#if asked to name episodes I actually like it is hard but they do exist
Every time I'm like maybe I'll continue The X-Files season 6, I am then forcefully reminded of the existence of Diana Fowley and Jeffery Spender and then subsequently think... hmm maybe not
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nkogneatho · 8 months
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—cw: rough, blowjob, degrading nicknames, hair pulling, tie leash, fem!reader
—a/n: this came into existence after i watched the new episode and i realized this mf is insane and actually has some wild ass kinks
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you hated how the world pictured kento. he wasn't just some bored and tired man who hates his job. he was more than that. he was insane. if only there was a way to show them that.
"On the knees." Nanami ordered, the cheetah print tie circling around his big, rough hand.
You did what he asked to. Not that your body had a privilege to betray your lustful brain and deny. He wrapped his tie against your neck and secured it with a distanced but tight knot. Tight enough to yank when needed. You couldn't meet his eyes in embarrassment, maybe a little fear too. This was a side he kept hidden to the world, only portrayed if he either loved them or wanted to kill them.
"Take my cock out, my sweet slut." Your fingers struggled to unbuckle his expensive belt. He wouldn't help, you knew it. Once you got the metal out if it's loop, you aimed for the buttons, then the zip. Your sweet fingers dug through his underwear to find his cock. It felt so big in your hand always, and it wasn't even completely hard yet. You started giving it slow pumps and heard him curse under his breath. you waited for his next command, for him to tell you what to do but it never came. Instead what came was a hand that cupoed your jaw, forcing you to lock eyes with him.
"I'm going to use this beautiful face as my cocksleeve, yeah? You'd let me, right?" Your core wet, your mind hazy at his words. He didn't need to ask. You know it was just a formality and a dessert that came with the gentleman personality. But he was anything but a gentleman in the bedroom. Calling you names. Using you to his satisfaction. But he knew you liked it because he's the one feeling your pussy tighten when he calls you a "slut."
Nanami's hand traveled to the back of yiur hwad where he grabbed a fistful if your head. You gulped in preparation about what had to come. You opened your mouth and Kento slammed his dick inside you. It slid fast through your tongue but you could taste the hint of his precum.
"Fuck. So good for me," he said, beginning to thrust. "You like when I fuck my frustrations on you." You did. "your mouth is my cumdump, right? you're such a good little slut who always sucks my anger out of me." People out there constantly think how is he always so calm. He's not. The truth is here. He comes home and fucks his anger away. And you count yourself lucky to be his fucktoy because holy shit, the way he fucks you makes you feel like you've found heaven on earth. It's sinister. The darkness in his eyes. They consume you. But ironically, the pleasure that he gives you can only be compared with heaven.
"Shit! I am close—sss agh!" he felt the back of your throat vibrate which sent excitment down his balls. "fuckfuckfuck" he cursed as he yanked your hair back to look at your doe eyes. Soon, he caught up to his high and all you could make for a sound was consumed by his thick load shooting deep inside your throat. He was so deep you didn't even get to taste them. Nanami pulled out, the remaining beads of his cum lacing your lips.
"Such a good little slut. my exclusive cumslut," he cooed running his thumb over your lips, glistening with your sakiva mixed with his released. "ready for me to fuck your brains out, fuckdoll?" Like you'd ever say no.
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bigfatbimbo · 29 days
Hey pookie hope you're doing well!
I was curious about a Rosie x Reader who is a female butler? (Yes they exist they are not just maids)
Listen im a sucker for royal x guard ships im weeeeeak
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a/n — I LOVE ROSIE!!! I don’t have a great grasp on her character though because i’ve actually only watched that episode once but… I try.
warnings — suggestive, mostly just fluff, f!reader implied but it’s never brought up or stated, NOT PROOFREAD!!
summary — f!butler x rosie
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Rosie is absolutely a wonderful woman to work for. 
Along with the pay being well, not to mention the surprisingly comfortable servants quarters, she has a refined level of respect for her staff.
Not to say the work isn’t hard, and the constant smell of fried up demons is not a picnic. 
As her butler, your in charge of managing the cooking and cleaning staff, and sometimes doting on Rosie.
After all she has a lot to do around hell, being the leader of a bunch of cannibalistic maniacs  (such as herself).
Seeing as butlers are in charge of greeting guests, preparing wardrobes, and assisting in the preparation of events, your around Rosie a lot more than the other staff.
Even if you weren’t, she’d still take care to know your name, just as she does everyone else. 
But she definitely admires your work ethic, and her relationship with you isn’t as formal as it would be if you worked for any other overlord.
She jokes with you while you dote on her, or just follow her around.
You definitely know an ungodly amount of gossip about other overlords in hell, or any drama that goes on with the higher ups.
Needless to say, there’s a level of trust there.
You take care of her when she’s overwhelmed with work, even if it’s your job it’s still undeniable.
And she treats you kindly, almost acting as if your friend instead of your boss, but never truly crossing that boundary. 
Now, a romance aspect is what you want, I’m sure.
So Rosie’s working late, making sure things are running smoothly in cannibal town, maybe putting together tomorrow’s sale. 
And she’s clearly tired, it happens to everyone when they have a job like this, but her work isn’t done yet. 
So you waltz in with your formal demeanor, and place a cup of tea on her desk. 
“Oh thank you, sweetie, but i’m not in the mood—“
“It’s your favorite, earl grey with a spike of blood,” you interject, “And if I may, ma’am, you’re in need of short break.”
That’s when Rosie would start to feel a sense of affection towards you, when she realized your shift ended hours ago. 
You stayed anyways specifically to help her on her busy night. 
Workplace flirting would be unbearable. 
She’d be calling you ‘my darling’ instead of just her usual ‘dear’ like she does with the rest of the staff.
Lingering touches while she walks past, linking her arm with yours or resting her hand on your shoulder, overall being super touchy.
Her requests from you would be more frequent, as much as Rosie likes to keep things classy, that doesn’t change the fact that her crush on you grows everyday. 
Maybe she’d even ask for a massage, actually.
See, her type of flirting is very subtle, so you wouldn’t even notice it’s happening unless it’s directed towards you.
Which, often, it very relentlessly is.
A relationship between boss and employee is inappropriate, and Rosie absolutely would respect your space.
Unless you feed into it, she wouldn’t cross that boundary. 
But from the point of view of the butler, is she flirting? Or is she just being nice? I mean clearly you’re her favorite and most important staff member… so is she just being appreciative?
But, when and if that line is crossed, things wouldn’t be different other than the secret workplace affair. 
She’d treat you the same during work hours, but any time you two are alone, she’d be all over you. 
Peppering you in kisses, eating you up, holding your face in her hands.
Calling you into her room for… butler duties.
Needless to say, the work never stops. But with Rosie it wouldn’t feel like work. 
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legiblyloathed · 1 year
Ain’t He Darling? (Chapter 1)
Yandere! Wally Darling x Reader
A/N: Okay, so the little blue haired menace has been rotting my brain for the past week, sue me. I tried to get him out of my brain by rewatching Gravity Falls, only for the episode “The Hand that Rocks the Mabel” to inspire a whole fanfic. Straight up water on a grease fire. Anyway, enjoy.
I always forget how much of a hassle moving is until it’s time to actually do it. Weeks spent selling and giving away half of my belongings, trying to shove the rest of them into boxes, then taking all of them into a new location only to have to figure out where all of them should go in the new space; it’s on the list of most mundane yet stressful life events a person has to put themselves through.
These were the feelings that hung around my being like a dark cloud for the past few weeks, but now, as I finally set my final knickknack in its chosen spot, I can feel the sun breaking through. I stand up and stretch as hard as I can, trying to wring the residual tension out of my spine. Even with my reduced number of belongings, it’s a lot of work to unpack them all, especially when working alone.
I didn’t have to do all the work myself. Within minutes of hauling stacks of boxes into my new house, I’d been approached by numerous rather colorful people, all very keen to lend a hand. As the newest neighbor in town, I was a curiosity to them, after all. I’d declined the offers, not wanting to place any burdens on the shoulders of my new potential friends. Looking back on it, that wasn’t my smartest move. Or maybe that’s just my aching muscles talking.
I’m dragged out of my tired contentment by the sound of a knock on the front door. Relaxing with a heaving sigh, I stroll over and peer out the peephole. Standing on my porch is a large, multicolored bird. My eyes dart to the plate of cookies balanced in her wings. With newfound excitement, I yank open the door and greet her with a smile.
The bird almost appears startled at this, the cookies on the plate jostling as she jumped. “Oh dear!” She shuffles the plate to her left hand, her right settling upon her chest as if to calm her heart. “You startled me for a moment!”
I give her a sheepish grin. “Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Settling down, she waves her free wing dismissively. “Nothing to apologize for, I’m a bit prone to fright, is all.” As if remembering their existence, she extends the plate of cookies towards me. “I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood! I do hope you like them!”
“I’m sure I will!” I pull the plate from her grasp and hold it carefully to my chest, my mouth watering at the sugary smell. “They look and smell delicious, thank you so much…” I trail off, realizing in embarrassment that I never caught her name.
She seems to sense my hesitation, and beams in reassurance. “My name’s Poppy, Poppy Partridge.” I give her my name, mentally thanking her for the help. “It’s very nice to meet you, we haven’t had any new neighbors in a long time.”
“Really?” My head tilts to the side. “Why not? This place is beautiful.”
“Oh, I can’t say myself,” she sighs. “Suppose there’s just not much to around here.”
I shrug, trying to appear lighthearted. “It’s a pity.” She nods in agreement, and the conversation begins to lull. Not wanting to leave on such a sour note, I ask, “Out of curiosity, what do you like to do around here?”
“Me?” she squawks, looking taken aback. She fidgets with her feathers, her wings wringing around each other. “I suppose I like to bake, especially when the weather’s nice enough for a picnic.” I can almost see the lightbulb turn on above her head, and she turns her much cheerier gaze to my own. “Say, the rest of us were planning on a picnic this afternoon! Care to join us? It’d be a good time to meet your new neighbors.”
A sense of anxiety washes over me. The idea of being among that many strangers with such late notice flutters around in my stomach like butterflies. Without thinking, I begin to shift back and forth on my feet. “I… I don’t know, it’s very sudden…”
The bird wilts a bit, looking down at my porch. “Oh dear, it is, isn’t it? You must still be so busy with unpacking.”
I look up at her, my anxiety curdling into regret at her disappointment. I reconsider the situation. What’s an hour or two with a handful of strangers? There’s only nine houses in this town, counting my own, I can handle it. Having made up my mind, I shake my head. “No, no, I already finished unpacking. I’ll be there.”
Poppy perks up. “You will?” I smile, hoping she can’t see the hesitation in it. “That’s wonderful news!” She flaps her wings in excitement before stopping with a gasp of realization. “I have more baking to do, than! I’d better get going,” she says, turning to leave with one last wave of her big red wing. “I’ll see you soon, neighbor!”
“See you soon!” I shout back, waving with the hand that wasn’t clutching the plate of cookies. As she goes further from my field of vision, I feel myself slump, the excitement of a new friend and a batch of treats wearing off to remind me of my exhaustion. My hand falls limp to my side and I stare at the plate in contemplation.
Nap? Or snack?
I pluck a cookie from the tray and take a bite, feeling myself melt at the incredible flavor. I scarf the rest of the sweet down before heading back inside, picking up another one as I go. Maybe just a few before I rest up.
