#i think it would be the ultimate verbal stim
Reblog if you want to be able to purr
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woodenchip · 7 months
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Just some headcanons that I wrote down, most of it is just pure nonsense and I love that for me
🍊Hajime Hinata🍊
•Bi man, big bi man (men pref)
•He doesn't untie his tie, he just makes it loose enough to slip it on and off
•Is like really quiet when you don't know him, but once he's comfortable with you he has no control over what he says
•Deals with intrusive thoughts
•He's so silly
•Has ADD or ADHD and OCD
•Sleeps in the fetal position
🍖Akane Owari🍖
•My favorite Demiromantic demigirl
•My girl is sex REPOLST
•Aoi is her cousin
•Akane is so proud of Aoi
•High metabolism omg
•Whenever she got bored doing something with gymnastics she'd go up to little kids and show off
•"You wanna see what I can do-"
•She hopes that by showing off the kids get inspired by her and work hard
•She's really good with kids, like #1 babysitter type shit
•Her and Kazuichi are close too
•Like bff's
⚜️The Ultimate Imposter⚜️
•Agender. Definitely Agender
•They/It motherfucker
•gently holds them
•Everytime they disguise themselves an identity crisis happens
•"No one knows who I really am :), but also, no one knows who I really am :("
•Has a very empty room
•like, little to nothing
👾Chiaki Nanami👾
•My silly little she/they lesbian
•Tbh I also feel like she's aroace
•My girl is a whole program, I doubt they care about all that‼️
•Loves Mario Kart
•Collects old school gaming controllers and stuff
🩸Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu🩸
•but also he/him trans masc
•no matter what he's trans, I don't make the rules
•With the Trans fem headcanon I love him with Peko
•They are my silly lesbians♥️
•Has so many scars
•He does age regression
•Let me project
🐹Gundham Tanaka🐹
•They are simply too cool for gender
• yk that one meme that's like "When I go nonverbal at the function"
•Yeah, that's them
•Has costumes for the Dark Devas of Destruction
👘Hiyoko Saionji👘
•Her and Imposter are so Sibling coded
•Like her calling him "Ham hands!" SIBLINGS
•I like found family :)
•Like Hiyoko would annoy them so much but will apologize ONLY to them
•Even with Mahiru, Hiyoko will give her half-ass apologies
🎸Ibuki Mioda🎸
•My bi-con
•When she gets Overstimulated she just gets more verbal
•Like "omg it's so loud in here??? Should I be louder? I should-"
•She has like those noise cancelling headphones for when she sleeps because of her heightened hearing
•Without the headphones? Not a wink of sleep
•Whenever she doesn't concerts she makes friends with the staff (or at least tries to)
•Ibuki and Kazuichi have sleepovers and watch kid shows together just for the fun of it
🔧Kazuichi Soda🔧
•also his thing with Sonia? That's not a crush, that's gender envy. (Let me be silly with this)
•Like his eyeliner in game?? No cis man would be able to do that/hj
•Also has the tism
•Has like, a box of stim toys
•They really like the feeling of Gundhams scarf
•Let me project onto them😡
📸Mahiru Koizumi📸
•Lesbian or Panromantic
•Big asexual icon
•She forgets things so easily (Main reason why she took up photography)
•She's always late to the first class of the day because she sees something really pretty and takes multiple pictures of it
💉Mikan Tsumiki💉
•She's also trans fem
•Gently holds her omg
•She asked Nagito to help fix her hair
•He fucked it up more
•Like you know that one part of her bangs that's shorter than the other strands? He did that
•Nagito and her would be silly friends
•"Why would an amazing Ultimate like you want to be friends with a worthless human like me?"
•She'd say something like- "Because you're not that bad, you just get unlucky sometimes, just like me!"
•Like, with how she falls, she's definitely unlucky
🍀Nagito Komaeda🍀
•I really dislike him so I have very little
•My guy is definitely a He/They
•Is (somewhat) close to most of the Lucky students
•He'd end up degrading them though
•"It's amazing how we got into Hopes Peak from just luck!" "I know, how worthless is it that we are only here because of a name drawing!"
•He doesn't have many friends
•And with the few he does have, he just doesn't understand??
•like, my man is struggling to understand why HE has friends
🌪️Nekomaru Nidai🌪️
•The only cis Man here istg
•I love him so much omg
•He would help younger students train and just exercise
•Like him, Mondo, and Taka, they were like besties
•Taka would look up to him SO MUCH
•I'm also a Taka lover, be warned
•Also really good with kids
•Type of person to swing the swings so hard that it tangles up
•Akane would have to fix the swings
•He's just so silly :((
🎭Peko Pekoyama🎭
•She's near sighted
•She HATES contacts
•No matter what she does she doesn't take off her glasses, she wears them in the shower, in the pool, everywhere (just like me)
•Her eyesight gets worse and worse everyday/hj
•Near sighted
👑Sonia Nevermind👑
•My girl experiments with pronouns and labels
•She's knows she likes woman though, 100%
•Going with the Trans Fem Kazuichi headcanon: she'd help Kaz with clothes
•Like, "You should try this on-"
•Of course she wouldn't forgive Kaz with the weird harassing thingy but she'd be okay with them after a while
•Sonia doesn't hold grudges
•I'm also a Kazuichi apologist ‼️
•"Omg- I've been watching police reports of you since you first started killing-!"
•She would watch Gundham's animals and dress them up in fancy little animals clothes
🍴Teruteru Hanamura🍴
•We already knew that though
•I have like, nothing for him
•I don't like him >:(
•Loves those really corny romance shows
•Like the really bad ones that suck? Yeah, those
•He has a whole notebook with his mother's recipes for when he left to go to Hopes peak so he could cook them whenever he got homesick :(
•He HATES sharing recipes to other people
•Can NOT work in the kitchen with someone else
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This Is Not A Love Object: A Philosopher Looks at Love and Limerence
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I’ve been writing about love addiction for, oh, 12 or 13 years now. Most of the time, people just thought I was crazy. I interviewed psychiatrist Dr. Reef Karim for the 2011 book Love Addict: Sex, Romance and Other Dangerous Drugs. He told me, "If I went to an American Psychiatric Association conference and said, ‘Doctors, today we're going to talk about love addiction,’ a third of the room would start laughing.”
Well, he and I had the last laugh in 2014 when psychiatrist Dr. Vineeth John stood up at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association and said, "What might be the criteria for love addiction and its destructive and dysfunctional behaviors?”
Okay, we didn’t actually laugh. Being right about a debilitating and potentially fatal behavioral addiction isn’t that all damn funny… although sometimes it helps to look at it that way.
So now there have been more than 700 peer-reviewed scientific studies about the neurological, behavioral and emotional aspects of love addiction. As of today, we can add “philosophical” to the list, as University of Tennessee Professor of Philosophy Dr. Georgi Gardiner has written We Forge the Conditions of Love -  Linguistic Luck: Essays in Anti-Luck Semantics (eds. Carlos Montemayor & Abrol Fairweather.)
Guess what? I’m footnoted!
“As you know,” Dr. Gardiner told me, “there aren't many scholarly articles about limerence, and this is the first philosophy essay about limerence.” She does write about other aspects of love than limerence — aka infatuation, my favorite drug — but I’m all about what she has to say about this one. And she says it using very big words.
One of her main points is that how we verbalize or frame our ideas of romantic love can change how we experience it. “Self-ascribing love can change emotions, attitudes, and values,” is now she puts it. “Self-ascriptions of love are affected by the person’s conception of love.
“A person’s whose conception of limerence is shaped by discourse that emphasises addiction science, neurochemical pathways, or behavioural conditioning might accordingly conceive of limerence as primarily an addiction.” That would be me. My discourse about limerence is that is can be addictive, particularly to people who are genetically and environmentally predisposed to addiction.
“The addiction is to thought patterns, rather than external drugs or behaviours like cocaine or gambling,” she writes. “They might thus understand limerence as contiguous with non-romantic cognitive or attentional addictions, such as maladaptive daydreaming, compulsive rumination, cognitive stimming, mental perseveration, and compulsive suicidal, violent, argumentative, or sexual ideation.”
“The addiction,” she continues, “is not to interacting with the person. It is to thinking about them.” 
I agree. We are rarely in love with a person so much as we are to the feeling of being in love with that person. And thinking about them re-stimulates that feeling. It’s as if thinking about a drink actually gave you a buzz.… and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t stop thinking about it, even if you wanted to.
“Two features of this mental activity are emphasised: Incessance—the thoughts are constant — and lack of cognitive control. Therapeutic manuals bluntly deny limerents can intentionally stop thinking about the limerent object. [Dorothy] Tennov writes, ‘In summary, limerent fantasy is, most of all, intrusive and inescapable. It seems not to be something you do, but something that happens.’ Forum posts continually cast suicide as the only escape.”
The thing is, “limerence — not love — is a monomaniacal attentional phenomenon.” In other words, that thing that feels like this-is-my-soulmate-I-must-be-with-them-or-I-will-die-are-they-thinking-about-me-I-have-to-check-their-Instagram… that ain’t love. That is a “monomaniacal attentional phenomenon.”
“Limerence—like many addictions—ultimately arises from unmet needs: The need for romantic companionship or to feel desirable, which corresponds to romantic limerence. The need for approval, especially from authority figures, which commonly underwrites limerence for teachers and bosses. And the need for emotional processing, leading to limerence for therapists and alterous limerence.
“In the resulting conceptual nexus, perhaps love is—at least in its most ideal instantiations—a way to bond, connect, and structure a life. The addiction described by the discourse is not to interacting with the person. It is to thinking about them. Limerence is a way to think.”
So if I have this right — and my degree is in World Literature, not Philosophy, so bear with me — Dr. Gardiner is in our corner. Addictive love isn’t a way of loving; it is a way of thinking. And we do it because we are trying to fill that existential hole every addict and alcoholic talks about. So maybe if we talk about it differently, we will start to experience it differently. I assume this is what she means by “linguistic luck.” The reality we inhabit depends on the way we frame our reality. Changing the way we talk about our thinking… can change the way we think. Which, for some of us, is a worthwhile goal.
So thanks for the reframing, Dr, Gardiner. Plus, I like being a scholarly footnote. A scholarly footnote who cusses.
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elytrafemme · 2 years
Good morning mare!
Im so confused on my own nuerodivergantcy istg, like sometimes I just like not talking, and I just communicate nonverbally and vibe with people without having to speak, but the internet has told me that all the conditions to go non-verbal are either stress induced or based on a lack of comfort. Meanwhile I just like to be quiet sometimes and talking sometimes tires me out so- WHAT THE HELL AM I???
