#if i count the doctor-donna can i make it 100?
behold…… every actor and va, according to the Tardis wiki etc., to portray the Doctor
technically there are spoilers here
1. Daniel Anthony
2. Rowan Atkinson
3. Christopher Baker
4. Colin Baker
5. Tom Baker
6. John Banks
7. Christopher Barry
8. Joe Bassett
9. Geoffrey Bayldon
10. Tim Bentinck
11. David Bradley
12. Nicholas Briggs
13. Jim Broadbent
14. Ian Brooker
15. Nicola Bryant
16. Bill Burridge
17. Douglas Camfield
18. Peter Capaldi
19. Jonathon Carley
20. Gail Clayton
21. David Coker
22. David Collings
23. Gordon Craig
24. Elliot Crossley
25. Jon Culshaw
26. Peter Davison
27. Jesse Deyi
28. Sacha Dhawan
29. Peter Diamond
30. Jacob Dudman
31. Christopher Eccleston
32. India Fisher
33. George Gallaccio
34. Ncuti Gatwa
35. Adrian Gibbs
36. John Guilor
37. Hugh Grant
38. Richard E Grant
39. Melvyn Hayes
40. Graeme Harper
41. William Hartnell
42. Philip Hinchcliffe
43. Frazer Hines
44. Kieran Hodgson
45. Robert Holmes
46. Anthony Howell
47. Geoffrey Hughes
48. Richard Hurndall
49. John Hurt
50. Derek Jacobi
51. Michael Jayston
52. Andy Jones
53. Jac Jones
54. Paul Kasey
55. Jack Kine
56. Tom Laird
57. Chris Laurens
58. Joanna Lumley
59. Damian Lynch
60. Katy Manning
61. Jo Martin
62. Trevor Martin
63. Sylvester McCoy
64. Paul McGann
65. Terry Molloy
66. Grace Nettle
67. Stephen Noonan
68. Jon Pertwee
69. Michael Pinder
70. Brian Proudfoot
71. Peter Puves
72. Colum Regan
73. Pat Ruins
74. William Russel
75. Matt Smith
76. Debra Stephenson
77. Robert Banks Stewart
78. Matthew Sweet
79. Leo Tang
80. Wink Taylor
81. David Tennant
82. Tim Treolar
83. Michael Troughton
84. Patrick Troughton
85. Unknown
86. Unknown
87. Unknown
88. Angus Villiers-Stuart
89. Chris Walker-Thomson
90. Pete Walsh
91. Terry Walsh
92. Albert Ward
93. David Warner
94. Edmund Warwick
95. Arabella Weir
96. Liz White
97. Jodie Whittaker
98. Anneke Wills
99. Michael Wisher
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sasusc · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @gneebee
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
41! Holy crap. I think there's a few I haven't cross-posted from ff.net
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Merlin, The Cleaning Lady, DragonBall Z, Stargate Sg-1, Harry Potter, Leverage, Arrow, Firefly, NCIS.
Honorable mentions (fandoms I have in wip but never published): Circle of Magic series, CSI, House MD, The 100, The Big Bang Theory, X-men (the movie), Once Upon a Time, Baby Daddy
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Your Scent Lingers in the Air
you might think I'm crazy, the way I've been cravin'
Steps on a Path
Boredom Leads to Trouble
One More Miracle 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try! I love and appreciate comments. So used to ff.net where you didn't reply to comments. And I feel weird to keep commenting "thanks" all the time.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't like to write angsty endings. "No Redemption" is probably the only one.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's most of them. I always want a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think so. I did get some because I shipped  a couple where people couldn't get over the factor that the female character grew up. Sure she was 12 years old in Season 1, but by season 10? There's references of her in college.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! Fluffy, spicy…I don't know what other kinds there are? M/F
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
Not really, but I started to writing a Walking Dead/Stargate SG-1.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's impossible to answer.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Steps on a Path…I love this story, but I'm just not into DBZ much anymore.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm true to character when I write. And I try to research things all the time.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing a story. I'm so sorry WIPs. Plot bunnies bite me all the time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it. Usually it's google translate or something that's used within the fandom. Lately, I just skip the translation and use italics with a note to indicate something being spoken in another language so the readers won't need to scroll to find the translations or I don't butcher the language. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Shit…that was 20+ years ago. I think it was probably Sailor Moon. Possibly DragonBall Z.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
One of my favorites…it's almost 10k of a WIP that I haven't even published yet. Angsty time loop Doctor Who fix where I make the Doctor and Donna relieve a certain day over and over again until he can "fix" the thing that went wrong.
But one of my faves that's publish is: you might think I'm crazy, the way I've been cravin'
Tagging: anyone and everyone one.
@whovianlili @wendydarlingfics @piper1016 @deerdens @courtneyshortney82 @dammithawke @mindynichole @im-immortal @fairybellworld
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ilcovodelbikersgrunf · 4 months
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"Sto per morire... So che mancano pochi mesi alla fine della mia esperienza terrena...
Cosa devo fare? Mi dispero, mi metto in depressione, rifiuto l'idea della morte e fingo che la malattia non esista.
O decido di vincere la morte... Decido con l'anima, perché solo l'anima e il cuore mi danno l'ispirazione per comporre musica come ho fatto per 50 anni...
Conto brevemente le ore e, come mi dicono i medici, posso prevedere con un intervallo minimo, la data della mia morte e il lancio del mio nuovo e ultimo lavoro è fissato per l'8 gennaio 2016, giorno in cui compirò 69 anni. .
Lavoro giorno e notte, ho tempo per comporre, perfezionare, interpretare, registrare in studio e fare video... Lo faccio il prima possibile perché non voglio che la mia faccia intraveda la morte che, prendendo in giro, mi sta falciando il corpo senza che io possa difendermi...
Ma ti sfido, morte... Fanculo se non ti sfido!
Ho sfidato e vinto il fanatico mondo degli anni 70 con l'orgoglio dell'ambiguità... Ho amato gli uomini e le donne, era un uomo, una donna, un alieno e infine un corpo celeste.
Cosa puoi fare, morte contro la mia eternità, il mio genio, la mia follia, la mia creatività, la mia musica che vivrà per sempre?
Sono Lazzaro, strappato dalle cicatrici, morirò nel corpo, ma vivrò per sempre attraverso la mia musica.
Ho vissuto abbastanza per ricevere gli auguri di buon compleanno. Pensavo di non poter vedere il mio album pubblicato... Sopravvissuto l'8 gennaio... e tu, mio caro assassino, hai perso!
Pensa solo che, se non avessi bussato alla mia porta, i miei lavori sarebbero stati 24, sarei riuscito a vivere anche 100 anni, e invece, grazie a te, ho 25 anni!
"Sai... Sarò libero come un uccello"
"I'm about to die… I know that there are a few months left until the end of my earthly experience…
What should I do? I despair, I get depressed, I reject the idea of death and I pretend that the disease doesn't exist.
Or I decide to conquer death… I decide with my soul, because only my soul and heart give me the inspiration to compose music as I have done for 50 years…
I briefly count the hours and, as the doctors tell me, I can predict with a minimum interval, the date of my death and the launch of my new and last job is set for January 8, 2016, the day I will turn 69. .
I work day and night, I have time to compose, perfect, interpret, record in the studio and make videos… I do it as soon as possible because I don't want my face to glimpse the death that, mockingly, is mowing down my body without that I can defend myself…
But I challenge you, death… Fuck you if I don't challenge you!
I challenged and won the fanatical world of the 70s with the pride of ambiguity… I loved men and women, it was a man, a woman, an alien and finally a celestial body.
What can you do, death against my eternity, my genius, my madness, my creativity, my music that will live forever?
I am Lazarus, torn from the scars, I will die in the body, but I will live forever through my music.
I lived long enough to receive happy birthday wishes. I thought I couldn't see my album released… Survived January 8th… and you, my dear murderer, lost!
Just think that, if you hadn't knocked on my door, my jobs would have been 24, I would have managed to live even 100 years, and instead, thanks to you, I'm 25 years old!
"You know… I'll be free as a bird"
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corolune · 1 year
Do you have any favorite fics (AR or otherwise) to read when you’re feeling down? Fics that make you smile and/or laugh, that you find comforting?
thank you for the ask, anon! (sorry it’s taken me forever to reply 🙈) You’ve come to the right person, because my bookmarks are full of fluff and humour fics…it's hard to pick my favourite fics, so I'll go by "make me laugh out loud" and/or "reread 100x" as my criteria lol. There’s lots of fics I didn’t add because I didn’t want this to get too long, but hopefully you’ll find some you haven’t read before here!
Untitled Alexgoose Game (Alex Rider)
by @afewbulbsshortofatanningbed
Alex is a goose. This confuses Alex very much.
Sidenote: @afewbulbsshortofatanningbed is the queen of Alex Rider humour fics, they're all SO funny!!
r/AmItheAsshole: Am I the Asshole for Saving a Child’s Life? (Alex Rider)
by @cthulhu-is-chaotic-good and @afewbulbsshortofatanningbed
Exactly what it says in the title. If you’ve ever been on reddit, or even if you haven’t, I can guarantee you will be rolling in laughter once you read this!!!
The Roommate (Alex Rider)
by @morfoxx
If you have the time for a long read, this fic is like curling up in front of a fire with some hot chocolate. So sweet, and such a lovely story!!
An Everyday Mission Report (Alex Rider)
by @cthulhu-is-chaotic-good
The Alex Rider Interview series is my favourite thing. It is hilarious, and I love all of Cthulhu’s writing!! (if you’re in the mood for more plotty and adventure fics, hers all amazing)
Some fics from other fandoms that I’ve found myself coming back to over and over again when I need a laugh or something sweet to read:
Contractions and Split Infinitives (Tangled)
This fic never fails to put a smile on my face. It’s funny, and sweet, and perfectly in character. The first time I read it I laughed out loud, and whenever I want a pick me up I still find myself rereading this, even after so many years.
Smitten (Tangled)
Pascal falls in love…with the Queen. (it’s so funny) (and also sweet)
Family Seal (Merlin)
A funny little ficlet about poor Merlin misunderstanding a very basic word 😆
Curiosity Killed the Knight (Merlin)
by @bonesbuckleup​
Gwaine is my favourite knight, and this fic hilariously captures exactly why I love him. (I first read this years ago and still reread it when I need a laugh. The dialogue is SO funny! also other fics by this author are also hilarious and great)
Frogs and Fools (Merlin)
by @bonesbuckleup​
I love frogs, I love Gwaine, and I love Merlin’s (lack of) self-control.
Mental (Merlin)
Morgana and Merlin communicate telepathically. Unfortunately, Gwen can somehow hear them (and, stupidly, she lets them know). I just reread this (again) and the ending still makes me laugh out loud 🤣
Castle Pranks (Merlin)
A lovely short fic where poor Arthur is the subject of many pranks. The ending is pure fluff!
Somewhat off the Way (Merlin)
A funny short ficlet, the author describes it perfectly in their summary: “In which there's a bodyswap. But it's okay, Merlin knows what he did wrong this time.”
Intervention (Merlin)
Arthur’s uncle has a talk with Arthur about acceptable behaviour. It’s short and very funny lol.
Other People's Pets (Dr Who)
by @abadplanwellexecuted
pure, hilarious, crack. it involves Rose adopting a pet Dalek, and it only gets crackier from there.
Tabloid Fodder (Dr Who)
A beautiful, funny, and sweet fic about a parallel Donna Noble who gets caught up in the Doctor and Rose’s life — I also LOVE the format of this, all dialogue and perfectly in character. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve reread this and it’s perfect for putting you in a good mood ❤️
Possibilities, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bananas (Dr Who)
by @rosa-acicularis
SO SWEET and funny and ugh just perfectly written. It captures Rose’s voice so well, and is full of fluff (it’s a doctor/rose reunion fic). I love it and have probably read this a 100 times since it was first posted (which, wow, it’s been awhile huh?)
The Masterverse (Dr Who)
by orange_crushed
ok so first of all, orange_crushed has some of the most beautiful and poignant writing I have ever read, but she is ALSO an amazing crack fic writer. Case in point, this series, which revolves around the Doctor feeling he has to try and rehabilitate the Master. Unfortunately, the Master still wants to be a villain, and tries to kill Rose every chance he gets (unsuccessfully). It is laugh out loud funny!
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 18
"Hell House"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: Yes. 100%. I wouldn't be going to a place that's referred to as Hell House especially knowing "it goes after girls." (I have lost count of what I would and wouldn't survive, so....sorry)
AND I WAS RIGHT! Their injuries, even the ones on their faces, are mysteriously healed. (Thanks, Cas? Maybe?)
I am very excited for this Winchester prank war.
Listening to the kids recounting their time in the Hell House and how none of their stories match up in ANY detail except for whose fault it was they were there...amazing
I don't believe Craig (Greg?)'s backstory for it. Like, I don't think he's lying, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Or maybe I'm just thinking this is a vengeful ghost thing when it might not be.
Is this...is this the first encounter with the ghost facers??? omg om g yesssss. ...mmmm maybe not. Still very funny to have them encounter other ghost hunters.
Dean's mad Sam got him good...
OOf. How much of an asshole must this kid be if his friend would rather go into the Hell House this soon after a reported death than make out with him?
Is the symbol....one from Meg's warehouse altar?? (It was not.)
Really Dean? Itching powder?? That's immature and LOW, but I'm still proud of you for it.
Okay...now I'm once again thinking these guys might be the Ghost Facers (I hope I'm right). And I've keyed in on the line about how this ghost hunt is their ticket to "the big time. Fame. Money. Sex...with girls" who...hey boys? who have y'all been? What is the implication here? (Though the fact that these two are supposed to be nerdy loser foils to Sam and Dean...even though Dean constantly calls Sam a nerd and says things like "this is why you never get laid" when Sam *checks notes* knows or has found out something relevant about a supernatural being. ANYWAY) For a show that was supposed to be so targeted toward white cishet guys, THIS IS STILL JUST SEASON ONE.
(I can't wait for Sam to probably win the prank war)
There are three minutes left, which includes end credits, and I can't believe the solution was arson. I love it when the solution is arson.
These guys WISH they were Shane and Ryan.
So the prank war ended in a truce between the brothers, but they pranked the proto Ghost Facers pretty hard
"Been On My Mind...": (Prediction: Considering what we got last episode, I'm gonna go with no) I was right.
"The Doctor Dances"
The strange solutions just keep coming tonight. I forgot yelling "Go to your room!" worked (at least for some time) in this episode.
Jack mentioning Pompeii for a alien...time travel...con job makes me sad he wasn't even, like, in the background for the time Donna and Ten were there. Can you imagine if (along with seeing Karen Gillan and Peter Capaldi) you just saw Jack running romancing random Pompeii citizens while trying to pull off a job? Would have been genius. And all this was in RTD's original run!! He could have made it happen!!
Omg. THIS episode starts (or maybe just HAS) the whole banana thing?
Well DAMN, Nancy! This dude's "messin' about" with the butcher you say? Are you...well, that's shit to hold that over him as blackmail.
Oh to be a haunted child punching its way through a wall. What the absolute fuck.
