#idiom poem
tarabyte3 · 1 year
Having a terrible headspace/imposter syndrome/continued writer's block day. So have some more of my poetry instead. No pretty graphics this time. Just 4 poems with a decade between them.
I am lily-like,
To the Gardener
open and blushing, petals
speckled in salmon.
I want you to cup
and caress my blossom face,
the curve of throat down
to my long-stemmed sway
of hips, full figured flora
ready for pollen.
Pistil and stamen,
yellow fingers stretched outward
from their corolla
casing to bathe in
raindrops and breezes. Pluck me,
roots and bulb heavy.
Inhale my flower
sex—fragrant. Waiting for you
to see my ripeness
and hang me to dry
beside the aster, pansy,
rose, chrysanthemum.
- March, 2010
The Buried
The ivy here reaches up
like many greedy hands
groping stone, embraced
in a patient game of tug of war.
At every turn there are dunes
of vines, erratic tangled masses
where the ivy has won,
burying the plaques
like their patrons
interred below.
We are, all of us,
returned to the earth.
Not through a yawning chasm,
but boxed neatly and regifted.
Some are charred to ash
and dust and scattered, ghosts
of embers catching wind gusts
until they settle, are swallowed
still by dirt. By inevitability.
Though our markers and monuments
are lost to time, the ground
never forgets us. It carries
the memory of our bones
in soil and tells the living,
"This was life once, too."
- October, 2020
To the Moon
I have seen a full moon drive a man
crazy as a woman can, so you must
be a woman with thick red hair.
The Greeks call you Selene—
brightness, moon-faced woman,
curved, voluptuous night figure.
My body swells as you do, waxes
to fullness each month
until we are emptied and new.
You must be a woman who knows
how dark the world can be
on a moonless night—
I have watched men crying
for the moon in alleyways
at two in the morning.
- April, 2010
I want to be a light.
I want to burn, beacon
bright and leave
neon shadows behind
your eyelids when you look
away. The impression
of me more than an echo.
A brand. A memory
that sharpens into focus
whenever you smell
my perfume in a crowded
grocery store or hear
raindrops patter rhythms
on your windshield.
You see, light leaks
when it's strong enough
and I want to leave you
with enough to brighten
anywhere you might go.
- February, 2020
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hollyslangblr · 9 months
something i like about learning languages is i feel it allows me to better express myself, even if i’m only writing for me. if i’m writing a song and i feel like i’m laying myself too bare it helps me to switch language even just for a line or two cos it gives me a degree of separation and helps me stop judging myself so harshly
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savorynights · 8 days
Happiness is
Crazy is
the pace.
I could be good,
i could be sane.
But i had to take
the hard way.
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Morality is
Only the truth
shall set me free
But even that doesn't
matter anymore.
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blueywritespoetry · 8 months
Reason is without rhyme.
That is unfortunately simple
Logic doesn't have dramatic irony
Or repetition or couplets or sonnet
Realism totally lacks soliloquy
Idealism is laced with it
Hopes are lavished by a poet
As reason is removed from rhythm
Reason is without rhyme
And rhyme is without reason
Repellant poles of rhyme and reason
Reject the very notion of each other.
Reason is without rhyme.
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never overstay your welcome and always watch your back.
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Just popping by to share my ignorance - your explanation of your url just prompted me to google the metaphorical meaning of albatross because so far I've always just assumed you meant literal bird, for some reason. XD Yay, non-native English speaker! Always something new to learn. XD
Oh fun, thank you for sharing that! (And sorry I took a couple days to answer this--I was in the Midst of Final Deadlines for school, which are now mercifully past.)
I mean, it's not not about the literal bird, because it was kind of a random choice. So you really weren't wrong. :P But yeah, I also always think of the metaphorical meaning due to the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Which I... have never actually read, but I have read about through English Lit Osmosis. So I'm happy to share that association! English is endlessly full of references, it seems like.
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Frog in my throat
I hear it scream
Release within its grasp
Screaming for release I gasp
Scratching and screeching
I feel it reaching
It’s slimy body, mucus coated hulk
Cease your struggling, for my life you must.
Clawed and torn
Your contracting lungs
Broken body, my bones dust
Cease your struggling, for my life you must.
Worn out body
A throat worn thin
If this struggle continues
Only one may live.
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but you want to be
god's favourite again,
don't you? white-eyed wolf
licking at bite marks
on the hand that feeds
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xoesweet · 6 days
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Radiate love, attract pure magic. Quiet mind, peaceful soul within. Embrace change, evolve, thrive endlessly. Happiness is a choice daily.
Tap here to get joy.
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adinafay · 1 month
I stray Unmarked and unknown A road does not know how far it travels
I meander Defining boundless depths A river always runs through a peaceful stillness
I drift There is no brightest star A constellation is made up of more than one
I wander Moss growing on all sides A rolling stone cannot match a moving mountain
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A published piece by me. Finally. Truly. Read, please.
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monomorphilogical · 8 months
Not another lone wolf
when my body's see-through in the light of the moon
I'm trying to hide away in every corner of my room
all those mean men were only the wolf to a man
their teeth in my arm when I gave them my hand
devoted to acting crazy in the middle of a lonely night
voice above me said they're all in love with the fight
my soul's not the believer but I've seen the signs
and my mama has told me it's all in their eyes
(burning in the dark like some torch song
glowing some shade of horribly wrong)
so I'm only trying to keep you from the door
I learned sharp teeth are the edge to fear for
that mouth full of knives will bite right through me
cut out my heart and set the damned thing free
cupid-bowed and stain-cheeked it'll go to my head
it'll bleed out of me until my clothes show red
I need time but I'm so bad with the waiting
I’m standing in your doorway forever hesitating
and there's howling coming through the white noise
but what's echoing back to me is my own voice
when at night I cry wolf when you've gone away
ask me any question and I'll don't know what to say
but there comes a day I'll cut out loose
and sleep next to you through this night's blues
‘cause your body hasn't worn the sheep's skin
moon high and you're the same you've always been
I guess the sudden bark is worse than your bite
you were never a wolf to man but you're such a sight
so I need no sharp-lined body walking me home
I'll be running with wolves 'till this morning come
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littlefreakelio · 8 months
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ai-edge · 8 months
Learn English Grammar - Parts of Speech
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priyafied · 1 year
Scrape the barrel, break fresh ground
Actions may speak louder than words, but I don't bite off more than I can chew. A picture worth 1000 words comes close, But my 50 lines today are worth a million of those. I will hit the nail on the head today, for I know the wind is blowing which way.
I realize that a picture is worth a thousand words,when I see worms taken away by the early birds. So, I fed myself something warm,And got ready to face the storm. A picture worth 1000 words comes close,But my 50 lines today are worth a million of those. I will hit the nail on the head today,for I know the wind is blowing which way. There’s once bitten, twice shy,But when twice bitten, you…
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lilymelancholy04 · 1 year
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