"okay, fine, i'll do it. just get the hell up already," taehyun grumbled, sending uncomfortable smiles to the strangers that were now very clearly pointing in their direction.
regretting every decision he made to visit yeonjun that morning, taehyun entered the company with the flowers in hand and headed straight for reception. he wanted desperately to be in and out as quick as he possibly could.
"good afternoon, how can i help you?" the sweet woman behind the desk asked him, her eyes full of curiosity as she glanced at the arrangement in his hands.
"yes," taehyun sighed, forcing a polite smile to hide the embarrassment he was in. "i'm here to drop these off for-"
"i'm sorry, sir. i'm afraid we are not allowed to accept any gifts for our company's idols," she interrupted him, still remaining as polite as possible.
"err- no, this isn't for an idol," taehyun reassured her, lifting the bouquet. "this is for l/n, y/n. she's a manager here, i believe."
at this news, the woman's demeanor perked up eagerly. she knew who you were, of course, and she never would have imagined that you'd have such a handsome boy come to deliver flowers for you.
"oh, i see! does she know you're coming? i can tell you what floor she's-"
"no!" taehyun was quick to stop the receptionist from continuing, now trying not to panic. it was bad enough that he was doing this favor for yeonjun - he did not want to get caught in between the two of you anymore than he already was. "i just want to drop these off here. it's, uh, supposed to be a surprise."
the woman began giggling mischievously, nodding her head excitedly as she accepted the flowers from taehyun's hands. "of course, of course! i'll let her know to come pick them up."
finally bidding a goodbye, taehyun couldn't have left that building any faster than he did. once he spotted yeonjun waiting for him - looking incredibly suspicious with his outfit ensemble - taehyun rushed over to punch him.
surprisingly, yeonjun laughed playfully and began to coo at his younger friend. "thank you, taehyunnie~!"
"i hope y/n spits on the card," taehyun grumbled, though obviously kidding, as the two walked off to head back to the bus stop.
"what card?"
his feet instantaneously froze on the sidewalk, causing yeonjun to have to double back when he realized taehyun had stopped following him.
he could only blink, staring absolutely dumbfounded up at yeonjun. "you're kidding, right? you left a card?"
sensing the absolute seriousness of the situation, yeonjun opted to remain quiet. truth be told, it hadn't dawned on him that he was supposed to.
taehyun began rubbing circles at his temples in frustration, unable to comprehend the mix of emotions he was going through in that moment. "so you bought her flowers ... and she's not even going to know they're from you?"
yeonjun squeezed his lips together awkwardly. he still had yet to say a word after having realized the mistake he had just made for himself.
"damn it, yeonjun. remind me to never help you again."
meanwhile, back at the company, you were rushing down to the lobby with beomgyu in order to meet the escort that would take you both to his next schedule.
that morning, when the two of you were momentarily alone while kai was in the shower, beomgyu had apologized over and over for ever inviting you to yeonjun's party to begin with. in which case, led him to promise you an entire month's worth of peace instead of the original scandal-free week.
of course, just on the one extra condition that you joined him during his schedules every now and then when he wanted company.
as the two of you were speed-walking out of the elevator, a sudden voice calling for your name drew both of your attention.
"miss y/n, hold on!" you turned to your right, spotting your sweet friend waving for you from behind the reception desk.
you turned to beomgyu and asked him to keep the driver waiting for you before parting ways. "hi, miss mina, is everything okay?" you questioned her with a kind smile after approaching the desk.
you were entirely caught off guard when she had suddenly grabbed a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers and handed it over to you. "everything's okay! i just wanted to let you know that these came for you."
you blinked, unsure of what to say. you could only stare at the beautiful floral arrangement in both shock and admiration.
scanning around the entire arrangement, you were left to be all the more confused when there was no note attached to let you know who it was from.
"are you sure these are for me? there's no card," you explained, though less surprised.
suddenly it made more sense for you to believe that it was simply a mistake on someone's behalf. without any mention of who it was for or from, perhaps the delivery misspoke and gave the wrong name.
miss mina giggled, waving her hands to deny the flowers you were trying to hand back to her. "i promise they're for you! he gave your entire name, after all."
"he?" you caught on, your gaze traveled back down to the flowers still in your hand. "did you see who he was?"
