#i think thats a big part of puppets
Barnaby has service dog characteristics, where he can sense distress and the beginnings of a potential stroke/seizure, and thus provides whatever support he can in response, change my mind—
i can't because i Literally Can't 🫡
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glass-oranges · 2 months
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What if I connected to a very unstable chassis then tried to kill you and your girlfriend wouldn't that be fun
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jrueships · 10 months
isaiah hehe
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#THOMAS?? THOMAS!!!!!!#i LOOOOOVE isiah but not in a like cutesy heehee my tiny angel 🥰🥰 who did no wrong bcs mj is BIG MEANIE 😠😠!! way#i think he is a calculating little cretin who tries rlly hard to seem the angel to save face but in reality#is very much. not mr angel face#like he started off as a hero for chicago and detroit and then mj came and took everything away from him#including magic LOL#so now hes kind of like the unfortunate never meant to be hero villain who sort of embraces it until it goes too far#and rlly honestly misses being lauded in a heroic light so hes desperate to do anything thatll turn the tables but hes already dug his grave#with his actions and the season has already been cancelled early so a redemption arc is practically impossible but he cant understand that#bcs hes part of the show and not the one behind it despite all his thinking b4 as the hidden little puppet master#IDK i just LOOVEE all the sick kinda irony surrounding him like i looove ironic fates for ironic people it's just soo Interesting to me#i wouldnt call him Pathetic or helpless.. bcs thats what he wants u to think so he can keep in the secret advantage#BUT... hes rlly not as put together as he pretends to be. so u have this weird balance thats also a Liiittle off kilter#if u shift ur glance a certain way..#idk LOL it's like watching a coiled spring like. is it all gonna set off. or not. hes just. ugh. so fascinating to me#i looove writing him but also no one cares abt old ppl so i have to keep my delusions to myself 😭#BUT I LOVE EXPANDING ON THEM SO THANK U FOR THE CHANCE#ted tumbunity things#zeke the freak#he is a scrungy but elegant goblin. best i can describe him is that evil little girl from cats dont dance LMFAO#and bill is the big butler that he punches and breaks his hand on
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calamarieater · 3 months
Daves ENTIRE PERSONALITY revolved around being just like Bro he never had the time to develop his own personality because from day ONE he wanted to be JUST like Bro he thought Bro was so cool to the point where he even ignored the abuse and just considered it normal, it's so common in abusive households for the abused kids to want to be JUST like their abusers because they've never seen like a normal household, and like most kids you tend to look up to your parents, which is what Dave was doing. Daves entire personality all his interests like everything were branched off from what Bro liked, he never got into things that Bro DIDNT like the only thing he didn't like was Bros puppets but dave wanted to be JUST like Bro he looked UP to him and people seem to completely ignore Bros abuse because of how dave reacted to it but ? what Bro does is still abuse and often when kids are introduced to abuse early in life they dont know that its abuse and they consider it normal which is why Dave reacted the way he did because he WASNT AWARE THAT IT WAS ABUSE WHICH IS NORMAL IN ABUSIVE HOUSEHOLDS AND ABUSED KIDS OFTEN THINK LIKE THAT which is why it comes off as such a SHOCK when you tell a kid they're being abused and whats going on isn’t normal and it seems like most of the fandom just ignores Daves abuse and everything and the fact that he never really developed his own personality until later on just because of the fact that he never really reacted or talked about it which annoys me SO badly I get its like hard to understand what abused kids are like and their bebehavior and stuff but!! you gotta understand like all his interests and everything came from Bro, his entire life until Sburb he wanted to be just like Bro he looked up to Bro so much to the point the abuse wasn't even something he considered abnormal because he thought Bro was just trying to help him be stronger and have a better reaction time or whatever but that's not what was going on and dave didn't know because he hadn't ever seen a normal household/this was his entire life this is what was normal to him so he considered it normal even compared to his friends lives, especially considering all the kids have semi abnormal lives other than john for the most part so dave was just convinced his life was normal because it was what he was used to and his friends also had odd home lives so he was just convinced that his life was the same gah I love Dave. I just think people should TRY and understand Dave’s character more, and it also just irks me how people see him as some flirty dude when thats not how he is, hes a wannabe cool-kid who has no idea how to behave and just mimics his Bros behavior!!! He WANTS TO BE JUST LIKE HIS BRO!!! HE SPENDS SO MUCH TIME TALKING ABOUT HOW COOL HE THINKS HIS BRO IS and you guys i swear he would NOT be a flirty little shit. He lives for bickering so he can come up with cool comebacks so people think “Wow this guy is REALLY fucking cool” when they're talking to him. So many of you guys seem to forget hes 13 in the beginning, his behavior is just a direct copy of how he saw Bro. He did not develop his own personality until later in life, and even then he still had a lot of Bros traits. Most kids dealing with abuse dont even know that its abuse until way late in life, because again, ITS ALL THEY KNOW!! If you lived your entire life not knowing what you were going through was abnormal, or even unhealthy, you would consider it as “the usual” WHICH IS WHY DAVE NEVER HAD A BIG REACTION TO IT, BECAUSE HE WAS SO USED TO IT. HE DIDNT KNOW IT WASNT NORMAL. Dave was a 13 year old boy dealing with an abusive father figure. From his interests to his personality, he just wanted to be like bro. that's all he wanted.
But, towards the end of his arc, we DO see him start to turn away from that desire to be like bro. We see him slowly realize, he isnt like bro. He doesnt want to be like bro. He isn't a "hero" like bro was, he doesnt WANT to be like bro was. But his entire childhood circled around being like bro, and it wasnt until bro died that he finally realized that wasn't what he wanted. But, as it wasn't until late in his life that he realized, he wasnt really able to form his own personality.
In conclusion: Dave is NOT some coolkid flirty boy, hes an abused child with no personality of his own. He is so much more than most of you guys let him be, and its so irritating to me.