I snap up on my couch, almost falling off of it in my sudden awakening. What time is it? A quick glance at the clock on my wall reveals it to be mid-afternoon, and I throw myself off my resting place so fast I nearly hit the floor. I scramble to the window and see a small crowd of people in the distance, the sounds of talk and laughter wafting in through the glass. I let out a sigh of relief. At least I wasn’t… that late. After a quick change and a once over in the mirror, I hurry out the door and towards the picnic.
As I approach, the jolly sounds become clearer, with voices all chattering their cares away. Colorful blankets are scattered across the clearing, each rife with sandwiches and sweets. I really hope they aren’t upset that I didn’t bring anything. As I scan my surroundings, I pick out Poppy as she talks with a caterpillar and head in her direction, relieved at the semi-familiar face.
As if on cue, my way is blocked by a short girl in a pink dress dragging along a disgruntled looking man with a bowtie. “Ooh, you must be the new neighbor!” she squeals, bouncing up and down in place, hands flapping in front of her chest. “We were so worried you weren’t gonna come! I’m Julie Joyful, and this,” she says as she grabs the arm of the man next to her, “is Frank Frankly! Say hi, Franky!”
“Uh… hello.” I pondered briefly if I looked as awkward as poor Frank did as he gave me a small wave. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Feeling’s mutual,” I respond. As Julie begins to babble about her excitement, my eyes move to drift over the rest of the strangers. The vast majority are split off into their own small groups, with a single exception. Sitting on a bench under a large apple tree is a man who seems to be studying me the same way I’m studying him. One of his legs is crossed over the other, supporting his elbow as he rests his chin on his hand, staring at me with an intensity that sends a small shiver down my spine. And either I’m going crazy, or his lazy smile broadens ever so slightly at that.
I’m startled out of my impromptu staring contest by Julie, who seems to have noticed that I wasn’t listening and cranes her neck to see what I’m looking at. “Oh, have you met Wally yet?”
I shake my head. “No, not yet.” It takes all the willpower in my body not to meet those eyes that I can almost feel lingering on me.
The girl grins, grabbing my wrist. “Come on, you gotta meet him! I bet you two will get along like two peas in a pod!”
She begins to force me from my spot, and I feel myself start to panic. Before she can pull me away to the creepy man, Frank reaches out and stops her in her tracks. “Say, Julie, they don’t look too keen on it. Maybe they should take it slow, meet the others on their own time?” He gestures broadly to the snacks left sitting around. “They haven’t even gotten anything to eat yet, after all.”
Julie looks surprised at the intervention, a flash of guilt going over her face. “Oh my, you’re right, Frank! I’m so sorry, neighbor, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable!” At my dismissive hand wave, she changes course, instead pulling me to the piles of food. “Poppy told me she gave you some cookies, but just you wait ‘til you try her pie!” I turn to look at Frank, mouthing a ‘thank you’ at the grumpy looking man. He smiles a bit with a reassuring nod, and the three of us settle down on a blanket. For the rest of the picnic I eat while the two of them (mainly just Julie with the occasional comment from Frank) talk about all kinds of things.
I try hard to pretend I can’t feel the eyes burning into the back of my head.
The sound of a steady, rhythmic knock wakes me up the next morning. I rub the sleep from my eyes, noting with absent mind how high the sun had already risen. The three slow knocks reverberate through my house once again, and I roll out of bed and head towards the front door, not bothering to change out of my pajamas or even look through the peephole. This, as it turns out, is a bad move on my part.
I yawn as I open the door, only for it to become a strangled cough as I lock eyes with the one resident I didn’t want to see this early. The man, or Wally as Julie had called him, stood on my porch, his face as eerily relaxed as ever. His posture was straight, his clothes neat, his appearance put together; I don’t think he could be any more of a contrast to my current state if he actively worked towards it. Which, to be frank, I suspect he did.
Just like the last time I’d encountered him, the two of us looked as if we were having a staring contest. Unlike last time, however, this time he decides to break the silence. “Hi, neighbor.” His voice is soft and monotonous, each syllable dragging along in no hurry. “Did I wake you up? I’m sorry.”
Somehow, I doubt that. In an attempt to relieve the strange tension, I let out a stilted laugh. “Yeah, you did, but it’s fine. I overslept, anyway.” He hums in acknowledgement, and it takes a few long seconds for me to realize he doesn’t plan on responding. Eager to hurry along this interaction so I can dart back into my house and hide from those piercing eyes, I prompt, “Something I can help you with, Wally?”
He tilts his head. “I never told you my name.”
“Yeah, no, you uh, you didn’t. Julie told me yesterday. At the… the picnic.”
“Oh, right. You three looked like you had a good time.”
“We did! We did…”
“Hmm.” His smile stretches, looking pleased by that confirmation. “Well, I’m glad to hear you’re settling in okay. I’ve heard it can be awful hard to make new friends, but you have a way of drawing people in, huh?” Cutting me off before I can ask for elaboration, Wally continues. “Speaking of drawing, I was hoping you might join me for some painting today, down by the south woods.”
“Oh!” I blurt out, taking a moment to process the invitation. “I’m not exactly much of an artist, myself.”
He laughs, and it’s every bit as emphatic as the rest of his speech. “Oh, neighbor, that doesn’t matter. We all start somewhere, and besides, I’d like the company.”
I consider turning him down flat, but something tells me he’s a bit too persuasive for me to keep him at bay forever. With a grin so forced it hurts, I say, “Sounds like fun! I’ll be there.”
Wally’s head bobs in a slow nod, and he takes a step back from the door. “I’m glad to hear it. See you soon, neighbor.”
I return the nod and raise a hand in a brief wave. “See you soon.” His stare remains, and just as I ready myself to ask him to stop, he finally, finally, turns away and walks away, humming a quiet tune to himself.
I step inside and close the door, leaning my forehead against it as I recover from the encounter. My stomach growls, but I feel as though I’ve lost my appetite. The inexplicable dread in my heart squashes any hope of breakfast. I close my eyes, but even then I can still see his own staring back, unblinking in their ceaseless observation. With a shudder, I push myself up, trying my best to steel my nerves. It’s just a little art lesson, I chastise myself. So he’s a little spooky, it’s probably fine.
No matter how many times I repeated those three words to myself, the memory of those eyes seems to peer right through the lie.
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fangirl-writes · 6 months
Benny Weir x Fem!Reader
MBAV Masterlist
Warning(s): near-death, canon-level violence
Request: can be found here.
Notes: This is a mix of multiple things that we’ve seen in MBAV episodes while also stealing a little bit of plot from the Vampire Diaries. Hope you like it! 
PS: I kinda want to make this into a full fledged fic because I had so many ideas that were hard to package into a one-shot but we’ll see if I ever actually do that.
Summary: A doppelganger traps you in a mirror dimension and slowly sucks the life out of you so it can take your place. Will Benny and friends save you in time? (yes obviously, but the suspense)
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You stare across the room, into the only window in the otherwise dark room, the yellow glow of it staring back at you.
It was a tragic way to die, in a place without light, where your loved ones would never find you. All the while a cheap copy of you wandered freely, fooling your friends and your Benny.
Benny. Would you ever get to see him again?
Perhaps you’d get lucky and he would peer into the mirror so his eyes would be the last thing you saw before the life finished draining from you.
He’d probably feel so guilty, think it was all his fault. 
But it wasn’t.
If there was anyone to blame, it was the vampire who seemed a regular bane to the existence of White Chapel and its inhabitants.
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?
In the school’s theater, in a dressing room we’ve seen before, lies a cracked mirror that once held the spirit of Olivia Frye. And while her spirit no longer posses it, that doesn’t mean the magic of the mirror is gone.
The vanity lights flicker on in the otherwise dark room, illuminating the pale face and blue eyes of Jesse Black.
Reaching into his pocket, Jesse pulls out Benny’s spellbook.
He opens it on a marked page, running his fingers across the paper before reading aloud: “Zacaroth Maznacaroth. Dimitte hunc spiritum e carcere, ut iterum vivant.”
As he reads, the mirror begins to repair itself, the cracks sealing up. But as they are doing so, a mist also starts to leak from the glass.
A grin spreads across Jesse’s lips and he chuckles darkly. “Welcome back, my dear.”
Before him stands the ghostly figure of who appears to be you, but she’s faded, missing the color in her body that signifies life. Except for her eyes that shine the same unnatural blue as Jesse’s.
The following morning, you, Ethan, and Benny are walking down the hallway of White Chapel High as Benny searches in vain for his spellbook.
“Are you sure you didn’t accidentally make it vanish again?” Ethan asks.
“No, it was in here last night I swear,” Benny says before groaning and angrily throwing his bag closed. “The one day I wanted to make Ms. Fine forget about our essays and the thing disappears! It’s like it knows when I’m using it for evil. You think my grandma put a spell on it?”
“If she was gonna do that, she’d have done it long before now,” Ethan replies.
“You know, if you started memorizing your spells like you talk about, this wouldn’t be a problem,” You say.
“And if you had agreed to strip studying I would have tried,”
“Okay, gross,” Ethan says, pulling a face.
You perk your head up, looking around the hallway for whoever said your name, finding no one in a sea of faces.
You turn around, following the voice but still seeing no one.
You jump as Benny’s hand touches your shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
You let out a breath and smile at him. “Yeah, I just thought I heard someone call my name. It’s probably nothing.”
Benny nods and pulls you closer to him, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as you continue your trail to your lockers.
The voices persisted as the day went on, bothering you in class and at lunch, making you feel scared and crazy. Not to mention incredibly distracted.
It made it hard to focus on math or science and especially English where you were meant to be reading Shakespeare and reviewing essays.
“Ms. L/N.”
Ms. Fine startles you out of your stupor and you hurriedly hand her your rough draft, printed and stapled together.
“Are you feeling alright?” She asks and you make a quick decision.
“Actually, I’m feeling a little sick. Can I be excused for the nurses office?”
“Sure. But hurry back.”
You nod and gather your things, exchanging a glance with Benny and Ethan each before leaving.
You really did plan to go to the nurses office until you could talk to your friends, but that damn voice started bothering you again. And in an otherwise empty hallway, it was hard to ignore.
“Oh, I’m gonna regret this,” you mumble before heading in the direction of the voice.
You follow it all the way to the theater, which is dark except for the light coming from one of the dressing rooms.
“Please don’t be a ghost,” you whisper to yourself. “Or a vampire, werewolf, ghoul, zombie, whatever. Let me be having a psychotic break because of stress and this voice isn’t real.”
You cautiously peak into the room...and find nothing.
The room is empty except for the vanity and chair. And the voice has gone quiet.
Shaking your head, you walk into the room and sit down in the chair. “Maybe I am going crazy.”
Your a little startled by your reflection, which is pale even under the warm lighting.
“...or maybe I’m actually sick.”
You press a hand to your face, checking for a temperature, watching as your reflection does the same.
Letting your hand drop, you observe the mirror more closely, eyebrows furrowing together.
“Wait a minute, wasn’t this mirror-”
You let out a scream as your reflection surges forward and pulls you into the mirror before jumping out in your place.
You collapse on a cold floor, hurriedly standing back up and rushing toward the mirror’s opening but your reflection holds out a hand, causing the mirror to seal back up and trap you inside.
