#i've missed him so :(
every-orochimaru · 1 year
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favoritejohn · 2 years
oh lord here he comes !!
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clarisse-doodles · 4 months
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inspired by this post, in which Damian does not know what Vine is
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neytui · 3 months
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Happy Leap Year + Happy Year of The Dragon + Happy Birthday Hiccup!!! 🎉✨
I know this is not confirmed on the movies or anything, but I guess it's the closest I can get to Hiccup's birthday so I'll take it.
I'll also take the chance to talk a lil about my feelings below, pardon meee
I've been liking httyd since it first came out, I remember being a kid and not understanding half what what's going on with the movie but there where dragons so I couldn't give a shit. I don't remeber my first time watching httyd2 but I fucking wish I did, the only one I remember watching for the first time is httyd3 cuz I went to the cinema and cried a fucking toooon, also got the only official merch I had and it's a pop corn bowl hell yeah.
Anyways, even when I have loved it my whole life, there have only been few times I've got hyperfixated on it, I think this is like the fourth/fifth time or smth, but it's the first time making content and posting :) and I didn't imagine there would be people out there who could care about it. I'm here to thank all that people, all of you thank you for liking my stuff and for reblogging with all that funny and caring tags, I read all of them, sometimes take some pictures of them bc of how much of an impact they made me feel, I wish there were a easy way to answer to them :') Httyd means a lot to me and I genuinely think it has formed some of me as a person through the years. I could write about it all day but this is getting so loNG IM SORRY, one day I could write more about it maybe, but till then, letting you know I care about this way too much and thank you so much for the support, love y'all ❤ Happy Birthday Hiccup
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nipuni · 1 year
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Once again I bring you some Eriks 😊
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dancerachanation · 3 months
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02.03.2024 - Han during a fancall
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buckevantommy · 1 month
i'm so glad they brought back tommy for buck. they could've brought back eli. they could've brought back the openly gay firefighter. they could've introduced someone new. but instead they brought back tommy: the guy who was stuck in the old boys' club, as well as figuring himself out around the same age as buck. the guy who wasn't warm or welcoming to chim or hen when they first arrived but who clearly struggled with doing so, and then who came to appreciate them and have their backs and enjoy their friendship. the guy who was there to see how bobby made a real difference to the 118, made it like a family before he left. the guy who was there for bobby's introduction of 'family dinners'. the guy who left the 118 so that buck could take his place there. the guy with the tk initials. the guy who shares a name with 2 other poignant tommys in the narrative for buck. the guy who chim called not once but twice for help and he answered. the guy who was saved by chimney and who will (hopefully) get to return the favour. the guy who made such pivitol personal growth in his time at the 118 thanks to chim and hen and bobby. they brought back the guy who proves that it's never too late to change, to grow, to be open and soft and caring. that it's never too late to learn about yourself, to figure out who you are as well as the person you want to be. that it's never too late to become a better version of yourself.
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madneywedding · 2 months
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the way i would pay for oliver to write meta about buck's character
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arabellas · 5 months
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a-s-levynn · 3 months
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"A sacred guardian" A Series of Small Offerings - IV/1 - day33
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Why would you—That's not—I just wanted to ask for help, why did you have to go and make it awkward???
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namchyoon · 3 months
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day 100/547 until joon returns
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arguablysomaya · 8 months
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-batman 138
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courviknight · 5 months
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happy holidays and a happy new year, @ko-rka!! i am your secret santa for @fmasecretsanta ^^
i drew for you emo punk ed fashion, cats, and stars... and let me tell you, it's been SUCH a pleasure drawing as i've listened to your mcr playlist!! i ended up liking a lot of songs on spotify back-to-back, but some of my favorites were "to the end" and "sleep"
i hope you like it, and i'm wishing you the best for the new year! :]
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forcedhesitation · 8 months
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astarion origin playthrough worth it just for all the extra moments where he does the "sad wet cat" face
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Save me funny man
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