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Taking their clothing because you miss them (Creepypasta)
two things: i promise im still working on the eyeless jack x reader fic to celebrate 1k TToTT my steam for writing the fic is just dwindling a little since its very different from my usual posts </3 but i still intend on getting it done! in fact id say its about halfway done, if you dont include proofreading and fixing stuff!! so theres definitely.. something.. i just dont have a time window for it </3 originally i was going to write this with ben/jeff/toby and make it platonic but, i realize this prompt is usually used for romance stuff so theyre gonna sit this post out, ill probably think of another group post soon to make up for it but shrugs getting into the writing i realize i wrote this prompt for some characters a while ago so im going to link those parts in their place
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you take his tie! normally i would say his jacket, but i feel like thats such an obvious choice.. imagine you dont know how to tie it so he walks in on your fumbling with it. trying in vain to get it down... he probably thinks its a little amusing... i mean who wouldnt? kind of just watches you fiddle with it for a minute before making his presence known, likely making you jump. he would much rather you ask than take his clothing, he doesnt have much of it (though is there much need for it, anyway?) (non sexual obviously). probably teaches you how to properly do the tie. his hands absolutely consume yours
just ask him and hes going to give you just about any piece of clothing he has on him! i like to think that he lets you have his hat a lot of the times. especially after he walked in on you trying it on.. sure it might be a little too big for you, what with splendor being very tall and thus having a larger head than yours... probably goes on and on about how adorable you look. i mean hes always telling you how cute or pretty you are but it hits different for him when youre wearing something of his. you dont have to ask for his clothing, hes very open to sharing! definitely gets an alternate outfit so he can match with you every now and then
naturally, you steal his jacket! i mean it looks so comfortable, does it not? this isnt an easy feat, by the way. since hes wearing it most of the time, so youre probably going to have to snag it when hes showering or something. quietly stares at you... he DOES think its cute but i do think he would try to get his clothing bad. another jacket similar in style to his mysteriously makes its way into your closet and its also in your size. dont ask where it came from.. he totally didnt steal it..! likely wouldnt want you to take whats his without asking or at least letting him know.. hence him getting your own jacket. wont physically rip it off of you, though, hes not that cold
i think he loves seeing you in his clothing. he thinks you look cute.. but also... pathetic? usually lets you wear his coat or hat if you ask nicely. he already knows youre going to snatch something before you even do it but stays quiet because he thinks its pathetic/adorable, you think youre being so sly but youve already been caught. will tease you for it. a lot. its kind of his own way of getting you to do it again. genuinely thinks its one of the best things in the world. dont admit you do it because you sometimes miss him or like how he smells, its going to do ungodly things to his ego
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Okay let's talk about Reality in Welcome Home.
YES THIS IS JUST ME RAMBLING AGAIN BUT I SWEAR I HAVE A POINT TO MAKE. This is more of my collecting my thoughts and trying to make sense of what we have right now.
TLDR: The reality of Welcome Home is separated by the "fourth wall" that the characters are not aware of except for few.
So ever since the first update after the website launched I have been wondering about where the reality shift lies in Welcome Home. How can this be a haunted puppet show with no notable names for actors, production crew, puppeteers, etc. I was basically trying to figure out if this was Hello Puppets or My Friendly Neighbourhood kind of situation. Especially after Sally's Halloween Story, it came ever more clear that they are not fully aware of the fact that people are filming them.
This past update has somewhat solidified what I think is happening. The Welcome Home Puppet show exist in it's own version of reality literally separated by the fourth wall. The neighbours are completely unaware that they are puppets, being filmed, etc. The idea that a magic narrator can talk to them is normal (as it is in many children's cartoons, the Narrator from The Powerpuff Girls and The Storyteller from Into the Woods comes to mind). This really all comes together for me alongside the theory that some of the neighbours are self-aware. I'm not gonna argue who is and who isn't but I don believe the Neighbours featured in promotional material that directly speaks to the viewers or anything outside the show are aware.
(Note: It would be a big stretch to say the things like the TV and radio apprenticed were staged or faked by the Welcome Home Crew)
I think the ones most aware are Wally, Barnaby, Frank and Howdy. Everyone else is rather slowly becoming aware or going through the motions like Eddie. Wally and Barnaby are self-explanatory, they are closest to Home and the Narrator(s). Frank by the way of the Bug Theory and the fact that he "breaks script" to comfort Eddie. Howdy is because I cannot think of a way that he would participate in those commercials without knowing somehow. If Home really is antagonistic towards the Neighbours, I can believe they would act in line. Also during Eddie's panic attack, he doesn't move ever after expresses him desire to leave, because he can't move. He's a puppet. It's worth noting that everyone else has a puppeteer accept Wally and Home. Wally has a handler and Home's eyes are the only thing on it that can move via a crank on the side of it not showing to the camera.
I believe the cartoon reality is the one that the puppets see and why in all of Wally's answer videos we see it in IRL footage. He is not blind to what the show is doing. Eddie's panic attack shows up that what they see and we see are very different. This isn't like a foolproof way of thinking because it leaves a lot of holes but most of those holes have to do with things I believe will be answered later. Like:
What exactly is Home and the power Home has over the Neighbours?
Why did the show shut down?
The benefactor sending the packages
Why is Wally the one that remains? Where are the others?
Why were we able to see what Eddie and Wally sees outside of the reality they exist in?
Thats last point is still up in the air for me because that easier could of been a storyteller point but the fact that Welcome Home narrator and logo pops up at the end of the Homewarming Special alludes that everything Eddie went through we saw. Or at least it was filmed and probably cut out of the official broadcast.
I don't have any answers. What we do know now is that the show shut down, someone is still present and sending packages to the WHRP and Playfellow. This mysterious black goop has the power to influence those in contact with it, even causing loss of time. The WHRP went through an investigation internally and in the website. W is a part of the website and actively doing their own investigation after "supposedly" making contact with Wally in the post-halloween/pre-March 9th update (which you can see btw on the Wayback Machine). Wally, regardless if he is the one sending the packages, is using them to communicate. He wants someone to find him because he KNOWS we are watching and we are looking for him.
Personally I believe Home or whatever entity is controlling it, is sending the packages and trying to control others. I think Wally is a by product of all this and is trying to find his way out by any means necessary. I will never let my "Wally did nothing wrong" propaganda go.
