#i think it shows a lot of things you wouldn't quite expect from her c;
lolasimms · 1 year
a lots gonna change pt.7
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Summary: Married life isn’t great, infidelity ensues, and things change
next chapter
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"I'm sorry... what?" You laugh, surely she couldn't be serious, you were starting to believe that delusion and craziness was following you around now.
"I'm not lying y/n, she and I have been seeing each other for a while now" Amelia mutters, unceremoniously as she takes peeks into your home. You immediately become protective and stand closer to the door, in case she suddenly went into rampage and tried harming you or even worse, harming Lila.
"Amelia I have to ask, do you really expect me to believe you?" She sighs aloud and then crosses her arms over her chest in defence at your words.
"Why wouldn't you, y/n... maybe you don't know Ellie as much as you think you do."
"She's my wife, I'd like to think I know her quite well" you defend, you were starting to get irritated, just who did she think she was to be coming into your home and questioning you.
"Y/n we need to sit down and talk about this, I'm coming to you as a woman. I realised what she and I have done is wrong and the only way I can repay you is to confess" her eyes were pleading, her brown orbs staring deep into you and you had to try your hardest not to crack.
"Amelia I can't do thi-" you're cut off when she begins rambling.
"Y/n I have photos, texts and call logs, I can prove it to you please just let me show you!" Her voice was now raising, and you couldn't bare the thought of any of your neighbours coming out and seeing any of this commotion.
"Fine, come in"
Ellie was having a great morning, the two of you had made love, she and Lila had taken a walk to the park and then she was off to the golf course with Vic and Page. With Amelia off of her back, she and y/n's relationship strengthening and her time off at work, she had never felt better. Not to mention the fact that she had absolutely smashed Vic and Paige at golf today.
"We getting drinks or heading to your place?" Paige questions, as she places her club back into the trolley.
"We can have drinks at my place, I'm pretty sure y/n opened up a bottle of moscato" Ellie says, placing the trolley into the golf cart.
"Honestly I'm down to get tipsy, moscato sounds nice" Vic laughs and gets into the cart, as the two women follow suit.
"This was one of the hotels we frequently stayed at, she was strict about phones but once in a while it was dominating to be able to capture such sweet moments between us" Amelia reminisces on the intimate times she had spent with your wife . Tears were now flowing freely down your face, and you felt like your world had stood still. At first you had no reason to believe her, she was probably some weirdo that go a kick out of ruining lives you thought, but what would she benefit from lying? You asked yourself, but these photos... these photos of your wife, the woman you so strongly loved, the woman who you shared a child with, laid in bed with a stranger who wasn't you had solidified it. Ellie had been cheating on you, and it had finally started to make sense. The next photo however had done it for you, the both of them stood in-front of a mirror as she held Amelia in her arms, a faint smile on her face, that's when a sob broke out of you and all prospects of self dignity had broken.
"Look Amelia, if you think I'm blaming you I'm not, sure I hold a small level of resentment because you fucked my wife, but she's the one who made a vow to me, this ring symbolises... well it symbolised monogamy and she couldn't even uphold that" you say as you stand in front of her, as she awkwardly sits on the sofa. Amelia wasn't expecting this, in fact she expected a slap to the face. She knew for a fact that if this ever happened when her and Ellie got married she would've killed the bitch so for you to show such empathy towards her made her feel somewhat guilty.
"Y/n, I'm sorry" Amelia trails off, as her eyes fixate on the fireplace in-front of her, you hold your breath, not sure if you could handle another blow to the heart right now but nod, an urge for her to keep going.
"I- I really don't even know what to say I should've stopped once Ellie told me she had a family but I was too selfish and-" the sound of the front door opening and the faint murmurs of what you assumed were the voices of Ellie, Paige and Vic catch your ear and you are left feeling like you could throw up. Amelia too, looks frightened as she shifts worriedly from her chair and looks at you in fear. The sound of their voices grow closer, and then subside as soon as they reach the living room, and are met with the unexpected guest. Ellie frantically looks from Amelia to you, as Vic and Paige stand their silently and uncomfortably. You were assuming they knew about Ellie's affair, making you heart break all the more.
"I should probably go, bye y/n" Amelia mumbles as she stands up and looks at you, you nod in acknowledgment and she walks past Ellie who is frozen in the entryway and gives her one last look before she makes her exit. You don't bother looking at your wife, the thought of even having to communicate with her makes you want to drop dead.
"Y/n what did she say?" Ellie walks towards you, kneeling in front of the couch you are sat on, she tries to touch you but you retract your hands from her arm.
"What do you think she said... huh?" You mutter as the waterworks return.
"Vic, Paige you guys should go, I'll catch you later" Ellie looks behind her as she orders her friends to leave. You scoff at the level of pathetic that she is, she could freely engage in an affair and have her friends know about it but when it came time to face confrontation they had to be gone?
"No! They can stay, they knew anyways so let them stay" Vic looks to Paige and shakes his head.
"Y/n, we'll go you guys ca-" you cut him off
"Shut the fuck up Vic, the past five months the two of you have come into my house and had the audacity to play nice when you knew she was cheating on me?"
"Y/n it's not their fault just let them go" Ellie pleads as she tries her best to get you to look at her, you refuse to comply.
"No! Its fucking disgusting, especially you Vic. I trusted you, I chose you to be my daughters God father, I fucking trusted you... and you- you knew this whole time" you were now uncontrollably sobbing, struggling to catch your breath as you pointed your finger at them. Ellie tried desperately to touch you, console you but all you would do was swat her hands and pull away.
"Vic and Paige get the fuck out, I'll talk to you later" Ellie calls over her shoulder and they quickly scramble.
"Y/n please, baby I neeed you to listen to me" Ellie begs as tears begin to fall down her face.
"You cheat on me and you're fucking crying? You betray me and you get to shed tears?" you yell, not caring if it wakes up your daughter, you were too riled up and you couldn't stop now.
"Y/n I don't... I don't know what I can do to make this better I- I tried to stop it bu-"
"But what Ellie? You're too selfish... you're too much of a self centred cunt who can't appreciate everything she has?" You stare into her tearful eyes, awaiting a response that seemed would never come.
Tell me, where did I go wrong... huh? Was I not good enough for you? Did you not feel loved by me?" The words fall out of your mouth in a sputter, as saliva bubbles from your heavy breaths. Your nose was running and the tears wouldn't stop, the lump in your throat was beginning to physically pain you.
Her silence was angering you, she just sat there, refusing to say anything, refusing to acknowledge her faults and mistakes. And to be quite honest you didn't even think an apology would fix anything, you just wanted to be left alone. You lift yourself off the sofa, removing the wedding ring that had once been a symbol of love. It was a symbol of monogamy, a symbol of togetherness and a symbol of your future, a future that was now tainted in infidelity and betrayal. You drop it on the floor in front of her and she immediately begins to panic. As you walk up the stairs, she follows you and frantically begins begging ; "I'll change", "I'll do better", "I love you", "I don't deserve you", "We'll keep going to therapy" but you tune her out, as best as you can and head for the bedroom.
Once you've made it to the bedroom, you're standing on your toes, reaching for your suitcase.
"Put the fucking suitcase down, what are you doing?" Ellie yells as she tries taking the heavy object from your hands. You try your best to pull it back but her grip is deathly tight. You resort to grabbing necessities instead. You start with your pyjamas, underwear, some work clothes and your jeans and throw them on the bed. As soon as you turn to gather your shoes, Ellie is snatching the clothes and putting them back in the closet.
"Stop fucking touching my shit, STOP!" You yell as you get all up in her face, your patience was wearing thin.
"No! You're not leaving me, please baby I promise we'll work it out" for the person who had done the cheating, she seemed to be way more emotional than you and you can't help but roll your eyes at her.
"Shut the fuck up, we're not working anything out, Ellie. Go fuck with Amelia for all I care" you angrily grab your clothing and stuff it into a duffel bag as she continues to sob. Your next action however surprises Ellie, as she watches you exit the room and make your way to Lila's. She follows you inside and her heart jumps when she sees you opening the child's dresser and pulling out items of clothing.
"What the fuck are you doing, are you trying to take my daughter away from me?" She yells, and Lila immediately begins to awaken from her sleep.
"She's my daughter, you don't even fucking care about her" you spit as you pull out rows of dresses and onesies from the closet.
"Yes the fuck I do, don't accuse me of shit like that" she booms angrily as she forcefully, pulls you away from the closet. She drags you to the outside of the room and you've finally had enough. Without much thought to it, you land a hard slap to her face. The action leaves a tingling sensation on the tips of your fingers and depths of your palm and Ellie is stood their taken aback. A red mark on the spot your palm had landed beginning to form.
"I'm leaving, and I'm taking my daughter with me, and you are not stopping us" you spit and return to the child's bedroom.
Ellie stays far away from you for the remainder of the afternoon and you complete the minimal packing and get Lila ready to go. You descend down the arched staircase with the toddler in your arms and a heavy duffle bag in your hands. As soon as Ellie hears you she's rushing to the staircase and your daughter finally acknowledges her presence.
"Momma!" She squeals in delight and you quickly grab your keys and unlock the front door. Ellie follows behind you and have to try your best not to scold your daughter who's hands are out trying to reach for her mother.
"Let me at-least say bye to my kid y/n" Ellie begs as you settle Lila into the booster seat and place the duffel bags on the car floor next to her. You ignore her and shut the car door, as you journey to the drivers seat.
"Will you fucking talk to me, hear me out?" She pleads for a final time and your response is to simply slam your car door shut in her face. Tears start pouring again as you drive away from your home, the place that had once been a temple of happy memories and domestic bliss, now ruined with thoughts of Ellie's infidelity.
"I want momma!" Lila whines from the backseat and you tune her out.
"Mommy I want momma!" She's whining and you feel like your head was about to burst, the headache in addition to her sulking was going to be the death of you. "We're going to see Aunt Dina, baby, don't you want to play with JJ?" You force the addition of enthusiasm into your words to sell her, but she simply frowns, only wanting her mother. You locate your phone with one hand on the wheel, planning on calling your only friend.
You didn't know what was going to happen, would it always be like this? A constant battle between Lila choosing you or Ellie. Would she pick her over you? Would you have to go to court over this? How would you explain this to everyone... Joel, Your mom, Nara? You hated her, you hated Ellie so much and you hated that she had destroyed you so easily, why did she have to cheat on you? What had you done? Where did you go wrong?
@moonlightdivine @maybe-cece @macaroni676 @sawaagyapong @katiemars @ellieseater @dakota-dream @joliettes @hebrokeimup @bratydoll @wakasaaa @catostrophiclesbian
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maxphilippa · 9 months
So from one person who finished Fionna & Cake to another, how was the show for you?
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i was very tired when i first got this ask so i didn't quite exactly answer it but now i am feeling a bit better so. okay:
Fionna and Cake. I actually just watched the whole series yesterday LOL. I got spoilered from the beginning but i didn't mind. On a general perspective it is what I needed emotionally to be fair. I came back from an vacation that was for my mental health and the series helped me realize about a very much awful friendship I had and how I gave so much of myself to them.
One of the main topics that resonated with me the most is how it treats the search of finding who you are through two characters that are different yet so similar in their struggles: Simon and Fionna. Both of them want their lifes to be different because they're afraid of change and also are running away from their feelings. Seeing their friendship go from complicated yet on decent terms to an genuine friendship/found family type of thing on which they've grown a lot and care deeply for eachother was so important to me.
"Shouldn't they get to die as themselves?" Is a line that stuck with me in a way I didn't expect that it would at all. I haven't really been feeling like myself in months and that got to me very deeply.
And, oh, don't get me started on Simon and Betty... oh they make me so miserable (especially since they were the ones that made me realize that I gave so much of myself to an ex friend). Their whole thing broke my heart on so many ways. I knew that they wouldn't let it go like that and transform their thing into something toxic, because they're not. They're complex. They obviously love eachother, but Simon recognizing that Betty gave so much of herself to him, and how he didn't even notice it as much, how he didn't stop to think what was the best for both of them broke my heart.
People can say whatever they want about the finale being underwhelming but. It is what Simon and Fionna needed. Simon didn't exactly move on just yet, but he accepted that he could still keep going, and that getting help wasn't something bad. And Fionna started to accept that her life is just as normal as it can be and is ACTUALLY appreciating her life for once too. She's not like Finn in anyway, but that's what I like of her. She's her own person.
Both Simon and Fionna go through a lot of stuff together but with general different approaches on said topics. And I related to them A LOT. I think that watching F&C was what I needed because I was just kind of giving up on everything y'know. Life is not easy but you're not alone, and eventually things will get better.
The takes on grief and self discovery, the search of purpose and so much more made me EMOTIONAL to say the least. It was all done so beautifully and with cleverness.
On more silly notes. Farmworld Finn. I love him. He's such a good dad. I live in denial so he's alive for me. A cracked skull never stopped Finn. I love his kids. I loved Jay and Little Destiny. I really did. Loved Cake. LVED GARYLEE. Winter King and Candy Queen were so funny too. AND OH MY GOD THE STAR TIMELINE. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. AND AND. UGH. and i kind of hoped that finn and fionna could have met eachother but it's fine mdkhj
fionna and cake was a great series in general and it has so much details and so much love and so much going on i love it. it's also been a main fuel for making aus rn haha. 10/10
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
❤️Natalie Scatorccio SFW Alphabet❤️
❤️Read the NSFW Alphabet here!❤️
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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Warnings: Brief mentions of sex/sexual themes, but nothing in-depth/detailed, mention of drug use/overdose
Word Count: 2,151
A/N: Hello loves! I'm here with the first of Natalies two alphabets, starting with her SFW alphabet! honestly, Nat is a hard one for me to capture because I don't want her to sound like she's a bad partner, but the reality is that she probably wouldn't be a great one. Thats about all I have to say though so as always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading!❤️
Natalie Scatorccio Tag List:
Yellowjackets Tag List: @frasersgf
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Natalie isn’t naturally all that affectionate these days. Well, not exactly at first glance. It’s something that would take her some time to get into. She’d not be one for small talk or offering you surprise gifts. However, her love language is quality time. She’d prefer sitting quietly in the same room as you or having a lowkey night out for dinner rather than anything too extravagant. She’s also a physical touch enjoyer, though she keeps it minimal. She’ll offer small touches now and then, like a trailing of her fingertips over your hip as she moves past you or a soft peck to your scalp when she isn’t thinking about it. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Natalie isn’t going to initiate a friendship. She’s more likely to get involved with people out of convenience than anything else. Say you frequent the same bar as her often enough, then maybe a relationship would form from there as you slowly learn new tidbits about one another with each drink.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She isn’t all that into it, but if you like it she won't argue. She just might not wrap herself around you like you would with her. The farthest she goes is an arm over your shoulders or an arm wound around your back. She’s not very touchy-feely after all, but when she does let herself care for you she’ll become more lenient over time. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Oh, hell no. Natalie is not the domestic type, try as she might. She doesn’t like consistency in her life ans she needs things to be different and moving. A sedentary life is out of the question for her, and the worst part of that is it’s not her fault. No matter how hard she could try, a domestic life would eventually bore her. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She’d be very upfront and blunt about it. She’d not into relationships in the first place and never really has been, so while a breakup is going to be awkward and uncomfortable, I don't see her having an issue with the actual act of breaking up. However, if she's in a situation like her and Travis, it’s going to be so rough and might send her spiraling, which is honestly when she fights so hard against making those kinds of bonds.  
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
This girl is not committing. Like before, she doesn’t want to make those kinds of strong bonds with people out of fear of ultimately hurting or pushing them away, so marriage is out of the question unless she has a complete 180 that I'm not expecting and seeks out a lot of therapy to get over her trust and commitment issues. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally, she's hard and blunt. She doesn’t sugarcoat anything and tells it how it is. But surprisingly, she does have quite a gentle yet hesitant hand. It’s likely due to what she’s done with those same hands in her past, but it goes to show that she still has a softness within her. She doesn’t want to hurt people. It’s just kind of easy for her. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She aint a hugger. Her hugs are stiff and awkward and there is no way for her to relax. But she’ll endure it if she cares. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
If she had it her way, she wouldn’t. But if she does feel so inclined, it'll take a long time. And I mean a long time, mostly because she doesn’t know if she means it. She likely wouldn’t say it till you have more times over, because she needs the assurance that she’s reading the situation correctly. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
If she’s attached she gets jealous. She doesn’t like sharing. But if what youve got going on is strictly casual, she couldn’t give a shit. She’s probably doing things with other people too. However, if by some strange majesty she does feel some claim over you oh how the jealousy would burn. She’d become brash and mildly aggressive with whoever thought it was a good idea to come on to you and would pull you away, likely to a corner of some kind to make sure you were both on the same page when it comes to your relationship. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
I can only describe her kisses as firm, but let me explain. Natalia has never been the soft type. She takes what she wants and puts her foot down without hesitation, and some of that is reflected in her physicality, one being her kisses. She’s in control and makes sure her partner is aware of that, and what better way to do that than by demeaning her when you kiss her? Her kisses often devolve into gnashing teeth and puffy, red lips.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
She's not as bad as she could be, but she’ll never have any. Poor thing didn’t have anyone to raise her, so there is no way in hell that she feels she’s capable of raising a kid herself. However, that being said, she’s pretty good with kids. Well, older kids to be exact. She has no idea what to do with a baby. But once they’re old enough that she can teach them the reality of the world and how to properly swear she becomes the awesome, fun aunt that takes you out for joyrides and ice cream when mom/dad said not to have sweets before dinner. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Natalie doesn’t get up at least till noon and that's on a good day. The only exceptions are for fresh coffee, breakfast, or morning sex. Other than that, she’d stayed splayed out under the covers for as long as she can. This often results in a headache from sleeping too much, but that’s nothing a little advil can't fix after all. It’s nearly impossible to get her up early, and if you do she won't be happy about it, so don't bank on her joining in on brunch plans.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Natalie would stay out all night if she could. She loves the nightlife and all the little things that come with it, like meeting new people once who will become shadows in her mind, the drinking, and the loud music found in clubs. She’d love to take you out, and honestly, it's far more fun going out when she’d got arm candy to strut around and show off
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
She keeps practically everything close to her chest. Learning anything about Natalie is like pulling teeth. She’d remain a complete mystery to you if that was possible. Often a new fact about her is either dropped out of nowhere by her or someone else reveals something which requires a more lengthy and irritated explanation from Natalie herself. You're more likely to learn about her by talking to her friends, and even then its a challenge
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This woman’s fuse is shorter than a stick of dynamite. She blows up at the smallest inconvenience, and often that gets projected onto those close to her, both physically and emotionally. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they forget everything?)