"yes, he was very handsome!" mina had pointed out first, thinking back to the boy who was here only a few minutes prior. "he didn't give his name, but i remember he had silver hair. he looked almost like an idol!"
you nodded slowly, processing the information she gave you.
silver hair? you couldn't recall a single artist at the company who had recently dyed their hair - nor did you know anyone personally with that peculiar color.
sensing your confusion, mina gasped quietly. "maybe you have a secret admirer!"
your cheeks were quickly covered in a light pink hue, unable to help but grow shy at the thought. a secret admirer? the idea felt as if it were near to impossible, but you didn't have any evidence to deny it.
once you eventually rejoined beomgyu, you had to shut down about a million questions he asked about the flowers - too embarrassed to voice the idea of a secret admirer for yourself.
you figured you would keep quiet about it for now. if no one came forward to you eventually, you would deem the entire situation a mistake and leave it at that.
although, a small part of you found it difficult to ignore.
how did they know your favorite flower?
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any time i mention their hair, it's bc i want to make it very clear what my favorite hair eras for all of tubatu is. shoutout to blonde soobin, wolfcut gyu, and now silver tyun <3 and i haven't mentioned it, but also blonde kai <3 and yeonjun with black hair has me weak - i will die on the hill he walks on.
anywayyy, i hope everyone enjoys pt. 3 !! i also really really really hope the little mix-up towards the end comes across okay 😭 a part of me feels like it's not as exciting as i wanted it to be, but oh well 🥹 other than that, i just want to say thank you to EVERYONE for all the support and encouragement <333 absolutely love and appreciate and adore EVERY single one of you !!!!!!! i hope this part comes out to your liking and everyone will continue to look forward to what i have in store :,)
series taglist:
@cookiehaos @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @junzwrld @gyuuluvrs @goldennika @nobodyshallenter @lubtou @soobsfairy444 @2ynjns @cherriruto @baekberrie @youraggedybitch @eundiarys @jwicore @bokk-minnie @cha-raena @beachbabe4ever @sparkswhoz @wo-ai-ni-yong @strvlveera @ghostfacefricker6969 @blondsoobinenthusiast @whippedforbeomgyu @l0stindigo @angelbythewindow @hkplushier
permanent taglist:
@human-misery @dongmeiii @softcabur @marekmybeloved @aishidaishi @taekwondoes @wccycc @jjhmk @mjlasagna @eclecticeggknightpsychic @yjusei
both taglists open !! (if anyone's interested)
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Starry Night (2nd part)
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Pairing: Shota Aizawa x female OC
Genre: Shota Aizawa X female OC fluff, angst, high school romance, friends to lovers, exes to lovers
Words: 2k, one-shot continuation
Summary: Eraser Head remembers and tries to recover his U.A. sweetheart
First part
A/N: Thanks for giving so much love to the first part. 😭 I couldn't help but write a continuation.
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Aizawa knew the way to that apartment by heart. He had walked it countless times since they had moved in together shortly after graduating from U.A. Many people, including their friends, thought that they were too young and that they were risking their careers as heroes by having a relationship with a colleague. Yet, by dedicating themselves to the same thing, they both understood that there were nights when they wouldn't be able to be together and that there would be important dates that they would possibly celebrate later. They were also aware that they would have to cope with the anguish of their enemies knowing their weaknesses by making public their relationship. However, those reasons were not enough to scare them and abandon their dream of making a life together, that was not what separated them.
Even when they decided that it would be best to go separate ways, they failed. Their ties were too strong to be undone, neither that life nor a thousand more would be enough for Aizawa to stop loving her and for her to resign herself to not seeing the hero by her side.
Hence, the times that Eraser Head walked that path had not ended with the passing of the years. They didn't live together, they didn't have an official relationship, they didn't go on dates, they didn't cook dinner together or fall asleep together watching their favorite movies; yet, when night fell, she couldn't help but leave her window open, and he couldn't help but pass through it.
Despite their encounters, they had not seen each other for some time, it had been devastating for her to see Aizawa in the hospital after the U.S.J. incident. It was the second time she had seen him so injured, but this time the recovery was slower, more painful, and Aizawa was left with a scar on his face and another on his elbow that would never let him forget that first confrontation with the League of Villains. Seeing him hospitalized made her remember the first time she had nearly lost him and when she understood that she couldn't bear the anguish of knowing that he was risking his life in his job. Same reason she had quit her job as a hero, something that tormented her every day. The girl was in the hospital holding his hand and making sure he recovered, but she deeply suffered every second. Aizawa didn't forgive himself for making her cry and as soon as he recovered, he knew that he had to give her space, which led him to focus only on his work as homeroom teacher of class 1A.