"You don't even know how to read or write" "Don't need to. I've got a machine!" Sounds about right.
Jack and Rose (....am I watching Doctor Who or Titanic?) ganging up on the Doctor "talking about dancing"...superb
I love the implication that as soon as we left Earth, we just started fucking every alien we could. The Captain Jack Harkness Rule or whatever it's called is so real
There are certain kinds of body horror I can take, but bad special effects of someone's face turning into a gas mask....still no.
If there was anyone you could tell the future to, it's someone who wouldn't possibly be believed if they told someone else, but you took a huge risk there, Rose.
Yeaaaahhhh!!! I did remember that Nancy was Jamie's mom!
Oh. Oh, I'm...I'm just..."Everybody lives, Rose. JUST THIS ONCE! EVERYBODY LIVES!!" It's such a wonderful moment.
Normally, I'm not a fan of doctors gaslighting their patients, but this doctor telling the one woman that perhaps she miscounted how many legs she had when she came to the hospital? You know, on account of the war? I don't even know what to say lol
This scene with Jack would be sadder if I didn't know that he lives to see the end of the world.
(...aaaaaaaaand then they bring back the Slitheen for next episode...)
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Picking Up The Pieces Part 1
Pairings: Dean AU x Reader
Word Count: 3,654 
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Warnings- Hard times
You clutched your jacket around yourself a little bit tighter. It was the beginning of November and the weather was starting to get really cold in Lawrence Kansas. You were currently standing in line for a bed at the shelter. It was really long so there was a slim chance that you were going to get a slot tonight. Sure enough, after about 10 more people the man at the door said that was it for the night. You sighed and slowly turned walking to Donna’s Place. 
The diner didn’t have that many people in it, just a young teenage couple and an old guy at the counter sipping on his beer. You sat at the counter and the waitress approached you for something to drink, which you shook your head no. 
“I’m sorry, you have to order something to keep your seat.” She said with sympathy in her eyes. 
“I understand. I’ll just have some water please.” You say quietly. 
“Coming right up honey.”
While you waited for your water, you counted the few bills you had in your small wallet. You only had 23$ to your name. You’ve been in this predicament for quite some time now. When you turned eighteen your parents kicked you out because you didn’t want to be a doctor. Your family was all doctors and nurses, and they looked down on other people who didn’t have the same career. 
That was three years ago, and you were now 21. You had a job at Burger King for a while, but the bills were piling up and you didn’t have enough money for rent so the landlord kicked you out. All of your family disowned you, and you had nobody else. You slept at the shelter when you could, but most of the time it was packed with people. 
When you were able to stay you took your showers. Most of the time you took clothes out of the donation bins, and only bought granola bars or fruit so you wouldn’t run out of money. The money was getting low now, and you didn’t know what to do. You’ve been searching for jobs all over the place but nobody hired you. 
You sipped slowly on your water, and stared at your hands. You ran your fingers through your hair and cursed to yourself at how greasy it was becoming. This was the second night in a row you haven’t been able to grab a bed so you haven’t showered. 
You were aware that you probably smelt bad, and you sunk your head down, avoiding the stares of the two teenagers. The employees were staring at you like you were some kind of animal, and it was making you uncomfortable. The bell on the door indicated someone else was walking in. 
You turned to look, and it was four guys. They were attractive, and you quickly looked away. You felt disgusting, and went into the ladies room. You wiped cold water on your face and looked at your reflection ashamed. Your hair was definitely greasy, and you had dark bags underneath your eyes from lack of sleep. 
Your clothes looked wrinkly, and you tried to make yourself look a little bit presentable as you made your way back to your seat. The four guys were sitting in the booth closest to the counter, and you kept your head down trying to avoid eye contact. These four attractive guys didn’t need to see how ugly you were. You were hoping that they couldn’t smell you. 
You felt someone looking at you, and you shyly looked up to see the most attractive man you’ve ever laid eyes on. He had the greenest eyes you’ve ever seen. He had light brown hair and a small amount of stubble. He was looking at you, and he gave you a small smile. You returned it, your cheeks flushed and looked away quickly. 
You kept glancing over at him, and everytime you did he was looking at you. You couldn’t help but think he and his friends were making fun of you, and you tried to make yourself small. 
“I’m sorry guys, we’re closing up soon.”
“No problem sweetheart, we’ll be out soon.” The green eyed man said. 
“Okay.” You whispered quietly and she looked at you in sympathy again. 
“Is there someone I can call for you? Somewhere that you can go?”
You shook your head no, and slowly got up out of your chair. You wrapped your jacket tighter around yourself as you walked out of the diner, but before the door closed you noticed him looking at you again. 
You weren’t sure how long you were walking, but the low rumble sound of a car pulling up next to you broke your train of thought. You looked over to see a beautiful black car and sure enough the same man from the diner looking at you. 
“Hey sweetheart. Do you need a ride somewhere?” He asked kindly and you shook your head no. 
“No thank you, I’ll be home in five minutes.” You lie. 
“Let me take you home, you’ll be there in 1 minute instead of five.” He shrugged and you shook your head again. 
“That’s okay, but thank you so much.”
“I insist. My mother would slap me upside the head if she found out I let a beautiful young girl walk home at night. It’s dangerous out here sweetheart.”
He wasn’t letting up, and you sighed quietly before opening the passenger door, and sliding in quietly. He began to drive and asked where to go. You told him a random turn and luckily there was a motel there.
“Right there. Motel 99.” You say quietly. 
You looked in your wallet, and pulled out 5 dollars and tried to hand it to him. “This is for you.” But he shook his head rapidly. 
“No no no. I don’t think so.” He said gently and pushed the money towards you kindly. 
“Please take it. I insist.” You say quietly. 
“No. It’s no problem at all. I’m just glad I got you home safe and sound. My pleasure.” He said sweetly and you gave him a small smile. 
“Thank you, I appreciate it.” You reply kindly. 
“You’re welcome. Have a goodnight.” 
You walked into the motel, and there was a sketchy guy sitting at the front desk. “Hello miss thing. What can I do for you?”
“How much is it a night?” You ask. 
“100 bucks.” You winced and looked to the ground. 
“Thanks anyways.” You whisper and begin to walk outside. 
“I can knock it down to fifty if you repay me in favors.” He said cheekily and your face scrunched up in disgust. “No thanks.” You say in annoyance and continue your way outside. 
You walked along the dirt path, and you couldn’t help but let a tear slide down your cheek. You haven’t cried that much over your situation. You didn’t cry when your parents kicked you out and shunned you, you didn’t cry when your landlord kicked you out, you didn’t cry when you lost your job. 
But if you were being honest this entire thing was beginning to take a toll on you. It was cold outside now, and the money was beginning to run out. Nobody was hiring, and you cursed to yourself about not applying to Donna’s Place earlier. 
You were starving, and you desperately needed a shower. You were going to make it your mission to get a spot tomorrow night at the shelter. You arrived at a park, and took a seat on the bench. You were shivering, and you tugged your jacket close to your body. 
You tried to make yourself comfortable and laid down shutting your eyes. Sleep was failing you, and you sighed softly before sitting up again. You decided to head back to the shelter. They were most likely going to say no, but you had to try to get a proper bed tonight. 
You knocked softly on the door, and after a couple of minutes a man opened it up. “Can I help you?”
“H-Hi, I was wondering if you had any beds left.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think we do tonight honey.”
“O-Okay, I understand.” You say with tears welling in your eyes. You began to walk away when he stopped you. 
“I can tell you’re going through a really rough time. Listen, go to Harvelle’s Roadhouse. My wife and I co own it, and she’s got a couple of beds in the back. I’ll call her and let her know you’re coming. We’ve got a bed, a shower and she can make you something to eat.” 
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. It’s about a 10 minute walk, would you like me to drive you?”
“No, I got this. Thank you for everything.” You say quietly before walking in the direction he pointed you to. 
Harvelle’s Roadhouse was in bold letters on the front of the building. You sighed before knocking on the front door softly. A middle aged woman opened it up. “Can I help you sweetie?”
“Hi. Your husband told you I was coming here?”
“Yes. Of course, come on in.” 
You stepped inside, and she led you to the back. There was a small bedroom connected with a bathroom. 
“There’s shampoo and conditioner for guests in the shower already, and there’s a sealed toothbrush with some toothpaste in the vanity. I can lend you some of my daughters clothes and wash the ones you have on now if you would like.” She said and you nodded your head gratefully.
“Are you hungry? I can whip something up for you.” 
“Please.” You whispered.
“What can I make you?”
“Anything.” You whispered and she looked at you with sympathy. 
“Coming right up honey.”
You stood in the shower for a really long time, and you felt so much better when you got out. Your hair felt fresh, and you were able to shave parts of you that you haven’t been able to attend to in a while. 
You dried yourself off, and slid the sweatpants and tank top over your body. You were grateful to everyone who’s been nice to you tonight. Nobody has been this nice to you in such a long time. 
She entered the room with a bowl of soup and some crackers. “I figured you should take it easy on your stomach, it’s been a while since you’ve had a proper meal huh?” She asked and you looked away shameful. 
“Hey..my name is Ellen by the way. What’s yours?”
“Beautiful name. Is there anyone I can call for you? Parents?” 
You shook your head no, and she looked at you with sympathy. 
“Well, I’ll let you eat your food, and then you need to get some rest.” She said gently and you nodded gratefully. 
“Thank you ma’am.” You say quietly and she smiled at you. 
“Call me Ellen, and you’re welcome sweetie. Sweet dreams.” She says as she leaves the room. 
You ate like you’ve never eaten before, and you were out like a light within minutes. You woke up the next morning and your eyes widened at the time. 5:00 in the afternoon!? 
Ellen folded your clean clothes on the bottom of the bed, and you quickly dressed yourself. You were about to run out the front door before she stopped you. 
“Hey, where are you going sweetie?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep all night and all afternoon here. Thank you so much for everything you and your husband did for me. I’ll be out of your hair in no time.”
“Wait wait wait, y/n you can stay, let me help you get back on your feet,-”
You cut her off but shaking your head. “I’ve been doing this for a long time. But thank you so much again.” 
Before she opened her mouth, you were out the door. You appreciated everything she did, but you felt like you overstayed your welcome. You decided you were going to apply to Donna’s Place as a waitress. You would sleep at the shelter at night, and you would save up until you could afford an apartment. 
The bell rang as you entered the diner, and it had a little more people than it did the night before. You looked to your left and the same four guys were sitting in the same spot. The green eyed man smiled widely, and you gave him a shy one back. 
“Hey sweetheart! C’mere!” He said and you felt your cheeks burn. 
You approached them slowly, and smiled shyly at the other three attractive men and they returned it with grins. 
“This is Benny, Cas, and this is my brother Sam. Guys, this is...I’m sorry I don’t think I caught your name.” He says sheepishly. 
“The beautiful mystery girl you drove home last night?” Cas teased and you smiled softly and your cheeks turned pink. You were shocked to see that the tips of his ears turned pink. 
“Yes. This is her. I’m Dean. I’m sorry I didn’t formally introduce myself last night.” He said again and you shook your head.
“That’s okay.”
“Why don’t you have a seat with us?” He asked but you shook your head.
“Thank you, but I’m actually here to apply for a job.”
“Oh, that’s okay.” He said a little disappointed. 
“Hey, my wife said you took off this morning. You know you could’ve stayed as long as you needed to.” A voice said next to you and you looked up to see Bill staring at you. 
“U-Um yeah, I told her thanks but I’ll be okay.” You say quickly hoping he would change the subject. 
“If you want a spot tonight, I can arrange that for you.” He says kindly and you give him a small smile.
“I would appreciate that, thank you.”
He just nodded and walked away and you slowly turned to look at the four men with confused looks on their faces. 
“Y/n..Bill runs the homeless shelter.” Dean says and you could feel your face burn with embarrassment. “I thought I brought you home last night?”
“Well, not exactly.” You said hoping that the ground swallowed you up. “L-Look, I don’t want to talk about this. Enjoy your dinner. And thank you again for last night.” You say kindly and turn around walking to the counter. 
As you were filling out an application you felt a warm hand place itself on the small of your back. You looked up into Dean’s green eyes and he was looking at you filled with sympathy. 
“Listen, I know you don’t know me that well. Not at all actually. But I do know that you’re clearly going through a rough time, and if you ever need someone to vent to I’m here for you.” He says sweetly and you smile at him. 
“Thank you.”
 “They’re always hiring here. You should definitely get the job.”
“I hope so.” You say quietly. 
“So I really don’t mean to pry, but you don’t live at the motel?” He asks and you shook your head. 
“No. I’m sorry I lied to you. I was embarrassed.” You say. 
“Don’t be. I promise I’m not judging you.”
“I don’t have a home. I stay at Bill’s shelter whenever there is a free bed. The past two nights in a row I wasn’t able to get a bed and last night I felt at my lowest point and I was desperate. I stayed at Harvelle’s Roadhouse and Ellen was very nice to me. She offered me to stay there but I’m just trying to get a job so I can get back on my feet and find myself an apartment.”
“It’s okay to ask for help every once in a while you know.” He said quietly. 
“I know. But I’ve been on my own since I’ve been eighteen. I can handle it.”
“Listen, I know you don’t know me at all, and I know this sounds absolutely crazy..but stay with me.”
“What? No.” You say quickly. 
“It’s okay to ask for help y/n. You’re going through a hard time and I want to help you. Let me be your friend. Let me help you get back on your feet.”
“Dean..even if I said yes I don’t have a job. I can’t help you with rent. I can’t help with groceries.” 
“And that’s completely okay.”
“No, I can’t agree to that Dean.”
“Listen. If you get hired here, then stay with me. Save up a little bit, and if it means that much to you we can split everything. Okay?”
“Okay.” You say softly. 
The owner Donna was thrilled when you applied and your availability was anytime everyday. There was only her with three other waitresses. Claire, Alex, and Kaia. She said you could start right away, and all the tips you got were yours. Your first shift began at 10:00 tomorrow morning. 
You were embarrassed that you didn’t have anything to bring with you to Dean’s house. Just the clothes on your back. He could tell that you were ashamed, but he didn’t push you to talk. 
“Listen y/n..if you want I can bring you to the mall. Pick out whatever you want.” You shook your head. 
“I can’t do that Dean.”
“I insist sweetheart. Please.” 
“Alright…” You sigh and he gives you a small smile. 
“And then we can pick up bathroom stuff for you. I’m sure you don’t want to use my axe shampoo and cologne smelling deodorant and body wash.” He chuckled and you giggled quietly. 
“Okay Dean. Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.”
At the end of it all, you felt terrible for how much Dean was spending on you. He bought you all the bathroom products you needed, along with a bunch of clothes. He even bought you makeup. 
He pulled into his small house, and you helped him carry everything inside. You placed everything on the kitchen counter and you looked up at him with tears welling in your eyes. 
“Thank you Dean.”
“Hey...stop it. Don’t you do that to me.” He said as he pulled you gently into his arms and you buried your face into his chest. It’s been a long time since somebody hugged you, let alone be this nice to you. 