This all btw does nothing to answer the mystery on the website. I have no idea how this reality breaking allowed Wally yo infiltrate the website. The fact that his eyes are no longer visible on the page means he's not here watching us (for now). Also the "You" character description is missing. As far as the Bug theory goes, I still believe that is Frank trying to give us more insight on what happened/happening. Same goes for W, who we know is human since they described the same events of the phone ringing and hearing Wally that the curator did. I don't believe this is Wally vs the Neighbours. I think this is the neighbours being physically or metaphorically trapped while not able to reach Wally they can reach this website and are doing the same as Wally, reaching out to us. I still believe Home/Entity has some control over them and is connected to who is sending the packages and infecting the WHRP and Playfellow. W is also apart of WHRP but has taken notice to everything going around and is choosing to document their findings since the WHRP is starting to run a tighter ship after the last slip up of W (probably) contacting Wally.
Hopefully this made sense to you guys...
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cryptidsm00cher · 7 months
okay so, i know everyone is talking about it already but I'm just gonna do a quick list of my theories n beliefs bc i want to keep em all together and also why not so here we go!!
mike and garret's father is henry emily! hes the same man working on the animatronics on the training tape, and it makes sense that william would kidnap him and that garrett would be so unphased and willing to get into a vehicle with him.
garrett will be the puppet. im loving the theory that instead of michael being an afton like he is in the games, he's an emily. garrett in this instance would be charlie's replacement in the movies. his story follows the same timeline that charlies does: locked away from their protector (mike/the puppet), taken in by someone they know (william) and then killed by him. the puppet music plays at the end of the film, and right after that, letters spell out "come find me." this is garrett, who has possessed the marionette and is speaking to mike!
the nevada dream isn't real. dreams can be foggy, memories can be worse. mike tells vanessa and his coworker that theres a dream theory, where he can go back into his memories and look for details. but what if hes so focused on trying to get to the details of the car and the man that he's forgetting the big ones? what if he never actually went to nevada? it might seem silly and farfetched but there was a lot of emphasis on the soda spilling, the ketchup spraying, etc. i kept thinking it would go back to the pizzaria. so what if michael blocked out the pizzaria entirely? what if he saw garrett be taken by william? in the games, william comes out of his car, kills charlie, and leaves. what if in the movie universe he instead took garrett and left with him in his car? what if that part of the memory is true, but in a. desperate attempt to block the memory of freddy's he forgot it entirely? he seems unfamiliar when talking to vanessa, who is shocked he's never heard of it, since it was so popular. what if the reason she was shocked was because she knew he had been here before?
vanessa and mike knew each other as kids. vanessa is very vague about her childhood and about her knowing garrett, but she does reveal that she not only met him, but was at the pizzaria often (hence the photo and all her seemingly good memories, like being excited about the band playing). if mike is an emily, it would make sense that he was at the pizzaria with garrett and his parents, and that vanessa had known him. which leads to the question of: did she see when william killed garrett? did she help him? she's smiling in the picture with her father and his plane. did she have no idea until it was too late?
henry emily will come back. mike says that his mom died and his father couldn't handle it, so he left. im not sure how they're going to fit so much into three movies, but my hope is that the trilogy they've planned will end with Pizzaria Simulator. and if this is the case, henry emily would have to be present for it to happen.
abby will possess baby. i really dont have much on this i just think it would be super sick if it followed what would have been her fate if she was an afton, and if she's elizabeths movie counterpart it would make sense for her to have the same ending.
i have a lot more theories and hopes, im actually working out a mini timeline for what i think will happen in the movies bc i think it would be super cool but!! for now thats all i got thats super major to me. im so glad fnaf has had this resurgence in theories im having the time of my life i love thinking about this kind of stuff
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honeyrisuke · 11 months
I wanna make a PSA because so far every single post talking about the VFX industry I‘ve seen on my dashboard has used the wrong terminology
VFX - Visual Effects. In Live Action that is anything that is created digitally to enhance a film. From layout, to 3D animated puppets, to digital effects work on both character (cloth, hair) and the environment (fire, water, sparks), to digital light work and compositing.
CGI - Computer Generated Images. Dated term for the above. Technically still correct but not really in use within the industry, you usually find it used by news articles and directors who fundamentally don’t know what they are talking about.
Animators - as described above, animators are just a small puzzle piece in the whole pipeline. They are the most widely understood piece, but only naming animators has led to them getting more attention and validity than the rest of us, namely in feature animation productions.
SFX - Special Effects. Thats explosions and stunts and puppets and make up and everything special that happens on- set. They are usually already unionized, which is why studios prefer to use VFX instead and a BIG PART of this problem. Also: SFX is commonly used for Sound Effects. I dont know about their unionization status, but it has nothing to do with VFX. In either case, an „SFX Animator“ is not a thing.
I appreciate that we are calling for better pay and working conditions because it‘s direly needed, but I think that none of these terms and distinctions are known, even by people who are really into movies and in some cases even make movies with VFX elements in them, is a big part of the problem- because those unfair conditions are built on a foundation of disrespect.
Its why we don’t get movie credit half the time. Its why we are named FAR AFTER catering, even if 90% of the movie was VFX.
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lilisouless · 9 months
Do u like darklina? If yes, why? If no, why?
i definitely don't
the reasons are many but i only need one: she doesn't want to be with him and she didn't even liked him that much as she liked the attention. She only went with him when she thought Mal has ignoring him, on the book version she never iniciates a kiss (like, their lack of chemistry as lovers on the books its quite amazing, they only have enemies chemistry at the very best) Alina just lies there like a puppet and makes it happen. He is like her self steem fueller and he was not only perfectly aware of that but makes sure she sees him as such by sabotaging her comunication with Mal, her only friend and having Genya spying on her as well (okay, that the other grisha soldiers her age besides David is ulterly obnoxious certainly helped but still)
Its a little better on the show because at least she shows some interest and book!Alina clearly saw herself as inferior to him while on the show she tries to stand up as an equal which is a nice change and a fix of something that i never liked on the books.
Anyway , neither version work because in both the darkling at the end of the day his attachment to her its awfullly self centered. he is a serious first class narcisist. For him, Alina´s value is always thetered to him, never her, its always what she does for him and thinks Alina having her own mind and morals as a betrayal.