The same thing goes for stimming cuz like sometimes I just like to squeak or make meow noises and one of my irls was like "yeah that's vocal stimming" which confused because so many people have said stimming is an unconscious thing and I actively chose to do that cuz I like to!
Regardless I do be struggling, but hey, at least it's almost Cough Syrup Tuesday 😌
hope it's okay if i give you some casual friend to friend advice, but tbh you know yourself better than the internet knows you, and if being non-verbal is a stress response for some people, but for you it's just a way to be less tired, then that's that, y'know? ultimately i think the minutia of why every single thing happens, while helpful to figure out, isn't worth any potential imposter's syndrome of "am I actually doing an nd thing if it's Different to what other nd people do?"
and for what it's worth, while sometimes i stim sort of unconsciously, a lot of the time i do stim purposefully as a way to get my energy out. like for me a lot of the stims i do when upset are unconscious, and my hand flapping stims are unconscious, but i do choose to squeak when i do 90% of the time because it's a way to get my happiness out. sometimes it's unintentional, but a lot of the time i choose to do it (even if it gets harder to stop after i've started). i also used to vibrate as a stim (aka tense my body up til it started shaking, maybe not great for my muscles but hey i was 7) and that was chosen too
so i dunno, neurodivergency is weird but ultimately your experiences may not match the experiences of other people but that still doesn't make it, like, any less valid. y'know? also i do the quiet thing too, i go semi non-verbal sometimes when overstimulated or fatigued but sometimes i am just like. nah fuck talking i would like it if i made like ariel and never spoke again and just like squawked at people. tis a thing
sorry if this is like semi rambly there's a fucking woodpecker outside and i kept getting distracted but yeah idk those are my thoughts on that. i've kind of given up a bit on shoving my neurodivergency into a label bc i am most certainly neurodivergent and it's very likely that i'm autistic just by the everything about me but i haven't gotten any kind of like, confirmation from a professional, and i don't think i ever will. so i'm just vibing truly
so fucking true i need to work on the chapt today god bless <3 hope u have a good day friend!
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mammoneymelon · 3 years
How the brothers would react to finding out that MC is autistic
before anyone says anything, i’m autistic and just really want some representation
TW for ableism! the boys are doing their best but no NT immediately knows everything about autism
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it’s a bit random, but i headcanon that lucifer has misophonia, so it’s only a matter of time before a noisy/verbal stim starts to drive him up a wall
“what in the devildom are you doing?” he’d ask, eyebrows scrunched in frustration
you have no idea what he’s talking about; after all, you’ve just been sitting on your DDD playing some rhythm game
“what do you mean?”
“you’ve been making that noise for hours; cut it out before i have to go find the packing tape.”
you know him well enough to know he isn’t joking, so you nod and do your best to stop, ignoring the feeling of dread beginning to well up in your chest
you go back to your game, and soon enough, you’re back to ‘making that noise’
you see lucifer stand up, bringing your action to your attention.
“oh, sorry! i didn’t realize i was doing it again, sorry!”
“oh?” he asked, looking down at you. 
“it’s stimming. autistic people do it a lot more than others, and sometimes we don’t even notice it.” there’s a moment of silence but you realize you just told him something you hadn’t even told your human friends
“ah, yes, i do remember reading about that in your file. i didn’t want to say anything so as not to offend you.”
you shake your head. “dude! that’s personal business! i don’t like telling people.”
lucifer’s gaze seems to soften. “don’t fret, MC. i won’t tell a soul.”
and he doesn’t.
he also totally buys you quiet stim toys
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it’s not long before mammon realizes you are terrible at reading the room
you have a terrible habit of cracking a joke at the worst time or saying the first thing that comes to your mind, even if it was at the expense of others
at first, mammon, mammon thought you were really brave. now, however, he sees that you just have no idea what you’re doing
currently, your knack for trouble had landed you in detention, something you’d gotten fairly used to in the human world. mammon was sitting next to you - he was paying for trying to defend you
“lucifer’s going to kill us. again.”
“and whose fault is that?”
“sorry,” you mumble. “it’s not like i was trying to get us here.”
“really? because it’s startin’ to seem like you are. not that i blame ya, if i were you i’d do anything to spend more time with the great mammon.” he gives you a smile, and you really hope that means he isn’t mad
“i really don’t like upsetting people, i just don’t really get tone? i didn’t even realize the teacher was mad until you stepped in. “
“dude, she was on the verge of killing ya! what do ya mean you “didn’t even realize”?
you pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration. “it’s part of a disorder i have. autism. i just don’t get some stuff that comes naturally to other people.”
“ohhh.” mammon slaps his head, feeling like an idiot. “sorry,” he murmurs, and you barely hear it
mammon, being, well, mammon, will probably forget.
it’s not that he doesn’t care! it’s just not something that comes up in conversation.
of course, when the two of you do talk about it, he picks up on the symptoms pretty quickly. he’s a pretty smart guy, and he’ll do anything and everything for his human
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the two of you are working on a co-op dungeon while you talk about your current special interest
“wow, MC, you know a lot about this!”
“thanks,” you respond, and it hits you - you’ve been infodumping almost this whole time
“haha, yeah, blame it on the autism brain,” you joke absentmindedly, not really caring if he knew. you two were good friends, why would being neurodivergent make a difference?
levi, on the other hand, does a double take. being the gamer he is, he’d definitely heard the word used as an insult, but he’d never thought about anyone actually having autism - much less his best friend
“MC, you have autism?” he turns to you looking genuinely confused, his controller sitting, forgotten, in his lap
“um, yeah? it’s not really a big deal,” you say, shrugging
“yeah it is! i mean i knew you were pretty weird, since you hang out with me-” he stops mid-sentence, realizing his mistake. “NOT IN A BAD WAY, OF COURSE! ah sorry, i said something stupid, like always.”
you shake your head with a small smile. you can tell he’s trying. “trust me, i’ve heard much worse. you’re fine, levi.”
he glances up at you, face red from embarrassment, and your smile widens. “i mean, i don’t think like ‘normal’ people anyway, so yeah, i kinda am weird.”
once you leave his room, he’s at his pc, researching more vigorously that he’s ever done for a class
the more he learns, the more annoyed he gets at the complete misunderstanding of the disorder
ultimately, he just wants to make sure you feel supported and understood
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you’re sitting in the library, doing your homework while satan looks over your essay, checking for errors
“oi, MC”
“what’s up?” you respond, still focused on your work
“are you scared of me?”
this prompts you to look up, focusing your eyes on his hands
“i was when i first came here, and i definitely would be scared if i really pissed you off, but no, i’m not scared of you. why do you ask?”
“you never look me in the eyes. or my brothers, actually.”
oh. you’d been hoping no one had noticed. “oh, i just don’t like eye contact. it makes me uncomfortable.” you return your eyes to your paper, hoping that was enough.
“how so?” 
so it wasn’t enough.
“i’m autistic, genius. i figured it was obvious by now.”
“oh. that makes sense.” that’s all he says, so you try to return your focus to your homework.
satan is probably the most comfortable talking to you about it. he’ll ask you questions about your personal experiences and make an effort to understand you better
one day you look over his shoulder to find him reading an article on masking on his DDD
he cares deeply for you, even if it’s hard for him to say so
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asmo has wrangled you into yet another shopping trip
“MC, look at this!! you have to try it on!”
one look at the article of clothing and your face is already scrunching up
“absolutely not.”
“awe, why not?” he gives you the biggest puppy eyes and you sigh. he knows your weaknesses.
“the material. i hate it.”
“but it would look so good on you~”
clearly, he’s not going to give up unless you explain yourself to him
“sure, for a couple seconds, until i have a complete meltdown,” you remark. “i’m autistic, so some textures just make me feel really bad.”
his mouth makes an ‘o’ shape, and then he goes back to looking confused. “i hadn’t even thought about that as a possibility! you should’ve said something earlier!”
he feels really bad about all the times he’s touched you without warning. he thought your shock was cute (and he still does), but he knows that autistic people sometimes dislike touch - he’s definitely had at least a couple autistic ‘partners’ in the past
he’s quite the observant demon, quickly picking up on sensations you d and don’t like. if you’re bothered by smells, he does his best to lay off on the perfume - granted, it’s a necessary part of his routine that he absolutely cannot give up completely. he lets you play with the dimmer in his room so you can find the amount of light that works best.
occasionally, he’ll have to tell you that he’s trying his absolute best to flirt and you are giving him nothing. you’re just like “oh shit i didn’t realize”
asmo’s just a sweetheart who wants you to be comfortable
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beel unfortunately has to learn about your autism because of a situation out of your control
you’re in the gym, keeping him company while he works out
you’re searching his bag and you realize you don’t have your headphones
oh fuck.
you always bring your headphones to the gym; the sounds of televisions, music, people talking, weights clinking, treadmills rumbling... it’s too much
not to mention the stench of sweat and the florescent lights - truly an autistic person’s nightmare
you squeeze you eyes shut, but that only makes the noise worse. you’re surrounded by noise and you can’t stop it. it occurs to you that you’re no longer breathing properly but it’s just too loud and you’re so small
“MC?” beel’s voice is soft and filled with obvious concern. you open your eyes, seeing him kneeling in front of you. your eyes sting, and you realize you’re tearing up. “MC, are you alright?” 
all you can do is shake your head
“do you want to go home?” you nod, biting your lip as he stands up, making you feel even smaller.
he quickly packs his things into his bag and offers you a hand, helping you get up
he quickly escorts you outside, where you practically gulp for air. 
he waits patiently with you while you slowly ground yourself. 
“okay, let’s go home.” you explain sensory overload as you walk, then tell him about your autism
beel, like asmo, is very observant and he learns surprisingly fast. 
he’s also very protective of you. if someone triggers you, he won’t hesitate to tell them off before doing a grounding exercise with you
he’s basically you’re giant therapy demon and you love him for it
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it’s becoming way too much. you’ve been masking heavily for months, monitoring your every move while doing your absolute best to thrive in a (literally) completely different universe than what you’re used to
you’re laying facedown on the couch, practically unable to move. you want to go to your room, but your body won’t let you
“mc?” you hear belphegor’s voice. “are you trying to imitate me?” he teases
you simply groan in response, not wanting to bother
for a moment he goes silent. then, you feel a hand on your shoulder
you jolt up, swiping his hand away as you let out a small shout. belphie’s eyes are widened in surprise
“don’t touch me! ...please,” you add as an afterthought, feeling bad for scaring him
he sits with you on the couch, taking care to leave space between the two of you. “what’s wrong?” you don’t respond. “mc?”
“burnout. too much. feel bad.”
belphie has absolutely no clue what that means, but he figures he knows something that might help.