Girlfriend isn’t the best with her memory, however, now and then she surprises you with some tiny tidbit that you likely didn't even mention remembering. That's what she thinks about, the small stuff. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
I think a fond memory she’d hold onto is watching you dance. Seeing that pure joy on your face, laughing with a drink in hand as you move with whatever music might be playing. It would be an even fonder memory if you convinced her to dance with you
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She plays coy like she doesn't care, your actions are your own. But best be ready for if she's ever around when someone treating you in any way she may deem as wrong. She has a very serious justice complex and is not afraid to cut a bitch or throw hands when she needs to. And that is extremely sexy of her if you ask me,
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
Probably not a lot because she's not really into those kinds of things. She seems like the type to settle into a comfortable routine ans stick to it. If there's a restaurant you both like, that’s where you nearly always go when you feel like having a dinner out. She gets kinda weird about trying new things sometimes, but if you’re gentle enough she’ll do her best. That's where her efforts go in trying to be more flexible for those she cares for. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She cant communicate for shit and she’s notorious for the disappearing act, which is when she doesn't text or call for some time. It could be because she doesn't feel like it, you got into an argument, she's feeling out of it. Anything that could set her off will hinder her ability to communicate how she feels and what she needs, and it's frustrating for her. She doesn't like feeling or needing
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She’s not vane in any regard. She's stuck with most of her teenage style, which is probably a comfort thing at this point to avoid further change. She's the type to wear the same outfit more than twice in a row and that's valid 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I think that depends. Recently (in the last few episodes of season 2) we've seen a shift in her. I think over time there might be a chance of her growing to the point where she’s ok being a little dependent on someone else, but if we’re looking at Natalie at the start of the series id have to say no. at that point, she didn't want to hold on to that kind of relationship or bond with someone else. But now I think there could be a possibility for her. Again that’s after girlfriend has a lot of therapy. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
She has chronic nightmares of her partner dying, specifically from overdose even if her partner doesn’t use whatsoever
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like in general or in a partner?)
I think she’d be against someone hellbent on trying to change her. Yes, there is room in her character for growth, but sometimes people look at that room and see it as a challenge. Natalie should be in complete control of her growth and development for betterment. But to do that she needs both hands on the wheel and maybe a partner in the passenger seat reading over the map. Control of her person is a huge thing for her. She can't have someone trying to take that over from her, even if it's with completely positive intentions
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Natalie seems like the type to be very reserved and to herself in her sleep. She doesn’t like touching and will often roll over and face away at night. I also think that she runs hot, so it's common for covers to be thrown off of her at night and I doubt she wears a lot of clothing when she’s going to sleep except for when she comes home after a long night out. We've seen it before, she's willing to sleep in jeans if she’s tired enough
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fervency-if · 8 months
Phew, I'm glad you think so. I feel a bit shy sending Asks because I'm not the best at conversations and I'm mostly unsure on how I should voice things. Maybe that's why I like Elan so much, we're quite similar in that aspect😄.
I'm trying to show support for the writers I like from the IF community, the way ya'll put so much effort into writing and coding while also aswering a buch of questions on daily basis? Ya'll are too beautiful😔.
And thank you, I'm feeling the love rn 🫂 🌻
That's so interesting! I've looked up what both of the Physician's names means, the L name being "Light" and the C name "from the Heavens" or simply "Heavenly", so your choices compliment each other very well. It also relates to her character since the people dying from the plague may seem her as a Heaven's sent.(though drinking blood or consuming flesh is far from heavenly😷).
Thank you for sharing your thought process for the names of our beloved main cast 🌹.
It's incredible to see what you turned Fervency into after knowing its origins, seems like writing it came to you naturally. Oh, something that has been on my mind; what defines someone's cravings? There's a way to know whether they'll consume blood or flesh? I don't remember if it has has mentioned in the game so I apologize in advance😅 My memory isn't that great
Oh, but absolutely! Easier said than done, of course, but there is no need to be shy when it comes to sending me asks, I'm always glad to receive them, and I genuinely think that you word things very well! Elan would like hearing that - he would feel that 'oh, if they feel similar, perhaps I seem less awkward to them,' haha.
Oh, that is really nice and kind of you. I can probably speak for a lot of authors - and definitely myself - when I say that the support is highly appreciated and more. It sincerely means a lot, and is wonderful for the motivation! To have supportive readers is extremely valuable and rewarding!
Aw, that is sweet! 🌸🫶
I'm glad that you found it interesting, and so is your reply to this. They do complement one another, and I didn't even think about that when I decided the combination, that much I remember. It's always so much fun when there are these fitting little coincidences I think. I like how you mentioned the Heaven's sent - it really is double-edged there, haha, the entire 'getting saved, but.'
My pleasure! 🍀
It definitely came naturally to me, yes - very organically. I only had some hour to come up with the short story when I got the 'write a vampire story'-prompt, so it just popped up in my head. I didn't expect to actually make a big thing of it back then, though, but I'm very happy that I did. I'm having a lot of fun with it!
Your question hasn't been answered in the game, no - and even if it had... well, the game is 400 000 words long, I would never expect anyone to remember everything, so even if it had been answered, I wouldn't have minded answering it again - so no need to apologise, if you're curious about something, don't hesitate to ask, it's all good!
As far as I'm aware, it's quite random, what becomes of one's cravings, what one's body needs. I think there are things that nudges a person in a certain direction; namely, what happened as one got fed upon might increase the chance for a certain craving. If the main character is a cannibal, the Physician mentions their flesh as she talks about their disease with them, but if they are a vampire, she mentions their blood instead. This isn't fool-proof, though, since Roswhen, who's cause for almost-death was decidedly bloody, became a cannibal, and I would say that Elan's disorder affected his flesh more than his blood, even though he had been bleeding a rather vast amount.
As a little bonus, I once noticed that when it comes to the current love interests, more phlegmatic and melancholic people are vampires, and more sanguine and choleric people are cannibals. Nothing I thought about as I wrote them, there were other reasons for me to pick their cravings, but it was a fun little find, even though it means nothing in the long run since every main character is different.
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vinyliscomfortfood · 2 years
Surfing All The Way Down On Her
Summary: It's the final heat of the Australian leg, it feels like everyone is expecting this moment on the Champions Tour since the media being hawk-eyed about the inside water rivalry between the two of you. As a rookie fighting for your first final, you where against the two times World Champion Wanda Maximoff. It will be a difficult one and will demand not only talent and technique, but the professionalism between both of you to isolate what you have outside of the water to just focus on the heat.
Pairing: Surfer!Wanda Maximoff x Surfer!Fem!Reader
Genre: A tiny tiny bit of angst, a bit of fluffy and mentions of smut with quite of no plot at all.
Word Count: 1,803
Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of soft dom!Wanda, competition.
(let me know if I forgot anything!)
A/N: This one just came out of me and I think that it's about a lot of mixed (sort of bittersweet) feelings about having to live away from the beach for a while :|
Also, this is the first time I write in english. Let me know if there's some weird stuff going on with the story!
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It’s on! Classic perfect Australian waves!
Maximoff is right by your left side defending the Sokovian flag, sitting on her board as you are doing the same thing. Both of you with the LGBTQIA+ flag on your lycra as well and both of you watching the horizon searching for those blue lines cutting the ocean, waiting so you can properly begin the final round.
As the first waves came, you were better positioned on the inside than her, the priority was yours and you used it. It's a good sized wave, with a huge wall and you just went for it. With a radical progressive surf, slicing the wave apart with your cutbacks and sending spray to the air, showing off style and talent, you get an excellent score for your first wave and you're proud and confident rowing back to the outside. Maximoff came at the wave right behind you giving a show of strength and talent and style and technique and experience and quite a bit of everything. She sure wasn't going to let you get your confidence too high, as she was searching for an excellent score as well. She got one a bit better than yours, her wave was bigger and longer.
You two put out a show of good performance with a lot of excellent huge sized waves, pushing each other's limits to the best you could give and for the people watching, it was kind of, wonderful. Nothing less than what everyone was expecting from this final round.
Maximoff is calmly breathing and looking at the horizon, very present at the moment. She has the priority and it’s holding the first place with the highest scores as well, which means that she, right now, is in total control of the heat, only waiting until the last minute to end so she can properly win her third Bells Beach trophy. You don’t want to give it up, with ten seconds left on the clock you get your wave under her priority and dig it hard, showing to the judges how much you want to win. The Sokovian athlete was coming right behind you with a good wave as well. Concentrated in surfing a perfect wave, you show your vast repertoire of maneuvers with huge lay backs and risk finishing the wave with your board floating in the air, putting a backside air reverse with so much style.
Both of you were anxious waiting for scores, Maximoff had a 9.54 and a 9.17, with a total of 18.71. You knew that even with a ten you wouldn't beat her, but out of pure pride, you wanted it.
You got it!
Finishing the heat with a 10.00 and a 8.48, with a total of 18.48 points. It’s frustrating, feeling like this was the heat of your life, receiving your first ten and then losing the first place for her. You were mad and you needed a bit of space, just a little time to cool down the adrenaline.
You didn't get it.
“Head up rookie! You surfed face to face with her, head up!” As soon as you got out of the water you received a hug from Natasha, your coach and one of your best friends. With tears in your eyes, you hold your head up, do the short interview with Carol Denvers and right before you finish up, Maximoff appears with a big smile and quickly hugs you, congratulating and thanking you for such a fun heat.
Then you’re going straight to the award event with a big smile, drinking the champagne right from the bottle that they burst on Maximoff and you, waving your country's flag while holding your trophy as happily as you could with such a heat with the redhead.


You just finished getting a shower as you hear the door slowly opening. It's her, looking into your wet plumping eyes and reading your thoughts without needing a word, she just gives you a hug.
"You did so well babe! I'm so proud of you!" She said kissing the top of your head, amused by the smell of your shampoo and enjoying the feeling of your wet hair against her face. 
“I need you.” You speak quietly. Her hands on your waist giving the feeling of acceptance and self proud that you quite couldn't totally give yourself right now. "You are such a very talented baby girl! Getting a ten within ten seconds to the end of the heat... oof!"
You smiled a bit leaning into her neck smelling fresh peaches and something citric, you gave a chaste kiss there."Thank you love, it was not easy to surf a final against the gigantic Maximoff... She is quite incredible neeh?"
"She is." Her laugh is contained as she leaned down to you, kissing you with so much kindness and respect, her left hand now in your neck, the right one in your jaw and her thumbs caressing your cheeks gently. You surrendered yourself in a bit, enjoying all the tenderness in her touch, exploring her muscled abs underneath her shirt. "I have some interviews now and some business stuff to accomplish, but tonight I'll cook you dinner and we'll have a fluffy romantic date alright?"
"Alright!" Smiling through another kiss and once again complimenting her on her victory, you let her go to work.


"I am very proud of this result, winning my third trophy here and... I mean, it's an amazing feeling!" Wanda responded to the interviewer as you turned up the volume of the TV watching her.
"Oh I totally get that, but I can't let go of the fact that you surfed this final heat against your wife.” He says excitedly. “How's it like to deal with all the rivalry and have to focus on the competition?"
"Honestly we have to be professionals and just deal with it." She laughs a bit, her right hand waving her hair out of her face. "It is hard, she's the love of my life and as much as I wanted to watch her win her first event in the champions tour, I obviously wanted to win too. I mean, that's my job..."
"Yeah I can try to imagine that is a hard feeling. So right now, to finish this interview, say something to the people who were watching you from the live stream." The interviewer passes the microphone to her and the camera focuses on her pretty lovely face.
"Want to thank everybody that cheered from wherever part of the world you are! It's such a privilege to be where I am now and I'll do everything I can to continue to improve my surfing and continue giving all of myself to win more and more events. And last but not least, I want to say that I love Y/NN with all my heart, love you babe!" The interviewer has a good laugh and ends it there calling for some other journalist in another location.
"You're the cutest babe baby, ily" 
You send a message to her and turn off the TV, going to the balcony with a book in your hands, just to chill a bit while the sun is setting.


"Baby..." You left a frustrated whine. "My stomach is attaching to my back!"
"Aww, poor baby…" She says, failing trying to hold a laugh.
“Can’t believe that you're actually having a laugh.” Withyour left eyebrow arched, you stare at her perfectly muscled back with perfect muscled arms and perfect muscled ass, while she is cooking a perfect romantic meal. “You’re so mean!”
 “It hurts so bad doesn’t it princess?” The smirk on her face is hearable.
“It does.” You know exactly what’s coming for you next because the look on your wife’s face when she turns back to you is uhm, very pretadorious.
“You soon will be having your pretty little mouth being full and taking all of what I’ll give to you.” Smirking at your reaction shifting in the kitchen chair, she turns back to the stove to finish cooking. It drives you madly crazy how she can have the cutest personality in the whole world cooking you a romantic dinner and then, out of nowhere, transform into a sensual pretatorious soft dom. 
“Well, since soon is not now, I guess I’ll never be satisfied…”
“Watch your words, eh, or else you surely won’t.” She says while you wisely choose to play dumb, getting up to only kissing her cheek and then focusing on setting the small table for you two to eat.
A platter with grilled salmon and orange sauce, a small iron pan with saltéed mushrooms and a bowl with an exotic leaf salad and olive oil. Wanda chose to drink pure vodka while you have a glass of coconut water and a glass of wine to drink.
“This is so fucking good!” You let escape a whine of satisfaction, showing how much you’re liking the food, fully aware of her eyes traveling up and down your moviments, watching your reactions atentely. “Oh my, thank you so much for this, love!”
“You’re enjoying yourself eh?” Wanda asks rhetorically just to amuse her ego a bit. 
“This is perfect! I’m loving it, I love you.” Her eyes are so bright checking up how fast you’re eating and just enjoying the time you have together before the next event.
“I love you." With your mouth full of fish, mushrooms and leaves, you watch her eat like a normal person. Talking about the heat, about how life went between the Australian leg intensive training, talk about how much you have missed each other and just really enjoying each other's company.
After finishing dinner and washing all the pans and plates and stuff, you are cuddling watching 10 Things That I Hate About You. Her hands are cozy inside your shirt caressing your boobs softly, feeling your hard nipples below her fingers and being a little bit like a flushed mess, while letting your hands caressing her thighs slowly and feeling her also hardened nipples pressed against your back.
“Want to go for a night walk at the beach?” You ask her as soon as the film hits the credits, wanting very much to prolong all this slow build up she’s working on you. 
It is close to midnight now. After a little chat with two sweet fans, after finishing your açaí, after wetting your feet in the cold water, after kisses and silly hands traveling each other's bodies and after creating more wonderful moments to fill your memories, sweet cuddles filed the rest of the night with good time resting against each other.
Being with Wanda, your wife, your pretty naughty baby, is all about love and affection, communication and respect. It’s kind of wonderful because you know, she’s your soulmate.
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Hey there ! Can I request Angie, Korekiyo, Gundham, and Sonia comforting an S/O who is insecure about their sh scars ? Feel free to ignore this if not. Take care <3
I somehow feel like I wrote something similar before... But I didn't so here goes!
Angie, Korekiyo, Gundham and Sonia with S/O who is insecure about their self harm scars
Reader here is gender neutral
Cw: self harm
Angie Yonaga
At first she just thought you were shy about your body. But she did notice that you worked hard to cover the scars specifically.
"Y/N~~ There is nothing for you to hide, God loves us all no matter our imperfections" she clapped her hands "I also love you so much! If there is any problem you're having just talk to me"
So she started complimenting your looks more and more often. Especially the area where your scars were located.
When you were cuddling her hands were all over you. She likes squeezing you but she also likes to run her fingers over your scars. But she does it to every little spot on your body.