That night by looking at the stars he got furious with himself, he hated being so selfish and not being able to respect the space they had agreed to, but he couldn't… there was no way to be away from her for so long. And people could tell it, Mic and Midnight had noticed that their friend was quieter. Moreover, his students had seen him more gloomy than usual and although he seemed cold and harsh with them, the kids knew that he loved them as if they were his children, so they had silently agreed not to fight their sensei. Even Bakugo and Kirishima seemed to behave better, Mineta had stopped harassing his classmates and Midoriya had stopped training in secret. However, even that or Eri's drawing failed to lift the hero's spirits.
At about 4 in the morning, when his patrol had finished and he had admired the stars enough, Aizawa was entering through the balcony window. Just by watching the girl sleep, his heart recovered a little warmth, and that pressure that was not letting him breathe well loosened a little.
He entered quietly and looked around him. There were so many little details that told him that she had been waiting for him too, that he couldn't suppress a shy smile. One glance was enough for the hero to find on the nightstand new drops for his eyes and bandages in case he had any minor injuries. He also recognized one of his hoodies hanging near the window. There was even one of his favorite jelly drinks. After taking off his shoes, the handsome sensei got on the bed and wrapped his arm around the back of her waist. With a deep sigh, he allowed himself to be enveloped by the sweet smell of her hair at the same time that he sought refuge in her neck.
"Shota…" Fearing that she would turn around and that it was a dream again, the girl did not move, for a few seconds she could not do more than let herself be caressed by the hero's manly hands. “Did you see the sky?” He asked spreading kisses over the shoulders and neck of the girl, who nodded her head. The black-haired man sighed, thinking that he had made a mistake and that maybe she wasn't ready to see him again yet, or who knows? Maybe she didn't want to see him at all. Insecurity had always been his biggest enemy. "Baby, won't you let me see your face tonight?" Slowly, she turned around, allowing the hero's weary eyes to look at her and realize that hers were brimming with tears. "Kitten, I'm…" "If you're gonna apologize, let it be only because you took a long time to come." She interrupted running her soft hand over Aizawa's cheek, feeling how rough his facial hair was. Next, she caressed the hero's athletic shoulders, his firm chest, and his muscular back, she wanted to make sure he was there, her whole heart, her hero. She even ran her hands through his wavy black hair.
The soft caresses of the former heroine provoked so many emotions in Aizawa, that for a few seconds, he just closed his eyes and enjoyed it. He thought about everything he wanted to tell her, but even his feelings asked him for something more. He had missed her too much, he needed to feel her closer and make sure that things between them were the same as always, just like the first time they had sex madly in love, just as the same as all the times they moaned together in that bed saying how much they loved each other and how good it felt to be together.
Leaning on his elbow and taking advantage of the closeness, Aizawa ran his hand down the girl's leg and smiled as he felt how she shuddered under his touch. “Mine…” he whispered before catching the girl's lower lip and biting it as he laid on top of her. “Yours, always yours.”
He continued seeing her as beautiful as when they were classmates at U.A., and even though the days went by, he could never get used to seeing her in his arms, she was just too beautiful. She was his peace amid all the chaos, the girl to whom he had given every part of his being, whom he most longed to protect from everything. She was what he loved the most, the most lovely and valuable thing he had. Once he reached her lips, Eraser's mind didn't allow anything that wasn't SHE to exist, that had happened since their first kiss. Once he touched her lips, he pushed away any trace of shyness, when he kissed her, the introverted man disappeared and became a breathtaking lover.
The cold on his back made Shota realize that his costume had already fallen, she had taken charge of stripping his chest and back. He enjoyed the girl's nails running down his back and then her legs wrapping his hip, begging him to continue. She was just as desperate as Aizawa to have him inside her body. He had never been a gentle lover, every time they were together, he made her scream his name while her body trembled with so much pleasure, it was something that only he could do. The girl moaned in Aizawa's ear as she felt the warmth of his hand work its way up her thighs to her underwear. It was enough for him to leave his hand there for just a few seconds to discover how wet she was, they were just beginning and the girl was more than ready. It was something that made him lose his mind, knowing how much his kisses aroused her was something that always turned him on.
Soon, their clothes were gone and the room was filled with moans. The black-haired man had changed the direction of his kisses. They no longer focused on her girl's lips, nor on her neck or her breasts. He moved down her clavicle, then down her abdomen, kissing every scar left from when they had worked together as heroes. He kept going down as far as her underwear allowed him; yet, that did not stop him, since he tore the small piece of clothing, causing the girl to get even more excited, for she was sure that it would be one of those nights in which he would not restrain himself.
