#i'm so in love w the way she tips her hat like that
noxtivagus · 2 years
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jazjelspen · 3 months
devil's spawn.
angel alastor w/ radio demon daughter reader
(notes: based off of the concept of my other story 'my angel baby' except alastor and his adopted daughter switch places and personalities. In Alastor's pov (?)in this chapter.)
(caution: RUSHED!! definitely rushed qwq so I greatly apologize. Not proofread in the slightest. Might have cringe parts am so sorriy qwq)
(Alastor is still in a way the angel version of 'the radio demon' except he's called 'the radio angel' by his fans, but he doesn't refer to himself as such since angel alastor is actually humble)
(I'm willing to make another part but considering Hs becoming more stressful and it blowing my brain up it'll definitely take time, but always willing to make more if wanted/needed)
It was another bright and fresh day in heaven, Alastor clinging the laundry up on the line while his mother, whom he managed to find in his decades inside the pearly gates, sat on a rocking chair reading a book as she usually would.
The bright heavenly lights making his halo shine, complimenting his wings, other neighborly 'winners' he would be acquainted with would walk by and greet him with a wave or a tip of their hats to him while he was outside fixing their clothes.
In this particular universe, Alastor is the complete opposite of his original counterpart. Where the original Alastor would hurt and destroy, this version of him would care and heal. He was selfless, kind, compassionate and sympathetic to which again is also a complete twist around compared his original self.
Alastor died out of an accidental kill, mistaken for a deer and shot through the head while he was out in the forest collecting his adoptive daughter's favorite flowers, at her favorite flower meadow on the day of her eighteenth birthday.
Unfortunately due to missing his baby girl's birthday and being taken away from her too soon for his liking he has been living in pure regret, panic, and pure sorrow form having to leave her too early and it pained him everyday.
He raised you all by himself while juggling his passion for radio hosting, finding comfort in your innocence and smiles when he first found you and as you grew up you gave him a reason to live and work.
That's the only thing that him and the original sadistic version Alastor have in common; the fatherly love for their daughters who are also their entire lives. Their love traverses across universes.
Eventually the more you grew up the more.. peculiar and unique you became.. your innocence would melt away with a sadistic fire in your eyes that he would notice at times but would try his best to lead you in the ways of love and compassion which you had for him but lacked for those around you..
Alastor was finishing up his morning chores for his mother's home before he would eventually go back inside and get a few necessities before leaving his home. His pearly coat, his shining microphone staff, fix his appearance in the mirror just a tad, and finally hugging his mother goodbye from the porch to head up and down the street towards the main part of the city.
Yes, he was still a radio host as well too.
Instead of broadcasting screams of pain and terror from sinners he instead would give voices to those who wished to express their passions, interview everyday folk and influential people on opinions and advice to those listening to his radio show and he even has good connections and acquaintances to the high Seraphims of heaven in order to get the latest news in the ruling of heaven.
He's just as famous as he was in life, maybe more considering how many people there are in heaven alone.
His polished shoes creating sounds on the pavement as he hummed a special tune that he adores, a tune he used to sing to you. Yet again still greeting passing by acquaintances and fans of his show with genuine glee and care.
Alastor waved off to an old friend while walking by, shining his taken cared for smile. "Good to see you again Roger, don't forget to tune in soon in a few hours! It'll be a real gas so don't miss i-- oh my!"
Alastor looked down as he seemed to bump into someone small, looking down at his feet he saw a young little girl. Another fellow 'winner' she seemed to have bumped into him with chocolate smeared around her mouth with a giddy yet apologetic smile on her face. And unfortunately smeared some chocolate on his pants.
"Hiya mister!" she waved, showing her dirtied little hand as well "Sorries! I didn't watch where I was going..!"
Alastor noticed the stain and his jaw hung slightly from surprise but then immediately laughed it off, petting the young girl on the head in understanding.
"Oh little one, don't worry about it at all! Here, so you can clean yourself up." He then took a white embroidered handkerchief for his chest pocket to give to the little girl who then wiped her face and her hands, seeing her struggle a bit Alastor graciously held her hands gently to wipe them off for her and her nose as well.
"Mary!" A voice exclaimed that approached, a woman than came into view, a winner as well. "Oh! Well if it isn't our most kind radio host! I deeply apologize about my daughter sir.." The mother would smile sheepishly and apologetically. "Thank you so much for helping my little girl, I apologize for her clumsiness! Could I perhaps offer you help of any kind?..”
Alastor shook his head as he would then neatly fold the handkerchief and saved it in his coat this time so that he could remember to wash it when he got back home. "Oh no no! No need ma'am, it's nothing a little magic can't cover up for the time being!" He smiled at the woman who now had her hands placed on her daughter's shoulders with a sigh slipping through her lips. He looked down at the girl as he gave her a pat on the head "On the other hand, are you okay dear? I do hope you didn't hit yourself too hard!.."
The little girl shook her head as well in reply, "Nu-uh mister! Thank you for helping me! I promise not to bump into anymore misters or any misseses!" Oh her messing up of words ringed a bell in his head
"How darling! Take care of yourself and your mother now, " He looked up at the woman to then lower his head slightly in respect before resuming his steps again "Apologies for the rush, just trying to see if I can get some special guests on my radio show tonight!"
The woman waved at him 'goodbye' with her young girl following suit "Oh I sure hope they agree! Good day to you Alastor!"
"Good day to you as well madame!" he waved back as he finally took enough steps away from them to now get a clearer view of the inside of the city.
He couldn't help but sigh in despair, he remembers when he used to have his own little girl.
Took care of her as if she was his own blood, as if they came form the same flesh and heritage.
And although you didn't, he never loved you any less.
His smile faltered slightly but picked it up quickly, rushing towards the next moving tram that he recognized to get to his destination: the middle of the city. Once he saw one and hopped on, he could feel his heart pump with blood he once had as red and now as gold as the tears of the elder angels.
If what he heard was right, he would try to get a segment with three special guests from hell.
Sure, he knew that they came from a place of bad and evil but that didn't deter him any less. From life to death he would give voices to everyone that needed to be heard and he would follow it no matter where someone came from.
The fresh breezes and the smell of bakeries, restaurants, the sounds of workers in mom and pop shops and independent growing businesses were like music. He could've sworn that even the laughter of children and the chattering of friends, couples, and families amongst each other turned into melodies in through his brain circuits.
Heaven was.. heaven.
But his only sin was not speaking out at heaven's hypocrisy or flaws at times. Many times he would but it turned into heaven setting restrictions on him.. silencing his own voice. He was never fond of that but apparently according to Sera and that blasphemous Adam, it was required. 'To avoid panic and prevent disturbances amongst the people of heaven' or so they'd say.
He was working on a way to go around that.. change their minds. But it was much harder than he anticipated.
Oh!-- The tram stopped with a loud hiss and ring.
Alastor snapped out of his thoughts would hop off the tram and finally start resuming his walk. He was now just a block away, the more he walked the less the voices and sounds of work distanced, entering a quieter part of the city. He was now in the smack middle of the entrance to heaven, where ice cream shops were laid in rows, cafes as well, people quietly chatting and drinking their beverages or eating their food.
Oh! And he could heard a familiar tune! It was that one.. welcome song that St. Peter would often sing..
Not a favorite song of his.. at all.. but he applauded them for effort!
Maybe a splash of swing or jazz would bring it to life.. but he assumed that was the old man in him talking.
For the time being he decided to watch some place nearby yet not too close since he knew that if he stayed where he was he would be caught up in the performance and he would have to sing with them..
Waiting at the side and hearing the singing come closer and close Alastor would make himself busy by polishing his microphone with his breathe and sleeve, fixing and dusting himself off as to not give any bad first impressions.
And thankfully he managed to remember his stain that the little girl left-- forgetting about it due to wanting to get to his destination on time and helping the poor thing. With a gentle swish of his staff pointed at the stained he then managed to cover it with his heaven-given magic.
Once the full group performance made his way towards his direction was when he stood up straight, chin high, shoulders fixed, looking good as always Alastor.
He heard Emily's voice among the performance, the youngest of the two Seraphims.
He's quite close with the two, at first only starting as something for business until one day he got closer to them and confessed his past, and his regrets.
Emily reminds him much of his daughter, the high angel having an enthusiasm and mentality of a late teenager or young woman, same age his daughter was when he last saw her.
He thought, wondered, pondered, dreamed-- what his little girl grew up into.
His eyes stared at his microphone, the shine of silver blinding him when he turned it for a spot of sunshine to burn his eyes slightly.
Did she grow up into an incredible woman? Did she ever find love? Settle down and have children? How has she matured? Does she resent him for leaving him so soon even if he never meant to? Does she look completely different? Did she ever change her name?
Were you even up here at all?
He hopes you were, looking and asking for you far and wide in heaven. Did you seclude yourself? Did you hide from him on purpose?
Or were you simply in hell..
No-- his little girl couldn't be in hell. Sure she had concerning hobbies, thoughts, ways of doing things but it didn't deserve her going to hell of all places.
You had to be up here, somewhere.. you had to.
A somber sigh escaped his lips as he stared at his reflection in the object between his palms and fingers. His heavy heart tugging and ripping itself apart.
'my little girl.. where are you?'
"Alastor!! Hey!"
A young voice shouted at him from afar, looking up he saw Emily wave and ushered him to head towards her way from afar.
He let go of his guilt for now, and shined his iconic smile as always.
"Why hello Emily, Sera," he lowered his head at the high angels in respect for them "How may I help you ladies today? I see we have new visitors!" His head moved to look at the other three ladies in front of him that came from below.
There was a young woman with eyes that shared the same enthusiasm as Emily's did, hair of sunshine and gold, fangs as sharp reminiscing those of a blood bat, small and thin frame and an outfit that successfully mimics casual sophistication.
Another young girl to her right was one that seemed more reminiscent of an angel, her long hair filled with silver and moon, a gaze as sharp as broken, stance serious and unapologetic, she seemed ready to protect the blonde girl beside her but also had eyes of worry and a sense of uncomfortability haunted her features and her almost slouched back.
The last one, really shook him up.
The next young woman to the left of the blonde girl was adorned in nothing but pure red with tones of a deep hot pink in her entire look. Her clothes were of an era he knew of very well, of course he'd recognize clothes from the 30s!.. except they had a few odd touches that more or so reminded him of the 40s or heck maybe even 50s.. a bit more ahead of his time. She had a large sharp smile that screamed of mischief and eyes that are waiting to do something-- anything sinister.
Despite all this, these characteristics weren’t the ones that shook him to his core.
She looked like someone he knew, that he missed.
"Everyone, this is Alastor. He's heaven's most famous and influential radio host! Giving voices to the voiceless when he was alive and even more up here, and of course due to his selfless acts when he was alive he was blessed to be let through the gates of heaven." spoke Sera, introducing the 'winner' as he chuckled sheepishly.
"Oh thank you Sera, but it's nothing really! Just had to do what was right."
Sera then lead his eyes back to the newcomers, having him face directly to the girl with hair of sunshine first. "Alastor, I present to you the Princess of Hell and heir to the throne, Charlie Morningstar. She's here to present a few ideas to the court the next day."
Alastor's eyes widened in surprise, "Princess! I didn't know royalty were to visit us today!" he bowed down towards the girl as to pay his respects, standing back straight once he finished. "A pleasure to meet you sweetheart quite the pleasure! Didn't expect our guests to be of royalty so apologies to any bad manners."
The princess shook her head with a large smile "Oh!-- don't worry you didn't give off any bad manners! It's nice to meet you too Mr...Alastor!.. it.. it's very admirable what you did before and what you do now! You seem to have earned your place here quite well!"
The man shook his head as well in reply "Oh like I said it's nothing! If anything I should thank my daughter, she was my reason and my motivation to be nothing but kind to others to present a good example! I continue to do so in her honor."
Charlie's eyes grew as a soft 'awwww' escaped her lips "You must love your daughter very much..!"
Alastor nodded, "Of course I do! As a father always should!"
Charlie opened her mouth again to speak, her eyes filled with a sense of bittersweetness until she was suddenly interrupted by the young woman dressed in red. She walked in between Alastor and Charlie with a sense of charm and enthusiasm, the spirit of a presenter or spokesperson shining in her body language and way of speaking.
"How delightful! The love of a parent transcends heaven and earth! Now that's poetry!" the girl's voice was glitched out and heavily amplified with a strong sound of static, as if her vocal cords came straight from a radio speaker. She held a staff much similar to his, except her's was shorter and more compact-able.
The girl with silver hair rolled her eyes in nothing but pure irritation, Charlie giggled nervously as she then pointed her way towards the one who spoke. "And this is ______! She's the founder and host of my hotel back in hell! She's helped me throughout everything and I dont think I would be able to get to this point if It weren't for her help as well!"
He knew it.
______, anyone could have that name.
But you looked like his daughter, his pride and joy.
His face still shines with a smile but his eyes are baffled with the sudden hit of realization.