He was rubbing his hand up and down your back. “Listen, I’m always here for you. I want to get to know you. You’ve been through tons of crap and I can’t even imagine. You deserve better than what the world has done to you. Let me be there for you. Let me take care of you. You deserve to be happy.”
“I’m crap Dean. You don’t know me. When you find out how shitty I am you’ll kick me out.” You sniffled.
“I highly doubt that, and you’re not crap. You need help, and there’s nothing wrong with receiving it. Now, I’m going to give you a tour, show you where the guest room is that’s now yours, and then you’re going to take a nice long hot shower, and I’m going to order us a pizza. You like pizza right?” You nodded against his shoulder. 
“Good. Now let me show you around.” 
He showed you around his small house, and for a guy it was neat and clean. Your room was really nice, and the walls were a nice beige color with a queen size bed in the middle. 
You gathered up all your bathroom stuff along with your pajamas and shut the bathroom door. You showered, thinking to yourself that you’ve never met anyone as nice as Dean. When you finished you went out into the living room. Dean was handing the pizza guy money, and he turned around and smiled when he looked at you. 
“Hey sweetheart. Do you feel better?”
“Yeah, much better.”
“Good. Want to watch tv?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Okay, make yourself comfortable on the couch and I’ll be right out.”
“Okay De.” You say softly. 
“Hey..you okay?” He asks in concern. 
“Yeah..yeah I think that everything is just sinking in you know?”
“Yeah..I understand.” 
You ate together in silence, with Friends playing in the background. You felt Dean glance over to you every few moments, but you pretended not to notice. 
“Are you excited for your first shift tomorrow?” He asked. 
“I’m a little nervous. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a job.”
“You’ll do great. I go there every night and it’s mainly the same people who eat there. Everyone is super nice to the staff and the ladies get good tips. I believe in you y/n.” 
“Thank you Dean.” You let out a small yawn. 
“Are you sleepy?”
“Getting there.” 
“Why don’t you head to bed? You need rest sweetheart.” 
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” 
“Here, I’ll walk you.” 
He trailed behind you, and you gently hugged him before entering your room. “Thank you for everything. You’ll never know how much I appreciate it.” You whisper to him and he held you tighter against his body. 
“You’re welcome y/n.” 
You crawled into bed, and moaned softly at the memory foam mattress. It was so soft, and you felt your eyelids droop instantly as you became more comfortable. 
After Dean finished another episode, he shut the tv off and locked up. Before he went into his room he quietly checked on you and he smiled at the sight of you snuggled into the mattress. You were wrapped up in the covers like a cocoon, and he felt his heart swell. 
You were such a sweet and beautiful girl. He wasn’t sure what happened to you for you to end up in the position you were in, but he was a patient man and he was going to be there for you and pick up the pieces. 
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aseioh · 3 years
Of Stars and Moonlit walks pt.3/?
Days blur into weeks as life continues to buzz around the Castle. With harvest season fast approaching, Alcina and her daughters has been busy. Thankfully, most of their ‘wine making’ operation is contained in the basement. Donna has never ventured below the castle, and even though she offered to help with their ‘harvest’ Alcina declined good naturedly. After all, the process of creating “Sanguis Virginis” was a family secret -even though all the Lords knew what was inside the wine- still she appreciated the offer.  
Donna herself has been busy with helping Heisenberg in his factory, between this and her own work as Mother Miranda’s chief interrogator for prisoners, she was often left haggard at the end of the day. But beneath the tired feeling, Donna was proud of her work.  
After all she was needed, she wasn’t disposable.      
Donna remembers the first time she entered Heisenberg’s Factory and found it stifling. The metal doors that never seems to open and the constant smell of oil that permeates the air made her want to regurgitate her breakfast.  
‘Heisenberg himself carries the same smell, along with the smoke of his preferred cigar.’ Donna muses as she makes her way to the hidden lift at the side of the front warehouse. The lift itself was a new addition, after Heisenberg noticed Donna’s reaction to the metal doors he graciously installed the one way lift for her.
“A direct access to our workspace! We need to be efficient and what better way than an ‘in and out way’. No need to walk around the factory floor.”  Heisenberg boasted as he revealed it to Donna at the end of their first week working together.
Donna has never been more grateful with her ‘brother’.  
The two of them shared a passion of building things, a trait Mother Miranda noticed early on and took advantage of. Donna with her dolls and Heisenberg with his technical proficiency, the two would always discuss their newest projects after every meeting.  
When Mother Miranda said that she needed to expand her control, and increase their territory Heisenberg volunteered to make her a ‘mechanical army’, and with Donna’s help with in the early stages the plan was going along nicely.
Today had been a rather slow day for the two of them, after the field test of ‘Soldat’ prototype Heisenberg offered a break on their work. Of course, with nothing new on their plate discussions quickly turned to Donna’s stay at the Castle as well as its colorful inhabitants.
“So how’s the stay at the gilded castle?” Heisenberg inquired, as he lazily smoked his cigar, the red dot at the tip reminds Donna of the Soldats central weak point, something they need to remedy if they want the mechanical man to have a chance.
Donna sipping her tea frowns at the question. “Quite fine actually. I wished you would stop teasing Alcina, Karl. One day she’ll get so angry at you that you’ll end up as confetti on the floor”
“ohh, are we having a party Mistress” Angie pipes up from her stool.
“Now, now you know I’m only joking. and Alcina’s too strung up, it’s funny to piss her off. Besides I’m genuinely curious, are they treating you well? No headaches or nightmares? I know you get stress in new environments”  
“I’m fine Karl, Alcina and the girls are lovely. Even Angie is having fun” at that the Doll nods enthusiastically. “As for the headache, its manageable, the herbal tea helps”
“and the last one?”
“Like I said, manageable.” She said with finality
“Right, you know I care about you Donna. If anything happens, you’re more than welcome to stay here. You’re friends are getting antsy sometimes but all is well here. I’m sure they’ll be happy when they know that their Mistress is in the same room as them”  
“Thank you”
“Right enough about that.” Heisenberg extinguishes his cigar and stands up animatedly, walking to the side table with blueprints laying on top, he motions for Donna to follow him.
“So I have this new idea… what do you think if we attach a huge propeller at the head of one of the soldat”
The afternoon at Heisenberg’s factory just became interesting again.
In her dreams she wasn’t fast enough.  
It was always the same scenario, her and Mother standing near the viewing docks of the waterfall. The sound was deafening but she can distinctly hear Mother talking and saying that she will always be there for her and urging Donna to run back inside the house.  
Donna turns intending to follow her Mother’s order. She hears a soft “goodbye love” and when she looks back Mother is gone.  
Gone. Gone.
She makes her way at the edge of the viewing dock and looks down…  
It was Bela's turn to patrol the corridors of the castle, with the harvest of maidens it isn't uncommon to see one or two of their 'prey’ to try to escape. As she makes her rounds near the guest wing she hears a scream.
Bela hears Donna scream and rushes to the woman's room, thinking that someone had managed to escape and made their way to Donna's room or even worse. Bursting through and seeing there are only embers near the fireplace, Bela was about to light a candle when she was stopped.
"STOP!” Donna and Angie both shouted, the duality of their voices unnerved Bela. Donna was hunched over the bed, her hands shielding her whole face.
“Are you alright Donna?” Bela doesn’t sense anyone is in the room, and she felt her shoulders sag, she didn’t even realized that she was holding her breathe. Getting a better bearing of the room, she understands why Donna stopped her.  ‘Ah, she's not wearing her veil’ quickly turning around the other direction she makes her way to the fireplace and stokes it back to life.
Donna still feeling the effects of the nightmare answers in short burst.  
Bela doesn't know how to react on these situation, usually when one of them does experience nightmares they would just usually walk around the castle to decompress and shake the feeling off. On worst occasion when it was really bad they would knock on their Mother's door to seek comfort.
‘How do you comfort a woman?’  
An idea forms in Bela's mind “Would you like to have a short walk? That usually calms me down when I suffer nightmares” Donna considers the invitation, sensing that Bela will not leave her easily she agrees beside she doesn’t really want to be alone right now. She wouldn't want to worry Alcina if she finds out she had this outburst.
“Yes, I would like that” Adjusting her veil she stands up and makes her way to Bela. “Angie will you stay here. Alcina probably heard that scream, will you tell her that I'm with Bela if she comes by?”
"Yes mistress” Angie agrees and settles by the wingback chair near the fireplace . Donna approaches Bela, touching her shoulder. Sensing that it’s alright to turn around, Bela faces the woman, based on the tensed shoulders and wringing hands in front of her, she makes a bold move and gently takes one of the hands.
"Come, I know the perfect place where we can go.”
‘She has warm hands.’  Donna though looking down on their joined hands. She wonders when the last time someone held her hand this way.  
She comes up empty.  
A quick detour to the kitchen for some tea and Bela leads them to the Castle Garden.
Thankfully, it was a warm night.  
By this point Donna has managed to settle some of the earlier tension she's been feeling. She even managed to smile a little, although her companion cannot see it.  
“I will always be surprised at how big this Castle is. Tell me are you also the one that tended to these plants?” Donna motions to the assorted flowers encircling the garden.  
“Unfortunately not, we have the gardener take care of this area. I'm afraid I cannot tend to them when it becomes too cold.”  
“I see.”
Silence follows, as they made their way to the center of the garden where a small gazebo was located.
“Are you feeling well now?” Bela asked after some time, hoping that the open air and the calm night has settled Donna’s nerve.
“Yes, thank you. You were right the short walk really helped.”
Bela can tell with Donna’s posture that she was still not a 100 percent alright, so she decides to distract the woman with questions. “How did you become one of the Four Lords?” at the question Donna’s head snapped up.
‘Shit!’ Bela blanched further, if that was even possible for her. ‘what the hell kind of a question is that? Mothers’ going to kill me’  
Donna studies the woman in front of her. She weights her options on whether to tell Bela the truth or not.
‘You weren’t fast enough’ the intrusive thought taunts her on.  
“First, do I have your word that what I’m about to tell you here will not leave and that you will not divulge my secret to your sisters?” Donna asked seriously as her voice takes on a lower timbre  
“My Father was the village doctor and we have always lived at the Beneviento mansion. One day my Mother met an accident when we were out near the waterfall. I say an accident because that was what Father said, Mother slipped while I was turning to go back to the house”
“And the truth?”
“She jumped. I don’t know why and until now I have never learned her reasons, but one moment she was there and next she was just gone.”
‘Gone’ she hated that word and the absence it implies.
“My Father never recovered from the heartbreak, then one day he met an accident and I was left alone. Alone in the truest sense possible. The only one I have left was Angie” Donna pauses trying to catch her herself and willing her mind to not spiral down further.
“There were the house servants and the gardener a nice old man who taught me how to care for my plants, but other than them I was a ghost. Just counting my days, existing without living. Then one day Mother Miranda showed up.” At that, Donna smiled recalling the time that the woman suddenly appeared on the anniversary of her mother’s death.
An Angel with black wing. Or was it the Devil?
“She offered me salvation from my loneliness; she gave me the gift to influence others. The moment I’ve received her power, I gave a little of myself to Angie and I was never alone ever since.” Donna lets her story end. Looking at the young woman in front of her, she was surprised to find tears streaming down Bela’s face.
“I’m sorry, I know it was an upsetting tale-“ Donna starts only to be interrupted by Bela standing up and embracing her.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Bela whispers as she rest her cheeks on Donna’s head “But I hope that you will never feel alone again, Mother’s here, Cassandra and Daniela are here-“
“And you’re here as well” Donna finishes Bela’s sentence
Chuckling “Yes, not to mention, Heisenberg and Moreau. Donna, I swear as long as I’m here you will never feel alone” Bela declares as she tightens her embrace
Donna sinks further into Bela’s embrace and for once, she felt it.
She felt peace.  
The two stayed in the same position for some time, With only the moon and stars as their witness.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Strangers (Part 4)
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Summary: Sam has returned into Dean’s life for some reason and the reader is there to try and help Dean through having Sam around again...
Pairing: Doctor!Dean x patient!reader
Word Count: 2,000ish
Warnings: language, mention of surgery/injury
A/N: I hope you enjoy!
“Hi,” said Sam, giving you a quick wave. He stared at Dean who was already on his feet. “I need a place to crash for the night. If that’s okay.”
“What happened to the apartment, you were sharing with that girl, Jessica.”
“She died a few years ago,” he said.
“You kill her?” asked Dean. You got up, still holding your box of swiss rolls and Sam frowned. “You’ve been out of touch for three years. It’s not an unreasonable question.”
“I didn’t kill her,” said Sam. “I saw...it was a serial arsonist. I saw who did it and he ran with a bad group. I’ve been in witness-”
“Witness protection? Are you serious? I’m the fucking easter bunny while we’re at it,” said Dean.
“De, I think he’s telling the truth,” you said, nodding towards him. “He’s obviously upset.”
“You’ve been in witness protection? This whole time?”
“Yes,” said Sam. “Things have been happening lately. A lot of things. These guys are no longer a problem so I can come home. Except for the fact I don’t have a home anymore and had to drop out of college.”
“I filed a missing persons report on you.”
“I know.”
“I hung up flyers, search parties, fundraisers.”
“I know.”
“I drove to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night because I thought I got a tip about you.”
“That was me. I had to relocate after that.”
“I looked for you for so long. Even when mom and dad gave up, I didn’t. There was no foul play but the cops told us it was unlikely we’d ever find you. You probably walked out and didn’t want to be found. I was so angry at you. They told us you were dead cause someone hurt you or you walked away. Those are two very different things,” said Dean. You dropped the box on the couch and grabbed his hand, Dean pinching his nose with his other. 
“I can leave if you want,” said Sam.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” said Dean. You rubbed his back and he walked over, giving his brother a hug.
“Finally got a girlfriend?” teased Sam as he returned it.
“You two are gonna get along great. You can swap stories,” laughed Dean. “Oh, I need a drink. Also how’d you get in my house?”
“My handler had a key made. They took it from your locker at the hospital,” he said.
“I know it sounds…” said Sam as he glanced at you. 
“Crazy is kind of our thing,” you said. “I’m Y/N.”
“You look familiar,” he said.
“My ex boyfriend tried to kill me. With bleach. In my drink.”
“Oh yeah. He was fucking nuts,” said Sam.
“Yup. That’s been our fun for the evening,” you said. “He got out. He’s dead now. It’s fine. Better than fine cause I’m gonna eat a whole box of swiss rolls and not feel bad about that.”
“Yeah, I will get along with you just fine,” said Sam, giving Dean a look. “Not sure about you though. I wanted to-”
“S’okay,” he said. “I’m just...happy you don’t hate me after all.”
“I wanted to call you so many times. It was too dangerous though. I couldn’t put you in that position,” said Sam.
“I’m getting kind of used to that,” said Dean. Sam smiled and you walked over to them both. 
“I crashed date night, didn’t I,” he said.
“Just a bit,” said Dean.
“Well I am really happy to meet Dean’s little brother,” you said, giving him a hug. “You don’t mind if Sam hangs out with us, right?”
“No, never. As long as you’re cool with it,” said Dean. 
