#i’m literally going insane they know each other but they don’t. they’ve become such different people in those ten years but they still tell-
mellohimelody · 2 years
godddd chip and elizabeth are soooooo
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apote-lesma · 5 months
The additions to one of my previous zolu posts is making me want to bite my own hand off RAAHH. Thank you
A thing I’ve thought about in terms of death with Luffy and Zoro is connected to Brook actually. The three of them have been the closest to death out of all of the straw hats, with of course Brook dying and coming back from his fruit, Luffy dying and becoming Nika in Wano, and Zoro nearly dying in Thriller Bark and Wano. Brook knew how close Zoro was to death to protect his crew in thriller bark (which I think cemented in his mind that he wants to not only follow Luffy, but become a part of their crew and family, because of the lengths they would go for each other, especially because Brook lost his previous crew)
I bring Brook up because do you think because of his experience being dead and his continued connection to death, Brook can sense Luffy and Zoro’s death in Wano after they leave? Zoro literally went head to head with the grim reaper but the man is so insane that he moves on and never brings that up. Sir? Does he ever look at Brook and see the grim reaper again? Does Brook notice him looking at him and know what he’s thinking? So much potential for angst to explore there, but it’s also so in character for Zoro not to give a fuck about the personification of death wanting to personally take his ass to hell. He’s like, idc. I’m the king of hell now, not you, and I love him for it!! And his captain, and crew too, are the personification of joy and life, why would you care about what happens after death when your life is so full and free at the present moment? We all need to live like that
Also interesting how Luffy “dies” and transforms into the sun god, while Zoro dies and literally can’t move his body as the grim reaper goes to fully kill him. Very different experiences. Pretty accurate for their characters, Luffy’s power up shows that he’ll go any length for his friends and that his power stems from his love for freedom and laughter. Meanwhile Zoro shows that he will do anything for his friends, even dying or mangling his body beyond repair (as he’s done many times before) And they’re on such a similar wavelength that it doesn’t matter. They don’t harp on what they’ve been through, or even how powerful they are and their achievements, they are focused completely on the moment and their future.
GOD!! Sick. Insane
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watanabes-cum-dump · 11 months
Some interesting things abt Babylonia’s politics + some theories
*clown voice* Hola amigos! So I am fucking insane and took some notes (and screenshots) while reading the New Divide extra story chapter and I think it has some very interesting insights into Babylonia’s government! So I will be sharing those in no particular order
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As we can see in this screenshot here, there are some logos that aren’t just the standard WG logo. I have no idea what the one on the right is supposed to be for (possibly their version of their Supreme Court or smth) but I think the logo with the C is for the Control Court and the one in the middle is just for Gestalt. There are other logos in other shots of this meeting room thingy but half of them are cut off and these three are the only ones that are consistent.
I imagine these are the parties maybe? Idk what kinda government structure Babylonia has but that’s my guess. Wonder what party Hassen is from then.
Collins’ and Kurono’s intentions
Throughout this story, Collins is shown wanting more power in Parliament. Interesting when you consider that an ex Kurono member, Nikola is basically the second in Command of Babylonia’s army. Makes me wonder if there was ever a point Nikola had the same goal and thus joined parliament, since Liszt, a member of Kurono, is in parliament as a member of the Control Court.
Anyways that kinda segways into the next bullet point
Nikola and Hassen’s relationship
Their partnership never fails to intrigue me. Because Nikola left Kurono and is actively working with Hassen against them. (for the most part) I wonder how they became partners? Because iirc Nikola is still with Kurono during the events of Lucia and Luna’s interlude, which is roughly uh… ten ish years before the story starts? I could go into a whole speculative timeline on what I think was Hassen’s ascent to becoming president but I’m not going to rn.
I just really wanna know how they met and how long they’ve known each other because they seem to trust each other. And they know each other pretty well as evidenced by Nikola remarking that Hassen is far more ruthless than him in I believe it was Last Spark?? Idk I have a screenshot somewhere. Anyways they’re literally married it’s just very interesting to me.
(Also I think it’s kinda cute their suits are like inversions of the other’s colours? Hassen’s suit is grey with a black tie and Nikola’s suit is black with a grey tie idk if that was intentional and/or I’m reading too far into this but they’re a cute little duo TO ME)
Nikola’s opposition against Kurono
I am absolutely living for Nikola’s beef with his old faction oh my god. This shit is so fucking funny to me. Like I think he should have let Karenina beat the shit out of Collins. I know that there might be some trauma involved seeing as Kurono is responsible for like half of this game’s problems that aren’t the Punishing Virus, but still.
(I could go into heavy detail on why I think Nikola is highkey traumatized by Kurono but that is for another time”
He just hates them so fucking much and I think he’s actively praying on Kurono’s downfall I am so here for it.
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Honestly? I hope Nikola gets what he wants I fucking hate Collins.
Vonnegut’s mole
Okay this was a little theory I came up with while I was reading through Roland’s little section of the story but how the fuck does Vonnegut know about the Lunar base and the Zero point reactor???? He has some explaining to do because I don’t think the general public knows about it.
This leads me to think that Vonnegut has some high ranking eyes up in Babylonia. Perhaps it’s a Kurono member. Idk. I just don’t fucking know how he knows abt the Lunar Base maybe I’ll re read that part but still I am confuzzled.
Kurono. Just, Kurono
Kurono is actually so sussy I am appalled that more people in Parliament aren’t trying to shut them down. Like they’re an entirely different organization with a private military, secret experiments, and general shady dealing and no one bats a fucking eye???
The way they sort of have their own government and operate outside of Babylonia’s rules too??? This is bonkers does nobody get the memo that Kurono is up to something??? I have a war crime counter tally and Kurono’s counts of illegal experimentation are slowly piling up oh my god.
I hope Nikola rats out all of Kurono’s and I hope he gets to kill Collins bc I think he deserves it.
Anyways this has been Kou’s delusions abt a fictional government I will see you again my dear reader once I get more lore crumbs
(Kuro plz translate the rest of Dominik’s orphans I see a link to the Manga on the PGR website you know you want to}
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deludedfantasy · 10 months
Trimax Vol 8 Ch 4-6
Once again, to no one's surprise, I am suffering about Trimax. Also, the last chapter of this volume makes me wanna scream and cry about Wolfwood. Fair warning, this one is a little long, but here goes.
Ch 4
Hang on, I just realized there’s no indication Wolfwood’s working with Home whatsoever. It’s a lot more likely that Home attacked the Ark hoping to either knock it down or somehow get Vash to appear, and Wolfwood used it as his opportunity to attack. Does Home even know Vash is trapped on the Ark?
This also implies that Wolfwood has been just as trapped on the Ark for seven months, watching the world be destroyed while being completely unable to do anything about it and feel guilty about his part in causing it. This is ten times worse than what I originally thought. 
Has…has Legato just been standing in that room, staring at Vash for seven months while controlling him so he doesn’t escape? That’s just so insane and would take so much concentration. Though I don’t know what else I could expect from Legato at this point. He’d do literally anything for Knives. 
“Don’t hesitate,” Wolfwood says. He’s been taught not to hesitate or ask questions, just pull the trigger. But this is the third time that, for whatever reason, he’s pointed a gun at someone and not pulled the trigger. First Knives, then Vash, and now Legato. No matter how necessary he knows the kill is, something holds him back. At the end of the day, he doesn’t want to be a killer, because he always hesitates. 
A battle of wills ensues between Wolfwood, Vash, and Legato. Wolfwood is right, Legato has been concentrating nonstop for over half a year, he can’t control all of them without one of them slipping. I wonder how much Wolfwood turned over this escape plan in his head, all the different possibilities as he waited for his chance to strike. 
Mini Angel arm!!! And Vash is actually able to control it this time!!!
Oh my god, did Legato make Wolfwood shoot himself in the gut? And then Wolfwood just went and casually slung Vash over his shoulder and walked out? The guy has nerves of steel to be able to do that without falling over.
Wolfwood is trying so hard to appeal to something in Livio that would care about the world and not this holy mission the Eye of Michael has indoctrinated into him. But of course, he’s too far gone, and they serve different purposes now. Nightow really likes writing about brothers who drifted apart and created completely opposing ideals. 
Oh no, that’s so much blood. Wolfwood can’t drag both Punisher and Vash around and protect himself. He took all of Livio’s bullets protecting Vash…I don’t like this, I don’t like the implications. 
Chapel is no longer in a wheelchair and dodged Wolfwood’s rocket. The Eye of Michael really doesn’t play around. 
I don’t like this!!! I don’t like this!!! Wolfwood has finally met his match in battle. He can’t fight off Livio and Chapel, and protect himself and Vash. So he chooses to protect Vash. And the other thing is, I can’t tell if he’s shooting to kill or not. Has he already started on final quest for redemption? 
Livio and Wolfwood were once just children together!!! They loved each other and now they’re trying to kill each other!!! But Wolfwood won’t give up just because it hurts or because of what they’ve become!!! He still has people he needs to protect!!!
Oh, oh, Wolfwood’s prayer! Every time he prays and shows a moment of faith, I break down a little. And this one is so vulnerable! He just wants a measure of forgiveness, to be someone different, someone better. He did horrible things to protect the people he loved and he became a monster to do it. He doesn’t think he can ever be forgiven but he’s asking anyway.
And then!! AND THEN!! Vash answers his prayer. This literal angel says, “Yes, you do. I believe you deserve to be saved.” And he uses his wings to shield him!! I’m gonna go curl up into a ball and cry.
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Wait, I thought he was saying this prayer in his head. But Vash answers him out loud. Unless Vash can somehow hear his thoughts?
Also, what a beautiful spread honestly. Love it when Vash willingly uses the powers that scare him to protect instead of destroy. 
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Oh, Vash is very angry. He’s threatening people. We see this so rarely, and we know this means business. After being trapped and tortured for months and nearly watching his friend die to save him, Vash is done. And honestly, Chapel fucking deserves it, I hate that bastard.