It couldn't be a coincidence-- you looked like her, your eyes had that spark he always used to see in his daughter before he left. The way of speaking, that stance-- more confident and mature but the way you spoke.. your vocals were a match to his daughter's just with a touch of years to it.
And you looked at him as if you knew as well, eyes narrowing with piqued interest. Sharp smile widening an-
You seemed to have almost hopped right in front of him with your hand suddenly shaking his. "A real pleasure to meet you sir! Quite the pleasure!"
You mimicked his greeting yet somehow you spoke it so naturally, as if spoken a billion times before. He was stunned, if there weren't people around he would've slipped and broken down right here right now--
but he cannot, will not.
He will not worry others, he will not bother others with his emotions.
"Good to meet you Ms.."
"______. Simply call me ______." Your sinister grin only stretched, a sense of despair fell into the pit of his stomach,
His little girl in hell?
Did he.. fail at raising you?
Was dying too soon the reason why you let yourself fall?
Whatever the case, Alastor was nothing but stuck in a small limbo of his own guilt again
If he did this to you-- even indirectly,
he wouldn't ever forgive himself.
"Ms.. ______..."
'my little girl' he would've said, 'my daughter, how I've missed you. please forgive me for leaving you so soon... I'm so so sorry my darling..'
the words were stuck to his throat.
a small gust of air was the only thing that escaped from his cords.
Sera clapped her hands together once as a way to announce, "Well Princess Morningstar. I hope your stay here is nothing but comfortable, and I say that to your companions as well."
Sera looked at the 'winner' with confusion and a sense of concern but she knew she had to leave due to duties calling for her and Emily's presence.
Sera gently put her hand on his shoulder, "Alastor, would you perhaps show them where their hotel is and how to check in? It's going to be the one nearby."
'the one nearby' he thought, 'a block away.. '
"of course! anything to make our guests feel more welcomed!"
Sera nodded in 'thanks' before flying off with Emily on her side, herself also waving goodbye to all of you as well.
Alastor paused, before finally turning his head at the girls.
"Well, let's get you all to where you'll stay for the time being!.."
He will find out what happened to you, what went wrong, how he messed up.. he'll beg for forgiveness from you. for you were and still are his reason for who he is.
you were his one and only daughter, he will make it up to you.
"Follow me now! Time isn't going any slower!"
Little did he know, he wasn't at fault at all.
You were just born that way.
You knew what you were and you embraced it as a way to cope from him being taken away from you.
Of course you had to blend in and you took on the mantle of taking over your late father's radio show, eventually becoming as famous as he was and you were nothing but just as charming as he was on his show.
But then you killed, the power imbalance favoring you was nothing but amazing to you.
Years later, you enjoyed it. Killing was your life's purpose. Your crimes were never a subject for you to ever regret or feel guilt for.
You regret nothing.
You were a merciless killer then, and one now.
Through earth and hell, forevermore.
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aaron-m-geist-ff · 3 months
NOT EVEN GONNA LIE ZODIAC ASKS ARE SUCH A COOL IDEA!!! 😭 AFTER STALKING YOUR PROF- AHEM SORRY- READING YOUR WORK- couldn't resist the irresistible energy to toss my hat into the ring *wink wonk*. A-KNEE-WAYZ we're twinning- I'm a gemini tooo 🤭🔫 and honestly I would love something fluffy (tho I wouldn't say no to some smut either teeheee) life's been stressful lately :(( I'm pretty new to the fandom so I'm rather curious to see what you'll give me 👀...OH and I use she/they pronouns :))
PS: May I ask you what your favorite flower is?
PPS: Your writing is phenomenal, imma go stalk your ao3 later
Your newest supporter.
Omg your ask made me smile so much because of how absolutely unhinged it is 😂you can stalk me all you want! And I could already tell you were a Gemini just from the first sentence 🤣A-KNEE-WAYZ, I will give you what you want now!
Ps: I like white daisies and any red flower ☺️
Pps: thank you for supporting me so strongly, twin!🩷💅🏻
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You got…🥁🥁🥁
Satoru Gojo!
“Oh my god!! And then, you will never believe what happened next, my co-worker actually told me that her step daughter got cheated on! Isn’t that crazy?! I was so shocked, clutching my pearls and everything!” You continued to ramble on and on about one of your crazy stories.
Gojo sat there with his blindfold on, taking a sip of his soda as he listened patiently.
“Satoru, are you even listening to me?” You stopped telling your story all of a sudden to ask the question.
“Am I talking too much?” You asked. You were beginning to feel insecure. In the past, people used to straight up start ignoring you because of how much you talked. You really valued your boyfriend’s opinion of you and didn’t want him to end up disliking you for some reason. You couldn’t hide the concerned look on your face.
Gojo chuckled.
“Nah, baby. Talk all you want. I’m listening~”
He sounded so fucking dominant when he said that. It actually made your cheeks start to heat up. You weren’t one to get flustered easily, but having Gojo order you to talk more did stupid things to your Gemini brain.
Gojo smirked when he saw your blush. He rested his chin on his hand, leaning back on the couch.
“In fact…Come sit on my lap while you continue that story of yours.”
Gojo’s voice was so attractive to you. It made you nervous. And the idea of sitting on his lap made your heart do a flip in your chest. As a Gemini, you have a tendency to be a little too flighty. Your mind is often all over the place. Gojo enjoys being your anchor.
You sat on his lap, facing him as you straddled him. Your cheeks were flushing so much out of embarrassment. You swallowed thickly, wrapping your arms around Gojo’s neck.
“Right…So, anyway…W-where was I in the story? I think I lost my train of thought-“ you stuttered.
Gojo’s large hands moved to grip your ass. He squeezed it casually.
“Your co-worker’s step daughter got cheated on and you clutched your imaginary pearls,” he said with a short laugh.
You giggled, trying to ignore the arousal flowing through you.
“Y-yeah! Sounds about right!” You chirped cheerfully. It made you really happy that Gojo remembered those little details. He seemed to pay attention to you just like he promised. It made your heart feel warm to be appreciated in such a way.
“Ha…Y-yes…Right there, Satoru-“
You moaned quietly, your face pressed into Gojo’s neck as you rode his cock. You could feel the tip pressing into your special spot, sending little shocks of pleasure through you.
“And what happened next in the story?” Gojo teased lowly, uttering the words right beside your ear.
You whined. “Satoruuu! I can’t….ha, fuck… I can’t talk-“
You were always quite vocal during sex, and how could you not be?? Gojo fucked you too well. He chuckled at your pathetic response.
“Oh? My little Gemini can’t talk anymore? Must feel really intense, babe.”
Gojo gripped your hips as he began to fuck you from below, pushing his cock up into your tight entrance. He moaned under his breath, getting lost in the feeling as he thrusted roughly without any hesitation.
“Fuck…Gonna fill you up, princess.”
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vay99 · 1 year
Ace x reader
His hat
Anime/Manga: One Piece
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"GIVE ME MY HAT BACK!!!" screams Ace running towards the deck. You remain laying on your bed with the arms under your head and Aces hat laying on your face. A smirk is crawling onto your lips as Aces voice gets quiter what means he ran of towards the wrong direction. 
After 10 minutes of not hearing the freckle boy running around screaming you make your way towards the deck, still wearing his hat. 
Ace is talking to Marco, the back towards you.
"You really haven't seen her?" Ace asks the older one who just spottet you cursing a smirk on his face. 
"No why are you asking?" 
Ace points at his head which makes the phoenix laugh. "My hat is gone that's not funny!!" he pouts. 
"What makes you think she has stolen it?" the Phoenix tries not to laugh as you tip toe close to them. 
"Who else would do that? She's been stealing my things for the last couple of days." Ace groans,.that's when you step next to him. 
"What's up?" you ask casually, and Marco is finally able to laugh. 
"Y/N!" Ace jumps in confusion. One he spots his hat though he tries to snatch it from your head.
"You've gotta catch me if you want it back~" you winks before running off. 
At first Ace doesn't move. "Catch her huh? You're so done when I catch you." 
"Ah, young love. They really are blind." Marco says to himself, watching Ace run after where you've ran. 
"y/n where are you?!" Ace has been running around for ten minutes now is growing impatient. 
"I've seen her run down that way a few seconds ago." Thatch tells Ace, who runs off towards you immediately. 
"Awww no place to escape to now?" Ace doesn't hide his sarcasm. But you don't quite react like he predicted. "W-why are you laughing?"
"It's just funny that, after a whole week, you have finally been able to catch me." you laugh, leaning onto the wall behind you. 
"Why would you want me to catch you?" Ace tries to figure out what's going on but you remain silent. "Tell me why you stole my head." 
"Make me." you smirk, hoping he'll finally gets the hint. 
"How? Trap you in my fire until you speak?" the clueless men in front of you asks. 
"Oh ace..." you sigh. "You won't ever get it." 
Throwing his hat back to his owner you close your eyes, head resting against the wall. /It didn't work. It never works. Why would he give me attention anyways. We're only crewmates/
"Get what?" he asks, his anger washed away once his hat is back on its place. 
"Forget it. It's stupid, not important." you force a smile. 
"You're the smartest person on this ship, it can't be dumb." Ace points out, stepping closer to you until he's half a meter away. One arm supporting himself above you. 
"Wow, congrats that you noticed that." the sarcasm in your voice making him frown. 
"How couldn't I? You're spending most of your time in the library. Marco even said that your knowledge for medicine is on the same level as his. You're even able to read the stars and navigate us and-" 
"So you did notice me?" you ask, eyes staring at your feet. "Why do you always run away when I talk to you then?" 
"Cause I'm dumb, all I do is sleep, eat and fight. I neve thought you'd enjoy talking to me." 
"You really are dumb." you laugh, leaving ace dumbfounded. 
"The reason why I stole your stuff the past week was... because you always ignored me and I, for once, wanted your attention." you confess honestly. 
His attitude changes with the split of a second, his free hand lifts your chin. 
"Oh baby, you could've just asked. Which part of your body should I start with~" Ace lowers his lips towards your neck, placing soft kisses on your skin. 
"Huh?" you let out a short yelp. /Wait, did he just act dumb?/
"I knew what you wanted earlier, it finally made sense. But until then I really thought you'd never wanted to spend time with, someone-" 
"Hot, kind and cute?" you finish his sentence before he can talk bad about himself again. 
"Let me show you how hot I can really be then." he whispers into your ear before you grab him by his neck and slam your lips into his. Pressing his, indeed hit, body against yours makes you lose your mind. Using his flames to heat up the situation and even burn your top. So your left with your bra in front of him. 
"Ace!" you scold him. 
"Sorry it was an accident~" he chuckles, placing his hat on your head again. 
"Sorry my assaaaa!" you yelp, as he throws you over his shoulder and carries you towards his room.
"Maybe I should've burned you'd pants then? Oh wait, I can do that in a minute~"
"As long as you buy me new ones."
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kate-inhaler-1975 · 8 months
Meet Cute 🧡🍁 // Matty Healy
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A/N: I'm using promptober as a lil mini series. So, the same characters/female love interest will be used for each prompt. I hope that's okay with everyone ♡
CW: Maybe some mature language, but that's it ♡
WC: 1,936 words
The streets of Dublin were completely frost bitten. The roads were icy and damp, the leaves soggy and totally mushed into the ground and the sky crying heavily.
Amy's dream season was that period between winter and spring, but this. This was not it for her.
Amy loved it when the sky was nearly bronze, the leaves so crisp that they'd crunch under her feet as she walked to work, and when the air was dry, but the kind of dry that everyone loves at this time of year where it makes your cheeks and the tip of your nose rosy, and gives you an excuse to wrap up in an overwhelming amount of layers.
This, though, this wasn't the kind of season that she loved.
The bell above the door of her bakery and coffee shop jingled lightly as she pulled open the door, letting a loud and exaggerated sigh while she removed her fluffy red scarf, hat, and the rest of her body warming attire.
"You're here early!" The cheerful voice of her best friend, Eve, echoed from the kitchen in the back.
"Nope! You're the one who's early for once instead of being late. I'm just perfectly on time, my love." Amy skipped playfully into the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Eve's shoulders in a tight squeeze.
"Hey! You're distracting me. Stop it!" Eve chuckled as she tried to shake her best friend off her back, but her efforts were pointless.
"Just act like I'm not here. Go on, continue what you're doing." Amy placed a quick kiss on Eve's temple before leaving her alone to continue prepping the freshly made Croissants to go into the oven while she herself pottered around the kitchen, collecting all the squeaky clean dishes from the dishwasher.
"Yes, Amy?"
"Do you know what date it is?"
Eve knew this was a trick question. Of course, she knew what day it was. It was the day of the new year that Amy hadn't stopped talking about for months now.
"Umm....nope! I have no clue. Tell me." Eve teased, huffing as she rubbed her hands together to clear off the access flour from her hands.
"It's January 29th, which means we-"
Amy was cut off by the bell above the door, ringing in a way that felt rather obnoxious.
"Did you flip the sign to open?" Eve looked at her with confusion.
"No, it still says we're closed. I'm too fucking cold and tired to deal with it, you go."
