#if anyone needs clarification on anything feel free to ask!
obsessedwithegos · 2 years
BTHB: Wiping the other’s tears away with Emil
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CWs: Emotional whump, Familial whump, Talk of reason for cutting off a family member in the past
Notes: Canon in the even further future! But hey! More comfort and recovery!
It’s been 7 months since Emil was fortunate enough to meet Jolene and start helping her with her work on the ranch and tonight she granted him to do egg delivery by himself to get him used to going out by himself before his first birthday since he’s escaped.
He was on his way to the last house of the night, looking at the piece of paper Jolene gave him to note the name and pronouns. ‘Adeline Melite, she/her’. 
Huh, she had the same first name as his sister. He wondered how she was doing as he walked up the steps and knocked on the front door. 
“Hello?” A voice calls out from behind the door, Emil assumed she was looking through the door’s peephole. 
“Hello! I’m Emil with your egg delivery! I’m covering for Miss Jolene for tonight!” He cheerfully greets. 
There was a pause. 
“Miss Melite?” He asks, wondering if she wanted him to leave the eggs at the door or not. 
The door slowly opened, revealing a woman with short brown hair. Her bangs covered an eye patch, her remaining brown eye with hints of gold stared at Emil, wide with shock. 
Despite the changes, Emil recognized her immediately. “Adeline?” His voice was soft, he couldn’t believe it. 
He couldn’t believe that he was seeing his little sister again. 
“Emil?” She whispered. She glanced around before opening the door further “Would.. You like to come in?” She asked. 
He nodded. Once she moved out of the way, he walked in and looked around. 
Adeline’s home looked comfortable and well kept, he recognized one of their dad’s decorative fans displayed on the wall behind the couch. 
She closed the door behind him before carefully taking the remaining cartons of eggs from him.
“I have so many questions, Adeline.” He says, unsure of where to start. 
“Can I ask one first?” She asked. 
“Of course.”
“When did you get turned into a vampire?”
Emil pauses, becoming painfully aware of the fangs in his mouth. “Almost 4 years ago. I was on my way back home late when I was attacked and turned.” he answered. 
There was an awkward silence.
“What.. What did I do to make you cut me off?” He finally asks the question that had been bothering him for 8 years.
Adeline gives her brother a sympathetic look. “You know how Evher doesn’t like vampires?” She asked. 
A nod “Unfortunately.” 
“I had already been turned when I found out that’s who you were becoming a priest for.” She explained. “I couldn’t handle staying in touch with you while you were worshiping them so passionately and spreading their word. I knew it would mess with me mentally. That’s why I cut contact with you.” She took a deep breath, it was a hard choice for her to make and one that still upset her. After all, she had cut him off for following his own passion and dream. 
“Excuse me, I.. I need a moment while I put these away.” She says before moving to go to her kitchen to put her new eggs away and to also grab the money to pay for them. 
She took another deep breath to collect herself before returning to the living room and to Emil. She held out the money “For the eggs.” She clarified. 
Emil accepted it, putting the money into the box Jolene provided to him to hold payments. “So.. Are you a lawyer?” He asks, recalling it as her dream job. 
Adeline’s attempt to stay collected fell apart. Not only did Emil feel guilty about her cutting him off, now he was also a vampire, but on top of all that he remembered that she wanted to be a lawyer ever since she was a kid. 
She nodded as she tried to fight back the tears. “Yeah. Yeah I am.” She answered with a smile “I’m specialized in defending people like us. Vampires, werewolves, the rare zombie.” She elaborated, essentially saying she protected those with potentially infectious curses.
Emil beamed at her, his heart swelled with joy and pride to hear how well his sister was doing. “I’m so glad to hear that. I’m so proud of you Adeline.” 
She couldn’t hold it back anymore, she lets the tears fall as she goes to tightly hug her brother. 
He tensed at the sudden touch but quickly relaxes, he sets the basket down and hugs her back.Tears of joy were quick to start forming and falling as it sets in just how real this is. 
The two hugged in silence for a while, both letting themselves cry.
“I’m so happy to see you again.” she whispered as she pulled back a bit to see his face. 
Emil reaches up to wipe away her tears “Hey, you should dry your eye before you corrode.” He jokes, recalling the same joke he used to make when they were younger and he was trying to cheer her up. It was a joke about how her name initials were originally AAA like the battery. 
Adeline laughed “And leave your face soaked?” She says as she mimics his movement to wipe his tears away as well. 
He smiled, “I’m glad to see you again too.” He hesitantly fully pulls away from Adeline. “I.. I should probably head back before Miss Jolene worries.” He said, picking up the basket again. He didn’t want to leave her so soon but he also didn’t want Jolene to worry.
She nods in understanding as she moves back to the door so she could open it for him. “Hey Emil?” she says to get his attention as he heads out.
He stops to look at her. “Yes?” 
She kept her smile. “Feel free to stop by any time. I’ll be sure to visit Jolene more often to see you.” She figured he didn’t have a phone as reception and internet at Jolene’s was pretty bad.
Emil’s face lit up once again. “I’ll be sure to do that. I’ll also look forward to your visits.” He says with a wide smile. “Have a good night, Adeline.” 
“Have a good night, Emil.”
With that, Adeline watches Emil walk down the steps and start to leave, only briefly pausing to wave goodbye. A gesture that she returned. 
Once she could no longer see him, she closed and locked her door with a happy sigh. Her night now massively improved.
General: @emmettnet​ @thebluejaysworld​
Kira story: @whumpsday​
BTHB: @badthingshappenbingo​
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh Sweet Child of Mine (Luffy AU End)
The Main series presumes platonic feelings all around. This is specifically an end shipping the reader with Yandere Luffy.
Because I didn't get clarification on what the original requestor (an anon) wanted, I assumed romantic but no smut.
Oh! Slight spoilers for Gear 5 and Wano.
Warnings: General yandere vibes and... technically kidnapping. Fluff.
You know the drill about yandere behavior in real life.
Stay safe and have fun!
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Word Count: 1,205
You’d heard about Wano a lot over the past few years. Even before officially becoming a pirate you’d heard about the country in lockdown and it’s many fanciful resources and history. About Kaido and Oden. It seems… strange to be in it now.
Celebrating it’s liberation that you helped only a little, the bulk being taken care of by Luffy, Law, and Kid. Mostly you’d been helping Marco and Ace run interference and patching up those that needed help.
The idea that Luffy—Straw Hat Luffy—took down Kaido, King of the Beasts, was strange. But you’d seen it with your own eyes (from a safe distance) and it was a sight to behold. Gear 5, as Luffy called it, something else as well. Finally falling into sync with the true potential of his devil fruit though he’d still need to work at it.
Oyaji had organized a large feast for the occasion, incredibly happy that his brother had been avenged at long last. Thatch and Sanji working together to provide an incredible array of food alongside the now free citizens. The two chefs getting along well as they traded recipes and ideas as they worked. And honestly, it took all their attention to ensure that there was enough food for everyone—even Ace and Luffy who ate enough on a regular basis to astound literal giants.
Wrapped in bandages and as lively as ever, Luffy crowed to Ace at every opportunity that he beat out his big brother for liberating Wano. Ace would, naturally, pause with a mouthful of food to wrestle his brother into the ground for his insolence. Sabo—unexpectedly a third brother—cutting in every so often when they got too rowdy.
After eating dirt and a hunk of meat bigger than your head, Luffy paused, eyes fixing on you as he grinned.
“Hey! Join my crew!”
Your brothers choked and coughed beside you, several cackling at the audacity and muttering about Akagami being a bad influence. You smiled wryly, flashing your right wrist where Oyaji’s mark was boldly inked in a light blue.
“I’m already apart of another crew, Luffy.” You reminded him and he pouted.
“You said to ask you again when I found the drums! I did! It’s in Gear 5!”
Ah. You did say that, didn’t you?
Marco threw his arm over your shoulder, his smile a bit wry and sharp for the occasion.
“You’re getting a little bold there after taking down one Yonko, you really think you’re ready to take on another?” Marco asked. Luffy huffed, Ace watching him with an amused grin.
“It’s not about your dad! It’s about them! And I want them on my crew!” Luffy protested. Marco narrowed his eyes.
“Oi. You making plans for their devil fruit? You really think we’ll just give them up because you said so?”
Luffy frowned, confused as he tilted his head.
“What’s their fruit got anything to do with it? They’d make a good fit for my crew and that’s that.” You smiled, chuckling a little as Luffy looked right at you. “I don’t mind that you’re part of Banana-Stache’s crew right now. I just want to be the Pirate King with you.”
You blinked in surprise.
“You’re bold, Straw Hat.” You muttered, taking a sip of your drink. “Why would I leave Oyaji to go with you?”
Luffy huffed, brows scrunching as he tried to think of how to phrase his reasoning.
“I wanted you to join my crew when we first met but you weren’t ready yet. Not to join anyone’s crew. But now you are!” Luffy whined, nose crinkling. “And my crew is strong enough now that no one would need your fruit anyway…”
Ace laughed, shoving down Luffy’s head and ruffling his hat roughly.
“You’re such a persistent shit, Lu! C’mon, what’s the real reason you want them on your crew? I know it’s not their fruit—and they are pretty great—but what’s your real aim here?” Ace demanded loudly.