Whatever the hell Knives just did was terrifying. That was a lot of power used at such a great distance. How is he keeping this up?
Vash still doesn’t value his own life at all but he’s found his will to fight, because Wolfwood was willing to put himself on the line to save him. Because he cared enough to do the right thing. I’m chewing on glass again, I can’t do this. 
Look at Vash, going just a little feral. He deserves it after everything he’s been through. And he’s using the Angel Arm while fully in control of it and himself to save himself and his friend. I mean, he did mean to use it to shoot Knives but when that avenue closed, he used it to protect instead. 
Hey, Knives, what the hell were those mouths on your weird new Plant body??? That’s freaky as hell.
Ch 5
No matter how many times I read or watch what happened to Wolfwood and how he was essentially experimented on, I am always overwhelmed by how horrible it is. Not only did the Eye force him to become someone he wasn’t spiritually, emotionally, and metaphorically, they took away his ability to grow and mature on his own, so he didn’t recognize his own body and neither would anyone who’d known him before.
All of Wolfwood’s betrayals have been in service of protecting the kids from what happened to him. But even as he’s saying this, he’s thinking of Livio. Despite everything he did, he still failed to protect him and that failure haunts him. 
Wolfwood, full of bullets and healing serum in the middle of nowhere after confessing to Vash the worst of his sins: And now it’s nap time. I can’t blame him, dude literally just fell out of an airship and is probably so tired, but the image of it is hilarious. More than it should be after everything Wolfwood just revealed, but Nightow has a talent for unexpected humor. 
Also Vash’s “Don’t die on me!” makes my heart hurt. 
They are so goddamn lucky Wolfwood decided to use Home’s attack on the Ark to rescue Vash because otherwise they’d be stuck in the middle of nowhere, injured with no way to get anywhere. This is why I originally thought Wolfwood was working with them! It’s just too convenient. 
Blankie Vash and Wolfwood, my beloved. They deserve to be wrapped up in blankets and be all snuggly more often. 
The most interesting thing we learn from all this is that Knives seems to be losing control of the Plants a bit. He intended to absorb them, but it seems he’s becoming lost in them himself. 
Meryl!!! She never gave up hope that Vash was alive and out there. She found Marlon and got him to make another gun because she believed Vash would come back, and he’d need something to fight with. 
Is Knives accidentally killing the Plants as he uses their powers? Another instance of Knives’s never ending hypocrisy. He condemns humans for using Plants to stay alive, but when it’s for his own goals, it’s a worthy sacrifice. 
Wolfwood is leaving…I don’t like this one bit. (She says knowing exactly where this story is going)
Ch 6
Oooh, a Wolfwood centric story!
This is the first time I’ve seen bird imagery used to represent not pure unfettered freedom, but the burden of it. Constantly having to flap your wings to stay aloft and without any hope of shade from the harsh sun. It’s an interesting way to show Wolfwood’s beliefs about freedom. Mainly, that it’s not all it's cracked up to be. 
Love that Wolfwood just goes, “Yeah, sure, I’m a priest, whatever you say.”
I can’t tell if Wolfwood’s congratulations is sarcastic or sort of sincere. Because the story Maylene tells is pretty messed up. She’s being strong-armed into a marriage in order to protect her family’s livelihood. Wolfwood’s response feels very out of left field, even if it is sarcastic. 
“How does the world look when you are able to choose your own path?” Wolfwood is the wrong person to be asking that question of, Maylene. He has no idea. He’s never had a choice about who was or what he could do. He’s been following orders longer than he’s ever had a modicum of freedom. And the only time he tried to forge his own path by killing Chapel and going after Knives, he ended up caught in a cage yet again. 
Does Wolfwood envy Maylene’s luxurious cage? I think he does. It’s a peaceful life, after all, where you’d get everything you need and not have to worry about the rest. It’s interesting that Wolfwood would prefer a luxurious cage over what he currently has, because in my opinion, he’s just trading one kind of cage for another. 
Or maybe I’m reading this wrong and Wolfwood is trying to convince himself that his own life in a cage is okay. And if he convinces someone else of it, he can shore up his own doubts about the life he’s stuck in.
OMG MORE BABY WOLFWOOD. And he’s holding a baby!!! I can’t believe they just foisted a baby on a little kid though. 
Listen, I know Wolfwood was being parentified a little, but he’s so sweet and gentle with baby Maylene. He takes care of her and I think he got attached to her. 
Oh no, he did!!! Look at his face when they’re leaving and Maylene is crying. She’s reaching for him and he’s trying to steel himself against it. He loved that little girl!!!
Hold on, did Wolfwood just…take a beating? He could’ve fought back, but he didn’t. Was he worried that it would make things more difficult for Maylene if he did. 
Also, how does anyone believe he’s still a priest after what he said to Orekano? That guy deserved it, but, man, Wolfwood, that is not how a priest talks. 
There is a price to freedom and not doing what is expected of you. Wolfwood knows that and now so does Maylene. People are dead because she wouldn’t go with Orekano. There are consequences when you make choices and they aren’t always good. That’s what he wants her to see. But his perspective is flawed. Maylene didn’t pull the trigger, Orekano did. You can’t control everything that happens, you can only control yourself and your choices. You can’t protect everyone by doing nothing. Which oddly enough, is something Wolfwood was trying to teach Vash at one point. But he’s not great at following his own philosophy either. 
Side note, I also hate Orekano. What a useless, misogynistic piece of shit. Now that she’s not pure, he doesn’t want her anymore? Better for her to die? I hope Maylene or Wolfwood or someone shoots him. 
I think, more than anything, Wolfwood wanted Maylene to be safe. He wanted her to have a good life. He cared about her, after all. He thinks a life where you fill in the gaps of other people’s lives, where you are someone’s pawn but at least you’re a safe pawn is good enough. Because that’s his own life, and he has to be content with it or what will he do with himself? 
But Maylene wants to be like a bird. She wants to truly be free. The moment where she passes Wolfwood the bird he made her back to him, I think, for just a moment, he remembered how he used to long for that himself when he was younger. Before he was forced into his own cage and made to live with it. 
Idk if the way I’m interpreting this chapter makes any sense at all, but it’s driving me crazy. So much good Wolfwood character study packed into this short incident!!! Very excited to see everyone else’s thoughts on it.
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theoreticslut · 2 years
Can I get a Stranger Things headcanon/blurb about Eddie taking Robin and Steve to a metal show and he sees the girl of his dreams, so Steve and Robin wingman him 🤍😂
omg i love this idea sm!! thank you for requesting it 💗 i hope i’ve done it justice!
「 wingmen & metal 」
eddie munson x fem reader
requested: yes
warnings: brief deception/lying
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-since becoming friends, eddie’s been wanting to get steve & robin into metal
-knowing there’s got to be something that they’d like
-so he saves up his drug earnings to buy three mötley crüe tickets
-& convinces steve & robin into taking a little road trip
-which both had complained about when they realized he was driving
-but he ignored them
-although he did try to drive a little less wild just for their sake
-& he obviously played each and every mötley crüe cassette he had
-ecstatic when robin caved
-claiming the band was “actually pretty decent”
-but it’s when he caught steve tapping his foot and fingers to the music that felt like a true win
-especially when he caught him head banging the slightest bit in the rearview
-although steve vehemently denies the fact
-robin saw it though
-regardless, both were enjoying the band by the end of the drive
-which made eddie all the more excited
-bc listening to them on tape is a completely different experience to watching them live
-& they’ve already said that neither of them have been to a concert before
-so eddie was stoked
-he was practically vibrating with excitement to see their reactions
-his excitement fueling their excitement
-until they were all bouncing as they make it through the line
-finding their seats, steve & robin are already amazed
-the stadium is just so vast
-already packed with people
-with more stringing in by the second
-‘this is going to be insane’ they realize
-& it is
-as the band start there is a literal wave of deafening screams/cheers
-eddie included
-which earned him an odd look by the two friends
-but they quickly found themselves enjoying the atmosphere
-& excitedly sang along as a recognizable song came on
-all three were having such a great time
-that when you bumped into them trying to get to one of your friends
-not a single one minded
-especially eddie as his brain short circuited at the sight of you
-you were easily the most beautiful he’d ever seen
-dressed in ripped jeans that hugged your body in all the right ways
-with a tighter fitting cropped tee sporting mötley crüe’s logo
-the outfit complete with some rings and earrings and a rather dainty necklace
-on top of it all, you had such a pretty smile with the sweetest voice
-he was dumbstruck 
-& steve and robin noticed
-giggling to themselves as eddie stumbles over his words after your apology for bumping into them
-”you’re looking for your friend, right?” steve questions
-eddie gawking at the man at how easily he can talk to you
-”yeah! last i saw her and her boyfriend they were up here...somewhere” you chuckle, sighing lightly
-”how about you hang here with us? we can help you find your friends afterwards if you’d like?” steve offers
-eddie still in shock
-”are you sure? i don’t want to intrude any...”
-as you talk you look between the three friends you ran into
-particularly looking at the curly-haired, obvious metalhead
-the man you may have purposely bumped into after spotting him from your spot a couple rows back
-the truth is you weren’t lost in the slightest
-your friend and her boyfriend, with a few other mutual friends, were huddled together a few rows back
-them having encouraged you to come up here after they noticed you watching this man more than the actual band
-”positive! definitely hang out for a bit.” robin chimes in
-her and steve smirking at each other as eddie gawks at her now
-”alright, thanks! i’m y/n, by the way”
-you smile as they introduce themselves
-eddie still stuttering lightly which gives you a small ego boost
-you saw how loud and confident he was with his friends
-& yet you have nearly rendered him speechless
-it feels good
-but you pretend to not be affected by his stammering
-turning to talk and watch the show with robin
-giving eddie the chance to hiss at steve
-”what was that?”
