#idk if i like this but i like kacchan so here you go
nuppu-nuppu · 2 years
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dekusleftsock · 7 months
I thought everyone was exaggerating when people kept bringing up the whole “bakugou says he’s Kacchan bc of kaminari” thing, but they actually believe that… what?
Literally how do you guys function
It’s such a stretch too. Like “oh yeah he said Kacchan no Bakugou in this movie” ITS NOT EVEN IN THE MANGA HELLO???
The whole reason Kaminari calls Katsuki Kacchan is because he’s making fun of him. It’s poking fun at the fact that Katsuki can’t say anything or get mad at Kaminari because then it would raise the question, “Well why can Midoriya say it?”
He literally side eyes him every time he does it but ultimately doesn’t react because he can’t. He can’t if he wants to keep up the act that he is uninterested in what Izuku represents, who he is.
WHO is present in this battle?
WHO is the person that made eye contact with him the second he woke up?
WHO is the one that grabbed his hand immediately upon Katsuki flinging himself towards them??
I don’t think THEY even believe it either, I think it’s just some way to cope and explain away the fact that this moment is inherently romantic.
Because I don’t think he’s making fun of the name Kacchan, I think he’s wearing it proudly. I don’t think it’s a joke at all. It’s a joke in the disbelieving way—the way you act when you’ve made an enormous accomplishment or won some prize, and you just can’t help but act absolutely insane at the fact. Because it’s funny that you’re here, in this situation. It’s hilarious in that disbelieving way.
Because he’s laughing at the truth, he’s been laughing at nothing this ENTIRE CHAPTER.
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“Ouch! Haha! I’m so fast!”
“I can’t even stop! Ha! Ouch!”
Note: (I’m not using the official translations because for some reason they lack the maniacal crazed laughter and I’m confused as to why?? I even checked with pikahlua and they specified that there was laughing so…. I’m confused.)
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What’s even weirder about this is the fact that afo also says (in pikahlua’s translations) “just who is this brat?!” Instead of “what is wrong with him” which implies less crazed bakugou ness imo. Confused as to why, again.
Because this can’t be happening.
Now, I know it could very well be him teasing afo and calling him dumb, saying basically “you’re too young/old to even know how to pronounce my name, use Kacchan instead like the child you are.” Especially since in the context of names like Katsuki’s, he has that tsu sound that can be hard for children to pronounce. (I’m not 100% on this but I’m pretty sure that the u sound is also meant to be silent since it’s a double consonant. So Katsuki’s name is technically pronounced “Ka-ts-ki”)
That maniacal laughter at the fact that he’s in pain, the disbelief that he may even surpass Izuku, to me it’s holding a double meaning. The meaning that afo is dumb and needs to be treated like the child he is, and the meaning behind the fact that it’s a name Izuku owns for him. That’s his.
It can be both.
It’s not fucking Kaminari. It was never Kaminari. Even if you don’t read it as the second definition it’s still not about Kaminari.
But it’s also undeniable that it has to do with Izuku some way some how.
I also believe that the western side of the fandom is making an extra big deal out of this because, to us, we don’t really have a proper understanding of what a nickname like Kacchan means in its cultural context.
We can TRY to understand, comparing it to endings with ie or y given to children, and then sometimes going with that nickname into adulthood, but it still has its own distinct cultural context. Because a name like “Gracie” over “Grace” does to an extent sound childish, but I have a feeling that -chan has its own childish feeling. There’s a reason none of Katsuki’s other friends in middle school call him Kacchan, and there’s a reason Kaminari decides to make fun of him for the name in the first place.
I just think it’s important to use our thinking brains before we start yapping about things we don’t quite understand yet :)
Like it’s so unbelievably important to understand that horikoshi won’t tell you what’s happening in his story and why, he’ll show you instead BECAUSE HES A GOOD FUCKING WRITER
If it was about Kaminari, he would have specified, but he didn’t. He showed you that Kacchan is Izuku’s nickname for Katsuki, and he showed you that Katsuki cared more about Izuku than he let on for a long time. Just like he showed you that Izuku pushes down his emotions, showed you that Izuku struggles with projection and anger, showed you that Ochako was the one with this crush and not Izuku, and showed you that the feelings he had about Katsuki were deeper than anyone had realized.
He showed you parallels, he specified the important parallels that you absolutely had to see as a viewer (ex toga and ochako), just as he showed you the ones that were more subtle but still there (ex toga and deku). He showed you the pieces, and that doesn’t make his character’s underdeveloped or unspecified, that’s just how writing fucking works. “Good writing” DOESNT MEAN that you have to be pulled along through your baby steps with your hand held, the fact that you don’t get it is on you. Reading comprehension is a learned skill that has to be practiced over and over again, and that is not the writers job. The writer is only supposed to deliver you their story, and however you decide to misconstrue that story is, and hear me out friends, on you.
So I’m sorry if I’m tired of hearing arguments like “toga is a predator and Horikoshi wrote her to be horny”… she’s supposed to represent love. I’m sorry if the representation he made of love was uncomfortable for you, but maybe that’s the point? Because she’s an outcast? Because she’s supposed to be hard to empathize with, but that we have to empathize in the first place?
Arguments like “Katsuki was referencing a joke about Kaminari bc Kaminari said this in this movie” is just about the largest fucking reach I’ve ever seen. And I know, I know that when bkdk eventually get their implied or canonical ending that people are going to be mad. They’ll blame shippers for pressuring him, or they’ll say he’s a bad writer, or they’ll send him homophobic slurs because “how dare the character I see myself in be gay”. And I’m done with the stupidity and lack of common god damn sense.
So if you are going to be upset by the fact that you’re going to be proven wrong, then I again say, it’s on you.
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makeste · 6 months
BnHA Chapter 408: Orphaned Cryptid to Billionaire Supervillain
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi decides he’s going to cover the rest of the AFO/OFA saga in the span of just seven pages, the majority of which are mostly just filled with lovingly detailed closeups of AFO and Kudou’s eyes. Back in the present day, Kid For One takes a couple of seconds to trample the last of the “Kacchan is OFA II or is related to OFA II” theories into the dust, and is then all “fuck it, I’ll just take him out with one last spectacularly grotesque supermove.” Kacchan is all “lol you fucking dipshit”, and he says it with such confidence that it truly makes me believe he can defeat AFO’s “ALL THE QUIRKS EVER!!” attack with his piddly little exploding bloodsweat quirk. AND IT WILL BE A SIGHT TO SEE.
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Yoichi’s name btw is written with the kanji 与 which means “bestow” or “give”, and 一 which means “one.” so basically “one who gives”, which is fitting as the creator of OFA, but also fits in with this new context of being the first “possession” bestowed upon AFO
oh yes and also AFO I guess has just torn his brother to shreds or something too. idk. I’m going to be honest with you guys, this panel has such a surreal vibe that I just sat here blinking stupidly at it and wasn’t even shocked or anything. like what. is he dreaming this?? or did he really just make a “STOP! IN THE NAAAAME OF LOVE” gesture and in doing so remove half of his brother’s jaw
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idk what’s wrong with me today guys. AFO just disintegrated Yoichi, and Kudou and and OFA Tres (who apparently still doesn’t have a name???? freaking Kudou got named before you??) are literally RIGHT THERE and presumably horrified, and all I can think about is how fucking gross it is that they’re all hanging out in a fucking sewer
oh shit y’all it’s about to go down
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he can’t kill Kudou right off the bat can he? does Kudou even know he has OFA yet? are we going to see him transfer it to OFA III? I’m so fucking excited omg
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“weirdly matte” omg. so apparently he’s like All Might, where the “he’s just drawn differently” thing is something people actually acknowledge in-story. “yeah he actually has no pupils. that’s a real thing. technically that should mean he can’t see since pupils are what let light into your eyes, but don’t worry about that part. just know that his eyes canonically look weird to the story people as well, and everyone is creeped out by it, not just you”
yeah he’s actually blind
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so he literally can’t see outside himself. way to lay those metaphors on thick, Horikoshi
(ETA: this is my “just in case my impeccably dry wit doesn’t translate well across the internet” ETA to assure everyone I know he’s not actually blind lol.)
now we’re cutting to some random city where AFO is broodingly staring at Yoichi’s severed hand because he’s perfected the art of always doing incredibly unsettling things
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I cannot believe the fucking hands thing has an actual origin story. of course it does. this man has never done a single hinged thing in his life. it’s all unhinged or bust. am I talking about AFO or Horikoshi? YOU DECIDE
he’s sitting at a table with a bottle of wine holding his dead brother’s embalmed severed limb and thinking about fucking quirk shit
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so your transformation from Orphaned Cryptid to Billionaire Supervillain happened almost completely offscreen huh. I’m kinda disappointed, ngl. I could have read a few more chapters about that. maybe a spinoff miniseries
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are you serious. we finally get a panel that’s INCREDIBLY RELEVANT to pretty much ALL OF MY BNHA THEORIES, only for that same panel to contradict itself ONE SPEECH BUBBLE LATER?? so what is the truth???
omg omg omg
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so many fucking questions, omg. what the hell does “through research” even mean. how did he confirm Yoichi’s quirklessness, and why did he later change his mind? how the fuck can Yoichi have a quirk factor and yet not have an actual quirk. “it was just so weak it didn’t count or something I guess” okay??? how much of this is unreliable narrator vs. the word of god? how is it we’re getting so many answers and yet all I have is more fucking questions you guys
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Kudou is so goddamned hot. I hope you washed the hell out of that arm wound after getting it all covered in sewage you stupid sexy man
I can’t get over Three’s name. “idk if anyone noticed, but it’s kind of a subtle homage to another very famous superhero” Horikoshi your nap wasn’t long enough, please go home
also love how Bruce is talking shit about OFA being a puny loser quirk for wimps. how the fuck do they even know what’s going on, anyway? was there a tutorial???
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oh you just had a feeling huh??? that it was “something like this”, huh??? how is it that I, who knows all about OFA because I’m from the future and have read 408 chapters of this nonsense, am somehow still less in the know than this handsome clown who doesn’t know shit but just “had a feeling”
(ETA: while editing this post I noted that Bruce is sitting in front of a computer in what seems to be some sort of medical lab, so maybe they ran some tests or something? except that only makes me more confused, because it implies they didn’t actually figure out OFA’s workings via convenient plot instincts. so then how the fuck did they figure out the transfer process?? questions)
meanwhile AFO is sitting in the panel next to him whining about how someone stole Yoichi’s quirk. excuse you. he did not steal it. it was in fact a gift
these flashbacks are all jumbled up and it’s unexpectedly fun to read, but also really chaotic
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I guess he’s talking to Kudou on the right and AFO on the left
so many intense closeups of eyes in this chapter oh my goodness
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Horikoshi even drew the individual goddamn eyelashes. this looks like the margins of someone’s notebook from when they were really bored in middle school
oh my god the information overload!!!
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so much for AFO actually feeling emotions lol. or is he just lying to himself about why he cried. that delicious ambiguity
so we don’t even get a flashback explaining how the transfer actually happened?? to either Kudou OR my beloved Bruce?? goddamn you Horikoshi. omg I would seriously kill for more of this. make a movie about it. I want the OFA origin story prequel movie damn it
I like how AFO just sits there on a throne holding court with a single tiki torch beside him for aesthetic reasons
I can’t quite figure out how he killed Banjou and I’m not sure I really want to know. it looks very violent
friendly reminder that Shinomori is Sir Not Appearing In This Flashback because he’s the only OFA user who died of natural causes! good for you Shinomori. En probably wishes he was more like you
poor En
was Nana just taking a stroll or something one day and stumbled across this epic fight with the evilest man on the planet vs some kid in a trenchcoat, and then the poor kid got bisected and he looked at her and he was all “please eat my hair” and she was just like “ok”?
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what a transition omg
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you know, part of me always wondered how All Might was so certain he’d killed AFO that he apparently never bothered to confirm it. but looking at this panel now, I can understand
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he’s sweating so much. like “okay yeah he punched the top of his face off, this is pretty bad but I’LL DO MY BEST”
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so let’s recap. over on Kacchan’s side we have “GOTTA USE THE PAIN TO WIN!!!” haha ouch. and then over here on KFO’s side we have. whatever the fuck we just experienced over these past two chapters. so basically it’s a battle between the two most deranged characters in the entire series. glorious sweet chaos
DSFJKSLDKGJL he’s now trying to figure out how the fuck they look so much alike and whether they’re actually related
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“no, that can’t be it. so then maybe... this kid grows up and then somehow travels back in time...?!” HE’S JUST LIKE US FR
so now he’s saying it’s because Kacchan didn’t have character development yet the last time, but now that he does his eyes are all Full Of Determination just like Kudou’s and so we’ve basically come full circle!
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transcended WHAT? :O :D :D omg I’m kidding you guys please don’t hurt me
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actually the more we learn about Kudou the less I personally see the resemblance now lol. because Kudou seems so calm and collected, but Kacchan is just... [gestures to literally everything about Kacchan]
so AFO’s trying to strategize, but he can’t warp Kacchan away because the only available targets are too close and he’s still got that SUPERSPEED, BOYO so it wouldn’t make a difference. lol but if you kept doing it repeatedly it might be kind of funny though
and he can’t keep fighting him either because he’s getting his ass whooped and it’s speeding up his de-aging or whatever. well you could just give up then I guess. your call, AFO
oh was that your plan?
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spoiler alert for me lol. but it’s not exactly shocking or anything since he’s dying, guess he wants to abandon ship
(ETA: just FYI for anyone reading this who’s not familiar with my dumbassery, I have currently only read chapters 1 through 374 at this point in time, before skipping ahead to 403 because Kacchan came back and I lost all willpower. I am working on catching up with the rest!)
oh so now you did come up with a strategy?
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lmao what the FUCK
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how much of this is going to be clearer to me once I finish the chapters that I missed, and how much of it is just plain old “nope this is all brand new zero-context BnHA bullshit” lol. this looks like every single quirk AFO ever absorbed combined into one gigantic horrifying blob that forced Horikoshi to take an extra week just to draw it
oh my god!?
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Kacchan hovering there bravely facing all this is giving me Gandalf “you shall not pass” vibes and I’m LIVING FOR IT
so either AFO is going to kill Kacchan for the second time right here and now, or he’s going to fail and turn back into a squishy evil baby fdslfjkls
love how All Might is all “DODGE IT YOUNG BAKUGOU!” thanks for the warning, champ. doing his part
more exploding bloodsweat closeups. are these just going to be a mainstay of Kacchan fights from now on
“are you stupid?”, when faced with [gestures to the entirety of the previous page], is possibly the best line ever uttered by anyone in the series. even better than the polite “coming through” uttered only seconds before it
ah man. you love to see it. he literally doesn’t even care. HE ALREADY DIED ONCE TODAY, AND IT CLUED HIM IN TO THE FACT THAT HE’S A MAIN CHARACTER AND ACTUALLY IMMUNE TO DEATH. sorry AFO it’s curtains for you. CURTAINS
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katsukidynam1ght · 2 years
something i think is really funny about me compared to everyone else i know in this fandom:
i have always liked katsuki bakugou.
day one, episode one, april 2022 and i hate anime more than anything else in the world, sitting at my desk with my laptop dimmed in a pitch-black bedroom. the show starts. “why are you being so mean? you’re making him cry, kacchan!”
and then this brat of a boy pops up on screen, and he looks menacing as hell and his little fists are sparking and i’m sitting there going “yeah, he’s gonna be one hell of a little bastard.”
and i loved that about him!
i think it’s funny that so many people watch the first season and go “man i hate bakugou” and then either decide to hate him forever or they stop hating him once they see his progress.
but i never had that phase of “oh look this kid’s a fucking bully and i hate him”. it was always just “man, he’s a little shit! i love it!”
and i wonder why i had that reaction compared to seemingly everyone else in the fandom who hated him at first.
and it’s not because i didn’t like deku! i loved deku, too! he was a little nerd and he was so observant and smart and eager! and baby deku watching that video of all might, man, talk about cute.
maybe it’s because i knew from the beginning that neither of them were the bad guy in the story. for all my skill at writing, i really don’t know much about character elements — protagonist, antagonist sure, but when you get into the nitty-gritty (what’s a deuteragonist? no clue), i get lost. but i didn’t need to know any of that to look at that first episode and go, “yeah, neither of them are the villain in this story.” because man, idk about the rest of you but it’s glaringly obvious from day one. bakugou might’ve been a bully, but he wasn’t a bad guy.
or maybe it’s because i understood bakugou from the beginning and i didn’t need any of his backstory to know why he was like that. could be either.
i dunno. but anyways. did you guys like bakugou at first or are you part of the “hated him when i first saw it/before i understood him but i like him now” crowd?
