#i think he projects a confidence he doesn't actually really feel tbh
secondscion · 6 months
I have so many thoughts about Joshua and his father and the way his father died but the problem is whenever I try to put them into writing I explode
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rowarn · 9 months
I’m so happy i found your blog ;___; your soft simon/konig are literally a breath of fresh air like the other anon said😍💕 you write them so well and so tender and caring, they’re literally dream men tbh😮‍💨💕 what are yiur thoughts on how they’d be w a reader whose inexperienced?? both when it comes to intimacy and love in general (im thinking of a feral and skittish cat 🐈‍⬛ who mistrusts every approach and touch and backs away 😭) i always read abiut these men when they’re w a reader who is very sure of her self/sexuality and confidently engages w them (and don’t get me wrong i love reading it regardless!) but what abour when reader has no clue how to act/what to do and is kinda ashamed about it bc she doesn’t want to let her partner down bc she still possesses the v card🥴
(im totally not projecting 😭🙊 btw it’s totally fine if you don’t want to answer this!! wouldn’t want to overwhelm or cross any limits!)
hmmm i think both simon and könig wouldn't actually rlly say anything about sex unless you brought it up.
simons very perceptive, he can tell that you're a little shy and skittish about anything too intimate so he keeps his touches pg and simply follows your lead. he lets you guide the pace and he won't bring up getting his dick wet unless you do first.
if he catches on that you may actually want to properly discuss it (even if u don't flat out say it, again he can tell if somethings on your mind <3) then he'll be SO patient and soft with you as he listens. if you're embarrassed or scared, he'll do his best to reassure you that he's not some bumbling idiot who doesn't know how to make it feel good. and he's also not the type to really care about the idea of virginity. doesn't matter to him; he'll guide you and teach you everything snd he'll be so careful and sweet with you, you don't need to worry. he's not great with words but he does his best to get his thoughts across to put you at ease!!
könig wont bring it up bc he's kind of nervous. his thoughts sort of race when he doesn't get a black and white answer so when he notices you're a little skittish about him touching you, he goes thru 400 different reasons why and doesn't want to ask and scare u off by thinking he's some sex obsessed maniac (he's a pro at catastrophizing!!!)
will not ever bring it up avtually, you definitely will have to sit him down and spell out your thoughts to him. he'll noticeable relax in relief when he realizes you're not scared of him you're just....embarrassed?
unlike simon, he is pretty good with words. he blunt and gets straight to the point. he'll tell you that he's...big....everywhere and that he knows how to prep you so it won't hurt and that he would be SO careful if u felt like you were ready. he also assures you that it's nothing to be embarrassed about. contrary to simon, he does understand that some people view their virginity as something special and that if u want he can make it a rlly romantic evening for u!! it's up to u!!! just tell him what u want and he will follow your lead without a single thought <3
overall, simon isn't rlly the type to just jump into bed unless he gets the idea that you CLEARLY want to have sex with him. he's had his fair share of bedmates and he will definitely be able to pick up on any flirting. if he thinks you might not want to have sex, he wont say anything. he's a grown man who doesn't need to get his dick wet (: he's got his hand (yum) <3
and könig is.....könig. he's just happy to be here <3
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greenunoreversecard · 3 months
Kai general and Romantic headcanons
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A/N:sorry if I got any of the characters wrong, I was using a combo of wiki/Google translate as I don't speak any of the languages mentioned. Pls let me know if I got any info wrong, i will gladly go in and change it to make it right.
Half Indian and half Chinese.
His and nya's last name is 鄭 (Zheng), but he says it's Smith bc when they where younger he got in the habit of lying about his name so he Didnt have to deal with CPS.
His ma is from Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, and was a practicing Hindu. Ray is from the 云南 (yunnan) province, and was a practicing theravida Buddhist. Ray is ethnically from the 傣族 (dai people, also spelt Tai in english)
Before his parents dissapearances, they both brought him to their hometowns, and actively taught him both cultures and religions, which he continued to learn about and even teach Nya about after their dissapearances.
When he was 14 he bought a small boat and him and Nya rode it across the costal line, and he promised Nya one day when he was older he'd bring the both of them to their parents hometowns.
He's a Buddhist.
He speaks so many languages.
Like so many
He's fluent in Thai, mandarin and cantonese chinese, telugu, urdu, hindi, Punjabi, arabic and ninjago-ian(idk whatever language ninjago speaks)
Also trying to learn Indonesian.
He also knows yunnan dialect bc his dad would speak in it more often than not
Absorbes info like a sponge
He likes to quilt
He always wears a golden bracelet He got from his moms jewelry box after she left.
Likes to draw but is bad at it, so he colors coloring books
He may act all confident, but he really isn't. super insecure
Soooo good with hair
Like, has all the stops. 10 step hair care routine
rivals Zanes cooking skills.
When working out focuses on building rather than lean muscle.
Mother friend
has dragged all of his friends into the water splashing festival.
Fatal flaw is loyalty and kind of hubris (it's conflicting, ik with the insecure and extreme pride, but like- it makes sense in my head. Inferiority/maybe superiority complex.)(it makes sense bc this is such me behavior. Imagine hating yourself but thinking ur the baddest bitch alive)
Likes to stare at fire
If he can't sleep he'll make a small bonfire to stare at and think
Chronic cigarette smoker
Hes more show than tell
Def acts of service (me frfr)
Although, he is very cuddly.
Not in public, though. Maybe infront of the other ninja if it was a rough day
Loves to rock you gently from side to side when yall are hug
loves to give you temple kisses
He's very gentle with you, treats you like glass
You wil prolly say ily first, and he'll go;"🧍‍♂️...cool?"
He has mommy and daddy issues, but HEAVY on the mommy issues. Have fun with this hyper-independant fuck who can't accept help without feeling like a failure even though they need it (I'm not projecting you are)
Goes all out for holidays and anniversaries.
Doberman/German Shepard vibes tbh
When it's just you two he doesn't feel the need to fill the air with meaningless chatter, so if he feels safe enough to just share air without talking feel honoured and cherish it bc that means he actually trusts you.