Luffy smacked Ace’s hands away with a cry of complaint.
“I wanna take them on an adventure they’ll never forget! With my whole crew! I want to show them everything! Anything they want to see!” Luffy declared, much to the shock of everyone there. Ace looked stunned, lips twitching into a smile as he narrowed his eyes at his little brother. “I want to give them the world!”
“Y-You… you sound like you’ve got a crush?!” Ace breathed in disbelief.
Luffy paused, almost as surprised as everyone else. Wide eyes turning to you as you could almost see the gears turning in his head.
The air grew heavy as your crew started to grow restless and a little unhappy with the new possible revelation.
Then, just as suddenly, it stopped, Luffy sitting up with a relaxed smile.
“Huh. Yeah.” Luffy looked at Ace with a wide grin. “I guess I do, shishishishishi~!”
There was an immediate outcry of denial around you, Marco pulling you behind him as you heard the offended gasps around you.
A stretchy limb snaked around the bodies between you and pulled you through the crowd until you stumbled into Luffy. Eager and laughing loudly, he hugged you, much to the protest of your crew.
The drums of liberation in your ear as you reeled in shock.
That was… really unexpected.
“You’re a cocky brat Straw Hat!” Oyaji declared with a sharp smile. “Do you really think you could make them take back my mark? That I’d let you?”
Luffy pulled back from nuzzling your cheek, grinning over your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t make them get rid of your mark, old man! Your family!” Luffy lowered his voice, hand reaching down to press his thumb over the thundering pulse in your left wrist. “I’d want your left hand anyway.”
You gasped, face red at the implications.
“WHAT! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO THEM?!” Ace screamed, reaching over to try and pry Luffy off of you. Luffy cackled, wrapping his arms around you in tight circles as he danced away. Keeping you firmly pressed against his chest.
“Don’t worry, Ace! You’re invited!”
“Invited to WHAT?! Luffy!” Ace screeched chasing after you both as you laughed hysterically, unsure of what to say to that. Sabo joined shortly, the two brothers chasing after as Luffy just kept laughing louder and louder, hair turning puffy and white as he rounded the bonfire in mad circles.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” You huffed, a little breathless from laughing so hard. Luffy literally lit up, his smile wide and beaming with light.
“Hear that?! I’m cute!” Luffy declared happily.
“You can’t go with him just because he’s cute!”
“I thought we raised you better than that!”
“Stop corrupting them, you brat!”
“Bluebird, no!”
“That’s it! You’re grounded! Again!”
You laughed, hugging Luffy back as he launched himself into the sky, Zoro and Sanji covering his escape.
“I’m glad you’re ready for me now. I don’t think I could have waited much longer to take you with me.” Luffy admitted, eyes a bright, glowing red. He squeezed you a little harder, the threat clear.
You… don’t think you were going back to the Moby Dick after this. No matter how hard your crew protested.
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okay hi, this is kinda a sensitive topic so feel free to deny, jst lmk cuz tumblr eats asks sometimes
I wanna request a self aware!bsd x gn teen!reader. Reader is like 15-16, and has a very bad home life (father is physically & s*xually abusive as well as an addict and mom doesnt care) and uses bsd as an escape and stuff. They see Chuuya and Kouyou as parental figures (not a ship). And reader is like really lifeless/numb but also extremely scared and paranoid
It is not your fault
Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Abused! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Kouyou Ozaki
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Description: There are monsters in your house. You want to be saved. From reality no one want help you. Maybe, you can help world in different world.
TW: Non-descriptive SA (psychological (photos, comments, forced looking at nudity) and physical (forced touching)). Mentions, without clarification or NSFW language. Mentions of drugs. Reader think that it's their fault [IT'S NOT AND IT WILL NEVER BE]. The bastard gets what he deserves. Soft protective platonic yandere. English is my second language.
The school break will end soon, and you have to go to class.
You were reading BSD manga on your phone. When you got the message.
You heard the notification sound. You take a look at the screen.
[1 photo send from Father]
You feel sick. You knew what he sent you. You don't want to look at it.
Another notification.
[Look at it]
[That's what I put into your mother, so she can have you]
[Isn't he looked good?]
You hurry to the school bathroom. You can't let anyone accidentally see, what your father sent you.
You can't ignore him. Or it would be worse.
When you got into the school bathroom, you make sure, that no one see you. You opened the chat with your father and immediately closed your eyes.
It takes you a few moments to close the app without looking at the screen.
There were tears in your eyes.
But when you go back to class, you were emotionless.
From outside, you looked numb and emotionless. But inside you were scared.
Really scared.
But you were hiding your fear.
Because no one cares. Even your own mother.
"Mom... Dad was sending me photos... Of his... Of his..."
"[Y/N], stop mumbling. Just ignore him."
"Mom... Dad was making comments... About my... hips. He is making me uncomfortable..."
"[Y/N], I told you before. Ignore him."
"Mom, why Dad is walking around home naked? He is..."
"[Y/N], stop whining. Ignore your father..."
"Mom... He touched me... He forced me to touch him... He held my hand and didn't let me go..."
"Mom... He hit me because I called him gross... My hands feel gross and dirty... Mom, please help me!"
"Mom... Why are you ignoring me?"
You hoped, that today he won't touch you.
You won and loose at the same time.
He didn't 'touch' you, but he beat you.
For not looking at his messages the same moment you got them.
Then he was too high on God knows what to touch you or force you to touch him.
You hide in your room.
You use the chair to hold the door down.
Your father is 'satisfied' with touching.
One day he will want more.
You prayed, that this day won't come for the next year. Until you are eighteen and can finally leave this house for good.
Your hands already will be dirty for the rest of your life.
You don't want to be dirty for the rest of your life.
From books, you have read, you learned, that's not your fault.
If only you could believe in these words yourself.
Were you really innocent? Or you did something, that made your father... interested in you?
You curled under the blanket and open your phone. You want to escape. You need to escape.
You opened BSD Mayoi App. You need to look at Chuuya and Kouyou cards.
In BSD world
Chuuya and Kouyou were ruthless. You need them. You were stuck in one house with the monster. Two monsters, because your mother didn't do anything to help you.
Chuuya growled at Ango.
"When the damn thing will be ready?! [Y/N] need us!"
Kouyou's gaze were cold. Golden Demon was hovering above here.
Ango took a step back.
"It still needs two hours to charge. I wish, it can be faster, but we can't do anything for it."
Chuuya turned around and left the room. Soon, everyone heard the sound of the road near the building been destroyed. Chuuya tried to calm down this way, otherwise he would attack someone.
He remembered your words.
"He beat me again. I don't want to be hurt anymore. I don't want to be touched by him... If you were real, would you care enough to help me?"
"I would, [Y/N]. I care enough. I will show him. He will pay."
Kouyou did a better job in holding herself together. But inside she was livid.
"I wish you were there, Kouyou. With you near me, he won't go near me. He won't touch me."
"He won't. Please, [Y/N], wait. It will be over soon."
"How dare you to hold your door with the chair?! Ungrateful brat! STRIP!"
"No! Let me go! I don't want to! It's wrong!"
"Don't go near me! Stay away! Someone, please help me! Mom, please help me!"
"Come on! Open, damn portal! Open!"
And the white light fills the room, right after your father grabbed you by the shirt.
It takes one kick from Chuuya, to make your father fall down on the floor. He can't move, thanks to Chuuya's ability.
Your mother came to your room, trying to see, what was the noise. She saw you, your father been pinned down. And all BSD characters. Before she can shout, Golden Demon's katana was aimed at her throat.
Kouyou was standing before you, hiding you from your father and mother.
You can't believe your eyes. Was it real? Are BSD characters really standing in your room? Are they really protecting you?
You heard Kouyou's voice. She sounds soft.
"[Y/N], dear, sorry for almost letting this vermin do what he was planning to do. But we are here now, we are here to take you out of here. Do you trust us? Will you come with us?"
You nodded. You were certain, that they won't hurt you. It was time. You can finally be free.
Chuuya looked at you and smiled.
"[Y/N], is it okay if Kouyou and I join you and others later? We need to deal with this man and woman."
You simply nodded and follow after the rest of the Cast. You were leaving the house. You stayed near Kyouka.
When you were gone, Chuuya and Kouyou start their revenge on your 'parents'.
You were free.
There is still work to do. You will need professional help.
But now you have people, who love you and respect you.
You have two parental figures in your life. Chuuya and Kouyou respect your privacy. They want you to feel safe.
They will protect you.
Monsters that you lived with, are dead. Your father died with his stomach ripped open and been as thin as a paper sheet. Your mother was torn apart.
Nothing can hurt you anymore. You will be better. You will feel safe.
They are with you.
The most important thing they told you, was this.
You are innocent. And it was never your fault. You are not dirty or disgusting.
It was never your fault.
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straycalamities · 1 month
Entre's 12th Anniversary Big Birthday Bash!
Alright! So I'd say in about 11 hours, we're gonna start the festivities for Entre's birthday/blog anniversary! He'll be turning [redacted] years old today! And his blog is turning 12 :) (Sorry about the short-notice. It took me this long to come up with something.)
Official start time is 12 PM (Noon) CT (UTC -5)
My plan is we start with a Magma board and have a good old fashioned draw party! If you want to check out Magma (or aggie.io as it was absorbed into Magma) ahead of time feel free to do so! You don't need an account to draw or chat, though! We'll do that for a couple of hours.
