fictionkinfessions · 4 days
Reply to @ 748650924689555456/real-talk-but-i-hope-i-dont-ever-cross-the-line
First of all, it was nearly impossible for me to read this essay. You’ve gotta start breaking up more of your ridiculously long paragraphs.
Anyway, this is such an elitist take, which why in the WORLD are we making kinning elitist in the first place? Congratulations on not having that problem or not kinning from every media you consume, do you want like… a medal for that? Some praise? I mean seriously, want do you get from shitting on people who DO kin from everything they consume? Gods forbid they watch, read, play something and see themself in it. I’m not saying it doesn’t become a problem at times, because it definitely can from what I’ve seen, but for serious, what do you think your borderline villain monologue is going to do in this situation beyond making people feel like shit? What’s the point of popping in here, writing all of this ON ANON, and acting like it’s so cool of you?
The people you’re ranting about probably already know it’s a problem and are trying to work on that, or, if they aren’t, have made some peace with it because gods forbid someone finds something that briefly helps them when the world is quite literally falling apart around us. Having a little escapism or a little something to focus on beyond the world being shit is good for people, believe it or not. Makes people happy to find themself in media they consume, little pieces of themself that make them feel better to learn about. Fuck, some people are uncomfortable with exploring parts of themselves without the barrier of kin for trauma reasons, isn’t it a good thing they find multiple parts of themself all over the place?
Anyway. It’s so cool that you kin in the specific way that you do, but the majority of people don’t. Fuck, tons of people don’t even kin spirituality. Regardless of that, who cares if they have an “identity crisis” or split? That doesn’t concern you and frankly, acting like it does and you’re going to make a documentary on the people who probably have life rough enough already is so shitty. This entire ask is so shitty lmfao!!!!
There are tons of problems in fandom spaces that are encouraged by people who kin, I won’t lie, but kinning a ton or pairing two white guys who have “no chemistry” or whatever else you said is REALLY not the issues to focus on. Let’s talk about white people who use names from closed cultures. Or how fandom spaces promote misogyny? How about we focus on something that has real, genuine meaning and doesn’t make people feel terrible for no reason beyond YOU don’t like something?
All your “exposure” is going to do is get people who use kinning as a method of escapism from already horrible lives targeted and harassed more and more by nonkin. I just don’t see the point in this ask beyond “I’m better than you and everyone will see how weird and hollow you guys are 🫶🏻🫶🏻” like idk anon??? Touch grass or something lmfao
Sorry if this is mean mpc, I’m trying not to be, but still get the point across.
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tales-from-sysblr · 11 days
I got fakeclaimed for calling myself the host..what
You... huh? That. INTERESTING.
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tales-from-systok · 1 month
We once saw someone on a tiktok common section claim that "14 year old systems claiming to have like 400+ alters are always fake".. as if there's like an age limit for how many alter you can have? What— "oh, sorry, you're just 14, you should only have 40 alters!" Huh!?
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its-ticsticstics · 1 year
the idea of people 'catching tiktok tics" just blows my mind and the fact that people believe it infuriates me.
imagine if there were any other neurological disorder out there being blamed on social media? like 'Watching Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Videos is Giving Kids Psychogenic Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis" or "Kids Watching People with Epilepsy Catch Epilepsy" would sound fucking INSANE. not believable for a second.
but because Tourettes Syndrome largely affects younger people (by this I mean, the symptoms become noticeable either in early childhood or during puberty), it can easily be spun into "booo social media bad and young people are stupid and too easily influenced" and people gobble it up.
none of it is fucking real. the doctors who supported the idea of "contagious tics" should have their fucking licences revoked.
like i said before- they've simply repacked female hysteria and people are falling for it.
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shoalofone · 7 months
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I have already blocked you because we don't do misinformation here when their are studies done on DID/OSDD, and I never stated I have DID specifically. Trauma is subjective and DID/OSDD is often misdiagnosed because the things we don't know about it, maybe consider doing research before going out and fakeclaiming people you know nothing about.
You see one facet of my life, the things I rant about, not about the trauma I went through, not about my therapy, not about my home life, you know nothing, fuck, my partner is literally a system that fits YOUR definition of a DID but I bet if you talked to them you'd still fucking fakeclaim them
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thecataclysmic6 · 6 months
Can't believe I got fakeclaimed the anniversary of 5 years in treatment for the disorder I am being fakeclaimed for.
We out here winning boys.
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system-of-a-feather · 7 months
Post your diagnosis papers
I know you are just spamming this at all the blogs around and are honestly not doing it in good faith so no matter what I share you aren't going to believe it or really care, but for the sake of it - here is a screenshot from my medical portal from my old DID-specialist back in 2022. I was actually diagnosed October 2018, but the system was switched over in July 2021 and the information was re-put in.
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I'm not gonna humor any "oh well this is how its obviously fake" or what not cause it's not and if you wanna go and post this to fdc or whatever, fine by me. I'm not showing you any of my personal information to look more valid to you. On the off chance that someone reading this ISN'T just looking for a reason to validate their own beliefs
I'm posting it cause honestly, self-diagnosis (at least in America) is in general fine. I'm diagnosed, been in specialized treatment with a DID specialist who worked with the FBI to help treat trafficking victims for 5 years, reached relative functional multiplicity, and really honestly don't give half a fuck about shit anymore.