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shxugx · 7 months
my theory academia
also known as “what i wrote in my notes app to explain my mha theories to my wife, who knows the bare minimum of mha lore”
* manga spoilers ahead *
SO i begin with Red Shoe TheoryTM
Red Shoe Theory is basically the idea that Izuku’s trademark red shoes are a specific brand made for quirkless people.
The doctor in episode one explains that quirkless people are biologically different than quirked people. one of the differences is they have a second toe joint in their toes. a very specific and odd thing to include, but go off i guess
then we see izuku’s ugly ass (affectionate) red shoes. he wears the same damn shoes since he was a kid to literally current day. no one else in the series has this type of shoe and he wears them with everything.
theory is basically bc of the toe joint, they have to wear specific shoes to accommodate.
now: this is kinda a dumb theory by itself. however, i lied when i said only one character in the series wears them.
there is two.
introducing the Shigaraki was Quirkless theory.
HandJob McGee is the only other character that wears these red ass shoes. but they’re not just red. they’re fucking identical to izuku’s. again, not super compelling at first.
until you take in account the UA traitor, Aoyama Yuuga.
he was quirkless. his parents, rich and stupid, asked AFO to give him a quirk. he gives him Naval Laser and now basically has his family enslaved and forces him to be the traitor.
something odd about aoyama’s quirk (besides that is fucking stupid) is that it hurts him. not in a “worked out too much” way but in a “can barely use it” way. he gets better with training but he can barely handle using it for a few seconds without being in pain and he is RELIANT on support gear, something people with quirks are taught not to rely on as it is a handicap in case their gear is destroyed. he has no choice and has to wear it because otherwise the fuckin bitch leaks n shit
there are two other characters who’s quirks hurt them like this. izuku and his liquified bones, who we also know was quirkless
and shiggy.
all the characters we have seen that have toxic quirks have a natural immunity or defense against it to protect them (IE: kacchan and fire, mina and acid etc)
however, shigaraki is literally flaking away. we also know that he was originally Tenko shimura and had black hair and black eyes. now tho, he has white hair and red eyes and his skin is so dry he scratches constantly.
his quirk is decay.
his body is slowly decaying itself as a reaction to the quirk because it’s not supposed to be there. he’s basically turning albino.
now. this i feel like is too obvious to not be canon but *shrugs*
AFO manipulated and groomed baby Tenko bc he’s a petty ass bitch
AFO forced decay onto bb tenko, causing him to accidentally kill his family, and be the one to find him after to “save him”, and it was planned every step of the way.
So this is easier just to go in order of tragic events.
Yoichi Shigaraki, first user of One for All, brother of All For One, so obviously All For One is a shigaraki.
Nana Shimura. Seventh user of one for all and All Might’s beloved mentor.
All Might, who is still alive and who AFO hates.
Nana Shimura. Also known as Tenko Shimura’s grandmother.
nana is dead. bc afo fucking killed her.
all might is not dead and is proving to be afo’s biggest asshole to date.
all might continues to be heartbroken about nana’s death to current day. it’s no secret how important she was to him.
afo, an immortal petty bitch, thinks hmm how can i make all might suffer the most.
oh i know.
finds her quirkless grandson and says “hey lil boy i can give you a quirk! :D”
tenko, 4 and stupid, “omg really!! :D”
afo, *gives tenko a super fucking destructive quirk*
*sends him home*
(note: he could have also have it to him without tenko knowing it happened idk. the details are flexible but the main point it the important thing here)
tenko, fucking accidentally kills his entire family bc how was he supposed to know better.
afo, is immortal and rich so has people watching to make sure no one gets close to the boy and he swoops in to “save him”
proceeds to groom him and traumatize him by making him wear his fucking dead family’s hands on his body to constantly remind him he is a killer and evil and afo will be the only one to be kind and care about him
afo brainwashes tenko into forgetting what happened and who he used to be (through grooming, gaslighting, etc) and now he only knows himself as tomura shigaraki.
plans to make him basically the successor to afo and be what kills one for all/ all might is sick poetic fuckery of all might being killed by his mentors grandson.
(also adds a reason as to why nana is the only female user. to show that she is important to the story beyond just being a past user/mentor)
now this next theory has less of a hold bc of lack of evidence but i personally head canon it to be true.
Dad for One
basically. midoriya izuku’s dad, midoriya hisashi is actually AFO.
he left when izuku was diagnosed as quirkless which could be considered hypocritical considering he sought out tenko but i think afo is a dramatic bitch and wanted to fuck with all might but ALSO
tenko is older than izuku by at least a few years, so he would have already had that plan in motion and may have stuck around just to see if izuku developed a quirk worth stealing or not and decided he wasn’t worth it. or could have also just not been able to get away with using him bc of inko and the bakugous. or a little of all that idk. (i GUESS it’s possible that he also actually did care about izuku and didn’t want to hurt him but i meeeannnnn idk man i wasn’t there)
* horikoshi has confirmed that izuku’s dad would be revealed before the end of the series and we kinda don’t have many options left here (at least i saw something that said that at one point, could be bs but STILL his dad is one of the last mysteries of the show)
* afo’s fuckin face is destroyed so we can’t see any resemblance BUT Yoichi looks INCREDIBLY similar to izuku
* it honestly makes the story super fucking interesting?? like izuku is the son of afo, born quirkless, given the quirk one for all by all might, all might basically becomes dad might, and izuku is the one to take his father down with the help of the previous users (including his uncle yoichi) in an incredible poetic justice loose end tying satisfying ass ending
i also wanna add that the Dabi is Touya Todoroki theory being canon gives credibility that this story has a thing for the family drama plot line and why wouldn’t they use it in the main characters storyline?
in conclusion, i held my wife hostage for a solid hour and a half to explain these to her, not dissimilar to this meme;
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and i wanted to share it bc i worked too hard on it to just delete the note lmfao
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kewltie · 7 months
quirkless!izuku works as a clerk by day, but by night his hobby is being a video essayist specializes in deconstruction of quirks, heroes and villains. his most viral vid is claiming no.1 hero, the powerhouse and symbol of victory, dynamight is made for the girlies and queers.
the dynamight branding is this strong, caustic hero who can pulverized villains and keep you safe. you never have to fear when dynamight is here, yet deku said dynamight shouldnt be boxed into a persona, he's not just a symbol, he's a person who should he allowed to be soft too.
it started when someone caught the moment of dynamight crying over the lifeless body of a civilian. it quickly became a heated topic bc the no.1 hero cant show such weakness. HE'S SUPPOSED TO THEIR STRENGTH if a hero can breakdown like that what kind of msg it'll send to the rest. ofc there are defenders, who argue heroes are humans too so such show of vulnerability is part of it but dynamight's reputation as this harden, unflinching hero with large stature and footprints feed into this belief that strength comes from the power and abilities you wield.
it's hard to fight public image so deku did over an hour vid deconstructing the commission's propaganda and ripped the mask off bc before katsuki was dynamight, he was a boy izuku known as kacchan and kacchan deserves to be treated with kindness and empathy; let him be soft.
idk what happened next but i like to think izuku's (controversial) vid gets around to katsuki eventually and katsuki recognizes it right away bc he knows that voice, HE KNOWS how izuku can still speaks with such compassion for someone he havent been in contact for over 10yrs. it's the way he never had a chance to apologized for their past, for the pain he had caused, yet izuku here is his loudest defender, begging the world to treat katsuki kindly in the way he bitterly thinks how izuku should have been treated in the past by the world, BY KATSUKI.
bkdk's path diverged after jr high, so they never had a chance to reconcile. katsuki is aware that he didnt try hard to find izuku either but neither forget the other; izuku is the embodiment of katsuki's guilt and he has every right to hate him, but here izuku is DEFENDING HIM. this is the way they finally reconnect, katsuki making all the effort to apologize, to try to be involve in izuku's life which leaves izuku all confused bc he's like why the no.1 hero keep dropping by my store lol and like dragging him to meet his friends and other notable heroes omfg.
izuku at first think maybe this is katsuki way of like thanking him for making that vid about dynamight. he insists that katsuki doesnt have to go that far, like izuku was just doing what he thought was right, that katsuki deserves to be treated like any other human, to cry etc. katsuki is kinda annoyed bc izuku is an oblivious dumbass but izuku has this mentality that he's boring, normal and unimportant and katsuki is THE DYNAMIGHT. katsuki is like oh now you're treating me like im a god and izuku is like embarrassed bc he just thinks katsuki is amazing.
izuku doesnt think he's worthy of like even have romantic intention with the no.1 hero while the no.1 hero stumbling over to impress this completely, ordinary convenience store clerk whom katsuki thinks doesnt need a quirk or cape to save ppl. certainly, izuku had saved him.
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And Yet More Random Fanfic Quotes!
: )
IcyThotPainRelief: Remember Zuku murder is illegal
Izuwu: Ur one to talk!
IcyThotPainRelief: Look if im not allowed to ruin my reputation neither are u! we either go down together or not at all bitch!
Mom-o: Hagakura! That is highly inappropriate! Even if he does sound like an unsavory individual, we still don’t know how Midoriya feels about the whole situation! So, it’s best not to assume his feelings on the subject.
Izuwu: Well he’s dead to me so technically u guys arnt wrong the bastered can rot in hell for all the heart ach he gave my mom!
Mom-o: Oh okay, carry on you guys.
SharkBoi: Am i gunna need to bail my boyfriend out of jail?
WeepingDarkness669: Thats only if he gets caught
Pikachu: Bold of u to assume our dear Kacchan knows anything about keeping things lowkey when it comes to acts of violence
Tired™: Dont be dragging me into u guys is shit! I was a happy little introvert chilling on my own until u guys showed up!
IcyThotPainRelief: U should of thought of that before spilling ur entire traumatic backstory within a 5 mile radius of Izuku “I will save people with the power of friendship” Midoriya
Izuwu: So as auntie Mitsuki is beating my dead-beat dad with her shoe and guess who decided to show up out ow fuckin nowhere?
Pikachu: The pizza delivery guy?
WeepingDarkness: Death itself?
DisneyPrincess: The cops?
AlienQween: *gestured with feeling* Aliens?
SugarDaddy: The League of Villains?
Hentai: Jesus fucking chist guys…
Izuwu: ALL MIGHT!!!
Izuwu: With like?? a bouquet of flowers?? and in a blazer?? Cuz like apparently hes going out with my mom??
IcyThotPainRelief: I FUSKING KNWE IT!!!
Izuwu: Still not his secret love child Sho!
Izuwu: So anyways All Might is there and is all like “what’s going on” and Kacchan goes “we’re beating up Deku’s shitty dad” then All Might said “wait he’s alive??”
DefyingGravity: Deku’s useless Y chromosome user: quit telling everyone im dead!
DefyingGravity: Us: sometimes i can still hear his voice
Izuwu: Auntie finally stops beating up my father because she too is really surprised to see All Might at our door step which now allows my sperm doner to finally be aware of his surroundings and he looks up at All Might and goes “who the hell are u and what do u want?” and then All Might looks this man dead in the eye and fuking goes “Im here to pick up ur wife we have dinner reservations!”
Saaanic: We are and it is my job to tell you that your entire existence is being held together by sticky tape, a lot of prayer, and spite.
WAKEMEUPwakemeupinside: you ever think about how we define sandwichs by the inside of them not the outside
WAKEMEUPwakemeupinside: like you never say “oh i gotta wheat bread sandwich”
“You’re worth a hundred of them,” Todoroki said shortly.
“I disagree,” Iida said dryly. “A hundred of any of them would make poor company.”
LabSafety101: she’s surprisingly subdued rn, I actually convinced her to take a nap
Dadzawa: that’s because she worked for 72 hours straight with minimal caffeine
LabSafety101: hey chiyo
GrannyChiyo: if she’s already asleep I can’t do anything
LabSafety101: yeah but can you make sure she’s not about to die in her sleep
Yamadad: the boys made sure she ate, dw
LabSafety101: was it healthy?
Yamadad: idk but it was food!
UncleGun: I know for a fact that basically every kid in school at least knows half the common swear words
UncleGun: but it’s also really fun to say “dagnabbit”
“Alright. I didn’t ask you to get your hero costumes because today you will all be fighting Shinsou.”
The whole class raised their eyebrows. Shinsou tried his hardest not to scream inside though.
Because, what the fuck?
“Uh, sir. That doesn’t seem very fair,” Momo spoke up.
“Yes I know.” Aizawa nodded, “Also, none of you are allowed to use your quirks. Except him, obviously.”
“Why!” Bakugou shouted, “I wanna beat him nice and fair!”
Aizawa was not fazed. “You all know how Shinsou’s quirk works. Once you respond to him, he can make you do anything. That is all. Is that too hard for you?”
The class frowned. Was that a trick question?
Aizawa nodded, and made to sit down. Shinsou stopped him, speaking quietly, “I… I think you’re overestimating my power, here.”
Aizawa just scoffed, “I think you’re underestimating their stupidity.”
After five minutes, there were only three students in front of him. Kouda, because he didn’t talk anyway, Ojirou, because he had actually learned his lesson at the sports festival, and Sero, who had literally taped his mouth shut.
Aizawa walked towards them and stood next to Shinsou. The ones at the wall, looked at him in varying degrees, of shame and disbelief.
The teacher sighed, “All you had to do was not talk.” He shook his head at them, “That’s all you had to do.”
Pro Hero Hawks: So you’ll get to meet all kinds of heroes! Maybe even All Might!
Pro Hero Hawks: Yes, this is naked bribery.
“Young Midoriya is quite the hero fan, isn’t he?”
“He’s not just a fan, Yagi-san, he’s not just an air conditioner either: Midoriya-kun is an entire HVAC system.”
“Gentlemen, I am here, with some brand new handcuffs! Who would like to try them on first?”
Izuku, despite his professionalism as an analyst, despite his commitment to be a hero, still found that teenage urge to throw his head back and groan at the prospect of something that could be seen as a boring, pointless task. He fought the feeling down, self-control pinning it to the ground and discipline clubbing it with a half-brick in a sock before dragging it back into the depths of his mind, and then assumed a low stance.
Mirko’s kicks were well known for breaking bones.
Coincidentally, high schoolers tended to have bones.
17 notes · View notes
renenene · 13 days
Author’s notes at the end :) first fanfic!! Yippee!!
I’m Sorry for You
4.2k words
The title is a song lyric from “ILYIS pt 2” by Mel Bryant & the Mercy Makers
Things I’d put if I ever posted to ao3 !!