She may not look like it but she's really mad. From the fact that something pushed you towards harming yourself to now even though you're healed the reminder stayed.
But her inner anger shall remain ever so invisible. Your feelings are far more important to her.
Korekiyo Shinguji
The ugly and the beauty are two sides of one coin. On the one side we have a beautiful Y/N strong enough to overcome their weaknesses and on the other we have ugly cruelty of this world that pushed them to harm in the first place.
He was well aware of your insecurity and he never said a word about it, he just didn't think it was in place for him to speak. But as he noticed how much you struggle he knew he couldn't stand by any longer.
"Pardon my bluntness Y/N but what do you think of your scars?" he didn't know how else to begin this conversation even though he already knew the answer- you hated them.
"I see, I understand how you feel but... Can I help you accept them? I of course see them much differently than you do- that's for certain- but can't I do anything to make you feel better about them?"
Whatever your answer was- if you had it, he followed it. No questions asked, whatever it may be.
He encourages you to be as comfortable as you can be. So if covering your scars is what gives you that comfort he may even assist you... But he still would like you to see that you shouldn't feel ashamed when you're with him.
Gundham Tanaka
He was a bit dense but it didn't take long for him to realize how you feel about your scars... But he wanted to hear it from you.
So he decided to be indirectly direct and you ended up admitting it. Although he expected it he was a little surprised.
"My love you had me fooled for I was unaware of how truly blind you are. The scars of inner war aren't something one should be ashamed of. Do not fear to reveal them to me" his tone was loud and serious yet comforting and soft.
He's not the most affectionate as you already know, but he makes the effort to hold you close whenever you need it. If he catches you staring at the scars with that look on your face he'd turn you towards him and let your eyes focus on his as his hands held onto yours... And since it's quite unusual for Gundham to do this kind of thing it certainly works.
He wouldn't force you to show the scars in public if you're uncomfortable, he just wants you to feel no shame when you're with him.
After all your bond is stronger than anything that can stand in your way. He doesn't fear to be more vulnerable around you so he only hopes for you to do the same.
Sonia Nevermind
She felt a bit lost for words when she caught you mumbling to yourself one day... About your scars.
She couldn't help it but try to help. Although she didn't know what to do. The way you see your scars is probably giving you a lot of feelings you don't want to feel.
When she had the courage to begin a conversation she didn't expect herself to get so emotional.
"Although I know how you feel, I still can't believe it! When I look at you I don't see scars nor do I see weakness. I see you: amazing, beautiful Y/N I love and cherish" she couldn't help but tear up a little and she couldn't fully control the volume of her voice so it did sound like she was yelling at you.
She knew she shouldn't react that way. So later on she apologized and from that moment she decided to show your appreciation more.
She wanted you to know that your scars aren't something you should feel bad about. Sure if hiding them gives you comfort she won't force you to show them off, but her goal is for you to feel okay with having them.
So be prepared for she will give you a lot of motivational speeches.
~Mod Angie
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atzaria · 3 years
Practice with a Twist
summary: as tour looms closer, aria makes a big confession.
note: i honestly don't really like how this post was written,, but something VERY important happens at the end hehe. lemme know what you think!
have a great day/night :D <3
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“i am exhausted.” aria slumped to the floor dramatically, her newly cut fringe sticking to her forehead. “ari, we’ve been practising for what, an hour?” wooyoung lays beside her, handing the younger girl (only by 3 days) a bottle of water. ever since the announcement, the group have been working harder and practising more for their upcoming tour. the first show of their tour was 2 weeks away, the american leg already sold out. which scared them, a lot of expectation on the 5 month old group, but also motivated the group to work even harder and make every single performance perfect. just like the days leading up to their debut, the practice room had become their new home.
yeosang joined the pair on the floor, clinging to aria’s side, something he did when he was particularly tired. aria was a comfort to yeosang, so much that when he’s having a hard day or not feeling quite right, just simply being in the girl’s embrace helps him relax.
“can we please finish this run through? i’ll buy everyone ice cream!” yunho spoke out, half out of eagerness to just get on with practice, half out of jealousy of seeing someone so close to aria that wasn’t him.
it would be a lie to say that yunho hadn’t been avoiding aria as much as possible, lately. ever since his talk with hongjoong a few days ago, he’d barely stay in the same room as her if they were alone. he wouldn't talk to her unless she initiated conversation, he wouldn’t hang around her if there wasn’t another member present. it didn’t go unnoticed by her. and it hurt her. a lot. but the group had other things to worry about.
she didn’t want to burden them.
the other members' ears perked up at the tall member’s comment, yeosang and wooyoung immediately getting up from beside aria. “if you’re paying for it,” jongho too rose out of his seat, throwing his phone onto the couch.
“ri?” mingi held out a hand for her to help her up, which she gladly took. the 9 members got back into position, the introduction to ‘promise’ filling the practice room. every move was in sync, and they all had fun whilst practising it. this was one of aria’s favourite songs that they had released (so far), the positive vibes and feel good factor about it probably making the song one of the most streamed ones on her phone.
although, after about 4 times of practising the song consecutively, the novelty quickly wore off. once again, finding herself lying on the floor. “yunho-ssi!” san called out, reminding him of his ice cream promise.
“aria, can you go with him? he can’t carry 9 by himself,” yunho shot hongjoong a glare, the leader replying with a smirk. she didn’t want to, but didn’t have the energy to protest. she’d much rather stay here and lurk on twitter.
but she caved in, standing up and putting on a rather large hoodie over her sports bra and high waisted sweatpants. the pair left the room and made their way through the company building, an awkward silence consuming them.
“so… you did well today,” yunho chuckles nervously, hand rubbing against his neck in an attempt to break the iceberg.
“thanks, you too.” she pursed her lips together, mentally sighing as the silence returned.
“look, ari, i-”
“can we not do this now? just get what the boys want and go back?” aria quickly cut him off, terrified of what he was going to say, imagining the worst case scenario. if there was one flaw to aria, it would definitely be her ability to overthink the simplest things.
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it wasn’t long before the pair were returning to the group, an uncomfortable vibe between them. yunho realised how he had been treating her, ignoring her existence, and the impact of that now hit him. how did he make aria think that he hated her? he was scared his chances were now ruined. that the one sided crush would continue, getting stronger day by day. if possible, that is. his cheeks rose into a blush whenever aria did the slightest of things. he was well and truly whipped.
“aria, can i please talk to you? just for a moment?” she stopped in her tracks, one hand on the practice room door, another holding the carrier bag full of goods for the members. it was now or never for him. he couldn’t keep this to himself anymore, he wanted to do something about his feelings before any other member could tell her on his behalf, or even worse, if the fans caught on during a show. even if she didn’t reciprocate them, he just wanted her to know.
her nerves grew. “uh, sure!” opening the door and placing the bag inside, she announced that she was ‘going to the bathroom’ and returned to him. they walked towards the next vacant room, the vocal practice room. it was snug, a sofa placed against the wall, microphone stand opposite.
“yu, i”
“i’m sorry, ari. i know i haven’t been the best towards you lately. i’ve been an idiot, i hurt you, i’m so sorry.”
the boy looked down to his hands. “it’s just i-”
something came over aria. something she couldn’t control. she didn’t even think of the consequences. without allowing him to say another word, she placed her lips on top of his.
his eyes widened with shock, heart beating way faster than the average human. but he didn’t pull away. he locked his lips with hers, a kiss fueled with so much passion. they both wanted it. he was kissing the girl of his dreams.
“i heard your conversation with hongjoong,” she pulled away from the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and placing her forehead against his. “i do like you, stupid.”
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nicobaka · 3 years
(warning: spoilers. It's also gonna be some LONG ass shit lmao. Sorry for typos in advance)
I heard a lot of people hating Gruvia for things that they misunderstood (or just straight-up dismiss/ignore) about the ship, and so I thought I'd clear up and explain some of those here because I just think all this hate towards the ship is unnecessary especially when most of their reasons of why they hate the ship aren't really valid or reasonable.. I mean, yeah, you can dislike and hate it all you want, we all have different preferences. But the level of hate Gruvia gets for reasons that are already proven false and untrue is just unbelievable. Like people saying Gray is somehow "controlled" by Juvia, or that Gray has "Stockholm syndrome" when Juvia never even tried to kidnap Gray... And worse is when people start to spread misinformation and slander the ship, spreading hate and negativity towards the ship for reasons that are again, proven to be untrue.
Gruvia is not one-sided, it's just that Gray's a big frickin Tsundere and that he refuses to show affection, so he may come off as cold to her sometimes. Although later on he realized that he should accept his feelings for Juvia rather than pushing her away and trying to run away from his own feelings before he regrets it, so now he has become less of a Tsundere and is trying to become a better person for her (but still a Tsundere lmao)
Gray does not dislike nor hate Juvia, even from the very beginning after they just met. Hell, even right after their fight in their first meeting. After their first actual meeting, Gray even helped her, saved her, made her happy, and even smiled with her. He wouldn't have done all that if he disliked her. He wouldn't have said he has no problem with Juvia joining the guild if he disliked her. He wouldn't hang around with Juvia inside and even outside the guild if he disliked her. He wouldn't have worried and felt bad about her not passing the exam of he disliked her. He wouldn't have carried her running away from danger even though she already said she can run away by herself if he disliked her. He wouldn't have agreed to going out with Juvia, which clearly meant as a date to her, if he disliked her. He wouldn't have lived with her for half a year if he disliked her. He would have agreed with Juvia leaving him alone if he disliked her, but instead he hugged her, thanked her, and cried on her arms. He wouldn't have sacrificed himself for her safety if he disliked her.... I can go on and on for hours with this honestly. But the point is, he clearly doesn't dislike nor hate Juvia. He even said he's grateful for having Juvia always by his side.
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It's just he didn't wanna get too attached to her. He has always thought ever since as a child that it's his responsibility / fault whenever someone he cares for dies. He blames himself for it, consciously or unconsciously, and puts the burden upon himself. He feels like whenever he gets too attached to someone, they would leave him and when that happens it'll be his fault. That's the reason why he seemed cold to her sometimes, it's that he doesn't wanna get too attached to her, afraid that she would just leave him like the others...
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"I'm going to avenge my mother and father!"
"I wasn't... able to do anything..."
"It's your fault, Gray." (Lyon)
"It's my fault that Ul died 10 years ago"
"No matter how much time pass, it won't change the fact that it's my fault Ul's dead!"
"I lost both mother and daughter..."
Him trying to push Juvia away by being cold to her is most likely something he did unconsciously, since he himself wasn't really sure about his feelings for her and having the fear of loosing his loved ones before, at least when it was just starting. But as we already know, his attempt of trying to not get too attached to her wasn't successful. It didn't have any chance of being successful to begin with since the reason why he didn't want to get too attached to her and why he had developed the fear of loosing her in the first place is because he's already attached to her from the beginning. He was the one to save her, worries about her a lot, cares for her, protects her, and spends a lot of his time with her, which made him even more attached to her. Which explains his expression at that one recent official Gruvia art which some fans didn't like... He looks like he feels like he shouldn't fall in love with Juvia, but he really just can't help it.
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And when it actually almost happened, when Juvia almost killed herself for him, it finally became clear to him what he feels about her, and he realized that it was stupid and cowardly for him to try and avoid Juvia and his very own feelings, because of his damned childhood trauma. He could've lost all the chances he had with her forever, with all those efforts she spent on him all be put in vain. And now that he realized this, that doesn't make the fear of loosing her disappear. It can't be erased just like that. But instead of avoiding, hiding, and keeping his feelings like before, he's trying to improve and be a better person for her that can protect her no matter what.
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The episode about Juvia buying potions made her look bad for some fans. It was not in the Manga. It's not canon. The part where Lucy expected Natsu to confess (which was seen in the same episode) is canon, since it is from the Manga. But the part where Juvia buys love potion and uses it to try and get Gray is not in that chapter, nor is it in any chapter in the manga, meaning it's not canon and is an anime-only part. Well personally I found it quite funny, but some fans really hated Juvia on that one.
I saw a lot of people referring to Juvia as a "yandere" and portraying Juvia as such.. Juvia is NOT a yandere girl who will kill you if you reject her and shit. If anything, she's the opposite. She can NEVER hurt Gray. She'd rather kill herself than hurt Gray. When she thinks she's making Gray uncomfortable, she immediately apologizes. When she thought she disrespected Ul's death anniversary by saying it should be a happy day for Gray because it's their anniversary (she didn't know it was Ul's death anniversary at first), she felt very sorry and disappointed in herself. The reason she couldn't approach him at the start was because she didn't want to make him and his friends uncomfortable, and because she isn't used to socializing with other people (add the fight with Phantom Lord which caused the guild a lot of trouble, plus how people always disliked and pushed Juvia away). Basically, Juvia has, or at least had social anxiety. At first, she couldn't approach Gray because she was extremely nervous. Juvia also wasn't as bold as she is now towards Gray at the start, she was shy and was shown to even stutter a lot trying to express her thoughts to Gray and the guild members. Yeah, she becomes extremely mad when someone threatens Gray's life, but that's just like Natsu being mad when someone threatens to kill Lucy. Or Gray being mad when someone threatens Erza's life. Or Mira being mad when someone threatens her siblings lives.. But Juvia didn't even actually kill Meredy (the one who did threaten to kill Gray), but instead even became friends with her! A yandere would do the total opposite. I think that if Gray ever rejects her, she wouldn't even be mad at him, but would probably be very depressed and think a lot about what she did wrong.. She was even willing to give up on him in Tartaros Arc, when she had to kill Gray's father, she thought she doesn't deserve to love him anymore after what she did so she was willing to finally give up and leave him alone... When yanderes are the kind of people who'd go as far as to kill every other person close to you just so they can have you for themselves...
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But Gray himself does not want her to leave. Even though he seems annoyed with how Juvia is clingy towards him and all that, in reality, he doesn't want her to leave. He hugs her and says "thank you" to Juvia for being the one to "kill" Silver, saving his father and finally letting his father rest in peace, so that Gray didn't have to kill his father himself. Silver himself wanted to die and even thanked Juvia for that so I don't really understand why people hate her because of it. And if Gray disliked or hated Juvia, he definitely would have agreed about her leaving him alone.
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The main reason why Juvia acts like this is because she's trying to show her love for others that she wasn't able to show before, since she was always rejected, avoided, disliked, and even hated by others. She's always pushed away by others. So now that someone (Gray) didn't push her away and showed care for her, she didn't want to miss the opportunity of finally feeling loved and being able to share her love.
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And Gray, together with the guild, accepted her. She wants to feel loved and accepted, so she's trying all her best to not be seen as someone gloomy or unlikable that others used to think she is. She does things that she thinks would make them happy, she does things that she thinks would make them accept her. But since she never really knew how to interact with other people before she joined the guild, and the people she used to be with were toxic as hell, she comes off as awkward sometimes. But she's growing, together with Gray and the guild, she's growing.
She may say "Love Rival!!" when someone's getting close to Gray, but it's only put as comic relief and she was not actually serious about it. Even Lucy, the one whom she always calls her "rival", never took it seriously. If Lucy did, she would have never approached Gray ever again, or hated Juvia for it. If Juvia was really serious about her so called "threats", they would have kicked her out of the guild long ago. Plus, she may act like that, but in reality, she cares for and is willing to sacrifice for her friends, including Lucy. And Lucy herself knows that. Even Gray knows when she's just joking around and even called her out for joking at serious times.
It's sad that people say that they are concerned about Gray and Juvia "forcing" herself into him when they don't really actually think about and consider what Gray is actually feeling towards her.. Gray loves her, she loves Gray. Just let them be happy. Gray has lost too much, at least let him enjoy being with Juvia.
Anyways, I'M NOT FORCING YOU TO LIKE THE SHIP, WE ALL HAVE PREFERENCES. But I'm just trying to make you understand both characters, their relationship and development a little more. Well, this is mainly just from my perspective tho. Especially with all the hate this ship gets and how misunderstood both characters are and the things they do. And if you got to this part, thanks for reading all of this lmao this is my first time posting something like this in Tumblr, I hope it wasn't that confusing.
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kuraichykoochie · 3 years
Xiao with a Male S/o whose helping out a friend at their cafe.
A/n:Quick note this part is based off of something I saw on Pinterest.But I changed the plot up a little bit.I don't quite remember their user but credits to them and their art.This is also has a few ocs of mine and my friends such as Elliot and Zhu Li
Pairings:Xiao x male reader scenario.This is something you can also find on wattpad @KuraichyKoochie
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"You seriously want me to do that!?"M/n exclaimed.
M/n was on call with Elliot and he became flabbergasted at what he was requested to do.
"Oh my god M/n!Just do it!I don't have all day trying to persuade you to do it.I have other things to do."Elliot replied lazily.M/n sighed in return and face palmed.
"But why ME out of all people,"He asked.
"I don't know?You seem like the nicest one to ask and you kinda look like a girl so it's a win win situation for me,"Elliot said.
Although M/n knew those words weren't meant to be offensive it still did hurt his pride a lot.And when he says a lot he meant a lot.He looked down and sighed before speaking up again.
"Yea yeah I guess I'll do it."