-”that, eddie, was us being your wingmen. don’t fuck it up.” steve smirks
-eddie chuckles, shaking his head
-but can’t stop smiling
-for not being in the same social cliques at all in school
-the three have become good friends
-& he will be sure to thank the both of them after the show
-regardless of whether he gets your number or not
pls like & reblog if you enjoyed!
join my taglist!
e.m. taglist (1) - @paola-carter @milflover419 @science--hoes @bonked-beyond-belief @wyvin666 @groupie4corrodedcoffin @siriusstwelveyears @nightless @d20eddie @a-villain-vying-for-attention @theloveablesociopath @chiefjimhawkins @jjjordynnn1111 @ureleesian @dingusfreakhxrrington @etwas-writes @ezrabun @moshpot24x @eddies-lover @heesuuuwon @parasadic-blog @mess-is-my-aesthetic @paintmekala @theatricapri @ultimate-sdmn-trash @skid4253 @frogsdeservelovetoo @future-corpse @Eddiemunsonwifeposts @ali-beth3 @ddmybeloved @mortuaryminx @variety-fangirl @ollqos @Melodt-303 @siriuslysmoking @urmomashleyyy @skrzydlak @peterpanouat @skylerin @multamnoctem @grey-water-colors @unicronloevv @kbakery @bustedburntpancake @eddieswifu @munson-burner @eddiemunson4life420
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reyesstrand · 1 year
top tarlos scenes
thanks for the breakdown @rosedavid @alrightbuckaroo @strandnreyes @fitzherbertssmolder <3 this was fully the hardest thing i’ve ever had to do and i’m sure i’ll remember one later i would’ve wanted here and i 1000% cheated during this but :-) here we go, in no particular order:
2x04: “i don’t care, okay? as long as you need”
i was going to start of with the police station scene (which got me to watch the show) or the 1x10 firehouse hug, but this scene still feels so important. nevermind the fact that there were sooo many emotions going into this episode after the “are we breaking up?” promo, this scene is one that proves that although they’ve come so far in their communication skills, the foundation of love and support has been there since the beginning. i love tk not apologizing for his little bitch outburst because deep down he does want everyone to know he’s carlos’ boyfriend, and i love him adding that while he isn’t sorry, he does need to acknowledge safety in relationships and how carlos’ experience differs from his own. i also love that this showed tk not caring how long it might take for carlos to be comfortable, while also telling him nothing stays the same (and essentially becoming the catalyst for carlos to bring these different facets of his life together, and for him to live authentically with everyone. tk becoming the KEY THAT UNLOCKED CARLOS so early on, especially given the context of s4, is so good).
3x04: breathe, breathe, breathe
everyone includes push and you know what….it’s what she deserves. this culmination of a weeks-long arc that was done so beautifully it felt monumental, and seeing the way they choose each other and choose love, seeing the way they fight for each other, seeing the way tk literally is moments out of having a breathing tube down his throat and is telling carlos to breathe, seeing the way carlos just collapses on tk and tk holds him close….insane. beautiful. them coming home and celebrating with the rest of the 126 at the push-in ceremony too is just the cherry on top of a stunning episode.
3x05/4x18: middle of the night comfort
i’m putting them together because i can’t choose and nobody can make me. just these two instances of tk seeking carlos out in the middle of the night in such different contexts makes my heart ache. the fact that carlos is instantly comforted by tk’s presence both times. the fact that tk can pass out on carlos’ arm and snuggle up with him while he solves a kidnapping case. the fact that carlos doesn’t even need to say the words about postponing the wedding and tk reassures him and promises he’s not going anywhere. so so so good. (going to put my honourable mention(s) here of just….every little moment of love that speaks the loudest—them touching and showing small acts of intimacy and domesticity—because they mean the world).
3x13: all of it…but specifically the dinner scene and the photo album scene
this whole episode is one i could rewatch a hundred times and cry every time. it’s so beautifully written and acted and you feel each character have an oh moment (carlos’ regarding his place in tk’s recovery and how it doesn’t change his value, and tk’s regarding his personal knowledge he’s going to marry this man) which i love. the dinner scene is one of the most pivotal to their relationship, and coupled with the photo album scene, their vulnerabilities and enduring love for each other get to come out and be explored. this episode truly puts into perspective how the vows they speak nearly a full season later are just verbalizations of how they’ve cared for and loved each other all along.
4x02/4x16: soulmateism
both of these scenes (4x02’s “probably the day i met you” and 4x16’s “hi, you’re tk, i’m carlos, and we’re soulmates”) changed the trajectory of my life. i wish i was kissing. i still do double-takes when i see gifs, like….we actually got these? they said these things to each other? “dude”? not one but two uses of “baby” from carlos? the way they’ve saved each other and had these big feelings since the very beginning? the way both scenes confirm things about their pasts and the bits we didn’t see if their early relationship and proving that tk only ran because he was feeling these big things, same as carlos, and was terrified? the way carlos uses jokes at bad times as a coping mechanism before he literally spits some heartfelt poetic lines? these scenes truly function as a pair in my heart and i can’t choose between them so!
honourable mentions: proposal(s), the entirety of the wedding including cut scenes, carlos bringing home lou 2, 4x04 with tk working with gabriel to save carlos and using narcan on him and carlos telling trudy gwyn’s love flows through him, and 3x08 with carlos’ first on-screen i love you/going to get them some food (FOOD AS A LOVE LANGUAGE!!)/the tarmac hug
no pressure tagging @carlos-in-glasses @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @paperstorm @chaotictarlos @marjansmarwani @morganaspendragonss @lutavero @sunshinestrand @unstatedmartini
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dooplissss · 4 months
i would like to know about the ocs 🫴🏽
bless you
ok I have way more than just these but these are the current standouts, maybe I’ll do a part 2 tomorrow bc i cant stop talking about my silly little guys
Emmett & Marasmus: Newest oc for dnd, pact of the undead warlock. Emmett was just living his life til he ate the wrong mushroom for dinner and it revealed itself to be a god named Marasmus that wants people to praise it, so it took over poor Emmett’s body and puppeted him around, turning his hometown into a cult. Emmett broke out of his stupor and escaped after nearly feeding a spore to his brother and he’s been running ever since, his body slowly being eaten by the monster that inhabits him. Also they bicker constantly, real Beacon and Duck Newton vibes.
Emmett is truly just some guy who doesn’t deserve to have this wannabe god parasite stuck to him but that’s how these things go. He’s so sweet and ofc he loves his family bc I’m predictable and make that a trait for nearly all my ocs. I tend to avoid family drama or at least do it in a different way than most people, in that I prefer my characters to be striving to get back home or avoiding going home because they feel they don’t deserve to be a part of their family anymore, but always always always they are loved despite everything bad they’ve done/think they’ve done. I really hope the game goes long enough to see Emmett get to hug his brother again and forgive his mom for not being able to help him, he’s the only one of my ocs who’s been wronged by his family and even then its neither of their fault. God he needs a hug so bad
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Salem & Erin: god this guy is so fun. Salem is a skellington who started as a rich brat that got peer pressured into a ritual that makes you immortal, 40 years later he had a heart attack, died for a second, and then started rotting alive. He spent decades alone in his big mansion haunting his own halls, bored out of his skull. Occasionally people would come thru, be terrified by him or try to kill him, but largely he was just left there. It took him years to work up the courage to enter his son’s room and reminisce about him; he was married a long time ago, but as soon as he floated the idea of having his spouse and child go through the ritual too they up and left him.
Eventually a realtor, Erin, comes to the house to sell it, and she’s the only person who isn’t scared of him. It’s the first conversation Salems had in years and they become friends, her daughter Olivia makes clothes for Salem to disguise his form and help him gain the courage to leave the house more and more. Salem lets more people into the house, especially artists he really loves art, and eventually lets people live there while he moves in with Erin and Olivia once he feels safe enough to live among people again.
Originally Erin and Salem were supposed to just be friends but ofc I started shipping them and ughhh they make me insane. They’re both divorcees and have talked at length about how they’ll never make that mistake again, but Salems been in love with Erin since the beginning. And he’s the least subtle person on the planet so ofc everyone knows, including Erin and she’s just patiently waiting for the day when Salem admits how they feel, however long it takes. I made Salem for dnd and his quest is basically to find a way to undo his immortality, but tbh every time he joins a campaign it dies soon after so I think I want to try making a comic or a series of vignettes or something for him anyway, especially since I’ve had a lot of time to think about plot hooks and stuff.
this is the only fic i have them but i really love it please clap
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Tillian & Somlen: The OCs of All Time. I literally have a tattoo representing them, they mean so goddamn much to me its hard to put into words like they changed me as a person. Somlen isn’t my oc, he belongs to my dm, but the two are so tied together and influenced each other so much it all kinda blends together.
Tillian is a haunted one bard who grew up in the town of Winslow, a little prairie town that had something Wrong in the well that caused all the sounds to warp. The crops whispered, the blueberries gossiped, her mom echoed, her dad sang, her brother spoke backwards, and when Tillian herself spoke everyone would hear something different (I had a d100 list for what they would hear). After someone disappeared while doing recon inside the well, the town boarded it up and went their separate ways. When Tillian’s family went to stay with her aunt, she said hello to her cousin and instantly killed him with her voice.
She went to bard college to help get her voice back, and as the game started she was simply looking for answers to why this happened and what caused it. She meets with the group, starts adventuring, and one fight goes so bad she gets fully 3 failed death saves killed. Something picks her out of the river of death and brings her back to life, and that’s when she buys a haunted doll, a homebrew item from TAZ that takes that final death onto itself.
As the adventurers leave town, she feels her bag moving on to find oh fuck the doll is alive and its an asshole. The doll says his name is Somlen and he was cursed after he slept with the wrong person. Tillian HATES this guy at first but ah fuck, if she dies he’s going to die in her place so she has to be more careful. And as she talks to him more, she starts to warm up to him. He cheated on his girlfriend and he’s the perfect picture of the horny bard trope, but he wants to do better and become a better person.