Book darkling supposedly cares about her, but his level of writing is a thanos level of mess. Show darkling is a little better at showing afection towards Alina, but its definitely not enought, he still does horrible things and only sees her as an extention of herself. In short: he doesn't love her at all
And Alina doesn't even need Mal to not love him. In both versions she turns against him when she learns what he did, she needed almost nothing to stop trusting him. Even if you erase Mal´s existence this still would happen, in fact
-book version, Alina had a big fight with Mal and against her heart , choose to be done with him (only reconcilied when Mal´s virtues proven to be bigger than his flaws) so could as well be out of the picture. Mal didn't play a part, she turned against the darkling because she deemed him as untrustworthy despite his better attemps to make himself Alina´s most important person
-Show version, Alina by this point doesn't even know she will find Mal so he doesn't play a part either
To make an emphasis, i honestly think Alina suffers from tons of inconsistent writting on the first two books BUT i will pretend she doesn't: compare how she instantly choose to believe Genya had a good reason for lying to her, this is someone she actually loves (and yes, i have complained about this issue, i still do, but its canon so the point has to stick)
All of this to say: she is so not in love with him, the attraction is undeniably there but there is no love that isn't born of the false affection the darkling tried to build and failed (also, Alina´s natural compasion probably played a part) this girl choose death before being with him.
thats the conclusion to me: they are not in love
And sure i am probably biassed but i will still defend my case: other grishaverse ships that are on my notp territory along with darklina would be nikolai/alina and kaz/jesper.
I really wish i could say nikolai was not in love with alina (alina IS not in love with him, thats canon) or that Jesper was not in love with Kaz so the narrative works on my favor, but i can't, they were , thats canon regardless if i like it or not.So you can say i am at least trying to get bias away and at leas on my mind the statement that they (alina and the darkling) weren't in love makes sense
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pilot-boi · 9 months
Thank you for notifying me about this crime, I shall rectify it:
How did Jaune encounter his patron? Did she trick him? Did he misunderstand?
Also, why do I get the feeling Jaune is accidentally good at illegal shit?
*cracks knuckles* Let me find my notes…
Strap in this is gonna be a long one
Like a really long one. I haven’t gotten to talk about this AU in MONTHS so prepare for what is basically a whole overview of Jaune’s whole arc throughout the campaign
Jaune’s wasn’t even aware that he was an aasimar until he was like 15. His whole family was born with golden hair, and sapphire eyes, and the mark of the Sun on their forehead, so to him it was just how things were
Besides, there’s people from his village who can make trees bloom with a wave of their hands, so being especially blonde wasn’t that weird
Not sure how it happens, kidnapping, trafficking, village is attacked, but somehow the boy and most of not all of his siblings are captured and thrown into a fighting ring scenario
Cue awakening of aasimar heritage in all the Arc kiddos, which helps them survive in the ring. Trauma time woohoo, they’re trapped there for literal months
Eventually, in a dream, Jaune accidentally makes a deal with a dark entity, telling it “I don’t care what you want, just please get me out of here”
The entity obliges, to the letter, JUST getting Jaune out of there, and leaving the ring burning in their wake
His siblings aren’t dead, they escape during the chaos and eventually make their way back home, but Jaune thinks that he’s responsible for all of their deaths
And as the days go on, he realizes he can… do things that he never could before
“Magic, my little bird. A gift for performing so well for me,” a dark voice whispers in his dreams
He doesn’t know it, but his patron ends up being the BBEG, AKA Salem. And for once, I didn’t decide this, you can blame @harmonylight for that one
Plot goes on, Jaune questioning every choice he makes because is it really his choice? Or is it this dark force giving power to protect people and himself? How free actually is he, or is he still trapped just like he was in the ring?
Late campaign is rough, when the party starts speaking out against Salem. It’s obvious she’s the BBEG by this point. There’s a whole cult, Nora’s mom was a member of it. Nora stops trusting him for a bit until Jaune deep in his feels does something SUPER reckless to protect her.
They more they speak out against Salem, the more she manipulates Jaune into thinking his friends hate him. Worse, they unknowingly make it easier for her by distancing themselves to protect him
The party keeps waking up for watch with him watching them, or standing over them. Anything Salem can puppet him to do to be less trustworthy. Trying to put a schism between him and them
Jaune of course remembers none of this. “See? They don’t trust you, little bird. They don’t CARE about you”
Jaune doesn’t remember doing it, but he also fully believes it’s happening. And while he believes Salem that his friends must hate him/be afraid of him he also takes it as the threat it truly is
“Look how easily I could kill them, and you can’t stop me? Look how helpless you are”
Penny is a big part of helping him realise that Salem isn't fully in control of him that he can resit and he can beat her. There’s nothing shippy, they’re bros
There’s an arc just before the end that goes REALLY bad for Jaune, he’s becoming more and more convinced that he’s a bad person, that he’s dangerous, that he’s going to get all of his friends killed just like his family
And THATS when he finds out that his family is actually alive. And that gives him something to resist for, because now he has a home to return to. Because one thing that is true about all Jaunes, he is dogshit at fighting for himself and great at fighting for others
Luckily, because she’s just his patron, they can kick her ass without worrying about hurting Jaune. The campaign ends in the nine hells, fighting Salem herself
Cinder is also a warlock of Salem. They meet her a few times throughout the campaign, each time a little more corrupted. She’s actually the first minion they fight when they reach the hells, and by that point she’s FULLY puppet, not a scrap of Cinder actually left
Sort of a “This is what could’ve happened/could STILL happen to Jaune if this doesn’t end soon” It went faster for Cinder because she’s been bonded for longer and also because she fully indulged in what Salem wanted of her
But by the end of the campaign the first bits of corruption are starting to show on Jaune. They mostly go away after Salem is sealed away, but the physical affects are still there
After all of that, obviously Jaune doesn’t have magic. No patron means no warlock. He borrows some books from Tai and Emerald (both wizards) and studies to learn what he can.