"Me!? Why me!? I have to keep an eye on the pastries." Eve argued, starting to become visibly bothered by the thought of having to deal with a not very welcomed costumer.
"Fine, I'll go! But these pastries better be your best yet, or you're paying for the drinks at the concert tonight."
Amy flung the damp cloth she was using to dry the dishes at Eve's face, making her squeal in disgust and making Amy laugh embarrassingly loud.
"Hi, I'm sorry to say this, but we aren't open yet. If you come back at 9am we'll be open for business."
Amy put on her best customer service voice as she spoke to the back of this man physique.
His tall frame slightly hunched over as he analysed the large bookcase filled with classical and also more modern vinyls.
"Sorry, love. I didn't even notice you were closed. I saw the vinyls, and I just walked in. I truly apologise, my mistake."
As he turned around and his thick accent echoed throughout the shop, her heart stopped beating. Any words she could possibly form were caught in the back of her throat.
"I-uhhh-well-.....please, don't be sorry! I'm sorry. I actually completely forgot that we're open earlier today because of how terrible the weather is. Please, take a seat or have a look around!" Amy rushed her speech. Word after word coming out in a stutter filled with obvious nerves.
"Oh, alright, so. Thank you, darlin." The curly headed man smiled warmly, sending a flutter of warmth into Amy's own heart.
With a friendly tip of her head and a sheepish smile, Amy made a quick turnaround back into the kitchen, practically hyperventilating to Eve as she tried her best to explain who walked into their shop.
"Seriously? Ams, I'm not falling for that. Don't be so fucking- OH! Shit, he's right there!" Eve gasped as she poked her head out around the door. Gawking at the man who was tapping his fingers awkwardly against the table he was sitting at.
"Yes, Eve. Yes. THE Matty Healy is sitting in OUR shop when we're supposed to be going to HIS bands show tonight."
"Well, just....talk to him." Eve shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal.
For Amy, this was a big fucking deal.
"HA! No."
"HA! Yes. Now, here's a raspberry muffin, go up to him and say it's on the house. I'd say his ego would fucking love that!"
Eve gave Amy a shit eating grin as she passed the muffin to her on a beautiful vintage lavender rose China plate that Amy's grandmother owned.
"Fuck off." Amy grumbled as she put on a smile and walked back out to the front of the shop. Only to find him out of his seat and pondering around the vinyls again.
Amy took a deep breath before speaking. Wanting to sound proper instead of sounding like a total dumbass.
"If you'd like, you can pick out a record and put it on. We normally let customers pick a record if they feel like it." She spoke in a more toned down version of her Dublin accent, standing a few feet away from him to give him space.
"Ah! You see, this one right here is an excellent one. I'd like to put this one on, if you don't mind, of course." Matty turned on his heal to face Amy, smirking slightly as he watched her face turn a Ruby red when she noticed he was holding his bands latest album in his hands.
"Ehm, sure. Why not! They're a good band. Have you ever heard of them?" She quipped.
"I know a few songs. Wouldn't know the lyrics to their songs off by heart or anything, but they're tolerable."
Matty went along with the banter. Something in his heart feeding off of this interaction with the beautiful brunette girl in front of him.
"Well, while you put that on, can I get you anything to drink? I have a raspberry muffin on the table for you over there, but if you'd like something different, don't be afraid to -"
"The raspberry muffin is perfect. I appreciate it. Oh, and, just a simple Americano. Please, love."
Amy liked the way it came out of his mouth, and the way it sounded like her favourite song.
She was quick to go behind the counter and make his coffee. Trying to hide from him as the intense redness in her cheeks reappeared rapidly.
As the crackling of the record subsided and the album began to play, she could hear his footsteps getting closer to her, and she could feel his presence close on the other side of the counter.
"Do you get many customers coming in?" He asked casually, trying his best to keep the conversation he was so desperate for going.
"Yeah, we do actually."
"Oh, sorry. Me and my best friend Eve own the place. We opened it straight after the last lockdown. So, around July 2021." Amy explained as she passed him his Americano, leaning against the counter right in front of him as they chatted away.
"Christ, that's amazing. I'd say it's fun working with your best friend everyday."
"It is! I'm sure you know all about it."
Her comment made Matty smirk as he sipped the hot drink.
He knew she knew who he was, and whether her and Eve knew it or not, he could hear the entire conversation they were having in the kitchen. Matty was just waiting on Amy to bring something about the band up so he could call her out on it.
"Ah! So you know who am." He spoke with a slightly cocky attitude.
"Was me having every single one of your bands albums on vinyl over there not a giveaway." Amy snickered, starting to feel more at ease and comfortable as the conversation went on.
"Right, I guess, but I was waiting for you to say something that I could call you out on it in a way that didn't make me sound like a total dickhead."
"Aren't you just a dickhead in general, though?" She was beginning to pull his leg, having some kind of new found confidence running through her.
"Wow, alright! We've only met and you're already throwing abuse my way." He placed a hand over his heart in pretend hurt, pouting at her like a lost puppy.
"Well, who said we'll ever meet again? Might as well get my assumptions out of the way while I have the opportunity to do so." She gave him what seemed to be a flirtatious wink before walking into the back of the shop and into the kitchen to check on Eve's baking progress.
If Matty had it his way, this would only be their first encounter, but Dublin was just a quick stop on the tour and then he was off again. It's not like he could visit her every morning until he finally got the courage to ask her for a drink.
But if he made the effort, he thought to himself, maybe he could make this the first encounter and not the last.
He waited until she returned to announce his departure, telling her that he'd take the muffin to go before he was late to go wherever it was he said he needed to be.
"Oh, yeah, sure. Take care of yourself. It was nice talking to you, Matty."
Matty could tell by her face that their was a slight twinge of disappointment that he was leaving so soon, but that made his heart flip. A glimpse of hope that she'd take him up on the offer he'd left her.
"It was nice talking to you too....I'm sorry, you never said you name. What is your name, love?"
"Shit, sorry. Amy, my names Amy."
Amy stuck her hand out politely over the counter for Matty to shake, which he politely and very gently took.
"Well, Amy, have a good rest of your day. And, here's a little tip. My treat." He returned the same flirtatious wink that she'd given him earlier, slipping the so-called 'tip' into her warm palm.
"Oh, and before I go, enjoy the show tonight. Be careful with what you and that best mate of yours say in the kitchen. Those walls aren't as thick as you think, gorgeous." He chuckled deeply before disappearing into the gloomy streets of Dublin, taking the warmth that Amy felt with him.
She looked down at the tip in her hand to find a piece off of one of the napkins left on the tables with his phone number on it with three delicate x's at the end of it and a simple written note saying :
Text me on this number if you're up for a drink or two after the show. On me.
Amy couldn't help but giggle as she noticed the hand drawn smiley face at the end.
And just like that, the heavens closed, the concreate began to dry up, and the ice on the roads began to melt. The winter sun belted down as the leaves seemed to appear to come back to life.
That was just the effect he had.
That was just the effect he would have on her.
(I'm very aware that as I post this, it's the 4th of October, but I promise I'll have the other two prompts I missed and the fourth one out tomorrow xx)
(Oh! Thank you to @abiiors for giving me a hobby and for doing these adorable prompts ♡♡)
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
Heyo, I'm hoping your still doing requests, been on a mad riddler rampage as of recent, always like the guy. I had some one fantasy of a nightclub singer reader, most likely an Iceberg Lounge one that catches his eye. I love BTAS Riddler preferably but if you want to do several that be cool. Love suggestive content, especially as I see reader in a very revealing dress. K THNXX!!!!
A/N: omg yess, such a classic set-up I love it! Also also, for that sweet soundtrack vibe lmao, I listened to a bunch of Clairy Brown and The Bangin’ Rackettes music for this fic, especially songs like, “Love Letter” (where the title comes from lol), “Good Problems”, and “Walk of Shame”, but honestly all their songs are bops. 
Trigger Warnings: none really, just heavy flirting
Word Count: 1.5 k
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"Edward! So glad to see you can make it!" Oswald came up behind Edward and patted his shoulder in a friendly greeting.
"I appreciate the invite." Edward said.
Oswald chuckled at the mention of his false name. "But of course! I couldn't possibly allow you to miss out on one of the best acts I've acquired for the lounge."
Edward hummed, intrigued. "That's some mighty high praise, Oz. Just who or what is the act?"
"Ooh, I shouldn't dare give it away, I'll just let you have a listen, old friend."
Oswald got up, but not before tipping his hat, almost knowingly at Edward.
Before Ed could ponder too much on the subject, the lights dimmed as the live band warmed up their instruments.
Edward was silently sending gratitude to Oswald for reserving a front row table for him. He had a perfect view of the stage.
Soon the curtains pulled back and there was a beat of silence before the band began playing the music. An upbeat, jazzy number.
There you stood in a gorgeous sleeveless dress with a sweetheart neckline. The satin dress was cut from the bottom all the way up to your mid thigh on both sides of the dress.
Heat rose up Edward's neck and caused his face to flare a bright red at his cheeks.
Now he was sort of regretting being so up close, he hoped you couldn't see his flushed red face. He tried taking a couple generous sips from his drink, but it did very little.
Nothing could prepare him for when you actually began your musical number.
You captivated and kept your audience engaged, not a single person didn't have their eye on you. You were extremely personable. You smiled, waved, and even teased the crowd with some playful dance moves.
Despite being caught up in the music, song, and overall provocative performance you put on…you didn't miss the new and handsome face in the audience.
Oswald mentioned something about a good friend of his visiting. Which is why he came to see you backstage and gave you an extra elbow nudge of encouragement.
You found yourself…compelled to bewitch this friend of Ozzie’s.
You swung your arms out for the grand finish, before ending the show in a graceful bow.
Edward was still frozen in a state of enchanted awe. He barely was able to compose himself long enough to applaud you.
Ed adjusted his collar and swallowed a lump in his throat as you looked straight at him. You sent him a wink and nod of acknowledgement.
Edward had very little time to recover before Oswald came up behind him once again.
“W-Who is she?” Ed asked, breathless, almost dremaily.
Oz chuckled. “Brilliant, isn’t she? An absolute siren! I’ll introduce you to her!”
Right on cue, you made your way through the adoring crowd giving you high accolades. You were polite enough to acknowledge who you could but you were on a mission.
Edward’s eyes turned into saucers as Oswald’s smile morphed to a wide grin as you walked up to them.
"Oswald!" You greeted your boss and friend as you stopped in front of them.
"Hello, my dear! You were absolutely amazing tonight, as always! I believe you may be due for another performance in a moment." Oswald chuckled.
"Hopefully not too soon, Oz." You shifted your eyes up to meet Edward's. "I want to meet your friend first, it's not every day I get to see them!"
"Oh of course!" Oswald introduced the two of you.
Edward was slowly but surely able to have his brain reboot and start sending actual functions from his brain to his body and voice.
He even managed to somehow bow a little to kiss the back of your hand. Even you were taken aback by the gesture, but was more than pleased to see him loosen up some (even if it was just to wind him back up again).
Oswald perked his ear, as if listening for something. "Ah, I'm being needed elsewhere, please enjoy yourselves!" He winked and waddled off.
Ed became tense again, unsure exactly what to say or how to carry on a conversation with you looking like an actual goddess.
Edward just tried to stick to what he knew. How to be a gentleman.
He pulled out the chair that was opposite his seat with his beverage and you smiled at the invitation before sitting down.
"How did you like the show, Mr. Nygma?" You asked.
Your warm sultry voice caused him to short circuit, but only for a second.
"I, um..oh I enjoyed it very much! I-I must admit I was impressed…I thought Oswald was having a laugh by..getting me more excited than necessary." Ed chuckled nervously.
You giggled softly. "Glad to know you were excited…it was…exciting to see a new handsome face in the crowd."
You giggled some more as you heard the almost comical gulp Edward made.
"Ah, well thank you…do you not get a lot of newcomers in the audience I suppose?"
You shrugged. "There's definitely the regulars and their dates or…their new dates for whatever day of the week it is…but you.." You hummed. "You are just so adorable, you stood out. I'm glad Oswald introduced you to me."
Edward nodded. "I-I, yes, I'm grateful too!" It may not be the first time he was called adorable, but he had to admit, the way you said it made it seem even more special.
"Well, you know what I do for a living. What do you do, Mr. Nygma?"
"Um..er..please…call me Edward..erm..Ed.."
His face lit up as he looked at you with a bright cheeky grin. "Yes?"
You tried to stifle your giggles from passing your lips. "Eddie..what do you do? If I may ask?"
You saw an opening and took it. You put your hand on top of his, and gave him a reassuring wink.
"It's okay, if it's not…exactly…a blue collar job." You teased.
Edward's face fell in relief, he gave you a small smile. He found himself grateful to find someone that understood, granted you did perform for an underground crime boss but details…details.
Slowly, Ed gained more confidence and felt more comfortable with you. He even divulged his background with Competitron and Mockridge which lead to his Riddler escapades.
You hung on to every last word, genuinely enthralled. You knew that ultimately, even dabbling in any affiliations with the infamous Rogues Gallery was going to make things messy to say the least. You couldn’t deny though, there was a certain flare and intrigue that you just couldn’t pass up.