“Of course,” you said.
“I appreciate it but honestly I’m wrecked. I could use with a shower and a bed,” said Sam.
“The guest room is right down the hall,” said Dean, pointing the way. “You hungry?”
“Nah. I’ll keep out of your guys hair,” said Sam. “Thanks.”
“It’s no problem,” said Dean. Sam started to head for the hallway when Dean grabbed his arm. “I’m really happy you’re home, Sammy.”
“Me too.”
He smiled before he left, Dean taking a deep breath as he locked up the front door again.
“So you got a brother,” you said.
“Yeah. I probably should have brought him up at some point,” said Dean. You shrugged and rested your hands on his hips, Dean smiling softly. “I thought he was dead.”
“I’m glad he’s not,” you said. “I’m gonna have to back out on the being roommates thing though.”
“What?” he asked.
“Sam needs it way more than I do. I can stick around my parents until my apartment is ready. Seriously, it’s okay. He’s gonna need a lot of help. Trust me. He’s gonna want you,” you said.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. My parents aren’t that bad. Someday we can be roommates though?” you said.
“Okay. I’ll take a raincheck for now,” he smiled. 
“Tonight’s not so bad,” you said. He nodded and you pulled him close to your body, Dean’s arms wrapping lazily around you. “You doing okay?”
“I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been in my life, the most terrified I’ve ever been in my life and the most relieved I’ve ever been in my life tonight. I honestly don’t know where to begin,” said Dean.
“I got a box of chocolate with your name on it that might be a good place to start.”
“That sounds like a good plan,” he said. “You okay too?”
“My night’s ending on a good note. I’m good Dean. Let’s get back to our date. I was in the middle of cuddling you if I remember.”
One Week Later
“Howdy handsome,” you said, the elevator doors at the hospital opening to Dean standing there in his navy scrubs.
“Gorgeous,” he said, giving you a quick kiss as he stepped on. “You already have your follow up with Mace?”
“Yeah. I am progressing well I guess. We’re switching my immunosuppressant to try something that doesn’t make me as tired and won’t make me as susceptible to illness,” you said.
“That’s good. I know you’re on the strong stuff right now. Mace is pretty good about finding the right med combo by the second or third try,” he said. “Transplant meds are tricky.”
“I’ve learned. How’s your day going?” you asked. “Saving lives?”
“Easy going day. Took out some tonsils on a teenager, did an appendectomy on a toddler, did a bone reset on a kid that broke her leg. Nothing they won’t all recover from 100% percent.”
“That sounds good,” you said. “When do you get off?”
He snickered and you whacked his arm.
“Such a boy,” you said.
“I have one more surgery for the day but I’m heading home after that. Our parents are coming into town. They’ve been in Florida cause their vacation plans got screwed up with the pandemic last year so they rescheduled and of course it’s this week and there’s tropical storms so they can’t get a flight out and they finally are getting home today. It’s been a nightmare. I’m supposed to cook dinner so that’ll go wonderfully.”
“You’re a good cook!” you said as the doors opened and you walked with him down the hall. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. They excited to see Sam?”
“Yeah. They feel bad about...they thought he was dead. Like it hasn’t been long enough to legally declare him that way but they were going to. I’ve always had a somewhat tense relationship with my dad. We fought a lot about Sam after he disappeared.”
“I think no matter what happened before, dinner’s gonna go good for you guys tonight,” you said.
“You’re coming right?” he asked. 
“You want me to?”
“Yeah. I...you make me feel...safe,” he said as he stopped walking. You smiled and grabbed his hand, lacing your fingers together. “You don’t have-”
“I’d love to. I really like Sam and I want to be there for you. I like that I make you feel safe, makes me feel good,” you said. He rubbed the back of his neck but you caught the smile on his face. You gave him another kiss, a whistle coming from further down the hall.
“Get a room, Winchester,” said a guy as he walked by with a laugh.
“Better be a soundproof room,” you said, the guy stopping in his tracks.
“Okay, I approve of this one,” the guy chuckled. Dean rolled his eyes but he was biting down a laugh.
“Y/N, this is RN. Lafetite or Benny as well call him. He’s Donna’s boyfriend,” said Dean.
“Oh yeah, she was great,” you said. “She removed my appendix.”
“That woman knows her way around a blade,” said Benny. “You had the digestive transplant done a while ago, right?”
“Yeah,” you said, Dean making a face beside you.
“Badass,” said Benny. “I worked with Mace some on you.”
“You’re a surgeon too?” you asked.
“No, no. I’m a surgical nurse,” he said.
“They’re pretty important,” said Dean. “The really good ones could perform minor surgeries themselves like Ben. I keep trying to convince Benny here to go to med school and join the rest of us.”
“Oh you know you’d miss me too much, Deano. You me and Novak are the dream team of pediatrics,” he said.
“Sure we are,” said Dean with a laugh. “Y/N and I were having a little get together on Sunday, watch a little football, food. Round up the usual suspects?”
“I can get the crew together. I’ll bring my beer dip and some of those pretzels. Very easy on the digestive system,” said Benny to you.
“That’s considerate,” you said. “It’s okay. I’m alright with most stuff. I just got to watch the grease a bit.”
“These are really not greasy at all. I’ll give you the recipe sometime,” said Benny as his phone went off. “I think we’re late for pre-op.”
“When are we not?” said Dean. “I’ll see you tonight, sweetheart.”
“See you later, Dean.”
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” said Dean that night as he rushed in the house. You and Sam were working the kitchen, Dean checking the clock. “They’re gonna be here in five minutes.”
“Go wash up. Sam and I can cook a few pieces of chicken and make mashed potatoes,” you said. You were nearly finished anyways, the chicken baking away in the oven. Dean made a thud down the hall but shouted back that he was fine before you heard the bathroom door shut. “He always been a worrier?”
“Pretty much,” said Sam as he got out the plates. “He seems different. Good different. More easy going.”
“It’s all I’ve ever known from him so I don’t have much to go off of,” you said. 
“You might have something to do with it,” he said. He smiled and finished up with setting the table. “You’ve never met our parents Dean said.”
“No. We’ve only been together a few months,” you said.
“This’ll be an interesting evening then,” said Sam as the doorbell rang. He suddenly looked nervous and you rubbed a hand up and down his back.
“It’ll be okay,” you said. “Trust me.”
“I see why he likes you,” said Sam. “Here goes nothing.”
A/N: Read Part 5 here!
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Ao3 Fic Meme
Tagged by the ever-lovely @qqueenofhades *blows kiss*
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 224 (it would be far more than that but I orphaned around 100 fics last year)
2. What is your total AO3 word count? 3,338,568 and God willing I will not make it to four million
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? I’ve written for quite a lot of fandoms. Back in my high school days I wrote a lot of smutty oneshots for random pairings, usually whatever movie or TV show I’d just watched. But the fandoms I’ve really gotten invested in and written for include:
Timeless (TV 2016) (100)
9-1-1 (TV) (28)
The Witcher (TV) (19)
Merlin (TV) (10)
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (9)
The Mummy (8)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (6)
IT (2017 Film) (5)
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (3)
As you can see, Timeless really dominated my muse for a while (about two-three years). The MCU stuff is all my rewrites that I did - the bane of my existence.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Even Steel Blades Need Fire
Footprints are More Easily Seen in the Snow
Sometimes a Hammer, Sometimes a Lockpick
Crammed in with You
All Witcher fanfics! I’m surprised Leading with the Left isn’t up there, but to be fair the Witcher fandom is really fuckin’ huge and even the rabid readers of 9-1-1 can’t quite compete with the sheer amount of traffic my Witcher fics have gotten.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Almost always. I know that technically I have no obligation, and other authors feel differently, but I personally feel it’s a courtesy. The comments that readers give me fill my heart with warmth and joy, and I want my readers to know that those comments and their interactions with my work are appreciated. I respond to 99% of the comments I receive. I know we talk a lot about how fanfic authors need comments and interaction to keep going and that it’s the nice thing to do, but the flip side of that is, I think readers deserve to get a response to their comments from the author - because how does the reader know their comment is appreciated, y’know? I really think it’s a two-way street. So I try my best.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Full Circle, my lone Doctor Who fic and a very (very) rare case of a main character death fic. It’s about the Doctor visiting Donna as she passes away so he can say goodbye.
7. Do you write crossovers? No. Not really my thing. I did write one that is technically a crossover, way back in the day. It had the premise that Richard Castle from the eponymous TV show is actually Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly (since both were played by the same actor). Given that I wrote it when I was seventeen, I think it’s held up pretty well. It’s called Conception.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Absolutely. The hate was a lot worse back in the day, I’ll be honest. The amount of hate I would get regularly on fanfiction.net as opposed to Ao3 is insane. But I have gotten hate occasionally on Ao3. One person very determinedly went through all my 9-1-1 fics and sent hateful comments, to the point where one triggered me and I had to make all my fics accounts-locked for a while (meaning you had to log into your Ao3 account to see and read them).
When I get hate or rude comments, I just delete them. There’s no point in arguing - you’re not going to change the person’s mind and giving them engagement is what they want. Every time someone’s been an asshole online and I’ve engaged/fought with them I’ve ended up with more hate towards me than before and I’ve regretted it. So yeah, it’s rare, thankfully, but when I get it I just delete.
9. Do you write smut? If you do, what kind of smut do you write? DO I WRITE SMUT. HAHAHAHA. Noooooo I’m such a pure innocent li’l babe in the woods. I have never written the vile pronography in my liiiiiife.
Yeah, smut is pretty much what I’m known for. Honestly sometimes I get annoyed at myself for how much I can’t resist putting smut into things. I worry sometimes that people only care about me as a smut machine and don’t care about my character work or plots as much. But I also love getting people into new kinks they didn’t know about or when readers enjoy my smut even if the kinks involved aren’t usually their style.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of. I had an issue with someone posting links to my fics on tumblr and then being a jerk when a friend and I tried explaining why people were thinking they were the author and not me, and it turned into this massive kerfluffle where a bunch of people I’d never spoken to before sent me hate and I nearly deleted all my fics and my tumblr altogether. It still makes me nauseous to think about. Honestly if I could go back in time I wouldn’t say anything to the person just to spare myself the backlash. But outright stolen... no not that I know about.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? My darling @extasiswings and I have collaborated on a few fics now: whispers like poetry, I Hit the Accelerator (But the Car was in Reverse) and Carbon Date Me, Excavate Me which truly would not have gotten written without her skill and assistance.
12. What’s your all-time favorite ship? That’s a hard one. There are a lot of ships that hold special places in my heart. Merthur, Geraskier, Garcy, and Garcyatt are all strong contenders. But I think I’ll have to go with Buddie. I can’t remember the last time a ship and a show had me in such a chokehold. I think it was when I was a teenager? Buddie is truly something special to me.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings or Pirates of the Caribbean, I can’t quite remember. I was writing both at the same time so...
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I don’t have a favorite. I know that’s a cop-out but it’s true. I am especially proud of Defiance & Destiny, Love You Like a Killer (I Want to Make Your Heart Stop) and Your Fingerprints Smeared on My Heart (Lead Me Back to You) because all three have required an immense amount of planning and effort in the writing of them. But I also really like some other fics that are much shorter that I just dashed out like a fever dream, such as Footprints are More Easily Seen in the Snow and Could Twist the Sinews of Thy Heart?, and I like some of my popular fics like Leading with the Left and Even Steel Blades Need Fire a lot so I’m glad that so many other people like them too since they were just so fun to write.
So yeah. I don’t really have a favorite. I really love my fics, even if some days I hate my writing.
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My One Chicago Headcannons Part 1
Cornelius Rhodes either killed his wife or orchestrated it somehow, and Connor found out or saw and knows his dad covered it up and he can't do anything about it
Connor gives 90% ofhis income away to charity cause after he was exposed to the injustices of the world he felt like he really had to do something and is well aware that money actually does have a lot of effect on social justice and change
Helen Manning (Natalie's MIL) showed up to her son's wedding in a white dress and had some weird attachment to her son
Natalie is fluent in Italian and has been teaching Owen
Maggie was blocked from her family group chat after she sent her 1,000 meme and her aunts and uncles got tired of feeling old so her cousins and nieces and nephews created a group chat called Maggie’s memes cause they think she’s hilarious
Will Halstead violated people's DNRs because he wasn't there for his mother when she was sick/dying and he feels really guilty and needs therapy
Sharon loves heavy metal, she listen to one song like 30 years ago by accident and fell in love with the genre and when Maggie one day walks in and sees her bobbing along to Black Sabbath she looks really surprised but then Sharon shrugs, pauses the music, and asks whats up, and Maggie just kinda tucks the info away and is just happy that she knows Sharon even better now
Dr. Charles has a therapist, but isn't completely honest with her I don't think because he did some seriously bad shit to Reese that was obviously connected to his failures as a father to his daughters
Reese would have been better suited in literally any other practice of medicine but psychiatry but she made a rash decision after a bad day, encouraged by her manipulative bf, and just accepted psychiatry cause it was the best thing that came along after she dropped pathology
Joey was a POS who purposefully dated med students cause they were so naive
April Sexton wanted to be a doctor but was bullied into being a nurse by her family because they thought that her make brother deserved a better job than her because of their genders
April is so holier than thou because she found some power in social standing at her job and holds onto it for dear life to deal with the failure of her personal goals
Kevin gets invited to all of Kim's family functions (so did his siblings when they lived with him) and the entire family has basically adopted him as an older brother
Kim and Adam (separately) mail presents to Vinessa and Jordan for their bdays and holidays
Jay was totally a mommas boy and was taught to cook and bake by her (Will burns water somehow and it's shocking that he's a functional adult) he also knows how to sew and knit and made baby blankets for Owen Manning when he was born, Louie when Gabby started fostering him, Terrance Boden when he was born, and Makayla when Kim decided to foster her
Hailey can also cook and bake but it's almost strictly Greek food and the basics (she tried making bouef bourguignon once and it tasted like pigeon farts, don't ask) she;s also an amazing singer and Jay swears that she’s part siren
Platt has a vacation house in Southern France that she tells no one about, but it’s where she and Mouch went for their honeymoon, and she let’s the Hermann’s and Boden’s use it for vacations every once in a while but they’re sworn to secrecy
Voight is bi and secretly had a crush on Al almost the entire time they knew each other and he’s been taking care of Michelle since he died and Olivia (his DIL) got remarried and he hates her new husband but won’t say anything cause he knows it’s just because Justin’s dead
Voight likes some people in the world, like Platt and intelligence, but Daniel (his grandson) is the only person he actually loves and lives for at this point (if Olivia asked him to retire and move close to them for Daniel he would at the drop of a hat but he knows she wants space after what happened to Justin)
Severide’s favourite drinks are the fancy fruity ones but doesn’t drink them cause he doesn’t want to get teased about it (one of the only things Benny instilled in him, internalized toxic masculinity) so Sylvie orders them and gives them to him sometimes as a sign of friendship after he divorced the blonde he married in Vegas cause she didn’t go with him
Matt was in the foster system after his mom shot his dad not becasue he didn’t have any other family, but because no one in his family wanted him, so he actually has a massive family with lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins that he hasn’t seen since he was fifteen
Matt keeps in contact with Louie and his dad (Gabby just couldn’t and everyone understood) and gets invited over for Sunday dinner sometimes, and Louie’s grandma makes him call her ‘mom’ and treats him like a son and Matt is so grateful
Stella LOVES cars, she’s super into them and Top Gear is one of her all time favourite shows
Sylvie would be okay with getting pregnant and having a biological child but she really wants to foster and adopt kids cause even though she was six she remembers just how bad the foster system was
Sylvie has a green thumb and knows carpentry cause her grandparents taught her
Mackey loves country music and knows how to play guitar cause she likes to play along
Joe is really good at painting, some of Chloe’s favs are his acrylics but he prefers watercolours
Mouch actually became fluent in Japanese and does part-time work as a translator for the CPD
Hermann hates silence. He works in a firehouse and then goes home to a house filled with his wife and five kids, if he ever actually gets a moment of peace and quiet he blasts music, sometimes he dances too and it turns into dance parties whenever his kids catch him
Boden carves and paints wooden birds after his dad died and asked Casey to make a mobile for Terrance out of the ones he’d made and makes a special carving for everyone he loves on their birthday they’re Donna’s favourite gifts and she literally has a specific shelf for them
Gallo only likes cheese on pizza and quesadillas and the real reason he and Violet broke up was because cheese was her favourite food and she’d put it on everything (even though he gave an impromptu marriage proposal after the green eyed monster made an appearnce, she actually liked him and wanted to work on the relationship after she obviously said no, but cheese was a deal breaker for him)
Ritter is 100% a Dog Dad, Tuesday has five different beds, far too many toys to count, and he buys her gourmet dog food and treats, but it;s okay becasue Eric spoils her too
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
I just wanted to make you smile again; 10th Doctor x child reader
*Author’s note*
Okay to the anon who requested this fic THANK YOU FOR BEING SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PATIENT WITH ME!!!! To those anons and users who have sent me requests literally since last year I thank you all for your patience, I AM GETTING THEM DONE SLOWLY BUT SURELY. I’m already in process of doing another DW fic w/13th doctor (one of the first requests I got when I opened them last year) so I hope you all enjoy this fic.