“Sorry,” she says. “But I can’t have two of us running around to ruin my plans.”
You bang on the glass. “Hey! Stop! Let me out!”
But she’s already gone, leaving the room and shutting the door, enveloping you in darkness.
“Didn’t you see the look on her face?” Benny asks. “Something’s wrong.”
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Ethan replies. “It’s probably just a headache. You know how too much supernatural stuff gets to her sometimes.”
“Yeah, but this was different. She’s been hearing voices all day. I’m starting to worry this is something bad.”
Benny pushes open the door to the nurse’s office, expecting to find you laying there but instead the small bed was empty.
“Can I help you boys?” The nurse asks from her desk.
“Uh, sorry, but did Y/N L/N come in here earlier?”
“No, I haven’t seen her in here today.”
Benny feels a pit in his stomach. “Right, thank you.”
He closes the door and exchanges a look with Ethan. “She didn’t come back to class and she didn’t come here. So where is she?”
Ethan looks a little more worried now. “I don’t know.”
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” Rory says.
Not-you turns to look at him and Rory is taken aback.
“You okay? You’re paler than usual. Did you get bitten by a vampire? Attacked by an abominable snowman? Possessed by a ghost?”
Not-you smiles. “Oh, no, I’m actually an ancient doppelgänger who just looks like Y/N.”
Rory’s eye go wide. “Woah, really? That’s so cool. But...why’re you telling me?”
Not-you pats him on the head. “Cause you’re not smart enough to try and stop me.”
“Oh. Yeah that’s fair. Where’re you off to anyway?”
Not-you hums. “I’m smart enough not to tell you that.”
“Oh, great,” you mumble, watching as your battery drops another percentage, but the bars never move from zero.
How are you supposed to call for help?
It’s chilling, sitting in the dark with nothing but your phone for light. Your eyes can’t even adjust to the darkness because there’s nothing to see; you’re in a void.
A headache is slowly making itself known and you can’t be sure if its from staring at your phone screen or because a doppelgänger trapped you in a mirror.
The supernatural always has a way of giving you a headache. Doesn’t matter what it is.
Ethan can hardly touch you because if he has a vision, you’ll have a migraine for the rest of the week. If Erica, Sarah, or Rory use their superspeed around you, you’ll nearly faint.
Benny’s the only one who can use his powers and not effect you. You aren’t sure why.
He likes to joke that it’s because your soulmates. 
“I don’t know, E, I just have a bad feeling about this,” Benny says. “Sarah! Have you seen Y/N?”
Sarah, who was just putting her bag on her shoulder at her locker, turns to the boys. “No, is she missing?”
“Yeah we haven’t seen her since English and Benny’s freaking out,” Ethan replies.
“Aw, does Benny miss his girlfriend?”
“No, I mean yes, but that’s not what I’m worried about. She’s been hearing voices all day, what if something spooky got her?”
Sarah smiled. “Benny, if something spooky was happening we would surely know by now. Ethan would’ve had a vision or Rory would pop in with some information he doesn’t realize is important.”
As if on cue, Rory appears. “Heard my name!”
“Perfect,” Benny says. “Okay, Rory, give us some of that sweet sweet information. Have you seen Y/N?”
Rory’s eyebrows furrow. “Well, yeah, but she said it wasn’t really her. She said she was an ancient doppelgänger who just looks like Y/N.”
Benny gestures wildly. “You guys concerned now?!”
“Okay, yeah, maybe,” Ethan replies. “Did she say what she was doing or where she was going?”
Rory shakes his head. “No, she said she was too smart to tell me.”
“Curses,” Benny says. “They’re starting to figure out our tricks. Come on, I need to find my spellbook to track her.”
Ethan, Benny, and Sarah hurry off, leaving Rory behind. 
“You’re welcome,” he says, miffed that they disregarded him. 
“Ah, nice to see you in the flesh again,” Jesse says, tossing some popcorn in his mouth.
“I see you’re still fond of the theater where your plans were ruined,” Not-you replies, eyeing the room.
“I’m a sentimental guy,” he says. “And with you, my plans can’t be ruined again.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. My doppelgänger might be a mortal but she has the same power I do, under the surface.”
“Don’t tell me your afraid?”
“Not afraid. Just cautious,” Not-you says. “Arrogance is what got you defeated the first time. I won’t make the same mistake of underestimating them.”
Jesse stands up and walks over to Not-you, grabbing her arm. “Starting to get some flesh back, I see.”
“Swapping places with Y/N has helped immensely. Give it a few more hours and I’ll be back to full strength.”
“And Y/N?”
“Collateral damage.”
Jesse smiles. “Then we don’t need to underestimate them. We can destroy them.”
Meanwhile, Benny, Ethan, and Sarah are tearing apart Benny’s room, trying to find his spellbook.
“Goodness me, what’s going on in here?”
“Grandma!” Benny exclaims, popping out from under his bed. “Have you seen my spellbook?”
“No. Don’t tell me you’ve lost it, Benny, you know how dangerous that is,” she replies.
“I know, I know, but lecture me later, we have to find Y/N.”
“Y/N is missing?”
“Yeah,” Sarah says. “She was switched with a doppelgänger.”
Evelyn purses her lips. “Circe.”
“Who?” Ethan asks. 
“Circe,” Evelyn repeats. “She’s an old witch who caused quite the ruckus in White Chapel. Reverend Black tried to have her burnt at the stake but considering that he turned out to be a vampire I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s resurrected her somehow.”
Benny gasps. “With my spellbook!”
“Follow me,” Evelyn says, leading the group of them to her basement where she digs through a box for a leather bound book.
“Ah!” She says. “Here it is.”
She flips it open, going through the pages before stopping on one. “Here she is.”
“Woah,” Ethan says. “She really does look like Y/N.”
“Doppelgängers were created by nature after ancient beings defied their laws by creating immortality. Circe must’ve tried to make herself immortal, causing the doppel curse,” Evelyn explains.
You’re starting to feel horrible. Your body getting heavier and heavier, a weight on your chest growing. 
It wasn’t like the usual anxiety or claustrophobia you’ve experienced before. No, this felt like your soul was slowly being sucked from your body.
Is this it? you think. Is this really how I’m going to go out?
You raise your phone, the bars still empty and the battery too low for comfort.
“God,” you mumble.
Jesse pulls the Cubile Animus from his pocket. “This is what we’ll use to capture the souls.”
Circe raises an eyebrow at him. “Is that thing going to be able to hold all the supernatural souls? They’re more powerful than human souls.”
“Well, if you happen to have another soul-holder laying around, you just let me know,” Jesse says, scowling at her.
“I’m just saying, maybe you should’ve done some research before you set this plan into motion.”
“It’s going to work.” Jesse snaps, getting into Circe’s face. 
“All right, if you say so,” she replies, lifting a magical hand, glowing gold, and pressing it against the box.
You gasp, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline and your eyes flicker a gold that makes its way down your face, arms, and into your phone, causing it to call Benny.
“If Circe has taken Y/N’s place you need to find her fast. The longer Circe stays in her place, the more of Y/N’s lifeforce she takes,” Evelyn says. “She could die.”
As if on cue, Benny’s phone rings. 
He scrambles to check it, Y/N’s name glowing on the screen. “Oh my god.”
He answers it. “Y/N? Where are you, baby?”
“Benny...” your voice is faint and quiet. “...mirror...”
“Mirror? I don’t know what that means, you’re gonna have to be more specific.”
The urgency in his voice is obvious and you’re trying your best.
“At- at school...the mirror...”
“A mirror at school? The mirror at school?”
“Olivia Frye’s mirror!” Ethan says with a snap of his fingers. “In the theater.”
“Y/N, babe, is that right? You’re in Olivia’s mirror?”
“Great, let’s go,” Sarah says.
“Be careful!” Evelyn replies as they go.
“Y/N, stay on the phone with me, okay?”
You groan. “Benny, I’m so tired...”
They throw themselves into Grandma’s car, Sarah driving.
"No, no, baby girl, stay awake for me,” Benny pleads, hearing your breathing become labored.
“Benny...” you whisper out one last time before the phone goes dead.
“Y/N? Y/N! Y/N, baby, please- god dang it!” Benny throws his phone down.
“It’s okay, Benny, we’ll find her,” Ethan says. “She’s gonna be fine.”
“I hope so, E, I really hope so.”
"Do it now,” Jesse demands.
Circe’s eyes glow gold and she whispers an incantation.
Meanwhile, Erica and Rory are out looking for a midnight snack. 
“Are you sure we should be out here?” Rory asks. “Sarah said there’s a powerful witch out here somewhere. And that she’s working with Jesse.”
“What’s Jesse got against us?” Erica replies. “If anything he should be thanking us for being his only turns that survived. Natural selection in my opinion.”
Suddenly, her body goes rigid and a glowing, white mist flows out of her mouth and shoots off. Her body collapses to the ground.
“Erica?” Rory asks, nervously, leaning down next to her.
Erica’s soul finds its way into the Cubile Animus and Jesse smiles.
Rory’s body follows ensuite of Erica’s, going still and his soul being taken from his body.
And now we’re caught up. You’re dying in unimaginable darkness, weeping. Wishing with all your might that they find you. That you’ll see your friends and Benny again.
Luckily for you, they burst through the door.
Ethan, Benny, and Sarah are to the mirror in no time, Benny’s hand pressing against the glass.
“Y/N! Come take my hand, please!”
“I-I can’t,” you cry, tears rolling down your cheeks as you look at him, his eyes worried, scared even.
“Yes, you can!” He replies. “I won’t let you die! You’re so close, Y/N, just come take my hand.”
It’s hard, and it hurts, but you move.
You crawl, sobbing, towards him.
Benny’s own tears are threatening to spill over as he listens to you crying. 
“Please,” he whispers. “Please, I love you.”
You reach up. And take his hand.
Feeling your grip, Benny pulls.
Your body comes tumbling out of the mirror and into Benny, who immediately hold you close, whispering “oh my god” over and over.
You’re shaking, still crying. You’re thin, pale, and weak.
“Y/N,” Sarah says softly. “Do you know where the doppelganger is?”
You close your eyes, focusing. “The theater,” you whisper. “They’re at the theater.”
More souls are being sucked into the box: Kurt Lockner’s, David Stachowski’s, all the vampire nurses.
Evelyn, knowing - or rather feeling -  what’s happening, sits in her rocking chair and mumbles a counter spell that will keep her soul inside her body.
Circe growls. “Let go, Evelyn. I’ll get your soul if it kills you.”
“Not a chance.” Evelyn replies.
Sarah hits the breaks hard, putting the car in park and jumping out of the car, Ethan following closely.
“Y/N, stay here, okay?” Benny instructs.
You nod, closing your eyes and lying down.
“Hey!” Sarah kicks open the door to the theater. “Having a party without me?”
“Sarah!” Jesse says. “Glad you can join us. Just in time for Circe to take your soul.”
“Oh yeah? Over my dead body.”
“That can be arranged,” Circe replies, turning to Sarah with glowing gold eyes.
It strikes her then how nearly exactly she looks to you.
“So your the witch who’s stealing my girlfriend’s soul!” Benny shouts.
Circe smiles. “I’m a much better model, don’t you think?”
“Not a chance, honey.”
“Jesse, I’m busy. Take care of them, won’t you?” Circe says. “Your grandmother can’t hold on forever, Benny.”