"Oh my thank goodness.Well whatever come to the cafe later on around like 12.You got that?"Elliot said sighing out of relief.
M/n also sighed but out of all regret.
"Yes yes I'll be there."He replied reluctantly.He was zoned out until he felt arms wrapped around his waist.He jumped but slowly relaxed after realising who it was.
"Oh Xiao it's just you.You scared me,"He said.Xiao just grunted and hurried his face into M/n's s/c neck.The feeling left M/n a little ticklish but he brushed it off.
"So you were on the call with Elliot?What did he ask from you now?"Xiao asked.M/n sighed before explaining.
"Oh is that so?"Xiao asked one more time just to confirm what he just heard.M/n replied with a soft 'yes'.
"Well...I wouldn't want too show you off to other people in a maid dress but if it's Elliot why don't you help him?He helped you that one time back then for Valentine's didnt he?"Xiao stated.M/n eyes widened as he slowly remembered.
"Oh yea.I guess..."He said not really motivated to be wearing a maid dress.
"Well if you're going to help you might as well start getting ready soon.You have to leave at 12 right? It's 10:30 right now."Xiao said.
After hearing this M/n stood up quickly,getting out of Xiao's grasp and made his way to the bedroom to get ready.Xiao looked at the direction M/n went in.
𝚒 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 "𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗" 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢.T^T.
An hour had passed and M/n was finally ready.
"Well I'll get going then Xiao!i'll see you soon okay?"M/n waved goodbye.As he was about to leave the house Xiao had quickly grabbed his wrist and looked straight into his eyes.
"You forgot my goodbye kiss."He said firmly as he closed his eyes waiting for his kiss.M/n just sighed playfully and planted a kiss on Xiao's forehead.
Xiao still didn't let go of his grip on M/n and still stood in the same part.
"I gave you one.You can let go now,"M/n said.Xiao shook his head still waiting with his eyes closed.
"On the lips,"Xiao whispered.M/n then kissed him on the lips and was about to pull away until Xiao had stopped him by holding onto the back of his head and making the kiss even deeper.
Xiao pulled away from the kiss and smiled 'innocently' at M/n."bye,be safe."He said.M/n looked at him dumbfounded.𝙳𝚒𝚍 𝚑𝚎 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝-?M/n shook it off and greeted him goodbye to.
"Mhm Bye!"He said before leaving the house.
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘
"M/n.Your finally here.You sure did take your good ass time I see."Elliot said looking at M/n in distaste.
"Hey!What do you mean I arrived here just in time!"M/n said trying to defend himself.
"Yeah sureeeeee.It doesn't take you 45 mins to get to my cafe when you leave at 11:30 now does it?Os what distracted your idiotic self this time?"Elliot said triggered at the fact M/n was late by 15 minutes.
M/n started darting his eyes in different directions trying to come up with and excuse.
"Well I uh- Uhm- I was uh-.Oh yes!I was helping Bennett with moving his stuff!He kept dropping everything so I decided to help him out!Although it did take longer than I expected."M/n explained to the male who seemed as if he had pulled an all nighter for 5 days straight.
Elliot just shook his head.
"Awe~How nice!"Elliot said obviously faking the happiness in his voice."well go dress into this in the back room.I'll open the store while you're at it.Zhongli,Razor,Barbara,Noelle,Kaeya,Amber and Fishcl are there to.How did I get them to do it?I honestly do not know."
M/n looked at the male in shocked."IF YOU ALREADY HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE HELPING YOU WHY DID YOU ASK ME FOR HELP!"He said in anger and slight embarrassment.Elliot looked at him in disappointment.
"It seems you do not know the way this gets me money do you?"Elliot said shaking his head.He just handed M/n the maid outfit and forced him into the back room."now go get dressed."
M/n walked in to see the other 7 already dressed.
It was quite funny seeing how Razor and Zhongli were dressed as maids whilst Fischl, and Amber were in butler outfits.(Barbara and Noelles are also wearing a maid outfit and Kaeya a butler one)
𝚆𝚑𝚢 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝙴𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚘𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙺𝚊𝚎𝚢𝚊,𝙰𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍.𝙵𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚕?M/n shook his head annoyed before he went into the corner of the locker room and started to wear the outfit.
"M/n.Start.Soon.Quicker"Razor said informing M/n that they were starting soon.M/n just nodded his head okay.
"Yeah I'm nearly done.You can wait for me outside okay?"He answered.Razor just nodded his head before making his way out of the locker room.
M/n finished and closed his locker that had all his stuff in it.He quickly took one more look inside the mirror in the room to check is he looked alright in the maid dress.
"Okay perfect?"M/n said and confirmed with himself that he looked good.He went out of the locker room and closed the door behind him.
When he stepped one door out of the room he could smell the aroma of all the sweet food enter his nose.He looked into the kitchen to surprisingly see Xiangling cooking some sweet madame as well as some almond tofu.
"Hi Xiangling!I didn't know that you were going to be helping aswell."M/n greeted the chef cooking.
"Ahahah M/n!It's nice to see you again!"
"Well good luck in serving the customers!Today is gonna be a pretty busy day after all it is a special event!"Xiangling wished M/n good luck.
M/n bowed before leaving the kitchen to go into the main part of the shop.
"We're opening the cafe now so be ready,"Elliot announced as he turned the closed sign to a now opened one.
It didn't take a while for a few customers to come in and order something.The first person to go lead the customer to their table was Noelle.She showed them their seats before taking their order.She was a real natural.
More customers started to walk in after a while and then next thing they all knew the cafe was busy as hell.
M/n looked straight into Elliot's blue eyes.
"B-but I don't wan-" he was cut off by Razor who put a menu in his hands and by Fishcl who pushed him into the main room of the cafe.
"Gu- Oh uh"M/n stuttered as he looked down at the floor."Welcome back master?"He greeted although it sounded more like a question.
"Wow Xiao!You see I told you we should have came!"Zhu Li announced.M/n lifted his head up in shocked and blushed when he made eye contact with Xiao.
"I-oh Xi- I mean Master!I didn't know you were going to be visiting today!"M/n said in surprised.
Xiao just nodded his head.
"Me either.I was just forcefully brought over here by Li as she wanted to see how Amber was doing,"Xiao explained.
"Well let me take you to your seats masters!"M/n informed.He brought the pair over to a table of two and had handed them the menu."what would you like to have today?
"I'll have some almond tofu."Xiao stated.M/n nodded his head as he wrote it down in his small note pad before he looked at Li waiting for her order.
"I'll take the Universal fried rice!Also looking good M/n"She said.M/n eyes winced at that last part.
"Thanks!Your order will come up shortly!And for drinks?"
"I'll take a coke!You Xiao?"Li asked Xiao.
"I'll have a sprite."He answered.
"Perfect!Your drinks will come soon and the food may take 15-20 minutes or so!"M/n informed before he made his way to the back room to drop off the order.
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘
The orders for Xiao and Li were finally finished and M/n placed them onto the tray before making his way to Xiao's table.
"Here are your meals masters!"M/n said cheerfully.And yes he finally got used to his role and was perfecting his job.
He took the foods off the tray and placed them in front of the two before he made his way out.
Zhu li went in for a bite and let out a moan when the food reached her taste buds.
"MMMM!Xiangling's cooking never fails to surprise me!Is it good Xiao?"Zhu li said.Xiao just nodded his head in reply as he ate his almond tofu peacefully.
He kept an eye on M/n and all the customers he was serving.He was happy that nothing bad had happened to him so far.That was until he saw something that triggered him.
A stranger had just taken a photo of M/n under his skirt with his phone.
He immediately stood up from his seat about to make his way towards the strange man.But he was completely taken aback when he saw the male now drenched in some chocolate milkshake.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?"M/n asked in anger."that is completely rude sir!I hate to tell you but I need you to leave the premises!"
Murmurs started to occur.
The male looked at M/n in disgust.
"What are you talking about!I didn't do anything!I want a refund for my food for this terrible behaviour and I will call the police for your random assault."He said trying to defend himself.
M/n glared at the man who shivered under his gaze.
"Sir I am telling you that you must leave right now,"He stated calmly.The stranger scoffed and was about to stand up and hit M/n.
That was until a leg stopped his from getting up.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOI-?!"He was cut off.
"that should be my fucking line you useless bastard.So?Do you want to leave with your own two feet or would you like me to throw you out the fucking window?"He said angrily.
The stranger looked at him in shock and became frightened.Xiao was ready to punch him but was stopped when Elliot came in.
"I want you to leave this Cafe right now bitch,"Elliot bluntly said."that is unless you want me to take this into a case?"
The stranger shook his head before he bowed multiple times and quickly left.
The uprise had finally calmed down and the others went back to what they were doing.
"M/n I'll allow you to get off early this time.I'm very sorry that had happened to you.I shall destroy the SIM card and this phone so that it will no longer bother you,"Elliot apologised before he left.
M/n quickly let out a loud "it's okay!" And left to the locker rooms to go change back.When Xiao heard this he quickly finished off his almond tofu before he quickly entered the locker room.He went in only to see M/n shirtless.
He walked over to M/n before he wrapped his arms around his S/c waist and snuggled his head into M/n's neck.
"Ah Xiao!Let me finish changing then we can cuddle when else get home."M/n commented.Xiao just tightened his grip on m/n not planning to let him go.
"No"he stated firmly.M/n chuckled.
"I'll make almond tofu whenever you want me to.I'll also give you all the cuddles you want AND I'll buy you this games you've been wanting to get,"He said trying to bribe his man.
Once Xiao heard this he immediately let go and stared at M/n expectantly.M/n gushed over how cute he was being before he quickly finished changing and grabbed his stuff.
"Okay I'm ready let's go!"
Xiao immediately picked up M/n and held him bridal style before leaving through the back door.
"Xiao!Put me down!I don't need you always carrying me!"
"Only if you promise to buy me those games."
"Of course I will!Ill even get them for you even if you don't put me down.I would do it just because I love you!"
"I love you too."
"So are you going to put me down?"
"You said you would still buy me the games even if I didn't soooo no."
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chubby-dumpling · 3 years
MLB Rant: Let's Stop Hating on Alya
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Two rant posts in a row? It's more likely than you think. It's been almost a week since "Optigami" was released, and I don't think I've ever seen more discourse in this fandom. Obviously, the episode was really hyped up, and a lot of people were disappointed despite trying to keep their expectations low. Personally, I think we got a lot of necessary info from that episode, but I'll save that discussion for another time. I want to talk about Alya. If you've been engaged with the fandom since last Sunday, you've probably encountered a lot of phrases like "Alya doesn't deserve to keep the miraculous" and "Alya is stealing screen time from Chat" and (most prominently) "I thought this was 'Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, not Ladybug and Rena Rouge'".
I'll be the first to admit that Alya is 100% getting more screen time this season. Marinette had a total breakdown because of all the stress she was under, and this eventually led to her telling Alya the truth. This was obviously a very big deal, as it's the first time any character has known the identities of the main characters. While this was met with mostly positive responses, some people seemed disappointed that Chat didn't find out first. The entire reason "Chat Blanc" happened was b/c of Adrien finding out Ladybug's identity, and while it hasn't been mentioned, I definitely think it's the main reason why Marinette has no interest in an intentional reveal anytime soon. Also, Master Fu made it very clear how dangerous it is for them to know their true identities, and I believe Marinette (who we know is quite the rule follower) took this to heart. She's spent the past year telling Chat they can't reveal themselves, so revealing herself to him would not only feel wrong to her but also make her feel like a hypocrite.
With that out of the way, Mr. Pigeon 72 and Optigami showed us that tough situations require Rena Rouge's powers. Giving her the miraculous permanently doesn't make her a part of the dynamic duo; it simply means that Ladybug has someone she can trust if her and Chat are in a bind. In Marinette's own words, Alya keeping the miraculous is a precaution "in case something happens to her". The fact that Hawk Moth has gotten so powerful that she's afraid she may not be there one day (gosh, that's dark) tells us that this is "just in case". Marinette even says Rena would be replacing her, not Chat. We also don't yet know if Chat knows or not that Rena will be playing a larger role. If he doesn't, it wouldn't be because she doesn't trust him; hearing that she's finding someone to replace her in case something happens to her would break his heart. Remember, she didn't even want Chat to know that giving up the role of guardian would cause her to lose her memories!
Again, we don't really know what the writers are planning. It's very unlikely that Alya will turn her back on Ladybug, and from the end-credit scene in Optigami, it feels more like Hawk Moth is just going to try and find a way to endanger her, making Marinette realize her mistake. Also, can we acknowledge the fact that Ladybug made a mistake!? Things that happen in the show are actually having consequences, and I'm glad we're seeing the story progress with previous episodes affecting the next one.
In conclusion, I feel like the fandom turning on Alya is quite unfair. You can have your opinions, but we shouldn't hate on her simply because Marinette has begun to rely on her more. Everyone appreciates her when she tries to get Marinette and Adrien closer, but as soon as she's "interfering" with LadyNoir, she's suddenly considered annoying and devious. They're best friends, and they should be able to depend on one another. I think the writers are definitely setting something up in terms of conflict (perhaps having to do with Chat feeling left out), but this isn't something that should be blamed on Alya or Marinette. I guess we'll just have to see what's in store for the rest of Season 4 :)
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croatian-nt · 3 years
Sejan podcast
I know this isn’t in order but I also know everyone is waiting for this one so, here you go. Translation under the cut
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Host, speaking to the camera: Good day dear viewers, and today-a treat. Dejan Lovren and Šime Vrsaljko. I was tempted to start this off with Šime's famos phase: Good day working people, tonight is a live" but it seemed a bit too much
Host, turning to them: should we expect something like that from the two of you during Euro as well?
Dejan: it's spontaneous for us. For Šime and me. We never know what will happen
Host: oh I see. Is it also partly the fact that you are a bit older now-
Šime: *giggling *
Host: -so you have this mindset of "oh we are older now, we'll leave it for younger players"?
Šime: *giggling louder * well no-we only improve with years that go by
Dejan: we get even worse
Šime: *openly laughing * yes, even worse!
Host: but the two of you continued that tradition even after WC. You call one another, you go live, you guve yourself into the ether, so to say
Šime: I mean, it's not...it's not showing people as much as they think-
Dejan: we show them maybe 1%!
*everyone laughs *
Šime: yeah we show them maybe 1% of the way we-I mean, we show everything through positivity and that's it. I guess people like that
 Host: I know the two of you have been active during quarantine. You were both probably bored and had quite a bit of interesting conversations. Maybe we should touch a bit upon that. Is it something you guys plan or does one call another and then you just talk?
Dejan: Oh, it's as I said before. Šime knows that when I call him, I'll call him three times. He has to answer
Šime: yeah, we really don't plan that. I often have some things I am doing but then he is calling me to comment on something and I-I don't have the heart not to answer
 Host: so Dejan, you were also quite bored in quarantine, and you tries quite a lot of activities. I believe cooking was also one and that one steak ended up burned
Dejan: the house almost burned down
Host: *laughs *
Dejan: no, seriously
Host: so it ended up completely black huh?
Dejan: yeah. But I did learn how to cook better after that
Host: and you Šime? I believe you said you didn't cook the eggs but the eggs cooked you. That there was oil everywhere
Šime: I mean, they closed us in the house. And I had some friends over and we were all really hungry so I made some eggs. They asked for fried eggs but they ended up getting scrambled ones
 *about getting haircuts in Russia*
Šime: so I came downstairs, after the lady was finished with Kova already. And we share a glance and Kova is like 'brate...this really isn't good' but I take a seat anyway, hoping it will turn out alright. And then she started cutting it and I felt she was taking out too much hair so I stopped her. Still had patches of hair missing. It was awful
Dejan: the rest of us surely didn't let him forget about it
Host: so how did all of this start? I know the two of you were roommate and that Dejan pressure you into opening instagram account, which you didn't want to do. But you did in the end
Šime: yeah, he was pesting me about it for days. 'Šime please. Com'on just open an account please' and what could I do? I relented. And then...I think we made that Marica video first?
Dejan: yes, that's how it all started
Šime: yeah. I didn't know how anything on Instagram worked, so I played with filters and that's how Marica happened. Interesting, what can I say
Host: what's interesting is that none of that was planned. There was no plan, no censure, nothing. You just showed us things as they were
Dejan: well I think that's the best, really. Plans rarely work out as you want them
Šime: yeah. We didn't do it to, I don't know, pretend we are funny or for views or something like that. Just...what happens, happens
Host: do you miss it now? The fact that you aren't roommates?
Dejan and Šime overlapping: we didn't-weren't
Dejan: everyone has their own rooms. But it's practically like we are. Not much of a difference
 Host: how did you think of your famous "aj lajk" idea?
Šime: well I don't it'-
Dejan: something got messed up in his brain
Šime: -something clicked in or out of place
Dejan: he just said something like "aj lajk a lot" and that was the end of it
Šime: no, I remember there was something-there was that moment well-erm
Dejan: laughs *
Šime: *sighs, shakes his head * I was watching this comedy from Jim Carrie and then he-and then he- *loses a train of thought *
Dejan: *laughs louder *
Šime: *smiles * there was something he did and-I thought of-
Dejan, whispering: aj lajk
Šime: no, it was-
Dejan, louder: ajjj laaajk
Šime: it was something different
*continous laughing from both Dejan and the host *
Šime: ...anway it was also spontaneous
 -Card break-
 Host: let's make first card break. You take the cards and ask the questions one to another
*Šime and Dejan take each one card *
Host: you can take all of-or you can take them one by one. Nevermind
Dejan: so what, I am asking him then?