This takes place after the episode Journey’s end so to those that haven’t seen the episode yet SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Angst and fluff is what this fic is. Enjoy my lovelies and until next time ;)
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Things have been—tough. The Daleks, one of my daddy’s biggest enemies nearly had us and almost succeeded in destroying all of life and matter as we know it.  But thanks to some fast thinking and with the help of a clone of my dad, we managed to stop Davros as well as the rest of the Daleks.
But honestly that was the easy part.  The hardest was saying goodbye to all of our friends.  Rose and her mum went back to the parallel world with the meta-human clone of my daddy, Captain Jack took Martha and Mickey off on another adventure, Sarah Jane (an old friend of my dad’s long before I was born) went back home, and Donna—oh poor, poor Donna.
Daddy said that in order to help stop the Daleks, Donna, who had touched the severed hand of my dad when he first became this new version of himself, gained so much knowledge of the Timelords and of our home that it could overwhelm her brain and eventually kill her.  So my dad had to absorb all memory of Timelord knowledge, including all the times she spent with us.
After taking her back home, daddy told her father that it was too dangerous for her to remember anything.  If there was a glimpse of her recovering her memories, she would die.  So my dad and I left her and her family and he never went back.
Since that day, almost seven months later, he still carries that guilt.  And what’s worse is that he hasn’t been the same. He doesn’t smile as much as he used to before.  I think out of everything that I love about my daddy, it’s his smile that always made me feel happy and safe.
I stepped out of my room to see him where he usually was, standing at the controls with that dazed but intense look on his face.  I looked down at paper butterfly and cautiously walked towards my dad. It’s always a touch and go of how he’ll react whenever he’s in that deep haze.  One time he actually shouted at me and I was scared to even go near him for an entire week till he apologized to me with some Turkish delights.
“Daddy.” I said softly. “Umm…uhh daddy?” he snapped out of his daze and looked down at me.
“Oh (Y/n). Sorry I was just—I was just trying to find….nothing. What is it that you wanted to tell me?”
“Well I—finished my paper butterfly and I-wanted to give it to you.” I held it out to him and he looked down at me.  He knelt down and took the butterfly from my hands and I saw his eyes grow soft.
“It’s beautiful love. Thank you.” he gently ruffled my hair and placed my butterfly right along the controls.  It didn’t work.
I had hoped that my paper butterfly would get him to smile.  He always smiled whenever I made him little trinkets of my own design, or beautiful art projects that I’ve seen on Earth.  I thought that by doing an art project, he’d smile again but it didn’t work.
I was currently in my room reading some books written back in the 20th century.  I’ve always found that time period to be rather splendid.  It was a simpler time (if you don’t count the 2 World wars, the Great depression, and every war after that. You know why must humans always start wars?)
Anyways, the start of the 20th century is always my favorite place.  It’s quiet, tranquil, and peaceful.  A nice place, especially out in the countryside. People can have picnics, host carnivals, and yeah the grown men partake in Foxhunt but I think it’s a barbaric sport and yet they call it tradition.
Maybe if—maybe if we stayed there for a while, daddy could get better and smile once again.  I think the more time we stay in the TARDIS and just keep going through space and time, the more unhappy daddy’s gonna get, like I said he always gets lost in his head and the more bad things that happen around him, the more he keeps it bottled up inside and the more sadder he gets.
The only question now was this—how was I gonna get there? I don’t know how to drive the TARDIS cause daddy always told me to keep my grabby little paws off of it. Oh wait that’s it! I raced over to my drawer and pulled out the middle one and dug through it till I found what I was looking for.
A special teleportation watch gifted to me by Uncle Jack when my dad was in his previous form (just shortly after we first met him).  I placed the watch on my wrist and I set the time and date that I wanted to go to.  Once the coordinates were typed in, I pressed the center of the watch and I disappeared from my room and went to go set up my surprise for daddy.
*10th Doctor’s POV*
I was fiddling around with the controls when I turned and looked up at my daughter’s butterfly.  For months now she’s been making these little trinkets and art projects for me, and I really haven’t been fair to her.  A lot has happened to us, especially with what happened to Donna, and I hate to admit this to myself but I’ve been neglecting my little butterfly.
Maybe she would like it if I took her to see her favorite constellation, or maybe Barcelona (she always did like Barcelona).  Oh! No wait! The Music of the Spheres! Yes brilliant! She and I could use some music in our life, the sound of the universe singing to us.
“Hey (Y/n)! Can you come out here for a second?” I called out to her.  No response.  Okay I know it usually takes her a bit of time to come down from her room but usually she’d be right here by now. “(Y/n)? (Y/n) I said can you come here please?” bah she must be listening to that loud music again, that lass I tell you what.
I left the console room and headed on over to her room and saw that her door was shut which was surprising cause she usually keeps her door open.  I knocked on it and said.
“Poppet, are you okay? You’re not—upset or anything are you?” I still didn’t hear anything from her.  “Look I—I know we’ve been through a lot the past several months, and I have no excuse for not speaking to you. I’m sorry. So—can you please open the door so we can talk?” still nothing.
Alright I know she has a right to be upset but she can’t give me the silent treatment forever.  I opened up the door and snapped.
“Alright little madam you listen here I—” it was then I saw that she wasn’t in her room. “(Y/n)?” I looked around her room to see if she was hiding in her closet again (she always takes every advantage to jump out and scare me) but when I saw that she wasn’t there, that’s when I began to get worried.
As I left her room and began to look all around the TARDIS from the backroom pool, to the library I still couldn’t find her.
“C’mon poppet don’t do this to me.” I searched high and low, near and far and every crack in between but she still wasn’t around. “No, no, no, no, no love don’t do this to me! (Y/n)!”
I raced back towards the console and went over to the computer monitor and I quickly typed in her lifeform energy.  Since she was the only Timelord in existence (well next to me), I knew that she could be pinpoint at any time in any era she might be in.  I only hope that I can get to her before—no! NO DON’T THINK LIKE THAT!! You WON’T lose her like you lost Donna!
“C’mon you blasted thing LOAD!!!” I screamed at the computer before finally I got a hit.  London, England 1908.  Of course, she always said the start of the 20th century was her favorite time period.  I punched in the coordinates and flipped the switch and soon the TARDIS started back up and I was sailing back in time over 100 years into the past.
Once I arrived, I peeked out of the TARDIS and found myself adjacent to a large park. It was pretty peaceful, families were out and about doing their normal human interactions.  I shut the doors to the TARDIS and I quickly raced over to the park and searched for (Y/n).
This was where her last known readings were at.  At this exact spot so where could that little troublemaker be at?  I walked up to a couple and said.
“Hi sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you have found a little girl around 5 years old with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes? She’s my daughter and she’s wondered off again.”
“No sorry. We haven’t seen any little girls fitting that description.” Said the man as he and his wife continued on their walk.  I then found another couple who seemed a more upper-class couple due to the diamond necklace around the woman’s neck.
“Excuse me could you both please help me I’m looking for my daughter have either of you……”
“We don’t have time to look for lost children, that’s what the servants are for.” Said the man.
“And who loses their child anyway? Such irresponsibility.” The woman snide.  I looked at them offendedly and said.
“At least I don’t dump my child on anyone else! I’m surprised that people like you could even have children.” They looked at me appalled before huffing and walking away from me.  
I grunted and adjusted my jacket trying to compose myself when a small Cockney accent said.
“You said you were looking for (Y/n)?” I turned around and there was a young ginger haired boy with freckles speckled all over his face.  His bright blue eyes staring up at me and he wore a paper boy’s uniform.
“Yeah that’s my daughter’s name. Do you know where she is?”
“Course I do Gov. Just got done talking with her before I started my work sir. She’s right by the lake.”
“The Lake! Oh thank you lad. Thank you so much.”
“No problem, good luck governor.” I raced off towards the lake and when I got there, I soon saw my daughter sitting right by the lake surrounded by flowers and in her lap it looked like she was in the process of making a flower crown.
The important thing was that she was safe, but that little missy is sooo going to get it now.
I trudged my way towards her and exclaimed.
“(Y/n)!” she stopped her work and turned around.  Her big (e/c) eyes staring up at me and a smile spread across her face. She stood up and ran towards me and hugged around my legs.
“Daddy you came!”
“Yes I did.” I knelt down and began to check to see if she was hurt or worst case scenario been replaced by a Graske. “Are you hurt?”
“No I’m perfectly fine.”
“Answer me this then. Who was the first companion that we had together?”
“Rose Tyler.” Okay this was my baby girl.  I immediately hugged her and whispered to her as I rest my head on top of hers.
“I thought I had lost you.” I then separated from her before scolding her vert sternly, “Do you have any idea how worried I was!? You leave your room with no note! How on earth did you leave the TARDIS without my knowledge?!”
“Uncle Jack’s time jump watch.” She said nervously as she held out her wrist.  I looked down and right there was the time teleport watch that Jack had given her shortly after we met him for the first time in my previous state.
“That figures. Remind me to never let him give you anymore teleportation gifts without my permission.” I muttered to myself. “Bottom line is that you left the TARDIS without my permission and had me scared to death! What if something happened to you hmm? Did it ever cross your mind about how that would make me feel!?”
Yes I know my voice was steadily getting angrier and angrier but she should’ve realized that my one rule for her is to never, ever, ever leave the TARDIS without my permission or knowledge and she broke that rule.
“I—I’m sorry daddy. I just……thought that if I brought you here, you would be happy.” My anger quickly vanished and confusion now took its place.
“What?” I asked her.
“Ever since—” she deeply sighed. “After what happened with Donna you never smile anymore. No matter what I’ve done, I could never get you to smile. Your real smile, the smile that always made me feel loved and protected. I thought that maybe we could—stay here for a while till you were happy again.” She looked down with regret.
I rubbed my hand over my face and through my hair before looking back down at her. I cupped my hands over her face and I said to her.
“What would I ever do without you my little butterfly?” she smiled softly.
“So we can stay?” she asked.
“For now.” I answered her.  She squealed happily and immediately hugged me around my neck repeatedly telling me thank you.  I smiled and embraced my baby girl back and kissed the top of her head as I rocked her back and forth.
This little madam truly does have me wrapped around her little finger, and she seems to know it as well.  But she was right.  Staying in one area made you stop and admire what’s around you, and not stay trapped inside your head letting your demons torment you.
We stayed in 1908 for about five months just enjoying each other’s company.  Going to the park every day, having picnics and tea parties out in the garden of our rented little cottage, and stargazing every night teaching her more about the galaxy and the stars.  
For the first time ever, I felt—peaceful, no regrets, no painful reminders of what I had to do to Donna, it was just me and my daughter.
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chocolatequeennk · 4 years
Forever Timeless, 4/23
Summary: Two months after the Dalek Crucible, the Doctor and Rose are getting used to having the biggest family on Earth. As they visit Leadworth in 1996, Victorian England, a mysterious desert planet, and Elizabethan England, those family and friends often help in unexpected ways. But no matter where they go or who they’re with, it’s always the Doctor in the TARDIS with RoseTyler–just as it should be.
Ten x Rose, Donna x Lee
Betaed by @saecookie, @rudennotgingr, @pellaaearien, and @jabber-who-key
Tagging @doctorroseprompts for Doctor/Rose content
Part 7 of Being to Timelessness
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3
Chapter Four: At Last
The Doctor looked at Lee as the TARDIS spun slowly in the Vortex. “I’ve got the coordinates all set. Are you ready to see Donna again?”
Lee nodded. “Please.”
The Doctor flipped the lever, and the time rotor moved up and down with its typical grinding, wheezing sound. Lee shook his head, amazement etched across his features. He studied the TARDIS like someone who’d heard about them all his life and couldn’t believe he was finally seeing one.
“Just n-never thought I would be inside a TARDIS,” he explained when Rose looked at him questioningly.
Rose reached out and patted the central column. “Put on a good show for him, dear.”
The TARDIS lights flashed, and they spun through time and space at a dizzying speed. The ship landed hard enough to send them all to the grating. Everyone laughed, no one harder than Lee.
The Doctor jumped up and brushed himself off. “Let’s go see what Donna and Jenny are up to,” he said, jogging up the ramp.
Rose’s phone chimed, and the Doctor had a sinking feeling he knew what the incoming message said. He waited for Rose to read it, and her sigh confirmed his fears.
“Oi, Sunshine. When we said a week, we meant an Earth week, as in seven days. You’re late.”
“Oh… this is bad.” The Doctor ran his hand through his hair. He could already feel the bleach burning his scalp.
“What’s wrong?” Lee asked.
“We landed a day later than we promised to meet Jenny and Donna,” Rose said as she typed out the text and hit send. She looked up in time to see Lee smile and shake his head. “What?”
“Just imaging Donna’s reaction.”
Donna was in the middle of telling Jenny exactly what she planned to say to the Doctor when her phone chimed with a text notification.
“Oh, that better be them,” she muttered as she fished it out of her purse.
Sorry we’re late, Rose said. We brought something for you.