A little rough around the edges, but will remember that thing you said 5years ago on ur first date
Most dates are chill inside and take a nap
But sometimes if he can he takes you on the town or someplace fancy
Also likes to show you his favorite childhood spots
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asmoslverboy · 5 months
To love the devil; Dottore x GN!Reader.
He is who he has always been. Despite the centuries he's had to accept and embrace his darkness, though he claims otherwise, he can't help but try to hide away from you. Neither one of you's a saint, but through his eyes, you're an angel. CW! Angst, immortal × immortal, Dottore is referred to as "Zandik", self sabotage on Dottore's part♡, dottore being emotional (ooc tbh, im self projecting on him)??
932 words
Dottore has many sides to him that he'd rather hide off from you. For someone so egotistical, so full of pride, you'd never expect him to be ashamed of who he is, who he has become. And he's not— shame, embarrassment— those aren't emotions that he's familiar with.
But fear, now that's a whole other conversation. It's not like you don't know what he's done, the things he's guilty of, his list of crimes, and of unethical desires he's tried to fulfill. It's not like you haven't personally seen him drown in sin over the 400 years of knowing him.
"Zandik, did I upset you?" You ask him as you're sitting on top of his desk while he's in his chair, looking up at your figure. He's been quite distant lately, more than usual. You could easily assume that he was having one of his isolative episodes, but he doesn't seem to be avoiding anyone other than you.
"Hm?" That's all you get from him, accompanied by a raise of his right brow, but his focus soon goes back to his notes, going over them, rambling about how he needs his next project to be the embodiment of perfection. Creating an aranara, was it? Some things, it seems, never change. He was so obsessed with the idea of capturing one of those little creatures of nature, back when the two of you were still students.
The next few hours pass by in the same cycle of events. You try talking to him, he shrugs it off and continues digging his head deep into his research files.
Do not expect any more of him for the next days, weeks even. It's like your existence no longer matters to him. All you see is the man that you've been with throughout basically your whole entire lives, acting as if you were a mere accomplice. He has repeated this type of scheme in the past, more than once, but it never lasted as long as it did this time.
Each of your attempts of getting a simple response out of him, one that requires actual words instead of some grunt or hum, has gone to waste.
You're unsure of what to do. Should you be more worried for him or for yourself? Is this the time it all ends between the two of you? Should you really just give up on him at this point?
"Zandik," you called out, but not to him, nor to anyone else. Sitting by a lake, all by yourself, no one to your company, other than the thousand microorganisms that lived and thrived in the waters. "I wish you would just speak to me."
It's not like you lack friends to confide in. But would anyone be as understanding towards him— the one who was labeled a monster, by all who've known him and by himself first and foremost— after you tell them about his present behaviors?
You laid your head on the cold, wet grass. Surrounded by nature, the collective of existence. You could never be alone in this world, not as long as you believe that everything around you is as alive as you are.
But are you truly alive? If, in the past, your definition of the word was to express yourself in every way, to feel and to be felt, would you consider yourself alive at this very moment?
Another day has come— it seems you had fallen asleep on the ground. You awoke, a couple ducks quaking as they poke you with their beaks. They didn't mean to hurt you, though. And if you think about it, your beloved is much like these ducks. He does what he thinks would best help you. Even if it has opposing effects.
"You shouldn't stay," he told you, his tone felt like it could cut through metal. You were back at his office again, figuring you could at least help him out at work, if unable to help his inner world. He was taking off his gloves as he was done inspecting some ancient Khaenri'ahn technology items. "Do you want me to—"
"I've given you every reason to leave. Yet you still cling to me like a bloodthirsty eel." He cut you off. He has never spoken to you like this (not whilst he was sober, nor whilst he was in his right mind). He was calm, but he spoke as if you were an object to be dismissed.
"Do you not love me anymore?" You wanted to ask him so, so desperately. But the potential answers to that question shook you to your very core. So you dared not speak.
Such conflict within you. Shall you leave him be? Shall you listen to his words instead of pursuing him any further? You're painfully aware of his nature; to push you away when he needs your presence most.
But it's been going on for far too long, has it not? If he's not allowing you to help him, then really, what else is there to do, if not fend for yourself?
"You deserve better," he wrote to you, in a letter that'll never reach your sight. "Your love should not be limited to one who can not accept, nor react to it," he wrote again. But who is he trying to fool? He knows that this piece of paper, along with all the other ones he's tried to write, will be crunched up and disposed of.
Not even once, for the sake of the person who's loved him through it all, will he allow himself to be heard.
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sharkboywrites · 8 months
Hi, could I make a request for Ace, Leona, and Deuce (or just Leona tbh) with a gn or male mc? Tl;Dr: He tries to impress mc, but somehow does something super cringe worthy and messes up the vibe. Here's a more detailed explanation below, also so sorry if this doesn't make sense/is super long, I'm high and the idea came to me in a prophecy. Hope you're havin' a good night/day :)
He does something to try and impress mc and be romantic/cute. But what they do is actually super cringey to the point where it gives mc secondhand embarrassment. they're trying to be nice about it bc they love their bf, but it's super obvious that they're cringing and it's super awkward and funny (for literally everyone else). And maybe it ends with them laughing about it or something, but the idea just popped into my head and I thought it was funny.
A/n: omg I love this request. I really love Ace and Deuce they’re honestly some of my favorites (although I can’t really pick favorites). Also first writing from my phone because I can’t use my computer rn.
Ace, Deuce, and Leona x male reader, characters do embarrassing things trying to impress their boyfriend, reader is yuu
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Ace Trapola
- If there’s anything Ace loves other than you, it’s basket ball
- It makes him feel confident and like he’s the coolest guy on the planet
- And so does his boyfriend. So what amazing idea does he come up with?
- Well why not combine both?
- And that’s how you go invited to one of his games
- In his mind, this is perfect, a basketball game with his amazing boyfriend cheering him on from the sidelines, what could be more perfect?