Things happen, yadda yadda, Tillian finds out the location of the hag that cursed him and they kill her, taking the curse away but Somlen is still stuck in the doll body, they need powerful magic to get him polymorphed back to human. The group decides to go to a city but, as a lark, one of the npcs decides to try her luck to change him back and she rolls a goddamn nat 20. Somlen is human again and oh god he’s in his birthday suit. While Tillian is in total shock, the group gets him clothed, Somlen jokes around and plays it cool up until he gets back to Tillian, who just. Wordlessly takes her signature scarf, the one her dad knit for her, and wraps it around him and hugs him. And it hits them both like, they did it, he’s safe, and Somlen would do anything for her and vice versa.
They go into the city where they get a clue to visit the outskirts where Tillian’s aunts house is, except its old, like really really old, all that’s left is a hole down into the basement. And when they get in, Tillian can feel something trying to communicate with her, and she learns this place is over 2000 years old and so is she. That night, when she sleeps, she wakes up inside the well surrounded by hundreds of faces and she knows every single one of them. The thing that lives in the well tells her to bring her friends back for it, and that’s when it hits her: This thing, the Uvuuduam, has been sending her out every hundred years to go collect a group of adventurers and bring them back to feed them to this monster. It controlled her into tracking down every villager of Winslow and throwing them down into the well, including her mom and dad and brother. She is as much the thing haunting her home as this awful creature is.
She wakes up, silently collects her things, and leaves everyone behind to spare them. They catch up, ofc, but she is desperate to spare them from this fate. She offers them a anti-scrying necklace so they can leave her and be untrackable, but no one agrees to take it, they’re all in it to save her much as she begs them not to. She is absolutely broken by this revelation, but the group and especially Somlen are there to hold her together.
They send some time leveling up and preparing to go to her town, and finally the day comes when they arrive. They go into the well and face the Uvuuduam, it’s a tough fight (we had a irl sleepover to play it all the way thru), but they do it and she severs this horrible things neck as she screams, her voice finally returning to her after all these years. Everyone in the well wakes up, she reunites with her family, and (this part always makes me cry) when she sleeps that night, it’s the first restful sleep she’s had in 2000 years. She and Somlen stay behind in Winslow, finally home.
Like. They are truly everything to me. They are foils in so many ways but it just makes them stronger. Tillian is an aromantic bard, helping me realize I myself am aro, and it always gets to me that she loved so fiercely and so much and it was used as a weapon against her, that the monster knew it could depend on her to make connections strong enough to make people willing to do anything for her and therefore bring back its food. She loves too much for her own good, but she’s safe now, she’s with her family and the people she loves and god forbid anything try to take advantage of her ever again.
Also these two are just funny. Two halves of a whole idiot. Tillian is a neurotic mess at all times, Somlen is full of himself, they’re life partners and also an inseparable comedy duo. They’ve seen each other at their very worst and choose each other without hesitation over and over. They’ve both had their free will ripped from them thru curses and manipulation and they vow to break the hold others have on them, they would tear the world in half if the other asked. And just. Tillian wants nothing more than to return home while Somlen runs as far away from his past as possible, but he finds a home in her and he helps her win back hers. They love each other and they are best friends forever :’) also I’ve written so many fics about them and I still have so many more I want to write lmao
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s3xtones · 1 year
hiii ily,
this might be quite long so sorry about that :/
theres a pretty lady i’ve known a very long time who i am very much in love with. i feel as though we’re bound by that in a way, she knows i love her without me having to tell her and i know she loves me. ig the bond that we have isn’t enough tho since we’ve tried several times before and it never ends up working out for us. she mostly blames it on herself and her ‘self sabotaging tendencies’ but there’s been times where i’ve been so horrible and so obviously at fault and it’s almost as if we start off beautifully but we both become almost chaotic and end up splitting again.
we’ve spent a lot of time apart and as of right now i feel as tho we’ve both matured a lot and my love for her is just as strong if not stronger than before. we talk less but it’s almost as if we don’t need to, whenever we do however we always clarify and honour the love we still have for each other even tho we’re separate. i really do believe in a relationship with her and i’m not close to giving up on that but my problem is that i’m worried that she struggles focusing on someone long term in general.
we mostly stay out of each others way now, checking up every once in a while. she has a boyfriend now too which doesn’t bother me in itself but he’s sort of the object of the issue. i don’t mean to sound cocky but i know that i could take her back whenever i wanted, boyfriend or not. that’s where the problem arises tho because they’ve only been together around 2 weeks and in that time alone she’s flirted with me and mentioned (not directly to me) that she’d ‘literally die for me’ and hates that she sabotaged our relationship calling herself insane for doing it :( .
as i’ve mentioned i do see a future with her. i love her and i want her and i guess i’m selfish in the sense that if we were guaranteed to last, i wouldn’t have any problems taking her away from her boyfriend at all. the only reason i’m reluctant is because i feel like if she can’t focus on her current man for 2 weeks without running back to me at 4 in the morning, then she’s not ready for something long term and i’d hate for us to go through the effort of getting back together just for it to end in a couple weeks. i really feel torn because i want her to myself but i see no longevity in us. i think if tried to focus on the person she’s wit now it’d prove to me that it’s possible for us to have something long term. we’ve had a connection ever since we met and i feel so drawn to her. she’s a real angel to me and i wish her sm peace and happiness regardless of our circumstances. i really need a new perspective. tysm for reading this and giving advice if u do <3
oh and btw she shares ur first name <3
lots of love <333
Idk taking her from her man is just an ego / pride move n a terrible way to get back into the relationship. Based on what you’ve told me , i think y’all are both confused on what you actually want from each other and what to do with the feelings you have for one another. the space is good for now and actually maybe there should be even MORE SPACE. Her Reachin out at 4am is not a good thing cause she’s creepin and even though to you that’s a sign you can “take her” it’s also evidence of the overlying problem, COMMITMENT!
If y’all both cannot commitment 100% it’s never gon be right.
Commitment takes trust, faith, love , discipline, loyalty and a lot of self reflection.
It feels weird to let go of someone so familiar they felt like home. You get to reminiscing bout old good times n wishing you could do it all over again but the reality is it cannot work with the way things are. People never change, they do grow and mature but people do not change their ways and who they are at their core.
idk im still trynna figure out my own situation and this made me cry. Reiterating what i said, there’s a difference yearning for the love once shared and missing someone you’re too afraid to let go of but you don’t really want cause then you’re actually alone.
Let her go fr n if y’all are meant it will be.
ily2 n i wish you the best, focus on u fr build ur dream life in the meantime
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mozillavulpix · 1 year
I’m going insane, so I want to explain some parts of the plot of Fate stay/night to someone who knows nothing about it besides the general concept again.
Part 1: The Holy Grail isn’t actually a Holy Grail
Part 2: The Holy Grail is actually evil
Part 1: The Holy Grail isn’t actually a Holy Grail
So, as said, the thing that they’re all fighting to get, the Holy Grail, isn’t the literal Holy Grail and has nothing to do with God or Jesus or anything. It’s just an incredibly-dense form of magical energy that’s made from the bodies of all the Heroic Spirits (the magical familiars that get summoned to fight each other, e.g Saber, Lancer, Archer and the like) that were killed in their fights. See, Heroic Spirits are basically made from magical energy - a lot of it. They’re actually beings that are normally supposed to be summoned by the Earth itself to defend it if it’s in imminent danger. (Yes, the Earth is alive and has a will of its own, don’t worry too much about that.) Because of that, they’re incredibly powerful and rich in magical energy. The Holy Grail is basically a system used to harvest their bodies after they’ve been killed to condense it into a form that can be used. With that amount of magical energy, a mage could use it to do pretty much whatever they wanted, so ‘granting your wish’ wouldn’t be out-of-the-question.
Part 1b: The Holy Grail isn’t supposed to be used to grant wishes
Although the thing is, while it could be used to grant the holder’s wish, that’s not what it’s actually made for. With the power of six Heroic Spirits, the Holy Grail can be made as something that can grant a wish, but with the power of seven Heroic Spirits, it becomes something that can use the Third Magic - which is being able to grant immortality of the soul. See, for mages, it’s actually not *too* difficult to have immortality of the body - some people have figured out how to transfer their soul into something else, and that can be another human body or even an artificial body made by magecraft. The problem is while the body may not have a limit, the soul does, and if it stays alive for too long, it basically starts to...rot, which isn’t very pleasant, let’s put it that way. The Third Magic is the ability to make a truly immortal soul that never rots.
Now, the Holy Grail War is a battle between seven Heroic Spirits. If six die, the winner can have the Holy Grail to themselves to use the power to grant a wish (and both the mage and Heroic Spirit can use it). But if the mage then sacrifices their Heroic Spirit, that fills the Grail too and boom, Third Magic. Obviously they don’t tell the Heroic Spirit that they’re planning to do that, so it’s all pretty sneaky, but luckily the situation has never actually happened.
Part 2: The Holy Grail is actually evil
See, the Holy Grail War Shirou Emiya participates in in Fate stay/night isn’t the first time it’s happened. No, actually, it’s the 5th one. The events of the 1st-3rd ones are never shown in detail, although they vaguely explain what kind of things happened in them and why none of them ended up with someone getting the Holy Grail at all. The 4th one they give a few more details, but it ended up getting a whole story dedicated to the events called Fate/Zero, which were a series of light novels and then got an anime adaptation.
But the actually important thing about previous events was what happened in the 3rd war. Back then, the Einzberns, one of the main creators of the Holy Grail War who were pretty mad that they hadn’t been able to use it (in the first war, no one knew how it all worked and missed their opportunity, in the second it became a complete bloodbath with no winner), decided to summon an eighth Heroic Spirit of a different class - Avenger.
To be honest, I’m not sure exactly how they could do this, I still don’t know much about Avengers in general, but let’s just roll with it for now.
Now, they used the Avenger class to try and summon Angra Mainyu, the god of evil in Zoroastrianism. They did essentially get that, but the Heroic Spirit itself was very weak - it turns out the idea of the god originally came from a village in the Middle East, where they decided to choose one person to exemplify “all of the world’s evil”, and then they tortured and killed them to symbolically ‘kill’ all of their evil. Because of that, the Heroic Spirit was basically just that person with no special powers at all.