“What?” Benny cries, becoming angry. He shouts a spell, hurling it in Circe’s direction, who waves it off easily. 
“You’ll have to do better than that.”
“Come on, Sarah,” Jesse says. “We’ve been here before, haven’t we? What makes you think you’ll win this time?”
“This!” Ethan yells, shooting Jesse in the face with holy water.
Jesse screams.
“Literally never go anywhere without this. We’re smarter this time, don’t you know?”
“I don’t think you nerds have the capacity,” Jesse says, wiping the burning liquid off his face with his sleeve.
Sarah attacks him and Ethan gasps, being overcome with a vision. It’s a vision of Benny’s grandma and Jane chanting the same words she used to defeat Jesse the first time.
When he comes back to, he shouts, “Benny! Your grandma’s spell! The first one!”
The pieces clicking in his head, Benny chants those same words and watches as a bolt of lighting appears and hits Circe in the chest. She cries out, dropping the box that Benny scoops up.
“Hey, Jesse,” Benny says.
Jesse stops, Sarah’s neck in his hand, and looks at Benny.
“This look familiar?”
He opens the box, releasing the souls inside.
Jesse screams, dropping Sarah and running off.
“You coward!” Circe yells. “Coward! AH!”
The souls attack Circe, slowly pulling Y/N’s soul out of her body.
Once it’s out, Circe drops to the ground and fades away in a fog.
Breathing heavily, the three left watch as Y/N’s soul shoots off, presumably back to Y/N’s body.
“We really need to destroy this thing,” Benny says, tossing the box in the air and catching it again.
Erica and Rory burst through the doors, fangs bared, ready for a fight.
“Aw, man, did we miss it again?” Rory asks.
“Yeah, sorry, Ror,” Ethan replies.
“Ugh. I’ve been waiting to tear Jesse a new one for like, ever,” Erica says.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll get your chance,” Sarah says.
“Oh my god, Y/N,” Benny says, shoving the box into Ethan’s hands and running out to the car, the others following.
You’re still sleeping, and breathing, thankfully. But your color isn’t back to normal, neither is your weight.
So, they take you to Evelyn.
“Her body isn’t used to magic,” she explains as Erica and Sarah set you gently onto Benny’s bed. “It’s going to take a while for her to naturally heal. But, if a few powerful magicians were to try to speed things along...”
“We can do that?” Benny asks, hopefully.
Evelyn grabs his shoulders. “We can try.”
They hold hands over your body, shutting their eyes and chanting “Extende in desiderium cordis mei; Sana hoc vulnus cum virtute ignis. Aufer aegritudinem et dolorem; Sanatio est quod offero.”
Your body glows, color coming back to you and your weight returning to its normal size, but you don’t wake up.
“Did it work?” Benny asks. “Why is she still asleep?”
“Even healing magic takes time,” Evelyn explains. “Give her a little bit.”
She pats him lightly and leaves the room, leaving Benny alone with you.
“God, I really thought I was going to lose you,” he whispers, squeezing your hand.
The time stretches on as he waits for you to wake up and he eventually nods off.
Which is when you decide to wake up.
You smile as you see him lying next to you and lean over to kiss his cheek.
He shoots awake immediately, practically tackling you in a hug. “Thank god!”
You laugh. “Thanks for saving me.”
“Always,” he replies. “Always.”
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blueiight · 2 months
can i ask your thoughts on the fandom’s heavy focus on louis as an object of desire? it sometimes feels to me like people are more interested in other characters reacting to louis than they are in louis himself. i know the “helen of troy” stuff is a joke but it genuinely seems like he’s often rendered oddly passive in his desirability, like we’re looking at him through the eyes of the other characters even though it’s his story (to be clear: in the fandom, not the actual show). or am i being uncharitable? either way, you always have interesting things to say about fandom reception.
i think the focus of louis as an object of desire arose largely in response to a lot of racially-charged nonsense about show louis, namely, where a loud minority of fans tried to deny the abuse and horror of season 1 and frame louis as the primary antagonist/abuser of his own story. which in of itself had the potential to go somewhere, especially considering the feminized role louis occupies in parts of season 1. unfortunately its spiraled off into its own dead end at this point to where now people, a year and a half removed from the release of s1, can box louis's character arc into this tale of getting all the hot boys to look her way. when this is a horror and tragedy series. romance is part of that, but is a piece of the full picture. classic romance is very much horror tbh but thats just me
if we're discussing the show strictly, majority of louis's relationships are antagonistic. even with his lovers, they love him as much as they seek to control him. 'his love is a small box that he keeps you in', trailer louis saying 'i knew who i was without those pieces [of myself?]' . so on and so forth. the first three episodes of season 1 are about louis's struggle to maintain a link with his mortal community, in the midst of increasing racist tensions against the city leaders, all as he struggles to come to terms with his existence as a vampire and how his relationship to lestat fits in relation to all these pieces of himself. doubly so, there is also the nature of the second interview in present time, and the sort of antagonism between daniel + louis as louis eventually pushes daniel into burning the old tape. the latter half of season 1, episodes 4-7 is squarely about the triad of lestat, louis, and claudia, how lestat increasingly tightens his hold over them both, claudia breaking them free of it, and louis's response to such. doubly so, daniel becomes more hostile the less he knows, and the more louis's composed 'master of his instincts' personage collapses to show the broken man thats underneath. armand comes in at the end bc the interview has reached a breaking point once more [as it did in the 1970s]. i know, im looking too hard into the meme, but so much of where louis errs, where his memory falters, where history is completely revised, has to do with the question of claudia. even book interview foundationally was about this grief, though not nearly with the level of depth+ gravity the show has added to the story.
where focusing on louis as an 'object of desire' most impedes analysis has to do with claudia as well, bc if u see louis as that solely, then what is claudia to u if not a 'child interfering in [louis's] romantic affairs'? why are people already seeking to write claudia off as a wayward child unduly 'taking out her anger on louis', when it was louis at the end of season 1 who strangled her against the wall and refused to let her burn lestat? when its louis in the trailer thats throwing claudia's words from season 1 back at her, evading her questions in the cafe? when claudia is having to dress as a baby doll and advertise with a sandwich board for a theater + a coven-master that all want her dead?
i think this is by nature of the fact that iwtv is canonly gay and isnt afraid of showing that, and modern fandom is mainly interested in romance. claudia's relationship to louis is secondary, if not tertiary, to all 'camps' of this tiny tiny fandom bc she is clearly established in s1 as not being a viable romantic option for louis, despite claudia's perspective and her story taking up the second half of the first season, and will continue to be important in the second season. the 'helen of troy' fixation on his desirability in relation to romantically viable vampires [or even men] seems to be another means by which fans can ignore this part of the story, just as the mutual abuse nonsense about louis being clarence thomas the third self hating black man who stole lestat's lunchables and is 'just as bad as the rest' drowned out and continues to drown out any other conversation for the past year and a half. it is very difficult to have conversations on this character precisely bc of this state of fandom, where many people seek to crack the whip over a fictional character for not being mother teresa and having a complex response to trauma, then instead of discussing that, some seek to fixate on the fact that mother teresa can be sexy, actually. when thats not the point. why is modern louis so full of grief and all but suicidal in dubai, if not for the fact that claudia is permanently dead, he still lives, he regrets something, and wants to find the truth under it all? the jokes are cute and all, but lets put our thinking caps on.
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darksvster · 3 months
Hi, I usually only send asks to people on anon, but I really wanted to say that I am so sorry this fandom has been so awful to you and made what should have been a fun and cool thing such a negative experience. I will be sad not to see the rest of the scripts, but I hope stopping the posts gives you some peace 💙
thanks for the kind words, honestly i need them right now. after some consideration, i've come to make a decision on how i want to operate moving forward.
as of now i've permanently deleted my scheduled posts on twitter, i won't be posting anything there anymore.
for tumblr, i removed everything from my queue and they're sitting in my drafts, but i may just post the excerpts i like this weekend.
on the whole, i'm taking a big step back from this fandom. i've met a lot of nice people here and made friends, but the loud voices of some of the worst people here just make this an overall unenjoyable experience. for my own mental health, i think it's important to simply cut off the opportunity for people to engage with me directly.
to give some clarity, this is not just about people doubting my posts. i find those to be funny since i have never made it a secret where i get my scripts from, people just seem to be unwilling to read or do research. i actually do have one single image of a script on my phone that the librarian okayed me to photograph. but i forgot about it while making edits and now i simply don't want to post it. (i thought i didn't copy down daemon asking for rhaenyra's hand in episode 4, apparently, i was wrong and just forgot about the picture.)
this is about people calling me awful names, accusing me of pedophilia, because that's everyone's favorite word to use in this fandom, and insulting my friends when i won't respond to them.
it's about people who seem to think i deserve harassment because i put myself out there. it's about people who think i'm just too engaged and need to be more "zen" about fandom and the insults being hurled my way. it's about people who feel entitled to my posts and regularly demand greedily that i post about their favorite character already.
it's also about people cozying up to me one minute and then calling me names the next. it makes it really hard to trust anyone in this fandom, much less want to befriend them. i shouldn't have to get used to people suddenly popping up in my dms trying to befriend me after finding out that i could be a "source" for them, but i did and that's on me.
i said before that if i stopped this project i would expose everyone who was an asshole to me. the hilarious fact is that it would literally be too many screenshots of people acting like the worst type of people. all the things i listed above are from multiple people across multiple platforms. it's not just twitter, or tumblr, or discord, or reddit. it's the fact that these people exist literally in every corner of this fandom that makes me want to pull back completely.
i'll keep contributing in the areas where i enjoy contributing, but i'm done engaging with people who seem to view me as entertainment or a punching bag.
to people who have defended me without knowing me, or have simply just been polite, thanks so much. it really does help even if i don't reply to every kind word.
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lol-jackles · 9 days
Do you really think a SPN revival would work without both Sam and Dean? (Asking non-aggressively. Tone is hard to convey in text.). We have seen every spin-off concept without them both fail so far.
I’m not saying a good story couldn’t be told with Dean II focus, but the magic behind SPN was always Jared and Jensen together. Otherwise, it’s just another found family, supernatural story (and there are a few). It was Sam and Dean’s unhinged codependency and J2’s chemistry that made the OG SPN so compelling.
Personally, at least, I don’t think I’d care about a story that didn’t have both brothers.
I wish Jared (and Jensen) wouldn’t hype a revival if there isn’t any real intention behind it. Surly people are showing up at cons without dangling the carrot, and if no revival happens they will dry up eventually. They already are. Yo an extent. Teasing a revival is not “what I want to hear” if it isn’t actually intended.
Ugh. I hate Hollywood BS. Even the nice actors, why say they care, are lying to you.
I should have clarified that the revival ideally be a mix of Dean II stories and Sam and Dean stories set between 15x19 and 15x20. Fans and Jared like to think there was 5 years between those two episodes and as long as J2 maintain their weights, they can pull it off.  With Jack remaking heaven and keeping the angels away from earth and Rowena keeping demons away from the Winchesters, the brothers’ hunts return to the more simple days of monster hunting.  My personal favorite fanfic idea is Sam’s adult hunter grandchildren (played by Colin Ford and Brock Kelly) time travel back to 2020 to search for a valuable artifact, only to run into Sam and Dean one month before 15x20.  The grandchildren of course cannot tell Sam and Dean who they really are as Sam and Dean help them find the artifact.  As the grandchildren spend more time with Sam and Dean, they come to really like Dean and want to warn him of his impending death.  But then they realized that if Dean lives, Sam won’t leave hunting, won’t meet their grandmother, and they will cease to exist.