- Or that’s how he sees it…
- He’s not doing… great per say
- In reality he’s missing passes, Bradley able to catch a pass himself, and the sneaker squeaking is starting to drive you crazy
- But you sit there really, really, trying to be supportive
- The final straw is when he takes a shot and instead of going into the basket, it comes right back at him and hits him directly in the face
- Of course you run up to him and make sure he’s okay
- But once he confirms he’s fine, you can’t help but burst into laughter
- It takes you a minute to calm down and when you do Ace is all pouty
- He’ll be mad at you for a bit but he gets over it eventually
- And once he does he admits that yeah, he was doing pretty bad
- It’s now an inside joke between the two of you, you bring it up any time you can
Deuce Spade
- Deuce’s magic is… interesting
- He can summon massive things and personally thinks that it’s really impressive
- But really, it’s only useful in certain situation and when he can actually summon something on purpose
- He thinks that it would be so impressive to use his magic in potions to help you out
- The way he imagines it, you can’t use magic and you’ll be so impressed by his abilities that you’ll thank him by showering him with affection
- Let a man dream, okay?
- What actually happens is a disaster
- He ends up summoning the usual cauldron, which makes a mess of the project the two of you were working on
- You really did try to tell him it was okay, but on the inside it feels like you’re dying
- The both of you end up having to clean the mess and have to start the project over
- The two of you bud up in his room at the end of the day, him with his face in his hands and you doing your best to comfort him just because he’s so embarrassed
- But hey, he did get that affection he wanted in the end so to him, it’s a win
Leona Kingscholar
- Leona doesn’t usually get up and do much
- As you’re definitely aware, Leona’s favorite activity is napping, especially with you
- But when spelldrive practice came up, he couldn’t waste an opportunity to show off how cool he was to his boyfriend
- And guess what? He invited you to join in with practice
- Great…
- It’s not that you don’t enjoy spending time with Leona it’s just that… you’re not very good at this sport, especially with no magic
- Everyone tried to help you out but it was clear that you were just there because Leona wanted you there
- And during practice, you had a repeat of what happened in this first spelldrive
- Frisbee to the head again
- Listen Leona didn’t know his magic was gonna go haywire and hit you
- He’s quickly by your side, making sure you’re okay
- When you finally get your bearings, thankfully not getting knocked out this time, you can’t help but start laughing
- You don’t think you’ve ever seen Leona’s face get redder
- After that practice gets called off and Leona drags you off to his room
- You’re forced to lay there for however long Leona decides to keep you
- in his words this was your “punishment for embarrassing him”
- In reality, he felt bad for hurting you, but he wouldn’t admit it because he’s all grumpy
- So you lay there, petting his hair as he hugs you close, and also with an ice pack on your currently bruising forehead
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I honestly had so much fun with writing this. Writing these three characters are honestly so fun. Currently trying to get as many requests as I can done because I’m definitely running behind on these, sorry. Ty for reading and have a great day
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boyfridged · 1 year
Regarding Jason's pre-crisis characterization, would you say that he really is just a carbon copy of Dick or did he eventually grow into his own character in the span of his run time? Also, would you recommend it to a Jason fan to read about his pre-crisis days?
i don't think pre-crisis jay has ever been a carbon copy of dick actually! i know it's a popular opinion but frankly speaking, i think people who say that either have not read his pre-crisis run at all or have not cared enough to understand the story.
the fact that pre-crisis jason’s origin and background (in major ways, but not 1:1, that’s also a misconception) mirrors that of dick was not “lazy writing” and it’s not some sign of the general silliness and carelessness of the editorial of the times. it was very much a conscious, well-thought-through decision.
let me break this down (so that it doesn't become another essay):
to make it clear before i get into anything else: jay's background being so similar to that of dick is actually a way to set up a story about their differences. despite sharing so much experience, there are some key variables in both their origins and personalities that the writers clearly wanted to bring readers' attention to. i will circle back to it later.
i reckon a lot of dc fans who never actually got to read these issues have this misconception that the death of the pre-crisis todds was an exact parallel to that of the flying graysons. however, jason’s parents do not die in a way that dick’s parents do; in fact, joseph and trina todd die while aiding dick in an investigation after he requested their help (this is also why dick later says that he would take care of jason have bruce not offered; he feels guilty for their demise.) this is a deeply fascinating concept tbh, because the todds are like collateral damage to vigilantism; sacrificial lambs, and dick is responsible for it, leaving another orphan on the scene. it's a full cycle!
it was also a smart way for jason to enter the narrative this way because it gave him a link to his predecessor. unlike post-crisis, jason’s first contact is dick, which makes sense, because it’s a story about robin (as a disclaimer: the way post-crisis alters it is also sensible for the plot it tries to convey; but these are two various storylines, approached from a much different angle!)
and pre-crisis jay is a very much different character from dick since day one. dick projects on him vehemently, giving him the robin mantle (once jay tries out different identities btw), which jason accepts as a gesture of love but also dreads. he struggles with the concept of vigilantism from the start, while everyone around him assumes that this is simply the way things go because his circumstances are so similar to that of both dick and bruce. he has a seriously tough time trying to reconcile with the concept of dual identities. he questions bruce's motives and actions a lot more than both dick in his early days and post-crisis jason. he stares numbly at the wall after his first patrol. he voices his concerns.
here i also want to say, that while i absolutely do think everyone should read these stories, and there are some storylines that can be incorporated into post-crisis jay canon, it doesn't hurt to consider which of them do not fit into it at all.
post-crisis and pre-crisis jay have completely different backgrounds, and since pre-crisis jay has been brought up in a rather safe and stable environment, as i mentioned, he's much more confident in questioning bruce. on the contrary, post-crisis jay seems to be so delighted to be having an adult at all that his faith in batman is almost absolute (for most of his robin run at least.)
as i said, pre-crisis jay is also much more aware of the duality of the vigilante life. as a former performer, he says that it feels disappointing to know that none of the people whom he helps will know his name, and he is used to having an audience (he is aware that it is a selfish sentiment.) this is not a thing that post-crisis jay considers at all.