The Einzberns were pretty mad at that, but the problem got even worse. When Angra Mainyu was inevitably killed in the war and his body absorbed by the Grail, because he was fundamentally just a human, the Grail recognised him as a human. And when the Grail was filled with enough Heroic Spirits to grant a wish, it recognised Angra Mainyu as a human who wanted a wish granted.
Angra Mainyu, not knowing anything else, wished to be all of the evils of the world, and the Grail granted that.
This made Angra Mainyu basically become the Grail itself, corrupting the system so any wish made on it would turn out twisted and with massive destruction, allowing Heroic Spirits to be summoned that weren’t fully heroic, and also giving it the ability to spew out black mud that caused people who touched it to go insane from the weight of the sins of humanity. Also it could set things on fire I guess.
lemme keep rambling
This didn’t come into major effect until the 4th war, where there were two competitors remaining - Kiritsugu Emiya (Shirou’s adopted father) with Saber (Artoria Pendragon) and Kirei Kotomine with Archer (Gilgamesh). At that point, the Grail only had five Heroic Spirits in it, but that was still enough magical energy to do *something*, so it started manifesting. Kiritsugu realised it was evil, and tried to get Saber to destroy it, while Kirei desperately tried to stop them. Kirei got to the Grail first, touched it maybe only for a moment, and the Grail granted his wish - to separate Kiritsugu and Saber...by spurting the black mud all around. This caused a massive fire that killed probably hundreds of people, including Shirou’s parents.
Also Kirei and Gilgamesh got swallowed up by the mud and that somehow gave them the ability to stay alive - even Kirei, who had had his heart damaged.
The funny thing is no one told people that the Grail was evil - Kiritsugu wanted nothing to do with it and eventually died young from getting cursed by it, Kirei actually wanted it to keep existing, thinking it was some kind of reflection on human nature and God, and the other mage families...probably knew, but only cared about getting their Third Magic damned the consequences.
Anyway, in two routes of Fate stay/night Shirou realises the Grail is evil and gets Saber to destroy it. In the third route, Sakura Matou, who had shards of it implanted in her after the last war, ends up becoming an unwilling host for Angra Mainyu itself to birth itself as All The World’s Evil For Real, but they manage to cut her out and close the connection.
so anyway
...the reason I started talking about this is because all these points are only revealed in the third route. The first route, maybe the first anime, the Unlimited Blade Works anime, none of them really explain fundamental parts of the backstory and lore. And it’s not like it’s ‘not canon’ in the other adaptations, it’s still totally a thing, it just never ends up being as big of an issue because of something about Sakura’s emotional state, so they never need to explain it.
Fate lore is wild you guys
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(This is all subject to change. I came up with all of this in the time it took me to type this.) Honestly, most of the kids just kind of take it in stride because like. They’ve literally watched her help them beat the shit out of these monsters from a different parallel kind of universe and are still kind of just. Think she’s the coolest thing ever but. It kind of makes Sabé and Ahsoka act in opposing ways (as also kids who don’t think they’re straight.) Ahsoka kind of attaches herself to Kiré’s side and becomes her shadow at like. Any time she possibly can. And eventually she like starts asking questions about not being straight. And Sabé. Sabé knows that she’s like 93% sure she’s in love with Padmé and that freaks her out and then. She sees how Kiré is treated and kind of tries to keep as far away from Kiré as possible because it makes her terrified that might happen to her if literally anyone found out and anyways. Padmé’s in love with Anakin so. There’s no need to even mention it to Kiré but. By the summer she has a job in the mall and meets Josie, Sabé has kind of stopped avoiding her and maybe started asking a few questions and Kiré does her best to answer things in a way that doesn’t let Sabé know that she knows she’s asking for a reason so she doesn’t freak out. Rex is kind of like “what. What do I do now. How am I supposed to act now. What’s happening” and is just awkward around her for a little bit when she’s constantly around but he gets used to it and he starts seeing her as like. Older sister he can come to about anything and is always willing to curbstomp any of the bullies at school.
Now the adults. Jango is. A little awkward around her at first after she comes out but. She helped Cody find Rex and beat the shit out of some monsters and didn’t even blink when she was told “hey, by the way, there’s monsters out there and I think that body they pulled out isn’t my brother” she just. Jumped right into the insanity of their batshit weird little world. Shmi is exasperated but she’s more exasperated that her parents are so shitty. Like they have a healthy living daughter and never appreciated her and then kicked her out for being different when other people lose their children when they really loved them???? Bullshit. She hates it. Qui-Gon is very Scottish Catholic traditional so. He’s not too fond of his son or step-daughter hanging around with her but he also knows telling either of them not to when they’re friends with her will do absolutely no good and then they’ll just sneak around to see her so. He’ll let them hang out with her in public spaces outside of his house. Kit Fisto is the meme of he’s confused but he’s got the right spirit. Bail isn’t entirely sure what’s going on but Kiré doesn’t spend much time around his house or around his daughter (because she avoids Kiré) so he’s not like. Super concerned.
Josie at first is like Robin in that she’s giving Kiré shit about being a preppy bitch and queen bee and in general not being great when she was popular and things but. Eventually they become friends and Josie tells her that she thinks she’s really brave for like. Just coming out like that. She’s batshit for it, but she’s way braver than she could ever be. And obviously Cody is like. Impressed that she’s brave enough but also thinks she’s lost it because he knows how that’s going to end and the rest of the town is going to shun her and turn her into the town pariah and make her life miserable while she’s in this town. Obi-Wan is. Something else. At this point, he’s been way too drunk and in doing so told her that he doesn’t think he’s straight and he might have feelings for Cody so. They broke up and never really talked about it outside of “you said this and I’m not about to stand in your way of figuring shit out. As much as it hurts me” and obviously Obi-Wan isn’t ever about to come out publicly but. Kiré would take both his and Cody’s secret literally to the grave. So they just kind of end up avoiding each other unless Cody is there as a sort of buffer from the awkwardness. Obi-Wan also thinks Kiré’s absolutely lost it for coming out in a small town where she was literally at the top of the food chain, but he gets why she did it. He knows that she’s tired of pretending to be something she’s not and putting on this show for everyone else
Okay, sorry, that took me a minute to get to. It's a lot. My one hesitation to all of this is Qui Gon. I see what you're doing taking the fact he's played by Liam Neeson into account. However, I would object as this clashes with his general characterization of being the rebel/hippy type of the Jedi. I feel like he'd be the most openly accepting which would then effect Obi Wan's relationship his sexuality. Just throwing it out there.
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
— people with jupiter in the 8th may experience an “abundance” of traumatic experiences throughout life, often relating to death; these are the people who truly feel like everyone they love ends up dying. at their worst, they can become desensitized to death— jupiter is ruled by sagittarius, a sign known for being in denial when in difficult situations in favor of optimism. these natives can pretend like nothing actually happened, or minimize the situation in their head so that they don’t have to face it.
— okay this might be a weird one... like, you know in asoiaf when arya was walking through the streets and was always like “i’m as quiet as a shadow”? that’s literally the energy of someone with planets in the 12th house/chart ruler in the 12th house. these people are so stealthy. they’re able to move so quietly and without anyone noticing, both literally and figuratively. on one hand, they’re very quiet about their plans and ambitions to the point where other people only find out when they’re achieving success over it; on the other hand, they just. don’t like making noise while walking idk bitch you’ll only see me coming when i’m right beside you, i even get paranoid that i’m breathing too loud and that other people will hear 
— people with moon aspecting mars can be incredibly impulsive when they feel hurt or triggered. yall need to be careful with doing things in the heat of the moment that you know you’ll regret later... but in the moment, you feel so hurt that it clouds your rational side. please be more self-aware about this because you may make decisions that will directly affect you for the worse in the future 
— people with leo mars ft. constantly asking you for pictures... about anything. they just wanna SEE LMFAO THEY DON’T CARE WHAT IT IS THEY’RE SEEING. you just got ready to go out? “send pics of your makeup and your full outfit”. you’re waiting in a long boring line to get the covid vaccine? “send pics of the line”. your mom baked cake? “send pics of the cake”. plus they send so many random pictures while texting, it’s their special love language
— having moon conjunct moon/venus in synastry feels insane. you tell them something you’ve been through, and they’re immediately like “that happened with me as well.” it doesn’t even have to be something grand, sometimes just very specific things you thought were particular about you. the amount of understanding that comes with this aspect in synastry can feel very new and intense especially if you’re used to seeing yourself as the “odd one out”, used to feeling isolated in your experiences 
— people with pluto in the 1st house often feel the need to erase “traces” of their existence, for example deleting messages that they sent people, deleting all of their social media posts. they can feel anxious and paranoid about other people having access to their past self, even if the past self in question is from, like. a week ago 
— people with chiron in the water houses (4th/8th/12th) might’ve suffered bullying to the point where they repress their memories. a lot of their memories of their school years may feel foggy if they were bullied in those years
— also. people with chiron in the 8th house may feel as though they’ve been punished for wanting to experience intimacy. it’s like, the people who were supposed to be the closest to them – for example, their sibling or something – were the ones who hurt them the most. 
— people with mercury-neptune aspects and strong pisces/neptune energy in their birth chart might struggle with only remembering things when they’re right in front of them. you should keep things in your peripheral vision to remind you of reality, especially when it comes to feelings— so that you won’t start getting lost inside your own head. like... keep the letters your friends wrote you by your bedside table so you can read them every time your brain starts convincing you that you’re not loved. keep the gifts you’ve been sent on display in your bedroom wall, or sentimental material things that remind you of past happy experiences.