Many POC and LGBTQ+ headcanons among other things, quirk shenanigans, angst but not too bad ig, POV switching, Bakugo Katsuki swears a lot, Class 2-A, Sero speaks Spanish (yell at me if it’s wrong I’ll probably have my friend translating), Bakugo Katsuki likes to learn languages to fuck with Deku, Bakugo Katsuki natural talent frfr, PTSD for all, post war arc except I stopped watching after s5 and know everything mostly by fandom and friends ranting at me but I’m reading the manga currently, everybody lives/nobody dies, except AFO, we’re getting creative with the Bakugo nicknames, Bakugo in therapy, dekusquad are the real menaces, hero internships, the new class 1-A maybe, smoking weed/weed mentions, panic attacks, dissociation, let Deku stop being an innocent baby, let Deku be a teenager, let Katsuki be a dork, I believe in class 2-A having lives and real trauma responses ☝️
Class 2-A, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Eijiro Kirishima, Sero Hanta, Shouto Todoroki, Himiko Toga, Cammie, original OCs probably as background characters idk
Midoriya Izuku/Bakugo Katsuki, past Midoriya Izuku/Ochako Uraraka, background Mina Ashido/Cammie subplot, Ochako Uraraka/Himiko Toga subplot, minor Mirko/Shigaraki, minor Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto subplot, Platonic Ochako Uraraka/Katsuki Bakugo, minor Kyoka Jiro/Yaoyorozu Momo subplot
Blurb ig??
Katsuki Bakugo has cheated death nearly three times at this point. Sludge incident, Kamino incident, the goddamn war. He doesn’t gamble with his life or anything. Villains just seem to love him. If it were up to Katsuki, his life would never be played with.
That's gonna change real quick, though. You’d be crazy to think he’ll accept that after so much goddamn struggle in so little time, it’s Izuku’s ass that’s the only thing pumping his heart. Katsuki is cool with Izuku. He even trusts him. Still, if Katsuki can’t control anything, he needs to at least be able to control his own self.
Yeah, Katsuki’ll cheat death again. Fourth time’s the charm.
Chapter 1 ——————————————
4:48 AM, Friday / Katsuki Bakugo
The sun isn’t up yet, thank God. There’ll be no first year, dumbfuck extras to ogle me on my morning run. I can enjoy my quiet peace — even if the weather is getting a bit too cold for my liking.
Already, I’ve got a tracksuit on in seconds and I’m making record time. If I can get my hair down without problems, then I might be able to sneak some time at the gym. All that’s left is to fix my hair.
My drawer comes open with a roll. My hair clips are usually at the forefront. Usually. I put them at the front every night. I damn sure know where I put my shit.
Where the fuck are my clips?
8:21 AM / Izuku Midoriya
The days were long. The days were hard. And this day in particular was filled with— BOOM! There’s that same crackling noise everyone is all too familiar with by now. You’d think things would change after a year.
But no.
This is worse than usual.
Much, much worse.
Whoops and cheers arise, shouting “Go! Go! Catch ‘im!” A chopping hand makes its best attempt at distracting the instigating crowd, but only succeeds for half a second before the eyes are glued back onto the affair like a brand new fridge magnet.
“Encouraging violent behavior is not heroic cond— Bakugo-San!” Our beloved but prickly class president yelps as an almost impressively minute AP shot goes whizzing over his perfectly styled head. “No quirks in the classroom!”
“It ain’t a classroom until hygenically-challenged-Sensei gets here!” Kacchan sneers his usual sneer as he readies his hand to flick. “Until that infestation of a man wiggles his way in this room, this place is my battlefield. And just like the war— I ain’t losin’!”
“Badmouthing our sensei after he—“
“Take a joke, glasses,” Kaminari leans into the stickler’s side, purring. “Kacchan respects Aizawa-Sensei probably the most out of all of— FUCK!!”
Kacchan’s hand sizzles just the slightest bit from recoil from the shot that narrowly missed Kaminari’s ear. “That’s for making me sound all soft.”
“Kacchan, he was defending y—“
“You better pray there’s someone to defend your ass.” The blond swivels around with the quickness of a top-of-his-class war veteran, which he is, but no one would say to his face lest his head get somehow even bigger.
I gulp. This commotion has been going on all morning. Everyone knows Kacchan isn’t really going to hurt anyone but… he looks like he’s fighting urges.
Sero sits up ever so slowly. His eyes are bloodshot like he’s done a pretty amount of weed before classes, and he probably has. For God’s sake, it’s barely eight in the morning. UA is definitely a stressful place to be, but soon-to-be heroes shouldn’t be doing drugs.
Another small AP shot sounds, and I glow the slightest bit green to dodge it, landing star-shaped like a startled cat in the upper right corner of the back of the mangled classroom. The place looks like a tornado tore through it with the way the desks are all skewed. Some were moved so my classmates could watch the entertainment, chewing on snide comments and muffled giggles as toppings to Yaomomo’s popcorn. It’s like a tiny gladiator fight is going on, and the lion has eaten my sword.
A gladiator fight that Kacchan still won’t win. It’s only because he’s not able to go one hundred percent with this whack a mole stuff ‘cause he’ll mess up the room. However, fucking around is the only way he’ll ever find out how to land a hit on me.
“What did he even do?” Sero drawls, pointing his exasperation at a snarling Kacchan, palms popping with learned restraint. And oh, that restraint is going through a popping pop quiz of a test right now.
He has no clips in his hair. As of late, he had his hair clipped down over his eye like some 2000s emo, minus the scene extensions.
“I don’t have to tell a shitty extra jack shit,” he growls out, a menacing smile turning menacing scowl. It was an expected reaction, really. He always bristles when people get all in his business. And yet, class 2-A is nothing if not always in all his business, if you couldn’t tell by even the most outwardly innocent and responsible eyes being on the commotion as well.
Sero stalks closer with a yawn, a few paces behind him. He's not a step in front, still, out of habit I suppose. Kacchan has eased up a lot with the war. War seems to mature people, everyone here, really. But during his moments of irrational rage, his little aspects of tyranny bubble up like a bad reaction. The reaction he gives Sero, a fast side eye, seems like that sort of steaming an almost boiling pot of water will do before it erupts, leaking water into the ready and waiting flame beneath it.
“You don’t have to tell me ‘jack shit’, sure.” Sero shrugs, most likely unaware that his life is in jeopardy because of the weed in his system. An angry Kacchan is a prickly Kacchan. As much as Sero needs to diffuse the situation for his poor, poor beauty sleep before class, he also shouldn’t want to be put to rest for good. I personally want all my friends graduating without any tombstones for us to plant. “But,” Sero continues, drawling again just so Kacchan can at least focus his annoyance away from me and towards Sero, “we always figure out what dumbass—“
“Language,” Iida peeps out, a low volume I didn’t know his voice was capable of reaching.
“—what stupid thing you fight Midoriya for. Eventually, anyway. So just speed the process already.”
A slow hand turns to aim, palm up and popping, right at his temple.
“‘You tryna call me a dumbass?”
From the corner of my eye, I catch a mesmerized Uraraka pat Iida for him to lean back. A calm, or at least calm looking Kacchan, is the worst Kacchan of them all.
Over the years there were grumpy Kacchan’s, raging Kacchan’s, stressed Kacchan’s, exhausted Kacchan’s, Kacchan’s in denial— when was he not?— and right now, a calm, almost crazed Kacchan. Of all the Kacchan’s our class seemed to learn how to wiggle our way into the graces of tolerance he had stowed beyond a seemingly less and less penetrable fortress as the days blended, calm Kacchan’s grace looked to lie in another plane of existence.
For, this is a Kacchan that smiled. Easy and small and uncanny. He may make many threats, but it’s been years since he’s looked so genuinely murderous.
“What I’m tryna do is keep you from getting detention for the third time this month. You’re on a weekly basis at this point.”
It’s almost a relief to see Kacchan stop smiling, but that threatening hand moves not one inch down.
“Who told you to care? Hah? Is your name glasses now? Or ponytail? Nah, you’re tape face. So stay in your lane and quit worryin’, jackass.” The two others in question bristle at their mention, but otherwise make no other reaction. Sero’s reaction, however, is to raise a brow.
“So they’re allowed to worry?”
“No, you— what!?— They’re not allowed to worry,” he grits out. “It’s what they do, and it’s what you don’t.”
This is when Mina pipes up, chief instigator of the onlookers. “Mido-Chan—“ she points frantically to the door— “is gone!”
Her impish grin almost grows past her cheeks at the same time that Kacchan’s explosions pop dangerously close to Sero’s face.
Luckily, that’s when Aizawa-Sensei literally rolls in and suddenly the desks are put together by the time he’s upright. Noticeably still in that horrendous banana yellow caterpillar sack, but upright nonetheless.
“Will someone tell me why Midoriya-San was full cowling down the hall?” He drones, already too done to even fathom the possible answers.
A hand shoots up, and it’s no surprise that it’s Iida’s.
“Bakugo-San and Midoriya were having a bit of a scuffle—“
“Again?” He interrupts, just annoyed at the common occurrence at this point.
“Yes, sensei.”
“That’s the third time this month.” Kacchan sucks his teeth at the remark. “Earphone Jack, Creati.” The bloodshot, dried eyes of the insomniac glance between the two in question. “You both work well together. Find the problem child before the bell rings. If you can do that, I’ll give an extra 5 credits to your participation grade for today. However, lost time won’t be made up. Rendezvous with your friends. Heroes don’t have time to ‘make up’ their missions.”
Yaomomo is the first to raise her hand, face scrunched in objection. “Sensei—“
“Unfortunately for whatever you have to say, heroes are not able to decline calls to action if they’re able, either. Imagine a mother’s child dying because you dawdled.”
Him and finding the oddest times to give some strangely amazing advice. He’s not wrong, but he’s definitely twisting the system so he doesn’t have to go searching himself. The man is on a prosthetic leg though.
It’s not until thirty minutes later the three of us return, heaving a stick, leaf, and splinter ladled me by my shoulders.
“S-sorry, sensei.” I bow my head, nervously smiling. By the quiver of my lip, any other person might’ve thought I was about to laugh. But this is class 2-A. They know I’m on the verge of tears with anxiety.
Aizawa-Sensei does nothing but pinch his nose bridge and groan. “Just sit.”
And this class begins, Bakugo sending the occasional calculated glance at Midoriya.
12:13 PM / Katsuki Bakugo
“Dude! You freaked! I mean— more than usual! Like— this was going crazy! It was entertaining as hell—“
“You almost got your ear exploded off,” Sero interrupts the honey haired boy with a small snicker.
“You did too! And well, yeah, that wasn’t entertaining.” He deflates at the memory but perks right up when he gets back to storytelling. Y’know, as if they were not literally there.
Kaminari blabbers on and on, throwing in the odd joke or two about how Izuku slipped away like the fucking Pink Panther with the way he tip toed. Like I was one of those red light laser systems, poised to go off at any moment if you only breathed in the wrong way.
Of course I fucking would. That asshole knows what he’s got comin’, going through my shit. He shouldn’t be so damn surprised I was ready to leave him in tatters. I would disintegrate him with my eyes if I could. The ones that were currently downcast and staring into nothing.
Kirishima leans forward a little from his side of the lunch table, across from me, to tap the space in my view. It’s one quick tap. He knows it’ll get my attention ‘cause I hate it when people do it. It’s as if they’re treating me like a dog, tapping in front of me. Makes me wanna bite their finger off and show them a real bitch. Still, the tap is light enough that the others continue to be too deep in gossip land to notice whatever we’re about to say.
“You good?”
My airhead expression falls right back into a scowl.
“I’m as good as someone with detention can be.” I’d punch his highlighter head if I didn’t like him so much. Tolerated him more than others, at least.
“How long’s it this time?”
“An hour after school. ‘Said I gotta watch Eri ‘cause he knows I hate it.”
“What else?”
I narrow my eyes, leaning closer to Kirishima. “What’s it to you?” The fucker doesn’t pry, thank God. Why’s he doing it now?
“I’m worried.” He shrugs as if it’s normal. “You keep getting in detention.”
My narrowed eyes go to slits by the time I'm finished blinking. “Yeah, well, it’s my business if I do. Not any of yours.”
He only folds his arms and leans back, scoffing. “It’s plenty my business, dear ol’ Kats—“
“Quit calling me that, Jaws,” I grit out. He knows I hate that dumbass nickname. For one—it’s way too cutesy for my liking. ‘Kats’. I don’t have fucking paws. I am not a cat. And if I were, I’d scratch your face and vomit on you before you can say “Kah”.
Nonetheless, he continues. “You’re my friend. I don’t surround myself with people who aren’t manly, and people who aren’t manly go to detention.”
“‘You callin’ me a loser?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“People who aren’t manly are losers to you, stoplight. I ask again: ‘You callin’ me a loser?”
“The point is stop going to detention.” I roll my eyes. Okay, so he’s calling me a loser. Maybe going to detention isn’t very cool.
“And I don’t mean skipping, just in case you get ideas— even though I know you wouldn’t,” he says, for no reason, might I add. I wouldn’t skip classes unless there was a literal life threatening situation.
“Now, here’s your cookie.” He stuffs a spicy, sweet wafer in my mouth, watching with content as I shift from getting ready to blow his head off to being pacified by the combo of flavors.
Todoroki whisks by at that convenient moment, holding a book open. He looks so similar to Izuku, furiously taking notes once he sees even the slightest noteworthy thing. He’s even got his tongue stuck out to the side as Izuku usually does. Speaking of, what the hell noteworthy thing am I doing right now? “That cookie looks good.” And there goes my answer.
“The recipe’s homemade!” Kirishima chimes.
“Ooh, Kiri, can I have one?” Sero’s practically eating one with his eyes. “Just one nibble or something?”
Mina’s next in line to whine. “Yeah, c’mon, don’t hog!”
“Okay, okay!”
The mention of food has officially brought the other oafs into our conversation. He passes a cookie around to everyone, halting at Kaminari, who seriously cannot take spicy shit at all.
“Why can’t you ever make something normal?”
I lick the crumbs off my fingers, noticing Kirishima grin hard enough for his big cheeks to hurt. Yeah, the cookies are good. Whatever.
“Why can’t you grow some balls, dunceface?”
The others snicker, all except Todoroki.
“But doesn’t Kaminari already have—“
“Nevermind!” Mina pipes up before he can ruin a good joke.
I snag another wafer-cookie whatever the fuck and look up at Mr. Pill. “What’re you doing here anyway?”
“I’m taking notes on that cookie. You mentioned there was a recipe, Kirishima.”
He nods.
Todoroki blinks once. Twice. “Can I have it?”
“You bake!?” Sero bursts, lips pulled in a wide smile. He’s too enamored to realize he’d completely overshadowed Ei and the fact that he was supposed to answer.
“I didn’t know Todo-Chan baked!” Pinky’s hands smack on the table to prop herself up in all her excitement. “You and Sato-Chan should totally bake together sometime. It’d be a flavor party!”
“I thought you’d like bland stuff.” Kaminari is surprisingly less energy filled than the others, instead just curious.
“Baking’s super manly, man!” Kirishima shouts.
Todoroki just shrugs at all their enthusiasm.
“My friends like sweets, so I learned.”
“Well, this ain’t sweet.” I take a large chomp from another cookie. “‘S spishee,” I growl through the mush in my mouth.
“My friends like spice as well.”
That makes all of us raise our brows. Todoroki’s friends like spice? As in— Iida, who’s a stickler for just a chip as opposed to something with “nutritional value”? Midoriya who’s eyes water after “too much” ketchup? Uraraka who… to be honest, she can handle her spice, but can’t take a taki. She’s probably at “spicy” Doritos level.