Host: yes
Šime: don't give me any hard questions
Dejan: a yacht or a sailing boat?
Šime: a yacht
Host: a big one?
*voices overlaping *
Dejan: as long as everything fits in-
Šime: it doesn't really matter-
*pause. Šime shrugs. Dejan starts laughing *
Šime: I don't wanna sound too posh here. I don't spend much time on yachts and I was never on a sailing boat. And I am not very patient-
Dejan, overlaping: he doesn't have patience for that-
Šime, still overlaping: yeah, exactly-
Dejan, speaking over him: I think he is more likely to push the sailing boat himself-
Šime: I really don't think I'd like that- not one bit. Anyway, SUV or Cabriolet?
Dejan, looking pained: Cabrio.
Dejan: VAR or not VAR?
Šime: *sighs * no VAR
Šime: Jennifer Lopez or Shakira?
Dejan: *thinking*
Šime: Can he choose both?
Host: he can, but if he can choose one that would be better
Šime: I am just giving him an option
Dejan: JLo
Šime: ah, fine I guess
Dejan: rock or hip hop?
Šime: I listen all kinds of music so it depends
Šime: iPhone or Android?
Dejan: iPhone
  Host: Šime you didn't play a lot of games because of your injury. We are all happy you are back now but I am curious. How did you feel at home, watching them play and suffer on the pitch while you are at home?
Dejan: what about how I suffered?
Šime: If someone told me I will not play for the nt for so long after WC during WC I eould have called them crazy. But I kept postponing the injury during WC and I paid the price after. So yes, it was hard, watching my boys that I spent so much time with, play without me and struggle while I wasn't there. But I am here now and we have a big chance once again to cheer up people who love Croatia
Host: Deki, there have been some new player joining the nt recetly. How do you think they are settling in?
Dejan: I think, good. I mean when I remember my start, of course you are a bit more shy but I am sure they'll be more outgoing with time. But they seem like nice guys
Host: do you think there is a potential in some of them to continue this entertainment thing you and Šime do? Or are they more closed of?
Šime, cutting in: I think there is always a way to joke around a bit. But-
* Dejan, shaking his head and mouthing no*
Host: no huh?
Šime: but-
*voices overlaping *
Dejan: it just doesn't exist-
Host: how would you encourage them to-
Dejan: you can't. You are either born that way or you aren't
Šime: I mean the two of us have been in the nt for awhile now and it's always the same. Every morning if I wake up even at 4 am I'd start laughing
*Dejan laughing *
Šime: it's just the way it is and you can't really describe it
 Host: I wanted to ask, I don't know if this will ever happen but I would like to see you two as hosts one day. If you could choose someone to ask questions as host from the nt, who would it be?
* Šime and Dejan share a look and burst out laughing *
Šime, still laughing: no the thing-the thing is, the two of us commented on probably every famous person ever. Connected to sports or not. But if I had to choose-if I had to choose someone I think I'd laugh to tears with while interviewing it would be Goran Bare
*Dejan giggling in the background *
Šime: it would really be a show
Host: if he could hold a concentration during the whole interview
Šime: I mean it would be something casual, like this. And for the questions we would have...I reallly don't know
Šime, looking at Dejan: who would you choose?
Dejan: I don't know
*silence *
Šime: com'on brate, say someone
Dejan: hmmm. I don't know. No one is coming to mind right now
Host: and from the nt? If you had to choose one teammate?
Dejan: Brozović
Šime: well yes but-
Dejan: he is maybe number one for me right now. I just remembered
Host: and would he agree? To come to a show hosted by you?
Dejan: not only would he agree. He would have to agree
Šime, unconvincinly: mmm. Yeah
Host: Deki, did you get used to life in Russia?
Dejan: well yeah, yeah I did-
*Šime giggling *
Dejan: it's not how I expected. I expected to be able to survive the winter but it's really cold
*Šime bursting out laughing and coughing *
Dejan: I went out on the balcony one day and thought "my freezer is warmer than this "
Šime: so meat can be kept outside with drying clothes. If it's that cold. How cold it is?
Dejan: -30 C
Šime: wow. There we go then
Host: you didn't visit him yet?
Šime: no
Host: and you won't huh?
Šime: oh no *laughs * I said I didn't not that I won't
Host: Šime how did you face Luka after snatching the trophy from him?
Šime: normally. But I remember thinking-since he scored last minute to Villarreal and we won our game. If we ended with a draw and he scored a goal in last minute and won the championship-uff. I wouldn't be able to look at him
Dejan: he doesn't even have space for any more trophies anyway
Šime: him?
Dejan: yeah. Like com'on
Šime: but. Um- *looks at Dejan and forgets his sentence *
Dejan: dragi
Šime: hmm?
*Dejan laughs *
Šime: don't talk too much
 Host: We had Budimir here yesterday and we talked about how he got into argument with Savic. He didn't want to tell us any details, but he said you'll surely tell us everything
Šime: he really pushed it all on me huh?
Someone off camera: that's not exactly how he said it!
Šime: I mean I don't want to judge because I am on good terms with both of them. I didn't get involved and I actually found someone else to argue with-
*Dejan laughs *
Šime: but I am really close with Ante while we are with the nt but Stefan is also my friend I talk to every day so. I wouldn't want to pick sides
Šime: I am glad Ante scored thought and that the club bought him so I congratulate him on it this way-oh he just entered
Host: Ante you came a little late. We just talked about you and Savic. Šime told us everything
Dejan: he insulted you to the fullest
Host: he told us everything, we heard a completely different story from you, just so you know
Budimir: will I need to give some sort of reply?
Host: it's too late for that, you had you lr chance and you didn't say anything
Šime: I wanted to say, there was tension during the whole game and it escalated jn the tunnel-
Host: oh Luka, you are a bit late too. We talked about you as well
Luka: I was here already before-
Host: I think he waited until you left to say something-
Budimir: I just wanted to say, he sent Grbic after me. The biggest one
*all laugh *
Šime: I didn't even see Grbic. I was too busy with some other things. Some my exhibitions
  -Cards break-
Dejan: who has the best image?
Šime: ufff. Hmmm *thinks for about 30 seconds * Based on my taste? I guess Mateo? He knows how to dress well
Dejan: *laughs quietly *
*everyone from the background start laughing *
Host: you are not of the same opinion
Šime: well I said it's based on my taste
Dejan: next question
 Šime: who has the best car?
Dejan: what should I say?
Šime: just say it's you, brate
Dejan: I mean Barišić has a good car
Host: Barisic huh?
Dejan: I wanted to say Luka but Luka is *makes dismissing gesture with his hand *
Luka: soon!
Šime: Luka will have it soon but tastes shouldn't be discussed. Besides whoever has the fastest doesn't mean he is the fastest
*everyone laughs *
Host: so who is the fastest?
Šime: well that I don't know. We should have some sort of competition
 Dejan: who gets ready the fastest?
Šime: ufff. I don't know. I really don't know. I can tell you who gets there last but-
Host: who gets there last?
Dejan: captain
Host: Luka huh?
Dejan: well you know it's when you pass 30-31, you immediately pay a fine. So he comes exactly at 30
Šime: but at yesterday's lunch, you should have seen that show. It was 29 minutes and 45 second when suddely the door opens and everyone rushes in. There was pushing and running...chaos. but that's because we have some new regulations like no being late, no phones...but I think that's great
Host: who paid the most fines?
Dejan: ufff I can't quite remember. But I think Reba and Perisic
Host: now I'd like you both to tell me about your childhood, but perhaps something not football related
*Šime and Dejan burst out laughing *
Šime: there is still more of these dragi *giggles *
Dejan: are you fucking with me
Host: alright sorry guys, my bad. Continue
Šime: are you asking me or am I asking you?
Dejan: you ask me
Šime: no, I asked you last. You ask me
Dejan: alright. Who eats the healthiest?
Šime: I think Deki does
Dejan: Me??
Šime: yes. The way he makes and mixes those salad he eats...I am sick from only going to that part and looking at all the stuff you are supposed to put in them. But he does it so carefully and he clearly enjoys it. I mean we all eat healthy but he is like...yeah
Dejan: I mean I really do like salads. And I have this whole pressure-captain sits next to me and he says "make a double salad"
Šime, overlapping: well yeah, he uses him a little, so what-
Dejan: and it has to be perfect, salted to a gram, otherwise it's "what did you put in this?!" *sighs * it's fine
Šime: who cooks the best?
Dejan: cooks???
Both of them: no one
 Host: alright so, your childhood. Šime, you can go first
Šime: my childhood? I don't know what to say, really. It was good, I grew up loved, surrounded by fun and playing games with my friends outside. I also thankfully have a younger brother and...I don't know. Most of my fondest memories are the ones spent playing outside, usually with the ball of course
Host: which neighborhood?
Šime: well we moved once so there were two addresses in Zadar, until I finished middle school. And then I went to Zagreb at 14
Host: what about you Dejan? I know you had a harder childhood, but I'd like to touch upon happy moments and not so much on bad ones
Dejan: what should I say? I don't know where to start. I mean I had a really nice childhood in Germany. My parents introduced me nicely to the real world pretty early on. I remember at that time I thought we had everything we needed but...in the background everything was burning. I think I only realize how bad the situation was when we got back to Croatia. But that's alright-it happened for a reason. And I think we can all be proud that we survive it. I am actually sad my brother didn't went through that with us. He was too small
Host: you spoiled him a bit huh?
Dejan: well no. He is 10 years younger. By the time I went to Lyon he was just starting to grow up. Maybe that's why I-because of what happened I developed quite a character. So I can proudly say we all went through that together and today that's something that doesn't have a price
Host: you went to Zagreb when you were only 14 right? Although I believe you said in one interview you really wanted to go
Šime: I wanted to go because it was a call I couldn't refuse. It was football and football is my biggest love. And it's something you just feel you need to do. And when you are that young you are just pulled by your goal, by the love for football. But when I came and when the process of growing up was suddenly sped up...only then did I realize the consequences of my decision. But at that time that was a challenge to which I would never admit defeat. So there was only victory left. And I did win that game of my life. Those kind of moments left a mark on you. As Deki said those things make you stronger and make some things later in life easier
Šime: but don't get me wrong! I am not saying it wasn't nice as well. I am talking her like it's something awful-
Host: was it too much of a change to you at first?
Šime: well no, it was great for me actually. I was supposed to go to Hajduk at that time and I went to two tournaments with them in Zagreb, we won that tournament, I won the best player award and they were demanding for me to come to Hajduk but they couldn't make a deal with Zadar and then the offer from Dinamo came and...there wasn't much thought on my part. It was really great. I was at dorm for the first 6 months. And...I don't have time now but one time when we have time I'll talk about the details and my experience with boys from both on and off the pitch. It was a time of self descovery for me so to say
Host: Deki, I have to ask you something. I have a friend that played with you in Inter and he said that you spend the whole night with them celebrating, but you only drank Cola and similar drinks. Never alcohol
Šime: impossible. I don't believe it
Host: that's what he told me
Šime, turning to Dejan: is it true? How old were you?
Dejan: 16 or 17 I think?
Šime: oh okay, then I believe it
Dejan: I mean I had this sort of mentality of looking at things ahead. It's not that I never got drunk. I got absolutely plastered and I walked on my knees-
*everyone laughs *
Dejan: -but I definitely had days I didn't drink despite hanging out with teammates because i didn't feel like it
Šime: *still laughing *
Host: He is dying of laughter. I don't understand why
Dejan: that's because he saw the time I was on my knees and ge remember that now-
Šime: *laughing louder *
Dejan: so now for him that's-
Šime: no it's *laughing do hard he is incomprehensible * it must have been some time before the game so you didn't drink *proceeds laughing *
Dejan: well yes, that's what I am telling you. The rest of them were getting wasted anyway
Šime: *laughs even louder * this was good, my god
Host: he has good tricks huh?
Šime: no I mean, I am not saying what he is saying is untrue I just *laughs *
Dejan, overlapping: he just saw the worst version-
Šime: I know how he gets when he-*laughing harder *
Dejan: -saw the full transformation-
*both laughing very hard *
Šime, wiping his eyes: oh my god.
Dejan: anyway, next question
 Host: Šime that jump of yours after a ball during the game against Belgum...what happened?
Dejan: blackout
Šime: I mean yeah-I was so mad
Host: but jumping with both legs-
*Dejan laughing *
Šime: he is laughing but I am still mad. There were so many situations with Lukaku, he kept pushing the players with the whole "oh I am strong, oh I am fast" I mean he is but. Still. So when I saw him leading the ball I wanted to-I want to shorten his....
*everyone except Šime laughs *
Dejan: his legs
Šime: his way to towards the goal. And I failed and when i saw that in a duel I lost the ball-
* Dejan laughing again*
Šime: and I was tired and under stress so I had to get it all out somehow so i don't do something worse later
Dejan: I remember watching TV and I saw that, I looked at my brother and then back the TV and I said "he had some sort of blackout there"
Šime: I just did what I had to do. If it was concrete there, I would have threw myself at concrete at that moment
*Dejan absolutely losing it *
Šime: I am serious. I would have honestly threw myself at the concrete at that moment
Dejan: *slaps his arm, still laughing *
Šime: I realize it was a bit unexpected from the outside but I just had to do it so I don't endanger anyone else's health later
 -Cards break-
Dejan: only two cards?
Host: no there are supposed to be three
Dejan: *looks around, no sign of third card *
Host: lost it on the way huh? It's fine, there can be two
Dejan: alright. Favorite book?
Šime: pfffff
Dejan: *laughs *
Šime: there is no favorite book
Dejan: *laughs harder *
Host: nothing huh?
Šime: no. I know there might be a phase in my life when I will read books, but for now...I just don't have a patience
Dejan: *continous laughter that increases everytime word 'book' is mentioned *
Šime: favorite song?
Dejan: uh. I can't really choose, it depends on a mood *thinks for a moment * but now...let's say from Oliver "Bez tebe"(without you)
Dejan: favorite city?
Šime: Zadar
Šime: now another question that won't be hard to answer. Favorite number?
Dejan: *shurgs * 6
Šime: you didn't really choose some hard questions
 Host: if you had a choose one player from the nt who is really special? Personality wise as well-
Dejan: Broz
Šime, nodding: Definitely Brozović
Host: I keep hearing about him. Maybe people from the outside have the wrong idea about him-
Dejan: wrong idea? No, they have the right idea. Exactly the right idea. The guy is hilarious, but also an amazing player. I cannot believe someone can eat 2 kg of pate, 2 croissant and coca cola before a WC match and just. Run for 15 km. I just don't understand that. And then when you ask him how he says: "pateee" and makes hand gesture to the sky. I really don't understand him. I would need 4 days to recover from eating all that
Šime: yeah his mental state...I don't think there is much of a difference for him when he wakes up in the morning on a normal day or when he about to enter a pitch. But I think when you meet him you are surprised actually. He is actually quite quiet and nice and really smart, with a big heart
Host: and he is honest right?
Šime: yes. There is no doubting for him. He will tell you everything to your face and what you think about that-that's your problem. I think that's great
 *about their lives and interviews from Russia*
Šime: one thing that I specifically remember from videos of our interviews are people trying to read our lips
Dejan: oh god *laughs *
Šime: I remember whispering to Dejan "look that guy is the same Strina
Dejan: the guy really looked identical
Šime: and someone wrote that I said "look at that woman with big boobs"
Dejan: *laughs harder *
Šime: I mean, how do you even read it so badly??
 -Last card break-
Šime: which teammate would you let choose an outfit for your night out?
Dejan: Šime Vrsaljko
Dejan: which teammate would you choose...as a business partner
*they share a look and start laughing, the entire audience joining them
Šime: Well Dejan Lovren, of course
Šime, calming down: alright, alright next question. Which teammate would you choose to-*starts laughing * to-to babysit your child for a few hours?
*everyone burst out laughing *
Dejan: Šime Vrsaljko
Dejan: now, listen to this
Šime, already half laughing: yes?
Dejan: which teammafe would you choose to...change your tire
*both burst out laughing again *
Šime: *catching his breath but still laughing * what-I mean what should I say *laughing again, shrugging * oh fu-
Šime: which teammate would you choose for a gaming partner?
Dejan: *thinking * but you are always playing those video games. Call of duty and stuff. I have to pick Šime again
Šime: well I really sometimes do-
Dejan: sometimes?
Šime: often-and then I tried to get him to start playing-
Dejan: and I did, during lockdown. And he got me into Call of duty. And after 5 hours I say "I am going to bed" and my wife wakes me and she is like "dragi you are shaking "
Šime, laughing: he was shooting!
Dejan: it completely scrambled my brain. So I quit. Stupid video games
Dejan: alright now tell me...who would you choose as a partner in a fight?