If you don't want to draw, feel free to put out prompts or suggestions for the ones that are drawing to pick up if they want! There's a chat feature in the Magma. (You click on your name on the top right to find it.)
(But, for the record, you don't need to be da Vinci to draw. Anyone can draw if they want to regardless of skill level.)
The board's limit is 30 people, and I don't think we're hitting it so feel free to pour in.
Then after that, we'll be headed to Hyperbeam to watch one of Entre's favorite movies: Inception! Unfortunately the viewer limit is 12 people so it'll be first come, first serve. :(
Of course it'll be the big guy all day and NOT me. So. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
If you can't join for whatever reason, feel free to fill his inbox with gifts/birthday wishes! I'll get to them as I can. :)
Under the readmore is the courtesy rules so that we make sure everyone has a fun time. If you break them, it's a 3-strike system (you'll get warnings) before you're banned (on the 3rd strike) from whichever location we're at. That sounds big n scary, but they're easy to follow so don't stress much about it.
Overall Rules: (For clarification on anything just ask me/Entre.) Rules with * are insta-bans and not subject to 3-strike system.
No NSFW discussion or behavior.
No bigoted or hateful behavior. *
Stay as polite and respectful as possible. Take all beef elsewhere.
No ship wars. No askblog/onceler fandom OC favoritism or hate.
No heavy negativity, heavy topics, nor inflammatory topics.
No trolling of any kind. (harmless jokes/pranks okay, but always use discretion/best judgement)
Magma Rules:
Do not draw on or edit other people's drawings in any way without explicit permission from the artist.
No NSFW imagery.
No triggering imagery. (Like the basic stuff: self-harm, gore, etc. If you have a question on what you're allowed to draw, ask me/Entre.)
Do not abuse the Magma permissions/tools. (excessively making layers, moving layers around, etc.)
Do not draw outside your area/draw all over the whole canvas. Leave ample space for everyone to have a spot.
Hyperbeam Rules:
No spoilers.
Do not spam the chat.
The movie has been chosen and there will not be a different one, if you do not like the movie choice, you do not have to join.
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shawnxstyles · 1 year
prank? more like spank
DATE: JANUARY 28, 2023
summary: after a day out with your friends, they convince you to prank your boyfriend tom that you got a vaginal piercing. once you break the news, he has to see for himself.
request: yess
words: 3.6k
warnings: SMUT (f- receiving [pussy spanking, clit play/edging, masochism, slight nipple play], dirty talk, aftercare) language, and fluff.
note: THIS TITLE IS SO FUNNY PLEASE. the gif is so random too 😭 sorry i’ve been so inactive, i’m so busy!! tom masterlist
soft dom!tom
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“What if I just got a tattoo?” You ask spontaneously as you approach the tattoo and piercing shop. You and your friends were wandering around town, having a much-needed girl day. The two girls stare at you for a moment before giggling hysterically.
“You hate pain and plus, Tom would freak!” Alina laughs harder at your ridiculousness. She had a few simple tattoos herself; small ones on her hands and elegant drawings on her arms. Her black hair was long and sleek, always looking on-point. Even though her tattoos fit her beautifully, it didn’t convince you to get one. You could never get a tattoo, even if you were paid.
“What about a piercing?” You suggest. You have had your lobes pierced since you were young, but you’ve never desired anything else. Nose and lip rings were trendy when you were in high school, but you never understood why anyone would ever put metal inside of their face, let alone the more sensitive parts of their body.
“Again, your pain tolerance is very low,” Alina says, swinging her small bag of leftover food from lunch. “Did you know people pierce their vaginas?”
“Of course. I’ve considered it,” Reyna nonchalantly inserts. You and Alina gawk at her, dumbstruck because she’s never mentioned anything like that before. One thing about Reyna was that she always surprised you; there was always something you didn’t know. One day, she said she was getting a tattoo, so she did. Another, she said she was going to Venice, so she did. In a way, she was very good at keeping her word, which made her a great friend.
Her body was littered in tattoos from top to bottom. Her drawings were thick, dark, and colorful along her naturally tan skin. Her ears were engulfed in pieces of jewelry, while her nose held a septum and two opposing studs. How did she breathe? Her red-dyed hair was frizzy and wavy and shaped her face just right. Her eyes were a hazel, but could easily pass for a shade of green.
“What does it even pierce? Where does the jewelry go?” You ask, trying to imagine how painful it would be on a scale.
“Your clitorus,” Reyna answers, sipping from her straw casually.
“That’s like the most sensitive part!” Your face screams in horror. Why would anyone ever do that to themselves? You feel your legs clench in protection like you can feel the blinding pain just picturing it.
Unfathomable out of ten you decide on when thinking back to the scale.
“I don’t think you could pay me to get that done. Even if I could have it removed,” Alina shakes her head in disapproval.
“When I told Riker I was thinking about it, he was freaking the fuck out. He was trying to be supportive, but I can tell he was scared,” Reyna chuckles. Her boyfriend was the complete opposite of her. She is sociable and outgoing, and is always at someone’s place to party. Riker, her boyfriend of eight months, was a homebody who played video games in his free time. Their largest sharing characteristic is that they are extremely hardworking, which led them to meet while working at the same job.
Ah. Romance.
“I can’t even imagine how Tom would react,” You say, eyes wandering the ground.
“You should see,” Alina suggests.
“What do you mean?”
“Tell him you got a piercing. See what he says,” Reyna adds for clarification.
“Oo, you should record it!” Alina claps giddily and you laugh at their ideas. You shake your head at the recording part, but heavily consider the main idea. Why not have a little fun? You turn over your shoulder and peer at the tattoo and piercing shop that fades in the distance as you continue to walk. Your sundress flows in the spring breeze as you bite your lip.
“Okay,” You shake your head, somehow convinced to play a stupid joke on your innocent, loving boyfriend.
“Ah, how I love a good prank,” Reyna smiles to the sky as you all approach the car.
When the girls drop you home first, you wave goodbye to them and then head straight for the door. The sun was beginning to set in the evening, and you wondered what Tom had been doing all day.
“I’m back!” You shout, removing your shoes and hanging up your purse. His response echoes from the kitchen and you walk toward him with nerves.
You weren’t the most convincing liar, so trying to pull off a prank was going to be difficult. Your fingers fiddle anxiously as he turns around from the stove to face you. A soft smile curls on his lips and your insides melt. However, your heart races in extreme nervousness because he looks so innocent and unknowing.
Oh, he’s so going to fall for it.
“Hey, baby. How was your girl’s day?” Tom’s hands slide under your arms and hug you securely. His lips press a firm and tender kiss on your forehead and you sigh softly.
“It was… exciting,” Your eyes sparkle as you stare at him. He looks at you, patiently waiting for you to continue. But you don’t, you wait for him to ask.
“What was so exciting, love?” He delicately brushes the wispy hair from your face, admiring every one of your facial features. Tom was so in love with you, he couldn’t help but stare in disbelief that you were really his.
“I got a piercing!” You smile widely as you squeeze Tom’s biceps in exaggerated excitement. Tom raises his eyebrows, not expecting you to say that. He always just assumed you went out for lunch or went shopping. He would have never assumed you got a piercing, especially knowing how much you hate unnecessary pain.
“You did? Where?” Tom smiles as he curls your hair behind your ears, scouting for the nonexistent jewelry. His eyebrows scrunch when he searches your face as well, but doesn’t find anything.
“It’s on my clit,” You whisper sweetly, biting your lip. Your heart pounds in your chest and you’re hoping he can’t feel it. You tried your best to hold in your laugh at his reaction.
Tom’s eyes widened so much, you thought they were going to pop out of their sockets. He blushes profusely and pulls away from you, cheeks a rosy pink as his jaw practically slides along the kitchen tile. He dryly coughs, trying to hide how flabbergasted he is.
You smile wider and harder, trying not to break your act. Seeing Tom so shocked makes you want to burst out laughing at how easily he fell for it. He knows you absolutely hate pain, yet he still believed it.
“I-I thought you hated pain…” He starts breathily, “What…how…?”
“Reyna convinced me. She said it feels great when having sex,” The lies spill from your mouth before you could even process what it meant. Did that even make sense?
Tom blinks rapidly, mind racing at the change. He didn’t even know that one could get their clit pierced. He never would have thought you would want to get yours done. He remembers early on in your relationship when you told him you cried the entire time when you got your ears pierced. And when you got your shots at the doctors. He even remembers you telling him you cried when you first had sex… but that was understandable. But being reminded of that just makes him even more confused on why you would get something so painful.
You must have cried a lot, he thinks. His heart aches a tad because he wasn’t there for you.
“Well… can I see it?” Tom tries to cool down his burning red face, but it only seems to intensify as he imagines seeing it; your clit irritated and puffy as a bar of metal sears through it.
Now, it was your time to widen your eyes. You tried to hide it by wandering your eyes all over the place, but if anything, that just made it more obvious you were hiding it. Tom contorts his face in mild confusion at your hesitation as you laugh nervously.
“Y/N, can I see the piercing?” He repeats, stalking a bit closer to you.
“No!” You deny too quickly, backing away from him like he was psychotic.