Sero hooks an arm around Todoroki’s shoulders and grins, small and sly. “Ah, I get it. We’re your friends.” The oh’s on Mina and Kaminari’s face are almost immediate.
“I never said I was peppermint’s friend.” I grumble. The dumbasses continue with their cooing and I continue emptying Kirishima’s container.
“You wanna make cookies for us, Todo?” Mina purrs, cozying up to the boy’s other side. Her eyes bat all coaxing-like.
“No,” he glances down at her, and it takes her a second to realize he’s not being smart with her. Just being as socially inept as he usually is. “You guys are my friends, but they’re not for you.”
“Oh.” Sero and Mina glance between each other, but Kirishima’s the first to ask the big question.
“Who’re you makin’ ‘em for?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Can’t tell?” Dunceface and Elbows ask in unison.
“I can’t tell.”
“Sometimes I just wanna mangle your stupid, inexpressive mug— the shitheads wanna know why, you dumbass,” I grumble.
The dumbass in question blinks, and nods. “I can’t tell.” We all collectively groan. “I can’t.” And the boy shrugs.
“You can’t tell us why you want a spicy cookie recipe and you can’t tell us why you can’t tell us you…” Kaminari freezes, brows pinched. “What was I saying again, Kiri? I-I was definitely saying something— I know it made sense.”
“Mhm.” The redhead snickers at his best friend—but I’m really the best friend ‘cause I’m the best in everything—and replies in kind. “He can’t tell us why he wants the cookie recipe, or why he can’t tell us why he can’t tell us he needs the recipe.”
Kaminari’s eyes are wide as he hugs his own sides, so Sero offers him a pat on the back as consolation. I guess I'd pat him too, if I only I hadn’t turned my hearing aids down. Yeah, hearing aids. Setting off explosions only a few feet from your ears since the age of four does that to you.
“You’re correct, Kirishima. Now, the recipe? Please.”
He nods with the widest smile. “I can text it to you before the day ends. Probably before training with All Might.”
“Anytime before Saturday is a good time.”
Saturday? I perk up. I’m allowed to be fucking nosy. “What’s happenin’ Saturday?”
“Uh…” Uh? Since when was Todoroki capable of saying uh? “I wanna buy the products as soon as possible. For my friend.”
I freeze, eyes narrowing at my Tupperware. It was then that we’d all had the same thought, but Mina was the first to voice it. “Frien—“ Sero’s tape shoots to cover her mouth at a practiced speed. “Mm!! Mm, hm!?” She squeals, and he shakes his head with an eerily serious grimace.
“If you’ll text me the recipe, then I don’t have a reason to be here anymore.” Todoroki bows at a right angle. “Please excuse my interr—“ is that a blush on his goddamn ears?
Kirishima’s the one who covers Kaminari’s mouth when he almost makes the mistake of commenting on it.
Half n’ half stalks away, cradling that book of secrets. Just when he’s out of earshot— “America has a problem.” I lean in, narrowing my eyes at each of my tolerable twits.
Mina, Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari are sat back down and huddled in, already ready to conspire.
“No shit he does. Look at the way he walked off. Like that book was treasure!” Sero whisper-shouts, throwing his hands around.
“I didn’t even know Todo-Chan was capable of blushing!”
Kirishima shushes Mina for being a bit too loud, then ducks right back into our little circle. “Bakugo and Sero are right though. He was totally suspicious. I mean, yeah, we’re all Uber closer now after the…”
“You know,” Kaminari murmurs.
“Yeah, that.” Kirishima takes a shuddering breath at the memories. Bloody and grave. “Anywho, yeah, we’re close. But no one just walks up with a notebook for a reason as small as spicy cookies. I didn’t even tell anybody I made them.” He folds his arms and scoffs. “It’s like the guy knew or something. He couldn’t have had a notebook ready that damn fast.”
“He couldn’t have. But a freckled fuck I know keeps at least one paper and pen on deck at all times.” I pointedly glance behind myself, and their eyes follow that glance. The… “dekusquad”—God, do I hate that that’s what we’re calling them now—don’t look suspicious though. “Shitty de—zuku is in on it,” I interrupt myself midway through the nickname Izuku has told me multiple times he doesn’t mind.
“And did you see the way he seemed almost more interested when you said they were spicy? Who here even likes spicy cookies over regular cookies!?” Kaminari sounds like he’s straining to keep his voice under a hearing level.
Of course that’s the part Kaminari zeroes in on. It is a detail to point out, but not that big. Sero shrugs.
“They were good, but not better than a regular cookie, Ei. No offense.” Mina smiles up at him.
“Whatever, I made them only to satisfy Kats’ hell-hot buds anyway.”
“Which they are.” He blinks a few times, eyes ripped to my deadpan. “Satisfied.”
“Ain’t nothing’ to thank. They were good.”
“Simple as that.”
“Shit, the bell!” Kaminari’s packing his unfinished lunch at lightning speed.
“I’ll feel so bad if I have to see that hollow shell of a man looking any more depressing if we’re late to his training,” Sero grumbles as he grabs his belongings with his tape.
“Well don’t remind me!” Mina wails.
Kirishima’s laughing under his breath as he pulls his bag on. “I don’t think All Might will get depressed if you guys are a little late. It’s not manly, yeah, but it’s not world ending.”
The others can scramble to class all they want. I’ve got a plan for the green team. They wanna send spies on me? Jokes on them, I’ve been watched all my goddamn life.
“Whatchu want?” Kirishima squints at me, only teasing. I fold my arms and lean my hip into the edge of the table.
“Shut up and I’ll tell you. You, me, after school.”
What the hell? “No— Fuck, no. Not fuckin’ weed, Ei.”
He only shrugs. “It could’ve been weed. It sounded like weed. It should’ve been weed.”
Why the hell would I want weed?
“No. No, it shouldn’t have. Nevermind—I mean, we need to talk. I got somethin’, and I need ya’ to go along with it.”
“‘You have a plan?”
The asshole looks at me. Scrutinizing as if it’s impossible for the top of our fucking class to come up with a plan so fast. I can imagine everywhere he’s looking. The knick in my brow from the war, the worry line just barely coming to shape on my forehead. Basically, every part of me that’s only formed ‘cause of that damn war. I’d rather drop dead than let him think I’m weak.
“Why were you chasing Midoriya—“
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“I told you to knock that—“
“Why not? To the name and… this morning. I thought it was just ‘cause Mina and the others were around that you wouldn’t tell.”
He knows he’s prying, and yet he’s testing me anyway. Regardless of Mina’s big gossipy mouth, I wouldn’t tell a soul. It’s not their business.
“I told you I’m not talking about it, and the extras weren’t the reason why. Plus, that name is fucking ugly by the way.”
“We made it for you though.” He grins.
“‘Don’t mean it don’t suck.” I nudge my head towards the exit, where the bulk of our year is off to. “C’mon, before my perfect no lateness record blows up.”
Kirishima kicks into a jog but raises his brow at me anyway. “But we’re still not done talking. You still haven’t told me—“
“Okay, Johnny Bravo, if I gotta tell you—“
“Who the fuck is Johnny Bravo?”
“—that one buff guy? Y’know, that one show about the guy who’s all macho and has gigantic man tits— nevermind, stop interrupting!” I can feel sparks starting in my palms and he’s not making it any better. “As I was saying, I ain’t tellin’ you nothin’! It’s me and shitnerd’s business. Not yours, not Soyface’s, and not anybody else’s. Got it?”
He mimics catching a ball, dropping it ever so slowly on the floor, and pouting up at me. I swear I’ll kill him one day.
“One day they’ll be sending your ass back to Fatgum. ‘Cause I’ll beat you so bad your quirk will be unusable.”
“Kats, your plays on words are getting too many steps—“
“‘Wasn’t even a play on words, but I’ll give you a more pea-brained threat: I’ll eat you.”
“Hell yeah! Love who you love. I mean, don’t love me though.”
I sigh. My friends are so… stupid.
Most of our class is already huddled around the symbol of peace by the time we arrive. All Might still insists on showing up in his buff form until he starts choking blood, even though no one needs or wants him to. Though, it’s not like anyone wants to crush his spirit by saying anything about it.
“I am here, my students!” the man bellows, as if we don’t have eyes.
Kaminari hails him, before Iida jabs his sharp as hell elbow in the blond's side.
Our training begins.
A/N TIME !!!
Hope anyone who read this enjoyed :) This A/N is long ash tho, can y’all tell I’m a yapper
Anywho, finally posting the fanfic I’ve been working on 😭 literally only 2 chapters and the beginning of a 3rd in because I have such a bad habit of forgetting things I started, remembering, forgetting, not liking, and repeating the cycle. I got really inspired reading The Way You Used to Do planning this out though. Read it last year and my friends haven’t heard silence since.
If I don’t think this is ass by the time I finish I might post to ao3 as well (probably in like 10 yrs LOL idk how fanfic writers can consistently write chapters and finish with 200k words in like 4 months) this is basically my form of beta-ing when my bsf isn’t available lol
Also, I’ve kinda just been writing in a google doc without a title because it was originally an “x reader” but then the plot I planned got too interesting 🤷🏾‍♀️ I think “I’m Sorry for You” fits the narrative I’ve built though. If anyone wants to know why, id be happy to explain ^^ Anywho, I always think those existential “the stars r ur eyes” or whatever titles were so pretty and I wanted to have something like that but my brain always blanks out when I have to think of a title. Womp womp.
If anyone is interested, I also have a doc for planning, with character headcanons and analyses. I have a visceral hatred for OOC works and while most will say that it is so, they can just be so far from source material that I’ll die reading it. In addition, I made a little playlist to help me brainstorm plot and think about bakudeku dynamics.
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ofmermaidstories · 3 months
Hello mermsie! Forever and ever ago you brought up a rejected mates fic idea and at the time I was like 👀 but hadn't read any... well this last week I read like three and a half rejected mates books so now I'm all 👀👀👀!!! So - if you were gonna write a rejected mates fic, what reason would the boys have for rejecting a reader? I can see bakugo doing it out of stubborn pride pre-character development but I wanna know what you think!
Also I know the One True Soulmate thing makes you bitey so if you want an interesting subversion of the trope, may I recommend Tangle of Need by Nalini Singh? The psy-changeling series is one of my all-time favorites, I've listened to the audiobooks a dozen times each while working in the studio. My favorite book in the series is a tie between Shards of Hope and Silver Silence.
Love, 💎
did you enjoy the ones you read, gemmy? i couldn’t rec any, bc i was reading mine through tiktok LMAO whoops. 💀 luv that app. 🩷 but as for how i’d write one… idk! 🧐 i’m too much of a sook—i couldn’t write anything where bakugou or deku or whoever else rejects us, LOL. that would be their first and only chance with us, the fic would immediately devolve into a different pairing from there on out LMAO. like, bakugou rejects us because he’s a fucking wanker, and then reader runs away to a small rural town and ends up washing radishes for a living and ends up falling in love with like, shoji or something. someone kind and patient, who’s overcome his own hurt. 🥺 NOT deku bc he is basically an extension of kacchan, the fucking traitor. 🔪 die die die. 🔪
i’m sorry gemmy. 💀 you’re asking out of genuine interest and i’m like “REJECT US? NO! 🔪” LOL. u were right about bitey. 😭 i’m possessive. 😭 ur my person forever, or one of us dies. 😙 easy peasy.
i think if was doing it in a proper attempt though, and not just going with my “immediately deviating off-course into a different pairing” idea, i guessss i’d try to subvert the trope by making our Reader be the one to reject the love interest? but my concerns with that would be: is it stripping what people enjoy out of said trope, and am i doing the subversion for the right reasons? like, subverting tropes or cliches only works if you love and respect the original recipe, and as someone who’s never been particularly interested in soulmate-and-related tropes, i would wanna afford it the same dignity and earnestness that a mega-fan would.
like, idk if this is your experience with reading them, you’ll have to chime in gem-anon, but like, to me rejected-mates type stories are about the high-octane angst and drama (being roughly and cruelly shunted to the side, regardless of the MC’s genuine feelings) and then the grovelling (the way the Love Interest comes crawling back, begging forgiveness for their mistake and thus showering our poor mistreated MC with non-stop love and affection). so i think my question would be, could you deliver that in a different package (Reader being the one to do the Rejecting TM)? is it even possible? 🧐 like, why would Reader be rejecting them in the first place (fear, i guess? 🧐 of what? them? what being fated-mates would mean? is there an inherent loss of personal freedom involved in that (like, is Reader free to pursue their interests still, like schooling, even if it meant having to move away from ur Mate for a few years?), or is Reader just like, paranoid, LOL)? what’s the appeal? like, where is the fantasy fulfilment if it’s Reader pushing the guy away??? i guesssss off the top of my head, i’d say it’d be like: oh, the fantasy here is even though you have thrown a wall up between u (the rejection of ur magical bond), ur would-be boyfie would relentlessly still try to prove that he wants to be there, that he wants to stick around, that he will wait and that he considers u something precious to wait for. 🥺 which i think is fun, LOL, but it’s like: does it work as a point of difference to the melodrama of the original trope? 🥺😭
‘cause like, you’re right gemmy—pre-development bakugou would be good for the trope in it’s original packaging. 😩 unfortunately, LOL. tbh im kind of sitting here like, why do i like him again….. LOL dsflkjsdklfjdslkf. hmmmm. 🧐 if we strictly had to write this trope, as-is, then i guess i’d probably employ a “doing it for your protection” type trope/reasoning. 😩 and then there’s a bit of miscommunication, bc Reader is like, understandably hurt (although tbh if had to rework how the soulmates thing worked, in this AU, i would make rejection instantly painful LMFAO. bam, now Reader’s disabled for most of the fic thanks to fantasy-sad-heartbreak disease. which actually hm… could be interesting. 🧐 living with illness that wipes you out and makes day-to-day living is hard enough as it is, without having that be inflicted on us by someone who is, ostensibly, meant to not hurt us 🥺).
idk idk!!! i guess what im saying is that we could probably go one of several ways, if we were trying to introduce a rejected-mates fic into the WIP pile. 🥹 i think it would just depend on what the others here would like—expect and want out of it!!! 🥺 what would you want out of it, gemmy? what would you wanna see? 🥺
(p.s., i added the three titles you rec’d to my library wishlist—i have a series to try and speed through first (i’ve been so bad with reading this past month 💀) but then i will borrow them out, unless you recommend reading the series chronologically??? 🥺)
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quitesins · 2 years
Spices from the South
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Bakugou x fem!reader.
Tags: SFW, drabble, kinda headcanons, ooc, implied South Asian reader with no physical attributed stated! Established relationship, this is clearly for a very specific niche[me :3] -oh god wait this is not describing reader as spicy or anything- I’m legitimately talking about food here.
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I like to think Katsuki would absolutely LOVE south Asian food. He’s always liked his spices so dishes from desh always have been a fave.
Normally he’s the one to cook at home, taking pride in his skills but if you decide to cook, he’s eyebrows up, eager to see what you make.
Even if your tastes are milder, he still drools over it. Something about the domesticity of it all, how he can imagine you over and over again, flittering away through his kitchen, like it’s your own- really, it will be soon.
This is a given, who doesn’t like samosas, but he will nom his way through as many as you hand him. However do not point out how the spikes of his hair look awfully familiar because he will nom YOU, a weird trait he developed that he insists is to tease but you know- the soft bites to your cheeks are just his unspoken affections.
Katsuki- he’ll deny it- has a slight sweet tooth. Mishti is a bit much for him at times, but he’ll never drop the chance to have Shemai. He’s actually such a sucker for the stuff. Even when he does the dad thing of “I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t.” You will never not catch him with a bowl of it by the end of the night.