And so it was, Aizawa had never done a better job with his tongue and fingers than he did that night. The way he devoured the girl's body evidenced how eager he was to bring her to the edge and give her the best orgasm of her life, something he undoubtedly achieved. The orgasm that night was so intense that the girl needed a few minutes to recover, she had been too agitated and her body was too sensitive for Shota to continue. Even though he loved seeing her in that state, and despite eating her out almost made him lose his sanity, what had been going through his head for days had more power and control over the hero. The anguish caused his usual gentle look and soothing touch, as well as the soft and slow kisses he gave her as she recover herself, to not feel as calm and caring as usual, there was sadness in them, even worry. They had limited their encounters to sex, they had not returned to having deep conversations because they were aware that at the end of the day, that only hurt them more. But that night, his gaze led the girl to break their rules.
"Baby, what's going on?" He asked leaning on the hero's chest to straighten herself, and noticing that he was not ready to speak yet, she combed several of his locks back so she could see him better, no caress moved him as much as feeling her hands playing with his hair. "What's on your mind?" “Kitten, when we broke up, I told you that I understood your reasons and that I was gonna respect it because I can't stand seeing you cry, much less when I'm the one who causes it. After that, these nights have been the only thing that keeps me on foot, but…” Aizawa's weary look had changed to a defeatist one and dulled by worrying about how she would take what he was about to say. "I've been trying to shut it up for a long time because I don't want to lose the only thing we have left, but…" “Shota, all those 'buts' are killing me.” The girl's voice showed the same anxiety that he felt. If she heard him saying that he couldn't see her anymore, she didn't know what she would do, if that happened, she wouldn't have time to tell him what she had decided. “Gorgeous, I love you too much not to tell you and not to be able to express it well. I can't go on like this, I don't wanna see you just at night. I don't want my life to end and face that I couldn't be with you. Please, I'm begging you, let's go back to being us, just who we were before. I know that this is selfish and that it's not fair that you're always worried about whether I'll return or not, but I will, please trust me. Every time I walk out that door, I'm coming back to you." "No"
The girl's firm and direct response froze Aizawa. He knew that could happen, perhaps she didn't want to be in a relationship with him again. That was precisely why he hadn't told her how he felt in all those years, the idea of completely losing her terrified him. However, deep down, he hoped that she wanted to recover what they had.
"You're not going out alone, you're not gonna fight alone anymore." "What?" It couldn't be true, the girl hadn't worked as a hero in years. “I swore that I'd never do it again, I was too afraid of losing the love of my life, I didn't want to see you hurt again, but not anymore. You take care of those kids as if they were your children, but who takes care of you? When you can't continue fighting, who makes sure to keep you safe?" “Kitten…” he said so moved that he had to lower his face, he didn't want her to see him shed tears. “The shy but sweet man who loves cats wants his girlfriend back, but Eraser Head, the fearless and powerful hero, needs someone to help him, and I can do both. I'll be your girlfriend again, but also your partner, the same one you secretly kissed after patrolling together."
The hero's face changed radically to one that could not show more than happiness, he could not believe that the same person could make come true two dreams; the first, when they were just kids and she accepted to go out with him, and now, she was doing it again by giving him another chance to rebuild their life together. He was worried that she would return to the battlefield, but he would protect her, he would not let anything happen to her, much less now that he was finally getting her back.
"What do you think if starting tomorrow you go back to using the door?" She asked, smiling and even letting out several giggles when she felt Aizawa's rough hands taking her thighs and sitting her on his lap. "Sounds great, dear, but it wouldn't hurt if you left that window open, from time to time I might surprise you." "Who said I'd close it?" Her lips were already approaching the hero's neck. "Missing those nights when you wake me up to make love isn't an option, Eraser." The sexiest sound she could have heard was a manly laugh combined with a hoarse moan as Aizawa felt the girl take his length and slowly put it inside her. "I love you, kitten, I always will." It was the last thing he said before showing her not only how immensely happy he was for that second chance, but also the pleasure that awaited her every day by his side.
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itscappyj · 11 months
Avatrice + soft mornings
Today's prompt comes in the form of a Band AU deleted scene. This takes place the first winter after they get together and Ava is in her final year of university. They've been a couple for about 7 months by this point. (Yes I did read the prompt, you have to trust the journey on this one):
Sleep had become a problem.
Every waking moment, Ava’s brain was occupied by assignments, exams and performances. When she wasn’t thinking about her to-do list, she was obsessing over what had already passed. Things she could no longer control, nothing to do but wait for the results.