“You mean I got to perform for a man who is as intelligent as he is handsome?” You inquired. “How did I get so lucky?”
Edward hummed. “If anyone’s the lucky one here, my dear, it’s me.” He grinned.
You giggled. “Could you tell me a riddle?”
You tried not to give away that you noticed a twinkle in his eye when you asked. You always enjoyed the random ones you heard throughout your childhood. You were curious which one he would throw your way.
A lightbulb went off figuratively in Ed’s brain when he came up with the perfect riddle. Well, at least one that fits the mood.
“Riddle me this…What did the paper clip say to the magnet?”
You leaned back into your chair, letting the riddle toss around in your brain for an answer. You really hoped it would have been something simple, but you were determined to figure it out.
“Let’s see…” You pondered out loud to fill in the silence.
Paper clip and a magnet…paper clips…magnet…magnets can pick up paper clips because most clips are magnetic. What would it say to the magnet?
You smiled when it finally came to you. It excited you to know Edward was just as capable of flirting as you were, even if it was in his own unique way. It made things more…fun!
“I find you attractive.” You grinned victoriously.
Edward gasped playfully, “so forward, but I must admit it is a mutual sentiment.”
“Hey! What…that’s…that’s the answer Eddie! You tricked me!”
Edward snickered. “Yes, you are correct, but was my assumption wrong?”
You shook your head, bashfully. “No, not at all.”
You two looked into each other’s eyes. A lull comforting silence fell over you two, but it was interrupted by your boss.
“I’m so sorry, dear!” Oswald apologized. “I hate to cut your meeting so short, but I’m afraid some of the crowd is getting restless and would like an encore…"
You sighed understandingly. “I’ll be right there, Ozzie. I understand.” Before Oswald walked off you asked to borrow his pen in his jacket pocket.
Edward perked an eyebrow as he saw you write something vigorously on a napkin. As you got up to make your way back to the stage you handed Edward the napkin.
“Until next time, Eddie?” You asked, hopefully.
Ed nodded before vocally confirming there will indeed be a next time.
You handed Oz his pen back and slowly, hesitantly walked back to the stage.
Edward took a glance down at the napkin and his face flushed red once more.
Eddie <3
It was a pleasure to meet you. I cannot wait to see you again. Call me when you can and be prepared with more riddles! I’ll let you slide without giving me a reward this time, but I am definitely expecting a prize next time ;)
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mustlovesteve · 1 year
laughing at the broken glass
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AO3 link
In which Steve Harrington stumbles upon a vampiric Eddie Munson and makes some questionable decisions, including locking Eddie in his basement. Though Eddie isn't thrilled with this arrangement, he seems awfully excited to watch vampire movies with his captor. Steve is determined to not lose anyone this time, but with Vecna seeking out new prey, he might just lose himself.
my friend @spicy-cannoli drew some lovely fanart of my fic, laughing at the broken glass. i decided to share them alongside relevant scene excerpts (w/ her permission of course)! fyi, she doesn't draw steddie, so don't follow her for that.
these naturally include spoilers (for chapters 14-23 specifically), so i'm putting the rest of them behind the cut.
from Chapter 14 (15th uploaded chapter including the prologue):
“Heeeeey, Ste— What the fuck?” Eddie leapt back when the coywolf bounded towards him with a loud squeal. His efforts to dodge were futile. The nail-bat clattered against the pavement as the coywolf tackled him and sent him sprawling backwards. She licked at Eddie’s face, muffling the rest of his complaints. “Oh, so you’re going to pretend you don’t know who that is,” Steve said, letting the sarcasm drip from his voice. He leaned back against the door and took a bite of the garlic knot. “That’s real cute, Munson.” Eddie looked up at him, eyes wide and arms spread out like a starfish. “She sure knows who you are.” “Steve, what the hell is this thing?” Eddie questioned. He shoved the coywolf off him and scrambled to his feet. Nose wrinkled in disgust, he tried to wipe the slobber off his face. “Jesus. I’d ask if you spontaneously adopted a dog this morning, but this is not a dog!” “Good catch,” Steve said. He took another bite of the garlic knot and gestured with it as he spoke. “Hey, question for you. Remember what I told you to not even try to do? That power you might have?” Eddie’s eyes kept darting between Steve and the coywolf. His absolutely baffled expression would have been funny if Steve wasn’t so ticked off right now. “Did you happen to try using it last night? To, I dunno, find someone, maybe?” “I still don’t know what—” With another squeal, the coywolf trotted back to Steve. She looked over at Eddie, yip-howled, tried to tug Steve towards Eddie by the hem of his sweatpants, looked over at Eddie again, and yip-howled again. “Well, she found me,” Steve deadpanned. It shouldn’t have felt so satisfying to witness the slowly-dawning horrified realization spreading across Eddie’s face, but it did. Steve finished the garlic knot and crossed his arms. “Y’know what time she came by? Four-thirty.”
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from Chapter 20 (21st uploaded chapter including the prologue):
Dustin kept mentioning that Eddie was being way too nice in explaining the rules and that it was freaking him out. Mike seemed to be pissed off as soon as he saw Steve and grew livid over the span of the first hour. Max, who had refused to explain why she’d chosen to show up today, was steadily amused throughout, while Lucas became increasingly confused. Erica went from curious to delighted. Will was acting the strangest among them, with flashes of sadness that seemed unfitting for someone who was finally playing DND with his friends again. That giant wizard hat that he was wearing made it all the more jarring. The kids didn’t act this strange the whole time. For the most part, they were all pretty absorbed in Will’s game, Steve included; Will was really good at drawing everyone in as he weaved his tale. The strangeness primarily happened whenever Eddie tried to explain something to him, or whenever the kids looked at Steve, even though—he could not emphasize this enough—he wasn’t doing anything. “Okay, why is everyone acting all weird?” Steve finally asked, when the game had wrapped up. Beside him, Eddie coughed. “Yeah, I’m here. Shocking, I know. Get over it. I was already here anyway.” Tilting his head and tipping ever so slightly towards Eddie, Steve added, “Eddie’s the only one acting normal, actually.” “He’s acting normal, huh?” Max asked, narrowing her eyes. “Interesting.” Rather than slip on one of her usual smug looks, she paused before biting her lip and looking away. “I mean, that’s—” “I don’t think he’s acting normal at all,” Dustin insisted, pouting. He leaned towards Eddie and pressed his palms against the table. “Eddie, why won’t you be that nice to me? Is it because I didn’t let you drink my blood? Because that’s really unfair. I would have, you know.”
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from Chapter 23 (24th uploaded chapter):
Steve stared at Eddie, slack-jawed. That question was completely incomprehensible. He wasn’t even sure it was in English. “What the fuck is a doghouse?” Steve asked. “Oh fuck.” Eddie looked horrified, clutching the sides of his head. “Fuck. But I didn’t even…” “Wait, no.” Steve squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath. “I know what a doghouse is.” “Oh. Okay. That’s...good.” Eddie lowered his hands, which were still shaking, to his sides. “I— Shit. Uh. Hang on.” Eddie was gone in a flash, leaving Steve alone in the bedroom.
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once again, all of the art was created by @spicy-cannoli, and my fic can be found here!
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addysfandomdump · 8 months
Finally, a Faye Moreau questionaire for the @sonic-oc-showdown!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
At first, it was just "Faye the Fox," because she was an independent character. Then I thought of giving her a family, so I wanted to have a family name, so I chose "Moreau*," a surname meaning "black-haired" in French. I chose "Faye" because it was a very soft-sounding name and I liked it.
[*I looked it up again to double-check and it actually means dark-skinned. Now that doesn't make any sense! Faye's family is very very white. One of the very few times I actively make the choice to white-code my OCs. There are reasons for this.]
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Faye is 8 years old, same as Tails.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Grandma's meatloaf!
💼 - What do they do for a living?
She is a child and does not work, but she does help Mother with chores in the basement sometimes.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Faye loves dollmaking and taxidermy. She also loves to play pretend and make up stories, as any child does.
🎯 -What do they do best?
She has a genuine talent for dollmaking and sewing in general. She has a nack for the tiniest of details, probably in half thanks to her abnormally small hands.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Faye loves playing in the garden and collecting materials for her dolls. She doesn't like doing chores for the house, though. Or fighting 1-on-1.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
The first time she ever had to help with dinner.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
The first time she ever had to help with dinner.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Nope! This clay figure of her is her oldest design--
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She still retains most of her features, but this "Beta Faye" has an oversized bow instead of a tiny hat, a ribbonless black bow on a white bib, and no purple trimming on her black dress at all! She also has black ear furnishings and is missing her heart-shaped ear tips.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Sonic Forces and Little Nightmares. One of my first fangame ideas was a horror game inspired by LN. I still have a game in mind for Faye, but it looks very different compared to how it used to be then.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Psychological horror.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Unlabeled. She's a little girl and hasn't been thinking about those things yet. Also, with the way her family reproduces, she never needs to worry about boys.
🙌 - How many siblings does your OC have?
Quite a few, it's hard to keep track. She's the youngest, though.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Mother can be quite strict and a little mean, but she's nice to her. Mostly.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
She's a weird little freak and has a nice and simple design that's easy to draw.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Pretty much never, which is a shame. This is the most I've talked about Faye in a while.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Not really.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
I suppose a fear of the unknown, funnily enough. Her family is incredibly xenophobic and paranoid about the outside world, unfortunately.
🍩 - Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Tails, I guess, with the current storyline I have for her.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
A few months at least, maybe even a whole year. She was one of my first Sonic OCs.
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Around 15. I'm 16 now, will be 17 in a few months.
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timelesslords · 2 years
Hi!! Hope you're having a good day (so far, at least, and if not, going forward!!)
Rank taylor swift album covers! You can choose to combine the TVs with the originals, do just the TVs/originals, or both, or whatever you want!
(regular caveats, only if you want to, etc)
(also I'm back!!!! Hi 💗)
Hi!!!! You’re back!!!! My day is going well I’m having a chill one at work and I get to leave early 😌 also I love this question I’m gonna put it under the cut bc I’m about to get into it I have VERY strong feelings about this 👀
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Coming in dead last and surprising absolutely no-one is debut. She’s cute but very 2006. Negative points bc I was scared to have this up around my parents when I was a kid bc her hair is covering her shirt straps and I thought she was topless. Not her best work!!!
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Evermore and Folklore tie for 7th. I think folklore is slightly better but loses points for starting my least favorite trend of taking the album title off of the cover. Evermore is fine and has a decent concept but overall they’re both boring
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I get what she was going for but the composition doesn’t really work for me. The angle is so weird??? And her tips dyed era was…. Something. Not my favorite look from her. I like the background at least!!
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This is such an iconic cover, I love every inch of it even knowing it’s objectively not great. It gets bonus points for the fearless TV recreation which i think perfectly updated the original and captured the vibe. Also gets points for the hilariously poorly photoshopped deluxe edition
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The green 2012 era filter. The bowler hat. The red lips. The font. Everything about this cover is ICONIC and perfect. The red tv recreation is good but I don’t love the lack of album name (tho it gets points back a lil for the ring)
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The way this cover continues to have me in a chokehold. Everything about it is perfect. Concept is brilliant w the newspaper type, execution is gorgeous. The way it’s the first cover where she completely shows her face from the front since debut. The hair, the makeup, the choker. I love this cover so much it’s perfect for the album
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This cover is SOOOOOOO 👩‍🍳💋 the way I wanted this dress so so so so bad in 2010. The seamless combo between photo and painting, the speak now font, the PURPLE and SPARKLES!!!!! Beautiful incredible gorgeous 10/10 love of my life
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Number one had to be 1989 there was simply no other option. The handwritten sharpie, the TS, the Polaroid concept, simply too iconic for words. It perfectly captures the vibes and themes of the album, and the way that it looks like a Polaroid in the physical CD case is some of my favorite product design. It’s just kind of perfect top to bottom and I think that 1989 was so successful in part because this was such an intriguing cover
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jekde04 · 3 years
Unbreakable Vow
Summary: There had been many false alarms in the past, moments when she thought Gray would finally accept her feelings. She once again had her hopes up, even though she knew this was probably another one of those.
Word Count: 1,503 words
You may also read it on FanFiction.net and AO3! Check out my master list for other Gruvia fics.
Tag List: @shampooneko @fbflame94 @juviaafullbuster @unvalley @gruviaftw11​ (Wanna be tagged, lemme know)
When she said those words, she hadn't really expected he would do it for her.
Of course, everyone in Magnolia knew of his habit of stripping his clothes at random—she in particular enjoyed it quite a lot—but he did it almost unconsciously, out of force of habit.
She never thought the day would come that her Gray-sama would actually undress willingly in front of her.
In her room. After she jokingly asked him to do so.
"Well?" Gray asked, his muscled chest, arms, and abs in full display as he carelessly tossed his coat and shirt on her bed.