He’s never been one to drink much tea, but tell me once you put him on, he’s been put on. Can no longer drink tea without spices swimming around in his pot. He’s picked up the habit of offering Masala Saa, the way you make it, when his parents come over. His mother laughs and ruffles his hair, his father sips with a knowing smile- you’re everywhere, even when you’re not.
Katsuki has always been a fast learner, so watching you, he’s already picked up a bunch of recipes. Much to your chagrin, he will out cook you- without even trying!! Gifted bastard…
To be specific he absolutely loves a Kacchi Biryani, it’s just such a … him dish lol. Especially when he ups the heat. Mind the awful joke kacchan biryani though, you might be his girlfriend love of his life but he will deadpan and stop talking to you until you’ve come off the giggles.
Ever so organised, Katsuki is one to have all his spices and herbs labelled and stored away neatly. When you ask if you can add your own labels, in your mother tongue, he thinks it should tick him off but it doesn’t. Instead, when you’re away, he thumbs the labels, a little messier than his printed handwriting, somehow smitten over the tiny pieces of you left behind.
He’ll even make the effort to try learn the names, knowing you have a cute habit of forgetting the English words- that has you trying to describe the spices through wild hand gestures and silly sounds. When you both do finally communicate and figure out the mystery spice, a little part of him doesn’t wish to give you the English, so he can watch you animatedly describe what an elaichi is, all over again.
He’s too far gone, he thinks, that anything you do has him smiling like dumbass. That stupid little interactions like these have his heart weird and warm. He’ll shake his head, maybe it’s the heartburn, but he god damn knows it isn’t. It’s you, and he fucking loves it.
Extra: Me thinks Kats’ is a fuckin grandma who straight up chews Naga Moriss like it’s nothin’- to your absolute disbelief. He’ll even pop a few in his mouth before work, just to get his sweat going… Katsuki!!! You’re the worst!!!
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Haiii guyssssssss, yeah man Idk I was just cooking and delulu brain was like damn, Kats’ would fuckin love this. Idrc what the actual English spellings are for the words I used, I’m just writing the way I speak so if google doesn’t show them- sorry!
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hxneyrose0130 · 2 years
Just read the chapter 368 leaks- and what the fuck Horikoshi. From what I read, apparently Izuku unlocks the last quirk and it’s something about speed/enhancement for like 5 minutes. But what’s more interesting is like, his heart’s gon explode? Horikoshi do you have something with breaking people hearts, first Bakugou, now Deku and at the same time us readers.
Scenes which may be clues that Deku’s fate will be the same as Bakugou’s bc of how similar they are to each other :
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PS :
This is probably for chapter 369+, but idk so here what I think is going to happen. If Deku’s heart indeed explodes, I think he’s going to meet Bakugou, which will probably not be back to life yet. Since Katsuki was seen with All might’s vestige, then they’ll probably meet. I think it’s going to be so wholesome. The relief Deku would feel seeing 'his' kacchan is all right [ reference to the camp arc ] and Bakugou’s  worry thinking that since he’s "dead" then Deku died too. I could imagine it as some sort of Bakugou yelling at him, asking him what happened and Deku just in tears while smiling. Ofc, they gon become pro heroes, so the people out there somehow save them. But there will probably have deaths, notably Mirio. He’s been playing quite a big part on this, it wouldn’t surprise me if Horikoshi was trying to make us built more emotional attachement to him, to then kill him off. It would also explain why Eri, in the volume where he saved her was hiding the last numbers in his costume. Not because he lost his quirk, but because he would die before actually saving someone else, of course his efforts would not be wasted, as in Bakugou and Deku would come back. He also may just be heavily injured, because if I remember correctly Sir nighteye saw a bright future for him, unless Deku somehow altered it, like he did in the overhaul arc. And if that happens he would probably end up blaming himself for it.
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silverynight · 1 year
I've been sitting on this idea for awhile now, but a BNHA!KNY!Modern!AU! IDK how, but that one doctor guy under AFO manages to get a hold of a blue spider Lily and makes the demon making medicine. And, Izuku, being quirkless, so less people deciding to look for him, get abducted at given the serum.
However, he's like an advanced Nezuko! He retains a lot more memories of himself, and distinctly two other people: his mom, Inko, and Kacchan! He ends up escaping, (because, demon, ya know?) and goes to Katsuki's home, (who has actually started to shut down, because uh...he didn't want bad things to happen to his estranged friend...and he feels super bad, cause literally the last words to him were mean, thou not the famous "swan dive" line), and freaks out seeing a smiling Deku with glowing, cat-like emerald eyes and fangs.
"Ka-cchan! Ka-cchan! I...I back!"
"Holy shit, Deku!? What the Fuck!? You...how did you even get up here!?"
(The last time he saw his friend was with noodle arms that could barely lift ten pounds, and now he suddenly has muscle s!).
After that, Katsuki first hides him in their basement, (because Izuku does have a weakness for sunlight, for now), and later, an old, abandoned building, (yet still has functioning light and water? what the hell, city inspectors?), and he visits him every single day, (he stopped hanging out with the extras that called themselves his friends, when Izuku when missing), and, kinda treating his demonism as a quirk, he figured fangs = meat in someway, probably raw.
It works, for the most part, but Katsuki is quick to notice that Izuku still is very hungry, even after eating many pounds of bloody pork and beef so...he just gives it a shot in the dark and gives Izuku some of his blood, and the very content look of relief on Izuku's face!
So Katsuki, for awhile, gives Izuku his blood, if not donated blood he manages to get from various clinics that actually cator to blood quirks, and Izuku becomes more and more aware and literate with each feeding. Of course, his family, Inko and Tsukauchi, who never gave up on Izuku's case, and Eraserhead are suddenly sus of his weird schedule and habits now. They are especially worried about the bandages around his wrists. And while his insisted "I'm fucking fine! Christ..." is picked up as true, they still follow him one day to see what is going on.
So imagine their surprise when they find a Demonized!Izuku, drinking from Katsuki's wrist, as said boy simply eats a very iron-filled meal. Afterwards, as soon as Katsuki bandages his wrist up again, it almost all goes to shit as Eraserhead shows himself, (his goggles on and quirk activated), and Izuku growls at the hero. Katsuki is pissed that he followed him, saying this was none of his business and he knew what he was doing! Eraser says he should have said Izuku was fine, and brought him back home. And, he is debunked, Katsuki saying no! There is a reason Nerdy Deku came to me, and that's cause his mom, who always means well, would have tried to probably pretend everything was normal and ignore the (very much assumed) stress induced quirk that requires, at the very least, bloody animal meat, at the very most, human blood. Because she would want to forget anything bad happened to her quirkless child!
And it definitely doesn't help that, in exchange for giving him enhanced strength, agility and what not, that he is suddenly very much allergic to the sun. As in, he literally turns to ash and actually catches on fire! (Katsuki freaked out over that discovery and that's why he quickly put Izuku into the basement). At this, Izuku finally talks, still kinda in parts, but more understandable, saying he better now!
And he goes and promptly rips the curtains covering his darkened hiding space, freaking Katsuki out, ("Shitty nerd, what the Fuck are you doing!?") and Eraser, Katsuki and Tsukauchi, (who was still hidden, and his quirk picking up truth in everything Katsuki said), are surprised that Izuku simply stands in the sun and does not burn. He gives them a matching, bright smile, fangs and all! :)
(And at the moment, Katsuki realizes he has it very, very bad for his childhood friend.)
Asvsgskn! Sorry, this got so long! Like I said, I have been sitting on this for awhile now, and I decided to share it with you! Um, everything is kinda canon, Izuku does go become a hero! With his cool demon powers! (He knows what he actually is, but doesn't decide to correct anyone. He doesn't want to be carted off and studied by a certain HPSC). Katsuki, while treating it as a quirk, has his suspicions that it is, in fact, not. And somewhere during the camp arc or the dorms, Izuku confirms it to him. Even explaining he has a feeling he...might be able to die, ever.
Dunno if Izuku turns people who are meant to die into demons, too, and if they become sun-immune like him and if this makes him a demon king. But he 1000% does gets a blood demon art, unknown still. I don't wanna be generic and make it like OFA, so do what you want with that. :/
Izuku would make an adorable yet very powerful demon for sure. And he's very protective of Katsuki.
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xxxcrimsondreamsxxx · 11 months
Unveiled feelings - BakuDeku
This is my contribution for Deku’s birthday, since I won’t get my Ao3 back until July 20th. I’m posting this here.
PROMPT: Apprehension
Rating:  Teen And Up Audiences (Because Bakugo says the “F” word once or twice idk)
Relationships: BakuDeku
Word Count: 5,9k
Tags: Jealousy, Post-Kamino Incident, Love confession.
Summary:  Class 1-A celebrates Tanabata. Bakugo feels jealous, Izuku is uncomfortable; both feelings clash against each other. Izuku's wish is to get along with Bakugo, however, he loses hope that this wish will come true.
As the Class 1-A chat group buzzed with excitement for the upcoming Tanabata festival outing, Bakugo's eyes narrowed as he read Izuku's message.
I'm going with Todoroki-kun 😊
A flash of annoyance crossed Bakugo's face. He quickly composed himself, refusing to let it show.
His fingers hovered over the screen, contemplating whether or not he should respond. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought of Izuku spending time with Todoroki or anyone else. They had become close friends, but Bakugo couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between them. And that thought irritated him, for some reason.
Just as he was about to dismiss their plans, an invitation from Kirishima appeared on the screen of his phone. Bakugo's frown softened slightly as he read the message. Kirishima was inviting him to join his group for the Tanabata celebration.
Bakugo hesitated for a moment, his pride at war with his desire to be close to Izuku. Finally, he complained to himself and wrote a reply, accepting Kirishima's invitation. He couldn't let Izuku think that he was upset by his plans with Todoroki. Bakugo was determined to show that he didn't care.
The day of departure arrived, and the students of Class 1-A gathered at the designated meeting place. Bakugo arrived early on purpose, wanting to be there before Izuku and Todoroki. He leaned against a nearby tree, pretending to be engrossed in his phone, while he stole glances up the path that led to the meeting place.
Finally, he saw Izuku and Todoroki walking towards them, deep in conversation. Bakugo's eyes narrowed and a wave of possessiveness washed over him. He didn't like seeing Izuku laugh and smile with someone else. He wanted those smiles reserved just for him.
As the group chatted and headed to the festival, Bakugo grew increasingly frustrated by Izuku's interactions with Todoroki. He couldn't understand why he felt so furious about it. But seeing Izuku's attention focused on someone else, it bothered him terribly.
Throughout the day, Bakugo found himself instinctively gravitating towards Izuku, wanting to be close to him. He joined in on the conversations, throwing in his own witty and snide remarks, determined to win back Izuku's attention. He wasn't going to let Todoroki steal the spotlight.
Little did Bakugo know, Izuku had noticed his subtle actions and the way his eyes lingered on him. He felt a mixture of confusion and curiosity, wondering if there was something else behind Bakugo's behavior. And somewhere deep down, Izuku couldn't deny the pang of happiness he felt knowing that Bakugo cared enough to be jealous.
As the evening sky darkened, lanterns were lit and wishes were written.
Bakugo looked at Izuku out of the corner of his eye, frowning. “What are you looking at?”
Izuku smiled. “It's nice to share this moment together.”
"What the hell are you talking about if you spent all day with the half-half? Did he get bored of your nerdy gibberish and that's why you come here to bother me?”
Bakugo took a corner to write his wish. Izuku sighed.
The two heroes-in-training began to write their wishes on the strips of paper. Bakugo wrote in his fast and energetic handwriting, while Izuku wrote with calm and concentration. Once they were done, they hung their wishes on the bamboo, watching them sway gently in the wind.
"What did you wish for, Kacchan?" Izuku asked curiously.
Bakugo crossed his arms, avoiding looking directly at him. "That's none of your business, Deku. Is personal.”
Izuku nodded in understanding and began to think about his own wish. He looked at Bakugo and then at the stars that were beginning to appear in the sky. “My wish is that we continue to grow together, Kacchan. As friends and as heroes.”
Bakugo glared at him, as if Izuku had just said the most offensive thing.
Izuku continued speaking.
“I think All Might is right, we should try to work as a team. We already proved that together we can be invincible, so if my wish comes true, well, I know that if one says the wish out loud, maybe not…”
Bakugo burst. "Do you want to know what my freaking wish is?! Shut that annoying nerdy mouth and get out of my life forever! You are the most irritating person I have ever met!”
Bakugo's harsh words hung in the air as Izuku absorbed the impact. Izuku, usually resilient and forgiving, felt a pang of pain deep within him, but decided to mask it with a stoic expression. He had always known that Bakugo had a way with insults, but this time he felt differently. This time, he hit too close to home.
"Okay," Izuku replied quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I won't bother you anymore"
His shoulders slumped slightly as he turned around, leaving Bakugo standing there, feeling a mixture of guilt and confusion.
As Izuku walked away, he fought back tears, trying to understand why Bakugo's words affected him so deeply. He was hoping to have an honest talk, to bridge the gap between them, but it seemed that Bakugo wasn't willing to face his own feelings. And at that moment, Izuku couldn't take the weight of Bakugo's constant insults anymore.
Determined to enjoy the rest of the festival, Izuku joined Todoroki and Uraraka, bringing a smile to his face. He joined their conversations, laughing and joking as best he could. But there was a lingering sadness behind his eyes, a pain caused by Bakugo's rejection.
Meanwhile, Kirishima, always perceptive of his friend's emotions, noticed Bakugo's discomfort. He gently pushed Bakugo away and tried to divert his attention.
"Hey man, look at that game over there! Let's try it!” Kirishima pointed to a shooting gallery, hoping it would distract Bakugo from his turbulent thoughts.
Bakugo looked away from Izuku and forced himself to focus on Kirishima's suggestion. He nodded, grateful for his friend's attempt to get him out of his own head. He followed Kirishima into the game, trying to push away the guilt that gnawed him.
As they participated in the shooting game, Bakugo's mind went back to Izuku. He couldn't help the feeling of regret that settled in his chest. His realization hit him like a ton of bricks: he didn't want to push Izuku away. He didn't want to be left alone while Izuku laughed and joined the others. Bakugo wanted to be the one to make Izuku smile, and he couldn't deny the growing pain in his heart.
But the question remained: did he have the courage to face his own feelings? Did he have the strength to admit to himself, let alone Izuku, that there was more to their relationship than just rivalry? Bakugo's fists clenched as he wrestled with his own inner turmoil, the weight of his emotions overwhelming him.
He remembered his words and wondered why did he said something like that. He couldn't even think of wishing Izuku out of his life. Maybe years ago, yes but now... That thought hurt too much to want it.
Unbeknownst to Bakugo, Izuku glanced in his direction throughout the festival, his eyes filled with a mixture of longing and resignation. He hoped that one day Bakugo would find the courage to confront his feelings and open up. But for now, Izuku had decided to protect his own heart and keep distance.
Izuku couldn't help but watch Kirishima and Bakugo interact, their easy camaraderie sparking a pang of jealousy inside him. He hid the pain with a forced smile, reminding himself that he couldn't let Bakugo's rejection get to him. Instead, he decided to counter Bakugo's indifference by laughing openly with Uraraka and Todoroki, hoping to allay his own feelings of jealousy.
Bakugo, however, was far from ignorant of Izuku's actions. He gritted his teeth, a snarl escaping his lips as he saw Izuku laughing with the others. His anger simmered beneath the surface, fanned by the sight of Izuku apparently enjoying the company of anyone but him. He continued to play the shooting game with a new intensity, his actions becoming more aggressive.