“No? Baby, I’m going to see it eventually. Might as well see it now,” He smiles, reassuringly as you struggle to come up with more lies. Why did you think he wouldn’t want to see it?
“It’s um… really swollen and puffy. You can’t even see it,” You shake your head as you wave it off, swallowing your nerves dryly. Tom skeptically squints his eyelids, puzzled at your sudden defensiveness.
“I can’t see it? How do you know? I haven’t even tried yet.”
“I looked. It’s like it’s not even there,” Nervous laughs release from your mouth and you would be surprised if he still believed you.
Then he quirked an eyebrow, sensing your deceitfulness. Your nervousness gives him a growing confidence. He licks his lips and clicks his tongue, a sly smirk threatening to curl up on his lips.
“Let me see it, Y/N.”
Before you could even take off in a sprint, Tom’s arms are tightened securely around your waist. He drags your flailing body and hoists you up onto the kitchen counter, forcing you to stay seated. You wiggle profusely underneath his strong grip, but realize it’s no use compared to his thick muscles. You huff, annoyed that he captured you.
“I guess I’ll have to see for myself since you want to be so stubborn,” He grumbles as he crumples the sundress up to your waist. You hold your breath, hands gripping the counter. He forces your legs to spread, eye level with your panties. Your cunt aches as it begins to dampen the material.
“Is the piercing making you that wet? Or is it something else?” Tom taunts, yanking the flimsy fabric until it’s tossed along the kitchen floor. Waves of heat creep up your neck at how close he is to your cunt. He’s seen you naked a million times for your usual sensual, soft sex. But with a lie in between you, you don’t know what to expect.
Tom’s arms lock your thighs to the marble counter. He stares at your pussy, looking as gorgeous as ever. He takes his rough fingers and carefully spreads your soaking folds, inspecting for a piece of jewelry. You gasp as more arousal leaks out of your pussy, begging for more friction. As he gets closer to your clit, you whine from the teasing.
“Well, your clit is puffy… but I don’t see any piercing,” Tom pretends to pout like he hadn’t known you were lying most of the time. His thumb delicately taps your neglected nerves, eliciting a sharp gasp from your throat. “Why did you lie, baby?”
“I don’t know,” With clenched teeth, your eyes focus solely on his devoid touches. Your mind is so distracted by the tedious teasing, you barely comprehend his words. Before you could even reconsider your answer, Tom slaps his hand directly on your clit. You yelp as your hips thrust forward at the mixture of pleasure, pain, and shock that sears through your body. Your clit throbs as you continue to seep on the cold counter, more desperate than ever.
“Another lie. You’re being such a bad girl today. Do I need to punish you?” He questions, palm rubbing deliberately slow on the hood of your clit. Your body trembles as you roll your hips against his hand. With an upset growl, his hand comes down on you again, harsher and more demanding than before. A needy moan escapes you, your hands clawing at his T-shirt. “You just never learn.”
Tom tsks disappointingly and spreads your legs impossibly wider, juices leaking onto the solid surface below you. The texture of his hands roaming your skin created the most sinful scenes in your head. You imagined his thick digits pushing into your cunt, slippery and soft as he thrusts deeper and deeper. You mewled just at the thought, causing him to stare at you curiously.
“What are you thinking about? Hm? Answer me truthfully this time or I won’t even consider you coming tonight,” Tom demands as he flicks your pulsing clit, causing your body to jolt in surprise. Your hands squeeze his muscular shoulders as you try to remain still.
“Your hands. I love your hands,” You admit breathily. Tom slowly removes the loose straps of your dress until they’re slipping off your smooth shoulders and down your arms. He reveals your breasts, nipples pointed and neglected.
With a smirk, his dominant hand continues to deliberately stroke up and down your clit, while his other toys with your nipples. Your breathing heaves as your eyes gawk at his motions, getting more turned on just from the sight. He twists and pulls on your buds until they’re aching painfully good. Tom makes sure his hand tickles your skin when it trails down your torso to add more stimulation to your clit.
“I’m going to ask you one more time, darling,” One hand forces your legs open while the other collects your arousal too lightly. You clench around nothing, pleading for his teasing to end. He resumes his delicate tapping on your nerves, making you whine in agony. “Why did you lie?”
Your heart races and thighs begin to shake from being stretched out.
“I-I wanted to see how you would react,” You reply breathily as he repeatedly taps you. You roll your hips in circles, trying to get more friction against the pad of his thumb. He hums, satisfied yet evilly.
“So this is what you wanted?” Tom slots his middle finger into your seeping hole, causing you to gasp as if it was your first time. With all the teasing, you were sensitive to any little touch, grateful for what he was giving you. “Wanted me to freak out, wanted me to punish you?”
You release a nosy moan, clutching around his digit as it sinks into you deeply. You nod your head to every thrust of his finger, slow and tedious. As your high builds from the edging, his finger is removed from your cunt, empty and aching. You elicit uncontrollable whines as you scoot to the edge of the counter to get closer to his hand. His hand grips your hip tightly to ensure you stay still.
“No, no. This is a punishment, baby. If it gets too much, let me know, but,” Tom husks with a soft expression. When you nod impatiently, waiting for his next moves, his sinful glare returns to your eyes. “you said you liked my hands, so I’m going to give you one.”
Tom’s hand strikes down on your pussy, a wet slapping sound against your arousal. You squeak with a strong grasp on his shoulders as he smirks, pleasured from catching you off guard. He spanks you again, clit throbbing under the palm of his hand. Your stomach tightens as you grind into the air, begging for more. When his hand slaps you again, he makes sure to directly strike your bundle of nerves, making you tremble immensely.
Fireworks shoot through your body like you’ve never felt before. The sensation was a mixture of pleasure and pain; so shocking and blissful you thought you might pass out. You never would’ve thought you’d be enjoying something as agonizing as spanking, especially on one of the most sensitive parts of your body.
You felt hypocritical and pious; for someone who hated even the idea of pain, enjoying spanking was the last possibility crossing your mind.
But each slap of skin sent you higher into the sky as you floated with ecstasy. Even though you were inching closer to heaven, you’ve never felt more sinful and devilish in your life.
Tears slip down your face as you moan in euphoria. Your core clenches and your eyes roll back as you lose your grip to reality. Your legs beg to close, but Tom’s hand and body forces them to remain open.
“Look at you. Enjoying your punishment,” Tom tsks as his thumb rapidly circles your clit. You gasp with a cry, shaking violently from the blinding pleasure. “Are you going to come from me playing with your clit? Hm? From me spanking you?”
His words have your stomach tensing and mind spinning. You felt like you were flying through a starry haze; a dreamland where everything felt too good to be true. Your high builds and builds until you’re falling down so fast, you’re floating gracefully. Waves of euphoria crash through your body as your muscles spasm, chants of his name repeatedly leaving your lips.
A knowing and encouraging smirk is in your view as he rubs you out, draining you of your orgasm. The white moisture coats his hand before he brings it up to his lips and licks his fingers clean.
Your pussy lips pulsate as your clit continues to throb in irritation from the spanking. Your breathing relaxes as you blink away the glossiness from your eyes. Tom licks his lips, smiling goofily at you as he wipes away your tears.
“You did so well for someone who doesn’t like pain,” Tom compliments as he smooths your wild hair away from your tear-stained cheeks. You roll your eyes with a raspy chuckle and shake your head. “Let’s clean you up, yeah? And how was it?”
“I didn’t think… I never would have thought…” Your mind continues to blur as you forget the words on your tongue. Pulling up the straps of your sundress, you try to recall what you were going to say. “I liked it, surprisingly. A lot. Like a lot a lot.”
Tom chuckles at your enthusiasm and leans in to you. His lips lock with yours in a breathtaking kiss, rocking back and forth. Similar fireworks spark in your body again as you wrap your hands around his neck to sink deeper into him. His tongue slots into your mouth with ease, making you melt in heart-bubbling bliss.
To catch a breath, you release from each other, you now both wearing silly, fond smiles.
“This doesn’t mean you’re going to get a piercing… right?” With skepticism and hopefulness, Tom looks at you. You bite your lip, pretending to really consider it.
“I mean, now that I have an amazing tolerance to pain, I might as well. I have nothing to lose!” You push Tom away and hop off the counter with an overwhelmingly ecstatic smile. With shaky legs, you sprint out of the kitchen and into the bedroom.
A burning sensation is felt on the skin of your vagina as your legs rub against the irritation surface. You hiss and wince as you make your way up the stairs. You regret running away from Tom because he said he was going to take care of you. Your skin screams in agony as you make it to the bed. You didn’t think it would be this painful, especially after he just spanked you. And you liked it.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” He shouts as he jogs up the staircase. “Swear, she’s going to be the death of me.” He mumbles to himself before entering the bedroom.
He finds you lying on the bed, wincing with a pinched face. His expression softens as he comes to your aid.
“What’s wrong, lovie?” Tom rubs your shoulder, searching over your body for injuries. Your hands push down on the material of the dress right over your burning mound. He nods in sudden understanding before heading toward the bathroom. He comes back with a tube of some type of cream or ointment. “Lay back, baby.”