For all her cheeky jokes and naughty teases, she was still a shy and conservative girl underneath it all. She couldn't help but get flustered as she eyed the deep V-shaped cuts of his lower abs that disappeared beneath his low-cut jeans.
"W-why is Gray-sama undressing in front of Ju-Juvia?"
Gray smirked, and Juvia instantly knew he was enjoying this. Oh, her Gray-sama could be so mean sometimes.
"You said you'd inspect my body for any wounds, right? I'm just doing what you asked me to," he answered casually with a shrug of his shoulders. "Are you going to do it or not?"
Well, he had a point. If Gray had an injury somewhere, it needed to be cleaned and patched up.
She had to do it for her Gray-sama, Juvia thought. This was no time to be embarrassed.
Keeping her composure, she sat on the empty space beside him on her bed. She felt a tingle run up her spine as their arms lightly brushed against each other.
"Let Juvia see, Gray-sama," she said as she carefully inspected his face first, her fingers treading on his forehead, cheeks, nose, chin. Her brows furrowed in concentration as she continued looking for any cut or bruise or scratch on his neck, shoulders, arms, chest, and abs.
As he said before, he was fine. There were some minor cut and scratch here and there, but they were far from being life-threatening. A little dab of alcohol (with Juvia blowing on it so it wouldn't sting) and a small band-aid were enough to patch him up.
Gray's serious tone made Juvia look up from the tiny cut she was treating on his collarbone. His intense stare bored into her.
"I… I..."
Juvia waited for his next words, but he looked as if he was trapped in an internal struggle on what to say next. She knew that words weren't his strongest suit, so she decided to help him out.
"Did the mission go well?"
Gray sighed, relieved that Juvia opened up the conversation. "Yes. But it's not yet done. We still have to go back and finish it."
Juvia nodded. She was really hoping that it would all be done, and they could spend more time with each other. All the constant worrying also stressed her out. She knew that he promised to come back, but you never really know what might happen during dangerous missions like this one.
Speaking of coming back…
"Gray-sama, before you disappeared last time, you were about to say something." Juvia cleared her throat. "You said that when you come back…"
Gray's cheeks colored slightly, though his eyes wore a determined look. "I... I was just saying that when I come back…" He stared right at her, and she tried her best not to look away.
There had been many false alarms in the past, moments when she thought Gray would finally accept her feelings, but they didn't end the way she wanted them to. Despite that, she craved for such moments, and even though she knew in her mind that this was probably another one of those false alarms, she still had her hopes up. After all, even if Gray wasn't that great with words, he always made her feel special with his subtle actions.
The words would come eventually, she told herself. Be patient, Juvia.
But the more they stared silently at each other, the more that Juvia was convinced that perhaps, this was still not the right time. That maybe Gray still wasn't ready. Maybe she was pressuring him—
"When I come back, I'll be a man worthy of you." Gray finally said.
Juvia couldn't believe her ears. Was this some hyper-real fantasy she was conjuring in her head?
"I swear... that I will do my best to make you happy, for each and every day that you choose to stay by my side..."
Juvia wanted to slap herself to make sure everything was real, but instead, she remained frozen in place as Gray said the words she never thought she would hear from him.
"... if you would still have me, of course," he finished reluctantly, as if he was expecting her to shoot him down right there. When Juvia just stared at him and didn't say anything, he unclasped his silver cross necklace and reached forward to place it around her neck.
Juvia could feel his breath against her cheek as Gray leaned over. She felt herself getting flushed with their proximity as time seemed to stretch forever. Her heart was drumming in her ears, it was impossible he couldn't hear it.
In a daze, she palmed the cross now resting on her chest. It was cold in her warm hands, much like its owner.
Looking up, she found herself staring straight into Gray's onyx eyes, a light blush adorning his cheeks. Their faces were just a few inches apart, and she could easily close the distance if she just moved a little closer…
His name escaped her lips like a whispered prayer only he could hear, making him reach out and cup one of her cheeks. They didn't realize how close they were to each other until they felt the tip of their noses touch, but neither pulled back. Juvia's eyes instinctively closed, her lashes brushing against his cheeks.
She felt his lips cover her own, at first soft and reluctant, as if asking for permission. Opening her lips slightly, Gray kissed her again, deeper this time, angling his head and nibbling at her lower lip.
Matching his intensity, her hands slid to his broad shoulders all the way to his back. She felt his other hand against the small of her back, pressing her closer to his body. They stopped momentarily when they felt the need for air, but the reprieve was short as he dove in, again and again, making up for all the moments he could have kissed her like this but didn't.
It was a dream, Juvia was sure. A dream she wished would never end.
But it did end eventually, though there was no doubt it was real. Her flushed cheeks, slightly swollen lips, and Gray's arms wrapped around her were enough evidence that it wasn't just a product of her wild imagination.
"Juvia," he whispered, her name on his lips sending an electric shock to her body. "Promise me you'll wait for me."
"Juvia promises," she answered without hesitation, looking straight into his eyes. She once again clasped the cross on her chest, knowing that even without his words, he would certainly come back home to her. And she would wait, no matter how long it would take.
He gave her his signature smirk, but it was matched with so much tenderness in his eyes that she knew it would always be the last thing she would remember every night before she fell asleep. She gave him a smile in return, the one she always reserved for him.
His hand covered the one clasping his necklace, tightening his hold. "I'll leave this to you so that you won't forget the promise I gave you."
"Juvia will never forget Gray-sama's words, with or without this," Juvia answered him. "But since Gray-sama gave Juvia a piece of him…"
Suddenly, Juvia had an idea. She stepped away from a confused Gray and went to her closet. When she came back, she was sporting a wide grin and holding something behind her back.
"Juvia would also like to give Gray-sama a Juvia doll so he'd always remember that Juvia's waiting for him!" she exclaimed, handing the plushie to Gray.
Any other time, Gray would have freaked out at Juvia's unconventional gifts. But he was used to these things by now, and frankly, he loved her for it.
Smiling, he took the Juvia doll in his arms, staring at the dark blue eyes sewn on its hat-covered head. It wasn't the real Juvia, but it would do for now.
"Thanks. I'll take care of my Juvia doll," he said, and Juvia beamed. "But for now—"
He placed the Juvia doll on the table and grabbed her hand, pulling her close to him. Juvia gasped as she found herself locked in his arms once again.
"Let me take care of you while I'm here, okay?"
No Fairy Tail mage saw them again, at least for the rest of that night.
A/N: You know, I always get a spark of inspiration from canon materials and official arts. This one’s inspired by Mashima-sensei’s latest autograph session featuring these two artworks below. Next in my pipeline: the Gruvia Day 2021 official art. I already have the story in my head so hopefully I have enough time to finish it in the next two weeks!
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noxtivagus · 1 year
yeah i'm rlly gna play a lot of ffxiv when i can again >:3
#🌙.rambles#one day i really hope i'll finally have a grp of 8 friends like yk around my age n all so#we can raid together at our own pace 🥺🫶🏼#i'll fix stuff w the fc when i can n then#i rlly. look forward to the alliance raids#'dedicated to moonlight' from what i've heard of it i think it'll become one of my favorite songs#lyrics. context. menphina deity of the moon n love <3 uwahh she's so me the song's gna resonate w me a lot for sure#i don't know anything about the song itself tho w its melody n all#from what i. hmmm. i took some small glances at the lyrics bcs my curiosity was killing me n#it has a lot of themes i love !!!! hehe i'm really excited#n then msq means more zero content. months ago she. yeah srs became one of my favs immediately#n then fr she was made w a genderless concept 🥹🫶🏼 i love love love love zero so much#HFKSHFKSK THE WAY SHE TIPS HER HAT..... WAHH N THEN#no wait if i'll ramble abt this more i'm gna get carried away bcs i really Really like zero.#bro the armor n the scythe n her love for apples n then#zero my beloved 🥹 <3#i love pandaemonium. esp the ost 'scream' it's so fucking good#but. eden. is very special to me. ff8 references n ryne n gaia#pls ryne n gaia w the rinoa n squall parallels. arguably the Most romantic couple in the final fantasy series.#speaking of rinoa n squall i want to play ffviii so badly i think it'll be my fav? other than ffxiv. but hmm w the themes i think it#resonates w me more at least. like w the time n destiny stuff n rinoa's literally my type#rinoa w the wings rinoa w the pet rinoa w the flowers rinoa w blue ><#music too there's: waltz for the moon / julia / don't be afraid / the extreme / blue fields / ami / tears of the moon / love grows / n more#NO WAIT BACK TO RYNE N GAIA 😭 gaia's basically destined ig w yk that guy who's other name is the same as one of my other names too >.>#but yk. ryne n gaia they. actually nah no spoilers but i love them so much they're so gay#ah. eden tier w some of my fav osts too. return to oblivion & promises to keep#treasured memory too !!!! & not to mention yk eden's promise was my introduction to savage. endgame#nier raids were like the step before raiding so. that also has an extra personal meaning factor to me hehe#wait it's 5 n i haven't started anything yet still on the infographic .#i can't help but be stressed by a lot of things but these little moments where i can just write n think to myself mean so much to me
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Once In A Lifetime ~ BC [M]
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GENRE: Smut…just…it’s just smut DRABBLE [written when i had writers block so it’s not great. im sorry]
PAIRING: Bang Chan x Fem!Reader - with the boys occasionally imputing…a lot of input from the boys okay…Might as well be an ot8 fic
WARNINGS: Daddy kink, an embarrassing moment at a fan meet leads to something you never thought would happen in a life time that being said. This is awful. I did this so bad I’m sorry. It’s my first time writing something for all nine of them at the same time…
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To say you were nervous would be an understatement, you'd been dreaming of this day for years and now you were finally here. After saving up all your money and finally getting tickets in a spot close to you you were able to meet the people that made you happiest in life.
"You made this?" Felix asked as he took the small plushie into his hand and held it up to his face as he looked at you,
"I did, I hope you like it." He smiled leaning down to sign your album and poster and then going back to the stuffed version of a sun you'd made in your free time. You'd created something for each of them to make sure you could give them something special and handmade from the heart. Felix had a stuffed sunshine, Minho's was a cat, Seungmin had a puppy, Changbin had a pig/rabbit combination, Jeongin had a fox, Jisung had a squirrel and you'd made Hyunjin a Llama with a cute hat.
"I love him, I'm going to have to find somewhere in the dorms to display him." He chuckled holding onto your hand for your remaining time together. The one you were most nervous for was coming up, Chan smiled at you as you stepped in front of him and reached into your small bag and pulled out a wolf.
"Oh my gosh!" He took it from you carefully and turned it around as he admired it, the small toy even had a small collar around its neck that had Chan's name on it.
"He's adorable, did you name him?" He chuckled sitting him beside him and telling staff he wanted to keep the small wolf there,
"While I was making him he was called wolfie," He smiled signing your album, you took a deep breath and he looked up at you.
"Do you want me to sign your album?" His eyes made you melt as you stared back at them and you nodded,
"Yes daddy," The words slipped out before you could even process what you were saying and they may have gone unnoticed by everyone around you but not by Chan who was now smirking as he felt blood rushing to his trousers. He licked his lips signing your poster and then writing something down on a piece of paper and handing it to you as he held your hand.
"How's your day been?" He asked casually knowing he didn't have long with you but he wanted longer which was why his hotel room number was in your hand and he was praying you would come to see him.
"B-Brilliant, yours?" He smiled nodding his head at you as he licked his lip,
"Very interesting today," The time was up and he winked at you pointing to your hand as you slipped away from them, you looked into your palm to see his signature along with his room number on a piece of paper. You glanced back and he was winking at you before going back to talk to another fan in front of him.
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This had to be some kind of joke, didn't it? You walked up to the door debating about knocking on it, it could have just been some kind of joke that you didn't understand. Your gut was telling you to knock but the rest of your body was already turning away,
"Going somewhere, baby girl?" You looked up to see Chan walking towards you from the elevator, he was alone as he made his way over to you. Your mouth began to open and close as you tried to think of something to say to him,
"You're going shy on me now? After what you called me at the fan sign?" He licked his lips, he'd done nothing but imagine himself railing you since he heard the word slip from your mouth and he could tell you were picturing it now when he called you baby girl.
"You can say no at any time," He whispered, you looked up at him shaking your head.
"Say no to what?" You teased as he ran his hand over your cheek smirking as you tried to play the innocent one after calling him daddy right in front of everyone,
"You know what baby girl, don't play innocent." Every time he called you the nickname shivers ran down your body and you grew wetter.
"I can tell by the way you're clenching your thighs together, you're dying for me to touch you...Do you want that?" You nodded slowly and he kissed your head pulling you towards the hotel room he'd given you the number to and he let himself inside.
"Guys, meet Y/n." Your heart swelled as he remembered your name and then you realized you were in a room filled with all of the boys, all of them staring at you.
"Y/n is here because...Well, she called me daddy and I couldn't exactly let her walk away." Your eyes widened as he outed you to the rest of the boys in the room but they didn't even seem to mind that you were there.
"C-Chan?" You stuttered as he ran his hand across your lower back making you nervous as you felt his hand slide to your ass, you were enjoying this a lot more than you probably should have been in a room full of boys.