i also imagine that post-crisis jay would never tell bruce the (famous) words that he would be perfectly happy to be just his son and not his sidekick (which he does pre-crisis); not because the truth is different but because he doesn't fully comprehend that it's an option. post-crisis robin jay's compartmentalisation is barely existent if at all; bruce "gave him" robin even before he took him in, so the roles of a son & sidekick are almost one and the same for him, which is why i'd say the events of a death in the family occur at all (he "failed" as robin -> he runs away to find another parent).
and well. pre-crisis jay actually has friends. his world does not begin and end with his role as gotham's protector and hope. speaking of which, he also does not possess the same passionate relationship with gotham as post-crisis jay does.
there are of course many traits they share – i'd say they both have even more sympathy for criminals and an even stronger of belief in rehabilitation than bruce does. they are also both, in a way, a victim of the cycle in the family and projection – bruce (and pre-crisis, dick) assume that the way of dealing with grief is to go out into combat, which is not necessarily true for them. but ironically, i think, it's post-crisis jay who remains more innocent and is easy-going in the way he initially settles into the role.
ultimately, i think all batfamily fans should read pre-crisis robin jay's run because it's perhaps the only run that takes adoption and the topic of legacies seriously. and it's before the editorial and writers decided that batman having a child was lame, and that robin's role was just CA, so bruce is truly parenting. while pre-crisis bruce is much more of a sweetheart than post-crisis bruce is, so it may not all seem "realistic" for contemporary characterisation, it still gives a good idea of what a plotline about bruce being a parent could and should look like. i'm not going to lie to you, post-crisis jay's run feels seriously loveless compared with pre-crisis. pre-crisis, there's plenty of family tensions, and at times it appears that no one in this damn family understands each other, and yet there's so much fondness and care and desperate declarations of belonging. pre-crisis jay's story is genuinely, from the very beginning, a story about a child whose parents die entangled in a vigilante's investigation and who is thrown into a family of vigilantes, projected onto from all sides, and who tries to fill in shoes he never truly asked for in the first place. but dear god is there tenderness there. is there self-awareness and a serious attempt to conceive what taking over a mantle of a sidekick means. yeah. much more than it is in post-crisis.
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angyo · 6 months
It's funny there seems to be people who think that Muu is a makima-esque master manipulator based on the information we have. Bro have you see her trying to manipulate? Her most effective move is just crying but half the time that one just feels unintentional. When it's up to her to actually use her charisma she blunders so hard. Sure she can read people very well, but her best attempt at getting her way when someone isn't laying down for her is to just say the information she has as if just saying it is how it goes.
Sure cliques are gonna be filled with blunt passive aggressive assholes, but she also doesn't seem to distinguish friend from foe and cliques don't generally like when people can't play the mind games. It may be me projecting a bit, but she seems to picture relationships as a little bit TOO transactional, her sheer inflexibility feels a bit autistic. She's got a script and she freaks out when people go off of it.
No fucking way she got those friends through sheer charisma, I'm betting they were all just sucking up to the rich kid for cash. Meaning that whatever dirt rei had on her, it managed to turn people who had already decided to put up with the rich girl. I'm leaning toward at least some of it being gay shit, like even if muu doesn't realize it she pedestalizes rei a lot for someone who thinks their revenge was justified.
But if it was just rei giving proof of muu liking girls I'd think the bullying would be more directly homophobic, so she probably had a few kinds of dirt on her.
She also seems dangerously out of touch with her emotions, while also being out of touch with other people's. People say her mvs are just straightforward but they seem to be affected by her inner turmoil she doesn't wanna think about. It's hard to verbalize but the words she says often contrast the video. In after pain she has a lot more doubt, while still not accepting any fault she thinks about it despite the info we get being the bullying she endured. Then in inmf, she sounds so sure of everything while also imagining herself as an insect and her victim as normal. She is not as confident as she tries to seem
Really she just seems like a teen who's been allowed or even encouraged to stay emotionally immature getting herself into something she can't escape. Yeah she did all that mean shit, but she also got sucked into the cycle. She shouldn't have killed rei but she was clearly losing it. Murder wasn't justified but things happen in the heat of the moment, especially if you're completely emotionally unstable and in denial of it. She wasn't lying about having a clique but she also wasn't lying about feeling suicidal.
She and haruka are perfectly matched to bring out the worst in each other. Unfortunately for her ratings, she's got an offensive mental illness. probably one of those where it's like "bad person disorder: you are a terrible shitty person and it will never change. Also you're banned from 30 countries now :)". Which is also unfortunate for haruka since he's got self loathing issues, and while audiences handle those a little better it's not enough to overpower hating a self aggrandizing girl.
Hope someone stops him. For character development i think it'd be cool for muu to panic and do it, but idk if she's aware enough of her emotions to realize she'd miss him. Tbh also worried if they're gonna use haruka as a red herring, he's acting off enough to attract attention but muu also has a history of suicidality.
Prisoners not in the know are already getting suspicious of haruka, which best case means they catch him in time. If the writers wanna be cruel it also means muu can just decide to kill herself split second if the decision hurts enough and no one will suspect her
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psychewritesbs · 3 months
Crazy how loads of people from this fandom lacks faith in Megumi yet you've got the strongest sorcerer of today and the strongest sorcerer in history simultaneously vouch for him.
Gojo confidently believing Megumi will push through and know the truth about his father.
Sukuna, who pushed Higuruma and recognized his talent yet still said he wasn't anything special, but for some reason he never exhibited that kind of attitude to Megumi despite screwing with him over and over. It begs the question, what it is that they see in him doesn't it? Yet people prefer to ask dumbly why Megumi is acting the way he does as if the reason hadn't been made clear since the beginning.
And can we talk about the blatant hypocrisy in this fandom? People are comparing him to Yuji as if what he's going through is any different than that of Yuji in Shibuya. Did they conveniently forget how Todo had to step in and talk no jutsu Yuji to pick himself up cause he was so down in the dumps?
There's also the rampant complaints about characters not reacting emotionally to deaths and yet we have a character right now, whose reacting emotionally to the death of a loved one yet they're chastising him for it? Which is it really?
Welcome to jjk-confessions Sunday, not on a Sunday as per usual.