She had spent the night on the phone to Beatrice, hoping and praying that her mind would settle enough to let her rest. They talked for hours, until the yawns from the other end of the line could no longer be ignored.
It worked a little - she managed to get a few hours before her body woke her up in a flash of anxiety. She had given up trying to go back to sleep and now sat by her bedroom window, huddled up in a hoodie. Too many weeks had passed for it to smell like Beatrice anymore but she still found comfort in it.
Outside, the sloppy remains of snow began to reflect the barely rising sun. It looked so peaceful and quiet out there, like the world itself was asleep. 
The boys were staying at Michael’s mum's house for a bit while she recovered from a broken ankle. The house had been so empty. So lonely.
She had Beatrice to talk to, and it helped, but it wasn’t enough. There was no one here for those little everyday interactions. The things you take for granted until they’re gone. Someone asking how your day was when you get home; asking if you want a cup of tea made because they’re popping the kettle on; checking to see if you need anything from the shop; showing you a meme that made them laugh over breakfast.
It was hard enough to be in a long-distance relationship but she hadn’t realised just how much of a buffer the boys had been. Now she feels it like a gaping hole. So many little things that could be easily soothed by a squeeze of the hand, a kiss on the cheek, a hug, now spill over until she’s crying at nothing.
The distance itself wasn't even that much. They were both just so busy striving to achieve their own goals. Objectively, they were both killing it. Ava was acing uni and Beatrice’s band was starting to really gain traction. Somehow, that did very little to ease her mind. 
Maybe it was because the exam period had just ended and she was exhausted. Maybe it was the short, dark winter days that embedded themselves so deeply in her soul, it felt like she may never feel the sun's warmth again. Maybe it was that she would lay down at night and curl in on herself so tightly just so that she wouldn't be able to feel the empty space beside her. 
"Fuck, I miss you." A quiet sob shakes her as tears gather in her eyes. 
She hears the tiny pitter-patter of paws approaching from behind and Watson jumps into her lap, nuzzling a damp nose into her hand. 
She smiles through another sob as she strokes soft fur, feeling the warmth of it and the low rumble of a purr spark a light inside her chest.
There's a knock at the door and they both jump at the sound. Ava looks over her shoulder, curious and confused. It's far too early for visitors.
She makes her way downstairs, not caring that she's still in pyjamas. Anyone who has the audacity to disturb people this early in the morning can deal with her boxer shorts and pokemon shirt.  
There's another light tap at the door as she fumbles with the lock. "Alright, geez, I'm coming, keep your -"
The words die in her throat as she swings the door open to a familiar face beaming back at her. 
"Morning, Sunshine."
She surges forward, her bare feet on the frozen ground, and flings her arms around her girlfriend's neck. She buries her face into Beatrice's shoulder as the tears start to flow in full force. 
Beatrice holds her tightly for a moment before gently guiding them into the house and closing the door - Ava stays clinging to her with everything she has, somewhere in the back of her mind grateful to be out of the cold. 
A few minutes pass before Ava can get herself under control and she leans back. "What are you doing here?"
"I brought doughnuts," Beatrice replies, holding up the brown paper bag in her hand with a smile. Ava looks at it blankly. Beatrice brings her other hand up to her cheek, wiping gently at the tears. "The way you were last night…I had to come."
"I missed you." It's all Ava can manage to say.
"I know, darling. I missed you too." Beatrice pulls her back in,  a hand guiding Ava back down to her shoulder. "So much."
Minutes pass as Ava sinks into Beatrice’s embrace, breathing in deeply the smell of home. 
"Come on," Beatrice says as she starts to move them. "We can have these in your room."
Ava leans back then to catch her gaze, a small smile finally breaking through. "Food in bed? Who are you and what have you done with Beatrice?"
Beatrice chuckles and Ava feels the warm, delicate sound begin to mend something in her. 
They settle down in bed - after Beatrice grabs a couple of plates - and Ava finally starts to relax a little. Finally starts to feel how truly tired she is. 
She has three doughnuts to Beatrice's one and then they lay back against the headboard. Ava slowly traces the lines of Beatrice's tattoo with her hand and feels the shiver that runs down her spine.
"Do you want Pikachu?" Beatrice asks, leaning over to grab the plushie from the side of the bed. 
"No, you cuddle him. He missed you too." 
Beatrice laughs again but she makes no objection, tucking the toy under her other arm.
"I brought a couple of my jumpers for you to keep. The extra soft ones." Ava has made no secret of her love for wearing Beatrice's clothes.
"I love you," Ava replies sleepily, her eyes feeling heavy. 