Just when the tension between them seemed to reach its peak, Iida, who had been observing the scene, walked over to the game. With the usual air of command, he invited Izuku and Bakugo to join.
"Why not have some friendly competition, gentlemen? It might lighten the atmosphere,” he suggested, his voice edged with concern.
Izuku felt a wave of shyness wash over him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to engage in a competitive game with Bakugo, especially given the undercurrent of animosity between them. But before he could decline, Bakugo's anger got the better of him. He turned to Izuku, his voice filled with contempt.
"What's wrong Deku? Too cowardly to face a challenge? Or are you just a hypocrite, pretending to be strong when you're nothing but a weakling?"
The harsh words hit Izuku like a physical blow, but his determination flared in response. His eyes narrowed, his voice firm as he accepted the challenge. "Okay Kacchan. Let's do this."
The atmosphere turned tense as the two rivals faced each other, their gazes locked in a battle of wills. Iida set up the game, creating a makeshift target for them to shoot at. As the first round began, their movements became fast and aggressive, and their competitive spirits drove their actions.
"Maybe spending too much time with the half-half made you more useless than you already are," Bakugo teased.
"That has nothing to do with this, and you don't stop putting Todoroki-kun in, is there something you want to say, Kacchan?" Izuku observed, receiving a rather aggressive shot in response. The cork they fired hit his arm and the impact was painful but wouldn't do any serious damage.
Suddenly, Bakugo was aiming at him.
"Why would I want to say anything to someone like you?"
With each shot, the tension in the air grew denser, but it was no longer just the game they were playing. It was a clash of emotions, a chance for them to throw the truth at each other, raw and painful as it might be.
“You always push me away, Kacchan!” Izuku's voice trembled slightly, but he refused to back down. "You never let me in. How can I be your friend when you constantly push me aside?"
Izuku had already left the game, only receiving cork shots and dodging them without difficulty.
Bakugo's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and vulnerability. He loaded another round into his gun, his voice dripping with bitterness.
"Who said that I want to be your friend, you useless?! You think you're so perfect, Deku. Always playing the victim. Why you don't fight back? All you do is dodge me!”
Bakugo was thinking of Izuku's back a few moments ago while his smile was directed towards Uraraka, Todoroki and his other friends and his anger increased.
"Don't accept the challenge if all you're going to do is walk away!"
Words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken truths and pent-up frustrations.
"I'm not the one walking away!" Izuku's voice trembled, covering his face with his arms. "You're scared too. Afraid of being vulnerable, afraid of letting someone in. But you can't keep pushing everyone away forever!"
Bakugo's face contorted in anger, he dropped the weapon with a thud and lunged at Izuku to hit him. “I don't need anyone, especially you, Deku!” he spat out, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and pain. "I've come this far on my own. I don't need your pity or your help!"
It was then that, after the incident with the Villains League and his kidnapping, after having ruined All Might, everyone approached him with pity.
Izuku no longer looked at him the same way as before. He didn't want that either... he didn't know what exactly he wanted from Izuku.
The fight had escalated to a level where the friends of the rivals began to intervene without being able to stop them. The space that Iida prepared for the supposedly peaceful competition was set aside so there were no people in danger in the wild fight but it was shameful behavior for two heroes in training.
They didn't know how far it would escalate their fight but they didn't want to find out. Iida was going to get between the two but Kirishima stopped him.
"Bakugo won't do anything that causes major damage."
"That's no relief! They're fighting for no reason!" Iida argued.
"For now, this is their way of discussing. Midoriya won't make this a quirk fight and if he doesn't, neither will Bakugo" explained Tsuyu.
As the fight escalated, it became clear that their match had transcended the game. It had become a physical manifestation of their emotional turmoil, a battle fueled by their unspoken desires and frustrations. Izuku's thoughts swirled through his mind, a jumble of conflicting emotions, as the intense fervor of the moment consumed him.
"Even so..." Tsuyu continued.
Both Tsuyu and the others were fed up with the tension that those two had created and didn't want to continue making a fuss so Tsuyu used her tongue to tangle Izuku's foot and make him stumble just as he was about to hit Bakugo.
Caught up in the adrenaline, Izuku found himself on top of Bakugo, gripping the collar of his shirt tightly. He didn't wonder the reason why he stumbled.
Their eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, the world around them seemed to fade away. Izuku's heart was pounding in his chest, the intensity of their proximity causing a surge of forbidden thoughts.
"It's not pity, Kacchan..." Izuku gasped, "I never felt sorry for you."
In the midst of the chaos, he considered the idea of kissing Bakugo, to silence the tension between them with a moment of undeniable connection.
But just as quickly as the thought arose, Izuku's mind snapped back to reality.
He remembered Bakugo's harsh words, the insults that cut deep to his core. Bakugo had made it clear that Izuku was the one who bothered him the most. The weight of that realization fell on him, shattering the fragile fantasy he had briefly held.
Izuku released Bakugo, his grip loosening as he walked away, the fire in his eyes dimming. He released his rival, the silence between them stifling in its intensity. Realization of what they had just done washed over him, bringing with it a wave of regret and uncertainty.
"Sorry," Izuku murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of apology and sadness. "Sorry, everyone."
With a heavy heart, he turned away from his friends, from the festival that had once held so much promise. The weight of unresolved emotions and the pain of rejection felt like an unbearable burden.
His footsteps echoed against the emptying festival grounds as he pushed through the shadows. His mind was filled with confusion and doubt, questioning his decisions and wondering if there was a way forward from this tangled mess.
Izuku's departure left his friends in shock, their gazes following him until he was out of sight. The lingering tension in the air was palpable, a stark reminder of the consequences of his unresolved emotions. It was a bittersweet reminder that actions taken in the heat of the moment could have lasting repercussions.
The festival continued around them, but the once vibrant and joyous atmosphere was overshadowed by the weight of their shattered friendships. The remaining students of Class 1-A exchanged worried glances, unsure how to proceed or repair the crack that had formed.
Bakugo stood there, his eyes locked on the retreating figures of Todoroki, Uraraka, and Tsuyu as they chased after Izuku. Guilt washed over him, mixing with a sense of self-loathing and helplessness. He felt pathetic, knowing that his own actions had driven Izuku away.
Before he could think further about his feelings, Kirishima approached him, concern etched on his face. He grabbed Bakugo's arm gently and pulled him away from the scandalous scene, seeking a moment of privacy to talk.
"Hey Bakugo, what the hell just happened?"
Kirishima's voice held a mixture of concern and determination. He knew something eating away at his friend, and he wasn't about to let Bakugo push him away this time.
Bakugo initially resisted, his pride flaring. But Kirishima was persistent, understanding his friend's tendencies. He kept going, urging Bakugo to open up.
"I know something's been bothering you lately. You've been different, more nervous than usual,” Kirishima said, his voice soft but firm. "You can trust me, Bakugo. I'm your friend, right? Tell me."
Bakugo's defenses faltered under Kirishima's unwavering support. He sighed, shoulders slumping as he finally relented. "Fine, damn it," he complained. "I can't stand seeing Deku with someone else. It... it bothers me."
Kirishima's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly covered them, nodding in understanding. “So are you jealous?” he asked, smirking.
Bakugo's face flushed red, a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "Yeah, damn it! So what?! Are you picking a fight?!"
Kirishima couldn't help but laugh at the shock. “Okay, okay. Calm down"
"I never thought I would feel like this. But seeing Deku laughing with the others, being around them... makes me feel like trash. And I took it out on him, on everyone."
Kirishima listened intently, his empathy radiating from his expression. "Bakugo, it's okay to be jealous. It means you care. But taking it out on Midoriya and everyone else isn't fair. You have to face those feelings and talk to Midoriya about it.
Bakugo's eyes shifted, his fists unclenched. “I don't even know what I want, Kirishima. I'm a mess,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Kirishima placed a comforting hand on Bakugo's shoulder. "You must be honest with yourself and with Midoriya. He deserves to know how you feel, even if it's complicated. It's the only way you'll find a solution.
A mix of frustration, guilt, and relief washed over Bakugo's features. He finally met Kirishima's gaze, his eyes filled with a new determination.
~°~ The room was cloaked in darkness, the faint glow of the moon filtering through the gaps in the curtains. Izuku lay on his bed, the weight of recent events bearing down on him. The echoes of the festival still reverberated in his mind, each moment a painful reminder of his shattered hopes.
He replayed the confrontation with Bakugo over and over in his mind, dissecting every word, every action. Raw emotions swirled inside him, leaving him lost and overwhelmed. His heart ached, weighed down by the weight of unrequited feelings and the sting of rejection, plus guilt over the mess he'd caused.
Tears welled up in his eyes, falling silently down his face as he fought the suffocating sadness.
Thoughts of what could have been, of the possibilities that seemed to be within his grasp, haunted Izuku's mind. He wondered if he had misread the signs, if he had deluded himself into believing there was something more between him and Bakugo. Uncertainty ate at his soul, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed.
The silence in the room was deafening, amplifying the turmoil within Izuku. He felt a sense of isolation, as if he was trapped within the confines of his own emotions.
The soft knock on the door interrupted Izuku's contemplation, causing him to raise his head in surprise. He yelled, "Who is it?"
"It's me, Uraraka," said the sweet voice from the other side. “Deku-kun, we are all worried about you. Please let me in."
Izuku hesitated, his instinct telling him to keep his emotions hidden. But Uraraka's lingering concern reached deep within him, and he opened the door, allowing his friend to enter.
Uraraka walked in, her eyes filled with concern and empathy. She offered a kind smile, sensing Izuku's inner turmoil. She refused to let his feigned calm fool her.
"I'm sorry for ruining the festival. I promise it won't happen again.”
"It's true that you gave us quite a scare, maybe later you can apologize to everyone properly, even so, you're not like this." Uraraka said softly, her voice full of true care. “We saw how you left the festival and we know that something is bothering you.”
Izuku's defenses weakened at Uraraka's sincerity. He sighed, realizing that he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up any longer. With a mixture of vulnerability and relief, he began to open up.
"It's Kacchan," Izuku admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I… I… It bothers me… I want to be with him, I want to be able to talk normally with him but I can't. I don't know what to do. Then, Kirishima-kun…”
Uraraka's eyes widened, a flash of recognition crossing her face. She took a step closer to Izuku, her voice soft but resolute. “What's the matter with him?”
Izuku realized what he was about to say and covered his mouth. “Nothing! It’s nothing!” Izuku drowned out his voice in his hands.
"Deku-kun, we know that the way Bakugo and Kirishima-kun get along so well bothers you a bit." Uraraka smiled, and sighed. "You're too obvious."
“Too obvious?!” he yelled in shrill surprise. “I mean, I have nothing against Kirishima-kun and I'm happy that Kacchan has friends,” he muttered “I just want to be as cool as Kirishima-kun to be with someone like Kacchan.”
Uraraka opened her mouth and then closed it. This feeling that Izuku was expressing was all too familiar; she felt the same for Izuku, that admiration and that feeling of distance that she managed to silence. “I understand, I think I feel something similar.”
Confusion crossed Izuku's features as he processed Uraraka's confession. His mind reeled, trying to capture what she said.
Uraraka smiled, showing a vulnerable yet determined expression. “It's hard and it hurts, but keeping it in won't bring any resolution. You deserve to find clarity, as I did,” she said. “First, ask yourself if it is love or admiration.”
Izuku felt a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. "I... I... Uh..." he began to play with his fingers, "But what if Kacchan doesn't feel the same way?" Izuku asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.
Uraraka gently placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, her eyes filled with compassion. "We won't know until you talk to him, Deku-kun. Repressing your feelings will not lead to any response. You deserve to find closure, and Bakugo has to give himself the chance to understand how you feel. Be honest, even if it's hard.”
Izuku took a deep breath, his heart heavy with a mix of emotions. Uraraka's vulnerability and understanding gave him the courage to face his own fears. He nodded, gratitude shining in his eyes.
"Thank you, Uraraka-san," Izuku said, his voice full of appreciation. “I appreciate your honesty and support. I'll try... I'll try to talk to Kacchan.”
~°~ The halls of the academy were silent and dimly lit, silence hanging in the air. It was in this silent atmosphere that Izuku and Bakugo came face to face as everyone went to sleep. The weight of their unresolved emotions is palpable between them. Izuku took a deep breath, his voice hesitant but determined.
“Can we talk?” Izuku's voice trembled slightly, a mix of hope and apprehension evident in his eyes.
Bakugo sneered, his pride still evident in his stance. “Talk? What is there to talk about, Deku? Do you think that a simple conversation can fix everything?”
Izuku's heart sank at Bakugo's dismissive response, but he refused to be pushed out. “Kacchan, please. We can't keep avoiding this. We need to address our feelings, confront the truth.”
Bakugo's frustration boiled over, his voice filling with exasperation. "That's your problem, Deku! Always so damn naive, thinking that everything can be solved with a sincere talk. Well, breaking news, life is not that simple!”
“Did we resolve something with the fight we had there?” Izuku didn't want to give up, but he was afraid that this discussion would escalate into something similar to what happened at the festival.
“And what do you want to solve with all this talk?”
Izuku pursed his lips. What could he say now?
"No, you're right. Life isn't that simple with you” Izuku muttered in frustration, looking to get out of the conversation he got himself into.
Bakugo took his arm. "Where do you think you're going? Are you running away like a coward again?”
“It's not that, Kacchan!” Izuku answered desperately ”It's just that I can't find a way for us to understand each other anymore. I want…”
To be at your side.
Izuku wanted to say that. He spoke it in his mind, in his heart, and his mouth yearned to say it.
But it was too much bravery that the One For All heir hero was not willing to have. So he faked a yawn and said, "I want to go to sleep. I'm very sleepy.”
"You bastard!" Bakugo yelled at him indignantly. Izuku had managed to get his attention but if Izuku didn't make the first move, Bakugo didn't know how he would make it.
“But I'm serious, when I'm tired I say a lot of nonsense, Kacchan” he laughed nervously “So let go of my arm and let me go to sleep, please?”
Bakugo tugged on his arm and looked into his eyes.
Izuku swallowed heavily. "Kacchan, let me go."
If Bakugo kept looking at him like that he would be doing something crazy.
The tension in the air grew. It was as if the weight of their unspoken desires, the tangled web of their connection, spilled out with each held breath from both.
"Did you cry?"
Izuku flushed red at Bakugo's sudden question. "N-No! Why would I do that?”
"Don't play the idiot, idiot. You cry so hard that it always shows in your ridiculous nerdy face.”
Bakugo was looking at him as if he were inspecting him. Izuku was no longer thinking about how embarrassing it was for him to know that he had been crying, but about how dangerous it was for his impulsive heart that Bakugo approached his face so nonchalantly.
"Kacchan... I didn't..." he tried to excuse himself but Bakugo kept getting closer, "Kacchan, please, let me go to sleep, Kacchan…”
"Now I'm the one who won't let you sleep?! You were the one who said we had to talk! And so far I haven't understood shit about…!”
Izuku couldn't stand it and drowned out Bakugo's screaming with the kiss that he was resisting. It didn't last long but Izuku took all he could taste in this opportune situation.
He already did. He dared.
Now he wanted to commit to memory the adorable Bakugo’s surprised face. He even made him let go of his arm.
But then, Izuku's pride stopped feeling like a victory. Bakugo moved away from Izuku.
Izuku's heart felt tight in his chest, he believed that he had finally screwed it over. Maybe Bakugo wasn’t only not interested in him but he wasn't interested in men either, maybe what little he had left of Bakugo was lost in that kiss.
He was so gross right now.
“Don’t talk to me! Go away!”