But mostly he finally relaxes, surrounded by the family he thought he lost, and the family he gained because of that loss
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 7 months
High Level Review and Critique
So like Kalim is the biggest example of this, but to be honest, None of the students (barring Ace to an extent) was taking this seriously enough
They were acting like it was the Ghost Bride and it was just another Haha HeeHee HooHoo adventure with silly shenanigans
EXCEPT, they did it in the context of Pinocchio's Pleasure Island - literally the one franchise that featured human trafficking and the bad guys were never caught on screen
So right away, there's a BIG mismatch between how the cast is approaching and how high the story's stakes are. Because the cast don't seem like they have Any stakes at all. They're fucking trolling Fellow through most of it for being a school hater. REALLY?!? Thats your topic of choice when you're about to be sold as a living puppet???
Kalim gets most of the attention for not taking this seriously enough. But I really think most of them *werent*. I mean look at Ortho! Look how they murdered my boy! Youre telling me that theres a jamming signal powerful enough to block Ortho?? Youre telling me - he didnt automatically dodge the falling glass?? Youre telling me that he didnt plan to take out the snipers that destroyed all flying things so they could leave??
There were so many things that they could have done if they were taking it seriously. But they werent. They treated it like a light hearted adventure when its really not?? They all decided to martyr themselves for vague reasons that they couldnt hide from enough puppets??
I mean... Leona's capture was just fucking tragic, come on...
Part of it is like sure Fellows magic is keeping them light hearted. But it doesnt help the dissonance that the audience feels. Because going back to Pinnochio, my boy was PANICKING. That scene is high octane nightmare fuel bc the boys were so scared!! We see none of that... None of the boys (except maybe Ace) was like scared at all...
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bitterkarmaa · 10 months
cracks knuckles
Eclipse headcanons: Really likes soft things - blankets, pillows, bean bags (thanks Lunar) and perhaps extra secretly even plushies! This is a mix of the fact they help keep him warm on his bad days, and ease the pain and anxieties and the fact he had a beloved plush (mr howls) once.
ALSO because ND headcanons goes brrr i like to think he finds certain soft textures nice to stim with by running his fingers/claws through them!
If given the chance and if he learned that they exist, i feel like he would absolutely secretly sneak off to underground fighting rings to duke it out with others and indulge his love for fighting but in an enviroment where its allowed (granted he doesnt outright kill anyone) but whether this would actually be healthy for his mindset or not is debatable gjfkgh
Lunar headcanons: A LOT smarter than he lets on! A sly litle sh*t when he wants to be, the childish nature is a mix of genuine 'he's just like that' but also possibly exaggerated depending on the situation (like if he wants to twist something to go his way)
He's good at lying, very good and has high pain tolerance (those last two i picked out from the show back when Lunar was at his peak there and he lied to Eclipse's face without flinching when Eclipse turned Moon's pain onto him)
Likes heavy metal music (just cos i think it would be really funny)
KC headcanons: Very much bite and little bark by default, BUT in regards to Eclipse i feel like that would be mostly switched - mostly bark but little bite - but the bark is enough to keep Eclipse in line because oh sh*t dads angy-
He died at some point and thats a catalyst to why he started acting so cold toward Eclipse, or at least part of it - he lost some part of himself, his ability to express emotion was damaged in some way or him dying and coming back made him more hardened to the world and since he goes so strongly by logic he adopted a new mindset that in order to survive he'd have to be harsh and so projected that onto Eclipse also.
Also when he adopts Solar Flare, i feel like a big part of the jealousy on Eclipse's end will be possibly due to KC expressing some of his original softness towards Solar Flare because the emotionally distant cold approach he took with Eclipse before would not/will not work here (especially since Solar has emotional issues of his own, just the opposite to Eclipse and more like KC)
Rays headcanons: VERY observant and VERY sensitive to even the smallest changes in others moods/behaviours. This being due to the abuse he suffered under the evil lord Eclipse, and so he would have learned to be very hyper aware of his former masters moods and even the smallest of hints/warnings that he was in or approaching a foul mood.
Has a habit of putting himself inbetween others to explain on their behalf or even taking a hit (looking at that last one shot) because he's experienced enough to know how to handle a tense or violent situation. A quick thinker in high stress situations also for similar reasons.
On a lighter note, i think he'd also be very fond of fashion and wearing different types of clothes! Since he always wore the same thing for 200 odd years, i think having access to variety would be a huge thing for him (maybe he learns how to sew too so he can make his own!)
Veil headcanons: I think should he get past his anxieties, he'd really enjoy working with kids! He passes off as the type to be a performer, an entertainer to make kids laugh - can absolutely see him putting on puppet shows or clowning around more akin to a jester like Sun and Moon (and even Bloodmoon though they would very much not agree im sure fjkgh)
Absolutely can also see him having a great fondness for plushies, and i love to think he'd collect them too (like beanies or dolls or something) and decorate his room/bed with them (also as a bonus cute idea maybe Rays could make little clothes for them too!)
Bloodmoon headcanons: Despite their violent nature, like Veil i also see them as potentially greatly enjoying the idea of performing and being silly jesters! Imagine they watch Monsters INC and see how the monsters change from scaring kids to making them laugh and that sticks with them and maybe they try to work towards being more like that theirselves later down the line (with the bloodstone also helping to manage their condition it could make it a little easier)
But i feel if they did go that route they would perform on stage or in a space that separates people from them just to be safe, to prevent any accidents from occuring if someone gets a little too close. Also i like the idea if they are bored and by theirselves they might playfight or chase each other in the headspace of their shared body! (or play Uno /hj)
Stares at this wall of text with big eyes
I’ll confirm and deny some of these, but feel free to keep the ones I deny, even so. The fact that you have so many for my blorbo collection honestly just 😭😭 dude thank you
Eclipse LOVES blankets, pillows, and specifically the beanbag that Lunar allowed him to rest on during his recovery :) the warmth consoles him that he’s still alive
Eclipse ADORES plushies, and that’s nurtured by the fact that KC liked to get him one every now and then to lift his spirits. Mr. Howls was his first! He also occasionally got them from the kids :,)
HE LOVES SOFT BLANKETS ESPECIALLY he sleeps with one that he often stims with when he needs time to decompress
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The fighting ring idea is honestly so cool, I never even considered that…I would deny that, since it hadn’t come to mind and thusly wouldn’t have been canon, but I like the idea so much that it gets the canon stamp. Maybe for a darker, more brutal drabble (Halloween perhaps?) I could allow Eclipse to…indulge himself…
He’s actually quite brilliant! He just uses his intelligence in different ways :)
The innocence is a bit of a facade, but, you’re right, not completely.