I'm going to repackage your ask and frame it using the following formula:
Megumi = the shadow.
The shadow = the repository of repressed or rejected aspects of our personality.
TLDR; Megumi catches very interesting projections to say the least.
Like potential man isn't even a bad meme tbh, because he is potential man. That's Megumi. But like, it's the attitude towards the idea that he is having such a hard time reaching his potential (something that is VERY understandable given his backstory and how that affected his sense of self).
I swear every time I see something bad about Megumi (other than "I just don't like him", "he doesn't speak to me", or "I couldn't get invested because xyz was missing from the narrative--that is actually lacking"), there's always some sort of rejection of vulnerability at the core of it.
Which as I have said only like 350,068,023 million times already I've been keeping track, Megumi rejects his vulnerability.
So when I see a lot of the comments about Megumi, what I see is the complete rejection of one's humanity if I'm honest. Like, everyone in jjk is being shown to have some kind of very flawed perception of the world, and for some reason Megumi picks up projections around being a bitch for someone, being weak, pathetic... do I keep going?
And this is all so interesting to observe because he is such a beautiful character when you take the time to understand him. Gege cooked with Megumi.
Idk, I can't help but feel like it's interesting how Gege keeps breaking the 4th wall with jjk, and Megumi is one of the ways he's doing it. And idk about y'all, but I think he's very conscious of how he directs his energy towards the fandom.
idk how to explain well. Hopefully that makes some sort of sense lol.
Anyways. Thanks for sending a letter in anon. We remain strong.
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genesiswrld · 4 months
whew, it's been a while, haha! college has been whooping me and it has a heavy ass hand this semester! anyhow, it's mostly a projection/comfort headcanon because i am in the same boat to him, but i always headcanoned that liu kang doesn't know his actual birthday due to being an orphan. it never mattered much to him because he's just content to be aware of his own growth as a person, but it's really difficult to walk around in the world sometimes with no known birthday (especially when you are asked your age, which you also have no way of knowing outside of comparing your physical development checkmarks with the ones of those around you). i like to imagine that kung lao asked him about it once and then (with all of his confidence) decided to just declare a random day was liu kang's birthday so that they could celebrate, but sometimes the date shifts around because both of them are so preoccupied that they forget the day and only remember "it was during this season." also liu kang and kung lao debating who is older and liu kang smugly goes "i hit my growthspurt first so i am your elder!" i think it would be cute and fun to throw a surprise birthday party for him, especially in the new era where he thinks that it no longer matters after how long he's been alive. i am not much of a horoscopes person and i don't know if you are, but if you have any headcanons about what you think his birthday should be, i'd love to hear! i hope you have a nice day! -🎐
Awww anon, this headcanon is cute af, it’s so wholesome and sad at the same time. Poor baby doesn’t know when his birthday is😭 I like it a lot and I think it makes a lot of sense tbh with him being an orphan and all. I feel like since he didn’t know his parents that it’s very likely he never found out (unless he was able to get his hands on his birth certificate lol).
I’m not too big on horoscopes myself, but I am a virgo and he radiates virgo energy. I don’t know what day, but obviously it has to be through August 23-September 22. I wanna say he was born in September (cuz I was and I literally have no other valid reason for him to lol)
In conclusion, Liu Kang is a virgo because I said so.
Thank you for sharing your headcanon with me anon and I hope you have a good night/day as well☺️❤️
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beechbloom · 1 year
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Kaveh's s/o coming out to him as transgender
This one was originally meant to be for the enby folks but realized it pretty much works for trans people in general lol
Also godd I love this man so much? I'm obsessed with him? He's so sweet? Please send in requests for him?
Cw: slight accidental misgendering
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Oh my god he's honestly so good to you
He thinks about it so much in the start, wanting to understand as much as he can so he can be as respectful of your identity as possible
Though tbh he actually seems to grasp the situation way better than any other cis man typically would, being extremely good at putting himself in other's shoes
He doesn't doubt you. He understands that the only person who can know how you feel is you
And he never really gets into sensitive gender topics either unless you bring it up
If you ask him to use different pronouns then he might slip up a little bit in the start (got a lot on his mind and isn't very used to seeing you in this new light yet) but quickly gets ahold of it
It doesn't really cross his mind to do research on it, mainly because this is your experience of life. Words on a page written by someone else doesn't feel like the correct way of leaning about you
Though if you suggest it to him, or seem confused about it yourself, he'd gladly pick up a book
He doesn't really think much of what this will mean in terms of his sexuality. It's you. He's so smitten he knows he'd love you in whatever form you take
If you wish to change your gender presentation then ofc he will support you!
Sure he loves the way you look, but more than that he loves seeing you smile and be comfortable and confident in yourself. He honestly doubts any change to your appearance could stop him from loving you
If you'd like a new wardrobe then he'd love helping you pick out new clothes. His artistic eye would be excellent at finding clothes that suit you and the presentation you're going for
He thinks it's absolutely fascinating, no, mesmerizing to see you grow into yourself. Your appearance, and body language and... even the way you talk and act! You're being sculpted into an entirely new, happier person
It's almost like he's witnessing the most riveting art project's progression. He can't wait to see the end result!
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bennidraws · 4 months
16+17, 28, 44, 64 for both of them <3 ✨
aaah thank you so much, bb!!! ❤️ this got way longer than anticipated IM SORRY IN ADVANCE
16. Which of the companions does your Tav trust most?  17. Which of the companions does your Tav distrust most?
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The way I'm thinking about the bg3 story, both Rosio and Lucis were simultaneously completing parts of the quests, adventuring with only half of the companions, never running into each other (maybe at the end.. big avengers assemble moment.. except it's your ex that kinda ruined your life.. a classic), so from the pool of companions Rosio knows very well - Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Astarion, Jaheira and Halsin - he basically trusts Jaheira the most and almost instantly lol. She reminds him too much of his mother 🥲 Halsin is probably right there with her, he's the main voice of reason, Rosio trusts him to not let him and Astarion die during their gremlin shenanigans 😭 He kinda trusts Lae'zel and Shadowheart too, but only after their "fuck our goddesses" phase, he doesn't generally trust people too attached to their gods.