"Have fun Hyung," Minho smirked watching as Chan led you through to his room just off from the main area, inside were two double beds and sitting on one of them was the small wolf you'd given to Chan.
"You kept him?" You whispered looking at the stuffed toy and smiling,
"A very pretty girl gave it to me, of course, I kept it." He whispered coming up behind you and kissing your neck, you bit down on your lip as he began to kiss up to your jaw turning you around to kiss your lips softly. Instantly it was like sparks flew from you, your arms wrapped around the back of his neck to bring him closer to you and he smirked against your lips.
"So needy aren't you?" You had a new-found-confidence so you just nodded at him not wanting to waste time anymore,
"You can say no at any time and I'll stop," He whispered running his hands over the edge of your top, lifting it from your body to reveal the bra you were wearing. He groaned at the sight of you in front of him,
"Even better than I thought," You began to feel your cheeks heat up so you reached for his shirt not wanting to be the only one shirtless, unbuttoning it and running your cold fingers over his abs making you whimper at the small touch.
"You like?" You nodded and he pulled you back into a passionate kiss, it was like your whole body was on fire as he began to strip you from the trousers you were wearing and gently laid you down on the bed behind you.
"I bet you've watched all those videos of me saying baby girl haven't you?" He questioned running his fingers slowly down to the waistband of your panties, pulling them and letting them snap back against your skin you let out a hiss,
"Answer me, baby girl," You whimpered nodding your head at him,
"I have daddy," He felt himself grow harder and he rewarded you by removing your underwear and running a finger between your folds.
"Dripping wet for me," He whispered kissing you softly as he sunk one finger into your core, softly pushing it in and out of you not wanting to go too rough with you yet,
"M-More," You whispered bucking your hips up making him chuckle,
"Needier than I thought, I love that princess," He added a second finger into you and began picking up the pace of his fingers. Your head pushed back into the mattress as he continued to finger you on the bed.
You whimpered looking at the shadows by the door, you could tell the boys were listening. Chan slowed his fingers down noticing what you had,
"Don't you think it's unfair?" He questioned kissing down your chest and then back to your lips,
"W-What?" You whimpered not wanting him to slow his fingers down but he nodded at the door,
"A true fan would never leave them out...Would they?" Your eyes glazed over at the thought of the boys coming into the room.
"N-No they wouldn't." You stuttered out, he felt you clench around his fingers and he smirked,
"Changbin! Jisung! Come here," His fingers slipped out of you and you whined in defeat as he moved away from you and watched as the 2nd and 3rd member of 3racha walked into the room to find you leg spread on the bed for them,
"We thought it would be unfair to leave you all out," He smirked at the boys who were already hard through their trousers,
"Go on baby girl, tell them what you want..." Chan kissed and sucked on your neck as you stared at the boys,
"I-I want to suck Hannie and Changbin-"
"I think I can guess what you want Changbin to do," Chan smirked watching as you bit down on your lip,
"Fastest rapper meaning fastest tongue right?" Chan questioned running his hands over your breasts as you nodded at him, Changbin sunk to his knees in front of you on the edge of the bed and pulled you closer.
"Good girl," Chan whispered as you let out a long moan. Changbin's lips attached to your clit as he began diving his tongue in and out of you looking up at you as Jisung took his member from his boxers,
"Such a good girl," Chan cooed in your ear as you began stroking Chan in your hand and taking Han into your mouth starting off slow recreating the slow movements Changbin was doing.
"Faster Hyung, s-she's really good at this." You smirked around Jisung who placed his hands into your hair, bucking up a little so he could hit the back of your throat. You swallowed around him creating a tight feeling and he twitched,
"O-Oh shit, don't." He mumbled not wanting this to be over but Changbin's tongue began to move skillfully as you moaned around Jisung's length, swallowing the precum dripping from him as you pulled off him, licking the tip and sucking on it as you pumped him in your hand.
"F-Fuck!" You whimpered as three fingers were pushed into your core along with Changbin's tongue. At the door, Felix and Minho were watching and stroking themselves at the sight of you being fucked by 3racha like this. Chan was stood to the side directing the boys on how to do something if they got it wrong,
"C-Close." Your voice broke as you whimpered to Chan and he nodded at you,
"Cum for them princess," Han grunted as you took him back into your mouth moving your head faster each time you got closer to your release,
"Shit," He grunted holding you down on his length as he finished into your throat, watching you swallow every drop as Minho came into his fist grunting out a mumble of your name and curse words going to clean up.
"C-Changbin!" You cried out as your hips bucked against his mouth, your toes curling as you cried out his name and rode out your high on his tongue.
"Ugh fuck," You heard Felix grunt as he came onto his own hand making you giggle at the sight of him looking so tired,
"You're enjoying this baby girl?" Chan questioned coming down to wipe your mouth with a tissue before he kissed you softly.
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Hyunjin was pumping himself with one hand while he used his thumb on your clit, you were focussing on pumping both Seungmin and Jeongin in your hands as they looked down at you grunting out your name as you moaned.
"I want you to cum all over me," You moaned out feeling Chan's fingers dip inside of your while Hyunjin continued to rub circles on your clit. Not one of them had fucked you properly yet because Chan told them that it was for him only, he wanted to be the one to fuck you senseless but you were already losing your mind over having them be here with you touching you the way they were.
"Hyung I can't-" Jeongin moaned out as he began to thrust into your hand, you opened up your mouth wanting to catch anything you could from him and the sight tipped him over the edge as he came onto your exposed tits and face. A few strings hitting your tongue. He went to move away but you pulled him back, cleaning his length off with your mouth before he walked away from you.
"That so fucking hot," Seungmin mumbled looking at you as you turned to look at him, opening your mouth waiting for him to cum for you.
"You want to cum for me Seungmin? You wanna cum in my mouth or my tits?" You had no idea where the confidence was coming from but you didn't care, Seungmin just nodded as an answer as he watched you curling your tongue up for him.
"Cum in my mouth Seungie," He grunted pushing his tip into your mouth, you swirled your tongue around the tip as he came into your mouth, the strings of his hot cum hitting your throat but you made to swallow every drop. The sight was enough to make Hyunjin cum onto his hand from where he stood,
"F-Fuck Hyung she's perfect." He groaned getting up and walking out of the room, the door shut and you were left alone with Chan.
"Your turn daddy," You breathed out looking at him as he smirked at you,
"I've been imagining railing you all day baby girl," He knew for a fact he'd never be able to last as long as he normally would with someone since he'd watched you be fucked by everyone else but he would do his best to make you cum one last time for him.
"You sure you can handle me?" You nodded at him as he took himself from his trousers, he was much bigger than the rest of them had been and the sight of him being so hard made your mouth water.
"Need you, daddy," You whimpered running your hands down to your clit as you began rubbing yourself softly for him spreading your legs more so give him the perfect view but he growled at you.
"Don't touch, mine," He muttered lining himself at your entrance and rubbing his red hot tip along your folds, you felt so good already.
"I wasn't yours when you shared me with the boys," You teased and he pushed into your roughly making you cry out, your mouth hanging  open as he kept himself at your hilt,
"You're fucking mine, you called me daddy not them." He grunted thrusting in and out of your roughly, putting your leg over his shoulder so he could fuck into your deeply. Not stopping for a second as the animalistic side of him took over and he lost himself in the feeling of you.
"So fucking warm and wet for me baby girl," You couldn't even manage words as he continued to fuck into that one spot that made you feel like you were floating on a cloud.
"Daddy!" You screamed gripping onto his broad shoulders as he continued to thrust in and out of you ruthlessly, you were able to mumble small swear words and the occasional whine. He chuckled seeing you like this, completely fucked out.
"So fucked out for me baby girl," He kissed you softly, sucking on your neck as his fingers began rubbing your clit in circles. You hissed at the stimulation, you'd been touched so much that night you were starting to feel the effects of it.
"Close daddy. I'm so fucking close!" He smirked hearing you cry out the name for him and nodded at you,
"Cum for me baby, but tell me where you want me to cum first." You shook your head not wanting this experience to end, you were so afraid of waking up and having it all be a dream. You just wanted him to fuck you all night.
"Fill me up...I-I'm on the pill, Fill me up daddy, fuck your load into me." His hips began to pick up speed again and you whimpered as a white light began to cloud your vision. Your orgasm hitting you like a 50-ton truck, your legs were shaking as you gushed around Chan making it hard to move inside of you thanks to your clenching. But he grunted out your name cumming into you deeply and not moving as you both panted heavily,
"Baby girl, that was amazing," He whispered kissing your forehead softly as you panted, he pulled out of you making you whine at the feeling of being empty after being so full.
"N-No," You yawned out tiredly wanting more of him but he just chuckled pushing you back on the bed and pulling the sheets to cover your body wanting you to be as warm as possible.
"Get some sleep."
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The next morning you stretched out in the bed and frowned as you looked around, you were in a single bed and alone.
"F-Fuck," You whimpered realizing you were back in your own hotel room and that the whole thing had been a dream, one of the best dreams you could have possibly had. You sat up in the bed hissing as a sore pain ran through you,
"Don't move yet, you'll still be sensitive from last night." You almost fell out of the bed when Chan came out of the bathroom carrying the small kettle from your hotel room and going to make a hot drink.
"C-Chan? It wasn't-"
"A dream? No baby girl, it wasn't a dream." You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked down at yourself, you were wearing a plain black hoodie you knew wasn't his and you looked back at him.
"You didn't think I'd leave you here alone after last night did you? I grabbed your key from your bag, I thought you’d be comfier here." You bit your lip and he walked closer to you, sitting on the edge of the bed and kissing your head softly.
"I ran a nice hot bath for us, I'll order some food when we get out to help get your strength back up. You're going to need it," You went to question what he meant when he kissed you softly.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @peachyhan​  @jooniesdarlingdimples​
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
The Strings That Bind Us ~ The Reunion
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Summary: A Male Foreigner is found and captured on the outskirts of the village & brought before Mother Miranda & The Four House Lords. Upon waking - the male comes face to face with Angie - Donna's Living Puppet - and instantly recognizes her before calling out for Donna herself. Just who is this male and who does he know Donna?
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Male OC (Vulcan)
[Unknown Place - Unknown Time]
He didn't remember where he was. He doesn't remember how he got here. All he does remember was that he traveled to Romania to search for something precious that he lost years ago. He happened to stumble upon a rather destroyed-looking village that basked in the shadow of an enormous castle; the village itself looked as if its residents all rose at once and abandoned it and all their possessions.
The man walked through the frozen dirt streets of the village with a black, hooded cloak upon his shoulders & the hood upon his head; revealing only his chin and his mouth to the elements - occasionally, his breath with leave his lips and freeze in the cold winter air. He continued to walk around until he stood in the middle of a multi-crossroads, unsure of which way to go. He stood still until he lifted his right hand - revealing a ring on his finger but this ring was different.
The ring was not made of gold or silver - nor was it made of titanium or brass - this ring was more fragile than that for the ring was made of porcelain. Its smooth white surface shined even in the low sunlight. He brought the ring to his lips and kissed the cold surface of it as he tried to keep himself from crying as the memories came back.
'I'll find you and I promise I'm going to protect you - both of you.'
His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of twigs breaking and snarling - he looked around and saw a creature unlike anything he ever saw before - it was humanoid but its skin was grey, it has a mouth full of sharp teeth, and it the noises it made - it was almost wolf-like. He wanted it to say it was a Lycan but it looked nothing like what a Lycan would look like. There were more and more snarls - he looked to see he was now surrounded by these Lycan Rejects. That's when his 'Fight or Flight' instincts kicked in but he's never been one to flee - he never ran from a fight when he sensed something he cared about was in danger. His ring was in danger of being shattered if those things got a hold of him and he would be damned if he let anything shatter his ring. He reached behind his back - under his cloak - with both hands and withdrew two daggers with black blades and silver handles.
"Bring it." He snarled as he dashed into the line of creatures and began to slaughter them left and right until they all laid dead at his feet and his blades were soaked in blood - still dripping from the curve.
"Well - that was an interesting show to watch. I didn't think you could slaughter my lycans with knives like that and still be standing. You're strong as hell, my friend." A voice called out from behind him. He turned to see a tall man wearing a hat with a green coat - he had grey hair that was complete with a beard and circle glasses. He held a massive hammer constructed out of gears and other metals - speaking of metals, the metal that surrounded him on the ground began to levitate around him with each step he took. The stranger took a puff of the cigar he was smoking.
"You call those 'Lycans'? Please, don't make me laugh. Also - who the hell are you?" The cloaked man asked.
"Oh - you're not a local! That's even better." The hammer-wielder smiled as he pointed at the cloaked man - sending a pole flying at him at high speeds until it stabbed through his cloak and into his shoulder, making him grunt and drop one of his daggers; which then got pulled into the strange man's magnetic field.
"Mother Miranda's gonna love you." The man smirked as more metal began to encompassing the cloaked man, trapping him in a metal cocoon of some kind. Before the metal fully took him, his armed hand covered the ring to prevent it from facing the impact of the metal. Soon - began to slip into unconsciousness.