“want to take a nap with me?”
you have to think about it before responding with a “sure” and slowly crawling into his arms (if that’s something you’re okay with)
it’s night when the two of you wake up. you still feel awful, but you can at least cope better.
once belphie’s more awake, he asks you what the hell happened
“two words: autistic shutdown”
“that doesn’t explain anything” - belphie really doesn’t know anything about humans
you do your best to explain - you were born with a brain that works a bit differently than most humans. some of the symptoms are an aversion to change and ‘odd’ behavior that’s difficult to hide. when you get too stressed, you just kinda ‘shut down’
he takes a bit to really understand, but once he does, he does his best to support you.
he falls asleep to your infodumping and you find it endearing
he gets good at recognizing when you’re starting to shut down and he always convinces you to take a break via a cuddly nap
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vampthropologist · 3 years
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Ultimate Luck 🍀 Nagito Komaeda
Here’s my Nagito HC design! Full details under cut because I wrote a LOT
EDIT: I forgot to add that he’s autistic
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HC Details/Additions:
Intersex- Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (basically mostly feminine body with undeveloped masculine reproductive system and a feminine reproductive system coexisting)
Raised female, but transitioned as young teen. Has not had too surgery, has a small chest and no dysphoria about them but might get it just out of convenience.
Genderfluid transmasc (neoboy usually)
Ectomorph - Meaning he is extremely lean with little muscle mass. He could eat as much as he wants but his body struggles keeping the wait. It doesn’t help that he simply doesn’t eat that much, to the point of sometimes only eating once a day (Much to everyone’s dismay)
Small chest, slightly larger hips and butt, little muscle, and sickly skinny
Can‘t catch a tan to save his life, but also doesn’t sunburn very easily. He might get some freckles though! They just fade when he’s not outside constantly.
Has asthma, though it’s not as bad as it could be because he took immunotherapy as a kid which helped with allergies. He forgets his inhaler a lot.
Autistic- He stims with his hands a lot, and rubs his patches (different textures). He also verbally stims, but he masks that most. In my opinion, most of his existing personality already aligns with someone with autism, but I won’t go into detail. (Also yes I am projecting with this diagnosis a tad bit but I do not care)
He’s the same height, just wears platform boots on top of that so he’s taller now.
Dry, fluffy, curly hair- He might have ringlets if it wasn’t so dry and sick. It gets bleached by the sun on top of the sickness so it’s extra pale. He probably bleached it at some point just for the heck of it. Point is, he has hair damage
Peircings- Right eyebrow, multiple on ears, used to have nose and bellybutton piercings
Eyes- there‘s no definite pupil how I drew them. This doesnt mean he has eye problems, though I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s to show he has a carefree look most of the time. He also has pale eyes too, which means they are sensitive to light and he would wear sunglasses if he cared about his eye health. Also he wears eyeliner, though it’s nothing special, just a wing or outline. He has under eye bags, whether they’re from his allergies (asthma) or lack of sleep is a mystery.
Injuries- he hurts himself often, so he has a lot of bandages. Usually he has bandages on his fingers, even though he might only have scabs. He doesn’t want to pick the scabs, and he thinks they look cute. The bandage on his neck is from a burn and the one on his nose is a cut. He also has messed up cuticles from biting his nails when younger a lot (another reason for bandaging them).
Hands- bandages from injuries, nail polish (he likes to paint them different colors, and when he starts biting his nails again he puts the bad tasting one on to stop himself, also his nails are very chipped), rings, usually up and in motion to emphasize his speech (he talks with his hands). He also writes reminders on his hands or arm sometimes. He’s ambidextrous.
Jewlery- various necklaces, bracelets, and rings from his travels. He has a belt chain and collects cute charms too. He also has a dog tag with his name on it, though a small corner broke off. He has clover and skull charms, some cuter ribbons and animal shapes (notably a dog one that he doesn’t take out too often) and an intersex charm for pride. He collects bangles, pearls, beads, kandi, and any type of chain or bracelet he can get his hands on. He also has rings on his fingers when they don’t have bandages, usually simpler bands and no stones. He has a ring from his parents on the same chain as his dog tag, but that’s one of the only ones he owns with stones. He wears a choker, and has a belt chain instead of a wallet chain.
Clothing- it’s the same, but the jacket and pants are more ripped up. His sleeves aren’t ripped either, but he has patches on his jacket and pants now. He especially likes the clover one on his right knee. He has patches from his travels as souvenirs, like locations, concerts, or shapes that symbolize something to him.
Shoes- They’re calf-high platforms with chunky bottoms. Lace-ups with scuff marks, but Special because he doodles on them when he gets bored (a lot of things about talents and hope on them, but also daily reminders for himself).
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3ternalslumber · 3 years
Feelings Are Fatal
Finally completed prompt seven for @analogicalweek :) Also, this is my first song fic; the song is called Feelings Are Fatal by mxmtoon.
TW: hurt/no comfort, repression, panic
~~~ I'm happy for you I'm smiling for you I'd do anything For you for you
It's always for you And never for me I need it to stop So let me tell you, please
I'm always sad And I'm always lonely But I can't tell you That I'm breaking slowly
A knock and a small, hesitant voice made Logan glance up from where he’d buried himself in work, going further to abandon it when he saw who was at his door.
“Virgil, come in.”
A few steps forward and Logan realized why Virgil was so hesitant to knock.
His seat was left bare as he crossed the room in three long strides. “Are you okay?”
A tilt in Virgil’s head led him to believe he was not.
Logan’s hands hovered near Virgil’s elbows. “Is there anything I can do?”
He thought about it for a moment before deciding on: “I don’t know. May I just .. vent?”
‘My apologies, Virgil, but I’m not feeling well today,’ Logan’s mind supplied.
“Of course,” he said instead, smiling.
“It’s about Nico. I mean—“ Virgil paced the room, hands gesturing wildly as he talked. “Thomas and Nico. Their future possible relationship. What if he thought we were weird and stalker-ish at the mall? And he decided to humour us to make us feel better or to keep us from being even creepier?”
“What if he doesn’t like us like that? Then we would look like a complete and utter fool! And!”
Logan rubbed his nose tiredly —not tired at Virgil, no no. Just.. exhausted in general. “Virgil-“
“What if he laughs at us?” He gasped, hands shaking as Virgil wrung them, “what if he tells his friends and they all think we’re stupid because we happened to like him romantically and we would be ruined and then—“
“Mnnh-?” Virgil looked at Logan, panic clear in his eyes.
Logan pushed down similar doubts he had about Virgil, and stepped forward, placing his hands on Virgil’s shoulders after consent. “Breathe. 4-7-8, remember?”
Virgil nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. He followed the breathing as best he could. Logan waited patiently, counting out the rhythm until Virgil could express verbally that he was okay.
“Thanks, L,” he mumbled, leaning his forehead against Logan’s collarbone. Panicking always took up a lot of energy. Logan knew this, which is why he guided Virgil to his room’s couch and the two sat with their arms touching, content in the soon-to-be-broken silence.
“‘m sorry.”
“For?” Logan raised an eyebrow.
He frowned as if the reason was obvious, “for always coming to you. I know getting me to calm down is tedious and I’m sorry for—“
Logan squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. “Virgil,” he cut him off with a little more than a whisper. “You don’t need to apologize. I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to come to me.”
“You are?”
“Yes,” he nodded, leaning forehead to press his lips against Virgil’s head. “And I want you to know that I would do anything for you, okay?”
Closed doors Locked in, no keys Keeping my feelings hidden There is no ease
I need it to stop And I want to be able To open up but, My feelings are fatal (My feelings are fatal)
How many times Must I keep it inside I need to let go And I swear that I've tried
Virgil’s lips twisted into a frown. “Anything?”
Logan paused to ponder this. “Yes.”
“I don’t want you to do anything for me,” his voice was unnecessarily soft.
“What do you mean?” Logan asked, heart seizing. Did he say something wrong? What he said was supposed to be a compliment. As far as Logan could tell, there were no double meanings. So why would Virgil not want Logan to say that? Unless.. Virgil didn’t actually like him, which was unlikely, considering the fact that he constantly hangs out with him. And Virgil isn’t one to filter his words much. Maybe Virgil thought he was being romantic — which wasn’t his intention but, ultimately, wasn’t far off — and didn’t want to lead him on.
Virgil shifted in his seat to face Logan, their faces inches apart.
Logan froze, not daring to breathe.
“I don’t want you to put my needs in front of yours.” Logan tilted his head in a mute inquiry to elaborate. “I don’t .. I don’t want you to think that I am more important than your mental health.. Gosh, I’m starting to sound like Janus,” he huffed a laugh, glancing away. “What I’m trying to say is that if you’re not feeling it, you can turn me down, y’know.”
After a moment, Logan realized responding would be in his best interest. He let his burning lungs suck in hungrily. He was only partially thankful for the relieved pressure. The part of him that wasn’t was the part focussed on the pain in order to keep his mind off how close they were.
“You don’t have to worry, Virgil,” Logan managed without his voice sounding too strained. “If I am not .. feeling .. too, uh,” he sifted through his vocabulary cards, to which Virgil smiled, “fire, then I will make sure to let you know.”
Tension noticeably leaked from the other’s shoulders. “Okay. Okay, thank you.”
Logan nodded, asking silently for Virgil to forgive him.
But opening up Means trusting others And that's just too much I don't want to bother
So I'll keep it inside And bury it deep I know it's not healthy But you won't hear a peep
Though I'm always sad And I'm always lonely I could never tell you That I'm breaking slowly
“Speaking of…”
Logan hummed in question, leaning his head against the back of the couch. He tried his best to ignore the eyes staring holes into him.
“Are you okay?”
He cracked an eye open, “I am adequate, Virgil.”
“You sure?”
One look at Virgil’s hesitance, his nervous stimming, he decided: “yes.” He could practically hear Janus’s hiss ‘LIESSS’. He ignored that too. “Thank you for asking.”