Šime: ufff. Well him. I'd choose him for everything. It's a matter of trust. If we were to get into a fight together-
Host: you'd take a punch for him?
Šime: we'd-we'd make it a good fight. Guaranteed
  Host: well guys, that's it. I hope you enjoyed-viewers certainly will. This will be viewed a lot I bet
Šime: it was good. Fun. Although I saw that in some podcasts they drink while answering-
Dejan: where did you see that?
Šime: in podcast. When Goran Bare was a guest they also gave him the-the-
Dejan: so I end up on my knees here? Don't be ridiculous-
Šime: -and we'd open the topics much easier that way
Host: I don't know what your coach would say to that-
Šime: -it's classic art. I am not saying we have to drink here just that I think it's cool
Dejan: *laughing *
Šime: maybe some people are a bit stiff so this would help them relax
Dejan: how do you think we'd be like? How relaxed?
Šime: from 1 to 100? 200
Host: well you gave us a good idea for maybe some future podcasts-
Šime: but I think that would need to happen when there are no football activities involved-
Dejan: I think the chair would be sitting on me and not me on a chair
*both laugh *
Šime: just prepare us two beds here so we can lie down after
Host, turning to the camera: Anyway, dear viewers, we'll stop here for today. I hope you all had fun today, and watch us tomorrow as well
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roguerogerss · 4 years
A Long Day of Saving Your Ass
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(gif isn’t mine, creds to the owner!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Plot: “Hi darlin! If you’re still taking requests could you do a Bucky x reader where she gets her ass saved from literal death by Bucky during a mission and she refuses to leave his side on the way back or at the tower? And he gives her a back/foot massage to make her nerves calm down aaand they may or may not share a kiss bc they like each other? I hope that makes sense, tysm! 💞” - requested by anon
W/C: 2.3k
Warnings: mentions of fights/blood/kinda ptsd but not really? she’s pretty much just really shaken up and Bucky’s cute and protective as hell about it. also kinda sexual themes towards the end, no smut or anything though it’s all fluff!
(A/N: first of all, thank you so much for all of the love on my last fic, it really really does mean the world and that was just totally insane. okay, so, this request only came in yesterday, but I was so in love with the concept and had this wave of ideas for what I could write, and so here it is! thank you so much for this one, bby! as always, requests are open for any marvel boy you want, plus any of the stranger things boys. i do smut too hehe. any feedback is so welcome and appreciated, it really helps! please like and reblog!)
The quinjet was ready to take off, engine on, Steve behind the wheel. But Y/N wasn't there yet. They'd been holding off on leaving, giving her time to get out and the opportunity to do it without help, but Bucky had been antsy since he'd gotten on the vehicle and realised that she wasn't there.
It wasn't exactly a secret that he liked her, in a way that he hadn't really liked anyone in over seventy years. He'd never admitted it to anyone, not even to himself out loud, but you have to have a certain level of intelligence and basic sight to join the Avengers in the first place, and it wasn't hard to figure out.
Y/N was oblivious to it, rolling her eyes whenever Natasha teased her about 'Bucky's little crush', never taking it seriously. If she'd known that they were really serious about it, she wouldn't have hesitated to make a move. She was inherently forward, had no sense of shame whatsoever, it was common knowledge that she would've said something, at the very least.
"Hey, Y/N, where are you right now?" Bucky spoke into the intercoms, earning wide eyed glances from the rest of the team. They knew that she hated being rushed, hated being babied even more, and the fact that Bucky was doing both was probably about to blow up in all of their faces.
There were obvious sounds of struggle on her end as she answered back with a grunt, "South side, got ten guys on my case. Think I can handle it, though."
"We're ready to leave, Y/N." Bucky grunted, leaning forward in his seat and chewing at his lip. He was met back with a crash and a strangled groan from the assassin, making him shoot up and towards the exit of the ship.
"Bucky, where are you going? She'll kill you if you try to help her-" Tony was standing now, too, worried about his teammate, but figuring that she'd find some way out. Bucky shook his head and pressed the button to open the escape hatch.
"She's going to die if I don't help her, Stark. Keep the engine running, we'll be back in a second." And he was gone with that. Steve closed the hatch, radioing to Bucky to 'keep in touch' as he did so.
Bucky pulled his machine gun from the holster on his back, shooting two guards that were stationed at the front entrance of the Hydra base that they'd sneakily infiltrated, managing to only cause a few minor scenes. He was inside and backed against a wall, scoping out his route to the south side of the building, without wasting a second.
His feet pounded on the metal stairs as he made his way down to where they'd been earlier, where he knew that Y/N still was, and he looked around himself cautiously, gears in his arm turning.
He could hear the fight before he could see it, and he could tell from the noises that Y/N wasn't doing so well. A lot of crashing, thuds, groans mostly from her. The sight wasn't exactly easy to look at either, she was covered in blood, slumped against a wall and kicking her legs wildly while one of the agents held a gun to her temple.
Bucky knew that he had to act fast, and so he shot the agent with the gun without giving away his position, and then proceeded to open fire on the rest of them, trusting in the fact that Y/N knew how to dodge a bullet.
When he was sure that the agents were dead, each one of them crumpled in heaps on the floor, he slung his gun back over his shoulder and ran for Y/N, who let out a relieved sigh upon seeing Bucky. "Oh my God, Buck." She whispered. She wasn't sure what she meant by the words, what she wanted to convey in them, but he seemed to pick up just fine as he wrapped his arms around her shaking and compacted body.
"You're okay, I've got you." He rested his head on top of hers for a second, breathing heavy, just allowing himself to enjoy how it felt to have his body draped over hers. "We've gotta go, okay?"
"I can't run." She said assertively, knowing that there was no way that she'd be able to get up and run like hell, like Bucky seemingly wanted her to. He nodded once, gave her an apologetic smile, and then scooped her up into his arms without another word.
She scrambled to grip onto his black jacket, a gasp leaving her mouth as he picked her up from the floor, flesh arm supporting the backs of her knees and the metal one around her shoulders. He chuckled at her reaction, the way that she white-knuckled the leather of his combat jacket. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna drop you."
"How do you expect me to believe that?" She croaked, trying her hardest to be her usual, sardonic self, but failing miserably as she realised just how fast and hard her heart was beating.
"Because I just saved you from at least ten guys who wanted to kill you within a minute, I'm not dropping you." Bucky replied as he ascended the stairs and she buried her face in his chest, the smell of his cologne relaxing her. He allowed a soft smile to cross his face, bringing his metal hand to her head and almost rocking her like an infant or a small child who had a nightmare.
For Tony saying that she hated being 'babied', she seemed to enjoy it when it was coming from Bucky.
They were back at the ship within a few minutes. Steve had taken off, and Bucky had gone to sit in the back of the ship on his own. Or at least, he'd wanted to sit in the back of the ship on his own, but Y/N was so shaken up and had looked at him like she was a lost puppy when he'd tried to leave her alone, and so he smiled and told her to come with him.
Everyone else had looked between themselves, grinning like mad. "He really likes her." Steve commented and Natasha nodded.
"She really likes him, I'm well aware of that fact." She said.
"I've never seen The Winter Soldier so caring. And, was that - sorry if this seems outlandish - a smile? On Bucky Barnes' face? Surely not." Tony pitched in, leaning back in his chair while his friends laughed.
Meanwhile, Y/N was curled up in a chair, chewing at her fingernails and dabbing at her bloody face with a wet cloth that Bruce had given her the second that she'd gotten on the ship. Bucky watched her, his heart breaking at the way that her hands shook as she brought them to her face, at the way that her entire body shook.
"Hey." He placed a tender and soothing hand on her back, rubbing gentle circles there. "It's okay, you're safe now."
She gave him a wobbly smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and placed her hand over his, allowing him to interlock their fingers. "Yeah. Safe now."
She still hadn't left his side, apart from briefly so that she could take a shower. He'd offered to come back to her room with her when she'd hovered around the lounge while everyone else had already dispersed, reminding her that no one was going to hurt her.
She was laying on her bed, hair wet and wearing nothing but a big shirt, while Bucky sat awkwardly on the edge of it, twisting the sheets between his fingers. "You don't have to sit there, you know. I have a sofa, or you can sit back."
Bucky shook his head and looked round at her, she was still visibly shaking, eyes darting around to show just how on edge she was. "It's fine, darlin'. M'fine." His voice was more ragged than he'd expected it to be. "I'm just here to make sure that you're okay."
"Well," She held her arms out, "Come here, that'd make me feel okay." It was a bold move, one that told of her feelings towards Bucky, but she didn't mind much, figuring that he probably wouldn't decline her.
He chuckled, shaking his head at her, but still, kicked his boots off and lay down next to her, allowing her to wrap her arms tightly around his torso and press her cheek over his heart. "Hey, you're okay, sweetheart." He stroked her hair. "There's nothing to be on edge about, yeah? I've got you."
"Yeah. Yeah, I know. Sorry, I don't know why I'm so freaked out." Her breathing was picking back up again, so Bucky shushed her and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, something that drove the butterflies in her stomach wild.
"It's okay, baby." The nickname just added to the way that her stomach fluttered, and she swallowed hard to try to forget about it. "Hey, how about I do something that'll relax you, yeah?"
"And what would that be, Barnes?" She smirked mischievously and he laughed at her.
"Lay on your stomach." He removed his arm from around her shoulders, and she looked at him with one eyebrow raised, obviously thinking that he was implying something way more forward than what he was actually implying. "Woah, no, no, no. I give good back massages, metal arm and all."
She laughed, throwing her head back into the pillows at the headboard of her bed. "Oh my God, Bucky. I hate you so much." She breathed out, flipping over so that she was laying on her stomach, back exposed to him.
"Can I pull your shirt up, or?" Bucky whispered, running his hands up and down the back of her t-shirt, and she nodded.
His breath hitched in his throat and he found himself struggling to think straight when he lifted the hem of her large shirt, to show that she was only wearing a pair of black panties underneath. She didn't seem to mind, so he didn't mention it, even though his breathing was hindered as he trailed his hands from the small of her back to her shoulders, thumbs rubbing circles as he did so.
She sighed and could've sworn that her eyes rolled back into her head as she relaxed into his touch, one hand cold and the other warm. She understood what he meant when he said that he was good at giving back massages.
"Feel okay?" He asked softly, swallowing hard. She nodded again.
"My God, Bucky, feels fucking amazing." She moaned, and he hated himself when his stomach flipped upon hearing her. "You're so good at that."
He had to stop when she said that, hands still on her shoulders but unmoving, just sitting still. He couldn't think about anything else other than sex when she was moaning like that, something that he wanted to punch himself for. It was such a tender moment, she was scared and so vulnerable, and all that was going through his brain were those thoughts.
"You okay?" She asked, and when he didn't answer she flipped back over, sitting in front of him. He looked like he'd seen a ghost as his tongue darted out to lick over his bottom lip. She reached a hand out, caressing his cheek gently to bring him back to reality. "Bucky?"
"Can I kiss you?" The words were leaving his mouth before he even knew what to do with them, what they meant and how she'd react. As soon as he realised what he'd said, he had his face in his hands, shaking his head. "Shit, sorry."
"No. No, Bucky, don't apologise. Look at me." She wrapped her fingers around his wrist, prying his hands away from his face. "Yes. Of course you can kiss me."
He furrowed his eyebrows, wondering if what she'd just said was real. She was looking into his eyes so intently, staring at the light blue rings around his pupils, realising how pretty they really were now that she was this close. "Kiss me." She whispered, and Bucky took no hesitation in complying to what she was asking of him.
His lips were on hers, and they were so gentle and soft, gliding against hers effortlessly. He pulled her closer to him with a hand on her back, the other cupping her cheek lovingly. His tongue had soon slipped between her lips, earning a soft little whine from her, as his tongue met hers and they worked out how to move them together in harmony.
She eventually pulled back, breathless, and simply grinned at him before laying back and pulling him with her. They resumed their earlier position, her arms wrapped firmly around his waist, his arm around her shoulders, her head on his chest while his hand stroked her hair. "Relaxed?" He laughed and she smiled and nodded.
"I'll get goin', it's late and you look tired, princess." Another nickname, another flourish from the butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Just as Bucky was getting up to leave, she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him back to her, snuggling back up to his chest.
"Stay. Please."
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
So, I started writing this Mystic Messenger fic last year but lost the inspiration to continue. I finally finished it today, so I hope you like it.
Oh, and I commissioned this lovely artwork from @hydeine last year, too. I said I'd tag her when I finally post the fic. I suppose today's the day. Here we go...
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Title: Strawberry Pancakes
Pairing: Jumin Han x OC (Iris)
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 2,665
Author's notes: Some of the scenes were faithful to the game.
Disclaimer: I do not own Mystic Messenger, but I own the idea of this fanfic.
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It started with pancakes. Those thick, buttery, melt-in-your-mouth fluffy stove-top cakes that both of them - apparently - were both fond of. 
The first time they talked about it got him into a spot of trouble. Over an utterly dull lunch date with his father and his latest conquest, amidst the rich ambiance of the Michelin star restaurant where only the who's who in society were spotted, Jumin Han chose to indulge in a little tête-à-tête of his own at the RFA chat room with her. 
Her. Iris  - RFA's accidental member, unofficial party organizer, everyone’s cheerleader, and about the only other person who resonates with him. Jumin quietly as he waited for her to respond to his last message. Over the last twenty minutes, they have gone from talking about Elizabeth the 3rd’s grooming habits to his favorite breakfast food.  
| ‘I like chocolate chip pancakes.’  He felt his lips stretch sideways as he read her message. It was strange, he thought, how he's been joining the chat room more often since she joined. In the two weeks that they've been chatting, he felt closer to her than he's ever been with anyone in his life. 
| ‘I figured you would.’ He typed and sent.
|’You seem like the type who'd indulge in something with high sugar content early in the morning.’
|’That was a lucky guess, Jumin.’
|’But I don't believe in luck.’
|’Oh, and I suppose you think you've got me all figured out already? If you're so smart, tell me what I’m thinking at the moment.’ He smirked at her cheeky response. 
| ‘Iris, I'd like to remind you that I’m a businessman, not a fortune teller. If you’d like me to infer based on our conversation though, I'd say you're thinking that I like buttermilk pancakes, to which the answer is no. I prefer strawberry pancakes.’
| ‘Am I really that predictable?’ Her message finally came in two minutes later. He chuckled. In his mind, he imagined she probably would’ve pouted as she replied. 
“You seem rather amused, son. Did something happen?”
The sound of his father's voice snapped him out of his daydream. The young executive silently cursed himself for carelessly dropping his guard. Clearing his throat, Jumin straightened up and ran a hand through his dark locks. 
“My apologies, father. I had urgent business to take care of.” He tucked his phone in his pocket while wishing that Iris would understand why he hadn't gotten back to her. 
“Judging by your smile, I take it that business is going well?”
It took all of his willpower not to roll his eyes at his father's new girlfriend. Glam Choi was it? And what was it that she did? Judging by how she managed to turn heads, he deduced she must be some kind of celebrity. Nothing special, he thought; after all, his father, the Chairman of the Board of C & R International, seemed to have dated them all - socialites, celebrities, models, beauty queens - some of whom were even a year or two his junior. 
“Jumin? Are you all right, son?”
He silently cursed himself once more. While he was silently judging his father’s new girlfriend, he had once again dropped his guard and gave the older man the opportunity to call him out. 
“My apologies.”
“That's twice you've apologized. My, what an interesting day it is indeed, ” the stately older man said curtly. “Is our company not to your liking, son? Please just bear with us for a few minutes more. After all, your assistant told me that you won't have an appointment in the next hour or so.”
Jumin took a deep breath and sighed. If he had only known his old man’s agenda was to introduce his new girlfriend, he would’ve begged off right away. God knows he’d much rather be eating pancakes with her now than having a full-course meal in this place. He shook the thought away for a moment. Now wasn't the time to dream of her. Fixing his grey eyes at his father and the young celebrity he decided to date, he feigned a smile. “Very well, father, you have my full attention until then.” 
The second time they talked about pancakes was more of an afterthought. It happened right after their first kiss. 
Their first kiss. The very thought of it still made his heart race. He remembered every little detail as if it were yesterday. He had Assistant Kang to thank for arranging everything for him. Thanks to his efficient employee’s quick thinking, he was able to meet Iris a week earlier than the rest of the RFA members, although if he had a chance to do it over, he wouldn't be as flustered as he was when he first laid eyes on her the night before.
He watched in awe as she stepped into the foyer. She was everything he’d imagined - slender and graceful, her brown hair cascaded down her back, and her dark brown eyes looked back at him with the same level of wonder. 
“Jumin, i-it's so nice to finally meet you.”
He swore he’d never felt his heart beat faster than it did at that exact moment. ‘Get a grip, ’ he scolded himself, as he schooled his emotions before it got the better of him. He must not lose his footing, after all, he was Jumin Han - businessman, philanthropist, future CEO.
“You’re beautiful.” The words slipped from his mouth quite naturally, and he immediately regretted it when he saw her cheeks turn several shades redder. 
“I’m sorry, ” he cleared his throat. “What I meant to say was that I hope you traveled safely. If I had known Assistant Kang was going to ask you over, I would’ve sent out my driver to pick you up.” 