You do as he says and crawl back until your head is relaxing comfortably on the pillows. He slowly widens your tense legs and flicks the flare of your dress up to your hips. He takes a peek at your irritated skin, a deep frown on his lips. With the cream on his fingers, he very gently rubs it onto you. It’s cold, almost too cold compared to the heated burn on your skin. But the contrast cools you and relieves all your pain, causing you to sink into the mattress calmly.
“Better?” Tom asks, softly applying the medicine to the bare areas.
“Yes,” You sigh with your head thrown back, breathing steadily. Tom bites his lip, looking at your distraught figure.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I went too hard. I’ll never do it again—”
“It’s okay! It’s okay, Tom. Really, I liked it. I’m not lying this time,” He smiles softly at you and you return the favor reassuringly. He hovers above you and gives you a graceful kiss on the lips. He falls beside you and stretches to grab some tissues for his hands to clean off the cream. Then you two lay in the comfortable silence of each other.
“If I really did get a piercing though, how would you react?” You question, turning your head towards his.
“Probably the same.”
“Noted,” You smirk, causing him to turn his face in slight horror at your back and forth attitude. “Kidding! I can’t even handle moderate pain.”
“You’re crazy.”
You infamously roll your eyes before he kisses you again, making you forget everything. You laugh against his lips, causing the whole kiss to be a sloppy mess. In hysterics, you both laugh full heartedly as you pull away.
“Come on. Let’s go finish dinner,” Shaking his head, Tom gets up from the bed and begins to walk back downstairs to the kitchen.
“What if I got, like, a tongue piercing?” You shout from the bedroom. You hear him groan in annoyance as you follow him to the kitchen.
Oh, you loved pranking your boyfriend.
tags: @lnmp89 @crybabyddl @pretty-npeach @marine-mayday @aerangi @justanotherpasserby-blog @tinafuentes
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confessionsofamasc · 1 month
I was born in a hospital that I drive by sometimes. I don’t understand gender or sex more than anyone. I’ve read a lot of theory. I’ve taken comfort in it. It hasn't changed my conditions, but it's granted me a sense of stability. The best of it offers clarification. The worst of it makes me feel like I don’t exist. It’s like anything, it’s complicated. It has made me suspicious of any unifying theory of gender, of simplification. That abstraction feels like more of the same. The reduction, the disappearance, the slow death. Everything begs the question and everyone is too afraid to try and answer it.
The more I read the more ambiguity I am able to accept in myself and others. It usually isn't reciprocated.
I’m a man. Right now my hair is long. It’s annoying, it gets in the way. Recently I was enjoying wearing feminine clothing, but not so much at the moment. I used to date women. I used to be a lesbian. I used to be butch, in a lot of ways I still am. I got myself into a lot of trouble that way. I sought out people who could see my maleness somewhere inside of my womanhood. This was fraught. I try not to blame myself. My maleness made me vulnerable and people could tell. That's on them.
I don’t know what I look like. People see me as different things. I’ve been told that some of these different things lie in complete contradiction with each other. To some people I negate myself and they hate that. I don’t mind being a paradox. I didn’t make it a paradox. I know how I feel and I know what I want. How other people see me is not my responsibility. I know what feels right and what feels wrong. It's one of those things, like love. No justification needed. I like what this has given me, a general ambivalence I find freeing. No one owes me understanding, not even myself, just acceptance. I roll with the punches.
No one’s going to be able to know me from a short interaction. That’s fine. That’s not my problem. It’s not their problem either. But I correct them, I give them a chance. I am as honest as possible. It’s awkward. Sometimes it isn’t, sometimes there is that moment of two people meeting, like two comrades undercover. The nod, the smiles. Some people get angry. I avoid going places where they might be able to react. I don’t go out. Sometimes I don’t correct people. 
Sometimes I know that people want me to make myself smaller, more understandable, that I must diminish myself. Categorize, define, summarize, defend, defer. I get the feeling my complexity is the wrong kind of complexity. I hate deference, I want to be an equal participant in the conversation.
I was in line for a friend’s show, waiting to get my bag searched, my ID checked and a man behind me got close, started touching my bag. Same old. Bad jokes, mean jokes, stuff to try and make me feel vulnerable. Said he was putting his gun in my bag to hold onto. Trying to get me to engage to protect myself. Flatter him, don’t hurt his ego. That boring misogynistic flirting that kids start honing in grade school. I didn’t say anything. I made myself as uninteresting as I could. That hurt his feelings. “I bet you think I’m such an asshole”, he said with little kid anger. I continued to ignore him. I didn’t want him to hear my voice or see my face. He figured I was a girl. It's the hair. Then came his quick turn to vitriol, insults under his breath. I got inside and none of my friends were there yet. I pretended to be alright, cold-blooded. Like I don't feel anything.
I learned that quickly, that being a man is not a trump card, not for me. Some people tell me this can't be true, it's not the part about being a man. I become comprehensible to them only if they separate me from an important part of my whole, if they dictate myself back to me in a way they find acceptable, in line with their worldview. Sometimes I am asked to completely disavow it to be let back into life. That is a very old trick. I got tired of it when I was still a little girl.
I know that it is the catalyst. The thing about me, the nail in the coffin. No matter what kind of man I've been, it's been true. I can't forget it even if I'm told that I must be coming at it the wrong way because I have to hold that knowledge close to survive. When I abandon it I abandon myself. Bad things start to happen again.
Why is my understanding of the violence that happens to me up for debate? How can you debate a thing you can't even look wholly at? Who gets to abstract it, define it? I should really be asking, who decides what is too insignificant to be considered part of the definition? What violence gets to slip through the cracks, undefined as violence? Why? Why are my friends disappearing into abusive relationships like I did for most of my life? Why are my friends killing themselves? Why does no one notice?
I guess there are a lot of questions that everyone's afraid to ask.
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angbangweek · 4 months
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We are happy to announce the dates for this year's Angbang week:
May 6th - May 12th
Welcome one and all to the third annual Angbang appreciation event! Whether you're a previous participant, new to either tumblr or this pairing, or simply an event enjoyer who views and shares the new content, thank you for stopping by and taking a look! This year we have chosen to begin on a Monday with new dates rather than midweek, so the date of the event itself is a little later than in previous years, but everything else stays the same. (Prompts and additional explanation/info below the cut)
We would like to greet all new and returning participants and Angbang enjoyers alike to this year's week-long chaos couple event. Feel free to save the date or even spread this around if you're interested. As usual, any and all participation is welcome! We will be accepting any and all original creations for the upcoming event - visual, written or auditory, which is including but not limited to Fanfiction, Poetry, art both traditional and digital, playlists or other musical creations, moodboards, and anything else you may come up with. So long as they're new, or as of yet unpublished, created by you and feature Angbang, we want to see them and feature them! Unless it's an entire temple. Mairon has tried it several times before, and... well, we would prefer to remain undrowned if possible.
The list of prompts for this year (which can also be found in the image description):
Day 1 - May 6th: Scars | Injuries* Day 2 - May 7th: Haste | Malice Day 3 - May 8th: Spying | Shapeshifting Day 4 - May 9th: Mountains | Iron Day 5 - May 10th: Fire | Lava Day 6 - May 11th: Order | Chaos Day 7 - May 12th: Prompt of choice from the previous weeks*
*We are aware of the nature of the first prompt. Due to this, we do ask that in addition to all relevant tags, you add the correct tag of either "scars" or "injuries" to your work on day 1 should you choose to post it, especially the latter, so that people could filter it out. We will likewise add relevant tags to works featuring these prompts so that anyone may filter it out if they so wish. *As you've noticed, this year's final "free" prompt is a bit more restrictive, and would encourage using one of the prompts from previous years, found here and here. One of them is free space, but we do encourage using one of the non-day-7 ones if you can.
Like in the previous years, we encourage you to pick whichever prompt you like better of the two offered that day (you can also wait for another day if you don't like either prompt, or combine the two if you prefer, or even make content for both prompts if you're really looking for a challenge / prefer not sleeping during the month of May, whatever you like). Once you've picked a prompt and made content for it, use the current year's Angbang Week tag, which is either #AngbangWeek2024 or #Angbang Week 2024, or tag this blog directly when posting your prompt for us to reblog it. Try not to post it before the event starts (you can queue up specific posts for specific days to help with that), do not worry about being late, and most importantly, enjoy! No need to stress yourself out over silly ship stuff.
For any additional questions, requests, or additional clarification regarding anything event-related, feel free to send an ask or a DM at anytime!
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gonzo-rella · 1 year
Headcanons: Being the Nonbinary (Second) Youngest Pritchett Sibling
Relationship(s): The Pritchett-Tucker-Dunphy family x nonbinary!reader (platonic/familial)
Warnings: Descriptions of coming out and canon-typical ‘not understanding the queers’. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: I haven’t watched all of Modern Family yet, though I’ve seen up until season 8 and the occasional later episode. This is highly self-indulgent, and I’ll probably end up writing some more fics based on this premise; feel free to request them!)
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Growing up, there may have been signs that you were a little ‘different’; maybe not.
If there were, Jay chose to ignore it.
Some suspicion would only arise after Mitch’s coming out(s).
Whenever you realised you were nonbinary, I imagine that the first of your family members who you would come out to would be Mitch, who would, in his own repressed way, support you in any way he could.
I don’t know if Claire would necessarily understand, but she’d still be supportive.