Funnily enough it took him the longest to trust Astarion 💀 Rosio was convinced he was the object of his manipulation basically till the "I love you" moment (and even more funnily enough, Rosio was willingly subjecting himself to that manipulation, being the self sabotaging, masochistic idiot that he is).
If Rosio knew Wyll, he wouldn't buy into his whole good boy hero shtick. He doesn't believe there are this kind-hearted people out there 😔 (But he's absolutely self projecting lol, the whole "how could you turn so kind when people wronged you so... and why I wasn't capable of it")
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Lucis, on the other hand, fucking loves Karlach and Wyll. He trusts them with his life, considers them his best friends. Maybe he's a bit naive, but he actually finds their strong moral compasses admirable.
He trusts Gale too, but considering he's his lover, it's a tad more complicated 💀 It means the absolute world for Lucis that Gale would basically move mountains for him, but there's also.. Mystra 💀 That would be the source of his insecurities and a bit of trust issues (which, tbh, is pretty selfish, boy!!!! It's not like you're completely over your ex lmfaooo 😭)
(And if Lucis traveled with Astarion, it wouldn't even be a case of distrust, that would be a wholeass circus-level hatred... They're two peacocks, and in certain ways dangerously similar... Kill bill sirens blasting in the distance... And that's without the current-lover/ex-lover of Rosio dynamic 💀)
28. What is your Tav’s guilty pleasure?
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Oh HMMM. The most typical one being food, I'd say. This man would run out of shape so fast if he wasn't leading an active life lmao. But if we're talking more Deep guilty pleasures, then it's being cared for, not having control, getting attention and feeling small (and yes, this is mostly about sex ahjkdajkds). He doesn't get to feel this way often nor does he even usually allow himself all this.. bc Issues and Trauma :)
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For Lucis it's probably getting spoiled lol. He hates it about himself tho (being a spoiled kid, getting harshly criticized for it, wanting to be different, really cutting ties with the way he used to be).
But from more serious point of view, you can apply literal Guilty Pleasures to him. Lucis has such bad body autonomy and sex issues that he hasn't been able to have sex sober for like 20 years, he freaks out so bad and it got so mentally draining that it led to an addiction. Which leads to a constant guilt and pretty damaged confidence. (Turns out being a sweetheart of Athkatlan high society for like a decade really corrupts!!)
44. What song best represents your Tav?
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WELL THANKS TO YOU AND YOUR BIG BRAIN MUSIC TASTE, ZEAL, Take This Lonely Heart will always be THE Rosio song. Can't believe Nothing but thieves created a song about my oc, so thankful to them, they really didn't have to 🙏
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Now cue to Maneskin brainrot, you can apply so much of their songs to Lucis, bc. Medicated, horny, party animal lifestyle. But honorary mention to After Dark bc sad synthwave/retrowave would be so much his style (and it's what imbued thunder/lightning magic into a bardic instrument is for, right ??)
64. What Tarot Card best represents your Tav?
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My only knowledge about tarot cards comes from jojo's bizarre adventure (😭) so literally anyone could correct me on this and my 5 minutes long research aaaa.
Tbh probably Death for Rosio (end of a cycle, change, beginning ??) and I think there would be something very poetic about The Lovers
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Aaaa The Devil literally fits so well for Lucis' worse past (addiction???) but I think deep down he's The Fool (innocence, but mainly new beginnings, aww)
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oddball-artz · 3 months
OMG YOU HAVE SPOONS!!!!!! YIPPIE!!!! (probably bc you got a good night's sleep)
And if you know me at all, be prepared for the sea of questions>:]
1) Go into detail about Dalia and Sabrina and their family in the second Gen au. Any Hcs or stuff?
2) Nyx and his relationship with his family.
3) (idk if it was onyx or nyx who had the ED, I forgor their names are so similar).Go into detail Abt thier ED, tho.
4) For the love of God drop Hcs till I die, I don't care for who, I just NEED them.
And, if you have spoons don't be afraid to look in your inbox for any other asks I may have sent/nf (bc both me and you forget about the asks tbh)
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And as always, ily platonically, man :333
It is not the sleep, I don't need sleep, idk what it was if it wasn't the sleep, but im not being proven wrong /j
I've only got a couple, and they're pretty Dalia centric, but you can have em
Dalia picked up a bunch of tips and tricks for dealing with kids both from helping raise her siblings and from treating kids as a nurse, uses them all the time, her personal favorite thay she's picked up is doubling bedsheets when kids are sick so that if they get dirty you can just take it off and make it a later problem while you comfort said sick child. Dalia is also very sentimental as a parent, cries at every ceremony and graduation. Sometimes she'll say something that sounds like her mother and she goes quiet for a while after that. I have a feeling that Sabrina and Dalia's house tends to be the designated 'safe house' for Vee and Jasper's friends. Dalia's actually kind of happy about this, in her mind it's confirmation that she's not her mother. (This may or may not be based on the fact that my house irl is the safehouse). All I have rn, sorry
Next up Nyx, my boy. He feels like a walking second place trophy compared to all his siblings. Brushes it off in an Rottmnt Leo sort of way, through humor and a facade of confidence. Desperately wants anyone to be proud of him. Takes his little siblings out crimeing™️ together sometimes, and is like the number one supporter of their shenanigans. Let's them steal his shit, as long as they don't get caught(bc he taught them better than that). The only thing he'd put up a fight against having stolen is his binder, but that's about it.
Oh and Onyx is the one with an ED, she has anorexia specifically. It started with her just trying to lose weight, she's fairly light, but her frame is wide, so she didn't see any results and things got drastic from there, especially when people started making fun of her for her body. She's super sensitive to comments about her body, and the bullying just made it so much worse. She hates looking at herself, in mirrors, in pictures, anything. It's like her eyes pick out the flaws every time and she can't stand it. So she's trying to 'fix' herself, much to the worry of the people around her. She eats in the dream bubbles, but that's only because she knows that it isn't real. Harlow noticed this and has started sneaking food into the dream bubbles just so Onyx eats for once. Onyx still hasn't caught onto this.