“‘Clipsy said that you’d help me find the PS4 controller. Can you? I really wanna play.”
He is an incredible liar and has decent pain tolerance compared to say…Sun or Moon, for example. He’s pretty good at taking hits- a lot like Rays, which is one of the reasons they get along.
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Heavy metal? Possibly. I could see that. I personally think that he likes classical! He actually HATES children’s music (nursery rhymes, lullabies, exc.) but heavy metal would be good for times that he needs to scream LMAO
Attack first, think later! You’d be right, it tends to lean more towards bite no bark in tense situations! However, you’re also correct when it comes to it being switched for Eclipse…he’s still KC’s son, no matter what.
It’s been practically confirmed (I’m awful at keeping secrets) that KC has died. A lot of the “brain” functionalities within KC never came back online after he was brought back, and thusly it’s emotions remained very subdued as a result. Consider it a robot stroke. It feels random surges of emotion and then complete and total numbness, and eventually it just settled on hardening itself to the world because it was easier than trying to fix everything. It became bitter towards Eclipse for a few reasons, but those reasons eventually meant nothing to Eclipse because all he felt was the backlash.
Blood Moon’s jealousy arc is NOTHING compared to what Eclipse’s will be.
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You got like everything right lol
His AI was designed to learn and evolve, which means he actually has sensors that give him a readout on dangerous situations and/or shifts in mood. This can sometimes be swayed by his own anxiety, however.
Yes, those evolutions in his code were a result of the abuse he sustain from Lord Shithead.
He is the resident target practice! He does put himself in between disputes quite often, as he sees himself as more of a buffer than an actual sentient being.
Thinks and makes so many possible predictions of situations at a very quick rate. Thusly how he was already up the ladder urging Eclipse to come over with Veil in the most recent drabble ;)
Lunar and Sun are teaching him how to sew :) he loves to wear dresses and skirts since his former asshole lord would always berate him for it before. So homophobic smh
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Nail in the coffin again no further comments moving on
Children? Children! He’s already quite curious about them, so it’s more than likely that he’ll end up helping out down there once he’s calmed down a bit. Who knows, maybe he’ll drag Eclipse with him ;)?
Main difference between present Eclipse and Veil: Veil jests in a not-malicious way. He loves acting out scenes in his head, or voicing characters in a book he’s reading. Puppet-shows would be a BLAST with him involved!!
He collects beanie babies (specifically the bears)
He has a small army on top of his bookshelf
They watch him sleep
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He likes goldfish
They love performing for the kids! On their less-violent days they beg Sun to let them use the theater for a show, and sometimes Sun begrudgedly allows this on the condition that they don’t step off the stage.
They agree because they don’t want to hurt the kids anyways, if the urge would arise.
They do play with one another quite a lot :D their favorite game is tag, but instead of just touching the other they tackle each other and roll around. Whoever emerges on bottom is it!
Eclipse installed Battleship into their system. They’ve never been the same since.
It’s the main reason they went insane really /j
Other notes:
They have an obsession with water, despite it being deadly for them 😭
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hereforthefunnyguys · 2 months
Just a thought, but like you should totally talk about how much you love irateshipping.
I lvoe it so much you guys my thoughts are sometimes easy to figure out and sometimes they're just kind of a blurry static field of warmth but i'll try my best.
As a side note, this got. Uh. Long. So it's under a cut now.
Okay so the first thing I adore about it is that it can really easily switch between a kind of funny domestic dynamic with two teenagers who don't know how to make emotions work and also can be “fucked up traumatized dudes try to kill each other with a gun.” That part is great for me.
Second of all, I talk a lot about like mariks perspective on the whole thing but I don’t know if I talk about Joey's perspective on the whole thing where like... Marik is objectively everything he hates. He's controlling, he's wealthy, he's narcissistic, he's like kaiba if kaiba was somehow worse and had nicer hair <- whoa who said that? Yet he still possesses a kind of inherent charm that ends up pulling you in closer and sort of forces Joey to have some kind of feeling about him, whether that be hatred or love or just "Wow! What a Freak".
I like to picture (read: there's no canon evidence for it, but a man can fantasize) that there's kind of a... weird attraction to Marik, especially with the brainwashing in a "i don't have to think anymore" way. Like, uh how do I explain this; Joey is used to having to work all the time to support himself and his family.
He goes for 7 straight hours at school doing work he doesn't understand with teachers that hate him, around friends that love him (and he loves back!) but always seem to overshadow him and, at least in canon, don't seem to quite 'get' the situation he's in at home, plus, you know, Yugi + Atem always overshadowing with the one big hobby he has. Then he goes back home, gets yelled at by his dad and has to play tip-toe around him (or, at least, I'd assume so), then hauls ass out to go work until 9:00, buy cheap dinner, then collapses and wakes up at 6:30 the next morning to go work again before going to school again. He's burning out 24/7. First man to ever desperately need a workers union for the simple act of existing.
But then Marik comes along with the Ghouls, and gets to say, you don't need to think anymore. You don't have to worry anymore. All the decisions are made for you. And it's never explicitly stated (probably because it would be a lie lmao) but in Joey's head this also has a connotation of you're finally safe. And you know what? To Joey, that's kind of blissful. No thinking. No more worrying. Just sort of... existing.
Of course, he hates it too, obviously. It's sickening to feel yourself be puppeted like that, out of your own control, forced to fight the people you love, etc. So we can't be having that. But there is still a certain bond thats formed by having someone inside your mind, and it goes both ways; not only is Joey dealing with the feeling of having all his brains pried open and picked apart like stir-fry, but Marik also now knows everything that happens in Joey's head. What's that even like??? Does it make him feel bad for Joey? Is he attracted to it? Does it just make him think Joey is stupid? Does he feel a sense of responsibility to maybe try and fix some of those problems when he becomes a Good Person? Is he now like the Expert on how Joey's brain works and has to decide how to use (or abuse) that knowledge?