Closed doors Locked in, no keys Keeping my feelings hidden There is no ease
I need it to stop And I want to be able To open up but My feelings are fatal My feelings are fatal My feelings are fatal
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babybirdarmy9 · 3 years
To fakeclaim or not to fakeclaim: Why I think this goes deeper than a simple “yes” or “no”
TW/CW: fakeclaiming (duh), briefly describing a fear of causing accidents
If you have a short attention span, you may skip ahead because the first few paragraphs will be me explaining a bit about myself and why I decided to write this. I should strongly emphasise that this is my personal opinion as a neurodivergent. No I do not have a PHD, no I do not think that my words should be treated like a textbook. Just some thoughts of my own. Heads up: I have neither DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), Autism, nor TS (Tourettes Syndrome) a.k.a conditions that fakeclaimers believe “fakers” enjoy pretending to have. I am clinically diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and NVLD (Non-Verbal Learning Disability). When I use the term “faking” I am referring to the act of pretending to have a disorder in general and not faking any specific neurological condition. I originally intended to let this stay inside my head as a thought but it’s been a few days and it isn’t going anywhere. I feel like I have to say it out loud and I don’t care if no one sees it or sees it and thinks I’m stupid for having these opinions. I’ll confess that a while ago I subscribed to r/fakedisordercringe because I had heard that there was purportedly a rise in people faking disorders and as a neurodivergent I was fascinated and disgusted that people would perceive mental disorders as “fun” and “quirky” and turn it into an aesthetic which pop culture is indeed guilty of, my impression being that the subreddit would be aimed at calling out neurotypicals clearly proven to be faking. It seemed a nice enough place that could serve as a platform for neurodivergents to correct misinformation spread by known fakers and spread awareness and also had strict ground rules against doxxing, misgendering and direct harassment. There was an automod that would encourage users to NOT submit any genuine cases and to provide evidence of the person in the video faking their condition. I thought that the subreddit was well maintained and run for the first week or so I was there. Until I found a post containing a tiktok clip in which the person stated something along the lines of “walking in circles around the pole in my room is my favourite stim”. It was submitted by a user of the subreddit who described themselves as “diagnosed with autism”, and their argument was that “walking around in circles is not a stim” and that the person was “undiagnosed”. As someone with ADHD that has similar habits, I was confused as it felt very genuine to me. I replied that as someone with ADHD I exhibited similar behaviour and that the tiktok individual could be having ADHD, even in my comment I linked a WebMD of the medication I am currently taking. I reported it to the moderators of the subreddit under “bad evidence” and to their credit it was removed very quickly in under 5 minutes of me reporting it and slapped with the “bad evidence” flair (it could have been that others did the same) but in the time it was still up I was downvoted for my comment. This left me stunned and disheartened because I was under the impression that the users there were familiar with how mental disorders typically worked and that the majority of those subscribed are neurodivergent like me. That was the moment I began losing faith in it. The moment I was no longer certain they were 100% knowledgeable about the things they talk about. As soon as I was downvoted, I instantly went to check if “pacing around is a stim” because I started doubting whether what I am doing is what ADHD people are supposed to do. It made me question myself. And yet, I can’t argue that the subreddit has no purpose and that all they do is falsely accuse genuine sufferers. Because they have defended an individual from accusations of faking by other subreddit users. Because they have actually called out proven fakers like ticsandroses who earned money from faking tics and stopped spreading awareness about TS after they were exposed (correct me if this bit is wrong). Which is why I am still temporarily subscribed, and remaining cautious. Still, there’s now that lingering sense of wariness when a new post comes up: Is the person in the video actually a faker, or are they neurodivergents whose manifestation of the condition can be interpreted as “fake”? But I did have a realisation: Fakeclaimers and “fakers” (at least those who are really faking) are two sides of the same coin. They have the same problem. Both of them fail to view disorders as a spectrum, thinking that the behaviour of one member of the community is indicative of what the average sufferer should behave like. For “fakers” (again, those who are actually pretending), they take an extreme end of the spectrum as the “model” example, which is why some of the proven ones often can be observed to imitating the behaviour of well-known users that are known to actually have the condition when trying to create the illusion that they actually have it when they may not. (TheTrippyHippie is one of these genuine sufferers that documents what it’s like for her to live with her condition, Tourettes) They often set a low bar for the diagnostic criteria. “Blinking on the beat is ADHD!” “Shaking on the “my anxiety” song is an indication of anxiety!” “You like organising your snacks? OCD!”  And when I, with ADHD am unable to do these and am under the impression that people like me are SUPPOSED to, I can’t stop the thought that “maybe I’m the faker” from popping up in my brain. Why am I not shaking my hands to stim? I can’t focus on one song in this blend of audios but I’m apparently supposed to instinctively be able to do if I have the condition?  Fakeclaimers are the opposite. They often fakeclaim by downplaying the condition. “You’re faking because I know people in my life with *insert disorder* and I barely noticed that they had it while you’re trying to make it obvious”, “you don’t have it, you’re just neurotypical and acting out a tv show stereotype” or the one that hurts me the most “real sufferers wouldn’t be happy about their condition because it is the worst thing ever and all of them don’t want to have it and would pass their disability onto you FAKERS since you want to be neurodivergent so bad”, which I am often conflicted over because ADHD has its good and bad. On one hand the bad is really bad: The drowsiness I slip into when I’m unmedicated fucking sucks because it instilled in me a fear of driving because I always imagine myself falling asleep at the wheel and killing someone on accident, when I’m jittery and can’t sit still and my deadlines are running at me. But some aspects of ADHD can be really helpful like when I enter hyperfocus and actually get more stuff done than before, when new ideas rush into my brain out of a sudden and I’m overwhelmed yet happy. So to say that neurodivergents must resent their condition wholeheartedly makes me uncomfortable. I have a love-hate relationship with it but can’t deny that it has some hand in shaping my personal identity. To them, it’s fake because they think everyone should be on the mild end of the spectrum. Both of them don’t seem to understand that we all act differently. It’s a spectrum for a fucking reason! People who react more severely might not be fakers but be on the far end of the spectrum. People who barely react might be medicated at the time or having a mild version of the disorder. God, we’re not robots. Why can’t people just understand that? I wanted to argue for a particular side, but I can’t bring myself to do that. Not when either option brings about negative consequences and ultimately hurts people. I wish there was a definite answer. I wish there was a foolproof way to identify fakers and not drag actual sufferers by accident in the process. I wish there was a way to “just know” someone is faking. But there isn’t. But I hope that this rant on a hot afternoon in my country does add something useful to the discussion.
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
Foreign language w class 78 brainrot re-emerged
The chronicles of Kyle, [insert Sayaka’s FL class name here], and Leonard
Literally half of their after school shenanigans consist of Sayaka and Kaz clowning tf out of Leon and then just
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Celeste doesn’t have to change her name bc it’s easy for English speakers to say so she’s just sitting there like 😌
Leon, Kaz, and Sayaka are literally just Blonde Boyz adjacent
I believe in bruh girl Sayaka supremacy
Sayaka’s good at English bc Ultimate Pop Sensation?? She probably did international tours with her group at some point
Celeste & Byakuya are fast learners for some English phrases bc French-English cognates
Taka’s good at it bc study first fun later but he struggles sometimes bc auditory processing issues and not all of the vocab is written down bc the curriculum tries to promote and prioritize verbal fluency over written accuracy bc they don’t want the students to never talk in the language they’re learning bc of using writing as a crutch (in the administration’s eyes)
Mondo and Leon learn All The Swear Words
Kaz and Taka vocal stimming with fun & meaningless English phrases bc oooo different sound feels good and sounds nice
also sobbb try as I might I couldn’t find anything NEARLY as funny for Sayaka. Sophie?? Shannon?? Sarah???
The only thing Sayaka, Kaz, and Leon do as friends,,,,,is bully each other,,,,,,and I simply think that’s valid /hj
Honestly I think I would be hilarious if Sayaka’s name weren’t particular funny so she could just sit there the whole time making fun of both of them like
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bruh girl Sayaka is SO good. like first impression? dainty lil lass. adorable. would make ur parents proud if u brought her home. Her actual personality??? Walks into friends’ dorms unannounced wearing sunglasses and playing a trumpet. Sends deep fried memes and reaction images in the group chat (she’s gone entire weeks without sending an actual texted word). When asked where she’s been, responds with “fuckin ur bitch.”
Sayaka memes very hard and I appreciate that :>
And yes!!! She gets so excited and cocky whenever they teach a phrase that she’s either heard of or already knew!! And she answers a lot of questions correctly about grammar and word placement and is just like :) the entire time and everyone else who’s struggling wants to kill her ❤️
Byakuya 🤝 Celeste
not crying over the foreign language class because they have an advantage
also highkey Byakuya is very easy to bully whenever he gets too snippy now because all anyone has to say is “shut up, bernard”
he can get perfect scores on written tests because he Knows the information, but actually having to say things??? in the moment??? having to process information and then RESPOND to it??? IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE???? he’s in hell that’s hell for him
Taka and Makoto are So Tired™️ someone pls help them
And yes????? vocal stimming,,,,,in different language,,,,,,,,good for brainnbbbb,,,,,,,very nice??? Kaz usually just sits in the corner of the classroom and stares vacantly at his desk while quietly repeating a word that feels nice to him and whoever is sitting in front of him just kinda has to Deal With It hsvsbdbdbddv (it’s probably hajime which yknow what is fine?? because as much as haj and kaz joke that they hate each other, they are actually best friends and Hajime would die for his idiot best friend so he knows Kaz is doing it because he Needs to so honestly??? whenever he hears Kaz repeating a phrase or a word over and over he just goes :) because it genuinely makes him happy)
And Taka!!!!!!!! I feel like Taka’s the type of person who will repeat phrases during conversation? Like see what I’m thinking is that Kaz has a tendency to repeat phrases and words while alone?? and the things he says usually don’t have much meaning aside from “this feels good so I am going to say it over and over and over” whereas Taka, on the other hand, will be involved in conversation with another person, and then randomly repeat a phrase that he’s just said!!