Donna snorted. “If they think some little rinky-dink souvenir is going to make me forget they actually did strand us, they need to think again.” She picked up her bag and tossed a note on the table to cover the bill. “Come on, Jenny.”
They could see the TARDIS from the edge of the park, and Donna unconsciously picked up her pace. At the moment, she couldn’t tell if she were more eager to be home, or to give the Doctor a piece of her mind. Either way, she was glad to see the TARDIS.
When they were about ten feet away, the Doctor stuck his head out of the TARDIS. “Are you coming?” he asked.
Donna stopped and put her hand on her hip. “Oi, don’t get shirty with me, Spaceman,” she told him. “What did I tell you about not leaving us stranded in Barcelona? You’re just lucky the hotel had a vacancy so we could keep our room for another night—and lucky Jenny was positive you would only be a day or two late.”  
An amused chuckle cut off Donna’s tirade, and she whirled around to tell the innocent bystander exactly where he could put his busybody nose.
But the sight of a familiar face drew her up short. “Lee!” she gasped. Then she put her hands over her mouth, for once in her life completely speechless.
“Hello, D- D- Donna.”
The stuttering broke through her shock, and she ran to him, reaching out to touch his face, his hair, anything just to convince herself he was really there.
Her hands finally settled on his shoulders, and she clung to him just as she had in their last moments together in the Library. “Oh God, oh God. Is this real?”
“You’re real,” Lee said, holding her just as desperately. “I hoped you were real.”
“I found you. I promised I’d find you, and I did. I found you.”
Donna pulled back and cupped his face between her hands. “But… how? And where?”
“I got t- t- trapped,” he explained. “Between worlds.”
“When we activated the transmat at the Library, the Reality Bomb was in full effect,” the Doctor explained.
Donna tore her gaze away from Lee to pay attention to his explanation.
“And Lee’s transmat beam, unfortunately, got caught in the Void—the space between the universes. He was literally stuck in a crack between worlds. Somehow, the crack opened up in the bedroom of a little girl in 1996, which was where we found Lee.”
A shiver ran down Donna’s spine. “I thought you said all of that was repairing itself. Closing back up like it had never happened.”
The Doctor tugged on his ear. “Strictly speaking, it didn’t happen. Not in this timeline. Mickey and Pete and Jackie were only able to hop through because Pete’s World ran ahead of ours, and things hadn’t yet—”
“I asked about Lee, not the whole bloody universe.”
He cleared his throat. “Right. Sorry. Welllll… the crack was closing when we found Lee. But he’s here now!” he said quickly, before she could react.
Donna pulled Lee into a hug. “I can’t believe I came so close to losing you,” she whispered. His hand stroked her hair, and she had to swallow back tears. “I spent so long looking for you…”
Rose caught Jenny’s eye and gestured towards the park. Taking the Doctor’s hand, she pulled him towards the trees, trusting their daughter to follow.
Lee closed his eyes and rested his head on top of Donna’s. Her whispered confession eased one concern he’d had—that what they’d had in the Library had all been a lie.
Up until then, he’d felt a bit like he was on a first date, sweaty palms and all. But now… “I was sent to the Library to find out what happened. Instead I found you.”
Donna stepped back half a step and looked up at him. “What do you mean, you were sent?”
He lowered his voice and leaned in. “I’m a Time Agent,” he told her quietly.
“You mean Rose was right?” Donna exclaimed.
Lee chuckled. “Yes, she was.” He frowned. “I apparently spent 100 years in the Library’s mainframe, and I still don’t know what happened.”
Donna smiled and took his hand. “Well I can answer that,” she said. “Come on, let’s go for a walk.”
“We were supposed to have a quiet day in,” Donna started. “I was painting my toes, Jenny was reading, and Rose was painting. Then the Doctor came in and told us to get ready to go…”
Lee listened raptly to the tale, from the message on the psychic paper to the surprise strangers arriving in the Library to the lights suddenly going out.
He sucked in a breath when Donna repeated the Doctor’s warning. “Count the shadows.”
“Vashta Nerada,” he breathed.
Donna rolled her eyes. “Of course you’ve heard of them.” She sighed. “Am I always going to be the only one who doesn’t know things?”
Lee blinked at her. This insecurity… It hadn’t been there in the Library. But maybe the program of the computer had given her the confidence she apparently lacked. It had certainly made other changes, like making his stutter even worse than it was in reality.
Donna took a breath and continued the story. “So, one of the crew was taken. Eaten, I guess. And as soon as the Doctor knew how big of a threat it was, he wanted to send me and Jenny back to the TARDIS to be safe. He dragged us into the little shop, with the transmat pad by the door.”
Lee nodded. That was when their story began, then.
The Doctor wrapped his arm around Rose’s shoulder as they walked the paths in the park. They’d taken off in the opposite direction of Donna and Lee, with Jenny walking beside them, telling them all about their week long holiday.
The Doctor held Rose close as he thought about the other couple and wondered how things were going for them. He remembered how devastated Donna had been when she’d gotten back from the pocket universe in the Library computer. She’d had the life she’d always wanted, but it had been fake.
Hopefully Lee can make it real this time, Rose said, following his train of thought.
He hummed in agreement. I hope so. I just… He took a moment to soak in everything they had—each other, their bond, their daughter walking with them. Donna deserves all of this, too.
Rose stretched up and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re very sweet sometimes,” she whispered.
Her phone beeped before he could reply. Rose checked the text, but all three of them had turned back towards the TARDIS as soon as they heard the chime, guessing what the message was.
Rose smiled when she caught sight of the couple. They were sitting across from each other at a picnic table, holding hands.
It looks like Donna’s worries that the real Lee might not care about her didn’t come true.
The Doctor hummed. Yep. Oh, I’m glad.
Donna saw them first and she jumped up. “About time you got back here,” she snarked. “Although I shouldn’t be surprised you’re late… don’t think I’ve forgotten you were a whole day late getting here.” She gestured at the Doctor’s head. “Nice platinum blonde, I think.”
“But… you…” The Doctor gestured vaguely between Donna and Lee. “I had a good reason for being late! And aren’t you glad the TARDIS took us to Leadworth to find him?”
Donna’s teasing expression faded to happiness. “Yeah. All right, you’re off the hook this time, Spaceman. But next time…” She raised an eyebrow meaningfully.
“So, are we ready to go back to Cardiff?” Jenny asked. “I bet Gran is wondering where we are.”
Rose rolled her eyes. “Mum will find something to mutter about, no matter when we arrive. But, as long as we don’t need to make any stops first…”
She looked at Donna and Lee. “You’re certainly welcome to come with us, Lee. We have a few friends who might be very interested to meet you, actually. I understand if you aren’t up for meeting a whole group of new people today, though. We could drop you and Donna off somewhere and come back after the party, if you’d rather.”
Lee shook his head. “I’ll come with you.”
“Excellent!” The Doctor, still worried about his hair, darted to the TARDIS and unlocked the door. “Come on them, what are we waiting for?”
“I was going to say that your mother-in-law’s anger at you missing the party would be punishment enough, but you’ll just natter on about how this is a time machine.” Donna pursed her lips. “And you’ll be able to get us back in time without her even knowing we were almost late. It’s almost not fair.”
“Jackie’s stubborn refusal to grasp the basics of time travel can be frustrating, but it does have its advantages,” the Doctor agreed.
The Doctor watched his little entourage as he and Rose flew the TARDIS back to Cardiff. Donna was watching Lee like she thought he was going to disappear again, and he had her hand clasped firmly in his own.
Jenny sat on the jump seat, watching the two of them. The Doctor tilted his head and studied his daughter. There was something… off in the way she was holding herself.
Let’s take Jenny for a trip on her own as soon as we can, he suggested to Rose.
Rose turned slightly to watch Jenny for a moment, and then she nodded.
Their landing was soft, and Rose led the way to the top of the ramp. “Time to visit family,” she told everyone. “Lee… I know you agreed to come, but  please don’t feel like you need to spend time with my mum. I love her, but she can be… a lot.”
Lee smiled reassuringly. “I’m pretty sure I’ve met people more difficult than your mum, Rose.”
“I wouldn’t bet on it,” the Doctor muttered under his breath.
Rose glared at him, and he smiled unrepentantly back. They both knew that the faux antagonistic vibe between him and Jackie was all for show… Well, mostly.
“All right,” he said, gesturing for them all to leave the ship. “If we don’t get out there now, she’ll be banging on the door wondering why we’re staying in this box.”
Rose opened the door and started laughing when she saw her mum halfway to them.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Jackie said. “I don’t know why you’d want to stay in that box when the party is inside.”
Rose stepped outside and moved aside so everyone else could exit the TARDIS. Jackie’s eyes lit on Lee, and Rose nodded. “Donna brought a plus one, if that’s okay.”
Jackie smiled. “Of course! Now come on, the party is nearly started.” She turned and led the way back to the front door.
A car pulled into the drive as they were walking inside, and Rose raised her eyebrows when she realised that Martha and Mickey had arrived together. The Doctor had told her about the timelines he had noticed, but she hadn’t really given it much thought.
The two groups met at the front door and entered the house together. “It’s about time you all got here,” Jack called from the living room. “I was starting…”
His voice trailed off when he caught sight of Lee. “Well hello,” he said. “Jack Harkness, and you are…”
“Not interested,” Donna said firmly. “This is Lee. Lee McAvoy. We met at the Library.”
Rose covered her mouth with her hand to hide her smile at Donna’s clever wording, but to her surprise, Jack’s gaze sharpened.
“Lee McAvoy? At the Library?” he said, emphasising the article.
Donna looked back and forth between the two men. “Oh right,” she said after a minute. “Jack used to be a Time Agent, too.”
“Yeah, and I remember hearing about an agent who was lost in the whole quarantine of the Library.” He looked at the Doctor. “You know, I actually wondered about Lee here when you told us you’d been to the Library. But I assumed if you didn’t mention him that you hadn’t met.”
He looked at Donna, then at her hand clasped in Lee’s. “I guess I was asking the wrong person,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.
“Jaaaaack,” the Doctor said, exasperated.
“You know, I’ve heard of Jack Harkness, too,” Lee interjected.
Jack leaned forward. “Oh yeah? The tales of my greatness go before me?”
Lee shook his head soberly, bur Rose noticed a glimmer in his eyes. “N-no. The tales of your…” He opened and closed his mouth a few times. “Of your nakedness.”  
The whole group burst into laughter. “He’s got you there, Captain Cheesecake,” Mickey said, pounding the man on the back.
“Why are you naked in all the stories, Mr. Jack?” a very young voice asked.
Rose bit her lip and looked down at her little brother, who had snuck into the room when no one had noticed. Oh dear, she thought, looking at the unamused expression on her mum’s face.
“Oh really?” Jackie said as she picked up Tony. “What kind of stories have you been telling my little boy, Harkness?”
She ignored Jack’s incoherent sputtering and wheeled on Pete. “And you, Mister. We’ll be talking about you taking Tony with you to work.” She swept out of the room, and everyone let out collective breath.
“I see what you mean, Rose,” Lee offered, and the tension broke into laughter.
Jenny slipped away from the group, making her way to the kitchen. Pete was pulling dishes out of the cupboards. “Can I help set the table?” she said, guessing what he was up to.
“Of course.”
They each picked up a stack of dishes and carried them into the dining room. As they laid plates around the table, Jenny felt her granddad watching her.
“Jackie tells me Donna brought a plus one tonight,” he said after a few minutes.
Jenny’s hand clenched around the knives she held. “Yeah. Lee McAvoy. They were married in a parallel universe, and we’ve been trying to find him.”
Pete nodded; he understood different universes and different lives better than anyone. “I’m glad Donna was able to find him. She’s seemed a little sad this summer.”
Jenny sighed. Donna had been sad, which made her own upset that much more selfish. “Yeah,” she said quietly.
They finished setting the table, and then Jenny followed Pete back into the kitchen. “Of course,” he said, “Lee joining your group changes the dynamics a bit, doesn’t it?”
Jenny bit her lip, then let everything she was feeling spill out. “Yeah. Mum and Dad, and Donna and Lee. And then me. Just Jenny. I’m the fifth wheel.”
She dropped onto a bench and slouched. “I don’t fit anymore.”
Pete held out a hand and pulled her to her feet. “Then you have to find a way to make yourself fit,” he said firmly. “Come on; dinner is just about ready.”
After supper had been cleared from the table, the Doctor clapped his hands. “All right everyone, may I have your attention!”
“Oh, we’d better listen to him, or he’ll find a way to blow up the dining room or something,” Jackie said sardonically. Everyone else laughed.
The Doctor rolled his eyes. “If you’re done taking the mick—”
“Never,” Mickey said.
“Then maybe,” he continued, raising his voice a little, “you’d like to hear my new safety resolution.”
“Oh, for—” Jackie took a large gulp of her wine. “I’m going to regret this, but let’s hear it.”
“Thank you, Jackie.” Finally, everyone quieted and gave him their full attention. “All of you have travelled with us at one time or another, and most of you have had the… let’s say the misfortune of being stranded.”
Mickey nodded. “On a spaceship in eighteenth century France.”
“Quite right, Mickey Smith. And now, we’re all going our separate ways, to a certain extent. Some of us are in Cardiff,” he gestured at Pete and Jack, “Some in London,” Mickey and Martha, “And some of you might not even live in this time.” This to Lee. “And since we all seem to find trouble more easily than most, I’d like to offer… let’s call it a safety button.”
“What are you thinking, Doctor?” Martha asked. “Project Indigo was completely dismantled by UNIT when the Earth was put back where it belonged.”
Jack held up the wrist that had his vortex manipulator. “I’ve got my own safety button.”
Lee reached into his back pocket and pulled out an identical device. “Me t-t-too.”
“Where did you get that?” Donna exclaimed.
Lee pointed at himself. “T-t-t…” He paused and took a breath. “Time Agent,” he said, forcing the words out.
The Doctor interrupted before Donna insisted on a full history of where he’d been hiding his Vortex Manipulator this whole time. “Excellent, the two of you are covered then. But for the rest of you, what I’m about to suggest is the next best thing.”
The soft murmur of conversation around the table stopped and everyone looked at him. The Doctor nodded and launched into his explanation.
“The TARDIS and I have been working on a little project.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out ten thin pieces of wire. “These are homing beacons. I’ll just install these in your mobile phones under the battery. If you’re ever in trouble and need us to come get you, just press and hold 9 and it’ll activate the beacon.”  
“I hate to admit it,” Jackie said, “but that’s actually a good idea.”
Everyone around the table nodded and pulled their phones out. The Doctor rolled his eyes at Jackie, but went to work on installing the homing beacons onto all of the phones, working down the line.
The last phone on the table was a plastic toy mobile. He looked down at his young brother-in-law, staring up at him with all the seriousness a three-year-old could muster. “I wanna be able to call you too, Doctor.”
The Doctor ruffled the boy’s hair. “Absolutely, Tony Tyler.” He picked up the toy and pointed the sonic screwdriver at it, letting the sound fill the room for a few seconds before he stopped. Then he handed the toy back to Tony.