And various hcs about the sillies
Onyx spins her drumsticks between her fingers when she's bored, she can do it really fast too
Nyx's hoodie he wears in his sprite is his dysphoria hoodie
Gray has a lot of little interests she keeps hidden. They tend to be niche and geeky, so she hides them to protect her image
Nyx can project his voice loud enough to yell over the band
Onyx is only ever quiet when she's flustered or thinking about somthing, other than that there's usually at least a dull chatter coming from her
Onyx is very physically affectionate, she straight up tackle hugs people.
Gray was a pageant kid,and his parents were very competitive about it. They still have all their sashes from it too
Onyx doesn't fight for herself, but if you say something bad about someone she cares about that's when she starts a fight. Starting fights like that is what got her thrown through a window that one time
Onyx is the one who started calling Alison peepaw, and it just stuck after that
When Alison sleeps she doesn't snore, she shuffles through radio channels under her breath, kind of like sleeptalking
Speaking of Alison, he's insecure about the radio affect his voice has
Alison is very protective of the kids she's 'adopted' (usually underclassmen, but they've also taken most of the radio class under their wing)
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dotmander · 1 year
if ur ocs were in a dating sim id pick tara tbh :) im weak for vampires and the whole thing hes got goin on. sidenote i love the mirror pronouns thing for him its just so unique and neat :D
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okay so. im just gonna do bullet points bc thats what i have brain for rn. i dont know what the actual plot of their route would look like. that doesn't matter. nobody is here for the plot. anyway.
you'd get them interested in you by showing off your knowledge in [plot-relevant subject]. they appreciate confidence and passion!!! they would ask for your help on a project or smth (the "project" is their ongoing need for life force) and then they would offer to bite you. if you accept, you get to progress to the rest of their route!
this was actually. Really hard. i think it would be pretty hard to get their good end! you'd have to walk a very delicate balance of not pushing them away too much but also not letting them walk all over you. im not sure what the good end would look like because tara isn't interesting to me when they're, uh, normal.
if you turn down their offers of care too often, they would just...break it off. they like to feel like they're being nice! there would be no hard feelings, but you would go your separate ways.
if you let them take over your decisions too many times, they will stop asking you what you want. you will become a prized possession in their collection, draped in pretty silks and velvet, and you will be so so pampered. you will also never see the sun again. you poor, lovely thing. the world is so cruel and confusing. you want to stay here where it's simple and safe, don't you?
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bakurasilver · 1 month
Mathieu spitting incident roleplay???
So after the spitting incident I knew I needed to do something with this, it just did not feel like I could ethically ignore it. Provoked or not, and he very clearly was, spitting at people is just not a great thing to be doing (now all I can think of was that this was an unenriched and stressed Mathieu demonstrating a natural threat response 😭). It was probably a spur of the moment dumb decision, but I just didn't feel as though I could pretend it hadn't happened. Definitely not saying anyone else could or should have to write about it, but for me at least I needed to write him accepting the fact that it was Not A Great Decision (tbh I imagine I spent far more time angsting over this than real Mathieu, who usally seems to sail through controversy) before I could go back to writing him being emotionally mature enough to look after Wout.
Anyway so I'd just written that fic where he wants to play on the swings because he never got the chance to as a kid, so I was still thinking about the idea that Wout had worked very hard through the years with his therapist to ensure he stayed mentally well-balanced, and Mathieu just... hadn't.
So it starts off with them agreeing that they'll roleplay this out with Wout pretending to be some sort of therapist that young child Mathieu's been sent to talk to (Wout is reluctant, because he's not an expert, but he knows Mathieu won't talk to anyone who's actually qualified. Mathieu is blithely confident, sure that they'll faff around for half an hour and then Problem Dealt With, he can move on.)
But as soon as they begin, things begin to go off the rails. As soon as Wout comes back into the room, it's obvious that despite his I Don't Care I Was Right front, underneath it Mathieu's terrified that if he isn't perfect then he's flawed and only worth discarding, and that only when he's successful does he have any value. The two of them start building a house out of Lego, but Wout doesn't know how to help Mathieu deal with what is at its root the product of being praised and feted when he won a race, and being told to use disappointments to push himself harder... and neither did I.
Now I absolutely need to say I really don't think real Mathieu is angsting every time he loses. I just don't think he does! I think he's annoyed about it for a day or so maybe, but like he said in that recent Matt Stephens interview, he sleeps pretty well. I'm sure he doesn't lie awake thinking about all the might-have-beens if he'd lived a less gilded life, and even if he does, it's none of my business what goes on between real Mathieu's ears.
But, at least in the land of fanfiction, he's got such a tantalisingly narrative shape that you can shine a light on him from so many angles and get an intriguingly-shaped shadow. You can project almost any reading onto Mathieu and think, oh huh yeah I can kind of see that making sense. He's so plausible in so many scenarios because there really aren't any inner depths visible. Whether or not they exist in real life, it's so tempting to give in to the urge to give him some thematically-appropriate ones.
Anyway, there it sits, waiting for Wout and me to work out how to convince Mathieu that making a mistake does not mean he's an irredeemably bad person. Which I would very much like to do, because as it ends currently Wout is having a one-sided discussion inside his head about how Hitler isn't a helpful example, and Mathieu is curled up in a ball with his face buried in his knees having a cry. I can only hope that at some point I'll work out what comes after this:
“That was a good choice you made just now, telling me how you’re feeling,” said Wout, gently rubbing Mathieu’s back. “I know it isn’t easy, but I’m really proud of you for coming to see me today. Sometimes we all make bad choices, that’s part of being human, but
(Mathieu feels he's disappointed Wout, it ends in a note to myself at the bottom, as though I didn't know that!)
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
In huntlow, who do you think would ask the other on a date first and how?