Like he’s speaking, and then suddenly something he says felt Really Good To Say, so he repeats it a couple of times!!! He also does what Kaz does, where he repeats things on his own, but to a lesser extent!
aaaa I’m not sure if my take on Kaz and Taka rlly made much sense, but??? hdvsvdvdvw
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zosonils · 4 years
Haven't watched Phineas and Ferb in forever but. Your headcanons. Hand them over (please.)
hjdfnj aye aye o7 prepare for ferb posting
biromantic ace ferb. yes this is projecting.
the only ‘hetero’ in ferb is heterochromia babey!! i’m considering headcanoning it as acquired somehow but i haven’t done enough research to pin anything down so for now i’m treating it as congenital
had a bilateral cleft lip when he was born, got it fixed with surgery pretty early on but that’s why his top lip sticks out a bit the way it does
autistic and inattentive adhd babey B) of course the entire pnf cast has autism but like. ferb specifically is coded as autistic so hard that even neurotypicals can pick up on it and that’s super chad of him
he’s very prone to sensory overload, mostly with bright or flashing lights, hence why he wears sunglasses more often than anyone else [that i’m aware of] - it’s not as bad if it’s coming from something he and phineas made, because he usually made the lights and knows exactly where and when they’ll come on
he actively dislikes verbal communication in most circumstances, so he mostly speaks out loud when there’s no way of translating what he has to say into nonverbal form or when the situation otherwise necessitates it! generally he’s more chatty with family or close friends, and avoids talking to people he doesn’t know as well [side note i absolutely love how accomodating of this everyone is in-universe, pnf really went ‘nonverbal people are valid and you literally don’t have to force them to communicate in a way that’s uncomfortable for them’]
although he doesn’t necessarily talk much he still vocalises a fair bit, either to communicate or to stim!
he mostly stims vocally by humming or repeating noises, or by hand/arm flapping. also he and phineas probably invented the ultimate stim toy as one of their daily projects so they both have one of those to play around with when they need to stim more quietly
he’s got slight social anxiety, hence why phineas always takes centre stage when they’re presenting their projects to anyone - he knows that ferb hates being the centre of attention, so he always handles interacting with people while making sure to give his bro the credit he deserves
he and phineas have a REALLY tight relationship that i would need another entire infodump garbage ask to cover completely but tldr they’re pretty much the most important people in each other’s lives [at least at the time pnf takes place]. ferb looks up to phineas a fair bit for things like his boundless optimism and creativity, although he can also see right through phin’s social cluelessness and complexity addiction, so it balances out and he never has issues with putting phineas on a pedestal or thinking one of them isn’t good enough for the other
as opposed to phineas’ general naivety about the situation, ferb straight up knows that candace wants them to get in trouble. he hasn’t told either of them simply because they haven’t asked. [also he’s comfortable with the daily routine and doesn’t want to risk changing or breaking it]
i’ve been typing for like a solid hour so i’m gonna stop here whjndkjngdj but thank you for coming to my ted talk!! my inbox is always open if anyone wants to ask after more of my infodumping lmao
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muwur · 4 years
could i request an -oikawa-kuroo-suga- headcanons for a partner with autism/adhd? (autism and adhd in girls can be like, real hard to write if you dont have it or know someone who does so its 100% okay to say no wididnejfufhejrr) especially with like, being embarrassed about stimming in front of them or dealing with rejection sensitive dysphoria as a symptom 😗👉👈 thank yooooooooooou i owe u my liyef
haikyuu + s/o with autism/adhd headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for oikawa, kuroo, suga & tendou
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.3k words
a/n: i got u b! this is wut im here for, to help u feel a lil represented 😌 also ik u a special fren of mine so hehe here u go (happy birthday soon btw c; ily i hope you enjoy pls feel free to lmk if there’s smth youd like me to change ♡)! aLsO pLEASePLEAseplEASe anyone let me know if there is something I wrote in this that doesn’t sit well with you. as someone who does not have autism/adhd or has had much experience around people who do, i cannot portray it accurately. i do not intend to misrepresent anyone’s experiences. i love and care for you all; the last thing i want to do is hurt or offend anyone. thankfully anon + the internet were great sources for me to try to understand things better. tho that is not to say i can fully comprehend these conditions (cuz i never can unless i experience it myself)
n e ways, u r all loveli n i hope ur having an amazing day <3
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just wanna preface that these bois would love anyone for who they are, and would do their best to support you in whatever ways possible <3
✧ oikawa had been replying consistently to your messages before suddenly disappearing with no explanation,,,
✧ at first it seemed like nothing, but after several hours and follow up texts from yourself, you couldn’t help but think that maybe he just didn’t want to reply to you
✧ maybe he didn’t even like you anymore
✧ fear that every moment you shared together meant nothing settled in the pit of your stomach
✧ a while later you received a phone call from a very apologetic oikawa, who was explaining that he dropped his phone in the bowl of ramen he was eating and had to go to the store and wait for hours before finally getting a new one and--
✧ “a-are you crying? hey, what’s wrong? i’m sorry i was gone for so long. i’m here now.”
✧ will definitely come over immediately to give you reassuring cuddles
✧ “you mean the world to me. i never want to hurt you, and i never want to leave you, either.”
✧ makes sure to communicate very clearly with you to reassure you what he really means
✧ always reminding you how much he cares about you to reinforce in your head that he’s always going to be there for you
✧ does self-care days with you to destress because life is tough (*cue selfies with face masks and laying in bed for hours with each other’s comforting presence*)
✧ very quick to defend and protect you from people who hurt you. will ask, “excuse me, can i help you?” with a piercing glare that’ll get anyone to back down
✧ gives you constant reassurance about your stimming
✧ helps you interpret social cues and situations, gives you tips on how to handle your interactions with others and in under circumstances (as well as how to remain calm in your own mind)
✧ practices positive self-talk with you because he wants to help you see how great you are
✧ anyone who doesn’t see it is at a loss and is irrelevant, they don’t exist in oikawa’s book 💅
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✧ always educating himself so he knows how to be helpful
✧ unintentionally embarrassed you once by asking what you were doing when he caught you stimming once (which was when he found out about it)
✧ he was genuinely curious and meant no harm, and he apologized for bringing it up how he did
✧ however, he was glad he asked you so that he could be informed and reassure you that stimming is okay. he understands the importance of it and he’d prefer you have something to help you self-soothe. no judgment here, this is a safe space
✧ takes mental notes on all your favorite stims (verbal, visual, tactile, oral, proprioception, etc)
✧ even discovers new stims for you to try and buys you things to help with them (“here, this is a fidget spinner, y/n” or “you know they make CHEWABLE JEWLERY? they call it CHEWELRY. that’s genius. *typing on phone* what colors do you like, babe?” )
✧ encourages you to talk about your feelings and find additional coping strategies (“let’s try this neat breathing technique i learned about today!”)
✧ saves you from overwhelming situations (ie. pulling you out of a crowd, shutting down really noisy things, giving you space to clear your head and breathe)
✧ ruffles your hair as a sign of affection and calls you cute nicknames
✧ helps you study, make plans, and stay organized. tries to keep things interesting and interactive so you don’t lose interest/find it boring
✧ when you’re having an especially hard time focusing, he’ll pull you aside for a relaxing break like talking a small walk, watching an episode of y’alls favorite show, sharing a snack, playing a game, looking at memes or tik tok, chatting, etc
✧ makes sure to validate your feelings first and acknowledge your concerns before giving you his thoughts
✧ helps you view situations from a different perspective so you don’t assume rejection from others. when there is some form of rejection, he’s there to help you cope with the emotions 
✧ gives you a lot of hugs when you’re feeling dejected and lonely, reminding you he’ll never leave your side 
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✧ he’s quite perceptive, so when he noticed your unease, he asked you about it
✧ embarrassed but not wanting to lie, especially to suga, you admitted to being afraid of stimming around him and that you had been trying to hold back from it (even if it was hard)
✧ his eyes immediately soften as he tells you that there’s no reason to be embarrassed about it
✧ he just wants you to be yourself and feel comfortable
✧ learns about all of your stims. totally supports and normalizes them (however, if they’re ever self-injurous, he’ll do research and consult expert help to redirect the behavior)
✧ will absolutely take good care of you, he’s not sugamama for no reason
✧ a great listener! always hearing you out when you talk about your passions and interests
✧ wants you to express yourself however you can because he understands communication may not always be easy (reminder that communication and expression aren’t always verbal!)
✧ praises you and hypes you up all the time, going on about how there’s so much about you he loves
✧ has the most soothing voice ever. will whisper you sweet, reassuring words to calm and ease your mind
✧ will even just hum for you. lit rally anything. the suga juke box varies from lullabies to funky fresh songs
✧ very patient and will support you when you feel upset, frustrated, and/or have outbursts
✧ encourages you to talk about your feelings, but never pressures you. shares his own thoughts and feelings to help you open up, asks you thoughtful questions
✧ may be ultimate soft boi but gives anyone the look™ if they even just stare, and goes feral if someone’s ever rude to you in any way, calls them tf out and is #satisfied when he gets them to apologize
✧ also helps you study and be organized! good at creating schedules and encouraging you to stick with them
✧ constantly making sure you eat sufficient meals 😋 and get enough rest 😴 will nag you until you do
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✧ MORE THAN HAPPY TO PROVIDE ALL THE STIMULATION YOU NEED, says it’s an opportunity to give each other mutual attention and bond
✧ but will also provide you an outlet for just relaxing and unwinding
✧ will talk to you for hours and hours about your favorite shows/movies/books
✧ always treating you to your favorite snacks/flavors and discovering new things for you to try that will match your taste/texture preferences (only the best for u 😌)
✧ curious about how stims make you feel and asks you to describe those sensations to him  
✧ thinks it’s super cool when you can finish his sentences for him,,, cuz it’s like y’all on the same wavelength (you gellll)
✧ if anyone made you feel bad,,, o boy
✧ tendou would intimidate them to the point he would probably appear in their nightmares ffegjegk this is why you don’t fuck with this man or those who cares about 
✧ king of spontaneity and asks if you’re down to do the most random things
✧ “let’s buy a trampoline”
✧ *2 am* “you down for some fries and dip? and by dip i mean m i l k s h a k e s”
✧ of course he’ll never suggest things he knows you would be uncomfortable with. never puts you in a stressful situation and always makes sure you’re enjoying yourself
✧ invites you everywhere and makes sure you feel included. always by your side!
✧ squeezes your hand whenever he can tell you’re feeling anxious
✧ if you feel anxious about trying new things, he’s there to encourage you! recounts all the positive aspects 
✧ but if you’re really excited to try something, you bet he’ll match your excitement
✧ a very good listener. empathizes a lot with being misunderstood or seen as “different,” and is therefore a major source of comfort
✧ constantly showing you how to be yourself and that you shouldn’t feel ashamed about it, cuz that’s who he fell in love with
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rebelscum-2187 · 4 years
So after nearly 22 years of life on this planet, I’ve come to the conclusion that I am high functioning autistic. I believe I fell through the cracks of an early diagnosis for the following reasons:
1.) I am Female (I learned how to mask myself very early on)
2.) I have a gifted IQ (above 130) and was classified as such in 4th grade so no one considered that I could be both ASD and intellectually gifted.
I am in the beginning stages of unmasking and am currently seeking an official diagnosis. Right now, I’m trying to write down everything I know about my neurodivergent experience so here’s a list of things I’ve experienced and believe to be relevant. If you can relate or you understand please comment and share! I’m new to this community and it feels so good to finally meet people who understand and can relate. Ok, Here we go.
“So the general population doesn’t memorize scripts to movies or watch the same one every day for a year?”
“People think it’s weird that I prefer to have subtitles on when I watch stuff, even though I don’t have damaged hearing”
“I watch movies with subtitles because I won’t understand what’s said if I don’t read it. I have no hearing issues.”
“I cannot hear/understand someone if I have one ear bud in and one out. Too much sensory input at once.”
“I thought I had a hearing deficit because I literally could not understand people at church or parties or other places with a lot of background noise, and I was so confused when they told me my hearing was normal.”