[Unknown Amount Of Time Later]
"I'm telling you - this bastard slaughter my entire squad with these daggers." A familiar voice called out.
"Well - it's obvious your little 'game' would be more of a 'hunting game' to him. I think I can find a better use for him." An elegant feminine voice called out as a response.
"Oh, and what use is that? Using him to make the next brood for your bloodline? Please - he's a hunter so he goes with other hunters and if it takes to him better then he can be the alpha I was looking for." The familiar voice said again.
The unconscious man began to stir awake & opened his eyes to see...wait...It couldn't be her. The familiar large head and thin body with thin limbs, downed in a wedding dress-like attire complete with a veil. He looked at the doll - not in familiar - but astonishment and...was that hope that she saw in his eyes.
"He's awake!" The doll called out as she looked at the other people in the room.
To the left, seated in a chair - a rather tall woman dressed in the look of a royal lady. If he was to guess, she was the owner of the large castle he saw when he first come here.
Across from her was the man who trapped him - his hammer resting by his legs as he saw on a pue of some kind.
To the left of him, more tucked away in the shadows was a small figure, cloaked in fabrics as if to hide his appearance.
Across from him, seating in a chair was a figure downed in black attire, wearing a dark veil over their head, the only part of their body was their hands - by the look of those hands, that person was female.
'I've seen those hands before.' More hope filled his heart.
In the center of it all was a woman - she must have been the leader of it all.
They were talking about something - but the man couldn't care less, when he saw the doll walk away he hurried to his knees but couldn't get all the way up because of the binds but he could use his voice.
"W...Wait...Angie...Angie, is that you?" The man asked.
This caused everyone to stop talking and looked in his direction - including the doll, who was completely confused.
"How do you know my name? Have we met before?" Angie asked as she slowly moved closer to the bound male, who shook the hood off his head to reveal his looks.
His skin was tan but it was a bit paler due to being in the snow for so long. He had short black hair that was wild and free, his eyes...they were amber - burning bright with an unknown emotion.
"Yes, we have; decades ago but you were...alive like this..." His eyes widened as he began looking around. "If you're here then...Donna? Is Donna here too?! Donna?!" He began calling out - almost like a worried spouse looking for their other half.
Everyone looked at the man before looking at the veiled figure sitting to the left of the leader.
"Do you know him, Donna Dear?" the raven-masked woman spoke.
The man's breath caught as he heard her words and looked at the veiled figure who rose from her seat; Angie ran back to her and stood by her side, clenching her dress in her hands like a child holding their mother.
"Donna..." The man spoke softly - tears began to build in his eyes as he tried to rise to his feet - only to be stopped by the binds and cuffs that kept him down. He glared at the restraints and began pulling on them.
"Good luck with that. You're cuffed up ti-"
Everyone's eyes widened as the binds holding the captive were shattered, allowing him to stand at his full height.
The Hammer-Wielder jumped to his feet and summoned his hammer to his left hand as if he was getting ready to strike him but the man didn't care - he kept his eyes on Donna, who looked in his direction.
"Donna...I...I found you. After all this time, I finally found you." The man's voice cracked as he spoke with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.
"Just who are you? How do you know us?" Angie spoke from her place. The man smiled at the doll.
"It's been decades, Angie. It's only natural you don't remember me...after all - you weren't as alive as you are now when we met. My name is Vulcan and I've been searching for you and Donna since the day you guys disappeared." The man - Vulcan - smiled at Donna, who still said nothing, and slowly raised his hand - revealing the porcelain ring on his finger; Donna and Angie gasped at the sight of it.
"I kept it, Donna. I kept this ring just as I kept my promise." Vulcan slowly staggered towards Donna and Angie - completely ignoring the looks the Noble Lady and the Hammer-Wielder were giving him. He took the single step in his way and was now standing before them. He blinked - letting the tears fall from his eyes as he reached out and took Donna in his arms; hugging her as he rested the tip of his nose on her head.
"I'm here, Donna...I won't leave you, I promise." Vulcan sobbed.
Donna - who was silent for the most part - slowly reached her hands up and returned to hug as she clenched his cloak as if he would disappear - as if this was all a dream.
"Vulcan." She spoke as she nuzzled her head into his broad chest with a weak sob of her own.
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blueflamedemon · 3 years
BlueSky { Dabi x OC }
Chapter Five - Dirty Little Secret
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*Chapter Summary - Sora joins the league on a quick mission to capture Overhaul and steal his Quirk-killing drugs.
Overhaul was on the move. Tomura called it, telling them that they had to carry out the plan now or not at all. Minus Twice and Himiko, he quickly gave everyone a quick recap of this idea to steal the bullets. They would wait until Overhaul was caught by the police and then attack.
"Spinner, you go out and get the truck ready. I knew there was a reason we kept it." Tomura was saying, pacing around in a circle with his hands behind his back. "Compress, Dabi, you two will be in the back with me."
"Wait..." Sora sucked her lip between her teeth and looked around the room. "What am I supposed to do? I don't have full power yet..."
"That's alright, dear." Compress walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder for comfort. "We'll cover you. You are great with combat, we've noticed."
"Better than Dabi, for sure." Spinner snickered as he followed Tomura out one of the warehouse doors.
"Watch it, Lizard." Dabi hissed, walking out behind Spinner. "Don't get your tail into a twist."
"Don't call me lizard!" Spinner shouted.
Sora followed Compress out, letting Spinner and Dabi hash it out before they started climbing into the delivery truck. "Compress, I noticed you have acquired a limb."
"Ah, yes! Isn't it beautiful? Looks just like the old one!" Compress gleamed, holding up the new arm. "It's not much, but Giran did his absolute best. It's a great illusion!"
Sora giggled. "Leave it to you to find this amusing."
"What can I say, child?" Compress smiled. "The show must go on."
"What are you two talking about? How to chop a woman in half?" Dabi showed up beside Sora, sliding his fingers through her beltloops behind her.
"Someone is jealous." Compress chimed.
"Don't listen to him. He's just upset that he didn't get a cool arm." Sora smirked at the boy behind her. "Don't worry, we'll find something cool for you, too."
"No thanks." Dabi mumbled, clearly annoyed with the both of them. He let go of Sora and walked over to the truck, which Spinner had pulled forward so the others could jump in back.
"The three of you, come on!" Tomura huffed impatiently as he climbed into the box.
"We're still waiting on Toga's call." Compress stated, though he followed his boss in climbing into the bed, too.
Dabi placed both of his hands on the floor and jumped in easily, spinning around to sit down and let his feet dangle off the edge. He extended his arm to Sora, expecting her to take it so he could help her up.
She ignored his hand and copied him, placing her hands on the floor of the bed and hopping inside, though she sat with her legs crossed, a little scared to have her legs dangling out.
Dabi huffed beside her.
"I don't need help with everything." She giggled.
He rolled his eyes and hit the side of the truck a few times, letting Spinner know that everybody had climbed inside and they were ready to go.
Spinner took off, taking the directions that Tomura had given him previously, and told Dabi to close the doors before they were a little closer, just so they wouldn't get caught.
Fussing under his breath, Dabi closed the doors and got to his feet, leaning against the wall and pressing his forehead to the cool metal.
Find Overhaul, that was the first plan. He had the bullets that contained the Quirk ending drug, possibly the same drug that Sora was given. Though that was not confirmed, Sora still hoped. If there was a bullet full of those drugs, Overhaul was sure to have a cure for emergencies, right? As long as she took that, she might get her Quirk going in no time, so long as she could get over the withdrawals.
They drove around the city for a bit before Compress' phone finally rang with Toga on the other line, letting them know that Overhaul had been arrested and taken, and that she and Twice had gotten away long before anyone could catch them.
"I think they actually found us." Dabi stated, cracking open the door as he peered out and saw a couple of vans just behind them, both belonging to the police force.
Tomura grew impatient and kicked open both of the doors, somehow hoisting himself to the top of the truck, where he disappeared in a matter of seconds. Sora shook her head and blinked, making sure that she hadn't just been daydreaming.
"Wait a minute, I didn't sign up for this!" Spinner called from the front seat. "I can only drive for so long with this tank!"
"Just shut up and try to keep this damn truck straight. I'm getting nauseous back here!" Dabi complained. He was holding his stomach with one hand and the wall with his other.
Sora sat on the floor, looking right at the police in the truck. She hadn't thought to grab her wig or hoodie, she simply threw on a dress with biker shorts underneath. It was obvious when the guy saw her that he knew exactly who she was. Her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach and she copied Dabi, holding onto her tummy after feeling queasy.
Compress hung up his phone and stood at the doorway alongside Dabi, tipping his hat out of respect.
"I think they spotted me." Sora stated, unsure what to do now.
Dabi glanced down at her, his eyes wide. "Well, time to go." He looked up at the van and raised his hand, a ball of fire appearing in his palm. "Sora, stay down." He commanded, shooting his ball of flames at the van that they were sure Overhaul was strapped up in.
Sora watched, waiting on the van to flip over, blow up in flames, something. Instead, it seemed as if Dabi's flames were being sucked up by something, which was near impossible. His flames were some of the hottest flames in a Quirk that anybody had ever seen, for something to absorb them....
Dabi clearly saw the flaw here as well, so he dropped his hand and his flames evaporated into thin air. "The fuck..." he mumbled.
In front of the large police van, there was now a smaller cop car, a man hanging out of the window. At first, Sora wasn't sure what she was looking at, but then she noticed it as the Pro Hero, Snatch. His Quirk was sand, which was known to stop fires.
Snatch seemed to notice Sora, which made him hesitate using his sand for a moment too long, long enough for Tomura to jump down from the stop of the truck and land on the hood of the cop car. Yet again, Sora felt unmatched, useless. If only she could use her Quirk, she might've been able to help, seeing as Dabi's flames and Tomura's decaying Quirk wouldn't be much again sand.
"Dabi, he noticed me, too." Sora pulled on the tail of his coat. "That hero. He knows who I am, very well."
Dabi and Compress exchanged looks before coming to a quick, mental agreement together. Compress brought out one of his magical orbs and threw it at the police car, saying something clever that completely went over Sora's head as she watched Dabi jump out as if Spinner wasn't speeding away from two police cars.
"W-wait!" Sora got on her hands and knees, crawling to the edge of the truck.
"Stay with Spinner, my dear. We can't afford you to get hurt." Compress stated, jumping out just behind Dabi.
"Wait!" Sora watched, wide eyed, as Tomura, Compress, and Dabi stopped the cars with very little effort.
Spinner slowed down to a stop, the tires skidding across the pavement. "Stay in here, little lady!" Spinner called. "Don't jump out!"
"Spin! We have to help them! Before Snatch--"
The truck spun around, facing the scene of the crime. Sora could no longer see what was happening, so she grabbed onto the door with one hand, stepping on a lever with her foot, and peered around the box to see a burst of flames that had to be Dabi, and then nothing.
When Spinner made it back to the others, he stopped the truck, remaining in the drivers seat incase they needed a quick getaway. He wasn't much on being the center of attention, Sora always noticed how he stayed back and let the others deal with things, almost as if he were hesitating.
Sora jumped off the truck and hurried over to Compress and Dabi, who were just standing in the middle of the road, beside a burning vehicle.
"I told you to stay in the truck." Compress sighed. "Don't you ever listen?"
"She doesn't." Dabi commented, dusting his shirt off. "Go back to the truck so you don't get hurt."
"I can take care of myself, thank you very much." Sora crossed her arms, only then realizing that she no longer saw the hero. "Where's Snatch?"
"Who?" Dabi blinked.
"The hero."
Compress walked over to Tomura, who was standing over Overhaul. They were both talking to him, taking out their revenge. Dabi and Sora stood back, letting them have it. After all, he was the one who took Compress' arm.
"Gone. He won't be telling anybody about our little secret."
Sora looked up at him. "What if that cop paged it in before we could get to him? I think he saw me, too."
"I'll handle them." Dabi grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. A small gasp left her lips. "Just like I did this hero. And I'll continue to do so until we can figure out what's wrong with you so we can defeat Endeavor together."
Sora met his gaze. She loved how bright his eyes were, how unbelievably blue they were. Butterflies fluttered around her stomach, in a good way this time around. Gently, she pressed her hands against his chest, unsure what else to do with them. The smell of burning flesh pinched her nose and stung her eyes, but she was starting to grow used to it. "I would say you're my hero, but I don't like them."
A smirk cracked his lips.
Spinner honked the horn of the truck, calling for them to get back inside before any more cops showed up.
"I got them, Sora. Come on," Tomura walked passed them, oblivious to the two tangled together.
Compress took a final bow before he started walking back to the truck, pulling his mask to the side so he would wink in Sora's direction, which obviously made Dabi uncomfortable. He held her just a little tighter and kept his arm around her, leading her back.
Inside the truck, everyone was a bit quiet. Dabi sat against the wall, hugging his knees close to his chest. Sora wondered if he ever replayed his crimes in his head, and if this is what it looked like, or if he thought about it when he was alone.