If you are really that fed up about people "depicting DID as being anything but a horrible nightmare" - regardless of if you have DID or not - go get some therapy and stop hating people for trying to live their life not being miserable. If they're self diagnosed and wrong, they're doing something to try to figure themselves out and make themselves better. If they're self diagnosed and right, they're doing what they can to get better. If they are diagnosed and right, then leave them the fuck alone.
If they're faking, who fucking gives a crap. Either it'll catch up to them and cause themselves damage, they'll fuck up their life trying to hold up the facade, they'll loose friends inherently due to the innate distance such behavior will cause between friends, and/or they have another issue which will eventually arise above.
It really doesn't matter and honestly, the fact I'm getting this message like three days after I saw another person get it leads me to assume you literally have been spending three days sending these messages to people and honestly, that's really sad honestly.
Learn to leave people alone and you'll find your life gets a lot better.
Anyways, take it as you will, I was born into a house filled with domestic violence, neglected, sexually assaulted, and groomed at a young age so, hey, if you wanna say I don't have a right to talk about mental illness go ahead. That's you looking like a clown tho.
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
If you were going to fakeclaim me
what would your reason be?
I'm fakeclaiming all of my followers for being simps, no real system would put up with my shit
Me and my followers:
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theblogof-rassilon · 2 months
the fact you didnt even bother to try a photo id says everything i need to know... fake rassilon! fake rassilon!
Oh you want a fucking photo id, huh??? You, little scoundrel who tried to steal my money?? You want my photo id??? Here's my fucking id!!!!
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Can we please for the love of god stop telling teenagers they’re too young to have aches and pains. Can we please stop being dismissive about these things. Fakeclaiming is disgusting period, but it is exponentially harmful to youth. Just because you didn’t start hurting until your 20s or 30s or 40s doesn’t mean every teenager complaining of chronic pain must be lying. I learned the hard way that if kids are invalidated enough about this, they will just learn to accept constant pain as a fact of life. And then they will need surgery they can’t afford in ten years bc it turns out constant pain is NOT a fact of life. At any age.
p.s. same goes for mental health
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talkingattumble · 7 months
Hi guys! Here’s some advice from a cane user on how to spot a fake cane user/disability faker!
You can not spot a “fake disabled” cane user. You can not know if someone’s “really disabled”, much less by just looking at them. Here are some common misconceptions.
“Cane users always need their canes. If they walk without it or put it away when it’s inconvenient, they’re faking”: WRONG! Many cane users are what we call “ambulatory” cane users. This means they don’t always need their canes to walk. I’m an ambulatory cane user, and I experience really horrible leg pain on the daily. However, I don’t always use my cane, and when I don’t need to walk or stand a lot in a certain place I don’t use it. And when I do use it, I may lift it off the ground or carry it in places that are sandy, gravelly, or otherwise hinder my cane.
“Cane users walk abnormally without their canes, someone who walks normally without their cane is faking”: WRONG! Many ambulatory cane users can walk in a way that seems “normal”. This doesn’t mean they’re not in pain, or not “really disabled”. This just means that their condition doesn’t cause a noticeable difference in walking, and likely manifests in a different way.
“Cane users always need their cane, someone who doesn’t use their cane at home is faking”: WRONG! Cane users may not use their canes at home, because at home they may be able to do things like sit down wherever and whenever, regain more spoons, and use other mobility aids. Additionally, some ambulatory cane users only need or use their canes when they are doing something physically taxing, like going on a hike or standing in a long line.
“My cane user friend told me this person looks like they’re faking, so it must be true”: WRONG! Being a cane user doesn’t immediately make you an expert on all different conditions and experiences. Your friend does not know the random cane user walking down the street, they are going off looks and stereotypes. Disabled people are not immune to being ableist.
“They enjoy their cane too much/they’re too happy/they decorate their cane, so they can’t actually be in enough pain to need a cane” WRONG! We’re people like everyone else, and we experience positive emotions too, even if we go through a lot of pain. To me, customizing my cane is like getting a tattoo or putting streaks in my hair, it’s a way of self expression. And we deserve to be able to talk openly about our full experience, which include the parts we’re neutral or happy about.
“They’re one of those cringey teenagers who name themselves arson and like dsmp, so they’re probably faking” WRONG! Do I even have to explain why saying someone isn’t disabled because of their name and interests is messed up and also stupid? Or did you already know that and just wanted to make fun of a disabled teenager?
“They’re too young to be using a cane, so they must be faking” WRONG! there are lots of disabilities or injuries that can cause young people to need a mobility aid. For example, I use a cane for my fibromyalgia.
“They only use it in private places, and never in places where people recognize them, so they must be faking” WRONG! In a world where anyone can just randomly take out their phone, take a picture of a cane user, and post them online to be made fun of, it can be stressful to use a cane in public areas. Also, they may not want people to ask questions, or they may feel embarrassed about it.