And then she smiled, and he knew right away that he was going to do whatever it takes to keep her. 
“Who is this woman and what is she doing in your house?”
Jumin gazed at the shameless woman his father had been forcing him to marry and resisted the urge to throw her out of his penthouse himself. 
“Sarah, please don't be like that. I'm Jumin's friend -”
“And what kind of friend comes a man's house alone? By the looks of it, you probably stayed the night, too!”
If Iris was the least bit upset at the insults hurled at her, she did not let it show. Unfortunately, he was far from being gracious. 
“This is dragging on far longer than I expected. I'm actually quite surprised I hadn't thrown you out the door the minute you showed me that fake cat picture. My security will show you out.”
“What? No, you can't do that. I'm your fiancée,” Sarah cried out incredulously. 
“Oh, please,” he said haughtily. “If you think that we'd  gotten engaged just by exchanging a few words, you're clearly delusional.”
“So, you're choosing her over me?”
“I don't know why you're even asking,” the dashing Chief Director of C & R International said, as he turned his attention to the willowy brunette who stood quietly in the corner. Something about the way she looked at him urged him to come closer to her. With each step he took, the answer became clearer. He stopped in front of her and smiled. She was a good head shorter than him, and she looked adorable gazing up at him with those big brown eyes. 
“It wasn't like I had another choice to start with,” Jumin finally said, his eyes never leaving hers. “Iris,” he whispered, as he lifted her chin and closed the gap between them. He could've sworn he felt a shock wave run through his body the minute his lips touched hers. Suddenly, the sound of Sarah's protests faded, and all he could hear was the sound of his heartbeat - or was it hers? He really couldn't tell - but every single one of his senses zeroed-in on the beautiful woman in his arms.
Her lips were the softest he’d ever kissed - not that he’s had lots of experience - as a rule, he only kissed women because he needed to close deals with them and the kisses they shared were always cold. This, however, was different. As his mouth moved over hers, again and again, all he could think about were two things - how her kisses taste like strawberry pancakes, and that he could never get enough of her. 
The third time they talked about pancakes was a memory guaranteed to make her blush almost immediately. He remembered vividly - Provence in July, a month after they'd gotten married. He promised to take her on an unforgettable honeymoon anywhere she wished. He thought she'd choose to go to Paris, Santorini, Milan, or even Ibiza, and he’d be happy to take her there; but instead, she chose to go to his newly-purchased winery so he could still oversee their daily operations while spending time with her and Elizabeth the 3rd. 
That's so like her. 
He woke up alone in bed one Sunday morning. Frustration marred his beautiful face as he ran his hand over her now-empty side of the bed, and found it still warm. She couldn't have been gone for long, he thought. And Elizabeth the 3rd, who usually enjoyed sleeping late, was not in the room as well. Still half-asleep, he forced one eye open to glance at the clock on her nightstand. 
‘Six-thirty, ’ he groaned silently, as he rolled on to his back. What exactly could his wife be up to this early? Sighing, he rolled out of bed and left the room in search of the beautiful woman who disappeared from his side before he even got to kiss her good morning. 
The house was quiet except for some movement coming from the kitchen. Raising an eyebrow, he quietly made his way to the large French country-style kitchen his wife loved so much and found himself entranced at the sight of the lovely brunette he now called wife, stirring something in the mixing bowl while their pet sat on the counter, looking curiously at her. 
"I hope I get this right, Elizabeth the third, " she told the cat softly. "Jumin's pancakes always taste good, so I hope he'll like these."
Her innocent declaration made him gasp. She was making pancakes for him. And that realization made him pick up his feet and head over to where she was at. 
"I see you both are up early."
"Jumin -, " she cried out in surprise, as she felt his arms wrap around her waist from behind. "Good morning, my love. I didn't expect you to be up so early."
"I could say the same about you, especially after we made love several times last night, " he responded, as he planted soft kisses on the side of her neck. Her cheeks turned red at the thought of their passionate night together, and he smiled, knowing how embarrassed she was. "You're blushing."
"I can't help it…, " she murmured. "And I think you've disappointed Elizabeth the third." 
He watched their pristine white cat jump off the counter and saunter out of the kitchen. "I think she's just giving us some privacy. Don't worry, she'll be fine, " the dashing young businessman said as he stopped kissing her, but kept her in an embrace. "So, tell me what you're up to." 
"I was going to make strawberry pancakes for you, " she started, her face still flushed. "But I'm not sure they're as good as the ones you make."
"Is that so?" He unwrapped his arms and moved closer to the counter where the mixing bowl was. "I suppose there's just one way to find out." 
She watched in silence as he dipped his long and slender finger into the bowl and scooped up a tad bit of better. Carefully, he brought his finger near her lips, while watching her gently. "Say ahhh…, " he said and laughed at how dutifully his wife complied. "Well?"
"It's sweet…"
Cocking his head to one side, he smiled at her wryly. "Is that so?"
"Why don't you taste for yourself?" 
His eyes twinkled with excitement, as she failed to realize how enticing her offer was. Cupping her face with his hands, he leaned forward and whispered, "I suppose I will, " before he ravished her mouth - and all of her body - over and over just like the night before. 
The pancake batter was left untouched until later that day. And as she had placed ointment on the scratches she had left on his back, he feasted on the strawberry pancakes she had made just for him. 
The fourth time they talked about pancakes was on Valentine's Day - the first of many they'll be spending together. He thought of many ways they could be celebrating this together and spent a lot of sleepless nights thinking of the perfect present for her. Never once did he think they'd be spending the day spooning her in bed, with one hand caressing her swollen belly. 
Thirty-eight weeks. She had been carrying their first child for nearly nine months, and despite her growing belly and her slight weight gain, she continued to look even more beautiful. 
"I really want pancakes, Jumin."
His hand stopped moving, and he raised an eyebrow at her upon hearing her request. "Darling, I asked you what you wanted for Valentine's…"
She snuggled closer to him as she felt his low voice vibrating on his chest. The gentle sound of his voice always soothed her and the baby, and she wanted to hear more of it today. "And I told you I want pancakes."
He frowned, feeling a little upset at her answer. In truth, she could have anything she wanted - jewelry, cars, all the designer items a woman could get her hands on - but all she wanted to for Valentine's was his home-cooked pancakes. "That's all you want?"
"That's all I want, " she hummed. A few seconds later, she felt the baby kick and the sensation made her giggle. "See? Even the baby wants pancakes."
"But the doctor said you should lay off sweets…" He should have known better than to speak those words because no sooner had he said them, she immediately turned to him with sad puppy eyes. He sighed. He knew at this point that he had lost to her once again - after all, he could never resist her - but he wanted to make her victory a little harder. "As I was saying, the doctor said…"
"But Jumin, I haven't had anything sweet since we found out I was pregnant, " she said, pouting. "And I'm really craving the strawberry pancakes you make."
"Will that make you happy?"
"Very much so."
Sighing again, he untangled himself from her and rolled out of bed. "All right. I suppose I can alter the recipe a little bit. You just lay there and rest, okay? I'll be back with your pancakes."
Elizabeth the third jumped from her bed and walked beside Jumin as he stepped out of the room. "How long do you think before she rolls out of bed and follows us?" He asked, glancing sideways at their precious feline as she mewled her response. "Ten minutes? That's too generous. She's been too fussy lately, but something tells me you're spot on, so we need to move fast."
And true to form, a very pregnant Mrs. Han waddled out of their room ten minutes later, enticed by the mouthwatering scent wafting from the kitchen. 
"Those smell heavenly, " she said excitedly, as she made her way beside her husband and stood on tiptoes to give him a kiss. "Thank you, Jumin, " she whispered before she waddled towards the cozy little breakfast nook she had designed for them. 
He smiled, as he watched her walk away from him. She had no idea how happy she's made him, how lucky he was that she came into his life, and how thankful he was for all the many things that brought them closer together. Especially strawberry pancakes.  
The end. 
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My Dirty Dancer Part 4 - Judgement (Bill Skarsgård AU)
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{Authors Note ~ Things are about to get interesting! I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it, I’m so excited for this one! And again thank you to everyone who has been following this series and showing their support it means everything to me! ❤️ As always if anyone wants to be added to the tag list my DMs and Asks are always open! Enjoy! ❤️}
Previous Chapters ~ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Next Chapter - Part 5
Tag List ~ @simplyrucas @billofourtime @walkxthexmoon @butterscotchseventeen @bskarsgardlove92 @b-afterhours
After a few moments of thought, you decided to follow Lizzie - you had to see what she was going to do. So that's what you did, all the way to the staff clubhouse where you could hear the music playing even from the outside. She was looking for him. Once you had entered the clubhouse you could immediately hear her loud voice penetrating the music from the back room even though you couldn't tell exactly what she was saying. Then a male's voice, equally as loud, responded. Bill. Through the sea of people before you, you inched your way, wincing every so often as you heard a spike in the loud conversation, with lots of profanities slipping from your friend's mouth. You knew Lizzie probably wouldn't want you to know what she was doing, but even so, you couldn't help but look through the opening into the back room. You saw that she was standing before Bill with her fists clenched and her eyes boring into his, yet he was standing with his arms folded, a look of absolute boredom on his face. Seeing how emotional she was getting made you want to burst in there and help her, but instead, you turned away, walking quickly over to a free chair - you wanted to wait to see how Lizzie was. There was probably a 5-minute wait before she left the back room, a look of anger on her face, and you immediately stood but before you could say anything, or even get her attention, she was dancing with one of the other male instructors, burying her face in his neck. Sighing quietly you shook your head, deciding you'd talk to her about this later. "You've got a big mouth, sweetheart." Bill's voice being whispered in your ear from behind you nearly made you jump out of your skin, especially as he was standing so close to you. His breath brushed over your ear. "Now thanks to you I've been humiliated. Or at least that's what Lizzie would like to think happened. I mean, she's actually acting like you're something special. As if." He scoffed, holding a strand of your hair between his fingers gently before he left you standing, your jaw clenched. Who did he think he was?
"...Then he said he'd leave you alone, and that he wasn't bothered by you in the first place. He didn't even give me a reason as to why he did what he did to you." Lizzie finished her account of what had happened with Bill as you both stood outside your cabin, cigarettes in your hands. You hummed in response, mumbling "Yeah, I don't get what his deal is." while pretending like you believed what she was saying about Bill - He was obviously still wanting to get your attention, and you had to find out why. Otherwise, why would he have spoken to you again?
She stubbed out her cigarette. "You coming in?" She asked, pushing the door open and turning back to you. For a second you bit your lip, deciding on what to do. "I'll be in in a minute." You smiled at her and watched her walk into the cabin before stubbing your own cigarette out, turning and walking down the road in the darkness to what you knew was Bill's cabin. You had decided, probably just after the incident in the clubhouse, what you were going to do. What you had to do. His cabin was at the end of the road, and you could just about see a dim light through the window. He was there. You approached the cabin, ascending the steps slowly while the knot in your stomach grew. This was a really bad idea, you thought as you knocked on the door, seeing the light from inside become brighter as another light was switched on, and you heard steps approaching the door. Your mind fell into a short frenzy, your head debating whether you should just run off and leave him, but the door hands twisted and before you could do anything it was too late - you were staring into a pair of beautiful green eyes. "Well, this is certainly a surprise, Y/N." You sighed, scoffing a little as you eyed him before you.
God, he was breathtakingly beautiful. And you hated it. "Yeah, well I wasn't expecting to be here either, so this is a surprise to me too." You slipped your hands into the back pockets of your shorts, clearing your throat quietly. "I uh...I'm...I'm not intruding am I?" Bill chuckled, shaking his head as he leaned against the door frame, licking his lips gently. "No, you've actually caught me on one of the rare nights when I'm alone." You tried not to let the cocky undertones in his voice get to you. "Ok, uh...then can I come in?" You asked a little shakily, inwardly praying that he wouldn't make this any harder for you than it already was, and to your surprise, he moved to the side without any sarcastic quip or comment. But he did still insist on standing right beside you and watching you as you walked past, his arms crossed until he closed the door and turned off the main light after you. Your mind wandered as you walked into the living room - how many girls had been in this same position? How many had been brought back here by Bill for only one purpose? It made you feel sick to think about it, but not for the reason you'd expected; you were nervous, and that was it really. The anticipation of being alone with Bill in the place where he lived...You shook yourself out of your daydream-state when you arrived in the living room, which also contained the bedroom. "Not exactly a palace but I've got all I need." Bill's voice sounded from somewhere behind you and you turned, seeing him sitting on the only chair in the room, which left you with his bed. If you could have you would have audibly groaned at the prospect. "It's fine. I mean, staff accommodation is never the best wherever you go." A small chuckle passed your lips as you sat on the edge of the bed. It was then that you realised there was quiet music playing in the background, Cry To Me it sounded like, and your eyes found the record player responsible on the window sill. You tried to act as interested in it as possible in order to avoid actually talking, but you knew that wouldn't work for long. "So I'm guessing there is a reason for you being here? Something important enough to warrant you coming here in the middle of the night alone?" You forced your eyes to look at him and saw that he was leaning forward, hands clasped in between his legs as he watched you. The skin on your neck tingled. "Yeah, there is. And I don't even know why I'm here because you probably won't give me a straight answer but I just have to ask." You stood up from the bed and folded your arms, trying to show some strength at least. "I've been here for over a month now, and you keep on...Doing things. Whenever you see me it's like you have to do them. Why? Why the fuck do you feel the need to kiss me or wink at me or touch me? What is it, Bill?" You demanded an answer, looking down to him with a small frown. You needed an answer, now more than ever because you knew he'd hurt Liz, and you didn't want to be next. The dark-haired instructor leaned back in his seat and watched you carefully as you stood before him, his hands now resting on his knees.
As you looked at each other you could see him trying to figure out what to respond with, and that didn't take very long. "Before I say anything I just have to stress something. You're not special. I didn't see you when you first came here and instantly fall in love with you, ok? That's not what this is here." He sighed, standing and walking over to the record player, resting his hand on the box. Your gaze followed him. "It's just...fun. That's all it is. And yes, there is a bit of revenge thrown in there after what you said on your first night but mostly it's just a game. And you're just the new player. You’ll figure it out soon, maybe you’ll have some fun yourself. There aren’t any feeling attached to what we do, so technically we can do anything." Bill shrugged, leaning on the window sill as he looked over to you. You really couldn't decipher whether you were relieved or disgusted or completely confused...You had no idea. So, you just sighed, shaking your head as if it was what you were expecting while beginning to walk off before turning back to him in the room lit with ambient orange light. "So you lied to Lizzie then? When you said you'd leave me alone?" Your Y/E/C eyes didn't leave his, not even when he walked slowly over to you and stood so close you could feel the heat radiating from him. He ran a finger along your cheek, tilting his head as he watched you. This was so different than any other times he'd been this close - no cockiness, no arrogance, just soft glances and touches. "I guess that depends on you, sweetheart. Because, as much as she wants to keep you safe and as much as you know it's wrong, I can't help thinking that there's a part of you that doesn't want it to stop. A part of you that wants to have fun." A chuckle left his beautiful lips. "A very specific part actually." His eyes traveled your body. Your breathing immediately hitched, and you felt your heart race inside you...What he was implying...Was true. God, it was true. As you tried to think of a reply the music in the background changed, with Stand By Me beginning. "Dance with me." The words were so quiet that you weren't quite sure you'd heard them until Bill moved back and held his hand out to you. "Now?" You asked, your voice wavering in case this was just part of his 'game'. "Now." His deep voice responded, and against your better judgment, you placed your hand in his.
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kwantified · 4 years
waffles - zhong chenle
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genre: highschool!chenji, fluff word count: 2.6k synopsis: a snitched secret leaves you feeling guilty, but there’s always chenle (and food). lowercase intended.
disclaimer! mild swearing (as teens do) and apologies in advance if it’s cringey. i’m new to this!
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"fuck chaeri, they're going to kill me!"
"she needs to know! someone likes her!"
"but you don't know the name, though? what's the point?" at this moment, you realise it would've been better to have never told chaeri anything at all. damn it. who knew the same person who was able to keep all of your crushes since the seventh grade was now willingly announcing someone's feelings to the one person they shouldn't be announced to - at least, not yet.
"that's exactly the point. it's even more exciting to guess!" chaeri continues, "also, it's about time she gets a love life. i'm pretty sure ballet gets tiring sometimes."
you pull her shoulder, hoping to hold her back. your effort ignored, she instead approaches your friend, hong mijung, sitting on the leftmost seat in classroom 1-C. you watch in defeat as chaeri's lanky figure sways her way to the girl on the other side of the room. she tells mijung in squeals, a mix of excitement and shock. you could practically see mijung's heart drop after hearing her words.
mijung stands up, following chaeri to the hallway. her face is flushed bright red and her mouth moves fast. chaeri only reassures the shorter girl, trying to calm her down from the flustering news. it's an amusing sight; seeing mijung jump out of her calm, relaxed demeanour.
thankfully, you'd managed to stop yourself from spilling any names, and if mijung's already skipping beats at the idea of someone crushing on her, you can only imagine her usual ballerina bun undoing itself once she found out the hip-hop dancer from the studio upstairs had feelings for her.
feeling bouts of guilt and relief, you decide to head to your locker. exams are finally over; that means emptying your backpack of multiple textbooks and freeing you of weighted hell - even if that meant you would lose your only means of exercise.