Then she recalled him telling her that he could not cry. It struck her as an odd thing to say, though at the time, she hadn't thought much about it. Why had he told her? If he could, would he be crying more? Did he regret the choices he made?
Sora glanced up at Tomura, who was hugging the case he stole from Overhaul. "Did you kill him?" She asked, realizing she heard the man scream, but never saw the body.
"I did something much worse," Tomura muttered, staring off into space. "took his arms from him."
"As a little payback." Compress tipped his hat.
"Good." Sora nodded. "I hope this is the cure..." she breathed, looking down at her feet, feeling more useless by the minute.
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
Santa Baby
Part Six of A Very Valtorian Christmas [Masterlist]
Pairing: Drake and Kate Walker from The Royal Heir
Rated: M for Sexual Content
Warnings: Swearing, Santa smut
Word Count: 1583
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Kate stifles a giggle as Drake takes her by the hand and leads her toward the grand staircase. As they pass by the large gilded mirror in the hall, Drake catches a glimpse of his white Santa hair and beard and then stops short.
“Oh crap, look at us. With my old geezer getup and you as the young sexy Mother-to-be, it makes me look like a really bad Santa.”
Kate reaches around to grab his ass, “Oh hush, an old geezer Santa doesn't have an ass like this.” When Drake smirks at her reflection in the mirror, Kate slides her hands inside his red fur coat and rakes her fingernails across his firm chest and flat belly, “Nor does he have a hot husband body like you do.”
Drake scratches at the itchy white beard on his cheek, “So is my hot Mrs. Claus willing to wait for me to shave off about 30 years in the shower so I can look more like myself?”
“Promise me that you'll wear my favorite part of the Santa suit later?” , Kate waggles her eyebrows and bites her lip suggestively.
“And are you going to tell me which part is your favorite?”
Taking his hand again, Kate tugs him toward the stairs once more. “You'll see.”
Drake's mind buzzes with possibilities as he follows Kate up the stairs. Watching the slow sway of her hips is maddening, and he wants to scoop her up in his arms and carry her but doesn't dare.
Once they reach the wing of the Manor that houses their personal quarters, Drake starts shedding his Santa suit. The jacket goes first, since it's so freaking warm to wear.
Kate glances back over her shoulder, “Eager to get naked?”
Drake peels down the suspenders next, “In the worst way.”
Kate stops outside their room and leans back against the double doors, taking in Drake's broad chest as it rises and falls behind his t-shirt, “Now, take off your shirt.”
Drake pulls his shirt off over his head, stepping in close so that they're almost standing chest to chest. A certain baby bump is in the way though.
Kate sighs with pleasure as she strokes her hands across his chest and down over his belly, smoothing his body hair back in place. “Oh look Santa is looking younger and sexier already.”
Drake closes his eyes with a soft groan, sliding his hands down over her hips and bunching up the skirt of her dress. “Is Mrs. Claus going to shed any of her clothes, or just keep teasing me?”
Kate stops his hands, and then reaches behind her for the door handles. “Yes, but not out in the hall.”
“C'mere you.” Drake growls.
Bending down to scoop Kate up into his arms, Drake carries his giggling wife into their bedroom and kicks the doors shut.
With her arms wrapped around his neck, Kate whispers in his ear, “Santa baby, I've been a really good girl this year.”
With a chuckle Drake answers back, “And does my really good girl want to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wants for Christmas?”
Walking over to the bed, Drake carefully sets her down on her feet. Reaching his hands around her back he pulls down the zipper on her dress. Kate shrugs out of the sleeves and her dress lands in a velvety puddle around her ankles.
Kneeling down before his wife, Drake cradles her pregnant belly in his hands and gives it a gentle kiss. Kate smiles down at him, resting her hands on his broad shoulders. “Go get your shower Lovey, and then I'll definitely climb onto your lap and tell you what I want for Christmas.”
Drake looks up, “If you only knew how beautiful the view was from down here. You're like a majestic fertility goddess or something.”
Sitting down on the end of the bed, Kate kicks off her shoes. “Well go get cleaned up and then you can worship your goddess all you want.”
Drake places another kiss on her belly and then gets up, “Yes ma'am.”
With a wink, he drops his red Santa pants and then saunters into the bathroom. After the door closes he starts whistling, ‘we wish you a Merry Christmas’
With a mischeivous grin on her face, Kate gets back up from the bed and starts gathering up their clothes. When she picks up the Santa hat she brings it over to the bathroom and hangs it on the doorknob. Behind the door she can hear the shower running, and more whistling.
Tiptoeing out into the hall she finds the Santa coat and tucks it under her arm. Giggling to herself, she goes back to the bedroom. Standing in front of the mirror she unhooks her bra and tugs down her panties, tossing them aside.
“Ho ho ho" she whispers, laughing to herself as she drapes the furry coat around her shoulders like a cape and places her hands on her hips.
“I said it before, and I'll say it again. You really do look sexy in red,” Drake says, coming out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and wearing the Santa hat on his head.
Kate cuddles the coat around her, appraising Drake with a playful smile. “I thought I said you could only wear one thing after your shower.”
Glancing down at his towel he chuckles, “Oh right,” and then tugs it off. He gives his ass a shimmy as he dries it on the towel and then tosses it aside. Holding his hands out to the side he asks, “Is this better?”
“Much better, now come here Santa baby and give Momma some sugar,” Kate winks at him, dropping the coat with a giggle.
With a happy growl, he takes her hand and leads her back to the bed. “Gladly. So would you like to try Santa's hard candy little Lady?”
Kate bites her lip, looking down at his hardened cock as he reaches down to give it a stroke. “Mmmhmm,” she moans, he eyes going back up to his.
Sitting down on the end of the bed he slaps his thigh, “C’mere, then and I'll wish you a very Merry Christmas.”
Taking her hands he helps Kate climb onto the bed, guiding her over to straddle his lap. He holds onto her hips, as she wraps her arms around his neck. Grabbing a handful of his hair she tugs his head back and throws the Santa hat to the side. Drake groans as she brings her mouth down hard on his. Gripping her ass he lifts her up and tilts his hips, knowing from plenty of practice how to achieve their perfect fit. Kate gasps as she stretches to accommodate him, her fingers digging into his shoulders. Massaging her lower back with his hands, Drake pauses mid-thrust to ask, “Are we ok?”
Kate nods, whispering, “We're good.”
Laying back on the bed, Drake reaches up to lace his fingers with hers, allowing Kate to settle herself down onto him comfortably.
“Ok sweetheart, I'm all y- yours.” Drake groans out, as he closes his eyes. As she starts moving against him, the intense pleasure of it all is difficult for him to contain, but he lets Kate set the pace. “So t-tell me, my really good girl, what do you w-want from Santa for Christmas?”
“I..I want a pony.” Kate moans, grinding her hips into his, and then rocking herself back to do it again.
“Mmhmm,” Drake replies with a smirk, as another wave of pleasure washes over him, “And are you gonna riiiide that pony.. hard.”
Kate tips her head back, with a moan she replies, “Yess, oh God Yes.”
“Show me how..hard..you're gonna ride that pony baby,” Drake replies, moving his hands down to grip her thighs.
Kate quickens her pace, and Drake meets her thrust for thrust, “And…and I want rockets, fireworks and rockets.”
“Big rockets? Really big ones?” Drake grounds out, his teeth clenched. “and fire…fireworks?”
“oh f..fuck yes, big ones. I wanna big bang.”
“I'll give ya a big bang. ..just you wait…fuck you feel so good Kate,”
“Mmhmm,” Kate moans, “Oh God so do you..”
Sitting back up suddenly, Drake pulls her in for a kiss. His hands slide down her back to squeeze her ass and hold her still, “I'm gonna..oh God..” he gasps, and closes his eyes.
Kate holds onto his shoulders and buries her face in his neck, riding out his orgasm with him as his body shudders and he thrusts up once more, letting out his breath with a low moan. He rubs up and down her back as he catches his breath, rocking her in his arms.
“Merry Christmas, Kate. I love you.” He whispers, kissing her neck and across her shoulder. She leans back and smooths the hair back from his forehead, giving him a gentle smile and soft kiss.
“I love you too, Drake. Merry Christmas.”
Easing her down onto the bed beside him, they lay face to face smiling. Moving her hair back from her face, Drake leans in to cup her cheek and give her a kiss. His hand moves to stroke down over her shoulder, around the curve of her breast, to finally come to rest on her belly. Laying her hand over his, they both smile at feeling their little one moving around.
“Mommy and Daddy love you too, sweetheart.” Kate says quietly, “Merry Christmas.”
@jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @emceesynonymroll @emichelle @mskaneko @speedyoperarascalparty @dcbbw @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @pedudley @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @gardeningourmet @drakesensworld @mfackenthal @thequeenchoices @ritachacha @debramcg1106 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @wickedgypsymoon @griselda1121 @livschoices @indiacater @texaskitten30 @nikkis1983 @lynne1993 @bobasheebaby @drakesfiance @ravenpuff02
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lovingnekoma · 4 years
Hi Artemis! I LOVE the theme and aesthetic of your cafe?! It's so beautiful here! Anyway, can I get a Vietnamese iced coffee, to go? I go by she/her. My style's simple, minimalist: neutrals/B&W athleisure and toned-down academia. I'm 5'4" w/medium length brown hair, athletic build, a youthful face + warm eyes. My personality type is ENFP and I'm a Slytherin if this helps. I'm pretty easy-going and my favorite things are citrus bonbons and crisp fall mornings at a coffee shop. Thank you! Tip: ❤
TO GO thats so cute i’m slfjklskfs
i match you with... komori !
headcanons 4 u
i’m screaming!!! soft autumn dates w komori!!! you guys wear the softest sweaters!!!! hes been tryna get into fashion so he has a cute lil fuzzy bucket hat and you roast him for it but like lovingly bc he does look really cute. hes kinda on a crunch some mornings bc hes got practice or weight training or whatever pro volleyball players do so its not uncommon for him to wake up wayyy before you. if you guys cant swing by a cafe together before parting ways or spend the morning together, he does a GREAT homemade cold brew and makes it ✨seasonal✨too also when you do drivethrus if you’re in two diff cars he always tries to be ahead of you in line to pay for you behind him. also sometimes he asks the barista to tell you that you’re very cute when you pull up after him bc hes got a michevious side
okay so see theoretically komori is Not a Slytherin so you mayyy destroy him. hOWEVER you are an enfp and as an enfp you are Good With People. very caring yes. you know who else is caring? komori. lots of like, good communication and love languages going on. if i wrote a fic about you two there would be gratitious hand holding and cuddles and sweater trading. he tells you that your booty looks cute in your leggings in those exact words at least once a week. we appreciate all booties in this household but komori jus thinks you’re very nice in every way and will compliment you wholly
homemade chocolates are like, A Thing in japan so komori tries to make you citrus bonbons himself!! hes a decent cook and a better baker and he tries to surprise you but you like, Found Out. mostly bc you were searching for chocolate and then found the like, the stash of ingredients hidden in that one top shelf that has like nothing in it but kitchen decor that nobody ever uses bc its the kitchen. i mean, komori likes kitchen decor tho and likes feeling festive so he has,, seasonal decor and you humour him lmao but anyway. you Know but you kinda let him do his own thing and the bonbons are really yummy and he kinda figures you know but you both jus humour each other <3 this was so convoluted i’m so sorry lmao
idk if youre a kpop fan at all but i kinda headcanon komori’s style to be like j-hope’s? it’s kinda eclectic and can be kinda bright he went to the high school w toxic waste colours and isnt as emo as sakusa idk what anybody expects so its def super different from yours. you still take all his cute crewnecks to make a killer academia fit tho and the contrast is acc really interesting. you both find it kinda cool to see how like, similar but different you both are and this kinda winds into part clowning each other and part conversation on individuality w/ a little kissing involved
your apartmentttt is goalssss. GOALS. for all komori has his own bright clothing style, he does prefer a kinda cozy simple look. or like,, soft clutter culture. you guys curate a really nice apartment i feel w lots of light and neutrals and soft pieces (like a rug or a super soft couch. komori def spend big on a cloud couch) and y’all add like fun little pieces. coin flip on who goes vintage who goes modern and which rooms they go in. lately ive been kinda obsessing over like,, candle sand and i feel like thats sakusa’s housewarming gift to you is candle sand and a really pretty bowl thing to pour it in. the ambiance is like very clean lines and warm even tho its pretty neutral toned overall. maybe some jewel tones idk.
i keep breaking my 3-5 headcanons thing but i jus have misc headcanons so: y’alll get plants! i feel like you guys at least have a lil succulent bb and name it something very funny lmao. also komori’s social feeds used to have lots of food pics and to this day y’all occasionally clown him for it. also you guys send each other pics of random cats and dogs you see on the street. when you’re having a bad day or morning he’ll make sure to bring you to your fav coffee shop to vibe, have your fav coffee & meal delivered to you if he can’t, and/or give you flowers and a kiss.
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