“I saw them switch hands, so they must be faking” WRONG! There are different reasons a cane used might do this, but I’m going to use my experience as an example. My fibromyalgia is not consistent. Sometimes one leg hurts more then the other. But as I said, fibromyalgia is inconsistent, and sometimes my other leg will start to hurt more or need more support, which is when I switch hands. And when both my legs hurt equally, I may switch my hand if it’s getting too sore.
“They told me they feel like they’re faking when they use their cane, doesn’t that mean they don’t really need it?” WRONG! Imposter syndrome is strong in a lot of disabled people, especially when for a lot of our lives we were told by doctors that we were fine and just being dramatic. Anxiety is also comorbid with a lot of physically disabilities, which only strengthens this. To add to this, something that I’ve felt and seen other disabled people talk about it, when their disability aid lessens the pain, they start thinking “well I’m not in that much pain so I don’t really need it” even though the reason they’re not in that much pain is because of the aid. I know it seems dumb, but imposter syndrome can be that strong and affects disabled people a lot.
“They don’t have a diagnosis, so they must be faking” WRONG! First of all, diagnoses are expensive. On their own they’re often already expensive, but counting the tons of tests you have to take to confirm the diagnosis? Absolutely ludicrous. Some may also choose not to get a diagnosis, so that they don’t have to deal with the prejudice and setbacks of being diagnosed. Also, some people use a cane for injuries, and for stress or fatigue related pains.
These are only a few of the things I commonly hear from fakeclaimers, and I wanted to just put out a reminder that fakeclaiming hurts the disabled community much, much more than it does ableists. Next time you see someone with a cane switch hands, or someone with a wheelchair stand up, or someone with crutches put them down, before you immediately call them out to a friend, take a picture, or write a post: does your fakeclaim rely on stereotypes? Are your reasons things that apply to ambulatory aid users?
If so, just stop. Be mindful. Please.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 days
I've seen enough asks on here about the topic, so I just want to say:
If you identify as a system, GO GET THERAPY. Being a system is not a "normal" human thing and it definitely means you need fucking therapy. You can't just call yourself a system and call it a day. You cant just say you're KINNING, either, because the kin community goes back decades and it is bigger than some teenager on tumblr picking up kins from your mutual's posts. My honest, genuine opinion is that anyone with 100+ kinds or alters IS NOT ACTUALLY A SYSTEM. You are just young and impressionable and the world is in shambles right now and theres a sense of comfort in being someone else. Everyone wants to know who they really are and you will NOT figure it out until you're in your 40s. If it brings you comfort, fine. But go get therapy so they can tell you how to ACTUALLY cope with the real world instead of using "escapism." Escapism is not the answer to your problems and you still have to deal with them.
I say this as a person who felt inhuman since before I was 10yo. I even told my dad about it back then. And I've been watching the way the "community" has changed over time. You are not a polyfragmented system if you have 100+ kins, you are just trying to find an identity that fits you. Kinning nowadays is a good FIRST STEP. But I cannot stress enough that CPTSD, autism, and ADHD mix together to cause dissociative episodes. Maybe you should all look into it and find peace with yourselves before adding a new kintype to your list
All of this being said, yeah I do think having a bunch of kintypes is fine. It's okay for one alter to kin a handful of different people and shift between them. But you do not need individual listings for each separate one. You do not need to make a new proxy with pluralkit. I see people confessing to only seeing a character ONCE and kinning them. It doesn't work like that. Take some time to think about it. Its IMPORTANT to figure out if these similar kins are actually just the one person instead of assuming they're someone new. If you actually had 100+ kins (that you treat like individual alters) you would not be functional
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tales-from-sysblr · 1 month
i remember one time i got fakeclaimed on an old blog for not having fictives.
our host at the time was a fictive...
then, the same person fakeclaimed us for our host being a fictive. wish i could make this shit up lmfao
Some people have... No sense.
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tales-from-systok · 2 months
One of my alters got fakeclaimed for having the same name as a popular streamer. He’s not an introject, he just likes that name 💀
Pff, they tried so hard to fakeclaim introjects and ✨failed miserably,✨ that's hilarious tbh
Do remember that you're valid no matter what! Tiktok can get wild when it comes to fakeclaiming..
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shoalofone · 8 months
going through the steps to start deleting things and unfollowing people
I shouldn't have tried to see something that doesn't exist in the first place.
I should have known it was fake and it was foolish to believe my friends, they want what's best for me but I know myself better than they ever could.
it was nice to think there was a reason I am the way I am but it's just me excusing my bad behaviors by blaming someone that does not exist.
I'm sorry for the few who followed me, you can unfollow if you'd like. I might keep this blog up as just a general mental illness blog and share resources for everyone.
But yeah, I apologize for my short stint of questioning, I should have known
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thecataclysmic6 · 1 year
I will never support fakeclaiming on this blog.
I can provide evidence, well reviewed studies even, on why fakeclaiming is a harmful practice that maliciously targets vulnerable people.
But there are far too many people who would rather disguise their ableism as activism than listen to a disabled person telling them that what they're doing is harmful.
Do better.
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