Oh babe tbh I have no idea 😭😭😭😭😭
Like they're both just such dorks who have no romantic confidence whatsoever, like even though Willow's grown a lot and gotten more confident in her abilities I don't feel like she has any confidence in like herself as a person. I just feel like my girl has been torn down and broken so many times in her interpersonal relationships that I just don't think it would ever occur to her that Hunter liked her romantically and when she finally realizes that she has romantic feelings for him it's not like she's going to act on it, because in her head she's still Half a Witch Willow and there's no way her crush would like her back so she's just going to suffer in silence everytime they hang out as friends and of course she has tons of practice hiding her real feelings so like of course Hunter has no idea that her feelings are anything other than friendship and it's not like he's ever had any experience with teens his own age before this point so he can't really see the nuances of her crush the way Gus and Luz and Amity can, so of course he's also just suffering in silence with his much more obvious crush on her and the way Hunter looks at Willow is like she's on an unreachable pedestal, his first friend, the witch who showed him not to make snap judgements, the witch who can rip open the ground underneath him with magic more powerful than any witch he ever met before and also she's beyond sweet and goofy and she forgave him and she's really pretty and strong, so of course there's no way in hell she would ever like him the way he likes her, I mean his self image is even worse than Willow's no way he would ever think his feelings are reciprocated, so I mean, ultimately I think neither one of them would ask each other out, they'd just sit and suffer in their own silence while their friendship takes a turn towards romantic without either of them really realizing it and without the romantic PDA. Like they go hang out together as friends but they're basically just dates that neither of them realize are dates, every adult around town will see those two enter their establishments laughing and giggling at each other looking like the cutest couple at Hexside and they've all just decided these two are like their little pet project, the witch who owns the plant supply shop is always sneaking romantic flowers in their way, the witch who owns the book store is always trying to slip romance books into Hunter's piles trying to give him ideas, the witch who owns the little bistro they go to for lunch is always trying to give them a romantic table with a candle and romantic music, etc etc. And like basically the whole town along with every kid at Hexside is just of the mind that Willow and Hunter are both giant goddamn idiots who are literally the only ones in town not to realize that the two of them are already dating. They look so much like a couple without being an actual couple so much that Hooty doesn't even give them their own Tunnel of Love because he already thought they were together 😭😭😭
In the end I don't think either of them asks each other out first, I think someone else assumes they're a couple in front of them and then Willow and Hunter have the most awkward conversation afterwards like, "I mean, I wouldn't mind if we were actually a couple" and "Yeah I would maybe kinda like it" "You would?" "I would." "Me too." "Oh." "So are we a couple now?" And like that would be that 😭😭😭😭
Next time they go out on one of their we're just friends dates the whole town is doing their whole routine of trying to get them to be romantic and then they all watch in Pikachu shock face as every one of their romantic traps actually work for the first time ever and the two of them kiss at the end of it and the town thinks they finally did it, they finally got the Boiling Isles two most oblivious teens to figure it out meanwhile the two of them have been an official couple for like a week now 😭😭😭😭😭
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silvery-bluish · 9 months
9, 15, 15, and 7 (because im on the dnd brain rn) for Arsinoe (and BB as well if you want!!)
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YEAH this one's really on me for reblogging two ask games with numbers in a row huh. Thank you for the ask though!! i'm going to assume one of those 15s was meant to be a 14? Let me know if I'm headed in the wrong direction.
Ask game in question is here!
9. how honest are they?
Arsinoe does lie. They lie, and they omit the truth, but they. Kind of always want to be telling the truth instead? Building relationships on lies and misdirection means those relationships are always going to be-- unsteady, foundations made out of sand, even if the other people involved don't know that they can't be REAL until everything's on the table.
They want everything on the table. They want to be understood. They're just. Caught in the inertia of not telling people things, it feels like, and telling the truth is going to knock all of those foundations down.
14. are they more daring or more cautious?
Local Idiot Bounces Wildly Between the two, more news at 10. I tend to think of Arsinoe as a very cautious individual overall, with a tenancy towards terrified-out-of-my-mind-holding-my-breath leaps of faith. In-game, this reflects as 'daring enough to take the Anathema name and then dipping down to basically be 50/50 all Retri' which seems to read as 'balanced' but. in my mind. it is actually them jumping wildly between the two.
15. what is their greatest flaw?
They'd say their inability to control their own emotions (Its Complicated with Ricardo for like a decade at this point, getting emotionally mugged by Danny, somehow friends with Chen now??? all of this is very inconvenient and they can't manage to knock it off) but I don't think they're right. I think it's their tunnel vision tenancy, their disregard for the fact that First Impressions Aren't Always Right. currently they're in the 'danny is an outlier and should not be counted' thought train but uh. Buddy.
7. what is their dnd alignment?
True Neutral baybee!! They're altruistic for people they care about, screw the rest of 'em. Some rules matter, some don't. They've got that Justice motivation 'cause the people they care about were hurt, not because of some overall concern for humanity or even Los Diablos.
9. how honest are they?
BB doesn't have a honest bone in his body. He's keeping aaall of it close to the chest. Yeah he's fine stop asking. There's nothing more to what Outlaw's doing than your standard villain beat-'em-up. Don't worry about it, just look at the elaborate monologues he's been rehearsing and stop trying to look past the gilt.
...it might be more correct to say the only honest things are his bones, tbh. Fronting aside, there's honesty in what he chooses to DO-- Prep Them hero hunter, saving civilians just because he'd Feel Bad if they died. Actions speak louder than words, or something, so to make up for it he brought a megaphone.
14. are they more daring or more cautious?
Tilting sliiiightly onto the daring end of things-- BB Bites Back, he's got confidence in his Persona as Outlaw, and he's not afraid to make a mistake. Except when he takes the mistake Personally and seethes about it for like 6 months straight. A little bit of a leap before you look because. Well. If you project the confidence people will just let you walk right in, you know.
15. what is their greatest flaw?
answered here!
7. what is their dnd alignment?
Gonna say Neutral Good for BB. He's-- playing a part, sure, playing a part that he was always going to play, but. He may not know much about himself past the Acting of it all, but he knows hurting people makes him feel bad, killing people would make him feel worse :| And he'll restructure what he can of his plans to avoid doing it more than necessary.
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