When you come out to your parents, they’re both confused, but Dede is immediately accepting and supportive (and Jay always insists that it was just to spite him).
On the other hand, Jay... well, he isn’t cruel or dismissive or anything. 
He just doesn’t get it.
But, you’re his kid- his baby- and he doesn’t want to lose you because he doesn’t understand.
So, he’ll go along with it and try calling you what you wanna be called.
Keep the peace, y’know?
And, he’ll screw up.
At first, part of him will feel like you, or anyone else who corrects him, are being overly pedantic, but he’ll grit his teeth and concede to avoid any conflict.
It’ll take him years and several lectures from Mitchell and Gloria for Jay to realise how important it is for him to try his best to understand you, or at the very least get it right as much as he can.
And, when he does, he’ll make sure to let you know that you have his full support, and he’s sorry that he couldn’t let you feel that sooner.
Gloria has always supported you.
Like your mother, her acceptance of you was immediate, and this time Jay couldn’t claim it was to spite him.
She wants the best for you and your relationship with your dad, so she will try her best to get him to support you rather than just tolerate you because he loves you.
Like Claire and Mitchell, she corrects him when he gets things wrong.
She’ll be happy to take you shopping for gender-affirming clothes.
And, she’ll be happy to listen if you ever need it.
Manny’s a mature and sensitive kid, so I feel like he’d mostly understand your gender when it’s first explained to him.
He’s never afraid to ask questions, though he’ll always do it out of curiosity, not judgement.
Phil, Claire and their kids all respect you.
Claire will always correct your dad when he gets things wrong.
I imagine that Phil is especially supportive and will happily refer to you as his ‘sibling-in-law’.
When Claire told him about your gender, I feel like he probably looked it up and, with a lot of research, grew to understand you as much as a cis guy ever could.
Haley and Luke probably don’t completely get it at first, but they’ll both try their best.
Alex is probably the Dunphy who understands it the most (and she probably thinks that being nonbinary is really kickass).
If anyone in her family needs any clarification on anything (it’s typically her siblings), she’ll be the first to explain things.
I feel like she’s very supportive of and knowledgeable about trans and nonbinary people and the issues they face (just between you and me, I headcanon Alex as queer, so that’s probably why).
Your chief supporters in your family are Mitch and Cam.
Whenever you need to vent about things that the rest of your family just won’t get, they’re always happy to lend a listening ear, especially Cam.
Although Mitchell cares so much about you, he struggles to be as openly loving and kind as Cam.
Cam will probably be the one who urges Mitch to speak to Jay on your behalf about how his behaviour affects you.
If you ever get any gender-affirming medical treatment, they’ll volunteer to go with you to appointments.
They’d also introduce you to their queer friends, if that’s something you want.
It may take some time, but you’ll get to feel like an accepted and supported member of your family in the end, because even if some of them don’t get it, they’ll try their best to make you feel affirmed.
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iamthat-iam · 9 months
Hi Bry ("Bry" 🤔 lol you know), I hope you're having a lovely day! Thanks for your patience with me as I always send a thousand questions haha 💀 I wanted to send this one over asks in case anyone else is wondering about it. No worries about getting to this ask if you can't, I know you probably have a bajillion and I am grateful for your time!
I wanted to ask you a question related to something I see ND blogs talking about a lot, related to the ego's desires (don't worry, this is NOT a manifestation related question but rather a clarification question on ego vs Self). I see a lot of ND bloggers talking about how once you drop the ego and realize Self you can then experience anything and everything you want and dream any beautiful dream because you know that you are everything and are absolutely, 100% limitless. But the phrase, "anything and everything you want" is a confusing phrase to me, because Self doesn't have any preference towards the ego's desires and instead feels lovingly neutral and blissful towards everything, including suffering. So then why do people say you can have everything "you want" once you recognize Self in reference to becoming aware of the ego's desires? Even the idea of changing the channel if "you" don't like the show you're watching, that's still the ego wanting to be free of itself and not liking the show. So why would Self ever want to change the channel once it has been realized, or, why would Self want to dream a specific dream if it has no preference towards that dream?
My interpretation of it is that once you realize you are the lovely, limitless Self, manifesting the ego's desires for the ego's enjoyment is just a bonus FOR the ego. You (as self) have the power to give the ego that You used to identify with anything it wants. This is because You absolutely love Your creation (the character You used to be identified as), because Self loves all of Its creations, and it is fun to give the sweet character You've been playing the gift of everything it wants, because it's fun to love it up. Or maybe You as Self want to give the ego a little boost of everything it wants before identifying with it again, because it's all part of the fun game of awareness and getting lost in the play. These are the answers I've come to myself, but I wanted to ask another person to see if they had a different interpretation.
I guess what the question boils down to is this: why would one want to "become aware of a different channel/dream/ego/character" once you realize Self, if Self is lovingly neutral towards it all? Isn't that just re-identification with the ego? Ultimately I know it comes down to love and fun and enjoying the play and I should probably just relax and have fun haha, but this definitely has confused me a little when I see ND bloggers talking about it. Maybe it's just because a lot of us come from LOA and that's where the need to address it comes from. But yeah! Was just curious what you think about this.
Anyway! I hope this makes sense, it's a little hard to put into words but I am hoping it is clear this isn't a manifestation question and more a question of clarification question haha. Thanks for your time and energy and I hope you are doing so, so wonderfully!
Hi "Bunny"! 💙
So it seems that we have similar interpretations. The Self has so much love for it's creations so why not give them all better circumstances to live under?
The Self wanted to experience life in all sorts of ways possible, including the suffering aspect, and it's done it, billions of times. The goal has already been accomplished right?
Now that you are awake and you aren't attached to anything that is going on because it isn't you, the illusion is gone. You no longer think that it's you going through circumstances. The game is pretty much over. You won 😂 At some point you go, "well that was fun. Time for me to do something different."
So it's not exactly changing everything so the ego is satisfied, it's more like, "well... What more is there to do here?" If you DID choose to create a new dream or change the channel. You do it because you can.
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snackara · 20 days
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And here he is, the little lad himself.
Like with Asha, I took a different spin then what most people have been doing with Starboy. Some of the early concepts took inspiration from Peter Pan, so I decided to go all in with this idea and make him a young boy instead of an older teenager. He has a similar personality to what was shown in the movie, being the definition of chaotic neutral while also developing a sweet side as the story goes on. Again, taking a lot of inspiration from characters like Peter Pan and Robin Hood.
I wanted him to really be the emotional glue of the trio, letting Asha and Miguel open up to him about their feelings. He also has his own character arc, learning what it means to be human. That they can be very malicious and cruel, but also compassionate and empathetic. This was something mentioned briefly in the Art of Wish book I wanted to incorporate, shown below.
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His appearance is very similar to the one above, especially in terms of clothing. He has a typical prince getup that’s yellow, and a long cape made of stardust. Also the little hood with the antlers. He appears to be around 12 years old, being a much younger star. Minus the clothes, his appearance is also similar to the art below.
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(credit to Saira Vargas)
He doesn’t really have an important backstory in this rewrite (at least at the time I’m writing this) so this section will instead explain the star’s and their magic.
Stars exist in a place known as the Astro Realm. It is sort of hard to explain exactly what it is. The Astro Realm is technically another dimension, though it can be seen through the night sky via magic, and can even be accessed by very powerful magic.
Older stars have the power to go from earth to the Astro Realm through a portal fairly easily due to how powerful their magic can be, though they mostly choose not to. More on that in a minute.
Very few humans have the ability to go from one realm to the other. Only those who have studied magic their entire lives are able to do so.
However, most people don’t try, thinking the Astro Realm is just a myth. Meanwhile, the stars believe the humans are selfish and hollow beings because of their lack of natural magic, so they don’t bother with them.
So, what can stars actually do? Well, nearly anything. They can transform things, give inanimate objects life, let things talk, create physical things from stardust. The stardust can also be used to just create pretty visuals. The only things they cannot do are make people fall in love, bring people back from the dead, or bring harm to anyone (though that last one is partly out of morals).
Phew, alright. That was quite a bit of rambling to get through. Hopefully I explained everything well, but feel free to ask for clarifications if needed.
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more.
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anathemafiction · 8 months
Hello my dearest and most favoritest author friend !( favoritest that's a word right? Well we can make it a word!) I hope that your autumnal weather favors you! Tis most lovely where I reside! Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! Plus it brings spooky season! (Halloween.) As much as I would love to talk about fall and all it's glory I wanted to clear something up.
So on the CoG forums I was discussing with some other forum users about the ROs in the Rose. Someone asked who we could romance in Book 1. I replied with Hadrian and Alessa. I told them they'd be able to flirt with everyone else just not start a romance with anyone else till book 2. I told them that the only people you could romance in book 1 was our dearest and most beloveds Hadrian and Alessa.
Another user chimed in and disagreed with my statement saying that you could start a romance with the other characters in book 1. I countered with that was incorrect. That the other ROs will remember you but you couldn't do anything beyond flirt. I just wanted to clear this up to avoid future confusion. So for me to say that you can only truly romance Hadrian and Alessa in book 1 is that correct? I think I can see the other user's perspective. It may seem like you're sparking something with the flirting with the other ROs because you're. But it's not a "main RO" till book 2 correct?