"boo." you jump at the familiar voice behind you.
"halloween's so last season, zhong chenle," you turn around and get an eye-roll in response.
chenle cocks his head at the two girls heading downstairs, "what's going on with mijung?"
"why do you want to know?"
"because she doesn't usually do..." he trails off into silence. you begin to hear mijung's voice echo from two stories below, and chenle snaps his fingers, "...that."
"point taken," you try to find something in your locker to fiddle with, wanting to dismiss the conversation.
he folds his arms, leaning on the lockers in front of you. "anyways, what happened?"
you feel his gentle eyes waiting on your answer, and that's when you realise it's too late to scram.
"would you be mad if someone leaked your feelings for someone without your permission to the person you have feelings for?"
chenle thinks for a moment, "yeah."
"...don't tell me you did that," you can hear his cheery tone drop.
"to my defence, i didn't tell it was jisung," you pause, "i told chaeri, and chaeri only, that someone likes mijung." you began.
"should i tell jisung? mijung has class after this and i don't want her getting all giddy talking about crushes in front of him."
chenle tilts his head in thought, "yeah. just give him a warning. and an apology, because, you know, duh."
"fuck, i'm sorry." you sigh as you text jisung, letting a string of curses follow throughout.
"i feel like he likes her. like, like likes her. a lot." chenle nods, moving to face your back. he places his chin on your shoulder as the two of you watch jisung react with a sequence of 'oh my god's, 'shit's, and numerous variations of a keyboard smash.
chenle's hands go to your arms, rubbing it in an attempt to soothe you. "what's done is done."
still, you feel nervous. like, a queasy-weird nervous feeling from your gut or somewhere around there. somehow, it's familiar.
"yeah, i know, but-"
"have you tried the new café downtown?"
fuck. looks like the feeling isn't going away today.
"is 'not enough pocket money' a valid excuse or does that phrase just not make sense in your head?" you say sarcastically, turning your head to find him weirdly sweet-smelling. he chuckles in response, and you feel him beaming his usual ear-to-ear smile.
"i'll pay." he says nonchalantly, lifting his head from your shoulder, "plus, i don't want you to sulk over one thing you did for the next week."
"you can't buy me happiness," you retaliate, almost as if guarding your shame.
"hey, science says chocolate releases dopamine. makes you happy." he puts his arm around your shoulders. at this point, it's hard to tell whether he actually wants to get closer to you or if your shoulders are just the perfect height for an armrest. you wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter, but you're never sure about the former.
still, it feels nice.
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it turns out the "café" chenle referred to was more of a "waffle and coffee stand" downtown, its tables and seats taken by groups of content faces already. chenle insists the two of you line up anyways, your and chenle's eyes targeting a certain chocolate waffle. you could practically feel the warmth radiating off of the food, and your mouth waters at the thought of fudge filling your tastebuds as an abundance of sweet and bitter scents fill your nostrils.
you see him huff cold air as he speaks, his nose turning a light shade of pink. his cheeks follow, and it's only when his eyes meet with yours that you realised two things: your face is also tinted pink, and you've been staring. panicked, you swiftly avert your eyes. you had expected an obnoxious laugh or a direct jab from his part, but to your surprise, he only smiles.
randomly, you blurt, "have you ever thought of bleaching your eyebrows?"
he laughs, and then says, "only during exam season. you know, i think it would fit on you - actually you’d look good in anything." he shrugs, earning him a confused look from you.
the worker inside the stand shouts the number on your receipt, and it takes a while for the two of you to recover from the first bites you take. it was like medicine, and the side effects were: jumping, letting out less than appropriate sounds, and annoying others around you. in other words, the waffles were stupidly good. and you watched chenle space out like he's never eaten food before.
and he gave you the stupidest smile and the stupidest laugh and did the stupidest thing: he cupped your cheeks and looked straight into your eyes and made you believe this might be about more than waffles - thankfully, he'd swallowed his bite and you laughed it off.
he calmed down a bit after that, but you still can't fathom his warm hands on your face. it just made you want to reach into your stomach with a giant net and catch all the little butterflies.
"i'll walk you home," he says, out of the blue. you knew his house was located around the block, but you didn't want to point it out. besides, he's walked you home before, and he knows his way around town by now.
"okay." you smile.
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"i kind of want to get back on stage again."
"yeah. i miss the thrill of it all, you know? just having so many peoples' eyes on me, and i honestly just love to hear everyone cheer or cry or react," he continues as the two of you wait before the crossing, "i think the most powerful thing about performing is just knowing that you're making someone feel something, whoever it is. i just- i don't know."
"no, i get it. i don't really perform at all, but i've seen how happy you get on stage."
you remember that one class trip after midterms, in the talent show. chenle and jisung signed up to perform a parody of soulja boy's "pretty boy swag" as a joke, and as stupid as the lyrics were, the crowd absolutely loved it.
you also remember surfing the internet to find videos of him singing all throughout his childhood, spamming him with links of the videos in a group chat with him. though you made fun of him, you were sure of one thing; he had a talent for it.
the light turns green, and the two of you bathe in seoul's city noises once more, different aromas of street food and soju lighting up several sections of the block.
"Y/N," he calls.
"i feel like i've known you for a while," he says suddenly.
you suck in the cold air as the two of you brisk walk; you barely have any time to process what he's just said. quickly, you respond, "yeah, me too."
he catches your reaction and says again, "it's like i was meant to know you, y'know? something about you just makes me feel like i've spent lifetimes with you."
he waits for your response, but there's none. you don't know what to say. 'something about you.' something about me? what is there about me?
"how- how do you know?" it's normal for him to speak so straightforwardly, but today feels different. you can't quite put a finger on it.
"this is weird, but your voice is familiar... and comforting, now that i think about it."
how does he say that so casually?
just as you're still trying to understand his words to you, chenle gradually intertwines his hand with yours.
at first, it's okay, and you feel like the butterflies have multiplied by the hundreds. but slowly, questions start to infiltrate your mind, and you have no choice but to pull him over to talk. fortunately, you're close to your house, and where you live, the streets are much quieter than his.
you stop abruptly, turning his calm face confused.
"zhong. chenle."
"that's my name?"
"yeah," you nod, "care to explain?"
he leans in closer to you (which made two seconds seem like two years), asking for you to repeat it again. you take a deep breath.
"why do you do anything? like- with me?" all you see is a confused look.
"because i-"
"you're so casual about everything and i don't know how to feel about it because one day we're project group partners that never talk and the next you walk me the long way home!"
you start to look him up and down as you speak, your pupils going in a zig-zag pattern across the boy. you're frantic and spewing words you don't even remember wanting to say, but you're focused on him, and only him. not the sunset that's tinting his violet hair blue; not the neighbouring house gates that make him look taller than he actually his; not even the puddle he's so close to standing on it's a hair strand away from staining his jordans.
you know him, and only him and how much his hair's grown it's covering his eyes; him and how his blazer, when pulled to his elbows, makes him look a bit like a k-pop idol; him and his red, unpierced ears, which colours' still show through his hair.
"and you buy me all these treats and put your fucking arms around me and basically back hug me so many times and act like it's no big deal that i'm getting confused whether or not you want me close or if i'm just a convenient armrest?"
you genuinely feel yourself getting lightheaded. am i going crazy?
"wait, but i thought you liked that because i saw jisung do it-"
"it's different! jisung's a friend - more like a brother - and yeah, of course i like it, but with you it's different! it's like- it feels some way, like- it's just-" you trip up on your words and give up.
"i- have feelings for you." you slow down your pace.
you look up at him and realise his eyes saw you first. he smiles, again, and it's only then that you get the urge to hold his hand or snuggle into the crook of his neck.
luckily, zhong chenle's a mind reader, and he goes on to wrap his arms around you, letting your head rest on the crook of his neck as you mumble, over and over again the words i like you like you're getting used to its vowels sounding out of your throat. it's some type of warmth you don't think you'll ever get with five layers of padded jackets or stupidly good waffles - and it smells like sandalwood.
"you don't have to return my feelings, just- know that i feel this way."
"i thought it was obvious?"
you pull away from the embrace, "what was obvious?"
"i've liked you since after that trip. you know, when i injured my ankle after the talent show," he shrugs, "you just came to the nurse's area, where i was, and you just- stayed there to be with me the entire night. and from then you just always approached me and, i don't know, treated me like a person instead of a walking bank."
"and i guess it didn't seem so obvious for you because we only really got close because of jisung, who you've known for forever. but i did go out of my way a few times, though."
"wait, when?"
"for starters, i walked you home a lot, bought you lunch a few times, paid for the cake on your birthday-"
"that was you?"
he scoffs.
"oh, i see." you hit him playfully, "that's why chaeri wasn't complaining about her wallet."
"but honestly," you began, "i think i've always thought you were a great, funny guy even before the trip. i remember you on the first day of school, basically shouting through the halls with your other friends from the second and third years. and i just remember, the first time hearing you talk and thinking: you're so damn confident. and when you got hurt and nobody really came to see you, i was just like, shit - nobody's going to check on him other than jisung?"
you continue as the two of you are nearing your house, pouring out the unspoken after months and months of bottling it up.
suddenly, chenle's phone rings. it's jisung calling.
"jisung-ah! call me later-"
unable to hear jisung, you read the call through chenle's face.
"DUDE-" he looks down, unintentionally meeting your eyes. his tone softens, "dude, tell me later tonight, kay? i'm... in public right now."
you raise an eyebrow at him.
"well, i'm with Y/N."
then jisung speaks again, and chenle replies with a "yeah."
"oh- okay," he puts the call on speaker. the second he does that, the first thing you hear from jisung is "Y/N! GOD BLESS YOU."
"wait- why?"
you look to chenle, "i-is he kidding?"
chenle laughs, "when and where?"
"movies and dinner... i'm never getting over this."
"wait so... does that mean you're not mad at me anymore?"
"well, you were kind of a snitch but i guess that ended well, so... no."
"i won't snitch next time, i promise. unless-"
"Y/N, there won't be a next time! there's no way i'm gonna stop liking mijung."
"proud of you bud. call us later, yeah? we're getting on the bus right now." chenle says nonchalantly, ending the call just like that.
"why did you lie?"
he grins and takes your hand in his, "why do you think?"
"oh, shut up," you laugh, reaching up to peck his cheek goodbye.
he looks at you, shocked, making you two simultaneously burst into laughter together. 
“ya! your breath smells like waffles!”
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glamrockmonarch · 5 years
Girls? - AU from Original Timeline
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Summary: what if B!Reader and Brian had been parents to twin girls instead? They would have been a different kind of trouble...
Warnings: none. It's kinda fluffy.
A/N: this is kind of something I got obsessed with after talking to bae-beh @leah-halliwell92 so this will serve us all as a backstory of sorts for her wonderful ask that you may find here.
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B!Reader watched the screen in search for something that made sense. Although she was full of joy at the presumed sight of her babies, she still found no shapes on the screen when her doctor started the ultrasound.
Brian was more patient for these sorts of things; he sat quietly next to his wife and tried to soak everything in as if this was an experience too odd to run through, a chance handed over to him by the universe or God or whatever force moved the planets and created him, his wife, and his daughters. He was only slightly nervous, knowing since the previous appointment how much they would find out today. The babies' genders. Brian knew their chances of having twins were rare, a mere 3.35 percent proved enough, and there he sat with his hand on hers.
B!Reader had different but similar emotions about the pregnancy.
Brian did not expect he would ever become a dad again after his 40th birthday, and yet his eyes fell onto his young wife's belly. A baby bump that brought her brightness and joy in the last couple of weeks; through morning sickness that lasted all afternoon and came back at anytime in response to the minimal scent of something strange. She would laugh and sing around the house. He would find her dancing in the kitchen, humming an old song while breakfast cooked on the stove. Brian hated mornings but her liveliness helped him get out of bed every day, even if it was just to catch a glimpse of her curious eyes as she examined her middle section on the mirror to check the progress and growth of the little ones as her hands felt around the flesh under her belly button.
While B!Reader struggled to see what the doctor was so kind and patient to explain about the shapes and shadows on the screen, to Brian it was clear as day. In the time when he became a father for the first time he was just as confused as his wife was now, still he managed then to see in the poor image of that time his baby boy, nowadays a fully grown man. He marveled again at technology as the images seemed so much clearer than they had been when his youngest daughter was born.
His soft grip on her hand tightened, he recognised something, a simple comment from the doctor made him see it. Or rather... not see it.
"It's girls, congratulations!" She smiled at both of them.
Brian smiled with his lips pushed together in a tight line while B!Reader stared at the screen in amazement, she turned her head to Brian and saw his expression, she let out a laugh and tugged at his hand.
"We're having girls!" She whispered excitedly to which her husband replied by nodding.
It was surreal, he wanted to cry. He cried! And when the doctor let B!Reader clean up her stomach she wrapped her arms around him and they remained like that for a minute.
"I love you...so much..." she whispered against his shoulder.
Brian squeezed her tight between his arms, enough to keep her close and pressed against his body but not too much so he wouldn't harm his baby girls.
The girls. Brian spent long afternoons thinking about the new babies while B!Reader worked on her next book. He knew how much work it would be with one baby, he could imagine how difficult it would be with two. He had to admit, the outfits they came up with for girls were far more interesting than the little numbers out there for boys.
Brian kept writing things down in a notebook, making lists, going back and forth as he tried to imagine everything possible. He put money aside for the babies, for the nursery and their stuff. A fund. The girls would need money for school and who was to say he would still be there when they reached college. So he opened two accounts to put money aside for school. He had little bracelets made for the little ones as soon as he and B!Reader chose their names. Each bracelet read their full name, and Brian got B!Reader a necklace with a little golden plate reading the girls initials, he got himself one too, but kept them all locked and hidden until the girls were born.
Brian worried a lot about the most practical stuff, about the babies' wellbeing, about bringing them to a safe environment. He put a machine to warm up and sterilise bottles in the nursery, got blankets and pillows and stuffed animals to fill in the empty spaces in the brand new cribs. When B!Reader decided she wasn't going to be able to breast feed two babies he made sure the cupboards were filled with formula so they wouldn't have to worry much about that. He put the best of the best in baby monitors in the nursery, painted the room himself with the most useful help of his son and daughters.
By the time B!Reader was six months along she was already starting to panic. Two babies were on the way and Brian had just announced another Queen + Adam Lambert tour the upcoming year... she was thrilled - don't get it twisted -, but she had never been a mother before. She didn't get to experience this journey with one child, and all of a sudden she looked down and instead of her feet she saw a big round mass protruding under her jumper with two growing babies inside. And she was going to be left alone with them?
She was excited and nervous. Being a mum felt strangely natural, she knew she was a mother the moment her pregnancy test came out positive. She felt love for her baby that very second.
She was lost for words when Brian pointed at her and his eyes went wide with a smile drawn all over his features. "You're showing!"
Oh, the pride... she hadn't stopped touching her stomach since that day, and neither had Brian. Every chance he had, he would rest his hand on it, thumb caressing lovingly. He was tender too, careful. He didn't dare get rough with her, but it didn't matter because they were two fools in love. For almost a full year B!Reader forgot everything about their age gap, all that mattered was how much they loved each other and the family they were about to become.
It was late December when the contractions hit. B!Reader was sitting with Brian in the living room, both watching one of those cheesy Christmas specials. While B!Reader was dozing off as usual, Brian rubbed her swollen belly absentmindedly. B!Reader was ready to pop, had been for a couple of weeks at that point, but the doctor decided to program her for a c-section on the 27th, right in the middle of week 38. The girls were just ready at week 37, so thankfully contractions started a week early and before the holidays were upon them, Brian drove his wife to the hospital and a few hours later they had babies Harper Farrokh and Charlotte Harris safely sleeping in mummy's arms.
Brian was crying the moment his older children arrived to see the twins. He held Harper Farrokh in his arms, the smallest baby he had ever held. The two girls were smaller than average babies, due to the fact that they had been sharing resources in the womb. Still, Charlotte turned out to be bigger, she was born second but weighed almost 300 grams more than her sister, and was merely a single centimetre taller than Harper.
"Are these my new baby sisters?" Louisa whispered as she went to take a look at Harper Farrokh over Brian's shoulders.
It did not matter how difficult things had been between Brian's children and his young wife before, the sight of the two little girls wrapped in those pink hospital blankets made everyone ease off. Brian was happy, the happiest he had been in years. His grown children could tell; and B!Reader had always been respectful towards them and their mother, so why fight or argue or cause trouble when there really was no harm done?
The girls were daddy's girls, both of them. Everyone would have guessed that with Harper being smaller Charlotte would be the leader, but it turned out that she was also quite stubborn. Like her dad she did what was asked of her but always was quite independent. The girls were identical on looks but their personalities could not be any more different.
Of course, Brian was outnumbered at home but he loved his girls. All of them - including Bellamy.
Let me know if you like this AU from the Original Timeline and/or if you have questions or concepts or ideas about it!
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