Post-Battle City, I think they have a very awkward relationship. In canon they seem friendly, but imo thats kind of a cover-up for the awkwardness, because what else are they supposed to say to each other? "Hey, again, guy who brainwashed me and saw the innermost depths of my mind!" "I told you I don't do that anymore :(" type stuff. If you put them in a room alone, it'd just be like. An hour straight of pure silence, occasionally interrupted by asking where the bathroom is and conversations that go like "well uh how's life been?" "Not great." "ah. okay. cool. Cool."
At least imo Joey doesn't actually realize what he has are romantic feelings. In his mind, this weird sweatiness he feels and inability to put Marik out of his mind is probably a side effect of brainwashing or something. Marik does though. Marik is pretty much permanently looking at Joey like he wants to eat him alive or, perhaps more scandalously in his mind, hold his hand.
Also... This is a different conversation but I think marik is like - Jealous? Approving? Something like that- of joey. Not in a “I want to be an impoverished delinquent bad boy who breaks the rules” way but more in a “see, this is what I Should Have Been. The loyal son that sticks by his father no matter what.” And in one hand he doesn’t particularly care for Joeys father (finds him classless and unappreciative) and, on a surface level, recognizes that their situations are very Very different, but the jealousy remains. Like. That should be me trying up there.
Because both Marik and Joey have the same specific form of daddy issues where they wholeheartedly believe that they are the problem here, so if they just go the Right Chance they could fix everything with their parents and could live happily ever after. So they end up in an endless feedback loop of (nodding) "yes, he's doing the right thing by trying to make it up to his dad" and don't get why their friends are all like "please go talk to like. Someone else about this. Anyone."
I do think they have potential to actually help each other out with this type of stuff as they mature and are able to also recognize the affect that it has on the other ("You go deer-in-the-headlights whenever you're around open fire"/"you start cringing uncontrollably whenever someone throws anything at you") but also Not Right Now! right now they're not even talking to each other.
Anyways. Yeah. God. I'm in love with them in case you couldn't tell. I don't even know if this makes sense to anyone else other than me but I'm having fun and thats what matters mostly
Also yeah sometimes its that marik just wants to date a stupid jock and hes so real for that. Let marik have a good boyfriend and psychologically torment joey more 2k24 campaign.
Anyways enjoy a Collection (of scenes where they are in the same panel)(*devours my rarepair scraps*)
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
i really wanna hear so many of your fluffybird headcanons please /nf
Hah well thank you? That's very sweet though I don't have too many? Most of them just rely on scenes in the actual show or my interpretations of the characters based on what I see? Like, I'll notice things?
Uh, I think Duck like, with both Yellow and Red just like. ASSUMES however he feels about either of them is immediately and unequivocally reciprocated. I think part of that is his ego and I think part of that is his either unwillingness or utter inability to read social cues ( see: "They're pretending they don't respect me."; 'I'M your best friend?' 'Yeah. We're close." ) This is, regardless of the way he treats both of them by the way, because he assumes they already are a family and expects the other two to just immediately agree and also because of how immediate he is to reassure Yellow of their friendship when questioned on it.
I think it's very likely that in his head Ducks like "Uh, yeah, the big guy LOVES me, I'm LITERALLY his favorite." and if he were to ever verbalize that to him, Red would shut that down so hard his head would spin lol. ( Think very similar to what happens in the family ep :])
Red guy tends to be a bit harsh when it comes to verbalizing/establishing clearly his connection with the other two members of the trio (see: "I mean I KNOW you, I know which one you ARE."; "We could have a friend meeting!" 'Well, thats a stretch.'; "We shouldn't even be talking to each other,should we? We don't even know each other,really." ) but in his actions he shows he definitely at least cares for them. Like Yellow, I think he's actually very unsure about his place with the other two (and seems a bit insecure in general? At least in regard to how he looks/comes across.) and his way of coping with this is what he uses a lot; avoidance. He doesn't really know where he stands with the other two or what they think of him, so he acts as though they have no connection at all. He WILL desperately try to call them while he's gone and make SURE they don't leave the car before he starts trying to escape and also he WILL know their favorite foods and make puppets of them when he's all alone. But yknow, they're practically strangers, he doesn't know a thing about them.
THAT is why I think a lot of his interactions with Duck in a romantic sense would be similar to the Electricity scene in that they will be quiet and bashful and give himself an easy out in case the feelings are not reciprocated. Here, I'm focusing more on how he never outright says he likes looking at Duck, he says he "wouldn't mind" then confirm sort of unsteadily "I suppose" when pressed on it. What he means is sort of inferred and unsteadily confirmed in a wishy-washy way that gives him an easy out if things go wrong.
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shidfart23 · 2 years
Ok so 'member how a big part of bro getting influenced by cal on "training" dave was out of "making him ready for the game"? And how inside cal theres like 3 and a half souls? The, like, creepiness and the HEEHEEEs comes from gamzee, the abrasiveness and power comes from caliborn, the knowledge and "knowing what to do best" comes from AR, Equius is the void/"mysteriousness" sorrounding the puppet, and how much it got important behind the scenes.
Anyway, i think part of why Bro "trained" dave like that was cuz the part thats Hal truly cared about Dave, upon seeing that he'll get to watch the very same guy he idolized as a kid grow up, he wanted what was the "absolute best" for dave, like part of it was because he genuinely wanted to help the kid version of his bro and in turn kinda "make him proud" or his bro proud after hal helps makes him a "hero".
I also think the training method Bro used was in part influenced by the equius part, of making dave a "trained warrior" or something (the guy wrecked robots like a hobby as a kid), and being Arquius instead if robots he has been influenced by Hal of course, that swords are more "fitting" for dave.
I hope this was comprehensible lmao. The general point here is, even if these characters were in cal, it does not make them in themselves horrible characters. Arquiusprite is not evil, he had just been in cal, with 2 other characters that were literally the "antagonists" of hs.