— earth placements and their thing for asmr... omfg. it’s like they’re always looking for things to up their sensory experience/sensitivity. like, earth signs are the ones most connected to worldly experiences so they feel so soothed with the whole asmr experience: just hearing someone gently whispering or tapping on/scratching things calms them down and helps them fall asleep. they love the tingles it’s heaven for them
— moon-saturn aspects might hold and caress themselves while they sleep because their parents never did. yes i woke up and chose violence <3 your secret is NOT safe with me 💋
— while we’re on the topic of sleeping, a majority of the pisces moons i know need to sleep while hugging something, at least a pillow. they can’t just not hug something while they sleep, it’s very instinctive for them. anyways if any pisces moon needs a pillow to hold, i volunteer as tribute 💋
— virgo placements feel sososo soothed by hearing their cats purr. thinking about how my virgo placement friends are always the ones who send me videos of them petting their cats... and then i get soothed by how soothed they feel. it’s a win win situation, if you have virgo placements it’s hereby your duty to send me a video of you petting your cat while they purr. right now. GO
— people with gemini in the 3rd house might have shaky movements of the hands when other people look at them doing things. very specific i know but the third house rules hands and gemini is a sign that has somewhat of an anxious, twitchy quality to it. on the other hand, people with capricorn in the 3rd house (scorpio risings, using whole signs) have the steadiest hands i’ve ever seen lol their movements ooze confidence, these bitches know how to make you feel as thought they know exactly what they’re doing
— people with venus in the 1st house ft. altering their pics with photoshop and hating posting selfies without filters because they never feel like their appearance is good enough. stop it. you don’t need to always look your best and especially not if your ‘best’ isn’t even what you actually look like. also... don’t even think about making self-deprecative jokes about your appearance. next time i find one of yall saying “ahaha im not bad for a 5 without talent” i’m squishing your head between 2 pieces of toast and calling you an idiot sandwich. you’re BEAUTIFUL 
— having venus in the 3rd house in composite with someone? do you mean calling each other the absolute ugliest nicknames in the most endearing way? 
— leo deals with themes of the ego, and it seems that leo placements often struggle with attracting narcissistic people into their life... leo suns/mercuries can be raised by loud, overbearing, narcissistic parents who see their kid as an extension of themselves and who teach the kid to always be very supportive and caring towards them or else they’ll deny them of words of affirmation-- either by insulting them to shatter their self-esteem or simply never complimenting the kid back. leo moons/mars/venus tend to attract narcissistic partners who only care about serving their own emotional needs and ignore the ones of their partner, and who feed off of their supportive and giving nature. which is why leo placements really need to watch out for being gullible, naïve and dismissing the red flags because my god, you be falling for some shady people. 
— people with personal planets in the 12th house/chart ruler in the 12th house might feel like they can’t let go of their past life— they may dream of memories, people or places from another life. it’s like they can’t detach from it, and even if they can’t directly remember their past life, it’s like they feel it in their bones. also, they might’ve felt... estranged from their family ever since childhood; there may have been feelings of being unable to emotionally connect to their (often, distant) parents, and they might’ve even wondered if they were adopted because of how different they felt to the rest of the family. 
— okay so, a thing that people with saturn in the 3rd house need to look out for is mentally checking out of conversations while they’re still happening. these people can detect when they’re being manipulated really fast and their way of dealing with it can be to immediately shut down, to grow cold and silent and not even bother answering when you’re expected to respond. and, like, that’s great when someone starts screaming at you or being insulting/trying to coerce you into shit, but take notice if you find yourself shutting your loved ones out as soon as they say anything that triggers you. don’t simply detach from them, communicate what’s wrong
— aries placements, ESPECIALLY aries suns and moons, value generosity so much and they get so turned off by stingy ppl who don’t share with others, especially when others need it. like.. if you’re hanging out in a group with them and someone asks for a bite of your food because they have no money and you say no... espect them to never respect you. ever. 
— people with libra placements use soooo many adjectives to describe things. something can’t just be beautiful, it has to be DIVINE and CELESTIAL and INTOXICATING. they can be so expressive god it’s so fcking funny 
— capricorn placements HATE asking others for advice because they think no one knows better than them (and they’re not wrong, lol). when they truly care for someone, they might ask the person for advice simply as a sign that they respect, trust and value their judgement. even if they don’t plan on taking it LMFAO 
— people with mars in a water sign can have this terrible habit of expecting other people to guess what they want. and then they get passive agressive when you don’t instinctively feel what it is they want... and when you ask them “do you want this?”, they go like “FINALLY. i thought you’d never get there”. stop it. i know that you want people to understand you in a way that transcends words, but you can’t expect people to read your mind and then get disappointed when they don’t, thinking “oh if they loved me that much then they would’ve known that i really want chipotle for dinner :(” GIRL WHAT. COMMUNICATE YOUR NEEDS  
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
The fires that loom
I’m going to make minimal reference to the webcomic for what I see happening next in the manga.
A: The fires within
Something I've not seen anyone on Reddit acknowledge is the sheer difference in information and set up for the heroes in the manga and the webcomic.
The heroes get trashed in the webcomic and right now, their world is belatedly realising that the heroes they disparaged aren't nearly as rubbish as they were made out to be. But all the information they had going in was that there were a bunch of monsters and those monsters had kidnapped a child. That's it. They had no reason to think that anything was unusually amiss and it showed in their lack of preparedness.
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On the other hand, the heroes going into the Monster Association in the manga are off a synchronized monster attack just the day before that took out at least two of their colleagues and have a third hero so rattled that he's refusing to aid. Among those monsters are ridiculous ones such as Elder Centipede. The monsters have taken at least one high-value hostage who they can't afford to not rescue and it's become very clear that if they don't work together in some way, they'll not make it.  Oh, and the monsters sneaked into the Hero Association headquarters and shot dead at least one executive by way of sending a message. Going in, they were very aware that this was not going to be business as usual.
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Who in their right minds would think that the manga crew will behave the same as the webcomic crew? No one reasonable. The heroes having to fight insanely hard and bring out everything they had, and even things they didn't know they had in them follows logically.  Even working together. They’ve really brought their A+ game.
The interesting thing is that despite everything the heroes are doing, the story has been looking to break each of them in ways that are physically and psychologically painful to them. It’s almost over-the-top cruel in its thoroughness: Flashy Flash having to repeatedly acknowledge that others are faster than him, Tatsumaki needing others when it’s her creed never to do so, Atomic losing everyone and everything he took pride in, yea unto having to cooperate with the people he saw as beneath him. Everywhere you look, heroes have suffered in ways that are particularly painful to them. They don’t go down easy; no, they keep struggling back to their feet only to get cut down again until they have nothing left to get up with. It’s all very cruel.
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Even Saitama has not escaped unscathed. His house hasn’t just been destroyed in an earthquake and his possessions scattered. No, that would be too light: everything he owns has been crushed, contaminated and hopelessly inundated with sea water. He literally has nothing salvageable bar the clothes on his back. 
Rebuilding their bodies and their confidence is going to be a tough one for everyone. There isn’t even the comfort of thinking that there’s something more they could have done. I’m writing this as of update 209 thinking that the story is probably not done heaping pain and indignity on their lives.
B: The fires without
A second thing that’s been of concern to me is how many readers seem to have forgotten what human beings in OPM are really like. Since the outcome is looking to be the Monster Association crushed and the heroes win the day, albeit at an awful price, surely there’s little for the Hero Association to worry about?
Ha. Ha. Ha.  This is what’s going to happen (rinse and repeat x100,000,000):
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Gratitude lasts minutes. Resentment lasts years. Every person who has suffered a loss is going to want answers... and compensation.  Every action of the heroes and the Hero Association is going to be run through a fine-tooth comb for mistakes, missteps, and missed opportunities.
And there will be a lot of fault to find. It’s very hard to look at the devastated region that used to be City Z, the thousands of miles of coastline scoured clean by mega tsunamis, the massive earthquakes, the volcanic eruptions, know that none of it is natural and not think ‘someone has to take responsibility for this’. 
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The Hero Association not evacuating the entirety of City Z right from the get go? The fact that they sent heroes into the Monster Association for one lousy rich man’s kid instead of nuking the whole place? You can bet that all those things are going to be loudly criticized and a lot more dirt will surface.
Shit’s gonna get ugly for the pro-heroes and their association in the aftermath, which is going to have consequences.
C: The fires underground
As I said, I’m not going to worry about what’s transpired in the webcomic, but based on what we’ve seen in the manga to date, there are two big issues that are going to  become important.
Non-state actors:  Anyone else a bit surprised at the sheer list of people Flashy Flash reeled off as having killed?  We knew the government had to be a bit weak because there’s no way a strong one would allow a hero organisation to exist unchecked, but wow... there’s a lot of very powerful organized crime which bodes ill for society. We’ve also learned from Captain Tongara that there are mercenary companies fomenting unrest and violence for the purposes of unknown wealthy actors.  And of course, there’s ‘them’, the shady actors Metal Knight is keeping his powder dry for. The heroes being mostly out of commission is just what they’ve been waiting for, apparently.
Depend on these to cause trouble.
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New land:  Now here’s something that there’s no webcomic precedence for. A new land, formed from the re-emergence of a landmass once lost. The only thing we can be sure of is that there are people wanting to lay claim to it. It’s all made spicier by the appearance of buildings once sunken. Ancestral claims versus first-come-first-served claims versus national territorial claims versus pure opportunism. There’s going to real wars soon.
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This world is about to be very, very hot.
And that’s before we think of any monsters.
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swanqueensalad · 3 years
Is your question thingy still on? if so, would you rate top10 episodes to watch if you want swanqueen :)
ahhh this is such a good question!! and my ask box is literally always open for anything, i love chatting with y'all <3
this is Not a comprehensive list, just ten great ones that come to mind (plus two bonus ones and a lot of rambling bc, as always, i got carried away).
i've tried to put them in chronological order for the show!
1. a land without magic (1x22)
don't get me wrong, there's a lot of incredible swan queen episodes in season one (the pilot, desperate souls, that still small voice) but the content in finale just does something to me man...
emma pinning regina against the wall, the intensity of the confrontation and regina admitting everything, the way they're instantly a TEAM despite all that fury and heartache because henry comes before anything else, the literal entire sequence paralleling charming fighting maleficent and saving snow to emma fighting maleficent and saving regina, i -
2. broken (2x01)
feel like this a bit of a rogue one since, again, s2 has lots of good stuff, but there's a LOT going on in the premiere! emma promising to protect regina for henry (which we know develops into this kind of sacred oath she fulfils at her own peril over and over throughout the years) and being so attentive to her, saving her from the mob, helping her to her feet, human-shielding her, and the look on regina's face when emma's touch restarts her magic and opens a portal to another realm - the literal requirements for 'true love'. so, so good.