This will be the length of limited series as there's no 20+ episodes anymore and instead release 10 episodes for couple of seasons.
Jared and Jensen know that WB is going to attempt a revival or spinoff sooner or later, might as well keep their names attached to it because you never know if the next WB executive may try to make their mark by saying Sam and Dean who? Jared in particular doesn't want the inevitable spinoff or reboot or revival to dilute the Supernatural brand. Think of George Takei's public complaints that every new Star Trek spinoff was diluting the OG brand.
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 months
On dragon island, an au happens during the night and the fury episode. I'll post it to AO3 when I figure out tags lol
Peace please au
Hiccup stares at Dagur, heart beat loud inside his ears. Dagur is here! Here on dragon island while they are trying to do a sneaking mission!! Dagur had just excitedly recounted their last encounter, recounting Hiccup ‘fighting’ the night fury. Which… yeah…
But now Dagur is pointing his sword at Hiccup and Hiccup feels conflict bubbling up within. He had not agreed with his father’s choice to hide the dragons from the Berserkers. And while he is still a bit afraid of Dagur from their time as children-
“So ... what are you doing here?”
Dagur’s words intteruopt his thoughts and Hiccup stutters mentally while stepping back from the sword, fingers flexing on his shield.
“What am I doing here?
Dagur takes another step forward, face starting to shift, but to what? It is a little hard to tell in the dark.
“Don’t answer that! I know EXACTLY what you’re doing here.”
Hiccup feels a flash of guilt and worry. If Dagur found out they had lied he would go to war. But how could he not eventually find out?? They were at war with Alvin using dragons! And any traders that came to their island saw the dragons. Maybe…maybe this is a chance to do something. Something Stoick would not approve of.
“Uh, you-you do?”
He stutters.
“Oh yeah, I do. You’re here for the same reason I am, Hiccup. You’re here ... to hunt dragons!”
Hiccup flinches back and takes several steps backwards. Oh. Oh no no no. Dagur is hunting dragons on dragon island while they are trying to do a sneaking mission on said island while their dragons were hidden on the other side.
“Thats… Uh.. Actually no.” Hiccup is going to make a choice, to reveal an inevitable truth, because while only the heir of Berk, he knows that his loyalty is to dragons first. “You see Alvin's decided that he hates my tribe existing and he might train dragons or just send plain old wild dragons against us, so me and my ... Friends are here trying to successful pull of a fake sneakingt mission on this island without our dragons.”
Dagur starts nodding along.
“Oh fake missions are a great pra- hold up, "our dragons"?”
Dagur looks a little wild in his eyes that are full of offense. Hiccup sighs and sits down on the log and pokes the fire with a nearby stick. He stares at it instead of his probable doom.
“Mmhmm. Alvin attacked us and our dragons were the only thing that got us out. And I figured he'd spread the word, so I'm not gonna do like my dad asked and lie to you. We have dragons. That fight you saw was staged to save the twins’ Zippleback.”
Dagur sits down heavily. He clenches his hands tightly.
“Your dad?”
He asks.
“Mmhmm. It wasnt my plan. If it was up to me Id never send Toothless away. But Dad keeps making me and honestly… Im so tired of not being allowed my best friend at my side.”
Dagur just sounds dazed. Better than pissed.
“The Night Fury. Would you like to meet him? Knowing him, hes probably worried enough to start looking for me after Tuff stoped paying attention.”
“I could meet a Night Fury?!!”
Dagur sounds genuinely exited and maybe Hiccup can win him over.
“Yes. But you have to promise not to hurt him.”
Dagur takes a second and then puts down his sword.
“Fine. Yes. Let me meet the Night Fury!!”
Hiccup nods and then tilts his head back and lets forth a roar he had learned from Toothless. Dagur starles and burst into laughter.
“I had no idea you could make that noise!”
Hiccup flushes and rubs his neck. Dagur still makes him a little afraid, but he feels safer knowing his best friend is on the way.
“I practiced a lot with Toothless.”
Hiccup replies.
“What sort of name is Toothless anyways?”
Hiccup is about to answer when Toothless leaps from the shadows, over the fire, and tackles Hiccup off the log, licking his hair vigorously before turning to growl at Dagur. Hiccup stands up and gently rubs his friends head.
“Hey, hey, its okay bud. Hes… a potential ally. We really dont want a double war. So lets just say hi.”
He croons to Toothless who sniffs the air and then huffs in a way that Hiccup knows that Toothless is going along with this because Hiccup is the one asking.
Dagur is staring.
“He understands you?”
“Mostly, a lot of it is guessing and being around each other all the time. Here, give me your hand.”
Dagur does and Hiccup brings Dagur’s hand to Toothless’s snout. The hand is shaking ever so slightly underneath Hiccup’s. Hiccup gently guides it into a smooth petting motion and Toothless purrs. Dagur lets out a half laugh that might be nerves or derangedness. Hiccup decides to go a step further.
“I could probably convince him to let you ride with me… but only if you promise me something.”
Dagurs head jerks sharply to look at him, but Hiccup feels steady with toothless right here at his side.
It is a whisper, softer than Hiccup thought possible from the older teen.
“My… I don't think a war on two fronts is Berks best interest. I know my father lied. I don't think it was the right choice. And I'm hoping, that as his heir, my truthfulness can repair this broken trust. So if… if you want a ride you must agree not to go to war and kill my people or my dragons.”
Dagur blinks and stares him in the eyes. They stand in silence for a moment, breathing slow and measured.
“I think I can agree to that. As allies, we shouldn't be going to war. But I want to redo that treaty! We never signed it properly with all the lieing and messing around.”
Dagur says and Hiccup deflates in relief.
“Okay, yeah, I think I can get Stoick to-”
“Nonono. I don't want a treaty with that old fart. I want it with you.”
Dagur taps Hiccup's chest. Hiccup flushes.
“But I'm not incharge of Berk?”
“Your incharge of dragons. Much cooler. And more powerful to be honest.”
Dagur says with a broad grin. Hiccup sighs.
“Dad won't love that.”
“I can get rid of him if you'd like!”
The offer is genuine and Hiccup quickly shakes his head.
“I'm not ready to be chief and my dad really doesn't deserve to die.”
“Just give me the word.”
Dagur shrugs. Hiccup shakes his head and slips onto Toothless’ saddle.
“Right. Uh, thanks. Now, that ride?”
He offers his hand and Dagur hesitates for a moment before climbing on behind him.
“You're going to want to hold on.”
He warns and is surprised that Dagur's grip is gentle on his waist.
Dagur says and Hiccup hums.
“Alright bud. Let's go!”
And then they launch straight up into the dark sky. The grip shifts to a hug from behind as they climb higher. Toothless lets out a happy roar and Hiccup cannot help but roar along. They spiral upwards and then Hiccup croons and they are diving quick and fast to the inky black waves that are silvery where the moon touches. They glide quickly across the crests of the waves, stirring up a fine mist. Dagur whoops and lets out a Berserker cry.
They climb again and then they fall backwards flipping head over tail. Hiccup is laughing from adrenaline and Dagur laughs too. Toothless warbles and straightens into a dive and shoots a plasma blast. They burst through the plasma heated air and crash into the water before rising back into the air. Water makes the fast winds colder but neither boy cares truly.
They then rise high and float among the moonbeams as Dragon Island rests far below.
Dagur whispers in awe.
“He is, isn't he?”
Hiccup croons and scratches Toothless.
“Yeah. And you too. I saw that pedal action. That seals it. I'd like you to teach me to tame dragons.”
“... Let's get the treaty issue all sorted and then maybe.”
“I'm going to make it part of the treaty. You're so amazing.”
The grip around his chest tightens for a moment and then Dagur speaks again.
“Think we can do a few more dives? We should avoid the northern shore though. That's where part of the armada is.”
Hiccup blinks for a second and then puffs his cheeks. Of course the armada is here. Dagur is a chief after all.
“Sure. Toothless and I love trick flying. Honestly, sometimes I wish I had less responsibility to the tribe so I could do it more.”
“I know the feeling.”
Dagur whispers. Hiccup feels a flash of sympathy. It must be rough. Eighteen and having everyone look to you as a leader to guide them through. When all Dagur seemed to want to do was have fun and fight. Dagur was not ready for chiefdom. He reaches down and pats the arm encircling his chest.
“Well, let's just forget responsibility for now. Okay?”
“Sounds good Hiccup.”
And then they dive.
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silverskye13 · 3 months
I've been meaning to ask about this because I love love LOVE your writing but aren't really very deep into the hermitcraft fandom....
would I need to know anything prior to reading your hc fics? I've heard very many good things about redstone and skulk and I want to read it , but I dunno if walking in clueless is a good idea...
Oh. Hm. Well. I'm maybe not the best person to ask this, ironically. I have a hard time differentiating between actual common knowledge and fandom osmosis common knowledge. My thoughts under the cut because this might get long, but here are my, I guess, fandom initiation thoughts on my fics, for anyone curious?
Redstone and Skulk:
I think it can reasonably be read with little-to-no prior knowledge of the fandom. I do a decent job of explaining what the story is about, since most of it is original worldbuilding with (mostly) original characters. It's a mirror world, where in the main world death doesn't exist, but in the mirror world it does. All the mirror world characters are the bad parts / evil twins of the main world characters, and how they cope with that varies (and is sometimes explicitly stated). The first few chapters do a decent job of establishing this information, and I've had a few people mention RnS was either their first delve into hc fandom, or they had never been in the fandom and read it anyway because it came recommended by a friend. This signals to me it would be about like reading a sequel to a book series. You're clearly missing some establishing character stuff, and maybe some setting stuff, but you're not missing enough to be completely lost.
[basic knowledge of Minecraft mobs and game mechanics would definitely do you good, but that goes for all of these].
Monsters Splitting Hairs:
I personally think you can jump into this with no prior knowledge. All the characters are loosely based on the hc members they're named for personality wise, and place names [Octagon, Horsehead Farms] come from builds the players have made. Just about everything else is my personal world building though. The only upper hand knowing about HC will give you, is maybe cluing you in to who/what the different monster characters are before they're revealed [a la Rendog, who walks around with dog ears on his MC skin, is very obviously a werewolf in the fic.]
This fic is unfinished, and while I plan on finishing it eventually, it isn't being actively updated, and probably won't until RnS is done. It does have a lot of words on it though.
Hound's Tooth:
You need to know a lot of information to go into this one. Not only do you need to know a decent amount about the HC characters, knowing about both 3rd Life and Last Life is also kinda necessary, since the crux of the character motivation is Doc angsting over Ren doing Last Life after 3rd Life fucked up all his friends so bad the first time. Also, you need to know a decent amount about the early Octagon plotlines in s8 of Hermitcraft, the different adventure mode trial rooms they did.
This fic is finished.
Everything else I've written are ficlets, little one or two chapter deals. Anything tagged "RnS fic", you should probably read RnS before reading. Most of the others you need specific information for, since they're generally addressing topics that I had /just/ watched an episode for at the time, and I was responding to an idea or plot point being brought up. Anything with "Hels" or "Helsmet" in the tags or title, know it's about the mirror world and the evil twins.