Bakugo stopped looking at him, he looked agitated. Izuku had a choked voice but he did his best to get closer to Bakugo.
“Kacchan, I'm sorry. I’m so stupid!" He began to mumble nervously, "You don't have to feel obligated to anything! I should have gotten away from you like you wanted so much! But it's your fault because you keep taunting me and calling me out, you even just grabbed my arm to stop me and I thought you really cared that I was here! I warned you, Kacchan! I told you to let me go but you…!”
Amid Izuku's nervousness, Bakugo's voice faltered, his expression betraying a hint of vulnerability.
"Can you shut your damn mouth already?! I just don't want you near me, Deku! You drive me crazy! I want you to disappear!” he admitted, “And I can't deny it anymore. I... I feel something for you. And I can't stand it because I don't know what to do with it! So…! You wanted to talk?! Tell me what to do! What am I supposed to do now?!
Izuku's eyes widened, his heart lurching inside his chest. Confusion washed over him, his mind struggling to comprehend the sudden confession amid the chaos of his argument.
“What? Kacchan, I... I don't get it” Izuku stammered, his voice a mix of surprise and uncertainty.
Bakugo's pride flared again, the walls of him snapping back. “Forget it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't change anything,” he replied, his voice filled with a mix of defensiveness and doubt.
But Izuku couldn't just dismiss Bakugo's confession. The whirlwind of emotions inside him refused to calm down, his heart yearning for clarity in the midst of the confusion. He reached out, his hand trembling slightly, wanting to close the gap between them.
"No, Kacchan. It does matter," Izuku said firmly, determination shining in his eyes. “I need to understand. I need to know what this all means.”
The halls were silent, silence hanging in the air as the weight of his unspoken desire lingered between them. His plot lines blurred, replaced by a tentative vulnerability.
Bakugo hesitated, his gaze locking on Izuku's. Slowly, he lowered his defenses, his pride giving way to a moment of unfiltered truth.
“I don't know. These feelings... are new to me. But what I do know is that not seeing your stupid face…it hurts.” he sighed “I can't stand seeing you with anyone else, but I can't stand the idea of losing you either.”
Confusion still clouded Izuku's mind, but the sincerity in Bakugo's words struck a chord within him. It was a tide of passion, frustration, and a vulnerability he had rarely seen in his rival. His heart faltered, caught between the lingering pain and the new hope.
In the midst of his confusion, Izuku knew one thing for sure: they couldn't go back to the way things were. They had reached a tipping point, a juncture where they had to confront their emotions head-on and discover the true depth of their connection.
"I-I don't get it, Kacchan, but you said that you wanted me to stay away from you."
"Well, that was…”
Bakugo looked up at Izuku only to realize that the boy was already deep in his own thoughts, swimming in his sea of theories and muttering nonstop.
“I thought I had misunderstood the signals, on the one hand you kept looking at me and I thought I was bothering you or that perhaps you wanted to tell me something. You constantly approached me during the festival almost as if you wanted to get my attention. On the other hand, when I approached you, you sounded sincere in asking me to stay away and you seemed genuinely happy with Kirishima-kun.”
Izuku spoke of his unrequited feelings for him, his confusion over Bakugo's actions and how he had misread so many signs along the way. The weight of it all hung heavy in the air, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed.
But before Izuku could finish his rambling, Bakugo silenced him with an unexpected and bold gesture. He leaned in, capturing Izuku's lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
Time seemed to stop as their lips melted again, their unspoken desires finally finding release. The fervor of the kiss said a lot, their lips moved in perfect harmony, not like before. They were conveying the depth of their emotions better than words.
Izuku's eyes widened in surprise, his heart pounding in his chest. His mind scrambled to catch up with the sudden turn of events, his confusion giving way to a surge of overwhelming sensation. In that moment, everything fell into place and the complicated puzzle of their relationship began to make sense.
Suddenly, he felt that he could hold Bakugo's feelings with his own hands; he felt that he was the only one who could understand Bakugo.
As his kiss dragged on, the tension between them began to dissipate, replaced by a new understanding. It was as if the kiss contained a thousand unspoken apologies, a million revelations, and a shared recognition of the love that had simmered beneath the surface for so long.
When they finally pulled apart, breathless and wide-eyed, a sense of clarity washed over Izuku. He looked into Bakugo's eyes, now filled with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. It was as if Bakugo's kiss had swept away all of Izuku's doubts and fears, leaving only the truth.
"Kacchan…" Izuku whispered, his voice filled with a newfound certainty. "I never imagined... I didn't know... that you felt the same way."
Bakugo's lips curved into a tender smile, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions. "Deku, I've been a jerk, okay? I pushed you away because I couldn't collect my thoughts.”
“Kacchan…” Izuku stared at him “Hit me”
"What the hell is wrong with you now?!"
"This is too good to be true! It has to be another one of those dreams that keep me sleeping in late!”
"I'll seriously beat you up if you keep saying such creepy things, you fucking idiot!"
"Then it's not a dream. Oh! What a relief~”
"Are you kidding or what?!"
Izuku was actually relieved. He was so happy that he couldn't just believe it and accept it, maybe he would go a long time without finishing believing it.
"No, Kacchan, I would never make fun of you." Izuku hugged Bakugo's chest now that he knew he could do it.
Bakugo still couldn't process this being affectionate, but it felt good to have Izuku hug him like this.
Izuku felt good in his arms, like he fit right in.
"And now what shall we do?"
"What the hell am I supposed to know? Do you want something else?”
Bakugo knew what Izuku was asking, but what happened tomorrow didn't matter to him. If Izuku wanted to shout it from the four winds, he might die of embarrassment, but he would feel proud to be the one Izuku presumes to be his boyfriend. Especially in front of the half-half.
“We could start by writing an apology to everyone for the mess we made.”
Out of nowhere Izuku pulled out a piece of paper and a pen.
Bakugo stared at him in disbelief and then released him. "Luck writing that, nerd. I'm going to bed.”
"W-Wait, Kacchan!"
"I'm not going to write that apology! The only person I cared about forgiving me already did!”
Izuku pursed his lip, showing concern. "Are you talking about Kirishima-kun?"
"I'm not talking about him, idiot. I'm talking about you!”
Joy returned to Izuku's face. "Oh! Kacchan!” He stuck to him again, not letting Bakugo escape.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Are you going to let me sleep?”
"Yeah, but first write the apology."
“Fuck off!”
Izuku was nearly throwing the paper and pen in Bakugo's face as Bakugo tried to shake him off.
"Kacchan! If you don't apologize now… you'll have to do it in person.”
“Over my dead body!”
"Leave me alone, Deku!"
Nothing had changed, the weight of Bakugo's confession hanging in the air, a testament to the transformative power of their shared kiss. The confusion and uncertainty that had haunted them both seemed to fade away, replaced by a new connection and an undeniable truth.
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku // Fics about Scars
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked on titles are mine.
Some contain mature content.
Read tags. Check Ratings.
Credit to @somegarbageisokay for the art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Perfectly Scarred Hands by Deadmen
Summary: The thing about relationships was that they involved romantic gestures. Like hand holding. And it wasn’t like Izuku was against hand holding, oh no. On the contrary. Izuku could feel the heat of Katsuki’s hands from a mile away, and he knew how sweet they smelled from his quirk, like caramel. So holding hands with Katsuki seemed like a dream come true.
It was his own hands that were the problem.
One Shot | UA Students
Rated - Teen & Up
Insecure by sister_elric
Summary: The two had been dating for almost a year now and became physical within the last three months.  Or at least, Deku has become physical.  Katsuki had managed to turn a few makeout sessions into frottage and has been able to stick his hand down Izuku’s pants and jack him off hurriedly a handful of times.  However, anytime Midoriya went down on Bakugou and the blonde wanted to return the favor, Izuku always refused. At first, he just assumed that the other teen was nervous.  But here they were a few months later and Bakugou can’t grasp what is going on.
One Shot | UA Students
Rated - Mature
See my body, soothe my mind by @amarisllis
Summary: At first, he sees the good things. All the praise and the positive reactions and the thirst tweets—Izuku blushes bright red at those. A lot of the comments about the article itself are good. But eventually, he stumbles onto… the rest.
Body positivity… @SI_Japan, you couldn’t use heroes that are… idk, *pretty*? Those scars are gnarly to look at. Not exactly the picture of healthy living----the Wonder Duo show some more skin than usual in a photo shoot. Izuku and Katsuki wrestle with the insecurity that follows.
One Shot | Pro Hero AU
Rated - Mature
Scars in the Mirror by artistiqally
Summary: It was nearing nightfall when Izuku stood in front of the mirror with one of Katsuki's old shirts on. With the sleeves rolled up, revealing his scarred biceps, it only reminded him of the difference between his husband's gorgeous broad shoulders and his own.
"Kacchan, are my scars...um, weird to you?"
One Shot | Pro Hero AU
Rated - Teen & Up
cause we're young and we're reckless, we'll take this way too far (it'll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar) by youreanovelidea
Summary: It’s not the first time he’s seen Izuku shirtless, but it is the first time he’s been this close. Crimson eyes trace the curve of Izuku’s spine, the firm planes of muscle decorated with freckles and faint bruises from training that day.
And then his gaze moves higher and his brow furrows in confusion.
— — —
Or, Izuku has a scar and Katsuki can't breathe.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Kissing Your Scars by nursal1060
Summary: To celebrate their anniversary, Bakugou decides to order some lingerie to dress up for his alpha husband, but feels inadequate as an omega when he sees his body in the mirror.
Izuku is there to remind him that he loves Bakugou exactly as he is.
One Shot | OmegaVerse | Pro Hero au
Rated - Explicit
Tissue Damage by amarisllis
Summary: “Oi. Just cuz you’re a pro-hero doesn’t mean you get to keep me waiting, shithead.”
Izuku stutters, eyes widening as he hesitantly hands the man his clipboard. “I, uh… huh?”
Well done. But in his defense, he wasn’t expecting this guy to be so gruff. The man smirks at him, cocking his head in a clear gesture to follow him. “C’mon. This way. You booked a massage session, right? Ya’ got me for the next hour.”
Or: the one where Izuku learns a thing or two about letting your guard down
One Shot | Aged Up
Rated - Teen & Up
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bakakatsuki69 · 1 year
Self Defense and Edurances
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Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Tbh this will probs have a second part. Idk what to tag lol. It’s just a late night idea n not much smut happens. Think of it as being edged I guess lol. If you want more lemme know.
I had this idea that pro hero Katsuki teaches his girlfriend self defense after a stalking villain incident causes an ankle injury but things get steamy. However he must endure because of your injury.
The sounds of fists hitting could be heard inside the small building . There was metal clanking from the weights. The smell of testosterone and sweat filled the air. The occasional grunt could be heard followed by a thud.
“AGAIN” a loud voice sounded.
You were panting heavily against the wall. Katsuki laid on the blue mat. He got up and brushed his back off. As he approached you, you put your arms up in an X.
“Please,” you said. “I need a break”
Katsuki smirked. “Why do you need the break?” He said hoarsely “I’m the one being thrown” he looked at you “well barely”
You rolled your eyes. your ankle started throbbing and you winced.
Katsuki immediately went to you and supported you.
“We’ll take a break here,” he said, helping you to a nearby bench.
It had been 3 weeks since the stalker incident. He was still at large and evading the pros. Katsuki was worried since the villain was targeting you because of him.
Even though you didn’t live alone Katsuki felt you should still take protective measures. It was only a matter of time before the villian could come find you. So he took it upon himself to teach you some self defense combat.You had to wait till your sprained ankle had healed which took about 3 weeks . Although your ankle wasn’t in a cloth cast anymore you still had to be careful and not do too much strenuous exercise.
You sat on the bench rubbing your upper arms. After throwing Katsuki , who weighed a sturdy 180 or so pounds most of which was muscles, a total of 12 times your shoulder was hurting like crazy. Katsuki saw you rubbing your shoulders and got up to grab the Tiger Balm.
“Need a massage?” He asked,holding the small tin can up.
You looked up wearily. “No, I think I’m okay to go again,” you said.
Katsuki shook his head. “We’ve been at it for a bit.” He said “ we can call it a day”
You narrowed your eyes and said “no” while standing up but your ankle almost gave way. You ignored the pain and continued to stand up. “One more time.”
Katsuki looked at you fiercely. “Y/N,” he said in a warning tone.
He knew you would push yourself and ignore your pain. You did it two days ago as you were running the self defense drills. It wasn’t until you was sitting that he noticed your swollen ankle. Seeing this he got really pissed.
“Y/N your ankle!” He shouted.
You shrugged it off which infuriated him more.
“That’s it! I’m not teaching you anymore” he said coldly.
You got up. Hopping over to him. “Kacchan please.” you said.
“I warned you before.” He said crossly. “You’re not fully healed. Yet you continue to push yourself and disregard your pain.” He looked away from you. “If you won’t listen to me..I won’t teach you anymore”
You looked at him. your eyes pleaded “please” you said. “I need to know this”
your voice cracked as you spoke. “I need to be able to defend myself,” You said.
“And you will but not if you’re hurting yourself this way” he said. “I won’t let you injure yourself more. How can you fight if your leg is broken.”
His words hit a nerve. He watched you as you collapsed on the mat. He wanted to go to you but his anger has not subsided.
“I’m sorry,” you say “I’m just...” your voice trailed off.
Katsuki saw you shivering and walked to you. He got on the mat touching your arm gently. He saw the fear in your eyes. The incident left you paralyzed with fear when you would think of what would’ve happened had he not come.
“I know you don’t want what happened that day to repeat.” He said. “But you can’t defend if your leg is incapacitated.”
He rubbed your swollen ankle. “We will continue but only if you don’t push yourself.”
You nodded but Katsuki took your chin in his hand. Forcing you to look at him. “No” he said, “promise me right now.”
You looked down but he made you look up again. “Promise” he said through clenched teeth.
He knew you were stubborn and even if you said you wouldn’t push yourself, he knew you would. The only way he would feel relieved is if you looked him in the eyes and promised. Since you always kept your promise to him. He added a bit of anger in his voice to show his seriousness. you didn’t like to hear him mad at you. His tone puts a bit of fear in your heart but not because of his intimidating aura. you didn’t know exactly what it was but it made you uneasy.
“I-I promise.” you said softly.
He looked at you sternly. “Keep it,” he said.
you learned before what would happen if you didn’t. You didn’t want to get him upset at you and knew what he meant when he gave you the warning voice.
“Okay” you said “we’ll stop now” you added reluctantly.
Katsuki nodded his response. “Good,” he said.
“Wanna get food?” He added looking at your pouty face.
you nodded. you had sat on the bench after some time but when you tried to get up you winced. Katsuki gently pushed you back down then lifted you leg up on his knee. He frowned as he felt your ankle. There were signs of swelling forming.
“Hmm” he said. He looked at you coldly.
You looked away. you didn’t say anything because you knew why he looked at you that way. After the sixth time of having to throw him you had felt your right ankle start to hurt. However you disregarded the pain and continued to throw him which put more weight onto your right leg.
Katsuki ’s eyebrows knitted as he proceeded to massage the tiger balm onto your ankle. He then moved up from you ankle up your leg to make sure nothing else was tense. As his hand traveled up your calves You began to fidget from his touch. your legs were a bit ticklish but that wasn’t why you squirmed. His big warm hands on you made you feel a weird sensation.
Katsuki noticed your flushed face. He thought it hurt you so he immediately stopped pressing on your leg. Which made you feel a bit disappointed. It had been a while since you felt his touch. Too long to endure.
Katsuki felt the heat on his face as he looked at you crimson face. Why did you look so seductive right now? your voice isn’t helping me keep my libido in check . He thought.
