creolemaican 7 years
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black boys breaking the internet. 馃槇馃枻
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creolemaican 7 years
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i gotta gotta that a make your crib shake.
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creolemaican 7 years
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creolemaican 7 years
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let them niggas know it's mine. 馃摳 @alexdrogers
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creolemaican 7 years
The Rising Signs
Aries rising - can come off as aggressive. direct and blunt. fierce and bold looking. feels more self aware than most
Taurus rising - enjoys looking their best and spending their money on nice things. charming and always looks very comfortable wherever they are
Gemini rising - prone to nervous habits and fidgeting. looks petite and is very curious. asks lots of questions. nail biters, smokers, androgynous types
Cancer rising - typical moody cancer traits. weight may fluctuate. moon shaped eyes and small noses. pale/fair complexion
Leo rising - their hair is probably really important to them or is what stands out the most about them. self-centered, usually, but not always in a bad way. warm and friendly
Virgo rising - nit-picky and critical of others. the person that suggests making lists. usually pretty reserved
Libra rising - so polite it actually hurts. usually has a nice butt. social, experiences life beautifully and socially
Scorpio rising - their gaze/stare is inexplicable. their intensity is everything. already knows what you鈥檙e up to and you haven鈥檛 even met them yet
Sagittarius rising - athletic usually and tall. you just know when you鈥檙e talking to a sagittarius rising. the cool guy/girl that makes you feel really special when you grab their attention for more than 5 minutes
Capricorn rising - poker face. you feel accomplished when you make them laugh or crack a smile. sees life as a great responsibility
Aquarius rising - usually androgynous like gemini. unique style, somehow it鈥檚 different than other people. comes off more detached than they really are. breezy vibe
Pisces rising - really soft and gentle looking face, with watery eyes. photogenic even when they鈥檙e not. gullible and rosy
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creolemaican 7 years
What the Planets in your Chart Mean
Sun: Your sun sign is your ego and your core being. The Sun represents yourself, your being, your personality, and just what it is exactly that makes you a unique individual. The Sun represents how you face the world in your every day life. When someone asks you "What's your sign?" You are typically telling them your sun sign. The sun rules Leo.
Moon: The moon represents our deepest personal needs, our quirks, and our unconscious. Your moon sign is your inner self, your emotions, and it explains the person you are deep inside. It is also sometimes where a place where hatred, jealousy, and fear is found. The moon rules Cancer.
Mercury: Mercury is the planet of communication. Mercury represents the thought process, and it governs communication, exchanges, intellect, awareness, learning abilities, intellectual capacity, and thought process. Mercury is also a representative for traders, teachers, attorneys and messengers. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
Venus: Planet of Love & Money. Venus represents artists, traders, and all occupations related to seduction and beauty. Venus describes your love life, leisure, affections, and how you behave in romantic relationships. Venus also represents greed, materialism, hypocrisy, and laziness. Venus rules Taurus and Libra.
Mars: The Planet of Passion. Mars happens to be the "action" planet of the zodiac. Energy, passion, ambition, competition, drive, and determination are all in Mars' realm. Mars describes how you command and take action. It symbolizes how you come to terms with situations, and overcome obstacles. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio.
Jupiter: The Planet of Luck. Luck and good fortune are associated with Jupiter. Along with wealth, glory, success, and honor. This planet represents people in power, professors, teachers, and political figures. Jupiter represents your self-confidence, leisure, accomplishments, and growth. Jupiter rules Sagittarius.
Saturn: Planet of Karma. Saturn represents work ethic, responsibility, multi-tasking, time, age, and tradition. Saturn is your ambition, your observations, and your work ethic. Saturn symbolizes old age, when a person typically loses interest in unnecessary material items, and gains more interest in retirement and solitude. Saturn is associated with the wise, the elderly, and all people who can help us overcome an obstacle such as counselors, teachers, nurses, and medical practitioners. Saturn rules Capricorn.
Uranus: Planet of Rebellion. Uranus represents disruptions, unforeseen events, changes, new situations, revolutions, and independence. Uranus represents your creativity, your mind, your uniqueness, your ideas, and your ability to adapt to change. Uranus rules Aquarius.
Neptune: Planet Of Illusion. Neptune represents art, all forms of glamour, creativity, addiction, illusion, dreams, and sensitivity. Neptune represents your dreams, sensitivity, artistic ability, and ability to read others. Neptune rules Pisces.
Pluto: Planet of Power. This is the ultimate story of good and evil. Pluto represents all that is hidden, secrets, destruction, intensity, death, obsession, kidnapping, viruses and waste. Pluto represents your sexual energy, deepest instincts, obsessions, secrets, deep self-questionings, and anxieties. Pluto rules Scorpio.
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creolemaican 7 years
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aries鈾堬笍 rising: you make a bold & unforgettable first impression. you come across as a dynamic go-getter. quick & headstrong.
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creolemaican 7 years
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creolemaican 8 years
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syd photographed by @alexdrogers
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creolemaican 8 years
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syd photographed by @alexdrogers
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creolemaican 8 years
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syd photographed by @alexdrogers
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creolemaican 9 years
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creolemaican 9 years
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creolemaican 9 years
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creolemaican 9 years
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creolemaican 9 years
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creolemaican 9 years
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