I hope this helps?
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icarus-suraki · 25 days
1, 7, and 9 for the movie ask!
It occurs to me that I could just answer Goncharov (1972) for all of these…
Movie Questions Ask Bait!
->what is your favorite film of all time? Very possibly Mad Max: Fury Road. That movie rewired my brain. That movie scraped the rust off my soul. That movie sneaked up behind me and stole my spine. And it was great.
I literally went to see it in the theater seven (7) times. Seven. If you dig back in my blog here to June 2015, you'll see that this place was full of Fury Road. Stills, gifs, music, meta, fic, shitposts, all of it. All of it.
Sidebar: I think my absolute love of Fury Road is what's keeping me from wanting to see the new Furiosa prequel: Fury Road didn't explain everything to death so we, the fandom, had a great time imagining explanations or making things up. We dissected that movie and we also left it alone. I don't want to know too much. I like that world being left a partial mystery. We, like Max, get thrown into it and we're both figuring out how it works as the story progresses. I love that.
I can't exactly explain why I love it so much. The colors, the action, the fight scenes, the music (holy shit the music), the characters, the weirdness, the story itself, the callbacks and parallels, the newness and the oldness of it (it really is a train robbery movie at its core), the sense (ultimately) of hope, the presences of women (old women even!) in action roles… Something about it, maybe everything about it, were just perfect for me at that time and in that place.
Yeah. Favorite movie ever.
->name a movie you’re emotionally attached to? There's so many ways I could take this. Positive attachment? Negative attachment? Very Strange Time in My Life attachment?
Like, I know I can never watch L'Illusionniste, Les Triplettes de Belleville, or Grave of the Fireflies again because I cried just too fucking hard at each of them, which I think is an emotional attachment.
Or I could say the Lord of the Rings movies (all of them). They came out when I was in college and a handful of us were counting down the days to the premiere, watching this miniscule clip of video taken by a fan from a train that showed a glimpse of the Minas Tirith set endlessly, gobbling up any news or leak or rumor about production on Livejournal, engaging in the fandom of that era (which was a whole thing in and of itself), even going to midnight local premiers. So while I'm not a huge fan of the movies, they certainly were a constant presence in my undergrad days.
Or it could be the other movies that rewired my brain: Mad Max: Fury Road (see above), Princess Mononoke (baby's first Studio Ghibli film in 1999 at the local art house theater), Star Wars (only episodes 4, 5, and 6 though; I kind of deny that any others exist), Kiki's Delivery Service (which I had on VHS in college and would watch when I was stressed and depressed because I love the city), Voices of a Distant Star (the concept really got me)…
Or it could be the kids' movies from my own childhood, you know? Robin Hood (1973) is very near and dear to my heart. And Panda and the Magic Serpent is what started me down the weaboo road way back when I was 6 years old.
There's so many possible answers here. But that's a few movies I have emotional attachments to. How's that?
->guilty pleasure movie? Do I have to? Okay, okay, okay: I like a good cheesy, gory giallo movie, red tempra paint blood and all. Spaghetti westerns are amazing with their half-understandings or misunderstandings of USAmerican history to the point that it becomes something different, something bigger and more epic (I love The Good, The Bad and the Ugly so much). Martial arts movies full of dramatic scenes and wire-fu are so much fun (and I get to practice my Mandarin or my Japanese). Gothic drama, especially from the 1990s, is great like the original IwtV, Crimson Peak, The Crow…
But I paid actual, real, hard-earned money for a (digital) copy of Bloodsport and it's so bad. It's so bad! But I love it--maybe as much for meta reasons as anything.
Like, the whole thing is based on this Canadian-American guy Frank Dux's memoirs about being trained in ninjutsu by a mysterious Senzo "Tiger" Tanaka (who probably didn't exist at all and has the same name as a character in You Only Live Twice) and then going on to compete in this international full-contact underground martial arts competition in Hong King (the "Kumite"). Oh and he was also in the military at the time, doing covert missions, so he had to go AWOL to fight in this competition of course. Which he does without being caught. And he keeps outsmarting the CID officers (one of whom is played by a young Forest Whitaker) when they chase him to Hong Kong, meanwhile picking up an April O'Neill-style beautiful American journalist ("reporter" because it's the 1980s).
The whole thing is so clearly ridiculous bullshit but it's marketed as being based on a true story because Frank Dux insisted his bullshit was true. And it was produced by Cannon Films, which is another can of worms entirely (I highly recommend the documentary Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films for more backstory on the company; it is bonkers). And did I mention that Frank Dux is played by Jean-Claude van Damme? And yes he does do the most epic of splits.
And the whole thing is simultaneously so deep in meta layers (self-proclaimed martial arts masters, which ties into Count Dante and the dojo wars, Frank Dux's amazing bullshit and stolen valor, Cannon Films) and yet so incredibly shallow at the same time.
There's minimal plot, zero depth to the characters, massively long flashback sequences, even longer training montages, a totally ridiculous amalgamation of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures into just "Asian Culture," the dubbing in some scenes is practically criminal, there's minimal exploration of the location (Hong fucking Kong!!!) outside of a chase and a throwaway scene about bad restaurant food, and even the fight scenes during the tournament aren't really all that great.
But the Kowloon Walled City gets some screentime (except that it's just a set sometimes). And there are tons of locally-hired extras and bit players, along with a slew of international actors and/or actual martial artists, even if a lot of them have been cast as nationalities other than their own???--like Bernard Mariano, who is Filipino by descent but was born in Hong Kong, had no martial arts experience but got scouted while he was working out, was cast as a "Middle Eastern" fighter named Hossein, but used his pay from the movie for university classes to go on to be an English teacher in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Jean-Claude van Damme is busy taking his shirt off and wearing super tight spandex underwear (he snaps them in one scene; you're welcome). Leah Ayres is a "reporter," which is really "journalist" and one of the few adventurous jobs acceptable for women in 1980s movies to have, who maybe lives in Hong Kong or maybe doesn't but she's super cute and deserves better than she got in the script; she's The Girl (Leah Ayres is now into pseudoscience). And Donald Gibb is playing this American bar brawler who somehow got invited to this elite fighting tournament and he looks like Kurt Russell in The Thing if he were still infected by the Thing and living out on the ice alone.
Like, I could just keep going. I love this shit. There is so little that's "good" in terms of filmmaking, scriptwriting, cinematography, anything in this movie and yet it entertains the fuck out of me.
Hence: guilty pleasure film.
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
(Patreon anon) Here's the last of what I have of my QnA archive, I don't plan to repledge so cheers to whoever uses their money to snitch like me.
-HB season 1 takes place within one year
-Wally Wackford won't appear much in season 2 but will be important in the future.
-Vivzie would love more Wally merch but her merch lead doesn't feel confident in it selling well.
-Vivzie hasn't consider making pride merch because "It's the kind of thing that big corporations to try to appeal to a generation they're not normally involved in."
-Vivzie claims the whole show is a celebration of pride and doesn't feel the need to make pride merch but would be down to making if there's a demand for it. (With the amount of fan merch I've seen, there is)
-She claims to do general research for the HH character time period but doesn't integrate the history into their backstories as of now.
-Viv's open to oversea convention appearances and has been trying to get a booking agent to travel more for European conventions.
-Paimon's a big shapeshifter and is only an owl because that's what he needs to be.
-There was a time where Vivzie hated Zoophobia, saying if something doesn't work out, keep trying new projects that excite you.
-One hell year equals a lot of Earth years, so stolas existed well before 1985.
-Vivzie actually loves Mammon's design, she conceptualized it and had someone else finalize it. Sort of like how Oz was designed by someone on the team with Vivzie finalizing it.
-Vivzie wanted to show men can be abused too with Stolas
-Jeremy Jordan might join be cast by Vivzie since she knows him
-Stella may not want Stolas dead right away anymore, just at a later time. (This was asked pre-Western Energy)
-It's currently unclear when we'll get HH merch with their full series designs since they're owned by A24. (This was months before the recall of that Sir Pentious keychain that used the full series design)
-At the time, they were aiming for a three month wait period between HB episodes for season 2.
-Unlike HH, HB isn't considered a musical to Vivzie but will have elements to it in season 2.
-Vivzie doesn't remember what the golden feathers in epsiode 6 meant. Adam saids the artist come up with a bunch of ideas.
-Sinners technically don't need food and water to live, it's mostly out of habit and indulgence. Electronic sinners like Vox find a way through cartoon logic.
-Because of how long episode 8 was taking, Vivzie and Adam have started making HB comics of what happens between the episodes. They're still figuring it out with HH.
-If Oz ever met Valentino, he would hate him. The team jokes that Val would be very "notice me senpai" with him.
-Stolas is confirmed to be 8ft tall with Blitz at 5ft.
-Fights between an overlord and a goetia would barely happen so Vivzie wouldn't know which one would win.
-Tilla was removed as a sibling because Blitz's family was still in the early works, she's going to be renamed.
-Vivzie doesn't have a specific favorite villain archetypes, she enjoys ruthless mean girls and dramatic, and theatrical messed up villains like The Joker.
-Episode 6's collaboration was fun for Vivzie but complicated because she had to manage an entire second team, There were file issues and they had to go back and forth to make sure they were correct.
-Vivzie's interested in making more Zoophobia merch but doesn't wish to for other older projects. She mentions it'd be hard to convince her merch lead that anyone would want to buy anything from her older works.
-Stolas does have guilt with his affair and he has a lot of turmoil related to it.
-Leviathan will have a cameo in season 2
-Vivzie can't give specifics but Stolas doesn't have many friends who we might see them in the future. Stella has two friends who at the moment of that QnA don't have names.
-White marks on Imps are scars, and can be added for aesthetics (Unsure if she means design wise or in-universe cosmetics, possibly both with how Barbie looks)
-Stolas's job is to look into the skies of Earth and find prophecies in them and inform Hell of what's to come in the future, he doesn't do much other than that.
-Oz has a broad range of powers, there were too many to list in the timespan of the QnA.
-Octavia takes after Stolas in that she's socially unaware, Vivzie claims she also unaware of her parents's relationship because of Stolas trying hard to make it seem things are fine and does that to a "good extent".
-we'll see what Octavia and Stella's relationship is like later.
-Vivzie would like to release an artbook bigger than their con-exclusive one for HB after season 2 and when the team is free to organize the production art, she's unable to do one for HH at the moment.
-DHORK will return
-She's still figuring out the sins but don't want them to be fallen angels since it doesn't matter in HB, but it will for HH. So she wants to wait until HH to decide. (Possible they figured it out with HH season 1 done)
-She finds people saying the childhood friends trope with Stolitz being fanservice frustrating. (As seen with her recent rant of the overall story)
-Vivzie adopted Pixel a year and a half after she graduated SVA. She didn't explain how she got Honeybee and Nugget.
-full quote "There would be demons from the ring of Lust who would be asexual, and they will get to that in the future. But she generally imagines that lust demons wouldn't think it'd that much of a taboo. Lust demons would generally be confused by the concept, but they wouldn't have any hate.
Asmodeus would be an example of someone who wouldn't understand asexuality"
-She would like region-free dvds of HB but it would require re-negotiations with everyone who was involved with the show, if they do release it, it'll be difficult to make it region-free.
-Stolitz didn't interact at all between the 25 years apart.