“There you go. One Tony Tyler homing beacon, ready to go.”
The nanny, who had been waiting at the doorway, came in and held her hand out. “Come on, Tony, you got to talk to the Doctor like you wanted. It’s time for your bath now.”
“Night, Doctor! Night Rosie!”
“Oh, I don’t warrant a good night,” Jackie said, but the Doctor was fairly certain she sounded less irritated than usual.
Sally, the housekeeper, brought out coffee and tea and placed them on the sidebar. Jackie smiled and thanked her, then looked at the group.
“As long as we’re all making announcements, I’ve got one of my own. You’re all invited to our place for Christmas. We’ve got plenty of room for all of you, if we pull out the couches.”
Mickey and Martha both started shaking their heads. “We can’t get that long off,” Mickey said. “We’ll be doing good to get out here for dinner and back to London before we’re expected to be at work the next day.”
“Oh, come on,” Jackie wheedled. “It won’t be the same without you.”
The Doctor got an idea, and after gaining Rose’s approval, he spoke up. “There is a way we could have a holiday house party and still get everyone to work on time the next day.”
“How’s that, boss?”
Martha got it immediately, though. “If we leave the current timeline for the week, right Doctor?”
He nodded. “We could take everyone off-world for a holiday trip. Pick you all up on the 23rd, say, and then bring you back the next morning. Not only do you get a few days’ holiday, you’ll still have Christmas Day at home to catch up on laundry or whatever.”
“I’m not spending our first Christmas together in a hotel on some strange alien planet,” Jackie protested.
“But we could rent a house,” Rose told her. “You could do all the grocery shopping and bring everything with you, and then you’d still get to host the party just like you wanted.”
Jackie pursed her lips. “You’ll help him find a house?” she pressed.
The Doctor rolled his eyes, but he kept his mouth shut.
“Yeah, I’ll help him.”
Jackie looked around at everyone. “Are you all okay with this?”
Mickey nodded. “It’ll be nice to get away for more than a day,” he said. “UNIT has been working us hard for the last few months, trying to clean up the mess left by the Daleks.”
“All right then,” Jackie conceded. “We’ll go away for the holiday.” She pointed at the Doctor. “But we better not end up on the planet Zhoz.”
“I’ll have you know—”
Jackie waved him off. “Come on, everyone. Get yourself a cuppa and let’s go sit down in the living room.”
Rose took her cuppa and went to an over-stuffed armchair tucked slightly away from the rest of the seating arrangement. She tucked her legs up underneath herself and watched her family.
Jack and Lee were swapping stories from the Time Agency. Donna was sitting pressed against Lee’s side, and every once in a  while she’d interject with a story of her own from traveling on the TARDIS. Rose loved to see her newfound confidence—a year ago, she wouldn’t have felt like she had anything to add to a conversation like that.
A naked streak interrupted her observations. Rose jumped up when she realised the streak was her little brother, dripping wet from his bath. He shrieked with laughter as he darted through the living room.
“Oh, Lord,” Jackie muttered.
“I’ve got him, Mum,” Rose told her as she took chase.
It wasn’t hard to track the little boy. If the puddles of water hadn’t given him away, the constant giggling would have. She caught up with him just before he opened the back door to run out into the garden.
“Oh no you don’t, mister,” she said, scooping him up. “Come on, time to go to bed.”
She waved at Pete and Jenny, who were trying not to laugh. “And apologise to Dad for interrupting him and Jenny,” she instructed.
“Sorry, Daddy!” Tony shouted.
“You’re forgiven, Tiger.” Pete stood up and kissed Tony on the forehead. “Now be nice to Anna. She’s getting her exercise in today.”
The winded nanny smiled tiredly. “Thank you, Mr. Tyler.” She took Tony from Rose. “Come on, young man. It’s bed time for all streaking toddlers.”
“What’s streaking?” Tony asked as they left the room.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Rose, Pete, and Jenny burst out laughing.
When Rose reentered the living room, Jack was leaning back on the couch, a gleeful smirk on his face. “And now I’m not the only one with a naked story.”
28 notes · View notes
mintypineapple · 3 years
dw ask game 1-36 and 38-100 DON'T ANSWER NUMBER 37 I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT CRYING
DaThanks, anon who is probably @truestoriesaboutme!
1. Did you like DW as a child?
Depends. What do you consider a child? I saw Doctor Who for the first time when I was 16 or 17. Does that count? Let’s say that it does. I did enjoy it.
2. Your age at the time of the revival?
3. First DW episode you ever saw?
An Unearthly Child. I wanted to watch it all in order! Still do! My first New Who episode was “Blink,” as forced upon me by @raisegrate. I did enjoy it.
4. Did you have any of the toys?
I didn’t at the time, but I do now. I have a couple of screwdrivers, a Fourth Doctor, an Ice Warrior, and not-quite-Legos of Doctors 1-11. (-WD)
5. Which DW character did you play on the playground?
6. Monster(s) that scared you most as a child?
N/A. Nothing scares me.
7. Joke/story you didn’t get as a kid?
N/A. I get all jokes/stories.
8. DW opinion that has changed since you were a kid?
That the only way to watch it was from the very beginning. I eventually gave in and watched New Who before finishing Classic Who.
9. Who introduced you to DW?
Pretty sure I heard about it initially on a forum I went to called The Douglas Adams Continuum. That’s when I started watching the First Doctor. Again, @raisegrate showed me my first New Who. Eventually, I started watching New Who in its entirety with @catastrofries and they started watching Classic Who with me for @rassilonwatchathon.
10. Did you like Sarah Jane Adventures as a child?
Didn’t even know it existed as a child. But I liked it as an adult.
Read more under the cut. There’s a lot!
11. Who is your Doctor?
One. He’s the first I saw and I’ve went through some of his more than once, due to the podcast, so he has a special place in my heart.
12. Your favourite Doctor?
It varies depending on the day. I quite like Two, Eleven, and Twelve, though.
13. Least favourite Doctor?
Possibly 5 or 13? More because they don’t get a whole lot to do, than them being bad.
14. Best regeneration?
Technically speaking, there’s something about that first one that is still so good. Emotionally speaking, Two’s regeneration is terrifying and I quite like Twelve’s speech before regenerating.
15. Do you like “Doctor-Lite” episodes?
Yeah! They’re all pretty good! Even “Love and Monsters!” Yeah, I said it! (The end is bad, but the rest is good.)
16. Who is the most human Doctor?
One calls himself human a handful of times. Does that count? If not, definitely Five. He seems the most like a regular guy in a weird situation out of all of them.
17. Best multi-Doctor story?
The Day of the Doctor, for sure.
18. Best Doctor monologue?
Eleven’s speech to young Amy in “The Big Bang.” That episode is just solid all around.
19. What do you think TenToo/MetaCrisis Doctor is doing now?
He’s definitely fucked off somewhere and abandoned Rose. He runs a cat cafe that is definitely a front for something, but no one can quite figure out what.
20. Best Doctor/companion pairing?
One/Barbara, Two/Jamie, Three/Jo, Four/Leela, Five/Tegan, (haven’t seen enough of Six, any of Seven, and I honestly don’t remember the companion for Eight), Nine/Rose (that’s the only option!), Ten/Donna, Eleven/Amy-Rory, Twelve/Clara, Ruth/Thirteen.
21. Favourite companion?
Classic Who: This is hard. Jamie? Sarah Jane? Leela? New Who: Donna Noble.
22. Favourite secondary companion?
Not sure what this means exactly... My second favorite? If so, I gave three for favorite Classic Who, so one of them. New Who: Rory.
23. Least favourite companion?
Classic: Ben Jackson or Peri. New: Ryan.
24. Best TARDIS Team?
Classic: Two, Jamie, and Zoe. New: Eleven, Amy, and Rory.
25. Most underrated companion?
I love Steven Taylor. I feel like he doesn’t get mentioned enough.
26. Most overrated companion?
Probably gonna get some hate for this, but Romana II. She’s good and I like her, but I was expecting a lot more. I honestly prefer Romana I.
27. Favourite companion’s family?
I love Rory’s dad.
28. Who should have been a companion but wasn’t?
Kamelion. AM I RIGHT? But seriously, Amelia Rumford from “The Stones of Blood.”
29. Favourite (canon or non-canon) DW universe relationship?
30. Who did you not used to like, but really like now?
I hated Tegan when she first came on, but now I love her.
31. Favourite episode ever?
“Heaven Sent.”
32. Least favourite episode?
“Time-Flight” gave me a literal headache.
33. Which episodes do you skip?
NONE. Of course, I’ve not done any rewatches. YET.
34. Best two-parter?
“The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” are the first New Who episodes that fully sold me on the show.
35. Historical, present day or futuristic episodes?
Give me the future and make it weird!
36. Episode that will always make you smile?
“The Myth Makers.”
38. Best run of episodes?
“Vincent and the Doctor” through “Day of the Moon” is pretty solid.
39. Best cliffhanger?
“Vengeance on Varos.” Hands fucking down.
40. Favourite Christmas special?
The answer to question 37. “A Christmas Carol.”
41. Classic Who or New Who?
Yes please! (Though New Who will take this a little just because the pace is generally a lot better.)
42. Favourite series?
I’m not sure about Classic (I have a harder time thinking of them as different series), but New is definitely 5.
43. Least favourite series?
44. Which series do you skip?
See 33.
45. Favourite series opening?
“The Eleventh Hour.” It’s just a lot of fun.
46. Favourite series finale?
“The Big Bang.” IT’S A GOOD SERIES.
47. Best series arc?
So I don’t sound repetitive and say Series 5 again, Clara’s arc in her last season is great.
48. Thoughts on series 11/12?
I find it largely boring and not well-written. Though there are some things I like! I love Ruth a bunch.
49. How much of Classic Who have you seen?
I’ve seen from “An Unearthly Child” to “The Two Doctors.” And the movie.
50. Who should have had another series?
Doctor: Nine. Or Eight. Or Ruth. Companion: Kamelion, but done better.
51. Favourite monster/villain?
I love them Fuzzy Chicken Nuggets. (The Yeti.)
52. Most creative monster?
The Silence are an interesting concept.
53. Monster(s) that scares you most?
OAK AND QUILL from “Fury From the Deep.” Fuck those guys.
54. Monster you think is too easy to defeat?
I hate power level questions. Next.
55. Least favourite monster/villain?
I get really tired of the Daleks sometimes, y’all.
56. Monster you want to return?
Chumblies or quarks.
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
The writing. You can do great things with most of them. Even the ones you dislike. Like, I hate the farting aliens, but they are occasionally used well.
58. Daleks, Cybermen or Weeping Angels?
If I had to pick, I’d say... Cybermen. Daleks are very samey and loud. Weeping Angels get less interesting every time they are used. But there’s a human element to the Cybermen that, when utilized, can be very effective and unsettling.
59. Best Dalek story?
The one where Two rides around on ones he made nice.
60. Best one time villain/monster?
I don’t know what it is, but whatever it is in “Midnight.”
61. Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures?
SJA is more consistent, but the highs of Torchwood are higher.
62. Favourite Torchwood Team member?
Owen. But like... not season one Owen.
63. Which Torchwood death made you saddest?
See 62.
64. Do you rewatch COE or MD?
I haven’t rewatched anything yet. But I would rewatch COE before MD.
65. Favourite SJA Team member?
66. Mr Smith or K-9?
Mr. Smith is way more interesting. He had a villain arc!
67. Maria or Rani?
68. Do you read the comics/novels or listen to Big Finish?
Some. I’m doing them as Patreon bonus episodes for @rassilonwatchathon​. I haven’t done much though.
69. If you do, your favourite additional stories?
“The Chimes of Midnight.” I’ve listened to it twice.
70. Do you like DW analysis (video essays, fan theories, etc)?
I do DW analysis for @rassilonwatchathon AND The Dipp. So yes. My fave is TARDIS Eruditorum, though.
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dragonnan · 4 years
fanfic tag game
I was tagged by @disappearinginq​- these are the absolute best fun!
Ao3 Name: dragonnan (same as everywhere: Psychfic, FFN, etc)
Fandoms: *cracks knuckles* You want, like, ALL of them?? Welp I’m obsessively listy so here we go:
Currently writing fic for: 
In the recent past wrote fic for (and may again as there are WIPs remaining):
Simon & Simon (as part of a crossover)
Wrote fics years ago but probably won’t write more:
Star Trek Voyager
Big O (as part of a crossover)
Wrote 1 or 2 fics but probably won’t write more:
Cowboy Bebop
Lethal Weapon
Invisible Man (2001)
X Files
Quantum Leap
Fullmetal Alchemist
Haven’t published any fics yet but have (or had) ideas:
Doctor Who (specifically 10 and 11)
Burn Notice
Beauty and the Beast (1980′s series)
In Plain Sight
Star Wars
Haven’t had ideas but I love the fandom and may someday write fic:
Prodigal Son
Star Trek (TNG primarily)
MacGyver (1980′s)
Number of fics: Ummm.... It’s a little hard actually to parse that as some of my stories are posted as larger collections so let’s see what I can do...
Psych: 168 (give or take)
Sherlock: 8
MCU: 19
Other: 29
Total: 224
1. Fic you spent the most time on:  Can I even remember anymore?  I suppose Where There is Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth (Psych) which I think took me over 5 years to complete.  However, I wasn’t straight writing that entire time so not certain if it specifically qualifies?  Another contender is The Tiger and the Shark (Sherlock) which I posted pretty consistently and took about 2 years.    
2. Fic you spent the least time on:  I’m not counting those 100 word challenge fics cause, please.  I think the least amount of time I spent on truly legit stories would be one of these possibilities (cause fuck if I know for sure): Wibble Wobble Wibble Wobble To and Fro (Psych), A Good Heart (Psych), Making the Cut With a Squeeze of Lemon (Psych) 
3. Longest Fic: Where There is Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth (Psych) 104,522
4. Shortest Fic:  Promises to the Dead (again, not counting 100 word challenge fics), This Week on Psychfic - 280 words
5. Most hits: Just Pieces; Passion, Pain, & Parody (Psych fic collection.  Does that count?)
6. Most kudos: All Nighter (Psych)
7. Most comment threads/ reviews: Standing from Falling (Psych) 352 Reviews
8. Fave Fic you wrote: Ooohh screw this question!  Staawwwp!!! I can’t just pick A favorite but I gueeeesss I could narrow it to a few which out of over 200 damn stories you should be grateful I can narrow it down that much (of COURSE I love my own writing - that’s why I do it!).  I’ll also only include completed works: Psych - Suffer the Night, I Would Do Anything for Love; Even That, You Give Me Fever MCU - Just Another Day in New York, Did You Make it to the Milky Way to See the Lights all Faded, Simple Math Sherlock: The Tiger and the Shark, A Russian, Two Spies, and an Elephant
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on:   The Tiger and the Shark (expand) Fury (Psych) - rewrite
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:  How about both?
Untitled Iron Dad and Spider Son fic:
It started with sand.  Benign. Sorta... tan...  Fucking sand and yet there he was, trembling like he'd just spent the last two hours in subzero temps wearing nothing more than a speedo and a grin.