Just the way you bit your lips just now made his blood hot. Now as your eyes were on him he could feel his ears get red. you leaned in to him.
You at this moment had lost almost all reason as you saw his flushed face. The way he looked at you flustered you. you knew he was holding back for your sake.
As your ankle hadn’t completely healed. Though it was sweet it drove you crazy sexually.
You wanted to have him hold you. Just having his hands on your calf made you hot. Shit, you’re not a virgin and with Katsuki you don’t remember not having him for longer than 2-3 days.
Katsuki stiffened up as you leaned your breast pressing against his chest. This alone made him feel excited. As you leaned in more your eyes looked more and more seductive. What are you trying to do? He thought.
After a few seconds he got his answer as your soft plump lips touched his. At first you were just going to make it a small peck but as soon as you felt the warmth of his lips on your, you couldn’t help but indulge yourself. As you pressed your lips harder against his Katsuki began to feel a desire to feel more. He pressed back against your lips and then forced your lips to part with his tongue.
You felt his warm wet tongue slip into your mouth and then entwine with your tongue. As your tongues danced around each other Katsuki held the back of your head. He deepened the kiss, getting wrapped up in the sensation. you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, closing the gap between you. Before long you felt his body pressing against you.
As you wrapped your arms around him Katsuki began to press against you. Before long the two of you fell on the bench. Entangled by your kiss. Katsuki ’s hand gently trailed your leg to your thigh. your body felt warm in his hands. His heart began to race as he deepened the kiss as well as his weight on top of you.
“Ah” You let out a small moan.
This sound was so cute and soft. Katsuki soon found himself wanting to hear more. His hand gently squeezed your inner thigh which made you let out another moan. your breathing got irrational as he moved from your mouth to your neck. As he placed small kisses on your slender neck you breathed heavily.
your eyes fluttered as he began to gently suck on your neck. Katsuki felt wrapped up in the moment hearing you moan. He propped your leg up so he could reposition himself between you legs. The moment he did he could feel the heat emanating from your spot.
“Mmm” you said, feeling him pressing on you.
Through your leggings you could feel his manhood as it got harder. you wanted to feel more so you moved against it. As your hips moved you grinded against him. Thankfully you were in the back room of the small gym. No one would dare come in and even if they did the door was locked. This was a room usually for private training and only the pro heroes were allowed in here.
“Ahhh” your moans got slightly louder.
you gripped him by his shirt, forcing more of his weight on you. It had been a while since you felt his weight on you like this. However this felt different. you felt different. you were really hot now and though you knew you should stop you couldn’t bring yourself to.
Katsuki was the one who stopped after hearing your loud moan. He looked at your flushed face. Shit. He thought. What am I doing? He quickly detangled himself from you leaving you with a confused look on your face.
“Kacchan” you said, still breathless, “it’s okay” you reassured him.
Katsuki shook his head. He really did want to hear you make more noises but not here. Not like this. He got up.
“We should uh go” he said.
You bite your lip slowly coming back to your senses. He was right, you did need to go. This was not the place to start those things.
“Uh Imma shower real quick” he said making his way to his duffle bag. He grabbed it then looked at you.
“Stay here ,” he said softly. As he passed you he turned to you and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You looked down. Is that all? you thought sullenly. However you were caught off guard as he took your chin in his hand again and kissed you deeply and passionately. He cut the kiss short however fearful that it would start him back up.
He knew he had your approval but he still didn’t want to do too much. Part of it was because of where you were but the other part was because of your smile. It hadn’t been a full month yet after all. He took his duffle bag and headed to the small locker room outside. He locked the door behind him just in case.
After 20 minutes passed, Katsuki returned to find you sparring with the sandbag. you were jabbing it left and right with an occasional kick with your left leg. your curly hair was dampened from the sweat and small curls stuck to your face. you looked even more attractive than earlier like this which made his skin burn. He cursed under his breath for he had just taken a cool shower to calm down yet the sight of you made him feel enticed to start you up again.
You were too distracted to see him come in. It wasn’t until he held the sandbag did you see take notice. He was in a tank top now and his upper arms looked very toned and muscular.
“Hmm” you said, reaching out. you touched his left arm following all the way up.
Katsuki felt slightly aroused at your touch but forced it back down.
“We should go” he said
You smiled. “ oh really?” you said coyly.
Katsuki ignored your coquettish look. “We should get going,” he growled.
It was understandable as you had injured you ankle and shouldn’t be on it too much. It was healed but not fully. It will take a few more weeks.
As the two of you left the room, Katsuki noticed all the eyes that fell on you. you were wearing a tight pale yellow crop top shirt and leggings that did little to hide you curves. Of course all the eyes would be on you. Katsuki ’s cold crimson eyes swept across the room. All the men looked away as they felt the degree drop due to Katsuki ’s intimidating aura.
“Here” he said, handing his pullover from his duffle bag.
“Huh” You asked, confused. you were quite warm and didn’t need the hoodie.
Katsuki looked at you coldly. He could feel a few lingering eyes as you stood your arms crossed making you cleavage pop out more. His blood boiled at the thought of these lecherous men staring at his woman.
“Put it on,” he said agitated.
You shook your head no but soon grabbed the pullover noticing his cold stare. you gave him your duffle bag and put on the black and white hoodie. Satisfied, Katsuki took your hand pulling you to the exit.
Once inside the car you buckled up, Katsuki started the car but didn’t drive. Not yet as he was still upset at all those guys staring at you.
You gently brush your hand through his hair but he pulls away. You reached out to touch his cheek rubbing on his thigh. Katsuki turned to you. Pressing his face into your warm cheek.
“I want you to touch me.” You say going up his thigh.
Katsuki looked away but a smirk came across his face. One you couldn’t see.
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” He asks.
You shook your head as you didn’t know but before you could speak Katsuki grabbed you into a kiss. His mouth crashed onto yours and he forced your lips apart with his tongue. you let out a small moan as his tongue rubbed against your . He had you pressed against the window now. Your breaths were heavy and hot. you almost couldn’t breathe from the force of the kiss.
you felt yourself getting hot as he pressed you against the window. His hand trailed up your leg and squeezed your inner thigh. you moaned into his mouth as he had not let your lips go. He indulged himself in the touch of your soft lips. your sweet taste. He vented all his frustration into that kiss. As he squeezed your inner thigh you gripped the back of his shirt almost at your limit of pleasure. He had found your most sensitive spot and he was attacking it, squeezing your thigh tighter but making sure not to hurt you.
As you moaned more deeply he found himself unable to let you go. you are getting weaker now. your body was getting warmer. you were going crazy from this ferocious kiss. He was like a hungry animal aggressively sucking on your bottom lip.
“Ah Katsuki ” you managed to say.
Katsuki delights to hear this and deepens his kiss more. He wanted more. He wanted to feel you squirm under him more. He wanted to hear you moan in that soft sexy voice again.
you began to get weak from his kiss. your body trembled. you had never experienced a feeling like this one before. Not from a kiss. your grip on his shirt loosened. He let your lips go and moved to your neck. His lips touched your ear which made you giggle. You found your hands reaching for his pants and you began to rub. Seeing him so desperate gives you a mischievous smile.
His breath could be felt in your ear as he spoke. “Do you have any idea how much I’m enduring right now. ” he asked , still gripping your inner thigh. His hand moved up your thigh slowly. “Don’t start,” He said in a husky voice.
You could barely speak. you couldn’t even open your eyes. you have reached the peak of your pleasure. His words excited you.
“Katsuki .” your voice was softer than a whisper but Katsuki heard you. You feel his hardness through his pants and decide to take it out. Teasing his tip with your fingers. Licking your fingers you gently rub his head. He moans.
“Stop” he breathes.
Your hand moved more aggressively. You liked seeing his head roll back in pleasure but he wasn’t one to give in so easily. He reaches up to your sweet spot. Feeling how wet you got he’s tempted. He wanted to tease you more but this wasn’t the time or place. He knew your weaknesses and could exploit them again at any time. He let you go looking at you with a hint of mischief in his eyes. You’re lucky I don’t eat you right here and now he thought to himself.
You continue to tease him with your hands until you feel him ready to release but he stops you. “I know what you’re trying to do. You’re just teasing me knowing I can’t do anything back to you.”He then leaned in towards you ear “however know if you dare tease me again I’ll tease you right back and trust me babe you can’t handle that “ he warned you. He licks your love nectar from his fingers. Your heart raced at the sound of his voice. you were sure he was right. you couldn’t handle his teases but that didn’t mean you weren't willing to try. Of course he wouldn’t go any further tonight because of your ankle but you knew as soon as you were healed he wouldn’t let you go.
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mamuttuth · 6 months
So, um, I can’t sleep last night because my mind was occupied with particular thoughts. And, well, I write it.
Hope someone like it or not, it doesn’t really matter now, cause I light my brain pulling it out. So, it a short bkdk story, before their graduation. Idk how to call it. Maybe
Late kitchen talk
Okay, so here it is. If you will have some thoughts, welcome 💬
It was a peaceful night, the graduation ceremony less than a week now and all students of hero class 3A ready to go into the big world of pro heroes. Their last exams ended yesterday and they all pass it with ease. After so many bumps and tears on their way to become a heroes it was a beautiful calm time where all their troubles now seems like nightmares that are in distant past.
Izuku Midoriya standing alone in a dark dorm kitchen with a mug of warm herbal tea trying to drift himself to sleep. The aromatic drink slowly did its job, relaxing tense body after intensive training. His green emerald eyes look through the kitchen window to the backyard of their dorm without focusing on anything in particular.
A slight rustling caught his attention, he turned his head towards the sound and find the one and only Katsuki Bakugo entering the kitchen with sleepy eyes.
“Hey, Kacchan” he greeted didn’t want to startled him.
“Can’t sleep?” ask the ash blonde moving towards kitchen counter grabbing a mug to pour the water for himself.
“Actually, I just finished my training not so long ago, so, um, getting ready for sleep now” the greenett answer slowly sipping his tea.
“If you want there are some herbal tea in teapot, still warm, probably” he offered the drink to Katsuki.
“I’m good” he politely declined taking a big gulp of water.
“Still training so late, you should know it’s not good for you, nerd. Good rest is also important.” slight concern could be heard in his voice.
Even after those three years in hero course Izuku trained himself twice hard then most of his classmates. Nothing can stop him to become a greatest hero.
“Can’t help it, you know it, Kacchan, like nobody else” the sheepish smile find a way on greenett features. The ash blond with crimson eyes only humms for reply.
They stood in dark kitchen some more in silent until it was broken by the last one.
“What are we?” his voice was quiet like a whisper. It was a random question and Izuku trying to process it turns his head towards Katsuki.
“What do you want us to be?” he questioned him instead of answering.
The ash blonde close his crimson eyes and deep inhale in thoughts. They have a live-long complicated relationship. Bump and rough path. Childhood friends, bully and victim, rivals, and now they are some sort of friends? They both have a strange feeling about each other in their heart, they both sense a deep connection to each other, but they can’t wrap their minds about it. Do they want more than just friendship? Do they want to be a partners? Hero duet? Oh, if that tho they would be unstoppable team. Or maybe just maybe they are both want something more from each other.
“I really don’t freaking know for myself, but I know as heck that I want you in my life. We know each other almost our whole life, I can’t imagine future without you by my side. I know it sounds freaking crazy and selfish from me, but I mean it, Izuku” the crimson eyes now wide open and look in green emerald pulls with determination in voice. The freckles cheeks tint with light blush the darkness of night hide it from soft crimson gaze. He always look up to Kacchan, always admire him, he was and he is his imagine of victory. Do he want more from him?
The green eyes look down to his mug with already cold tea on the bottom of it and scared fingers fiddle with ceramic handle.
Izuku’s voice was timid as he was scared of what he was about to say.
“I have the same thoughts about you, you know. I don’t want us to be separated”.
Silence took over the dark kitchen again, all you could hear was the calm breathing of two people and distant sounds of night from outside. After another long moment Katsuki put his mug down on kitchen counter and reached out to take Izuku’s mug. The green eyes glanced up to reached hand and extended his hand to give him his mug. Their fingers brushed lightly and this are a weird feeling in their stomach.
“Can I hold your hand?” the ash blonde simply ask after putting down their mugs in sink to wash it later. Emerald wide pulls look up quickly in deep rubys on soft face. Freckles cheeks now warm and prominent pink. He startled when he replies “Um, s-sure” extended his scared hand to Katsuki to take it.
Carefully the ash blonde took the large scared palm in his and lightly squeezed it. He eyed every scar and scrap on it running his thumb over the back of greennet’s palm. It feels almost relieved, like it is the most valuable prize in his life. And memories of their past flood his mind.
“You know, I dream about that freaking hand constantly. After that day when I felt from that damn log, when you reached this hand to me. It’s hunting me in nightmares sometimes” he suddenly feels how that scared hand tense in his grip. Crimson eyes glance up at the greenett, he didn’t mean to scare him. “Heck, didn’t mean to scared you” he says reassuring. “What I mean is that I’m so freaking regret that I push you away from that damn day. I was egotistical and arrogant brat and I regret my past decisions. I’m sorry, Izuku”
The greenett relax and cups the ash blonde’s hand with his other hand.
“Thank you, Kacchan, but you don’t need to apologize to me for that, I already forgive you long time ago” he beam at him. “And you already apologized for your past, I don’t hold a grudge against you, never will be. You are so amazing and strong, Kacchan, if so I will be your number one fan when we graduated. You will be the great hero, Kacchan, no doubt” his bright smile illuminate dark kitchen and Katsuki almost squeezes his eyes.
They stayed there staring at each other’s eyes hand in hand and no one wanted to take a move to disturb their peace. But nothing is eternal.
The loud yawn leave greenett’s mouth and one hand trying to covered it.
“We should probably go to bed now” suggests the ash blonde feeling that sleep has reached him too.
“We should” flutter open green eyes replied.
Katsuki turns towards staircase and tug Izuku with him. They slowly climb up to second floor and when the greennet was about to say his farewell, the crimson eyes boy tug him higher with himself. Freckles cheeks heated up with new portion of pink blush but he didn’t complain or says anything against it. He trust Kacchan, he knows he won’t hurt him in any ways. They reach fourth floor and Bakugo’s door. The latter quietly opens revealing neat and tidy dorms room.
“Can you stay with me tonight? I won’t do anything to you, freaking promise” crimson eyes boy says reassuringly, he squeeze large scared hand lightly.
“Of course, Kacchan, I’ll stay with you” the greenett smiles brightly to him. It feels unreal at that moment, he would never have thought that this amazing young man with spiky ash blonde hair and deep ruby eyes would hold his hand so tenderly with soft gaze toward him. And that rare treasure smile on his face is worth a lot.
They entered Katsuki’s room, door close with quiet thud.
The ash blonde lead him into his bed, the mattress sagged under their weight. They lies there face to face still hand in hand on their sides carefully watching each other under duvet cover their shoulders.
Crimson eyes close and forehead touch the green mop of hair “I could be anyone you want me to be” he whisper to greenett.
The latter one put his free hand on ash blonde’s cheek and gently run his thumb over cheekbone. The green emerald shut close by eyelids.
“Then be yourself, Kacchan. I won’t you to change” his soft voice lull him to sleep. “I promise you, we will stay together, side by side. Wherever fate takes us”.
“You better”.
They lies on the ash blonde’s bed quietly, slowly slipping to peaceful sleep. Their minds and hearts calm and steady, tomorrow they will talk more, but right now they’re enjoying each other’s company.
It was a rough long path, but they heading to bright future together and that is enough for now.
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