3. the cricket game (2x10)
a classic. emma starting to not only see but fight for the woman regina really is. this strange developing trust and respect, the desire to not be enemies for a brief second before it goes wrong again.
4. and straight on til morning (2x22)
i will never be able to scream enough about the sq development in the s2 finale. regina being the most vulnerable and herself in front of emma, begging her to let her die as herself because she knows she's the only one who could understand and grant her that - and emma not letting her, emma jumping in and finding their shared magic together for the first time to save each other and everyone else. emma speechless, seeing everything regina feels for henry.
also "you might not be strong enough but maybe we are" is one of my favourite swan queen lines, because i think it just sums up the whole ship!
5. going home (3x11)
jumping to the 3A finale, what can i say? once again, as always when it comes to henry, they are a team above all else. the group hugs, henry calling them 'mom, mama', emma being a human shield again, regina whispering her name as she wakes up, ready to give emma everything she ever wanted for herself and their son.
the incredibly intimacy and intensity of their goodbye and all those things unsaid and unfinished between them. *chefs kiss*
6. breaking glass (4x05)
ok so despite the stupid frozen arc, season 4 is actually one of my favourites for swan queen content, bc you have emma promising to give regina a happy ending in the premiere and seeing that all the way through to sacrificing herself for her in the finale. and that's what dreams are made of.
i specifically mention breaking glass bc there's so much sq screen time. emma is gutted that regina thinks she'll never have her back, literally follows her around all episode trying to prove the opposite (in the same way hook follows her around lmao), elsa telling emma not to give up on her.
and there's that gorgeous scene where emma is so honest with her about the two of them having something special and unique and different from what they have with anyone else, and that hopeful 'it's a start' ... i ...
7. operation mongoose (4x22)
what would be a list of top tier swan queen episodes without the climax of all that 'fighting for her happiness' - the saviour sacrificing herself to the darkness to save regina. this was truly the peak of ouat i swear to go d
also lots of nice stuff in the alternate reality with emma, henry and regina!
(before i move on from season 4 i do have to mention bonus episode: lily - emma's super gay fucking backstory, regina telling her she needs her, the first (?) swan queen road trip!, regina talking emma down from shooting lily/beating up that dude because she believes so strongly in emma's goodness)
8. dreamcatcher (5x05)
i remember after this episode came out, there was a post circulating of a bunch of c$ fans saying they were literally worried sq was becoming canon/getting undeniable.
so yeah. everything in this episode is pure gold. the swan mills family dynamics, regina trusting emma with her most painful memory, emma crying over the dreamcatcher, and that deliciously tense argument on regina's porch that was so electric it made sq feel inevitable. ('don't miss swan me, we've been through too much' is another favourite line!)
9. only you (5x22)
swan queen road trip, them being married af the whole time plus regina once again being her most open and vulnerable with emma? what more do you need
10. wish you were here (6x10)
this is another episode i don't think i can ever scream about enough - there's just so much to unpack! firstly, emma becoming enfuriated and attacking the evil queen because she's upsetting regina. secondly, regina thoughtlessly wishing to be sent after emma to get her back. thirdly... emma swan waking herself up from a curse and remembering who she is, sparking her own magic back to life, because even in her most cursed unknowing state she had to save regina mills.
how do you ever get over that (also they're so soft together once emma's awake, i...)
honorable mentions go to
enter the dragon (4x15) - for regina's gay backstory with mal, emma being insanely protective of regina and literally following her around all night super unhappy about her being in danger ('if i see anything i don't like i will come in blazing' oof) all the while regina is doing it to protect emma in return, jesus christ -
birth (5x08) - purely for the scene at the well where regina begs emma to tell her why she's hanging on to the darkness (aka begging emma to admit she loves her, while emma is being super repressed but they both know that's what they're talking about)
i'll be your mirror (5x08) - for all that good married sq teamwork content in the mirrorworld, regina admitting she's scared to raise henry alone and emma promising to always be there and never let anything bad happen, and the softness and tenderness of them watching him dance with violet and realising they've done such a good job together... i'm so weak bruh
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grace13star · 3 years
There’s been a recent uptick in posts claiming that “c!Wilbur is a worse villain than c!Dream” or that he’s “more manipulative” and it’s made me think a lot about just....how villainized Wilbur is? Because while he has done bad things, I’ve seen people just making things up or projecting onto him and making him just. so much worse than he is in canon. 
Again, this is all about the characters in the Dream SMP roleplay and are not the actual people. 
Let’s go over the bad things Wilbur is accused of doing. These are arguments I have actually seen people use and defend with their whole chest. 
1. Created a nation. 2. Sell drugs. 3. Talk about rigging an election. 4. Was a dick. 5. Blew up a nation. 6. Died. 7. Manipulation. 8. Neglectful dad. 9. Child soldiers. 10. Dictator. 11. “Threw a fit” over losing. 
Let’s talk about these and break them down a little. Another disclaimer, this isn’t trying to excuse any hurt that Wilbur has caused, because his actions did cause harm, but this is trying to explain and add context to things that are often taken out of context or just wholly misinterpreted.
1. A common argument for why this makes Wilbur evil is that he “stole Dream’s land.” But like...no. L’Manberg was created on untouched land where no one was living, and had a combined area smaller than Purpled’s garden. Dream, until he declared war, didn’t even care about them making their nation. 
I’m also including in here the claim that he “turned Dream into a villain.” ....What are you talking about. Before Wilbur was even on the server, Dream was part of the disc war, where he stole Tommy’s discs, and then kept perusing them even after the initial conflict ended, including griefing Tommy’s lawn. Before war was declared, Dream and his friends kidnapped and killed Tubbo and Tommy. Dream then also declared war on a peaceful nation (Wilbur said “if they try to declare war we will just say ‘no’”). None of that was in any way forced by Wilbur. Dream made his decisions on his own. Just because someone comes in and says “hey you suck,” doesn’t mean you have to actually suck. Dream made his own decisions, and his decision was to become a villain. 
2. Potions (drugs) are an infinite resource in Minecraft and everyone uses them. This is a stupid argument. 
3. Some people act like he actually did rig the election but...he didn’t. He definitely could have! Quackity wasn’t a citizen of L’Manberg, Wilbur could have banned him from the election easily, especially since his running mate was a previous enemy of L’Manberg. But he let him run, and then he let Fundy and Schlatt run as well. The worst he did here was talk about doing something bad. Also the reason he was trying to consolidate power wasn’t just for the sake of having power. There was, at the time, a civil war going on, and Wilbur tried to stop it but no one listened to him. He wanted the power to be able to protect his citizens and stop a war. 
4. Being a dick is not evil.
5. This is by far the worst thing Wilbur did, and though it hurt a lot of people emotionally, it really wasn’t as bad as everyone says it was. Though the explosion caused property damage, it only destroyed the podium and some of the walkway. People’s actual houses- Manifoldland, Niki’s bakery- were totallu untouched. No one even died in the explosion- the worst thing that happened was Quackity being blown back, but he landed in water. (This isn’t to say that characters shouldn’t be hurt by this! Wilbur betrayed them and definitely hurt them, but people acting like the 16th was worse than Doomsday and also blaming Wilbur for Doomsday even though he was dead is weird.)
There’s also the claim that Wilbur blew it up for the sole purpose of hurting people, which is easily disproved by just...watching a Wilbur stream. Like seriously, stop trying to do analysis on Wilbur if you haven’t even watched his streams. Wilbur had multiple chances to blow everything up, but when he had the choice between blowing it up and hurting people or not hurting people and not blowing it up, he chose the latter every time. At the festival, while Tubbo was trapped on the stage, he stopped going for the button. When Tommy and Quackity were in the button room which would have exploded if he pressed it, he refused. Also I’m gonna use the Reddit post that’s confirmed canon again- Wilbur blew up L’Manberg because he saw how much power it had, and he saw how it hurt people. He tried to destroy it to save everyone from the pain and conflict caused by the nation. He didn’t think they would rebuild. 
6. This one is the one that actually makes me angry. Because guys....Wilbur’s death was a suicide. If Phil wasn’t there, Wilbur would have done it himself- he had been planning to do it himself for months, as there was originally TNT in the button room that would have killed him with the explosion. The reason it makes me angry is because suicide is an extremely serious topic. Characters and the fandom framing it as “Wilbur left or abandoned them” is an ableist take that enforces the stereotype that suicide is a “weak” option or that it’s “running away.” 
There’s also people that will villainizing him for “forcing Phil to kill him” but while I empathize with Phil and realize it was a stressful situation, Phil very much made his own decisions here too. Wilbur didn’t force Phil to kill him, he asked him a few times and then Phil did it. 
7. Again, this is not an attempt to excuse, but an attempt to explain. So first of all, people try to claim that Wilbur was manipulative from the beginning. This is false. Persuasion and making sure someone is “loyal to a cause” is not manipulation. And then Pogtopia- he’s never manipulative in Pogtopia, again, he is only persuasive. I have a longer post that goes into more detail, so definitely check that out. After he is revived, he is definitely guilt tripping Tommy in his most recent stream, but (again, not an excuse) it’s clearly from his desperation to not be alone anymore after 13 years of near constant isolation. 
I’ve also seen claims that Wilbur manipulated Techno and that Techno didn’t know they were planning on starting another government, but this is easily disproven by the fact that Wilbur said multiple times that they’re “taking back L’Manberg” and that he wants to be it’s “rightful ruler” again while Techno was in vc. What about that implies they’re not going back to the government. 