Hope this makes sense 😅😆 if you need clarification lmk! Tysm!! Enjoy your day!!!
Much love and hugs,
I adore the fall! My favorite season used to be the summer because it meant I was free from school 😄 but lately, the summers have been getting hotter and hotter, and now I almost dread it. So, Autumn is my new darling. I can't wait for October.
As for your question… hum. Technically, it's true that the ones you can officially start a romance with are Hadrian and Alessa, but, in my mind, as the writer, you can definitely start a romance with some others. Lance can have a bunch of scenes depending on your choices, and both Ysabella and Alain will vary greatly depending on how you respond to their advances.
Neia and the Pirate will have completely different reactions to you when you officially meet them in Book Two if you flirted with them — especially Neia since she got so close to you.
Rafael is the only one that I consider almost not started — although there is one choice you can pick that already has… different subtleties. It's the choice to lean really close to his face and call him a bastard as you're saying goodbye.
So, yes, I can see why someone would think you initiated a romance with some of the characters — because you did. You're not locked, of course, there's no relationship to speak of, but there is something.
The person on the forum wasn't wrong, in my opinion. If they felt like they started a romance with a character, then I wouldn't say their feeling isn't valid. 🤔
Thank you for asking to clarify! ♡
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katebeckets · 1 month
hi there!! sorry if this is weird but wanted to get your opinion on something!! believe it or not I've never watched the final season of castle and I know a lot of people say it's a bad season but I finished my season 7 rewatch and I'm wondering whether or not to give s8 a chance lol like is it so annoyingly bad I should just skip it forever or are there still moments that make it worthy of my time? thank you ☺️
hi!! not weird at all, I love that you asked me haha 😊 I also hope you don't mind me publishing this in case anyone has anything they want to add!
the short version of my answer is that yes, I personally think it's worth watching at least once! That said, I am well aware that there are things I might have forgotten about it since I've only seen it once. I'll put my reasoning/other considerations below the cut. Hope this helps!
————————————————————— 💭
Yes is my short answer, but I wanted to say why because there's a lot that goes into it for me (I take this way too seriously 😂)
First, I very generally believe that everything is worth watching at least once. That's just how I usually consume media. I also do my best to always watch things before I give any sort of opinion—for example, there are some things I have an idea about (including Castle season 8), but I felt it was important I personally watch it if I wanted to meaningfully converse about it.
Second, I think there are some moments I do love in season 8! I also know there was at least one episode that I did want to rewatch once seeing it. I'd say if you go into it open-minded (but with reasonable expectations, since it does have its issues), then you might be pleasantly surprised by parts of it 😊
That said, I'd ask what your reasons were for not watching it to begin with (as well as how you feel about season 7, because I feel like that can also be helpful for deciding if you want to watch 8). Because I will say that for me, season 8 was a hard watch since I have an idea of what was going on during that time w/ the cast (and I wasn't even watching the show live!). I also had some major problems with the storyline. Now, I kind of view season 8 as a bonus (meaning I only really acknowledge the parts I like as canon and ignore the existence of the rest 😂) because I think there are some moments I love but also have what I feel are fairly valid issues with other parts (valid meaning I can imagine other ways for the characters to behave that I think are just as plausible).
Anyway, hope that made sense. Feel free to ask/DM/reply if you have any questions/need clarification on any of this!
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implausiblyjosh · 11 months
I made a post a couple days ago about the Quinton Reviews situation. I'm deleting that post.
In that post, I expressed my emotional response and thought process as to why I saw vague posting from Lady Emily and Sarah Z as fucked up, and how it seems like people are vaguely alluding to Quinton being creepy without providing anything other than vibes and a handful of awkward DMs posted publicly on twitter in early 2021. In my mind, here's two people who I have seen with my own eyes have a history of spinning a narrative in bad faith, sometimes in the face of clear contradictory evidence, and one of whom has a negative history with the person in question. Since it was all vague posting, there are no specifics. There was just a pattern of history to go off of, and it looked clearly bad to me. I expressed that sentiment on here, and clarified questions and points people had when the post started getting traction.
Yesterday, Sarah Z saw it and reblogged it to her followers with clarification that her vague post was actually about Colleen Ballinger. Since then, she and others have suggested or demanded that I delete the post because it's misinformation, that I shouldn't have made a call out post for something I didn't have the full picture of, that I should have just asked her what was up, and that I was aiming to make a viral post.
The post was never a call out post. I was, very clearly, expressing frustration at something that was bothering me with public vague posts I was seeing. There was no call to action, I wasn't warning people about anyone, I was simply saying "this shit sucks!" about what I was seeing online. If that's your definition of a call out post... I'm not sure what to tell you.
I also do not really understand the "you should have just asked me" line. Not only because all lines of personal messaging to you were closed off, but why would I try and ask about a vague posting, seemingly vent post, wherein you say it's a red flag to vent to your audience because it leads to bad things. On top of that, I really don't need to reach out for comment, I'm not a journalist. I'm venting frustrations with public vague posts.
I'd also like to say that the angle that I was intentionally trying to make a viral post is silly at best. My initial post had no tags on it, and I cannot control what posts of mine speak to people. I'm also not sure if ~2k notes (at the time Sarah Z brought up the viral angle) is really viral, but I don't think I've ever had a post crack 200 before this weekend. Feel free to correct me on that. Additionally, you reblogged this to your audience instead of messaging me. All my lines of messaging on here are open, and it wouldn't have spread as far if you didn't reblog me.
I do not think my read of the vague posts were out of line. I laid out my reasons to think that Sarah Z is someone who spins a narrative, sometimes in the face of clear contradictory evidence, in her published work. I've also seen a pattern of making digs at him, on top of the posting of the DM from him. I simply do not trust her in this instance, and seeing it all line up just so made it seem like it was a dig at him. And while she's saying that I'm wrong, and that the post wasn't about him, she's still implying he's a creep in that clarifying post. So while she says I'm wrong about the vague post, my "seems like people are calling him a creep based on vibes and awkward DMs" point seemingly still stands.
At the end of the day, I wanted to vent on here about something that was bugging me. I didn't wanna dance around my specific points, so I was specific in what bothered me. I do not think I was as clear as I could have been in what my specific issues were, and for that I'm sorry. If/When I make criticisms in the future I will be sure to be as clear as I possibly can be.
The post is now gone, and I'll leave this pinned on my account for awhile.
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imtrashraccoon · 7 months
This one went a completely different direction than I had originally pictured, but I love how it turned out. Unfortunately, there's only so much lore/headcanons I can naturally implement without it feeling like pure exposition. If you have questions, feel free to send me an ask for clarification!
First Day, Previous Day, & Next Day.
Day 14: Scars
You were helping Papyrus with dinner prep by cutting up some vegetables for him. It had been a long time since you helped anyone cook like this; maybe back before you left for college at your parent's house? Sometimes Frisk had helped you but they were still learning and could only do so much.
Things had seemingly returned to normal after the fight you'd had with Papyrus a few days prior. Well, mostly normal, other than some lingering awkwardness, you were trying your best to stick to what you'd suggested doing. If your relationship was to have any chance of working, you both would need to practice proper communication rather than jumping to conclusions.
"Hey, Precious?" Papyrus asked all of the sudden.
You hummed quietly in acknowledgement and briefly glanced over at him.
Papyrus was focused on searing some beef in a pan but he continued. "Have You Ever Wanted To Be A Parent?"
His question threw you off your rhythm and the knife you'd been using suddenly slipped. With a sharp gasp, you quickly pulled your hand away and dropped the blade on the cutting board.
Papyrus was instantly by your side. "Did You Hurt Yourself?" he asked quickly, although there was a heavy layer of concern in his tone.
Rather than immediately answer him, you moved to the sink and turned the cold water on. After letting your finger sit in the running water for a few seconds, you carefully examined the small cut.
"It's not very deep," you finally concluded. "I'll be alright, I'm sorry if I scared you."
"Are You Sure?" Papyrus slowly moved to stand next to you again and you could feel him studying you.
You chuckled as you put your finger underneath the cold water again. "I'm positive, besides, this is basically just a paper cut. It probably won't even scar."
"You Can Get Scars?"
At first you weren't sure if Papyrus was being serious, but a quick glance at his face, proved that he was still quite concerned which made you feel pretty bad.
"Yes, I can. If anything, I'm more likely to scar than you might be because of how soft human skin is."
Getting an idea, you rolled up your right sleeve until it was up to your elbow, exposing a small but noticeably paler patch of slightly raised skin on your forearm. "See? This is actually the worst one I have but it's not too big."
Papyrus seemed slightly more intrigued and he studied the scar for a moment. "How Did You Get This One?" he asked quietly.
"Ah, well, it's a bit embarrassing actually. I was helping my mom do some canning when I was eleven and found out the hard way how hot steam is. I actually had to go to the hospital since it was so severe, but the scar ended up a lot smaller than it could've been because my mom acted quickly."
Papyrus cautiously ran a finger over the area and glanced up at you. "Does It Hurt Anymore?"
You shook your head, "Nah, but I'll tell you it hurt like hell for a while before it fully healed."
"Skeletons Do Not Experience Burns Like This," he murmured thoughtfully. "We Quite Literally Do Not Have The Skin For It."
"That makes sense. I always wondered how much different you are because you don't have fleshy armour like humans do."