-She put a lot of her life into Loo Loo Land, and yes...Viv's dad was openly horny in front of her and her sisters growing up, Viv found it funny but like I told Lemon...There was no mention of how her sisters felt about it.
-Viv put aspects of herself into Octavia but claims to not be a self-insert. Fizz has an aspect that is directly from Viv that we'll see in season 2 that she feels needs to be shown.
-HB was spun off because IMP was originally for HH, with Vivzie thinking they were better off as their own thing. HB's also about exploring Vivzie's hell like the demons that possess people.
-HB/HH was inspired by Batman and various musicals with the idea that she wanted a worlds with nothing but villains.
-The fan interpretations of Andrealphus were pretty close to what she's written for him.
-Vivzie's interpretation of Stolas's "I used to think that I was bold, I used to think that love was for fun" is meant that he's never gotten the chance to experience true love with him being gay and he had an arranged marriage.
-She wants Stolas and Stella's relationship to be something that's debated.
-The Von Eldritches will not appear in HH season 1
-question "How did Viv get to where she was? How did she get Hazbin and Helluva produced?"
answer: "She has reps who set her up with people very interested in her show. It was the producers who pitched their interest in her. This is what happened with Hazbin in that production companies showed what they would do for that show. When A24 showed interest in Hazbin, that's when she started pitching it to others (No mention of that those others are)"
-The certificate on Loona's adoption paper was signed by Beelzebub.
-HH will have the same level of NSFW and dark as HB is at the time of season 2's beginning, (I'm not sure why people are thinking it'll be even more if she has to obey S&P with a TV show) she admits to not having a good gauge of what's too extreme as she just does what she wants to do to tell her story. HH is new territory since it's more story based than HB.
-YT doesn't allow the use of the word "cunt" so Mammon will be heavily censored with the amount of time he saids it. There's also a scene in HB that a storyboard artist went too extreme on and Vivzie was afraid it would be rejected but turned out to be okay. (This ask was in September 2022, she didn't mention which scene but if I had to guess it might have been the dildo room)
-Oz is aware of Fizz being an imp, but Vivzie doesn't know if it's an open fact and she might use it as a story element someday.
-Rosie is an overlord, that's all Vivzie can say when asked what kind of demon she is.
-At the time Vivzie was still figuring out how time works in hell, Sinners are stuck at the age they died as while Hellborns do age.
-Stolas would have thought of Blitz a lot after their day together and has a problem separating fantasy from reality, Blitz would have never thought of him.
-Blitz's horse obsession started as an inside joke among the team
-Vivzie can't say if season 2 will have a Stolitz kiss
-Episode 6's collab started 4-5 months before the episode came out, There's no plans for season 2 to have one but Vivzie would love to do it again.
-When asked if any new characters will join IMP in season 2 Vivzie said "Not this season!"
-Stolas can transform into other things, but Vivzie is still deciding if it's something he can do on his own or needs the grimoire for it.
-Vivzie uses Google sheets to write and takes the complete draft to something called Final Draft to finish it
-That white cyclops guy that shows up in Cherri Bomb's segment of Addict is likely to change but that's all Vivzie can say.
-Striker was confirmed to be a hybrid hellborn.
-The client giving birth button in episode 1 was an oversight on Vivzie's part but did say that IMP had hellborn clients before
-Any remaining reveals of HH characters will be minor characters from the pilot, the final reveal will be a brand new character. (This was before the Adam reveal, so he could have been the final one)
-The thing about the sins being a pseudo-family with "nice and asshole" ones were accurate to what's been told to you, same with them technically being goetias, they're just in a different category.
-We'll see Oz and Mammon's relationship in the middle of season 2.
-A lot of material things have been made in the greed ring, it's very industrial, full of banks, smoggy and crime ridden like that was seen in the Chaz episode.
-HH and HB are planned out but said that there's "wiggle room' in that they figure out as the show goes by how they get to the events.
-Vivzie's still deciding what special powers Striker would have as a hybrid.
-If Vivzie had unlimited funds, she would love to make a movie for HH and HB and to speed up her production pipeline. she had issues in 2022 with her working more on HH.
-Claims that HH will definitely come out in 2023, but she also mentioned season 2 of HB will have a more consistent release schedule at the same time.
-Vivzie would like to make a height chart for the HB characters but claims the team doesn't need one because they know the size of them already.
> Vivzie hasn't consider making pride merch because "It's the kind of thing that big corporations to try to appeal to a generation they're not normally involved in."
Says Vivzie as she can't put out Sallie Mae merchandise fast enough, despite her having one speaking line and about five seconds of screen time.
> -HH and HB are planned out but said that there's "wiggle room' in that they figure out as the show goes by how they get to the events.
She's flip-flopped on how planned out the show is so many times it's not even funny anymore.
> Stolas does have guilt with his affair and he has a lot of turmoil related to it.
Figures this was before both scenes where he says he has zero guilt and would feel bad if he thought he did something wrong but doesn't.
> -Stolas would have thought of Blitz a lot after their day together and has a problem separating fantasy from reality, Blitz would have never thought of him.
What a fascinating character trait that we were all looking forward to seeing more of after Blitzo told him off in Ozzie's and popped his delusional bubble! What a shame it was downgraded to "Stolas, as always, did nothing wrong."
> -She wants Stolas and Stella's relationship to be something that's debated.
> -She put a lot of her life into Loo Loo Land, and yes...Viv's dad was openly horny in front of her and her sisters growing up, Viv found it funny but like I told Lemon...There was no mention of how her sisters felt about it.
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> -Vivzie doesn't remember what the golden feathers in epsiode 6 meant. Adam saids the artist come up with a bunch of ideas.
Remember when we all thought that was important? Oh Vivzie, you fucking hack.
Thank you so much for all of these, Patreon Anon. Hopefully someone else will step into your shoes but for now know that you're braver than any Marine.
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dreammeiser · 3 months
Hi! I love your work and I absolutely adore your DAWM designs!!! I hope this isn’t a rude question, but I saw you mention you previously were involved with the Jim Henson Company and was curious about your experience and what working there looked like for you? I hope this is not overly invasive of an ask, and I completely understand if you’re not willing to answer for whatever reason! :3 Thank you for your time ☆
Aw gosh! Thank you so much for the kind words! Not invasive or rude at all, I appreciate you asking-- I just usually keep most things to myself unless asked, haha!
Oh man, where do I start... Working there felt surreal! I got to see people I admired nearly my whole life around the office and TALK to them every day-- I don't want to drop names but a lot that are famous in the puppet community. And they were the nicest people at the office too, I still talk with them sometimes! They had a room that had some clay maquettes from previous projects that were gorgeous! We had a resident puppet chilling around the office from old pizza commercials named Bad Andy and sometimes we'd goof around with him! He was a little monkey guy! I was too shy to play with him a lot, which I shouldn't have been, because the others would just make him say bad words anyway, HA!
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The guy, dying ^
One of the female Skeksis from the Dark Crystal movie was encased in glass near the kitchen so you had to pass by it every time you wanted coffee or a snackaroo... :'o) I was still very scared of Skeksis so I would walk very fast past her, hahaha! The Pinocchio puppet from The Adventures of Pinocchio movie was also chilling in the same room! There's puppets all over! When I was there, I was working on Sid the Science Kid! As an intern, I did not get a whoooole lot of responsibilities (as one can imagine, I was a very baby-level artist and I was 18/19), but I did get to contribute some art to a couple episodes, although... In the choices I would give them, they would always pick the paintings I was least proud of HAHAHA. When I have the time, I will try to revive my back-then work computer that still has some of my artwork so I can show you guys, I think it should be fine by now. :'o) But I do have a shirt from back then that I still wear all the time. If you remember Gerald from the show, he had this little dino shirt:
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My shirt... and then the guy... Zooming at us, menacingly... My bird Kraken kinda chewed up the shirt around the shoulders, augh!
Also, they used some motion-capture animation for Sid! I remember the actors putting on these giant silly suits that had huge feet, huge heads, and huge hands that fit the proportions of the characters, with little ping pong ball-looking attachments to them. Those actors worked really hard to run around in those suits, it was impressive!
There was also!! A screen connected to a console and a controller that we would goof around on because you could control Sid's expressions with it, so we'd all have a turn on it sometimes to make the silliest faces with it and make each other laugh :oD
I remember back then my brain had a creative itch that Sid wasn't scratching enough (sorry if that sounds weird, I hope you know what I mean?), but talking with my dad about it, he recommended I make a story that I had wanted to work on at Henson's, so I took an existing character I had from high school (that's Earl!!) and started making a story with him about puppets, toys, and dolls that were all adventuring through a dream world and trying to overcome living nightmares. It has been dropped and picked back up and redesigned several times, but it eventually became Dream Along With Me. A lot of things I learned from Sid/Henson's actually helped inform how I redesigned the project too!
There's a lot more cool stuff I could talk about but I worry about being boring/rambling/accidentally writing a novel. I'll save it for later if asked again :'o) Thank you for asking!! It felt good to reminisce!
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beesmygod · 1 year
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thats the homo photo of my dad
answer: i dont know.
the unfortunate and honest to god truth of the matter is that the protagonist of JJBA part 5, giorno giovanna, fucking sucks.
what if that little shithead from the twilight zone episode "it's a good life" was gay and watched "goodfellas". you might think "wow that sounds great" but, well, somehow it's not.
it is months later and i have been struggling with writing this for a bazillion reasons: i got sick, real life events occurred, i had to work on comic, i died, etc. but the most strenuous reason of all in the end was facing the impenetrable, tangled, and deeply complicated gordian knot that is the little ladybug loving bitch named giorno and not knowing where the fuck to even begin.
i had to think long and hard about how to approach the problem of "giorno giovanna". he is like a diamond of sucking ass: multi-faceted and beautiful in his perfection but is, ultimately, just a stupid fucking rock from the dirt. he completely lacks the innate charisma and personality inherent in previous jojo protagonists AND antagonists; despite having both the joestar AND brando gene pools to pull from, he manages to snag a net total of 0 personality traits. this problem is multiplied 100 fold once he starts actually doing things to move the plot along and the universe repeatedly bends itself like a pretzel in order to gift him undeserved and unrewarding (to us, the audience) win after win after win.
his theme goes hard as hell tho
if you were to ask me what is wrong with giorno, i would have no problem making a long and detailed list of why i want to slap the little cinnamon rolls of his head. i have no idea how to organize that list into a more coherent form of criticism that points at the overarching structural weakness of part 5. part 5 really, really wants you to like and root for giorno. it hinges on it. his victories are explicitly supposed to be emotionally and morally gratifying. they are instead trite and annoying.
for years, YEARS, my only experience with the entirety of part 5 outside of infamous panels and the most basic information about the story, was this incredible, evergreen and laser targeted tweet:
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i thought this was a funny shit post. all i knew giorno had some kind of "life creation" power. what i didnt know was:
giorno says this exact line and then turns cars into frogs so that they (the bad guys) cant catch them (they do catch them)
giorno's power IS fucking stupid
i fucking hate him
he should stop using it
abbacchio was right. he was right about everything
how DO you talk about giorno? giorno's blandness permeates any situation he has the misfortune of attending and the parts of the narrative where he's missing for one reason or another are significantly improved by his absence. in comparison with the deuteragonists (bruno bucciarati) and tritagonists (the members of bruno's squad in the mafia family passione), he has all the flavor of a communion wafer. his character arc is non-existent. emotionally, he might as well have just gone to the store and back by the end of the story.
and, look, araki likes to play fast and loose with how powerful a stand is or what its abilities are. im not here to measure power levels or fucking whatever stupid shit people get up to. the more wild and insane he gets with his incredibly "unique" ""understanding"" of science and geometry, i'm 99% on board for. but giorno's stand, gold experience, is whatever the narrative needs it to be at any given time with no consistency. it's OP as hell long before he gets the 11th hour power boost; his stand has the extra trans-dimensional ability to remove any tension from a fight scene. through this, gold requiem can destroy the psyche of the audience, truly making it the most powerful stand of all time.