"I love you," she hears Beatrice echo before she drifts down into a kind of peaceful slumber she hasn't experienced in weeks. 
When she wakes, hours later and the winter sun is streaming weakly through the window, she shuffles and feels the warmth of her love still tucked up beside her. 
Beatrice has an arm around her, stroking her hair in a soothing, repetitive motion. Her safest place in the world. 
"You're still here," Ava whispers. 
Beatrice tightens her hold and leans down to place a soft kiss to the top of her head, "Whenever you need."
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williamaltman · 6 months
So, I just finished Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. Well I'm not crying right now which is disappointing, but I was sobbing yesterday and had to stop and go to sleep so now I just read the last 3% of it.
For context, I had watched the movie a little while ago, because I saw it being talked about on twitter a bit, and tbh I thought it was pretty meh? But I was curious and I saw so many people saying the book was so much better or, just so great in general so I decided to read it.
And wow did it not disappoint!!! I knew the major plot points but I didn't mind it at all. It was so easy to read, to get into Ari's head, to feel like we're a part of their friendship ourselves.
I love me some good amount of characters just reflecting about themselves and about their life, and well, clearly this has a lot of that. I always wanted to just keep going, to continue living with them, I don't know how to explain.
I'm so in love with like, everyone in this. These parents are probably the best parents in the history of YA stories lol. Dante is the perfect little manic pixie dream girl to fall in love with, but he's so believable and vulnerable, yet also strong at the same time. His feelings about his heritage is one of the things that keep him more grounded (and I kinda like that Ari isn't the one dealing with that). Ari in his teenage angst and existential dread was so easy to relate to. I felt for him at every turn, even when I was slightly annoyed. I actually can relate to so many things about him even if I don't think our personalities are actually that close: Having such a nice intimate relationship with my mom, not really knowing how to talk to and get to really know my dad, having those girls at school who bother you all the time and are kinda your friends. And well, being bored and depressed and not having many friends, if that counts. I also broke a leg a few years ago, so even the parts related to the accident...
I thought it was great that the book wasn't just about romance, both in how it's more about friendship at first, and in how it has so much else going on in Ari's life and his family and everything. Not because I don't want all the romance, but just because it feels so much like we're actually in Ari's life, getting to deal with everything that is going on with him and around him.
I thought the way Dante's sexuality was handled was very interesting. I like that they make it pretty clear that he's gay, even without saying the word. I like that he just says it to Ari, because in so many stories it's like a shared discovery between the two characters, and when it's not then one is already out when they meet. I always end up empathizing more with the character that's in that position, so I got protective (...don't even get me startes on what he goes through) and also just so... I don't know how to say but it's Interesting to have Ari's pov as the "straight friend" (who wr know it's actually not lol) during that.
Despite this being a romance, it has also sadly reminded me of my old best friend from school, who I just haven't kept in touch with. The way we just clicked, despite my reluctance to open up at first. I'm sad that we didn't get even closer and continued being friends after it. Mostly by my own fault.
Anyway out of this tangent, I don't think there's a single thing about this that I didn't love. The moment that really got me towards the end was when Ari's dad talks about the accident. "I think you love him more than you can bear". Witj the way Ari is clearly so against talking about it because he knows deep down that it's the proof of his love...
I think if I had read the book, I would have liked the movie more, just for seeing the book play out on screen. I thought the actors were pretty good and I imagined them reading. But it just doesn't quite stand on its own as a film. It needed like 30 more minutes or so, and like I've seen someone say, a book with so much inner monologue it's probably hard to adapt.
Either way, I'm so fucking glad that there's a second book!!! I'm so excited for it. I can't wait to just, see all their parents' reaction at their relationship. I am wondering how different is it gonna be in tone with them being together now? How are things gonna be handled in general? I'm so eager to find out.
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apoptoses · 11 months
When Daniel mentions he likes kissing and snuggling with his dead boyfriend, it makes me think of how utterly surreal and life changing that first snuggling session must’ve been like… how did that come about? Was it before or after they officially got together? Was it Armand who initiated the contact or was it Daniel? Was it at a random hotel or in one of their first homes together? It’s just so crazy to me that THEY. CANONICALLY. SNUGGLE! Never getting over them 🤧
hello anon!! for my full thoughts on this i invite you to read my series come pull my strings where i explore the build up of their relationship before pompeii ♥
But I really think it happened before Pompeii, because that jump from acquaintances to lovers seems like a massive leap if nothing ever happened before that night (also, like, waking up crying every day because daniel missed armand always struck me as him being aware on some level that he had a romantic interest in him, that something happened to make him emotionally attached beyond their conversations)
I feel like it's one of those things that happened by accident at first. Armand pulling up in the middle of the night like that, he was bound to catch Daniel jetlagged and unable to keep his eyes open. And one night on a train or at a movie Daniel dropped off and his head dropped right onto Armand's shoulder. And if Armand took advantage of that and put his arm around Daniel while he was sleeping and would never know he'd been getting cuddled, well- that was between Armand and whatever god that exists.