“I love star wars. Not just love but I could tell you what planet each character is from and what kind of ship they use, what model droid that one is and I will gladly talk about it all day if you let me. Everyone now gets me Star Wars stuff for my birthday and holidays”
“Eye contact is so uncomfortable for me that sometimes it ‘burns’ to maintain it, but then I overcompensate and stare too intensely. Over the years, being female, I’ve forced myself to make eye contact for a certain number of seconds and then look away a certain number of seconds but I’m concentrating so hard on that, that I don’t remember anything that was said to me.”
“Giving me verbal directions is a special kind of hell. I need it written down.”
“I can memorize pictures of things and exactly where every kid sat in my 10th grade US history class as well as my 9th grade geometry class.”
“I never fit in anywhere, in my childhood, most of my adolescence, except the swim team and my new church.”
“Team sports are the worst. I can’t communicate fast enough, I’m bad with hand eye coordination and keeping track of a ball. I excelled in individual sports and fell in love with swimming.”
“I often found it much easier to make friends with older kids because I could have intelligent conversations with them and their good social skills could make up for my lack of social skills.”
“But, I had a few friends that were considerably younger who I could still play imaginatively with dolls when I was 13 and one particular friend was 9. I had a lot of trouble getting a long with her sister who was the same age as me.”
“It physically pains me to hear someone mispronounce a word, spell something wrong, or make a grammatical mistake. I corrected my cousin A LOT when we were kids, she frequently got mad and I couldn’t understand why. My grandma would tell me to stop because correcting people is rude.”
“One of my special interests as a kid was dolphins. I was 5-6 years old and I remember being so excited when my mom let me check out like 10 books from the library and I read them quickly and multiple times.”
“I corrected a teacher one time about dolphins. She said dolphins weren’t whales and I knew FOR A FACT that ‘dolphins were a type of small whale’ because I read it in one of my books. She laughed at me and so did the rest of the class and I felt stupid even though I was right. This led to me suppressing my knowledge and real self and ultimately more masking.”
“As per that last one, my memory is impeccable.”
“I had another special interest in dogs when I got a bit older. My mom bought me a book with every kind of breed of dog, where they came from, their temperament, their size, everything. I can still, to this day, tell you the breed of dog just by looking at it.”
“I always wanted a best friend but never had one. I had groups of friends but never someone who would call me their best friend. When I got a boyfriend in high school, I was so excited because he called me his best friend and he was mine and I finally had that feeling reciprocated. He also had a gifted IQ and dyslexia, ADHD and a few other things so we understood each other quite well.”
“I can’t tell if someone is flirting with me because I can’t read between the lines. I also don’t know how to flirt because if I like a guy too much I get soooo nervous and I stumble over my words and it’s a disaster.”
“When I liked this guy (last year, 2019) I would freeze up so bad when I talked to him that I rehearsed every conversation I wanted to have with him so I wouldn’t mess it up. I would write topics in the notes section of my phone before hanging out with him so I’d remember what to ask him. It made for very awkward and forced conversations and probably drove him away.”
“Sarcasm and jokes almost always go over my head. The boyfriend I had in high school was very funny and outgoing but used a lot of sarcasm and it always caused disagreements because I took him seriously when he was being sarcastic.”
“I talk slowly and very monotone.”
“I have no difficulty reading in my head and can read/comprehend it well, but reading aloud is difficult and I often stumble over words and mess up.”
“I need directions repeated multiple times before I understand.”
“I went to the beach to hang out with some church friends yesterday. They all play spike ball and are so confused as to why I sit there and don’t play. I’ve tried playing spike ball but it involves way too much hand eye coordination and I’m so bad at it that it’s embarrassing. So I don’t play.”
“That same night, a group of them said ‘let’s play uno!’ And I was so happy to play something familiar that didn’t involve a lot of coordination. Then they said ‘we’re playing SPICY uno, right?’ And immediately my heart sank because I knew they were playing a different way that I wasn’t familiar with. Again, receiving verbal directions was hell and I didn’t understand it. I was so bad at it and wasn’t getting it, and in the middle of the game I had the urge to cry. I wanted to cry because I couldn’t even get this right. I suppressed the urge, of course, so they wouldn’t think I was even more weird than the already suspected. Another group of people that I wouldn’t fit in with.”
“Making friends has always been so difficult. Once I make a good friend I hang on to them for as long as possible even if they’re not very nice because I’m scared I’ll have to make a new one if I lose them. And we all know how hard making new friends is for me.”
“I’m a perfectionist. Especially with my art projects. When I took a painting class I realized I do it the wrong way. You’re supposed to paint layer by layer over the entire canvas and focus on small details at the very end. I work on one small area at a time and do small details too soon. I often spend way too much time on small details before I realize that the larger shape of the object isn’t proportionate and then it’s too late.”
“I won’t even attempt tasks if I know I can’t do them perfectly.”
“I have perfect pitch. I don’t know if that has anything to do with autism or that I just started music lessons when I was young. I can tune instruments perfectly without a tuner or reference note and I never understood why my orchestra teacher had me play the A key on the piano over and over again while she walked around and tuned everyone’s instruments when I could do it without any reference. I can hear it in my head.”
“When my parents got me a keyboard at age 7-8, they were impressed because I could sit down, without listening to any song and find the notes of a song I liked by ear. I still do that today but my piano is very out of tune and it bothers me.”
“Autistic boys tend to isolate and not care about concealing their stims or weird behavior but girls don’t. I am a ‘loner’ and always have been but I want so badly to belong and have friends and socialize, but I’ve always been so bad at it that I strike out every time. I often drink at social gatherings because it helps me loosen up and talk more freely. I guess it helps me lose the mask for a while.”
“I HATE people touching me. I’ve always hated it and still hate it to this day unless it’s someone I’m super comfortable with. I’ve been told I have the ‘dead fish hand shake’ and I’m an awkward hugger. My friend picked me up from behind and carried me for a few seconds because we were all goofing off and having fun but afterwards I was so mad at him I got really quiet and didn’t talk for a while. I told him later on the ride home that if he did that again I would slap him. “
“Everyone thinks it’s weird that I don’t like touching people, and some of my friends who also don’t like touching people were abused and I always thought, ‘there had to be a reason, maybe I was abused as a kid and repressed it.’ It’s been so long and I’ve finally realized that maybe it’s just because I have Aspergers or ASD. “
“When I make sarcastic remarks or jokes I often have to clarify because I say them in such a monotone way that people think I’m serious.”
“I’ve always joked that I’m just really clumsy and uncoordinated, and chalked it up to being tall and lanky. That’s why swimming was the perfect sport for me. Little to no risk of injury and not much hand eye coordination needed to be good at it. Just hours of practice, technique and endurance.”
“I also injure myself quite a lot because I’m ‘a klutz.’”
“Stims: I scratch my head and then smell my fingers and I will do this for hours if I am able (I know that one is weird so I only do it at home) popping my knuckles a ridiculous amount of times when I feel uncomfortable and don’t know what to do with my hands. I twirl my hair constantly (that one is pretty socially acceptable so I do it in class nonstop). I tap my foot or bounce my leg, I make weird facial expressions and forget to hide those. People notice but they often think it’s funny because I’ll make a face if someone says something dumb and make an expression that people seem to relate to. I scrunch my nose if I’m uncomfortable or just whenever.”
Special interests: Star Wars, Disney (I know every word to every Disney song and I watch animated Disney movies over and over again, like literally every night) dolphins, the ocean, dogs, theology/the Bible.
“With my art work, and other things, I will get so focused on a painting that I will work non stop for 8-9 hours (all day basically) and not eat because I’m so focused that I forget to eat.”
“I think I slur my words a lot and sometimes my friends will laugh and be like ‘did you just say ____.?!?!’And I’ll clarify and they will continue laughing and say ‘oh it sounded like you said this.’ I hate when that happens.”
“Loud noises really bother me. I jump if I hear an unexpected loud noise and I hate people yelling, even if it’s not directed at me, it makes me want to cry. “
“I loved the color blue so much as a kid (I still do) but my entire wardrobe was basically different shades of blue t-shirts. I also only ever wore baggy t-shirts and baggy cargo shorts (I kinda dressed like a boy) because it was comfortable and I didn’t like getting comments if I looked “cute today”. I hated the attention. I also never ever wore my hair down to school. It always had to be up in a tight pony tail. I still don’t like my hair being in my face to this day and wear it up almost every day.”
“The other day, I was hanging out with a friend and she was trying to tell a story but I kept getting distracted and interrupting her. She said, ‘Emily, you kind of interrupt people a lot.’ At first I was hurt, but then I realized it’s not entirely my fault and it’s an autistic thing.”
“I mask so much that I have rehearsed responses to social interactions and will often get so nervous or start speaking from the script before I realize I’ve said the wrong response. Of course I’ll think about it all day after that and think of ‘well great, so and so thinks I’m weird now.’”
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Owl House AU Ideas, ZA SECOND!!
Hello again. A second AU! That was quick. Admittedly, this had been on my back burner, so there’s that. Just to say it now, this isn’t as fleshed out as my first post.
Lackey!: We all know Boscha, right? Annoying, egotistical, bully, award winning jock, you all know the type, even if only through media. What would she be like if she lost it all, and it was all her own fault? 
(Trigger Warning: This AU deals with drug addiction, and is meant to represent how much of a slippery slope the use of drugs can be, especially when lacking an effective intervention or when people aren’t willing to push the issue and get the addict HELP. More than anything, this AU is a representation of how badly drugs can ruin a person’s life because they can’t be bothered to think that there might be consequences. It is not meant to blame people suffering from drug addiction, I am not a victim blamer, it is merely to represent how badly drugs can affect a person’s life, especially when they have a lot to lose and start taking them anyway. Drug addiction can come about due to a variety of sources, and those suffering from it need help above all else.)