Also since this is relevant- he never manipulated Niki. He was always kind and caring with Niki, even through his mental breakdown. He wasn’t able to bring her into Pogtopia at first, but he talked to her and made sure she’d be okay there (and she said yes!), he offered his life for hers at the festival before hitting people around them and yelling at her to run, she was the first person he gave Blue to, he gave her an inspirational speech and showed her the fox that had been left for her, she was one of the few things Ghostbur remembered. He betrayed and hurt her, but it was not manipulation.
Gonna combine this with this point also but Wilbur was not in any way abusive. A lot of people in this fandom for some reason equate “unhealthy relationship” with “abuse”, especially after the exile arc. Wilbur and Tommy’s relationship, while unhealthy, was not abusive. Please learn the difference. 
Also, if you’ve ever said that “Wilbur gaslit anyone” or that Wilbur is “insane” I want you to define those terms for me right now. No looking anything up. Tell me what they mean. Do it.  
8. What about any of Wilbur and Fundy’s dynamic implies any kind of neglect. No, seriously, where did this take come from. Wilbur was canonically overbearing and he babied Fundy. While it definitely wasn’t the best relationship, it definitely wasn’t neglectful. The only times in canon we’ve seen Wilbur be separated from Fundy was when he was exiled and Fundy cheered while he was shot and killed, when Fundy disowned him in front of their enemy, and when he committed suicide. Even before his death, when they were still on rocky terms, Wilbur stepped forward to defend Fundy from Schlatt in the van. 
9. This take is irrelevant. Child soldiers don’t matter. For one, this is Minecraft. Every single person has equal opportunities. Anyone can become powerful no matter what age they are as long as they grind enough. For another thing, at the beginning part of the roleplay no one was trying to make a long serious story about war and trauma, it was just some friends fucking around and fighting each other. Wilbur also revealed that while writing the Revolution arc that he headcanoned Tommy and Tubbo to be about 20- we know these ages aren’t correct because they’ve been reffered to by their irl ages in lore- but it shows that the “these are children” plot point was added way later- no one mentions it at all in season 1. It doesn’t matter. 
10. This is directed at one person. You know who you are. 
A dictator is defined as “one holding complete autocratic control : a person with unlimited governmental power.” Wilbur didn’t have control. That’s the whole reason for the election. It literally takes one google search to prove you wrong. 
11. There’s a difference between “losing” and “being unfairly exiled by your political opponent who is now declaring himself emperor.” Wilbur was totally fine with losing. He said during the election that he was fine with Quackity winning, and when they actually did lose, though he wasn’t happy about it, he encouraged Tommy to calm down and told him “We’re citizens tonight.” He only “threw a fit” after he was thrown out of the nation he built by someone who immediately declared himself emperor. 
So in conclusion, Wilbur Soot is an antagonist, but he is villified way beyond canon and I’m getting tired of some of these takes that I see over and over again that are easily disproved by just using critical thinking skills. 
This is most of the takes I’ve seen- some I haven’t even dignified with a response because of how clear it is that someone is just lying to try and excuse someone else’s actions- but if anyone has anymore they’ve seen that they want me to talk about, my ask box is open. 
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
My actual point writing this here is that a year into the war when Obi-Wan (36) starts really bonding with Cody (14/28) he feels super weird about it on a bunch of levels because its Cody who’s loyal and hot and smart but does this make Obi-Wan a creep? Or is it more offensive not to sleep with him? (Not to mention it’s easier to think about consent in terms of numbers then the insane command structure and slavery thing because they’ve got a pretty healthy relationship all things considered and he’s already promoting the man as fast as possible anyway but clones have no legal rights) 
Obi-Wan sleeps around with various terrible choices, sexual tension builds. FINALLY after two years of war they get stuck in a cave, naturally huddle for warmth, things escalate positively and Obi-Wan’s like WAIT I CAN’T
There’s some horny exasperation, but they care about each other, and don’t want to sour what they have with regrets. Eventually Cody (15/30 at cave time) and Obi-Wan agree to wait another 3 years so they’ll both be at the legal human age of consent and the age difference will drop to just 4 years. By then the war will be over anyway, right? So the whole jedis-own-the-clones thing that’s really underneath all this will HAVE to be resolved. 
They spend the rest of the night cuddling with uncomfortable boners.
Another year passes. Lots of longing glances, lingering hand touches, tender bandaging of wounds, suggestive lightsaber holds...you know. YOU  K N O W. Plus a little private teasing about the jailbait thing because they’re literally running a war together
Order 66. 
When asked, CC-2224 can’t believe he ever considered himself close to a traitor. He doesn’t think about it the rest of the time. 
Obi-Wan has plenty of regrets. This is probably the easiest one to bear, and the only one that makes him smile to think of.
Things could have been left at that, but once Fulcrum disseminates the knowledge on exactly why the clones turned, a number of early rebellion task-forces dedicate themselves to de-chipping/disabling the chips. Beyond the whole sentient rights thing, its good tactical sense. They’re a well placed MAJOR military asset that could quickly start providing immediate returns if suborned. Worst case you’ve just activated a number of extremely effective suicide bombers
It takes over a year and a lot of good men die, but a desperate rebel cell manages to infiltrate purge trooper barracks. They go undiscovered just long enough to plant a few extremely well-calibrated electrical devices. Bomb sweep fails to register them. The whole terrorist group is wiped out of course, but the EMPs activate overnight as planned. Massive damage to Imperial Military resources and overly hasty brain surgery follows.
Like I said, a lot of good men die. 
But Cody, now that his head is more or less his own, has a little more hope than the average CC (not a lot, but enough to stave off going out in a blaze of glory). General Kenobi’s body was never found after all. He knows- he looked.
He quickly joins up with the Onderran campaign- he can’t go on many imperial raids- he understands that his brothers would rather die than live as they are but that doesn’t mean he can pull the trigger. But black ops? yeah. Rumour is they’ve even got a Jedi on the next mission- he’d be irritated at the bad operational security but that specific rumour passes around so often its essentially useless to spies anyway.
Team members are independently directed to assemble at a safe house, their arrivals deliberately staggered. Cody steals and ditches two different ships, not to mention spends a week in a sewer, before finally arriving. Organa himself had stressed that one of the crew is taking time off of a top-secret long-term protection detail for this and no chances are to be taken with being tracked. 
He arrives late at night, with two days left to spare.
Two unknown near-human fighters (Guerra trained by the looks), a Mon-Calamari smuggler, and a Gand mercenary who he’s fairly confident used to work for the separatists greet him cordially enough at entry; his reputation proceeds him. If anything, the former Marshall Commander of the 7th Sky Corps is overqualified for this sort of mission. He’s vaguely pleased to find another trooper present- a heavily scarred arc commando wearing 187th colors. The commando is actually smiling, seated across from and deep into conversation with a robed figure,
Cody’s heart jumps to his throat. Their conversation halts. Everyone watches. And General Kenobi slowly turns to face him. The air’s too heavy with tension for the others to think about leaving discretely, even if they were willing (the chips are a poorly-understood open secret at this point, and the five bystanders are well trained enough to brace themselves for the worst case reunion).
“Cody,” Obi-Wan says softly. “It’s good to see you.” 
The Jedi looks terrible. In the two and a half years since the end of the war and the start of the empire, the man seems to have aged faster than a botched clone. 
He’s using his stupid earnest voice where he means what he’s saying and its important that Cody know that. Like he’s actually, truly happy to see Cody even after what the clones did to their Jedi. Even after what Cody tried to do to Obi-Wan. Cody’s had plenty of time to think of what he might say if he ever saw the man again, but he hadn’t used it- it was too painful to imagine anything personal anymore. What apology could be enough? What right did he have to express grief in the face of Obi-Wan’s unfathomable loss? To Cody’s absolute horror, what comes out his mouth is
"I’m not jailbait anymore, you know.”
The words hang in the air, and Cody is now ready to die. Maybe if he moves suddenly enough one of their captive audience members will reflexively shoot him. 
Sure, after their long talk in that cave, Cody had spent an unhealthy amount of time daydreaming variations on ‘I’m a real man now we gonna fuck or what’
but that was before he became a kriffing PURGE TROOPER what the actual hells was wrong with his brain 
Obi-Wan...Obi-Wan blinks rapidly. Then grins. It was honest delight mixed with Negotiator smarm crossed with an about-to-get-laid-leer.
Cody’s heart starts back up with a vengeance.
“I’m afraid I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about it,” Obi-Wan drawls. He shifts in his seat, straightening from a weary hunch to lean back cockily, hands behind his head and legs spreading even wider than their customary sprawl. 
“Oh, did I miss your 18th decant day? I’m ever so sorry my dear, I do hope I can make it up to you somehow. Incidentally, have I ever mentioned that contrary to popular opinion, the Jedi Code doesn’t actually require celibacy?”
Cody let out a strangled noise at the pickup line that had, almost impressively, become even less tasteful since the last time he heard it. He must have moved forward somehow, because the next thing he knew the General’s chair was toppling back and his legs were wrapped around the Jedi’s waist and Obi-Wan’s tongue was doing incredible things to the inside of his mouth. There's a sense of hasty movement, the slam of a door, then a bed.
The next morning, Cody stares intently at the briefing’s logistical diagrams, carefully avoiding everyone else’s eyes. There was next-to-no-chance that their moaning and thudding had gone unheard. But they were all professionals, not to mention used to people letting off tension in high stress environments.
He does, however, desperately hope that everyone somehow missed the hours of incoherent crying that interrupted and followed otherwise fantastic sex. 
Plans are finalized, weapons are loaded, and comms are distributed. Two more rebels arrive. Pre-mission banter stays fairly tame, even after claiming one of the two bedrooms for themselves for a second and not significantly quieter night.
All things considered, when it comes time to establish operational codes, they don’t really have it in them to put up a fight against their unanimously designated callsigns.
They are a little less gracious on future missions when the code names repeatedly return.
 Nearly two decades later, at the physical ages of 72 and 58 respectively, Cody and Obi-Wan have more or less resigned themselves to being officially introduced as 'jailbait’ and ‘cradlerobber.’ 
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