And then it escalated. Holding onto Armand in a crowded subway, leaning up against him while too drunk to stand. Little excuses to touch and be touched until one night Armand grabbed Daniel's hand despite the street they were only being totally devoid of people. They never really talked about it. It was something that just happened.
But it was addictive for Daniel, who never knew if he was going to get warm, human-feeling Armand or the cold immortal with flesh as firm as marble. Both exhilarating in their own ways, both a delight (especially when he was hungover and Armand pressed his icy palm to his forehead to keep him from getting sick).
And equally addictive for Armand, who had experienced so little intimate touch for so long. Daniel was always warm, always smelling human and alive and even on the nights he was sweaty and his brath was tinged with whiskey Armand would have wanted to be close. To experience this boy on every level he could, even if he had to make excuses to touch him via adjusting his glasses or fixing his shirt.
But the first real cuddle, the one they both allowed themselves to indulge in and acknowledge exactly what it was? That was at the hotel Armand took Daniel too when they left Pompeii. The room where he told Daniel his nights forever belonged to him now. That was where they took advantage of the big, luxurious bed and curled up until Daniel fell asleep and dawn approached.
And it never really stopped from there. In the book itself even their fights ended with kissing and embracing, their worst nights still had affection and cuddling and sharing the blood. They're the most physical pair in the VC and I love them for it.
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vile-deathbeat · 3 months
What happened after Blacksheep left.
After Blacksheep leaves without saying anything at all, Rae is broken. They felt as if they were never going to be happy again. The day after Blacksheep left, a hurricane hits VILE Island. Rae actually went outside during it and sat on the beach thinking about Blacksheep because of How They Met. (My OC X BS fic)
While they were sitting there, they thought about just jumping into the ocean and never coming back up. But then they thought about the other people they met and how close they'd come with the faculty after being with Blacksheep.. how would they react?
So Rae starts to cope with it. They start working out more, fighting harder, sleeping less. They didn't really focus on much of their emotion anymore. They didn't feel much pain anymore either- even when Bellum was doing experiments on them.
These experiments included putting these glowing chemicals through the body to help Rae grow taller, gain a bit of weight, grow even more muscular, and even make their voice deeper. Rae didn't like the color of the chemicals that glew under their skin so they asked Bellum to see if she could turn it purple, she couldn't see a reason not to, so at times on missions when Deathbeat feels energized, their eyes and veins will glow neon purple.
They also got their canine teeth made into artificial fangs ^^
In appearance change, Rae became Deathbeat in just a matter of the 6 months they had left in the academy.
Rae was skinny and pale. Their arms, legs, and everything else were skinny. They didn't eat much, didn't weigh much, would throw up every so often. And they were only 5'0. Rae didn't like people and kept quiet at anytime they were around people. They had longer hair when they were a student, and it was darker.
Deathbeat became an almost polar opposite of what they used to be. They were still skinny but the muscles they gained added to their weight a lot. They ate more, didn't throw up as much, took pain like a champ, and they grew by 5 inches.
Their hair was buzzed shorter, and they were tanned from being on the island for so long. They had little fangs. Now that they were able to fight, they were more confident around people. Some were even scared to fight them.
A few missions into being sent out on capers, Deathbeat was walking down a hallway in a museum when Carmen jumped down in front of them from above somewhere. Deathbeat was now face to face with what used to be Blacksheep, but they didn't know it yet.
Carmen scanned Deathbeat up and down and recognized the scar under their eye. After she called it out and said she remembered them, Deathbeat was stunned. They didn't expect Blacksheep to have changed so much, she was almost unrecognizable.
Deathbeat didn't want to hurt Carmen after knowing that it was Blacksheep, but they didn't know if Carmen wanted to take defense against them. They were actually feeling a real emotion for the first time in months.. they were scared, stunned, and somewhat happy?? they felt like they were going to cry but they didn't want to in front of Carmen. They didn't speak either because they knew their voice would break.
Carmen was surprised as well with the way that Rae had changed after all this time. She too was going through a similar roller-coaster of emotions.