This premise is based on a rather simple idea that quickly spiraled in my mind into an AU: what if Boscha had an addiction, and it set off a chain of events? Boscha basically has it all as far as she is concerned, she is popular, she is a top athlete, she has awesome friends (idk if she actually thinks this), and great social media presence; she's basically on top of the world, so why not see what all life has to offer her? She decides to make (and take) a stim (my version of a drug on the Boiling Isles, in the form of a potion; each stim gives you some kind of high, along with other wacky magical effects), and rapidly takes a liking to them. While under the influence of her stims, Boscha is more active, passionate, even friendlier, the only problem? Stims are hard to make, VERY HARD. Her solution? Buy them! As Boscha starts buying stims in bulk, she gradually starts needing more and more to get the same affect, draining her funds even further, and when not on her stims, she was far angrier and aggressive. As Boscha drained her funds to fuel her addiction, she quickly realize that she would need a fast, untraceable source of income to keep fueling it. And it just so happens that there is a rather infamous Wild Witch running a business right there in Bonesburough! After managing to track her down, Boscha basically demands, then threatens, then bargains, and then ultimately begging on hands and knees for Eda to give her a job. At first, Eda doesn't question it, labor is labor, and while she would prefer it to be free, it still means she can bring in higher profits. However, she quickly takes stock of the fact that, in spite of the money she gets from her parents and Eda herself, Boscha never seems to have any on hand which, in addition to her mood swings, tips her off to Boscha's little habit. And, in true closet bleeding heart fashion, Eda decides to have a sit down with Boscha over her habit. Despite the numerous reassurances from the bold triclops, as well as the promises to be careful, Eda realizes that she cannot help the girl until she is ready to admit she needs help, settling (for the moment) with merely keeping an eye on Boscha's behavior. As Boscha dives deeper and deeper into her addiction, she progressively becomes more and more erratic and aggressive in between her fixes, causing others to draw away from her, with even her parents noticing just how much her behavior has changed. This all culminates in a confrontation two weeks before Canon, in which Willow walks in on her about to take a stim. In the ensuing confrontation, Boscha snaps, brutally pummeling Willow into the ground, the one-sided fight, more an assault, spilling over into the halls, leading the whole school to see Boscha beating Willow in a raving, screaming frenzy. When she finally calms down, Boscha is shocked and horrified to see just how badly injured Willow is, with several students and teachers rapidly rushing to get her away from the downed girl and taking her to the Healers. The fight ends up exposing Boscha's stim addiction to the entire school, casting into doubt all of her Grudgby victories. The fallout is so widespread that Boscha is left completely ostracized; no one wants to associate the girl liable to beat you nearly to death at the drop of a hat and (allegedly) cheated her way to numerous victories after all. Her parents are so embarrassed by her behavior, they essentially disown her, only associating so far as to ensure she has enough money to keep going to Hexside and live in a crappy apartment with food and hygiene, and only at the bare minimum level. At first, Boscha attempts to act in her usual fashion, and tries to complain to Amity about it all. It, understandably, doesn't go well. Seeing Willow beaten so horribly leaves Amity furious, and while she manages to maintain her general demeanor, she delivers a brutal verbal smack-down to the now outcast witch. Something along these lines: "You, you really expect me to help you, don't you? That has to be the most laughable thing I have ever heard. Let's review the facts as to why that will NEVER happen: you've been taking drugs, damaging your body potentially irreparably in the long run and throwing all your so-called "Grudgby Greatness" in to question and embarrassing Hexside for who knows how many generations. You brutalized a fellow witch, never mind that it's "Half-A-Witch Willow," and in doing so alienated every potential ally you could've had in the long run here at Hexside. And most importantly, you embarrassed your family name; how do your parents feel, knowing they raised an out of control Giraffe-spawn? And yes, that's what people have been calling you lately, just in case you haven't figured it out. All that and you really think I'd be willing to help you!? (Breathes in deeply, and exhales) You are pathetic Boscha. You are arrogant, aggressive, and have singlehandedly destroyed all credibility your family has with the school, if not the entire town, because you couldn't control yourself. (Gives a bitter grin) At least now my parents will no longer see a reason to have me associate with someone as UTTERLY WORTHLESS as you." After all is said and done, Boscha falls into a bitter depression, starts cutting classes, and devotes more and more of her time into being Eda's Lackey. Eda, while justifiably furious for what Boscha has done, helps take care of her and putting her back together into a functional Witch, though the events at Hexside have driven a wedge between them.
After 'bout a week, Boscha manages to settle into a rut: help Eda's business, occasionally go to Hexside, go home, go to sleep, repeat as necessary. After Luz arrives, however, she is forced to switch out of her rut. Boscha originally finds Luz annoying, seeing her as a disruption to her daily life, gradually (and grudgingly) building a mild camaraderie with the excitable human. While the two aren't exactly good friends, Luz genuine nature and passion for magic manages to win over Boscha enough that they are comfortable around each other. The revelation of what she had done, however, drives a wedge between them. Luz is torn between disappointment that her new friend was a bully, and empathy over her struggle as a recovering addict.
As always, feel free to ask questions, comment, or use the idea how you see fit. For those out there struggling with addiction, or know someone who is, don’t be afraid to reach out and get help; your life and safety are more important than your pride, and there is nothing to be ashamed of in looking after your health and happiness.
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for the character thing; cody, obi wan, and ur oc pova (is that how you spell it?)
YEAHYEAHYEAH (also that is how you spell it) I see we’re doing the whole family and I LOVE it.
I was in the middle of answering this and then I went to find my favorite episodes and Tumblr ate whatever I was working on sooooo I start over.
Why I like them: Sass. Fandom’s interpretation as Ultimate Big Brother (behind Alpha-17, of course). Mysterious scar. And he’s pretty.
Why I don’t: Honestly? The fact that the clones are slave soldiers, and the fact that fandom tends to give racially biased interpretations of the clones (I’m guilty of this too). Nothing to do with Cody himself, honestly, which isn’t to say he’s perfect or anything, I find him to be rough around the edges but who wouldn’t be in his shoes?
Favorite episode: s1e16 The Hidden Enemy. This one is probably on my top 5 list even without Cody. But guys. GUYS. “Hey there, Slick. Gun’s empty.” WHAT COULD BE MORE ICONIC?
Favorite film: Okay technically these questions were “episode/scene if a movie” and “season/movie” but because he’s in both I’m gonna have to go with a film for this one. Revenge of the Sith. Listen, I can’t watch ROTS without crying but damn if I don’t love Cody in it anyway. The lightsaber scene will ALWAYS get me. (Season 1 gets an honorable mention.)
Favorite line: Uh. Well. Okay so. “Hey there, Slick. Gun’s empty.” *holds up mag* LISTEN GUYS I LOVE THAT ONE. Although he also gets points for “I’m putting you in charge of this one.” I don’t know if season 1 just has a lot of iconic Cody lines, or if it’s because I’ve been watching that season in Spanish lately.
Favorite outfit: ... his armor? No actually though, I love his Phase II armor. Phase I is cool but Phase II has the cool ventilators. And how can I not make fun of his antenna?
OTP: Codywan. Ideally in a post-war fix-it or semi-fix-it where there isn’t a huge power imbalance, but I’ve been known to read Codywan stuff that takes place during the war, especially before I was as cognizant of the power imbalance as I am now.
BroTP: Cody and Rex. I’m sure y’all saw that one coming. I mean it’s CODY and REX, I’m pretty sure that’s everyone’s BroTP!
Headcanon: So this might be a good time to mention that I headcanon everyone everywhere as autistic. Everyone is autistic. Cody is autistic. Okay actually though, I headcanon that Cody has a great deal of anxiety. He handles it well, and he has a support system, but given his entire life, and the fact that he’s a Marshal Commander, and further more the headcanon we collectively have that Obi-Wan insists on promoting Cody to get out of paperwork because Cody deserves it, he’s probably anxious. And man, same.
Unpopular opinion: Do I have one? Tbh I don’t know how to determine whether an opinion about a character is unpopular. How do we define unpopular? Do we mean just like, not commonly known or shared? Because if so, I once again raise for your consideration: everyone is autistic, therefore Cody is autistic.
A wish: For Disney to retcon Order 66. Barring that, for the Bad Batch show to give him a happy ending involving the removal of his chip and the opportunity to live happily ever after with Obi-Wan on Tatooine. (Is the Bad Batch show going to be live-action like Kenobi? Because PLEASE give me Temuera Morrison playing Cody in both.)
An oh-gosh-please-don’t-ever-happen: Don’t laugh. Order 66. Listen I KNOW it’s canon but that doesn’t mean I have to like it!
5 words to best describe them: Salty. Snarky. Protective. Competent. Thoughtful.
My nickname for them: honestly, just Codes or Kote. Not much to get out of Cody, really.
Why I like them: HE’S PRETTY. And sassy. There’s a pattern here.
Why I don’t: I don’t think there’s ever a time in canon that he acknowledges all the issues with the clones’ existence. He does in fanon, which I can appreciate, but canonically he’s like, “ah yes, we bought 3.2 million humans. We’ll just stick them in this war I guess.” Also frankly he’s a bit oblivious, bordering on daft, especially considering he’s the Negotiator, I mean he KEPT HIS LAST NAME when he went into hiding. I still love him though.
Favorite scene: That deleted “good girl, Boga” scene, which just hits different when you’ve read Master & Apprentice and know how much he loves varactyls. I don’t care that it’s deleted. It’s my favorite. (Plus you’ll probably like this better than my favorite episode, which is the Kadavo episode.)
Favorite film: Attack of the Clones. Listen listen listen, he has a lot of good moments in TCW, but hands down it’s AOTC.
Favorite line: Eheheheheheh. Eheheheheheheh. Eheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh. “Hello there!”
Favorite outfit: Was gonna make a comment about Jedi robes but then I remembered his stolen Mandalorian armor in The Lawless and *swoons* that’s one pretty outfit.
OTP: ... also Codywan. Again, ideally in an AU with less of a power imbalance, I mean it doesn’t matter how much he promotes Cody, canonically he’s still a Jedi and Cody is still a slave and I just don’t love that but I live for Codywan. Domestic Codywan? *chef’s kiss*
BroTP: probably Obi-Wan and Anakin. Maybe Obi and Padmé? Idk I have Thoughts about Anakin, he’s a problem child, but not much can top the agony in “You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!” (I like whump, okay?) Also just. Can you imagine the Negotiator just being buds with Senator Amidala? Helping each other with domestic disputes and speeches? Working on a Clone Rights Bill? Yeah. Can it be a broT3? What if we just don’t have Anakin and Padmé dating? It’s such an unhealthy relationship. That’s it, broT3 is Anakin, Padmé, and Obi-Wan.
Headcanon: ACE!OBI ACE!OBI ACE!OBI!!!!!! Also,,, autistic!Obi. I know I know, but actually genuinely @fromryloth-tocorellia has some pretty good autistic!Obi-Wan stuff, including Obi-Wan being semi-verbal, low-verbal, and non-verbal. Autistic characters is a hill I will die on, and Obi-Wan is a character I happen to enjoy projecting on (oops). Plus, if I headcanon Cody and Obi-Wan as autistic, then the entire Ibonek family is autistic, and I love that.
Unpopular opinion: The only reason Obi-Wan “left Anakin to die” was because there was nothing he could safely do to help. When I was taking first aid classes, one of the first things they told us was that, unless there is no danger to yourself, you do not help. You wait for actual first responders to show up. If Obi-Wan had tried to help Anakin, either Anakin would have killed him or Obi-Wan would also have been severely burned. And if he had stayed, he may have been caught by Palpatine. Is it sad that he left? Absolutely. Heartbreaking. I don’t think it was a GOOD decision. But he didn’t just leave him to die; there was no other safe option. There were no good decisions here. I have a lot of thoughts about this, I have half-written essays on Discord about it, feel free to ask further questions.