"Mr. Stark?"
Tony gulped; curling his toes before looking up at the young man across from him... who was wearing an expression that mirrored the anxiety thumping in Tony's chest. "Hey... you okay, Kid?"
Peter shrugged - his long fingers clenching and stretching.  "Y-yeah.  Sure!  I mean..." he swallowed, "not like anything bad happens at the beach, right?"
Tony tapped his teeth around his lower lip.  "It's just sand..." Not like sand ever hurt anyone...
Why were they there again?  Oh right; facing demons.  Because that shit never backfired.
The ocean was calm that afternoon. Behind them the sounds of the pier carried with shrill laughter and the cacophony of vendors, shrieking children, and seagulls.  Lots of seagulls - drawn to the scent of funnel cakes and french fries dominating the blend of scents that normally drew Tony, as well, but currently just twisted the pool of nausea threatening his pride.
Peter drew his focus back with a sharply drawn breath.  Then another.  Wind flicked the curls that had been pasted to his forehead with sweat.  Tony pushing his feet through the hot sand - too hot - a decade later and he still couldn't stand the feel of hot grains...  until he stood alongside the kid. Not looking away from the reflection of sunlight on water he nudged his elbow against Peter's arm.  "Not so bad during the day, yeah?"
Peter blinked rapidly - making something like a smile.  "No, yeah... way better." he nodded - looking about as convinced as Pepper would be at the prospect of birthing octuplets.
Tony pushed his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose.  The most expensive shades on the planet and he still hadn't managed to stop them slipping down when he sweated.  He cupped his left elbow in his right hand and watched the para-sailors and jet skiis and swimmers splashing in the low waves.  No surfers; not that day.
He wouldn't have been there if not for Pete.  Kid's idea.  Apparently therapy was the new heroin.  Better come down, he supposed.  Even at that he'd tried for distraction, first.  Tony was nothing if not the Grand Master of distractibility. Offered everything from a road trip along the East Coast to helping the kid build a personal bot (who was he kidding, he planned both as a graduation present).  And, yet, here there were.  Revisiting trauma because what better way to spend a Saturday?
Story Idea - Doctor Who/ Doctor Strange crossover:
Plot: Stephen encounters a woman in a parallel world – a world protected, not by a Sorcerer Supreme, but by a man known only as “The Doctor”.  He soon finds out that this Doctor is unique among the worlds he's explored.  For all he has seen - all the beings he’s encountered, he has never met a woman with such energy coiled within the depth of her brain as the ordinary, redheaded woman he bumps into walking through a parallel London.  In fact, so powerful are the forces within her that he is immediately struck with a chaos of discordant images – of giant wasps and singing squid-like beings and screeching salt shakers and before he can even begin to understand it a face – eyes furious and dark – glaring from a raging fire. “GET OUT!  THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING! GET OUT, NOW, WHILE YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE!”
Stephen figures out that Donna is slowly being consumed by the Time Lord energies locked inside her. The Doctor may have barred her memory but it still seeps through – with each exposure weakening the walls even more.  Eventually, it will consume her.    
This is not something he can fix alone, however.  He will need to track down the man who first created those mental blocks and left Donna behind to slowly go insane.  The Doctor.
Tagged: @sgam76 @silentsaebyeok @kitcat992 @mizjoely @villaniouslyawesome @itsjustdg @hanuko @jennberry1984
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aelaer · 5 years
☕ Stephen's backstory, comics vs MCU. Just how much would you like them to be alike? Would you be interested in Stephen having a new background? Or would you prefer the Donna timeline to be there? What about Victor, too? 👀
As you know, we really don’t have a lot of information on MCU Stephen’s backstory other than that Donna’s death was filmed at some point, we just haven’t seen anything of it. I can tell you what similarities I do and don’t want, at least:
Stephen’s dad:
Name: His name is Eugene, but I am fine with them updating the name for something more common to babies born in the 50s (as opposed to the 1900s) to fit with the timeline being moved up in the MCU.
Personality: This is a quote taken from the Expanded History of Stephen Strange on the 616 Marvel Wiki that sums up Eugene’s personality:
“However the wonderment of childhood was quickly quashed by Stephen's father Eugene, who was a no nonsense businessman who often chastised his children for pursuing activities that he considered a waste of time, such as birthday celebrations. One day Stephen tried to show off the ribbon he won in a spelling bee, and was punished by his father. Seeking Eugene's approval, Stephen decided to become just like his father, dismissing anything other than the pursuit of money as a trivial waste of time.”
I 100% do not want this. I find the trope of “distant from dad because he was emotionally/physically abusive” a really tired one; there are thousands of ways for families to fall apart, and abuse doesn’t need to be a part of any of them. No one necessarily needs to be fully in the right, and no one needs to be fully in the wrong. And frankly put, that’s how a lot of real relationship problems actually work.
Frankly put I think it would be a million times more interesting if they weren’t exactly close due to differences in interests and personalities, but that he let Stephen be a kid, and when he got accepted to some of the most prestigious colleges he was stoked. I definitely don’t see him as a backwater hillbilly who wants Stephen to be a farmer rather than a rich doctor-- and that’s a trope I really dislike as well, as it suggests that people from poorer, less educated families living out in the middle of nowhere don’t want to see their children wildly succeed and live their own lives. It’s a real disservice and ugly stereotype of people living in the rural parts of the United States.
I would be much, much more interested in seeing their relationship deteriorate from amicable to non-existent due to the tragedy of Donna’s death. Eugene loses himself in functional alcoholism and Stephen to his studies.
Stephen’s mom:
Name: Beverly is another name that sounds good in the 1900s and a bit outdated for the 50s, though not nearly as much as Eugene. Again, I’m fine with the same name or an updated name.
Personality: There’s very little said about her from what the Wiki says. All I could find is:
“Stephen lost himself in his work and a few years later he was called back home when he heard news that his mother was on her death bed. Her final words to Stephen were to look after his brother Victor.”
So a lot leaves it up to the imagination. In my headcanon, she’s the one that wants Stephen to go to college at one of the more local universities so he can drive back to visit on the weekends, or at least they could drive out to the city once a month. She’s the one that needs a little persuasion about how awesome his scholarships to those fancy universities out east are, but she accepts it and the first year of Stephen’s undergrad works out really well.
Then Donna dies, and nothing is ever the same again. I expanded upon her (and Eugene’s) personalities and my own headcanons of them during Whumptober in the prompt “Scars”, so you can see how I see it all playing out with her and her eventual death there if you want.
She has to remain Donna, no renaming for her. Donna’s not too old fashioned either so it can work fine for a 1980′s baby. Basically I’d like her story to remain more or less as it is: Stephen’s back in Nebraska after his first year of college (at 19) and she’s 17 and they just have a jolly good time with a bunch of friends out at a lake, and then she dies in a freak accident.
And the family completely falls apart from there.
He’s the one that I’m not sure about at all. I didn’t even include him in my fanfic because he seemed like a third (or fifth) wheel in this particular family dynamic. I realllllyyyy dislike the comic book canon for him, too.
So I’d be fine with him being completely left out of the MCU. However, if he were to make an appearance, I’d be okay with the following:
Older, not younger, than Stephen. Canonically he’s 8 or 9 years younger than Stephen, making him 10 or 11 at the time of Donna’s death. Even if Stephen is grieving, I find it very difficult imagining the MCU Stephen abandoning his kid brother completely to college. I am the eldest in my family and I have a 14 year gap between my youngest sibling; such a thing as one of our middle siblings dying would make me more fiercely protective and want to get closer to my youngest sibling. And while comic!Stephen threw himself into “money money money” due to his dad, in my headcanon Eugene isn’t a completely emotionless prick, so that early influence wouldn’t be present. The breaking of the family occurs due to Donna’s tragedy. A kid sibling being present doesn’t as easily fit the equation with MCU Stephen’s personality. I might be projecting my own fierce love for the baby of the family, but MCU Stephen just isn’t THAT big of a prick. Arrogant for sure, and self-centered and self-important before the accident, yeah. But kid siblings are kid siblings, and that’s another thing altogether.
Much older than Stephen. But I wouldn’t want him to be too close to Stephen either in order for the sundering to be complete. There’d need to be a significant age gap and Victor’s personality would need to be the one that has him pulling away early on, leaving him as a sibling you’d only see once a year, maybe. This would be Victor’s own choice. More importantly, it wouldn’t give Stephen another close sibling connection and the ability to better cut himself away from his parents.
No getting hit by a car and dying immediately after an argument about their dead dad. I mean honestly, talk about insanity. I know things like that might happen in RL, but in this fictional scenario, it feels so over the top to the point of incredulous hilarity. That’s not exactly a mood you want to inspire in an audience.
No getting revived by botched magic and turning into a vampire instead. Who the fuck thought that was a good story idea? I hate this plot. And it’d be horrid for MCU Stephen, who heard “Death gives life meaning” from the Ancient One just before she passed away to go through something like this. Not to mention he’s experienced coming back from death too many times to count, so he’d know just how not-necessarily-great that was, especially as some half-dead creature. Ugh.
No double superhero life. None. Nada. Zip. Probably an accountant or something. Has a wife and two kids. Average life.
He’s just an estranged elder sibling he saw every once in a while as a teenager, lost contact with after their dad’s death, and talked with maybe twice afterwards (including the days after the accident, which would be... interesting).
And that’s my headcanon ramble for today.
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jimmypeakes · 5 years
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ADAM DIMARCO? No, that’s actually JIMMY PEAKES from the GOLDEN TRIO ERA. You know, the child of BRANWEN PEAKES (NÉE GOYLE) and JEREMIAH PEAKES? Only 19 years old, this GRYFFINDOR alumni works as an AUROR IN TRAINING and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. HE identifies as CIS-MAN and is a HALF-BLOOD who is known to be IMPULSIVE, CARELESS, and IMPATIENT but also COURAGEOUS, ENTHUSIASTIC, and LOYAL. — &&. ( SAM, EST, THEY/THEM, 24. ) 
character parallels: gordon tracy ( thunderbirds ) + lorelai gilmore ( gilmore girls ) + sam wilson ( marvel comics ) + ron weasley ( harry potter ) + betty cooper ( archie comics ) + mike wheeler ( stranger things ) + anna ( frozen ) + legolas greenleaf ( the lord of the rings ) + donna noble ( doctor who ) + peter pevensie ( the chronicles of narnia ) !!
— ❝ 01. Branwen Goyle was never a big fan of her family, and was out of the Goyle sphere of existence as soon as she finished Hogwarts. She ended up marrying a muggle man, Jeremiah Peakes, when she was around 25 years old, and had her first child two years later. She and Jeremiah ended up having a total of five children, all boys, and Jimmy is the second youngest out of them. He’s always kind of been the trouble-maker of the family, and though all of his brothers were over-achievers, he never felt any less proud of himself or that he had to compete with them. In fact, he’s a pretty easy-going person, and tends not to worry all that much. He’s fun to be around, and absolutely despises tension. He’s always trying to make light of difficult situations, and maybe sometimes cracks a joke when it’s not the exact right time. He’s been working on that, though, and can take things seriously. It’s like… He just needs a little something to help him grow up a bit more.
— ❝ 02. Jimmy Peakes does not have any problems finding people to date whatsoever. He’s very flirty, and quite agreeable to be around, and therefore, it’s quite easy for him to attract others. He’s pansexual and panromantic, and has never counted gender in the equation when it comes to romance or who he’s attracted to. He never really questioned his sexuality either. He always knew that he didn’t only like girls, and that whether they were girls or not didn’t matter to him. He first told his brothers he didn’t only like girls when he was seven years old. Like, just… Stood on the couch on Christmas day and announced he wasn’t straight. Which was a word he had learned thanks to the fact that Branwen and Jeremiah Peakes taught their children things about the world and had always made it clear to them that no prejudices would be tolerated. And as Jimmy tended to be a bit dramatic, of course he had to make a big announcement out of it.
— ❝ 03. Jimmy was a very active child, and still, to this day, constantly needs to be doing something. He’s a huge fan of flying and Quidditch, and that’s why he tried out for the Gryffindor team in his third (?) year. However, he always knew he didn’t want to take it to the professional level. Not only did he not have the patience to train as much as was necessary to become a professional, but he also didn’t think he’d be able to stand being only challenged physically, as he does love an intellectual challenge too. Sure, there are plenty of Quidditch players who are much smarter than him, but for him, personally, given the way he functions as a person, it wouldn’t work. He likes things that are more varied, which is why he ended up settling on becoming an auror. Not only was one of his heroes one, but also he couldn’t think of a better thing to do with himself than stop bad guys and save innocents. Plus, it presented a variety of challenges, both physical and intellectual, and therefore truly motivated Jimmy.
Has three older brothers and one younger brother, who I’ll definitely beg y’all to play hehe.
Yes, his family was inspired by the Tracy family from the Thunderbirds TV show(s) (and movie, though we don’t talk about that. I mean, I do love it, but I acknowledge the fact that it’s... Not the best.)
Definitely inspired by Gordon Tracy. Like, I’m not even trying to be subtle about it. For reference, though, my favourite is John. But Gordon is a close second. But actually, it changes a lot.
I do realize this turned into me just talking about Thunderbirds, but it’s my one (1) niche interest, and I will never ever shut up about it. I do apologize about that, though.
Loves classical music! Like, isn’t that into music in general, but he does really appreciate classical music. And like, he does enjoy music, it’s just not a passion of his.
Is going to be so into the year 2029 like how much things have changed? Amazing. And since his dad’s a muggle, he’s quite connected to the muggle world, so to see how things have evolved over there? WOW.
Probably was the kid who kept on trying to make muggle devices work at Hogwarts by tinkering with them, but then mocked/teased (I’m never sure what the difference between those words is; I should Google it probably) his younger brother when he brought a walkman (or whatever the equivalent of that was at the time) to Hogwarts.
Loves all things water related. Used to hang out a lot by the lake, and went swimming whenever he got the chance. He’s a very strong swimmer.
Kind of? Bad at dealing with emotions? Jake Peralta could also be a character parallel for him, honestly.
Has literally never interacted with his mother’s family, as they consider him and his brothers huge mistakes and stains on their reputation. Would fight a Goyle, 100%.
Would die for his family (his brothers, siblings-in-law and parents - maybe even niblings if someone who plays one of his brothers want said brother to have a child or children), no doubt about it.
His dad’s actually rich, so even though Branwen (Jimmy’s mother) got disowned, they never lacked of anything. Especially the newest technology and vehicles, as that was the field his dad was in. Please don’t @ me for all these stolen Thunderbirds ideas I am but a small, idealess Sam.
Plays Dungeons & Dragons with friends and (maybe - depending on the people who potentially play them) some of his brothers and plays a wonderfully chaotic neutral forest gnome rogue named Alvyn. No family name for Alvyn, because he’s just too cool for that.
( FOOD TW ) Is actually a somewhat decent cook.
Will most likely marathon a shit ton of old (but new for him) superhero movies in 2029. Because, yeah. He loves superhero movies. He prefers Marvel movies, but DC comics. Which is not at all inspired by my own taste. Not. At all.
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