Deathbeat took off the Deafener (the weapon Deathbeat uses) took off their comms, and completely disarmed themselves before holding their arms open for a hug that they didn't think they would receive, but they did.
Carmen hugged them back for a while. Deathbeat sobbed silently into her shoulder. Both of them knew that they missed eachother, but they had already gotten over their relationship ending.
Rae- "I'm supposed to be fighting you and I can't because I don't want to hurt you."
Carmen- "I know."
She hesitated for a moment and let go of Deathbeat but kept one hand on their shoulder.
Their face was red and wet from their tears.
"You'll see me again." She said.
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nugget-from-neptune · 2 years
𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥
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“Several days have passed And you have not called me And the truth is I'm desperate, It’s too much...”
After another heated argument with them you couldn’t take it anymore. It was always the same cycle between the two of you. Harsh words leaving each others mouths, feelings being ignored and the constant tears of either anger or sadness never coming to an end. You had enough of them and decided you needed to get out. The one place that you called home, felt nothing like it. It was more of a reminder of the constant fights the both of you had, the times you stayed awake at night crying to yourself, the cold spot in bed when you awoke and the sorry of of an apology they told you after each fight. You had enough so you decided to pack a few of your things and leave. You were thinking of leaving a note but deciding not to and soon you were gone. 
“I know it was my fault Of what has happened And that your heart is hurt, And I want to fix it...”
For the first time in a while the house was quiet. You weren’t there to greet them at the door. The kitchen didn’t smell of your homemade cooking. The garden didn’t shine like your eyes. You were gone and they felt their heart fill with anxiety. They went mad, looking for you all over the house they asked your friends if they have heard of you, they did everything in their power to look for you only for the results to come back to a dead end. 
They couldn’t sleep at night, their head filled with thoughts of you. They began to reflect on their actions on all those nights he awoke to your sobbing and all he could do was go back to sleep. To the times after every nasty fight you still made them breakfast. After all those harsh words they told you, you still gave them a goodbye kiss and reminded them you loved them. That night they cried themselves to sleep, holding your pillow close to them and hoping to wake up from this nasty nightmare. That when they open their eyes in the morning you are there with them in their arms.
“Just tell me this is not over, And give me the hope that one day, You’ll come back to me...”
Two lovers far from each others embraces, sleeping in different beds could only hope for better days. All they could do was reflect on their actions, the love and their relationship. Was it worth the pain? Was this going to be the rest of your life? Will they change? All you could do was let a tear slip and soon you fell asleep. 
“Because I'll die If you're not with me, I have no reason, To wake up With a smile to stay alive And because I would give anything to be with you, Come back soon, beautiful I ask of you...”
The search for you went on for a few days until finally they found you. It finally came to an end because day after day they went restless without you. It was torture coming to the house without you there. It was like walking on a bed of nails searching for you, while wondering if you were okay. When they finally saw you it was as if they saw a goddess in front of them. You changed drastically, you hair that they loved to run their fingers in was much (longer/shorter). You still looked as beautiful to them.
“Because I'll die  If you're not with me, I lose my senses, Because I don’t want to Make friends with the forgotten, Because your goodbye is the worst thing I've ever experienced, Come back soon, my dear, beautiful, Crying I beg you, I have already received my punishment...”
Seeing them after a few days of the argument was shocking. They look like they haven’t gotten any rest, haven’t eaten or even properly taken care of themselves. It made your heart hurt seeing them like this and all you could do was raise a hesitant hand to their cheek and hold their face. Two lovers finally reconnected but will they be together? Will everything change? Will they finally hear beautiful things instead of those harsh words? 
After inviting them for a cup of tea, they finally reconciled. Both of you having a civilized talk with no yelling, no screaming, and most of all no tears. You wanted to start a new with them, you couldn’t bare going back to them in their arms and act as if nothing happened, that it was all just another lovers quarrel. You wanted to fall in love with them again, and they were ready to do that. Soon two lovers were holding hands as they walked back home. 
“ya recibi mi castigo...” 
- SANEMI, Obanai, Kokushibo, Gyutaro, SHINJURO, Kaigaku, HAGANEZUKA 
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I tried to keep the reader as gender neutral as possible please forgive me if I use any pronouns in it!!! As well as sorry for the translations being a bit confusing (?) the song is originally in spanish and as you know spanish is a romance language and has genders for words which was hard to translate to english!! if you would like to listen to the song its the spanish lyric!! Thank you guys so much for 75 followers it makes my day seeing that people like my work :) 
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