Papyrus grimaced at the thought of flesh armour. "Please Do Not Refer To It Like That..." he muttered.
You laughed and turned off the faucet as the bleeding from your cut had pretty much stopped by now. "Okay, okay, I won't. It isn't inaccurate though, our skin is basically like armour to protect our bodies from germs and the rest of our flesh serves to cushion our bones and internal organs from damage."
"It Is Still Weird. Monsters Do Not Have Nearly As Much Physical Matter As Humans Do," Papyrus said. When you gave him a confused look, he added, "We Are Mostly Made Of Magic And As A Result, Our Bodies React Differently When Harmed."
He took your hand in both of his own and before you could protest, a soft green glow flickered to life in his palms. The minor stinging from the cut was quickly replaced by a warm but tingly sensation. It only lasted a few seconds but when he released his magic again, you discovered that the cut had completely disappeared.
"Woah..." you murmured and tentatively flexed your once injured finger. It was as if you hadn't cut yourself to begin with.
"You can heal injuries?" When Papyrus nodded, you grinned, "That's so cool! I bet it comes in handy with all the fights you and Sans get into."
"It Does, Although I Am One Of Only A Few Monsters Who Are Able To Use Healing Magic. Most Monsters Who Can, Become Doctors So They Can Help Others." He sighed and added, "I Do Not Want To Get Into All The Reasons Why Right Now, Maybe Another Time..."
You nodded and decided to ask a different question instead. "So if you can heal injuries like that so easily, how come you still have scars?"
"Ah, That Is A Slightly Complicated Question To Answer." Papyrus returned to the pan he'd been cooking the beef in earlier while he tried to collect his thoughts.
"Minor Injuries Are Quite Easy To Heal, But I Only Have A Certain Amount Of Magic That I Can Use At A Time Before I Have To Rest. The Scars I Have Are Reminders That I Used To Be Weaker Than I Am Now."
Papyrus motioned to the four inch long scar that went through his right eye socket, "This One Nearly Killed Me."
"That's pretty hardcore," you commented. "My scars aren't nearly that cool. In fact, they're pretty much all from little mistakes I made as a kid."
Papyrus chuckled and gently nuzzled your cheek. "Well Regardless, I Love How Soft You Are, Precious..."
You smiled although you could feel a familiar warmth colour your cheeks as you returned to preparing the vegetables again, his original question apparently forgotten...
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onlyseokmins · 1 year
✨ ᴏɴʟʏꜱᴇᴏᴋᴍɪɴꜱ ᴏɴᴇ ʏᴇᴀʀ ᴄᴇʟᴇʙʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 🥂
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❥ I'm super excited to announce my one year celebration with this blog and combine it with a milestone event! The main goal is to celebrate the writers and fics in the kpop community, so I hope you'll join me in doing so. A gentle reminder that if anyone is interested in doing something like this, please send me a message! I spent a decent amount of time organizing this so it would be appreciated, thank you. And without a further ado - from June 5th to June 19th, you can submit a fic via this form, tell me what you liked about it, and as an optional bonus: receive a headcanon of your choosing written by me! ❤
❥ Please makes sure to thoroughly read the following rules below because a keyword is needed for EVERY proper submission. Don't hesitate to send me a message/ask for clarification, concerns, or anything else! ♡
𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓭𝓸 𝓘 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓮?
⌦ The idea is that you provide a link to a fic, tell me what you liked about it, and I will send it over as an ask to the writer!
⌦ All feedback sent to the writer will be anonymous unless you choose to add your URL to your written feedback. It will not be linked to you even if you choose to be tagged in your headcanon post. So, please feel free to be an avid secret (or not) admirer!
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓲𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝓮?
⌦ You get to brighten a writer's day, let them know you love their fics, and help them feel like their hard work, time, and dedication is worth it! Whether you want to revisit some of your favorite fics/writers and gush over them or have simply been too shy to send any feedback before - I'm happy to provide a fun avenue to celebrate the writers in the community!
⌦ Though it's only optional, you may also submit a headcanon request for me to write. Further details laid out below.
𝓘𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓪 𝓼𝓾𝓫𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓵𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓽?
⌦ You can submit your responses to the form as many times as you want during the event period (June 5th - June 19th). This includes headcanon requests but you must submit a fic link and feedback for each request you send in.
⌦ Please do not abuse the system. Duplicate links/feedback for multiple requests will be deleted! There are a multitude of fics and writers to choose from, so go out and find some great fics! ❤
⌦ There is never a limit to sending writers love. Even after this event ends, consider still doing it on your own! If this is a success, I may also bring it back next year ♡
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓭𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓼𝓾𝓫𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼?
⌦ Though it seems like a lot, it should be laid out in the form clearly and simply. These just serve as clarification/elaboration.
The writer MUST be aged 18+ or older. No exceptions. I will NOT be interacting with any known minors. Thank you.
Likewise, absolutely no minors are allowed to participate. Trusting y'all on this!
Please note if the writer is comfortable with NSFW content. This is just a head's up for me but not mandatory so it's fine if you don't know. I will handle it accordingly via interaction with my SFW writing blog.
All written content within the kpop community is fair game as are any adult writers. However, please note I reserve the right to make my own judgment whether I feel comfortable before engaging with any fics or blogs!
Do not weaponize or put down derogatory remarks. I also reserve the right to decide if the feedback you provide is respectful before sending it.
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼?
Feel free to take a look at my guidelines on what I won't write. Any questions, don't hesitate to send me an ask!
NSFW and SFW headcanons are welcome though any SFW requests will be posted at a later date and can all be found @userseokmins
Similar to the game I did when I first opened this blog, these will be kept short so I can focus on my multitude of WIPs. Completed posts will be no less than ~5 sentences but no more than 1k words.
Posting will be at will without a time frame to avoid me feeling pressured. Please search elsewhere for a writer accepting requests if you want a more reliable timely manner. I'm still working on other requests and WIPs simultaneously!
I reserve the right to not post anything I don't want to. [the keyword, all lowercase, is deekay btw!!]
𝓦𝓱𝔂 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼?
⌦ I've been thinking about this kind of event for a long time. I'm very excited to kick it off. Nothing gives me more joy than giving and sharing some to others!
⌦ I've also been looking to catch up on reading more fics, so please don't feel ashamed to promote yourself!
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onlyseokmins: June 2023 ©
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welcometololaland · 9 months
Howe do you get the characterisation of the characters you write about soo well? Like legit was reading the ring in (again) and that was a huge take away I got. Like “man, this IS Carlos and TK” same with your firstprince fics. What’s your secret? 👀
Hey, anon. This was super nice and very unexpected, so thank you for making my night <3
Truthfully, I can't articulate this well, so I'm sorry if it seems a bit scattered. A lot of my characterisation comes from me scheming up scenes in the shower, literally zoning out and thinking of dialogue as if the characters are being acted out in front of me. I do have some tips that work for me (and I hope are helpful for you!) which I've put below. Please feel free to let me know if you need further clarification!
Also, if anyone else has any tips, feel free to contribute. I'd love to hear them :)
TIP 1: For Lone Star (or any visual media - TV/movies), I'd spend a LOT of time re-watching the scenes, observing character's mannerisms and trying to replicate that in and amongst the dialogue (you don't even want to KNOW how many times I've watched Tarlos compilations - it's sickening). I think a LOT can be achieved with visual cues - for example, TK loves that sassy hand he whips out every now and again - and I'll try and build those things in with my dialogue. THIS IS ALSO WHERE GIF MAKERS ARE SO AMAZING, because GIFs provide snippets of scenes which allow writers to really hone in on a character's micro expressions. Carlos loves to raise an eyebrow, for example. I think these little details can go a long way.
TIP 2: It helps to build in familiar phrases. I love a canon callback (as long as it fits within the scene) and I think they can be super useful in adding extra authenticity. For example, one I used recently was Alex's "cool to see you're not dead or anything." It's a canon line, which can be easily applied to a different context. It just adds that extra flair, because you KNOW that the character would say that. I would just caution you to use them sparingly, so they pack that extra punch.
TIP 3: Read widely in the fandom! I think it helps to get a really good understanding of how characters behave by developing your own sense of what is in character. If you really vibe with how an author is portraying a character, make note of why you feel that way and try and apply it (obviously without plagiarism) in your own way.
TIP 4: Ask for (gentle and constructive) feedback from people you trust, if you feel comfortable enough to do so. I am FOREVER grateful to some of the people I've met in fandom who have been able to guide me with sensing what is/isn't out of character. It doesn't even need to be a full beta read. It could be quite simply: 'hey, do you think X would do this?'. Don't be afraid to reach out! I am so open to helping people with this and I know a lot of other people are too.
TIP 5: This might be a bit weird, but I do this because I am not an American and I write for a lot of American media - I spend a lot of time trying to visualise how a certain character would say something in their accent. It's taken me a long time to learn certain Americanisms and I'm sure I still get a lot of them wrong, but sometimes I literally close my eyes and try and imagine Ronen saying a line I've written, in his accent.
TIP 6: Keep writing the characters!!! The more you do it, the better you will get. I'm even looking back at some writing I did in early 2022 and trying to fix a bit of my characterisation, which just shows how much it has changed even in 1.5 years!
Best of luck and thank you so much for being so kind. I hope these are helpful!
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