A wish: For Qui-Gon’s dying words to be retconned. I know I wrote that post about how his dying words were full of trust in Obi-Wan and I stand by that, but that doesn’t mean Obi-Wan realized that, or that they were a good choice.
An oh-gosh-please-don’t-ever-happen: For the Kenobi show to be sad. It’s not allowed. Obi-Wan can have one fight, and that’s it, he is happy as a clam on Tatooine because he DESERVES GOODNESS DAMNIT.
5 words to best describe them: Kind. Soft. Warm. Compassionate. Daft.
My nickname for them: Obi
What I like about them: They’re my OC and I can do whatever I want with them!
What I don’t: They’re my OC and I’m in charge of them.
(Okay actually though:)
What I like about them: Nonverbal. Pink. Perpetually grumpy.
What I don’t: perpetually grumpy. Seriously how did that happen? Why did I do that? Why is the only time they AREN’T grumpy around Rex or when shopping with Obi-Wan?
Favorite scene: The adoption scene in “Observations on the Nature of Cody Ibonek”.
Favorite work: Probably “Observations”. It’s the first one that’s entirely from Pova’s point of view.
Favorite line: “He was making fun of my stimming. I was already having a bad day. I punched him. It’s whatever.” POVA NO. (Pova yes.)
Favorite outfit: Uh. Haven’t given it much thought yet? Haven’t done many character designs, although fromryloth-tocorellia did one for me and it’s my icon at @ver-writes-things if you want to check that out? Also my Halloween costume is gonna be a super basic cosplay of them and I’ll probably post that.
OTP: None. First of all, the oldest I’ve written them so far is 14. Second, I don’t have any other characters their age yet. Maybe the six kids from the Gathering episode survived? But even then I probably wouldn’t ship it. And I mean, not every character needs a romantic ship.
BroTP: Either Pova and Rex or Pova and Luke. Rex is like big brother/cool uncle, and Luke is like little brother. As of right now, though, definitely Rex, as I haven’t written much of anything with Luke.
Headcanon: I don’t have any because all my headcanons about this character are CANON! Man I love having OCs.
Unpopular opinion: to quote Paige Layle on TikTok: “Stop using the term low functioning autistics when you really mean that they’re just nonverbal. And nonverbal autistics still have a lot to say, they just have a hard time talking.” Basically, I’m certain that as this AU gains traction, Pova’s gonna start getting flak from readers for being nonverbal. It hasn’t happened yet, and maybe I’m just being pessimistic, but just in case someone needs the reminder: No. Stop now. Pova’s autistic. And nonverbal. And not a savant (man I fucking hate that trope). But they are a capable Jedi and, with Cody and Obi, developed a very functional sign language comprised of Jedi hand signals, trade sign language (like from episode 5 of the Mandalorian, that the Tuskens use?), and ARC signals. There will be NO functioning labels on this AU, and Pova has and will continue to have PLENTY to say. If you have a problem you know where the door is.
A wish: For everyone to love my kiddo as much as I do!
An oh-gosh-please-don’t-ever-happen: Listen Pova is gonna have a good and happy life. There is trauma and there is bullying and there is heartache but they are going to live a good life with two AMAZING dads. So there is no “don’t ever happen” because it won’t.
5 words to best describe them: Sneaky. Quiet. Excitable. Compassionate. Snarky.
My nickname for them: Kiddo or my kiddo.
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standarrow · 4 years
pls tell me ALL of ur okuyasu headcanons i am very excited to read them!!
BURSTS INTO THE ROOM !!!! OF COURSE i would love to share
(so a lot of this is based on my own personal experience !!! and i admit i am projecting BUT ik this isnt exactly a rare headcanon to have)
to start off: Okuyasu 110% has ADHD (combined!! i dont think he’s either hyperactive or inattentive) (and i would argue autism too but i dont want 2 talk on that as someone whos not entirely sure i have it, when i do have adhd [prof dxed])
how Okuyasu’s emotions and how he processes and expresses them are really reflective of emotional dysregulation and rejection sensitivity !!!! 
anger and crying as a response to the emotional overload of not being able to process how your feeling???
indecisive!! can’t choose one thing!! can lead to some impulsive choices or no choices at all
impulsivity also coming in from the hyperactive part tht means he can end up getting himself in some situations where he hasnt thought things thru
i think he’s also VERY friendly because he genuinely just wants to be liked via that good old rejection sensitivity. i think the way he interacts with josuke as his Special Person and what we get to see of him interacting with keicho highlights that
i think that he also has a low stress tolerance that can feed into his inability to regulate his emotions and it causes him to respond w/ crying or anger
AND ULTIMATELY i think it also plays into how people (and therefore himself through years of people telling him he is) perceive him as “stupid” which he’s not!!!! he’s not. 
okuyasu has a low-self esteem and i think tht stems from making decisions and having rationalizations and ways of DOING things that aren’t what people who dont have ADHD perceive as odd or wrong. he doubts himself a lot and his inability to make “decisions” that people thing are RIGHT makes him feel like hes dumb.
he copes with this by just accepting that about himself and pretends like it doesnt bother him. but he’s also quick to try to please and to try and help and he’s trying!!!!! 
there’s also a lot to say on how his brother always treated him like he couldnt do anything by himself, so he’s used to just brushing his own thoughts under the rug and not trusting himself
augh i also just. i really think he’s bi. LMAO. and that his special interest after meeting Tonio becomes cooking!
he also 100% deals with PTSD post DIU, and has some complex emotions and issues with having to take care of and still loving his father even though his father is. who he is.
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mhaccunoval · 5 years
Charmac after the chardee reveal in time's up?
“You don’t, you don’t just throw around the-the ‘R’ word, Kate,” Dee stammered, fanning herself with her jacket, “It’s hot, right?” 
Charlie glanced over at her again, gulping as he felt another bead of sweat rolling down from his hairline. The collar of his shirt was soaked in said sweat and his hands were clammy around his near empty coffee cup, the only thing keeping them from shaking as he held onto it. 
Verbally admitting that the incident happened had a ball of anxiety beginning to roll and tack on mass in his chest. It was something that was already bad to think about but saying it aloud brought it further forward in his head and made him remember how it all happened. That recollection made him suddenly feel as gross as he had for weeks after it occurred in the first place. 
His saving grace was watching Frank waddle in, robe threatening to open all the way, on the phone for what was probably like the fifteenth time today. He stood up quickly, gripping the coffee lid tightly, and excused himself on the excuse to get more coffee. It wasn’t entirely false as he did go get some more coffee to help fend off his anxiety in one way or another but he didn’t return afterwards. 
It didn’t seem to matter much because it took the gang a while to even notice he hadn’t come back. 
“Hey, where’s Charlie?” Mac belatedly asked, suddenly noticing the absence of that shrill voice that had originally been next to Dee.
“Dee probably scared him off.” Dennis scoffed, rolling his eyes. He had tuned out from the lecture a long while ago but Mac’s question gave him an excuse to indirectly indicate so.
“What? Me?” Dee squawked, shocked unlike she should have been. 
“Well you did… ‘R’-word the man.” Dennis shrugged as he retorted. 
“Will all of you stop that?! I didn’t… ‘R’-word him!” His sister growled back at him. 
“But you do agree that it wasn’t consensual?” He asked, eventually looking over at her.
“I… Sure, whatever.” Kate wasn’t on her side the first time so she had no other way to back herself up. 
“Great. Glad you admitted it. I’m gonna go found Charlie.” Mac announced to them, getting up within seconds and heading outside the conference room. 
He contemplated another cup of coffee but ultimately decided against it, using his new position by the coffee makers as a vantage point to scan the lobby. Charlie was a little man but it was difficult not to see him with the disheveled hair and the bright green of his jacket (not mention the obnoxious volume of his voice if he was talking). There was no sign of him so he chose to wander the adjoining halls for a bit. 
Apparently, there were some off-shoots on this floor that turned into small, flat balconies, perfect for someone to hide away on. Which is exactly what he found Charlie doing when he inevitably found him. 
“Charlie?” He asked softly, pushing the door to the ledge open as gingerly as possible. 
He thought it would startle Charlie but instead, he just turned around briskly and looked at him with sad, dark eyes. His forearms were resting on the railing, sleeves half-ass rolled to his elbows, one hand occupied with cigarette and the other caught mid-stim. 
Mac did a once-over and slightly raised a brow. He had been holding the door to his back for the entire minute he stood there so he finally let it shut slowly, stepping forward to meet Charlie at the railing. When he leaned over to match Charlie’s pose, Charlie watched for a second before pulling out his half empty pack of Marlboros and offering him one.
Mac declined, surprisingly being the only one of the gang who didn’t occasionally smoke. Then again, it may have been a learned habit from being around his mother his entire life. Either way, Charlie had moved on from it instantly and had one hand cupped near the burning end with the other hand striking his lighter to relight the butt, having noticed that it went out. 
“Honestly,” Mac started saying out of the blue, “Sex with Dee isn’t rape. If anything, it’s bestiality and that’s not as bad as rape so.” 
Charlie choked out a laugh, exhaling a small portion of his smoke through that laugh and willfully exhaling the rest through tight lips. 
“But, really, man. That shit sucks but it happened. And everything’s alright so don’t worry about it too hard.” Mac reassured him, rubbing a minute circle on his back. 
Charlie met his eye and slowly nodded with a small sigh. There really wasn’t anything that he could do about it now because what happened had happened but nothing as bad or worse was going to happen in the foreseeable future. At least he could keep that sentiment in mind. 
Mac had absentmindedly turned the hand closest to Charlie palm up so Charlie took it for a moment, gripping it to agree that he was going to be okay. Mac grinned at him for it, making him smile a little back. Charlie took one last drag of his lit cigarette and let it fall to the balcony floor, scuffing it out with the bottom of his worn shoe. 
“Wawa?” He subsequently asked, voice somewhat hoarse between the lack of speaking and the smoking. Mac was just glad that he had finally said something. 
“Yeah, totally.” Mac agreed, grinning wider.
He turned towards the door and lifted his arm, waiting for Charlie to start walking next to him to wrap it around his shoulders. When he did, Charlie put an arm around his waist and shoved his other hand into his jean pocket. 
“So about that ‘I could do better than you’ thing…” Mac started, about to go off on a tangent. 
“Mhm?” Charlie chuckled with a smile, nuzzling his face into Mac’s neck. 
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