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Sorry for mentally ill thoughts this evening but I've always wondered how this is going to end. To me, welcome home has been a story about changing. And because of a certain music artist's album and WHs popularity being around the same time, I can't let go of my interpretation of what change will look like at the end of this project. (1/?)
(2/?) I've always found what characters a fandom gets attached to QUICKLY to be a marker of what a story is going to do with these characters and what metatexually that is gonna mean for the story...
Let's start with the big one: Wally himself. THIS GUY HAS SO many interpretations! He is simultaneously the most dangerous and fascinating character out of all of them. To analyze him (and some of the neighbors I'll talk about) I used tarot cards, btw I'm @pretty-in-possible but this is my reblog alt
Wally was Judgement which is intresting because its definition includes
When The judgement is in the upright position, it represents the realization of one's calling, realistic thinking and gaining a deep understanding of life through self-examination.
(3/?) When reversed, it can represent refusal of self-examination and growth, self-doubt, regret, and blame. In my eyes, change and (what I think will happen to the puppets) transformation is only possible with that kind of thought. Which, coupled with your own analysis of wally and home spells as disaster. Whats particularly affecting MY brainworms is Barnaby. His card is the Magician: The Magician is an artisan and the ideas person.  It is a very action oriented card. It represents learning and using knowledge in creative and unorthodox ways, and seizing the day by displaying resourcefulness. Barnaby is definitely an open-minded person just with his behavior shown through just visuals.
(4/?) I am also invested in his pipe which I know just has bubbles in it, but it adds to this stoner read to his character that *I* see??? There is just something about him that tells me he will have the easiest time with this Existential crisis as to him (based of the tarot reading) this knowledge is incredibly freeing, cuz it would just mean there is More in the World to Discover. In my experience reading past life regression therapy testimonies, I've heard of how some people encounter this place in the afterlife people under hypnosis describe as a soul cleansing, a place where gem-colored rays of light shine through every inch of your soul, cleansing your spirit of the trauma it had experienced during your last lifetime. And I feel like Barnaby will experience those same feelings (NOT THE SAME PROCESS). (I might ramble more about this later, in ask box or in dms if thats okkkk)
my sincerest apologies for sitting so long on this one, i wanted to make sure i had time to really, like. sit down and Process it. and then shortly after i started writing this response i got food poisoning so. lol.
because of of how in-depth this ask gets, i wouldn't feel right neglecting any part of it, so i'm just gonna write down my thoughts bullet by bullet as i go through this. under the cut for convenience:
how welcome home is going to end .... obviously, i cannot offer anything conclusive right now (if i can offer anything at all) given how early we are, but i have always had the vague impression that whatever the ending of this story is, we as the audience may never be able to see all of it. it feels like so much has been given to us already. i assume we will be given much more, regardless of how willing to give or receive anyone involved is. we owe it to our neighbors to let them decide which parts to give and which to keep, at the end of the day. i think that's the best way i can phrase it. but as always, only time will tell.
agree about Change likely being a big part of welcome home, whichever form it takes.
I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO KNOW THE NAME OF THIS ARTIST. i am Dreadfully unfamiliar with a lot of 70s musicians outside of the biggest names - my first thought was either connie converse or daniel johnston, but iirc most of converse's music was recorded in the 50s-60s and johnston only started recording music in the late 70s. i don't know if bruce haack was ever super popular back when he was actually making music.
the idea of which characters fandom gets attached to being indicative of what canon does with them...? i'm not so sure about this one, honestly. fandom can get attached to a stale piece of toast that shows up for a single scene if so desired (which, for the record, isn't a bad thing.) of course, i say that based off of my own experiences, but fan reception has never really been a Factor in speculation for me either way.
calling wally dangerous doesn't feel inaccurate, but i think it's more like. i do not think he is inherently dangerous but he absolutely has the Capacity to do dangerous things. i think it is interesting that despite this (or perhaps because of it?) he appears to be more vulnerable with us than he Ever was with the other neighbors? but a.) that may not be saying much and b.) it is Also largely rooted in speculation + the fact that home and the audience are currently the Only two entities wally has been seen interacting with directly, as opposed to his interactions/relationships with other neighbors that have so far only been briefly described by the WHRP or showcased in brief snippets of concept art.
grinning so so so wide at the judgement/inverted judgement descriptions. i wish i had more to say but i'm having a hard time coming up with something that isn't just pointing to the inverted judgement description and going "yeah that's almost Exactly what i'm getting from wally so far."
again, agree about the possibility of Change playing some kind of role here, eventually - more specifically the fear of change even when it may prove to be beneficial, whether that be on wally's part or the neighbors' or the WHRP's or the staff's or the audience's or even the very setting of home itself. i imagine some grotesque hodgepodge of all of the above. something something points to that post i reblogged about sitcoms as horror.
context for the aforementioned wally and home analysis for anyone reading: 1, 2, 3
BARNABY, HUH... for the record my personal hc regarding his pipe is that whatever's in it changes depending on what would be the funniest answer at any given moment. if tobacco is funnier, then it's tobacco. if bubbles are funnier, then it's bubbles. looney tunes logic.
on a more serious note: i'm a little worried i won't have much to say about barnaby that i haven't said already! i think it may be too early to discern the Specifics of his personality from website art/descriptions alone but i do get the distinct impression that he's meant to be a lot more down to earth than wally, which of course is an interesting contrast to the nature of wally's whole [gestures vaguely] Everything. from this, i think it is Reasonable to assume that he's also a lot better at rolling with the punches as well, although i never did consider the possibility that learning about The Bullshit would be liberating for him, in a sense - i don't know about it being a cleansing experience, unless you count the recontextualization of things that didn't previously make sense as a sort of cleansing in itself, in which case it could absolutely be that. something about the parallels to cosmic horror... the relationship between the Fear of change and the Catharsis of change...
oh, but wouldn't this also put him at odds with wally, who seems to be on the Exact Opposite End Of The Spectrum, even when they understand each other like no other? Much To Think About... very exciting potential for Conflict there.
i'm cool with whichever method works best for you if you wanna talk more in the future! my dms are open too lol.
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