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people used to love to bitch about not understanding how the villain's stand works in this part, but if anyone tells you they understand what the fuck THIS means they're lying to you.
anyway, there is only one solution i can think of when it comes to how to approach this: assess the major story beats in order. i think jumping around in the progression of events to highlight individual flaws in the character will not adequately impart the suffering one feels as an audience member while the narrative yo-yos between being rollicking good fun and being at the mercy of the little 15 year old twink with god mode on.
and so, having made it past koichi's tiny ass role (and his tiny ass) in the story and addressing how we can proceed, we can cover bruno (a genuinely wonderful character), polpo, and the wasted character building opportunity of the piss drinking scene, which vexes and infuriates me to this day. [thinking about the piss scene and getting mad again] ooooh!!!!
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itsclydebitches · 11 months
I’ve recently joined the Twitter RWBY fandom(a horrible choice, really) and a lot of them hold this regard that Ironwood being a Military Man aswell as Atlas Academy being a pipeline to the Military being foreshadowing and, I can’t really understand that? No where in the show is any of that implied as bad. I was thinking about it a little bit and came to the inclusion that despite Remnant’s worldbuilding calling for a positive outlook on the military, because this is an American anime mostly 1/2
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I've thought the same for awhile now, anon. RWBY, for all its many pitfalls, is trying to be a progressive show and that includes taking a hard, critical stance against military might—an argument that, yes, is very much born of America's history. I'm not going to turn this ask into a history lesson (one I'm by no means an expert on anyway), but suffice to say there's indeed a lot to criticize and thus it's no surprise that the queer friendly, unity-focused, American show about an individual "simple soul" would want to paint militarism in a negative light.
Personally, I've got no problem with that thesis. That's actually a show that I would love to watch. Thus, the problem is not RWBY taking a hard stance against a fictional military, it's—as you say—its failure to convey why Remnant's military is worthy of criticism. The work is simply not there. I could write you a novel-length meta on all the ways RWBY dropped the ball in that regard, starting with the world building question of, "Why is a military seen as oppressive when they exist to fight souless monsters instead of other people?" through "Not a single detail in RWBY implies that people are coerced, manipulated, or left behind once they align themselves with the military," circling around, "You spent six Volumes writing Ironwood as a flawed hero, gave us a few episodes as a misguided antagonist, and then a few hours in-world as a villain," straight on through to, "The group coming upon Atlas' battleships is meant to exist as a stand-alone argument of evilness—look at what Ironwood has done in the name of safety!—which is a problem all on its own, but the same image of battleships hovering over Vacuo is meant to exist as a stand-alone argument of celebratory unity and do you see how that doesn't work?"
RWBY wanted to write an anti-military story. They did not write an anti-military story until Volume 8, by which time it was WAY too late to undermine all the positive implications and unanswered questions we'd gotten. However, many viewers—particularly American viewers—picked up on those not-so-subtle hints (hi there, cartoon Ironwood) and ran backwards with the argument, ignoring everything that didn't support it in previous Volumes, or, in a few extreme cases, outright lying about what happened in the show until portions of the fandom heard it often enough that they started misremembering things. Then they passed those simplistic, inaccurate readings on, all of which is exacerbated by many viewers' real feelings towards the military and the knee-jerk assumptions they have if others appear to be promoting it. Even if "promoting it" just means saying something like, "This fictional character in this radically different fantasy world maybe isn't pure evil because the show forgot to establish why creating the means to destroy the literal non-metaphorical monsters is a bad thing."
Which is why it's so difficult to discuss RWBY's failure in this regard because the fan at the other end of the conversation has to acknowledge the nuance of, "Yes, I personally agree with this thesis, but it's a thesis that doesn't exist in RWBY. I'm not arguing that dictators are good, actually, I'm arguing that Ironwood never was one." The moment you talk about anything related to Atlas, Ironwood, their military, etc. and by extension start discussing the ways in which the show canonically wrote those all these as positives in Volumes 1-7, or at the worst flawed necessities, many fans simply jump to, "Oh, so you're okay with Ironwood shooting minorities? Got it." Most in RWDE (that I've come across, anyway) are discussing the depiction of the military within the show—what actually wound up on screen, regardless of the writers' intentions and regardless of our own, irl politics. In contrast, most non-RWDE fans are discussing what the military is meant to represent irl, despite the fact that this representation fails on nearly every level and, as a result, doesn't really exist. That's a huge disconnect that I doubt the fandom will ever get past, especially when these subjects hit close to home for so many and, frankly, it's far easier to toss out accusations that imply a real-life failing than it is to acknowledge that a favorite show is not only badly written, but thoroughly bungled a subject you deeply care about. (Insert the same problem with RWBY's queer rep here.)
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mediumstrength · 5 months
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The conclusion of the second season has left me alone and bereft please join me as I fill the void.
We start with some bitchin spy action
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oh shit
Truly the first few chapters are why I think you see so many people upset about the series settling into a slow burn family comedy. You start off with some juicy Hollywood movie shit here. Assassination! Straight off the bat! Cars careening off bridges! Great stuff.
Now, it’s time for a little quick exposition. We got two countries, they don’t like each other, they are using spies, blah blah.
In Japanese they are straight up written Eastern Country and Western Country (with “Ostania” and “Westalis”) in furigana. Tatsuya Endo, please.
There is one spy who’s the best tho
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Here he is!! It’s our boy!!
He’s bamboozled that bad guy out of those silly pictures!! Time to also be mean to the dude’s daughter.
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lol what a dick
“Robert” is not as fashionable as “Loid,” the double breasted suit was already on the way out in the early 60s (The SXF vibe seems to be early 60s? Except when it isn’t?) being replaced by the single breasted suits we generally see him wearing. Edgar also is wearing a double breasted suit, but he doesn’t seem like the type to worry about fashion trends.
Loid however does seem to really care about looking sharp, and I’m proud of him for that. It’s basically his only non spy-related interest. Maybe someday he will have two interests!
Loid gives Karen a new complex, and then waltzes out of her life. Onto the next mission!
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Berlint 😂
On the train to Berlint, Loid learns that he has to become a fake dad for silly bullshit reasons that are vital to world peace. This silly bullshit is called Operation Strix, and it is so, so important. The most important mission ever.
I wonder if there’s some significance to the name Strix? It’s a mythological creature, but also a genus of owl. In Japanese it’s written 梟, which literally means owl, so maybe the mythological part is not intended?? I want to know more.
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The early art is weird at times
I hate it.
The real estate guy asks him if he has a girl or a boy, and he says he doesn’t know yet. I feel like I should hate these jokes where Loid says something mind-blowingly suspicious, but I actually love it every time.
Anyhow! On to step two: secure a child.
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Tatsuya Endo has a real talents for making just the most detestable jerks. I love to hate you, drunk shitty orphanage guy!
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It’s her!! It’s Anya!! The early art is, again, a little weird here.
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The absurdly hard crossword puzzle is such a good gag.
Daughter acquired!
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I love it. There’s no real equivalent to “chichi” in English, so they went with something that means dad, but is also a little weird and a little baby talk-y. Perfect. I watched a couple episodes of a fan sub of the anime, and they translated it as “Daddy” which is cute but is simply not weird enough. Anya is a Weird Little Girl.
Anya immediately begins helping, by acting deeply weird and suspicious. We love it.
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I love that Spy Wars is just always on somehow.
Onwards! They go out and do some shopping! Anya is a lot! Loid doesn’t understand her! He goes to his local library about it, which is kind of adorable? And gives an early glimpse into a fundamental aspect of his character. With enough information, Loid can accomplish anything. He is certain of this. He has built his whole life around this concept.
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You are accidentally playing hide and seek with your daughter somehow, with no idea that it is even happening. Amazing.
Anyhow he finally barricades her in the fucking house lol
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It’s Franky!! I love you, Franky.
He tells Loid that his new kid legally does not exist, and has been returned to the orphanage 4 times, and Loid decides not to look further into any of that. Greatest spy in the west.
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Meanwhile Anya is causing problems. I love her.
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Edgar is back, which doesn’t make sense because the Edgar stuff was happening in another city, but I guess Edgar is just also in Berlint now for some reason.
We get a brief flashback to Anya’s time as an Eleven-style lab rat, which is sad. What does “studying” entail? I think we will all be sad when we find out ☹️
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Loid returns and we are treated to a sick. ass. fight. Loid takes a guy out with a can of tuna. He breaks a chair over a dude’s head. I think there was some commentary from Endo (maybe in Eyes Only?) about how using improvised weapons just hits harder. We know more about cans of tuna than guns or whatever. We can imagine what taking a tuna can to the face would feel like.
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What a dick.
Anyhow, Loid bamboozles the same guy with the same trick a second time, bravely rescuing Anya, and now it is time for a sad flashback
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Don’t cry, little german boy.
Anyhow, the world where kids don’t cry thing should be so corny, but they really pull it off somehow.
For some reason he decides to walk back into danger and beat those guys up?
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When did he have time to set these traps??
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Loid kicks everyone’s asses, and then, there’s Anya waiting for him, and she wants to stay with him. This is the moment. This is the moment where he realized, subconsciously, that he loves her. Consciously is still a work in progress. But like, he already cares about her so much. It’s been been like 2 days, and he’s gone from “I hate kids” to “I can’t abandon this little girl who I callously adopted to use for my own purposes”
(…This is the plot of the Despicable Me, isn’t it?)
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This little scene on the streetcar warms my heart. Papa is a cool liar.
Ok, jesus christ this chapter is long. I didn’t realize that we also have getting into Eden happening the first chapter??
Anya takes the entrance exam, her cheating plan, as usual, does not really work out, but she does her best and she passes.
Loid experiences a single moment of relief and collapses 😂 The man is so powered by sheer anxiety that his body doesn’t know how to react.
Anya gets the mail, there is a little cute cuddling, and then, the kicker! We need a mama!!
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Chapter rating 4/5
A little too much stuff happens in this first chapter, on reread. The streetcar scene is such a logical ending! The Eden test, and then the subsequent complication of needing 2 parents felt tacked on, almost like that should have been padded out a little and made its own chapter, but also I am eager to get to my girl Yor so 🤷‍♀️
Looking back on some of their earlier interactions, Loid has not been thinking through Strix logically from the start. This kid has no birth certificate, and she has been repeatedly returned to the orphanage like a naughty puppy for no obvious reason. She is (allegedly) 6 and she solved a crossword where one of the words was “symplectomorphism” with no adult assistance?? There are some questions he should be asking here, but instead he’s buying her posters and snacks.
He hasn’t had anything to love in so long, you guys. He’s going to love this kid with everything he has, it’s just going to be a long, long time before he understands that it’s love.
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